Go Fish/Haskell
< Go Fish
Go Fish/Haskell is part of Go Fish. You may find other members of Go Fish at Category:Go Fish.
If possible, the AI will randomly select a rank known to be in the human's hand (a card in the AI's hand that the human has asked for before and the AI hasn't asked for before). If there are no known ranks, a rank is randomly selected from the AI's hand.
import Char
import IO
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List
import Monad
import Random
data Player = Player String (GameState -> IO Rank)
type PlayerState = (Hand, Set Rank, Set Rank)
data GameState = GS [(Suit, Rank)] PlayerState PlayerState
type Hand = Map Rank (Set Suit)
data Suit = Diamond | Club | Heart | Spade
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
data Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |
Jack | Queen | King | Ace
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
main =
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >>
putStrLn "GO FISH\n\nDealing Cards" >>
initialGameState >>=
play (cycle [player, computer])
play ((Player name next):ps) state =
putStrLn ('\n' : name ++ "'S TURN") >>
runPlayer next state >>= \nextState ->
(if isDone nextState
then let (winnerName, ws, ls) = scoreGame name (head ps) nextState
in putStrLn (winnerName ++ " WINS " ++ show ws ++ " TO " ++ show ls)
else play ps $ swapPlayers nextState
scoreGame name (Player opp _) (GS _ (_,books,_) (_,oppBooks,_)) =
if score > oppScore then (name,score,oppScore) else (opp,oppScore,score)
where (score, oppScore) = (S.size books, S.size oppBooks)
player = Player "PLAYER" playerBrain
playerBrain (GS _ (hand,_,_) _) =
putStr "Your cards: " >>
putStrLn (intercalate " " . map showCard $ handToCards hand) >>
untilSuccess (liftM readRank rankPrompt) (putStrLn "Bad rank")
where rankPrompt = putStr "Ask opponent for what rank? " >> getLine
computer = Player "COMPUTER" computerBrain
computerBrain (GS _ (hand,_,history) (_, _, oppHistory)) =
liftM selectRank newStdGen >>= \rank ->
putStrLn ("Do you have any " ++ show rank ++ "s?") >>
return rank
where knowns = S.difference (S.intersection guesses oppHistory) history
guesses = M.keysSet hand
ranks = S.toList $ if S.null knowns then guesses else knowns
selectRank = (ranks !!) . fst . randomR (0, length ranks - 1)
runPlayer askRank state@(GS deck (hand, b, hi) o) =
if M.null hand
then if null deck
then return $! state
else putStrLn "Empty hand, forced draw" >>
let (newHand, newDeck) = draw hand deck
in normalizeBooks $ GS newDeck (newHand, b, hi) o
else getValidRank askRank state >>= \rank ->
exchangeCards state rank >>= \(newState, done) ->
normalizeBooks newState >>=
(if done then return else runPlayer askRank)
exchangeCards (GS deck (hand, b, hist) (opponentHand, ob, ohi)) rank =
putStrLn m >> return (GS nd (nh, b, nhi) (noh, ob, ohi), done)
where (m, nh, noh, nd, done) = worker $ M.lookup rank opponentHand
nhi = S.insert rank hist
worker Nothing = ("Go fish", newHand, opponentHand, newDeck, True)
where (newHand, newDeck) = draw hand deck
worker (Just suits) = (message, newHand, newOppHand, deck, False)
where message = show (S.size suits) ++ " " ++ show rank ++ "(s)"
newHand = M.adjust (S.union suits) rank hand
newOppHand = M.delete rank opponentHand
getValidRank askRank state@(GS _ (hand,_,_) _) = untilSuccess
(liftM (check hand) $ askRank state) $ putStrLn "Rank not in hand"
where check m v = M.lookup v m >>= Just . const v
normalizeBooks (GS d (hand, books, hi) o) =
mapM_ printRank (M.keys newBookRanks) >>
(return $! GS d (newHand, newBooks, hi) o)
where (newBookRanks, newHand) = M.partition ((==4) . S.size) hand
newBooks = S.union books $ M.keysSet newBookRanks
printRank r = putStrLn ("Rank " ++ show r ++ " was booked")
swapPlayers (GS d p1 p2) = GS d p2 p1
isDone (GS deck (hand,_,_) (oppHand,_,_)) =
and [M.null hand, M.null oppHand, null deck]
initialGameState = liftM worker newStdGen
where worker gen =
GS deck (hand1, S.empty, S.empty) (hand2, S.empty, S.empty)
where (startDeck, _) = shuffle initialDeck gen
(hand1, deckMinusPlayerHand) = drawN 9 M.empty startDeck
(hand2, deck) = drawN 9 M.empty deckMinusPlayerHand
untilSuccess action onFailure = worker
where worker = action >>= \result -> case result of
Nothing -> onFailure >> worker
Just value -> return $! value
readRank [x] | isDigit x && x > '1' = Just $ toEnum (fromEnum x - 50)
readRank x@[_,_] | x == "10" = Just Ten
readRank [x] = case toLower x of
'j' -> Just Jack
'q' -> Just Queen
'k' -> Just King
'a' -> Just Ace
_ -> Nothing
readRank _ = Nothing
showCard (suit, rank) = r ++ front suit
where r = if rank > Ten then front rank else show (fromEnum rank + 2)
front v = [head $ show v]
initialDeck = liftM2 (,) [Diamond .. Spade] [Two .. Ace]
shuffle deck gen = worker gen (length deck) [] deck
where worker g _ xs [] = (xs, g)
worker g l xs ys = worker newGen (l-1) (card : xs) (delete card ys)
where (index, newGen) = randomR (0,l-1) g
card = ys !! index
draw hand ((s,r):deck) = (M.insertWith S.union r (S.singleton s) hand, deck)
drawN n hand deck = iterate (uncurry draw) (hand, deck) !! (n-1)
handToCards = concatMap (\(r,ss) -> map (flip (,) r) $ S.toList ss) . M.assocs