
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website |
Execution method: | Compiled (bytecode) |
Type strength: | Strong |
Type compatibility: | Nominative |
Type expression: | Implicit |
Type checking: | Static |
See Also: |
Nemerle is a high-level, statically-typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful meta-programming system.
Features that come from the functional land are variants, pattern matching, type inference and parameter polymorphism (aka generics). The meta-programming system allows great compiler extensibility, embedding domain specific languages, partial evaluation and aspect-oriented programming.
See Also
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- Nemerle Implementations (empty)
- Nemerle User (1 P)
Pages in category "Nemerle"
The following 147 pages are in this category, out of 147 total.
- Call a function
- Call an object method
- Case-sensitivity of identifiers
- Catamorphism
- Check input device is a terminal
- Check output device is a terminal
- Check that file exists
- Classes
- Closures/Value capture
- Command-line arguments
- Comments
- Conditional structures
- Constrained genericity
- Copy a string
- Count occurrences of a substring
- Create a file
- Currying
- Leap year
- List comprehensions
- Literals/Floating point
- Literals/Integer
- Literals/String
- Logical operations
- Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/Nested
- Loops/While
- Set
- Short-circuit evaluation
- Sleep
- Sockets
- Sort an integer array
- Sort using a custom comparator
- Sorting algorithms/Bogosort
- Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort
- Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort
- Sorting algorithms/Merge sort
- Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
- Sorting algorithms/Selection sort
- Stack
- String case
- String concatenation
- String interpolation (included)
- String length
- Strip a set of characters from a string
- Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail
- Substring
- Substring/Top and tail
- Sum and product of an array
- Sum of squares
- System time