Prime words
A word is a prime word if all its individual letters (expressed as an ASCII decimal code) are primes.
A ASCII decimal code is: 65 B ASCII decimal code is: 66 C ASCII decimal code is: 67 X ASCII decimal code is: 88 Y ASCII decimal code is: 89 Z ASCII decimal code is: 90 a ASCII decimal code is: 97 b ASCII decimal code is: 98 c ASCII decimal code is: 99 x ASCII decimal code is: 120 y ASCII decimal code is: 121 z ASCII decimal code is: 122
- Task
Show here on this page every prime word in unixdict.txt.
F is_prime(Int a)
I a == 2
R 1B
I a < 2 | a % 2 == 0
R 0B
L(i) (3 .. Int(sqrt(a))).step(2)
I a % i == 0
R 0B
R 1B
Set[Int] prime_chars
L(c) ‘a’.code .. ‘z’.code
I is_prime(c)
L(c) ‘A’.code .. ‘Z’.code
I is_prime(c)
L(word) File(‘unixdict.txt’).read().split("\n")
L(c) word
I c.code !C prime_chars
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
In the following solution the input file is loaded from H6 drive. Altirra emulator automatically converts CR/LF character from ASCII into 155 character in ATASCII charset used by Atari 8-bit computer when one from H6-H10 hard drive under DOS 2.5 is used.
BYTE i,c
FOR i=1 TO word(0)
IF primes(c)=0 THEN
PROC FindPrimeWords(CHAR ARRAY fname BYTE ARRAY primes)
CHAR ARRAY line(256)
CHAR ARRAY tmp(256)
BYTE pos,dev=[1]
WHILE Eof(dev)=0
IF IsPrimeWord(line,primes) THEN
IF pos+line(0)>=39 THEN
PutE() pos=2
Print(line) Put(32)
PROC Main()
BYTE ARRAY primes(MAX+1)
Put(125) PutE() ;clear the screen
- Output:
Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
-- Rosetta Code Task written in Ada
-- Task Name: Prime words
-- Task URL:
-- August 2024, R. B. E.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
procedure Prime_Words is
procedure Get_Word is
function Is_Prime (N : in Natural) return Boolean is
Temp : Natural := 5;
if N < 2 then
return False;
end if;
if N mod 2 = 0 then
return N = 2;
end if;
if N mod 3 = 00 then
return N = 3;
end if;
while Temp * Temp <= N loop
if N mod Temp = 0 then
return False;
end if;
Temp := Temp + 2;
if N mod Temp = 0 then
return False;
end if;
Temp := Temp + 4;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Prime;
procedure Split_Word (W : String) is
Count_of_Prime_Letters : Natural := 0;
for C in W'Range loop
if (Is_Prime (Character'Pos (W (C)))) then
Count_of_Prime_Letters := Count_of_Prime_Letters + 1;
end if;
end loop;
if (W'Last = Count_of_Prime_Letters) then
Put_Line (W);
end if;
File : File_Type;
Open (File => File, Mode => In_File, Name => "unixdict.txt");
while not End_Of_File (File) Loop
Split_Word (Get_Line (File));
end loop;
Close (File);
end Get_Word;
end Prime_Words;
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
Does not distinguish between letters and non-letter ASCII codes (as with the REXX sample).
Note, the sources of primes.incl.a68 and files.incl.a68 are on separate pages on Rosetta Code - see the above links.
BEGIN # find words whose character codes are primes #
PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR # include prime utilities #
PR read "files.incl.a68" PR # include file utilities #
# construct a sieve of primes up to the maximum character code #
[]BOOL prime = PRIMESIEVE max abs char;
# returns TRUE if the characters of word all have prime character codes #
# FALSE otherwise #
# count so far is the count of matching words found before this word #
PROC show prime word = ( STRING word, INT count so far )BOOL:
BEGIN BOOL is prime := FALSE;
FOR w pos FROM LWB word TO UPB word
WHILE ( is prime := prime[ ABS word[ w pos ] ] )
IF NOT is prime
ELSE print( ( whole( count so far + 1, -5 ) ) );
print( ( ": ", word, newline ) );
END # show prime word # ;
IF "unixdict.txt" EACHLINE show prime word < 0 THEN
print( ( "Unable to open unixdict.txt", newline ) )
- Output:
1: a 2: aaa 3: age 4: agee 5: ak 6: am 7: ama 8: e 9: egg 10: eke 11: em 12: emma 13: g 14: ga 15: gag 16: gage 17: gam 18: game 19: gamma 20: ge 21: gee 22: gem 23: gemma 24: gm 25: k 26: keg 27: m 28: ma 29: mae 30: magma 31: make 32: mamma 33: me 34: meek 35: meg 36: q
words: read.lines relative "unixdict.txt"
loop words 'word [
if every? split word 'ch -> prime? to :integer to :char ch ->
print word
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
# syntax: GAWK -f PRIME_WORDS.AWK unixdict.txt
for (i=0; i<=255; i++) {
if (is_prime(i)) {
prime_chars = sprintf("%s%c",prime_chars,i)
pattern = sprintf("^[%s]+$",prime_chars)
{ if ($0 ~ pattern) {
printf("%s ",$0)
function is_prime(x, i) {
if (x <= 1) {
for (i=2; i<=int(sqrt(x)); i++) {
if (x % i == 0) {
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "prime_sieve.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
const char* filename(argc < 2 ? "unixdict.txt" : argv[1]);
std::ifstream in(filename);
if (!in) {
std::cerr << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "'.\n";
std::string line;
prime_sieve sieve(UCHAR_MAX);
auto is_prime = [&sieve](unsigned char c){ return sieve.is_prime(c); };
int n = 0;
while (getline(in, line)) {
if (std::all_of(line.begin(), line.end(), is_prime)) {
std::cout << std::right << std::setw(2) << n << ": "
<< std::left << std::setw(10) << line;
if (n % 4 == 0)
std::cout << '\n';
Contents of prime_sieve.hpp:
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
* A simple implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
* See
class prime_sieve {
explicit prime_sieve(size_t);
bool is_prime(size_t) const;
std::vector<bool> is_prime_;
* Constructs a sieve with the given limit.
* @param limit the maximum integer that can be tested for primality
inline prime_sieve::prime_sieve(size_t limit) {
limit = std::max(size_t(3), limit);
is_prime_.resize(limit/2, true);
for (size_t p = 3; p * p <= limit; p += 2) {
if (is_prime_[p/2 - 1]) {
size_t inc = 2 * p;
for (size_t q = p * p; q <= limit; q += inc)
is_prime_[q/2 - 1] = false;
* Returns true if the given integer is a prime number. The integer
* must be less than or equal to the limit passed to the constructor.
* @param n an integer less than or equal to the limit passed to the
* constructor
* @return true if the integer is prime
inline bool prime_sieve::is_prime(size_t n) const {
if (n == 2)
return true;
if (n < 2 || n % 2 == 0)
return false;
return - 1);
- Output:
1: a 2: aaa 3: age 4: agee 5: ak 6: am 7: ama 8: e 9: egg 10: eke 11: em 12: emma 13: g 14: ga 15: gag 16: gage 17: gam 18: game 19: gamma 20: ge 21: gee 22: gem 23: gemma 24: gm 25: k 26: keg 27: m 28: ma 29: mae 30: magma 31: make 32: mamma 33: me 34: meek 35: meg 36: q
function IsPrime(N: int64): boolean;
{Fast, optimised prime test}
var I,Stop: int64;
if (N = 2) or (N=3) then Result:=true
else if (n <= 1) or ((n mod 2) = 0) or ((n mod 3) = 0) then Result:= false
while I<=Stop do
if ((N mod I) = 0) or ((N mod (I + 2)) = 0) then exit;
procedure ShowPrimeWords(Memo: TMemo);
var I,N,Sum,Cnt: integer;
var NS,S: string;
function IsPrimeWord(S: string): boolean;
var I: integer;
for I:=1 to Length(S) do
if not IsPrime(byte(S[I])) then exit;
{Iterate all entries in dictionary}
for I:=0 to UnixDict.Count-1 do
if IsPrimeWord(UnixDict[I]) then
Memo.Lines.Add('Count = '+IntToStr(Cnt));
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q Count = 36 Elapsed Time: 72.759 ms.
fastfunc isprim num .
i = 2
while i <= sqrt num
if num mod i = 0
return 0
i += 1
return 1
s$ = input
until s$ = ""
c$ = ""
for c$ in strchars s$
if isprim strcode c$ = 0
break 1
if c$ = ""
print s$
# the content of unixdict.txt
USING: io.encodings.ascii io.files math.primes prettyprint sequences ;
"unixdict.txt" ascii file-lines [ [ prime? ] all? ] filter .
- Output:
{ "a" "aaa" "age" "agee" "ak" "am" "ama" "e" "egg" "eke" "em" "emma" "g" "ga" "gag" "gage" "gam" "game" "gamma" "ge" "gee" "gem" "gemma" "gm" "k" "keg" "m" "ma" "mae" "magma" "make" "mamma" "me" "meek" "meg" "q" }
dim shared as boolean prime(0 to 29) =_
{false, true, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, false, true, false,_
false, false, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, false}
function isprimeletter( s as string ) as boolean
dim as ubyte n = asc(s)
if n mod 2 = 0 then return false
return prime( (n-65)/2 )
end function
function isprimeword( s as string ) as boolean
for i as uinteger = 1 to len(s)
if not isprimeletter( mid(s,i,1) ) then return false
next i
return true
end function
dim as string word
open "unixdict.txt" for input as #1
while true
line input #1, word
if word = "" then exit while
if isprimeword( word ) then print word
close #1
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
#plist NSAppTransportSecurity @{NSAllowsArbitraryLoads:YES}
mda(0) = {NO, YES, NO, YES, YES, NO, NO, YES, NO, YES, NO, NO, YES,¬
local fn WordList as CFArrayRef
CFURLRef url = fn URLWithString( @"" )
CFStringRef string = lcase(fn StringWithContentsOfURL( url, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NULL ))
CFArrayRef wordArr = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( string, @"\n" )
CFMutableArrayRef mutArr = fn MutableArrayNew
CFStringRef tempStr
for tempStr in wordArr
CFRange range = fn StringRangeOfStringWithOptions( tempStr, @"^[a-z]+$", NSRegularExpressionSearch )
if range.location != NSNotFound then MutableArrayAddObject( mutArr, tempStr )
end fn = mutArr
local fn IsPrimeLetter( s as CFStringRef ) as BOOL
NSUInteger index = 0
BOOL result = NO
unichar n = fn StringCharacterAtIndex( s, index )
if n mod 2 == 0 then exit fn = NO
result = mda_integer( (n-65)/2 )
end fn = result
local fn IsPrimeWord( s as CFStringRef ) as BOOL
NSUInteger i, count = len(s)
for i = 0 to count -1
if fn IsPrimeLetter( mid( s, i, 1 ) ) = NO then exit fn = NO
end fn = YES
local fn FindPrimeWords
CFArrayRef wordArr = fn WordList
CFStringRef wordStr
for wordStr in wordArr
if wordStr = @"" then break
if fn IsPrimeWord( wordStr ) = YES then printf @"%@", wordStr
end fn
fn FindPrimeWords
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
package main
import (
func isPrime(n int) bool {
if n < 2 {
return false
if n%2 == 0 {
return n == 2
if n%3 == 0 {
return n == 3
d := 5
for d*d <= n {
if n%d == 0 {
return false
d += 2
if n%d == 0 {
return false
d += 4
return true
func main() {
// cache prime runes with codepoints between 33 and 255 say
var primeRunes []rune
for i := 33; i < 256; i += 2 {
if isPrime(i) {
primeRunes = append(primeRunes, rune(i))
primeString := string(primeRunes)
wordList := "unixdict.txt"
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(wordList)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error reading file")
bwords := bytes.Fields(b)
fmt.Println("Prime words in", wordList, "are:")
for _, bword := range bwords {
word := string(bword)
ok := true
for _, c := range word {
if !strings.ContainsRune(primeString, c) {
ok = false
if ok {
- Output:
Prime words in unixdict.txt are: a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
"#{cc 1,'read','gpush a.factory( a.to_s)'}"; "%)+/5;=CGIOSYaegkmq":A; "unixdict.txt" read n/ {A-!}, n*
The list was generated with žQʒÇp
. Try it online!
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
($~ _2 */\ q:@#)(#~ (1 */@p: 3 u: ])@>) cutLF fread'unixdict.txt'
│a │aaa│age │agee│ak │am │ama │e │egg │
│eke │em │emma │g │ga │gag│gage│gam│game│
│gamma│ge │gee │gem │gemma│gm │k │keg│m │
│ma │mae│magma│make│mamma│me │meek│meg│q │
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
A suitable implementation of `is_prime` is given at Erdős-primes#jq and is therefore not repeated here.
The task description suggests that perhaps the appropriate definition of `is_prime_word` should focus on the alphabetic characters, perhaps along the lines of:
def is_prime_word: all(gsub("[^A-Za-z]";"") | explode[]; is_prime);
All such variations are as easy to accommodate as to envision, but for unixdict.txt the following suffices:
def is_prime_word: all(explode[]; is_prime);
inputs | select(is_prime_word)
- Output:
Invocation (example): jq -Rrn -f prime-words.jq unixdict.txt
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
See Alternade_words#Julia for the foreachword function.
const primelettervalues = [67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113]
isprimeword(w, _) = all(c -> Int(c) in primelettervalues, collect(w)) ? w : ""
foreachword("unixdict.txt", isprimeword, colwidth=10, numcols=9)
- Output:
Word source: unixdict.txt a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
This implementation is for use with the Mini Micro version of MiniScript. The command-line version does not include a HTTP library. Modify the declaration of wordList object to use the file class to read a local copy of the word list file.
isPrimeWord = function(word)
if word.len == 0 then return false
for ch in word.split("")
if "aegkmq".indexOf(ch) == null then return false
end for
return true
end function
wordList = http.get("").split(char(10))
primes = []
for word in wordList
if isPrimeWord(word) then primes.push(word)
end for
print primes.join(", ")
- Output:
a, aaa, age, agee, ak, am, ama, e, egg, eke, em, emma, g, ga, gag, gage, gam, game, gamma, ge, gee, gem, gemma, gm, k, keg, m, ma, mae, magma, make, mamma, me, meek, meg, q
import strformat, strutils
func isPrime(n: Natural): bool =
if n < 2: return false
if n mod 2 == 0: return n == 2
if n mod 3 == 0: return n == 3
var d = 5
while d * d <= n:
if n mod d == 0: return false
inc d, 2
if n mod d == 0: return false
inc d, 4
result = true
# Build set of prime characters.
const PrimeChars = static:
var pchars: set[char]
for c in Letters:
if ord(c).isPrime: pchars.incl c
var count = 0
for word in "unixdict.txt".lines:
if word.allCharsInSet(PrimeChars):
inc count
echo &"{count:2}: {word}"
- Output:
1: a 2: aaa 3: age 4: agee 5: ak 6: am 7: ama 8: e 9: egg 10: eke 11: em 12: emma 13: g 14: ga 15: gag 16: gage 17: gam 18: game 19: gamma 20: ge 21: gee 22: gem 23: gemma 24: gm 25: k 26: keg 27: m 28: ma 29: mae 30: magma 31: make 32: mamma 33: me 34: meek 35: meg 36: q
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pat = join '', grep +(1 x ord) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z';
@ARGV = 'unixdict.txt';
print join('', grep /^[$pat]+$/, <>) =~ tr/\n/ /r =~ s/.{1,71}\K /\n/gr;
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
with javascript_semantics function sap(string word) return sum(apply(word,is_prime))==length(word) end function sequence words = filter(unix_dict(),sap) printf(1,"%d prime words found: %s\n",{length(words),join(shorten(words,"",3),", ")})
- Output:
36 prime words found: a, aaa, age, ..., meek, meg, q
Plain English
To run:
Start up.
Put "c:\unixdict.txt" into a path.
Read the path into a buffer.
Slap a rider on the buffer.
Move the rider (text file rules).
Subtract 1 from the rider's token's last. \newline
Put the rider's token into a word string.
If the word is blank, break.
If the word is composed of prime letters, write the word on the console.
Wait for the escape key.
Shut down.
To decide if a byte is prime:
If the byte is in "aegkmq", say yes.
Say no.
To decide if a string is composed of prime letters:
Slap a substring on the string.
If the substring is blank, say yes.
If the substring's first's target is not prime, say no.
Add 1 to the substring's first.
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
Given that the set is known and quite small, 52 in length, a bit of pre-processing to determine all prime positioned characters before hand will speed up the task significantly rather than determining it every time for every word in the list.
Here is the brute force pre-processor, again this can be done easily manually, but if you are feeling lazy, like me :)
for i in range(65,123):
check = 1
for j in range(2,i):
if i%j == 0:
check = 0
if check==1:
This produces the following string :
It's possible to speed it up even more by dropping capitals since the file only contains lower case characters, but we will give that a pass.....
And here's the main program which hardcodes the output of the pre-processor above. As always :
Tested on Python 3+, the file download will work only if the link is still active. It is possible that you may be able to fetch the file in your browser but download via code may still fail. Check whether you are connected to a VPN, it works on open networks.
#Aamrun, 6th November 2021
import urllib.request
from collections import Counter
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "unixdict.txt")
dictionary = open("unixdict.txt","r")
wordList ='\n')
primeSet = set("CGIOSYaegkmq")
[print(word) for word in wordList if len(set(word).difference(primeSet))==0]
And here's the final output :
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
and isprime
are defined at Sieve of Eratosthenes#Quackery.
128 eratosthenes
$ "rosetta/unixdict.txt" sharefile drop nest$
[ true over
[ isprime not if
[ not conclude ] ]
iff [ nested join ]
else drop ]
46 wrap$
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
Another in a continuing series of tasks that are a minimal variation of previous ones. This is essentially Smarandache prime-digital sequence using ords instead of numerical digits. Sigh.
In an effort to anticipate / head-off a rash of tiny variant tasks, a series of one-liners:
my @words = 'unixdict.txt'.IO.words».fc;
sub display ($n, @n, $s = "First 20: ") {"$n;\n{$s}{@n.join: ', '}"}
# The task
say 'Number of words whose ords are all prime: ',
@words.hyper.grep({ }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
# Twelve other minor variants
say "\nNumber of words whose ordinal sum is prime: ",
@words.grep({ }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words whose ords are all prime, and whose ordinal sum is prime: ",
@words.hyper.grep({ && }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
say "\n\nInterpreting the words as if they were base 36 numbers:";
say "\nNumber of words whose 'digits' are all prime in base 36: ",
@words.hyper.grep({ !.contains(/\W/) && all(.comb».parse-base(36)).is-prime }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime in base 36: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/\W/) && :36($_).is-prime }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words whose base 36 digital sum is prime: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/\W/) && .comb».parse-base(36) }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime in base 36, and whose digital sum is prime: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/\W/) && :36($_).is-prime && .comb».parse-base(36) }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime in base 36, whose digits are all prime, and whose digital sum is prime: ",
@words.hyper.grep({ !.contains(/\W/) && all(.comb».parse-base(36)).is-prime && :36($_).is-prime && .comb».parse-base(36) }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
use Base::Any:ver<0.1.2+>;
say "\n\nTests using a custom base 26 where 'a' through 'z' is 0 through 25 and words are case folded:";
say "\nNumber of words whose 'digits' are all prime using a custom base 26: ",
@words.hyper.grep({ !.contains(/<-alpha>/) && all(.comb».&from-base(26)).is-prime }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime using a custom base 26: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/<-alpha>/) && .&from-base(26).is-prime }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words whose digital sum is prime using a custom base 26: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/<-alpha>/) && .comb».&from-base(26) }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime in a custom base 26 and whose digital sum is prime in that base: ",
@words.grep({ !.contains(/<-alpha>/) && .&from-base(26).is-prime && .comb».&from-base(26) }).&{display +$_, .head(20)};
say "\nNumber of words that are prime in custom base 26, whose digits are all prime, and whose digital sum is prime: ",
@words.hyper.grep({ !.contains(/<-alpha>/) && all(.comb».&from-base(26)).is-prime && .&from-base(26).is-prime && .comb».&from-base(26) }).&{display +$_, $_, ''};
- Output:
Number of words whose ords are all prime: 36; a, aaa, age, agee, ak, am, ama, e, egg, eke, em, emma, g, ga, gag, gage, gam, game, gamma, ge, gee, gem, gemma, gm, k, keg, m, ma, mae, magma, make, mamma, me, meek, meg, q Number of words whose ordinal sum is prime: 3778; First 20: 10th, 9th, a, a's, aau, ababa, abate, abhorred, abject, ablate, aboard, abrade, abroad, absentee, absentia, absolute, absorptive, absurd, abusive, accelerate Number of words whose ords are all prime, and whose ordinal sum is prime: 12; a, e, egg, g, gem, k, keg, m, mae, mamma, meg, q Interpreting the words as if they were base 36 numbers: Number of words whose 'digits' are all prime in base 36: 18; 2nd, 5th, 7th, b, d, h, j, n, nd, nh, nj, nv, t, tn, tnt, tv, v, vt Number of words that are prime in base 36: 1106; First 20: 10th, 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, abandon, abbott, abdomen, ablution, abolish, abort, abrupt, absorb, abstention, abstract, abutted, accept, accident, acid Number of words whose base 36 digital sum is prime: 4740; First 20: 10th, 3rd, 7th, aba, abacus, abalone, abase, abater, abelian, abelson, aberrant, abeyant, ablaze, abort, aboveground, abraham, abrasion, abrasive, abreact, abridge Number of words that are prime in base 36, and whose digital sum is prime: 300; First 20: 10th, 7th, abort, accident, acid, ad, adorn, adulthood, afterthought, albeit, alvin, armload, around, arragon, arraign, assassin, asteroid, astound, augean, avocation Number of words that are prime in base 36, whose digits are all prime, and whose digital sum is prime: 8; 7th, b, d, h, j, n, t, v Tests using a custom base 26 where 'a' through 'z' is 0 through 25 and words are case folded: Number of words whose 'digits' are all prime using a custom base 26: 30; c, cdc, cf, crt, ct, d, dc, dr, f, fcc, fl, ft, ftc, h, l, ltd, n, nc, ncr, nd, nh, nrc, r, rd, t, tn, tnt, ttl, tx, x Number of words that are prime using a custom base 26: 987; First 20: abhorrent, abolish, abreact, absurd, ac, act, actual, actuarial, ad, adjutant, adult, advisor, aerosol, aft, agent, agricultural, ah, aid, ajar, al Number of words whose digital sum is prime using a custom base 26: 5473; First 20: ababa, aback, abacus, abalone, abase, abater, abc, abdicate, abdomen, abe, abelian, abelson, aberrant, abeyant, ablaze, abolish, abominate, aborigine, aboveground, abraham Number of words that are prime in a custom base 26 and whose digital sum is prime in that base: 292; First 20: abolish, abreact, absurd, ac, ad, adjutant, adult, agricultural, ah, aid, al, allah, allied, altar, an, annal, ar, arclength, argonaut, asocial Number of words that are prime in custom base 26, whose digits are all prime, and whose digital sum is prime: 9; c, d, f, h, l, n, r, t, x
No attempt was made to exclude any "word" if it contained any non-letter (Latin alphabet) characters.
/*REXX program finds words whose ASCII code for its letters are prime (in a dictionary).*/
parse arg iFID . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if iFID=='' | iFID=="," then iFID='unixdict.txt' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
call genPrimes /*generate all primes less than 256. */
say 'reading the dictionary file: ' iFID /*show which dictionary is being read. */
#= 0 /*count of prime words found (so far).*/
do recs=0 while lines(iFID)\==0 /*read each word in the file (word=X).*/
x= strip( linein( iFID) ) /*pick off a word from the input line. */
do j=1 for length(x) /*examine each letter (char) in word. */
_= c2d( substr(x, j, 1) ) /*convert each letter to a decimal num.*/
if \@._ then iterate recs /*is this ASCII code letter a prime ? */
end /*j*/
say x /*display a prime word to the terminal.*/
#= # + 1 /*bump the count of prime words. */
end /*recs*/ /* [↑] semaphore name is uppercased. */
say copies("─", 30) recs " words in the dictionary file: " iFID
say 'found ' # " prime words in the dictionary."
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
genPrimes: p= 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 ,
67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 ,
157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251
@.= 0; do j=1 for words(p); _= word(p, j); @._= 1; end /*j*/; return
- output when using the default input:
reading the dictionary file: unixdict.txt a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q ────────────────────────────── 25104 words in the dictionary file: unixdict.txt found 36 prime words in the dictionary.
load "stdlib.ring"
cStr = read("unixdict.txt")
wordList = str2list(cStr)
Words = []
for n = 1 to len(wordList)
num = 0
len = len(wordList[n])
for m = 1 to len
asc = ascii(wordList[n][m])
if isprime(asc)
num = num + 1
if num = len
see "Prime words are:" + nl
see Words
Prime words are: a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
The only way in RPL to use unixdict.txt
as input is to convert it into a list of 25,104 strings, stored in the global variable Dict
« { } 65 120 FOR j IF j ISPRIME? THEN j + END NEXT → primascii « { } 1 Dict SIZE FOR j 'Dict' j GET 1 SF 1 OVER SIZE FOR j IF primascii OVER j DUP SUB NUM POS NOT THEN 1 CF DUP SIZE 'j' STO END NEXT IF 1 FS? THEN + ELSE DROP END NEXT » » 'TASK' STO
- Output:
1: { "a" "aaa" "age" "agee" "ak" "am" "ama" "e" "egg" "eke" "em" "emma" "g" "ga" "gag" "gage" "gam" "game" "gamma" "ge" "gee" "gem" "gemma" "gm" "k" "keg" "m" "ma" "mae" "magma" "make" "mamma" "me" "meek" "meg" "q" }
require 'prime'
puts"unixdict.txt").select{|line| line.chomp.chars.all?{|c|} }
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
// [dependencies]
// primal = "0.3"
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
fn print_prime_words(filename: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let sieve = primal::Sieve::new(std::char::MAX as usize);
let file = File::open(filename)?;
let mut n = 0;
for line in io::BufReader::new(file).lines() {
let word = line?;
if word.chars().all(|c| sieve.is_prime(c as usize)) {
n += 1;
print!("{:2}: {:<10}", n, word);
if n % 4 == 0 {
fn main() {
match print_prime_words("unixdict.txt") {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(error) => eprintln!("{}", error),
- Output:
1: a 2: aaa 3: age 4: agee 5: ak 6: am 7: ama 8: e 9: egg 10: eke 11: em 12: emma 13: g 14: ga 15: gag 16: gage 17: gam 18: game 19: gamma 20: ge 21: gee 22: gem 23: gemma 24: gm 25: k 26: keg 27: m 28: ma 29: mae 30: magma 31: make 32: mamma 33: me 34: meek 35: meg 36: q
import Foundation
class BitArray {
var array: [UInt32]
init(size: Int) {
array = Array(repeating: 0, count: (size + 31)/32)
func get(index: Int) -> Bool {
let bit = UInt32(1) << (index & 31)
return (array[index >> 5] & bit) != 0
func set(index: Int, value: Bool) {
let bit = UInt32(1) << (index & 31)
if value {
array[index >> 5] |= bit
} else {
array[index >> 5] &= ~bit
class PrimeSieve {
let composite: BitArray
init(size: Int) {
composite = BitArray(size: size/2)
var p = 3
while p * p <= size {
if !composite.get(index: p/2 - 1) {
let inc = p * 2
var q = p * p
while q <= size {
composite.set(index: q/2 - 1, value: true)
q += inc
p += 2
func isPrime(number: Int) -> Bool {
if number < 2 {
return false
if (number & 1) == 0 {
return number == 2
return !composite.get(index: number/2 - 1)
func loadDictionary(_ path: String) throws -> [String] {
let contents = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii)
return contents.components(separatedBy: "\n").filter{!$0.isEmpty}
do {
let dictionary = try loadDictionary("unixdict.txt")
let sieve = PrimeSieve(size: 255)
for word in dictionary {
if word.allSatisfy({$0.isASCII && sieve.isPrime(number: Int($0.asciiValue!))}) {
} catch {
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
⊜□ ≠@\n. &fras "unixdict.txt"
Ps ← ⇌◌⍢(▽≠0◿⊢..⟜(⊂⊢)|>0⧻.):[]+2⇡256 # Build primes
Pc ← ▽:⟜(∊-@\0)⊂¯.+@a⇡26Ps # Test A-Za-z for primal ASCII codes
- Output:
{"a" "aaa" "age" "agee" "ak" "am" "ama" "e" "egg" "eke" "em" "emma" "g" "ga" "gag" "gage" "gam" "game" "gamma" "ge" "gee" "gem" "gemma" "gm" "k" "keg" "m" "ma" "mae" "magma" "make" "mamma" "me" "meek" "meg" "q"}
import "io" for File
import "./math" for Int
import "./iterate" for Stepped
// cache prime characters with codepoints between 33 and 255 say
var primeChars = []
for (i in, 2)) {
if (Int.isPrime(i)) primeChars.add(String.fromCodePoint(i))
var wordList = "unixdict.txt" // local copy
var words ="\n")
System.print("Prime words in %(wordList) are:")
for (word in words) {
if (word.all { |c| primeChars.contains(c) }) System.print(word)
- Output:
Prime words in unixdict.txt are: a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N is prime
int N, I;
[if N <= 2 then return N = 2;
if (N&1) = 0 then \even >2\ return false;
for I:= 3 to sqrt(N) do
[if rem(N/I) = 0 then return false;
I:= I+1;
return true;
string 0; \use zero-terminated strings
int I, Ch;
char Word(25);
def LF=$0A, CR=$0D, EOF=$1A;
[FSet(FOpen("unixdict.txt", 0), ^I);
repeat I:= 0;
loop [repeat Ch:= ChIn(3) until Ch # CR; \remove possible CR
if Ch = EOF then quit;
if Ch = LF then
[Word(I):= 0; Text(0, Word); CrLf(0);
if not IsPrime(Ch) then
[repeat Ch:= ChIn(3) until Ch=LF or Ch=EOF;
Word(I):= Ch;
I:= I+1;
until Ch = EOF;
- Output:
a aaa age agee ak am ama e egg eke em emma g ga gag gage gam game gamma ge gee gem gemma gm k keg m ma mae magma make mamma me meek meg q
- Draft Programming Tasks
- Prime Numbers
- 11l
- Action!
- Action! Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Ada
- ALGOL 68
- ALGOL 68-primes
- ALGOL 68-files
- Arturo
- C++
- Delphi
- SysUtils,StdCtrls
- EasyLang
- Factor
- FutureBasic
- Go
- Golfscript
- J
- Jq
- Julia
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- MiniScript
- Nim
- Perl
- Phix
- Plain English
- Python
- Quackery
- Raku
- Ring
- Ruby
- Rust
- Swift
- Uiua
- Wren
- Wren-math
- Wren-iterate
- XPL0