Cuban primes

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
The name cuban has nothing to do with Cuba (the country), but has to do with the fact that cubes (3rd powers) play a role in its definition.
- Some definitions of cuban primes
- primes which are the difference of two consecutive cubes.
- primes of the form: (n+1)3 - n3.
- primes of the form: n3 - (n-1)3.
- primes p such that n2(p+n) is a cube for some n>0.
- primes p such that 4p = 1 + 3n2.
Cuban primes were named in 1923 by Allan Joseph Champneys Cunningham.
- Task requirements
- show the first 200 cuban primes (in a multi─line horizontal format).
- show the 100,000th cuban prime.
- show all cuban primes with commas (if appropriate).
- show all output here.
Note that cuban prime isn't capitalized (as it doesn't refer to the nation of Cuba).
- Also see
- Wikipedia entry: cuban prime.
- MathWorld entry: cuban prime.
- The OEIS entry: A002407. The 100,000th cuban prime can be verified in the 2nd example on this OEIS web page.
# find some cuban primes (using the definition: a prime p is a cuban prime if #
# p = n^3 - ( n - 1 )^3 #
# for some n > 0) #
PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR # include prime utilities #
# returns a string representation of n with commas #
PROC commatise = ( LONG INT n )STRING:
STRING result := "";
STRING unformatted = whole( n, 0 );
INT ch count := 0;
FOR c FROM UPB unformatted BY -1 TO LWB unformatted DO
IF ch count <= 2 THEN ch count +:= 1
ELSE ch count := 1; "," +=: result
unformatted[ c ] +=: result
END # commatise # ;
INT sieve max = 2 000 000;
[]BOOL sieve = PRIMESIEVE sieve max; # sieve the primes to max sieve #
# find the cuban primes #
INT cuban count := 0;
LONG INT final cuban := 0;
INT max cuban = 100 000; # mximum number of cubans to find #
INT print limit = 200; # show all cubans up to this one #
print( ( "First ", commatise( print limit ), " cuban primes:", newline ) );
LONG INT prev cube := 1;
LONG INT this cube = ( LENG n * n ) * n;
LONG INT p = this cube - prev cube;
prev cube := this cube;
# 2 is not a cuban prime so we only test odd numbers #
IF IF p <= UPB sieve THEN sieve[ SHORTEN p ] ELSE is probably prime( p ) FI
# have a cuban prime #
IF ( cuban count +:= 1 ) <= print limit THEN
# must show this cuban #
STRING p formatted = commatise( p );
print( ( " "[ UPB p formatted : ], p formatted ) );
IF cuban count MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI
final cuban := p
cuban count < max cuban
IF cuban count MOD 10 /= 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI;
print( ( "The ", commatise( max cuban ), " cuban prime is: ", commatise( final cuban ), newline ) )
- Output:
First 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000 cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
-- Rosetta Code Task written in Ada
-- Cuban primes (related to "Cubes", not "Cubans")
-- July 2024, R. B. E.
-- Using this Cuban Primes Definition: primes of the form: n^3 - (n-1)^3.
-- ToDo:
-- Commatize the results (an advanced subtask)
-- Could replace the "activity dots" generated during the big calculations with a spinner
-- NOTE: Using GNAT Big_Numbers package.
-- Takes a very long time to generate the 100_000th cuban prime: about 75 minutes on a M1 Mac Mini.
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers; use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps;
with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
procedure Cuban_Primes is
function Is_Prime (A : Positive) return Boolean is
D : Positive;
if A < 2 then
return False;
end if;
if A in 2 .. 3 then
return True;
end if;
if A mod 2 = 0 then
return False;
end if;
if A mod 3 = 0 then
return False;
end if;
D := 5;
while D * D <= A loop
if A mod D = 0 then
return False;
end if;
D := D + 2;
if A mod D = 0 then
return False;
end if;
D := D + 4;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Prime;
function Is_Prime (A : Big_Natural) return Boolean is
D : Big_Natural;
B0 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (0);
B1 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (1);
B2 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (2);
B3 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (3);
B4 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (4);
B5 : constant Big_Natural := To_Big_Integer (5);
if A < B2 then
return False;
end if;
if (A = B2) or (A = B3) then
return True;
end if;
if A mod B2 = B0 then
return False;
end if;
if A mod B3 = B0 then
return False;
end if;
D := B5;
while D * D <= A loop
if A mod D = B0 then
return False;
end if;
D := D + B2;
if A mod D = B0 then
return False;
end if;
D := D + B4;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Prime;
Cuban_Count : Natural := 1;
Candidate : Natural;
Big_Candidate : Big_Natural;
Max_Cuban_for_the_Table : constant Integer := 200;
Max_Cuban_below_the_Table : constant Integer := 100_000;
Start_Time, Stop_Time : Time;
Elapsed_Time : Time_Span;
Put ("The first ");
Put (Max_Cuban_for_the_Table, 1);
Put_Line (" Cuban Primes...");
for I in 1 .. Integer'Last loop
Candidate := ((I + 1) ** 3) - (I ** 3);
if Is_Prime (Candidate) then
Put (Candidate, 8);
if ((Cuban_Count rem 14) = 0) then
end if;
Cuban_Count := Cuban_Count + 1;
end if;
exit when Cuban_Count > Max_Cuban_for_the_Table;
end loop;
New_Line (2);
Cuban_Count := 1;
Start_Time := Clock;
Put ("The ");
Put (Max_Cuban_below_the_Table, 1);
Put ("th Cuban Prime is: ");
for I in 1 .. Integer'Last loop
Big_Candidate := (((To_Big_Integer (I) + 1) ** 3) - (To_Big_Integer (I) ** 3));
if Is_Prime (Big_Candidate) then
Cuban_Count := Cuban_Count + 1;
if (Cuban_Count rem 10_000) = 0 then
Put (".");
end if;
end if;
exit when Cuban_Count = Max_Cuban_below_the_Table;
end loop;
Put (Trim (To_String (Big_Candidate), Right));
Stop_Time := Clock;
Elapsed_Time := Stop_Time - Start_Time;
Put_Line ("Elapsed time to calculate: " & Duration'Image (To_Duration (Elapsed_Time)) & " seconds");
end Cuban_Primes;
- Output:
The first 200 Cuban Primes... 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 The 100000th Cuban Prime is: .......... 1792603233037 Elapsed time to calculate: 4467.381741000 seconds
The shortcut for calculating the difference between successive cube pairs is filched from other solutions below. Most of the running time's spent checking for primes. The isPrime() handler's been tuned for this particular task, but even so the script takes around 85 minutes to complete on my current machine!
on isPrime(n)
-- Most of the numbers tested in this script will be huge
-- and none will be less than 7 or divisible by 2, 3, or 5.
(* if (n < 7) then return (n is in {2, 3, 5})
if ((n mod 2) * (n mod 3) * (n mod 5) = 0) then return false *)
repeat with i from 7 to (n ^ 0.5 div 1) by 30
if ((n mod i) * (n mod (i + 4)) * (n mod (i + 6)) * (n mod (i + 10)) * ¬
(n mod (i + 12)) * (n mod (i + 16)) * (n mod (i + 22)) * (n mod (i + 24)) = 0) then ¬
return false
end repeat
return true
end isPrime
on join(lst, delim)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set txt to lst as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return txt
end join
on intToText(int, separator)
set groups to {}
repeat while (int > 999)
set groups's beginning to ((1000 + (int mod 1000 as integer)) as text)'s text 2 thru 4
set int to int div 1000
end repeat
set groups's beginning to int
return join(groups, separator)
end intToText
on task()
set output to {"The first 200 cuban primes are:"}
set inc to 0
set candidate to 1
set counter to 0
set row to {}
repeat until (counter = 200)
set inc to inc + 6
set candidate to candidate + inc
if (isPrime(candidate)) then
set counter to counter + 1
set end of row to (" " & intToText(candidate, ","))'s text -11 thru -1
if ((counter) mod 8 = 0) then
set end of output to join(row, "")
set row to {}
end if
end if
end repeat
repeat until (counter = 100000)
set inc to inc + 6
set candidate to candidate + inc
if (isPrime(candidate)) then set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
set end of output to linefeed & "The 100,000th is " & intToText(candidate, ",")
return join(output, linefeed)
end task
- Output:
"The first 200 cuban primes are:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397
547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437
2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211
7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267
13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117
26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537
50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419
75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661
102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691
129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269
163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021
213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737
267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621
310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551
372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001
436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941
553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851
611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641
698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897
791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177
895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597
972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469
1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269
1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731
1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357
The 100,000th is 1,792,617,147,127"
cubes: map 1..780000 'x -> x^3
cubans: []
i: 1
while [100000 > size cubans][
num: cubes\[i] - cubes\[i-1]
if prime? num ->
'cubans ++ num
inc 'i
first200primes: first.n: 200 cubans
loop split.every: 10 first200primes 'x ->
print map x 's -> pad to :string s 8
print ""
print ["The 100000th Cuban prime is" last cubans]
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 The 100000th Cuban prime is 1792617147127
function isprime(v)
if v mod 2 = 0 then return v = 2
for d = 3 To Int(Sqr(v))+1 Step 2
if v mod d = 0 then return false
next d3
return True
end function
function diff_cubes(n)
return 3*n*(n+1) + 1
end function
function padto(n, s)
outstr = ""
k = length(string(n))
for i = 1 to s-k
outstr = " " + outstr
next i
return outstr + string(n)
end function
print "Los primeros 200 primos cubanos son: "
nc = 0
i = 1
while nc < 100000
di = diff_cubes(i)
if isprime(di) then
nc += 1
if nc <= 200 then
print padto(di,8);" ";
if nc mod 10 = 0 then print
end if
if nc = 100000 then
print: print
print "El 100.000º primo cubano es ", di
exit while
end if
end if
i += 1
end while
function isprime( n as ulongint ) as boolean
if n mod 2 = 0 then return false
for i as uinteger = 3 to int(sqr(n))+1 step 2
if n mod i = 0 then return false
next i
return true
end function
function diff_cubes( n as uinteger ) as ulongint
return 3*n*(n+1) + 1
end function
function padto( n as uinteger, s as integer ) as string
dim as string outstr=""
dim as integer k = len(str(n))
for i as integer = 1 to s-k
outstr = " " + outstr
next i
return outstr + str(n)
end function
dim as integer nc = 0, i = 1, di
while nc < 100000
di = diff_cubes(i)
if isprime(di) then
nc += 1
if nc <= 200 then
print padto(di,8);" ";
if nc mod 10 = 0 then print
end if
if nc = 100000 then
print : print : print di
exit while
end if
end if
i += 1
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 1792617147127
Visual Basic .NET
Corner Cutting Version
This language doesn't have a built-in for a IsPrime() function, so I was surprised to find that this runs so quickly. It builds a list of primes while it is creating the output table. Since the last item on the table is larger than the square root of the 100,000th cuban prime, there is no need to continue adding to the prime list while checking up to the 100,000th cuban prime. I found a bit of a shortcut, if you skip the iterator by just the right amount, only one value is tested for the final result. It's hard-coded in the program, so if another final cuban prime were to be selected for output, the program would need a re-write. If not skipping ahead to the answer, it takes a few seconds over a minute to eventually get to it (see Snail Version below).
Module Module1
Dim primes As List(Of Long) = {3L, 5L}.ToList()
Sub Main(args As String())
Const cutOff As Integer = 200, bigUn As Integer = 100000,
tn As String = " cuban prime"
Console.WriteLine("The first {0:n0}{1}s:", cutOff, tn)
Dim c As Integer = 0, showEach As Boolean = True, skip As Boolean = True,
v As Long = 0, st As DateTime = DateTime.Now
For i As Long = 1 To Long.MaxValue
v = 3 * i : v = v * i + v + 1
Dim found As Boolean = False, mx As Integer = Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(v))
For Each item In primes
If item > mx Then Exit For
If v Mod item = 0 Then found = True : Exit For
Next : If Not found Then
c += 1 : If showEach Then
For z = primes.Last + 2 To v - 2 Step 2
Dim fnd As Boolean = False
For Each item In primes
If item > mx Then Exit For
If z Mod item = 0 Then fnd = True : Exit For
Next : If Not fnd Then primes.Add(z)
Next : primes.Add(v) : Console.Write("{0,11:n0}", v)
If c Mod 10 = 0 Then Console.WriteLine()
If c = cutOff Then showEach = False
If skip Then skip = False : i += 772279 : c = bigUn - 1
End If
If c = bigUn Then Exit For
End If
Console.WriteLine("{1}The {2:n0}th{3} is {0,17:n0}", v, vbLf, c, tn)
Console.WriteLine("Computation time was {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds)
If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
End Sub
End Module
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Computation time was 0.2989494 seconds
Snail Version
This one doesn't take any shortcuts. It could be sped up (Execution time about 15 seconds) by threading chunks of the search for the 100,000th cuban prime, but you would have to take a guess about how far to go, which would be hard-coded, so one might as well use the short-cut version if you are willing to overlook that difficulty.
Module Program
Dim primes As List(Of Long) = {3L, 5L}.ToList()
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim taskList As New List(Of Task(Of Integer))
Const cutOff As Integer = 200, bigUn As Integer = 100000,
chunks As Integer = 50, little As Integer = bigUn / chunks,
tn As String = " cuban prime"
Console.WriteLine("The first {0:n0}{1}s:", cutOff, tn)
Dim c As Integer = 0, showEach As Boolean = True,
u As Long = 0, v As Long = 1,
st As DateTime = DateTime.Now
For i As Long = 1 To Long.MaxValue
u += 6 : v += u
Dim found As Boolean = False, mx As Integer = Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(v))
For Each item In primes
If item > mx Then Exit For
If v Mod item = 0 Then found = True : Exit For
Next : If Not found Then
c += 1 : If showEach Then
For z = primes.Last + 2 To v - 2 Step 2
Dim fnd As Boolean = False
For Each item In primes
If item > mx Then Exit For
If z Mod item = 0 Then fnd = True : Exit For
Next : If Not fnd Then primes.Add(z)
Next : primes.Add(v) : Console.Write("{0,11:n0}", v)
If c Mod 10 = 0 Then Console.WriteLine()
If c = cutOff Then showEach = False : _
Console.Write("{0}Progress to the {1:n0}th{2}: ", vbLf, bigUn, tn)
End If
If c Mod little = 0 Then Console.Write(".") : If c = bigUn Then Exit For
End If
Console.WriteLine("{1}The {2:n0}th{3} is {0,17:n0}", v, vbLf, c, tn)
Console.WriteLine("Computation time was {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds)
If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
End Sub
End Module
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100,000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Computation time was 49.5868152 seconds
k > 1 Version
A VB.NET version of the Raku version where k > 1, linked at Try It Online!
( ( cubanprimes
. !arg:(?N.?bigN)
& :?cubans
& (0.1.1):(?cube100k.?cube1.?count)
& 0:?i
& whl
' ( 1+!i:?i
& !i+1:?j
& !j^3:?cube2
& !cube2+-1*!cube1:?diff
& ( !diff^1/2:~(!diff^?)
| ( !count:~>!N
& !diff !cubans:?cubans
& ( !count:<!bigN
| !diff:?cube100k&~
& 1+!count:?count
& !cube2:?cube1
& ( columnwidth
= cols
. !arg:(%@:@(?:? [?cols)) ?
& div$(-1+!cols.3)*4+1
& columnwidth$!cubans:?colwidth
& \n:?table
& 0:?col
& ( format
= n col cif R
. !arg:(?n.?col)
& -1:?cif
& vap
$ ( (
. ( mod$(1+!cif:?cif.3):0
& -2+!col:?col
& ","
| -1+!col:?col&
. rev$!n
: "," ?R
& rev$(str$!R):?R
& whl
' ( !col+-1:?col:>-2
& " " !R:?R
& str$!R
& whl
' ( !cubans:%?cuban ?cubans
& mod$(1+!col:?col.10):?col
& (!col:0&\n|" ")
: ?table
& out$(str$("The first " !N " cuban primes are: " !table))
& out
$ ( str
$ ( "The 100,000th cuban prime is "
& cubanprimes$(200.100000)
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef long long llong_t;
struct PrimeArray {
llong_t *ptr;
size_t size;
size_t capacity;
struct PrimeArray allocate() {
struct PrimeArray primes;
primes.size = 0;
primes.capacity = 10;
primes.ptr = malloc(primes.capacity * sizeof(llong_t));
return primes;
void deallocate(struct PrimeArray *primes) {
primes->ptr = NULL;
void push_back(struct PrimeArray *primes, llong_t p) {
if (primes->size >= primes->capacity) {
size_t new_capacity = (3 * primes->capacity) / 2 + 1;
llong_t *temp = realloc(primes->ptr, new_capacity * sizeof(llong_t));
if (NULL == temp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reallocate the prime array.");
} else {
primes->ptr = temp;
primes->capacity = new_capacity;
primes->ptr[primes->size++] = p;
int main() {
const int cutOff = 200, bigUn = 100000, chunks = 50, little = bigUn / chunks;
struct PrimeArray primes = allocate();
int c = 0;
bool showEach = true;
llong_t u = 0, v = 1, i;
push_back(&primes, 3);
push_back(&primes, 5);
printf("The first %d cuban primes:\n", cutOff);
for (i = 1; i < LLONG_MAX; ++i) {
bool found = false;
llong_t mx = ceil(sqrt(v += (u += 6)));
llong_t j;
for (j = 0; j < primes.size; ++j) {
if (primes.ptr[j] > mx) {
if (v % primes.ptr[j] == 0) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
c += 1;
if (showEach) {
llong_t z;
for (z = primes.ptr[primes.size - 1] + 2; z <= v - 2; z += 2) {
bool fnd = false;
for (j = 0; j < primes.size; ++j) {
if (primes.ptr[j] > mx) {
if (z % primes.ptr[j] == 0) {
fnd = true;
if (!fnd) {
push_back(&primes, z);
push_back(&primes, v);
printf("%11lld", v);
if (c % 10 == 0) {
if (c == cutOff) {
showEach = false;
printf("\nProgress to the %dth cuban prime: ", bigUn);
if (c % little == 0) {
if (c == bigUn) {
printf("\nThe %dth cuban prime is %lld\n", c, v);
return 0;
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1792617147127
using GMP
So that we can go arbitrarily large, and it's faster to boot.
#include <gmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long int uint;
int main(void)
mpz_t a, b;
int found = 0;
int col = 0;
for (uint n = 1; ; n++) {
mpz_ui_pow_ui(a, n, 3);
mpz_ui_pow_ui(b, n + 1, 3);
mpz_sub(a, b, a);
if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(a, 5)) continue;
if (++found <= 200) {
gmp_printf("%10Zu", a);
if (++col == 8) {
col = 0;
} else if (found == 100000) {
gmp_printf("100000th: %Zu\n", a);
} else if (found == 1000000) {
gmp_printf("1000000th: %Zu\n", a);
return 0;
(of the Snail Version)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
static class Program
static List<long> primes = new List<long>() { 3, 5 };
static void Main(string[] args)
const int cutOff = 200;
const int bigUn = 100000;
const int chunks = 50;
const int little = bigUn / chunks;
const string tn = " cuban prime";
Console.WriteLine("The first {0:n0}{1}s:", cutOff, tn);
int c = 0;
bool showEach = true;
long u = 0, v = 1;
DateTime st = DateTime.Now;
for (long i = 1; i <= long.MaxValue; i++)
bool found = false;
int mx = System.Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(v += (u += 6))));
foreach (long item in primes)
if (item > mx) break;
if (v % item == 0) { found = true; break; }
if (!found)
c += 1; if (showEach)
for (var z = primes.Last() + 2; z <= v - 2; z += 2)
bool fnd = false;
foreach (long item in primes)
if (item > mx) break;
if (z % item == 0) { fnd = true; break; }
if (!fnd) primes.Add(z);
primes.Add(v); Console.Write("{0,11:n0}", v);
if (c % 10 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
if (c == cutOff)
showEach = false;
Console.Write("\nProgress to the {0:n0}th{1}: ", bigUn, tn);
if (c % little == 0) { Console.Write("."); if (c == bigUn) break; }
Console.WriteLine("\nThe {1:n0}th{2} is {0,17:n0}", v, c, tn);
Console.WriteLine("Computation time was {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds);
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) Console.ReadKey();
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100,000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Computation time was 63.578673 seconds
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
vector <long long> primes{ 3, 5 };
int main()
const int cutOff = 200, bigUn = 100000,
chunks = 50, little = bigUn / chunks;
const char tn[] = " cuban prime";
cout << "The first " << cutOff << tn << "s:" << endl;
int c = 0;
bool showEach = true;
long long u = 0, v = 1;
auto st = chrono::system_clock::now();
for (long long i = 1; i <= LLONG_MAX; i++)
bool found = false;
long long mx = (long long)(ceil(sqrt(v += (u += 6))));
for (long long item : primes)
if (item > mx) break;
if (v % item == 0) { found = true; break; }
if (!found)
c += 1; if (showEach)
for (long long z = primes.back() + 2; z <= v - 2; z += 2)
bool fnd = false;
for (long long item : primes)
if (item > mx) break;
if (z % item == 0) { fnd = true; break; }
if (!fnd) primes.push_back(z);
primes.push_back(v); cout.width(11); cout << v;
if (c % 10 == 0) cout << endl;
if (c == cutOff)
showEach = false;
cout << "\nProgress to the " << bigUn << "th" << tn << ": ";
if (c % little == 0) { cout << "."; if (c == bigUn) break; }
cout << "\nThe " << c << "th" << tn << " is " << v;
chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = chrono::system_clock::now() - st;
cout << "\nComputation time was " << elapsed_seconds.count() << " seconds" << endl;
return 0;
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100,000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Computation time was 35.5644 seconds
Common Lisp
For some reason, this solution is very slow: it takes about 10 minutes to find the 100,000th
cuban number on sbcl and longer than I had the patience to wait on clisp.
I thought this was due to my own primep
function, so I tried to use
from quicklisp. To my surprise, however, that was taking enen longer, so I went back to my own function. On the other hand, Common Lisp makes it a breeze to format the output
with multiple columns, commas and all.
;;; Show the first 200 and the 100,000th cuban prime.
;;; Cuban primes are the difference of 2 consecutive cubes.
(defun primep (n)
(cond ((< n 4) t)
((evenp n) nil)
((zerop (mod n 3)) nil)
(t (loop for i from 5 upto (isqrt n) by 6
when (or
(zerop (mod n i))
(zerop (mod n (+ i 2))))
return nil
finally (return t)))))
(defun cube (n) (* n n n))
(defun cuban (n)
(loop for i from 1
for j from 2
for cube-diff = (- (cube j) (cube i))
when (primep cube-diff)
collect cube-diff into cuban-primes
and count i into counter
when (= counter n)
return cuban-primes))
(format t "~a~%" "1st to 200th cuban prime numbers:")
(format t
"~{~<~%~,120:;~10:d ~>~}~%"
(cuban 200))
(format t "~%100,000th cuban prime number = ~:d"
(car (last (cuban 100000))))
(princ #\newline)
- Output:
1st to 200th cuban prime numbers: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 100,000th cuban prime number = 1,792,617,147,127
import std.math;
import std.stdio;
void main() {
long[] primes = [3, 5];
immutable cutOff = 200;
immutable bigUn = 100_000;
immutable chunks = 50;
immutable little = bigUn / chunks;
immutable tn = " cuban prime";
writefln("The first %s%ss:", cutOff, tn);
int c;
bool showEach = true;
long u;
long v = 1;
for (long i = 1; i > 0; ++i) {
bool found;
u += 6;
v += u;
int mx = cast(int)ceil(sqrt(cast(real)v));
foreach (item; primes) {
if (item > mx) break;
if (v % item == 0) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (showEach) {
for (auto z = primes[$-1] + 2; z <= v - 2; z += 2) {
bool fnd;
foreach (item; primes) {
if (item > mx) break;
if (z % item == 0) {
fnd = true;
if (!fnd) {
primes ~= z;
primes ~= v;
writef("%11d", v);
if (c % 10 == 0) writeln;
if (c == cutOff) {
showEach = false;
writef("\nProgress to the %sth%s: ", bigUn, tn);
if (c % little == 0) {
if (c == bigUn) {
writefln("\nThe %sth%s is %17s", c, tn, v);
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1792617147127
See Pascal.
fastfunc isprim_odd num .
i = 3
while i <= sqrt num
if num mod i = 0
return 0
i += 2
return 1
numfmt 0 7
i = 1
while cnt < 100000
di = 3 * i * (i + 1) + 1
if isprim_odd di = 1
cnt += 1
if cnt <= 200
write di & " "
if cnt mod 5 = 0
print ""
i += 1
print ""
print di
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 1792617147127
The functions
This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#)
// Generate cuban primes. Nigel Galloway: June 9th., 2019
let cubans=Seq.unfold(fun n->Some(n*n*n,n+1L)) 1L|>Seq.pairwise|>,g)->g-n)|>Seq.filter(isPrime64)
let cL=let g=System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB") in (fun (n:int64)->n.ToString("N0",g))
The Task
cubans|>Seq.take 200|>List.ofSeq|>List.iteri(fun n g->if n%8=7 then printfn "%12s" (cL(g)) else printf "%12s" (cL(g)))
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357
printfn "\n\n%s" (cL(Seq.item 99999 cubans))
- Output:
USING: formatting grouping io kernel lists lists.lazy math
math.primes sequences tools.memory.private ;
IN: rosetta-code.cuban-primes
: cuban-primes ( n -- seq )
1 lfrom [ [ 3 * ] [ 1 + * ] bi 1 + ] <lazy-map>
[ prime? ] <lazy-filter> ltake list>array ;
200 cuban-primes 10 <groups>
[ [ commas ] map [ "%10s" printf ] each nl ] each nl
1e5 cuban-primes last commas "100,000th cuban prime is: %s\n"
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 100,000th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
Uses Miller Rabin Primality Test
include ./miller-rabin.fs
\ commatized print
: d.,r ( d n -- ) \ write double precision int, commatized.
>r tuck dabs
<# begin 2dup 1.000 d> while # # # [char] , hold repeat #s rot sign #>
r> over - spaces type ;
: .,r ( n1 n2 -- ) \ write integer commatized.
>r s>d r> d.,r ;
\ generate and print cuban primes
: sq s" dup *" evaluate ; immediate
: next-cuban ( n -- n' p )
1+ dup sq 3 * 1+ dup 3 and 0= \ first check == 0 (mod 4)
if 2 rshift dup prime?
if exit
else drop
else drop
again ;
: task1
20 0 do
cr 10 0 do
next-cuban 12 .,r
loop drop ;
: task2
cr ." The 100,000th cuban prime is "
1 99999 0 do next-cuban drop loop next-cuban 0 .,r drop ;
task1 cr
task2 cr
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
package main
import (
func commatize(n uint64) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
le := len(s)
for i := le - 3; i >= 1; i -= 3 {
s = s[0:i] + "," + s[i:]
return s
func main() {
var z big.Int
var cube1, cube2, cube100k, diff uint64
cubans := make([]string, 200)
cube1 = 1
count := 0
for i := 1; ; i++ {
j := i + 1
cube2 = uint64(j * j * j)
diff = cube2 - cube1
if z.ProbablyPrime(0) { // 100% accurate for z < 2 ^ 64
if count < 200 {
cubans[count] = commatize(diff)
if count == 100000 {
cube100k = diff
cube1 = cube2
fmt.Println("The first 200 cuban primes are:-")
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
j := i * 10
fmt.Printf("%9s\n", cubans[j : j+10]) // 10 per line say
fmt.Println("\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is", commatize(cube100k))
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are:- [ 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631] [ 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219] [ 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719] [ 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117] [ 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897] [ 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211] [ 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661] [ 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269] [ 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019] [ 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669] [ 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919] [ 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001] [ 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219] [ 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071] [ 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627] [ 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177] [ 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411] [ 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471] [1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671] [1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357] The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
class CubanPrimes {
private static int MAX = 1_400_000
private static boolean[] primes = new boolean[MAX]
static void main(String[] args) {
cubanPrime(200, true)
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
int max = (int) Math.pow(10, i)
printf("%,d-th cuban prime = %,d%n", max, cubanPrime(max, false))
private static long cubanPrime(int n, boolean display) {
int count = 0
long result = 0
for (long i = 0; count < n; i++) {
long test = 1l + 3 * i * (i + 1)
if (isPrime(test)) {
result = test
if (display) {
printf("%10s%s", String.format("%,d", test), count % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "")
return result
private static boolean isPrime(long n) {
if (n < MAX) {
return primes[(int) n]
int max = (int) Math.sqrt(n)
for (int i = 3; i <= max; i++) {
if (primes[i] && n % i == 0) {
return false
return true
private static final void preCompute() {
// primes
for (int i = 2; i < MAX; i++) {
primes[i] = true
for (int i = 2; i < MAX; i++) {
if (primes[i]) {
for (int j = 2 * i; j < MAX; j += i) {
primes[j] = false
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 10-th cuban prime = 631 100-th cuban prime = 283,669 1,000-th cuban prime = 65,524,807 10,000-th cuban prime = 11,712,188,419 100,000-th cuban prime = 1,792,617,147,127
Uses Data.Numbers.Primes library:
Uses Data.List.Split library:
import Data.Numbers.Primes (isPrime)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Text.Printf (printf)
cubans :: [Int]
cubans = filter isPrime . map (\x -> (succ x ^ 3) - (x ^ 3)) $ [1 ..]
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ (\row -> mapM_ (printf "%10s" . thousands) row >> printf "\n") $ rows cubans
printf "\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is: %10s\n" $ thousands $ cubans !! 99999
rows = chunksOf 10 . take 200
thousands = reverse . intercalate "," . chunksOf 3 . reverse . show
Where filter over map could also be expressed in terms of concatMap, or a list comprehension:
cubans :: [Int]
cubans =
[ x
| n <- [1 ..]
, let x = (succ n ^ 3) - (n ^ 3)
, isPrime x ]
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
I've used assertions to demonstrate and to prove the defined verbs
isPrime =: 1&p:
assert 1 0 -: isPrime 3 9
NB. difference, but first cube, of incremented y with y
dcc =: -&(^&3)~ >:
assert ((8 9 13^3)-7 8 12^3) -: dcc 7 8 12
Filter =: (#~`)(`:6)
assert 2 3 5 7 11 13 -: isPrime Filter i. 16
cubanPrime =: [: isPrime Filter dcc
assert 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 -: cubanPrime i. 20
NB. comatose copies with comma fill
comatose =: (#!.','~ (1 1 1j1 1 1 1j1 1 1 1j1 1 1 1j1 1 1 1j1 1 1 1j1 1 1 1 {.~ -@:#))@:":&>
assert (comatose 1000 1238 12 989832) -: [;._2 ] 0 :0
CP =: cubanPrime i. 800000x
# CP NB. tally, I've stored more than 100000 cuban primes
NB. granted, I used wolframalpha Solve[(n+1)^3-n^3==1792617147127,n]
9!:17]2 2 NB. specify bottom right position in box
comatose&.> 10 20 $ CP
│ 7│ 19│ 37│ 61│ 127│ 271│ 331│ 397│ 547│ 631│ 919│ 1,657│ 1,801│ 1,951│ 2,269│ 2,437│ 2,791│ 3,169│ 3,571│ 4,219│
│ 4,447│ 5,167│ 5,419│ 6,211│ 7,057│ 7,351│ 8,269│ 9,241│ 10,267│ 11,719│ 12,097│ 13,267│ 13,669│ 16,651│ 19,441│ 19,927│ 22,447│ 23,497│ 24,571│ 25,117│
│ 26,227│ 27,361│ 33,391│ 35,317│ 42,841│ 45,757│ 47,251│ 49,537│ 50,311│ 55,897│ 59,221│ 60,919│ 65,269│ 70,687│ 73,477│ 74,419│ 75,367│ 81,181│ 82,171│ 87,211│
│ 88,237│ 89,269│ 92,401│ 96,661│ 102,121│ 103,231│ 104,347│ 110,017│ 112,327│ 114,661│ 115,837│ 126,691│ 129,169│ 131,671│ 135,469│ 140,617│ 144,541│ 145,861│ 151,201│ 155,269│
│ 163,567│ 169,219│ 170,647│ 176,419│ 180,811│ 189,757│ 200,467│ 202,021│ 213,067│ 231,019│ 234,361│ 241,117│ 246,247│ 251,431│ 260,191│ 263,737│ 267,307│ 276,337│ 279,991│ 283,669│
│ 285,517│ 292,969│ 296,731│ 298,621│ 310,087│ 329,677│ 333,667│ 337,681│ 347,821│ 351,919│ 360,187│ 368,551│ 372,769│ 374,887│ 377,011│ 383,419│ 387,721│ 398,581│ 407,377│ 423,001│
│ 436,627│ 452,797│ 459,817│ 476,407│ 478,801│ 493,291│ 522,919│ 527,941│ 553,411│ 574,219│ 584,767│ 590,077│ 592,741│ 595,411│ 603,457│ 608,851│ 611,557│ 619,711│ 627,919│ 650,071│
│ 658,477│ 666,937│ 689,761│ 692,641│ 698,419│ 707,131│ 733,591│ 742,519│ 760,537│ 769,627│ 772,669│ 784,897│ 791,047│ 812,761│ 825,301│ 837,937│ 847,477│ 863,497│ 879,667│ 886,177│
│ 895,987│ 909,151│ 915,769│ 925,741│ 929,077│ 932,419│ 939,121│ 952,597│ 972,991│ 976,411│ 986,707│ 990,151│ 997,057│1,021,417│1,024,921│1,035,469│1,074,607│1,085,407│1,110,817│1,114,471│
NB. the one hundred thousandth cuban prime
comatose (<: 100000) { CP
cubanPrime f. NB. cubanPrime with fixed adverbs
[: (#~ 1&p:) (-&(^&3)~ >:)
public class CubanPrimes {
private static int MAX = 1_400_000;
private static boolean[] primes = new boolean[MAX];
public static void main(String[] args) {
cubanPrime(200, true);
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 5 ; i++ ) {
int max = (int) Math.pow(10, i);
System.out.printf("%,d-th cuban prime = %,d%n", max, cubanPrime(max, false));
private static long cubanPrime(int n, boolean display) {
int count = 0;
long result = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; count < n ; i++ ) {
long test = 1l + 3 * i * (i+1);
if ( isPrime(test) ) {
result = test;
if ( display ) {
System.out.printf("%10s%s", String.format("%,d", test), count % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "");
return result;
private static boolean isPrime(long n) {
if ( n < MAX ) {
return primes[(int)n];
int max = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
for ( int i = 3 ; i <= max ; i++ ) {
if ( primes[i] && n % i == 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
private static final void preCompute() {
// primes
for ( int i = 2 ; i < MAX ; i++ ) {
primes[i] = true;
for ( int i = 2 ; i < MAX ; i++ ) {
if ( primes[i] ) {
for ( int j = 2*i ; j < MAX ; j += i ) {
primes[j] = false;
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 10-th cuban prime = 631 100-th cuban prime = 283,669 1,000-th cuban prime = 65,524,807 10,000-th cuban prime = 11,712,188,419 100,000-th cuban prime = 1,792,617,147,127
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
In this entry, the formula for the differences of cubes (2n(n+1)+1) is used, in part for efficiency and in part because the C implementation of jq has an upper bound of 2^53 for accurate integer arithmetic.
For a suitable implementation of `is_prime` see e.g. Erdős-primes#jq.
# input should be a non-negative integer
def commatize:
def digits: tostring | explode | reverse;
[foreach digits[] as $d (-1; .+1;
(select(. > 0 and . % 3 == 0)|44), $d)] # "," is 44
| reverse | implode ;
def count(stream): reduce stream as $i (0; .+1);
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;
def nwise($n):
def n: if length <= $n then . else .[0:$n] , (.[$n:] | n) end;
The tasks
# Emit an unbounded stream
# The differences between successive cubes: 3n(n+1)+1
def cubanprimes:
foreach range(1;infinite) as $i (null;
(3 * $i * ($i + 1) + 1) as $d
| if $d|is_prime then $d else null end;
select(.) );
| "The first \(.) cuban primes are:",
([limit(.; cubanprimes) | commatize | lpad(10)] | nwise(10) | join(" "))),
"\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is \(nth(100000 - 1; cubanprimes) | commatize)"
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
using Primes
function cubanprimes(N)
cubans = zeros(Int, N)
cube100k, cube1, count = 0, 1, 1
for i in Iterators.countfrom(1)
j = BigInt(i + 1)
cube2 = j^3
diff = cube2 - cube1
if isprime(diff)
count ≤ N && (cubans[count] = diff)
if count == 100000
cube100k = diff
count += 1
cube1 = cube2
println("The first $N cuban primes are: ")
foreach(x -> print(lpad(cubans[x] == 0 ? "" : cubans[x], 10), x % 8 == 0 ? "\n" : ""), 1:N)
println("\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is ", cube100k)
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.sqrt
fun main() {
val primes = mutableListOf(3L, 5L)
val cutOff = 200
val bigUn = 100_000
val chunks = 50
val little = bigUn / chunks
println("The first $cutOff cuban primes:")
var showEach = true
var c = 0
var u = 0L
var v = 1L
var i = 1L
while (i > 0) {
var found = false
u += 6
v += u
val mx = ceil(sqrt(v.toDouble())).toInt()
for (item in primes) {
if (item > mx) break
if (v % item == 0L) {
found = true
if (!found) {
if (showEach) {
var z = primes.last() + 2
while (z <= v - 2) {
var fnd = false
for (item in primes) {
if (item > mx) break
if (z % item == 0L) {
fnd = true
if (!fnd) {
z += 2
if (c % 10 == 0) println()
if (c == cutOff) {
showEach = false
print("\nProgress to the ${bigUn}th cuban prime: ")
if (c % little == 0) {
if (c == bigUn) break
println("\nThe %dth cuban prime is %17d".format(c, v))
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1792617147127
local primes = {3, 5}
local cutOff = 200
local bigUn = 100000
local chunks = 50
local little = math.floor(bigUn / chunks)
local tn = " cuban prime"
print(string.format("The first %d%ss", cutOff, tn))
local showEach = true
local c = 0
local u = 0
local v = 1
for i=1,10000000000000 do
local found = false
u = u + 6
v = v + u
local mx = math.ceil(math.sqrt(v))
--for _,item in pairs(primes) do -- why: latent traversal bugfix (and performance), 6/11/2020 db
for _,item in ipairs(primes) do
if item > mx then
if v % item == 0 then
--print("[DEBUG] :( i = " .. i .. "; v = " .. v)
found = true
if not found then
--print("[DEBUG] :) i = " .. i .. "; v = " .. v)
c = c + 1
if showEach then
--local z = primes[table.getn(primes)] + 2 -- why: modernize (deprecated), 6/11/2020 db
local z = primes[#primes] + 2
while z <= v - 2 do
local fnd = false
--for _,item in pairs(primes) do -- why: latent traversal bugfix (and performance), 6/11/2020 db
for _,item in ipairs(primes) do
if item > mx then
if z % item == 0 then
fnd = true
if not fnd then
table.insert(primes, z)
z = z + 2
table.insert(primes, v)
io.write(string.format("%11d", v))
if c % 10 == 0 then
if c == cutOff then
showEach = false
io.write(string.format("\nProgress to the %dth%s: ", bigUn, tn))
if c % little == 0 then
if c == bigUn then
--print(string.format("\nThe %dth%s is %17d", c, tn, v)) -- why: correcting reported inaccuracy in output, 6/11/2020 db
print(string.format("\nThe %dth%s is %.0f", c, tn, v))
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1792617147127
Perhaps a more "readable" structure, and with specified formatting..
-- cuban primes in Lua (alternate version 6/12/2020 db)
local sqrt, sieve, primes, N = math.sqrt, {false}, {}, 1400000
for i = 2,N do sieve[i]=true end
for i = 2,N do if sieve[i] then for j=i*i,N,i do sieve[j]=false end end end
for i = 2,N do if sieve[i] then primes[#primes+1]=i end end; sieve=nil
local function isprime(n)
if (n <= 1) then return false end
local limit = sqrt(n)
for i,p in ipairs(primes) do
if (n % p == 0) then return false end
if (p > limit) then return true end
error("insufficient list of primes")
local write, format = io.write, string.format
local function commafy(i) return tostring(i):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,","") end
local COUNT, DOTAT, DOTPER, count, n = 100000, 200, 2000, 0, 0
while (count < COUNT) do
local h = 3 * n * (n + 1) + 1 -- A003215
if (isprime(h)) then
count = count + 1
if (count <= DOTAT) then
write(format("%11s%s", commafy(h), count%10==0 and "\n" or ""))
elseif (count == COUNT) then
print(format("\n%s", commafy(h)))
elseif (count % DOTPER == 0) then
n = n + 1
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 ................................................. 1,792,617,147,127
CubanPrimes := proc(n) local i, cp;
cp := Array([]);
for i by 2 while numelems(cp) < n do
if isprime(3/4*i^2 + 1/4) then
ArrayTools:-Append(cp, 3/4*i^2 + 1/4);
end if;
end do;
return cp;
end proc;
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are [1407, 3819, 7437, 12261, 25527, 54471, 66531, 79797, 109947, 126831, 184719, 333057, 362001, 392151, 456069, 489837, 560991, 636969, 717771, 848019, 893847, 1038567, 1089219, 1248411, 1418457, 1477551, 1662069, 1857441, 2063667, 2355519, 2431497, 2666667, 2747469, 3346851, 3907641, 4005327, 4511847, 4722897, 4938771, 5048517, 5271627, 5499561, 6711591, 7098717, 8611041, 9197157, 9497451, 9956937, 10112511, 11235297, 11903421, 12244719, 13119069, 14208087, 14768877, 14958219, 15148767, 16317381, 16516371, 17529411, 17735637, 17943069, 18572601, 19428861, 20526321, 20749431, 20973747, 22113417, 22577727, 23046861, 23283237, 25464891, 25962969, 26465871, 27229269, 28264017, 29052741, 29318061, 30391401, 31209069, 32876967, 34013019, 34300047, 35460219, 36343011, 38141157, 40293867, 40606221, 42826467, 46434819, 47106561, 48464517, 49495647, 50537631, 52298391, 53011137, 53728707, 55543737, 56278191, 57017469, 57388917, 58886769, 59642931, 60022821, 62327487, 66265077, 67067067, 67873881, 69912021, 70735719, 72397587, 74078751, 74926569, 75352287, 75779211, 77067219, 77931921, 80114781, 81882777, 85023201, 87762027, 91012197, 92423217, 95757807, 96239001, 99151491, 105106719, 106116141, 111235611, 115418019, 117538167, 118605477, 119140941, 119677611, 121294857, 122379051, 122922957, 124561911, 126211719, 130664271, 132353877, 134054337, 138641961, 139220841, 140382219, 142133331, 147451791, 149246319, 152867937, 154695027, 155306469, 157764297, 159000447, 163364961, 165885501, 168425337, 170342877, 173562897, 176813067, 178121577, 180093387, 182739351, 184069569, 186073941, 186744477, 187416219, 188763321, 191471997, 195571191, 196258611, 198328107, 199020351, 200408457, 205304817, 206009121, 208129269, 215996007, 218166807, 223274217, 224008671, 226219269, 232167261, 236678907, 237435069, 244294797, 252031287, 257518587, 258307311, 266260881, 267062871, 275964357, 283355931, 285841497, 286672431, 290008227, 291683361, 297584319, 298432137, 306976647, 315641757] The 200th cuban prime is: 1,570,357 The 100000th cuban prime is: 1792617147127
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
cubans[m_Integer] := Block[{n = 1, result = {}, candidate},
While[Length[result] < m,
candidate = n^3 - (n - 1)^3;
If[PrimeQ[candidate], AppendTo[result, candidate]]];
NumberForm[Last[cubans[100000]], NumberSeparator -> ",", DigitBlock -> 3]
- Output:
{7, 19, 37, 61, 127, 271, 331, 397, 547, 631, 919, 1657, 1801, 1951, 2269, 2437, 2791, 3169, 3571, 4219, 4447, 5167, 5419, 6211, 7057, 7351, 8269, 9241, 10267, 11719, 12097, 13267, 13669, 16651, 19441, 19927, 22447, 23497, 24571, 25117, 26227, 27361, 33391, 35317, 42841, 45757, 47251, 49537, 50311, 55897, 59221, 60919, 65269, 70687, 73477, 74419, 75367, 81181, 82171, 87211, 88237, 89269, 92401, 96661, 102121, 103231, 104347, 110017, 112327, 114661, 115837, 126691, 129169, 131671, 135469, 140617, 144541, 145861, 151201, 155269, 163567, 169219, 170647, 176419, 180811, 189757, 200467, 202021, 213067, 231019, 234361, 241117, 246247, 251431, 260191, 263737, 267307, 276337, 279991, 283669, 285517, 292969, 296731, 298621, 310087, 329677, 333667, 337681, 347821, 351919, 360187, 368551, 372769, 374887, 377011, 383419, 387721, 398581, 407377, 423001, 436627, 452797, 459817, 476407, 478801, 493291, 522919, 527941, 553411, 574219, 584767, 590077, 592741, 595411, 603457, 608851, 611557, 619711, 627919, 650071, 658477, 666937, 689761, 692641, 698419, 707131, 733591, 742519, 760537, 769627, 772669, 784897, 791047, 812761, 825301, 837937, 847477, 863497, 879667, 886177, 895987, 909151, 915769, 925741, 929077, 932419, 939121, 952597, 972991, 976411, 986707, 990151, 997057, 1021417, 1024921, 1035469, 1074607, 1085407, 1110817, 1114471, 1125469, 1155061, 1177507, 1181269, 1215397, 1253887, 1281187, 1285111, 1324681, 1328671, 1372957, 1409731, 1422097, 1426231, 1442827, 1451161, 1480519, 1484737, 1527247, 1570357} 3,432,424,324,232
import strformat
import strutils
import math
const cutOff = 200
const bigUn = 100000
const chunks = 50
const little = bigUn div chunks
echo fmt"The first {cutOff} cuban primes"
var primes: seq[int] = @[3, 5]
var c, u = 0
var showEach: bool = true
var v = 1
for i in 1..high(BiggestInt):
var found: bool
inc u, 6
inc v, u
var mx = int(ceil(sqrt(float(v))))
for item in primes:
if item > mx:
if v mod item == 0:
found = true
if not found:
inc c
if showEach:
for z in countup(primes[^1] + 2, v - 2, step=2):
var fnd: bool = false
for item in primes:
if item > mx:
if z mod item == 0:
fnd = true
if not fnd:
write(stdout, fmt"{insertSep($v, ','):>11}")
if c mod 10 == 0:
write(stdout, "\n")
if c == cutOff:
showEach = false
write(stdout, fmt"Progress to the {bigUn}th cuban prime: ")
if c mod little == 0:
write(stdout, ".")
if c == bigUn:
write(stdout, "\n")
echo fmt"The {c}th cuban prime is {insertSep($v, ',')}"
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
cubanprimes(N) =
cubans = vector(N);
cube1 = 1; count = 1; cube100k = 0;
for (i=1, +oo,
cube2 = (i + 1)^3;
diff = cube2 - cube1;
if (isprime(diff),
if (count <= N, cubans[count] = diff);
if (count == 100000, cube100k = diff; break);
cube1 = cube2;
print("The first " N " Cuban primes are: ");
for (i=1, N,
if (cubans[i] != 0,
print1(cubans[i], " ");
if (i % 8 == 0, print);
print("\nThe 100,000th Cuban prime is " cube100k);
- Output:
The first 200 Cuban primes are: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 The 100,000th Cuban prime is 1792617147127
uses trial division to check primility.Slow in such number ranges.
OutNthCubPrime(10000) takes only 0,950 s.
100: 283,669; 1000: 65,524,807; 10000: 11,712,188,419; 100000: 1,792,617,147,127
program CubanPrimes;
{$CODEALIGN proc=32}
procedure FormOut(Cuban:Uint64;ColSize:Uint32);
s : String;
pI,pJ :pChar;
i,j : NativeInt;
i := length(s);
If i>3 then
//extend s by the count of comma to be inserted
j := i+ (i-1) div 3;
pI := @s[i];
pJ := @s[j];
while i > 3 do
// copy 3 digits
pJ^ := pI^;dec(pJ);dec(pI);
pJ^ := pI^;dec(pJ);dec(pI);
pJ^ := pI^;dec(pJ);dec(pI);
// insert comma
pJ^ := ',';dec(pJ);
//the digits in front are in the right place
procedure OutFirstCntCubPrimes(Cnt : Int32;ColCnt : Int32);
cbDelta2 : Uint64;
ClCnt,ColSize : NativeInt;
If Cnt <= 0 then
IF ColCnt <= 0 then
ColCnt := 1;
ClCnt := ColCnt;
cbDelta1 := 0;
cbDelta2 := 1;
if isPrime(cbDelta2) then
If ClCnt < 0 then
ClCnt := ColCnt;
inc(cbDelta1,6);// 0,6,12,18...
until Cnt<= 0;
procedure OutNthCubPrime(n : Int32);
cbDelta2 : Uint64;
If n <= 0 then
cbDelta1 := 0;
cbDelta2 := 1;
if isPrime(cbDelta2) then
until n<=0;
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 1,792,617,147,127 //user 2m1.950s
(of the Snail Version)
cutOff = 200;
bigUn = 100000;
chunks = 50;
little = bigUn div chunks;
writeln('The first ', cutOff, ' cuban primes:');
var primes := |int64(3), int64(5)|.ToList;
var c := 0;
var u: int64 := 0;
var v: int64 := 1;
var showEach := true;
while true do
var found := false;
u += 6;
v += u;
var mx := real(v).sqrt.ceil;
foreach var item in primes do
if item > mx then break;
if v mod item = 0 then
found := true;
if not found then
c += 1;
if showEach then
for var z := primes.last + 2 to v - 2 step 2 do
var fnd := false;
foreach var item in primes do
if item > mx then break;
if z mod item = 0 then
fnd := true;
if not fnd then primes.Add(z);
if c mod 10 = 0 then writeln;
if c = cutOff then
showEach := false;
write('Progress to the ', bigUn, 'th cuban prime: ')
if c mod little = 0 then
if c = bigUn then break;
writeln('The ', c, 'th cuban prime is ', v);
writeln('Computation time was ', milliseconds / 1000, ' seconds');
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Progress to the 100000th cuban prime: .................................................. The 100000th cuban prime is 1792617147127 Computation time was 32.751 seconds
use feature 'say';
use ntheory 'is_prime';
sub cuban_primes {
my ($n) = @_;
my @primes;
for (my $k = 1 ; ; ++$k) {
my $p = 3 * $k * ($k + 1) + 1;
if (is_prime($p)) {
push @primes, $p;
last if @primes >= $n;
return @primes;
sub commify {
scalar reverse join ',', unpack '(A3)*', reverse shift;
my @c = cuban_primes(200);
while (@c) {
say join ' ', map { sprintf "%9s", commify $_ } splice(@c, 0, 10);
say '';
for my $n (1 .. 6) {
say "10^$n-th cuban prime is: ", commify((cuban_primes(10**$n))[-1]);
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 10^1-th cuban prime is: 631 10^2-th cuban prime is: 283,669 10^3-th cuban prime is: 65,524,807 10^4-th cuban prime is: 11,712,188,419 10^5-th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127 10^6-th cuban prime is: 255,155,578,239,277
with javascript_semantics include mpfr.e integer np = 0, i = 2 mpz p3 = mpz_init(1*1*1), i3 = mpz_init(), p = mpz_init(), pn = mpz_init() printf(1,"The first 200 cuban primes are:\n") sequence first200 = {} atom t0 = time() constant lim = iff(platform()=JS?10000:100000) while np<lim do mpz_ui_pow_ui(i3,i,3) mpz_sub(p,i3,p3) if mpz_prime(p) then mpz_set(pn,p) np += 1 if np<=200 then first200 = append(first200,sprintf("%,9d",mpz_get_integer(pn))) if mod(np,10)=0 then printf(1,"%s\n",join(first200[-10..-1])) end if end if end if mpz_set(p3,i3) i += 1 end while printf(1,"\nThe %,dth cuban prime is %s\n",{np,mpz_get_str(pn,comma_fill:=true)}) {p3,i3,p} = mpz_free({p3,i3,p}) ?elapsed(time()-t0)
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 "5.9s"
import datetime
import math
primes = [ 3, 5 ]
cutOff = 200
bigUn = 100_000
chunks = 50
little = bigUn / chunks
tn = " cuban prime"
print ("The first {:,}{}s:".format(cutOff, tn))
c = 0
showEach = True
u = 0
v = 1
st =
for i in range(1, int(math.pow(2,20))):
found = False
u += 6
v += u
mx = int(math.sqrt(v))
for item in primes:
if (item > mx):
if (v % item == 0):
found = True
if (found == 0):
c += 1
if (showEach):
z = primes[-1]
while (z <= v - 2):
z += 2
fnd = False
for item in primes:
if (item > mx):
if (z % item == 0):
fnd = True
if (not fnd):
print("{:>11,}".format(v), end='')
if (c % 10 == 0):
if (c == cutOff):
showEach = False
print ("Progress to the {:,}th {}:".format(bigUn, tn), end='')
if (c % little == 0):
print('.', end='')
if (c == bigUn):
print ("The {:,}th{} is {:,}".format(c, tn, v))
print("Computation time was {} seconds".format(( - st).seconds))
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100,000th cuban prime:.................................................. The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Computation time was 856 seconds
is defined at Miller–Rabin primality test#Quackery.
say "The first 200 cuban primes:"
[] [] 1
0 temp put
[ 6 temp tally
temp share +
dup prime if
[ dup dip join ]
over size 200 = until ]
[ number$ +commas nested join ]
72 wrap$
temp release
cr cr
say "The 100,000th cuban prime is "
0 1
0 temp put
[ 6 temp tally
temp share + dup prime if
[ dip 1+ ]
over 100000 = until ]
nip number$ +commas echo$
char . emit
temp release
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127.
#lang racket
(require math/number-theory
(define (make-cuban-prime-generator)
(generator ()
(let loop ((y 1) (y3 1))
(let* ((x (+ y 1))
(x3 (expt x 3))
(p (quotient (- x3 y3) (- x y))))
(when (prime? p) (yield p))
(loop x x3)))))
(define (tabulate l (line-width 80))
(let* ((w (add1 (string-length (argmax string-length (map ~a l)))))
(cols (quotient line-width w)))
(for ((n (in-range 1 (add1 (length l))))
(i l))
(display (~a i #:width w #:align 'right))
(when (zero? (modulo n cols)) (newline)))))
(define (progress-report x)
(when (zero? (modulo x 1000))
(eprintf (if (zero? (modulo x 10000)) "|" "."))
(flush-output (current-error-port))))
(let ((200-cuban-primes (for/list ((_ 200)
(p (in-producer (make-cuban-prime-generator))))
(tabulate 200-cuban-primes))
(for/last ((x 100000)
(p (in-producer (make-cuban-prime-generator))))
(progress-report x)
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 |.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|......... 1792617147127
(formerly Perl 6)
The task (k == 1)
Not the most efficient, but concise, and good enough for this task. Use the ntheory library for prime testing; gets it down to around 20 seconds.
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;
use ntheory:from<Perl5> <:all>;
my @cubans = lazy (1..Inf).map({ ($_+1)³ - .³ }).grep: *.&is_prime;
put @cubans[^200]».&comma».fmt("%9s").rotor(10).join: "\n";
put '';
put @cubans[99_999]., # zero indexed
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 1,792,617,147,127
k == 2 through 10
After reading up a bit, the general equation for cuban primes is prime numbers of the form ((x+k)3 - x3)/k where k mod 3 is not equal 0.
The cubans where k == 1 (the focus of this task) is one of many possible groups. In general, it seems like the cubans where k == 1 and k == 2 are the two primary cases, but it is possible to have cubans with a k of any integer that is not a multiple of 3.
Here are the first 20 for each valid k up to 10:
sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
for 2..10 -> \k {
next if k %% 3;
my @cubans = lazy (1..Inf).map({ (($_+k)³ - .³)/k }).grep: *.is-prime;
put "First 20 cuban primes where k = {k}:";
put @cubans[^20]».&comma».fmt("%7s").rotor(10).join: "\n";
put '';
- Output:
First 20 cuban primes where k = 2: 13 109 193 433 769 1,201 1,453 2,029 3,469 3,889 4,801 10,093 12,289 13,873 18,253 20,173 21,169 22,189 28,813 37,633 First 20 cuban primes where k = 4: 31 79 151 367 1,087 1,327 1,879 2,887 3,271 4,111 4,567 6,079 7,207 8,431 15,991 16,879 17,791 19,687 23,767 24,847 First 20 cuban primes where k = 5: 43 67 97 223 277 337 727 823 1,033 1,663 2,113 2,617 2,797 3,373 4,003 5,683 6,217 7,963 10,273 10,627 First 20 cuban primes where k = 7: 73 103 139 181 229 283 409 643 733 829 1,039 1,153 1,399 1,531 1,669 2,281 2,803 3,181 3,583 3,793 First 20 cuban primes where k = 8: 163 379 523 691 883 2,203 2,539 3,691 5,059 5,563 6,091 7,219 8,443 9,091 10,459 11,923 15,139 19,699 24,859 27,091 First 20 cuban primes where k = 10: 457 613 997 1,753 2,053 2,377 4,357 6,373 9,433 13,093 16,453 21,193 27,673 28,837 31,237 37,657 46,153 47,653 49,177 62,233
k == 2^128
Note that Raku has native support for arbitrarily large integers and does not need to generate primes to test for primality. Using k of 2^128; finishes in well under a second.
sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
my \k = 2**128;
put "First 10 cuban primes where k = {k}:";
.&comma.put for (lazy (0..Inf).map({ (($_+k)³ - .³)/k }).grep: *.is-prime)[^10];
First 10 cuban primes where k = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456: 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,160,544,961,995,247,996,546,884,854,518,799,824,856,507 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,174,836,821,405,927,412,012,346,588,030,934,089,763,531 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,219,754,093,839,491,289,189,512,036,211,927,493,764,691 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,383,089,629,961,541,751,651,931,847,779,176,235,685,011 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,491,299,422,642,400,183,033,284,972,942,478,527,291,811 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,771,011,528,251,411,600,000,178,900,251,391,998,361,371 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,875,137,932,529,218,769,819,971,530,125,513,071,648,307 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,956,805,700,590,244,001,051,181,435,909,137,442,897,427 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,909,028,264,997,643,641,078,378,490,103,469,808,767,771,907 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,909,158,933,426,541,281,448,348,425,952,723,607,761,904,131
Version 1
Cuban primes can't end in an even (decimal) digit, or the digit 5.
Also, by their construction, cuban primes can't have a factor of 6*k + 1, where k is any positive integer.
/*REXX program finds and displays a number of cuban primes or the Nth cuban prime. */
numeric digits 20 /*ensure enough decimal digits for #s. */
parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if N=='' | N=="," then N= 200 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
Nth= N<0; N= abs(N) /*used for finding the Nth cuban prime.*/
@.=0; @.0=1; @.2=1; @.3=1; @.4=1; @.5=1; @.6=1; @.8=1 /*ending digs that aren't cubans.*/
sw= linesize() - 1; if sw<1 then sw= 79 /*obtain width of the terminal screen. */
w=12; #= 1; $= right(7, w) /*start with first cuban prime; count.*/
do j=1 until #=>N; x= (j+1)**3 - j**3 /*compute a possible cuban prime. */
parse var x '' -1 _; if @._ then iterate /*check last digit for non─cuban prime.*/
do k=1 until km*km>x; km= k*6 + 1 /*cuban primes can't be ÷ by 6k+1 */
if x//km==0 then iterate j /*Divisible? Then not a cuban prime. */
end /*k*/
#= #+1 /*bump the number of cuban primes found*/
if Nth then do; if #==N then do; say commas(x); leave j; end /*display 1 num.*/
else iterate /*j*/ /*keep searching*/
end /* [↑] try to fit as many #s per line.*/
cx= commas(x); L= length(cx) /*insert commas──►X; obtain the length.*/
cx= right(cx, max(w, L) ); new= $ cx /*right justify CX; concat to new list*/
if length(new)>sw then do; say $; $= cx /*line is too long, display #'s so far.*/
end /* [↑] initialize the (new) next line.*/
else $= new /*start with cuban # that wouldn't fit.*/
end /*j*/
if \Nth & $\=='' then say $ /*check for residual cuban primes in $.*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
commas: parse arg _; do jc=length(_)-3 to 1 by -3; _=insert(',', _, jc); end; return _
This REXX program makes use of LINESIZE REXX program (or
BIF) which is used to determine the screen width
(or linesize) of the terminal (console). Some REXXes don't have this BIF.
The LINESIZE.REX REXX program is included here ───► LINESIZE.REX.
- output when using the default input of: 200
(Shown at three-quarter size.)
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357
- output when using the input of: -100000
1,792,617,147,127 >> 1000 seconds
Version 2
Libraries: How to use
Libraries: Source code
As in other REXX entries, Version 1 is by far too complicated and difficult to follow, having too much focus on parameters and output layout. Therefore I present here a simple version, using the first definition of cuban primes (= difference between 2 consecutive cubes) and a Miller-Rabin primality test (Prime() in library Numbers). Beforehand I assumed the 100,000th cuban prime was not reachable with REXX (required primality tests for up to 13 digits), but I was surprised! Version 2 almost matches languages like C#, C++ and Pascal and beats Python and Wren. Those entries however don't use the full power of their (bignum) libraries and have mostly a simple trial division primality test implemented.
include Settings
say version; say 'Cuban primes'; say
numeric digits 20
call ShowCubans 1,200,8
call ShowCubans 100000,,13
say Format(Time('e'),,3) 'seconds'
procedure expose glob.
arg x,y,z
if y = ''
then y = x
if x = y then
say 'Cuban prime no' x
say 'Cuban primes nos' x 'thru' y
i = 2; a = 1; b = 8; n = 0
do while n < y
v = b-a
if Prime(v) then do
n = n+1
if n >= x then do
call Charout ,Right(v,z)
if n//10 = 0 then
a = b; i = i+1; b = i*i*i
include Numbers
include Functions
include Abend
- Output:
REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 23 Dec 2022 Cuban primes Cuban primes nos 1 thru 200 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 Cuban prime no 100000 1792617147127 82.547 seconds
load "stdlib.ring"
sum = 0
limit = 1000
see "First 200 cuban primes:" + nl
for n = 1 to limit
pr = pow(n+1,3) - pow(n,3)
if isprime(pr)
sum = sum + 1
if sum < 201
see "" + pr + " "
see "done..." + nl
First 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357
« { } 0
1 + DUPDUP SQ + 3 * 1 +
- Output:
1: { 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 }
Task needs 61 seconds to run on a regular HP-50g. Looking for the 100,000th cuban prime would take a very long time for an interpreted language.
require "openssl"
RE = /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/ # Activesupport uses this for commatizing
cuban_primes = do |y|
(1..).each do |n|
cand = 3*n*(n+1) + 1
y << cand if
def commatize(num)
num.to_s.gsub(RE, "\\1,")
cbs = cuban_primes.take(200)
formatted ={|cb| commatize(cb).rjust(10) }
puts formatted.each_slice(10).map(&:join)
t0 =
puts "
100_000th cuban prime is #{commatize( cuban_primes.take(100_000).last)}
which took #{(} seconds to calculate."
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 100_000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 which took 31 seconds to calculate.
Uses the libraries primal and separator
use std::time::Instant;
use separator::Separatable;
const NUMBER_OF_CUBAN_PRIMES: usize = 200;
const COLUMNS: usize = 10;
const LAST_CUBAN_PRIME: usize = 100_000;
fn main() {
println!("Calculating the first {} cuban primes and the {}th cuban prime...", NUMBER_OF_CUBAN_PRIMES, LAST_CUBAN_PRIME);
let start = Instant::now();
let mut i: u64 = 0;
let mut j: u64 = 1;
let mut index: usize = 0;
let mut cuban_primes = Vec::new();
let mut cuban: u64 = 0;
while index < 100_000 {
cuban = {j += 1; j}.pow(3) - {i += 1; i}.pow(3);
if primal::is_prime(cuban) {
index += 1;
let elapsed = start.elapsed();
.map(|chunk| {
.map(|item| {
print!("{}\t", item)
println!("The {}th cuban prime number is {}", LAST_CUBAN_PRIME, cuban.separated_string());
println!("Elapsed time: {:?}", elapsed);
- Output:
Calculating the first 200 cuban primes and the 100000th cuban prime... THE 200 FIRST CUBAN PRIMES: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1657 1801 1951 2269 2437 2791 3169 3571 4219 4447 5167 5419 6211 7057 7351 8269 9241 10267 11719 12097 13267 13669 16651 19441 19927 22447 23497 24571 25117 26227 27361 33391 35317 42841 45757 47251 49537 50311 55897 59221 60919 65269 70687 73477 74419 75367 81181 82171 87211 88237 89269 92401 96661 102121 103231 104347 110017 112327 114661 115837 126691 129169 131671 135469 140617 144541 145861 151201 155269 163567 169219 170647 176419 180811 189757 200467 202021 213067 231019 234361 241117 246247 251431 260191 263737 267307 276337 279991 283669 285517 292969 296731 298621 310087 329677 333667 337681 347821 351919 360187 368551 372769 374887 377011 383419 387721 398581 407377 423001 436627 452797 459817 476407 478801 493291 522919 527941 553411 574219 584767 590077 592741 595411 603457 608851 611557 619711 627919 650071 658477 666937 689761 692641 698419 707131 733591 742519 760537 769627 772669 784897 791047 812761 825301 837937 847477 863497 879667 886177 895987 909151 915769 925741 929077 932419 939121 952597 972991 976411 986707 990151 997057 1021417 1024921 1035469 1074607 1085407 1110817 1114471 1125469 1155061 1177507 1181269 1215397 1253887 1281187 1285111 1324681 1328671 1372957 1409731 1422097 1426231 1442827 1451161 1480519 1484737 1527247 1570357 The 100000th cuban prime number is 1,792,617,147,127 Elapsed time: 11.005581564s
In this example, we start by building an infinite lazy list of cubans and filter out non-primes. This gives us a lazily evaluated list of all cuban primes, and finding the first 200 simply involves taking 200 elements off the list.
To find the 100,000th cuban prime, performance becomes an issue. To remedy this, we write a function that breaks off a chunk from the front of the list of cubans and filters it using a parallel vector, repeating this process until it's found enough cuban primes. This allows us to benefit from the memory efficiency of lazy lists and the number-crunching speed of parallel vectors at the same time.
Spire's SafeLong is used instead of Java's BigInt for performance.
import spire.math.SafeLong
import spire.implicits._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
object CubanPrimes {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(formatTable(cubanPrimes.take(200).toVector, 10))
println(f"The 100,000th cuban prime is: ${getNthCubanPrime(100000).toBigInt}%,d")
def cubanPrimes: LazyList[SafeLong] = cubans.filter(isPrime)
def cubans: LazyList[SafeLong] = LazyList.iterate(SafeLong(0))(_ + 1).map(n => (n + 1).pow(3) - n.pow(3))
def isPrime(num: SafeLong): Boolean = (num > 1) && !(SafeLong(2) #:: LazyList.iterate(SafeLong(3)){n => n + 2}).takeWhile(n => n*n <= num).exists(num%_ == 0)
def getNthCubanPrime(num: Int): SafeLong = {
def nHelper(rem: Int, src: LazyList[SafeLong]): SafeLong = {
val cprimes = src.take(100000).to(ParVector).filter(isPrime)
if(cprimes.size < rem) nHelper(rem - cprimes.size, src.drop(100000))
else cprimes.toVector.sortWith(_<_)(rem - 1)
nHelper(num, cubans)
def formatTable(lst: Vector[SafeLong], rlen: Int): String = {
def fHelper(ac: Vector[String], src: Vector[String]): String = {
if(src.nonEmpty) fHelper(ac :+ src.take(rlen).mkString, src.drop(rlen))
else ac.mkString("\n")
val maxLen = => f"${n.toBigInt}%,d".length).max
val formatted = => s"%,${maxLen + 2}d".format(n.toInt))
fHelper(Vector[String](), formatted)
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
func cuban_primes(n) {
1..Inf -> {|k| 3*k*(k+1) + 1 }\
.grep{ .is_prime }\
cuban_primes(200).slices(10).each {
say .map { "%9s" % .commify }.join(' ')
say ("\n100,000th cuban prime is: ", cuban_primes(1e5).last.commify)
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 100,000th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
#lang transd
MainModule: {
primes: Vector<ULong>([3, 5]),
lim: 200,
bigUn: 100000,
chunks: 50,
little: 0,
c: 0,
showEach: true,
u: ULong(0),
v: ULong(1),
_start: (λ found Bool() fnd Bool() mx Int() z ULong()
(= little (/ bigUn chunks))
(for i in Range(1 (pow 2 20)) do
(= found false)
(+= u 6) (+= v u) (= mx (to-Int (sqrt v) 1))
(for item in primes do
(if (> item mx) break)
(if (not (mod v item)) (= found true)
(if (not found)
(+= c 1)
(if showEach
(= z (get primes -1))
(while (< z (- v 2))
(+= z 2) (= fnd false)
(for item in primes do
(if (> item mx) break)
(if (not (mod z item)) (= fnd true)
(if (not fnd) (append primes z)))
(append primes v)
(textout :width 11 :group v)
(if (not (mod c 10)) (textout :nl))
(if (== c lim) (= showEach false)
(textout "Progress to the " :group bigUn
"'th cuban prime:" ))
(if (not (mod c little)) (textout "."))
(if (== c bigUn) break)
(lout "The " :group c "'th cuban prime is " v )
- Output:
7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 Progress to the 100,000'th cuban prime:.................................................. The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var start = System.clock
var primes = [3, 5]
var cutOff = 200
var bigOne = 100000
var cubans = []
var bigCuban = ""
var c = 0
var showEach = true
var u = 0
var v = 1
for (i in 1...(1<<20)) {
var found = false
u = u + 6
v = v + u
var mx = v.sqrt.floor
for (item in primes) {
if (item > mx) break
if (v%item == 0) {
found = true
if (!found) {
c = c + 1
if (showEach) {
var z = primes[-1]
while (z <= v -2) {
z = z + 2
var fnd = false
for (item in primes) {
if (item > mx) break
if (z%item == 0) {
fnd = true
if (!fnd) {
if (c == cutOff) showEach = false
if (c == bigOne) {
bigCuban = Fmt.commatize(v)
System.print("The first 200 cuban primes are:-")
for (i in 0...20) {
var j = i * 10
for (k in j...j+10) System.write(Fmt.s(10, cubans[k])) // 10 per line say
System.print("\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is %(bigCuban)")
System.print("\nTook %(System.clock - start) secs")
- Output:
The first 200 cuban primes are:- 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is 1,792,617,147,127 Took 623.849545 secs
Using GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, probabilistic primes), because it is easy and fast to test for primeness.
Extensible prime generator#zkl could be used instead.
var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP
cubans:=(1).walker(*).tweak('wrap(n){ // lazy iterator
p:=3*n*(n + 1) + 1;
BI(p).probablyPrime() and p or Void.Skip
println("First 200 cuban primes:");
do(20){ (10).pump(String,, "%10,d".fmt).println() }
cubans.drop(100_000 - cubans.n).value :
println("\nThe 100,000th cuban prime is: %,d".fmt(_));
- Output:
First 200 cuban primes: 7 19 37 61 127 271 331 397 547 631 919 1,657 1,801 1,951 2,269 2,437 2,791 3,169 3,571 4,219 4,447 5,167 5,419 6,211 7,057 7,351 8,269 9,241 10,267 11,719 12,097 13,267 13,669 16,651 19,441 19,927 22,447 23,497 24,571 25,117 26,227 27,361 33,391 35,317 42,841 45,757 47,251 49,537 50,311 55,897 59,221 60,919 65,269 70,687 73,477 74,419 75,367 81,181 82,171 87,211 88,237 89,269 92,401 96,661 102,121 103,231 104,347 110,017 112,327 114,661 115,837 126,691 129,169 131,671 135,469 140,617 144,541 145,861 151,201 155,269 163,567 169,219 170,647 176,419 180,811 189,757 200,467 202,021 213,067 231,019 234,361 241,117 246,247 251,431 260,191 263,737 267,307 276,337 279,991 283,669 285,517 292,969 296,731 298,621 310,087 329,677 333,667 337,681 347,821 351,919 360,187 368,551 372,769 374,887 377,011 383,419 387,721 398,581 407,377 423,001 436,627 452,797 459,817 476,407 478,801 493,291 522,919 527,941 553,411 574,219 584,767 590,077 592,741 595,411 603,457 608,851 611,557 619,711 627,919 650,071 658,477 666,937 689,761 692,641 698,419 707,131 733,591 742,519 760,537 769,627 772,669 784,897 791,047 812,761 825,301 837,937 847,477 863,497 879,667 886,177 895,987 909,151 915,769 925,741 929,077 932,419 939,121 952,597 972,991 976,411 986,707 990,151 997,057 1,021,417 1,024,921 1,035,469 1,074,607 1,085,407 1,110,817 1,114,471 1,125,469 1,155,061 1,177,507 1,181,269 1,215,397 1,253,887 1,281,187 1,285,111 1,324,681 1,328,671 1,372,957 1,409,731 1,422,097 1,426,231 1,442,827 1,451,161 1,480,519 1,484,737 1,527,247 1,570,357 The 100,000th cuban prime is: 1,792,617,147,127
Now lets get big.
k,z := BI(2).pow(128), 10;
println("First %d cuban primes where k = %,d:".fmt(z,k));
foreach n in ([BI(1)..]){
p:=( (k + n).pow(3) - n.pow(3) )/k;
if(p.probablyPrime()){ println("%,d".fmt(p)); z-=1; }
if(z<=0) break;
- Output:
First 10 cuban primes where k = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456: 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,160,544,961,995,247,996,546,884,854,518,799,824,856,507 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,174,836,821,405,927,412,012,346,588,030,934,089,763,531 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,219,754,093,839,491,289,189,512,036,211,927,493,764,691 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,383,089,629,961,541,751,651,931,847,779,176,235,685,011 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,491,299,422,642,400,183,033,284,972,942,478,527,291,811 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,771,011,528,251,411,600,000,178,900,251,391,998,361,371 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,875,137,932,529,218,769,819,971,530,125,513,071,648,307 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,908,956,805,700,590,244,001,051,181,435,909,137,442,897,427 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,909,028,264,997,643,641,078,378,490,103,469,808,767,771,907 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,909,158,933,426,541,281,448,348,425,952,723,607,761,904,131
- Programming Tasks
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