Category:Z80 Assembly

This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
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Z80 Assembly is an assembly language for the Zilog Z80 processor, which was introduced in 1976 and used in 1980s home computers such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the Amstrad CPC series. In the late 1990s, some TI graphing calculators (e.g. the TI-83 series) were also Z80-based.
The Z80 is binary compatible with the earlier Intel 8080, but the assembly code is different because instead of having several different commands for loading and storing data, there is only one,LD, on the Z80. Therefore, on the assembly level, Z80 code is actually closer to 8086 code when MOV is changed to LD and the different register structure is taken into account.[1]
Today, the Z80 is still widely used in embedded systems and consumer electronics. Several cross assemblers exist for the Z80, e.g. z80asm. Also, some emulators of e.g. the Amstrad CPC feature a built-in assembler.
The Z80 has a lot of registers compared to other 8-bit hardware like the 6502.
- A is the accumulator. Most commands can only work with it, so you'll be using it the most. In particular,
, andneg
are instructions that technically take two operands but one is forced to be the accumulator at all times.
- B and C can be used as the 16-bit pair BC, or separately. Instructions that loop often decrement B or BC and repeat until the register equals zero. These include
, and other similar instructions.
- D and E can be used as the 16-bit pair DE, or separately. Together they often form the destination address for block transfer operations like
(essentially the equivalent of memcpy in the C programming language.)
- H and L can be used as the 16-bit pair HL, or separately. Together they often form the source address for block transfer operations like
. In addition, HL can do many things that the other register pairs cannot.
The tricky part of the Z80 language is knowing what each register can and can't do.
- IX and IY are your index registers. They are slower to work with and not as easy to use as other commands, because of the way they work behind the scenes. (What actually happens is a prefix is applied to any instruction involving HL, and that prefix turns the instruction into one involving IX or IY instead.) The half-registers are IXH, IXL, IYH, and IYL. The Game Boy doesn't have these.
- I is the interrupt register, and R is the memory refresh register. They have their uses on occasion but are best left alone for the most part. The Game Boy doesn't even have them.
There is an alternative set of registers for AF, BC, DE and HL. These are accessed using the EX AF, AF'
and EXX
The flags, or condition codes, are set or cleared as appropriate by various actions. This is just an overview of the flags - you'll need to check a hardware manual for a full list of which commands affect the flags and in what ways.
- Zero flag = equals 1 when the last math operation resulted in a 0, and equals 0 if not. Note that loading a zero (or any value really) into a register does NOT affect this flag, which is not the case for every CPU out there.
- Carry flag = equals 1 if the last math operation generated a carry or borrow (essentially a rollover from $FF to $00 or vice versa.) For comparisons, if Accumulator < Operand, carry is set. If Accumulator >= operand, carry clear. And for bit shifts/rotates, the carry represents the bit that was shifted/rotated "out" of the register. The carry can be set manually with
, flipped withCCF
, or cleared withOR A
- Parity/Overflow flag = this flag can represent either Bit Parity or Signed Overflow depending on what instruction was executed last. For arithmetic instructions like ADD and SUB, this represents whether a signed overflow occurred (essentially a rollover from $7F to $80 or vice versa.) For bitwise operations, this flag equals 1 if there are an even number of 1s in the byte, and 0 otherwise. The Game Boy does not have this flag.
- Half-Carry Flag = equals 1 if the last math operation resulted in a half-carry (essentially a rollover from $0F to $10 or vice versa.) The DAA (decimal adjust accumulator) instruction is the only one that uses this for any meaningful purpose.
- Sign Flag = equals 1 if the last instruction resulted in a negative number (i.e. bit 7 of the byte is set, or bit 15 if 16-bit registers were used.) The Game Boy doesn't have this flag, but you can make up for that by using the BIT instruction to test bit 7 yourself.
Assembler Syntax
Assembler syntax varies a bit depending on the assembler, but most follow Intel syntax conventions, with a few minor differences.
- Instructions with two operands have the destination on the left, and the source on the right, separated by a comma. For example,
loads the contents of the A register into the C register. - & or $ represents hexadecimal, and % represents binary.
- A register or a 16-bit value in parentheses represents a pointer being dereferenced. The size of the data pointed to will be the same as the size of the destination.
LD A,($4000) ;load the BYTE at memory address $4000 into the accumulator.
LD HL,($6000) ;load the WORD at memory address $6000 into HL.
;Or, more accurately, load the BYTE at $6000 into L and the BYTE at $6001 into H.
LD A,(HL) ;The value stored in HL is treated as a memory address, and the BYTE at that address is loaded into the accumulator.
Efficient Coding Tricks
As with most assembly languages, there are techniques to abuse the "rules" of the CPU to squeeze out as much performance as you can. This can become a bit of a game to some people, to see how much they can optimize their code. There seems to be a law of nature when it comes to assembly programming, that anything you do to make your code faster takes up more memory, and vice versa. And trying to optimize either for speed or bytes will also make your code harder to read. It's unfortunate but it seems to be true more often than not. Thankfully, comments can make up for readability. Let's explore a few ways to make your code faster and/or more compact.
Everyone's favorite
This is where you start optimizing Z80 code:
XOR A ; set A to zero
; This saves 1 byte and 3 cycles, but also changes the flags.
Fast Checking for Odd or Even
Suppose you have a byte at some memory location and you want to know if it's odd or even.
LD A,(HL) ; 1 byte, 7 cycles
BIT 0,A ; 2 bytes, 8 cycles
JR nz,odd
If you don't need the actual value, you can use:
BIT 0,(HL) ; 2 bytes, 12 cycles
JR nz,odd
But there are also a few other ways to do it, which are faster and/or take fewer bytes to execute. BIT 0,A
takes 2 bytes to encode. So does AND 1
but it's a little faster. It does destroy the accumulator but if you don't care about that, it's better to use AND 1
LD A,(HL) ; 1 byte, 7 cycles
AND 1 ; 2 bytes, 7 cycles
JR nz,odd
Or is it? There's an even faster way than this that takes only ONE byte to encode:
LD A,(HL) ; 1 byte, 7 cycles
RRCA ; 1 byte, 4 cycles
JR c,odd
If you don't care about destroying the accumulator (i.e. you only need the result of the test and not the number being tested) then RRCA
outperforms AND 1
in every way. AND 1
in this case still has its uses if you need bit 0 to reflect the result of the test. If you don't, use RRCA
Bit Shifting
The Z80 does have bit shifting, but thanks to RLCA and RRCA it's often faster to rotate instead. Compare the following two code snippets:
SLA A ;8 bytes, 32 cycles total
AND %00001111
RLCA ;6 bytes, 23 cycles total
Not only is the second method shorter, it's also faster. The accumulator-specific bit rotates take 1 byte and 4 clock cycles each. They are different, however, because unlike the two-byte versions, these do not affect the zero flag. This isn't a big deal, however, as more often than not if you're rotating the accumulator you're not expecting to get zero as the output anyway.
Correction: The AND
does affect the Z flag. So the end result will be the same, right?
Note that the Z flag is preserved through the rotates. And zero rotated is still zero.
For 16-bit bit shifting, use A instead of the other half of the register pair for faster results (unless you're checking for equality to zero, or you need the accumulator for something else.)
rept 4 ;inline the following 4 times, back to back:
rept 4 ;this version is faster.
Inlined bytecode
Branches take a decent amount of clock cycles, even if they're not taken. A branch not taken is faster than one that is (except JP which takes 10 cycles regardless of the outcome), but either way you're taking a performance hit. It's really frustrating when you have to branch around a single instruction:
jr nc,foo
ld a,&44
jr done
ld a,&40
pop hl
But in this (admittedly contrived) example, there's an esoteric way to avoid the jr done
while still having the same functionality. It has to do with the LD a,&40
. As it turns out, &40 is the opcode for LD b,b
, and since loading a register on the Z80 doesn't affect flags, this LD b,b
instruction will have no effect on our program. We can actually trick the CPU into executing the operand &40 as an instruction, like so:
jr nc,foo
ld a,&44
byte &26 ;opcode for LD L,# (next byte is operand.) Functionally identical to "JR done"
ld a,&40
pop hl
Since Z80 is an Intel-like CISC architecture, the same sequence of bytes can be interpreted different ways depending on how the Program Counter reads them. So even though our source code would appear as though there's a random data byte in the middle of instructions, what the CPU actually executes is this, in the event that jr nc,foo
is not taken:
ld a,&44
ld L,&3e ;&3E is the opcode for LD A,__ (next byte is operand)
ld b,b ;do nothing
pop hl
Since we're popping HL anyway, it won't hurt to load &3E into L beforehand, as it's just going to get wiped anyway. Effectively, we skipped the LD a,&40
without branching. Now you may be wondering why you'd want to go through all this trouble. As it turns out, using byte &26
in this situation actually saves 1 byte and 3 clock cycles compared to using jr done
! The only thing you lose in this exchange is readability (which is why comments are so essential with tricks like these - I'd recommend commenting the "correct" instruction beside it so it's clear what you're optimizing.) Avoid the temptation to abuse these tricks because it makes you feel clever - it's just another tool in your toolbox, like anything else.
LDIR is slow
The only advantage of instructions like LDIR
is the fact that they only takes up two bytes, regardless of the amount of work they'll be doing. The equivalent number of inlined LDI
instructions will outspeed LDIR
every time.
Some programmers have taken this to its logical extreme by filling several kilobytes' worth of memory with LDI
instructions, then pick how many they want to execute by offsetting a pointer to that section of memory. If you have plenty of bytes to burn and the need for speed, it can be a viable option.
align 256 ;ensures that the first LDI begins at address &xx00
rept &7FF
LDI ;LDI takes up two bytes each, so by storing &7FF of them we fill up &0FFE bytes, nearly 4k!
See also
- Tutorials on Z80 assembly for various Z80-based hardware
- Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks, 1981 3rd ed. (PDF)—downloadable with permission of the author
- Z80 instruction set and opcodes
- Z80 product specification and data sheet (PDF)
- Z80 information site
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- Z80 Assembly Implementations (empty)
- Z80 Assembly User (22 P)
Pages in category "Z80 Assembly"
The following 126 pages are in this category, out of 126 total.
- Safe mode
- Segmentation fault protection
- Shift list elements to left by 3
- Show ASCII table
- Sierpinski carpet
- Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
- Special characters
- Special variables
- Spiral matrix
- Split a character string based on change of character
- Stack
- Start from a main routine
- String case
- String length
- String matching