Go Fish/C++
< Go Fish
Go Fish/C++ is part of Go_Fish. You may find other members of Go_Fish at Category:Go_Fish.
AI is really not that clever but it gets its job done (well, pretty much!).
It follows three simple rules:
- 75% the times it remembers cards asked by its opponent, and asks for the first one it also has.
- ask for a card it fished in the last round, if its different from all its other cards
- cycles thru all its cards, asking for them.
As I said, simple...
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
const std::string s = "CDHS", v = "A23456789TJQK";
const int handCards = 9, drawCards = 3;
class card {
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const card& c ) {
os << v[c.val] << s[c.suit];
return os;
bool isValid() { return val > -1; }
void set( char s, char v ) { suit = s; val = v; }
char getRank() { return v[val]; }
bool operator == ( const char o ) { return v[val] == o; }
bool operator < ( const card& a ) { if( val == a.val ) return suit < a.suit; return val < a.val; }
char suit, val;
class deck {
static deck* instance() {
if( !inst ) inst = new deck();
return inst;
void destroy() {
delete inst;
inst = 0;
card draw() {
card c;
if( cards.size() > 0 ) {
c = cards.back();
return c;
c.set( -1, -1 );
return c;
deck() {
void newDeck() {
card c;
for( char s = 0; s < 4; s++ ) {
for( char v = 0; v < 13; v++ ) {
c.set( s, v );
cards.push_back( c );
random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() );
random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() );
static deck* inst;
std::vector<card> cards;
class player {
player( std::string n ) : nm( n ) {
for( int x = 0; x < handCards; x++ )
hand.push_back( deck::instance()->draw() );
sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() );
void outputHand() {
for( std::vector<card>::iterator x = hand.begin(); x != hand.end(); x++ )
std::cout << ( *x ) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
bool addCard( card c ) {
hand.push_back( c );
return checkForBook();
std::string name() {
return nm;
bool holds( char c ) {
return( hand.end() != find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c ) );
card takeCard( char c ) {
std::vector<card>::iterator it = find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c );
std::swap( ( *it ), hand.back() );
card d = hand.back();
sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() );
return d;
size_t getBooksCount() {
return books.size();
void listBooks() {
for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); it++ )
std::cout << ( *it ) << "'s ";
std::cout << "\n";
bool checkForBook() {
bool ret = false;
std::map<char, int> countMap;
for( std::vector<card>::iterator it = hand.begin(); it != hand.end(); it++ )
countMap[( *it ).getRank()]++;
for( std::map<char, int>::iterator it = countMap.begin(); it != countMap.end(); it++ ) {
if( ( *it ).second == 4 ) {
do {
takeCard( ( *it ).first );
} while( holds( ( *it ).first ) );
books.push_back( ( *it ).first );
( *it ).second = 0;
ret = true;
sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() );
return ret;
bool hasCards() {
if( hand.size() < 1 ) {
card c;
for( int x = 0; x < drawCards; x++ ) {
c = deck::instance()->draw();
if( c.isValid() ) addCard( c );
else break;
return( hand.size() > 0 );
std::string nm;
std::vector<card> hand;
std::vector<char> books;
class aiPlayer : public player {
aiPlayer( std::string n ) : player( n ), askedIdx( -1 ), lastAsked( 0 ), nextToAsk( -1 ) { }
void rememberCard( char c ) {
if( asked.end() != find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c ) || !asked.size() )
asked.push_back( c );
char makeMove() {
if( askedIdx < 0 || askedIdx >= static_cast<int>( hand.size() ) ) {
askedIdx = rand() % static_cast<int>( hand.size() );
char c;
if( nextToAsk > -1 ) {
c = nextToAsk;
nextToAsk = -1;
} else {
while( hand[askedIdx].getRank() == lastAsked ) {
if( ++askedIdx == hand.size() ) {
askedIdx = 0;
c = hand[askedIdx].getRank();
if( rand() % 100 > 25 && asked.size() ) {
for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = asked.begin(); it != asked.end(); it++ ) {
if( holds( *it ) ) {
c = ( *it );
lastAsked = c;
return c;
void clearMemory( char c ) {
std::vector<char>::iterator it = find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c );
if( asked.end() != it ) {
std::swap( ( *it ), asked.back() );
bool addCard( card c ) {
if( !holds( c.getRank() ) )
nextToAsk = c.getRank();
return player::addCard( c );
std::vector<char> asked;
char nextToAsk, lastAsked;
int askedIdx;
class goFish {
goFish() {
plr = true;
std::string n;
std::cout << "Hi there, enter your name: "; std::cin >> n;
p1 = new player( n );
p2 = new aiPlayer( "JJ" );
~goFish() {
if( p1 ) delete p1;
if( p2 ) delete p2;
void play() {
while( true ) {
if( process( getInput() ) ) break;
std::cout << "\n\n";
if( p1->getBooksCount() > p2->getBooksCount() ) {
std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! ***\n\n\n";
} else {
std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! YOU LOSE - HA HA HA !!! ***\n\n\n";
void showBooks() {
if( p1->getBooksCount() > 0 ) {
std::cout << "\nYour Book(s): ";
if( p2->getBooksCount() > 0 ) {
std::cout << "\nMy Book(s): ";
void showPlayerCards() {
std::cout << "\n\n" << p1->name() << ", these are your cards:\n";
char getInput() {
char c;
if( plr ) {
if( !p1->hasCards() ) return -1;
std::string w;
while( true ) {
std::cout << "\nWhat card(rank) do you want? "; std::cin >> w;
c = toupper( w[0] );
if( p1->holds( c ) ) break;
std::cout << p1->name() << ", you can't ask for a card you don't have!\n\n";
} else {
if( !p2->hasCards() ) return -1;
c = p2->makeMove();
std::string r;
std::cout << "\nDo you have any " << c << "'s? (Y)es / (G)o Fish ";
do {
std::getline( std::cin, r );
r = toupper( r[0] );
while( r[0] != 'Y' && r[0] != 'G' );
bool hasIt = p1->holds( c );
if( hasIt && r[0] == 'G' )
std::cout << "Are you trying to cheat me?! I know you do...\n";
if( !hasIt && r[0] == 'Y' )
std::cout << "Nooooo, you don't have it!!!\n";
return c;
bool process( char c ) {
if( c < 0 ) return true;
if( plr ) p2->rememberCard( c );
player *a, *b;
a = plr ? p2 : p1;
b = plr ? p1 : p2;
bool r;
if( a->holds( c ) ) {
while( a->holds( c ) ) {
r = b->addCard( a->takeCard( c ) );
if( plr && r )p2->clearMemory( c );
} else {
plr = !plr;
return false;
void fish() {
std::cout << "\n\n\t *** GO FISH! ***\n\n";
card c = deck::instance()->draw();
if( plr ) {
std::cout << "Your new card: " << c << ".\n\n******** Your turn is over! ********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
if( p1->addCard( c ) ) p2->clearMemory( c.getRank() );
} else {
std::cout << "\n********* My turn is over! *********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
p2->addCard( c );
player *p1;
aiPlayer *p2;
bool plr;
deck* deck::inst = 0;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) );
goFish f; f.play();
return 0;