Binary strings

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Many languages have powerful and useful (binary safe) string manipulation functions, while others don't, making it harder for these languages to accomplish some tasks.
This task is about creating functions to handle binary strings (strings made of arbitrary bytes, i.e. byte strings according to Wikipedia) for those languages that don't have built-in support for them.
If your language of choice does have this built-in support, show a possible alternative implementation for the functions or abilities already provided by the language.
In particular the functions you need to create are:
- String creation and destruction (when needed and if there's no garbage collection or similar mechanism)
- String assignment
- String comparison
- String cloning and copying
- Check if a string is empty
- Append a byte to a string
- Extract a substring from a string
- Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
- Join strings
Possible contexts of use: compression algorithms (like LZW compression), L-systems (manipulation of symbols), many more.
V x = Bytes(‘abc’)
- Output:
8086 Assembly
The 8086 has built-in support for handling byte and word strings, using DS:SI
and ES:DI
as the source and destination pointers, respectively. String functions can either auto-increment or auto-decrement the pointers held in these registers; the direction flag determines which one takes place. (CLD
for auto-inc, STD
for auto-dec.)
Copying strings
This is a "deep copy," i.e. after this you will have a duplicate of the string "Hello" in two separate memory locations, not just a pointer to the original stored elsewhere.
;this code assumes that both DS and ES point to the correct segments.
mov si,offset TestMessage
mov di,offset EmptyRam
mov cx,5 ;length of the source string, you'll need to either know this
;ahead of time or calculate it.
rep movsb
;there is no buffer overflow protection built into these functions so be careful!
TestMessage byte "Hello"
EmptyRam byte 0,0,0,0,0
Checking if a particular byte exists
;this code assumes that ES points to the correct segment.
mov di,offset TestMessage
mov al,'o' ;the byte we wish to check
mov cx,5 ;len(Test)
repnz scasb ;scan through the string and stop if a match is found.
;flags will be set accordingly
TestMessage byte "Hello"
Compare two strings
;this code assumes that both DS and ES point to the correct segments.
mov si,offset foo
mov di,offset bar
mov cx,4 ;length of the shorter of the two.
repz cmpsb
; this will continue until the strings are different or CX = 0,
; whichever occurs first. If, after this, the zero flag is set and CX=0,
; the strings were the same
foo byte "test"
bar byte "test"
AArch64 Assembly
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program routstring64.s */
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
/* macros */
//.include "../../" // for developper debugging
/* Initialized data */
szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program 64 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK: .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessErreur: .asciz "Error !!!\n"
szMessValString: .asciz "String value : "
szMessLenStr: .asciz "String length : "
szMessCopyString: .asciz "String copy : "
szMessEmpty: .asciz "String empty.\n"
szMessStrEqual: .asciz "Strings are equals.\n"
szMessStrNotEqual: .asciz "Strings are not equals.\n"
szMessStringfound: .asciz "String found at position :"
szMessStringJoint: .asciz "Joint string : "
szMessStringRep: .asciz "Replace occurences string : "
szMessBufferError: .asciz "Error : Buffer too small !!\n"
szString1: .asciz "ABCDE"
.equ LGSTRING1, . - szString1 - 1
szString2: .asciz ""
szString3: .asciz "ABCDF"
szString4: .asciz "CD"
szString5: .asciz "AABCIEFAAGHIAA"
szStringOcc: .asciz "AA"
szStringRep: .asciz "ZZ"
.align 4
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
szStringRec: .skip BUFFERSIZE
.align 4
/* code section */
.global main
ldr x0,qAdrszMessDebutPgm
bl affichageMess // start message
ldr x0,qAdrszMessValString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessLenStr
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#LGSTRING1 // string length static
bl displayNumber
ldr x0,qAdrszMessLenStr
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
bl stringLen // string length
bl displayNumber
ldr x0,qAdrszString1 // string copy
ldr x1,qAdrszStringRec
bl copyString
cmp x0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessCopyString
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString2 // empty string
bl emptyString
ldr x0,qAdrszString1 // string comparison
ldr x0,qAdrszString3
bl comparString
cmp x0,#0
bne 1f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStrEqual
bl affichageMess
b 2f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStrNotEqual
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1 // search substring
ldr x1,qAdrszString4
bl searchSubString
cmp x0,#-1
beq 3f
mov x1,x0
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStringfound
bl affichageMess
mov x0,x1
bl displayNumber
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStringJoint // joint strings
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
ldr x1,qAdrszString3
ldr x2,qAdrszStringRec
bl concatString
cmp x0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStringRep // replace string or char
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszString5 // string
ldr x1,qAdrszStringOcc // string occurence
ldr x2,qAdrszStringRep // replace string
ldr x3,qAdrszStringRec // buffer
mov x4,#BUFFERSIZE // buffer size
bl replaceOccString
cmp x0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessFinOK
bl affichageMess
b 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessErreur // error
bl affichageMess
mov x0, #1 // return code error
b 100f
mov x8,EXIT
svc #0 // system call
qAdrszMessDebutPgm: .quad szMessDebutPgm
qAdrszMessFinOK: .quad szMessFinOK
qAdrszMessErreur: .quad szMessErreur
qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv
qAdrszMessLenStr: .quad szMessLenStr
qAdrszMessValString: .quad szMessValString
qAdrszMessCopyString: .quad szMessCopyString
qAdrszMessStrEqual: .quad szMessStrEqual
qAdrszMessStrNotEqual: .quad szMessStrNotEqual
qAdrszMessStringfound: .quad szMessStringfound
qAdrszMessStringJoint: .quad szMessStringJoint
qAdrszMessStringRep: .quad szMessStringRep
qAdrszString1: .quad szString1
qAdrszString2: .quad szString2
qAdrszString3: .quad szString3
qAdrszString4: .quad szString4
qAdrszString5: .quad szString5
qAdrszStringRec: .quad szStringRec
qAdrszStringOcc: .quad szStringOcc
qAdrszStringRep: .quad szStringRep
/* String length */
/* x0 contains string address */
/* x0 returns length */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! //
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
mov x1,#0 // byte counter
ldrb w2,[x0,x1] // load byte
cmp x2,#0 // final zero ?
csel x0,x1,x0,eq // return counter
beq 100f
add x1,x1,#1 // increment counter
b 1b // and loop
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* empty String */
/* x0 contains string address */
/* x0 returns 0 if string empty */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
ldrb w0,[x0] // load first byte
cmp x0,#0
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessEmpty
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#0
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrszMessEmpty: .quad szMessEmpty
/* String copy */
/* x0 contains string address */
/* x1 contains area string */
/* x2 contains area size */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
mov x5,#0 // indice
ldrb w3,[x0,x5] // load byte
strb w3,[x1,x5] // store byte
cmp x3,#0 // final zero ?
csel x0,x5,x0,eq
beq 100f
add x5,x5,#1 // increment indice
cmp x5,x2 // > buffer size ?
bge 99f // error
b 1b // loop
ldr x0,qAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* display number */
/* x0 contains number */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: a completer
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10
ldr x0,qAdrsZoneConv
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: a completer
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
/* String compare */
/* x0 et x1 contains strings address */
/* x0 returns 0 if equals -1 if less 1 if higter */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
mov x2,#0 // indice
ldrb w3,[x0,x2] // load byte string 1
ldrb w4,[x1,x2] // load byte string 2
cmp x3,x4
blt 2f
bgt 3f
cmp x3,#0 // final zero ?
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq // equal
beq 100f // and end
add x2,x2,#1 // increment indice
b 1b // and loop
mov x0,#-1 // less
b 100f
3: // higt
mov x0,#1
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* search a substring in the string */
/* x0 contains the address of the input string */
/* x1 contains the address of substring */
/* x0 returns index of substring in string or -1 if not found */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
mov x2,#0 // counter byte input string
mov x3,#0 // counter byte string
mov x6,#-1 // index found
ldrb w4,[x1,x3]
ldrb w5,[x0,x2] // load byte string
cmp x5,#0 // zero final ?
mov x7,-1
csel x0,x7,x0,eq // yes returns error
beq 100f
cmp x5,x4 // compare character
beq 2f
mov x6,#-1 // no equals - > raz index
mov x3,#0 // and raz counter byte
add x2,x2,#1 // and increment counter byte
b 1b // and loop
2: // characters equals
cmp x6,#-1 // first characters equals ?
csel x6,x2,x6,eq // yes -> index begin in r6
add x3,x3,#1 // increment counter substring
ldrb w4,[x1,x3] // and load next byte
cmp x4,#0 // zero final ?
beq 3f // yes -> end search
add x2,x2,#1 // else increment counter string
b 1b // and loop
mov x0,x6
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* joint strings */
/* x0 and x1 contains strings address */
/* x2 contains address buffer */
/* x3 contains buffer length */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
mov x6,#0
mov x5,#0
ldrb w4,[x0,x6] // load byte string 1
cmp x4,#0 // final zero ?
beq 2f
strb w4,[x2,x6] // store byte in buffer
add x6,x6,#1 // increment indice
cmp x6,x3 // buffer max length ?
bge 99f // error
b 1b // else loop
ldrb w4,[x1,x5] // load byte string 2
strb w4,[x2,x6] // store byte in buffer
cmp x4,#0 // zero final ?
beq 3f // end
add x6,x6,#1 // increment indice
cmp x6,x3 // buffer max length ?
bge 99f // yes error
add x5,x5,#1 // else loop
b 2b
mov x0,x6
b 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrszMessBufferError: .quad szMessBufferError
/* replace occurences strings */
/* x0 string address */
/* x1 occurence string address */
/* x2 replace string address */
/* x3 contains address buffer */
/* x4 contains buffer length */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: a completer
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
mov x12,x0
mov x11,x1
mov x9,#0 // indice string
mov x6,#0 // indice occurence
mov x8,#0 // indice write buffer
mov x10,#-1 // string occ start address
ldrb w0,[x11,x6] // load search byte
cmp x0,#0 // final zero ?
beq 3f
ldrb w7,[x12,x9] // load string byte
cmp x7,#0 // zero final ?
beq 6f
cmp x0,x7
bne 4f // if not equal
cmp x10,#-1 // string equal begin
csel x10,x9,x10,eq // string equal begin = string indice
add x9,x9,#1 // increment indice
add x6,x6,#1
b 1b // loop
3: // end of strings equals
mov x1,x8
bl replaceStr // replace string
cmp x0,#-1 // error ?
beq 99f
mov x8,x0
mov x6,#0 // raz indice search
mov x10,#-1 // raz string equal begin
b 1b
4: // bytes not equals
cmp x10,#-1 // if not string equal begin
beq 5f
ldrb w0,[x12,x10] // store bytes string
strb w0,[x3,x8]
add x8,x8,#1
cmp x8,x4
bge 99f
add x10,x10,#1
cmp x10,x9
blt 41b
mov x10,#-1 // raz string equal begin
mov x6,#0 // raz indice occurence
b 1b // loop
5: // byte not equal
str x7,[x3,x8] // store byte string in buffer
add x8,x8,#1
cmp x8,x4 // max buffer size ?
bge 99f // error
add x9,x9,#1 // inc indice chaine
mov x6,#0 // raz indice occ
b 1b // loop
6: // end string
ldrb w0,[x11,x6] // load search byte
cmp x0,#0 // final zero
bne 7f
cmp x10,#-1 //
beq 100f
mov x1,x8
bl replaceStr // replace
b 100f
cmp x10,#-1 // pas de char en cours
bne 8f
mov x0,#0
strb w0,[x3,x8] // final zero
b 100f
ldrb w0,[x12,x10] // load string byte
strb w0,[x3,x8] // store buffer byte
add x8,x8,#1
cmp x8,x4
bge 99f
add x10,x10,#1 // increment begin string
cmp x10,x9 // compare with position string
blt 8b // loop
mov x0,#0
strb w0,[x3,x8] // final zero
b 100f
99: // buffer size error
ldr x0,qAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: a completer
/* replace occurences strings */
/* x0 string address */
/* x1 indice to replace */
/* x2 replace string address */
/* x3 contains address buffer */
/* x4 contains buffer length */
/* x0 return new buffer position */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: a completer
stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]!
mov x5,#0
ldrb w6,[x2,x5] // load replace byte
cmp x6,#0 // final zero
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
strb w6,[x3,x1] // store byte in buffer
add x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,x4 // max size buffer ?
bge 99f // error
add x5,x5,#1
b 1b
ldr x0,qAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x5,x6,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: a completer
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
- Output:
Program 64 bits start. String value : ABCDE String length : 5 String length : 5 String copy : ABCDE String empty. Strings are not equals. String found at position :2 Joint string : ABCDEABCDF Replace occurences string : ZZBCIEFZZGHIZZ Program normal end.
Ada has native support for single dimensioned arrays, which provide all specified operations. String is a case of array. The array of bytes is predefined in Ada in the package System.Storage_Elements (LRM 13.7.1). Storage_Element is substitute for byte.
Data : Storage_Array (1..20); -- Data created
Data := (others => 0); -- Assign all zeros
if Data = (1..10 => 0) then -- Compare with 10 zeros
Copy : Storage_Array := Data; -- Copy Data
if Data'Length = 0 then -- If empty
end if;
end if;
... Data & 1 ... -- The result is Data with byte 1 appended
... Data & (1,2,3,4) ... -- The result is Data with bytes 1,2,3,4 appended
... Data (3..5) ... -- The result the substring of Data from 3 to 5
end; -- Data destructed
Storage_Array is "binary string" used for memory representation. For stream-oriented I/O communication Ada provides alternative "binary string" called Stream_Element_Array (LRM 13.13.1). When dealing with octets of bits, programmers are encouraged to provide a data type of their own to ensure that the byte is exactly 8 bits length. For example:
type Octet is mod 2**8;
for Octet'Size use 8;
type Octet_String is array (Positive range <>) of Octet;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
type Octet is new Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
type Octet_String is array (Positive range <>) of Octet;
Note that all of these types will have all operations described above.
# String creation #
STRING a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,l,r;
a := "hello world";
print((a, new line));
# String destruction (for garbage collection) #
b := ();
LOC STRING lb := "hello earth"; # allocate off the LOC stack #
HEAP STRING hb := "hello moon"; # allocate out of the HEAP space #
END; # local variable "lb" has LOC stack space recovered at END #
# String assignment #
c := "a"+REPR 0+"b";
print (("string length c:", UPB c, new line));# ==> 3 #
# String comparison #
l := "ab"; r := "CD";
BOOL result;
FORMAT summary = $""""g""" is "b("","NOT ")"lexicographically "g" """g""""l$ ;
result := l < r OR l LT r; printf((summary, l, result, "less than", r));
result := l <= r OR l LE r # OR l ≤ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "less than or equal to", r));
result := l = r OR l EQ r; printf((summary, l, result, "equal to", r));
result := l /= r OR l NE r # OR l ≠ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "not equal to", r));
result := l >= r OR l GE r # OR l ≥ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "greater than or equal to", r));
result := l > r OR l GT r; printf((summary, l, result, "greater than", r));
# String cloning and copying #
e := f;
# Check if a string is empty #
IF g = "" THEN print(("g is empty", new line)) FI;
IF UPB g = 0 THEN print(("g is empty", new line)) FI;
# Append a byte to a string #
h +:= "A";
# Append a string to a string #
h +:= "BCD";
# Prepend a string to a string - because STRING addition isn't communitive #
"789" +=: h;
"456" PLUSTO h;
print(("The result of prepends and appends: ", h, new line));
# Extract a substring from a string #
i := h[2:3];
print(("Substring 2:3 of ",h," is ",i, new line));
# Replace every occurrences of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string #
PROC replace = (STRING string, old, new, INT count)STRING: (
INT pos;
STRING tail := string, out;
TO count WHILE string in string(old, pos, tail) DO
out +:= tail[:pos-1]+new;
tail := tail[pos+UPB old:]
j := replace("hello world", "world", "planet", max int);
print(("After replace string: ", j, new line));
INT offset = 7;
# Replace a character at an offset in the string #
j[offset] := "P";
print(("After replace 7th character: ", j, new line));
# Replace a substring at an offset in the string #
j[offset:offset+3] := "PlAN";
print(("After replace 7:10th characters: ", j, new line));
# Insert a string before an offset in the string #
j := j[:offset-1]+"INSERTED "+j[offset:];
print(("Insert string before 7th character: ", j, new line));
# Join strings #
a := "hel";
b := "lo w";
c := "orld";
d := a+b+c;
print(("a+b+c is ",d, new line));
# Pack a string into the target CPU's word #
BYTES word := bytes pack(d);
# Extract a CHAR from a CPU word #
print(("7th byte in CPU word is: ", offset ELEM word, new line))
hello world string length c: +3 "ab" is NOT lexicographically less than "CD" "ab" is NOT lexicographically less than or equal to "CD" "ab" is NOT lexicographically equal to "CD" "ab" is lexicographically not equal to "CD" "ab" is lexicographically greater than or equal to "CD" "ab" is lexicographically greater than "CD" g is empty g is empty The result of prepends and appends: 456789ABCDEFG Substring 2:3 of 456789ABCDEFG is 56 After replace string: hello planet After replace 7th character: hello Planet After replace 7:10th characters: hello PlANet Insert string before 7th character: hello INSERTED PlANet a+b+c is hello world 7th byte in CPU word is: w
ARM Assembly
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program routstring.s */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* Constantes */
.include "../"
/* macros */
//.include "../../" @ for developper debugging
/* Initialized data */
szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program 32 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK: .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessErreur: .asciz "Error !!!\n"
szMessValString: .asciz "String value : "
szMessLenStr: .asciz "String length : "
szMessCopyString: .asciz "String copy : "
szMessEmpty: .asciz "String empty.\n"
szMessStrEqual: .asciz "Strings are equals.\n"
szMessStrNotEqual: .asciz "Strings are not equals.\n"
szMessStringfound: .asciz "String found at position :"
szMessStringJoint: .asciz "Joint string : "
szMessStringRep: .asciz "Replace occurences string : "
szMessBufferError: .asciz "Error : Buffer too small !!\n"
szString1: .asciz "ABCDE"
.equ LGSTRING1, . - szString1 - 1
szString2: .asciz ""
szString3: .asciz "ABCDF"
szString4: .asciz "CD"
szString5: .asciz "AABCIEFAAGHIAA"
szStringOcc: .asciz "AA"
szStringRep: .asciz "ZZ"
.align 4
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
szStringRec: .skip BUFFERSIZE
.align 4
/* code section */
.global main
ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm
bl affichageMess @ start message
ldr r0,iAdrszMessValString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszMessLenStr
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#LGSTRING1 @ string length static
bl displayNumber
ldr r0,iAdrszMessLenStr
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
bl stringLen @ string length
bl displayNumber
ldr r0,iAdrszString1 @ string copy
ldr r1,iAdrszStringRec
bl copyString
cmp r0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessCopyString
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString2 @ empty string
bl emptyString
ldr r0,iAdrszString1 @ string comparison
ldr r0,iAdrszString3
bl comparString
cmp r0,#0
bne 1f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStrEqual
bl affichageMess
b 2f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStrNotEqual
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1 @ search substring
ldr r1,iAdrszString4
bl searchSubString
cmp r0,#-1
beq 3f
mov r1,r0
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStringfound
bl affichageMess
mov r0,r1
bl displayNumber
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStringJoint @ joint strings
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
ldr r1,iAdrszString3
ldr r2,iAdrszStringRec
bl concatString
cmp r0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStringRep @ replace string or char
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszString5 @ string
ldr r1,iAdrszStringOcc @ string occurence
ldr r2,iAdrszStringRep @ replace string
ldr r3,iAdrszStringRec @ buffer
mov r4,#BUFFERSIZE @ buffer size
bl replaceOccString
cmp r0,#-1
beq 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszStringRec
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszMessFinOK
bl affichageMess
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessErreur @ error
bl affichageMess
mov r0, #1 @ return code error
b 100f
mov r7,#EXIT @ program end
svc #0 @ system call
iAdrszMessDebutPgm: .int szMessDebutPgm
iAdrszMessFinOK: .int szMessFinOK
iAdrszMessErreur: .int szMessErreur
iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv
iAdrszMessLenStr: .int szMessLenStr
iAdrszMessValString: .int szMessValString
iAdrszMessCopyString: .int szMessCopyString
iAdrszMessStrEqual: .int szMessStrEqual
iAdrszMessStrNotEqual: .int szMessStrNotEqual
iAdrszMessStringfound: .int szMessStringfound
iAdrszMessStringJoint: .int szMessStringJoint
iAdrszMessStringRep: .int szMessStringRep
iAdrszString1: .int szString1
iAdrszString2: .int szString2
iAdrszString3: .int szString3
iAdrszString4: .int szString4
iAdrszString5: .int szString5
iAdrszStringRec: .int szStringRec
iAdrszStringOcc: .int szStringOcc
iAdrszStringRep: .int szStringRep
/* String length */
/* r0 contains string address */
/* r0 returns length */
push {r1,r2,lr} @ save registers
mov r1,#0 @ byte counter
ldrb r2,[r0,r1] @ load byte
cmp r2,#0 @ final zero ?
moveq r0,r1 @ return counter
beq 100f
add r1,r1,#1 @ increment counter
b 1b @ and loop
pop {r1,r2,pc} @ restaur registers
/* empty String */
/* r0 contains string address */
/* r0 returns 0 if string empty */
push {lr} @ save registers
ldrb r0,[r0] @ load first byte
cmp r0,#0
bne 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessEmpty
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#0
pop {pc} @ restaur registers
iAdrszMessEmpty: .int szMessEmpty
/* String copy */
/* r0 contains string address */
/* r1 contains area string */
/* r2 contains area size */
push {r3-r5,lr} @ save registers
mov r5,#0 @ indice
ldrb r3,[r0,r5] @ load byte
strb r3,[r1,r5] @ store byte
cmp r3,#0 @ final zero ?
moveq r0,r5
beq 100f
add r5,r5,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r5,r2 @ > buffer size ?
bge 99f @ error
b 1b @ loop
ldr r0,iAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
pop {r3-r5,pc} @ restaur registers
/* display number */
/* r0 contains number */
push {r1,lr} @ save registers
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10
ldr r0,iAdrsZoneConv
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
pop {r1,pc} @ restaur registers
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
/* String compare */
/* r0 et r1 contains strings address */
/* r0 returns 0 if equals -1 if less 1 if higter */
push {r1-r4} @ save registers
mov r2,#0 @ indice
ldrb r3,[r0,r2] @ load byte string 1
ldrb r4,[r1,r2] @ load byte string 2
cmp r3,r4
movlt r0,#-1 @ less
movgt r0,#1 @ hight
bne 100f @ not equal
cmp r3,#0 @ final zero ?
moveq r0,#0 @ equal
beq 100f @ and end
add r2,r2,#1 @ increment indice
b 1b @ and loop
pop {r1-r4}
bx lr
/* search a substring in the string */
/* r0 contains the address of the input string */
/* r1 contains the address of substring */
/* r0 returns index of substring in string or -1 if not found */
push {r1-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r2,#0 @ counter byte input string
mov r3,#0 @ counter byte string
mov r6,#-1 @ index found
ldrb r4,[r1,r3]
ldrb r5,[r0,r2] @ load byte string
cmp r5,#0 @ zero final ?
moveq r0,#-1 @ yes returns error
beq 100f
cmp r5,r4 @ compare character
beq 2f
mov r6,#-1 @ no equals - > raz index
mov r3,#0 @ and raz counter byte
add r2,#1 @ and increment counter byte
b 1b @ and loop
2: @ characters equals
cmp r6,#-1 @ first characters equals ?
moveq r6,r2 @ yes -> index begin in r6
add r3,#1 @ increment counter substring
ldrb r4,[r1,r3] @ and load next byte
cmp r4,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 3f @ yes -> end search
add r2,#1 @ else increment counter string
b 1b @ and loop
mov r0,r6
pop {r1-r6,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* joint strings */
/* r0 and r1 contains strings address */
/* r2 contains address buffer */
/* r3 contains buffer length */
push {r3-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r6,#0
mov r5,#0
ldrb r4,[r0,r6] @ load byte string 1
cmp r4,#0 @ final zero ?
beq 2f
strb r4,[r2,r6] @ store byte in buffer
add r6,r6,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r6,r3 @ buffer max length ?
bge 99f @ error
b 1b @ else loop
ldrb r4,[r1,r5] @ load byte string 2
strb r4,[r2,r6] @ store byte in buffer
cmp r4,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 3f @ end
add r6,r6,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r6,r3 @ buffer max length ?
bge 99f @ yes error
add r5,r5,#1 @ else loop
b 2b
mov r0,r6
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
pop {r3-r6,pc} @ restaur registers
iAdrszMessBufferError: .int szMessBufferError
/* replace occurences strings */
/* r0 string address */
/* r1 occurence string address */
/* r2 replace string address */
/* r3 contains address buffer */
/* r4 contains buffer length */
push {r4-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r12,r0
mov r11,r1
mov r9,#0 @ indice string
mov r6,#0 @ indice occurence
mov r8,#0 @ indice write buffer
mov r10,#-1 @ string occ start address
ldrb r0,[r11,r6] @ load search byte
cmp r0,#0 @ final zero ?
beq 3f
ldrb r7,[r12,r9] @ load string byte
cmp r7,#0 @ zero final ?
beq 6f
cmp r0,r7
bne 4f @ if not equal
cmp r10,#-1 @ string equal begin
moveq r10,r9 @ string equal begin = string indice
add r9,r9,#1 @ increment indice
add r6,r6,#1
b 1b @ loop
3: @ end of strings equals
mov r1,r8
bl replaceStr @ replace string
cmp r0,#-1 @ error ?
beq 99f
mov r8,r0
mov r6,#0 @ raz indice search
mov r10,#-1 @ raz string equal begin
b 1b
4: @ bytes not equals
cmp r10,#-1 @ if not string equal begin
beq 5f
ldrb r0,[r12,r10] @ store bytes string
strb r0,[r3,r8]
add r8,r8,#1
cmp r8,r4
bge 99f
add r10,r10,#1
cmp r10,r9
blt 41b
mov r10,#-1 @ raz string equal begin
mov r6,#0 @ raz indice occurence
b 1b @ loop
5: @ byte not equal
str r7,[r3,r8] @ store byte string in buffer
add r8,r8,#1
cmp r8,r4 @ max buffer size ?
bge 99f @ error
add r9,r9,#1 @ inc indice chaine
mov r6,#0 @ raz indice occ
b 1b @ loop
6: @ end string
ldrb r0,[r11,r6] @ load search byte
cmp r0,#0 @ final zero
bne 7f
cmp r10,#-1 @
beq 100f
mov r1,r8
bl replaceStr @ replace
b 100f
cmp r10,#-1 @ pas de char en cours
bne 8f
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r3,r8] @ final zero
b 100f
ldrb r0,[r12,r10] @ load string byte
strb r0,[r3,r8] @ store buffer byte
add r8,r8,#1
cmp r8,r4
bge 99f
add r10,r10,#1 @ increment begin string
cmp r10,r9 @ compare with position string
blt 8b @ loop
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r3,r8] @ final zero
b 100f
99: @ buffer size error
ldr r0,iAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
pop {r4-r6,pc}
/* replace occurences strings */
/* r0 string address */
/* r1 indice to replace */
/* r2 replace string address */
/* r3 contains address buffer */
/* r4 contains buffer length */
/* r0 return new buffer position */
push {r1-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r5,#0
ldrb r6,[r2,r5] @ load replace byte
cmp r6,#0 @ final zero
moveq r0,r1
beq 100f
strb r6,[r3,r1] @ store byte in buffer
add r1,r1,#1
cmp r1,r4 @ max size buffer ?
bge 99f @ error
add r5,r5,#1
b 1b
ldr r0,iAdrszMessBufferError
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
pop {r1-r6,pc}
.include "../"
- Output:
Program 32 bits start. String value : ABCDE String length : 5 String length : 5 String copy : ABCDE String empty. Strings are not equals. String found at position :2 Joint string : ABCDEABCDF Replace occurences string : ZZBCIEFZZGHIZZ Program normal end.
; creation
x: "this is a string"
y: "this is another string"
z: "this is a string"
; comparison
if x = z -> print "x is z"
; assignment
z: "now this is another string too"
; copying reference
y: z
; copying value
y: new z
; check if empty
if? empty? x -> print "empty"
else -> print "not empty"
; append a string
'x ++ "!"
print x
; substrings
print slice x 5 8
; join strings
z: x ++ y
print z
; replace occurrences of substring
print replace z "t" "T"
- Output:
x is z not empty this is a string! is a this is a string!now this is another string too This is a sTring!now This is anoTher sTring Too
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# string creation
a="123\0 abc ";
# string comparison
printf("(a==b) is %i\n",a==b)
# string copying
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
# check if string is empty
if (length(a)==0) {
printf("string a is empty\n");
} else {
printf("string a is not empty\n");
# append a byte to a string
# substring
e = substr(a,1,6);
# join strings
abc=<123 abc ><456 ><789> (a==b) is 0 ABC=<123 abc ><456 ><789> string a is not empty abc=<123 abc @><456 ><789> substr(a,1,6)=<123 a> d=<123 abc @456 789>
Applesoft BASIC
A$ = "STRING" : R$ = "DEUX"
PRINT A$ = B$; A$ <> B$; A$ < B$; A$ > B$; A$ <= B$; A$ >= B$
B$ = A$
A$ = A$ + CHR$(0)
S$ = MID$(A$, 2, 3)
S = LEN(S$) : R = LEN(R$) : A = LEN(A$) : IF A > S THEN B$ = "" : FOR I = 1 TO A : F = MID$(A$, I, S) = S$ : B$ = B$ + MID$(R$, 1, R * F) + MID$(A$, I, F = 0) : NEXT I : A$ = B$ : PRINT A$
J$ = A$ + STR$(42) + " PUDDLES " + B$ + CHR$(255) : REM USE +
Also works in QBASIC, QuickBASIC, VB-DOS and PDS 7.1
20 ' This program does string manipulation
30 A$ = "One value" ' String creation
40 A$ = "": PRINT FRE("") ' String destruction
50 A$ = "One value": B$ = "Other value" ' String assignment
60 PRINT A$ = B$; A$ <> B$; A$ < B$; A$ > B$; A$ <= B$; A$ >= B$' String comparison
70 B$ = A$ ' String cloning and copying
80 PRINT A$ = ""' Check if a string is empty
90 A$ = A$ + "!": PRINT A$' Append a byte to a string
100 PRINT MID$(A$, 5, 5); MID$(A$, 4, 1); LEFT$(A$, 3); RIGHT$(A$, 1)' Extract a substring from a string
110 B$ = "e": WHILE INSTR(A$, B$) > 0: MID$(A$, INSTR(A$, B$), 1) = "x": WEND: PRINT A$' Replace every ocurrence of a byte in a string with another string
120 C$ = A$ + " and " + STRING$(10, "-"): PRINT C$' Join strings
130 END
110 REM create two strings
120 LET S$="Hello":LET T$="Bob"
130 REM choose any random character
140 LET C=(RND(127)+32)
150 REM add the character to the string
160 LET S$=S$&CHR$(C)
170 REM check if the string is empty
180 IF S$="" THEN PRINT "String is empty"
190 REM compare two strings
200 IF S$=T$ THEN PRINT "Strings are the same."
210 REM print characters 2 to 4 of a string (a substring)
220 PRINT S$(2:4)
string A
A = "" 'EMPTY
string A = "STRING"
string R = "DEUX"
print A==R : print A<>R ': print A<=R : print A>=R : print A<R : print A>R
string B = A
if not A then print "A is empty"
A = A + chr(0)
A += chr(0)
string S = mid(A, 2, 3)
int I=1
if not I
exit do
string J = A str(42) " PUDDLES " R chr(255) 'CAN ALSO USE '+' OR '&' BTWEEN STRINGS
print J
ZX Spectrum Basic
10 REM create two strings
20 LET s$ = "Hello"
30 LET t$ = "Bob"
40 REM choose any random character
50 LET c = INT(RND*256)
60 REM add the character to the string
70 LET s$ = s$ + CHR$(c)
80 REM check if the string is empty
90 IF s$ = "" THEN PRINT "String is empty"
100 REM compare two strings
110 IF s$ = t$ THEN PRINT "Strings are the same"
120 REM print characters 2 to 4 of a string (a substring)
130 PRINT s$(2 TO 4)
A$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(1) + CHR$(254) + CHR$(255) : REM assignment
B$ = A$ : REM clone / copy
IF A$ = B$ THEN PRINT "Strings are equal" : REM comparison
IF A$ = "" THEN PRINT "String is empty" : REM Check if empty
A$ += CHR$(128) : REM Append a byte
S$ = MID$(A$, S%, L%) : REM Extract a substring
C$ = A$ + B$ : REM Join strings
REM To replace every occurrence of a byte:
old$ = CHR$(1)
new$ = CHR$(5)
I% = INSTR(A$, old$)
IF I% MID$(A$, I%, 1) = new$
UNTIL I% = 0
Based on: J
BQN characters are Unicode code points, so that it has no dedicated support for byte strings. However, strings of code points less than 256 are stored with one byte per character in CBQN, and used to represent byte strings by functions such as •file.Bytes
- Example binary string creation
name ← ""
- Example binary string deletion: effectively replaces the data with an integer, removing it from an accessible name.
name ↩ 0
- Example binary string assignment
name ← "value"
- Example binary string comparison
name1 ≡ name2
- Example binary string cloning and copying
name1 ← "example"
name2 ← name1
- Example check if a binary string is empty
- Example apppend a byte to a binary string
string ← "example"
byte ← @
string ∾↩ byte
- Extract a substring from a binary string
3↓¯5↓"The quick brown fox runs..."
- Join strings
Note also: given an integer n, the corresponding byte value may be added to the null character @
to get the character at that codepoint. This works due to BQN's character arithmetic.
n + @
Thus, the binary string containing bytes with numeric values 1 0 255 can be obtained this way:
1‿0‿255 + @
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct str_t {
size_t len, alloc;
unsigned char *s;
} bstr_t, *bstr;
#define str_len(s) ((s)->len)
bstr str_new(size_t len)
bstr s = malloc(sizeof(bstr_t));
if (len < 8) len = 8;
s->alloc = len;
s->s = malloc(len);
s->len = 0;
return s;
void str_extend(bstr s)
size_t ns = s->alloc * 2;
if (ns - s->alloc > 1024) ns = s->alloc + 1024;
s->s = realloc(s->s, ns);
s->alloc = ns;
void str_del(bstr s)
free(s->s), free(s);
int str_cmp(bstr l, bstr r)
int res, len = l->len;
if (len > r->len) len = r->len;
if ((res = memcmp(l->s, r->s, len))) return res;
return l->len > r->len ? 1 : -1;
bstr str_dup(bstr src)
bstr x = str_new(src->len);
memcpy(x->s, src->s, src->len);
x->len = src->len;
return x;
bstr str_from_chars(const char *t)
if (!t) return str_new(0);
size_t l = strlen(t);
bstr x = str_new(l + 1);
x->len = l;
memcpy(x->s, t, l);
return x;
void str_append(bstr s, unsigned char b)
if (s->len >= s->alloc) str_extend(s);
s->s[s->len++] = b;
bstr str_substr(bstr s, int from, int to)
if (!to) to = s->len;
if (from < 0) from += s->len;
if (from < 0 || from >= s->len)
return 0;
if (to < from) to = from + 1;
bstr x = str_new(to - from);
x->len = to - from;
memcpy(x->s, s->s + from, x->len);
return x;
bstr str_cat(bstr s, bstr s2)
while (s->alloc < s->len + s2->len) str_extend(s);
memcpy(s->s + s->len, s2->s, s2->len);
s->len += s2->len;
return s;
void str_swap(bstr a, bstr b)
size_t tz;
unsigned char *ts;
tz = a->alloc; a->alloc = b->alloc; b->alloc = tz;
tz = a->len; a->len = b->len; b->len = tz;
ts = a->s; a->s = b->s; b->s = ts;
bstr str_subst(bstr tgt, bstr pat, bstr repl)
bstr tmp = str_new(0);
int i;
for (i = 0; i + pat->len <= tgt->len;) {
if (memcmp(tgt->s + i, pat->s, pat->len)) {
str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i]);
} else {
str_cat(tmp, repl);
i += pat->len;
if (!pat->len) str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i++]);
while (i < tgt->len) str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i++]);
str_swap(tmp, tgt);
return tgt;
void str_set(bstr dest, bstr src)
while (dest->len < src->len) str_extend(dest);
memcpy(dest->s, src->s, src->len);
dest->len = src->len;
int main()
bstr s = str_from_chars("aaaaHaaaaaFaaaaHa");
bstr s2 = str_from_chars("___.");
bstr s3 = str_from_chars("");
str_subst(s, s3, s2);
printf("%.*s\n", s->len, s->s);
return 0;
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
//string creation
var x = "hello world";
//# mark string for garbage collection
x = null;
//# string assignment with a null byte
x = "ab\0";
Console.WriteLine(x.Length); // 3
//# string comparison
if (x == "hello")
Console.WriteLine("not equal");
if (x.CompareTo("bc") == -1)
Console.WriteLine("x is lexicographically less than 'bc'");
//# string cloning
var c = new char[3];
x.CopyTo(0, c, 0, 3);
object objecty = new string(c);
var y = new string(c);
Console.WriteLine(x == y); //same as string.equals
Console.WriteLine(x.Equals(y)); //it overrides object.Equals
Console.WriteLine(x == objecty); //uses object.Equals, return false
//# check if empty
var empty = "";
string nullString = null;
var whitespace = " ";
if (nullString == null && empty == string.Empty &&
string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullString) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(empty) &&
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nullString) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty) &&
Console.WriteLine("Strings are null, empty or whitespace");
//# append a byte
x = "helloworld";
x += (char)83;
//# substring
var slice = x.Substring(5, 5);
//# replace bytes
var greeting = x.Replace("worldS", "");
//# join strings
var join = greeting + " " + slice;
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string replaceFirst(string &s, const string &target, const string &replace) {
auto pos = s.find(target);
if (pos == string::npos) return s;
return s.replace(pos, target.length(), replace);
int main() {
// string creation
string x = "hello world";
// reassign string (no garbage collection)
x = "";
// string assignment with a null byte
x = "ab\0";
cout << x << '\n';
cout << x.length() << '\n';
// string comparison
if (x == "hello") {
cout << "equal\n";
} else {
cout << "not equal\n";
if (x < "bc") {
cout << "x is lexigraphically less than 'bc'\n";
// string cloning
auto y = x;
cout << boolalpha << (x == y) << '\n';
cout << boolalpha << (&x == &y) << '\n';
// check if empty
string empty = "";
if (empty.empty()) {
cout << "String is empty\n";
// append a byte
x = "helloworld";
x += (char)83;
cout << x << '\n';
// substring
auto slice = x.substr(5, 5);
cout << slice << '\n';
// replace bytes
auto greeting = replaceFirst(x, "worldS", "");
cout << greeting << '\n';
// join strings
auto join = greeting + ' ' + slice;
cout << join << '\n';
return 0;
- Output:
ab 2 not equal x is lexigraphically less than 'bc' true false String is empty helloworldS world hello hello world
Common Lisp
String creation (garbage collection will handle its destruction) using the string as an atom and casting a character list to a string
(coerce '(#\s #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g) 'string)
String assignment
(defvar *string* "string")
comparing two string
(equal "string" "string")
copy a string
(copy-seq "string")
(defun string-empty-p (string)
(zerop (length string)))
(concatenate 'string "string" "b")
(subseq "string" 2 6)
string replacement isn't covered by the ansi standard probably best to use (replace-all) or cl-ppcre
joining strings works in the same way as appending bytes
Component Pascal
BlackBox Component Builder
MODULE NpctBinaryString;
IMPORT StdLog,Strings;
str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
b: BYTE;
(* String creation, on heap *)
NEW(pStr,256); (* Garbage collectable *)
(* String assingment *)
pStr^ := "This is a string on a heap";
pAux^ := "This is a string on a heap";
str := "This is other string";
(* String comparision *)
StdLog.String("pStr = str:> ");StdLog.Bool(pStr$ = str$);StdLog.Ln;
StdLog.String("pStr = pAux:> ");StdLog.Bool(pStr$ = pAux$);StdLog.Ln;
(* String cloning and copying *)
NEW(pAux,LEN(pStr$) + 1);pAux^ := pStr$;
(* Check if a string is empty *)
(* version 1 *)
pAux^ := "";
StdLog.String("is empty pAux?(1):> ");StdLog.Bool(pAux$ = "");StdLog.Ln;
(* version 2 *)
pAux[0] := 0X;
StdLog.String("is empty pAux?(2):> ");StdLog.Bool(pAux$ = "");StdLog.Ln;
(* version 3 *)
pAux[0] := 0X;
StdLog.String("is empty pAux?(3):> ");StdLog.Bool(pAux[0] = 0X);StdLog.Ln;
(* version 4 *)
pAux^ := "";
StdLog.String("is empty pAux?(4):> ");StdLog.Bool(pAux[0] = 0X);StdLog.Ln;
(* Append a byte to a string *)
b := 65;pAux[LEN(pAux$)] := CHR(b);
StdLog.String("pAux:> ");StdLog.String(pAux);StdLog.Ln;
(* Extract a substring from a string *)
StdLog.String("pAux:> ");StdLog.String(pAux);StdLog.Ln;
(* Replace a every ocurrence of a string with another string *)
pAux^ := "a"; (* Pattern *)
WHILE pIni > 0 DO
Strings.Find(pStr,pAux,pIni + 1,pIni);
StdLog.String("pStr:> ");StdLog.String(pStr);StdLog.Ln;
(* Join strings *)
pStr^ := "First string";pAux^ := "Second String";
str := pStr$ + "." + pAux$;
StdLog.String("pStr + '.' + pAux:>");StdLog.String(str);StdLog.Ln
END NpctBinaryString.
Execute: ^Q NpctBinaryString.Do
pStr = str:> $FALSE pStr = pAux:> $TRUE is empty pAux?(1):> $TRUE is empty pAux?(2):> $TRUE is empty pAux?(3):> $TRUE is empty pAux?(4):> $TRUE pAux:> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA pAux:> This is a string pStr:> This is one string on one heonep pStr + '.' + pAux:>First string.Second String
void main() /*@safe*/ {
import std.array: empty, replace;
import std.string: representation, assumeUTF;
// String creation (destruction is usually handled by
// the garbage collector).
ubyte[] str1;
// String assignments.
str1 = "blah".dup.representation;
// Hex string, same as "\x00\xFB\xCD\x32\xFD\x0A"
// whitespace and newlines are ignored.
str1 = cast(ubyte[])x"00 FBCD 32FD 0A";
// String comparison.
ubyte[] str2;
if (str1 == str2) {} // Strings equal.
// String cloning and copying.
str2 = str1.dup; // Copy entire string or array.
// Check if a string is empty
if (str1.empty) {} // String empty.
if (str1.length) {} // String not empty.
if (!str1.length) {} // String empty.
// Append a ubyte to a string.
str1 ~= x"0A";
str1 ~= 'a';
// Extract a substring from a string.
str1 = "blork".dup.representation;
// This takes off the first and last bytes and
// assigns them to the new ubyte string.
// This is just a light slice, no string data copied.
ubyte[] substr = str1[1 .. $ - 1];
// Replace every occurrence of a ubyte (or a string)
// in a string with another string.
str1 = "blah".dup.representation;
replace(str1.assumeUTF, "la", "al");
// Join two strings.
ubyte[] str3 = str1 ~ str2;
program Binary_strings;
x : string;
c : TArray<Byte>;
y : string;
empty : string;
nullString : string;
join : string;
//string creation
x:= String.create(['1','2','3']);
x:= String.create('*',8);
x := 'hello world';
//# string assignment with a hex byte
x := 'ab'#10;
writeln(x.Length); // 3
//# string comparison
if x = 'hello' then
writeln('not equal');
if x.CompareTo('bc') = -1 then
writeln('x is lexicographically less than "bc"');
//# string cloning
y := x; // string is not object is delphi (are imutables)
writeln(x = y); //same as string.equals
writeln(x.Equals(y)); //it overrides object.Equals
//# check if empty
// Strings can't be null (nil), just Pchar can be
// IsNullOrEmpty and IsNullOrWhiteSpace, check only for
// Empty and Whitespace respectively.
empty := '';
whitespace := ' ';
if (empty = string.Empty) and
string.IsNullOrEmpty(empty) and
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty) and
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whitespace) then
writeln('Strings are empty or whitespace');
//# append a byte
x := 'helloworld';
x := x + Chr(83);
// x := x + #83; // the same of above line
//# substring
slice := x.Substring(5, 5);
//# replace bytes
greeting := x.Replace('worldS', '');
//# join strings
join := greeting + ' ' + slice;
- Output:
ab 3 not equal x is lexicographically less than "bc" TRUE TRUE Strings are empty or whitespace helloworldS world hello hello world
Déjà Vu
Déjà Vu has a blob
type, which is much like Python 3's bytearray
. They are used for dealing with binary data in the standard library, and works basically like a list, except it can only have integer numbers from 0 to 255 as elements, pushing and popping is not supported, and can be resized to any size in a single step.
local :b make-blob 10 #ten bytes of initial size
set-to b 0 255
!. get-from b 0 #prints 255
!. b #prints (blob:ff000000000000000000)
local :b2 make-blob 3
set-to b2 0 97
set-to b2 1 98
set-to b2 2 99
!. b #prints (blob:"abc")
!. !encode!utf-8 b #prints "abc"
DuckDB supports binary strings under the rubric of "blob".
BLOB creation and destruction
A blob can be created in DuckDB by reading from a file, by encoding a UTF-8 string, by concatenating blobs, and by casting a string to a BLOB where occurrences of `\x` in the string indicate a hexadecimal encoding of a byte.
DuckDB is responsible for all memory management and garbage collection.
Assignment, cloning, and copying
The BLOB type is like any other DuckDB type, so for example columns of a table can be assigned a BLOB type or a type involving BLOBs.
DuckDB is responsible for memory management, so there are no cloning or copying functions as such.
Comparison and Emptiness
The usual string-comparisons are allowed between blobs, e.g.
┌─────────────────────────┐ │ ('a'::BLOB < 'b'::BLOB) │ │ boolean │ ├─────────────────────────┤ │ true │ └─────────────────────────┘
Blobs are ordered and compared based only on their binary values. (Variant collations are only supported for VARCHAR strings.)
To test whether a blob, x, is empty, one can evaluate `x = ''` or `octet_length(x) = 0`.
Joining and appending a byte
The infix concatenation operator can be used to join two blobs and to append a byte: x || y.
Other operations
A blob, once created in DuckDB, is an immutable value. The format() function, however, can be used to map a BLOB to a VARCHAR string using '\x' codes, thus providing a path for other operations within DuckDB.
(Since the task is not a specific program, the code here consists of example REPL sessions, not a whole program.)
In E, binary data is represented as ELists (implemented as arrays or ropes) of integers; a String
is strictly a character string. ELists come in Flex (mutable) and Const (immutable) varieties.
To work with binary strings we must first have a byte type; this is a place where E shows its Java roots (to be fixed).
? def int8 := <type:java.lang.Byte>
# value: int8
- There are several ways to create a FlexList; perhaps the simplest is:
? def bstr := [].diverge(int8) # value: [].diverge() ? def bstr1 := [1,2,3].diverge(int8) # value: [1, 2, 3].diverge() ? def bstr2 := [-0x7F,0x2,0x3].diverge(int8) # value: [-127, 2, 3].diverge()
As E is a memory-safe garbage-collected language there is no explicit destruction. It is good practice to work with immutable ConstLists when reasonable, however; especially when passing strings around.
- There is no specific assignment between FlexLists; a reference may be passed in the usual manner, or the contents of one could be copied to another as shown below.
- There is no comparison operation between FlexLists (since it would not be a stable ordering ), but there is between ConstLists.
? bstr1.snapshot() < bstr2.snapshot() # value: false
- To make an independent copy of a FlexList, simply
it again. ? bstr1.size().isZero() # value: false ? bstr.size().isZero() # value: true
- Appending a single element to a FlexList is done by
:? bstr.push(0) ? bstr # value: [0].diverge()
- Substrings, or runs, are always immutable and specified as start-end indexes (as opposed to first-last or start-count). Or, one can copy an arbitrary portion of one list into another using
replace(target range, source list, source range)
.? bstr1(1, 2) # value: [2] ? bstr.replace(0, bstr.size(), bstr2, 1, 3) ? bstr # value: [2, 3].diverge()
- Replacing must be written as an explicit loop; there is no built-in operation (though there is for character strings).
? for i => byte ? (byte == 2) in bstr2 { bstr2[i] := -1 } ? bstr2 # value: [-127, -1, 3].diverge()
- Two lists can be concatenated into a ConstList by
:bstr1 + bstr2
appends on the end of a FlexList, andreplace
can be used to insert at the beginning or anywhere inside.? bstr1.append(bstr2) ? bstr1 # value: [1, 2, 3, -127, 2, 3].diverge()
module BinaryStrings {
@Inject Console console;
void run() {
Byte[] mutableBytes = new Byte[]; // growable and mutable string of bytes
Byte[] fixedLength = new Byte[10]; // fixed length string of bytes (all default to 0)
Byte[] literal = [0, 1, 7, 0xff]; // a "constant" string of bytes
console.print($|String creation and assignment:
| mutableBytes={mutableBytes}
| fixedLength={fixedLength}
| literal={literal}
console.print($|Check if a string is empty:
| mutableBytes.empty={mutableBytes.empty}
| fixedLength.empty={fixedLength.empty}
| literal.empty={literal.empty}
mutableBytes += 0; // add a byte (using an operator)
mutableBytes.add(1); // add a byte (using the underlying method)
mutableBytes.addAll(#07FF); // add multiple bytes (using the underlying method)
console.print($|Append a byte to a string:
| mutableBytes={mutableBytes}
console.print($|String comparison:
| mutableBytes==literal = {mutableBytes==literal}
| fixedLength==literal = {fixedLength==literal}
fixedLength = new Byte[4](i -> literal[i]); // create/copy from literal to fixedLength
val clone = fixedLength.duplicate(); // clone the array
console.print($|String cloning and copying:
| fixedLength={fixedLength}
| clone={clone}
console.print($|Extract a substring from a string:
| mutableBytes[1..2]={mutableBytes[1..2]}
| fixedLength[0..2]={fixedLength[0..2]}
| literal[2..3]={literal[2..3]}
for (Int start = 0; Int index := fixedLength.indexOf(0x01, start); start = index) {
fixedLength[index] = 0x04;
console.print($|Replace every occurrence of a byte in a string with another string:
| fixedLength={fixedLength}
for (Int start = 0; Int index := mutableBytes.indexOf(#0107, start); start = index) {
mutableBytes.replaceAll(index, #9876);
console.print($|Replace every occurrence of a string in a string with another string:
| mutableBytes={mutableBytes}
console.print($|Join strings:
| mutableBytes+fixedLength+literal={mutableBytes+fixedLength+literal}
- Output:
String creation and assignment: mutableBytes=0x fixedLength=0x00000000000000000000 literal=0x000107FF Check if a string is empty: mutableBytes.empty=True fixedLength.empty=False literal.empty=False Append a byte to a string: mutableBytes=0x000107FF String comparison: mutableBytes==literal = True fixedLength==literal = False String cloning and copying: fixedLength=0x000107FF clone=0x000107FF Extract a substring from a string: mutableBytes[1..2]=0x0107 fixedLength[0..2]=0x000107 literal[2..3]=0x07FF Replace every occurrence of a byte in a string with another string: fixedLength=0x000407FF Replace every occurrence of a string in a string with another string: mutableBytes=0x009876FF Join strings: mutableBytes+fixedLength+literal=0x009876FF000407FF000107FF
Note: Elixir data types are immutable.
# String creation
x = "hello world"
# String destruction
x = nil
# String assignment with a null byte
x = "a\0b"
IO.inspect x #=> <<97, 0, 98>>
IO.puts String.length(x) #=> 3
# string comparison
if x == "hello" do
IO.puts "equal"
IO.puts "not equal" #=> not equal
y = "bc"
if x < y do
IO.puts "#{x} is lexicographically less than #{y}" #=> a b is lexicographically less than bc
# string cloning
xx = x
IO.puts x == xx #=> true (same length and content)
# check if empty
if x=="" do
IO.puts "is empty"
if String.length(x)==0 do
IO.puts "is empty"
# append a byte
IO.puts x <> "\07" #=> a b 7
IO.inspect x <> "\07" #=> <<97, 0, 98, 0, 55>>
# substring
IO.puts String.slice("elixir", 1..3) #=> lix
IO.puts String.slice("elixir", 2, 3) #=> ixi
# replace bytes
IO.puts String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-") #=> a-b-c
# string interpolation
a = "abc"
n = 100
IO.puts "#{a} : #{n}" #=> abc : 100
# join strings
a = "hel"
b = "lo w"
c = "orld"
IO.puts a <> b <> c #=> hello world
%% Erlang has very easy handling of binary strings. Using
%% binary/bitstring syntax the various task features will be
%% demonstrated.
%% Erlang has GC so destruction is not shown.
test() ->
Binary = <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>>, % binaries can be created directly
io:format("Creation: ~p~n",[Binary]),
Copy = binary:copy(Binary), % They can also be copied
io:format("Copy: ~p~n",[Copy]),
Compared = Binary =:= Copy, % They can be compared directly
io:format("Equal: ~p = ~p ? ~p~n",[Binary,Copy,Compared]),
Empty1 = size(Binary) =:= 0, % The empty binary would have size 0
io:format("Empty: ~p ? ~p~n",[Binary,Empty1]),
Empty2 = size(<<>>) =:= 0, % The empty binary would have size 0
io:format("Empty: ~p ? ~p~n",[<<>>,Empty2]),
Substring = binary:part(Binary,3,3),
io:format("Substring: ~p [~b..~b] => ~p~n",[Binary,3,5,Substring]),
Replace = binary:replace(Binary,[<<1>>],<<42>>,[global]),
io:format("Replacement: ~p~n",[Replace]),
Append = <<Binary/binary,21>>,
io:format("Append: ~p~n",[Append]),
Join = <<Binary/binary,<<21,34,55>>/binary>>,
io:format("Join: ~p~n",[Join]).
%% Since the task also asks that we show how these can be reproduced
%% rather than just using BIFs, the following are some example
%% recursive functions reimplementing some of the above.
%% Empty string
is_empty(<<>>) ->
is_empty(_) ->
%% Replacement:
replace(Binary,Value,Replacement) ->
replace(<<>>,_,_,Acc) ->
replace(<<Value,Rest/binary>>,Value,Replacement,Acc) ->
replace(Rest,Value,Replacement,<< Acc/binary, Replacement >>);
replace(<<Keep,Rest/binary>>,Value,Replacement,Acc) ->
replace(Rest,Value,Replacement,<< Acc/binary, Keep >>).
- Output:
215> binary_string:test().
Creation: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>>
Copy: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>>
Equal: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>> = <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>> ? true
Empty: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>> ? false
Empty: <<>> ? true
Substring: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13>> [3..5] => <<2,3,5>>
Replacement: <<0,42,42,2,3,5,8,13>>
Append: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21>>
Join: <<0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55>>
Factor has a byte-array
type which works exactly like other arrays, except only bytes can be stored in it. Comparisons on byte-array
s (like comparisons on arrays) are lexicographic.
To convert a string to a byte-array:
"Hello, byte-array!" utf8 encode .
B{ 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 98 121 116 101 45 97 114 114 97 121 33 }
B{ 147 250 150 123 } shift-jis decode .
In Forth, as in Assembler, all strings are binary ie: they are simply bytes in memory.
Using primitive memory operations the programmer can quickly build a string word set.
This code is an example of how to create string functions from low-level operations.
Using an Indirect Threaded Forth, this code compiles to only 304 bytes on a 16 bit controller! (with labels stripped out)
Adding the 256 byte buffer it takes only 560 bytes; useable in small embedded environments.
\ Rosetta Code Binary Strings Demo in Forth
\ Portions of this code are found at
\ String words created in this code:
: STRLEN ( addr -- length) c@ ; \ alias the "character fetch" operator
: COUNT ( addr -- addr+1 length) \ Standard word. Shown for explanation
dup strlen swap 1+ swap ; \ returns the address+1 and the length byte on the stack
: ENDSTR ( str -- addr) \ calculate the address at the end of a string
: C+! ( n addr -- ) \ primitive: increment a byte at addr by n
: APPEND ( addr1 length addr2 -- ) \ Append addr1 length to addr2
2dup 2>r endstr swap move 2r> c+! ;
: CONCAT ( string1 string2 -- ) \ concatenate counted string1 to counted string2
: PLACE ( addr1 len addr2 -- ) \ addr1 and length, placed at addr2 as counted string
2dup 2>r char+ swap move 2r> c! ;
: STRING, ( addr len -- ) \ compile a string at the next available memory (called 'HERE')
here over char+ allot place ;
: APPEND-CHAR ( char string -- ) \ append char to string
dup >r count dup 1+ r> c! + c! ;
: ," [CHAR] " PARSE STRING, ; \ Parse input stream until '"' and compile into memory
: WRITESTR ( string -- ) \ output a counted string with a carriage return
count type CR ;
: COPYSTR ( string1 string3 -- ) \ String cloning and copying COPYSTR
>r count r> PLACE ;
: REPLACE-CHAR ( char1 char2 string -- ) \ replace all char2 with char1 in string
count \ get string's address and length
BOUNDS \ calc start and end addr of string for do-loop
DO \ do a loop from start address to end address
I C@ OVER = \ fetch the char at loop index compare to CHAR2
OVER I C! \ if its equal, store CHAR1 into the index address
2drop ; \ drop the chars off the stack
256 constant maxlen \ max size of byte counted string in this example
: string: CREATE maxlen ALLOT ; \ simple string variable constructor
: =" ( string -- ) \ String variable assignment operator (compile time only)
[char] " PARSE ROT PLACE ;
: ="" ( string -- ) 0 swap c! ; \ empty a string, set count to zero
: clearstr ( string -- ) \ erase a string variables contents, fill with 0
maxlen erase ;
string: strpad \ general purpose storage buffer
: substr ( string1 start length -- strpad) \ Extract a substring of string and return an output string
>r >r \ push start,length
count \ compute addr,len
r> 1- /string \ pop start, subtract 1, cut string
drop r> \ drop existing length, pop new length
strpad place \ place new stack string in strpad
strpad ; \ return address of strpad
\ COMPARE takes the 4 inputs from the stack (addr1 len1 addr2 len2 )
\ and returns a flag for equal (0) , less-than (1) or greater-than (-1) on the stack
: comparestr ( string1 string2 -- flag) \ adapt for use with counted strings
count rot count compare ;
\ now it's simple to make new operators
: STR= ( string1 string2 -- flag)
comparestr 0= ;
: STR> ( string1 string2 -- flag)
comparestr -1 = ;
: STR< ( string1 string2 -- flag)
comparestr 1 = ;
With the above code compiled into our system, we can test interactively at the Forth console to see if we have satisfied the Rosetta code requirements
\ Rosetta Code Binary String tasks Console Tests
\ 1. String creation and destruction (when needed and if there's no garbage collection or similar mechanism)
\ RAW Forth can manually create a binary string with the C, operator.
\ C, takes a byte off the stack and writes it into the next available memory address
\ then increments the Forth internal memory pointer by 1 byte.
\ 'binary_string' drops it's address on the stack. Nothing more. (ie: pointer to the string)
HEX ok
create binary_string 9 c, 1 c, 2 c, 3 c, 4 c, 5 c,
0A c, 0B c, 0C c, 0FF c, \ 1st byte is length
\ test what we created using the DUMP utility
binary_string count dump
25EC:7365 01 02 03 04 05 0A 0B 0C FF 04 44 55 4D 50 00 20 ..........DUMP.
\ Alternatively we can create static string variables using our constructor
string: buffer1 ok
string: buffer2 ok
\ 2. String assignment
\ create string constants with assignments(static, counted strings) ok
create string1 ," Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid"
create string2 ," Right now!" ok
\ assign text to string variables with syntacic sugar
buffer1 =" This text will go into the memory allocated for buffer1" ok
buffer2 ="" ok
\ or use S" and PLACE
S" The rain in Spain..." buffer2 PLACE ok
\ Test the assignments
string2 writestr Right now!
string1 writestr Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid
buffer1 writestr This text will go into the memory allocated for buffer1
buffer2 writestr The rain in Spain...
\ destroy string contents. Fill string with zero
buffer1 clearstr ok
buffer1 40 dump
25EC:7370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
25EC:7380 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
25EC:7390 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
\ 3. String comparison. ( the '.' prints the top of the stack in these examples)
buffer1 =" ABCDEFG" ok
buffer2 =" ABCDEFG" ok
buffer1 buffer2 STR= . ( should be -1, TRUE flag) -1 ok
string1 buffer1 str> . ( should be 0) 0 ok
string1 buffer1 str< . ( should be -1) -1 ok
\ 4. String cloning and copying
string1 buffer1 COPYSTR ok
string1 writestr Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid ok
buffer1 writestr Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid ok
\ 5. Check if a string is empty
buffer1 len . 55 ok
buffer1 ="" \ assign null string ok
buffer1 len . 0 ok
\ 6. Append a byte to a string
buffer2 =" Append this" ok
buffer2 writestr Append this
char ! buffer2 APPEND-CHAR ok
buffer2 writestr Append this!
hex ok
0A buffer2 APPEND-CHAR \ append a raw carriage return ok
0D buffer2 APPEND-CHAR \ append a raw line-feed ok
buffer2 writestr Append this!
\ we see the extra line before OK so Appending binary chars worked
decimal ok
\ 7. Extract a substring from a string. Result placed in a temp buffer automagically
string1 writestr Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid ok
string1 5 11 substr writestr is the time ok
\ 8. Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
\ BL is a system constant for "Blank" ie the space character (HEX 020)
buffer1 =" This*string*is*full*of*stars*" ok
BL char * buffer1 REPLACE-CHAR ok
buffer1 writestr This string is full of stars
\ 9. Join strings
buffer1 =" James " ok
buffer2 =" Alexander" ok
buffer2 buffer1 CONCAT ok
buffer1 writestr James Alexander
Free Pascal
The Delphi example also compiles in FreePascal. Just add {$mode delphi}
Here are the simple operations without the use of fancy type helpers, operates on shortstring type:
uses sysutils;
{ declaration is creation }
{ creation with default value }
c:string = 'this is a string';
{ assignment }
a := 'test';
b := 'test';
writeln(a:6, b:6);
{ comparison }
writeln('equal? ', a = b );
{ empty string }
writeln('empty? ', a = '');
{ cloning, copying }
a := c;
writeln('copy c to a, a is now: ', a);
{ append }
b := b +'W';
writeln('append W to b: ',b);
{ extract substring }
b := copy(a,6,2);
writeln('this should be is": ',b);
{ replace }
a := stringreplace(a,'i','I',[rfReplaceAll]);
writeln('replace i with I: ',a);
{ join }
a:= concat(b,c);
writeln('join b and c; ',a);
Dim As String cad, cad2
'creación de cadenas
cad = "¡Hola Mundo!"
'destrucción de cadenas: no es necesario debido a la recolección de basura
cad = ""
'clonación/copia de cadena
cad2 = cad
'comparación de cadenas
If cad = cad2 Then Print "Las cadenas son iguales"
'comprobar si está vacío
If cad = "" Then Print "Cadena vac¡a"
'agregar un byte
cad += Chr(33)
'extraer una subcadena
cad2 = Mid(cad, 1, 5)
'reemplazar bytes
cad2 = "Hola mundo!"
For i As Integer = 1 To Len(cad2)
If Mid(cad2,i,1) = "l" Then
cad2 = Left(cad2,i-1) + "L" + Mid(cad2,i+1)
End If
Print cad2
'unir cadenas
cad = "Hasta " + "pronto " + "de momento."
'imprimir caracteres 2 a 4 de una cadena (una subcadena)
For i As Integer = 2 To 4
Print Chr(cad[i])
Next i
FB offers 255-character Pascal strings, and CFStrings — Apple's Core Foundation strings which are toll-free bridged with Objective-C's NSStrings. Pascal strings are an array of bytes with the string length stored in byte 0. CFStrings are immutable objects that encode a Unicode-compliant text string, represented as a sequence of UTF–16 code units. All lengths, character indexes, and ranges are expressed in terms of 16-bit platform-endian values, with index values starting at 0. The private contents of the string object are accessed via a pointer to its address. CFStrings are technically unlimited in length. While basic CFString manipulation is shown below, FB's CocoaUI offers a host of sophisticated accessor functions. Immutable CFStrings have a mutable sister, CFMutableStrings.
Pascal String example:
// Pascal Strings (limited to 255 characters)
print "----------------------"
print "Pascal String Examples"
print "----------------------"
// Dimension strings and iterator
Str255 s, a
short i
// Create string
s = "Hello, world!"
// Get length of string using length byte at 0 index
print @"Length of \"Hello, world!\" is "; s[0]; @" characters."
// String destruction
s = ""
// String comparison
if s == "Hello, world!" then print "Strings are equal"
// Copying string
a = s
// Check If empty
if s == "" then print "String is empty"
// Append a byte
s = s + chr$(65)
// Extract a substring
a = mid$( s, 1, 5 ) // bytes 1 -> 5
// Substitute string "world" with "universe"
a = "Hello, world!"
for i = 1 to len$(a)
if ( mid$( a, i, 5 ) == "world" )
a = left$( a, i -1 ) + "universe" + mid$( a, i + 5 )
end if
print a
// Join strings
s = "See " + "you " + "later."
print s
print : print
- Output:
---------------------- Pascal String Examples ---------------------- Length of "Hello, world!" is 13 characters. String is empty Hello, universe! See you later.
CFString example:
print @"----------------------"
print @" CFString Examples"
print @"----------------------"
// Dimension strings and iterator
CFStringRef c, b
NSUInteger j
// Create CFString as pointer to Core Foundation object
c = @"Hello, world!"
// Get length of string
print @"Length of \"Hello, world!\" is "; len(c); @" characters."
// String destruction
c = @""
// String comparison
if fn StringIsEqual( c, @"Hello, world!" ) then print @"Strings are equal"
// Copying string
b = c
// Check if empty
if len(c) == 0 then print @"String is empty"
// Append a byte
c = fn StringWithString( @"A" )
// Extract a substring
b = mid( c, 1, 5 )
// Substitute string "world" with "universe"
b = @"Hello, world!"
for j = 0 to len(b) - 1
if ( fn StringIsEqual( mid( b, j, 6 ), @"world!" ) )
b = fn StringWithFormat( @"%@%@", left( b, j ), @"universe!" )
exit for
end if
print b
// Join strings
c = fn StringWithFormat( @"%@%@%@", @"See ", @"you ", @"later." )
print c
- Output:
---------------------- CFString Examples ---------------------- Length of "Hello, world!" is 13 characters. String is empty Hello, universe! See you later.
package main
import (
// Strings in Go allow arbitrary bytes. They are implemented basically as
// immutable byte slices and syntactic sugar. This program shows functions
// required by the task on byte slices, thus it mostly highlights what
// happens behind the syntactic sugar. The program does not attempt to
// reproduce the immutability property of strings, as that does not seem
// to be the intent of the task.
func main() {
// Task point: String creation and destruction.
// Strings are most often constructed from literals as in s := "binary"
// With byte slices,
b := []byte{'b', 'i', 'n', 'a', 'r', 'y'}
fmt.Println(b) // output shows numeric form of bytes.
// Go is garbage collected. There are no destruction operations.
// Task point: String assignment.
// t = s assigns strings. Since strings are immutable, it is irrelevant
// whether the string is copied or not.
// With byte slices, the same works,
var c []byte
c = b
// Task point: String comparison.
// operators <, <=, ==, >=, and > work directly on strings comparing them
// by lexicographic order.
// With byte slices, there are standard library functions, bytes.Equal
// and bytes.Compare.
fmt.Println(bytes.Equal(b, c)) // prints true
// Task point: String cloning and copying.
// The immutable property of Go strings makes cloning and copying
// meaningless for strings.
// With byte slices though, it is relevant. The assignment c = b shown
// above does a reference copy, leaving both c and b based on the same
// underlying data. To clone or copy the underlying data,
d := make([]byte, len(b)) // allocate new space
copy(d, b) // copy the data
// The data can be manipulated independently now:
d[1] = 'a'
d[4] = 'n'
fmt.Println(string(b)) // convert to string for readable output
// Task point: Check if a string is empty.
// Most typical for strings is s == "", but len(s) == 0 works too.
// For byte slices, "" does not work, len(b) == 0 is correct.
fmt.Println(len(b) == 0)
// Task point: Append a byte to a string.
// The language does not provide a way to do this directly with strings.
// Instead, the byte must be converted to a one-byte string first, as in,
// s += string('z')
// For byte slices, the language provides the append function,
z := append(b, 'z')
fmt.Printf("%s\n", z) // another way to get readable output
// Task point: Extract a substring from a string.
// Slicing syntax is the for both strings and slices.
sub := b[1:3]
// Task point: Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string)
// in a string with another string.
// Go supports this with similar library functions for strings and
// byte slices. Strings: t = strings.Replace(s, "n", "m", -1).
// The byte slice equivalent returns a modified copy, leaving the
// original byte slice untouched,
f := bytes.Replace(d, []byte{'n'}, []byte{'m'}, -1)
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", d, f)
// Task point: Join strings.
// Using slicing syntax again, with strings,
// rem := s[:1] + s[3:] leaves rem == "bary".
// Only the concatenation of the parts is different with byte slices,
rem := append(append([]byte{}, b[:1]...), b[3:]...)
- Output:
[98 105 110 97 114 121] [98 105 110 97 114 121] true binary banany false binaryz in banany -> bamamy bary
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
class MutableByteString {
private byte[] bytes
private int length
MutableByteString(byte... bytes) {
int length() {
return length
boolean isEmpty() {
return length == 0
byte get(int index) {
return bytes[check(index)]
void set(byte[] bytes) {
void set(int index, byte b) {
bytes[check(index)] = b
void append(byte b) {
if (length >= bytes.length) {
int len = 2 * bytes.length
if (len < 0) {
len = Integer.MAX_VALUE
bytes = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, len)
bytes[length] = b
MutableByteString substring(int from, int to) {
return new MutableByteString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, from, to))
void replace(byte[] from, byte[] to) {
ByteArrayOutputStream copy = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
if (from.length == 0) {
for (byte b : bytes) {
copy.write(to, 0, to.length)
copy.write(to, 0, to.length)
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (regionEqualsImpl(i, from)) {
copy.write(to, 0, to.length)
i += from.length - 1
} else {
boolean regionEquals(int offset, MutableByteString other, int otherOffset, int len) {
if (Math.max(offset, otherOffset) + len < 0) {
return false
if (offset + len > length || otherOffset + len > other.length()) {
return false
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + i] != other.get(otherOffset + i)) {
return false
return true
String toHexString() {
char[] hex = new char[2 * length]
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
hex[2 * i] = "0123456789abcdef".charAt(bytes[i] >> 4 & 0x0F)
hex[2 * i + 1] = "0123456789abcdef".charAt(bytes[i] & 0x0F)
return new String(hex)
String toStringUtf8() {
return new String(bytes, 0, length, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
private void setInternal(byte[] bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes.clone()
this.length = bytes.length
private boolean regionEqualsImpl(int offset, byte[] other) {
int len = other.length
if (offset < 0 || offset + len < 0)
return false
if (offset + len > length)
return false
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + i] != other[i])
return false
return true
private int check(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.valueOf(index))
return index
Test Code
import org.testng.Assert
import org.testng.annotations.Test
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
class MutableByteStringTest {
void replaceEmpty() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
str.replace([] as byte[], ['-' as char] as byte[])
Assert.assertEquals(str.toStringUtf8(), "-h-e-l-l-o-")
void replaceMultiple() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
str.replace(['l' as char] as byte[], ['1' as char, '2' as char, '3' as char] as byte[])
Assert.assertEquals(str.toStringUtf8(), "he123123o")
void toHexString() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Assert.assertEquals(str.toHexString(), "68656c6c6f")
void append() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
str.append((',' as char) as byte)
str.append((' ' as char) as byte)
str.append(('w' as char) as byte)
str.append(('o' as char) as byte)
str.append(('r' as char) as byte)
str.append(('l' as char) as byte)
str.append(('d' as char) as byte)
Assert.assertEquals(str.toStringUtf8(), "hello, world")
void substring() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello, world".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Assert.assertEquals(str.substring(0, 5).toStringUtf8(), "hello")
Assert.assertEquals(str.substring(7, 12).toStringUtf8(), "world")
void regionEquals(){
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Assert.assertTrue(str.regionEquals(0, new MutableByteString(['h' as char] as byte[]), 0, 1))
Assert.assertFalse(str.regionEquals(0, new MutableByteString(['h' as char] as byte[]), 0, 2))
Note that any of the following functions can be assigned to 'variables' in a working program or could just as easily be written as one-off expressions. They are given here as they are to elucidate the workings of Haskell's type system. Hopefully the type declarations will help beginners understand what's going on. Also note that there are likely more concise ways to express many of the below functions. However, I have opted for clarity here as Haskell can be somewhat intimidating to the (currently) non- functional programmer.
import Text.Regex
{- The above import is needed only for the last function.
It is used there purely for readability and conciseness -}
{- Assigning a string to a 'variable'.
We're being explicit about it just for show.
Haskell would be able to figure out the type
of "world" -}
string = "world" :: String
{- Comparing two given strings and
returning a boolean result using a
simple conditional -}
strCompare :: String -> String -> Bool
strCompare x y =
if x == y
then True
else False
{- As strings are equivalent to lists
of characters in Haskell, test and
see if the given string is an empty list -}
strIsEmpty :: String -> Bool
strIsEmpty x =
if x == []
then True
else False
{- This is the most obvious way to
append strings, using the built-in
(++) concatenation operator
Note the same would work to join
any two strings (as 'variables' or
as typed strings -}
strAppend :: String -> String -> String
strAppend x y = x ++ y
{- Take the specified number of characters
from the given string -}
strExtract :: Int -> String -> String
strExtract x s = take x s
{- Take a certain substring, specified by
two integers, from the given string -}
strPull :: Int -> Int -> String -> String
strPull x y s = take (y-x+1) (drop x s)
{- Much thanks to for this nice
and elegant solution. Using an imported standard library
(Text.Regex), replace a given substring with another -}
strReplace :: String -> String -> String -> String
strReplace old new orig = subRegex (mkRegex old) orig new
Icon and Unicon
Icon and Unicon strings strings are variable length and unrestricted. See Logical Operations for ways to manipulate strings at the bit level.
provides the procedure replace in strings
J's literal data type supports arbitrary binary data (strings are binary strings by default). J's semantics are pass by value (with garbage collection) with a minor exception (mapped files).
- Example binary string creation
name=: ''
- Example binary string deletion (removing all references to a string allows it to be deleted, in this case we give the name a numeric value to replace its prior string value):
name=: 0
- Example binary string assignment
name=: 'value'
- Example binary string comparison
name1 -: name2
- Example binary string cloning and copying
name1=: 'example'
name2=: name1
Though, technically, its the internal reference which is cloned, not the internal representation of the value. But operations which modify strings are copy on write, so this distinction is not visible without going outside the language.
- Example check if a binary string is empty
- Example apppend a byte to a binary string
string=: 'example'
byte=: DEL
string=: string,byte
- Extract a substring from a binary string
3{.5}.'The quick brown fox runs...'
- Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
require 'strings'
'The quick brown fox runs...' rplc ' ';' !!! '
- Join strings
Note also: given an integer n, the corresponding byte value may be obtained by indexing into a.
which is the ordered array of all bytes.:
Thus, the binary string containing bytes with numeric values 1 0 255 can be obtained this way:
1 0 255{a.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class MutableByteString {
private byte[] bytes;
private int length;
public MutableByteString(byte... bytes) {
public int length() {
return length;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return length == 0;
public byte get(int index) {
return bytes[check(index)];
public void set(byte[] bytes) {
public void set(int index, byte b) {
bytes[check(index)] = b;
public void append(byte b) {
if (length >= bytes.length) {
int len = 2 * bytes.length;
if (len < 0)
len = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
bytes = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, len);
bytes[length] = b;
public MutableByteString substring(int from, int to) {
return new MutableByteString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, from, to));
public void replace(byte[] from, byte[] to) {
ByteArrayOutputStream copy = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (from.length == 0) {
for (byte b : bytes) {
copy.write(to, 0, to.length);
copy.write(to, 0, to.length);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (regionEquals(i, from)) {
copy.write(to, 0, to.length);
i += from.length - 1;
} else {
public boolean regionEquals(int offset, MutableByteString other, int otherOffset, int len) {
if (Math.max(offset, otherOffset) + len < 0)
return false;
if (offset + len > length || otherOffset + len > other.length())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + i] != other.get(otherOffset + i))
return false;
return true;
public String toHexString() {
char[] hex = new char[2 * length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
hex[2 * i] = "0123456789abcdef".charAt(bytes[i] >> 4 & 0x0F);
hex[2 * i + 1] = "0123456789abcdef".charAt(bytes[i] & 0x0F);
return new String(hex);
public String toStringUtf8() {
return new String(bytes, 0, length, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private void setInternal(byte[] bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes.clone();
this.length = bytes.length;
private boolean regionEquals(int offset, byte[] other) {
int len = other.length;
if (offset < 0 || offset + len < 0)
return false;
if (offset + len > length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + i] != other[i])
return false;
return true;
private int check(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.valueOf(index));
return index;
Test code:
import static;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MutableByteStringTest {
public void testReplaceEmpty() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
str.replace(new byte[]{}, new byte[]{'-'});
Assert.assertThat(str.toStringUtf8(), is("-h-e-l-l-o-"));
public void testReplaceMultiple() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
str.replace(new byte[]{'l'}, new byte[]{'1', '2', '3'});
Assert.assertThat(str.toStringUtf8(), is("he123123o"));
public void testToHexString() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Assert.assertThat(str.toHexString(), is("68656c6c6f"));
public void testAppend() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
str.append((byte) ',');
str.append((byte) ' ');
str.append((byte) 'w');
str.append((byte) 'o');
str.append((byte) 'r');
str.append((byte) 'l');
str.append((byte) 'd');
Assert.assertThat(str.toStringUtf8(), is("hello, world"));
public void testSubstring() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello, world".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Assert.assertThat(str.substring(0, 5).toStringUtf8(), is("hello"));
Assert.assertThat(str.substring(7, 12).toStringUtf8(), is("world"));
public void testRegionEquals() {
MutableByteString str = new MutableByteString("hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Assert.assertThat(str.regionEquals(0, new MutableByteString(new byte[]{'h'}), 0, 1), is(true));
Assert.assertThat(str.regionEquals(0, new MutableByteString(new byte[]{'h'}), 0, 2), is(false));
JavaScript has native support for binary strings. All strings are "binary" and they're not zero terminated; however to be more exact you can't really see the bytes on the string, strings go from Unicode 0 to Unicode FFFF
//String creation
var str='';
str2=new String();
//String assignment
str2=', Hey there'; //can use " or '
//string deletion
delete str2;//this will return true or false, true when it has been successfully deleted, it shouldn't/won't work when the variable has been declared with the keyword 'var', you don't have to initialize variables with the var keyword in JavaScript, but when you do, you cannot 'delete' them. However JavaScript garbage collects, so when the function returns, the variable declared on the function is erased.
//String comparison
str!=="Hello"; //!== not equal-> returns true there's also !===
str=="Hello, Hey there"; //returns true
//compares 'byte' by 'byte'
"Character Z">"Character A"; //returns true, when using > or < operators it converts the string to an array and evalues the first index that is higher than another. (using unicode values) in this case 'Z' char code is 90 (decimal) and 'A' char code is 65, therefore making one string "larger" than the other.
//String cloning and copying
string=str;//Strings are immutable therefore when you assign a string to a variable another one is created. So for two variables to have the 'same' string you have to add that string to an object, and get/set the string from that object
//Check if a string is empty
Boolean(''); //returns false
''[0]; //returns undefined
''.charCodeAt(); //returns NaN
''==0; //returns true
''===0; //returns false
''==false; //returns true
//Append byte to String
str+="\x40";//using + operator before the equal sign on a string makes it equal to str=str+"\x40"
//Extract a substring from a string
//str is "Hello, Hey there@"
str.substr(3); //returns "lo, Hey there@"
str.substr(-5); //returns "here@" negative values just go to the end
str.substr(7,9); //returns "Hey there" index of 7 + 9 characters after the 7
str.substring(3); //same as substr
str.substring(-5); //negative values don't work on substring same as substr(0)
str.substring(7,9); //returns "He" that is, whatever is between index 7 and index 9, same as substring(9,7)
//Replace every occurence of x byte with another string
str3.replace(/,/g,'\n') //Regex ,returns the same string with the , replaced by \n
str4=str3.replace(/./g,function(index){//it also supports callback functions, the function will be called when a match has been found..
return index==','?'\n':index;//returns replacement
//Join Strings
[str," ",str3].join(" "/*this is the character that will glue the strings*/)//we can join an array of strings
str.concat('\n',str4); //concantenate them
jq's strings are JSON strings and so cannot be safely used as "binary strings" in the sense of this article. The most convenient way to store a string of bytes in jq is as a jq array of integers, it being understood that jq itself does **not** provide a mechanism for guaranteeing that all the elements of a particular array are integers in the expected range.
It is appropriate therefore to introduce a filter for verifying that an entity is an array of integers in the appropriate range:
# If the input is a valid representation of a binary string
# then pass it along:
def check_binary:
. as $a
| reduce .[] as $x
if $x | (type == "number" and . == floor
and 0 <= . and . <= 255) then $a
else error("\(.) is an invalid representation of a byte")
end );
## Creation of an entity representing an empty binary string
## Assignment
# Unless a check is appropriate, assignment can be done in the
# usual ways, for example:
[0] as $x # assignment to a variable, $x
s as $x # assignment of s to a variable
.key = s # assignment to a key in a JSON object
# If s must be checked, these become:
(s|check_binary) as $x
.key = (s|check_binary)
## Concatenation:
## Comparison
[72,101,108,108,111] == ("Hello"|explode) # evaluates to true
# Other jq comparison operators (!=, <, >, <=, >=) can be used as well.
## Cloning and copying
# In jq, all entities are immutable and so the distinction between
# copying and cloning is irrelevant in jq.
# For example, consider the expression "$s[0] = 1"
# in the following:
[0] as $s | $s[0] = 1 | $s
# The result is [0] because the expression "$s[0] = 1"
# evaluates to [1] but does not alter $s. The value of
# $s can be changed by assignment, e.g.
[0] as $s | $s[0] = 1 | . as $s
## Check if an entity represents the empty binary string
length == 0
# or
s == []
## append a byte, b
s + [b] # if the byte, b, is known to be in range
s + ([b]|check_binary) # if b is suspect
## Extract a substring from a string
# jq uses an index origin of 0 for both JSON arrays strings,
# so to extract the substring with indices from m to (n-1)
# inclusive, the expression s[m:n] can be used.
# There are many other possibilities, such as s[m:], s[-1], etc.
## Replace every occurrence of one byte, x, with
## another sequence of bytes presented as an array, a,
## of byte-valued integers:
reduce .[] as $byte ([];
if $byte == x then . + a else . + [$byte] end)
# String assignment. Creation and garbage collection are automatic.
a = "123\x00 abc " # strings can contain bytes that are not printable in the local font
b = "456" * '\x09'
c = "789"
# string comparison
println("(a == b) is $(a == b)")
# String copying.
A = a
B = b
C = c
# check if string is empty
if length(a) == 0
println("string a is empty")
println("string a is not empty")
# append a byte (actually this is a Char in Julia, and may also be up to 32 bit Unicode) to a string
a= a * '\x64'
# extract a substring from string
e = a[1:6]
# repeat strings with ^
b4 = b ^ 4
# Replace every occurrence of a string in another string with third string
r = replace(b4, "456" => "xyz")
# join strings with *
d = a * b * c
- Output:
123 abc 456 789 (a == b) is false 123 abc 456 789 string a is not empty 123 abc d 123 a 456 456 456 456 xyz xyz xyz xyz 123 abc d456 789
Strings in Kotlin are sequences of 16-bit unicode characters and have a lot of functions built-in, including all those required by this task.
To do something different and consistent with the task, I've therefore implemented a simple ByteString class as a sequence of 8-bit signed bytes (Kotlin doesn't yet have an unsigned byte type) using the ISO 8859-1 encoding which, of course, represents the first 256 unicode characters. It's not possible to create user-defined literals in Kotlin and so ByteStrings need to be converted to 'ordinary' Strings to display them as such.
The implementation is not intended to be particularly efficient as I've sometimes delegated to the corresponding String class functions in the interests of both simplicity and brevity. Moreover, when Java 9's 'compact strings' feature is implemented, it won't even save memory as Strings which don't contain characters with code-points above 255 are apparently going to be flagged and stored internally as arrays of single bytes by the JVM, not arrays of 2 byte characters as at present.
class ByteString(private val bytes: ByteArray) : Comparable<ByteString> {
val length get() = bytes.size
fun isEmpty() = bytes.isEmpty()
operator fun plus(other: ByteString): ByteString = ByteString(bytes + other.bytes)
operator fun plus(byte: Byte) = ByteString(bytes + byte)
operator fun get(index: Int): Byte {
require (index in 0 until length)
return bytes[index]
fun toByteArray() = bytes
fun copy() = ByteString(bytes.copyOf())
override fun compareTo(other: ByteString) = this.toString().compareTo(other.toString())
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null || other !is ByteString) return false
return compareTo(other) == 0
override fun hashCode() = this.toString().hashCode()
fun substring(startIndex: Int) = ByteString(bytes.sliceArray(startIndex until length))
fun substring(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) =
ByteString(bytes.sliceArray(startIndex until endIndex))
fun replace(oldByte: Byte, newByte: Byte): ByteString {
val ba = ByteArray(length) { if (bytes[it] == oldByte) newByte else bytes[it] }
return ByteString(ba)
fun replace(oldValue: ByteString, newValue: ByteString) =
this.toString().replace(oldValue.toString(), newValue.toString()).toByteString()
override fun toString(): String {
val chars = CharArray(length)
for (i in 0 until length) {
chars[i] = when (bytes[i]) {
in 0..127 -> bytes[i].toChar()
else -> (256 + bytes[i]).toChar()
return chars.joinToString("")
fun String.toByteString(): ByteString {
val bytes = ByteArray(this.length)
for (i in 0 until this.length) {
bytes[i] = when (this[i].toInt()) {
in 0..127 -> this[i].toByte()
in 128..255 -> (this[i] - 256).toByte()
else -> '?'.toByte() // say
return ByteString(bytes)
/* property to be used as an abbreviation for String.toByteString() */
val get() = this.toByteString()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val ba = byteArrayOf(65, 66, 67)
val ba2 = byteArrayOf(68, 69, 70)
val bs = ByteString(ba)
val bs2 = ByteString(ba2)
val bs3 = bs + bs2
val bs4 = "GHI£€".toByteString()
println("The length of $bs is ${bs.length}")
println("$bs + $bs2 = $bs3")
println("$bs + D = ${bs + 68}")
println("$bs == ABC is ${bs == bs.copy()}")
println("$bs != ABC is ${bs != bs.copy()}")
println("$bs >= $bs2 is ${bs > bs2}")
println("$bs <= $bs2 is ${bs < bs2}")
println("$bs is ${if (bs.isEmpty()) "empty" else "not empty"}")
println("ABC[1] = ${bs[1].toChar()}")
println("ABC as a byte array is ${bs.toByteArray().contentToString()}")
println("ABCDEF(1..5) = ${bs3.substring(1)}")
println("ABCDEF(2..4) = ${bs3.substring(2,5)}")
println("ABCDEF with C replaced by G is ${bs3.replace(67, 71)}")
println("ABCDEF with CD replaced by GH is ${bs3.replace("CD".bs, "GH".bs)}")
println("GHI£€ as a ByteString is $bs4")
- Output:
The length of ABC is 3 ABC + DEF = ABCDEF ABC + D = ABCD ABC == ABC is true ABC != ABC is false ABC >= DEF is false ABC <= DEF is true ABC is not empty ABC[1] = B ABC as a byte array is [65, 66, 67] ABCDEF(1..5) = BCDEF ABCDEF(2..4) = CDE ABCDEF with C replaced by G is ABGDEF ABCDEF with CD replaced by GH is ABGHEF GHI£€ as a ByteString is GHI£?
Liberty BASIC
Liberty BASIC's strings are native byte strings. They can contain any byte sequence. They are not zero-terminated. They can be huge in size.
'string creation
s$ = "Hello, world!"
'string destruction - not needed because of garbage collection
s$ = ""
'string comparison
s$ = "Hello, world!"
If s$ = "Hello, world!" then print "Equal Strings"
'string copying
a$ = s$
'check If empty
If s$ = "" then print "Empty String"
'append a byte
s$ = s$ + Chr$(33)
'extract a substring
a$ = Mid$(s$, 1, 5)
'replace bytes
a$ = "Hello, world!"
for i = 1 to len(a$)
if mid$(a$,i,1)="l" then
end if
print a$
'join strings
s$ = "Good" + "bye" + " for now."
-- String creation and destruction
foo = "Hello world!" -- created by assignment; destruction via garbage collection
-- Strings are binary safe
put numtochar(0) into char 6 of foo
put chartonum(foo.char[6])
-- 0
put str.char[]
-- "world!"
-- String cloning and copying
bar = foo -- copies foo contents to bar
-- String comparison
put (foo=bar) -- TRUE
put (foo<>bar) -- FALSE
-- Check if a string is empty
put (foo=EMPTY)
put (foo="")
put (foo.length=0)
-- Append a byte to a string
put "X" after foo
put chartonum(88) after foo
-- Extract a substring from a string
put foo.char[3..5]
-- Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
-- Replace in string
-- @param {string} stringToFind
-- @param {string} stringToInsert
-- @param {string} input
-- @return {string}
on replaceAll (stringToFind, stringToInsert, input)
output = ""
findLen = stringToFind.length - 1
repeat while TRUE
currOffset = offset(stringToFind, input)
if currOffset=0 then exit repeat
put input.char[1..currOffset] after output
delete the last char of output
put stringToInsert after output
delete input.char[1..(currOffset + findLen)]
end repeat
put input after output
return output
put replaceAll("o", "X", foo)
-- Join strings (4x the same result)
foo = "Hello " & "world!"
foo = "Hello" & numtochar(32) & "world!"
foo = "Hello" & SPACE & "world!"
foo = "Hello" && "world!"
foo = 'foo' -- Ducktyping foo to be string 'foo'
bar = 'bar'
assert (foo == "foo") -- Comparing string var to string literal
assert (foo ~= bar)
str = foo -- Copy foo contents to str
if #str == 0 then -- # operator returns string length
print 'str is empty'
str=str..string.char(50)-- Char concatenated with .. operator
substr = str:sub(1,3) -- Extract substring from index 1 to 3, inclusively
str = "string string string string"
-- This function will replace all occurances of 'replaced' in a string with 'replacement'
function replaceAll(str,replaced,replacement)
local function sub (a,b)
if b > a then
return str:sub(a,b)
return nil
a,b = str:find(replaced)
while a do
str = str:sub(1,a-1) .. replacement .. str:sub(b+1,#str)
a,b = str:find(replaced)
return str
str = replaceAll (str, 'ing', 'ong')
print (str)
str = foo .. bar -- Strings concatenate with .. operator
M2000 Interpreter
Strings are VB6 type strings (2Gb max size). They have a length at minus 4 bytes offset from first character. Normally these strings are not mutable. So to alter/append a byte or a character (two or one byte) we have to make a new one and change the old pointer with a new pointer. The old pointer recycle by the system. The all story is hidden from the user. WE cab use Buffer object who hold a memory block to make some tasks too. Also there is another object, named Document which hold paragraphs, so we can insert paragraphs very quickly (has a double linked list inside). The Document object is beyond this task, so not displayed here. (although many M2000 tasks use documents for export/logging purposes)
Old M2000 want string variables have $ at the end of name, but newer versions allow a name like A to be a string. Also there is Variant type which type of variable depend of the assignment type, each time (but normal variables get the type once, and can't change).
' String assignment
string a="beta"
b="beta too"
Print All
' String comparison
Print a$=a, a=b, a+A+" too"+a$=a+b+a$ ' false false true
// compare return 0 for equal (-1,0, 1),
//same as <=> but compare work with variables only (without coping values)
print "using compare", compare(a$, b$), a$<=>b$ ' 0 0
' String cloning and copying
a2$=a$ ' copy
' Check if a string is empty
print a2$="", len(a$)=0
' Append a byte to a string
c$=Str$("ABCDE") ' utf16le "ABCDE" convert to ANSI (one byte per code)
Print len(c$)=2.5 ' measure 16bit, so we get 2.5x2=5 bytes
Print Len(c$)=3
Print chr$(c$)="ABCDEZ" ' convert to UTF16LE and then compare
' Extract a substring from a string
Print chr$(mid$(c$,2, 2 as byte))="BC"
Print mid$("ABCDEZ",2,2) ="BC"
' Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
Print Replace$("BC", "?", "ABCDEZBC")="A?DEZ?"
Print Replace$("BC", "?", CHR$(c$))="A?DEZ"
' String creation and destruction (using buffers. Memory Blocks)
' (when needed and if there's no garbage collection or similar mechanism)
'Join strings (IN A BUFFRT)
buffer clear K as byte*10 ' using clear to erase the buffer with 0
Return K, 0:=c$
Print eval(k, 2)=asc("C"), eval(k, 3)=asc("D")
Return k, 2:=str$("KL")
Print chr$(eval$(k, 0, 6))="ABKLEZ"
' rotate one byte
M= eval(K,0)
return k, 0:=eval$(k, 1, 5), 5:=m ' we can place strings or bytes at specific index - from 0.
Print chr$(eval$(k, 0, 6))="BKLEZA" ' true
// change length of buffer
buffer K as byte*6
// now we get the full string (with the length of 6 bytes)
Print chr$(eval$(k))="BKLEZA" ' true
buffer K1 as byte*6
// buffers are special objects, so we have strings refering by object pointer.
// we can pass the buffer pointer or return it from a function, also we can swap variables for buffers
swap K, k1
Print chr$(eval$(k1))="BKLEZA" ' true
// we can get the address of string:
Print k1(0) ' return the absolute address of byte at offset 0 on k1 buffer
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
(* String creation and destruction *) BinaryString = {}; BinaryString = . ;
(* String assignment *) BinaryString1 = {12,56,82,65} , BinaryString2 = {83,12,56,65}
-> {12,56,82,65}
-> {83,12,56,65}
(* String comparison *) BinaryString1 === BinaryString2
-> False
(* String cloning and copying *) BinaryString3 = BinaryString1
-> {12,56,82,65}
(* Check if a string is empty *) BinaryString3 === {}
-> False
(* Append a byte to a string *) AppendTo[BinaryString3, 22]
-> {12,56,82,65,22}
(* Extract a substring from a string *) Take[BinaryString3, {2, 5}]
-> {56,82,65,22}
(* Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string *)
BinaryString3 /. {22 -> Sequence[33, 44]}
-> {12,56,82,65,33,44}
(* Join strings *) BinaryString4 = Join[BinaryString1 , BinaryString2]
-> {12,56,82,65,83,12,56,65}
MATLAB / Octave
a=['123',0,' abc '];
% string comparison
printf('(a==b) is %i\n',strcmp(a,b));
% string copying
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
% check if string is empty
if (length(a)==0)
printf('\nstring a is empty\n');
printf('\nstring a is not empty\n');
% append a byte to a string
% substring
e = a(1:6);
% join strings
123 abc 456 789 (a==b) is 0 123 abc 456 789 string a is not empty 123 abc @ 123 a 123 abc @456 789
var # creation
x = "this is a string"
y = "this is another string"
z = "this is a string"
if x == z: echo "x is z" # comparison
z = "now this is another string too" # assignment
y = z # copying
if x.len == 0: echo "empty" # check if empty
x.add('!') # append a byte
echo x[5..8] # substring
echo x[8 .. ^1] # substring
z = x & y # join strings
import strutils
echo z.replace('t', 'T') # replace occurences of t with T
- String creation and destruction
String.create n
returns a fresh string of length n, which initially contains arbitrary characters:
# String.create 10 ;;
- : string = "\000\023\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000"
No destruction, OCaml features a garbage collector.
OCaml strings can contain any of the 256 possible bytes included the null character '\000'.
- String assignment
# let str = "some text" ;;
val str : string = "some text"
(* modifying a character, OCaml strings are mutable *)
# str.[0] <- 'S' ;;
- : unit = ()
- String comparison
# str = "Some text" ;;
- : bool = true
# "Hello" > "Ciao" ;;
- : bool = true
- String cloning and copying
# String.copy str ;;
- : string = "Some text"
- Check if a string is empty
# let string_is_empty s = (s = "") ;;
val string_is_empty : string -> bool = <fun>
# string_is_empty str ;;
- : bool = false
# string_is_empty "" ;;
- : bool = true
- Append a byte to a string
it is not possible to append a byte to a string, in the sens modifying the length of a given string, but we can use the concatenation operator to append a byte and return the result as a new string
# str ^ "!" ;;
- : string = "Some text!"
But OCaml has a module named Buffer for string buffers. This module implements string buffers that automatically expand as necessary. It provides accumulative concatenation of strings in quasi-linear time (instead of quadratic time when strings are concatenated pairwise).
Buffer.add_char str c
- Extract a substring from a string
# String.sub str 5 4 ;;
- : string = "text"
- Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
using the Str module
# #load "str.cma";;
# let replace str occ by =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string occ) by str
val replace : string -> string -> string -> string = <fun>
# replace "The white dog let out a single, loud bark." "white" "black" ;;
- : string = "The black dog let out a single, loud bark."
- Join strings
# "Now just remind me" ^ " how the horse moves again?" ;;
- : string = "Now just remind me how the horse moves again?"
This code accepts arbitrary characters, but you can use Strchr
to display ASCII strings.
copy_str(v)=v \\ Creates a copy, not a pointer
replace_str(source, n, replacement)=my(v=[]);for(i=1,#source,v=concat(v,if(source[i]==n,replacement,source[i]))); v
u=[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100];
- Output:
%1 = 0 %2 = [] %3 = 1 %4 = [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33] %5 = [119, 111, 114, 108, 100] %6 = [72, 101, 121, 121, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 121, 100] %7 = []
Pascal's original strings were limited to 255 characters. Most implementations had the string length in byte 0. Extension exist for longer strings as well as C compatible string terminated by null. See Examples below
greeting = 'Hello';
s1: string;
s2: ansistring;
s3: pchar;
{ Assignments }
s1 := 'Mister Presiden'; (* typo is on purpose. See below! *)
{ Comparisons }
if s2 > 'a' then
writeln ('The first letter of ', s1, ' is later than a');
{ Cloning and copying }
s2 := greeting;
{ Check if a string is empty }
if s1 = '' then
writeln('This string is empty!');
{ Append a byte to a string }
s1 := s1 + 't';
{ Extract a substring from a string }
s3 := copy(S2, 2, 4); (* s3 receives ello *)
{ String replacement } (* the unit StrUtils of the FreePascal rtl has AnsiReplaceStr *)
s1 := AnsiReplaceStr('Thees ees a text weeth typos', 'ee', 'i');
{ Join strings}
s3 := greeting + ' and how are you, ' + s1 + '?';
Effective string manipulation has been a part of Perl since the beginning. Simple stuff is simply done, but modern Perl also supports Unicode, and tools like pack/unpack
let you operate on strings below the level of bytes.
$s = undef;
say 'Nothing to see here' if ! defined $s; # 'Nothing to see here'
say $s = ''; # ''
say 'Empty string' if $s eq ''; # 'Empty string'
say $s = 'be'; # 'be'
say $t = $s; # 'be'
say 'Same' if $t eq $s; # 'Same'
say $t = $t .'e' # 'bee'
say $t .= 'keeper'; # 'beekeeper'
$t =~ s/ee/ook/; say $t; # 'bookkeeper'
say $u = substr $t, 2, 2; # 'ok'
say 'Oklahoma' . ' is ' . uc $u; # 'Oklahoma is OK'
The native string type in Phix can be used to store raw binary data and supports all of the operations mentioned in this task. Strings are reference counted, and mutable with copy-on-write semantics. Memory is managed automatically and very efficiently, strings can easily be a billion characters long (on 32-bit, the precise limit is in fact 1,610,612,711 characters, available memory and performance impacts aside) and have a null terminator for C compatibility, but can contain embedded nulls as well. Note that attempting to set an element (character/byte) to a value outside the range 0..255 will result in automatic expansion to dword-(or qword-)sequence, and can result in a run-time type check.
with javascript_semantics string s = "abc" s = x"ef bb bf" -- explicit binary string (the utf8 BOM) s[2] = 0 s[3] = 'z' if s="\#EF\0z" then puts(1,"ok\n") end if string t = s t[1..2] = "xy" -- s remains unaltered ?t -- "xyz" t = "food" ?t t[2..3] = 'e' ?t -- "feed" t[3..2] = "ast" ?t -- "feasted" t[3..-2] = "" ?t -- "fed" if length(t)=0 then puts(1,"t is empty\n") end if if t!="" then puts(1,"t is not empty\n") end if t = "be" t &= 't' ?t -- bet t = 'a'&t ?t -- abet ?t[2..3] -- be ?substitute(t,"be","bbo") -- abbot ?substitute(t,"be","dep") -- adept t = substitute(t,"be","dep") -- to actually modify t ?join({"abc","def","ghi"}) -- "abc def ghi" ?join({"abc","def","ghi"},"") -- "abcdefghi" ?join({"abc","def","ghi"},"\n") -- "abc\ndef\nghi"
- Output:
ok "xyz" "food" "feed" "feasted" "fed" t is not empty "bet" "abet" "be" "abbot" "adept" "abc def ghi" "abcdefghi" "abc\ndef\nghi"
Strings in Picat are lists of characters.
main => % - String assignment
S1 = "binary_string",
% Picat has re-assignments (:=/2) as well,
S1 := "another string",
% - String comparison
if S1 == "another string" then
% - String cloning and copying
S2 = S1,
S3 = copy_term(S1), % for strings it's the same as =/2
% - Check if a string is empty
if S3 == "" then
% - Append a byte to a string
S3 := S3 ++ "s",
% - Extract a substring from a string
% - Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
S4 = replace(S3,'s','x'),
% - Join strings
S5 = S1 ++ " " ++ S2,
% using append/4
append(S1," ", S2,S6),
% find positions of substrings
% split a string
println(split=split(S1," st"))
- Output:
s1 = binary_string s1 = another string same s2 = another string s3 = another string not_empty s3 = another strings substring = her slice = her slice = her string s4 = another xtringx s5 = another string another string s6 = another string another string find = [[9,11],[24,26]] split = [ano,her,ring]
Since strings are lists of characters, all list functions/procedures are supported including the non-deterministic (backtrackable) member/2
, append/3-4
, select/3
as well as list comprehensions. Some examples:
main =>
println(member=findall(C,(member(C,S1), C @< 'l') )),
% find substrings using append/3
S = "string",
% split around "r"
% select a character and returns the list without that character
% list comprehension
println(list_comprehension=[ C : C in S5, membchk(C,"aeiou")]),
% sort and remove duplicates
- Output:
member = ahe ig append = [[[],string],[s,tring],[st,ring],[str,ing],[stri,ng],[strin,g],[string,[]]] append = [[st,ing]] select = [[s,tring],[t,sring],[r,sting],[i,strng],[n,strig],[g,strin]] list_comprehension = aoeiaoei sort_remove_dups = aeghinorst
Byte strings are represented in PicoLisp as lists of numbers. They can be maniplated easily with the built-in list functionality.
I/O of raw bytes is done via the 'wr' (write) and 'rd' (read) functions. The following creates a file consisting of 256 bytes, with values from 0 to 255:
: (out "rawfile"
(mapc wr (range 0 255)) )
Looking at a hex dump of that file:
: (hd "rawfile")
00000000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ................
00000010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F ................
00000020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F !"#$%&'()*+,-./
00000030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0123456789:;<=>?
To read part of that file, an external tool like 'dd' might be used:
: (in '(dd "skip=32" "bs=1" "count=16" "if=rawfile")
(while (rd 1)
(link @) ) ) )
-> (32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47)
Now such byte lists can be assigned the normal way ('let', 'setq' etc.), they can be compared with '=', '>', '>=' etc, and manipulated with all internal map-, filter-, concatenation-, reversal-, pattern matching, and other functions.
If desired, a string containing meaningful values can also be converted to a transient symbol, e.g. the example above
: (pack (mapcar char (32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47)))
-> " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"
/* PL/I has immediate facilities for all those operations except for */
/* replace. */
s = t; /* assignment */
s = t || u; /* catenation - append one or more bytes. */
if length(s) = 0 then ... /* test for an empty string. */
if s = t then ... /* compare strings. */
u = substr(t, i, j); /* take a substring of t beginning at the */
/* i-th character andcontinuing for j */
/* characters. */
substr(u, i, j) = t; /* replace j characters in u, beginning */
/* with the i-th character. */
/* In string t, replace every occurrence of string u with string v. */
replace: procedure (t, u, v);
declare (t, u, v) character (*) varying;
do until (k = 0);
k = index(t, u);
if k > 0 then
t = substr(t, 1, k-1) || v || substr(t, k+length(u));
end replace;
## String creation (which is string assignment):
Write-Host "`nString creation (which is string assignment):" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '[string]$s = "Hello cruel world"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
[string]$s = "Hello cruel world"
## String (or any variable) destruction:
Write-Host "`nString (or any variable) destruction:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host 'Remove-Variable -Name s -Force' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-Variable -Name s -Force
## Now reassign the variable:
Write-Host "`nNow reassign the variable:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '[string]$s = "Hello cruel world"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
[string]$s = "Hello cruel world"
Write-Host "`nString comparison -- default is case insensitive:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '$s -eq "HELLO CRUEL WORLD"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host '$s -match "HELLO CRUEL WORLD"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host '$s -cmatch "HELLO CRUEL WORLD"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$s -cmatch "HELLO CRUEL WORLD"
## Copy a string:
Write-Host "`nCopy a string:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '$t = $s' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$t = $s
## Check if a string is empty:
Write-Host "`nCheck if a string is empty:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host 'if ($s -eq "") {"String is empty."} else {"String = $s"}' -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($s -eq "") {"String is empty."} else {"String = $s"}
## Append a byte to a string:
Write-Host "`nAppend a byte to a string:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "`$s += [char]46`n`$s" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$s += [char]46
## Extract (and display) substring from a string:
Write-Host "`nExtract (and display) substring from a string:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '"Is the world $($s.Substring($s.IndexOf("c"),5))?"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
"Is the world $($s.Substring($s.IndexOf("c"),5))?"
## Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string:
Write-Host "`nReplace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "`$t = `$s -replace `"cruel`", `"beautiful`"`n`$t" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$t = $s -replace "cruel", "beautiful"
## Join strings:
Write-Host "`nJoin strings [1]:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '"Is the world $($s.Split()[1]) or $($t.Split()[1])?"' -ForegroundColor Yellow
"Is the world $($s.Split()[1]) or $($t.Split()[1])?"
Write-Host "`nJoin strings [2]:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '"{0} or {1}... I don''t care." -f (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($s.Split()[1]), $t.Split()[1]' -ForegroundColor Yellow
"{0} or {1}... I don't care." -f (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($s.Split()[1]), $t.Split()[1]
Write-Host "`nJoin strings [3] (display an integer array using the -join operater):" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '1..12 -join ", "' -ForegroundColor Yellow
1..12 -join ", "
## Display an integer array in a tablular format:
Write-Host "`nMore string madness... display an integer array in a tablular format:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '1..12 | Format-Wide {$_.ToString().PadLeft(2)}-Column 3 -Force' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
1..12 | Format-Wide {$_.ToString().PadLeft(2)} -Column 3 -Force
- Output:
String creation (which is string assignment): [string]$s = "Hello cruel world" String (or any variable) destruction: Remove-Variable -Name s -Force Now reassign the variable: [string]$s = "Hello cruel world" String comparison -- default is case insensitive: $s -eq "HELLO CRUEL WORLD" True $s -match "HELLO CRUEL WORLD" True $s -cmatch "HELLO CRUEL WORLD" False Copy a string: $t = $s Check if a string is empty: if ($s -eq "") {"String is empty."} else {"String = $s"} String = Hello cruel world Append a byte to a string: $s += [char]46 $s Hello cruel world. Extract (and display) substring from a string: "Is the world $($s.Substring($s.IndexOf("c"),5))?" Is the world cruel? Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string: $t = $s -replace "cruel", "beautiful" $t Hello beautiful world. Join strings [1]: "Is the world $($s.Split()[1]) or $($t.Split()[1])?" Is the world cruel or beautiful? Join strings [2]: "{0} or {1}... I don't care." -f (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($s.Split()[1]), $t.Split()[1] Cruel or beautiful... I don't care. Join strings [3] (display an integer array using the -join operater): 1..12 -join ", " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 More string madness... display an integer array in a tablular format: 1..12 | Format-Wide {$_.ToString().PadLeft(2)}-Column 3 -Force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
% Create a string (no destruction necessary)
?- X = "a test string".
X = "a test string".
% String assignment, there is no assignment but you can unify between variables, also 'String cloning and copying'
?- X = "a test string", X = Y.
X = Y, Y = "a test string".
% String comparison
?- X = "a test string", Y = "a test string", X = Y.
X = Y, Y = "a test string".
?- X = "a test string", Y = "a different string", X = Y.
% Test for empty string, this is the same as string comparison.
?- X = "a test string", Y = "", X = Y.
?- X = "", Y = "", X = Y.
% Append a byte to a string
?- X = "a test string", string_concat(X, "!", Y).
X = "a test string",
Y = "a test string!".
% Extract a substring from a string
?- X = "a test string", sub_string(X, 2, 4, _, Y).
X = "a test string",
Y = "test".
?- X = "a test string", sub_string(X, Before, Len, After, test).
X = "a test string",
Before = 2,
Len = 4,
After = 7 ;
% Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
?- X = "a test string", re_replace('t'/g, 'o', X, Y).
X = "a test string",
Y = "a oeso soring".
% Join strings
?- X = "a test string", Y = " with extra!", string_concat(X, Y, Z).
X = "a test string",
Y = " with extra!",
Z = "a test string with extra!".
;string creation
x$ = "hello world"
;string destruction
x$ = ""
;string comparison
If x$ = "hello world" : PrintN("String is equal") : EndIf
;string copying;
y$ = x$
; check If empty
If x$ = "" : PrintN("String is empty") : EndIf
; append a byte
x$ = x$ + Chr(41)
; extract a substring
x$ = Mid(x$, 1, 5)
; replace bytes
x$ = ReplaceString(x$, "world", "earth")
; join strings
x$ = "hel" + "lo w" + "orld"
Python 2.x's string type (str
) is a native byte string type. They can contain any byte sequence - they're not zero-terminated. There is a separate type for Unicode data (unicode
- String creation
s1 = "A 'string' literal \n"
s2 = 'You may use any of \' or " as delimiter'
s3 = """This text
goes over several lines
up to the closing triple quote"""
- String assignment
There is nothing special about assignments:
s = "Hello "
t = "world!"
u = s + t # + concatenates
- String comparison
They're compared byte by byte, lexicographically:
assert "Hello" == 'Hello'
assert '\t' == '\x09'
assert "one" < "two"
assert "two" >= "three"
- String cloning and copying
Strings are immutable, so there is no need to clone/copy them. If you want to modify a string, you must create a new one with the desired contents. (There is another type, array, that provides a mutable buffer)
- Check if a string is empty
if x=='': print "Empty string"
if not x: print "Empty string, provided you know x is a string"
- Append a byte to a string
txt = "Some text"
txt += '\x07'
# txt refers now to a new string having "Some text\x07"
- Extract a substring from a string
Strings are sequences, they can be indexed with s[index] (index is 0-based) and sliced s[start:stop] (all characters from s[start] up to, but not including, s[stop])
txt = "Some more text"
assert txt[4] == " "
assert txt[0:4] == "Some"
assert txt[:4] == "Some" # you can omit the starting index if 0
assert txt[5:9] == "more"
assert txt[5:] == "more text" # omitting the second index means "to the end"
Negative indexes count from the end: -1 is the last byte, and so on:
txt = "Some more text"
assert txt[-1] == "t"
assert txt[-4:] == "text"
- Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
Strings are objects and have methods, like replace:
v1 = "hello world"
v2 = v1.replace("l", "L")
print v2 # prints heLLo worLd
- Join strings
If they're separate variables, use the + operator:
v1 = "hello"
v2 = "world"
msg = v1 + " " + v2
If the elements to join are contained inside any iterable container (e.g. a list)
items = ["Smith", "John", "417 Evergreen Av", "Chimichurri", "481-3172"]
joined = ",".join(items)
print joined
# output:
# Smith,John,417 Evergreen Av,Chimichurri,481-3172
The reverse operation (split) is also possible:
line = "Smith,John,417 Evergreen Av,Chimichurri,481-3172"
fields = line.split(',')
print fields
# output:
# ['Smith', 'John', '417 Evergreen Av', 'Chimichurri', '481-3172']
Python 3.x has two binary string types: bytes
(immutable) and bytearray
(mutable). They can contain any byte sequence. They are completely separate from the string type (str
). Most of the operators for strings, also work on bytes
and bytearray
To specify a literal immutable byte string (bytes
), prefix a string literal with "b":
s1 = b"A 'byte string' literal \n"
s2 = b'You may use any of \' or " as delimiter'
s3 = b"""This text
goes over several lines
up to the closing triple quote"""
You can use the normal string escape sequences to encode special bytes.
Indexing a byte string results in an integer (the byte value at that byte):
x = b'abc'
x[0] # evaluates to 97
Similarly, a byte string can be converted to and from a list of integers:
x = b'abc'
list(x) # evaluates to [97, 98, 99]
bytes([97, 98, 99]) # evaluates to b'abc'
#lang racket
;; Byte strings can be created either by a function (b1)
;; or as a literal string (b2). No operation is needed for
;; destruction due to garbage collection.
(define b1 (make-bytes 5 65)) ; b1 -> #"AAAAA"
(define b2 #"BBBBB") ; b2 -> #"BBBBB"
;; String assignment. Note that b2 cannot be
;; mutated since literal byte strings are immutable.
(bytes-set! b1 0 66) ; b1 -> #"BAAAA"
;; Comparison. Less than & greater than are
;; lexicographic comparison.
(bytes=? b1 b2) ; -> #f
(bytes<? b1 b2) ; -> #t
(bytes>? b1 b2) ; -> #f
;; Byte strings can be cloned by copying to a
;; new one or by overwriting an existing one.
(define b3 (bytes-copy b1)) ; b3 -> #"BAAAA"
(bytes-copy! b1 0 b2) ; b1 -> #"BBBBB"
;; Byte strings can be appended to one another. A
;; single byte is appended as a length 1 string.
(bytes-append b1 b2) ; -> #"BBBBBBBBBB"
(bytes-append b3 #"B") ; -> #"BAAAAB"
;; Substring
(subbytes b3 0) ; -> #"BAAAA"
(subbytes b3 0 2) ; -> #"BA"
;; Regular expressions can be used to do replacements
;; in a byte string (or ordinary strings)
(regexp-replace #"B" b1 #"A") ; -> #"ABBBB" (only the first one)
(regexp-replace* #"B" b1 #"A") ; -> #"AAAAA"
;; Joining strings
(bytes-join (list b2 b3) #" ") ; -> #"BBBBB BAAAA"
(formerly Perl 6)
# Raku is perfectly fine with NUL *characters* in strings:
my Str $s = 'nema' ~ 0.chr ~ 'problema!';
say $s;
# However, Raku makes a clear distinction between strings
# (i.e. sequences of characters), like your name, or …
my Str $str = "My God, it's full of chars!";
# … and sequences of bytes (called Bufs), for example a PNG image, or …
my Buf $buf =, 0, 1, 2, 3);
say $buf;
# Strs can be encoded into Blobs …
my Blob $this = 'round-trip'.encode('ascii');
# … and Blobs can be decoded into Strs …
my Str $that = $this.decode('ascii');
# So it's all there. Nevertheless, let's solve this task explicitly
# in order to see some nice language features:
# We define a class …
class ByteStr {
# … that keeps an array of bytes, and we delegate some
# straight-forward stuff directly to this attribute:
# (Note: "has byte @.bytes" would be nicer, but that is
# not yet implemented in Rakudo.)
has Int @.bytes handles(< Bool elems gist push >);
# A handful of methods …
method clone() {;
method substr(Int $pos, Int $length) {[$pos .. $pos + $length - 1]));
method replace(*@substitutions) {
my %h = @substitutions;
@.bytes.=map: { %h{$_} // $_ }
# A couple of operators for our new type:
multi infix:<cmp>(ByteStr $x, ByteStr $y) { $x.bytes.join cmp $y.bytes.join }
multi infix:<~> (ByteStr $x, ByteStr $y) {|$x.bytes, |$y.bytes)) }
# create some byte strings (destruction not needed due to garbage collection)
my ByteStr $b0 =;
my ByteStr $b1 = |'foo'.ords, 0, 10, |'bar'.ords ));
# assignment ($b1 and $b2 contain the same ByteStr object afterwards):
my ByteStr $b2 = $b1;
# comparing:
say 'b0 cmp b1 = ', $b0 cmp $b1;
say 'b1 cmp b2 = ', $b1 cmp $b2;
# cloning:
my $clone = $b1.clone;
$b1.replace('o'.ord => 0);
say 'b1 = ', $b1;
say 'b2 = ', $b2;
say 'clone = ', $clone;
# to check for (non-)emptiness we evaluate the ByteStr in boolean context:
say 'b0 is ', $b0 ?? 'not empty' !! 'empty';
say 'b1 is ', $b1 ?? 'not empty' !! 'empty';
# appending a byte:
$b1.push: 123;
say 'appended = ', $b1;
# extracting a substring:
my $sub = $b1.substr(2, 4);
say 'substr = ', $sub;
# replacing a byte:
$b2.replace(102 => 103);
say 'replaced = ', $b2;
# joining:
my ByteStr $b3 = $b1 ~ $sub;
say 'joined = ', $b3;
- Output:
Note: The ␀ represents a NUL byte.
nema␀problema! Buf:0x<ff 00 01 02 03> round-trip b0 cmp b1 = Less b1 cmp b2 = Same b1 = [102 0 0 0 10 98 97 114] b2 = [102 0 0 0 10 98 97 114] clone = [102 111 111 0 10 98 97 114] b0 is empty b1 is not empty appended = [102 0 0 0 10 98 97 114 123] substr = [0 0 10 98] replaced = [103 0 0 0 10 98 97 114 123] joined = [103 0 0 0 10 98 97 114 123 0 0 10 98]
Red []
s: copy "abc" ;; string creation
s: none ;; destruction
t: "Abc"
if t == "abc" [print "equal case"] ;; comparison , case sensitive
if t = "abc" [print "equal (case insensitive)"] ;; comparison , case insensitive
s: copy "" ;; copying string
if empty? s [print "string is empty "] ;; check if string is empty
append s #"a" ;; append byte
substr: copy/part at "1234" 3 2 ;; ~ substr ("1234" ,3,2) , red has 1 based indices !
?? substr
s: replace/all "abcabcabc" "bc" "x" ;; replace all "bc" by "x"
?? s
s: append "hello " "world" ;; join 2 strings
?? s
s: rejoin ["hello " "world" " !"] ;; join multiple strings
?? s
- Output:
equal (case insensitive) string is empty substr: "34" s: "axaxax" s: "hello world" s: "hello world !" >>
Programming note: this REXX example demonstrates two types of quoting.
/*REXX program demonstrates methods (code examples) to use and express binary strings.*/
dingsta= '11110101'b /*four versions, bit string assignment.*/
dingsta= "11110101"b /*this is the same assignment as above.*/
dingsta= '11110101'B /* " " " " " " " */
dingsta= '1111 0101'B /* " " " " " " */
dingsta2= dingsta /*clone one string to another (a copy).*/
other= '1001 0101 1111 0111'b /*another binary (or bit) string. */
if dingsta= other then say 'they are equal' /*compare the two (binary) strings. */
if other== '' then say "OTHER is empty." /*see if the OTHER string is empty.*/
otherA= other || '$' /*append a dollar sign ($) to OTHER. */
otherB= other'$' /*same as above, but with less fuss. */
guts= substr(c2b(other), 10, 3) /*obtain the 10th through 12th bits.*/
new= changeStr('A' , other, "Z") /*change the upper letter A ──► Z. */
tt= changeStr('~~', other, ";") /*change two tildes ──► one semicolon.*/
joined= dingsta || dingsta2 /*join two strings together (concat). */
say joined c2b(joined)
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
c2b: Return x2b(c2x(arg(1))) /*return the string as a binary string.*/
Some older REXXes don't have a changestr BIF, so one is included here ──► CHANGESTR.REX.
- Output:
§§ 1111010111110101
The String in the Ring programming language holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes.
# string creation
x = "hello world"
# string destruction
x = NULL
# string assignment with a null byte
x = "a"+char(0)+"b"
see len(x) # ==> 3
# string comparison
if x = "hello"
See "equal"
See "not equal"
y = 'bc'
if strcmp(x,y) < 0
See x + " is lexicographically less than " + y
# string cloning
xx = x
See x = xx # true, same length and content
# check if empty
if x = NULL
See "is empty"
# append a byte
x += char(7)
# substring
x = "hello"
x[1] = "H"
See x + nl
# join strings
a = "hel"
b = "lo w"
c = "orld"
See a + b + c
Strings are a sequence of bytes.
String creation:
"This is a new string" @ String is put at stack level 1
No need for destruction as there is a garbage collection mechanism.
String assignment:
"This is a string" 'MYTEXT' STO @ String is transferred from stack level 1 to MYTEXT variable
String comparison: numeric operators can be used for equality or lexicographic order
"This" "That" == @ test equality - returns 0 here "This" "That" > @ test order - returns 1 here
Inclusion can also be tested:
"This" "is" POS @ returns position of substring - 3 here
String cloning and copying: any object, including strings, can be duplicated in the stack:
"This" DUP @ Put a copy of "This" at stack level #2
Check if a string is empty:
MYTEXT "" == @ returns 1 if MYTEXT contains an empty string
MYTEXT SIZE NOT @ returns 1 if MYTEXT contains an empty string
Append a byte to a string:
"Thi" "s" +
Extract a substring from a string:
"This is a string" 2 4 SUB @ returns substring from 2nd to 4th character
Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string: we need a small program here, since the REPL function replaces only the first occurence of the searched substring
≪ → string old new @ store arguments ≪ string @ put string to be replaced in stack WHILE DUP old POS REPEAT @ while old is present in string LAST SWAP new REPL @ replace old by new END ≫ ≫ 'REPLALL' STO
Join strings:
"This is" " a string" +
A String object holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes. There are also the Array#pack and String#unpack methods to convert data to binary strings.
# string creation
x = "hello world"
# string destruction
x = nil
# string assignment with a null byte
x = "a\0b"
x.length # ==> 3
# string comparison
if x == "hello"
puts "equal"
puts "not equal"
y = 'bc'
if x < y
puts "#{x} is lexicographically less than #{y}"
# string cloning
xx = x.dup
x == xx # true, same length and content
x.equal?(xx) # false, different objects
# check if empty
if x.empty?
puts "is empty"
# append a byte
p x << "\07"
# substring
p xx = x[0..-2]
x[1,2] = "XYZ"
p x
# replace bytes
p y = "hello world".tr("l", "L")
# join strings
a = "hel"
b = "lo w"
c = "orld"
p d = a + b + c
' Create string
s$ = "Hello, world"
' String destruction
s$ = ""
' String comparison
If s$ = "Hello, world" then print "Equal String"
' Copying string
a$ = s$
' Check If empty
If s$ = "" then print "String is MT"
' Append a byte
s$ = s$ + Chr$(65)
' Extract a substring
a$ = Mid$(s$, 1, 5) ' bytes 1 -> 5
'substitute string "world" with "universe"
a$ = "Hello, world"
for i = 1 to len(a$)
if mid$(a$,i,5)="world" then
end if
print a$
'join strings
s$ = "See " + "you " + "later."
print s$
For extra documentation, refer to [1] and [2].
use std::str;
fn main() {
// Create new string
let string = String::from("Hello world!");
println!("{}", string);
assert_eq!(string, "Hello world!", "Incorrect string text");
// Create and assign value to string
let mut assigned_str = String::new();
assert_eq!(assigned_str, "", "Incorrect string creation");
assigned_str += "Text has been assigned!";
println!("{}", assigned_str);
assert_eq!(assigned_str, "Text has been assigned!","Incorrect string text");
// String comparison, compared lexicographically byte-wise same as the asserts above
if string == "Hello world!" && assigned_str == "Text has been assigned!" {
println!("Strings are equal");
// Cloning -> string can still be used after cloning
let clone_str = string.clone();
println!("String is:{} and Clone string is: {}", string, clone_str);
assert_eq!(clone_str, string, "Incorrect string creation");
// Copying, string won't be usable anymore, accessing it will cause compiler failure
let copy_str = string;
println!("String copied now: {}", copy_str);
// Check if string is empty
let empty_str = String::new();
assert!(empty_str.is_empty(), "Error, string should be empty");
// Append byte, Rust strings are a stream of UTF-8 bytes
let byte_vec = [65]; // contains A
let byte_str = str::from_utf8(&byte_vec).unwrap();
assert_eq!(byte_str, "A", "Incorrect byte append");
// Substrings can be accessed through slices
let test_str = "Blah String";
let mut sub_str = &test_str[0..11];
assert_eq!(sub_str, "Blah String", "Error in slicing");
sub_str = &test_str[1..5];
assert_eq!(sub_str, "lah ", "Error in slicing");
sub_str = &test_str[3..];
assert_eq!(sub_str, "h String", "Error in slicing");
sub_str = &test_str[..2];
assert_eq!(sub_str, "Bl", "Error in slicing");
// String replace, note string is immutable
let org_str = "Hello";
assert_eq!(org_str.replace("l", "a"), "Heaao", "Error in replacement");
assert_eq!(org_str.replace("ll", "r"), "Hero", "Error in replacement");
// Joining strings requires a `String` and an &str or a two `String`s one of which needs an & for coercion
let str1 = "Hi";
let str2 = " There";
let fin_str = str1.to_string() + str2;
assert_eq!(fin_str, "Hi There", "Error in concatenation");
// Joining strings requires a `String` and an &str or two `Strings`s, one of which needs an & for coercion
let str1 = "Hi";
let str2 = " There";
let fin_str = str1.to_string() + str2;
assert_eq!(fin_str, "Hi There", "Error in concatenation");
// Splits -- note Rust supports passing patterns to splits
let f_str = "Pooja and Sundar are up in Tumkur";
let split_str: Vec<_> = f_str.split(' ').collect();
assert_eq!(split_str, ["Pooja", "and", "Sundar", "are", "up", "in", "Tumkur"], "Error in string split");
Seed7 strings are capable to hold binary data. The memory of Seed7 strings is managed automatically. String declaration:
var string: stri is "asdf"; # variable declaration const string: stri is "jkl"; # constant declaration
String assignment
stri := "blah";
String comparison
stri1 = stri2 # equal stri1 <> stri2 # not equal stri1 < stri2 # less than stri1 <= stri2 # less than or equal stri1 > stri2 # greater than stri1 >= stri2 # greater than or equal compare(stri1, stri2) # return -1, 0 or 1, depending on the comparison.
String copying (same as assignment)
stri2 := stri2;
Check if a string is empty
stri = "" # compare with "" length(stri) = 0 # check length
Append a byte to a string
stri &:= 'a';
Extract a substring from a string
stri[startPos .. endPos] # substring from startPos to endPos stri[startPos ..] # substring from startPos to the end of stri stri[.. endPos] # substring from the beginning of stri to endPos stri[startPos len aLength # substring from startPos with maximum length of aLength
Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
Join strings
stri3 = stri1 & stri2;
The string.s7i library contains more string functions.
# string creation
var x = "hello world"
# string destruction
x = nil
# string assignment with a null byte
x = "a\0b"
say x.length # ==> 3
# string comparison
if (x == "hello") {
say "equal"
} else {
say "not equal"
var y = 'bc'
if (x < y) {
say "#{x} is lexicographically less than #{y}"
# string cloning
var xx = x.clone
say (x == xx) # true, same length and content
say (x.refaddr == xx.refaddr) # false, different objects
# check if empty
if (x.is_empty) {
say "is empty"
# append a byte
x += "\07"
say x.dump #=> "a\0b\a"
# substring
say x.substr(0, -1).dump #=> "a\0b"
# replace bytes
say "hello world".tr("l", "L")
# join strings
var a = "hel"
var b = "lo w"
var c = "orld"
var d = (a + b + c)
say d
- Output:
3 not equal ab is lexicographically less than bc true true "a\0b\a" "a\0b" heLLo worLd hello world
Smalltalk strings are variable length and unrestricted. They are builtin and no additional library is req'd.
s := "abc" # create a string (immutable if its a literal constant in the program)
s := #[16r01 16r02 16r00 16r03] asString # strings can contain any value, even nulls
s := String new:3. # a mutable string
v := s # assignment
s = t # same contents
s < t # less
s <= t # less or equal
s = '' # equal empty string
s isEmpty # ditto
s size # string length
t := s copy # a copy
t := s copyFrom:2 to:3 # a substring
t := s copyReplaceFrom:2 to:3 with:'**' # a copy with some replacements
s replaceFrom:2 to:3 with:'**' # inplace replace (must be mutable)
s replaceAll:$x with:$y # destructive replace of characters
s copyReplaceAll:$x with:$y # non-destructive replace
s replaceString:s1 withString:s2 # substring replace
s3 := s1 , s2 # concatenation of strings
s2 := s1 , $x # append a character
s2 := s1 , 123 asCharacter # append an arbitrary byte
s := 'Hello / 今日は' # they support unicode (at least up to 16rFFFF, some more)
In addition (because they inherit from collection), a lot more is inherited (map, fold, enumeration, finding substrings, etc.)
Tcl strings are binary safe, and a binary string is any string that only contains UNICODE characters in the range \u0000–\u00FF.
# string creation
set x "hello world"
# string destruction
unset x
# string assignment with a null byte
set x a\0b
string length $x ;# ==> 3
# string comparison
if {$x eq "hello"} {puts equal} else {puts "not equal"}
set y bc
if {$x < $y} {puts "$x is lexicographically less than $y"}
# string copying; cloning happens automatically behind the scenes
set xx $x
# check if empty
if {$x eq ""} {puts "is empty"}
if {[string length $x] == 0} {puts "is empty"}
# append a byte
append x \07
# substring
set xx [string range $x 0 end-1]
# replace bytes
set y [string map {l L} "hello world"]
# join strings
set a "hel"
set b "lo w"
set c "orld"
set d $a$b$c
Before start, see this link : :
The Option Compare instruction is used at module level to declare the default comparison method to use when string data is compared. The default text comparison method is Binary.
'Set the string comparison method to Binary.
Option Compare Binary ' That is, "AAA" is less than "aaa".
' Set the string comparison method to Text.
Option Compare Text ' That is, "AAA" is equal to "aaa".
String creation and destruction :
Sub Creation_String_FirstWay()
Dim myString As String
'Here, myString is created and equal ""
End Sub '==> Here the string is destructed !
String assignment :
Sub String_Assignment()
Dim myString$
'Here, myString is created and equal ""
'assignments :
myString = vbNullString 'return : ""
myString = "Hello World" 'return : "Hello World"
myString = String(12, "A") 'return : "AAAAAAAAAAAA"
End Sub
String comparison :
Sub String_Comparison_FirstWay()
Dim A$, B$, C$
If A = B Then Debug.Print "A = B"
A = "creation": B = "destruction": C = "CREATION"
'test equality : (operator =)
If A = B Then
Debug.Print A & " = " & B
'used to Sort : (operator < and >)
ElseIf A > B Then
Debug.Print A & " > " & B
Else 'here : A < B
Debug.Print A & " < " & B
End If
'test if A is different from C
If A <> C Then Debug.Print A & " and " & B & " are differents."
'same test without case-sensitive
If UCase(A) = UCase(C) Then Debug.Print A & " = " & C & " (no case-sensitive)"
'operator Like :
If A Like "*ation" Then Debug.Print A & " Like *ation"
If Not B Like "*ation" Then Debug.Print B & " Not Like *ation"
'See Also :
End Sub
String cloning and copying :
Sub String_Clone_Copy()
Dim A As String, B$
A = "Hello world!"
'cloning :
B = A
End Sub
Check if a string is empty :
Sub Check_Is_Empty()
Dim A As String, B As Variant
Debug.Print IsEmpty(A) 'return False
Debug.Print IsEmpty(Null) 'return False
Debug.Print IsEmpty(B) 'return True ==> B is a Variant
Debug.Print A = vbNullString 'return True
Debug.Print StrPtr(A) 'return 0 (zero)
'Press the OK button without enter a data in the InputBox :
A = InputBox("Enter your own String : ")
Debug.Print A = "" 'return True
Debug.Print IsEmpty(A) 'return False
Debug.Print StrPtr(A) = 0 'return False
'Press the cancel button (with or without enter a data in the InputBox)
A = InputBox("Enter your own String : ")
Debug.Print StrPtr(A) = 0 'return True
Debug.Print IsEmpty(A) 'return False
Debug.Print A = "" 'return True
'Note : StrPtr is the only way to know if you cancel the inputbox
End Sub
Append a byte to a string :
Sub Append_to_string()
Dim A As String
A = "Hello worl"
Debug.Print A & Chr(100) 'return : Hello world
End Sub
Extract a substring from a string :
Sub ExtractFromString()
Dim A$, B As String
A = "Hello world"
B = Mid(A, 3, 8)
Debug.Print B 'return : llo worl
End Sub
Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string :
Sub ReplaceInString()
Dim A$, B As String, C$
A = "Hello world"
B = Chr(108) ' "l"
C = " "
Debug.Print Replace(A, B, C) 'return : He o wor d
End Sub
Join Strings :
Sub Join_Strings()
Dim A$, B As String
A = "Hello"
B = "world"
Debug.Print A & " " & B 'return : Hello world
'If you're sure that A and B are Strings, you can use + instead of & :
Debug.Print A + " " + B 'return : Hello world
End Sub
Visual Basic .NET
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'string creation
Dim x = "hello world"
' mark string for garbage collection
x = Nothing
' string assignment with a null byte
x = "ab" + Chr(0)
'string comparison
If x = "hello" Then
Console.WriteLine("not equal")
End If
If x.CompareTo("bc") = -1 Then
Console.WriteLine("x is lexicographically less than 'bc'")
End If
'string cloning
Dim c(3) As Char
x.CopyTo(0, c, 0, 3)
Dim objecty As New String(c)
Dim y As New String(c)
Console.WriteLine(x = y) 'same as string.equals
Console.WriteLine(x.Equals(y)) 'it overrides object.equals
Console.WriteLine(x = objecty) 'uses object.equals, return false
'check if empty
Dim empty = ""
Dim nullString As String = Nothing
Dim whitespace = " "
If IsNothing(nullString) AndAlso empty = String.Empty _
AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(nullString) AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(empty) _
AndAlso String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nullString) AndAlso String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty) _
AndAlso String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whitespace) Then
Console.WriteLine("Strings are null, empty or whitespace")
End If
'append a byte
x = "helloworld"
x += Chr(83)
Dim slice = x.Substring(5, 5)
'replace bytes
Dim greeting = x.Replace("worldS", "")
'join strings
Dim join = greeting + " " + slice
End Sub
End Module
In Wren, a string is simply an array of bytes. Although they are typically characters stored in UTF-8 format, they don't have to be interpreted in that way and, in recognition of this as well as for efficiency reasons, many of the built-in string functions operate at the byte level.
Despite this, there is no separate byte type - one just uses a single character string instead.
Strings are immutable and assignment creates a new copy rather than a reference to the original string.
All strings belong to the built-in String class which does not have an explicit constructor. To create one you either use a literal (a series of characters enclosed in double quotes) or assign an existing string.
When there are no longer any references to a string it is automatically garbage collected. You can't really destroy a string manually though you can request an immediate garbage collection be performed by calling the System.gc() method.
Setting a string variable to the special value null means that the variable currently has no value though it can still be assigned one later.
// create string
var s = "abc"
// destroy string (not really see notes above)
s = null
// (re)assignment
s = "def"
// comparison (only == && != supported directly)
var b = (s == "abc") // false
// cloning/copying
var t = s
// check if empty
s = ""
b = (s != "") // false
b = s.isEmpty // true
// append a byte
s = s + "b"
// extract a substring
s = "ghijkl"
t = s[1..4] // "hijk"
// replace a byte or string
s = "abracadabra"
s = s.replace("a", "z") // "zbrzczdzbrz"
// join strings
s = "abc"
t = "def"
var u = s + t // "abcdef"
// Rosetta Code problem:
// by Galileo, 07/2022
// Create string
s$ = "Hello, world"
// String destruction
s$ = ""
// String comparison
If s$ = "Hello, world" print "Equal String"
// Copying string
a$ = s$
// Check If empty
If s$ = "" print "String is MT"
// Append a byte
s$ = s$ + Chr$(65)
// Extract a substring
a$ = Mid$(s$, 1, 5) // bytes 1 -> 5
//substitute string "world" with "universe"
a$ = "Hello, world"
for i = 1 to len(a$)
if mid$(a$,i,5)="world" then
end if
print a$
//join strings
s$ = "See " + "you " + "later."
print s$
- Output:
String is MT Hello, universe See you later. ---Program done, press RETURN---
Strings in zkl are bytes with a zero terminator. So they are binary safe as long as the data doesn't contain a zero. Data objects are true binary strings: bytes with a length. It is basically a binary editor. Datas come in two flavors: Int and String. The difference is some methods treat String type as containing (zero or more) null terminated strings. Datas have an implicit null terminator so they can easily convert to a String.
Data(0,.Int,1,2,3) // bytes
Data(0,String,1,2,3) // same
Data(0,Int,"foo","bar") //-->foobar\0
d:=Data(0,String,"foo","bar") //-->foo\0bar\0\0
d==d // -->True: byte by byte comparison
d.copy() //-->clone
d.len() //-->8, 0 if empty
d.append("1").len(); //-->10 // or d+"1"
Data(0,Int,"foo","bar").len() //-->6
Data(0,Int,"foo","bar").append("1").len() //-->7
d.readString(4) //-->"bar"
d.readNthString(2) //-->"1"
d[2,4] //-->"o", really "o\0ba" but String sees the null
while(Void!=(n:=d.findString("bar"))){ d[n,4]="hoho" }
d.bytes() //-->L(102,111,111,0,104,111,104,111,0,49,0)
d.append(d2).text // or d+d2
- Programming Tasks
- String manipulation
- 11l
- 8086 Assembly
- AArch64 Assembly
- Ada
- ALGOL 68
- ARM Assembly
- Arturo
- Applesoft BASIC
- OxygenBasic
- ZX Spectrum Basic
- C
- C sharp
- C++
- Common Lisp
- Component Pascal
- D
- Delphi
- System.SysUtils
- Déjà Vu
- DuckDB
- E
- Ecstasy
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Factor
- Forth
- Free Pascal
- FutureBasic
- Go
- Groovy
- Haskell
- Icon
- Unicon
- Icon Programming Library
- J
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jq
- Julia
- Kotlin
- Liberty BASIC
- Lingo
- Lua
- M2000 Interpreter
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- Octave
- Nim
- OCaml
- Pascal
- Perl
- Phix
- Picat
- PicoLisp
- PL/I
- PowerShell
- Prolog
- PureBasic
- Python
- Racket
- Raku
- Red
- Ring
- Ruby
- Rust
- Seed7
- Sidef
- Smalltalk
- Tcl
- Visual Basic .NET
- Wren
- Yabasic
- Zkl
- GUISS/Omit
- Lotus 123 Macro Scripting/Omit
- Pages with too many expensive parser function calls