Percolation/Mean cluster density
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Percolation Simulation
This is a simulation of aspects of mathematical percolation theory.
Mean run density
2D finite grid simulations
Site percolation | Bond percolation | Mean cluster density
Let be a 2D boolean square matrix of values of either 1 or 0 where the probability of any value being 1 is , (and of 0 is therefore ). We define a cluster of 1's as being a group of 1's connected vertically or horizontally (i.e., using the Von Neumann neighborhood rule) and bounded by either or by the limits of the matrix. Let the number of such clusters in such a randomly constructed matrix be .
Percolation theory states that (the mean cluster density) will satisfy as tends to infinity. For , is found numerically to approximate ...
- Task
Show the effect of varying on the accuracy of simulated for and for values of up to at least . Any calculation of for finite is subject to randomness, so an approximation should be computed as the average of runs, where ≥ .
For extra credit, graphically show clusters in a , grid.
Show your output here.
- See also
- s-Cluster on Wolfram mathworld.
UInt32 seed = 0
F nonrandom()
:seed = 1664525 * :seed + 1013904223
R (:seed >> 16) / Float(FF'FF)
V nn = 15
V tt = 5
V pp = 0.5
V NotClustered = 1
V Cell2Char = β #abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzβ
V NRange = [4, 64, 256, 1024, 4096]
F newGrid(n, p)
R (0 .< n).map(i -> (0 .< @n).map(i -> Int(nonrandom() < @@p)))
F walkMaze(&grid, m, n, idx) -> Void
grid[n][m] = idx
I n < grid.len - 1 & grid[n + 1][m] == NotClustered
walkMaze(&grid, m, n + 1, idx)
I m < grid[0].len - 1 & grid[n][m + 1] == NotClustered
walkMaze(&grid, m + 1, n, idx)
I m > 0 & grid[n][m - 1] == NotClustered
walkMaze(&grid, m - 1, n, idx)
I n > 0 & grid[n - 1][m] == NotClustered
walkMaze(&grid, m, n - 1, idx)
F clusterCount(&grid)
V walkIndex = 1
L(n) 0 .< grid.len
L(m) 0 .< grid[0].len
I grid[n][m] == NotClustered
walkMaze(&grid, m, n, walkIndex)
R walkIndex - 1
F clusterDensity(n, p)
V grid = newGrid(n, p)
R clusterCount(&grid) / Float(n * n)
F print_grid(grid)
L(row) grid
print(L.index % 10, end' β) β)
L(cell) row
print(β βCell2Char[cell], end' ββ)
V grid = newGrid(nn, 0.5)
print(βFound βclusterCount(&grid)β clusters in this βnnβ by βnn" grid\n")
L(n) NRange
V sum = 0.0
L 0 .< tt
sum += clusterDensity(n, pp)
V sim = sum / tt
print(βt = #. p = #.2 n = #4 sim = #.5β.format(tt, pp, n, sim))
- Output:
Found 25 clusters in this 15 by 15 grid 0) a a b c d 1) e e d d d d d d 2) e e e e d d d d 3) e e e e e e e e d d d d 4) e e e e e e e e d d d 5) e e e e e f d 6) g e h e i d 7) g j k k d d 8) l m k k k k k 9) n l m o k k k k p 0) n k k k k k q 1) n r r s k t u 2) r k k k u 3) v r r w k k k x 4) v r r w w w y t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 4 sim = 0.17500 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 64 sim = 0.07300 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 256 sim = 0.06823 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 1024 sim = 0.06618 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 4096 sim = 0.06590
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int *map, w, ww;
void make_map(double p)
int i, thresh = RAND_MAX * p;
i = ww = w * w;
map = realloc(map, i * sizeof(int));
while (i--) map[i] = -(rand() < thresh);
#define ALEN ((int)(sizeof(alpha) - 3))
void show_cluster(void)
int i, j, *s = map;
for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < w; j++, s++)
printf(" %c", *s < ALEN ? alpha[1 + *s] : '?');
void recur(int x, int v) {
if (x >= 0 && x < ww && map[x] == -1) {
map[x] = v;
recur(x - w, v);
recur(x - 1, v);
recur(x + 1, v);
recur(x + w, v);
int count_clusters(void)
int i, cls;
for (cls = i = 0; i < ww; i++) {
if (-1 != map[i]) continue;
recur(i, ++cls);
return cls;
double tests(int n, double p)
int i;
double k;
for (k = i = 0; i < n; i++) {
k += (double)count_clusters() / ww;
return k / n;
int main(void)
w = 15;
printf("width=15, p=0.5, %d clusters:\n", count_clusters());
printf("\np=0.5, iter=5:\n");
for (w = 1<<2; w <= 1<<14; w<<=2)
printf("%5d %9.6f\n", w, tests(5, .5));
return 0;
- Output:
width=15, p=0.5, 23 clusters: A . . . B . C C C C . D . E . A . . B B . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . F . . G . H . . I . . J J J . . K K . L . M . I . J J . . . K K K K . M M . . . . . . K K . K . K . M . N . O O . K K K . K . . . . N N N . O O . K K K K K . P . N . . Q . . K K . . . K . P . . . . . R . K K . . K K . P . . S . . . K K . . . . K . P . . . K K K K K K . . K K . . T . . K K . K . . . U . K . . T . . . K . K K K K . K K K . T . . . . . K . K . V . K K . . . W . p=0.5, iter=5: 4 0.125000 16 0.083594 64 0.064453 256 0.066864 1024 0.065922 4096 0.065836 16384 0.065774
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
std::random_device random;
std::mt19937 generator(random());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0F, 1.0F);
class Grid {
Grid(const int32_t size, const double probability) {
create_grid(size, probability);
int32_t cluster_count() const {
return clusters;
double cluster_density() const {
return (double) clusters / ( grid.size() * grid.size() );
void display() const {
for ( uint64_t row = 0; row < grid.size(); ++row ) {
for ( uint64_t col = 0; col < grid.size(); ++col ) {
uint64_t value = grid[row][col];
char ch = ( value < GRID_CHARACTERS.length() ) ? GRID_CHARACTERS[value] : '?';
std::cout << " " << ch;
std::cout << std::endl;
void count_clusters() {
clusters = 0;
for ( uint64_t row = 0; row < grid.size(); ++row ) {
for ( uint64_t col = 0; col < grid.size(); ++col ) {
if ( grid[row][col] == CLUSTERED ) {
clusters += 1;
identify_cluster(row, col, clusters);
void identify_cluster(const uint64_t row, const uint64_t col, const uint64_t count) {
grid[row][col] = count;
if ( row < grid.size() - 1 && grid[row + 1][col] == CLUSTERED ) {
identify_cluster(row + 1, col, count);
if ( col < grid.size() - 1 && grid[row][col + 1] == CLUSTERED ) {
identify_cluster(row, col + 1, count);
if ( col > 0 && grid[row][col - 1] == CLUSTERED ) {
identify_cluster(row, col - 1, count);
if ( row > 0 && grid[row - 1][col] == CLUSTERED ) {
identify_cluster(row - 1, col, count);
void create_grid(int32_t grid_size, double probability) {
grid.assign(grid_size, std::vector<int32_t>(grid_size, 0));
for ( int32_t row = 0; row < grid_size; ++row ) {
for ( int32_t col = 0; col < grid_size; ++col ) {
if ( distribution(generator) < probability ) {
grid[row][col] = CLUSTERED;
int32_t clusters;
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> grid;
inline static const int CLUSTERED = -1;
inline static const std::string GRID_CHARACTERS = ".ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int main() {
const int32_t size = 15;
const double probability = 0.5;
const int32_t test_count = 5;
Grid grid(size, probability);
std::cout << "This " << size << " by " << size << " grid contains "
<< grid.cluster_count() << " clusters:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n p = 0.5, iterations = " << test_count << std::endl;
std::vector<int32_t> grid_sizes = { 10, 100, 1'000, 10'000 };
for ( int32_t grid_size : grid_sizes ) {
double sumDensity = 0.0;
for ( int32_t test = 0; test < test_count; test++ ) {
Grid grid(grid_size, probability);
sumDensity += grid.cluster_density();
double result = sumDensity / test_count;
std::cout << " n = " << std::setw(5) << grid_size
<< ", simulations K = " << std::fixed << result << std::endl;
- Output:
This 15 by 15 grid contains 11 clusters: A A . B B . B B . . . . . . . . . B B B B . B B . B B . . . . C . . B B . B B B B . . . . . C C . B . B B B B B B . D D C C . . B B B B . . B . D D . C C . . B B B . B B B . . D D C C . . . . B . . . B . D D D . C . E . . . . D D . . D D . F . . . G . H . D D D D D D D F F . F . I . F . D D . D D . F . F F F . . F . . D D . . D F . F . F . . F . F . D D D D F F . . F F F F F F . D . . D F F F F F . . F . . . D . . D . F F . . J J . . . . D . K . p = 0.5, iterations = 5 n = 10, simulation K = 0.088000 n = 100, simulation K = 0.067260 n = 1000, simulation K = 0.066215 n = 10000, simulation K = 0.065777
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.random, std.math, std.array,
std.range, std.ascii;
alias Cell = ubyte;
alias Grid = Cell[][];
enum Cell notClustered = 1; // Filled cell, but not in a cluster.
Grid initialize(Grid grid, in double prob, ref Xorshift rng) nothrow {
foreach (row; grid)
foreach (ref cell; row)
cell = Cell(rng.uniform01 < prob);
return grid;
void show(in Grid grid) {
immutable static cell2char = " #" ~ letters;
writeln('+', "-".replicate(grid.length), '+');
foreach (row; grid) {
write('|');!(c => c < cell2char.length ? cell2char[c] : '@').write;
writeln('+', "-".replicate(grid.length), '+');
size_t countClusters(bool justCount=false)(Grid grid)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
immutable side = grid.length;
static if (justCount)
enum Cell clusterID = 2;
Cell clusterID = 1;
void walk(in size_t r, in size_t c) nothrow @safe @nogc {
grid[r][c] = clusterID; // Fill grid.
if (r < side - 1 && grid[r + 1][c] == notClustered) // Down.
walk(r + 1, c);
if (c < side - 1 && grid[r][c + 1] == notClustered) // Right.
walk(r, c + 1);
if (c > 0 && grid[r][c - 1] == notClustered) // Left.
walk(r, c - 1);
if (r > 0 && grid[r - 1][c] == notClustered) // Up.
walk(r - 1, c);
size_t nClusters = 0;
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. side)
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. side)
if (grid[r][c] == notClustered) {
static if (!justCount)
walk(r, c);
return nClusters;
double clusterDensity(Grid grid, in double prob, ref Xorshift rng) {
return grid.initialize(prob, rng).countClusters!true /
double(grid.length ^^ 2);
void showDemo(in size_t side, in double prob, ref Xorshift rng) {
auto grid = new Grid(side, side);
grid.initialize(prob, rng);
writefln("Found %d clusters in this %d by %d grid:\n",
grid.countClusters, side, side);;
void main() {
immutable prob = 0.5;
immutable nIters = 5;
auto rng = Xorshift(unpredictableSeed);
showDemo(15, prob, rng);
foreach (immutable i; iota(4, 14, 2)) {
immutable side = 2 ^^ i;
auto grid = new Grid(side, side);
immutable density = nIters
.map!(_ => grid.clusterDensity(prob, rng))
.sum / nIters;
writefln("n_iters=%3d, p=%4.2f, n=%5d, sim=%7.8f",
nIters, prob, side, density);
- Output:
Found 26 clusters in this 15 by 15 grid: +---------------+ | AA B CCCC | |AA D E F CC G | | DDD FF CC H| | I D FF J K | | L FF JJJJ | |L LLL J M| |LLLLLL JJJ MM| |L LL L N J M| |LL O P J M| |LLL QQ R JJ S | |LL T RR J SSS| | L U V JJ S| | WW XX JJ YY | | XXX JJ YY| |ZZ XXX JJ | +---------------+ n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n= 16, sim=0.09765625 n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n= 64, sim=0.07260742 n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n= 256, sim=0.06679993 n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n= 1024, sim=0.06609497 n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n= 4096, sim=0.06580237
Increasing the index i to 15:
n_iters= 5, p=0.50, n=32768, sim=0.06578374
We use the canvas bit-map as 2D-matrix. For extra-extra credit, a 800x800 nice cluster tapestry image is shown here :
(define-constant BLACK (rgb 0 0 0.6))
(define-constant WHITE -1)
;; sets pixels to clusterize to WHITE
;; returns bit-map vector
(define (init-C n p )
(plot-size n n)
(define C (pixels->int32-vector )) ;; get canvas bit-map
(pixels-map (lambda (x y) (if (< (random) p) WHITE BLACK )) C)
C )
;; random color for new cluster
(define (new-color)
(hsv->rgb (random) 0.9 0.9))
;; make-region predicate
(define (in-cluster C x y)
(= (pixel-ref C x y) WHITE))
;; paint all adjacents to (x0,y0) with new color
(define (make-cluster C x0 y0)
(pixel-set! C x0 y0 (new-color))
(make-region in-cluster C x0 y0))
;; task
(define (make-clusters (n 400) (p 0.5))
(define Cn 0)
(define C null)
(for ((t 5)) ;; 5 iterations
(set! C (init-C n p))
(for* ((x0 n) (y0 n))
#:when (= (pixel-ref C x0 y0) WHITE)
(set! Cn (1+ Cn))
(make-cluster C x0 y0)))
(writeln 'n n 'Cn Cn 'density (// Cn (* n n) 5) )
(vector->pixels C)) ;; to screen
- Output:
n 100 Cn 3420 density 0.0684 n 400 Cn 53246 density 0.0665575 n 600 Cn 118346 density 0.06574778 n 800 Cn 212081 density 0.0662753125 n 1000 Cn 330732 density 0.0661464
USING: combinators formatting generalizations kernel math
math.matrices random sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.mean-cluster-density
CONSTANT: iterations 5
: rand-bit-matrix ( n probability -- matrix )
dupd [ random-unit > 1 0 ? ] curry make-matrix ;
: flood-fill ( x y matrix -- )
3dup ?nth ?nth 1 = [
[ [ -1 ] 3dip nth set-nth ] [
[ [ 1 + ] 2dip ]
[ [ 1 - ] 2dip ]
[ [ 1 + ] dip ]
[ [ 1 - ] dip ]
} [ flood-fill ] map-compose 3cleave
] 3bi
] [ 3drop ] if ;
: count-clusters ( matrix -- Cn )
0 swap dup dim matrix-coordinates flip concat [
first2 rot 3dup ?nth ?nth 1 = [ flood-fill 1 + ]
[ 3drop ] if
] with each ;
: mean-cluster-density ( matrix -- mcd )
[ count-clusters ] [ dim first sq / ] bi ;
: simulate ( n -- avg-mcd )
iterations swap [ p rand-bit-matrix mean-cluster-density ]
curry replicate sum iterations / ;
: main ( -- )
{ 4 64 256 1024 4096 } [
[ iterations p ] dip dup simulate
"iterations = %d p = %.1f n = %4d sim = %.5f\n" printf
] each ;
MAIN: main
- Output:
iterations = 5 p = 0.5 n = 4 sim = 0.13750 iterations = 5 p = 0.5 n = 64 sim = 0.07437 iterations = 5 p = 0.5 n = 256 sim = 0.06786 iterations = 5 p = 0.5 n = 1024 sim = 0.06621 iterations = 5 p = 0.5 n = 4096 sim = 0.06589
Const As Long RAND_MAX = 32767
Const ALFA = "+.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Const ALEN = Len(ALFA) - 3
Dim Shared As Integer grid()
Dim Shared As Integer w, ww
Sub makeGrid(p As Single)
Dim As Long thresh, r
thresh = Int(p * RAND_MAX)
ww = w * w
Redim grid(ww - 1)
For i As Integer = ww - 1 To 0 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd * (RAND_MAX + 1))
grid(i) = Iif(r < thresh, -1, 0)
End Sub
Sub showCluster()
Dim As Integer k, i, j, s
Dim As String c
k = 0
For i = 0 To w - 1
For j = 0 To w - 1
s = grid(k)
k += 1
c = Iif(s < ALEN, Mid(ALFA, 1 + s + 1, 1), "?")
Print " " & c;
End Sub
Sub recur(x As Integer, v As Integer)
If x >= 0 Andalso x < ww Andalso grid(x) = -1 Then
grid(x) = v
recur(x - w, v)
recur(x - 1, v)
recur(x + 1, v)
recur(x + w, v)
End If
End Sub
Function countClusters() As Integer
Dim As Integer ccl, i
ccl = 0
For i = 0 To ww - 1
If grid(i) = -1 Then
ccl += 1
recur(i, ccl)
End If
Return ccl
End Function
Function tests(n As Integer, p As Single) As Single
Dim k As Single = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To n - 1
k += countClusters() / ww
Return k / n
End Function
' Main program
Randomize Timer
w = 15
Print "width = 15, p = 0.5, " & countClusters() & " clusters:"
Print !"\np = 0.5, iter = 5:"
w = 4
While w <= 8192
Print Using "##### #.######"; w; tests(5, 0.5)
w Shl= 1
- Output:
width = 15, p = 0.5, 19 clusters: . A . . . . B . . . . C C . D . A . E . B B . F . . C . D D . . G . H . . . . I I . . D . J . G . H H H H H . I I I . J J J . . . H H . . . I . . . J . . H H H H . K . . . J J J J . . H . H . L . . J . J J J . M . . . . . L . J J J J . J . M M . . L L L . . J J J . . N . M . . L . L . . . . . . O . P . . L L . L . . L . O O O O . Q . L L L L . L L . . O . . Q Q . L . L . . L L L L . Q Q Q . Q . . L L L L . L . R . Q Q Q Q . S . L . . . L L . . Q p = 0.5, iter = 5: 4 0.150000 8 0.090625 16 0.082813 32 0.065625 64 0.069043 128 0.068250 256 0.067023 512 0.066033 1024 0.066152 2048 0.065828 4096 0.065818 8192 0.065819
package main
import (
var (
n_range = []int{4, 64, 256, 1024, 4096}
M = 15
N = 15
const (
p = .5
t = 5
cell2char = " #abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
func newgrid(n int, p float64) [][]int {
g := make([][]int, n)
for y := range g {
gy := make([]int, n)
for x := range gy {
if rand.Float64() < p {
gy[x] = 1
g[y] = gy
return g
func pgrid(cell [][]int) {
for n := 0; n < N; n++ {
fmt.Print(n%10, ") ")
for m := 0; m < M; m++ {
fmt.Printf(" %c", cell2char[cell[n][m]])
func cluster_density(n int, p float64) float64 {
cc := clustercount(newgrid(n, p))
return float64(cc) / float64(n) / float64(n)
func clustercount(cell [][]int) int {
walk_index := 1
for n := 0; n < N; n++ {
for m := 0; m < M; m++ {
if cell[n][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED {
walk_maze(m, n, cell, walk_index)
return walk_index - 1
func walk_maze(m, n int, cell [][]int, indx int) {
cell[n][m] = indx
if n < N-1 && cell[n+1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED {
walk_maze(m, n+1, cell, indx)
if m < M-1 && cell[n][m+1] == NOT_CLUSTERED {
walk_maze(m+1, n, cell, indx)
if m > 0 && cell[n][m-1] == NOT_CLUSTERED {
walk_maze(m-1, n, cell, indx)
if n > 0 && cell[n-1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED {
walk_maze(m, n-1, cell, indx)
func main() {
cell := newgrid(N, .5)
fmt.Printf("Found %d clusters in this %d by %d grid\n\n",
clustercount(cell), N, N)
for _, n := range n_range {
M = n
N = n
sum := 0.
for i := 0; i < t; i++ {
sum += cluster_density(n, p)
sim := sum / float64(t)
fmt.Printf("t=%3d p=%4.2f n=%5d sim=%7.5f\n", t, p, n, sim)
- Output:
Found 29 clusters in this 15 by 15 grid 0) a a a b c 1) d e a c c f 2) g e e e 3) h e i j k 4) l h m m n 5) l o p n n n n 6) q o o o r n 7) o o r r s 8) t t o u r s s s s 9) t t v u u r r s s s s 0) t v u r r s 1) w x r r y y 2) z x r r r r r y 3) A z z B r r r r 4) A A A z C r r r r t= 5 p=0.50 n= 4 sim=0.16250 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 64 sim=0.07334 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 256 sim=0.06710 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 1024 sim=0.06619 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 4096 sim=0.06585
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Printf
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
type Matrix = [[Bool]]
type Cell = (Int, Int)
type Cluster = Set (Int, Int)
clusters :: Matrix -> [Cluster]
clusters m = unfoldr findCuster cells
cells = S.fromList [ (i,j) | (r, i) <- zip m [0..]
, (x, j) <- zip r [0..], x]
findCuster s = do
(p, ps) <- S.minView s
return $ runState (expand p) ps
expand p = do
ns <- state $ extract (neigbours p)
xs <- mapM expand $ S.elems ns
return $ S.insert p $ mconcat xs
extract s1 s2 = (s2 `S.intersection` s1, s2 S.\\ s1)
neigbours (i,j) = S.fromList [(i-1,j),(i+1,j),(i,j-1),(i,j+1)]
n = length m
showClusters :: Matrix -> String
showClusters m = unlines [ unwords [ mark (i,j)
| j <- [0..n-1] ]
| i <- [0..n-1] ]
cls = clusters m
n = length m
mark c = maybe "." snd $ find (S.member c . fst) $ zip cls syms
syms = sequence [['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']]
randomMatrices :: Int -> StdGen -> [Matrix]
randomMatrices n = clipBy n . clipBy n . randoms
clipBy n = unfoldr (Just . splitAt n)
randomMatrix n = head . randomMatrices n
tests :: Int -> StdGen -> [Int]
tests n = map (length . clusters) . randomMatrices n
task :: Int -> StdGen -> (Int, Double)
task n g = (n, result)
result = mean $ take 10 $ map density $ tests n g
density c = fromIntegral c / fromIntegral n**2
mean lst = sum lst / genericLength lst
main = newStdGen >>= mapM_ (uncurry (printf "%d\t%.5f\n")) . res
res = mapM task [10,50,100,500]
Ξ»> newStdGen >>= putStrLn . showClusters . randomMatrix 15 . . a a . b b b b . . c c . . d d . . . . . . b b . c . . . d . . e . . . b b . c c . f f d d d . g g . b b . c c c . . . d . d . . b b . h . . c . i d d . d d d . . h h h h . . i d d d d . d . . h . . . . i i . . . d . d . . h . i i i i i . j . d . . . . . k . i . i . . . l . . . . k k k k . . i i m m . m . . . k k . . n . i . m m m m m . o . k . n n . . . . m . m . p . k k . . n . . q . m m . . . r . k . . n n . q . m . s s . r r . t . . . . q Ξ»> take 10 $ tests 15 (mkStdGen 42) [33,18,26,18,29,14,23,21,18,24] Ξ»> main 10 0.10100 50 0.07072 100 0.06878 500 0.06676
The first thing this task seems to need is some mechanism of identifying "clusters", using "percolation". We can achieve this by assigning every "1" in a matrix a unique integer value and then defining an operation which combines two numbers - doing nothing unless the second one (the one on the right) is non-zero. If it is non-zero we pick the larger of the two values. (*@[ * >.)
Once we have this, we can identify clusters by propagating information in a single direction through the matrix using this operation, rotating the matrix 90 degrees, and then repeating this combination of operations four times. And, finally, by keeping at this until there's nothing more to be done.
congeal=: |.@|:@((*@[*>.)/\.)^:4^:_
M=:0.4>?6 6$0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 29 0 0
0 0 0 53 0 0
67 71 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 107 0 113
127 131 0 139 149 0
congeal M*p:i.$M
2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 53 0 0
0 0 0 53 0 0
71 71 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 149 0 113
131 131 0 149 149 0
We did not have to use primes there - any mechanism for assigning distinct positive integers to the 1s would work. And, in fact, it might be nice if - once we found our clusters - we assigned the smallest distinct positive integers to the clusters. This would allow us to use simple indexing to map the array to characters.
idclust=: $ $ [: (~. i.])&.(0&,)@,@congeal ] * 1 + i.@$
Example use:
idclust M
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 2 0 0
3 3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 0 5
6 6 0 4 4 0
(idclust M) {'.ABCDEFG'
Now we just need a measure of cluster density. Formally cluster density seems to be defined as the number of clusters divided by the total number of elements of the matrix. Thus:
K=: (%&#~ }.@~.)&,
Example use:
K idclust M
So we can create a word that performs a simulation experiment, given a probability getting a 1 and the number of rows (and columns) of our square matrix M.
experiment=: K@ idclust@: > 0 ?@$~ ,~
Example use:
0.4 experiment 6
0.4 experiment 6
The task wants us to perform at least five trials for sizes up to 1000 by 1000 with probability of 1 being 0.5:
trials=: 0.5&experiment"0@#
Example use:
6 trials 3
0.1111111 0.1111111 0.2222222 0.1111111 0.1111111 0.3333333
6 trials 10
0.16 0.12 0.09 0.1 0.1 0.03
6 trials 30
0.05666667 0.1033333 0.08222222 0.07444444 0.08333333 0.07666667
6 trials 100
0.069 0.0678 0.0666 0.0677 0.0653 0.0739
6 trials 300
0.06563333 0.06663333 0.06713333 0.06727778 0.06658889 0.06664444
6 trials 1000
0.066079 0.066492 0.065847 0.065943 0.066318 0.065998
Now for averages (these are different trials from the above):
mean=: +/%#
mean 8 trials 3
mean 8 trials 10
mean 8 trials 30
mean 8 trials 100
mean 8 trials 300
mean 8 trials 1000
Finally, for the extra credit (thru taken from the Loops/Downward for task):
thru=: <./ + i.@(+*)@-~
(idclust 0.5 > 0 ?@$~ 15 15) {'.', 'A' thru&.(a.&i.) 'Z'
Collected definitions
congeal=: |.@|:@((*@[*>.)/\.)^:4^:_
idclust=: $ $ [: (~. i.])&.(0&,)@,@congeal ] * 1 + i.@$
K=: (%&#~ }.@~.)&,
experiment=: K@ idclust@: > 0 ?@$~ ,~
trials=: 0.5&experiment"0@#
mean=:+/ % #
thru=: <./ + i.@(+*)@-~
Extra Credit
M=: (* 1+i.@$)?15 15$2
0 2 3 4 0 6 0 8 0 10 11 12 0 0 15
0 0 18 19 20 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 28 29 0
31 32 0 34 35 36 37 38 0 0 0 42 0 0 45
0 0 48 49 0 51 0 0 54 55 0 57 58 0 0
61 62 63 64 0 0 67 0 69 0 71 72 0 74 0
0 0 78 79 0 0 82 0 84 85 86 87 88 0 0
0 92 0 94 0 0 0 0 99 100 101 0 103 0 105
106 107 108 0 0 111 0 0 114 115 116 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 124 125 126 127 0 0 0 0 0 133 134 135
0 0 138 0 0 141 0 143 144 145 0 0 0 0 150
0 152 153 154 0 0 0 158 0 160 0 162 163 164 165
0 167 168 169 170 0 172 173 0 175 176 177 0 0 180
181 182 183 0 0 186 0 188 189 190 191 192 0 194 195
196 197 198 0 200 201 202 0 0 205 0 207 0 0 0
211 212 213 0 0 0 217 218 0 220 221 0 0 224 0
congeal M
0 94 94 94 0 6 0 8 0 12 12 12 0 0 15
0 0 94 94 94 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 29 29 0
32 32 0 94 94 94 94 94 0 0 0 116 0 0 45
0 0 94 94 0 94 0 0 116 116 0 116 116 0 0
94 94 94 94 0 0 82 0 116 0 116 116 0 74 0
0 0 94 94 0 0 82 0 116 116 116 116 116 0 0
0 108 0 94 0 0 0 0 116 116 116 0 116 0 105
108 108 108 0 0 141 0 0 116 116 116 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 141 141 141 141 0 0 0 0 0 221 221 221
0 0 213 0 0 141 0 221 221 221 0 0 0 0 221
0 213 213 213 0 0 0 221 0 221 0 221 221 221 221
0 213 213 213 213 0 221 221 0 221 221 221 0 0 221
213 213 213 0 0 218 0 221 221 221 221 221 0 221 221
213 213 213 0 218 218 218 0 0 221 0 221 0 0 0
213 213 213 0 0 0 218 218 0 221 221 0 0 224 0
(~.@, i. ])congeal M
0 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 4 4 0 0 5
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0
7 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 9
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 8 8 0 8 8 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 10 0 8 0 8 8 0 11 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 10 0 8 8 8 8 8 0 0
0 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 0 8 0 13
12 12 12 0 0 14 0 0 8 8 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 14 14 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 15
0 0 16 0 0 14 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 15
0 16 16 16 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 15 15 15 15
0 16 16 16 16 0 15 15 0 15 15 15 0 0 15
16 16 16 0 0 17 0 15 15 15 15 15 0 15 15
16 16 16 0 17 17 17 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0
16 16 16 0 0 0 17 17 0 15 15 0 0 18 0
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public final class PercolationMeanCluster {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
final int size = 15;
final double probability = 0.5;
final int testCount = 5;
Grid grid = new Grid(size, probability);
System.out.println("This " + size + " by " + size + " grid contains " + grid.clusterCount() + " clusters:");
System.out.println(System.lineSeparator() + " p = 0.5, iterations = " + testCount);
List<Integer> gridSizes = List.of( 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000 );
for ( int gridSize : gridSizes ) {
double sumDensity = 0.0;
for ( int test = 0; test < testCount; test++ ) {
grid = new Grid(gridSize, probability);
sumDensity += grid.clusterDensity();
double result = sumDensity / testCount;
System.out.println(String.format("%s%5d%s%.6f", " n = ", gridSize, ", simulation K = ", result));
final class Grid {
public Grid(int aSize, double aProbability) {
createGrid(aSize, aProbability);
public int clusterCount() {
return clusterCount;
public double clusterDensity() {
return (double) clusterCount / ( grid.length * grid.length );
public void display() {
for ( int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++ ) {
for ( int col = 0; col < grid.length; col++ ) {
int value = grid[row][col];
char ch = ( value < GRID_CHARACTERS.length() ) ? GRID_CHARACTERS.charAt(value) : '?';
System.out.print(" " + ch);
private void countClusters() {
clusterCount = 0;
for ( int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++ ) {
for ( int col = 0; col < grid.length; col++ ) {
if ( grid[row][col] == CLUSTERED ) {
clusterCount += 1;
identifyCluster(row, col, clusterCount);
private void identifyCluster(int aRow, int aCol, int aCount) {
grid[aRow][aCol] = aCount;
if ( aRow < grid.length - 1 && grid[aRow + 1][aCol] == CLUSTERED ) {
identifyCluster(aRow + 1, aCol, aCount);
if ( aCol < grid[0].length - 1 && grid[aRow][aCol + 1] == CLUSTERED ) {
identifyCluster(aRow, aCol + 1, aCount);
if ( aCol > 0 && grid[aRow][aCol - 1] == CLUSTERED ) {
identifyCluster(aRow, aCol - 1, aCount);
if ( aRow > 0 && grid[aRow - 1][aCol] == CLUSTERED ) {
identifyCluster(aRow - 1, aCol, aCount);
private void createGrid(int aGridSize, double aProbability) {
grid = new int[aGridSize][aGridSize];
for ( int row = 0; row < aGridSize; row++ ) {
for ( int col = 0; col < aGridSize; col++ ) {
if ( random.nextDouble(1.0) < aProbability ) {
grid[row][col] = CLUSTERED;
private int[][] grid;
private int clusterCount;
private static ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
private static final int CLUSTERED = -1;
private static final String GRID_CHARACTERS = ".ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- Output:
This 15 by 15 grid contains 21 clusters: A . . B B B . . C . D D . E . . . F . B . G . C . . . E E E . F F . B . . . C C . H . E . F F . B B B . I . C C . . E . . . . . . . . I . . . J . . K . L . . M M . I . . N . . . K O . . O . M . I I . . . . K K O O O O O . I I . K K . . . K . O . O . P . I . K . K K K K . . Q . . . I I . K K K K K K Q Q Q . . I I I I . . . . . K Q . Q Q . . I . . . . R R . . . . Q . I I I . . . . R . R R . . Q . . I I . . . . R R R . S S . T . . I I I . R R R . U p = 0.5, iterations = 5 n = 10, simulation K = 0.094000 n = 100, simulation K = 0.070420 n = 1000, simulation K = 0.066056 n = 10000, simulation K = 0.065780
using Printf, Distributions
newgrid(p::Float64, r::Int, c::Int=r) = rand(Bernoulli(p), r, c)
function walkmaze!(grid::Matrix{Int}, r::Int, c::Int, indx::Int)
NOT_CLUSTERED = 1 # const
N, M = size(grid)
dirs = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]
# fill cell
grid[r, c] = indx
# check for each direction
for d in dirs
rr, cc = (r, c) .+ d
if checkbounds(Bool, grid, rr, cc) && grid[rr, cc] == NOT_CLUSTERED
walkmaze!(grid, rr, cc, indx)
function clustercount!(grid::Matrix{Int})
NOT_CLUSTERED = 1 # const
walkind = 1
for r in 1:size(grid, 1), c in 1:size(grid, 2)
if grid[r, c] == NOT_CLUSTERED
walkind += 1
walkmaze!(grid, r, c, walkind)
return walkind - 1
clusterdensity(p::Float64, n::Int) = clustercount!(newgrid(p, n)) / n ^ 2
function printgrid(G::Matrix{Int})
LETTERS = vcat(' ', '#', 'A':'Z', 'a':'z')
for r in 1:size(G, 1)
println(r % 10, ") ", join(LETTERS[G[r, :] .+ 1], ' '))
G = newgrid(0.5, 15)
@printf("Found %i clusters in this %iΓ%i grid\n\n", clustercount!(G), size(G, 1), size(G, 2))
const nrange = 2 .^ (4:2:12)
const p = 0.5
const nrep = 5
for n in nrange
sim = mean(clusterdensity(p, n) for _ in 1:nrep)
@printf("nrep = %2i p = %.2f dim = %-13s sim = %.5f\n", nrep, p, "$n Γ $n", sim)
- Output:
Found 20 clusters in this 15Γ15 grid 1) A B C C D D D 2) E F D D 3) G F D D D D D D 4) G G H F I D D D J 5) G G K L D J 6) G G G G M N N 7) G G G G G G O O O N 8) G G O N N N 9) P P P G G G N N 0) P P P P G Q Q Q N 1) P Q Q Q Q N N 2) P N N N N 3) P P P R S N 4) P R R R S S N N 5) R R R S T N nrep = 5 p = 0.50 dim = 16 Γ 16 sim = 0.07500 nrep = 5 p = 0.50 dim = 64 Γ 64 sim = 0.07178 nrep = 5 p = 0.50 dim = 256 Γ 256 sim = 0.06690 nrep = 5 p = 0.50 dim = 1024 Γ 1024 sim = 0.06609 nrep = 5 p = 0.50 dim = 4096 Γ 4096 sim = 0.06588
// version 1.2.10
import java.util.Random
val rand = Random()
const val RAND_MAX = 32767
lateinit var map: IntArray
var w = 0
var ww = 0
const val ALPHA = "+.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
const val ALEN = ALPHA.length - 3
fun makeMap(p: Double) {
val thresh = (p * RAND_MAX).toInt()
ww = w * w
var i = ww
map = IntArray(i)
while (i-- != 0) {
val r = rand.nextInt(RAND_MAX + 1)
if (r < thresh) map[i] = -1
fun showCluster() {
var k = 0
for (i in 0 until w) {
for (j in 0 until w) {
val s = map[k++]
val c = if (s < ALEN) ALPHA[1 + s] else '?'
print(" $c")
fun recur(x: Int, v: Int) {
if ((x in 0 until ww) && map[x] == -1) {
map[x] = v
recur(x - w, v)
recur(x - 1, v)
recur(x + 1, v)
recur(x + w, v)
fun countClusters(): Int {
var cls = 0
for (i in 0 until ww) {
if (map[i] != -1) continue
recur(i, ++cls)
return cls
fun tests(n: Int, p: Double): Double {
var k = 0.0
for (i in 0 until n) {
k += countClusters().toDouble() / ww
return k / n
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
w = 15
val cls = countClusters()
println("width = 15, p = 0.5, $cls clusters:")
println("\np = 0.5, iter = 5:")
w = 1 shl 2
while (w <= 1 shl 13) {
val t = tests(5, 0.5)
println("%5d %9.6f".format(w, t))
w = w shl 1
Sample output:
width = 15, p = 0.5, 23 clusters: A . B . C C . . . . D D . D . . B B B . . D D D . D D . D D . B . B B B . . D D D . . D . . . E . . B . B . . D D D D . F . . B B B B B . G . D . D D . . B B . B . . H . D D . D D . B B . . . I . H H . . D D . B B B . . J . K . . L . D . B B . . M . . K K K . . D D . B B B . . . . . K K . . D . B B B . . N N . . . . . . . O . . B . . . . P . . O O O O O . . . . Q . . P . . . O O O O . . . . . R . . . . S . O . . T T . U . . . V . . . . . W . . . p = 0.5, iter = 5: 4 0.112500 8 0.121875 16 0.075000 32 0.068750 64 0.068164 128 0.065625 256 0.067093 512 0.065815 1024 0.065863 2048 0.065815 4096 0.065764 8192 0.065766
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
(*Calculate C_n / n^2 for n=1000, 2000, ..., 10 000*)
In[1]:= Table[N[Max@MorphologicalComponents[
RandomVariate[BernoulliDistribution[.5], {n, n}],
CornerNeighbors -> False]/n^2], {n, 10^3, 10^4, 10^3}]
(*Find the average*)
In[2]:= % // MeanAround
(*Show a 15x15 matrix with each cluster given an incrementally higher number, Colorize instead of MatrixForm creates an image*)
In[3]:= MorphologicalComponents[RandomChoice[{0, 1}, {15, 15}], CornerNeighbors -> False] // MatrixForm
- Output:
Out[1]= {0.066339, 0.06568, 0.0656282, 0.0658778, 0.0657444, 0.0658455, 0.06578, 0.0657307, 0.0658186, 0.0657963} Out[2]= 0.06582 +- 0.00006 Out[3]= (1 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 7 7 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 8 0 2 2 0 6 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 8 8 8 0 0 9 0 10 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 8 0 11 0 9 9 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 0 12 12 0 0 13 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 16 15 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 14 14 14 0 16 16 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 17 0 14 14 14 0 0 0 18 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 20 0 0 21 21 0 0 22)
import random, sequtils, strformat
N = 15
T = 5
P = 0.5
NotClustered = 1
Cell2Char = " #abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
NRange = [4, 64, 256, 1024, 4096]
type Grid = seq[seq[int]]
proc newGrid(n: Positive; p: float): Grid =
result = newSeqWith(n, newSeq[int](n))
for row in result.mitems:
for cell in row.mitems:
if rand(1.0) < p: cell = 1
func walkMaze(grid: var Grid; m, n, idx: int) =
grid[n][m] = idx
if n < grid.high and grid[n + 1][m] == NotClustered:
grid.walkMaze(m, n + 1, idx)
if m < grid[0].high and grid[n][m + 1] == NotClustered:
grid.walkMaze(m + 1, n, idx)
if m > 0 and grid[n][m - 1] == NotClustered:
grid.walkMaze(m - 1, n, idx)
if n > 0 and grid[n - 1][m] == NotClustered:
grid.walkMaze(m, n - 1, idx)
func clusterCount(grid: var Grid): int =
var walkIndex = 1
for n in 0..grid.high:
for m in 0..grid[0].high:
if grid[n][m] == NotClustered:
inc walkIndex
grid.walkMaze(m, n, walkIndex)
result = walkIndex - 1
proc clusterDensity(n: int; p: float): float =
var grid = newGrid(n, p)
result = grid.clusterCount() / (n * n)
proc print(grid: Grid) =
for n, row in grid:
stdout.write n mod 10, ") "
for cell in row:
stdout.write ' ', Cell2Char[cell]
stdout.write '\n'
when isMainModule:
var grid = newGrid(N, 0.5)
echo &"Found {grid.clusterCount()} clusters in this {N} by {N} grid\n"
echo ""
for n in NRange:
var sum = 0.0
for _ in 1..T:
sum += clusterDensity(n, P)
let sim = sum / T
echo &"t = {T} p = {P:4.2f} n = {n:4} sim = {sim:7.5f}"
- Output:
Found 14 clusters in this 15 by 15 grid 0) a a b c c c c d 1) e e c c c c c c c 2) f e c c c c c 3) f f c c c c c c c c c 4) f c c c c c c c c c c c 5) g c c c c c c c 6) h i c c c c c c c c 7) i i c c c 8) j j j j c c k 9) l j c k k 0) l l l l j j k 1) l l l l l l j j j j j 2) l l l m j j j j 3) l l l l j j 4) n l l l l j j j j j j j j t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 4 sim = 0.11250 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 64 sim = 0.07085 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 256 sim = 0.06702 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 1024 sim = 0.06619 t = 5 p = 0.50 n = 4096 sim = 0.06587
$fill = 'x';
$D{$_} = $i++ for qw<DeadEnd Up Right Down Left>;
sub deq { defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq $_[1] }
sub perctest {
my($grid) = @_;
my $block = 1;
for my $y (0..$grid-1) {
for my $x (0..$grid-1) {
fill($x, $y, $block++) if $perc[$y][$x] eq $fill
($block - 1) / $grid**2;
sub generate {
my($grid) = @_;
for my $y (0..$grid-1) {
for my $x (0..$grid-1) {
$perc[$y][$x] = rand() < .5 ? '.' : $fill;
sub fill {
my($x, $y, $block) = @_;
$perc[$y][$x] = $block;
my @stack;
while (1) {
if (my $dir = direction( $x, $y )) {
push @stack, [$x, $y];
($x,$y) = move($dir, $x, $y, $block)
} else {
return unless @stack;
($x,$y) = @{pop @stack};
sub direction {
my($x, $y) = @_;
return $D{Down} if deq($perc[$y+1][$x ], $fill);
return $D{Left} if deq($perc[$y ][$x-1], $fill);
return $D{Right} if deq($perc[$y ][$x+1], $fill);
return $D{Up} if deq($perc[$y-1][$x ], $fill);
return $D{DeadEnd};
sub move {
my($dir,$x,$y,$block) = @_;
$perc[--$y][ $x] = $block if $dir == $D{Up};
$perc[++$y][ $x] = $block if $dir == $D{Down};
$perc[ $y][ --$x] = $block if $dir == $D{Left};
$perc[ $y][ ++$x] = $block if $dir == $D{Right};
($x, $y)
my $K = perctest(15);
for my $row (@perc) {
printf "%3s", $_ for @$row;
print "\n";
printf "π± = 0.5, π = 15, π = %.4f\n\n", $K;
$trials = 5;
for $N (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) {
my $total = 0;
$total += perctest($N) for 1..$trials;
printf "π± = 0.5, trials = $trials, π = %4d, π = %.4f\n", $N, $total / $trials;
- Output:
1 1 1 . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 2 2 . 2 2 2 . 3 . 1 . . 1 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . 3 1 1 1 . 1 . 2 2 . . . . 4 4 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . 2 . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 2 . . 5 . 6 . . 1 1 . . 1 1 . 2 . 7 . . . 1 1 1 . . . 1 1 . 2 2 . . 8 8 . 1 . 9 9 9 . 1 . . 2 2 . . . 1 1 . . 9 9 . . 10 . . . 11 . 12 . . . 9 9 . 13 13 . 13 . 14 . . 12 . . 15 . . 13 13 13 13 13 . . . 16 . 17 . 15 . . 13 . 13 . 13 13 . . 16 16 . . . 18 . . 13 13 13 13 . . . . . 19 19 1 . 1 . . 13 . . . . 20 . 19 19 . π± = 0.5, π = 15, π = 0.0889 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 10, π = 0.0980 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 30, π = 0.0738 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 100, π = 0.0670 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 300, π = 0.0660 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 1000, π = 0.0661
with javascript_semantics sequence grid integer w, ww procedure make_grid(atom p) ww = w*w grid = repeat(0,ww) for i=1 to ww do grid[i] = -(rnd()<p) end for end procedure constant alpha = "+.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"& "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" procedure show_cluster() for i=1 to ww do integer gi = grid[i]+2 grid[i] = iff(gi<=length(alpha)?alpha[gi]:'?') end for puts(1,join_by(grid,w,w,"")) end procedure procedure recur(integer x, v) if x>=1 and x<=ww and grid[x]==-1 then grid[x] = v recur(x-w, v) recur(x-1, v) recur(x+1, v) recur(x+w, v) end if end procedure function count_clusters() integer cls = 0 for i=1 to ww do if grid[i]=-1 then cls += 1 recur(i, cls) end if end for return cls end function function tests(int n, atom p) atom k = 0 for i=1 to n do make_grid(p) k += count_clusters()/ww end for return k / n end function procedure main() w = 15 make_grid(0.5) printf(1,"width=15, p=0.5, %d clusters:\n", count_clusters()) show_cluster() printf(1,"\np=0.5, iter=5:\n") w = 4 while w<=4096 do printf(1,"%5d %9.6f\n", {w, tests(5,0.5)}) w *= 4 end while end procedure main()
- Output:
width=15, p=0.5, 18 clusters: ..EE.FF...OO..P .......KK.OOO.P A..B..I....OO.P .BBB.G.LL....PP BBB...J....J.P. ..BB..JJJJJJ.P. .BBBB.JJJ.J.J.. BBB....JJJ.JJ.Q BB.D.D.J.JJJ.QQ ..DDDD.JJ.JJJ.Q .DDDD.JJ..JJ... C.DDD.J.N.JJ... C.D...J..JJ.... .....H...J..... .......M..O...R p=0.5, iter=5: 4 0.137500 16 0.080469 64 0.068164 256 0.066809 1024 0.066018 4096 0.065777
from __future__ import division
from random import random
import string
from math import fsum
n_range, p, t = (2**n2 for n2 in range(4, 14, 2)), 0.5, 5
N = M = 15
NOT_CLUSTERED = 1 # filled but not clustered cell
cell2char = ' #' + string.ascii_letters
def newgrid(n, p):
return [[int(random() < p) for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)]
def pgrid(cell):
for n in range(N):
print( '%i) ' % (n % 10)
+ ' '.join(cell2char[cell[n][m]] for m in range(M)))
def cluster_density(n, p):
cc = clustercount(newgrid(n, p))
return cc / n / n
def clustercount(cell):
walk_index = 1
for n in range(N):
for m in range(M):
if cell[n][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED:
walk_index += 1
walk_maze(m, n, cell, walk_index)
return walk_index - 1
def walk_maze(m, n, cell, indx):
# fill cell
cell[n][m] = indx
# down
if n < N - 1 and cell[n+1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED:
walk_maze(m, n+1, cell, indx)
# right
if m < M - 1 and cell[n][m + 1] == NOT_CLUSTERED:
walk_maze(m+1, n, cell, indx)
# left
if m and cell[n][m - 1] == NOT_CLUSTERED:
walk_maze(m-1, n, cell, indx)
# up
if n and cell[n-1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED:
walk_maze(m, n-1, cell, indx)
if __name__ == '__main__':
cell = newgrid(n=N, p=0.5)
print('Found %i clusters in this %i by %i grid\n'
% (clustercount(cell), N, N))
for n in n_range:
N = M = n
sim = fsum(cluster_density(n, p) for i in range(t)) / t
print('t=%3i p=%4.2f n=%5i sim=%7.5f'
% (t, p, n, sim))
- Output:
Found 20 clusters in this 15 by 15 grid 0) a a b c d d d d 1) a a e f g g d 2) e f f f d 3) h h e f i i d d 4) e j d d d d 5) k k k k l d d 6) k k k k k k l m n 7) k k k k k l o p p 8) k k k k l l l q 9) k k k k k l q q q 0) k k k k l q q q 1) k k k k k r r 2) k k k r r r s s 3) k k k k r r r r r s s 4) k k t r r r s s t= 5 p=0.50 n= 16 sim=0.08984 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 64 sim=0.07310 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 256 sim=0.06706 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 1024 sim=0.06612 t= 5 p=0.50 n= 4096 sim=0.06587
As n increases, the sim result gets closer to 0.065770...
#lang racket
(require srfi/14) ; character sets
; much faster than safe fixnum functions
racket/require ; for fancy require clause below
(lambda (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))
; these aren't in racket/unsafe/ops
(only-in racket/fixnum for/fxvector in-fxvector fxvector-copy))
; ...(but less safe). if in doubt use this rather than the one above
; (require racket/fixnum)
(define t (make-parameter 5))
(define (build-random-grid p M N)
(define p-num (numerator p))
(define p-den (denominator p))
(for/fxvector #:length (fx* M N) ((_ (in-range (* M N))))
(if (< (random p-den) p-num) 1 0)))
(define letters
(sort (char-set->list (char-set-intersection
; char-set:ascii
)) char<?))
(define n-letters (length letters))
(define cell->char
(0 #\space) (1 #\.)
(c (list-ref letters (modulo (- c 2) n-letters)))))
(define (draw-percol-grid M N . gs)
(for ((r N))
(for ((g gs))
(define row-str
(for/list ((idx (in-range (* r M) (* (+ r 1) M))))
(cell->char (fxvector-ref g idx)))))
(printf "|~a| " row-str))
(define (count-clusters! M N g)
(define (gather-cluster! k c)
(when (fx= 1 (fxvector-ref g k))
(define k-r (fxquotient k M))
(define k-c (fxremainder k M))
(fxvector-set! g k c)
(define-syntax-rule (gather-surrounds range? k+)
(let ((idx k+))
(when (and range? (fx= 1 (fxvector-ref g idx)))
(gather-cluster! idx c))))
(gather-surrounds (fx> k-r 0) (fx- k M))
(gather-surrounds (fx> k-c 0) (fx- k 1))
(gather-surrounds (fx< k-c (fx- M 1)) (fx+ k 1))
(gather-surrounds (fx< k-r (fx- N 1)) (fx+ k M))))
(define-values (rv _c)
(for/fold ((rv 0) (c 2))
((pos (in-range (fx* M N)))
#:when (fx= 1 (fxvector-ref g pos)))
(gather-cluster! pos c)
(values (fx+ rv 1) (fx+ c 1))))
(define (display-sample-clustering p)
(printf "Percolation cluster sample: p=~a~%" p)
(define g (build-random-grid p 15 15))
(define g+ (fxvector-copy g))
(define g-count (count-clusters! 15 15 g+))
(draw-percol-grid 15 15 g g+)
(printf "~a clusters~%" g-count))
(define (experiment p n t)
(printf "Experiment: ~a ~a ~a\t" p n t) (flush-output)
(define sum-Cn
(for/sum ((run (in-range t)))
(printf "[~a" run) (flush-output)
(define g (build-random-grid p n n))
(printf "*") (flush-output)
(define Cn (count-clusters! n n g))
(printf "]") (flush-output)
(printf "\tmean K(p) = ~a~%" (real->decimal-string (/ sum-Cn t (sqr n)) 6)))
(module+ main
(t 10)
(for ((n (in-list '(4000 1000 750 500 400 300 200 100 15))))
(experiment 1/2 n (t)))
(display-sample-clustering 1/2))
(module+ test
(define grd (build-random-grid 1/2 1000 1000))
(/ (for/sum ((g (in-fxvector grd)) #:when (zero? g)) 1) (fxvector-length grd))
(display-sample-clustering 1/2))
- Output:
Run from DrRacket, which runs the test and main modules. From the command line, you'll want two commands: ``racket percolation_m_c_d.rkt`` and ``raco test percolation_m_c_d.rkt`` for the same result.
Experiment: 1/2 4000 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.065860 Experiment: 1/2 1000 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.066130 Experiment: 1/2 750 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.066195 Experiment: 1/2 500 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.066522 Experiment: 1/2 400 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.066778 Experiment: 1/2 300 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.066813 Experiment: 1/2 200 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.067908 Experiment: 1/2 100 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.069980 Experiment: 1/2 15 10 [0*][1*][2*][3*][4*][5*][6*][7*][8*][9*] mean K(p) = 0.089778 Percolation cluster sample: p=1/2 |. ... . . | |A BBB A A | |... .. .... | |AAA AA AAAA | |. . .... ... | |A A AAAA AAA | |. . . .........| |A A C AAAAAAAAA| | ... .. ....| | AAA AA AAAA| |.. ......... ..| |AA AAAAAAAAA AA| | . ... | | A AAA | |. .. .. | |D AA AA | | .. ... . .. | | AA AAA E AA | |. .. .. . . | |F AA AA A A | |. ........ . ..| |F AAAAAAAA A AA| |.. . .... ... | |FF A AAAA AAA | | . . . .... | | F G A AAAA | |.... .. .. . .| |FFFF HH AA A A| | . .. .....| | F HH AAAAA| 8 clusters
(formerly Perl 6)
my @perc;
my $fill = 'x';
enum Direction <DeadEnd Up Right Down Left>;
my $π = perctest(15);
.fmt("%-2s").say for @perc;
say "π± = 0.5, π = 15, π = $π\n";
my $trials = 5;
for 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 -> $π {
my $π = ( [+] perctest($π) xx $trials ) / $trials;
say "π± = 0.5, trials = $trials, π = $π, π = $π";
sub infix:<deq> ( $a, $b ) { $a.defined && ($a eq $b) }
sub perctest ( $grid ) {
generate $grid;
my $block = 1;
for ^$grid X ^$grid -> ($y, $x) {
fill( [$x, $y], $block++ ) if @perc[$y; $x] eq $fill
($block - 1) / $gridΒ²;
sub generate ( $grid ) {
@perc = ();
@perc.push: [ ( rand < .5 ?? '.' !! $fill ) xx $grid ] for ^$grid;
sub fill ( @cur, $block ) {
@perc[@cur[1]; @cur[0]] = $block;
my @stack;
my $current = @cur;
loop {
if my $dir = direction( $current ) {
@stack.push: $current;
$current = move $dir, $current, $block
else {
return unless @stack;
$current = @stack.pop
sub direction( [$x, $y] ) {
( Down if @perc[$y + 1][$x] deq $fill ) ||
( Left if @perc[$y][$x - 1] deq $fill ) ||
( Right if @perc[$y][$x + 1] deq $fill ) ||
( Up if @perc[$y - 1][$x] deq $fill ) ||
sub move ( $dir, @cur, $block ) {
my ( $x, $y ) = @cur;
given $dir {
when Up { @perc[--$y; $x] = $block }
when Down { @perc[++$y; $x] = $block }
when Left { @perc[$y; --$x] = $block }
when Right { @perc[$y; ++$x] = $block }
[$x, $y]
- Output:
. . 1 . 2 . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 2 2 . . 2 2 2 . 5 5 . 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 . 5 . . 4 . . 4 2 . 2 . 2 2 . . . . 4 4 4 . 4 . . . . . 2 . . . . 4 4 4 . . 6 6 6 6 . . 7 7 . . 4 . 4 4 . 6 . 6 . . . . . 4 4 4 4 4 . . 6 6 6 . . . 8 8 . 4 4 4 . . 4 6 . . . 9 . . . . . . 4 4 . 4 . 10 . 11 . . 12 12 . 4 . . 4 4 4 11 . 11 11 11 11 . 12 . 4 . 4 4 4 . 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 . . 4 4 . . 4 . 11 11 11 11 . 11 . . . 4 4 4 4 4 . 11 11 11 . 11 11 11 . . 4 4 4 4 . 13 . 11 11 . 11 11 . . . . 4 4 . 14 . π± = 0.5, π = 15, π = 0.062222 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 10, π = 0.114 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 30, π = 0.082444 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 100, π = 0.06862 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 300, π = 0.066889 π± = 0.5, trials = 5, π = 1000, π = 0.0659358
Note that the queue (variables q
and k
) used to remember where to find cells when flood-filling the cluster is maintained as a list segment; the front of the list is not trimmed for performance reasons. (This would matter with very long queues, in which case the queue could be shortened occasionally; frequent trimming is still slower though, because Tcl backs its βlistβ datatype with arrays and not linked lists.)
package require Tcl 8.6
proc determineClusters {w h p} {
# Construct the grid
set grid [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0]]
for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} {
lset grid $i $j [expr {rand() < $p ? -1 : 0}]
# Find (and count) the clusters
set cl 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} {
if {[lindex $grid $i $j] == -1} {
incr cl
for {set q [list $i $j];set k 0} {$k<[llength $q]} {incr k} {
set y [lindex $q $k]
set x [lindex $q [incr k]]
if {[lindex $grid $y $x] != -1} continue
lset grid $y $x $cl
foreach dx {1 0 -1 0} dy {0 1 0 -1} {
set nx [expr {$x+$dx}]
set ny [expr {$y+$dy}]
if {
$nx >= 0 && $ny >= 0 && $nx < $w && $ny < $h &&
[lindex $grid $ny $nx] == -1
} then {
lappend q $ny $nx
return [list $cl $grid]
# Print a sample 15x15 grid
lassign [determineClusters 15 15 0.5] n g
puts "15x15 grid, p=0.5, with $n clusters"
puts "+[string repeat - 15]+"
foreach r $g {puts |[join [lmap x $r {format %c [expr {$x==0?32:64+$x}]}] ""]|}
puts "+[string repeat - 15]+"
# Determine the densities as the grid size increases
puts "p=0.5, iter=5"
foreach n {5 30 180 1080 6480} {
set tot 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
lassign [determineClusters $n $n 0.5] nC
incr tot $nC
puts "n=$n, K(p)=[expr {$tot/5.0/$n**2}]"
- Output:
15x15 grid, p=0.5, with 21 clusters +---------------+ | A B CCCCC| | D A BBB C | |E B F CCCC| | B B F CC C| |BBB B BB CCC| |B BBBBBB CCCCC| | B B G C C| |H II G G J | |HH II G GG K| |HH II GGG GG K| | I G GGGG | |LL GGG GG M N| | L G G O P | |LLLL Q R | |L L S T UUU| +---------------+ p=0.5, iter=5 n=5, K(p)=0.184 n=30, K(p)=0.07155555555555557 n=180, K(p)=0.06880246913580246 n=1080, K(p)=0.0661267146776406 n=6480, K(p)=0.06582889898643499
import "random" for Random
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var rand =
var RAND_MAX = 32767
var list = []
var w = 0
var ww = 0
var ALPHA = "+.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var ALEN = ALPHA.count - 3
var makeList = { |p|
var thresh = (p * RAND_MAX).truncate
ww = w * w
var i = ww
list = List.filled(i, 0)
while (i != 0) {
i = i - 1
var r =
if (r < thresh) list[i] = -1
var showCluster = {
var k = 0
for (i in 0...w) {
for (j in 0...w) {
var s = list[k]
k = k + 1
var c = (s < ALEN) ? ALPHA[1 + s] : "?"
System.write(" %(c)")
var recur // recursive
recur = { |x, v|
if (x >= 0 && x < ww && list[x] == -1) {
list[x] = v - w, v) - 1, v) + 1, v) + w, v)
var countClusters = {
var cls = 0
for (i in 0...ww) {
if (list[i] == -1) {
cls = cls + 1, cls)
return cls
var tests = { |n, p|
var k = 0
for (i in 0...n) {
k = k + / ww
return k / n
w = 15
var cls =
System.print("width = 15, p = 0.5, %(cls) clusters:")
System.print("\np = 0.5, iter = 5:")
w = 1 << 2
while (w <= (1 << 13)) {
var t =, 0.5)
Fmt.print("$5d $9.6f", w, t)
w = w << 1
- Output:
Sample run:
width = 15, p = 0.5, 28 clusters: . A A . . B . C . D . . . . A A A A . E . F . G . . A A A A . A A A . F F . . . A A . . . . A . . . . F . . H . A . A . . A A . . . . . H H H . A A A A A A . . I I . . H . J . . A A . . K . . . . H H . . . A A A . L . M M . N . . O . . . . A A . P . . . N . Q . R . S . . A A . T T . . U . R R R . . A A . . T T T . . . . R . . . . A . T T T . . . . . R R R R . A . . . T . . V . W . R R . A A . X . T T . . . W . . . . . . Y . T T . Z . a . . . b b p = 0.5, iter = 5: 4 0.125000 8 0.081250 16 0.094531 32 0.073242 64 0.067920 128 0.068567 256 0.067404 512 0.066401 1024 0.065870 2048 0.065885 4096 0.065812 8192 0.065795
const X=-1; // the sentinal that marks an untouched cell
var C,N,NN,P;
fcn createC(n,p){
N,P=n,p; NN=N*N;
C=NN.pump(List.createLong(NN),0); // vector of ints
foreach n in (NN){ C[n]=X*(Float.random(1)<=P) } // X is the sentinal
fcn showCluster{
alpha:="-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
foreach n in ([0..NN,N]){ C[n,N].pump(String,alpha.get).println() }
fcn countClusters{
foreach n in (NN){
if(X!=C[n]) continue;
if((0<=n<NN) and C[n]==X){
self.fcn(n-N,v); self.fcn(n-1,v); self.fcn(n+1,v); self.fcn(n+N,v);
fcn tests(N,n,p){
foreach z in (n){ createC(N,p); k+=countClusters().toFloat()/NN; }
println("width=%d, p=%.1f, %d clusters:".fmt(N,P,countClusters()));
println("p=0.5, 5 iterations:");
w:=4; do(6){ println("%5d %9.6f".fmt(w,tests(w, 5, 0.5))); w*=4; }
- Output:
width=15, p=0.5, 16 clusters: -AAA-BB-BBB---C ------BBBB--D-- E---F---BB--DD- EE----G-BB---DD --H-I--J--J--DD -K--I--JJ-J--D- -K--I--JJJJ-L-- KK-III-------MM -K-I--I--NN-I-- I-IIIII-NNN-III I-II--I-N-N-II- III-III--NNN-II I-II-II-O---I-- I-I-IIII-PP-III I-II--I---P--II p=0.5, 5 iterations: 4 0.062500 16 0.070312 64 0.067627 256 0.067078 1024 0.065834 4096 0.065771