A   set  is a collection of elements, without duplicates and without order.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Data Structure
This illustrates a data structure, a means of storing data within a program.

You may see other such structures in the Data Structures category.


Show each of these set operations:

  • Set creation
  • Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"
  • A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.
  • A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.
  • A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.
  • A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.
  • A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice versa.

As an option, show some other set operations.
(If A ⊆ B, but A ≠ B, then A is called a true or proper subset of B, written A ⊂ B or A ⊊ B.)

As another option, show how to modify a mutable set.

One might implement a set using an associative array (with set elements as array keys and some dummy value as the values).

One might also implement a set with a binary search tree, or with a hash table, or with an ordered array of binary bits (operated on with bit-wise binary operators).

The basic test, m ∈ S, is O(n) with a sequential list of elements, O(log n) with a balanced binary search tree, or (O(1) average-case, O(n) worst case) with a hash table.

See also


This solution uses the generic Ordered_Sets package from the Ada.Containers standard library, which internally is based on red-black trees. An alternative hash-based solution could use the Hashed_Maps package from Ada.Containers.

<lang Ada>with ada.containers.ordered_sets, ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;

procedure set_demo is package cs is new ada.containers.ordered_sets (character); use cs;

function "+" (s : string) return set is (if s = "" then empty_set else Union(+ s(s'first..s'last - 1), To_Set (s(s'last))));

function "-" (s : Set) return string is (if s = empty_set then "" else - (s - To_Set (s.last_element)) & s.last_element); s1, s2 : set; begin loop put ("s1= "); s1 := + get_line; exit when s1 = +"Quit!"; put ("s2= "); s2 := + get_line; Put_Line("Sets [" & (-s1) & "], [" & (-s2) & "] of size"

               & S1.Length'img & " and" & s2.Length'img & ".");
 		Put_Line("Intersection:   [" & (-(Intersection(S1, S2))) & "],");
 		Put_Line("Union:          [" & (-(Union(s1, s2)))        & "],");
 		Put_Line("Difference:     [" & (-(Difference(s1, s2)))   & "],");
 		Put_Line("Symmetric Diff: [" & (-(s1 xor s2)) & "],");
 		Put_Line("Subset: "  & Boolean'Image(s1.Is_Subset(s2))
             & ", Equal: " & Boolean'Image(s1 = s2) & ".");

end loop; end set_demo; </lang>

Sets [est], [demo] of size 3 and 4.
Intersection:   [e],
Union:          [demost],
Difference:     [st],
Symmetric Diff: [dmost],
Subset: FALSE, Equal: FALSE.


<lang aime>record union(record a, record b) {

   record c;
   r_copy(c, a);
   r_wcall(b, r_add, 1, 2, c);
   return c;


record intersection(record a, record b) {

   record c;
   text s;
   for (s in a) {
       if (r_key(b, s)) {
           c[s] = 0;
   return c;


record difference(record a, record b) {

   record c;
   r_copy(c, a);
   r_vcall(b, r_resign, 1, c);
   return c;


integer subset(record a, record b) {

   integer e;
   text s;
   e = 1;
   for (s in a) {
       if (!r_key(b, s)) {
           e = 0;
   return e;


integer equal(record a, record b) {

   return subset(a, b) && subset(b, a);


integer main(void) {

   record a, b;
   text s;
   r_fit(a, "apple", 0, "cherry", 0, "grape", 0);
   r_fit(b, "banana", 0, "cherry", 0, "date", 0);
   s = "banana";
   o_(" ", s, " is ", r_key(a, s) ? "" : "not ", "an element of A\n");
   o_(" ", s, " is ", r_key(b, s) ? "" : "not ", "an element of B\n");
   r_vcall(union(a, b), o_, 1, " ");
   r_vcall(intersection(a, b), o_, 1, " ");
   r_vcall(difference(a, b), o_, 1, " ");
   o_(" ", subset(a, b) ? "yes" : "no", "\n");
   o_(" ", equal(a, b) ? "yes" : "no", "\n");
   return 0;


 banana is not an element of A
 banana is an element of B
 apple banana cherry date grape
 apple grape


In Apex, Sets are unordered collections of elements. Although elements can be anything including primitives, Ids, Apex classes, or sObjects, typically they are used with primitives and Ids.

<lang apex> public class MySetController{

   public Set<String> strSet {get; private set; }
   public Set<Id> idSet {get; private set; }
   public MySetController(){
       //Initialize to an already known collection.  Results in a set of abc,def.
       this.strSet = new Set<String>{'abc','abc','def'};
       //Initialize to empty set and add in entries.
       this.strSet = new Set<String>();
       //Results in {'abc','def'}
       //You can also get a set from a map in Apex. In this case, the account ids are fetched from a SOQL query.
       Map<Id,Account> accountMap = new Map<Id,Account>([Select Id,Name From Account Limit 10]);
       Set<Id> accountIds = accountMap.keySet();
       //If you have a set, you can also use it with the bind variable syntax in SOQL:
       List<Account> accounts = [Select Name From Account Where Id in :accountIds];
       //Like other collections in Apex, you can use a for loop to iterate over sets:
       for(Id accountId : accountIds){
           Account a = accountMap.get(accountId);
           //Do account stuffs here.

} </lang>


<lang AutoHotkey>test(Set,element){ for i, val in Set if (val=element) return true return false }

Union(SetA,SetB){ SetC:=[], Temp:=[] for i, val in SetA SetC.Insert(val), Temp[val] := true for i, val in SetB if !Temp[val] SetC.Insert(val) return SetC }

intersection(SetA,SetB){ SetC:=[], Temp:=[] for i, val in SetA Temp[val] := true for i, val in SetB if Temp[val] SetC.Insert(val) return SetC }

difference(SetA,SetB){ SetC:=[], Temp:=[] for i, val in SetB Temp[val] := true for i, val in SetA if !Temp[val] SetC.Insert(val) return SetC }

subset(SetA,SetB){ Temp:=[], A:=B:=0 for i, val in SetA Temp[val] := true , A++ for i, val in SetB if Temp[val]{ B++ IfEqual, A, %B%, return 1 } return 0 }

equal(SetA,SetB){ return (SetA.MaxIndex() = SetB.MaxIndex() && subset(SetA,SetB)) ? 1: 0 }</lang> Examples:<lang AutoHotkey>A:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"] B:= ["banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig"] C:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape", "orange"] D:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"] E:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry"] M:= "banana"

Res = ( A:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"] B:= ["banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig"] C:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape", "orange"] D:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"] E:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry"] M:= "banana"


Res .= "`nM is " (test(A,M)?"":"not ") "an element of Set A" Res .= "`nM is " (test(B,M)?"":"not ") "an element of Set B"

Res .= "`nUnion(A,B) = " for i, val in Union(A,B) Res.= (A_Index=1?"`t":", ") val

Res .= "`nintersection(A,B) = " for i, val in intersection(A,B) Res.= (A_Index=1?"`t":", ") val

Res .= "`ndifference(A,B) = " for i, val in difference(A,B) Res.= (A_Index=1?"`t":", ") val

Res .= "`n`nA is " (subset(A,C)?"":"not ") "a subset of Set C" Res .= "`nA is " (subset(A,D)?"":"not ") "a subset of Set D" Res .= "`nA is " (subset(A,E)?"":"not ") "a subset of Set E"

Res .= "`n`nA is " (equal(A,C)?"":"not ") "a equal to Set C" Res .= "`nA is " (equal(A,D)?"":"not ") "a equal to Set D" Res .= "`nA is " (equal(A,E)?"":"not ") "a equal to Set E"

MsgBox % Res</lang>

A:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"]
B:= ["banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig"]
C:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape", "orange"]
D:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry", "grape"]
E:= ["apple", "cherry", "elderberry"]
M:= "banana"

M is not an element of Set A
M is an element of Set B
Union(A,B) = 	apple, cherry, elderberry, grape, banana, date, fig
intersection(A,B) = 	cherry, elderberry
difference(A,B) = 	apple, grape

A is a subset of Set C
A is a subset of Set D
A is not a subset of Set E

A is not a equal to Set C
A is a equal to Set D
A is not a equal to Set E


The sets are represented as 32-bit integers, which means that the maximum number of elements is 32. <lang bbcbasic> DIM list$(6)

     list$() = "apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig", "grape"
     setA% = %1010101
     PRINT "Set A: " FNlistset(list$(), setA%)
     setB% = %0111110
     PRINT "Set B: " FNlistset(list$(), setB%)
     elementM% = %0000010
     PRINT "Element M: " FNlistset(list$(), elementM%) '
     IF elementM% AND setA% THEN
       PRINT "M is an element of set A"
       PRINT "M is not an element of set A"
     IF elementM% AND setB% THEN
       PRINT "M is an element of set B"
       PRINT "M is not an element of set B"
     PRINT '"The union of A and B is " FNlistset(list$(), setA% OR setB%)
     PRINT "The intersection of A and B is " FNlistset(list$(), setA% AND setB%)
     PRINT "The difference of A and B is " FNlistset(list$(), setA% AND NOT setB%)
     IF (setA% AND setB%) = setA% THEN
       PRINT '"Set A is a subset of set B"
       PRINT '"Set A is not a subset of set B"
     IF setA% = setB% THEN
       PRINT "Set A is equal to set B"
       PRINT "Set A is not equal to set B"
     DEF FNlistset(list$(), set%)
     LOCAL i%, o$
     FOR i% = 0 TO 31
       IF set% AND 1 << i% o$ += list$(i%) + ", "
     = LEFT$(LEFT$(o$))</lang>
Set A: apple, cherry, elderberry, grape
Set B: banana, cherry, date, elderberry, fig
Element M: banana

M is not an element of set A
M is an element of set B

The union of A and B is apple, banana, cherry, date, elderberry, fig, grape
The intersection of A and B is cherry, elderberry
The difference of A and B is apple, grape

Set A is not a subset of set B
Set A is not equal to set B


Building a set highly depends on the datatype and use case. For example, a set of string could be implemented by hash table, sort tree or trie, but if all sets are known to have very few number of elements, it might be best to use just flat arrays. There isn't, and shouldn't be, an all-purpose set type for C.

A frequent use of set is that of small, non-negative integers, implemented as a bit field as shown below. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned int set_t; /* probably 32 bits; change according to need */

void show_set(set_t x, const char *name) { int i; printf("%s is:", name); for (i = 0; (1U << i) <= x; i++) if (x & (1U << i)) printf(" %d", i); putchar('\n'); }

int main(void) { int i; set_t a, b, c;

a = 0; /* empty set */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 3) /* add 0 3 6 9 to set a */ a |= (1U << i); show_set(a, "a");

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) printf("\t%d%s in set a\n", i, (a & (1U << i)) ? "":" not");

b = a; b |= (1U << 5); b |= (1U << 10); /* b is a plus 5, 10 */ b &= ~(1U << 0); /* sans 0 */ show_set(b, "b");

show_set(a | b, "union(a, b)"); show_set(c = a & b, "c = common(a, b)"); show_set(a & ~b, "a - b"); /* diff, not arithmetic minus */ show_set(b & ~a, "b - a"); printf("b is%s a subset of a\n", !(b & ~a) ? "" : " not"); printf("c is%s a subset of a\n", !(c & ~a) ? "" : " not");

printf("union(a, b) - common(a, b) %s union(a - b, b - a)\n", ((a | b) & ~(a & b)) == ((a & ~b) | (b & ~a)) ? "equals" : "does not equal");

return 0; }</lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

class Program {

   static void PrintCollection(IEnumerable<int> x)
       Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", x));
   static void Main(string[] args)
       Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
       Console.WriteLine("Set creation");
       var A = new HashSet<int> { 4, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 };
       var B = new HashSet<int> { 2, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20 };
       Console.WriteLine("Test m ∈ S -- \"m is an element in set S\"");
       Console.WriteLine("14 is an element in set A: {0}", A.Contains(14));
       Console.WriteLine("15 is an element in set A: {0}", A.Contains(15));
       Console.WriteLine("A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.");
       var aUb = A.Union(B);
       Console.WriteLine("A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.");
       var aDb = A.Except(B);
       Console.WriteLine("A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.");
       var C = new HashSet<int> { 14, 17, 18 };
       Console.WriteLine("A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice versa.");
       var D = new HashSet<int> { 4, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 };
       Console.WriteLine("If A ⊆ B, but A ≠ B, then A is called a true or proper subset of B, written A ⊂ B or A ⊊ B");
       Console.WriteLine("Modify a mutable set.  (Add 10 to A; remove 12 from B).");


Set creation
4 12 14 17 18 19 20
2 5 8 11 12 13 17 18 20
Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"
14 is an element in set A: True
15 is an element in set A: False
A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.
4 12 14 17 18 19 20 2 5 8 11 13
A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.
4 14 19
A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.
A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice versa.
If A ⊆ B, but A ≠ B, then A is called a true or proper subset of B, written A ⊂ B or A ⊊ B
Modify a mutable set.  (Add 10 to A; remove 12 from B).
4 12 14 17 18 19 20 10
2 5 8 11 13 17 18 20


C++ standard library contains a set class, which is a sorted container without duplicates and implemented as a binary tree. Additional set functionality can be implemented in terms of standard library algorithms.

C++11 standard library also contains unordered_set based on a hash table. However, algorithms like std::set_intersection etc take sorted ranges, so set-specific functions should be hand-rolled.

<lang cpp>

  1. include <set>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <iterator>
  4. include <algorithm>

namespace set_display { template <class T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::set<T>& set) {

   os << '[';
   if (!set.empty()) {
       std::copy(set.begin(), --set.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(os, ", "));
       os << *--set.end();
   return os << ']';

} }

template <class T> bool contains(const std::set<T>& set, const T& key) {

   return set.count(key) != 0;


template <class T> std::set<T> set_union(const std::set<T>& a, const std::set<T>& b) {

   std::set<T> result;
   std::set_union(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), std::inserter(result, result.end()));
   return result;


template <class T> std::set<T> set_intersection(const std::set<T>& a, const std::set<T>& b) {

   std::set<T> result;
   std::set_intersection(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), std::inserter(result, result.end()));
   return result;


template <class T> std::set<T> set_difference(const std::set<T>& a, const std::set<T>& b) {

   std::set<T> result;
   std::set_difference(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), std::inserter(result, result.end()));
   return result;


template <class T> bool is_subset(const std::set<T>& set, const std::set<T>& subset) {

   return std::includes(set.begin(), set.end(), subset.begin(), subset.end());


int main() {

   using namespace set_display;
   std::set<int> a{2, 5, 7, 5, 9, 2}; //C++11 initialization syntax
   std::set<int> b{1, 5, 9, 7, 4 };
   std::cout << "a = " << a << '\n';
   std::cout << "b = " << b << '\n';
   int value1 = 8, value2 = 5;
   std::cout << "Set a " << (contains(a, value1) ? "contains " : "does not contain ") << value1 << '\n';
   std::cout << "Set a " << (contains(a, value2) ? "contains " : "does not contain ") << value2 << '\n';
   std::cout << "Union of a and b: " << set_union(a, b) << '\n';
   std::cout << "Intersection of a and b: " << set_intersection(a, b) << '\n';
   std::cout << "Difference of a and b: " << set_difference(a, b) << '\n';
   std::set<int> sub{5, 9};
   std::cout << "Set b " << (is_subset(a, b) ? "is" : "is not") << " a subset of a\n";
   std::cout << "Set " << sub << ' ' << (is_subset(a, sub) ? "is" : "is not") << " a subset of a\n";
   std::set<int> copy = a;
   std::cout << "a " << (a == copy ? "equals " : "does not equal ") << copy << '\n';
   return 0;

} </lang>


<lang ceylon>shared void run() {

   value a = set {1, 2, 3};
   value b = set {3, 4, 5};
   value union = a | b;
   value intersection = a & b;
   value difference = a ~ b;
   value subset = a.subset(b);
   value equality = a == b;
   print("set a:         ``a``
          set b:         ``b``
          1 in a?        ``1 in a``
          a | b:         ``union``
          a & b:         ``intersection``
          a ~ b:         ``difference``
          a subset of b? ``subset``
          a == b?        ``equality``");



<lang clojure>(require 'clojure.set)

sets can be created using the set method or set literal syntax

(def a (set [1 2 3 4])) (def b #{4 5 6 7})

(a 10) ; returns the element if it's contained in the set, otherwise nil

(clojure.set/union a b)

(clojure.set/intersection a b)

(clojure.set/difference a b)

(clojure.set/subset? a b)</lang>


This implements functions from the task, along with an iteration helper called "each". <lang coffeescript>

  1. For ad-hoc set features, it sometimes makes sense to use hashes directly,
  2. rather than abstract to this level, but I'm showing a somewhat heavy
  3. solution to show off CoffeeScript class syntax.

class Set

 constructor: (elems...) ->
   @hash = {}
   for elem in elems
     @hash[elem] = true
 add: (elem) ->
   @hash[elem] = true
 remove: (elem) ->
   delete @hash[elem]
 has: (elem) ->
 union: (set2) ->
   set = new Set()
   for elem of @hash
     set.add elem
   for elem in set2.to_array()
     set.add elem
 intersection: (set2) ->
   set = new Set()
   for elem of @hash
     set.add elem if set2.has elem
 minus: (set2) ->
   set = new Set()
   for elem of @hash
     set.add elem if !set2.has elem
 is_subset_of: (set2) ->
   for elem of @hash
     return false if !set2.has elem
 equals: (set2) ->
   this.is_subset_of(set2) and set2.is_subset_of this
 to_array: ->
   (elem for elem of @hash)
 each: (f) ->
   for elem of @hash
 to_string: ->

run_tests = ->

 set1 = new Set("apple", "banana") # creation
 console.log set1.has "apple" # true (membership)
 console.log set1.has "worms" # false (membership)
 set2 = new Set("banana", "carrots")
 console.log set1.union(set2).to_string() # [ 'apple', 'banana', 'carrots' ] (union)
 console.log set1.intersection(set2).to_string() # [ 'banana' ] (intersection)
 console.log set1.minus(set2).to_string() # [ 'apple' ] (difference)
 set3 = new Set("apple")
 console.log set3.is_subset_of set1 # true
 console.log set3.is_subset_of set2 # false
 set4 = new Set("apple", "banana")
 console.log set4.equals set1 # true
 console.log set4.equals set2 # false
 set5 = new Set("foo")
 set5.add "bar" # add
 console.log set5.to_string() # [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
 set5.remove "bar" # remove
 console.log set5.to_string() # [ 'foo' ]
 # iteration, prints apple then banana (order not guaranteed)
 set1.each (elem) ->
   console.log elem

run_tests() </lang>

Common Lisp

Common Lisp provides some set operations on lists. <lang lisp>(setf a '(1 2 3 4)) (setf b '(2 3 4 5))

(format t "sets: ~a ~a~%" a b)


(loop for x from 1 to 6 do (format t (if (member x a) "~d ∈ A~%" "~d ∉ A~%") x))

(format t "A ∪ B: ~a~%" (union a b)) (format t "A ∩ B: ~a~%" (intersection a b)) (format t "A \\ B: ~a~%" (set-difference a b)) (format t (if (subsetp a b) "~a ⊆ ~a~%" "~a ⊈ ~a~%") a b)

(format t (if (and (subsetp a b) (subsetp b a)) "~a = ~a~%" "~a ≠ ~a~%") a b)</lang>


<lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;
   // Not true sets, items can be repeated, but must be sorted.
   auto s1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].assumeSorted;
   auto s2 = [2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 8].sort(); // [2,3,4,5,6,8].
   auto s3 = [1, 2, 5].assumeSorted;
   assert(s1.canFind(4)); // Linear search.
   assert(s1.contains(4)); // Binary search.
   assert(s1.setIntersection(s2).equal([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]));
   assert(s1.setSymmetricDifference(s2).equal([1, 8]));
   assert(s3.setDifference(s1).empty); // It's a subset.
   auto s4 = [[1, 4, 7, 8], [1, 7], [1, 7, 8], [4], [7]];
   const s5 = [1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8];



<lang d> module set; import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple; struct Set(V) { // Limited set of V-type elements // here 'this' is named A, s is B, v V-type item

protected V[] array;

this(const Set s) { // construct A by copy of B array = s.array.dup; }

this(V[] arg...){ // construct A with items foreach(v; arg) if (v.isNotIn(array)) array ~= v; }

enum : Set { empty = Set() } // ∅

ref Set opAssign()(const Set s) { // A = B array = s.array.dup; return this; }

bool opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(const V v) const { // v ∈ A return v.isIn(array); }

ref Set opOpAssign(string op)(const V v) if (op == "+" || op == "|") { // A += {v} // + = ∪ = | if (v.isIn(array)) return this; array ~= v; return this; }

ref Set opOpAssign(string op)(const Set s) if (op == "+" || op == "|") { // A += B foreach(x; s.array) if (x.isNotIn(array)) array ~= x; return this; }

Set opBinary(string op)(const V v) const if (op == "+" || op == "|"){ // A + {v} Set result = this; result += v; return result; }

Set opBinaryRight(string op)(const V v) const if (op == "+" || op == "|") { // {v} + A Set result = this; result += v; return result; }

Set opBinary(string op)(const Set s) const if (op == "+" || op == "|") { // A + B Set result = this; result += s; return result; }

Set opBinary(string op : "&")(const Set s) const{ // A ∩ B // ∩ = & Set result; foreach(x; array) if(x.isIn(s.array)) result += x; return result; }

ref Set opOpAssign(string op : "&")(const Set s) { // A ∩= B return this(this & s); }

Set opBinary(string op : "^")(const Set s) const { // (A ∪ B) - (A ∩ B) // = A ^ B Set result; foreach(x; array) if (x.isNotIn(s.array)) result += x; foreach(x; s.array) if(x.isNotIn(array)) result += x; return result; }

ref opOpAssign(string op : "^")(const Set s) { return this = this ^ s; }

Set opBinary(string op : "-")(const Set s) const { // A - B Set r; foreach(x; array) if(x.isNot(s.array)) r += x; return r; }

ref Set opOpAssign(string op : "-")(const Set s) { // A -= B return this = this - s; }

Set!(Tuple!(V,U)) opBinary(U, string op : "*")(const Set!U s) const { // A × B = { (x, y) | ∀x ∈ A ∧ ∀y ∈ B } Set!(Tuple!(V, U)) r; foreach(x; array) foreach(y; s.array) r += tuple(x, y); return r; }

bool isEmpty() const { return !array.length;} // A ≟ ∅

bool opBinary(string op : "in")(const Set s) const { // A ⊂ s foreach(v; array) if(v.isNotIn(s.array)) return false; return true; }

bool opEquals(const Set s) const { // A ≟ B if (array.length != s.array.length) return false; return this in s; }

T[] array() const @property { return array.dup;}


Set!(Tuple!(T, T)) sqr(T)(const Set!T s) { return s * s; } // A²

auto pow(T, uint n : 0)(const Set!T s) { // A ^ 0 return Set!T.empty; }

auto pow(T, uint n : 1)(const Set!T s) { // A ^ 1 = A return s; }

auto pow(T, uint n : 2)(const Set!T s) { // A ^ 2 (=A²) return sqr!T(s); }

auto pow(T, uint n)(const Set!T s) if(n % 2) { // if n Odd, A^n = A * (A^(n/2))²

       return s * sqr!T(pow!(T, n/2)(s));


auto pow(T, uint n)(const Set!T s) if(!(n % 2)) { // if n Even, A^n = (A^(n/2))² return sqr!T(pow!(T, n/2)(s)); }

size_t Card(T)(const Set!T s) {return s.length; } // Card(A)

Set!(Set!T) power(T)(Set!T s) { // ∀B ∈ P(A) ⇒ B ⊂ A Set!(Set!T) ret; foreach(e; s.array) { Set!(Set!T) rs; foreach(x; ret.array) { x += e; rs += x; } ret += rs; } return ret; }

bool isIn(T)(T x, T[] array){ foreach(a; array) if(a == x) return true; return false; } bool isNotIn(T)(T x, T[] array){ foreachj(a; array) if(a == x) return false; return true; } </lang>


<lang d>void main(){

 //Set Creation
 Set A = new Set.from([1,2,3]);
 Set B = new Set.from([1,2,3,4,5]);
 Set C = new Set.from([1,2,4,5]);
 print('Set A = $A');
 print('Set B = $B');
 print('Set C = $C');
 //Test if element is in set
 int m = 3;
 print('m = 5');
 print('m in A = ${A.contains(m)}');
 print('m in B = ${B.contains(m)}');
 print('m in C = ${C.contains(m)}');
 //Union of two sets
 Set AC = A.union(C);
 print('Set AC = Union of A and C = $AC');
 //Intersection of two sets
 Set A_C = A.intersection(C);
 print('Set A_C = Intersection of A and C = $A_C');
 //Difference of two sets
 Set A_diff_C = A.difference(C);
 print('Set A_diff_C = Difference between A and C = $A_diff_C');
 //Test if set is subset of another set
 print('A is a subset of B = ${B.containsAll(A)}');
 print('C is a subset of B = ${B.containsAll(C)}');
 print('A is a subset of C = ${C.containsAll(A)}');
 //Test if two sets are equal
 print('A is equal to B  = ${B.containsAll(A) && A.containsAll(B)}');
 print('B is equal to AC = ${B.containsAll(AC) && AC.containsAll(B)}');


Set A = {1, 2, 3}
Set B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Set C = {1, 2, 4, 5}

m = 5
m in A = true
m in B = true
m in C = false

Set AC = Union of A and C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Set A_C = Intersection of A and C = {1, 2}

Set A_diff_C = Difference between A and C = {3}

A is a subset of B = true
C is a subset of B = true
A is a subset of C = false

A is equal to B  = false
B is equal to AC = true


EchoLisp sets are lists, i.e the set of all sets is a proper subset of the set of all lists. Sets elements may be any object, including sets.

The set operations are: ∩ ∪ ⊆ / ∈ = ∆ × <lang lisp>

use { } to read a set

(define A { 1 2 3 4 3 5 5}) → { 1 2 3 4 5 } ; duplicates are removed from a set

or use make-set to make a set from a list

(define B (make-set ' ( 3 4 5 6 7 8 8))) → { 3 4 5 6 7 8 } (set-intersect A B) → { 3 4 5 } (set-intersect? A B) → #t ; predicate (set-union A B) → { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } (set-substract A B) → { 1 2 } (set-sym-diff A B) → { 1 2 6 7 8 } ; ∆ symmetric difference (set-equal? A B) → #f (set-equal? { a b c} { c b a}) → #t ; order is unimportant (set-subset? A B) → #f ; B in A or B = A (set-subset? A { 3 4 }) → #t (member 4 A) → (4 5) ; same as #t : true (member 9 A) → #f

check basic equalities

(set-equal? A (set-union (set-intersect A B) (set-substract A B))) → #t (set-equal? (set-union A B) (set-union (set-sym-diff A B) (set-intersect A B))) → #t

cartesian product of two sets : all pairs (a . b) , a in A, b in B
returns a list (not a set)

(define A { albert simon}) (define B { antoinette ornella marylin})

(set-product A B) → ((albert . antoinette) (albert . marylin) (albert . ornella) (simon . antoinette) (simon . marylin) (simon . ornella))

sets elements may be sets

{ { a b c} {c b a } { a b d}} → { { a b c } { a b d } } ; duplicate removed

A few functions return sets

(primes 10) → { 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 } </lang>


Works with: Elixir version 1.1

<lang elixir>iex(1)> s = MapSet.new

  1. MapSet<[]>

iex(2)> sa = MapSet.put(s, :a)

  1. MapSet<[:a]>

iex(3)> sab = MapSet.put(sa, :b)

  1. MapSet<[:a, :b]>

iex(4)> sbc = Enum.into([:b, :c], MapSet.new)

  1. MapSet<[:b, :c]>

iex(5)> MapSet.member?(sab, :a) true iex(6)> MapSet.member?(sab, :c) false iex(7)> :a in sab true iex(8)> MapSet.union(sab, sbc)

  1. MapSet<[:a, :b, :c]>

iex(9)> MapSet.intersection(sab, sbc)

  1. MapSet<[:b]>

iex(10)> MapSet.difference(sab, sbc)

  1. MapSet<[:a]>

iex(11)> MapSet.disjoint?(sab, sbc) false iex(12)> MapSet.subset?(sa, sab) true iex(13)> MapSet.subset?(sab, sa) false iex(14)> sa == sab false</lang>


Built in.

2> S = sets:new().
3> Sa = sets:add_element(a, S).
4> Sab = sets:from_list([a, b]).
5> sets:is_element(a, Sa).
6> Union = sets:union(Sa, Sab).
7> sets:to_list(Union).
8> Intersection = sets:intersection(Sa, Sab).
9> sets:to_list(Intersection).
10> Subtract = sets:subtract(Sab, Sa).
11> sets:to_list(Subtract).
12> sets:is_subset(Sa, Sab). 
13> Sa =:= Sab.


The Collections.Set<'T> class implements "Immutable sets based on binary trees, where comparison is the F# structural comparison function, potentially using implementations of the IComparable interface on key values." (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee353619.aspx) <lang fsharp>[<EntryPoint>] let main args =

   // Create some sets (of int):
   let s1 = Set.ofList [1;2;3;4;3]
   let s2 = Set.ofArray [|3;4;5;6|]
   printfn "Some sets (of int):"
   printfn "s1 = %A" s1
   printfn "s2 = %A" s2
   printfn "Set operations:"
   printfn "2 ∈ s1? %A" (s1.Contains 2)
   printfn "10 ∈ s1? %A" (s1.Contains 10)
   printfn "s1 ∪ s2 = %A" (Set.union s1 s2)
   printfn "s1 ∩ s2 = %A" (Set.intersect s1 s2)
   printfn "s1 ∖ s2 = %A" (Set.difference s1 s2)
   printfn "s1 ⊆ s2? %A" (Set.isSubset s1 s1)
   printfn "{3, 1} ⊆ s1? %A" (Set.isSubset (Set.ofList [3;1]) s1)
   printfn "{3, 2, 4, 1} = s1? %A" ((Set.ofList [3;2;4;1]) = s1)
   printfn "s1 = s2? %A" (s1 = s2)
   printfn "More set operations:"
   printfn "#s1 = %A" s1.Count
   printfn "s1 ∪ {99} = %A" (s1.Add 99)
   printfn "s1 ∖ {3} = %A" (s1.Remove 3)
   printfn "s1 ⊂ s1? %A" (Set.isProperSubset s1 s1)
   printfn "s1 ⊂ s2? %A" (Set.isProperSubset s1 s2)
Some sets (of int):
s1 = set [1; 2; 3; 4]
s2 = set [3; 4; 5; 6]
Set operations:
2 ∈ s1? true
10 ∈ s1? false
s1 ∪ s2 = set [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
s1 ∩ s2 = set [3; 4]
s1 ∖ s2 = set [1; 2]
s1 ⊆ s2? true
{3, 1} ⊆ s1? true
{3, 2, 4, 1} = s1? true
s1 = s2? false
More set operations:
#s1 = 4
s1 ∪ {99} = set [1; 2; 3; 4; 99]
s1 ∖ {3} = set [1; 2; 4]
s1 ⊂ s1? false
s1 ⊂ s2? false


We will use Factor's hash-sets for this task. A hash-set is created with HS{ ... }. <lang factor>( scratchpad ) USE: sets ( scratchpad ) HS{ 2 5 4 3 } HS{ 5 6 7 } union . HS{ 2 3 4 5 6 7 } ( scratchpad ) HS{ 2 5 4 3 } HS{ 5 6 7 } intersect . HS{ 5 } ( scratchpad ) HS{ 2 5 4 3 } HS{ 5 6 7 } diff . HS{ 2 3 4 } ( scratchpad ) HS{ 2 5 4 3 } HS{ 5 6 7 } subset? . f ( scratchpad ) HS{ 5 6 } HS{ 5 6 7 } subset? . t ( scratchpad ) HS{ 5 6 } HS{ 5 6 7 } set= . f ( scratchpad ) HS{ 6 5 7 } HS{ 5 6 7 } set= . t</lang>


Works with: Forth

Works with any ANS Forth. Needs the FMS-SI (single inheritance) library code located here: http://soton.mpeforth.com/flag/fms/index.html <lang forth>include FMS-SI.f include FMS-SILib.f

union {: a b -- c :}
   b each:
 while dup
   a indexOf: if 2drop else a add: then
 repeat b <free a dup sort: ; ok

i{ 2 5 4 3 } i{ 5 6 7 } union p: i{ 2 3 4 5 6 7 } ok

free2 ( a b -- ) <free <free ;
intersect {: a b | c -- c :}
 heap> 1-array2 to c 
   b each:
 while dup
   a indexOf: if drop c add: else drop then
 repeat a b free2 c dup sort: ; 

i{ 2 5 4 3 } i{ 5 6 7 } intersect p: i{ 5 } ok

diff {: a b | c -- c :}
 heap> 1-array2 to c 
   a each:
 while dup
   b indexOf: if 2drop else c add: then
 repeat a b free2 c dup sort: ; 

i{ 2 5 4 3 } i{ 5 6 7 } diff p: i{ 2 3 4 } ok

subset {: a b -- flag :}
   a each:
   b indexOf: if drop else false exit then
 repeat a b free2 true ; 

i{ 2 5 4 3 } i{ 5 6 7 } subset . 0 ok i{ 5 6 } i{ 5 6 7 } subset . -1 ok

set= {: a b -- flag :}
 a size: b size: <> if a b free2 false exit then
 a sort: b sort:
   a each: drop b each: 
   <> if a b free2 false exit then
 repeat a b free2 true ; 

i{ 5 6 } i{ 5 6 7 } set= . 0 ok i{ 6 5 7 } i{ 5 6 7 } set= . -1 ok </lang>


<lang frink> a = new set[1, 2] b = toSet2,3 // Construct a set from an array

a.contains[2] // Element test (returns true) union[a,b] intersection[a,b] setDifference[a,b] isSubset[a,b] // Returns true if a is a subset of b a==b // set equality test </lang>


<lang funl>A = {1, 2, 3} B = {3, 4, 5} C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} D = {2, 1, 3}

println( '2 is in A: ' + (2 in A) ) println( '4 is in A: ' + (4 in A) ) println( 'A union B: ' + A.union(B) ) println( 'A intersect B: ' + A.intersect(B) ) println( 'A difference B: ' + A.diff(B) ) println( 'A subset of B: ' + A.subsetOf(B) ) println( 'A subset of B: ' + A.subsetOf(C) ) println( 'A equal B: ' + (A == B) ) println( 'A equal D: ' + (A == D) )

S = set( A )

println( 'S (mutable version of A): ' + S ) S.add( 4 ) println( 'S with 4 added: ' + S ) println( 'S subset of C: ' + S.subsetOf(C) ) S.remove( 1 ) println( 'S after 1 removed: ' + S )</lang>

2 is in A: true                                                                                                                                                                             
4 is in A: false                                                                                                                                                                            
A union B: {4, 5, 1, 2, 3}                                                                                                                                                                  
A intersect B: {3}                                                                                                                                                                          
A difference B: {1, 2}                                                                                                                                                                      
A subset of B: false                                                                                                                                                                        
A subset of B: true                                                                                                                                                                         
A equal B: false                                                                                                                                                                            
A equal D: true                                                                                                                                                                             
S (mutable version of A): {1, 2, 3}                                                                                                                                                         
S with 4 added: {1, 2, 3, 4}                                                                                                                                                                
S subset of C: true                                                                                                                                                                         
S after 1 removed: {2, 3, 4}


A common complaint is that Go has no native set type and so there are a number of third-party libraries offering to fill this perceived gap. Yet Go has good native support for most applications for sets.


Go maps meet the task description in that they do not require orderable elements. To demonstrate that, a set of complex numbers is shown here. Complex numbers can be compared for equality but are not ordered. <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

// Define set as a type to hold a set of complex numbers. A type // could be defined similarly to hold other types of elements. A common // variation is to make a map of interface{} to represent a set of // mixed types. Also here the map value is a bool. By always storing // true, the code is nicely readable. A variation to use less memory // is to make the map value an empty struct. The relative advantages // can be debated. type set map[complex128]bool

func main() {

   // task: set creation
   s0 := make(set)             // create empty set
   s1 := set{3: true}          // create set with one element
   s2 := set{3: true, 1: true} // create set with two elements
   // option: another way to create a set
   s3 := newSet(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9)
   // option: output!
   fmt.Println("s0:", s0)
   fmt.Println("s1:", s1)
   fmt.Println("s2:", s2)
   fmt.Println("s3:", s3)
   // task: element predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s0: %t\n", 3, s0.hasElement(3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 3, s3.hasElement(3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 2, s3.hasElement(2))
   // task: union
   b := set{4: true, 2: true}
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∪ %v: %v\n", b, union(s3, b))
   // task: intersection
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∩ %v: %v\n", b, intersection(s3, b))
   // task: difference
   fmt.Printf("s3 \\ %v: %v\n", b, difference(s3, b))
   // task: subset predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", b, subset(b, s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", s2, subset(s2, s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", s0, subset(s0, s3))
   // task: equality
   s2Same := set{1: true, 3: true}
   fmt.Printf("%v = s2: %t\n", s2Same, equal(s2Same, s2))
   // option: proper subset
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊂ s2: %t\n", s2Same, properSubset(s2Same, s2))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊂ s3: %t\n", s2Same, properSubset(s2Same, s3))
   // option: delete.  it's built in.
   delete(s3, 3)
   fmt.Println("s3, 3 deleted:", s3)


func newSet(ms ...complex128) set {

   s := make(set)
   for _, m := range ms {
       s[m] = true
   return s


func (s set) String() string {

   if len(s) == 0 {
       return "∅"
   r := "{"
   for e := range s {
       r = fmt.Sprintf("%s%v, ", r, e)
   return r[:len(r)-2] + "}"


func (s set) hasElement(m complex128) bool {

   return s[m]


func union(a, b set) set {

   s := make(set)
   for e := range a {
       s[e] = true
   for e := range b {
       s[e] = true
   return s


func intersection(a, b set) set {

   s := make(set)
   for e := range a {
       if b[e] {
           s[e] = true
   return s


func difference(a, b set) set {

   s := make(set)
   for e := range a {
       if !b[e] {
           s[e] = true
   return s


func subset(a, b set) bool {

   for e := range a {
       if !b[e] {
           return false
   return true


func equal(a, b set) bool {

   return len(a) == len(b) && subset(a, b)


func properSubset(a, b set) bool {

   return len(a) < len(b) && subset(a, b)


s0: ∅
s1: {(3+0i)}
s2: {(3+0i), (1+0i)}
s3: {(3+0i), (1+0i), (4+0i), (5+0i), (9+0i)}
3 ∈ s0: false
3 ∈ s3: true
2 ∈ s3: false
s3 ∪ {(4+0i), (2+0i)}: {(5+0i), (9+0i), (2+0i), (3+0i), (1+0i), (4+0i)}
s3 ∩ {(2+0i), (4+0i)}: {(4+0i)}
s3 \ {(4+0i), (2+0i)}: {(5+0i), (9+0i), (3+0i), (1+0i)}
{(2+0i), (4+0i)} ⊆ s3: false
{(3+0i), (1+0i)} ⊆ s3: true
∅ ⊆ s3: true
{(1+0i), (3+0i)} = s2: true
{(1+0i), (3+0i)} ⊂ s2: false
{(1+0i), (3+0i)} ⊂ s3: true
s3, 3 deleted: {(5+0i), (9+0i), (1+0i), (4+0i)}


If elements of your set are integers or can be indexed by integers, are zero based and relatively "dense", then the big.Int type in the standard library can serve efficiently as a set. The solution here doesn't even bother to define a set type, it just defines functions that use big.Ints directly as sets.

Note that the elements here, being integers, are of course ordered and so might not meet a strict reading of the task requirements. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   // create an empty set
   var s0 big.Int
   // create sets with elements
   s1 := newSet(3)
   s2 := newSet(3, 1)
   s3 := newSet(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9)
   // output
   fmt.Println("s0:", format(s0))
   fmt.Println("s1:", format(s1))
   fmt.Println("s2:", format(s2))
   fmt.Println("s3:", format(s3))
   // element predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s0: %t\n", 3, hasElement(s0, 3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 3, hasElement(s3, 3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 2, hasElement(s3, 2))
   // union
   b := newSet(4, 2)
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∪ %v: %v\n", format(b), format(union(s3, b)))
   // intersection
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∩ %v: %v\n", format(b), format(intersection(s3, b)))
   // difference
   fmt.Printf("s3 \\ %v: %v\n", format(b), format(difference(s3, b)))
   // subset predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", format(b), subset(b, s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", format(s2), subset(s2, s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", format(s0), subset(s0, s3))
   // equality
   s2Same := newSet(1, 3)
   fmt.Printf("%v = s2: %t\n", format(s2Same), equal(s2Same, s2))
   // proper subset
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊂ s2: %t\n", format(s2Same), properSubset(s2Same, s2))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊂ s3: %t\n", format(s2Same), properSubset(s2Same, s3))
   // delete
   remove(&s3, 3)
   fmt.Println("s3, 3 removed:", format(s3))


func newSet(ms ...int) (set big.Int) {

   for _, m := range ms {
       set.SetBit(&set, m, 1)


func remove(set *big.Int, m int) {

   set.SetBit(set, m, 0)


func format(set big.Int) string {

   if len(set.Bits()) == 0 {
       return "∅"
   r := "{"
   for e, l := 0, set.BitLen(); e < l; e++ {
       if set.Bit(e) == 1 {
           r = fmt.Sprintf("%s%v, ", r, e)
   return r[:len(r)-2] + "}"


func hasElement(set big.Int, m int) bool {

   return set.Bit(m) == 1


func union(a, b big.Int) (set big.Int) {

   set.Or(&a, &b)


func intersection(a, b big.Int) (set big.Int) {

   set.And(&a, &b)


func difference(a, b big.Int) (set big.Int) {

   set.AndNot(&a, &b)


func subset(a, b big.Int) bool {

   ab := a.Bits()
   bb := b.Bits()
   if len(ab) > len(bb) {
       return false
   for i, aw := range ab {
       if aw&^bb[i] != 0 {
           return false
   return true


func equal(a, b big.Int) bool {

   return a.Cmp(&b) == 0


func properSubset(a, b big.Int) (p bool) {

   ab := a.Bits()
   bb := b.Bits()
   if len(ab) > len(bb) {
       return false
   for i, aw := range ab {
       bw := bb[i]
       if aw&^bw != 0 {
           return false
       if aw != bw {
           p = true


s0: ∅
s1: {3}
s2: {1, 3}
s3: {1, 3, 4, 5, 9}
3 ∈ s0: false
3 ∈ s3: true
2 ∈ s3: false
s3 ∪ {2, 4}: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9}
s3 ∩ {2, 4}: {4}
s3 \ {2, 4}: {1, 3, 5, 9}
{2, 4} ⊆ s3: false
{1, 3} ⊆ s3: true
∅ ⊆ s3: true
{1, 3} = s2: true
{1, 3} ⊂ s2: false
{1, 3} ⊂ s3: true
s3, 3 removed: {1, 4, 5, 9}


Not quite in the stanard library but still in the official "sub repository", intsets are a sparse bit set. Like big.Int they use a single bit to represent a possible element, but the sparse representation efficiently allows for large "holes" in the element sequence. Also the intsets API provides a more set-like terminology so the RC task can be coded more directly. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   var s0, s1 intsets.Sparse // create some empty sets
   s1.Insert(3)              // insert an element
   s2 := newSet(3, 1)        // create sets with elements
   s3 := newSet(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9)
   // output
   fmt.Println("s0:", &s0)
   fmt.Println("s1:", &s1)
   fmt.Println("s2:", s2)
   fmt.Println("s3:", s3)
   // element predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s0: %t\n", 3, s0.Has(3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 3, s3.Has(3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ∈ s3: %t\n", 2, s3.Has(2))
   // union
   b := newSet(4, 2)
   var s intsets.Sparse
   s.Union(s3, b)
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∪ %v: %v\n", b, &s)
   // intersection
   s.Intersection(s3, b)
   fmt.Printf("s3 ∩ %v: %v\n", b, &s)
   // difference
   s.Difference(s3, b)
   fmt.Printf("s3 \\ %v: %v\n", b, &s)
   // subset predicate
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", b, b.SubsetOf(s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", s2, s2.SubsetOf(s3))
   fmt.Printf("%v ⊆ s3: %t\n", &s0, s0.SubsetOf(s3))
   // equality
   s2Same := newSet(1, 3)
   fmt.Printf("%v = s2: %t\n", s2Same, s2Same.Equals(s2))
   // delete
   fmt.Println("s3, 3 removed:", s3)


func newSet(ms ...int) *intsets.Sparse {

   var set intsets.Sparse
   for _, m := range ms {
   return &set


s0: {}
s1: {3}
s2: {1 3}
s3: {1 3 4 5 9}
3 ∈ s0: false
3 ∈ s3: true
2 ∈ s3: false
s3 ∪ {2 4}: {1 2 3 4 5 9}
s3 ∩ {2 4}: {4}
s3 \ {2 4}: {1 3 5 9}
{2 4} ⊆ s3: false
{1 3} ⊆ s3: true
{} ⊆ s3: true
{1 3} = s2: true
s3, 3 removed: {1 4 5 9}


<lang groovy>def s1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] as Set def m1 = 6 def m2 = 7 def s2 = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] as Set assert m1 in s1  : 'member' assert ! (m2 in s2)  : 'not a member' def su = s1 + s2 assert su == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] as Set : 'union' def si = s1.intersect(s2) assert si == [8, 6, 4, 2] as Set  : 'intersection' def sd = s1 - s2 assert sd == [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10] as Set  : 'difference' assert s1.containsAll(si)  : 'subset' assert ! s1.containsAll(s2)  : 'not a subset' assert (si + sd) == s1  : 'equality' assert (s2 + sd) != s1  : 'inequality' assert s1 != su && su.containsAll(s1)  : 'proper subset' s1 << 0 assert s1 == su  : 'added element 0 to s1'</lang>


Works with: GHC

GHC offers a functional, persistent set data structure in its Data.Set module. It is implemented using a binary search tree. Elements must be of an orderable type (instance of Ord). <lang haskell>Prelude> import Data.Set Prelude Data.Set> empty :: Set Integer -- Empty set fromList [] Prelude Data.Set> let s1 = fromList [1,2,3,4,3] -- Convert list into set Prelude Data.Set> s1 fromList [1,2,3,4] Prelude Data.Set> let s2 = fromList [3,4,5,6] Prelude Data.Set> union s1 s2 -- Union fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6] Prelude Data.Set> intersection s1 s2 -- Intersection fromList [3,4] Prelude Data.Set> s1 \\ s2 -- Difference fromList [1,2] Prelude Data.Set> s1 `isSubsetOf` s1 -- Subset True Prelude Data.Set> fromList [3,1] `isSubsetOf` s1 True Prelude Data.Set> s1 `isProperSubsetOf` s1 -- Proper subset False Prelude Data.Set> fromList [3,1] `isProperSubsetOf` s1 True Prelude Data.Set> fromList [3,2,4,1] == s1 -- Equality True Prelude Data.Set> s1 == s2 False Prelude Data.Set> 2 `member` s1 -- Membership True Prelude Data.Set> 10 `notMember` s1 True Prelude Data.Set> size s1 -- Cardinality 4 Prelude Data.Set> insert 99 s1 -- Create a new set by inserting fromList [1,2,3,4,99] Prelude Data.Set> delete 3 s1 -- Create a new set by deleting fromList [1,2,4]</lang>

Regular lists can also be used as sets. Haskell has some functions to help with using lists as sets. No requirement is made of element type. However, these are not very efficient because they require linear time to find an element. <lang haskell>Prelude> import Data.List Prelude Data.List> let s3 = nub [1,2,3,4,3] -- Remove duplicates from list Prelude Data.List> s3 [1,2,3,4] Prelude Data.List> let s4 = [3,4,5,6] Prelude Data.List> union s3 s4 -- Union [1,2,3,4,5,6] Prelude Data.List> intersect s3 s4 -- Intersection [3,4] Prelude Data.List> s3 \\ s4 -- Difference [1,2] Prelude Data.List> 42 : s3 -- Return new list with element inserted at the beginning [42,1,2,3,4] Prelude Data.List> delete 3 s3 -- Return new list with first occurrence of element removed [1,2,4]</lang>

Icon and Unicon

The set is a basic datatype (structure) in Icon and Unicon, which supports 'member', 'union', 'intersection' and 'difference' operations. Subset and equality must be implemented separately, or use the routines in the 'sets' library.

Implemented directly:

<lang unicon> procedure display_set (s)

 writes ("[")
 every writes (!s || " ")
 write ("]")


  1. fail unless s1 and s2 contain the same elements

procedure set_equals (s1, s2)

 return subset(s1, s2) & subset(s2, s1)


  1. fail if every element in s2 is not contained in s1

procedure subset (s1, s2)

 every (a := !s2) do {
   if not(member(s1,a)) then fail
 return s2


procedure main ()

 a := set(1, 1, 2, 3, 4)
 b := set(2, 3, 5)
 writes ("a: ")
 display_set (a)
 writes ("b: ")
 display_set (b)
 # basic set operations
 writes ("Intersection: ")
 display_set (a ** b)
 writes ("Union: ")
 display_set (a ++ b)
 writes ("Difference: ")
 display_set (a -- b)
 # membership
 if member(a, 2) then
   write ("2 is a member of a")
   write ("2 is not a member of a")
 if member(a, 5) then
   write ("5 is a member of a")
   write ("5 is not a member of a")
 # equality
 if set_equals(a, set(1,2,3,4,4)) then
   write ("a equals set(1,2,3,4,4)")
   write ("a does not equal set(1,2,3,4,4)")
 if set_equals(a, b) then
   write ("a equals b")
   write ("a does not equal b")
 # subset
 if subset(a, set(1,2)) then
   write ("(1,2) is included in a")
   write ("(1,2) is not included in a")
 if subset(a, set(1,2,5)) then
   write ("(1,2,5) is included in a")
   write ("(1,2,5) is not included in a")

end </lang>

a: [2 4 1 3 ]
b: [5 2 3 ]
Intersection: [2 3 ]
Union: [5 2 4 1 3 ]
Difference: [4 1 ]
2 is a member of a
5 is not a member of a
a equals set(1,2,3,4,4)
a does not equal b
(1,2) is included in a
(1,2,5) is not included in a

Using library:

<lang unicon> link sets

procedure main ()

 a := set(1, 1, 2, 3, 4)
 b := set(2, 3, 5)
 write ("a: ", simage(a))
 write ("b: ", simage(b))
 # basic set operations
 write ("Intersection: ", simage (a**b))
 write ("Union: ", simage        (a++b))
 write ("Difference: ", simage   (a--b))
 # membership
 if member(a, 2) then
   write ("2 is a member of a")
   write ("2 is not a member of a")
 if member(a, 5) then
   write ("5 is a member of a")
   write ("5 is not a member of a")
 # equality
 if seteq(a, set(1,2,3,4,4)) then
   write ("a equals set(1,2,3,4,4)")
   write ("a does not equal set(1,2,3,4,4)")
 if seteq(a, b) then
   write ("a equals b")
   write ("a does not equal b")
 # check subset
 if setlt(set(1,2), a) then
   write ("(1,2) is included in a")
   write ("(1,2) is not included in a")
 if setlt(a, set(1,2,5), a) then
   write ("(1,2,5) is included in a")
   write ("(1,2,5) is not included in a")

end </lang>

a: { 2, 4, 1, 3 }
b: { 5, 2, 3 }
Intersection: { 2, 3 }
Union: { 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 }
Difference: { 4, 1 }
2 is a member of a
5 is not a member of a
a equals set(1,2,3,4,4)
a does not equal b
(1,2) is included in a
(1,2,5) is not included in a


In J, we use a sequence to represent a set. This actually winds up being a family of set implementations. In this example, we chose to ignore order and specify that duplicate elements are not allowed.

Here are definitions for the required operations:

<lang j>union=: ~.@, intersection=: [ -. -. difference=: -. subset=: *./@e. equality=: -:&(/:~)</lang>


<lang j> 2 4 6 8 ~.@, 2 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 3 5 7

  2 4 6 8 ([ -. -.) 2 3 5 7


  2 4 6 8 -. 2 3 5 7

4 6 8

  2 4 6 8 *./@e. 2 3 5 7


   *./@e. 2 3 5 7


  2 4 6 8 3 5 7 -:&(/:~) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Examples again, using names rather than code:

<lang j> 2 4 6 8 union 2 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 3 5 7

  2 4 6 8 intersection 2 3 5 7


  2 4 6 8 difference 2 3 5 7

4 6 8

  2 4 6 8 subset 2 3 5 7


   subset 2 3 5 7


  2 4 6 8 3 5 7 equality 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Note that J uses 1 for true and 0 for false. Mathematical revisionists object to this, but this is consistent with the original (and revised) formulations of boolean algebra. (And there are deep ties to Bayes' rule.)

Note that these operations can be combined in sentences with other operations. For example we could define

<lang j>properSubset=: subset * 1 - equality</lang>


Works with: Java version 7+

To use this in Java 5 replace all "<>" with "<Integer>". <lang java5>import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet;

public class Sets {

   public static void main(String[] args){
       Set<Integer> a = new TreeSet<>();
       //TreeSet sorts on natural ordering (or an optional comparator)
       //other options: HashSet (hashcode)
       //               LinkedHashSet (insertion order)
       //               EnumSet (optimized for enum values)
       //others at: http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Set.html
       Set<Integer> b = new TreeSet<>();
       Set<Integer> c = new TreeSet<>();
       Set<Integer> d = new TreeSet<>();
       a.addAll(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
       b.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8));
       c.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4));
       d.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4));
       System.out.println("a: " + a);
       System.out.println("b: " + b);
       System.out.println("c: " + c);
       System.out.println("d: " + d);
       System.out.println("2 in a: " + a.contains(2));
       System.out.println("6 in a: " + a.contains(6));
       Set<Integer> ab = new TreeSet<>();
       System.out.println("a union b: " + ab);
       Set<Integer> a_b = new TreeSet<>();
       System.out.println("a - b: " + a_b);
       System.out.println("c subset of a: " + a.containsAll(c));
       //use a.conatins() for single elements
       System.out.println("c = d: " + c.equals(d));
       System.out.println("d = c: " + d.equals(c));
       Set<Integer> aib = new TreeSet<>();
       System.out.println("a intersect b: " + aib);
       System.out.println("add 7 to a: " + a.add(7));
       System.out.println("add 2 to a again: " + a.add(2));
       //other noteworthy things related to sets:
       Set<Integer> empty = Collections.EMPTY_SET; //immutable empty set
       //empty.add(2);  would fail
       empty.isEmpty(); //test if a set is empty
       Collections.disjoint(a, b); //returns true if the sets have no common elems (based on their .equals() methods)
       Collections.unmodifiableSet(a); //returns an immutable copy of a


a: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]
c: [2, 3, 4]
d: [2, 3, 4]
2 in a: true
6 in a: false
a union b: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]
a - b: [1]
c subset of a: true
c = d: true
d = c: true
a intersect b: [2, 3, 4, 5]
add 7 to a: true
add 2 to a again: false


JavaScript does not support native sets before ECMAScript 6.

<lang javascript> var set = new Set();

set.add(0); set.add(1); set.add('two'); set.add('three');

set.has(0); //=> true set.has(3); //=> false set.has('two'); // true set.has(Math.sqrt(4)); //=> false set.has('TWO'.toLowerCase()); //=> true

set.size; //=> 4

set.delete('two'); set.has('two'); //==> false set.size; //=> 3

//iterating set using ES6 for..of //Set order is preserved in order items are added. for (var item of set) {

 console.log('item is ' + item);



Works with: jq version 1.4

Neither JSON nor jq has a "set" type, but as explained below in the first part of this entry, finite sets of Unicode strings can be directly represented in JSON and thus jq.

The second part of this entry focuses on a jq library of set-theoretic functions that support finite sets of arbitrary JSON entities.

Finite Sets of Unicode Strings

There is an obvious 1-1 mapping between the collection of finite sets of Unicode strings and the collection of JSON objects with distinct keys the values of which all have the boolean value "true". For example, the set of strings {"a", "b"} corresponds to the JSON object {"a": true, "b": true }.

When restricted to such JSON objects, jq's equality operator ("==") yields set-theoretic semantics, and similarly, jq's + operator yields set-theoretic union.

For example: <lang jq>{"a":true, "b":true } == {"b":true, "a":true}. {"a":true} + {"b":true } == { "a":true, "b":true}</lang>

Thus, it can be seen that jq has built-in support for sets of finite-length Unicode strings.

For simplicity and to avoid confusion, we shall refer to JSON objects all of whose keys are distinct and all values of which have the boolean value "true" as "string sets".

String-set test

Here is a jq filter for determining whether a JSON object is a "string set": <lang jq>def is_stringset:

 . as $in | type == "object" and reduce keys[] as $key (true; . and $in[$key] == true);</lang>

String-set membership:

The test for set membership, m ∈ S, where m is a string and S is a set of strings, corresponds exactly to the jq test: <lang jq>T | has(m)</lang> where T is the JSON object corresponding to S. This test is also efficient.

String-set intersection <lang jq># Set-intersection: A ∩ B def stringset_intersection(A;B):

 reduce (A|keys)[] as $k
   ({}; if (B|has($k)) then . + {($k):true} else . end);</lang>

String-set difference <lang jq># stringset_difference: A \ B def stringset_difference(A;B):

 reduce (A|keys)[] as $k
   ({}; if (B|has($k)) then . else . + {($k):true} end);</lang>

Subset <lang jq># A ⊆ B iff string_subset(A;B) def stringset_subset(A;B):

 reduce (A|keys)[] as $k
   (true; . and (B|has($k)));</lang>

Finite Sets of JSON Entities

Finite sets of arbitrary JSON entities can be represented by sets of strings using an invertible serialization of JSON entities, but in the remainder of this entry, we provide a more straightforward and probably more efficient implementation of finite sets using JSON arrays.

Specifically, the empty set is represented by [] and a non-empty set of JSON entities with distinct members m1, m2, ... mN is represented by the JSON array [s1, s2, ... sN] where:

[s1, s2, ... sN] is the result of ([m1, m2, ... mN] | sort)

When confined to sorted arrays, jq's equality operator (==) yields set-theoretic semantics, and therefore, for the remainder of this entry, we shall refer to sorted arrays simply as sets.

To convert an arbitrary jq or JSON array to a set, we can simply use the built-in jq operator "unique". To test whether an arbitrary JSON entity is a set without sorting: <lang jq>def is_set:

 . as $in
 | type == "array" and
   reduce range(0;length-1) as $i
     (true; if . then $in[$i] < $in[$i+1] else false end);</lang>

The following library of set-theoretic functions is intended for use with jq version 1.4 or later. However, as noted below, if used with a version of jq that does not have bsearch, then it is assumed that a definition of bsearch equivalent to that given in Binary search is available.

Set creation

  • [] is the empty set;
  • if m1 <= m2 <= ... mN then [m1, m2, ... mN] is the set containing the listed elements;
  • The set of elements in an array, a, can be constructed by writing: a | unique
  • The set of strings in the string-set SS is: SS|keys

m ∈ S

If m is a JSON entity and S a set, then the jq expression S[m] can be used to test whether m is an element of S, but for large sets, this is inefficient. A generally more efficient test membership of m in S would use bsearch as defined at Binary search or as provided in recent versions of jq: <lang jq>def is_member(m): bsearch(m) > -1;</lang>

Intersection <lang jq># If A and B are sets, then intersection(A;B) emits their intersection: def intersection($A;$B):

 def pop:
   .[0] as $i
   | .[1] as $j
   | if $i == ($A|length) or $j == ($B|length) then empty
     elif $A[$i] == $B[$j] then $A[$i], ([$i+1, $j+1] | pop)
     elif $A[$i] <  $B[$j] then [$i+1, $j] | pop
     else [$i, $j+1] | pop
 [[0,0] | pop];</lang>

Difference <lang jq># If A and B are sets, then A-B is emitted def difference(A;B):

 (A|length) as $al
 | (B|length) as $bl
 | if $al == 0 then [] elif $bl == 0 then A
     reduce range(0; $al + $bl) as $k
       ( [0, 0, []];
         .[0] as $i | .[1] as $j
         | if $i < $al and $j < $bl then
             if A[$i] == B[$j] then [ $i+1, $j+1,  .[2] ]
             elif  A[$i] < B[$j] then [ $i+1, $j, .[2] + [A[$i]] ]
             else [ $i , $j+1, .[2] ]
           elif $i < $al then [ $i+1, $j,  .[2] + [A[$i]] ]
           else .
        ) | .[2]
   end ;</lang>


A simple but inefficient implementation would use: (A + B) | unique

To compute the union of two sets efficiently, it is helpful to define a function for merging sorted arrays. <lang jq># merge input array with array x by comparing the heads of the arrays in turn;

  1. if both arrays are sorted, the result will be sorted:

def merge(x):

 length as $length
 | (x|length) as $xl
 | if $length == 0 then x
   elif $xl == 0 then .
     . as $in
     | reduce range(0; $xl + $length) as $z
        # state [ix, xix, ans]
        ( [0, 0, []];
          if .[0] < $length and ((.[1] < $xl and $in[.[0]] <= x[.[1]]) or .[1] == $xl)
          then [(.[0] + 1), .[1], (.[2] + [$in[.[0]]]) ]
          else [.[0], (.[1] + 1), (.[2] + [x[.[1]]]) ]
        ) | .[2]
   end ;

def union(A;B):

 | reduce .[] as $m ([]; if length == 0 or .[length-1] != $m then . + [$m] else . end);</lang>

A ⊆ B <lang jq>def subset(A;B):

 # TCO
 def _subset:
   if .[0]|length == 0 then true
   elif .[1]|length == 0 then false
   elif .[0][0] == .[1][0] then [.[0][1:], .[1][1:]] | _subset
   elif .[0][0] < .[1][0] then false
   else [ .[0], .[1][1:] ] | _subset
 [A,B] | _subset;</lang>

Test whether two sets intersect

The following implementation assumes a version of jq with bsearch/1.

If A and B are sets (i.e. A == (A|unique) and B == (B|unique)), then [A,B] | intersect emits true if A and B have at least one element in common: <lang jq>def intersect:

.[0] as $A  | .[1] as $B
| ($A|length) as $al
 | ($B|length) as $bl
 | if $al == 0 or $bl == 0 then false
     ($B | bsearch($A[0])) as $b
     | if $b >= 0 then true
       else [$A[1:], $B[- (1 + $b) :]] | intersect



julia> S1 = Set(1:4) ; S2 = Set(3:6) ; println(S1,"\n",S2)

julia> 5 in S1 , 5 in S2

julia> intersect(S1,S2)

julia> union(S1,S2)

julia> setdiff(S1,S2)

julia> issubset(S1,S2)

julia> isequal(S1,S2)

julia> symdiff(S1,S2)


<lang scala>// version 1.0.6

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

  val fruits  = setOf("apple", "pear", "orange", "banana")
  println("fruits  : $fruits")
  val fruits2 = setOf("melon", "orange", "lemon", "gooseberry")
  println("fruits2 : $fruits2\n")
  println("fruits  contains 'banana'     : ${"banana" in fruits}")
  println("fruits2 contains 'elderberry' : ${"elderbury" in fruits2}\n")
  println("Union        : ${fruits.union(fruits2)}")
  println("Intersection : ${fruits.intersect(fruits2)}")
  println("Difference   : ${fruits.minus(fruits2)}\n")
  println("fruits2 is a subset of fruits : ${fruits.containsAll(fruits2)}\n")
  val fruits3 = fruits
  println("fruits3 : $fruits3\n")
  var areEqual = fruits.containsAll(fruits2) && fruits3.containsAll(fruits)
  println("fruits2 and fruits are equal  : $areEqual")
  areEqual = fruits.containsAll(fruits3) && fruits3.containsAll(fruits)
  println("fruits3 and fruits are equal  : $areEqual\n")
  val fruits4 = setOf("apple", "orange")
  println("fruits4 : $fruits4\n")
  var isProperSubset = fruits.containsAll(fruits3) && !fruits3.containsAll(fruits)
  println("fruits3 is a proper subset of fruits : $isProperSubset")
  isProperSubset = fruits.containsAll(fruits4) && !fruits4.containsAll(fruits)
  println("fruits4 is a proper subset of fruits : $isProperSubset\n")
  val fruits5 = mutableSetOf("cherry", "blueberry", "raspberry")
  println("fruits5 : $fruits5\n")
  fruits5 += "guava"
  println("fruits5 + 'guava'  : $fruits5")
  println("fruits5 - 'cherry' : ${fruits5 - "cherry"}")


fruits  : [apple, pear, orange, banana]
fruits2 : [melon, orange, lemon, gooseberry]

fruits  contains 'banana'     : true
fruits2 contains 'elderberry' : false

Union        : [apple, pear, orange, banana, melon, lemon, gooseberry]
Intersection : [orange]
Difference   : [apple, pear, banana]

fruits2 is a subset of fruits : false

fruits3 : [apple, pear, orange, banana]

fruits2 and fruits are equal  : false
fruits3 and fruits are equal  : true

fruits4 : [apple, orange]

fruits3 is a proper subset of fruits : false
fruits4 is a proper subset of fruits : true

fruits5 : [cherry, blueberry, raspberry]

fruits5 + 'guava'  : [cherry, blueberry, raspberry, guava]
fruits5 - 'cherry' : [blueberry, raspberry, guava]


<lang Lasso>// Extend set type define set->issubsetof(p::set) => .intersection(#p)->size == .size define set->oncompare(p::set) => .intersection(#p)->size - .size

// Set creation local(set1) = set('j','k','l','m','n') local(set2) = set('m','n','o','p','q')

//Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"

  1. set1 >> 'm'

// A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.

  1. set1->union(#set2)

//A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.

  1. set1->intersection(#set2)

//A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.

  1. set1->difference(#set2)

//A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.

  1. set1->issubsetof(#set2)

//A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa.

  1. set1 == #set2</lang>
set(j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q)
set(m, n)
set(j, k, l)


Translation of: Erlang

<lang lisp> > (set set-1 (sets:new))

  1. (set 0 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (set set-2 (sets:add_element 'a set-1))

  1. (set 1 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (set set-3 (sets:from_list '(a b)))

  1. (set 2 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (sets:is_element 'a set-2) true > (set union (sets:union set-2 set-3))

  1. (set 2 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (sets:to_list union) (a b) > (set intersect (sets:intersection set-2 set-3))

  1. (set 1 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (sets:to_list intersect) (a) > (set subtr (sets:subtract set-3 set-2))

  1. (set 1 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (sets:to_list subtr) (b) > (sets:is_subset set-2 set-3) true > (=:= set-2 set-3) false > (set set-4 (sets:add_element 'b set-2))

  1. (set 2 16 16 8 80 48 ...)

> (=:= set-3 set-4) true </lang>

Liberty BASIC

Sets are not natively available- implemented here in string form so no need to dim/redim or pass number of elements. <lang lb> A$ ="red hot chili peppers rule OK" B$ ="lady in red"

print " New set, in space-separated form. Extra spaces and duplicates will be removed. " input newSet$

newSet$  =trim$(           newSet$)
newSet$  =stripBigSpaces$( newSet$)
newSet$  =removeDupes$(    newSet$)

print " Set stored as the string '"; newSet$; "'"

print print " 'red' is an element of '"; A$; "' is "; isAnElementOf$( "red", A$) print " 'blue' is an element of '"; A$; "' is "; isAnElementOf$( "blue", A$) print " 'red' is an element of '"; B$; "' is "; isAnElementOf$( "red", B$) print print " Union of '"; A$; "' & '"; B$; "' is '"; unionOf$( A$, B$); "'." print print " Intersection of '"; A$; "' & '"; B$; "' is '"; intersectionOf$( A$, B$); "'." print print " Difference of '"; A$; "' & '"; B$; "' is '"; differenceOf$( A$, B$); "'." print print " '"; A$; "' equals '"; A$; "' is "; equalSets$( A$, A$) print " '"; A$; "' equals '"; B$; "' is "; equalSets$( A$, B$) print print " '"; A$; "' is a subset of '"; B$; "' is "; isSubsetOf$( A$, B$) print " 'red peppers' is a subset of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is "; isSubsetOf$( "red peppers", "red hot chili peppers rule OK")


function removeDupes$( a$)

   numElements =countElements( a$)
   redim elArray$( numElements)         '   ie 4 elements are array entries 1 to 4 and 0 is spare =""
   for m =0 to numElements
       el$ =word$( a$, m, " ")
       elArray$( m) =el$
   next m
   sort elArray$(), 0, numElements
   b$           =""
   penultimate$ ="999"
   for jk =0 to numElements    '   do not use "" ( nuls) or elementsalready seen
       if elArray$( jk) ="" then [on]
       if elArray$( jk) <>penultimate$ then b$ =b$ +elArray$( jk) +" ": penultimate$ =elArray$( jk)
   next jk
   b$ =trim$( b$)
   removeDupes$ =b$

end function

function stripBigSpaces$( a$) ' copy byte by byte, but id=f a space had a preceding space, ignore it.

   lenA =len( a$)
   penul$ =""
   for i =1 to len( a$)
       c$ =mid$( a$, i, 1)
       if c$ <>" " then
           if penul$ <>" " then
               b$ =b$ +c$
               b$ =b$ +" " +c$
           end if
       end if
       penul$ =c$
   next i
   stripBigSpaces$ =b$

end function

function countElements( a$) ' count elements repr'd by space-separated words in string rep'n.

   if isNul$( a$) ="True" then countElements =0: exit function
   i  =0
       el$ =word$( a$, i +1, " ")
       i =i +1
   loop until el$ =""
   countElements =i -1

end function

function isNul$( a$) ' a nul set implies its string rep'n is length zero.

   if a$ ="" then isNul$ ="True" else isNul$ ="False"

end function

function isAnElementOf$( a$, b$) ' check element a$ exists in set b$.

   isAnElementOf$ ="False"
   i  =0
       el$ =word$( b$, i +1, " ")
       if a$ =el$ then isAnElementOf$ ="True"
       i =i +1
   loop until el$ =""

end function

function unionOf$( a$, b$)

   i  =1
   o$ =a$
       w$ =word$( b$, i, " ")
       if w$ ="" then exit do
       if isAnElementOf$( w$, a$) ="False" then o$ =o$ +" " +w$
       i =i +1
   loop until w$ =""
   unionOf$ =o$

end function

function intersectionOf$( a$, b$)

   i  =1
   o$ =""
       el$ =word$( a$, i, " ")
       if el$ ="" then exit do
       if ( isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="True") and ( o$ ="")  then o$ =el$ 
       if ( isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="True") and ( o$ <>el$) then o$ =o$ +" " +el$ 
       i =i +1
   loop until el$ =""
   intersectionOf$ =o$

end function

function equalSets$( a$, b$)

   if len( a$) <>len( b$) then equalSets$ ="False": exit function
   i =1
       el$ =word$( a$, i, " ")
       if isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="False" then equalSets$ ="False": exit function
       i =i +1
   loop until w$ =""
   equalSets$ ="True"

end function

function differenceOf$( a$, b$)

   i  =1
   o$ =""
       el$ =word$( a$, i, " ")
       if el$ ="" then exit do
       if ( isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="False") and ( o$ ="")   then o$ =el$ 
       if ( isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="False") and ( o$ <>el$) then o$ =o$ +" " +el$ 
       i =i +1
   loop until el$ =""
   differenceOf$ =o$

end function

function isSubsetOf$( a$, b$)

   isSubsetOf$ ="True"
   i  =1
       el$ =word$( a$, i, " ")
       if el$ ="" then exit do
       if ( isAnElementOf$( el$, b$) ="False") then isSubsetOf$ ="False": exit function
       i =i +1
   loop until el$ =""

end function


New set, in space-separated form. Extra spaces and duplicates will be removed.
? now is the the time for all good all men
Set stored as the string 'all for good is men now the time'
'red' is an element of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is True
'blue' is an element of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is False
'red' is an element of 'lady in red' is True
Union of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' & 'lady in red' is 'red hot chili peppers rule OK lady in'.
Intersection of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' & 'lady in red' is 'red'.
Difference of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' & 'lady in red' is 'hot chili peppers rule OK'.
'red hot chili peppers rule OK' equals 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is True
'red hot chili peppers rule OK' equals 'lady in red' is False
'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is a subset of 'lady in red' is False
'red peppers' is a subset of 'red hot chili peppers rule OK' is True


Works with: lua version 5.1

<lang lua>function emptySet() return { } end function insert(set, item) set[item] = true end function remove(set, item) set[item] = nil end function member(set, item) return set[item] end function size(set) local result = 0 for _ in pairs(set) do result = result + 1 end return result end function fromTable(tbl) -- ignore the keys of tbl local result = { } for _, val in pairs(tbl) do result[val] = true end return result end function toArray(set) local result = { } for key in pairs(set) do table.insert(result, key) end return result end function printSet(set) print(table.concat(toArray(set), ", ")) end function union(setA, setB) local result = { } for key, _ in pairs(setA) do result[key] = true end for key, _ in pairs(setB) do result[key] = true end return result end function intersection(setA, setB) local result = { } for key, _ in pairs(setA) do if setB[key] then result[key] = true end end return result end function difference(setA, setB) local result = { } for key, _ in pairs(setA) do if not setB[key] then result[key] = true end end return result end function subset(setA, setB) for key, _ in pairs(setA) do if not setB[key] then return false end end return true end function properSubset(setA, setB) return subset(setA, setB) and (size(setA) ~= size(setB)) end function equals(setA, setB) return subset(setA, setB) and (size(setA) == size(setB)) end </lang>

Works with: lua version 5.3

(May work with earlier versions but not tested on those.)

This implementation creates, in effect, a set type with operators for comparisons (subset, equality, true subset), and set operations like unions, differences, and intersections. It is a mutable set type, so primitives exist for insertion and removal of elements. Elements can be tested for presence O(1) with the has() method or can be iterated over as an array-flavoured table since this is what the type presents as. (All of its functionality is buried in metatables.)

The code is intended to be placed into a file and accessed as a module. E.g. if placed into the file "set.lua" it would be accessed with set = require 'set'.

<lang lua>local function new(_, ...)

 local r = {}
 local s = setmetatable({}, {
   -- API operations
   __index = {
     -- single value insertion
     insert = function(s, v)
       if not r[v] then
         table.insert(s, v)
         r[v] = #s
       return s
     -- single value removal
     remove = function(s, v)
       local i = r[v]
       if i then
         r[v] = nil
         local t = table.remove(s)
         if t ~= v then
           r[t] = i
           s[i] = t
       return s
     -- multi-value insertion
     batch_insert = function(s, ...)
       for _,v in pairs {...} do
       return s
     -- multi-value removal
     batch_remove = function(s, ...)
       for _,v in pairs {...} do
       return s
     -- membership test
     has = function(s, e)
       return r[e] ~= nil
   -- set manipulation operators
   -- union
   __add = function(s1, s2)
     r = set()
     return r
   -- subtraction
   __sub = function(s1, s2)
     r = set()
     return r
   -- intersection
   __mul = function(s1, s2)
     r = set()
     for _,v in ipairs(s1) do
       if s2:has(v) then
     return r
   -- equality
   __eq = function(s1, s2)
     if #s1 ~= #s2 then return false end
     for _,v in ipairs(s1) do
       if not s2:has(v) then return false end
     return true
   -- proper subset
   __lt = function(s1, s2)
     if s1 == s2 then return false end
     for _,v in ipairs(s1) do
       if not s2:has(v) then return false end
     return true
   -- subset
   __lte = function(s1, s2)
     return (s1 == s2) or (s1 < s2)
   -- metatable type tag
   __type__ = 'set'
 return s


return setmetatable({}, { __call = new })</lang>


Sets in Maple are built-in, native data structures, and are immutable. Sets are formed by enclosing a sequence of objects between braces. You can get something essentially equivalent to set comprehensions by using {seq}, which applies the set constructor ("{}") to the sequencing operation "seq". <lang Maple> > S := { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, Pi, "foo", { 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 } };

          S := {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, "foo", Pi, {2/3, 3/4, 4/5}}

> type( S, set );


> Pi in S;

         Pi  in  {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, "foo", Pi, {2/3, 3/4, 4/5}}

> if Pi in S then print( yes ) else print( no ) end:


> member( Pi, S );


> if 4 in S then print( yes ) else print( no ) end:


> evalb( { 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 } in S );


> { a, b, c } union { 1, 2, 3 };

                          {1, 2, 3, a, b, c}

> { a, b, c } intersect { b, c, d };

                                {b, c}

> { a, b, c } minus { b, c, d };


> { a, b } subset { a, b, c };


> { a, d } subset { a, b, c };


> evalb( { 1, 2, 3 } = { 1, 2, 3 } );


> evalb( { 1, 2, 3 } = { 1, 2, 4 } );




<lang Mathematica>set1 = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}; set2 = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}; MemberQ[set1, "a"] Union[set1 , set2] Intersection[set1 , set2] Complement[set2, set1](*Set Difference*) MemberQ[Subsets[set2], set1](*Subset*) set1 == set2(*Equality*) set1 == set1(*Equality*)</lang>

{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}
{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}
{"f", "g"}

MATLAB / Octave

There are two types of sets supported, sets with numeric values are stored in a vector, sets with string elements are stored in a cell-array. <lang Matlab>

   % Set creation

s = [1, 2, 4];  % numeric values t = {'a','bb','ccc'}; % cell array of strings

       u = unique([1,2,3,3,2,3,2,4,1]);   % set consists only of unique elements
   % Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"
       ismember(m, S)
   % A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.

union(A, B)

   % A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.

intersect(A, B)

   % A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.

setdiff(A, B)

   % A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.
       all(ismember(A, B))
   % A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa. 
       isempty(setxor(A, B))



<lang>/* illustrating some functions on sets; names are self-explanatory */

a: {1, 2, 3, 4}; {1, 2, 3, 4}

b: {2, 4, 6, 8}; {2, 4, 6, 8}

intersection(a, b); {2, 4}

union(a, b); {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8}

powerset(a); {{}, {1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 4}, {2}, {2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {2, 4}, {3}, {3, 4}, {4}}

set_partitions(a); {{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}, {{1}, {2}, {3, 4}}, {{1}, {2, 3}, {4}}, {{1}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{1}, {2, 4}, {3}}, {{1, 2}, {3}, {4}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}, {{1, 2, 3}, {4}}, Template:1, 2, 3, 4, {{1, 2, 4}, {3}}, {{1, 3}, {2}, {4}}, {{1, 3}, {2, 4}}, {{1, 3, 4}, {2}}, {{1, 4}, {2}, {3}}, {{1, 4}, {2, 3}}}

setdifference(a, b); {1, 3}

emptyp(a); false

elementp(2, a); true

cardinality(a); 4

cartesian_product(a, b); {[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 6], [1, 8], [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 6], [2, 8], [3, 2], [3, 4], [3, 6], [3, 8], [4, 2], [4, 4], [4, 6], [4, 8]}

subsetp(a, b); false

symmdifference(a, b); {1, 3, 6, 8}

partition_set(union(a, b), evenp); [{1, 3}, {2, 4, 6, 8}]

c: setify(makelist(fib(n), n, 1, 20)); {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765}

equiv_classes(c, lambda([m, n], mod(m - n, 3) = 0)); {{1, 13, 34, 55, 610, 1597, 2584}, {2, 5, 8, 89, 233, 377, 4181}, {3, 21, 144, 987, 6765}}

disjointp(a, b); false

adjoin(7, a); {1, 2, 3, 4, 7}

a; {1, 2, 3, 4}

disjoin(1, a); {2, 3, 4}

a; {1, 2, 3, 4}

subset(c, primep); {2, 3, 5, 13, 89, 233, 1597}

permutations(a); {[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 3], [1, 3, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4, 2], [1, 4, 2, 3], [1, 4, 3, 2],

[2, 1, 3, 4], [2, 1, 4, 3], [2, 3, 1, 4], [2, 3, 4, 1], [2, 4, 1, 3], [2, 4, 3, 1],
[3, 1, 2, 4], [3, 1, 4, 2], [3, 2, 1, 4], [3, 2, 4, 1], [3, 4, 1, 2], [3, 4, 2, 1],
[4, 1, 2, 3], [4, 1, 3, 2], [4, 2, 1, 3], [4, 2, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1, 2], [4, 3, 2, 1]}

setequalp(a, b); false</lang>


The Nemerle.Collections namespace provides an implementation of a Set. <lang Nemerle>using System.Console; using Nemerle.Collections;

module RCSet {

   HasSubset[T](this super : Set[T], sub : Set[T]) : bool
       super.ForAll(x => sub.Contains(x))
   Main() : void
       def names1 = Set(["Bob", "Billy", "Tom", "Dick", "Harry"]);
       def names2 = Set(["Bob", "Mary", "Alice", "Louisa"]);
       //def names3 = Set(["Bob", "Bob"]);        // unfortunately, duplicated elements are not well handled by the stock
                                                  // implementation, this statement would throw an ArgumentException
       def elem = names1.Contains("Bob");         // element test
       def names1u2 = names1.Sum(names2);         // union
       def names1d2 = names1.Subtract(names2);    // difference
       def names1i2 = names1.Intersect(names2);   // intersection
       def same = names1.Equals(names2);          // equality
       def sub12 = names1.HasSubset(names2);      // subset



<lang nim>var # creation

 s = {0,3,5,10}
 t = {3..20, 50..55}

if 5 in s: echo "5 is in!" # element test


 c = s + t # union
 d = s * t # intersection
 e = s - t # difference

if s <= t: echo "s ⊆ t" # subset

if s <= t: echo "s ⊂ t" # strong subset

if s == t: echo "s = s" # equality

s.incl(4) # add 4 to set s.excl(5) # remove 5 from set</lang>


<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSSet *s1 = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"a", @"b", @"c", @"d", @"e", nil];
   NSSet *s2 = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"b", @"c", @"d", @"e", @"f", @"h", nil];
   NSSet *s3 = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"b", @"c", @"d", nil];
   NSSet *s4 = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"b", @"c", @"d", nil];
   NSLog(@"s1: %@", s1);
   NSLog(@"s2: %@", s2);
   NSLog(@"s3: %@", s3);
   NSLog(@"s4: %@", s4);
   // Membership
   NSLog(@"b in s1: %d", [s1 containsObject:@"b"]);
   NSLog(@"f in s1: %d", [s1 containsObject:@"f"]);
   // Union
   NSMutableSet *s12 = [NSMutableSet setWithSet:s1];
   [s12 unionSet:s2];
   NSLog(@"s1 union s2: %@", s12);
   // Intersection
   NSMutableSet *s1i2 = [NSMutableSet setWithSet:s1];
   [s1i2 intersectSet:s2];
   NSLog(@"s1 intersect s2: %@", s1i2);
   // Difference
   NSMutableSet *s1_2 = [NSMutableSet setWithSet:s1];
   [s1_2 minusSet:s2];
   NSLog(@"s1 - s2: %@", s1_2);
   // Subset of
   NSLog(@"s3 subset of s1: %d", [s3 isSubsetOfSet:s1]);
   // Equality
   NSLog(@"s3 = s4: %d", [s3 isEqualToSet:s4]);
   // Cardinality
   NSLog(@"size of s1: %lu", [s1 count]);
   // Has intersection (not disjoint)
   NSLog(@"does s1 intersect s2? %d", [s1 intersectsSet:s2]);
   // Adding and removing elements from a mutable set
   NSMutableSet *mut_s1 = [NSMutableSet setWithSet:s1];
   [mut_s1 addObject:@"g"];
   NSLog(@"mut_s1 after adding g: %@", mut_s1);
   [mut_s1 addObject:@"b"];
   NSLog(@"mut_s1 after adding b again: %@", mut_s1);
   [mut_s1 removeObject:@"c"];
   NSLog(@"mut_s1 after removing c: %@", mut_s1);
 return 0;


s1: {(
s2: {(
s3: {(
s4: {(
b in s1: 1
f in s1: 0
s1 union s2: {(
s1 intersect s2: {(
s1 - s2: {(
s3 subset of s1: 1
s3 = s4: 1
size of s1: 5
does s1 intersect s2? 1
mut_s1 after adding g: {(
mut_s1 after adding b again: {(
mut_s1 after removing c: {(


OCaml offers a functional, persistent set data structure in its Set module. It is implemented using a binary search tree. Set works in the functor model, which means you need to first use the Set.Make functor to create a module for your kind of set that you can use. You must give the functor an argument that is a module containing the type and ordering function.

In the interactive toplevel:

Works with: OCaml version 4.02+

<lang ocaml># module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end);; (* Create a module for our type of set *) module IntSet :

   type elt = int
   type t
   val empty : t
   val is_empty : t -> bool
   val mem : elt -> t -> bool
   val add : elt -> t -> t
   val singleton : elt -> t
   val remove : elt -> t -> t
   val union : t -> t -> t
   val inter : t -> t -> t
   val diff : t -> t -> t
   val compare : t -> t -> int
   val equal : t -> t -> bool
   val subset : t -> t -> bool
   val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
   val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
   val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
   val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
   val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
   val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
   val cardinal : t -> int
   val elements : t -> elt list
   val min_elt : t -> elt
   val max_elt : t -> elt
   val choose : t -> elt
   val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
   val find : elt -> t -> elt
   val of_list : elt list -> t
  1. IntSet.empty;; (* Empty set. A set is an abstract type that will not display in the interpreter *)

- : IntSet.t = <abstr>

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.empty);; (* Get the previous set into a list *)

- : IntSet.elt list = []

  1. let s1 = IntSet.of_list [1;2;3;4;3];;

val s1 : IntSet.t = <abstr>

  1. IntSet.elements s1;;

- : IntSet.elt list = [1; 2; 3; 4]

  1. let s2 = IntSet.of_list [3;4;5;6];;

val s2 : IntSet.t = <abstr>

  1. IntSet.elements s2;;

- : IntSet.elt list = [3; 4; 5; 6]

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.union s1 s2);; (* Union *)

- : IntSet.elt list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.inter s1 s2);; (* Intersection *)

- : IntSet.elt list = [3; 4]

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.diff s1 s2);; (* Difference *)

- : IntSet.elt list = [1; 2]

  1. IntSet.subset s1 s1;; (* Subset *)

- : bool = true

  1. IntSet.subset (IntSet.of_list [3;1]) s1;;

- : bool = true

  1. IntSet.equal (IntSet.of_list [3;2;4;1]) s1;; (* Equality *)

- : bool = true

  1. IntSet.equal s1 s2;;

- : bool = false

  1. IntSet.mem 2 s1;; (* Membership *)

- : bool = true

  1. IntSet.mem 10 s1;;

- : bool = false

  1. IntSet.cardinal s1;; (* Cardinality *)

- : int = 4

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.add 99 s1);; (* Create a new set by inserting *)

- : IntSet.elt list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 99]

  1. IntSet.elements (IntSet.remove 3 s1);; (* Create a new set by deleting *)

- : IntSet.elt list = [1; 2; 4]</lang>

(Note: of_list is only available in OCaml 4.02+. In earlier versions, you can implement one yourself like let of_list lst = List.fold_right IntSet.add lst IntSet.empty;;)

Regular lists can also be used as sets.

In addition, you can use imperative hash tables from the Hashtbl module as a hash table-based set, using the unit type as the "value" for each key.


<lang scheme>

test set

(define set1 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (define set2 '(3 4 5 11 12 13 14)) (define set3 '(4 5 6 7)) (define set4 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))


(print (union set1 set2))

==> (1 2 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 11 12 13 14)

(print (intersect set1 set2))

==> (3 4 5)

(print (diff set1 set2))

==> (1 2 6 7 8 9)
subset (no predefined function)

(define (subset? a b)

  (all (lambda (i) (has? b i)) a))

(print (subset? set3 set1))

==> #true

(print (subset? set3 set2))

==> #false

(print (equal? set1 set2))

==> #false

(print (equal? set1 set4))

==> #true



<lang ooRexx>-- Set creation -- Using the OF method s1 = .set~of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) -- Explicit addition of individual items s2 = .set~new s2~put(2) s2~put(4) s2~put(6) -- group addition s3 = .set~new s3~putall(.array~of(1, 3, 5)) -- Test m ? S -- "m is an element in set S" say s1~hasindex(1) s3~hasindex(2) -- "1 0", which is "true" and "false" -- A ? B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B. s4 = s2~union(s3) -- {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} Call show 's4',s4 -- A ? B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B. s5 = s1~intersection(s2) -- {2, 4, 6} Call show 's5',s5 -- A ? B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B. s6 = s1~difference(s2) -- {1, 3, 5} Call show 's6',s6 -- A ? B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B. say s1~subset(s2) s2~subset(s1) -- "0 1" -- A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa. -- No direct equivalence method, but the XOR method can be used to determine this say s1~xor(s4)~isempty -- true Exit show: Procedure

 Use Arg set_name,set
 Say set_name':' set~makearray~makestring((LINE),',')

The set operators don't come out too well :-(

1 0
s4: 1,2,3,4,5,6
s5: 2,4,6
s6: 1,3,5
0 1


Aside from ⊆, all operations are already a part of GP. <lang parigp>setsubset(s,t)={

   if(!setsearch(t,s[i]), return(0))

}; s=Set([1,2,2]) t=Set([4,2,4]) setsearch(s,1) setunion(s,t) setintersect(s,t) setminus(s,t) setsubset(s,t) s==t</lang>

%1 = [1, 2]
%2 = [2, 4]
%3 = 1
%4 = [1, 2, 4]
%5 = [2]
%6 = [1]
%7 = 0
%8 = 0


Works with: Free Pascal

Freepascal/object pascal handles sets very well. --Guionardo 22:03, 7 January 2012 (UTC)

<lang pascal>program Rosetta_Set;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

uses {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF UseCThreads}

 cthreads, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}

{$R *.res} type

 CharSet = set of char;


 A, B, C, S: CharSet;
 M: char;
 function SetToString(const ASet: CharSet): string;
   J: char;
   Result := ;
   // Test all chars
   for J in char do
     // If the char is in set, add to result
     if J in ASet then
       Result := Result + J + ', ';
   // Clear the result
   if Result >  then
     Delete(Result, Length(Result) - 1, 2);
 procedure PrintSet(const ASet: CharSet; const ASetName: string;
 const ATitle: string = );
   if ATitle >  then
   WriteLn(ASetName, ' = [', SetToString(ASet), ']', #10);
 procedure ShowEqual(const ASetA, ASetB: CharSet; const ASetNameA, ASetNameB: string);
   WriteLn(ASetNameA, ' = [', SetToString(ASetA), ']');
   WriteLn(ASetNameB, ' = [', SetToString(ASetB), ']');
   if ASetA = ASetB then
     WriteLn(ASetNameA, ' = ', ASetNameB)
     WriteLn(ASetNameA, ' <> ', ASetNameB);


 // Set Creation
 A := ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];
 B := ['E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'];
 PrintSet(A, 'A', 'Set Creation');
 PrintSet(B, 'B');
 // Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"
 M := 'A';
 if M in A then
   WriteLn('"A" is in set A');
 // A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.
 S := A + B;
 PrintSet(S, 'S', 'S = A U B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.');
 // A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.
 S := A * B;
 PrintSet(S, 'S',
   'S = A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.');
 // A \ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.
 S := A - B;
 PrintSet(S, 'S',
   'S = A \ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.');
 // A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.
 Writeln('A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.');
 if A <= B then
   WriteLn('A in B')
   Writeln('A is not in B');
 //A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa.
 Writeln('A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa.');
 ShowEqual(A, B, 'A', 'B');
 S := A * B;
 C := ['E', 'F'];
 ShowEqual(S, C, 'S', 'C');



For real code, try Set::Object from CPAN. Here we provide a primitive implementation using hashes. <lang perl>use strict;

package Set; # likely will conflict with stuff on CPAN use overload '""' => \&str, 'bool' => \&count, '+=' => \&add, '-=' => \&del, '-' => \&diff, '==' => \&eq, '&' => \&intersection, '|' => \&union, '^' => \&xdiff;

sub str { my $set = shift; # This has drawbacks: stringification is used as set key # if the set is added to another set as an element, which # may cause inconsistencies if the element set is modified # later. In general, a hash key loses its object identity # anyway, so it's not unique to us. "Set{ ". join(", " => sort map("$_", values %$set)) . " }" }

sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $h = bless {}; $h->add($_) for @_; $h }

sub add { my ($set, $elem) = @_; $set->{$elem} = $elem; $set }

sub del { my ($set, $elem) = @_; delete $set->{$elem}; $set }

sub has { # set has element my ($set, $elem) = @_; exists $set->{$elem} }

sub union { my ($this, $that) = @_; bless { %$this, %$that } }

sub intersection { my ($this, $that) = @_; my $s = new Set; for (keys %$this) { $s->{$_} = $this->{$_} if exists $that->{$_} } $s }

sub diff { my ($this, $that) = @_; my $s = Set->new; for (keys %$this) { $s += $this->{$_} unless exists $that->{$_} } $s }

sub xdiff { # xor, symmetric diff my ($this, $that) = @_; my $s = new Set; bless { %{ ($this - $that) | ($that - $this) } } }

sub count { scalar(keys %{+shift}) }

sub eq { my ($this, $that) = @_; !($this - $that) && !($that - $this); }

sub contains { # this is a superset of that my ($this, $that) = @_; for (keys %$that) { return 0 unless $this->has($_) } return 1 }

package main; my ($x, $y, $z, $w);

$x = Set->new(1, 2, 3); $x += $_ for (5 .. 7); $y = Set->new(1, 2, 4, $x); # not the brightest idea

print "set x is: $x\nset y is: $y\n"; for (1 .. 4, $x) { print "$_ is", $y->has($_) ? "" : " not", " in y\n"; }

print "union: ", $x | $y, "\n"; print "intersect: ", $x & $y, "\n"; print "z = x - y = ", $z = $x - $y, "\n"; print "y is ", $x->contains($y) ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x\n"; print "z is ", $x->contains($z) ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x\n"; print "z = (x | y) - (x & y) = ", $z = ($x | $y) - ($x & $y), "\n"; print "w = x ^ y = ", $w = ($x ^ $y), "\n"; print "w is ", ($w == $z) ? "" : "not ", "equal to z\n"; print "w is ", ($w == $x) ? "" : "not ", "equal to x\n";</lang>

Perl 6

<lang perl6>use Test;

my $a = set <a b c>; my $b = set ; my $c = set <a b c d e>;

ok 'c' ∈ $a, "c is an element in set A"; nok 'd' ∈ $a, "d is not an element in set A";

is-deeply $a ∪ $b, set(<a b c d>), "union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B"; is-deeply $a ∩ $b, set(), "intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B"; is $a (-) $b, set(<a>), "difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B";

ok $a ⊆ $c, "subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B"; nok $c ⊆ $a, "subset; false if every element in set A is not also in set B"; ok $a ⊂ $c, "strict subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B"; nok $a ⊂ $a, "strict subset; false for equal sets"; ok $a === set(<a b c>), "equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa"; nok $a === $b, "equality; false for differing sets";</lang>

ok 1 - c is an element in set A
ok 2 - d is not an element in set A
ok 3 - union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B
ok 4 - intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B
ok 5 - difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B
ok 6 - subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B
ok 7 - subset; false if every element in set A is not also in set B
ok 8 - strict subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B
ok 9 - strict subset; false for equal sets
ok 10 - equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa
ok 11 - equality; false for differing sets


First, a simple implementaion using native sequences: <lang Phix>sequence set1 = {1,2,3},

        set2 = {3,4,5}

function element(object x, sequence set)

   return find(x,set)!=0

end function

function union(sequence set1, sequence set2)

   for i=1 to length(set2) do
       if not element(set2[i],set1) then
           set1 = append(set1,set2[i])
       end if
   end for
   return set1

end function

function intersection(sequence set1, sequence set2) sequence res = {}

   for i=1 to length(set1) do
       if element(set1[i],set2) then
           res = append(res,set1[i])
       end if
   end for
   return res

end function

function difference(sequence set1, sequence set2) sequence res = {}

   for i=1 to length(set1) do
       if not element(set1[i],set2) then
           res = append(res,set1[i])
       end if
   end for
   return res

end function

function subset(sequence set1, sequence set2)

   for i=1 to length(set1) do
       if not element(set1[i],set2) then
           return false
       end if
   end for
   return true

end function

function equality(sequence set1, sequence set2)

   if length(set1)!=length(set2) then
       return false
   end if
   return subset(set1,set2)

end function

--test code: ?element(3,set1) -- 1 ?element(4,set1) -- 0 ?union(set1,set2) -- {1,2,3,4,5} ?intersection(set1,set2) -- {3} ?difference(set1,set2) -- {1,2} ?subset(set1,set2) -- 0 ?subset({1,2},set1) -- 1 ?equality(set1,set2) -- 0 ?equality(set1,{3,1,2}) -- 1</lang>


Alternative using dictionaries, which needs several additional visitor routines (at a pinch they could be merged), but performance is better on larger sets: <lang Phix>integer set1 = new_dict(),

       set2 = new_dict()

setd(3,0,set1) setd(1,0,set1) setd(2,0,set1) setd(5,0,set2) setd(3,0,set2) setd(4,0,set2)

function element(object x, integer set)

   return getd_index(x,set)!=0

end function

function u_visitor(object key, object data, object user_data)

   integer {union_set,set2} = user_data
   if set2=0
   or not element(key,union_set) then
   end if
   return 1

end function

function union(integer set1, integer set2) integer union_set = new_dict()

   return union_set

end function

function i_visitor(object key, object data, object user_data)

   integer {union_set,set2} = user_data
   if element(key,set2) then
   end if
   return 1

end function

function intersection(integer set1, integer set2) integer union_set = new_dict()

   return union_set

end function

function d_visitor(object key, object data, object user_data)

   integer {union_set,set2} = user_data
   if not element(key,set2) then
   end if
   return 1

end function

function difference(integer set1, integer set2) integer union_set = new_dict()

   return union_set

end function

integer res function s_visitor(object key, object data, object user_data)

   integer set2 = user_data
   if not element(key,set2) then
       res = 0
       return 0 -- cease traversal
   end if
   return 1

end function

function subset(integer set1, integer set2)

   res = 1
   return res

end function

function equality(integer set1, integer set2)

   if dict_size(set1)!=dict_size(set2) then
       return false
   end if
   return subset(set1,set2)

end function

include builtins/map.e -- for keys()

-- matching test code: ?element(3,set1) -- 1 ?element(4,set1) -- 0 ?keys(union(set1,set2)) -- {1,2,3,4,5} ?keys(intersection(set1,set2)) -- {3} ?keys(difference(set1,set2)) -- {1,2} ?subset(set1,set2) -- 0 integer set3 = new_dict() setd(2,0,set3) setd(1,0,set3) ?subset(set3,set1) -- 1 ?equality(set1,set2) -- 0 setd(3,0,set3) ?equality(set1,set3) -- 1</lang> same output as above


We may use plain lists, or 'idx' structures for sets. A set may contain any type of data.

Using lists

<lang PicoLisp>(setq

  Set1 (1 2 3 7 abc "def" (u v w))
  Set2 (2 3 5 hello (x y z))
  Set3 (3 hello (x y z)) )

  1. Element tests (any non-NIL value means "yes")
(member "def" Set1)

-> ("def" (u v w))

(member "def" Set2)

-> NIL

(member '(x y z) Set2)

-> ((x y z))

  1. Union
(uniq (append Set1 Set2))

-> (1 2 3 7 abc "def" (u v w) 5 hello (x y z))

  1. Intersection
(sect Set1 Set2)

-> (2 3)

  1. Difference
(diff Set1 Set2)

-> (1 7 abc "def" (u v w))

  1. Test for subset
(not (diff Set1 Set2))

-> NIL # Set1 is not a subset of Set2

(not (diff Set3 Set2))

-> T # Set3 is a subset of Set2

  1. Test for equality
(= (sort (copy Set1)) (sort (copy Set2)))

-> NIL

(= (sort (copy Set2)) (sort (copy Set2)))

-> T</lang>

Using 'idx' structures

<lang PicoLisp># Create three test-sets (balance 'Set1 (1 2 3 7 abc "def" (u v w))) (balance 'Set2 (2 3 5 hello (x y z))) (balance 'Set3 (3 hello (x y z)))

  1. Get contents
(idx 'Set1)

-> (1 2 3 7 abc "def" (u v w))

(idx 'Set2)

-> (2 3 5 hello (x y z))

  1. Element tests (any non-NIL value means "yes")
(idx 'Set1 "def")

-> ("def" (abc) (u v w))

(idx 'Set2 "def")

-> NIL

(idx 'Set2 '(x y z))

-> ((x y z))

  1. Union
(use S
  (balance 'S (idx 'Set1))
  (balance 'S (idx 'Set2) T)
  (idx 'S) )

-> (1 2 3 5 7 abc "def" hello (u v w) (x y z))

  1. Intersection
(sect (idx 'Set1) (idx 'Set2))

-> (2 3)

  1. Difference
(diff (idx 'Set1) (idx 'Set2))

-> (1 7 abc "def" (u v w))

  1. Test for subset
(not (diff (idx 'Set1) (idx 'Set2)))

-> NIL # Set1 is not a subset of Set2

(not (diff (idx 'Set3) (idx 'Set2)))

-> T # Set3 is a subset of Set2

  1. Test for equality
(= (idx 'Set1) (idx 'Set2))

-> NIL

(= (idx 'Set2) (idx 'Set2))

-> T</lang>


.NET offers the HashSet type which seems to act in most ways like a set.

When used in PowerShell, the syntax is clumsy. In addition, the "reference" set ($set1) is modified in place to become the result. (All examples assume the variable $set1 contains the value @(1,2,3,4)) <lang PowerShell> [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[object]]$set1 = 1..4 [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[object]]$set2 = 3..6

  1. Operation + Definition + Result
  2. --------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------

$set1.UnionWith($set2) # Union $set1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 $set1.IntersectWith($set2) # Intersection $set1 = 3, 4 $set1.ExceptWith($set2) # Difference $set1 = 1, 2 $set1.SymmetricExceptWith($set2) # Symmetric difference $set1 = 1, 2, 6, 5 $set1.IsSupersetOf($set2) # Test superset False $set1.IsSubsetOf($set2) # Test subset False $set1.Equals($set2) # Test equality False $set1.IsProperSupersetOf($set2) # Test proper superset False $set1.IsProperSubsetOf($set2) # Test proper subset False

5 -in $set1 # Test membership False 7 -notin $set1 # Test non-membership True </lang>


Works with SWI-Prolog, library(lists). <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(lists)).

set :- A = [2, 4, 1, 3], B = [5, 2, 3, 2], ( is_set(A) -> format('~w is a set~n', [A]) ; format('~w is not a set~n', [A])), ( is_set(B) -> format('~w is a set~n', [B]) ; format('~w is not a set~n', [B])),

% create a set from a list

list_to_set(B, BS), ( is_set(BS) -> format('~nCreate a set from a list~n~w is a set~n', [BS]) ; format('~w is not a set~n', [BS])),

intersection(A, BS, I), format('~n~w intersection ~w => ~w~n', [A, BS, I]), union(A, BS, U), format('~w union ~w => ~w~n', [A, BS, U]), difference(A, BS, D), format('~w difference ~w => ~w~n', [A, BS, D]),

X = [1,2], ( subset(X, A) -> format('~n~w is a subset of ~w~n', [X, A]) ; format('~w is not a subset of ~w~n', [X, A])), Y = [1,5], ( subset(Y, A) -> format('~w is a subset of ~w~n', [Y, A]) ; format('~w is not a subset of ~w~n', [Y, A])), Z = [1, 2, 3, 4], ( equal(Z, A) -> format('~n~w is equal to ~w~n', [Z, A]) ; format('~w is not equal to ~w~n', [Z, A])), T = [1, 2, 3], ( equal(T, A) -> format('~w is equal to ~w~n', [T, A]) ; format('~w is not equal to ~w~n', [T, A])).

% compute difference of sets difference(A, B, D) :- exclude(member_(B), A, D).

member_(L, X) :- member(X, L).

equal([], []). equal([H1 | T1], B) :- select(H1, B, B1), equal(T1, B1). </lang>

 ?- set.
[2,4,1,3] is a set
[5,2,3,2] is not a set

Create a set from a list
[5,2,3] is a set

[2,4,1,3] intersection [5,2,3] => [2,3]
[2,4,1,3] union [5,2,3] => [4,1,5,2,3]
[2,4,1,3] difference [5,2,3] => [4,1]

[1,2] is a subset of [2,4,1,3]
[1,5] is not a subset of [2,4,1,3]

[1,2,3,4] is equal to [2,4,1,3]
[1,2,3] is not equal to [2,4,1,3]

Works with: SWI-Prolog version library(ordset)

SWI-Prolog provides a standard library(ordsets). It is loaded by default. I demonstrate almost all of these predicates in the interactive top-level (`?-` is the prompt). Variables prefixed with `$` refer back to the value of the last instantiation. It treats sets as ordered lists of unique elements:

<lang prolog> %% Set creation

?- list_to_ord_set([1,2,3,4], A), list_to_ord_set([2,4,6,8], B). A = [1, 2, 3, 4], B = [2, 4, 6, 8].

%% Test m ∈ S -- "m is an element in set S"

?- ord_memberchk(2, $A). true.

%% A ∪ B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.

?- ord_union($A, $B, Union). Union = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8].

%% A ∩ B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.

?- ord_intersection($A, $B, Intersection). Intersection = [2, 4].

%% A ∖ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.

?- ord_subtract($A, $B, Diff). Diff = [1, 3].

%% A ⊆ B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.

?- ord_subset($A, $B). false.

?- ord_subset([2,4], $B). true.

%% A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice-versa.

?- $A == $B. false.

?- $A == [1,2,3,4]. true.

%% Definition of a proper subset:

ord_propsubset(A, B) :-

   ord_subset(A, B),
   \+(A == B).

%% add/remove elements

?- ord_add_element($A, 19, NewA). NewA = [1, 2, 3, 4, 19].

?- ord_del_element($NewA, 3, NewerA). NewerA = [1, 2, 4, 19]. </lang>


This solution uses PureBasic's maps (hash tables). <lang purebasic>Procedure.s booleanText(b) ;returns 'True' or 'False' for a boolean input

 If b: ProcedureReturn "True": EndIf
 ProcedureReturn "False"


Procedure.s listSetElements(Map a(), delimeter.s = " ") ;format elements for display

 Protected output$
 ForEach a()
   output$ + MapKey(a()) + delimeter
 ProcedureReturn "(" + RTrim(output$, delimeter) + ")"


Procedure.s listSortedSetElements(Map a(), delimeter.s = " ") ;format elements for display as sorted for easy comparison

 Protected output$
 NewList b.s()
 ForEach a()
   AddElement(b()): b() = MapKey(a())
 SortList(b(), #PB_Sort_Ascending | #PB_Sort_NoCase)
 ForEach b()
   output$ + b() + delimeter
 ProcedureReturn "(" + RTrim(output$, delimeter) + ")"


Procedure cardinalityOf(Map a())

 ProcedureReturn MapSize(a())


Procedure createSet(elements.s, Map o(), delimeter.s = " ", clearSet = 1)

 Protected i, elementCount
 If clearSet: ClearMap(o()): EndIf 
 elementCount = CountString(elements, delimeter) + 1 ;add one for the last element which won't have a delimeter
 For i = 1 To elementCount
   AddMapElement(o(), StringField(elements, i, delimeter))
 ProcedureReturn MapSize(o())


Procedure adjoinTo(elements.s, Map o(), delimeter.s = " ")

 ProcedureReturn createSet(elements, o(), delimeter, 0)


Procedure disjoinFrom(elements.s, Map o(), delimeter.s = " ")

 Protected i, elementCount
 elementCount = CountString(elements, delimeter) + 1 ;add one for the last element which won't have a delimeter
 For i = 1 To elementCount
   DeleteMapElement(o(), StringField(elements, i, delimeter))
 ProcedureReturn MapSize(o())


Procedure isElementOf(element.s, Map a())

 ProcedureReturn FindMapElement(a(), element)


Procedure unionOf(Map a(), Map b(), Map o())

 CopyMap(a(), o())
 ForEach b()
   AddMapElement(o(), MapKey(b()))
 ProcedureReturn MapSize(o())


Procedure intersectionOf(Map a(), Map b(), Map o())

 ForEach a()
   If FindMapElement(b(), MapKey(a()))
     AddMapElement(o(), MapKey(a()))
 ProcedureReturn MapSize(o())


Procedure differenceOf(Map a(), Map b(), Map o())

 CopyMap(a(), o())
 ForEach b()
   If FindMapElement(o(), MapKey(b()))
     AddMapElement(o(), MapKey(b()))
 ProcedureReturn MapSize(o())


Procedure isSubsetOf(Map a(), Map b()) ;boolean

 ForEach a()
   If Not FindMapElement(b(), MapKey(a()))
     ProcedureReturn 0
 ProcedureReturn 1


Procedure isProperSubsetOf(Map a(), Map b()) ;boolean

 If MapSize(a()) = MapSize(b())
   ProcedureReturn 0
 ProcedureReturn isSubsetOf(a(), b()) 


Procedure isEqualTo(Map a(), Map b())

 If MapSize(a()) = MapSize(b())
   ProcedureReturn isSubsetOf(a(), b())
 ProcedureReturn 0 


Procedure isEmpty(Map a()) ;boolean

 If MapSize(a())
   ProcedureReturn 0
 ProcedureReturn 1


If OpenConsole()

 NewMap a()
 NewMap b()
 NewMap o() ;for output sets
 NewMap c()
 createSet("red blue green orange yellow", a())
 PrintN("Set A = " + listSortedSetElements(a()) + " of cardinality " + Str(cardinalityOf(a())) + ".")
 createSet("lady green red", b())
 PrintN("Set B = " + listSortedSetElements(b()) + " of cardinality " + Str(cardinalityOf(b())) + ".")
 PrintN("'red' is an element of A is " + booleanText(isElementOf("red", a())) + ".")
 PrintN("'red' is an element of B is " + booleanText(isElementOf("red", b())) + ".")
 PrintN("'blue' is an element of B is " + booleanText(isElementOf("blue", b())) + ".")
 unionOf(a(), b(), o())
 PrintN(#crlf$ + "Union of A & B is " + listSortedSetElements(o()) + ".")
 intersectionOf(a(), b(), o())
 PrintN("Intersection of  A & B is " + listSortedSetElements(o()) + ".")
 differenceOf(a(), b(), o())
 PrintN("Difference of  A & B is " + listSortedSetElements(o()) + ".")
 PrintN(listSortedSetElements(a()) + " equals " + listSortedSetElements(a()) + " is " + booleanText(isEqualTo(a(), a())) + ".")
 PrintN(listSortedSetElements(a()) + " equals " + listSortedSetElements(b()) + " is " + booleanText(isEqualTo(a(), b())) + ".")
 createSet("red green", c())
 PrintN(#crlf$ + listSortedSetElements(c()) + " is a subset of " + listSortedSetElements(a()) + " is "+ booleanText(isSubsetOf(c(), a())) + ".")
 PrintN(listSortedSetElements(c()) + " is a proper subset of " + listSortedSetElements(b()) + " is "+ booleanText(isProperSubsetOf(c(), b())) + ".")
 PrintN(listSortedSetElements(c()) + " is a proper subset of " + listSortedSetElements(a()) + " is "+ booleanText(isProperSubsetOf(c(), a())) + ".")
 PrintN(listSortedSetElements(b()) + " is a proper subset of " + listSortedSetElements(b()) + " is "+ booleanText(isProperSubsetOf(b(), b())) + ".")
 PrintN(#crlf$ + "Set C = " + listSortedSetElements(c()) + " of cardinality " + Str(cardinalityOf(c())) + ".")
 adjoinTo("dog cat mouse", c())
 PrintN("Add 'dog cat mouse' to C to get " + listSortedSetElements(c()) + " of cardinality " + Str(cardinalityOf(c())) + ".")
 disjoinFrom("red green dog", c())
 PrintN("Take away 'red green dog' from C to get " + listSortedSetElements(c()) + " of cardinality " + Str(cardinalityOf(c())) + ".")
 Print(#crlf$ + #crlf$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()


Set A = (blue green orange red yellow) of cardinality 5.
Set B = (green lady red) of cardinality 3.
'red' is an element of A is True.
'red' is an element of B is True.
'blue' is an element of B is False.

Union of A & B is (blue green lady orange red yellow).
Intersection of  A & B is (green red).
Difference of  A & B is (blue lady orange yellow).
(blue green orange red yellow) equals (blue green orange red yellow) is True.
(blue green orange red yellow) equals (green lady red) is False.

(green red) is a subset of (blue green orange red yellow) is True.
(green red) is a proper subset of (green lady red) is True.
(green red) is a proper subset of (blue green orange red yellow) is True.
(green lady red) is a proper subset of (green lady red) is False.

Set C = (green red) of cardinality 2.
Add 'dog cat mouse' to C to get (cat dog green mouse red) of cardinality 5.
Take away 'red green dog' from C to get (cat mouse) of cardinality 2.


In Python, set is a standard type since Python 2.4. There is also frozenset which is an immutable version of set. (In Python 2.3, they were provided as Set and ImmutableSet types in the module sets.)

Language syntax for set literals is supported starting in Python 3.0 and 2.7. (For versions prior to 2.7, use set([1, 2, 3, 4]) instead of {1, 2, 3, 4}. Even in Python 2.7+ and 3.0+, it is necessary to write set() to express the empty set.)

Works with: Python version 2.7+ and 3.0+

<lang python>>>> s1, s2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5, 6} >>> s1 | s2 # Union {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} >>> s1 & s2 # Intersection {3, 4} >>> s1 - s2 # Difference {1, 2} >>> s1 < s1 # True subset False >>> {3, 1} < s1 # True subset True >>> s1 <= s1 # Subset True >>> {3, 1} <= s1 # Subset True >>> {3, 2, 4, 1} == s1 # Equality True >>> s1 == s2 # Equality False >>> 2 in s1 # Membership True >>> 10 not in s1 # Non-membership True >>> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} > s1 # True superset True >>> {1, 2, 3, 4} > s1 # True superset False >>> {1, 2, 3, 4} >= s1 # Superset True >>> s1 ^ s2 # Symmetric difference {1, 2, 5, 6} >>> len(s1) # Cardinality 4 >>> s1.add(99) # Mutability >>> s1 {99, 1, 2, 3, 4} >>> s1.discard(99) # Mutability >>> s1 {1, 2, 3, 4} >>> s1 |= s2 # Mutability >>> s1 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} >>> s1 -= s2 # Mutability >>> s1 {1, 2} >>> s1 ^= s2 # Mutability >>> s1 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} >>> </lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define A (set 1 2 3 4)) (define B (set 3 4 5 6)) (define C (set 4 5))

(set-union A B)  ; gives (set 1 2 3 4 5 6) (set-intersect A B) ; gives (set 3 4) (set-subtract A B)  ; gives (set 1 2) (set=? A B)  ; gives #f (subset? C A)  ; gives #f (subset? C B)  ; gives #t </lang>


REXX doesn't have native set support, but can be easily coded to handle lists as sets. <lang rexx>/*REXX program demonstrates some common SET functions. */ truth.0= 'false'; truth.1= "true" /*two common names for a truth table. */ set.= /*the order of sets isn't important. */

call setAdd 'prime',2 3 2 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 call setSay 'prime' /*a small set of some prime numbers. */

call setAdd 'emirp',97 97 89 83 79 73 71 67 61 59 53 47 43 41 37 31 29 23 19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2 call setSay 'emirp' /*a small set of backward primes. */

call setAdd 'happy',1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31 32 44 49 68 70 79 82 86 91 100 94 97 97 97 97 97 call setSay 'happy' /*a small set of some happy numbers. */

     do j=11  to 100  by 10                    /*see if  PRIME  contains some numbers. */
     call setHas  'prime', j
     say '             prime contains'     j":"     truth.result
     end   /*j*/

call setUnion 'prime','happy','eweion'; call setSay 'eweion' /* (sic). */ call setCommon 'prime','happy','common'; call setSay 'common' call setDiff 'prime','happy','diff'  ; call setSay 'diff'; _=left(, 12) call setSubset 'prime','happy'  ; say _ 'prime is a subset of happy:' truth.result call setEqual 'prime','emirp'  ; say _ 'prime is equal to emirp:' truth.result exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ setHas: procedure expose set.; arg _ .,! .; return wordpos(!, set._)\==0 setAdd: return set$('add' , arg(1), arg(2)) setDiff: return set$('diff' , arg(1), arg(2), arg(3)) setSay: return set$('say' , arg(1), arg(2)) setUnion: return set$('union' , arg(1), arg(2), arg(3)) setCommon: return set$('common' , arg(1), arg(2), arg(3)) setEqual: return set$('equal' , arg(1), arg(2)) setSubset: return set$('subSet' , arg(1), arg(2)) /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ set$: procedure expose set.; arg $,_1,_2,_3; set_=set._1; t=_3; s=t;  !=1

     if $=='SAY'    then do;   say "[set."_1']= 'set._1;   return set._1;   end
     if $=='UNION'  then do
                         call set$ 'add', _3, set._1
                         call set$ 'add', _3, set._2
                         return set._3
     add=$=='ADD';  common=$=='COMMON'; diff=$=='DIFF'; eq=$=='EQUAL'; subset=$=='SUBSET'
     if common | diff | eq | subset  then s=_2
     if add  then do;  set_=_2;  t=_1;  s=_1;  end
         do j=1  for words(set_);       _=word(set_, j);       has=wordpos(_, set.s)\==0
         if (add    & \has) |,
            (common &  has) |,
            (diff   & \has)       then set.t=space(set.t _)
         if (eq | subset) & \has  then return 0
         end    /*j*/
     if subset  then return 1
     if eq      then  if arg()>3  then return 1
                                  else return set$('equal', _2, _1, 1)
     return set.t</lang>


[set.PRIME]=2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
[set.EMIRP]=97 89 83 79 73 71 67 61 59 53 47 43 41 37 31 29 23 19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2
[set.HAPPY]=1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31 32 44 49 68 70 79 82 86 91 100 94 97
             prime contains 11: true
             prime contains 21: false
             prime contains 31: true
             prime contains 41: true
             prime contains 51: false
             prime contains 61: true
             prime contains 71: true
             prime contains 81: false
             prime contains 91: false
[set.EWEION]=2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 1 10 28 32 44 49 68 70 82 86 91 100 94
[set.COMMON]=7 13 19 23 31 79 97
[set.DIFF]=2 3 5 11 17 29 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 83 89
             prime is a subset of happy: false
             prime is  equal   to emirp: true


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Set

arr = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig", "grape"] for n = 1 to 25


next seta = "1010101" see "Set A: " + arrset(arr,seta) + nl setb = "0111110" see "Set B: " + arrset(arr,setb) + nl elementm = "0000010" see "Element M: " + arrset(arr,elementm) + nl

temp = arrsetinsec(elementm,seta) if len(temp) > 0

  see "M is an element of set A" + nl


  see "M is not an element of set A" + nl

ok temp = arrsetinsec(elementm,setb) if len(temp) > 0

  see "M is an element of set B" + nl


  see "M is not an element of set B" + nl


see "The union of A and B is: " see arrsetunion(seta,setb) + nl see "The intersection of A and B is: " see arrsetinsec(seta,setb) + nl see "The difference of A and B is: " see arrsetnot(seta,setb) + nl

flag = arrsetsub(seta,setb) if flag = 1

  see "Set A is a subset of set B" + nl


  see "Set A is not a subset of set B" + nl

ok if seta = setb

  see "Set A is equal to set B" + nl


  see "Set A is not equal to set B" + nl


func arrset(arr,set)

      o = ""
      for i = 1 to 7
           if set[i] = "1"
               o = o + arr[i] + ", "
      return left(o,len(o)-2)

func arrsetunion(seta,setb)

      o = ""
      union = list(len(seta))
      for n = 1 to len(seta)
           if seta[n] = "1" or setb[n] = "1"
              union[n] = "1"
              union[n] = "0"
      for i = 1 to len(union)
           if union[i] = "1"
               o = o + arr[i] + ", "
      return o

func arrsetinsec(setc,setd)

      o = ""
      union = list(len(setc))
      for n = 1 to len(setc)
           if setc[n] = "1" and setd[n] = "1"
              union[n] = "1"
              union[n] = "0"
      for i = 1 to len(union)
           if union[i] = "1"
               o = o + arr[i] + ", "
      return o

func arrsetnot(seta,setb)

      o = ""
      union = list(len(seta))
      for n = 1 to len(seta)
           if seta[n] = "1" and setb[n] = "0"
              union[n] = "1"
              union[n] = "0"
      for i = 1 to len(union)
           if union[i] = "1"
               o = o + arr[i] + ", "
      return o

func arrsetsub(setc,setd)

      flag = 1
      for n = 1 to len(setc)
           if setc[n] = "1" and setd[n] = "0"
              flag = 0
      return flag

</lang> Output:

Set A: apple, cherry, elderberry, grape
Set B: banana, cherry, date, elderberry, fig
Element M: fig
M is not an element of set A
M is an element of set B
The union of A and B is: apple, banana, cherry, date, elderberry, fig, grape, 
The intersection of A and B is: cherry, elderberry, 
The difference of A and B is: apple, grape, 
Set A is not a subset of set B
Set A is not equal to set B


Ruby's standard library contains a "set" package, which provides Set and SortedSet classes. <lang ruby>>> require 'set' => true >> s1, s2 = Set[1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6].to_set # different ways of creating a set => [#<Set: {1, 2, 3, 4}>, #<Set: {5, 6, 3, 4}>] >> s1 | s2 # Union => #<Set: {5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4}> >> s1 & s2 # Intersection => #<Set: {3, 4}> >> s1 - s2 # Difference => #<Set: {1, 2}> >> s1.proper_subset?(s1) # Proper subset => false >> Set[3, 1].proper_subset?(s1) # Proper subset => true >> s1.subset?(s1) # Subset => true >> Set[3, 1].subset?(s1) # Subset => true >> Set[3, 2, 4, 1] == s1 # Equality => true >> s1 == s2 # Equality => false >> s1.include?(2) # Membership => true >> Set[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].proper_superset?(s1) # Proper superset => true >> Set[1, 2, 3, 4].proper_superset?(s1) # Proper superset => false >> Set[1, 2, 3, 4].superset?(s1) # Superset => true >> s1 ^ s2 # Symmetric difference => #<Set: {5, 6, 1, 2}> >> s1.size # Cardinality => 4 >> s1 << 99 # Mutability (or s1.add(99) ) => #<Set: {99, 1, 2, 3, 4}> >> s1.delete(99) # Mutability => #<Set: {1, 2, 3, 4}> >> s1.merge(s2) # Mutability => #<Set: {5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4}> >> s1.subtract(s2) # Mutability => #<Set: {1, 2}> >> </lang>


<lang Runbasic> A$ = "apple cherry elderberry grape" B$ = "banana cherry date elderberry fig" C$ = "apple cherry elderberry grape orange" D$ = "apple cherry elderberry grape" E$ = "apple cherry elderberry" M$ = "banana"

print "A = ";A$ print "B = ";B$ print "C = ";C$ print "D = ";D$ print "E = ";E$ print "M = ";M$

if instr(A$,M$) = 0 then a$ = "not " print "M is ";a$; "an element of Set A" a$ = "" if instr(B$,M$) = 0 then a$ = "not " print "M is ";a$; "an element of Set B"

un$ = A$ + " " for i = 1 to 5

if instr(un$,word$(B$,i)) = 0 then un$ = un$ + word$(B$,i) + " "

next i print "union(A,B) = ";un$

for i = 1 to 5

if instr(A$,word$(B$,i)) <> 0 then ins$ = ins$ + word$(B$,i) + " "

next i print "Intersection(A,B) = ";ins$

for i = 1 to 5

if instr(B$,word$(A$,i)) = 0 then dif$ = dif$ + word$(A$,i) + " "

next i print "Difference(A,B) = ";dif$

a = subs(A$,B$,"AB") a = subs(A$,C$,"AC") a = subs(A$,D$,"AD") a = subs(A$,E$,"AE")

a = eqs(A$,B$,"AB") a = eqs(A$,C$,"AC") a = eqs(A$,D$,"AD") a = eqs(A$,E$,"AE") end

function subs(a$,b$,sets$)

for i = 1 to 5
  if instr(b$,word$(a$,i)) <> 0 then subs = subs + 1
next i

if subs = 4 then

 print left$(sets$,1);" is a subset of ";right$(sets$,1)


 print left$(sets$,1);" is not a subset of ";right$(sets$,1)

end if end function

function eqs(a$,b$,sets$) for i = 1 to 5

if word$(a$,i) <> "" then a = a + 1
if word$(b$,i) <> "" then b = b + 1
if instr(b$,word$(a$,i)) <> 0 then c = c + 1

next i if (a = b) and (a = c) then

 print left$(sets$,1);" is equal ";right$(sets$,1)


 print left$(sets$,1);" is not equal ";right$(sets$,1)

end if end function</lang>Output:

A = apple cherry elderberry grape
B = banana cherry date elderberry fig
C = apple cherry elderberry grape orange
D = apple cherry elderberry grape
E = apple cherry elderberry
M = banana
M is not an element of Set A
M is an element of Set B
union(A,B) = apple cherry elderberry grape banana date fig 
Intersection(A,B) = cherry elderberry 
Difference(A,B) = apple grape  
A is not a subset of B
A is a subset of C
A is a subset of D
A is not a subset of E
A is not equal B
A is not equal C
A is equal D
A is not equal E


<lang rust>use std::collections::HashSet;

fn main() {

 let a = vec![1, 3, 4].into_iter().collect::<HashSet<i32>>();
 let b = vec![3, 5, 6].into_iter().collect::<HashSet<i32>>();
 println!("Set A: {:?}", a.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
 println!("Set B: {:?}", b.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
 println!("Does A contain 4? {}", a.contains(&4));
 println!("Union: {:?}", a.union(&b).collect::<Vec<_>>());
 println!("Intersection: {:?}", a.intersection(&b).collect::<Vec<_>>());
 println!("Difference: {:?}", a.difference(&b).collect::<Vec<_>>());
 println!("Is A a subset of B? {}", a.is_subset(&b));
 println!("Is A equal to B? {}", a == b);



<lang scala> object sets {

 val set1 = Set(1,2,3,4,5)
 val set2 = Set(3,5,7,9)
 println(set1 contains 3)
 println(set1 | set2)
 println(set1 & set2)
 println(set1 diff set2)
 println(set1 subsetOf set2)
 println(set1 == set2)

} </lang>


Implemented based on lists. Not efficient on large sets. <lang lisp>(define (element? a lst)

 (and (not (null? lst))
      (or (eq? a (car lst))

(element? a (cdr lst)))))

util, not strictly needed

(define (uniq lst)

 (if (null? lst) lst
   (let ((a (car lst)) (b (cdr lst)))
     (if (element? a b)

(uniq b) (cons a (uniq b))))))

(define (intersection a b)

 (cond ((null? a) '())

((null? b) '()) (else (append (intersection (cdr a) b) (if (element? (car a) b) (list (car a)) '())))))

(define (union a b)

 (if (null? a) b
   (union (cdr a)

(if (element? (car a) b) b (cons (car a) b)))))

(define (diff a b) ; a - b

 (if (null? a) '()
   (if (element? (car a) b)
     (diff (cdr a) b)
     (cons (car a) (diff (cdr a) b)))))

(define (subset? a b) ; A ⊆ B

 (if (null? a) #t
   (and (element? (car a) b)

(subset? (cdr a) b))))

(define (set-eq? a b)

 (and (subset? a b)
      (subset? b a)))</lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const type: charSet is set of char; enable_output(charSet);

const proc: main is func

   const charSet: A is {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
   var charSet: B is charSet.value;
   var char: m is 'A';
   B := {'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K'};
   incl(B, 'J');        # Add 'J' to set B
   excl(B, 'K');        # Remove 'K' from set B
   writeln("A: " <& A);
   writeln("B: " <& B);
   writeln("m: " <& m);
   writeln("m in A -- m is an element in A: " <& m in A);
   writeln("A | B  -- union:                " <& A | B);
   writeln("A & B  -- intersection:         " <& A & B);
   writeln("A - B  -- difference:           " <& A - B);
   writeln("A >< B -- symmetric difference: " <& A >< B);
   writeln("A <= A -- subset:               " <& A <= A);
   writeln("A < A  -- proper subset:        " <& A < A);
   writeln("A = B  -- equality:             " <& A = B);
 end func;</lang>
A: {A, B, C, D, E, F}
B: {E, F, G, H, I, J}
m: A
m in A -- m is an element in A: TRUE
A | B  -- union:                {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J}
A & B  -- intersection:         {E, F}
A - B  -- difference:           {A, B, C, D}
A >< B -- symmetric difference: {A, B, C, D, G, H, I, J}
A <= A -- subset:               TRUE
A < A  -- proper subset:        FALSE
A = B  -- equality:             FALSE


<lang SETL> A := {1, 2, 3, 4}; B := {3, 4, 5, 6}; C := {4, 5};

-- Union, Intersection, Difference, Subset, Equality print(A + B); -- {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} print(A * B); -- {3, 4} print(A - B); -- {1, 2} print(C subset B); -- #T print(C = B); -- #F </lang>


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>class Set(*set) {

   method init {
       var elems = set;
       set = Hash.new;
       elems.each { |e| self += e }
   method +(elem) {
       set{elem} = elem;
   method del(elem) {
   method has(elem) {
   method ∪(Set that) {
       Set(set.values..., that.values...);
   method ∩(Set that) {
       Set(set.keys.grep{ |k| k ∈ that } \
                   .map { |k| set{k} }...);
   method ∖(Set that) {
       Set(set.keys.grep{|k| !(k ∈ that) } \
                   .map {|k| set{k} }...);
   method ^(Set that) {
       var d = ((self ∖ that) ∪ (that ∖ self));
   method count { set.len }
   method ≡(Set that) {
       (self ∖ that -> count.is_zero) && (that ∖ self -> count.is_zero);
   method values { set.values }
   method ⊆(Set that) {
       that.set.keys.each { |k|
           k ∈ self || return false;
       return true;
   method to_s {
       "Set{" + set.values.map{|e| "#{e}"}.sort.join(', ') + "}"


class Object {

   method ∈(Set set) {


Usage example: <lang ruby>var x = Set(1, 2, 3); 5..7 -> each { |i| x += i };

var y = Set(1, 2, 4, x);

say "set x is: #{x}"; say "set y is: #{y}";

[1,2,3,4,x].each { |elem|

   say ("#{elem} is ", elem ∈ y ?  : 'not', " in y");


var (w, z); say ("union: ", x ∪ y); say ("intersect: ", x ∩ y); say ("z = x ∖ y = ", z = (x ∖ y) ); say ("y is ", x ⊆ y ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x"); say ("z is ", x ⊆ z ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x"); say ("z = (x ∪ y) ∖ (x ∩ y) = ", z = ((x ∪ y) ∖ (x ∩ y))); say ("w = x ^ y = ", w = (x ^ y)); say ("w is ", w ≡ z ? "" : "not ", "equal to z"); say ("w is ", w ≡ x ? "" : "not ", "equal to x");</lang>

set x is: Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}
set y is: Set{1, 2, 4, Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}}
1 is  in y
2 is  in y
3 is not in y
4 is  in y
Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} is  in y
union: Set{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}}
intersect: Set{1, 2}
z = x ∖ y = Set{3, 5, 6, 7}
y is not a subset of x
z is a subset of x
z = (x ∪ y) ∖ (x ∩ y) = Set{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}}
w = x ^ y = Set{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Set{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}}
w is equal to z
w is not equal to x


<lang simula>SIMSET BEGIN

       REF(HEAD) H;
       H :- NEW HEAD;
       SU :- NEW SET;
       FOR S :- S1, S2 DO
           IF NOT S.EMPTY THEN
           BEGIN REF(ELEMENT) E;
               E :- S.FIRST;
               WHILE E =/= NONE DO
               BEGIN SU.ADD(E); E :- E.SUC;
       UNION :- SU;
       SI :- NEW SET;
           E :- S1.FIRST;
           WHILE E =/= NONE DO
           BEGIN IF ISIN(E, S2) THEN SI.ADD(E); E :- E.SUC;
       SM :- NEW SET;
           E :- S1.FIRST;
           WHILE E =/= NONE DO
           BEGIN IF NOT ISIN(E, S2) THEN SM.ADD(E); E :- E.SUC;
       MINUS :- SM;
       B := TRUE;
           E :- S1.FIRST;
           WHILE B AND E =/= NONE DO
               B := ISIN(E, S2);
               E :- E.SUC;
       ISSUBSET := B;
           E :- S.FIRST;
           FOUND := E.ISEQUAL(ELE);
           BEGIN FOUND := E.ISEQUAL(ELE); E :- E.SUC;
       ISIN := FOUND
       REF(ELEMENT) E;
           E :- S.FIRST; OUTTEXT(E.REPR);
           FOR E :- E.SUC WHILE E =/= NONE DO
           BEGIN OUTTEXT(", "); OUTTEXT(E.REPR);

   COMMENT ============== EXAMPLE USING SETS OF NUMBERS ============== ;

           T :- BLANKS(20); T.PUTINT(N);
           WHILE T.GETCHAR = ' ' DO;
           REPR :- T.SUB(T.POS - 1, T.LENGTH - T.POS + 2);
           CLONE :- NEW NUMBER(N);
       OUTSET(S1);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG1); OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTSET(S2);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG2); OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTSET(S1);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG1); OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTSET(S2);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG2); OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(N1.REPR);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG1); OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTSET(S1);    OUTCHAR(' ');
       OUTTEXT(MSG2); OUTCHAR(' ');
   REF(SET) S1, S2, S3, S4, S5;
   S1 :- NEW SET; FOR I := 1, 2, 3, 4    DO S1.ADD(NEW NUMBER(I));
   S2 :- NEW SET; FOR I := 3, 4, 5, 6    DO S2.ADD(NEW NUMBER(I));
   S3 :- NEW SET; FOR I := 3, 1          DO S3.ADD(NEW NUMBER(I));
   S4 :- NEW SET; FOR I := 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DO S4.ADD(NEW NUMBER(I));
   S5 :- NEW SET; FOR I := 4, 3, 2, 1    DO S5.ADD(NEW NUMBER(I));
   REPORT(S1, "UNION", S2, " = ", UNION(S1, S2));
   REPORT(S1, "MINUS", S2, " = ", MINUS(S1, S2));
   REPORT(S2, "MINUS", S1, " = ", MINUS(S2, S1));
   E :- NEW NUMBER(2);
   REPORTNUMBOOL(E, "IN", S1, " = ", ISIN(E, S1));
   E :- NEW NUMBER(10);
   REPORTNUMBOOL(E, "NOT IN", S1, " = ", NOT ISIN(E, S1));
   REPORTBOOL(S1, "IS EQUAL TO", S2, " = ", ISEQUAL(S1, S2));
   REPORTBOOL(S2, "IS EQUAL TO", S2, " = ", ISEQUAL(S2, S2));
   REPORTBOOL(S1, "IS EQUAL TO", S5, " = ", ISEQUAL(S1, S5));

END. </lang>

{1, 2, 3, 4} UNION {3, 4, 5, 6}  =  {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
{1, 2, 3, 4} INTERSECTION {3, 4, 5, 6}  =  {3, 4}
{1, 2, 3, 4} MINUS {3, 4, 5, 6}  =  {1, 2}
{3, 4, 5, 6} MINUS {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  {5, 6}
2 IN {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  T
10 NOT IN {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  T
{1, 2, 3, 4} IS SUBSET OF {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  T
{3, 1} IS SUBSET OF {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  T
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} IS SUPERSET OF {1, 2, 3, 4}  =  T
{1, 2, 3, 4} IS EQUAL TO {3, 4, 5, 6}  =  F
{3, 4, 5, 6} IS EQUAL TO {3, 4, 5, 6}  =  T
{1, 2, 3, 4} IS EQUAL TO {4, 3, 2, 1}  =  T


Works with: Pharo version 1.3-13315

<lang smalltalk>

  1. (1 2 3) asSet union: #(2 3 4) asSet.

"a Set(1 2 3 4)"

  1. (1 2 3) asSet intersection: #(2 3 4) asSet.

"a Set(2 3)"

  1. (1 2 3) asSet difference: #(2 3 4) asSet.

"a Set(1)"

  1. (1 2 3) asSet includesAllOf: #(1 3) asSet.


  1. (1 2 3) asSet includesAllOf: #(1 3 4) asSet.


  1. (1 2 3) asSet = #(2 1 3) asSet.


  1. (1 2 3) asSet = #(1 2 4) asSet.

"false" </lang>


Works with: Oracle

<lang sql> -- set of numbers is a table -- create one set with 3 elements

create table myset1 (element number);

insert into myset1 values (1); insert into myset1 values (2); insert into myset1 values (3);


-- check if 1 is an element

select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual where 1 in (select element from myset1);

-- create second set with 3 elements

create table myset2 (element number);

insert into myset2 values (1); insert into myset2 values (5); insert into myset2 values (6);


-- union sets

select element from myset1 union select element from myset2;

-- intersection

select element from myset1 intersect select element from myset2;

-- difference

select element from myset1 minus select element from myset2;

-- subset

-- change myset2 to only have 1 as element

delete from myset2 where not element = 1;


-- check if myset2 subset of myset1

select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual where 0 = (select count(*) from (select element from myset2 minus select element from myset1));

-- equality

-- change myset1 to only have 1 as element

delete from myset1 where not element = 1;


-- check if myset2 subset of myset1 and
-- check if myset1 subset of myset2 and

select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual where 0 = (select count(*) from (select element from myset2 minus select element from myset1)) and 0 = (select count(*) from (select element from myset1 minus select element from myset2)); </lang>

SQL> -- set of numbers is a table
SQL> -- create one set with 3 elements
SQL> create table myset1 (element number);

Table created.

SQL> insert into myset1 values (1);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into myset1 values (2);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into myset1 values (3);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> -- check if 1 is an element
SQL> select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual
  2  where 1 in
  3  (select element from myset1);


SQL> -- create second set with 3 elements
SQL> create table myset2 (element number);

Table created.

SQL> insert into myset2 values (1);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into myset2 values (5);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into myset2 values (6);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> -- union sets
SQL> select element from myset1
  2  union
  3  select element from myset2;


SQL> -- intersection
SQL> select element from myset1
  2  intersect
  3  select element from myset2;


SQL> -- difference
SQL> select element from myset1
  2  minus
  3  select element from myset2;


SQL> -- subset
SQL> -- change myset2 to only have 1 as element
SQL> delete from myset2 where not element = 1;

2 rows deleted.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> -- check if myset2 subset of myset1
SQL> select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual
  2  where 0 =  (select count(*) from
  3  (select element from myset2
  4  minus
  5  select element from myset1));


SQL> -- equality
SQL> -- change myset1 to only have 1 as element
SQL> delete from myset1 where not element = 1;

2 rows deleted.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL>  -- check if myset2 subset of myset1 and
SQL>  -- check if myset1 subset of myset2 and
SQL> select 'TRUE' BOOL from dual
  2  where
  3  0 =  (select count(*) from
  4  (select element from myset2
  5  minus
  6  select element from myset1)) and
  7  0 =
  8  (select count(*) from
  9  (select element from myset1
 10  minus
 11  select element from myset2));



Works with: Swift version 1.2+

<lang swift>var s1 : Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4] let s2 : Set<Int> = [3, 4, 5, 6] println(s1.union(s2)) // union; prints "[5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4]" println(s1.intersect(s2)) // intersection; prints "[3, 4]" println(s1.subtract(s2)) // difference; prints "[2, 1]" println(s1.isSubsetOf(s1)) // subset; prints "true" println(Set<Int>([3, 1]).isSubsetOf(s1)) // subset; prints "true" println(s1.isStrictSubsetOf(s1)) // proper subset; prints "false" println(Set<Int>([3, 1]).isStrictSubsetOf(s1)) // proper subset; prints "true" println(Set<Int>([3, 2, 4, 1]) == s1) // equality; prints "true" println(s1 == s2) // equality; prints "false" println(s1.contains(2)) // membership; prints "true" println(Set<Int>([1, 2, 3, 4]).isSupersetOf(s1)) // superset; prints "true" println(Set<Int>([1, 2, 3, 4]).isStrictSupersetOf(s1)) // proper superset; prints "false" println(Set<Int>([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).isStrictSupersetOf(s1)) // proper superset; prints "true" println(s1.exclusiveOr(s2)) // symmetric difference; prints "[5, 6, 2, 1]" println(s1.count) // cardinality; prints "4" s1.insert(99) // mutability println(s1) // prints "[99, 2, 3, 1, 4]" s1.remove(99) // mutability println(s1) // prints "[2, 3, 1, 4]" s1.unionInPlace(s2) // mutability println(s1) // prints "[5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4]" s1.subtractInPlace(s2) // mutability println(s1) // prints "[2, 1]" s1.exclusiveOrInPlace(s2) // mutability println(s1) // prints "[5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4]"</lang>


Sets in Tcl are modeled as lists of items, with operations that preserve uniqueness of membership.

Library: Tcllib (Package: struct::set)

<lang tcl>package require struct::set

  1. Many ways to build sets

set s1 [list 1 2 3 4] set s2 {3 4 5 6} struct::set add s3 {2 3 4 3 2}; # $s3 will be proper set... set item 5

puts "union: [struct::set union $s1 $s2]" puts "intersection: [struct::set intersect $s1 $s2]" puts "difference: [struct::set difference $s1 $s2]" puts "membership predicate: [struct::set contains $s1 $item]" puts "subset predicate: [struct::set subsetof $s1 $s2]"; # NB: not strict subset test! puts "equality predicate: [struct::set equal $s1 $s2]"

  1. Adding an element to a set (note that we pass in the name of the variable holding the set):

struct::set include s3 $item

  1. Removing an element from a set:

struct::set exclude s3 $item

  1. Getting the cardinality:

puts "cardinality: [struct::set size $s3]</lang>


<lang vb>'Implementation of "set" using the built in Collection datatype. 'A collection can hold any object as item. The examples here are only strings. 'A collection stores item, key pairs. With the key you can retrieve the item. 'The keys are hidden and cannot be changed. No duplicate keys are allowed. 'For the "set" implementation item is the same as the key. And keys must 'be a string. Private Function createSet(t As Variant) As Collection

   Dim x As New Collection
   For Each elem In t
       x.Add elem, elem
   Next elem
   Set createSet = x

End Function Private Function isElement(s As Variant, x As Collection) As Boolean

   Dim errno As Integer, t As Variant
   On Error GoTo err
   t = x(s)
   isElement = True
   Exit Function


   isElement = False

End Function Private Function setUnion(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Collection

   Dim x As New Collection
   For Each elem In A
       x.Add elem, elem
   Next elem
   For Each elem In B
       On Error Resume Next 'Trying to add a duplicate throws an error
       x.Add elem, elem
   Next elem
   Set setUnion = x

End Function Private Function intersection(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Collection

   Dim x As New Collection
   For Each elem In A
       If isElement(elem, B) Then x.Add elem, elem
   Next elem
   For Each elem In B
       If isElement(elem, A) Then
           On Error Resume Next
           x.Add elem, elem
       End If
   Next elem
   Set intersection = x

End Function Private Function difference(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Collection

   Dim x As New Collection
   For Each elem In A
       If Not isElement(elem, B) Then x.Add elem, elem
   Next elem
   Set difference = x

End Function Private Function subset(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Boolean

   Dim flag As Boolean
   flag = True
   For Each elem In A
       If Not isElement(elem, B) Then
           flag = False
           Exit For
       End If
   Next elem
   subset = flag

End Function Private Function equality(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Boolean

   Dim flag As Boolean
   flag = True
   If A.Count = B.Count Then
       For Each elem In A
           If Not isElement(elem, B) Then
               flag = False
               Exit For
           End If
       Next elem
       flag = False
   End If
   equality = flag

End Function Private Function properSubset(A As Collection, B As Collection) As Boolean

   Dim flag As Boolean
   flag = True
   If A.Count < B.Count Then
       For Each elem In A
           If Not isElement(elem, B) Then
               flag = False
               Exit For
           End If
       Next elem
       flag = False
   End If
   properSubset = flag

End Function Public Sub main()

   'Set creation
   Dim s As Variant
   Dim A As Collection, B As Collection, C As Collection
   s = [{"Apple","Banana","Pear","Pineapple"}]
   Set A = createSet(s) 'Fills the collection A with the elements of s
   'Test m ? S -- "m is an element in set S"
   Debug.Print isElement("Apple", A) 'returns True
   Debug.Print isElement("Fruit", A) 'returns False
   'A ? B -- union; a set of all elements either in set A or in set B.
   s = [{"Fruit","Banana","Pear","Orange"}]
   Set B = createSet(s)
   Set C = setUnion(A, B)
   'A n B -- intersection; a set of all elements in both set A and set B.
   Set C = intersection(A, B)
   'A \ B -- difference; a set of all elements in set A, except those in set B.
   Set C = difference(A, B)
   'A ? B -- subset; true if every element in set A is also in set B.
   Debug.Print subset(A, B)
   'A = B -- equality; true if every element of set A is in set B and vice versa.
   Debug.Print equality(A, B)
   'Proper subset
   Debug.Print properSubset(A, B)
   'Modify -remove an element by key
   A.Remove "Apple"
   'Modify -remove the first element in the collection/set
   A.Remove 1
   'Add "10" to A
   A.Add "10", "10"

End Sub</lang>


A simplistic implementation that is fine for smallish sets <lang zkl>var [const] unique = Utils.Helpers.listUnique; class Set {

  fcn init { var [const] set = (vm.arglist.copy() : unique(_)) }
  fcn holds(x) { set.holds(x) }
  fcn union(setB) { self(set.xplode(),setB.set.xplode()) }
  fcn intersection(setB){ sb:=setB.set;
     C:=self(); sc:=C.set;
     foreach x in (set){ if (sb.holds(x)) sc.append(x) } 
  fcn diff(setB){ C:=self(); C.set.extend(set);
  fcn isSubset(setB){ sb:=setB.set;
        if (not sb.holds(x)) return(Void.Stop,False); True
  fcn __opEQ(setB) { ((set.len() == setB.set.len()) and self.isSubset(setB)) }


A := Set(1,2,3,3,3,4);
A.set.println();    //--> L(1,2,3,4)
A.holds(3).println();  //--> True
A.holds(9).println();  //--> False

A.union(B).set.println(); // -->L(1,2,3,4,"one","three")
B.union(A).set.println(); // -->L("one",2,"three",1,3,4)
A.union(B).diff(B.union(A)).set.println(); // -->L()

A.intersection(B).set.println(); //-->L(2)
B.intersection(A).set.println(); //-->L(2)

A.diff(B).set.println();  //-->L(1,3,4)
B.diff(A).set.println();  //-->L("one","three")

A.isSubset(B).println();  //-->False
A.isSubset(A).println();  //-->True
Set("three",2,2,2,2,2).isSubset(B).println();  //-->True

(A==B).println();  //-->False
(A==A).println();  //-->True
(A==Set(2,3,1,4)).println(); //-->True