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Ulam spiral (for primes)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

An Ulam spiral (of primes) is a method of visualizing primes when expressed in a (normally counter-clockwise) outward spiral (usually starting at 1),   constructed on a square grid, starting at the "center".

An Ulam spiral is also known as a   prime spiral.

The first grid (green) is shown with sequential integers,   starting at   1.

In an Ulam spiral of primes, only the primes are shown (usually indicated by some glyph such as a dot or asterisk),   and all non-primes as shown as a blank   (or some other whitespace).

Of course, the grid and border are not to be displayed (but they are displayed here when using these Wiki HTML tables).

Normally, the spiral starts in the "center",   and the   2nd   number is to the viewer's right and the number spiral starts from there in a counter-clockwise direction.

There are other geometric shapes that are used as well, including clock-wise spirals.

Also, some spirals (for the   2nd   number)   is viewed upwards from the   1st   number instead of to the right, but that is just a matter of orientation.

Sometimes, the starting number can be specified to show more visual striking patterns (of prime densities).

[A larger than necessary grid (numbers wise) is shown here to illustrate the pattern of numbers on the diagonals   (which may be used by the method to orientate the direction of spiral-construction algorithm within the example computer programs)].

Then, in the next phase in the transformation of the Ulam prime spiral,   the non-primes are translated to blanks.

In the orange grid below,   the primes are left intact,   and all non-primes are changed to blanks.

Then, in the final transformation of the Ulam spiral (the yellow grid),   translate the primes to a glyph such as a     or some other suitable glyph.

65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
66 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 56
67 38 17 16 15 14 13 30 55
68 39 18 5 4 3 12 29 54
69 40 19 6 1 2 11 28 53
70 41 20 7 8 9 10 27 52
71 42 21 22 23 24 25 26 51
72 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
61 59
37 31
67 17 13
5 3 29
19 2 11 53
41 7
71 23
43 47
73 79

The Ulam spiral becomes more visually obvious as the grid increases in size.


For any sized   N × N   grid,   construct and show an Ulam spiral (counter-clockwise) of primes starting at some specified initial number   (the default would be 1),   with some suitably   dotty   (glyph) representation to indicate primes,   and the absence of dots to indicate non-primes.

You should demonstrate the generator by showing at Ulam prime spiral large enough to (almost) fill your terminal screen.

Related tasks

See also


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>F cell(n, =x, =y, start = 1)

  V d = 0
  y = y - n I/ 2
  x = x - (n - 1) I/ 2
  V l = 2 * max(abs(x), abs(y))
  d = I y >= x {(l * 3 + x + y)} E (l - x - y)
  R (l - 1) ^ 2 + d + start - 1

F show_spiral(n, symbol = ‘# ’, start = 1, =space = ‘’)

  V top = start + n * n + 1
  V is_prime = [0B, 0B, 1B] [+] [1B, 0B] * (top I/ 2)
  L(x) 3 .< 1 + Int(sqrt(top))
     I !is_prime[x]
     L(i) (x * x .< top).step(x * 2)
        is_prime[i] = 0B
  (Int -> String) f = _ -> @symbol
  I space == ‘’
     space = ‘ ’ * symbol.len
  I symbol.empty
     V max_str = String(n * n + start - 1).len
     I space == ‘’
        space = (‘.’ * max_str)‘ ’
     f = x -> String(x).rjust(@max_str)‘ ’
  V cell_str = x -> I @is_prime[x] {@f(x)} E @space
  L(y) 0 .< n
     print((0 .< n).map(x -> cell(@n, x, @y, @start)).map(v -> @cell_str(v)).join(‘’))

show_spiral(10, symbol' ‘# ’, space' ‘ ’) show_spiral(9, symbol' ‘’, space' ‘ - ’)</lang>

        #   #
  #           #   #
#   #       #
      #   #   #
    #     # #   #
  #   #
#       #
  #       #       #
#           #

 -  -  -  - 61  - 59  -  -
 - 37  -  -  -  -  - 31  -
67  - 17  -  -  - 13  -  -
 -  -  -  5  -  3  - 29  -
 -  - 19  -  -  2 11  - 53
 - 41  -  7  -  -  -  -  -
71  -  -  - 23  -  -  -  -
 - 43  -  -  - 47  -  -  -
73  -  -  -  -  - 79  -  -

360 Assembly

Translation of: Fortran

Compacted and optimized solution. <lang 360asm>* Ulam spiral 26/04/2016 ULAM CSECT

        USING  ULAM,R13           set base register

SAVEAREA B STM-SAVEAREA(R15) skip savearea

        DC     17F'0'             savearea

STM STM R14,R12,12(R13) prolog

        ST     R13,4(R15)         save previous SA
        ST     R15,8(R13)         linkage in previous SA
        LR     R13,R15            establish addressability
        LA     R5,1               n=1
        LH     R8,NSIZE           x=nsize
        SRA    R8,1
        LA     R8,1(R8)           x=nsize/2+1
        LR     R9,R8              y=x
        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ0
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ0 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        LA     R6,1               i=1

LOOPI1 LH R2,NSIZE do i=1 to nsize-1 by 2

        BCTR   R2,0
        CR     R6,R2              if i>nsize-1
        BH     ELOOPI1
        LR     R7,R6              j=i; do j=1 to i

LOOPJ1 LA R8,1(R8) x=x+1

        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ1
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ1 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        BCT    R7,LOOPJ1          next j 

ELOOPJ1 LR R7,R6 j=i; do j=1 to i LOOPJ2 BCTR R9,0 y=y-1

        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ2
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ2 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        BCT    R7,LOOPJ2          next j 

ELOOPJ2 LR R7,R6 j=i

        LA     R7,1(R7)           j=i+1; do j=1 to i+1

LOOPJ3 BCTR R8,0 x=x-1

        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ3
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ3 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        BCT    R7,LOOPJ3          next j 

ELOOPJ3 LR R7,R6 j=i

        LA     R7,1(R7)           j=i+1; do j=1 to i+1

LOOPJ4 LA R9,1(R9) y=y+1

        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ4
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ4 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        BCT    R7,LOOPJ4          next j 

ELOOPJ4 LA R6,2(R6) i=i+2

        B      LOOPI1


        BCTR   R7,0               j=nsize-1; do j=1 to nsize-1

LOOPJ5 LA R8,1(R8) x=x+1

        LR     R1,R5              n
        BAL    R14,ISPRIME
        C      R0,=F'1'           if isprime(n)
        BNE    NPRMJ5
        BAL    R14,SPIRALO        spiral(x,y)=o

NPRMJ5 LA R5,1(R5) n=n+1

        BCT    R7,LOOPJ5          next j 

ELOOPJ5 LA R6,1 i=1 LOOPI2 CH R6,NSIZE do i=1 to nsize

        BH     ELOOPI2
        LA     R10,PG             reset buffer
        LA     R7,1               j=1

LOOPJ6 CH R7,NSIZE do j=1 to nsize

        BH     ELOOPJ6
        LR     R1,R7              j
        BCTR   R1,0               (j-1)
        MH     R1,NSIZE           (j-1)*nsize
        AR     R1,R6              r1=(j-1)*nsize+i
        LA     R14,SPIRAL-1(R1)   @spiral(j,i)
        MVC    0(1,R10),0(R14)    output spiral(j,i)
        LA     R10,1(R10)         pgi=pgi+1
        LA     R7,1(R7)           j=j+1
        B      LOOPJ6


        LA     R6,1(R6)           i=i+1
        B      LOOPI2

ELOOPI2 L R13,4(0,R13) reset previous SA

        LM     R14,R12,12(R13)    restore previous env
        XR     R15,R15            set return code
        BR     R14                call back

ISPRIME CNOP 0,4 ---------- isprime function

        C      R1,=F'2'           if nn=2
        BNE    NOT2
        LA     R0,1               rr=1
        B      ELOOPII

NOT2 C R1,=F'2' if nn<2

        BL     RRZERO
        LR     R2,R1              nn
        LA     R4,2               2
        SRDA   R2,32              shift
        DR     R2,R4              nn/2
        C      R2,=F'0'           if nn//2=0
        BNE    TAGII

RRZERO SR R0,R0 rr=0

        B      ELOOPII

TAGII LA R0,1 rr=1

        LA     R4,3               ii=3 


        MR     R2,R4              ii*ii
        CR     R3,R1              if ii*ii<=nn
        BH     ELOOPII
        LR     R3,R1              nn
        LA     R2,0               clear
        DR     R2,R4              nn/ii
        LTR    R2,R2              if nn//ii=0
        BNZ    NEXTII
        SR     R0,R0              rr=0
        B      ELOOPII

NEXTII LA R4,2(R4) ii=ii+2

        B      LOOPII

ELOOPII BR R14 ---------- end isprime return rr SPIRALO CNOP 0,4 ---------- spiralo subroutine

        LR     R1,R8              x
        BCTR   R1,0               x-1
        MH     R1,NSIZE           (x-1)*nsize
        AR     R1,R9              r1=(x-1)*nsize+y
        LA     R10,SPIRAL-1(R1)   r10=@spiral(x,y)
        MVC    0(1,R10),O         spiral(x,y)=o
        BR     R14     ---------- end spiralo

NS EQU 79 4n+1 NSIZE DC AL2(NS) =H'ns' O DC CL1'*' if prime PG DC CL80' ' buffer



        END    ULAM</lang>
        *   * *   *
 *     *         *
  *   * *
         * *     *
  * *   *       *
         * *   *
*   * *     * * *
 * * * *   *
        * * *
   *   *  ** * * *
    * * *
     *   *
*   * *   *   * *
 *   *     *     *
      *           *
 * *     *   *   *
  *           *
     *   * *
    * *   *     *


This is a generic solution. It is straightforward to use it to print spirals for any kind of numbers, rather than spirals of primes, only.

The specification of package generic_ulam is as follows:

<lang Ada>generic

  Size: Positive; 
     -- determines the size of the square
  with function Represent(N: Natural) return String;
     -- this turns a number into a string to be printed
     -- the length of the output should not change
     -- e.g., Represent(N) may return " #" if N is a prime
     -- and "  " else
  with procedure Put_String(S: String);
     -- outputs a string, no new line
  with procedure New_Line;
     -- the name says all

package Generic_Ulam is

  procedure Print_Spiral;
  -- calls Put_String(Represent(I)) N^2 times
  --       and New_Line N times

end Generic_Ulam;</lang>

Here is the implementation: <lang Ada>package body Generic_Ulam is

  subtype Index is Natural range 0 .. Size-1;
  subtype Number is Positive range 1 .. Size**2;
  function Cell(Row, Column: Index) return Number is
     -- outputs the number at the given position in the square
     -- taken from the Python solution
     X: Integer := Column - (Size-1)/2;
     Y: Integer := Row - Size/2;
     MX: Natural := abs(X);
     MY: Natural := abs(Y);
     L: Natural := 2 * Natural'Max(MX, MY);
     D: Integer;
     if Y >= X then 
        D := 3 * L + X + Y;
        D := L - X - Y;
     end if;
     return (L-1) ** 2 + D;
  end Cell;
  procedure Print_Spiral is
     N: Number;
     for R in Index'Range loop
        for C in Index'Range loop
           N := Cell(R, C);
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Print_Spiral;

end Generic_Ulam;</lang>

The folowing implementation prints a 29*29 spiral with the primes represented as numbers, and a 10*10 spiral with the primes as boxes. It uses the generic function Prime_Numbers.Is_Prime, as specified in Prime decomposition#Ada.

<lang Ada>with Generic_Ulam, Ada.Text_IO, Prime_Numbers;

procedure Ulam is

  package P is new Prime_Numbers(Natural, 0, 1, 2);
  function Vis(N: Natural) return String is
     (if P.Is_Prime(N) then " <>" else "   ");
  function Num(N: Natural) return String is
     (if P.Is_Prime(N) then 

(if N < 10 then " " elsif N < 100 then " " else "") & Natural'Image(N)

     else " ---");
  procedure NL is
  end NL;
  package Numeric is new Generic_Ulam(29, Num,  Ada.Text_IO.Put, NL);
  package Visual  is new Generic_Ulam(10, Vis,  Ada.Text_IO.Put, NL);



end Ulam;</lang>

 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 773 --- --- --- 769 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 761 --- --- --- 757
 --- 677 --- --- --- 673 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 661 --- 659 --- --- --- --- --- 653 --- --- ---
 787 --- 577 --- --- --- --- --- 571 --- 569 --- --- --- --- --- 563 --- --- --- --- --- 557 --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 479 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 467 --- --- --- 463 --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- 401 --- --- --- 397 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 389 --- --- --- --- --- 383 --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- 487 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 317 --- --- --- 313 --- 311 --- --- --- 307 --- 461 --- 647 ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- 257 --- --- --- --- --- 251 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 241 --- 379 --- --- --- 751
 --- 683 --- --- --- --- --- 197 --- --- --- 193 --- 191 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 139 --- 137 --- --- --- --- --- 239 --- --- --- 547 --- ---
 --- --- --- 491 --- --- --- 199 --- 101 --- --- ---  97 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 181 --- --- --- 457 --- 643 ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  61 ---  59 --- --- --- 131 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- 331 --- --- --- 103 ---  37 --- --- --- --- ---  31 ---  89 --- 179 --- --- --- --- --- 641 ---
 797 --- 587 --- 409 --- 263 --- 149 ---  67 ---  17 --- --- ---  13 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 373 --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---   5 ---   3 ---  29 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 151 --- --- ---  19 --- ---   2  11 ---  53 --- 127 --- 233 --- --- --- 541 --- 743
 --- 691 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 107 ---  41 ---   7 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  71 --- --- ---  23 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- 499 --- 337 --- --- --- 109 ---  43 --- --- ---  47 --- --- ---  83 --- 173 --- --- --- 449 --- --- ---
 --- --- 593 --- --- --- 269 --- --- ---  73 --- --- --- --- ---  79 --- --- --- --- --- 229 --- 367 --- --- --- 739
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 113 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 293 --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- 271 --- 157 --- --- --- --- --- 163 --- --- --- 167 --- --- --- 227 --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- 503 --- --- --- 211 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 223 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 631 ---
 --- --- --- --- 419 --- --- --- --- --- 277 --- --- --- 281 --- 283 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 347 --- 349 --- --- --- 353 --- --- --- --- --- 359 --- --- --- 443 --- --- ---
 809 --- 599 --- 421 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 431 --- 433 --- --- --- --- --- 439 --- --- --- --- --- 733
 --- 701 --- --- --- 509 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 521 --- 523 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 811 --- 601 --- --- --- --- --- 607 --- --- --- --- --- 613 --- --- --- 617 --- 619 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 709 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 719 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 727 --- --- ---
 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 821 --- 823 --- --- --- 827 --- 829 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 839 --- ---

             <>    <>         
    <>                <>    <>
 <>    <>          <>         
          <>    <>    <>      
       <>       <> <>    <>   
    <>    <>                  
 <>          <>               
    <>          <>          <>
 <>                <>         


<lang c>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdint.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <math.h>

typedef uint32_t bitsieve;

unsigned sieve_check(bitsieve *b, const unsigned v) {

   if ((v != 2 && !(v & 1)) || (v < 2))
       return 0;
       return !(b[v >> 6] & (1 << (v >> 1 & 31)));


bitsieve* sieve(const unsigned v) {

   unsigned i, j;
   bitsieve *b = calloc((v >> 6) + 1, sizeof(uint32_t));
   for (i = 3; i <= sqrt(v); i += 2)
       if (!(b[i >> 6] & (1 << (i >> 1 & 31))))
           for (j = i*i; j < v; j += (i << 1))
               b[j >> 6] |= (1 << (j >> 1 & 31));
   return b;


  1. define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

/* This mapping taken from python solution */ int ulam_get_map(int x, int y, int n) {

   x -= (n - 1) / 2;
   y -= n / 2;
   int mx = abs(x), my = abs(y);
   int l = 2 * max(mx, my);
   int d = y >= x ? l * 3 + x + y : l - x - y;
   return pow(l - 1, 2) + d;


/* Passing a value of 0 as glyph will print numbers */ void output_ulam_spiral(int n, const char glyph) {

   /* An even side length does not make sense, use greatest odd value < n */
   n -= n % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
   const char *spaces = ".................";
   int mwidth = log10(n * n) + 1;
   bitsieve *b = sieve(n * n + 1);
   int x, y;
   for (x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
       for (y = 0; y < n; ++y) {
           int z = ulam_get_map(y, x, n);
           if (glyph == 0) {
               if (sieve_check(b, z))
                   printf("%*d ", mwidth, z);
                   printf("%.*s ", mwidth, spaces);
           else {
               printf("%c", sieve_check(b, z) ? glyph : spaces[0]);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   const int n = argc < 2 ? 9 : atoi(argv[1]);
   output_ulam_spiral(n, 0);
   output_ulam_spiral(n, '#');
   return 0;

} </lang>


Run with a side-length of 29

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 773 ... ... ... 769 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 761 ... ... ... 757 
... 677 ... ... ... 673 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 661 ... 659 ... ... ... ... ... 653 ... ... ... 
787 ... 577 ... ... ... ... ... 571 ... 569 ... ... ... ... ... 563 ... ... ... ... ... 557 ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 479 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 467 ... ... ... 463 ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... 401 ... ... ... 397 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 389 ... ... ... ... ... 383 ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... 487 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 317 ... ... ... 313 ... 311 ... ... ... 307 ... 461 ... 647 ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... 257 ... ... ... ... ... 251 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 241 ... 379 ... ... ... 751 
... 683 ... ... ... ... ... 197 ... ... ... 193 ... 191 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 139 ... 137 ... ... ... ... ... 239 ... ... ... 547 ... ... 
... ... ... 491 ... ... ... 199 ... 101 ... ... ...  97 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 181 ... ... ... 457 ... 643 ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  61 ...  59 ... ... ... 131 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... 331 ... ... ... 103 ...  37 ... ... ... ... ...  31 ...  89 ... 179 ... ... ... ... ... 641 ... 
797 ... 587 ... 409 ... 263 ... 149 ...  67 ...  17 ... ... ...  13 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 373 ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   5 ...   3 ...  29 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 151 ... ... ...  19 ... ...   2  11 ...  53 ... 127 ... 233 ... ... ... 541 ... 743 
... 691 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 107 ...  41 ...   7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  71 ... ... ...  23 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... 499 ... 337 ... ... ... 109 ...  43 ... ... ...  47 ... ... ...  83 ... 173 ... ... ... 449 ... ... ... 
... ... 593 ... ... ... 269 ... ... ...  73 ... ... ... ... ...  79 ... ... ... ... ... 229 ... 367 ... ... ... 739 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 113 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 293 ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... 271 ... 157 ... ... ... ... ... 163 ... ... ... 167 ... ... ... 227 ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... 503 ... ... ... 211 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 223 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 631 ... 
... ... ... ... 419 ... ... ... ... ... 277 ... ... ... 281 ... 283 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 347 ... 349 ... ... ... 353 ... ... ... ... ... 359 ... ... ... 443 ... ... ... 
809 ... 599 ... 421 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 431 ... 433 ... ... ... ... ... 439 ... ... ... ... ... 733 
... 701 ... ... ... 509 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 521 ... 523 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
811 ... 601 ... ... ... ... ... 607 ... ... ... ... ... 613 ... ... ... 617 ... 619 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 709 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 719 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 727 ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 821 ... 823 ... ... ... 827 ... 829 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 839 ... ... 


The following shows a spiral that's not necessarily square, which has questionable merit: <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int isprime(int n) { int p; for (p = 2; p*p <= n; p++) if (n%p == 0) return 0; return n > 2; }

int spiral(int w, int h, int x, int y) { return y ? w + spiral(h - 1, w, y - 1, w - x - 1) : x; }

int main(int c, char **v) { int i, j, w = 50, h = 50, s = 1; if (c > 1 && (w = atoi(v[1])) <= 0) w = 50; if (c > 2 && (h = atoi(v[2])) <= 0) h = w; if (c > 3 && (s = atoi(v[3])) <= 0) s = 1;

for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++) putchar(isprime(w*h + s - 1 - spiral(w, h, j, i))[" #"]); putchar('\n'); } return 0; }</lang>


parametric version

<lang cpp>#include <cmath>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <iomanip>
  4. include <vector>

class ulamSpiral { public:

   void create( unsigned n, unsigned startWith = 1 ) {
       if( !( n & 1 ) ) n++;
       _mx = n;
       unsigned v = n * n;
       _wd = static_cast<unsigned>( log10( static_cast<long double>( v ) ) ) + 1;
       for( unsigned u = 0; u < v; u++ )
           _lst.push_back( -1 );
       arrange( startWith );
   void display( char c ) {
       if( !c ) displayNumbers();
       else displaySymbol( c );


   bool isPrime( unsigned u ) {
       if( u < 4 ) return u > 1;
       if( !( u % 2 ) || !( u % 3 ) ) return false;

       unsigned q = static_cast<unsigned>( sqrt( static_cast<long double>( u ) ) ),
                c = 5;
       while( c <= q ) {
           if( !( u % c ) || !( u % ( c + 2 ) ) ) return false;
           c += 6;
       return true;
   void arrange( unsigned s ) {
       unsigned stp = 1, n = 1, posX = _mx >> 1, 
                posY = posX, stC = 0;
       int dx = 1, dy = 0;
       while( posX < _mx && posY < _mx ) {
           _lst.at( posX + posY * _mx ) =  isPrime( s ) ? s : 0;
           if( dx ) {
               posX += dx;
               if( ++stC == stp ) {
                   dy = -dx;
                   dx = stC = 0;
           } else {
               posY += dy;
               if( ++stC == stp ) {
                   dx = dy;
                   dy = stC = 0;
   void displayNumbers() {
       unsigned ct = 0;
       for( std::vector<unsigned>::iterator i = _lst.begin(); i != _lst.end(); i++ ) {
           if( *i ) std::cout << std::setw( _wd ) << *i << " ";
           else std::cout << std::string( _wd, '*' ) << " ";
           if( ++ct >= _mx ) {
               std::cout << "\n";
               ct = 0;
       std::cout << "\n\n";
   void displaySymbol( char c ) {
       unsigned ct = 0;
       for( std::vector<unsigned>::iterator i = _lst.begin(); i != _lst.end(); i++ ) {
           if( *i ) std::cout << c;
           else std::cout << " ";
           if( ++ct >= _mx ) {
               std::cout << "\n";
               ct = 0;
       std::cout << "\n\n";
   std::vector<unsigned> _lst;
   unsigned _mx, _wd;


int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   ulamSpiral ulam;
   ulam.create( 9 );
   ulam.display( 0 );
   ulam.create( 35 );
   ulam.display( '#' );
   return 0;


** ** ** ** 61 ** 59 ** **
** 37 ** ** ** ** ** 31 **
67 ** 17 ** ** ** 13 ** **
** ** **  5 **  3 ** 29 **
** ** 19 ** **  2 11 ** 53
** 41 **  7 ** ** ** ** **
71 ** ** ** 23 ** ** ** **
** 43 ** ** ** 47 ** ** **
73 ** ** ** ** ** 79 ** **

    # #                     #     #
     # #     #   #           #
                #   # #   #
               #   #       #   # #
    #   #           # #     #
   # #     # #     #     #
#           #           #   #     #
 #     #   #       #     #
  #   #         #   # #   # # #
 #       #     #         # #   #
    #     #   # #               #
                 # #     #   #   #
  #   #   # #   #       #   # #
                 # #   #
#       #   # #     # # #     # # #
 # # # # # # # #   #       #
                # # #           #
           #   #  ## # # #   # # #
    #       # # #
             #   #
  #   # #   # #   #   # #   #   # #
     #   #   #     #     # #   #
              #           #
         # #     #   #   #       #
#     #   #           #       #
 #     #     #   # #
            # #   #     #   #     #
 # # # #         # #     #     # #
    #   #           # #
   # #     #     #   # #
# #       #         #       #     #
           # #   # #         #
        #   #     #     #         #
     # #     #                 #
  #       #           #   #     #

generic version

ulam.hpp <lang cpp>#pragma once

  1. include <cmath>
  2. include <sstream>
  3. include <iomanip>

inline bool is_prime(unsigned a) {

  if (a == 2) return true;
  if (a <= 1 || a % 2 == 0) return false;
  const unsigned max(std::sqrt(a));
  for (unsigned n = 3; n <= max; n += 2) if (a % n == 0)  return false;
  return true;


enum direction { RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN }; const char* N = " ---";

template<const unsigned SIZE> class Ulam { public:

   Ulam(unsigned start = 1, const char c = '\0') {
       direction dir = RIGHT;
       unsigned y = SIZE / 2;
       unsigned x = SIZE % 2 == 0 ?  y - 1 :  y; // shift left for even n's
       for (unsigned j = start; j <= SIZE * SIZE - 1 + start; j++) {
           if (is_prime(j)) {
               std::ostringstream os("");
               if (c == '\0') os << std::setw(4) << j;
               else           os << "  " << c << ' ';
               s[y][x] = os.str();
           else s[y][x] = N;
           switch (dir) {
           case RIGHT : if (x <= SIZE - 1 && s[y - 1][x].empty() && j > start) { dir = UP; }; break;
           case UP : if (s[y][x - 1].empty()) { dir = LEFT; }; break;
           case LEFT : if (x == 0 || s[y + 1][x].empty()) { dir = DOWN; }; break;
           case DOWN : if (s[y][x + 1].empty()) { dir = RIGHT; }; break;
           switch (dir) {
           case RIGHT : x += 1; break;
           case UP : y -= 1; break;
           case LEFT : x -= 1; break;
           case DOWN : y += 1; break;
   template<const unsigned S> friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&, const Ulam&);


   std::string s[SIZE][SIZE];


template<const unsigned SIZE> std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Ulam<SIZE>& u) {

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
       os << '[';
       for (unsigned j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) os << u.s[i][j];
       os << ']' << std::endl;
   return os;

}</lang> ulam.cpp <lang cpp>#include <cstdlib>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include "ulam.hpp"

int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {

   using namespace std;
   cout << Ulam<9>() << endl;
   const Ulam<9> v(1, '*');
   cout << v << endl;

return EXIT_SUCCESS; }</lang>

[ --- --- --- ---  61 ---  59 --- ---]
[ ---  37 --- --- --- --- ---  31 ---]
[  67 ---  17 --- --- ---  13 --- ---]
[ --- --- ---   5 ---   3 ---  29 ---]
[ --- ---  19 --- ---   2  11 ---  53]
[ ---  41 ---   7 --- --- --- --- ---]
[  71 --- --- ---  23 --- --- --- ---]
[ ---  43 --- --- ---  47 --- --- ---]
[  73 --- --- --- --- ---  79 --- ---]

[ --- --- --- ---  *  ---  *  --- ---]
[ ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  ---]
[  *  ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- ---]
[ --- --- ---  *  ---  *  ---  *  ---]
[ --- ---  *  --- ---  *   *  ---  * ]
[ ---  *  ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---]
[  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- --- ---]
[ ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- ---]
[  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  --- ---]

Common Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun ulam-spiral (n)

 (loop for a in (spiral n n (* n n)) do
       (format t "~{~d~}~%" a)))

(defun spiral

   (n m b &aux (row (loop for a below n
                          collect (if (primep (- b a))
                                      '* '#\space))))
 (if (= m 1) (list row)
     (cons row (mapcar #'reverse
                       (apply #'mapcar #'list
                              (spiral (1- m) n
                                      (- b n)))))))

(defun primep (n)

 (when (> n 1) (loop for a from 2 to (isqrt n)
                     never (zerop (mod n a)))))


> (ulam-spiral 139)
  *         *       *           *               *     *       *         *           *     *           *     * *   *                       *
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      *     *           *           *     *           *     *   *           *       *   *     *           *     *                       *  
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*                 *                 *     *           *           * * *                                                                    
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   *                             *           *                 *   * *                                                                     
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*       *         * *           * *     * * * * *         *       *     *     *     *             *                 *         * *   *      
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*                                   *           *   *     *                 * *         *                 *           *                    
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      * *       *   *     *   *   *                 *       *     *   *     *             *     *     *                   *         * *    
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      *                 *           *         * *               * *                 *                       *               *           *  
           * *                       *   *       *     *   *       *   *             *     *   *             *     * * *                 * 
      * *     *       * *     *                     *             *     *         *           *     * *   *       * *         *       *   *
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      *           *     *         *           *     *       *   *                                   *             *         *     *        
       *         * *     *               *     * *         *       *                 *     *                                     *         
  *   * * *   *   *         *       *         * *   *     *             *           *                     *       *       *   * *   *      
                           *     *   *     *             *                 *         *       *         *                       *           
    *           *                 *         * *         * *   *                   *               *                           * *   *   *  
           *                         *       *     *   *                   *   *           *                       *         *   *         
                              *   *                         *   * *     *                     * *                       *   *     *        
     *     * *   *             *     *               *     *       *   *     *     *       *     *         *           * *         *       
    *   *         *   *     *       *   *     * *   *                 *           *     *       *     *     *   *                          
                                     *             *               * *           *     *   *                   *         *     *           
          *                     * *         *                 *             *   * *   *                 * *   *     *       *     * *      
 *   *   *           *         *                 * *   *             *     *                     *                 * *           *     *   
*     *     *   *       *   *             *               *       *     *   *           *       *               * *         *              
             *   *     * *     *         * *         *       *     *     *         * *                 *         * *           *   *     * 
                *     *     *             *   *     *     *     *       *     *                                   *                 * *   *
   *           *     *                           *                 *             *     *         *           * *     *           *         
                    *                       *           *     * *           *                           *       *   *     *           * *  
   *     *                 *   *     *     *       *         *       *                 *     *   * *   *       *               * *         
      *         * *           *           *                 *         *           *     * *         * *     *         *                 *  
       *   *       *                 *   *           *             *     *     *   *       *     *   *                   *           *     
    * *   * *                           *           *             *     *                     *       *   *                 *     *        


Translation of: Go

<lang ruby>enum Direction



def generate(n : Int32, i : Int32, c : Int32 | String)

 s = Array.new(n) { Array.new(n) { "" } }
 dir = Direction::RIGHT
 y = n // 2
 x = n % 2 == 0 ? y - 1 : y
 j = 1
 while j <= n * n - 1 + i
   s[y][x] = is_prime(j) ? j.to_s : c.to_s
   # printf "j: %s, x: %s, y: %s \n", j, x, y
   case dir
   when Direction::RIGHT
     dir = Direction::UP if x <= n - 1 && s[y - 1][x] == "" && j > i
   when Direction::UP
     dir = Direction::LEFT if s[y][x - 1] == ""
   when Direction::LEFT
     dir = Direction::DOWN if x == 0 || s[y + 1][x] == ""
   when Direction::DOWN
     dir = Direction::RIGHT if s[y][x + 1] == ""
   case dir
   when Direction::RIGHT
     x += 1
   when Direction::UP
     y -= 1
   when Direction::LEFT
     x -= 1
   when Direction::DOWN
     y += 1
   j += 1


def is_prime(n : Int32) : Bool

 return true if n == 2
 return false if n % 2 == 0 || n < 1
 i = 3
 while i <= Math.sqrt(n)
   return false if n % i == 0
   i += 2


puts generate 7, 1, "*" </lang>

37      *       *       *       *       *       31
*       17      *       *       *       13      *
*       *       5       *       3       *       29
*       19      *       1       2       11      *
41      *       7       *       *       *       *
*       *       *       23      *       *       *
43      *       *       *       47      *       *


Translation of: python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.algorithm, std.array, std.range;

int cell(in int n, int x, int y, in int start=1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   x = x - (n - 1) / 2;
   y = y - n / 2;
   immutable l = 2 * max(x.abs, y.abs);
   immutable d = (y > x) ? (l * 3 + x + y) : (l - x - y);
   return (l - 1) ^^ 2 + d + start - 1;


void showSpiral(in int n, in string symbol="# ", in int start=1, string space=null) /*@safe*/ {

   if (space is null)
       space = " ".replicate(symbol.length);
   immutable top = start + n ^^ 2 + 1;
   auto isPrime = [false, false, true] ~ [true, false].replicate(top / 2);
   foreach (immutable x; 3 .. 1 + cast(int)real(top).sqrt) {
       if (!isPrime[x])
       foreach (immutable i; iota(x ^^ 2, top, x * 2))
           isPrime[i] = false;
   string cellStr(in int x) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       return isPrime[x] ? symbol : space;
   foreach (immutable y; 0 .. n)
       n.iota.map!(x => cell(n, x, y, start)).map!cellStr.joiner.writeln;


void main() {



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#                       #                       #       #           # 
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#               #       #   #           #   #   #           #   #   # 
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#           #       #                       #               #         
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  #   #   #   #                   #   #           #           #   #   
        #       #                       #   #                         
      #   #           #           #       #   #                       
#   #               #                   #               #           # 
                      #   #       #   #                   #           
                #       #           #           #                   # 
          #   #           #                                   #       
    #               #                       #       #           #     

Alternative Version

This generates a PGM image, using the module from the Grayscale Image Task; <lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.algorithm, std.array, grayscale_image;

uint cell(in uint n, int x, int y, in uint start=1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   x = x - (n - 1) / 2;
   y = y - n / 2;
   immutable l = 2 * max(x.abs, y.abs);
   immutable d = (y > x) ? (l * 3 + x + y) : (l - x - y);
   return (l - 1) ^^ 2 + d + start - 1;


bool[] primes(in uint n, in uint top, in uint start=1) pure nothrow @safe {

   auto isPrime = [false, false, true] ~ [true, false].replicate(top / 2);
   foreach (immutable x; 3 .. 1 + cast(uint)real(top).sqrt)
       if (isPrime[x])
           for (uint i = x ^^ 2; i < top; i += x * 2)
               isPrime[i] = false;
   return isPrime;


void main() {

   enum n = 512;
   enum start = 1;
   immutable top = start + n ^^ 2 + 1;
   immutable isPrime = primes(n, top, start);
   auto img = new Image!Gray(n, n);
   foreach (immutable y; 0 .. n)
       foreach (immutable x; 0 .. n)
           img[x, y] = isPrime[cell(n, x, y, start)] ? Gray.black : Gray.white;



The plot libray includes a plot-spiral function. The nice result is here : EchoLisp Ulam spiral . <lang scheme> (lib 'plot)

(define *red* (rgb 1 0 0)) (define (ulam n nmax) (if ( prime? n) *red* (gray (// n nmax)))) (plot-spiral ulam 1000) ;; range [0...1000] </lang>


Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Ulam do

 defp cell(n, x, y, start) do
   y = y - div(n, 2)
   x = x - div(n - 1, 2)
   l = 2 * max(abs(x), abs(y))
   d = if y >= x, do: l*3 + x + y, else: l - x - y
   (l - 1)*(l - 1) + d + start - 1
 def show_spiral(n, symbol\\nil, start\\1) do
   IO.puts "\nN : #{n}"
   if symbol==nil, do: format = "~#{length(to_char_list(start + n*n - 1))}s "
   prime = prime(n*n + start)
   Enum.each(0..n-1, fn y ->
     Enum.each(0..n-1, fn x ->
       i = cell(n, x, y, start)
       if symbol do
         IO.write if i in prime, do: Enum.at(symbol,0), else: Enum.at(symbol,1)
         :io.fwrite format, [if i in prime do to_char_list(i) else "" end]
     IO.puts ""
 defp prime(num), do: prime(Enum.to_list(2..num), [])
 defp prime([], p), do: Enum.reverse(p)
 defp prime([h|t], p), do: prime((for i <- t, rem(i,h)>0, do: i), [h|p])


Ulam.show_spiral(9) Ulam.show_spiral(25) Ulam.show_spiral(25, ["#"," "])</lang>

N : 9
            61    59       
   37                31    
67    17          13       
          5     3    29    
      19        2 11    53 
   41     7                
71          23             
   43          47          
73                79       

N : 25
577                     571     569                     563                     557                 
                            479                                             467             463     
        401             397                             389                     383                 
    487                                     317             313     311             307     461     
                257                     251                                     241     379         
                    197             193     191                                                     
                                                139     137                     239             547 
    491             199     101              97                             181             457     
                                                 61      59             131                         
            331             103      37                      31      89     179                     
587     409     263     149      67      17              13                             373         
                                              5       3      29                                     
                        151              19           2  11      53     127     233             541 
                            107      41       7                                                     
                                 71              23                                                 
    499     337             109      43              47              83     173             449     
593             269              73                      79                     229     367         
                                    113                                             293             
                271     157                     163             167             227                 
    503             211                                             223                             
        419                     277             281     283                                         
                            347     349             353                     359             443     
599     421                                     431     433                     439                 
            509                                             521     523                             
601                     607                     613             617     619                         

N : 25
#     # #     #     #    
       #           #   # 
  #   #       #     #    
 #         #   # #   # # 
    #     #         # #  
     #   # #             
            # #     #   #
 #   # #   #       #   # 
            # #   #      
   #   # #     # # #     
# # # # # #   #       #  
           # # #         
      #   #  ## # # #   #
       # # #             
        #   #            
 # #   # #   #   # #   # 
#   #   #     #     # #  
         #           #   
    # #     #   #   #    
 #   #           #       
  #     #   # #          
       # #   #     #   # 
# #         # #     #    
   #           # #       
#     #     #   # #      













    IF (N MOD 2=0) THEN X=Y-1 ELSE X=Y END IF ! shift left for even n's
         WHILE J<=(N*N)-1+I DO
             IF RES% THEN SPIRAL$[Y,X]=RIGHT$("  "+STR$(J),4) ELSE SPIRAL$[Y,X]=" ---" END IF
             CASE DIR OF
                      IF (X<=(N-1) AND SPIRAL$[Y-1,X]="" AND J>I) THEN DIR=UP END IF
                   END ->
                      IF SPIRAL$[Y,X-1]="" THEN DIR=LEFT END IF
                   END ->
                      IF (X=0) OR SPIRAL$[Y+1,X]="" THEN DIR=DOWN END IF
                   END ->
                      IF SPIRAL$[Y,X+1]="" THEN DIR=RIGHT END IF
                   END ->
             END CASE
             CASE DIR OF
                   RIGHT-> X=X+1 END ->
                   UP->    Y=Y-1 END ->
                   LEFT->  X=X-1 END ->
                   DOWN->  Y=Y+1 END ->
             END CASE
         END WHILE



    !$DIM SPIRAL$[N,N]


 --- --- --- ---  61 ---  59 --- ---
 ---  37 --- --- --- --- ---  31 ---
  67 ---  17 --- --- ---  13 --- ---
 --- --- ---   5 ---   3 ---  29 ---
 --- ---  19 --- ---   2  11 ---  53
 ---  41 ---   7 --- --- --- --- ---
  71 --- --- ---  23 --- --- --- ---
 ---  43 --- --- ---  47 --- --- ---
  73 --- --- --- --- ---  79 --- ---

 --- --- --- ---  *  ---  *  --- ---
 ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  ---
  *  ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- ---
 --- --- ---  *  ---  *  ---  *  ---
 --- ---  *  --- ---  *   *  ---  *
 ---  *  ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---
  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- --- ---
 ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- ---
  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  --- ---


Translation of: J

<lang factor>USING: arrays grouping kernel math math.combinatorics math.matrices math.primes math.ranges math.statistics prettyprint sequences sequences.repeating ; IN: rosetta-code.ulam-spiral

counts ( n -- seq ) 1 [a,b] 2 repeat rest ;
vals ( n -- seq )
   [ -1 swap neg 2dup [ neg ] bi@ 4array ] [ 2 * 1 - cycle ] bi ;
evJKT2 ( n -- seq )
   [ counts ] [ vals ] bi [ <array> ] 2map concat ;
spiral ( n -- matrix )
   [ evJKT2 cum-sum inverse-permutation ] [ group ] bi ;
ulam-spiral ( n -- matrix )
   spiral dup dim first sq 1 -
   [ swap - 1 + prime? "o " "  " ? ] curry matrix-map ;
ulam-demo ( -- ) 21 ulam-spiral simple-table. ;

MAIN: ulam-demo</lang>

o           o                       o                 o       
                           o           o     o           o    
      o                 o                             o     o 
         o           o     o                                  
                              o     o                 o       
         o     o           o                       o          
                              o     o           o             
   o           o     o                 o     o     o          
o     o     o     o     o           o                       o 
                           o     o     o                      
            o           o        o  o     o     o     o       
               o     o     o                                  
                  o           o                               
   o           o     o           o           o     o          
      o           o                 o                 o     o 
                     o                                   o    
      o     o                 o           o           o       
         o                                   o                
o                 o           o     o                         
               o     o           o                 o          
o                             o     o                 o       


Works with: GNU Forth version 0.7.0

All array manipulations were taken from Rosetta Code examples. <lang forth>

43 constant border                                                         \ grid size is border x border
border border * constant size                                                    
variable crawler                                                           \ position of the crawler
: set.crawler border 2 mod 0= if                                           \ positions the crawler in the middle of the grid

size 2 / border 2/ + 1 - crawler ! else size 2 / crawler ! then ;

create Grid size cells allot                                               \ creates the grid
here constant GridEnd                                                      \ used for debugging 
: is.divisor                                                                       

over 2over mod 0= swap drop + ;

: sub.one 

swap 1 - swap ;

: next.div

is.divisor sub.one ;

: three.test                                                                \ counts divisors for numbers bigger than 2

dup 0



    over 1 = until 

swap drop swap drop 1 + ;

: not.prime                                                                 \ counts the number of divisors. Primes have exactly two.
   2 < if drop true else 

three.test then ;

: sub.four                                                                   \ the crawler takes a number from the stack as direction

dup 4 > if 4 - then ; \ this word makes the number roll over.

                                                                             \ 1-right 2-up 3-left 4-down
: craw.left                                                                  \ rotates the crawler 90 degrees counter-clockwise

1 + sub.four ;

: scan.right 

grid crawler @ 1 + cells + @ 0= ; \ checks if cell to the right of the crawler is zero

: scan.left 

grid crawler @ 1 - cells + @ 0= ; \ cell to the left

: scan.up 

grid crawler @ border - cells + @ 0= ; \ cell above

: scan.down 

grid crawler @ border + cells + @ 0= ; \ and cell below

: crawler.go                                                                 \ moves crawler one cell ahead checks cell to the left... 

dup \ ...of the direction the crawler is facing, if zero, turns 1 = if crawler @ 1 + crawler ! scan.up if craw.left then else dup 2 = if crawler @ border - crawler ! scan.left if craw.left then else dup 3 = if crawler @ 1 - crawler ! scan.down if craw.left then else dup 4 = if crawler @ border + crawler ! scan.right if craw.left then else

then then then then ;

: run.crawler                                                              \ crawler moves through the grid and fills it with numbers

border 2 < if 1 grid 0 cells + ! else \ if the grid is a single cell, puts 1 in it crawler @ border - crawler ! \ crawler moves one step and turn before setting the first... 4 \ ...number so it is repositioned one cell up facing down

 	 size -1 * 0 do  i

i -1 * grid crawler @ cells + ! drop crawler.go -1 +loop then drop ;

: leave.primes                                                                    \ removes non-primes from the grid

size 0 do i grid i cells + @ not.prime if 0 grid i cells + ! then drop loop ;

: star.draw1                                                                      \ draws a "*" where number is not zero

0> if 42 emit else 32 emit then ;

: star.draw2

0> if 42 emit 32 emit else 32 emit 32 emit \ same but adds a space for better presentation then ;

: star.draw3

0> if 32 emit 42 emit 32 emit else 32 emit 32 emit 32 emit \ adds two spaces then ;

: draw.grid                                                                         \ cuts the array into lines and displays it

page size 0 do i i border mod 0= if cr then grid i cells + @ star.draw2 drop \ may use star.draw1 or 3 here loop ;

: ulam.spiral run.crawler leave.primes draw.grid ;                                  \ draws the spiral. Execute this word to run.



            *           *           *           *               *                   *
  *       *                           *       *               *       *
                *           *       *   *       *                           *       *
      *           *   *           *       *   *                                   *
    *           *   *                                           *           *
                  *   *           *       *                       *           *
                                        *       *   *       *
  *   *                               *       *               *       *   *
    *           *       *                       *   *           *
  *   *       *   *           *   *           *           *                       *
    *   *                       *                       *       *           *   *
          *           *       *               *           *
*           *       *                   *       *   *       *   *   *
  *   *   *               *           *                   *   *       *           *
                *           *       *   *                               *           *
                                          *   *           *       *       *   *
    *       *       *       *   *       *               *       *   *
                                          *   *       *
*       *               *       *   *           *   *   *           *   *   *
  *       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *       *               *                   *
                                        *   *   *                       *
  *                           *       *     * *   *   *   *       *   *   *
*               *               *   *   *
                                  *       *
*           *       *   *       *   *       *       *   *       *       *   *       *
      *           *       *       *           *           *   *       *
                                    *                       *                       *
  *   *                   *   *           *       *       *               *   *
    *   *           *       *                       *               *           *
          *           *           *       *   *
                                *   *       *           *       *           *       *
          *   *   *   *                   *   *           *           *   *       *
                *       *                       *   *
      *       *   *           *           *       *   *                       *
        *   *               *                   *               *           *
                              *   *       *   *                   *           *
*                       *       *           *           *                   *   *
  *               *   *           *                                   *
    *       *               *                       *       *           *
                                                              *           *       *
    *       *   *       *           *                       *
                                  *           *       *   *
        *                       *               *                               *      ok


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

Only works with odd sized squares <lang fortran>program ulam

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: nsize = 49
 integer :: i, j, n, x, y
 integer :: a(nsize*nsize) = (/ (i, i = 1, nsize*nsize) /)
 character(1)  :: spiral(nsize, nsize) = " " 
 character(2)  :: sstr
 character(10) :: fmt
 n = 1
 x = nsize / 2 + 1
 y = x
 if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
 n = n + 1
 do i = 1, nsize-1, 2
   do j = 1, i
     x = x + 1
     if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
     n = n + 1
   end do
   do j = 1, i
     y = y - 1
     if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
     n = n + 1
   end do
   do j = 1, i+1
     x = x - 1
     if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
     n = n + 1
   end do
   do j = 1, i+1
     y = y + 1
     if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
     n = n + 1
   end do
 end do
 do j = 1, nsize-1
   x = x + 1
   if(isprime(a(n))) spiral(x, y) = "O"
   n = n + 1
 end do
 write(sstr, "(i0)") nsize
 fmt = "(" // sstr // "(a,1x))"
 do i = 1, nsize
   write(*, fmt) spiral(:, i)
 end do


function isprime(number)

 logical :: isprime
 integer, intent(in) :: number
 integer :: i

 if(number == 2) then
   isprime = .true.
 else if(number < 2 .or. mod(number,2) == 0) then
   isprime = .false.
   isprime = .true.
   do i = 3, int(sqrt(real(number))), 2
     if(mod(number,i) == 0) then
       isprime = .false.
     end if
   end do
 end if

end function end program</lang> Output:

                O       O           O           O               O       O   O
          O   O                       O                   O   O       O   O
            O   O                                   O           O           O
                  O           O           O           O               O                   O   O
O       O       O                           O       O               O       O
                      O           O       O   O       O                           O       O
O           O           O   O           O       O   O                                   O   O   O
          O           O   O                                           O           O
                        O   O           O       O                       O           O
                                              O       O   O       O                           O
        O   O                               O       O               O       O   O
          O           O       O                       O   O           O
        O   O       O   O           O   O           O           O                       O
  O       O   O                       O                       O       O           O   O
    O           O           O       O               O           O                               O
  O   O           O       O                   O       O   O       O   O   O
    O   O   O   O               O           O                   O   O       O           O   O
                      O           O       O   O                               O           O
                                                O   O           O       O       O   O       O   O
          O       O       O       O   O       O               O       O   O                   O
                                                O   O       O                                   O
  O   O       O               O       O   O           O   O   O           O   O   O
        O       O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O       O               O                   O   O
                                              O   O   O                       O
        O                           O       O     O O   O   O   O       O   O   O           O
  O   O               O               O   O   O
                                        O       O
  O   O           O       O   O       O   O       O       O   O       O       O   O       O
O           O           O       O       O           O           O   O       O               O
                                          O                       O                       O
        O   O                   O   O           O       O       O               O   O
          O   O           O       O                       O               O           O
                O           O           O       O   O
                                      O   O       O           O       O           O       O   O
O               O   O   O   O                   O   O           O           O   O       O   O
                      O       O                       O   O
O           O       O   O           O           O       O   O                       O           O
  O           O   O               O                   O               O           O
    O                               O   O       O   O                   O           O
      O                       O       O           O           O                   O   O
        O               O   O           O                                   O
          O       O               O                       O       O           O
O                                                                   O           O       O
          O       O   O       O           O                       O                           O
    O                                   O           O       O   O                               O
  O           O                       O               O                               O       O
O               O           O       O   O       O               O           O
                                  O                                               O       O
        O                           O           O       O   O           O       O           O

But if you can use complex numbers...

Notice that there each move comes in pairs, lengths 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4, ... with a quarter turn for each move. The order of the work area must be an odd number so that there is a definite middle element to start with and the worm fits between the bounds of the work area rather than striking one wall and leaving tiles unused. <lang Fortran>

     SUBROUTINE ULAMSPIRAL(START,ORDER)	!Idle scribbles can lead to new ideas.

Careful with phasing: each lunge's first number is the second placed along its direction.

      INTEGER START	!Usually 1.
      INTEGER ORDER	!MUST be an odd number, so there is a middle.
      INTEGER L,M,N	!Counters.
      INTEGER STEP,LUNGE	!In some direction.
      COMPLEX WAY,PLACE	!Just so.
      CHARACTER*1 SPLOT(0:1)	!Tricks for output.
      PARAMETER (SPLOT = (/" ","*"/))	!Selected according to ISPRIME(n)
       WRITE (6,1) START,ORDER	!Here we go.
   1   FORMAT ("Ulam spiral starting with ",I0,", of order ",I0,/)
       IF (MOD(ORDER,2) .NE. 1) STOP "The order must be odd!"	!Otherwise, out of bounds.
       M = ORDER/2 + 1		!Find the number of the middle.
       PLACE = CMPLX(M,M)	!Start there.
       WAY = (1,0)		!Thence in the +x direction.
       N = START		!Different start, different layout.
       DO L = 1,ORDER		!Advance one step, then two, then three, etc.
         DO LUNGE = 1,2		!But two lunges for each length.
           DO STEP = 1,L			!Take the steps.
             TILE(INT(REAL(PLACE)),INT(AIMAG(PLACE))) = N	!This number for this square.
             PLACE = PLACE + WAY		!Make another step.
             N = N + 1				!Count another step.
           END DO				!And consider making another.
           IF (N .GE. ORDER**2) EXIT	!Otherwise, one lunge too many!
           WAY = WAY*(0,1)		!Rotate a quarter-turn counter-clockwise.
         END DO			!And make another lunge.
       END DO			!Until finished.

Cast forth the numbers. c DO L = ORDER,1,-1 !From the top of the grid to the bottom. c WRITE (6,66) TILE(1:ORDER,L) !One row at at time. c 66 FORMAT (666I6) !This will do for reassurance. c END DO !Line by line. Cast forth the splots.

       DO L = ORDER,1,-1	!Just put out a marker.
         WRITE (6,67) (SPLOT(ISPRIME(TILE(M,L))),M = 1,ORDER)	!One line at a time.
  67     FORMAT (666A1)	!A single character at each position.
       END DO			!On to the next row.
     END SUBROUTINE ULAMSPIRAL	!So much for a boring lecture.
     INTEGER FUNCTION ISPRIME(N)	!Returns 0 or 1.
      INTEGER N	!The number.
      INTEGER F,Q	!Factor and quotient.
       ISPRIME = 0		!The more likely outcome.
       IF (N.LE.1) RETURN	!Just in case the start is peculiar.
       IF (N.LE.3) GO TO 2	!Oops! I forgot this!
       IF (MOD(N,2).EQ.0) RETURN	!Special case.
       F = 1			!Now get stuck in to testing odd numbers.
   1   F = F + 2		!A trial factor.
       Q = N/F			!The quotient.
       IF (N .EQ. Q*F) RETURN	!No remainder? Not a prime.
       IF (Q.GT.F) GO TO 1	!Thus chug up to the square root.
   2   ISPRIME = 1		!Well!
     END FUNCTION ISPRIME	!Simple enough.
       CALL ULAMSPIRAL(1,49)

</lang> One could escalate to declaring function IsPrime to be PURE so that it may be used in array expressions, such as CANVAS = SPLOT(ISPRIME(TILE)) where CANVAS is an array of single characters, but that would require another large array. Trying instead to do the conversion only a line at a time in the WRITE statement as SPLOT(ISPRIME(TILE(1:ORDER,L))) failed, only one symbol per line appeared. So instead, an older-style implicit DO-loop, and the results are...

        *   *     *     *       *   * *          
     * *           *         * *   * *           
      * *                 *     *     *          
         *     *     *     *       *         * * 
*   *   *             *   *       *   *          
           *     *   * *   *             *   *   
*     *     * *     *   * *                 * * *
     *     * *                     *     *       
            * *     *   *           *     *      
                       *   * *   *             * 
    * *               *   *       *   * *        
     *     *   *           * *     *             
    * *   * *     * *     *     *           *    
 *   * *           *           *   *     * *     
  *     *     *   *       *     *               *
 * *     *   *         *   * *   * * *           
  * * * *       *     *         * *   *     * *  
           *     *   * *               *     *   
                        * *     *   *   * *   * *
     *   *   *   * *   *       *   * *         * 
                        * *   *                 *
 * *   *       *   * *     * * *     * * *       
    *   * * * * * * * *   *       *         * *  
                       * * *           *         
    *             *   *  ** * * *   * * *     *  
 * *       *       * * *                         
                    *   *                        
 * *     *   * *   * *   *   * *   *   * *   *   
*     *     *   *   *     *     * *   *       *  
                     *           *           *   
    * *         * *     *   *   *       * *      
     * *     *   *           *       *     *     
        *     *     *   * *                      
                   * *   *     *   *     *   * * 
*       * * * *         * *     *     * *   * *  
           *   *           * *                   
*     *   * *     *     *   * *           *     *
 *     * *       *         *       *     *       
  *               * *   * *         *     *      
   *           *   *     *     *         * *     
    *       * *     *                 *          
     *   *       *           *   *     *         
*                                 *     *   *    
     *   * *   *     *           *             * 
  *                 *     *   * *               *
 *     *           *       *               *   * 
*       *     *   * *   *       *     *          
                 *                       *   *   
    *             *     *   * *     *   *     *   

Bounding the display with framework symbols might help readability, but is not in the specification.


This is actually better handled graphically.

<lang freebasic>

  1. define SIZE 639

screenres SIZE, SIZE, 4

function is_prime( n as ulongint ) as boolean

   if n < 2 then return false
   if n = 2 then return true
   if n mod 2 = 0 then return false
   for i as uinteger = 3 to int(sqr(n))+1 step 2
       if n mod i = 0 then return false
   next i
   return true

end function

function is_turn( byval n as unsigned integer ) as boolean

   n -= 1
   if int(sqr(n))^2 = n then return true
   n = n -  int(sqr(n))
   if int(sqr(n))^2 = n then return true
   return false

end function

dim as integer n = 1, x=SIZE/2, y=SIZE/2, dx = 1, dy = 0


   if is_prime(n) then pset (x, y), 15
   x = x + dx
   y = y + dy
   if x >= SIZE orelse y >= SIZE orelse x < 0 orelse y < 0 then exit do
   n = n + 1
   if is_turn(n) then
       dx = -dx
       swap dx, dy
   end if


sleep end</lang>


In this page you can see the solution of this task.

Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text (more info). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition.

The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code.


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang go>package main

import ( "math" "fmt" )

type Direction byte

const ( RIGHT Direction = iota UP LEFT DOWN )

func generate(n,i int, c byte) { s := make([][]string, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { s[i] = make([]string, n) } dir := RIGHT y := n / 2 var x int if (n % 2 == 0) { x = y - 1 } else { x = y } // shift left for even n's

for j := i; j <= n * n - 1 + i; j++ { if (isPrime(j)) { if (c == 0) { s[y][x] = fmt.Sprintf("%3d", j) } else { s[y][x] = fmt.Sprintf("%2c ", c) } } else { s[y][x] = "---" }

switch dir { case RIGHT : if (x <= n - 1 && s[y - 1][x] == "" && j > i) { dir = UP } case UP : if (s[y][x - 1] == "") { dir = LEFT } case LEFT : if (x == 0 || s[y + 1][x] == "") { dir = DOWN } case DOWN : if (s[y][x + 1] == "") { dir = RIGHT } }

switch dir { case RIGHT : x += 1 case UP : y -= 1 case LEFT : x -= 1 case DOWN : y += 1 } }

for _, row := range s { fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%v", row)) } fmt.Println() }

func isPrime(a int) bool { if (a == 2) { return true } if (a <= 1 || a % 2 == 0) { return false } max := int(math.Sqrt(float64(a))) for n := 3; n <= max; n += 2 { if (a % n == 0) { return false } } return true }

func main() { generate(9, 1, 0) // with digits generate(9, 1, '*') // with * }</lang>


Haskell encourages splitting the task into indepentend parts each having very clear functionality:

1. preparation of data: a list of numbers is mapped into the list of symbols according to primality, or any other criterion.

2. spooling the list of arbitrary data into the spiral, forming a table.

3. displaying arbitrary table at a console or graphically.

As a program the given task then formulates as following:

<lang haskell>import Data.List import Data.Numbers.Primes

ulam n representation = swirl n . map representation </lang>

Here we refference the function swirl n, which for a given (possibly infinite) list returns n whorls of a spiral.

The spiral is formed in a way we would fold a paper band: first we chop the band into pieces of increasing length, then we take necessary amount of pieces, finally we fold all pieces into the spiral, starting with the empty table by rotating it and adding pieces of data one by one:

<lang haskell>swirl n = spool . take (2*(n-1)+1) . chop 1

chop n lst = let (x,(y,z)) = splitAt n <$> splitAt n lst

            in x:y:chop (n+1) z

spool = foldl (\table piece -> piece : rotate table) [[]]

 where rotate = reverse . transpose</lang>

That's it!

Textual output

Pretty printing the table of strings with given column width is simple:

<lang haskell>showTable w = foldMap (putStrLn . foldMap pad)

 where pad s = take w $ s ++ repeat ' '</lang>
λ> showTable 3 $ ulam 10 show [1..]
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
90 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 
89 56 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 66 
88 55 30 13 14 15 16 17 38 67 
87 54 29 12 3  4  5  18 39 68 
86 53 28 11 2  1  6  19 40 69 
85 52 27 10 9  8  7  20 41 70 
84 51 26 25 24 23 22 21 42 71 
83 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 72 
82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 

λ> showTable 3 $ ulam 10 (\x -> if isPrime x then show x else " . ") [1..]
 .  .  .  .  .  . 97  .  .  . 
 .  .  . 59  . 61  .  .  .  . 
89  . 31  .  .  .  .  . 37  . 
 .  .  . 13  .  .  . 17  . 67 
 .  . 29  . 3   . 5   .  .  . 
 . 53  . 11 2   .  . 19  .  . 
 .  .  .  .  .  . 7   . 41  . 
 .  .  .  .  . 23  .  .  . 71 
83  .  .  . 47  .  .  . 43  . 
 .  .  . 79  .  .  .  .  . 73 

λ> showTable 2 $ ulam 20 (\x -> if isPrime x then "*" else "") [1..]
    *           *               *       
  *       *   *       *                 
*   *                   *           *   
                      *   *       *     
    *           *   *                   
      *               *       *   *     
        *       *   *                   
      *   *   *           *   *       * 
*               *       *   *   *   *   
              *   *   *                 
    *   *   *   * *     *       *       
                      *   *   *         
                    *       *           
      *   *       *       *   *       * 
*   *           *           *       *   
  *                       *             
    *       *       *           *   *   
          *                       *     
                *   *       *           
      *           *       *   *         

The high modularity of the program allows us easily to start from any number and to proceed with any step size:

λ> showTable 2 $ ulam 20 (\x -> if isPrime x then "*" else "") [3,5..]
      *   *             *         *     
*   * *           *         * *   *     
  *     *   *       *   *     *       * 
*     *     *     *   *     *           
    *     * *     *   * *         *     
  *               * *   * *     *   * * 
*       * *             *   *     * * * 
      *   * *     *   * *               
  *           *   * *                   
  *     *   * *   *   * * * * *         
*   * *   * *   * * * *     *     *     
                  * *   * *             
* * * * *   * *     *   *       *     * 
    * *   * *   *       *               
            *     *     * *     *     * 
* * *       * *     *   * *   * * * *   
          *     *             *   *     
        *     *   *     * *           * 
*     *     * *     *     *         *   
      *         *       *         *     

Or we can form a spiral out of arbitrary data:   (but that doesn't show the primes as this task requires):

λ> showTable 1 $ ulam 10 (:[]) "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse consequat lectus at massa tristique, ut vulputate arcu pretium."
assa trist
m Suspendi
aic rem re
 l moL s  
u tema tdo
cel tauqes

Graphical output

Simple graphical output could be done using Diagrams framework: <lang Haskell>import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine

drawTable tbl = foldl1 (===) $ map (foldl1 (|||)) tbl :: Diagram B

dots x = (circle 1 # if isPrime x then fc black else fc white) :: Diagram B

main = mainWith $ drawTable $ ulam 100 dots [1..]</lang>


Let's start with our implementation of spiral:

<lang J>spiral =: ,~ $ [: /: }.@(2 # >:@i.@-) +/\@# <:@+: $ (, -)@(1&,)</lang>

We can get a spiral starting with 1 in the center of the square by subtracting these values from the square of our size argument:

<lang J> spiral 5

0  1  2  3 4

15 16 17 18 5 14 23 24 19 6 13 22 21 20 7 12 11 10 9 8

  (*: - spiral) 5

25 24 23 22 21 10 9 8 7 20 11 2 1 6 19 12 3 4 5 18 13 14 15 16 17</lang>

Next, we want to determine which of these numbers are prime:

<lang J> (1 p: *: - spiral) 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1</lang>

And, finally, we want to use these values to select from a pair of characters:

<lang J> (' o' {~ 1 p: *: - spiral) 5


oo o

o o 

o o</lang>

If we want our spiral to start with some value other than 1, we'd add that value - 1 to our numbers right before the prime check. For this, we want a function which returns 0 when there's no left argument and one less than the left argument when it that value present. We can use : for this -- it takes two verbs, the left of which is used when no left argument is present and the right one is used when a left argument is present. (And note that in J, : is a token forming character, so we will need to leave a space to the left of : so that it does not form a different token):

<lang J> (0: :(<:@[)) 0

  3 (0: :(<:@[)) 


We also want to specify that our initial computations only respect the right argument, and we should maybe add a space after every character to get more of a square aspect ratio in typical text displays:

<lang J>ulam=: 1j1 #"1 ' o' {~ 1 p: 0: :(<:@[) + *:@] - spiral@]</lang>

And here it is in action:

<lang J> ulam 16

         o                   o 

o o o

             o   o           o 

o o o o

             o   o       o     
   o   o           o   o   o   
 o   o   o       o             
           o   o   o           
 o       o     o o   o   o   o 
   o   o   o                   
     o       o                 
   o   o       o       o   o   
     o           o           o 
 o           o       o       o 

o o

  9 ulam 12
 o   o                 

o o o o

 o   o       o       o 
       o   o       o   
         o           o 

o o o o o

             o   o     
 o   o   o       o     
     o           o   o </lang>

To transform these spirals to the orientation which has recently been added as a part of the task, you could flip them horizontally (|."1) and vertically (|.)

It should also be possible to redefine the original spiral treatment in some other ways.

See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBC5vnwf6Zw for some variations on this theme (the bit about perfect squares of the count of prime factors is striking).


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import java.util.Arrays;

public class Ulam{ enum Direction{ RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN; }

private static String[][] genUlam(int n){ return genUlam(n, 1); }

private static String[][] genUlam(int n, int i){ String[][] spiral = new String[n][n]; Direction dir = Direction.RIGHT; int j = i; int y = n / 2; int x = (n % 2 == 0) ? y - 1 : y; //shift left for even n's while(j <= ((n * n) - 1 + i)){ spiral[y][x] = isPrime(j) ? String.format("%4d", j) : " ---";

switch(dir){ case RIGHT: if(x <= (n - 1) && spiral[y - 1][x] == null && j > i) dir = Direction.UP; break; case UP: if(spiral[y][x - 1] == null) dir = Direction.LEFT; break; case LEFT: if(x == 0 || spiral[y + 1][x] == null) dir = Direction.DOWN; break; case DOWN: if(spiral[y][x + 1] == null) dir = Direction.RIGHT; break; }

switch(dir){ case RIGHT: x++; break; case UP: y--; break; case LEFT: x--; break; case DOWN: y++; break; } j++; } return spiral; }

public static boolean isPrime(int a){ if(a == 2) return true; if(a <= 1 || a % 2 == 0) return false; long max = (long)Math.sqrt(a); for(long n = 3; n <= max; n += 2){ if(a % n == 0) return false; } return true; }

public static void main(String[] args){ String[][] ulam = genUlam(9); for(String[] row : ulam){ System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row).replaceAll(",", "")); } System.out.println();

for(String[] row : ulam){ System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row).replaceAll("\\[\\s+\\d+", "[ * ").replaceAll("\\s+\\d+", " * ").replaceAll(",", "")); } } }</lang>

[ ---  ---  ---  ---   61  ---   59  ---  ---]
[ ---   37  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   31  ---]
[  67  ---   17  ---  ---  ---   13  ---  ---]
[ ---  ---  ---    5  ---    3  ---   29  ---]
[ ---  ---   19  ---  ---    2   11  ---   53]
[ ---   41  ---    7  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---]
[  71  ---  ---  ---   23  ---  ---  ---  ---]
[ ---   43  ---  ---  ---   47  ---  ---  ---]
[  73  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   79  ---  ---]

[ ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---   *   ---  ---]
[ ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---]
[  *   ---   *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---]
[ ---  ---  ---   *   ---   *   ---   *   ---]
[ ---  ---   *   ---  ---   *    *   ---   * ]
[ ---   *   ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---]
[  *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---]
[ ---   *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---  ---]
[  *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---]

Large scale Ulam Spiral

Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class LargeUlamSpiral extends JPanel {

   public LargeUlamSpiral() {
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(605, 605));
   private boolean isPrime(int n) {
       if (n <= 2 || n % 2 == 0)
           return n == 2;
       for (int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
           if (n % i == 0)
               return false;
       return true;
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
       double angle = 0.0;
       int x = 300, y = 300, dx = 1, dy = 0;
       for (int i = 1, step = 1, turn = 1; i < 40_000; i++) {
           if (isPrime(i))
               g.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);
           x += dx * 3;
           y += dy * 3;
           if (i == turn) {
               angle += 90.0;
               if ((dx == 0 && dy == -1) || (dx == 0 && dy == 1))
               turn += step;
               dx = (int) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle));
               dy = (int) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(-angle));
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Large Ulam Spiral");
           f.add(new LargeUlamSpiral(), BorderLayout.CENTER);


Small scale Ulam Spiral

Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class UlamSpiral extends JPanel {

   Font primeFont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 20);
   Font compositeFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16);
   public UlamSpiral() {
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 640));
   private boolean isPrime(int n) {
       if (n <= 2 || n % 2 == 0)
           return n == 2;
       for (int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
           if (n % i == 0)
               return false;
       return true;
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
       g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
       double angle = 0.0;
       int x = 280, y = 330, dx = 1, dy = 0;
       g.drawLine(x, y - 5, x + 50, y - 5);
       for (int i = 1, step = 1, turn = 1; i < 100; i++) {
           g.fillRect(x - 5, y - 20, 30, 30);
           g.setFont(isPrime(i) ? primeFont : compositeFont);
           g.drawString(String.valueOf(i), x + (i < 10 ? 4 : 0), y);
           x += dx * 50;
           y += dy * 50;
           if (i == turn) {
               angle += 90.0;
               if ((dx == 0 && dy == -1) || (dx == 0 && dy == 1))
               turn += step;
               dx = (int) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle));
               dy = (int) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(-angle));
               g.translate(9, -5);
               g.drawLine(x, y, x + dx * step * 50, y + dy * step * 50);
               g.translate(-9, 5);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Ulam Spiral");
           f.add(new UlamSpiral(), BorderLayout.CENTER);



You can find plotting helper functions here on RosettaCode Wiki: VOE.js v.2.0.

  • Find "printed" spirals in console (Chrome).
  • An image uploading is still blocked. But you have a browser!? So, copy/paste/save this page and double click it.
Translation of: PARI/GP
Works with: Chrome

(or any other browser supporting Canvas tag)

<lang html> <html> <head><title>Ulam Spiral</title>

   <script src="VOE.js"></script>

<script> // http://rosettacode.org/wiki/User:AnatolV/Helper_Functions // Use v.2.0 var pst;

// ***** Additional helper functions // Pad number from left function padLeft(n,ns) {

 return ("     " + n).slice(-ns);


// Is number n a prime? function isPrime(n) {

 var n2=Math.sqrt(n);
 for(var i=2; i<=n2; i++) {
   if(n%i === 0) return false;
 }//fend i
 return n !== 1;


function insm(mat,x,y) {

 var xz=mat[0].length, yz=xz;
 return(x>=0 && x<xz && y>=0 && y<yz)

} // *****

function rbCheck() {

 if (document.getElementById('rbDef').checked) {pst=0}
 if (document.getElementById('rbAst').checked) {pst=1}
 if (document.getElementById('rbNum').checked) {pst=2}

} function rbSet() {

 document.getElementById("rbDef").checked = true;


// The Ulam Spiral function pspUlam() {

 var i, j, x, y, xmx, ymx, cnt, dir, M, Mij, sp=" ", sc=3;
 // Setting basic vars for canvas and matrix
 var cvs = document.getElementById('cvsId');
 var ctx = cvs.getContext("2d");
 if(pst<0||pst>2) {pst=0}
 if(pst==0) {n=100; sc=3} else {n=10; sc=5}
 console.log("sc", typeof(sc));
 if(n%2==0) {n++};
 var n2=n*n, pch, sz=n2.toString().length, pch2=sp.repeat(sz);
 var fgc="navy", bgc="white";
 // Create matrix, finding number of rows and columns
 var M=new Array(n);
 for (i=0; i<n; i++) { M[i]=new Array(n);
   for (j=0; j<n; j++) {M[i][j]=0} }
 var r = M[0].length, c = M.length, k=0, dsz=1;
 // Logging init parameters
 var ttl="Matrix ("+r+","+c+")";
 console.log(" *** Ulam spiral: ",n,"x",n,"p-flag=",pst, "sc", sc);
 // Generating and plotting Ulam spiral
 x=y=Math.floor(n/2)+1; xmx=ymx=cnt=1; dir="R";
 for(var i=1; i<=n2; i++) {  //
   if(isPrime(i))  // if prime
     { if(!insm(M,x,y)) {break};
       if(pst==2) {M[y][x]=i} else {M[y][x]=1};
   // all numbers
   if(dir=="R") {if(xmx>0){x++;xmx--} else {dir="U";ymx=cnt;y--;ymx--} continue};
   if(dir=="U") {if(ymx>0){y--;ymx--} else {dir="L";cnt++;xmx=cnt;x--;xmx--} continue};
   if(dir=="L") {if(xmx>0){x--;xmx--} else {dir="D";ymx=cnt;y++;ymx--} continue};
   if(dir=="D") {if(ymx>0){y++;ymx--} else {dir="R";cnt++;xmx=cnt;x++;xmx--}; continue};
 }//fend i
 //Plot/Print according to the p-flag(0-real plot,1-"*",2-primes)
 if(pst==0) {pmat01(M, fgc, bgc, sc, 0); return};
 var logs;
 if(pst==1) {for(i=1;i<n;i++) {logs="|";
                for(j=1;j<n;j++) { Mij=M[i][j]; if(Mij>0) {pch="*"} else {pch=" "};
                  logs+=" "+pch;}
              logs+="|"; console.log(logs);}//fiend
             pmat01(M, fgc, bgc, sc, 0); console.log("sc", sc);
                  //console.log(" ",pch);} console.log(" ")}; return};
 if(pst==2) {for(i=1;i<n;i++) {logs="|";
                for(j=1;j<n;j++) {Mij=M[i][j];
                  if(Mij==0) {pch=pch2}
                  else {pch=padLeft(Mij,sz)};
                  logs+=pch; }  //" "+
              logs+=" |"; console.log(logs);}//fiend
             pmat01(M, fgc, bgc, sc, 0); console.log("sc", sc);

return; }//ifend

}//func end // ****************************************** </script></head> <body onload='rbSet();' style="font-family: arial, helvatica, sans-serif;">

 Plot/print style:
 <input type="radio" onclick="rbCheck();" name="rb" id="rbDef"/>Plot 
 <input type="radio" onclick="rbCheck();" name="rb" id="rbAst"/>Print * 
 <input type="radio" onclick="rbCheck();" name="rb" id="rbNum"/>Print numbers 
 <input type="button" value="Plot it!" onclick="pspUlam();">

Ulam Spiral

 <canvas id="cvsId" width="300" height="300" style="border: 2px inset;"></canvas>

</body> </html> </lang>

Print using "*"
Plot, plus this:
 *** Ulam spiral: 11 x 11 p-flag= 1 sc 5
|                    |
|           *   *    |
|     *           *  |
|   *   *       *    |
|         *   *   *  |
|       *     * *   *|
|     *   *          |
|   *       *        |
|     *       *      |
|   *           *    |

 matrix 'signature': Matrix(11x11) 22 dots 
Print prime numbers
Plot, plus this:
 *** Ulam spiral: 11 x 11 p-flag= 2 sc 5
|                               |
|                61    59       |
|       37                31    |
|    67    17          13       |
|              5     3    29    |
|          19        2 11    53 |
|       41     7                |
|    71          23             |
|       43          47          |
|    73                79       |
Plot, plus this:
 *** Ulam spiral: 101 x 101 p-flag= 0 sc 3
 matrix 'signature': Matrix(101x101) 1208 dots


Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>using Primes

function ulamspiral(ord::Int)

   # Possible directions
   dirs = [[0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0]]
   # fdir = ["→", "↑", "←", "↓"] # for debug pourpose
   cur = maxsteps = 1  # starting direction & starting max steps
   steps = n = 0       # starting steps     & starting number in cell
   pos = [ord ÷ 2 + 1, isodd(ord) ? ord ÷ 2 + 1 : ord ÷ 2] # starting position
   M = Matrix{Bool}(ord, ord) # result matrix
   while n < ord ^ 2  # main loop (stop when the matrix is filled)
       n += 1
       M[pos[1], pos[2]] = isprime(n)
       steps += 1
       # Debug print
       # @printf("M[%i, %i] = %5s (%2i), step %i/%i, nxt %s\n", pos[1], pos[2], isprime(n), n, steps, maxsteps, fdir[cur])
       pos  .+= dirs[cur] # increment position
       if steps == maxsteps # if reached max number of steps in that direction...
           steps = 0        # ...reset steps
           if iseven(cur) maxsteps += 1 end # if the current direction is even increase the number of steps
           cur  += 1        # change direction
           if cur > 4 cur -= 4 end # correct overflow
   return M


mprint(m::Matrix) = for i in 1:size(m, 1) println(join(el ? " ∙ " : " " for el in m[i, :]), '\n') end

M = ulamspiral(9) mprint(M)</lang>

             ∙     ∙       

    ∙                 ∙    

 ∙     ∙           ∙       

          ∙     ∙     ∙    

       ∙        ∙  ∙     ∙ 

    ∙     ∙                

 ∙           ∙             

    ∙           ∙          

 ∙                 ∙       


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>object Ulam {

   fun generate(n: Int, i: Int = 1, c: Char = '*') {
       require(n > 1)
       val s = Array(n) { Array(n, { "" }) }
       var dir = Direction.RIGHT
       var y = n / 2
       var x = if (n % 2 == 0) y - 1 else y // shift left for even n's
       for (j in i..n * n - 1 + i) {
           s[y][x] = if (isPrime(j)) if (c.isDigit()) "%4d".format(j) else "  $c " else " ---"
           when (dir) {
               Direction.RIGHT -> if (x <= n - 1 && s[y - 1][x].none() && j > i) dir = Direction.UP
               Direction.UP -> if (s[y][x - 1].none()) dir = Direction.LEFT
               Direction.LEFT -> if (x == 0 || s[y + 1][x].none()) dir = Direction.DOWN
               Direction.DOWN -> if (s[y][x + 1].none()) dir = Direction.RIGHT
           when (dir) {
               Direction.RIGHT -> x++
               Direction.UP -> y--
               Direction.LEFT -> x--
               Direction.DOWN -> y++
       for (row in s) println("[" + row.joinToString("") + ']')
   private enum class Direction { RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN }
   private fun isPrime(a: Int): Boolean {
       when {
           a == 2 -> return true
           a <= 1 || a % 2 == 0 -> return false
           else -> {
               val max = Math.sqrt(a.toDouble()).toInt()
               for (n in 3..max step 2)
                   if (a % n == 0) return false
               return true


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   Ulam.generate(9, c = '0')



<lang lua>local function ulamspiral(n, f)

 print("n = " .. n)
 local function isprime(p)
   if p < 2 then return false end
   if p % 2 == 0 then return p==2 end
   if p % 3 == 0 then return p==3 end
   local limit = math.sqrt(p)
   for f = 5, limit, 6 do
     if p % f == 0 or p % (f+2) == 0 then return false end
   return true
 local function spiral(x, y)
   if n%2==1 then x, y = n-1-x, n-1-y end
   local m = math.min(x, y, n-1-x, n-1-y)
   return x<y and (n-2*m-2)^2+(x-m)+(y-m) or (n-2*m)^2-(x-m)-(y-m)
 for y = 0, n-1 do
   for x = 0, n-1 do


-- filling a 132 column terminal (with a 2-wide glyph to better preserve aspect ratio) ulamspiral(132/2, function(b) return b and "██" or " " end)</lang>

n = 66.0
              ██                  ██  ██                  ██                                                          ██
        ██  ██                      ██          ██                              ██          ██  ██                      
                          ██                  ██  ██                                  ██          ██      ██                      ██
██                  ██                  ██  ██                  ██                      ██  ██                  ██          ██
  ██          ██  ██                      ██      ██                      ██  ██          ██      ██          ██          ██
        ██                              ██  ██                  ██                                      ██          ██      ██
          ██              ██          ██          ██                  ██              ██                                      ██
                        ██          ██      ██  ██      ██          ██          ██              ██      ██  ██          ██      ██
  ██                                                          ██      ██          ██              ██                  ██          ██
    ██      ██                  ██      ██          ██          ██              ██      ██  ██                          
  ██  ██      ██          ██  ██                      ██                  ██  ██      ██  ██                              ██
                            ██  ██                                  ██          ██          ██                              ██
      ██                          ██          ██          ██          ██              ██                  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██
            ██  ██      ██      ██                          ██      ██              ██      ██                      ██          ██
                                      ██          ██      ██  ██      ██                          ██      ██            
██  ██      ██  ██          ██          ██  ██          ██      ██  ██                                  ██  ██  ██          ██  ██
          ██              ██          ██  ██                                          ██          ██                          ██
                                        ██  ██          ██      ██                      ██          ██                      ██
                                                              ██      ██  ██      ██                          ██  ██  ██      ██  ██
    ██                  ██  ██                              ██      ██              ██      ██  ██                      ██
  ██                      ██          ██      ██                      ██  ██          ██                                          ██
            ██          ██  ██      ██  ██          ██  ██          ██          ██                      ██                      ██
                  ██      ██  ██                      ██                      ██      ██          ██  ██          ██    
                    ██          ██          ██      ██              ██          ██                              ██      
                  ██  ██          ██      ██                  ██      ██  ██      ██  ██  ██                                  ██
    ██              ██  ██  ██  ██              ██          ██                  ██  ██      ██          ██  ██          ██
                                      ██          ██      ██  ██                              ██          ██          ██
                                                                ██  ██          ██      ██      ██  ██      ██  ██  ██      ██  ██
      ██  ██  ██          ██      ██      ██      ██  ██      ██              ██      ██  ██                  ██        
                                                                ██  ██      ██                                  ██      
      ██          ██  ██      ██              ██      ██  ██          ██  ██  ██          ██  ██  ██                              ██
██      ██  ██          ██      ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██      ██              ██                  ██  ██                  ██
                                                              ██  ██  ██                      ██                      ██          ██
██  ██      ██          ██                          ██      ██    ████  ██  ██  ██      ██  ██  ██          ██              ██  ██
  ██              ██  ██              ██              ██  ██  ██                                                        
        ██                                              ██      ██                                                      
                  ██  ██          ██      ██  ██      ██  ██      ██      ██  ██      ██      ██  ██      ██      ██  ██
██      ██      ██          ██          ██      ██      ██          ██          ██  ██      ██              ██          ██
  ██          ██                                          ██                      ██                      ██                      ██
    ██                  ██  ██                  ██  ██          ██      ██      ██              ██  ██              ██  
                          ██  ██          ██      ██                      ██              ██          ██                  ██
                                ██          ██          ██      ██  ██                                                  
          ██                                          ██  ██      ██          ██      ██          ██      ██  ██  ██    
██          ██  ██              ██  ██  ██  ██                  ██  ██          ██          ██  ██      ██  ██      ██  
                                      ██      ██                      ██  ██                                            
    ██          ██          ██      ██  ██          ██          ██      ██  ██                      ██          ██      ██  ██  ██
  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██          ██  ██              ██                  ██              ██          ██                          ██
                    ██                              ██  ██      ██  ██                  ██          ██                  
                      ██                      ██      ██          ██          ██                  ██  ██          ██              ██
        ██              ██              ██  ██          ██                                  ██                          ██
              ██          ██      ██              ██                      ██      ██          ██                      ██          ██
            ██  ██                                                                  ██          ██      ██          ██  
      ██  ██              ██      ██  ██      ██          ██                      ██                          ██          ██  ██
                    ██                                  ██          ██      ██  ██                              ██          ██
                  ██          ██                      ██              ██                              ██      ██          ██
        ██  ██  ██              ██          ██      ██  ██      ██              ██          ██                          
              ██                                  ██                                              ██      ██            
██                      ██                          ██          ██      ██  ██          ██      ██          ██          
          ██  ██          ██                                          ██                      ██  ██                      ██  ██
        ██                      ██                  ██                      ██  ██          ██      ██  ██              
          ██                                                      ██  ██                  ██              ██      ██      ██      ██
██  ██                      ██          ██              ██      ██              ██                                      
                          ██                              ██              ██      ██  ██      ██  ██                              ██
██                      ██  ██      ██                          ██          ██      ██              ██                  ██
  ██      ██          ██  ██      ██          ██  ██                      ██      ██                                      ██
                                ██                                              ██                  ██          ██  ██  

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>ClearAll[iCCWSpiralEast] iCCWSpiralEast[n_Integer]:=Table[(1/2 (-1)^# ({1,-1} (Abs[#^2-t]-#)+#^2-t-Mod[#,2])&)[Round[Sqrt[t]]],{t,0,n-1}] n=20 start=1; pts=iCCWSpiralEast[n^2]; pts=Pick[pts,PrimeQ[start+Range[n^2]-1],True]; grid=Table[({i,j}/.(Alternatives@@pts)->"#")/.{_,_}->" ",{j,Round[n/2],-Round[n/2],-1},{i,-Round[n/2],Round[n/2],1}]; Grid[grid]</lang>

    *       *     *  
         *   * *   * 
  *     *         * *
   *   * *           
          * *     *  
   * *   *       *   
          * *   *    
 *   * *     * * *   
  * * * *   *       *
         * * *       
    *   *  ** * * *  
     * * *           
      *   *          
 *   * *   *   * *   
  *   *     *     * *
       *           * 
  * *     *   *   *  
   *           *     
      *   * *        
     * *   *     *   


Displaying in terminal

<lang Nim>import strutils

const N = 51 # Grid width and height.


 Vec2 = tuple[x, y: int]
 Grid = array[N, array[N, string]]

const Deltas: array[4, Vec2] = [(0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0)]

proc `+`(v1, v2: Vec2): Vec2 =

 ## Vector addition.
 (v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y)

proc isPrime(n: Positive): bool =

 ## Check if a number is prime.
 if n == 1: return false
 if (n and 1) == 0: return n == 2
 if (n mod 3) == 0: return n == 3
 var delta = 2
 var d = 5
 while d * d <= n:
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, delta
   delta = 6 - delta
 return true

proc fill(grid: var Grid; start: Positive = 1) =

 ## Fill the grid using Ulam algorithm.
 template isEmpty(pos: Vec2): bool = grid[pos.x][pos.y].len == 0
 # Fill the grid with successive numbers (as strings).
 var pos: Vec2 = (N div 2, N div 2)
 grid[pos.x][pos.y] = $start
 var currIdx = 3
 for n in (start + 1)..<(start + N * N):
   let nextIdx = (currIdx + 1) and 3
   var nextPos = pos + Deltas[nextIdx]
   if nextPos.isEmpty():
     # Direction change is OK.
     currIdx = nextIdx
     # Continue in same direction.
     nextPos = pos + Deltas[currIdx]
   pos = move(nextPos)
   grid[pos.x][pos.y] = $n
 # Replace the values with a symbol (if prime) or a space (if composite).
 for row in 0..<N:
   for col in 0..<N:
     grid[row][col] = if grid[row][col].parseInt().isPrime(): "• " else: "  "

var grid: Grid grid.fill() for row in grid:

 echo row.join()</lang>
                                                •       •           •               •                 
                  •       •           •           •               •       •   •                       
•           •   •                       •                   •   •       •   •                         
              •   •                                   •           •           •                       
                    •           •           •           •               •                   •   •   • 
  •       •       •                           •       •               •       •                       
                        •           •       •   •       •                           •       •         
  •           •           •   •           •       •   •                                   •   •   •   
            •           •   •                                           •           •                 
                          •   •           •       •                       •           •               
                                                •       •   •       •                           •   • 
          •   •                               •       •               •       •   •                   
            •           •       •                       •   •           •                             
          •   •       •   •           •   •           •           •                       •           
    •       •   •                       •                       •       •           •   •           • 
      •           •           •       •               •           •                               •   
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                                                  •   •           •       •       •   •       •   •   
•           •       •       •       •   •       •               •       •   •                   •     
                                                  •   •       •                                   •   
    •   •       •               •       •   •           •   •   •           •   •   •                 
          •       •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •       •               •                   •   •       
                                                •   •   •                       •                     
          •                           •       •     • •   •   •   •       •   •   •           •       
    •   •               •               •   •   •                                                     
                                          •       •                                                   
    •   •           •       •   •       •   •       •       •   •       •       •   •       •       • 
  •           •           •       •       •           •           •   •       •               •       
•                                           •                       •                       •         
          •   •                   •   •           •       •       •               •   •               
            •   •           •       •                       •               •           •             
                  •           •           •       •   •                                               
                                        •   •       •           •       •           •       •   •   • 
  •               •   •   •   •                   •   •           •           •   •       •   •       
                        •       •                       •   •                                         
  •           •       •   •           •           •       •   •                       •           •   
•   •           •   •               •                   •               •           •                 
      •                               •   •       •   •                   •           •               
        •                       •       •           •           •                   •   •           • 
          •               •   •           •                                   •                       
•           •       •               •                       •       •           •                     
  •                                                                   •           •       •           
            •       •   •       •           •                       •                           •     
      •                                   •           •       •   •                               •   
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•                                   •                                               •       •         
          •                           •           •       •   •           •       •           •       
•           •                                           •                       •   •                 

Writing a PNG image

Library: imageman

Writing in a file, it is possible to create much bigger images.

<lang Nim>import imageman


 N = 501  # Grid width and height.
 FG = ColorRGBU [byte 255, 255, 255]
 BG = ColorRGBU [byte 0, 0, 0]


 Vec2 = tuple[x, y: int]
 Grid = array[N, array[N, int32]]

const Deltas: array[4, Vec2] = [(0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0)]

proc `+`(v1, v2: Vec2): Vec2 =

 ## Vector addition.
 (v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y)

proc isPrime(n: Positive): bool =

 ## Check if a number is prime.
 if n == 1: return false
 if (n and 1) == 0: return n == 2
 if (n mod 3) == 0: return n == 3
 var delta = 2
 var d = 5
 while d * d <= n:
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, delta
   delta = 6 - delta
 return true

proc fill(grid: var Grid; start: Positive = 1) =

 ## Fill the grid using Ulam algorithm.
 template isEmpty(pos: Vec2): bool = grid[pos.x][pos.y] == 0
 let start = start.int32
 # Fill the grid with successive numbers (as strings).
 var pos: Vec2 = (N div 2, N div 2)
 grid[pos.x][pos.y] = start
 var currIdx = 3
 for n in (start + 1)..<(start + N * N):
   let nextIdx = (currIdx + 1) and 3
   var nextPos = pos + Deltas[nextIdx]
   if nextPos.isEmpty():
     # Direction change is OK.
     currIdx = nextIdx
     # Continue in same direction.
     nextPos = pos + Deltas[currIdx]
   pos = move(nextPos)
   grid[pos.x][pos.y] = n

proc apply(img: var Image; grid: Grid) =

 ## Fill the image with foreground pixel (for primes) or nothing (for composites).
 for row in 0..<N:
   for col in 0..<N:
     if grid[row][col].isPrime():
       img[row, col] = FG

var grid: Grid grid.fill()

var image = initImage[ColorRGBU](N, N) image.fill(BG) image.apply(grid) image.savePNG("ulam_spiral.png", compression = 9)</lang>


In this version function plotulamspir() was translated from VB, plus upgraded to plot/print different kind of Ulam spirals. My own plotting helper functions and string functions were used and made it possible. You can find all of them here on RosettaCode Wiki.

Output ULAMspiral1.png
Output ULAMspiral2.png
Works with: PARI/GP version 2.7.4 and above

<lang parigp> \\ Ulam spiral (plotting/printing) \\ 4/19/16 aev plotulamspir(n,pflg=0)={ my(n=if(n%2==0,n++,n),M=matrix(n,n),x,y,xmx,ymx,cnt,dir,n2=n*n,pch,sz=#Str(n2),pch2=srepeat(" ",sz)); if(pflg<0||pflg>2,pflg=0); print(" *** Ulam spiral: ",n,"x",n," matrix, p-flag=",pflg); x=y=n\2+1; xmx=ymx=cnt=1; dir="R"; for(i=1,n2,

   if(isprime(i), if(!insm(M,x,y), break); if(pflg==2, M[y,x]=i, M[y,x]=1));
   if(dir=="R", if(xmx>0, x++;xmx--, dir="U";ymx=cnt;y--;ymx--); next); 
   if(dir=="U", if(ymx>0, y--;ymx--, dir="L";cnt++;xmx=cnt;x--;xmx--); next); 
   if(dir=="L", if(xmx>0, x--;xmx--, dir="D";ymx=cnt;y++;ymx--); next); 
   if(dir=="D", if(ymx>0, y++;ymx--, dir="R";cnt++;xmx=cnt;x++;xmx--); next); 

\\Plot/Print according to the p-flag(0-real plot,1-"*",2-primes) if(pflg==0, plotmat(M)); if(pflg==1, for(i=1,n,

           for(j=1,n, if(M[i,j]==1, pch="*", pch=" ");
                      print1(" ",pch)); print(" ")));

if(pflg==2, for(i=1,n,

           for(j=1,n, if(M[i,j]==0, pch=pch2, pch=spad(Str(M[i,j]),sz,,1));
                      print1(" ",pch)); print(" ")));


{\\ Executing: plotulamspir(9,1); \\ (see output) plotulamspir(9,2); \\ (see output) plotulamspir(100); \\ ULAMspiral1.png plotulamspir(200); \\ ULAMspiral2.png } </lang>

> plotulamspir(9,1);
  *** Ulam spiral: 9x9 matrix, p-flag=1
          *   *
    *           *
  *   *       *
        *   *   *
      *     * *   *
    *   *
  *       *
    *       *
  *           *
> plotulamspir(9,2);
  *** Ulam spiral: 9x9 matrix, p-flag=2
             61    59
    37                31
 67    17          13
           5     3    29
       19        2 11    53
    41     7
 71          23
    43          47
 73                79
> plotulamspir(100); \\ ULAMspiral1.png
  *** Ulam spiral: 101x101 matrix, p-flag=0
  *** matrix(101x101) 1252 DOTS

> plotulamspir(200); \\ ULAMspiral2.png
  *** Ulam spiral: 201x201 matrix, p-flag=0
  *** matrix(201x201) 4236 DOTS


Rather than produce just splots, why not colour code them? Further, how about coding all the numbers according to the number of their first prime factor? The result looks a bit like a tartan rug. Alas, image files can't be presented, so a no show, but those with access to Turbo Pascal or similar can have a try. Amusingly enough, with black as colour zero reserved for N <= 1 (thus, the normal start square is black) and white as colour one for prime numbers, it becomes marginally convenient to regard two as the second prime... Without grid marking, finding the centre of the spiral is difficult, so showing N where it is a single digit helps. Encoding could be pressed forwards into different symbols, but enough already.

In the first part of the source are some support routines, from way back in the 1980s, written when the mainframe terminals only offered capitals and the habit lingered. They are there only so as to facilitate some gestures towards checking. The remainder is simple enough, and uses complex numbers to follow the spiral, which of course have to be implemented via ad-hoc code as they're not supported by the compiler. The scheme could be recast into the (line,column) form, counting downwards for the screen line, but array(i,j) = (x,y) means less standing upside down when devising the arithmetic for the directions, at the cost of a "downto" loop for output. An even more tricky scheme would be to ascertain N from (line,column) as the lines were written rather than compute the whole spiral first. Such a function exists. <lang Pascal> Program Ulam; Uses crt; {Concocted by R.N.McLean (whom God preserve), ex Victoria university, NZ.} {$B- evaluate boolean expressions only so far as necessary.} {$R+ range checking...}

FUNCTION Trim(S : string) : string;
 var L1,L2 : integer;
 L1 := 1;
 WHILE (L1 <= LENGTH(S)) AND (S[L1] = ' ') DO INC(L1);
 L2 := LENGTH(S);
 WHILE (S[L2] = ' ') AND (L2 > L1) DO DEC(L2);
 IF L2 >= L1 THEN Trim := COPY(S,L1,L2 - L1 + 1) ELSE Trim := ;
END; {Of Trim.}

FUNCTION Ifmt(Digits : integer) : string;

var  S : string[255];
 Ifmt := Trim(S);
END; { Ifmt }
Function min(i,j: integer): integer;
  if i <= j then min:=i else min:=j;
Procedure Croak(Gasp: string);        {A lethal word.}
  HALT;                   {This way to the egress...}
var ScreenLine,ScreenColumn: byte;	{Line and column position.}

{=========================enough support===================}

const Mstyle = 6;	{Display different results.}
const StyleName: array[1..Mstyle] of string = ('IsPrime','First Prime Factor Index',
 'First Prime Factor','Number of Prime Factors',
 'Sum of Prime Factors','Sum of Proper Factors');
const OrderLimit = 49; Limit2 = OrderLimit*OrderLimit;		{A 50-line screen has room for a heading.}
var Tile: array[1..OrderLimit,1..OrderLimit] of integer; 	{Alas, can't put [Order,Order], only constants.}
var FirstPrimeFactorIndex,FirstPrimeFactor,NumPFactor,SumPFactor,SumFactor: array[1..Limit2] of integer;
const enuffP = 17;	{Given the value of Limit2.}
const Prime: array[1..enuffP] of integer = (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53);
Procedure Prepare;	{Various arrays are to be filled for the different styles.}
 var i,j,p: integer;
  for i:=1 to limit2 do	{Alas, can't just put A:=0;}
   begin			{Nor clear A;}
    FirstPrimeFactorIndex[i]:=1;	{Prime[1] = 1, so this means no other divisor.}
    SumFactor[i]:=1;		{1 is counted as a proper factor.}
  FirstPrimeFactorIndex[1]:=0;	{Fiddle, as 1 is not a prime number.}
  SumFactor[1]:=0;		{N is not a proper factor of N, so 1 has no proper factors...}
  for i:=2 to enuffP do	{Prime[1] = 1, Prime[2] = 2, so start with i = 2.}
    j:=p + p;
    while j <= Limit2 do
      if FirstPrimeFactorIndex[j] = 1 then FirstPrimeFactorIndex[j]:=i;
      if FirstPrimeFactor[j] = 0 then FirstPrimeFactor[j]:=p;
      SumPFactor[j]:=SumPFactor[j] + p;
      j:=j + p;
  for i:=2 to Limit2 div 2 do	{Step through all possible proper factors.}
   begin			{N is not a proper factor of N, so start at 2N,}
    j:=2*i;	 		{for which N is a proper factor of 2N.}
    while j <= Limit2 do	{Sigh. for j:=2*i:Limit2:i do ... Next i;}
      SumFactor[j]:=SumFactor[j] + i;
      j:=j + i;
 End;	{Enough preparation.}
const enuffC = 11;	{Perhaps the colours will highlight interesting patterns.}
const colour:array[0..enuffC] of byte = (black,white,LightRed,
 Red,Green,DarkGray);		{Colours on the screen don't always match their name!}
Procedure UlamSpiral(Order,Start,Style: integer);	{Generate the numbers, then display.}
 Function Encode(N: integer): integer;	{Acording to Style, choose a result to show.}
   if N <= 1 then Encode:=0
     case style of
    1:if FirstPrimeFactorIndex[N] = 1 then Encode:=1 else Encode:=0;	{1 = Prime.}
  End;	{So much for encoding.}
 var Place,Way: array[1..2] of integer;	{Complex numbers.}
 var m,	{Middle.}
     N,	{Counter.}
     length,	{length of a side.}
     lunge,	{two lunges for each length.}
     step	{steps to make up a lunge of some length.}
     : integer;
 var i,j: integer;	{Steppers.}
 var code,it: integer;	{Mess with the results.}
 label XX;		{Escape the second lunge.}
 var OutF: text;	{Utter drivel. It is a disc file.}
  Write('Ulam Spiral, order ',Order,', start ',Start,', style ',style);	{Start the heading.}
  if style <= 0 then Croak('Must be a positive style');
  if style > Mstyle then croak('Last known style is '+ifmt(Mstyle));
  if Order > OrderLimit then Croak('Array OrderLimit is order '+IFmt(OrderLimit));
  if Order mod 2 <>1 then Croak('The order must be an odd number!');
  writeln(': ',StyleName[Style]);	{Finish the heading. The pattern starts with line two.}
  Assign(OutF,'Ulam.txt'); Rewrite(OutF); Writeln(OutF,'Ulam spiral: the codes for ',StyleName[style]);
  m:=order div 2 + 1;		{This is why Order must be odd.}
  Place[1]:=m; Place[2]:=m;	{Start at the middle.}
  way[1]:=1; way[2]:=0;	{Initial direction is along the x-axis.}
  for length:=1 to Order do	{Advance through the lengths.}
   for lunge:=1 to 2 do		{Two lunges for each length.}
     for step:=1 to length do			{Make the steps.}
       for i:=1 to 2 do Place[i]:=Place[i] + Way[i];   {Place:=Place + Way;}
       N:=N + 1;
     if N >= Order*Order then goto XX;	{Each corner piece is part of two lunges.}
     i:=Way[1]; Way[1]:=-Way[2]; Way[2]:=i;	{Way:=Way*(0,1) in complex numbers: (x,y)*(0,1) = (-y,x).}

XX:for i:=order downto 1 do {Output: Lines count downwards, y runs upwards.}

   begin			{The first line is the topmost y.}
    for j:=1 to order do	{(line,column) = (y,x).}
     begin				{Work along the line.}
      it:=Tile[j,i];			{Grab the number.}
      code:=Encode(it);		{Presentation scheme.}
      Write(OutF,'(',it:4,':',code:2,')');	{Debugging...}
      if FirstPrimeFactorIndex[it] > 1 then TextBackGround(Black)	{Not a prime.}
       else if it = 1 then TextBackGround(Black)	{Darkness for one, also.}
        else TextBackGround(White);		{A prime number!}
      TextColor(Colour[min(code,enuffC)]);	{A lot of fuss for this!}
      if it <= 9 then write(it) else Write('*');	{Thus mark the centre.}
     end;					{Next position along the line.}
    if i > 1 then WriteLn;		{Ending the last line would scroll the heading up.}
    WriteLn(OutF);			{But this is good for the text file.}
   end;			{On to the next line.}
   Close(OutF);		{Finished with the trace.}

{Some revelations to help in choosing a colour sequence.}

   ScreenLine:=WhereY; ScreenColumn:=WhereX;	{Gibberish to find the location.}
   if Style > 1 then	{Only the fancier styles go beyond 0 and 1.}
    begin			{So explain only for them.}
     GoToXY(ScreenColumn + 1,ScreenLine - 4);		{Unused space is to the right.}
     TextColor(White); write('Colour sequence');	{Given 80-column displays.}
     GoToXY(ScreenColumn + 1,ScreenLine - 3);		{And no more than 50 lines.}
     for i:=1 to enuffC do begin TextColor(Colour[i]); write(i); end;	{My sequence.}
     GoToXY(ScreenColumn + 1,ScreenLine - 2);
     TextColor(White); write('From options');
     GoToXY(ScreenColumn + 1,ScreenLine - 1);
     for i:=1 to 15 do begin TextColor(i);write(i); end;		{The options.}
 End;   {of UlamSpiral.}
var start,wot,order: integer;	{A selector.}
BEGIN	{After all that.}
 TextMode(Lo(LastMode) + Font8x8);	{Gibberish sets 43 lines on EGA and 50 on VGA.}
 ClrScr; TextColor(White);		{This also gives character blocks that are almost square...}
 WriteLn('Presents consecutive integers in a spiral, as per Stanislaw Ulam.');
 WriteLn('Starting with 1, runs up to Order*Order.');
 Write('What value for Order? (Limit ' + Ifmt(OrderLimit),'): ');
 ReadLn(Order);			{ReadKey needs no "enter", but requires decoding.}
 if (order < 1) or (order > OrderLimit) then Croak('Out of range!');	{Oh dear.}
 wot:=1;	{The original task.}
 Repeat		{Until bored?}
  ClrScr;			{Scrub any previous stuff.}
  UlamSpiral(Order,1,wot);		{The deed!}
  GoToXY(ScreenColumn + 1,ScreenLine);		{Note that the last WriteLn was skipped.}
  TextColor(White); Write('Enter 0, or 1 to '+Ifmt(Mstyle),': ');	{Wot now?}
  ReadLn(wot);						{Receive.}
 Until (wot <= 0) or (wot > Mstyle);		{Alas, "Enter" must be pressed.}


using FreePascal

Works with: FreePascal version version 3.2.0

<lang Pascal> PROGRAM Ulam.pas;


   {$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$J-}{R+}





   Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0 [2020/06/14] for x86_64
   The free and readable alternative at C/C++ speeds
   compiles natively to almost any platform, including raspberry PI *


       SysUtils ;
       SIZE = 9 ;
       D2Arr = array of array of string ;
   FUNCTION IsPrime ( n: integer ): boolean ;
           i:   integer;
           IF ( n < 2 )        THEN    Exit ( False ) ;
           IF ( n = 2 )        THEN    Exit ( True  ) ;
           IF ( n mod 2 = 0 )  THEN    Exit ( False ) ;
           FOR i := 3 TO Trunc ( Sqrt ( n ) ) DO
               IF  ( n mod i = 0 ) THEN    Exit( False ) ;
           IsPrime := True ;
   PROCEDURE  Init2DArr ( Arr: D2Arr ) ;
             j: integer;
           mid: integer = SIZE div 2 ;
           FOR j:= 1 to SIZE - mid - 1 DO
                   Arr [ mid - j ] [ mid - j     ] := '.' ;
                   Arr [ mid - j ] [ mid + j     ] := '.' ;
                   Arr [ mid + j ] [ mid - j     ] := '.' ;
                   Arr [ mid + j ] [ mid + j - 1 ] := '.' ;
   PROCEDURE Advance ( var Turn_cnt, x, y: integer ) ;
           dir:    array   [ 0..3, 0..1 ]  of  shortint =
                   ( (  1,  0 ), (  0, -1 ), ( -1,  0 ), (  0,  1 ) ) ;
           x   := Abs ( x + dir [ Turn_cnt mod 4 ][ 0 ] ) ;
           y   := Abs ( y + dir [ Turn_cnt mod 4 ][ 1 ] ) ;
   PROCEDURE  Add2DArr ( Arr: D2Arr ) ;
           cnt:        integer =          1 ;
           Turn_cnt:   integer =          0 ;
           x:          integer = SIZE div 2 ;
           y:          integer = SIZE div 2 ;
           WHILE ( cnt < SIZE * SIZE ) DO
                   Advance ( Turn_cnt , x , y ) ;
                   Inc ( cnt ) ;
                   IF  ( Arr [ x ] [ y ] = '.' )   THEN
                           Arr [ x ] [ y ] :=  ;
                           inc ( Turn_cnt ) ;
                   IF  ( IsPrime ( cnt ) ) THEN
                       Arr [ x ] [ y ] := IntToStr ( cnt ) ;
   PROCEDURE  Show2DArr ( Arr: D2Arr ; glyph : Boolean ) ;
           x, y:  integer ;
           WriteLn ;
           FOR y := Low ( Arr ) TO High ( Arr ) DO
                   FOR x := Low ( Arr [ y ] ) to High ( Arr [ y ] ) DO
                       IF  length ( Arr [ x ] [ y ] ) > 0  THEN
                           IF  glyph   THEN    Write ( '′' : 3 )
                           ELSE    Write ( Arr [ x ] [ y ] : 3 )
                       ELSE Write ( ' ' : 3) ;


   Arr: D2Arr;


   SetLength  ( Arr, SIZE, SIZE ) ;
   Init2DArr  ( Arr ) ;
   Add2DArr   ( Arr ) ;
   Show2DArr  ( Arr , False ) ;
   Show2DArr  ( Arr , True ) ;    

END. </lang>JPD 2021/06/14


Translation of: python
Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use ntheory qw/is_prime/; use Imager;

my $n = shift || 512; my $start = shift || 1; my $file = "ulam.png";

sub cell {

 my($n, $x, $y, $start) = @_;
 $y -= $n>>1;
 $x -= ($n-1)>>1;
 my $l = 2*(abs($x) > abs($y) ? abs($x) : abs($y));
 my $d = ($y > $x)  ?  $l*3 + $x + $y  : $l-$x-$y;
 ($l-1)**2 + $d + $start - 1;


my $black = Imager::Color->new('#000000'); my $white = Imager::Color->new('#FFFFFF'); my $img = Imager->new(xsize => $n, ysize => $n, channels => 1); $img->box(filled=>1, color=>$white);

for my $y (0 .. $n-1) {

 for my $x (0 .. $n-1) {
   my $v = cell($n, $x, $y, $start);
   $img->setpixel(x => $x, y => $y, color => $black) if is_prime($v);


$img->write(file => $file) or die "Cannot write $file: ", $img->errstr, "\n";</lang>


Creates an image file ulam.png in current directory similar to the one on MathWorld. The square dimension can be optionally specified.


<lang Phix>function spiral(integer w, h, x, y)

   return iff(y?w+spiral(h-1,w,y-1,w-x-1):x)

end function

integer w = 9, h = 9 for i=h-1 to 0 by -1 do

   for j=w-1 to 0 by -1 do
       integer p = w*h-spiral(w,h,j,i)
       puts(1,"o "[2-is_prime(p)])
   end for

end for</lang>

    o o
 o     o
o o   o
   o o o
  o  oo o
 o o
o   o
 o   o
o     o

For something that almost fills your entire screen, change the definition of w and h to <lang Phix>sequence vc = video_config() integer w = vc[VC_SCRNCOLS]-1, h = vc[VC_SCRNLINES]-1</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l")

(de ceil (A)

  (/ (+ A 1) 2) )

(de prime? (N)

     (= N 2)
        (> N 1)
        (bit? 1 N)
        (let S (sqrt N)
           (for (D 3  T  (+ D 2))
              (T (> D S) T)
              (T (=0 (% N D)) NIL) ) ) ) ) )

(de ulam (N)

     (G (grid N N)
        D '(north west south east .)
        M (ceil N) )
     (setq This
                 (+ 96 (if (bit? 1 N) M (inc M))) )
              M ) ) )
     (=: V '_)
     (with ((car D) This)
        (for (X 2 (>= (* N N) X) (inc X))
           (=: V (if (prime? X) '. '_))
           (setq This
                 (with ((cadr D) This)
                    (unless (: V) (pop 'D) This) )
                 ((pop D) This) ) ) ) )
     G ) )


     (for This L
        (prin (align 3 (: V))) )
     (prinl) )
  (ulam 9) )


  _  _  _  _  .  _  .  _  _
  _  .  _  _  _  _  _  .  _
  .  _  .  _  _  _  .  _  _
  _  _  _  .  _  .  _  .  _
  _  _  .  _  _  .  .  _  .
  _  .  _  .  _  _  _  _  _
  .  _  _  _  .  _  _  _  _
  _  .  _  _  _  .  _  _  _
  .  _  _  _  _  _  .  _  _


<lang PowerShell> function New-UlamSpiral ( [int]$N )

   #  Generate list of primes
   $Primes = @( 2 )
   For ( $X = 3; $X -le $N*$N; $X += 2 )
       If ( -not ( $Primes | Where { $X % $_ -eq 0 } | Select -First 1 ) ) { $Primes += $X }

   #  Initialize variables
   $X = 0
   $Y = -1
   $i = $N * $N + 1
   $Sign = 1
   #  Intialize array
   $A = New-Object 'boolean[,]' $N, $N
   #  Set top row
   1..$N | ForEach { $Y += $Sign; $A[$X,$Y] = --$i -in $Primes }
   #  For each remaining half spiral...
   ForEach ( $M in ($N-1)..1 )
       #  Set the vertical quarter spiral
       1..$M | ForEach { $X += $Sign; $A[$X,$Y] = --$i -in $Primes }
       #  Curve the spiral
       $Sign = -$Sign
       #  Set the horizontal quarter spiral
       1..$M | ForEach { $Y += $Sign; $A[$X,$Y] = --$i -in $Primes }
   #  Convert the array of booleans to text output of dots and spaces
   $Spiral = ForEach ( $X in 1..$N ) { ( 1..$N | ForEach { ( ' ', '.' )[$A[($X-1),($_-1)]] } ) -join  }
   return $Spiral

New-UlamSpiral 100 </lang>

                           .     .                 .       .         . .     .               .     .
    .             .                                   .   .       .     .           .         .     
         .     .   .           .     .       .           .   .     .             .   .     .        
  .     .         . .           .   .                   .   .                 .       .     .       
       .             .   .           . .     .   .                             . .         .        
  . .       .   . .     .           .         .     .             .                     .     . .   
 . .     .             .   .     .             .   .       .   .     .       .   .                  
          .                       .                 . .               . .         .           .     
       .             .   .           .       .     .           .   .     .       .     .       .    
.             .         .     . .         . .         .     .           . .     .           .   .   
             .       .         .     .     .     . .     .         .     .       .     .   .        
                .     .     .             .     .   .     .       .                 .   .   .     . 
 .                                     .     . .   .                   .     .         .            
            .     .                     .     . .   .     .           . .   .     .                 
     .     .       .       .   .             .     .                           .     .   . . . . . .
. . .     . .             .           .     .         .                             .     .     .   
                   .                 .     .     .       .               .     .                    
        . .   . .       .         . .         .                             .         .           . 
     .     . .       . .           .     .               .     . .                                 .
.           .                 .         . .                 .     .   .           .                 
     . .         .         .         . .         .           . .         .     .     . . . . .   .  
    . . .         .     . .           .   .           . .     .   .     .     .             .       
                     .               . .         .                   .     .   .           .        
              . .     .       .     .     .         .       .                   .     .       .     
 .                           .     .   . .   .     .     .       .   . .     .   . .   .     . .    
.                 .                             .   .     .       .         .     .                 
 .         . .     .   .         .   .     .     .       .   . .                   . .              
. . . .   .       . .   .     . .           .         . .   . .               .                 .   
               .               . .                 .     .     .               .     .              
  .                 .             .     .     .     .       .         . . . . .     . .           . 
       . .     .       . .   .   .             .   .       .   .           .     .     . .         .
                                    .     .   . .   .             .   .                 .           
                 . .   . .     .     . .     .   . .                 . . .     . .       . .     .  
  .           . .     .       .     . .                     .     .             .   .     .     .   
               .                     . .     .   .           .     .           .           .        
                                                .   . .   .             . . .   . .   .     .     . 
         . .       .         . .               .   .       .   . .           .                      
            .     .           .     .   .           . .     .                     .     .           
             .         .     . .   . .     . .     .     .           .           .                  
.         . .             .   . .           .           .   .     . .     .                     .   
   .           .           .     .     .   .       .     .               .           .              
                          . .     .   .         .   . .   . . .                 .                 . 
 .         .   .   .       . . . .       .     .         . .   .     . .     .               .     .
      .     .                       .     .   . .               .     .     .                       
                                                 . .     .   .   . .   . . .   . .     . .         .
.       .     .     . . .     .   .   .   . .   .       .   . .         .           .     .       . 
                                                 . .   .                 .           .              
        . .   .     .     . .   .       .   . .     . . .     . . .               . .           . . 
           .   . .   . .     .   . . . . . . . .   .       .         . .         .             .    
                                                . . .           .           .     .                 
     .           . .   .     .             .   .  .. . . .   . . .     .       . . . .             .
    .         . . .       . .       .       . . .                                                   
   .                 .                       .   .                                                  
  .                       . .     .   . .   . .   .   . .   .   . .   .   . .       .     .   . .   
     . .       . .   .   .     .     .   .   .     .     . .   .       .     .     .   . .          
            .     .     .                     .           .           .           .                 
           . .     .         . .         . .     .   .   .       . .       .       .   .     .   .  
.         . . . .             . .     .   .           .       .     .         .     .           .   
         .                       .     .     .   . .                                                
  .       .           .                     . .   .     .   .     .   . . .         .               
   .   . .   .   .     . .       . . . .         . .     .     . .   . .   .       .   . .   . .    
      .                             .   .           . .                                             
 .         . .     .     .     .   . .     .     .   . .           .     .   . . .     . .         .
        .   .     . . . . .     . .       .         .       .     .             .   .               
               .           .               . .   . .         .     .                       .     .  
    .   .     .             .           .   .     .     .         . .     .       .   . .   . . .   
 . .         .       .       .       . .     .                 .             .     .   .       .    
      .     .           .     .   .       .           .   .     .           .     .           .     
 .                     . .                                 .     .   .     .         .   .         .
      .   .     .   . .       .   . .   .     .           .             .     . .     .         . . 
               .           .                 .     .   . .               .     .           .        
    .         .           .     .           .       .               .   .     .           . .     . 
       .             . . .       .     .   . .   .       .     .                       .     .     .
.                       .                 .                       .   .                             
           .     .           .             .     .   . .     .   .     .               . . . .   .  
.   .   .             . .     .                     .           . .           . .         . .     . 
   .                 .           .         .           . .     .   . .               .              
        . .           .                           . .         .       .   .   .   .             . . 
 . . . . . .     . .           .     .       .   .       .                                          
                              .               .       .   . .   . .               .     .     .     
       .         .           . .   .             .     .   .       .         .     .         . . .  
              . . .   .     . .   .     . .           .   .                   .           . .       
   .     .     .                 .                       .         .     . .               .     .  
    .         . .                 .     .   .     .     .                 . .         .   .   . .   
     .     .             .                 . .     .   .                 .       .       .     .   .
.               .             .     .     .   .     . .         . .               .                 
           .     .           .     . .               .     .     .             .             . .    
      . .         .     .     .   .       .         .                               .             . 
               .   .     . .         . .               .     .                   .   .              
  .       .         .                       . .   .       .     .   .       .             . . .   . 
     .   .         .                             .       .                 .   . .           . .   .
      .                 .   . .   .       .               .     .     . .           .               
                 .       .                 .         .     .             .   . .     .              
.         . .         .       .         .     .     .       .   .     . .         . .               
             .           .             .     .   . .   .                 .     .           .     .  
  . .                 .         . .         . .   .     .                   .     .   .           . 
 .       .         .       .               . .         .             .   . .           .     .      
    .       .         .           .     . .                           . .     .   . .               
       .   .             .   . .     .                     .     .             .     .     .       .
                . .           .     .   .     .                 . .           .     .   .           


<lang python># coding=UTF-8 from __future__ import print_function, division from math import sqrt

def cell(n, x, y, start=1):

   d, y, x = 0, y - n//2, x - (n - 1)//2
   l = 2*max(abs(x), abs(y))
   d = (l*3 + x + y) if y >= x else (l - x - y)
   return (l - 1)**2 + d + start - 1

def show_spiral(n, symbol='# ', start=1, space=None):

   top = start + n*n + 1
   is_prime = [False,False,True] + [True,False]*(top//2)
   for x in range(3, 1 + int(sqrt(top))):
       if not is_prime[x]: continue
       for i in range(x*x, top, x*2):
           is_prime[i] = False
   cell_str = lambda x: f(x) if is_prime[x] else space
   f = lambda _: symbol # how to show prime cells
   if space == None: space = ' '*len(symbol)
   if not len(symbol): # print numbers instead
       max_str = len(str(n*n + start - 1))
       if space == None: space = '.'*max_str + ' '
       f = lambda x: ('%' + str(max_str) + 'd ')%x
   for y in range(n):
       print(.join(cell_str(v) for v in [cell(n, x, y, start) for x in range(n)]))

show_spiral(10, symbol=u'♞', space=u'♘') # black are the primes show_spiral(9, symbol=, space=' - ')

  1. for filling giant terminals
  2. show_spiral(1001, symbol='*', start=42)</lang>

 -  -  -  - 61  - 59  -  - 
 - 37  -  -  -  -  - 31  - 
67  - 17  -  -  - 13  -  - 
 -  -  -  5  -  3  - 29  - 
 -  - 19  -  -  2 11  - 53 
 - 41  -  7  -  -  -  -  - 
71  -  -  - 23  -  -  -  - 
 - 43  -  -  - 47  -  -  - 
73  -  -  -  -  - 79  -  - 


My own plotting helper function plotmat() was used and made it possible. You can find it here on RC (Brownian tree in R) .

  • All pictures are ready to be uploaded, when it would be allowed again.
Translation of: PARI/GP
Works with: R version 3.3.1 and above
Output UlamSpiralR1.png
Output UlamSpiralR2.png

<lang r>

    1. Plotting Ulam spiral (for primes) 2/12/17 aev
    2. plotulamspirR(n, clr, fn, ttl, psz=600), where: n - initial size;
    3. clr - color; fn - file name; ttl - plot title; psz - picture size.

require(numbers); plotulamspirR <- function(n, clr, fn, ttl, psz=600) {

 cat(" *** START:", date(), "n=",n, "clr=",clr, "psz=", psz, "\n");
 if (n%%2==0) {n=n+1}; n2=n*n;
 x=y=floor(n/2); xmx=ymx=cnt=1; dir="R";
 ttl= paste(c(ttl, n,"x",n," matrix."), sep="", collapse="");
 cat(" ***", ttl, "\n");
 M <- matrix(c(0), ncol=n, nrow=n, byrow=TRUE);
 for (i in 1:n2) {
   if(isPrime(i)) {M[x,y]=1};
   if(dir=="R") {if(xmx>0) {x=x+1;xmx=xmx-1}
                 else {dir="U";ymx=cnt;y=y-1;ymx=ymx-1}; next}; 
   if(dir=="U") {if(ymx>0) {y=y-1;ymx=ymx-1}
                 else {dir="L";cnt=cnt+1;xmx=cnt;x=x-1;xmx=xmx-1}; next}; 
   if(dir=="L") {if(xmx>0) {x=x-1;xmx=xmx-1} 
                 else {dir="D";ymx=cnt;y=y+1;ymx=ymx-1}; next}; 
   if(dir=="D") {if(ymx>0) {y=y+1;ymx=ymx-1} 
                 else {dir="R";cnt=cnt+1;xmx=cnt;x=x+1;xmx=xmx-1}; next}; 
 plotmat(M, fn, clr, ttl,,psz);
 cat(" *** END:",date(),"\n");


    1. Executing:

plotulamspirR(100, "red", "UlamSpiralR1", "Ulam Spiral: "); plotulamspirR(200, "red", "UlamSpiralR2", "Ulam Spiral: ",1240); </lang>

> plotulamspirR(100, "red", "UlamSpiralR1", "Ulam Spiral: ");
 *** START: Sun Feb 12 12:03:34 2017 n= 100 clr= red psz= 600 
 *** Ulam Spiral: 101x101 matrix. 
 *** Matrix( 101 x 101 ) 1232 DOTS
 *** END: Sun Feb 12 12:03:37 2017 

> plotulamspirR(200, "red", "UlamSpiralR2", "Ulam Spiral: ",1240);
 *** START: Sun Feb 12 12:03:51 2017 n= 200 clr= red psz= 1240
 *** Ulam Spiral: 201x201 matrix. 
 *** Matrix( 201 x 201 ) 4196 DOTS
 *** END: Sun Feb 12 12:04:07 2017 


Translation of: Python

<lang racket>#lang racket (require (only-in math/number-theory prime?))

(define ((cell-fn n (start 1)) x y)

 (let* ((y (- y (quotient n 2)))
        (x (- x (quotient (sub1 n) 2)))
        (l (* 2 (if (> (abs x) (abs y)) (abs x) (abs y))))
        (d (if (>= y x) (+ (* l 3) x y) (- l x y))))
   (+ (sqr (- l 1)) d start -1)))

(define (show-spiral n

                    #:symbol (smb "# ")
                    #:start (start 1)
                    #:space (space (and smb (make-string (string-length smb) #\space))))
 (define top (+ start (* n n) 1))
 (define cell (cell-fn n start))
 (define print-cell
   (if smb
       (λ (i p?) (display (if p? smb space)))
       (let* ((max-len (string-length (~a (+ (sqr n) start -1))))
              (space (or space (make-string (string-length (~a (+ (sqr n) start -1))) #\_))))
         (λ (i p?)
           (display (if p? (~a #:width max-len i #:align 'right) space))
           (display #\space)))))

 (for* ((y (in-range 0 n)) #:when (unless (= y 0) (newline)) (x (in-range 0 n)))
   (define c (cell x y))
   (define p? (prime? c))
   (print-cell c p?))

(show-spiral 9 #:symbol #f) (show-spiral 10 #:symbol "♞" #:space "♘") ; black are the primes (show-spiral 50 #:symbol "*" #:start 42)

for filling giant terminals
(show-spiral 1001 #
symbol "*" #:start 42)</lang>
__ __ __ __ 61 __ 59 __ __ 
__ 37 __ __ __ __ __ 31 __ 
67 __ 17 __ __ __ 13 __ __ 
__ __ __  5 __  3 __ 29 __ 
__ __ 19 __ __  2 11 __ 53 
__ 41 __  7 __ __ __ __ __ 
71 __ __ __ 23 __ __ __ __ 
__ 43 __ __ __ 47 __ __ __ 
73 __ __ __ __ __ 79 __ __ 
  *       *         *                 *           
     * *     *                     * *            
*     *         * *   *     * *               * * 
       *                     * *               *  
  *     *           * *   *     *             *   
 *       *         *     * *     *   * *          
*       * *         *           *     * *   * * * 
     *           *     * *           *   * *      
            *     *     *         *       *       
   * *     * *         * *         *     *   *    
          *   *       *         *       *   *     
       *     * *         * *           *          
* *     * *         *       *         * * *     * 
     *     * *   *     *     * *     *            
          * *   * *           *     *             
         *       *     * *         *   *   * * * *
              *       *     *   * *               
               *     *         * *                
  *                   *   * *   * *       *     * 
     *           *     * *     *   *     *       *
    *                 * *     *     *     *       
   *     * *     *     * *   *       *   * * *    
  *           *     *     * *   *     * *         
 *     *       *     *     *                      
  *       *       * * *   *             *   * *   
                       * *   *             *   * *
*   *       *   * *   *       *           *     * 
       *   *       * *     *     * * *     * * *  
  *                 *     *     * *         *     
   *         * *   *                              
    * * *     * * *     *     * *   *   * *   * * 
     *           * *           *   * *     *   *  
*   *           *     *     *             *     * 
       *   *   *   *             *             * *
        *     *     *       *   *       *         
         *   * *   *           *       *     *    
* *   * *   *         *     *     * * *     * *   
           * *   *     *     * *                  
*         *       *     *   *       *             
       * *   * *   *             *   * *          
        *     *     *       *     *         *     
       *     *     *       *     *     *          
  *   *     *           *         *               
     *       *                 *         *        
*           *           *     *   *     *         
   *           *   * *         *           * * * *
                *     *   * *   * *         *     
 *     * *         *             *         *      
*   *     *       *               * *   *       * 
     *           *     *     *             *   *  


(formerly Perl 6) <lang perl6>sub MAIN($max = 160, $start = 1) {

   (my %world){0}{0} = 0;
   my $loc = 0+0i;
   my $dir = 1;
   my $n = $start;
   my $side = 0;
   while ++$side < $max {

step for ^$side; turn-left; step for ^$side; turn-left;

   braille-graphics %world;
   sub step {

$loc += $dir; %world{$loc.im}{$loc.re} = $n if (++$n).is-prime;

   sub turn-left  { $dir *= -i; }
   sub turn-right { $dir *= i; }


sub braille-graphics (%a) {

   my ($ylo, $yhi, $xlo, $xhi);
   for %a.keys -> $y {

$ylo min= +$y; $yhi max= +$y; for %a{$y}.keys -> $x { $xlo min= +$x; $xhi max= +$x; }

   for $ylo, $ylo + 4 ...^ * > $yhi -> \y {

for $xlo, $xlo + 2 ...^ * > $xhi -> \x { my $cell = 0x2800; $cell += 1 if %a{y + 0}{x + 0}; $cell += 2 if %a{y + 1}{x + 0}; $cell += 4 if %a{y + 2}{x + 0}; $cell += 8 if %a{y + 0}{x + 1}; $cell += 16 if %a{y + 1}{x + 1}; $cell += 32 if %a{y + 2}{x + 1}; $cell += 64 if %a{y + 3}{x + 0}; $cell += 128 if %a{y + 3}{x + 1}; print chr($cell); } print "\n";





Programming note for the showing of the spiral:   because images can't be uploaded at this time on Rosetta Code, the glyphs for primes was chosen to be a solid glyph   (or in ASCII or XML terminology, a "block").

This then allows the REXX program to compress two rows of the Ulam spiral into one by processing two rows at a time by comparing each character to the character on the next line   (when comparing two lines as a pair):

  • if a char on row   k   is a block, and the char on row   k+1   is a block, then a   "block"   is used.
  • if a char on row   k   is a block, and the char on row   k+1   is a blank, then a   "UHblk"   is used.
  • if a char on row   k   is a blank, and the char on row   k+1   is a block, then a   "LHblk"   is used.
  • if a char on row   k   is a blank, and the char on row   k+1   is a blank, then a     blank   is used.

For codepage 437:

  •   a "block" is 'db'x     █       (a full block)
  •   a "LHblk" is 'dc'x     ▄       (a Lower Half block)
  •   a "UHblk" is 'df'x     ▀       (a Upper Half block)

Or, to show all three characters in the (above) ordered next to each other (separated by a blank):   █ ▄ ▀

This allows the displaying of the Ulam prime spiral to keep a (mostly) square aspect ratio.

The characters chosen allow for the HTML on Rosetta Code to shrink (via STYLE font-size) the displayed output to half their normal height.


<lang rexx>/*REXX program shows counter─clockwise Ulam spiral of primes shown in a square matrix.*/ parse arg size init char . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if size== | size=="," then size= 79 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if init== | init=="," then init= 1 /* " " " " " " */ if char== then char= "█" /* " " " " " " */ tot=size**2 /*the total number of numbers in spiral*/

                                                /*define the upper/bottom right corners*/

uR.=0; bR.=0; do od=1 by 2 to tot; _=od**2+1; uR._=1; _=_+od; bR._=1; end /*od*/

                                                /*define the bottom/upper left corners.*/

bL.=0; uL.=0; do ev=2 by 2 to tot; _=ev**2+1; bL._=1; _=_+ev; uL._=1; end /*ev*/

app=1; bigP=0; #p=0; inc=0; minR=1; maxR=1; r=1; $=0; $.=;  !.=

                    /*▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ construct the spiral #s.*/
 do i=init  for tot;    r= r + inc;     minR= min(minR, r);      maxR= max(maxR, r)
 x= isPrime(i);   if x  then bigP= max(bigP, i);          #p= #p + x   /*bigP, #primes.*/
 if app  then $.r= $.r ||  x                                           /*append  token.*/
         else $.r=  x  || $.r                                          /*prepend token.*/
 if uR.i  then do;  app= 1;  inc= +1;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*advance  ↓    */
 if bL.i  then do;  app= 0;  inc= -1;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ↑    */
 if bR.i  then do;  app= 0;  inc=  0;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ►    */
 if uL.i  then do;  app= 1;  inc=  0;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ◄    */
 end   /*i*/                                                           /* [↓] pack two */
                                                                       /*lines ──► one.*/
 do j=minR  to maxR  by 2;    jp= j + 1;              $= $ + 1         /*fold two lines*/
   do k=1  for  length($.j);  top= substr($.j, k, 1)                   /*the  1st line.*/
                              bot= word( substr($.jp, k, 1)   0, 1)    /*the  2nd line.*/
   if top  then if  bot  then !.$= !.$'█'                              /*has top & bot.*/
                         else !.$= !.$'▀'                              /*has top,¬ bot.*/
           else if  bot  then !.$= !.$'▄'                              /*¬ top, has bot*/
                         else !.$= !.$' '                              /*¬ top,   ¬ bot*/
   end   /*k*/
 end     /*j*/                                  /* [↓]  show the  prime  spiral matrix.*/
                                   do m=1  for $;     say !.m;     end  /*m*/

say; say init 'is the starting point,' ,

         tot  'numbers used,'   #p   "primes found, largest prime:"   bigP

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPrime: procedure; parse arg x; if wordpos(x, '2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19') \==0 then return 1

        if x<17  then return 0;                            if x// 2    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x// 3    ==0  then return 0
        /*get the last digit*/    parse var x    -1  _;  if         _==5  then return 0
                                                           if x// 7    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//11    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//13    ==0  then return 0
                 do j=17  by 6  until  j*j > x;            if x//j     ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//(j+2) ==0  then return 0
                 end   /*j*/;          return 1</lang>
output   when using the default input:

(Shown at three-quarter size.)

      ▀     ▀     ▀          ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄▀     ▀       ▀    ▄     ▄      ▀  ▄▀
 ▄▀     ▀▄       ▄   ▄        ▀    ▄▀ ▀  ▄▀     ▀           ▀ ▀   ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄
▀ ▀      ▄      ▀          ▄▀    ▄▀    ▄    ▀  ▄               ▄     ▄    ▀
▀▄ ▄▀ ▀    ▄ ▄▀         ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀          ▄     ▄ ▄          ▀         ▀
  ▀    ▄         ▄  ▀      ▄ ▄▀ ▀      ▄          ▀▄ ▄  ▀   ▀  ▄     ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄
        ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀          ▄▀▄  ▀      ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀▄
    ▀ ▀     ▀      ▄▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄     ▄▀    ▄  ▀    ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄
 ▄ ▄    ▀▄   ▄         ▄   ▄     ▄    ▀▄  ▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄  ▀         ▀     ▀▄ ▄
▀    ▄  ▀ ▀   ▀     ▀▄▀▄          ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄              ▀▄     ▄
     ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄▀     ▀     ▀▄   ▄▀      ▄▀  ▄      ▀ ▀ ▀▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀▄
       ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄    ▀▄ ▄  ▀  ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄▀             ▀  ▄▀▄ ▄     ▄ ▄      ▀
    ▀▄▀     ▀       ▀     ▀▄▀▄     ▄   ▄          ▀▄    ▀▄           ▄▀   ▀
 ▄       ▄         ▄ ▄               ▄▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀▄   ▄ ▄      ▀ ▀ ▀▄  ▀ ▀   ▀
  ▀▄    ▀    ▄     ▄▀▄   ▄▀▄  ▀  ▄ ▄     ▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀        ▄           ▄▀     ▀
▀ ▀  ▄          ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄     ▄   ▄▀      ▄    ▀▄  ▀     ▀ ▀    ▄▀          ▄
 ▄   ▄   ▄      ▀▄▀▄ ▄ ▄▀   ▀  ▄     ▄▀   ▀ ▀  ▄▀▄▀ ▀▄     ▄ ▄     ▄  ▀
  ▀                       ▀     ▀   ▀ ▀▄ ▄     ▄   ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄ ▄▀  ▄ ▄     ▄
    ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀   ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀▄ ▄   ▄▀   ▀ ▀         ▀▄          ▀▄
▀▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀ ▀▄  ▀▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄▀▄▀▄   ▄▀ ▀ ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄ ▄         ▄▀ ▀
       ▄ ▄   ▄     ▄             ▄   ▄▀ █▄▀▄ ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀▄     ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄
    ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄    ▀ ▀       ▀       ▀▄▀ ▀▄
     ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄▀ ▀▄  ▀▄▀   ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄ ▄▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄     ▄▀  ▄
 ▄▀▄    ▀▄    ▀    ▄ ▄         ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄   ▄   ▄▀      ▄ ▄  ▀    ▄      ▀▄   ▄
▀ ▀ ▀ ▀             ▀ ▀▄    ▀▄  ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄  ▀       ▀     ▀         ▀     ▀
▀  ▄   ▄    ▀▄ ▄       ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄    ▀ ▀  ▄▀▄    ▀▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄▀▄▀ ▀▄       ▄▀  ▄
 ▄ ▄     ▄     ▄     ▄   ▄▀▄  ▀  ▄     ▄  ▀▄▀▄           ▄     ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄     ▄
  ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▄    ▀ ▀       ▀▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀       ▀▄    ▀▄            ▀   ▀
   ▄▀      ▄      ▀▄       ▄ ▄▀   ▀▄    ▀     ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀     ▀  ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄▀
  ▀          ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀       ▀           ▀   ▀▄    ▀▄   ▄     ▄▀     ▀  ▄
▀    ▄▀   ▀ ▀    ▄  ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀    ▄▀    ▄   ▄ ▄▀             ▀▄    ▀▄▀     ▀
    ▀      ▄ ▄ ▄▀     ▀▄     ▄   ▄▀▄   ▄  ▀    ▄     ▄    ▀   ▀     ▀        ▄
 ▄     ▄      ▀    ▄            ▀▄     ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄   ▄▀   ▀▄               ▄
           ▄▀ ▀     ▀  ▄         ▄        ▀  ▄ ▄     ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄        ▀ ▀    ▄
▀▄     ▄ ▄  ▀        ▄     ▄       ▄   ▄▀ ▀    ▄    ▀       ▀   ▀   ▀   ▀
       ▄           ▄▀▄   ▄          ▀  ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄▀   ▀ ▀▄         ▄    ▀▄    ▀
    ▀▄▀ ▀   ▀     ▀ ▀  ▄▀     ▀ ▀           ▀  ▄▀        ▄     ▄ ▄  ▀
 ▄  ▀ ▀        ▄        ▀     ▀  ▄▀▄    ▀▄   ▄▀                ▄▀ ▀    ▄    ▀
 ▄    ▀▄           ▄▀    ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀     ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀▄▀            ▄  ▀
     ▄  ▀▄    ▀▄ ▄  ▀   ▀  ▄ ▄  ▀         ▀  ▄     ▄                   ▄  ▀▄
▀         ▀                       ▀ ▀   ▀       ▀     ▀   ▀       ▀

1 is the starting point, 6241 numbers used, 811 primes found, largest prime: 6229
output   when the following input is used:     ,   41

(Shown at three-quarter size.)

    ▀▄     ▄▀    ▄      ▀  ▄      ▀▄▀  ▄      ▀     ▀     ▀          ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀
            ▀   ▀ ▀▄           ▄    ▀  ▄▀ ▀     ▀▄       ▄   ▄        ▀    ▄▀
 ▄▀▄   ▄▀   ▀▄▀    ▄ ▄    ▀▄   ▄ ▄  ▀     ▀      ▄      ▀          ▄▀    ▄▀ ▀▄▀
▀ ▀ ▀ ▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄            ▀  ▄      ▀    ▄▀    ▄ ▄▀         ▀▄▀    ▄
▀  ▄   ▄    ▀▄  ▀  ▄       ▄  ▀  ▄   ▄  ▀ ▀▄  ▀          ▄  ▀      ▄ ▄▀    ▄▀
 ▄ ▄     ▄         ▄ ▄  ▀▄▀               ▀ ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀          ▄▀ ▀ ▀▄    ▀
  ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀ ▀   ▀▄         ▄ ▄▀        ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄   ▄▀      ▄▀    ▄▀▄
   ▄▀      ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄      ▀              ▄ ▄▀          ▄    ▀     ▀ ▀
  ▀          ▄▀▄    ▀▄        ▀ ▀   ▀     ▀▄▀▄              ▀▄▀  ▄
▀    ▄▀   ▀ ▀    ▄    ▀▄         ▄▀ ▀  ▄▀▄    ▀▄   ▄ ▄     ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀  ▄   ▄    ▀
    ▀      ▄ ▄ ▄▀     ▀ ▀      ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄      ▀    ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄▀
 ▄     ▄      ▀     ▀    ▄▀▄    ▀    ▄▀▄        ▀▄     ▄▀  ▄▀    ▄ ▄   ▄
           ▄▀ ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀  ▄▀▄      ▀  ▄ ▄    ▀      ▄▀▄ ▄     ▄             ▄
▀▄     ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄    ▀▄ ▄ ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄    ▀▄ ▄     ▄▀               ▀       ▀
       ▄            ▀    ▄▀▄  ▀▄▀    ▄ ▄    ▀    ▄▀   ▀   ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▄▀ ▀ ▀▄    ▀
    ▀▄▀ ▀     ▀         ▀    ▄     ▄▀     ▀  ▄▀▄▀▄       ▄     ▄     ▄ ▄     ▄
 ▄  ▀ ▀          ▄            ▀     ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀  ▄▀   ▀▄    ▀▄      ▀    ▄      ▀
 ▄      ▀    ▄     ▄▀           ▀   ▀▄▀▄   ▄▀  ▄    ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀ ▀    ▄  ▀ ▀  ▄
    ▀      ▄     ▄▀     ▀ ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄    ▀▄▀            ▄   ▄ ▄    ▀        ▄  ▀
▀  ▄     ▄▀     ▀▄    ▀  ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄▀   ▀▄           ▄▀   ▀▄▀   ▀ ▀     ▀
 ▄      ▀▄     ▄   ▄       ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄▀   ▀    ▄▀▄▀ ▀     ▀▄▀ ▀         ▀▄   ▄▀
  ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄     ▄    ▀   ▀       ▀▄▀     ▀  ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄     ▄
 ▄       ▄   ▄    ▀▄ ▄ ▄    ▀▄▀▄ ▄▀▄    ▀     ▀   ▀ ▀    ▄▀   ▀▄    ▀     ▀
       ▄▀      ▄   ▄▀          ▄▀  ▄  ▀     ▀   ▀      ▄      ▀ ▀▄          ▀
▀ ▀                   ▀▄  ▀  ▄▀▄   ▄▀       ▀  ▄▀  ▄ ▄▀    ▄▀▄   ▄ ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄
 ▄ ▄▀ ▀    ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀  ▄▀▄   ▄    ▀▄    ▀▄ ▄  ▀                 ▀▄
 ▄      ▀     ▀▄         ▄▀  ▄ ▄  ▀▄    ▀   ▀    ▄  ▀▄▀    ▄       ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄
  ▀     ▀ ▀▄▀         ▀▄▀    ▄▀    ▄▀      ▄▀    ▄▀    ▄          ▀     ▀▄ ▄
   ▄▀ ▀     ▀▄   ▄   ▄▀     ▀▄          ▀      ▄  ▀      ▄          ▀▄     ▄
  ▀▄     ▄   ▄ ▄    ▀       ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄  ▀     ▀▄  ▀     ▀  ▄▀ ▀ ▀▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀▄
     ▄▀           ▀    ▄ ▄      ▀  ▄  ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀▄▀        ▄▀  ▄     ▄ ▄      ▀
 ▄  ▀▄    ▀▄   ▄▀   ▀▄    ▀      ▄▀    ▄     ▄    ▀ ▀   ▀  ▄   ▄     ▄▀   ▀
 ▄       ▄   ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄            ▀  ▄    ▀   ▀    ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄      ▀▄  ▀ ▀   ▀
  ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀       ▀   ▀    ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀   ▀      ▄▀           ▀        ▄▀     ▀
     ▄   ▄▀   ▀ ▀▄         ▄       ▄  ▀  ▄    ▀▄          ▀     ▀    ▄     ▄
       ▄▀        ▄     ▄ ▄  ▀      ▄ ▄         ▄ ▄▀        ▄  ▀ ▀▄ ▄▀
▀   ▀▄▀                ▄▀ ▀    ▄    ▀             ▀    ▄▀  ▄▀▄▀  ▄▀    ▄ ▄   ▄
▀  ▄▀    ▄    ▀▄▀            ▄  ▀      ▄    ▀       ▀▄   ▄            ▀   ▀
  ▀  ▄     ▄                   ▄  ▀▄           ▄  ▀ ▀     ▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀ ▀
▀       ▀     ▀   ▀       ▀                 ▀         ▀     ▀     ▀ ▀     ▀

41 is the starting point, 6241 numbers used, 805 primes found, largest prime: 6277
output   with an input of   416   can be viewed here at   ───►   Ulam spiral (for primes)/REXX‎


This REXX version is presented here to show the difference between a clockwise and a counter-clockwise Ulam (prime) spiral. <lang rexx>/*REXX program shows a clockwise Ulam spiral of primes shown in a square matrix.*/ parse arg size init char . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if size== | size=="," then size= 79 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if init== | init=="," then init= 1 /* " " " " " " */ if char== then char= "█" /* " " " " " " */ tot=size**2 /*the total number of numbers in spiral*/

                                                /*define the upper/bottom right corners*/

uR.=0; bR.=0; do od=1 by 2 to tot; _=od**2+init; uR._=1; _=_+od; bR._=1; end /*od*/

                                                /*define the bottom/upper left corners.*/

bL.=0; uL.=0; do ev=2 by 2 to tot; _=ev**2+init; bL._=1; _=_+ev; uL._=1; end /*ev*/

app=1; bigP=0; #p=0; inc=0; minR=1; maxR=1; r=1; $=0; $.=;  !.=

                    /*▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ construct the spiral #s.*/
 do i=init  for tot;    r= r + inc;     minR= min(minR, r);      maxR= max(maxR, r)
 x= isPrime(i);   if x  then bigP= max(bigP, i);          #p= #p + x   /*bigP, #primes.*/
 if app  then $.r= $.r ||  x                                           /*append  token.*/
         else $.r=  x  || $.r                                          /*prepend token.*/
 if uR.i  then do;  app= 1;  inc= +1;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*advance  ↓    */
 if bL.i  then do;  app= 0;  inc= -1;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ↑    */
 if bR.i  then do;  app= 0;  inc=  0;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ►    */
 if uL.i  then do;  app= 1;  inc=  0;  iterate  /*i*/;    end          /*   "     ◄    */
 end   /*i*/                                                           /* [↓] pack two */
                                                                       /*lines ──► one.*/
 do j=minR  to maxR  by 2;    jp= j + 1;              $= $ + 1         /*fold two lines*/
   do k=1  for  length($.j);  top= substr($.j, k, 1)                   /*the  1st line.*/
                              bot= word( substr($.jp, k, 1)   0, 1)    /*the  2nd line.*/
   if top  then if  bot  then !.$= !.$'█'                              /*has top & bot.*/
                         else !.$= !.$'▀'                              /*has top,¬ bot.*/
           else if  bot  then !.$= !.$'▄'                              /*¬ top, has bot*/
                         else !.$= !.$' '                              /*¬ top,   ¬ bot*/
   end   /*k*/
 end     /*j*/                                  /* [↓]  show the  prime  spiral matrix.*/
                                   do m=1  for $;     say !.m;     end  /*m*/

say; say init 'is the starting point,' ,

         tot  'numbers used,'   #p   "primes found, largest prime:"   bigP

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPrime: procedure; parse arg x; if wordpos(x, '2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19') \==0 then return 1

        if x<17  then return 0;                            if x// 2    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x// 3    ==0  then return 0
        /*get the last digit*/    parse var x    -1  _;  if         _==5  then return 0
                                                           if x// 7    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//11    ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//13    ==0  then return 0
                 do j=17  by 6  until  j*j > x;            if x//j     ==0  then return 0
                                                           if x//(j+2) ==0  then return 0
                 end   /*j*/;          return 1</lang>
output   when using the default input:

(Shown at three-quarter size.)

▀    ▄   ▄▀    ▄ ▄         ▄ ▄    ▀ ▀   ▀    ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀   ▀       ▀    ▄   ▄
 ▄     ▄▀     ▀    ▄▀   ▀▄ ▄    ▀         ▀▄     ▄     ▄             ▄    ▀
 ▄    ▀        ▄    ▀     ▀     ▀▄ ▄▀    ▄▀ ▀▄        ▀ ▀      ▄       ▄▀
    ▀▄▀                ▄▀     ▀   ▀     ▀     ▀▄         ▄     ▄▀▄▀         ▀
    ▀ ▀▄▀   ▀     ▀▄▀▄  ▀▄    ▀ ▀      ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄       ▄         ▄▀    ▄
 ▄     ▄ ▄          ▀▄     ▄       ▄▀  ▄    ▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀ ▀               ▀     ▀
▀          ▄▀          ▄         ▄      ▀ ▀  ▄ ▄    ▀▄   ▄ ▄▀   ▀   ▀   ▀  ▄
 ▄     ▄    ▀ ▀    ▄▀            ▄     ▄  ▀▄ ▄     ▄  ▀▄▀    ▄      ▀ ▀      ▄
           ▄ ▄▀▄       ▄     ▄  ▀▄ ▄   ▄       ▄     ▄  ▀   ▀                ▄
    ▀▄          ▀▄    ▀           ▀▄     ▄▀  ▄ ▄          ▀   ▀▄    ▀▄
▀     ▀   ▀ ▀▄ ▄    ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀     ▀           ▀▄     ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀    ▄▀
  ▀▄       ▄  ▀    ▄▀   ▀  ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄        ▀   ▀    ▄▀           ▀▄    ▀▄   ▄
    ▀▄           ▄▀           ▀  ▄▀▄   ▄▀▄    ▀    ▄    ▀▄▀     ▀       ▀   ▀ ▀
 ▄▀▄    ▀▄▀ ▀ ▀▄▀    ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄    ▀▄     ▄  ▀▄ ▄    ▀     ▀▄     ▄   ▄ ▄▀▄  ▀  ▄
   ▄   ▄     ▄ ▄       ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄▀        ▄ ▄▀ ▀  ▄     ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄       ▄   ▄
▀           ▀          ▄     ▄    ▀▄▀  ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀     ▀   ▀ ▀ ▀         ▀
▀▄▀▄▀ ▀  ▄         ▄▀▄▀     ▀  ▄▀▄     ▄   ▄▀  ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄▀      ▄  ▀    ▄▀  ▄
  ▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄  ▀▄     ▄     ▄   ▄   ▄▀    ▄     ▄▀▄   ▄      ▀▄     ▄    ▀▄   ▄
           ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀▄▀  ▄▀   ▀ ▀   ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀   ▀ ▀       ▀
    ▀ ▀▄▀▄   ▄  ▀ ▀▄      ▀      ▄▀ ▀▄▀ ▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄     ▄       ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄
 ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀ ▀▄▀      ▄    ▀    ▄ ▄    ▀    ▄▀
▀   ▀     ▀     ▀ ▀   ▀       ▀   ▀ ▀  ▄ ▄▀ ▀▄▀     ▀ ▀ ▀      ▄        ▀ ▀▄
    ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀   ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀▄ ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄▀  ▄ ▄   ▄▀▄ ▄   ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄
 ▄▀  ▄   ▄       ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄  ▀    ▄▀   ▀▄▀        ▄ ▄   ▄▀    ▄▀▄    ▀▄
     ▄          ▀▄▀    ▄▀   ▀▄   ▄    ▀  ▄▀ ▀  ▄▀ ▀ ▀          ▄      ▀    ▄
▀ ▀▄         ▄  ▀  ▄▀▄▀  ▄ ▄     ▄▀▄     ▄    ▀▄  ▀     ▀ ▀▄    ▀      ▄
 ▄▀     ▀▄         ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀      ▄   ▄▀ ▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄           ▄    ▀     ▀
     ▄                     ▄ ▄     ▄  ▀▄  ▀ ▀   ▀  ▄     ▄    ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀
    ▀ ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄    ▀▄    ▀▄▀▄     ▄   ▄ ▄        ▀     ▀  ▄ ▄ ▄     ▄▀▄  ▀
     ▄       ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄  ▀     ▀   ▀▄▀  ▄▀      ▄   ▄  ▀   ▀    ▄     ▄     ▄▀
     ▄    ▀          ▄ ▄▀     ▀     ▀    ▄▀    ▄  ▀  ▄      ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▄    ▀▄▀
▀▄ ▄    ▀▄▀  ▄▀     ▀ ▀▄   ▄     ▄▀    ▄    ▀ ▀▄  ▀▄▀▄              ▀    ▄ ▄
        ▀          ▄     ▄   ▄ ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄▀    ▄▀      ▄▀  ▄ ▄    ▀▄   ▄▀▄   ▄
    ▀ ▀    ▄▀       ▀     ▀▄ ▄  ▀      ▄  ▀       ▀        ▄     ▄   ▄▀     ▀
       ▄▀     ▀ ▀▄         ▄▀▄  ▀      ▄    ▀ ▀    ▄▀▄  ▀     ▀▄    ▀▄     ▄ ▄
 ▄▀▄       ▄ ▄      ▀    ▄    ▀▄▀              ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀   ▀           ▀
▀   ▀ ▀  ▄    ▀         ▀ ▀▄     ▄  ▀  ▄       ▄               ▄  ▀  ▄      ▀
▀▄▀      ▄      ▀▄   ▄      ▀     ▀▄     ▄  ▀                        ▄    ▀▄
  ▀     ▀                    ▄▀    ▄▀▄▀  ▄▀     ▀           ▀▄▀   ▀▄    ▀    ▄
      ▀     ▀     ▀             ▀     ▀   ▀     ▀       ▀                 ▀   ▀

1 is the starting point, 6241 numbers used, 811 primes found, largest prime: 6229


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Ulam spiral (for primes)

load "guilib.ring" load "stdlib.ring"

paint = null

new qapp

       win1 = new qwidget() {
                 setwindowtitle("Ulam spiral")
                 label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
                 new qpushbutton(win1) {

func draw

       p1 = new qpicture()
              color = new qcolor() {
       pen = new qpen() {
       paint = new qpainter() {
       usn = 81
       label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }

func ulamspiral(nr)

       button = list(nr)
               sizenew = sqrt(nr)
                for n = 1 to nr
                    col = n%9
                    if col = 0 col = 9 ok
                    row = ceil(n/9)
                    button[n] = new qpushbutton(win1)
                                       setclickevent("movetile(" + string(n) +")")   
       n = 9
       result = newlist(n,n)
       k = 1 
       top = 1
       bottom = n
       left = 1
       right = n
       while (k<=n*n)
                for i=left to right
                     k = k + 1
                top = top + 1 
                for i=top to bottom
                    k = k + 1
                right = right - 1 
                for i=right to left step -1
                     k = k + 1
                bottom = bottom - 1 
                for i=bottom to top step -1
                     result[i][left] = k
                     k = k + 1
                left = left + 1
       for m = 1 to n
            for p = 1 to n  
                 pos = (m-1)*n + p
                 if isprime(result[m][p])
                    button[pos] {settext(string(result[m][p]))}

</lang> Outputimage:

Ulam spiral


It finds the number from the position ( the coordinates ).

Translation of: Python

<lang ruby>require 'prime'

def cell(n, x, y, start=1)

 y, x = y - n/2, x - (n - 1)/2
 l = 2 * [x.abs, y.abs].max
 d = y >= x ? l*3 + x + y : l - x - y
 (l - 1)**2 + d + start - 1


def show_spiral(n, symbol=nil, start=1)

 puts "\nN : #{n}"
 format = "%#{(start + n*n - 1).to_s.size}s "
 n.times do |y|
   n.times do |x|
     i = cell(n,x,y,start)
     if symbol
       print i.prime? ? symbol[0] : symbol[1]
       print format % (i.prime? ? i : )


show_spiral(9) show_spiral(25) show_spiral(25, "# ")</lang>

N : 9
            61    59       
   37                31    
67    17          13       
          5     3    29    
      19        2 11    53 
   41     7                
71          23             
   43          47          
73                79       

N : 25
577                     571     569                     563                     557                 
                            479                                             467             463     
        401             397                             389                     383                 
    487                                     317             313     311             307     461     
                257                     251                                     241     379         
                    197             193     191                                                     
                                                139     137                     239             547 
    491             199     101              97                             181             457     
                                                 61      59             131                         
            331             103      37                      31      89     179                     
587     409     263     149      67      17              13                             373         
                                              5       3      29                                     
                        151              19           2  11      53     127     233             541 
                            107      41       7                                                     
                                 71              23                                                 
    499     337             109      43              47              83     173             449     
593             269              73                      79                     229     367         
                                    113                                             293             
                271     157                     163             167             227                 
    503             211                                             223                             
        419                     277             281     283                                         
                            347     349             353                     359             443     
599     421                                     431     433                     439                 
            509                                             521     523                             
601                     607                     613             617     619                         

N : 25
#     # #     #     #    
       #           #   # 
  #   #       #     #    
 #         #   # #   # # 
    #     #         # #  
     #   # #             
            # #     #   #
 #   # #   #       #   # 
            # #   #      
   #   # #     # # #     
# # # # # #   #       #  
           # # #         
      #   #  ## # # #   #
       # # #             
        #   #            
 # #   # #   #   # #   # 
#   #   #     #     # #  
         #           #   
    # #     #   #   #    
 #   #           #       
  #     #   # #          
       # #   #     #   # 
# #         # #     #    
   #           # #       
#     #     #   # #      

Another Version

computes the next spiral position. <lang ruby>require 'prime'

def spiral_generator(x=0, y=0)

 Enumerator.new do |yielder|
   yielder << [x, y]                           # start position
   dx, dy = 0, 1                               # first direction
   yielder << [x+=dx, y+=dy]                   # second position
   0.step do |i|
     2.times do
       i.times{ yielder << [x+=dx, y+=dy] }    # going straight
       dx, dy = -dy, dx                        # 90 degree turn
       yielder << [x+=dx, y+=dy]


def ulam_spiral(n, start=1)

 h = Hash.new(0)
 position = spiral_generator
 (start ... start+n*n).each do |i|
   pos = position.next
   h[pos] = 1  if i.prime?
 chr = [[' ', '▄'], ['▀', '█']]
 (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = h.keys.transpose.map(&:minmax)
 (xmin..xmax).step(2).each do |x|
   puts (ymin..ymax).map{|y| chr[hx,y][hx+1,y]}.join


[11, 122].each do |n|

 puts "\nN : #{n}"


N : 11
▀   ▀▄ ▄   
▀▄▀▄   ▄▀ ▀
   ▄▀ █▄▀▄ 
▀▄▀ ▀▄     
▀▄▀   ▀▄  ▀

N : 122
▄    ▀      ▄ ▄▀ ▀              ▄▀       ▀           ▀▄  ▀  ▄  ▀       ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄      ▀          ▄  ▀   ▀  ▄    ▀   ▀  ▄ 
  ▄  ▀  ▄    ▀    ▄▀   ▀ ▀            ▄   ▄▀   ▀▄▀   ▀      ▄ ▄    ▀          ▄      ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀                     ▀  
        ▄ ▄      ▀   ▀▄    ▀    ▄▀    ▄  ▀    ▄▀    ▄     ▄▀  ▄       ▄     ▄▀   ▀ ▀     ▀  ▄▀    ▄  ▀     ▀   ▀▄   ▄ ▄  ▀
▄   ▄▀   ▀    ▄                  ▀ ▀  ▄           ▄   ▄  ▀     ▀ ▀   ▀    ▄   ▄     ▄       ▄  ▀   ▀                  ▄   
 ▀▄▀                      ▄    ▀    ▄       ▄  ▀      ▄            ▀   ▀▄▀         ▀ ▀▄     ▄  ▀▄     ▄          ▀        
▄▀ ▀   ▀       ▀       ▀              ▄     ▄▀           ▀    ▄       ▄▀     ▀  ▄▀▄▀    ▄    ▀       ▀  ▄     ▄▀▄  ▀   ▀ ▀
    ▄▀         ▀    ▄     ▄  ▀▄           ▄     ▄       ▄        ▀  ▄▀  ▄    ▀▄    ▀        ▄  ▀▄     ▄  ▀     ▀▄ ▄   ▄   
  ▄▀ ▀ ▀     ▀    ▄▀         ▀ ▀▄   ▄      ▀   ▀▄ ▄     ▄   ▄      ▀   ▀                 ▀▄ ▄    ▀    ▄▀          ▄       
   ▀      ▄ ▄▀▄▀    ▄  ▀   ▀ ▀    ▄▀  ▄     ▄  ▀         ▀▄   ▄▀      ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄       ▄   ▄      ▀     ▀ ▀       ▀▄ ▄  ▀
▄    ▀▄   ▄       ▄  ▀          ▄   ▄        ▀  ▄       ▄     ▄▀ ▀        ▄   ▄  ▀ ▀▄       ▄▀    ▄      ▀▄               
           ▀            ▄▀      ▄  ▀     ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀▄▀    ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀      ▄    ▀▄▀     ▀▄     ▄   ▄▀   ▀     ▀     ▀  
▄ ▄   ▄▀▄   ▄              ▀     ▀     ▀          ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄▀     ▀       ▀    ▄     ▄      ▀  ▄▀   ▀     ▀   ▀       ▀
     ▀          ▄     ▄▀     ▀▄       ▄   ▄        ▀    ▄▀ ▀  ▄▀     ▀           ▀ ▀   ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀    ▄     
           ▀ ▀ ▀     ▀ ▀      ▄      ▀          ▄▀    ▄▀    ▄    ▀  ▄               ▄     ▄    ▀     ▀     ▀     ▀ ▀     ▀
    ▄  ▀▄       ▄  ▀ ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀    ▄ ▄▀         ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀          ▄     ▄ ▄          ▀         ▀           ▀▄    ▀▄  ▀  
▄     ▄    ▀    ▄ ▄    ▀    ▄         ▄  ▀      ▄ ▄▀ ▀      ▄          ▀▄ ▄  ▀   ▀  ▄     ▄  ▀  ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄     ▄ ▄ 
  ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀         ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀          ▄▀▄  ▀      ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀▄           ▄▀                ▄▀
         ▀  ▄            ▀ ▀     ▀      ▄▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄     ▄▀    ▄  ▀    ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄     ▄▀▄     ▄    ▀▄   
▄   ▄      ▀▄         ▄ ▄    ▀▄   ▄         ▄   ▄     ▄    ▀▄  ▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄  ▀         ▀     ▀▄ ▄                 ▄ ▄     
        ▄▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀   ▀    ▄  ▀ ▀   ▀     ▀▄▀▄          ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄              ▀▄     ▄          ▀       ▀    ▄ 
 ▀ ▀  ▄      ▀    ▄ ▄     ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄▀     ▀     ▀▄   ▄▀      ▄▀  ▄      ▀ ▀ ▀▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀▄ ▄        ▀▄▀         ▀
    ▄ ▄                     ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄    ▀▄ ▄  ▀  ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄▀             ▀  ▄▀▄ ▄     ▄ ▄      ▀▄ ▄     ▄  ▀          
 ▀▄▀   ▀▄    ▀           ▀▄▀     ▀       ▀     ▀▄▀▄     ▄   ▄          ▀▄    ▀▄           ▄▀   ▀     ▀▄    ▀      ▄▀      
▄         ▄         ▄ ▄       ▄         ▄ ▄               ▄▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀▄   ▄ ▄      ▀ ▀ ▀▄  ▀ ▀   ▀     ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄▀▄▀ ▀
▄   ▄▀    ▄            ▀▄    ▀    ▄     ▄▀▄   ▄▀▄  ▀  ▄ ▄     ▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀        ▄           ▄▀     ▀                      
   ▀   ▀▄  ▀  ▄      ▀ ▀  ▄          ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄     ▄   ▄▀      ▄    ▀▄  ▀     ▀ ▀    ▄▀          ▄          ▀           ▀ ▀
        ▄   ▄         ▄   ▄   ▄      ▀▄▀▄ ▄ ▄▀   ▀  ▄     ▄▀   ▀ ▀  ▄▀▄▀ ▀▄     ▄ ▄     ▄  ▀            ▄    ▀▄  ▀    ▄▀  
     ▀           ▀     ▀                       ▀     ▀   ▀ ▀▄ ▄     ▄   ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄ ▄▀  ▄ ▄     ▄ ▄         ▄▀▄         
   ▀       ▀       ▀     ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀     ▀   ▀   ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀▄ ▄   ▄▀   ▀ ▀         ▀▄          ▀▄    ▀       ▀   ▀ ▀      
  ▄   ▄▀▄▀         ▀ ▀▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀ ▀▄  ▀▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄▀▄▀▄   ▄▀ ▀ ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄ ▄         ▄▀ ▀          ▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀▄▀ ▀  
▄   ▄ ▄         ▄           ▄ ▄   ▄     ▄             ▄   ▄▀ █▄▀▄ ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀▄     ▄    ▀  ▄ ▄▀▄ ▄             ▄▀  ▄ ▄   ▄ 
     ▀   ▀    ▄▀         ▀ ▀ ▀  ▄    ▀ ▀       ▀       ▀▄▀ ▀▄                                                             
         ▀   ▀  ▄ ▄       ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄▀ ▀  ▄  ▀  ▄▀ ▀▄  ▀▄▀   ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄ ▄▀  ▄▀ ▀   ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄     ▄▀  ▄ ▄▀   ▀ ▀    ▄  ▀▄▀   ▀
     ▀                ▄▀▄    ▀▄    ▀    ▄ ▄         ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄   ▄   ▄▀      ▄ ▄  ▀    ▄      ▀▄   ▄     ▄   ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀    
  ▄  ▀   ▀ ▀        ▄▀ ▀ ▀ ▀             ▀ ▀▄    ▀▄  ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄  ▀       ▀     ▀         ▀     ▀           ▀     ▀        
   ▀▄  ▀  ▄  ▀▄   ▄ ▄▀  ▄   ▄    ▀▄ ▄       ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄    ▀ ▀  ▄▀▄    ▀▄  ▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄▀▄▀ ▀▄       ▄▀  ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄    ▀▄▀ ▀      
    ▄ ▄     ▄    ▀    ▄ ▄     ▄     ▄     ▄   ▄▀▄  ▀  ▄     ▄  ▀▄▀▄           ▄     ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄     ▄ ▄         ▄   ▄       
 ▀      ▄          ▀   ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▄    ▀ ▀       ▀▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▀       ▀▄    ▀▄            ▀   ▀      ▄     ▄     ▄▀    ▄ 
 ▀        ▄ ▄ ▄▀   ▀    ▄▀      ▄      ▀▄       ▄ ▄▀   ▀▄    ▀     ▀      ▄  ▀ ▀     ▀  ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄▀   ▀ ▀▄▀          ▄   
▄   ▄     ▄ ▄    ▀     ▀          ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀       ▀           ▀   ▀▄    ▀▄   ▄     ▄▀     ▀  ▄   ▄    ▀    ▄      ▀    
        ▄        ▀   ▀    ▄▀   ▀ ▀    ▄  ▀   ▀ ▀   ▀    ▄▀    ▄   ▄ ▄▀             ▀▄    ▀▄▀     ▀    ▄    ▀ ▀   ▀▄    ▀ ▀
  ▄    ▀▄▀     ▀  ▄      ▀      ▄ ▄ ▄▀     ▀▄     ▄   ▄▀▄   ▄  ▀    ▄     ▄    ▀   ▀     ▀        ▄  ▀ ▀▄    ▀▄ ▄▀        
      ▄    ▀          ▄     ▄      ▀    ▄            ▀▄     ▄   ▄ ▄     ▄   ▄▀   ▀▄               ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄   ▄         ▄ ▄ 
 ▀         ▀  ▄▀   ▀            ▄▀ ▀     ▀  ▄         ▄        ▀  ▄ ▄     ▄▀ ▀▄ ▄        ▀ ▀    ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀         ▀  
▄▀     ▀  ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▀▄▀▄     ▄ ▄  ▀        ▄     ▄       ▄   ▄▀ ▀    ▄    ▀       ▀   ▀   ▀   ▀             ▀ ▀     ▀ ▀ ▀  
                  ▄         ▄           ▄▀▄   ▄          ▀  ▄    ▀▄  ▀▄▀   ▀ ▀▄         ▄    ▀▄    ▀    ▄▀▄ ▄  ▀▄   ▄     
       ▀ ▀    ▄     ▄    ▀▄▀ ▀   ▀     ▀ ▀  ▄▀     ▀ ▀           ▀  ▄▀        ▄     ▄ ▄  ▀           ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀▄       
        ▄      ▀▄     ▄  ▀ ▀        ▄        ▀     ▀  ▄▀▄    ▀▄   ▄▀                ▄▀ ▀    ▄    ▀  ▄▀   ▀▄▀  ▄ ▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀
    ▄      ▀          ▄    ▀▄           ▄▀    ▄▀▄    ▀   ▀     ▀▄▀    ▄    ▀▄▀            ▄  ▀          ▄ ▄       ▄  ▀    
  ▄              ▀ ▀      ▄  ▀▄    ▀▄ ▄  ▀   ▀  ▄ ▄  ▀         ▀  ▄     ▄                   ▄  ▀▄            ▀         ▀  
   ▀▄  ▀▄ ▄  ▀  ▄   ▄▀        ▄▀                       ▀ ▀  ▄▀      ▄▀     ▀   ▀      ▄▀  ▄ ▄        ▀ ▀▄▀▄  ▀▄    ▀   ▀  
▄    ▀    ▄      ▀          ▄      ▀▄  ▀ ▀   ▀       ▀▄         ▄    ▀▄    ▀     ▀ ▀▄   ▄ ▄    ▀▄              ▀      ▄   
         ▀ ▀         ▀ ▀▄        ▀  ▄    ▀        ▄▀    ▄▀  ▄ ▄▀  ▄    ▀   ▀     ▀ ▀▄     ▄  ▀ ▀      ▄     ▄           ▄ 
 ▀ ▀▄    ▀  ▄▀ ▀    ▄         ▄  ▀    ▄    ▀ ▀        ▄▀▄▀   ▀    ▄▀            ▄   ▄ ▄▀     ▀   ▀▄     ▄    ▀       ▀   ▀
     ▀    ▄    ▀  ▄   ▄▀         ▀  ▄   ▄ ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀ ▀                ▄     ▄    ▀ ▀     ▀▄  ▀ ▀▄     ▄       ▄ ▄   ▄   ▄ 
 ▀ ▀        ▄       ▄      ▀ ▀           ▀▄    ▀▄ ▄▀     ▀  ▄       ▄   ▄  ▀ ▀▄       ▄  ▀▄    ▀   ▀  ▄            ▀     ▀
  ▄ ▄          ▀        ▄ ▄    ▀ ▀  ▄       ▄               ▄▀    ▄  ▀    ▄     ▄         ▄▀       ▀   ▀     ▀   ▀     ▀  
          ▄ ▄  ▀▄▀    ▄          ▀▄     ▄     ▄▀      ▄  ▀  ▄  ▀▄ ▄     ▄  ▀           ▀        ▄   ▄▀     ▀   ▀    ▄ ▄   
   ▀ ▀▄           ▄  ▀           ▀ ▀▄       ▄▀ ▀  ▄      ▀  ▄  ▀    ▄  ▀   ▀       ▀  ▄   ▄    ▀        ▄     ▄        ▀  
▄     ▄      ▀     ▀▄     ▄            ▀  ▄▀    ▄  ▀   ▀▄     ▄▀     ▀     ▀  ▄▀                  ▄         ▄▀▄▀    ▄  ▀  
         ▀  ▄  ▀▄     ▄     ▄▀▄     ▄  ▀▄▀▄  ▀                   ▀    ▄ ▄                           ▄▀    ▄▀▄  ▀▄    ▀▄   

The method of presentation of the result consulted " REXX ".


Translation of: Kotlin
Works with: Rust version 1.11.0

<lang rust>use std::fmt;

enum Direction { RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN } use ulam::Direction::*;

/// Indicates whether an integer is a prime number or not. fn is_prime(a: u32) -> bool {

   match a {
       2 => true,
       x if x <= 1 || x % 2 == 0 => false,
       _ => {
           let max = f64::sqrt(a as f64) as u32;
           let mut x =  3;
           while x <= max {
               if a % x == 0 { return false; }
               x += 2;


pub struct Ulam { u : Vec<Vec<String>> }

impl Ulam {

   /// Generates one `Ulam` object.
   pub fn new(n: u32, s: u32, c: char) -> Ulam {
       let mut spiral = vec![vec![String::new(); n as usize]; n as usize];
       let mut dir = RIGHT;
       let mut y = (n / 2) as usize;
       let mut x = if n % 2 == 0 { y - 1 } else { y }; // shift left for even n's
       for j in s..n * n + s {
           spiral[y][x] = if is_prime(j) {
               if c == '\0' { format!("{:4}", j) } else { format!("  {} ", c) }
           else { String::from(" ---") };
           match dir {
               RIGHT => if x as u32 <= n - 1 && spiral[y - 1][x].is_empty() && j > s { dir = UP; },
               UP => if spiral[y][x - 1].is_empty() { dir = LEFT; },
               LEFT => if x == 0 || spiral[y + 1][x].is_empty() { dir = DOWN; },
               DOWN => if spiral[y][x + 1].is_empty() { dir = RIGHT; }
           match dir { RIGHT => x += 1, UP => y -= 1, LEFT => x -= 1, DOWN => y += 1 };
       Ulam { u: spiral }


impl fmt::Display for Ulam {

   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
       for row in &self.u {
           writeln!(f, "{}", format!("{:?}", row).replace("\"", "").replace(", ", ""));
       writeln!(f, "")

}</lang> main.rs : <lang rust>mod ulam; use ulam::*;

// Program entry point. fn main() {

   print!("{}", Ulam::new(9, 1, '\0'));
   print!("{}", Ulam::new(9, 1, '*'));


[ --- --- --- ---  61 ---  59 --- ---]
[ ---  37 --- --- --- --- ---  31 ---]
[  67 ---  17 --- --- ---  13 --- ---]
[ --- --- ---   5 ---   3 ---  29 ---]
[ --- ---  19 --- ---   2  11 ---  53]
[ ---  41 ---   7 --- --- --- --- ---]
[  71 --- --- ---  23 --- --- --- ---]
[ ---  43 --- --- ---  47 --- --- ---]
[  73 --- --- --- --- ---  79 --- ---]

[ --- --- --- ---  *  ---  *  --- ---]
[ ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  ---]
[  *  ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- ---]
[ --- --- ---  *  ---  *  ---  *  ---]
[ --- ---  *  --- ---  *   *  ---  * ]
[ ---  *  ---  *  --- --- --- --- ---]
[  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- --- ---]
[ ---  *  --- --- ---  *  --- --- ---]
[  *  --- --- --- --- ---  *  --- ---]


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang scala>object Ulam extends App {

   private object Direction extends Enumeration { val RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN = Value }
   private def generate(n: Int, i: Int = 1)(c: Char = 0) {
       assert(n > 1, "n > 1")
       val s = new Array[Array[String]](n).transform {_ => new Array[String](n) }
       import Direction._
       var dir = RIGHT
       var y = n / 2
       var x = if (n % 2 == 0) y - 1 else y // shift left for even n's
       for (j <- i to n * n - 1 + i) {
           s(y)(x) = if (isPrime(j)) if (c == 0) "%4d".format(j) else s"  $c " else " ---"
           dir match {
               case RIGHT => if (x <= n - 1 && s(y - 1)(x) == null && j > i) dir = UP
               case UP => if (s(y)(x - 1) == null) dir = LEFT
               case LEFT => if (x == 0 || s(y + 1)(x) == null) dir = DOWN
               case DOWN => if (s(y)(x + 1) == null) dir = RIGHT
           dir match {
               case RIGHT => x += 1
               case UP => y -= 1
               case LEFT => x -= 1
               case DOWN => y += 1
       println("[" + s.map(_.mkString("")).reduceLeft(_ + "]\n[" + _) + "]\n")
   private def isPrime(a: Int): Boolean = {
       if (a == 2) return true
       if (a <= 1 || a % 2 == 0) return false
       val max = Math.sqrt(a.toDouble).toInt
       for (n <- 3 to max by 2)
           if (a % n == 0) return false



Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>require('Imager')   var (n=512, start=1, file='ulam.png')


   'n=i' => \n,
   's=i' => \start,
   'f=s' => \file,

)   func cell(n, x, y, start) {

   y -= (n   >> 1)
   x -= (n-1 >> 1)
   var l = 2*(x.abs > y.abs ? x.abs : y.abs)
   var d = (y > x ? (l*3 + x + y) : (l - x - y))
   (l-1)**2 + d + start - 1

}   var black = %O<Imager::Color>.new('#000000') var white = %O<Imager::Color>.new('#FFFFFF')   var img = %O<Imager>.new(xsize => n, ysize => n, channels => 1) img.box(filled => 1, color => white)   for y=(^n), x=(^n) {

   if (cell(n, x, y, start).is_prime) {
       img.setpixel(x => x, y => y, color => black)

}   img.write(file => file)</lang> Output image: Ulam spiral


This uses a coroutine to walk around the circle, laying glyphs every prime number of tiles. Some more elaborate, interactive Tk GUIs for playing with Ulam spirals are at Ulam Spiral and Ulam Spiral Demo on the Tcl'ers Wiki.

<lang Tcl>proc is_prime {n} {

   if {$n == 1} {return 0}
   if {$n in {2 3 5}} {return 1}
   for {set i 2} {$i*$i <= $n} {incr i} {
       if {$n % $i == 0} {return 0}
   return 1


proc spiral {w h} {

   yield [info coroutine]
   set x [expr {$w / 2}]
   set y [expr {$h / 2}]
   set n 1
   set dir 0
   set steps 1
   set step 1
   while {1} {
       yield [list $x $y]
       switch $dir {
           0   {incr x}
           1   {incr y -1}
           2   {incr x -1}
           3   {incr y}
       if {![incr step -1]} {
           set dir [expr {($dir+1)%4}]
           if {$dir % 2 == 0} {
               incr steps
           set step $steps


set radius 16 set side [expr {1 + 2 * $radius}] set n [expr {$side * $side}] set cells [lrepeat $side [lrepeat $side ""]] set i 1

coroutine spin spiral $side $side

while {$i < $n} {

   lassign [spin] y x
   set c [expr {[is_prime $i] ? "\u169b" : " "}]
   lset cells $x $y $c
   incr i


puts [join [lmap row $cells {join $row " "}] \n]</lang>

The mark used is Unicode's OGHAM FEATHER MARK .. the closest I could find to a Tcl logo.

        ᚛   ᚛           ᚛       ᚛                       ᚛        
                              ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛              
                            ᚛       ᚛               ᚛       ᚛   ᚛
      ᚛       ᚛                       ᚛   ᚛           ᚛          
    ᚛   ᚛           ᚛   ᚛           ᚛           ᚛                
                      ᚛                       ᚛       ᚛          
᚛           ᚛       ᚛               ᚛           ᚛                
  ᚛       ᚛                   ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛   ᚛   ᚛      
᚛               ᚛           ᚛                   ᚛   ᚛       ᚛    
      ᚛           ᚛       ᚛   ᚛                               ᚛  
                                ᚛   ᚛           ᚛       ᚛       ᚛
  ᚛       ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛               ᚛       ᚛   ᚛      
                                ᚛   ᚛       ᚛                    
              ᚛       ᚛   ᚛           ᚛   ᚛   ᚛           ᚛   ᚛  
᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛       ᚛               ᚛            
                              ᚛   ᚛   ᚛                       ᚛  
                    ᚛       ᚛     ᚛ ᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛       ᚛   ᚛   ᚛
      ᚛               ᚛   ᚛   ᚛                                  
                        ᚛       ᚛                                
  ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛       ᚛   ᚛       ᚛       ᚛  
        ᚛       ᚛       ᚛           ᚛           ᚛   ᚛       ᚛    
                          ᚛                       ᚛              
                ᚛   ᚛           ᚛       ᚛       ᚛               ᚛
          ᚛       ᚛                       ᚛               ᚛      
᚛           ᚛           ᚛       ᚛   ᚛                            
                      ᚛   ᚛       ᚛           ᚛       ᚛          
᚛   ᚛   ᚛   ᚛                   ᚛   ᚛           ᚛           ᚛   ᚛
      ᚛       ᚛                       ᚛   ᚛                      
    ᚛   ᚛           ᚛           ᚛       ᚛   ᚛                    
  ᚛               ᚛                   ᚛               ᚛          
                    ᚛   ᚛       ᚛   ᚛                   ᚛        
              ᚛       ᚛           ᚛           ᚛                  
        ᚛   ᚛           ᚛                                   ᚛   


<lang vb> Function build_spiral(n) 'declare a two dimentional array Dim matrix() ReDim matrix(n-1,n-1) 'determine starting point x = (n-1)/2 : y = (n-1)/2 'set the initial iterations x_max = 1 : y_max = 1 : count = 1 'set initial direction dir = "R" 'populate the array For i = 1 To n*n l = Len(n*n) If IsPrime(i) Then matrix(x,y) = Right("000" & i,l) Else matrix(x,y) = String(l,"-") End If Select Case dir Case "R" If x_max > 0 Then x = x + 1 : x_max = x_max - 1 Else dir = "U" : y_max = count y = y - 1 : y_max = y_max - 1 End If Case "U" If y_max > 0 Then y = y - 1 : y_max = y_max - 1 Else dir = "L" : count = count + 1 : x_max = count x = x - 1 : x_max = x_max - 1 End If Case "L" If x_max > 0 Then x = x - 1 : x_max = x_max - 1 Else dir = "D" : y_max = count y = y + 1 : y_max = y_max - 1 End If Case "D" If y_max > 0 Then y = y + 1 : y_max = y_max - 1 Else dir = "R" : count = count + 1 : x_max = count x = x + 1 : x_max = x_max - 1 End If End Select Next 'print the matrix For y = 0 To n - 1 For x = 0 To n - 1 If x = n - 1 Then WScript.StdOut.Write matrix(x,y) Else WScript.StdOut.Write matrix(x,y) & vbTab End If Next WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Next End Function

Function IsPrime(n) If n = 2 Then IsPrime = True ElseIf n <= 1 Or n Mod 2 = 0 Then IsPrime = False Else IsPrime = True For i = 3 To Int(Sqr(n)) Step 2 If n Mod i = 0 Then IsPrime = False Exit For End If Next End If End Function

'test with 9 build_spiral(9) </lang>

--	--	--	--	61	--	59	--	--
--	37	--	--	--	--	--	31	--
67	--	17	--	--	--	13	--	--
--	--	--	05	--	03	--	29	--
--	--	19	--	--	02	11	--	53
--	41	--	07	--	--	--	--	--
71	--	--	--	23	--	--	--	--
--	43	--	--	--	47	--	--	--
73	--	--	--	--	--	79	--	--


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-dynamic
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-str
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/dynamic" for Enum import "/math" for Int import "/str" for Char import "/fmt" for Fmt

var Direction = Enum.create("Direction", ["right", "up", "left", "down"])

class Ulam {

   static generate(n, i, c) {
       if (n <= 1) Fiber.abort ("'n' must be more than 1.")
       var s = List.filled(n, null)
       for (i in 0...n) s[i] = List.filled(n, "")
       var dir = Direction.right
       var y = (n/2).floor
       var x = (n % 2 == 0) ? y - 1 : y  // shift left for even n's
       for (j in i..n * n - 1 + i) {
           s[y][x] = Int.isPrime(j) ? (Char.isDigit(c) ? Fmt.d(4, j) : "  %(c) ") : " ---"
           if (dir == Direction.right) {
               if (x <= n - 1 && s[y - 1][x] == "" && j > i) dir = Direction.up
           } else if (dir == Direction.up) {
               if (s[y][x - 1] == "") dir = Direction.left
           } else if (dir == Direction.left) {
               if (x == 0 || s[y + 1][x] == "") dir = Direction.down
           } else if (dir == Direction.down) {
               if (s[y][x + 1] == "") dir = Direction.right
           if (dir == Direction.right) {
               x = x + 1
           } else if (dir == Direction.up) {
               y = y - 1
           } else if (dir == Direction.left) {
               x = x - 1
           } else if (dir == Direction.down) {
               y = y + 1
       for (row in s) Fmt.print("$s", row)


Ulam.generate(9, 1, "0") // with digits Ulam.generate(9, 1, "*") // with *</lang>

 ---  ---  ---  ---   61  ---   59  ---  ---
 ---   37  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   31  ---
  67  ---   17  ---  ---  ---   13  ---  ---
 ---  ---  ---    5  ---    3  ---   29  ---
 ---  ---   19  ---  ---    2   11  ---   53
 ---   41  ---    7  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---
  71  ---  ---  ---   23  ---  ---  ---  ---
 ---   43  ---  ---  ---   47  ---  ---  ---
  73  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   79  ---  ---

 ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---   *   ---  ---
 ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---
  *   ---   *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---
 ---  ---  ---   *   ---   *   ---   *   ---
 ---  ---   *   ---  ---   *    *   ---   * 
 ---   *   ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---
  *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---  ---  ---
 ---   *   ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---  ---
  *   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   *   ---  ---


Translation of: Phix

<lang Yabasic>sub is_prime(n)

   local p
   for p=2 to n
       if p*p>n break
       if mod(n,p)=0 return false
   return n>=2

end sub

sub spiral(w, h, x, y)

   if y then
       return w+spiral(h-1,w,y-1,w-x-1)
       return x
   end if

end sub

w = 9 : h = 9 for i=h-1 to 0 step -1

   for j=w-1 to 0 step -1
       p = w*h-spiral(w,h,j,i)
       print mid$(" o", is_prime(p) + 1, 1);



Simulates turtle graphics, spiral by walking straight while holding left hand against the wall dropping prime breadcrumbs.

Using Extensible prime generator#zkl and the PPM class from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#zkl. <lang zkl>var primes =Utils.Generator(Import("sieve.zkl").postponed_sieve); // lazy var offsets=Utils.cycle( T(0,1),T(-1,0),T(0,-1),T(1,0) ); // (N,E,S,W), lazy const BLACK=0, WHITE=0xff|ff|ff, GREEN=0x00|ff|00, EMPTY=0x080|80|80; fcn uspiral(N){

  if((M:=N).isEven) M+=1;  // need odd width, height
  img,p := PPM(M,M,EMPTY), primes.next(); // 2 .. 250,007: 22,045 primes
  x,y,n := N/2,x,2; img[x,y]=GREEN; x+=1; // start on 2 facing "north"
     ox,oy:=offsets.next(); leftx,lefty:=offsets.peek();  // set direction

img[x,y]=( if(n==p){ p=primes.next(); WHITE } else BLACK ); if(n==N*N) break(2); // all done n+=1; if(img[x+leftx,y+lefty]==EMPTY) // nothing to my left, turn left { x+=leftx; y+=lefty; break; } x+=ox; y+=oy; // move in a straight line





A PPM image similar to that shown in Raku but denser. A green dot marks the center.
