
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to implement a metronome.
The metronome should be capable of producing high and low audio beats, accompanied by a visual beat indicator, and the beat pattern and tempo should be configurable.
For the purpose of this task, it is acceptable to play sound files for production of the beat notes, and an external player may be used.
However, the playing of the sounds should not interfere with the timing of the metronome.
The visual indicator can simply be a blinking red or green area of the screen (depending on whether a high or low beat is being produced), and the metronome can be implemented using a terminal display, or optionally, a graphical display, depending on the language capabilities.
If the language has no facility to output sound, then it is permissible for this to implemented using just the visual indicator.
F main(bpm = 72, bpb = 4)
V t = 60.0 / bpm
V counter = 0
I counter % bpb != 0
Template:This metronome only does 60 bpm with 1 Measure length.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
--This package is for the delay.
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
--This package adds sound
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
procedure Main is
Put_Line ("Hello, this is 60 BPM");
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Ada.Characters.Latin_1.BEL);
delay 0.9; --Delay in seconds. If you change to 0.0 the program will crash.
end loop;
end Main;
set bpm to the text returned of (display dialog "How many beats per minute?" default answer 60)
set pauseBetweenBeeps to (60 / bpm)
delay pauseBetweenBeeps
end repeat
startMetronome: function [bpm,msr][
freq: 60000/bpm
i: 0
while [true][
loop msr-1 'x[
prints "\a"
pause freq
inc 'i
print ~"\aAND |i|"
pause freq
tempo: to :integer arg\0
beats: to :integer arg\1
startMetronome tempo beats
Rather basic implementation, but meets the requirements and is reasonably accurate.
bpm = 120 ; Beats per minute
pattern = 4/4 ;
duration = 100 ; Milliseconds
beats = 0 ; internal counter
Gui -Caption
StringSplit, p, pattern, /
Start := A_TickCount
Gui Color, 0xFF0000
Gui Show, w200 h200 Na
SoundBeep 750, duration
Sleep 1000 * 60 / bpm - duration
Loop % p1 -1
Gui Color, 0x00FF00
Gui Show, w200 h200 Na
SoundBeep, , duration
Sleep 1000 * 60 / bpm - duration
MsgBox % "Metronome beeped " beats " beats, over " (A_TickCount-Start)/1000 " seconds. "
@load "time"
function metronome(beats_per_min,beats_per_bar,limit, beats,delay,errors) {
if (beats_per_min+0 <= 0) { print("error: beats per minute is invalid") ; errors++ }
if (beats_per_bar+0 <= 0) { print("error: beats per bar is invalid") ; errors++ }
if (limit+0 <= 0) { limit = 999999 }
if (errors > 0) { return }
delay = 60 / beats_per_min
while (beats < limit) {
printf((beats++ % beats_per_bar == 0) ? "\nTICK" : " tick")
- Output:
delay=0.500000 TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick delay=0.833333 TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick ...
BeatPattern$ = "HLLL"
Tempo% = 100
*font Arial,36
FOR beat% = 1 TO LEN(BeatPattern$)
IF MID$(BeatPattern$, beat%, 1) = "H" THEN
SOUND 1,-15,148,1
SOUND 1,-15,100,1
VDU 30
PRINT LEFT$(BeatPattern$,beat%-1);
PRINT MID$(BeatPattern$,beat%,1);
PRINT MID$(BeatPattern$,beat%+1);
WAIT 6000/Tempo%
Using usleep
with self correcting delays. Audio is the bell character, which will definitely drive one insane (but I'm ok: my computer doesn't have the bell device). Invoke with ./a.out [beats_per_minute]
, default to 60.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval start, last;
inline int64_t tv_to_u(struct timeval s)
return s.tv_sec * 1000000 + s.tv_usec;
inline struct timeval u_to_tv(int64_t x)
struct timeval s;
s.tv_sec = x / 1000000;
s.tv_usec = x % 1000000;
return s;
void draw(int dir, int64_t period, int64_t cur, int64_t next)
int len = 40 * (next - cur) / period;
int s, i;
if (len > 20) len = 40 - len;
s = 20 + (dir ? len : -len);
for (i = 0; i <= 40; i++) putchar(i == 20 ? '|': i == s ? '#' : '-');
void beat(int delay)
struct timeval tv = start;
int dir = 0;
int64_t d = 0, corr = 0, slp, cur, next = tv_to_u(start) + delay;
int64_t draw_interval = 20000;
while (1) {
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
slp = next - tv_to_u(tv) - corr;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
putchar(7); /* bell */
printf("\033[5;1Hdrift: %d compensate: %d (usec) ",
(int)d, (int)corr);
dir = !dir;
cur = tv_to_u(tv);
d = cur - next;
corr = (corr + d) / 2;
next += delay;
while (cur + d + draw_interval < next) {
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
cur = tv_to_u(tv);
draw(dir, delay, cur, next);
int main(int c, char**v)
int bpm;
if (c < 2 || (bpm = atoi(v[1])) <= 0) bpm = 60;
if (bpm > 600) {
fprintf(stderr, "frequency %d too high\n", bpm);
gettimeofday(&start, 0);
last = start;
beat(60 * 1000000 / bpm);
return 0;
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Metronome metronome1 = new Metronome(120, 4);
public class Metronome
private double bpm;
private int measure;
private int counter;
public Metronome(double bpm, int measure)
this.bpm = bpm;
this.measure = measure;
public void Start()
Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
while (true)
Thread.Sleep((int)(1000 * (60.0 / bpm)));
catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
if (counter % measure == 0)
This example has a timing loop to ensure that its timing is reliable in the long term.
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
class Metronome {
Metronome(const int32_t& aBeats_per_minute, const int32_t& aMeasure, const int32_t& aDuration_in_minutes)
: beats_per_minute(aBeats_per_minute), measure(aMeasure), duration_in_minutes(aDuration_in_minutes) {
counter = 0;
void start() {
while ( counter < duration_in_minutes * beats_per_minute ) {
start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
if ( counter % measure != 0 ) {
std::cout << "Tick " << std::flush;
} else {
std::cout << "Tock" << std::endl;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_to_awake() const {
return start_time + std::chrono::seconds(1);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start_time;
int32_t counter;
const int32_t beats_per_minute, measure, duration_in_minutes;
int main() {
Metronome metronome(60, 4, 1);
- Output:
Tick Tick Tick Tock Tick Tick Tick Tock Tick Tick // continues for the requested duration
Common Lisp
Depends on quicklisp and OpenAL.
(ql:quickload '(cl-openal cl-alc))
(defparameter *short-max* (- (expt 2 15) 1))
(defparameter *2-pi* (* 2 pi))
(defun make-sin (period)
"Create a generator for a sine wave of the given PERIOD."
(lambda (x)
(sin (* *2-pi* (/ x period)))))
(defun make-tone (length frequency sampling-frequency)
"Create a vector containing sound information of the given LENGTH,
(let ((data (make-array (truncate (* length sampling-frequency))
:element-type '(signed-byte 16)))
(generator (make-sin (/ sampling-frequency frequency))))
(dotimes (i (length data))
(setf (aref data i)
(truncate (* *short-max* (funcall generator i)))))
(defun internal-time-ms ()
"Get the process's real time in ms."
(* 1000 (/ (get-internal-real-time) internal-time-units-per-second)))
(defun spin-wait (next-real-time)
"Wait until the process's real time has reached the given time."
(loop while (< (internal-time-ms) next-real-time)))
(defun upload (buffer data sampling-frequency)
"Upload the given vector DATA to a BUFFER at the given SAMPLING-FREQUENCY."
(cffi:with-pointer-to-vector-data (data-ptr data)
(al:buffer-data buffer :mono16 data-ptr (* 2 (length data))
(defun metronome (beats/minute pattern &optional (sampling-frequency 44100))
"Play a metronome until interrupted."
(let ((ms/beat (/ 60000 beats/minute)))
(alc:with-device (device)
(alc:with-context (context device)
(alc:make-context-current context)
(al:with-buffer (low-buffer)
(al:with-buffer (high-buffer)
(al:with-source (source)
(al:source source :gain 0.5)
(flet ((play-it (buffer)
(al:source source :buffer buffer)
(al:source-play source))
(upload-it (buffer time frequency)
(upload buffer
(make-tone time frequency sampling-frequency)
(upload-it low-buffer 0.1 440)
(upload-it high-buffer 0.15 880)
(let ((next-scheduled-tone (internal-time-ms)))
(loop for symbol in pattern do
(spin-wait next-scheduled-tone)
(incf next-scheduled-tone ms/beat)
(case symbol
(l (play-it low-buffer))
(h (play-it high-buffer)))
(princ symbol))
CL-USER> (metronome 100 '(h l l l)) HLLL HLL; Evaluation aborted on NIL.
program Metronome;
procedure StartMetronome(bpm: double; measure: Integer);
counter: Integer;
counter := 0;
while True do
Sleep(Trunc(1000 * (60.0 / bpm)));
if counter mod measure = 0 then
StartMetronome(120, 4);
- Output:
;; available preloaded sounds are : ok, ko, tick, tack, woosh, beep, digit .
(lib 'timer)
(define (metronome) (blink) (play-sound 'tack))
(at-every 1000 'metronome) ;; every 1000 msec
;; CTRL-C to stop
open System
open System.Threading
// You can use .wav files for your clicks.
// If used, make sure they are in the same file
// as this program's executable file.
let high_pitch =
new System.Media.SoundPlayer("Ping Hi.wav")
let low_pitch =
new System.Media.SoundPlayer("Ping Low.wav")
let factor x y = x / y
// Notice that exact bpm would not work by using
// Thread.Sleep() as there are additional function calls
// that would consume a miniscule amount of time.
// This number may need to be adjusted based on the cpu.
let cpu_error = -750.0
let print = function
| 1 -> high_pitch.Play(); printf "\nTICK "
| _ -> low_pitch.Play(); printf "tick "
let wait (time:int) =
// Composition of functions
let tick = float>>factor (60000.0+cpu_error)>>int>>wait
let rec play beats_per_measure current_beat beats_per_minute =
match current_beat, beats_per_measure with
| a, b ->
current_beat |> print
beats_per_minute |> tick
if a <> b then
beats_per_minute |> play beats_per_measure (current_beat + 1)
let main (args : string[]) =
let tempo, beats = int args.[0], int args.[1]
Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + 1)
|> Seq.iter (fun _ -> tempo |> play beats 1 |> ignore)
Sample run:
$ metronome 120 6 TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick^C
USING: accessors calendar circular colors.constants colors.hsv
command-line continuations io kernel math math.parser namespaces
openal.example sequences system timers ui ui.gadgets
ui.pens.solid ;
IN: rosetta-code.metronome
: bpm>duration ( bpm -- duration ) 60 swap / seconds ;
: blink-gadget ( gadget freq -- )
1.0 1.0 1.0 <hsva> <solid> >>interior relayout-1 ;
: blank-gadget ( gadget -- )
COLOR: white <solid> >>interior relayout-1 ;
: play-note ( gadget freq -- )
[ blink-gadget ] [ 0.3 play-sine blank-gadget ] 2bi ;
: metronome-iteration ( gadget circular -- )
[ first play-note ] [ rotate-circular ] bi ;
TUPLE: metronome-gadget < gadget bpm notes timer ;
: <metronome-gadget> ( bpm notes -- gadget )
\ metronome-gadget new swap >>notes swap >>bpm ;
: metronome-quot ( gadget -- quot )
dup notes>> <circular> [ metronome-iteration ] 2curry ;
: metronome-timer ( gadget -- timer )
[ metronome-quot ] [ bpm>> bpm>duration ] bi every ;
M: metronome-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
[ metronome-timer ] keep timer<< ;
M: metronome-gadget ungraft*
timer>> stop-timer ;
M: metronome-gadget pref-dim* drop { 200 200 } ;
: metronome-defaults ( -- bpm notes ) 60 { 440 220 330 } ;
: metronome-ui ( bpm notes -- ) <metronome-gadget> "Metronome" open-window ;
: metronome-example ( -- ) metronome-defaults metronome-ui ;
: validate-args ( int-args -- )
[ length 2 < ] [ [ 0 <= ] any? ] bi or [ "args error" throw ] when ;
: (metronome-cmdline) ( args -- bpm notes )
[ string>number ] map dup validate-args
unclip swap ;
: metronome-cmdline ( -- bpm notes )
command-line get [ metronome-defaults ] [ (metronome-cmdline) ] if-empty ;
: print-defaults ( -- )
metronome-defaults swap prefix
[ " " write ] [ number>string write ] interleave nl ;
: metronome-usage ( -- )
"Usage: metronome [BPM FREQUENCIES...]" print
"Arguments must be non-zero" print
"Example: metronome " write print-defaults flush ;
: metronome-main ( -- )
[ [ metronome-cmdline metronome-ui ] [ drop metronome-usage 1 exit ] recover ] with-ui ;
MAIN: metronome-main
REM FreeBASIC no tiene la capacidad de emitir sonido de forma nativa.
REM La función Sound no es mía, incluyo los créditos correspondientes.
' Sound Function v0.3 For DOS/Linux/Win by yetifoot
' Credits:
#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
#include Once ""
Sub Sound_DOS_LIN(Byval freq As Uinteger, dur As Uinteger)
Dim t As Double
Dim As Ushort fixed_freq = 1193181 \ freq
mov dx, &H61 ' turn speaker on
in al, dx
or al, &H03
out dx, al
mov dx, &H43 ' get the timer ready
mov al, &HB6
out dx, al
mov ax, word Ptr [fixed_freq] ' move freq to ax
mov dx, &H42 ' port to out
out dx, al ' out low order
xchg ah, al
out dx, al ' out high order
End Asm
t = Timer
While ((Timer - t) * 1000) < dur ' wait for out specified duration
mov dx, &H61 ' turn speaker off
in al, dx
and al, &HFC
out dx, al
End Asm
End Sub
Sub Sound(Byval freq As Uinteger, dur As Uinteger)
#ifndef __fb_win32__
' If not windows Then call the asm version.
Sound_DOS_LIN(freq, dur)
' If Windows
osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)
Select Case osv.dwPlatformId
' If NT then use Beep from API
Beep_(freq, dur)
Case Else
' If not on NT then use the same as DOS/Linux
Sound_DOS_LIN(freq, dur)
End Select
End Sub
Sub metronome()
Dim As Double bpm = 120.0 ' beats por minuto
Dim As Long retardo = 1000*(60.0 / bpm)
Dim As Integer bpb = 4 ' beats por compás
Dim As Integer counter = 0 ' contador interno
counter += 1
If counter Mod bpb <> 0 Then
Sound(100, 60)
Color 10: Print "tick ";
Sound(119, 60)
Color 11: Print "TICK "
End If
End Sub
An Apple Mac application that, when compiled with FB, produces a packaged, stand-alone 64-bit application that will run on either Intel or the newer M-series Macs. It's GUI includes a slider control to adjust speed, as well as blinking indicator and a sound, to indicate tempo. The code has been tested on Catalina (10.15.x) to Monterey (12.4.x) with Ventura still in beta at the time of this post. The free FB compiler is available on the FutureBasic home page.
Basic Tempo Markings from slowest to fastest:
• Larghissimo – very, very slow (24 bpm and under)
• Grave – very slow (25–45 bpm)
• Largo – broadly (40–60 bpm)
• Lento – slowly (45–60 bpm)
• Larghetto – rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
• Adagio – slow & (literally (66–76 bpm)
• Adagietto – slower than andante (72–76 bpm)
• Andante – walking pace (76–108 bpm)
• Andantino – slightly faster (80–108 bpm)
• Marcia moderato – moderately, a march (83–85 bpm)
• Andante moderato – between andante and moderato (92–112 bpm)
• Moderato – moderately (108–120 bpm)
• Allegretto – moderately fast (112–120 bpm)
• Allegro moderato – not quite allegro (116–120 bpm)
• Allegro – fast, quick, bright (120–168 bpm)
• Vivace – lively and fast (168–176 bpm)
• Vivacissimo – very fast and lively (172–176 bpm)
• Allegrissimo – very fast (172–176 bpm)
• Presto – very, very fast (168–200 bpm)
• Prestissimo – even faster (200 bpm and over)
output file "Metronome"
include "Tlbx AVFoundation.incl"
// Uncomment next line to use external sound file, and make necessary adjustments in fn RunMetronome
// include resources "toc.wav"
begin enum
end enum
begin enum 1
end enum
begin enum
end enum
_window = 1
begin enum 1
_slider = 30
end enum
_initialBPM = 100
void local fn BuildMenus
// application
menu _mApplication, _iSeparator
menu _mApplication, _iPreferences,, @"Preferences…", @","
// file
menu _mFile, -1,, @"File"
menu _mFile, _iClose,, @"Close", @"w"
MenuItemSetAction( _mFile, _iClose, @"performClose:" )
editmenu _mEdit
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
NSUInteger i
CGRect r = fn CGRectMake( 0, 0, 200, 500 )
window _window, @"Metronome", r, NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
r = fn CGRectMake( 160, 20, 32, 465 )
slider _slider, YES, _initialBPM, r, 20, 190, _window
r = fn CGRectMake( 25, 458, 24, 24 )
colorwell _bpmIndicator, YES, fn ColorGreen, r, NO, _window
ColorWellSetBordered( _bpmIndicator, NO )
CFArrayRef tempo = @[¬
@"Prestissimo", @"Presto", @"Allegrissimo", @"Vivacissimo", @"Vivace",¬
@"Allegro", @"Allegro moderato", @"Allegretto", @"Moderato", @"Andante moderato",¬
@"Marcia moderato", @"Andantino", @"Andante", @"Adagietto", @"Adagio", @"Larghetto",¬
@"Lento", @"Largo", @"Grave", @"Larghissimo"]
r = fn CGRectMake( 10, 460, 140, 22 )
for i = 1 to 20
textlabel i, tempo[i-1], r, _window
ControlSetAlignment( i, NSTextAlignmentRight )
ControlSetFontWithName( i, @"Menlo", 11.5 )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 0, -23.2 )
end fn
local fn StopTimer
CFRunLoopTimerRef t = (CFRunLoopTimerRef)fn AppProperty( @"timer" )
if ( fn TimerIsValid( t ) )
TimerInvalidate( t )
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, fn ColorGreen )
end if
end fn
local fn RunMetronome( bpm as CFTimeInterval )
// Uncomment these lines to use an external sound file name toc.wave
// CFURLRef soundURL = fn BundleURLForSoundResource( fn BundleMain, @"toc.wav" )
// SoundRef tocSound = fn SoundWithContentsOfURL( soundURL, NO )
// Comment this line out to use external sound file for tock sound
SoundRef tocSound = fn SoundNamed( @"Pop" )
CFTimeInterval interval = 60.0 / bpm
CFRunLoopTimerRef tocTimer = timerbegin 0.0, interval, YES
ColorRef color
if ( fn ObjectIsEqual( fn ColorWellColor( _bpmIndicator ), fn ColorGreen ) )
color = fn ColorGray
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, color )
color = fn ColorGreen
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, color )
end if
fn SoundStop( tocSound )
fn SoundPlay( tocSound )
AppSetProperty( @"timer", tocTimer )
end fn
void local fn DoAppEvent( ev as long )
select (ev)
case _appDidFinishLaunching
fn BuildMenus
fn BuildWindow
fn RunMetronome( _initialBPM )
case _appShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed
end select
end fn
void local fn DoMenu( menuID as long, itemID as long )
select (menuID)
case _mApplication
select (itemID)
case _iPreferences
end select
end select
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long, wnd as long )
select ( ev )
case _btnClick
select ( tag )
case _slider : fn StopTimer : fn RunMetronome( fn ControlIntegerValue( tag ) )
end select
end select
end fn
on AppEvent fn DoAppEvent
on menu fn DoMenu
on dialog fn DoDialog
- Output:
[Since this code generates a standalone 64-bit Macintosh application with its own window and controls, it has to be compiled with FB to see the GUI and test the output.]
As with the Raku example, just simple text output. It would be reasonably simple (but covered better in other tasks) to change bpm and bpb into command line arguments, make it a function/object, and/or substitute sound production instead of text output.
's documentation says that it
"adjusts the intervals or drops ticks to make up for slow receivers".
So, as long as the output or sound production finishes before the next tick,
the timing will be reliable and will not drift which is the gist of this task.
package main
import (
func main() {
var bpm = 72.0 // Beats Per Minute
var bpb = 4 // Beats Per Bar
d := time.Duration(float64(time.Minute) / bpm)
fmt.Println("Delay:", d)
t := time.NewTicker(d)
i := 1
for _ = range t.C {
if i == 0 {
i = bpb
fmt.Printf("\nTICK ")
} else {
fmt.Printf("tick ")
- Output:
Delay: 833.333333ms TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick ^C
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Process (runCommand)
-- This program works only on the GHC compiler because of the use of
-- threadDelay
data Beep = Stop | Hi | Low
type Pattern = [Beep]
type BeatsPerMinute = Int
minute = 60000000 -- 1 minute = 60,000,000 microseconds
-- give one of the following example patterns to the metronome function
pattern4_4 = [Hi, Low, Low, Low]
pattern2_4 = [Hi, Low]
pattern3_4 = [Hi, Low, Low]
pattern6_8 = [Hi, Low, Low, Low, Low, Low]
-- use this version if you can't play audio, use Windows or don't
-- have audio files to play
-- beep :: Beep -> IO ()
-- beep Stop = return ()
-- beep Hi = putChar 'H'
-- beep Low = putChar 'L'
-- use this version if you can and want to play audio on Linux using
-- Alsa. Change the name of the files to those of your choice
beep Stop = return ()
beep Hi = putChar 'H' >> runCommand "aplay hi.wav &> /dev/null" >> return ()
beep Low = putChar 'L' >> runCommand "aplay low.wav &> /dev/null" >> return ()
tick :: MVar Pattern -> BeatsPerMinute -> IO ()
tick b i = do
t <- readMVar b
case t of
[Stop] -> return ()
x -> do
mapM_ (\v -> forkIO (beep v) >> threadDelay (minute `div` i)) t
tick b i
metronome :: Pattern -> BeatsPerMinute -> IO ()
metronome p i = do
putStrLn "Press any key to stop the metronome."
b <- newMVar p
_ <- forkIO $ tick b i
_ <- getChar
putMVar b [Stop]
The explicit version (nbars,t) MET (barlengths;bpm) prints a bell character every beat, accompanied by a sequence of slashes, spaces, and backspaces to create a little animation. It includes a beat hand and a measure (or bar) hand.
MET can take several barlengths and bpm values, in which case it will cycle through them individually at each measure, creating (perhaps) interesting patterns. It will stop when nbars measures have been cycled through, or at the end of the current measure if the time limit is exceeded. The clock is self correcting.
MET returns the total number of measures, beats, and elapsed time.
If you leave out the left arguments, it will set them to infinity, so you can go insane without worrying about the metronome ever stopping.
MET=: _ _&$: :(4 : 0)
'BEL BS LF CR'=. 7 8 10 13 { a.
'`print stime delay'=. 1!:2&4`(6!:1)`(6!:3)
ticker=. 2 2$'\ /'
'small large'=. (BEL,2#BS) ; 5#BS
clrln=. CR,(79#' '),CR
x=. 2 ({.,) x
y=. _1 |.&.> 2 ({.,) y
'i j'=. 0
print 'bpb \ bpm \ ' , 2#BS
delay 1
x=. ({. , ('ti t'=. stime'') + {:) x
while. x *./@:> i,t do.
'bpb bpm'=. {.@> y=. 1 |.&.> y
dl=. 60 % bpm
print clrln,(":bpb),' ',(ticker {~ 2 | i=. >: i),' ',(":bpm),' '
for. i. bpb do.
print small ,~ ticker {~ 2 | j=. >: j
delay 0 >. (t=. t + dl) - stime ''
print clrln
i , j , t - ti
NB. Basic tacit version; this is probably considered bad coding style. At least I removed the "magic constants". Sort of.
NB. The above version is by far superior.
'BEL BS LF'=: 7 8 10 { a.
'`print delay'=: 1!:2&4`(6!:3)
met=: _&$: :((] ({:@] [ LF print@[ (-.@{.@] [ delay@[ print@] (BEL,2#BS) , (2 2$'\ /') {~ {.@])^:({:@])) 1 , <.@%) 60&% [ print@('\ '"_))
- Output:
16 60 MET 4;120 4 / 120 / NB. Variable measure lengths, and corresponding bpm: 21 _ MET 4 3 4 5 ; 120 100 120 150 NB. _ is infinity. 5 \ 150 / NB. returns: 21 84 39.2 (21 measures, 84 beats, 39.2 seconds) MET 4 8;120 240 NB. It can almost make music! bpb \ bpm \
class Metronome{
double bpm;
int measure, counter;
public Metronome(double bpm, int measure){
this.bpm = bpm;
this.measure = measure;
public void start(){
try {
}catch(InterruptedException e) {
if (counter%measure==0){
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Metronome metronome1 = new Metronome(120,4);
This example provides an audible and visual indications of the metronome timing.
It uses a timing loop to ensure that its timing is reliable in the long term.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public final class MetronomeTask {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> { new Metronome(60, 4, 1).start(); } );
final class Metronome extends JPanel {
public Metronome(int aBeatsPerMinute, int aMeasure, int aDurationInMinutes) {
beatsPerMinute = aBeatsPerMinute; measure = aMeasure; durationInMinutes = aDurationInMinutes;
public void start() {
executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(provideService, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void createAndShowGUI() {
frame = new JFrame("Metronome");
frame.setIconImage( new ImageIcon("./metronomeJava.png").getImage() );
private JPanel createPanel() {
setPreferredSize( new Dimension(800, 600) );
return this;
private JFrame frame;
private ScheduledExecutorService executorService;
private int beatsPerMinute, measure, durationInMinutes, counter;
private Runnable provideService = () -> {
if ( counter < durationInMinutes * beatsPerMinute ) {
if ( counter % measure != 0 ) {;
if ( getBackground() != Color.PINK ) {
} else {
} else {;
} else {
enum SoundEffect {
Tick("./metronomeTickJava.wav"), Tock("./metronomeTockJava.wav");
public static void initialise() {
public void play() {
if ( clip.isRunning() ) {
private SoundEffect(String soundFileName) {
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(soundFileName);
try ( AudioInputStream audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url) ) {
clip = AudioSystem.getClip();;
} catch (IOException | LineUnavailableException | UnsupportedAudioFileException ex) {
private Clip clip;
function metronome(bpm::Real=72, bpb::Int=4)
s = 60.0 / bpm
counter = 0
while true
counter += 1
if counter % bpb != 0
// version 1.1.2
fun metronome(bpm: Int, bpb: Int, maxBeats: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE) {
val delay = 60_000L / bpm
var beats = 0
do {
if (beats % bpb == 0) print("\nTICK ")
else print("tick ")
while (beats < maxBeats)
fun main(args: Array<String>) = metronome(120, 4, 20) // limit to 20 beats
- Output:
TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick
Liberty BASIC
Requires two supplied wav files for accentuated & standard sounds.
WindowWidth =230
WindowHeight =220
button #w.b1 "Start", [start], LR, 110, 90, 55, 20
button #w.b2 "Tempo", [tempo], LR, 180, 90, 55, 20
button #w.b3 "Pattern", [pattern], LR, 40, 90, 55, 20
open "Metronome" for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
#w "trapclose quit"
#w "down"
#w "fill darkblue ; backcolor darkblue ; color white"
tempo = 60 ' per minute
interval =1000 /(tempo /60) ' timer works in ms
tickCount = 0 ' cycle counter
running = 1 ' flag for state
bar$ = "HLLL" ' initially strong-weak-weak-weak
count = len( bar$)
sub quit w$
close #w$
end sub
if running =1 then
running =0
#w.b1 "Stop"
#w.b2 "!disable"
#w.b3 "!disable"
running =1
#w.b1 "Start"
#w.b2 "!enable"
#w.b3 "!enable"
end if
if running =0 then timer interval, [tick] else timer 0
prompt "New tempo 30...360"; tempo$
tempo =val( tempo$)
tempo =min( tempo, 360)
tempo =max( tempo, 30)
interval =int( 1000 /(tempo /60))
prompt "New Pattern, eg 'HLLL' "; bar$
count =len( bar$)
if count <2 or count >8 then goto [pattern]
'beep and flash
#w "place 115 40"
if mid$( bar$, tickCount +1, 1) ="H" then
playwave "mHi.wav", async
#w "backcolor blue ; color white ; circlefilled "; 20 -tickCount *2
playwave "mLo.wav", async
#w "backcolor cyan ; circlefilled "; 20 -tickCount *2
end if
#w "place 50 140 ; backcolor darkblue ; color white"
#w "\ "; tempo; " beats /min."
#w "place 85 160"
#w "\"; bar$
#w "place 85 120"
#w "\Beat # "; tickCount +1
#w "place 115 40"
#w "color darkblue"
tickCount =( tickCount +1) mod count
#w "flush"
Locomotive Basic
10 bpm=120:bpb=4
20 sleep=50*60/bpm
30 counter=0
40 every sleep gosub 100
50 goto 50
100 print counter+1;" ";
110 if counter=0 then print ">TICK<":sound 1,60,10,15 else print " tick ":sound 1,119,10
120 counter=counter+1
130 if counter=bpb then counter=0
140 return
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
Shows/plays a visual and auditory metronome:
s = Sound[Play[Sin[1000 t], {t, 0, 0.05}]];
ss = Sound[Play[Sin[2000 t], {t, 0, 0.05}]];
bpm = 180;
slp = 60/bpm;
color = White;
i = 0;
Dynamic[Graphics[{color, Disk[]}, ImageSize -> 50]]
i = Mod[i + 1, 4, 1];
color = {Green, Red, Darker@Red, Red, Darker@Red}[[i]];
If[i == 1,
Textual version only.
import os
proc metronome(tempo, pattern: Positive) =
let delay = 60_000 div tempo # In milliseconds.
var beats = 0
while true:
stdout.write if beats mod pattern == 0: "\nTICK" else: " tick"
inc beats
metronome(72, 4)
The module Time::HiRes
provides sub-second sleep. Text output only.
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep gettimeofday);
local $| = 1; # autoflush
my $beats_per_minute = shift || 72;
my $beats_per_bar = shift || 4;
my $i = 0;
my $duration = 60 / $beats_per_minute;
my $base_time = gettimeofday() + $duration;
for (my $next_time = $base_time ; ; $next_time += $duration) {
if ($i++ % $beats_per_bar == 0) {
print "\nTICK";
else {
print " tick";
sleep($next_time - gettimeofday());
Sample run
- Output:
$ metronome 60 6 TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick ^C
Graphical version
Visual only, unless you want to uncomment the bell call.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
my $active = 0;
my $bpm = 60;
my $x = 100;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title( "Metronome" );
my $c = $mw->Canvas(
)->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$mw->Scale( -orient => 'horizontal', -from => 30, -to => 150,
-variable => \$bpm, -label => 'Beats per Minute',
)->pack(-fill => 'x');
$mw->Button( -text => 'Exit', -command => sub {$mw->destroy},
)->pack(-side => 'right');
$mw->Button( -text => 'Start / Pause', -command => sub {$active ^= 1; tick()},
)->pack(-side => 'right');
$mw->bind('<Configure>' => sub {$x = $c->width >> 2} );
sub tick
$active or return;
# $mw->bell;
$x *= -1;
$c->createLine( $c->width >> 1, $c->height, $c->width / 2 + $x, 30,
-width => 5);
$mw->after( 60_000 / $bpm / 2 => \&tick );
You can run this online here, with a few sizing/layout issues I could use a little help with, ideally w/o breaking anything else.
-- -- demo\rosetta\virtunome.exw -- -- Originally by ghaberek -- Translated from win32lib by Pete Lomax -- -- I will note that accuracy drops sharply above 5 beats per second. -- with javascript_semantics -- needs some work though, usual sizing stuff [DEV] -- NB: don't break Morse_code.exw when fixing this! include pGUI.e Ihandle dlg, frame_1, radio, frame_2, val_lbl, frame_3, bpm_lbl, spb_lbl, act_lbl, acc_lbl, onbtn, onoff, timer sequence notes function rle_decode_image(sequence data) -- (not my best work, may benefit from a rethink...) sequence img = {} for i=1 to length(data) do sequence rle = data[i], line = {}, val integer rpt = rle[1] for j=2 to length(rle)-1 by 2 do integer RGB = rle[j], count = rle[j+1] if RGB=-1 then string RGBs = IupGetGlobal("DLGBGCOLOR") {val} = scanf(RGBs,"%d %d %d") elsif RGB=0 then val = repeat(0,3) else ?9/0 end if val &= #FF line &= flatten(repeat(val,count)) end for img &= flatten(repeat(line,rpt)) end for return img end function constant Whole_note = { {13,-1,32}, {1,-1,12,0,9,-1,11}, {1,-1,10,0,4,-1,3,0,6,-1,9}, {1,-1,9,0,5,-1,4,0,6,-1,8}, {1,-1,8,0,5,-1,6,0,5,-1,8}, {2,-1,8,0,5,-1,6,0,6,-1,7}, {1,-1,8,0,6,-1,5,0,6,-1,7}, {1,-1,8,0,6,-1,5,0,5,-1,8}, {1,-1,9,0,6,-1,3,0,5,-1,9}, {1,-1,11,0,11,-1,10}, {9,-1,32}, }, Half_note = { {30,-1,21,0,1,-1,10}, {1,-1,14,0,8,-1,10}, {1,-1,12,0,10,-1,10}, {1,-1,11,0,6,-1,3,0,2,-1,10}, {1,-1,10,0,5,-1,5,0,2,-1,10}, {1,-1,10,0,4,-1,5,0,3,-1,10}, {1,-1,10,0,3,-1,5,0,4,-1,10}, {1,-1,10,0,2,-1,5,0,5,-1,10}, {1,-1,10,0,2,-1,3,0,6,-1,11}, {1,-1,10,0,10,-1,12}, {1,-1,11,0,7,-1,14} }, Eigth_note = { {2,-1,17,0,1,-1,14}, {2,-1,17,0,2,-1,13}, {1,-1,17,0,3,-1,12}, {1,-1,17,0,4,-1,11}, {1,-1,17,0,5,-1,10}, {1,-1,17,0,6,-1,9}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,1,0,5,-1,8}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,3,0,4,-1,7}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,4,0,4,-1,6}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,5,0,3,-1,6}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,6,0,3,-1,5}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,7,0,2,-1,5}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,7,0,3,-1,4}, {2,-1,17,0,1,-1,8,0,2,-1,4}, {4,-1,17,0,1,-1,9,0,1,-1,4}, {3,-1,17,0,1,-1,8,0,1,-1,5}, {6,-1,17,0,1,-1,14}, {1,-1,11,0,7,-1,14}, {1,-1,9,0,9,-1,14}, {1,-1,8,0,10,-1,14}, {1,-1,7,0,11,-1,14}, {2,-1,6,0,12,-1,14}, {2,-1,6,0,11,-1,15}, {1,-1,6,0,10,-1,16}, {1,-1,7,0,7,-1,18}, {1,-1,9,0,2,-1,21} }, Quarter_note = { {30,-1,21,0,1,-1,10}, {1,-1,15,0,7,-1,10}, {1,-1,13,0,9,-1,10}, {1,-1,12,0,10,-1,10}, {1,-1,11,0,11,-1,10}, {2,-1,10,0,12,-1,10}, {2,-1,10,0,11,-1,11}, {1,-1,10,0,10,-1,12}, {1,-1,11,0,7,-1,14}, {1,-1,13,0,2,-1,17} }, Sixteenth_note = { {2,-1,17,0,1,-1,14}, {2,-1,17,0,2,-1,13}, {1,-1,17,0,3,-1,12}, {1,-1,17,0,4,-1,11}, {1,-1,17,0,5,-1,10}, {1,-1,17,0,6,-1,9}, {1,-1,17,0,7,-1,8}, {1,-1,17,0,2,-1,2,0,4,-1,7}, {1,-1,17,0,2,-1,3,0,4,-1,6}, {1,-1,17,0,2,-1,4,0,3,-1,6}, {1,-1,17,0,3,-1,4,0,3,-1,5}, {1,-1,17,0,4,-1,4,0,2,-1,5}, {1,-1,17,0,5,-1,3,0,3,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,6,-1,3,0,2,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,7,-1,2,0,2,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,2,0,5,-1,1,0,2,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,4,0,6,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,5,0,5,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,6,0,4,-1,4}, {2,-1,17,0,1,-1,8,0,2,-1,4}, {1,-1,17,0,1,-1,9,0,1,-1,4}, {4,-1,17,0,1,-1,9,0,2,-1,3}, {2,-1,17,0,1,-1,9,0,1,-1,4}, {1,-1,11,0,7,-1,8,0,2,-1,4}, {1,-1,9,0,9,-1,8,0,1,-1,5}, {1,-1,8,0,10,-1,8,0,1,-1,5}, {1,-1,7,0,11,-1,14}, {2,-1,6,0,12,-1,14}, {2,-1,6,0,11,-1,15}, {1,-1,6,0,10,-1,16}, {1,-1,7,0,7,-1,18}, {1,-1,9,0,2,-1,21} } integer note = 4 -- quarter initially atom vLastTime = 0.0 -- for time resolution constant -- in bpm MIN_TEMPO = 1, DEF_TEMPO = 90, MAX_TEMPO = 200 integer vMSPB = 667 -- default milliseconds per beat constant Tempos = {"Grave", "Largo", "Adagio", "Lento", "Adante", "Moderato", "Allegretto", "Allegro", "Presto", "Vivance", "Prestissimo"} function set_tempo(integer pBPM, atom pNote) -- returns tempo index integer index = floor(((length(Tempos)-1)*pBPM)/(MAX_TEMPO-MIN_TEMPO))+1 atom lSPB = 60 / pBPM / pNote -- seconds per beat vMSPB = floor( lSPB * 1000 ) IupSetStrAttribute(spb_lbl,"TITLE","%.2f",{lSPB}) IupSetInt(timer,"TIME",vMSPB) if IupGetInt(timer,"RUN") then -- restart needed to apply new TIME (not doc?) IupSetInt(timer,"RUN",false) IupSetInt(timer,"RUN",true) end if return index end function procedure tempo_change() integer lBPM = IupGetInt(val_lbl,"TITLE"), lIndex = set_tempo(lBPM, note/4) IupSetStrAttribute(frame_2, "TITLE", "Tempo: %s ", {Tempos[lIndex]}) vLastTime = time() end procedure function toggle_state_cb(Ihandle ih, integer state) if state then note = power(2,find(ih,notes)-1) -- 1/2/4/8/16 tempo_change() end if -- and shift focus away, since it looks ugly w/o any text IupSetFocus(onbtn) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function valuechanged_cb(Ihandle val) integer v = IupGetInt(val,"VALUE") IupSetInt(val_lbl,"TITLE",v) IupSetStrAttribute(bpm_lbl,"TITLE","%.2f",{v}) tempo_change() return IUP_DEFAULT end function include builtins\beep.e function timer_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/) beep(#200,20) atom lThisTime = time() if vLastTime > 0.0 then atom lDiff = (lThisTime - vLastTime), lResolution = ((lDiff * 1000)/ vMSPB) * 100 IupSetStrAttribute(act_lbl, "TITLE", "%0.2f", {lDiff}) IupSetStrAttribute(acc_lbl, "TITLE", "%d%%", {lResolution}) end if vLastTime = lThisTime return IUP_DEFAULT end function function button_cb(Ihandle ih) bool active = not IupGetInt(timer,"RUN") IupSetInt(timer,"RUN",active) IupSetAttribute(ih,"TITLE",{"Off","On"}[active+1]) return IUP_DEFAULT end function IupOpen() notes = {IupImageRGBA(32, 32, rle_decode_image(Whole_note)), IupImageRGBA(32, 40, rle_decode_image(Half_note)), IupImageRGBA(32, 40, rle_decode_image(Quarter_note)), IupImageRGBA(32, 40, rle_decode_image(Eigth_note)), IupImageRGBA(32, 40, rle_decode_image(Sixteenth_note))} sequence btns = {} for i=1 to length(notes) do Ihandle btn = IupToggle(NULL, Icallback("toggle_state_cb"), "CANFOCUS=NO"), lbl = IupLabel() IupSetAttributeHandle(lbl,"IMAGE",notes[i]) btns &= {btn,lbl} notes[i] = btn end for radio = IupRadio(IupHbox(btns,"GAP=20")) frame_1 = IupFrame(radio,"MARGIN=20x10") IupSetAttribute(frame_1,"TITLE","Note ") val_lbl = IupLabel(" 200","ALIGNMENT=ARIGHT") Ihandle val = IupValuator("HORIZONTAL","EXPAND=HORIZONTAL, CANFOCUS=NO") IupSetInt(val,"MIN",MIN_TEMPO) IupSetInt(val,"MAX",MAX_TEMPO) IupSetInt(val,"VALUE",DEF_TEMPO) IupSetCallback(val, "VALUECHANGED_CB", Icallback("valuechanged_cb")) frame_2 = IupFrame(IupHbox({val_lbl,val}),`TITLE="Tempo: "`) bpm_lbl = IupLabel("90.00","ALIGNMENT=ARIGHT, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL") act_lbl = IupLabel("0.00","ALIGNMENT=ARIGHT, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL") spb_lbl = IupLabel("0.67","ALIGNMENT=ARIGHT, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL") acc_lbl = IupLabel("0%","ALIGNMENT=ARIGHT, EXPAND=HORIZONTAL") frame_3 = IupFrame(IupHbox({IupVbox({IupHbox({IupLabel("Beats Per Minute:"),bpm_lbl}), IupHbox({IupLabel("Seconds Per Beat:"),spb_lbl})}, "GAP=10,MARGIN=10x0"), IupVbox({IupHbox({IupLabel("Actual Seconds Per Beat:"),act_lbl}), IupHbox({IupLabel("Accuracy:"),acc_lbl})}, "GAP=10,MARGIN=10x0")}), `TITLE="Statistics ",MARGIN=4x8`) onbtn = IupButton("On",Icallback("button_cb"),"PADDING=30x0") onoff = IupHbox({IupFill(),onbtn},"MARGIN=0x20") dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox({frame_1, frame_2, frame_3, onoff}, "MARGIN=10x5, GAP=5"), -- `TITLE="Virtunome",RASTERSIZE=500x330`) `TITLE="Virtunome"`) IupShow(dlg) -- The TIME and RUN attributes are set dynamically: timer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"), vMSPB, active:=false) IupSetInt(val_lbl,"TITLE",DEF_TEMPO) IupSetAttributeHandle(radio,"VALUE",btns[5]) tempo_change() if platform()!=JS then IupMainLoop() IupClose() end if
A short beep (440 Hz, 40 msec) is produced in a child process, while a "pendulum" is swinging left and right. Hitting any key will stop it.
(de metronome (Bpm)
(if (fork)
(let Pid @
(for Pendulum '(" /" . ("^H^H\\ " "^H^H /" .))
(tell Pid 'call "/usr/bin/beep" "-f" 440 "-l" 40)
(prin Pendulum)
(T (key (*/ 30000 Bpm)) (tell Pid 'bye)) )
(prinl) )
(wait) ) )
: (metronome 60)
-> NIL # A key was hit
Pure Data
#N canvas 553 78 360 608 10; #X obj 20 20 cnv 15 320 140 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577 0; #X obj 20 190 cnv 15 320 36 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 67 30 vradio 20 1 0 6 empty beats empty 0 -8 0 10 -86277 -262144 -1 1; #X text 40 33 1/1; #X text 40 53 2/2; #X text 40 73 3/4; #X text 40 93 4/4; #X text 40 133 6/8; #X obj 67 167 + 1; #X floatatom 67 201 5 0 0 0 beats - -; #X obj 181 32 vsl 20 115 208 40 0 0 empty bpm empty 25 10 0 10 -86277 -262144 -1 5971 0; #X text 208 42 Larghetto 60-66; #X text 208 58 Adagio 66-76; #X text 208 74 Andante 76-108; #X text 208 90 Moderato 108-120; #X text 208 106 Allegro 120-168; #X text 208 122 Presto 168-200; #X text 208 138 Prestissimo 200-208; #X text 208 26 Largo 40-60; #X obj 181 167 int; #X floatatom 181 201 5 0 0 1 bpm - -; #X obj 149 246 expr 1000 / ($f1/60); #X obj 122 125 tgl 25 0 empty on on/off -4 -7 0 10 -261682 -86277 -86277 0 1; #X obj 122 270 metro; #X obj 122 291 int; #X obj 42 249 + 1; #X obj 52 275 mod; #X obj 122 312 moses 1; #X obj 122 347 bng 32 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -228856 -258113 -1; #X obj 161 347 bng 32 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -228856 -260097 -1; #X msg 81 399 1 2 \, 1 2 1 \, 0 3 2; #X obj 81 420 vline~; #X msg 200 399 1 2 \, 1 2 1 \, 0 3 2; #X obj 200 420 vline~; #X obj 20 420 osc~ 1400; #X obj 139 420 osc~ 1230; #X obj 65 455 *~; #X obj 184 455 *~; #X obj 116 559 dac~; #X obj 117 523 +~; #X obj 278 490 loadbang; #X msg 278 511 \; pd dsp 1 \; beats 1 \; bpm 120 \; on 1; #X connect 2 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 26 1; #X connect 10 0 19 0; #X connect 19 0 20 0; #X connect 20 0 21 0; #X connect 21 0 23 1; #X connect 22 0 23 0; #X connect 23 0 24 0; #X connect 24 0 25 0; #X connect 24 0 27 0; #X connect 25 0 26 0; #X connect 26 0 24 1; #X connect 27 0 28 0; #X connect 27 1 29 0; #X connect 28 0 30 0; #X connect 29 0 32 0; #X connect 30 0 31 0; #X connect 31 0 36 1; #X connect 32 0 33 0; #X connect 33 0 37 1; #X connect 34 0 36 0; #X connect 35 0 37 0; #X connect 36 0 39 0; #X connect 37 0 39 1; #X connect 39 0 38 0; #X connect 39 0 38 1; #X connect 40 0 41 0;
Metronome features:
- A periodic graphical-metronomimic image.
- The wav file is included within the resulting executable as raw data.
- A milliseconds between each click field in order to assess accuracy.
- Volumn controls for when you just can't stand it anymore!

Structure METRONOMEs
Enumeration ;gadgets
#TEXT_MSPB ;milliseconds per beat
#STRING_MSPB ;milliseconds per beat
#TEXT_BPM ;beats per minute
#STRING_BPM ;beats per minute
#TEXT_BPC ;beats per cycle
#STRING_BPC ;beats per cycle
#BUTTON_VOLM ;volume -
#BUTTON_VOLP ;volume +
Enumeration ;sounds
#WINDOW = 0 ;window
Procedure handleError(Value, text.s)
If Not Value: MessageRequester("Error", text): End: EndIf
Procedure drawMetronome(*m.METRONOMEs, Angle.f, cycleCount = 0)
Protected CircleX, CircleY, circleColor
If StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(*m\canvasGadget))
Box(0, 0, *m\w, *m\h, RGB(0, 0, 0))
CircleX = Int(*m\radius * Cos(Radian(Angle)))
CircleY = Int(*m\radius * Sin(Radian(Angle)))
If Angle = 90
If cycleCount: circleColor = RGB(255, 0, 0): Else: circleColor = RGB(0, 255, 0): EndIf
LineXY(*m\originX, *m\originY, *m\originX, *m\originY - CircleY, RGB(255, 255, 0))
Circle(*m\originX + CircleX, *m\originY - CircleY - *m\radius * 0.15, 10, circleColor)
LineXY(*m\originX, *m\originY - *m\radius * 1.02, *m\originX, *m\originY - *m\radius, RGB(255, 255, 0))
LineXY(*m\originX, *m\originY, *m\originX + CircleX, *m\originY - CircleY, RGB(255, 255, 0))
ProcedureReturn 1
Procedure.i Metronome(*m.METRONOMEs)
Protected milliseconds = Int((60 * 1000) / *m\BeatsPerMinute)
Protected msPerFrame, framesPerBeat
Protected i, j, cycleCount, startTime, frameEndTime, delayTime, delayError, h.f
;calculate metronome angles for each frame of animation
If *m\BeatsPerMinute < 60
framesPerBeat = Round(milliseconds / 150, #PB_Round_Nearest)
framesPerBeat = Round((*m\BeatsPerMinute - 420) / -60, #PB_Round_Nearest)
If framesPerBeat < 1
framesPerBeat = 1
Dim metronomeFrameAngle.f(1, framesPerBeat)
metronomeFrameAngle(0, 1) = 90
metronomeFrameAngle(1, 1) = 90
Dim metronomeFrameAngle.f(1, framesPerBeat * 2)
For j = 1 To framesPerBeat
h = 45 / framesPerBeat
metronomeFrameAngle(0, j) = 90 - h * (j - 1)
metronomeFrameAngle(0, framesPerBeat + j) = 45 + h * (j - 1)
metronomeFrameAngle(1, j) = 90 + h * (j - 1)
metronomeFrameAngle(1, framesPerBeat + j) = 135 - h * (j - 1)
framesPerBeat * 2
msPerFrame = milliseconds / framesPerBeat
startTime = ElapsedMilliseconds()
For i = 0 To 1
frameEndTime = startTime + msPerFrame
For j = 1 To framesPerBeat
drawMetronome(*m, metronomeFrameAngle(i, j), cycleCount)
;check for thread exit
If *m\activityStatus < 0
*m\activityStatus = 0
delayTime = frameEndTime - ElapsedMilliseconds()
If (delayTime - delayError) >= 0
Delay(frameEndTime - ElapsedMilliseconds() - delayError) ;wait the remainder of frame
ElseIf delayTime < 0
delayError = - delayTime
frameEndTime + msPerFrame
;check for thread exit
If *m\activityStatus < 0
*m\activityStatus = 0
While (ElapsedMilliseconds() - startTime) < milliseconds: Wend
SetGadgetText(*m\msPerBeat, Str(ElapsedMilliseconds() - startTime))
cycleCount + 1: cycleCount % *m\BeatsPerCycle
If cycleCount = 0
startTime + milliseconds
Procedure startMetronome(*m.METRONOMEs, MetronomeThread) ;start up the thread with new values
*m\BeatsPerMinute = Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPM))
*m\BeatsPerCycle = Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPC))
*m\activityStatus = 1
If *m\BeatsPerMinute
MetronomeThread = CreateThread(@Metronome(), *m)
ProcedureReturn MetronomeThread
Procedure stopMetronome(*m.METRONOMEs, MetronomeThread) ;if the thread is running: stop it
If IsThread(MetronomeThread)
*m\activityStatus = -1 ;signal thread to stop
drawMetronome(*m, 90)
Define w = 360, h = 360, ourMetronome.METRONOMEs
;initialize the metronome
With ourMetronome
\msPerBeat = #STRING_MSPB
\canvasGadget = #CANVAS_METRONOME
\volume = 10
\w = w
\h = h
\originX = w / 2
\originY = h / 2
\radius = 100
ourMetronome\canvasGadget = #CANVAS_METRONOME
;initialize sounds
handleError(InitSound(), "Sound system is Not available")
handleError(CatchSound(#SOUND_LOW, ?sClick, ?eClick - ?sClick), "Could Not CatchSound")
handleError(CatchSound(#SOUND_HIGH, ?sClick, ?eClick - ?sClick), "Could Not CatchSound")
SetSoundFrequency(#SOUND_HIGH, 50000)
SoundVolume(#SOUND_LOW, ourMetronome\volume)
SoundVolume(#SOUND_HIGH, ourMetronome\volume)
;setup window & GUI
Define Style, i, wp, gh
Style = #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget
handleError(OpenWindow(#WINDOW, 0, 0, w + 200 + 12, h + 4, "Metronome", Style), "Not OpenWindow")
SetWindowColor(#WINDOW, $505050)
If LoadFont(0, "tahoma", 9, #PB_Font_HighQuality | #PB_Font_Bold)
SetGadgetFont(#PB_Default, FontID(0))
i = 3: wp = 10: gh = 22
TextGadget(#TEXT_MSPB, w + wp, gh * i, 100, gh, "MilliSecs/Beat ", #PB_Text_Center)
StringGadget(#STRING_MSPB, w + wp + 108, gh * i, 90, gh, "0", #PB_String_ReadOnly): i + 2
TextGadget(#TEXT_BPM, w + wp, gh * i, 100, gh,"Beats/Min ", #PB_Text_Center)
StringGadget(#STRING_BPM, w + wp + 108, gh * i, 90, gh, "120", #PB_String_Numeric): i + 2
GadgetToolTip(#STRING_BPM, "Valid range is 20 -> 240")
TextGadget(#TEXT_BPC, w + wp, gh * i, 100, gh,"Beats/Cycle ", #PB_Text_Center)
StringGadget(#STRING_BPC, w + wp + 108, gh * i, 90, gh, "4", #PB_String_Numeric): i + 2
GadgetToolTip(#STRING_BPC, "Valid range is 1 -> BPM")
ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_START, w + wp, gh * i, 200, gh, "Start", #PB_Button_Toggle): i + 2
ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_VOLM, w + wp, gh * i, 100, gh, "-Volume")
ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_VOLP, w + wp + 100, gh * i, 100, gh, "+Volume")
CanvasGadget(ourMetronome\canvasGadget, 0, 0, ourMetronome\w, ourMetronome\h, #PB_Image_Border)
drawMetronome(ourMetronome, 90)
Define msg, GID, MetronomeThread, Value
Repeat ;the control loop for our application
msg = WaitWindowEvent(1)
GID = EventGadget()
etp = EventType()
If GetAsyncKeyState_(#VK_ESCAPE): End: EndIf ;remove when app is o.k.
Select msg
Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
Case #PB_Event_Gadget
Select GID
If etp = #PB_EventType_LostFocus
Value = Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPM))
If Value > 390
Value = 390
ElseIf Value < 20
Value = 20
SetGadgetText(#STRING_BPM, Str(Value))
If etp = #PB_EventType_LostFocus
Value = Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPC))
If Value > Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPM))
Value = Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BPM))
ElseIf Value < 1
Value = 1
SetGadgetText(#STRING_BPC, Str(Value))
Case #BUTTON_VOLP, #BUTTON_VOLM ;change volume
If GID = #BUTTON_VOLP And ourMetronome\volume < 100
ourMetronome\volume + 10
ElseIf GID = #BUTTON_VOLM And ourMetronome\volume > 0
ourMetronome\volume - 10
SoundVolume(#SOUND_LOW, ourMetronome\volume)
SoundVolume(#SOUND_HIGH, ourMetronome\volume)
Case #BUTTON_START ;the toggle button for start/stop
Select GetGadgetState(#BUTTON_START)
Case 1
stopMetronome(ourMetronome, MetronomeThread)
MetronomeThread = startMetronome(ourMetronome, MetronomeThread)
Case 0
stopMetronome(ourMetronome, MetronomeThread)
;a small wav file saved as raw data
Data.q $0000082E46464952,$20746D6645564157,$0001000100000010,$0000AC440000AC44
Data.q $6174616400080001,$8484848300000602,$8B8A898886868585,$C0B3A9A29C95918E
Data.q $31479BD3CED0CFCF,$3233323232323331,$BDAEC4C9A1423133,$D0CFCFD0CFD1CDD4
Data.q $323232333770A9CB,$2E34313332333232,$CFD0CFCACFCFAF53,$9783AAD3CED0CFD0
Data.q $3233313332448AA1,$4430333233323233,$CFD0CFAE7D7E9483,$B7B9C3B8BFD1CED0
Data.q $3233313037476898,$3E48493D32333233,$85959187775C4338,$898A8F8D807A7978
Data.q $737F898381888D8D,$3131435564717A77,$332F36413A343234,$827B7873695C4D37
Data.q $9C9B949191908F8A,$4D50515A67758694,$5451484341414245,$7B83868782756559
Data.q $565D5F616365676E,$7871675F57504B4E,$797C8083827E7C7B,$4D525E686C6D7176
Data.q $4D4B4B474343464A,$8B82796F655D5953,$7B7C83888B909392,$5153595E666F767B
Data.q $5A5A5B5B59575553,$696C6E6D67615E5B,$7879777573726F6B,$71727376797C7B79
Data.q $505352505159646C,$6B6153463C3B414A,$A09B908379706D6E,$6F767A7E858C949C
Data.q $4D4D4845484E5662,$80796F645B544E4C,$8487888885828283,$555A5D606369737D
Data.q $6A665F58524E4E51,$878E8F8B867D736D,$54606B72797F8081,$5852504F4E4E4C4D
Data.q $7E7B7A79756F675F,$6B6C6F757C7F8182,$6D6865676C6F6E6C,$6E6B6C7074777773
Data.q $615E5D60676F7372,$7069636061636463,$81817F7C7A797976,$65676B6E72797E80
Data.q $65625F5E5D5D5F62,$7D7C7B7875716E6A,$6F74777B7E7F7F7E,$454950565D63676A
Data.q $605A55504B464343,$9E9F9D978E817469,$6E7D8A93989A9B9C,$444546494C505861
Data.q $7B756F665C534C46,$7E82858788888580,$5C5D61666B70757A,$6A6B6B6B6965615E
Data.q $646B717676736F6B,$727272716D676261,$8285878885817A74,$5F5F636A72797D80
Data.q $645D58585A5E6060,$827D79777877746D,$7878797C80848685,$6A686664666B7075
Data.q $76726C666364686B,$807E7B7878787878,$656A6F74797B7D7F,$59585A5C5D5F6163
Data.q $84807C79746D665E,$777C81878B8C8B89,$555352555B636B72,$82776B625C595957
Data.q $989B9A979493918B,$656A6E7277818A92,$535457575656585E,$6E6E6F6D675E5753
Data.q $898C9398968D7F74,$69717E8C9697918B,$3B39414F5D656767,$695B56565A595145
Data.q $8986878A8F90897B,$7A7875757B848A8C,$747168605E636D76,$7B7365585257636F
Data.q $8C8981777272777C,$70757676767A8188,$6A6D6D68625F6269,$8687847D746C6868
Data.q $8485888A89868484,$585A616B747B8083,$5B555355595C5C5A,$8C898786847D7265
Data.q $888C9096999A9892,$6163666C72797F83,$5E554E4B4C52595E,$91887C7169676663
Data.q $8E8E8A88888C9193,$656666676A737E88,$655F585352555B62,$8B88837C756F6B69
Data.q $7E858B8E8E8B898B,$62676B6D6D6C6E74,$6C6C6B6A6764605F,$7C7978787775736F
Data.q $8E8C8C8C8D8D8982,$686D747C858C9091,$625C58585B5E6265,$908A837C75706C68
Data.q $848A8E9396989896,$545960676E757A7F,$65605E5D5B575352,$A19D9890877C746C
Data.q $8992979A9C9FA1A2,$525355575C64707E,$736D665D56514F50,$8D8D8B8986827E79
Data.q $7777797B7F84898C,$78746F6A6A6E7376,$7B79767372747879,$6C6B69686A6F757A
Data.q $7C78746F6D6C6C6D,$888B8C8B88858280,$6F75797B7D7F8184,$6F6D6B686565676A
Data.q $8785817D79747270,$868B8D8D8C8A8988,$6F73777A7C7D7F82,$6F6B68656465666A
Data.q $8A837D7976757472,$76787A7D82888C8D,$6562606064696F73,$8E8A847C756F6B68
Data.q $8D90939494929190,$606264686F788088,$73685D58585A5D5F,$9B96918C8987837D
Data.q $71767B838C959B9D,$5B5756585D63686D,$8C86817B756F6962,$888F939597979591
Data.q $5C606366696F7780,$7A756D6259535458,$9EA2A0988D837E7C,$79858D8F8F8E9097
Data.q $656B6E6D6865666E,$797A79746C656060,$7F7F7F7F7E7C7978,$8381828384848280
Data.q $7F82888E92918D88,$59606A757C7F7F7F,$655E5A5A59585656,$A59F97918A82796E
Data.q $7E848A939CA6ABAA,$48454548515E6B76,$8A7C6E6057514E4B,$A9ACABA8A4A09B94
Data.q $5A626A737F8C98A3,$60554D49484A4E54,$A9A19A928A81776B,$848C969FA7ADAFAD
Data.q $4B494C525C67717B,$8A7D7167605A544F,$A2A4A5A6A6A49F96,$626970777F89949C
Data.q $6B655E56504F545A,$A19F988F8379736E,$848C9296989A9C9F,$61626465676B717A
Data.q $807E79736D676261,$86898B8C8A888583,$797A7E8284848484,$77777A7C7E7E7C7A
Data.q $7979797B7D7E7C79,$7D7C7B7B7C7C7B7A,$7D7D7C7B7A7B7C7D,$797978777677797B
Data.q $787A7A7976757678,$415380817C777576,$2C31000002005255,$30202C36202C3020
#lang Python
import time
def main(bpm = 72, bpb = 4):
sleep = 60.0 / bpm
counter = 0
while True:
counter += 1
if counter % bpb:
print 'tick'
print 'TICK'
#lang racket
(require racket/gui)
(define msec 500)
(define sounds '("hi.wav" "lo.wav"))
(define colors '("red" "green"))
(define f
(new frame% [label "Metronome"] [width 200] [height 200]))
(define c
(new (class canvas%
(define brushes
(map (λ(c) (new brush% [color c] [style 'solid])) colors))
(define cur 0)
(define/override (on-paint)
(send* (send this get-dc)
(set-brush (list-ref brushes cur))
(draw-rectangle 0 0 200 200)))
(define/public (flip!)
(set! cur (modulo (add1 cur) (length sounds)))
(play-sound (list-ref sounds cur) #f)
[parent f]))
(define (flip)
(define init (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(define next (+ msec init))
(define ticks 1)
(let loop ()
(when (> (current-inexact-milliseconds) next)
(set! ticks (add1 ticks))
(set! next (+ init (* msec ticks)))
(queue-callback (λ() (send c flip!))))
(sleep 0.01)
(send* f (center) (show #t))
(void (thread flip))
(formerly Perl 6)
This code only uses textual output, but any noise-generating commands may be substituted; as long as they are executed synchronously, and do not run longer than the specified duration, the timing loop will compensate, since the sequence operator is determining a list of absolute times for each sleep to target.
sub MAIN ($beats-per-minute = 72, $beats-per-bar = 4) {
my $duration = 60 / $beats-per-minute;
my $base-time = now + $duration;
my $i;
for $base-time, $base-time + $duration ... * -> $next-time {
if $i++ %% $beats-per-bar {
print "\nTICK";
else {
print " tick";
sleep $next-time - now;
Sample run:
$ metronome 120 6 TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick^C
These REXX program examples are modeled after the Raku example.
textual visual, no sound
/*REXX program simulates a visual (textual) metronome (with no sound). */
parse arg bpm bpb dur . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if bpm=='' | bpm=="," then bpm=72 /*the number of beats per minute. */
if bpb=='' | bpb=="," then bpb= 4 /* " " " " " bar. */
if dur=='' | dur=="," then dur= 5 /*duration of the run in seconds. */
call time 'Reset' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */
bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock-time interval. */
do until et>=dur; et=time('Elasped') /*process tick-tocks for the duration*/
say; call charout ,'TICK' /*show the first tick for the period. */
es=et+1 /*bump the elapsed time "limiter". */
do until e>=es; e=time('Elapsed')
if e<$t then iterate /*time for tock? */
call charout , ' tock' /*show a "tock". */
$t=$t+bt /*bump the TOCK time.*/
end /*until e≥es*/
end /*until et≥dur*/
/*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
output when using the default inputs: <per> TICK tock tock tock tock TICK tock tock tock tock TICK tock tock tock tock TICK tock tock tock tock TICK tock tock tock tock TICK tock tock tock tock
with sound, REGINA only
This REXX version only executes when using the Regina REXX interpreter.
/*REXX program simulates a metronome (with sound). Regina REXX only. */
parse arg bpm bpb dur tockf tockd tickf tickd . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if bpm=='' | bpm=="," then bpm= 72 /*the number of beats per minute. */
if bpb=='' | bpb=="," then bpb= 4 /* " " " " " bar. */
if dur=='' | dur=="," then dur= 5 /*duration of the run in secs*/
if tockf=='' | tockf=="," then tockf=400 /*frequency " " tock sound " HZ. */
if tockd=='' | tockd=="," then tockd= 20 /*duration " " " " " msec*/
if tickf=='' | tickf=="," then tickf=600 /*frequency " " tick " " HZ. */
if tickd=='' | tickd=="," then tickd= 10 /*duration " " " " " msec*/
call time 'Reset' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */
bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock─time interval. */
do until et>=dur; et=time('Elasped') /*process tick-tocks for the duration*/
call beep tockf, tockd /*sound a beep for the "TOCK". */
es=et+1 /*bump the elapsed time "limiter". */
do until e>=es; e=time('Elapsed')
if e<$t then iterate /*time for tock? */
call beep tickf, tickd /*sound a "tick". */
$t=$t+bt /*bump the TOCK time.*/
end /*until e≥es*/
end /*until et≥dur*/
/*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
with sound, PC/REXX only
/*REXX program simulates a metronome (with sound). PC/REXX or Personal REXX only.*/
parse arg bpm bpb dur tockf tockd tickf tickd . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if bpm=='' | bpm=="," then bpm= 72 /*the number of beats per minute. */
if bpb=='' | bpb=="," then bpb= 4 /* " " " " " bar. */
if dur=='' | dur=="," then dur= 5 /*duration of the run in secs*/
if tockf=='' | tockf=="," then tockf=400 /*frequency " " tock sound " HZ. */
if tockd=='' | tockd=="," then tockd= .02 /*duration " " " " " sec.*/
if tickf=='' | tickf=="," then tickf=600 /*frequency " " tick " " HZ. */
if tickd=='' | tickd=="," then tickd= .01 /*duration " " " " " sec.*/
call time 'Reset' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */
bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock─time interval. */
do until et>=dur; et=time('Elasped') /*process tick-tocks for the duration*/
call sound tockf, tockd /*sound a beep for the "TOCK". */
es=et+1 /*bump the elapsed time "limiter". */
do until e>=es; e=time('Elapsed')
if e<$t then iterate /*time for tock? */
call sound tickf, tickd /*sound a tick. */
$t=$t+bt /*bump the TOCK time.*/
end /*until e≥es*/
end /*until et≥dur*/
/*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
« .02 0 → pattern duration beat « -56 CF @ sound ON 60 SWAP / duration - →NUM DO "Beat!" 1 DISP 440 'beat' INCR pattern MOD 1 2 IFTE * duration BEEP CLLCD DUP WAIT UNTIL KEY END DROP2 » » 'METRO' STO @ ( bpm pattern → )
This code rings the audible bell on every beat and write "And n" to stdout where n is the bar number that was just finished
bpm = Integer(ARGV[0]) rescue 60 # sets BPM by the first command line argument, set to 60 if none provided
msr = Integer(ARGV[1]) rescue 4 # sets number of beats in a measure by the second command line argument, set to 4 if none provided
i = 0
loop do
(msr-1).times do
puts "\a"
puts "\aAND #{i += 1}"
def metronome(bpm: Int, bpb: Int, maxBeats: Int = Int.MaxValue) {
val delay = 60000L / bpm
var beats = 0
do {
if (beats % bpb == 0) print("\nTICK ")
else print("tick ")
while (beats < maxBeats)
metronome(120, 4, 20) // limit to 20
- Output:
See it running in your browser by Scastie (JVM).
func metronome (beats_per_minute = 72, beats_per_bar = 4) {
var counter = 0
var duration = 60/beats_per_minute
var base_time = Time.micro+duration
for next_time in (base_time..Inf `by` duration) {
if (counter++ %% beats_per_bar) {
print "\nTICK"
else {
print " tick"
Sys.sleep(next_time - Time.micro)
say metronome({ Num(_) }...)
- Output:
% sidef metronome.sf 60 6 TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick^C
This code only rings the bell on the high beat, which occurs at the start of the bar.
package require Tcl 8.5
lassign $argv bpm bpb
if {$argc < 2} {set bpb 4}
if {$argc < 1} {set bpm 60}
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
set intervalMS [expr {round(60000.0 / $bpm)}]
set ctr 0
proc beat {} {
global intervalMS ctr bpb
after $intervalMS beat ;# Reschedule first, to encourage minimal drift
if {[incr ctr] == 1} {
puts -nonewline "\r\a[string repeat { } [expr {$bpb+4}]]\rTICK"
} else {
puts -nonewline "\rtick[string repeat . [expr {$ctr-1}]]"
if {$ctr >= $bpb} {
set ctr 0
# Run the metronome until the user uses Ctrl+C...
vwait forever
It might be executed like this:
tclsh8.5 metronome.tcl 90 4
Modified to ring the bell on each beat.
import "timer" for Timer
import "io" for Stdout
var metronome = { |bpm, bpb, maxBeats|
var delay = (60000/bpm).floor
var beats = 0
while (true) {
System.write((beats % bpb == 0) ? "\n\aTICK " : "\atick ")
beats = beats + 1
if (beats == maxBeats) break
}, 4, 20) // limit to 20 beats
- Output:
TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick
int BPM, Odd, Time0, Delay;
[Text(0, "Beats per minute: ");
BPM:= IntIn(0);
Odd:= true;
Delay:= 60_000_000/BPM; \microseconds per beat
repeat Time0:= GetTime;
repeat until GetTime-Time0 >= Delay;
Text(0, if Odd then "tick" else " TOCK^m^j");
Odd:= not Odd;
until KeyHit;
- Output:
Beats per minute: 120 tick TOCK tick TOCK tick TOCK tick TOCK tick
- Programming Tasks
- Solutions by Programming Task
- 11l
- Ada
- AppleScript
- Arturo
- AutoHotkey
- C
- C sharp
- C++
- Common Lisp
- Delphi
- Winapi.Windows
- System.SysUtils
- EchoLisp
- F Sharp
- Factor
- FutureBasic
- Go
- Haskell
- J
- Java
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- Liberty BASIC
- Locomotive Basic
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- Nim
- Perl
- Phix
- Phix/pGUI
- Phix/online
- PicoLisp
- Pure Data
- PureBasic
- Python
- Racket
- Raku
- Ruby
- Scala
- Sidef
- Tcl
- Wren
- XPL0
- GUISS/Omit
- Lotus 123 Macro Scripting/Omit
- Maxima/Omit
- TPP/Omit
- Batch File/Omit