Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail: Difference between revisions

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+ string_trim(" foobar "), newline)) FI
+ string_trim(" foobar "), newline)) FI

<lang AppleScript>use framework "Foundation" -- "OS X" Yosemite onwards, for NSRegularExpression

-- isSpace :: Char -> Bool
on isSpace(c)
((length of c) = 1) and regexTest("\\s", c)
end isSpace

-- stripStart :: Text -> Text
on stripStart(s)
dropWhile(isSpace, s) as text
end stripStart

-- stripEnd :: Text -> Text
on stripEnd(s)
dropWhileEnd(isSpace, s) as text
end stripEnd

-- strip :: Text -> Text
on strip(s)
dropAround(isSpace, s) as text
end strip

on run
set strText to " \t\t \n \r Much Ado About Nothing \t \n \r "
script arrowed
on lambda(x)
"-->" & x & "<--"
end lambda
end script
map(arrowed, [stripStart(strText), stripEnd(strText), strip(strText)])
-- {"-->Much Ado About Nothing
-- <--", "-->
-- Much Ado About Nothing<--", "-->Much Ado About Nothing<--"}
end run


-- dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
on dropWhile(p, xs)
tell mReturn(p)
set lng to length of xs
set i to 1
repeat while i ≤ lng and lambda(item i of xs)
set i to i + 1
end repeat
end tell
if i ≤ lng then
items i thru lng of xs
end if
end dropWhile

-- dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
on dropWhileEnd(p, xs)
tell mReturn(p)
set i to length of xs
repeat while i > 0 and lambda(item i of xs)
set i to i - 1
end repeat
end tell
if i > 0 then
items 1 thru i of xs
end if
end dropWhileEnd

-- dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
on dropAround(p, xs)
dropWhile(p, dropWhileEnd(p, xs))
end dropAround

-- regexTest :: RegexPattern -> String -> Bool
on regexTest(strRegex, str)
set ca to current application
set oString to ca's NSString's stringWithString:str
((ca's NSRegularExpression's regularExpressionWithPattern:strRegex ¬
options:((ca's NSRegularExpressionAnchorsMatchLines as integer)) ¬
|error|:(missing value))'s firstMatchInString:oString options:0 ¬
range:{location:0, |length|:oString's |length|()}) is not missing value
end regexTest

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set lng to length of xs
set lst to {}
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
if class of f is script then
property lambda : f
end script
end if
end mReturn</lang>

<lang AppleScript>{"-->Much Ado About Nothing
<--", "-->
Much Ado About Nothing<--", "-->Much Ado About Nothing<--"}</lang>


Revision as of 03:44, 2 November 2016

Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Demonstrate how to strip leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

The solution should demonstrate how to achieve the following three results:

  • String with leading whitespace removed
  • String with trailing whitespace removed
  • String with both leading and trailing whitespace removed

For the purposes of this task whitespace includes non printable characters such as the space character, the tab character, and other such characters that have no corresponding graphical representation.


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; procedure StripDemo is

  str : String := "     Jabberwocky     ";


  Put_Line ("'" & Trim (str, Left) & "'");
  Put_Line ("'" & Trim (str, Right) & "'");
  Put_Line ("'" & Trim (str, Both) & "'");

end StripDemo;</lang>

'Jabberwocky     '
'     Jabberwocky'


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 2.8.win32

<lang algol68># returns "text" with leading non-printing characters removed # PROC trim leading whitespace = ( STRING text )STRING: BEGIN

   INT pos := LWB text;
       IF pos > UPB text
           text[ pos ] <= " "
       pos +:= 1
   text[ pos : ]

END; # trim leading whitespace #

  1. returns "text" with trailing non-printing characters removed #

PROC trim trailing whitespace = ( STRING text )STRING: BEGIN

   INT pos := UPB text;
       IF pos < LWB text
           text[ pos ] <= " "
       pos -:= 1
   text[ : pos ]

END; # trim trailing whitespace #

  1. returns "text" with leading and trailing non-printing characters removed #

PROC trim whitespace = ( STRING text )STRING: BEGIN

   trim trailing whitespace( trim leading whitespace( text ) )

END; # trim whitespace #


   STRING test = "   leading and trailing spaces surrounded this text   ";
   print( ( "trim  leading: """ + trim leading whitespace ( test ) + """", newline ) );
   print( ( "trim trailing: """ + trim trailing whitespace( test ) + """", newline ) );
   print( ( "trim     both: """ + trim whitespace         ( test ) + """", newline ) )


trim  leading: "leading and trailing spaces surrounded this text   "
trim trailing: "   leading and trailing spaces surrounded this text"
trim     both: "leading and trailing spaces surrounded this text"

Version 2

Works with: ALGOL 68G version 2.8.3

A single procedure that trims leading space, trailing space, or both.

<lang algol68>#

 Trim leading and trailing whitespace from string.
 @param str A string.
 @return A string trimmed of leading and trailing white space.

PROC string_trim = (STRING str) STRING: (

   INT i := 1, j := 0;
   WHILE str[i] = blank DO
       i +:= 1
   WHILE str[UPB str - j] = blank DO
       j +:= 1
   str[i:UPB str - j]


test: (

   IF string_trim("   foobar") /= "foobar" THEN
       print(("string_trim('   foobar'): expected 'foobar'; actual: "
             + string_trim("   foobar"), newline)) FI;
   IF string_trim("foobar   ") /= "foobar" THEN
       print(("string_trim('foobar   '): expected 'foobar'; actual: "
             + string_trim("foobar   "), newline)) FI;
   IF string_trim("   foobar   ") /= "foobar" THEN
       print(("string_trim('   foobar   '): expected 'foobar'; actual: "
             + string_trim("   foobar   "), newline)) FI



Translation of: JavaScript
Translation of: Haskell

<lang AppleScript>use framework "Foundation" -- "OS X" Yosemite onwards, for NSRegularExpression

-- isSpace :: Char -> Bool on isSpace(c)

   ((length of c) = 1) and regexTest("\\s", c)

end isSpace

-- stripStart :: Text -> Text on stripStart(s)

   dropWhile(isSpace, s) as text

end stripStart

-- stripEnd :: Text -> Text on stripEnd(s)

   dropWhileEnd(isSpace, s) as text

end stripEnd

-- strip :: Text -> Text on strip(s)

   dropAround(isSpace, s) as text

end strip

-- TEST on run

   set strText to "  \t\t \n \r    Much Ado About Nothing \t \n \r  "
   script arrowed
       on lambda(x)
           "-->" & x & "<--"
       end lambda
   end script
   map(arrowed, [stripStart(strText), stripEnd(strText), strip(strText)])
   --     {"-->Much Ado About Nothing      
   --   <--", "-->           
   --     Much Ado About Nothing<--", "-->Much Ado About Nothing<--"}

end run


-- dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] on dropWhile(p, xs)

   tell mReturn(p)
       set lng to length of xs
       set i to 1
       repeat while i ≤ lng and lambda(item i of xs)
           set i to i + 1
       end repeat
   end tell
   if i ≤ lng then
       items i thru lng of xs
   end if

end dropWhile

-- dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] on dropWhileEnd(p, xs)

   tell mReturn(p)
       set i to length of xs
       repeat while i > 0 and lambda(item i of xs)
           set i to i - 1
       end repeat
   end tell
   if i > 0 then
       items 1 thru i of xs
   end if

end dropWhileEnd

-- dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] on dropAround(p, xs)

   dropWhile(p, dropWhileEnd(p, xs))

end dropAround

-- regexTest :: RegexPattern -> String -> Bool on regexTest(strRegex, str)

   set ca to current application
   set oString to ca's NSString's stringWithString:str
   ((ca's NSRegularExpression's regularExpressionWithPattern:strRegex ¬
       options:((ca's NSRegularExpressionAnchorsMatchLines as integer)) ¬
       |error|:(missing value))'s firstMatchInString:oString options:0 ¬
       range:{location:0, |length|:oString's |length|()}) is not missing value

end regexTest

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)

   if class of f is script then
           property lambda : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn</lang>


<lang AppleScript>{"-->Much Ado About Nothing

 <--", "-->           

   Much Ado About Nothing<--", "-->Much Ado About Nothing<--"}</lang>


AutoHotkey_L and v2 contain a Trim function <lang AutoHotkey>string := " abc " MsgBox % clipboard := "<" LTrim(string) ">`n<" RTrim(string) ">`n<" . Trim(string) ">"</lang>

<abc   >
<   abc>


  • [:graph:] is a POSIX character class for characters that are both printable and visible. The following strips the entire non-[:graph:] character set. A simplified version for the more common task of removing only spaces and tabs follows it.

<lang awk>function trimleft(str ,c, out, arr) {

   c = split(str, arr, "")
   for ( i = match(str, /graph:/); i <= c; i++)
         out = out arr[i]
   return out


function reverse(str ,n, tmp, j, out) {

   n = split(str, tmp, "")
   for (j = n; j > 0; j--) 
       out = out tmp[j]    
   return out


function trimright(str) {

   return reverse(trimleft(reverse(str)))


function trim(str) {

   return trimright(trimleft(str))



   str = " \x0B\t\r\n \xA0 Hellö \xA0\x0B\t\r\n "
   print "string  = |" str "|"
   print "left    = |" trimleft(str) "|"
   print "right   = |" trimright(str) "|"
   print "both    = |" trim(str) "|"


Output from 26 May 2015:
string  = |

 ▒ Hellö ▒

left    = |Hellö ▒

right   = |

 ▒ Hellö|
both    = |Hellö|

Simplified for removing [:blank:] (spaces and tabs) or [:space:] (for [ \t\r\n\v\f] ). This method does not work using [:graph:]

<lang awk>function trim(str) {

   gsub(/^blank:+/,"", str) # Remove leading
   gsub(/blank:+$/,"", str) # Remove trailing
   gsub(/^blank:+|blank:+$/, "", str) # Remove both
   return str;



Works with: QBasic

<lang qbasic> mystring$=ltrim(mystring$) ' remove leading whitespace

mystring$=rtrim(mystring$)           ' remove trailing whitespace
mystring$=ltrim(rtrim(mystring$))    ' remove both leading and trailing whitespace</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> REM Remove leading whitespace:

     WHILE ASC(A$)<=32 A$ = MID$(A$,2) : ENDWHILE
     REM Remove trailing whitespace:
     WHILE ASC(RIGHT$(A$))<=32 A$ = LEFT$(A$) : ENDWHILE
     REM Remove both leading and trailing whitespace:
     WHILE ASC(A$)<=32 A$ = MID$(A$,2) : ENDWHILE
     WHILE ASC(RIGHT$(A$))<=32 A$ = LEFT$(A$) : ENDWHILE</lang>


Greedy pattern matching is not Bracmat's strongest field. So instead of a pattern that globs all white space characters, we have a pattern that finds the first non-whitespace character. That character, and the remainder of the subject string, constitute a left trimmed string. To do a right trim, we reverse the string, do a left trim and reverse back. <lang bracmat>( ( ltrim

 =   s
   .   @( !arg
        :   ?
            (   ( %@
                : ~( " "
                   | \a
                   | \b
                   | \n
                   | \r
                   | \t
                   | \v
            : ?s
     & !s

& (rtrim=.rev$(ltrim$(rev$!arg))) & (trim=.rev$(ltrim$(rev$(ltrim$!arg)))) & (string=" \a Hear the sound? \v

\r ") & out$(str$("Input:[" !string "]")) & out$(str$("ltrim:[" ltrim$!string "]")) & out$(str$("rtrim:[" rtrim$!string "]")) & out$(str$("trim :[" trim$!string "]")) & );</lang> Output (Notice the effect of the ancient \a (alarm) and \v (vertical tab)):

Input:[     Hear
         the sound?

         the sound?

rtrim:[     Hear
         the sound?]
trim :[Hear
         the sound?]


<lang burlesque> blsq ) " this is a string "t[ "this is a string " blsq ) " this is a string "t] " this is a string" blsq ) " this is a string "tt "this is a string" </lang>


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <ctype.h>

char *rtrim(const char *s) {

 while( isspace(*s) || !isprint(*s) ) ++s;
 return strdup(s);


char *ltrim(const char *s) {

 char *r = strdup(s);
 if (r != NULL)
   char *fr = r + strlen(s) - 1;
   while( (isspace(*fr) || !isprint(*fr) || *fr == 0) && fr >= r) --fr;
   *++fr = 0;
 return r;


char *trim(const char *s) {

 char *r = rtrim(s);
 char *f = ltrim(r);
 return f;


const char *a = " this is a string ";

int main() {

 char *b = rtrim(a);
 char *c = ltrim(a);
 char *d = trim(a);
 printf("'%s'\n'%s'\n'%s'\n", b, c, d);
 return 0;



<lang cpp>#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <iostream>

int main( ) {

  std::string testphrase( "    There are unwanted blanks here!    " ) ;
  std::string lefttrimmed = boost::trim_left_copy( testphrase ) ;
  std::string righttrimmed = boost::trim_right_copy( testphrase ) ;
  std::cout << "The test phrase is :" << testphrase << "\n" ;
  std::cout << "Trimmed on the left side :" << lefttrimmed << "\n" ;
  std::cout << "Trimmed on the right side :" << righttrimmed << "\n" ;
  boost::trim( testphrase ) ;
  std::cout << "Trimmed on both sides :" <<  testphrase  << "\n" ;
  return 0 ;


The test phrase is :    There are unwanted blanks here!    
Trimmed on the left side :There are unwanted blanks here!    
Trimmed on the right side :    There are unwanted blanks here!
Trimmed on both sides :There are unwanted blanks here!


<lang csharp>using System;

public class TrimExample {

   public static void Main(String[] args)
       const string toTrim = " Trim me ";
   private static string Wrap(string s)
       return "'" + s + "'";


'Trim me '
' Trim me'
'Trim me'


Works with: GNU Cobol version 2.0



<lang clojure> (use 'clojure.string) (triml " my string ") => "my string " (trimr " my string ") => " my string" (trim " \t\r\n my string \t\r\n ") => "my string" </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>; Common whitespace characters (defvar *whitespace* '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab))

(defvar str " foo bar baz ")

(string-trim *whitespace* str)

-> "foo bar baz"

(string-left-trim *whitespace* str)

-> "foo bar baz "

(string-right-trim *whitespace* str)

-> " foo bar baz"
Whitespace characters defined by Unicode for
implementations which support it (e.g. CLISP, SBCL).

(defvar *unicode-whitespace*

 '(#\u0009 #\u000a #\u000b #\u000c #\u000d
   #\u0020 #\u0085 #\u00a0 #\u1680 #\u2000
   #\u2001 #\u2002 #\u2003 #\u2004 #\u2005
   #\u2006 #\u2007 #\u2008 #\u2009 #\u200a
   #\u2028 #\u2029 #\u202f #\u205f #\u3000))

(defvar unicode-str

 (format nil "~C~Cfoo~Cbar~Cbaz~C~C"
         #\u2000 #\u2003 #\u0020 #\u00a0 #\u0009 #\u202f))

(string-trim *unicode-whitespace* unicode-str)

-> "foo bar baz"

(string-left-trim *unicode-whitespace* unicode-str)

-> "foo bar baz  "

(string-right-trim *unicode-whitespace* unicode-str)

-> "  foo bar baz"</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string;

void main() {

   auto s = " \t \r \n String with spaces  \t  \r  \n  ";
   assert(s.stripLeft() == "String with spaces  \t  \r  \n  ");
   assert(s.stripRight() == " \t \r \n String with spaces");
   assert(s.strip() == "String with spaces");


Delphi /Pascal

<lang Delphi>program StripWhitespace;


uses SysUtils;


 TEST_STRING = '     String with spaces     ';


 Writeln('"' + TEST_STRING + '"');
 Writeln('"' + TrimLeft(TEST_STRING) + '"');
 Writeln('"' + TrimRight(TEST_STRING) + '"');
 Writeln('"' + Trim(TEST_STRING) + '"');



Translation of: Delphi

<lang Delphi>const TEST_STRING = ' String with spaces ';

PrintLn('"' + TEST_STRING + '"'); PrintLn('"' + TrimLeft(TEST_STRING) + '"'); PrintLn('"' + TrimRight(TEST_STRING) + '"'); PrintLn('"' + Trim(TEST_STRING) + '"');</lang>


<lang scheme> (define witt

  "                 The limits of my world are the limits of my langage.         ")

(string->html (string-trim witt))

  → "The limits of my world are the limits of my langage."

(string->html (string-trim-left witt))

  → "The limits of my world are the limits of my langage.         "

(string->html (string-trim-right witt))

  → "                 The limits of my world are the limits of my langage."



<lang elixir>str = "\n \t foo \n\t bar \t \n" IO.inspect String.strip(str) IO.inspect String.rstrip(str) IO.inspect String.lstrip(str)</lang>

"foo \n\t bar"
"\n \t foo \n\t bar"
"foo \n\t bar \t \n"

Emacs Lisp

trim left

<lang Emacs Lisp> (defun trim-l (str)

 (replace-regexp-in-string "^ +"  "" str) )

(setq str " left between right ") (insert (trim-l str) )

</lang> Output:

left between right    

trim right

<lang Emacs Lisp> (defun trim-r (str)

 (replace-regexp-in-string " +$"  "" str) )

(setq str " left between right ") (insert (trim-r str) ) </lang> Output:

    left between right

trim version 1

<lang Emacs Lisp> (defun trim (str)

 (trim-l (trim-r str) ))

(setq str " left between right ") (insert (trim str) ) </lang> Output:

left between right

trim version 2

<lang Emacs Lisp> (defun trim (str)

 (mapconcat 'identity (split-string str)  " ") )

(setq str " left between right ") (insert (trim str) ) </lang> Output:

left between right


<lang erlang>% Implemented by Arjun Sunel 1> string:strip(" Hello World! ", left). %remove leading whitespaces "Hello World! "

2> string:strip(" Hello World! ", right). % remove trailing whitespaces " Hello World!"

3> string:strip(" Hello World! ", both).  % remove both leading and trailing whitespace "Hello World!" </lang>


Works with: Euphoria version 4.0.3, 4.0.0 and later

A string (sequence) 'A B C' is surrounded by unwanted characters including spaces. The trim() function Trims "all items in the supplied set from both the left end (head/start) and right end (tail/end) of a sequence." It's part of the standard library, std/text.e .

Special characters in a string literal are typed 'escaped' with a '\' followed by one character. Other special characters are written using escaped hexadecimal , example : \x04 to represent hexadecimal ascii 04 or \u2A7C for 4-digit UTF, or more than two digit ascii characters : \u0127.

<lang euphoria>include std/console.e include std/text.e

sequence removables = " \t\n\r\x05\u0234\" " sequence extraSeq = " \x05\r \" A B C \n \t\t \u0234 \r\r \x05 "

extraSeq = trim(extraSeq,removables) --the work is done by the trim function

--only output programming next : printf(1, "String Trimmed is now: %s \r\n", {extraSeq} ) --print the resulting string to screen

for i = 1 to length(extraSeq) do --loop over each character in the sequence.

   printf(1, "String element %d", i) --to look at more detail,
   printf(1, " : %d\r\n", extraSeq[i])--print integer values(ascii) of the string.

end for



String Trimmed is now: A  B  C
String element 1 : 65
String element 2 : 32
String element 3 : 32
String element 4 : 66
String element 5 : 32
String element 6 : 32
String element 7 : 67
Press Any Key to continue...


<lang fsharp>[<EntryPoint>] let main args =

   printfn "%A" (args.[0].TrimStart())
   printfn "%A" (args.[0].TrimEnd())
   printfn "%A" (args.[0].Trim())
>rosetta " a string "
"a string "
" a string"
"a string"


<lang factor> USING: unicode.categories; " test string " [ blank? ] trim  ! leading and trailing " test string " [ blank? ] trim-head  ! only leading " test string " [ blank? ] trim-tail  ! only trailing </lang>


<lang forth>: -leading ( addr len -- addr' len' )

 begin over c@ bl = while 1 /string repeat ;

\ -trailing is built in

s" test " 2dup -leading cr type 2dup -trailing cr type

    -leading -trailing cr type</lang>

Create a "trim" function <lang> : trim ( addr len -- addr' len') -leading -trailing ; </lang> Test at the Forth console

s"        Trim this string.        "  trim cr type
Trim this string. ok


The problem is that Fortran does not offer a "string" type, which is to say a store of characters plus a current length. Leaving aside later Fortrans where one can create a data type and associated operations, one must deal with CHARACTER style items, though they were not available in early Fortran. Thus, CHARACTER*(60) TEXT creates a variable capable of storing sixty characters and there is no "varying" attribute as in pl/i to signify a current length as well. The intrinsic function LEN(TEXT) returns 60, so it is really the "size" function. Functions can return CHARACTER types, but, only of a specified size, fixed at compile time. It is common then to have many trailing spaces in such variables. An expression TEXT(start:stop) means select characters start to stop of TEXT.

A function LEN_TRIM(x) may be supplied, returning the index of the last non-blank character. And only of spaces: tabs and suchlike are not blanks. Thus, to remove trailing spaces, TEXT(1:LEN_TRIM(TEXT)) would do the trick. There may also be available an intrinsic function TRIM, which removes leading and trailing spaces, thus TRIM(TEXT) and which does so for any length of TEXT and any length of result, unlike user-written functions that have a fixed result length.

Otherwise, one must write integer functions such as ISTNB(x) and LSTNB(x) to return the first and last non-blank character of x and use them in something like TEXT(ISTNB(TEXT):LSTNB(TEXT)) wherever one wants the trimmed content of TEXT. Correspondingly TEXT(ISTNB(TEXT):LEN(TEXT)) to omit leading spaces and TEXT(1:LSTNB(TEXT)) to omit trailing spaces. Such user-written functions can make their own choices about tabs and any other special characters.


<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Const whitespace = !" \t\n\v\f\r"

Dim s As String = !" \tRosetta Code \v\f\r\n" Dim s1 As String = LTrim (s, Any whitespace) Dim s2 As String = RTrim (s, Any whitespace) Dim s3 As String = Trim (s, Any whitespace)

' Under Windows console : ' "vertical tab" displays as ♂ ' "form feed" displays as ♀ ' the other whitespace characters do what it says on the tin

Print "Untrimmed" , "=> "; s Print "Left Trimmed" , "=> "; s1 Print "Right Trimmed" , "=> "; s2 Print "Fully Trimmed" , "=> "; s3 Print Print "Untrimmed" , "=> Length = "; Len(s) Print "Left trimmed" , "=> Length = "; Len(s1) Print "Right trimmed" , "=> Length = "; Len(s2) Print "Fully trimmed" , "=> Length = "; Len(s3) Sleep</lang>

Untrimmed     =>        Rosetta Code ♂♀

Left Trimmed  => Rosetta Code ♂♀

Right Trimmed =>        Rosetta Code
Fully Trimmed => Rosetta Code

Untrimmed     =>  Length =  20
Left trimmed  =>  Length =  17
Right trimmed =>  Length =  15
Fully trimmed =>  Length =  12


<lang go>package main

import (



var simple = `

   simple   `

func main() {

   show("original", simple)
   show("leading ws removed", strings.TrimLeftFunc(simple, unicode.IsSpace))
   show("trailing ws removed", strings.TrimRightFunc(simple, unicode.IsSpace))
   // equivalent to strings.TrimFunc(simple, unicode.IsSpace)
   show("both removed", strings.TrimSpace(simple))


func show(label, str string) {

   fmt.Printf("%s: |%s| %v\n", label, str, []rune(str))

}</lang> Example text is shows a leading linefeed and tab, and three trailing spaces. The code uses the Unicode definition of whitespace. Other defintions could be implemented with a custom function given to TrimXFunc.

Output below shows the text surrounded by vertical bars to show the extent of whitespace, followed by a list of the character values in the string, to show exactly what whitespace is present.

original: |
        simple   | [10 9 115 105 109 112 108 101 32 32 32]
leading ws removed: |simple   | [115 105 109 112 108 101 32 32 32]
trailing ws removed: |
        simple| [10 9 115 105 109 112 108 101]
both removed: |simple| [115 105 109 112 108 101]


Solution uses StringUtils class from Apache Commons "Lang" library: <lang groovy>//Grape setup to get library @Grab('org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.0.1') import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.*

def abc = '\r\n\t abc \r\n\t'

def printTest = {

   println ('|' + it + '|')


println 'Unstripped\n------------' printTest abc

println '============\n\nStripped\n------------' printTest strip(abc)

println '============\n\nLeft Stripped\n------------' printTest stripStart(abc, null)

println '============\n\nRight Stripped\n------------' printTest stripEnd(abc, null) println '============'</lang>



Left Stripped

Right Stripped


<lang haskell>import Data.Char

trimLeft :: String -> String trimLeft = dropWhile isSpace

trimRight :: String -> String trimRight str | all isSpace str = "" trimRight (c : cs) = c : trimRight cs

trim :: String -> String trim = trimLeft . trimRight</lang>

Icon and Unicon

This solution takes the phrase "other such characters that have no corresponding graphical representation" quite literallly. <lang Unicon>procedure main()

   unp := &cset[1+:32]++' \t'++&cset[127:0]   # all 'unprintable' chars
   s := " Hello, people of earth!  	"
   write("Original:      '",s,"'")
   write("leading trim:  '",reverse(trim(reverse(s),unp)),"'")
   write("trailing trim: '",trim(s,unp),"'")
   write("full trim:     '",reverse(trim(reverse(trim(s,unp)),unp)),"'")


Sample run:
Original:      ' Hello, people of earth!        '
leading trim:  'Hello, people of earth!         '
trailing trim: ' Hello, people of earth!'
full trim:     'Hello, people of earth!'


Note: The quote verb is only used to enclose the resulting string in single quotes so the beginning and end of the new string are visible. <lang j> require 'strings' NB. the strings library is automatically loaded in versions from J7 on

  quote dlb '  String with spaces   '    NB. delete leading blanks

'String with spaces '

  quote dtb '  String with spaces   '    NB. delete trailing blanks

' String with spaces'

  quote dltb '  String with spaces   '   NB. delete leading and trailing blanks

'String with spaces'</lang> In addition deb (delete extraneous blanks) will trim both leading and trailing blanks as well as replace consecutive spaces within the string with a single space. <lang j> quote deb ' String with spaces ' NB. delete extraneous blanks 'String with spaces'</lang> These existing definitions can be easily amended to include whitespace other than spaces if desired. <lang j>whpsc=: ' ',TAB NB. define whitespace as desired dlws=: }.~ (e.&whpsc i. 0:) NB. delete leading whitespace (spaces and tabs) dtws=: #~ ([: +./\. -.@:e.&whpsc) NB. delete trailing whitespace dltws=: #~ ([: (+./\ *. +./\.) -.@:e.&whpsc) NB. delete leading & trailing whitespace dews=: #~ (+. (1: |. (> </\)))@(-.@:e.&whpsc) NB. delete extraneous whitespace</lang>


Left trim and right trim taken from here. Character.isWhitespace() returns true if the character given is one of the following Unicode characters: '\u00A0', '\u2007', '\u202F', '\u0009', '\u000A', '\u000B', '\u000C', '\u000D', '\u001C', '\u001D', '\u001E', or '\u001F'. <lang java> public class Trims{

  public static String ltrim(String s){
     int i = 0;
     while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))){
     return s.substring(i);
  public static String rtrim(String s){
     int i = s.length() - 1;
     while (i > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))){
     return s.substring(0, i + 1);
  public static void main(String[] args){
     String s = " \t \r \n String with spaces  \t  \r  \n  ";
     System.out.println(s.trim()); //trims both ends



Works with: Node.js
Works with: ECMAScript standard version 2015

<lang javascript>{

   let s = " \t String with spaces  \t  ";
   // a future version of ECMAScript will have trimStart().  Some current
   // implementations have trimLeft().
   console.log("original: '" + s + "'");
   console.log("trimmed left: '" + s.replace(/^\s+/,) + "'");
   // a future version of ECMAScript will have trimEnd().  Some current
   // implementations have trimRight().
   console.log("trimmed right: '" + s.replace(/\s+$/,) + "'");
   console.log("trimmed both: '" + s.trim() + "'");
original: ' 	 String with spaces  	  '
trimmed left: 'String with spaces  	  '
trimmed right: ' 	 String with spaces'
trimmed both: 'String with spaces'

Or, composing from generic primitives:

Translation of: Haskell

<lang JavaScript>(() => {

   'use strict';
   // stripStart :: Text -> Text
   let stripStart = s => dropWhile(isSpace, s);
   // stripEnd :: Text -> Text
   let stripEnd = s => dropWhileEnd(isSpace, s);
   // strip :: Text -> Text
   let strip = s => dropAround(isSpace, s);
   // OR: let strip = s => s.trim();

   // dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Text
   let dropAround = (p, s) => dropWhile(p, dropWhileEnd(p, s));
   // dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
   let dropWhile = (p, xs) => {
       for (var i = 0, lng = xs.length;
           (i < lng) && p(xs[i]); i++) {}
       return xs.slice(i);
   // dropWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Text
   let dropWhileEnd = (p, s) => {
       for (var i = s.length; i-- && p(s[i]);) {}
       return s.slice(0, i + 1);
   // isSpace :: Char -> Bool
   let isSpace = c => /\s/.test(c);
   // show :: a -> String
   let show = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);

   // TEST
   let strText = "  \t\t \n \r    Much Ado About Nothing \t \n \r  ";
   return show([stripStart, stripEnd, strip]
       .map(f => '-->' + f(strText) + '<--'));

})(); </lang>

  "-->Much Ado About Nothing \t \n \r  <--",
  "-->  \t\t \n \r    Much Ado About Nothing<--",
  "-->Much Ado About Nothing<--"


Works with: jq version >1.4

Recent versions of jq (since July 2014) support PCRE regex operations; \p{_} character classes are also supported. The following accordingly uses \p{Cc} as that corresponds to ASCII 0x00–0x1F.

Notice that since jq strings are JSON strings, one must, for example, write "\\s" for the regex '\s'. <lang jq>def lstrip: sub( "^[\\s\\p{Cc}]+"; "" );

def rstrip: sub( "[\\s\\p{Cc}]+$"; "" );

def strip: lstrip | rstrip;</lang> Examples: <lang jq>def demo:

 "lstrip: \(lstrip)",
 "rstrip: \(rstrip)",
 "strip: \(strip)" ;

(" \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n ",

"� <- control A",
"\u0001 \u0002 <- ^A ^B"

) | demo </lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -n -f Strip_whitespace_top_tail.jq "lstrip: String with spaces \t \r \n " "rstrip: \t \r \n String with spaces" "strip: String with spaces" "rstrip: \u0001 <- control A" "strip: <- control A" "lstrip: <- ^A ^B" "rstrip: \u0001 \u0002 <- ^A ^B" "strip: <- ^A ^B"</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang julia>julia> s = " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n " " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n "

julia> lstrip(s) "String with spaces \t \r \n "

julia> rstrip(s) " \t \r \n String with spaces"

julia> strip(s) "String with spaces"</lang>


Note that the example below uses the retarget operator ("&") to output as the trim method modifies the string in place.

The '>' and '<' strings have been included in this example to demonstrate the whitespace trim. <lang Lasso>// String with leading whitespace removed '>' + (' \t Hello')->trim& + '<'

// String with trailing whitespace removed '>' + ('Hello \t ')->trim& + '<'

// String with both leading and trailing whitespace removed '>' + (' \t Hello \t ')->trim& + '<'</lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>a$=" This is a test "

'LB TRIM$ removes characters with codes 0..31 as well as a space(code 32) 'So these versions of ltrim rtrim remove them too 'a$=" "+chr$(31)+"This is a test"+chr$(31)+" "

print "Source line" print ">";a$;"<" print "Strip left" print ">";ltrim$(a$);"<" print "Strip right" print ">";rtrim$(a$);"<" print "Strip both" print ">";trim$(a$);"<"


function ltrim$(a$)

   ltrim$ = mid$(c$, 1, len(c$)-1)

end function

function rtrim$(a$)

   rtrim$ = mid$(c$, 2)

end function



Using atoms for representing strings and assuming an ASCII text encoding: <lang logtalk>

- object(whitespace).
   :- public(trim/4).
   trim(String, TrimLeft, TrimRight, TrimBoth) :-
       trim_left(String, TrimLeft),
       trim_right(String, TrimRight),
       trim_right(TrimLeft, TrimBoth).
   trim_left(String, TrimLeft) :-
       atom_codes(String, Codes),
       trim(Codes, TrimCodes),
       atom_codes(TrimLeft, TrimCodes).
   trim_right(String, TrimRight) :-
       atom_codes(String, Codes),
       list::reverse(Codes, ReverseCodes),
       trim(ReverseCodes, ReverseTrimCodes),
       list::reverse(ReverseTrimCodes, TrimCodes),
       atom_codes(TrimRight, TrimCodes).
   trim([], []).
   trim([InCode| InCodes], OutCodes) :-
       (   InCode =< 32 ->
           trim(InCodes, OutCodes)
       ;   OutCodes = [InCode| InCodes]
- end_object.

</lang> Sample output: <lang text> | ?- whitespace::trim('\n\t Rosetta Code \t\n', TrimLeft, TrimRight, TrimBoth). TrimLeft = 'Rosetta Code \t\n', TrimRight = '\n\t Rosetta Code', TrimBoth = 'Rosetta Code' yes </lang>


<lang lua>str = " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n "

print( string.format( "Leading whitespace removed: %s", str:match( "^%s*(.+)" ) ) ) print( string.format( "Trailing whitespace removed: %s", str:match( "(.-)%s*$" ) ) ) print( string.format( "Leading and trailing whitespace removed: %s", str:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" ) ) )</lang>


<lang Maple>str := " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n ";


TrimLeft(str); TrimRight(str); Trim(str);</lang>


<lang Mathematica>StringTrim[" \n\t string with spaces \n \t "]</lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang matlab>% remove trailing whitespaces

   str = str(1:find(~isspace(str),1,'last'));  

% remove leading whitespaces

   str = str(find(~isspace(str),1):end);       

% removes leading and trailing whitespaces, vectorized version

   f = ~isspace(str); 
   str = str(find(f,1,'first'):find(f,1,'last');

% a built-in function, removes leading and trailing whitespaces

   str = strtrim(str);</lang>


<lang mercury>:- module top_and_tail.

- interface.
- import_module io.
- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
- implementation.
- import_module list, string.

main(!IO) :-

  TestPhrase = "\t\r\n String with spaces \t\r\n ",
  io.format("leading ws removed: %s\n", [s(lstrip(TestPhrase))], !IO),
  io.format("trailing ws removed: %s\n", [s(rstrip(TestPhrase))], !IO),
  io.format("both removed: %s\b", [s(strip(TestPhrase))], !IO).</lang>


<lang Nemerle>def str = "\t\n\t A string with\nwhitespace\n\n\t "; WriteLine(str.TrimStart()); WriteLine(str.TrimEnd()); WriteLine(str.Trim()); // both ends at once, of course, internal whitespace is preserved in all 3</lang>


NetRexx provides a strip() method which can be used to remove all of a single character from the head and/or tail of a string. To remove all whitespace characters from a string requires a little more work: <lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

runSample(arg) return

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method stripWhitespace(sstring, soption = 'BOTH') public static

 wsChars = getWhitspaceCharacterString()
 po1 = sstring.verify(wsChars)
 if po1 = 0 then do
   sstring = 
 else do
   po2 = sstring.length - (sstring.reverse().verify(wsChars) - 1) + 1
   ss = sstring
   parse ss sl =(po1) sm =(po2) st
   if po1 <= 1 then sl = 
   soption = soption.upper()
     when 'BOTH'.abbrev(soption, 1)     then sstring = sm
     when 'LEADING'.abbrev(soption, 1)  then sstring = sm || st
     when 'TRAILING'.abbrev(soption, 1) then sstring = sl || sm
     otherwise                               sstring = sm
 return sstring

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /**

* Create an array containing a useful subset of unicode whitespace characters
* @return an array of unicode whitespace characters
* @see

method getWhitspaceCharacters() public static returns Rexx[]

 wsChars = [ -
   /* LINE SEPARATOR              [Zi] */ '\u2028', /* PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR         [Zp] */ '\u2029', -
   /* SPACE                       [Zs] */ '\u0020', /* NO-BREAK SPACE              [Zs] */ '\u00A0', -
   /* OGHAM SPACE MARK            [Zs] */ '\u1680', /* MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR   [Zs] */ '\u180E', -
   /* EN QUAD                     [Zs] */ '\u2000', /* EM QUAD                     [Zs] */ '\u2001', -
   /* EN SPACE                    [Zs] */ '\u2002', /* EM SPACE                    [Zs] */ '\u2003', -
   /* THREE-PER-EM SPACE          [Zs] */ '\u2004', /* FOUR-PER-EM SPACE           [Zs] */ '\u2005', -
   /* SIX-PER-EM SPACE            [Zs] */ '\u2006', /* FIGURE SPACE                [Zs] */ '\u2007', -
   /* PUNCTUATION SPACE           [Zs] */ '\u2008', /* THIN SPACE                  [Zs] */ '\u2009', -
   /* HAIR SPACE                  [Zs] */ '\u200A', /* NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE       [Zs] */ '\u202F', -
   /* MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE   [Zs] */ '\u3000', /* IDIOGRAPHIC SPACE           [Zs] */ '\u205F', -
   /* BACKSPACE                   [Cc] */ '\u0008', /* CHARACTER TABULATION, HT    [Cc] */ '\u0009', -
   /* LINE FEED (LF)              [Cc] */ '\u000A', /* LINE TABULATION (VT)        [Cc] */ '\u000B', -
   /* FORM FEED (FF)              [Cc] */ '\u000C', /* CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)        [Cc] */ '\u000D', -
   /* INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO   [Cc] */ '\u001E', /* INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE   [Cc] */ '\u001F', -
   /* NEXT LINE (NEL)             [Cc] */ '\u0085', -
   /* ZERO WIDTH SPACE            [Cf] */ '\u200B', /* ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE   [Cf] */ '\uFEFF'  -
 return wsChars

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method getWhitspaceCharacterString() public static returns Rexx

 wsCharstring = 
 loop wsChar over getWhitspaceCharacters()
   wsCharstring = wsCharstring || wsChar
   end wsChar
 return wsCharstring

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) public static

 sstrings = [ -
   ' \u0020 \u0009 \u000D\r \n \u2029\uFEFF1 String with white space.  \t  \r  \n \u1680  ', -
   ' \t 2 String with white space. \t   ', -
   '3 String with white space. \t', -
   ' \t 4 String with white space.', -
   '5 String with white space.', -
   '\u0020\u0009\u2029\uFEFF\u1680\u2006', -
   '   ', -
 loop sstringO over sstrings
   sstringL = stripWhitespace(sstringO, 'l')
   sstringT = stripWhitespace(sstringO, 't')
   sstringB = stripWhitespace(sstringO)
   say '  Original string  ['sstringO']'
   say '    strip leading  ['sstringL']'
   say '    strip trailing ['sstringT']'
   say '    strip both     ['sstringB']'
   end sstringO

</lang> Output:

  Original string  [   	 
  1 String with white space.  	  
    strip leading  [1 String with white space.  	  
    strip trailing [   	 
1 String with white space.]
    strip both     [1 String with white space.]

  Original string  [ 	 2 String with white space. 	   ]
    strip leading  [2 String with white space. 	   ]
    strip trailing [ 	 2 String with white space.]
    strip both     [2 String with white space.]

  Original string  [3 String with white space. 	]
    strip leading  [3 String with white space. 	]
    strip trailing [3 String with white space.]
    strip both     [3 String with white space.]

  Original string  [ 	 4 String with white space.]
    strip leading  [4 String with white space.]
    strip trailing [ 	 4 String with white space.]
    strip both     [4 String with white space.]

  Original string  [5 String with white space.]
    strip leading  [5 String with white space.]
    strip trailing [5 String with white space.]
    strip both     [5 String with white space.]

  Original string  [ 	
    strip leading  []
    strip trailing []
    strip both     []

  Original string  [   ]
    strip leading  []
    strip trailing []
    strip both     []

  Original string  []
    strip leading  []
    strip trailing []
    strip both     []


<lang NewLISP>(setq str " this is a string ")

trim leading blanks

(trim str " " "")

trim trailing blanks

(trim str "" " ")

trim both leading and trailing blanks

(trim str)</lang>


<lang nim>import strutils

let s = " \t \n String with spaces \t \n " echo "'", s, "'" echo "'", s.strip(trailing = false), "'" echo "'", s.strip(leading = false), "'" echo "'", s.strip(), "'"</lang>


Oxford Oberon-2 <lang oberon2> MODULE Trim; IMPORT Out,Strings,SYSTEM;

CONST (* whitespaces *) HT = 09X; VT = 0BX; FF = 0CX; GS = 1DX; US = 1FX; LF = 0AX; CR = 0DX; FS = 1CX; RS = 1EX; SPC = 20X;

PROCEDURE LTrim(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j : INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE (s[j] = HT) OR (s[j] = LF) OR (s[j] = VT) OR (s[j] = CR) OR (s[j] = FF) OR (s[j] = FS) OR (s[j] = FS) OR (s[j] = GS) OR (s[j] = RS) OR (s[j] = US) OR (s[j] = SPC) DO INC(j) END; SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(s[j]),SYSTEM.ADR(s[0]),LEN(s) - j); END LTrim;

PROCEDURE RTrim(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j : INTEGER; BEGIN j := LEN(s) - 1; WHILE (j >= 0) & (s[j] = 0X) DO DEC(j) END; WHILE (j >= 0) & ((s[j] = HT) OR (s[j] = LF) OR (s[j] = VT) OR (s[j] = CR) OR (s[j] = FF) OR (s[j] = FS) OR (s[j] = FS) OR (s[j] = GS) OR (s[j] = RS) OR (s[j] = US) OR (s[j] = SPC)) DO s[j] := 0X;





BEGIN s := " A AAA"; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);LTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; s := "AAA A "; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);RTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; s := " A AA A "; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);Trim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; s := " "; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);Trim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; s := " "; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);RTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; s := " "; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);LTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);RTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.String("]=");Out.Char(HT);LTrim(s);Out.Char("[");Out.String(s);Out.Char("]");Out.Ln; END Trim. </lang> Output:

[   A AAA]=	[A AAA]
[AAA A    ]=	[AAA A]
[   A AA A   ]=	[A AA A]
[    ]=	[]
[    ]=	[]
[    ]=	[]
[]=	[]
[]=	[]


Works with: Cocoa
Works with: GNUstep

<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSString (RCExt) -(NSString *) ltrim; -(NSString *) rtrim; -(NSString *) trim; @end

@implementation NSString (RCExt) -(NSString *) ltrim {

 NSInteger i;
 NSCharacterSet *cs = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
 for(i = 0; i < [self length]; i++)
   if ( ![cs characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: i]] ) break;
 return [self substringFromIndex: i];


-(NSString *) rtrim {

 NSInteger i;
 NSCharacterSet *cs = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
 for(i = [self length] -1; i >= 0; i--)
   if ( ![cs characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: i]] ) break;    
 return [self substringToIndex: (i+1)];


-(NSString *) trim {

 return [self 

stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; } @end

int main() {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSString *s = @"     this is a string     ";
   NSLog(@"'%@'", s);
   NSLog(@"'%@'", [s ltrim]);
   NSLog(@"'%@'", [s rtrim]);
   NSLog(@"'%@'", [s trim]);
 return 0;



<lang ocaml>let left_pos s len =

 let rec aux i =
   if i >= len then None
   else match s.[i] with
   | ' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' -> aux (succ i)
   | _ -> Some i
 aux 0

let right_pos s len =

 let rec aux i =
   if i < 0 then None
   else match s.[i] with
   | ' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' -> aux (pred i)
   | _ -> Some i
 aux (pred len)

let trim s =

 let len = String.length s in
 match left_pos s len, right_pos s len with
 | Some i, Some j -> String.sub s i (j - i + 1)
 | None, None -> ""
 | _ -> assert false

let ltrim s =

 let len = String.length s in
 match left_pos s len with
 | Some i -> String.sub s i (len - i)
 | None -> ""

let rtrim s =

 let len = String.length s in
 match right_pos s len with
 | Some i -> String.sub s 0 (i + 1)
 | None -> ""</lang>

we put the previous code in a file called "", and then we test these functions in the toplevel:

$ ocaml
# #use "" ;;
val left_pos : string -> int -> int option = <fun>
val right_pos : string -> int -> int option = <fun>
val trim : string -> string = <fun>
val ltrim : string -> string = <fun>
val rtrim : string -> string = <fun>
# let s = " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n " ;;
val s : string = " \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n "
# trim s ;;
- : string = "String with spaces"
# ltrim s ;;
- : string = "String with spaces \t \r \n "
# rtrim s ;;
- : string = " \t \r \n String with spaces"


<lang progress>DEF VAR cc AS CHAR INIT " string with spaces ".


  "|" + LEFT-TRIM( cc )  + "|" SKIP
  "|" + RIGHT-TRIM( cc ) + "|" SKIP
  "|" + TRIM( cc )       + "|"


|string with spaces   | 
|   string with spaces| 
|string with spaces|


<lang perl>sub ltrim { shift =~ s/^\s+//r } sub rtrim { shift =~ s/\s+$//r } sub trim { ltrim rtrim shift }

  1. Usage:

my $p = " this is a string "; print "'", $p, "'\n"; print "'", trim($p), "'\n"; print "'", ltrim($p), "'\n"; print "'", rtrim($p), "'\n";</lang>

Perl 6

<lang perl6>my $s = "\r\n \t\x2029 Good Stuff \x202F\n"; say $s.trim; say $s.trim.perl; say $s.trim-leading.perl; say $s.trim-trailing.perl;</lang>

Good Stuff
"Good Stuff"
"Good Stuff  \n"
"\r\n \t
 Good Stuff"


<lang Phix>constant s = "\ttest\n" ?s ?trim_head(s) ?trim_tail(s) ?trim(s)</lang>



There is a built-in function that already does this. <lang PHP><?php


* @author Elad Yosifon

$string = ' this is a string '; echo '^'.trim($string) .'$'.PHP_EOL; echo '^'.ltrim($string).'$'.PHP_EOL; echo '^'.rtrim($string).'$'.PHP_EOL; </lang>

^this is a string$
^this is a string     $
^      this is a string$


<lang PicoLisp>(de trimLeft (Str)

  (pack (flip (trim (flip (chop Str))))) )

(de trimRight (Str)

  (pack (trim (chop Str))) )

(de trimBoth (Str)

  (pack (clip (chop Str))) )</lang>


: (trimLeft " ^G ^I trimmed left ^L ")
-> "trimmed left ^L "

: (trimRight " ^G ^I trimmed right ^L ")
-> " ^G ^I trimmed right"

: (trimBoth " ^G ^I trimmed both ^L ")
-> "trimmed both"


<lang pli>put ( trim(text, ' ', ) ); /* trims leading blanks. */ put ( trim(text, , ' ') ); /* trims trailing blanks. */ put ( trim(text) ); /* trims leading and trailing */

                                     /* blanks.                     */</lang>

To remove any white-space character(s) in a portable way:- <lang pli>declare whitespace character(33) value

  ((substr(collate(), 1, 32) || ' '));

put ( trim(text, whitespace) ); /* trims leading white space. */ put ( trim(text, , whitespace) ); /* trims trailing white space. */ put ( trim(text, whitespace, whitespace) );

                                     /* trims leading and trailing  */
                                     /* white space.                */</lang>


<lang PowerShell> $var = " Hello World " $var.TrimStart() # String with leading whitespace removed $var.TrimEnd() # String with trailing whitespace removed $var.Trim() # String with both leading and trailing whitespace removed </lang> Output:

Hello World 
 Hello World
Hello World


Works with SWI-Prolog. <lang Prolog>strip :- In = " There are unwanted blanks here! ", strip_left(In, OutLeft), format('In  : ~s__~n', [In]), format('Strip left  : ~s__~n', [OutLeft]), strip_right(In, OutRight), format('Strip right : ~s__~n', [OutRight]), strip(In, Out), format('Strip  : ~s__~n', [Out]).

strip_left(In, Out) :- strip_action(In, Out, []).

strip_right(In, Out) :- reverse(In, RIn), strip_left(RIn, ROut), reverse(ROut, Out).

strip(In, Out) :- strip_left(In, Tmp), strip_right(Tmp, Out).

strip_action([X|T]) --> {\+code_type(X, graph), !}, strip_action(T).

strip_action(X) --> X. </lang> Output :

 ?- strip.
In          :     There are unwanted blanks here!    __
Strip left  : There are unwanted blanks here!    __
Strip right :     There are unwanted blanks here!__
Strip       : There are unwanted blanks here!__

SWI-Prolog has an integrated version of strip : normalize_space(-Out, +In)

 ?- In = '    There are unwanted blanks here!    ', normalize_space(atom(Out), In).
In = '    There are unwanted blanks here!    ',
Out = 'There are unwanted blanks here!'.


Note, if only spaces need to be removed, PureBasic provides commands that do this: LTrim(), RTrim(), and Trim(). To handle a larger selection of whitespace the following functions meet the task. <lang PureBasic>;define the whitespace as desired

  1. whitespace$ = " " + Chr($9) + Chr($A) + Chr($B) + Chr($C) + Chr($D) + Chr($1C) + Chr($1D) + Chr($1E) + Chr($1F)

Procedure.s myLTrim(source.s)

 Protected i, *ptrChar.Character, length = Len(source)
 *ptrChar = @source
 For i = 1 To length
   If Not FindString(#whitespace$, Chr(*ptrChar\c))
     ProcedureReturn Right(source, length + 1 - i)
   *ptrChar + SizeOf(Character)


Procedure.s myRTrim(source.s)

 Protected i, *ptrChar.Character, length = Len(source)
 *ptrChar = @source + (length - 1) * SizeOf(Character)
 For i = length To 1 Step - 1
   If Not FindString(#whitespace$, Chr(*ptrChar\c))
     ProcedureReturn Left(source, i)
   *ptrChar - SizeOf(Character)


Procedure.s myTrim(source.s)

 ProcedureReturn myRTrim(myLTrim(source))


If OpenConsole()

 PrintN(#DQUOTE$ + myLTrim("  Top  ") + #DQUOTE$)
 PrintN(#DQUOTE$ + myRTrim("  Tail  ") + #DQUOTE$)
 PrintN(#DQUOTE$ +  myTrim("  Both  ") + #DQUOTE$)
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()


"Top  "
"  Tail"


<lang python>>>> s = ' \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n ' >>> s ' \t \r \n String with spaces \t \r \n ' >>> s.lstrip() 'String with spaces \t \r \n ' >>> s.rstrip() ' \t \r \n String with spaces' >>> s.strip() 'String with spaces' >>> </lang>


<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket
Using Racket's `string-trim'

(define str " \n\t foo bar \r\n ")

both sides

(string-trim str) ; -> "foo bar"

one side

(string-trim str #:right? #f) ; -> "foo bar \r\n " (string-trim str #:left? #f)  ; -> " \n\t foo bar"

can also normalize spaces

(string-normalize-spaces (string-trim str)) ; -> "foo bar" </lang>


<lang Retro>" this is a test " ^strings'trimLeft " this is a test " ^strings'trimRight " this is a test " ^strings'trimLeft ^strings'trimRight</lang>


version 1

<lang rexx>/*REXX program demonstrates how to strip leading and/or trailing spaces (blanks). */ yyy=" this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks, fur shure. " say 'YYY──►'yyy"◄──" /*display the original string + fence. */

                     /*white space also includes tabs (VT, HT), among other characters.*/
                     /*all examples in each group are equivalent, only the opton's 1st */
                     /*character is examined.                                          */

noL=strip(yyy,'L') /*elide any leading white space. */ noL=strip(yyy,"l") /* (the same as the above statement.) */ noL=strip(yyy,'leading') /* " " " " " " */ say 'noL──►'noL"◄──" /*display the string with a title+fence*/

noT=strip(yyy,'T') /*elide any trailing white space. */ noT=strip(yyy,"t") /* (the same as the above statement.) */ noT=strip(yyy,'trailing') /* " " " " " " */ say 'noT──►'noT"◄──" /*display the string with a title+fence*/

noB=strip(yyy) /*elide leading & trailing white space.*/ noB=strip(yyy,) /* (the same as the above statement.) */ noB=strip(yyy,'B') /* " " " " " " */ noB=strip(yyy,"b") /* " " " " " " */ noB=strip(yyy,'both') /* " " " " " " */ say 'noB──►'noB"◄──" /*display the string with a title+fence*/

                                                /*elide leading & trailing white space,*/

noX=space(yyy) /* including white space between words.*/ say 'nox──►'noX"◄──" /*display the string with a title+fence*/

                                                /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */</lang>


YYY──►   this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks,  fur shure.  ◄──
noL──►this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks,  fur shure.  ◄──
noT──►   this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks,  fur shure.◄──
noB──►this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks,  fur shure.◄──
nox──►this is a string that has leading/embedded/trailing blanks, fur shure.◄──

version 2

<lang rexx>/* REXX ***************************************************************

  • 01.1.2012 Walter Pachl taking care of all non-printable chars
                                                                                                                                            • /

pc='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' pc=pc||translate(pc)'äöüÄÖÜß1234567890!"§&/()=?*+#;:_,.-<>^!' x01='01'x s=x01||' Hi '||x01||' there! '||x01 say pc /* all printable characters */ s=x01||' Hi '||x01||' there! '||x01 /* my source string */ Say 's >'s'<' /* show it */ p1=verify(s,pc,'M') /* find first printable char */ sl=substr(s,p1) /* start with it */ Say 'sl>'sl'<' sr=reverse(s) p2=verify(sr,pc,'M') /* find last printable char */ sr=left(s,length(s)-p2+1) /* end with it */ Say 'sr>'sr'<' sb=substr(s,p1,length(s)-p1-p2+1) /* remove leading & trailing */ Say 'sb>'space(sb)'!' /* whitespace */ sa=translate(s,pc,pc!!xrange('00'x,'FF'x)) /* all nonprintable chars */

                                        /* are translated to blanks */

sa=space(sa) /* eliminate them except 1 */ Say 'sa>'sa'<'<' /* between words */ s0=space(sa,0) /* remove all whitespace */ Say 's0>'s0'<'</lang> Output:

s >�  Hi  � there!  �<
sl>Hi  � there!  �<
sr>�  Hi  � there!<
sb>Hi  � there!<
sa>Hi there!<    


<lang ring> aList = " Welcome to the Ring Programming Language " see aList + nl see trim(aList) + nl </lang>


<lang ruby>s = " \t\v\r\n\ffoo bar \t\v\r\n\f" p s p s.lstrip # remove leading whitespaces p s.rstrip # remove trailing whitespaces p s.strip # remove both leading and trailing whitespace </lang>

" \t\v\r\n\ffoo bar \t\v\r\n\f"
"foo bar \t\v\r\n\f"
" \t\v\r\n\ffoo bar"
"foo bar"


<lang runbasic>string$ = " abcdefg "

print " Top:";trim$(string$+"|") ' top left trim print "Bottom:";trim$("|"+string$) ' bottom right trim print " Both:";trim$(string$) ' both left and right end</lang>

Bottom:  abcdefg


<lang rust>fn main() {

   let string = "String without spaces";
   let spaces = " \x0B\t\r\n \u{A0} \u{2000} \u{3000} ";
   let string_with_spaces = spaces.to_string() + string + spaces;
   assert_eq!(string_with_spaces.trim(), string);
   assert_eq!(string_with_spaces.trim_left().to_string(), string.to_string() + spaces);
   assert_eq!(string_with_spaces.trim_right().to_string(), spaces.to_string() + string);



<lang sather>class MAIN is

   ltrim(s :STR) :STR is
     i ::= 0;
     loop while!(i < s.size);
       if " \t\f\v\n".contains(s[i]) then
          i := i + 1;
     return s.tail(s.size - i);
   rtrim(s :STR) :STR is
     i ::= s.size-1;
     loop while!(i >= 0);
       if " \t\f\v\n".contains(s[i]) then
          i := i - 1;
     return s.head(i+1);
   trim(s :STR) :STR is
      return ltrim(rtrim(s));

   main is
     p ::= "     this is a string     ";
     #OUT + ltrim(p).pretty + "\n";
     #OUT + rtrim(p).pretty + "\n";
     #OUT + trim(p).pretty + "\n";



<lang scala>def trimLeft(str: String) = str dropWhile(_.isWhitespace)

def trimRight(str: String) = str take (str.lastIndexWhere(!_.isWhitespace) + 1)

def trimRight2(str: String) = trimLeft(str reverse) reverse

def trim(str: String) = str trim

def testTrim() = {

 val str = "  \u001F  String with spaces \t  \n  \r "
 println("original  : |" + str + "|")
 println("trimLeft  : |" + trimLeft(str) + "|")
 println("trimRight : |" + trimRight(str) + "|")
 println("trimRight2: |" + trimRight2(str) + "|")
 println("trim      : |" + trim(str) + "|")


original  : |  �  String with spaces 	  
trimLeft  : |String with spaces 	  
trimRight : |  �  String with spaces|
trimRight2: |  �  String with spaces|
trim      : |String with spaces|


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   const string: testStri is " \t \r \n String with spaces  \t  \r  \n  ";
 end func;</lang>


<lang ruby>var s = " \t\v\r\n\ffoo bar \t\v\r\n\f"; say s.strip_beg.dump; # remove leading whitespaces say s.strip_end.dump; # remove trailing whitespaces say s.strip.dump; # remove both leading and trailing whitespace</lang>

"foo bar \t\13\r\n\f"
" \t\13\r\n\ffoo bar"
"foo bar"


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>String extend [

  ltrim [
     ^self replacingRegex: '^\s+' with: .
  rtrim [
     ^self replacingRegex: '\s+$' with: .
  trim [
     ^self ltrim rtrim.


|a| a := ' this is a string '.

('"%1"' % {a}) displayNl. ('"%1"' % {a ltrim}) displayNl. ('"%1"' % {a rtrim}) displayNl. ('"%1"' % {a trim}) displayNl.</lang>


<lang SNOBOL4> s1 = s2 = " Hello, people of earth! "

   s2 = CHAR(3) s2 CHAR(134)
   &ALPHABET TAB(33) . prechars
   &ALPHABET POS(127) RTAB(0) . postchars
   stripchars = " " prechars postchars 
  • TRIM() removes final spaces and tabs:
   OUTPUT = "Original: >" s1 "<"
   OUTPUT = "With trim() >" REVERSE(TRIM(REVERSE(TRIM(s1)))) "<"
  • Remove all non-printing characters:
   OUTPUT = "Original: >" s2 "<"
   s1 POS(0) SPAN(stripchars) =
   OUTPUT = "Leading: >" s1 "<"
   s2 ARB . s2 SPAN(stripchars) RPOS(0)
   OUTPUT = "Trailing: >" s2 "<"
   s2 POS(0) SPAN(stripchars) =
   OUTPUT = "Full trim: >" s2 "<"


Original: > 	Hello, people of earth!  	<
With trim() >Hello, people of earth!<
Original: >� 	Hello, people of earth!  	�<
Leading: >Hello, people of earth!  	<
Trailing: >� 	Hello, people of earth!<
Full trim: >Hello, people of earth!<


Whitespace stripping is done with string trim and related commands: <lang tcl>set str " hello world " puts "original: >$str<" puts "trimmed head: >[string trimleft $str]<" puts "trimmed tail: >[string trimright $str]<" puts "trimmed both: >[string trim $str]<"</lang>

original: >      hello world      <
trimmed head: >hello world      <
trimmed tail: >      hello world<
trimmed both: >hello world<



Lbl B 1→M

Lbl A While sub(Str1,length(Str1)-1),1)=" " sub(Str1,1,length(Str1)-1)→Str1 End

If M=1 Then Goto C Else Goto F End

Lbl C While sub(str1,1,1)=" " sub(Str1,2,length(Str1)-1)→Str1 End

Lbl F Disp "'"+Str1+"'" </lang>


Remove leading whitespace

 $string = "                 yep                 ";
 $string = LTrim($string);

Remove trailing whitespace

 $string = "                 yep                 ";
 $string = RTrim($string);

Remove leading and trailing white spaces

 $string = "                 yep                 ";
 $string = trim($string);


 "yep                 "
 "                 yep"


<lang tuscript>$$ MODE TUSCRIPT str= " sentence w/whitespace before and after " trimmedtop=EXTRACT (str,":<|<> :"|,0) trimmedtail=EXTRACT (str,0,":<> >|:") trimmedboth=SQUEEZE(str) PRINT "string <|", str," >|" PRINT "trimmed on top <|",trimmedtop,">|" PRINT "trimmed on tail <|", trimmedtail,">|" PRINT "trimmed on both <|", trimmedboth,">|"</lang>

string           <|      sentence w/whitespace before and after     >|
trimmed on top   <|sentence w/whitespace before and after    >|
trimmed on tail  <|      sentence w/whitespace before and after>|
trimmed on both  <|sentence w/whitespace before and after>|


Pattern Matching Language Exercise

Here, no builtin functions are used, just text pattern matching logic. Two functions are written, conforming to the proper filter convention, and then employed as filters. <lang txr>@(define trim_left (in out)) @ (next :list in) @/[ \t]*/@out @(end) @(define trim_right (in out)) @ (local blanks middle) @ (next :list in) @ (cases) @ {blanks /[ \t]*/}@middle@/[\t ]+/ @ (bind out `@blanks@middle`) @ (or) @ out @ (end) @(end) @line_of_input @(output) trim-left: [@{line_of_input :filter (:fun trim_left)}] trim_right: [@{line_of_input :filter (:fun trim_right)}] trim_both: [@{line_of_input :filter ((:fun trim_left) (:fun trim_right))}] @(end)</lang>

$ echo "" | txr trim.txr  -
trim-left:  []
trim_right: []
trim_both:  []
$ echo "a" | txr trim.txr  -
trim-left:  [a]
trim_right: [a]
trim_both:  [a]
$ echo " a" | txr trim.txr  -
trim-left:  [a]
trim_right: [ a]
trim_both:  [a]
$ echo " a " | txr trim.txr  -
trim-left:  [a ]
trim_right: [ a]
trim_both:  [a]
$ echo " a b " | txr trim.txr  -
trim-left:  [a b ]
trim_right: [ a b]
trim_both:  [a b]

Using Lisp Primitives

Trimming whitespace from both ends is a builtin:

<lang sh>$ txr -p '(trim-str " a b ")' "a b"</lang>

An unnecessarily cryptic, though educational, left trim:

<lang sh>$ txr -p '[(do progn (del [@1 0..(match-regex @1 #/\s*/)]) @1) " a b "]' "a b "</lang>

Explanation: the basic structure is [function " a b "] where the function is an anonymous lambda generated using the do operator. The function is applied to the string " a b ".

The structure of the do is (do progn (blah @1) @1) where the forms make references to implicit argument @1, and so the generated lambda has one argument, essentially being: (lambda (arg) (blah arg) arg): do something with the argument (the string) and then return it.

What is done with the argument is this: (del [@1 0..(match-regex @1 #/\s+/)]). The match-regex function returns the number of characters at the front of the string which match the regex \s*: one or more spaces. The return value of this is used to express a range 0..length which is applied to the string. The syntax (del [str]) deletes a range of characters in the string.

Lastly, a pedestrian right trim:

<lang txrlisp>(defun trim-right (str)

 (for ()
      ((and (> (length str) 0) (chr-isspace [str -1])) str)
      ((del [str -1]))))

(format t "{~a}\n" (trim-right " a a ")) (format t "{~a}\n" (trim-right " ")) (format t "{~a}\n" (trim-right "a ")) (format t "{~a}\n" (trim-right ""))</lang>


{ a a}


Strip Leading White Space

<lang vala>string s = " word "; string s_chug = s.chug();</lang>

Strip Trailing White Space

<lang vala>string s = " word "; string s_chomp = s.chomp();</lang>

Strip Leading & Trailing White Space

<lang vala>string s = " word "; string s_strip = s.strip();</lang>


<lang Ursala>#import std

white = ==` !| not @iNC %sI trim_left = white-~r trim_right = white~-l trim_both = trim_left+ trim_right

  1. cast %sgUL

main = <.trim_left,trim_right,trim_both> ' string with spaces '</lang>

  • The white predicate tests an argument for whiteness by either comparing it to a literal space character or testing whether the singleton list containing it is of a string (%s) type.
  • The -~ postfix operator takes a predicate to a function that takes a string to a pair of strings whose concatenation is the original string and whose left side is the maximal prefix of the original string whose members satisfy the predicate.
  • The r suffix on the -~ predicate extracts the right side of the pair of strings in the result.
  • The ~- operator is similar to the -~ operator except that is concerned with the maximal suffix whose members satisfy the predicate.
  • The l suffix extracts the right side.
   'string with spaces   ',
   '  string with spaces',
   'string with spaces'>


<lang vb> Function LeftTrim(s) Set regex = New RegExp With regex .Pattern = "^\s*" If .Test(s) Then LeftTrim = .Replace(s,"") Else LeftTrim = s End If End With End Function

Function RightTrim(s) Set regex = New RegExp With regex .Pattern = "\s*$" If .Test(s) Then RightTrim = .Replace(s,"") Else RightTrim = s End If End With End Function

'testing the functions WScript.StdOut.WriteLine LeftTrim(" RosettaCode") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine RightTrim("RosettaCode ") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine LeftTrim(RightTrim(" RosettaCode ")) </lang>



<lang XPL0>code ChOut=8, CrLf=9, Text=12; string 0; \use zero-terminated string convention

func StripLead(S0); \Strip leading whitespace (<=$20) from string char S0; char S1(80); \BEWARE: very temporary string space returned int I, J, C, Stripped; [I:= 0; J:= 0; Stripped:= false; repeat C:= S0(I); I:= I+1;

       if Stripped ! C>$20 ! C=0 then
           [S1(J):= C;  J:= J+1;  Stripped:= true];

until C=0; return S1; ];

func StripTrail(S0); \Strip trailing whitespace (<=$20) from string char S0; char S1(80); \BEWARE: very temporary string space returned int I, SI; [I:= 0; loop [if S0(I) <= $20 then

            [SI:= I;
            while S0(I) <= $20 do
               [if S0(I) = 0 then [S1(SI):= 0;  return S1];
               S1(I):= S0(I);  I:= I+1;
       else [S1(I):= S0(I);  I:= I+1];


char String; [String:= " Hello World "; Text(0, StripLead(String)); ChOut(0, ^!); CrLf(0); Text(0, StripTrail(String)); ChOut(0, ^!); CrLf(0); Text(0, StripTrail(StripLead(String))); ChOut(0, ^!); CrLf(0); ]</lang>


Hello World  !
  Hello World!
Hello World!


Remove white space from both end of string: <lang zkl>"\t\n hoho\n\t\ ".strip() //-->"hoho"</lang> <lang zkl>fcn removeLeadingWS(s){ n:=0;

 try{ while(s[n].isSpace()){ n+=1 } }catch{""}fallthrough{ s[n,*] }

} removeLeadingWS("\t\n hoho\n\t\ ") //-->"hoho\n\t " removeLeadingWS("") //-->""</lang> <lang zkl>fcn removeTrailingWS(s){ n:=-1;

 try{ while(s[n].isSpace()){ n-=1 } s[0,n+1] }catch{""}

} removeTrailingWS("\t\n hoho\n\t\ ") //-->"\t\n hoho" removeTrailingWS("\t\n \n\t\ ") //-->""</lang>