Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Sort the most popular computer programming languages based in number of members in Rosetta Code categories.
Sample output on 3 February 2019:
rank: 1 (1,100 entries) Go rank: 2 (1,047 entries) Perl 6 rank: 3 (1,034 entries) Python rank: 4 (1,030 entries) Kotlin rank: 5 (994 entries) Phix rank: 6 (989 entries) Racket rank: 7 (965 entries) Perl rank: 8 (955 entries) Julia rank: 9 (942 entries) C rank: 10 (929 entries) Tcl ...
- Notes
- Each language typically demonstrates one or two methods of accessing the data:
- with web scraping (via
- with the API method (examples below for Awk, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, etc).
- The scraping and API solutions can be separate subsections, see the Tcl example.
- Filtering wrong results is optional. You can check against Special:MostLinkedCategories (if using web scraping)
- A complete ranked listing of all 691 languages (from the REXX example) is included here ──► RC_POP.OUT.
- A complete, accurate, sortable, wikitable listing, with rankings and completion percentages, of all 714 programming languages is included here.
<lang ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; with Ada.Strings.Less_Case_Insensitive;
with AWS.Client; with AWS.Response;
procedure Test is
use Ada.Strings;
function "+" (S : String) return Unbounded_String renames To_Unbounded_String;
type A_Language_Count is record Count : Integer := 0; Language : Unbounded_String; end record;
function "=" (L, R : A_Language_Count) return Boolean is begin return L.Language = R.Language; end "=";
function "<" (L, R : A_Language_Count) return Boolean is begin -- Sort by 'Count' and then by Language name return L.Count < R.Count or else (L.Count = R.Count and then Less_Case_Insensitive (Left => To_String (L.Language), Right => To_String (R.Language))); end "<";
package Sets is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (A_Language_Count); use Sets;
Counts : Set;
procedure Find_Counts (S : String) is Title_Str : constant String := "title=""Category:"; End_A_Str : constant String := "</a> (";
Title_At : constant Natural := Index (S, Title_Str); begin if Title_At /= 0 then declare Bracket_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Title_At + Title_Str'Length .. S'Last), ">"); End_A_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Bracket_At + 1 .. S'Last), End_A_Str); Space_At : constant Natural := Index (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. S'Last), " "); Count : constant Natural := Natural'Value (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. Space_At - 1)); Language : constant String := S (Title_At + Title_Str'Length .. Bracket_At - 2); begin if Bracket_At /= 0 and then End_A_At /= 0 and then Space_At /= 0 then begin Counts.Insert (New_Item => (Count, +Language)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Warning: repeated language: " & Language); -- Ignore repeated results. null; end; end if; -- Recursively parse the string for languages and counts Find_Counts (S (Space_At + 1 .. S'Last)); end; end if;
end Find_Counts;
Place : Natural := 1;
procedure Display (C : Cursor) is begin Put (Place, Width => 1); Put (". "); Put (Element (C).Count, Width => 1); Put (" - "); Put_Line (To_String (Element (C).Language)); Place := Place + 1; end Display; Http_Source : constant AWS.Response.Data := AWS.Client.Get ("");
Find_Counts (AWS.Response.Message_Body (Http_Source)); Counts.Reverse_Iterate (Display'Access);
end Test; </lang>
ALGOL68: using web scraping
Note: the routine http content is currently not available on Win32 systems.
<lang algol68>PROC good page = (REF STRING page) BOOL:
IF grep in string("^HTTP/[0-9.]* 200", page, NIL, NIL) = 0 THEN TRUE ELSE IF INT start, end; grep in string("^HTTP/[0-9.]* [0-9]+ [a-zA-Z ]*", page, start, end) = 0 THEN print (page[start : end]) ELSE print ("unknown error retrieving page") FI; FALSE FI;
new := (first, first, (first IS REF LINK(NIL) | 0 | 1 )); new
OP +:= = (REF LISTOFSTRING list, []CHAR item)VOID: (
HEAP LINK new := (STRING(item), REF LINK(NIL)); IF first OF list IS REF LINK(NIL) THEN first OF list := new ELSE next OF last OF list := new FI; last OF list := new; upb OF list +:= 1
OP UPB = (LISTOFSTRING list)INT: upb OF list;
[UPB list]STRING out; REF LINK this := first OF list; FOR i TO UPB list DO out[i] := value OF this; this := next OF this OD; out
INT match=0, no match=1, out of memory error=2, other error=3;
PROC re split = (STRING re split, REF STRING beetles)[]STRING:(
LISTOFSTRING out := (NIL, NIL, 0); # LISTINIT REF LINK NIL; # INT start := 1, pos, end; WHILE grep in string(re split, beetles[start:], pos, end) = match DO out +:= beetles[start:start+pos-2]; out +:= beetles[start+pos-1:start+end-1]; start +:= end OD; IF start > UPB beetles THEN out +:= beetles[start:] FI; ARRAYOFSTRING(out) );
IF STRING reply;
INT rc = http content (reply, "", "", 0); rc /= 0 OR NOT good page (reply)
THEN print (("Error:",strerror (rc))) ELSE
STRING # hack: HTML should be parsed by an official HTML parsing library # re html tag = "<[^>]*>", re a href category = "^<a href=""/wiki/Category:.*"" title=", re members = "([1-9][0-9]* members)";
OP +:= = (REF FLEX[]STATISTIC in out, STATISTIC item)VOID:( [LWB in out: UPB in out+1]STATISTIC new; new[LWB in out: UPB in out]:=in out; new[UPB new]:=item; in out := new );
- hack: needs to be manually maintained #
STRING re ignore ="Programming Tasks|WikiStubs|Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated|"+ "Unimplemented tasks by language|Programming Languages|"+ "Solutions by Programming Language|Implementations|"+ "Solutions by Library|Encyclopedia|Language users|"+ "Solutions by Programming Task|Basic language learning|"+ "RCTemplates|Language Implementations";
FORMAT category fmt = $"<a href=""/wiki/Category:"g""" title=""Category:"g""""$; STRING encoded category, category; FORMAT members fmt = $" ("g" members)"$; INT members;
FLEX[0]STRING tokens := re split(re html tag, reply); FOR token index TO UPB tokens DO STRING token := tokens[token index]; FILE file; IF grep in string(re a href category, token, NIL, NIL) = match THEN associate(file, token); make term(file,""""); getf(file, (category fmt, encoded category, category)); close(file) ELIF grep in string(re members, token, NIL, NIL) = match THEN IF grep in string(re ignore, category, NIL, NIL) /= match THEN associate(file, token); getf(file, (members fmt, members)); stats +:= STATISTIC(members, category); close(file) FI FI OD;
OP < = (STATISTIC a,b)BOOL: members OF a < members OF b;
stats := in place shell sort reverse(stats);
INT max = 10; FOR i TO (UPB stats > max | max | UPB stats) DO printf(($g(-0)". "g(-0)" - "gl$,i,stats[i])) OD
- Sample output:
1. 233 - Python 2. 222 - Ada 3. 203 - OCaml 4. 203 - C 5. 201 - Perl 6. 193 - Haskell 7. 182 - Java 8. 179 - D 9. 178 - ALGOL 68 10. 160 - Ruby
ALGOL 68:using the API
<lang algol68> CHAR line feed = REPR 10, carriage return = REPR 13; STRING crlf = carriage return + line feed; STRING domain = "",
page = "/mw/api.php?format=xml&action=query&generator=categorymembers&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages&gcmlimit=500&prop=categoryinfo";
- concatenate tuples #
OP + = ([]STRING a, b) []STRING:
BEGIN [⌈a + ⌈b] STRING c; c[:⌈a] := a; c[⌈a+1:] := b; c END;
- count occurrances of string in string #
PROC count = (STRING sub, str) INT :
BEGIN INT count := 0; IF UPB str ≥ UPB sub AND UPB str ≥ 1 THEN
INT p := 1; INT p0; WHILE p + UPB sub - 1 <= UPB str ANDF (p0 := p; string in string (sub, p, str[p0:])) DO
count +:= 1;
p +:= p0 + UPB sub - 1 OD
FI; count END;
- split string into tuple #
PROC split = (STRING str, sep) FLEX[]STRING :
BEGIN INT seplen = UPB sep, strlen = UPB str; INT cnt := 0, start := 1; INT p; [count (sep, str) + 1] STRING list; WHILE start ≤ strlen - (seplen - 1)
ANDF string in string (sep, p, str[start:]) DO p +:= start - 1; list[cnt +:= 1] := str[start:p-1]; start := p + seplen
OD; IF cnt = 0 THEN list[cnt +:= 1] := str ELIF start ≤ strlen THEN list[cnt +:= 1] := str[start:] ELIF start = strlen + 1 AND seplen ≥ 1 THEN list[cnt +:= 1] := "" FI; list END;
- reverse strings in a TUPLE #
new[UPB org - (i - 1)] := org[i]
OD; new END;
- convert unsigned number to INT #
BEGIN INT p := 1, len := UPB str; WHILE p ≤ len ANDF is space (str[p]) DO p +:= 1 OD; IF str[1] = "-" OR str[1] = "+" THEN
p +:= 1
FI; INT n := 0; WHILE p ≤ len ANDF is space (str[p]) DO p +:= 1 OD; FOR i FROM p TO len WHILE is digit (str[i]) DO
n := n × 10 + ABS str[i] - ABS "0"
OD; n END;
- pad to fixed width #
BEGIN STRING s = (x | (INT i): whole (i,0), (STRING t): t); (w >= UPB s | " " * (w - UPB s)) + s END;
PROC get web page = (STRING host, path) STRING:
BEGIN STRING reply; INT rc; # 'http content' sometimes fails with interrupted system call, so we loop until succeeding # WHILE
# 'http content' makes requests that are not accepted by, so therefore the hack # STRING hack = " HTTP/1.0" + crlf + "Host:" + crlf +
"User-Agent: rank_languages_by_popularity"; rc := http content (reply, host, path + hack, 0);
rc = 4
DO SKIP OD; IF rc = 0 AND grep in string ("^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 200", reply, NIL, NIL) = 0 THEN
INT p; IF string in string (crlf + crlf, p, reply) THEN STRING headers = reply[:p], body = reply[p+4:]; body ELSE "" FI
print (strerror (rc)); ""
- the main program rank languages by popularity starts here #
STRING gcmcontinue; FLEX[0]STRING lines;
- get through API in chunks of 500 #
STRING body = get web page (domain, page + (gcmcontinue /= "" | "&gcmcontinue=" + gcmcontinue)); INT b, e; gcmcontinue := (grep in string ("gcmcontinue=""([^""]+)", body, b, e) = 0 | body[b+13:e-1] | ""); # split the XML into lines on </page> # lines := lines + split (body, "</page>"); gcmcontinue /= "" DO SKIP
- Each line is one language,
go through them and rewrite them to something we can sort #
FOR i TO UPB lines DO
STRING line = lines[i]; STRING title; INT pages := 0; INT b, e; # the two fields we are intrested in are title="Category:xxx", and pages="999" # IF grep in string ("title=""Category:[^""]+""", line, b, e) = 0 THEN title := line[b+16:e-1] FI; IF grep in string ("pages=""[0-9]+""", line, b, e) = 0 THEN pages := TOINT line[b+7:e-1] FI; lines[i] := field (pages, 6) + " " + title
lines := REVERSE SORT lines;
INT rank := 1; BOOL tied := FALSE, lasttied := FALSE; print ((new line, whole (UPB lines, 0), " languages", new line, new line)); FOR i TO UPB lines DO
INT entries = TOINT lines[i][:6]; STRING lang = lines[i][8:]; IF entries > 0 THEN tied := i < UPB lines ANDF lines[i][:6] = lines[i+1][:6]; print (("rank: ", field (rank,3), " ", (tied OR lasttied | "[tied]" | " "*6), field ("(" + whole (entries,0) + " " + (entries = 1 | "entry)" | "entries)"), 20), " ", lang, new line)); IF NOT tied THEN rank +:= 1 FI; lasttied := tied FI
- Sample output top 10:
572 languages rank: 1 (883 entries) Tcl rank: 2 (875 entries) Racket rank: 3 (837 entries) Python rank: 4 (800 entries) J rank: 5 (772 entries) Ruby rank: 6 (763 entries) Perl 6 rank: 7 (756 entries) C rank: 8 (742 entries) Go rank: 9 (737 entries) D rank: 10 (707 entries) Perl
<lang autohotkey>MembsUrl = ValidUrl = WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
- Get the webpages
WebRequest.Open("GET", MembsUrl),WebRequest.Send() MembsPage := WebRequest.ResponseText WebRequest.Open("GET", ValidUrl),WebRequest.Send() ValidPage := WebRequest.ResponseText
- Replace special characters
StringReplace, MembsPage, MembsPage, ΜC++, µC++, All StringReplace, MembsPage, MembsPage, МК-61/52, MK-61/52, All StringReplace, ValidPage, ValidPage, ΜC++, µC++, All StringReplace, ValidPage, ValidPage, МК-61/52, MK-61/52, All
ValidREx := "s)href=""([^""]+)"" title=""Category:([^""]+)"">(?=.*)"
MembsREx := "title=""Category:(.+?)"">.+?\((\d+) members?\)"
- Iterate through all matches for valid languages
ValidLangs := [], FoundPos := 0 While FoundPos := RegExMatch(ValidPage, ValidREx, Match, FoundPos+1) ValidLangs[Match2] := Match1
- Iterate through all matches for categories with members
MembsLangs := [], Dupes := [], Detected := 0, FoundPos := 0 While FoundPos := RegExMatch(MembsPage, MembsREx, Match, FoundPos+1) { ; If it isn't a valid language or is a duplicate, skip it if !ValidLangs.HasKey(Match1) || Dupes.HasKey(Match1) continue
Dupes.Insert(Match1, true) Detected++
; Initialize this member count if !IsObject(MembsLangs[Match2]) MembsLangs[Match2] := [Match1] else MembsLangs[Match2].Insert(Match1) }
- Sort the languages with the highest member count first
Sorted := [] for Members, Languages in MembsLangs Sorted.Insert(1, [Members, Languages])
- Initialize the GUI
Gui, New, HwndGuiHwnd Gui, Add, Text, w300 Center, %Detected% languages detected Gui, Add, Edit, w300 vSearchText gSearch, Filter languages Gui, Add, ListView, w300 r20 Grid gOpen vMyListView, Rank|Members|Category
- Populate the list view
LV_ModifyCol(1, "Integer"), LV_ModifyCol(2, "Integer"), LV_ModifyCol(3, 186) for Rank, Languages in Sorted for Key, Language in Languages[2] LV_Add("", Rank, Languages[1], Language)
Gui, Show,, Rosetta Code return
Open: if (A_GuiEvent == "DoubleClick") { LV_GetText(Language, A_EventInfo, 3) Run, % "" ValidLangs[Language] } return
Search: GuiControlGet, SearchText GuiControl, -Redraw, MyListView
LV_Delete() for Rank, Languages in Sorted for Key, Language in Languages[2] if InStr(Language, SearchText) LV_Add("", Rank, Languages[1], Language)
GuiControl, +Redraw, MyListView return
GuiClose: ExitApp return</lang>
By using the API
This is the third solution. The first solution used web scraping with an external program ns for networking. The second solution used the Rosetta Code API instead of web scraping, but continued use of ns which for unknown reasons didn't work correctly. This solution uses native gawk networking to connect to the API at 500 items per request ("gmcontinue").
<lang awk>function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i) {
result = array[start] for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) result = result sep array[i] return result
function trim(str) {
gsub(/^blank:+|[[:blank:]\n]+$/, "", str) return str
function http2var( site,path,server,j,output) {
RS = ORS = "\r\n"
site = "" path = "/mw/api.php" \ "?action=query" \ "&generator=categorymembers" \ "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages" \ "&gcmlimit=500" \ (gcmcontinue "" ? "&gcmcontinue=" gcmcontinue : "") \ "&prop=categoryinfo" \ "&format=txt"
server = "/inet/tcp/0/" site "/80" print "GET " path " HTTP/1.0" |& server print "Host: " site |& server print "" |& server while ((server |& getline) > 0) { if($0 != 0) { j++ output[j] = $0 } } close(server) if(length(output) == 0) return -1 else return join(output, 1, j, "\n")
function parse(webpage ,c,a,i,b,e,pages) {
# Check for API continue code ie. a new page of results available match(webpage, "gcmcontinue[]] =>[^)]+[^)]", a) if(a[0] != "") { split(a[0], b, ">") gcmcontinue = trim(b[2]) } else gcmcontinue = ""
c = split(webpage, a, "[[][0-9]{1,7}[]]")
while(i++ < c) { if(match(a[i], /[pages]/)) { match(a[i], "pages[]] =>[^[]+[^[]", b) split(b[0], e, ">") pages = trim(e[2]) + 0 } else pages = 0 if(match(a[i], /[title]/)) { match(a[i], "title[]] =>[^[]+[^[]", b) split(b[0], e, ":") e[2] = trim(e[2]) if ( substr(e[2], length(e[2]), 1) == ")" ) e[2] = trim( substr(e[2], 1, length(e[2]) - 1) ) if(length(e[2]) > 0) G[e[2]] = pages } }
parse( http2var() ) # First 500 while ( gcmcontinue != "" ) parse( http2var() ) # Next 500, etc
# PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_type_desc" for ( language in G ) print ++i ". " language " - " G[language]
- Output from 26 May 2015:
1. Tcl - 867 2. Racket - 863 3. Python - 828 4. J - 777 5. Ruby - 769 6. Perl 6 - 755 7. C - 751 ... 570. NQP - 0 571. AspectC++ - 0 572. Cilk - 0 573. PL/M - 0 574. Agda2 - 0
Note that language names differing only in their case are merged. <lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"SORTLIB"
SortUp% = FN_sortinit(0,0) : REM Ascending SortDown% = FN_sortinit(1,0) : REM Descending VDU 23,22,640;512;8,16,16,128+8 : REM Enable UTF-8 support DIM lang$(1000), tasks%(1000) NORM_IGNORECASE = 1 SYS "LoadLibrary", "URLMON.DLL" TO urlmon% SYS "GetProcAddress", urlmon%, "URLDownloadToFileA" TO UDTF PRINT "Downloading languages list..." url$ = "" file$ = @tmp$ + "languages.htm" SYS UDTF, 0, url$, file$, 0, 0 TO fail% IF fail% ERROR 100, "File download failed (languages)" file% = OPENIN(file$) index% = 0 WHILE NOT EOF#file% REPEAT a$ = GET$#file% IF INSTR(a$, "<a href=""/wiki/Category") = 0 EXIT REPEAT i% = INSTR(a$, "</a>") IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT j% = i% REPEAT i% -= 1 : UNTIL MID$(a$,i%,1) = ">" OR i% = 0 IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT lang$(index%) = MID$(a$, i%+1, j%-i%-1) IF lang$(index%) <> "Languages" index% += 1 UNTIL TRUE ENDWHILE CLOSE #file% C% = index% CALL SortUp%, lang$(0) PRINT "Downloading categories list..." url$ = "" url$ += "?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000" file$ = @tmp$ + "categories.htm" SYS UDTF, 0, url$, file$, 0, 0 TO fail% IF fail% ERROR 100, "File download failed (categories)" file% = OPENIN(file$) WHILE NOT EOF#file% REPEAT a$ = GET$#file% i% = INSTR(a$, "member") IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT REPEAT i% -= 1 : UNTIL MID$(a$,i%,1) = "(" OR i% = 0 IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT tasks% = VAL(MID$(a$, i%+1)) IF tasks% = 0 EXIT REPEAT REPEAT i% -= 1 : UNTIL MID$(a$,i%,1) = "<" OR i% = 0 IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT j% = i% REPEAT i% -= 1 : UNTIL MID$(a$,i%,1) = ">" OR i% = 0 IF i% = 0 EXIT REPEAT k% = FNwhere(lang$(), MID$(a$, i%+1, j%-i%-1), index%-1) IF k% <> -1 tasks%(k%) += tasks% UNTIL TRUE ENDWHILE CLOSE #file% CALL SortDown%, tasks%(0), lang$(0) VDU 14 @% = 3 : REM Column width PRINT "List of languages as of " TIME$ FOR i% = 0 TO index%-1 IF tasks%(i%) = 0 EXIT FOR PRINT i%+1 ". " tasks%(i%) " - " lang$(i%) NEXT END DEF FNwhere(a$(), S$, T%) LOCAL B%, C%, H% H% = 2 WHILE H%<T% H% *= 2:ENDWHILE H% /= 2 REPEAT IF (B%+H%)<=T% THEN SYS "CompareString", 0, NORM_IGNORECASE, S$, -1, a$(B%+H%), -1 TO C% IF C% >= 2 B% += H% ENDIF H% /= 2 UNTIL H%=0 SYS "CompareString", 0, NORM_IGNORECASE, S$, -1, a$(B%), -1 TO C% IF C% = 2 THEN = B% ELSE = -1</lang>
Downloading languages list... Downloading categories list... List of languages as of Sat.17 Nov 2012,00:21:11 1. 682 - Tcl 2. 638 - Python 3. 626 - PicoLisp 4. 622 - C 5. 592 - J 6. 581 - Go 7. 570 - Ruby 8. 553 - Ada 9. 515 - Perl 10. 514 - D 11. 507 - Haskell 12. 490 - Perl 6 13. 489 - BBC BASIC 14. 477 - Java 15. 473 - Mathematica 16. 469 - PureBasic 17. 469 - OCaml 18. 459 - Unicon 19. 438 - REXX 20. 428 - Icon ...... 461. 1 - ScriptBasic 462. 1 - Qore 463. 1 - Opa 464. 1 - Nickle 465. 1 - Neko 466. 1 - Neat 467. 1 - MEL 468. 1 - MAPPER 469. 1 - Kotlin 470. 1 - Chapel
<lang bracmat> ( get-page
= url type . !arg:(?url.?type) & sys$(str$("wget -q -O wget.out \"" !url \")) & get$("wget.out",!type) { Type can be JSN, X ML, HT ML or just ML. } )
& ( get-langs
= arr lang . :?arr & !arg:? (.h2.) ?arg (h2.?) ? { Only analyse part of page between the h2 elements. } & whl ' ( !arg : ? ( a . ? ( title . @(?:"Category:" ?):?lang & !lang !arr:?arr ) ? ) ?arg ) & !arr )
& ( get-cats
= page langs list count pat li A Z . !arg:(?page.?langs) & 0:?list & whl ' ( !langs:%?lang ?langs & { Use macro substitution to create a fast pattern. } ' ( ? (a.? (title.$lang) ?) { $lang is replaced by the actual language. } ? (.a.) @(?:? #?count " " ?) ) : (=?pat) & ( !page : ?A ( (li.) ?li (.li.) ?Z & !li:!pat ) & !A !Z:?page { Remove found item from page. (Not necessary at all.)} & !count | 0 { The language has no examples. } . ) \L !lang { Bracmat normalizes a\Lx+b\Ly+a\Lz to a\L(x*z)+b\Ly, so } + !list { it's easy to collect categories with the same count. } : ?list ) & !list )
& get-cats
$ ( get-page $ ( "" . HT,ML ) . get-langs $ ( get-page $ ( "" . HT ML ) ) ) : ?cats
& :?list & whl
' ( !cats:(?count.)\L?tiedcats+?cats & :?ties & whl ' ( !tiedcats:@(?:"Category:" ?name)*?tiedcats & !ties !name:?ties ) & (!count.!ties) !list:?list )
& 1:?rank & whl
' ( !rank:?tiedRank & !list:(?count.?ties) ?list & whl ' ( !ties:%?name ?ties & @(!tiedRank:? [?len) { We want some padding for the highest ranks. } & @(" ":? [!len ?sp) { Skip blanks up to the length of the rank. } & out$(str$(!sp !tiedRank ". " !count " - " !name)) & 1+!rank:?rank ) )
& ;</lang> Output:
1. 816 - Tcl 2. 771 - Racket 3. 760 - Python 4. 708 - C 5. 705 - Perl 6 6. 700 - J 7. 695 - Ruby 8. 690 - D 9. 656 - Go 10. 643 - PicoLisp 11. 639 - Perl 12. 622 - REXX 13. 602 - Ada 14. 591 - Mathematica 15. 588 - Haskell 16. 574 - AutoHotkey 17. 559 - Unicon 18. 543 - Java 19. 526 - BBC BASIC 20. 510 - Icon 21. 500 - C++ ... 498. 1 - Vox 498. 1 - XPath 2.0 498. 1 - Xanadu 523. 0 - Clarion 523. 0 - EhBASIC 523. 0 - Epigram 523. 0 - FLORA-2 523. 0 - Florid 523. 0 - Jcon 523. 0 - LLP 523. 0 - Lolli 523. 0 - Lygon 523. 0 - Monte 523. 0 - ObjectIcon 523. 0 - RPGIV 523. 0 - Rubylog 523. 0 - Star 523. 0 - True BASIC 523. 0 - X10 523. 0 - XS 523. 0 - Ya
Ghetto parser<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <string.h>
const char * lang_url = "" "list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages&" "cmlimit=500&format=json"; const char * cat_url = "";
- define BLOCK 1024
char *get_page(const char *url) { char cmd[1024]; char *ptr, *buf; int bytes_read = 1, len = 0; sprintf(cmd, "wget -q \"%s\" -O -", url); FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r"); if (!fp) return 0; for (ptr = buf = 0; bytes_read > 0; ) { buf = realloc(buf, 1 + (len += BLOCK)); if (!ptr) ptr = buf; bytes_read = fread(ptr, 1, BLOCK, fp); if (bytes_read <= 0) break; ptr += bytes_read; } *++ptr = '\0'; return buf; }
char ** get_langs(char *buf, int *l) { char **arr = 0; for (*l = 0; (buf = strstr(buf, "Category:")) && (buf += 9); ++*l) for ( (*l)[arr = realloc(arr, sizeof(char*)*(1 + *l))] = buf; *buf != '"' || (*buf++ = 0); buf++);
return arr; }
typedef struct { const char *name; int count; } cnt_t; cnt_t * get_cats(char *buf, char ** langs, int len, int *ret_len) { char str[1024], *found; cnt_t *list = 0; int i, llen = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sprintf(str, "/wiki/Category:%s", langs[i]); if (!(found = strstr(buf, str))) continue; buf = found + strlen(str);
if (!(found = strstr(buf, "</a> ("))) continue; list = realloc(list, sizeof(cnt_t) * ++llen); list[llen - 1].name = langs[i]; list[llen - 1].count = strtol(found + 6, 0, 10); } *ret_len = llen; return list; }
int _scmp(const void *a, const void *b) { int x = ((const cnt_t*)a)->count, y = ((const cnt_t*)b)->count; return x < y ? -1 : x > y; }
int main() { int len, clen; char ** langs = get_langs(get_page(lang_url), &len); cnt_t *cats = get_cats(get_page(cat_url), langs, len, &clen); qsort(cats, clen, sizeof(cnt_t), _scmp); while (--clen >= 0) printf("%4d %s\n", cats[clen].count, cats[clen].name);
return 0; }</lang>
- Output:
563 Tcl 529 PicoLisp 522 Python 504 C 500 J 442 Go 440 Ruby 435 Ada 430 PureBasic 427 Perl ...
Using cJSON.
Compiled with gcc -lcurl -lm cJSON.c lang_rank.c
Usage: rank [number]
Outputs the first [number] languages in the list, default to 10. Use -1 to display all the languages.
<lang c>
- include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <string.h>
- include <curl/curl.h>
- include "cJSON.h"
char *URL_BASE = ""; char *URL_BASE_CONT = "";
typedef struct mem { char *text; size_t size; } mem;
typedef struct page { char *name; int num; } page;
size_t write_callback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata); void curl_request(CURL *curl, char *url, mem *response); char *build_url(char *cont); char *get_cont(cJSON *json); void sort_arrays(page *pages, int *s); cJSON *parse_json(cJSON *json); page *fill_arrays(page *pages, int *s, cJSON *json);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); char *cont = NULL; page *pages = malloc(1); int till = 10; int *npag = malloc(sizeof(int)); *npag = 0; if (argc>1) till = atoi(argv[1]); do { mem *response = calloc(1, sizeof(mem)); char *url = build_url(cont); if (cont) free(cont); curl_request(curl, url, response); cJSON *json = cJSON_Parse(response->text); cont = get_cont(json); cJSON *json_pages = parse_json(json); pages = fill_arrays(pages, npag, json_pages); cJSON_Delete(json); free(url); free(response->text); free(response); } while (cont); sort_arrays(pages, npag); if (till>*npag||till<-1) till=10; if (till==-1) till=*npag; for (int i = 0;i<till;i++) { printf("#%d: %s, %d tasks\n", i+1, pages[i].name, pages[i].num); } for (int i = 0;i<*npag;i++) { free(pages[i].name); } free(pages); free(npag); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); curl_global_cleanup(); return 0; } size_t write_callback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata) { mem *response = userdata; response->text = realloc(response->text, response->size+size*nmemb+1); memcpy(&(response->text[response->size]), ptr, size*nmemb); response->size += size*nmemb; response->text[response->size] = '\0'; return size*nmemb; } void curl_request(CURL *curl, char *url, mem *response) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, response); curl_easy_perform(curl); } char *build_url(char *cont) { char *url; if (cont) { int size = strlen(URL_BASE_CONT)+strlen(cont)+1; url = calloc(1, size); strncpy(url, URL_BASE_CONT, strlen(URL_BASE_CONT)); strcat(url, cont); } else { url = malloc(strlen(URL_BASE)+1); strcpy(url, URL_BASE); } return url; } cJSON *parse_json(cJSON *json) { cJSON *pages; if (json) { pages = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "query"); pages = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pages, "pages"); pages = pages->child; } return pages; } char *get_cont(cJSON *json) { cJSON *jcont = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "query-continue"); if (jcont && jcont->child->child) { char *cont = malloc(strlen(jcont->child->child->valuestring)+1); strcpy(cont, jcont->child->child->valuestring); return cont; } else { return NULL; } } page *fill_arrays(page *pag, int *i, cJSON *json) { cJSON *cur_page = json; page *pages = pag; do { pages = realloc(pages, *i*sizeof(page)+sizeof(page)); if (json->child) { int size = strlen(cur_page->child->next->next->valuestring)-9; char *lang = malloc(size+1); strcpy(lang, cur_page->child->next->next->valuestring+9); pages[*i].name = lang; } else { pages[*i].name = "no name"; } int task = cur_page->child->next->next->next?cur_page->child->next->next->next->child->valueint:0; pages[*i].num = task; *i = *i+1; cur_page = cur_page->next; } while (cur_page->next); return pages; } void sort_arrays(page *pages, int *size) { int sorted = 0; do { sorted = 1; for (int i = 0;i<*size-1;i++) { if (pages[i].num<pages[i+1].num) { sorted = 0; int a = pages[i+1].num; pages[i+1].num = pages[i].num; pages[i].num = a; char *s = pages[i+1].name; pages[i+1].name = pages[i].name; pages[i].name = s; } } } while (sorted!=1); } </lang>
- Output:
1. Racket: 907 tasks 2. Tcl: 899 tasks 3. Python: 872 tasks 4. J: 848 tasks 5. Perl 6: 813 tasks 6. Ruby: 796 tasks 7. C: 777 tasks 8. Java: 764 tasks 9. Go: 759 tasks 10. D: 749 tasks
Sorting only programming languages. <lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) { string get1 = new WebClient().DownloadString(""); string get2 = new WebClient().DownloadString("");
ArrayList langs = new ArrayList(); Dictionary<string, int> qtdmbr = new Dictionary<string, int>();
MatchCollection match1 = new Regex("\"title\":\"Category:(.+?)\"").Matches(get1); MatchCollection match2 = new Regex("title=\"Category:(.+?)\">.+?</a>[^(]*\\((\\d+) members\\)").Matches(get2);
foreach (Match lang in match1) langs.Add(lang.Groups[1].Value);
foreach (Match match in match2) { if (langs.Contains(match.Groups[1].Value)) { qtdmbr.Add(match.Groups[1].Value, Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value)); } }
string[] test = qtdmbr.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Select(x => String.Format("{0,3} - {1}", x.Value, x.Key)).ToArray();
int count = 1;
foreach (string i in test) { Console.WriteLine("{0,3}. {1}", count, i); count++; } }
- Output (as of May 30, 2010):
1. 397 - Tcl 2. 368 - Python 3. 350 - Ruby 4. 333 - J 5. 332 - C 6. 322 - Haskell 7. 322 - OCaml 8. 302 - Perl 9. 290 - Common Lisp 10. 289 - AutoHotkey . . .
Object-oriented solution
<lang csharp>using System; using System.Net; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic;
class Category {
private string _title; private int _members;
public Category(string title, int members) { _title = title; _members = members; }
public string Title { get { return _title; } }
public int Members { get { return _members; } }
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) { string get1 = new WebClient().DownloadString(""); string get2 = new WebClient().DownloadString("");
MatchCollection match1 = new Regex("\"title\":\"Category:(.+?)\"").Matches(get1); MatchCollection match2 = new Regex("title=\"Category:(.+?)\">.+?</a>[^(]*\\((\\d+) members\\)").Matches(get2);
string[] valids = match1.Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Groups[1].Value).ToArray(); List<Category> langs = new List<Category>();
foreach (Match match in match2) { string category = match.Groups[1].Value; int members = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
if (valids.Contains(category)) langs.Add(new Category(category, members)); }
langs = langs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Members).ToList(); int count = 1;
foreach (Category i in langs) { Console.WriteLine("{0,3}. {1,3} - {2}", count, i.Members, i.Title); count++; } }
using g++ under Linux with g++ -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lboost_regex: <lang cpp>#include <string>
- include <boost/regex.hpp>
- include <boost/asio.hpp>
- include <vector>
- include <utility>
- include <iostream>
- include <sstream>
- include <cstdlib>
- include <algorithm>
- include <iomanip>
struct Sort { //sorting programming languages according to frequency
bool operator( ) ( const std::pair<std::string,int> & a , const std::pair<std::string,int> & b ) const {
return a.second > b.second ;
} ;
int main( ) {
try { //setting up an io service , with templated subelements for resolver and query boost::asio::io_service io_service ; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver ( io_service ) ; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query ( "" , "http" ) ; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve( query ) ; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end ; boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket( io_service ) ; boost::system::error_code error = boost::asio::error::host_not_found ; //looking for an endpoint the socket will be able to connect to while ( error && endpoint_iterator != end ) {
socket.close( ) ; socket.connect( *endpoint_iterator++ , error ) ;
} if ( error )
throw boost::system::system_error ( error ) ;
//we send a request boost::asio::streambuf request ; std::ostream request_stream( &request ) ; request_stream << "GET " << "/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000" << " HTTP/1.0\r\n" ; request_stream << "Host: " << "" << "\r\n" ; request_stream << "Accept: */*\r\n" ; request_stream << "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" ; //send the request boost::asio::write( socket , request ) ; //we receive the response analyzing every line and storing the programming language boost::asio::streambuf response ; std::istream response_stream ( &response ) ; boost::asio::read_until( socket , response , "\r\n\r\n" ) ;
boost::regex e( "
" ) ; //using the wrong regex produces incorrect sorting!! std::ostringstream line ; std::vector<std::pair<std::string , int> > languages ; //holds language and number of examples boost::smatch matches ; while ( boost::asio::read( socket , response , boost::asio::transfer_at_least( 1 ) , error ) ) { line << &response ; if ( boost::regex_search( line.str( ) , matches , e ) ) { std::string lang( matches[2].first , matches[2].second ) ; int zahl = atoi ( lang.c_str( ) ) ; languages.push_back( std::make_pair( matches[ 1 ] , zahl ) ) ; } line.str( "") ;//we have to erase the string buffer for the next read } if ( error != boost::asio::error::eof ) throw boost::system::system_error( error ) ; //we sort the vector entries , see the struct above std::sort( languages.begin( ) , languages.end( ) , Sort( ) ) ; int n = 1 ; for ( std::vector<std::pair<std::string , int> >::const_iterator spi = languages.begin( ) ; spi != languages.end( ) ; ++spi ) { std::cout << std::setw( 3 ) << std::right << n << '.' << std::setw( 4 ) << std::right << spi->second << " - " << spi->first << '\n' ; n++ ; } } catch ( std::exception &ex ) { std::cout << "Exception: " << ex.what( ) << '\n' ; } return 0 ; }</lang>
- Sample output (just the "top ten"):
1. 367 - Tcl 2. 334 - Python 3. 319 - Ruby 4. 286 - C 5. 277 - Perl 6. 272 - OCaml 7. 264 - Ada 8. 241 - E 9. 239 - AutoHotkey 10. 193 - Forth
Caché ObjectScript
<lang cos>Class Utils.Net.RosettaCode [ Abstract ] {
ClassMethod GetTopLanguages(pHost As %String = "", pPath As %String = "", pTop As %Integer = 10) As %Status { // check input parameters If $Match(pHost, "^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$")=0 { Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Invalid host name.") }
// create http request and get page Set req=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() Set req.Server=pHost Do req.Get(pPath)
// create xml stream with doc type Set xml=##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New() Set sc=xml.WriteLine("<!DOCTYPE doc_type [") Set sc=xml.WriteLine($Char(9)_"<!ENTITY nbsp ' '>") Set sc=xml.WriteLine($Char(9)_"<!ENTITY amp '&'>") Set sc=xml.WriteLine("]>")
// copy xhtml stream to xml stream Set xhtml=req.HttpResponse.Data Set xhtml.LineTerminator=$Char(10) While 'xhtml.AtEnd { Set line=xhtml.ReadLine() If line["!DOCTYPE" Continue If line["<g:plusone></g:plusone>" { Continue Set line="<g:plusone xmlns:g=''></g:plusone>" } Set sc=xml.WriteLine(line) }
// create an instance of an %XML.XPATH.Document Set sc=##class(%XML.XPATH.Document).CreateFromStream(xml, .xdoc) If $$$ISERR(sc) Quit sc
// evaluate following 'XPath' expression Set sc=xdoc.EvaluateExpression("//div[@id='bodyContent']//li", "a[contains(@href, '/Category:')]/ancestor::li", .res)
// iterate through list elements Set array=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New() Do { Set dom=res.GetNext(.key) If '$IsObject(dom) Quit
// get language name and members Set lang="" While dom.Read() { If 'dom.HasValue Continue If lang="" { If $Locate(dom.Value, "User|Tasks|Omit|attention|operations|Solutions by") Quit Set lang=dom.Value Continue } If dom.Value["members" { Set members=+$ZStrip(dom.Value, "<>P") Set list=array.GetAt(members) Set $List(list, $ListLength(list)+1)=lang Set sc=array.SetAt(list, members) Quit } } } While key'="" If array.Count()=0 Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "No languages found.")
// show top entries Write "Top "_pTop_" Languages (as at "_$ZDate($HoroLog, 2)_"):", ! For count=1:1:pTop { Set members=array.GetPrevious(.key) If key="" Quit Write $Justify(count, 3), ". ", key, " - ", $ListToString(members, ", "), ! }
// finished Quit $$$OK }
- Example:
USER>Do ##class(Utils.Net.RosettaCode).GetTopLanguages("", "/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000") Top 10 Languages (as at 21 Apr 2013): 1. 728 - Tcl 2. 668 - Python 3. 654 - C 4. 630 - J 5. 626 - PicoLisp 6. 595 - D 7. 590 - Ruby 8. 589 - Go 9. 576 - Perl 6 10. 567 - Ada
With dmd you need compile like "dmd rosetta_popularity.d -L-lphobos2 -L-lcurl". <lang d>void main() {
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.array, std.regex, std.typecons,;
immutable r1 = `"title":"Category:([^"]+)"`; const languages = get(""~ "&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Pro"~ "gramming_Languages&cmlimit=500&format=json") .matchAll(r1).map!q{ a[1].dup }.array;
auto pairs = get("" ~ "title=Special:Categories&limit=5000") .matchAll(`title="Category:([^"]+)">[^<]+` ~ `</a>[^(]+\((\d+) members\)`) .filter!(m => languages.canFind(m[1])) .map!(m => tuple(m[2].to!uint, m[1].dup));
foreach (i, res; pairs.array.sort!q{a > b}.release) writefln("%3d. %3d - %s", i + 1, res[]);
- Sample output (top twenty as of 2013-01-24):
1. 717 - Tcl 2. 663 - Python 3. 643 - C 4. 626 - PicoLisp 5. 622 - J 6. 587 - Go 7. 587 - Ruby 8. 585 - D 9. 568 - Perl 6 10. 564 - Ada 11. 554 - Mathematica 12. 535 - Perl 13. 532 - Haskell 14. 514 - BBC BASIC 15. 505 - REXX 16. 491 - Java 17. 478 - OCaml 18. 469 - PureBasic 19. 462 - Unicon 20. 430 - AutoHotkey
<lang Erlang> -module( rank_languages_by_popularity ).
-export( [task/0] ).
-record( print_fold, {place=0, place_step=1, previous_count=0} ).
task() -> ok = find_unimplemented_tasks:init(), Category_programming_languages = find_unimplemented_tasks:rosetta_code_list_of( "Programming_Languages" ), Programming_languages = [X || "Category:" ++ X <- Category_programming_languages], {ok, {{_HTTP,200,"OK"}, _Headers, Body}} = httpc:request( "" ), Count_categories = lists:sort( [{Y, X} || {X, Y} <- category_counts(Body, []), lists:member(X, Programming_languages)] ), lists:foldr( fun place_count_category_write/2, #print_fold{}, Count_categories ).
category_counts( "", [[] | Acc] ) -> Acc; category_counts( String, Acc ) -> {Begin, End} = category_count_begin_end( String ), {Category_count, String_continuation} = category_count_extract( String, Begin, End ), category_counts( String_continuation, [Category_count | Acc] ).
category_count_begin_end( String ) -> Begin = string:str( String, "/wiki/Category:" ), End = string:str( string:substr(String, Begin), " member" ), category_count_begin_end( Begin, End, erlang:length(" member") ).
category_count_begin_end( _Begin, 0, _End_length ) -> {0, 0}; category_count_begin_end( Begin, End, End_length ) -> {Begin, Begin + End + End_length}.
category_count_extract( _String, 0, _End ) -> {[], ""}; category_count_extract( String, Begin, End ) -> Category_count = category_count_extract( string:substr(String, Begin, End - Begin) ), {Category_count, string:substr( String, End + 1 )}.
category_count_extract( "/wiki/Category:" ++ T ) -> Category_member = string:tokens( T, " " ), Category = category_count_extract_category( Category_member ), Member = category_count_extract_count( lists:reverse(Category_member) ), {Category, Member}.
category_count_extract_category( [Category | _T] ) -> lists:map( fun category_count_extract_category_map/1, string:strip(Category, right, $") ).
category_count_extract_category_map( $_ ) -> $\s; category_count_extract_category_map( Character ) -> Character.
category_count_extract_count( ["member" ++ _, "(" ++ N | _T] ) -> erlang:list_to_integer( N ); category_count_extract_count( _T ) -> 0.
place_count_category_write( {Count, Category}, Acc ) -> Print_fold = place_count_category_write( Count, Acc ), io:fwrite("~p. ~p - ~p~n", [, Count, Category] ), Print_fold;
place_count_category_write( Count, #print_fold{place_step=Place_step, previous_count=Count}=Print_fold ) -> Print_fold#print_fold{place_step=Place_step + 1}; place_count_category_write( Count, #print_fold{place=Place, place_step=Place_step} ) -> #print_fold{place=Place + Place_step, previous_count=Count}. </lang>
- Sample output (top/last ten as of 2013-05-27):
1. 741 - "Tcl" 2. 676 - "Python" 3. 660 - "C" 4. 638 - "J" 5. 627 - "PicoLisp" 6. 609 - "Perl 6" 6. 609 - "D" 8. 607 - "Racket" 9. 592 - "Ruby" 10. 589 - "Go" ... 454. 1 - "Opa" 454. 1 - "Nickle" 454. 1 - "NewtonScript" 454. 1 - "Neko" 454. 1 - "Neat" 454. 1 - "MEL" 454. 1 - "MAPPER" 454. 1 - "LiveScript" 454. 1 - "Kotlin" 454. 1 - "Jacquard Loom"
<lang fsharp>open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions
[<EntryPoint>] let main argv =
let rosettacodeSpecialCategoriesAddress = "" let rosettacodeProgrammingLaguagesAddress = ""
let getWebContent (url :string) = using (new System.Net.WebClient()) (fun x -> x.DownloadString url)
let regexForTitleCategoryFollowedOptionallyByMembercount = new Regex(""" title="Category: (?<Name> [^"]* ) "> # capture the name of the category ( # group begin for optional part [^(]* # ignore up to next open paren (on this line) \( # verbatim open paren (?<Number> \d+ # a number (= some digits) ) \s+ # whitespace member(s?) # verbatim text members (maybe singular) \) # verbatim closing paren )? # end of optional part """, // " <- Make syntax highlighting happy RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace ||| RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture) let matchesForTitleCategoryFollowedOptionallyByMembercount str = regexForTitleCategoryFollowedOptionallyByMembercount.Matches(str)
let languages = matchesForTitleCategoryFollowedOptionallyByMembercount (getWebContent rosettacodeProgrammingLaguagesAddress) |> Seq.cast |> (fun (m: Match) -> (m.Groups.Item("Name").Value, true)) |> Map.ofSeq
let entriesWithCount = let parse str = match Int32.TryParse(str) with | (true, n) -> n | (false, _) -> -1 matchesForTitleCategoryFollowedOptionallyByMembercount (getWebContent rosettacodeSpecialCategoriesAddress) |> Seq.cast |> (fun (m: Match) -> (m.Groups.Item("Name").Value, parse (m.Groups.Item("Number").Value))) |> Seq.filter (fun p -> (snd p) > 0 && Map.containsKey (fst p) languages) |> Seq.sortBy (fun x -> -(snd x))
Seq.iter2 (fun i x -> printfn "%4d. %s" i x) (seq { 1 .. 20 }) (entriesWithCount |> (fun x -> sprintf "%3d - %s" (snd x) (fst x))) 0</lang>
Showing top 20 as of 2013-04-02
1. 721 - Tcl 2. 665 - Python 3. 647 - C 4. 626 - PicoLisp 5. 622 - J 6. 588 - Go 7. 588 - Ruby 8. 585 - D 9. 569 - Perl 6 10. 565 - Ada 11. 555 - Mathematica 12. 535 - Perl 13. 533 - Haskell 14. 514 - BBC BASIC 15. 505 - REXX 16. 491 - Java 17. 480 - OCaml 18. 469 - PureBasic 19. 462 - Unicon 20. 430 - AutoHotkey
<lang go>package main
import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" )
var baseQuery = "" + "&format=xml&list=categorymembers&cmlimit=500"
func req(u string, foundCm func(string)) string { resp, err := http.Get(u) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) // connection or request fail } defer resp.Body.Close() for p := xml.NewDecoder(resp.Body); ; { t, err := p.RawToken() switch s, ok := t.(xml.StartElement); { case err == io.EOF: return "" case err != nil: log.Fatal(err) case !ok: continue case s.Name.Local == "cm": for _, a := range s.Attr { if a.Name.Local == "title" { foundCm(a.Value) } } case s.Name.Local == "categorymembers" && len(s.Attr) > 0 && s.Attr[0].Name.Local == "cmcontinue": return url.QueryEscape(s.Attr[0].Value) } } return "" }
// satisfy sort interface (reverse sorting) type pop struct { string int } type popList []pop
func (pl popList) Len() int { return len(pl) } func (pl popList) Swap(i, j int) { pl[i], pl[j] = pl[j], pl[i] } func (pl popList) Less(i, j int) bool { switch d := pl[i].int - pl[j].int; { case d > 0: return true case d < 0: return false } return pl[i].string < pl[j].string }
func main() { // get languages, store in a map langMap := make(map[string]bool) storeLang := func(cm string) { if strings.HasPrefix(cm, "Category:") { cm = cm[9:] } langMap[cm] = true } languageQuery := baseQuery + "&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages" continueAt := req(languageQuery, storeLang) for continueAt != "" { continueAt = req(languageQuery+"&cmcontinue="+continueAt, storeLang) } // allocate slice for sorting s := make(popList, 0, len(langMap))
// get big list of categories resp, err := http.Get("" + "?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } page, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) resp.Body.Close()
// split out fields of interest and populate sortable slice
rx := regexp.MustCompile("
- Output on 11 Aug 2014:
1. 832 - Tcl 2. 783 - Racket 3. 774 - Python 4. 733 - Perl 6 5. 729 - J … 506. 1 - Supernova 506. 1 - TestML 506. 1 - Vox 506. 1 - XPath 2.0 506. 1 - Xanadu
(All the final entries are tied for spot 506, there are 530 lines.)
<lang groovy>def html = new URL('').getText([
connectTimeout:500, readTimeout:15000, requestProperties: [ 'User-Agent': 'Firefox/']])
def count = [:]
(html =~ '').each { match, language, members -> count[language] = (members as int) } count.sort { v1, v2 -> v2.value <=> v1.value }.eachWithIndex { value, index -> println "${index + 1} $value" }</lang> Output:
1 Tcl=766 2 Racket=726 3 Python=712 4 Programming Tasks=695 5 C=681 6 Perl 6=649 ... 48 Groovy=323
Haskell: Using the API
<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson import Network.HTTP.Base (urlEncode) import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp) import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Map (Map, toList)
-- Record representing a single language. data Language =
Language { name :: String, quantity :: Int } deriving (Show)
-- Make Language an instance of FromJSON for parsing of query response. instance FromJSON Language where
parseJSON (Object p) = do categoryInfo <- p .:? "categoryinfo"
let quantity = case categoryInfo of Just ob -> ob .: "size" Nothing -> return 0
name = p .: "title"
Language <$> name <*> quantity
-- Record representing entire response to query. -- Contains collection of languages and optional continuation string. data Report =
Report { continue :: Maybe String, languages :: Map String Language } deriving (Show)
-- Make Report an instance of FromJSON for parsing of query response. instance FromJSON Report where
parseJSON (Object p) = do querycontinue <- p .:? "query-continue"
let continue = case querycontinue of Just ob -> fmap Just $ (ob .: "categorymembers") >>= ( .: "gcmcontinue") Nothing -> return Nothing
languages = (p .: "query") >>= (.: "pages")
Report <$> continue <*> languages
-- Pretty print a single language showLanguage :: Int -> Bool -> Language -> IO () showLanguage rank tie (Language languageName languageQuantity) =
let rankStr = show rank in putStrLn $ rankStr ++ "." ++ replicate (4 - length rankStr) ' ' ++ (if tie then " (tie)" else " ") ++ " " ++ drop 9 languageName ++ " - " ++ show languageQuantity
-- Pretty print languages with common rank showRanking :: (Int, [Language]) -> IO () showRanking (ranking, languages) =
mapM_ (showLanguage ranking $ length languages > 1) languages
-- Sort and group languages by rank, then pretty print them. showLanguages :: [Language] -> IO () showLanguages allLanguages =
mapM_ showRanking $ zip [1..] $ groupBy ((==) `on` quantity) $ sortBy (flip compare `on` quantity) allLanguages
-- Mediawiki api style query to send to queryStr = "" ++
"format=json" ++ "&action=query" ++ "&generator=categorymembers" ++ "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages" ++ "&gcmlimit=100" ++ "&prop=categoryinfo"
-- Issue query to get a list of Language descriptions runQuery :: [Language] -> String -> IO () runQuery ls query = do
Just (Report continue langs) <- decode <$> simpleHttp query let accLanguages = ls ++ map snd (toList langs)
case continue of -- If there is no continue string we are done so display the accumulated languages. Nothing -> showLanguages accLanguages
-- If there is a continue string, recursively continue the query. Just continueStr -> do let continueQueryStr = queryStr ++ "&gcmcontinue=" ++ urlEncode continueStr runQuery accLanguages continueQueryStr
main :: IO () main = runQuery [] queryStr</lang>
- Output:
(As of 2015-07-29.) Here we show only the top 30.
1. Tcl - 887 2. Racket - 877 3. Python - 853 4. J - 795 5. Ruby - 775 6. Perl 6 - 766 7. C - 757 8. Go - 746 9. D - 740 10. Perl - 710 11. REXX - 697 12. PicoLisp - 692 13. Haskell - 682 14. Mathematica - 675 15. Java - 652 16. Zkl - 634 17. Ada - 623 18. AutoHotkey - 591 19. Unicon - 581 20. C++ - 562 21. Common Lisp - 551 22. Scala - 548 23. BBC BASIC - 532 24. Icon - 523 25. C sharp - 516 26. OCaml - 508 27. Nim - 502 28. (tie) Clojure - 485 28. (tie) PureBasic - 485 29. Erlang - 455 30. PARI/GP - 441
Haskell: Using web scraping
Scraping the languages and categories pages. <lang haskell>import Network.Browser import Network.HTTP import Network.URI import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Text.XML.Light import Control.Arrow import Data.Ord
getRespons url = do
rsp <- Network.Browser.browse $ do setAllowRedirects True setOutHandler $ const (return ()) -- quiet request $ getRequest url return $ rspBody $ snd rsp
mostPopLang = do
rsp <-getRespons $ "" ++
mbrs <- getRespons "" let xmls = onlyElems $ parseXML rsp langs = concatMap (map ((\\"Category:"). fromJust.findAttr (unqual "title")). filterElementsName (== unqual "cm")) xmls
let catMbr = second (read.takeWhile(/=' '). drop 6). break (=='<'). drop 1. dropWhile(/='>') . drop 5 catNmbs :: [(String, Int)]
catNmbs = map catMbr $ filter (isPrefixOf "
- First 20:
*Main> mostPopLang 1. 421 Tcl 2. 392 Python 3. 365 PicoLisp 4. 363 J 5. 360 Ruby 6. 354 C 7. 344 Haskell 8. 337 OCaml 9. 316 Perl 10. 308 PureBasic 11. 302 AutoHotkey 12. 299 Common Lisp 13. 295 D 14. 295 Java 15. 293 Ada 16. 278 Oz 17. 260 R 18. 259 C sharp 19. 257 C++ 20. 255 ALGOL 68
<lang hicest>CHARACTER cats*50000, catlist*50000, sortedCat*50000, sample*100 DIMENSION RankNr(1)
READ(ClipBoard) cats catlist = ' ' pos = 1 ! find language entries like * 100 doors (2 members) nr = 0 ! after next '*' find next "name" = '100 doors' and next "(...)" = '(2 members)' :
1 EDIT(Text=cats, SetPos=pos, Right='*', R, Mark1, R='(', Left, M2, Parse=name, R=2, P=members, GetPos=pos)
IF(pos > 0) THEN READ(Text=members) count IF(count > 0) THEN nr = nr + 1 WRITE(Text=catlist, Format='i4, 1x, 2a', APPend) count, name, ';' ENDIF GOTO 1 ! no WHILE in HicEst ENDIF ! catlist is now = " 1 ... User ; 2 100 doors ; 3 3D ; 8 4D ; ..."
ALLOCATE(RankNr, nr) EDIT(Text=catlist, SePaRators=';', Option=1+4, SorTtoIndex=RankNr) ! case (1) and back (4)
sortedCat = ' ' ! get the sorted list in the sequence of RankNr: ok = 0 DO i = 1, nr EDIT(Text=catlist, SePaRators=';', ITeM=RankNr(i), CoPyto=sample) discard = EDIT(Text=sample, LeXicon='user,attention,solutions,tasks,program,language,implementation,') IF(discard == 0) THEN ! removes many of the non-language entries ok = ok + 1 WRITE(Text=sortedCat, APPend, Format='F5.0, 2A') ok, TRIM(sample), $CRLF ENDIF ENDDO DLG(Text=sortedCat, Format=$CRLF)
END</lang> <lang hicest>2010-04-24 18:31 Top 10 entries (not all are languages)
1. 394 Tcl 2. 363 Python 3. 346 Ruby 4. 328 J 5. 319 C 6. 317 OCaml 7. 315 Haskell 8. 298 Perl 9. 288 WikiStubs 10. 281 Common Lisp</lang>
Icon and Unicon
By using the API
The following solution only works in Unicon.
<lang unicon>$define RCLANGS "" $define RCUA "User-Agent: Unicon Rosetta 0.1" $define RCXUA "X-Unicon:"
link strings link hexcvt
procedure main()
cnt := create seq() last := -1 every pair := !reverse(sort(langs := tallyPages(),2)) do { n := if last ~=:= pair[2] then @cnt else (@cnt,"") write(right(n,4),": ",left(pair[1],30,". "),right(pair[2],10,". ")) } write(*langs, " languages")
- Generate page counts for each language
procedure tallyPages(url)
/url := RCLANGS counts := table() continue := "" while \(txt := ReadURL(url||continue)) do { txt ? { if tab(find("gcmcontinue=")) then { continue := "&"||tab(upto('"')) move(1) continue ||:= tab(upto('"')) } else continue := "" while tab(find("<page ") & find(s := "title=\"Category:")+*s) do { lang := tab(upto('"')) tab(find(s := "pages=\"")+*s) counts[lang] := numeric(tab(upto('"'))) } if continue == "" then return counts } }
procedure ReadURL(url) #: read URL into string
page := open(url,"m",RCUA,RCXUA) | stop("Unable to open ",url) text := "" if page["Status-Code"] < 300 then while text ||:= reads(page,-1) else write(&errout,image(url),": ", page["Status-Code"]," ",page["Reason-Phrase"]) close(page) return text
Abridged output (top 26 languages as of July 30, 2016):
1: Racket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .904 2: Tcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .894 3: Python. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .867 4: J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .852 5: Perl 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .824 6: Ruby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .796 7: C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .777 8: Go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .769 9: Java. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .764 10: D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .747 11: REXX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .743 12: Perl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .736 13: Haskell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 : Zkl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 15: PicoLisp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .695 16: Mathematica . . . . . . . . . . . . .686 17: Sidef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .632 18: Ada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .626 19: C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619 20: AutoHotkey. . . . . . . . . . . . . .603 21: Unicon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .578 22: Common Lisp . . . . . . . . . . . . .577 23: Scala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561 24: BBC BASIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535 25: C sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529 26: Icon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 ... 604 languages
Solution:<lang j>require 'web/gethttp xml/sax/x2j regex'
x2jclass 'rcPopLang'
rx =: (<0 1) {:: (2#a:) ,~ rxmatches rxfrom ]
'Popular Languages' x2jDefn
/ := langs : langs =: 0 2 $ a: html/body/div/div/div/ul/li := langs =: langs ,^:(a:~:{.@[)~ lang ; ' \((\d+) members?\)' rx y html/body/div/div/div/ul/li/a := lang =: '^\s*((?:.(?!User|Tasks|Omit|attention|operations|by))+)\s*$' rx y
sortTab =. \: __ ". [: ;:^:_1: {:"1 formatTab =: [: ;:^:_1: [: (20 A. (<'-') , |. , [: ('.' <"1@:,.~ ":) 1 + 1 i.@,~ 1{$)&.|: sortTab f.
rcPopLangs =: formatTab@:process_rcPopLang_@:gethttp</lang> Example:<lang j> 10 {. rcPopLangs ''
1. 687 - Tcl 2. 646 - Python 3. 637 - C 4. 626 - PicoLisp 5. 612 - J 6. 587 - Go 7. 556 - Ada 8. 550 - D 9. 549 - Mathematica 10. 526 - Perl</lang>
Notes: See some notes on the J solution.
Tested with Java 1.7. Uses the api. <lang java>import; import; import*; import java.util.*;
public class GetRCLanguages {
// Custom sort Comparator for sorting the language list // assumes the first character is the page count and the rest is the language name private static class LanguageComparator implements Comparator<String> { public int compare( String a, String b ) { // as we "know" we will be comparaing languages, we will assume the Strings have the appropriate format int result = ( b.charAt( 0 ) - a.charAt( 0 ) ); if( result == 0 ) { // the counts are the same - compare the names result = a.compareTo( b ); } // if result == 0 return result; } // compare } // LanguageComparator
// get the string following marker in text private static String after( String text, int marker ) { String result = ""; int pos = text.indexOf( marker ); if( pos >= 0 ) { // the marker is in the string result = text.substring( pos + 1 ); } // if pos >= 0 return result; } // after
// read and parse the content of path // results returned in gcmcontinue and languageList public static void parseContent( String path , String[] gcmcontinue , ArrayList<String> languageList ) { try {
URL url = new URL( path ); URLConnection rc = url.openConnection(); // Rosetta Code objects to the default Java user agant so use a blank one rc.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "" ); BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( rc.getInputStream() ) ); gcmcontinue[0] = ""; String languageName = "?"; String line = bfr.readLine(); while( line != null ) { line = line.trim(); if ( line.startsWith( "[title]" ) ) { // have a programming language - should look like "[title] => Category:languageName" languageName = after( line, ':' ).trim(); } else if( line.startsWith( "[pages]" ) ) { // number of pages the language has (probably) String pageCount = after( line, '>' ).trim(); if( pageCount.compareTo( "Array" ) != 0 ) { // haven't got "[pages] => Array" - must be a number of pages languageList.add( ( (char) Integer.parseInt( pageCount ) ) + languageName ); languageName = "?"; } // if [pageCount.compareTo( "Array" ) != 0 } else if( line.startsWith( "[gcmcontinue]" ) ) { // have an indication of wether there is more data or not gcmcontinue[0] = after( line, '>' ).trim(); } // if various line starts line = bfr.readLine(); } // while line != null bfr.close(); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } // try-catch } // parseContent
public static void main( String[] args ) { // get the languages ArrayList<String> languageList = new ArrayList<String>( 1000 ); String[] gcmcontinue = new String[1]; gcmcontinue[0] = ""; do { String path = ( "" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages" + "&gcmlimit=500" + ( gcmcontinue[0].compareTo( "" ) == 0 ? "" : ( "&gcmcontinue=" + gcmcontinue[0] ) ) + "&prop=categoryinfo" + "&format=txt" ); parseContent( path, gcmcontinue, languageList ); } while( gcmcontinue[0].compareTo( "" ) != 0 ); // sort the languages String[] languages = languageList.toArray(new String[]{}); Arrays.sort( languages, new LanguageComparator() ); // print the languages int lastTie = -1; int lastCount = -1; for( int lPos = 0; lPos < languages.length; lPos ++ ) { int count = (int) ( languages[ lPos ].charAt( 0 ) ); System.out.format( "%4d: %4d: %s\n" , 1 + ( count == lastCount ? lastTie : lPos ) , count , languages[ lPos ].substring( 1 ) ); if( count != lastCount ) { lastTie = lPos; lastCount = count; } // if count != lastCount } // for lPos } // main
} // GetRCLanguages</lang>
- Output:
Top 10 languages as at 27th August 2015
1: 883: Tcl 2: 875: Racket 3: 837: Python 4: 799: J 5: 772: Ruby 6: 763: Perl 6 7: 756: C 8: 742: Go 9: 737: D 10: 707: Perl ...
The following solution matches the languages listed on the Category:Programming_Languages page with the statistics given on the Special:Categories page, making an adjustment for the number of irrelevant subcategories.
jq 1.4 cannot retrieve documents over the web and has no support for regular expressions, but is intended to work seamlessly with other command line tools, so the following solution is presented in the form of a bash script that uses curl for retrieval, and grep and sed for screen scraping. <lang sh>#!/bin/bash
- produce lines of the form: [ "language", n ]
function categories {
curl -Ss '' |\ grep "/wiki/Category:" | grep member | grep -v '(.*(' |\ grep -v ' User</a>' |\ sed -e 's/.*title="Category://' -e 's/member.*//' |\ sed 's:^\([^"]*\)"[^(]*(\(.*\):["\1", \2]:'
- produce lines of the form: "language"
function languages {
curl -Ss '' |\ sed '/Pages in category "Programming Languages"/,$d' |\grep '
- Output:
<lang sh># First ten and last ten lines as of May 27, 2015 $ 1. 868 - Tcl 2. 863 - Racket 3. 842 - Python 4. 778 - J 5. 769 - Ruby 6. 756 - Perl 6 7. 752 - C 8. 736 - D 9. 735 - Go 10. 700 - Perl ... 386. 1 - FP 386. 1 - ElastiC 386. 1 - ESQL 386. 1 - Clipper/XBase++ 386. 1 - Bori 386. 1 - Biferno 386. 1 - AspectJ 386. 1 - Algae 386. 1 - 80386 Assembly 386. 1 - 68000 Assembly</lang>
<lang scala>import import*
object Popularity {
/** Gets language data. */ fun ofLanguages(): List<String> { val languages = mutableListOf<String>() var gcm = "" do { val path = url + (if (gcm == "") "" else "&gcmcontinue=" + gcm) + "&prop=categoryinfo" + "&format=txt" try { val rc = URL(path).openConnection() // URL completed, connection opened // Rosetta Code objects to the default Java user agent so use a blank one rc.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "") val bfr = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(rc.inputStream)) try { gcm = "" var languageName = "?" var line: String? = bfr.readLine() while (line != null) { line = line.trim { it <= ' ' } if (line.startsWith("[title]")) { // have a programming language - should look like "[title] => Category:languageName" languageName = line[':'] } else if (line.startsWith("[pages]")) { // number of pages the language has (probably) val pageCount = line['>'] if (pageCount != "Array") { // haven't got "[pages] => Array" - must be a number of pages languages += pageCount.toInt().toChar() + languageName languageName = "?" } } else if (line.startsWith("[gcmcontinue]")) gcm = line['>'] // have an indication of whether there is more data or not line = bfr.readLine() } } finally { bfr.close() } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } while (gcm != "")
return languages.sortedWith(LanguageComparator) }
/** Custom sort Comparator for sorting the language list. * Assumes the first character is the page count and the rest is the language name. */ internal object LanguageComparator : java.util.Comparator<String> { override fun compare(a: String, b: String): Int { // as we "know" we will be comparing languages, we will assume the Strings have the appropriate format var r = b.first() - a.first() return if (r == 0) a.compareTo(b) else r // r == 0: the counts are the same - compare the names } }
/** Gets the string following marker in text. */ private operator fun String.get(c: Char) = substringAfter(c).trim { it <= ' ' }
private val url = "" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages" + "&gcmlimit=500"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// read/sort/print the languages (CSV format): var lastTie = -1 var lastCount = -1 Popularity.ofLanguages().forEachIndexed { i, lang -> val count = lang.first().toInt() if (count == lastCount) println("%12s%s".format("", lang.substring(1))) else { println("%4d, %4d, %s".format(1 + if (count == lastCount) lastTie else i, count, lang.substring(1))) lastTie = i lastCount = count } }
- Output:
1, 901, Racket 2, 893, Tcl 3, 851, Python 4, 826, J 5, 796, Perl 6 ... 135, 70, Kotlin ...
<lang Lasso><code>[ sys_listtraits !>> 'xml_tree_trait' ? include('xml_tree.lasso') local(lang = array) local(f = curl('')->result->asString) local(ff) = xml_tree(#f) local(lis = #ff->body->div(3)->div(3)->div(3)->div->ul->getnodes) with li in #lis do => { local(title = #li->a->attribute('title')) #title->removeLeading('Category:') local(num = #li->asString->split('(')->last) #num->removeTrailing(')') #num->removeTrailing('members') #num->removeTrailing('member') #num->trim #num = integer(#num) #lang->insert(#title = #num) } local(c = 1) with l in #lang order by #l->second descending do => {^ #c++ '. '+#l->second + ' - ' + #l->first+'\r' ^} ]</code></lang>
- Output:
1. 759 - Tcl 2. 724 - Racket 3. 707 - Python 4. 692 - Programming Tasks 5. 672 - C 6. 643 - J 7. 635 - Perl 6 8. 632 - D 9. 627 - PicoLisp 10. 617 - Ruby ...
M2000 Interpreter
Based on BBC BASIC idea, and using M2000 Rinstr() and objects as Inventories, Document, and Microsoft.XMLHTTP for downloading (async use). Results also copy to Clipboard. We can use Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP (code is the same, only name of object change).
Update: Numbers above 999 get a comma (,) so we have to drop this using Filter$()
<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module RankLanguages {
Const Part1$="<a href="+""""+ "/wiki/Category", Part2$="member" Const langHttp$="" Const categoriesHttp$="" Def long m, i,j, tasks, counter, limit, T, t1 Def string LastLang$, job$ Document final$, languages$, categories$ httpGet$=lambda$ (url$, timeout=1000)->{ Declare htmldoc "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP" With htmldoc , "readyState" as ready Report "Download:"+url$ Method htmldoc "open","get", url$, True Method htmldoc "send" Profiler While Ready<>4 { Wait 20 Print Over format$("Wait: {0:3} sec", timecount/1000) If timecount>timeout then Exit } If ready=4 Then With htmldoc, "responseText" as ready$ : =ready$ Declare htmldoc Nothing print } languages$=httpGet$(langHttp$, 30000) If Doc.Len(languages$)=0 then Error "File download failed (languages)" Inventory Lang m=Paragraph(languages$, 0) If Forward(languages$,m) then { While m { job$=Paragraph$(languages$,(m)) If Instr(job$, part1$) Else Continue i = Instr(job$, "</a>") If i Else Continue ' same as If i=0 Then Continue j = i i=Rinstr(job$, ">", -i) If i Else Continue LastLang$=MID$(job$, i+1, j-i-1) if Instr(job$, "Category:"+lastlang$) then Append lang, lastlang$:=0 : Print Over format$("Languages: {0}", len(lang)) } } Print Document categories$=httpGet$(categoriesHttp$, 30000) If Doc.Len(categories$)=0 then Error "File download failed (categories)" limit=Doc.Par(categories$) If limit<Len(Lang) then Error "Invalid data" Refresh set slow m=Paragraph(categories$, 0) counter=0 If Forward(categories$,m) then { While m { job$=Paragraph$(categories$,(m)) counter++ Print Over format$("{0:2:-6}%", counter/limit*100) i=Instr(job$, part2$) If i Else Continue i=Rinstr(job$, "(", -i) If i Else Continue tasks=Val(Filter$(Mid$(job$, i+1),",")) If tasks Else Continue i=Rinstr(job$, "<", -i) If i Else Continue j = i i=Rinstr(job$, ">", -i) If i Else Continue LastLang$=MID$(job$, i+1, j-i-1) If Exist(Lang, LastLang$) Then { Return Lang, LastLang$:=Lang(LastLang$)+tasks } } } Print \\ this type of iventory can get same keys \\ also has stable sort Report "Make Inventory list by Task" Inventory queue ByTask t1=Len(Lang) T=Each(Lang) While T { Append ByTask, Eval(T):=Eval$(T!) Print Over format$("Complete: {0} of {1}", T^+1, t1 ) } Print Report "Sort by task (stable sort, sort keys as numbers)" Sort descending ByTask as number Report "Make List" T=Each(ByTask) final$="Sample output on "+Date$(Today, 1033, "long date")+{: } While T { final$=format$("rank:{0::-4}. {1:-5} entries - {2}", T^+1, Eval$(T!), Eval$(T))+{ } } Report "Copy to Clipboard" clipboard final$ \\ present to console with 3/4 fill lines then stop for space bar or mouse click to continue Report final$
} RankLanguages </lang>
- Output:
Sample output on Monday, November 26, 2018: rank: 1. 1060 entries - Go rank: 2. 1029 entries - Kotlin rank: 3. 1020 entries - Python rank: 4. 1012 entries - Perl 6 rank: 5. 979 entries - Racket rank: 6. 938 entries - Perl rank: 7. 929 entries - Tcl rank: 8. 926 entries - C rank: 9. 907 entries - Zkl rank: 10. 900 entries - J rank: 11. 895 entries - Phix rank: 12. 894 entries - Java rank: 13. 876 entries - REXX rank: 14. 874 entries - D rank: 15. 858 entries - Ruby rank: 16. 849 entries - Julia rank: 17. 848 entries - Haskell rank: 18. 791 entries - Scala rank: 19. 777 entries - Sidef rank: 20. 774 entries - PicoLisp rank: 21. 738 entries - Mathematica rank: 22. 735 entries - C sharp rank: 23. 707 entries - C++ rank: 24. 658 entries - Common Lisp rank: 25. 652 entries - Ada rank: 26. 627 entries - AutoHotkey rank: 27. 614 entries - JavaScript rank: 28. 604 entries - Ring rank: 29. 601 entries - Lua rank: 30. 590 entries - Unicon rank: 31. 588 entries - Clojure rank: 32. 560 entries - BBC BASIC rank: 33. 554 entries - Fortran rank: 34. 553 entries - PureBasic rank: 35. 551 entries - ALGOL 68 rank: 36. 546 entries - Factor rank: 37. 545 entries - Nim rank: 38. 543 entries - OCaml rank: 39. 537 entries - PARI/GP rank: 40. 532 entries - Icon rank: 41. 514 entries - F Sharp rank: 42. 513 entries - Elixir rank: 43. 490 entries - Erlang rank: 44. 476 entries - FreeBASIC rank: 45. 471 entries - PowerShell rank: 46. 457 entries - Jq rank: 47. 445 entries - Forth rank: 48. 440 entries - Pascal rank: 49. 431 entries - AWK rank: 50. 425 entries - R rank: 51. 423 entries - Rust rank: 52. 407 entries - Seed7 rank: 53. 403 entries - PL/I rank: 54. 399 entries - Groovy rank: 55. 398 entries - PHP rank: 56. 359 entries - Scheme rank: 57. 357 entries - MATLAB rank: 58. 343 entries - Maple rank: 59. 334 entries - Liberty BASIC rank: 60. 331 entries - Swift rank: 61. 314 entries - Run BASIC rank: 62. 308 entries - Oforth rank: 63. 306 entries - Octave rank: 64. 305 entries - XPL0 rank: 65. 304 entries - EchoLisp rank: 66. 291 entries - M2000 Interpreter rank: 67. 289 entries - Prolog rank: 68. 289 entries - UNIX Shell rank: 69. 288 entries - Bracmat rank: 70. 287 entries - NetRexx rank: 71. 280 entries - Oz rank: 72. 273 entries - Objeck rank: 73. 272 entries - E rank: 74. 272 entries - VBScript .......... rank: 685. 1 entries - Wollok rank: 686. 1 entries - X86 64 Assembly rank: 687. 1 entries - Xanadu rank: 688. 1 entries - Ya rank: 689. 0 entries - AngelScript rank: 690. 0 entries - Binary Lambda Calculus rank: 691. 0 entries - EhBASIC rank: 692. 0 entries - Epigram rank: 693. 0 entries - FLORA-2 rank: 694. 0 entries - Florid rank: 695. 0 entries - LC2200 Assembly rank: 696. 0 entries - Leon rank: 697. 0 entries - LLP rank: 698. 0 entries - Loglan82 rank: 699. 0 entries - Lolli rank: 700. 0 entries - Lygon rank: 701. 0 entries - ObjectIcon rank: 702. 0 entries - PL/B rank: 703. 0 entries - Plan rank: 704. 0 entries - Reduce rank: 705. 0 entries - Rubylog rank: 706. 0 entries - SimpleLang rank: 707. 0 entries - Spin rank: 708. 0 entries - Star rank: 709. 0 entries - X10 rank: 710. 0 entries - XS
<lang Maple>count_sizes := proc(arr_name,arr_pop,i,lst) local index := i; local language; for language in lst do language := language[1]: arr_name(index) := txt["query"]["pages"][language]["title"][10..]: if(assigned(txt["query"]["pages"][language]["categoryinfo"]["size"])) then arr_pop(index) := txt["query"]["pages"][language]["categoryinfo"]["size"]: else: arr_pop(index) := 0: end if: index++: end do: return index: end proc:
txt := JSON:-ParseFile(""): arr_name := Array(): arr_pop := Array(): i := count_sizes(arr_name, arr_pop, 1, [indices(txt["query"]["pages"])]): while (assigned(txt["continue"]["gcmcontinue"])) do continue := txt["continue"]["gcmcontinue"]: txt := JSON:-ParseFile(cat("", "&continue=", txt["continue"]["continue"], "&gcmcontinue=", txt["continue"]["gcmcontinue"])): i:=count_sizes(arr_name,arr_pop,i,[indices(txt["query"]["pages"])]): end do: arr_name:= arr_name[sort(arr_pop,output=permutation)]: arr_pop := sort(arr_pop, output=sorted): i := i-1: for x from i to 1 by -1 do printf("rank %d %d examples %s\n", i-x+1, arr_pop[x], arr_name[x]): end do:</lang>
- Output:
#10:30 AM 10/05/2018 rank 1 1002 examples Kotlin rank 2 977 examples Racket rank 3 977 examples Python rank 4 949 examples Perl 6 rank 5 918 examples Tcl rank 6 898 examples C rank 7 891 examples J rank 8 879 examples Zkl rank 9 870 examples Java rank 10 860 examples D ... rank 680 0 examples Epigram rank 681 0 examples LLP rank 682 0 examples Lolli rank 683 0 examples Leon rank 684 0 examples Florid rank 685 0 examples Loglan82
<lang Mathematica>Languages = Flatten[Import["","Data"]1,1]; Languages = Most@StringReplace[Languages, {" " -> "_", "+" -> "%2B"}]; b = {#, If[# === {}, 0, #1]&@( StringCases[Import[""<>#,"Plaintext"],
"category, out of " ~~ x:NumberString ~~ " total" ->x])} &/@ Languages;
For[i = 1, i < Length@b , i++ , Print[i, ". ", #2, " - ", #1 ]&@ Part[Reverse@SortBy[b, Last], i]]</lang>
- Output
- As of 29 February 2012:
1. 637 - Tcl 2. 576 - C 3. 558 - J 4. 538 - Go 5. 485 - Ada 6. 456 - D 7. 450 - Haskell 8. 441 - Mathematica 9. 432 - Java 10. 425 - Icon ...
<lang nim>import httpclient, json, re, strutils, algorithm
langSite = "" catSize = ""
let regex = re"title=""Category:(.*?)"">.+?</a>.*\((.*) members\)"
var langs: seq[string] = @[] for l in parseJson(getContent(langSite))["query"]["categorymembers"]:
var ranks: seq[tuple[lang: string, count: int]] = @[] for line in getContent(catSize).findAll(regex):
let lang = line.replacef(regex, "$1") if lang in langs: let count = parseInt(line.replacef(regex, "$2").strip()) ranks.add((lang, count))
ranks.sort(proc (x, y): int = cmp[int](y.count, x.count)) for i, l in ranks:
echo align($(i+1), 3), align($l.count, 5), " - ", l.lang</lang>
1 833 - Tcl 2 781 - Racket 3 770 - Python 4 730 - Perl 6 5 725 - J 6 712 - C 7 708 - Ruby 8 698 - D 9 674 - Go 10 656 - Perl ...
<lang objeck>use HTTP; use RegEx; use XML; use Collection;
class RosettaRank {
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { langs_xml := ""; client := HttpClient->New(); in := client->Get(""); each(i : in) { langs_xml += in->Get(i)->As(String); }; langs := StringSet->New(); parser := XmlParser->New(langs_xml); if(parser->Parse()) { # get first item results := parser->FindElements("/api/query/categorymembers/cm"); each(i : results) { element := results->Get(i)->As(XmlElement); name := element->GetAttribute("title")->GetValue(); offset := name->Find(':'); if(offset > -1) { lang := name->SubString(offset + 1, name->Size() - offset - 1); langs->Insert(lang->ReplaceAll(" ", " ")); }; }; }; langs_counts := IntMap->New(); client := HttpClient->New(); html := client->Get(""); each(i : html) { lines := html->Get(i)->As(String); html_elements := lines->Split("\n"); each(j : html_elements) { element := html_elements[j]; name : String; count : String;regex := RegEx->New("
1. 849 - Tcl 2. 826 - Racket 3. 821 - Python 4. 759 - J 5. 757 - Ruby 6. 751 - Perl 6 7. 743 - C 8. 736 - D 9. 728 - Go 10. 696 - Perl ...
<lang oorexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Create a list of Rosetta Code languages showing the number of tasks
- This program's logic is basically that of the REXX program
- rearranged to my taste and utilizing the array class of ooRexx
- which offers a neat way of sorting as desired, see :CLASS mycmp below
- For the input to this program open these links:
- and save the pages as LAN.txt and CAT.txt, respectively
- Output: RC_POP.txt list of languages sorted by popularity
- If test=1, additionally:
- RC_LNG.txt list of languages alphabetically sorted
- RC_TRN.txt list language name translations (debug)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
test=1 name.='??' l.=0 safe= x00='00'x linfid='RC_LAN.txt' linfid='LAN.txt' /* language file */ cinfid='CAT.txt' /* category file */ oid='RC_POP.txt'; 'erase' oid If test Then Do
tid='RC.TRN.txt'; 'erase' tid tia='RC_LNG.txt'; 'erase' tia End
Call init
call read_lang /* process language file */
Call read_cat /* process category file */
Call ot words(lang_list) 'possible languages' Call ot words(lang_listr) 'relevant languages' llrn=words(lang_listr)
If test Then
Call no_member
a=.array~new /* create array object */ cnt.=0 Do i=1 By 1 While lang_listr<>
Parse Var lang_listr ddu0 lang_listr ddu=translate(ddu0,' ',x00) a[i]=right(mem.ddu,3) name.ddu /* fill array element */ z=mem.ddu /* number of members */ cnt.z=cnt.z+1 /* number of such languages */ End
n=i-1 /* number of output lines */
a~sortWith(.mycmp~new) /* sort the array elements */
/* see :CLASS mycmp below */
- and now create the output
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Call o ' ' Call o center('timestamp: ' date() time('Civil'),79,'-') Call o ' ' Call o right(lrecs,9) 'records read from file: ' linfid Call o right(crecs,9) 'records read from file: ' cinfid Call o right(llrn,9) 'relevant languages' Call o ' '
rank=0 rank.=0 Do i=1 To n
rank=rank+1 Parse Value a[i] With o . 6 lang ol=' rank: 'right(rank,3)' '||, '('right(o,3) 'entries) 'lang If cnt.o>1 Then Do If rank.o=0 Then rank.o=rank ol=overlay(right(rank.o,3),ol,17) ol=overlay('[tied]',ol,22) End Call o ol End
Call o ' ' Call o center('+ end of list +',72) Say 'Output in' oid
If test Then Do
b=.array~new /* create array object */ cnt.=0 Do i=1 By 1 While lang_list<> Parse Var lang_list ddu0 lang_list ddu=translate(ddu0,' ',x00) b[i]=right(mem.ddu,3) name.ddu /* fill array element */ End n=i-1 /* number of output lines */
b~sortWith(.alpha~new) /* sort the array elements */ Call oa n 'languages' Do i=1 To n Call oa b[i] End Say 'Sorted list of languages in' tia End
Return lineout(oid,arg(1))
If test Then Call lineout tid,arg(1) Return
If test Then Call lineout tia,arg(1) Return
read_lang: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Read the language page to determine the list of possible languages
- Output: l.lang>0 for all languages found
- name.lang original name of uppercased language name
- lang_list list of uppercased language names
- lrecs number of records read from language file
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
l.=0 name.='??' lang_list= Do lrecs=0 While lines(linfid)\==0 l=linein(linfid) /* read from language file */ l=translate(l,' ','9'x) /* turn tabs to blanks */ dd=space(l) /* remove extra blanks */ ddu=translate(dd) If pos('AUTOMATED ADMINISTRATION',ddu)>0 Then /* ignore this */ Iterate If pos('RETRIEVED FROM',ddu)\==0 Then /* this indicates the end */ Leave If dd== Then /* ignore all blank lines. */ Iterate If left(dd,1)\=='*' Then /* ignore lines w/o * */ Iterate ddo=fix_lang(dd) /* replace odd language names */ If ddo<>dd Then Do /* show those that we found */ Call ot ' ' dd Call ot '>' ddo dd=ddo End Parse Var dd '*' dd "<" /* extract the language name */ ddu=strip(translate(dd)) /* translate to uppercase */ If name.ddu='??' Then name.ddu=dd /* remember 1st original name */ l.ddu=l.ddu+1 ddu_=translate(ddu,x00,' ') If wordpos(ddu_,lang_list)=0 Then lang_list=lang_list ddu_ End Return
read_cat: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Read the category page to get language names and number of members
- Output: mem.ddu number of members for (uppercase) Language ddu
- lang_listr the list of relevant languages
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mem.=0 lang_listr= Do crecs=0 While lines(cinfid)\==0 l=get_cat(cinfid) /* read from category file */ l=translate(l,' ','9'x) /* turn tabs to blanks */ dd=space(l) /* remove extra blanks */ If dd== Then /* ignore all blank lines. */ Iterate ddu=translate(dd) ddo=fix_lang(dd) /* replace odd language names */ If ddo<>dd Then Do /* show those that we found */ Call ot ' ' dd Call ot '>' ddo dd=ddo End du=translate(dd) /* get an uppercase version. */ If pos('RETRIEVED FROM',du)\==0 Then /* this indicates the end */ Leave Parse Var dd dd '<' "(" mems . /* extract the language name */ /* and the number of members */ dd=space(substr(dd,3)) _=translate(dd) If \l._ Then /* not a known language */ Iterate /* ignore */ if pos(',', mems)\==0 then mems=changestr(",", mems, ) /* remove commas. */ If\datatype(mems,'W') Then /* not a number of members */ Iterate /* ignore */ ddu=space(translate(dd)) mem.ddu=mem.ddu+mems /* set o add number of members*/ Call memory ddu /* list of relevant languages */ End Return
get_cat: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- get a (logical) line from the category file
- These two lines
- * Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
- </wiki/Category:Lotus_123_Macro_Scripting>â€â€Ž (3 members)
- are returned as one line:
- -> * Lotus 123 Macro Scripting </wiki/Cate ... (3 members)
- we need language name and number of members in one line
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Parse Arg fid If safe<> Then ol=safe Else Do If lines(fid)=0 Then Return ol=linein(fid) safe= End If left(ol,3)=' *' Then Do Do Until left(r,3)==' *' | lines(fid)=0 r=linein(fid) If left(r,3)==' *' Then Do safe=r Return ol End Else ol=ol r End End Return ol
ddu0=translate(ddu,x00,' ') If wordpos(ddu0,lang_listr)=0 Then lang_listr=lang_listr ddu0 Return
fix_lang: Procedure Expose old. new.
Parse Arg s Do k=1 While old.k\== /* translate Unicode variations. */ If pos(old.k,s)\==0 Then s=changestr(old.k,s,new.k) End Return s
old.= old.1='UC++' /* '55432B2B'X */ new.1="µC++" /* old UC++ --?ASCII-8: µC++ */ old.2='МК-61/52' /* 'D09CD09A2D36312F3532'X */ new.2='MK-61/52' /* somewhere a mistranslated: MK- */ old.3='Déjà Vu' /* '44C3A96AC3A0205675'X */ new.3='Déjà Vu' /* Unicode +¬j+á --?ASCII-8: Déjá */ old.4='Caché' /* '43616368C3A9'X */ new.4='Caché' /* Unicode ach+¬ --?ASCII-8: Caché */ old.5='ÎœC++' /* 'CE9C432B2B'X */ new.5="MC++" /* Unicode +£C++ --?ASCII-8: µC++ */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ Call ot 'Language replacements:' Do ii=1 To 5 Call ot ' ' left(old.ii,10) left(c2x(old.ii),20) '->' new.ii End Call ot ' ' Return
no_member: Procedure Expose lang_list lang_listr tid x00 test /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- show languages found in language file that are not referred to
- in the category file
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ll =wordsort(lang_list ) /* languages in language file */ llr=wordsort(lang_listr) /* languages in category file */ Parse Var ll l1 ll Parse Var llr l2 llr nn.=0 Do Forever Select When l1=l2 Then Do If l1= Then /* both lists empty */ Leave Parse Var ll l1 ll /* get the next language */ Parse Var llr l2 llr /* -"- */ End When l1<l2 Then Do /* in language file */ /* and not in category file */ z=nn.0+1 nn.z=' 'translate(l1,' ',x00) /* show in test output */ nn.0=z Parse Var ll l1 ll /* next from language file */ End Otherwise Do Call ot '?? 'translate(l2,' ',x00) /* show in test output */ Say 'In category file but not in language file:' Say '?? 'translate(l2,' ',x00) Say 'Hit enter to proceed' Pull . Parse Var llr l2 llr /* next from category file */ End End End Call ot nn.0 'Languages without members:' /* heading */ Do ii=1 To nn.0 Call ot nn.ii End Return
- CLASS mycmp MIXINCLASS Comparator
- METHOD compare
- smaller number is considered higher
- numbers equal: higher language considered higher
- otherwise return lower
- /
Parse Upper Arg a,b Parse Var a na +4 ta Parse Var b nb +4 tb Select When na<<nb THEN res=1 When na==nb Then Do If ta<<tb Then res=-1 Else res=1 End Otherwise res=-1 End Return res
- CLASS alpha MIXINCLASS Comparator
- METHOD compare
- higher language considered higher
- otherwise return lower
- /
Parse Upper Arg a,b Parse Var a na +4 ta Parse Var b nb +4 tb If ta<<tb Then res=-1 Else res=1 Return res</lang>
Output (the beginning):
------------------------timestamp: 24 Nov 2013 9:48am------------------------- 706 records read from file: LAN.txt 2204 records read from file: CAT.txt 502 relevant languages rank: 1 (760 entries) Tcl rank: 2 (724 entries) Racket rank: 3 (708 entries) Python rank: 4 (681 entries) C
Note: If MC++ and µC++ are the same, they should/could be added together to get 501 languages.
Using web scraping. Does not filter non-language categories. <lang oz>declare
[HTTPClient] = { ['x-ozlib://mesaros/net/HTTPClient.ozf']} [Regex] = { ['x-oz://contrib/regex']} fun {GetPage RawUrl} Client = {New HTTPClient.urlGET init(inPrms(toFile:false toStrm:true) _)} Url = {VirtualString.toString RawUrl} OutParams HttpResponseParams in {Client getService(Url ?OutParams ?HttpResponseParams)} {Client closeAll(true)} OutParams.sOut end fun {GetCategories Doc}{Map {Regex.allMatches "
- Output:
1. 371 - Tcl 2. 369 - Programming Tasks 3. 338 - Python 4. 324 - Ruby 5. 306 - Haskell ... 17. 225 - Oz 18. 214 - C++ 19. 209 - JavaScript 20. 208 - ALGOL 68
By using the API
<lang perl>use 5.010; use MediaWiki::API;
my $api =
MediaWiki::API->new( { api_url => '' } );
my @languages; my $gcmcontinue; while (1) {
my $apih = $api->api( { action => 'query', generator => 'categorymembers', gcmtitle => 'Category:Programming Languages', gcmlimit => 250, prop => 'categoryinfo', gcmcontinue => $gcmcontinue } ); push @languages, values %{ $apih->{'query'}{'pages'} };
last if not $gcmcontinue = $apih->{'continue'}{'gcmcontinue'};
for (@languages) {
$_->{'title'} =~ s/Category://; $_->{'categoryinfo'}{'size'} //= 0;
my @sorted_languages =
reverse sort { $a->{'categoryinfo'}{'size'} <=> $b->{'categoryinfo'}{'size'} } @languages;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)'; my $n = 1; for (@sorted_languages) {
printf "%3d. %20s - %3d\n", $n++, $_->{'title'}, $_->{'categoryinfo'}{'size'};
} </lang>
Perl 6
Perl 6: Using the API
Note that this counts only the tasks. It does not include other non-task categories in the counts yielding more realistic, non-inflated numbers. Perl 6 is unicode aware and handles non-ASCII names natively. This does not attempt to 'unify' different language names that are the same behind the scenes as a result of Rosettacodes' capitalization peculiarities. (E.G. μC++, UC++ & ΜC++)
<lang perl6>use HTTP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; use JSON::Fast; use Sort::Naturally;
my $client =;
my $url = '';
my $tablefile = './RC_Popularity.txt';
my %cat = (
'Programming_Tasks' => 'Task', 'Draft_Programming_Tasks' => 'Draft'
); my %tasks;
for %cat.keys.sort -> $cat {
mediawiki-query( $url, 'pages', :generator<categorymembers>, :gcmtitle("Category:$cat"), :gcmlimit<350>, :rawcontinue(), :prop<title> ).map({ %tasks{%cat{$cat}}++ });
my %counts =
mediawiki-query( $url, 'pages', :generator<categorymembers>, :gcmtitle<Category:Programming Languages>, :gcmlimit<350>, :rawcontinue(), :prop<categoryinfo> ) .map({ .<title>.subst(/^'Category:'/, ) => .<categoryinfo><pages> || 0 });
my $out = open($tablefile, :w) or die "$out\n";
- Add table boilerplate and header
"\{|class=\"wikitable sortable\"\n", "|+ As of { } :: {+%counts} Languages\n", "! Rank !! Language !! Count !! % "
my @bg = <#fff; #ccc;>; my $ff = 0; my $rank = 1; my $ties = 0;
- Get sorted unique task counts
for %counts.values.unique.sort: -* -> $count {
$ff++; # Get list of tasks with this count my @these = %counts.grep( *.value == $count )».keys.sort: *.&naturally;
for @these { $ties++; $out.say: "|-\n"~ "|style=\"background-color: { @bg[$ff % 2] }\"|$rank\n"~ "|style=\"background-color: { @bg[$ff % 2] }\"|[[:Category:$_|]]\n"~ "|style=\"background-color: { @bg[$ff % 2] }\"|$count\n"~ "|style=\"background-color: { @bg[$ff % 2] }\""~ "|{(100 * $count/%tasks<Draft Task>.sum).round(.01)} %" } $rank += $ties; $ties = 0;
} $out.say( "|}\n" ); $out.close;
sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {
my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string( :action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query); my $continue = ;
gather loop { my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue"); my $data = from-json($response.content); take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values; $continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last); }
sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {
join '&', { "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }
- Abridged output:
Rank | Language | Count | % |
1 | Kotlin | 1024 | 91.18 % |
2 | Go | 1016 | 90.47 % |
3 | Python | 990 | 88.16 % |
4 | Perl 6 | 986 | 87.8 % |
5 | Racket | 977 | 87 % |
6 | Tcl | 925 | 82.37 % |
7 | C | 920 | 81.92 % |
8 | Zkl | 900 | 80.14 % |
9 | J | 896 | 79.79 % |
10 | Perl | 887 | 78.98 % |
11 | Java | 884 | 78.72 % |
12 | D | 871 | 77.56 % |
13 | REXX | 857 | 76.31 % |
14 | Ruby | 852 | 75.87 % |
15 | Haskell | 839 | 74.71 % |
16 | Phix | 825 | 73.46 % |
17 | Julia | 789 | 70.26 % |
18 | Scala | 787 | 70.08 % |
19 | Sidef | 775 | 69.01 % |
20 | PicoLisp | 771 | 68.66 % |
Perl 6: Using web scraping
Scraping the languages and categories pages. Perl 6 automatically handles Unicode names correctly. <lang perl6>my $languages = qx{wget -O - ''}; my $categories = qx{wget -O - ''};
my @lines = $languages.lines;
shift @lines until @lines[0] ~~ / 'Subcategories
' /;my \languages = set gather for @lines {
last if / '/bodycontent' /; take ~$0 if/ '
' /; } @lines = $categories.lines; my @results = sort -*.[0], gather for @lines { take [+$1.subst(',', ), ~$0] if / '
- Output:
(As of 2018-10-28) Here we show only the top 10.
1: 1036 - Go 2: 1029 - Kotlin 3: 1014 - Python 4: 998 - Perl 6 5: 980 - Racket 6: 929 - Tcl 7: 926 - C 8: 910 - Perl 9: 904 - Zkl 10: 901 - J
<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/http.l")
(for (I . X)
(flip (sort (make (client "" 80 "mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000"(while (from "
- Output (dec15):
1. 903 - Racket 2. 897 - Tcl 3. 863 - Python 4. 821 - J 5. 796 - Perl_6 6. 780 - Programming_Tasks 7. 778 - Ruby 8. 767 - C 9. 751 - Go 10. 745 - D ...
<lang PowerShell> $get1 = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") $get2 = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") $match1 = [regex]::matches($get1, "`"title`":`"Category:(.+?)`"") $match2 = [regex]::matches($get2, "title=`"Category:([^`"]+?)`">[^<]+?</a>[^\(]*\((\d+) members\)") $r = 1 $langs = $match1 | foreach { $_.Groups[1].Value.Replace("\","") } $res = $match2 | sort -Descending {[Int]$($_.Groups[2].Value)} | foreach {
if ($langs.Contains($_.Groups[1].Value)) { [pscustomobject]@{ Rank = "$r" Members = "$($_.Groups[2].Value)" Language = "$($_.Groups[1].Value)" } $r++ }
} 1..30 | foreach{
[pscustomobject]@{ "Rank 1..30" = "$($_)" "Members 1..30" = "$($res[$_-1].Members)" "Language 1..30" = "$($res[$_-1].Language)" "Rank 31..60" = "$($_+30)" "Members 31..60" = "$($res[$_+30].Members)" "Language 31..60" = "$($res[$_+30].Language)" }
}| Format-Table -AutoSize </lang> Output: August 04, 2015
Rank 1..30 Members 1..30 Language 1..30 Rank 31..60 Members 31..60 Language 31..60 ---------- ------------- -------------- ----------- -------------- --------------- 1 887 Tcl 31 405 Seed7 2 877 Racket 32 397 Julia 3 853 Python 33 389 PL/I 4 798 J 34 387 Fortran 5 775 Ruby 35 386 ALGOL 68 6 766 Perl 6 36 376 Lua 7 758 C 37 369 Pascal 8 746 Go 38 367 R 9 740 D 39 364 Groovy 10 710 Perl 40 363 F Sharp 11 701 REXX 41 363 Forth 12 692 PicoLisp 42 358 PHP 13 682 Haskell 43 342 AWK 14 675 Mathematica 44 340 Sidef 15 652 Java 45 335 MATLAB 16 623 Ada 46 325 Liberty BASIC 17 591 AutoHotkey 47 297 Octave 18 562 C++ 48 287 Factor 19 551 Common Lisp 49 286 Scheme 20 548 Scala 50 285 NetRexx 21 532 BBC BASIC 51 284 Oforth 22 523 Icon 52 280 Oz 23 516 C sharp 53 274 Run BASIC 24 508 OCaml 54 272 E 25 502 Nim 55 271 Bracmat 26 488 PureBasic 56 268 PowerShell 27 487 Clojure 57 263 Prolog 28 455 Erlang 58 260 Lasso 29 441 PARI/GP 59 249 Delphi 30 434 JavaScript 60 239 Smalltalk
Using MediaWiki API method
<lang purebasic>Procedure handleError(value, msg.s)
If value = 0 MessageRequester("Error", msg) End EndIf
Structure languageInfo
name.s pageCount.i
- JSON_web_data = 0 ;ID# for our parsed JSON web data object
Define NewList languages.languageInfo()
Define blah.s, object_val, allPages_mem, title_mem, page_mem, categoryInfo_mem, continue_mem Define url$, title$, currentPage$, language$, langPageCount, gcmcontinue$, *bufferPtr
handleError(InitNetwork(), "Unable to initialize network functions.")
url$ = "" + "&generator=categorymembers&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages" + "&gcmlimit=500" + "&gcmcontinue=" + gcmcontinue$ + "&prop=categoryinfo&format=json" *bufferPtr = ReceiveHTTPMemory(url$) handleError(*bufferPtr, "Unable to receive web page data.") If CatchJSON(#JSON_web_data, *bufferPtr, MemorySize(*bufferPtr)) = 0 MessageRequester("Error", JSONErrorMessage() + " at position " + JSONErrorPosition() + " in line " + JSONErrorLine() + " of JSON web Data") End EndIf FreeMemory(*bufferPtr)
object_val = JSONValue(#JSON_web_data) allPages_mem = GetJSONMember(GetJSONMember(object_val, "query"), "pages") If ExamineJSONMembers(allPages_mem) While NextJSONMember(allPages_mem) page_mem = JSONMemberValue(allPages_mem) title_mem = GetJSONMember(page_mem, "title") If title_mem title$ = GetJSONString(title_mem) If Left(title$, 9) = "Category:" language$ = Mid(title$, 10) categoryInfo_mem = GetJSONMember(page_mem, "categoryinfo") If categoryInfo_mem langPageCount = GetJSONInteger(GetJSONMember(categoryInfo_mem, "pages")) Else langPageCount = 0 EndIf AddElement(languages()) languages()\name = language$ languages()\pageCount = langPageCount EndIf EndIf Wend EndIf
;check for continue continue_mem = GetJSONMember(object_val, "continue") If continue_mem gcmcontinue$ = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(continue_mem, "gcmcontinue")) Else gcmcontinue$ = "" EndIf FreeJSON(#JSON_web_data)
Until gcmcontinue$ = ""
- all data has been aquired, now process and display it
SortStructuredList(languages(), #PB_Sort_Descending, OffsetOf(languageInfo\pageCount), #PB_Integer)
If OpenConsole()
If ListSize(languages()) Define i, *startOfGroupPtr.languageInfo, *lastElementPtr, groupSize, rank Define outputSize = 100, outputLine PrintN(Str(ListSize(languages())) + " languages." + #CRLF$) LastElement(languages()) *lastElementPtr = @languages() ;pointer to last element FirstElement(languages()) *startOfGroupPtr = @languages() ;pointer to first element groupSize = 1 rank = 1 While NextElement(languages()) If languages()\pageCount <> *startOfGroupPtr\pageCount Or *lastElementPtr = @languages() ;display a group of languages at the same rank ChangeCurrentElement(languages(), *startOfGroupPtr) For i = 1 To groupSize ;display output in groups to allow viewing of all entries If outputLine = 0 PrintN(" Rank Tasks Language") PrintN(" ------ ----- --------") EndIf PrintN(RSet(Str(rank), 6) + ". " + RSet(Str(languages()\pageCount), 4) + " " + languages()\name) outputLine + 1 If outputLine >= outputSize Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to continue" + #CRLF$): Input() outputLine = 0 EndIf NextElement(languages()) Next rank + groupSize groupSize = 1 *startOfGroupPtr = @languages() Else groupSize + 1 EndIf Wend Else PrintN("No language categories found.") EndIf Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input() CloseConsole()
EndIf</lang> Sample output:
608 languages. Rank Tasks Language ------ ----- -------- 1. 904 Racket 2. 894 Tcl 3. 852 Python 4. 836 J 5. 803 Perl 6 6. 787 Ruby 7. 772 C 8. 752 Go 9. 743 D 10. 728 Perl 11. 726 REXX 12. 702 Haskell 13. 697 Java 14. 696 PicoLisp 15. 693 Zkl 16. 687 Mathematica 17. 625 Ada 18. 603 C++ 18. 603 Sidef 18. 603 AutoHotkey 21. 578 Unicon 22. 574 Common Lisp 23. 558 Scala 24. 530 BBC BASIC 25. 527 C sharp 26. 520 Icon 27. 507 OCaml 28. 503 Nim 29. 497 PureBasic ..... 514. 0 Rubylog 514. 0 Refal 514. 0 QuakeC 514. 0 Mirelle 514. 0 .QL 514. 0 M680x0 514. 0 Datalog 514. 0 Cilk++ 514. 0 Cecil 514. 0 AspectC++ 514. 0 8080 Assembly 514. 0 OpenC++ 514. 0 AMPL 514. 0 UserRPL 514. 0 TeLa 514. 0 UScript 514. 0 TAL 514. 0 Zonnon 514. 0 Superbase BASIC 514. 0 VAX Assembly 514. 0 Star 514. 0 VRML 514. 0 WML 514. 0 X10 514. 0 XS 514. 0 XBase 514. 0 UC++ 514. 0 True BASIC 514. 0 Thistle
Using web scraping method
<lang purebasic>
- Uses a web scraping method.
- It is limited to only retrieving 5000 language categories and the counts contain
- some slight inaccuracies.
Structure Language
count.i Name.s
Dim Row.Language(5000)
Procedure handleError(value, msg.s)
If value = 0 MessageRequester("Error", msg) End EndIf
handleError(InitNetwork(), "Unable to initialize network functions.")
- Lines have been split to fit RC's 80 char preferences
ignore$ = "Basic language learning Encyclopedia Implementations " +
"Language Implementations Language users " + "Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated Programming Languages " + "Programming Tasks RCTemplates Solutions by Library Solutions by " + "Programming Language Solutions by Programming Task Unimplemented " + "tasks by language WikiStubs Examples needing attention " + "Impl needed"
url$ = "" +
ReceiveHTTPFile(url$, "special.htm") ReadFile(0, "special.htm", #PB_UTF8) While Not Eof(0)
i + 1 x1$ = ReadString(0) x2$ = Mid(x1$, FindString(x1$, "member", 1) - 4 , 3) Row(i)\count = Val(Trim(RemoveString(x2$, "("))) x3$ = Mid(x1$, FindString(x1$, Chr(34) + ">", 1) + 2, 30) Row(i)\Name = Left(x3$, FindString(x3$, "<", 1) - 1) If FindString(ignore$, Row(i)\Name, 1) Or Row(i)\Name = "" Row(i)\count = 0 EndIf
offset=OffsetOf(Language\count) SortStructuredArray(Row(), #PB_Sort_Descending, offset, #PB_Integer) OpenConsole() For i = 0 To 29
PrintN( Str(i + 1) + ". " + Str(Row(i)\count) + " - " + Row(i)\Name)
Next Input()</lang> Sample output:
1. 907 - Racket 2. 898 - Tcl 3. 868 - Python 4. 839 - J 5. 807 - Perl 6 6. 790 - Ruby 7. 756 - Go 8. 746 - D 9. 732 - Perl 10. 729 - REXX 11. 705 - Haskell 12. 700 - Java 13. 699 - PicoLisp 14. 694 - Zkl 15. 690 - Mathematica 16. 629 - Ada 17. 606 - C++ 18. 606 - AutoHotkey 19. 604 - Sidef 20. 581 - Unicon 21. 577 - Common Lisp 22. 561 - Scala 23. 533 - BBC BASIC 24. 530 - C sharp 25. 523 - Icon 26. 510 - OCaml 27. 504 - Nim 28. 500 - PureBasic 29. 494 - Clojure 30. 491 - JavaScript
Python: Using web scraping
Using requests
<lang python>import requests import re
response = requests.get("").text languages = re.findall('title="Category:(.*?)">',response)[:-3] # strip last 3
response = requests.get("").text response = re.sub('(\d+),(\d+)',r'\1'+r'\2',response) # strip ',' from popular languages above 999 members
members = re.findall('',response) # find language and members cnt = 0 for (language, members) in sorted(members, key=lambda x: -int(x[1])): if language in languages: cnt += 1 print("{:4d} {:4d} - {}".format(cnt, int(members), language)) if cnt >= 15: # show only top 15 languages break </lang>
- Output (as of Jan 26, 2019):
1 1095 - Go 2 1043 - Perl 6 3 1032 - Python 4 1030 - Kotlin 5 994 - Phix 6 988 - Racket 7 957 - Perl 8 941 - C 9 941 - Julia 10 929 - Tcl 11 916 - Zkl 12 903 - J 13 895 - Java 14 886 - REXX 15 874 - D
Python: Using MediaWiki API method
<lang python>import requests import operator import re
api_url = '' languages = {}
parameters = {
'format': 'json', 'action': 'query', 'generator': 'categorymembers', 'gcmtitle': 'Category:Programming Languages', 'gcmlimit': '200', 'gcmcontinue': , 'continue': , 'prop': 'categoryinfo'
response = requests.get(api_url, params=parameters).json() for k,v in response['query']['pages'].items(): if 'title' in v and 'categoryinfo' in v: languages[v['title']]=v['categoryinfo']['size'] if 'continue' in response: gcmcontinue = response['continue']['gcmcontinue']
- print(gcmcontinue)
parameters.update({'gcmcontinue': gcmcontinue}) else: break
- report top 15 languages
for i, (language, size) in enumerate(sorted(languages.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:15]):
print("{:4d} {:4d} - {}".format(i+1, size, re.sub('Category:',,language)))
- Output (as of Jan 27, 2019):
1 1095 - Go 2 1043 - Perl 6 3 1032 - Python 4 1030 - Kotlin 5 994 - Phix 6 988 - Racket 7 957 - Perl 8 941 - C 9 941 - Julia 10 929 - Tcl 11 916 - Zkl 12 903 - J 13 895 - Java 14 886 - REXX 15 874 - D
<lang R> library(rvest) library(plyr) library(dplyr) options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
langUrl <- "" langs <- html(langUrl) %>%
ff <- function(xml_node) {
language <- xml_node %>% html_attr("title") language <- sub("^Category:", "", language) npages <- xml_node %>% html_nodes('categoryinfo') %>% html_attr("pages") c(language, npages)
} tbl <- ldply(sapply(langs, ff), rbind) names(tbl) <- c("language", "n") tbl %>%
mutate(n=as.integer(n)) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head
- Output (as of July, 5, 2015):
language n 1 Tcl 878 2 Racket 868 3 Python 837 4 J 787 5 Ruby 770 6 Perl 6 762
<lang R>library(RJSONIO) langUrl <- ""
languages <- fromJSON(langUrl)$query$categorymembers languages <- sapply(languages, function(x) sub("Category:", "", x$title))
- fails if there are more than 500 users per language
user <- function (lang) {
userBaseUrl <- "" userUrl <- paste(userBaseUrl, URLencode(paste(lang, " User", sep="")),sep="") length(fromJSON(userUrl)$query$categorymembers)
users <- sapply(languages, user) head(sort(users, decreasing=TRUE),15)</lang>
- Output (as of March, 13, 2010):
C C++ Java Python JavaScript Perl UNIX Shell 55 55 37 32 27 27 22 Pascal BASIC PHP SQL Haskell AWK C sharp 20 19 19 18 17 16 16 Ruby 14
<lang racket>#lang racket
(require net/url) (require json)
(define proglangs_url "") (define categories_url "")
(define (fetch-json urlstring)
(read-json (get-pure-port (string->url urlstring))))
(define programming-languages
(for/set ([h (in-list (hash-ref (hash-ref (fetch-json proglangs_url) 'query) 'categorymembers))]) (substring (hash-ref h 'title) 9)))
(define result '()) (for ([l (in-port read-line (get-pure-port (string->url categories_url)))])
(let ([res (regexp-match #px"title=\"Category:(.+?)\".+\\((\\d+) member" l)]) (when (and res (set-member? programming-languages (cadr res))) (set! result (cons (cons (cadr res) (string->number (caddr res))) result)))))
(printf "Place\tCount\tName~n") (for ([lang (in-list (sort result > #:key cdr))]
[place (in-naturals 1)]) (printf "~a\t~a\t~a~n" place (cdr lang) (car lang)))
</lang> Output, 2013-5-25:
Place Count Name 1 737 Tcl 2 676 Python 3 660 C 4 638 J 5 626 PicoLisp 6 609 Perl 6 7 609 D 8 601 Racket 9 592 Ruby 10 589 Go ...
Recent, occasionally (hourly-ish) updated output also available at:
proccesses only languages with more than 25 entries to keep the list short <lang Red>Red []
data: read lb: make block! 500
- data
- read %data.html ;; for testing save html and use flat file
arr: split data newline
k: "Category:"
- exclude list
exrule: [thru ["programming"
| "users" | "Implementations" | "Solutions by " | "Members" | "WikipediaSourced" | "Typing/Strong" | "Impl needed" ] to end ]
foreach line arr [
unless find line k [continue] parse line [ thru k thru ">" copy lang to "<" to end ] ;; extract/parse language if 20 < length? lang [continue] if parse lang [exrule] [continue] ;; exclude invalid cnt: 0 ;; parse number of entries parse line [thru "</a>" thru "(" copy cnt to " member" (cnt: to-integer cnt ) to end] if cnt > 25 [ append lb reduce [to-string lang cnt] ] ;; only process lang with > 25 entries
lb: sort/skip/compare lb 2 2 ;; sort series by entries
print reduce [ "Rank Entries Language" ] ;; header
last: 0 rank: 0
lb: tail lb ;; process the series backwards
until [
lb: skip lb -2 cnt: second lb if cnt <> last [ rank: rank + 1 ] print rejoin [ pad/left rank 4 "." pad/left cnt 5 " - " first lb ] last: cnt head? lb ;; until head reached
] </lang> Output: (30.12.2017)
Rank Entries Language 1. 961 - Racket 2. 959 - Python 3. 926 - Perl 6 4. 918 - Tcl 5. 900 - Kotlin 6. 883 - J 7. 875 - C 8. 859 - Zkl 9. 846 - Ruby 10. 833 - D 11. 828 - Go 12. 812 - REXX 13. 809 - Haskell 14. 802 - Java 15. 785 - Perl 16. 768 - PicoLisp 17. 733 - Sidef 18. 723 - Mathematica 19. 702 - Julia 20. 683 - Phix 21. 668 - C++ 22. 648 - Ada 23. 647 - Common Lisp 24. 637 - C sharp 25. 621 - AutoHotkey
(Native) REXX doesn't support web-page reading, so the mentioned Rosetta Code categories and
Rosetta Code Languages were downloaded to local files.
This program reads the Languages file and uses the contents of that file for a validation of
the categories file. This essentially is a perfect filter for the Rosetta Code categories file.
The catHeap variable in the REXX program is just a long string of all the records in the web-file of the
Rosetta Code categories, with a special character (sep) that separates each language entry (name).
The mechanism is to use a (sparse) stemmed array which holds only the names of languages which
(for most REXXes) uses a hashing algorithm to locate the entry (which is very fast).
Programming note: (REXX doesn't handle Unicode characters) some special cases that are translated:
- ╬£C++ translated into µC++ [Greek micro]
- ╨£╨Ü-61/52 translated into MK-61/52 [Cyrillic МК-61/52])
- ??-61/52 translated into MK-61/52 [Cyrillic МК-61/52])
- D├⌐j├á Vu translated into Déjà Vu
- Cach├⌐ translated into Caché
- F┼ìrmul├ª translated into Fôrmulæ
- உயிர்/Uyir translated into Uyir
(The 3rd entry is most likely caused by the inability to render unsupported glyphs when it was first used to add that language.)
Note that this REXX example properly ranks tied languages.
This version now sorts the tied languages by language name (thanks to Walter Pachl's suggestion).
REXX program
<lang rexx>/*REXX program reads two files and displays a ranked list of Rosetta Code languages.*/ sep= '█'; L.=0; #.=0; u.=0; catHeap=; old.= /*assign some REXX variable defaults. */ parse arg catFID lanFID outFID . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if catFID== then catFID = "RC_POP.CAT" /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if lanFID== then lanFID = "RC_POP.LAN" /* " " " " " " */ if outFID== then outFID = "RC_POP.OUT" /* " " " " " " */ call tell center('timestamp: ' date() time("Civil"),79,'═'), 2, 1 /*timestamp,title.*/ langs= 0; call reader 'languages' /*assign languages ───► L.ααα */
call reader 'categories' /*append categories ───► catHeap */
- = 0 /*the number of categories (so far). */
do j=1 until catHeap== /*process the heap of categories. */ parse var catHeap cat.j (sep) catHeap /*get a category from the catHeap. */ parse var cat.j cat.j '<' "(" mems . /*untangle the strange-looking string. */ cat.j= space(cat.j); ?= cat.j; upper ? /*remove any superfluous blanks. */ if ?== | \L.? then iterate /*it's blank or it's not a language. */ if pos(',', mems)\==0 then mems= changestr(",", mems, ) /*elide commas from #.*/ if \datatype(mems, 'W') then iterate /*is the "members" number not numeric? */ #.0= #.0 + mems /*bump the number of members found. */ if u.?\==0 then do; do f=1 for # until ?==@u.f; end /*f*/ #.f= #.f + mems; iterate j /*languages that're in different cases.*/ end /* [↑] handle any possible duplicates.*/ u.?= u.? + 1; #= # + 1 /*bump a couple of counters. */ #.#= #.# + mems; @.#= cat.j; @u.#= ? /*bump the counter; assign it (upper).*/ end /*j*/
!.= /*array holds indication of TIED langs.*/ call tell right(commas(#), 9) '(total) number of languages detected in the category file,' call tell right(commas(langs),9) ' " " " " " " " language " ,' call tell right(commas(#.0), 9) '(total) number of entries detected.', , 1 call eSort #,0 /*sort the languages along with number.*/ tied= /*add true rank (tR) ───► the entries. */ r=0; do j=# by -1 for #; r= r+1; tR= r; !tR.j= r; jp= j+1; jm= j-1
if tied== then pR= r; tied= /*handle when language rank is untied. */ if | then do; !.j= '[tied]'; tied= !.j; end if then do; tR= pR; !tR.j= pR; end else pR= r end /*j*/
call eSort #,1 /*sort the languages along with entries*/ w= length( commas(#) ) /* [↓] show by ascending rank of lang.*/ rank= 0
do t=# by -1 for #; rank= rank + 1 /*bump rank of a programming language. */ call tell right('rank:' right(commas(!tR.t), w), 20-1) right(!.t, 7), right('('commas(#.t) left("entr"s(#.t, 'ies', "y")')', 9), 20) @.t end /*#*/ /* [↑] S(···) pluralizes a word. */
call tell left(, 27) '☼ end─of─list. ☼', 1, 2 /*the bottom title.*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: procedure; parse arg _; n=_'.9'; #=123456789; #0=#"0"; #0.=#0'.';b=verify(n,#,"M")
e= verify(n, #0, , verify(n, #0., 'M')) - 4 /* [↓] insert commas into a number*/ do j=e to b by -3; _= insert(",", _, j); end /*j*/; return _
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ eSort: procedure expose #. @. !tr.; arg N,p2; h= N /*sort: number of members*/
do while h>1; h= h % 2 /*halve number of records*/ do i=1 for N-h; j= i; k= h + i /*sort this part of list.*/ if p2 then do while !tR.k==!tR.j & @.k>@.j /*this uses a hard swap ↓*/ @= @.j; #= !tR.j; @.j= @.k; !tR.j= !tR.k; @.k= @; !tR.k= # if h>=j then leave; j= j - h; k= k - h end /*while !tR.k==···*/ else do while #.k<#.j /*this uses a hard swap ↓*/ @= @.j; #= #.j; @.j= @.k; #.j= #.k; @.k= @; #.k= # if h>=j then leave; j= j - h; k= k - h end /*while #.k<#.j*/ end /*i*/ /*hard swaps needed for imbedded blanks.*/ end /*while h>1*/; return
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ reader: arg which 2; igAst= 1 /*ARG uppers WHICH, obtain the 1st char*/
if which=='L' then inFID= lanFID /*use this fileID for the languages. */ if which=='C' then inFID= catFID /* " " " " " categories. */ Formulae = 'F┼ìrmul├ª' /*Unicode (in text) name for Fôrmulæ*/ Uyir = 'α«ëα«»α«┐α«░α»ì/Uyir' /*Unicode (in text) name for Uyir */ old.1= '╬£C++' ; new.1= "µC++" /*Unicode ╬£C++ ───► ASCII-8: µC++ */ old.2= 'UC++' ; new.2= "µC++" /*old UC++ ───► ASCII-8: µC++ */ old.3= '╨£╨Ü-' ; new.3= "MK-" /*Unicode ╨£╨Ü- ───► ASCII-8: MK- */ old.4= 'D├⌐j├á' ; new.4= "Déjà" /*Unicode ├⌐j├á ───► ASCII-8: Déjà */ old.5= 'Cach├⌐' ; new.5= "Caché" /*Unicode Cach├⌐ ───► ASCII-8: Caché */ old.6= '??-61/52' ; new.6= "MK-61/52" /*somewhere past, a mistranslated: MK- */ old.7= Formulae ; new.7= 'Fôrmulæ' /*Unicode ───► ASCII─8: Fôrmulæ*/ old.8= Uyir ; new.8= 'Uyir' /*Unicode ───► ASCII─8: Uyir */
do recs=0 while lines(inFID) \== 0 /*read a file, a single line at a time.*/ $= translate( linein(inFID), , '9'x) /*handle any stray TAB ('09'x) chars.*/ $$= space($); if $$== then iterate /*ignore all blank lines in the file(s)*/ do v=1 while old.v \== /*translate Unicode variations of langs*/ if pos(old.v, $$) \==0 then $$= changestr(old.v, $$, new.v) end /*v*/ /* [↑] handle different lang spellings*/ if igAst then do; igAst= pos(' * ',$)==0; if igAst then iterate; end if pos('RETRIEVED FROM',translate($$))\==0 then leave /*pseudo End-Of-Data? */ if which=='L' then do if left($$, 1)\=='*' then iterate /*lang not legitimate?*/ parse upper var $$ '*' $$ "<"; $$=space($$); L.$$=1 langs= langs+1 /*bump the number of languages found. */ iterate /*iterates the DO recs loop. */ end /* [↓] pick off the language name. */ if left($$, 1)=='*' then $$=sep || space( substr($$, 2) ) catHeap= catHeap $$ /*append to the catHeap (CATegory) heap*/ end /*recs*/
call tell right( commas(recs), 9) 'records read from file: ' inFID return
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return arg(3); return word(arg(2) 's',1) /*pluralizer.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ tell: do '0'arg(2); call lineout outFID," " ; say ; end
call lineout outFID,arg(1) ; say arg(1) do '0'arg(3); call lineout outFID," " ; say ; end return /*show BEFORE blank lines (if any), message, show AFTER blank lines.*/</lang>
Some older REXXes don't have a changestr BIF, so one is included here: ───► CHANGESTR.REX.
all ranked 690 languages
The output for this REXX (RC_POP.REX) program is included here ──► RC_POP.OUT.
[See the talk page about some programming languages using different cases (lower/upper/mixed) for the language names, as well as those that use Unicode characters in the name.]
<lang ring>
- Project: Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
load "stdlib.ring" ros= download("") pos = 1 totalros = 0 rosname = "" rosnameold = "" rostitle = "" roslist = [] for n = 1 to len(ros)
nr = searchstring(ros,'
",sn) rosname = substr(ros,nr2+15,nr3-nr2-17) rosnameold = substr(ros,nr4+2,nr5-nr4-2) return sn func searchtitle(sn) rostitle = "" + rosname rostitle = download(rostitle) nr2 = 0 roscount = count(rostitle,"The following") if roscount > 0 rp = 1 for rc = 1 to roscount nr2 = searchstring(rostitle,"The following",rp) rp = nr2 + 1 next ok nr3 = searchstring(rostitle,"pages are in this category",nr2) if nr2 > 0 and nr3 > 0 rosnr = substr(rostitle,nr2+14,nr3-nr2-15) rosnr = substr(rosnr,",","") add(roslist,[rosnr,rosnameold]) ok return sn func sortfirst(alist) for n = 1 to len(alist) - 1 for m = n + 1 to len(alist) if alist[m][1] < alist[n][1] swap(alist,m,n) ok if alist[m][1] = alist[n][1] and strcmp(alist[m][2],alist[n][2]) > 0 swap(alist,m,n) ok next next return alist </lang> Output:
rank: 1 (1010 entries) Kotlin rank: 2 (977 entries) Racket rank: 3 (968 entries) Python rank: 4 (962 entries) Perl 6 rank: 5 (931 entries) Go rank: 6 (914 entries) Tcl rank: 7 (905 entries) C rank: 8 (888 entries) J rank: 9 (882 entries) Zkl rank: 10 (875 entries) Java ...... rank: 30 (580 entries) Ring ...... rank: 523 (2 entries) TechBASIC rank: 524 (2 entries) Thyrd rank: 525 (2 entries) ToffeeScript rank: 526 (2 entries) Viua VM assembly rank: 527 (2 entries) XL rank: 528 (2 entries) XProc rank: 529 (2 entries) XSLT 1.0 rank: 530 (2 entries) XTalk rank: 531 (2 entries) XUL rank: 532 (2 entries) ZPL
By using the API
Now that there are more than 500 categories, the URL given in the task description is insufficient. I use the RC API to grab the categories, and then count the members of each category.
Uses the RosettaCode
module from Count programming examples#Ruby
<lang ruby>require 'rosettacode'
langs = [] RosettaCode.category_members("Programming Languages") {|lang| langs << lang}
- API has trouble with long titles= values.
- To prevent skipping languages, use short slices of 20 titles.
langcount = {} langs.each_slice(20) do |sublist|
url = RosettaCode.get_api_url({ "action" => "query", "prop" => "categoryinfo", "format" => "xml", "titles" => sublist.join("|"), })
doc = open(url) REXML::XPath.each(doc, "//page") do |page| lang = page.attribute("title").value info = REXML::XPath.first(page, "categoryinfo") langcount[lang] = info.nil? ? 0 : info.attribute("pages").value.to_i end
puts puts "There are #{langcount.length} languages" puts "the top 25:" langcount.sort_by {|key,val| val}.reverse[0,25].each_with_index do |(lang, count), i|
puts "#{i+1}. #{count} - #{lang.sub(/Category:/, )}"
- Results:
2010-07-08 14:52:46 -0500 There are 306 languages the top 25: 1. 399 - Tcl 2. 370 - Python 3. 352 - Ruby 4. 338 - J 5. 337 - C 6. 333 - PicoLisp 7. 322 - OCaml 8. 322 - Haskell 9. 299 - Perl 10. 299 - AutoHotkey 11. 288 - Common Lisp 12. 280 - Java 13. 275 - Ada 14. 270 - D 15. 267 - Oz 16. 253 - R 17. 252 - PureBasic 18. 245 - E 19. 243 - C++ 20. 241 - C sharp 21. 239 - ALGOL 68 22. 236 - JavaScript 23. 221 - Forth 24. 207 - Clojure 25. 201 - Fortran
<lang runbasic>sqliteconnect #mem, ":memory:" ' make memory DB
- mem execute("CREATE TABLE stats(lang,cnt)")
a$ = httpGet$("") aa$ = httpGet$("") i = instr(a$,"/wiki/Category:") while i > 0 and lang$ <> "Languages" j = instr(a$,"""",i) lang$ = mid$(a$,i+15,j - i-15) ii = instr(aa$,"Category:";lang$;"""") jj = instr(aa$,"(",ii) kk = instr(aa$," ",jj+1) if ii = 0 then cnt = 0 else cnt = val(mid$(aa$,jj+1,kk-jj)) k = instr(lang$,"%") ' convert hex values to characters while k > 0 lang$ = left$(lang$,k-1) + chr$(hexdec(mid$(lang$,k+1,2))) + mid$(lang$,k+3) k = instr(lang$,"%") wend #mem execute("insert into stats values ('";lang$;"',";cnt;")") i = instr(a$,"/wiki/Category:",i+10) wend
html "
"- mem execute("SELECT * FROM stats ORDER BY cnt desc") ' order list by count descending
html "";rank;" | ";#row lang$();" | ";#row cnt();" |
1 | Tcl | 687 |
2 | Python | 650 |
3 | C | 638 |
4 | PicoLisp | 626 |
5 | J | 619 |
6 | Go | 587 |
7 | Ruby | 581 |
8 | D | 571 |
9 | Ada | 559 |
10 | Mathematica | 551 |
11 | Perl | 528 |
12 | Perl_6 | 528 |
13 | Haskell | 526 |
14 | BBC_BASIC | 513 |
15 | REXX | 491 |
16 | Java | 488 |
17 | OCaml | 477 |
18 | PureBasic | 469 |
19 | Unicon | 462 |
20 | AutoHotkey | 430 |
21 | Icon | 429 |
22 | Common_Lisp | 424 |
23 | C_sharp | 416 |
24 | C++ | 400 |
25 | JavaScript | 359 |
26 | Scala | 339 |
27 | PARI/GP | 338 |
28 | Clojure | 335 |
29 | R | 322 |
n | ... | ... |
Parallel internet querying
Entry point @ object GhettoParserPar
<lang scala>import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
import scala.xml.XML
// Reports a list with all languages recorded in the Wiki
private object Acquisition {
val (endPoint, prefix) = ("", "Category:") val (maxPlaces, correction) = (50, 2)
def convertPathArgsToURL(endPoint: String, pathArgs: Map[String, String]) = { => argPair._1 + "=" + argPair._2) .mkString(endPoint + (if (pathArgs.nonEmpty) "?" else ""), "&", "") }
/* The categories include a page for the language and a count of the pages * linked therein, this count is the data we need to scrape. * Reports a list with language, count pair recorded in the Wiki * All strings starts with the prefixes "Category:" */ def mineCatos = { val endPoint = "" Concurrent.logInfo("Acquisition of categories started.") val categories = (XML.load(convertPathArgsToURL(endPoint, Map("title" -> "Special:Categories", "limit" -> "5000"))) \\ "ul" \ "li") .withFilter(p => (p \ "a" \ "@title").text.startsWith(prefix)) .map // Create a tuple pair, eg. ("Category:Erlang", 195) { cat => ((cat \ "a" \ "@title").text, // Takes the sibling of "a" and extracts the number "[0-9]+".r.findFirstIn(cat.child.drop(1).text).getOrElse("0").toInt) } Concurrent.logInfo(s"Got ${categories.size} categories..") categories }
// The languages // All strings starts with the prefixes "Category:" def mineLangs = { Concurrent.logInfo("Acquisition of languages started...") def getLangs(first: Boolean = true, continue: String = ""): TreeSet[String] = (first, continue) match { case (false, "") => TreeSet[String]() case _ => { val xml = XML.load(convertPathArgsToURL(endPoint, Map( "action" -> "query", "list" -> "categorymembers", "cmtitle" -> (prefix + "Programming_Languages"), "cmlimit" -> "500", "rawcontinue" -> "", "format" -> "xml", "cmcontinue" -> continue))) getLangs(false, (xml \\ "query-continue" \ "categorymembers" \ "@cmcontinue").text) ++ (xml \\ "categorymembers" \ "cm").map(c => (c \ "@title").text) } } val languages = getLangs() Concurrent.logInfo(s"Got ${languages.size} languages..") languages }
def joinRosettaCodeWithLanguage(catos: Seq[(String, Int)], langs: TreeSet[String]) = for { cato <- catos //Clean up the tuple pairs, eg ("Category:Erlang", 195) becomes ("Erlang", 192) if langs.contains(cato._1) } yield (cato._1.drop(prefix.length), cato._2 - correction max 0) // Correct count
def printScrape(languages: TreeSet[String], category: Seq[(String, Int)]) {
val join = joinRosettaCodeWithLanguage(category, languages) val total = join.foldLeft(0)(_ + _._2)
Concurrent.logInfo("Data processed")
println(f"\nTop$maxPlaces%3d Rosetta Code Languages by Popularity as ${new java.util.Date}%tF:\n") (join.groupBy(_._2).toSeq.sortBy(-_._1).take(maxPlaces) :+ (0, Seq(("...", 0)))) .zipWithIndex // Group the ex aequo .foreach { case ((score, langs), rank) => println(f"${rank + 1}%2d. $score%3d - ${", ")}") }
println(s"\nCross section yields ${join.size} languages, total of $total solutions") println(s"Resulting average is ${total / join.size} solutions per language") }
def printScrape(): Unit = printScrape(mineLangs, mineCatos)
} // object Acquisition
private object Concurrent extends AppCommons {
var (category: Option[Seq[(String, Int)]], language: Option[TreeSet[String]]) = (None, None)
class Worker extends Actor { def receive = { case 'Catalogue => sender ! Acquisition.mineCatos case 'Language => sender ! Acquisition.mineLangs } }
class Listener extends Actor { // Create and signal the worker actors context.actorOf(Props[Worker], "worker0") ! 'Catalogue context.actorOf(Props[Worker], "worker1") ! 'Language
def printCompleteScape() = if (category.isDefined && language.isDefined) { Acquisition.printScrape(language.get, category.get) context.system.shutdown() appEnd() }
def receive = { case content: TreeSet[String] => language = Some(content) printCompleteScape() case content: Seq[(String, Int)] => category = Some(content) printCompleteScape() case whatever => logInfo(whatever.toString) } // def receive }
} // object Concurrent
trait AppCommons {
val execStart = System.currentTimeMillis() System.setProperty("http.agent", "*")
def logInfo(info: String) { println(f"[Info][${System.currentTimeMillis() - execStart}%5d ms]" + info) }
def appEnd() { logInfo("Run succesfully completed") }
// Main entry for sequential version (slower) object GhettoParserSeq extends App with AppCommons {
Concurrent.logInfo("Sequential version started") Acquisition.printScrape() appEnd()
// Entry for parallel version (faster) object GhettoParserPar extends App {
Concurrent.logInfo("Parallel version started") ActorSystem("Main").actorOf(Props[Concurrent.Listener])
Sequential internet querying
The same code above but as entry point object GhettoParserSeq
- Output for both solutions:
but parallel run chosen. Notice the synchronous start time.
[Info][ 0 ms]Sequential version started [Info][ 3 ms]Acquisition of languages started... [Info][ 1458 ms]Got 642 languages.. [Info][ 1458 ms]Acquisition of categories started. [Info][19385 ms]Got 2647 categories.. [Info][19389 ms]Data processed Top 50 Rosetta Code Languages by Popularity as 2016-11-11: 1. 907 - Racket 2. 896 - Python, Tcl 3. 859 - J 4. 846 - Perl 6 5. 810 - Ruby 6. 807 - Zkl 7. 795 - C 8. 774 - Java 9. 773 - Go 10. 754 - Haskell 11. 753 - Perl 12. 751 - REXX 13. 750 - D 14. 729 - PicoLisp 15. 689 - Mathematica 16. 674 - Sidef 17. 634 - C++ 18. 631 - Ada 19. 609 - AutoHotkey 20. 592 - Common Lisp 21. 583 - Unicon 22. 569 - Scala 23. 560 - C sharp 24. 546 - BBC BASIC 25. 526 - Icon 26. 522 - Clojure 27. 520 - JavaScript 28. 519 - OCaml 29. 517 - PureBasic 30. 513 - PARI/GP 31. 510 - Lua 32. 509 - Nim 33. 497 - ALGOL 68 34. 491 - Elixir 35. 488 - Fortran 36. 474 - Erlang 37. 430 - PowerShell 38. 428 - Julia 39. 414 - Jq 40. 413 - F Sharp 41. 409 - Phix 42. 407 - Pascal 43. 405 - Forth, Seed7 44. 398 - PL/I 45. 383 - R 46. 382 - PHP 47. 377 - Groovy 48. 370 - AWK 49. 340 - MATLAB 50. 333 - Liberty BASIC 51. 0 - ... Cross section yields 619 languages, total of 50835 solutions Resulting average is 82 solutions per language [Info][19413 ms]Run succesfully completed
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "gethttp.s7i"; include "scanstri.s7i";
const type: popularityHash is hash [string] integer; const type: rankingHash is hash [integer] array string;
const func array string: getLangs (in string: buffer) is func
result var array string: langs is 0 times ""; local var integer: pos is 0; begin pos := pos(buffer, "Category:"); while pos <> 0 do pos +:= 9; langs &:= buffer[pos .. pred(pos(buffer, '"', pos))]; pos := pos(buffer, "Category:", pos); end while; end func;
const proc: main is func
local var string: categories is ""; var popularityHash: popularity is popularityHash.value; var rankingHash: ranking is rankingHash.value; var array integer: numList is 0 times 0; var string: lang is ""; var integer: pos is 0; var string: numStri is ""; var integer: listIdx is 0; var integer: index is 0; var integer: place is 1; begin categories := getHttp(""); for lang range getLangs(getHttp("\ \cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages&cmlimit=500&format=json")) do pos := pos(categories, "title=\"Category:" & lang); if pos <> 0 then pos := pos(categories, "</a>", succ(pos)); if pos <> 0 then pos := pos(categories, "(", succ(pos)); if pos <> 0 then numStri := categories[succ(pos) len 10]; popularity @:= [lang] integer parse getDigits(numStri); end if; end if; end if; end for; ranking := flip(popularity); numList := sort(keys(ranking)); for listIdx range maxIdx(numList) downto minIdx(numList) do for key index range ranking[numList[listIdx]] do writeln(place lpad 3 <& ". " <& numList[listIdx] <& " - " <& ranking[numList[listIdx]][index]); end for; place +:= length(ranking[numList[listIdx]]); end for; end func;</lang>
List of languages as of 2014-01-15:
1. 772 - Tcl 2. 733 - Racket 3. 718 - Python 4. 685 - C 5. 657 - Perl 6 6. 654 - J 7. 645 - D 8. 643 - Ruby 9. 636 - PicoLisp 10. 624 - Go 11. 610 - Perl 12. 579 - REXX 13. 578 - Ada 14. 567 - Mathematica 14. 567 - Haskell 16. 532 - Unicon 17. 526 - Java 18. 523 - BBC BASIC 19. 489 - OCaml 20. 487 - Icon 21. 477 - C++ 22. 470 - PureBasic 23. 448 - Common Lisp 24. 439 - Erlang 24. 439 - C sharp 26. 437 - AutoHotkey 27. 406 - Scala 28. 382 - JavaScript 29. 375 - Clojure 30. 356 - Seed7 ...
<lang ruby>require('MediaWiki::API')
var api = %O<MediaWiki::API>.new(
Hash(api_url => '')
var languages = [] var gcmcontinue loop {
var apih = api.api( Hash( action => 'query', generator => 'categorymembers', gcmtitle => 'Category:Programming Languages', gcmlimit => 250, prop => 'categoryinfo', gcmcontinue => gcmcontinue, ) )
languages.append(apih{:query}{:pages}.values...) gcmcontinue = apih{:continue}{:gcmcontinue} gcmcontinue || break
languages.each { |lang|
lang{:title} -= /^Category:/ lang{:categoryinfo}{:size} := 0
var sorted_languages = languages.sort_by { |lang|
sorted_languages.each_kv { |i, lang|
printf("%3d. %20s - %3d\n", i+1, lang{:title}, lang{:categoryinfo}{:size})
- Output:
1. Racket - 938 2. Python - 930 3. Tcl - 904 4. Perl 6 - 877 5. J - 863 6. Zkl - 834 7. Ruby - 830 8. C - 805 9. Go - 793 10. Haskell - 785 11. Java - 783 12. REXX - 776 13. Perl - 765 14. D - 753 15. PicoLisp - 731 16. Mathematica - 702 17. Sidef - 696 ...
<lang SNOBOL4>-include "url.sno"
http.recl = "K,32767" ;* Read next 32767 characters ;* of very long lines.
rclangs = ""
+ "format=xml&action=query&generator=categorymembers&" + "gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages&" + "gcmlimit=500&prop=categoryinfo"
languagepat = arb "<page" arb 'title="Category:'
+ break('"') . lang arb 'pages="' break('"') . count
langtable = table(500, 20), rclangs, http.recl) :s(read) output = "Cannot open rosettacode site." :(end)
read line = line fin :f(done) get line languagepat = :f(read)
langtable<lang> = langtable<lang> + count :(get)
done langarray = rsort(langtable,2) :s(write)
output = "No languages found." :(end)
write n = n + 1
output = lpad(n ". ", 5) lpad(langarray<n, 2>, 4)
+ " - " langarray<n,1> :s(write)
Abridged output (top 30 languages as of August 25, 2015):
1. 875 - Racket 2. 837 - Python 3. 799 - J 4. 772 - Ruby 5. 763 - Perl 6 6. 756 - C 7. 742 - Go 8. 737 - D 9. 707 - Perl 10. 699 - REXX 11. 689 - PicoLisp 12. 683 - Haskell 13. 672 - Mathematica 14. 650 - Java 15. 620 - Ada 16. 588 - AutoHotkey 17. 563 - C++ 18. 553 - Common Lisp 19. 546 - Scala 20. 529 - BBC BASIC 21. 520 - Icon 22. 513 - C sharp 23. 505 - OCaml 24. 501 - Nim 25. 487 - PureBasic 26. 485 - Clojure 27. 455 - Epigram 28. 443 - PARI/GP 29. 431 - JavaScript 30. 410 - Jq
First we build the database:
<lang stata>copy "" lang.html, replace import delimited lang.html, delim("@") enc("utf-8") clear keep if ustrpos(v1,"/wiki/Category:") gen i = ustrpos(v1,"title=") gen j = ustrpos(v1,char(34),i+1) gen k = ustrpos(v1,char(34),j+1) gen s = usubstr(v1,j,k-j+1) keep if usubstr(s,2,9)=="Category:" gen lang=usubstr(s,11,ustrlen(s)-11) keep lang save lang, replace
copy "" categ.html, replace import delimited categ.html, delim("@") enc("utf-8") clear keep if ustrpos(v1,"/wiki/Category:") & ustrpos(v1,"member") gen i = ustrpos(v1,"title=") gen j = ustrpos(v1,char(34),i+1) gen k = ustrpos(v1,char(34),j+1) gen s = usubstr(v1,j,k-j+1) keep if usubstr(s,2,9)=="Category:" gen lang=usubstr(s,11,ustrlen(s)-11) drop i j k s gen i = ustrrpos(v1,"(") gen j = ustrrpos(v1,")") gen s = usubstr(v1,i,j-i+1) gen k = ustrpos(s," ") gen t = usubstr(s,2,k-1) destring t, gen(count) drop v1 i j k s t merge 1:1 lang using lang, keep(2 3) nogen replace count=0 if missing(count) gsort -count lang gen rank=1 replace rank=rank[_n-1]+(count[_n]!=count[_n-1]) in 2/l save tasks, replace</lang>
Now some results, as of 2017-12-03:
<lang stata>* Total number of entries qui sum n di r(sum) 57211
- Number of languages
count 671
- Number of languages with at least one entry
count if count 650
- First 10 languages
list in 1/10, noobs
+-----------------------+ | lang count rank | |-----------------------| | Racket 961 1 | | Python 958 2 | | Perl 6 925 3 | | Tcl 918 4 | | J 883 5 | |-----------------------| | C 874 6 | | Kotlin 868 7 | | Zkl 857 8 | | Ruby 845 9 | | Go 828 10 | +-----------------------+</lang>
By web scraping
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http
set response [http::geturl]
array set ignore {
"Basic language learning" 1 "Encyclopedia" 1 "Implementations" 1 "Language Implementations" 1 "Language users" 1 "Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated" 1 "Programming Languages" 1 "Programming Tasks" 1 "RCTemplates" 1 "Solutions by Library" 1 "Solutions by Programming Language" 1 "Solutions by Programming Task" 1 "Unimplemented tasks by language" 1 "WikiStubs" 1 "Examples needing attention" 1 "Impl needed" 1
- need substring filter
proc filterLang {n} {
return [expr {[string first "User" $n] > 0}]
- (sorry the 1 double quote in the regexp kills highlighting)
foreach line [split [http::data $response] \n] {
if {[regexp {title..Category:([^"]+).* \((\d+) members\)} $line -> lang num]} { if {![info exists ignore($lang)] && ![filterLang $lang]} { lappend langs [list $num $lang] } }
foreach entry [lsort -integer -index 0 -decreasing $langs] {
lassign $entry num lang puts [format "%d. %d - %s" [incr i] $num $lang]
- Output on 29 July 2015 (top 20 entries only):
1. 887 - Tcl 2. 877 - Racket 3. 853 - Python 4. 795 - J 5. 775 - Ruby 6. 766 - Perl 6 7. 757 - C 8. 746 - Go 9. 740 - D 10. 710 - Perl 11. 697 - REXX 12. 692 - PicoLisp 13. 682 - Haskell 14. 675 - Mathematica 15. 652 - Java 16. 634 - Zkl 17. 623 - Ada 18. 591 - AutoHotkey 19. 581 - Unicon 20. 562 - C++ ……
By using the API
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http package require tdom
namespace eval rc {
### Utility function that handles the low-level querying ### proc rcq {q xp vn b} {
upvar 1 $vn v dict set q action "query"
# Loop to pick up all results out of a category query
while 1 { set url "[http::formatQuery {*}$q]" puts -nonewline stderr . ;# Indicate query progress... set token [http::geturl $url] set doc [dom parse [http::data $token]] http::cleanup $token
# Spoon out the DOM nodes that the caller wanted foreach v [$doc selectNodes $xp] { uplevel 1 $b }
# See if we want to go round the loop again set next [$doc selectNodes "//query-continue/categorymembers"] if {![llength $next]} break dict set q cmcontinue [[lindex $next 0] getAttribute "cmcontinue"] }
} ### API function: Iterate over the members of a category ### proc members {page varName script} {
upvar 1 $varName var set query [dict create cmtitle "Category:$page" {*}{ list "categorymembers" format "xml" cmlimit "500" }] rcq $query "//cm" item { # Tell the caller's script about the item set var [$item getAttribute "title"] uplevel 1 $script }
} ### API function: Count the members of a list of categories ### proc count {cats catVar countVar script} {
upvar 1 $catVar cat $countVar count set query [dict create prop "categoryinfo" format "xml"] for {set n 0} {$n<[llength $cats]} {incr n 20} { ;# limit fetch to 20 at a time dict set query titles [join [lrange $cats $n $n+19] |] rcq $query "//page" item { # Get title and count set cat [$item getAttribute "title"] set info [$item getElementsByTagName "categoryinfo"] if {[llength $info]} { set count [[lindex $info 0] getAttribute "pages"] } else { set count 0 } # Let the caller's script figure out what to do with them uplevel 1 $script } }
} ### Assemble the bits into a whole API ### namespace export members count namespace ensemble create
- Get the list of programming languages
rc members "Programming Languages" lang {
lappend langs $lang
} puts stderr "" ;# Because of the progress dots... puts "There are [llength $langs] languages"
- Get the count of solutions for each, stripping "Category:" prefix
rc count $langs l c {
dict set langcounts [regsub {^Category:} $l {}] $c
} puts stderr "" ;# Because of the progress dots...
- Print the output
puts "Here are the top fifteen:" set langcounts [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer -decreasing $langcounts] set i 0 foreach {lang count} $langcounts {
puts [format "%1\$3d. %3\$3d - %2\$s" [incr n] $lang $count] if {[incr i]>=15} break
- --- generate a full report, similar in format to REXX example
proc popreport {langcounts} {
set bycount {} foreach {lang count} $langcounts {
dict lappend bycount $count $lang
} set bycount [lsort -stride 2 -integer -decreasing $bycount] set rank 1 foreach {count langs} $bycount {
set tied [expr {[llength $langs] > 1 ? "\[tied\]" : ""}] foreach lang $langs { puts [format {%15s:%4d %-12s %12s %s} rank $rank $tied "($count entries)" $lang] } incr rank [llength $langs]
popreport $langcounts</lang>
- Output:
.. There are 582 languages .............................. Here are the top fifteen: 1. 882 - Tcl 2. 874 - Racket 3. 837 - Python 4. 790 - J 5. 772 - Ruby 6. 762 - Perl 6 7. 754 - C 8. 739 - Go 9. 736 - D 10. 706 - Perl 11. 694 - REXX 12. 689 - PicoLisp 13. 679 - Haskell 14. 672 - Mathematica 15. 649 - Java
Full output is included at Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity/Tcl_API_full_output.
<lang tuscript>$$ MODE TUSCRIPT remotedata = REQUEST ("") allmembers=allnames="" COMPILE LOOP d=remotedata
IF (d.sw."
- Output:
2011-01-24 14:05:27 1. Tcl --- 472 member 2. PicoLisp --- 441 member 3. Python --- 432 member 4. J --- 414 member 5. C --- 394 member 6. Ruby --- 385 member 7. PureBasic --- 371 member 8. Haskell --- 369 member 9. Ada --- 364 member 10. OCaml --- 352 member 11. Perl --- 339 member 11. D --- 339 member 13. Java --- 325 member 14. AutoHotkey --- 308 member 15. Common Lisp --- 305 membe 16. C sharp --- 301 member 17. C++ --- 285 member 18. Oz --- 278 member 19. Clojure --- 272 member 20. R --- 266 member 21. ALGOL 68 --- 262 member 22. Perl 6 --- 258 member 23. JavaScript --- 257 member 24. E --- 254 member 25. REXX --- 253 member 26. Fortran --- 251 member 27. Forth --- 248 member 28. Lua --- 238 member 29. PHP --- 215 member 30. Unicon --- 211 member 31. Icon --- 210 member 32. Factor --- 207 member 33. Scala --- 197 member 34. PL/I --- 193 member 34. Go --- 193 member 36. Scheme --- 186 member
<lang bash>curl '' | sed -nre 's/^<li.*title="Category:([^"(]+)".*\(([0-9]+) members\).*/\2 - \1/p' | sort -nr | awk '{printf "%2d. %s\n",NR,$0}'</lang>
Uses the API. Instead of displaying it on the command prompt, the records of the languages are saved on a text file "OutVBRC.txt" encoded with Unicode. <lang vb> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' Rosetta Code/Rank Languages by Popularity ' ' VBScript Implementation ' '...........................................'
'API Links (From C Code) URL1 = "" URL2 = ""
'Get Contents of the API from the Web... Function ScrapeGoat(link)
On Error Resume Next ScrapeGoat = "" Err.Clear Set objHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objHttp.Open "GET", link, False objHttp.Send If objHttp.Status = 200 And Err = 0 Then ScrapeGoat = objHttp.ResponseText Set objHttp = Nothing
End Function
'HACK: Setup HTML for help of my partner/competitor that is better than me, JavaScript... Set HTML = CreateObject("HtmlFile") Set HTMLWindow = HTML.ParentWindow
''''''''''''''' ' Main code begins ' '..................'
On Error Resume Next
isComplete = 0 ' 1 -> Complete Already cntLoop = 0 ' Counts Number of Loops Done Set outputData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Scrape Data From API If cntLoop = 0 Then strData = ScrapeGoat(URL1) Else strData = ScrapeGoat(URL2 & gcmCont) If Len(strData) = 0 Then Set HTML = Nothing WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "Processing of data stopped because API query failed." WScript.Quit(1) End If
'Parse JSON HACK HTMLWindow.ExecScript "var json = " & strData, "JavaScript" Set ObjJS = HTMLWindow.json
Err.Clear 'Test if Query is Complete Already batchCompl = ObjJS.BatchComplete If Err.Number = 438 Then 'Query not yet complete. Get gcmContinue instead. gcmCont = ObjJS.[Query-Continue].CategoryMembers.gcmContinue Else isComplete = 1 'Yes! End If
'HACK #2: Put all language page ids into a JS array to be accessed by VBScript HTMLWindow.ExecScript "var langs=new Array(); for(var lang in json.query.pages){langs.push(lang);}" & _ "var nums=langs.length;", "JavaScript" Set arrLangs = HTMLWindow.langs arrLength = HTMLWindow.nums
For i = 0 to arrLength - 1 BuffStr = "ObjJS.Query.Pages.[" & Eval("arrLangs.[" & i & "]") & "]" EachStr = Eval(BuffStr & ".title")
Err.Clear CntLang = Eval(BuffStr & ".CategoryInfo.Pages") If InStr(EachStr, "Category:") = 1 And Err.Number = 0 Then outputData.Add Replace(EachStr, "Category:", "", 1, 1), CntLang End If Next
cntLoop = cntLoop + 1
Loop While isComplete = 0 'The outputData now contains the data we need. We should now sort and print it!
'Make a 2D array with copy of outputData arrRelease = Array() ReDim arrRelease(UBound(outputData.Keys), 1)
outKeys = outputData.Keys outItem = outputData.Items For i = 0 To UBound(outKeys)
arrRelease(i, 0) = outKeys(i) arrRelease(i, 1) = outItem(i)
'Bubble Sort (Greatest to Least Number of Examples) For i = 0 to UBound(arrRelease, 1)
For j = 0 to UBound(arrRelease, 1) - 1 If arrRelease(j, 1) < arrRelease(j + 1, 1) Then temp1 = arrRelease(j + 1, 0) temp2 = arrRelease(j + 1, 1) arrRelease(j + 1, 0) = arrRelease(j, 0) arrRelease(j + 1, 1) = arrRelease(j, 1) arrRelease(j, 0) = temp1 arrRelease(j, 1) = temp2 End If Next
'Save contents to file instead to support Unicode Names Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set txtOut = objFSO.CreateTextFile(".\OutVBRC.txt", True, True)
txtOut.WriteLine "As of " & Now & ", RC has " & UBound(arrRelease) + 1 & " languages." txtOut.WriteLine "" For i = 0 to UBound(arrRelease)
txtOut.WriteLine arrRelease(i, 1) & " Examples - " & arrRelease(i, 0)
'Successfully Done :) Set HTML = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing WScript.Quit(0)</lang>
- Some Parts of Output as of December 31, 2016:
As of 12/31/2016 11:52:05 PM, RC has 624 languages. 917 Examples - Racket 906 Examples - Python 894 Examples - Tcl 859 Examples - J 853 Examples - Perl 6 819 Examples - Zkl 813 Examples - Ruby 796 Examples - C 776 Examples - Java 774 Examples - Go 766 Examples - Haskell 760 Examples - REXX 755 Examples - Perl 750 Examples - D . . . 0 Examples - SheerPower 4GL 0 Examples - Script Basic 0 Examples - VRML 0 Examples - Thistle 0 Examples - UserRPL 0 Examples - WML 0 Examples - VAX Assembly
Using cURL and YAJL (yet anothe JSON library) libraries.
This solution using the API as the web scraping URL is pretty slow. I'm using JSON as format=txt has been deprecated. <lang zkl>var [const] CURL=Import("zklCurl"), YAJL=Import("zklYAJL")[0];
fcn getLangCounts(language){ // -->( (count,lang), ...)
continueValue,tasks,curl := "",List(), CURL(); // "nm\0nm\0...." do{ // eg 5 times page:=curl.get(("" "format=json"
"&action=query" "&generator=categorymembers" "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%%20Languages" "&gcmlimit=500" "&prop=categoryinfo" "&rawcontinue" // remove warning "&gcmcontinue=%s") .fmt(continueValue));
page=page[0].del(0,page[1]); // get rid of HTML header json:=YAJL().write(page).close();
json["query"]["pages"].howza(9).pump(tasks,fcn(d){ #dictionary values,only // { title:Category:AWK,categoryinfo:{ pages:398,size:401,... },... } // Gotta take care of no categoryinfo case
count:=d.find("categoryinfo",Dictionary).find("size",0); // or pages? if(count<300) return(Void.Skip); // prune
T(count,d["title"].del(0,9)); // "Category:RPL" --> "RPL" });
if(continueValue=json.find("query-continue")) // subcat|524558580a52455858|4331 or void
}while(continueValue); tasks
langCounts:=getLangCounts() .sort(fcn(a,b){ a[0]>b[0] }); // reverse sort
println("Most popular Rosetta Code languages as of ",Time.Date.prettyDay()); foreach n,name in ([1..15].zip(langCounts))
{ println("%2d: %3d %s".fmt(n,name.xplode())) }</lang>
- Output:
Most popular Rosetta Code languages as of Saturday, the 23rd of September 2017 1: 957 Racket 2: 953 Python 3: 918 Tcl 4: 904 Perl 6 5: 877 J 6: 854 Zkl 7: 840 Ruby 8: 828 C 9: 812 Go 10: 805 Haskell 11: 801 REXX 12: 800 Kotlin 13: 788 Java 14: 776 Perl 15: 755 D
- Networking and Web Interaction
- Sorting
- Rosetta Code related
- Programming Tasks
- Text processing
- Ada
- ALGOL 68
- ALGOL 68 examples needing attention
- Examples needing attention
- AutoHotkey
- Bracmat
- C
- C examples needing attention
- Libcurl
- C sharp
- C++
- Boost
- Caché ObjectScript
- D
- Erlang
- F Sharp
- Go
- Groovy
- Haskell
- HicEst
- Icon
- Unicon
- J
- Java
- Jq
- Kotlin
- Lasso
- M2000 Interpreter
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Nim
- Objeck
- OoRexx
- Oz
- OzHttpClient
- Perl
- Perl 6
- PicoLisp
- PowerShell
- PureBasic
- Python
- R
- R examples needing attention
- Racket
- Red
- Ring
- Ruby
- Scala
- Seed7
- Sidef
- Stata
- Tcl
- UnixPipes
- Curl
- VBScript
- Zkl
- Batch File/Omit
- Brainf***/Omit
- Lilypond/Omit
- Maxima/Omit
- PARI/GP/Omit
- PostScript/Omit
- TI-83 BASIC/Omit
- TI-89 BASIC/Omit
- Yorick/Omit
- ZX Spectrum Basic/Omit