Read a configuration file

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
The task is to read a configuration file in standard configuration file format, and set variables accordingly.
For this task, we have a configuration file as follows:
# This is a configuration file in standard configuration file format # # Lines beginning with a hash or a semicolon are ignored by the application # program. Blank lines are also ignored by the application program. # This is the fullname parameter FULLNAME Foo Barber # This is a favourite fruit FAVOURITEFRUIT banana # This is a boolean that should be set NEEDSPEELING # This boolean is commented out ; SEEDSREMOVED # Configuration option names are not case sensitive, but configuration parameter # data is case sensitive and may be preserved by the application program. # An optional equals sign can be used to separate configuration parameter data # from the option name. This is dropped by the parser. # A configuration option may take multiple parameters separated by commas. # Leading and trailing whitespace around parameter names and parameter data fields # are ignored by the application program. OTHERFAMILY Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
For the task we need to set four variables according to the configuration entries as follows:
- fullname = Foo Barber
- favouritefruit = banana
- needspeeling = true
- seedsremoved = false
We also have an option that contains multiple parameters. These may be stored in an array.
- otherfamily(1) = Rhu Barber
- otherfamily(2) = Harry Barber
- Related tasks
Uses package Config available at SourceForge: <lang Ada>with Config; use Config; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Rosetta_Read_Cfg is
cfg: Configuration:= Init("rosetta_read.cfg", Case_Sensitive => False, Variable_Terminator => ' '); fullname : String := cfg.Value_Of("*", "fullname"); favouritefruit : String := cfg.Value_Of("*", "favouritefruit"); needspeeling : Boolean := cfg.Is_Set("*", "needspeeling"); seedsremoved : Boolean := cfg.Is_Set("*", "seedsremoved"); otherfamily : String := cfg.Value_Of("*", "otherfamily");
Put_Line("fullname = " & fullname); Put_Line("favouritefruit = " & favouritefruit); Put_Line("needspeeling = " & Boolean'Image(needspeeling)); Put_Line("seedsremoved = " & Boolean'Image(seedsremoved)); Put_Line("otherfamily = " & otherfamily);
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = TRUE seedsremoved = FALSE otherfamily = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
<lang aime>record r, s; integer c; file f; list l; text an, d, k;
an = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
while ((c = f.peek) ^ -1) {
integer removed;
f.side(" \t\r"); c = f.peek; removed = c == ';'; if (removed) { f.pick; f.side(" \t\r"); c = f.peek; } c = place(an, c); if (-1 < c && c < 52) { f.near(an, k); if (removed) { r[k] = "false"; } else { f.side(" \t\r"); if (f.peek == '=') { f.pick; f.side(" \t\r"); } f.ever(",#\n", d); d = bb_drop(d, " \r\t"); if (f.peek != ',') { r[k] = ~d ? d : "true"; } else {, 0, 0, ","); lf_push(l, d); for (c, d in l) { l[c] = bb_drop(d, " \r\t").bf_drop(" \r\t").string; } s.put(k, l);, SEEK_CURRENT); } } }
r.wcall(o_, 0, 2, ": ", "\n");
for (k, l in s) {
o_(k, ": "); l.ucall(o_, 0, ", "); o_("\n");
- Output:
<lang AutoHotkey>
- Author
- AlephX, Aug 18 2011
data = %A_scriptdir%\rosettaconfig.txt comma := ","
Loop, Read, %data% { if NOT (instr(A_LoopReadLine, "#") == 1 OR A_LoopReadLine == "")
{ if instr(A_LoopReadLine, ";") == 1 { parameter := RegExReplace(Substr(A_LoopReadLine,2), "^[ \s]+|[ \s]+$", "") %parameter% = "1" } else { parameter := RegExReplace(A_LoopReadLine, "^[ \s]+|[ \s]+$", "")
if instr(parameter, A_Space) { value := substr(parameter, instr(parameter, A_Space)+1,999) parameter := substr(parameter, 1, instr(parameter, A_Space)-1)
if (instr(value, ",") <> 0) { Loop, Parse, value, %comma% ,%A_Space% %parameter%%A_Index% := A_Loopfield } else %parameter% = %value% } else %parameter% = "0" } } } msgbox, FULLNAME %fullname%`nFAVOURITEFRUIT %FAVOURITEFRUIT%`nNEEDSPEELING %NEEDSPEELING%`nSEEDSREMOVED %SEEDSREMOVED%`nOTHERFAMILY %OTHERFAMILY1% + %OTHERFAMILY2% </lang>
<lang AWK>
fullname = favouritefruit = "" needspeeling = seedsremoved = "false" fn = "READ_A_CONFIGURATION_FILE.INI" while (getline rec <fn > 0) { tmp = tolower(rec) if (tmp ~ /^ *fullname/) { fullname = extract(rec) } else if (tmp ~ /^ *favouritefruit/) { favouritefruit = extract(rec) } else if (tmp ~ /^ *needspeeling/) { needspeeling = "true" } else if (tmp ~ /^ *seedsremoved/) { seedsremoved = "true" } else if (tmp ~ /^ *otherfamily/) { split(extract(rec),otherfamily,",") } } close(fn) printf("fullname=%s\n",fullname) printf("favouritefruit=%s\n",favouritefruit) printf("needspeeling=%s\n",needspeeling) printf("seedsremoved=%s\n",seedsremoved) for (i=1; i<=length(otherfamily); i++) { sub(/^ +/,"",otherfamily[i]) # remove leading spaces sub(/ +$/,"",otherfamily[i]) # remove trailing spaces printf("otherfamily(%d)=%s\n",i,otherfamily[i]) } exit(0)
} function extract(rec, pos,str) {
sub(/^ +/,"",rec) # remove leading spaces before parameter name pos = match(rec,/[= ]/) # determine where data begins str = substr(rec,pos) # extract the data gsub(/^[= ]+/,"",str) # remove leading "=" and spaces sub(/ +$/,"",str) # remove trailing spaces return(str)
} </lang>
- Output:
fullname=Foo Barber favouritefruit=banana needspeeling=true seedsremoved=false otherfamily(1)=Rhu Barber otherfamily(2)=Harry Barber
This is a fully functional program with generic reading of a configuration file with variable names up to 20 characters and values up to 30 characters. Both limits can be expanded as needed but remember how quick it can eat RAM. It can read configuration files with variables separated of values through spaces or equal sign (=), so it will find "Variable = Value" or "Variable Value". Values can be separated by commas in configuration file and it will create a virtual array. This program will omit lines begining with #, ; or null. <lang qbasic> ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Read a Configuration File V1.0 ' ' ' ' Developed by A. David Garza Marín in VB-DOS for ' ' RosettaCode. December 2, 2016. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
' Register for values located TYPE regVarValue
VarName AS STRING * 20 VarType AS INTEGER ' 1=String, 2=Integer, 3=Real VarValue AS STRING * 30
' Var DIM rVarValue() AS regVarValue, iErr AS INTEGER, i AS INTEGER, iHMV AS INTEGER DIM otherfamily(1 TO 2) AS STRING DIM fullname AS STRING, favouritefruit AS STRING, needspeeling AS INTEGER, seedsremoved AS INTEGER CONST ConfFileName = "config.fil"
' ------------------- Main Program ------------------------ CLS PRINT "This program reads a configuration file and shows the result." PRINT PRINT "Default file name: "; ConfFileName PRINT iErr = ReadConfFile(ConfFileName) IF iErr = 0 THEN
iHMV = UBOUND(rVarValue) PRINT "Variables found in file:" FOR i = 1 TO iHMV PRINT RTRIM$(rVarValue(i).VarName); " = "; RTRIM$(rVarValue(i).VarValue); " ("; SELECT CASE rVarValue(i).VarType CASE 0: PRINT "Undefined"; CASE 1: PRINT "String"; CASE 2: PRINT "Integer"; CASE 3: PRINT "Real"; END SELECT PRINT ")" NEXT i PRINT
' Sets required variables fullname = getVariable$("FullName") favouritefruit = getVariable$("FavouriteFruit") needspeeling = VAL(getVariable$("NeedSpeeling")) seedsremoved = VAL(getVariable$("SeedsRemoved")) FOR i = 1 TO 2 otherfamily(i) = getArrayVariable$("OtherFamily", i) NEXT i PRINT "Variables requested to set values:" PRINT "fullname = "; fullname PRINT "favouritefruit = "; favouritefruit PRINT "needspeeling = "; IF needspeeling = 0 THEN PRINT "false" ELSE PRINT "true" PRINT "seedsremoved = "; IF seedsremoved = 0 THEN PRINT "false" ELSE PRINT "true" FOR i = 1 TO 2 PRINT "otherfamily("; i; ") = "; otherfamily(i) NEXT i
PRINT ErrorMessage$(iErr)
END IF ' --------- End of Main Program -----------------------
iErr = ERR
FUNCTION ErrorMessage$ (WhichError AS INTEGER)
' Var DIM sError AS STRING
SELECT CASE WhichError CASE 0: sError = "Everything went ok." CASE 1: sError = "Configuration file doesn't exist." CASE 2: sError = "There are no variables in the given file." END SELECT
ErrorMessage$ = sError
FUNCTION FileExists% (WhichFile AS STRING)
ON ERROR GOTO FileError iFile = FREEFILE iErr = 0 OPEN WhichFile FOR BINARY AS #iFile IF iErr = 0 THEN iItExists = LOF(iFile) > 0 CLOSE #iFile
IF NOT iItExists THEN KILL WhichFile END IF END IF ON ERROR GOTO 0 FileExists% = iItExists
FUNCTION getArrayVariable$ (WhichVariable AS STRING, WhichIndex AS INTEGER)
' Looks for a variable name and returns its value iHMV = UBOUND(rVarValue) sWV = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(WhichVariable))) sVal = "" DO i = i + 1 sVar = UCASE$(RTRIM$(rVarValue(i).VarName)) IF sVar = sWV THEN iCount = iCount + 1 IF iCount = WhichIndex THEN sVal = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(rVarValue(i).VarValue)) END IF END IF LOOP UNTIL i >= iHMV OR sVal <> ""
' Found it or not, it will return the result. ' If the result is "" then it didn't found the requested variable. getArrayVariable$ = sVal
FUNCTION getVariable$ (WhichVariable AS STRING)
' For a single variable, looks in the first (and only) ' element of the array that contains the name requested. sVal = getArrayVariable$(WhichVariable, 1)
getVariable$ = sVal
FUNCTION ReadConfFile% (NameOfConfFile AS STRING)
' This procedure reads a configuration file with variables ' and values separated by the equal sign (=) or a space. ' It needs the FileExists% function. ' Lines begining with # or blank will be ignored. IF FileExists%(NameOfConfFile) THEN iFile = FREEFILE REDIM rVarValue(1 TO 10) AS regVarValue OPEN NameOfConfFile FOR INPUT AS #iFile WHILE NOT EOF(iFile) LINE INPUT #iFile, sLine sLine = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(sLine)) IF LEN(sLine) > 0 THEN ' Does it have any content? IF LEFT$(sLine, 1) <> "#" THEN ' Is not a comment? IF LEFT$(sLine,1) = ";" THEN ' It is a commented variable sLine = LTRIM$(MID$(sLine, 2)) END IF iVar = INSTR(sLine, "=") ' Is there an equal sign? IF iVar = 0 THEN iVar = INSTR(sLine, " ") ' if not then is there a space?
GOSUB AddASpaceForAVariable iCurVar = iHMV IF iVar > 0 THEN ' Is a variable and a value rVarValue(iHMV).VarName = LEFT$(sLine, iVar - 1) ELSE ' Is just a variable name rVarValue(iHMV).VarName = sLine rVarValue(iHMV).VarValue = "" END IF
IF iVar > 0 THEN ' Get the value(s) sLine = LTRIM$(MID$(sLine, iVar + 1)) DO ' Look for commas iVal = INSTR(sLine, ",") IF iVal > 0 THEN ' There is a comma rVarValue(iHMV).VarValue = RTRIM$(LEFT$(sLine, iVal - 1)) GOSUB AddASpaceForAVariable rVarValue(iHMV).VarName = rVarValue(iHMV - 1).VarName ' Repeats the variable name sLine = LTRIM$(MID$(sLine, iVal + 1)) END IF LOOP UNTIL iVal = 0 rVarValue(iHMV).VarValue = sLine
' Determine the variable type of each variable found in this step FOR i = iCurVar TO iHMV GOSUB DetermineVariableType NEXT i END IF END IF END IF WEND CLOSE iFile IF iHMV > 0 THEN REDIM PRESERVE rVarValue(1 TO iHMV) AS regVarValue iErr = 0 ' Everything ran ok. ELSE REDIM rVarValue(1 TO 1) AS regVarValue iErr = 2 ' No variables found in configuration file END IF ELSE iErr = 1 ' File doesn't exist END IF
ReadConfFile = iErr
iHMV = iHMV + 1
IF UBOUND(rVarValue) < iHMV THEN ' Are there space for a new one? REDIM PRESERVE rVarValue(1 TO iHMV + 9) AS regVarValue END IF
sValue = RTRIM$(rVarValue(i).VarValue) IF ASC(LEFT$(sValue, 1)) < 48 OR ASC(LEFT$(sValue, 1)) > 57 THEN rVarValue(i).VarType = 1 ' String ELSE dValue = VAL(sValue) IF CLNG(dValue) = dValue THEN rVarValue(i).VarType = 2 ' Integer ELSE rVarValue(i).VarType = 3 ' Real END IF END IF
END FUNCTION </lang> Run
This program reads a configuration file and shows the result. Default file name: config.fil Variables found in file: FULLNAME = Foo Barber (String) FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana (String) NEEDSPEELING = (Undefined) SEEDSREMOVED = (Undefined) OTHERFAMILY = Rhu Barber (String) OTHERFAMILY = Harry Barber (String) Variables requested to set values: fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = false seedsremoved = false otherfamily( 1 ) = Rhu Barber otherfamily( 2 ) = Harry Barber
<lang bbcbasic> BOOL = 1
NAME = 2 ARRAY = 3 optfile$ = "options.cfg" fullname$ = FNoption(optfile$, "FULLNAME", NAME) favouritefruit$ = FNoption(optfile$, "FAVOURITEFRUIT", NAME) needspeeling% = FNoption(optfile$, "NEEDSPEELING", BOOL) seedsremoved% = FNoption(optfile$, "SEEDSREMOVED", BOOL) !^otherfamily$() = FNoption(optfile$, "OTHERFAMILY", ARRAY) PRINT "fullname = " fullname$ PRINT "favouritefruit = " favouritefruit$ PRINT "needspeeling = "; : IF needspeeling% PRINT "true" ELSE PRINT "false" PRINT "seedsremoved = "; : IF seedsremoved% PRINT "true" ELSE PRINT "false" PRINT "otherfamily(1) = " otherfamily$(1) PRINT "otherfamily(2) = " otherfamily$(2) END DEF FNoption(file$, key$, type%) LOCAL file%, opt$, comma%, bool%, name$, size%, !^array$() file% = OPENIN(file$) IF file% = 0 THEN = 0 WHILE NOT EOF#file% opt$ = GET$#file% WHILE RIGHT$(opt$) = " " opt$ = LEFT$(opt$) : ENDWHILE IF opt$ = key$ OR LEFT$(opt$, LEN(key$)+1) = key$ + " " THEN opt$ = MID$(opt$, LEN(key$) + 1) WHILE LEFT$(opt$,1) = " " opt$ = MID$(opt$,2) : ENDWHILE CASE type% OF WHEN BOOL: bool% = TRUE : EXIT WHILE WHEN NAME: name$ = opt$ : EXIT WHILE WHEN ARRAY: REPEAT comma% = INSTR(opt$, ",", comma%+1) IF comma% size% += 1 UNTIL comma% = 0 DIM array$(size% + 1) size% = 0 REPEAT comma% = INSTR(opt$, ",") IF comma% THEN size% += 1 array$(size%) = LEFT$(opt$, comma%-1) opt$ = MID$(opt$, comma%+1) WHILE LEFT$(opt$,1) = " " opt$ = MID$(opt$,2) : ENDWHILE ENDIF UNTIL comma% = 0 array$(size% + 1) = opt$ EXIT WHILE ENDCASE ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #file% CASE type% OF WHEN BOOL: = bool% WHEN NAME: = name$ WHEN ARRAY: = !^array$() ENDCASE = 0</lang>
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily(1) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(2) = Harry Barber
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <string.h>
- include <confini.h>
- define rosetta_uint8_t unsigned char
- define FALSE 0
- define TRUE 1
- define CONFIGS_TO_READ 5
/* Assume that the config file represent a struct containing all the parameters to load */ struct configs { char *fullname; char *favouritefruit; rosetta_uint8_t needspeeling; rosetta_uint8_t seedsremoved; char **otherfamily; size_t otherfamily_len; size_t _configs_left_; };
static char ** make_array (size_t * arrlen, const char * src, const size_t buffsize, IniFormat ini_format) {
/* Allocate a new array of strings and populate it from the stringified source */ *arrlen = ini_array_get_length(src, INI_ARRAY_DELIMITER, ini_format); char ** const dest = *arrlen ? (char **) malloc(*arrlen * sizeof(char *) + buffsize) : NULL; if (!dest) { return NULL; } memcpy(dest + *arrlen, src, buffsize); char * iter = (char *) (dest + *arrlen); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < *arrlen; idx++) { dest[idx] = ini_array_release(&iter, INI_ARRAY_DELIMITER, ini_format); ini_string_parse(dest[idx], ini_format); } return dest;
static int configs_member_handler (IniDispatch *this, void *v_confs) {
struct configs *confs = (struct configs *) v_confs;
if (this->type != INI_KEY) {
return 0;
if (ini_string_match_si("FULLNAME", this->data, this->format)) {
if (confs->fullname) { return 0; } this->v_len = ini_string_parse(this->value, this->format); /* Remove all quotes, if any */ confs->fullname = strndup(this->value, this->v_len); confs->_configs_left_--;
} else if (ini_string_match_si("FAVOURITEFRUIT", this->data, this->format)) {
if (confs->favouritefruit) { return 0; } this->v_len = ini_string_parse(this->value, this->format); /* Remove all quotes, if any */ confs->favouritefruit = strndup(this->value, this->v_len); confs->_configs_left_--;
} else if (ini_string_match_si("NEEDSPEELING", this->data, this->format)) {
if (~confs->needspeeling & 0x80) { return 0; } confs->needspeeling = ini_get_bool(this->value, TRUE); confs->_configs_left_--;
} else if (ini_string_match_si("SEEDSREMOVED", this->data, this->format)) {
if (~confs->seedsremoved & 0x80) { return 0; } confs->seedsremoved = ini_get_bool(this->value, TRUE); confs->_configs_left_--;
} else if (!confs->otherfamily && ini_string_match_si("OTHERFAMILY", this->data, this->format)) {
if (confs->otherfamily) { return 0; } this->v_len = ini_array_collapse(this->value, INI_ARRAY_DELIMITER, this->format); /* Save memory (not strictly needed) */ confs->otherfamily = make_array(&confs->otherfamily_len, this->value, this->v_len + 1, this->format); confs->_configs_left_--;
/* Optimization: stop reading the INI file when we have all we need */ return !confs->_configs_left_;
static int populate_configs (struct configs * confs) {
/* Define the format of the configuration file */ IniFormat config_format = { .delimiter_symbol = INI_ANY_SPACE, .case_sensitive = FALSE, .semicolon_marker = INI_IGNORE, .hash_marker = INI_IGNORE, .multiline_nodes = INI_NO_MULTILINE, .section_paths = INI_NO_SECTIONS, .no_single_quotes = FALSE, .no_double_quotes = FALSE, .no_spaces_in_names = TRUE, .implicit_is_not_empty = TRUE, .do_not_collapse_values = FALSE, .preserve_empty_quotes = FALSE, .disabled_after_space = TRUE, .disabled_can_be_implicit = FALSE };
*confs = (struct configs) { NULL, NULL, 0x80, 0x80, NULL, 0, CONFIGS_TO_READ };
if (load_ini_path("rosetta.conf", config_format, NULL, configs_member_handler, confs) & CONFINI_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, something went wrong :-(\n"); return 1;
confs->needspeeling &= 0x7F; confs->seedsremoved &= 0x7F;
return 0;
int main () {
struct configs confs;
ini_global_set_implicit_value("YES", 0);
if (populate_configs(&confs)) {
return 1;
/* Print the configurations parsed */
"Full name: %s\n" "Favorite fruit: %s\n" "Need spelling: %s\n" "Seeds removed: %s\n",
confs.fullname, confs.favouritefruit, confs.needspeeling ? "True" : "False", confs.seedsremoved ? "True" : "False"
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < confs.otherfamily_len; idx++) {
printf("Other family[%d]: %s\n", idx, confs.otherfamily[idx]);
/* Free the allocated memory */
#define FREE_NON_NULL(PTR) if (PTR) { free(PTR); }
FREE_NON_NULL(confs.fullname); FREE_NON_NULL(confs.favouritefruit); FREE_NON_NULL(confs.otherfamily);
return 0;
- Output:
Full name: Foo Barber Favorite fruit: banana Need spelling: True Seeds removed: False Other family[0]: Rhu Barber Other family[1]: Harry Barber
<lang cpp>#include "stdafx.h"
- include <iostream>
- include <fstream>
- include <vector>
- include <string>
- include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
- include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
using namespace std; using namespace boost;
typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer; static const char_separator<char> sep(" ","#;,");
//Assume that the config file represent a struct containing all the parameters to load struct configs{ string fullname; string favoritefruit; bool needspelling; bool seedsremoved; vector<string> otherfamily; } conf;
void parseLine(const string &line, configs &conf) { if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty()) return; Tokenizer tokenizer(line, sep); vector<string> tokens; for (Tokenizer::iterator iter = tokenizer.begin(); iter != tokenizer.end(); iter++) tokens.push_back(*iter); if (tokens[0] == ";"){ algorithm::to_lower(tokens[1]); if (tokens[1] == "needspeeling") conf.needspelling = false; if (tokens[1] == "seedsremoved") conf.seedsremoved = false; } algorithm::to_lower(tokens[0]); if (tokens[0] == "needspeeling") conf.needspelling = true; if (tokens[0] == "seedsremoved") conf.seedsremoved = true; if (tokens[0] == "fullname"){ for (unsigned int i=1; i<tokens.size(); i++) conf.fullname += tokens[i] + " "; conf.fullname.erase(conf.fullname.size() -1, 1); } if (tokens[0] == "favouritefruit") for (unsigned int i=1; i<tokens.size(); i++) conf.favoritefruit += tokens[i]; if (tokens[0] == "otherfamily"){ unsigned int i=1; string tmp; while (i<=tokens.size()){ if ( i == tokens.size() || tokens[i] ==","){ tmp.erase(tmp.size()-1, 1); conf.otherfamily.push_back(tmp); tmp = ""; i++; } else{ tmp += tokens[i]; tmp += " "; i++; } } } }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { wstring tmp = argv[0]; wcout << L"Usage: " << tmp << L" <configfile.ini>" << endl; return -1; } ifstream file (argv[1]);
if (file.is_open()) while(file.good()) { char line[255]; file.getline(line, 255); string linestring(line); parseLine(linestring, conf); } else { cout << "Unable to open the file" << endl; return -2; }
cout << "Fullname= " << conf.fullname << endl; cout << "Favorite Fruit= " << conf.favoritefruit << endl; cout << "Need Spelling= " << (conf.needspelling?"True":"False") << endl; cout << "Seed Removed= " << (conf.seedsremoved?"True":"False") << endl; string otherFamily; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < conf.otherfamily.size(); i++) otherFamily += conf.otherfamily[i] + ", "; otherFamily.erase(otherFamily.size()-2, 2); cout << "Other Family= " << otherFamily << endl;
return 0; } </lang>
- Output:
Fullname= Foo Barber Favorite Fruit= banana Need Spelling= True Seed Removed= False Other Family= Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
Solution without Boost libraries. No optimisation. <lang cpp>#include <iostream>
- include <iomanip>
- include <string>
- include <exception>
- include <fstream>
- include <vector>
- include <algorithm>
struct confi { std::string fullname; std::string favouritefruit; bool needspeeling; bool seedsremoved; std::vector<std::string> otherfamily; };
void read_config(std::ifstream& in, confi& out) {"Config.txt"); std::string str; out.needspeeling = false; out.seedsremoved = false; while(!in.eof()) { while(getline(in,str)) { std::string::size_type begin = str.find_first_not_of(" \f\t\v"); //Skips blank lines if(begin == std::string::npos) continue; //Skips # if(std::string("#").find(str[begin]) != std::string::npos) continue; std::string firstWord; try { firstWord = str.substr(0,str.find(" ")); } catch(std::exception& e) { firstWord = str.erase(str.find_first_of(" "),str.find_first_not_of(" ")); } std::transform(firstWord.begin(),firstWord.end(),firstWord.begin(), ::toupper); if(firstWord == "FULLNAME") out.fullname = str.substr(str.find(" ")+1,str.length()); if(firstWord == "FAVOURITEFRUIT") out.favouritefruit = str.substr(str.find(" ")+1,str.length()); if(firstWord == "NEEDSPEELING") out.needspeeling = true; if(firstWord == "SEEDSREMOVED") out.seedsremoved = true; if(firstWord == "OTHERFAMILY") { size_t found = str.find(","); if(found != std::string::npos) { out.otherfamily.push_back(str.substr(str.find_first_of(" ")+1,found-str.find_first_of(" ")-1)); out.otherfamily.push_back(str.substr(found+2,str.length())); } }
} } std::cout << "Full Name: " << out.fullname << std::endl; std::cout << "Favourite Fruit: " << out.favouritefruit << std::endl; std::cout << "Needs peeling?: "; if(out.needspeeling == true) std::cout << "True" << std::endl; else std::cout << "False" << std::endl; std::cout << "Seeds removed?: "; if(out.seedsremoved == true) std::cout << "True" << std::endl; else std::cout << "False" << std::endl; std::cout << "Other family members: " << out.otherfamily[0] << ", " << out.otherfamily[1] << std::endl; } int main() { std::ifstream inp; confi outp; read_config(inp,outp); } </lang>
- Output:
Full Name: Foo Barber Favourite Fruit: banana Needs peeling?: True Seeds removed?: False Other family members: Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
<lang clojure>(ns read-conf-file.core
(:require [ :as io] [clojure.string :as str]) (:gen-class))
(def conf-keys ["fullname"
"favouritefruit" "needspeeling" "seedsremoved" "otherfamily"])
(defn get-lines
"Read file returning vec of lines." [file] (try (with-open [rdr (io/reader file)] (into [] (line-seq rdr))) (catch Exception e (.getMessage e))))
(defn parse-line
"Parse passed line returning vec: token, vec of values." [line] (if-let [[_ k v] (re-matches #"(?i)^\s*([a-z]+)(?:\s+|=)?(.+)?$" line)] (let [k (str/lower-case k)] (if v [k (str/split v #",\s*")] [k [true]]))))
(defn mk-conf
"Build configuration map from lines." [lines] (->> (map parse-line lines) (filter (comp not nil?)) (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m k v)) {})))
(defn output
[conf-keys conf] (doseq [k conf-keys] (let [v (get conf k)] (if v (println (format "%s = %s" k (str/join ", " v))) (println (format "%s = %s" k "false"))))))
(defn -main
[filename] (output conf-keys (mk-conf (get-lines filename))))</lang>
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
<lang cobol>
identification division. program-id. ReadConfiguration.
environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic.
input-output section. file-control. select config-file assign to "Configuration.txt" organization line sequential. data division. file section.
fd config-file. 01 config-record pic is x(128).
working-storage section. 77 idx pic 9(3). 77 pos pic 9(3). 77 last-pos pic 9(3). 77 config-key pic x(32). 77 config-value pic x(64). 77 multi-value pic x(64). 77 full-name pic x(64). 77 favourite-fruit pic x(64). 77 other-family pic x(64) occurs 10. 77 need-speeling pic x(5) value "false". 77 seeds-removed pic x(5) value "false".
procedure division. main. open input config-file perform until exit read config-file at end exit perform end-read move trim(config-record) to config-record if config-record(1:1) = "#" or ";" or spaces exit perform cycle end-if unstring config-record delimited by spaces into config-key move trim(config-record(length(trim(config-key)) + 1:)) to config-value if config-value(1:1) = "=" move trim(config-value(2:)) to config-value end-if evaluate upper-case(config-key) when "FULLNAME" move config-value to full-name when "FAVOURITEFRUIT" move config-value to favourite-fruit when "NEEDSPEELING" if config-value = spaces move "true" to config-value end-if if config-value = "true" or "false" move config-value to need-speeling end-if when "SEEDSREMOVED" if config-value = spaces move "true" to config-value end-if, if config-value = "true" or "false" move config-value to seeds-removed end-if when "OTHERFAMILY" move 1 to idx, pos perform until exit unstring config-value delimited by "," into multi-value with pointer pos on overflow move trim(multi-value) to other-family(idx) move pos to last-pos not on overflow if config-value(last-pos:) <> spaces move trim(config-value(last-pos:)) to other-family(idx) end-if, exit perform end-unstring add 1 to idx end-perform end-evaluate end-perform close config-file
display "fullname = " full-name display "favouritefruit = " favourite-fruit display "needspeeling = " need-speeling display "seedsremoved = " seeds-removed perform varying idx from 1 by 1 until idx > 10 if other-family(idx) <> low-values display "otherfamily(" idx ") = " other-family(idx) end-if end-perform .
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily(001) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(002) = Harry Barber
Common Lisp
Using parser-combinators available in quicklisp: <lang lisp>(ql:quickload :parser-combinators)
(defpackage :read-config
(:use :cl :parser-combinators))
(in-package :read-config)
(defun trim-space (string)
(string-trim '(#\space #\tab) string))
(defun any-but1? (except)
(named-seq? (<- res (many1? (except? (item) except))) (coerce res 'string)))
(defun values? ()
(named-seq? (<- values (sepby? (any-but1? #\,) #\,)) (mapcar 'trim-space values)))
(defun key-values? ()
(named-seq? (<- key (word?)) (opt? (many? (whitespace?))) (opt? #\=) (<- values (values?)) (cons key (or (if (cdr values) values (car values)) t))))
(defun parse-line (line)
(setf line (trim-space line)) (if (or (string= line "") (member (char line 0) '(#\# #\;))) :comment (parse-string* (key-values?) line)))
(defun parse-config (stream)
(let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line do (let ((parsed (parse-line line))) (cond ((eq parsed :comment)) ((eq parsed nil) (error "config parser error: ~a" line)) (t (setf (gethash (car parsed) hash) (cdr parsed)))))) hash))</lang>
- Output:
<lang lisp>READ-CONFIG> (with-open-file (s "test.cfg") (parse-config s))
READ-CONFIG> (maphash (lambda (k v) (print (list k v))) *)
("FULLNAME" "Foo Barber") ("FAVOURITEFRUIT" "banana") ("NEEDSPEELING" T) ("OTHERFAMILY" ("Rhu Barber" "Harry Barber")) NIL READ-CONFIG> (gethash "SEEDSREMOVED" **) NIL NIL </lang>
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.regex, std.getopt;
enum VarName(alias var) = var.stringof.toUpper;
void setOpt(alias Var)(in string line) {
auto m = match(line, regex(`^` ~ VarName!Var ~ `(\s+(.*))?`)); if (!m.empty) { static if (is(typeof(Var) == string)) Var = m.captures.length > 2 ? m.captures[2] : ""; static if (is(typeof(Var) == bool)) Var = true; static if (is(typeof(Var) == int)) Var = m.captures.length > 2 ? to!int(m.captures[2]) : 0; }
void main(in string[] args) {
string fullName, favouriteFruit, otherFamily; bool needsPeeling, seedsRemoved; // Default false. auto f = "readcfg.txt".File;
foreach (line; f.byLine) { auto opt = line.strip.idup; setOpt!fullName(opt); setOpt!favouriteFruit(opt); setOpt!needsPeeling(opt); setOpt!seedsRemoved(opt); setOpt!otherFamily(opt); }
writefln("%14s = %s", VarName!fullName, fullName); writefln("%14s = %s", VarName!favouriteFruit, favouriteFruit); writefln("%14s = %s", VarName!needsPeeling, needsPeeling); writefln("%14s = %s", VarName!seedsRemoved, seedsRemoved); writefln("%14s = %s", VarName!otherFamily, otherFamily);
- Output:
FULLNAME = Foo Barber AVOURITEFRUIT = banana NEEDSPEELING = true SEEDSREMOVED = false OTHERFAMILY = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
<lang DCL>$ open input config.ini $ loop: $ read /end_of_file = done input line $ line = f$edit( line, "trim" ) ! removes leading and trailing spaces or tabs $ if f$length( line ) .eq. 0 then $ goto loop $ first_character = f$extract( 0, 1, line ) $ if first_character .eqs. "#" .or. first_character .eqs. ";" then $ goto loop $ equal_sign_offset = f$locate( "=", line ) $ length_of_line = f$length( line ) $ if equal_sign_offset .ne. length_of_line then $ line = f$extract( 0, equal_sign_offset, line ) + " " + f$extract( equal_sign_offset + 1, length_of_line, line ) $ option_name = f$element( 0, " ", line ) $ parameter_data = line - option_name - " " $ if parameter_data .eqs. "" then $ parameter_data = "true" $ 'option_name = parameter_data $ show symbol 'option_name $ goto loop $ done: $ close input</lang>
- Output:
$ @read_a_configuration_file FULLNAME = "Foo Barber" FAVOURITEFRUIT = "banana" NEEDSPEELING = "true"
There is no 'config file' in EchoLisp, but a (preferences) function which is automatically loaded and evaluated at boot-time, and automatically saved after modification. This function can set global parameters, or call other functions, or load libraries. <lang lisp> (edit 'preferences)
- current contents to edit is displayed in the input box
(define (preferences) (define-syntax-rule (++ n) (begin (set! n (1+ n)) n)) (define-syntax-rule (% a b) (modulo a b))
- (lib 'gloops)
(lib 'timer))
- enter new preferences
(define (preferences)
(define FULLNAME "Foo Barber") (define FAVOURITEFRUIT 'banana) (define NEEDSPELLING #t)
(define OTHERFAMILY '("Rhu Barber" "Harry Barber")))
- Output:
<lang lisp>
- press F5 or COMMAND-R to reload
EchoLisp - 2.13.12 📗 local-db: db.version: 13
- enter parameters names
NEEDSPELLING → #t FAVOURITEFRUIT → banana SEEDSREMOVED 😡 error: #|user| : unbound variable : SEEDSREMOVED </lang>
<lang elixir>defmodule Configuration_file do
def read(file) do!(file) |> String.split(~r/\n|\r\n|\r/, trim: true) |> Enum.reject(fn line -> String.starts_with?(line, ["#", ";"]) end) |> line -> case String.split(line, ~r/\s/, parts: 2) do [option] -> {to_atom(option), true} [option, values] -> {to_atom(option), separate(values)} end end) end def task do defaults = [fullname: "Kalle", favouritefruit: "apple", needspeeling: false, seedsremoved: false] options = read("configuration_file") ++ defaults [:fullname, :favouritefruit, :needspeeling, :seedsremoved, :otherfamily] |> Enum.each(fn x -> values = options[x] if is_boolean(values) or length(values)==1 do IO.puts "#{x} = #{values}" else Enum.with_index(values) |> Enum.each(fn {value,i} -> IO.puts "#{x}(#{i+1}) = #{value}" end) end end) end defp to_atom(option), do: String.downcase(option) |> String.to_atom defp separate(values), do: String.split(values, ",") |>
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily(1) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(2) = Harry Barber
<lang Erlang> -module( configuration_file ).
-export( [read/1, task/0] ).
read( File ) ->
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file( File ), Lines = [X || <<First:8, _T/binary>> = X <- binary:split(Binary, <<"\n">>, [global]), First =/= $#, First =/= $;], [option_from_binaries(binary:split(X, <<" ">>)) || X <- Lines].
task() ->
Defaults = [{fullname, "Kalle"}, {favouritefruit, "apple"}, {needspeeling, false}, {seedsremoved, false}], Options = read( "configuration_file" ) ++ Defaults, [io:fwrite("~p = ~p~n", [X, proplists:get_value(X, Options)]) || X <- [fullname, favouritefruit, needspeeling, seedsremoved, otherfamily]].
option_from_binaries( [Option] ) -> {erlang:list_to_atom(string:to_lower(erlang:binary_to_list(Option))), true}; option_from_binaries( [Option, Values] ) -> {erlang:list_to_atom(string:to_lower(erlang:binary_to_list(Option))), option_from_binaries_value(binary:split(Values, <<", ">>))}.
option_from_binaries_value( [Value] ) -> erlang:binary_to_list(Value); option_from_binaries_value( Values ) -> [erlang:binary_to_list(X) || X <- Values]. </lang>
- Output:
50> configuration_file:task(). fullname = "Foo Barber" favouritefruit = "banana" needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily = ["Rhu Barber","Harry Barber"]
<lang fantom> class Main {
// remove the given key and an optional '=' from start of line Str removeKey (Str key, Str line) { remainder := line[key.size..-1].trim if (remainder.startsWith("=")) { remainder = remainder.replace("=", "").trim } return remainder }
Void main () { // define the variables which need configuring fullname := "" favouritefruit := "" needspeeling := false seedsremoved := false Str[] otherfamily := [,]
// loop through the file, setting variables as needed File(`config.dat`).eachLine |Str line| { line = line.trim if (line.isEmpty || line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith(";")) { // do nothing for empty and comment lines } else if (line.upper.startsWith("FULLNAME")) { fullname = removeKey("FULLNAME", line) } else if (line.upper.startsWith("FAVOURITEFRUIT")) { favouritefruit = removeKey("FAVOURITEFRUIT", line) } else if (line.upper.startsWith("NEEDSPEELING")) { needspeeling = true } else if (line.upper.startsWith("SEEDSREMOVED")) { seedsremoved = true } else if (line.upper.startsWith("OTHERFAMILY")) { otherfamily = removeKey("OTHERFAMILY", line).split(',') } }
// report results echo ("Full name is $fullname") echo ("Favourite fruit is $favouritefruit") echo ("Needs peeling is $needspeeling") echo ("Seeds removed is $seedsremoved") echo ("Other family is " + otherfamily.join(", ")) }
} </lang>
Forth is one of the unique languages that provides the programmer with both an extendable interpreter and an extendable compiler. This demonstration starts from the assumption that competent Forth programmers would not write an entire interpreter just to read a config file but would extend the Forth Interpreter to do the job. This approach is more representative of how Forth is used to create small domain specific languages for specific purposes.
As a result of taking this approach some liberties have been taken here from the original task. This code creates three operators for the Forth interpreter (SET, RESET, =) and uses these operators to assign values to actual variables in the Forth system. So the "=" sign here is not optional, it is required. The "=" operator parses an entire line of text and assigns it to a string variable. Set and reset assign 0 or -1 (all bits set) to an integer variable. Using the Forth interpreter "as is" also means that all script symbols are separated by a minimum of 1 space character however this is not a great hardship.
A more conventional version could of course be created if absolutely mandated however it would not be created in a few lines of code as this one is.
Something worth noting is that the FORTH interpreter will halt on a syntax error in the config.txt file. If this was not the proscribed behavior for the application then the FORTH error handler would need modification. This is possible in most systems by using the system error words (abort, catch, throw) appropriately while interpreting the config file. <lang>\ declare the configuration variables in the FORTH app FORTH DEFINITIONS
- -leading ( addr len -- addr' len' )
begin over c@ bl = while 1 /string repeat ; \ remove leading blanks
- trim ( addr len -- addr len) -leading -trailing ; \ remove blanks both ends
\ create the config file interpreter ------- VOCABULARY CONFIG \ create a namespace CONFIG DEFINITIONS \ put things in the namespace
- SET ( addr --) true swap ! ;
- RESET ( addr --) false swap ! ;
- # ( -- ) 1 PARSE 2DROP ; \ parse line and throw away
- = ( addr --) 1 PARSE trim ROT PLACE ; \ string assignment operator
synonym ; # \ 2nd comment operator is simple
FORTH DEFINITIONS \ this command reads and interprets the config.txt file
\ config file interpreter ends ------
\ tools to validate the CONFIG interpreter
- $. ( str --) count type ;
- BOOL. ( ? --) @ IF ." ON" ELSE ." OFF" THEN ;
- .CONFIG CR ." Fullname : " FULLNAME $.
CR ." Favourite fruit: " FAVOURITEFRUIT $. CR ." Needs peeling : " NEEDSPEELING bool. CR ." Seeds removed : " SEEDSREMOVED bool. CR ." Family:" CR otherfamily(1) $. CR otherfamily(2) $. ;</lang>
The config file would look like this
# READ this file from within FORTH with the command CONFIGURE FULLNAME = Foo Barber FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana # This is a boolean that should be set NEEDSPEELING SET # This boolean is commented out ; SEEDSREMOVED SET OTHERFAMILY(1) = Rhu Barber OTHERFAMILY(2) = Harry Barber
Usage and result
CONFIGURE Compiling config.txt ok .config Fullname : Foo Barber Favourite fruit: banana Needs peeling : ON Seeds removed : OFF Family: Rhu Barber Harry Barber ok
<lang Fortran> program readconfig
implicit none integer, parameter :: strlen = 100 logical :: needspeeling = .false., seedsremoved =.false. character(len=strlen) :: favouritefruit = "", fullname = "", fst, snd character(len=strlen), allocatable :: otherfamily(:), tmp(:) character(len=1000) :: line integer :: lun, stat, j, j0, j1, ii = 1, z integer, parameter :: state_begin=1, state_in_fst=2, state_in_sep=3
open(newunit=lun, file="config.ini", status="old") do read(lun, "(a)", iostat=stat) line if (stat<0) exit if ((line(1:1) == "#") .or. & (line(1:1) == ";") .or. & (len_trim(line)==0)) then cycle end if z = state_begin do j = 1, len_trim(line) if (z == state_begin) then if (line(j:j)/=" ") then j0 = j z = state_in_fst end if elseif (z == state_in_fst) then if (index("= ",line(j:j))>0) then fst = lower(line(j0:j-1)) z = state_in_sep end if elseif (z == state_in_sep) then if (index(" =",line(j:j)) == 0) then snd = line(j:) exit end if else stop "not possible to be here" end if end do if (z == state_in_fst) then fst = lower(line(j0:)) elseif (z == state_begin) then cycle end if
if (fst=="fullname") then read(snd,"(a)") fullname elseif (fst=="favouritefruit") then read(snd,"(a)") favouritefruit elseif (fst=="seedsremoved") then seedsremoved = .true. elseif (fst=="needspeeling") then needspeeling = .true. elseif (fst=="otherfamily") then j = 1; ii = 1 do while (len_trim(snd(j:)) >0) j1 = index(snd(j:),",") if (j1==0) then j1 = len_trim(snd) else j1 = j + j1 - 2 end if do if (j>len_trim(snd)) exit if (snd(j:j) /= " ") exit j = j +1 end do allocate(tmp(ii)) tmp(1:ii-1) = otherfamily call move_alloc(tmp, otherfamily) read(snd(j:j1),"(a)"), otherfamily(ii) j = j1 + 2 ii = ii + 1 end do else print *, "unknown option '"//trim(fst)//"'"; stop end if end do close(lun)
print "(a,a)","fullname = ", trim(fullname) print "(a,a)","favouritefruit = ", trim(favouritefruit) print "(a,l)","needspeeling = ", needspeeling print "(a,l)","seedsremoved = ", seedsremoved print "(a,*(a,:,', '))", "otherfamily = ", & (trim(otherfamily(j)), j=1,size(otherfamily))
pure function lower (str) result (string)
implicit none character(*), intent(In) :: str character(len(str)) :: string Integer :: ic, i
character(26), parameter :: cap = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' character(26), parameter :: low = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
string = str do i = 1, len_trim(str) ic = index(cap, str(i:i)) if (ic > 0) string(i:i) = low(ic:ic) end do
end function
end program </lang>
<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Sub split (s As Const String, sepList As Const String, result() As String)
If s = "" OrElse sepList = "" Then Redim result(0) result(0) = s Return End If Dim As Integer i, j, count = 0, empty = 0, length Dim As Integer position(Len(s) + 1) position(0) = 0 For i = 0 To len(s) - 1 For j = 0 to Len(sepList) - 1 If s[i] = sepList[j] Then count += 1 position(count) = i + 1 End If Next j Next i Redim result(count) If count = 0 Then result(0) = s Return End If position(count + 1) = len(s) + 1 For i = 1 To count + 1 length = position(i) - position(i - 1) - 1 result(i - 1) = Mid(s, position(i - 1) + 1, length) Next
End Sub
Type ConfigData
fullName As String favouriteFruit As String needsPeeling As Boolean seedsRemoved As Boolean otherFamily(Any) As String
End Type
Sub readConfigData(fileName As String, cData As ConfigData)
Dim fileNum As Integer = FreeFile Open fileName For Input As #fileNum If err > 0 Then Print "File could not be opened" Sleep End End If Dim ln As String While Not Eof(fileNum) Line Input #fileNum, ln If ln = "" OrElse Left(ln, 1) = "#" OrElse Left(ln, 1) = ";" Then Continue While If UCase(Left(ln, 8)) = "FULLNAME" Then cData.fullName = Trim(Mid(ln, 9), Any " =") ElseIf UCase(Left(ln, 14)) = "FAVOURITEFRUIT" Then cData.favouriteFruit = Trim(Mid(ln, 15), Any " =") ElseIf UCase(Left(ln, 12)) = "NEEDSPEELING" Then Dim s As String = Trim(Mid(ln, 13), Any " =") If s = "" OrElse UCase(s) = "TRUE" Then cData.needsPeeling = True Else cData.needsPeeling = False End If ElseIf UCase(Left(ln, 12)) = "SEEDSREMOVED" Then Dim s As String = Trim(Mid(ln, 13), Any " =") If s = "" OrElse UCase(s) = "TRUE" Then cData.seedsRemoved = True Else cData.seedsRemoved = False End If ElseIf UCase(Left(ln, 11)) = "OTHERFAMILY" Then split Mid(ln, 12), ",", cData.otherFamily() For i As Integer = LBound(cData.otherFamily) To UBound(cData.otherFamily) cData.otherFamily(i) = Trim(cData.otherFamily(i), Any " =") Next End If Wend Close #fileNum
End Sub
Dim fileName As String = "config.txt" Dim cData As ConfigData readConfigData fileName, cData Print "Full name = "; cData.fullName Print "Favourite fruit = "; cData.favouriteFruit Print "Needs peeling = "; cData.needsPeeling Print "Seeds removed = "; cData.seedsRemoved For i As Integer = LBound(cData.otherFamily) To UBound(cData.otherFamily)
Print "Other family("; Str(i); ") = "; cData.otherFamily(i)
Next Print Print "Press any key to quit" Sleep</lang>
- Output:
Full name = Foo Barber Favourite fruit = banana Needs peeling = true Seeds removed = false Other family(0) = Rhu Barber Other family(1) = Harry Barber
<lang gambas>Public Sub Form_Open() Dim fullname As String = Settings["fullname", "Foo Barber"] 'If fullname is empty then use the default "Foo Barber" Dim favouritefruit As String = Settings["favouritefruit", "banana"] Dim needspeeling As String = Settings["needspeling", True] Dim seedsremoved As String = Settings["seedsremoved", False] Dim otherfamily As String[] = Settings["otherfamily", ["Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber"]]
Print fullname
'To save Settings["fullname"] = "John Smith" fullname = Settings["fullname"]
Print fullname
End</lang> Output:
Foo Barber John Smith
This make assumptions about the way the config file is supposed to be structured similar to the ones made by the Python solution. <lang go>package config
import ( "errors" "io" "fmt" "bytes" "strings" "io/ioutil" )
var ( ENONE = errors.New("Requested value does not exist") EBADTYPE = errors.New("Requested type and actual type do not match") EBADVAL = errors.New("Value and type do not match") )
type varError struct { err error n string t VarType }
func (err *varError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v: (%q, %v)", err.err, err.n, err.t) }
type VarType int
const ( Bool VarType = 1 + iota Array String )
func (t VarType) String() string { switch t { case Bool: return "Bool" case Array: return "Array" case String: return "String" }
panic("Unknown VarType") }
type confvar struct { Type VarType Val interface{} }
type Config struct { m map[string]confvar }
func Parse(r io.Reader) (c *Config, err error) { c = new(Config) c.m = make(map[string]confvar)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return }
lines := bytes.Split(buf, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines { line = bytes.TrimSpace(line) if len(line) == 0 { continue } switch line[0] { case '#', ';': continue }
parts := bytes.SplitN(line, []byte{' '}, 2) nam := string(bytes.ToLower(parts[0]))
if len(parts) == 1 { c.m[nam] = confvar{Bool, true} continue }
if strings.Contains(string(parts[1]), ",") { tmpB := bytes.Split(parts[1], []byte{','}) for i := range tmpB { tmpB[i] = bytes.TrimSpace(tmpB[i]) } tmpS := make([]string, 0, len(tmpB)) for i := range tmpB { tmpS = append(tmpS, string(tmpB[i])) }
c.m[nam] = confvar{Array, tmpS} continue }
c.m[nam] = confvar{String, string(bytes.TrimSpace(parts[1]))} }
return }
func (c *Config) Bool(name string) (bool, error) { name = strings.ToLower(name)
if _, ok := c.m[name]; !ok { return false, nil }
if c.m[name].Type != Bool { return false, &varError{EBADTYPE, name, Bool} }
v, ok := c.m[name].Val.(bool) if !ok { return false, &varError{EBADVAL, name, Bool} } return v, nil }
func (c *Config) Array(name string) ([]string, error) { name = strings.ToLower(name)
if _, ok := c.m[name]; !ok { return nil, &varError{ENONE, name, Array} }
if c.m[name].Type != Array { return nil, &varError{EBADTYPE, name, Array} }
v, ok := c.m[name].Val.([]string) if !ok { return nil, &varError{EBADVAL, name, Array} } return v, nil }
func (c *Config) String(name string) (string, error) { name = strings.ToLower(name)
if _, ok := c.m[name]; !ok { return "", &varError{ENONE, name, String} }
if c.m[name].Type != String { return "", &varError{EBADTYPE, name, String} }
v, ok := c.m[name].Val.(string) if !ok { return "", &varError{EBADVAL, name, String} }
return v, nil }</lang>
Usage example: <lang go>package main
import ( "os" "fmt" "config" )
func main() { if len(os.Args) != 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %v <configfile>\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) }
file, err := os.Open(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } defer file.Close()
conf, err := config.Parse(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
fullname, err := conf.String("fullname") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
favouritefruit, err := conf.String("favouritefruit") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
needspeeling, err := conf.Bool("needspeeling") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
seedsremoved, err := conf.Bool("seedsremoved") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
otherfamily, err := conf.Array("otherfamily") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }
fmt.Printf("FULLNAME: %q\n", fullname) fmt.Printf("FAVOURITEFRUIT: %q\n", favouritefruit) fmt.Printf("NEEDSPEELING: %q\n", needspeeling) fmt.Printf("SEEDSREMOVED: %q\n", seedsremoved) fmt.Printf("OTHERFAMILY: %q\n", otherfamily) }</lang>
<lang groovy>def config = [:] def loadConfig = { File file ->
String regex = /^(;{0,1})\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ file.eachLine { line -> (line =~ regex).each { matcher, invert, key, value -> if (key == || key.startsWith("#")) return parts = value ? value.split(/\s*,\s*/) : (invert ? [false] : [true]) if (parts.size() > 1) { parts.eachWithIndex{ part, int i -> config["$key(${i + 1})"] = part} } else { config[key] = parts[0] } } }
}</lang> Testing: <lang groovy>loadConfig new File('config.ini') config.each { println it }</lang>
- Output:
<lang haskell> import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.List.Split
main :: IO () main = readFile "config" >>= (print . parseConfig)
parseConfig :: String -> Config parseConfig = foldr addConfigValue defaultConfig . clean . lines
where clean = filter (not . flip any ["#", ";", "", " "] . (==) . take 1)
addConfigValue :: String -> Config -> Config addConfigValue raw config = case key of
"fullname" -> config {fullName = values} "favouritefruit" -> config {favoriteFruit = values} "needspeeling" -> config {needsPeeling = True} "seedsremoved" -> config {seedsRemoved = True} "otherfamily" -> config {otherFamily = splitOn "," values} _ -> config where (k, vs) = span (/= ' ') raw key = map toLower k values = tail vs
data Config = Config
{ fullName :: String , favoriteFruit :: String , needsPeeling :: Bool , seedsRemoved :: Bool , otherFamily :: [String] } deriving (Show)
defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config "" "" False False [] </lang>
Or, use Data.Configfile:
<lang haskell> import Data.ConfigFile import Data.Either.Utils
getSetting cp x = forceEither $ get cp "Default" x
cp <- return . forceEither =<< readfile emptyCP "name_of_configuration_file" let username = getSetting cp "username"
password = getSetting cp "password"
</lang> This works with configuration files in standard format, i.e.,
# this is a comment username = myname
Icon and Unicon
The following works in both languages. However boolean values don't exist in either language. So a variable whose value in other languages is false simply has no value in Icon and Unicon. If it contains any value then it can considered as being equivalent to true:
<lang unicon>procedure main(A)
ws := ' \t' vars := table() every line := !&input do { line ? { tab(many(ws)) if any('#;') | pos(0) then next vars[map(tab(upto(ws)\1|0))] := getValue() } } show(vars)
procedure getValue()
ws := ' \t' a := [] while not pos(0) do { tab(many(ws)) put(a, trim(tab(upto(',')|0))) move(1) } return a
procedure show(t)
every pair := !sort(t) do { every (s := pair[1]||" = ") ||:= !pair[2] || ", " write(s[1:-2]) }
Sample run on above input:
->rcf < favouritefruit = banana fullname = Foo Barber needspeeling otherfamily = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber ->
Note that seedsremoved doesn't exist.
==J ==
<lang j>require'regex' set=:4 :'(x)=:y'
cfgString=:4 :0
y set (1;&,~'(?i:',y,')\s*(.*)') y&set rxapply x
cfgBoolean=:4 :0
y set 0 (1;&,~'(?i:',y,')\s*(.*)') y&set rxapply x if.-.0-:y do.y set 1 end.
taskCfg=:3 :0
cfg=: ('[#;].*';) rxrplc 1!:1<y cfg cfgString 'fullname' cfg cfgString 'favouritefruit' cfg cfgBoolean 'needspeeling' cfg cfgBoolean 'seedsremoved' i.0 0
Example use:
<lang j> taskCfg 'fruit.conf'
(,' = ',]&.do)&>;: 'fullname favouritefruit needspeeling seedsremoved'
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = 1 seedsremoved = 0 </lang>
<lang j>require'regex' set=:4 :'(x)=:y'
cfgString=:4 :0
y set (1;&,~'(?i:',y,')\s*(.*)') y&set rxapply x
cfgBoolean=:4 :0
y set 0 (1;&,~'(?i:',y,')\s*(.*)') y&set rxapply x if.-.0-:y do.y set 1 end.
taskCfg=:3 :0
cfg=: ('[#;].*';) rxrplc 1!:1<y cfg cfgString 'fullname' cfg cfgString 'favouritefruit' cfg cfgBoolean 'needspeeling' cfg cfgBoolean 'seedsremoved' i.0 0
Example use:
<lang j> taskCfg 'fruit.conf'
(,' = ',]&.do)&>;: 'fullname favouritefruit needspeeling seedsremoved'
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = 1 seedsremoved = 0 </lang>
In JavaScript using an object makes more sense than local variables. This function takes our config file in plain text as the parameter.
<lang javascript>function parseConfig(config) {
// this expression matches a line starting with an all capital word, // and anything after it var regex = /^([A-Z]+)(.*)$/mg; var configObject = {}; // loop until regex.exec returns null var match; while (match = regex.exec(config)) { // values will typically be an array with one element // unless we want an array // match[0] is the whole match, match[1] is the first group (all caps word), // and match[2] is the second (everything through the end of line) var key = match[1], values = match[2].split(","); if (values.length === 1) { configObject[key] = values[0]; } else { configObject[key] ={ return value.trim(); }); } } return configObject;
} </lang>
The result is an object, which can be represented with this JSON.
<lang javascript>{
"FULLNAME": " Foo Barber", "FAVOURITEFRUIT": " banana", "NEEDSPEELING": "", "OTHERFAMILY": [ "Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber" ]
} </lang>
A more natural way to do this in Java would be Properties.load(InputStream) but the example data is not in the format expected by that method (equals signs are optional). <lang Java>import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ConfigReader {
private static final Pattern LINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "([^ =]+)[ =]?(.*)" ); private static final Map<String, Object> DEFAULTS = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put( "needspeeling", false ); put( "seedsremoved", false ); }};
public static void main( final String[] args ) { System.out.println( parseFile( args[ 0 ] ) ); }
public static Map<String, Object> parseFile( final String fileName ) { final Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>( DEFAULTS ); /*v*/ BufferedReader reader = null;
try { reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( fileName ) ); for ( String line; null != ( line = reader.readLine() ); ) { parseLine( line, result ); } } catch ( final IOException x ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Oops: " + x, x ); } finally { if ( null != reader ) try { reader.close(); } catch ( final IOException x2 ) { System.err.println( "Could not close " + fileName + " - " + x2 ); } }
return result; }
private static void parseLine( final String line, final Map<String, Object> map ) { if ( "".equals( line.trim() ) || line.startsWith( "#" ) || line.startsWith( ";" ) ) return;
final Matcher matcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher( line );
if ( ! matcher.matches() ) { System.err.println( "Bad config line: " + line ); return; }
final String key = 1 ).trim().toLowerCase(); final String value = 2 ).trim();
if ( "".equals( value ) ) { map.put( key, true ); } else if ( -1 == value.indexOf( ',' ) ) { map.put( key, value ); } else { final String[] values = value.split( "," );
for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { values[ i ] = values[ i ].trim(); } map.put( key, Arrays.asList( values ) ); } }
- Output:
{otherfamily=[Rhu Barber, Harry Barber], favouritefruit=banana, seedsremoved=false, needspeeling=true, fullname=Foo Barber}
In the following, in the case of collisions, the last-most specification prevails. <lang jq>def parse:
def uc: .name | ascii_upcase; def parse_boolean: capture( "(?<name>^[^ ] *$)" ) | { (uc) : true };
def parse_var_value: capture( "(?<name>^[^ ]+)[ =] *(?<value>[^,]+ *$)" ) | { (uc) : .value };
def parse_var_array: capture( "(?<name>^[^ ]+)[ =] *(?<value>.*)" ) | { (uc) : (.value | sub(" +$";"") | [splits(", *")]) };
reduce inputs as $i ({}; if $i|length == 0 or test("^[#;]") then . else . + ($i | ( parse_boolean // parse_var_value // parse_var_array // {} )) end);
$ jq -n -R -f parse.jq config.txt
- Output:
{ "FULLNAME": "Foo Barber", "FAVOURITEFRUIT": "banana", "NEEDSPEELING": true, "OTHERFAMILY": [ "Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber" ] }
<lang julia>function readconf(file)
vars = Dict() for line in eachline(file) line = strip(line) if !isempty(line) && !startswith(line, '#') && !startswith(line, ';') fspace = searchindex(line, " ") if fspace == 0 vars[Symbol(lowercase(line))] = true else vname, line = Symbol(lowercase(line[1:fspace-1])), line[fspace+1:end] value = ',' ∈ line ? strip.(split(line, ',')) : line vars[vname] = value end end end for (vname, value) in vars eval(:($vname = $value)) end return vars
@show fullname favouritefruit needspeeling otherfamily</lang>
- Output:
fullname = "Foo Barber" favouritefruit = "banana" needspeeling = true otherfamily = SubString{String}["Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber"]
This example is more verbose than it has to be because of increased effort in providing immutability to the configuration class. <lang scala>import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths
data class Configuration(val map: Map<String, Any?>) {
val fullName: String by map val favoriteFruit: String by map val needsPeeling: Boolean by map val otherFamily: List<String> by map
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("src/configuration.txt"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val keyValuePairs ={ it.trim() } .filterNot { it.isEmpty() } .filterNot(::commentedOut) .map(::toKeyValuePair)
val configurationMap = hashMapOf<String, Any>("needsPeeling" to false) for (pair in keyValuePairs) { val (key, value) = pair when (key) { "FULLNAME" -> configurationMap.put("fullName", value) "FAVOURITEFRUIT" -> configurationMap.put("favoriteFruit", value) "NEEDSPEELING" -> configurationMap.put("needsPeeling", true) "OTHERFAMILY" -> configurationMap.put("otherFamily", value.split(" , ").map { it.trim() }) else -> println("Encountered unexpected key $key=$value") } } println(Configuration(configurationMap))
private fun commentedOut(line: String) = line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith(";")
private fun toKeyValuePair(line: String) = line.split(Regex(" "), 2).let {
Pair(it[0], if (it.size == 1) "" else it[1])
<lang Lasso>local(config = '# This is a configuration file in standard configuration file format
- Lines beginning with a hash or a semicolon are ignored by the application
- program. Blank lines are also ignored by the application program.
- This is the fullname parameter
- This is a favourite fruit
- This is a boolean that should be set
- This boolean is commented out
- Configuration option names are not case sensitive, but configuration parameter
- data is case sensitive and may be preserved by the application program.
- An optional equals sign can be used to separate configuration parameter data
- from the option name. This is dropped by the parser.
- A configuration option may take multiple parameters separated by commas.
- Leading and trailing whitespace around parameter names and parameter data fields
- are ignored by the application program.
OTHERFAMILY Rhu Barber, Harry Barber ') // if config is in a file collect it like this //local(config = file('path/and/') -> readstring)
define getconfig(term::string, config::string) => {
local( regexp = regexp(-find = `(?m)^` + #term + `($|\s*=\s*|\s+)(.*)$`, -input = #config, -ignorecase), result )
while(#regexp -> find) => { #result = (#regexp -> groupcount > 1 ? (#regexp -> matchString(2) -> trim& || true)) if(#result -> asstring >> ',') => { #result = #result -> split(',') #result -> foreach => {#1 -> trim} } return #result } return false
local( fullname = getconfig('FULLNAME', #config), favorite = getconfig('FAVOURITEFRUIT', #config), sedsremoved = getconfig('SEEDSREMOVED', #config), needspeel = getconfig('NEEDSPEELING', #config), otherfamily = getconfig('OTHERFAMILY', #config) )
- fullname
- favorite
- sedsremoved
- needspeel
- otherfamily
- Output:
Foo Barber banana false true array(Rhu Barber, Harry Barber)
Liberty BASIC
<lang lb> dim confKeys$(100) dim confValues$(100)
optionCount = ParseConfiguration("a.txt")
fullName$ = GetOption$( "FULLNAME", optionCount) favouriteFruit$ = GetOption$( "FAVOURITEFRUIT", optionCount) needsPeeling = HasOption("NEEDSPEELING", optionCount) seedsRemoved = HasOption("SEEDSREMOVED", optionCount) otherFamily$ = GetOption$( "OTHERFAMILY", optionCount) 'it's easier to keep the comma-separated list as a string
print "Full name: "; fullName$ print "likes: "; favouriteFruit$ print "needs peeling: "; needsPeeling print "seeds removed: "; seedsRemoved
print "other family:" otherFamily$ = GetOption$( "OTHERFAMILY", optionCount) counter = 1 while word$(otherFamily$, counter, ",") <> ""
print counter; ". "; trim$(word$(otherFamily$, counter, ",")) counter = counter + 1
wend end
'parses the configuration file, stores the uppercase keys in array confKeys$ and corresponding values in confValues$ 'returns the number of key-value pairs found function ParseConfiguration(fileName$)
count = 0 open fileName$ for input as #f while not(eof(#f)) line input #f, s$ if not(Left$(s$,1) = "#" or Left$( s$,1) = ";" or trim$(s$) = "") then 'ignore empty and comment lines s$ = trim$(s$) key$ = ParseKey$(s$) value$ = trim$(Mid$(s$,len(key$) + 1)) if Left$( value$,1) = "=" then value$ = trim$(Mid$(value$,2)) 'optional = count = count + 1 confKeys$(count) = upper$(key$) confValues$(count) = value$ end if wend close #f ParseConfiguration = count
end function
function ParseKey$(s$)
'key is the first word in s$, delimited by whitespace or = s$ = word$(s$, 1) ParseKey$ = trim$(word$(s$, 1, "="))
end function
function GetOption$( key$, optionCount)
index = Find.confKeys( 1, optionCount, key$) if index > 0 then GetOption$ =(confValues$(index))
end function
function HasOption(key$, optionCount)
HasOption = Find.confKeys( 1, optionCount, key$) > 0
end function
function Find.confKeys( Start, Finish, value$)
Find.confKeys = -1 for i = Start to Finish if confKeys$(i) = value$ then Find.confKeys = i : exit for next i
end function </lang>
- Output:
Full name: Foo Barber likes: banana needs peeling: 1 seeds removed: 0 other family: 1. Rhu Barber 2. Harry Barber
<lang lua>conf = {}
fp = "conf.txt", "r" )
for line in fp:lines() do
line = line:match( "%s*(.+)" ) if line and line:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= "#" and line:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= ";" then option = line:match( "%S+" ):lower()
value = line:match( "%S*%s*(.*)" )
if not value then
conf[option] = true
else if not value:find( "," ) then conf[option] = value else value = value .. "," conf[option] = {} for entry in value:gmatch( "%s*(.-)," ) do conf[option][#conf[option]+1] = entry end end end
print( "fullname = ", conf["fullname"] )
print( "favouritefruit = ", conf["favouritefruit"] )
if conf["needspeeling"] then print( "needspeeling = true" ) else print( "needspeeling = false" ) end
if conf["seedsremoved"] then print( "seedsremoved = true" ) else print( "seedsremoved = false" ) end
if conf["otherfamily"] then
print "otherfamily:" for _, entry in pairs( conf["otherfamily"] ) do
print( "", entry )
<lang Mathematica> ClearAll[CreateVar, ImportConfig]; CreateVar[x_, y_String: "True"] := Module[{},
If[StringFreeQ[y, ","] , ToExpression[x <> "=" <> y] , ToExpression[x <> "={" <> StringJoin@Riffle[StringSplit[y, ","], ","] <> "}"] ] ]
ImportConfig[configfile_String] := Module[{data},
(*data = ImportString[configfile, "List", "Numeric" -> False];*) data=Import[configfile,"List","Numeric"\[Rule]False];
data = StringTrim /@ data; data = Select[data, # =!= "" &]; data = Select[data, ! StringMatchQ[#, "#" | ";" ~~ ___] &]; data = If[! StringFreeQ[#, " "], StringSplit[#, " ", 2], {#}] & /@ data;
CreateVar @@@ data; ]
ImportConfig[file] </lang>
MATLAB / Octave
This is defined as a function, parameters are returned as part of a struct. When the first line, and the assignment to return values are removed, it is a script that stores the parameters in the local workspace.
<lang MATLAB>function R = readconf(configfile) % READCONF reads configuration file. % % The value of boolean parameters can be tested with % exist(parameter,'var')
if nargin<1,
configfile = 'q.conf';
fid = fopen(configfile); if fid<0, error('cannot open file %s\n',a); end;
while ~feof(fid)
line = strtrim(fgetl(fid)); if isempty(line) || all(isspace(line)) || strncmp(line,'#',1) || strncmp(line,';',1),
; % no operation
[var,tok] = strtok(line,' \t='); var = upper(var); if any(tok==','), k = 1; while (1) [val, tok]=strtok(tok,','); R.(var){k} = strtrim(val); % return value of function eval(sprintf('%s{%i}=%s;',var,k,strtrim(val))); % stores variable in local workspace if isempty(tok), break; end; k=k+1; end; else tok = strtrim(tok); R.(var) = tok; % return value of function eval(sprintf('%s=%s; ',var,tok)); % stores variable in local workspace end;
end; fclose(fid); whos, % shows the parameter in the local workspace
R=readconf('file.conf') Variables in the current scope: Attr Name Size Bytes Class ==== ==== ==== ===== ===== FAVOURITEFRUIT 1x6 6 char FULLNAME 1x10 10 char NEEDSPEELING 0x0 0 char OTHERFAMILY 1x2 22 cell f R 1x1 38 struct f configfile 1x6 6 char fid 1x1 8 double k 1x1 8 double line 0x0 0 char tok 0x0 0 char val 1x13 13 char var 1x11 11 char Total is 51 elements using 122 bytes R = scalar structure containing the fields: FULLNAME = Foo Barber FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana NEEDSPEELING = OTHERFAMILY = { [1,1] = Rhu Barber [1,2] = Harry Barber }
Using the library ocaml-inifiles:
<lang ocaml>#use "topfind"
- require "inifiles"
open Inifiles
let print_field ini (label, field) =
try let v = ini#getval "params" field in Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" label v with Invalid_element _ -> Printf.printf "%s: not defined\n" label
let () =
let ini = new inifile "./conf.ini" in let lst = [ "Full name", "FULLNAME"; "likes", "FAVOURITEFRUIT"; "needs peeling", "NEEDSPEELING"; "seeds removed", "SEEDSREMOVED"; ] in List.iter (print_field ini) lst;
let v = ini#getaval "params" "OTHERFAMILY" in print_endline "other family:"; List.iter (Printf.printf "- %s\n") v;
- </lang>
The file "conf.ini":
# This is a configuration file # # Lines begininning with a hash are ignored # Blank lines are also ignored # Leading and trailing whitespace around parameter names and # parameter data fields are ignored # ocaml-inifiles needs at least one section name [params] # This is the fullname parameter FULLNAME = Foo Barber # This is a favourite fruit FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana # This is a boolean that should be set NEEDSPEELING = true # This boolean is commented out #SEEDSREMOVED = false # A configuration option may take multiple values # these values will be returned as a list OTHERFAMILY = Rhu Barber OTHERFAMILY = Harry Barber
- Output:
$ ocaml Full name: Foo Barber likes: banana needs peeling: true seeds removed: not defined other family: - Harry Barber - Rhu Barber
Here's another way of doing this, which stores the values in a Rexx stem (array), and stores each value of a multivalued variable as a separate item: <lang ooRexx>
- !/usr/bin/rexx
/*.----------------------------------------------------------------------.*/ /*|readconfig: Read keyword value pairs from a configuration file into |*/ /*| Rexx variables. |*/ /*| |*/ /*|Usage: |*/ /*| .-~/rosetta.conf-. |*/ /*|>>-readconfig-+----------------+------------------------------------><|*/ /*| |-configfilename-| |*/ /*| |-- -? ----------| |*/ /*| |-- -h ----------| |*/ /*| '- --help -------' |*/ /*| |*/ /*|where |*/ /*| configfilename |*/ /*| is the name of the configuration file to be processed. if not|*/ /*| specified, ~/rosetta.conf is used. |*/ /*| |*/ /*|All values retrieved from the configuration file are stored in |*/ /*|compound variables with the stem config. Variables with multiple |*/ /*|values have a numeric index appended, and the highest index number |*/ /*|is stored in the variable with index 0; e.g. if CONFIG.OTHERFAMILY.1 |*/ /*|and CONFIG.OTHERFAMILY.2 have values assigned, CONFIG.OTHERFAMILY.0 = |*/ /*|2. |*/ /*|-?, -h or --help all cause this documentation to be displayed. |*/ /*| |*/ /*|This program was tested using Open Object Rexx 4.1.1. It should work |*/ /*|with most other dialects as well. |*/ /*'----------------------------------------------------------------------'*/
call usage arg(1) trace normal signal on any name error
/* Prepare for processing the configuration file. */
/* Set default values for configuration variables here */
config_single?. = 1 config. = config.NEEDSPEELING = 0 config.SEEDSREMOVED = 1
/* Validate command line inputs. */
parse arg configfilename
if length(configfilename) = 0 then configfilename = '~/rosetta.conf'
configfile = stream(configfilename,'COMMAND','QUERY EXISTS')
if length(configfile) = 0 then do say configfilename 'was not found.' exit 28 end
signal on notready /* if an I/O error occurs. */
/* Open the configuration file. */
response = stream(configfile,'COMMAND','OPEN READ SHARED')
/* Parse the contents of the configuration file into variables. */
do while lines(configfile) > 0 statement = linein(configfile)
select when left(statement,1) = '#', | left(statement,1) = ';', | length(strip(statement)) = 0, then /* a comment or a blank line. */ nop /* skip it. */
otherwise do if pos('=',word(statement,1)) > 0, | left(word(statement,2),1) = '=', then /* a keyword/value pair with = between. */ parse var statement keyword '=' value
else /* a keyword/value pair with no =. */ parse var statement keyword value
keyword = translate(strip(keyword)) /* make it uppercase. */ single? = pos(',',value) = 0 /* a single value, or multiple values? */ call value 'CONFIG_single?.'keyword,single? /* remember. */
if single? then do if length(value) > 0 then call value 'CONFIG.'keyword,strip(value) end /* strip keeps internal whitespace only. */
else /* store each value with its index. */ do v = 1 by 1 while length(value) > 0 parse var value value1 ',' value
if length(value1) > 0 then do call value 'CONFIG.'keyword'.'v,strip(value1) call value 'CONFIG.'keyword'.0',v /* remember this. */ end end end end end
/* Display the values of the configuration variables. */
say 'Values associated with configuration file' configfilename':' say
do while words(keywords) > 0 parse var keywords keyword keywords
if value('CONFIG_single?.'keyword) then say right(keyword,20) '= "'value('CONFIG.'keyword)'"'
else do lastv = value('CONFIG.'keyword'.0')
do v = 1 to lastv say right(keyword,20-(length(v)+2))'['v'] = "'value('CONFIG.'keyword'.'v)'"' end end end
notready: /* I/O errors come here. */
filestatus = stream(configfile,'STATE')
if filestatus \= 'READY' then say 'An I/O error occurred; the file status is' filestatus'.'
response = stream(configfile,'COMMAND','CLOSE')
error: /*? = sysdumpvariables() */ /* see everything Rexx used. */ exit
usage: procedure
trace normal
if arg(1) = '-h', | arg(1) = '-?', | arg(1) = '--help' then do line = '/*|' say
do l = 3 by 1 while line~left(3) = '/*|' line = sourceline(l) parse var line . '/*|' text '|*/' . say text end
say exit 0 end
return </lang>
- Output:
$ readconfig.rex Values associated with configuration file ~/rosetta.conf: FULLNAME = "Foo Barber" FAVOURITEFRUIT = "banana" NEEDSPEELING = "0" SEEDSREMOVED = "1" OTHERFAMILY[1] = "Rhu Barber" OTHERFAMILY[2] = "Harry Barber"
This solution makes use of FCL-STL package shipped with FPC >= 2.6.0, moreover it can be run directly like a script (just chmod +x) using the new instantfpc feature.
<lang Pascal>#!/usr/bin/instantfpc
{$if not defined(fpc) or (fpc_fullversion < 20600)}
{$error FPC 2.6.0 or greater required}
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
TStrHashCaseInsensitive = class class function hash(s: String; n: Integer): Integer; end;
class function TStrHashCaseInsensitive.hash(s: String; n: Integer): Integer; var
x: Integer; c: Char;
x := 0; for c in UpCase(s) do Inc(x,Ord(c)); Result := x mod n;
TConfigValues = specialize TVector<String>; TConfigStorage = class(specialize THashMap<String,TConfigValues,TStrHashCaseInsensitive>) destructor Destroy; override; end;
destructor TConfigStorage.Destroy; var
It: TIterator;
if Size > 0 then begin It := Iterator; repeat It.Value.Free; until not It.Next; It.Free; end; inherited Destroy;
ConfigStrings,ConfigValues: TStrings; ConfigStorage: TConfigStorage; ConfigLine,ConfigName,ConfigValue: String; SeparatorPos: Integer;
ConfigStrings := TStringList.Create; ConfigValues := TStringList.Create; ConfigValues.Delimiter := ','; ConfigValues.StrictDelimiter := true; ConfigStorage := TConfigStorage.Create;
ConfigStrings.LoadFromFile('config.test'); for ConfigLine in ConfigStrings do begin if Length(ConfigLine) > 0 then begin case ConfigLine[1] of '#',';': ; // ignore else begin // look for = first SeparatorPos := Pos('=',ConfigLine); // if not found, then look for space if SeparatorPos = 0 then begin SeparatorPos := Pos(' ',ConfigLine); end; // found space if SeparatorPos <> 0 then begin ConfigName := UpCase(Copy(ConfigLine,1,SeparatorPos - 1)); ConfigValues.DelimitedText := Copy(ConfigLine,SeparatorPos + 1,Length(ConfigLine) - SeparatorPos); // no = or space found, take the whole line as a key name end else begin ConfigName := UpCase(Trim(ConfigLine)); end; if not ConfigStorage.Contains(ConfigName) then begin ConfigStorage[ConfigName] := TConfigValues.Create; end; for ConfigValue in ConfigValues do begin ConfigStorage[ConfigName].PushBack(Trim(ConfigValue)); end; end; end; end; end;
WriteLn('FULLNAME = ' + ConfigStorage['FULLNAME'][0]); WriteLn('FAVOURITEFRUIT = ' + ConfigStorage['FAVOURITEFRUIT'][0]); WriteLn('NEEDSPEELING = ' + BoolToStr(ConfigStorage.Contains('NEEDSPEELING'),true)); WriteLn('SEEDSREMOVED = ' + BoolToStr(ConfigStorage.Contains('SEEDSREMOVED'),true)); WriteLn('OTHERFAMILY(1) = ' + ConfigStorage['OTHERFAMILY'][0]); WriteLn('OTHERFAMILY(2) = ' + ConfigStorage['OTHERFAMILY'][1]);
ConfigStorage.Free; ConfigValues.Free; ConfigStrings.Free;
- Output:
Despite the discussion, this task is still a bit ambiguous. I've taken it that
* blank lines and lines beginning with # and ; should be ignored. * an all uppercase word defines a configuration symbol * no tail means a boolean true * a tail including a comma means a list * any other kind of tail is a string
What we end up with after processing rosetta.config are three VARs and a LST, named FAVOURITEFRUIT, FULLNAME, NEEDSPEELING and OTHERFAMILY respectively.
<lang sgml><@ DEFUDRLIT>__ReadConfigurationFile| <@ LETSCPPNTPARSRC>Data|1</@><@ OMT> read file into locally scope variable</@> <@ LETCGDLSTLLOSCP>List|Data</@><@ OMT> split Data into a list of lines </@> <@ OMT> Remove comment lines, and blank lines </@> <@ ACTOVRBEFLSTLIT>List|;</@> <@ ACTOVRBEFLSTLIT>List|#</@> <@ ACTRMELST>List</@> <@ OMT> Iterate over the lines of the list </@> <@ ITEENULSTLit>List| <@ LETVARUPTVALLSTLIT>key|...| </@> <@ LETVARAFTVALLSTLIT>val|...| </@> <@ OMT> test for an empty key (in the case of a boolean) </@> <@ TSTVARLIT>key|</@> <@ IFE><@ LETPNTVARVARLIT>val|__True</@></@> <@ ELS> <@ TSTGT0ATBVARLIT>val|,</@> <@ IFE><@ ACTEXEEMMCAP><&prot; LETCNDLSTLITLIT>&key;&pipe;&val;&pipe;, </&prot;></@></@> <@ ELS><@ LETPNTVARVARVAR>key|val</@></@> </@> </@> </@>
<@ ACTUDRLIT>__ReadConfigurationFile|c:\rosetta.config</@> <@ SAYVAR>FAVOURITEFRUIT</@> <@ SAYVAR>FULLNAME</@> <@ SAYVAR>NEEDSPEELING</@> <@ SAYDMPLST>OTHERFAMILY</@> </lang>
This is an all-singing, all-dancing version that checks the configuration file syntax and contents and raises exceptions if it fails. (It is intentionally over-commented for pedagogical purposes.)
<lang perl>my $fullname; my $favouritefruit; my $needspeeling; my $seedsremoved; my @otherfamily;
- configuration file definition. See read_conf_file below for explanation.
my $conf_definition = {
'fullname' => [ 'string', \$fullname ], 'favouritefruit' => [ 'string', \$favouritefruit ], 'needspeeling' => [ 'boolean', \$needspeeling ], 'seedsremoved' => [ 'boolean', \$seedsremoved ], 'otherfamily' => [ 'array', \@otherfamily ],
my $arg = shift; # take the configuration file name from the command line
# (or first subroutine argument if this were in a sub)
my $file; # this is going to be a file handle reference open $file, $arg or die "Can't open configuration file '$arg': $!";
read_conf_file($file, $conf_definition);
print "fullname = $fullname\n"; print "favouritefruit = $favouritefruit\n"; print "needspeeling = ", ($needspeeling ? 'true' : 'false'), "\n"; print "seedsremoved = ", ($seedsremoved ? 'true' : 'false'), "\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @otherfamily; ++$i) {
print "otherfamily(", $i + 1, ") = ", $otherfamily[$i], "\n";
- read_conf_file: Given a file handle opened for reading and a configuration definition,
- read the file.
- If the configuration file doesn't match the definition, raise an exception with "die".
- The configuration definition is (a reference to) an associative array
- where the keys are the configuration variable names in all lower case
- and the values are references to arrays.
- The first element of each of these arrays is the expected type: 'boolean', 'string', or 'array';
- the second element is a reference to the variable that should be assigned the data.
sub read_conf_file {
my ($fh, $def) = @_; # copy parameters
local $_; # avoid interfering with use of $_ in main program while (<$fh>) { # read a line from $fh into $_ until end of file next if /^#/; # skip "#" comments next if /^;/; # skip ";" comments next if /^$/; # skip blank lines chomp; # strip final newline
$_ =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)$/i or die "Syntax error"; my $key = $1; my $rest = $2; $key =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; # convert keyword to lower case
if (!exists $def->{$key}) { die "Unknown keyword: '$key'"; }
if ($def->{$key}[0] eq 'boolean') { if ($rest) { die "Syntax error: extra data following boolean '$key'"; } ${$def->{$key}[1]} = 1; next; # done with this line, go back to "while" }
$rest =~ s/\s*$//; # drop trailing whitespace $rest =~ s/^=\s*//; # drop equals sign if present
if ($def->{$key}[0] eq 'string') { ${$def->{$key}[1]} = $rest; } elsif ($def->{$key}[0] eq 'array') { @{$def->{$key}[1]} = split /\s*,\s*/, $rest; } else { die "Internal error (unknown type in configuration definition)"; } }
} </lang>
Perl 6
This demonstrates several interesting features of Perl 6, including full grammar support, derived grammars, alternation split across derivations, and longest-token matching that works across derivations. It also shows off Perl 6's greatly cleaned up regex syntax.
<lang perl6>my $fullname;
my $favouritefruit;
my $needspeeling = False;
my $seedsremoved = False;
my @otherfamily;
grammar ConfFile {
token TOP {
:my $*linenum = 0; ^ <fullline>* [$ || (\N*) { die "Parse failed at $0" } ]
token fullline {
<?before .> { ++$*linenum } <line> [ \n || { die "Parse failed at line $*linenum" } ]
proto token line() {*}
token line:misc { {} (\S+) { die "Unrecognized word: $0" } }
token line:sym<comment> { ^^ [ ';' | '#' ] \N* } token line:sym<blank> { ^^ \h* $$ }
token line:sym<fullname> {:i fullname» <rest> { $fullname = $<rest>.trim } } token line:sym<favouritefruit> {:i favouritefruit» <rest> { $favouritefruit = $<rest>.trim } } token line:sym<needspeeling> {:i needspeeling» <yes> { $needspeeling = defined $<yes> } } token rest { \h* '='? (\N*) } token yes { :i \h* '='? \h* [
|| ([yes|true|1]) || [no|false|0] || (<?>) ] \h*
grammar MyConfFile is ConfFile {
token line:sym<otherfamily> {:i otherfamily» <rest> { @otherfamily = $<rest>.split(',')».trim } }
say "fullname: $fullname"; say "favouritefruit: $favouritefruit"; say "needspeeling: $needspeeling"; say "seedsremoved: $seedsremoved"; print "otherfamily: "; say @otherfamily.perl;</lang>
- Output:
fullname: Foo Barber favouritefruit: banana needspeeling: True seedsremoved: False otherfamily: ["Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber"]
Normally I would recommend IupConfig, but the "standard" file format in the task description isn't even close (no [Section] headers, no '='). <lang Phix>integer fn = open("RCTEST.INI","r") sequence lines = get_text(fn,GT_LF_STRIPPED) close(fn) constant dini = new_dict() for i=1 to length(lines) do
string li = trim(lines[i]) if length(li) and not find(li[1],"#;") then integer k = find(' ',li) if k!=0 then string rest = li[k+1..$] li = li[1..k-1] -- (may want upper()) if find(',',rest) then sequence a = split(rest,',') for j=1 to length(a) do a[j]=trim(a[j]) end for putd(li,a,dini) else putd(li,rest,dini) end if else putd(li,1,dini) -- "" end if end if
end for
function visitor(object key, object data, object /*user_data*/)
?{key,data} return 1
end function traverse_dict(routine_id("visitor"),0,dini) ?getd("FAVOURITEFRUIT",dini)</lang>
- Output:
{"FAVOURITEFRUIT","banana"} {"FULLNAME","Foo Barber"} {"NEEDSPEELING",1} {"OTHERFAMILY",{"Rhu Barber","Harry Barber"}} "banana"
Slightly modify the format of the configuration file before passing it to the internal function parse_ini_string()
<lang PHP><?php
$conf = file_get_contents('parse-conf-file.txt');
// Add an "=" after entry name $conf = preg_replace('/^([a-z]+)/mi', '$1 =', $conf);
// Replace multiple parameters separated by commas : // name = value1, value2 // by multiple lines : // name[] = value1 // name[] = value2 $conf = preg_replace_callback(
'/^([a-z]+)\s*=((?=.*\,.*).*)$/mi', function ($matches) { $r = ; foreach (explode(',', $matches[2]) AS $val) { $r .= $matches[1] . '[] = ' . trim($val) . PHP_EOL; } return $r; }, $conf
// Replace empty values by "true" $conf = preg_replace('/^([a-z]+)\s*=$/mi', '$1 = true', $conf);
// Parse configuration file $ini = parse_ini_string($conf);
echo 'Full name = ', $ini['FULLNAME'], PHP_EOL; echo 'Favourite fruit = ', $ini['FAVOURITEFRUIT'], PHP_EOL; echo 'Need spelling = ', (empty($ini['NEEDSPEELING']) ? 'false' : 'true'), PHP_EOL; echo 'Seeds removed = ', (empty($ini['SEEDSREMOVED']) ? 'false' : 'true'), PHP_EOL; echo 'Other family = ', print_r($ini['OTHERFAMILY'], true), PHP_EOL;</lang>
- Output:
Full name = Foo Barber Favourite fruit = banana Need spelling = true Seeds removed = false Other family = Array ( [0] => Rhu Barber [1] => Harry Barber )
<lang PicoLisp>(de rdConf (File)
(in File (while (read) (set @ (or (pack (clip (line))) T)) ) ) )
- Output:
"Foo Barber" "banana" T NIL "Rhu Barber, Harry Barber"
<lang PL/I> set: procedure options (main);
declare text character (100) varying; declare (fullname, favouritefruit) character (100) varying initial (); declare needspeeling bit (1) static initial ('0'b); declare seedsremoved bit (1) static initial ('0'b); declare otherfamily(10) character (100) varying; declare (i, j) fixed binary; declare in file;
open file (in) title ( '/RD-CON.DAT,TYPE(TEXT),RECSIZE(200)' );
on endfile (in) go to variables;
otherfamily = ; j = 0;
do forever; get file (in) edit (text) (L); text = trim(text);
if length(text) = 0 then iterate; if substr(text, 1, 1) = ';' then iterate; if substr(text, 1, 1) = '#' then iterate; if length(text) >= 9 then if substr(text, 1, 9) = 'FULLNAME ' then fullname = trim( substr(text, 9) ); if length(text) >= 15 then if substr(text, 1, 15) = 'FAVOURITEFRUIT ' then favouritefruit = trim( substr(text, 15) ); if length(text) >= 12 then if text = 'NEEDSPEELING' then needspeeling = '1'b; if length(text) >= 12 then if text = 'SEEDSREMOVED' then seedsremoved = '1'b; if length(text) >= 12 then if substr(text, 1, 12) = 'OTHERFAMILY ' then do; text = trim(substr(text, 12) ); i = index(text, ','); do while (i > 0); j = j + 1; otherfamily(j) = substr(text, 1, i-1); text = trim(substr(text, i+1)); i = index(text, ','); end; j = j + 1; otherfamily(j) = trim(text); end; end;
put skip data (fullname); put skip data (favouritefruit); put skip data (needspeeling); put skip data (seedsremoved); do i = 1 to j; put skip data (otherfamily(i)); end;
end set; </lang>
- Output:
using the given text file as input
<lang PowerShell> function Read-ConfigurationFile {
[CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Path to the configuration file. Default is "C:\ConfigurationFile.cfg" [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)] [string] $Path = "C:\ConfigurationFile.cfg" )
[string]$script:fullName = "" [string]$script:favouriteFruit = "" [bool]$script:needsPeeling = $false [bool]$script:seedsRemoved = $false [string[]]$script:otherFamily = @()
function Get-Value ([string]$Line) { if ($Line -match "=") { [string]$value = $Line.Split("=",2).Trim()[1] } elseif ($Line -match " ") { [string]$value = $Line.Split(" ",2).Trim()[1] }
$value }
# Process each line in file that is not a comment. Get-Content $Path | Select-String -Pattern "^[^#;]" | ForEach-Object {
[string]$line = $_.Line.Trim()
if ($line -eq [String]::Empty) { # do nothing for empty lines } elseif ($line.ToUpper().StartsWith("FULLNAME")) { $script:fullName = Get-Value $line } elseif ($line.ToUpper().StartsWith("FAVOURITEFRUIT")) { $script:favouriteFruit = Get-Value $line } elseif ($line.ToUpper().StartsWith("NEEDSPEELING")) { $script:needsPeeling = $true } elseif ($line.ToUpper().StartsWith("SEEDSREMOVED")) { $script:seedsRemoved = $true } elseif ($line.ToUpper().StartsWith("OTHERFAMILY")) { $script:otherFamily = (Get-Value $line).Split(',').Trim() } }
Write-Verbose -Message ("{0,-15}= {1}" -f "FULLNAME", $script:fullName) Write-Verbose -Message ("{0,-15}= {1}" -f "FAVOURITEFRUIT", $script:favouriteFruit) Write-Verbose -Message ("{0,-15}= {1}" -f "NEEDSPEELING", $script:needsPeeling) Write-Verbose -Message ("{0,-15}= {1}" -f "SEEDSREMOVED", $script:seedsRemoved) Write-Verbose -Message ("{0,-15}= {1}" -f "OTHERFAMILY", ($script:otherFamily -join ", "))
} </lang> I stored the file in ".\temp.txt" and there is no output unless the -Verbose switch is used: <lang PowerShell> Read-ConfigurationFile -Path .\temp.txt -Verbose </lang>
- Output:
Test if the variables are set: <lang PowerShell> Get-Variable -Name fullName, favouriteFruit, needsPeeling, seedsRemoved, otherFamily </lang>
- Output:
Name Value ---- ----- fullName Foo Barber favouriteFruit banana needsPeeling True seedsRemoved False otherFamily {Rhu Barber, Harry Barber}
Using Switch -Regex
<lang PowerShell> Function Read-ConfigurationFile {
[CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=0 ) ] [Alias('LiteralPath')] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -LiteralPath $PSItem -PathType 'Leaf' }) ] [String] $_LiteralPath )
Begin { Function Houdini-Value ([String]$_Text) { $__Aux = $_Text.Trim() If ($__Aux.Length -eq 0) { $__Aux = $true } ElseIf ($__Aux.Contains(',')) { $__Aux = $__Aux.Split(',') | ForEach-Object { If ($PSItem.Trim().Length -ne 0) { $PSItem.Trim() } } } Return $__Aux } } Process { $__Configuration = [Ordered]@{} # Config equivalent pattern # Select-String -Pattern '^\s*[^\s;#=]+.*\s*$' -LiteralPath '.\filename.cfg' Switch -Regex -File $_LiteralPath {
'^\s*[;#=]|^\s*$' { Write-Verbose -Message "v$(' '*20)ignored" Write-Verbose -Message $Matches[0] Continue }
'^([^=]+)=(.*)$' { Write-Verbose -Message '↓← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← equal pattern' Write-Verbose -Message $Matches[0] $__Name,$__Value = $Matches[1..2] $__Configuration[$__Name.Trim()] = Houdini-Value($__Value) Continue }
'^\s*([^\s;#=]+)(.*)(\s*)$' { Write-Verbose -Message '↓← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← space or tab pattern or only name' Write-Verbose -Message $Matches[0] $__Name,$__Value = $Matches[1..2] $__Configuration[$__Name.Trim()] = Houdini-Value($__Value) Continue }
} Return $__Configuration }
Function Show-Value ([Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$_Dictionary, $_Index, $_SubIndex) {
$__Aux = $_Index + ' = ' If ($_Dictionary[$_Index] -eq $null) { $__Aux += $false } ElseIf ($_Dictionary[$_Index].Count -gt 1) { If ($_SubIndex -eq $null) { $__Aux += $_Dictionary[$_Index] -join ',' } Else { $__Aux = $_Index + '(' + $_SubIndex + ') = ' If ($_Dictionary[$_Index][$_SubIndex] -eq $null) { $__Aux += $false } Else { $__Aux += $_Dictionary[$_Index][$_SubIndex] } } } Else { $__Aux += $_Dictionary[$_Index] } Return $__Aux
} </lang> Setting variable <lang PowerShell> $Configuration = Read-ConfigurationFile -LiteralPath '.\config.cfg' </lang>
Show variable <lang PowerShell> $Configuration </lang>
- Output:
Name Value ---- ----- FULLNAME Foo Barber FAVOURITEFRUIT banana NEEDSPEELING True OTHERFAMILY {Rhu Barber, Harry Barber}
Using customize function <lang PowerShell> Show-Value $Configuration 'fullname' Show-Value $Configuration 'favouritefruit' Show-Value $Configuration 'needspeeling' Show-Value $Configuration 'seedsremoved' Show-Value $Configuration 'otherfamily' Show-Value $Configuration 'otherfamily' 0 Show-Value $Configuration 'otherfamily' 1 Show-Value $Configuration 'otherfamily' 2 </lang>
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = True seedsremoved = False otherfamily = Rhu Barber,Harry Barber otherfamily(0) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(1) = Harry Barber otherfamily(2) = False
Using index variable <lang PowerShell> '$Configuration[fullname]' $Configuration['fullname'] '$Configuration.fullname' $Configuration.'fullname' '$Configuration.Item(fullname)' $Configuration.Item('fullname') '$Configuration[0]' $Configuration[0] '$Configuration.Item(0)' $Configuration.Item(0) ' ' '=== $Configuration[otherfamily] ===' $Configuration['otherfamily'] '=== $Configuration[otherfamily][0] ===' $Configuration['otherfamily'][0] '=== $Configuration[otherfamily][1] ===' $Configuration['otherfamily'][1] ' ' '=== $Configuration.otherfamily ===' $Configuration.'otherfamily' '=== $Configuration.otherfamily[0] ===' $Configuration.'otherfamily'[0] '=== $Configuration.otherfamily[1] ===' $Configuration.'otherfamily'[1] ' ' '=== $Configuration.Item(otherfamily) ===' $Configuration.Item('otherfamily') '=== $Configuration.Item(otherfamily)[0] ===' $Configuration.Item('otherfamily')[0] '=== $Configuration.Item(otherfamily)[1] ===' $Configuration.Item('otherfamily')[1] ' ' '=== $Configuration[3] ===' $Configuration[3] '=== $Configuration[3][0] ===' $Configuration[3][0] '=== $Configuration[3][1] ===' $Configuration[3][1] ' ' '=== $Configuration.Item(3) ===' $Configuration.Item(3) '=== $Configuration.Item(3).Item(0) ===' $Configuration.Item(3).Item(0) '=== $Configuration.Item(3).Item(1) ===' $Configuration.Item(3).Item(1) </lang>
- Output:
$Configuration['fullname'] Foo Barber $Configuration.'fullname' Foo Barber $Configuration.Item('fullname') Foo Barber $Configuration[0] Foo Barber $Configuration.Item(0) Foo Barber === $Configuration['otherfamily'] === Rhu Barber Harry Barber === $Configuration['otherfamily'][0] === Rhu Barber === $Configuration['otherfamily'][1] === Harry Barber === $Configuration.'otherfamily' === Rhu Barber Harry Barber === $Configuration.'otherfamily'[0] === Rhu Barber === $Configuration.'otherfamily'[1] === Harry Barber === $Configuration.Item('otherfamily') === Rhu Barber Harry Barber === $Configuration.Item('otherfamily')[0] === Rhu Barber === $Configuration.Item('otherfamily')[1] === Harry Barber === $Configuration[3] === Rhu Barber Harry Barber === $Configuration[3][0] === Rhu Barber === $Configuration[3][1] === Harry Barber === $Configuration.Item(3) === Rhu Barber Harry Barber === $Configuration.Item(3).Item(0) === Rhu Barber === $Configuration.Item(3).Item(1) === Harry Barber
This task is not well-defined, so we have to make some assumptions (see comments in code). <lang python>def readconf(fn):
ret = {} with file(fn) as fp: for line in fp: # Assume whitespace is ignorable line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue boolval = True # Assume leading ";" means a false boolean if line.startswith(';'): # Remove one or more leading semicolons line = line.lstrip(';') # If more than just one word, not a valid boolean if len(line.split()) != 1: continue boolval = False bits = line.split(None, 1) if len(bits) == 1: # Assume booleans are just one standalone word k = bits[0] v = boolval else: # Assume more than one word is a string value k, v = bits ret[k.lower()] = v return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys conf = readconf(sys.argv[1]) for k, v in sorted(conf.items()): print k, '=', v</lang>
Use the shared Racket/Options code.
<lang Racket>
- lang racket
(require "options.rkt")
(read-options "options-file") (define-options fullname favouritefruit needspeeling seedsremoved otherfamily) (printf "fullname = ~s\n" fullname) (printf "favouritefruit = ~s\n" favouritefruit) (printf "needspeeling = ~s\n" needspeeling) (printf "seedsremoved = ~s\n" seedsremoved) (printf "otherfamily = ~s\n" otherfamily) </lang>
- Output:
fullname = "Foo Barber" favouritefruit = "banana" needspeeling = #t seedsremoved = #f otherfamily = ("Rhu Barber" "Harry Barber")
<lang vb> type TSettings extends QObject
FullName as string FavouriteFruit as string NeedSpelling as integer SeedsRemoved as integer OtherFamily as QStringlist Constructor FullName = "" FavouriteFruit = "" NeedSpelling = 0 SeedsRemoved = 0 OtherFamily.clear end constructor
end type
Dim Settings as TSettings dim ConfigList as QStringList dim x as integer dim StrLine as string dim StrPara as string dim StrData as string
function Trim$(Expr as string) as string
Result = Rtrim$(Ltrim$(Expr))
end function
Sub ConfigOption(PData as string)
dim x as integer for x = 1 to tally(PData, ",") +1 Settings.OtherFamily.AddItems Trim$(field$(PData, "," ,x)) next
end sub
Function ConfigBoolean(PData as string) as integer
PData = Trim$(PData) Result = iif(lcase$(PData)="true" or PData="1" or PData="", 1, 0)
end function
sub ReadSettings
ConfigList.LoadFromFile("Rosetta.cfg") ConfigList.text = REPLACESUBSTR$(ConfigList.text,"="," ")
for x = 0 to ConfigList.ItemCount -1 StrLine = Trim$(ConfigList.item(x)) StrPara = Trim$(field$(StrLine," ",1)) StrData = Trim$(lTrim$(StrLine - StrPara)) Select case UCase$(StrPara) case "FULLNAME" : Settings.FullName = StrData case "FAVOURITEFRUIT" : Settings.FavouriteFruit = StrData case "NEEDSPEELING" : Settings.NeedSpelling = ConfigBoolean(StrData) case "SEEDSREMOVED" : Settings.SeedsRemoved = ConfigBoolean(StrData) case "OTHERFAMILY" : Call ConfigOption(StrData) end select next
end sub
Call ReadSettings </lang>
- Output:
Settings.FullName = Foo Barber Settings.FavouriteFruit = banana Settings.NeedSpelling = 1 Settings.SeedsRemoved = 0 Settings.OtherFamily.Item(0) = Rhu Barber Settings.OtherFamily.Item(1) = Harry Barber
No assumptions were made about what variables are (or aren't) in the configuration file.
Code was written to make the postmortem report as readable as possible.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program reads a config (configuration) file and assigns VARs as found within. */
signal on syntax; signal on novalue /*handle REXX source program errors. */
parse arg cFID _ . /*cFID: is the CONFIG file to be read.*/
if cFID== then cFID='CONFIG.DAT' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
bad= /*this will contain all the bad VARs. */
varList= /* " " " " " good " */
maxLenV=0; blanks=0; hashes=0; semics=0; badVar=0 /*zero all these variables.*/
do j=0 while lines(cFID)\==0 /*J: it counts the lines in the file.*/ txt=strip(linein(cFID)) /*read a line (record) from the file, */ /* ··· & strip leading/trailing blanks*/ if txt = then do; blanks=blanks+1; iterate; end /*count # blank lines.*/ if left(txt,1)=='#' then do; hashes=hashes+1; iterate; end /* " " lines with #*/ if left(txt,1)==';' then do; semics=semics+1; iterate; end /* " " " " ;*/ eqS=pos('=',txt) /*we can't use the TRANSLATE BIF. */ if eqS\==0 then txt=overlay(' ',txt,eqS) /*replace the first '=' with a blank.*/ parse var txt xxx value; upper xxx /*get the variable name and it's value.*/ value=strip(value) /*strip leading and trailing blanks. */ if value= then value='true' /*if no value, then use "true". */ if symbol(xxx)=='BAD' then do /*can REXX utilize the variable name ? */ badVar=badVar+1; bad=bad xxx; iterate /*append to list*/ end varList=varList xxx /*add it to the list of good variables.*/ call value xxx,value /*now, use VALUE to set the variable. */ maxLenV=max(maxLenV,length(value)) /*maxLen of varNames, pretty display. */ end /*j*/
vars=words(varList); @ig= 'ignored that began with a'
say #(j) 'record's(j) "were read from file: " cFID
if blanks\==0 then say #(blanks) 'blank record's(blanks) "were read." if hashes\==0 then say #(hashes) 'record's(hashes) @ig "# (hash)." if semics\==0 then say #(semics) 'record's(semics) @ig "; (semicolon)." if badVar\==0 then say #(badVar) 'bad variable name's(badVar) 'detected:' bad say; say 'The list of' vars "variable"s(vars) 'and' s(vars,'their',"it's"),
"value"s(vars) 'follows:'
say; do k=1 for vars
v=word(varList,k) say right(v,maxLenV) '=' value(v) end /*k*/
say; exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return arg(3); return word(arg(2) 's',1)
- return right(arg(1),length(j)+11) /*right justify a number & also indent.*/
err: do j=1 for arg(); say '***error*** ' arg(j); say; end /*j*/; exit 13 novalue: syntax: call err 'REXX program' condition('C') "error",,
condition('D'),'REXX source statement (line' sigl"):",sourceline(sigl)
</lang> output when using the input (file) as specified in the task description:
28 records were read from file: CONFIG.DAT 8 blank records were read. 15 records ignored that began with a # (hash). 1 record ignored that began with a ; (semicolon). The list of 4 variables and their values follows: FULLNAME = Foo Barber FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana NEEDSPEELING = true OTHERFAMILY = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
<lang ruby>fullname = favouritefruit = "" needspeeling = seedsremoved = false otherfamily = []
IO.foreach("config.file") do |line|
line.chomp! key, value = line.split(nil, 2) case key when /^([#;]|$)/; # ignore line when "FULLNAME"; fullname = value when "FAVOURITEFRUIT"; favouritefruit = value when "NEEDSPEELING"; needspeeling = true when "SEEDSREMOVED"; seedsremoved = true when "OTHERFAMILY"; otherfamily = value.split(",").map(&:strip) when /^./; puts "#{key}: unknown key" end
puts "fullname = #{fullname}" puts "favouritefruit = #{favouritefruit}" puts "needspeeling = #{needspeeling}" puts "seedsremoved = #{seedsremoved}" otherfamily.each_with_index do |name, i|
puts "otherfamily(#{i+1}) = #{name}"
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily(1) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(2) = Harry Barber
<lang Runbasic>dim param$(6) dim paramVal$(6) param$(1) = "fullname" param$(2) = "favouritefruit" param$(3) = "needspeeling" param$(4) = "seedsremoved" param$(5) = "otherfamily" for i = 1 to 6
paramVal$(i) = "false"
next i
open DefaultDir$ + "\public\a.txt" for binary as #f while not(eof(#f)) line input #f, a$ a$ = trim$(a$) if instr("#;",left$(a$,1)) = 0 and a$ <> "" then thisParam$ = lower$(word$(a$,1," ")) for i = 1 to 5 if param$(i) = thisParam$ then paramVal$(i) = "true" aa$ = trim$(mid$(a$,len(thisParam$)+2)) if aa$ <> "" then paramVal$(i) = aa$ end if next i end if wend close #f for i = 1 to 5
if instr(paramVal$(i),",") > 0 then for j = 1 to 2 print param$(i);"(";j;")";chr$(9);trim$(word$(paramVal$(i),j,",")) next j else print param$(i);chr$(9);paramVal$(i) end if
next i</lang>
- Output:
fullname Foo Barber favouritefruit banana needspeeling true seedsremoved false otherfamily(1) Rhu Barber otherfamily(2) Harry Barber
<lang Rust>use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufRead; use std::io::BufReader; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let path = String::from("file.conf"); let cfg = config_from_file(path); println!("{:?}", cfg);
fn config_from_file(path: String) -> Config {
let path = Path::new(&path); let file = File::open(path).expect("File not found or cannot be opened"); let content = BufReader::new(&file); let mut cfg = Config::new();
for line in content.lines() { let line = line.expect("Could not read the line"); // Remove whitespaces at the beginning and end let line = line.trim();
// Ignore comments and empty lines if line.starts_with("#") || line.starts_with(";") || line.is_empty() { continue; }
// Split line into parameter name and rest tokens let tokens = Vec::from_iter(line.split_whitespace()); let name = tokens.first().unwrap(); let tokens = tokens.get(1..).unwrap();
// Remove the equal signs let tokens = tokens.iter().filter(|t| !t.starts_with("=")); // Remove comment after the parameters let tokens = tokens.take_while(|t| !t.starts_with("#") && !t.starts_with(";")); // Concat back the parameters into one string to split for separated parameters let mut parameters = String::new(); tokens.for_each(|t| { parameters.push_str(t); parameters.push(' '); }); // Splits the parameters and trims let parameters = parameters.split(',').map(|s| s.trim()); // Converts them from Vec<&str> into Vec<String> let parameters: Vec<String> =|s| s.to_string()).collect(); // Setting the config parameters match name.to_lowercase().as_str() { "fullname" => cfg.full_name = parameters.get(0).cloned(), "favouritefruit" => cfg.favourite_fruit = parameters.get(0).cloned(), "needspeeling" => cfg.needs_peeling = true, "seedsremoved" => cfg.needs_peeling = true, "otherfamily" => cfg.other_family = Some(parameters), _ => (), } }
- [derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Config {
full_name: Option<String>, favourite_fruit: Option<String>, needs_peeling: bool, seeds_removed: bool, other_family: Option<Vec<String>>,
impl Config {
fn new() -> Config { Config { full_name: None, favourite_fruit: None, needs_peeling: false, seeds_removed: false, other_family: None, } }
- Output:
Config { full_name: Some("Foo Barber"), favourite_fruit: Some("banana"), needs_peeling: true, seeds_removed: false, other_family: Some(["Rhu Barber", "Harry Barber"]) }
A "one liner" version which:
- Filters out empty and comment lines
- Splits field name and value(s)
- Adds "true" to value-less fields
- Converts values to (k, List(values)
- Converts the entire collection to a Map
<lang Scala>val conf ="config.file").
getLines. toList. filter(_.trim.size > 0). filterNot("#;" contains _(0)). map(_ split(" ", 2) toList). map(_ :+ "true" take 2). map { s:List[String] => (s(0).toLowerCase, s(1).split(",").map(_.trim).toList) }.toMap</lang>
Test code: <lang Scala> for ((k,v) <- conf) {
if (v.size == 1) println("%s: %s" format (k, v(0))) else for (i <- 0 until v.size) println("%s(%s): %s" format (k, i+1, v(i)))
} </lang>
- Output:
fullname: Foo Barber favouritefruit: banana needspeeling: true otherfamily(1): Rhu Barber otherfamily(2): Harry Barber
The Seed7 library scanfile.s7i, can be used to scan a file with functions like getWord, skipSpace and getLine.
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "scanfile.s7i";
var string: fullname is ""; var string: favouritefruit is ""; var boolean: needspeeling is FALSE; var boolean: seedsremoved is FALSE; var array string: otherfamily is 0 times "";
const proc: main is func
local var file: configFile is STD_NULL; var string: symbol is ""; var integer: index is 0; begin configFile := open("readcfg.txt", "r"); configFile.bufferChar := getc(configFile); symbol := lower(getWord(configFile)); while symbol <> "" do skipSpace(configFile); if symbol = "#" or symbol = ";" then skipLine(configFile); elsif symbol = "fullname" then fullname := getLine(configFile); elsif symbol = "favouritefruit" then favouritefruit := getLine(configFile); elsif symbol = "needspeeling" then needspeeling := TRUE; elsif symbol = "seedsremoved" then seedsremoved := TRUE; elsif symbol = "otherfamily" then otherfamily := split(getLine(configFile), ","); for key index range otherfamily do otherfamily[index] := trim(otherfamily[index]); end for; else writeln(" *** Illegal line " <& literal(getLine(configFile))); end if; symbol := lower(getWord(configFile)); end while; close(configFile); writeln("fullname: " <& fullname); writeln("favouritefruit: " <& favouritefruit); writeln("needspeeling: " <& needspeeling); writeln("seedsremoved: " <& seedsremoved); for key index range otherfamily do writeln(("otherfamily[" <& index <& "]:") rpad 16 <& otherfamily[index]); end for; end func;</lang>
- Output:
fullname: Foo Barber favouritefruit: banana needspeeling: TRUE seedsremoved: FALSE otherfamily[1]: Rhu Barber otherfamily[2]: Harry Barber
<lang sensetalk> // read the configuration file and get a list of just the interesting lines set lines to each line of file "config.txt" where char 1 of each isn't in ("#", ";", "")
set the listFormat's quotes to quote -- be sure to quote values for evaluating
repeat with each configLine in lines put word 1 of configLine into varName insert varName into variableNames -- make a list of all config variables
put (words 2 to last of configLine) split by comma into values put trim of each item of values into values -- trim any leading/trailing spaces if values is empty then set values to true -- no value means boolean true do "set" && varName && "to" && values -- assign value to variable end repeat
repeat with each name in variableNames put "Variable" && name && "is" && value(name) end repeat </lang> Output: <lang sensetalk> Variable FULLNAME is Foo Barber Variable FAVOURITEFRUIT is banana Variable NEEDSPEELING is True Variable OTHERFAMILY is ("Rhu Barber","Harry Barber") </lang>
<lang ruby>var fullname = (var favouritefruit = ""); var needspeeling = (var seedsremoved = false); var otherfamily = [];
ARGF.each { |line|
var(key, value) = line.strip.split(/\h+/, 2)...;
given(key) { when (nil) { } when (/^([#;]|\h*$)/) { } when ("FULLNAME") { fullname = value } when ("FAVOURITEFRUIT") { favouritefruit = value } when ("NEEDSPEELING") { needspeeling = true } when ("SEEDSREMOVED") { seedsremoved = true } when ("OTHERFAMILY") { otherfamily = value.split(',')»strip»() } default { say "#{key}: unknown key" } }
say "fullname = #{fullname}"; say "favouritefruit = #{favouritefruit}"; say "needspeeling = #{needspeeling}"; say "seedsremoved = #{seedsremoved}";
otherfamily.each_kv {|i, name|
say "otherfamily(#{i+1}) = #{name}";
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = false otherfamily(1) = Rhu Barber otherfamily(2) = Harry Barber
This code retrieves the configuration values as a Dictionary; code to set an object's instance variables follows below: <lang smalltalk>dict := Dictionary new. configFile asFilename readingLinesDo:[:line |
(line isEmpty or:[ line startsWithAnyOf:#('#' ';') ]) ifFalse:[ s := line readStream. (s skipSeparators; atEnd) ifFalse:[ |optionName values| optionName := s upToSeparator. values := (s upToEnd asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$,) collect:[:each | each withoutSeparators] thenSelect:[:vals | vals notEmpty]. dict at:optionName asLowercase put:(values isEmpty ifTrue:[true] ifFalse:[ values size == 1 ifTrue:[values first] ifFalse:[values]]). ] ].
]</lang> gives us in dict Dictionary ('fullname'->'Foo Barber' 'needspeeling'->true 'favouritefruit'->'banana' 'otherfamily'->OrderedCollection('Rhu Barber' 'Harry Barber'))
assuming that the target object has setters for each option name, we could write: <lang smalltalk>dict keysAndValuesDo:[:eachOption :eachValue |
someObject perform:(eachOption,':') asSymbol with:eachValue ifNotUnderstood: [ self error: 'unknown option: ', eachOption ]
]</lang> or assign variables with: <lang smalltalk>fullname := dict at: 'fullname' ifAbsent:false. needspeeling := dict at: 'needspeeling' ifAbsent:false. favouritefruit := dict at: 'favouritefruit' ifAbsent:false. otherfamily := dict at: 'otherfamily' ifAbsent:false. seedsremoved := dict at: 'seedsremoved' ifAbsent:false. </lang>
This code stores the configuration values in a global array (cfg
) so they can't pollute the global namespace in unexpected ways.
<lang tcl>proc readConfig {filename {defaults {}}} {
global cfg # Read the file in set f [open $filename] set contents [read $f] close $f # Set up the defaults, if supplied foreach {var defaultValue} $defaults {
set cfg($var) $defaultValue
} # Parse the file's contents foreach line [split $contents "\n"] {
set line [string trim $line] # Skip comments if {[string match "#*" $line] || [string match ";*" $line]} continue # Skip blanks if {$line eq ""} continue
if {[regexp {^\w+$} $line]} { # Boolean case set cfg([string tolower $line]) true } elseif {[regexp {^(\w+)\s+([^,]+)$} $line -> var value]} { # Simple value case set cfg([string tolower $var]) $value } elseif {[regexp {^(\w+)\s+(.+)$} $line -> var listValue]} { # List value case set cfg([string tolower $var]) {} foreach value [split $listValue ","] { lappend cfg([string tolower $var]) [string trim $value] } } else { error "malformatted config file: $filename" }
- Need to supply some default values due to config file grammar ambiguities
readConfig "fruit.cfg" {
needspeeling false seedsremoved false
} puts "Full name: $cfg(fullname)" puts "Favourite: $cfg(favouritefruit)" puts "Peeling? $cfg(needspeeling)" puts "Unseeded? $cfg(seedsremoved)" puts "Family: $cfg(otherfamily)"</lang>
Prove the logic by transliterating to a different syntax: <lang txr>@(collect) @ (cases)
- @/.*/
@ (or)
- @/.*/
@ (or) @{IDENT /[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]+/}@/ */ @(bind VAL ("true")) @ (or) @{IDENT /[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]+/}@(coll)@/ */@{VAL /[^,]+/}@/ */@(end) @ (or) @{IDENT /[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]+/}@(coll)@/ */@{VAL /[^, ]+/}@/,? */@(end) @(flatten VAL) @ (or) @/ */ @ (or) @ (throw error "bad configuration syntax") @ (end) @(end) @(output) @ (repeat) @IDENT = @(rep)@VAL, @(first){ @VAL, @(last)@VAL };@(single)@VAL;@(end) @ (end) @(end) </lang>
Sample run:
$ txr configfile.txr configfile FULLNAME = Foo Barber; FAVOURITEFRUIT = banana; NEEDSPEELING = true; OTHERFAMILY = { Rhu Barber, Harry Barber };
UNIX Shell
No effort is made to make an exception for SEEDSREMOVED: lines beginning with a semi-colon are treated as comments. No expectations are made about what variables will be seen in the config file.
<lang bash>readconfig() (
# redirect stdin to read from the given filename exec 0<"$1"
declare -l varname while IFS=$' =\t' read -ra words; do # is it a comment or blank line? if [[ ${#words[@]} -eq 0 || ${words[0]} == ["#;"]* ]]; then continue fi
# get the variable name varname=${words[0]}
# split all the other words by comma value="${words[*]:1}" oldIFS=$IFS IFS=, values=( $value ) IFS=$oldIFS
# assign the other words to a "scalar" variable or array case ${#values[@]} in 0) printf '%s=true\n' "$varname" ;; 1) printf '%s=%q\n' "$varname" "${values[0]}" ;; *) n=0 for value in "${values[@]}"; do value=${value# } printf '%s[%d]=%q\n' "$varname" $((n++)) "${value% }" done ;; esac done
- parse the config file and evaluate the output in the current shell
source <( readconfig config.file )
echo "fullname = $fullname" echo "favouritefruit = $favouritefruit" echo "needspeeling = $needspeeling" echo "seedsremoved = $seedsremoved" for i in "${!otherfamily[@]}"; do
echo "otherfamily[$i] = ${otherfamily[i]}"
- Output:
fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana needspeeling = true seedsremoved = otherfamily[0] = Rhu Barber otherfamily[1] = Harry Barber
<lang vb> Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set config = ofso.OpenTextFile(ofso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)&"\config.txt",1)
config_out = ""
Do Until config.AtEndOfStream line = config.ReadLine If Left(line,1) <> "#" And Len(line) <> 0 Then config_out = config_out & parse_var(line) & vbCrLf End If Loop
WScript.Echo config_out
Function parse_var(s) 'boolean false If InStr(s,";") Then parse_var = Mid(s,InStr(1,s,";")+2,Len(s)-InStr(1,s,";")+2) & " = FALSE" 'boolean true ElseIf UBound(Split(s," ")) = 0 Then parse_var = s & " = TRUE" 'multiple parameters ElseIf InStr(s,",") Then var = Left(s,InStr(1,s," ")-1) params = Split(Mid(s,InStr(1,s," ")+1,Len(s)-InStr(1,s," ")+1),",") n = 1 : tmp = "" For i = 0 To UBound(params) parse_var = parse_var & var & "(" & n & ") = " & LTrim(params(i)) & vbCrLf n = n + 1 Next 'single var and paramater Else parse_var = Left(s,InStr(1,s," ")-1) & " = " & Mid(s,InStr(1,s," ")+1,Len(s)-InStr(1,s," ")+1) End If End Function
config.Close Set ofso = Nothing </lang>
- Output:
Vedit macro language
<lang vedit>#11 = 0 // needspeeling = FALSE
- 12 = 0 // seedsremoved = FALSE
Reg_Empty(21) // fullname Reg_Empty(22) // favouritefruit Reg_Empty(23) // otherfamily
Match("=", ADVANCE) // skip optional '=' Reg_Copy_Block(21, CP, EOL_pos)
Match("=", ADVANCE) Reg_Copy_Block(22, CP, EOL_pos)
Match("=", ADVANCE) Reg_Copy_Block(23, CP, EOL_pos)
#11 = 1
#12 = 1
Buf_Quit(OK) // close .cfg file
// Display the variables Message("needspeeling = ") Num_Type(#11, LEFT) Message("seedsremoved = ") Num_Type(#12, LEFT) Message("fullname = ") Reg_Type(21) TN Message("favouritefruit = ") Reg_Type(22) TN Message("otherfamily = ") Reg_Type(23) TN</lang>
- Output:
needspeeling = 1 seedsremoved = 0 fullname = Foo Barber favouritefruit = banana otherfamily = Rhu Barber, Harry Barber
Visual Basic
<lang vb>' Configuration file parser routines. ' ' (c) Copyright 1993 - 2011 Mark Hobley ' ' This configuration parser contains code ported from an application program ' written in Microsoft Quickbasic ' ' This code can be redistributed or modified under the terms of version 1.2 of ' the GNU Free Documentation Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Sub readini()
var.filename = btrim$(var.winpath) & ini.inifile var.filebuffersize = ini.inimaxlinelength Call openfileread If flg.error = "Y" Then flg.abort = "Y" Exit Sub End If If flg.exists <> "Y" Then flg.abort = "Y" Exit Sub End If var.inistream =
Call readlinefromfile If flg.error = "Y" Then flg.abort = "Y" Call closestream flg.error = "Y" Exit Sub End If If flg.endoffile <> "Y" Then iniline$ = message$ If iniline$ <> "" Then If Left$(iniline$, 1) <> ini.commentchar AND Left$(iniline$, 1) <> ini.ignorechar Then endofinicommand% = 0 For l% = 1 To Len(iniline$) If Mid$(iniline$, l%, 1) < " " Then endofinicommand% = l% End If If Not (endofinicommand%) Then If Mid$(iniline$, l%, 1) = " " Then endofinicommand% = l% End If End If If endofinicommand% Then l% = Len(iniline$) End If Next l% iniarg$ = "" If endofinicommand% Then If endofinicommand% <> Len(iniline$) Then iniarg$ = btrim$(Mid$(iniline$, endofinicommand% + 1)) If iniarg$ = "" Then GoTo readinilabelb End If inicommand$ = Left$(iniline$, endofinicommand% - 1) End If Else inicommand$ = btrim$(iniline$) End If
'interpret command inicommand$ = UCase$(inicommand$) Select Case inicommand$ Case "FULLNAME" If iniarg$ <> "" Then ini.fullname = iniarg$ End If Case "FAVOURITEFRUIT" If iniarg$ <> "" Then ini.favouritefruit = iniarg$ End If Case "NEEDSPEELING" ini.needspeeling = "Y" Case "SEEDSREMOVED" ini.seedsremoved = "Y" Case "OTHERFAMILY" If iniarg$ <> "" Then ini.otherfamily = iniarg$ CALL familyparser End If Case Else '!! error handling required End Select End If End If GoTo readinilabela End If Call closestream Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub openfileread()
flg.streamopen = "N" Call checkfileexists If flg.error = "Y" Then Exit Sub If flg.exists <> "Y" Then Exit Sub Call getfreestream If flg.error = "Y" Then Exit Sub var.errorsection = "Opening File" var.errordevice = var.filename If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then On Local Error GoTo openfilereaderror End If flg.endoffile = "N" Open var.filename For Input As Len = var.filebuffersize flg.streamopen = "Y" Exit Sub
var.errorcode = Err Call errorhandler resume '!!
End Sub
Public Sub checkfileexists()
var.errorsection = "Checking File Exists" var.errordevice = var.filename If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then On Local Error GoTo checkfileexistserror End If flg.exists = "N" If Dir$(var.filename, 0) <> "" Then flg.exists = "Y" End If Exit Sub
var.errorcode = Err Call errorhandler
End Sub
Public Sub getfreestream()
var.errorsection = "Opening Free Data Stream" var.errordevice = "" If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then On Local Error GoTo getfreestreamerror End If = FreeFile Exit Sub
var.errorcode = Err Call errorhandler resume '!!
End Sub
Sub closestream()
If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then On Local Error GoTo closestreamerror End If var.errorsection = "Closing Stream" var.errordevice = "" flg.resumenext = "Y" Close If flg.error = "Y" Then flg.error = "N" '!! Call unexpectederror End If flg.streamopen = "N" Exit Sub
var.errorcode = Err Call errorhandler resume next
End Sub
Sub readlinefromfile()
If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then On Local Error GoTo readlinefromfileerror End If If EOF( Then flg.endoffile = "Y" Exit Sub End If Line Input, tmp$ message$ = tmp$ Exit Sub
var.errorcode = Err Call errorhandler resume '!!
End Sub
Public Sub errorhandler()
tmp$ = btrim$(var.errorsection) tmp2$ = btrim$(var.errordevice) If tmp2$ <> "" Then tmp$ = tmp$ + " (" + tmp2$ + ")" End If tmp$ = tmp$ + " : " + Str$(var.errorcode) tmp1% = MsgBox(tmp$, 0, "Error!") flg.error = "Y" If flg.resumenext = "Y" Then flg.resumenext = "N"
' Resume Next
Else flg.error = "N"
' Resume
End If
End Sub
Public Function btrim$(arg$)
btrim$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(arg$))
End Function</lang>
<lang Yabasic>a = open("rosetta_read.cfg")
while(not eof(#a))
FLAG = true : REMARK = false line input #a line$ line$ = trim$(line$) ll = len(line$) c$ = left$(line$, 1) switch(c$) case "": case "#": REMARK = true : break case ";": FLAG = false : line$ = trim$(right$(line$, ll - 1)) : break default: MULTI = instr(line$, ",") end switch
if not REMARK then GAP = instr(line$, "=") : if not GAP GAP = instr(line$, " ") if not GAP then print line$, " = "; if FLAG then print "true" else print "false" end if else if MULTI then count = 1 : SG = GAP repeat print left$(line$, GAP - 1), "(", count, ") = ", trim$(mid$(line$, SG + 1, MULTI - SG - 1)) count = count + 1 SG = MULTI + 1 : MULTI = instr(line$, ",", SG) if not MULTI MULTI = ll + 1 until(SG > ll) else print left$(line$, GAP - 1), " = ", trim$(right$(line$, ll - GAP)) end if end if end if
close #a</lang>
First, a simple parser that knows nothing about contents, just format. <lang zkl>fcn readConfigFile(config){ //--> read only dictionary
conf:=Dictionary(); foreach line in (config){ line=line.strip(); if (not line or "#"==line[0] or ";"==line[0]) continue; line=line.replace("\t"," "); n:=line.find(" "); if (Void==n) conf[line.toLower()]=True; // eg NEEDSPEELING else{
key:=line[0,n].toLower(); line=line[n,*]; n=line.find(","); if (Void!=n) conf[key]=line.split(",").apply("strip").filter(); else conf[key]=line;
} } conf.makeReadOnly();
conf:=readConfigFile(File("foo.conf"));</lang> Which may be good enough; query the hash table to get a set option or a default if it wasn't set: <lang zkl>foreach k,v in (conf){ println(k," : ",v) } println("Value of seedsremoved = ",conf.find("seedsremoved",False));</lang>
- Output:
needspeeling : True otherfamily : L("Rhu Barber","Harry Barber") favouritefruit : banana fullname : Foo Barber Value of seedsremoved = False
If your program actually wants to use the options as variables, the following sets variables to values in the config file, ignoring misspellings, or values you don't care about. You are not allowed to create variables "on the fly". <lang zkl>var needspeeling,otherfamily,favouritefruit,fullname,seedsremoved; foreach k,v in (conf){ try{ setVar(k,v) }catch{} }; foreach k,v in (vars){ println(k," : ",v) } println("Value of seedsremoved = ",seedsremoved);</lang>
- Output:
favouritefruit : banana fullname : Foo Barber needspeeling : True otherfamily : L("Rhu Barber","Harry Barber") seedsremoved : Void Value of seedsremoved = Void
- Programming Tasks
- File handling
- Ada
- Aime
- AutoHotkey
- C
- Libconfini
- C++
- Boost
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- D
- EchoLisp
- EchoLisp examples needing attention
- Examples needing attention
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Fantom
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- Haskell
- Icon
- Unicon
- J
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- Liberty BASIC
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- SysUtils
- Peloton
- Perl
- Perl 6
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- PicoLisp
- PL/I
- PowerShell
- Python
- Racket
- RapidQ
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Seed7
- SenseTalk
- Sidef
- Smalltalk
- Tcl
- UNIX Shell
- VBScript
- Vedit macro language
- Visual Basic
- Yabasic
- Zkl
- GUISS/Omit
- Lilypond/Omit
- Openscad/Omit
- Initialization