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Birthday problem

From Rosetta Code
(Redirected from Birthday Problem)

This page uses content from Wikipedia. The current wikipedia article is at Birthday Problem. The original RosettaCode article was extracted from the wikipedia article № 296054030 of 21:44, 12 June 2009 . The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the pre 5 June 2009 text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

Birthday problem is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

In probability theory, the birthday problem, or birthday paradox This is not a paradox in the sense of leading to a logical contradiction, but is called a paradox because the mathematical truth contradicts naïve intuition: most people estimate that the chance is much lower than 50%. pertains to the probability that in a set of randomly chosen people some pair of them will have the same birthday. In a group of at least 23 randomly chosen people, there is more than 50% probability that some pair of them will both have been born on the same day. For 57 or more people, the probability is more than 99%, and it reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 366 (by the pigeon hole principle, ignoring leap years). The mathematics behind this problem leads to a well-known cryptographic attack called the birthday attack.


Using simulation, estimate the number of independent people required in a group before we can expect a better than even chance that at least 2 independent people in a group share a common birthday. Furthermore: Simulate and thus estimate when we can expect a better than even chance that at least 3, 4 & 5 independent people of the group share a common birthday. For simplicity assume that all of the people are alive...

Suggestions for improvement
  • Estimating the error in the estimate to help ensure the estimate is accurate to 4 decimal places.
  • Converging to the th solution using a root finding method, as opposed to using an extensive search.
  • Kudos (κῦδος) for finding the solution by proof (in a programming language) rather than by construction and simulation.

See also


Translation of: D
F equal_birthdays(sharers, groupsize, rep)
   V eq = 0
   L 0 .< rep
      V group = [0] * 365
      L 0 .< groupsize
      I any(group.map(c -> c >= @sharers))
   R (eq * 100.) / rep

V group_est = 2
L(sharers) 2..5
   V groupsize = group_est + 1
   L equal_birthdays(sharers, groupsize, 100) < 50.

   L(gs) Int(groupsize - (groupsize - group_est) / 4.) .< groupsize + 999
      V eq = equal_birthdays(sharers, gs, 250)
      I eq > 50.
         groupsize = gs

   L(gs) groupsize - 1 .< groupsize + 999
      V eq = equal_birthdays(sharers, gs, 50'000)
      I eq > 50.
         group_est = gs
         print(‘#. independent people in a group of #. share a common birthday. (#3.1)’.format(sharers, gs, eq))
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.6)
3 independent people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50.1)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50.5)
5 independent people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. ( 50.4)


This solution assumes a 4-year cycle, with three 365-day years and one leap year.

with Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_random;

procedure Birthday_Test is
   Samples: constant Positive := Integer'Value(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1));
   -- our experiment: Generate a X (birth-)days and check for Y-collisions
   -- the constant "Samples" is the number of repetitions of this experiment
   subtype Day is integer range 0 .. 365; -- this includes leap_days
   subtype Extended_Day is Integer range 0 .. 365*4; -- a four-year cycle
   package ANDR is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Extended_Day);
   Random_Generator: ANDR.Generator;

   function Random_Day return Day is (ANDR.Random(Random_Generator) / 4);
   -- days 0 .. 364 are equally probable, leap-day 365 is 4* less probable
   type Checkpoint is record
      Multiplicity:  Positive;
      Person_Count:   Positive;
   end record;
   Checkpoints: constant array(Positive range <>) of Checkpoint 
     := ( (2, 22),  (2, 23),  (3, 86),  (3, 87), (3, 88),  
	  (4, 186), (4, 187), (5, 312), (5, 313), (5, 314) );
   type Result_Type is array(Checkpoints'Range) of Natural;
   Result: Result_Type := (others => 0);
   -- how often is a 2-collision in a group of 22 or 23, ..., a 5-collision 
   -- in a group of 312 .. 314
   procedure Experiment(Result: in out Result_Type) is
   -- run the experiment once!
      A_Year: array(Day) of Natural := (others => 0);
      A_Day: Day;
      Multiplicity: Natural := 0;
      People: Positive := 1;
      for I in Checkpoints'Range loop
	 while People <= Checkpoints(I).Person_Count loop
	    A_Day := Random_Day;
	    A_Year(A_Day) := A_Year(A_Day)+1;
	    if A_Year(A_Day) > Multiplicity then
	       Multiplicity := Multiplicity + 1;
	    end if;
	    People := People + 1;
	 end loop;
	 if Multiplicity >= Checkpoints(I).Multiplicity then
	    Result(I) := Result(I) + 1;
            -- found a Multipl.-collision in a group of Person_Cnt.
	 end if;
      end loop;
   end Experiment;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package FIO is new TIO.Float_IO(Float);

    -- initialize the random generator

    -- repeat the experiment Samples times
    for I in 1 .. Samples loop
    end loop;

    -- print the results
    TIO.Put_Line("Birthday-Test with" & Integer'Image(Samples) & " samples:");
    for I in Result'Range loop
       FIO.Put(Float(Result(I))/Float(Samples), Fore => 3, Aft => 6, Exp => 0);
	 ("% of groups with" & Integer'Image(Checkpoints(I).Person_Count) & 
	  " have"            & Integer'Image(Checkpoints(I).Multiplicity) & 
	  " persons sharing a common birthday.");
    end loop;
end Birthday_Test;

Running the program with a sample size 500_000_000 took about 25 minutes on a slow pc.

./birthday_test 500_000_000
Birthday-Test with 500000000 samples:
  0.475292% of groups with 22 have 2 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.506882% of groups with 23 have 2 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.487155% of groups with 86 have 3 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.498788% of groups with 87 have 3 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.510391% of groups with 88 have 3 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.494970% of groups with 186 have 4 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.501825% of groups with 187 have 4 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.495137% of groups with 312 have 5 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.500010% of groups with 313 have 5 persons sharing a common birthday.
  0.504888% of groups with 314 have 5 persons sharing a common birthday.

An interesting observation: The probability for groups of 313 persons having 5 persons sharing a common birthday is almost exactly 0.5. Note that a solution based on 365-day years, i.e., a solution ignoring leap days, would generate slightly but significantly larger probabilities.


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release algol68g-2.6.

File: Birthday_problem.a68

#!/usr/bin/a68g --script #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #

REAL desired probability := 0.5; # 50% #

REAL upb year = 365 + 1/4 # - 3/400 but alive, ignore those born prior to 1901 #,
INT upb sample size = 100 000,
    upb common = 5 ;

FORMAT name int fmt = $g": "g(-0)"; "$,
       name real fmt = $g": "g(-0,4)"; "$,
       name percent fmt = $g": "g(-0,2)"%; "$;

  name real fmt,
  "upb year",upb year,
  name int fmt,
  "upb common",upb common,
  "upb sample size",upb sample size,

INT required common := 1; # initial value #
FOR group size FROM required common WHILE required common <= upb common DO
  INT sample with no required common := 0;
  TO upb sample size DO
  # generate sample #
    [group size]INT sample;
    FOR i TO UPB sample DO sample[i] := ENTIER(random * upb year) + 1 OD;
    FOR birthday i TO UPB sample DO
      INT birthday = sample[birthday i];
      INT number in common := 1;
    # special case = 1 #
      IF number in common >= required common THEN
        found required common
      FOR birthday j FROM birthday i + 1 TO UPB sample DO
        IF birthday = sample[birthday j] THEN
          number in common +:= 1;
          IF number in common >= required common THEN
            found required common
    OD  # days in year #;
    sample with no required common +:= 1;
    found required common: SKIP
  OD # sample size #;
  REAL portion of years with required common birthdays = 
    (upb sample size - sample with no required common) / upb sample size;
  IF portion of years with required common birthdays > desired probability THEN
      name int fmt,
      "required common",required common,
      "group size",group size,
      # "sample with no required common",sample with no required common, #
      name percent fmt,
      "%age of years with required common birthdays",portion of years with required common birthdays*100,
    required common +:= 1
OD # group size #


upb year: 365.2500; upb common: 5; upb sample size: 100000; 
required common: 1; group size: 1; %age of years with required common birthdays: 100.00%; 
required common: 2; group size: 23; %age of years with required common birthdays: 50.71%; 
required common: 3; group size: 88; %age of years with required common birthdays: 50.90%; 
required common: 4; group size: 187; %age of years with required common birthdays: 50.25%; 
required common: 5; group size: 314; %age of years with required common birthdays: 50.66%; 


Computing probabilities to 5 sigmas of confidence. It's very slow, chiefly because to make sure a probability like 0.5006 is indeed above .5 instead of just statistical fluctuation, you have to run the simulation millions of times.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#define DEBUG 0 // set this to 2 for a lot of numbers on output
#define DAYS 365

int days[DAYS];

inline int rand_day(void)
	int n;
	while ((n = rand()) >= EXCESS);
	return n / (EXCESS / DAYS);

// given p people, if n of them have same birthday in one run
int simulate1(int p, int n)
	memset(days, 0, sizeof(days));

	while (p--)
		if (++days[rand_day()] == n) return 1;

	return 0;

// decide if the probability of n out of np people sharing a birthday
// is above or below p_thresh, with n_sigmas sigmas confidence
// note that if p_thresh is very low or hi, minimum runs need to be much higher
double prob(int np, int n, double n_sigmas, double p_thresh, double *std_dev)
	double p, d; // prob and std dev
	int runs = 0, yes = 0;
	do {
		yes += simulate1(np, n);
		p = (double) yes / ++runs;
		d = sqrt(p * (1 - p) / runs);
		if (DEBUG > 1)
			printf("\t\t%d: %d %d %g %g        \r", np, yes, runs, p, d);
	} while (runs < 10 || fabs(p - p_thresh) < n_sigmas * d);
	if (DEBUG > 1) putchar('\n');

	*std_dev = d;
	return p;

// bisect for truth
int find_half_chance(int n, double *p, double *dev)
	int lo, hi, mid;

	lo = 0;
	hi = DAYS * (n - 1) + 1;
	do {
		mid = (hi + lo) / 2;

		// 5 sigma confidence. Conventionally people think 3 sigmas are good
		// enough, but for case of 5 people sharing birthday, 3 sigmas actually
		// sometimes give a slightly wrong answer
		*p = prob(mid, n, 5, .5, dev);

		if (DEBUG)
			printf("\t%d %d %d %g %g\n", lo, mid, hi, *p, *dev);

		if (*p < .5)	lo = mid + 1;
		else		hi = mid;

		if (hi < lo) {
			// this happens when previous precisions were too low;
			// easiest fix: reset
			if (DEBUG) puts("\tMade a mess, will redo.");
			goto reset;
	} while (lo < mid || *p < .5);

	return mid;

int main(void)
	int n, np;
	double p, d;

	for (n = 2; n <= 5; n++) {
		np = find_half_chance(n, &p, &d);
		printf("%d collision: %d people, P = %g +/- %g\n",
			n, np, p, d);

	return 0;
2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.508741 +/- 0.00174794
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.509034 +/- 0.00180628
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.501812 +/- 0.000362394
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.500641 +/- 0.000128174


Translation of: Java
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

double equalBirthdays(int nSharers, int groupSize, int nRepetitions) {
    std::default_random_engine generator;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, 364);
    std::vector<int> group(365);

    int eq = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nRepetitions; i++) {
        std::fill(group.begin(), group.end(), 0);
        for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) {
            int day = distribution(generator);
        if (std::any_of(group.cbegin(), group.cend(), [nSharers](int c) { return c >= nSharers; })) {

    return (100.0 * eq) / nRepetitions;

int main() {
    int groupEst = 2;

    for (int sharers = 2; sharers < 6; sharers++) {
        // Coarse
        int groupSize = groupEst + 1;
        while (equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50.0) {

        // Finer
        int inf = (int)(groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0f);
        for (int gs = inf; gs < groupSize + 999; gs++) {
            double eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250);
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupSize = gs;

        // Finest
        for (int gs = groupSize - 1; gs < groupSize + 999; gs++) {
            double eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50000);
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupEst = gs;
                printf("%d independant people in a group of %d share a common birthday. (%5.1f)\n", sharers, gs, eq);

    return 0;
2 independant people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.6)
3 independant people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50.2)
4 independant people in a group of 186 share a common birthday. ( 50.0)
5 independant people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. ( 50.5)


Translation of: Python
import std.stdio, std.random, std.algorithm, std.conv;

/// For sharing common birthday must all share same common day.
double equalBirthdays(in uint nSharers, in uint groupSize,
                      in uint nRepetitions, ref Xorshift rng) {
    uint eq = 0;

    foreach (immutable _; 0 .. nRepetitions) {
        uint[365] group;
        foreach (immutable __; 0 .. groupSize)
            group[uniform(0, $, rng)]++;
        eq += group[].any!(c => c >= nSharers);

    return (eq * 100.0) / nRepetitions;

void main() {
    auto rng = 1.Xorshift; // Fixed seed.
    auto groupEst = 2;

    foreach (immutable sharers; 2 .. 6) {
        // Coarse.
        auto groupSize = groupEst + 1;
        while (equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100, rng) < 50.0)

        // Finer.
        immutable inf = to!int(groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0);
        foreach (immutable gs; inf .. groupSize + 999) {
            immutable eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250, rng);
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupSize = gs;

        // Finest.
        foreach (immutable gs; groupSize - 1 .. groupSize + 999) {
            immutable eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50_000, rng);
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupEst = gs;
                writefln("%d independent people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%5.1f)",
                         sharers, gs, eq);
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.5)
3 independent people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50.1)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50.2)
5 independent people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. ( 50.3)

Run-time about 10.4 seconds with ldc2 compiler.

Alternative version:

Translation of: C
import std.stdio, std.random, std.math;

enum nDays = 365;

// 5 sigma confidence. Conventionally people think 3 sigmas are good
// enough, but for case of 5 people sharing birthday, 3 sigmas
// actually sometimes give a slightly wrong answer.
enum double nSigmas = 3.0; // Currently 3 for smaller run time.

/// Given n people, if m of them have same birthday in one run.
bool simulate1(in uint nPeople, in uint nCollisions, ref Xorshift rng)
/*nothrow*/ @safe /*@nogc*/ {
    static uint[nDays] days;
    days[] = 0;

    foreach (immutable _; 0 .. nPeople) {
        immutable day = uniform(0, days.length, rng);
        if (days[day] == nCollisions)
            return true;
    return false;

/** Decide if the probablity of n out of np people sharing a birthday
is above or below pThresh, with nSigmas sigmas confidence.
If pThresh is very low or hi, minimum runs need to be much higher. */
double prob(in uint np, in uint nCollisions, in double pThresh,
            out double stdDev, ref Xorshift rng) {
    double p, d; // Probablity and standard deviation.
    uint nRuns = 0, yes = 0;

    do {
        yes += simulate1(np, nCollisions, rng);
        p = double(yes) / nRuns;
        d = sqrt(p * (1 - p) / nRuns);
        debug if (yes % 50_000 == 0)
            printf("\t\t%d: %d %d %g %g        \r", np, yes, nRuns, p, d);
    } while (nRuns < 10 || abs(p - pThresh) < (nSigmas * d));

    debug '\n'.putchar;

    stdDev = d;
    return p;

/// Bisect for truth.
uint findHalfChance(in uint nCollisions, out double p, out double dev, ref Xorshift rng) {
    uint mid;

    uint lo = 0;
    uint hi = nDays * (nCollisions - 1) + 1;

    do {
        mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
        p = prob(mid, nCollisions, 0.5, dev, rng);

        debug printf("\t%d %d %d %g %g\n", lo, mid, hi, p, dev);

        if (p < 0.5)
            lo = mid + 1;
            hi = mid;

        if (hi < lo) {
            // This happens when previous precisions were too low;
            // easiest fix: reset.
            debug "\tMade a mess, will redo.".puts;
            goto RESET;
    } while (lo < mid || p < 0.5);

    return mid;

void main() {
    auto rng = Xorshift(unpredictableSeed);

    foreach (immutable uint nCollisions; 2 .. 6) {
        double p, d;
        immutable np = findHalfChance(nCollisions, p, d, rng);
        writefln("%d collision: %d people, P = %g +/- %g", nCollisions, np, p, d);
2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.521934 +/- 0.00728933
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.512367 +/- 0.00411469
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.506974 +/- 0.00232306
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501588 +/- 0.000529277

Output with nSigmas = 5.0:

2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.508607 +/- 0.00172133
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.511945 +/- 0.00238885
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.503229 +/- 0.000645587
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501105 +/- 0.000221016


Translation of: C
program Birthday_problem;



  _DAYS = 365;

  days: array[0..(_DAYS) - 1] of Integer;
  runs: Integer;

function rand_day: Integer; inline;
  Result := random(_DAYS);

/// <summary>
///   given p people, if n of them have same birthday in one run
/// </summary>
function simulate1(p, n: Integer): Integer;
  index, i: Integer;
  for i := 0 to High(days) do
    days[i] := 0;

  for i := 0 to p - 1 do
    index := rand_day();
    if days[index] = n then

/// <summary>
///   decide if the probability of n out of np people sharing a birthday
///   is above or below p_thresh, with n_sigmas sigmas confidence
///   note that if p_thresh is very low or hi, minimum runs need to be much higher
/// </summary>
function prob(np, n: Integer; n_sigmas, p_thresh: Double; var d: Double): Double;
  p: Double;
  runs, yes: Integer;
  runs := 0;
  yes := 0;

    yes := yes + (simulate1(np, n));
    p := yes / runs;
    d := sqrt(p * (1 - p) / runs);
  until ((runs >= 10) and (abs(p - p_thresh) >= (n_sigmas * d)));


/// <summary>
///   bisect for truth
/// </summary>
function find_half_chance(n: Integer; var p: Double; var d: Double): Integer;
  lo, hi, mid: Integer;
  lo := 0;
  hi := _DAYS * (n - 1) + 1;
    mid := (hi + lo) div 2;

    p := prob(mid, n, 3, 0.5, d);
    if p < 0.5 then
      lo := mid + 1
      hi := mid;
    if hi < lo then
      goto reset;

  until ((lo >= mid) and (p >= 0.5));

  n, np: Integer;
  p, d: Double;
  writeln('Wait for calculate');
  for n := 2 to 5 do
    np := find_half_chance(n, p, d);
    writeln(format('%d collision: %d people, P =  %.8f +/-  %.8f', [n, np, p, d]));
  writeln('Press enter to exit');
Wait for calculate
2 collision: 23 people, P =  0,50411600 +/-  0,00137151
3 collision: 88 people, P =  0,51060651 +/-  0,00352751
4 collision: 188 people, P =  0,50856493 +/-  0,00285022
5 collision: 313 people, P =  0,50093354 +/-  0,00031116
Press enter to exit


Works with: DuckDB version V1.0
Translation of: SQL

The main point of this entry is to illustrate that very little effort is required to port a program intended for a dialect of SQL that supports 'FROM DUAL' to DuckDB.

For the translation, the following function has been used instead of dbms_random.value():

create or replace function prn(n) as trunc(random() * n)::BIGINT;

The other notable differences with the #SQL version arise from the use there of `from dual` and 'connect by level`.

with c as (
    select 500 as nrep, 50 as maxgsiz
  reps as (
    select unnest(generate_series(1, c.nrep)) as rep
    from c
  pers as (
    select round(sqrt(2*rep)) npers
    from reps, c
    where rep <= c.maxgsiz*(c.maxgsiz+1)/2
  bds as (
        (1+prn(366)) bd
    from reps, pers
  mtch as (
        (case count(distinct bds.bd ) when bds.npers then 0 else 1 end) as  match
    from bds
    group by
        bds.rep, bds.npers
    order by bds.npers
  nm as (
    select mtch.npers, sum (mtch.match) nmatch
    from mtch
    group by mtch.npers
  sol as (
    select first_value ( nm.npers ) over ( order by abs ( nm.nmatch - c.nrep / 2 ) ) npers
    from nm, c
  select npers
  from sol
  limit 1
│ npers  │
│ double │
│  23.0  │


Translation of: XPL0
Function Simulacion(N As Integer) As Integer
    Dim As Integer i, dias(365)   
    For i = 0 To 365-1 
        dias(i) = 0
    Next i
    Dim As Integer R, personas = 0
        R = Rnd * 365
        dias(R) += 1
        personas += 1 
        If dias(R) = N Then Return personas
End Function

Dim As Integer N, grupo, t
For N = 2 To 5
    grupo = 0
    For t = 1 To 10000
        grupo += Simulacion(N)
    Next t
    Print Using "Average of # people in a population of ### share birthdays"; N; Int(grupo/10000)
Next N


Translation of: C
package main

import (

const (
    DEBUG   = 0
    DAYS    = 365
    n_sigmas = 5.
    WORKERS = 16   // concurrent worker processes
    RUNS    = 1000 // runs per flight

func simulate1(p, n int, r *rand.Rand) int {
    var days [DAYS]int
    for i := 0; i < p; i++ {
    for _, d := range days {
        if d >= n {
            return 1
    return 0

// send yes's per fixed number of simulate1 runs until canceled
func work(p, n int, ych chan int, cancel chan bool) {
    r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix() + rand.Int63()))
    for {
        select {
        case <-cancel:
        y := 0
        for i := 0; i < RUNS; i++ {
            y += simulate1(p, n, r)
        ych <- y

func prob(np, n int) (p, d float64) {
    ych := make(chan int, WORKERS)
    cancel := make(chan bool)
    for i := 0; i < WORKERS; i++ {
        go work(np, n, ych, cancel)
    var runs, yes int
    for {
        yes += <-ych
        runs += RUNS
        fr := float64(runs)
        p = float64(yes) / fr
        d = math.Sqrt(p * (1 - p) / fr)
        if DEBUG > 1 {
            fmt.Println("\t\t", np, yes, runs, p, d)
        // .5 here is the "even chance" threshold
        if !(math.Abs(p-.5) < n_sigmas*d) {
    if DEBUG > 1 {

func find_half_chance(n int) (mid int, p, dev float64) {
    lo := 0
    hi := DAYS*(n-1) + 1
    for {
        mid = (hi + lo) / 2
        p, dev = prob(mid, n)

        if DEBUG > 0 {
            fmt.Println("\t", lo, mid, hi, p, dev)
        if p < .5 {
            lo = mid + 1
        } else {
            hi = mid
        if hi < lo {
            if DEBUG > 0 {
                fmt.Println("\tMade a mess, will redo.")
            goto reset
        if !(lo < mid || p < .5) {

func main() {
    for n := 2; n <= 5; n++ {
        np, p, d := find_half_chance(n)
        fmt.Printf("%d collision: %d people, P = %.4f ± %.4f\n",
            n, np, p, d)
2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.5081 ± 0.0016
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.5155 ± 0.0029
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.5041 ± 0.0008
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.5015 ± 0.0003

Also based on the C version:

package main

import (

type ProbeRes struct {
	np   int
	p, d float64

type Frac struct {
	n int
	d int

var DaysInYear int = 365

func main() {
	sigma := 5.0
	for i := 2; i <= 5; i++ {
		res := GetNP(i, sigma, 0.5)
		fmt.Printf("%d collision: %d people, P = %.4f ± %.4f\n",
			i, res.np, res.p, res.d)

func GetNP(n int, n_sigmas, p_thresh float64) (res ProbeRes) {
	res.np = DaysInYear * (n - 1)
	for i := 0; i < DaysInYear*(n-1); i++ {
		tmp := probe(i, n, n_sigmas, p_thresh)
		if tmp.p > p_thresh && tmp.np < res.np {
			res = tmp

var numCPU = runtime.NumCPU()

func probe(np, n int, n_sigmas, p_thresh float64) ProbeRes {
	var p, d float64
	var runs, yes int
	cRes := make(chan Frac, numCPU)
	for i := 0; i < numCPU; i++ {
		go SimN(np, n, 25, cRes)
	for math.Abs(p-p_thresh) < n_sigmas*d || runs < 100 {
		f := <-cRes
		yes += f.n
		runs += f.d
		p = float64(yes) / float64(runs)
		d = math.Sqrt(p * (1 - p) / float64(runs))
		go SimN(np, n, runs/3, cRes)

	return ProbeRes{np, p, d}
func SimN(np, n, ssize int, c chan Frac) {
	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano() + rand.Int63()))
	yes := 0
	for i := 0; i < ssize; i++ {
		if Sim(np, n, r) {

	c <- Frac{yes, ssize}
func Sim(p, n int, r *rand.Rand) (res bool) {
	Cal := make([]int, DaysInYear)
	for i := 0; i < p; i++ {
	for _, v := range Cal {
		if v >= n {
			res = true
2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.5068 ± 0.0013
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.5148 ± 0.0028
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.5020 ± 0.0004
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.5011 ± 0.0002


We use a simple but not very accurate simulation method.

  [numpy :as np]
  [random [randint]])

(defmacro incf (place)
  `(+= ~place 1))

(defn birthday [required &optional [reps 20000] [ndays 365]]
  (setv days (np.zeros (, reps ndays) np.int_))
  (setv qualifying-reps (np.zeros reps np.bool_))
  (setv group-size 1)
  (setv count 0)
  (while True
    ;(print group-size)
    (for [r (range reps)]
      (unless (get qualifying-reps r)
        (setv day (randint 0 (dec ndays)))
        (incf (get days (, r day)))
        (when (= (get days (, r day)) required)
          (setv (get qualifying-reps r) True)
          (incf count))))
    (when (> (/ (float count) reps) .5)
    (incf group-size))

(print (birthday 2))
(print (birthday 3))
(print (birthday 4))
(print (birthday 5))


Quicky approach (use a population of 1e5 people to get a quick estimate and then refine against a population of 1e8 people):

PopSmall=: 1e5 ?@# 365
PopBig=: 1e8 ?@# 365

countShared=: [: >./ #/.~
avg=: +/ % #

probShared=: (1 :0)("0)
  NB. y: shared birthday count
  NB. m: population
  NB. x: sample size
  avg ,y <: (-x) countShared\ m

estGroupSz=: 3 :0
  approx=. (PopSmall probShared&y i.365) I. 0.5
  n=. approx-(2+y)
  refine=. n+(PopBig probShared&y approx+i:2+y) I. 0.5
  assert. (2+y) > |approx-refine
  refine, refine PopBig probShared y

Task cases:

   estGroupSz 2
23 0.507254
   estGroupSz 3
88 0.510737
   estGroupSz 4
187 0.502878
   estGroupSz 5
313 0.500903

So, for example, we need a group of 88 to have at least a 50% chance of 3 people in the group having the same birthday in a year of 365 days. And, in that case, the simulated probability was 51.0737%


Translation of Python via D

Works with: Java version 8
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import java.util.Random;

public class Test {

    static double equalBirthdays(int nSharers, int groupSize, int nRepetitions) {
        Random rand = new Random(1);

        int eq = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < nRepetitions; i++) {
            int[] group = new int[365];
            for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; j++)
            eq += stream(group).anyMatch(c -> c >= nSharers) ? 1 : 0;

        return (eq * 100.0) / nRepetitions;

    public static void main(String[] a) {

        int groupEst = 2;

        for (int sharers = 2; sharers < 6; sharers++) {
            // Coarse.
            int groupSize = groupEst + 1;
            while (equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50.0)

            // Finer.
            int inf = (int) (groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0);
            for (int gs = inf; gs < groupSize + 999; gs++) {
                double eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250);
                if (eq > 50.0) {
                    groupSize = gs;

            // Finest.
            for (int gs = groupSize - 1; gs < groupSize + 999; gs++) {
                double eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50_000);
                if (eq > 50.0) {
                    groupEst = gs;
                    System.out.printf("%d independent people in a group of "
                            + "%s share a common birthday. (%5.1f)%n",
                            sharers, gs, eq);
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50,6)
3 independent people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50,4)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50,1)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. ( 50,2)


Works with: Julia version 0.6
Translation of: Python
function equalbirthdays(sharers::Int, groupsize::Int; nrep::Int = 10000)
    eq = 0
    for _ in 1:nrep
        group = rand(1:365, groupsize)
        grset = Set(group)
        if groupsize - length(grset)  sharers - 1 &&
            any(count(x -> x == d, group)  sharers for d in grset)
            eq += 1
    return eq / nrep

gsizes = [2]
for sh in (2, 3, 4, 5)
    local gsize = gsizes[end]
    local freq

    # Coarse
    while equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 100) < .5
        gsize += 1
    # Finer
    for gsize in trunc(Int, gsize - (gsize - gsizes[end]) / 4):(gsize + 999)
        if equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 250) > 0.5
    # Finest
    for gsize in (gsize - 1):(gsize + 999)
        freq = equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 50000)
        if freq > 0.5

    push!(gsizes, gsize)
    @printf("%i independent people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%5.3f)\n", sh, gsize, freq)
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. (0.506)
3 independent people in a group of 88 share a common birthday. (0.510)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. (0.500)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. (0.507)


Translation of: Java
// version 1.1.3

import java.util.Random

fun equalBirthdays(nSharers: Int, groupSize: Int, nRepetitions: Int): Double {
    val rand = Random(1L)
    var eq = 0
    for (i in 0 until nRepetitions) {
        val group = IntArray(365)
        for (j in 0 until groupSize) {
        eq += if (group.any { it >= nSharers}) 1 else 0
    return eq * 100.0 / nRepetitions

fun main(args: Array<String>) {    
    var groupEst = 2
    for (sharers in 2..5) {
        // Coarse
        var groupSize = groupEst + 1
        while (equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50.0) groupSize++
        // Finer
        val inf = (groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0).toInt()
        for (gs in inf until groupSize + 999) {
            val eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250)
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupSize = gs

        // Finest
        for (gs in groupSize - 1 until groupSize + 999) {
            val eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50_000)
            if (eq > 50.0) {
                groupEst = gs
                print("$sharers independent people in a group of ${"%3d".format(gs)} ") 
                println("share a common birthday (${"%2.1f%%".format(eq)})")

Expect runtime of about 15 seconds on a modest laptop:

2 independent people in a group of  23 share a common birthday (50.6%)
3 independent people in a group of  87 share a common birthday (50.4%)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday (50.1%)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday (50.2%)


if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'randomgen') => {
	define randomgen(len::integer,max::integer)::array => {
		#len <= 0 ? return
		local(out = array)
		loop(#len) => { #out->insert(math_random(#max,1)) }
		return #out
if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'hasdupe') => {
	define hasdupe(a::array,threshold::integer) => {
		with i in #a do => {
			#a->find(#i)->size > #threshold-1 ? return true
		return false
local(threshold = 2)
local(qty = 22, probability = 0.00, samplesize = 10000)
while(#probability < 50.00) => {^
	local(dupeqty = 0)
	loop(#samplesize) => {
		local(x = randomgen(#qty,365))
		hasdupe(#x,#threshold) ? #dupeqty++
	#probability = (#dupeqty / decimal(#samplesize)) * 100
	'Threshold: '+#threshold+', qty: '+#qty+' - probability: '+#probability+'\r'
	#qty += 1
Threshold: 2, qty: 22 - probability: 47.810000
Threshold: 2, qty: 23 - probability: 51.070000

Threshold: 3, qty: 86 - probability: 48.400000
Threshold: 3, qty: 87 - probability: 49.200000
Threshold: 3, qty: 88 - probability: 52.900000

Threshold: 4, qty: 184 - probability: 48.000000
Threshold: 4, qty: 185 - probability: 49.800000
Threshold: 4, qty: 186 - probability: 49.600000
Threshold: 4, qty: 187 - probability: 48.900000
Threshold: 4, qty: 188 - probability: 50.700000

Threshold: 5, qty: 308 - probability: 48.130000
Threshold: 5, qty: 309 - probability: 48.430000
Threshold: 5, qty: 310 - probability: 48.640000
Threshold: 5, qty: 311 - probability: 49.370000
Threshold: 5, qty: 312 - probability: 49.180000
Threshold: 5, qty: 313 - probability: 49.540000
Threshold: 5, qty: 314 - probability: 50.000000

M2000 Interpreter

Translation of: FreeBasic
module birthday_problem {
	Simulacion=lambda (N As Long)->{
	    Long i
	    dim dias(1 to 365) as Long  
	    Long R, personas
	        R = random(1, 365)
	        dias(R) += 1
	        personas += 1 
	        If dias(R) = N Then =personas: exit
	Long N, grupo, t, many=1000
	For N = 2 To 5
	    grupo = 0
	    For t = 1 To many
	        grupo += Simulacion(N)
	    Next t
	    Print format$("Average of {0} people in a population of {1::-3} share birthdays", N, Int(grupo/many))
	Next N
Average of 2 people in a population of  24 share birthdays
Average of 3 people in a population of  91 share birthdays
Average of 4 people in a population of 205 share birthdays
Average of 5 people in a population of 319 share birthdays


Translation of: Kotlin
import random, sequtils, strformat

proc equalBirthdays(nSharers, groupSize, nRepetitions: int): float =
  var eq = 0
  for _ in 1..nRepetitions:
    var group: array[1..365, int]
    for _ in 1..groupSize:
      inc group[rand(1..group.len)]
    eq += ord(group.anyIt(it >= nSharers))
  result = eq * 100 / nRepetitions

proc main() =

  var groupEst = 2
  for sharers in 2..5:

    # Coarse.
    var groupSize = groupEst + 1
    while equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50:
      inc groupSize

    # Finer.
    let inf = (groupSize.toFloat - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4).toInt()
    for gs in inf..(groupSize+998):
      let eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250)
      if eq > 50:
        groupSize = gs

    # Finest.
    for gs in (groupSize-1)..(groupSize+998):
      let eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50_000)
      if eq > 50:
        groupEst = gs
        echo &"{sharers} independent people in a group of {gs:3} ",
             &"share a common birthday ({eq:4.1f}%)"

2 independent people in a group of  23 share a common birthday (50.7%)
3 independent people in a group of  87 share a common birthday (50.0%)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday (50.2%)
5 independent people in a group of 313 share a common birthday (50.2%)


simulate(n)=my(v=vecsort(vector(n,i,random(365))),t,c=1); for(i=2,n,if(v[i]>v[i-1],t=max(t,c);c=1,c++)); t
find(n)=my(guess=365*n-342,t);while(1, t=sum(i=1,1e3,simulate(guess)>=n)/1e3; if(t>550, guess--); if(t<450, guess++); if(450<=t && t<=550, return(guess)))


Translation of: Raku
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::AllUtils qw(max min uniqnum count_by any);
use Math::Random qw(random_uniform_integer);

sub simulation {
    my($c) = shift;
    my $max_trials = 1_000_000;
    my $min_trials =    10_000;
    my $n = int 47 * ($c-1.5)**1.5; # OEIS/A050256: 16 86 185 307
    my $N = min $max_trials, max $min_trials, 1000 * sqrt $n;

    while (1) {
        my $yes = 0;
        for (1..$N) {
            my %birthday_freq = count_by { $_ } random_uniform_integer($n, 1, 365);
            $yes++ if any { $birthday_freq{$_} >= $c } keys %birthday_freq;
        my $p = $yes/$N;
        return($n, $p) if $p > 0.5;
        $N = min $max_trials, max $min_trials, int 1000/(0.5-$p)**1.75;

printf "$_ people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%.4f)\n", simulation($_) for 2..5
2 people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. (0.5083)
3 people in a group of 88 share a common birthday. (0.5120)
4 people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. (0.5034)
5 people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. (0.5008)


Translation of: D
constant nDays = 365
-- 5 sigma confidence. Conventionally people think 3 sigmas are 
-- good enough, but for the case of 5 people sharing a birthday, 
-- 3 sigmas actually sometimes gives a slightly wrong answer.
constant nSigmas = 5.0; -- Change to 3 for smaller run time.
function simulate1(integer nPeople, nCollisions)
-- Given n people, if m of them have same birthday in one run.
    sequence days = repeat(0,nDays)
    for p=1 to nPeople do
        integer day = rand(nDays)
        days[day] += 1
        if days[day] == nCollisions then
            return true
        end if
    end for
    return false;
end function
function prob(integer np, nCollisions, atom pThresh)
-- Decide if the probablity of n out of np people sharing a birthday
-- is above or below pThresh, with nSigmas sigmas confidence.
-- If pThresh is very low or hi, minimum runs need to be much higher.
    atom p, d; -- Probablity and standard deviation.
    integer nRuns = 0, yes = 0;
    while nRuns<10 or (abs(p - pThresh) < (nSigmas * d)) do
        yes += simulate1(np, nCollisions)
        nRuns += 1
        p = yes/nRuns
        d = sqrt(p * (1 - p) / nRuns);
    end while
    return {p,d}
end function
function findHalfChance(integer nCollisions)
-- Bisect for truth.
    atom p, dev
    integer mid = 1,
            lo = 0,
            hi = nDays * (nCollisions - 1) + 1;
    while lo < mid or p < 0.5 do
        mid = floor((hi + lo) / 2)
        {p,dev} = prob(mid, nCollisions, 0.5)
        if (p < 0.5) then
            lo = mid + 1;
            hi = mid;
        end if
        if (hi < lo) then
            return findHalfChance(nCollisions) -- reset
        end if
    end while
    return {p,dev,mid}
end function
for nCollisions=2 to 6 do
    atom {p,d,np} = findHalfChance(nCollisions)
    printf(1,"%d collision: %d people, P = %g +/- %g\n", {nCollisions, np, p, d})
end for
2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.520699 +/- 0.00688426
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.507159 +/- 0.00238534
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.504129 +/- 0.00137625
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501219 +/- 0.000406284
6 collision: 460 people, P = 0.502131 +/- 0.000710091

Output with nSigmas = 5.0:

2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.507817 +/- 0.00156278
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.512042 +/- 0.00240772
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.502546 +/- 0.000509275
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501218 +/- 0.000243516
6 collision: 460 people, P = 0.502901 +/- 0.000580137


*process source attributes xref;
 bd: Proc Options(main);
 * 04.11.2013 Walter Pachl
 * Take samp samples of groups with gs persons and check
 *how many of the groups have at least match persons with same birthday
 Dcl (float,random) Builtin;
 Dcl samp Bin Fixed(31) Init(1000000);
 Dcl arr(0:366) Bin Fixed(31);
 Dcl r Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl i Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl ok Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl g  Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl gs Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl match Bin fixed(31);
 Dcl cnt(0:1) Bin Fixed(31);
 Dcl lo(6) Bin Fixed(31) Init(0,21,85,185,311,458);
 Dcl hi(6) Bin Fixed(31) Init(0,25,89,189,315,462);
 Dcl rf Bin Float(63);
 Dcl hits  Bin Float(63);
 Dcl arrow Char(3);
 Do match=2 To 6;
   Put Edit(' ')(Skip,a);
   Put Edit(samp,' samples. Percentage of groups with at least',
            match,' matches')(Skip,f(8),a,f(2),a);
   Put Edit('Group size')(Skip,a);
   Do gs=lo(match) To hi(match);
     Do i=1 To samp;
       Do g=1 To gs;
         If arr(r)=match Then Do;
           /* Put Edit(r)(Skip,f(4));*/
     If hits>=.5 Then arrow=' <-';
                 Else arrow='';
     Put Edit(gs,cnt(0),cnt(1),100*hits,'%',arrow)


 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 2 matches
Group size                               3000000      500000 samples
        21 556903 443097  44.310%        44.343%      44.347%
        22 524741 475259  47.526%        47.549%      47.521%
        23 492034 507966  50.797% <-     50.735% <-   50.722% <-
        24 462172 537828  53.783% <-     53.815% <-   53.838% <-
        25 431507 568493  56.849% <-     56.849% <-   56.842% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 3 matches
Group size
        85 523287 476713  47.671%        47.638%      47.631%
        86 512219 487781  48.778%        48.776%      48.821%
        87 499874 500126  50.013% <-     49.902%      49.903%
        88 488197 511803  51.180% <-     51.127% <-   51.096% <-
        89 478044 521956  52.196% <-     52.263% <-   52.290% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 4 matches
Group size
       185 511352 488648  48.865%        48.868%      48.921%
       186 503888 496112  49.611%        49.601%      49.568%
       187 497844 502156  50.216% <-     50.258% <-   50.297% <-
       188 490490 509510  50.951% <-     50.916% <-   50.946% <-
       189 482893 517107  51.711% <-     51.645% <-   51.655% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 5 matches
Group size
       311 508743 491257  49.126%        49.158%      49.164%
       312 503524 496476  49.648%        49.631%      49.596%
       313 498244 501756  50.176% <-     50.139% <-   50.095% <-
       314 494032 505968  50.597% <-     50.636% <-   50.586% <-
       315 489821 510179  51.018% <-     51.107% <-   51.114% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 6 matches
Group size
       458 505225 494775  49.478%        49.498%      49.512%
       459 501871 498129  49.813%        49.893%      49.885%
       460 497719 502281  50.228% <-     50.278% <-   50.248% <-
       461 493948 506052  50.605% <-     50.622% <-   50.626% <-
       462 489416 510584  51.058% <-     51.029% <-   51.055% <-

extended to verify REXX results:

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 7 matches
Group size
       621 503758 496242  49.624%
       622 500320 499680  49.968%
       623 497047 502953  50.295% <-
       624 493679 506321  50.632% <-
       625 491240 508760  50.876% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 8 matches
Group size
       796 504764 495236  49.524%
       797 502537 497463  49.746%
       798 499488 500512  50.051% <-
       799 496658 503342  50.334% <-
       800 494773 505227  50.523% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least 9 matches
Group size
       983 502613 497387  49.739%
       984 501665 498335  49.834%
       985 498606 501394  50.139% <-
       986 497453 502547  50.255% <-
       987 493816 506184  50.618% <-

 1000000 samples. Percentage of groups with at least10 matches
Group size
      1179 502910 497090  49.709%
      1180 500906 499094  49.909%
      1181 499079 500921  50.092% <-
      1182 496957 503043  50.304% <-
      1183 494414 505586  50.559% <-


Note: the first (unused), version of function equal_birthdays() uses a different but equally valid interpretation of the phrase "common birthday".

from random import randint

def equal_birthdays(sharers=2, groupsize=23, rep=100000):
    'Note: 4 sharing common birthday may have 2 dates shared between two people each' 
    g = range(groupsize)
    sh = sharers - 1
    eq = sum((groupsize - len(set(randint(1,365) for i in g)) >= sh)
             for j in range(rep))
    return (eq * 100.) / rep

def equal_birthdays(sharers=2, groupsize=23, rep=100000):
    'Note: 4 sharing common birthday must all share same common day' 
    g = range(groupsize)
    sh = sharers - 1
    eq = 0
    for j in range(rep):
        group = [randint(1,365) for i in g]
        if (groupsize - len(set(group)) >= sh and
            any( group.count(member) >= sharers for member in set(group))):
            eq += 1
    return (eq * 100.) / rep

group_est = [2]
for sharers in (2, 3, 4, 5):
    groupsize = group_est[-1]+1
    while equal_birthdays(sharers, groupsize, 100) < 50.:
        # Coarse
        groupsize += 1
    for groupsize in range(int(groupsize - (groupsize - group_est[-1])/4.), groupsize + 999):
        # Finer
        eq = equal_birthdays(sharers, groupsize, 250)
        if eq > 50.:
    for groupsize in range(groupsize - 1, groupsize +999):
        # Finest
        eq = equal_birthdays(sharers, groupsize, 50000)
        if eq > 50.:
    print("%i independent people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%5.1f)" % (sharers, groupsize, eq))
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.9)
3 independent people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50.0)
4 independent people in a group of 188 share a common birthday. ( 50.9)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. ( 50.6)

Enumeration method

The following enumerates all birthday distributation of n people in a year. It's patentedly unscalable.

from collections import defaultdict
days = 365

def find_half(c):

    # inc_people takes birthday combinations of n people and generates the
    # new set for n+1
    def inc_people(din, over):
        # 'over' is the number of combinations that have at least c people
        # sharing a birthday. These are not contained in the set.

        dout,over = defaultdict(int), over * days
        for k,s in din.items():
            for i,v in enumerate(k):
                if v + 1 >= c:
                    over += s
                    dout[tuple(sorted(k[0:i] + (v + 1,) + k[i+1:]))] += s
            dout[(1,) + k] += s * (days - len(k))
        return dout, over

    d, combos, good, n = {():1}, 1, 0, 0

    # increase number of people until at least half of the cases have at
    # at least c people sharing a birthday
    while True:
        n += 1
        combos *= days # or, combos = sum(d.values()) + good
        d,good = inc_people(d, good)

        #!!! print d.items()
        if good * 2 >= combos:
            return n, good, combos

# In all fairness, I don't know if the code works for x >= 4: I probably don't
# have enough RAM for it, and certainly not enough patience. But it should.
# In theory.
for x in range(2, 5):
    n, good, combos = find_half(x)
    print "%d of %d people sharing birthday: %d out of %d combos"% (x, n, good, combos)
2 of 23 people sharing birthday: 43450860051057961364418604769486195435604861663267741453125 out of 85651679353150321236814267844395152689354622364044189453125 combos
3 of 88 people sharing birthday: 1549702400401473425983277424737696914087385196361193892581987189461901608374448849589919219974092878625057027641693544686424625999709818279964664633586995549680467629183956971001416481439048256933422687688148710727691650390625 out of 3032299345394764867793392128292779133654078653518318790345269064871742118915665927782934165016667902517875712171754287171746462419635313222013443107339730598579399174951673950890087953259632858049599235528148710727691650390625 combos

Enumeration method #2

# ought to use a memoize class for all this
# factorial
def fact(n, cache={0:1}):
    if not n in cache:
        cache[n] = n * fact(n - 1)
    return cache[n]

# permutations
def perm(n, k, cache={}):
    if not (n,k) in cache:
        cache[(n,k)] = fact(n) / fact(n - k)
    return cache[(n,k)]

def choose(n, k, cache={}):
    if not (n,k) in cache:
        cache[(n,k)] = perm(n, k) / fact(k)
    return cache[(n, k)]

# ways of distribute p people's birthdays into d days, with
# no more than m sharing any one day
def combos(d, p, m, cache={}):
    if not p: return 1
    if not m: return 0
    if p <= m: return d**p        # any combo would satisfy

    k = (d, p, m)
    if not k in cache:
        result = 0
        for x in range(0, p//m + 1):
            c = combos(d - x, p - x * m, m - 1)
            # ways to occupy x days with m people each
            if c: result += c * choose(d, x) * perm(p, x * m) / fact(m)**x
        cache[k] = result

    return cache[k]

def find_half(m):
    n = 0
    while True:
        n += 1
        total = 365 ** n
        c = total - combos(365, n, m - 1)
        if c * 2 >= total:
            print "%d of %d people: %d/%d combos" % (n, m, c, total)

for x in range(2, 6): find_half(x)
23 of 2 people: 43450860....3125/85651679....3125 combos
88 of 3 people: 15497...50390625/30322...50390625 combos
187 of 4 people: 708046698...0703125/1408528546...0703125 combos
313 of 5 people: 498385488882289...2578125/99464149835930...2578125 combos


Translation of: Python

Based on the Python task. For three digits precision use 250000 repetitions. For four digits precision use 25000000 repetitions, but it’s very slow. See discussion page.

#lang racket

#;(define repetitions 25000000) ; for \sigma=1/10000
(define repetitions 250000) ; for \sigma=1/1000
(define coarse-repetitions 2500)

(define (vector-inc! v pos)
  (vector-set! v pos (add1 (vector-ref v pos))))

(define (equal-birthdays sharers group-size repetitions)
  (/ (for/sum ([j (in-range repetitions)])
        (let ([days (make-vector 365 0)])
          (for ([person (in-range group-size)])
            (vector-inc! days (random 365)))
          (if (>= (apply max (vector->list days)) sharers)
              1 0)))

(define (search-coarse-group-size sharers)
  (let loop ([coarse-group-size 2])
    (let ([coarse-probability
          (equal-birthdays sharers coarse-group-size coarse-repetitions)])
      (if (> coarse-probability .5)
          (loop (add1 coarse-group-size))))))

(define (search-upwards sharers group-size)
  (let ([probability (equal-birthdays sharers group-size repetitions)])
    (if (> probability .5)
        (values group-size probability)
        (search-upwards sharers (add1 group-size)))))

(define (search-downwards sharers group-size last-probability)
  (let ([probability (equal-birthdays sharers group-size repetitions)])
    (if (> probability .5)
        (search-downwards sharers (sub1 group-size) probability)
        (values (add1 group-size) last-probability))))

(define (search-from sharers group-size)
  (let ([probability (equal-birthdays sharers group-size repetitions)])
    (if (> probability .5)
        (search-downwards sharers (sub1 group-size) probability)
        (search-upwards sharers (add1 group-size)))))

(for ([sharers (in-range 2 6)])
  (let-values ([(group-size probability) 
                (search-from sharers (search-coarse-group-size sharers))])
    (printf "~a independent people in a group of ~a share a common birthday. (~a%)\n"
            sharers group-size  (~r (* probability 100) #:precision '(= 2)))))


2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. (50.80%)
3 independent people in a group of 88 share a common birthday. (51.19%)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. (50.18%)
5 independent people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. (50.17%)


(formerly Perl 6) Gives correct answers, but more of a proof-of-concept at this point, even with max-trials at 250K it is too slow to be practical.

sub simulation ($c) {
    my $max-trials = 250_000;
    my $min-trials =   5_000;
    my $n = floor 47 * ($c-1.5)**1.5; # OEIS/A050256: 16 86 185 307
    my $N = min $max-trials, max $min-trials, 1000 * sqrt $n;

    loop {
        my $p = $N R/ elems grep { .elems > 0 }, ((grep { $_>=$c }, values bag (^365).roll($n)) xx $N);
        return($n, $p) if $p > 0.5;
        $N = min $max-trials, max $min-trials, floor 1000/(0.5-$p);

printf "$_ people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%.3f)\n", simulation($_) for 2..5;
2 people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. (0.506)
3 people in a group of 88 share a common birthday. (0.511)
4 people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. (0.500)
5 people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. (0.507)


version 1

The root finding method used is to find the average number of people to share a birthday,   and then use the   floor
of that value   (less the group size)   as a starting point to find a new group size with an expected size that exceeds
50%   duplicate birthdays of the required size.

This REXX version doesn't need a precalculated group size to find the percentage required to exceed 50%.

/*REXX pgm examines the birthday problem via random# simulation (with specifiable parms)*/
parse arg dups samp seed .                       /*get optional arguments from the CL.  */
if dups=='' | dups==","  then dups=    10        /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
if samp=='' | samp==","  then samp= 10000        /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
if datatype(seed, 'W')   then call random ,,seed /*RANDOM seed given for repeatability ?*/
diy = 365         /*alternative: diy=365.25*/    /*the number of    Days In a Year.     */
diyM= diy*100                                    /*this expands the RANDOM  (BIF) range.*/
             do   g=2  to dups;      s= 0        /*perform through  2 ──► duplicate size*/
               do  samp;            @.= 0        /*perform some number of trials.       */
                      do j=0  until @.day==g     /*perform until G dup. birthdays found.*/
                      day= random(1, diyM) % 100 /*expand range RANDOM number generation*/
                      @.day= @.day + 1           /*record the number of common birthdays*/
                      end   /*j*/                /* [↓]  adjust for the  DO  loop index.*/
               s= s+j                            /*add number of birthday hits to sum.  */
               end          /*samp*/             /* [↓]  % 1   rounds down the division.*/
             start.g= s/samp % 1  -  g           /*define where the  try─outs  start.   */
             end            /*g*/                /* [↑]  get a rough estimate for %.    */
say right('sample size is '   samp, 40);   say   /*display this run's sample size.      */
say '          required         trial       %  with required'
say '         duplicates         size       common birthdays'
say '        ────────────      ───────     ──────────────────'
   do   g=2  to dups                             /*perform through  2 ──► duplicate size*/
     do try=start.g  until s/samp>=.5;     s= 0  /*   "    try─outs until average ≥ 50%.*/
       do samp;                           @.= 0  /*   "    some number of trials.       */
         do try;     day= random(1, diyM) % 100  /*   "    until G dup. birthdays found.*/
         @.day= @.day + 1                        /*record the number of common birthdays*/
         if @.day==g  then do; s=s+1; leave; end /*found enough  G  (birthday)  hits ?  */
         end   /*try;*/
       end     /*samp*/
     end       /*try=start.g*/                   /* [↑]  where the  try─outs  happen.   */
   say right(g, 15)     right(try, 15)      center( format( s / samp * 100, , 4)'%',  30)
   end         /*g*/                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
output   when using the default inputs:
                   sample size is  10000

          required         trial       %  with required
         duplicates         size       common birthdays
        ────────────      ───────     ──────────────────
              2              23            50.2300%
              3              87            50.2400%
              4             187            50.3800%
              5             312            50.0100%
              6             458            50.5200%
              7             622            50.3900%
              8             798            50.1700%
              9             984            50.5700%
             10            1182            51.4000%

version 2

 * 04.11.2013 Walter Pachl translated from PL/I
 * Take samp samples of groups with gs persons and check
 *how many of the groups have at least match persons with same birthday
 lo='0 21 85 185 311 458'
 hi='0 25 89 189 315 462'
 Do match=2 To 6
   Say ' '
   Say samp' samples . Percentage of groups with at least',
            match ' matches'
   Say 'Group size'
   Do gs=word(lo,match) To word(hi,match)
     Do i=1 To samp
       Do g=1 To gs
         If arr.r=match Then
     If hits>=.5 Then arrow=' <-'
                 Else arrow=''
     Say format(gs,10) cnt.0 cnt.1 100*hits||'%'||arrow


100000 samples . Percentage of groups with at least 2  matches
Group size
        21 55737 44263 44.26300%
        22 52158 47842 47.84200%
        23 49141 50859 50.85900% <-
        24 46227 53773 53.77300% <-
        25 43091 56909 56.90900% <-

100000 samples . Percentage of groups with at least 3  matches
Group size
        85 52193 47807 47.80700%
        86 51489 48511 48.51100%
        87 50146 49854 49.85400%
        88 48790 51210 51.2100% <-
        89 47771 52229 52.22900% <-

100000 samples . Percentage of groups with at least 4  matches
Group size
       185 50930 49070 49.0700%
       186 50506 49494 49.49400%
       187 49739 50261 50.26100% <-
       188 49024 50976 50.97600% <-
       189 48283 51717 51.71700% <-

100000 samples . Percentage of groups with at least 5  matches
Group size
       311 50909 49091 49.09100%
       312 50441 49559 49.55900%
       313 49912 50088 50.08800% <-
       314 49425 50575 50.57500% <-
       315 48930 51070 51.0700% <-

100000 samples . Percentage of groups with at least 6  matches
Group size
       458 50580 49420 49.4200%
       459 49848 50152 50.15200% <-
       460 49975 50025 50.02500% <-
       461 49316 50684 50.68400% <-
       462 49121 50879 50.87900% <-


Translation of: Java
def equalBirthdays(nSharers, groupSize, nRepetitions)
    eq = 0

    for i in 1 .. nRepetitions
        group = [0] * 365
        for j in 1 .. groupSize
            group[rand(group.length)] += 1
        eq += group.any? { |n| n >= nSharers } ? 1 : 0

    return (eq * 100.0) / nRepetitions

def main
    groupEst = 2
    for sharers in 2 .. 5
        # Coarse
        groupSize = groupEst + 1
        while equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50.0
            groupSize += 1

        # Finer
        inf = (groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0).floor
        for gs in inf .. groupSize + 999
            eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250)
            if eq > 50.0 then
                groupSize = gs

        # Finest
        for gs in groupSize - 1 .. groupSize + 999
            eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50000)
            if eq > 50.0 then
                groupEst = gs
                print "%d independant people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%5.1f)\n" % [sharers, gs, eq]

2 independant people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.5)
3 independant people in a group of 90 share a common birthday. ( 53.3)
4 independant people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50.3)
5 independant people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. ( 50.3)


use std::collections::HashMap;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
// Create a struct to hold numbers between 1 and 365 inclusive
struct DayNumber(u16);

impl DayNumber {
    fn new(value: u16) -> Option<Self> {
        if value >= 1 && value <= 365 {
        } else {

fn main() {
    let trials = 100_000;
    let mut start_population_size = 2;

    for min_common in 2..6 {
        let (min_count_for_50_percent_success, percentage) =
            "Probability {} people in a group of {} share a common birthday: ({})",
            min_common, min_count_for_50_percent_success, percentage
        start_population_size = min_count_for_50_percent_success;

fn get_group_size_for_50_percent_success_for_given_common_birthdays(
    min_common: u16,
    trials: u32,
    start_population_size: u32,
) -> (u32, f32) {
    let max_population_size = 366;
    let result = (start_population_size..max_population_size)
        .find_map(|population_size| {
            let success_average: f32 =
                get_estimated_success_for_population_size(population_size, min_common, trials);
            if success_average >= 0.5 {
                Some((population_size, success_average))
            } else {
        .unwrap_or((0, 0.0));

fn get_estimated_success_for_population_size(
    population_size: u32,
    min_common: u16,
    trials: u32,
) -> f32 {
    // Estimate the probability of at least min_common people having the same birthday in a group of n people.
    // The estimate is based on the number of trials where the condition is met.

    let success_average: f32 = (0_u32..trials)
        .map(|_| check_if_random_birthdays_have_common_birthday(population_size, min_common) as u32)
        .sum::<u32>() as f32
        / trials as f32;

fn check_if_random_birthdays_have_common_birthday(n: u32, min_common: u16) -> bool {
    // Generate n random birthdays and check if there are at least min_common common birthdays.
    let birthdays = generate_population_of_birthdays(n);
    get_max_common_birthday_count(&birthdays) >= min_common as u32

fn generate_population_of_birthdays(n: u32) -> Vec<DayNumber> {
    // Generate a vector of n random DayNumbers
    let birthdays: Vec<DayNumber> = (0..n)
        // could call map with .unwrap() as the random number will be in the correct range, but why?
        // Let's let the code filter out the None values in case someone changes the range.
        .filter_map(|_| DayNumber::new(rand::random::<u16>() % 365 + 1))

fn get_max_common_birthday_count(birthdays: &Vec<DayNumber>) -> u32 {
    // A common birthday is one where two or more people have the same birthday.
    // returns the number of people with a common birthday.
    // If more than one common birthday is found,
    // the function should return the number of people with the most common birthday.

    let mut common_birthdays: HashMap<u16, u32> = HashMap::new();

    birthdays.iter().for_each(|birthday| {
        *common_birthdays.entry(birthday.0).or_insert(0) += 1;

    let mut max_common_birthday = 0;

    for (_, count) in common_birthdays {
        if count > max_common_birthday {
            max_common_birthday = count;
Probability 2 people in a group of 23 share a common birthday: (0.50913)
Probability 3 people in a group of 88 share a common birthday: (0.51299)
Probability 4 people in a group of 187 share a common birthday: (0.50413)
Probability 5 people in a group of 313 share a common birthday: (0.50001)


Translation of: Java
import scala.util.Random
import scala.util.control.Breaks._

object Test {

  def equalBirthdays(
      nSharers: Int,
      groupSize: Int,
      nRepetitions: Int
  ): Double = {
    val rand = new Random(1)
    var eq = 0

    for (_ <- 1 to nRepetitions) {
      val group = new Array[Int](365)
      for (_ <- 1 to groupSize) {
        val birthday = rand.nextInt(group.length)
        group(birthday) += 1
      if (group.exists(_ >= nSharers)) eq += 1

    (eq * 100.0) / nRepetitions

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    var groupEst = 2

    for (sharers <- 2 until 6) {
      // Coarse.
      var groupSize = groupEst + 1
      while (equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50.0)
        groupSize += 1

      // Finer.
      val inf = (groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4.0).toInt
        for (gs <- inf until groupSize + 999) {
          val eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, groupSize, 250)
          if (eq > 50.0) {
            groupSize = gs

      // Finest.
        for (gs <- (groupSize - 1) until groupSize + 999) {
          val eq = equalBirthdays(sharers, gs, 50000)
          if (eq > 50.0) {
            groupEst = gs
              f"$sharers independent people in a group of $gs share a common birthday. ($eq%5.1f)"
2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. ( 50.6)
3 independent people in a group of 87 share a common birthday. ( 50.4)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50.1)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. ( 50.2)



The following program has been tested successfully using PL/SQL at [1].

with c as (
        500 nrep,
        50 maxgsiz
  from dual
reps as (
  select level rep
  from dual
  cross join c
  connect by level <= c.nrep
pers as (
  select round(sqrt(2*level)) npers
  from dual
  cross join c
  connect by level <= c.maxgsiz*(c.maxgsiz+1)/2
bds as (
        floor(dbms_random.value(1,366)) bd
  from reps
  cross join pers
mtch as (
        case count(distinct bds.bd ) when bds.npers then 0 else 1 end match
  from bds
  group by bds.rep, bds.npers, null
  order by bds.npers
nm as (
  select mtch.npers, sum (mtch.match) nmatch
  from mtch
  group by mtch.npers
sol as (
  select first_value ( nm.npers ) over ( order by abs ( nm.nmatch - c.nrep / 2 ) ) npers
  from nm
  cross join c
select npers
  from sol where rownum = 1

SQL> @ birthday.sql Connected.




proc birthdays {num {same 2}} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
	set b [expr {int(rand() * 365)}]
	if {[incr bs($b)] >= $same} {
	    return 1
    return 0

proc estimateBirthdayChance {num same} {
    # Gives a reasonably close estimate with minimal execution time; the idea
    # is to keep the amount that one random value may influence the result
    # fairly constant.
    set count [expr {$num * 100 / $same}]
    set x 0
    for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
	incr x [birthdays $num $same]
    return [expr {double($x) / $count}]

foreach {count from to} {2 20 25 3 85 90 4 183 190 5 310 315} {
    puts "identifying level for $count people with same birthday"
    for {set i $from} {$i <= $to} {incr i} {
	set chance [estimateBirthdayChance $i $count]
	puts [format "%d people => %%%.2f chance of %d people with same birthday" \
		  $i [expr {$chance * 100}] $count]
	if {$chance >= 0.5} {
	    puts "level found: $i people"
identifying level for 2 people with same birthday
20 people => %43.40 chance of 2 people with same birthday
21 people => %44.00 chance of 2 people with same birthday
22 people => %46.91 chance of 2 people with same birthday
23 people => %53.48 chance of 2 people with same birthday
level found: 23 people
identifying level for 3 people with same birthday
85 people => %47.97 chance of 3 people with same birthday
86 people => %48.46 chance of 3 people with same birthday
87 people => %49.55 chance of 3 people with same birthday
88 people => %50.66 chance of 3 people with same birthday
level found: 88 people
identifying level for 4 people with same birthday
183 people => %48.02 chance of 4 people with same birthday
184 people => %47.67 chance of 4 people with same birthday
185 people => %48.89 chance of 4 people with same birthday
186 people => %49.98 chance of 4 people with same birthday
187 people => %50.99 chance of 4 people with same birthday
level found: 187 people
identifying level for 5 people with same birthday
310 people => %48.52 chance of 5 people with same birthday
311 people => %48.14 chance of 5 people with same birthday
312 people => %49.07 chance of 5 people with same birthday
313 people => %49.63 chance of 5 people with same birthday
314 people => %49.59 chance of 5 people with same birthday
315 people => %51.79 chance of 5 people with same birthday
level found: 315 people


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-fmt
import "random" for Random
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var equalBirthdays = Fn.new { |nSharers, groupSize, nRepetitions|
    var rand = Random.new(12345)
    var eq = 0
    for (i in 0...nRepetitions) {
        var group = List.filled(365, 0)
        for (j in 0...groupSize) {
            var r = rand.int(group.count)
            group[r] = group[r] + 1
        eq = eq + (group.any { |i| i >= nSharers } ? 1 : 0)
    return eq * 100 / nRepetitions

var groupEst = 2
for (sharers in 2..5) {
    // Coarse
    var groupSize = groupEst + 1
    while (equalBirthdays.call(sharers, groupSize, 100) < 50) groupSize = groupSize + 1

    // Finer
    var inf = (groupSize - (groupSize - groupEst) / 4).floor
    for (gs in inf...groupSize + 999) {
        var eq = equalBirthdays.call(sharers, groupSize, 250)
        if (eq > 50) {
            groupSize = gs

    // Finest
    for (gs in groupSize - 1...groupSize + 999) {
        var eq = equalBirthdays.call(sharers, gs, 50000)
        if (eq > 50) {
            groupEst = gs
            Fmt.write("$d independent people in a group of $3d ", sharers, gs) 
            Fmt.print("share a common birthday $2.1f\%", eq)
2 independent people in a group of  23 share a common birthday 51.0%
3 independent people in a group of  88 share a common birthday 51.0%
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday 50.1%
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday 50.7%


func Sim(N);
\Simulate birthdays and return number of people to have N same days
int  N, I, People, R;
char Days(365);
[for I:= 0 to 365-1 do Days(I):= 0;
People:= 0;
loop    [R:= Ran(365);
        Days(R):= Days(R)+1;
        People:= People+1;
        if Days(R) = N then return People;

int N, Sum, Trial;
[for N:= 2 to 5 do
    [Sum:= 0;
    for Trial:= 1 to 10000 do
        Sum:= Sum + Sim(N);
    IntOut(0, N);  Text(0, ": ");  IntOut(0, Sum/10000);  CrLf(0);
2: 24
3: 88
4: 187
5: 311


Pure simulation; adding a person to a population until there are the required number of collisions, then repeating that a bunch of times to get an average.

fcn bdays(N){ // N is shared birthdays in a population
   year:=(0).pump(365,List.createLong(365).write,0); // 365 days == one year
   shared:=people:=0; do{    // add a new person to population
      bday:=(0).random(365); // with this birthday [0..364]
      shared=shared.max(year[bday]+=1); people+=1;
   people   // size of simulated population that contains N shared birthdays
fcn simulate(N,T){ avg:=0.0; do(T){ avg+=bdays(N) } avg/=T; } // N shared, T trials

foreach n in ([1..5]){
   println("Average of %d people in a populatation of %s share birthdays"
Average of 1 people in a populatation of 1 share birthdays
Average of 2 people in a populatation of 24.7199 share birthdays
Average of 3 people in a populatation of 88.6416 share birthdays
Average of 4 people in a populatation of 186.849 share birthdays
Average of 5 people in a populatation of 312.399 share birthdays
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