Guess the number

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Write a program where the program chooses a number between 1 and 10.
A player is then prompted to enter a guess. If the player guesses wrong, then the prompt appears again until the guess is correct.
When the player has made a successful guess the computer will issue a "Well guessed!" message, and the program exits.
A conditional loop may be used to repeat the guessing until the user is correct.
- Related tasks
<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Guess_Number is
subtype Number is Integer range 1 .. 10; package Number_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Number); package Number_RNG is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Number); Generator : Number_RNG.Generator; My_Number : Number; Your_Guess : Number;
Number_RNG.Reset (Generator); My_Number := Number_RNG.Random (Generator); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Guess my number!"); loop Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Your guess: "); Number_IO.Get (Your_Guess); exit when Your_Guess = My_Number; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Wrong, try again!"); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Well guessed!");
end Guess_Number;</lang>
<lang aime>file f; integer n; text s;
f_affix(f, "/dev/stdin");
n = irand(1, 10); o_text("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10.\n"); o_text("Try to guess it!\n"); while (1) {
f_look(f, "0123456789"); f_near(f, "0123456789", s); if (atoi(s) != n) {
o_text("That's not my number.\n"); o_text("Try another guess!\n");
} else {
o_text("You have won!\n");</lang>
<lang algol68>main: (
INT n; INT g; n := ENTIER (random*10+1); PROC puts = (STRING string)VOID: putf(standout, ($gl$,string)); puts("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10."); puts("Try to guess it! "); DO readf(($g$, g)); IF g = n THEN break ELSE puts("That's not my number. "); puts("Try another guess!") FI OD; break: puts("You have won! ")
)</lang> Sample output:
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it! 1 That's not my number. Try another guess! 2 That's not my number. Try another guess! 3 You have won!
<lang AppleScript>on run
-- define the number to be guessed set numberToGuess to (random number from 1 to 10) -- prepare a variable to store the user's answer set guessedNumber to missing value -- start a loop (will be exited by using "exit repeat" after a correct guess) repeat try -- ask the user for his/her guess set usersChoice to (text returned of (display dialog "Guess the number between 1 and 10 inclusive" default answer "" buttons {"Check"} default button "Check")) -- try to convert the given answer to an integer set guessedNumber to usersChoice as integer on error -- something gone wrong, overwrite user's answer with a non-matching value set guessedNumber to missing value end try -- decide if the user's answer was the right one if guessedNumber is equal to numberToGuess then -- the user guessed the correct number and gets informed display dialog "Well guessed! The number was " & numberToGuess buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" -- exit the loop (quits this application) exit repeat end if end repeat
end run</lang>
Or, constraining mutation, and abstracting a little to an until(predicate, function, value) pattern
<lang AppleScript>on run
-- isMatch :: Int -> Bool script isMatch on lambda(x) tell x to its guess = its secret end lambda end script -- challenge :: () -> {secret: Int, guess: Int} script challenge on response() set v to (text returned of (display dialog ¬ "Guess the number in range 1-10" default answer ¬ "" buttons {"Esc", "Check"} default button ¬ "Check" cancel button "Esc")) if isInteger(v) then v as integer else -1 end if end response on lambda(rec) {secret:(random number from 1 to 10), guess:response() ¬ of challenge, attempts:(attempts of rec) + 1} end lambda end script -- MAIN LOOP set rec to |until|(isMatch, challenge, {secret:-1, guess:0, attempts:0}) display dialog (((guess of rec) as string) & ": Well guessed ! " & ¬ linefeed & linefeed & "Attempts: " & (attempts of rec))
end run
-- until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a on |until|(p, f, x)
set mp to mReturn(p) set v to x tell mReturn(f) repeat until mp's lambda(v) set v to lambda(v) end repeat end tell return v
end |until|
-- isInteger :: a -> Bool on isInteger(e)
try set n to e as integer on error return false end try true
end isInteger
-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)
if class of f is script then f else script property lambda : f end script end if
end mReturn</lang>
<lang AutoHotkey>Random, rand, 1, 10 ; This stores a number between 1 and 10 in the var rand using the Mersenne Twister msgbox I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10.
loop { InputBox, guess, Guess the number, Type in a number from 1 to 10 If (guess = rand) { msgbox Well Guessed! Break ; exits loop } Else Msgbox Try again. } </lang>
<lang autoit> $irnd = Random(1, 10, 1) $iinput = -1 While $input <> $irnd $iinput = InputBox("Choose a number", "Please chosse a Number between 1 and 10") WEnd MsgBox(0, "Success", "Well guessed!") </lang>
<lang AWK>
srand() n = int(rand() * 10) + 1 print("I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it.") while (1) { getline ans if (ans !~ /^[0-9]+$/) { print("Your input was not a number. Try again.") continue } if (n == ans) { print("Well done you.") break } print("Incorrect. Try again.") } exit(0)
} </lang>
Applesoft BASIC
<lang ApplesoftBasic>10 N% = RND(1) * 10 + 1 20 PRINT "A NUMBER FROM 1 "; 30 PRINT "TO 10 HAS BEEN "; 40 PRINT "RANDOMLY CHOSEN." 50 FOR Q = 0 TO 1 STEP 0 60 INPUT "ENTER A GUESS. "; G% 70 Q = G% = N% 80 NEXT 90 PRINT "WELL GUESSED!"</lang>
<lang qbasic>supervisor: GOSUB initialize GOSUB guessing GOTO continue
initialize: RANDOMIZE TIMER n = 0: r = INT(RND * 100 + 1): g = 0: c$ = "" RETURN
guessing: WHILE g <> r
INPUT "Pick a number between 1 and 100"; g IF g = r THEN PRINT "You got it!" n = n + 1 PRINT "It took "; n; "tries to pick the right number." ELSEIF g < r THEN PRINT "Try a larger number." n = n + 1 ELSE PRINT "Try a smaller number." n = n + 1 END IF
continue: WHILE c$ <> "YES" AND c$ <> "NO"
INPUT "Do you want to continue? (YES/NO)"; c$ c$ = UCASE$(c$) IF c$ = "YES" THEN GOTO supervisor ELSEIF c$ = "NO" THEN STOP END IF
ZX Spectrum Basic
ZX Spectrum Basic has no conditional loop constructs, so we have to emulate them here using IF and GO TO. <lang zxbasic>1 LET n=INT (RND*10)+1 2 INPUT "Guess a number that's between 1 and 10: ",g: IF g=n THEN PRINT "That's my number!": STOP 3 PRINT "Guess again!": GO TO 2</lang>
<lang BASIC256>n = int(rand * 10) + 1 print "I am thinking of a number from 1 to 10" do
input "Guess it > ",g if g <> n then print "No luck, Try again." endif
until g = n print "Yea! You guessed my number."</lang>
Batch File
At the line SET /A rand=%random% %% (10 - 1 + 1)+ 1, if you want to change the minimum and maximum numbers, change all number ones (not counting the one that is in 10) to your desired chosen number and for the maximum, which is 10, do the same, but for maximum (eg. the minimum could be 123 and the maximum could be 321, etc.).<lang dos>@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- begin
SET /A rand=%random% %% (10 - 1 + 1)+ 1 SET guess= SET /P guess=Pick a number between 1 and 10:
- loop
IF "!guess!" == "" ( EXIT ) SET /A guess=!guess! IF !guess! equ !rand! ( ECHO Well guessed^^! EXIT ) SET guess= SET /P guess=Nope, guess again: GOTO loop</lang>
<lang bbcbasic> choose% = RND(10)
REPEAT INPUT "Guess a number between 1 and 10: " guess% IF guess% = choose% THEN PRINT "Well guessed!" END ELSE PRINT "Sorry, try again" ENDIF UNTIL FALSE</lang>
<lang Befunge>v RNG anthouse > v ,,,,,,<
v?v , vvvvv , v?????v , vvvvvvvvv , >?????????v , >vvvvvvvvvv< , >??????????< , >vvvvvvvvvv< , >??????????< , >vvvvvvvvvv< ^"Well guessed!"< >??????????< >"oN",,91v actual game unit 1234567899 ^_91+"!" ^ 1 ^-g22<&<>+,v +>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^ >>>>>>>>>v^"guessthenumber!"+19< RNG unit > 22p ^</lang>
The value is generated by the clk
function, which returns a (probably) non-integral rational number. The den
function retrieves the denominators of this number. The rational number, multiplied by its denominator, becomes an natural number.
<lang bracmat>( ( GuessTheNumber
= mynumber . clk$:?mynumber & mod$(!mynumber*den$!mynumber.10)+1:?mynumber & whl ' ( put'"Guess my number:" & get':~!mynumber:?K ) & out'"Well guessed!" )
& GuessTheNumber$ );</lang>
<lang brat>number = random 10
p "Guess a number between 1 and 10."
until {
true? ask("Guess: ").to_i == number { p "Well guessed!"; true } { p "Guess again!" }
<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>
- include <stdio.h>
- include <time.h>
int main(void) {
int n; int g; char c;
srand(time(NULL)); n = 1 + (rand() % 10);
puts("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10."); puts("Try to guess it:");
while (1) { if (scanf("%d", &g) != 1) {
/* ignore one char, in case user gave a non-number */ scanf("%c", &c); continue; }
if (g == n) {
puts("Correct!"); return 0; }
puts("That's not my number. Try another guess:"); }
<lang cpp>#include <iostream>
- include <cstdlib>
- include <ctime>
int main() {
srand(time(0)); int n = 1 + (rand() % 10); int g; std::cout << "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10.\nTry to guess it! "; while(true) { std::cin >> g; if (g == n) break; else std::cout << "That's not my number.\nTry another guess! "; } std::cout << "You've guessed my number!"; return 0;
<lang csharp>using System;
class GuessTheNumberGame {
static void Main() { bool numberCorrect = false; Random randomNumberGenerator = new Random(); int randomNumber = randomNumberGenerator.Next(1, 10+1); Console.WriteLine("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Can you guess it?"); do { Console.Write("Guess: "); int userGuess = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (userGuess == randomNumber) { numberCorrect = true; Console.WriteLine("Congrats!! You guessed right!"); } else Console.WriteLine("That's not it. Guess again."); } while (!numberCorrect); }
<lang Clojure> (def target (inc (rand-int 10))
(loop [n 0]
(println "Guess a number between 1 and 10 until you get it right:") (let [guess (read)]
(if (= guess target) (printf "Correct on the %d guess.\n" n) (do (println "Try again") (recur (inc n)))))) </lang>
PROGRAM-ID. Guess-The-Number.
PROCEDURE DIVISION. COMPUTE Random-Num = 1 + (FUNCTION RANDOM * 10) DISPLAY "Guess a number between 1 and 10:"
IF Guess = Random-Num DISPLAY "Well guessed!" EXIT PERFORM ELSE DISPLAY "That isn't it. Try again." END-IF END-PERFORM GOBACK .</lang>
<lang coffeescript>num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10) guess = prompt "Guess the number. (1-10)" while parseInt(guess) isnt num
guess = prompt "YOU LOSE! Guess again. (1-10)"
alert "Well guessed!"</lang>
<lang coffeescript>
- This shows how to do simple REPL-like I/O in node.js.
readline = require "readline"
do ->
number = Math.ceil(10 * Math.random()) interface = readline.createInterface process.stdin, process.stdout
guess = -> interface.question "Guess the number between 1 and 10: ", (answer) -> if parseInt(answer) == number # These lines allow the program to terminate. console.log "GOT IT!" interface.close() process.stdin.destroy() else console.log "Sorry, guess again" guess() guess()
Common Lisp
<lang lisp>(defun guess-the-number ()
(let ((num-guesses 0)
(num (1+ (random 9))) (guess nil))
(format t "Try to guess a number from 1 to 10!~%") (loop do (format t "Guess? ")
(incf num-guesses) (setf guess (read)) (cond ((not (numberp guess)) (format t "Your guess is not a number!~%")) ((not (= guess num)) (format t "Your guess was wrong. Try again.~%"))) until (and (numberp guess) (= guess num)))
(format t "You guessed correctly on the ~:r try!~%" num-guesses)))
</lang> Output:
CL-USER> (guess-the-number) Try to guess a number from 1 to 10! Guess? a Your guess is not a number! Guess? 1 Your guess was wrong. Try again. Guess? 2 Your guess was wrong. Try again. Guess? 3 You guessed correctly on the fourth try!
<lang d> void main() {
immutable num = uniform(1, 10).text;
do write("What's next guess (1 - 9)? "); while (readln.strip != num);
writeln("Yep, you guessed my ", num);
- Output:
What's next guess (1 - 9)? 1 What's next guess (1 - 9)? 2 What's next guess (1 - 9)? 3 Yep, you guessed my 3!
<lang DCL>$ time = f$time() $ number = f$extract( f$length( time ) - 1, 1, time ) + 1 $ loop: $ inquire guess "enter a guess (integer 1-10) " $ if guess .nes. number then $ goto loop $ write sys$output "Well guessed!"</lang>
- Output:
$ @guess_the_number enter a guess (integer 1-10) : 5 enter a guess (integer 1-10) : 1 enter a guess (integer 1-10) : 2 enter a guess (integer 1-10) : 3 enter a guess (integer 1-10) : 4 Well guessed!
<lang dart> import 'dart:math'; void main() {
int y=5; int max=11,min=1; var x= new Random(); x=x.nextInt(max-min); if (y==x) print("WON"); else print('Try Again');
<lang Delphi>program GuessTheNumber;
uses SysUtils;
theDigit : String ; theAnswer : String ;
Randomize ; theDigit := IntToStr(Random(9)+1) ; while ( theAnswer <> theDigit ) do Begin Writeln('Please enter a digit between 1 and 10' ) ; Readln(theAnswer); End ; Writeln('Congratulations' ) ;
end. </lang>
Déjà Vu
<lang dejavu>local :number random-range 1 11
while true: if = number to-num !prompt "Guess my number: ": !print "Congratulations, you've guessed it!" return else: !print "Nope, try again."</lang>
<lang Eiffel> class APPLICATION
create make
feature {NONE} -- Initialization
make local number_to_guess: INTEGER do number_to_guess := (create {RANDOMIZER}).random_integer_in_range (1 |..| 10) from print ("Please guess the number!%N") io.read_integer until io.last_integer = number_to_guess loop print ("Please, guess again!%N") io.read_integer end print ("Well guessed!%N") end
end </lang> The code above is simplified if we create a RANDOMIZER, which simplifies reuse (e.g. the code in RANDOMIZER does not have to be recreated for each need of a random number). <lang Eiffel> class RANDOMIZER
inherit ANY redefine default_create end
feature {NONE} -- Initialization
default_create -- <Precursor> local time: TIME do sequence.do_nothing end
feature -- Access
random_integer_in_range (a_range: INTEGER_INTERVAL): INTEGER do Result := (sequence.double_i_th (1) * a_range.upper).truncated_to_integer + a_range.lower end
feature {NONE} -- Implementation
sequence: RANDOM local seed: INTEGER_32 time: TIME once create time.make_now seed := time.hour * (60 + time.minute) * (60 + time.second) * (1000 + time.milli_second) create Result.set_seed (seed) end
end </lang>
- Output:
Please guess the number! 10 Please, guess again! 9 Please, guess again! 8 Correct!
<lang elixir>defmodule GuessingGame do
def play do play(Enum.random(1..10)) end defp play(number) do guess = Integer.parse(IO.gets "Guess a number (1-10): ") case guess do {^number, _} -> IO.puts "Well guessed!" {n, _} when n in 1..10 -> IO.puts "That's not it." play(number) _ -> IO.puts "Guess not in valid range." play(number) end end
<lang erlang>% Implemented by Arjun Sunel -module(guess_the_number). -export([main/0]).
main() -> io:format("Guess my number between 1 and 10 until you get it right:\n"), N = random:uniform(10), guess(N).
guess(N) -> {ok, [K]} = io:fread("Guess number : ","~d"),
if K=:=N -> io:format("Well guessed!!\n"); true -> guess(N) end. </lang>
! ! for !
RANDOMIZE(TIMER) N=0 R=INT(RND(1)*100+1) ! RND function gives a random number from 0 to 1 G=0 C$=""
WHILE G<>R DO INPUT("Pick a number between 1 and 100";G) IF G=R THEN PRINT("You got it!") N+=1 PRINT("It took";N;"tries to pick the right Number.") ELSIF G<R THEN PRINT("Try a larger number.") N+=1 ELSE PRINT("Try a smaller number.") N+=1 END IF END WHILE
END PROGRAM </lang> Note: Adapted from Qbasic version.
<lang Euphoria>include get.e
integer n,g n = rand(10)
puts(1,"I have thought of a number from 1 to 10.\n") puts(1,"Try to guess it!\n")
while 1 do
g = prompt_number("Enter your guess: ",{1,10}) if n = g then exit end if puts(1,"Your guess was wrong. Try again!\n")
end while
puts(1,"Well done! You guessed it.")</lang>
<lang factor> USING: io random math math.parser kernel formatting ; IN: guess-the-number
- gen-number ( -- n )
10 random 1 + ;
- make-guess ( n -- n ? )
dup readln string>number = ;
- play-game ( n -- n )
[ make-guess ] [ "Guess a number between 1 and 10:" print flush ] do until ;
- guess-the-number ( -- )
gen-number play-game "Yes, the number was %d!\n" printf ;
<lang fantom> class Main {
public static Void main () { Str target := (1..10).random.toStr Str guess := "" while (guess != target) { echo ("Enter a guess: ") guess = if (guess.trim == target) // 'trim' to remove any spaces/newline { echo ("Well guessed!") break } else echo ("Failed - try again") } }
} </lang>
<lang Forth> \ tested with GForth 0.7.0
- RND ( -- n) TIME&DATE 2DROP 2DROP DROP 10 MOD ; \ crude random number
- ASK ( -- ) CR ." Guess a number between 1 and 10? " ;
- REPLY ( n n' -- n) 2DUP <> IF CR ." No, it's not " DUP . THEN ;
- GAME ( -- )
RND BEGIN ASK GUESS REPLY OVER = UNTIL CR ." Yes it was " . CR ." Good guess!" ;
<lang fortran>program guess_the_number
implicit none
integer :: guess real :: r integer :: i, clock, count, n integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: seed
real,parameter :: rmax = 10
!initialize random number generator:
call random_seed(size=n) allocate(seed(n)) call system_clock(count) seed = count call random_seed(put=seed) deallocate(seed)
!pick a random number between 1 and rmax:
call random_number(r) !r between 0.0 and 1.0 i = int((rmax-1.0)*r + 1.0) !i between 1 and rmax
!get user guess:
write(*,'(A)') 'Im thinking of a number between 1 and 10.' do !loop until guess is correct
write(*,'(A)',advance='NO') 'Enter Guess: ' read(*,'(I5)') guess if (guess==i) exit write(*,*) 'Sorry, try again.'
end do
write(*,*) 'Youve guessed my number!'
end program guess_the_number </lang>
<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Randomize Dim n As Integer = Int(Rnd * 10) + 1 Dim guess As Integer Print "Guess which number I've chosen in the range 1 to 10" Print Do
Input " Your guess : "; guess If n = guess Then Print "Well guessed!" End End If
- Output:
Sample input/output :
Guess which number I've chosen in the range 1 to 10 Your guess : ? 3 Your guess : ? 6 Your guess : ? 7 Your guess : ? 9 Your guess : ? 2 Your guess : ? 4 Well guessed!
<lang GML>var n, g; n = irandom_range(1,10); show_message("I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 10"); g = get_integer("Please enter guess", 1); while(g != n)
{ g = get_integer("I'm sorry "+g+" is not my number, try again. Please enter guess", 1); }
show_message("Well guessed!");</lang>
<lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "math/rand" "time"
func main() {
fmt.Print("Guess number from 1 to 10: ") rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) n := rand.Intn(10) + 1 for guess := n; ; fmt.Print("No. Try again: ") { switch _, err := fmt.Scan(&guess); { case err != nil: fmt.Println("\n", err, "\nSo, bye.") return case guess == n: fmt.Println("Well guessed!") return } }
<lang groovy> def random = new Random() def keyboard = new Scanner( def number = random.nextInt(10) + 1 println "Guess the number which is between 1 and 10: " def guess = keyboard.nextInt() while (number != guess) {
println "Guess again: " guess = keyboard.nextInt()
} println "Hurray! You guessed correctly!" </lang>
<lang qbasic>10 RANDOMIZE TIMER:N=INT(RND*10+1):G=0 20 PRINT "Guess the number between 1 and 10." 30 WHILE N<>G 40 INPUT "Your guess? ",G 50 WEND 60 PRINT "That's correct!"</lang>
<lang haskell> import Control.Monad import System.Random
-- Repeat the action until the predicate is true. until_ act pred = act >>= pred >>= flip unless (until_ act pred)
answerIs ans guess
| ans == guess = putStrLn "You got it!" >> return True | otherwise = putStrLn "Nope. Guess again." >> return False
ask = liftM read getLine
main = do
ans <- randomRIO (1,10) :: IO Int putStrLn "Try to guess my secret number between 1 and 10." ask `until_` answerIs ans
Simple version:
<lang haskell> import System.Random
main = randomRIO (1,10) >>= gameloop
gameloop :: Int -> IO () gameloop r = do i <- fmap read getLine if i == r then putStrLn "You got it!" else putStrLn "Nope. Guess again." >> gameloop r </lang>
Icon and Unicon
This solution works in both languages.
<lang unicon>procedure main()
n := ?10 repeat { writes("Pick a number from 1 through 10: ") if n = numeric(read()) then break } write("Well guessed!")
<lang j>require 'misc' game=: verb define
n=: 1 + ?10 smoutput 'Guess my integer, which is bounded by 1 and 10' whilst. -. guess -: n do. guess=. {. 0 ". prompt 'Guess: ' if. 0 -: guess do. 'Giving up.' return. end. smoutput (guess=n){::'no.';'Well guessed!' end.
Example session:
<lang> game Guess my integer, which is bounded by 1 and 10 Guess: 1 no. Guess: 2 Well guessed!</lang>
<lang java5>public class Guessing {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException{ int n = (int)(Math.random() * 10 + 1); System.out.print("Guess the number between 1 and 10: "); while(Integer.parseInt(System.console().readLine()) != n){ System.out.print("Wrong! Guess again: "); } System.out.println("Well guessed!"); }
For pre-Java 6, use a Scanner
or BufferedReader
for input instead of System.console()
(see Input loop#Java).
<lang javascript> function guessNumber() {
// Get a random integer from 1 to 10 inclusive var num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); var guess;
while (guess != num) { guess = prompt('Guess the number between 1 and 10 inclusive'); } alert('Congratulations!\nThe number was ' + num);
Requires a host environment that supports prompt
and alert
such as a browser.
<lang julia>function guess()
number = rand(1:10) print("Guess my number! ") while(chomp(readline(STDIN)) != string(number)) print("Nope, try again! ") end println("Well guessed!")
- Output:
julia> guess() Guess my number! 6 Nope, try again! 9 Nope, try again! 45 Nope, try again! grr Nope, try again! 3 Well guessed!
<lang scala>// version 1.0.5-2
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val rand = java.util.Random() val n = 1 + rand.nextInt(10) var guess: Int println("Guess which number I've chosen in the range 1 to 10\n") while (true) { print(" Your guess : ") guess = readLine()!!.toInt() if (n == guess) { println("\nWell guessed!") return } }
}</lang> Sample input/output:
- Output:
Guess which number I've chosen in the range 1 to 10 Your guess : 5 Your guess : 8 Well guessed!
This image is a VI Snippet, an executable image of LabVIEW code. The LabVIEW version is shown on the top-right hand corner. You can download it, then drag-and-drop it onto the LabVIEW block diagram from a file browser, and it will appear as runnable, editable code.
Command Line
The following example works when Lasso is called from a command line <lang Lasso>local( number = integer_random(10, 1), status = false, guess )
// prompt for a number stdout('Guess a number between 1 and 10: ')
while(not #status) => { #guess = null
// the following bits wait until the terminal gives you back a line of input while(not #guess or #guess -> size == 0) => { #guess = file_stdin -> readSomeBytes(1024, 1000) } #guess = integer(#guess)
if(not (range(#guess, 1, 10) == #guess)) => { stdout('Input not of correct type or range. Guess a number between 1 and 10: ') else(#guess == #number) stdout('Well guessed!') #status = true else stdout('You guessed wrong number. Guess a number between 1 and 10: ') }
Web form
The following example is a web page form <lang Lasso><?LassoScript
local( number = integer(web_request -> param('number') or integer_random(10, 1)), status = false, guess = web_request -> param('guess'), _guess = integer(#guess), message = 'Guess a number between 1 and 10' )
if(#guess) => { if(not (range(#_guess, 1, 10) == #_guess)) => { #Message = 'Input not of correct type or range. Guess a number between 1 and 10' else(#_guess == #number) #Message = 'Well guessed!' #status = true else #Message = 'You guessed wrong number. Guess a number between 1 and 10' } }
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Guess the number - Rosetta Code</title>
[if(not #status)]
<form method="post">
<label for="guess">Guess:</label>
<input type="number" name="guess" />
<input name="number" type="hidden" value="[#number]" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" />
<lang lisp> (defmodule guessing-game
(export (main 0)))
(defun get-player-guess ()
(let (((tuple 'ok (list guessed)) (: io fread '"Guess number: " '"~d"))) guessed))
(defun check-guess (answer guessed)
(cond ((== answer guessed) (: io format '"Well-guessed!!~n")) ((/= answer guessed) (check-guess answer (get-player-guess)))))
(defun main ()
(: io format '"Guess the number I have chosen, between 1 and 10.~n") (check-guess (: random uniform 10) (get-player-guess)))
From the LFE REPL (assuming the above code was saved in the file "guessing-game.lfe"): <lang lisp> > (slurp '"guessing-game.lfe")
- (ok guessing-game)
> (main) Guess the number I have chosen, between 1 and 10. Guess number: 10 Guess number: 5 Well-guessed!! ok </lang>
Liberty BASIC
<lang lb>number = int(rnd(0) * 10) + 1 input "Guess the number I'm thinking of between 1 and 10. "; guess while guess <> number
input "Incorrect! Try again! "; guess
wend print "Congratulations, well guessed! The number was "; number;"."</lang>
<lang LiveCode>command guessTheNumber
local tNumber, tguess put random(10) into tNumber repeat until tguess is tNumber ask question "Please enter a number between 1 and 10" titled "Guess the number" if it is not empty then put it into tguess if tguess is tNumber then answer "Well guessed!" end if else exit repeat end if end repeat
end guessTheNumber</lang>
Locomotive Basic
<lang locobasic>10 RANDOMIZE TIME:num=INT(RND*10+1):guess=0 20 PRINT "Guess the number between 1 and 10." 30 WHILE num<>guess 40 INPUT "Your guess? ", guess 50 WEND 60 PRINT "That's correct!"</lang>
There is no native support for random numbers. This solution uses a simple linear congruential generator to simulate them, with the lamentable restriction that the user must first be prompted for a seed. <lang LOLCODE>HAI 1.3
HOW IZ I randomizin
seed R MOD OF SUM OF 1 AN PRODUKT OF 69069 AN seed AN 10
I IZ randomizin MKAY I HAS A answer ITZ SUM OF seed AN 1 I HAS A guess
IM IN YR guesser
IM OUTTA YR guesser
<lang lua>math.randomseed( os.time() ) n = math.random( 1, 10 )
print( "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it: " )
x = tonumber( )
if x == n then
print "Well guessed!"
print "Guess again: "
until x == n</lang>
<lang Maple>GuessNumber := proc()
local number; randomize(): printf("Guess a number between 1 and 10 until you get it right:\n:"); number := rand(1..10)(); while parse(readline()) <> number do printf("Try again!\n:"); end do: printf("Well guessed! The answer was %d.\n", number);
end proc:</lang> <lang Maple>GuessNumber();</lang>
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
<lang Mathematica>number = RandomInteger[{1, 10}]; While[guess =!= number, guess = Input["Guess my number"]]; Print["Well guessed!"]</lang>
<lang matlab>number = ceil(10*rand(1)); [guess, status] = str2num(input('Guess a number between 1 and 10: ','s'));
while (~status || guess ~= number)
[guess, status] = str2num(input('Guess again: ','s'));
end disp('Well guessed!')</lang>
<lang MAXScript> rand = random 1 10 clearListener() while true do ( userval = getKBValue prompt:"Enter an integer between 1 and 10: " if userval == rand do (format "\nWell guessed!\n"; exit) format "\nChoose another value\n" ) </lang>
Mercury does have a 'time' module in its standard library, but it offers an abstract type instead of the seconds-since-the-epoch we want to seed the RNG with. So this is also an example of how easy it is to call out to C. (It's just as easy to call out to C#, Java, and Erlang.) Also, rather than parse the input, this solution prepares the random number to match the typed input. This isn't a weakness of Mercury, just the author's desire to cheat a bit.
<lang Mercury>:- module guess.
- - interface.
- - import_module io.
- - pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
- - implementation.
- - import_module random, string.
main(!IO) :-
time(Time, !IO), random.init(Time, Rand), random.random(1, 10, N, Rand, _), main(from_int(N) ++ "\n", !IO).
- - pred main(string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
main(N, !IO) :-
io.write_string("Guess the number: ", !IO), io.read_line_as_string(Res, !IO), ( Res = ok(S), ( if S = N then io.write_string("Well guessed!\n", !IO) else main(N, !IO) ) ; Res = error(E) ; Res = eof ).
- - pred time(int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
- - pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include <time.h>").
- - pragma foreign_proc("C", time(Int::out, _IO0::di, _IO1::uo),
[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "Int = time(NULL);").</lang>
MIPS Assembly
<lang mips>
- WRITTEN: August 26, 2016 (at midnight...)
- This targets MARS implementation and may not work on other implementations
- Specifically, using MARS' random syscall
.data take_a_guess: .asciiz "Make a guess:" good_job: .asciiz "Well guessed!"
.text #retrieve system time as a seed li $v0,30 syscall
#use the high order time stored in $a1 as the seed arg move $a1,$a0
#set the seed li $v0,40 syscall
#generate number 0-9 (random int syscall generates a number where): # 0 <= $v0 <= $a1 li $a1,10 li $v0,42 syscall
#increment the randomly generated number and store in $v1 add $v1,$a0,1
loop: jal print_take_a_guess jal read_int
#go back to beginning of loop if user hasn't guessed right, # else, just "fall through" to exit_procedure bne $v0,$v1,loop
exit_procedure: #set syscall to print_string, then set good_job string as arg li $v0,4 la $a0,good_job syscall
#exit program li $v0,10 syscall
print_take_a_guess: li $v0,4 la $a0,take_a_guess syscall jr $ra
read_int: li $v0,5 syscall jr $ra </lang>
<lang Nemerle>using System; using System.Console;
module Guess {
Main() : void { def rand = Random(); def x = rand.Next(1, 11); // returns 1 <= x < 11 mutable guess = 0; do { WriteLine("Guess a nnumber between 1 and 10:"); guess = Int32.Parse(ReadLine()); } while (guess != x); WriteLine("Well guessed!"); }
<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary
guessThis = (Math.random * 10 + 1) % 1 guess = -1 prompt = [ -
'Try guessing a number between 1 and 10', - 'Wrong; try again...' - ]
promptIdx = int 0
loop label g_ until guess = guessThis
say prompt[promptIdx] promptIdx = 1 parse ask guess . if guess = guessThis then do say 'Well guessed!' guess 'is the correct number.' leave g_ end end g_
return </lang>
<lang NewLISP>; guess-number.lsp
- oofoe 2012-01-19
(seed (time-of-day)) ; Initialize random number generator from clock. (setq number (+ 1 (rand 10)))
(println "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Can you guess it?") (print "Type in your guess and hit [enter]: ") (while (!= number (int (read-line))) (print "Nope! Try again: ")) (println "Well guessed! Congratulations!")
Sample output:
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Can you guess it? Type in your guess and hit [enter]: 5 Nope! Try again: 3 Nope! Try again: 10 Nope! Try again: 1 Nope! Try again: 4 Well guessed! Congratulations!
<lang nim> import strutils, math
randomize() var chosen = 1 + random(10) echo "I have thought of a number. Try to guess it!"
var guess = parseInt(readLine(stdin))
while guess != chosen:
echo "Your guess was wrong. Try again!" guess = parseInt(readLine(stdin))
echo "Well guessed!" </lang>
Works with oo2c Version 2 <lang oberon2> MODULE GuessTheNumber; IMPORT
RandomNumbers, In, Out;
PROCEDURE Do; VAR n,guess: LONGINT; BEGIN n := RandomNumbers.RND(10); Out.String("Guess a number between 1 and 10: ");Out.Flush(); LOOP In.LongInt(guess); IF guess = n THEN Out.String("You guessed!!"); Out.Ln; EXIT END; Out.String(" Sorry, try again: ");Out.Flush() END END Do;
END GuessTheNumber. </lang>
<lang objeck> use IO;
bundle Default {
class GuessNumber { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { done := false; "Guess the number which is between 1 and 10 or 'q' to quite: "->PrintLine(); rand_num := (Float->Random() * 10.0)->As(Int) + 1; while(done = false) { guess := Console->ReadString(); number := guess->ToInt(); if(number <> 0) { if(number <> rand_num) { "Guess again: "->PrintLine(); } else { "Hurray! You guessed correctly!"->PrintLine(); done := true; }; } else { if(guess->StartsWith("q") | guess->StartsWith("Q")) { done := true; }; }; }; } }
} </lang>
<lang objc>
- import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool { NSLog(@"I'm thinking of a number between 1 - 10. Can you guess what it is?\n"); int rndNumber = arc4random_uniform(10) + 1; // Debug (Show rndNumber in console) //NSLog(@"Random number is %i", rndNumber); int userInput; do { NSLog(@"Input the number below\n"); scanf("%i", &userInput); if (userInput > 10) { NSLog(@"Please enter a number less than 10\n"); } if (userInput > 10 || userInput != rndNumber) { NSLog(@"Your guess %i is incorrect, please try again", userInput); } else { NSLog(@"Your guess %i is correct!", userInput); } } while (userInput > 10 || userInput != rndNumber); } return 0;
} </lang>
<lang ocaml>#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
let () =
Random.self_init(); let n = if Random.bool () then let n = 2 + 8 in print_endline "Please guess a number between 1 and 10 excluded"; (n) else let n = 1 + 10 in print_endline "Please guess a number between 1 and 10 included"; (n) in while read_int () <> n do print_endline "The guess was wrong! Please try again!" done; print_endline "Well guessed!"</lang>
<lang Oforth>import: console
- guess
10 rand doWhile: [ "Guess :" . System.Console askln asInteger over <> ] drop "Well guessed!" . ;</lang>
<lang ol> (import (otus random!))
(define number (+ 1 (rand! 10))) (let loop ()
(display "Pick a number from 1 through 10: ") (if (eq? (read) number) (print "Well guessed!") (loop)))
<lang parigp>guess()=my(r=random(10)+1);while(input()!=r,); "Well guessed!";</lang>
<lang pascal>Program GuessTheNumber(input, output);
number, guess: integer;
randomize; number := random(10) + 1; writeln ('Im thinking of a number between 1 and 10, which you should guess.'); write ('Enter your guess: '); readln (guess); while guess <> number do begin writeln ('Sorry, but your guess is wrong. Please try again.'); write ('Enter your new guess: '); readln (guess); end; writeln ('You made an excellent guess. Thank you and have a nice day.');
end. </lang>
<lang perl>my $number = 1 + int rand 10; do { print "Guess a number between 1 and 10: " } until <> == $number; print "You got it!\n";</lang>
Perl 6
<lang perl6>my $number = (1..10).pick; repeat {} until prompt("Guess a number: ") == $number; say "Guessed right!";</lang>
<lang Phix>integer secret = rand(10) puts(1,"Guess the number between 1 and 10: ") while 1 do
if prompt_number("",{1,10})=secret then exit end if puts(1,"Your guess was wrong.\nTry again: ")
end while puts(1,"You got it!\n")</lang>
<lang php> <?php
if(isset($_SESSION['number'])) {
$number = $_SESSION['number'];
} else {
$_SESSION['number'] = rand(1,10);
$guess = htmlspecialchars($_POST['guess']);
echo $guess . "
if ($guess != $number)
echo "Your guess is not correct";
elseif($guess == $number)
echo "You got the correct number!";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Guess A Number</title> </head>
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post" name="guess-a-number">
<label for="guess">Guess number:</label>
<input type="text" name="guess" />
<input name="number" type="hidden" value="<?= $number ?>" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" />
<lang PicoLisp>(de guessTheNumber ()
(let Number (rand 1 9) (loop (prin "Guess the number: ") (T (= Number (read)) (prinl "Well guessed!") ) (prinl "Sorry, this was wrong") ) ) )</lang>
Plain TeX
This code should be compiled with etex features in console mode (for example "pdftex <name of the file>"): <lang tex>\newlinechar`\^^J \edef\tagetnumber{\number\numexpr1+\pdfuniformdeviate9}% \message{^^JI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, try to guess it!}% \newif\ifnotguessed \notguessedtrue \loop \message{^^J^^JYour try: }\read -1 to \useranswer \ifnum\useranswer=\tagetnumber\relax \message{You win!^^J}\notguessedfalse \else \message{No, it's another number, try again...}% \fi \ifnotguessed \repeat \bye</lang>
Provides a function that analyzes the provided number by its call. The second script block is important and needed inside the script so the function will be called. <lang PowerShell>Function GuessNumber($Guess) {
$Number = Get-Random -min 1 -max 11 Write-Host "What number between 1 and 10 am I thinking of?" Do { Write-Warning "Try again!" $Guess = Read-Host "What's the number?" } While ($Number -ne $Guess) Write-Host "Well done! You successfully guessed the number $Guess."
}</lang> <lang powershell>$myNumber = Read-Host "What's the number?" GuessNumber $myNumber</lang>
Uses math module: <lang ProDOS>:a editvar /modify /value=-random-= <10 editvar /newvar /value=-random- /title=a editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Guess a number: if -b- /hasvalue=-a- printline You guessed correctly! else printline Your guess was wrong & goto :a</lang>
<lang prolog>main :-
random_between(1, 10, N), repeat, prompt1('Guess the number: '), read(N), writeln('Well guessed!'), !.</lang>
<lang prolog>?- main. Guess the number: 1. Guess the number: 2. Guess the number: 3. Well guessed! true.</lang>
<lang PureBasic>If OpenConsole()
Define TheNumber=Random(9)+1 PrintN("I've picked a number from 1 to 10." + #CRLF$) Repeat Print("Guess the number: ") Until TheNumber=Val(Input()) PrintN("Well guessed!") Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input() CloseConsole()
<lang python>import random target, guess = random.randint(1, 10), 0 while target != guess:
guess = int(input("Guess a number that is between 1 and 10: "))
print("That's right!")</lang>
<lang R>f <- function() {
print("Guess a number between 1 and 10 until you get it right.") n <- sample(10, 1) while (as.numeric(readline()) != n) { print("Try again.") } print("You got it!")
<lang Racket>#lang racket (define (guess-number)
(define number (add1 (random 10))) (let loop () (define guess (read)) (if (equal? guess number) (display "Well guessed!\n") (loop))))</lang>
<lang vb> RANDOMIZE number = rnd(10) + 1 Print "I selected a number between 1 and 10, try to find it:" + chr$(10)
while Guess <> Number
input "Your guess: "; Guess
print "You guessed right, well done !" input "Press enter to quit";a$ </lang>
<lang Rascal>import vis::Render; import vis::Figure; import util::Math;
public void Guess(){ random = arbInt(10); entered = ""; guess = false; figure = box(vcat([ text("Try to guess the number from 0 to 9."), textfield("Put your guess here", void(str s){guess = (toInt(s)==random); entered = s; }, fillColor("white")), text(str(){return guess ? "Correct answer!" : "This is false, the number is not <entered>.";}), button("Start over", void(){random = arbInt(10);}) ])); render(figure); }</lang>
<lang Retro>: checkGuess ( gn-gf || f )
over = [ drop 0 ] [ "Sorry, try again!\n" puts -1 ] if ;
- think ( -n )
random abs 10 mod 1+ ;
- guess ( - )
"I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10.\n" puts "Try to guess it!\n" puts think [ getToken toNumber checkGuess ] while "You got it!\n" puts ;
version 1
(Note: most REXXes won't accept that first statement, the shebang/sha-bang/hashbang/pound-bang/hash-exclam/hash-pling.) <lang rexx>#!/usr/bin/rexx /*REXX program to play: Guess the number */
number = random(1,10) say "I have thought of a number. Try to guess it!"
guess=0 /* We don't want a valid guess, before we start */
do while guess \= number
pull guess if guess \= number then say "Sorry, the guess was wrong. Try again!" /* endif - There is no endif in rexx. */
say "Well done! You guessed it!" </lang>
version 2
<lang rexx>/*REXX program interactively plays "guess my number" with a human. */ ?=random(1,10) /*generate a low random integer. */ say 'Try to guess my number between 1 ──► 10 (inclusive).' /*directive*/
do j=1 until g=? /*keep at it ···*/ if j\==1 then say 'Try again.' /*2nd-ary prompt*/ pull g /*obtain a guess*/ end /*j*/
say 'Well guessed!' /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>
<lang ring>while true see "Hey There,
I'm thinking of a number between 0 and 10, Can you guess it?? Guess :> " give x n = random(10) if x = n see "
** Thats right You Are Genius :D **
" exit else see "Oops its not true, Try again please :)" + copy(nl,3) ok end </lang>
<lang UserRPL> DIR
INITIALIZE << { C G R } PURGE RAND 10 * 1 + IP 'R' STO GUESSING >> GUESSING << "Pick a number between 1 and 10." "" INPUT OBJ-> 'G' STO IF G R == THEN CLLCD "You got it!" 1 DISP 7 FREEZE 0 WAIT CLLCD CONTINUE ELSE IF G R < THEN CLLCD "Try a larger number." 1 DISP 7 FREEZE 0 WAIT GUESSING ELSE CLLCD "Try a smaller number." 1 DISP 7 FREEZE 0 WAIT GUESSING END END >> CONTINUE << "Do you want to continue? (0/1)" "" INPUT OBJ-> 'C' STO IF C 1 == THEN INITIALIZE ELSE CLEAR END >>
<lang ruby> n = rand(1..10) puts 'Guess the number: ' puts 'Wrong! Guess again: ' until gets.to_i == n puts 'Well guessed!' </lang>
<lang Runbasic>while 1 choose = int(RND(0) * 9) + 1 while guess <> choose
print "Guess a number between 1 and 10: ";: input guess if guess = choose THEN print "You guessed!" else print "Sorry, try again" end if
wend wend</lang>
<lang rust>extern crate rand;
fn main() {
println!("Type in an integer between 1 and 10 and press enter.");
let n = rand::random::<u32>() % 10 + 1; loop { let mut line = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); let option: Result<u32,_> = line.trim().parse(); match option { Ok(guess) => { if guess < 1 || guess > 10 { println!("Guess is out of bounds; try again."); } else if guess == n { println!("Well guessed!"); break; } else { println!("Wrong! Try again."); } }, Err(_) => println!("Invalid input; try again.") } }
<lang scala> val n = (math.random * 10 + 1).toInt print("Guess the number: ") while(readInt != n) print("Wrong! Guess again: ") println("Well guessed!") </lang>
<lang scheme>(define (guess)
(define number (random 11)) (display "Pick a number from 1 through 10.\n> ") (do ((guess (read) (read))) ((= guess number) (display "Well guessed!\n")) (display "Guess again.\n")))</lang>
- Output:
scheme> (guess) Pick a number from 1 through 10. 1 Guess again. 2 Guess again. 3 Guess again. 4 Guess again. 5 Well guessed!
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
const proc: main is func
local var integer: number is 0; var integer: guess is 0; begin number := rand(1, 10); writeln("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10."); writeln("Try to guess it!"); readln(guess); while guess <> number do writeln("That's not my number."); writeln("Try another guess!"); readln(guess); end while; writeln("You have won!"); end func;</lang>
Gives dialog boxes in GUI, uses stdout/in otherwise.
Well factored:
<lang self>(| parent* = traits clonable. copy = (resend.copy secretNumber: random integerBetween: 1 And: 10). secretNumber.
ask = ((userQuery askString: 'Guess the Number: ') asInteger). reportSuccess = (userQuery report: 'You got it!'). reportFailure = (userQuery report: 'Nope. Guess again.'). sayIntroduction = (userQuery report: 'Try to guess my secret number between 1 and 10.').
hasGuessed = ( [ask = secretNumber] onReturn: [|:r| r ifTrue: [reportSuccess] False: [reportFailure]] ). run = (sayIntroduction. [hasGuessed] whileFalse) |) copy run</lang>
Simple method:
<lang self>| n | userQuery report: 'Try to guess my secret number between 1 and 10.'. n: random integerBetween: 1 And: 10. [(userQuery askString: 'Guess the Number.') asInteger = n] whileFalse: [
userQuery report: 'Nope. Guess again.'].
userQuery report: 'You got it!'</lang>
<lang ruby>var n = pick(1..10) print 'Guess the number: ' while (n != read(Number).int) {
print 'Wrong! Guess again: '
} say 'Well guessed!'</lang>
(random numbers are between 0 and 9; %assigns a random value between 0 and current cell value) Unoptimised.
/++.# \>.--.++<..+ +\ />+++++++.>-.+/ / \ />++++++>++\ < + ? < > \ -<<++++++/ $++++\ - + ! /++++/ > \++++++++++\ \+ %!/!\?/>>>,>>>>>>+++\/ !/?\<?\>>/ /++++++++++++++++/ > - \\ \+++++++++\ / / - < /+++++++++/ \ / \+++++++++++\ /++++++++++>>/ /<<<<<</?\!/ ! < - /-<<+++++++\ < > ? < > \>+++++++>+/ < > > < > . < > \-----.>++\ - > /.+++.+++/ \ / \!/?\<!/?\ \ \ / \-/ \-/ \ <</?\!>/?\!</?\!<<</ \-/ > \-/ + - < > < + \ /
<lang Swift>import Cocoa
var found = false let randomNum = Int(arc4random_uniform(10) + 1)
println("Guess a number between 1 and 10\n") while (!found) {
var fh = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput() println("Enter a number: ") let data = fh.availableData var str = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) if (str?.integerValue == randomNum) { found = true println("Well guessed!") }
Small Basic
<lang Small Basic>TextWindow.WriteLine("I just thought of a number between 1 and 10. What is it?") number = Math.GetRandomNumber(10) While guess <> number guess = TextWindow.ReadNumber() If guess <> number Then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Guess again!")
ElseIf guess = number Then
TextWindow.WriteLine("You win!")
EndIf EndWhile </lang>
<lang tcl>set target [expr {int(rand()*10 + 1)}] puts "I have thought of a number." puts "Try to guess it!" while 1 {
puts -nonewline "Enter your guess: " flush stdout gets stdin guess if {$guess == $target} {
} puts "Your guess was wrong. Try again!"
} puts "Well done! You guessed it."</lang> Sample output:
I have thought of a number. Try to guess it! Enter your guess: 1 Your guess was wrong. Try again! Enter your guess: 2 Your guess was wrong. Try again! Enter your guess: 3 Your guess was wrong. Try again! Enter your guess: 8 Well done! You guessed it.
<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT PRINT "Find the luckynumber (7 tries)!" luckynumber=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,10,1) COMPILE LOOP round=1,7 message=CONCAT ("[",round,"] Please insert a number") ASK $message: n=""
IF (n!='digits') THEN PRINT "wrong insert: ",n," Please insert a digit" ELSEIF (n>10.or.n<1) THEN PRINT "wrong insert: ",n," Please insert a number between 1-10" ELSEIF (n==#luckynumber) THEN PRINT "BINGO" EXIT
ENDIF IF (round==7) PRINT/ERROR "You've lost: luckynumber was: ",luckynumber ENDLOOP ENDCOMPILE </lang> Output:
Find the luckynumber (7 tries)! [1] Please insert a number >a wrong insert: a Please insert a digit [2] Please insert a number >10 [3] Please insert a number >1 [4] Please insert a number >2 [5] Please insert a number >9 [6] Please insert a number >8 BINGO
UNIX Shell
<lang bash>#!/bin/sh
- Guess the number
- This simplified program does not check the input is valid
- Use awk(1) to get a random number. If awk(1) not found, exit now.
number=`awk 'BEGIN{print int(rand()*10+1)}'` || exit
echo 'I have thought of a number. Try to guess it!' echo 'Enter an integer from 1 to 10.' until read guess; [ "$guess" -eq "$number" ] do
echo 'Sorry, the guess was wrong! Try again!'
done echo 'Well done! You guessed it.'</lang>
An older version used while [ "$guess" -ne "$number" ]
. With pdksh, input like '+' or '4x' would force the test to fail, end that while loop, and act like a correct guess. With until [ "$guess" -eq "$number" ]
, input like '+' or '4x' now continues this until loop, and acts like a wrong guess. With Heirloom's Bourne Shell, '+' acts like '0' (always a wrong guess), and '4x' acts like '4' (perhaps correct).
C Shell
<lang csh>#!/bin/csh -f
- Guess the number
- jot(1) a random number. If jot(1) not found, exit now.
@ number = `jot -r 1 1 10` || exit
echo 'I have thought of a number. Try to guess it!' echo 'Enter an integer from 1 to 10.' @ guess = "$<" while ( $guess != $number ) echo 'Sorry, the guess was wrong! Try again!' @ guess = "$<" end echo 'Well done! You guessed it.'</lang>
<lang vala>int main() { int x = Random.int_range(1, 10); stdout.printf("Make a guess (1-10): "); while(int.parse(stdin.read_line()) != x)
stdout.printf("Wrong! Try again: ");
stdout.printf("Got it!\n"); return 0; }</lang>
<lang ursa># Simple number guessing game
decl ursa.util.random random decl int target guess
set target (int (+ 1 (random.getint 9))) out "Guess a number between 1 and 10." endl console while (not (= target guess))
set guess (in int console)
end while
out "That's right!" endl console</lang>
<lang VBScript>randomize MyNum=Int(rnd*10)+1 Do x=x+1 YourGuess=InputBox("Enter A number from 1 to 10") If not Isnumeric(YourGuess) then msgbox YourGuess &" is not numeric. Try again." ElseIf CInt(YourGuess)>10 or CInt(YourGuess)<1 then msgbox YourGuess &" is not between 1 and 10. Try Again." ElseIf CInt(YourGuess)=CInt(MyNum) then MsgBox "Well Guessed!" wscript.quit ElseIf Cint(YourGuess)<>CInt(Mynum) then MsgBox "Nope. Try again." end If
if x > 20 then msgbox "I take pity on you" wscript.quit end if loop</lang>
<lang wortel>@let {
num 10Wc guess 0 [ @while != guess num :guess !prompt "Guess the number between 1 and 10 inclusive" !alert "Congratulations!\nThe number was {num}." ]
X86 Assembly
<lang asm>global _start
section .data
rand dd 0 guess dd 0 msg1 db "Guess my number (1-10)", 10 len1 equ $ - msg1 msg2 db "Wrong, try again!", 10 len2 equ $ - msg2 msg3 db "Well guessed!", 10 len3 equ $ - msg3
section .text
_start: ; random number using time mov eax, 13 mov ebx, rand int 80h mov eax, [ebx] mov ebx, 10 xor edx, edx div ebx inc edx mov [rand], edx ; print msg1 mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, msg1 mov edx, len1 int 80h input: ; get input mov eax, 3 xor ebx, ebx mov ecx, msg1 mov edx, 1 int 80h mov al, [ecx] cmp al, 48 jl check cmp al, 57 jg check ; if number sub al, 48 xchg eax, [guess] mov ebx, 10 mul ebx add [guess], eax jmp input check: ; else check number mov eax, 4 inc ebx mov ecx, [guess] cmp ecx, [rand] je done ; if not equal mov ecx, msg2 mov edx, len2 mov dword [guess], 0 int 80h jmp input done: ; well guessed mov ecx, msg3 mov edx, len3 int 80h ; exit mov eax, 1 xor ebx, ebx int 80h</lang>
<lang lisp>(defun guessing-game ()
(defun prompt () (display "What is your guess? ") (define guess (read)) (if (= guess n) (display "Well guessed!") (begin (display "No...") (newline) (prompt)))) (define n (+ (random 10) 1)) (display "I have thought of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it!") (newline) (prompt))</lang>
- Output:
[1] (guessing-game) I have thought of a number between 1 and 10. Try to guess it! What is your guess? 2 No... What is your guess? 8 No... What is your guess? 1 No... What is your guess? 3 No... What is your guess? 6 No... What is your guess? 7 No... What is your guess? 10 Well guessed!
<lang XPL0>code Ran=1, IntIn=10, Text=12; int N, G; [N:= Ran(10)+1; Text(0, "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10.^M^J"); loop [Text(0, "Can you guess it? ");
G:= IntIn(0); if G=N then quit; Text(0, "Nope, that's not it.^M^J"); ];
Text(0, "Well guessed!^M^J"); ]</lang>
Strings are used to avoid dealing with error handling <lang zkl>r:=((0).random(10)+1).toString(); while(1){
n:=ask("Num between 1 & 10: "); if(n==r){ println("Well guessed!"); break; } println("Nope")
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