Levenshtein distance/Alignment
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
The Levenshtein distance algorithm returns the number of atomic operations (insertion, deletion or edition) that must be performed on a string in order to obtain an other one, but it does not say anything about the actual operations used or their order.
An alignment is a notation used to describe the operations used to turn a string into an other. At some point in the strings, the minus character ('-') is placed in order to signify that a character must be added at this very place. For instance, an alignment between the words 'place' and 'palace' is:
- Task
Write a function that shows the alignment of two strings for the corresponding levenshtein distance.
As an example, use the words "rosettacode" and "raisethysword".
You can either implement an algorithm, or use a dedicated library (thus showing us how it is named in your language).
F levenshteinAlign(aa, bb)
V a = aa.lowercase()
V b = bb.lowercase()
V costs = [[0] * (b.len + 1)] * (a.len + 1)
L(j) 0 .. b.len
costs[0][j] = j
L(i) 1 .. a.len
costs[i][0] = i
L(j) 1 .. b.len
V tmp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + Int(a[i - 1] != b[j - 1])
costs[i][j] = min(1 + min(costs[i - 1][j], costs[i][j - 1]), tmp)
V aPathRev = ‘’
V bPathRev = ‘’
V i = a.len
V j = b.len
L i != 0 & j != 0
V tmp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + Int(a[i - 1] != b[j - 1])
I costs[i][j] == tmp
aPathRev ‘’= a[--i]
bPathRev ‘’= b[--j]
E I costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i - 1][j]
aPathRev ‘’= a[--i]
bPathRev ‘’= ‘-’
E I costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i][j - 1]
aPathRev ‘’= ‘-’
bPathRev ‘’= b[--j]
assert(0B, ‘Internal error’)
R (reversed(aPathRev), reversed(bPathRev))
V result = levenshteinAlign(‘place’, ‘palace’)
result = levenshteinAlign(‘rosettacode’, ‘raisethysword’)
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
print join.with:"\n" levenshtein.align "place" "palace"
print join.with:"\n" levenshtein.align "rosettacode" "raisethysword"
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct edit_s edit_t, *edit;
struct edit_s {
char c1, c2;
int n;
edit next;
void leven(char *a, char *b)
int i, j, la = strlen(a), lb = strlen(b);
edit *tbl = malloc(sizeof(edit) * (1 + la));
tbl[0] = calloc((1 + la) * (1 + lb), sizeof(edit_t));
for (i = 1; i <= la; i++)
tbl[i] = tbl[i-1] + (1+lb);
for (i = la; i >= 0; i--) {
char *aa = a + i;
for (j = lb; j >= 0; j--) {
char *bb = b + j;
if (!*aa && !*bb) continue;
edit e = &tbl[i][j];
edit repl = &tbl[i+1][j+1];
edit dela = &tbl[i+1][j];
edit delb = &tbl[i][j+1];
e->c1 = *aa;
e->c2 = *bb;
if (!*aa) {
e->next = delb;
e->n = e->next->n + 1;
if (!*bb) {
e->next = dela;
e->n = e->next->n + 1;
e->next = repl;
if (*aa == *bb) {
e->n = e->next->n;
if (e->next->n > delb->n) {
e->next = delb;
e->c1 = 0;
if (e->next->n > dela->n) {
e->next = dela;
e->c1 = *aa;
e->c2 = 0;
e->n = e->next->n + 1;
edit p = tbl[0];
printf("%s -> %s: %d edits\n", a, b, p->n);
while (p->next) {
if (p->c1 == p->c2)
printf("%c", p->c1);
else {
if (p->c1) putchar(p->c1);
if (p->c2) putchar(p->c2);
p = p->next;
int main(void)
leven("raisethysword", "rosettacode");
return 0;
- Output:
raisethysword -> rosettacode: 8 edits r(a,o)(i,)set(h,t)(y,a)(s,c)(w,)o(r,d)(d,e)
using System;
using System.Text;
public class LevenshteinAlignment
public static string[] Alignment(string a, string b)
a = a.ToLower();
b = b.ToLower();
int[,] costs = new int[a.Length + 1, b.Length + 1];
for (int j = 0; j <= b.Length; j++)
costs[0, j] = j;
for (int i = 1; i <= a.Length; i++)
costs[i, 0] = i;
for (int j = 1; j <= b.Length; j++)
costs[i, j] = Math.Min(1 + Math.Min(costs[i - 1, j], costs[i, j - 1]),
a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] ? costs[i - 1, j - 1] : costs[i - 1, j - 1] + 1);
StringBuilder aPathRev = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder bPathRev = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = a.Length, j = b.Length; i != 0 && j != 0;)
if (costs[i, j] == (a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] ? costs[i - 1, j - 1] : costs[i - 1, j - 1] + 1))
else if (costs[i, j] == 1 + costs[i - 1, j])
else if (costs[i, j] == 1 + costs[i, j - 1])
return new string[] { Reverse(aPathRev.ToString()), Reverse(bPathRev.ToString()) };
private static string Reverse(string s)
char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray();
return new string(charArray);
public static void Main(string[] args)
string[] result = Alignment("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::string to_lower_case(const std::string& text) {
std::string result = text;
std::transform(result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(),
[](char ch){ return std::tolower(ch); });
return result;
std::vector<std::string> levenshtein_alignment(std::string a, std::string b) {
a = to_lower_case(a);
b = to_lower_case(b);
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> costs{ a.length() + 1, std::vector<int32_t>( b.length() + 1, 0 ) };
for ( uint64_t j = 0; j <= b.length(); ++j )
costs[0][j] = j;
for ( uint64_t i = 1; i <= a.length(); ++i ) {
costs[i][0] = i;
for ( uint64_t j = 1; j <= b.length(); ++j ) {
costs[i][j] = std::min(std::min( costs[i - 1][j], costs[i][j - 1]) + 1,
a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] ? costs[i - 1][j - 1] : costs[i - 1][j - 1] + 1);
std::string a_path_reversed, b_path_reversed;
uint64_t i = a.length(), j = b.length();
while ( i != 0 && j != 0 ) {
if ( costs[i][j] == ( a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] ? costs[i - 1][j - 1] : costs[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 ) ) {
a_path_reversed += a[--i];
b_path_reversed += b[--j];
} else if ( costs[i][j] == costs[i - 1][j] + 1 ) {
a_path_reversed += a[--i];
b_path_reversed += "-";
} else if ( costs[i][j] == costs[i][j - 1] + 1 ) {
a_path_reversed += "-";
b_path_reversed += b[--j];
std::reverse(a_path_reversed.begin(), a_path_reversed.end());
std::reverse(b_path_reversed.begin(), b_path_reversed.end());
return std::vector<std::string>{ a_path_reversed, b_path_reversed };
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> result = levenshtein_alignment("place", "palace");
std::cout << result[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << result[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
result = levenshtein_alignment("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
std::cout << result[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << result[1] << std::endl;
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
Using the standard library.
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.algorithm;
immutable s1 = "rosettacode";
immutable s2 = "raisethysword";
string s1b, s2b;
size_t pos1, pos2;
foreach (immutable c; levenshteinDistanceAndPath(s1, s2)[1]) {
final switch (c) with (EditOp) {
case none, substitute:
s1b ~= s1[pos1++];
s2b ~= s2[pos2++];
case insert:
s1b ~= "_";
s2b ~= s2[pos2++];
case remove:
s1b ~= s1[pos1++];
s2b ~= "_";
writeln(s1b, "\n", s2b);
- Output:
r_oset_tacode raisethysword
global dparr[] dpcols .
proc dpnew a b . .
len dparr[] a * b
dpcols = b
func dp r c .
return dparr[r * dpcols + c + 1]
proc dps r c v . .
dparr[r * dpcols + c + 1] = v
proc align a$ b$ . ar$ br$ .
dpnew (len a$ + 1) (len b$ + 1)
for i = 1 to len a$
dps i 0 i
for j = 0 to len b$
dps 0 j j
for i = 1 to len a$
for j = 1 to len b$
if substr a$ i 1 = substr b$ j 1
dps i j dp (i - 1) (j - 1)
dps i j lower (lower dp (i - 1) j dp i (j - 1)) dp (i - 1) (j - 1) + 1
ar$ = "" ; br$ = ""
i = len a$ ; j = len b$
while i <> 0 and j <> 0
if substr a$ i 1 = substr b$ j 1 or dp i j = dp (i - 1) (j - 1) + 1
ar$ = substr a$ i 1 & ar$
i -= 1
br$ = substr b$ j 1 & br$
j -= 1
elif dp i j = dp (i - 1) j + 1
ar$ = substr a$ i 1 & ar$
i -= 1
br$ = "-" & br$
ar$ = "-" & ar$
br$ = substr b$ j 1 & br$
j -= 1
align "rosettacode" "raisethysword" ar$ br$
print ar$ ; print br$
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword
distance (source, target: STRING): INTEGER
-- Minimum number of operations to turn `source' into `target'.
l_distance: ARRAY2 [INTEGER]
del, ins, subst: INTEGER
create l_distance.make (source.count, target.count)
⟳ ic:(1 |..| source.count) ¦ l_distance [ic, 1] := ic - 1 ⟲
⟳ ij:(1 |..| target.count) ¦ l_distance [1, ij] := ij - 1 ⟲
⟳ ic:(2 |..| source.count) ¦
⟳ jc:(2 |..| target.count) ¦
if source [ic] = target [jc] then -- same char
l_distance [ic, jc] := l_distance [ic - 1, jc - 1]
else -- diff char
del := l_distance [ic - 1, jc] -- delete?
ins := l_distance [ic, jc - 1] -- insert?
subst := l_distance [ic - 1, jc -1] -- substitute/swap?
l_distance [ic, jc] := del.min (ins.min (subst)) + 1
Result:= l_distance [source.count, target.count]
- Output:
Result = 8
The ⟳ ¦ ⟲ represents the "symbolic form" of an Eiffel across loop. In the case above, the first two ⟳ (loops) initialize the first column and the first row, and then two nested ⟳ (loops) to walk the distance computation.
Also—the `ic' is this programmers shorthand for ITERATION_CURSOR. Therefore, in the nested loops, the `ic' is the iteration cursor following `i' and the `ij' is following `j' as indexes on the source, target, and l_distance.
#define min(a, b) iif((a) < (b), (a), (b))
Sub LevenshteinAlignment(s1 As String, s2 As String)
Dim As String align1 = "", align2 = ""
Dim As Integer i, j, len1, len2
len1 = Len(s1):
len2 = Len(s2)
Dim As Integer dp(len1+1, len2+1)
For i = 0 To len1
dp(i, 0) = i
Next i
For j = 0 To len2
dp(0, j) = j
Next j
For i = 1 To len1
For j = 1 To len2
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = Mid(s2, j, 1) Then
dp(i, j) = dp(i-1, j-1)
dp(i, j) = min(min(dp(i-1, j), dp(i, j-1)), dp(i-1, j-1)) + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
i = len1: j = len2
While i > 0 And j > 0
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = Mid(s2, j, 1) Then
align1 = Mid(s1, i, 1) + align1
align2 = Mid(s2, j, 1) + align2
i -= 1: j -= 1
Elseif dp(i, j) = dp(i-1, j-1) + 1 Then
align1 = Mid(s1, i, 1) + align1
align2 = Mid(s2, j, 1) + align2
i -= 1: j -= 1
Elseif dp(i, j) = dp(i-1, j) + 1 Then
align1 = Mid(s1, i, 1) + align1
align2 = "-" + align2
i -= 1
align1 = "-" + align1
align2 = Mid(s2, j, 1) + align2
j -= 1
End If
While i > 0
align1 = Mid(s1, i, 1) + align1
align2 = "-" + align2
i -= 1
While j > 0
align1 = "-" + align1
align2 = Mid(s2, j, 1) + align2
j -= 1
Print "Levenshtein Distance: "; dp(len1, len2)
Print align1
Print align2
End Sub
LevenshteinAlignment("rosettacode", "raisethysword")
LevenshteinAlignment("place", "palace")
- Output:
Levenshtein Distance: 8 r-oset-tacode raisethysword Levenshtein Distance: 1 p-lace palace
Alignment computed by the Needleman-Wunch algorithm, which is used in bioinformatics.
package main
import (
ab "github.com/biogo/biogo/alphabet"
func main() {
// Alphabets for things like DNA are predefined in biogo, but we
// define our own here.
lc := ab.Must(ab.NewAlphabet("-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
feat.Undefined, '-', 0, true))
// Construct scoring matrix for Needleman-Wunch algorithm.
// We leave zeros on the diagonal for the Levenshtein distance of an
// exact match and put -1s everywhere else for the Levenshtein distance
// of an edit.
nw := make(align.NW, lc.Len())
for i := range nw {
r := make([]int, lc.Len())
nw[i] = r
for j := range r {
if j != i {
r[j] = -1
// define input sequences
a := &linear.Seq{Seq: ab.BytesToLetters([]byte("rosettacode"))}
a.Alpha = lc
b := &linear.Seq{Seq: ab.BytesToLetters([]byte("raisethysword"))}
b.Alpha = lc
// perform alignment
aln, err := nw.Align(a, b)
// format and display result
if err != nil {
fa := align.Format(a, b, aln, '-')
fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n", fa[0], fa[1])
aa := fmt.Sprint(fa[0])
ba := fmt.Sprint(fa[1])
ma := make([]byte, len(aa))
for i := range ma {
if aa[i] == ba[i] {
ma[i] = ' '
} else {
ma[i] = '|'
- Output:
The lines after the alignment point out the 8 edits.
r-oset-tacode raisethysword || |||| ||
The Wagner–Fischer matrix construction is adopted from Levenshtein_distance#Haskell, however it is reversed in order to simplify it's traversing.
costs :: String -> String -> [[Int]]
costs s1 s2 = reverse $ reverse <$> matrix
matrix = scanl transform [0 .. length s1] s2
transform ns@(n:ns1) c = scanl calc (n + 1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns1
calc z (c1, x, y) = minimum [ y + 1, z + 1
, x + fromEnum (c1 /= c)]
levenshteinDistance :: String -> String -> Int
levenshteinDistance s1 s2 = head.head $ costs s1 s2
A sample alignment
The alignment is built in the same way as it is done in Levenshtein_distance/Alignment#Java. Instead of indices the Wagner–Fischer matrix and strings are traversed by list truncation, as zippers.
alignment :: String -> String -> (String, String)
alignment s1 s2 = go (costs s1 s2) (reverse s1) (reverse s2) ([],[])
go c _ _ r | isEmpty c = r
go _ [] s r = ('-' <$ s, reverse s) <> r
go _ s [] r = (reverse s, '-' <$ s) <> r
go c s1@(h1:t1) s2@(h2:t2) (r1, r2) =
let temp = (get.nextCol.nextRow $ c) + if h1 == h2 then 0 else 1
in case get c of
x | x == temp -> go (nextRow.nextCol $ c) t1 t2 (h1:r1, h2:r2)
| x == 1 + (get.nextCol $ c) -> go (nextCol c) s1 t2 ('-':r1, h2:r2)
| x == 1 + (get.nextRow $ c) -> go (nextRow c) t1 s2 (h1:r1, '-':r2)
-- Functions which treat table as zipper
get ((h:_):_) = h
nextRow = map tail
nextCol = tail
isEmpty c = null c || null (head c)
λ> alignment "palace" "place" ("palace","p-lace") λ> alignment "rosettacode" "raisethysword" ("r-oset-tacode","raisethysword") λ> alignment "rosettacode" "rat" ("rosettacode","r-----a---t")
All alignments
The alternative solution, which extensively produces all minimal alignments for given strings.
-- Produces all possible alignments for two strings.
allAlignments :: String -> String -> [[(Char, Char)]]
allAlignments s1 s2 = go (length s2 - length s1) s1 s2
go _ s [] = [(\x -> (x, '-')) <$> s]
go _ [] s = [(\x -> ('-' ,x)) <$> s]
go n s1@(h1:t1) s2@(h2:t2) = (h1, h2) <:> go n t1 t2
++ case compare n 0 of
LT -> (h1, '-') <:> go (n+1) t1 s2
EQ -> []
GT -> ('-', h2) <:> go (n-1) s1 t2
x <:> l = fmap (x :) l
-- Returns a lazy list of all optimal alignments.
levenshteinAlignments :: String -> String -> [(String, String)]
levenshteinAlignments s1 s2 = unzip <$> best
best = filter ((lev ==) . dist) $ allAlignments s1 s2
lev = levenshteinDistance s1 s2
dist = length . filter (uncurry (/=))
λ> mapM_ print $ levenshteinAlignments "rosettacode" "raisethysword" ("ro-settac-ode","raisethysword") ("ro-setta-code","raisethysword") ("ro-sett-acode","raisethysword") ("ro-set-tacode","raisethysword") ("r-osettac-ode","raisethysword") ("r-osetta-code","raisethysword") ("r-osett-acode","raisethysword") ("r-oset-tacode","raisethysword") λ> mapM_ print $ levenshteinAlignments "rosettacode" "rat" ("rosettacode","ra--t------") ("rosettacode","ra---t-----") ("rosettacode","r-a-t------") ("rosettacode","r-a--t-----") ("rosettacode","r--at------") ("rosettacode","r--a-t-----") ("rosettacode","r---at-----") ("rosettacode","r-----at---") ("rosettacode","r-----a-t--") ("rosettacode","r-----a--t-") ("rosettacode","r-----a---t")
Translation of java:
levalign=:4 :0
assert. x <:&# y
D=. x +/&i.&>:&# y
for_i. 1+i.#x do.
for_j. 1+i.#y do.
if. ((<:i){x)=(<:j){y do.
D=. (D {~<<:i,j) (<i,j)} D
min=. 1+<./D{~(i,j) <@:-"1#:1 2 3
D=. min (<i,j)} D
A=. B=. ''
ij=. x ,&# y
while. */ij do.
'd00 d01 d10 d11'=. D{~ ij <@:-"1#:i.4
'x1 y1'=. (ij-1){each x;y
if. d00 = d11+x1~:y1 do.
A=. A,x1 [ B=. B,y1 [ ij=. ij-1
elseif. d00 = 1+d10 do.
A=. A,x1 [ B=. B,'-'[ ij=. ij-1 0
elseif. d00 = 1+d01 do.
A=. A,'-'[ B=. B,y1 [ ij=. ij-0 1
Task examples:
'place' levalign 'palace'
'rosettacode' levalign 'raisethysword'
public class LevenshteinAlignment {
public static String[] alignment(String a, String b) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
// i == 0
int[][] costs = new int[a.length()+1][b.length()+1];
for (int j = 0; j <= b.length(); j++)
costs[0][j] = j;
for (int i = 1; i <= a.length(); i++) {
costs[i][0] = i;
for (int j = 1; j <= b.length(); j++) {
costs[i][j] = Math.min(1 + Math.min(costs[i-1][j], costs[i][j-1]), a.charAt(i - 1) == b.charAt(j - 1) ? costs[i-1][j-1] : costs[i-1][j-1] + 1);
// walk back through matrix to figure out path
StringBuilder aPathRev = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder bPathRev = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = a.length(), j = b.length(); i != 0 && j != 0; ) {
if (costs[i][j] == (a.charAt(i - 1) == b.charAt(j - 1) ? costs[i-1][j-1] : costs[i-1][j-1] + 1)) {
} else if (costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i-1][j]) {
} else if (costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i][j-1]) {
return new String[]{aPathRev.reverse().toString(), bPathRev.reverse().toString()};
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] result = alignment("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword
Adapted from Wren
Works with jq, the C implementation of jq
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
Works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq
def reverseString: explode | reverse | implode;
def levenshteinAlign($x; $y):
def min($a;$b): [$a,$b]|min;
($x|length + 1) as $a1
| ($y|length + 1) as $b1
| ($x | ascii_downcase) as $a
| ($y | ascii_downcase) as $b
| [range(0; $b1) | 0] as $zeros
| {costs: [range(0; $a1) | $zeros]}
| reduce range(0; $b1) as $j (.; .costs[0][$j] = $j)
| reduce range(1; $a1) as $i (.;
.costs[$i][0] = $i
| reduce range(1; $b1) as $j (.;
(.costs[$i - 1][$j - 1] + (if $a[$i - 1: $i] == $b[$j - 1: $j] then 0 else 1 end)) as $temp
| .costs[$i][$j] = min( $temp; 1 + min(.costs[$i - 1][$j]; .costs[$i][$j - 1] )) ))
# walk back through matrix to figure out path
| .aPathRev = ""
| .bPathRev = ""
| .i = ($a|length)
| .j = ($b|length)
| until (.i == 0 or .j == 0;
(.costs[.i - 1][.j - 1] + (if $a[.i - 1: .i] == $b[.j - 1: .j] then 0 else 1 end)) as $temp
| .costs[.i][.j] as $cij
| if $cij == $temp
then .i += -1
| .aPathRev += $a[.i: .i+1]
| .j += -1
| .bPathRev += $b[.j: .j+1]
elif $cij == 1 + .costs[.i-1][.j]
then .i += -1
| .aPathRev += $a[.i:.i+1]
| .bPathRev += "-"
elif $cij == 1 + .costs[.i][.j-1]
then .aPathRev += "-"
| .j += -1
| .bPathRev += $b[.j: .j+1]
| [.aPathRev, .bPathRev ] | map(reverseString);
levenshteinAlign("place"; "palace"),
- Output:
[ "p-lace", "palace" ] [ "r-oset-tacode", "raisethysword" ]
function levenshteinalign(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString)
a = lowercase(a)
b = lowercase(b)
len_a = length(a)
len_b = length(b)
costs = Matrix{Int}(len_a + 1, len_b + 1)
costs[1, :] .= 0:len_b
@inbounds for i in 2:(len_a + 1)
costs[i, 1] = i
for j in 2:(len_b + 1)
tmp = ifelse(a[i-1] == b[j-1], costs[i-1, j-1], costs[i-1, j-1] + 1)
costs[i, j] = min(1 + min(costs[i-1, j], costs[i, j-1]), tmp)
apathrev = IOBuffer()
bpathrev = IOBuffer()
local i = len_a + 1
local j = len_b + 1
@inbounds while i != 1 && j != 1
tmp = ifelse(a[i-1] == b[j-1], costs[i-1, j-1], costs[i-1, j-1] + 1)
if costs[i, j] == tmp
i -= 1
j -= 1
print(apathrev, a[i])
print(bpathrev, b[j])
elseif costs[i, j] == 1 + costs[i-1, j]
i -= 1
print(apathrev, a[i])
print(bpathrev, '-')
elseif costs[i, j] == 1 + costs[i, j-1]
j -= 1
print(apathrev, '-')
print(bpathrev, b[j])
return reverse(String(take!(apathrev))), reverse(String(take!(bpathrev)))
foreach(println, levenshteinalign("rosettacode", "raisethysword"))
foreach(println, levenshteinalign("place", "palace"))
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword p-lace palace
// version 1.1.3
fun levenshteinAlign(a: String, b: String): Array<String> {
val aa = a.toLowerCase()
val bb = b.toLowerCase()
val costs = Array(a.length + 1) { IntArray(b.length + 1) }
for (j in 0..b.length) costs[0][j] = j
for (i in 1..a.length) {
costs[i][0] = i
for (j in 1..b.length) {
val temp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + (if (aa[i - 1] == bb[j - 1]) 0 else 1)
costs[i][j] = minOf(1 + minOf(costs[i - 1][j], costs[i][j - 1]), temp)
// walk back through matrix to figure out path
val aPathRev = StringBuilder()
val bPathRev = StringBuilder()
var i = a.length
var j = b.length
while (i != 0 && j != 0) {
val temp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + (if (aa[i - 1] == bb[j - 1]) 0 else 1)
when (costs[i][j]) {
temp -> {
1 + costs[i-1][j] -> {
1 + costs[i][j-1] -> {
return arrayOf(aPathRev.reverse().toString(), bPathRev.reverse().toString())
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var result = levenshteinAlign("place", "palace")
result = levenshteinAlign("rosettacode","raisethysword")
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
DamerauLevenshteinDistance["rosettacode", "raisethysword"]
- Output:
import algorithm, sequtils, strutils
proc levenshteinAlign(a, b: string): tuple[a, b: string] =
let a = a.toLower()
let b = b.toLower()
var costs = newSeqWith(a.len + 1, newSeq[int](b.len + 1))
for j in 0..b.len: costs[0][j] = j
for i in 1..a.len:
costs[i][0] = i
for j in 1..b.len:
let tmp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + ord(a[i - 1] != b[j - 1])
costs[i][j] = min(1 + min(costs[i - 1][j], costs[i][j - 1]), tmp)
# Walk back through matrix to figure out path.
var aPathRev, bPathRev: string
var i = a.len
var j = b.len
while i != 0 and j != 0:
let tmp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + ord(a[i - 1] != b[j - 1])
if costs[i][j] == tmp:
dec i
dec j
aPathRev.add a[i]
bPathRev.add b[j]
elif costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i-1][j]:
dec i
aPathRev.add a[i]
bPathRev.add '-'
elif costs[i][j] == 1 + costs[i][j-1]:
dec j
aPathRev.add '-'
bPathRev.add b[j]
quit "Internal error"
result = (reversed(aPathRev).join(), reversed(bPathRev).join())
when isMainModule:
var result = levenshteinAlign("place", "palace")
echo result.a
echo result.b
echo ""
result = levenshteinAlign("rosettacode","raisethysword")
echo result.a
echo result.b
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(min);
sub levenshtein_distance_alignment {
my @s = ('^', split //, shift);
my @t = ('^', split //, shift);
my @A;
@{$A[$_][0]}{qw(d s t)} = ($_, join('', @s[1 .. $_]), ('~' x $_)) for 0 .. $#s;
@{$A[0][$_]}{qw(d s t)} = ($_, ('-' x $_), join '', @t[1 .. $_]) for 0 .. $#t;
for my $i (1 .. $#s) {
for my $j (1 .. $#t) {
if ($s[$i] ne $t[$j]) {
$A[$i][$j]{d} = 1 + (
my $min = min $A[$i-1][$j]{d}, $A[$i][$j-1]{d}, $A[$i-1][$j-1]{d}
@{$A[$i][$j]}{qw(s t)} =
$A[$i-1][$j]{d} == $min ? ($A[$i-1][$j]{s}.$s[$i], $A[$i-1][$j]{t}.'-') :
$A[$i][$j-1]{d} == $min ? ($A[$i][$j-1]{s}.'-', $A[$i][$j-1]{t}.$t[$j]) :
($A[$i-1][$j-1]{s}.$s[$i], $A[$i-1][$j-1]{t}.$t[$j]);
else {
@{$A[$i][$j]}{qw(d s t)} = (
return @{$A[-1][-1]}{'s', 't'};
print join "\n", levenshtein_distance_alignment "rosettacode", "raisethysword";
- Output:
ro-settac-o-de raisethysword-
plus the indicator from Go
function LevenshteinAlignment(string a, b) integer la = length(a)+1, lb = length(b)+1 sequence costs = repeat(repeat(0,lb),la) for j=1 to lb do costs[1][j] = j end for for i=2 to la do costs[i][1] = i for j=2 to lb do integer tmp1 = 1+min(costs[i-1][j], costs[i][j-1]), tmp2 = costs[i-1][j-1] + (a[i-1]!=b[j-1]) costs[i][j] = min(tmp1, tmp2) end for end for -- walk back through matrix to figure out the path string arev = "", brev = "" integer i = la, j = lb while i>1 and j>1 do integer tmp = costs[i-1][j-1] + (a[i-1]!=b[j-1]) switch costs[i][j] do case tmp: i -= 1; arev &= a[i] j -= 1; brev &= b[j] case 1 + costs[i-1][j]: i -= 1; arev &= a[i] brev &= '-' case 1 + costs[i][j-1]: arev &= '-' j -= 1; brev &= b[j] end switch end while return {reverse(arev),reverse(brev)} end function procedure test(string a,b) {a,b} = LevenshteinAlignment(a,b) string c = sq_add(repeat(' ',length(a)),sq_mul(sq_ne(a,b),'|'-' ')) printf(1,"%s\n%s\n%s\n\n",{a,b,c}) end procedure test("rosettacode", "raisethysword") test("place", "palace")
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword || |||| || p-lace palace |
from difflib import ndiff
def levenshtein(str1, str2):
result = ""
pos, removed = 0, 0
for x in ndiff(str1, str2):
if pos<len(str1) and str1[pos] == x[2]:
pos += 1
result += x[2]
if x[0] == "-":
removed += 1
if removed > 0:
removed -=1
result += "-"
- Output:
p-lace ro-settac-o-de
Simple version (no aligment)
First we will analyze this solution that only computes the distance. See http://blog.racket-lang.org/2012/08/dynamic-programming-versus-memoization.html for a discussion of the code.
#lang racket
(define (memoize f)
(local ([define table (make-hash)])
(lambda args
(dict-ref! table args (λ () (apply f args))))))
(define levenshtein
(lambda (s t)
[(and (empty? s) (empty? t)) 0]
[(empty? s) (length t)]
[(empty? t) (length s)]
(if (equal? (first s) (first t))
(levenshtein (rest s) (rest t))
(min (add1 (levenshtein (rest s) t))
(add1 (levenshtein s (rest t)))
(add1 (levenshtein (rest s) (rest t)))))]))))
(levenshtein (string->list "rosettacode")
(string->list "raisethysword"))
- Output:
Complete version
Now we extend the code from http://blog.racket-lang.org/2012/08/dynamic-programming-versus-memoization.html to show also the alignment. The code is very similar, but it stores the partial results (number of edits and alignment of each substring) in a lev structure.
#lang racket
(struct lev (n s t))
(define (lev-add old n sx tx)
(lev (+ n (lev-n old))
(cons sx (lev-s old))
(cons tx (lev-t old))))
(define (list-repeat n v)
(build-list n (lambda (_) v)))
(define (memoize f)
(local ([define table (make-hash)])
(lambda args
(dict-ref! table args (λ () (apply f args))))))
(define levenshtein/list
(lambda (s t)
[(and (empty? s) (empty? t))
(lev 0 '() '())]
[(empty? s)
(lev (length t) (list-repeat (length t) #\-) t)]
[(empty? t)
(lev (length s) s (list-repeat (length s) #\-))]
(if (equal? (first s) (first t))
(lev-add (levenshtein/list (rest s) (rest t))
0 (first s) (first t))
(argmin lev-n (list (lev-add (levenshtein/list (rest s) t)
1 (first s) #\-)
(lev-add (levenshtein/list s (rest t))
1 #\- (first t))
(lev-add (levenshtein/list (rest s) (rest t))
1 (first s) (first t)))))]))))
(define (levenshtein s t)
(let ([result (levenshtein/list (string->list s)
(string->list t))])
(values (lev-n result)
(list->string (lev-s result))
(list->string (lev-t result)))))
(let-values ([(dist exp-s exp-t)
(levenshtein "rosettacode" "raisethysword")])
(printf "levenshtein: ~a edits\n" dist)
(displayln exp-s)
(displayln exp-t))
- Output:
levenshtein: 8 edits r-oset-taco-de raisethysword-
(formerly Perl 6)
sub align ( Str $σ, Str $t ) {
my @s = flat *, $σ.comb;
my @t = flat *, $t.comb;
my @A;
@A[$_][ 0]<d s t> = $_, @s[1..$_].join, '-' x $_ for ^@s;
@A[ 0][$_]<d s t> = $_, '-' x $_, @t[1..$_].join for ^@t;
for 1 ..^ @s X 1..^ @t -> (\i, \j) {
if @s[i] ne @t[j] {
@A[i][j]<d> = 1 + my $min =
min @A[i-1][j]<d>, @A[i][j-1]<d>, @A[i-1][j-1]<d>;
@A[i][j]<s t> =
@A[i-1][j]<d> == $min ?? (@A[i-1][j]<s t> Z~ @s[i], '-') !!
@A[i][j-1]<d> == $min ?? (@A[i][j-1]<s t> Z~ '-', @t[j]) !!
(@A[i-1][j-1]<s t> Z~ @s[i], @t[j]);
} else {
@A[i][j]<d s t> = @A[i-1][j-1]<d s t> Z~ '', @s[i], @t[j];
return @A[*-1][*-1]<s t>;
.say for align 'rosettacode', 'raisethysword';
- Output:
ro-settac-o-de raisethysword-
uses "lcs" from here
require 'lcs'
def levenshtein_align(a, b)
apos, bpos = LCS.new(a, b).backtrack2
c = ""
d = ""
x0 = y0 = -1
dx = dy = 0
apos.zip(bpos) do |x,y|
diff = x + dx - y - dy
if diff < 0
dx -= diff
c += "-" * (-diff)
elsif diff > 0
dy += diff
d += "-" * diff
c += a[x0+1..x]
x0 = x
d += b[y0+1..y]
y0 = y
c += a[x0+1..-1]
d += b[y0+1..-1]
diff = a.length + y0 - b.length - x0
if diff < 0
c += "-" * (-diff)
elsif diff > 0
d += "-" * diff
[c, d]
puts levenshtein_align("rosettacode", "raisethysword")
- Output:
r-oset-taco-de raisethysword-
[dependencies] edit-distance = "^1.0.0"
extern crate edit_distance;
edit_distance("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
- Output:
Best seen running in your browser either by ScalaFiddle (ES aka JavaScript, non JVM) or [1].
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq
object LevenshteinAlignment extends App {
val vlad = new Levenshtein("rosettacode", "raisethysword")
val alignment = vlad.revLevenstein()
class Levenshtein(s1: String, s2: String) {
val memoizedCosts = mutable.Map[(Int, Int), Int]()
def revLevenstein(): (String, String) = {
def revLev: (Int, Int, String, String) => (String, String) = {
case (_, 0, revS1, revS2) => (revS1, revS2)
case (0, _, revS1, revS2) => (revS1, revS2)
case (i, j, revS1, revS2) =>
if (memoizedCosts(i, j) == (memoizedCosts(i - 1, j - 1)
+ (if (s1(i - 1) != s2(j - 1)) 1 else 0)))
revLev(i - 1, j - 1, s1(i - 1) + revS1, s2(j - 1) + revS2)
else if (memoizedCosts(i, j) == 1 + memoizedCosts(i - 1, j))
revLev(i - 1, j, s1(i - 1) + revS1, "-" + revS2)
revLev(i, j - 1, "-" + revS1, s2(j - 1) + revS2)
revLev(s1.length, s2.length, "", "")
private def levenshtein: Int = {
def lev: ((Int, Int)) => Int = {
case (k1, k2) =>
memoizedCosts.getOrElseUpdate((k1, k2), (k1, k2) match {
case (i, 0) => i
case (0, j) => j
case (i, j) =>
ParSeq(1 + lev((i - 1, j)),
1 + lev((i, j - 1)),
lev((i - 1, j - 1))
+ (if (s1(i - 1) != s2(j - 1)) 1 else 0)).min
lev((s1.length, s2.length))
func align(s, t) {
var A = []
{|i| A[i][0]{@|<d s t>} = (i, s.slice(1).first(i).join, '~' * i) } << ^s
{|i| A[0][i]{@|<d s t>} = (i, '-' * i, t.slice(1).first(i).join) } << ^t
for i (1 .. s.end) {
for j (1 .. t.end) {
if (s[i] != t[j]) {
A[i][j]{:d} = 1+(
var min = Math.min(A[i-1][j]{:d}, A[i][j-1]{:d}, A[i-1][j-1]{:d})
A[i][j]{@|<s t>} = (A[i-1][j]{:d} == min
? [A[i-1][j]{:s}+s[i], A[i-1][j]{:t}+'-']
: (A[i][j-1]{:d} == min
? [A[i][j-1]{:s}+'-', A[i][j-1]{:t}+t[j]]
: [A[i-1][j-1]{:s}+s[i], A[i-1][j-1]{:t}+t[j]]))...
else {
A[i][j]{@|<d s t>} = (
return [A[-1][-1]{@|<s t>}]
align("rosettacode", "raisethysword").each { .say }
- Output:
ro-settac-o-de raisethysword-
package require struct::list
proc levenshtein/align {a b} {
lassign [struct::list longestCommonSubsequence [split $a ""] [split $b ""]]\
apos bpos
set c ""
set d ""
set x0 [set y0 -1]
set dx [set dy 0]
foreach x $apos y $bpos {
if {$x+$dx < $y+$dy} {
set n [expr {($y+$dy)-($x+$dx)}]
incr dx $n
append c [string repeat "-" $n]
} elseif {$x+$dx > $y+$dy} {
set n [expr {($x+$dx)-($y+$dy)}]
incr dy $n
append d [string repeat "-" $n]
append c [string range $a $x0+1 $x]
set x0 $x
append d [string range $b $y0+1 $y]
set y0 $y
append c [string range $a $x0+1 end]
append d [string range $b $y0+1 end]
set al [string length $a]
set bl [string length $b]
if {$al+$y0 < $bl+$x0} {
append c [string repeat "-" [expr {$bl+$x0-$y0-$al}]]
} elseif {$bl+$x0 < $al+$y0} {
append d [string repeat "-" [expr {$al+$y0-$x0-$bl}]]
return $c\n$d
puts [levenshtein/align "rosettacode" "raisethysword"]
- Output:
r-oset-taco-de raisethysword-
import "./str" for Str
var levenshteinAlign = Fn.new { |a, b|
a = Str.lower(a)
b = Str.lower(b)
var costs = List.filled(a.count+1, null)
for (i in 0..a.count) costs[i] = List.filled(b.count+1, 0)
for (j in 0..b.count) costs[0][j] = j
for (i in 1..a.count) {
costs[i][0] = i
for (j in 1..b.count) {
var temp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + ((a[i - 1] == b[j - 1]) ? 0 : 1)
costs[i][j] = temp.min(1 + costs[i - 1][j].min(costs[i][j - 1]))
// walk back through matrix to figure out path
var aPathRev = ""
var bPathRev = ""
var i = a.count
var j = b.count
while (i != 0 && j != 0) {
var temp = costs[i - 1][j - 1] + ((a[i - 1] == b[j - 1]) ? 0 : 1)
var cij = costs[i][j]
if (cij == temp) {
i = i - 1
aPathRev = aPathRev + a[i]
j = j - 1
bPathRev = bPathRev + b[j]
} else if (cij == 1 + costs[i-1][j]) {
i = i - 1
aPathRev = aPathRev + a[i]
bPathRev = bPathRev + "-"
} else if (cij == 1 + costs[i][j-1]) {
aPathRev = aPathRev + "-"
j = j - 1
bPathRev = bPathRev+ b[j]
return [aPathRev[-1..0], bPathRev[-1..0]]
var result = levenshteinAlign.call("place", "palace")
result = levenshteinAlign.call("rosettacode","raisethysword")
- Output:
p-lace palace r-oset-tacode raisethysword
fcn alignment(a,b){
a,b = a.toLower(), b.toLower();
costs := (a.len()+1).pump(List(),'wrap(a){ [1..b.len()].pump(List(a)) });
foreach i,j in (a.len()+1, [1..b.len()]){
costs[i][j] = ( 1 + costs[i-1][j].min(costs[i][j-1]) )
.min(if(a[i-1] == b[j-1]) costs[i-1][j-1] else costs[i-1][j-1] + 1);
// walk back through matrix to figure out path
aPathRev,bPathRev := Data(),Data(); // byte buckets
i,j := a.len(), b.len();
while(i!=0 and j!= 0){
if (costs[i][j] ==
( if(a[i-1]==b[j-1]) costs[i-1][j-1] else costs[i-1][j-1]+1 )){
} else if(costs[i][j] == 1+costs[i-1][j]){
} else if (costs[i][j] == 1+costs[i][j-1]){
return(aPathRev.text.reverse(), bPathRev.text.reverse())
result := alignment("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
- Output:
r-oset-tacode raisethysword