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SKIP</lang>'''See also:''' [[Queue/Usage#ALGOL_68|Queue/Usage]]
SKIP</lang>'''See also:''' [[Queue/Usage#ALGOL_68|Queue/Usage]]

=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<lang algolw>begin
% define a Queue type that will hold StringQueueElements %
record StringQueue ( reference(StringQueueElement) front, back );
% define the StringQueueElement type %
record StringQueueElement ( string(8) element
; reference(StringQueueElement) next
% we would need separate types for other element types %
% adds s to the end of the StringQueue q %
procedure pushString ( reference(StringQueue) value q
; string(8) value e
) ;
reference(StringQueueElement) newElement;
newElement := StringQueueElement( e, null );
if front(q) = null then begin
% adding to an empty queue %
front(q) := newElement;
back(q) := newElement
else begin
% the queue is not empty %
next(back(q)) := newElement;
back(q) := newElement
end pushString ;
% removes an element from the front of the StringQueue q %
% asserts the queue is not empty, which will stop the %
% program if it is %
string(8) procedure popString ( reference(StringQueue) value q ) ;
string(8) v;
assert( not isEmptyStringQueue( q ) );
v := element(front(q));
front(q) := next(front(q));
if front(q) = null then % just popped the last element % back(q) := null;
end popStringQueue ;
% returns true if the StringQueue q is empty, false otherwise %
logical procedure isEmptyStringQueue ( reference(StringQueue) value q ) ; front(q) = null;

begin % test the StringQueue operations %
reference(StringQueue) q;
q := StringQueue( null, null );
pushString( q, "fred" );
pushString( q, "whilma" );
pushString( q, "betty" );
pushString( q, "barney" );
while not isEmptyStringQueue( q ) do write( popString( q ) )


Revision as of 13:26, 19 March 2017

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Data Structure
This illustrates a data structure, a means of storing data within a program.

You may see other such structures in the Data Structures category.
Illustration of FIFO behavior

Implement a FIFO queue.

Elements are added at one side and popped from the other in the order of insertion.


  •   push   (aka enqueue)   - add element
  •   pop     (aka dequeue)   - pop first element
  •   empty   - return truth value when empty


  •   handle the error of trying to pop from an empty queue (behavior depends on the language and platform)

  •   Queue/Usage   for the built-in FIFO or queue of your language or standard library.

See also


<lang Lisp>(defun enqueue (x xs)

  (cons x xs))

(defun dequeue (xs)

  (declare (xargs :guard (and (consp xs)
                              (true-listp xs))))
  (if (or (endp xs) (endp (rest xs)))
      (mv (first xs) nil)
      (mv-let (x ys)
              (dequeue (rest xs))
         (mv x (cons (first xs) ys)))))

(defun empty (xs)

  (endp xs))</lang>


The first example below demonstrates a FIFO created for single-threaded computing. This version has the advantage of using a minimum of memory per FIFO element, and being very fast.

The interface specification for a FIFO is described in the package specification. <lang ada>generic

  type Element_Type is private;

package Fifo is

  type Fifo_Type is private;
  procedure Push(List : in out Fifo_Type; Item : in Element_Type);
  procedure Pop(List : in out Fifo_Type; Item : out Element_Type);
  function Is_Empty(List : Fifo_Type) return Boolean;
  Empty_Error : exception;


  type Fifo_Element;
  type Fifo_Ptr is access Fifo_Element;
  type Fifo_Type is record
     Head : Fifo_Ptr := null;
     Tail : Fifo_Ptr := null;
  end record;
  type Fifo_Element is record
     Value : Element_Type;
     Next  : Fifo_Ptr := null;
  end record;

end Fifo;</lang> The FIFO implementation is described in the package body: <lang ada>with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

package body Fifo is

  -- Push --
  procedure Push (List : in out Fifo_Type; Item : in Element_Type) is
     Temp : Fifo_Ptr := new Fifo_Element'(Item, null);
     if List.Tail = null then
        List.Tail := Temp;
     end if;
     if List.Head /= null then
       List.Head.Next := Temp;
     end if;
     List.Head := Temp;
  end Push;
  -- Pop --
  procedure Pop (List : in out Fifo_Type; Item : out Element_Type) is
     procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Fifo_Element, Fifo_Ptr);
     Temp : Fifo_Ptr := List.Tail;
     if List.Head = null then
        raise Empty_Error;
     end if;
     Item := List.Tail.Value;
     List.Tail := List.Tail.Next;
     if List.Tail = null then
        List.Head := null;
     end if;
  end Pop;
  -- Is_Empty --
  function Is_Empty (List : Fifo_Type) return Boolean is
     return List.Head = null;
  end Is_Empty; 

end Fifo;</lang> A "main" procedure for this program is: <lang ada>with Fifo; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Fifo_Test is

  package Int_Fifo is new Fifo(Integer);
  use Int_Fifo;
  My_Fifo : Fifo_Type;
  Val : Integer;


  for I in 1..10 loop
     Push(My_Fifo, I);
  end loop;
  while not Is_Empty(My_Fifo) loop
     Pop(My_Fifo, Val);
  end loop;

end Fifo_Test;</lang> The following implementation produces equivalent functionality by deriving from the standard Ada Container type Doubly_Linked_Lists.

This example needs fewer lines of code on the part of the application programmer, but the implementation is less efficient than the previous example. Each element has all the data members needed for a doubly linked list. It also links in all the functionality of a doubly linked list. Most of that functionality is unneeded in a FIFO. <lang ada>

with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
   type Element_Type is private;
package Generic_Fifo is
   type Fifo_Type is tagged private;
   procedure Push(The_Fifo : in out Fifo_Type; Item : in Element_Type);
   procedure Pop(The_Fifo : in out Fifo_Type; Item : out Element_Type);
   Empty_Error : Exception;
   package List_Pkg is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists(Element_Type);
   use List_Pkg;
   Type Fifo_Type is new List with null record;
end Generic_Fifo;

</lang> <lang ada>

package body Generic_Fifo is

   -- Push --

   procedure Push (The_Fifo : in out Fifo_Type; Item : in Element_Type) is
   end Push;

   -- Pop --

   procedure Pop (The_Fifo : in out Fifo_Type; Item : out Element_Type) is
      if Is_Empty(The_Fifo) then
         raise Empty_Error;
      end if;
      Item := The_Fifo.Last_Element;
   end Pop;

end Generic_Fifo;</lang>

<lang ada>with Generic_Fifo; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Generic_Fifo_Test is

  package Int_Fifo is new Generic_Fifo(Integer);
  use Int_Fifo;
  My_Fifo : Fifo_Type;
  Val : Integer;


  for I in 1..10 loop
  end loop;
  while not My_Fifo.Is_Empty loop
  end loop;

end Generic_Fifo_Test;</lang> The function Is_Empty is inherited from the Lists type.

The next two examples provide simple FIFO functionality for concurrent tasks. The buffer in each example holds a single value. When running concurrent tasks, one writing to the buffer, and one reading from the buffer, either the writer will be faster than the reader, or the reader will be faster than the writer. If the writer is faster a dynamic FIFO will grow to consume all available memory on the computer. If the reader is faster the FIFO will either contain a single value or it will be empty. In either case, no implementation is more efficient than a single element buffer.

If we wish for the reader to read every value written by the writer we must synchronize the tasks. The writer can only write a new value when the buffer contains a stale value. The reader can only read a value when the value is fresh. This synchronization forces the two tasks to run at the same speed. <lang ada>generic

  type Element_Type is private;

package Synchronous_Fifo is

  protected type Fifo is
     entry Push(Item : Element_Type);
     entry Pop(Item : out Element_Type);
     Value : Element_Type;
     Is_New : Boolean := False;
  end Fifo;

end Synchronous_Fifo;</lang> <lang ada>package body Synchronous_Fifo is

  -- Fifo --
  protected body Fifo is 
     -- Push --
     entry Push (Item : Element_Type) when not Is_New is
        Value := Item;
        Is_New := True;
     end Push; 
     -- Pop --
     entry Pop (Item : out Element_Type) when Is_New is
        Item := Value;
        Is_New := False;
     end Pop; 
  end Fifo;

end Synchronous_Fifo;</lang> <lang ada>with Synchronous_Fifo; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Synchronous_Fifo_Test is
   package Int_Fifo is new Synchronous_Fifo(Integer);
   use Int_Fifo;
   Buffer : Fifo;
   task Writer is
      entry Stop;
   end Writer;
   task body Writer is
      Val : Positive := 1;
            accept Stop;
               Val := Val + 1;
               delay 1.0;
            end select;
         end select;
      end loop;
   end Writer;
   task Reader is
      entry Stop;
   end Reader;
   task body Reader is
      Val : Positive;
            accept Stop;
                delay 1.0;
           end select;
         end select;
      end loop;
   end Reader;
   delay 0.1;
end Synchronous_Fifo_Test;</lang>

Another choice is to cause the two tasks to run independently. The writer can write whenever it is scheduled. The reader reads whenever it is scheduled, after the writer writes the first valid value.

In this example the writer writes several values before the reader reads a value. The reader will then read that same value several times before the writer is scheduled to write more values.

In a fully asynchronous system the reader only samples the values written by the writer. There is no control over the number of values not sampled by the reader, or over the number of times the reader reads the same value. <lang ada>generic

  type Element_Type is private;

package Asynchronous_Fifo is

  protected type Fifo is
     procedure Push(Item : Element_Type);
     entry Pop(Item : out Element_Type);
     Value : Element_Type;
     Valid : Boolean := False;
  end Fifo;

end Asynchronous_Fifo;</lang> You may notice that the protected type specification is remarkably similar to the synchronous example above. The only important difference is that Push is declared to be an Entry in the synchronous example while it is a procedure in the asynchronous example. Entries only execute when their boundary condition evaluates to TRUE. Procedures execute unconditionally. <lang ada>package body Asynchronous_Fifo is

  -- Fifo --
  protected body Fifo is 
     -- Push --
     procedure Push (Item : Element_Type) is
         Value := Item;
        Valid := True;
     end Push;
     -- Pop --
     entry Pop (Item : out Element_Type) when Valid is
        Item := Value;
     end Pop;
  end Fifo; 

end Asynchronous_Fifo;</lang> <lang ada>with Asynchronous_Fifo; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Asynchronous_Fifo_Test is
   package Int_Fifo is new Asynchronous_Fifo(Integer);
   use Int_Fifo;
   Buffer : Fifo;
   task Writer is
      entry Stop;
   end Writer;
   task body Writer is
      Val : Positive := 1;
            accept Stop;
            Val := Val + 1;
         end select;
      end loop;
   end Writer;
   task Reader is
      entry Stop;
   end Reader;
   task body Reader is
      Val : Positive;
            accept Stop;
         end select;
      end loop;
   end Reader;
   delay 0.1;
end Asynchronous_Fifo_Test;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - one extension to language used - PRAGMA READ - a non standard feature similar to C's #include directive.
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release algol68g-2.7.

File: prelude/queue_base.a68<lang algol68># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CO REQUIRES:

   REF OBJLINK next,
   REF OBJLINK prev,
   OBJVALUE value # ... etc. required #
 PROC obj link new = REF OBJLINK: ~;
 PROC obj link free = (REF OBJLINK free)VOID: ~


  1. actually a pointer to the last LINK, there ITEMs are ADDED/get #


OBJQUEUE obj queue empty = NIL;

BOOL obj queue par = FALSE; # make code thread safe # SEMA obj queue sema = LEVEL ABS obj queue par;

  1. Warning: 1 SEMA for all queues of type obj, i.e. not 1 SEMA per queue #

PROC obj queue init = (REF OBJQUEUE self)REF OBJQUEUE:

 self := obj queue empty;

PROC obj queue put = (REF OBJQUEUE self, OBJVALUE obj)REF OBJQUEUE: (

 REF OBJLINK out = obj link new;
 IF obj queue par THEN DOWN obj queue sema FI;
 IF self IS obj queue empty THEN
   out := (out, out, obj) # self referal #
 ELSE # join into list #
   out := (self, prev OF self, obj);
   next OF prev OF out := prev OF next OF out := out
 IF obj queue par THEN UP obj queue sema FI;
 self := out


  1. define a useful prepend/put/plusto (+=:) operator... #

PROC obj queue plusto = (OBJVALUE obj, REF OBJQUEUE self)OBJQUEUE: obj queue put(self,obj); OP +=: = (OBJVALUE obj, REF OBJQUEUE self)REF OBJQUEUE: obj queue put(self,obj);

  1. a potential append/plusab (+:=) operator...

OP (REF OBJQUEUE, OBJVALUE)OBJQUEUE +:= = obj queue plusab;

  1. see if the program/coder wants the OBJ problem mended... #

PROC (REF OBJQUEUE #self#)BOOL obj queue index error mended

 := (REF OBJQUEUE self)BOOL: (abend("obj queue index error"); stop);

PROC on obj queue index error = (REF OBJQUEUE self, PROC(REF OBJQUEUE #self#)BOOL mended)VOID:

 obj queue index error mended := mended;

PROC obj queue get = (REF OBJQUEUE self)OBJVALUE: (

  1. DOWN obj queue sema; #
 IF self IS obj queue empty THEN
   IF NOT obj queue index error mended(self) THEN abend("obj stack index error") FI FI;
 OBJQUEUE old tail = prev OF self;
 IF old tail IS self THEN # free solo member #
   self := obj queue empty
 ELSE # free self/tail member #
   OBJQUEUE new tail = prev OF old tail;
   next OF new tail := self;
   prev OF self := new tail
  1. UP obj queue sema #
 OBJVALUE out = value OF old tail;
  1. give a recovery hint to the garbage collector #
 obj link free(old tail);


PROC obj queue is empty = (REF OBJQUEUE self)BOOL:

 self IS obj queue empty;

SKIP</lang>See also: Queue/Usage


<lang algolw>begin

   % define a Queue type that will hold StringQueueElements %
   record StringQueue ( reference(StringQueueElement) front, back );
   % define the StringQueueElement type %
   record StringQueueElement ( string(8)                     element
                             ; reference(StringQueueElement) next
   % we would need separate types for other element types   %
   % adds s to the end of the StringQueue q                 %
   procedure pushString ( reference(StringQueue) value q
                        ; string(8)              value e
                        ) ;
       reference(StringQueueElement) newElement;
       newElement := StringQueueElement( e, null );
       if front(q) = null then begin
           % adding to an empty queue %
           front(q) := newElement;
           back(q)  := newElement
       else begin
           % the queue is not empty %
           next(back(q)) := newElement;
           back(q)       := newElement
   end pushString ;
   % removes an element from the front of the StringQueue q %
   % asserts the queue is not empty, which will stop the    %
   % program if it is                                       %
   string(8) procedure popString ( reference(StringQueue) value q ) ;
       string(8) v;
       assert( not isEmptyStringQueue( q ) );
       v        := element(front(q));
       front(q) := next(front(q));
       if front(q) = null then % just popped the last element % back(q) := null;
   end popStringQueue ;
   % returns true if the StringQueue q is empty, false otherwise %
   logical procedure isEmptyStringQueue ( reference(StringQueue) value q ) ; front(q) = null;
   begin % test the StringQueue operations %
       reference(StringQueue) q;
       q := StringQueue( null, null );
       pushString( q, "fred"   );
       pushString( q, "whilma" );
       pushString( q, "betty"  );
       pushString( q, "barney" );
       while not isEmptyStringQueue( q ) do write( popString( q ) )




<lang autohotkey>push("qu", 2), push("qu", 44), push("qu", "xyz") ; TEST

MsgBox % "Len = " len("qu") ; Number of entries While !empty("qu")  ; Repeat until queue is not empty

   MsgBox % pop("qu")      ; Print popped values (2, 44, xyz)

MsgBox Error = %ErrorLevel% ; ErrorLevel = 0: OK MsgBox % pop("qu")  ; Empty MsgBox Error = %ErrorLevel% ; ErrorLevel = -1: popped too much MsgBox % "Len = " len("qu") ; Number of entries

push(queue,_) {  ; push _ onto queue named "queue" (!=_), _ string not containing |

   %queue% .= %queue% = "" ? _ : "|" _


pop(queue) {  ; pop value from queue named "queue" (!=_,_1,_2)

   RegExMatch(%queue%, "([^\|]*)\|?(.*)", _)
   Return _1, ErrorLevel := -(%queue%=""), %queue% := _2


empty(queue) {  ; check if queue named "queue" is empty

   Return %queue% = ""


len(queue) {  ; number of entries in "queue"

   StringReplace %queue%, %queue%, |, |, UseErrorLevel
   Return %queue% = "" ? 0 : ErrorLevel+1



<lang awk>#!/usr/bin/awk -f


   delete q
   print "empty? " emptyP()
   print "push " push("a")
   print "push " push("b")
   print "empty? " emptyP()
   print "pop " pop()
   print "pop " pop()
   print "empty? " emptyP()
   print "pop " pop()


function push(n) {

   q[length(q)+1] = n
   return n


function pop() {

   if (emptyP()) {
       print "Popping from empty queue."
   r = q[length(q)]
   delete q[length(q)]
   return r


function emptyP() {

   return length(q) == 0

} </lang>

 empty? 1
 push a
 push b
 empty? 0
 pop b
 pop a
 empty? 1
 Popping from empty queue.

Batch File

This solution uses an environment variable naming convention to implement a queue as a pseudo object containing a pseudo dynamic array and head and tail attributes, as well as an empty "method" that is a sort of macro. The implementation depends on delayed expansion being enabled at the time of each call to a queue function. More complex variations can be written that remove this limitation.

<lang dos> @echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

FIFO queue usage
Define the queue

call :newQueue myQ

Populate the queue

for %%A in (value1 value2 value3) do call :enqueue myQ %%A

Test if queue is empty by examining the tail "attribute"

if myQ.tail==0 (echo myQ is empty) else (echo myQ is NOT empty)

Peek at the head of the queue

call:peekQueue myQ val && echo a peek at the head of myQueue shows !val!

Process the first queue value

call :dequeue myQ val && echo dequeued myQ value=!val!

Add some more values to the queue

for %%A in (value4 value5 value6) do call :enqueue myQ %%A

Process the remainder of the queue

call :dequeue myQ val || goto :queueEmpty echo dequeued myQ value=!val! goto :processQueue

Test if queue is empty using the empty "method"/"macro". Use of the
second IF statement serves to demonstrate the negation of the empty
"method". A single IF could have been used with an ELSE clause instead.

if %myQ.empty% echo myQ is empty if not %myQ.empty% echo myQ is NOT empty exit /b

FIFO queue definition
newQueue qName

set /a %~1.head=1, %~1.tail=0

Define an empty "method" for this queue as a sort of macro

set "%~1.empty=^!%~1.tail^! == 0" exit /b

enqueue qName value

set /a %~1.tail+=1 set %~1.!%~1.tail!=%2 exit /b

dequeue qName returnVar
Sets errorlevel to 0 if success
Sets errorlevel to 1 if failure because queue was empty

if !%~1.tail! equ 0 exit /b 1 for %%N in (!%~1.head!) do (

 set %~2=!%~1.%%N!
 set %~1.%%N=

) if !%~1.head! == !%~1.tail! (set /a "%~1.head=1, %~1.tail=0") else set /a %~1.head+=1 exit /b 0

peekQueue qName returnVar
Sets errorlevel to 0 if success
Sets errorlevel to 1 if failure because queue was empty

if !%~1.tail! equ 0 exit /b 1 for %%N in (!%~1.head!) do set %~2=!%~1.%%N! exit /b 0 </lang>


<lang bbcbasic> FIFOSIZE = 1000

     FOR n = 3 TO 5
       PRINT "Push ";n : PROCenqueue(n)
     PRINT "Pop " ; FNdequeue
     PRINT "Push 6" : PROCenqueue(6)
       PRINT "Pop " ; FNdequeue
     UNTIL FNisempty
     PRINT "Pop " ; FNdequeue
     DEF PROCenqueue(n) : LOCAL f%
     DEF FNdequeue : LOCAL f% : f% = 1
     DEF FNisempty : LOCAL f% : f% = 2
     PRIVATE fifo(), rptr%, wptr%
     DIM fifo(FIFOSIZE-1)
     CASE f% OF
       WHEN 0:
         wptr% = (wptr% + 1) MOD FIFOSIZE
         IF rptr% = wptr% ERROR 100, "Error: queue overflowed"
         fifo(wptr%) = n
       WHEN 1:
         IF rptr% = wptr% ERROR 101, "Error: queue empty"
         rptr% = (rptr% + 1) MOD FIFOSIZE
         = fifo(rptr%)
       WHEN 2:
         = (rptr% = wptr%)
Push 3
Push 4
Push 5
Pop 3
Push 6
Pop 4
Pop 5
Pop 6
Error: queue empty


Below, queue is the name of a class with a data member list and three methods enqueue, dequeue and empty.

No special provision is implemented to "throw and exception" in case you try to dequeue from and empty queue, because, in Bracmat, evaluation of an expression, besides resulting in an evaluated expression, always also either "succeeds" or "fails". (There is, in fact, a third possibility, "ignore", telling Bracmat to close an eye even though an evaluation didn't succeed.) So in the example below, the last dequeue operation fails and the program continues on the right hand side of the bar (|) operator <lang bracmat> ( queue

 =   (list=)
     (enqueue=.(.!arg) !(its.list):?(its.list))
     ( dequeue
     =   x
       .   !(its.list):?(its.list) (.?x)
         & !x

Normally you would seldom use a class as depicted above, because the operations are so simple that you probably use them directly. Bracmat lists allow prepending as well as appending elements, and single elements can be removed from the beginning or from the end of a list.

Appending an element to a long list and removing an element from the end of a long list are quite expensive operations, with a cost O(n), where n is the number of elements in the queue.


Dynamic array

Dynamic array working as a circular buffer. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

typedef int DATA; /* type of data to store in queue */ typedef struct {

   DATA *buf;
   size_t head, tail, alloc;

} queue_t, *queue;

queue q_new() {

   queue q = malloc(sizeof(queue_t));
   q->buf = malloc(sizeof(DATA) * (q->alloc = 4));
   q->head = q->tail = 0;
   return q;


int empty(queue q) {

   return q->tail == q->head;


void enqueue(queue q, DATA n) {

   if (q->tail >= q->alloc) q->tail = 0;
   q->buf[q->tail++] = n;
   // Fixed bug where it failed to resizes
   if (q->tail == q->alloc) {  /* needs more room */
       q->buf = realloc(q->buf, sizeof(DATA) * q->alloc * 2);
       if (q->head) {
           memcpy(q->buf + q->head + q->alloc, q->buf + q->head,
               sizeof(DATA) * (q->alloc - q->head));
           q->head += q->alloc;
       } else
           q->tail = q->alloc;
       q->alloc *= 2;


int dequeue(queue q, DATA *n) {

   if (q->head == q->tail) return 0;
   *n = q->buf[q->head++];
   if (q->head >= q->alloc) { /* reduce allocated storage no longer needed */
       q->head = 0;
       if (q->alloc >= 512 && q->tail < q->alloc / 2)
           q->buf = realloc(q->buf, sizeof(DATA) * (q->alloc/=2));
   return 1;


Doubly linked list

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node_t node_t, *node, *queue; struct node_t { int val; node prev, next; };

  1. define HEAD(q) q->prev
  2. define TAIL(q) q->next

queue q_new() {

   node q = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
   q->next = q->prev = 0;
   return q;


int empty(queue q) {

   return !HEAD(q);


void enqueue(queue q, int n) {

   node nd = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
   nd->val = n;
   if (!HEAD(q)) HEAD(q) = nd;
   nd->prev = TAIL(q);
   if (nd->prev) nd->prev->next = nd;
   TAIL(q) = nd;
   nd->next = 0;


int dequeue(queue q, int *val) {

   node tmp = HEAD(q);
   if (!tmp) return 0;
   *val = tmp->val;
   HEAD(q) = tmp->next;
   if (TAIL(q) == tmp) TAIL(q) = 0;
   return 1;

} </lang>

Test code This main function works with both implementions above. <lang c>int main() {

   int i, n;
   queue q = q_new();
   for (i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
       n = rand();
       if (n > RAND_MAX / 2) {
       //  printf("+ %d\n", n);
           enqueue(q, n);
       } else {
           if (!dequeue(q, &n)) {
           //  printf("empty\n");
       //  printf("- %d\n", n);
   while (dequeue(q, &n));// printf("- %d\n", n);
   return 0;


Of the above two programs, for int types the array method is about twice as fast for the test code given. The doubly linked list is marginally faster than the sys/queue.h below.


Using the sys/queue.h, which is not POSIX.1-2001 (but it is BSD). The example allows to push/pop int values, but instead of int one can use void * and push/pop any kind of "object" (of course changes to the commodity functions m_queue and m_dequeue are needed)

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdbool.h>
  1. include <sys/queue.h>

struct entry {

 int value;
 TAILQ_ENTRY(entry) entries;


typedef struct entry entry_t;

TAILQ_HEAD(FIFOList_s, entry);

typedef struct FIFOList_s FIFOList;

bool m_enqueue(int v, FIFOList *l) {

 entry_t *val;
 val = malloc(sizeof(entry_t));
 if ( val != NULL ) {
   val->value = v;
   TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(l, val, entries);
   return true;
 return false;


bool m_dequeue(int *v, FIFOList *l) {

 entry_t *e = l->tqh_first;
 if ( e != NULL ) {
   *v = e->value;
   TAILQ_REMOVE(l, e, entries);
   return true;
 return false;


bool isQueueEmpty(FIFOList *l) {

 if ( l->tqh_first == NULL ) return true;
 return false;



Works with: g++ version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)

C++ already has a class queue in the standard library, however the following is a simple implementation based on a singly linkes list. Note that an empty queue is internally represented by head == 0, therefore it doesn't matter that the tail value is invalid in that case. <lang cpp>namespace rosettacode {

 template<typename T> class queue
   void push(T const& t);
   T pop();
   bool empty();
   void drop();
   struct node;
   node* head;
   node* tail;
 template<typename T> struct queue<T>::node
   T data;
   node* next;
   node(T const& t): data(t), next(0) {}
 template<typename T>
 template<typename T>
  inline void queue<T>::drop()
   node* n = head;
   head = head->next;
   delete n;
 template<typename T>
   while (!empty())
 template<typename T>
  void queue<T>::push(T const& t)
   node*& next = head? tail->next : head;
   next = new node(t);
   tail = next;
 template<typename T>
  T queue<T>::pop()
   T tmp = head->data;
   return tmp;
 template<typename T>
  bool queue<T>::empty()
   return head == 0;



Compatible with C# 3.0 specification, requires System library for exceptions (from either .Net or Mono). A FIFO class in C# using generics and nodes. <lang csharp>public class FIFO<T> {

 class Node
   public T Item { get; set; }
   public Node Next { get; set; }
 Node first = null;
 Node last = null;
 public void push(T item)
   if (empty())
     //Uses object initializers to set fields of new node
     first = new Node() { Item = item, Next = null };
     last = first;
     last.Next = new Node() { Item = item, Next = null };
     last = last.Next;
 public T pop()
   if (first == null)
     throw new System.Exception("No elements"); 
   if (last == first)
     last = null;
   T temp = first.Item;
   first = first.Next;
   return temp;
 public bool empty()
   return first == null;



The "pop" function implies mutating the input, but since Clojure data structures are immutable we use a mutable reference to an immutable data structure; in this case an atom holding a vector:

<lang clojure>(defn make-queue []

 (atom []))

(defn enqueue [q x]

 (swap! q conj x))

(defn dequeue [q]

 (if-let [[f & r] (seq @q)]
   (do (reset! q r) f)
   (throw (IllegalStateException. "Can't pop an empty queue."))))

(defn queue-empty? [q]

 (empty? @q))</lang>

The implementation is thread-safe if there is at most one writer thread, i.e. only one thread ever calls dequeue on a given queue.


<lang coffeescript>

  1. Implement a fifo as an array of arrays, to
  2. greatly amortize dequeue costs, at some expense of
  3. memory overhead and insertion time. The speedup
  4. depends on the underlying JS implementation, but
  5. it's significant on node.js.

Fifo = ->

 max_chunk = 512
 arr = [] # array of arrays
 count = 0
 self =
   enqueue: (elem) ->
     if count == 0 or arr[arr.length-1].length >= max_chunk
       arr.push []
     count += 1
     arr[arr.length-1].push elem
   dequeue: (elem) ->
     throw Error("queue is empty") if count == 0
     val = arr[0].shift()
     count -= 1
     if arr[0].length == 0
   is_empty: (elem) ->
     count == 0
  1. test

do ->

 max = 5000000
 q = Fifo()
 for i in [1..max]
     number: i
 console.log q.dequeue()
 while !q.is_empty()
   v = q.dequeue()
 console.log v


> time coffee fifo.coffee 
{ number: 1 }
{ number: 5000000 }

real    0m2.394s
user    0m2.089s
sys 0m0.265s

Common Lisp

This defines a queue structure that stores its items in a list, and maintains a tail pointer (i.e., a pointer to the last cons in the list). Note that dequeuing the last item in the queue does not clear the tail pointer—enqueuing into the resulting empty queue will correctly reset the tail pointer.

<lang lisp>(defstruct (queue (:constructor %make-queue))

 (items '() :type list)
 (tail '() :type list))

(defun make-queue ()

 "Returns an empty queue."

(defun queue-empty-p (queue)

 "Returns true if the queue is empty."
 (endp (queue-items queue)))

(defun enqueue (item queue)

 "Enqueue item in queue. Returns the queue."
 (prog1 queue
   (if (queue-empty-p queue)
     (setf (queue-items queue) (list item)
           (queue-tail queue) (queue-items queue))
     (setf (cdr (queue-tail queue)) (list item)
           (queue-tail queue) (cdr (queue-tail queue))))))

(defun dequeue (queue)

 "Dequeues an item from queue. Signals an error if queue is empty."
 (if (queue-empty-p queue)
   (error "Cannot dequeue from empty queue.")
   (pop (queue-items queue))))</lang>

Component Pascal

BlackBox Component Builder <lang oberon2> MODULE Queue; IMPORT StdLog,Boxes;


       first,last: LONGINT;
       queue: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Boxes.Object;
   PROCEDURE NewQueue*(cap: LONGINT): Queue;
       q: Queue;
       NEW(q);q.first := 0; q.last := 0;
       RETURN q        
   END NewQueue;
   PROCEDURE (q: Queue) IsEmpty*(): BOOLEAN, NEW;
       RETURN (q.first = q.last)
   END IsEmpty;
   PROCEDURE (q: Queue) Push*(o: Boxes.Object),NEW;
       i,j,oldSize,newSize: LONGINT;
       queue: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Boxes.Object;
       IF q.IsEmpty() THEN
           q.queue[q.last] := o;
           q.last := (q.last + 1) MOD LEN(q.queue)
           q.queue[q.last] := o;
           q.last := (q.last + 1) MOD LEN(q.queue);
           IF q.first = q.last THEN
               (* grow queue *)
               newSize := LEN(q.queue) + (LEN(q.queue) DIV 2);
               (* new queue*)
               (* move data from old queue to new queue *)
               i := q.first; j := 0;oldSize := LEN(q.queue) - q.first + q.last;
               WHILE (j < oldSize ) & (j < LEN(queue) - 1) DO
                   queue[j] := q.queue[i];
                   i := (i + 1) MOD LEN(q.queue);INC(j)
               q.queue := queue;q.first := 0;q.last := j
   END Push;
   PROCEDURE (q: Queue) Pop*(): Boxes.Object, NEW;
       o: Boxes.Object;
       o := q.queue[q.first];
       q.queue[q.first] := NIL;
       q.first := (q.first + 1) MOD LEN(q.queue);
       RETURN o;
   END Pop;

END Queue. </lang> Interface extracted from implementation <lang oberon2> DEFINITION Queue;

   IMPORT Boxes;
       Queue = POINTER TO RECORD 
           (q: Queue) IsEmpty (): BOOLEAN, NEW;
           (q: Queue) Pop (): Boxes.Object, NEW;
           (q: Queue) Push (o: Boxes.Object), NEW
   PROCEDURE NewQueue (cap: LONGINT): Queue;

END Queue. </lang>


See code here: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Queue/Usage#D

Déjà Vu

This uses a dictionary to have a sort of circular buffer of infinite size. <lang dejavu>queue: { :start 0 :end 0 }

enqueue q item: set-to q q!end item set-to q :end ++ q!end

dequeue q: if empty q: Raise :value-error "popping from empty queue" q! q!start delete-from q q!start set-to q :start ++ q!start

empty q: = q!start q!end</lang>


This uses a linked list representation of queues, hanging onto both ends of the list, except that the next-link reference is an E promise rather than a mutable slot.

Also, according to E design principles, the read and write ends of the queue are separate objects. This has two advantages; first, it implements POLA by allowing only the needed end of the queue to be handed out to its users; second, if the reader end is garbage collected the contents of the queue automatically will be as well (rather than accumulating if the writer continues writing).

<lang e>def makeQueue() {

 def [var head, var tail] := Ref.promise()
 def writer {
   to enqueue(value) {
     def [nh, nt] := Ref.promise()
     tail.resolve([value, nh])
     tail := nt
 def reader {
   to empty() { return !Ref.isResolved(head) }
   to dequeue(whenEmpty) {
     if (Ref.isResolved(head)) {
       def [value, next] := head
       head := next
       return value
     } else {
       throw.eject(whenEmpty, "pop() of empty queue")
 return [reader, writer]



There is no native queue type in EchoLisp. make-Q implements queues in message passing style, using vector operations. Conversions from-to lists are also provided. <lang lisp>

put info string in permanent storage for later use

(info 'make-Q "usage: (define q (make-Q)) ; (q '[top | empty? | pop | push value | to-list | from-list list])")


(define (make-Q)

 (let ((q (make-vector 0)))
   (lambda (message . args)
     (case message
       ((empty?) (vector-empty? q))
       ((top) (if (vector-empty? q) (error  'Q:top:empty q) (vector-ref q 0)))
       ((push) (vector-push q (car args)))
       ((pop) (if (vector-empty? q) (error 'Q:pop:empty q) (vector-shift q)))
       ((to-list) (vector->list q))
       ((from-list) (set! q (list->vector (car args))) q )
       (else (info 'make-Q) (error  "Q:bad message:" message )))))) ; display info if unknown message

(define q (make-Q)) (q 'empty?) → #t (q 'push 'first) → first (q 'push 'second) → second (q 'pop) → first (q 'pop) → second (q 'top) "💬 error: Q:top:empty #()" (q 'from-list '( 6 7 8)) → #( 6 7 8) (q 'top) → 6 (q 'pop) → 6 (q 'to-list)→ (7 8) (q 'delete) "💭 error: Q:bad message: delete"

save make-Q

(local-put 'make-Q) </lang>


This is a generic Queue component based on bi-directional lists. See how in Elisa these lists are defined.

<lang Elisa> component GenericQueue ( Queue, Element );

type Queue;
     Queue (MaxLength = integer) -> Queue;
     Length( Queue )           -> integer;
     Empty ( Queue )           -> boolean;
     Full ( Queue )            -> boolean;
     Push ( Queue, Element)    -> nothing;
     Pull ( Queue )            -> Element;


     Queue (MaxLength) = Queue:[ MaxLength; length:=0; list=alist(Element) ];
     Length ( queue ) = queue.length;
     Empty ( queue ) = (queue.length <= 0);
     Full ( queue ) = (queue.length >= queue.MaxLength);
     Push ( queue, element ) = 
                  [ exception (Full(queue), "Queue Overflow");
                    queue.length:= queue.length + 1;
                    add (queue.list, element)];
     Pull ( queue ) = 
                  [ exception (Empty(queue), "Queue Underflow");
                    queue.length:= queue.length - 1;

end component GenericQueue; </lang> In the following tests we will also show how the internal structure of the queue can be made visible to support debugging. <lang Elisa> use GenericQueue (QueueofPersons, Person); type Person = text; Q = QueueofPersons(25);

Push (Q, "Peter"); Push (Q, "Alice"); Push (Q, "Edward"); Q? QueueofPersons:[MaxLength = 25;

               length = 3;
               list = { "Peter", 

Pull (Q)? "Peter"

Pull (Q)? "Alice"

Pull (Q)? "Edward"

Q? QueueofPersons:[MaxLength = 25;

               length = 0;
               list = { }]

Pull (Q)?

          • Exception: Queue Underflow



Translation of: Erlang

<lang elixir>defmodule Queue do

 def new, do: {Queue, [], []}
 def push({Queue, input, output}, x), do: {Queue, [x|input], output}
 def pop({Queue, [], []}), do: (raise RuntimeError, message: "empty Queue")
 def pop({Queue, input, []}), do: pop({Queue, [], Enum.reverse(input)})
 def pop({Queue, input, [h|t]}), do: {h, {Queue, input, t}}
 def empty?({Queue, [], []}), do: true
 def empty?({Queue, _, _}), do: false



iex(1)> c("queue.ex")
iex(2)> q = Queue.new
{Queue, [], []}
iex(3)> Queue.empty?(q)
iex(4)> q2 = Queue.push(q,1)
{Queue, [1], []}
iex(5)> q3 = Queue.push(q2,2)
{Queue, [2, 1], []}
iex(6)> Queue.empty?(q3)
iex(7)> Queue.pop(q3)
{1, {Queue, [], [2]}}
iex(8)> {popped, ^q} = Queue.pop(q2)
{1, {Queue, [], []}}
iex(9)> Queue.pop(Queue.new)
** (RuntimeError) empty Queue
    queue.ex:6: Queue.pop/1


The standard way to manage fifo in functional programming is to use a pair of list for the fifo queue, one is the input, the other is the output. When the output is empty just take the input list and reverse it. <lang Erlang>-module(fifo). -export([new/0, push/2, pop/1, empty/1]).

new() -> {fifo, [], []}.

push({fifo, In, Out}, X) -> {fifo, [X|In], Out}.

pop({fifo, [], []}) -> erlang:error('empty fifo'); pop({fifo, In, []}) -> pop({fifo, [], lists:reverse(In)}); pop({fifo, In, [H|T]}) -> {H, {fifo, In, T}}.

empty({fifo, [], []}) -> true; empty({fifo, _, _}) -> false.</lang>

Note that there exists a 'queue' module in the standard library handling this for you in the first place


With ERRE 3.0 you can use a class to define the task (in C-64 version you can simply use procedures): <lang ERRE>PROGRAM CLASS_DEMO






   PILA_INIT  ! constructor
   FOR N=1 TO 4 DO  ! push 4 numbers
   FOR I=1 TO 5 DO  ! pop 5 numbers
          PRINT("Queue is empty!")
      END IF
   PRINT("* End *")


Push 1
Push 2
Push 3
Push 4
Pop 4
Pop 3
Pop 2
Pop 1
Queue is empty!
* End *


<lang fantom> class Queue {

 List queue := [,]
 public Void push (Obj obj)
   queue.add (obj)  // add to right of list
 public Obj pop ()
   if (queue.isEmpty)
     throw (Err("queue is empty"))
     return queue.removeAt(0) // removes left-most item 
 public Bool isEmpty ()

} </lang>


This is a FIFO implemented as a circular buffer, as is often found between communicating processes such the interrupt and user parts of a device driver. In practice, the get/put actions would block instead of aborting if the queue is empty/full.

<lang forth>1024 constant size create buffer size cells allot here constant end variable head buffer head ! variable tail buffer tail ! variable used 0 used !

empty? used @ 0= ;
full? used @ size = ;
next ( ptr -- ptr )
 cell+  dup end = if drop buffer then ;
put ( n -- )
 full? abort" buffer full"
 \ begin full? while pause repeat
 tail @ !  tail @ next tail !   1 used +! ;
get ( -- n )
 empty? abort" buffer empty"
 \ begin empty? while pause repeat
 head @ @  head @ next head !  -1 used +! ;</lang>

Linked list version

Using Forth-2012 structure words and ALLOCATE/FREE. In spirit quite similar to the Java variant below, with one difference: Here we use addresses of fields (not possible in Java), which often makes things simpler than in Java (fewer special cases at boundaries), but in this case it does not. Where the Java version has a special case on enqueue, this version has a special case on dequeue:

<lang forth> 0

 field: list-next
 field: list-val

constant list-struct

insert ( x list-addr -- )
   list-struct allocate throw >r
   swap r@ list-val !
   dup @ r@ list-next !
   r> swap ! ;
remove ( list-addr -- x )
   >r r@ @ ( list-node )
   r@ @ dup list-val @ ( list-node x )
   swap list-next @ r> !
   swap free throw ;


 field: queue-last \ points to the last entry (head of the list)
 field: queue-nextaddr \ points to the pointer to the next-inserted entry

constant queue-struct

init-queue ( queue -- )
   >r 0 r@ queue-last !
   r@ queue-last r> queue-nextaddr ! ;
make-queue ( -- queue )
   queue-struct allocate throw dup init-queue ;
empty? ( queue -- f )
   queue-last @ 0= ;
enqueue ( x queue -- )
   dup >r queue-nextaddr @ insert
   r@ queue-nextaddr @ @ list-next r> queue-nextaddr ! ;
dequeue ( queue -- x )
   dup empty? abort" dequeue applied to an empty queue"
   dup queue-last remove ( queue x )
   over empty? if
       over init-queue then
   nip ;



Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

See FIFO (usage) for an example of fifo_nodes

<lang fortran>module FIFO

 use fifo_nodes

! fifo_nodes must define the type fifo_node, with the two field ! next and valid, for queue handling, while the field datum depends ! on the usage (see FIFO (usage) for an example) ! type fifo_node ! integer :: datum !  ! the next part is not variable and must be present ! type(fifo_node), pointer :: next ! logical :: valid ! end type fifo_node

 type fifo_head
    type(fifo_node), pointer :: head, tail
 end type fifo_head


 subroutine new_fifo(h)
   type(fifo_head), intent(out) :: h
 end subroutine new_fifo
 subroutine fifo_enqueue(h, n)
   type(fifo_head), intent(inout) :: h
   type(fifo_node), intent(inout), target :: n
   if ( associated(h%tail) ) then
      h%tail%next => n
      h%tail => n
      h%tail => n
      h%head => n
   end if
 end subroutine fifo_enqueue
 subroutine fifo_dequeue(h, n)
   type(fifo_head), intent(inout) :: h
   type(fifo_node), intent(out), target :: n
   if ( associated(h%head) ) then
      n = h%head
      if ( associated(n%next) ) then
         h%head => n%next
      end if
      n%valid = .true.
      n%valid = .false.
   end if
 end subroutine fifo_dequeue
 function fifo_isempty(h) result(r)
   logical :: r
   type(fifo_head), intent(in) :: h
   if ( associated(h%head) ) then
      r = .false.
      r = .true.
   end if
 end function fifo_isempty

end module FIFO</lang>


We first use a macro to define a generic Queue type : <lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

' queue_rosetta.bi ' simple generic Queue type

  1. Define Queue(T) Queue_##T
  1. Macro Declare_Queue(T)

Type Queue(T)

   Declare Constructor()
   Declare Destructor()
   Declare Property capacity As Integer
   Declare Property count As Integer 
   Declare Property empty As Boolean
   Declare Property front As T 
   Declare Function pop() As T   
   Declare Sub push(item As T)
   a(any) As T 
   count_ As Integer = 0  
   Declare Function resize(size As Integer) As Integer    

End Type

Constructor Queue(T)()

 Redim a(0 To 0)  create a default T instance for various purposes 

End Constructor

Destructor Queue(T)()

 Erase a

End Destructor

Property Queue(T).capacity As Integer

 Return UBound(a)

End Property

Property Queue(T).count As Integer

 Return count_

End Property

Property Queue(T).empty As Boolean

 Return count_ = 0

End Property

Property Queue(T).front As T

 If count_ > 0 Then
   Return a(1)
 End If
 Print "Error: Attempted to access 'front' element of an empty queue"
 Return a(0)   return default element 

End Property

Function Queue(T).pop() As T

 If count_ > 0 Then
   Dim value As T = a(1)
   If count_ > 1 Then   move remaining elements to fill space vacated 
     For i As Integer = 2 To count_
       a(i - 1) = a(i)
   End If  
   a(count_) = a(0)   zero last element
   count_ -= 1
   Return value
 End If
 Print "Error: Attempted to remove 'front' element of an empty queue"
 Return a(0)   return default element

End Function

Sub Queue(T).push(item As T)

 Dim size As Integer = UBound(a)
 count_ += 1
 If count_ >  size Then
   size = resize(size)
   Redim Preserve a(0 to size)
 End If
 a(count_) = item   

End Sub

Function Queue(T).resize(size As Integer) As Integer

 If size = 0 Then
   size = 4
 ElseIf size <= 32 Then
   size  = 2 * size
   size += 32
 End If
 Return size

End Function

  1. EndMacro</lang>

We now use this type to create a Queue of Cat instances : <lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

  1. Include "queue_rosetta.bi"

Type Cat

 name As String
 age As Integer
 Declare Constructor
 Declare Constructor(name_ As string, age_ As integer)
 Declare Operator Cast() As String

end type

Constructor Cat default constructor End Constructor

Constructor Cat(name_ As String, age_ As Integer)

 name = name_
 age = age_

End Constructor

Operator Cat.Cast() As String

 Return "[" + name + ", " + Str(age) + "]"

End Operator

Declare_Queue(Cat) expand Queue type for Cat instances

Dim CatQueue As Queue(Cat)

Var felix = Cat("Felix", 8) Var sheba = Cat("Sheba", 4) Var fluffy = Cat("Fluffy", 2) With CatQueue push these Cat instances into the Queue


End With Print "Number of Cats in the Queue :" ; CatQueue.count Print "Capacity of Cat Queue  :" ; CatQueue.capacity Print "Front Cat  : "; CatQueue.front CatQueue.pop() Print "Front Cat now  : "; CatQueue.front Print "Number of Cats in the Queue :" ; CatQueue.count CatQueue.pop() Print "Front Cat now  : "; CatQueue.front Print "Number of Cats in the Queue :" ; CatQueue.count Print "Is Queue empty now  : "; CatQueue.empty catQueue.pop() Print "Number of Cats in the Queue :" ; CatQueue.count Print "Is Queue empty now  : "; CatQueue.empty catQueue.pop() Print Print "Press any key to quit" Sleep</lang>

Number of Cats in the Queue : 3
Capacity of Cat Queue       : 4
Front Cat                   : [Felix, 8]
Front Cat now               : [Sheba, 4]
Number of Cats in the Queue : 2
Front Cat now               : [Fluffy, 2]
Number of Cats in the Queue : 1
Is Queue empty now          : false
Number of Cats in the Queue : 0
Is Queue empty now          : true
Error: Attempted to remove 'front' element of an empty queue


<lang gap>Enqueue := function(v, x)

   Add(v[1], x);


Dequeue := function(v)

   if IsEmpty(v[2]) then
       if IsEmpty(v[1]) then
           return fail;
           v[2] := Reversed(v[1]);
           v[1] := [];
   return Remove(v[2]);


  1. a new queue

v := [[], []];

Enqueue(v, 3); Enqueue(v, 4); Enqueue(v, 5); Dequeue(v);

  1. 3

Enqueue(v, 6); Dequeue(v);

  1. 4


  1. 5


  1. 6


  1. fail</lang>


Hard coded to be a queue of strings. Implementation is a circular buffer which grows as needed. <lang go> package queue

// int queue // the zero object is a valid queue ready to be used. // items are pushed at tail, popped at head. // tail = -1 means queue is full type Queue struct {

   b []string
   head, tail int


func (q *Queue) Push(x string) {

   switch {
   // buffer full. reallocate.
   case q.tail < 0:
       next := len(q.b)
       bigger := make([]string, 2*next)
       copy(bigger[copy(bigger, q.b[q.head:]):], q.b[:q.head])
       bigger[next] = x
       q.b, q.head, q.tail = bigger, 0, next+1
   // zero object. make initial allocation.
   case len(q.b) == 0:
       q.b, q.head, q.tail = make([]string, 4), 0 ,1
       q.b[0] = x
   // normal case
       q.b[q.tail] = x
       if q.tail == len(q.b) {
           q.tail = 0
       if q.tail == q.head {
           q.tail = -1


func (q *Queue) Pop() (string, bool) {

   if q.head == q.tail {
       return "", false
   r := q.b[q.head]
   if q.tail == -1 {
       q.tail = q.head
   if q.head == len(q.b) {
       q.head = 0
   return r, true


func (q *Queue) Empty() bool {

   return q.head == q.tail

} </lang>


Solution: <lang groovy>class Queue {

   private List buffer
   public Queue(List buffer =  new LinkedList()) {
       assert buffer != null
       assert buffer.empty
       this.buffer = buffer
   def push (def item) { buffer << item }
   final enqueue = this.&push
   def pop() {
       if (this.empty) throw new NoSuchElementException('Empty Queue')
   final dequeue = this.&pop
   def getEmpty() { buffer.empty }
   String toString() { "Queue:${buffer}" }


Test: <lang groovy>def q = new Queue() assert q.empty

['Crosby', 'Stills'].each { q.push(it) } assert !q.empty ['Nash', 'Young'].each { q.enqueue(it) } println q assert !q.empty assert q.pop() == 'Crosby' println q assert !q.empty assert q.dequeue() == 'Stills' println q assert !q.empty assert q.pop() == 'Nash' println q assert !q.empty q.push('Crazy Horse') println q assert q.dequeue() == 'Young' println q assert !q.empty assert q.pop() == 'Crazy Horse' println q assert q.empty try { q.pop() } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { println e } try { q.dequeue() } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { println e }</lang>

Queue:[Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young]
Queue:[Stills, Nash, Young]
Queue:[Nash, Young]
Queue:[Young, Crazy Horse]
Queue:[Crazy Horse]
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Empty Queue
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Empty Queue


The standard way to manage fifo in functional programming is to use a pair of list for the fifo queue, one is the input, the other is the output. When the output is empty just take the input list and reverse it.

<lang haskell>data Fifo a = F [a] [a]

emptyFifo :: Fifo a emptyFifo = F [] []

push :: Fifo a -> a -> Fifo a push (F input output) item = F (item:input) output

pop :: Fifo a -> (Maybe a, Fifo a) pop (F input (item:output)) = (Just item, F input output) pop (F [] [] ) = (Nothing, F [] []) pop (F input [] ) = pop (F [] (reverse input))

isEmpty :: Fifo a -> Bool isEmpty (F [] []) = True isEmpty _ = False </lang>

Icon and Unicon


The following works in both Icon and Unicon:

<lang icon>

  1. Use a record to hold a Queue, using a list as the concrete implementation

record Queue(items)

procedure make_queue ()

 return Queue ([])


procedure queue_push (queue, item)

 put (queue.items, item)


  1. if the queue is empty, this will 'fail' and return nothing

procedure queue_pop (queue)

 return pop (queue.items)


procedure queue_empty (queue)

 return *queue.items = 0


  1. procedure to test class

procedure main ()

 queue := make_queue()
 # add the numbers 1 to 5
 every (item := 1 to 5) do 
   queue_push (queue, item)
 # pop them in the added order, and show a message when queue is empty
 every (1 to 6) do {
   write ("Popped value: " || queue_pop (queue))
   if (queue_empty (queue)) then write ("empty queue")

end </lang>

Popped value: 1
Popped value: 2
Popped value: 3
Popped value: 4
Popped value: 5
empty queue
empty queue


Unicon also provides classes:

<lang Unicon>

  1. Use a class to hold a Queue, with a list as the concrete implementation

class Queue (items)

 method push (item)
   put (items, item)
 # if the queue is empty, this will 'fail' and return nothing
 method take ()
   return pop (items)
 method is_empty ()
   return *items = 0
 initially () # initialises the field on creating an instance
   items := []


procedure main ()

 queue := Queue ()
 every (item := 1 to 5) do 
   queue.push (item)
 every (1 to 6) do {
   write ("Popped value: " || queue.take ())
   if queue.is_empty () then write ("empty queue")

end </lang>

Produces the same output as above.


Object oriented technique, using mutable state:

<lang J>queue_fifo_=:

pop_fifo_=: verb define

 r=. {. ::] queue
 queue=: }.queue


push_fifo_=: verb define

 queue=: queue,y


isEmpty_fifo_=: verb define



Function-level technique, with no reliance on mutable state:

<lang J>pop =: ( {.^:notnull  ; }. )@: > @: ] / push =: (  ; ,~ )& > / tell_atom =: >& {. tell_queue =: >& {: is_empty =: -: 1 tell_queue

make_empty =: a: , a: [ ] onto =: [ ; }.@]

notnull =: 0 ~: #</lang>

See also FIFO (usage)#J


Works with: Java version 1.5+

This task could be done using a LinkedList from java.util, but here is a user-defined version with generics: <lang java>public class Queue<E>{

   Node<E> head = null, tail = null;
   static class Node<E>{
       E value;
       Node<E> next;
       Node(E value, Node<E> next){
           this.value= value;
           this.next= next;
   public Queue(){
   public void enqueue(E value){ //standard queue name for "push"
       Node<E> newNode= new Node<E>(value, null);
           head= newNode;
           tail.next = newNode;
       tail= newNode;
   public E dequeue() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException{//standard queue name for "pop"
           throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("No more elements.");
       E retVal= head.value;
       head= head.next;
       return retVal;
   public boolean empty(){
       return head == null;



Most of the time, the built-in Array suffices. However, if you explicitly want to limit the usage to FIFO operations, it's easy to implement such a constructor.

Using built-in Array

<lang javascript>var fifo = []; fifo.push(42); // Enqueue. fifo.push(43); var x = fifo.shift(); // Dequeue. alert(x); // 42</lang>

Custom constructor function

<lang javascript>function FIFO() {

   this.data = new Array();
   this.push  = function(element) {this.data.push(element)}
   this.pop   = function() {return this.data.shift()}
   this.empty = function() {return this.data.length == 0}
   this.enqueue = this.push;
   this.dequeue = this.pop;



Note that since jq is a purely functional language, the entity representing a queue must be presented as an input to any function that is to operate on it.

The definition of pop as given below is idiomatic in jq but implies that popping an empty queue yields [null, []] rather than an error. An alternative definition, pop_or_error, is also given to illustrate how an error condition can be generated. <lang jq># An empty queue: def fifo: [];

def push(e): [e] + .;

def pop: [.[0], .[1:]];

def pop_or_error: if length == 0 then error("pop_or_error") else pop end;

def empty: length == 0;</lang> Examples: <lang jq>fifo | pop # produces [null,[]]


| push(42) # enqueue
| push(43) # enqueue
| pop      # dequeue
| .[0]     # the value
  1. produces 43

fifo|push(1) as $q1 | fifo|push(2) as $q2 | [($q1|pop|.[0]), ($q2|pop|.[0])]

  1. produces: [1, 2]</lang>


Julia provides a variety of queue-like methods for vectors, making the solution to this task rather straightforward. Define a Queue in terms of a one dimensional array, and provide its methods using the appropriate vector operations. To adhere to Julia naming conventions, the queue operations are named "push!", "pop!" and "isempty" rather than "push", "pop" and "empty". <lang Julia> type Queue{T}



Queue() = Queue(Any[]) Queue(a::DataType) = Queue(a[]) Queue(a) = Queue(typeof(a)[])

Base.isempty(q::Queue) = isempty(q.a)

function Base.pop!{T}(q::Queue{T})

   !isempty(q) || error("queue must be non-empty")


function Base.push!{T}(q::Queue{T}, x::T)

   unshift!(q.a, x)
   return q


function Base.push!{T}(q::Queue{Any}, x::T)

   unshift!(q.a, x)
   return q

end </lang>


It is easiest to use the REPL to show a Queue in action.

julia> q = Queue()

julia> isempty(q)

julia> push!(q, 1)

julia> isempty(q)

julia> push!(q, "two")

julia> push!(q, 3.0)

julia> push!(q, false)

julia> pop!(q)

julia> pop!(q)

julia> pop!(q)

julia> pop!(q)

julia> pop!(q)
ERROR: queue must be non-empty
 in pop! at none:2


<lang scala>// version 1.1.1

import java.util.LinkedList

class Queue<E> {

   private val data = LinkedList<E>()
   val size get() = data.size
   val empty get() = size == 0

   fun push(element: E) = data.add(element)
   fun pop(): E {
       if (empty) throw RuntimeException("Can't pop elements from an empty queue")      
       return data.removeFirst()
  val top: E 
       get() {
           if (empty) throw RuntimeException("Empty queue can't have a top element")      
           return data.first()
   fun clear() = data.clear()
   override fun toString() = data.toString()


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val q = Queue<Int>()
   (1..5).forEach { q.push(it) }
   println("Size of queue = ${q.size}")
   print("Popping: ") 
   (1..3).forEach { print("${q.pop()} ") }
   println("\nRemaining in queue: $q")
   println("Top element is now ${q.top}")
   println("After clearing, queue is ${if(q.empty) "empty" else "not empty"}")
   try {
   catch (e: Exception) {


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Size of queue = 5
Popping: 1 2 3
Remaining in queue: [4, 5]
Top element is now 4
After clearing, queue is empty
Can't pop elements from an empty queue


This image is a VI Snippet, an executable image of LabVIEW code. The LabVIEW version is shown on the top-right hand corner. You can download it, then drag-and-drop it onto the LabVIEW block diagram from a file browser, and it will appear as runnable, editable code.


Definition: <lang lasso>define myqueue => type {

   data store = list
   public onCreate(...) => {
       if(void != #rest) => {
           with item in #rest do .`store`->insert(#item)
   public push(value) => .`store`->insertLast(#value)
   public pop => {
       handle => {
       return .`store`->first
   public isEmpty => (.`store`->size == 0)


Usage: <lang lasso>local(q) = myqueue('a')

  1. q->isEmpty

// => false

  1. q->push('b')
  2. q->pop

// => a

  1. q->pop

// => b

  1. q->isEmpty

// => true

  1. q->pop

// => void</lang>


<lang lua>Queue = {}

function Queue.new()

   return { first = 0, last = -1 }


function Queue.push( queue, value )

   queue.last = queue.last + 1
   queue[queue.last] = value


function Queue.pop( queue )

   if queue.first > queue.last then
       return nil
   local val = queue[queue.first]
   queue[queue.first] = nil
   queue.first = queue.first + 1
   return val


function Queue.empty( queue )

   return queue.first > queue.last



<lang Mathematica>EmptyQ[a_] := Length[a] == 0 SetAttributes[Push, HoldAll]; Push[a_, elem_] := AppendTo[a, elem] SetAttributes[Pop, HoldAllComplete]; Pop[a_] := If[EmptyQ[a], False, b = First[a]; Set[a, Most[a]]; b]</lang>

MATLAB / Octave

Here is a simple implementation of a queue, that works in Matlab and Octave. <lang matlab>myfifo = {};

% push myfifo{end+1} = x;

% pop x = myfifo{1}; myfifo{1} = [];

% empty isempty(myfifo)</lang>

Below is another solution, that encapsulates the fifo within the object-orientated "class" elements supported by Matlab. For this to work it must be saved in a file named "FIFOQueue.m" in a folder named "@FIFOQueue" in your current Matlab directory. <lang MATLAB>%This class impliments a standard FIFO queue. classdef FIFOQueue

       %Class constructor
       function theQueue = FIFOQueue(varargin)
           if isempty(varargin) %No input arguments
               %Initialize the queue state as empty
               theQueue.queue = {};
           elseif (numel(varargin) > 1) %More than 1 input arg
               %Make the queue the list of input args
               theQueue.queue = varargin;
           elseif iscell(varargin{:}) %If the only input is a cell array
               %Make the contents of the cell array the elements in the queue 
               theQueue.queue = varargin{:};
           else %There is one input argument that is not a cell
               %Make that one arg the only element in the queue
               theQueue.queue = varargin;
       %push() - pushes a new element to the end of the queue
       function push(theQueue,varargin)
           if isempty(varargin)
               theQueue.queue(end+1) = {[]};
           elseif (numel(varargin) > 1) %More than 1 input arg
               %Make the queue the list of input args
               theQueue.queue( end+1:end+numel(varargin) ) = varargin;
           elseif iscell(varargin{:}) %If the only input is a cell array
               %Make the contents of the cell array the elements in the queue 
               theQueue.queue( end+1:end+numel(varargin{:}) ) = varargin{:};
           else %There is one input argument that is not a cell
               %Make that one arg the only element in the queue
               theQueue.queue{end+1} = varargin{:};                
           %Makes changes to the queue permanent
       %pop() - pops the first element off the queue
       function element = pop(theQueue)
           if empty(theQueue)
               error 'The queue is empty'
               %Returns the first element in the queue
               element = theQueue.queue{1};
               %Removes the first element from the queue
               theQueue.queue(1) = [];
               %Makes changes to the queue permanent
       %empty() - Returns true if the queue is empty
       function trueFalse = empty(theQueue)
           trueFalse = isempty(theQueue.queue);
   end %methods


Sample usage: <lang MATLAB>>> myQueue = FIFOQueue({'hello'})

myQueue =


>> push(myQueue,'jello') >> pop(myQueue)

ans =


>> pop(myQueue)

ans =


>> pop(myQueue) ??? Error using ==> FIFOQueue.FIFOQueue>FIFOQueue.pop at 61 The queue is empty</lang>


<lang maxima>defstruct(queue(in=[], out=[]))$

enqueue(x, q) := (q@in: cons(x, q@in), done)$

dequeue(q) := (if not emptyp(q@out) then first([first(q@out), q@out: rest(q@out)]) elseif emptyp(q@in) then 'fail else (q@out: reverse(q@in), q@in: [], first([first(q@out), q@out: rest(q@out)])))$

q:new(queue); /* queue([], []) */ enqueue(1, q)$ enqueue(2, q)$ enqueue(3, q)$ dequeue(q); /* 1 */ enqueue(4, q)$ dequeue(q); /* 2 */ dequeue(q); /* 3 */ dequeue(q); /* 4 */ dequeue(q); /* fail */</lang>


Unlike Rexx, NetRexx does not include built–in support for queues but the language's ability to access the Java SDK permits use of any number of Java's "Collection" classes. The following sample implements a stack via the ArrayDeque double–ended queue. <lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary

mqueue = ArrayDeque()


a = "Fred" mqueue.push() /* Puts an empty line onto the queue */ mqueue.push(a 2) /* Puts "Fred 2" onto the queue */ viewQueue(mqueue)

a = "Toft" mqueue.add(a 2) /* Enqueues "Toft 2" */ mqueue.add() /* Enqueues an empty line behind the last */ viewQueue(mqueue)

loop q_ = 1 while mqueue.size > 0

 parse mqueue.pop.toString line
 say q_.right(3)':' line
 end q_



method viewQueue(mqueue = Deque) private static

  If mqueue.size = 0 then do
   Say 'Queue is empty'
 else do
   Say 'There are' mqueue.size 'elements in the queue'


Queue is empty
There are 2 elements in the queue
There are 4 elements in the queue
  1: Fred 2
  3: Toft 2
Queue is empty


<lang nim>import queues

  1. defining push & pop (obviously optional)

proc push*[T](q: var TQueue[T]; item: T) =


proc pop*[T](q: var TQueue[T]): T =

   result = dequeue(q)

var fifo: TQueue[int] = initQueue[int]()

fifo.push(26) fifo.push(99) fifo.push(2) echo("Fifo size: ", fifo.len()) echo("Popping: ", fifo.pop()) echo("Popping: ", fifo.pop()) echo("Popping: ", fifo.pop())

  1. echo("Popping: ", fifo.pop()) # popping an empty stack raises [EAssertionFailed]</lang>
Fifo size: 3
Popping: 26
Popping: 99
Popping: 2


The standard way to manage fifo in functional programming is to use a pair of list for the fifo queue, one is the input, the other is the output. When the output is empty just take the input list and reverse it.

<lang ocaml>module FIFO : sig

 type 'a fifo
 val empty: 'a fifo
 val push: fifo:'a fifo -> item:'a -> 'a fifo
 val pop: fifo:'a fifo -> 'a * 'a fifo
 val is_empty: fifo:'a fifo -> bool

end = struct

 type 'a fifo = 'a list * 'a list
 let empty = [], []
 let push ~fifo:(input,output) ~item = (item::input,output)
 let is_empty ~fifo =
   match fifo with
   | [], [] -> true
   | _ -> false
 let rec pop ~fifo =
   match fifo with
   | input, item :: output -> item, (input,output)
   | [], [] -> failwith "empty fifo"
   | input, [] -> pop ([], List.rev input)


and a session in the top-level:

<lang ocaml># open FIFO;;

  1. let q = empty ;;

val q : '_a FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. is_empty q ;;

- : bool = true

  1. let q = push q 1 ;;

val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. is_empty q ;;

- : bool = false

  1. let q =
   List.fold_left push q [2;3;4] ;;

val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. let v, q = pop q ;;

val v : int = 1 val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. let v, q = pop q ;;

val v : int = 2 val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. let v, q = pop q ;;

val v : int = 3 val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. let v, q = pop q ;;

val v : int = 4 val q : int FIFO.fifo = <abstr>

  1. let v, q = pop q ;;

Exception: Failure "empty fifo".</lang>

The standard ocaml library also provides a FIFO module, but it is imperative, unlike the implementation above which is functional.


If queue is empty, null is returned.

<lang Oforth>Object Class new: Queue(mutable l)

Queue method: initialize ListBuffer new := l ; Queue method: empty @l isEmpty ; Queue method: push @l add ; Queue method: pop @l removeFirst ;</lang>


This buffer pushes any primitive data (auto converted to strings), and pops strings. The buffer can expand or contract according to usage. <lang oxygenbasic> 'FIRST IN FIRST OUT

'========== Class Queue '==========

string buf sys bg,i,le

method Encodelength(sys ls) int p at (i+strptr buf) p=ls i+=sizeof int end method

method push(string s) ls=len s if i+ls+8>le then

 buf+=nuls 8000+ls*2 : le=len buf 'expand buf

end if EncodeLength ls mid buf,i+1,s i+=ls 'EncodeLength ls end method

method GetLength() as sys

 if bg>=i then return -1 'buffer empty
 int p at (bg+strptr buf)
 bg+=sizeof int
 return p

end method

method pop(string *s) as sys sys ls=GetLength if ls<0 then s="" : return ls 'empty buffer s=mid buf,bg+1,ls bg+=ls if bg>1e6 then

 buf=mid buf,bg+1 : bg=0 : le=len buf : i-=bg 'shrink buf

end if end method

method clear()

 buf="" : le="" : bg=0 : i=0

end method

end class

'==== 'TEST '====

Queue fifo string s ' fifo.push "HumptyDumpty" fifo.push "Sat on a wall" ' sys er do

 er=fifo.pop s
 if er then print "(buffer empty)" : exit do
 print s

end do </lang>


The semantics of the built-in "Port" datatype is essentially that of a thread-safe queue. We can implement the specified queue type as operations on a pair of a port and a mutable reference to the current read position of the associated stream.

It seems natural to make "Pop" a blocking operation (i.e. it waits for a new value if the queue is currently empty).

The implementation is thread-safe if there is only one reader thread. When multiple reader threads exist, it is possible that a value is popped more than once.

<lang oz>declare

 fun {NewQueue}
    WritePort = {Port.new Stream}
    ReadPos = {NewCell Stream}
 proc {Push WritePort#_ Value}
    {Port.send WritePort Value}
 fun {Empty _#ReadPos}
    %% the queue is empty if the value at the current
    %% read position is not determined
    {Not {IsDet @ReadPos}}
 fun {Pop _#ReadPos}
    %% blocks if empty
    case @ReadPos of X|Xr then
       ReadPos := Xr
 Q = {NewQueue}


 {Show {Empty Q}}
 {Push Q 42}
 {Show {Empty Q}}
 {Show {Pop Q}}
 {Show {Empty Q}}</lang>

There is also a queue datatype in the Mozart standard library.


Works with: Free Pascal version 2.2.0
Works with: GNU Pascal version 20060325, based on gcc-3.4.4

This program should be Standard Pascal compliant (i.e. it doesn't make use of the advanced/non-standard features of FreePascal or GNU Pascal).

<lang pascal>program fifo(input, output);


pNode = ^tNode;
tNode = record
         value: integer;
         next:  pNode;
tFifo = record
         first, last: pNode;

procedure initFifo(var fifo: tFifo);

 fifo.first := nil;
 fifo.last := nil

procedure pushFifo(var fifo: tFifo; value: integer);

 node: pNode;
 node^.value := value;
 node^.next := nil;
 if fifo.first = nil
   fifo.first := node
   fifo.last^.next := node;
 fifo.last := node

function popFifo(var fifo: tFifo; var value: integer): boolean;

 node: pNode;
 if fifo.first = nil
   popFifo := false
    node := fifo.first;
    fifo.first := fifo.first^.next;
    value := node^.value;
    popFifo := true

procedure testFifo;

 fifo: tFifo;
procedure testpop(expectEmpty: boolean; expectedValue: integer);
  i: integer;
  if popFifo(fifo, i)
    if expectEmpty
      writeln('Error! Expected empty, got ', i, '.')
      if i = expectedValue
        writeln('Ok, got ', i, '.')
        writeln('Error! Expected ', expectedValue, ', got ', i, '.')
    if expectEmpty
       writeln('Ok, fifo is empty.')
       writeln('Error! Expected ', expectedValue, ', found fifo empty.')
 pushFifo(fifo, 2);
 pushFifo(fifo, 3);
 pushFifo(fifo, 5);
 testpop(false, 2);
 pushFifo(fifo, 7);
 testpop(false, 3);
 testpop(false, 5);
 pushFifo(fifo, 11);
 testpop(false, 7);
 testpop(false, 11);
 pushFifo(fifo, 13);
 testpop(false, 13);
 testpop(true, 0);
 pushFifo(fifo, 17);
 testpop(false, 17);
 testpop(true, 0)


writeln('Testing fifo implementation ...');
writeln('Testing finished.')



Lists are a central part of Perl. To implement a FIFO using OO will to many Perl programmers seem a bit awkward.

<lang perl>use Carp; sub mypush (\@@) {my($list,@things)=@_; push @$list, @things} sub mypop (\@) {my($list)=@_; @$list or croak "Empty"; shift @$list } sub empty (@) {not @_}</lang>


<lang perl>my @fifo=qw(1 2 3 a b c);

mypush @fifo, 44, 55, 66; mypop @fifo for 1 .. 6+3; mypop @fifo; #empty now</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-11-29

We could build a new container class to do FIFO pretty easily, but Arrays already do everything needed by a FIFO queue, so it is easier to just compose a Role on the existing Array class. <lang perl6>role FIFO {

   method enqueue ( *@values ) { # Add values to queue, returns the number of values added.
       self.push: @values;
       return @values.elems;
   method dequeue ( ) {         # Remove and return the first value from the queue.
                                # Return Nil if queue is empty.
       return self.elems ?? self.shift !! Nil;
   method is-empty ( ) {        # Check to see if queue is empty. Returns Boolean value.
       return self.elems == 0;


Example usage:

<lang perl6>my @queue does FIFO;

say @queue.is-empty; # -> Bool::True for <A B C> -> $i { say @queue.enqueue: $i } # 1 \n 1 \n 1 say @queue.enqueue: Any; # -> 1 say @queue.enqueue: 7, 8; # -> 2 say @queue.is-empty; # -> Bool::False say @queue.dequeue; # -> A say @queue.elems; # -> 4 say @queue.dequeue; # -> B say @queue.is-empty; # -> Bool::False say @queue.enqueue('OHAI!'); # -> 1 say @queue.dequeue until @queue.is-empty; # -> C \n Any() \n [7 8] \n OHAI! say @queue.is-empty; # -> Bool::True say @queue.dequeue; # -></lang>


<lang Phix>sequence queue = {}

procedure push(object what)

   queue = append(queue,what)

end procedure

function pop()

   object what = queue[1]
   queue = queue[2..$]
   return what

end function

function empty()

   return length(queue)=0

end function</lang>


<lang PHP>class Fifo {

 private $data = array();
 public function push($element){
   array_push($this->data, $element);
 public function pop(){
   if ($this->isEmpty()){
     throw new Exception('Attempt to pop from an empty queue');
   return array_shift($this->data);
 //Alias functions
 public function enqueue($element) { $this->push($element); }
 public function dequeue() { return $this->pop(); }
 //Note: PHP prevents a method name of 'empty'
 public function isEmpty(){
   return empty($this->data);



<lang PHP>$foo = new Fifo(); $foo->push('One'); $foo->enqueue('Two'); $foo->push('Three');

echo $foo->pop(); //Prints 'One' echo $foo->dequeue(); //Prints 'Two' echo $foo->pop(); //Prints 'Three' echo $foo->pop(); //Throws an exception </lang>


The built-in function 'fifo' maintains a queue in a circular list, with direct access to the first and the last cell <lang PicoLisp>(off Queue) # Clear Queue (fifo 'Queue 1) # Store number '1' (fifo 'Queue 'abc) # an internal symbol 'abc' (fifo 'Queue "abc") # a transient symbol "abc" (fifo 'Queue '(a b c)) # and a list (a b c) Queue # Show the queue</lang>

->((a b c) 1 abc "abc" .)


<lang pli> /* To push a node onto the end of the queue. */ push: procedure (tail);

  declare tail handle (node), t handle (node);
  t = new(:node:);
  get (t => value);
  if tail ^= bind(:null, node:) then
     tail => link = t;
     /* If the queue was non-empty, points the tail of the queue */
     /* to the new node. */
  tail = t; /* Point "tail" at the end of the queue. */
  tail => link = bind(:node, null:);

end push;

/* To pop a node from the head of the queue. */ pop: procedure (head, val);

  declare head handle (node), val fixed binary;
  if head = bind(:node, null:) then signal error;
  val = head => value;
  head = head => pointer; /* pops the top node. */
  if head = bind(:node, null:) then tail = head;
     /* (If the queue is now empty, make tail null also.) */

end pop;

/* Queue status: the EMPTY function, returns true for empty queue. */ empty: procedure (h) returns (bit(1));

  declare h handle (Node);
  return (h = bind(:Node, null:) );

end empty; </lang>


Library: initlib

<lang postscript> % our queue is just [] and empty? is already defined. /push {exch tadd}. /pop {uncons exch}. </lang>


Works with: PowerShell version 2

PowerShell can natively use the .Net Queue class. <lang PowerShell> $Q = New-Object System.Collections.Queue

$Q.Enqueue( 1 ) $Q.Enqueue( 2 ) $Q.Enqueue( 3 )

$Q.Dequeue() $Q.Dequeue()

$Q.Count -eq 0 $Q.Dequeue() $Q.Count -eq 0

try { $Q.Dequeue() } catch [System.InvalidOperationException] { If ( $_.Exception.Message -eq 'Queue empty.' ) { 'Caught error' } }</lang>

Caught error


Works with SWI-Prolog. One can push any data in queue. <lang Prolog>empty(U-V) :-

   unify_with_occurs_check(U, V).

push(Queue, Value, NewQueue) :-

   append_dl(Queue, [Value|X]-X, NewQueue).

% when queue is empty pop fails. pop([X|V]-U, X, V-U) :-


append_dl(X-Y, Y-Z, X-Z). </lang>


For FIFO function PureBasic normally uses linked lists. Usage as described above could look like; <lang PureBasic>NewList MyStack()

Procedure Push(n)

 Shared MyStack()


Procedure Pop()

 Shared MyStack()
 Protected n
 If FirstElement(MyStack())  ; e.g. Stack not empty
   Debug "Pop(), out of range. Error at line "+str(#PB_Compiler_Line)
 ProcedureReturn n


Procedure Empty()

 Shared MyStack()
 If  ListSize(MyStack())=0
   ProcedureReturn #True
 ProcedureReturn #False


---- Example of implementation ----

Push(3) Push(1) Push(4) While Not Empty()

 Debug Pop()


---- Now an extra Pop(), e.g. one to many ----

Debug Pop()</lang>

 Pop(), out of range. Error at line 17


A python list can be used as a simple FIFO by simply using only it's .append() and .pop() methods and only using .pop(0) to consistently pull the head off the list. (The default .pop() pulls off the tail, and using that would treat the list as a stack.

To encapsulate this behavior into a class and provide the task's specific API we can simply use:

<lang python> class FIFO(object):

      def __init__(self, *args):
          self.contents = list(args)
      def __call__(self):
          return self.pop()
      def __len__(self):
          return len(self.contents)
      def pop(self):
          return self.contents.pop(0)
      def push(self, item):
      def extend(self,*itemlist):
          self.contents += itemlist
      def empty(self):
          return bool(self.contents)
      def __iter__(self):
          return self
      def next(self):
          if self.empty():
              raise StopIteration
          return self.pop()

if __name__ == "__main__":

   # Sample usage:
   f = FIFO()
   while not f.empty():
       print f.pop(),
   # >>> 3 2 1
   # Another simple example gives the same results:
   f = FIFO(3,2,1)
   while not f.empty():
       print f(),
   # Another using the default "truth" value of the object
   # (implicitly calls on the length() of the object after
   # checking for a __nonzero__ method
   f = FIFO(3,2,1)
   while f:
       print f(),
   # Yet another, using more Pythonic iteration:
   f = FIFO(3,2,1)
   for i in f:
       print i,</lang>

This example does add to a couple of features which are easy in Python and allow this FIFO class to be used in ways that Python programmers might find more natural. Our __init__ accepts and optional list of initial values, we add __len__ and extend methods which simply wrap the corresponding list methods; we define a __call__ method to show how one can make objects "callable" as functions, and we define __iter__ and next() methods to facilitate using these FIFO objects with Python's prevalent iteration syntax (the for loop). The empty method could be implemented as simply an alias for __len__ --- but we've chosen to have it more strictly conform to the task specification. Implementing the __len__ method allows code using this object to test of emptiness using normal Python idioms for "truth" (any non-empty container is considered to be "true" and any empty container evaluates as "false").

These additional methods could be omitted and some could have been dispatched to the "contents" object by defining a __getattr__ method. (All methods that are note defined could be relayed to the contained list). This would allow us to skip our definitions of extend, __iter__, and __len__, and would allow contents of these objects to be access by indexes and slices as well as supporting all other list methods.

That sort of wrapper looks like:

<lang python>class FIFO: ## NOT a new-style class, must not derive from "object"

  def __init__(self,*args):
      self.contents = list(args)
  def __call__(self):
      return self.pop()
  def empty(self):
      return bool(self.contents)
  def pop(self):
      return self.contents.pop(0)
  def __getattr__(self, attr):
      return getattr(self.contents,attr)
  def next(self):
      if not self:
          raise StopIteration
      return self.pop()</lang>

As noted in the contents this must NOT be a new-style class, it must NOT but sub-classed from object nor any of its descendents. (A new-style implementation using __getattribute__ would be possible)

Works with: Python version 2.4+

Python 2.4 and later includes a deque class, supporting thread-safe, memory efficient appends and pops from either side of the deque with approximately the same O(1) performance in either direction. For other options see Python Cookbook.

<lang python>from collections import deque fifo = deque() fifo. appendleft(value) # push value = fifo.pop() not fifo # empty fifo.pop() # raises IndexError when empty</lang>


Simple functional implementation

This simple implementation provides three functions that act on a variable in the global environment (user workspace) named l. the push and pop functions display the new status of l, but return NULL silently. <lang R>empty <- function() length(l) == 0 push <- function(x) {

  l <<- c(l, list(x))

} pop <- function() {

  if(empty()) stop("can't pop from an empty list")
  l1 <<- NULL

} l <- list() empty()

  1. [1] TRUE


  1. 1
  2. [1] 3


  1. 1
  2. [1] 3
  3. 2
  4. [1] "abc"

push(matrix(1:6, nrow=2))

  1. 1
  2. [1] 3
  3. 2
  4. [1] "abc"
  5. 3
  6. [,1] [,2] [,3]
  7. [1,] 1 3 5
  8. [2,] 2 4 6


  1. [1] FALSE


  1. 1
  2. [1] 3
  3. 2
  4. [1] "abc"


  1. 1
  2. [1] 3


  1. list()


  1. Error in pop() : can't pop from an empty list</lang>

The problem with this is that the functions aren't related to the FIFO object (the list l), and they require the list to exist in the global environment. (This second problem is possible to get round by passing l into the function and then returning it, but that is extra work.)

Message passing

<lang r># The usual Scheme way : build a function that takes commands as parameters (it's like message passing oriented programming) queue <- function() {

   v <- list()
   f <- function(cmd, val=NULL) {
       if(cmd == "push") {
           v <<- c(v, val)
       } else if(cmd == "pop") {
           if(length(v) == 0) {
               stop("empty queue")
           } else {
               x <- v1
               v1 <<- NULL
       } else if(cmd == "length") {
       } else if(cmd == "empty") {
           length(v) == 0
       } else {
           stop("unknown command")


  1. Create two queues

a <- queue() b <- queue() a("push", 1) a("push", 2) b("push", 3) a("push", 4) b("push", 5)


  1. [1] 1


  1. [1] 3</lang>

Object oriented implementation

Library: proto

A better solution is to use the object oriented facility in the proto package. (R does have it's own native object oriented code, though the proto package is often nicer to use.)

<lang R>library(proto)

fifo <- proto(expr = {

  l <- list()
  empty <- function(.) length(.$l) == 0
  push <- function(., x) 
     .$l <- c(.$l, list(x))
  pop <- function(.) 
     if(.$empty()) stop("can't pop from an empty list")
     .$l1 <- NULL


  1. The following code provides output that is the same as the previous example.

fifo$empty() fifo$push(3) fifo$push("abc") fifo$push(matrix(1:6, nrow=2)) fifo$empty() fifo$pop() fifo$pop() fifo$pop() fifo$pop()</lang>


Racket comes with a queue implementation in the data/queue library. Here's an explicit implementation:

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (make-queue) (mcons #f #f)) (define (push! q x)

 (define new (mcons x #f))
 (if (mcar q) (set-mcdr! (mcdr q) new) (set-mcar! q new))
 (set-mcdr! q new))

(define (pop! q)

 (define old (mcar q))
 (cond [(eq? old (mcdr q)) (set-mcar! q #f) (set-mcdr! q #f)]
       [else (set-mcar! q (mcdr old))])
 (mcar old))

(define (empty? q)

 (not (mcar q)))

(define Q (make-queue)) (empty? Q) ; -> #t (push! Q 'x) (empty? Q) ; -> #f (for ([x 3]) (push! Q x)) (pop! Q)  ; -> 'x (list (pop! Q) (pop! Q) (pop! Q)) ; -> '(0 1 2) </lang>

And this is an implementation of a functional queue. <lang racket>

  1. lang racket
The elements in the queue are (append front (reverse back)).
Front is always non-empty (except for the empty queue).

(struct queue (front back))

(define empty (queue '() '()))

(define (push x q)

 (if (null? (queue-front q))
     (queue (reverse (cons x (queue-back q))) '())
     (queue (queue-front q) (cons x (queue-back q)))))

(define (empty? q)

 (null? (queue-front q)))

(define (pop q)

 (cond [(empty? q) (error 'pop "the queue is empty")]
       [(not (null? (queue-front q)))
        (if (null? (rest (queue-front q)))
            (queue (reverse (queue-back q)) '())
            (queue (rest (queue-front q)) (queue-back q)))]
       [else (queue (reverse (queue-back q)) '())]))

(define (first q)

 (cond [(empty? q) (error 'first "the queue is empty")]
       [(car (queue-front q))]))

(first (pop (pop (for/fold ([q empty]) ([x '(1 2 3 4)])

                  (push x q)))))
=> 3



<lang REBOL>rebol [

   Title: "FIFO"
   Author: oofoe
   Date: 2009-12-11
   URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/FIFO


Define fifo class

fifo: make object! [

   queue: copy []
   push:  func [x][append queue x]
   pop:   func [/local x][   ; Make 'x' local so it won't pollute global namespace.
       if empty [return none]
       x: first queue  remove queue  x]
   empty: does [empty? queue]


Create and populate a FIFO

q: make fifo [] q/push 'a q/push 2 q/push USD$12.34  ; Did I mention that REBOL has 'money!' datatype? q/push [Athos Porthos Aramis] ; List elements pushed on one by one. q/push Huey Dewey Lewey  ; This list is preserved as a list.

Dump it out, with narrative

print rejoin ["Queue is " either q/empty [""]["not "] "empty."] while [not q/empty][print [" " q/pop]] print rejoin ["Queue is " either q/empty [""]["not "] "empty."] print ["Trying to pop an empty queue yields:" q/pop]</lang>

Queue is not empty.
   Huey Dewey Lewey
Queue is empty.
Trying to pop an empty queue yields: none


Support for LIFO & FIFO queues is built into the Rexx language.
The following are supported in REXX:

  •   PUSH     (lifo)
  •   QUEUE   (fifo)
  •   PULL   --- which is a short version of:
  •   PARSE LOWER PULL   --- supported by some newer REXXes
  •   QUEUED()   [a BIF which returns the number of queued entries.]

<lang rexx>/*REXX program to demonstrate FIFO queue usage by some simple operations*/ call viewQueue a="Fred" push /*puts a "null" on top of queue.*/ push a 2 /*puts "Fred 2" on top of queue.*/ call viewQueue

queue "Toft 2" /*put "Toft 2" on queue bottom.*/ queue /*put a "null" on queue bottom.*/ call viewQueue

                 do n=1  while queued()\==0
                 parse pull xxx
                 say "queue entry" n': ' xxx
                 end   /*n*/

call viewQueue exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────viewQueue subroutine────────────────*/ viewQueue: if queued()==0 then say 'Queue is empty'

                          else say 'There are' queued() 'elements in the queue'

return</lang> output

Queue is empty
There are 2 elements in the queue
There are 4 elements in the queue
  queue entry 1:  Fred 2
  queue entry 2:
  queue entry 3:  Toft 2
  queue entry 4:
Queue is empty


The core class Array already implements all queue operations, so this class FIFO delegates everything to methods of Array.

<lang ruby>require 'forwardable'

  1. A FIFO queue contains elements in first-in, first-out order.
  2. FIFO#push adds new elements to the end of the queue;
  3. FIFO#pop or FIFO#shift removes elements from the front.

class FIFO

 extend Forwardable
 # Creates a FIFO containing _objects_.
 def self.[](*objects)
 # Creates an empty FIFO.
 def initialize; @ary = []; end
 # Appends _objects_ to the end of this FIFO. Returns self.
 def push(*objects)
 alias << push
 alias enqueue push
 # :method: pop
 # :call-seq:
 #   pop -> obj or nil
 #   pop(n) -> ary
 # Removes an element from the front of this FIFO, and returns it.
 # Returns nil if the FIFO is empty.
 # If passing a number _n_, removes the first _n_ elements, and returns
 # an Array of them. If this FIFO contains fewer than _n_ elements,
 # returns them all. If this FIFO is empty, returns an empty Array.
 def_delegator :@ary, :shift, :pop
 alias shift pop
 alias dequeue shift
 # :method: empty?
 # Returns true if this FIFO contains no elements.
 def_delegator :@ary, :empty?
 # :method: size
 # Returns the number of elements in this FIFO.
 def_delegator :@ary, :size
 alias length size
 # Converts this FIFO to a String.
 def to_s
 alias inspect to_s


<lang ruby>f = FIFO.new f.empty? # => true f.pop # => nil f.pop(2) # => [] f.push(14) # => FIFO[14] f << "foo" << [1,2,3] # => FIFO[14, "foo", [1, 2, 3]] f.enqueue("bar", Hash.new, "baz")

  1. => FIFO[14, "foo", [1, 2, 3], "bar", {}, "baz"]

f.size # => 6 f.pop(3) # => [14, "foo", [1, 2, 3]] f.dequeue # => "bar" f.empty? # => false g = FIFO[:a, :b, :c] g.pop(2) # => [:a, :b] g.pop(2) # => [:c] g.pop(2) # => []</lang>


Using the standard library

The standard library has a double-ended queue implementation (VecDeque<T>) which will work here. <lang rust>use std::collections::VecDeque; fn main() {

   let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
   assert_eq!(Some(&"Element1"), stack.front());
   assert_eq!(Some("Element1"), stack.pop_front());
   assert_eq!(Some("Element2"), stack.pop_front());
   assert_eq!(Some("Element3"), stack.pop_front());
   assert_eq!(None, stack.pop_front());


A simple implementation

This shows the implementation of a singly-linked queue with dequeue and enqueue. There are two peek implementations, one returns an immutable reference, the other returns a mutable one. This implementation also shows iteration over the Queue by value (consumes queue), immutable reference, and mutable reference. <lang rust>use std::ptr;

pub struct Queue<T> {

   head: Link<T>,
   tail: *mut Item<T>, // Raw, C-like pointer. Cannot be guaranteed safe


type Link<T> = Option<Box<Item<T>>>;

struct Item<T> {

   elem: T,
   next: Link<T>,


pub struct IntoIter<T>(Queue<T>);

pub struct Iter<'a, T:'a> {

   next: Option<&'a Item<T>>,


pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a> {

   next: Option<&'a mut Item<T>>,


impl<T> Queue<T> {

   pub fn new() -> Self {
       Queue { head: None, tail: ptr::null_mut() }
   pub fn enqueue(&mut self, elem: T) {
       let mut new_tail = Box::new(Item {
           elem: elem,
           next: None,
       let raw_tail: *mut _ = &mut *new_tail;
       if !self.tail.is_null() {
           unsafe {
               (*self.tail).next = Some(new_tail);
       } else {
           self.head = Some(new_tail);
       self.tail = raw_tail;
   pub fn dequeue(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
       self.head.take().map(|head| {
           let head = *head;
           self.head = head.next;
           if self.head.is_none() {
               self.tail = ptr::null_mut();
   pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {
       self.head.as_ref().map(|item| {
   pub fn peek_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
       self.head.as_mut().map(|item| {
           &mut item.elem
   pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
   pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<T> {
       Iter { next: self.head.as_ref().map(|item| &**item) }
   pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<T> {
       IterMut { next: self.head.as_mut().map(|item| &mut **item) }


impl<T> Drop for Queue<T> {

   fn drop(&mut self) {
       let mut cur_link = self.head.take();
       while let Some(mut boxed_item) = cur_link {
           cur_link = boxed_item.next.take();


impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> {

   type Item = T;
   fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {


impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> {

   type Item = &'a T;
   fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
       self.next.map(|item| {
           self.next = item.next.as_ref().map(|item| &**item);


impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {

   type Item = &'a mut T;
   fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
       self.next.take().map(|item| {
           self.next = item.next.as_mut().map(|item| &mut **item);
           &mut item.elem



<lang scala>class Queue[T] {

 private[this] class Node[T](val value:T) {
   var next:Option[Node[T]]=None
   def append(n:Node[T])=next=Some(n)
 private[this] var head:Option[Node[T]]=None
 private[this] var tail:Option[Node[T]]=None
 def isEmpty=head.isEmpty
 def enqueue(item:T)={
   val n=new Node(item)
   if(isEmpty) head=Some(n) else tail.get.append(n)
 def dequeue:T=head match {
   case Some(item) => head=item.next; item.value
   case None => throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException()
 def front:T=head match {
   case Some(item) => item.value
   case None => throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException()
 def iterator: Iterator[T]=new Iterator[T]{
   private[this] var it=head;
   override def hasNext=it.isDefined
   override def next:T={val n=it.get; it=n.next; n.value}
 override def toString()=iterator.mkString("Queue(", ", ", ")")

}</lang> Usage: <lang scala>val q=new Queue[Int]() println("isEmpty = " + q.isEmpty) try{q dequeue} catch{case _:java.util.NoSuchElementException => println("dequeue(empty) failed.")} q enqueue 1 q enqueue 2 q enqueue 3 println("queue = " + q) println("front = " + q.front) println("dequeue = " + q.dequeue) println("dequeue = " + q.dequeue) println("isEmpty = " + q.isEmpty)</lang>

isEmpty = true
dequeue(empty) failed.
queue   = Queue(1, 2, 3)
front   = 1
dequeue = 1
dequeue = 2
isEmpty = false


Using a vector for mutable data. Can be optimized by using an extra slot in the vector to hold tail pointer to avoid the append call.

<lang scheme>(define (make-queue)

 (make-vector 1 '()))

(define (push a queue)

 (vector-set! queue 0 (append (vector-ref queue 0) (list a))))

(define (empty? queue)

 (null? (vector-ref queue 0)))

(define (pop queue)

 (if (empty? queue)
     (error "can not pop an empty queue")
     (let ((ret (car (vector-ref queue 0))))
       (vector-set! queue 0 (cdr (vector-ref queue 0)))


Message passing

<lang scheme>(define (make-queue) (let ((q (cons '() '()))) (lambda (cmd . arg) (case cmd

   ((empty?) (null? (car q)))
   ((put) (let ((a (cons (car arg) '())))
       (if (null? (car q))
           (begin (set-car! q a) (set-cdr! q a))
           (begin (set-cdr! (cdr q) a) (set-cdr! q a)))))
   ((get) (if (null? (car q)) 'empty
       (let ((x (caar q)))
           (set-car! q (cdar q))
           (if (null? (car q)) (set-cdr! q '()))


(define q (make-queue)) (q 'put 1) (q 'put 6) (q 'get)


(q 'get)


(q 'get)



Implemented as a class: <lang ruby>class FIFO(*array) {

   method pop {
       array.is_empty && die "underflow";
   method push(*items) {
       array += items;
   method empty {
       array.len == 0;



Toy code based on Slate's Queue standard library (which is optimized for FIFO access): <lang slate>collections define: #Queue &parents: {ExtensibleArray}.

q@(Queue traits) isEmpty [resend]. q@(Queue traits) push: obj [q addLast: obj]. q@(Queue traits) pop [q removeFirst]. q@(Queue traits) pushAll: c [q addAllLast: c]. q@(Queue traits) pop: n [q removeFirst: n].</lang>


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

An OrderedCollection can be easily used as a FIFO queue.

<lang smalltalk>OrderedCollection extend [

  push: obj [ ^(self add: obj) ]
  pop [
      (self isEmpty) ifTrue: [
         SystemExceptions.NotFound signalOn: self
               reason: 'queue empty'
      ] ifFalse: [
         ^(self removeFirst)


|f| f := OrderedCollection new. f push: 'example'; push: 'another'; push: 'last'. f pop printNl. f pop printNl. f pop printNl. f isEmpty printNl. f pop. "queue empty error"</lang>

Standard ML

Here is the signature for a basic queue: <lang Standard ML> signature QUEUE = sig

 type 'a queue
 val empty_queue: 'a queue
 exception Empty
 val enq: 'a queue -> 'a -> 'a queue
 val deq: 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue)
 val empty: 'a queue -> bool

end; </lang> A very basic implementation of this signature backed by a list is as follows: <lang Standard ML> structure Queue:> QUEUE = struct

 type 'a queue = 'a list
 val empty_queue = nil
 exception Empty
 fun enq q x = q @ [x]
 fun deq nil = raise Empty
 |   deq (x::q) = (x, q)
 fun empty nil = true
 |   empty _ = false

end; </lang>


Here's a simple implementation using a list: <lang tcl>proc push {stackvar value} {

   upvar 1 $stackvar stack
   lappend stack $value

} proc pop {stackvar} {

   upvar 1 $stackvar stack
   set value [lindex $stack 0]
   set stack [lrange $stack 1 end]
   return $value

} proc size {stackvar} {

   upvar 1 $stackvar stack
   llength $stack

} proc empty {stackvar} {

   upvar 1 $stackvar stack
   expr {[size stack] == 0}

} proc peek {stackvar} {

   upvar 1 $stackvar stack
   lindex $stack 0


set Q [list] empty Q ;# ==> 1 (true) push Q foo empty Q ;# ==> 0 (false) push Q bar peek Q ;# ==> foo pop Q ;# ==> foo peek Q ;# ==> bar</lang>

Library: Tcllib (Package: struct::queue)

<lang tcl>package require struct::queue struct::queue Q Q size ;# ==> 0 Q put a b c d e Q size ;# ==> 5 Q peek ;# ==> a Q get ;# ==> a Q peek ;# ==> b Q pop 4 ;# ==> b c d e Q size ;# ==> 0</lang>


Uses moreutils <lang bash>init() {echo > fifo} push() {echo $1 >> fifo } pop() {head -1 fifo ; (cat fifo | tail -n +2)|sponge fifo} empty() {cat fifo | wc -l}</lang> Usage: <lang bash>push me; push you; push us; push them |pop;pop;pop;pop me you us them</lang>

UNIX Shell

Works with: ksh93

<lang bash>queue_push() {

   typeset -n q=$1


queue_pop() {

   if queue_empty $1; then 
       print -u2 "queue $1 is empty"
       return 1
   typeset -n q=$1
   print "${q[0]}"     # emit the value of the popped element
   q=( "${q[@]:1}" )   # and remove the first element from the queue


queue_empty() {

   typeset -n q=$1
   (( ${#q[@]} == 0 ))


queue_peek() {

   typeset -n q=$1
   print "${q[0]}"


Usage: <lang bash># any valid variable name can be used as a queue without initialization

queue_empty foo && echo foo is empty || echo foo is not empty

queue_push foo bar queue_push foo baz queue_push foo "element with spaces"

queue_empty foo && echo foo is empty || echo foo is not empty

print "peek: $(queue_peek foo)"; queue_pop foo print "peek: $(queue_peek foo)"; queue_pop foo print "peek: $(queue_peek foo)"; queue_pop foo print "peek: $(queue_peek foo)"; queue_pop foo</lang>

foo is empty
foo is not empty
peek: bar
peek: baz
peek: element with spaces
queue foo is empty


V doesn't have mutable data. Below is an function interface for a fifo.

<lang v>[fifo_create []]. [fifo_push swap cons]. [fifo_pop [[*rest a] : [*rest] a] view]. [fifo_empty? dup empty?].</lang>

Using it <lang v>|fifo_create 3 fifo_push 4 fifo_push 5 fifo_push ?? =[5 4 3] |fifo_empty? puts =false |fifo_pop put fifo_pop put fifo_pop put =3 4 5 |fifo_empty? puts



Here's how queues are defined in Wart: <lang python>def (queue seq)

 (tag queue (list seq lastcons.seq len.seq))

def (enq x q)

 do1 x
   let (l last len) rep.q
     rep.q.2 <- (len + 1)
     if no.l
       rep.q.1 <- (rep.q.0 <- list.x)
       rep.q.1 <- (cdr.last <- list.x)

def (deq q)

 let (l last len) rep.q
   ret ans car.l
     unless zero?.len
       rep.q.2 <- (len - 1)
     rep.q.0 <- cdr.l

def (len q) :case (isa queue q)


empty? relies on len by default, so there's no need to separately override it.


A queue is similar to a stack, except that values are pushed onto and popped from different "ends" of it (whereas in a stack it is the same end for both operations). This implementation is based on the XLISP implementation of a stack, therefore, but with a push method that appends a new value to the end rather than sticking it onto the front. Attempting to pop from an empty queue will return the empty list, equivalent to Boolean "false". <lang lisp>(define-class queue

   (instance-variables vals))

(define-method (queue 'initialize)

   (setq vals '())

(define-method (queue 'push x)

   (setq vals (nconc vals (cons x nil))))

(define-method (queue 'pop)

   (define val (car vals))
   (setq vals (cdr vals))

(define-method (queue 'emptyp)

   (null vals))</lang>

A sample REPL session: <lang lisp>[1] (define my-queue (queue 'new))

MY-QUEUE [2] (my-queue 'push 1)

(1) [3] (my-queue 'push 2)

(1 2) [4] (my-queue 'emptyp)

() [5] (my-queue 'pop)

1 [6] (my-queue 'pop)

2 [7] (my-queue 'emptyp)

  1. T

[8] (my-queue 'pop)



<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; def Size=8; int Fifo(Size); int In, Out; \fill and empty indexes into Fifo

proc Push(A); \Add integer A to queue int A; \(overflow not detected) [Fifo(In):= A; In:= In+1; if In >= Size then In:= 0; ];

func Pop; \Return first integer in queue int A; [if Out=In then \if popping empty queue

   [Text(0, "Error");  exit 1];  \ then exit program with error code 1

A:= Fifo(Out); Out:= Out+1; if Out >= Size then Out:= 0; return A; ];

func Empty; \Return 'true' if queue is empty return In = Out;

[In:= 0; Out:= 0; Push(0); Text(0, if Empty then "true" else "false"); CrLf(0); IntOut(0, Pop); CrLf(0); Push(1); Push(2); Push(3); IntOut(0, Pop); CrLf(0); IntOut(0, Pop); CrLf(0); IntOut(0, Pop); CrLf(0); Text(0, if Empty then "true" else "false"); CrLf(0);

\A 256-byte queue is built in as device 8: OpenI(8); OpenO(8); ChOut(8, ^0); \push ChOut(0, ChIn(8)); CrLf(0); \pop ChOut(8, ^1); \push ChOut(8, ^2); \push ChOut(8, ^3); \push ChOut(0, ChIn(8)); CrLf(0); \pop ChOut(0, ChIn(8)); CrLf(0); \pop ChOut(0, ChIn(8)); CrLf(0); \pop ]</lang>




<lang zkl>class Queue{

  var [const] q=List();
  fcn push  { q.append(vm.pasteArgs()) }
  fcn pop   { q.pop(0) }
  fcn empty { q.len()==0 }

}</lang> <lang zkl>q:=Queue(); q.push(1,2,3); q.pop(); //-->1 q.empty(); //-->False q.pop();q.pop();q.pop() //-->IndexError thrown</lang>