Chowla numbers: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Julia}}: flagged as incorrect (concerning perfect numbers).)
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(147 intermediate revisions by 44 users not shown)
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{{draft task|Prime numbersNumbers}}
Chowla numbers are also known as:
::*   Chowla's function
::*   chowla numbers
::*   the chowla function
::*   the chowla number
Line 21 ⟶ 22:
German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777─1855) said,:   "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences ─
"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences ─ and number theory is the queen of mathematics".
Line 28 ⟶ 29:
Chowla numbers can also be expressed as:
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sum of divisors of <big>'''n'''</big> excluding unity and <big>'''n'''</big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sum( divisors(<big>'''n'''</big>)) <big>'''- 1 - n''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sum( properDivisors(<big>'''n'''</big>)) <big>'''- 1''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sum(aliquotDivisors(<big>'''n'''</big>)) <big>'''- 1''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = aliquot(<big>'''n'''</big>) <big>'''- 1''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sigma(<big>'''n'''</big>) <big>'''- 1 - n''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = sigmaProperDivisiors(<big>'''n'''</big>) <big>'''- 1''' </big>
chowla(<big>'''a'''*'''b'''</big>) = <big>'''a''' + '''b'''</big>, &nbsp; ''if'' <big>'''a'''</big> and <big>'''b'''</big> are distinct primes
if chowla(<big>'''na'''*'''b'''</big>) = <big>'''0a + b'''</big>, and&nbsp; ''if'' <big>'''n > 1a'''</big>, then and <big>'''nb'''</big> are isdistinct primeprimes
if chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = <big>'''0'''</big>,&nbsp; and <big>'''n > 1'''</big>, then <big>'''n'''</big> is prime
if chowla(<big>'''n'''</big>) = <big>'''n - 1'''</big>, and <big>'''n > 1'''</big>, then <big>'''n'''</big> is a perfect number
Line 63 ⟶ 66:
:* &nbsp; [[Totient_function| totient function]]
:* &nbsp; [[Perfect_numbers| perfect numbers]]
:* &nbsp; [[Proper divisors]]
:* &nbsp; [[Sieve of Eratosthenes]]
Line 69 ⟶ 74:
:* &nbsp; the OEIS entry for &nbsp; [ A48050 Chowla's function].
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F chowla(n)
V sum = 0
V i = 2
L i * i <= n
I n % i == 0
sum += i
V j = n I/ i
I i != j
sum += j
R sum
L(n) 1..37
{{incorrect|Julia| <br><br> The high-water mark for perfect numbers is 35 million, <br> not 35 thousand. <br><br>}}
print(‘chowla(’n‘) = ’chowla(n))
<lang julia>using Primes, Formatting
V count = 0
V power = 100
L(n) 2..10'000'000
I chowla(n) == 0
I n % power == 0
print(‘There are ’count‘ primes < ’power)
power *= 10
count = 0
V limit = 350'000'000
V k = 2
V kk = 3
V p = k * kk
I p > limit
I chowla(p) == p - 1
print(p‘ is a perfect number’)
k = kk + 1
kk += k
print(‘There are ’count‘ perfect numbers < ’limit)</syntaxhighlight>
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Chowla_Numbers is
function Chowla (N : Positive) return Natural is
Sum : Natural := 0;
I : Positive := 2;
J : Positive;
while I * I <= N loop
if N mod I = 0 then
J := N / I;
Sum := Sum + I + (if I = J then 0 else J);
end if;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
return Sum;
end Chowla;
procedure Put_37_First is
use Ada.Text_IO;
for A in Positive range 1 .. 37 loop
Put_Line ("chowla(" & A'Image & ") = " & Chowla (A)'Image);
end loop;
end Put_37_First;
procedure Put_Prime is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Count : Natural := 0;
Power : Positive := 100;
for N in Positive range 2 .. 10_000_000 loop
if Chowla (N) = 0 then
Count := Count + 1;
end if;
if N mod Power = 0 then
Put_Line ("There is " & Count'Image & " primes < " & Power'Image);
Power := Power * 10;
end if;
end loop;
end Put_Prime;
procedure Put_Perfect is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Count : Natural := 0;
Limit : constant := 350_000_000;
K : Natural := 2;
Kk : Natural := 3;
P : Natural;
P := K * Kk;
exit when P > Limit;
if Chowla (P) = P - 1 then
Put_Line (P'Image & " is a perfect number");
Count := Count + 1;
end if;
K := Kk + 1;
Kk := Kk + K;
end loop;
Put_Line ("There are " & Count'Image & " perfect numbers < " & Limit'Image);
end Put_Perfect;
end Chowla_Numbers;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla( 10) = 7
chowla( 11) = 0
chowla( 12) = 15
chowla( 13) = 0
chowla( 14) = 9
chowla( 15) = 8
chowla( 16) = 14
chowla( 17) = 0
chowla( 18) = 20
chowla( 19) = 0
chowla( 20) = 21
chowla( 21) = 10
chowla( 22) = 13
chowla( 23) = 0
chowla( 24) = 35
chowla( 25) = 5
chowla( 26) = 15
chowla( 27) = 12
chowla( 28) = 27
chowla( 29) = 0
chowla( 30) = 41
chowla( 31) = 0
chowla( 32) = 30
chowla( 33) = 14
chowla( 34) = 19
chowla( 35) = 12
chowla( 36) = 54
chowla( 37) = 0
There is 25 primes < 100
There is 168 primes < 1000
There is 1229 primes < 10000
There is 9592 primes < 100000
There is 78498 primes < 1000000
There is 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000</pre>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # find some Chowla numbers ( Chowla n = sum of divisors of n exclusing n and 1 ) #
# returs the Chowla number of n #
PROC chowla = ( INT n )INT:
INT sum := 0;
FOR i FROM 2 WHILE i * i <= n DO
IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
INT j = n OVER i;
sum +:= i + IF i = j THEN 0 ELSE j FI
END # chowla # ;
FOR n TO 37 DO print( ( "chowla(", whole( n, 0 ), ") = ", whole( chowla( n ), 0 ), newline ) ) OD;
INT count := 0, power := 100;
FOR n FROM 2 TO 10 000 000 DO
IF chowla( n ) = 0 THEN count +:= 1 FI;
IF n MOD power = 0 THEN
print( ( "There are ", whole( count, 0 ), " primes < ", whole( power, 0 ), newline ) );
power *:= 10
count := 0;
INT limit = 350 000 000;
INT k := 2, kk := 3;
WHILE INT p = k * kk;
p <= limit
IF chowla( p ) = p - 1 THEN
print( ( whole( p, 0 ), " is a perfect number", newline ) );
count +:= 1
k := kk + 1; kk +:= k
print( ( "There are ", whole( count, 0 ), " perfect numbers < ", whole( limit, 0 ), newline ) )
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">chowla: function [n]-> sum remove remove factors n 1 n
countPrimesUpTo: function [limit][
count: 1
loop 3.. .step: 2 limit 'x [
if zero? chowla x -> count: count + 1
return count
loop 1..37 'i -> print [i "=>" chowla i]
print ""
loop [100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000] 'lim [
print ["primes up to" lim "=>" countPrimesUpTo lim]
print ""
print "perfect numbers up to 35000000:"
i: 2
while [i < 35000000][
if (chowla i) = i - 1 -> print i
i: i + 2
<pre>1 => 0
2 => 0
3 => 0
4 => 2
5 => 0
6 => 5
7 => 0
8 => 6
9 => 3
10 => 7
11 => 0
12 => 15
13 => 0
14 => 9
15 => 8
16 => 14
17 => 0
18 => 20
19 => 0
20 => 21
21 => 10
22 => 13
23 => 0
24 => 35
25 => 5
26 => 15
27 => 12
28 => 27
29 => 0
30 => 41
31 => 0
32 => 30
33 => 14
34 => 19
35 => 12
36 => 54
37 => 0
primes up to 100 => 25
primes up to 1000 => 168
primes up to 10000 => 1229
primes up to 100000 => 9592
primes up to 1000000 => 78498
primes up to 10000000 => 664579
perfect numbers up to 35000000:
<syntaxhighlight lang="awk">
# converted from Go
for (i=1; i<=37; i++) {
printf("chowla(%2d) = %s\n",i,chowla(i))
printf("\nCount of primes up to:\n")
count = 1
limit = 1e7
power = 100
for (i=3; i<limit; i+=2) {
if (!c[i]) {
if (i == power-1) {
printf("%10s = %s\n",commatize(power),commatize(count))
power *= 10
printf("\nPerfect numbers:")
count = 0
limit = 35000000
k = 2
kk = 3
while (1) {
if ((p = k * kk) > limit) {
if (chowla(p) == p-1) {
printf(" %s",commatize(p))
k = kk + 1
kk += k
printf("\nThere are %d perfect numbers <= %s\n",count,commatize(limit))
function chowla(n, i,j,sum) {
if (n < 1 || n != int(n)) {
return sprintf("%s is invalid",n)
for (i=2; i*i<=n; i++) {
if (n%i == 0) {
j = n / i
sum += (i == j) ? i : i + j
function commatize(x, num) {
if (x < 0) {
return "-" commatize(-x)
x = int(x)
num = sprintf("%d.",x)
while (num ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/) {
function sieve(limit, i,j) {
for (i=1; i<=limit; i++) {
c[i] = 0
for (i=3; i*3<limit; i+=2) {
if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
for (j=3*i; j<limit; j+=2*i) {
c[j] = 1
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to:
100 = 25
1,000 = 168
10,000 = 1,229
100,000 = 9,592
1,000,000 = 78,498
10,000,000 = 664,579
Perfect numbers: 6 28 496 8,128 33,550,336
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
unsigned chowla(const unsigned n) {
unsigned sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i ++) if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
return sum;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
unsigned a;
for (unsigned n = 1; n < 38; n ++) printf("chowla(%u) = %u\n", n, chowla(n));
unsigned n, count = 0, power = 100;
for (n = 2; n < 10000001; n ++) {
if (chowla(n) == 0) count ++;
if (n % power == 0) printf("There is %u primes < %u\n", count, power), power *= 10;
count = 0;
unsigned limit = 350000000;
unsigned k = 2, kk = 3, p;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
printf("%d is a perfect number\n", p);
count ++;
k = kk + 1; kk += k;
printf("There are %u perfect numbers < %u\n", count, limit);
return 0;
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There is 25 primes < 100
There is 168 primes < 1000
There is 1229 primes < 10000
There is 9592 primes < 100000
There is 78498 primes < 1000000
There is 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000</pre>
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
namespace chowla_cs
class Program
static int chowla(int n)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
return sum;
static bool[] sieve(int limit)
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
bool[] c = new bool[limit];
for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2)
if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0))
for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i)
c[j] = true;
return c;
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++)
Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i));
int count = 1, limit = (int)(1e7), power = 100;
bool[] c = sieve(limit);
for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2)
if (!c[i]) count++;
if (i == power - 1)
Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count);
power *= 10;
count = 0; limit = 35000000;
int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
for (int i = 2; ; i++)
if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
if (chowla(p) == p - 1)
Console.WriteLine("{0,10:n0} is a number that is perfect", p);
k = kk + 1; kk += k;
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) Console.ReadKey();
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int chowla(int n)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
return sum;
vector<bool> sieve(int limit)
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
vector<bool> c(limit);
for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2)
if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0))
for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i)
c[j] = true;
return c;
int main()
for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++)
cout << "chowla(" << i << ") = " << chowla(i) << "\n";
int count = 1, limit = (int)(1e7), power = 100;
vector<bool> c = sieve(limit);
for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2)
if (!c[i]) count++;
if (i == power - 1)
cout << "Count of primes up to " << power << " = "<< count <<"\n";
power *= 10;
count = 0; limit = 35000000;
int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
for (int i = 2; ; i++)
if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
if (chowla(p) == p - 1)
cout << p << " is a number that is perfect\n";
k = kk + 1; kk += k;
cout << "There are " << count << " perfect numbers <= 35,000,000\n";
return 0;
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="clu">% Chowla's function
chowla = proc (n: int) returns (int)
sum: int := 0
i: int := 2
while i*i <= n do
if n//i = 0 then
sum := sum + i
j: int := n/i
if i ~= j then
sum := sum + j
i := i + 1
end chowla
% A number is prime iff chowla(n) is 0
prime = proc (n: int) returns (bool)
return(chowla(n) = 0)
end prime
% A number is perfect iff chowla(n) equals n-1
perfect = proc (n: int) returns (bool)
return(chowla(n) = n-1)
end perfect
start_up = proc ()
LIMIT = 35000000
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
% Show chowla(1) through chowla(37)
for i: int in int$from_to(1, 37) do
stream$putl(po, "chowla(" || int$unparse(i) || ") = "
|| int$unparse(chowla(i)))
% Count primes up to powers of 10
pow10: int := 2 % start with 100
primecount: int := 1 % assume 2 is prime, then test only odd numbers
candidate: int := 3
while pow10 <= 7 do
if candidate >= 10**pow10 then
stream$putl(po, "There are "
|| int$unparse(primecount)
|| " primes up to "
|| int$unparse(10**pow10))
pow10 := pow10 + 1
if prime(candidate) then primecount := primecount + 1 end
candidate := candidate + 2
% Find perfect numbers up to 35 million
perfcount: int := 0
k: int := 2
kk: int := 3
while true do
n: int := k * kk
if n >= LIMIT then break end
if perfect(n) then
perfcount := perfcount + 1
stream$putl(po, int$unparse(n) || " is a perfect number.")
k := kk + 1
kk := kk + k
stream$putl(po, "There are " || int$unparse(perfcount) ||
" perfect numbers < 35,000,000.")
end start_up</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes up to 100
There are 168 primes up to 1000
There are 1229 primes up to 10000
There are 9592 primes up to 100000
There are 78498 primes up to 1000000
There are 664579 primes up to 10000000
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8128 is a perfect number.
33550336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cowgol">include "cowgol.coh";
sub chowla(n: uint32): (sum: uint32) is
sum := 0;
var i: uint32 := 2;
while i*i <= n loop
if n % i == 0 then
sum := sum + i;
var j := n / i;
if i != j then
sum := sum + j;
end if;
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
end sub;
var n: uint32 := 1;
while n <= 37 loop
print(") = ");
n := n + 1;
end loop;
n := 2;
var power: uint32 := 100;
var count: uint32 := 0;
while n <= 10000000 loop
if chowla(n) == 0 then
count := count + 1;
end if;
if n % power == 0 then
print("There are ");
print(" primes < ");
power := power * 10;
end if;
n := n + 1;
end loop;
count := 0;
const LIMIT := 35000000;
var k: uint32 := 2;
var kk: uint32 := 3;
n := k * kk;
if n > LIMIT then break; end if;
if chowla(n) == n-1 then
print(" is a perfect number.\n");
count := count + 1;
end if;
k := kk + 1;
kk := kk + k;
end loop;
print("There are ");
print(" perfect numbers < ");
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8128 is a perfect number.
33550336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35000000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio;
int chowla(int n) {
int sum;
for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; ++i) {
if (n % i == 0) {
sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
return sum;
bool[] sieve(int limit) {
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
auto c = new bool[limit];
for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2) {
if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0)) {
for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i) {
c[j] = true;
return c;
void main() {
foreach (i; 1..38) {
writefln("chowla(%d) = %d", i, chowla(i));
int count = 1;
int limit = cast(int)1e7;
int power = 100;
bool[] c = sieve(limit);
for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2) {
if (!c[i]) {
if (i == power - 1) {
writefln("Count of primes up to %10d = %d", power, count);
power *= 10;
count = 0;
limit = 350_000_000;
int k = 2;
int kk = 3;
int p;
for (int i = 2; ; ++i) {
p = k * kk;
if (p > limit) {
if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
writefln("%10d is a number that is perfect", p);
k = kk + 1;
kk += k;
writefln("There are %d perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000</pre>
See [[#Pascal]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="dyalect">func chowla(n) {
var sum = 0
var i = 2
var j = 0
while i * i <= n {
if n % i == 0 {
j = n / i
var app = if i == j {
} else {
sum += i + app
i += 1
return sum
func sieve(limit) {
var c = Array.Empty(limit)
var i = 3
while i * 3 < limit {
if !c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0) {
var j = 3 * i
while j < limit {
c[j] = true
j += 2 * i
i += 2
return c
for i in 1..37 {
print("chowla(\(i)) = \(chowla(i))")
var count = 1
var limit = 10000000
var power = 100
var c = sieve(limit)
var i = 3
while i < limit {
if !c[i] {
count += 1
if i == power - 1 {
print("Count of primes up to \(power) = \(count)")
power *= 10
i += 2
count = 0
limit = 35000000
var k = 2
var kk = 3
var p
i = 2
while true {
p = k * kk
if p > limit {
if chowla(p) == p - 1 {
print("\(p) is a number that is perfect")
count += 1
k = kk + 1
kk += k
print("There are \(count) perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
fastfunc chowla n .
sum = 0
i = 2
while i * i <= n
if n mod i = 0
j = n div i
if i = j
sum += i
sum += i + j
i += 1
return sum
proc sieve . c[] .
i = 3
while i * 3 <= len c[]
if c[i] = 0
if chowla i = 0
j = 3 * i
while j <= len c[]
c[j] = 1
j += 2 * i
i += 2
proc commatize n . s$ .
s$[] = strchars n
s$ = ""
l = len s$[]
for i = 1 to len s$[]
if i > 1 and l mod 3 = 0
s$ &= ","
l -= 1
s$ &= s$[i]
print "chowla number from 1 to 37"
for i = 1 to 37
print " " & i & ": " & chowla i
proc main . .
print ""
len c[] 10000000
count = 1
sieve c[]
power = 100
i = 3
while i <= len c[]
if c[i] = 0
count += 1
if i = power - 1
commatize power p$
commatize count c$
print "There are " & c$ & " primes up to " & p$
power *= 10
i += 2
print ""
limit = 35000000
count = 0
i = 2
k = 2
kk = 3
p = k * kk
until p > limit
if chowla p = p - 1
commatize p s$
print s$ & " is a perfect number"
count += 1
k = kk + 1
kk += k
i += 1
commatize limit s$
print "There are " & count & " perfect mumbers up to " & s$
chowla number from 1 to 37
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0
There are 25 primes up to 100
There are 168 primes up to 1,000
There are 1,229 primes up to 10,000
There are 9,592 primes up to 100,000
There are 78,498 primes up to 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes up to 10,000,000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect mumbers up to 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="emal">
fun chowla = int by int n
int sum = 0
int j = 0
for int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++ do
if n % i == 0 do sum += i + when(i == (j = n / i), 0, j) end
return sum
fun sieve = List by int limit
List c = logic[].with(limit)
for int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2
if c[i] or chowla(i) != 0 do continue end
for int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i do c[j] = true end
return c
# find and display (1 per line) for the 1st 37 integers
for int i = 1; i <= 37; i++ do writeLine("chowla(" + i + ") = " + chowla(i)) end
int count = 1
int limit = 10000000
int power = 100
List c = sieve(limit)
for int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2
if not c[i] do count++ end
if i == power - 1
writeLine("Count of primes up to " + power + " = " + count)
power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 35000000
int k = 2
int kk = 3
int p
for int i = 2; ; i++
if (p = k * kk) > limit do break end
if chowla(p) == p - 1
writeLine(p + " is a number that is perfect")
k = kk + 1
kk += k
writeLine("There are " + count + " perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
It takes about fifteen minutes to complete on my i7-8650U with 8.00GB of RAM.
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: formatting fry grouping.extras io kernel math
math.primes.factors math.ranges math.statistics sequences
tools.memory.private ;
IN: rosetta-code.chowla-numbers
: chowla ( n -- m )
dup 1 = [ 1 - ] [ [ divisors sum ] [ - 1 - ] bi ] if ;
: show-chowla ( n -- )
[1,b] [ dup chowla "chowla(%02d) = %d\n" printf ] each ;
: count-primes ( seq -- )
dup 0 prefix [ [ 1 + ] dip 2 <range> ] 2clump-map
[ [ chowla zero? ] count ] map cum-sum
[ [ commas ] bi@ "Primes up to %s: %s\n" printf ] 2each ;
: show-perfect ( n -- )
[ 2 3 ] dip '[ 2dup * dup _ > ] [
dup [ chowla ] [ 1 - = ] bi
[ commas "%s is perfect\n" printf ] [ drop ] if
[ nip 1 + ] [ nip dupd + ] 2bi
] until 3drop ;
: chowla-demo ( -- )
37 show-chowla nl { 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 }
count-primes nl 35e7 show-perfect ;
MAIN: chowla-demo</syntaxhighlight>
chowla(01) = 0
chowla(02) = 0
chowla(03) = 0
chowla(04) = 2
chowla(05) = 0
chowla(06) = 5
chowla(07) = 0
chowla(08) = 6
chowla(09) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Primes up to 100: 25
Primes up to 1,000: 168
Primes up to 10,000: 1,229
Primes up to 100,000: 9,592
Primes up to 1,000,000: 78,498
Primes up to 10,000,000: 664,579
6 is perfect
28 is perfect
496 is perfect
8,128 is perfect
33,550,336 is perfect
{{works with|VAX Fortran|V4.6-244}}
{{libheader|VAX/VMS V4.6}}This compiler implements the Fortran-77 standard. The VAX/VMS operating system runs on simulated hardware using the open source [ opensimh] platform.
Run time on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 (Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 buster) was 7h 21m
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran" line="1">
C The Chowla number of N is the sum of the divisors of N
C excluding unity and N where N is a positive integer
IF (N .LE. 0) STOP 'Argument to Chowla function must be > 0'
SUM = 0
I = 2
IF (I * I .GT. N) GOTO 200
IF (MOD(N, I) .NE. 0) GOTO 110
J = N / I
IF ( I .NE. J) SUM = SUM + J
I = I + 1
GOTO 100
DO 100 I = 1, 37
900 FORMAT(1H , 'CHOWLA(', I2, ') = ', I2)
POWER = 100
DO 200 N = 2, LIMIT
IF (MOD(N, POWER) .NE. 0) GOTO 100
900 FORMAT(1H ,'There are ', I12, ' primes < ', I12)
K = 2
KK = 3
P = K * KK
IF (CHOWLA1(P) .NE. P - 1) GOTO 200
PRINT 900, P
K = KK + 1
KK = KK + K
GOTO 100
900 FORMAT(1H , I10, ' is a perfect number')
910 FORMAT(1H , 'There are ', I10, ' perfect numbers < ', I10)
CHOWLA( 1) = 0
CHOWLA( 2) = 0
CHOWLA( 3) = 0
CHOWLA( 4) = 2
CHOWLA( 5) = 0
CHOWLA( 6) = 5
CHOWLA( 7) = 0
CHOWLA( 8) = 6
CHOWLA( 9) = 3
CHOWLA(10) = 7
CHOWLA(11) = 0
CHOWLA(12) = 15
CHOWLA(13) = 0
CHOWLA(14) = 9
CHOWLA(15) = 8
CHOWLA(16) = 14
CHOWLA(17) = 0
CHOWLA(18) = 20
CHOWLA(19) = 0
CHOWLA(20) = 21
CHOWLA(21) = 10
CHOWLA(22) = 13
CHOWLA(23) = 0
CHOWLA(24) = 35
CHOWLA(25) = 5
CHOWLA(26) = 15
CHOWLA(27) = 12
CHOWLA(28) = 27
CHOWLA(29) = 0
CHOWLA(30) = 41
CHOWLA(31) = 0
CHOWLA(32) = 30
CHOWLA(33) = 14
CHOWLA(34) = 19
CHOWLA(35) = 12
CHOWLA(36) = 54
CHOWLA(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35000000
== {{header|FreeBASIC}} ==
{{trans|Visual Basic}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
' Chowla_numbers
#include ""
Dim Shared As Long limite
limite = 10000000
Dim Shared As Boolean c(limite)
Dim As Long count, topenumprimo, a
count = 1
topenumprimo = 100
Dim As Longint p, k, kk, limitenumperfect
limitenumperfect = 35000000
k = 2: kk = 3
Declare Function chowla(Byval n As Longint) As Longint
Declare Sub sieve(Byval limite As Long, c() As Boolean)
Function chowla(Byval n As Longint) As Longint
Dim As Long i, j, r
i = 2
Do While i * i <= n
j = n \ i
If n Mod i = 0 Then
r += i
If i <> j Then r += j
End If
i += 1
chowla = r
End Function
Sub sieve(Byval limite As Long, c() As Boolean)
Dim As Long i, j
Redim As Boolean c(limite - 1)
i = 3
Do While i * 3 < limite
If Not c(i) Then
If chowla(i) = false Then
j = 3 * i
Do While j < limite
c(j) = true
j += 2 * i
End If
End If
i += 2
End Sub
Print "Chowla numbers"
For a = 1 To 37
Print "chowla(" & Trim(Str(a)) & ") = " & Trim(Str(chowla(a)))
Next a
' Si chowla(n) = falso and n > 1 Entonces n es primo
Print: Print "Contando los numeros primos hasta: "
sieve(limite, c())
For a = 3 To limite - 1 Step 2
If Not c(a) Then count += 1
If a = topenumprimo - 1 Then
Print Using "########## hay"; topenumprimo;
Print count
topenumprimo *= 10
End If
Next a
' Si chowla(n) = n - 1 and n > 1 Entonces n es un número perfecto
Print: Print "Buscando numeros perfectos... "
count = 0
p = k * kk : If p > limitenumperfect Then Exit Do
If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
Print Using "##########,# es un numero perfecto"; p
count += 1
End If
k = kk + 1 : kk += k
Print: Print "Hay " & count & " numeros perfectos <= " & Format(limitenumperfect, "###############################,#")
Print: Print "Pulsa una tecla para salir"
Chowla numbers
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Contando los numeros primos hasta:
100 hay 25
1000 hay 168
10000 hay 1229
100000 hay 9592
1000000 hay 78498
10000000 hay 664579
Buscando numeros perfectos...
6 es un numero perfecto
28 es un numero perfecto
496 es un numero perfecto
8,128 es un numero perfecto
33,550,336 es un numero perfecto
Hay 5 numeros perfectos <= 35.000.000
Pulsa una tecla para salir
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
local fn Chowla( n as NSUInteger ) as NSUInteger
NSUInteger i, j, r = 0
i = 2
while ( i * i <= n )
j = n / i
if ( n mod i == 0 )
r += i
if ( i != j )
r += j
end if
end if
end fn = r
local fn DoIt
NSUInteger n, count = 0, power = 100, limit, k, kk, p = 0
for n = 1 to 37
printf @"chowla(%u) = %u", n, fn Chowla( n )
for n = 2 to 10000000
if ( fn Chowla(n) == 0 ) then count ++
if ( n mod power == 0 ) then printf @"There are %u primes < %-7u", count, power : power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 350000000
k = 2 : kk = 3
p = k * kk
if ( fn Chowla( p ) == p - 1 )
printf @"%9u is a perfect number", p
end if
k = kk + 1
kk = kk + k
until ( p > limit )
printf @"There are %u perfect numbers < %u", count, limit
end fn
fn DoIt
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1,000
There are 1,229 primes < 10,000
There are 9,592 primes < 100,000
There are 78,498 primes < 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes < 10,000,000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import "fmt"
func chowla(n int) int {
if n < 1 {
panic("argument must be a positive integer")
sum := 0
for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
if n%i == 0 {
j := n / i
if i == j {
sum += i
} else {
sum += i + j
return sum
func sieve(limit int) []bool {
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
c := make([]bool, limit)
for i := 3; i*3 < limit; i += 2 {
if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
for j := 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i {
c[j] = true
return c
func commatize(n int) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
le := len(s)
for i := le - 3; i >= 1; i -= 3 {
s = s[0:i] + "," + s[i:]
return s
func main() {
for i := 1; i <= 37; i++ {
fmt.Printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))
count := 1
limit := int(1e7)
c := sieve(limit)
power := 100
for i := 3; i < limit; i += 2 {
if !c[i] {
if i == power-1 {
fmt.Printf("Count of primes up to %-10s = %s\n", commatize(power), commatize(count))
power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 35000000
for i := uint(2); ; i++ {
p := 1 << (i - 1) * (1<<i - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
if p > limit {
if chowla(p) == p-1 {
fmt.Printf("%s is a perfect number\n", commatize(p))
fmt.Println("There are", count, "perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">class Chowla {
static int chowla(int n) {
if (n < 1) throw new RuntimeException("argument must be a positive integer")
int sum = 0
int i = 2
while (i * i <= n) {
if (n % i == 0) {
int j = (int) (n / i)
sum += (i == j) ? i : i + j
return sum
static boolean[] sieve(int limit) {
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
boolean[] c = new boolean[limit]
for (int i = 3; i < limit / 3; i += 2) {
if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i) {
c[j] = true
return c
static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++) {
printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))
int count = 1
int limit = 10_000_000
boolean[] c = sieve(limit)
int power = 100
for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2) {
if (!c[i]) {
if (i == power - 1) {
printf("Count of primes up to %,10d = %,7d\n", power, count)
power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 35_000_000
int i = 2
while (true) {
int p = (1 << (i - 1)) * ((1 << i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
if (p > limit) break
if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
printf("%,d is a perfect number\n", p)
printf("There are %,d perfect numbers <= %,d\n", count, limit)
<pre>chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000</pre>
Uses arithmoi Library:
compiled with "-O2 -threaded -rtsopts"<br/>
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Control.Concurrent (setNumCapabilities)
import Control.Monad.Par (runPar, get, spawnP)
import Control.Monad (join, (>=>))
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.List (intercalate, mapAccumL, genericTake, genericDrop)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes (factorise, unPrime)
import Text.Printf (printf)
chowla :: Word -> Word
chowla 1 = 0
chowla n = f n
f = (-) =<< pred . product . fmap sumFactor . factorise
sumFactor (n, e) = foldr (\p s -> s + unPrime n^p) 1 [1..e]
chowlas :: [Word] -> [(Word, Word)]
chowlas [] = []
chowlas xs = runPar $ join <$>
(mapM (spawnP . fmap ((,) <*> chowla)) >=> mapM get) (chunksOf (10^6) xs)
chowlaPrimes :: [(Word, Word)] -> (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word)
chowlaPrimes chowlas range = (count chowlas, snd range)
isPrime (1, n) = False
isPrime (_, n) = n == 0
count = fromIntegral . length . filter isPrime . between range
between (min, max) = genericTake (max - pred min) . genericDrop (pred min)
chowlaPerfects :: [(Word, Word)] -> [Word]
chowlaPerfects = fmap fst . filter isPerfect
isPerfect (1, _) = False
isPerfect (n, c) = c == pred n
commas :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
commas = reverse . intercalate "," . chunksOf 3 . reverse . show
main :: IO ()
main = do
cores <- getNumProcessors
setNumCapabilities cores
printf "Using %d cores\n" cores
mapM_ (uncurry (printf "chowla(%2d) = %d\n")) $ take 37 allChowlas
mapM_ (uncurry (printf "There are %8s primes < %10s\n"))
[ (1, 10^2)
, (succ $ 10^2, 10^3)
, (succ $ 10^3, 10^4)
, (succ $ 10^4, 10^5)
, (succ $ 10^5, 10^6)
, (succ $ 10^6, 10^7) ])
mapM_ (printf "%10s is a perfect number.\n" . commas) perfects
printf "There are %2d perfect numbers < 35,000,000\n" $ length perfects
chowlaP = fmap (bimap commas commas) . snd
. mapAccumL (\total (count, max) -> (total + count, (total + count, max))) 0
. fmap (chowlaPrimes $ take (10^7) allChowlas)
perfects = chowlaPerfects allChowlas
allChowlas = chowlas [1..35*10^6]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Using 4 cores
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1,000
There are 1,229 primes < 10,000
There are 9,592 primes < 100,000
There are 78,498 primes < 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes < 10,000,000
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8,128 is a perfect number.
33,550,336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="j">chowla=: >: -~ >:@#.~/.~&.q: NB. sum of factors - (n + 1)
intsbelow=: (2 }. i.)"0
countPrimesbelow=: +/@(0 = chowla)@intsbelow
findPerfectsbelow=: (#~ <: = chowla)@intsbelow</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> (] ,. chowla) >: i. 37 NB. chowla numbers 1-37
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 2
5 0
6 5
7 0
8 6
9 3
10 7
11 0
12 15
13 0
14 9
15 8
16 14
17 0
18 20
19 0
20 21
21 10
22 13
23 0
24 35
25 5
26 15
27 12
28 27
29 0
30 41
31 0
32 30
33 14
34 19
35 12
36 54
37 0
countPrimesbelow 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
25 168 1229 9592 78498 664579
findPerfectsbelow 35000000
6 28 496 8128 33550336</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
public class Chowla {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] chowlaNumbers = findChowlaNumbers(37);
for (int i = 0; i < chowlaNumbers.length; i++) {
System.out.printf("chowla(%d) = %d%n", (i+1), chowlaNumbers[i]);
int[][] primes = countPrimes(100, 10_000_000);
for (int i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
System.out.printf(Locale.US, "There is %,d primes up to %,d%n", primes[i][1], primes[i][0]);
int[] perfectNumbers = findPerfectNumbers(35_000_000);
for (int i = 0; i < perfectNumbers.length; i++) {
System.out.printf("%d is a perfect number%n", perfectNumbers[i]);
System.out.printf(Locale.US, "There are %d perfect numbers < %,d%n", perfectNumbers.length, 35_000_000);
public static int chowla(int n) {
if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is not positive");
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
return sum;
protected static int[][] countPrimes(int power, int limit) {
int count = 0;
int[][] num = new int[countMultiplicity(limit, power)][2];
for (int n = 2, i=0; n <= limit; n++) {
if (chowla(n) == 0) count++;
if (n % power == 0) {
num[i][0] = power;
num[i][1] = count;
power *= 10;
return num;
protected static int countMultiplicity(int limit, int start) {
int count = 0;
int cur = limit;
while(cur >= start) {
cur = cur/10;
return count;
protected static int[] findChowlaNumbers(int limit) {
int[] num = new int[limit];
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
num[i] = chowla(i+1);
return num;
protected static int[] findPerfectNumbers(int limit) {
int count = 0;
int[] num = new int[count];
int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
while ((p = k * kk) < limit) {
if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
num = increaseArr(num);
num[count++] = p;
k = kk + 1;
kk += k;
return num;
private static int[] increaseArr(int[] arr) {
int[] tmp = new int[arr.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tmp, 0, arr.length);
return tmp;
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There is 25 primes up to 100
There is 168 primes up to 1,000
There is 1,229 primes up to 10,000
There is 9,592 primes up to 100,000
There is 78,498 primes up to 1,000,000
There is 664,579 primes up to 10,000,000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000
{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The "brute-force" computation of the perfect number beyond 8,128 took many hours.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def add(stream): reduce stream as $x (0; . + $x);
# input should be an integer
def commatize:
def digits: tostring | explode | reverse;
if . == null then ""
elif . < 0 then "-" + ((- .) | commatize)
else [foreach digits[] as $d (-1; .+1;
# "," is 44
(select(. > 0 and . % 3 == 0)|44), $d)]
| reverse
| implode
def count(stream): reduce stream as $i (0; . + 1);
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;
# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
# unordered
def proper_divisors:
. as $n
| if $n > 1 then 1,
( range(2; 1 + (sqrt|floor)) as $i
| if ($n % $i) == 0 then $i,
(($n / $i) | if . == $i then empty else . end)
else empty
else empty
def chowla:
if . == 1 then 0
else add(proper_divisors) - 1
# Input: a positive integer
def is_chowla_prime:
. > 1 and chowla == 0;
# In the interests of green(er) computing ...
def chowla_primes($n):
2, range(3; $n; 2) | select(is_chowla_prime);
def report_chowla_primes:
reduce range(2; 10000000) as $i (null;
if $i | is_chowla_prime
then if $i < 10000000 then .[7] += 1 else . end
| if $i < 1000000 then .[6] += 1 else . end
| if $i < 100000 then .[5] += 1 else . end
| if $i < 10000 then .[4] += 1 else . end
| if $i < 1000 then .[3] += 1 else . end
| if $i < 100 then .[2] += 1 else . end
else . end)
| (range(2;8) as $i
| "10 ^ \($i) \(.[$i]|commatize|lpad(16))") ;
def is_chowla_perfect:
(. > 1) and (chowla == . - 1);
def task:
" n\("chowla"|lpad(16))",
(range(1;38) | "\(lpad(3)): \(chowla|lpad(10))"),
"\n n \("Primes < n"|lpad(10))",
# "\nPerfect numbers up to 35e6",
# (range(1; 35e6) | select(is_chowla_perfect) | commatize)
n chowla
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0
n Primes < n
10 ^ 2 25
10 ^ 3 168
10 ^ 4 1,229
10 ^ 5 9,592
10 ^ 6 78,498
10 ^ 7 664,579
Perfect numbers up to 35e6
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Primes, Formatting
function chowla(n)
Line 109 ⟶ 2,877:
println("The count of the primes up to $(format(i, commas=true)) is $(format(countchowlas(i), commas=true))")
println("The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is $(countchowlas(3500035000000, true, true)).")
The first 37 chowla numbers are:
Line 163 ⟶ 2,931:
The number 496 is perfect.
The number 8,128 is perfect.
The number 33,550,336 is perfect.
The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000 is 4.
The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is 5.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">// Version 1.3.21
fun chowla(n: Int): Int {
if (n < 1) throw RuntimeException("argument must be a positive integer")
var sum = 0
var i = 2
while (i * i <= n) {
if (n % i == 0) {
val j = n / i
sum += if (i == j) i else i + j
return sum
fun sieve(limit: Int): BooleanArray {
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
val c = BooleanArray(limit)
for (i in 3 until limit / 3 step 2) {
if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
for (j in 3 * i until limit step 2 * i) c[j] = true
return c
fun main() {
for (i in 1..37) {
System.out.printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))
var count = 1
var limit = 10_000_000
val c = sieve(limit)
var power = 100
for (i in 3 until limit step 2) {
if (!c[i]) count++
if (i == power - 1) {
System.out.printf("Count of primes up to %,-10d = %,d\n", power, count)
power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 35_000_000
var i = 2
while (true) {
val p = (1 shl (i - 1)) * ((1 shl i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
if (p > limit) break
if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
System.out.printf("%,d is a perfect number\n", p)
println("There are $count perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
Same as Go example.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">function chowla(n)
local sum = 0
local i = 2
local j = 0
while i * i <= n do
if n % i == 0 then
j = math.floor(n / i)
sum = sum + i
if i ~= j then
sum = sum + j
i = i + 1
return sum
function sieve(limit)
-- True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
-- Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
local c = {}
local i = 3
while i * 3 < limit do
if not c[i] and (chowla(i) == 0) then
local j = 3 * i
while j < limit do
c[j] = true
j = j + 2 * i
i = i + 2
return c
function main()
for i = 1, 37 do
print(string.format("chowla(%d) = %d", i, chowla(i)))
local count = 1
local limit = math.floor(1e7)
local power = 100
local c = sieve(limit)
local i = 3
while i < limit do
if not c[i] then
count = count + 1
if i == power - 1 then
print(string.format("Count of primes up to %10d = %d", power, count))
power = power * 10
i = i + 2
count = 0
limit = 350000000
local k = 2
local kk = 3
local p = 0
i = 2
while true do
p = k * kk
if p > limit then
if chowla(p) == p - 1 then
print(string.format("%10d is a number that is perfect", p))
count = count + 1
k = kk + 1
kk = kk + k
i = i + 1
print(string.format("There are %d perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count))
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="mad"> NORMAL MODE IS INTEGER
SUM = 0
J = N/I
THROUGH CH37, FOR CH=1, 1, CH.G.37
POWER = 100
THROUGH PRM, FOR CH=2, 1, CH.G.10000000
LIMIT = 35000000
K = 2
KK = 3
K = KK + 1
KK = KK + K
END OF PROGRAM</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>CHOWLA( 1) = 0
CHOWLA( 2) = 0
CHOWLA( 3) = 0
CHOWLA( 4) = 2
CHOWLA( 5) = 0
CHOWLA( 6) = 5
CHOWLA( 7) = 0
CHOWLA( 8) = 6
CHOWLA( 9) = 3
CHOWLA(10) = 7
CHOWLA(11) = 0
CHOWLA(12) = 15
CHOWLA(13) = 0
CHOWLA(14) = 9
CHOWLA(15) = 8
CHOWLA(16) = 14
CHOWLA(17) = 0
CHOWLA(18) = 20
CHOWLA(19) = 0
CHOWLA(20) = 21
CHOWLA(21) = 10
CHOWLA(22) = 13
CHOWLA(23) = 0
CHOWLA(24) = 35
CHOWLA(25) = 5
CHOWLA(26) = 15
CHOWLA(27) = 12
CHOWLA(28) = 27
CHOWLA(29) = 0
CHOWLA(30) = 41
CHOWLA(31) = 0
CHOWLA(32) = 30
CHOWLA(33) = 14
CHOWLA(34) = 19
CHOWLA(35) = 12
CHOWLA(36) = 54
CHOWLA(37) = 0
THERE ARE 664579 PRIMES BELOW 10000000
{{incorrect|Maple| <br><br> The output for Chowla(1) is incorrect. <br><br> }}
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">ChowlaFunction := n -> NumberTheory:-SumOfDivisors(n) - n - 1;
PrintChowla := proc(n::posint) local i;
printf("Integer : Chowla Number\n");
for i to n do
printf("%d : %d\n", i, ChowlaFunction(i));
end do;
end proc:
countPrimes := n -> nops([ListTools[SearchAll](0, map(ChowlaFunction, [seq(1 .. n)]))]);
findPerfect := proc(n::posint) local to_check, found, k;
to_check := map(ChowlaFunction, [seq(1 .. n)]);
found := [];
for k to n do
if to_check(k) = k - 1 then
found := [found, k];
end if;
end do;
end proc:
Integer : Chowla Number
1 : -1
2 : 0
3 : 0
4 : 2
5 : 0
6 : 5
7 : 0
8 : 6
9 : 3
10 : 7
11 : 0
12 : 15
13 : 0
14 : 9
15 : 8
16 : 14
17 : 0
18 : 20
19 : 0
20 : 21
21 : 10
22 : 13
23 : 0
24 : 35
25 : 5
26 : 15
27 : 12
28 : 27
29 : 0
30 : 41
31 : 0
32 : 30
33 : 14
34 : 19
35 : 12
36 : 54
37 : 0
[6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336]</pre>
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">ClearAll[Chowla]
Chowla[0 | 1] := 0
Chowla[n_] := DivisorSigma[1, n] - 1 - n
Table[{i, Chowla[i]}, {i, 37}] // Grid
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 100, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 1000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 10000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 100000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 1000000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 10000000, 2}]; i
Reap[Do[If[Chowla[n] == n - 1, Sow[n]], {n, 1, 35 10^6}]][[2, 1]]</syntaxhighlight>
{1, 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336}</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import strformat
import strutils
func chowla(n: uint64): uint64 =
var sum = 0u64
var i = 2u64
var j: uint64
while i * i <= n:
if n mod i == 0:
j = n div i
sum += i
if i != j:
sum += j
inc i
for n in 1u64..37:
echo &"chowla({n}) = {chowla(n)}"
var count = 0
var power = 100u64
for n in 2u64..10_000_000:
if chowla(n) == 0:
inc count
if n mod power == 0:
echo &"There are {insertSep($count, ','):>7} primes < {insertSep($power, ','):>10}"
power *= 10
count = 0
const limit = 350_000_000u64
var k = 2u64
var kk = 3u64
var p: uint64
while true:
p = k * kk
if p > limit:
if chowla(p) == p - 1:
echo &"{insertSep($p, ','):>10} is a perfect number"
inc count
k = kk + 1
kk += k
echo &"There are {count} perfect numbers < {insertSep($limit, ',')}"</syntaxhighlight>
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1,000
There are 1,229 primes < 10,000
There are 9,592 primes < 100,000
There are 78,498 primes < 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes < 10,000,000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="PARI/GP">
chowla(n) = {
if (n < 1, error("Chowla function argument must be positive"));
if (n < 4, return(0));
my(divs = divisors(n));
sum(i=1, #divs, divs[i]) - n - 1;
\\ Function to count Chowla numbers
countchowlas(n, asperfect = 1, verbose = 1) = {
my(count = 0, chow, i);
for (i = 2, n,
chow = chowla(i);
if ( (asperfect && (chow == i - 1)) || ((!asperfect) && (chow == 0)),
if (verbose, print("The number " i " is " if (asperfect, "perfect.", "prime.")));
\\ Main execution block
print("The first 37 chowla numbers are:");
for (i = 1, 37, printf("Chowla(%s) is %s\n", Str(i), Str(chowla(i)) ) );
while(m<=10000000, print("The count of the primes up to " m " is " countchowlas(m, 0, 0)); m=m*10);
print("The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is " countchowlas(35000000, 1, 1));
The first 37 chowla numbers are:
Chowla(1) is 0
Chowla(2) is 0
Chowla(3) is 0
Chowla(4) is 2
Chowla(5) is 0
Chowla(6) is 5
Chowla(7) is 0
Chowla(8) is 6
Chowla(9) is 3
Chowla(10) is 7
Chowla(11) is 0
Chowla(12) is 15
Chowla(13) is 0
Chowla(14) is 9
Chowla(15) is 8
Chowla(16) is 14
Chowla(17) is 0
Chowla(18) is 20
Chowla(19) is 0
Chowla(20) is 21
Chowla(21) is 10
Chowla(22) is 13
Chowla(23) is 0
Chowla(24) is 35
Chowla(25) is 5
Chowla(26) is 15
Chowla(27) is 12
Chowla(28) is 27
Chowla(29) is 0
Chowla(30) is 41
Chowla(31) is 0
Chowla(32) is 30
Chowla(33) is 14
Chowla(34) is 19
Chowla(35) is 12
Chowla(36) is 54
Chowla(37) is 0
The count of the primes up to 100 is 25
The count of the primes up to 1000 is 168
The count of the primes up to 10000 is 1229
The count of the primes up to 100000 is 9592
The count of the primes up to 1000000 is 78498
The count of the primes up to 10000000 is 664579
The number 6 is perfect.
The number 28 is perfect.
The number 496 is perfect.
The number 8128 is perfect.
The number 33550336 is perfect.
The count of perfect numbers up to 35000000 is 5.
{{works with|Free Pascal}}
{{works with|Delphi}}
{{trans|Go}} but not using a sieve, cause a sieve doesn't need precalculated small primes.<BR>
So runtime is as bad as trial division.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program Chowla_numbers;
{$MODE Delphi}
,StrUtils{for Numb2USA}
function Numb2USA(const S: string): string;
I, NA: Integer;
I := Length(S);
Result := S;
NA := 0;
while (I > 0) do
if ((Length(Result) - I + 1 - NA) mod 3 = 0) and (I <> 1) then
Insert(',', Result, I);
function Chowla(n: NativeUint): NativeUint;
Divisor, Quotient: NativeUint;
result := 0;
Divisor := 2;
while sqr(Divisor) < n do
Quotient := n div Divisor;
if Quotient * Divisor = n then
inc(result, Divisor + Quotient);
if sqr(Divisor) = n then
inc(result, Divisor);
procedure Count10Primes(Limit: NativeUInt);
n, i, cnt: integer;
writeln(' primes til | count');
i := 100;
n := 2;
cnt := 0;
// Ord (true) = 1 ,Ord (false) = 0
inc(cnt, ORD(chowla(n) = 0));
until n > i;
writeln(Numb2USA(IntToStr(i)): 12, '|', Numb2USA(IntToStr(cnt)): 10);
i := i * 10;
until i > Limit;
procedure CheckPerf;
k, kk, p, cnt, limit: NativeInt;
writeln(' number that is perfect');
cnt := 0;
limit := 35000000;
k := 2;
kk := 3;
p := k * kk;
if p > limit then
if chowla(p) = (p - 1) then
writeln(Numb2USA(IntToStr(p)): 12);
k := kk + 1;
inc(kk, k);
until false;
I: integer;
for I := 2 to 37 do
writeln('chowla(', I: 2, ') =', chowla(I): 3);
Count10Primes(10 * 1000 * 1000);
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
primes til | count
100| 25
1,000| 168
10,000| 1,229
100,000| 9,592
1,000,000| 78,498
10,000,000| 664,579
number that is perfect
real 1m54,534s
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use ntheory 'divisor_sum';
sub comma { reverse ((reverse shift) =~ s/(.{3})/$1,/gr) =~ s/^,//r }
sub chowla {
my($n) = @_;
$n < 2 ? 0 : divisor_sum($n) - ($n + 1);
sub prime_cnt {
my($n) = @_;
my $cnt = 1;
for (3..$n) {
$cnt++ if $_%2 and chowla($_) == 0
sub perfect {
my($n) = @_;
my @p;
for my $i (1..$n) {
push @p, $i if $i > 1 and chowla($i) == $i-1;
# map { push @p, $_ if $_ > 1 and chowla($_) == $_-1 } 1..$n; # speed penalty
printf "chowla(%2d) = %2d\n", $_, chowla($_) for 1..37;
print "\nCount of primes up to:\n";
printf "%10s %s\n", comma(10**$_), comma(prime_cnt(10**$_)) for 2..7;
my @perfect = perfect(my $limit = 35_000_000);
printf "\nThere are %d perfect numbers up to %s: %s\n",
1+$#perfect, comma($limit), join(' ', map { comma($_) } @perfect);</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to:
100 25
1,000 168
10,000 1,229
100,000 9,592
1,000,000 78,498
10,000,000 664,579
There are 5 perfect numbers up to 35,000,000: 6 28 496 8,128 33,550,336</pre>
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">chowla</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">sum</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">factors</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">sieve</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">limit</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
-- Only interested in odd numbers &gt;= 3</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">c</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">repeat</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004600;">false</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">limit</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">floor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">limit</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">/</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- if not c[i] and chowla(i)==0 then</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #008080;">not</span> <span style="color: #000000;">c</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (see note below)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">*</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">limit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">*</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">c</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #004600;">true</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #000000;">c</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">limit</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1e7</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">pow10</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">100</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t0</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">37</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">&=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">chowla</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"chowla[1..37]: %V\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">sieve</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">limit</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">limit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #008080;">not</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">==</span><span style="color: #000000;">pow10</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"Count of primes up to %,d = %,d\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">pow10</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">count</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">pow10</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">*=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">10</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">0</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">limit</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">machine_bits</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()=</span><span style="color: #000000;">32</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">?</span><span style="color: #000000;">1.4e11</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:</span><span style="color: #000000;">2.4e18</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">--limit = power(2,iff(machine_bits()=32?53:64)) -- (see note below)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">while</span> <span style="color: #004600;">true</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">power</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)*(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">power</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- perfect numbers must be of this form</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">limit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #008080;">exit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">chowla</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)==</span><span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%,d is a perfect number\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">i</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">while</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"There are %d perfect numbers &lt;= %,d\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">count</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">limit</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF;">?</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">elapsed</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()-</span><span style="color: #000000;">t0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
The use of chowla() in sieve() does not actually achieve anything other than slow it down, so I took it out.
chowla[1..37]: {0,0,0,2,0,5,0,6,3,7,0,15,0,9,8,14,0,20,0,21,10,13,0,35,5,15,12,27,0,41,0,30,14,19,12,54,0}
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
8,589,869,056 is a perfect number
137,438,691,328 is a perfect number
2,305,843,008,139,952,128 is a perfect number
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
Note that 32-bit only finds the first 7 perfect numbers, but does so in 0.4s, whereas 64-bit
takes just under 45s to find the 8th one. Using the theoretical (power 2) limits, those times
become 4s and 90s respectively, without finding anything else. Obviously 1.4e11 and 2.4e18
were picked to minimise the run times.
{{works with|Picat}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">
chowla(1) = 0.
chowla(2) = 0.
chowla(3) = 0.
chowla(N) = C, N>3 =>
Max = floor(sqrt(N)),
Sum = 0,
foreach (X in 2..Max, N mod X == 0)
Y := N div X,
Sum := Sum + X + Y
if (N == Max * Max) then
Sum := Sum - Max
C = Sum.
main =>
foreach (I in 1..37)
printf("chowla(%d) = %d\n", I, chowla(I))
Ranges = {100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000},
foreach (Range in Ranges)
Count = 0,
foreach (I in 2..Range)
if (chowla(I) == 0) then
Count := Count + 1
printf("There are %d primes less than %d.\n", Count, Range)
Limit = 35000000,
Count = 0,
foreach (I in 2..Limit)
if (chowla(I) == I-1) then
printf("%d is a perfect number\n", I),
Count := Count + 1
printf("There are %d perfect numbers less than %d.\n", Count, Limit).
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes less than 100.
There are 168 primes less than 1000.
There are 1229 primes less than 10000.
There are 9592 primes less than 100000.
There are 78498 primes less than 1000000.
There are 664579 primes less than 10000000.
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers less than 35000000.
<syntaxhighlight lang="picolisp">(de accu1 (Var Key)
(if (assoc Key (val Var))
(con @ (inc (cdr @)))
(push Var (cons Key 1)) )
Key )
(de factor (N)
D 2
L (1 2 2 . (4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6 .))
M (sqrt N) )
(while (>= M D)
(if (=0 (% N D))
(setq M
(sqrt (setq N (/ N (accu1 'R D)))) )
(inc 'D (pop 'L)) ) )
(accu1 'R N)
(for N (cdr L)
(link (** (car L) N)) ) ) )
R ) ) )
(de chowla (N)
(let F (factor N)
(link 1)
(mapcar '((C) (* C B)) (made)) )
A ) ) )
F ) ) )
1 ) ) )
(de prime (N)
(and (> N 1) (=0 (chowla N))) )
(de perfect (N)
(> N 1)
(= (chowla N) (dec N))) )
(de countP (N)
(let C 0
(for I N
(and (prime I) (inc 'C)) )
C ) )
(de listP (N)
(for I N
(and (perfect I) (link I)) ) ) )
(for I 37
(prinl "chowla(" I ") = " (chowla I)) )
(prinl "Count of primes up to 100 = " (countP 100))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 1000 = " (countP 1000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 10000 = " (countP 10000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 100000 = " (countP 100000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 1000000 = " (countP 1000000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 10000000 = " (countP 10000000))
(println (listP 35000000))</syntaxhighlight>
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
(6 28 496 8128 33550336)
{{incorrect|PowerBASIC| <br><br> The 8<sup>th</sup> perfect number is off by '''2''' &nbsp; (it is too high), <br> it should end in &nbsp; ... 952,128}}
{{trans|Visual Basic .NET}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="powerbasic">#COMPILE EXE
i = 2
DO WHILE i * i <= n
j = n \ i
IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
r += i
IF i <> j THEN
r += j
i = 2
DO WHILE i * i <= n
j = n \ i
IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
r += i
IF i <> j THEN
r += j
REDIM c(limit - 1)
i = 3
DO WHILE i * 3 < limit
IF chowla(i) = 0 THEN
j = 3 * i
DO WHILE j < limit
c(j) = -1
j += 2 * i
i += 2
LOCAL i, count, limit, power AS LONG
LOCAL p, k, kk, r, ql AS QUAD
FOR i = 1 TO 37
s = "chowla(" & TRIM$(STR$(i)) & ") = " & TRIM$(STR$(chowla(i)))
count = 1
limit = 10000000
power = 100
CALL sieve(limit, c())
FOR i = 3 TO limit - 1 STEP 2
IF ISFALSE c(i) THEN count += 1
IF i = power - 1 THEN
RSET s30 = FORMAT$(power, "#,##0")
s = "Count of primes up to " & s30 & " =" & STR$(count)
power *= 10
ql = 2 ^ 61
k = 2: kk = 3
RESET count
p = k * kk : IF p > ql THEN EXIT DO
IF chowla1(p) = p - 1 THEN
RSET s30 = FORMAT$(p, "#,##0")
s = s30 & " is a number that is perfect"
count += 1
k = kk + 1 : kk += k
s = "There are" & STR$(count) & " perfect numbers <= " & FORMAT$(ql, "#,##0")
CON.PRINT "press any key to exit program"
END FUNCTION</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
8,589,869,056 is a number that is perfect
137,438,691,328 is a number that is perfect
2,305,843,008,139,952,130 is a number that is perfect
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 2,305,843,009,213,693,950
press any key to exit program</pre>
{{works with|SWI Prolog}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="prolog">
chowla(1, 0).
chowla(2, 0).
chowla(N, C) :-
N > 2,
Max is floor(sqrt(N)),
findall(X, (between(2, Max, X), N mod X =:= 0), Xs),
findall(Y, (member(X1, Xs), Y is N div X1, Y \= Max), Ys),
sum_list(Xs, S1),
sum_list(Ys, S2),
C is S1 + S2.
prime_count(Upper, Upper, Count, Count) :-
prime_count(Lower, Upper, Add, Count) :-
chowla(Lower, 0),
Lower1 is Lower + 1,
Add1 is Add + 1,
prime_count(Lower1, Upper, Add1, Count).
prime_count(Lower, Upper, Add, Count) :-
Lower1 is Lower + 1,
prime_count(Lower1, Upper, Add, Count).
perfect_numbers(Upper, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
reverse(AccNums, Nums).
perfect_numbers(Lower, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
Perfect is Lower - 1,
chowla(Lower, Perfect),
Lower1 is Lower + 1,
AccNums1 = [Lower|AccNums],
perfect_numbers(Lower1, Upper, AccNums1, Nums).
perfect_numbers(Lower, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
Lower1 is Lower + 1,
perfect_numbers(Lower1, Upper, AccNums, Nums).
main :-
% Chowla numbers
forall(between(1, 37, N), (
chowla(N, C),
format('chowla(~D) = ~D\n', [N, C])
% Prime numbers
Ranges = [100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000],
forall(member(Range, Ranges), (
prime_count(2, Range, 0, PrimeCount),
format('There are ~D primes less than ~D.\n', [PrimeCount, Range])
% Perfect numbers
Limit = 35000000,
perfect_numbers(2, Limit, [], Nums),
forall(member(Perfect, Nums), (
format('~D is a perfect number.\n', [Perfect])
length(Nums, PerfectCount),
format('There are ~D perfect numbers < ~D.\n', [PerfectCount, Limit]).
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes less than 100.
There are 168 primes less than 1,000.
There are 1,229 primes less than 10,000.
There are 9,592 primes less than 100,000.
There are 78,498 primes less than 1,000,000.
There are 664,579 primes less than 10,000,000.
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8,128 is a perfect number.
33,550,336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000.
Uses [ underscores to separate digits] in numbers, and th [ sympy library] to aid calculations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">#
from sympy import divisors
def chowla(n):
return 0 if n < 2 else sum(divisors(n, generator=True)) - 1 -n
def is_prime(n):
return chowla(n) == 0
def primes_to(n):
return sum(chowla(i) == 0 for i in range(2, n))
def perfect_between(n, m):
c = 0
print(f"\nPerfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")
for i in range(n, m):
if i > 1 and chowla(i) == i - 1:
print(f" {i:_}")
c += 1
print(f"Found {c} Perfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1, 38):
print(f"chowla({i:2}) == {chowla(i)}")
for i in range(2, 6):
print(f"primes_to({10**i:_}) == {primes_to(10**i):_}")
perfect_between(1, 1_000_000)
for i in range(6, 8):
print(f"primes_to({10**i:_}) == {primes_to(10**i):_}")
perfect_between(1_000_000, 35_000_000)</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla( 1) == 0
chowla( 2) == 0
chowla( 3) == 0
chowla( 4) == 2
chowla( 5) == 0
chowla( 6) == 5
chowla( 7) == 0
chowla( 8) == 6
chowla( 9) == 3
chowla(10) == 7
chowla(11) == 0
chowla(12) == 15
chowla(13) == 0
chowla(14) == 9
chowla(15) == 8
chowla(16) == 14
chowla(17) == 0
chowla(18) == 20
chowla(19) == 0
chowla(20) == 21
chowla(21) == 10
chowla(22) == 13
chowla(23) == 0
chowla(24) == 35
chowla(25) == 5
chowla(26) == 15
chowla(27) == 12
chowla(28) == 27
chowla(29) == 0
chowla(30) == 41
chowla(31) == 0
chowla(32) == 30
chowla(33) == 14
chowla(34) == 19
chowla(35) == 12
chowla(36) == 54
chowla(37) == 0
primes_to(100) == 25
primes_to(1_000) == 168
primes_to(10_000) == 1_229
primes_to(100_000) == 9_592
Perfect numbers between [1, 1_000_000)
Found 4 Perfect numbers between [1, 1_000_000)
primes_to(1_000_000) == 78_498
primes_to(10_000_000) == 664_579
Perfect numbers between [1_000_000, 35_000_000)
Found 1 Perfect numbers between [1_000_000, 35_000_000)</pre>
===Python: Numba===
(Elementary) use of the [ numba] library needs
* library install and import
*use of `@jit` decorator on some functions
* Rewrite to remove use of `sum()`
* Splitting one function for the jit compiler to digest.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">from numba import jit
from sympy import divisors
def chowla(n):
return 0 if n < 2 else sum(divisors(n, generator=True)) - 1 -n
def is_prime(n):
return chowla(n) == 0
def primes_to(n):
acc = 0
for i in range(2, n):
if chowla(i) == 0:
acc += 1
return acc
def _perfect_between(n, m):
for i in range(n, m):
if i > 1 and chowla(i) == i - 1:
yield i
def perfect_between(n, m):
c = 0
print(f"\nPerfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")
for i in _perfect_between(n, m):
print(f" {i:_}")
c += 1
print(f"Found {c} Perfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")</syntaxhighlight>
Same as above for use of same __main__ block.
Speedup - not much, subjectively...
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">#lang racket
(require racket/fixnum)
(define cache-size 35000000)
(define chowla-cache (make-fxvector cache-size -1))
(define (chowla/uncached n)
(for/sum ((i (sequence-filter (λ (x) (zero? (modulo n x))) (in-range 2 (add1 (quotient n 2)))))) i))
(define (chowla n)
(if (> n cache-size)
(chowla/uncached n)
(let ((idx (sub1 n)))
(if (negative? (fxvector-ref chowla-cache idx))
(let ((c (chowla/uncached n))) (fxvector-set! chowla-cache idx c) c)
(fxvector-ref chowla-cache idx)))))
(define (prime?/chowla n)
(and (> n 1)
(zero? (chowla n))))
(define (perfect?/chowla n)
(and (> n 1)
(= n (add1 (chowla n)))))
(define (make-chowla-sieve n)
(let ((v (make-vector n 0)))
(for* ((i (in-range 2 n)) (j (in-range (* 2 i) n i))) (vector-set! v j (+ i (vector-ref v j))))
(for ((i (in-range 1 n))) (fxvector-set! chowla-cache (sub1 i) (vector-ref v i)))))
(define (count-and-report-primes limit)
(printf "Primes < ~a: ~a~%" limit (for/sum ((i (sequence-filter prime?/chowla (in-range 2 (add1 limit))))) 1)))
(for ((i (in-range 1 (add1 37)))) (printf "(chowla ~a) = ~a~%" i (chowla i)))
(make-chowla-sieve cache-size)
(for-each count-and-report-primes '(1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000))
(let ((ns (for/list ((n (sequence-filter perfect?/chowla (in-range 2 35000000)))) n)))
(printf "There are ~a perfect numbers <= 35000000: ~a~%" (length ns) ns)))</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>(chowla 1) = 0
(chowla 2) = 0
(chowla 3) = 0
(chowla 4) = 2
(chowla 5) = 0
(chowla 6) = 5
(chowla 7) = 0
(chowla 8) = 6
(chowla 9) = 3
(chowla 10) = 7
(chowla 11) = 0
(chowla 12) = 15
(chowla 13) = 0
(chowla 14) = 9
(chowla 15) = 8
(chowla 16) = 14
(chowla 17) = 0
(chowla 18) = 20
(chowla 19) = 0
(chowla 20) = 21
(chowla 21) = 10
(chowla 22) = 13
(chowla 23) = 0
(chowla 24) = 35
(chowla 25) = 5
(chowla 26) = 15
(chowla 27) = 12
(chowla 28) = 27
(chowla 29) = 0
(chowla 30) = 41
(chowla 31) = 0
(chowla 32) = 30
(chowla 33) = 14
(chowla 34) = 19
(chowla 35) = 12
(chowla 36) = 54
(chowla 37) = 0
cpu time: 23937 real time: 23711 gc time: 151
Primes < 1000: 168
Primes < 10000: 1229
Primes < 100000: 9592
Primes < 1000000: 78498
Primes < 10000000: 664579
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35000000: (6 28 496 8128 33550336)</pre>
(formerly Perl 6)
Much like in the [[Totient_function|Totient function]] task, we are using a thing poorly suited to finding prime numbers, to find large quantities of prime numbers.
::: (From the task's author): &nbsp; the object is not in the &nbsp; ''finding'' &nbsp; of prime numbers, &nbsp; but in &nbsp; ''verifying'' &nbsp; that the Chowla function operates correctly &nbsp; (and '''can be''' used for such a purpose, whatever the efficacy). &nbsp; These types of comments belong in the ''discussion'' page. &nbsp; Whether or not this function is poorly suited for finding prime numbers (or anything else) is not part of this task's purpose or objective.
(For a more reasonable test, reduce the orders-of-magnitude range in the "Primes count" line from 2..7 to 2..5)
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
sub schnitzel (\Radda, \radDA = 0) { ?? !Radda !! ?radDA ?? Radda
!! sum flat (2 .. Radda.sqrt.floor).map: -> \RAdda {
my \RADDA = Radda div RAdda;
next if RADDA * RAdda !== Radda;
RAdda !== RADDA ?? (RAdda, RADDA) !! RADDA
my \chowder = cache (1..Inf).hyper(:8degree).grep( !*.&schnitzel: 'panini' );
my \mung-daal = lazy gather for chowder -> \panini {
my \gazpacho = 2**panini - 1;
take gazpacho * 2**(panini - 1) unless schnitzel gazpacho, panini;
printf "chowla(%2d) = %2d\n", $_, .&schnitzel for 1..37;
say '';
printf "Count of primes up to %10s: %s\n", comma(10**$_),
comma chowder.first( * > 10**$_, :k) for 2..7;
say "\nPerfect numbers less than 35,000,000";
.&comma.say for mung-daal[^5];</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100: 25
Count of primes up to 1,000: 168
Count of primes up to 10,000: 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000: 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000: 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000: 664,579
Perfect numbers less than 35,000,000
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program computes/displays chowla numbers (and may count primes & perfect numbers.*/
parse arg LO HI . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if LO=='' | LO=="," then LO= 1 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
Line 195 ⟶ 4,687:
return s /*return " " " " " */
commas: parse arg _; do k=length(_)-3 to 1 by -3; _= insert(',', _, k); end; return _</langsyntaxhighlight>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 37 </tt>}}
Line 240 ⟶ 4,732:
number of primes found for the range 1 to 100 (inclusive) is: 25
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; -1,0001000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 1,000 (inclusive) is: 168
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; -10,00010000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 10,000 (inclusive) is: 1,229
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; -100,000100000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 100,000 (inclusive) is: 9,592
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; -1,000,0001000000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 1,000,000 (inclusive) is: 78.498
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; -10,000,00010000000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 10,000,000 (inclusive) is: 664,579
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> -1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 35,000,000-100000000 </tt>}}
number of primes found for the range 1 to 100,000,000 (inclusive) is: 5,761,455
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> -1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 35000000 </tt>}}
6 is a perfect number.
Line 267 ⟶ 4,763:
8,128 is a perfect number.
33,550,336 is a perfect number.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">def chowla(n)
sum = 0
i = 2
while i * i <= n do
if n % i == 0 then
sum = sum + i
j = n / i
if i != j then
sum = sum + j
i = i + 1
return sum
def main
for n in 1 .. 37 do
puts "chowla(%d) = %d" % [n, chowla(n)]
count = 0
power = 100
for n in 2 .. 10000000 do
if chowla(n) == 0 then
count = count + 1
if n % power == 0 then
puts "There are %d primes < %d" % [count, power]
power = power * 10
count = 0
limit = 350000000
k = 2
kk = 3
loop do
p = k * kk
if p > limit then
if chowla(p) == p - 1 then
puts "%d is a perfect number" % [p]
count = count + 1
k = kk + 1
kk = kk + k
puts "There are %d perfect numbers < %d" % [count, limit]
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Rust">
fn chowla(n: usize) -> usize {
let mut sum = 0;
let mut i = 2;
while i * i <= n {
if n % i == 0 {
sum += i;
let j = n / i;
if i != j {
sum += j;
i += 1;
fn sieve(limit: usize) -> Vec<bool> {
let mut c = vec![false; limit];
let mut i = 3;
while i * i < limit {
if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
let mut j = 3 * i;
while j < limit {
c[j] = true;
j += 2 * i;
i += 2;
fn main() {
for i in 1..=37 {
println!("chowla({}) = {}", i, chowla(i));
let mut count = 1;
let limit = 1e7 as usize;
let mut power = 100;
let c = sieve(limit);
for i in (3..limit).step_by(2) {
if !c[i] {
count += 1;
if i == power - 1 {
println!("Count of primes up to {} = {}", power, count);
power *= 10;
count = 0;
let limit = 35000000;
let mut k = 2;
let mut kk = 3;
loop {
let p = k * kk;
if p > limit {
if chowla(p) == p - 1 {
println!("{} is a number that is perfect", p);
count += 1;
k = kk + 1;
kk += k;
println!("There are {} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
This solution uses a lazily-evaluated iterator to find and sum the divisors of a number, and speeds up the large searches using parallel vectors.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">object ChowlaNumbers {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("Chowla Numbers...")
for(n <- 1 to 37){println(s"$n: ${chowlaNum(n)}")}
println("\nPrime Counts...")
for(i <- (2 to 7).map(math.pow(10, _).toInt)){println(f"$i%,d: ${primesPar(i).size}%,d")}
println("\nPerfect Numbers...")
print(perfectsPar(35000000){case (n, i) => f"${i + 1}%,d: $n%,d"}.mkString("\n"))
def primesPar(num: Int): ParVector[Int] = ParVector.range(2, num + 1).filter(n => chowlaNum(n) == 0)
def perfectsPar(num: Int): ParVector[Int] = ParVector.range(6, num + 1).filter(n => chowlaNum(n) + 1 == n)
def chowlaNum(num: Int): Int = Iterator.range(2, math.sqrt(num).toInt + 1).filter(n => num%n == 0).foldLeft(0){case (s, n) => if(n*n == num) s + n else s + n + (num/n)}
<pre>Chowla Numbers...
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0
Prime Counts...
100: 25
1,000: 168
10,000: 1,229
100,000: 9,592
1,000,000: 78,498
10,000,000: 664,579
Perfect Numbers...
1: 6
2: 28
3: 496
4: 8,128
5: 33,550,336</pre>
Uses Grand Central Dispatch to perform concurrent prime counting and perfect number searching
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">import Foundation
public func chowla<T: BinaryInteger>(n: T) -> T {
stride(from: 2, to: T(Double(n).squareRoot()+1), by: 1)
.filter({ n % $0 == 0 })
.reduce(0, {(s: T, m: T) in
m*m == n ? s + m : s + m + (n / m)
extension Dictionary where Key == ClosedRange<Int> {
subscript(n: Int) -> Value {
get {
guard let key = keys.first(where: { $0.contains(n) }) else {
fatalError("dict does not contain range for \(n)")
return self[key]!
set {
guard let key = keys.first(where: { $0.contains(n) }) else {
fatalError("dict does not contain range for \(n)")
self[key] = newValue
let lock = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
var perfect = [Int]()
var primeCounts = [
1...100: 0,
101...1_000: 0,
1_001...10_000: 0,
10_001...100_000: 0,
100_001...1_000_000: 0,
1_000_001...10_000_000: 0
for i in 1...37 {
print("chowla(\(i)) = \(chowla(n: i))")
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 35_000_000) {i in
let chowled = chowla(n: i)
if chowled == 0 && i > 1 && i < 10_000_000 {
primeCounts[i] += 1
if chowled == i - 1 && i > 1 {
let numPrimes = primeCounts
.sorted(by: { $0.key.lowerBound < $1.key.lowerBound })
.reduce(into: [(Int, Int)](), {counts, oneCount in
guard !counts.isEmpty else {
counts.append((oneCount.key.upperBound, oneCount.value))
counts.append((oneCount.key.upperBound, counts.last!.1 + oneCount.value))
for (upper, count) in numPrimes {
print("Number of primes < \(upper) = \(count)")
for p in perfect {
print("\(p) is a perfect number")
<pre style="height: 20em; overflow: scroll">chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Number of primes < 100 = 25
Number of primes < 1000 = 168
Number of primes < 10000 = 1229
Number of primes < 100000 = 9592
Number of primes < 1000000 = 78498
Number of primes < 10000000 = 664579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number</pre>
=={{header|Visual Basic}}==
{{works with|Visual Basic|6}}
{{trans|Visual Basic .NET}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Option Explicit
Private Declare Function AllocConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Dim mStdOut As Scripting.TextStream
Function chowla(ByVal n As Long) As Long
Dim j As Long, i As Long
i = 2
Do While i * i <= n
j = n \ i
If n Mod i = 0 Then
chowla = chowla + i
If i <> j Then
chowla = chowla + j
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
Function sieve(ByVal limit As Long) As Boolean()
Dim c() As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
i = 3
ReDim c(limit - 1)
Do While i * 3 < limit
If Not c(i) Then
If (chowla(i) = 0) Then
j = 3 * i
Do While j < limit
c(j) = True
j = j + 2 * i
End If
End If
i = i + 2
sieve = c()
End Function
Sub Display(ByVal s As String)
Debug.Print s
mStdOut.Write s & vbNewLine
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim i As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim limit As Long
Dim power As Long
Dim c() As Boolean
Dim p As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim kk As Long
Dim s As String * 30
Dim mFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim mStdIn As Scripting.TextStream
Set mFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set mStdIn = mFSO.GetStandardStream(StdIn)
Set mStdOut = mFSO.GetStandardStream(StdOut)
For i = 1 To 37
Display "chowla(" & i & ")=" & chowla(i)
Next i
count = 1
limit = 10000000
power = 100
c = sieve(limit)
For i = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
If Not c(i) Then
count = count + 1
End If
If i = power - 1 Then
RSet s = FormatNumber(power, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
Display "Count of primes up to " & s & " = " & FormatNumber(count, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
power = power * 10
End If
Next i
count = 0: limit = 35000000
k = 2: kk = 3
p = k * kk
If p > limit Then
Exit Do
End If
If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
RSet s = FormatNumber(p, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
Display s & " is a number that is perfect"
count = count + 1
End If
k = kk + 1
kk = kk + k
Display "There are " & CStr(count) & " perfect numbers <= 35.000.000"
mStdOut.Write "press enter to quit program."
mStdIn.Read 1
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1.000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10.000 = 1.229
Count of primes up to 100.000 = 9.592
Count of primes up to 1.000.000 = 78.498
Count of primes up to 10.000.000 = 664.579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8.128 is a number that is perfect
33.550.336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35.000.000
press enter to quit program.</pre>
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System
Module Program
Function chowla(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
chowla = 0 : Dim j As Integer, i As Integer = 2
While i * i <= n
j = n / i : If n Mod i = 0 Then chowla += i + (If(i = j, 0, j))
i += 1
End While
End Function
Function sieve(ByVal limit As Integer) As Boolean()
Dim c As Boolean() = New Boolean(limit - 1) {}, i As Integer = 3
While i * 3 < limit
If Not c(i) AndAlso (chowla(i) = 0) Then
Dim j As Integer = 3 * i
While j < limit : c(j) = True : j += 2 * i : End While
End If : i += 2
End While
Return c
End Function
Sub Main(args As String())
For i As Integer = 1 To 37
Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i))
Dim count As Integer = 1, limit As Integer = CInt((10000000.0)), power As Integer = 100,
c As Boolean() = sieve(limit)
For i As Integer = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
If Not c(i) Then count += 1
If i = power - 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count)
power = power * 10
End If
count = 0 : limit = 35000000
Dim p As Integer, k As Integer = 2, kk As Integer = 3
While True
p = k * kk : If p > limit Then Exit While
If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("{0,10:n0} is a number that is perfect", p)
count += 1
End If
k = kk + 1 : kk += k
End While
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count)
If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
End Sub
End Module</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
===More Cowbell===
{{libheader|System.Numerics}}One can get a little further, but that 8th perfect number takes nearly a minute to verify. The 9th takes longer than I have patience. If you care to see the 9th and 10th perfect numbers, change the 31 to 61 or 89 where indicated by the comment.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System.Numerics
Module Program
Function chowla(n As Integer) As Integer
chowla = 0 : Dim j As Integer, i As Integer = 2
While i * i <= n
If n Mod i = 0 Then j = n / i : chowla += i : If i <> j Then chowla += j
i += 1
End While
End Function
Function chowla1(ByRef n As BigInteger, x As Integer) As BigInteger
chowla1 = 1 : Dim j As BigInteger, lim As BigInteger = BigInteger.Pow(2, x - 1)
For i As BigInteger = 2 To lim
If n Mod i = 0 Then j = n / i : chowla1 += i : If i <> j Then chowla1 += j
End Function
Function sieve(ByVal limit As Integer) As Boolean()
Dim c As Boolean() = New Boolean(limit - 1) {}, i As Integer = 3
While i * 3 < limit
If Not c(i) AndAlso (chowla(i) = 0) Then
Dim j As Integer = 3 * i
While j < limit : c(j) = True : j += 2 * i : End While
End If : i += 2
End While
Return c
End Function
Sub Main(args As String())
For i As Integer = 1 To 37
Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i))
Dim count As Integer = 1, limit As Integer = CInt((10000000.0)), power As Integer = 100,
c As Boolean() = sieve(limit)
For i As Integer = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
If Not c(i) Then count += 1
If i = power - 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count)
power = power * 10
End If
count = 0
Dim p As BigInteger, k As BigInteger = 2, kk As BigInteger = 3
For i As Integer = 2 To 31 ' if you dare, change the 31 to 61 or 89
If {2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89}.Contains(i) Then
p = k * kk
If chowla1(p, i) = p Then
Console.WriteLine("{0,25:n0} is a number that is perfect", p)
st = DateTime.Now
count += 1
End If
End If
k = kk + 1 : kk += k
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= {1:n0}", count, 25 * BigInteger.Pow(10, 18))
If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
End Sub
End Module</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
8,589,869,056 is a number that is perfect
137,438,691,328 is a number that is perfect
2,305,843,008,139,952,128 is a number that is perfect
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 25,000,000,000,000,000,000</pre>
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="v (vlang)">fn chowla(n int) int {
if n < 1 {
panic("argument must be a positive integer")
mut sum := 0
for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
if n%i == 0 {
j := n / i
if i == j {
sum += i
} else {
sum += i + j
return sum
fn sieve(limit int) []bool {
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
mut c := []bool{len: limit}
for i := 3; i*3 < limit; i += 2 {
if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
for j := 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i {
c[j] = true
return c
fn main() {
for i := 1; i <= 37; i++ {
println("chowla(${i:2}) = ${chowla(i)}")
mut count := 1
mut limit := int(1e7)
c := sieve(limit)
mut power := 100
for i := 3; i < limit; i += 2 {
if !c[i] {
if i == power-1 {
println("Count of primes up to ${power:-10} = $count")
power *= 10
count = 0
limit = 35000000
for i := 2; ; i++ {
p := (1 << (i -1)) * ((1<<i) - 1)
if p > limit {
if chowla(p) == p-1 {
println("$p is a perfect number")
println("There are $count perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
import "./math" for Int, Nums
var chowla = { |n| (n > 1) ? Nums.sum(Int.properDivisors(n)) - 1 : 0 }
for (i in 1..37) Fmt.print("chowla($2d) = $d", i,
var count = 1
var limit = 1e7
var c = Int.primeSieve(limit, false)
var power = 100
var i = 3
while (i < limit) {
if (!c[i]) count = count + 1
if (i == power - 1) {
Fmt.print("Count of primes up to $,-10d = $,d", power, count)
power = power * 10
i = i + 2
count = 0
limit = 35 * 1e6
i = 2
while (true) {
var p = (1 << (i -1)) * ((1<<i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
if (p > limit) break
if ( == p-1) {
Fmt.print("$,d is a perfect number", p)
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
System.print("There are %(count) perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")</syntaxhighlight>
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">func Chowla(N); \Return sum of divisors
int N, Div, Sum, Quot;
[Div:= 2; Sum:= 0;
loop [Quot:= N/Div;
if Quot < Div then quit;
if Quot = Div and rem(0) = 0 then \N is a square
[Sum:= Sum+Quot; quit];
if rem(0) = 0 then
Sum:= Sum + Div + Quot;
Div:= Div+1;
return Sum;
int N, C, P;
[for N:= 1 to 37 do
[IntOut(0, N); Text(0, ": ");
IntOut(0, Chowla(N)); CrLf(0);
C:= 1; \count 2 as prime
N:= 3; \only check odd numbers
repeat if Chowla(N) = 0 then \N is prime
C:= C+1;
case N+1 of 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000, 10_000_000:
[Text(0, "There are "); IntOut(0, C); Text(0, " primes < ");
IntOut(0, N+1); CrLf(0)]
other [];
N:= N+2;
until N >= 10_000_000;
P:= 1; \perfect numbers are of form: 2^(P-1) * (2^P - 1)
loop [P:= P*2;
N:= P*(P*2-1);
if N > 35_000_000 then quit;
if Chowla(N) = N-1 then \N is perfect
[IntOut(0, N); CrLf(0)];
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">fcn chowla(n){
throw(Exception.ValueError("Chowla function argument must be positive"));
foreach i in ([2..n.toFloat().sqrt()]){
if(n%i == 0){
if(i==j) sum+=i;
else sum+=i+j;
fcn chowlaSieve(limit){
// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
c:=Data(limit+100).fill(0); # slop at the end (for reverse wrap around)
foreach i in ([3..limit/3,2]){
if(not c[i] and chowla(i)==0)
{ foreach j in ([3*i..limit,2*i]){ c[j]=True } }
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">fcn testChowla{
println("The first 37 Chowla numbers:\n",
[1..37].apply(chowla).concat(" ","[","]"), "\n");
count,limit,power := 1, (1e7).toInt(), 100;
foreach i in ([3..limit-1,2]){
if(not c[i]) count+=1;
if(i == power - 1){
println("The count of the primes up to %10,d is %8,d".fmt(power,count));
count, limit = 0, 35_000_000;
foreach i in ([2..]){
p:=(1).shiftLeft(i - 1) * ((1).shiftLeft(i)-1); // perfect numbers must be of this form
if(p>limit) break;
if(p-1 == chowla(p)){
println("%,d is a perfect number".fmt(p));
println("There are %,d perfect numbers <= %,d".fmt(count,limit));
The first 37 Chowla numbers:
[0 0 0 2 0 5 0 6 3 7 0 15 0 9 8 14 0 20 0 21 10 13 0 35 5 15 12 27 0 41 0 30 14 19 12 54 0]
The count of the primes up to 100 is 25
The count of the primes up to 1,000 is 168
The count of the primes up to 10,000 is 1,229
The count of the primes up to 100,000 is 9,592
The count of the primes up to 1,000,000 is 78,498
The count of the primes up to 10,000,000 is 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000

Latest revision as of 07:13, 26 January 2024

Chowla numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Chowla numbers are also known as:

  •   Chowla's function
  •   chowla numbers
  •   the chowla function
  •   the chowla number
  •   the chowla sequence

The chowla number of   n   is   (as defined by Chowla's function):

  •   the sum of the divisors of   n     excluding unity and   n
  •   where   n   is a positive integer

The sequence is named after   Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla,   (22 October 1907 ──► 10 December 1995),
a London born Indian American mathematician specializing in number theory.

German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777─1855) said:

   "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences ─ and number theory is the queen of mathematics".


Chowla numbers can also be expressed as:

   chowla(n) = sum of divisors of  n  excluding unity and  n
   chowla(n) = sum(       divisors(n))   - 1  -  n 
   chowla(n) = sum( properDivisors(n))   - 1       
   chowla(n) = sum(aliquotDivisors(n))   - 1        
   chowla(n) = aliquot(n)                - 1       
   chowla(n) = sigma(n)                  - 1  -  n 
   chowla(n) = sigmaProperDivisiors(n)   - 1       
   chowla(a*b) =  a + b,    if  a  and  b  are distinct primes
   if  chowla(n) =  0,       and n > 1,  then   n   is prime
   if  chowla(n) =  n - 1,  and n > 1,  then   n   is a perfect number
  •   create a   chowla   function that returns the   chowla number   for a positive integer   n
  •   Find and display   (1 per line)   for the 1st   37   integers:
  •   the integer   (the index)
  •   the chowla number for that integer
  •   For finding primes, use the   chowla   function to find values of zero
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to              100
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to           1,000
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to         10,000
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to       100,000
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to    1,000,000
  •   Find and display the   count   of the primes up to  10,000,000
  •   For finding perfect numbers, use the   chowla   function to find values of   n - 1
  •   Find and display all   perfect numbers   up to   35,000,000
  •   use commas within appropriate numbers
  •   show all output here

Related tasks

See also


Translation of: C
F chowla(n)
   V sum = 0
   V i = 2
   L i * i <= n
      I n % i == 0
         sum += i
         V j = n I/ i
         I i != j
            sum += j
   R sum

L(n) 1..37
   print(‘chowla(’n‘) = ’chowla(n))

V count = 0
V power = 100
L(n) 2..10'000'000
   I chowla(n) == 0
   I n % power == 0
      print(‘There are ’count‘ primes < ’power)
      power *= 10

count = 0
V limit = 350'000'000
V k = 2
V kk = 3
   V p = k * kk
   I p > limit
   I chowla(p) == p - 1
      print(p‘ is a perfect number’)
   k = kk + 1
   kk += k
print(‘There are ’count‘ perfect numbers < ’limit)
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000


Translation of: C
with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Chowla_Numbers is

   function Chowla (N : Positive) return Natural is
      Sum : Natural  := 0;
      I   : Positive := 2;
      J   : Positive;
      while I * I <= N loop
         if N mod I = 0 then
            J   := N / I;
            Sum := Sum + I + (if I = J then 0 else J);
            end if;
            I := I + 1;
      end loop;
      return Sum;
   end Chowla;

   procedure Put_37_First is
      use Ada.Text_IO;
      for A in Positive range 1 .. 37 loop
         Put_Line ("chowla(" & A'Image & ") = " & Chowla (A)'Image);
      end loop;
   end Put_37_First;

   procedure Put_Prime is
      use Ada.Text_IO;
      Count : Natural  := 0;
      Power : Positive := 100;
      for N in Positive range 2 .. 10_000_000 loop
         if Chowla (N) = 0 then
            Count := Count + 1;
         end if;
         if N mod Power = 0 then
            Put_Line ("There is " & Count'Image & " primes < " & Power'Image);
            Power := Power * 10;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Put_Prime;

   procedure Put_Perfect is
      use Ada.Text_IO;
      Count : Natural  := 0;
      Limit : constant := 350_000_000;
      K     : Natural := 2;
      Kk    : Natural := 3;
      P     : Natural;
         P := K * Kk;
         exit when P > Limit;

         if Chowla (P) = P - 1 then
            Put_Line (P'Image & " is a perfect number");
            Count := Count + 1;
         end if;
         K  := Kk + 1;
         Kk := Kk + K;
      end loop;
      Put_Line ("There are " & Count'Image & " perfect numbers < " & Limit'Image);
   end Put_Perfect;

end Chowla_Numbers;
chowla( 1) =  0
chowla( 2) =  0
chowla( 3) =  0
chowla( 4) =  2
chowla( 5) =  0
chowla( 6) =  5
chowla( 7) =  0
chowla( 8) =  6
chowla( 9) =  3
chowla( 10) =  7
chowla( 11) =  0
chowla( 12) =  15
chowla( 13) =  0
chowla( 14) =  9
chowla( 15) =  8
chowla( 16) =  14
chowla( 17) =  0
chowla( 18) =  20
chowla( 19) =  0
chowla( 20) =  21
chowla( 21) =  10
chowla( 22) =  13
chowla( 23) =  0
chowla( 24) =  35
chowla( 25) =  5
chowla( 26) =  15
chowla( 27) =  12
chowla( 28) =  27
chowla( 29) =  0
chowla( 30) =  41
chowla( 31) =  0
chowla( 32) =  30
chowla( 33) =  14
chowla( 34) =  19
chowla( 35) =  12
chowla( 36) =  54
chowla( 37) =  0
There is  25 primes <  100
There is  168 primes <  1000
There is  1229 primes <  10000
There is  9592 primes <  100000
There is  78498 primes <  1000000
There is  664579 primes <  10000000
 6 is a perfect number
 28 is a perfect number
 496 is a perfect number
 8128 is a perfect number
 33550336 is a perfect number
There are  5 perfect numbers <  350000000


Translation of: C
BEGIN # find some Chowla numbers ( Chowla n = sum of divisors of n exclusing n and 1 ) #
    # returs the Chowla number of n #
    PROC chowla = ( INT n )INT:
             INT sum := 0;
             FOR i FROM 2 WHILE i * i <= n DO
                 IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
                     INT j = n OVER i;
                     sum +:= i + IF i = j THEN 0 ELSE j FI
         END # chowla # ;

    FOR n TO 37 DO print( ( "chowla(", whole( n, 0 ), ") = ", whole( chowla( n ), 0 ), newline ) ) OD;
    INT count := 0, power := 100;
    FOR n FROM 2 TO 10 000 000 DO
        IF chowla( n ) = 0 THEN count +:= 1 FI;
        IF n MOD power = 0 THEN
            print( ( "There are ", whole( count, 0 ), " primes < ", whole( power, 0 ), newline ) );
            power *:= 10
    count := 0;
    INT limit = 350 000 000;
    INT k    := 2, kk := 3;
    WHILE INT p = k * kk;
          p <= limit
        IF chowla( p ) = p - 1 THEN
            print( ( whole( p, 0 ), " is a perfect number", newline ) );
            count +:= 1
        k := kk + 1; kk +:= k
    print( ( "There are ", whole( count, 0 ), " perfect numbers < ", whole( limit, 0 ), newline ) )
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000


chowla: function [n]-> sum remove remove factors n 1 n
countPrimesUpTo: function [limit][
    count: 1
    loop 3.. .step: 2 limit 'x [
        if zero? chowla x -> count: count + 1
    return count

loop 1..37 'i -> print [i "=>" chowla i]
print ""

loop [100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000] 'lim [
    print ["primes up to" lim "=>" countPrimesUpTo lim]
print ""
print "perfect numbers up to 35000000:"
i: 2
while [i < 35000000][
    if (chowla i) = i - 1 -> print i
    i: i + 2
1 => 0 
2 => 0 
3 => 0 
4 => 2 
5 => 0 
6 => 5 
7 => 0 
8 => 6 
9 => 3 
10 => 7 
11 => 0 
12 => 15 
13 => 0 
14 => 9 
15 => 8 
16 => 14 
17 => 0 
18 => 20 
19 => 0 
20 => 21 
21 => 10 
22 => 13 
23 => 0 
24 => 35 
25 => 5 
26 => 15 
27 => 12 
28 => 27 
29 => 0 
30 => 41 
31 => 0 
32 => 30 
33 => 14 
34 => 19 
35 => 12 
36 => 54 
37 => 0

primes up to 100 => 25 
primes up to 1000 => 168 
primes up to 10000 => 1229
primes up to 100000 => 9592
primes up to 1000000 => 78498 
primes up to 10000000 => 664579 

perfect numbers up to 35000000:


# converted from Go
    for (i=1; i<=37; i++) {
      printf("chowla(%2d) = %s\n",i,chowla(i))
    printf("\nCount of primes up to:\n")
    count = 1
    limit = 1e7
    power = 100
    for (i=3; i<limit; i+=2) {
      if (!c[i]) {
      if (i == power-1) {
        printf("%10s = %s\n",commatize(power),commatize(count))
        power *= 10
    printf("\nPerfect numbers:")
    count = 0
    limit = 35000000
    k = 2
    kk = 3
    while (1) {
      if ((p = k * kk) > limit) {
      if (chowla(p) == p-1) {
        printf("  %s",commatize(p))
      k = kk + 1
      kk += k
    printf("\nThere are %d perfect numbers <= %s\n",count,commatize(limit))
function chowla(n,  i,j,sum) {
    if (n < 1 || n != int(n)) {
      return sprintf("%s is invalid",n)
    for (i=2; i*i<=n; i++) {
      if (n%i == 0) {
        j = n / i
        sum += (i == j) ? i : i + j
function commatize(x,  num) {
    if (x < 0) {
      return "-" commatize(-x)
    x = int(x)
    num = sprintf("%d.",x)
    while (num ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/) {
function sieve(limit,  i,j) {
    for (i=1; i<=limit; i++) {
      c[i] = 0
    for (i=3; i*3<limit; i+=2) {
      if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
        for (j=3*i; j<limit; j+=2*i) {
          c[j] = 1
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Count of primes up to:
       100 = 25
     1,000 = 168
    10,000 = 1,229
   100,000 = 9,592
 1,000,000 = 78,498
10,000,000 = 664,579

Perfect numbers:  6  28  496  8,128  33,550,336
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


#include <stdio.h>

unsigned chowla(const unsigned n) {
  unsigned sum = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i ++) if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
  return sum;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  unsigned a;
  for (unsigned n = 1; n < 38; n ++) printf("chowla(%u) = %u\n", n, chowla(n));

  unsigned n, count = 0, power = 100;
  for (n = 2; n < 10000001; n ++) {
    if (chowla(n) == 0) count ++;
    if (n % power == 0) printf("There is %u primes < %u\n", count, power), power *= 10;

  count = 0;
  unsigned limit = 350000000;
  unsigned k = 2, kk = 3, p;
  for ( ; ; ) {
    if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
    if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
      printf("%d is a perfect number\n", p);
      count ++;
    k = kk + 1; kk += k;
  printf("There are %u perfect numbers < %u\n", count, limit);
  return 0;
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There is 25 primes < 100
There is 168 primes < 1000
There is 1229 primes < 10000
There is 9592 primes < 100000
There is 78498 primes < 1000000
There is 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000


Translation of: Go
using System;

namespace chowla_cs
    class Program
        static int chowla(int n)
            int sum = 0;
            for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
                if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
            return sum;

        static bool[] sieve(int limit)
            // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
            // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
            bool[] c = new bool[limit];
            for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2)
                if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0))
                    for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i)
                        c[j] = true;
            return c;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i));
            int count = 1, limit = (int)(1e7), power = 100;
            bool[] c = sieve(limit);
            for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2)
                if (!c[i]) count++;
                if (i == power - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count);
                    power *= 10;

            count = 0; limit = 35000000;
            int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
            for (int i = 2; ; i++)
                if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
                if (chowla(p) == p - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,10:n0} is a number that is perfect", p);
                k = kk + 1; kk += k;
            Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) Console.ReadKey();
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to        100 = 25
Count of primes up to      1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to     10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to    100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to  1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
         6 is a number that is perfect
        28 is a number that is perfect
       496 is a number that is perfect
     8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Translation of: Go
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int chowla(int n)
	int sum = 0;
	for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
		if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
	return sum;

vector<bool> sieve(int limit)
	// True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
	// Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
	vector<bool> c(limit);
	for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2)
		if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0))
			for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i)
				c[j] = true;
	return c;

int main()
	for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++)
		cout << "chowla(" << i << ") = " << chowla(i) << "\n";
	int count = 1, limit = (int)(1e7), power = 100;
	vector<bool> c = sieve(limit);
	for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2)
		if (!c[i]) count++;
		if (i == power - 1)
			cout << "Count of primes up to " << power << " = "<< count <<"\n";
			power *= 10;

	count = 0; limit = 35000000;
	int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
	for (int i = 2; ; i++)
		if ((p = k * kk) > limit) break;
		if (chowla(p) == p - 1)
			cout << p << " is a number that is perfect\n";
		k = kk + 1; kk += k;
	cout << "There are " << count << " perfect numbers <= 35,000,000\n";
	return 0;
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


% Chowla's function
chowla = proc (n: int) returns (int)
    sum: int := 0
    i: int := 2
    while i*i <= n do
        if n//i = 0 then
            sum := sum + i
            j: int := n/i
            if i ~= j then
                sum := sum + j
        i := i + 1
end chowla

% A number is prime iff chowla(n) is 0
prime = proc (n: int) returns (bool)
    return(chowla(n) = 0)
end prime

% A number is perfect iff chowla(n) equals n-1
perfect = proc (n: int) returns (bool)
    return(chowla(n) = n-1)
end perfect

start_up = proc ()
    LIMIT = 35000000
    po: stream := stream$primary_output()
    % Show chowla(1) through chowla(37)
    for i: int in int$from_to(1, 37) do
        stream$putl(po, "chowla(" || int$unparse(i) || ") = "
                        || int$unparse(chowla(i)))
    % Count primes up to powers of 10
    pow10: int := 2        % start with 100
    primecount: int := 1   % assume 2 is prime, then test only odd numbers
    candidate: int := 3
    while pow10 <= 7 do
        if candidate >= 10**pow10 then
            stream$putl(po, "There are " 
                        ||  int$unparse(primecount)
                        ||  " primes up to "
                        ||  int$unparse(10**pow10))
            pow10 := pow10 + 1
        if prime(candidate) then primecount := primecount + 1 end
        candidate := candidate + 2
    % Find perfect numbers up to 35 million
    perfcount: int := 0
    k: int := 2
    kk: int := 3
    while true do
        n: int := k * kk
        if n >= LIMIT then break end
        if perfect(n) then
            perfcount := perfcount + 1
            stream$putl(po, int$unparse(n) || " is a perfect number.")
        k := kk + 1
        kk := kk + k
    stream$putl(po, "There are " || int$unparse(perfcount) ||
                    " perfect numbers < 35,000,000.")
end start_up
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes up to 100
There are 168 primes up to 1000
There are 1229 primes up to 10000
There are 9592 primes up to 100000
There are 78498 primes up to 1000000
There are 664579 primes up to 10000000
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8128 is a perfect number.
33550336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000.


Translation of: C
include "cowgol.coh";

sub chowla(n: uint32): (sum: uint32) is
    sum := 0;
    var i: uint32 := 2;
    while i*i <= n loop
        if n % i == 0 then
            sum := sum + i;
            var j := n / i;
            if i != j then
                sum := sum + j;
            end if;
        end if;
        i := i + 1;
    end loop;
end sub;

var n: uint32 := 1;
while n <= 37 loop
    print(") = ");
    n := n + 1;
end loop;

n := 2;
var power: uint32 := 100;
var count: uint32 := 0;
while n <= 10000000 loop
    if chowla(n) == 0 then 
        count := count + 1; 
    end if;
    if n % power == 0 then
        print("There are ");
        print(" primes < ");
        power := power * 10;
    end if;
    n := n + 1;
end loop;
count := 0;
const LIMIT := 35000000;
var k: uint32 := 2;
var kk: uint32 := 3;
    n := k * kk;
    if n > LIMIT then break; end if;
    if chowla(n) == n-1 then
        print(" is a perfect number.\n");
        count := count + 1;
    end if;
    k := kk + 1;
    kk := kk + k;
end loop;

print("There are ");
print(" perfect numbers < ");
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8128 is a perfect number.
33550336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35000000


Translation of: C#
import std.stdio;

int chowla(int n) {
    int sum;
    for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; ++i) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
    return sum;

bool[] sieve(int limit) {
    // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    auto c = new bool[limit];
    for (int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2) {
        if (!c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0)) {
            for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i) {
                c[j] = true;
    return c;

void main() {
    foreach (i; 1..38) {
        writefln("chowla(%d) = %d", i, chowla(i));
    int count = 1;
    int limit = cast(int)1e7;
    int power = 100;
    bool[] c = sieve(limit);
    for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2) {
        if (!c[i]) {
        if (i == power - 1) {
            writefln("Count of primes up to %10d = %d", power, count);
            power *= 10;

    count = 0;
    limit = 350_000_000;
    int k = 2;
    int kk = 3;
    int p;
    for (int i = 2; ; ++i) {
        p = k * kk;
        if (p > limit) {
        if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
            writefln("%10d is a number that is perfect", p);
        k = kk + 1;
        kk += k;
    writefln("There are %d perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to        100 = 25
Count of primes up to       1000 = 168
Count of primes up to      10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to     100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to    1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to   10000000 = 664579
         6 is a number that is perfect
        28 is a number that is perfect
       496 is a number that is perfect
      8128 is a number that is perfect
  33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


See #Pascal.


Translation of: C#
func chowla(n) {
    var sum = 0
    var i = 2
    var j = 0
    while i * i <= n {
        if n % i == 0 {
            j = n / i
            var app = if i == j {
            } else {
            sum += i + app
        i += 1
    return sum
func sieve(limit) {
    var c = Array.Empty(limit)
    var i = 3
    while i * 3 < limit {
        if !c[i] && (chowla(i) == 0) {
            var j = 3 * i
            while j < limit {
                c[j] = true
                j += 2 * i
        i += 2
    return c
for i in 1..37 {
    print("chowla(\(i)) = \(chowla(i))")
var count = 1
var limit = 10000000
var power = 100
var c = sieve(limit)
var i = 3
while i < limit {
    if !c[i] {
        count += 1
    if i == power - 1 {
        print("Count of primes up to \(power) = \(count)")
        power *= 10
    i += 2
count = 0
limit = 35000000
var k = 2
var kk = 3
var p
i = 2
while true {
    p = k * kk
    if p > limit {
    if chowla(p) == p - 1 {
        print("\(p) is a number that is perfect")
        count += 1
    k = kk + 1
    kk += k
print("There are \(count) perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Translation of: Go
fastfunc chowla n .
   sum = 0
   i = 2
   while i * i <= n
      if n mod i = 0
         j = n div i
         if i = j
            sum += i
            sum += i + j
      i += 1
   return sum
proc sieve . c[] .
   i = 3
   while i * 3 <= len c[]
      if c[i] = 0
         if chowla i = 0
            j = 3 * i
            while j <= len c[]
               c[j] = 1
               j += 2 * i
      i += 2
proc commatize n . s$ .
   s$[] = strchars n
   s$ = ""
   l = len s$[]
   for i = 1 to len s$[]
      if i > 1 and l mod 3 = 0
         s$ &= ","
      l -= 1
      s$ &= s$[i]
print "chowla number from 1 to 37"
for i = 1 to 37
   print "  " & i & ": " & chowla i
proc main . .
   print ""
   len c[] 10000000
   count = 1
   sieve c[]
   power = 100
   i = 3
   while i <= len c[]
      if c[i] = 0
         count += 1
      if i = power - 1
         commatize power p$
         commatize count c$
         print "There are " & c$ & " primes up to " & p$
         power *= 10
      i += 2
   print ""
   limit = 35000000
   count = 0
   i = 2
   k = 2
   kk = 3
      p = k * kk
      until p > limit
      if chowla p = p - 1
         commatize p s$
         print s$ & " is a perfect number"
         count += 1
      k = kk + 1
      kk += k
      i += 1
   commatize limit s$
   print "There are " & count & " perfect mumbers up to " & s$
chowla number from 1 to 37
  1: 0
  2: 0
  3: 0
  4: 2
  5: 0
  6: 5
  7: 0
  8: 6
  9: 3
  10: 7
  11: 0
  12: 15
  13: 0
  14: 9
  15: 8
  16: 14
  17: 0
  18: 20
  19: 0
  20: 21
  21: 10
  22: 13
  23: 0
  24: 35
  25: 5
  26: 15
  27: 12
  28: 27
  29: 0
  30: 41
  31: 0
  32: 30
  33: 14
  34: 19
  35: 12
  36: 54
  37: 0

There are 25 primes up to 100
There are 168 primes up to 1,000
There are 1,229 primes up to 10,000
There are 9,592 primes up to 100,000
There are 78,498 primes up to 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes up to 10,000,000

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect mumbers up to 35,000,000


Translation of: Go
fun chowla = int by int n
  int sum = 0
  int j = 0
  for int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++ do
    if n % i == 0 do sum += i + when(i == (j = n / i), 0, j) end
  return sum
fun sieve = List by int limit
  List c = logic[].with(limit)
  for int i = 3; i * 3 < limit; i += 2
    if c[i] or chowla(i) != 0 do continue end
    for int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i do c[j] = true end
  return c
# find and display (1 per line) for the 1st 37 integers
for int i = 1; i <= 37; i++ do writeLine("chowla(" + i + ") = " + chowla(i)) end
int count = 1
int limit = 10000000
int power = 100
List c = sieve(limit)
for int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2
  if not c[i] do count++ end
  if i == power - 1
    writeLine("Count of primes up to " + power + " = " + count)
    power *= 10
count = 0 
limit = 35000000
int k = 2
int kk = 3
int p
for int i = 2; ; i++
  if (p = k * kk) > limit do break end
  if chowla(p) == p - 1
    writeLine(p + " is a number that is perfect")
  k = kk + 1
  kk += k
writeLine("There are " + count + " perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")

It takes about fifteen minutes to complete on my i7-8650U with 8.00GB of RAM.

chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


USING: formatting fry grouping.extras io kernel math
math.primes.factors math.ranges math.statistics sequences
tools.memory.private ;
IN: rosetta-code.chowla-numbers

: chowla ( n -- m )
    dup 1 = [ 1 - ] [ [ divisors sum ] [ - 1 - ] bi ] if ;

: show-chowla ( n -- )
    [1,b] [ dup chowla "chowla(%02d) = %d\n" printf ] each ;

: count-primes ( seq -- )
    dup 0 prefix [ [ 1 + ] dip 2 <range> ] 2clump-map
    [ [ chowla zero? ] count ] map cum-sum
    [ [ commas ] bi@ "Primes up to %s: %s\n" printf ] 2each ;

: show-perfect ( n -- )
    [ 2 3 ] dip '[ 2dup * dup _ > ] [
        dup [ chowla ] [ 1 - = ] bi
        [ commas "%s is perfect\n" printf ] [ drop ] if
        [ nip 1 + ] [ nip dupd + ] 2bi
    ] until 3drop ;

: chowla-demo ( -- )
    37 show-chowla nl { 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 }
    count-primes nl 35e7 show-perfect ;

MAIN: chowla-demo
chowla(01) = 0
chowla(02) = 0
chowla(03) = 0
chowla(04) = 2
chowla(05) = 0
chowla(06) = 5
chowla(07) = 0
chowla(08) = 6
chowla(09) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Primes up to 100: 25
Primes up to 1,000: 168
Primes up to 10,000: 1,229
Primes up to 100,000: 9,592
Primes up to 1,000,000: 78,498
Primes up to 10,000,000: 664,579

6 is perfect
28 is perfect
496 is perfect
8,128 is perfect
33,550,336 is perfect


Works with: VAX Fortran version V4.6-244
Library: VAX/VMS V4.6

This compiler implements the Fortran-77 standard. The VAX/VMS operating system runs on simulated hardware using the open source opensimh platform.

Translation of: Ada

Run time on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 (Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 buster) was 7h 21m


        CALL PUT_1ST_37



C The Chowla number of N is the sum of the divisors of N
C excluding unity and N where N is a positive integer


        IF (N .LE. 0) STOP 'Argument to Chowla function must be > 0'

        SUM = 0
        I = 2

 100    CONTINUE
            IF (I * I .GT. N) GOTO 200

            IF (MOD(N, I) .NE. 0) GOTO 110
                J = N / I
                SUM = SUM + I
                IF ( I .NE. J) SUM = SUM + J
 110        CONTINUE

            I = I + 1
        GOTO 100

 200    CONTINUE

        CHOWLA1 = SUM




        DO 100 I = 1, 37
            PRINT 900, I, CHOWLA1(I)
 100    CONTINUE


 900    FORMAT(1H , 'CHOWLA(', I2, ') = ', I2)


        PARAMETER LIMIT = 10000000

        COUNT = 0
        POWER = 100

        DO 200 N = 2, LIMIT

            IF (CHOWLA1(N) .EQ. 0) COUNT = COUNT + 1

            IF (MOD(N, POWER) .NE. 0) GOTO 100

                PRINT 900, COUNT, POWER
                POWER = POWER * 10

 100        CONTINUE

 200    CONTINUE


 900    FORMAT(1H ,'There are ', I12, ' primes < ', I12)


        PARAMETER LIMIT = 35000000

        COUNT = 0
        K = 2
        KK = 3

 100    CONTINUE

        P = K * KK

        IF (P .GT. LIMIT) GOTO 300

        IF (CHOWLA1(P) .NE. P - 1) GOTO 200
            PRINT 900, P
            COUNT = COUNT + 1

 200    CONTINUE

        K = KK + 1
        KK = KK + K

        GOTO 100

 300    CONTINUE

        PRINT 910, COUNT, LIMIT


 900    FORMAT(1H , I10, ' is a perfect number')
 910    FORMAT(1H , 'There are ', I10, ' perfect numbers < ', I10)


CHOWLA( 1) = 0 CHOWLA( 2) = 0 CHOWLA( 3) = 0 CHOWLA( 4) = 2 CHOWLA( 5) = 0 CHOWLA( 6) = 5 CHOWLA( 7) = 0 CHOWLA( 8) = 6 CHOWLA( 9) = 3 CHOWLA(10) = 7 CHOWLA(11) = 0 CHOWLA(12) = 15 CHOWLA(13) = 0 CHOWLA(14) = 9 CHOWLA(15) = 8 CHOWLA(16) = 14 CHOWLA(17) = 0 CHOWLA(18) = 20 CHOWLA(19) = 0 CHOWLA(20) = 21 CHOWLA(21) = 10 CHOWLA(22) = 13 CHOWLA(23) = 0 CHOWLA(24) = 35 CHOWLA(25) = 5 CHOWLA(26) = 15 CHOWLA(27) = 12 CHOWLA(28) = 27 CHOWLA(29) = 0 CHOWLA(30) = 41 CHOWLA(31) = 0 CHOWLA(32) = 30 CHOWLA(33) = 14 CHOWLA(34) = 19 CHOWLA(35) = 12 CHOWLA(36) = 54 CHOWLA(37) = 0 There are 25 primes < 100 There are 168 primes < 1000 There are 1229 primes < 10000 There are 9592 primes < 100000 There are 78498 primes < 1000000 There are 664579 primes < 10000000

        6 is a perfect number
       28 is a perfect number
      496 is a perfect number
     8128 is a perfect number
 33550336 is a perfect number

There are 5 perfect numbers < 35000000


Translation of: Visual Basic
' Chowla_numbers

#include ""

Dim Shared As Long limite
limite = 10000000
Dim Shared As Boolean c(limite)
Dim As Long count, topenumprimo, a
count = 1
topenumprimo = 100
Dim As Longint p, k, kk, limitenumperfect
limitenumperfect = 35000000
k = 2: kk = 3

Declare Function chowla(Byval n As Longint) As Longint
Declare Sub sieve(Byval limite As Long, c() As Boolean)

Function chowla(Byval n As Longint) As Longint
    Dim As Long i, j, r
    i = 2
    Do While i * i <= n
        j = n \ i
        If n Mod i = 0 Then
            r += i
            If i <> j Then r += j
        End If
        i += 1
    chowla = r
End Function

Sub sieve(Byval limite As Long, c() As Boolean)
    Dim As Long i, j
    Redim As Boolean c(limite - 1)
    i = 3
    Do While i * 3 < limite
        If Not c(i) Then
            If chowla(i) = false Then
                j = 3 * i
                Do While j < limite
                    c(j) = true
                    j += 2 * i
            End If
        End If
        i += 2
End Sub

Print "Chowla numbers"
For a = 1 To 37
    Print "chowla(" & Trim(Str(a)) & ") = " & Trim(Str(chowla(a)))
Next a

' Si chowla(n) = falso and n > 1 Entonces n es primo
Print: Print "Contando los numeros primos hasta: "
sieve(limite, c())
For a = 3 To limite - 1 Step 2
    If Not c(a) Then count += 1
    If a = topenumprimo - 1 Then
        Print Using "########## hay"; topenumprimo; 
        Print count
        topenumprimo *= 10
    End If
Next a

' Si chowla(n) = n - 1 and n > 1 Entonces n es un número perfecto
Print: Print "Buscando numeros perfectos... "
count = 0
    p = k * kk : If p > limitenumperfect Then Exit Do
    If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
        Print Using "##########,# es un numero perfecto"; p
        count += 1
    End If
    k = kk + 1 : kk += k
Print: Print "Hay " & count & " numeros perfectos <= " & Format(limitenumperfect, "###############################,#")

Print: Print "Pulsa una tecla para salir"
Chowla numbers
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Contando los numeros primos hasta:
       100 hay 25
      1000 hay 168
     10000 hay 1229
    100000 hay 9592
   1000000 hay 78498
  10000000 hay 664579

Buscando numeros perfectos...
           6 es un numero perfecto
          28 es un numero perfecto
         496 es un numero perfecto
       8,128 es un numero perfecto
  33,550,336 es un numero perfecto

Hay 5 numeros perfectos <= 35.000.000

Pulsa una tecla para salir


local fn Chowla( n as NSUInteger ) as NSUInteger
  NSUInteger i, j, r = 0
  i = 2
  while ( i * i <= n )
    j = n / i
    if ( n mod i == 0 )
      r += i
      if ( i != j )
        r += j
      end if
    end if
end fn = r

local fn DoIt
  NSUInteger n, count = 0, power = 100, limit, k, kk, p = 0
  for n = 1 to 37
    printf @"chowla(%u) = %u", n, fn Chowla( n )
  for n = 2 to 10000000
    if ( fn Chowla(n) == 0 ) then count ++
    if ( n mod power == 0  ) then printf @"There are %u primes < %-7u", count, power : power *= 10
  count = 0
  limit = 350000000
  k = 2 : kk = 3
    p = k * kk
    if ( fn Chowla( p ) == p - 1 )
      printf @"%9u is a perfect number", p
    end if
    k = kk + 1
    kk = kk + k
  until ( p > limit )
  printf @"There are %u perfect numbers < %u", count, limit
end fn

fn DoIt

chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1,000
There are 1,229 primes < 10,000
There are 9,592 primes < 100,000
There are 78,498 primes < 1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes < 10,000,000
          6 is a perfect number
         28 is a perfect number
        496 is a perfect number
      8,128 is a perfect number
 33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000


package main

import "fmt"

func chowla(n int) int {
    if n < 1 {
        panic("argument must be a positive integer")
    sum := 0
    for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
        if n%i == 0 {
            j := n / i
            if i == j {
                sum += i
            } else {
                sum += i + j
    return sum

func sieve(limit int) []bool {
    // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    c := make([]bool, limit)
    for i := 3; i*3 < limit; i += 2 {
        if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
            for j := 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i {
                c[j] = true
    return c

func commatize(n int) string {
    s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
    le := len(s)
    for i := le - 3; i >= 1; i -= 3 {
        s = s[0:i] + "," + s[i:]
    return s

func main() {
    for i := 1; i <= 37; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))

    count := 1
    limit := int(1e7)
    c := sieve(limit)
    power := 100
    for i := 3; i < limit; i += 2 {
        if !c[i] {
        if i == power-1 {
            fmt.Printf("Count of primes up to %-10s = %s\n", commatize(power), commatize(count))
            power *= 10

    count = 0
    limit = 35000000
    for i := uint(2); ; i++ {
        p := 1 << (i - 1) * (1<<i - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
        if p > limit {
        if chowla(p) == p-1 {
            fmt.Printf("%s is a perfect number\n", commatize(p))
    fmt.Println("There are", count, "perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Count of primes up to 100        = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000      = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000     = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000    = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000  = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Translation of: Kotlin
class Chowla {
    static int chowla(int n) {
        if (n < 1) throw new RuntimeException("argument must be a positive integer")
        int sum = 0
        int i = 2
        while (i * i <= n) {
            if (n % i == 0) {
                int j = (int) (n / i)
                sum += (i == j) ? i : i + j
        return sum

    static boolean[] sieve(int limit) {
        // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
        // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
        boolean[] c = new boolean[limit]
        for (int i = 3; i < limit / 3; i += 2) {
            if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
                for (int j = 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i) {
                    c[j] = true
        return c

    static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= 37; i++) {
            printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))

        int count = 1
        int limit = 10_000_000
        boolean[] c = sieve(limit)
        int power = 100
        for (int i = 3; i < limit; i += 2) {
            if (!c[i]) {
            if (i == power - 1) {
                printf("Count of primes up to %,10d = %,7d\n", power, count)
                power *= 10

        count = 0
        limit = 35_000_000
        int i = 2
        while (true) {
            int p = (1 << (i - 1)) * ((1 << i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
            if (p > limit) break
            if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
                printf("%,d is a perfect number\n", p)
        printf("There are %,d perfect numbers <= %,d\n", count, limit)
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Count of primes up to        100 =      25
Count of primes up to      1,000 =     168
Count of primes up to     10,000 =   1,229
Count of primes up to    100,000 =   9,592
Count of primes up to  1,000,000 =  78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Uses arithmoi Library: compiled with "-O2 -threaded -rtsopts"

import Control.Concurrent       (setNumCapabilities)
import Control.Monad.Par        (runPar, get, spawnP)
import Control.Monad            (join, (>=>))
import Data.List.Split          (chunksOf)
import Data.List                (intercalate, mapAccumL, genericTake, genericDrop)
import Data.Bifunctor           (bimap)
import GHC.Conc                 (getNumProcessors)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes (factorise, unPrime)
import Text.Printf              (printf)

chowla :: Word -> Word
chowla 1 = 0
chowla n = f n
    f = (-) =<< pred . product . fmap sumFactor . factorise
    sumFactor (n, e) = foldr (\p s -> s + unPrime n^p) 1 [1..e]

chowlas :: [Word] -> [(Word, Word)]
chowlas [] = []
chowlas xs = runPar $ join <$>
  (mapM (spawnP . fmap ((,) <*> chowla)) >=> mapM get) (chunksOf (10^6) xs)

chowlaPrimes :: [(Word, Word)] -> (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word)
chowlaPrimes chowlas range = (count chowlas, snd range)
    isPrime (1, n) = False
    isPrime (_, n) = n == 0
    count = fromIntegral . length . filter isPrime . between range
    between (min, max) = genericTake (max - pred min) . genericDrop (pred min)

chowlaPerfects :: [(Word, Word)] -> [Word]
chowlaPerfects = fmap fst . filter isPerfect
    isPerfect (1, _) = False
    isPerfect (n, c) = c == pred n

commas :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
commas = reverse . intercalate "," . chunksOf 3 . reverse . show

main :: IO ()
main = do
  cores <- getNumProcessors
  setNumCapabilities cores
  printf "Using %d cores\n" cores

  mapM_ (uncurry (printf "chowla(%2d) = %d\n")) $ take 37 allChowlas
  mapM_ (uncurry (printf "There are %8s primes < %10s\n"))
       [ (1, 10^2)
       , (succ $ 10^2, 10^3)
       , (succ $ 10^3, 10^4)
       , (succ $ 10^4, 10^5)
       , (succ $ 10^5, 10^6)
       , (succ $ 10^6, 10^7) ])

  mapM_ (printf "%10s is a perfect number.\n" . commas) perfects
  printf "There are %2d perfect numbers < 35,000,000\n" $ length perfects
    chowlaP = fmap (bimap commas commas) . snd
      . mapAccumL (\total (count, max) -> (total + count, (total + count, max))) 0
      . fmap (chowlaPrimes $ take (10^7) allChowlas)
    perfects = chowlaPerfects allChowlas
    allChowlas = chowlas [1..35*10^6]
Using 4 cores
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are       25 primes <        100
There are      168 primes <      1,000
There are    1,229 primes <     10,000
There are    9,592 primes <    100,000
There are   78,498 primes <  1,000,000
There are  664,579 primes < 10,000,000
         6 is a perfect number.
        28 is a perfect number.
       496 is a perfect number.
     8,128 is a perfect number.
33,550,336 is a perfect number.
There are  5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000



chowla=: >: -~ >:@#.~/.~&.q:     NB. sum of factors - (n + 1)

intsbelow=: (2 }. i.)"0
countPrimesbelow=: +/@(0 = chowla)@intsbelow
findPerfectsbelow=: (#~ <: = chowla)@intsbelow


   (] ,. chowla) >: i. 37    NB. chowla numbers 1-37
 1  0
 2  0
 3  0
 4  2
 5  0
 6  5
 7  0
 8  6
 9  3
10  7
11  0
12 15
13  0
14  9
15  8
16 14
17  0
18 20
19  0
20 21
21 10
22 13
23  0
24 35
25  5
26 15
27 12
28 27
29  0
30 41
31  0
32 30
33 14
34 19
35 12
36 54
37  0
   countPrimesbelow 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
25 168 1229 9592 78498 664579
   findPerfectsbelow 35000000
6 28 496 8128 33550336


Translation of: C
public class Chowla {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] chowlaNumbers = findChowlaNumbers(37);
        for (int i = 0; i < chowlaNumbers.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("chowla(%d) = %d%n", (i+1), chowlaNumbers[i]);

        int[][] primes = countPrimes(100, 10_000_000);
        for (int i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf(Locale.US, "There is %,d primes up to %,d%n", primes[i][1], primes[i][0]);

        int[] perfectNumbers = findPerfectNumbers(35_000_000);
        for (int i = 0; i < perfectNumbers.length; i++) {
            System.out.printf("%d is a perfect number%n", perfectNumbers[i]);
        System.out.printf(Locale.US, "There are %d perfect numbers < %,d%n", perfectNumbers.length, 35_000_000);

    public static int chowla(int n) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is not positive");
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 2, j; i * i <= n; i++)
            if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
        return sum;

    protected static int[][] countPrimes(int power, int limit) {
        int count = 0;
        int[][] num = new int[countMultiplicity(limit, power)][2];
        for (int n = 2, i=0;  n <= limit; n++) {
            if (chowla(n) == 0) count++;
            if (n % power == 0) {
                num[i][0] = power;
                num[i][1] = count;
                power *= 10;
        return num;

    protected static int countMultiplicity(int limit, int start) {
        int count = 0;
        int cur = limit;
        while(cur >= start) {
            cur = cur/10;
        return count;

    protected static int[] findChowlaNumbers(int limit) {
        int[] num = new int[limit];
        for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
            num[i] = chowla(i+1);
        return num;

    protected static int[] findPerfectNumbers(int limit) {
        int count = 0;
        int[] num = new int[count];

        int k = 2, kk = 3, p;
        while ((p = k * kk) < limit) {
            if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
                num = increaseArr(num);
                num[count++] = p;
            k = kk + 1;
            kk += k;
        return num;

    private static int[] increaseArr(int[] arr) {
        int[] tmp = new int[arr.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tmp, 0, arr.length);
        return tmp;
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

There is 25 primes up to 100
There is 168 primes up to 1,000
There is 1,229 primes up to 10,000
There is 9,592 primes up to 100,000
There is 78,498 primes up to 1,000,000
There is 664,579 primes up to 10,000,000

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000


Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

The "brute-force" computation of the perfect number beyond 8,128 took many hours.

def add(stream): reduce stream as $x (0; . + $x);

# input should be an integer
def commatize:
  def digits: tostring | explode | reverse;
  if . == null then ""  
  elif . < 0 then "-" + ((- .) | commatize)
  else [foreach digits[] as $d (-1; .+1;
          # "," is 44
          (select(. > 0 and . % 3 == 0)|44), $d)]
  | reverse
  | implode

def count(stream): reduce stream as $i (0; . + 1);

def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;

# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);

# unordered
def proper_divisors:
  . as $n
  | if $n > 1 then 1,
      ( range(2; 1 + (sqrt|floor)) as $i
        | if ($n % $i) == 0 then $i,
            (($n / $i) | if . == $i then empty else . end)
         else empty
    else empty

def chowla:
  if . == 1 then 0
  else add(proper_divisors) - 1

# Input: a positive integer
def is_chowla_prime:
  . > 1 and chowla == 0;

# In the interests of green(er) computing ...
def chowla_primes($n):
  2, range(3; $n; 2) | select(is_chowla_prime);

def report_chowla_primes:
  reduce range(2; 10000000) as $i (null;
    if $i | is_chowla_prime
    then if $i < 10000000 then .[7] += 1 else . end
    |    if $i <  1000000 then .[6] += 1 else . end
    |    if $i <   100000 then .[5] += 1 else . end
    |    if $i <    10000 then .[4] += 1 else . end
    |    if $i <     1000 then .[3] += 1 else . end
    |    if $i <      100 then .[2] += 1 else . end
    else . end)
  | (range(2;8) as $i
  |  "10 ^ \($i) \(.[$i]|commatize|lpad(16))") ;

def is_chowla_perfect:
  (. > 1) and (chowla == . - 1);
def task:
  "  n\("chowla"|lpad(16))",
  (range(1;38) | "\(lpad(3)): \(chowla|lpad(10))"),
  "\n  n          \("Primes < n"|lpad(10))",
#  "\nPerfect numbers up to 35e6",
#  (range(1; 35e6) | select(is_chowla_perfect) | commatize)

  n          chowla
  1:          0
  2:          0
  3:          0
  4:          2
  5:          0
  6:          5
  7:          0
  8:          6
  9:          3
 10:          7
 11:          0
 12:         15
 13:          0
 14:          9
 15:          8
 16:         14
 17:          0
 18:         20
 19:          0
 20:         21
 21:         10
 22:         13
 23:          0
 24:         35
 25:          5
 26:         15
 27:         12
 28:         27
 29:          0
 30:         41
 31:          0
 32:         30
 33:         14
 34:         19
 35:         12
 36:         54
 37:          0

  n          Primes < n
10 ^ 2               25
10 ^ 3              168
10 ^ 4            1,229
10 ^ 5            9,592
10 ^ 6           78,498
10 ^ 7          664,579

Perfect numbers up to 35e6


using Primes, Formatting

function chowla(n)
    if n < 1
        throw("Chowla function argument must be positive")
    elseif n < 4
        return zero(n)
        f = [one(n)]
        for (p,e) in factor(n)
            f = reduce(vcat, [f*p^j for j in 1:e], init=f)
        return sum(f) - one(n) - n

function countchowlas(n, asperfect=false, verbose=false)
    count = 0
    for i in 2:n  # 1 is not prime or perfect so skip
        chow = chowla(i)
        if (asperfect && chow == i - 1) || (!asperfect && chow == 0)
            count += 1
            verbose && println("The number $(format(i, commas=true)) is ", asperfect ? "perfect." : "prime.")

function testchowla()
    println("The first 37 chowla numbers are:")
    for i in 1:37
        println("Chowla($i) is ", chowla(i))
    for i in [100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000]
        println("The count of the primes up to $(format(i, commas=true)) is $(format(countchowlas(i), commas=true))")
    println("The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is $(countchowlas(35000000, true, true)).")

The first 37 chowla numbers are:
Chowla(1) is 0
Chowla(2) is 0
Chowla(3) is 0
Chowla(4) is 2
Chowla(5) is 0
Chowla(6) is 5
Chowla(7) is 0
Chowla(8) is 6
Chowla(9) is 3
Chowla(10) is 7
Chowla(11) is 0
Chowla(12) is 15
Chowla(13) is 0
Chowla(14) is 9
Chowla(15) is 8
Chowla(16) is 14
Chowla(17) is 0
Chowla(18) is 20
Chowla(19) is 0
Chowla(20) is 21
Chowla(21) is 10
Chowla(22) is 13
Chowla(23) is 0
Chowla(24) is 35
Chowla(25) is 5
Chowla(26) is 15
Chowla(27) is 12
Chowla(28) is 27
Chowla(29) is 0
Chowla(30) is 41
Chowla(31) is 0
Chowla(32) is 30
Chowla(33) is 14
Chowla(34) is 19
Chowla(35) is 12
Chowla(36) is 54
Chowla(37) is 0
The count of the primes up to 100 is 25
The count of the primes up to 1,000 is 168
The count of the primes up to 10,000 is 1,229
The count of the primes up to 100,000 is 9,592
The count of the primes up to 1,000,000 is 78,498
The count of the primes up to 10,000,000 is 664,579
The number 6 is perfect.
The number 28 is perfect.
The number 496 is perfect.
The number 8,128 is perfect.
The number 33,550,336 is perfect.
The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is 5.


Translation of: Go
// Version 1.3.21

fun chowla(n: Int): Int {
    if (n < 1) throw RuntimeException("argument must be a positive integer")
    var sum = 0
    var i = 2
    while (i * i <= n) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            val j = n / i
            sum += if (i == j) i else i + j
    return sum

fun sieve(limit: Int): BooleanArray {
    // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    val c = BooleanArray(limit)
    for (i in 3 until limit / 3 step 2) {
        if (!c[i] && chowla(i) == 0) {
            for (j in 3 * i until limit step 2 * i) c[j] = true
    return c

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..37) {
        System.out.printf("chowla(%2d) = %d\n", i, chowla(i))

    var count = 1
    var limit = 10_000_000
    val c = sieve(limit)
    var power = 100
    for (i in 3 until limit step 2) {
        if (!c[i]) count++
        if (i == power - 1) {
            System.out.printf("Count of primes up to %,-10d = %,d\n", power, count)
            power *= 10

    count = 0
    limit = 35_000_000
    var i = 2
    while (true) {
        val p = (1 shl (i - 1)) * ((1 shl i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
        if (p > limit) break
        if (chowla(p) == p - 1) {
            System.out.printf("%,d is a perfect number\n", p)
    println("There are $count perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
Same as Go example.


Translation of: D
function chowla(n)
    local sum = 0
    local i = 2
    local j = 0
    while i * i <= n do
        if n % i == 0 then
            j = math.floor(n / i)
            sum = sum + i
            if i ~= j then
                sum = sum + j
        i = i + 1
    return sum

function sieve(limit)
    -- True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    -- Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    local c = {}
    local i = 3
    while i * 3 < limit do
        if not c[i] and (chowla(i) == 0) then
            local j = 3 * i
            while j < limit do
                c[j] = true
                j = j + 2 * i
        i = i + 2
    return c

function main()
    for i = 1, 37 do
        print(string.format("chowla(%d) = %d", i, chowla(i)))
    local count = 1
    local limit = math.floor(1e7)
    local power = 100
    local c = sieve(limit)
    local i = 3
    while i < limit do
        if not c[i] then
            count = count + 1
        if i == power - 1 then
            print(string.format("Count of primes up to %10d = %d", power, count))
            power = power * 10
        i = i + 2

    count = 0
    limit = 350000000
    local k = 2
    local kk = 3
    local p = 0
    i = 2
    while true do
        p = k * kk
        if p > limit then
        if chowla(p) == p - 1 then
            print(string.format("%10d is a number that is perfect", p))
            count = count + 1
        k = kk + 1
        kk = kk + k
        i = i + 1
    print(string.format("There are %d perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count))

chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to        100 = 25
Count of primes up to       1000 = 168
Count of primes up to      10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to     100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to    1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to   10000000 = 664579
         6 is a number that is perfect
        28 is a number that is perfect
       496 is a number that is perfect
      8128 is a number that is perfect
  33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Translation of: C
            ENTRY TO CHOWLA.
            SUM = 0
            THROUGH LOOP, FOR I=2, 1, I*I.G.N
            J = N/I
            WHENEVER J*I.E.N
                SUM = SUM + I
                WHENEVER I.NE.J, SUM = SUM + J
            END OF FUNCTION
            VECTOR VALUES CHWFMT = $7HCHOWLA(,I2,4H) = ,I2*$
            THROUGH CH37, FOR CH=1, 1, CH.G.37

          0          $10HTHERE ARE ,I6,S1,13HPRIMES BELOW ,I8*$
            POWER = 100
            COUNT = 0
            THROUGH PRM, FOR CH=2, 1, CH.G.10000000
            WHENEVER CHOWLA.(CH).E.0, COUNT = COUNT + 1
                POWER = POWER * 10
            COUNT = 0
            LIMIT = 35000000
          0     $10HTHERE ARE ,I1,S1,22HPERFECT NUMBERS BELOW ,I8*$
            K = 2
            KK = 3
LOOP        CH = K * KK
            WHENEVER CHOWLA.(CH).E.CH-1
                 PRINT FORMAT PERFCT, CH
                 COUNT = COUNT + 1
            K = KK + 1
            KK = KK + K
            TRANSFER TO LOOP
            END OF PROGRAM
CHOWLA( 1) =  0
CHOWLA( 2) =  0
CHOWLA( 3) =  0
CHOWLA( 4) =  2
CHOWLA( 5) =  0
CHOWLA( 6) =  5
CHOWLA( 7) =  0
CHOWLA( 8) =  6
CHOWLA( 9) =  3
CHOWLA(10) =  7
CHOWLA(11) =  0
CHOWLA(12) = 15
CHOWLA(13) =  0
CHOWLA(14) =  9
CHOWLA(15) =  8
CHOWLA(16) = 14
CHOWLA(17) =  0
CHOWLA(18) = 20
CHOWLA(19) =  0
CHOWLA(20) = 21
CHOWLA(21) = 10
CHOWLA(22) = 13
CHOWLA(23) =  0
CHOWLA(24) = 35
CHOWLA(25) =  5
CHOWLA(26) = 15
CHOWLA(27) = 12
CHOWLA(28) = 27
CHOWLA(29) =  0
CHOWLA(30) = 41
CHOWLA(31) =  0
CHOWLA(32) = 30
CHOWLA(33) = 14
CHOWLA(34) = 19
CHOWLA(35) = 12
CHOWLA(36) = 54
CHOWLA(37) =  0
THERE ARE     25 PRIMES BELOW      100
THERE ARE    168 PRIMES BELOW     1000
THERE ARE   1229 PRIMES BELOW    10000
THERE ARE   9592 PRIMES BELOW   100000
THERE ARE  78498 PRIMES BELOW  1000000
THERE ARE 664579 PRIMES BELOW 10000000


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.


The output for Chowla(1) is incorrect.

ChowlaFunction := n -> NumberTheory:-SumOfDivisors(n) - n - 1;

PrintChowla := proc(n::posint) local i;
printf("Integer : Chowla Number\n");
for i to n do 
  printf("%d  :  %d\n", i, ChowlaFunction(i)); 
end do; 
end proc:

countPrimes := n -> nops([ListTools[SearchAll](0, map(ChowlaFunction, [seq(1 .. n)]))]);

findPerfect := proc(n::posint) local to_check, found, k; 
to_check := map(ChowlaFunction, [seq(1 .. n)]); 
found := []; 
for k to n do 
  if to_check(k) = k - 1 then 
    found := [found, k]; 
  end if;
end do; 
end proc:

Integer : Chowla Number
1  :  -1
2  :  0
3  :  0
4  :  2
5  :  0
6  :  5
7  :  0
8  :  6
9  :  3
10  :  7
11  :  0
12  :  15
13  :  0
14  :  9
15  :  8
16  :  14
17  :  0
18  :  20
19  :  0
20  :  21
21  :  10
22  :  13
23  :  0
24  :  35
25  :  5
26  :  15
27  :  12
28  :  27
29  :  0
30  :  41
31  :  0
32  :  30
33  :  14
34  :  19
35  :  12
36  :  54
37  :  0
[6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336]

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

Chowla[0 | 1] := 0
Chowla[n_] := DivisorSigma[1, n] - 1 - n
Table[{i, Chowla[i]}, {i, 37}] // Grid
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 100, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 1000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 10000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 100000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 1000000, 2}]; i
i = 1; Do[If[Chowla[n] == 0, i++], {n, 3, 10000000, 2}]; i
Reap[Do[If[Chowla[n] == n - 1, Sow[n]], {n, 1, 35 10^6}]][[2, 1]]
{1, 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336}


Translation of: C
import strformat
import strutils

func chowla(n: uint64): uint64 =
  var sum = 0u64
  var i = 2u64
  var j: uint64
  while i * i <= n:
    if n mod i == 0:
      j = n div i
      sum += i
      if i != j:
        sum += j
    inc i

for n in 1u64..37:
  echo &"chowla({n}) = {chowla(n)}"

var count = 0
var power = 100u64
for n in 2u64..10_000_000:
  if chowla(n) == 0:
    inc count
  if n mod power == 0:
    echo &"There are {insertSep($count, ','):>7} primes < {insertSep($power, ','):>10}"
    power *= 10

count = 0
const limit = 350_000_000u64
var k = 2u64
var kk = 3u64
var p: uint64
while true:
  p = k * kk
  if p > limit:
  if chowla(p) == p - 1:
    echo &"{insertSep($p, ','):>10} is a perfect number"
    inc count
  k = kk + 1
  kk += k
echo &"There are {count} perfect numbers < {insertSep($limit, ',')}"
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are      25 primes <        100
There are     168 primes <      1,000
There are   1,229 primes <     10,000
There are   9,592 primes <    100,000
There are  78,498 primes <  1,000,000
There are 664,579 primes < 10,000,000
         6 is a perfect number
        28 is a perfect number
       496 is a perfect number
     8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350,000,000


Translation of: Julia
chowla(n) = {
    if (n < 1, error("Chowla function argument must be positive"));
    if (n < 4, return(0));
    my(divs = divisors(n));
    sum(i=1, #divs, divs[i]) - n - 1;

\\ Function to count Chowla numbers
countchowlas(n, asperfect = 1, verbose = 1) = {
    my(count = 0, chow, i);
    for (i = 2, n,
        chow = chowla(i);
        if ( (asperfect && (chow == i - 1)) || ((!asperfect) && (chow == 0)),
            if (verbose, print("The number " i " is " if (asperfect, "perfect.", "prime.")));

\\ Main execution block
    print("The first 37 chowla numbers are:");
    for (i = 1, 37, printf("Chowla(%s)  is %s\n", Str(i),  Str(chowla(i)) ) );
    while(m<=10000000, print("The count of the primes up to " m " is " countchowlas(m, 0, 0));  m=m*10);
    print("The count of perfect numbers up to 35,000,000 is " countchowlas(35000000, 1, 1));
The first 37 chowla numbers are:
Chowla(1) is 0
Chowla(2) is 0
Chowla(3) is 0
Chowla(4) is 2
Chowla(5) is 0
Chowla(6) is 5
Chowla(7) is 0
Chowla(8) is 6
Chowla(9) is 3
Chowla(10) is 7
Chowla(11) is 0
Chowla(12) is 15
Chowla(13) is 0
Chowla(14) is 9
Chowla(15) is 8
Chowla(16) is 14
Chowla(17) is 0
Chowla(18) is 20
Chowla(19) is 0
Chowla(20) is 21
Chowla(21) is 10
Chowla(22) is 13
Chowla(23) is 0
Chowla(24) is 35
Chowla(25) is 5
Chowla(26) is 15
Chowla(27) is 12
Chowla(28) is 27
Chowla(29) is 0
Chowla(30) is 41
Chowla(31) is 0
Chowla(32) is 30
Chowla(33) is 14
Chowla(34) is 19
Chowla(35) is 12
Chowla(36) is 54
Chowla(37) is 0
The count of the primes up to 100 is 25
The count of the primes up to 1000 is 168
The count of the primes up to 10000 is 1229
The count of the primes up to 100000 is 9592
The count of the primes up to 1000000 is 78498
The count of the primes up to 10000000 is 664579
The number 6 is perfect.
The number 28 is perfect.
The number 496 is perfect.
The number 8128 is perfect.
The number 33550336 is perfect.
The count of perfect numbers up to 35000000 is 5.


Works with: Free Pascal
Works with: Delphi
Translation of: Go

but not using a sieve, cause a sieve doesn't need precalculated small primes.

So runtime is as bad as trial division.

program Chowla_numbers;

  {$MODE Delphi}

    ,StrUtils{for Numb2USA}

function Numb2USA(const S: string): string;
  I, NA: Integer;
  I := Length(S);
  Result := S;
  NA := 0;
  while (I > 0) do
    if ((Length(Result) - I + 1 - NA) mod 3 = 0) and (I <> 1) then
      Insert(',', Result, I);

function Chowla(n: NativeUint): NativeUint;
  Divisor, Quotient: NativeUint;
  result := 0;
  Divisor := 2;
  while sqr(Divisor) < n do
    Quotient := n div Divisor;
    if Quotient * Divisor = n then
      inc(result, Divisor + Quotient);
  if sqr(Divisor) = n then
    inc(result, Divisor);

procedure Count10Primes(Limit: NativeUInt);
  n, i, cnt: integer;
  writeln(' primes til |     count');
  i := 100;
  n := 2;
  cnt := 0;
      // Ord (true) = 1 ,Ord (false) = 0
      inc(cnt, ORD(chowla(n) = 0));
    until n > i;
    writeln(Numb2USA(IntToStr(i)): 12, '|', Numb2USA(IntToStr(cnt)): 10);
    i := i * 10;
  until i > Limit;

procedure CheckPerf;
  k, kk, p, cnt, limit: NativeInt;
  writeln(' number that is perfect');
  cnt := 0;
  limit := 35000000;
  k := 2;
  kk := 3;
    p := k * kk;
    if p > limit then
    if chowla(p) = (p - 1) then
      writeln(Numb2USA(IntToStr(p)): 12);
    k := kk + 1;
    inc(kk, k);
  until false;

  I: integer;

  for I := 2 to 37 do
    writeln('chowla(', I: 2, ') =', chowla(I): 3);
  Count10Primes(10 * 1000 * 1000);
chowla( 2) =  0
chowla( 3) =  0
chowla( 4) =  2
chowla( 5) =  0
chowla( 6) =  5
chowla( 7) =  0
chowla( 8) =  6
chowla( 9) =  3
chowla(10) =  7
chowla(11) =  0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) =  0
chowla(14) =  9
chowla(15) =  8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) =  0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) =  0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) =  0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) =  5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) =  0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) =  0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) =  0

 primes til |     count
         100|        25
       1,000|       168
      10,000|     1,229
     100,000|     9,592
   1,000,000|    78,498
  10,000,000|   664,579

 number that is perfect
real  1m54,534s


Library: ntheory
use strict;
use warnings;
use ntheory 'divisor_sum';

sub comma { reverse ((reverse shift) =~ s/(.{3})/$1,/gr) =~ s/^,//r }

sub chowla {
    my($n) = @_;
    $n < 2 ? 0 : divisor_sum($n) - ($n + 1);

sub prime_cnt {
    my($n) = @_;
    my $cnt = 1;
    for (3..$n) {
        $cnt++ if $_%2 and chowla($_) == 0

sub perfect {
    my($n) = @_;
    my @p;
    for my $i (1..$n) {
        push @p, $i if $i > 1 and chowla($i) == $i-1;
    # map { push @p, $_ if $_ > 1 and chowla($_) == $_-1 } 1..$n; # speed penalty

printf "chowla(%2d) = %2d\n", $_, chowla($_) for 1..37;
print "\nCount of primes up to:\n";
printf "%10s %s\n", comma(10**$_), comma(prime_cnt(10**$_)) for 2..7;
my @perfect = perfect(my $limit = 35_000_000);
printf "\nThere are %d perfect numbers up to %s: %s\n",
    1+$#perfect, comma($limit), join(' ', map { comma($_) } @perfect);
chowla( 1) =  0
chowla( 2) =  0
chowla( 3) =  0
chowla( 4) =  2
chowla( 5) =  0
chowla( 6) =  5
chowla( 7) =  0
chowla( 8) =  6
chowla( 9) =  3
chowla(10) =  7
chowla(11) =  0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) =  0
chowla(14) =  9
chowla(15) =  8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) =  0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) =  0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) =  0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) =  5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) =  0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) =  0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) =  0

Count of primes up to:
       100 25
     1,000 168
    10,000 1,229
   100,000 9,592
 1,000,000 78,498
10,000,000 664,579

There are 5 perfect numbers up to 35,000,000: 6 28 496 8,128 33,550,336


function chowla(atom n)
    return sum(factors(n))
end function
function sieve(integer limit)
    -- True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    -- Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    sequence c = repeat(false,limit)
    for i=3 to floor(limit/3) by 2 do
--      if not c[i] and chowla(i)==0 then
        if not c[i] then -- (see note below)
            for j=3*i to limit by 2*i do
                c[j] = true
            end for
        end if
    end for
    return c
end function
atom limit = 1e7, count = 1, pow10 = 100, t0 = time()
sequence s = {}
for i=1 to 37 do
    s &= chowla(i)
end for
printf(1,"chowla[1..37]: %V\n",{s})
s = sieve(limit)
for i=3 to limit by 2 do
    if not s[i] then count += 1 end if
    if i==pow10-1 then
        printf(1,"Count of primes up to %,d = %,d\n", {pow10, count})
        pow10 *= 10
    end if
end for
count = 0
limit = iff(machine_bits()=32?1.4e11:2.4e18)
--limit = power(2,iff(machine_bits()=32?53:64)) -- (see note below)
integer i=2
while true do
    atom p = power(2,i-1)*(power(2,i)-1) -- perfect numbers must be of this form
    if p>limit then exit end if
    if chowla(p)==p-1 then
        printf(1,"%,d is a perfect number\n", p)
        count += 1
    end if
    i += 1
end while
printf(1,"There are %d perfect numbers <= %,d\n",{count,limit})

The use of chowla() in sieve() does not actually achieve anything other than slow it down, so I took it out.

chowla[1..37]: {0,0,0,2,0,5,0,6,3,7,0,15,0,9,8,14,0,20,0,21,10,13,0,35,5,15,12,27,0,41,0,30,14,19,12,54,0}
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
8,589,869,056 is a perfect number
137,438,691,328 is a perfect number
2,305,843,008,139,952,128 is a perfect number
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

Note that 32-bit only finds the first 7 perfect numbers, but does so in 0.4s, whereas 64-bit takes just under 45s to find the 8th one. Using the theoretical (power 2) limits, those times become 4s and 90s respectively, without finding anything else. Obviously 1.4e11 and 2.4e18 were picked to minimise the run times.


Translation of: Prolog
Works with: Picat
chowla(1) = 0.
chowla(2) = 0.
chowla(3) = 0.
chowla(N) = C, N>3 =>
    Max = floor(sqrt(N)),
    Sum = 0,
    foreach (X in 2..Max, N mod X == 0)
        Y := N div X,
        Sum := Sum + X + Y
    if (N == Max * Max) then
        Sum := Sum - Max
    C = Sum.

main =>
    foreach (I in 1..37)
        printf("chowla(%d) = %d\n", I, chowla(I))
    Ranges = {100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000},
    foreach (Range in Ranges)
        Count = 0,
        foreach (I in 2..Range)
            if (chowla(I) == 0) then
                Count := Count + 1
        printf("There are %d primes less than %d.\n", Count, Range)
    Limit = 35000000,
    Count = 0,
    foreach (I in 2..Limit)
        if (chowla(I) == I-1) then
            printf("%d is a perfect number\n", I),
            Count := Count + 1
    printf("There are %d perfect numbers less than %d.\n", Count, Limit).
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes less than 100.
There are 168 primes less than 1000.
There are 1229 primes less than 10000.
There are 9592 primes less than 100000.
There are 78498 primes less than 1000000.
There are 664579 primes less than 10000000.
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers less than 35000000.


(de accu1 (Var Key)
   (if (assoc Key (val Var))
      (con @ (inc (cdr @)))
      (push Var (cons Key 1)) )
   Key )
(de factor (N)
      (R NIL
         D 2
         L (1 2 2 . (4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6 .))
         M (sqrt N) )
      (while (>= M D)
         (if (=0 (% N D))
            (setq M
               (sqrt (setq N (/ N (accu1 'R D)))) )
            (inc 'D (pop 'L)) ) )
      (accu1 'R N)
               (for N (cdr L)
                  (link (** (car L) N)) ) ) )
         R ) ) )
(de chowla (N)
   (let F (factor N)
               (link 1)
                              (mapcar '((C) (* C B)) (made)) )
                           A ) ) )
                  F ) ) )
         1 ) ) )
(de prime (N)
   (and (> N 1) (=0 (chowla N))) )
(de perfect (N)
      (> N 1)
      (= (chowla N) (dec N))) )
(de countP (N)
   (let C 0
      (for I N
         (and (prime I) (inc 'C)) )
      C ) )
(de listP (N)
      (for I N
         (and (perfect I) (link I)) ) ) )
(for I 37
   (prinl "chowla(" I ") = " (chowla I)) )
(prinl "Count of primes up to      100 = " (countP 100))
(prinl "Count of primes up to     1000 = " (countP 1000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to    10000 = " (countP 10000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to   100000 = " (countP 100000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to  1000000 = " (countP 1000000))
(prinl "Count of primes up to 10000000 = " (countP 10000000))
(println (listP 35000000))
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to      100 = 25
Count of primes up to     1000 = 168
Count of primes up to    10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to   100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to  1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
(6 28 496 8128 33550336)


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.


The 8th perfect number is off by 2   (it is too high),
it should end in   ... 952,128

Translation of: Visual Basic .NET

    i = 2
    DO WHILE i * i <= n
        j = n \ i
        IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
            r += i
            IF i <> j THEN
                r += j
            END IF
        END IF
        INCR i
    FUNCTION = r

    i = 2
    DO WHILE i * i <= n
        j = n \ i
        IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
            r += i
            IF i <> j THEN
                r += j
            END IF
        END IF
        INCR i
    FUNCTION = r

REDIM c(limit - 1)
    i = 3
    DO WHILE i * 3 < limit
        IF NOT c(i) THEN
            IF chowla(i) = 0 THEN
                j = 3 * i
                DO WHILE j < limit
                    c(j) = -1
                    j += 2 * i
            END IF
        END IF
        i += 2

LOCAL i, count, limit, power AS LONG
LOCAL p, k, kk, r, ql AS QUAD
    FOR i = 1 TO 37
        s = "chowla(" & TRIM$(STR$(i)) & ") = " & TRIM$(STR$(chowla(i)))
        CON.PRINT s
    NEXT i
    count = 1
    limit = 10000000
    power = 100
    CALL sieve(limit, c())
    FOR i = 3 TO limit - 1 STEP 2
        IF ISFALSE c(i) THEN count += 1
        IF i = power - 1 THEN
            RSET s30 = FORMAT$(power, "#,##0")
            s = "Count of primes up to " & s30 & " =" & STR$(count)
            CON.PRINT s
            power *= 10
        END IF
    NEXT i

    ql = 2 ^ 61
    k = 2: kk = 3
    RESET count
        p = k * kk : IF p > ql THEN EXIT DO
        IF chowla1(p) = p - 1 THEN
            RSET s30 = FORMAT$(p, "#,##0")
            s = s30 & " is a number that is perfect"
            CON.PRINT s
            count += 1
        END IF
        k = kk + 1 : kk += k
    s = "There are" & STR$(count) & " perfect numbers <= " & FORMAT$(ql, "#,##0")

    CON.PRINT "press any key to exit program"
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to                            100 = 25
Count of primes up to                          1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to                         10,000 = 1229
Count of primes up to                        100,000 = 9592
Count of primes up to                      1,000,000 = 78498
Count of primes up to                     10,000,000 = 664579
                             6 is a number that is perfect
                            28 is a number that is perfect
                           496 is a number that is perfect
                         8,128 is a number that is perfect
                    33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
                 8,589,869,056 is a number that is perfect
               137,438,691,328 is a number that is perfect
     2,305,843,008,139,952,130 is a number that is perfect
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 2,305,843,009,213,693,950
press any key to exit program


Works with: SWI Prolog
chowla(1, 0).
chowla(2, 0).
chowla(N, C) :-
    N > 2,
    Max is floor(sqrt(N)),
    findall(X, (between(2, Max, X), N mod X =:= 0), Xs),
    findall(Y, (member(X1, Xs), Y is N div X1, Y \= Max), Ys),
    sum_list(Xs, S1),
    sum_list(Ys, S2),
    C is S1 + S2.

prime_count(Upper, Upper, Count, Count) :-

prime_count(Lower, Upper, Add, Count) :-
    chowla(Lower, 0),
    Lower1 is Lower + 1,
    Add1 is Add + 1,
    prime_count(Lower1, Upper, Add1, Count).

prime_count(Lower, Upper, Add, Count) :-
    Lower1 is Lower + 1,
    prime_count(Lower1, Upper, Add, Count).

perfect_numbers(Upper, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
    reverse(AccNums, Nums).

perfect_numbers(Lower, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
    Perfect is Lower - 1,
    chowla(Lower, Perfect),
    Lower1 is Lower + 1,
    AccNums1 = [Lower|AccNums],
    perfect_numbers(Lower1, Upper, AccNums1, Nums).

perfect_numbers(Lower, Upper, AccNums, Nums) :-
    Lower1 is Lower + 1,
    perfect_numbers(Lower1, Upper, AccNums, Nums).

main :-
    % Chowla numbers
    forall(between(1, 37, N), (
        chowla(N, C),
        format('chowla(~D) = ~D\n', [N, C])

    % Prime numbers
    Ranges = [100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000],
    forall(member(Range, Ranges), (
        prime_count(2, Range, 0, PrimeCount),
        format('There are ~D primes less than ~D.\n', [PrimeCount, Range])

    % Perfect numbers
    Limit = 35000000,
    perfect_numbers(2, Limit, [], Nums),
    forall(member(Perfect, Nums), (
        format('~D is a perfect number.\n', [Perfect])
    length(Nums, PerfectCount),
    format('There are ~D perfect numbers < ~D.\n', [PerfectCount, Limit]).
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes less than 100.
There are 168 primes less than 1,000.
There are 1,229 primes less than 10,000.
There are 9,592 primes less than 100,000.
There are 78,498 primes less than 1,000,000.
There are 664,579 primes less than 10,000,000.
6 is a perfect number.
28 is a perfect number.
496 is a perfect number.
8,128 is a perfect number.
33,550,336 is a perfect number.
There are 5 perfect numbers < 35,000,000.


Uses underscores to separate digits in numbers, and th sympy library to aid calculations.

from sympy import divisors

def chowla(n):
    return 0 if n < 2 else sum(divisors(n, generator=True)) - 1 -n

def is_prime(n):
    return chowla(n) == 0

def primes_to(n):
    return sum(chowla(i) == 0 for i in range(2, n))

def perfect_between(n, m):
    c = 0
    print(f"\nPerfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")
    for i in range(n, m):
        if i > 1 and chowla(i) == i - 1:
            print(f"  {i:_}")
            c += 1
    print(f"Found {c} Perfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(1, 38):
        print(f"chowla({i:2}) == {chowla(i)}")
    for i in range(2, 6):
        print(f"primes_to({10**i:_}) == {primes_to(10**i):_}")
    perfect_between(1, 1_000_000)
    for i in range(6, 8):
        print(f"primes_to({10**i:_}) == {primes_to(10**i):_}")
    perfect_between(1_000_000, 35_000_000)
chowla( 1) == 0
chowla( 2) == 0
chowla( 3) == 0
chowla( 4) == 2
chowla( 5) == 0
chowla( 6) == 5
chowla( 7) == 0
chowla( 8) == 6
chowla( 9) == 3
chowla(10) == 7
chowla(11) == 0
chowla(12) == 15
chowla(13) == 0
chowla(14) == 9
chowla(15) == 8
chowla(16) == 14
chowla(17) == 0
chowla(18) == 20
chowla(19) == 0
chowla(20) == 21
chowla(21) == 10
chowla(22) == 13
chowla(23) == 0
chowla(24) == 35
chowla(25) == 5
chowla(26) == 15
chowla(27) == 12
chowla(28) == 27
chowla(29) == 0
chowla(30) == 41
chowla(31) == 0
chowla(32) == 30
chowla(33) == 14
chowla(34) == 19
chowla(35) == 12
chowla(36) == 54
chowla(37) == 0
primes_to(100) == 25
primes_to(1_000) == 168
primes_to(10_000) == 1_229
primes_to(100_000) == 9_592

Perfect numbers between [1, 1_000_000)
Found 4 Perfect numbers between [1, 1_000_000)

primes_to(1_000_000) == 78_498
primes_to(10_000_000) == 664_579

Perfect numbers between [1_000_000, 35_000_000)
Found 1 Perfect numbers between [1_000_000, 35_000_000)

Python: Numba

(Elementary) use of the numba library needs

  • library install and import
  • use of `@jit` decorator on some functions
  • Rewrite to remove use of `sum()`
  • Splitting one function for the jit compiler to digest.
from numba import jit

from sympy import divisors

def chowla(n):
    return 0 if n < 2 else sum(divisors(n, generator=True)) - 1 -n

def is_prime(n):
    return chowla(n) == 0

def primes_to(n):
    acc = 0
    for i in range(2, n):
        if chowla(i) == 0:
            acc += 1
    return acc

def _perfect_between(n, m):
    for i in range(n, m):
        if i > 1 and chowla(i) == i - 1:
            yield i

def perfect_between(n, m):
    c = 0
    print(f"\nPerfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")
    for i in _perfect_between(n, m):
        print(f"  {i:_}")
        c += 1
    print(f"Found {c} Perfect numbers between [{n:_}, {m:_})")

Same as above for use of same __main__ block.

Speedup - not much, subjectively...


#lang racket

(require racket/fixnum)

(define cache-size 35000000)

(define chowla-cache (make-fxvector cache-size -1))

(define (chowla/uncached n)
  (for/sum ((i (sequence-filter (λ (x) (zero? (modulo n x))) (in-range 2 (add1 (quotient n 2)))))) i))

(define (chowla n)
  (if (> n cache-size)
    (chowla/uncached n)
    (let ((idx (sub1 n)))
      (if (negative? (fxvector-ref chowla-cache idx))
        (let ((c (chowla/uncached n))) (fxvector-set! chowla-cache idx c) c)
        (fxvector-ref chowla-cache idx)))))

(define (prime?/chowla n)
  (and (> n 1)
       (zero? (chowla n))))

(define (perfect?/chowla n)
  (and (> n 1)
       (= n (add1 (chowla n)))))

(define (make-chowla-sieve n)
  (let ((v (make-vector n 0)))
    (for* ((i (in-range 2 n)) (j (in-range (* 2 i) n i))) (vector-set! v j (+ i (vector-ref v j))))
    (for ((i (in-range 1 n))) (fxvector-set! chowla-cache (sub1 i) (vector-ref v i)))))

  (define (count-and-report-primes limit)
    (printf "Primes < ~a: ~a~%" limit (for/sum ((i (sequence-filter prime?/chowla (in-range 2 (add1 limit))))) 1)))

  (for ((i (in-range 1 (add1 37)))) (printf "(chowla ~a) = ~a~%" i (chowla i)))

  (make-chowla-sieve cache-size)

  (for-each count-and-report-primes '(1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000))

  (let ((ns (for/list ((n (sequence-filter perfect?/chowla (in-range 2 35000000)))) n)))
    (printf "There are ~a perfect numbers <= 35000000: ~a~%" (length ns) ns)))
(chowla 1) = 0
(chowla 2) = 0
(chowla 3) = 0
(chowla 4) = 2
(chowla 5) = 0
(chowla 6) = 5
(chowla 7) = 0
(chowla 8) = 6
(chowla 9) = 3
(chowla 10) = 7
(chowla 11) = 0
(chowla 12) = 15
(chowla 13) = 0
(chowla 14) = 9
(chowla 15) = 8
(chowla 16) = 14
(chowla 17) = 0
(chowla 18) = 20
(chowla 19) = 0
(chowla 20) = 21
(chowla 21) = 10
(chowla 22) = 13
(chowla 23) = 0
(chowla 24) = 35
(chowla 25) = 5
(chowla 26) = 15
(chowla 27) = 12
(chowla 28) = 27
(chowla 29) = 0
(chowla 30) = 41
(chowla 31) = 0
(chowla 32) = 30
(chowla 33) = 14
(chowla 34) = 19
(chowla 35) = 12
(chowla 36) = 54
(chowla 37) = 0
cpu time: 23937 real time: 23711 gc time: 151
Primes < 1000: 168
Primes < 10000: 1229
Primes < 100000: 9592
Primes < 1000000: 78498
Primes < 10000000: 664579
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35000000: (6 28 496 8128 33550336)


(formerly Perl 6) Much like in the Totient function task, we are using a thing poorly suited to finding prime numbers, to find large quantities of prime numbers.

(From the task's author):   the object is not in the   finding   of prime numbers,   but in   verifying   that the Chowla function operates correctly   (and can be used for such a purpose, whatever the efficacy).   These types of comments belong in the discussion page.   Whether or not this function is poorly suited for finding prime numbers (or anything else) is not part of this task's purpose or objective.

(For a more reasonable test, reduce the orders-of-magnitude range in the "Primes count" line from 2..7 to 2..5)

sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }

sub schnitzel (\Radda, \radDA = 0) { ?? !Radda !! ?radDA ?? Radda
    !! sum flat (2 .. Radda.sqrt.floor).map: -> \RAdda {
        my \RADDA = Radda div RAdda;
        next if RADDA * RAdda !== Radda;
        RAdda !== RADDA ?? (RAdda, RADDA) !! RADDA

my \chowder = cache (1..Inf).hyper(:8degree).grep( !*.&schnitzel: 'panini' );

my \mung-daal = lazy gather for chowder -> \panini {
    my \gazpacho = 2**panini - 1;
    take gazpacho * 2**(panini - 1) unless schnitzel gazpacho, panini;

printf "chowla(%2d) = %2d\n", $_, .&schnitzel for 1..37;

say '';

printf "Count of primes up to %10s: %s\n", comma(10**$_),
  comma chowder.first( * > 10**$_, :k) for 2..7;

say "\nPerfect numbers less than 35,000,000";

.&comma.say for mung-daal[^5];
chowla( 1) =  0
chowla( 2) =  0
chowla( 3) =  0
chowla( 4) =  2
chowla( 5) =  0
chowla( 6) =  5
chowla( 7) =  0
chowla( 8) =  6
chowla( 9) =  3
chowla(10) =  7
chowla(11) =  0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) =  0
chowla(14) =  9
chowla(15) =  8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) =  0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) =  0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) =  0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) =  5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) =  0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) =  0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) =  0

Count of primes up to        100: 25
Count of primes up to      1,000: 168
Count of primes up to     10,000: 1,229
Count of primes up to    100,000: 9,592
Count of primes up to  1,000,000: 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000: 664,579

Perfect numbers less than 35,000,000


/*REXX program computes/displays chowla numbers (and may count primes & perfect numbers.*/
parse arg LO HI .                                /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if LO=='' | LO==","  then LO=  1                 /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
perf= LO<0;               LO= abs(LO)            /*Negative?  Then determine if perfect.*/
if HI=='' | HI==","  then HI= LO                 /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
prim= HI<0;               HI= abs(HI)            /*Negative?  Then determine if a prime.*/
numeric digits max(9, length(HI) + 1 )           /*use enough decimal digits for   //   */
w= length( commas(HI) )                          /*W:   used in aligning output numbers.*/
tell= \(prim | perf)                             /*set boolean value for showing chowlas*/
p= 0                                             /*the number of primes found  (so far).*/
     do j=LO  to HI;       #= chowla(j)          /*compute the  cholwa number  for  J.  */
     if tell  then say right('chowla('commas(j)")", w+9)    ' = '    right( commas(#), w)
              else if #==0  then if j>1  then p= p+1
     if perf  then if j-1==# & j>1  then say right(commas(j), w)   ' is a perfect number.'
     end   /*j*/

if prim & \perf  then say 'number of primes found for the range '   commas(LO)    " to " ,
                           commas(HI)        " (inclusive)  is: "   commas(p)
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
chowla: procedure; parse arg x;         if x<2  then return 0;          odd= x // 2
        s=0                                      /* [↓]  use EVEN or ODD integers.   ___*/
            do k=2+odd  by 1+odd  while k*k<x    /*divide by all the integers up to √ X */
            if x//k==0  then  s=s + k + x%k      /*add the two divisors to the sum.     */
            end   /*k*/                          /* [↓]  adkust for square.          ___*/
        if k*k==x  then  s=s + k                 /*Was  X  a square?    If so, add  √ X */
        return s                                 /*return     "     "    "      "     " */
commas: parse arg _;  do k=length(_)-3  to 1  by -3; _= insert(',', _, k); end;   return _
output   when using the input of:     1     37
  chowla(1)  =   0
  chowla(2)  =   0
  chowla(3)  =   0
  chowla(4)  =   2
  chowla(5)  =   0
  chowla(6)  =   5
  chowla(7)  =   0
  chowla(8)  =   6
  chowla(9)  =   3
 chowla(10)  =   7
 chowla(11)  =   0
 chowla(12)  =  15
 chowla(13)  =   0
 chowla(14)  =   9
 chowla(15)  =   8
 chowla(16)  =  14
 chowla(17)  =   0
 chowla(18)  =  20
 chowla(19)  =   0
 chowla(20)  =  21
 chowla(21)  =  10
 chowla(22)  =  13
 chowla(23)  =   0
 chowla(24)  =  35
 chowla(25)  =   5
 chowla(26)  =  15
 chowla(27)  =  12
 chowla(28)  =  27
 chowla(29)  =   0
 chowla(30)  =  41
 chowla(31)  =   0
 chowla(32)  =  30
 chowla(33)  =  14
 chowla(34)  =  19
 chowla(35)  =  12
 chowla(36)  =  54
 chowla(37)  =   0
output   when using the input of:     1     -100
number of primes found for the range  1  to  100  (inclusive)  is:  25
output   when using the input of:     1     -1000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  1,000  (inclusive)  is:  168
output   when using the input of:     1     -10000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  10,000  (inclusive)  is:  1,229
output   when using the input of:     1     -100000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  100,000  (inclusive)  is:  9,592
output   when using the input of:     1     -1000000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  1,000,000  (inclusive)  is:  78.498
output   when using the input of:     1     -10000000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  10,000,000  (inclusive)  is:  664,579
output   when using the input of:     1     -100000000
number of primes found for the range  1  to  100,000,000  (inclusive)  is:  5,761,455
output   when using the input of:     -1     35000000
         6  is a perfect number.
        28  is a perfect number.
       496  is a perfect number.
     8,128  is a perfect number.
33,550,336  is a perfect number.


Translation of: C
def chowla(n)
    sum = 0
    i = 2
    while i * i <= n do
        if n % i == 0 then
            sum = sum + i
            j = n / i
            if i != j then
                sum = sum + j
        i = i + 1
    return sum

def main
    for n in 1 .. 37 do
        puts "chowla(%d) = %d" % [n, chowla(n)]

    count = 0
    power = 100
    for n in 2 .. 10000000 do
        if chowla(n) == 0 then
            count = count + 1
        if n % power == 0 then
            puts "There are %d primes < %d" % [count, power]
            power = power * 10

    count = 0
    limit = 350000000
    k = 2
    kk = 3
    loop do
        p = k * kk
        if p > limit then
        if chowla(p) == p - 1 then
            puts "%d is a perfect number" % [p]
            count = count + 1
        k = kk + 1
        kk = kk + k
    puts "There are %d perfect numbers < %d" % [count, limit]

chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers < 350000000


Translation of: C++
fn chowla(n: usize) -> usize {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 2;
    while i * i <= n {
        if n % i == 0 {
            sum += i;
            let j = n / i;
            if i != j {
                sum += j;
        i += 1;

fn sieve(limit: usize) -> Vec<bool> {
    let mut c = vec![false; limit];
    let mut i = 3;
    while i * i < limit {
        if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
            let mut j = 3 * i;
            while j < limit {
                c[j] = true;
                j += 2 * i;
        i += 2;

fn main() {
    for i in 1..=37 {
        println!("chowla({}) = {}", i, chowla(i));

    let mut count = 1;
    let limit = 1e7 as usize;
    let mut power = 100;
    let c = sieve(limit);
    for i in (3..limit).step_by(2) {
        if !c[i] {
            count += 1;
        if i == power - 1 {
            println!("Count of primes up to {} = {}", power, count);
            power *= 10;

    count = 0;
    let limit = 35000000;
    let mut k = 2;
    let mut kk = 3;
    loop {
        let p = k * kk;
        if p > limit {
        if chowla(p) == p - 1 {
            println!("{} is a number that is perfect", p);
            count += 1;
        k = kk + 1;
        kk += k;
    println!("There are {} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count);
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to 100 = 25
Count of primes up to 1000 = 168
Count of primes up to 10000 = 1229
Count of primes up to 100000 = 9592
Count of primes up to 1000000 = 78498
Count of primes up to 10000000 = 664579
6 is a number that is perfect
28 is a number that is perfect
496 is a number that is perfect
8128 is a number that is perfect
33550336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


This solution uses a lazily-evaluated iterator to find and sum the divisors of a number, and speeds up the large searches using parallel vectors.

object ChowlaNumbers {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    println("Chowla Numbers...")
    for(n <- 1 to 37){println(s"$n: ${chowlaNum(n)}")}
    println("\nPrime Counts...")
    for(i <- (2 to 7).map(math.pow(10, _).toInt)){println(f"$i%,d: ${primesPar(i).size}%,d")}
    println("\nPerfect Numbers...")
    print(perfectsPar(35000000){case (n, i) => f"${i + 1}%,d: $n%,d"}.mkString("\n"))
  def primesPar(num: Int): ParVector[Int] = ParVector.range(2, num + 1).filter(n => chowlaNum(n) == 0)
  def perfectsPar(num: Int): ParVector[Int] = ParVector.range(6, num + 1).filter(n => chowlaNum(n) + 1 == n)
  def chowlaNum(num: Int): Int = Iterator.range(2, math.sqrt(num).toInt + 1).filter(n => num%n == 0).foldLeft(0){case (s, n) => if(n*n == num) s + n else s + n + (num/n)}
Chowla Numbers...
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0

Prime Counts...
100: 25
1,000: 168
10,000: 1,229
100,000: 9,592
1,000,000: 78,498
10,000,000: 664,579

Perfect Numbers...
1: 6
2: 28
3: 496
4: 8,128
5: 33,550,336


Uses Grand Central Dispatch to perform concurrent prime counting and perfect number searching

import Foundation

public func chowla<T: BinaryInteger>(n: T) -> T {
  stride(from: 2, to: T(Double(n).squareRoot()+1), by: 1)
    .filter({ n % $0 == 0 })
    .reduce(0, {(s: T, m: T) in
      m*m == n ? s + m : s + m + (n / m)

extension Dictionary where Key == ClosedRange<Int> {
  subscript(n: Int) -> Value {
    get {
      guard let key = keys.first(where: { $0.contains(n) }) else {
        fatalError("dict does not contain range for \(n)")

      return self[key]!

    set {
      guard let key = keys.first(where: { $0.contains(n) }) else {
        fatalError("dict does not contain range for \(n)")

      self[key] = newValue

let lock = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)

var perfect = [Int]()
var primeCounts = [
  1...100: 0,
  101...1_000: 0,
  1_001...10_000: 0,
  10_001...100_000: 0,
  100_001...1_000_000: 0,
  1_000_001...10_000_000: 0

for i in 1...37 {
  print("chowla(\(i)) = \(chowla(n: i))")

DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 35_000_000) {i in
  let chowled = chowla(n: i)

  if chowled == 0 && i > 1 && i < 10_000_000 {
    primeCounts[i] += 1

  if chowled == i - 1 && i > 1 {

let numPrimes = primeCounts
  .sorted(by: { $0.key.lowerBound < $1.key.lowerBound })
  .reduce(into: [(Int, Int)](), {counts, oneCount in
    guard !counts.isEmpty else {
      counts.append((oneCount.key.upperBound, oneCount.value))


    counts.append((oneCount.key.upperBound, counts.last!.1 + oneCount.value))

for (upper, count) in numPrimes {
  print("Number of primes < \(upper) = \(count)")

for p in perfect {
  print("\(p) is a perfect number")
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Number of primes < 100 = 25
Number of primes < 1000 = 168
Number of primes < 10000 = 1229
Number of primes < 100000 = 9592
Number of primes < 1000000 = 78498
Number of primes < 10000000 = 664579
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number

Visual Basic

Works with: Visual Basic version 6
Translation of: Visual Basic .NET
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function AllocConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Dim mStdOut As Scripting.TextStream

Function chowla(ByVal n As Long) As Long
Dim j As Long, i As Long
  i = 2
  Do While i * i <= n
    j = n \ i
    If n Mod i = 0 Then
    chowla = chowla + i
      If i <> j Then
      chowla = chowla + j
      End If
    End If
    i = i + 1
End Function
Function sieve(ByVal limit As Long) As Boolean()
Dim c() As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
  i = 3
  ReDim c(limit - 1)
    Do While i * 3 < limit
      If Not c(i) Then
        If (chowla(i) = 0) Then
          j = 3 * i
          Do While j < limit
            c(j) = True
            j = j + 2 * i
        End If
    End If
    i = i + 2
  sieve = c()
End Function

Sub Display(ByVal s As String)
  Debug.Print s
  mStdOut.Write s & vbNewLine
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim i As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim limit As Long
Dim power As Long
Dim c() As Boolean
Dim p As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim kk As Long
Dim s As String * 30
Dim mFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim mStdIn As Scripting.TextStream
  Set mFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
  Set mStdIn = mFSO.GetStandardStream(StdIn)
  Set mStdOut = mFSO.GetStandardStream(StdOut)
  For i = 1 To 37
    Display "chowla(" & i & ")=" & chowla(i)
  Next i
  count = 1
  limit = 10000000
  power = 100
  c = sieve(limit)
  For i = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
    If Not c(i) Then
      count = count + 1
    End If
    If i = power - 1 Then
      RSet s = FormatNumber(power, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
      Display "Count of primes up to " & s & " = " & FormatNumber(count, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
      power = power * 10
    End If
  Next i

  count = 0: limit = 35000000
  k = 2:     kk = 3

    p = k * kk
    If p > limit Then
      Exit Do
    End If

    If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
      RSet s = FormatNumber(p, 0, vbUseDefault, vbUseDefault, True)
      Display s & " is a number that is perfect"
      count = count + 1
    End If
    k = kk + 1
    kk = kk + k
  Display "There are " & CStr(count) & " perfect numbers <= 35.000.000"

  mStdOut.Write "press enter to quit program."
  mStdIn.Read 1


End Sub
Count of primes up to                            100 = 25
Count of primes up to                          1.000 = 168
Count of primes up to                         10.000 = 1.229
Count of primes up to                        100.000 = 9.592
Count of primes up to                      1.000.000 = 78.498
Count of primes up to                     10.000.000 = 664.579
                             6 is a number that is perfect
                            28 is a number that is perfect
                           496 is a number that is perfect
                         8.128 is a number that is perfect
                    33.550.336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35.000.000
press enter to quit program.

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: Go
Imports System

Module Program
    Function chowla(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
        chowla = 0 : Dim j As Integer, i As Integer = 2
        While i * i <= n
            j = n / i : If n Mod i = 0 Then chowla += i + (If(i = j, 0, j))
            i += 1
        End While
    End Function

    Function sieve(ByVal limit As Integer) As Boolean()
        Dim c As Boolean() = New Boolean(limit - 1) {}, i As Integer = 3
        While i * 3 < limit
            If Not c(i) AndAlso (chowla(i) = 0) Then
                Dim j As Integer = 3 * i
                While j < limit : c(j) = True : j += 2 * i : End While
            End If : i += 2
        End While
        Return c
    End Function

    Sub Main(args As String())
        For i As Integer = 1 To 37
            Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i))
        Dim count As Integer = 1, limit As Integer = CInt((10000000.0)), power As Integer = 100,
            c As Boolean() = sieve(limit)
        For i As Integer = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
            If Not c(i) Then count += 1
            If i = power - 1 Then
                Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count)
                power = power * 10
            End If
        count = 0 : limit = 35000000
        Dim p As Integer, k As Integer = 2, kk As Integer = 3
        While True
            p = k * kk : If p > limit Then Exit While
            If chowla(p) = p - 1 Then
                Console.WriteLine("{0,10:n0} is a number that is perfect", p)
                count += 1
            End If
            k = kk + 1 : kk += k
        End While
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= 35,000,000", count)
        If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
    End Sub
End Module
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to        100 = 25
Count of primes up to      1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to     10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to    100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to  1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
         6 is a number that is perfect
        28 is a number that is perfect
       496 is a number that is perfect
     8,128 is a number that is perfect
33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000

More Cowbell

One can get a little further, but that 8th perfect number takes nearly a minute to verify. The 9th takes longer than I have patience. If you care to see the 9th and 10th perfect numbers, change the 31 to 61 or 89 where indicated by the comment.

Imports System.Numerics

Module Program
    Function chowla(n As Integer) As Integer
        chowla = 0 : Dim j As Integer, i As Integer = 2
        While i * i <= n
            If n Mod i = 0 Then j = n / i : chowla += i : If i <> j Then chowla += j
            i += 1
        End While
    End Function

    Function chowla1(ByRef n As BigInteger, x As Integer) As BigInteger
        chowla1 = 1 : Dim j As BigInteger, lim As BigInteger = BigInteger.Pow(2, x - 1)
        For i As BigInteger = 2 To lim
            If n Mod i = 0 Then j = n / i : chowla1 += i : If i <> j Then chowla1 += j
    End Function

    Function sieve(ByVal limit As Integer) As Boolean()
        Dim c As Boolean() = New Boolean(limit - 1) {}, i As Integer = 3
        While i * 3 < limit
            If Not c(i) AndAlso (chowla(i) = 0) Then
                Dim j As Integer = 3 * i
                While j < limit : c(j) = True : j += 2 * i : End While
            End If : i += 2
        End While
        Return c
    End Function

    Sub Main(args As String())
        For i As Integer = 1 To 37
            Console.WriteLine("chowla({0}) = {1}", i, chowla(i))
        Dim count As Integer = 1, limit As Integer = CInt((10000000.0)), power As Integer = 100,
            c As Boolean() = sieve(limit)
        For i As Integer = 3 To limit - 1 Step 2
            If Not c(i) Then count += 1
            If i = power - 1 Then
                Console.WriteLine("Count of primes up to {0,10:n0} = {1:n0}", power, count)
                power = power * 10
            End If
        count = 0
        Dim p As BigInteger, k As BigInteger = 2, kk As BigInteger = 3
        For i As Integer = 2 To 31 ' if you dare, change the 31 to 61 or 89
            If {2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89}.Contains(i) Then
                p = k * kk
                If chowla1(p, i) = p Then
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,25:n0} is a number that is perfect", p)
                    st = DateTime.Now
                    count += 1
                End If
            End If
            k = kk + 1 : kk += k
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} perfect numbers <= {1:n0}", count, 25 * BigInteger.Pow(10, 18))
        If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.ReadKey()
    End Sub
End Module
chowla(1) = 0
chowla(2) = 0
chowla(3) = 0
chowla(4) = 2
chowla(5) = 0
chowla(6) = 5
chowla(7) = 0
chowla(8) = 6
chowla(9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0
Count of primes up to        100 = 25
Count of primes up to      1,000 = 168
Count of primes up to     10,000 = 1,229
Count of primes up to    100,000 = 9,592
Count of primes up to  1,000,000 = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579
                        6 is a number that is perfect
                       28 is a number that is perfect
                      496 is a number that is perfect
                    8,128 is a number that is perfect
               33,550,336 is a number that is perfect
            8,589,869,056 is a number that is perfect
          137,438,691,328 is a number that is perfect
2,305,843,008,139,952,128 is a number that is perfect
There are 8 perfect numbers <= 25,000,000,000,000,000,000

V (Vlang)

Translation of: Go
fn chowla(n int) int {
    if n < 1 {
        panic("argument must be a positive integer")
    mut sum := 0
    for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
        if n%i == 0 {
            j := n / i
            if i == j {
                sum += i
            } else {
                sum += i + j
    return sum
fn sieve(limit int) []bool {
    // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
    mut c := []bool{len: limit}
    for i := 3; i*3 < limit; i += 2 {
        if !c[i] && chowla(i) == 0 {
            for j := 3 * i; j < limit; j += 2 * i {
                c[j] = true
    return c
fn main() {
    for i := 1; i <= 37; i++ {
        println("chowla(${i:2}) = ${chowla(i)}")
    mut count := 1
    mut limit := int(1e7)
    c := sieve(limit)
    mut power := 100
    for i := 3; i < limit; i += 2 {
        if !c[i] {
        if i == power-1 {
            println("Count of primes up to ${power:-10} = $count")
            power *= 10
    count = 0
    limit = 35000000
    for i := 2; ; i++ {
        p := (1 << (i -1)) * ((1<<i) - 1)
        if p > limit {
        if chowla(p) == p-1  {
            println("$p is a perfect number")
    println("There are $count perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Count of primes up to 100        = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000      = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000     = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000    = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000  = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8128 is a perfect number
33550336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-math
import "./fmt" for Fmt
import "./math" for Int, Nums

var chowla = { |n| (n > 1) ? Nums.sum(Int.properDivisors(n)) - 1 : 0 }

for (i in 1..37) Fmt.print("chowla($2d) = $d", i,
var count = 1
var limit = 1e7
var c = Int.primeSieve(limit, false)
var power = 100
var i = 3
while (i < limit) {
    if (!c[i]) count = count + 1
    if (i == power - 1) {
        Fmt.print("Count of primes up to $,-10d = $,d", power, count)
        power = power * 10
    i = i + 2
count = 0
limit = 35 * 1e6
i = 2
while (true) {
    var p = (1 << (i -1)) * ((1<<i) - 1) // perfect numbers must be of this form
    if (p > limit) break
    if ( == p-1) {
        Fmt.print("$,d is a perfect number", p)
        count = count + 1
    i = i + 1
System.print("There are %(count) perfect numbers <= 35,000,000")
chowla( 1) = 0
chowla( 2) = 0
chowla( 3) = 0
chowla( 4) = 2
chowla( 5) = 0
chowla( 6) = 5
chowla( 7) = 0
chowla( 8) = 6
chowla( 9) = 3
chowla(10) = 7
chowla(11) = 0
chowla(12) = 15
chowla(13) = 0
chowla(14) = 9
chowla(15) = 8
chowla(16) = 14
chowla(17) = 0
chowla(18) = 20
chowla(19) = 0
chowla(20) = 21
chowla(21) = 10
chowla(22) = 13
chowla(23) = 0
chowla(24) = 35
chowla(25) = 5
chowla(26) = 15
chowla(27) = 12
chowla(28) = 27
chowla(29) = 0
chowla(30) = 41
chowla(31) = 0
chowla(32) = 30
chowla(33) = 14
chowla(34) = 19
chowla(35) = 12
chowla(36) = 54
chowla(37) = 0

Count of primes up to 100        = 25
Count of primes up to 1,000      = 168
Count of primes up to 10,000     = 1,229
Count of primes up to 100,000    = 9,592
Count of primes up to 1,000,000  = 78,498
Count of primes up to 10,000,000 = 664,579

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000


func Chowla(N);         \Return sum of divisors
int  N, Div, Sum, Quot;
[Div:= 2;  Sum:= 0;
loop    [Quot:= N/Div;
        if Quot < Div then quit;
        if Quot = Div and rem(0) = 0 then \N is a square
            [Sum:= Sum+Quot;  quit];
        if rem(0) = 0 then
            Sum:= Sum + Div + Quot;
        Div:= Div+1;
return Sum;

int N, C, P;
[for N:= 1 to 37 do
    [IntOut(0, N);  Text(0, ": ");
    IntOut(0, Chowla(N));  CrLf(0);
C:= 1;  \count 2 as prime
N:= 3;  \only check odd numbers
repeat  if Chowla(N) = 0 then \N is prime
            C:= C+1;
        case N+1 of 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000, 10_000_000:
            [Text(0, "There are ");  IntOut(0, C);  Text(0, " primes < ");
            IntOut(0, N+1);  CrLf(0)]
        other [];
        N:= N+2;
until   N >= 10_000_000;
P:= 1;  \perfect numbers are of form: 2^(P-1) * (2^P - 1)
loop    [P:= P*2;
        N:= P*(P*2-1);
        if N > 35_000_000 then quit;
        if Chowla(N) = N-1 then \N is perfect
            [IntOut(0, N);  CrLf(0)];
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 0
6: 5
7: 0
8: 6
9: 3
10: 7
11: 0
12: 15
13: 0
14: 9
15: 8
16: 14
17: 0
18: 20
19: 0
20: 21
21: 10
22: 13
23: 0
24: 35
25: 5
26: 15
27: 12
28: 27
29: 0
30: 41
31: 0
32: 30
33: 14
34: 19
35: 12
36: 54
37: 0
There are 25 primes < 100
There are 168 primes < 1000
There are 1229 primes < 10000
There are 9592 primes < 100000
There are 78498 primes < 1000000
There are 664579 primes < 10000000


Translation of: Go
fcn chowla(n){
      throw(Exception.ValueError("Chowla function argument must be positive"));
   foreach i in ([2..n.toFloat().sqrt()]){
      if(n%i == 0){
	 if(i==j) sum+=i; 
	 else     sum+=i+j;

fcn chowlaSieve(limit){
    // True denotes composite, false denotes prime.
    // Only interested in odd numbers >= 3
   c:=Data(limit+100).fill(0); # slop at the end (for reverse wrap around)
   foreach i in ([3..limit/3,2]){
      if(not c[i] and chowla(i)==0)
         { foreach j in ([3*i..limit,2*i]){ c[j]=True } }
fcn testChowla{
   println("The first 37 Chowla numbers:\n",
      [1..37].apply(chowla).concat(" ","[","]"), "\n");

   count,limit,power := 1, (1e7).toInt(), 100;
   foreach i in ([3..limit-1,2]){
      if(not c[i]) count+=1;
      if(i == power - 1){
	 println("The count of the primes up to %10,d is %8,d".fmt(power,count));

   count, limit = 0, 35_000_000;
   foreach i in ([2..]){
      p:=(1).shiftLeft(i - 1) * ((1).shiftLeft(i)-1); // perfect numbers must be of this form
      if(p>limit) break;
      if(p-1 == chowla(p)){
         println("%,d is a perfect number".fmt(p));
   println("There are %,d perfect numbers <= %,d".fmt(count,limit));
The first 37 Chowla numbers:
[0 0 0 2 0 5 0 6 3 7 0 15 0 9 8 14 0 20 0 21 10 13 0 35 5 15 12 27 0 41 0 30 14 19 12 54 0]

The count of the primes up to        100 is       25
The count of the primes up to      1,000 is      168
The count of the primes up to     10,000 is    1,229
The count of the primes up to    100,000 is    9,592
The count of the primes up to  1,000,000 is   78,498
The count of the primes up to 10,000,000 is  664,579

6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number
8,128 is a perfect number
33,550,336 is a perfect number
There are 5 perfect numbers <= 35,000,000