Integer roots: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Perl}}: Add bigint and ntheory modules)
m (Added Easylang)
(58 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
Line 18: Line 18:
Example: &nbsp; With &nbsp; N=2 &nbsp; and &nbsp; X=2&times;100<sup>2,000</sup> &nbsp; you would calculate a large integer consisting of the first &nbsp; 2,001 &nbsp; digits (in order) of the square root of two.
Example: &nbsp; With &nbsp; N=2 &nbsp; and &nbsp; X=2&times;100<sup>2,000</sup> &nbsp; you would calculate a large integer consisting of the first &nbsp; 2,001 &nbsp; digits (in order) of the square root of two.


<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F iRoot(BigInt b, Int n)
I b < 2 {R b}
V n1 = n - 1
V n2 = BigInt(n)
V n3 = BigInt(n1)
V c = BigInt(1)
V d = (n3 + b) I/ n2
V e = (n3 * d + b I/ d ^ n1) I/ n2
L c != d & c != e
c = d
d = e
e = (n3 * e + b I/ e ^ n1) I/ n2
I d < e {R d}
R e

print(‘3rd root of 8 = ’iRoot(8, 3))
print(‘3rd root of 9 = ’iRoot(9, 3))
print(‘First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ’iRoot(BigInt(100) ^ 2000 * 2, 2))</syntaxhighlight>

3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008

<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Find integer roots
-- J. Carter 2023 Jun

with Ada.Text_IO;
with System;

procedure Integer_Roots is
type Big is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;

function Root (N : in Positive; X : in Big) return Big With Pre => N > 1;
-- Returns the largest integer R such that R ** N <= X
-- Derived from Modula-2

function Root (N : in Positive; X : in Big) return Big is
N1 : constant Positive := N - 1;
N2 : constant Big := Big (N);
N3 : constant Big := N2 - 1;

C : Big := 1;
D : Big := (N3 + X) / N2;
E : Big := (N3 * D + X / D ** N1) / N2;
begin -- Root
if X <= 1 then
return X;
end if;

Converge : loop
exit Converge when C = D or C = E;

C := D;
D := E;
E := (N3 * D + X / E ** N1) / N2;
end loop Converge;

return (if D < E then D else E);
end Root;

Large : constant Big := 2 * 10 ** 38;
-- On 64-bit platforms, recent versions of GNAT provide 128-bit integers
-- 10 ** 38 is the largest power of 10 < 2 ** 128
begin -- Integer_Roots
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Cube root of 8 =" & Root (3, 8)'Image);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Cube root of 9 =" & Root (3, 9)'Image);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Square root of" & Large'Image & " =" & Root (2, Large)'Image);
end Integer_Roots;

Cube root of 8 = 2
Cube root of 9 = 2
Square root of 200000000000000000000000000000000000000 = 14142135623730950488



<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">iroot: function [b n][
if b<2 -> return b
n1: n-1
n2: n
n3: n1
c: 1
d: (n3+b)/n2
e: ((n3*d) + b/d^n1)/n2
while [and? c<>d c<>e][
c: d
d: e
e: ((n3*e) + b/e^n1)/n2
if d<e -> return d
return e
print ["3rd root of 8:" iroot 8 3]
print ["3rd root of 9:" iroot 9 3]
print ["First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:" iroot (100^2000)*2 2]</syntaxhighlight>


<pre>3rd root of 8: 2
3rd root of 9: 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="basic256">function root(n, x)
for nr = floor(sqr(x)) to 1 step -1
if (nr ^ n) <= x then return nr
next nr
end function

print root(3, 8)
print root(3, 9)
print root(4, 167)
print root(2, 2e18)
Igual que la entrada de FreeBASIC.

<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef unsigned long long ulong;

ulong root(ulong base, ulong n) {
ulong n1, n2, n3, c, d, e;

if (base < 2) return base;
if (n == 0) return 1;

n1 = n - 1;
n2 = n;
n3 = n1;
c = 1;
d = (n3 + base) / n2;
e = (n3 * d + base / (ulong)powl(d, n1)) / n2;

while (c != d && c != e) {
c = d;
d = e;
e = (n3*e + base / (ulong)powl(e, n1)) / n2;

if (d < e) return d;
return e;

int main() {
ulong b = (ulong)2e18;

printf("3rd root of 8 = %lld\n", root(8, 3));
printf("3rd root of 9 = %lld\n", root(9, 3));
printf("2nd root of %lld = %lld\n", b, root(b, 2));

return 0;
<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2000000000000000000 = 1414213562</pre>

=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
using System.Numerics;

namespace IntegerRoots {
class Program {
static BigInteger IRoot(BigInteger @base, int n) {
if (@base < 0 || n <= 0) {
throw new ArgumentException();

int n1 = n - 1;
BigInteger n2 = n;
BigInteger n3 = n1;
BigInteger c = 1;
BigInteger d = (n3 + @base) / n2;
BigInteger e = ((n3 * d) + (@base / BigInteger.Pow(d, n1))) / n2;
while (c != d && c != e) {
c = d;
d = e;
e = (n3 * e + @base / BigInteger.Pow(e, n1)) / n2;
if (d < e) {
return d;
return e;

static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 8 = {0}", IRoot(8, 3));
Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 9 = {0}", IRoot(9, 3));

BigInteger b = BigInteger.Pow(100, 2000) * 2;
Console.WriteLine("First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: {0}", IRoot(b, 2));
<pre>3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

unsigned long long root(unsigned long long base, unsigned int n) {
if (base < 2) return base;
if (n == 0) return 1;

unsigned int n1 = n - 1;
unsigned long long n2 = n;
unsigned long long n3 = n1;
unsigned long long c = 1;
auto d = (n3 + base) / n2;
auto e = (n3 * d + base / pow(d, n1)) / n2;

while (c != d && c != e) {
c = d;
d = e;
e = (n3*e + base / pow(e, n1)) / n2;

if (d < e) return d;
return e;

int main() {
using namespace std;

cout << "3rd root of 8 = " << root(8, 3) << endl;
cout << "3rd root of 9 = " << root(9, 3) << endl;

unsigned long long b = 2e18;
cout << "2nd root of " << b << " = " << root(b, 2) << endl;

return 0;
<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2000000000000000000 = 1414213562</pre>

<lang D>import std.bigint;
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.bigint;
import std.stdio;
import std.stdio;

Line 50: Line 314:
b = BigInt(100)^^2000*2;
b = BigInt(100)^^2000*2;
writeln("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ", b.iRoot(2));
writeln("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ", b.iRoot(2));
<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>

{{works with|Delphi|6.0}}

<syntaxhighlight lang="Delphi">

function IntRoot(Base: int64; N: cardinal): int64;
var N1: cardinal;
var N2,N3,C: int64;
var D,E: int64;
if Base < 2 then Result:=Base
else if N = 0 then Result:=1
N1:=N - 1;
d:=round((N3 + Base) / N2);
e:=round((N3 * D + Base / Power(D, N1)) / N2);
while (C<>D) and (C<>E) do
E:=Round((N3*E + Base / Power(E, N1)) / N2);
if D < E then Result:=D
else Result:=E;

procedure ShowIntegerRoots(Memo: TMemo);
var Base: int64;
Memo.Lines.Add('3rd integer root of 8 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(8, 3)));
Memo.Lines.Add('3rd integer root of 9 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(9, 3)));
Memo.Lines.Add('sqaure root of 2 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(Base, 2)));

3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
sqaure root of 2 = 1414213562

Elapsed Time: 2.747 ms.


func root base n .
if base < 2
return base
if n = 0
return 1
n1 = n - 1
n2 = n
n3 = n1
c = 1
d = (n3 + base) div n2
e = (n3 * d + base div pow d n1) div n2
while c <> d and c <> e
c = d
d = e
e = (n3 * e + base div pow e n1) div n2
if (d < e)
return d
return e
print "3rd root of 8 = " & root 8 3
print "3rd root of 9 = " & root 9 3
b = 2e18
print "2nd root of " & b & " = " & root b 2
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2e+18 = 1414213562

<lang elixir>defmodule Integer_roots do
<syntaxhighlight lang="elixir">defmodule Integer_roots do
def root(_, b) when b<2, do: b
def root(_, b) when b<2, do: b
def root(a, b) do
def root(a, b) do
Line 83: Line 443:


Line 92: Line 452:

<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">open System

let iroot (base_ : bigint) n =
if base_ < bigint.Zero || n <= 0 then
raise (ArgumentException "Bad parameter")

let n1 = n - 1
let n2 = bigint n
let n3 = bigint n1
let mutable c = bigint.One
let mutable d = (n3 + base_) / n2
let mutable e = ((n3 * d) + (base_ / bigint.Pow(d, n1))) / n2
while c <> d && c <> e do
c <- d
d <- e
e <- (n3 * e + base_ / bigint.Pow(e, n1)) / n2

if d < e then

let main _ =
Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 8 = {0}", (iroot (bigint 8) 3))
Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 9 = {0}", (iroot (bigint 9) 3))

let b = bigint.Pow(bigint 100, 2000) * (bigint 2)
Console.WriteLine("First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: {0}", (iroot b 2))

0 // return an integer exit code</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: io kernel locals math math.functions math.order
prettyprint sequences ;

:: (root) ( a b -- n )
a 1 - 1 :> ( a1 c! )
[| x | a1 x * b x a1 ^ /i + a /i ] :> f
c f call :> d!
d f call :> e!
[ c { d e } member? ] [
d c! e d! e f call e!
] until
d e min ;

: root ( a b -- n ) dup 2 < [ nip ] [ (root) ] if ;

"First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:" print
2 100 2000 ^ 2 * root .</syntaxhighlight>
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:

<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">#define floor(x) ((x*2.0-0.5) Shr 1)

Function root(n As Uinteger, x As Uinteger) As Uinteger
For nr As Uinteger = floor(Sqr(x)) To 1 Step -1
If (nr ^ n) <= x Then Return nr
Next nr
End Function

Print root(3, 8)
Print root(3, 9)
Print root(4, 167)
Print root(2, 2e18)


<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
local fn root( n as UInt64, x as UInt64 ) as double
double nr, result = 0
for nr = fn floor( sqr(x) ) to 1 step -1
if ( nr ^ n ) <= x then result = nr : exit fn
end fn = result

print @"3rd root of 8 = "; fn root( 3, 8 )
print @"3rd root of 9 = "; fn root( 3, 9 )
print @"4th root of 167 = "; fn root( 4, 167 )
print @"2nd root of 2e+018 = "; fn root( 2, 2e+018 )

3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
4th root of 167 = 3
2nd root of 2e+018 = 1414213562

<lang go>package main
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main

import "fmt"
import "fmt"
Line 126: Line 600:
r += Δr
r += Δr
Line 134: Line 608:
<lang go>package main
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main

import (
import (
Line 171: Line 645:
r.Add(r, &Δr)
r.Add(r, &Δr)
Line 182: Line 656:
<lang haskell>root :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">root :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
root a b = findAns sequence where
root a b = findAns $ iterate (\x -> (a1 * x + b `div` (x ^ a1)) `div` a) 1
sequence = iterate (\x -> (a1 * x + b `div` (x ^ a1)) `div` a) 1
a1 = a - 1
a1 = a - 1
findAns (x:xs@(y:z:_)) | x == y || x == z = min y z
findAns (x:xs@(y:z:_))
| otherwise = findAns xs
| x == y || x == z = min y z
| otherwise = findAns xs

main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
Line 193: Line 668:
print $ root 3 8
print $ root 3 8
print $ root 3 9
print $ root 3 9
print $ root 2 (2 * 100^2000) -- first 2001 digits of the square root of 2</lang>
print $ root 2 (2 * 100 ^ 2000) -- first 2001 digits of the square root of 2</syntaxhighlight>

Or equivalently, in terms of an applicative expression:

<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">integerRoot :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
integerRoot n x =
go $ iterate ((`div` n) . ((+) . (pn *) <*> (x `div`) . (^ pn))) 1
pn = pred n
go (x:xs@(y:z:_))
| x == y || x == z = min y z
| otherwise = go xs
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (print . uncurry integerRoot) [(3, 8), (3, 9), (2, 2 * 100 ^ 2000)]</syntaxhighlight>


Line 205: Line 693:
<code><.@%:</code> satisfies this task. Left argument is the task's N, right argument is the task's X:
<code><.@%:</code> satisfies this task. Left argument is the task's N, right argument is the task's X:

'''Note:''' Depending on '''''N''''', one must select the proper number of digits, that is, ''2000'', ''2001'', ''2002'', etc..., otherwise the result will be the digits of the nth root of 20, 2000, etc...<br/>
'''Note:''' If you are looking for a decimal expansion of an integer root, one must select the proper number of digits for N, that is, ''2000'', ''2001'', ''2002'', etc..., otherwise the result will be the digits of the nth root of 20, 2000, etc...<br/>
For example, If you use "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*200'''0''')" instead of "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*200'''1''')", you will get an output starting with "271441761659490657151808946...", which are the first digits of the cube root of 20, not 2.
For example, If you use "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*200'''0''')" instead of "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*200'''1''')", you will get an output starting with "271441761659490657151808946...", which are the first digits of the cube root of 20, not 2. This constraint is independent of the task requirements, except in an illustrative sense, so will not be developed further, here.

<lang J> 9!:37]0 4096 0 222 NB. set display truncation sufficiently high for our results
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> 9!:37]0 4096 0 222 NB. set display truncation sufficiently high for our results

2 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2000)
2 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2000)
Line 217: Line 705:
7 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2002)
7 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2002)

<lang Java>import java.math.BigInteger;
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">import java.math.BigInteger;

public class IntegerRoots {
public class IntegerRoots {
Line 259: Line 747:
System.out.println(iRoot(b, 2));
System.out.println(iRoot(b, 2));
<pre>3rd integer root of 8 = 2
<pre>3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008</pre>

'''Adapted from [[#Julia|Julia]]'''

'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq"># To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);

# If $j is 0, then an error condition is raised;
# otherwise, assuming infinite-precision integer arithmetic,
# if the input and $j are integers, then the result will be an integer.
def idivide($j):
(. - (. % $j)) / $j ;

def iroot(a; b):
if b < 2 then b
else (a-1) as $a1
| {c: 1,
d: (($a1 + (b | idivide(1))) | idivide(a)) }
| .d as $d
| .e = ($a1 * $d + (b |idivide($d | power($a1))) | idivide(a))
| until( .d == .c or .c == .e;
.c = .d
| .d = .e
| .e as $e
| .e = ($a1 * .e + (b | idivide(($e | power($a1)))) | idivide(a)) )
| [.d, .e] | min
end ;

# The task:
"First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:",
iroot(2; 2 * (100 | power(2000)))</syntaxhighlight>
Exactly as for [[#Julia|Julia]].

{{works with|Julia|0.6}}
{{works with|Julia|1.3}}

<lang julia>function iroot(a, b)
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">function iroot(a, b)
if b < 2 return b end
b < 2 && return b
a1, c = a - 1, 1
a1, c = a - 1, 1
d = (a1 * c + b ÷ (c ^ a1)) ÷ a
d = (a1 * c + b ÷ c^a1) ÷ a
e = (a1 * d + b ÷ (d ^ a1)) ÷ a
e = (a1 * d + b ÷ d^a1) ÷ a
while c != d != e
while d c e
c, d, e = d, e, (a1 * e + b ÷ (e ^ a1)) ÷ a
c, d, e = d, e, (a1 * e + b ÷ (e ^ a1)) ÷ a

return min(d, e)
min(d, e)

println("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n", iroot(2, 2 * big(100) ^ 2000))</lang>
println("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n", iroot(2, 2 * big(100) ^ 2000))</syntaxhighlight>

Line 289: Line 812:
<lang scala>// version 1.1.2
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">// version 1.1.2

import java.math.BigInteger
import java.math.BigInteger
Line 323: Line 846:
println("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:")
println("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:")

Line 334: Line 857:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">function root(base, n)
if base < 2 then return base end
if n == 0 then return 1 end

local n1 = n - 1
local n2 = n
local n3 = n1
local c = 1
local d = math.floor((n3 + base) / n2)
local e = math.floor((n3 * d + base / math.pow(d, n1)) / n2)

while c ~= d and c ~= e do
c = d
d = e
e = math.floor((n3 * e + base / math.pow(e, n1)) / n2)

if d < e then return d end
return e

-- main
local b = 2e18

print("3rd root of 8 = " .. root(8, 3))
print("3rd root of 9 = " .. root(9, 3))
print("2nd root of " .. b .. " = " .. root(b, 2))</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2e+018 = 1414213562</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="modula2">MODULE IntegerRoot;
FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString;
FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString,ReadChar;

result : LONGCARD;
result := 1;
WHILE p > 0 DO
IF p MOD 2 = 1 THEN
result := result * b;
p := p / 2;
b := b * b
RETURN result
END pow;

n1,n2,n3,c,d,e : LONGCARD;
IF base < 2 THEN RETURN base END;

n1 := n - 1;
n2 := n;
n3 := n1;
c := 1;
d := (n3 + base) / n2;
e := (n3 * d + base / pow(d, n1)) / n2;

WHILE (c # d) AND (c # e) DO
c := d;
d := e;
e := (n3 * e + base / pow(e, n1)) / n2

END root;

(* main *)
buf : ARRAY[0..63] OF CHAR;
FormatString("3rd root of 8 = %u\n", buf, root(8, 3));

FormatString("3rd root of 9 = %u\n", buf, root(9, 3));

b := 2000000000000000000;
FormatString("2nd root of %u = %u\n", buf, b, root(b, 2));

END IntegerRoot.</syntaxhighlight>

<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import bignum

proc root(x: Int; n: int): Int =
if x < 2: return x
let n1 = (n - 1).culong
var c = newInt(1)
var d = (n1 + x) div n
var e = (n1 * d + x div d.pow(n1)) div n
while c != d and c != e:
c = d
d = e
e = (n1 * e + x div e.pow(n1)) div n
result = if d < e: d else: e

var x: Int
x = newInt(8)
echo "3rd integer root of 8 = ", x.root(3)
x = newInt(9)
echo "3rd integer root of 9 = ", x.root(3)
x = newInt(100).pow(2000) * newInt(2)
echo "First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:"
let s = $x.root(2)
for i in countup(0, s.high, 87): echo s.substr(i, i + 86)</syntaxhighlight>

<pre>3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:

<lang parigp>sqrtnint(8,3)
<syntaxhighlight lang="parigp">sqrtnint(8,3)
<pre>%1 = 2
<pre>%1 = 2
Line 346: Line 1,022:
<lang perl>use bigint;
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use bigint;

sub integer_root {
sub integer_root {
Line 362: Line 1,038:
print integer_root( 3, 8), "\n";
print integer_root( 3, 8), "\n";
print integer_root( 3, 9), "\n";
print integer_root( 3, 9), "\n";
print integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000), "\n";</lang>
print integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000), "\n";</syntaxhighlight>
Line 370: Line 1,046:
===Using a module===
===Using a module===
If using bigints, we can do this directly, which will be much faster than the method above:
If using bigints, we can do this directly, which will be much faster than the method above:
<lang perl>use bigint;
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use bigint;
print 8->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print 8->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print 9->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print 9->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print +(2*100**2000)->babs->broot(2),"\n";</lang>
print +(2*100**2000)->babs->broot(2),"\n";</syntaxhighlight>

The <code>babs</code> calls are only necessary if the input might be non-negative.
The <code>babs</code> calls are only necessary if the input might be non-negative.

Even faster, using a module:
Even faster, using a module:
<lang perl>use bigint;
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use bigint;
use ntheory "rootint";
use ntheory "rootint";
print rootint(8,3),"\n";
print rootint(8,3),"\n";
print rootint(9,3),"\n";
print rootint(9,3),"\n";
print rootint(2*100**2000,2),"\n";</lang>
print rootint(2*100**2000,2),"\n";</syntaxhighlight>

Both generate the same output as above.
Both generate the same output as above.

=={{header|Perl 6}}==
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<lang perl6>sub integer_root ( Int $p where * >= 2, Int $n --> Int ) {
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
my Int $d = $p - 1;
<span style="color: #008080;">include</span> <span style="color: #004080;">mpfr</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">.</span><span style="color: #000000;">e</span>

my $guess = '1' ~ ( '0' x ($n.chars / $p) );
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">integer_root</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #004080;">object</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>

<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- a must be integer or string
my $iterator = { ( $d * $^x + $n div ($^x ** $d) ) div $p };
-- (were a an mpz you would have to invoke mpz_init_set(), not mpz_init(),

-- or better yet pass a as the second parameter of mpz_root() instead.)</span>
my $endpoint = { $^x ** $p <= $n
<span style="color: #004080;">mpz</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_init</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
and ($^x + 1) ** $p > $n };
<span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_nthroot</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>

<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_get_str</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
return [min] (+$guess, $iterator ... $endpoint)[*-1, *-2];
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>

<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t0</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
say integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000 );</lang>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"3rd root of 8 = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">integer_root</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">8</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"3rd root of 9 = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">integer_root</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">9</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">integer_root</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"2"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">&</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">repeat</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'0'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">4000</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"First digits of the square root of 2: %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">shorten</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">integer_root</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">3</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"2"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">&</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">repeat</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'0'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">6000</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"First digits of the cube root of 2: %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">shorten</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF;">?</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">elapsed</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()-</span><span style="color: #000000;">t0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First digits of the square root of 2: 14142135623730950488...47107578486024636008 (2,001 digits)
First digits of the cube root of 2: 12599210498948731647...22546828353183047061 (2,001 digits)
While this finishes near-instantly on the desktop, it takes about 25s under pwa/p2js.

<lang python>def root(a,b):
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">def root(a, b):
if b<2:return b
if b < 2:
return b
a1 = a - 1
c = 1
d = (a1 * c + b // (c ** a1)) // a
e = (a1 * d + b // (d ** a1)) // a
while c!=d and c!=e:
while c not in (d, e):
c, d, e = d, e, (a1 * e + b // (e ** a1)) // a
return min(d,e)
return min(d, e)
print("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n{}".format(root(2,2*100**2000)))</lang>

print("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n{}".format(
root(2, 2 * 100 ** 2000)

<pre>First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:
<pre>First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:

<syntaxhighlight lang="quackery"> [ stack ] is a-1 ( --> s )
[ stack ] is b ( --> s )

[ a-1 share tuck 2dup *
unrot **
b share swap / +
swap 1+ / ] is nextapprox ( n --> n )
[ over 2 < iff drop done
1 - a-1 put
b put
2 times [ dup nextapprox ]
[ dip [ 2dup = rot ]
tuck = rot or not while
dup nextapprox again ]
b release a-1 release ] is root ( n n --> n )

say "3rd root of 8 = " 8 3 root echo cr
say "3rd root of 9 = " 9 3 root echo cr
say "First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: "
2 100 2000 ** * 2 root echo cr</syntaxhighlight>


<pre>3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


See [[#Scheme]], there&rsquo;s very little can be done to improve it.
See [[#Scheme]], there&rsquo;s very little can be done to improve it.

(formerly Perl 6)
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>sub integer_root ( Int $p where * >= 2, Int $n --> Int ) {
my Int $d = $p - 1;
10**($n.chars div $p),
{ ( $d * $^x + $n div ($x ** $d) ) div $p } ...
-> $a, $, $c { $a == $c }

say integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000 );</syntaxhighlight>

Line 433: Line 1,178:
<br>multiply the guess ['''G'''] by unity, &nbsp; and no need to compute the guess to the 1<sup>st</sup> power, &nbsp; bypassing some trivial arithmetic).
<br>multiply the guess ['''G'''] by unity, &nbsp; and no need to compute the guess to the 1<sup>st</sup> power, &nbsp; bypassing some trivial arithmetic).
===integer result only===
===integer result only===
<lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
parse arg num root digs . /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
parse arg num root digs . /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
if num=='' | num=="," then num= 2 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if num=='' | num=="," then num= 2 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
Line 455: Line 1,200:
if m==1 then do until old==g; old=g; g=(g + z % g ) % root; end
if m==1 then do until old==g; old=g; g=(g + z % g ) % root; end
else do until old==g; old=g; g=(g*m + z % (g**m) ) % root; end
else do until old==g; old=g; g=(g*m + z % (g**m) ) % root; end
return left(g,p) /*return the Nth root of Z to invoker.*/</lang>
return left(g,p) /*return the Nth root of Z to invoker.*/</syntaxhighlight>
'''output''' &nbsp; when the defaults are being used:
'''output''' &nbsp; when the defaults are being used:
Line 478: Line 1,223:
===true results===
===true results===
<br>Negative and complex roots are supported. &nbsp; The expressed root may have a decimal point.
<br>Negative and complex roots are supported. &nbsp; The expressed root may have a decimal point.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
parse arg num root digs . /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
parse arg num root digs . /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
if num=='' | num=="," then num= 2 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if num=='' | num=="," then num= 2 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
Line 512: Line 1,257:
numeric digits od /*set numeric digits to the original.*/
numeric digits od /*set numeric digits to the original.*/
if oy<0 then return (1/_)i /*Is the root negative? Use reciprocal*/
if oy<0 then return (1/_)i /*Is the root negative? Use reciprocal*/
return (_/1)i /*return the Yth root of X to invoker.*/</lang>
return (_/1)i /*return the Yth root of X to invoker.*/</syntaxhighlight>
'''output''' &nbsp; when the defaults are being used:
'''output''' &nbsp; when the defaults are being used:
Line 552: Line 1,297:

<lang ring>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
# Project : Integer roots
# Project : Integer roots

Line 566: Line 1,311:
Line 573: Line 1,318:

« DUP 1 -
→ x n n1
« '''IF''' x 2 < '''THEN''' x
« n1 OVER * x 3 PICK n1 ^ / IP + n / IP »
→ func
« 1 func EVAL func EVAL
'''REPEAT''' func EVAL '''END'''
» » '<span style="color:blue">IROOT</span>' STO <span style="color:grey"> @ ''( x n → root ) with root^n ≤ x</span>''

{{trans|Python, zkl}}
{{trans|Python, zkl}}
<lang ruby>def root(a,b)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">def root(a,b)
return b if b<2
return b if b<2
a1, c = a-1, 1
a1, c = a-1, 1
Line 588: Line 1,349:
puts "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
puts "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
puts root(2, 2*100**2000)
puts root(2, 2*100**2000)
{{out}}<pre>First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:
{{out}}<pre>First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:

The rug crate provides the functionality required for this task.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">// [dependencies]
// rug = "1.9"

fn shorten(s: &str, digits: usize) -> String {
if s.len() <= digits + 3 {
return String::from(s);
format!("{}...{}", &s[0..digits/2], &s[s.len()-digits/2..])

fn main() {
use rug::{ops::Pow, Integer};

let x = Integer::from(8);
let r = Integer::from(x.root_ref(3));
println!("Integer cube root of {}: {}", x, r);

let x = Integer::from(9);
let r = Integer::from(x.root_ref(3));
println!("Integer cube root of {}: {}", x, r);

let mut x = Integer::from(100).pow(2000);
x *= 2;
let s = Integer::from(x.root(2)).to_string();
println!("First {} digits of the square root of 2:\n{}", s.len(), shorten(&s, 70));

let mut x = Integer::from(100).pow(3000);
x *= 2;
let s = Integer::from(x.root(3)).to_string();
println!("First {} digits of the cube root of 2:\n{}", s.len(), shorten(&s, 70));

Integer cube root of 8: 2
Integer cube root of 9: 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:
First 2001 digits of the cube root of 2:

===Functional solution, tail recursive, no immutables===
===Functional solution, tail recursive, no immutables===
<lang Scala>import scala.annotation.tailrec
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">import scala.annotation.tailrec

object IntegerRoots extends App {
object IntegerRoots extends App {
Line 621: Line 1,426:

{{Out}}See it running in your browser by [ ScalaFiddle (JavaScript, non JVM)] or by [ Scastie (JVM)].
{{Out}}See it running in your browser by [ ScalaFiddle (JavaScript, non JVM)] or by [ Scastie (JVM)].

<lang scheme>(define (root a b)
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(define (root a b)
(define // quotient)
(define // quotient)
(define (y a a1 b c d e)
(define (y a a1 b c d e)
Line 641: Line 1,446:
(display "First 2,001 digits of the cube root of two:\n")
(display "First 2,001 digits of the cube root of two:\n")
(display (root 3 (* 2 (expt 1000 2000))))</lang>
(display (root 3 (* 2 (expt 1000 2000))))</syntaxhighlight>

Line 649: Line 1,454:
<lang ruby>func root(a, b) {
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func root(a, b) {
b < 2 && return(b)
b < 2 && return(b)
var (a1, c) = (a-1, 1)
var (a1, c) = (a-1, 1)
Line 662: Line 1,467:

say "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
say "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
say root(2, 2 * 100**2000)</lang>
say root(2, 2 * 100**2000)</syntaxhighlight>
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:

Tcl is not made for number crunching. The execution is quite slow compared to compiled languages.

On the other hand, everything is very straightforward, no libraries necessary.
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">
proc root {this n} {
if {$this < 2} {return $this}
set n1 [expr $n - 1]
set n2 $n
set n3 $n1
set c 1
set d [expr ($n3 + $this) / $n2]
set e [expr ($n3 * $d + $this / ($d ** $n1)) / $n2]
while {$c != $d && $c != $e} {
set c $d
set d $e
set e [expr ($n3 * $e + $this / ($e ** $n1)) / $n2]
return [expr min($d, $e)]

puts [root 8 3]
puts [root 9 3]
puts [root [expr 2* (100**2000)] 2]

=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
From the method described on [ the Wikipedia page].<br>''Note:'' When using the Visual Studio IDE, don't forget to add a reference to '''System.Numerics'''.<br>Included is an Integer Square Root function to compare results to the Integer Nth Square root function.<br>Remember to choose the exponents carefully, otherwise one will obtain the digits of the nth root of 20, 200, 2000, etc..., instead of 2. For example, 4008 was chosen because it works for both ''n = 2'' and ''n = 3'', whereas 4004 was chosen for ''n = 7''<lang vbnet>Imports System
From the method described on [ the Wikipedia page]. Included is an Integer Square Root function to compare results to the Integer Nth Square root function. One must choose the exponents carefully, otherwise one will obtain the digits of the nth root of 20, 200, 2000, etc..., instead of 2. For example, 4008 was chosen because it works for both ''n = 2'' and ''n = 3'', whereas 4004 was chosen for ''n = 7''<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System
Imports System.Numerics
Imports System.Numerics
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings
Line 718: Line 1,556:

End Module
End Module
<pre style="height:64ex;overflow:scroll">
<pre style="height:64ex;overflow:scroll">
Line 733: Line 1,571:
Integer 7th Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4004):
Integer 7th Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4004):

<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./big" for BigInt

// only use for integers less than 2^53
var intRoot = { |x, n|
if (!(x is Num && x.isInteger && x >= 0)) {
Fiber.abort("First argument must be a non-negative integer.")
if (!(n is Num && x.isInteger && x >= 1)) {
Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a positive integer.")
return x.pow(1/n).floor

var a = [ [8, 3], [9, 3], [2e18, 2] ]
for (e in a) {
var x = e[0]
var n = e[1]
System.print("%(x) ^ (1/%(n)) = %(, n))")

System.print("\nFirst 2001 digits of the square root of 2:")
System.print((BigInt.two *</syntaxhighlight>

8 ^ (1/3) = 2
9 ^ (1/3) = 2
2e+18 ^ (1/2) = 1414213562

First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:

<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">func real IRoot(X, N);
real X, N;
return Floor(Pow(X, 1./N));

[Format(1, 0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(8., 3.)); CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(9., 3.)); CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(2e18, 2.)); CrLf(0);

<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">sub root(n, x)
for nr = floor(sqr(x)) to 1 step -1
if (nr ^ n) <= x then return nr : fi
next nr
end sub

print root(3, 8)
print root(3, 9)
print root(4, 167)

Uses GNU GMP library
Uses GNU GMP library
<lang zkl>var [const] BN=Import("zklBigNum");
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var [const] BN=Import("zklBigNum");
fcn root(n,r){
fcn root(n,r){
f:='wrap(z){ (n/z.pow(r-1) + z*(r-1))/r or 1 }; //--> v or 1
f:='wrap(z){ (n/z.pow(r-1) + z*(r-1))/r or 1 }; //--> v or 1
Line 743: Line 1,646:
while(c!=d and c!=e){ c,d,e=d,e,f(e) }
while(c!=d and c!=e){ c,d,e=d,e,f(e) }
if(d<e) d else e
if(d<e) d else e
<lang zkl>a:=BN(100).pow(2000)*2;
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">a:=BN(100).pow(2000)*2;
println("Does GMP agree: ",root(a,3)==a.root(3));</lang>
println("Does GMP agree: ",root(a,3)==a.root(3));</syntaxhighlight>

Latest revision as of 19:18, 20 April 2024

Create a program that computes an approximation of the principal   Nth   root of   X   as the largest integer less than or equal to   R   for which   RN=X.

Integer roots is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


       N  is a positive integer. 
       X  is a non-negative integer. 
       R  (the root)   is a non-negative real number. 

No arbitrary limits should be placed on the magnitudes of the numbers involved.

Example:   With   N=3   and   X=8   you would calculate the number   2   because  

Example:   With   N=3   and   X=9  you would again calculate the number   2   because 2 is the largest integer less than or equal to the root   R.

Example:   With   N=2   and   X=2×1002,000   you would calculate a large integer consisting of the first   2,001   digits (in order) of the square root of two.


Translation of: D
F iRoot(BigInt b, Int n)
   I b < 2 {R b}
   V n1 = n - 1
   V n2 = BigInt(n)
   V n3 = BigInt(n1)
   V c = BigInt(1)
   V d = (n3 + b) I/ n2
   V e = (n3 * d + b I/ d ^ n1) I/ n2
   L c != d & c != e
      c = d
      d = e
      e = (n3 * e + b I/ e ^ n1) I/ n2
   I d < e {R d}
   R e

print(‘3rd root of 8 = ’iRoot(8, 3))
print(‘3rd root of 9 = ’iRoot(9, 3))
print(‘First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ’iRoot(BigInt(100) ^ 2000 * 2, 2))
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


-- Find integer roots
-- J. Carter     2023 Jun

with Ada.Text_IO;
with System;

procedure Integer_Roots is
   type Big is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;

   function Root (N : in Positive; X : in Big) return Big With Pre => N > 1;
   -- Returns the largest integer R such that R ** N <= X
   -- Derived from Modula-2

   function Root (N : in Positive; X : in Big) return Big is
      N1 : constant Positive := N - 1;
      N2 : constant Big      := Big (N);
      N3 : constant Big      := N2 - 1;

      C : Big := 1;
      D : Big := (N3 + X) / N2;
      E : Big := (N3 * D + X / D ** N1) / N2;
   begin -- Root
      if X <= 1 then
         return X;
      end if;

      Converge : loop
         exit Converge when C = D or C = E;

         C := D;
         D := E;
         E := (N3 * D + X / E ** N1) / N2;
      end loop Converge;

      return (if D < E then D else E);
   end Root;

   Large : constant Big := 2 * 10 ** 38;
   -- On 64-bit platforms, recent versions of GNAT provide 128-bit integers
   -- 10 ** 38 is the largest power of 10 < 2 ** 128
begin -- Integer_Roots
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Cube root of 8 =" & Root (3, 8)'Image);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Cube root of 9 =" & Root (3, 9)'Image);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Square root of" & Large'Image & " =" & Root (2, Large)'Image);
end Integer_Roots;
Cube root of 8 = 2
Cube root of 9 = 2
Square root of 200000000000000000000000000000000000000 = 14142135623730950488


Translation of: D
iroot: function [b n][
    if b<2 -> return b
    n1: n-1
    n2: n
    n3: n1
    c: 1
    d: (n3+b)/n2
    e: ((n3*d) + b/d^n1)/n2
    while [and? c<>d c<>e][
        c: d
        d: e
        e: ((n3*e) + b/e^n1)/n2
    if d<e -> return d
    return e
print ["3rd root of 8:" iroot 8 3]
print ["3rd root of 9:" iroot 9 3]
print ["First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:" iroot (100^2000)*2 2]
3rd root of 8: 2 
3rd root of 9: 2 
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


Translation of: FreeBASIC
function root(n, x)
	for nr = floor(sqr(x)) to 1 step -1
		if (nr ^ n) <= x then return nr
	next nr
end function

print root(3, 8)
print root(3, 9)
print root(4, 167)
print root(2, 2e18)
Igual que la entrada de FreeBASIC.


Translation of: C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef unsigned long long ulong;

ulong root(ulong base, ulong n) {
    ulong n1, n2, n3, c, d, e;

    if (base < 2) return base;
    if (n == 0) return 1;

    n1 = n - 1;
    n2 = n;
    n3 = n1;
    c = 1;
    d = (n3 + base) / n2;
    e = (n3 * d + base / (ulong)powl(d, n1)) / n2;

    while (c != d && c != e) {
        c = d;
        d = e;
        e = (n3*e + base / (ulong)powl(e, n1)) / n2;

    if (d < e) return d;
    return e;

int main() {
    ulong b = (ulong)2e18;

    printf("3rd root of 8 = %lld\n", root(8, 3));
    printf("3rd root of 9 = %lld\n", root(9, 3));
    printf("2nd root of %lld = %lld\n", b, root(b, 2));

    return 0;
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2000000000000000000 = 1414213562


Translation of: Java
using System;
using System.Numerics;

namespace IntegerRoots {
    class Program {
        static BigInteger IRoot(BigInteger @base, int n) {
            if (@base < 0 || n <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException();

            int n1 = n - 1;
            BigInteger n2 = n;
            BigInteger n3 = n1;
            BigInteger c = 1;
            BigInteger d = (n3 + @base) / n2;
            BigInteger e = ((n3 * d) + (@base / BigInteger.Pow(d, n1))) / n2;
            while (c != d && c != e) {
                c = d;
                d = e;
                e = (n3 * e + @base / BigInteger.Pow(e, n1)) / n2;
            if (d < e) {
                return d;
            return e;

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 8 = {0}", IRoot(8, 3));
            Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 9 = {0}", IRoot(9, 3));

            BigInteger b = BigInteger.Pow(100, 2000) * 2;
            Console.WriteLine("First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: {0}", IRoot(b, 2));
3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

unsigned long long root(unsigned long long base, unsigned int n) {
	if (base < 2) return base;
	if (n == 0) return 1;

	unsigned int n1 = n - 1;
	unsigned long long n2 = n;
	unsigned long long n3 = n1;
	unsigned long long c = 1;
	auto d = (n3 + base) / n2;
	auto e = (n3 * d + base / pow(d, n1)) / n2;

	while (c != d && c != e) {
		c = d;
		d = e;
		e = (n3*e + base / pow(e, n1)) / n2;

	if (d < e) return d;
	return e;

int main() {
	using namespace std;

	cout << "3rd root of 8 = " << root(8, 3) << endl;
	cout << "3rd root of 9 = " << root(9, 3) << endl;

	unsigned long long b = 2e18;
	cout << "2nd root of " << b << " = " << root(b, 2) << endl;

	return 0;
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2000000000000000000 = 1414213562


Translation of: Kotlin
import std.bigint;
import std.stdio;

auto iRoot(BigInt b, int n) in {
    assert(b >=0 && n > 0);
} body {
    if (b < 2) return b;
    auto n1 = n - 1;
    auto n2 = BigInt(n);
    auto n3 = BigInt(n1);
    auto c = BigInt(1);
    auto d = (n3 + b) / n2;
    auto e = (n3 * d + b / d^^n1) / n2;
    while (c != d && c != e) {
        c = d;
        d = e;
        e = (n3 * e + b / e^^n1) / n2;
    if (d < e) return d;
    return e;

void main() {
    auto b = BigInt(8);
    writeln("3rd root of 8 = ", b.iRoot(3));
    b = BigInt(9);
    writeln("3rd root of 9 = ", b.iRoot(3));
    b = BigInt(100)^^2000*2;
    writeln("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ", b.iRoot(2));
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


Works with: Delphi version 6.0
Translation of: C++

function IntRoot(Base: int64; N: cardinal): int64;
var N1: cardinal;
var N2,N3,C: int64;
var D,E: int64;
if Base < 2 then Result:=Base
else if N = 0 then Result:=1
	N1:=N - 1;
	d:=round((N3 + Base) / N2);
	e:=round((N3 * D + Base / Power(D, N1)) / N2);
	while (C<>D) and (C<>E) do
		E:=Round((N3*E + Base / Power(E, N1)) / N2);
	if D < E then Result:=D
	else Result:=E;

procedure ShowIntegerRoots(Memo: TMemo);
var Base: int64;
Memo.Lines.Add('3rd integer root of 8 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(8, 3)));
Memo.Lines.Add('3rd integer root of 9 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(9, 3)));
Memo.Lines.Add('sqaure root of 2 = '+IntToStr(IntRoot(Base, 2)));
3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
sqaure root of 2 = 1414213562

Elapsed Time: 2.747 ms.


Translation of: C
func root base n .
   if base < 2
      return base
   if n = 0
      return 1
   n1 = n - 1
   n2 = n
   n3 = n1
   c = 1
   d = (n3 + base) div n2
   e = (n3 * d + base div pow d n1) div n2
   while c <> d and c <> e
      c = d
      d = e
      e = (n3 * e + base div pow e n1) div n2
   if (d < e)
      return d
   return e
print "3rd root of 8 = " & root 8 3
print "3rd root of 9 = " & root 9 3
b = 2e18
print "2nd root of " & b & " = " & root b 2
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2e+18 = 1414213562


Translation of: Ruby
defmodule Integer_roots do
  def root(_, b) when b<2, do: b
  def root(a, b) do
    a1 = a - 1
    f = fn x -> (a1 * x + div(b, power(x, a1))) |> div(a) end
    c = 1
    d = f.(c)
    e = f.(d)
    until(c, d, e, f)
  defp until(c, d, e, _) when c in [d, e], do: min(d, e)
  defp until(_, d, e, f), do: until(d, e, f.(e), f)
  defp power(_, 0), do: 1
  defp power(n, m), do: Enum.reduce(1..m, 1, fn _,acc -> acc*n end)
  def task do
    IO.puts root(3,8)
    IO.puts root(3,9)
    IO.puts "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
    IO.puts root(2, 2 * power(100, 2000))

First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


Translation of: C#
open System

let iroot (base_ : bigint) n =
    if base_ < bigint.Zero || n <= 0 then
        raise (ArgumentException "Bad parameter")

    let n1 = n - 1
    let n2 = bigint n
    let n3 = bigint n1
    let mutable c = bigint.One
    let mutable d = (n3 + base_) / n2
    let mutable e = ((n3 * d) + (base_ / bigint.Pow(d, n1))) / n2
    while c <> d && c <> e do
        c <- d
        d <- e
        e <- (n3 * e + base_ / bigint.Pow(e, n1)) / n2

    if d < e then

let main _ =
    Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 8 = {0}", (iroot (bigint 8) 3))
    Console.WriteLine("3rd integer root of 9 = {0}", (iroot (bigint 9) 3))

    let b = bigint.Pow(bigint 100, 2000) * (bigint 2)
    Console.WriteLine("First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: {0}", (iroot b 2))

    0 // return an integer exit code
3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the sqaure root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


Translation of: Sidef
USING: io kernel locals math math.functions math.order
prettyprint sequences ;

:: (root) ( a b -- n )
    a 1 - 1 :> ( a1 c! )
    [| x | a1 x * b x a1 ^ /i + a /i ] :> f
    c f call :> d!
    d f call :> e!
    [ c { d e } member? ] [
        d c! e d! e f call e!
    ] until
    d e min ;

: root ( a b -- n ) dup 2 < [ nip ] [ (root) ] if ;

"First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:" print
2 100 2000 ^ 2 * root .
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


Translation of: Ring
#define floor(x) ((x*2.0-0.5) Shr 1)

Function root(n As Uinteger, x As Uinteger) As Uinteger
    For nr As Uinteger = floor(Sqr(x)) To 1 Step -1
        If (nr ^ n) <= x Then Return nr
    Next nr
End Function

Print root(3, 8) 
Print root(3, 9) 
Print root(4, 167)
Print root(2, 2e18)



local fn root( n as UInt64, x as UInt64 ) as double
  double nr, result = 0
  for nr = fn floor( sqr(x) ) to 1 step -1
    if ( nr ^ n ) <= x then result = nr : exit fn
end fn = result

print @"3rd root of 8 = "; fn root( 3, 8 )
print @"3rd root of 9 = "; fn root( 3, 9 )
print @"4th root of 167 = "; fn root( 4, 167 )
print @"2nd root of 2e+018 = "; fn root( 2, 2e+018 )

3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
4th root of 167 = 3
2nd root of 2e+018 = 1414213562



package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println(root(3, 8))
    fmt.Println(root(3, 9))
    fmt.Println(root(2, 2e18))

func root(N, X int) int {
    // adapted from
    for r := 1; ; {
        x := X
        for i := 1; i < N; i++ {
            x /= r
        x -= r
        // A small complication here is that Go performs truncated integer
        // division but for negative values of x, Δr in the line below needs 
        // to be computed as the floor of x / N.  The following % test and
        // correction completes the floor division operation (for positive N.)
        Δr := x / N
        if x%N < 0 {
        if Δr == 0 {
            return r
        r += Δr


package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(root(3, "8"))
    fmt.Println(root(3, "9"))
    fmt.Println(root(2, "2000000000000000000"))
    fmt.Println(root(2, "200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))

var one = big.NewInt(1)

func root(N int, X string) *big.Int {
    var xx, x, Δr big.Int
    xx.SetString(X, 10)
    nn := big.NewInt(int64(N))
    for r := big.NewInt(1); ; {
        for i := 1; i < N; i++ {
            x.Quo(&x, r)
        // big.Quo performs Go-like truncated division and would allow direct
        // translation of the int-based solution, but package big also provides
        // Div which performs Euclidean rather than truncated division.
        // This gives the desired result for negative x so the int-based
        // correction is no longer needed and the code here can more directly
        // follow the Wikipedia article.
        Δr.Div(x.Sub(&x, r), nn)
        if len(Δr.Bits()) == 0 {
            return r
        r.Add(r, &Δr)


Translation of: Python
root :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
root a b = findAns $ iterate (\x -> (a1 * x + b `div` (x ^ a1)) `div` a) 1
    a1 = a - 1
    findAns (x:xs@(y:z:_))
      | x == y || x == z = min y z
      | otherwise = findAns xs

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ root 3 8
  print $ root 3 9
  print $ root 2 (2 * 100 ^ 2000) -- first 2001 digits of the square root of 2

Or equivalently, in terms of an applicative expression:

integerRoot :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
integerRoot n x =
  go $ iterate ((`div` n) . ((+) . (pn *) <*> (x `div`) . (^ pn))) 1
    pn = pred n
    go (x:xs@(y:z:_))
      | x == y || x == z = min y z
      | otherwise = go xs
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (print . uncurry integerRoot) [(3, 8), (3, 9), (2, 2 * 100 ^ 2000)]


<.@%: satisfies this task. Left argument is the task's N, right argument is the task's X:

Note: If you are looking for a decimal expansion of an integer root, one must select the proper number of digits for N, that is, 2000, 2001, 2002, etc..., otherwise the result will be the digits of the nth root of 20, 2000, etc...
For example, If you use "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2000)" instead of "3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2001)", you will get an output starting with "271441761659490657151808946...", which are the first digits of the cube root of 20, not 2. This constraint is independent of the task requirements, except in an illustrative sense, so will not be developed further, here.

   9!:37]0 4096 0 222 NB. set display truncation sufficiently high for our results

   2 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2000)
   3 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2001)
   5 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2000)
   7 <.@%: (2*10x^2*2002)


Translation of: Kotlin
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class IntegerRoots {
    private static BigInteger iRoot(BigInteger base, int n) {
        if (base.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0 || n <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        int n1 = n - 1;
        BigInteger n2 = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
        BigInteger n3 = BigInteger.valueOf(n1);
        BigInteger c = BigInteger.ONE;
        BigInteger d = n3.add(base).divide(n2);
        BigInteger e = n3.multiply(d).add(base.divide(d.pow(n1))).divide(n2);
        while (!c.equals(d) && !c.equals(e)) {
            c = d;
            d = e;
            e = n3.multiply(e).add(base.divide(e.pow(n1))).divide(n2);
        if (d.compareTo(e) < 0) {
            return d;
        return e;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BigInteger b = BigInteger.valueOf(8);
        System.out.print("3rd integer root of 8 = ");
        System.out.println(iRoot(b, 3));

        b = BigInteger.valueOf(9);
        System.out.print("3rd integer root of 9 = ");
        System.out.println(iRoot(b, 3));

        b = BigInteger.valueOf(100).pow(2000).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
        System.out.print("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: ");
        System.out.println(iRoot(b, 2));
3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


Adapted from Julia

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);

# If $j is 0, then an error condition is raised;
# otherwise, assuming infinite-precision integer arithmetic,
# if the input and $j are integers, then the result will be an integer.
def idivide($j):
  (. - (. % $j)) / $j ;

def iroot(a; b):
  if b < 2 then b
  else (a-1) as $a1
  | {c: 1,
     d: (($a1 + (b | idivide(1))) | idivide(a)) }
  | .d as $d
  | .e = ($a1 * $d + (b |idivide($d | power($a1))) | idivide(a))
  | until( .d == .c or .c == .e; 
       .c = .d
       | .d = .e
       | .e as $e
       | .e = ($a1 * .e + (b | idivide(($e | power($a1)))) | idivide(a)) )
  | [.d, .e] | min
  end ;

# The task: 
"First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:", 
iroot(2; 2 * (100 | power(2000)))

Exactly as for Julia.


Works with: Julia version 1.3
Translation of: Python
function iroot(a, b)
    b < 2 && return b
    a1, c = a - 1, 1
    d = (a1 * c + b ÷ c^a1) ÷ a
    e = (a1 * d + b ÷ d^a1) ÷ a
    while d  c  e
        c, d, e = d, e, (a1 * e + b ÷ (e ^ a1)) ÷ a
    min(d, e)

println("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n", iroot(2, 2 * big(100) ^ 2000))
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


Translation of: Python
// version 1.1.2

import java.math.BigInteger

val bigZero = BigInteger.ZERO
val bigOne  = BigInteger.ONE
val bigTwo  = BigInteger.valueOf(2L)

fun BigInteger.iRoot(n: Int): BigInteger {
    require(this >= bigZero && n > 0)
    if (this < bigTwo) return this
    val n1 = n - 1
    val n2 = BigInteger.valueOf(n.toLong())
    val n3 = BigInteger.valueOf(n1.toLong())
    var c = bigOne
    var d = (n3 + this) / n2
    var e = (n3 * d + this / d.pow(n1)) / n2
    while (c != d && c != e) {
        c = d
        d = e
        e = (n3 * e + this / e.pow(n1)) / n2
    return if (d < e) d else e

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var b: BigInteger
    b = BigInteger.valueOf(8L)
    println("3rd integer root of 8 = ${b.iRoot(3)}\n")
    b = BigInteger.valueOf(9L)
    println("3rd integer root of 9 = ${b.iRoot(3)}\n")    
    b = BigInteger.valueOf(100L).pow(2000) * bigTwo
    println("First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:")
3rd integer root of 8 = 2

3rd integer root of 9 = 2

First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:


Translation of: C
function root(base, n)
    if base < 2 then return base end
    if n == 0 then return 1 end

    local n1 = n - 1
    local n2 = n
    local n3 = n1
    local c = 1
    local d = math.floor((n3 + base) / n2)
    local e = math.floor((n3 * d + base / math.pow(d, n1)) / n2)

    while c ~= d and c ~= e do
        c = d
        d = e
        e = math.floor((n3 * e + base / math.pow(e, n1)) / n2)

    if d < e then return d end
    return e

-- main
local b = 2e18

print("3rd root of 8 = " .. root(8, 3))
print("3rd root of 9 = " .. root(9, 3))
print("2nd root of " .. b .. " = " .. root(b, 2))
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
2nd root of 2e+018 = 1414213562


MODULE IntegerRoot;
FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString;
FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString,ReadChar;

    result : LONGCARD;
    result := 1;
    WHILE p > 0 DO
        IF p MOD 2 = 1 THEN
            result := result * b;
        p := p / 2;
        b := b * b
    RETURN result
END pow;

    n1,n2,n3,c,d,e : LONGCARD;
    IF base < 2 THEN RETURN base END;
    IF n = 0 THEN RETURN 1 END;

    n1 := n - 1;
    n2 := n;
    n3 := n1;
    c := 1;
    d := (n3 + base) / n2;
    e := (n3 * d + base / pow(d, n1)) / n2;

    WHILE (c # d) AND (c # e) DO
        c := d;
        d := e;
        e := (n3 * e + base / pow(e, n1)) / n2

    IF d < e THEN RETURN d END;
    RETURN e
END root;

(* main *)
    buf : ARRAY[0..63] OF CHAR;
    b : LONGCARD;
    FormatString("3rd root of 8 = %u\n", buf, root(8, 3));

    FormatString("3rd root of 9 = %u\n", buf, root(9, 3));

    b := 2000000000000000000;
    FormatString("2nd root of %u = %u\n", buf, b, root(b, 2));

END IntegerRoot.


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: bignum
import bignum

proc root(x: Int; n: int): Int =
  if x < 2: return x
  let n1 = (n - 1).culong
  var c = newInt(1)
  var d = (n1 + x) div n
  var e = (n1 * d + x div d.pow(n1)) div n
  while c != d and c != e:
    c = d
    d = e
    e = (n1 * e + x div e.pow(n1)) div n
  result = if d < e: d else: e

var x: Int
x = newInt(8)
echo "3rd integer root of 8 = ", x.root(3)
x = newInt(9)
echo "3rd integer root of 9 = ", x.root(3)
x = newInt(100).pow(2000) * newInt(2)
echo "First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:"
let s = $x.root(2)
for i in countup(0, s.high, 87): echo s.substr(i, i + 86)
3rd integer root of 8 = 2
3rd integer root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:


%1 = 2
%2 = 2
%3 = 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


Translation of: Ruby
use bigint;

sub integer_root {
    our($a,$b) = @_;
    our $a1 = $a - 1;
    my $c = 1;
    my $d = f($c);
    my $e = f($d);
    ($c, $d, $e) = ($d, $e, f($e)) until $c==$d || $c==$e;
    return $d < $e ? $d : $e;

    sub f { ($a1*$_[0]+$b/$_[0]**$a1)/$a }

print integer_root( 3, 8), "\n";
print integer_root( 3, 9), "\n";
print integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000), "\n";

Using a module

If using bigints, we can do this directly, which will be much faster than the method above:

use bigint;
print 8->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print 9->babs->broot(3),"\n";
print +(2*100**2000)->babs->broot(2),"\n";

The babs calls are only necessary if the input might be non-negative.

Even faster, using a module:

use bigint;
use ntheory "rootint";
print rootint(8,3),"\n";
print rootint(9,3),"\n";
print rootint(2*100**2000,2),"\n";

Both generate the same output as above.


Library: Phix/mpfr
with javascript_semantics 
include mpfr.e

function integer_root(integer n, object a)
-- a must be integer or string
--  (were a an mpz you would have to invoke mpz_init_set(), not mpz_init(),
--   or better yet pass a as the second parameter of mpz_root() instead.)
    mpz res = mpz_init(a)
    return mpz_get_str(res)
end function
atom t0 = time()
printf(1,"3rd root of 8 = %s\n", {integer_root(3,8)})
printf(1,"3rd root of 9 = %s\n", {integer_root(3,9)})
string s = integer_root(2,"2"&repeat('0',4000))
printf(1,"First digits of the square root of 2: %s\n", {shorten(s)})
s = integer_root(3,"2"&repeat('0',6000))
printf(1,"First digits of the  cube  root of 2: %s\n", {shorten(s)})
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First digits of the square root of 2: 14142135623730950488...47107578486024636008 (2,001 digits)
First digits of the  cube  root of 2: 12599210498948731647...22546828353183047061 (2,001 digits)

While this finishes near-instantly on the desktop, it takes about 25s under pwa/p2js.


def root(a, b):
    if b < 2:
        return b
    a1 = a - 1
    c = 1
    d = (a1 * c + b // (c ** a1)) // a
    e = (a1 * d + b // (d ** a1)) // a
    while c not in (d, e):
        c, d, e = d, e, (a1 * e + b // (e ** a1)) // a
    return min(d, e)

print("First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:\n{}".format(
    root(2, 2 * 100 ** 2000)
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


Translation of: Python
  [ stack ]                    is a-1        (     --> s )
  [ stack ]                    is b          (     --> s )

  [ a-1 share tuck 2dup *
    unrot **
    b share swap / +
    swap 1+ / ]                is nextapprox (   n --> n )
  [ over 2 < iff drop done
    1 - a-1 put
    b put
    2 times [ dup nextapprox ]
    [ dip [ 2dup = rot ]
      tuck = rot or not while
      dup nextapprox again ]
    b release a-1 release ]    is root       ( n n --> n )

  say "3rd root of 8 = " 8 3 root echo cr
  say "3rd root of 9 = " 9 3 root echo cr
  say "First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: "
  2 100 2000 ** * 2 root echo cr
3rd root of 8 = 2
3rd root of 9 = 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2: 141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723528850926486124949771542183342042856860601468247207714358548741556570696776537202264854470158588016207584749226572260020855844665214583988939443709265918003113882464681570826301005948587040031864803421948972782906410450726368813137398552561173220402450912277002269411275736272804957381089675040183698683684507257993647290607629969413804756548237289971803268024744206292691248590521810044598421505911202494413417285314781058036033710773091828693147101711116839165817268894197587165821521282295184884720896946338628915628827659526351405422676532396946175112916024087155101351504553812875600526314680171274026539694702403005174953188629256313851881634780015693691768818523786840522878376293892143006558695686859645951555016447245098368960368873231143894155766510408839142923381132060524336294853170499157717562285497414389991880217624309652065642118273167262575395947172559346372386322614827426222086711558395999265211762526989175409881593486400834570851814722318142040704265090565323333984364578657967965192672923998753666172159825788602633636178274959942194037777536814262177387991945513972312740668983299898953867288228563786977496625199665835257761989393228453447356947949629521688914854925389047558288345260965240965428893945386466257449275563819644103169798330618520193793849400571563337205480685405758679996701213722394758214263065851322174088323829472876173936474678374319600015921888073478576172522118674904249773669292073110963697216089337086611567345853348332952546758516447107578486024636008


See #Scheme, there’s very little can be done to improve it.


(formerly Perl 6)

Translation of: Python
sub integer_root ( Int $p where * >= 2, Int $n --> Int ) {
    my Int $d = $p - 1;
      10**($n.chars div $p),
      { ( $d * $^x   +   $n div ($x ** $d) ) div $p } ...
      -> $a, $, $c { $a == $c }

say integer_root( 2, 2 * 100 ** 2000 );


No error checking is performed to ensure the root is a non-zero integer.

This version incorporates some optimization when computing square roots   (because   M   is unity,   there is no need to
multiply the guess [G] by unity,   and no need to compute the guess to the 1st power,   bypassing some trivial arithmetic).

integer result only

/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
parse arg num root digs .                        /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
if  num=='' |  num==","  then  num=   2          /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
if root=='' | root==","  then root=   2          /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
if digs=='' | digs==","  then digs=2001          /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
numeric digits digs                              /*utilize this number of decimal digits*/
say 'number='  num                               /*display the number that will be used.*/
say '  root='  root                              /*   "     "    root   "    "   "   "  */
say 'digits='  digs                              /*   "    dec. digits  "    "   "   "  */
say                                              /*   "    a blank line.                */
say 'result:';       say rootI(num, root, digs)  /*   "    what it is; display the root.*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
rootI: procedure; parse arg x,root,p             /*obtain the numbers,  Y is the root #.*/
       numeric digits p*root+length(x)           /*double the number of digits  + guard.*/
       if x<2  then return x                     /*B is one or zero?  Return that value.*/
       z=x*(10**root)**p                         /*calculate the number with appended 0s*/
       m=root - 1                                /*utilize a diminished (by one) power. */
       g=(1 + z) % root                          /*take a stab at the first root guess. */
       old=.                                     /* [↓]  When M=1, a fast path for sqrt.*/
       if m==1  then  do  until old==g;   old=g;     g=(g   + z %  g     )  % root;    end
                else  do  until old==g;   old=g;     g=(g*m + z % (g**m) )  % root;    end
       return left(g,p)                          /*return the  Nth root of Z to invoker.*/

output   when the defaults are being used:

number= 2
  root= 2
digits= 2001


true results

Negative and complex roots are supported.   The expressed root may have a decimal point.

/*REXX program calculates the Nth root of a number to a specified number of decimal digs*/
parse arg num root digs .                        /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/
if  num=='' |  num==","  then  num=   2          /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
if root=='' | root==","  then root=   2          /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
if digs=='' | digs==","  then digs=2001          /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
numeric digits digs                              /*utilize this number of decimal digits*/
say 'number='  num                               /*display the number that will be used.*/
say '  root='  root                              /*   "     "    root   "    "   "   "  */
say 'digits='  digs                              /*   "    dec. digits  "    "   "   "  */
say                                              /*   "    a blank line.                */
say 'result:';           say iRoot(num, root)    /*   "    what it is; display the root.*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
iRoot: procedure; parse arg x 1 ox,    y 1 oy    /*obtain the numbers,  Y is the root #.*/
i=;                         x=abs(x);  y=abs(y)  /*use the absolute values of  X and Y. */
if ox<0 & oy//2==0  then do;  i='i';  ox=x;  end /*if the results will be imaginary ··· */
od=digits()                                      /*the current number of decimal digits.*/
a=od+9                                           /*bump the decimal digits by  nine.    */
numeric form                                     /*number will be in  exponential  form.*/
parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with ? 'E' _ . /*obtain exponent so we can do division*/
g=(?/y'E'_ % y)  +  (x>1)                        /*this is a best first guess of a root.*/
m=y-1                                            /*define a (fast) variable for later.  */
d=5                                              /*start with only five decimal digits. */
             do  until d==a                      /*keep computing 'til we're at max digs*/
             d=min(d+d,a);           dm=d-2      /*bump number of (growing) decimal digs*/
             numeric digits d                    /*increase the number of decimal digits*/
             o=0                                 /*set the old value to zero (1st time).*/
                 do  until o=g;      o=g         /*keep computing as long as  G changes.*/
                 g=format((m*g**y+x)/y/g**m,,dm) /*compute the  Yth  root of  X.        */
                 end   /*until o=g*/
             end       /*until d==a*/
_=g*sign(ox)                                     /*change the sign of the result, maybe.*/
numeric digits od                                /*set  numeric digits  to the original.*/
if oy<0  then return (1/_)i                      /*Is the root negative?  Use reciprocal*/
              return (_/1)i                      /*return the  Yth root of X to invoker.*/

output   when the defaults are being used:

number= 2
  root= 2
digits= 2001


output   when using the input of:   -81

number= -81
  root= 2
digits= 2001


output   when using the input of:   4   -2

number= 4
  root= -2
digits= 2001



# Project : Integer roots

see root(3, 8) 
see root(3, 9) 
see root(4, 167)

func root(n, x)
       for nr = floor(sqrt(x)) to 1 step -1
            if pow(nr, n) <= x
               see nr + nl




Translation of: Python
« DUP 1 - 
  → x n n1
  « IF x 2 < THEN x
       « n1 OVER * x 3 PICK n1 ^ / IP + n / IP »
       → func
       « 1 func EVAL func EVAL
         WHILE ROT DUP2 ≠ SWAP 4 PICK ≠ AND 
         REPEAT func EVAL END
» » 'IROOT' STO     @ ( x n → root )   with root^n ≤ x


Translation of: Python, zkl
def root(a,b)
  return b if b<2
  a1, c = a-1, 1
  f = -> x {(a1*x+b/(x**a1))/a}  # a lambda with argument x
  d = f[c]
  e = f[d]
  c, d, e = d, e, f[e] until [d,e].include?(c)

puts "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
puts root(2, 2*100**2000)
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


The rug crate provides the functionality required for this task.

// [dependencies]
// rug = "1.9"

fn shorten(s: &str, digits: usize) -> String {
    if s.len() <= digits + 3 {
        return String::from(s);
    format!("{}...{}", &s[0..digits/2], &s[s.len()-digits/2..])

fn main() {
    use rug::{ops::Pow, Integer};

    let x = Integer::from(8);
    let r = Integer::from(x.root_ref(3));
    println!("Integer cube root of {}: {}", x, r);

    let x = Integer::from(9);
    let r = Integer::from(x.root_ref(3));
    println!("Integer cube root of {}: {}", x, r);

    let mut x = Integer::from(100).pow(2000);
    x *= 2;
    let s = Integer::from(x.root(2)).to_string();
    println!("First {} digits of the square root of 2:\n{}", s.len(), shorten(&s, 70));

    let mut x = Integer::from(100).pow(3000);
    x *= 2;
    let s = Integer::from(x.root(3)).to_string();
    println!("First {} digits of the cube root of 2:\n{}", s.len(), shorten(&s, 70));
Integer cube root of 8: 2
Integer cube root of 9: 2
First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:
First 2001 digits of the cube root of 2:


Functional solution, tail recursive, no immutables

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object IntegerRoots extends App {

  println("3rd integer root of 8 = " + iRoot(8, 3))

  println("3rd integer root of 9 = " + iRoot(9, 3))

  val result = iRoot(BigInt(100).pow(2000) * BigInt(2), 2)
  println(s"All ${result.toString.length} digits of the square root of 2: \n$result")

  private def iRoot(base: BigInt, degree: Int): BigInt = {
    require(base >= 0 && degree > 0,
      "Base has to be non-negative while the degree must be positive.")

    val (n1, n2) = (degree - 1, BigInt(degree))
    val d = (n1 + base) / n2

    def loop(c: BigInt, d: BigInt, e: BigInt): BigInt = {
      if (c == d || c == e) if (d < e) d else e
      else loop(d, e, (n1 * e + (base / e.pow(n1))) / n2)

    loop(1, (n1 + base) / n2, (n1 * d + (base / d.pow(n1))) / n2)


See it running in your browser by ScalaFiddle (JavaScript, non JVM) or by Scastie (JVM).


Translation of: Python
(define (root a b)
  (define // quotient)
  (define (y a a1 b c d e)
    (if (or (= c d) (= c e))
      (min d e)
      (y a a1 b d e (// (+ (* a1 e) (// b (expt e a1))) a))))
  (if (< b 2)
    (let* ((a1 (- a 1))
           (c 1)
           (d (// (+ (* a1 c) (// b (expt c a1))) a))
           (e (// (+ (* a1 d) (// b (expt d a1))) a)))
      (y a a1 b c d e))))
(display "First 2,001 digits of the cube root of two:\n")      
(display (root 3 (* 2 (expt 1000 2000))))
First 2,001 digits of the cube root of two:


Translation of: Ruby
func root(a, b) {
    b < 2 && return(b)
    var (a1, c) = (a-1, 1)
    var f = {|x| (a1*x + b//(x**a1)) // a }
    var d = f(c)
    var e = f(d)
    while (c !~ [d, e]) {
        (c, d, e) = (d, e, f(e))
    [d, e].min

say "First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:"
say root(2, 2 * 100**2000)
First 2,001 digits of the square root of two:


Tcl is not made for number crunching. The execution is quite slow compared to compiled languages.

On the other hand, everything is very straightforward, no libraries necessary.

proc root {this n} {
  if {$this < 2} {return $this}
  set n1 [expr $n - 1]
  set n2 $n
  set n3 $n1
  set c 1
  set d [expr ($n3 + $this) / $n2]
  set e [expr ($n3 * $d + $this / ($d ** $n1)) / $n2]
  while {$c != $d && $c != $e} {
    set c $d
    set d $e
    set e [expr ($n3 * $e + $this / ($e ** $n1)) / $n2]
  return [expr min($d, $e)]

puts [root 8 3]
puts [root 9 3]
puts [root [expr 2* (100**2000)] 2]

Visual Basic .NET

From the method described on the Wikipedia page. Included is an Integer Square Root function to compare results to the Integer Nth Square root function. One must choose the exponents carefully, otherwise one will obtain the digits of the nth root of 20, 200, 2000, etc..., instead of 2. For example, 4008 was chosen because it works for both n = 2 and n = 3, whereas 4004 was chosen for n = 7

Imports System
Imports System.Numerics
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings

Public Module Module1

    Public Function IntSqRoot(v As BigInteger) As BigInteger
        Dim digs As Integer = Math.Max(0, v.ToString().Length / 2 - 1)
        IntSqRoot = BigInteger.Parse("3" & StrDup(digs, "0"))
        Dim term As BigInteger
            term = v / IntSqRoot
            If Math.Abs(CDbl(term - IntSqRoot)) < 2 Then Exit Do
            IntSqRoot = (IntSqRoot + term) / 2
        Loop Until False
    End Function

    Public Function IntNthRoot(n As Integer, v As BigInteger) As BigInteger
        Dim digs As Integer = Math.Max(0, v.ToString().Length / n - 1)
        IntNthRoot = BigInteger.Parse(If(digs > 1, 3, 2).ToString() & StrDup(digs, "0"))
        Dim va As BigInteger, dr As BigInteger
            va = v : For i As Integer = 2 To n : va /= IntNthRoot : Next
            va -= IntNthRoot
            dr = va / n : If dr = 0 Then Exit Do
            IntNthRoot += dr
        Loop Until False
    End Function

    Public Sub Main()
        Dim b As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("2" & StrDup(4008, "0"))
        Console.WriteLine("Integer Cube Root of 8:")
        Console.WriteLine(IntNthRoot(3, 8).ToString()) ' given example
        Console.WriteLine("Integer Cube Root of 9:")
        Console.WriteLine(IntNthRoot(3, 9).ToString()) ' given example
        Console.WriteLine("Integer Square Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008, square root method):")
        Console.WriteLine(IntSqRoot(b).ToString()) ' reality check
        Console.WriteLine("Integer Square Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008, nth root method):")
        Console.WriteLine(IntNthRoot(2, b).ToString()) ' given example
        Console.WriteLine("Integer Cube Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008):")
        Console.WriteLine(IntNthRoot(3, b).ToString()) ' bonus example
        b /= 10000
        Console.WriteLine("Integer 7th Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4004):")
        Console.WriteLine(IntNthRoot(7, b).ToString()) ' bonus example
        If Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached Then Console.Read()
    End Sub

End Module
Integer Cube Root of 8:
Integer Cube Root of 9:
Integer Square Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008, square root method):
Integer Square Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008, nth root method):
Integer Cube Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4008):
Integer 7th Root of 2, (actually 2 * 10 ^ 4004):


import "./big" for BigInt

// only use for integers less than 2^53
var intRoot = { |x, n|
    if (!(x is Num && x.isInteger && x >= 0)) {
        Fiber.abort("First argument must be a non-negative integer.")
    if (!(n is Num && x.isInteger && x >= 1)) {
        Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a positive integer.")
    return x.pow(1/n).floor

var a = [ [8, 3], [9, 3], [2e18, 2] ]
for (e in a) {
    var x = e[0]
    var n = e[1]
    System.print("%(x) ^ (1/%(n)) = %(, n))")

System.print("\nFirst 2001 digits of the square root of 2:")
System.print((BigInt.two *
8 ^ (1/3) = 2
9 ^ (1/3) = 2
2e+18 ^ (1/2) = 1414213562

First 2001 digits of the square root of 2:


func real IRoot(X, N);
real X, N;
return Floor(Pow(X, 1./N));

[Format(1, 0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(8., 3.));  CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(9., 3.));  CrLf(0);
RlOut(0, IRoot(2e18, 2.));  CrLf(0);


Translation of: FreeBASIC
sub root(n, x)
    for nr = floor(sqr(x)) to 1 step -1
        if (nr ^ n) <= x then return nr : fi
    next nr
end sub

print root(3, 8) 
print root(3, 9) 
print root(4, 167)


Translation of: Python

Uses GNU GMP library

var [const] BN=Import("zklBigNum");
fcn root(n,r){
   f:='wrap(z){ (n/z.pow(r-1) + z*(r-1))/r or 1 };  //--> v or 1
   while(c!=d and c!=e){ c,d,e=d,e,f(e) }
   if(d<e) d else e
println("Does GMP agree: ",root(a,3)==a.root(3));
Does GMP agree: True