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Goldbach's comet

From Rosetta Code
Goldbach's comet
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Goldbach's comet. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

Goldbach's comet is the name given to a plot of the function g(E), the so-called Goldbach function.

The Goldbach function is studied in relation to Goldbach's conjecture. The function g(E) is defined for all even integers E>2 to be the number of different ways in which E can be expressed as the sum of two primes.

  • G(4) = 1, since 4 can only be expressed as the sum of one distinct pair of primes (4 = 2 + 2)
  • G(22) = 3, since 22 can be expressed as the sum of 3 distinct pairs of primes (22 = 11 + 11 = 5 + 17 = 3 + 19)

  • Find and show (preferably, in a neat 10x10 table) the first 100 G numbers (that is: the result of the G function described above, for the first 100 even numbers >= 4)
  • Find and display the value of G(1000000)

  • Calculate the values of G up to 2000 (inclusive) and display the results in a scatter 2d-chart, aka the Goldbach's Comet

See also


Translation of: Python
F is_prime(a)
   I a == 2
      R 1B
   I a < 2 | a % 2 == 0
      R 0B
   L(i) (3 .. Int(sqrt(a))).step(2)
      I a % i == 0
         R 0B
   R 1B

F g(n)
   assert(n > 2 & n % 2 == 0, ‘n in goldbach function g(n) must be even’)
   V count = 0
   L(i) 1 .. n I/ 2
      I is_prime(i) & is_prime(n - i)
   R count

print(‘The first 100 G numbers are:’)

V col = 1
L(n) (4.<204).step(2)
   print(String(g(n)).ljust(4), end' I (col % 10 == 0) {"\n"} E ‘’)

print("\nThe value of G(1000000) is "g(1'000'000))
The first 100 G numbers are:
1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3   
3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4   
3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3   
5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5   
8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8   
5   6   8   6   7   10  6   6   12  4   
5   10  3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8   
11  6   5   12  4   8   11  5   8   10  
5   6   13  9   6   11  7   7   14  6   
8   13  5   8   11  7   9   13  8   9   

The value of G(1000000) is 5402


Generates an ASCII-Art scatter plot - the vertical axis is n/10 and the hotizontal is G(n).

BEGIN # calculate values of the Goldbach function G where G(n) is the number #
      # of prime pairs that sum to n, n even and > 2                         #
      # generates an ASCII scatter plot of G(n) up to G(2000)                #
      # (Goldbach's Comet)                                                   #
    PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR          # include prime utilities          #
    INT max prime = 1 000 000;            # maximum number we will consider  #
    INT max plot  =     2 000;            # maximum G value for the comet    #
    []BOOL prime = PRIMESIEVE max prime;  # sieve of primes to max prime     #
    [ 0 : max plot ]INT g2;               # table of G values: g2[n] = G(2n) #
    # construct the table of G values #
    FOR n FROM LWB g2 TO UPB g2 DO g2[ n ] := 0 OD;
    g2[ 4 ] := 1;                     # 4 is the only sum of two even primes #
    FOR p FROM 3 BY 2 TO max plot OVER 2 DO
        IF prime[ p ] THEN
            g2[ p + p ] +:= 1;
            FOR q FROM p + 2 BY 2 TO max plot - p DO
                IF prime[ q ] THEN
                    g2[ p + q ] +:= 1
    # show the first hundred G values #
    INT c := 0;
    FOR n FROM 4 BY 2 TO 202 DO
        print( ( whole( g2[ n ], -4 ) ) );
        IF ( c +:= 1 ) = 10 THEN print( ( newline ) ); c := 0 FI
    # show G( 1 000 000 ) #
    INT gm := 0;
    FOR p FROM 3 TO max prime OVER 2 DO
        IF prime[ p ] THEN
            IF prime[ max prime - p ] THEN
                gm +:= 1
    print( ( "G(", whole( max prime, 0 ), "): ", whole( gm, 0 ), newline ) );
    # find the maximum value of G up to the maximum plot size #
    INT max g := 0;
    FOR n FROM 2 BY 2 TO max plot DO
        IF g2[ n ] > max g THEN max g := g2[ n ] FI
    # draw an ASCII scatter plot of G, each position represents 5 G values #
    # the vertical axis is n/10, the horizontal axis is G(n) #
    INT plot step = 10;
    STRING plot value = " .-+=*%$&#@";
    FOR g FROM 0 BY plot step TO max plot - plot step DO
        [ 0 : max g ]INT values;
        FOR v pos FROM LWB values TO UPB values DO values[ v pos ] := 0 OD;
        INT max v := 0;
        FOR g element FROM g BY 2 TO g + ( plot step - 1 ) DO
            INT g2 value = g2[ g element ];
            values[ g2 value ] +:= 1;
            IF g2 value > max v THEN max v := g2 value FI
        print( ( IF g MOD 100 = 90 THEN "+" ELSE "|" FI ) );
        FOR v pos FROM 1 TO max v DO # exclude 0 values from the plot #
            print( ( plot value[ values[ v pos ] + 1 ] ) )
        print( ( newline ) )
   1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
   3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
   3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
   5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
   8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
   5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
   5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
  11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
   5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
   8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9
G(1000000): 5402

|+ |.= | -+ | -.- | --. | --. | .. .- | +.. | -- . + ... . . | .- - | +. . | ... . . | ..... | .... . | .. . .. | .. . . . | .- . . | .. . .. + ... . . | -.. . | ... . . | - . .. | . + . | . .. . . | .- . . | .-. . | - . . . | . . . .. + - .. . | ... . . | .. . . . | . .- . | . . . . . | .. . .. | .- . . | - . . . | .. . . . | .. .. . + . - . . | . .. . . | .- . . | . .. . . | . .. . . | .-. . | . - . . | .. . . . | . ... . | . . . . . + - . .. | ..- . | - . . . | . . . .. | .- . . | .. . - | - . - | -. . . | .. . . . | .. . . . + . -. . | ... . . | . .. - | . ... . | . .. . . | ... . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | + . . + . . . . . | .. - . | .... . | .- . . | . . . . . | -- . | .. . . . | - . .. | .. . . . | .. . . . + . . . . . | . - . . | .. . . . | . .. . . | .. - . | . .. . . | .. . . . | -. . . | . .. . . | . . . . . + -. . . | - . . . | . . - . | - . . . | .. . . . | . . . .. | . .. . . | ... - | . . . . . | . . . . . + . . . . . | - . . . | . . . . . | - . . . | . . . . . | - . . . | .. . . . | - . . . | .. . . . | . .. . . + . . . . . | .- . . | . .. . . | . . . . . | . .. . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . .. . . | .. . . . | - . . . + .- . . | .. . . . | .. . . . | - . . . | . . . . . | . . . .. | .. . . . | .. . . . | ... . . | . .. . . + . . . . . | - . . . | . .. . . | .. . . . | - . . . | . . - . | .. . . . | - . . . | . -. . | - . . . + - . .. | . . . . . | . . . . . | .. . . . | .. . . . | . .. . . | . . . .. | .. . . . | . . . . . | . . . - + .. .. . | . - . . | . . . . . | -. . . | . . . . . | . . - . | .. . . . | . .. . . | . . . . . | . . . . . + .. . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | - . . . | ... . . | .. . . . | . . . .. | . . . . . | . . . . . + . . . . . | - . . . | . .. . . | . . . . . | . . .. . | - . . . | . . . . . | . .. . . | .. . . . | . . . . . + . . - . | . - . . | .. . - | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | .. . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . + .. . . . | . - . . | . . .. . | - . . . | . . . . . | .. . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | -. . . | - . . . + .. . . .


G: function [n][
    size select 2..n/2 'x ->
        and? [prime? x][prime? n-x]

print "The first 100 G values:"
loop split.every: 10 map select 4..202 => even? => G 'row [
    print map to [:string] row 'item -> pad item 3

print ["\nG(1000000) =" G 1000000]

csv: join.with:",\n" map select 4..2000 => even? 'x ->
    ~"|x|, |G x|"

; write the CSV data to a file which we can then visualize
; via our preferred spreadsheet app
write "comet.csv" csv
The first 100 G values:
  1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3 
  3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4 
  3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3 
  5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5 
  8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8 
  5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4 
  5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8 
 11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10 
  5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6 
  8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9 

G(1000000) = 5402

Here, you can find the result of the visualization - or the "Goldbach's comet": 2D-chart of all G values up to 2000


c := 0
while (c<100)
    if (x := g(A_Index))
        c++, result .= x (Mod(c, 10) ? "`t" : "`n")
MsgBox % result "`ng(1000000) : " g(1000000)

g(n, i:=1) {
    if Mod(n, 2)
        return false
    while (++i <= n/2)
        if (is_prime(i) && is_prime(n-i))
    return count

is_prime(N) {
    Loop, % Floor(Sqrt(N))
        if (A_Index > 1 && !Mod(N, A_Index))
            Return false
    Return true
1	1	1	2	1	2	2	2	2	3
3	3	2	3	2	4	4	2	3	4
3	4	5	4	3	5	3	4	6	3
5	6	2	5	6	5	5	7	4	5
8	5	4	9	4	5	7	3	6	8
5	6	8	6	7	10	6	6	12	4
5	10	3	7	9	6	5	8	7	8
11	6	5	12	4	8	11	5	8	10
5	6	13	9	6	11	7	7	14	6
8	13	5	8	11	7	9	13	8	9
g(1000000) : 5402


    print("The first 100 G numbers:")
    for (n=4; n<=202; n+=2) {
    n = 1000000
    printf("\nG(%d): %d\n",n,g(n))
    n = 4
    printf("G(%d): %d\n",n,g(n))
    n = 22
    printf("G(%d): %d\n",n,g(n))
function g(n,  count,i) {
    if (n % 2 == 0) { # n must be even
      for (i=2; i<=(1/2)*n; i++) {
        if (is_prime(i) && is_prime(n-i)) {
function is_prime(n,  d) {
    d = 5
    if (n < 2) { return(0) }
    if (n % 2 == 0) { return(n == 2) }
    if (n % 3 == 0) { return(n == 3) }
    while (d*d <= n) {
      if (n % d == 0) { return(0) }
      d += 2
      if (n % d == 0) { return(0) }
      d += 4
The first 100 G numbers:
   1    1    1    2    1    2    2    2    2    3
   3    3    2    3    2    4    4    2    3    4
   3    4    5    4    3    5    3    4    6    3
   5    6    2    5    6    5    5    7    4    5
   8    5    4    9    4    5    7    3    6    8
   5    6    8    6    7   10    6    6   12    4
   5   10    3    7    9    6    5    8    7    8
  11    6    5   12    4    8   11    5    8   10
   5    6   13    9    6   11    7    7   14    6
   8   13    5    8   11    7    9   13    8    9

G(1000000): 5402
G(4): 1
G(22): 3



Translation of: FreeBASIC
#arraybase 1
print "The first 100 G numbers are:"

col = 1
for n = 4 to 202 step 2
	print rjust(string(g(n)), 4);
	if col mod 10 = 0 then print
	col += 1
next n

print : print "G(1000000) = "; g(1000000)

function isPrime(v)
	if v <= 1 then return False
	for i = 2 to int(sqrt(v))
        if v mod i = 0 then return False
    next i
	return True
end function

function g(n)
	cont = 0
	if n mod 2 = 0 then
		for i = 2 to (1/2) * n
			if isPrime(i) = 1 and isPrime(n - i) = 1 then cont += 1
		next i
	end if
	return cont
end function
Similar to FreeBASIC entry.


Function isPrime(Byval ValorEval As Uinteger) As Boolean
    If ValorEval <= 1 Then Return False
    For i As Integer = 2 To Int(Sqr(ValorEval))
        If ValorEval Mod i = 0 Then Return False
    Next i
    Return True
End Function

Function g(n As Uinteger) As Uinteger
    Dim As Uinteger i, count = 0
    If (n Mod 2 = 0) Then     'n in goldbach function g(n) must be even
        For i = 2 To (1/2) * n
            If isPrime(i) And isPrime(n - i) Then count += 1
        Next i
    End If
    Return count
End Function

Print "The first 100 G numbers are:"

Dim As Uinteger col = 1
For n As Uinteger = 4 To 202 Step 2
    Print Using "####"; g(n);
    If (col Mod 10 = 0) Then Print
    col += 1
Next n

Print !"\nThe value of G(1000000) is "; g(1000000)
The first 100 G numbers are:
   1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
   3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
   3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
   5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
   8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
   5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
   5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
  11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
   5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
   8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

The value of G(1000000) is 5402


Translation of: FreeBASIC
Use "isprime.bas"

Public Sub Main() 
  Print "The first 100 G numbers are:" 
  Dim n As Integer, col As Integer = 1 
  For n = 4 To 202 Step 2 
    Print Format$(Str(g(n)), "####"); 
    If col Mod 10 = 0 Then Print 
    col += 1 
  Print "\nG(1.000.000) = "; g(1000000)

Function g(n As Integer) As Integer 

  Dim i As Integer, count As Integer = 0 
  If n Mod 2 = 0 Then
    For i = 2 To n \ 2  '(1/2) * n
      If isPrime(i) And isPrime(n - i) Then count += 1 
  End If 
  Return count 

End Function
Same as FreeBASIC entry.


(click the image to view full-size)

VAR MAX_G = 4000, MAX_P = 1000000
VAR G[MAX_G + 1], P[MAX_P + 1]
P[0] = FALSE: P[1] = 0: P[2] = TRUE
      P[J] = FALSE
FOR I = 1 TO MAX_G G[I] = 0: NEXT
G[4] = 1 ' 4 is the only sum of 2 even primes
    INC G[I + 1]
    FOR J = I + 2 TO MAX_G - 1
      IF P[J] THEN
        INC G[I + 1]
VAR C = 0
FOR I = 4 TO 202 STEP 2
  PRINT FORMAT$("%3D", G[I]),
  IF C == 10 THEN PRINT: C = 0: ENDIF
VAR GM = 0
FOR I = 2 TO MAX_G - 10 STEP 10
  FOR J = 1 TO I + 8 STEP 2
    GPSET I DIV 10, 240-G[J],RGB(255,255,255)


Translation of: FreeBASIC

For performance reasons only g(100000) is calculated. The value "810" has been verified and is correct.

Print "The first 100 G numbers are:"
c = 1

For n = 4 To 202 Step 2
  Print Using "___#"; FUNC(_g(n));
  If (c % 10) = 0 Then Print
  c = c + 1

Print "\nThe value of G(100000) is "; FUNC(_g(100000))


  Param (1)
  Local (1)
  If a@ < 2 Then Return (0)
  For b@ = 2 To FUNC(_Sqrt(a@))
    If (a@ % b@) = 0 Then Unloop: Return (0)
Return (1)
  Param (1)
  Local (2)
  c@ = 0
  If (a@ % 2) = 0 Then     'n in goldbach function g(n) must be even
    For b@ = 2 To a@/2
      If FUNC(_isPrime(b@)) * FUNC(_isPrime(a@ - b@)) Then c@ = c@ + 1
Return (c@)

  Param (1)
  Local (3)

  Let b@ = 1
  Let c@ = 0

  Do Until b@ > a@
    Let b@ = b@ * 4

  Do While b@ > 1
    Let b@ = b@ / 4
    Let d@ = a@ - c@ - b@
    Let c@ = c@ / 2
    If d@ > -1 Then
      Let a@ = d@
      Let c@ = c@ + b@

Return (c@)
The first 100 G numbers are:
   1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
   3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
   3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
   5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
   8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
   5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
   5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
  11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
   5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
   8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

The value of G(100000) is 810

0 OK, 0:210 


Translation of: FreeBASIC
import isprime

print "The first 100 G numbers are:"

col = 1
for n = 4 to 202 step 2
    print g(n) using ("####");
    if mod(col, 10) = 0  print
    col = col + 1
next n

print "\nG(1000000) = ", g(1000000)

sub g(n)
    count = 0
    if mod(n, 2) = 0 then
        for i = 2 to (1/2) * n
            if isPrime(i) and isPrime(n - i)  count = count + 1
        next i
    return count
end sub
Same as FreeBASIC entry.


#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

std::vector<bool> primes;

void initialise_primes(const int32_t& limit) {
	for ( int32_t i = 2; i < limit; ++i ) {
		primes[i] = true;

	for ( int32_t n = 2; n < sqrt(limit); ++n ) {
		for ( int32_t k = n * n; k < limit; k += n ) {
			primes[k] = false;

int32_t goldbach_function(const int32_t& number) {
	if (  number <= 2 || number % 2 == 1 ) {
		throw std::invalid_argument("Argument must be even and greater than 2: " + std::to_string(number));

	int32_t result = 0;
	for ( int32_t i = 1; i <= number / 2; ++i ) {
		if ( primes[i] && primes[number - i] ) {
	return result;

int main() {

	std::cout << "The first 100 Goldbach numbers:" << std::endl;
	for ( int32_t n = 2; n < 102; ++n ) {
		std::cout << std::setw(3) << goldbach_function(2 * n) << ( n % 10 == 1 ? "\n" : "" );

	std::cout << "\n" << "The 1,000,000th Goldbach number = " << goldbach_function(1'000'000) << std::endl;
The first 100 Goldbach numbers:
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

The 1,000,000th Goldbach number = 5402


Works with: Delphi version 6.0

function GetGoldbachCount(N: integer): integer;
{Count number of prime number combinations add up to N }
var I: integer;
{Look at all number pairs that add up to N}
{And see if they are prime}
for I:=1 to N div 2 do
 if IsPrime(I) and IsPrime(N-I) then Inc(Result);

procedure ShowGoldbachComet(Memo: TMemo);
{Show first 100 Goldback numbers}
var I,N,Cnt,C: integer;
var S: string;
Cnt:=0; N:=2; S:='';
while true do
	if C>0 then
		if (Cnt mod 10)=0 then S:=S+CRLF;
		if Cnt>=100 then break;
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

Elapsed Time: 1.512 ms.


Translation of: AWK
func isprim n .
   if n mod 2 = 0 and n > 2
      return 0
   i = 3
   sq = sqrt n
   while i <= sq
      if n mod i = 0
         return 0
      i += 2
   return 1
func goldbach n .
   for i = 2 to n div 2
      if isprim i = 1
         cnt += isprim (n - i)
   return cnt
numfmt 0 3
for n = 4 step 2 to 202
   write goldbach n
   if n mod 20 = 2
      print ""
print goldbach 1000000


Task implementation:

   10 10$#/.~4,/:~ 0-.~,(<:/~ * +/~) p:1+i.p:inv 202
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

And, for G(1e6):

   -:+/1 p: 1e6-p:i.p:inv 1e6


For the first part, the easiest approach seems to be to brute force it. The first 100 numbers starting with 4 end at 202, so we start by finding all primes less than 202 (and sum all pairs of these primes).

Also, we can eliminate an odd/even test on these sums of primes by excluding 2 from our list of primes and including 4 as an explicit constant.

Also, since we are only concerned about distinct sums, we eliminate all pairs where the first prime in the sum exceeds the second prime in the sum.

So.. we compute a couple thousand sums, sort them in numeric order (prepending that list with 4), count how many times each unique value appears, and order the first 100 of those frequencies in a 10x10 table.


For G(1e6) that brute force approach becomes inefficient -- instead of about 2000 sums, almost 600 of which are relevant, we would need to find over 6e9 sums, and about 6e9 of them would be irrelevant.

Instead, for G(1e6), we find all primes less than a million, subtract each from 1 million and count how many of the differences are prime and cut that in half. We cut that sum in half because this approach counts each pair twice (once with the smallest value first, again with the smallest value second -- since 1e6 is not the square of a prime we do not have a prime which appears twice in one of these sums).


import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

public final class GoldbachsComet {

	public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
		System.out.println("The first 100 Goldbach numbers:");
		for ( int n = 2; n < 102; n++ ) {
			System.out.print(String.format("%3d%s", goldbachFunction(2 * n), ( n % 10 == 1 ? "\n" : "" )));
		System.out.println("The 1,000,000th Goldbach number = " + goldbachFunction(1_000_000));
	private static void createImage() {
		final int width = 1040;
		final int height = 860;
		BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
		Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
        graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
        List<Color> colours = List.of( Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.RED );
        for ( int n = 2; n < 2002; n++ ) {
        	graphics.setColor(colours.get(n % 3));
        	graphics.fillOval(n / 2, height - 5 * goldbachFunction(2 * n), 10, 10);
		try {
			ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("GoldbachsCometJava.png"));
		} catch (IOException ioe) {
	private static int goldbachFunction(int aNumber) {
		if (  aNumber <= 2 || aNumber % 2 == 1 ) {
			throw new AssertionError("Argument must be even and greater than 2: " + aNumber);
		int result = 0;
		for ( int i = 1; i <= aNumber / 2; i++ ) {			
		    if ( primes[i] && primes[aNumber - i] ) {
		    	result += 1;
		return result;
	private static void initialisePrimes(int aLimit) {
		primes = new boolean[aLimit];
		for ( int i = 2; i < aLimit; i++ ) {
			primes[i] = true;
		for ( int n = 2; n < Math.sqrt(aLimit); n++ ) {
			for ( int k = n * n; k < aLimit; k += n ) {
				primes[k] = false;
	private static boolean[] primes;



The first 100 Goldbach numbers:
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

The 1,000,000th Goldbach number = 5402


Works with jq and gojq, the C and Go implementations of jq.


def count(s): reduce s as $_ (0; .+1);

def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;

def nwise($n):
  def n: if length <= $n then . else .[0:$n] , (.[$n:] | n) end;

def is_prime:
  . as $n
  | if ($n < 2)         then false
    elif ($n % 2 == 0)  then $n == 2
    elif ($n % 3 == 0)  then $n == 3
    elif ($n % 5 == 0)  then $n == 5
    elif ($n % 7 == 0)  then $n == 7
    elif ($n % 11 == 0) then $n == 11
    elif ($n % 13 == 0) then $n == 13
    elif ($n % 17 == 0) then $n == 17
    elif ($n % 19 == 0) then $n == 19
      ($n | sqrt) as $rt
      | 23
      | until( . > $rt or ($n % . == 0); .+2)
      | . > $rt

The Tasks

# emit nothing if . is odd
def G:
  select(. % 2 == 0)
  | count( range(2; (./2)+1) as $i
           | select(($i|is_prime) and ((.-$i)|is_prime)) );

def task1:
  "The first 100 G numbers:",
  ([range(4; 203; 2) | G] | nwise(10) | map(lpad(4)) | join(" "));

def task($n):
  $n, 4, 22
  |"G(\(.)): \(G)";

task1, "", task(1000000)
The first 100 G numbers:
   1    1    1    2    1    2    2    2    2    3
   3    3    2    3    2    4    4    2    3    4
   3    4    5    4    3    5    3    4    6    3
   5    6    2    5    6    5    5    7    4    5
   8    5    4    9    4    5    7    3    6    8
   5    6    8    6    7   10    6    6   12    4
   5   10    3    7    9    6    5    8    7    8
  11    6    5   12    4    8   11    5    8   10
   5    6   13    9    6   11    7    7   14    6
   8   13    5    8   11    7    9   13    8    9

G(1000000): 5402
G(4): 1
G(22): 3


Run in VS Code or REPL to view and save the plot.

using Combinatorics
using Plots
using Primes

g(n) = iseven(n) ? count(p -> all(isprime, p), partitions(n, 2)) : error("n must be even")

println("The first 100 G numbers are: ")

foreach(p -> print(lpad(p[2], 4), p[1] % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : ""), map(g, 4:2:202) |> enumerate)

println("\nThe value of G(1000000) is ", g(1_000_000))

x = collect(2:2002)
y = map(g, 2x)
scatter(x, y, markerstrokewidth = 0, color = ["red", "blue", "green"][mod1.(x, 3)])

The first 100 G numbers are:

  1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
  3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
  3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
  5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
  8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
  5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
  5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
 11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
  5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
  8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

The value of G(1000000) is 5402


function T(t) return setmetatable(t, {__index=table}) end
table.range = function(t,n) local s=T{} for i=1,n do s[i]=i end return s end
table.map = function(t,f) local s=T{} for i=1,#t do s[i]=f(t[i]) end return s end
table.batch = function(t,n,f) for i=1,#t,n do local s=T{} for j=1,n do s[j]=t[i+j-1] end f(s) end return t end

function isprime(n)
  if n < 2 then return false end
  if n % 2 == 0 then return n==2 end
  if n % 3 == 0 then return n==3 end
  for f = 5, n^0.5, 6 do
    if n%f==0 or n%(f+2)==0 then return false end
  return true

function goldbach(n)
  local count = 0
  for i = 1, n/2 do
    if isprime(i) and isprime(n-i) then
      count = count + 1
  return count

print("The first 100 G numbers:")
g = T{}:range(100):map(function(n) return goldbach(2+n*2) end)
g:map(function(n) return string.format("%2d ",n) end):batch(10,function(t) print(t:concat()) end)
print("G(1000000) = "..goldbach(1000000))
The first 100 G numbers:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9
G(1000000) = 5402

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

GoldbachFuncion[e_Integer] := Module[{ps},
  ps = Prime[Range[PrimePi[e/2]]];
  Total[Boole[PrimeQ[e - ps]]]
Grid[Partition[GoldbachFuncion /@ Range[4, 220, 2], 10]]
DiscretePlot[GoldbachFuncion[e], {e, 4, 2000}, Filling -> None]
1	1	1	2	1	2	2	2	2	3
3	3	2	3	2	4	4	2	3	4
3	4	5	4	3	5	3	4	6	3
5	6	2	5	6	5	5	7	4	5
8	5	4	9	4	5	7	3	6	8
5	6	8	6	7	10	6	6	12	4
5	10	3	7	9	6	5	8	7	8
11	6	5	12	4	8	11	5	8	10
5	6	13	9	6	11	7	7	14	6
8	13	5	8	11	7	9	13	8	9


[graphical object showing Goldbach's comet]


Library: nim-plotly
Library: chroma

To display the Golbach’s comet, we use a library providing a Nim interface to “plotly”. The graph is displayed into a browser.

import std/[math, strformat, strutils, sugar]
import chroma, plotly

  N1 = 100        # For part 1 of task.
  N2 = 1_000_000  # For part 2 of task.
  N3 = 2000       # For stretch part.

# Erathostenes sieve.
var isPrime: array[1..N1, bool]
for i in 2..N1: isPrime[i] = true
for n in 2..sqrt(N1.toFloat).int:
  for k in countup(n * n, N1, n):
    isPrime[k] = false

proc g(n: int): int =
  ## Goldbach function.
  assert n > 2 and n mod 2 == 0, "“n” must be even and greater than 2."
  for i in 1..(n div 2):
    if isPrime[i] and isPrime[n - i]:
      inc result

# Part 1.
echo &"First {N1} G numbers:"
var col = 1
for n in 2..N1:
  stdout.write align($g( 2 * n), 3)
  stdout.write if col mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
  inc col

# Part 2.
echo &"\nG({N2}) = ", g(N2)

# Stretch part.

const Colors = collect(for name in ["red", "blue", "green"]: name.parseHtmlName())
var x, y: seq[float]
var colors: seq[Color]
for n in 2..N3:
  x.add n.toFloat
  y.add g(2 * n).toFloat
  colors.add Colors[n mod 3]

let trace = Trace[float](type: Scatter, mode: Markers, marker: Marker[float](color: colors), xs: x, ys: y)
let layout = Layout(title: "Goldbach’s comet", width: 1200, height: 400)
Plot[float64](layout: layout, traces: @[trace]).show(removeTempFile = true)
First 100 G numbers:
  1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
  3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
  3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
  5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
  8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
  5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
  5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
 11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
  5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
  8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

G(1000000) = 5402


uses GraphWPF;

const colpick = (Colors.Red, Colors.Green, Colors.Blue);

function IsPrime(x: longword): boolean;
  var i := 2;
  while (i * i <= x) and (x mod i <> 0) do
    i += 1;
  Result := i * i > x; 

function g(n: integer): integer;
  assert((n > 2) and (n mod 2 = 0), '“n” must be even and greater than 2.');
  for var i := 2 to (n div 2)  do 
    if isPrime(i) and isPrime(n - i) then
      result += 1;

  println('First 100 G numbers:');
  foreach var n in (2..101) index i do 
    write(g( 2 * n):3);
    if (i + 1) mod 10 = 0 then writeln;
  println('G(1_000_000) =', g(1_000_000));

  setMathematicCoords(0, 4000, 0, false);
  foreach var x in range(4, 4002, 2) do
    fillcircle(x, g(x)*15, 10, colpick[(x div 2) mod 3]);
First 100 G numbers:
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

G(1_000_000) = 5402


Library: ntheory
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use List::Util 'max';
use GD::Graph::bars;
use ntheory 'is_prime';

sub table { my $t = shift() * (my $c = 1 + max map {length} @_); ( sprintf( ('%'.$c.'s')x@_, @_) ) =~ s/.{1,$t}\K/\n/gr }

sub G {
    my($n) = @_;
    scalar grep { is_prime($_) and is_prime($n - $_) } 2 .. $n/2;

my @y;
push @y, G(2*$_ + 4) for my @x = 0..1999;

say $_ for table 10, @y;
printf "G $_: %d", G($_) for 1e6;

my @data = ( \@x, \@y);
my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(1200, 400);
    title          => q/Goldbach's Comet/,
    y_max_value    => 170,
    x_tick_number  => 10,
    r_margin       => 10,
    dclrs          => [ 'blue' ],
) or die $graph->error;
my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;

open my $fh, '>', 'goldbachs-comet.png';
binmode $fh;
print $fh $gd->png();
close $fh;
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

G 1000000: 5402

Stretch goal: (offsite image) goldbachs-comet.png


Library: Phix/pGUI
Library: Phix/online

You can run this online here.

-- demo\rosetta\Goldbachs_comet.exw
-- ================================
-- Note: this plots n/2 vs G(n) for n=6 to 4000 by 2, matching wp and
--       Algol 68, Python, and Raku. However, while not wrong, Arturo 
--       and Wren apparently plot n vs G(n) for n=6 to 2000 by 2, so
--       should you spot any (very) minor differences, that'd be why.
with javascript_semantics

constant limit = 4000
sequence primes = get_primes_le(limit)[2..$],
       goldbach = reinstate(repeat(0,limit),{4},{1})
for i=1 to length(primes) do
    for j=i to length(primes) do
        integer s = primes[i] + primes[j]
        if s>limit then exit end if
        goldbach[s] += 1
    end for
end for
sequence fhg = extract(goldbach,tagstart(4,100,2))
string fhgs = join_by(fhg,1,10," ","\n","%2d")
integer gm = sum(apply(sq_sub(1e6,get_primes_le(499999)[2..$]),is_prime))
printf(1,"The first 100 G values:\n%s\n\nG(1,000,000) = %,d\n",{fhgs,gm})

include pGUI.e
include IupGraph.e
function get_data(Ihandle /*graph*/)
    return {{tagset(limit/2,3,3),extract(goldbach,tagset(limit,6,6)),CD_RED},
end function

Ihandle graph = IupGraph(get_data,"RASTERSIZE=640x440,MARKSTYLE=PLUS")
Ihandle dlg = IupDialog(graph,`TITLE="Goldbach's comet",MINSIZE=400x300`)
if platform()!=JS then 
end if
The first 100 G values:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

G(1,000,000) = 5,402


main =>
  println("First 100 G numbers:"),
  foreach({G,I} in zip(take([G: T in 1..300, G=g(T),G>0],100),1..100))
    printf("%2d %s",G,cond(I mod 10 == 0,"\n",""))
  printf("G(1_000_000): %d\n", g(1_000_000)).

g(N) = cond((N > 2, N mod 2 == 0),
              {1 : I in 1..N // 2,
First 100 G numbers:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3 
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4 
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3 
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5 
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8 
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4 
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8 
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10 
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6 
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9 

G(1_000_000): 5402


from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter, show
from sympy import isprime

def g(n):
    assert n > 2 and n % 2 == 0, 'n in goldbach function g(n) must be even'          
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, n//2 + 1):
        if isprime(i) and isprime(n - i):
            count += 1
    return count

print('The first 100 G numbers are:')
col = 1
for n in range(4, 204, 2):
    print(str(g(n)).ljust(4), end = '\n' if (col % 10 == 0) else '')
    col += 1

print('\nThe value of G(1000000) is', g(1_000_000))
x = range(4, 4002, 2)
y = [g(i) for i in x]
colors = [["red", "blue", "green"][(i // 2) % 3] for i in x]
scatter([i // 2 for i in x], y, marker='.', color = colors)
The first 100 G numbers are:
1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3   
3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4   
3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3   
5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5   
8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8   
5   6   8   6   7   10  6   6   12  4   
5   10  3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8   
11  6   5   12  4   8   11  5   8   10  
5   6   13  9   6   11  7   7   14  6   
8   13  5   8   11  7   9   13  8   9   

The value of G(1000000) is 5402


For the stretch, actually generates a plot, doesn't just calculate values to be plotted by a third party application. Deviates slightly from the stretch goal, plots the first two thousand defined values rather than the values up to two thousand that happen to be defined. (More closely matches the wikipedia example image.)

sub G (Int $n) { +(2..$n/2).grep: { .is-prime && ($n - $_).is-prime } }

# Task
put "The first 100 G values:\n", (^100).map({ G 2 × $_ + 4 }).batch(10)».fmt("%2d").join: "\n";

put "\nG 1_000_000 = ", G 1_000_000;

# Stretch
use SVG;
use SVG::Plot;

my @x = map 2 × * + 4, ^2000;
my @y = @x.map: &G;

'Goldbachs-Comet-Raku.svg'.IO.spurt: SVG.serialize: SVG::Plot.new(
    width       => 1000,
    height      => 500,
    background  => 'white',
    title       => "Goldbach's Comet",
    x           => @x,
    values      => [@y,],
).plot: :points;
The first 100 G values:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

G 1_000_000 = 5402

Stretch goal: (offsite SVG image) Goldbachs-Comet-Raku.svg


Libraries: How to use
Libraries: Source code

include Settings

say version; say 'Goldbach''s comet'; say
numeric digits 7
call GetPrimes
call ShowFirst100
call ShowMillion

procedure expose prim.
call Time('r')
say 'Collect Primes up to 1000000...'
call Primes(1e6)
say Time('e')/1 'seconds'

procedure expose prim.
call Time('r')
say 'First 100 values...'
do i = 4 by 2 to 202
   call Charout ,Right(Goldbach(i),3)
   if i//20 = 2 then
say Time('e')/1 'seconds'

procedure expose prim.
call Time('r')
say 'G(1000000)...'
say Goldbach(1e6)
say Time('e')/1 'seconds'

procedure expose prim.
arg x
y = 0
do i = 2 to x%2
   if prim.flag.i then do
      j = x-i
      if prim.flag.j then do
         y = y+1
return y/1

include Abend
include Functions
include Sequences
REXX-Regina_3.9.6(MT) 5.00 29 Apr 2024
Goldbach's comet

Collect primes up to 1000000...
0.285 seconds

First 100 values...
  1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
  3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
  3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
  5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
  8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
  5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
  5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
 11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
  5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
  8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9
0.003 seconds

0.077 seconds


Works with: HP version 49
     "GOLDB Error: Odd number" DOERR
     2 PICK3 2 / CEIL FOR j
        IF j ISPRIME? THEN
           IF OVER j - ISPRIME? THEN 1 + END

« « n GOLDB » 'n' 4 202 2 SEQ
  OBJ→ DROP { 10 10 } →ARRY
  1000000 GOLDB "G(1000000)" →TAG
2: [[ 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 ]
    [ 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 4 ]
    [ 3 4 5 4 3 5 3 4 6 3 ]
    [ 5 6 2 5 6 5 5 7 4 5 ]
    [ 8 5 4 9 4 5 7 3 6 8 ]
    [ 5 6 8 6 7 10 6 6 12 4 ]
    [ 5 10 3 7 9 6 5 8 7 8 ]
    [ 11 6 5 12 4 8 11 5 8 10 ]
    [ 5 6 13 9 6 11 7 7 14 6 ]
    [ 8 13 5 8 11 7 9 13 8 9 ]]
1: G(1000000): 5402


following the J comments, but only generating primes up-to half a million

require 'prime'

n = 100
puts "The first #{n} Godbach numbers are: "
sums = Prime.each(n*2 + 2).to_a[1..].repeated_combination(2).map(&:sum)
sums << 4
sums.sort.tally.values[...n].each_slice(10){|slice| puts "%4d"*slice.size % slice}

n = 1000000
puts "\nThe value of G(#{n}) is #{Prime.each(n/2).count{|pr| (n-pr).prime?} }."
The first 100 Godbach numbers are: 
   1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
   3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
   3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
   5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
   8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
   5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
   5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
  11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
   5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
   8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

The value of G(1000000) is 5402.


// [dependencies]
// primal = "0.3"
// plotters = "0.3.2"

use plotters::prelude::*;

fn goldbach(n: u64) -> u64 {
    let mut p = 2;
    let mut count = 0;
    loop {
        let q = n - p;
        if q < p {
        if primal::is_prime(p) && primal::is_prime(q) {
            count += 1;
        if p == 2 {
            p += 1;
        } else {
            p += 2;

fn goldbach_plot(filename: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let gvalues : Vec<u64> = (1..=2000).map(|x| goldbach(2 * x + 2)).collect();
    let mut gmax = *gvalues.iter().max().unwrap();
    gmax = 10 * ((gmax + 9) / 10);

    let root = SVGBackend::new(filename, (1000, 500)).into_drawing_area();

    let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root)
        .caption("Goldbach's Comet", ("sans-serif", 24).into_font())
        .build_cartesian_2d(0usize..2000usize, 0u64..gmax)?;


            .map(|p| Circle::new(p, 2, BLUE.filled())),


fn main() {
    println!("First 100 G numbers:");
    for i in 1..=100 {
            goldbach(2 * i + 2),
            if i % 10 == 0 { "\n" } else { " " }

    println!("\nG(1000000) = {}", goldbach(1000000));

    match goldbach_plot("goldbach.svg") {
        Ok(()) => {}
        Err(error) => eprintln!("Error: {}", error),
First 100 G numbers:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9

G(1000000) = 5402

Media:Goldbach's comet rust.svg


Library: DOME
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-iterate
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-plot

This follows the Raku example in plotting the first two thousand G values rather than the values up to G(2000) in order to produce an image something like the image in the Wikipedia article.

import "dome" for Window
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
import "./math2" for Int
import "./iterate" for Stepped
import "./fmt" for Fmt
import "./plot" for Axes

var limit = 4002
var primes = Int.primeSieve(limit-1).skip(1).toList
var goldbach = {4: 1}
for (i in Stepped.new(6..limit, 2)) goldbach[i] = 0
for (i in 0...primes.count) {
    for (j in i...primes.count) {
        var s = primes[i] + primes[j]
        if (s > limit) break
        goldbach[s] = goldbach[s] + 1

System.print("The first 100 G values:")
var count = 0
for (i in Stepped.new(4..202, 2)) {
    count = count + 1
    Fmt.write("$2d ", goldbach[i])
    if (count % 10 == 0) System.print()

primes = Int.primeSieve(499999).skip(1)
var gm = 0
for (p in primes) {
    if (Int.isPrime(1e6 - p)) gm = gm + 1
System.print("\nG(1000000) = %(gm)")

var Red   = []
var Blue  = []
var Green = []

// create lists for the first 2000 G values for plotting by DOME.
for(e in Stepped.new(4..limit, 2)) {
    var c = e % 6
    var n = e/2 - 1
    if (c == 0) {
        Red.add([n, goldbach[e]])
    } else if (c == 2) {
        Blue.add([n, goldbach[e]])
    } else {
        Green.add([n, goldbach[e]])

class Main {
    construct new() {
        Window.title = "Goldbach's comet"
        Canvas.resize(1000, 600)
        Window.resize(1000, 600)
        var axes = Axes.new(100, 500, 800, 400, 0..2000, 0..200)
        axes.draw(Color.black, 2)
        var xMarks = Stepped.new(0..2000, 200)
        var yMarks = Stepped.new(0..200, 20)
        axes.mark(xMarks, yMarks, Color.black, 2)
        var xMarks2 = Stepped.new(0..2000, 400)
        var yMarks2 = Stepped.new(0..200, 40)
        axes.label(xMarks2, yMarks2, Color.black, 2, Color.black)
        axes.plot(Red, Color.red, "+")
        axes.plot(Blue, Color.blue, "+")
        axes.plot(Green, Color.green, "+")

    init() {}

    update() {}

    draw(alpha) {}

var Game = Main.new()
The first 100 G values:
 1  1  1  2  1  2  2  2  2  3 
 3  3  2  3  2  4  4  2  3  4 
 3  4  5  4  3  5  3  4  6  3 
 5  6  2  5  6  5  5  7  4  5 
 8  5  4  9  4  5  7  3  6  8 
 5  6  8  6  7 10  6  6 12  4 
 5 10  3  7  9  6  5  8  7  8 
11  6  5 12  4  8 11  5  8 10 
 5  6 13  9  6 11  7  7 14  6 
 8 13  5  8 11  7  9 13  8  9 

G(1000000) = 5402


func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N is prime
int  N, I;
[if N <= 2 then return N = 2;
if (N&1) = 0 then \even >2\ return false;
for I:= 3 to sqrt(N) do
    [if rem(N/I) = 0 then return false;
    I:= I+1;
return true;

int  PT(1_000_000);

func G(E);      \Ways E can be expressed as sum of two primes
int  E, C, I, J, T;
[C:= 0;  I:= 0;
loop    [J:= I;
        if PT(J) + PT(I) > E then return C;
        loop    [T:= PT(J) + PT(I);
                if T = E then C:= C+1;
                if T > E then quit;
                J:= J+1;
        I:= I+1;

int I, N;
[I:= 0; \make prime table
for N:= 2 to 1_000_000 do
        if IsPrime(N) then
                [PT(I):= N;  I:= I+1];
I:= 4;  \show first 100 G numbers
Format(4, 0);
for N:= 1 to 100 do
        [RlOut(0, float(G(I)));
        if rem(N/10) = 0 then CrLf(0);
        I:= I+2;
Text(0, "G(1,000,000) = ");  IntOut(0, G(1_000_000));
   1   1   1   2   1   2   2   2   2   3
   3   3   2   3   2   4   4   2   3   4
   3   4   5   4   3   5   3   4   6   3
   5   6   2   5   6   5   5   7   4   5
   8   5   4   9   4   5   7   3   6   8
   5   6   8   6   7  10   6   6  12   4
   5  10   3   7   9   6   5   8   7   8
  11   6   5  12   4   8  11   5   8  10
   5   6  13   9   6  11   7   7  14   6
   8  13   5   8  11   7   9  13   8   9

G(1,000,000) = 5402
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