I before E except after C: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|Kotlin}}: Aligned comments
Line 1,180: Line 1,180:
Regex("(^|[^c])ie"), // i before e when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ie)
Regex("(^|[^c])ie"), // i before e when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ie)
Regex("(^|[^c])ei"), // e before i when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ei)
Regex("(^|[^c])ei"), // e before i when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ei)
Regex("cei"), // e before i when preceded by c
Regex("cei"), // e before i when preceded by c
Regex("cie") // i before e when preceded by c
Regex("cie") // i before e when preceded by c
val counts = IntArray(4) // corresponding counts of occurrences
val counts = IntArray(4) // corresponding counts of occurrences

Revision as of 15:24, 21 February 2017

I before E except after C
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The phrase     "I before E, except after C"     is a widely known mnemonic which is supposed to help when spelling English words.


Using the word list from   http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt,
check if the two sub-clauses of the phrase are plausible individually:

  1.   "I before E when not preceded by C"
  2.   "E before I when preceded by C"

If both sub-phrases are plausible then the original phrase can be said to be plausible.

Something is plausible if the number of words having the feature is more than two times the number of words having the opposite feature (where feature is 'ie' or 'ei' preceded or not by 'c' as appropriate).

Stretch goal

As a stretch goal use the entries from the table of Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English: based on the British National Corpus, (selecting those rows with three space or tab separated words only), to see if the phrase is plausible when word frequencies are taken into account.

Show your output here as well as your program.



Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 2.8.3.win32

Uses non-standard procedure to lower available in Algol 68G.

<lang algol68># tests the plausibility of "i before e except after c" using unixdict.txt #

  1. implements the plausibility test specified by the task #
  2. returns TRUE if with > 2 * without #

PROC plausible = ( INT with, without )BOOL: with > 2 * without;

  1. shows the plausibility of with and without #

PROC show plausibility = ( STRING legend, INT with, without )VOID:

    print( ( legend, IF plausible( with, without ) THEN " is plausible" ELSE " is not plausible" FI, newline ) );

IF FILE input file;

   STRING file name = "unixdict.txt";
   open( input file, file name, stand in channel ) /= 0


   # failed to open the file #
   print( (  "Unable to open """ + file name + """", newline ) )


   # file opened OK #
   BOOL at eof := FALSE;
   # set the EOF handler for the file #
   on logical file end( input file, ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
                                        # note that we reached EOF on the #
                                        # latest read #
                                        at eof := TRUE;
                                        # return TRUE so processing can continue #
   INT    cei := 0;
   INT    xei := 0;
   INT    cie := 0;
   INT    xie := 0;
         get( input file, ( word, newline ) );
         NOT at eof
       # examine the word for cie, xie (x /= c), cei and xei (x /= c)      #
       FOR pos FROM LWB word TO UPB word DO word[ pos ] := to lower( word[ pos ] ) OD;
       IF   word = "ie" THEN
           xie +:= 1
       ELIF word = "ei" THEN
           xei +:= 1
           INT length = ( UPB word - LWB word ) + 1;
           IF length > 1 THEN
               IF   word[ LWB word ] = "i" AND word[ LWB word + 1 ] = "e" THEN
                   # word starts ie                                        #
                   xie +:= 1
               ELIF word[ LWB word ] = "e" AND word[ LWB word + 1 ] = "i" THEN
                   # word starts ei                                        #
                   xei +:= 1
               FOR pos FROM LWB word + 1 TO UPB word - 1 DO
                   IF   word[ pos ] = "i" AND word[ pos + 1 ] = "e" THEN
                       # have i before e, check the preceeding character   #
                       IF word[ pos - 1 ] = "c" THEN cie ELSE xie FI +:= 1
                   ELIF word[ pos ] = "e" AND word[ pos + 1 ] = "i" THEN
                       # have e before i, check the preceeding character   #
                       IF word[ pos - 1 ] = "c" THEN cei ELSE xei FI +:= 1
   # close the file #
   close( input file );
   # test the hypothesis                                                    #
   print( ( "cie occurances: ", whole( cie, 0 ), newline ) );
   print( ( "xie occurances: ", whole( xie, 0 ), newline ) );
   print( ( "cei occurances: ", whole( cei, 0 ), newline ) );
   print( ( "xei occurances: ", whole( xei, 0 ), newline ) );
   show plausibility( "i before e except after c", xie, cie );
   show plausibility( "e before i except after c", xei, cei );
   show plausibility( "i before e   when after c", cie, xie );
   show plausibility( "e before i   when after c", cei, xei );
   show plausibility( "i before e     in general", xie + cie, xei + cei );
   show plausibility( "e before i     in general", xei + cei, xie + cie )


cie occurances: 24
xie occurances: 466
cei occurances: 13
xei occurances: 217
i before e except after c is plausible
e before i except after c is plausible
i before e   when after c is not plausible
e before i   when after c is not plausible
i before e     in general is plausible
e before i     in general is not plausible


<lang AutoHotkey>WordList := URL_ToVar("http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt") WordList := RegExReplace(WordList, "i)cie", "", cieN) WordList := RegExReplace(WordList, "i)cei", "", ceiN) RegExReplace(WordList, "i)ie", "", ieN) RegExReplace(WordList, "i)ei", "", eiN)

cei := ceiN / cieN > 2 ? "plausible" : "implausible" ei  := ieN / eiN > 2 ? "plausible" : "implausible" ova := cei = "plausible." && ei = "plausible" ? "plausible" : "implausible"

MsgBox, % """I before E when not preceded by C"" is " ei ".`n"

       . ieN " cases for and " eiN " cases against is a ratio of " ieN / eiN ".`n`n"
       . """E before I when preceded by C"" is " cei ".`n"
       . ceiN " cases for and " cieN " cases against is a ratio of " ceiN / cieN ".`n`n"
       . "Overall the rule is " ova "."

URL_ToVar(URL) {

   WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
   WebRequest.Open("GET", URL)
   return, WebRequest.ResponseText


"I before E when not preceded by C" is plausible.
466 cases for and 217 cases against is a ratio of 2.147465.

"E before I when preceded by C" is implausible.
13 cases for and 24 cases against is a ratio of 0.541667.

Overall the rule is implausible.


<lang awk>#!/usr/bin/awk -f

/.ei/ {nei+=cnt($3)} /cei/ {cei+=cnt($3)}

/.ie/ {nie+=cnt($3)} /cie/ {cie+=cnt($3)}

function cnt(c) { if (c<1) return 1; return c; }

END { printf("cie: %i\nnie: %i\ncei: %i\nnei: %i\n",cie,nie-cie,cei,nei-cei); v = v2 = ""; if (nie < 3 * cie) { v =" not"; } print "I before E when not preceded by C: is"v" plausible"; if (nei > 3 * cei) { v = v2 =" not"; } print "E before I when preceded by C: is"v2" plausible";

       print "Overall rule is"v" plausible";



$ awk -f ./i_before_e_except_after_c.awk unixdict.txt 
cie: 24
nie: 464
cei: 13
nei: 194
I before E when not preceded by C: is plausible
E before I when preceded by C: is not plausible

$ awk -f i_before_e_except_after_c.awk 1_2_all_freq.txt 
cie: 994
nie: 8148
cei: 327
nei: 4826
I before E when not preceded by C: is plausible
E before I when preceded by C: is not plausible
Overall rule is not plausible

Batch File

Download first the text file, then put it on the same directory with this sample code: <lang dos>::I before E except after C task from Rosetta Code Wiki

Batch File Implementation

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion ::Initialization set ie=0 set ei=0 set cie=0 set cei=0

set propos1=FALSE set propos2=FALSE set propos3=FALSE

::Do the matching for /f %%X in (unixdict.txt) do ( set word=%%X if not "!word:ie=!"=="!word!" if "!word:cie=!"=="!word!" (set /a ie+=1) if not "!word:ei=!"=="!word!" if "!word:cei=!"=="!word!" (set /a ei+=1) if not "!word:cei=!"=="!word!" (set /a cei+=1) if not "!word:cie=!"=="!word!" (set /a cie+=1) )

set /a "counter1=!ei!*2,counter2=!cie!*2"

if !ie! gtr !counter1! set propos1=TRUE echo.Plausibility of "I before E when not preceded by C": !propos1! (!ie! VS !ei!)

if !cei! gtr !counter2! set propos2=TRUE echo.Plausibility of "E before I when preceded by C": !propos2! (!cei! VS !cie!)

if !propos1!==TRUE if !propos2!==TRUE (set propos3=TRUE) echo.Overall plausibility of "I before E EXCEPT after C": !propos3!

pause exit /b 0</lang>

Plausibility of "I before E when not preceded by C": TRUE (465 VS 213)
Plausibility of "E before I when preceded by C": FALSE (13 VS 24)
Overall plausibility of "I before E EXCEPT after C": FALSE
Press any key to continue . . .


Inspired by the J solution, but implemented as a single pass through the data, we have flex build the finite state machine in C. This may in turn motivate me to provide a second J solution as a single pass FSM. Please find the program output hidden at the top of the source as part of the build and example run. <lang c> %{

   compilation and example on a GNU linux system:

   $ flex --case-insensitive --noyywrap --outfile=cia.c source.l
   $ make LOADLIBES=-lfl cia 
   $ ./cia < unixdict.txt 
   I before E when not preceded by C: plausible
   E before I when preceded by C: implausible
   Overall, the rule is: implausible 
 int cie, cei, ie, ei;



cie ++cie, ++ie; /* longer patterns are matched preferentially, consuming input */ cei ++cei, ++ei; ie ++ie; ei ++ei; .|\n ;


int main() {

 cie = cei = ie = ei = 0;
 printf("%s: %s\n","I before E when not preceded by C", (2*ei < ie ? "plausible" : "implausible"));
 printf("%s: %s\n","E before I when preceded by C", (2*cie < cei ? "plausible" : "implausible"));
 printf("%s: %s\n","Overall, the rule is", (2*(cie+ei) < (cei+ie) ? "plausible" : "implausible"));
 return 0;

} </lang>


  • If the file changes, the outcome will possibly be different.
  • sha1 of file 2013-12-30: 058f8872306ef36f679d44f1b556334a13a85b57 unixdict.txt
  • Build with: g++ -Wall -std=c++0x thisfile.cpp -lboost_regex
  • (Test used 4.4, so only a limited number of C++11 features were used.)

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <fstream>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <tuple>
  4. include <vector>
  5. include <stdexcept>
  6. include <boost/regex.hpp>

struct Claim {

       Claim(const std::string& name) : name_(name), pro_(0), against_(0), propats_(), againstpats_() {
       void add_pro(const std::string& pat) { 
              propats_.push_back(std::make_tuple(boost::regex(pat), pat[0] == '^')); 
       void add_against(const std::string& pat) { 
              againstpats_.push_back(std::make_tuple(boost::regex(pat), pat[0] == '^')); 
       bool plausible() const { return pro_ > against_*2; }
       void check(const char * buf, uint32_t len) {
               for (auto i = propats_.begin(), ii = propats_.end(); i != ii; ++i) {
                       uint32_t pos = 0;
                       boost::cmatch m;
                       if (std::get<1>(*i) && pos > 0) continue;
                       while (pos < len && boost::regex_search(buf+pos, buf+len, m, std::get<0>(*i))) {
                               if (pos > 0) std::cerr << name_ << " [pro] multiple matches in: " << buf << "\n";
                               pos += m.position() + m.length();
               for (auto i = againstpats_.begin(), ii = againstpats_.end(); i != ii; ++i) {
                       uint32_t pos = 0;
                       boost::cmatch m;
                       if (std::get<1>(*i) && pos > 0) continue;
                       while (pos < len && boost::regex_search(buf+pos, buf+len, m, std::get<0>(*i))) {
                               if (pos > 0) std::cerr << name_ << " [against] multiple matches in: " << buf << "\n";
                               pos += m.position() + m.length();
       friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Claim& c);


       std::string name_;
       uint32_t pro_;
       uint32_t against_;
       // tuple<regex,begin only>
       std::vector<std::tuple<boost::regex,bool>> propats_;
       std::vector<std::tuple<boost::regex,bool>> againstpats_;


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Claim& c) {

       os << c.name_ << ": matches: " << c.pro_ << " vs. counter matches: " << c.against_ << ". ";
       os << "Plausibility: " << (c.plausible() ? "yes" : "no") << ".";
       return os;


int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

       try {
               if (argc < 2) throw std::runtime_error("No input file.");
               std::ifstream is(argv[1]);
               if (! is) throw std::runtime_error("Input file not valid.");
               Claim ieclaim("[^c]ie");
               Claim ceiclaim("cei");
                       const uint32_t MAXLEN = 32;
                       char buf[MAXLEN];
                       uint32_t longest = 0;
                       while (is) {
                               is.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
                               if (is.gcount() <= 0) break;
                               else if (is.gcount() > longest) longest = is.gcount();
                               ieclaim.check(buf, is.gcount());
                               ceiclaim.check(buf, is.gcount());
                       if (longest >= MAXLEN) throw std::runtime_error("Buffer too small.");
               std::cout << ieclaim << "\n";
               std::cout << ceiclaim << "\n";
               std::cout << "Overall plausibility: " << (ieclaim.plausible() && ceiclaim.plausible() ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";

       } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
               std::cerr << "*** Error: " << ex.what() << "\n";
               return -1;
       return 0;

} </lang>

[^c]ie [pro] multiple matches in: siegfried
[^c]ie [against] multiple matches in: weinstein
[^c]ie: matches: 466 vs. counter matches: 217. Plausibility: yes.
cei: matches: 13 vs. counter matches: 24. Plausibility: no.
Overall plausibility: no


The output here was generated with the files as of 21st June 2016.

<lang clojure> (ns i-before-e.core

 (:require [clojure.string :as s])

(def patterns {:cie #"cie" :ie #"(?<!c)ie" :cei #"cei" :ei #"(?<!c)ei"})

(defn update-counts

 "Given a map of counts of matching patterns and a word, increment any count if the word matches it's pattern."
 [counts [word freq]]
 (apply hash-map (mapcat (fn k v [k (if (re-seq (patterns k) word) (+ freq v) v)]) counts)))

(defn count-ie-ei-combinations

 "Update counts of all ie and ei combinations"
 (reduce update-counts {:ie 0 :cie 0 :ei 0 :cei 0} words))

(defn apply-freq-1

 "Apply a frequency of one to words"
 (map #(vector % 1) words))

(defn- format-plausible

 (if plausible? "plausible" "implausible"))

(defn- apply-rule [desc examples contra]

 (let [plausible? (<= (* 2 contra) examples)]
   (println (format "The sub rule %s is %s. There are %d examples and %d counter-examples.\n" desc (format-plausible plausible?) examples contra))

(defn i-before-e-except-after-c-plausible?

 "Check if i before e after c plausible?"
 [description words]
   (println description)
   (let [counts (count-ie-ei-combinations words)
         subrule1 (apply-rule "I before E when not preceeded by C" (:ie counts) (:ei counts))
         subrule2 (apply-rule "E before I when preceeded by C" (:cei counts) (:cie counts))
         rule (and subrule1 subrule2)]
     (println (format "Overall the rule 'I before E except after C' is %s" (format-plausible rule)))

(defn format-freq-line [line] (letfn [(format-line [xs] [(first xs) (read-string (last xs))])]

                                      (-> line
                                          (s/split #"\s")

(defn -main []

 (with-open [rdr (clojure.java.io/reader "http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt")]
  (i-before-e-except-after-c-plausible? "Check unixdist list" (apply-freq-1 (line-seq rdr))))
 (with-open [rdr (clojure.java.io/reader "http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/lists/1_2_all_freq.txt")]
  (i-before-e-except-after-c-plausible? "Word frequencies (stretch goal)" (map format-freq-line (drop 1 (line-seq rdr))))))


lein run
Check unixdist list
The sub rule I before E when not preceeded by C is plausible. There are 465 examples and 213 counter-examples.

The sub rule E before I when preceeded by C is implausible. There are 13 examples and 24 counter-examples.

Overall the rule 'I before E except after C' is implausible
Word frequencies (stretch goal)
The sub rule I before E when not preceeded by C is implausible. There are 8192 examples and 4826 counter-examples.

The sub rule E before I when preceeded by C is implausible. There are 327 examples and 994 counter-examples.

Overall the rule 'I before E except after C' is implausible


First we need to set the variable dict to the text of the dictionary as a string. How to do this depends on your JavaScript platform. Using Node.js, for example, you could download a copy of the dictionary to /tmp/unixdict.txt and then say dict = fs.readFileSync '/tmp/unixdict.txt', {encoding: 'UTF-8'}.

Now we can do the task:

<lang coco>ie-npc = ei-npc = ie-pc = ei-pc = 0 for word of dict.toLowerCase!.match /\S+/g

   ++ie-npc if /(^|[^c])ie/.test word
   ++ei-npc if /(^|[^c])ei/.test word
   ++ie-pc if word.indexOf('cie') > -1
   ++ei-pc if word.indexOf('cei') > -1

p1 = ie-npc > 2 * ei-npc p2 = ei-pc > 2 * ie-pc

console.log '(1) is%s plausible.', if p1 then else ' not' console.log '(2) is%s plausible.', if p2 then else ' not' console.log 'The whole phrase is%s plausible.', if p1 and p2 then else ' not'</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun test-rule (rule-name examples counter-examples)

 (let ((plausible (if (> examples (* 2 counter-examples)) 'plausible 'not-plausible)))
   (list rule-name plausible examples counter-examples)))

(defun plausibility (result-string file parser)

 (let ((cei 0) (cie 0) (ie 0) (ei 0))
   (macrolet ((search-count (&rest terms)
                (when terms
                     (when (search ,(string-downcase (symbol-name (car terms))) word)
                       (incf ,(car terms) freq))
                     (search-count ,@(cdr terms))))))
     (with-open-file (stream file :external-format :latin-1)
       (loop :for raw-line = (read-line stream nil 'eof)
             :until (eq raw-line 'eof)
             :for line = (string-trim '(#\Tab #\Space) raw-line)
             :for (word freq) = (funcall parser line)
             :do (search-count cei cie ie ei))
       (print-result result-string cei cie ie ei)))))

(defun print-result (result-string cei cie ie ei)

 (let ((results (list (test-rule "I before E when not preceded by C" (- ie cie) (- ei cei))
                      (test-rule "E before I when preceded by C" cei cie))))
   (format t "~a:~%~{~{~2TThe rule \"~a\" is ~S. There were ~a examples and ~a counter-examples.~}~^~%~}~%~%~2TOverall the rule is ~S~%~%"
           result-string results (or (find 'not-plausible (mapcar #'cadr results)) 'plausible))))

(defun parse-dict (line) (list line 1))

(defun parse-freq (line)

 (list (subseq line 0 (position #\Tab line))
       (parse-integer (subseq line (position #\Tab line :from-end t)) :junk-allowed t)))

(plausibility "Dictionary" #p"unixdict.txt" #'parse-dict) (plausibility "Word frequencies (stretch goal)" #p"1_2_all_freq.txt" #'parse-freq) </lang>

  The rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is PLAUSIBLE. There were 465 examples and 213 counter-examples.
  The rule "E before I when preceded by C" is NOT-PLAUSIBLE. There were 13 examples and 24 counter-examples.

  Overall the rule is NOT-PLAUSIBLE

Word frequencies (stretch goal):
  The rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is NOT-PLAUSIBLE. There were 8163 examples and 4826 counter-examples.
  The rule "E before I when preceded by C" is NOT-PLAUSIBLE. There were 327 examples and 994 counter-examples.

  Overall the rule is NOT-PLAUSIBLE


Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule RC do

 def task(path) do
   plausibility_ratio = 2
   rules = [ {"I before E when not preceded by C:", "ie", "ei"},
             {"E before I when preceded by C:", "cei", "cie"} ]
   regex = ~r/ie|ei|cie|cei/
   counter = File.read!(path) |> countup(regex)
   Enum.all?(rules, fn {str, x, y} ->
     nx = counter[x]
     ny = counter[y]
     ratio = nx / ny
     plausibility = if ratio > plausibility_ratio, do: "Plausible", else: "Implausible"
     IO.puts str
     IO.puts "  #{x}: #{nx}; #{y}: #{ny}; Ratio: #{Float.round(ratio,3)}: #{plausibility}"
     ratio > plausibility_ratio
 def countup(binary, regex) do
   |> Enum.reduce(Map.new, fn word,acc ->
        if match = Regex.run(regex, word),
            do: Dict.update(acc, hd(match), 1, &(&1+1)), else: acc


path = hd(System.argv) IO.inspect RC.task(path)</lang>

C:\Elixir>elixir test.exs \work\unixdict.txt
I before E when not preceded by C:
  ie: 462; ei: 212; Ratio: 2.179: Plausible
E before I when preceded by C:
  cei: 13; cie: 24; Ratio: 0.542: Implausible


<lang erlang> -module(cei). -export([plaus/0,count/3]).

plaus() ->

   {ok,Words} = file:read_file("unixdict.txt"),                              
   Swords = string:tokens(erlang:binary_to_list(Words), "\n"),                                                        
   EiF = count(Swords,"[^c]ei",0),                                               
   IeF = count(Swords,"[^c]ie",0),                                               
   CeiF = count(Swords,"cei",0),                                             
   CieF = count(Swords,"cie",0),                                             
   if CeiF >= 2 * CieF -> P1= 'is'; true -> P1 = 'is not' end,               
   if IeF >= 2 * EiF -> P2 = 'is'; true -> P2 = 'is not' end,                
   if P1 == 'is' andalso p2 == 'is' -> P3 ='is'; true -> P3 = 'is not' end,  
   io:format("Proposition 1. ~w plausible: ie ~w, ei ~w~n", [P2,IeF,EiF]),    
   io:format("Proposition 2. ~w plausible: cei ~w, cie ~w~n", [P1,CeiF,CieF]),
   io:format("The rule ~w plausible~n", [P3]).                               

count(List,Pattern,Acc) when length(List) == 0 -> Acc; count(List,Pattern,Acc) ->

   [H|T] = List,                                                             
   case re:run(H,Pattern,[global,{capture,none}]) of                         
       match -> count(T,Pattern, Acc + 1);                                   
       nomatch -> count(T,Pattern, Acc)                                      


69> cei:plaus().
Proposition 1. is plausible: ie 464, ei 194
Proposition 2. is not plausible: cei 13, cie 24
The rule 'is not' plausible


Please find the linux build instructions along with example run in the comments at the beginning of the f90 source. Thank you. <lang FORTRAN> !-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*- !Compilation started at Sat May 18 22:19:19 ! !a=./F && make $a && $a < unixdict.txt !f95 -Wall -ffree-form F.F -o F ! ie ei cie cei ! 490 230 24 13 ! [^c]ie plausible ! cei implausible ! ([^c]ie)|(cei) implausible ! !Compilation finished at Sat May 18 22:19:19

! test the plausibility of i before e except... program cia

 implicit none
 character (len=256) :: s
 integer :: ie, ei, cie, cei
 integer :: ios
 data ie, ei, cie, cei/4*0/
 do while (.true.)
   read(5,*,iostat = ios)s
   if (0 .ne. ios) then
   call lower_case(s)
   cie = cie + occurrences(s, 'cie')
   cei = cei + occurrences(s, 'cei')
   ie = ie + occurrences(s, 'ie')
   ei = ei + occurrences(s, 'ei')
 write(6,'(1x,4(a4,1x))') 'ie','ei','cie','cei'
 write(6,'(1x,4(i4,1x))') ie,ei,cie,cei ! 488 230 24 13
 write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') '        [^c]ie',plausibility(ie,ei)
 write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') '           cei',plausibility(cei,cie)
 write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') '([^c]ie)|(cei)',plausibility(ie+cei,ei+cie)


 subroutine lower_case(s)
   character(len=*), intent(inout) :: s
   integer :: i
   do i=1, len_trim(s)
     s(i:i) = achar(ior(iachar(s(i:i)),32))
 end subroutine lower_case
 integer function occurrences(a,b)
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: a, b
   integer :: i, j, n
   n = 0
   i = 0
   j = index(a, b)
   do while (0 .lt. j)
     n = n+1
     i = i+len(b)+j-1
     j = index(a(i:), b)
   end do
   occurrences = n
 end function occurrences
 character*(32) function plausibility(da, nyet)
   integer, intent(in) :: da, nyet
   if (nyet*2 .lt. da) then
     plausibility = 'plausible'
     plausibility = 'implausible'
 end function plausibility

end program cia </lang>


<lang FreeBASIC>Function getfile(file As String) As String

   Dim As Integer F = Freefile
   Dim As String text,intext
   Open file For Input As #F
   Line Input #F,text
   While Not Eof(F) 
       Line Input #F,intext
   close #F
   Return text

End Function

Function TALLY(instring As String,PartString As String) As Integer

       Dim count As Integer
       var lens2=Len(PartString)
       Dim As String s=instring 
       Dim As Integer position=Instr(s,PartString)
       If position=0 Then Return 0
       While position>0
   End Function

Dim As String myfile="unixdict.txt"

Dim As String wordlist= getfile(myfile) wordlist=lcase(wordlist)

print print "The number of words in unixdict.txt ",TALLY(wordlist,chr(10))+1 print dim as integer cei=TALLY(wordlist,"cei") print "Instances of cei",cei dim as integer cie=TALLY(wordlist,"cie") print "Instances of cie",cie print dim as integer ei=TALLY(wordlist,"ei") print "Instances of *ei, where * is not c",ei-cei dim as integer ie=TALLY(wordlist,"ie") print "Instances of *ie, where * is not c",ie-cie print print "Conclusion:" print "ie is plausible when not preceeded by c, the ratio is ";(ie-cie)/(ei-cei) print "ei is not plausible when preceeded by c, the ratio is ";cei/cie print "So, the idea is not plausible."


The number of words in unixdict.txt        25104

Instances of cei             13
Instances of cie             24

Instances of *ei, where * is not c         217
Instances of *ie, where * is not c         466

ie is plausible when not preceeded by c, the ratio is  2.147465437788018
ei is not plausible when preceeded by c, the ratio is  0.5416666666666666
So, the idea is not plausible.


<lang go>package main

import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" "regexp" "strings" )

func main() { f, err := os.Open("unixdict.txt") if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } defer f.Close()

s := bufio.NewScanner(f) rie := regexp.MustCompile("^ie|[^c]ie") rei := regexp.MustCompile("^ei|[^c]ei") var cie, ie int var cei, ei int for s.Scan() { line := s.Text() if strings.Contains(line, "cie") { cie++ } if strings.Contains(line, "cei") { cei++ } if rie.MatchString(line) { ie++ } if rei.MatchString(line) { ei++ } } err = s.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) }

if check(ie, ei, "I before E when not preceded by C") && check(cei, cie, "E before I when preceded by C") { fmt.Println("Both plausable.") fmt.Println(`"I before E, except after C" is plausable.`) } else { fmt.Println("One or both implausable.") fmt.Println(`"I before E, except after C" is implausable.`) } }

// check checks if a statement is plausible. Something is plausible if a is more // than two times b. func check(a, b int, s string) bool { switch { case a > b*2: fmt.Printf("%q is plausible (%d vs %d).\n", s, a, b) return true case a >= b: fmt.Printf("%q is implausible (%d vs %d).\n", s, a, b) default: fmt.Printf("%q is implausible and contra-indicated (%d vs %d).\n", s, a, b) } return false }</lang>

"I before E when not preceded by C" is plausible (465 vs 213).
"E before I when preceded by C" is implausible and contra-indicated (13 vs 24).
One or both implausable.
"I before E, except after C" is implausable.


Using Regular Expressions, you can quickly count all occurrences of words that follow this rule and words that don't. In this solution, TDFA -- a fast, POSIX ERE engine -- was used. However, substituting any other regex engine for TDFA should only require changing the import statement. See this page for a list of the most common regex engines available in Haskell.

This solution does not attempt the stretch goal.

<lang Haskell>import Network.HTTP import Text.Regex.TDFA import Text.Printf

getWordList :: IO String getWordList = do

   response  <-  simpleHTTP.getRequest$ url
   getResponseBody response
       where url = "http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"

main = do

   words <- getWordList
   putStrLn "Checking Rule 1: \"I before E when not preceded by C\"..."
   let numTrueRule1   =  matchCount (makeRegex "[^c]ie" :: Regex) words
       numFalseRule1  =  matchCount (makeRegex "[^c]ei" :: Regex) words
       rule1Plausible  =  numTrueRule1 > (2*numFalseRule1)
   printf "Rule 1 is correct for %d\n        incorrect for %d\n" numTrueRule1 numFalseRule1
   printf "*** Rule 1 is %splausible.\n" (if rule1Plausible then "" else "im")
   putStrLn "Checking Rule 2: \"E before I when preceded by C\"..."
   let numTrueRule2   =  matchCount (makeRegex "cei" :: Regex) words
       numFalseRule2  =  matchCount (makeRegex "cie" :: Regex) words
       rule2Plausible  =  numTrueRule2 > (2*numFalseRule2)
   printf "Rule 2 is correct for %d\n        incorrect for %d\n" numTrueRule2 numFalseRule2
   printf "*** Rule 2 is %splausible.\n" (if rule2Plausible then "" else "im")</lang>
Checking Rule 1: "I before E when not preceded by C"...
Rule 1 is correct for 465
        incorrect for 195
*** Rule 1 is plausible.
Checking Rule 2: "E before I when preceded by C"...
Rule 2 is correct for 13
        incorrect for 24
*** Rule 2 is implausible.

Icon and Unicon

This solution only works in Unicon, but wouldn't be hard to adapt to Icon. Assumes that words that start with "ei" violate "i before e except after c" and that occurrences of "ei" and "ie" that occur multiple times in the same input line should all be tested.

<lang Unicon>import Utils # To get the FindFirst class

procedure main(a)

   showCounts := "--showcounts" == !a
   totals := table(0)
   phrases := ["cei","cie","ei","ie"]  # Longer phrases first
   ff := FindFirst(phrases)
   every map(!&input) ?
       while totals[2(tab(ff.locate()), ff.moveMatch(), move(-1))] +:= 1
   eiP := totals["cei"] > 2* totals["cie"]
   ieP := (totals["ie"]+totals["cei"]) > 2* totals["ei"]
   write("phrase is ",((\ieP & \eiP),"plausible")|"not plausible")
   write("ie is ",(\ieP,"plausible")|"not plausible")
   write("ei is ",(\eiP,"plausible")|"not plausible")
   if \showCounts then every write(phrase := !phrases,": ",totals[phrase])



of running with --showcounts flag

-> ei --showcounts <unixdict.txt
phrase is not plausible
ie is plausible
ei is not plausible
cei: 13
cie: 24
ei: 217
ie: 466

stretch goal

<lang Unicon>import Utils # To get the FindFirst class

procedure main(a)

   WS := " \t"
   showCounts := "--showcounts" == !a
   phrases := ["cei","cie","ei","ie"]
   ff := FindFirst(phrases)
   totals := table(0)
   every map(!&input) ? {
       w := (tab(many(WS)),tab(upto(WS)))             # word
       (tab(many(WS)),tab(upto(WS)))                  # Skip part of speech
       n := integer((tab(many(WS)),tab(upto(WS)|0))) | next   # frequency?
       \w ? while totals[2(tab(ff.locate()), ff.moveMatch(), move(-1))] +:= n
   eiP := totals["cei"] > 2* totals["cie"]
   ieP := (totals["ie"]+totals["cei"]) > 2* totals["ei"]
   write("phrase is ",((\ieP & \eiP),"plausible")|"not plausible")
   write("ie is ",(\ieP,"plausible")|"not plausible")
   write("ei is ",(\eiP,"plausible")|"not plausible")
   if \showCounts then every write(phrase := !phrases,": ",totals[phrase])


->ei2 --showcounts <1_2*txt
phrase is not plausible
ie is not plausible
ei is not plausible
cei: 327
cie: 994
ei: 4826
ie: 8207


After downloading unixdict to /tmp:

<lang J> dict=:tolower fread '/tmp/unixdict.txt'</lang>

Investigating the rules:

<lang J> +/'cie' E. dict 24

  +/'cei' E. dict


  +/'ie' E. dict


  +/'ei' E. dict


So, based on unixdict.txt, the "I before E" rule seems plausible (490 > 230 by more than a factor of 2), but the exception does not make much sense (we see almost twice as many i before e after a c as we see e before i after a c).

Note that if we looked at frequency of use for words, instead of considering all words to have equal weights, we might come up with a different answer.

stretch goal

After downloading 1_2_all_freq to /tmp, we can read it into J, and break out the first column (as words) and the third column as numbers:

<lang J>allfreq=: |:}.<;._1;._2]1!:1<'/tmp/1_2_all_freq.txt'

words=: >0 { allfreq freqs=: 0 {.@".&>2 { allfreq</lang>

With these definitions, we can define a prevalence verb which will tell us how often a particular substring is appears in use:

<lang J>prevalence=:verb define

 (y +./@E."1 words) +/ .* freqs


Investigating our original proposed rules:

<lang J> 'ie' %&prevalence 'ei' 1.76868</lang>

A generic "i before e" rule is not looking quite as good now - words that have i before e are used less than twice as much as words which use e before i.

<lang J> 'cei' %&prevalence 'cie' 0.328974</lang>

An "except after c" variant is looking awful now - words that use the cie sequence are three times as likely as words that use the cei sequence. So, of course, if we modified our original rule with this exception it would weaken the original rule:

<lang J> ('ie' -&prevalence 'cie') % ('ei' -&prevalence 'cei') 1.68255</lang>

Note that we might also want to consider non-adjacent matches (the regular expression 'i.*e' instead of 'ie' or perhaps 'c.*ie' or 'c.*i.*e' instead of 'cie') - this would be straightforward to check, but this would bulk up the page.


Download and save wordlist to unixdict.txt.

<lang java> import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader;

public class IbeforeE { public static void main(String[] args) { IbeforeE now=new IbeforeE(); String wordlist="unixdict.txt"; if(now.isPlausibleRule(wordlist)) System.out.println("Rule is plausible."); else System.out.println("Rule is not plausible."); } boolean isPlausibleRule(String filename) { int truecount=0,falsecount=0; try { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String word; while((word=br.readLine())!=null) { if(isPlausibleWord(word)) truecount++; else if(isOppPlausibleWord(word)) falsecount++; } br.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Something went horribly wrong: "+e.getMessage()); }

System.out.println("Plausible count: "+truecount); System.out.println("Implausible count: "+falsecount); if(truecount>2*falsecount) return true; return false; } boolean isPlausibleWord(String word) { if(!word.contains("c")&&word.contains("ie")) return true; else if(word.contains("cei")) return true; return false; } boolean isOppPlausibleWord(String word) { if(!word.contains("c")&&word.contains("ei")) return true; else if(word.contains("cie")) return true; return false; } } </lang>

Plausible count: 384
Implausible count: 204
Rule is not plausible.


Works with: jq version with regex support

WARNING: The problem statement is misleading as the rule only applies to syllables that rhyme with "see". <lang jq>def plausibility_ratio: 2;

  1. scan/2 produces a stream of matches but the first match of a segment (e.g. cie)
  2. blocks further matches with that segment, and therefore if scan produces "ie",
  3. it was NOT preceded by "c".

def dictionary:

 reduce .[] as $word
   ( {};
     reduce ($word | scan("ie|ei|cie|cei")) as $found ( .; .[$found] += 1 ));

def rules:

 { "I before E when not preceded by C": ["ie",  "ei"],
   "E before I when preceded by C":     ["cei", "cie"]
  1. Round to nearest integer or else "round-up"

def round:

 if . < 0 then (-1 * ((- .) | round) | if . == -0 then 0 else . end)
 else floor as $x | if (. - $x) < 0.5 then $x else $x+1 end

def assess:

 (split("\n") | dictionary) as $dictionary
 | rules as $rules
 | ($rules | keys[]) as $key
 | $rules[$key] as $fragments
 | $dictionary[$fragments[0]] as $x
 | $dictionary[$fragments[1]] as $y
 | ($x / $y) as $ratio
 | (if $ratio > plausibility_ratio then "plausible"
    else "implausible" end) as $plausibility
 | " -- the rule \"\($key)\" is \($plausibility)
   as ratio = \($x)/\($y) ~ \($ratio * 100 |round)%"  ;

"Using the problematic criterion specified in the task requirements:", assess</lang>


Using http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt as of June 2015: <lang sh>$ jq -s -R -r -f I_before_E_except_after_C.jq unixdict.txt Using the problematic criterion specified in the task requirements:

-- the rule "E before I when preceded by C" is implausible
   as ratio = 13/24 ~ 54%
-- the rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is plausible
   as ratio = 464/217 ~ 214%</lang>


<lang scala>// version 1.0.6

import java.net.URL import java.io.InputStreamReader import java.io.BufferedReader

fun isPlausible(n1: Int, n2: Int) = n1 > 2 * n2

fun printResults(source: String, counts: IntArray) {

   println("Results for $source")
   println("  i before e except after c")
   println("    for     ${counts[0]}")
   println("    against ${counts[1]}")
   val plausible1 = isPlausible(counts[0], counts[1])
   println("  sub-rule is${if (plausible1) "" else " not"} plausible\n")
   println("  e before i when preceded by c")
   println("    for     ${counts[2]}")
   println("    against ${counts[3]}")
   val plausible2 = isPlausible(counts[2], counts[3])
   println("  sub-rule is${if (plausible2) "" else " not"} plausible\n")
   val plausible = plausible1 && plausible2
   println("  rule is${if (plausible) "" else " not"} plausible")


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val url = URL("http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt")
   val isr = InputStreamReader(url.openStream())
   val reader = BufferedReader(isr)
   val regexes = arrayOf(
       Regex("(^|[^c])ie"),     // i before e when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ie)
       Regex("(^|[^c])ei"),     // e before i when not preceded by c (includes words starting with ei)
       Regex("cei"),            // e before i when preceded by c
       Regex("cie")             // i before e when preceded by c       
   val counts = IntArray(4) // corresponding counts of occurrences
   var word = reader.readLine()
   while (word != null) {
       for (i in 0..3) counts[i] += regexes[i].findAll(word).toList().size
       word = reader.readLine()
   printResults("unixdict.txt", counts)
   val url2 = URL("http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/lists/1_2_all_freq.txt")
   val isr2 = InputStreamReader(url2.openStream())
   val reader2 = BufferedReader(isr2)
   val counts2 = IntArray(4) 
   reader2.readLine() // read header line
   var line = reader2.readLine() // read first line and store it
   var words: List<String>
   val splitter = Regex("""(\t+|\s+)""")
   while (line != null) {
       words = line.split(splitter)
       if (words.size == 4)  // first element is empty
           for (i in 0..3) counts2[i] += regexes[i].findAll(words[1]).toList().size * words[3].toInt()
       line = reader2.readLine()
   printResults("British National Corpus", counts2)


Results for unixdict.txt
  i before e except after c
    for     466
    against 217
  sub-rule is plausible

  e before i when preceded by c
    for     13
    against 24
  sub-rule is not plausible

  rule is not plausible

Results for British National Corpus
  i before e except after c
    for     8192
    against 4826
  sub-rule is not plausible

  e before i when preceded by c
    for     327
    against 994
  sub-rule is not plausible

  rule is not plausible


<lang lasso> local(cie,cei,ie,ei) = (:0,0,0,0)

local(match_ie) = regExp(`[^c]ie`) local(match_ei) = regExp(`[^c]ei`)

with word in include_url(`http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt`)->asString->split("\n") where #word >> `ie` or #word >> `ei` do {

   #word >> `cie`
       ? #cie++
   #word >> `cei`
       ? #cei++
   #match_ie->reset(-input=#word, -ignoreCase)&find
       ? #ie++
   #match_ei->reset(-input=#word, -ignoreCase)&find
       ? #ei++


local(ie_plausible) = (#ie >= (2 * #ei)) local(cei_plausible) = (#cei >= (2 * #cie))


   `The rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is ` +
   (#ie_plausible ?  | 'NOT-') + `PLAUSIBLE. There were ` +
   #ie + ` examples and ` + #ei + ` counter-examples.`

) stdoutnl(

   `The rule "E before I when preceded by C" is ` +
   (#cei_plausible ? `` | `NOT-`) + `PLAUSIBLE. There were ` +
   #cei + ` examples and ` + #cie + ` counter-examples.`

) stdoutnl(`Overall the rule is ` + (#ie_plausible and #cei_plausible ? `` | `NOT-`) + `PLAUSIBLE`) </lang>

The rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is PLAUSIBLE. There were 464 examples and 194 counter-examples.
The rule "E before I when preceded by C" is NOT-PLAUSIBLE. There were 13 examples and 24 counter-examples.
Overall the rule is NOT-PLAUSIBLE


<lang Lua>-- Needed to get dictionary file from web server local http = require("socket.http")

-- Return count of words that contain pattern function count (pattern, wordList)

   local total = 0
   for word in wordList:gmatch("%S+") do
       if word:match(pattern) then total = total + 1 end
   return total


-- Check plausibility of case given its opposite function plaus (case, opposite, words)

   if count(case, words) > 2 * count(opposite, words) then
       return true
       return false


-- Main procedure local page = http.request("http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt") io.write("I before E when not preceded by C: ") local sub1 = plaus("[^c]ie", "cie", page) io.write("E before I when preceded by C: ") local sub2 = plaus("cei", "[^c]ei", page) io.write("Overall the phrase is ") if not (sub1 and sub2) then io.write("not ") end print("plausible.")</lang>

I before E when not preceded by C: PLAUSIBLE
E before I when preceded by C: IMPLAUSIBLE
Overall the phrase is not plausible.

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang mathematica>wordlist =


Print["The number of words in unixdict.txt = " <>


StringMatchQ[#, ___ ~~ "c" ~~ "i" ~~ "e" ~~ ___] & /@ wordlist ; cie = Count[%, True]; StringMatchQ[#, ___ ~~ "c" ~~ "e" ~~ "i" ~~ ___] & /@ wordlist ; cei = Count[%, True]; StringMatchQ[#, ___ ~~ "i" ~~ "e" ~~ ___] & /@ wordlist ; ie = Count[%, True] - cie; StringMatchQ[#, ___ ~~ "e" ~~ "i" ~~ ___] & /@ wordlist ; ei = Count[%, True] - cei; test1 = ie > 2 ei; Print["The rule \"I before E when not preceded by C\" is " <>


Print["There were " <> ToString[ie] <> " examples and " <>

 ToString[ei]  <> " counter examples, for a ratio of " <> 

test2 = cei > 2 cie; Print["The rule \"E before I when preceded by C\" is " <>


Print["There were " <> ToString[cei] <> " examples and " <>

 ToString[cie]  <> " counter examples, for a ratio of " <> 

Print["Overall the rule is " <>

 If[test1 && test2, "PLAUSIBLE", "NOT PLAUSIBLE" ]]</lang>

<lang mathematica>The number of words in unixdict.txt = 25104 The rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is PLAUSIBLE There were 465 examples and 213 counter examples, for a ratio of 2.1831 The rule "E before I when preceded by C" is NOT PLAUSIBLE There were 13 examples and 24 counter examples, for a ratio of 0.541667 Overall the rule is NOT PLAUSIBLE </lang>

MATLAB / Octave

This example is incomplete. Is the original phrase plausible? Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

<lang MATLAB>function i_before_e_except_after_c(f)

fid = fopen(f,'r'); nei = 0; cei = 0; nie = 0; cie = 0; while ~feof(fid) c = strsplit(strtrim(fgetl(fid)),char([9,32])); if length(c) > 2, n = str2num(c{3}); else n = 1; end; if strfind(c{1},'ei')>1, nei=nei+n; end; if strfind(c{1},'cei'), cei=cei+n; end; if strfind(c{1},'ie')>1, nie=nie+n; end; if strfind(c{1},'cie'), cie=cie+n; end; end; fclose(fid);

printf('cie: %i\nnie: %i\ncei: %i\nnei: %i\n',cie,nie-cie,cei,nei-cei); v = ; if (nie < 3 * cie) v=' not'; end printf('I before E when not preceded by C: is%s plausible\n',v); v = ; if (nei > 3 * cei) v=' not'; end printf('E before I when preceded by C: is%s plausible\n',v); </lang>

octave:23> i_before_e_except_after_c 1_2_all_freq.txt 
cie: 994
nie: 8133
cei: 327
nei: 4274
I before E when not preceded by C: is plausible
E before I when preceded by C: is not plausible
octave:24> i_before_e_except_after_c unixdict.txt
cie: 24
nie: 464
cei: 13
nei: 191
I before E when not preceded by C: is plausible
E before I when preceded by C: is not plausible


Translation of: Seed7

<lang objeck> use HTTP; use Collection;

class HttpTest {

 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
 function : PlausibilityCheck(comment : String, x : Int, y : Int) ~ Bool {
   ratio := x->As(Float) / y->As(Float);
   "  Checking plausibility of: {$comment}"->PrintLine();
   if(x > 2 * y) {
     "    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of {$x} vs {$y} words, a ratio of {$ratio} times"->PrintLine();
   else if(x > y) {
     "    IMPLAUSIBLE. As although we have counts of {$x} vs {$y} words, a ratio of {$ratio} times does not make it plausible"->PrintLine();
   else {
     "    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of {$x} vs {$y} words, a ratio of {$ratio} times"->PrintLine();
   return x > 2 * y;
 function : IsPlausibleRule(url : String) ~ Nil {
   truecount := 0;
   falsecount := 0;
   client := HttpClient->New();
   data := client->Get(url)->Get(0)->As(String);
   data := data->ToLower();
   words := data->Split("\n");
   cie := Count("cie", words);
   cei := Count("cei", words);
   not_c_ie := Count("ie", words) - cie;
   not_c_ei := Count("ei", words) - cei;
   "Checking plausibility of \"I before E except after C\":"->PrintLine();
   if(PlausibilityCheck("I before E when not preceded by C", not_c_ie, not_c_ei) &
       PlausibilityCheck("E before I when preceded by C", cei, cie)) {
     "OVERALL IT IS PLAUSIBLE!"->PrintLine();
   else {
     "(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by 2 times)"->PrintLine();
 function : Count(check: String, words : String[]) ~ Int {
   count := 0;
   each(i : words) {
     if(words[i]->Find(check) > -1) {
       count += 1;
   return count;

} </lang>

Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C":
  Checking plausibility of: I before E when not preceded by C
    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of 465 vs 213 words, a ratio of 2.183 times
  Checking plausibility of: E before I when preceded by C
            IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of 13 vs 24 words, a ratio of 0.542 times
(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by 2 times)


<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict;

sub result {

   my ($support, $against) = @_;
   my $ratio  = sprintf '%.2f', $support / $against;
   my $result = $ratio >= 2;
   print "$support / $against = $ratio. ", 'NOT ' x !$result, "PLAUSIBLE\n";
   return $result;


my @keys = qw(ei cei ie cie); my %count;

while (<>) {

   for my $k (@keys) {
       $count{$k}++ if -1 != index $_, $k;


my ($support, $against, $result);

print 'I before E when not preceded by C: '; $support = $count{ie} - $count{cie}; $against = $count{ei} - $count{cei}; $result += result($support, $against);

print 'E before I when preceded by C: '; $support = $count{cei}; $against = $count{cie}; $result += result($support, $against);

print 'Overall: ', 'NOT ' x ($result < 2), "PLAUSIBLE.\n";</lang>

I before E when not preceded by C: 465 / 213 = 2.18. PLAUSIBLE
E before I when preceded by C: 13 / 24 = 0.54. NOT PLAUSIBLE

Perl: Stretch Goal

Just replace the while loop with the following one: <lang perl>while (<>) {

   my @columns = split;
   next if 3 < @columns;
   my ($word, $freq) = @columns[0, 2];
   for my $k (@keys) {
       $count{$k} += $freq if -1 != index $word, $k;


I before E when not preceded by C: 8148 / 4826 = 1.69. NOT PLAUSIBLE
E before I when preceded by C: 327 / 994 = 0.33. NOT PLAUSIBLE

Perl 6

This solution uses grammars and actions to parse the given file, the Bag for tallying up occurrences of each possible thing we're looking for ("ie", "ei", "cie", and "cei"), and junctions to determine the plausibility of a phrase from the subphrases. Note that a version of rakudo newer than the January 2014 compiler or Star releases is needed, as this code relies on a recent bugfix to the make function. <lang perl6>grammar CollectWords {

   token TOP {
       [^^ <word> $$ \n?]+
   token word {
       [ <with_c> | <no_c> | \N ]+
   token with_c {
       c <ie_part>
   token no_c {
   token ie_part {
       ie | ei | eie # a couple words in the list have "eie"


class CollectWords::Actions {

   method TOP($/) {
       make $<word>».ast.flat.Bag;
   method word($/) {
       if $<with_c> + $<no_c> {
           make flat $<with_c>».ast, $<no_c>».ast;
       } else {
           make ();
   method with_c($/) {
       make "c" X~ $<ie_part>.ast;
   method no_c($/) {
       make "!c" X~ $<ie_part>.ast;
   method ie_part($/) {
       if ~$/ eq 'eie' {
           make ('ei', 'ie');
       } else {
           make ~$/;


sub plausible($good, $bad, $msg) {

   if $good > 2*$bad {
       say "$msg: PLAUSIBLE ($good ✔ vs. $bad ✘)";
       return True;
   } else {
       say "$msg: NOT PLAUSIBLE ($good ✔ vs. $bad ✘)";
       return False;


my $results = CollectWords.parsefile("unixdict.txt", :actions(CollectWords::Actions)).ast;

my $phrasetest = [&] plausible($results<!cie>, $results<!cei>, "I before E when not preceded by C"),

                    plausible($results<cei>, $results<cie>, "E before I when preceded by C");

say "I before E except after C: ", $phrasetest ?? "PLAUSIBLE" !! "NOT PLAUSIBLE";</lang>

I before E when not preceded by C: PLAUSIBLE (466 ✔ vs. 217 ✘)
E before I when preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (13 ✔ vs. 24 ✘)
I before E except after C: NOT PLAUSIBLE

Perl 6: Stretch Goal

Note that within the original text file, a tab character was erroneously replaced with a space. Thus, the following changes to the text file are needed before this solution will run:

--- orig_1_2_all_freq.txt	2014-02-01 14:36:53.124121018 -0800
+++ 1_2_all_freq.txt	2014-02-01 14:37:10.525552980 -0800
@@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@
 	other than	Prep	43
 	visited	Verb	43
 	cross	NoC	43
-	lie Verb	43
+	lie	Verb	43
 	grown	Verb	43
 	crowd	NoC	43
 	recognised	Verb	43

This solution requires just a few modifications to the grammar and actions from the non-stretch goal. <lang perl6>grammar CollectWords {

   token TOP {
       ^^ \t Word \t PoS \t Freq $$ \n
       [^^ <word> $$ \n?]+
   token word {
       [ <with_c> | <no_c> | \T ]+ \t+
       \T+ \t+ # PoS doesn't matter to us, so ignore it
       $<freq>=[<.digit>+] \h*
   token with_c {
       c <ie_part>
   token no_c {
   token ie_part {
       ie | ei


class CollectWords::Actions {

   method TOP($/) {
       make $<word>».ast.flat.Bag;
   method word($/) {
       if $<with_c> + $<no_c> {
           make flat $<with_c>».ast xx $<freq>, $<no_c>».ast xx $<freq>;
       } else {
           make ();
   method with_c($/) {
       make "c" ~ $<ie_part>;
   method no_c($/) {
       make "!c" ~ $<ie_part>;


sub plausible($good, $bad, $msg) {

   if $good > 2*$bad {
       say "$msg: PLAUSIBLE ($good ✔ vs. $bad ✘)";
       return True;
   } else {
       say "$msg: NOT PLAUSIBLE ($good ✔ vs. $bad ✘)";
       return False;


  1. can't use .parsefile like before due to the non-Unicode £ in this file.

my $file = slurp("1_2_all_freq.txt", :enc<iso-8859-1>); my $results = CollectWords.parse($file, :actions(CollectWords::Actions)).ast;

my $phrasetest = [&] plausible($results<!cie>, $results<!cei>, "I before E when not preceded by C"),

                    plausible($results<cei>, $results<cie>, "E before I when preceded by C");

say "I before E except after C: ", $phrasetest ?? "PLAUSIBLE" !! "NOT PLAUSIBLE";</lang>

I before E when not preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (8222 ✔ vs. 4826 ✘)
E before I when preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (327 ✔ vs. 994 ✘)
I before E except after C: NOT PLAUSIBLE


<lang PicoLisp>(de ibEeaC (File . Prg)

     (Cie (let N 0 (in File (while (from "cie") (run Prg))))
        Nie (let N 0 (in File (while (from "ie") (run Prg))))
        Cei (let N 0 (in File (while (from "cei") (run Prg))))
        Nei (let N 0 (in File (while (from "ei") (run Prg)))) )
     (prinl "cie: " Cie)
     (prinl "nie: " (dec 'Nie Cie))
     (prinl "cei: " Cei)
     (prinl "nei: " (dec 'Nei Cei))
     (let (NotI (> (* 3 Cie) Nie)  NotE (> Nei (* 3 Cei)))
           "I before E except after C: is"
           (and NotI " not")
           " plausible" )
           "E before I when after C: is"
           (and NotE " not")
           " plausible" )
           "Overall rule is"
           (and (or NotI NotE) " not")
           " plausible" ) ) ) )

(ibEeaC "unixdict.txt"

  (inc 'N) )


(ibEeaC "1_2_all_freq.txt"

  (inc 'N (format (stem (line) "\t"))) )</lang>


cie: 24
nie: 466
cei: 13
nei: 217
I before E except after C: is plausible
E before I when after C: is not plausible
Overall rule is not plausible

cie: 994
nie: 8148
cei: 327
nei: 4826
I before E except after C: is plausible
E before I when after C: is not plausible
Overall rule is not plausible


<lang Powershell>$Web = New-Object -TypeName Net.Webclient $Words = $web.DownloadString('http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt')

$IE = $EI = $CIE = $CEI = @()

$Clause1 = $Clause2 = $MainClause = $false

foreach ($Word in $Words.split()) {

   switch ($Word)
       {($_ -like '*ie*') -and ($_ -notlike '*cie*')} {$IE += $Word}
       {($_ -like '*ei*') -and ($_ -notlike '*cei*')} {$EI += $Word}
       {$_ -like '*cei*'} {$CEI += $Word}
       {$_ -like '*cie*'} {$CIE += $Word}


if ($IE.count -gt $EI.count * 2) {$Clause1 = $true} "The plausibility of 'I before E when not preceded by C' is $Clause1"

if ($CEI.count -gt $CIE.count * 2) {$Clause2 = $true} "The plausibility of 'E before I when preceded by C' is $Clause2"

if ($Clause1 -and $Clause2) {$MainClause = $True} "The plausibility of the phrase 'I before E except after C' is $MainClause"</lang>

The plausibility of 'I before E when not preceded by C' is True
The plausibility of 'E before I when preceded by C' is False
The plausibility of the phrase 'I before E except after C' is False


<lang purebasic>If ReadFile(1,GetPathPart(ProgramFilename())+"wordlist(en).txt")

 While Not Eof(1)


OpenConsole() PrintN("Number of words in [wordlist(en).txt]: "+CountString(wl$,";")) cei.i=CountString(wl$,"cei") : PrintN("Instances of [cei]  : "+Str(cei)) cie.i=CountString(wl$,"cie") : PrintN("Instances of [cie]  : "+Str(cie)) Print("Rule: 'e' before 'i' when preceded by 'c' is = ") If cei>cie : PrintN("plausible") : Else : PrintN("not plausible") : EndIf wl$=RemoveString(wl$,"cei")  : wl$=RemoveString(wl$,"cie") PrintN("") ei.i=CountString(wl$,"ei")  : PrintN("Instances of [*ei] '*'<>'c'  : "+Str(ei)) ie.i=CountString(wl$,"ie")  : PrintN("Instances of [*ie] '*'<>'c'  : "+Str(ie)) Print("Rule: 'i' before 'e' when not preceded by 'c' is = ") If ie>ei : PrintN("plausible") : Else : PrintN("not plausible") : EndIf PrintN("") Print("Overall the rule is : ") If cei>cie And ie>ei : PrintN("PLAUSIBLE") : Else : PrintN("NOT PLAUSIBLE") : EndIf Input()</lang>

Number of words in [wordlist(en).txt]: 25104
Instances of [cei]                   : 13
Instances of [cie]                   : 24
Rule: 'e' before 'i' when preceded by 'c' is = not plausible

Instances of [*ei] '*'<>'c'          : 217
Instances of [*ie] '*'<>'c'          : 466
Rule: 'i' before 'e' when not preceded by 'c' is = plausible

Overall the rule is : NOT PLAUSIBLE


<lang python>import urllib.request import re


def plausibility_check(comment, x, y):

   print('\n  Checking plausibility of: %s' % comment)
       print('    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of %i vs %i, a ratio of %4.1f times'
             % (x, y, x / y))
       if x > y:
           print('    IMPLAUSIBLE. As although we have counts of %i vs %i, a ratio of %4.1f times does not make it plausible'
                 % (x, y, x / y))
           print('    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of %i vs %i, a ratio of %4.1f times'
                 % (x, y, x / y))
   return x > PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO * y

def simple_stats(url='http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt'):

   words = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().lower().split()
   cie = len({word for word in words if 'cie' in word})
   cei = len({word for word in words if 'cei' in word})
   not_c_ie = len({word for word in words if re.search(r'(^ie|[^c]ie)', word)})
   not_c_ei = len({word for word in words if re.search(r'(^ei|[^c]ei)', word)})
   return cei, cie, not_c_ie, not_c_ei

def print_result(cei, cie, not_c_ie, not_c_ei):

   if ( plausibility_check('I before E when not preceded by C', not_c_ie, not_c_ei)
        & plausibility_check('E before I when preceded by C', cei, cie) ):
       print('\nOVERALL IT IS PLAUSIBLE!')
       print('\nOVERALL IT IS IMPLAUSIBLE!')
   print('(To be plausible, one count must exceed another by %i times)' % PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO)

print('Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C":') print_result(*simple_stats())</lang>

Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C":

  Checking plausibility of: I before E when not preceded by C
    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of 465 vs 213, a ratio of  2.2 times

  Checking plausibility of: E before I when preceded by C
    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of 13 vs 24, a ratio of  0.5 times

(To be plausible, one count must exceed another by 2 times)

Python: Stretch Goal

Add the following to the bottom of the previous program: <lang python>def stretch_stats(url='http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/lists/1_2_all_freq.txt'):

   freq = [line.strip().lower().split()
           for line in urllib.request.urlopen(url)
           if len(line.strip().split()) == 3]
   wordfreq = [(word.decode(), int(frq))
               for word, pos, frq in freq[1:]
               if (b'ie' in word) or (b'ei' in word)]
   cie = sum(frq for word, frq in wordfreq if 'cie' in word)
   cei = sum(frq for word, frq in wordfreq if 'cei' in word)
   not_c_ie = sum(frq for word, frq in wordfreq if re.search(r'(^ie|[^c]ie)', word))
   not_c_ei = sum(frq for word, frq in wordfreq if re.search(r'(^ei|[^c]ei)', word))
   return cei, cie, not_c_ie, not_c_ei

print('\n\nChecking plausibility of "I before E except after C"') print('And taking account of word frequencies in British English:') print_result(*stretch_stats())</lang>

Produces this extra output:
Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C"
And taking account of word frequencies in British English:

  Checking plausibility of: I before E when not preceded by C
    IMPLAUSIBLE. As although we have counts of 8192 vs 4826, a ratio of  1.7 times does not make it plausible

  Checking plausibility of: E before I when preceded by C
    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of 327 vs 994, a ratio of  0.3 times

(To be plausible, one count must exceed another by 2 times)


<lang rsplus>words = tolower(readLines("http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt")) ie.npc = sum(grepl("(?<!c)ie", words, perl = T)) ei.npc = sum(grepl("(?<!c)ei", words, perl = T)) ie.pc = sum(grepl("cie", words, fixed = T)) ei.pc = sum(grepl("cei", words, fixed = T))

p1 = ie.npc > 2 * ei.npc p2 = ei.pc > 2 * ie.pc

message("(1) is ", (if (p1) "" else "not "), "plausible.") message("(2) is ", (if (p2) "" else "not "), "plausible.") message("The whole phrase is ", (if (p1 && p2) "" else "not "), "plausible.")</lang>

(1) is plausible.
(2) is not plausible.
The whole phrase is not plausible.


<lang racket>#lang racket

(define (get-tallies filename line-parser . patterns)

 (for/fold ([totals (make-list (length patterns) 0)])
   ([line (file->lines filename)])
   (match-let ([(list word n) (line-parser line)])
     (for/list ([p patterns] [t totals])
       (if (regexp-match? p word) 
           (+ n t) t)))))

(define (plausible test) (string-append (if test "" "IM") "PLAUSIBLE"))

(define (subrule description examples counters)

 (let ([result (> examples (* 2 counters))])
   (printf "  The sub-rule \"~a\" is ~a.  There were ~a examples and ~a counter-examples.\n" 
           description (plausible result) examples counters)

(define (plausibility description filename parser)

 (printf "~a:\n" description)
 (match-let ([(list cei cie ie ei) (get-tallies filename parser "cei" "cie" "ie" "ei")])
   (let ([rule1 (subrule "I before E when not preceded by C" (- ie cie) (- ei cei))]
         [rule2 (subrule "E before I when preceded by C" cei cie)])
     (printf "\n  Overall, the rule \"I before E, except after C\" is ~a.\n"
             (plausible (and rule1 rule2))))))

(define (parse-frequency-data line)

 (let ([words (string-split line)])
   (list (string-join (drop-right words 2)) (string->number (last words)))))

(plausibility "Dictionary" "unixdict.txt" (λ (line) (list line 1))) (newline) (plausibility "Word frequencies (stretch goal)" "1_2_all_freq.txt" parse-frequency-data)</lang>

  The sub-rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is PLAUSIBLE.  There were 465 examples and 213 counter-examples.
  The sub-rule "E before I when preceded by C" is IMPLAUSIBLE.  There were 13 examples and 24 counter-examples.

  Overall, the rule "I before E, except after C" is IMPLAUSIBLE.

Word frequencies (stretch goal):
  The sub-rule "I before E when not preceded by C" is IMPLAUSIBLE.  There were 8163 examples and 4826 counter-examples.
  The sub-rule "E before I when preceded by C" is IMPLAUSIBLE.  There were 327 examples and 994 counter-examples.

  Overall, the rule "I before E, except after C" is IMPLAUSIBLE.


The following assumptions were made about the (default) dictionary:

  • there could be leading and/or trailing blanks or tabs
  • the dictionary words are in mixed case.
  • there could be blank lines
  • there may be more than one occurrence of a target string within a word [einsteinium]

unweighted version

<lang rexx>/*REXX program shows plausibility of "I before E" when not preceded by C, and */ /*───────────────────────────────────── "E before I" when preceded by C. */ parse arg iFID . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if iFID== | iFID=="," then iFID='UNIXDICT.TXT' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/

  1. .=0 /*zero out the various word counters. */
    do r=0  while  lines(iFID)\==0              /*keep reading the dictionary 'til done*/
    u=space( lineIn(iFID), 0);      upper u     /*elide superfluous blanks and tabs.   */
    if u==  then iterate                      /*Is it a blank line?   Then ignore it.*/
    #.words=#.words + 1                         /*keep running count of number of words*/
    if pos('EI',u)\==0 & pos('IE',u)\==0  then #.both=#.both + 1   /*the word has both.*/
    call find  'ie'                                                /*look for   ie     */
    call find  'ei'                                                /*  "   "    ei     */
    end   /*r*/

L=length(#.words) /*use this to align the output numbers.*/ say 'lines in the ' iFID " dictionary: " r say 'words in the ' iFID " dictionary: " #.words say say 'words with "IE" and "EI" (in same word): ' right(#.both,L) say 'words with "IE" and preceded by "C": ' right(#.ie.c ,L) say 'words with "IE" and not preceded by "C": ' right(#.ie.z ,L) say 'words with "EI" and preceded by "C": ' right(#.ei.c ,L) say 'words with "EI" and not preceded by "C": ' right(#.ei.z ,L) say; mantra= 'The spelling mantra ' p1=#.ie.z/max(1,#.ei.z); phrase= '"I before E when not preceded by C"' say mantra phrase ' is ' word("im", 1+(p1>2))'plausible.' p2=#.ie.c/max(1,#.ei.c); phrase= '"E before I when preceded by C"' say mantra phrase ' is ' word("im", 1+(p2>2))'plausible.' po=(p1>2 & p2>2); say 'Overall, it is' word("im",1+po)'plausible.' exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ find: arg x; s=1; do forever; _=pos(x, u, s); if _==0 then return

                   if substr(u, _-1+(_==1)*999, 1)=='C'  then #.x.c=#.x.c + 1
                                                         else #.x.z=#.x.z + 1
                   s=_+1                        /*handle the cases of multiple finds.  */
                   end   /*forever*/</lang>

output   when using the default dictionary:

lines in the   UNIXDICT.TXT  dictionary:  25104
words in the   UNIXDICT.TXT  dictionary:  25104

words with "IE" and "EI" (in same word):      4
words with "IE" and     preceded by "C":     24
words with "IE" and not preceded by "C":    466
words with "EI" and     preceded by "C":     13
words with "EI" and not preceded by "C":    217

The spelling mantra   "I before E when not preceded by C"  is  plausible.
The spelling mantra   "E before I when     preceded by C"  is  implausible.
Overall, it is implausible.

weighted version

Using the default word frequency count file, several discrepancies (or not) became apparent:

  • some "words" were in fact, phrases
  • some words were in the form of     x / y     indicating x OR y
  • some words were in the form of     x/y     (with no blanks)   indicating x OR y,   or a word)
  • some words had a ~ prefix
  • some words had a * suffix
  • some words had a ~ suffix
  • some words had a ~ and * suffix
  • one word had a ~ prefix and a ~ suffix
  • some lines had an imbedded [xxx] comment
  • some words had a   '   (quote)   prefix to indicate a:
  • possessive
  • plural
  • contraction
  • word   (as is)

All of the cases where an asterisk [*] or tilde [~] were used were not programmatically handled within the REXX program;   it is assumed that prefixes and suffixes were being used to indicate multiple words that either begin or end with (any) string   (or in some case, both).
A cursory look at the file seems to indicate that the use of the tilde and/or asterisk doesn't affect the rules for the mantra phrases. <lang rexx>/*REXX program shows plausibility of "I before E" when not preceded by C, and */ /*───────────────────────────────────── "E before I" when preceded by C, using a */ /*───────────────────────────────────── weighted frequency for each word. */ parse arg iFID wFID . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if iFID== | iFID=="," then iFID='UNIXDICT.TXT' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if wFID== | wFID=="," then wFID='WORDFREQ.TXT' /* " " " " " " */ tabs=xrange(, "f"x) /*get kinds of "tabs": '00'x ──► '0f'x*/

  1. .=0 /*zero out the various word counters. */

f.=1 /*default word frequency multiplier. */

   do recs=0  while lines(wFID)\==0
   u=translate( linein(wFID), , tabs);  upper u /*translate various tabs and low hexes.*/
   u=translate(u, '*', "~")                     /*translate tildes (~)  to an asterisk.*/
   if u==                 then iterate        /*Is this a blank line?  Then ignore it*/
   freq=word(u, words(u))                       /*obtain the last token on the line.   */
   if \datatype(freq, 'W')  then iterate        /*Is it not an integer?  Then ignore it*/
   parse var  u   w.1  '/'  w.2  .              /*handle case of:   ααα/ßßß  ···       */
        do j=1  for 2;  w.j=word(w.j, 1)        /*strip leading and/or trailing blanks.*/
        _=w.j;   if _==          then iterate /*if not present, then ignore it.      */
        if j==2  then if w.2==w.1  then iterate /*second word ≡ first word?  Then skip.*/
        #.freqs=#.freqs + 1                     /*bump word counter in the  FREQ  list.*/
        f._=f._ + freq                          /*add to a word's frequency count.     */
        end   /*ws*/
   end        /*recs*/

if recs\==0 then say 'lines in the ' wFID " list: " recs if #.freqs\==0 then say 'words in the ' wFID " list: " #.freqs if #.freqs ==0 then weighted=

               else weighted= ' (weighted)'


   do r=0  while  lines(iFID)\==0               /*keep reading the dictionary 'til done*/
   u=space( linein(iFID), 0);      upper u      /*elide superfluous blanks and tabs.   */
   if u==  then iterate                       /*Is it a blank line?   Then ignore it.*/
   #.words=#.words + 1                          /*keep running count of number of words*/
   if pos('EI',u)\==0 & pos('IE',u)\==0  then #.both=#.both + one  /*the word has both.*/
   call find  'ie'                                                 /*look for   ie     */
   call find  'ei'                                                 /*  "   "    ei     */
   end   /*r*/

L=length(#.words) /*use this to align the output numbers.*/ say 'lines in the ' iFID ' dictionary: ' r say 'words in the ' iFID ' dictionary: ' #.words say say 'words with "IE" and "EI" (in same word): ' right(#.both,L) weighted say 'words with "IE" and preceded by "C": ' right(#.ie.c ,L) weighted say 'words with "IE" and not preceded by "C": ' right(#.ie.z ,L) weighted say 'words with "EI" and preceded by "C": ' right(#.ei.c ,L) weighted say 'words with "EI" and not preceded by "C": ' right(#.ei.z ,L) weighted say; mantra= 'The spelling mantra ' p1=#.ie.z/max(1,#.ei.z); phrase= '"I before E when not preceded by C"' say mantra phrase ' is ' word("im", 1+(p1>2))'plausible.' p2=#.ie.c/max(1,#.ei.c); phrase= '"E before I when preceded by C"' say mantra phrase ' is ' word("im", 1+(p2>2))'plausible.' po=(p1>2 & p2>2); say 'Overall, it is' word("im",1+po)'plausible.' exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ find: arg x; s=1; do forever; _=pos(x, u, s); if _==0 then return

                   if substr(u, _-1+(_==1)*999, 1)=='C'  then #.x.c=#.x.c + one
                                                         else #.x.z=#.x.z + one
                   s=_+1                        /*handle the cases of multiple finds.  */
                   end   /*forever*/</lang>

output   when using the default dictionary and default word frequency list:

lines in the   WORDFREQ.TXT        list:  7727
words in the   WORDFREQ.TXT        list:  7728

lines in the   UNIXDICT.TXT  dictionary:  25104
words in the   UNIXDICT.TXT  dictionary:  25104

words with "IE" and "EI" (in same word):      4  (weighted)
words with "IE" and     preceded by "C":    719  (weighted)
words with "IE" and not preceded by "C":   3818  (weighted)
words with "EI" and     preceded by "C":    100  (weighted)
words with "EI" and not preceded by "C":   4875  (weighted)

The spelling mantra   "I before E when not preceded by C"  is  implausible.
The spelling mantra   "E before I when     preceded by C"  is  plausible.
Overall, it is implausible.


<lang ruby>require 'open-uri'

plausibility_ratio = 2 counter = Hash.new(0) path = 'http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt' rules = [['I before E when not preceded by C:', 'ie', 'ei'],

        ['E before I when preceded by C:', 'cei', 'cie']]

open(path){|f| f.each{|line| line.scan(/ie|ei|cie|cei/){|match| counter[match] += 1 }}}

overall_plausible = rules.all? do |(str, x, y)|

 num_x, num_y, ratio = counter[x], counter[y], counter[x] / counter[y].to_f
 plausibility = ratio > plausibility_ratio
 puts str
 puts "#{x}: #{num_x}; #{y}: #{num_y}; Ratio: #{ratio.round(2)}: #{ plausibility ? 'Plausible' : 'Implausible'}"


puts "Overall: #{overall_plausible ? 'Plausible' : 'Implausible'}." </lang>

I before E when not preceded by C:
ie: 464; ei: 217; Ratio: 2.14: Plausible
E before I when preceded by C:
cei: 13; cie: 24; Ratio: 0.54: Implausible
Overall: Implausible.


<lang Scala>object I_before_E_except_after_C extends App {

 val testIE1 = "(^|[^c])ie".r // i before e when not preceded by c
 val testIE2 = "cie".r // i before e when preceded by c
 var countsIE = (0,0)
 val testCEI1 = "cei".r // e before i when preceded by c
 val testCEI2 = "(^|[^c])ei".r // e before i when not preceded by c
 var countsCEI = (0,0)
 scala.io.Source.fromURL("http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt").getLines.map(_.toLowerCase).foreach{word =>
   if (testIE1.findFirstIn(word).isDefined) countsIE = (countsIE._1 + 1, countsIE._2)
   if (testIE2.findFirstIn(word).isDefined) countsIE = (countsIE._1, countsIE._2 + 1)
   if (testCEI1.findFirstIn(word).isDefined) countsCEI = (countsCEI._1 + 1, countsCEI._2)
   if (testCEI2.findFirstIn(word).isDefined) countsCEI = (countsCEI._1, countsCEI._2 + 1)
 def plausible(counts: (Int,Int)) = counts._1 > (2 * counts._2)
 def plausibility(plausible: Boolean) = if (plausible) "plausible" else "implausible"
 def plausibility(counts: (Int, Int)): String = plausibility(plausible(counts))
 println("I before E when not preceded by C: "+plausibility(countsIE))
 println("E before I when preceded by C: "+plausibility(countsCEI))
 println("Overall: "+plausibility(plausible(countsIE) && plausible(countsCEI)))


I before E when not preceded by C: plausible
E before I when preceded by C: implausible
Overall: implausible


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "gethttp.s7i";
 include "float.s7i";

const integer: PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO is 2;

const func boolean: plausibilityCheck (in string: comment, in integer: x, in integer: y) is func

   var boolean: plausible is FALSE;
   writeln("  Checking plausibility of: " <& comment);
   if x > PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO * y then
     writeln("    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of " <& x <& " vs " <& y <&
             " words, a ratio of " <& flt(x) / flt(y) digits 1 lpad 4 <& " times");
   elsif x > y then
     writeln("    IMPLAUSIBLE. As although we have counts of " <& x <& " vs " <& y <&
             " words, a ratio of " <& flt(x) / flt(y) digits 1 lpad 4 <& " times does not make it plausible");
     writeln("    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of " <& x <& " vs " <& y <&
             " words, a ratio of " <& flt(x) / flt(y) digits 1 lpad 4 <& " times");
   end if;
   plausible := x > PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO * y;
 end func;

const func integer: count (in string: stri, in array string: words) is func

   var integer: count is 0;
   var integer: index is 0;
   for key index range words do
     if pos(words[index], stri) <> 0 then
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var array string: words is 0 times "";
   var integer: cie is 0;
   var integer: cei is 0;
   var integer: not_c_ie is 0;
   var integer: not_c_ei is 0;
   words := split(lower(getHttp("www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt")), "\n");
   cie := count("cie", words);
   cei := count("cei", words);
   not_c_ie := count("ie", words) - cie;
   not_c_ei := count("ei", words) - cei;
   writeln("Checking plausibility of \"I before E except after C\":");
   if plausibilityCheck("I before E when not preceded by C", not_c_ie, not_c_ei) and
       plausibilityCheck("E before I when preceded by C", cei, cie) then
     writeln("OVERALL IT IS PLAUSIBLE!");
     writeln("(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by " <& PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO <& " times)");
   end if;
 end func;</lang>
Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C":
  Checking plausibility of: I before E when not preceded by C
    PLAUSIBLE. As we have counts of 465 vs 213 words, a ratio of  2.2 times
  Checking plausibility of: E before I when preceded by C
    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated. As we have counts of 13 vs 24 words, a ratio of  0.5 times
(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by 2 times)


Using SwiftRegex for easy regex in strings. <lang Swift>import Foundation

let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt")!)

NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue()) {res, data, err in

   if (data != nil) {
       if let fileAsString = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
           var firstCase = false
           var secondCase = false
           var cie = 0
           var cei = 0
           var not_c_ie = 0
           var not_c_ei = 0
           let words = fileAsString.componentsSeparatedByString("\n")
           for word in words {
               var wordRegex = RegexMutable(word as String)
               if (wordRegex["cie"]) {
               if (wordRegex["cei"]) {
               if (wordRegex["(^ie|[^c]ie)"].matches().count != 0) {
               if (wordRegex["(^ei|[^c]ei)"].matches().count != 0) {
           if (not_c_ie > not_c_ei * 2) {
               println("I before E when not preceded by C is plausable")
               firstCase = true
           } else {
               println("I before E when not preceded by C is not plausable")
           if (cei > cie * 2) {
               secondCase = true
               println("E before I when preceded by C is plausable")
           } else {
               println("E before I when preceded by C is not plausable")
           if (firstCase && secondCase) {
               println("I before E except after C is plausible")
           } else {
               println("I before E except after C is not plausible")



I before E when not preceded by C is plausable
E before I when preceded by C is not plausable
I before E except after C is not plausible


Translation of: Python

<lang tcl>package require http

variable PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO 2.0 proc plausible {description x y} {

   puts "  Checking plausibility of: $description"
   if {$x > $PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO * $y} {

set conclusion "PLAUSIBLE" set fmt "As we have counts of %i vs %i words, a ratio of %.1f times" set result true

   } elseif {$x > $y} {

set conclusion "IMPLAUSIBLE" set fmt "As although we have counts of %i vs %i words," append fmt " a ratio of %.1f times does not make it plausible" set result false

   } else {

set conclusion "IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated" set fmt "As we have counts of %i vs %i words, a ratio of %.1f times" set result false

   puts [format "    %s.\n    $fmt" $conclusion $x $y [expr {double($x)/$y}]]
   return $result


set t [http::geturl http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt] set words [split [http::data $t] "\n"] http::cleanup $t foreach {name pattern} {ie (?:^|[^c])ie ei (?:^|[^c])ei cie cie cei cei} {

   set count($name) [llength [lsearch -nocase -all -regexp $words $pattern]]


puts "Checking plausibility of \"I before E except after C\":" if {

   [plausible "I before E when not preceded by C" $count(ie) $count(ei)] &&
   [plausible "E before I when preceded by C" $count(cei) $count(cie)]

} then {


} else {


} puts "\n(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by\ $PLAUSIBILITY_RATIO times)"</lang>

Checking plausibility of "I before E except after C":
  Checking plausibility of: I before E when not preceded by C
    As we have counts of 465 vs 213 words, a ratio of 2.2 times
  Checking plausibility of: E before I when preceded by C
    IMPLAUSIBLE, probably contra-indicated.
    As we have counts of 13 vs 24 words, a ratio of 0.5 times


(To be plausible, one word count must exceed another by 2.0 times)

UNIX Shell

<lang bash>#!/bin/sh

matched() {

 grep -Poe "$1" unixdict.txt | wc -l


check() {

 local num_for="$(matched "$3")"
 local num_against="$(matched "$2")"
 if [ "$num_for" -le "$(expr 2 \* "$num_against")" ]; then
   echo "Clause $1 not plausible ($num_for examples; $num_against counterexamples)"
   return 1
   echo "Clause $1 is plausible ($num_for examples; $num_against counterexamples)"
   return 0


check 1 '(?<!c)ei' '(?<!c)ie' PLAUSIBLE_1=$? check 2 'cie' 'cei' PLAUSIBLE_2=$? if [ $PLAUSIBLE_1 -eq 0 -a $PLAUSIBLE_2 -eq 0 ]; then

 echo "Overall, the rule is plausible"


 echo "Overall, the rule is not plausible"

fi </lang>

Clause 1 is plausible (466 examples; 217 counterexamples)
Clause 2 not plausible (13 examples; 24 counterexamples)
Overall, the rule is not plausible


The sample text was downloaded and saved in the same folder as the script. <lang vb> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set srcFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) &_ "\unixdict.txt",1,False,0)

cei = 0 : cie = 0 : ei = 0 : ie = 0

Do Until srcFile.AtEndOfStream word = srcFile.ReadLine If InStr(word,"cei") Then cei = cei + 1 ElseIf InStr(word,"cie") Then cie = cie + 1 ElseIf InStr(word,"ei") Then ei = ei + 1 ElseIf InStr(word,"ie") Then ie = ie + 1 End If Loop

FirstClause = False SecondClause = False Overall = False

'testing the first clause If ie > ei*2 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "I before E when not preceded by C is plausible." FirstClause = True Else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "I before E when not preceded by C is NOT plausible." End If

'testing the second clause If cei > cie*2 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "E before I when not preceded by C is plausible." SecondClause = True Else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "E before I when not preceded by C is NOT plausible." End If

'overall clause If FirstClause And SecondClause Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Overall it is plausible." Else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Overall it is NOT plausible." End If

srcFile.Close Set objFSO = Nothing </lang>

I before E when not preceded by C is plausible.
E before I when not preceded by C is NOT plausible.
Overall it is NOT plausible.


<lang zkl>fcn wcnt(wordList,altrs,aAdjust,bltrs,bAdjust,text){

  a:=wordList.reduce('wrap(cnt,word){ cnt+word.holds(altrs) },0) - aAdjust;
  b:=wordList.reduce('wrap(cnt,word){ cnt+word.holds(bltrs) },0) - bAdjust;
  "%s is %splausible".fmt(text,ratio<2 and "im" or "").println();
  "  %d cases for and %d cases against is a ratio of %.3f.".fmt(a,b,ratio).println();

} wordList:=File("unixdict.txt").read();</lang> <lang zkl>a,b,r1:=wcnt(wordList,"cei",0,"cie",0,"E before I when preceded by C"); _,_,r2:=wcnt(wordList,"ie",b,"ei",a, "I before E when not preceded by C"); "Overall the rule is %splausible".fmt((r1<2 or r2<2) and "im" or "").println();</lang>

E before I when preceded by C is implausible
  13 cases for and 24 cases against is a ratio of 0.542.
I before E when not preceded by C is plausible
  465 cases for and 213 cases against is a ratio of 2.183.
Overall the rule is implausible

Stretch <lang zkl>fcn wc2(wordList,altrs,aAdjust,bltrs,bAdjust,text){

     // don't care if line is "Word PoS Freq" or "as yet Adv 14"
     if(word.holds(altrs)) cnts[0]=cnts[0]+n;
     if(word.holds(bltrs)) cnts[1]=cnts[1]+n;
  a-=aAdjust; b-=bAdjust;
  "%s is %splausible".fmt(text,ratio<2 and "im" or "").println();
  "  %d cases for and %d cases against is a ratio of %.3f.".fmt(a,b,ratio).println();

} wordList:=File("1_2_all_freq.txt").read();</lang>

E before I when preceded by C is implausible
  327 cases for and 994 cases against is a ratio of 0.329.
I before E when not preceded by C is implausible
  8148 cases for and 4826 cases against is a ratio of 1.688.
Overall the rule is implausible