Phrase reversals

From Rosetta Code
Phrase reversals
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given a string of space separated words containing the following phrase:

"rosetta code phrase reversal"
  1. Reverse the string.
  2. Reverse each individual word in the string, maintaining original string order.
  3. Reverse the order of each word of the phrase, maintaining the order of characters in each word.

Show your output here.

See also


<lang AutoHotKey>var = ( Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal )

array := strsplit(var, " ")

loop, % array.maxindex() string .= array[array.maxindex() - A_index + 1] . " "

loop, % array.maxindex() { m := array[A_index] array2 := strsplit(m, "") Loop, % array2.maxindex() string2 .= array2[array2.maxindex() - A_index + 1] string2 .= " " }

array := strsplit(string, " " )

loop, % array.maxindex() { m := array[A_index] array3 := strsplit(m, "") Loop, % array3.maxindex() string3 .= array3[array3.maxindex() - A_index + 1] string3 .= " " }

MsgBox % var . "`n" . string3 . "`n" . String . "`n" . string2 ExitApp


Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR  
Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta 
attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR 


To split a string into words, the package "Simple_Parse" from another task [[1]] is used.

<lang Ada><with Ada.Text_IO, Simple_Parse;

procedure Phrase_Reversal is

  function Reverse_String (Item : String) return String is
     Result : String (Item'Range);
     for I in Item'range loop
        Result (Result'Last - I + Item'First) := Item (I);
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end Reverse_String;
  function Reverse_Words(S: String) return String is
     Cursor: Positive := S'First;
     Word: String := Simple_Parse.Next_Word(S, Cursor);
     if Cursor > S'Last then -- Word holds the last word 

return Reverse_String(Word);


return Reverse_String(Word) & " " & Reverse_Words(S(Cursor .. S'Last));

     end if;
  end Reverse_Words;
  function Reverse_Order(S: String) return String is
     Cursor: Positive := S'First;
     Word: String := Simple_Parse.Next_Word(S, Cursor);
     if Cursor > S'Last then -- Word holds the last word 

return Word;


return Reverse_Order(S(Cursor .. S'Last)) & " " & Word;

     end if;
  end Reverse_Order;
  Phrase: String := "rosetta code phrase reversal";
  use Ada.Text_IO;


  Put_Line("0. The original phrase:       """ & Phrase & """");
  Put_Line("1. Reverse the entire phrase: """ & Reverse_String(Phrase) & """");
  Put_Line("2. Reverse words, same order: """ & Reverse_Words(Phrase) & """");
  Put_Line("2. Reverse order, same words: """ & Reverse_Order(Phrase) & """");

end Phrase_Reversal;</lang>

0. The original phrase:       "rosetta code phrase reversal"
1. Reverse the entire phrase: "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
2. Reverse words, same order: "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
2. Reverse order, same words: "reversal phrase code rosetta"


<lang awk># Usage: awk -f phrase_revers.awk function rev(s, del, n,i,a,r) {

  n = split(s, a, del)
  r = a[1]
  for(i=2; i <= n; i++) {r = a[i] del r }    
  return r



 p0 = "Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal"
 fmt = "%-20s: %s\n"
 printf( fmt, "input",               p0 )
 printf( fmt, "string reversed",     rev(p0, "") )
 wr = rev(p0, " ")
 printf( fmt, "word-order reversed", wr )
 printf( fmt, "each word reversed",  rev(wr) )


input               : Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal
string reversed     : lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR
word-order reversed : Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta
each word reversed  : attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR

Batch File

<lang dos>@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion %=== The Main Thing... ===% set "inp=Rosetta Code phrase reversal" call :reverse_string "!inp!" rev1 call :reverse_order "!inp!" rev2 call :reverse_words "!inp!" rev3 cls echo.Original: !inp! echo.Reversed: !rev1! echo.Reversed Order: !rev2! echo.Reversed Words: !rev3! pause>nul exit /b 0 %=== /The Main Thing... ===%

%=== Reverse the Order Function ===%


set var1=%2 set %var1%=&set word=&set str1=%1


for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in (%str1%) do (set str1=%%B&set word=%%A) set %var1%=!word! !%var1%!&set str1="!str1!" if not !str1!=="" goto process1 goto :EOF %=== /Reverse the Order Function ===%

%=== Reverse the Whole String Function ===%


set var2=%2 set %var2%=&set cnt=0&set str2=%~1


set char=!str2:~%cnt%,1!&set %var2%=!char!!%var2%! if not "!char!"=="" set /a cnt+=1&goto process2 goto :EOF %=== /Reverse the Whole String Function ===%

%=== Reverse each Words Function ===%


set var3=%2 set %var3%=&set word=&set str3=%1


for /f "tokens=1,*" %%A in (%str3%) do (set str3=%%B&set word=%%A) call :reverse_string "%word%" revs set %var3%=!%var3%! !revs!&set str3="!str3!" if not !str3!=="" goto process3 set %var3%=!%var3%:~1,1000000! goto :EOF %=== /Reverse each Words Function ===%</lang>

Original:       Rosetta Code phrase reversal
Reversed:       lasrever esarhp edoC attesoR
Reversed Order: reversal phrase Code Rosetta
Reversed Words: attesoR edoC esarhp lasrever


This example only works correctly with strings only consisting of byte-sized characters. <lang bracmat>( "rosetta code phrase reversal":?text & rev$!text:?output1 & get$(!text,MEM):?words & :?output2:?output3 & whl

 ' ( !words:%?word %?words
   & !output2 rev$!word " ":?output2
   & " " !word !output3:?output3

& str$(!output2 rev$!words):?output2 & str$(!words !output3):?output3 & out

 $ ( str
   $ ("0:\"" !text "\"\n1:\"" !output1 "\"\n2:\"" !output2 "\"\n3:\"" !output3 \"\n)

);</lang> Output:

0:"rosetta code phrase reversal"
1:"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
2:"attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
3:"reversal phrase code rosetta"


Working with C strings is often long-winded. <lang C>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <string.h>

/* The functions used are destructive, so after each call the string needs

* to be copied over again. One could easily allocate new strings as
* required, but this way allows the caller to manage memory themselves */

char* reverse_section(char *s, size_t length) {

   if (length == 0) return s;
   size_t i; char temp;
   for (i = 0; i < length / 2 + 1; ++i)
       temp = s[i], s[i] = s[length - i], s[length - i] = temp;
   return s;


char* reverse_words_in_order(char *s, char delim) {

   if (!strlen(s)) return s;
   size_t i, j;
   for (i = 0; i < strlen(s) - 1; ++i) {
       for (j = 0; s[i + j] != 0 && s[i + j] != delim; ++j)
       reverse_section(s + i, j - 1);
       s += j;
   return s;


char* reverse_string(char *s) {

   return strlen(s) ? reverse_section(s, strlen(s) - 1) : s;


char* reverse_order_of_words(char *s, char delim) {

   reverse_words_in_order(s, delim);
   return s;


int main(void) {

   char str[]    = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
   size_t lenstr = sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]);
   char scopy[lenstr];
   char delim = ' ';
   /* Original String */
   printf("Original:       \"%s\"\n", str);
   /* Reversed string */
   strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
   printf("Reversed:       \"%s\"\n", scopy);
   /* Reversed words in string */
   strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
   reverse_words_in_order(scopy, delim);
   printf("Reversed words: \"%s\"\n", scopy);
   /* Reversed order of words in string */
   strncpy(scopy, str, lenstr);
   reverse_order_of_words(scopy, delim);
   printf("Reversed order: \"%s\"\n", scopy);
   return 0;

} </lang>

Original:       "rosetta code phrase reversal"
Reversed:       "lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
Reversed words: "attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
Reversed order: "reversal phrase code rosetta"


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <vector>
  2. include <algorithm>
  3. include <string>
  4. include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>

void string_to_vector ( const std::string & input , std::vector<std::string> & words ) {

  boost::tokenizer<> tok( input ) ;
  for ( boost::tokenizer<>::iterator beg = tok.begin( ) ; beg != tok.end( ) ; ++beg )
     words.push_back( *beg ) ;


int main( ) {

  std::string startphrase ( "rosetta code phrase reversal" ) ;
  std::cout << "Input : " << startphrase << '\n' ;
  std::string local_copy ( startphrase ) ;
  std::reverse ( local_copy.begin( ) , local_copy.end( ) ) ;
  std::cout << "Input reversed : " << local_copy << '\n' ;
  std::vector<std::string> words ;
  string_to_vector ( startphrase , words ) ;
  //copy the vector with the original words to reverse their order later
  std::vector<std::string> original_words ( words ) ; 
  //reverse each word in the string
  std::cout << "Each word reversed : " ;
  for ( std::string word : words ) {
     std::reverse ( word.begin( ) , word.end( ) ) ;
     std::cout << word << " " ;
  std::cout << '\n' ;
  std::cout << "Original word order reversed : " ;
  for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_reverse_iterator cri = original_words.rbegin( ) ;

cri != original_words.rend( ) ; cri++ ) {

     std::cout << *cri << " " ;
  std::cout << '\n' ;
  return 0 ;

} </lang>

Input : rosetta code phrase reversal
Input reversed : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Each word reversed : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
Original word order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta 


<lang clojure>(use '[clojure.string :only (join split)]) (def phrase "rosetta code phrase reversal") (defn str-reverse [s] (apply str (reverse s)))

Reverse string

(str-reverse phrase)

Words reversed

(join " " (map str-reverse (split phrase #" ")))

Word order reversed

(apply str (interpose " " (reverse (split phrase #" ")))) </lang>

"lasrever esarhp edoc attesor"
"attesor edoc esarhp lasrever"
"reversal phrase code rosetta"


Partially lazy. <lang d>void main() @safe {

   import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm;
   immutable phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal";
   phrase.retro.writeln;                          // Reversed string.!retro.joiner(" ").writeln; // Words reversed.
   phrase.split.retro.joiner(" ").writeln;        // Word order reversed.


lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

Emacs Lisp

<lang Emacs Lisp> (defun reverse-sep (words sep)

 (mapconcat 'identity (reverse (split-string words sep) ) sep) )

(defun reverse-chars (line)

 (reverse-sep line "") )

(defun reverse-words (line)

 (reverse-sep line " ") )


 (setq line "rosetta code phrase reversal")
 (insert (format "%s\n" (reverse-chars line) ))
   (insert (format "%s\n" 
       (mapconcat 'identity (mapcar #'reverse-chars 
                                    (split-string line) ) " ") ))
   (insert (format "%s\n" (reverse-words line) )))


lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta                                                                                



<lang go>package main

import ( "fmt" "strings" )

const phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

func revStr(s string) string { rs := make([]rune, len(s)) i := len(s) for _, r := range s { i-- rs[i] = r } return string(rs[i:]) }

func main() { fmt.Println("Reversed: ", revStr(phrase))

ws := strings.Fields(phrase) for i, w := range ws { ws[i] = revStr(w) } fmt.Println("Words reversed: ", strings.Join(ws, " "))

ws = strings.Fields(phrase) last := len(ws) - 1 for i, w := range ws[:len(ws)/2] { ws[i], ws[last-i] = ws[last-i], w } fmt.Println("Word order reversed:", strings.Join(ws, " ")) }</lang>

Reversed:            lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed:      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang go>package main

import ( "fmt" "regexp" "sort" "strings" )

const phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

type reversible interface { Len() int Swap(i, j int) }

func reverse(p reversible) { mid := p.Len() / 2 last := p.Len() - 1 for i := 0; i < mid; i++ { p.Swap(i, last-i) } }

type runeSlice []rune

func (p runeSlice) Len() int { return len(p) } func (p runeSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }

func reverseString(s string) string { r := runeSlice(s) reverse(r) return string(r) }

var rx = regexp.MustCompile(`\S*`)

func reverseWords(s string) string { return rx.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(m string) string { return reverseString(m) }) }

func reverseWordOrder(s string) string { l := sort.StringSlice(strings.Fields(s)) reverse(l) return strings.Join(l, " ") }

func main() { fmt.Println("Reversed: ", reverseString(phrase)) fmt.Println("Words reversed: ", reverseWords(phrase)) fmt.Println("Word order reversed:", reverseWordOrder(phrase)) }</lang>

Reversed:            lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed:      attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang groovy>def phaseReverse = { text, closure -> closure(text.split(/ /)).join(' ')}

def text = 'rosetta code phrase reversal' println "Original: $text" println "Reversed: ${phaseReverse(text) { it.reverse().collect { it.reverse() } } }" println "Reversed Words: ${phaseReverse(text) { it.collect { it.reverse() } } }" println "Reversed Order: ${phaseReverse(text) { it.reverse() } }"</lang>

Original:       rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed:       lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed Words: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed Order: reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang haskell>phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

main = do

 putStrLn $ reverse phrase
 putStrLn $ unwords . map reverse . words $ phrase
 putStrLn $ unwords . reverse . words $ phrase</lang>
lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


Solution: <lang j> getWords=: (' '&splitstring) :. (' '&joinstring)

  reverseString=: |.
  reverseWords=: |.&.>&.getWords
  reverseWordOrder=: |.&.getWords</lang>

Usage: <lang j> phrase=: 'rosetta code phrase reversal'

  (reverseWordOrder , reverseWords ,: reverseString) phrase

reversal phrase code rosetta attesor edoc esarhp lasrever lasrever esarhp edoc attesor</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import java.util.Arrays;

public class PhraseRev{ private static String reverse(String x){ return new StringBuilder(x).reverse().toString(); }

private static <T> T[] reverse(T[] x){ T[] rev = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length); for(int i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ rev[x.length - 1 - i] = x[i]; } return rev; }

private static String join(String[] arr, String joinStr){ StringBuilder joined = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ joined.append(arr[i]); if(i < arr.length - 1) joined.append(joinStr); } return joined.toString(); }

public static void main(String[] args){ String str = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

System.out.println("Straight-up reversed: " + reverse(str)); String[] words = str.split(" "); for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++){ words[i] = reverse(words[i]); } System.out.println("Reversed words: " + join(words, " ")); System.out.println("Reversed word order: " + join(reverse(str.split(" ")), " ")); } }</lang>

Straight-up reversed: lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reversed words: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reversed word order: reversal phrase code rosetta


Works with: jq version 1.4

<lang jq>def reverse_string: explode | reverse | implode;

"rosetta code phrase reversal" | split(" ") as $words | "0. input: \(.)",

 "1. string reversed:     \(reverse_string)",
 "2. each word reversed:  \($words | map(reverse_string) | join(" "))",
 "3. word-order reversed: \($words | reverse | join(" "))"</lang>
$ jq -r -n -f Phrase_reversals.jq
0. input:               rosetta code phrase reversal
1. string reversed:     lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. each word reversed:  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. word-order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang Julia> s = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

println("The original phrase.") println(" ", s)

println("Reverse the string.") t = reverse(s) println(" ", t)

println("Reverse each individual word in the string.") t = join(map(reverse, split(s, " ")), " ") println(" ", t)

println("Reverse the order of each word of the phrase.") t = join(reverse(split(s, " ")), " ") println(" ", t) </lang>

The original phrase.
   rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse the string.
   lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse each individual word in the string.
   attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse the order of each word of the phrase.
   reversal phrase code rosetta

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>phrase = "Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal";

reverseWords[phrase_String] :=

StringJoin @@ Riffle[Reverse@StringSplit@phrase, " "]

reverseLetters[phrase_String] :=

StringJoin @@ 
 Riffle[Map[StringJoin @@ Reverse[Characters@#] &, 
   StringSplit@phrase], " "]

{phrase, reverseWords@phrase, reverseLetters@phrase,

 reverseWords@reverseLetters@phrase} // TableForm</lang>

Rosetta Code Phrase Reversal Reversal Phrase Code Rosetta attesoR edoC esarhP lasreveR lasreveR esarhP edoC attesoR


<lang Oforth>"rosetta code phrase reversal" reverse println "rosetta code phrase reversal" words map(#reverse) reduce(#[ " " swap + + ]) println "rosetta code phrase reversal" words reverse reduce(#[ " " swap + + ]) println</lang>

lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang perl>use feature 'say'; my $s = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

say "0. Input  : ", $s; say "1. String reversed  : ", scalar reverse $s; say "2. Each word reversed  : ", join " ", reverse split / /, reverse $s; say "3. Word-order reversed : ", join " ", reverse split / /,$s;

  1. Or, using a regex:

say "2. Each word reversed  : ", $s =~ s/[^ ]+/reverse $&/gre;</lang>

0. Input               : rosetta code phrase reversal
1. String reversed     : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2. Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3. Word-order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta
2. Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever

Perl 6

<lang perl6>my $s = 'rosetta code phrase reversal';

say 'Input  : ', $s; say 'String reversed  : ', $s.flip; say 'Each word reversed  : ', $s.words».flip; say 'Word-order reversed : ', $s.words.reverse;</lang>

Input               : rosetta code phrase reversal
String reversed     : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Each word reversed  : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Word-order reversed : reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang php><?php // Initialize a variable with the input desired $strin = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

// Show user what original input was echo "Input: ".$strin."\n";

// Show the full input reversed echo "Reversed: ".strrev($strin)."\n";

// reverse the word letters in place $str_words_reversed = ""; $temp = explode(" ", $strin); foreach($temp as $word) $str_words_reversed .= strrev($word)." ";

// Show the reversed words in place echo "Words reversed: ".$str_words_reversed."\n";

// reverse the word order while leaving the words in order $str_word_order_reversed = ""; $temp = explode(" ", $strin); for($i=(count($temp)-1); $i>=0; $i--) $str_word_order_reversed .= $temp[$i]." ";

// Show the reversal of the word order while leaving the words in order echo "Word order reversed: ".$str_word_order_reversed."\n"; </lang>

Input: rosetta code phrase reversal
Reversed: lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Words reversed: attesor edoc esarhp lasrever 
Word order reversed: reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang PowerShell> function reverse($a, $sep = "") {

   if($a.Length -gt 0) {
       $a = $a[($a.Length -1)..0] -join $sep

} $line = "rosetta code phrase reversal" $task1 = reverse $line $task2 = ($line -split " " | foreach{ reverse $_ }) -join " " $task3 = reverse ($line -split " ") " " $task1 $task2 $task3



lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta                                                                             


These examples use the extended slicing notation of [::-1] to reverse strings and lists of strings: <lang python>>>> phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal" >>> phrase[::-1] # Reversed. 'lasrever esarhp edoc attesor' >>> ' '.join(word[::-1] for word in phrase.split()) # Words reversed. 'attesor edoc esarhp lasrever' >>> ' '.join(word for word in phrase.split()[::-1]) # Word order reversed. 'reversal phrase code rosetta' >>> </lang>


<lang racket>#lang racket/base (require

 (only-in srfi/13 string-reverse)
 (only-in racket/string string-split string-join))

(define (phrase-reversal s)

  (string-reverse s)
  (string-join (map string-reverse (string-split s)))
  (string-join (reverse (string-split s)))))

(for-each displayln (phrase-reversal "rosetta code phrase reversal"))</lang>

lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


version 1

Working with REXX (strings and words) is trivial. <lang rexx>s='rosetta code phrase reversal' r1=reverse(s) r2= Do i=1 To words(s)

 r2=r2 reverse(word(s,i))

r2=strip(r2) r3= Do i=words(s) To 1 By -1

 r3=r3 word(s,i)

r3=strip(r3) Say "input  : " s say "string reversed  : " r1 say "each word reversed  : " r2 say "word-order reversed : " r3</lang>

input               :  rosetta code phrase reversal
string reversed     :  lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
each word reversed  :  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
word-order reversed :  reversal phrase code rosetta

version 2

<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm reverses words and/or letters in a string in various ways. */ i=; p=; parse arg $; if $= then $="rosetta code phrase reversal"

                                      do j=1  for words($);   _=word($,j)
                                      i=i reverse(_)      ;   p=_ p
                                      end   /*j*/

say ' the original phrase used: ' $ say ' original phrase reversed: ' reverse($) say 'reversed individual words: ' strip(i) say 'reversed words in phrases: ' p /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang> output when using the default string:

 the original phrase used:  rosetta code phrase reversal
 original phrase reversed:  lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
reversed individual words:  attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversed words in phrases:  reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang ruby>str = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

puts str.reverse # Reversed string. puts" ") # Words reversed. puts str.split.reverse.join(" ") # Word order reversed.</lang>

lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang ruby>var str = "rosetta code phrase reversal";

say str.reverse; # reversed string say{.reverse}.join(' '); # words reversed say str.words.reverse.join(' '); # word order reversed</lang>

lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang tcl>set s "rosetta code phrase reversal"

  1. Reverse all characters

puts [string reverse $s]

  1. Reverse characters in each word

puts [lmap word $s {string reverse $word}]

  1. Reverse the words but not the characters

puts [lreverse $s]</lang>

lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
reversal phrase code rosetta

UNIX Shell

Version 1

Requires "rev" command.

Works with: Almquist Shell
Works with: bash
Works with: ksh93

<lang sh>s1="rosetta code phrase reversal" echo "Original string ----------------------> "$s1

echo -n "1.) Reverse the string ---------------> " echo $s1|rev

echo -n "2.) Reverse characters of each word --> " echo $s1|tr " " "\n"|rev|tr "\n" " ";echo

echo -n "3.) Reverse word order ---------------> " word_num=$(echo $s1|wc -w) while [ $word_num != 0 ];do echo -n $(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num);echo -n " " word_num=$(expr $word_num - 1);done;echo</lang>

Original string ----------------------> rosetta code phrase reversal
1.) Reverse the string ---------------> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2.) Reverse characters of each word --> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3.) Reverse word order ---------------> reversal phrase code rosetta

Version 2

Does not require "rev" command.

Works with: Almquist Shell
Works with: bash
Works with: ksh93

<lang sh>s1="rosetta code phrase reversal" echo "Original string --> "$s1

echo -n "1.) Reverse the string --> " length=$(echo $s1|wc -c) while [ $length != 0 ];do echo $s1|cut -c$length|tr -d "\n" length=$(expr $length - 1) done;echo

echo -n "2.) Reverse characters of each word --> " word_quantity=$(echo $s1|wc -w) word_quantity=$(expr $word_quantity + 1) word_num=1 while [ $word_num != $word_quantity ];do length=$(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num|wc -c) while [ $length != 0 ];do echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num|cut -c$length|tr -d "\n" length=$(expr $length - 1);done;echo -n " " word_num=$(expr $word_num + 1);done;echo

echo -n "3.) Reverse word order --> " word_num=$(echo $s1|wc -w) while [ $word_num != 0 ];do echo -n $(echo $s1|cut -d " " -f $word_num);echo -n " " word_num=$(expr $word_num - 1);done;echo</lang>

Original string                     --> rosetta code phrase reversal
1.) Reverse the string              --> lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
2.) Reverse characters of each word --> attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
3.) Reverse word order              --> reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang vb> Phrase = "rosetta code phrase reversal"

WScript.StdOut.Write "Original String  : " & Phrase WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse String  : " & RevString(Phrase) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse String Each Word : " & RevStringEachWord(Phrase) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.Write "Reverse Phrase  : " & RevPhrase(Phrase) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine

Function RevString(s) x = Len(s) For i = 1 To Len(s) RevString = RevString & Mid(s,x,1) x = x - 1 Next End Function

Function RevStringEachWord(s) arr = Split(s," ") For i = 0 To UBound(arr) RevStringEachWord = RevStringEachWord & RevString(arr(i)) If i < UBound(arr) Then RevStringEachWord = RevStringEachWord & " " End If Next End Function

Function RevPhrase(s) arr = Split(s," ") For i = UBound(arr) To LBound(arr) Step -1 RevPhrase = RevPhrase & arr(i) If i > LBound(arr) Then RevPhrase = RevPhrase & " " End If Next End Function </lang>

Original String          : rosetta code phrase reversal
Reverse String           : lasrever esarhp edoc attesor
Reverse String Each Word : attesor edoc esarhp lasrever
Reverse Phrase           : reversal phrase code rosetta


<lang zkl>zkl: var str="rosetta code phrase reversal" rosetta code phrase reversal

zkl: str.reverse() #1 lasrever esarhp edoc attesor

zkl: str.split().apply("reverse").concat(" ") #2 string to list to string attesor edoc esarhp lasrever

zkl: str.split().reverse().concat(" ") #3 reversal phrase code rosetta</lang>