Bitmap/Flood fill: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(Added Julia language)
(Added Rust version)
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bitmap.draw_circle(Pixel[200,100], 40, RGBColour::BLACK)
bitmap.flood_fill(Pixel[140,160], RGBColour::BLUE)</lang>
<lang rust>
/* Naive Rust implementation of RosettaCode's Bitmap/Flood fill excercise.
* For the sake of simplicity this code reads PPM files (format specification can be found here: ).
* The program assumes that the image has been created by GIMP in PPM ASCII mode and panics at any error.
* Also this program expects the input file to be in the same directory as the executable and named
* "input.ppm" and outputs a file in the same directory under the name "output.ppm".
use std::fs::File; // Used for creating/opening files.
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead, Write}; // Used for reading/writing files.
fn read_image(filename: String) -> Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>> {
let file = File::open(filename).unwrap();
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
let mut lines = reader.lines();
let _ =; // Skip P3 signature.
let _ =; // Skip GIMP comment.
let dimensions: (usize, usize) = {
let line =;
let values = line.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<&str>>();
// We turn the &str vector that holds the width & height of the image into an usize tuplet.
let _ =; // Skip maximum color value (we assume 255).
let mut image_data = Vec::with_capacity(dimensions.1);
for y in 0..dimensions.1 {
for _ in 0..dimensions.0 {
// We read the R, G and B components and put them in the image_data vector.
fn write_image(image_data: Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>>) {
let mut file = File::create(format!("./output.ppm")).unwrap();
// Signature, then width and height, then 255 as max color value.
write!(file, "P3\n{} {}\n255\n", image_data.len(), image_data[0].len()).unwrap();
for row in &image_data {
// For performance reasons, we reserve a String with the necessary length for a line and
// fill that up before writing it to the file.
let mut line = String::with_capacity(row.len()*6); // 6 = r(space)g(space)b(space)
for (r,g,b) in row {
// &* is used to turn a String into a &str as needed by push_str.
line.push_str(&*format!("{} {} {} ", r,g,b));
write!(file, "{}", line).unwrap();
fn flood_fill(x: usize, y: usize, target: &(u8,u8,u8), replacement: &(u8,u8,u8), image_data: &mut Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>>) {
if &image_data[y][x] == target {
image_data[y][x] = *replacement;
if y > 0 {flood_fill(x,y-1, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
if x > 0 {flood_fill(x-1,y, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
if y < image_data.len()-1 {flood_fill(x,y+1, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
if x < image_data[0].len()-1 {flood_fill(x+1,y, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
fn main() {
let mut data = read_image(String::from("./input.ppm"));
flood_fill(1,50, &(255,255,255), &(0,255,0), &mut data); // Fill the big white circle with green.
flood_fill(40,35, &(0,0,0), &(255,0,0), &mut data); // Fill the small black circle with red.

Revision as of 21:44, 23 August 2019

Bitmap/Flood fill
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Implement a flood fill.

A flood fill is a way of filling an area using color banks to define the contained area or a target color which "determines" the area (the valley that can be flooded; Wikipedia uses the term target color). It works almost like a water flooding from a point towards the banks (or: inside the valley): if there's a hole in the banks, the flood is not contained and all the image (or all the "connected valleys") get filled.

To accomplish the task, you need to implement just one of the possible algorithms (examples are on Wikipedia). Variations on the theme are allowed (e.g. adding a tolerance parameter or argument for color-matching of the banks or target color).

Testing: the basic algorithm is not suitable for truecolor images; a possible test image is the one shown on the right box; you can try to fill the white area, or the black inner circle.


<lang ada>procedure Flood_Fill

         (  Picture  : in out Image;
            From     : Point;
            Fill     : Pixel;
            Replace  : Pixel;
            Distance : Luminance := 20
         )  is
  function Diff (A, B : Luminance) return Luminance is
     pragma Inline (Diff);
     if A > B then
        return A - B;
        return B - A;
     end if;
  end Diff;
  function "-" (A, B : Pixel) return Luminance is
     pragma Inline ("-");
     return Luminance'Max (Luminance'Max (Diff (A.R, B.R), Diff (A.G, B.G)), Diff (A.B, B.B));
  end "-";
  procedure Column (From : Point);
  procedure Row (From : Point);
  Visited : array (Picture'Range (1), Picture'Range (2)) of Boolean :=
     (others => (others => False));
  procedure Column (From : Point) is
     X1 : Positive := From.X;
     X2 : Positive := From.X;
     Visited (From.X, From.Y) := True;
     for X in reverse Picture'First (1)..From.X - 1 loop
        exit when Visited (X, From.Y);
           Color : Pixel renames Picture (X, From.Y);
           Visited (X, From.Y) := True;
           exit when Color - Replace > Distance;
           Color := Fill;
           X1    := X;
     end loop;
     for X in From.X + 1..Picture'Last (1) loop
        exit when Visited (X, From.Y);
           Color : Pixel renames Picture (X, From.Y);
           Visited (X, From.Y) := True;
           exit when Color - Replace > Distance;
           Color := Fill;
           X2    := X;
     end loop;
     for X in X1..From.X - 1 loop
        Row ((X, From.Y));
     end loop;
     for X in From.X + 1..X2 loop
        Row ((X, From.Y));
     end loop;
  end Column;
  procedure Row (From : Point) is
     Y1 : Positive := From.Y;
     Y2 : Positive := From.Y;
     Visited (From.X, From.Y) := True;
     for Y in reverse Picture'First (2)..From.Y - 1 loop
        exit when Visited (From.X, Y);
           Color : Pixel renames Picture (From.X, Y);
           Visited (From.X, Y) := True;
           exit when Color - Replace > Distance;
           Color := Fill;
           Y1    := Y;
     end loop;
     for Y in From.Y + 1..Picture'Last (2) loop
        exit when Visited (From.X, Y);
           Color : Pixel renames Picture (From.X, Y);
           Visited (From.X, Y) := True;
           exit when Color - Replace > Distance;
           Color := Fill;
           Y2    := Y;
     end loop;
     for Y in Y1..From.Y - 1 loop
        Column ((From.X, Y));
     end loop;
     for Y in From.Y + 1..Y2 loop
        Column ((From.X, Y));
     end loop;
  end Row;
  Color : Pixel renames Picture (From.X, From.Y);


  if Color - Replace <= Distance then
     Visited (From.X, From.Y) := True;
     Color := Fill;
     Column (From);
  end if;

end Flood_Fill;</lang> The procedure has the following parameters. Picture is the image to change. From is the point to start at. Fill is the color to fill with. Replace is the color to replace. Distance defines the range of color around Replace to replace as well. The distance is defined as a maximum of the differences of stimuli. The following code snippet reads the test file, fills the area between two circles red, and writes the result: <lang ada>declare

  File : File_Type;


  Open (File, In_File, "Unfilledcirc.ppm");
     Picture : Image := Get_PPM (File);
     Close (File);
     (  Picture  => Picture,
        From     => (122, 30),
        Fill     => (255,0,0),
        Replace  => White
     Create (File, Out_File, "Filledcirc.ppm");
     Put_PPM (File, Picture);
     Close (File);



  • x, y are the initial coords (relative to screen unless the relative parameter is true).
  • target is the BGR hex color code to replace.
  • replacement is the BGR hex color code to replace target with.
  • mode is 1 for a four-way fill, 2 for a five-way fill (hits each pixel doubly because each calls itself), 3 for an eight-way fill, or 4 for an eight-way fill that hits each pixel doubly because it calls itself double (default 1).
  • key is a key to press to exit if the fill takes too long.


This is limited to %StackSize% pixels. <lang AutoHotkey>SetBatchLines, -1 CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, Pixel CapsLock:: KeyWait, CapsLock MouseGetPos, X, Y PixelGetColor, color, X, Y FloodFill(x, y, color, 0x000000, 1, "CapsLock") MsgBox Done! Return FloodFill(x, y, target, replacement, mode=1, key="") {

  If GetKeyState(key, "P")
  PixelGetColor, color, x, y
  If (color <> target || color = replacement || target = replacement)
  VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0)
  NumPut(x, Rect, 0)
  NumPut(y, Rect, 4)
  NumPut(x+1, Rect, 8)
  NumPut(y+1, Rect, 12)
  hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, 0)
  hBrush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", UInt, replacement)
  DllCall("FillRect", UInt, hDC, Str, Rect, UInt, hBrush)
  DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, 0, UInt, hDC)
  DllCall("DeleteObject", UInt, hBrush)
  FloodFill(x+1, y, target, replacement, mode, key)
  FloodFill(x-1, y, target, replacement, mode, key)
  FloodFill(x, y+1, target, replacement, mode, key)
  FloodFill(x, y-1, target, replacement, mode, key)
  If (mode = 2 || mode = 4)
     FloodFill(x, y, target, replacement, mode, key)
  If (Mode = 3 || mode = 4)
     FloodFill(x+1, y+1, target, replacement, key)
     FloodFill(x-1, y+1, target, replacement, key)
     FloodFill(x+1, y-1, target, replacement, key)
     FloodFill(x-1, y-1, target, replacement, key)



<lang AutoHotkey>#NoEnv

  1. SingleInstance, Force

SetBatchLines, -1 CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, Pixel return

CapsLock:: KeyWait, CapsLock MouseGetPos, X, Y PixelGetColor, color, X, Y FloodFill(x, y, color, 0x000000, 1, "Esc") MsgBox Done! Return

FloodFill( 0x, 0y, target, replacement, mode=1, key="" ) { VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, 0) hBrush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", UInt, replacement)

l := 0 while l >= 0 { if getkeystate(key, "P") return x := %l%x, y := %l%y %l%p++ p := %l%p PixelGetColor, color, x, y if (color = target) { NumPut(x, Rect, 0) NumPut(y, Rect, 4) NumPut(x+1, Rect, 8) NumPut(y+1, Rect, 12) DllCall("FillRect", UInt, hDC, Str, Rect, UInt, hBrush) } else if (p = 1) { %l%x := %l%y := %l%p := "", l-- continue } if (p < 5) ol := l++ , %l%x := %ol%x + (p = 1 ? 1 : p = 2 ? -1 : 0) , %l%y := %ol%y + (p = 3 ? 1 : p = 4 ? -1 : 0) else %l%x := %l%y := %l%p := "", l-- }

DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, 0, UInt, hDC) DllCall("DeleteObject", UInt, hBrush) }</lang>


BBC BASIC has a built-in flood fill statement, but to satisfy the terms of the task it is not used in this example. <lang bbcbasic> MODE 8

     GCOL 15
     CIRCLE FILL 640, 512, 500
     GCOL 0
     CIRCLE FILL 500, 600, 200
     GCOL 3
     PROCflood(600, 200, 15)
     GCOL 4
     PROCflood(600, 700, 0)
     DEF PROCflood(X%, Y%, C%)
     LOCAL L%, R%
     IF POINT(X%,Y%) <> C% ENDPROC
     L% = X%
     R% = X%
     WHILE POINT(L%-2,Y%) = C% : L% -= 2 : ENDWHILE
     WHILE POINT(R%+2,Y%) = C% : R% += 2 : ENDWHILE
     LINE L%,Y%,R%,Y%
     FOR X% = L% TO R% STEP 2
       PROCflood(X%, Y%+2, C%)
       PROCflood(X%, Y%-2, C%)


Simple and complete example in C89

<lang C>/*

* RosettaCode: Bitmap/Flood fill, language C, dialects C89, C99, C11. 
* This is an implementation of the recursive algorithm. For the sake of
* simplicity, instead of reading files as JPEG, PNG, etc., the program
* read and write Portable Bit Map (PBM) files in plain text format. 
* Portable Bit Map files can also be read and written with GNU GIMP.
* The program is just an example, so the image size is limited to 2048x2048,
* the image can only be black and white, there is no run-time validation.
* Data is read from a standard input stream, the results are written to the
* standard output file.
* In order for this program to work properly it is necessary to allocate
* enough memory for the program stack. For example, in Microsoft Visual Studio,
* the option /stack:134217728 declares a 128MB stack instead of the default
* size of 1MB. 
  1. define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* Unlock printf etc. in MSVC */
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  1. define MAXSIZE 2048
  2. define BYTE unsigned char

static int width, height; static BYTE bitmap[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; static BYTE oldColor; static BYTE newColor;

void floodFill(int i, int j) {

   if ( 0 <= i && i < height 
   &&   0 <= j && j < width 
   &&   bitmap[i][j] == oldColor )
       bitmap[i][j] = newColor;


/* *****************************************************************************

* Input/output routines.

void skipLine(FILE* file) {

   while(!ferror(file) && !feof(file) && fgetc(file) != '\n')


void skipCommentLines(FILE* file) {

   int c;
   int comment = '#';
   while ((c = fgetc(file)) == comment) 


readPortableBitMap(FILE* file) {

   int i,j;
   skipCommentLines(file);  fscanf(file,"%d",&width);
   skipCommentLines(file);  fscanf(file,"%d",&height);
   if ( width <= MAXSIZE && height <= MAXSIZE )
       for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
           for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
   else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);


void writePortableBitMap(FILE* file) {

   int i,j;
   fprintf(file,"%d %d\n", width, height);
   for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
       for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
           fprintf(file,"%1d", bitmap[i][j]);


/* *****************************************************************************

* The main entry point.

int main(void) {

   oldColor = 1;
   newColor = oldColor ? 0 : 1;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Second example

<lang c> //

unsigned int f(unsigned int _iX, unsigned int _iY) /*

  gives position of point (iX,iY) in 1D array  ; uses also global variables 
  it does not check if index is good  so memory error is possible 
  • /

{return (_iX + (iYmax-_iY-1)*iXmax );}

int FillContour(int iXseed, int iYseed, unsigned char color, unsigned char _data[]) {

    fills contour with black border ( color = iJulia)  using seed point inside contour 
    and horizontal lines 
    it starts from seed point, saves max right( iXmaxLocal) and max left ( iXminLocal) interior points of horizontal line,
    in new line ( iY+1 or iY-1) it computes new interior point  : iXmidLocal=iXminLocal + (iXmaxLocal-iXminLocal)/2;
    result is stored in _data array : 1D array of 1-bit colors ( shades of gray)
    it does not check if index of _data array is good  so memory error is possible 

 int iX, /* seed integer coordinate */
   /* most interior point of line iY */
   /* min and max of interior points of horizontal line iY */
 int i ; /* index of _data array */;

 /* ---------  move up --------------- */ 
   i =f(iX,iY); /* index of _data array */;

   /* move to right */
   while (_data[i]==iInterior) 
     { _data[i]=color;

   /* move to left */
   while (_data[i]==iInterior) 
     { _data[i]=color;

   iY+=1; /* move up */
   iXmidLocal=iXminLocal + (iXmaxLocal-iXminLocal)/2; /* new iX inside contour */
   i=f(iXmidLocal,iY); /* index of _data array */;
   if ( _data[i]==iJulia)  break; /*  it should not cross the border */

 } while  (iY<iYmax); 

 /* ------  move down ----------------- */

   i =f(iX,iY); /* index of _data array */;

   /* move to right */
   while (_data[i]==iInterior) /*  */
     { _data[i]=color;

   /* move to left */
   while (_data[i]==iInterior) /*  */
     { _data[i]=color;
       iX-=1; /* move to right */

   iY-=1; /* move down */
   iXmidLocal=iXminLocal + (iXmaxLocal-iXminLocal)/2; /* new iX inside contour */
   i=f(iXmidLocal,iY); /* index of _data array */;
   if ( _data[i]==iJulia)  break; /*  it should not cross the border */
 } while  (0<iY); 

 /* mark seed point by big pixel */
 const int iSide =iXmax/500; /* half of width or height of big pixel */
     i= f(iX,iY); /* index of _data array */

 return 0;



Third example

This example is in need of improvement:

Very difficult to make it work, and still doesn't work correctly after that. Needs to be replaced with something sensible.

The sys/queue.h is not POSIX. (See FIFO)

<lang c>/* #include <sys/queue.h> */ typedef struct {

 color_component red, green, blue;

} rgb_color; typedef rgb_color *rgb_color_p;

void floodfill(image img, int px, int py, rgb_color_p bankscolor, rgb_color_p rcolor);</lang>

<lang c>#include "imglib.h"

typedef struct _ffill_node {

 int px, py;
 TAILQ_ENTRY(_ffill_node) nodes;

} _ffill_node_t; TAILQ_HEAD(_ffill_queue_s, _ffill_node); typedef struct _ffill_queue_s _ffill_queue;

inline void _ffill_removehead(_ffill_queue *q) {

 _ffill_node_t *n = q->tqh_first;
 if ( n != NULL ) {
   TAILQ_REMOVE(q, n, nodes);


inline void _ffill_enqueue(_ffill_queue *q, int px, int py) {

 _ffill_node_t *node;
 node = malloc(sizeof(_ffill_node_t));
 if ( node != NULL ) {
   node->px = px; node->py = py;
   TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(q, node, nodes);


inline double color_distance( rgb_color_p a, rgb_color_p b ) {

 return sqrt( (double)(a->red - b->red)*(a->red - b->red) +

(double)(a->green - b->green)*(a->green - b->green) + (double)(a->blue - b->blue)*(a->blue - b->blue) ) / (256.0*sqrt(3.0)); }

inline void _ffill_rgbcolor(image img, rgb_color_p tc, int px, int py) {

 tc->red = GET_PIXEL(img, px, py)[0];
 tc->green = GET_PIXEL(img, px, py)[1];
 tc->blue = GET_PIXEL(img, px, py)[2];


  1. define NSOE(X,Y) do { \
   if ( ((X)>=0)&&((Y)>=0) && ((X)<img->width)&&((Y)<img->height)) {	\
     _ffill_rgbcolor(img, &thisnode, (X), (Y));			\
     if ( color_distance(&thisnode, bankscolor) > tolerance ) {	\

if (color_distance(&thisnode, rcolor) > 0.0) { \ put_pixel_unsafe(img, (X), (Y), rcolor->red, \ rcolor->green, \ rcolor->blue); \ _ffill_enqueue(&head, (X), (Y)); \ pixelcount++; \ } \

     }									\
   }									\
 } while(0)

unsigned int floodfill(image img, int px, int py, rgb_color_p bankscolor, rgb_color_p rcolor) {

 _ffill_queue head;
 rgb_color thisnode;
 unsigned int pixelcount = 0;
 double tolerance = 0.05;
 if ( (px < 0) || (py < 0) || (px >= img->width) || (py >= img->height) )
 _ffill_rgbcolor(img, &thisnode, px, py);
 if ( color_distance(&thisnode, bankscolor) <= tolerance ) return;
 _ffill_enqueue(&head, px, py);
 while( head.tqh_first != NULL ) {
   _ffill_node_t *n = head.tqh_first;
   _ffill_rgbcolor(img, &thisnode, n->px, n->py);
   if ( color_distance(&thisnode, bankscolor) > tolerance ) {
     put_pixel_unsafe(img, n->px, n->py, rcolor->red, rcolor->green, rcolor->blue);
   int tx = n->px, ty = n->py;
   NSOE(tx - 1, ty);
   NSOE(tx + 1, ty);
   NSOE(tx, ty - 1);
   NSOE(tx, ty + 1);
 return pixelcount;


The pixelcount could be used to know the area of the filled region. The internal parameter tolerance can be tuned to cope with antialiasing, bringing "sharper" resuts.

Usage example

(Comments show changes to fill the white area instead of the black circle)

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include "imglib.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

 image animage;
 rgb_color ic;
 rgb_color rc;
 if ( argc > 1 ) {
   animage = read_image(argv[1]);
   if ( animage != NULL ) { = 255; /* = 0; */ = 255; /* = 0; */ = 255; /* = 0; */ = 0; = 255; = 0;
     floodfill(animage, 100, 100, &ic, &rc);
                  /*    150, 150 */
     print_jpg(animage, 90);
 return 0;



Library: OpenCV

Input is the image, the starting node (x, y), the target color we want to fill, and the replacement color that will replace the target color. It implements a 4-way flood fill algorithm.

Interface <lang cpp>#ifndef PROCESSING_FLOODFILLALGORITHM_H_

  1. include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <queue>

using namespace cv; using namespace std;

class FloodFillAlgorithm { public:

   FloodFillAlgorithm(Mat* image) :
       image(image) {
   virtual ~FloodFillAlgorithm();
   void flood(Point startPoint, Scalar tgtColor, Scalar loDiff);
   void flood(Point startPoint, Mat* tgtMat);


   Mat* image;


   bool insideImage(Point p);



</lang> Implementation <lang cpp>#include "FloodFillAlgorithm.h"

FloodFillAlgorithm::~FloodFillAlgorithm() { }

void FloodFillAlgorithm::flood(Point startPoint, Scalar tgtColor, Scalar loDiff) {

   floodFill(*image, startPoint, tgtColor, 0, loDiff);


void FloodFillAlgorithm::flood(Point startPoint, Mat* tgtMat) {

   if (!insideImage(startPoint))
   Vec3b srcColor = image->at<Vec3b>(startPoint);
   if (image->at<Vec3b>(startPoint) == srcColor) {
       queue<Point> pointQueue;


while (!pointQueue.empty()) { Point p = pointQueue.front(); pointQueue.pop();

if (insideImage(p)) {

if ((image->at<Vec3b>(p) == srcColor)) { image->at<Vec3b>(p) = tgtMat->at<Vec3b>(p);

pointQueue.push(Point(p.x + 1, p.y)); pointQueue.push(Point(p.x - 1, p.y)); pointQueue.push(Point(p.x, p.y + 1)); pointQueue.push(Point(p.x, p.y - 1)); } }




bool FloodFillAlgorithm::insideImage(Point p) {

   return (p.x >= 0) && (p.x < image->size().width) && (p.y >= 0) && (p.y < image->size().height);




Works with: C# version 3.0

This implementation matches exact colours only. Since the example image has grey pixels around the edges of the circles, these will remain grey after the interiors are filled.

<lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing;

namespace FloodFill {

   class Program
       private static bool ColorMatch(Color a, Color b)
           return (a.ToArgb() & 0xffffff) == (b.ToArgb() & 0xffffff);
       static void FloodFill(Bitmap bmp, Point pt, Color targetColor, Color replacementColor)
           Queue<Point> q = new Queue<Point>();
           while (q.Count > 0)
               Point n = q.Dequeue();
               if (!ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(n.X, n.Y),targetColor))
               Point w = n, e = new Point(n.X + 1, n.Y);
               while ((w.X >= 0) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(w.X, w.Y),targetColor))
                   bmp.SetPixel(w.X, w.Y, replacementColor);
                   if ((w.Y > 0) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(w.X, w.Y - 1),targetColor))
                       q.Enqueue(new Point(w.X, w.Y - 1));
                   if ((w.Y < bmp.Height - 1) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(w.X, w.Y + 1),targetColor))
                       q.Enqueue(new Point(w.X, w.Y + 1));
               while ((e.X <= bmp.Width - 1) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y),targetColor))
                   bmp.SetPixel(e.X, e.Y, replacementColor);
                   if ((e.Y > 0) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y - 1), targetColor))
                       q.Enqueue(new Point(e.X, e.Y - 1));
                   if ((e.Y < bmp.Height - 1) && ColorMatch(bmp.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y + 1), targetColor))
                       q.Enqueue(new Point(e.X, e.Y + 1));
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("Unfilledcirc.bmp");
           FloodFill(bmp, new Point(200, 200), Color.White, Color.Red);
           FloodFill(bmp, new Point(100, 100), Color.Black, Color.Blue);

} </lang>


This version uses the bitmap module from the Bitmap Task, matches exact colours only, and is derived from the Go version (to avoid stack overflow because unlike Go the D stack is not segmented).

<lang d>import std.array, bitmap;

void floodFill(Color)(Image!Color img, in uint x, in uint y,

                     in Color color)

/*pure*/ nothrow in {

   assert (y < img.ny && x < img.nx);

} body {

   immutable target = img[x, y];
   static struct Pos { uint x, y; }
   auto stack = [Pos(x, y)];
   while (!stack.empty) {
       immutable p = stack.back;
       if (p.y < img.ny && p.x < img.nx && img[p.x, p.y] == target) {
           img[p.x, p.y] = color;
           stack ~= [Pos(p.x,     p.y + 1), Pos(p.x,     p.y - 1),
                     Pos(p.x + 1, p.y),     Pos(p.x - 1, p.y)];


void main() {

   Image!RGB img;
   loadPPM6(img, "unfilled_circ.ppm");
   img.floodFill(200, 200, RGB(127, 0, 0));



Using the image type from Basic bitmap storage#E.

<lang e>def floodFill(image, x, y, newColor) {

 def matchColor := image[x, y]
 def w := image.width()
 def h := image.height()
 /** For any given pixel x,y, this algorithm first fills a contiguous 
     horizontal line segment of pixels containing that pixel, then
     recursively scans the two adjacent rows over the same horizontal 
     interval. Let this be invocation 0, and the immediate recursive 
     invocations be 1, 2, 3, ..., # be pixels of the wrong color, and
     * be where each scan starts; the fill ordering is as follows:
     Each invocation returns the x coordinate of the rightmost pixel it filled,
     or x0 if none were.
     Since it is recursive, this algorithm is unsuitable for large images
     with small stacks.
 def fillScan(var x0, y) {
   if (y >= 0 && y < h && x0 >= 0 && x0 < w) {
     image[x0, y] := newColor
     var x1 := x0
     # Fill rightward
     while (x1 < w - 1 && image.test(x1 + 1, y, matchColor)) {
       x1 += 1
       image[x1, y] := newColor # This could be replaced with a horizontal-line drawing operation
     # Fill leftward
     while (x0 > 0 && image.test(x0 - 1, y, matchColor)) {
       x0 -= 1
       image[x0, y] := newColor
     if (x0 > x1) { return x0 } # Filled at most center
     # x0..x1 is now a run of newly-filled pixels.
     # println(`Filled $y $x0..$x1`)
     # println(image)
     # Scan the lines above and below
     for ynext in [y - 1, y + 1] {
       if (ynext >= 0 && ynext < h) {
         var x := x0
         while (x <= x1) {
           if (image.test(x, ynext, matchColor)) {
             x := fillScan(x, ynext)
           x += 1
     return x1
   } else {
     return x0
 fillScan(x, y)


Filled sample image

Note that this does not make any attempt to smoothly fill 'banks' or have a tolerance; it matches exact colors only. This will fill the example image with red inside green, and there will be black/white fringes:

<lang e>{

 def i := readPPM(<>(<file:Unfilledcirc.ppm>))
 println("Fill 1")
 floodFill(i, 100, 100, makeColor.fromFloat(1, 0, 0))
 println("Fill 2")
 floodFill(i, 200, 200, makeColor.fromFloat(0, 1, 0))



In "PC.LIB" library there is a FILL procedure that do the job, but the example program implements the algorithm in ERRE language using an iterative method. This program is taken from the distribution disk and works in 320x200 graphics. <lang ERRE> PROGRAM MYFILL_DEMO




DIM STACK[6000,1]















   IF Y>0 THEN
     END IF
     END IF




END PROGRAM </lang> Note: I haven't an "Upload files" item, so I can't show the resulting image!

Euler Math Toolbox

Using an emulated stack. EMT's recursive stack space is limited. For the notebook with images see this page.

<lang> >file="test.png"; >A=loadrgb(file); ... >insrgb(A); >function floodfill (A0,i,j,color,dist) ... $ A=A0; $ R=getred(A); G=getgreen(A); B=getblue(A); $ d=sqrt((R-R[i,j])^2+(G-G[i,j])^2+(B-B[i,j])^2); $ n=rows(A); m=cols(A); $ V=zeros(n,m); $ S=zeros(n*m,2); sn=0; $ A[i,j]=color; V[i,j]=1; $ repeat; $ if fill(A,i+1,j,n,m,d,dist,V,S,sn,color) then i=i+1; continue; $ elseif fill(A,i,j+1,n,m,d,dist,V,S,sn,color) then j=j+1; continue; $ elseif fill(A,i-1,j,n,m,d,dist,V,S,sn,color) then i=i-1; continue; $ elseif fill(A,i,j-1,n,m,d,dist,V,S,sn,color) then j=j-1; continue; $ endif; $ sn=sn-1; if sn==0 then break; endif; $ i=S[sn,1]; j=S[sn,2]; $ end; $ return A; $endfunction >function fill (A,i,j,n,m,d,dist,V,S,%sn,color) ... $ if i<1 or i>n or j<1 or j>n then return 0; endif; $ if V[i,j] || d[i,j]>dist then A[i,j]=color; return 0; endif; $ V[i,j]=1; $ A[i,j]=color; $ %sn=%sn+1; $ S[%sn]=[i,j]; $ return 1; $endfunction >B=floodfill(A,10,240,rgb(0.5,0,0),0.5); >B=floodfill(B,10,10,rgb(0.5,0,0),0.5); >B=floodfill(B,150,60,rgb(0,0.5,0),0.5); >B=floodfill(B,200,200,rgb(0,0,0.5),0.5); >insrgb(B); </lang>


Using pure FBSL's built-in graphics functions: <lang qbasic>#DEFINE WM_LBUTTONDOWN 513


FBSLSETTEXT(ME, "Before Flood Fill") ' Set form caption FBSLSETFORMCOLOR(ME, RGB(0, 255, 255)) ' Cyan: persistent background color FBSL.GETDC(ME) ' Use volatile FBSL.GETDC below to avoid extra assignments

RESIZE(ME, 0, 0, 220, 220) CENTER(ME) SHOW(ME)


DrawCircles() ' Initialize circles


SUB FillCircles() FILL(FBSL.GETDC, Breadth / 2, Height / 2, &HFFFF) ' Yellow: flood fill using intrinsics FOR DIM x = 0 TO Breadth / 2 ' Red: flood fill iteratively FOR DIM y = 0 TO Height / 2 IF NOT POINT(FBSL.GETDC, x, y) THEN PSET(FBSL.GETDC, x, y, &HFF) NEXT NEXT FBSLSETTEXT(ME, "After Flood Fill") ' Reset form caption END SUB

SUB DrawCircles() ' Concatenate function calls CIRCLE(FBSL.GETDC, Breadth / 2, Height / 2, 85, &HFFFFFF, 0, 360, 1, TRUE) _ ' White (FBSL.GETDC, Breadth / 3, Height / 3, 30, 0, 0, 360, 1, TRUE) ' Black END SUB</lang> Output:


This simple recursive algorithm uses routines from Basic bitmap storage. <lang forth>: third 2 pick ;

3dup third third third ;
4dup 2over 2over ;
flood ( color x y bmp -- )
 3dup b@ >r  ( R: color to fill )
 4dup b!
 third 0 > if
   rot 1- -rot
   3dup b@ r@ = if recurse then
   rot 1+ -rot
 third 1+ over bwidth < if
   rot 1+ -rot
   3dup b@ r@ = if recurse then
   rot 1- -rot
 over 0 > if
   swap 1- swap
   3dup b@ r@ = if recurse then
   swap 1+ swap
 over 1+ over bheight < if
   swap 1+ swap
   3dup b@ r@ = if recurse then
   swap 1- swap
 r> drop ;</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

Here the target color paradigm is used. Again the matchdistance parameter can be tuned to ignore small differences that could come because of antialiasing.

<lang fortran>module RCImageArea

 use RCImageBasic
 use RCImagePrimitive
 implicit none
 real, parameter, private :: matchdistance = 0.2
 private :: northsouth, eastwest


 subroutine northsouth(img, p0, tcolor, fcolor)
   type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
   type(point), intent(in) :: p0
   type(rgb), intent(in) :: tcolor, fcolor
   integer :: npy, spy, y
   type(rgb) :: pc
   npy = p0%y - 1
      if ( inside_image(img, p0%x, npy) ) then
         call get_pixel(img, p0%x, npy, pc)
         if ( ((pc .dist. tcolor) > matchdistance ) .or. ( pc == fcolor ) ) exit
      end if
      npy = npy - 1
   end do
   npy = npy + 1
   spy = p0%y + 1
      if ( inside_image(img, p0%x, spy) ) then
         call get_pixel(img, p0%x, spy, pc)
         if ( ((pc .dist. tcolor) > matchdistance ) .or. ( pc == fcolor ) ) exit
      end if
      spy = spy + 1       
   end do
   spy = spy - 1
   call draw_line(img, point(p0%x, spy), point(p0%x, npy), fcolor)
   do y = min(spy, npy), max(spy, npy)
      if ( y == p0%y ) cycle
      call eastwest(img, point(p0%x, y), tcolor, fcolor)
   end do
 end subroutine northsouth

 subroutine eastwest(img, p0, tcolor, fcolor)
   type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
   type(point), intent(in) :: p0
   type(rgb), intent(in) :: tcolor, fcolor
   integer :: npx, spx, x
   type(rgb) :: pc
   npx = p0%x - 1
      if ( inside_image(img, npx, p0%y) ) then
         call get_pixel(img, npx, p0%y, pc)
         if ( ((pc .dist. tcolor) > matchdistance ) .or. ( pc == fcolor ) ) exit
      end if
      npx = npx - 1
   end do
   npx = npx + 1
   spx = p0%x + 1
      if ( inside_image(img, spx, p0%y) ) then
         call get_pixel(img, spx, p0%y, pc)
         if ( ((pc .dist. tcolor) > matchdistance ) .or. ( pc == fcolor ) ) exit
      end if
      spx = spx + 1       
   end do
   spx = spx - 1
   call draw_line(img, point(spx, p0%y), point(npx, p0%y), fcolor)
   do x = min(spx, npx), max(spx, npx)
      if ( x == p0%x ) cycle
      call northsouth(img, point(x, p0%y), tcolor, fcolor)
   end do
 end subroutine eastwest
 subroutine floodfill(img, p0, tcolor, fcolor)
   type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
   type(point), intent(in) :: p0
   type(rgb), intent(in) :: tcolor, fcolor
   type(rgb) :: pcolor
   if ( .not. inside_image(img, p0%x, p0%y) ) return
   call get_pixel(img, p0%x, p0%y, pcolor)
   if ( (pcolor .dist. tcolor) > matchdistance ) return
   call northsouth(img, p0, tcolor, fcolor)
   call eastwest(img, p0, tcolor, fcolor)
 end subroutine floodfill

end module RCImageArea</lang>

Usage example excerpt (which on the test image will fill with green the inner black circle):

<lang fortran> call floodfill(animage, point(100,100), rgb(0,0,0), rgb(0,255,0))</lang>


Translation of: BBC BASIC

<lang freebasic>' version 04-11-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console

' the flood_fill needs to know the boundries of the window/screen ' without them the routine start to check outside the window ' this leads to crashes (out of stack) ' the Line routine has clipping it will not draw outside the window

Sub flood_fill(x As Integer, y As Integer, target As UInteger, fill_color As UInteger)

   Dim As Long x_max, y_max
   ScreenInfo x_max, y_max
   ' 0, 0 is top left corner
   If Point(x,y) <> target Then Exit Sub
   Dim As Long l = x, r = x
   While Point(l -1, y) = target AndAlso l -1 > -1
       l = l -1
   While Point(r +1, y) = target AndAlso r +1 < x_max
       r = r +1
   Line (l,y) - (r,y), fill_color
   For x = l To r
       If y +1 < y_max Then flood_fill(x, y +1, target, fill_color)
       If y -1 >    -1 Then flood_fill(x, y -1, target, fill_color)

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

Dim As ULong i, col, x, y

ScreenRes 400, 400, 32 Randomize Timer

For i As ULong = 1 To 5

   Circle(Rnd * 400 ,Rnd * 400), i * 40, Rnd * &hFFFFFF


' hit a key to end or close window Do

   x = Rnd * 400
   y = Rnd * 400
   col = Point(x, y)
   flood_fill(x, y, col, Rnd * &hFFFFFF )
   Sleep 2000
   If InKey <> "" OrElse InKey = Chr(255) + "k" Then End



An addition to code from the bitmap task: <lang go>package raster

func (b *Bitmap) Flood(x, y int, repl Pixel) {

   targ, _ := b.GetPx(x, y)
   var ff func(x, y int)
   ff = func(x, y int) {
       p, ok := b.GetPx(x, y)
       if ok && p.R == targ.R && p.G == targ.G && p.B == targ.B {
           b.SetPx(x, y, repl)
           ff(x-1, y)
           ff(x+1, y)
           ff(x, y-1)
           ff(x, y+1)
   ff(x, y)

}</lang> And a test program. Works with code from read ppm and write ppm to pipe tasks. For input, it uses a version of the test file converted by the Go solution to "Read an image through a pipe". For output it uses the trick from "PPM conversion through a pipe" to write the .png suitable for uploading to RC.

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   b, err := raster.ReadPpmFile("Unfilledcirc.ppm")
   if err != nil {
   b.Flood(200, 200, raster.Pixel{127, 0, 0})
   c := exec.Command("convert", "ppm:-", "flood.png")
   pipe, err := c.StdinPipe()
   if err != nil {
   if err = c.Start(); err != nil {
   if err = b.WritePpmTo(pipe); err != nil {
   if err = pipe.Close(); err != nil {



This code uses the Bitmap and Bitmap.RGB modules defined here. <lang Haskell>import Data.Array.ST import Data.STRef import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Bitmap

-- Implementation of a stack in the ST monad pushST :: STStack s a -> a -> ST s () pushST s e = do

   s2 <- readSTRef s
   writeSTRef s (e : s2)

popST :: STStack s a -> ST s (Stack a) popST s = do

   s2 <- readSTRef s
   writeSTRef s $ tail s2
   return $ take 1 s2

isNotEmptySTStack :: STStack s a -> ST s Bool isNotEmptySTStack s = do

   s2 <- readSTRef s
   return $ not $ null s2

emptySTStack :: ST s (STStack s a) emptySTStack = newSTRef []

consumeSTStack :: STStack s a -> (a -> ST s ()) -> ST s () consumeSTStack s f = do

   check <- isNotEmptySTStack s
   when check $ do
       e <- popST s
       f $ head e
       consumeSTStack s f

type Spanning s = STRef s (Bool, Bool)

setSpanLeft :: Spanning s -> Bool -> ST s () setSpanLeft s v = do

   (_, r) <- readSTRef s
   writeSTRef s (v, r)

setSpanRight :: Spanning s -> Bool -> ST s () setSpanRight s v = do

   (l, _) <- readSTRef s
   writeSTRef s (l, v)

setSpanNone :: Spanning s -> ST s () setSpanNone s = writeSTRef s (False, False)

floodFillScanlineStack :: Color c => Image s c -> Pixel -> c -> ST s (Image s c) floodFillScanlineStack b coords newC = do

   stack <- emptySTStack -- new empty stack holding pixels to fill
   spans <- newSTRef (False, False) -- keep track of spans in scanWhileX
   fFSS b stack coords newC spans -- function loop
   return b
       fFSS b st c newC p = do
           oldC <- getPix b c
           unless (oldC == newC) $ do
               pushST st c -- store the coordinates in the stack
               (w, h) <- dimensions b
               consumeSTStack st (scanWhileY b p oldC >=>
                   scanWhileX b st p oldC newC (w, h))
       -- take a buffer, the span record, the color of the Color the fill is
       -- started from, a coordinate from the stack, and returns the coord
       -- of the next point to be filled in the same column
       scanWhileY b p oldC coords@(Pixel (x, y)) =
           if y >= 0
           then do
               z <- getPix b coords
               if z == oldC
               then scanWhileY b p oldC (Pixel (x, y - 1))
               else do
                   setSpanNone p
                   return (Pixel (x, y + 1))
           else do
               setSpanNone p
               return (Pixel (x, y + 1))
       -- take a buffer, a stack, a span record, the old and new color, the
       -- height and width of the buffer, and a coordinate.
       -- paint the point with the new color, check if the fill must expand
       -- to the left or right or both, and store those coordinates in the
       -- stack for subsequent filling
       scanWhileX b st p oldC newC (w, h) coords@(Pixel (x, y)) =
           when (y < h) $ do
               z <- getPix b coords
               when (z == oldC) $ do
                   setPix b coords newC
                   (spanLeft, spanRight) <- readSTRef p
                   when (not spanLeft && x > 0) $ do
                       z2 <- getPix b (Pixel (x - 1, y))
                       when (z2 == oldC) $ do
                           pushST st (Pixel (x - 1, y))
                           setSpanLeft p True
                   when (spanLeft && x > 0) $ do
                       z3 <- getPix b (Pixel (x - 1, y))
                       when (z3 /= oldC) $
                           setSpanLeft p False
                   when (not spanRight && x < (w - 1)) $ do
                       z4 <- getPix b (Pixel (x + 1, y))
                       when (z4 == oldC) $ do
                           pushST st (Pixel (x + 1, y))
                           setSpanRight p True
                   when (spanRight && x < (w - 1)) $ do
                       z5 <- getPix b (Pixel (x + 1, y))
                       when (z5 /= oldC) $
                           setSpanRight p False
                   scanWhileX b st p oldC newC (w, h) (Pixel (x, y + 1))



HicEst color fill is via the decoration option of WRITE() <lang HicEst>WINDOW(WINdowhandle=wh, BaCkcolor=0, TItle="Rosetta test image")

WRITE(WIN=wh, DeCoRation="EL=14, BC=14") ! color 14 == bright yellow

RGB(128, 100, 0, 25) ! define color nr 25 as 128/255 red, 100/255 green, 0 blue WRITE(WIN=wh, DeCoRation="L=1/4, R=1/2, T=1/4, B=1/2, EL=25, BC=25")



Uses getPixels and setPixels from Basic bitmap storage. <lang j>NB. finds and labels contiguous areas with the same numbers NB. ref: findcontig=: (|."1@|:@:>. (* * 1&(|.!.0)))^:4^:_@(* >:@i.@$)

NB.*getFloodpoints v Returns points to fill given starting point (x) and image (y) getFloodpoints=: [: 4&$.@$. [ (] = getPixels) [: findcontig ] -:"1 getPixels

NB.*floodFill v Floods area, defined by point and color (x), of image (y) NB. x is: 2-item list of (y x) ; (color) floodFill=: (1&({::)@[ ;~ 0&({::)@[ getFloodpoints ]) setPixels ]</lang>

Example Usage:
The following draws the same image as for the Tcl example image below.
Uses definitions from Basic bitmap storage, Bresenham's line algorithm and Midpoint circle algorithm. <lang j>'white blue yellow black orange red'=: 255 255 255,0 0 255,255 255 0,0 0 0,255 165 0,:255 0 0 myimg=: white makeRGB 50 70 lines=: _2]\^:2 ] 0 0 25 0 , 25 0 25 35 , 25 35 0 35 , 0 35 0 0 myimg=: (lines;blue) drawLines myimg myimg=: (3 3; yellow) floodFill myimg myimg=: ((25 35 24 ,: 25 35 10);black) drawCircles myimg myimg=: (5 34;orange) floodFill myimg myimg=: (5 36;red) floodFill myimg viewRGB myimg</lang>

Alternative findcontig:
The following alternative version of findcontig is less concise but is leaner, faster, works for n-dimensions and is not restricted to numerical arrays. <lang j>NB. ref: eq=:[:}:"1 [:($$[:([:+/\1:,}:~:}.),) ,&_"1 NB. equal numbers for atoms of y connected in first direction eq_nd=: i.@#@$(<"0@[([:, |:^:_1"0 _)&> [:EQ&.> <@|:"0 _)] NB. n-dimensional eq, gives an #@$,*/@$ shaped matrix repl=: (i.~{.){ {:@] NB. replaces x by applying replace table y cnnct=: [: |:@({."1<.//.]) [: ; <@(,.<./)/.~

findcontig_nd=: 3 : '($y)${. ([:({.,~}:) ([ repl cnnct)/\.)^:([:+./@(~:/)2&{.)^:_ (,{.) eq_nd (i.~ ~.@,) y'</lang>


Input is the image, the starting node (x, y), the target color we want to fill, and the replacement color that will replace the target color. It implements a 4-way flood fill algorithm. For large images, the performance can be improved by drawing the scanlines instead of setting each pixel to the replacement color, or by working directly on the databuffer. <lang java>import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedList;

public class FloodFill {

 public void floodFill(BufferedImage image, Point node, Color targetColor, Color replacementColor) {
   int width = image.getWidth();
   int height = image.getHeight();
   int target = targetColor.getRGB();
   int replacement = replacementColor.getRGB();
   if (target != replacement) {
     Deque<Point> queue = new LinkedList<Point>();
     do {
       int x = node.x;
       int y = node.y;
       while (x > 0 && image.getRGB(x - 1, y) == target) {
       boolean spanUp = false;
       boolean spanDown = false;
       while (x < width && image.getRGB(x, y) == target) {
         image.setRGB(x, y, replacement);
         if (!spanUp && y > 0 && image.getRGB(x, y - 1) == target) {
           queue.add(new Point(x, y - 1));
           spanUp = true;
         } else if (spanUp && y > 0 && image.getRGB(x, y - 1) != target) {
           spanUp = false;
         if (!spanDown && y < height - 1 && image.getRGB(x, y + 1) == target) {
           queue.add(new Point(x, y + 1));
           spanDown = true;
         } else if (spanDown && y < height - 1 && image.getRGB(x, y + 1) != target) {
           spanDown = false;
     } while ((node = queue.pollFirst()) != null);

}</lang> And here is an example of how to replace the white color with red from the sample image (with starting node (50, 50)): <lang java>import; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

public class Test {

 public Test() throws IOException {
   BufferedImage image = File("Unfilledcirc.png"));
   new FloodFill().floodFill(image, new Point(50, 50), Color.WHITE, Color.RED);
   ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("output.png"));
 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
   new Test();



Works with: Julia version 0.6

Inspired to Python version.

<lang julia>using Images, FileIO

function floodfill!(img::Matrix{<:Color}, initnode::CartesianIndex{2}, target::Color, replace::Color)

   img[initnode] != target && return img
   # constants
   north = CartesianIndex(-1,  0)
   south = CartesianIndex( 1,  0)
   east  = CartesianIndex( 0,  1)
   west  = CartesianIndex( 0, -1)
   queue = [initnode]
   while !isempty(queue)
       node = pop!(queue)
       if img[node] == target
           wnode = node
           enode = node + east
       # Move west until color of node does not match target color
       while checkbounds(Bool, img, wnode) && img[wnode] == target
           img[wnode] = replace
           if checkbounds(Bool, img, wnode + north) && img[wnode + north] == target
               push!(queue, wnode + north)
           if checkbounds(Bool, img, wnode + south) && img[wnode + south] == target
               push!(queue, wnode + south)
           wnode += west
       # Move east until color of node does not match target color
       while checkbounds(Bool, img, enode) && img[enode] == target
           img[enode] = replace
           if checkbounds(Bool, img, enode + north) && img[enode + north] == target
               push!(queue, enode + north)
           if checkbounds(Bool, img, enode + south) && img[enode + south] == target
               push!(queue, enode + south)
           enode += east
   return img


img = Gray{Bool}.(load("data/unfilledcircle.png")) floodfill!(img, CartesianIndex(100, 100), Gray(false), Gray(true)) save("data/filledcircle.png", img)</lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>// version 1.1.4-3

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Point import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.util.LinkedList import import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing.JOptionPane import javax.swing.JLabel import javax.swing.ImageIcon

fun floodFill(image: BufferedImage, node: Point, targetColor: Color, replColor: Color) {

   val target = targetColor.getRGB()
   val replacement = replColor.getRGB()
   if (target == replacement) return
   val width = image.width
   val height = image.height    
   val queue = LinkedList<Point>()
   var nnode: Point? = node
   do {
       var x = nnode!!.x
       val y = nnode.y
       while (x > 0 && image.getRGB(x - 1, y) == target) x--
       var spanUp = false
       var spanDown = false
       while (x < width && image.getRGB(x, y) == target) {
           image.setRGB(x, y, replacement)
           if (!spanUp && y > 0 && image.getRGB(x, y - 1) == target) {
               queue.add(Point(x, y - 1))
               spanUp = true
           else if (spanUp && y > 0 && image.getRGB(x, y - 1) != target) {
               spanUp = false
           if (!spanDown && y < height - 1 && image.getRGB(x, y + 1) == target) {
               queue.add(Point(x, y + 1))
               spanDown = true
           else if (spanDown && y < height - 1 && image.getRGB(x, y + 1) != target) {
               spanDown = false
       nnode = queue.pollFirst()
   while (nnode != null)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

  val image ="Unfilledcirc.png"))
  floodFill(image, Point(50, 50), Color.white, Color.yellow)
  val title = "Floodfilledcirc.png" 
  ImageIO.write(image, "png", File(title))
  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, JLabel(ImageIcon(image)), title, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE)


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>'This example requires the Windows API NoMainWin WindowWidth = 267.5 WindowHeight = 292.5 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)

Global hDC : hDC = GetDC(0) Struct point, x As long, y As long Struct RGB, Red As long, Green As long, Blue As long Struct rect, left As long, top As long, right As long, bottom As long

StyleBits #main.gbox, 0, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0 GraphicBox #main.gbox, 2.5, 2.5, 253, 252

Open "Flood Fill - Click a Color" For Window As #main Print #main, "TrapClose quit" Print #main.gbox, "Down; Fill Black; Place 125 125; BackColor White; " _

                 + "CircleFilled 115; Place 105 105; BackColor Black; CircleFilled 50; Flush"

Print #main.gbox, "When leftButtonUp gBoxClick" Print #main.gbox, "Size 1" Wait

   Sub quit handle$
       Call ReleaseDC 0, hDC
       Close #main
   End Sub

   Sub gBoxClick handle$, MouseX, MouseY
       result = GetCursorPos()
       targetRGB = GetPixel(hDC, point.x.struct, point.y.struct)
       ColorDialog "", replacementColor$
       If replacementColor$ = "" Then Exit Sub
       Print #main.gbox, "Color " + Word$(replacementColor$, 1) + " " + Word$(replacementColor$, 2) + " " + Word$(replacementColor$, 3)
       result = FloodFill(MouseX, MouseY, targetRGB)
       Print #main.gbox, "DelSegment FloodFill"
       Print #main.gbox, "GetBMP FloodFill 0 0 500 500; CLS; DrawBMP FloodFill 0 0; Flush FloodFill"
       Notice "Complete!"
       UnLoadBMP "FloodFill"
   End Sub
   Sub ReleaseDC hWnd, hDC
       CallDLL #user32,"ReleaseDC", hWnd As uLong, hDC As uLong, ret As Long
   End Sub
   Function GetDC(hWnd)
       CallDLL #user32, "GetDC", hWnd As uLong, GetDC As uLong
   End Function
   Function GetCursorPos()
       CallDLL #user32, "GetCursorPos", point As struct, GetCursorPos As uLong
   End Function
   Function GetPixel(hDC, x, y)
       CallDLL #gdi32, "GetPixel", hDC As uLong, x As long, y As long, GetPixel As long
   End Function
   Function getLongRGB(RGB.Blue)
       getLongRGB = (RGB.Blue * (256 * 256))
   End Function
   Function GetWindowRect(hWnd)
       'Get ClientRectangle
       CallDLL #user32, "GetWindowRect", hWnd As ulong, rect As struct, GetWindowRect As ulong
   End Function
   Function FloodFill(mouseXX, mouseYY, targetColor)
       result = GetWindowRect(Hwnd(#main.gbox))
       X = Int(mouseXX + rect.left.struct)
       Y = Int(mouseYY +
       If (GetPixel(hDC, X, Y) <> targetColor) Then
           Exit Function
           Print str$(mouseXX) + "   " + str$(mouseYY)
           Print #main.gbox, "Set " + str$(mouseXX) + " " + str$(mouseYY)
       End If
       If (mouseXX > 0) And (mouseXX < 253) Then
           result = FloodFill((mouseXX - 1), mouseYY, targetColor)
           result = FloodFill((mouseXX + 1), mouseYY, targetColor)
       End If
       If (mouseYY > 0) And (mouseYY < 252) Then
           result = FloodFill(mouseXX, (mouseYY + 1), targetColor)
           result = FloodFill(mouseXX, (mouseYY - 1), targetColor)
       End If
   End Function</lang>


Lingo has built-in flood fill for image objects, so a custom implementation would be pointless: <lang lingo>img.floodFill(x, y, rgb(r,g,b))</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>createMask[img_, pos_, tol_] :=

           RegionBinarize[img, Image[SparseArray[pos -> 1, ImageDimensions[img]]], tol];

floodFill[img_Image, pos_List, tol_Real, color_List] :=

                SetAlphaChannel[ImageSubtract[img, createMask[img, pos, tol]], 1], 
                SetAlphaChannel[Image[ConstantArray[color, ImageDimensions[img]]], 
                                Dilation[createMask[img, pos, tol],1]

Import the test image and fill the region containing the pixel at coordinate 100,100 with red (RGB 100%,0%,0%) using a tolerance of 1%

floodFill[Import[""], {100, 100}, 0.01, {1, 0, 0}]


Library: Imlib2

The fill of the Perl package Image::Imlib2 is a flood fill (so the documentatin of Image::Imlib2 says). The target colour is the one of the starting point pixel; the color set with set_color is the fill colour.

<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict; use Image::Imlib2;

my $img = Image::Imlib2->load("Unfilledcirc.jpg"); $img->set_color(0, 255, 0, 255); $img->fill(100,100); $img->save("filledcirc.jpg"); exit 0;</lang>

A homemade implementation can be:

<lang perl>use strict; use Image::Imlib2;

sub colordistance {

   my ( $c1, $c2 ) = @_;
   my ( $r1, $g1, $b1 ) = @$c1;
   my ( $r2, $g2, $b2 ) = @$c2;
   return sqrt(( ($r1-$r2)**2 + ($g1-$g2)**2 + ($b1-$b2)**2 ))/(255.0*sqrt(3.0));


sub floodfill {

   my ( $img, $x, $y, $r, $g, $b ) = @_;
   my $distparameter = 0.2;
   my %visited = ();
   my @queue = ();
   my @tcol = ( $r, $g, $b );
   my @col = $img->query_pixel($x, $y);
   if ( colordistance(\@tcol, \@col) > $distparameter ) { return; }
   push @queue, [$x, $y];
   while ( @queue ) {

my $pointref = shift(@queue); ( $x, $y ) = @$pointref; if ( ($x < 0) || ($y < 0) || ( $x >= $img->width ) || ( $y >= $img->height ) ) { next; } if ( ! exists($visited{"$x,$y"}) ) { @col = $img->query_pixel($x, $y); if ( colordistance(\@tcol, \@col) <= $distparameter ) { $img->draw_point($x, $y); $visited{"$x,$y"} = 1; push @queue, [$x+1, $y]; push @queue, [$x-1, $y]; push @queue, [$x, $y+1]; push @queue, [$x, $y-1]; } }



  1. usage example

my $img = Image::Imlib2->load("Unfilledcirc.jpg"); $img->set_color(0,255,0,255); floodfill($img, 100,100, 0, 0, 0); $img->save("filledcirc1.jpg"); exit 0;</lang>

This fills better than the Image::Imlib2 fill function the inner circle, since because of JPG compression and thanks to the $distparameter, it "sees" as black also pixel that are no more exactly black.


Translation of: Go

Requires read_ppm() from Read_a_PPM_file, write_ppm() from Write_a_PPM_file. Uses the output of Bitmap_Circle.exw (Circle.ppm) Working program is demo\rosetta\Bitmap_FloodFill.exw, results may be verified with demo\rosetta\viewppm.exw <lang Phix>function ff(sequence img, integer x, integer y, integer colour, integer target)

   if x>=1 and x<=length(img)
   and y>=1 and y<=length(img[x])
   and img[x][y]=target then
       img[x][y] = colour
       img = ff(img,x-1,y,colour,target)
       img = ff(img,x+1,y,colour,target)
       img = ff(img,x,y-1,colour,target)
       img = ff(img,x,y+1,colour,target)
   end if
   return img

end function

function FloodFill(sequence img, integer x, integer y, integer colour) integer target = img[x][y]

   return ff(img,x,y,colour,target)

end function

sequence img = read_ppm("Circle.ppm")

   img = FloodFill(img, 200, 100, blue)
   img = FloodFill(img, 10, 10, green)


Using the format of Bitmap, a minimal recursive solution: <lang PicoLisp>(de ppmFloodFill (Ppm X Y Color)

  (let Target (get Ppm Y X)
     (recur (X Y)
        (when (= Target (get Ppm Y X))
           (set (nth Ppm Y X) Color)
           (recurse (dec X) Y)
           (recurse (inc X) Y)
           (recurse X (dec Y))
           (recurse X (inc Y)) ) ) )
  Ppm )</lang>

Test using 'ppmRead' from Bitmap/Read a PPM file#PicoLisp and 'ppmWrite' from Bitmap/Write a PPM file#PicoLisp, filling the white area with red:

   (ppmFloodFill (ppmRead "Unfilledcirc.ppm") 192 128 (255 0 0))
   "Filledcirc.ppm" )


<lang PL/I>fill: procedure (x, y, fill_color) recursive; /* 12 May 2010 */

  declare (x, y) fixed binary;
  declare fill_color bit (24) aligned;
  if x <= lbound(image, 2) | x >= hbound(image, 2) then return;
  if y <= lbound(image, 1) | y >= hbound(image, 1) then return;
  pixel_color = image (x,y); /* Obtain the color of the current pixel. */
  if pixel_color ^= area_color then return;
     /* the pixel has already been filled with fill_color, */
     /* or we are not within the area to be filled.        */
  image(x, y) = fill_color; /* color the desired area. */
  pixel_color = image (x,y-1); /* Obtain the color of the pixel to the north. */
  if pixel_color = area_color then call fill (x, y-1, fill_color);
  pixel_color = image (x-1,y); /* Obtain the color of the pixel to the west. */
  if pixel_color = area_color then call fill (x-1, y, fill_color);
  pixel_color = image (x+1,y); /* Obtain the color of the pixel to the east. */
  if pixel_color = area_color then call fill (x+1, y, fill_color);
  pixel_color = image (x,y+1); /* Obtain the color of the pixel to the south. */
  if pixel_color = area_color then call fill (x, y+1, fill_color);

end fill;</lang> The following PL/I statements change the color of the white area of the sample image to red, and the central orb to green. <lang>

  /* Fill the white area of the suggested image with red color. */
  area_color = (24)'1'b;
  call fill (125, 25, '000000000000000011111111'b );
  /* Fill the center orb of the suggested image with green color. */
  area_color = '0'b;
  call fill (125, 125, '000000001111111100000000'b );




<lang PureBasic>FillArea(0,0,-1,$ff)

Fills an Area in red</lang>


<lang PureBasic> Procedure Floodfill(x,y,new_color)

   old_color = Point(x,y)
   NewList stack.POINT()
   AddElement(stack()):stack()\x = x : stack()\y = y 
     x = stack()\x  : y = stack()\y  
     If Point(x,y) = old_color      
        Plot(x, y, new_color)  
        AddElement(stack()):stack()\x = x    : stack()\y = y +1
        AddElement(stack()):stack()\x = x    : stack()\y = y -1
        AddElement(stack()):stack()\x = x +1 : stack()\y = y 
        AddElement(stack()):stack()\x = x -1 : stack()\y = y   
 If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 200, 200, "Floodfill Beispiel", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
     Box(0, 0, 200, 200, RGB(255, 255, 255))
     DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Outlined )
     Circle(100, 100, 90, RGB(255 ,0,0)): Circle(120, 80, 30, RGB(255 ,0,0)): Circle(200,200, 70, RGB(255 ,0,0))
     Floodfill(40,40,RGB(0 ,255,0))
     Event = WaitWindowEvent()
   Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow


<lang python> import Image def FloodFill( fileName, initNode, targetColor, replaceColor ):

  img = fileName )
  pix = img.load()
  xsize, ysize = img.size
  Q = []
  if pix[ initNode[0], initNode[1] ] != targetColor:
     return img
  Q.append( initNode )
  while Q != []:
     node = Q.pop(0)
     if pix[ node[0], node[1] ] == targetColor:
        W = list( node )
        if node[0] + 1 < xsize:
           E = list( [ node[0] + 1, node[1] ] )
           E = list( node )
     # Move west until color of node does not match targetColor
     while pix[ W[0], W[1] ] == targetColor:
        pix[ W[0], W[1] ] = replaceColor
        if W[1] + 1 < ysize:
           if pix[ W[0], W[1] + 1 ] == targetColor:
              Q.append( [ W[0], W[1] + 1 ] )
        if W[1] - 1 >= 0:
           if pix[ W[0], W[1] - 1 ] == targetColor:
              Q.append( [ W[0], W[1] - 1 ] )
        if W[0] - 1 >= 0:
           W[0] = W[0] - 1
     # Move east until color of node does not match targetColor
     while pix[ E[0], E[1] ] == targetColor:
        pix[ E[0], E[1] ] = replaceColor
        if E[1] + 1 < ysize:
           if pix[ E[0], E[1] + 1 ] == targetColor:
              Q.append( [ E[0], E[1] + 1 ] )
        if E[1] - 1 >= 0:
           if pix[ E[0], E[1] - 1 ] == targetColor:
              Q.append( [ E[0], E[1] -1 ] )
        if E[0] + 1 < xsize:
           E[0] = E[0] + 1
     return img


Usage example

<lang python>

  1. "FloodFillClean.png" is name of input file
  2. [55,55] the x,y coordinate where fill starts
  3. (0,0,0,255) the target colour being filled( black in this example )
  4. (255,255,255,255) the final colour ( white in this case )

img = FloodFill( "FloodFillClean.png", [55,55], (0,0,0,255), (255,255,255,255) )

  1. The resulting image is saved as Filled.png "Filled.png" ) </lang>


Stack-based recursive version <lang R> library(png) img <- readPNG("Unfilledcirc.png") M <- img[ , , 1] M <- ifelse(M < 0.5, 0, 1) image(M, col = c(1, 0))


floodfill <- function(row, col, tcol, rcol) {

 if (tcol == rcol) return()
 if (M[row, col] != tcol) return()
 M[row, col] <<- rcol
 floodfill(row - 1, col    , tcol, rcol) # south
 floodfill(row + 1, col    , tcol, rcol) # north
 floodfill(row    , col - 1, tcol, rcol) # west
 floodfill(row    , col + 1, tcol, rcol) # east
 return("filling completed")


options(expressions = 10000) startrow <- 100; startcol <- 100 floodfill(startrow, startcol, 0, 2)

image(M, col = c(1, 0, 2)) </lang> Queue-based version (Forest Fire algorithm) <lang R> library(png) img <- readPNG("Unfilledcirc.png") M <- img[ , , 1] M <- ifelse(M < 0.5, 0, 1) M <- rbind(M, 0) M <- cbind(M, 0) image(M, col = c(1, 0))


floodfill <- function(row, col, tcol, rcol) {

 if (tcol == rcol) return()
 if (M[row, col] != tcol) return()
 Q <- matrix(c(row, col), 1, 2)
 while (dim(Q)[1] > 0) {
   n <- Q[1, , drop = FALSE]
   west  <- cbind(n[1]    , n[2] - 1)
   east  <- cbind(n[1]    , n[2] + 1)
   north <- cbind(n[1] + 1, n[2]    )
   south <- cbind(n[1] - 1, n[2]    )
   Q <- Q[-1, , drop = FALSE]
   if (M[n] == tcol) {
     M[n] <<- rcol
     if (M[west] == tcol)  Q <- rbind(Q, west)
     if (M[east] == tcol)  Q <- rbind(Q, east)
     if (M[north] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, north)
     if (M[south] == tcol) Q <- rbind(Q, south)
 return("filling completed")


startrow <- 100; startcol <- 100 floodfill(startrow, startcol, 0, 2) startrow <- 50; startcol <- 50 floodfill(startrow, startcol, 1, 3)

image(M, col = c(1, 0, 2, 3)) </lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/draw)

bitmap<%> number number color color -> void
An example of flood filling a bitmap.
We'll use a raw, byte-oriented interface here for demonstration
purposes. Racket does provide get-pixel and set-pixel functions
which work on color% structures rather than bytes, but it's useful
to see that the byte approach works as well.

(define (flood-fill bm start-x start-y target-color replacement-color)

 ;; The main loop.
 (define (iter x y)
   (when (and (in-bounds? x y) (target-color-at? x y))
     (replace-color-at! x y)
     (iter (add1 x) y)
     (iter (sub1 x) y)
     (iter x (add1 y))
     (iter x (sub1 y))))
 ;; With auxillary definitions below:
 (define width (send bm get-width))
 (define height (send bm get-height))
 (define buffer (make-bytes (* width height 4)))
 (send bm get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height buffer)
 (define-values (target-red target-green target-blue) 
   (values (send target-color red)
           (send target-color green)
           (send target-color blue)))
 (define-values (replacement-red replacement-green replacement-blue) 
   (values (send replacement-color red)
           (send replacement-color green)
           (send replacement-color blue)))
 (define (offset-at x y) (* 4 (+ (* y width) x)))
 (define (target-color-at? x y)
   (define offset (offset-at x y))
   (and (= (bytes-ref buffer (+ offset 1)) target-red)
        (= (bytes-ref buffer (+ offset 2)) target-green)
        (= (bytes-ref buffer (+ offset 3)) target-blue)))
 (define (replace-color-at! x y)
   (define offset (offset-at x y))
   (bytes-set! buffer (+ offset 1) replacement-red)
   (bytes-set! buffer (+ offset 2) replacement-green)
   (bytes-set! buffer (+ offset 3) replacement-blue))
 (define (in-bounds? x y)
   (and (<= 0 x) (< x width) (<= 0 y) (< y height)))
 ;; Finally, let's do the fill, and then store the
 ;; result back into the bitmap:
 (iter start-x start-y)
 (send bm set-argb-pixels 0 0 width height buffer))
flood fill a hole shape.

(define bm (make-bitmap 100 100)) (define dc (send bm make-dc))

We intentionally set the smoothing of the dc to
aligned so that there are no gaps in the shape for the
flood to leak through.

(send dc set-smoothing 'aligned) (send dc draw-rectangle 10 10 80 80) (send dc draw-rounded-rectangle 20 20 50 50)

In DrRacket, we can print the bm to look at it graphically,
before the flood fill


(flood-fill bm 50 50

           (send the-color-database find-color "white")
           (send the-color-database find-color "DarkSeaGreen"))            
... and after

bm </lang>


Translation of: PL/I

<lang rexx>/*REXX program demonstrates a method to perform a flood fill of an area. */ black= '000000000000000000000000'b /*define the black color (using bits).*/ red = '000000000000000011111111'b /* " " red " " " */ green= '000000001111111100000000'b /* " " green " " " */ white= '111111111111111111111111'b /* " " white " " " */

                                                /*image is defined to the test image.  */

hx=125; hy=125 /*define limits (X,Y) for the image. */ area=white; call fill 125, 25, red /*fill the white area in red. */ area=black; call fill 125, 125, green /*fill the center orb in green. */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ fill: procedure expose image. hx hy area; parse arg x,y,fill_color /*obtain the args.*/

     if x<1 | x>hx | y<1 | y>hy   then return   /*X or Y  are outside of the image area*/
     pixel=image.x.y                            /*obtain the color of the  X,Y  pixel. */
     if pixel\==area  then return               /*the pixel has already been filled    */
                                                /*with the  fill_color,  or we are not */
                                                /*within the area to be filled.        */
     image.x.y=fill_color                       /*color desired area with fill_color.  */
     pixel=@(x  , y-1);    if pixel==area  then call fill x  , y-1, fill_color  /*north*/
     pixel=@(x-1, y  );    if pixel==area  then call fill x-1, y  , fill_color  /*west */
     pixel=@(x+1, y  );    if pixel==area  then call fill x+1, y  , fill_color  /*east */
     pixel=@(x  , y+1);    if pixel==area  then call fill x  , y+1, fill_color  /*south*/

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ @: parse arg $x,$y; return image.$x.$y /*return with color of the X,Y pixel.*/</lang>


Note This code is not completely functional. Please add the remaining classes (Pixel, ..) and initializers. Or maybe a library to be included to make this work.

<lang ruby>class RGBColour

 def ==(a_colour)
   values == a_colour.values


class Queue < Array

 alias_method :enqueue, :push
 alias_method :dequeue, :shift


class Pixmap

 def flood_fill(pixel, new_colour)
   current_colour = self[pixel.x, pixel.y]
   queue =
   until queue.empty?
     p = queue.dequeue
     if self[p.x, p.y] == current_colour
       west = find_border(p, current_colour, :west)
       east = find_border(p, current_colour, :east)
       draw_line(west, east, new_colour)
       q = west
       while q.x <= east.x
         [:north, :south].each do |direction|
           n = neighbour(q, direction)
           queue.enqueue(n) if self[n.x, n.y] == current_colour
         q = neighbour(q, :east)
 def neighbour(pixel, direction)
   case direction
   when :north then Pixel[pixel.x, pixel.y - 1]
   when :south then Pixel[pixel.x, pixel.y + 1]
   when :east  then Pixel[pixel.x + 1, pixel.y]
   when :west  then Pixel[pixel.x - 1, pixel.y]
 def find_border(pixel, colour, direction)
   nextp = neighbour(pixel, direction)
   while self[nextp.x, nextp.y] == colour
     pixel = nextp
     nextp = neighbour(pixel, direction)


bitmap =, 300) bitmap.draw_circle(Pixel[149,149], 120, RGBColour::BLACK) bitmap.draw_circle(Pixel[200,100], 40, RGBColour::BLACK) bitmap.flood_fill(Pixel[140,160], RGBColour::BLUE)</lang>


<lang rust> /* Naive Rust implementation of RosettaCode's Bitmap/Flood fill excercise.

* For the sake of simplicity this code reads PPM files (format specification can be found here: ).
* The program assumes that the image has been created by GIMP in PPM ASCII mode and panics at any error.
* Also this program expects the input file to be in the same directory as the executable and named
* "input.ppm" and outputs a file in the same directory under the name "output.ppm".

use std::fs::File; // Used for creating/opening files. use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead, Write}; // Used for reading/writing files.

fn read_image(filename: String) -> Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>> {

   let file = File::open(filename).unwrap();
   let reader = BufReader::new(file);
   let mut lines = reader.lines();
   let _ =; // Skip P3 signature.
   let _ =; // Skip GIMP comment.
   let dimensions: (usize, usize) = {
       let line =;
       let values = line.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<&str>>();
       // We turn the &str vector that holds the width & height of the image into an usize tuplet.
   let _ =; // Skip maximum color value (we assume 255).
   let mut image_data = Vec::with_capacity(dimensions.1);
   for y in 0..dimensions.1 {
       for _ in 0..dimensions.0 {
           // We read the R, G and B components and put them in the image_data vector.


fn write_image(image_data: Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>>) {

   let mut file = File::create(format!("./output.ppm")).unwrap();
   // Signature, then width and height, then 255 as max color value.
   write!(file, "P3\n{} {}\n255\n", image_data.len(), image_data[0].len()).unwrap();
   for row in &image_data {
       // For performance reasons, we reserve a String with the necessary length for a line and
       // fill that up before writing it to the file.
       let mut line = String::with_capacity(row.len()*6); // 6 = r(space)g(space)b(space)
       for (r,g,b) in row {
           // &* is used to turn a String into a &str as needed by push_str.
           line.push_str(&*format!("{} {} {} ", r,g,b));
       write!(file, "{}", line).unwrap();


fn flood_fill(x: usize, y: usize, target: &(u8,u8,u8), replacement: &(u8,u8,u8), image_data: &mut Vec<Vec<(u8,u8,u8)>>) {

   if &image_data[y][x] == target {
       image_data[y][x] = *replacement;
       if y > 0 {flood_fill(x,y-1, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
       if x > 0 {flood_fill(x-1,y, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
       if y < image_data.len()-1 {flood_fill(x,y+1, &target, &replacement, image_data);}
       if x < image_data[0].len()-1 {flood_fill(x+1,y, &target, &replacement, image_data);}


fn main() {

   let mut data = read_image(String::from("./input.ppm"));
   flood_fill(1,50, &(255,255,255), &(0,255,0), &mut data); // Fill the big white circle with green.
   flood_fill(40,35, &(0,0,0), &(255,0,0), &mut data); // Fill the small black circle with red.



Based on Lode Vandevenne's algorithm linked to from Wikipedia, Scanline Floodfill Algorithm With Stack.

See Basic Bitmap Storage for RgbBitmap class.

<lang scala>import java.awt.Color import scala.collection.mutable

object Flood {

 def floodFillStack(bm:RgbBitmap, x: Int, y: Int, targetColor: Color): Unit = {
   // validate
   if (bm.getPixel(x,y) == targetColor) return
   // vars
   val oldColor = bm.getPixel(x,y)
   val pixels = new mutable.Stack[(Int,Int)]
   // candy coating methods
   def paint(fx: Int, fy:Int) = bm.setPixel(fx,fy,targetColor)
   def old(cx: Int, cy: Int): Boolean = bm.getPixel(cx,cy) == oldColor
   def push(px: Int, py: Int) = pixels.push((px,py))
   // starting point
   // work
   while (pixels.nonEmpty) {
     val (x, y) = pixels.pop()
     var y1 = y
     while (y1 >= 0 && old(x, y1)) y1 -= 1
     y1 += 1
     var spanLeft = false
     var spanRight = false
     while (y1 < bm.height && old(x, y1)) {
       if (x > 0 && spanLeft != old(x-1,y1)) {
         if (old(x - 1, y1)) push(x - 1, y1)
         spanLeft = !spanLeft
       if (x < bm.width - 1 && spanRight != old(x+1,y1)) {
         if (old(x + 1, y1)) push(x + 1, y1)
         spanRight = !spanRight
       y1 += 1


Standard ML

This implementation is imperative, updating the pixels of the image as it goes. Flood fill is somewhat difficult to make efficient if we were to use purely functional data structures instead.

<lang sml>(* For simplicity, we're going to fill black-and-white images. Nothing

* fundamental would change if we used more colors. *)

datatype color = Black | White (* Represent an image as a 2D mutable array of pixels, since flood-fill

* is naturally an imperative algorithm. *)

type image = color array array

(* Helper functions to construct images for testing. Map 0 -> White

* and 1 -> Black so we can write images concisely as lists. *)

fun intToColor 0 = White

 | intToColor _ = Black

fun listToImage (LL : int list list) : image =

   Array.tabulate(List.length LL,
    fn i => Array.tabulate (List.length (hd LL),
      fn j => intToColor(List.nth(List.nth(LL,i),j))))

(* Is the given pixel within the image ? *) fun inBounds (img : image) ((x,y) : int * int) : bool =

   x >= 0 andalso y >= 0 andalso y < Array.length img
   andalso x < Array.length (Array.sub(img, y))

(* Return an option containing the neighbors we should explore next, if any.*) fun neighbors (img : image) (c : color) ((x,y) : int * int) : (int * int) list option =

   if inBounds img (x,y) andalso Array.sub(Array.sub(img,y),x) <> c
   then SOME [(x-1,y),(x+1,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1)]
   else NONE

(* Update the given pixel of the image. *) fun setPixel (img : image) ((x,y) : int * int) (c : color) : unit =

   Array.update (Array.sub(img,y),x,c)

(* Recursive fill around the given point using the given color. *) fun fill (img : image) (c : color) ((x,y) : int * int) : unit =

   case neighbors img c (x,y) of
       SOME xys => (setPixel img (x,y) c; (fill img c) xys)
     | NONE => ()

val test = listToImage [[0,0,1,1,0,1,0],


(* Fill the image with black starting at the center. *) val () = fill test Black (3,3)</lang>


Library: Tk
Library: Tcllib (Package: struct::queue)

Using code from Basic bitmap storage, Bresenham's line algorithm and Midpoint circle algorithm <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk package require struct::queue

proc floodFill {img colour point} {

   set new [colour2rgb $colour]
   set old [getPixel $img $point]
   struct::queue Q
   Q put $point
   while {[Q size] > 0} {
       set p [Q get]
       if {[getPixel $img $p] eq $old} {
           set w [findBorder $img $p $old west]
           set e [findBorder $img $p $old east]
           drawLine $img $new $w $e
           set q $w
           while {[x $q] <= [x $e]} {
               set n [neighbour $q north]
               if {[getPixel $img $n] eq $old} {Q put $n}
               set s [neighbour $q south]
               if {[getPixel $img $s] eq $old} {Q put $s}
               set q [neighbour $q east]
   Q destroy


proc findBorder {img p colour dir} {

   set lookahead [neighbour $p $dir]
   while {[getPixel $img $lookahead] eq $colour} {
       set p $lookahead
       set lookahead [neighbour $p $dir]
   return $p


proc x p {lindex $p 0} proc y p {lindex $p 1}

proc neighbour {p dir} {

   lassign $p x y
   switch -exact -- $dir {
       west  {return [list [incr x -1] $y]}
       east  {return [list [incr x] $y]}
       north {return [list $x [incr y -1]]}
       south {return [list $x [incr y]]}


proc colour2rgb {color_name} {

   foreach part [winfo rgb . $color_name] {
       append colour [format %02x [expr {$part >> 8}]]
   return #$colour


set img [newImage 70 50] fill $img white

drawLine $img blue {0 0} {0 25} drawLine $img blue {0 25} {35 25} drawLine $img blue {35 25} {35 0} drawLine $img blue {35 0} {0 0} floodFill $img yellow {3 3}

drawCircle $img black {35 25} 24 drawCircle $img black {35 25} 10 floodFill $img orange {34 5} floodFill $img red {36 5}

toplevel .flood label .flood.l -image $img pack .flood.l</lang> Results in:



<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes;

proc Flood(X, Y, C, C0); \Fill an area of color C0 with color C int X, Y, \seed coordinate (where to start)

       C, C0;  \color to fill with and color to replace

def S=8000; \size of queue (must be an even number) int Q(S), \queue (FIFO)

       F, E;   \fill and empty indexes
       proc    EnQ(X, Y);      \Enqueue coordinate
       int     X, Y;
       [Q(F):= X;
       F:= F+1;
       Q(F):= Y;
       F:= F+1;
       if F >= S then F:= 0;
       ];      \EnQ
       proc    DeQ;            \Dequeue coordinate
       [X:= Q(E);
       E:= E+1;
       Y:= Q(E);
       E:= E+1;
       if E >= S then E:= 0;
       ];      \DeQ

[F:= 0; E:= 0; EnQ(X, Y); while E # F do

       if ReadPix(X, Y) = C0 then
               [Point(X, Y, C);
               EnQ(X+1, Y);    \enqueue adjacent pixels
               EnQ(X-1, Y);
               EnQ(X, Y+1);
               EnQ(X, Y-1);

]; \Flood

def Size = 30.0; int X, Y; real Ang, Dist; [SetVid($101); \set 640x480 graphics with 256 colors

Ang:= 0.0; \draw some flower petals repeat Dist:= Size*(Cos(Ang*3.0) - 1.0);

       X:= fix(Dist*Cos(Ang));
       Y:= fix(Dist*Sin(Ang));
       Point(X+320, 240-Y, $F);
       Ang:= Ang + 0.001;      \draw dots close together to prevent leaks

until Ang >= 2.0*3.14159;

Flood(330, 240, $2A, 0); \color the petals Flood(310, 230, $2C, 0); Flood(310, 250, $2E, 0);

if ChIn(1) then []; \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text mode ]</lang>


Translation of: D

Uses the PPM class from

<lang zkl>fcn flood(pixmap, x,y, repl){ // slow!

  targ,h,w:=pixmap[x,y], pixmap.h,pixmap.w;
     if((0<=y<h) and (0<=x<w)){

p:=pixmap[x,y]; if(p==targ){ pixmap[x,y]=repl; stack.append( T(x-1,y), T(x+1,y), T(x, y-1), T(x, y+1) ); }


}</lang> <lang zkl>pixmap:=PPM(250,302,0xFF|FF|FF);,200,100,0);,100,25,0);

flood(pixmap,200,100, 0xF0|00|00); flood(pixmap, 75,110, 0x00|F0|00); flood(pixmap, 75,100, 0x00|00|F0);
