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[ say " could go into position " ]
echo say "." cr ] is task ( [ n --> n )</lang>

Revision as of 08:39, 6 February 2022

Binary search
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A binary search divides a range of values into halves, and continues to narrow down the field of search until the unknown value is found. It is the classic example of a "divide and conquer" algorithm.

As an analogy, consider the children's game "guess a number." The scorer has a secret number, and will only tell the player if their guessed number is higher than, lower than, or equal to the secret number. The player then uses this information to guess a new number.

As the player, an optimal strategy for the general case is to start by choosing the range's midpoint as the guess, and then asking whether the guess was higher, lower, or equal to the secret number. If the guess was too high, one would select the point exactly between the range midpoint and the beginning of the range. If the original guess was too low, one would ask about the point exactly between the range midpoint and the end of the range. This process repeats until one has reached the secret number.


Given the starting point of a range, the ending point of a range, and the "secret value", implement a binary search through a sorted integer array for a certain number. Implementations can be recursive or iterative (both if you can). Print out whether or not the number was in the array afterwards. If it was, print the index also.

There are several binary search algorithms commonly seen. They differ by how they treat multiple values equal to the given value, and whether they indicate whether the element was found or not. For completeness we will present pseudocode for all of them.

All of the following code examples use an "inclusive" upper bound (i.e. high = N-1 initially). Any of the examples can be converted into an equivalent example using "exclusive" upper bound (i.e. high = N initially) by making the following simple changes (which simply increase high by 1):

  • change high = N-1 to high = N
  • change high = mid-1 to high = mid
  • (for recursive algorithm) change if (high < low) to if (high <= low)
  • (for iterative algorithm) change while (low <= high) to while (low < high)
Traditional algorithm

The algorithms are as follows (from Wikipedia). The algorithms return the index of some element that equals the given value (if there are multiple such elements, it returns some arbitrary one). It is also possible, when the element is not found, to return the "insertion point" for it (the index that the value would have if it were inserted into the array).

Recursive Pseudocode:

  // initially called with low = 0, high = N-1
  BinarySearch(A[0..N-1], value, low, high) {
      // invariants: value > A[i] for all i < low
                     value < A[i] for all i > high
      if (high < low)
          return not_found // value would be inserted at index "low"
      mid = (low + high) / 2
      if (A[mid] > value)
          return BinarySearch(A, value, low, mid-1)
      else if (A[mid] < value)
          return BinarySearch(A, value, mid+1, high)
          return mid

Iterative Pseudocode:

  BinarySearch(A[0..N-1], value) {
      low = 0
      high = N - 1
      while (low <= high) {
          // invariants: value > A[i] for all i < low
                         value < A[i] for all i > high
          mid = (low + high) / 2
          if (A[mid] > value)
              high = mid - 1
          else if (A[mid] < value)
              low = mid + 1
              return mid
      return not_found // value would be inserted at index "low"
Leftmost insertion point

The following algorithms return the leftmost place where the given element can be correctly inserted (and still maintain the sorted order). This is the lower (inclusive) bound of the range of elements that are equal to the given value (if any). Equivalently, this is the lowest index where the element is greater than or equal to the given value (since if it were any lower, it would violate the ordering), or 1 past the last index if such an element does not exist. This algorithm does not determine if the element is actually found. This algorithm only requires one comparison per level.

Recursive Pseudocode:

  // initially called with low = 0, high = N - 1
  BinarySearch_Left(A[0..N-1], value, low, high) {
      // invariants: value > A[i] for all i < low
                     value <= A[i] for all i > high
      if (high < low)
          return low
      mid = (low + high) / 2
      if (A[mid] >= value)
          return BinarySearch_Left(A, value, low, mid-1)
          return BinarySearch_Left(A, value, mid+1, high)

Iterative Pseudocode:

  BinarySearch_Left(A[0..N-1], value) {
      low = 0
      high = N - 1
      while (low <= high) {
          // invariants: value > A[i] for all i < low
                         value <= A[i] for all i > high
          mid = (low + high) / 2
          if (A[mid] >= value)
              high = mid - 1
              low = mid + 1
      return low
Rightmost insertion point

The following algorithms return the rightmost place where the given element can be correctly inserted (and still maintain the sorted order). This is the upper (exclusive) bound of the range of elements that are equal to the given value (if any). Equivalently, this is the lowest index where the element is greater than the given value, or 1 past the last index if such an element does not exist. This algorithm does not determine if the element is actually found. This algorithm only requires one comparison per level. Note that these algorithms are almost exactly the same as the leftmost-insertion-point algorithms, except for how the inequality treats equal values.

Recursive Pseudocode:

  // initially called with low = 0, high = N - 1
  BinarySearch_Right(A[0..N-1], value, low, high) {
      // invariants: value >= A[i] for all i < low
                     value < A[i] for all i > high
      if (high < low)
          return low
      mid = (low + high) / 2
      if (A[mid] > value)
          return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, low, mid-1)
          return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, mid+1, high)

Iterative Pseudocode:

  BinarySearch_Right(A[0..N-1], value) {
      low = 0
      high = N - 1
      while (low <= high) {
          // invariants: value >= A[i] for all i < low
                         value < A[i] for all i > high
          mid = (low + high) / 2
          if (A[mid] > value)
              high = mid - 1
              low = mid + 1
      return low
Extra credit

Make sure it does not have overflow bugs.

The line in the pseudo-code above to calculate the mean of two integers:

mid = (low + high) / 2

could produce the wrong result in some programming languages when used with a bounded integer type, if the addition causes an overflow. (This can occur if the array size is greater than half the maximum integer value.) If signed integers are used, and low + high overflows, it becomes a negative number, and dividing by 2 will still result in a negative number. Indexing an array with a negative number could produce an out-of-bounds exception, or other undefined behavior. If unsigned integers are used, an overflow will result in losing the largest bit, which will produce the wrong result.

One way to fix it is to manually add half the range to the low number:

mid = low + (high - low) / 2

Even though this is mathematically equivalent to the above, it is not susceptible to overflow.

Another way for signed integers, possibly faster, is the following:

mid = (low + high) >>> 1

where >>> is the logical right shift operator. The reason why this works is that, for signed integers, even though it overflows, when viewed as an unsigned number, the value is still the correct sum. To divide an unsigned number by 2, simply do a logical right shift.

Related task

See also


<lang 11l>F binary_search(l, value)

  V low = 0
  V high = l.len - 1
  L low <= high
     V mid = (low + high) I/ 2
     I l[mid] > value
        high = mid - 1
     E I l[mid] < value
        low = mid + 1
        R mid
  R -1</lang>

360 Assembly

<lang 360asm>* Binary search 05/03/2017 BINSEAR CSECT

        USING  BINSEAR,R13        base register
        B      72(R15)            skip savearea
        DC     17F'0'             savearea
        STM    R14,R12,12(R13)    save previous context
        ST     R13,4(R15)         link backward
        ST     R15,8(R13)         link forward
        LR     R13,R15            set addressability
        MVC    LOW,=H'1'          low=1
        MVC    HIGH,=AL2((XVAL-T)/2)  high=hbound(t)
        SR     R6,R6              i=0
        MVI    F,X'00'            f=false
        LH     R4,LOW             low
      DO WHILE=(CH,R4,LE,HIGH)    do while low<=high
        LA     R6,1(R6)             i=i+1
        LH     R1,LOW               low
        AH     R1,HIGH              +high
        SRA    R1,1                 /2  {by right shift}
        STH    R1,MID               mid=(low+high)/2
        SLA    R1,1                 *2
        LH     R7,T-2(R1)           y=t(mid)
      IF CH,R7,EQ,XVAL THEN         if xval=y then
        MVI    F,X'01'                f=true
        B      EXITDO                 leave
      ENDIF    ,                    endif
      IF CH,R7,GT,XVAL THEN         if y>xval then
        LH     R2,MID                 mid
        BCTR   R2,0                   -1
        STH    R2,HIGH                high=mid-1
      ELSE     ,                    else
        LH     R2,MID                 mid
        LA     R2,1(R2)               +1
        STH    R2,LOW                low=mid+1
      ENDIF    ,                    endif
        LH     R4,LOW               low
      ENDDO    ,                  enddo

EXITDO EQU * exitdo:

        XDECO  R6,XDEC            edit i
        MVC    PG(4),XDEC+8       output i
        MVC    PG+4(6),=C' loops'
        XPRNT  PG,L'PG            print buffer
        LH     R1,XVAL            xval
        XDECO  R1,XDEC            edit xval
        MVC    PG(4),XDEC+8       output xval
      IF CLI,F,EQ,X'01' THEN      if f then
        MVC    PG+4(10),=C' found at '
        LH     R1,MID               mid
        XDECO  R1,XDEC              edit mid
        MVC    PG+14(4),XDEC+8      output mid
      ELSE     ,                  else
        MVC    PG+4(20),=C' is not in the list.'
      ENDIF    ,                  endif
        XPRNT  PG,L'PG            print buffer
        L      R13,4(0,R13)       restore previous savearea pointer
        LM     R14,R12,12(R13)    restore previous context
        XR     R15,R15            rc=0
        BR     R14                exit

T DC H'3',H'7',H'13',H'19',H'23',H'31',H'43',H'47'

        DC     H'61',H'73',H'83',H'89',H'103',H'109',H'113',H'131'
        DC     H'139',H'151',H'167',H'181',H'193',H'199',H'229',H'233'
        DC     H'241',H'271',H'283',H'293',H'313',H'317',H'337',H'349'

XVAL DC H'229' <= search value LOW DS H HIGH DS H MID DS H F DS X flag PG DC CL80' ' buffer XDEC DS CL12 temp

        END    BINSEAR</lang>
   5 loops
 229 found at   23

8080 Assembly

This is the iterative version of the 'leftmost insertion point' algorithm. (On a processor like the 8080, you would not want to use recursion if you can avoid it. A subroutine call alone takes two bytes of stack space, meaning the needed stack space would be bigger than the array that's being searched.) For simplicity, it operates on an array of unsigned 8-bit integers, as this is the 8080's native datatype, and this task is about binary search, not about implementing operations on other datatypes in terms of 8-bit integers.

On entry, the subroutine binsrch takes the lookup value in the B register, a pointer to the start of the array in the HL registers, and a pointer to the end of the array in the DE registers. On exit, HL will contain the location of the value in the array, if it was found, and the leftmost insertion point, if it was not.

Test code is included, which will loop through the values [0..255] and report for each number whether it was in the array or not.

<lang 8080asm> org 100h ; Entry for test code jmp test

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Binary search in array of unsigned 8-bit integers ;; B = value to look for ;; HL = begin of array (low) ;; DE = end of array, inclusive (high) ;; The entry point is 'binsrch' ;; On return, HL = location of value (if contained ;; in array), or insertion point (if not)

binsrch_lo: inx h ; low = mid + 1 inx sp ; throw away 'low' inx sp

binsrch: mov a,d ; low > high? (are we there yet?) cmp h ; test high byte rc mov a,e ; test low byte cmp l rc

push h ; store 'low'

dad d ; mid = (low+high)>>1 mov a,h ; rotate the carry flag back in rar ; to take care of any overflow mov h,a mov a,l rar mov l,a

mov a,m ; A[mid] >= value? cmp b jc binsrch_lo

xchg ; high = mid - 1 dcx d pop h ; restore 'low' jmp binsrch

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Test data

primes: db 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 db 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83 db 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131 db 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179 db 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229 db 233, 239, 241, 251 primes_last: equ $ - 1

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Test code (CP/M compatible)

yep: db ": yes", 13, 10, "$" nope: db ": no", 13, 10, "$"

num_out: mov a,b ;; Output number in B as decimal mvi c,100 call dgt_out mvi c,10 call dgt_out mvi c,1 dgt_out: mvi e,'0' - 1 ;; Output 100s, 10s or 1s dgt_out_loop: inr e ;; (depending on C) sub c jnc dgt_out_loop add c e_out: push psw ;; Output character in E push b ;; preserving working registers mvi c,2 call 5 pop b pop psw ret

;; Main test code test: mvi b,0 ; Test value

test_loop: call num_out ; Output current number to test

lxi h,primes ; Set up input for binary search lxi d,primes_last call binsrch ; Search for B in array

lxi d,nope ; Location of "no" string mov a,b ; Check if location binsrch returned cmp m ; contains the value we were looking for jnz str_out ; If not, print the "no" string lxi d,yep ; But if so, use location of "yes" string str_out: push b ; Preserve B across CP/M call mvi c,9 ; Print the string call 5 pop b ; Restore B

inr b ; Test next value jnz test_loop

rst 0 </lang>

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits

<lang AArch64 Assembly> /* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */ /* program binSearch64.s */

/*******************************************/ /* Constantes file */ /*******************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/ .include "../"

/*********************************/ /* Initialized data */ /*********************************/ .data sMessResult: .asciz "Value find at index : @ \n" szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n" sMessRecursif: .asciz "Recursive search : \n" sMessNotFound: .asciz "Value not found. \n"

TableNumber: .quad 4,6,7,10,11,15,22,30,35

                   .equ NBELEMENTS,  (. - TableNumber) / 8

/*********************************/ /* UnInitialized data */ /*********************************/ .bss sZoneConv: .skip 24 /*********************************/ /* code section */ /*********************************/ .text .global main main: // entry of program

   mov x0,4                                    // search first value
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber                      // address number table
   mov x2,NBELEMENTS                           // number of élements 
   bl bSearch
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

   mov x0,#11                                  // search median value
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // decimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

   mov x0,#12                                  //value not found
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   cmp x0,#-1
   bne 2f
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessNotFound
   bl affichageMess 
   b 3f


   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message


   mov x0,#35                                  // search last value
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

/****************************************/ /* recursive */ /****************************************/

   ldr x0,qAdrsMessRecursif
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

   mov x0,#4                                   // search first value
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#0                                   // low index of elements
   mov x3,#NBELEMENTS - 1                      // high index of elements
   bl bSearchR
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

   mov x0,#11
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#0
   mov x3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

   mov x0,#12
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#0
   mov x3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   cmp x0,#-1
   bne 4f
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessNotFound
   bl affichageMess 
   b 5f


   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message


   mov x0,#35
   ldr x1,qAdrTableNumber
   mov x2,#0
   mov x3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                             // décimal conversion 
   ldr x0,qAdrsMessResult
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl strInsertAtCharInc                       // insert result at @ character
   bl affichageMess                            // display message

100: // standard end of the program

   mov x0, #0                                  // return code
   mov x8, #EXIT                               // request to exit program
   svc #0                                      // perform the system call

//qAdrsMessValeur: .quad sMessValeur qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn qAdrsMessResult: .quad sMessResult qAdrsMessRecursif: .quad sMessRecursif qAdrsMessNotFound: .quad sMessNotFound qAdrTableNumber: .quad TableNumber

/******************************************************************/ /* binary search iterative */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 contains the value to search */ /* x1 contains the adress of table */ /* x2 contains the number of elements */ /* x0 return index or -1 if not find */ bSearch:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   mov x3,#0                        // low index
   sub x4,x2,#1                     // high index = number of elements - 1


   cmp x3,x4
   bgt 99f
   add x2,x3,x4                     // compute (low + high) /2
   lsr x2,x2,#1
   ldr x5,[x1,x2,lsl #3]            // load value of table at index x2
   cmp x5,x0
   beq 98f
   bgt 2f
   add x3,x2,#1                     // lower -> index low = index + 1
   b 1b                             // and loop


   sub x4,x2,#1                     // bigger -> index high = index - 1
   b 1b                             // and loop


   mov x0,x2                        // find !!!
   b 100f


   mov x0,#-1                       //not found


   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ret                              // return to address lr x30

/******************************************************************/ /* binary search recursif */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 contains the value to search */ /* x1 contains the adress of table */ /* x2 contains the low index of elements */ /* x3 contains the high index of elements */ /* x0 return index or -1 if not find */ bSearchR:

   stp x2,lr,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   stp x3,x4,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]!              // save  registers
   cmp x3,x2                        // index high < low ?
   bge 1f
   mov x0,#-1                       // yes -> not found
   b 100f


   add x4,x2,x3                                     // compute (low + high) /2
   lsr x4,x4,#1
   ldr x5,[x1,x4,lsl #3]                            // load value of table at index x4
   cmp x5,x0
   beq 99f 
   bgt 2f                                           // bigger ?
   add x2,x4,#1                                     // no new search with low = index + 1
   bl bSearchR
   b 100f

2: // bigger

   sub x3,x4,#1                                     // new search with high = index - 1
   bl bSearchR
   b 100f


   mov x0,x4                                      // find !!!
   b 100f 


   ldp x5,x6,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ldp x3,x4,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ldp x2,lr,[sp],16                // restaur  2 registers
   ret                              // return to address lr x30

/********************************************************/ /* File Include fonctions */ /********************************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */ .include "../" </lang>

Value find at index : 0
Value find at index : 4
Value not found.
Value find at index : 8
Recursive search :
Value find at index : 0
Value find at index : 4
Value not found.
Value find at index : 8


<lang Lisp>(defun defarray (name size initial-element)

  (cons name
        (compress1 name
                   (cons (list :HEADER
                               :DIMENSIONS (list size)
                               :MAXIMUM-LENGTH (1+ size)
                               :DEFAULT initial-element
                               :NAME name)

(defconst *dim* 100000)

(defun array-name (array)

  (first array))

(defun set-at (array i val)

  (cons (array-name array)
        (aset1 (array-name array)
               (cdr array)

(defun populate-array-ordered (array n)

  (if (zp n)
      (populate-array-ordered (set-at array
                                      (- *dim* n)
                                      (- *dim* n))
                              (1- n))))

(include-book "arithmetic-3/top" :dir :system)

(defun binary-search-r (needle haystack low high)

  (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (1+ (- high low)))))
  (let* ((mid (floor (+ low high) 2))
         (current (aref1 (array-name haystack)
                         (cdr haystack)
        (cond ((not (and (natp low) (natp high))) nil)
              ((= current needle)
              ((zp (1+ (- high low))) nil)
              ((> current needle)
               (binary-search-r needle
                                (1- mid)))
              (t (binary-search-r needle
                                  (1+ mid)

(defun binary-search (needle haystack)

  (binary-search-r needle haystack 0
                   (maximum-length (array-name haystack)
                                   (cdr haystack))))

(defun test-bsearch (needle)

  (binary-search needle
                  (defarray 'haystack *dim* 0)


<lang Action!>INT FUNC BinarySearch(INT ARRAY a INT len,value)

 INT low,high,mid
 low=0 high=len-1
 WHILE low<=high
   mid=low+(high-low) RSH 1
   IF a(mid)>value THEN
   ELSEIF a(mid)<value THEN
     RETURN (mid)


PROC Test(INT ARRAY a INT len,value)

 INT i
 FOR i=0 TO len-1
   IF i<len-1 THEN Put(32) FI
 Print("] ") PrintI(value)
 IF i<0 THEN
   PrintE(" not found")
   Print(" found at index ")


PROC Main()

 INT ARRAY a=[65530 0 1 2 5 6 8 9]



Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] 6 found at index 5
[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] -6 found at index 0
[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] 9 found at index 7
[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] -10 not found
[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] 10 not found
[-6 0 1 2 5 6 8 9] 7 not found


Both solutions are generic. The element can be of any comparable type (such that the operation < is visible in the instantiation scope of the function Search). Note that the completion condition is different from one given in the pseudocode example above. The example assumes that the array index type does not overflow when mid is incremented or decremented beyond the corresponding array bound. This is a wrong assumption for Ada, where array bounds can start or end at the very first or last value of the index type. To deal with this, the exit condition is rather directly expressed as crossing the corresponding array bound by the coming interval middle.


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Recursive_Binary_Search is

  Not_Found : exception;
     type Index is range <>;
     type Element is private;
     type Array_Of_Elements is array (Index range <>) of Element;
     with function "<" (L, R : Element) return Boolean is <>;
  function Search (Container : Array_Of_Elements; Value : Element) return Index;
  function Search (Container : Array_Of_Elements; Value : Element) return Index is
     Mid : Index;
     if Container'Length > 0 then
        Mid := (Container'First + Container'Last) / 2;
        if Value < Container (Mid) then
           if Container'First /= Mid then
              return Search (Container (Container'First..Mid - 1), Value);
           end if;
        elsif Container (Mid) < Value then
           if Container'Last /= Mid then
              return Search (Container (Mid + 1..Container'Last), Value);
           end if;
           return Mid;
        end if;
     end if;
     raise Not_Found;
  end Search;
  type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
  function Find is new Search (Positive, Integer, Integer_Array);
  procedure Test (X : Integer_Array; E : Integer) is
     for I in X'Range loop
        Put (Integer'Image (X (I)));
     end loop;
     Put (" contains" & Integer'Image (E) & " at" & Integer'Image (Find (X, E)));
     when Not_Found =>
        Put (" does not contain" & Integer'Image (E));
  end Test;


  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 2);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 1);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 8);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 10);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 9);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 5);

end Test_Recursive_Binary_Search;</lang>


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Binary_Search is

  Not_Found : exception;
     type Index is range <>;
     type Element is private;
     type Array_Of_Elements is array (Index range <>) of Element;
     with function "<" (L, R : Element) return Boolean is <>;
  function Search (Container : Array_Of_Elements; Value : Element) return Index;
  function Search (Container : Array_Of_Elements; Value : Element) return Index is
     Low  : Index := Container'First;
     High : Index := Container'Last;
     Mid  : Index;
     if Container'Length > 0 then
           Mid := (Low + High) / 2;
           if Value < Container (Mid) then
              exit when Low = Mid;
              High := Mid - 1;
           elsif Container (Mid) < Value then
              exit when High = Mid;
              Low := Mid + 1;
              return Mid;
           end if;
        end loop;
     end if;
     raise Not_Found;
  end Search;
  type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
  function Find is new Search (Positive, Integer, Integer_Array);
  procedure Test (X : Integer_Array; E : Integer) is
     for I in X'Range loop
        Put (Integer'Image (X (I)));
     end loop;
     Put (" contains" & Integer'Image (E) & " at" & Integer'Image (Find (X, E)));
     when Not_Found =>
        Put (" does not contain" & Integer'Image (E));
  end Test;


  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 2);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 1);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 8);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 10);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 9);
  Test ((2, 4, 6, 8, 9), 5);

end Test_Binary_Search;</lang> Sample output:

 2 4 6 8 9 contains 2 at 1
 2 4 6 8 9 does not contain 1
 2 4 6 8 9 contains 8 at 4
 2 4 6 8 9 does not contain 10
 2 4 6 8 9 contains 9 at 5
 2 4 6 8 9 does not contain 5



  1. Iterative: #

PROC iterative binary search = ([]ELEMENT hay stack, ELEMENT needle)INT: (

   INT out,
       low := LWB hay stack,
       high := UPB hay stack;
   WHILE low < high DO
       INT mid := (low+high) OVER 2;
       IF hay stack[mid] > needle THEN high := mid-1
       ELIF hay stack[mid] < needle THEN low := mid+1
       ELSE out:= mid; stop iteration FI
       low EXIT
   stop iteration:


  1. Recursive: #

PROC recursive binary search = ([]ELEMENT hay stack, ELEMENT needle)INT: (

   IF LWB hay stack > UPB hay stack THEN
       LWB hay stack
   ELIF LWB hay stack = UPB hay stack THEN
       IF hay stack[LWB hay stack] = needle THEN LWB hay stack
       ELSE LWB hay stack FI
       INT mid := (LWB hay stack+UPB hay stack) OVER 2;
       IF hay stack[mid] > needle THEN recursive binary search(hay stack[:mid-1], needle)
       ELIF hay stack[mid] < needle THEN mid + recursive binary search(hay stack[mid+1:], needle)
       ELSE mid FI


  1. Test cases: #


 ELEMENT needle = "mister";
 []ELEMENT hay stack = ("AA","Maestro","Mario","Master","Mattress","Mister","Mistress","ZZ"),
         test cases = ("A","Master","Monk","ZZZ");

 PROC test search = (PROC([]ELEMENT, ELEMENT)INT search, []ELEMENT test cases)VOID:
   FOR case TO UPB test cases DO
       ELEMENT needle = test cases[case];
       INT index = search(hay stack, needle);
       BOOL found = ( index <= 0 | FALSE | hay stack[index]=needle);
       print(("""", needle, """ ", (found|"FOUND at"|"near"), " index ", whole(index, 0), newline))
 test search(iterative binary search, test cases);
 test search(recursive binary search, test cases)

) END</lang>


Shows iterative search output - recursive search output is the same.

"A" near index 1
"Master" FOUND at index 4
"Monk" near index 8
"ZZZ" near index 8


Ieterative and recursive binary search procedures, from the pseudo code. Finds the left most occurance/insertion point. <lang algolw>begin % binary search %

   % recursive binary search, left most insertion point %
   integer procedure binarySearchLR ( integer array A ( * )
                                    ; integer value find, Low, high
                                    ) ;
       if high < low then low
       else begin
           integer mid;
           mid := ( low + high ) div 2;
           if A( mid ) >= find then binarySearchLR( A, find, low,     mid - 1 )
           else                     binarySearchLR( A, find, mid + 1, high    )
       end binarySearchR ;
   % iteratve binary search leftmost insertion point %
   integer procedure binarySearchLI ( integer array A ( * )
                                    ; integer value find, lowInit, highInit
                                    ) ;
           integer low, high;
           low  := lowInit;
           high := highInit;
           while low <= high do begin
               integer mid;
               mid := ( low + high ) div 2;
               if A( mid ) >= find then high := mid - 1
               else                     low  := mid + 1
           end while_low_le_high ;
       end binarySearchLI ;
   % tests %
       integer array t ( 1 :: 10 );
       integer tPos;
       tPos := 1;
       for tValue := 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 do begin
           t( tPos ) := tValue;
           tPos      := tPOs + 1
       end for_tValue ;
       for s := 0 step 8 until 24 do begin
           integer pos;
           pos := binarySearchLR( t, s, 1, 10 );
           if t( pos ) = s then write( I_W := 3, S_W := 0, "recursive search finds           ", s, " at ", pos )
           else                 write( I_W := 3, S_W := 0, "recursive search suggests insert ", s, " at ", pos )
           pos := binarySearchLI( t, s, 1, 10 );
           if t( pos ) = s then write( I_W := 3, S_W := 0, "iterative search finds           ", s, " at ", pos )
           else                 write( I_W := 3, S_W := 0, "iterative search suggests insert ", s, " at ", pos )
       end for_s


recursive search suggests insert   0 at   1
iterative search suggests insert   0 at   1
recursive search suggests insert   8 at   3
iterative search suggests insert   8 at   3
recursive search finds            16 at   4
iterative search finds            16 at   4
recursive search suggests insert  24 at   5
iterative search suggests insert  24 at   5


Works with: Dyalog APL

<lang APL>binsrch←{

  ⎕IO(⍺{                       ⍝ first lower bound is start of array
      ⍵<⍺:⍬                    ⍝ if high < low, we didn't find it
      mid←⌊(⍺+⍵)÷2             ⍝ calculate mid point
      ⍺⍺[mid]>⍵⍵:⍺∇mid-1       ⍝ if too high, search from ⍺ to mid-1
      ⍺⍺[mid]<⍵⍵:(mid+1)∇⍵     ⍝ if too low, search from mid+1 to ⍵
      mid                      ⍝ otherwise, we did find it
  }⍵)⎕IO+(≢⍺)-1                ⍝ first higher bound is top of array

} </lang>


<lang applescript>on binarySearch(n, theList, l, r)

   repeat until (l = r)
       set m to (l + r) div 2
       if (item m of theList < n) then
           set l to m + 1
           set r to m
       end if
   end repeat
   if (item l of theList is n) then return l
   return missing value

end binarySearch

on test(n, theList, l, r)

   set |result| to binarySearch(n, theList, l, r)
   if (|result| is missing value) then
       return (n as text) & " is not in range " & l & " thru " & r & " of the list"
       return "The first occurrence of " & n & " in range " & l & " thru " & r & " of the list is at index " & |result|
   end if

end test

set theList to {1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} return test(7, theList, 4, 11) & linefeed & test(7, theList, 7, 12) & linefeed & test(7, theList, 1, 5)</lang>


(AppleScript indices are 1-based)

"The first occurrence of 7 in range 4 thru 11 of the list is at index 6
The first occurrence of 7 in range 7 thru 12 of the list is at index 7
7 is not in range 1 thru 5 of the list"

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi

<lang ARM Assembly>

/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */ /* program binsearch.s */

/************************************/ /* Constantes */ /************************************/ .equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console .equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall .equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall /*********************************/ /* Initialized data */ /*********************************/ .data sMessResult: .ascii "Value find at index : " sMessValeur: .fill 11, 1, ' ' @ size => 11 szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n" sMessRecursif: .asciz "Recursive search : \n" sMessNotFound: .asciz "Value not found. \n"

.equ NBELEMENTS, 9 TableNumber: .int 4,6,7,10,11,15,22,30,35

/*********************************/ /* UnInitialized data */ /*********************************/ .bss /*********************************/ /* code section */ /*********************************/ .text .global main main: @ entry of program

   mov r0,#4                                   @ search first value
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber                      @ address number table
   mov r2,#NBELEMENTS                          @ number of élements 
   bl bSearch
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message
   mov r0,#11                                  @ search median value
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message
   mov r0,#12                                  @value not found
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   cmp r0,#-1
   bne 2f
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessNotFound
   bl affichageMess 
   b 3f


   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message


   mov r0,#35                                  @ search last value
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#NBELEMENTS
   bl bSearch
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message

/****************************************/ /* recursive */ /****************************************/

   ldr r0,iAdrsMessRecursif
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message
   mov r0,#4                                   @ search first value
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#0                                   @ low index of elements
   mov r3,#NBELEMENTS - 1                      @ high index of elements
   bl bSearchR
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message
   mov r0,#11
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#0
   mov r3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message
   mov r0,#12
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#0
   mov r3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   cmp r0,#-1
   bne 2f
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessNotFound
   bl affichageMess 
   b 3f


   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message


   mov r0,#35
   ldr r1,iAdrTableNumber
   mov r2,#0
   mov r3,#NBELEMENTS - 1
   bl bSearchR
   ldr r1,iAdrsMessValeur                      @ display value
   bl conversion10                             @ call function
   ldr r0,iAdrsMessResult
   bl affichageMess                            @ display message

100: @ standard end of the program

   mov r0, #0                                  @ return code
   mov r7, #EXIT                               @ request to exit program
   svc #0                                      @ perform the system call

iAdrsMessValeur: .int sMessValeur iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn iAdrsMessResult: .int sMessResult iAdrsMessRecursif: .int sMessRecursif iAdrsMessNotFound: .int sMessNotFound iAdrTableNumber: .int TableNumber

/******************************************************************/ /* binary search iterative */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains the value to search */ /* r1 contains the adress of table */ /* r2 contains the number of elements */ /* r0 return index or -1 if not find */ bSearch:

   push {r2-r5,lr}                                 @ save registers
   mov r3,#0                                       @ low index
   sub r4,r2,#1                                    @ high index = number of elements - 1


   cmp r3,r4
   movgt r0,#-1                                    @not found
   bgt 100f
   add r2,r3,r4                                    @ compute (low + high) /2
   lsr r2,#1
   ldr r5,[r1,r2,lsl #2]                           @ load value of table at index r2
   cmp r5,r0
   moveq r0,r2                                     @ find !!!
   beq 100f
   addlt r3,r2,#1                                  @ lower -> index low = index + 1
   subgt r4,r2,#1                                  @ bigger -> index high = index - 1
   b 1b                                            @ and loop


   pop {r2-r5,lr}
   bx lr                       @ return 

/******************************************************************/ /* binary search recursif */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains the value to search */ /* r1 contains the adress of table */ /* r2 contains the low index of elements */ /* r3 contains the high index of elements */ /* r0 return index or -1 if not find */ bSearchR:

   push {r2-r5,lr}                                  @ save registers
   cmp r3,r2                                        @ index high < low ?
   movlt r0,#-1                                     @ yes -> not found
   blt 100f
   add r4,r2,r3                                     @ compute (low + high) /2
   lsr r4,#1
   ldr r5,[r1,r4,lsl #2]                            @ load value of table at index r4
   cmp r5,r0
   moveq r0,r4                                      @ find !!!
   beq 100f 
   bgt 1f                                           @ bigger ?
   add r2,r4,#1                                     @ no new search with low = index + 1
   bl bSearchR
   b 100f

1: @ bigger

   sub r3,r4,#1                                     @ new search with high = index - 1
   bl bSearchR


   pop {r2-r5,lr}
   bx lr                                            @ return 

/******************************************************************/ /* display text with size calculation */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains the address of the message */ affichageMess:

   push {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr}                          @ save  registres
   mov r2,#0                                      @ counter length 

1: @ loop length calculation

   ldrb r1,[r0,r2]                                @ read octet start position + index 
   cmp r1,#0                                      @ if 0 its over 
   addne r2,r2,#1                                 @ else add 1 in the length 
   bne 1b                                         @ and loop 
                                                  @ so here r2 contains the length of the message 
   mov r1,r0                                      @ address message in r1 
   mov r0,#STDOUT                                 @ code to write to the standard output Linux 
   mov r7, #WRITE                                 @ code call system "write" 
   svc #0                                         @ call systeme 
   pop {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr}                           @ restaur des  2 registres
   bx lr                                          @ return  

/******************************************************************/ /* Converting a register to a decimal unsigned */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains value and r1 address area */ /* r0 return size of result (no zero final in area) */ /* area size => 11 bytes */ .equ LGZONECAL, 10 conversion10:

   push {r1-r4,lr}                                 @ save registers 
   mov r3,r1
   mov r2,#LGZONECAL

1: @ start loop

   bl divisionpar10U                               @unsigned  r0 <- dividende. quotient ->r0 reste -> r1
   add r1,#48                                      @ digit
   strb r1,[r3,r2]                                 @ store digit on area
   cmp r0,#0                                       @ stop if quotient = 0 
   subne r2,#1                                     @ else previous position
   bne 1b	                                    @ and loop
                                                   @ and move digit from left of area
   mov r4,#0


   ldrb r1,[r3,r2]
   strb r1,[r3,r4]
   add r2,#1
   add r4,#1
   cmp r2,#LGZONECAL
   ble 2b
                                                    @ and move spaces in end on area
   mov r0,r4                                        @ result length 
   mov r1,#' '                                      @ space


   strb r1,[r3,r4]                                  @ store space in area
   add r4,#1                                        @ next position
   cmp r4,#LGZONECAL
   ble 3b                                           @ loop if r4 <= area size


   pop {r1-r4,lr}                                   @ restaur registres 
   bx lr                                            @return

/***************************************************/ /* division par 10 unsigned */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 dividende */ /* r0 quotient */ /* r1 remainder */ divisionpar10U:

   push {r2,r3,r4, lr}
   mov r4,r0                                        @ save value
   //mov r3,#0xCCCD                                 @ r3 <- magic_number lower  raspberry 3
   //movt r3,#0xCCCC                                @ r3 <- magic_number higter raspberry 3
   ldr r3,iMagicNumber                              @ r3 <- magic_number    raspberry 1 2
   umull r1, r2, r3, r0                             @ r1<- Lower32Bits(r1*r0) r2<- Upper32Bits(r1*r0) 
   mov r0, r2, LSR #3                               @ r2 <- r2 >> shift 3
   add r2,r0,r0, lsl #2                             @ r2 <- r0 * 5 
   sub r1,r4,r2, lsl #1                             @ r1 <- r4 - (r2 * 2)  = r4 - (r0 * 10)
   pop {r2,r3,r4,lr}
   bx lr                                            @ leave function 

iMagicNumber: .int 0xCCCCCCCD



<lang rebol>binarySearch: function [arr,val,low,high][

   if high < low -> return ø
   mid: shr low+high 1
   case [val]
       when? [< arr\[mid]] -> return binarySearch arr val low mid-1
       when? [> arr\[mid]] -> return binarySearch arr val mid+1 high
       else                -> return mid


ary: [

   0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 26 45 67 
   78 90 98 123 211 234 456 769 
   865 2345 3215 14345 24324


loop [0 42 45 24324 99999] 'v [

   i: binarySearch ary v 0 (size ary)-1
   if? not? null? i    -> print ["found" v "at index:" i]
   else                -> print [v "not found"]


found 0 at index: 0 
42 not found 
found 45 at index: 10 
found 24324 at index: 24 
99999 not found


<lang AutoHotkey>array := "1,2,4,6,8,9" StringSplit, A, array, `,  ; creates associative array MsgBox % x := BinarySearch(A, 4, 1, A0) ; Recursive MsgBox % A%x% MsgBox % x := BinarySearchI(A, A0, 4)  ; Iterative MsgBox % A%x%

BinarySearch(A, value, low, high) { ; A0 contains length of array

 If (high < low)               ; A1, A2, A3...An are array elements
   Return not_found
 mid := Floor((low + high) / 2)
 If (A%mid% > value) ; A%mid% is automatically global since no such locals are present
   Return BinarySearch(A, value, low, mid - 1)
 Else If (A%mid% < value)
   Return BinarySearch(A, value, mid + 1, high)
   Return mid


BinarySearchI(A, lengthA, value) {

 low := 0
 high := lengthA - 1
 While (low <= high) {
   mid := Floor((low + high) / 2) ; round to lower integer
   If (A%mid% > value)   
     high := mid - 1
   Else If (A%mid% < value)
     low := mid + 1
     Return mid
 Return not_found



Works with: Gawk
Works with: Mawk
Works with: Nawk

Recursive <lang awk>function binary_search(array, value, left, right, middle) {

   if (right < left) return 0
   middle = int((right + left) / 2)
   if (value == array[middle]) return 1
   if (value <  array[middle])
       return binary_search(array, value, left, middle - 1)
   return binary_search(array, value, middle + 1, right)

}</lang> Iterative <lang awk>function binary_search(array, value, left, right, middle) {

   while (left <= right) {
       middle = int((right + left) / 2)
       if (value == array[middle]) return 1
       if (value <  array[middle]) right = middle - 1
       else                        left  = middle + 1
   return 0




BSEARCH takes 3 arguments: a pointer to the start of the data, the data to find, and the length of the array in bytes.

<lang axe>Lbl BSEARCH 0→L r₃-1→H While L≤H

If {L+M}>r₂
ElseIf {L+M}<r₂

End -1 Return</lang>



Works with: FreeBASIC
Works with: RapidQ

<lang freebasic>FUNCTION binary_search ( array() AS Integer, value AS Integer, lo AS Integer, hi AS Integer) AS Integer

 DIM middle AS Integer
 IF hi < lo THEN
   binary_search = 0
   middle = (hi + lo) / 2
   SELECT CASE value
     CASE IS < array(middle)

binary_search = binary_search(array(), value, lo, middle-1)

     CASE IS > array(middle)

binary_search = binary_search(array(), value, middle+1, hi)


binary_search = middle


END FUNCTION</lang> Iterative

Works with: FreeBASIC
Works with: RapidQ

<lang freebasic>FUNCTION binary_search ( array() AS Integer, value AS Integer, lo AS Integer, hi AS Integer) AS Integer

 DIM middle AS Integer
 WHILE lo <= hi
   middle = (hi + lo) / 2
   SELECT CASE value
     CASE IS < array(middle)

hi = middle - 1

     CASE IS > array(middle)

lo = middle + 1


binary_search = middle EXIT FUNCTION

 binary_search = 0

END FUNCTION</lang> Testing the function

The following program can be used to test both recursive and iterative version. <lang freebasic>SUB search (array() AS Integer, value AS Integer)

 DIM idx AS Integer
 idx = binary_search(array(), value, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array))
 PRINT "Value "; value;
 IF idx < 1 THEN
   PRINT " not found"
   PRINT " found at index "; idx


DIM test(1 TO 10) AS Integer DIM i AS Integer

DATA 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20 FOR i = 1 TO 10 ' Fill the test array

 READ test(i)


search test(), 4 search test(), 8 search test(), 20</lang> Output:

Value 4 not found
Value 8 found at index 5
Value 20 found at index 10


<lang bbcbasic> DIM array%(9)

     array%() = 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
     secret% = 42
     index% = FNwhere(array%(), secret%, 0, DIM(array%(),1))
     IF index% >= 0 THEN
       PRINT "The value "; secret% " was found at index "; index%
       PRINT "The value "; secret% " was not found"
     REM Search ordered array A%() for the value S% from index B% to T%
     DEF FNwhere(A%(), S%, B%, T%)
     LOCAL H%
     H% = 2
     WHILE H%<(T%-B%) H% *= 2:ENDWHILE
     H% /= 2
       IF (B%+H%)<=T% IF S%>=A%(B%+H%) B% += H%
       H% /= 2
     UNTIL H%=0
     IF S%=A%(B%) THEN = B% ELSE = -1</lang>


<lang freebasic>function binsearch( array() as integer, target as integer ) as integer

   'returns the index of the target number, or -1 if it is not in the array
   dim as uinteger lo = lbound(array), hi = ubound(array), md = (lo + hi)\2
   if array(lo) = target then return lo
   if array(hi) = target then return hi
   while lo + 1 < hi
       if array(md) = target then return md
       if array(md)<target then lo = md else hi = md
       md = (lo + hi)\2
   return -1

end function</lang>


<lang IS-BASIC>100 PROGRAM "Search.bas" 110 RANDOMIZE 120 NUMERIC ARR(1 TO 20) 130 CALL FILL(ARR) 140 PRINT:INPUT PROMPT "Value: ":N 150 LET IDX=SEARCH(ARR,N) 160 IF IDX THEN 170 PRINT "The value";N;"was found the index";IDX 180 ELSE 190 PRINT "The value";N;"was not found." 200 END IF 210 DEF FILL(REF T) 220 LET T(LBOUND(T))=RND(3):PRINT T(1); 230 FOR I=LBOUND(T)+1 TO UBOUND(T) 240 LET T(I)=T(I-1)+RND(3)+1 250 PRINT T(I); 260 NEXT 270 END DEF 280 DEF SEARCH(REF T,N) 290 LET SEARCH=0:LET BO=LBOUND(T):LET UP=UBOUND(T) 300 DO 310 LET K=INT((BO+UP)/2) 320 IF T(K)<N THEN LET BO=K+1 330 IF T(K)>N THEN LET UP=K-1 340 LOOP WHILE BO<=UP AND T(K)<>N 350 IF BO<=UP THEN LET SEARCH=K 360 END DEF</lang>

Batch File

<lang windowsnt> @echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

Binary Chop Algorithm - Michael Sanders 2017
example output...
binary chop algorithm vs. standard for loop
number to find 941
for loop required 941 iterations
binchop required 10 iterations
  set x=1
  set y=999
  set /a z=(%random% * (%y% - 1) / 32768 + 1)
  for /l %%q in (%x%,1,%y%) do set /a array[%%q]=%%q
  for /l %%q in (%x%,1,%y%) do (
     if !array[%%q]!==%z% (set f=%%q& goto :binchop)
  if !x! leq !y! (
     set /a i+=1
     set /a "p=(!x!+!y!)/2"
     call set /a t=%%array[!p!]%%
     if !t! equ !z! (set b=!i!& goto :done)
     if !t! lss !z! (set /a x=!p!+1) else (set /a y=!p!-1)
     goto :binchop
  echo binary chop algorithm vs. standard for loop...
  echo . number to find !z!
  echo . for loop required !f! iterations
  echo . binchop required !b! iterations
  endlocal & exit /b 0



BQN has two builtin functions for binary search: (Bins Up) and (Bins Down). This is a recursive method.

<lang bqn>BSearch ← {

 BS ⟨a, value⟩:
 BS ⟨a, value, 0, ¯1+≠a⟩;
 BS ⟨a, value, low, high⟩:
 mid ← ⌊2÷˜low+high
   high<low ? ¯1;
   (mid⊑a)>value ? BS ⟨a, value, low, mid-1⟩;
   (mid⊑a)<value ? BS ⟨a, value, mid+1, high⟩;


•Show BSearch ⟨8‿30‿35‿45‿49‿77‿79‿82‿87‿97, 97⟩</lang> <lang>9</lang>


<lang brat>binary_search = { search_array, value, low, high |

 true? high < low
   { null }
     mid = ((low + high) / 2).to_i
     true? search_array[mid] > value
       { binary_search search_array, value, low, mid - 1 }

{ true? search_array[mid] < value { binary_search search_array, value, mid + 1, high } { mid }



  1. Populate array

numbers = 1000.of { random 1000 }

  1. Sort the array


  1. Find a number

x = random 1000

p "Looking for #{x}"

index = binary_search numbers, x, 0, numbers.length - 1

null? index { p "Not found" } { p "Found at index: #{index}" }</lang>


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int bsearch (int *a, int n, int x) {

   int i = 0, j = n - 1;
   while (i <= j) {
       int k = i + ((j - i) / 2);
       if (a[k] == x) {
           return k;
       else if (a[k] < x) {
           i = k + 1;
       else {
           j = k - 1;
   return -1;


int bsearch_r (int *a, int x, int i, int j) {

   if (j < i) {
       return -1;
   int k = i + ((j - i) / 2);
   if (a[k] == x) {
       return k;
   else if (a[k] < x) {
       return bsearch_r(a, x, k + 1, j);
   else {
       return bsearch_r(a, x, i, k - 1);


int main () {

   int a[] = {-31, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 65, 83, 99, 782};
   int n = sizeof a / sizeof a[0];
   int x = 2;
   int i = bsearch(a, n, x);
   printf("%d is at index %d\n", x, i);
   x = 5;
   i = bsearch_r(a, x, 0, n - 1);
   printf("%d is at index %d\n", x, i);
   return 0;

} </lang>

2 is at index 4
5 is at index -1


Recursive <lang csharp>namespace Search {

 using System;
 public static partial class Extensions {
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of GLB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of GLB for value</returns>
   public static int RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB<T>(this T[] entries, T value)
     where T : IComparable {
     return entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB(value, 0, entries.Length - 1);
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of GLB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <param name="left">leftmost index to search</param>
   /// <param name="right">rightmost index to search</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of GLB for value</returns>
   public static int RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB<T>(this T[] entries, T value, int left, int right)
     where T : IComparable {
     if (left <= right) {
       var middle = left + (right - left) / 2;
       return entries[middle].CompareTo(value) < 0 ?
         entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB(value, middle + 1, right) :
         entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB(value, left, middle - 1);
     //[Assert]left == right + 1
     // GLB: entries[right] < value && value <= entries[right + 1]
     return right;
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of LUB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of LUB for value</returns>
   public static int RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB<T>(this T[] entries, T value)
     where T : IComparable {
     return entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB(value, 0, entries.Length - 1);
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of LUB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <param name="left">leftmost index to search</param>
   /// <param name="right">rightmost index to search</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of LUB for value</returns>
   public static int RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB<T>(this T[] entries, T value, int left, int right)
     where T : IComparable {
     if (left <= right) {
       var middle = left + (right - left) / 2;
       return entries[middle].CompareTo(value) <= 0 ?
         entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB(value, middle + 1, right) :
         entries.RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB(value, left, middle - 1);
     //[Assert]left == right + 1
     // LUB: entries[left] > value && value >= entries[left - 1]
     return left;

}</lang> Iterative <lang csharp>namespace Search {

 using System;
 public static partial class Extensions {
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of GLB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of GLB for value</returns>
   public static int BinarySearchForGLB<T>(this T[] entries, T value)
     where T : IComparable {
     return entries.BinarySearchForGLB(value, 0, entries.Length - 1);
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of GLB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <param name="left">leftmost index to search</param>
   /// <param name="right">rightmost index to search</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of GLB for value</returns>
   public static int BinarySearchForGLB<T>(this T[] entries, T value, int left, int right)
     where T : IComparable {
     while (left <= right) {
       var middle = left + (right - left) / 2;
       if (entries[middle].CompareTo(value) < 0)
         left = middle + 1;
         right = middle - 1;
     //[Assert]left == right + 1
     // GLB: entries[right] < value && value <= entries[right + 1]
     return right;
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of LUB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of LUB for value</returns>
   public static int BinarySearchForLUB<T>(this T[] entries, T value)
     where T : IComparable {
     return entries.BinarySearchForLUB(value, 0, entries.Length - 1);
   /// <summary>Use Binary Search to find index of LUB for value</summary>
   /// <typeparam name="T">type of entries and value</typeparam>
   /// <param name="entries">array of entries</param>
   /// <param name="value">search value</param>
   /// <param name="left">leftmost index to search</param>
   /// <param name="right">rightmost index to search</param>
   /// <remarks>entries must be in ascending order</remarks>
   /// <returns>index into entries of LUB for value</returns>
   public static int BinarySearchForLUB<T>(this T[] entries, T value, int left, int right)
     where T : IComparable {
     while (left <= right) {
       var middle = left + (right - left) / 2;
       if (entries[middle].CompareTo(value) <= 0)
         left = middle + 1;
         right = middle - 1;
     //[Assert]left == right + 1
     // LUB: entries[left] > value && value >= entries[left - 1]
     return left;

}</lang> Example <lang csharp>//#define UseRecursiveSearch

using System; using Search;

class Program {

 static readonly int[][] tests = {
   new int[] { },
   new int[] { 2 },
   new int[] { 2, 2 },
   new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 },
   new int[] { 3, 3, 4, 4 },
   new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
   new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4},
   new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
   new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
   new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
   new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
 static void Main(string[] args) {
   var index = 0;
   foreach (var test in tests) {
     var join = String.Join(" ", test);
     Console.WriteLine($"test[{index}]: {join}");
  1. if UseRecursiveSearch
     var glb = test.RecursiveBinarySearchForGLB(2);
     var lub = test.RecursiveBinarySearchForLUB(2);
  1. else
     var glb = test.BinarySearchForGLB(2);
     var lub = test.BinarySearchForLUB(2);
  1. endif
     Console.WriteLine($"glb = {glb}");
     Console.WriteLine($"lub = {lub}");
  1. if DEBUG
   Console.Write("Press Enter");
  1. endif



glb = -1
lub = 0
test[1]: 2
glb = -1
lub = 1
test[2]: 2 2
glb = -1
lub = 2
test[3]: 2 2 2 2
glb = -1
lub = 4
test[4]: 3 3 4 4
glb = -1
lub = 0
test[5]: 0 1 3 3 4 4
glb = 1
lub = 2
test[6]: 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
glb = 1
lub = 5
test[7]: 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
glb = 2
lub = 6
test[8]: 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
glb = 4
lub = 7
test[9]: 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
glb = 4
lub = 12
test[10]: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
glb = 13
lub = 21


Recursive <lang cpp> template <class T> int binsearch(const T array[], int low, int high, T value) {

   if (high < low) {
       return -1;
   auto mid = (low + high) / 2;
   if (value < array[mid]) {
       return binsearch(array, low, mid - 1, value);
   } else if (value > array[mid]) {
       return binsearch(array, mid + 1, high, value);
   return mid;


  1. include <iostream>

int main() {

 int array[] = {2, 3, 5, 6, 8};
 int result1 = binsearch(array, 0, sizeof(array)/sizeof(int), 4),
     result2 = binsearch(array, 0, sizeof(array)/sizeof(int), 8);
 if (result1 == -1) std::cout << "4 not found!" << std::endl;
 else std::cout << "4 found at " << result1 << std::endl;
 if (result2 == -1) std::cout << "8 not found!" << std::endl;
 else std::cout << "8 found at " << result2 << std::endl;
 return 0;

}</lang> Iterative <lang cpp>template <class T> int binSearch(const T arr[], int len, T what) {

 int low = 0;
 int high = len - 1;
 while (low <= high) {
   int mid = (low + high) / 2;
   if (arr[mid] > what)
     high = mid - 1;
   else if (arr[mid] < what)
     low = mid + 1;
     return mid;
 return -1; // indicate not found 

}</lang> Library C++'s Standard Template Library has four functions for binary search, depending on what information you want to get. They all need<lang cpp>#include <algorithm></lang>

The lower_bound() function returns an iterator to the first position where a value could be inserted without violating the order; i.e. the first element equal to the element you want, or the place where it would be inserted. <lang cpp>int *ptr = std::lower_bound(array, array+len, what); // a custom comparator can be given as fourth arg</lang>

The upper_bound() function returns an iterator to the last position where a value could be inserted without violating the order; i.e. one past the last element equal to the element you want, or the place where it would be inserted. <lang cpp>int *ptr = std::upper_bound(array, array+len, what); // a custom comparator can be given as fourth arg</lang>

The equal_range() function returns a pair of the results of lower_bound() and upper_bound(). <lang cpp>std::pair<int *, int *> bounds = std::equal_range(array, array+len, what); // a custom comparator can be given as fourth arg</lang> Note that the difference between the bounds is the number of elements equal to the element you want.

The binary_search() function returns true or false for whether an element equal to the one you want exists in the array. It does not give you any information as to where it is. <lang cpp>bool found = std::binary_search(array, array+len, what); // a custom comparator can be given as fourth arg</lang>


iterative -- almost a direct translation of the pseudocode <lang chapel>proc binsearch(A:[], value) {

       var low = A.domain.dim(1).low;
       var high = A.domain.dim(1).high;
       while (low <= high) {
               var mid = (low + high) / 2;
               if A(mid) > value then
                       high = mid - 1;
               else if A(mid) < value then
                       low = mid + 1;
                       return mid;
       return 0;


writeln(binsearch([3, 4, 6, 9, 11], 9));</lang>



Recursive <lang clojure>(defn bsearch

 ([coll t]
   (bsearch coll 0 (dec (count coll)) t))
 ([coll l u t]
   (if (> l u) -1
     (let [m (quot (+ l u) 2) mth (nth coll m)]
         ; the middle element is greater than t
         ; so search the lower half
         (> mth t) (recur coll l (dec m) t)
         ; the middle element is less than t
         ; so search the upper half
         (< mth t) (recur coll (inc m) u t)
         ; we've found our target
         ; so return its index
         (= mth t) m)))))</lang>


<lang clu>% Binary search in an array % If the item is found, returns `true' and the index; % if the item is not found, returns `false' and the leftmost insertion point % The datatype must support the < and > operators. binary_search = proc [T: type] (a: array[T], val: T) returns (bool, int)

               where T has lt: proctype (T,T) returns (bool),
                     T has gt: proctype (T,T) returns (bool)
   low: int := array[T]$low(a)
   high: int := array[T]$high(a)
   while low <= high do
       mid: int := low + (high - low) / 2
       if a[mid] > val then 
           high := mid - 1
       elseif a[mid] < val then 
           low := mid + 1
           return (true, mid)
   return (false, low)

end binary_search

% Test the binary search on an array start_up = proc ()

   po: stream := stream$primary_output()
   % primes up to 20 (note that arrays are 1-indexed by default)
   primes: array[int] := array[int]$[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19]
   % binary search for each number from 1 to 20
   for n: int in int$from_to(1,20) do
       i: int
       found: bool
       found, i := binary_search[int](primes, n)
       if found then
           stream$putl(po, int$unparse(n) 
                           || " found at location " 
                           || int$unparse(i));
           stream$putl(po, int$unparse(n) 
                           || " not found, would be inserted at location "
                           || int$unparse(i));

end start_up</lang>

1 not found, would be inserted at location 1
2 found at location 1
3 found at location 2
4 not found, would be inserted at location 3
5 found at location 3
6 not found, would be inserted at location 4
7 found at location 4
8 not found, would be inserted at location 5
9 not found, would be inserted at location 5
10 not found, would be inserted at location 5
11 found at location 5
12 not found, would be inserted at location 6
13 found at location 6
14 not found, would be inserted at location 7
15 not found, would be inserted at location 7
16 not found, would be inserted at location 7
17 found at location 7
18 not found, would be inserted at location 8
19 found at location 8
20 not found, would be inserted at location 9


COBOL's SEARCH ALL statement is implemented as a binary search on most implementations. <lang cobol> >>SOURCE FREE IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. binary-search.

DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 nums-area VALUE "01040612184356".

   03  nums                            PIC 9(2)
                                       OCCURS 7 TIMES
                                       ASCENDING KEY nums
                                       INDEXED BY nums-idx.


   SEARCH ALL nums
       WHEN nums (nums-idx) = 4
           DISPLAY "Found 4 at index " nums-idx

END PROGRAM binary-search.</lang>


Recursive <lang coffeescript>binarySearch = (xs, x) ->

 do recurse = (low = 0, high = xs.length - 1) ->
   mid = Math.floor (low + high) / 2
     when high < low then NaN
     when xs[mid] > x then recurse low, mid - 1
     when xs[mid] < x then recurse mid + 1, high
     else mid</lang>

Iterative <lang coffeescript>binarySearch = (xs, x) ->

 [low, high] = [0, xs.length - 1]
 while low <= high
   mid = Math.floor (low + high) / 2
     when xs[mid] > x then high = mid - 1
     when xs[mid] < x then low = mid + 1
     else return mid

Test <lang coffeescript>do (n = 12) ->

 odds = (it for it in [1..n] by 2)
 result = (it for it in \
   (binarySearch odds, it for it in [0..n]) \
   when not isNaN it)
 console.assert "#{result}" is "#{[0...odds.length]}"
 console.log "#{odds} are odd natural numbers"
 console.log "#{it} is ordinal of #{odds[it]}" for it in result</lang>


1,3,5,7,9,11 are odd natural numbers"
0 is ordinal of 1
1 is ordinal of 3
2 is ordinal of 5
3 is ordinal of 7
4 is ordinal of 9
5 is ordinal of 11

Common Lisp

Iterative <lang lisp>(defun binary-search (value array)

 (let ((low 0)
       (high (1- (length array))))
   (do () ((< high low) nil)
     (let ((middle (floor (+ low high) 2)))
       (cond ((> (aref array middle) value)
              (setf high (1- middle)))
             ((< (aref array middle) value)
              (setf low (1+ middle)))
             (t (return middle)))))))</lang>

Recursive <lang lisp>(defun binary-search (value array &optional (low 0) (high (1- (length array))))

 (if (< high low)
     (let ((middle (floor (+ low high) 2)))
       (cond ((> (aref array middle) value)
              (binary-search value array low (1- middle)))
             ((< (aref array middle) value)
              (binary-search value array (1+ middle) high))
             (t middle)))))</lang>


Recursive <lang ruby>class Array

 def binary_search(val, low = 0, high = (size - 1))
   return nil if high < low
   #mid = (low + high) >> 1
   mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1)
   case val <=> self[mid]
     when -1
       binary_search(val, low, mid - 1)
     when 1
       binary_search(val, mid + 1, high)
     else mid


ary = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324]

[0, 42, 45, 24324, 99999].each do |val|

 i = ary.binary_search(val)
 if i
   puts "found #{val} at index #{i}: #{ary[i]}"
   puts "#{val} not found in array"

end</lang> Iterative <lang ruby>class Array

 def binary_search_iterative(val)
   low, high = 0, size - 1
   while low <= high
     #mid = (low + high) >> 1
     mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1)
     case val <=> self[mid]
       when 1
         low = mid + 1
       when -1
         high = mid - 1
         return mid


ary = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324]

[0, 42, 45, 24324, 99999].each do |val|

 i = ary.binary_search_iterative(val)
 if i
   puts "found #{val} at index #{i}: #{ary[i]}"
   puts "#{val} not found in array"


found 0 at index 0: 0
42 not found in array
found 45 at index 10: 45
found 24324 at index 24: 24324
99999 not found in array


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.array, std.range, std.traits;

/// Recursive. bool binarySearch(R, T)(/*in*/ R data, in T x) pure nothrow @nogc if (isRandomAccessRange!R && is(Unqual!T == Unqual!(ElementType!R))) {

   if (data.empty)
       return false;
   immutable i = data.length / 2;
   immutable mid = data[i];
   if (mid > x)
       return data[0 .. i].binarySearch(x);
   if (mid < x)
       return data[i + 1 .. $].binarySearch(x);
   return true;


/// Iterative. bool binarySearchIt(R, T)(/*in*/ R data, in T x) pure nothrow @nogc if (isRandomAccessRange!R && is(Unqual!T == Unqual!(ElementType!R))) {

   while (!data.empty) {
       immutable i = data.length / 2;
       immutable mid = data[i];
       if (mid > x)
           data = data[0 .. i];
       else if (mid < x)
           data = data[i + 1 .. $];
           return true;
   return false;


void main() {

   /*const*/ auto items = [2, 4, 6, 8, 9].assumeSorted;
   foreach (const x; [1, 8, 10, 9, 5, 2])
       writefln("%2d %5s %5s %5s", x,
                // Standard Binary Search:


 1 false false false
 8  true  true  true
10 false false false
 9  true  true  true
 5 false false false
 2  true  true  true


See #Pascal.


<lang e>/** Returns null if the value is not found. */ def binarySearch(collection, value) {

   var low := 0
   var high := collection.size() - 1
   while (low <= high) {
       def mid := (low + high) // 2
       def comparison := value.op__cmp(collection[mid])
       if      (comparison.belowZero()) { high := mid - 1 } \
       else if (comparison.aboveZero()) { low := mid + 1 }  \
       else if (comparison.isZero())    { return mid }      \
       else                             { throw("You expect me to binary search with a partial order?") }
   return null



<lang>func bin_search val . a[] res .

 low = 0
 high = len a[] - 1
 res = -1
 while low <= high and res = -1
   mid = (low + high) div 2
   if a[mid] > val
     high = mid - 1
   elif a[mid] < val
     low = mid + 1
     res = mid

. a[] = [ 2 4 6 8 9 ] call bin_search 8 a[] r print r</lang>


The following solution is based on the one described in: C. A. Furia, B. Meyer, and S. Velder. Loop Invariants: Analysis, Classification, and Examples. ACM Computing Surveys, 46(3), Article 34, January 2014. (Also available at It includes detailed loop invariants and pre- and postconditions, which make the running time linear (instead of logarithmic) when full contract checking is enabled.

<lang Eiffel>class APPLICATION

create make

feature {NONE} -- Initialization

make local a: ARRAY [INTEGER] keys: ARRAY [INTEGER] do a := <<0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 26, 45, 67, 78, 90, 98, 123, 211, 234, 456, 769, 865, 2345, 3215, 14345, 24324>> keys := <<0, 42, 45, 24324, 99999>> across keys as k loop if has_binary (a, k.item) then print ("The array has an element " + k.item.out) else print ("The array has NOT an element " + k.item.out) end print ("%N") end end

feature -- Search

has_binary (a: ARRAY [INTEGER]; key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does `a[a.lower..a.upper]' include an element `key'? require is_sorted (a, a.lower, a.upper) local i: INTEGER do i := where_binary (a, key) if a.lower <= i and i <= a.upper then Result := True else Result := False end end

where_binary (a: ARRAY [INTEGER]; key: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The index of an element `key' within `a[a.lower..a.upper]' if it exists. -- Otherwise an integer outside `[a.lower..a.upper]' require is_sorted (a, a.lower, a.upper) do Result := where_binary_range (a, key, a.lower, a.upper) end

where_binary_range (a: ARRAY [INTEGER]; key: INTEGER; low, high: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The index of an element `key' within `a[low..high]' if it exists. -- Otherwise an integer outside `[low..high]' note source: "" require is_sorted (a, low, high) local i, j, mid: INTEGER do if low > high then Result := low - 1 else from i := low j := high mid := low Result := low - 1 invariant low <= i and i <= mid + 1 low <= mid and mid <= j and j <= high i <= j has (a, key, i, j) = has (a, key, low, high) until i >= j loop mid := i + (j - i) // 2 if a [mid] < key then i := mid + 1 else j := mid end variant j - i end if a [i] = key then Result := i end end ensure low <= Result and Result <= high implies a [Result] = key Result < low or Result > high implies not has (a, key, low, high) end

feature -- Implementation

is_sorted (a: ARRAY [INTEGER]; low, high: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a[low..high]' sorted in nondecreasing order? require a.lower <= low high <= a.upper do Result := across low |..| (high - 1) as i all a [i.item] <= a [i.item + 1] end end

has (a: ARRAY [INTEGER]; key: INTEGER; low, high: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is there an element `key' in `a[low..high]'? require a.lower <= low high <= a.upper do Result := across low |..| high as i some a [i.item] = key end end



<lang elixir>defmodule Binary do

 def search(list, value), do: search(List.to_tuple(list), value, 0, length(list)-1)
 def search(_tuple, _value, low, high) when high < low, do: :not_found
 def search(tuple, value, low, high) do
   mid = div(low + high, 2)
   midval = elem(tuple, mid)
   cond do
     value <  midval -> search(tuple, value, low, mid-1)
     value >  midval -> search(tuple, value, mid+1, high)
     value == midval -> mid 


list = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324] Enum.each([0,42,45,24324,99999], fn val ->

 case, val) do
   :not_found -> IO.puts "#{val} not found in list"
   index      -> IO.puts "found #{val} at index #{index}"


found 0 at index 0
42 not found in list
found 45 at index 10
found 24324 at index 24
99999 not found in list

Emacs Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun binary-search (value array)

 (let ((low 0)
       (high (1- (length array))))
   (cl-do () ((< high low) nil)
     (let ((middle (floor (+ low high) 2)))
       (cond ((> (aref array middle) value)
              (setf high (1- middle)))
             ((< (aref array middle) value)
              (setf low (1+ middle)))
             (t (cl-return middle)))))))</lang>


<lang Erlang>%% Task: Binary Search algorithm %% Author: Abhay Jain

-module(searching_algorithm). -export([start/0]).

start() ->

   List = [1,2,3],
   binary_search(List, 5, 1, length(List)).

binary_search(List, Value, Low, High) ->

   if Low > High ->
       io:format("Number ~p not found~n", [Value]),
      true ->
       Mid = (Low + High) div 2,
       MidNum = lists:nth(Mid, List),
       if MidNum > Value ->
           binary_search(List, Value, Low, Mid-1);
          MidNum < Value ->
           binary_search(List, Value, Mid+1, High);
          true ->
           io:format("Number ~p found at index ~p", [Value, Mid]),



<lang euphoria>function binary_search(sequence s, object val, integer low, integer high)

   integer mid, cmp
   if high < low then
       return 0 -- not found
       mid = floor( (low + high) / 2 )
       cmp = compare(s[mid], val)
       if  cmp > 0 then
           return binary_search(s, val, low, mid-1)
       elsif cmp < 0 then
           return binary_search(s, val, mid+1, high)
           return mid
       end if
   end if

end function</lang>


<lang euphoria>function binary_search(sequence s, object val)

   integer low, high, mid, cmp
   low = 1
   high = length(s)
   while low <= high do
       mid = floor( (low + high) / 2 )
       cmp = compare(s[mid], val)
       if cmp > 0 then
           high = mid - 1
       elsif cmp < 0 then
           low = mid + 1
           return mid
       end if
   end while
   return 0 -- not found

end function</lang>


Generic recursive version, using #light syntax: <lang fsharp>let rec binarySearch (myArray:array<IComparable>, low:int, high:int, value:IComparable) =

   if (high < low) then
       let mid = (low + high) / 2
       if (myArray.[mid] > value) then
           binarySearch (myArray, low, mid-1, value)
       else if (myArray.[mid] < value) then
           binarySearch (myArray, mid+1, high, value)


Factor already includes a binary search in its standard library. The following code offers an interface compatible with the requirement of this task, and returns either the index of the element if it has been found or f otherwise. <lang factor>USING: binary-search kernel math.order ;

binary-search ( seq elt -- index/f )
   [ [ <=> ] curry search ] keep = [ drop f ] unless ;</lang>


FBSL has built-in QuickSort() and BSearch() functions: <lang qbasic>#APPTYPE CONSOLE

DIM va[], sign = {1, -1}, toggle

PRINT "Loading ... "; DIM gtc = GetTickCount() FOR DIM i = 0 TO 1000000 va[] = sign[toggle] * PI * i toggle = NOT toggle ' randomize the array NEXT PRINT "done in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"

PRINT "Sorting ... "; gtc = GetTickCount() QUICKSORT(va) ' quick sort the array PRINT "done in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"

gtc = GetTickCount() PRINT 1000000 * PI, " found at index ", BSEARCH(va, 1000000 * PI), _ ' binary search through the array " in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"



Loading ... done in 906 milliseconds
Sorting ... done in 547 milliseconds
3141592.65358979 found at index 1000000 in 0 milliseconds

Press any key to continue...

User-defined implementations of the same would be considerably slower. Nonetheless, here they are in order to comply with the task requirements.

Iterative: <lang qbasic>#APPTYPE CONSOLE

DIM va[]

PRINT "Loading ... "; DIM gtc = GetTickCount() FOR DIM i = 0 TO 1000000: va[] = i * PI: NEXT PRINT "done in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"

gtc = GetTickCount() PRINT 1000000 * PI, " found at index ", BSearchIter(va, 1000000 * PI), _ " in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"


FUNCTION BSearchIter(BYVAL array, BYVAL num) STATIC low = LBOUND(va), high = UBOUND(va) WHILE low <= high DIM midp = (high + low) \ 2 IF array[midp] > num THEN high = midp - 1 ELSEIF array[midp] < num THEN low = midp + 1 ELSE RETURN midp END IF WEND RETURN -1 END FUNCTION</lang>


Loading ... done in 391 milliseconds
3141592.65358979 found at index 1000000 in 62 milliseconds

Press any key to continue...

Recursive: <lang qbasic>#APPTYPE CONSOLE

DIM va[]

PRINT "Loading ... "; DIM gtc = GetTickCount() FOR DIM i = 0 TO 1000000: va[] = i * PI: NEXT PRINT "done in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"

gtc = GetTickCount() PRINT 1000000 * PI, " found at index ", BSearchRec(va, 1000000 * PI, LBOUND(va), UBOUND(va)), _ " in ", GetTickCount() - gtc, " milliseconds"


FUNCTION BSearchRec(BYVAL array, BYVAL num, BYVAL low, BYVAL high) IF high < low THEN RETURN -1 DIM midp = (high + low) \ 2 IF array[midp] > num THEN RETURN BSearchRec(array, num, low, midp - 1) ELSEIF array[midp] < num THEN RETURN BSearchRec(array, num, midp + 1, high) END IF RETURN midp END FUNCTION</lang>


Loading ... done in 390 milliseconds
3141592.65358979 found at index 1000000 in 938 milliseconds

Press any key to continue...


This version is designed for maintaining a sorted array. If the item is not found, then then location returned is the proper insertion point for the item. This could be used in an optimized Insertion sort, for example. <lang forth>defer (compare) ' - is (compare) \ default to numbers

cstr-compare ( cstr1 cstr2 -- <=> ) \ counted strings
 swap count rot count compare ;
mid ( u l -- mid ) tuck - 2/ -cell and + ;
bsearch ( item upper lower -- where found? )
 rot >r
 begin  2dup >
 while  2dup mid
        dup @ r@ (compare)
 while  0<
        if   nip cell+   ( upper mid+1 )
        else rot drop swap ( mid lower )
 repeat drop nip nip             true
 else   max ( insertion-point ) false
 r> drop ;

create test 2 , 4 , 6 , 9 , 11 , 99 ,

probe ( n -- ) test 5 cells bounds bsearch . @ . cr ;

1 probe \ 0 2 2 probe \ -1 2 3 probe \ 0 4 10 probe \ 0 11 11 probe \ -1 11 12 probe \ 0 99</lang>


Recursive In ISO Fortran 90 or later use a RECURSIVE function and ARRAY SECTION argument: <lang fortran>recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)

   real, intent(in) :: a(:), value
   integer          :: bsresult, mid
   mid = size(a)/2 + 1
   if (size(a) == 0) then
       bsresult = 0        ! not found
   else if (a(mid) > value) then
       bsresult= binarySearch_R(a(:mid-1), value)
   else if (a(mid) < value) then
       bsresult = binarySearch_R(a(mid+1:), value)
       if (bsresult /= 0) then
           bsresult = mid + bsresult
       end if
       bsresult = mid      ! SUCCESS!!
   end if

end function binarySearch_R</lang> Iterative
In ISO Fortran 90 or later use an ARRAY SECTION POINTER: <lang fortran>function binarySearch_I (a, value)

   integer                  :: binarySearch_I
   real, intent(in), target :: a(:)
   real, intent(in)         :: value
   real, pointer            :: p(:)
   integer                  :: mid, offset
   p => a
   binarySearch_I = 0
   offset = 0
   do while (size(p) > 0)
       mid = size(p)/2 + 1
       if (p(mid) > value) then
           p => p(:mid-1)
       else if (p(mid) < value) then
           offset = offset + mid
           p => p(mid+1:)
           binarySearch_I = offset + mid    ! SUCCESS!!
       end if
   end do

end function binarySearch_I</lang>

Iterative, exclusive bounds, three-way test.

This has the array indexed from 1 to N, and the "not found" return code is zero or negative. Changing the search to be for A(first:last) is trivial, but the "not-found" return protocol would require adjustment, as when starting the array indexing at zero. Aside from the "not found" report, The variables used in the search must be able to hold the values first - 1 and last + 1 so for example with sixteen-bit two's complement integers the maximum value for last is 32766, not 32767.

Depending on the version of Fortran the compiler supports, the specification of the array parameter may vary, as A(1) or A(*) or A(:), and in the latter case, parameter N could be omitted because the size of an array parameter may be ascertained via the SIZE function. For the more advanced fortrans, declaring the parameters to be INTENT(IN) may help, as despite passing arrays "by reference" being the norm, the newer compilers may generate copy-in, copy-out code, vitiating the whole point of using a fast binary search instead of a slow linear search. In this case, INTENT(IN) will at least prevent the copy-back. In such a situation however, preparing in-line code may be the better move: fortunately, there is not a lot of code involved. There is no point in using an explicitly recursive version (even though the same actions may result during execution) because of the overhead of parameter passing and procedure entry/exit.

Later compilers offer features allowing the development of "generic" functions so that the same function name may be used yet the actual routine invoked will be selected according to how the parameters are integers or floating-point, and of different precisions. There would still need to be a version of the function for each type combination, each with its own name. Unfortunately, there is no three-way comparison test for character data.

The use of "exclusive" bounds simplifies the adjustment of the bounds: the appropriate bound simply receives the value of P, there is no + 1 or - 1 adjustment at every step; similarly, the determination of an empty span is easy, and avoiding the risk of integer overflow via (L + R)/2 is achieved at the same time. The "inclusive" bounds version by contrast requires two manipulations of L and R at every step - once to see if the span is empty, and a second time to locate the index to test.

<lang Fortran> INTEGER FUNCTION FINDI(X,A,N) !Binary chopper. Find i such that X = A(i) Careful: it is surprisingly difficult to make this neat, due to vexations when N = 0 or 1.

      REAL X,A(*)		!Where is X in array A(1:N)?
      INTEGER N		!The count.
      INTEGER L,R,P		!Fingers.
       L = 0			!Establish outer bounds, to search A(L+1:R-1).
       R = N + 1		!L = first - 1; R = last + 1.
   1   P = (R - L)/2		!Probe point. Beware INTEGER overflow with (L + R)/2.
       IF (P.LE.0) GO TO 5	!Aha! Nowhere!! The span is empty.
       P = P + L		!Convert an offset from L to an array index.
       IF (X - A(P)) 3,4,2	!Compare to the probe point.
   2   L = P			!A(P) < X. Shift the left bound up: X follows A(P).
       GO TO 1			!Another chop.
   3   R = P			!X < A(P). Shift the right bound down: X precedes A(P).
       GO TO 1			!Try again.
   4   FINDI = P		!A(P) = X. So, X is found, here!
      RETURN			!Done.

Curse it!

   5   FINDI = -L		!X is not found. Insert it at L + 1, i.e. at A(1 - FINDI).
     END FUNCTION FINDI	!A's values need not be all different, merely in order. </lang>


Imagine a test array containing the even numbers: 2,4,6,8. A count could be kept of the number of probes required to find each of those four values, and likewise with a search for the odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9 that would probe all the places where a value might be not found. Plot the average number of probes for the two cases, plus the maximum number of probes for any case, and then repeat for another number of elements to search. With only one element in the array to be searched, all values are the same: one probe.

An alternative version

<lang Fortran> INTEGER FUNCTION FINDI(X,A,N) !Binary chopper. Find i such that X = A(i) Careful: it is surprisingly difficult to make this neat, due to vexations when N = 0 or 1.

      REAL X,A(*)		!Where is X in array A(1:N)?
      INTEGER N		!The count.
      INTEGER L,R,P		!Fingers.
       L = 0			!Establish outer bounds, to search A(L+1:R-1).
       R = N + 1		!L = first - 1; R = last + 1.
       GO TO 1			!Hop to it.
   2   L = P			!A(P) < X. Shift the left bound up: X follows A(P).
   1   P = (R - L)/2		!Probe point. Beware INTEGER overflow with (L + R)/2.
       IF (P.LE.0) GO TO 5	!Aha! Nowhere!! The span is empty.
       P = P + L		!Convert an offset from L to an array index.
       IF (X - A(P)) 3,4,2	!Compare to the probe point.
   3   R = P			!X < A(P). Shift the right bound down: X precedes A(P).
       GO TO 1			!Try again.
   4   FINDI = P		!A(P) = X. So, X is found, here!
      RETURN			!Done.

Curse it!

   5   FINDI = -L		!X is not found. Insert it at L + 1, i.e. at A(1 - FINDI).
     END FUNCTION FINDI	!A's values need not be all different, merely in order. </lang>

The point of this is that the IF-test is going to initiate some jumps, so why not arrange that one of the bound adjustments needs no subsequent jump to the start of the next iteration - in the first version, both bound adjustments needed such a jump, the GO TO 1 statements. This was done by shifting the code for label 2 up to precede the code for label 1 - and removing its now pointless GO TO 1 (executed each time), but adding an initial GO TO 1, executed once only. This sort of change is routine when manipulating spaghetti code...

It is because the method involves such a small amount of effort per iteration that minor changes offer a significant benefit. A lot depends on the implementation of the three-way test: the hope is that after the comparison, the computer hardware has indicators set for various outcomes, so that the necessary conditional branches can be made through successive inspection of those indicators, rather than repeating the comparison. These branch tests may in turn be made in an order that notes which option (if any) involves "falling through" to the next statement, thus it may be better to swap the order of labels 3 and 4. Further, the compiler may itself choose to re-order the various code pieces. First Fortran (in 1958) had a FREQUENCY statement whereby the programmer could indicate which paths were the more likely - for the binary search, equality is the less likely discovery. An assembler version of this routine attended to all these details.

Some compilers do not produce machine code directly, but instead translate the source code into another language which is then compiled, and a common choice for that is C. This is all very well, but C is one of the many languages that do not have a three-way test option and so cannot represent Fortran's three-way IF statement directly. Before emitting asservations of faith that pseudocode such as

 if expression > 0 then optionP
  else if expression < 0 then optionN
   else optionZ;

will be recognised by the most excellent compiler producing only one comparison, note that the two expressions are not the same (one has <, the other >), and test what happens with pseudocode such as

 if X > 0 then print "Positive"
  else if X > 0 then print "Still positive";

That is, does the compiler make any remark, and does the resulting machine code contain a redundant test? However, despite all the above, the three-way IF statement has been declared deprecated in later versions of Fortran, with no alternative to repeated testing offered.

Incidentally, the exclusive-bounds version leads to a good version of the interpolation search (whereby the probe position is interpolated, not just in the middle of the span), unlike the version based on inclusive-bounds. Further, the unsourced offering in Wikipedia contains a bug - try searching an array of two equal elements for that value.


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Futhark's syntax has changed, so this example will not compile

Straightforward translation of imperative iterative algorithm.

<lang Futhark> fun main(as: [n]int, value: int): int =

 let low = 0
 let high = n-1
 loop ((low,high)) = while low <= high do
   -- invariants: value > as[i] for all i < low
   --             value < as[i] for all i > high
   let mid = (low+high) / 2
   in if as[mid] > value
      then (low, mid - 1)
      else if as[mid] < value
      then (mid + 1, high)
      else (mid, mid-1) -- Force termination.
 in low



<lang gap>Find := function(v, x)

 local low, high, mid;
 low := 1;
 high := Length(v);
 while low <= high do
   mid := QuoInt(low + high, 2);
   if v[mid] > x then
     high := mid - 1;
   elif v[mid] < x then
     low := mid + 1;
     return mid;
 return fail;


u := [1..10]*7;

  1. [ 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70 ]

Find(u, 34);

  1. fail

Find(u, 35);

  1. 5</lang>


Recursive: <lang go>func binarySearch(a []float64, value float64, low int, high int) int {

   if high < low {
       return -1
   mid := (low + high) / 2
   if a[mid] > value {
       return binarySearch(a, value, low, mid-1)
   } else if a[mid] < value {
       return binarySearch(a, value, mid+1, high)
   return mid

}</lang> Iterative: <lang go>func binarySearch(a []float64, value float64) int {

   low := 0
   high := len(a) - 1
   for low <= high {
       mid := (low + high) / 2
       if a[mid] > value {
           high = mid - 1
       } else if a[mid] < value {
           low = mid + 1
       } else {
           return mid
   return -1

}</lang> Library: <lang go>import "sort"


sort.SearchInts([]int{0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 6) // evaluates to 4</lang> Exploration of library source code shows that it uses the mid = low + (high - low) / 2 technique to avoid overflow.

There are also functions sort.SearchFloat64s(), sort.SearchStrings(), and a very general sort.Search() function that allows you to binary search a range of numbers based on any condition (not necessarily just search for an index of an element in an array).


Both solutions use sublists and a tracking offset in preference to "high" and "low".

Recursive Solution

<lang groovy> def binSearchR //define binSearchR closure. binSearchR = { a, key, offset=0 ->

   def m = n.intdiv(2)
   def n = a.size()
   a.empty \
       ? ["The insertion point is": offset] \
       : a[m] > key \
           ? binSearchR(a[0..<m],key, offset) \
           : a[m] < target \
               ? binSearchR(a[(m + 1)..<n],key, offset + m + 1) \
               : [index: offset + m]

} </lang>

Iterative Solution

<lang groovy>def binSearchI = { aList, target ->

   def a = aList
   def offset = 0
   while (!a.empty) {
       def n = a.size()
       def m = n.intdiv(2)
       if(a[m] > target) {
           a = a[0..<m]
       } else if (a[m] < target) {
           a = a[(m + 1)..<n]
           offset += m + 1
       } else {
           return [index: offset + m]
   return ["insertion point": offset]

}</lang> Test: <lang groovy>def a = [] as Set def random = new Random() while (a.size() < 20) { a << random.nextInt(30) } def source = a.sort() source[0..-2].eachWithIndex { si, i -> assert si < source[i+1] }

println "${source}" 1.upto(5) {

   target = random.nextInt(10) + (it - 2) * 10
   print "Trial #${it}. Looking for: ${target}"
   def answers = [binSearchR, binSearchI].collect { search ->
       search(source, target)
   assert answers[0] == answers[1]
   println """
   Answer: ${answers[0]}, : ${source[answers[0].values().iterator().next()]}"""

}</lang> Output:

[1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29]
Trial #1. Looking for: -9
    Answer: [insertion point:0], : 1
Trial #2. Looking for: 7
    Answer: [insertion point:3], : 8
Trial #3. Looking for: 18
    Answer: [index:9], : 18
Trial #4. Looking for: 29
    Answer: [index:19], : 29
Trial #5. Looking for: 32
    Answer: [insertion point:20], : null


Recursive algorithm

The algorithm itself, parametrized by an "interrogation" predicate p in the spirit of the explanation above: <lang haskell>import Data.Array (Array, Ix, (!), listArray, bounds)

-- BINARY SEARCH -------------------------------------------------------------- bSearch

 :: Integral a
 => (a -> Ordering) -> (a, a) -> Maybe a

bSearch p (low, high)

 | high < low = Nothing
 | otherwise =
   let mid = (low + high) `div` 2
   in case p mid of
        LT -> bSearch p (low, mid - 1)
        GT -> bSearch p (mid + 1, high)
        EQ -> Just mid

-- Application to an array: bSearchArray

 :: (Ix i, Integral i, Ord e)
 => Array i e -> e -> Maybe i

bSearchArray a x = bSearch (compare x . (a !)) (bounds a)

-- TEST ----------------------------------------------------------------------- axs

 :: (Num i, Ix i)
 => Array i String

axs =

   (0, 11)
   [ "alpha"
   , "beta"
   , "delta"
   , "epsilon"
   , "eta"
   , "gamma"
   , "iota"
   , "kappa"
   , "lambda"
   , "mu"
   , "theta"
   , "zeta"

main :: IO () main =

 let e = "mu"
     found = bSearchArray axs e
 in putStrLn $
    '\ :
    e ++
    case found of
      Nothing -> "' Not found"
      Just x -> "' found at index " ++ show x</lang>
'mu' found at index 9

The algorithm uses tail recursion, so the iterative and the recursive approach are identical in Haskell (the compiler will convert recursive calls into jumps).

A common optimisation of recursion is to delegate the main computation to a helper function with simpler type signature. For the option type of the return value, we could also use an Either as an alternative to a Maybe.

<lang haskell>import Data.Array (Array, Ix, (!), listArray, bounds)


 :: Ord a
 => (a -> Ordering) -> Array Int a -> Either String Int

findIndexBinary p axs =

 let go (lo, hi)
       | hi < lo = Left "not found"
       | otherwise =
         let mid = (lo + hi) `div` 2
         in case p (axs ! mid) of
              LT -> go (lo, pred mid)
              GT -> go (succ mid, hi)
              EQ -> Right mid
 in go (bounds axs)

-- TEST --------------------------------------------------- haystack :: Array Int String haystack =

   (0, 11)
   [ "alpha"
   , "beta"
   , "delta"
   , "epsilon"
   , "eta"
   , "gamma"
   , "iota"
   , "kappa"
   , "lambda"
   , "mu"
   , "theta"
   , "zeta"

main :: IO () main =

 let needle = "lambda"
 in putStrLn $
    '\ :
    needle ++
      ("' " ++)
      (("' found at index " ++) . show)
      (findIndexBinary (compare needle) haystack)</lang>
'lambda' found at index 8

Iterative algorithm

The iterative algorithm could be written in terms of the until function, which takes a predicate p, a function f, and a seed value x.

It returns the result of applying f until p holds.

<lang haskell>import Data.Array (Array, Ix, (!), listArray, bounds)


 :: Ord a
 => (a -> Ordering) -> Array Int a -> Either String Int

findIndexBinary_ p axs =

 let (lo, hi) =
         (\(lo, hi) -> lo > hi || 0 == hi)
         (\(lo, hi) ->
             let m = quot (lo + hi) 2
             in case p (axs ! m) of
                  LT -> (lo, pred m)
                  GT -> (succ m, hi)
                  EQ -> (m, 0))
         (bounds axs) :: (Int, Int)
 in if 0 /= hi
      then Left "not found"
      else Right lo

-- TEST --------------------------------------------------- haystack :: Array Int String haystack =

   (0, 11)
   [ "alpha"
   , "beta"
   , "delta"
   , "epsilon"
   , "eta"
   , "gamma"
   , "iota"
   , "kappa"
   , "lambda"
   , "mu"
   , "theta"
   , "zeta"

main :: IO () main =

 let needle = "kappa"
 in putStrLn $
    '\ :
    needle ++
      ("' " ++)
      (("' found at index " ++) . show)
      (findIndexBinary_ (compare needle) haystack)</lang>
'kappa' found at index 7


<lang hicest>REAL :: n=10, array(n)

  array = NINT( RAN(n) )
  SORT(Vector=array, Sorted=array)
  x = NINT( RAN(n) )
  idx = binarySearch( array, x )
  WRITE(ClipBoard) x, "has position ", idx, "in ", array

FUNCTION binarySearch(A, value)

  REAL :: A(1), value
  low = 1
  high = LEN(A)
  DO i = 1, high
    IF( low > high) THEN
      binarySearch = 0
      mid = INT( (low + high) / 2 )
      IF( A(mid) > value) THEN
        high = mid - 1
      ELSEIF( A(mid) < value ) THEN
        low = mid + 1
        binarySearch = mid

<lang hicest>7 has position 9 in 0 0 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 5 has position 0 in 0 0 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 8</lang>


<lang hoon>|= [arr=(list @ud) x=@ud] =/ lo=@ud 0 =/ hi=@ud (dec (lent arr)) |- ?> (lte lo hi) =/ mid (div (add lo hi) 2) =/ val (snag mid arr) ?: (lth x val) $(hi (dec mid)) ?: (gth x val) $(lo +(mid)) mid</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Only a recursive solution is shown here. <lang icon>procedure binsearch(A, target)

   if *A = 0 then fail
   mid := *A/2 + 1
   if target > A[mid] then {
       return mid + binsearch(A[(mid+1):0], target)
   else if target < A[mid] then {
       return binsearch(A[1+:(mid-1)], target)
   return mid

end</lang> A program to test this is: <lang icon>procedure main(args)

   target := integer(!args) | 3
   every put(A := [], 1 to 18 by 2)
   outList("Searching", A)
   write(target," is ",("at "||binsearch(A, target)) | "not found")


procedure outList(prefix, A)

   writes(prefix,": ")
   every writes(!A," ")

end</lang> with some sample runs:

->bins 0
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
0 is not found
->bins 1
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
1 is at 1
->bins 2
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
2 is not found
->bins 3
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
3 is at 2
->bins 16
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
16 is not found
->bins 17
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
17 is at 9
->bins 7
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
7 is at 4
->bins 9
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
9 is at 5
->bins 10
Searching: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 
10 is not found


J already includes a binary search primitive (I.). The following code offers an interface compatible with the requirement of this task, and returns either the index of the element if it has been found or 'Not Found' otherwise: <lang j>bs=. i. 'Not Found'"_^:(-.@-:) I.</lang> Examples: <lang j> 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 15 19 20 bs 11 6

  2 3 5 6 8 10 11 15 19 20 bs 12

Not Found</lang> Direct tacit iterative and recursive versions to compare to other implementations follow:

Iterative <lang j>'X Y L H M'=. i.5 NB. Setting mnemonics for boxes f=. &({::) NB. Fetching the contents of a box o=. @: NB. Composing verbs (functions)

boxes=. ; , a: $~ 3: NB. Appending 3 (empty) boxes to the inputs LowHigh=. (0 ; # o (X f)) (L,H)} ] NB. Setting the low and high bounds midpoint=. < o (<. o (2 %~ L f + H f)) M} ] NB. Updating the midpoint case=. >: o * o (Y f - M f { X f) NB. Less=0, equal=1, or greater=2

squeeze=. (< o (_1 + M f) H} ])`(< o _: L} ])`(< o (1 + M f) L} ]) return=. (M f) o ((<@:('Not Found'"_) M} ]) ^: (_ ~: L f))

bs=. return o (squeeze o midpoint ^: (L f <: H f) ^:_) o LowHigh o boxes</lang> Recursive <lang j>'X Y L H M'=. i.5 NB. Setting mnemonics for boxes f=. &({::) NB. Fetching the contents of a box o=. @: NB. Composing verbs (functions)

boxes=. a: ,~ ; NB. Appending 1 (empty) box to the inputs midpoint=. < o (<. o (2 %~ L f + H f)) M} ] NB. Updating the midpoint case=. >: o * o (Y f - M f { X f) NB. Less=0, equal=1, or greater=2

recur=. (X f bs Y f ; L f ; (_1 + M f))`(M f)`(X f bs Y f ; (1 + M f) ; H f)

bs=. (recur o midpoint`('Not Found'"_) @. (H f < L f) o boxes) :: ([ bs ] ; 0 ; (<: o # o [))</lang>


Iterative <lang java>public class BinarySearchIterative {

   public static int binarySearch(int[] nums, int check) {
       int hi = nums.length - 1;
       int lo = 0;
       while (hi >= lo) {
           int guess = (lo + hi) >>> 1;  // from OpenJDK
           if (nums[guess] > check) {
               hi = guess - 1;
           } else if (nums[guess] < check) {
               lo = guess + 1;
           } else {
               return guess;
       return -1;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int[] haystack = {1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11};
       int needle = 5;
       int index = binarySearch(haystack, needle);
       if (index == -1) {
           System.out.println(needle + " is not in the array");
       } else {
           System.out.println(needle + " is at index " + index);



<lang java>public class BinarySearchRecursive {

   public static int binarySearch(int[] haystack, int needle, int lo, int hi) {
       if (hi < lo) {
           return -1;
       int guess = (hi + lo) / 2;
       if (haystack[guess] > needle) {
           return binarySearch(haystack, needle, lo, guess - 1);
       } else if (haystack[guess] < needle) {
           return binarySearch(haystack, needle, guess + 1, hi);
       return guess;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int[] haystack = {1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11};
       int needle = 5;
       int index = binarySearch(haystack, needle, 0, haystack.length);
       if (index == -1) {
           System.out.println(needle + " is not in the array");
       } else {
           System.out.println(needle + " is at index " + index);

}</lang> Library When the key is not found, the following functions return ~insertionPoint (the bitwise complement of the index where the key would be inserted, which is guaranteed to be a negative number).

For arrays: <lang java>import java.util.Arrays;

int index = Arrays.binarySearch(array, thing); int index = Arrays.binarySearch(array, startIndex, endIndex, thing);

// for objects, also optionally accepts an additional comparator argument: int index = Arrays.binarySearch(array, thing, comparator); int index = Arrays.binarySearch(array, startIndex, endIndex, thing, comparator);</lang> For Lists: <lang java>import java.util.Collections;

int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, thing); int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, thing, comparator);</lang>



Recursive binary search implementation <lang javascript>function binary_search_recursive(a, value, lo, hi) {

 if (hi < lo) { return null; }
 var mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2);
 if (a[mid] > value) {
   return binary_search_recursive(a, value, lo, mid - 1);
 if (a[mid] < value) {
   return binary_search_recursive(a, value, mid + 1, hi);
 return mid;

}</lang> Iterative binary search implementation <lang javascript>function binary_search_iterative(a, value) {

 var mid, lo = 0,
     hi = a.length - 1;
 while (lo <= hi) {
   mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2);
   if (a[mid] > value) {
     hi = mid - 1;
   } else if (a[mid] < value) {
     lo = mid + 1;
   } else {
     return mid;
 return null;



Recursive and iterative, by composition of pure functions, with tests and output:

<lang javascript>(() => {

   'use strict';
   const main = () => {
       // findRecursive :: a -> [a] -> Either String Int
       const findRecursive = (x, xs) => {
           const go = (lo, hi) => {
               if (hi < lo) {
                   return Left('not found');
               } else {
                       mid = div(lo + hi, 2),
                       v = xs[mid];
                   return v > x ? (
                       go(lo, mid - 1)
                   ) : v < x ? (
                       go(mid + 1, hi)
                   ) : Right(mid);
           return go(0, xs.length);

       // findRecursive :: a -> [a] -> Either String Int
       const findIter = (x, xs) => {
           const [m, l, h] = until(
               ([mid, lo, hi]) => lo > hi || lo === mid,
               ([mid, lo, hi]) => {
                       m = div(lo + hi, 2),
                       v = xs[m];
                   return v > x ? [
                       m, lo, m - 1
                   ] : v < x ? [
                       m, m + 1, hi
                   ] : [m, m, hi];
               [div(xs.length / 2), 0, xs.length - 1]
           return l > h ? (
               Left('not found')
           ) : Right(m);
       // TESTS ------------------------------------------
           // (pre-sorted AZ)
           xs = ["alpha", "beta", "delta", "epsilon", "eta", "gamma",
               "iota", "kappa", "lambda", "mu", "nu", "theta", "zeta"
       return JSON.stringify([
           map(x => either(
                   l => "'" + x + "' " + l,
                   r => "'" + x + "' found at index " + r,
                   findRecursive(x, xs)
           map(x => either(
                   l => "'" + x + "' " + l,
                   r => "'" + x + "' found at index " + r,
                   findIter(x, xs)
       ], null, 2);
   // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
   // Left :: a -> Either a b
   const Left = x => ({
       type: 'Either',
       Left: x
   // Right :: b -> Either a b
   const Right = x => ({
       type: 'Either',
       Right: x
   // div :: Int -> Int -> Int
   const div = (x, y) => Math.floor(x / y);
   // either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
   const either = (fl, fr, e) =>
       'Either' === e.type ? (
           undefined !== e.Left ? (
           ) : fr(e.Right)
       ) : undefined;
   // Abbreviation for quick testing
   // enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]
   const enumFromTo = (m, n) =>
           length: 1 + n - m
       }, (_, i) => m + i);
   // knuthShuffle :: [a] -> [a]
   const knuthShuffle = xs => {
       const swapped = (iFrom, iTo, xs) =>
               (x, i) => iFrom !== i ? (
                   iTo !== i ? x : xs[iFrom]
               ) : xs[iTo]
       return enumFromTo(0, xs.length - 1)
           .reduceRight((a, i) => {
               const iRand = randomRInt(0, i)();
               return i !== iRand ? (
                   swapped(i, iRand, a)
               ) : a;
           }, xs);
   // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
   const map = (f, xs) =>
       (Array.isArray(xs) ? (
       ) : xs.split()).map(f);

   // randomRInt :: Int -> Int -> IO () -> Int
   const randomRInt = (low, high) => () =>
       low + Math.floor(
           (Math.random() * ((high - low) + 1))
   // reverse :: [a] -> [a]
   const reverse = xs =>
       'string' !== typeof xs ? (
       ) : xs.split().reverse().join();
   // until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
   const until = (p, f, x) => {
       let v = x;
       while (!p(v)) v = f(v);
       return v;
   // MAIN ---
   return main();


    "'delta' found at index 2",
    "'cairo' not found",
    "'cape' not found",
    "'gamma' found at index 5",
    "'eta' found at index 4",
    "'kappa' found at index 7",
    "'alpha' found at index 0",
    "'mu' found at index 9",
    "'beta' found at index 1",
    "'epsilon' found at index 3",
    "'nu' found at index 10",
    "'iota' found at index 6",
    "'theta' found at index 11",
    "'lambda' found at index 8",
    "'zeta' found at index 12"
    "'theta' found at index 11",
    "'kappa' found at index 7",
    "'zeta' found at index 12",
    "'cairo' not found",
    "'epsilon' found at index 3",
    "'beta' found at index 1",
    "'nu' found at index 10",
    "'eta' found at index 4",
    "'alpha' found at index 0",
    "'lambda' found at index 8",
    "'iota' found at index 6",
    "'mu' found at index 9",
    "'gamma' found at index 5",
    "'delta' found at index 2",
    "'cape' not found"


If the input array is sorted, then binarySearch(value) as defined here will return an index (i.e. offset) of value in the array if the array contains the value, and otherwise (-1 - ix), where ix is the insertion point, if the value cannot be found. binarySearch will always terminate.

Recursive solution:<lang jq>def binarySearch(value):

 # To avoid copying the array, simply pass in the current low and high offsets
 def binarySearch(low; high):
     if (high < low) then (-1 - low)
     else ( (low + high) / 2 | floor) as $mid
          | if (.[$mid] > value) then binarySearch(low; $mid-1)
            elif (.[$mid] < value) then binarySearch($mid+1; high)
            else $mid
  binarySearch(0; length-1);</lang>

Example:<lang jq>[-1,-1.1,1,1,null,[null]] | binarySearch(1)</lang>




<lang javascript>/**

  Binary search, in Jsish, based on Javascript entry
  Tectonics: jsish -u -time true -verbose true binarySearch.jsi
  • /

function binarySearchIterative(haystack, needle) {

   var mid, low = 0, high = haystack.length - 1;
   while (low <= high) {
       mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
       if (haystack[mid] > needle) {
           high = mid - 1;
       } else if (haystack[mid] < needle) {
           low = mid + 1;
       } else {
           return mid;
   return null;


/* recursive */ function binarySearchRecursive(haystack, needle, low, high) {

   if (high < low) { return null; }
   var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
   if (haystack[mid] > needle) {
       return binarySearchRecursive(haystack, needle, low, mid - 1);
   if (haystack[mid] < needle) {
       return binarySearchRecursive(haystack, needle, mid + 1, high);
   return mid;


/* Testing and timing */ if (Interp.conf('unitTest') > 0) {

   var arr = [];
   for (var i = -5000; i <= 5000; i++) { arr.push(i); }
   assert(arr.length == 10001);
   assert(binarySearchIterative(arr, 0) == 5000);
   assert(binarySearchRecursive(arr, 0, 0, arr.length - 1) == 5000);
   assert(binarySearchIterative(arr, 5000) == 10000);
   assert(binarySearchRecursive(arr, -5000, 0, arr.length - 1) == 0);
   assert(binarySearchIterative(arr, -5001) == null);
   puts('--Time 100 passes--');
   puts('Iterative:', Util.times(function() { binarySearchIterative(arr, 42); }, 100), 'µs');
   puts('Recursive:', Util.times(function() { binarySearchRecursive(arr, 42, 0, arr.length - 1); }, 100), 'µs');


prompt$ jsish -u -time true -verbose true binarySearch.jsi
Test binarySearch.jsi
CMD: /usr/local/bin/jsish -Iasserts true -IunitTest 1 binarySearch.jsi
OUTPUT: <--Time 100 passes--
Iterative: 25969 µs
Recursive: 40863 µs
[PASS] binarySearch.jsi          (165 ms)


Works with: Julia version 0.6

Iterative: <lang julia>function binarysearch(lst::Vector{T}, val::T) where T

   low = 1
   high = length(lst)
   while low ≤ high
       mid = (low + high) ÷ 2
       if lst[mid] > val
           high = mid - 1
       elseif lst[mid] < val
           low = mid + 1
           return mid
   return 0


Recursive: <lang julia>function binarysearch(lst::Vector{T}, value::T, low=1, high=length(lst)) where T

   if isempty(lst) return 0 end
   if low ≥ high
       if low > high || lst[low] != value
           return 0
           return low
   mid = (low + high) ÷ 2
   if lst[mid] > value
       return binarysearch(lst, value, low, mid-1)
   elseif lst[mid] < value
       return binarysearch(lst, value, mid+1, high)
       return mid



Recursive: <lang K> bs:{[a;t]

   if[0=#a; :_n];
       tmp:_f[(m+1) _ a;t]
       :[_n~tmp; :_n; :1+m+tmp]]


 v:8 30 35 45 49 77 79 82 87 97
 {bs[v;x]}' v

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 </lang>


<lang scala>fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<T>.iterativeBinarySearch(target: T): Int {

   var hi = size - 1
   var lo = 0
   while (hi >= lo) {
       val guess = lo + (hi - lo) / 2
       if (this[guess] > target) hi = guess - 1
       else if (this[guess] < target) lo = guess + 1
       else return guess
   return -1


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<T>.recursiveBinarySearch(target: T, lo: Int, hi: Int): Int {

   if (hi < lo) return -1
   val guess = (hi + lo) / 2
   return if (this[guess] > target) recursiveBinarySearch(target, lo, guess - 1)
   else if (this[guess] < target) recursiveBinarySearch(target, guess + 1, hi)
   else guess


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val a = arrayOf(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
   var target = 6
   var r = a.iterativeBinarySearch(target)
   println(if (r < 0) "$target not found" else "$target found at index $r")
   target = 250
   r = a.iterativeBinarySearch(target)
   println(if (r < 0) "$target not found" else "$target found at index $r")
   target = 6
   r = a.recursiveBinarySearch(target, 0, a.size)
   println(if (r < 0) "$target not found" else "$target found at index $r")
   target = 250
   r = a.recursiveBinarySearch(target, 0, a.size)
   println(if (r < 0) "$target not found" else "$target found at index $r")


6 found at index 4
250 not found
6 found at index 4
250 not found


Can be tested in ([1] <lang scheme> {def BS

{def BS.r {lambda {:a :v :i0 :i1}
 {let { {:a :a} {:v :v} {:i0 :i0} {:i1 :i1}
        {:m {floor {* {+ :i0 :i1} 0.5}}} } 
 {if {<  :i1 :i0}
  then :v is not found
  else {if {> {array.item :a :m} :v}
  then {BS.r :a :v :i0 {- :m 1} }
  else {if {<  {array.item :a :m} :v}
  then {BS.r :a :v {+ :m 1} :i1 }
  else :v is at array[:m] }}}}} }
{lambda {:a :v}
 {BS.r :a :v 0 {- {array.length :a} 1}} }} 

-> BS

{def A {array 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 27 30}} -> A = [12,14,16,18,20,22,25,27,30]

{BS {A} -1} -> -1 is not found {BS {A} 24} -> 24 is not found {BS {A} 25} -> 25 is at array[6] {BS {A} 123} -> 123 is not found

{def B {array {serie 1 100000 2}}} -> B = [1,3,5,... 99997,99999]

{BS {B} 100} -> 100 is not found {BS {B} 12345} -> 12345 is at array[6172] </lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb> dim theArray(100) for i = 1 to 100

 theArray(i) = i

next i

print binarySearch(80,30,90)


FUNCTION binarySearch(val, lo, hi)

 IF hi < lo THEN
   binarySearch = 0
   middle = int((hi + lo) / 2):print middle
   if val < theArray(middle) then binarySearch = binarySearch(val, lo, middle-1)
   if val > theArray(middle) then binarySearch = binarySearch(val, middle+1, hi)
   if val = theArray(middle) then binarySearch = middle


<lang logo>to bsearch :value :a :lower :upper

 if :upper < :lower [output []]
 localmake "mid int (:lower + :upper) / 2
 if item :mid :a > :value [output bsearch :value :a :lower :mid-1]
 if item :mid :a < :value [output bsearch :value :a :mid+1 :upper]
 output :mid



Iterative <lang lolcode> HAI 1.2


 list HAS A index0 ITZ 2
 list HAS A index1 ITZ 3
 list HAS A index2 ITZ 5
 list HAS A index3 ITZ 7
 list HAS A index4 ITZ 8
 list HAS A index5 ITZ 9
 list HAS A index6 ITZ 12
 list HAS A index7 ITZ 20
 BTW Method to access list by index number aka: list[index4]
 HOW IZ list access YR indexNameNumber

FOUND YR list'Z SRS indexNameNumber

 BTW Method to print the array on the same line
 HOW IZ list printList 
 I HAS A allList ITZ ""

I HAS A indexNameNumber ITZ "index0" I HAS A index ITZ 0 IM IN YR walkingLoop UPPIN YR index TIL BOTH SAEM index AN 8 indexNameNumber R SMOOSH "index" index MKAY allList R SMOOSH allList " " list IZ access YR indexNameNumber MKAY MKAY IM OUTTA YR walkingLoop FOUND YR allList


 I HAS A target ITZ 12
 HOW IZ I binaPounce YR list AN YR listLength AN YR target 

I HAS A left ITZ 0 I HAS A right ITZ DIFF OF listLength AN 1 IM IN YR whileLoop BTW exit while loop when left > right DIFFRINT left AN SMALLR OF left AN right O RLY? YA RLY GTFO OIC

I HAS A mid ITZ QUOSHUNT OF SUM OF left AN right AN 2 I HAS A midIndexname ITZ SMOOSH "index" mid MKAY

BTW if target == list[mid] return mid BOTH SAEM target AN list IZ access YR midIndexname MKAY O RLY? YA RLY FOUND YR mid OIC

BTW if target < list[mid] right = mid - 1 DIFFRINT target AN BIGGR OF target AN list IZ access YR midIndexname MKAY O RLY? YA RLY right R DIFF OF mid AN 1 OIC

BTW if target > list[mid] left = mid + 1 DIFFRINT target AN SMALLR OF target AN list IZ access YR midIndexname MKAY O RLY? YA RLY left R SUM OF mid AN 1 OIC IM OUTTA YR whileLoop


 BTW call binary search on target here and print the index
 I HAS A targetIndex ITZ I IZ binaPounce YR list AN YR 8 AN YR target MKAY
 VISIBLE "TARGET " target " IZ IN BUKKIT " targetIndex

KTHXBYE end</lang> Output

WE START WIF BUKKIT LIEK DIS:  2 3 5 7 8 9 12 20


Iterative <lang lua>function binarySearch (list,value)

   local low = 1
   local high = #list
   while low <= high do
       local mid = math.floor((low+high)/2)
       if list[mid] > value then high = mid - 1
       elseif list[mid] < value then low = mid + 1
       else return mid
   return false

end</lang> Recursive <lang lua>function binarySearch (list, value)

   local function search(low, high)
       if low > high then return false end
       local mid = math.floor((low+high)/2)
       if list[mid] > value then return search(low,mid-1) end
       if list[mid] < value then return search(mid+1,high) end
       return mid
   return search(1,#list)


M2000 Interpreter

<lang M2000 Interpreter> \\ binary search const N=10 Dim A(0 to N-1) A(0):=1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 Print Len(A())=10 Function BinarySearch(&A(), aValue) { def long mid, lo, hi def boolean ok=False let lo=0, hi=Len(A())-1 While lo<=hi mid=(lo+hi)/2 if A(mid)>aValue Then hi=mid-1 Else.if A(mid)<aValue Then lo=mid+1 Else =mid ok=True exit End if End While if not ok then =-lo-1 } For i=0 to 12 Rem Print "Search for value:";i where= BinarySearch(&A(), i) if where>=0 then Print "found i at index: ";where else where=-where-1 if where<len(A()) then Print "Not found, we can insert it at index: ";where Dim A(len(A())+1) ' redim stock A(where) keep len(A())-where-1, A(where+1) 'move items up A(where)=i ' insert value Else Print "Not found, we can append to array at index: ";where Dim A(len(A())+1) ' redim A(where)=i ' insert value End If end if next i Print Len(A())=13 Print A()



<lang M4>define(`notfound',`-1')dnl define(`midsearch',`ifelse(defn($1[$4]),$2,$4, `ifelse(eval(defn($1[$4])>$2),1,`binarysearch($1,$2,$3,decr($4))',`binarysearch($1,$2,incr($4),$5)')')')dnl define(`binarysearch',`ifelse(eval($4<$3),1,notfound,`midsearch($1,$2,$3,eval(($3+$4)/2),$4)')')dnl dnl define(`setrange',`ifelse(`$3',`',$2,`define($1[$2],$3)`'setrange($1,incr($2),shift(shift(shift($@))))')')dnl define(`asize',decr(setrange(`a',1,1,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29)))dnl dnl binarysearch(`a',5,1,asize) binarysearch(`a',8,1,asize)</lang> Output:



The calculation of "mid" cannot overflow, since Maple uses arbitrary precision integer arithmetic, and the largest list or array is far, far smaller than the effective range of integers.

Recursive <lang Maple>BinarySearch := proc( A, value, low, high )

       description "recursive binary search";
       if high < low then
               local mid := iquo( high + low, 2 );
               if A[ mid ] > value then
                       thisproc( A, value, low, mid - 1 )
               elif A[ mid ] < value then
                       thisproc( A, value, mid + 1, high )
               end if
       end if

end proc:</lang>

Iterative <lang Maple>BinarySearch := proc( A, value )

       description "iterative binary search";
       local low, high;
       low, high := ( lowerbound, upperbound )( A );
       while low <= high do
               local mid := iquo( low + high, 2 );
               if A[ mid ] > value then
                       high := mid - 1
               elif A[ mid ] < value then
                       low := mid + 1
                       return mid
               end if
       end do;

end proc:</lang> We can use either lists or Arrays (or Vectors) for the first argument for these. <lang Maple>> N := 10: > P := [seq]( ithprime( i ), i = 1 .. N ): > BinarySearch( P, 12, 1, N ); # recursive version


> BinarySearch( P, 13, 1, N ); # recursive version


> BinarySearch( Array( P ), 13, 1, N ); # make P into an array


> PP := Array( -2 .. 7, P ): # check it works if the array is not 1-based. > BinarySearch( PP, 13 ); # iterative version


> PP[ 3 ];


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

Recursive <lang Mathematica>BinarySearchRecursive[x_List, val_, lo_, hi_] :=

Module[{mid = lo + Round@((hi - lo)/2)},
 If[hi < lo, Return[-1]];
  Which[xmid > val, BinarySearchRecursive[x, val, lo, mid - 1],
   xmid < val, BinarySearchRecursive[x, val, mid + 1, hi],
   True, mid]

Iterative <lang Mathematica>BinarySearch[x_List, val_] := Module[{lo = 1, hi = Length@x, mid},

 While[lo <= hi,
  mid = lo + Round@((hi - lo)/2);
  Which[xmid > val, hi = mid - 1,
   xmid < val, lo = mid + 1,
   True, Return[mid]


Recursive <lang MATLAB>function mid = binarySearchRec(list,value,low,high)

   if( high < low )
       mid = [];
   mid = floor((low + high)/2);
   if( list(mid) > value )
       mid = binarySearchRec(list,value,low,mid-1);
   elseif( list(mid) < value )
       mid = binarySearchRec(list,value,mid+1,high);

end</lang> Sample Usage: <lang MATLAB>>> binarySearchRec([1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 8 9 11 18],6.5,1,numel([1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 8 9 11 18]))

ans =


Iterative <lang MATLAB>function mid = binarySearchIter(list,value)

   low = 1;
   high = numel(list) - 1;
   while( low <= high )
       mid = floor((low + high)/2);
       if( list(mid) > value )
           high = mid - 1;
       elseif( list(mid) < value )
       	low = mid + 1;
   mid = [];

end</lang> Sample Usage: <lang MATLAB>>> binarySearchIter([1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 8 9 11 18],6.5)

ans =



<lang maxima>find(L, n) := block([i: 1, j: length(L), k, p],

   if n < L[i] or n > L[j] then 0 else (
       while j - i > 0 do (
           k: quotient(i + j, 2),
           p: L[k],
           if n < p then j: k - 1 elseif n > p then i: k + 1 else i: j: k
       if n = L[i] then i else 0


".."(a, b) := if a < b then makelist(i, i, a, b) else makelist(i, i, a, b, -1)$ infix("..")$

a: sublist(1 .. 1000, primep)$

find(a, 27); 0 find(a, 421); 82</lang>


Iterative <lang maxscript>fn binarySearchIterative arr value = (

   lower = 1
   upper = arr.count
   while lower <= upper do
       mid = (lower + upper) / 2
       if arr[mid] > value then
           upper = mid - 1
       else if arr[mid] < value then
           lower = mid + 1
           return mid


arr = #(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) result = binarySearchIterative arr 6</lang> Recursive <lang maxscript>fn binarySearchRecursive arr value lower upper = (

   if lower == upper then
       if arr[lower] == value then
           return lower
           return -1
   mid = (lower + upper) / 2
   if arr[mid] > value then
       return binarySearchRecursive arr value lower (mid-1)
   else if arr[mid] < value then
       return binarySearchRecursive arr value (mid+1) upper
       return mid


arr = #(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) result = binarySearchRecursive arr 6 1 arr.count</lang>


Recursive: <lang MiniScript>binarySearch = function(A, value, low, high)

   if high < low then return null
   mid = floor((low + high) / 2)
   if A[mid] > value then return binarySearch(A, value, low, mid-1)
   if A[mid] < value then return binarySearch(A, value, mid+1, high)
   return mid

end function</lang>

Iterative: <lang MiniScript>binarySearch = function(A, value)

   low = 0
   high = A.len - 1
   while true
       if high < low then return null
       mid = floor((low + high) / 2)
       if A[mid] > value then
           high = mid - 1
       else if A[mid] < value then
           low = mid + 1
           return mid
       end if
   end while

end function</lang>


Works with: GNU TROFF version 1.22.2

<lang>.de end .. .de array . nr \\$1.c 0 1 . de \\$1.push end . nr \\$1..\\\\n+[\\$1.c] \\\\$1 . end . de \\$1.pushln end . if \\\\n(.$>0 .\\$1.push \\\\$1 . if \\\\n(.$>1 \{ \ . shift . \\$1.pushln \\\\$@ \} . end .. . .de binarysearch . nr min 1 . nr max \\n[\\$1.c] . nr guess \\n[min]+\\n[max]/2 . while !\\n[\\$1..\\n[guess]]=\\$2 \{ \ . ie \\n[\\$1..\\n[guess]]<\\$2 .nr min \\n[guess]+1 . el .nr max \\n[guess]-1 . . if \\n[min]>\\n[max] \{ . nr guess 0 . break . \} . nr guess \\n[min]+\\n[max]/2 . \} \\n[guess] .. .array a .a.pushln 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 .binarysearch a 100 .br .ie \n[guess]=0 The item \fBdoesn't exist\fP. .el The item \fBdoes exist\fP. </lang>


Library <lang nim>import algorithm

let s = @[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,25,27,30] echo binarySearch(s, 10)</lang>

Iterative (from the standard library) <lang nim>proc binarySearch[T](a: openArray[T], key: T): int =

 var b = len(a)
 while result < b:
   var mid = (result + b) div 2
   if a[mid] < key: result = mid + 1
   else: b = mid
 if result >= len(a) or a[result] != key: result = -1</lang>


Library <lang ocaml>1 2 3 4 5 3 bsearch . ( => 2 ) 5 bsearch . ( => 0 ) 'sam 'tom 'kenny ( must be sorted before calling bsearch ) sort .s ( => kenny sam tom ) 'sam bsearch . ( => 1 ) 'tom bsearch . ( => 0 ) 'kenny bsearch . ( => 2 ) 'tony bsearch . ( => -1)</lang>


Iterative <lang objeck>use Structure;

bundle Default {

 class BinarySearch {
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     values := [-1, 3, 8, 13, 22];
     DoBinarySearch(values, 13)->PrintLine();
     DoBinarySearch(values, 7)->PrintLine();
   function : native : DoBinarySearch(values : Int[], value : Int) ~ Int {
     low := 0;
     high := values->Size() - 1;
     while(low <= high) {
       mid := (low + high) / 2;
       if(values[mid] > value) {
         high := mid - 1;
       else if(values[mid] < value) {
         low := mid + 1;
       else {
         return mid;
     return -1;



Iterative <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSArray (BinarySearch) // Requires all elements of this array to implement a -compare: method which // returns a NSComparisonResult for comparison. // Returns NSNotFound when not found - (NSInteger) binarySearch:(id)key; @end

@implementation NSArray (BinarySearch) - (NSInteger) binarySearch:(id)key {

 NSInteger lo = 0;
 NSInteger hi = [self count] - 1;
 while (lo <= hi) {
   NSInteger mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
   id midVal = self[mid];
   switch ([midVal compare:key]) {
   case NSOrderedAscending:
     lo = mid + 1;
   case NSOrderedDescending:
     hi = mid - 1;
   case NSOrderedSame:
     return mid;
 return NSNotFound;

} @end

int main() {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSArray *a = @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10];
   NSLog(@"6 is at position %d", [a binarySearch:@6]); // prints 4
 return 0;

}</lang> Recursive <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSArray (BinarySearchRecursive) // Requires all elements of this array to implement a -compare: method which // returns a NSComparisonResult for comparison. // Returns NSNotFound when not found - (NSInteger) binarySearch:(id)key inRange:(NSRange)range; @end

@implementation NSArray (BinarySearchRecursive) - (NSInteger) binarySearch:(id)key inRange:(NSRange)range {

 if (range.length == 0)
   return NSNotFound;
 NSInteger mid = range.location + range.length / 2;
 id midVal = self[mid];
 switch ([midVal compare:key]) {
 case NSOrderedAscending:
   return [self binarySearch:key
                     inRange:NSMakeRange(mid + 1, NSMaxRange(range) - (mid + 1))];
 case NSOrderedDescending:
   return [self binarySearch:key
                     inRange:NSMakeRange(range.location, mid - range.location)];
   return mid;

} @end

int main() {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSArray *a = @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10];
   NSLog(@"6 is at position %d", [a binarySearch:@6]); // prints 4
 return 0;

}</lang> Library

Works with: Mac OS X version 10.6+

<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main() {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSArray *a = @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10];
   NSLog(@"6 is at position %lu", [a indexOfObject:@6
                                     inSortedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [a count])
                                   usingComparator:^(id x, id y){ return [x compare: y]; }]); // prints 4
 return 0;

}</lang> Using Core Foundation (part of Cocoa, all versions): <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

CFComparisonResult myComparator(const void *x, const void *y, void *context) {

 return [(__bridge id)x compare:(__bridge id)y];


int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

 @autoreleasepool {
   NSArray *a = @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10];
   NSLog(@"6 is at position %ld", CFArrayBSearchValues((__bridge CFArrayRef)a,
                                                       CFRangeMake(0, [a count]),
                                                       (__bridge const void *)@6,
                                                       NULL)); // prints 4
 return 0;



Recursive <lang ocaml>let rec binary_search a value low high =

 if high = low then
   if a.(low) = value then
     raise Not_found
 else let mid = (low + high) / 2 in
   if a.(mid) > value then
     binary_search a value low (mid - 1)
   else if a.(mid) < value then
     binary_search a value (mid + 1) high


# let arr = [|1; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10|];;
val arr : int array = [|1; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10|]
# binary_search arr 6 0 (Array.length arr - 1);;
- : int = 4
# binary_search arr 2 0 (Array.length arr - 1);;
Exception: Not_found.

OCaml supports proper tail-recursion; so this is effectively the same as iteration.


Recursive <lang octave>function i = binsearch_r(array, val, low, high)

 if ( high < low )
   i = 0;
   mid = floor((low + high) / 2);
   if ( array(mid) > val )
     i = binsearch_r(array, val, low, mid-1);
   elseif ( array(mid) < val ) 
     i = binsearch_r(array, val, mid+1, high);
     i = mid;

endfunction</lang> Iterative <lang octave>function i = binsearch(array, value)

 low = 1;
 high = numel(array);
 i = 0;
 while ( low <= high )
   mid = floor((low + high)/2);
   if (array(mid) > value) 
     high = mid - 1;
   elseif (array(mid) < value)
     low = mid + 1;
     i = mid;

endfunction</lang> Example of using <lang octave>r = sort(discrete_rnd(10, [1:10], ones(10,1)/10)); disp(r); binsearch_r(r, 5, 1, numel(r)) binsearch(r, 5)</lang>


<lang scheme> (define (binary-search value vector)

  (let helper ((low 0)
               (high (- (vector-length vector) 1)))
     (unless (< high low)
        (let ((middle (quotient (+ low high) 2)))
              ((> (vector-ref vector middle) value)
                 (helper low (- middle 1)))
              ((< (vector-ref vector middle) value)
                 (helper (+ middle 1) high))
              (else middle))))))


  (binary-search 12 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13]))
==> 12



<lang ooRexx> data = .array~of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) -- search keys with a number of edge cases searchkeys = .array~of(0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 12) say "recursive binary search" loop key over searchkeys

   pos = recursiveBinarySearch(data, key)
   if pos == 0 then say "Key" key "not found"
   else say "Key" key "found at postion" pos

end say say "iterative binary search" loop key over searchkeys

   pos = iterativeBinarySearch(data, key)
   if pos == 0 then say "Key" key "not found"
   else say "Key" key "found at postion" pos


routine recursiveBinarySearch
 -- NB:  Rexx arrays are 1-based
 use strict arg data, value, low = 1, high = (data~items)
 -- make sure we don't go beyond the bounds
 high = min(high, data~items)
 -- zero indicates not found
 if high < low then return 0
 mid = (low + high) % 2
 if data[mid] > value then
     return recursiveBinarySearch(data, value, low, mid - 1)
 else if data[mid] < value then
     return recursiveBinarySearch(data, value, mid + 1, high)
 -- got it!
 return mid
routine iterativeBinarySearch
 -- NB:  Rexx arrays are 1-based
 use strict arg data, value, low = 1, high = (data~items)
 -- make sure we don't go beyond the bounds
 high = min(high, data~items)
 -- zero indicates not found
 if high < low then return 0
 loop while low <= high
     mid = (low + high) % 2
     if data[mid] > value then
         high = mid - 1
     else if data[mid] < value then
         low = mid + 1
         return mid
 return 0

</lang> Output:

recursive binary search
Key 0 not found
Key 1 found at postion 1
Key 4 not found
Key 7 found at postion 4
Key 11 found at postion 6
Key 12 not found

iterative binary search
Key 0 not found
Key 1 found at postion 1
Key 4 not found
Key 7 found at postion 4
Key 11 found at postion 6
Key 12 not found


Recursive <lang oz>declare

 fun {BinarySearch Arr Val}
    fun {Search Low High}
       if Low > High then nil
          Mid = (Low+High) div 2
          if Val < Arr.Mid then {Search Low Mid-1}
          elseif Val > Arr.Mid then {Search Mid+1 High}
          else [Mid]
    {Search {Array.low Arr} {Array.high Arr}}
 A = {Tuple.toArray unit(2 3 5 6 8)}


 {System.printInfo "searching 4: "} {Show {BinarySearch A 4}}
 {System.printInfo "searching 8: "} {Show {BinarySearch A 8}}</lang>

Iterative <lang oz>declare

 fun {BinarySearch Arr Val}
    Low = {NewCell {Array.low Arr}}
    High = {NewCell {Array.high Arr}}
    for while:@Low =< @High  return:Return  default:nil do
       Mid = (@Low + @High) div 2
       if Val < Arr.Mid then High := Mid-1
       elseif Val > Arr.Mid then Low := Mid+1
       else {Return [Mid]}
 A = {Tuple.toArray unit(2 3 5 6 8)}


 {System.printInfo "searching 4: "} {Show {BinarySearch A 4}}
 {System.printInfo "searching 8: "} {Show {BinarySearch A 8}}</lang>


Note that, despite the name, setsearch works on sorted vectors as well as sets. <lang parigp>setsearch(s, n)</lang>

The following is another implementation that takes a more manual approach. Instead of using an intrinsic function, a general binary search algorithm is implemented using the language alone.

Translation of: N/t/roff

<lang parigp>binarysearch(v, x) = {

       minm = 1,
       maxm = length(v),
       guess = floor(maxm/2+minm/2)
   while(v[guess] != x,    
       if(v[guess] < x, minm = guess + 1, maxm = guess - 1);
       if(minm > maxm,
           guess = 0;
       guess = floor(maxm/2+minm/2)


idx = binarysearch([1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144], 121); if(idx, \

   print("Item exists on index ", idx), \
   print("Item does not exist anywhere.") \



Iterative <lang pascal>function binary_search(element: real; list: array of real): integer; var

   l, m, h: integer;


   l := Low(list);
   h := High(list);
   binary_search := -1;
   while l <= h do
       m := (l + h) div 2;
       if list[m] > element then
           h := m - 1;
       else if list[m] < element then
           l := m + 1;
           binary_search := m;

end;</lang> Usage: <lang pascal>var

   list: array[0 .. 9] of real;

// ... indexof := binary_search(123, list);</lang>


Iterative <lang perl>sub binary_search {

   my ($array_ref, $value, $left, $right) = @_;
   while ($left <= $right) {
       my $middle = int(($right + $left) >> 1);
       if ($value == $array_ref->[$middle]) {
           return $middle;
       elsif ($value < $array_ref->[$middle]) {
           $right = $middle - 1;
       else {
           $left = $middle + 1;
   return -1;

}</lang> Recursive <lang perl>sub binary_search {

   my ($array_ref, $value, $left, $right) = @_;
   return -1 if ($right < $left);
   my $middle = int(($right + $left) >> 1);
   if ($value == $array_ref->[$middle]) {
       return $middle;
   elsif ($value < $array_ref->[$middle]) {
       binary_search($array_ref, $value, $left, $middle - 1);
   else {
       binary_search($array_ref, $value, $middle + 1, $right);



Standard autoinclude builtin/bsearch.e, reproduced here (for reference only, don't copy/paste unless you plan to modify and rename it)

global function binary_search(object needle, sequence haystack)
integer lo = 1,
        hi = length(haystack),
        mid = lo,
        c = 0
    while lo<=hi do
        mid = floor((lo+hi)/2)
        c = compare(needle, haystack[mid])
        if c<0 then
            hi = mid-1
        elsif c>0 then
            lo = mid+1
            return mid  -- found!
        end if
    end while
    mid += c>0
    return -mid         -- where it would go, if inserted now
end function

The low + (high-low)/2 trick is not needed, since interim integer results are accurate to 53 bits (on 32 bit, 64 bits on 64 bit) on Phix.

Returns a positive index if found, otherwise the negative index where it would go if inserted now. Example use

with javascript_semantics
?binary_search(0,{1,3,5})   -- -1
?binary_search(1,{1,3,5})   --  1
?binary_search(2,{1,3,5})   -- -2
?binary_search(3,{1,3,5})   --  2
?binary_search(4,{1,3,5})   -- -3
?binary_search(5,{1,3,5})   --  3
?binary_search(6,{1,3,5})   -- -4


Iterative <lang php>function binary_search( $array, $secret, $start, $end ) {

               $guess = (int)($start + ( ( $end - $start ) / 2 ));
               if ( $array[$guess] > $secret )
                       $end = $guess;
               if ( $array[$guess] < $secret )
                       $start = $guess;
               if ( $end < $start)
                       return -1;
       } while ( $array[$guess] != $secret );
       return $guess;

}</lang> Recursive <lang php>function binary_search( $array, $secret, $start, $end ) {

       $guess = (int)($start + ( ( $end - $start ) / 2 ));
       if ( $end < $start)
               return -1;
       if ( $array[$guess] > $secret )
               return (binary_search( $array, $secret, $start, $guess ));
       if ( $array[$guess] < $secret )
               return (binary_search( $array, $secret, $guess, $end ) );
       return $guess;



Recursive <lang PicoLisp>(de recursiveSearch (Val Lst Len)

  (unless (=0 Len)
     (let (N (inc (/ Len 2))  L (nth Lst N))
           ((= Val (car L)) Val)
           ((> Val (car L))
              (recursiveSearch Val (cdr L) (- Len N)) )
           (T (recursiveSearch Val Lst (dec N))) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (recursiveSearch 5 (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> 5
: (recursiveSearch '(a b) (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> (a b)
: (recursiveSearch (9) (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> NIL

Iterative <lang PicoLisp>(de iterativeSearch (Val Lst Len)

  (use (N L)
        (T (=0 Len))
           N (inc (/ Len 2))
           L (nth Lst N) )
        (T (= Val (car L)) Val)
        (if (> Val (car L))
           (setq Lst (cdr L)  Len (- Len N))
           (setq Len (dec N)) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (iterativeSearch 5 (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> 5
: (iterativeSearch '(a b) (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> (a b)
: (iterativeSearch (9) (2 3 5 8 "abc" "klm" "xyz" (7) (a b)) 9)
-> NIL


<lang PL/I>/* A binary search of list A for element M */ search: procedure (A, M) returns (fixed binary);

  declare (A(*), M) fixed binary;
  declare (l, r, mid) fixed binary;
  l = lbound(a,1)-1; r = hbound(A,1)+1;
  do while (l <= r);
     mid = (l+r)/2;
     if A(mid) = M then return (mid);
     if A(mid) < M then
        L = mid+1;
        R = mid-1;
  return (lbound(A,1)-1);

end search;</lang>


Iterative <lang pop11>define BinarySearch(A, value);

   lvars low = 1, high = length(A), mid;
   while low <= high do
       (low + high) div 2 -> mid;
       if A(mid) > value then
           mid - 1 -> high;
       elseif A(mid) < value then
           mid + 1 -> low;


/* Tests */ lvars A = {2 3 5 6 8};

BinarySearch(A, 4) => BinarySearch(A, 5) => BinarySearch(A, 8) =></lang> Recursive <lang pop11>define BinarySearch(A, value);

   define do_it(low, high);
       if high < low then
       (low + high) div 2 -> mid;
       if A(mid) > value then
           do_it(low, mid-1);
       elseif A(mid) < value then
           do_it(mid+1, high);
   do_it(1, length(A));



<lang PowerShell> function BinarySearch-Iterative ([int[]]$Array, [int]$Value) {

   [int]$low = 0
   [int]$high = $Array.Count - 1
   while ($low -le $high)
       [int]$mid = ($low + $high) / 2
       if ($Array[$mid] -gt $Value)
           $high = $mid - 1
       elseif ($Array[$mid] -lt $Value)
           $low = $mid + 1
           return $mid
   return -1


function BinarySearch-Recursive ([int[]]$Array, [int]$Value, [int]$Low = 0, [int]$High = $Array.Count) {

   if ($High -lt $Low)
       return -1
   [int]$mid = ($Low + $High) / 2
   if ($Array[$mid] -gt $Value)
       return BinarySearch $Array $Value $Low ($mid - 1)
   elseif ($Array[$mid] -lt $Value)
       return BinarySearch $Array $Value ($mid + 1) $High
       return $mid


function Show-SearchResult ([int[]]$Array, [int]$Search, [ValidateSet("Iterative", "Recursive")][string]$Function) {

   switch ($Function)
       "Iterative" {$index = BinarySearch-Iterative -Array $Array -Value $Search}
       "Recursive" {$index = BinarySearch-Recursive -Array $Array -Value $Search}
   if ($index -ge 0)
       Write-Host ("Using BinarySearch-{0}: {1} is at index {2}" -f $Function, $numbers[$index], $index)
       Write-Host ("Using BinarySearch-{0}: {1} not found" -f $Function, $Search) -ForegroundColor Red

} </lang> <lang PowerShell> Show-SearchResult -Array 10, 28, 41, 46, 58, 74, 76, 86, 89, 98 -Search 41 -Function Iterative Show-SearchResult -Array 10, 28, 41, 46, 58, 74, 76, 86, 89, 98 -Search 99 -Function Iterative Show-SearchResult -Array 10, 28, 41, 46, 58, 74, 76, 86, 89, 98 -Search 86 -Function Recursive Show-SearchResult -Array 10, 28, 41, 46, 58, 74, 76, 86, 89, 98 -Search 11 -Function Recursive </lang>

Using BinarySearch-Iterative: 41 is at index 2
Using BinarySearch-Iterative: 99 not found
Using BinarySearch-Recursive: 86 is at index 7
Using BinarySearch-Recursive: 11 not found


Tested with Gnu-Prolog. <lang Prolog>bin_search(Elt,List,Result):-

 length(List,N), bin_search_inner(Elt,List,1,N,Result).




 Begin < End,
 Mid is (Begin+End) div 2,


 Begin < End,
 Mid is (Begin+End) div 2,
 MidElt < Elt,
 NewBegin is Mid+1,


 Begin < End,
 Mid is (Begin+End) div 2,
 MidElt > Elt,
 NewEnd is Mid-1,
Output examples:
 ?- bin_search(4,[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128],Result).
Result = 3.

?- bin_search(5,[1,2,4,8],Result).
Result = -1.


Both recursive and iterative procedures are included and called in the code below. <lang PureBasic>#Recursive = 0 ;recursive binary search method

  1. Iterative = 1 ;iterative binary search method
  2. NotFound = -1 ;search result if item not found

Procedure R_BinarySearch(Array a(1), value, low, high)

 Protected mid
 If high < low
   ProcedureReturn #NotFound
 mid = (low + high) / 2
 If a(mid) > value
   ProcedureReturn R_BinarySearch(a(), value, low, mid - 1)
 ElseIf a(mid) < value
   ProcedureReturn R_BinarySearch(a(), value, mid + 1, high)
   ProcedureReturn mid



Procedure I_BinarySearch(Array a(1), value, low, high)

 Protected mid
 While low <= high
   mid = (low + high) / 2
   If a(mid) > value            
     high = mid - 1
   ElseIf a(mid) < value
     low = mid + 1
     ProcedureReturn mid
 ProcedureReturn #NotFound


Procedure search (Array a(1), value, method)

 Protected idx
 Select method
   Case #Iterative
     idx = I_BinarySearch(a(), value, 0, ArraySize(a()))
     idx = R_BinarySearch(a(), value, 0, ArraySize(a()))
 Print("  Value " + Str(Value))
 If idx < 0
   PrintN(" not found")
   PrintN(" found at index " + Str(idx))


  1. NumElements = 9 ;zero based count

Dim test(#NumElements)


 Data.i 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20


fill the test array

For i = 0 To #NumElements

 Read test(i)


If OpenConsole()

 PrintN("Recursive search:")
 search(test(), 4, #Recursive)
 search(test(), 8, #Recursive)
 search(test(), 20, #Recursive)
 PrintN("Iterative search:")
 search(test(), 4, #Iterative)
 search(test(), 8, #Iterative)
 search(test(), 20, #Iterative)
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

Recursive search:
  Value 4 not found
  Value 8 found at index 4
  Value 20 found at index 9

Iterative search:
  Value 4 not found
  Value 8 found at index 4
  Value 20 found at index 9


Python: Iterative

<lang python>def binary_search(l, value):

   low = 0
   high = len(l)-1
   while low <= high: 
       mid = (low+high)//2
       if l[mid] > value: high = mid-1
       elif l[mid] < value: low = mid+1
       else: return mid
   return -1</lang>

We can also generalize this kind of binary search from direct matches to searches using a custom comparator function. In addition to a search for a particular word in an AZ-sorted list, for example, we could also perform a binary search for a word of a given length (in a word-list sorted by rising length), or for a particular value of any other comparable property of items in a suitably sorted list:

<lang python># findIndexBinary :: (a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe Int def findIndexBinary(p):

   def isFound(bounds):
       (lo, hi) = bounds
       return lo > hi or 0 == hi
   def half(xs):
       def choice(lh):
           (lo, hi) = lh
           mid = (lo + hi) // 2
           cmpr = p(xs[mid])
           return (lo, mid - 1) if cmpr < 0 else (
               (1 + mid, hi) if cmpr > 0 else (
                   mid, 0
       return lambda bounds: choice(bounds)
   def go(xs):
       (lo, hi) = until(isFound)(
       )((0, len(xs) - 1)) if xs else None
       return None if 0 != hi else lo
   return lambda xs: go(xs)

  1. COMPARISON CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------------
  1. compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

def compare(a):

   Simple comparison of x and y -> LT|EQ|GT
   return lambda b: -1 if a < b else (1 if a > b else 0)

  1. byKV :: (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering

def byKV(f):

   Property accessor function -> target value -> x -> LT|EQ|GT
   def go(v, x):
       fx = f(x)
       return -1 if v < fx else 1 if v > fx else 0
   return lambda v: lambda x: go(v, x)

  1. TESTS ---------------------------------------------------

def main():

   mb1 = findIndexBinary(compare('iota'))(
       # Sorted AZ
       ['alpha', 'beta', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'eta', 'gamma', 'iota',
        'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'theta', 'zeta']
   print (
       'Not found' if None is mb1 else (
           'Word found at index ' + str(mb1)
   mb2 = findIndexBinary(byKV(len)(7))(
       # Sorted by rising length
       ['mu', 'eta', 'beta', 'iota', 'zeta', 'alpha', 'delta', 'gamma',
        'kappa', 'theta', 'lambda', 'epsilon']
   print (
       'Not found' if None is mb2 else (
           'Word of given length found at index ' + str(mb2)

  1. GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
  1. until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a

def until(p):

   def go(f, x):
       v = x
       while not p(v):
           v = f(v)
       return v
   return lambda f: lambda x: go(f, x)

if __name__ == '__main__':



Word found at index 6
Word of given length found at index 11

Python: Recursive

<lang python>def binary_search(l, value, low = 0, high = -1):

   if not l: return -1
   if(high == -1): high = len(l)-1
   if low >= high:
       if l[low] == value: return low
       else: return -1
   mid = (low+high)//2
   if l[mid] > value: return binary_search(l, value, low, mid-1)
   elif l[mid] < value: return binary_search(l, value, mid+1, high)
   else: return mid</lang>

Generalizing again with a custom comparator function (see preamble to second iterative version above).

This time using the recursive definition:

<lang python># findIndexBinary_ :: (a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe Int def findIndexBinary_(p):

   def go(xs):
       def bin(lo, hi):
           if hi < lo:
               return None
               mid = (lo + hi) // 2
               cmpr = p(xs[mid])
               return bin(lo, mid - 1) if -1 == cmpr else (
                   bin(mid + 1, hi) if 1 == cmpr else (
       n = len(xs)
       return bin(0, n - 1) if 0 < n else None
   return lambda xs: go(xs)

  1. COMPARISON CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------------
  1. compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

def compare(a):

   Simple comparison of x and y -> LT|EQ|GT
   return lambda b: -1 if a < b else (1 if a > b else 0)

  1. byKV :: (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering

def byKV(f):

   Property accessor function -> target value -> x -> LT|EQ|GT
   def go(v, x):
       fx = f(x)
       return -1 if v < fx else 1 if v > fx else 0
   return lambda v: lambda x: go(v, x)

  1. TESTS ---------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':

   mb1 = findIndexBinary_(compare('mu'))(
       # Sorted AZ
       ['alpha', 'beta', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'eta', 'gamma', 'iota',
        'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'theta', 'zeta']
   print (
       'Not found' if None is mb1 else (
           'Word found at index ' + str(mb1)
   mb2 = findIndexBinary_(byKV(len)(6))(
       # Sorted by rising length
       ['mu', 'eta', 'beta', 'iota', 'zeta', 'alpha', 'delta', 'gamma',
        'kappa', 'theta', 'lambda', 'epsilon']
   print (
       'Not found' if None is mb2 else (
           'Word of given length found at index ' + str(mb2)
Word found at index 9
Word of given length found at index 10

Python: Library

Python's bisect module provides binary search functions <lang python>index = bisect.bisect_left(list, item) # leftmost insertion point index = bisect.bisect_right(list, item) # rightmost insertion point index = bisect.bisect(list, item) # same as bisect_right

  1. same as above but actually insert the item into the list at the given place:

bisect.insort_left(list, item) bisect.insort_right(list, item) bisect.insort(list, item)</lang>

Python: Alternate

Complete binary search function with python's bisect module:

<lang python>from bisect import bisect_left

def binary_search(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): # can't use a to specify default for hi

   hi = hi if hi is not None else len(a) # hi defaults to len(a)   
   pos = bisect_left(a,x,lo,hi)          # find insertion position
   return (pos if pos != hi and a[pos] == x else -1) # don't walk off the end</lang>

Python: Approximate binary search

Returns the nearest item of list l to value. <lang python>def binary_search(l, value):

   low = 0
   high = len(l)-1
   while low + 1 < high:
       mid = (low+high)//2
       if l[mid] > value:
           high = mid
       elif l[mid] < value:
           low = mid
           return mid
   return high if abs(l[high] - value) < abs(l[low] - value) else low</lang>


Written from pseudocode for rightmost insertion point, iterative.

<lang Quackery> [ stack ] is ( --> n )

 [ stack ]                   is      (     --> n   )
 [ put
   dup put
   size 1 - 0
   [ 2dup < if done
     2dup + 1 >> share over peek share > iff
       [ 1 - unrot nip ]
     [ 1+ nip ] again ]
   drop take over peek take =
   dup dip [ not + ] ]       is binarysearch ( [ n --> n b )
 [ dup echo
   binarysearch iff
     [ say " was identified as item " ]
     [ say " could go into position " ]
   say "." cr ]              is task         ( [ n --> n   )</lang>

Testing in the shell.

/O>   ' [ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ] 30 task
...   ' [ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ] 66 task
30 was identified as item 2.
66 could go into position 6.

Stack empty.


Recursive <lang R>BinSearch <- function(A, value, low, high) {

 if ( high < low ) {
 } else {
   mid <- floor((low + high) / 2)
   if ( A[mid] > value )
     BinSearch(A, value, low, mid-1)
   else if ( A[mid] < value )
     BinSearch(A, value, mid+1, high)

}</lang> Iterative <lang R>IterBinSearch <- function(A, value) {

 low = 1
 high = length(A)
 i = 0
 while ( low <= high ) {
   mid <- floor((low + high)/2)
   if ( A[mid] > value )
     high <- mid - 1
   else if ( A[mid] < value )
     low <- mid + 1

}</lang> Example <lang R>a <- 1:100 IterBinSearch(a, 50) BinSearch(a, 50, 1, length(a)) # output 50 IterBinSearch(a, 101) # outputs NULL</lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (binary-search x v)

 ; loop : index index -> index or #f
 ;   return i s.t. l<=i<h and v[i]=x
 (define (loop l h)
   (cond [(>= l h) #f]
         [else (define m (quotient (+ l h) 2))
               (define y (vector-ref v m))
                 [(> y x) (loop l (- m 1))]
                 [(< y x) (loop (+ m 1) h)]
                 [else m])]))
 (loop 0 (vector-length v)))

</lang> Examples:

(binary-search 6 #(1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))  ; gives 4
(binary-search 6 #(1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10))    ; gives #f 


(formerly Perl 6) With either of the below implementations of binary_search, one could write a function to search any object that does Positional this way: <lang perl6>sub search (@a, $x --> Int) {

   binary_search { $x cmp @a[$^i] }, 0, @a.end

}</lang> Iterative

Works with: Rakudo version 2015.12

<lang perl6>sub binary_search (&p, Int $lo is copy, Int $hi is copy --> Int) {

   until $lo > $hi {
       my Int $mid = ($lo + $hi) div 2;
       given p $mid {
           when -1 { $hi = $mid - 1; } 
           when  1 { $lo = $mid + 1; }
           default { return $mid;    }

}</lang> Recursive

Translation of: Haskell
Works with: Rakudo version 2015.12

<lang perl6>sub binary_search (&p, Int $lo, Int $hi --> Int) {

   $lo <= $hi or fail;
   my Int $mid = ($lo + $hi) div 2;
   given p $mid {
       when -1 { binary_search &p, $lo,      $mid - 1 } 
       when  1 { binary_search &p, $mid + 1, $hi      }
       default { $mid                                 }



recursive version

Incidentally, REXX doesn't care if the values in the list are integers (or even numbers), as long as they're in order.

(includes the extra credit) <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds a value in a list of integers using an iterative binary search.*/ @= 3 7 13 19 23 31 43 47 61 73 83 89 103 109 113 131 139 151 167 181,

 193 199 229 233 241 271 283 293 313 317 337 349 353 359 383 389 401 409 421 433,
 443 449 463 467 491 503 509 523 547 571 577 601 619 643 647 661 677 683 691 709,
 743 761 773 797 811 823 829 839 859 863 883 887 911 919 941 953 971 983 1013
                                                /* [↑]  a list of some low weak primes.*/

parse arg ? . /*get a # that's specified on the CL.*/ if ?== then do; say; say '***error*** no argument specified.'; say

                     exit                       /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
low= 1

high= words(@)

avg= (word(@, 1) + word(@, high)) / 2
loc= binarySearch(low, high)

if loc==-1 then do; say  ? " wasn't found in the list."

                     exit                       /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
           else say  ?  ' is in the list, its index is: '   loc

say say 'arithmetic mean of the ' high " values is: " avg exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ binarySearch: procedure expose @ ?; parse arg low,high

              if high<low  then return -1       /*the item wasn't found in the @ list. */
              mid= (low + high) % 2             /*calculate the midpoint in the list.  */
              y= word(@, mid)                   /*obtain the midpoint value in the list*/
              if ?=y       then return  mid
              if y>?       then return  binarySearch(low,   mid-1)
                                return  binarySearch(mid+1, high)</lang>
output   when using the input of:     499.1
499.1  wasn't found in the list.
output   when using the input of:     499
arithmetic mean of the  74  values is:  510

499  is in the list, its index is:  41

iterative version

(includes the extra credit) <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds a value in a list of integers using an iterative binary search.*/ @= 3 7 13 19 23 31 43 47 61 73 83 89 103 109 113 131 139 151 167 181,

 193 199 229 233 241 271 283 293 313 317 337 349 353 359 383 389 401 409 421 433,
 443 449 463 467 491 503 509 523 547 571 577 601 619 643 647 661 677 683 691 709,
 743 761 773 797 811 823 829 839 859 863 883 887 911 919 941 953 971 983 1013
                                                /* [↑]  a list of some low weak primes.*/

parse arg ? . /*get a # that's specified on the CL.*/ if ?== then do; say; say '***error*** no argument specified.'; say

                     exit 13
low= 1

high= words(@) say 'arithmetic mean of the ' high " values is: " (word(@, 1) + word(@, high)) / 2 say

              do  while  low<=high;     mid= (low + high) % 2;            y= word(@, mid)
              if ?=y  then do;  say ?   ' is in the list, its index is: '    mid
                                exit            /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
              if y>?  then high= mid - 1        /*too high?                            */
                      else  low= mid + 1        /*too low?                             */
              end   /*while*/

say  ? " wasn't found in the list." /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */</lang>

output   when using the input of:     -314
arithmetic mean of the  79  values is:  508

-314  wasn't found in the list.
output   when using the input of:     619
arithmetic mean of the  79  values is:  508

619  is in the list, its index is:  53


<lang ring> decimals(0) array = [7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70]

find= 42 index = where(array,find,0,len(array)) if index >= 0

  see "the value " + find+ " was found at index " + index


  see "the value " + find + " was not found"


func where(a,s,b,t)

    h = 2
    while h<(t-b)
          h *= 2
    h /= 2
    while h != 0
          if (b+h)<=t
             if s>=a[b+h]
                b += h
          h /= 2
    if s=a[b]
       return b-1
       return -1

</lang> Output:

the value 42 was found at index 6


Recursive <lang ruby>class Array

 def binary_search(val, low=0, high=(length - 1))
   return nil if high < low
   mid = (low + high) >> 1
   case val <=> self[mid]
     when -1
       binary_search(val, low, mid - 1)
     when 1
       binary_search(val, mid + 1, high)
     else mid


ary = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324]

[0,42,45,24324,99999].each do |val|

 i = ary.binary_search(val)
 if i
   puts "found #{val} at index #{i}: #{ary[i]}"
   puts "#{val} not found in array"

end</lang> Iterative <lang ruby>class Array

 def binary_search_iterative(val)
   low, high = 0, length - 1
   while low <= high
     mid = (low + high) >> 1
     case val <=> self[mid]
       when 1
         low = mid + 1
       when -1
         high = mid - 1
         return mid


ary = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324]

[0,42,45,24324,99999].each do |val|

 i = ary.binary_search_iterative(val)
 if i
   puts "found #{val} at index #{i}: #{ary[i]}"
   puts "#{val} not found in array"


found 0 at index 0: 0
42 not found in array
found 45 at index 10: 45
found 24324 at index 24: 24324
99999 not found in array

Built in Since Ruby 2.0, arrays ship with a binary search method "bsearch": <lang ruby>haystack = [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,26,45,67,78,90,98,123,211,234,456,769,865,2345,3215,14345,24324] needles = [0,42,45,24324,99999]{|needle| haystack.bsearch{|hay| needle <=> hay} } # => [0, 45, 24324] </lang>Which is 60% faster than "needles & haystack".


Recursive <lang runbasic>dim theArray(100) global theArray for i = 1 to 100

 theArray(i) = i

next i

print binarySearch(80,30,90)

FUNCTION binarySearch(val, lo, hi)

 IF hi < lo THEN
   binarySearch = 0
   middle = (hi + lo) / 2
   if val < theArray(middle) then binarySearch = binarySearch(val, lo, middle-1)
   if val > theArray(middle) then binarySearch = binarySearch(val, middle+1, hi)
   if val = theArray(middle) then binarySearch = middle



Iterative <lang rust>fn binary_search<T:PartialOrd>(v: &[T], searchvalue: T) -> Option<T> {

   let mut lower = 0 as usize;
   let mut upper = v.len() - 1;
   while upper >= lower {
       let mid = (upper + lower) / 2;
       if v[mid] == searchvalue {
           return Some(searchvalue);
       } else if searchvalue < v[mid] {
           upper = mid - 1;
       } else {
           lower = mid + 1;



Recursive <lang scala>def binarySearch[A <% Ordered[A]](a: IndexedSeq[A], v: A) = {

 def recurse(low: Int, high: Int): Option[Int] = (low + high) / 2 match {
   case _ if high < low => None
   case mid if a(mid) > v => recurse(low, mid - 1)
   case mid if a(mid) < v => recurse(mid + 1, high)
   case mid => Some(mid)
 recurse(0, a.size - 1)

}</lang> Iterative <lang scala>def binarySearch[T](xs: Seq[T], x: T)(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): Option[Int] = {

   var low: Int = 0
   var high: Int = xs.size - 1
   while (low <= high)
     low + high >>> 1 match {
       case guess if, x) => high = guess - 1 //too high
       case guess if, x) => low = guess + 1 // too low
       case guess => return Some(guess) //found it
   None //not found

Test <lang scala>def testBinarySearch(n: Int) = {

 val odds = 1 to n by 2
 val result = (0 to n).flatMap(binarySearch(odds, _))
 assert(result == (0 until odds.size))
 println(s"$odds are odd natural numbers")
 for (it <- result)
   println(s"$it is ordinal of ${odds(it)}")


def main() = testBinarySearch(12)</lang> Output:

Range(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) are odd natural numbers
0 is ordinal of 1
1 is ordinal of 3
2 is ordinal of 5
3 is ordinal of 7
4 is ordinal of 9
5 is ordinal of 11


Recursive <lang scheme>(define (binary-search value vector)

 (let helper ((low 0)
              (high (- (vector-length vector) 1)))
   (if (< high low)
       (let ((middle (quotient (+ low high) 2)))
         (cond ((> (vector-ref vector middle) value)
                (helper low (- middle 1)))
               ((< (vector-ref vector middle) value)
                (helper (+ middle 1) high))
               (else middle))))))</lang>


> (binary-search 6 '#(1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
> (binary-search 2 '#(1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))

The calls to helper are in tail position, so since Scheme implementations support proper tail-recursion the computation proces is iterative.


Iterative <lang seed7>const func integer: binarySearchIterative (in array elemType: arr, in elemType: aKey) is func

   var integer: result is 0;
   var integer: low is 1;
   var integer: high is 0;
   var integer: middle is 0;
   high := length(arr);
   while result = 0 and low <= high do
     middle := low + (high - low) div 2;
     if aKey < arr[middle] then
       high := pred(middle);
     elsif aKey > arr[middle] then
       low := succ(middle);
       result := middle;
     end if;
   end while;
 end func;</lang>

Recursive <lang seed7>const func integer: binarySearch (in array elemType: arr, in elemType: aKey, in integer: low, in integer: high) is func

   var integer: result is 0;
   if low <= high then
     result := (low + high) div 2;
     if aKey < arr[result] then
       result := binarySearch(arr, aKey, low, pred(result)); # search left
     elsif aKey > arr[result] then
       result := binarySearch(arr, aKey, succ(result), high); # search right
     end if;
   end if;
 end func;

const func integer: binarySearchRecursive (in array elemType: arr, in elemType: aKey) is

 return binarySearch(arr, aKey, 1, length(arr));</lang>


Recursive <lang sequencel>binarySearch(A(1), value(0), low(0), high(0)) := let mid := low + (high - low) / 2; in -1 when high < low //Not Found else binarySearch(A, value, low, mid - 1) when A[mid] > value else binarySearch(A, value, mid + 1, high) when A[mid] < value else mid;</lang>


Iterative: <lang ruby>func binary_search(a, i) {

   var l = 0
   var h = a.end

   while (l <= h) {
       var mid = (h+l / 2 -> int)
       a[mid] > i && (h = mid-1; next)
       a[mid] < i && (l = mid+1; next)
       return mid

   return -1

}</lang> Recursive: <lang ruby>func binary_search(arr, value, low=0, high=arr.end) {

   high < low && return -1
   var middle = ((high+low) // 2)
   given (arr[middle]) { |item|
       case (value < item) {
           binary_search(arr, value, low, middle-1)
       case (value > item) {
           binary_search(arr, value, middle+1, high)
       case (value == item) {


Usage: <lang ruby>say binary_search([34, 42, 55, 778], 55); #=> 2</lang>


<lang simula>BEGIN

           INTEGER LOW, HIGH;
           INTEGER MID;
                         VALUE < A[I] FOR ALL I > HIGH ;
           MID := (LOW + HIGH) // 2;
           SEARCH := IF HIGH < LOW THEN -LOW - 1
                ELSE MID;
       END SEARCH;

       LOW := LOWERBOUND(A, 1);
       HIGH := UPPERBOUND(A, 1);
                         LVALUE < A(I) FOR ALL I > HIGH ;
           MID := (LOW + HIGH) // 2;
           IF A(MID) > LVALUE THEN
               HIGH := MID - 1
               LOW := MID + 1
               FOUND := TRUE;

   OUTTEXT("ARRAY = (");
   FOR J := 1, 6, 17, 29, 45, 78, 79, 87, 95, 100 DO BEGIN
       HAYSTACK(I) := J;
       OUTINT(HAYSTACK(I), 0);
       I := I + 1;
   FOR NEEDLE:= 0, 1, 7, 17, 95, 99, 100, 101 DO BEGIN
       OUTINT(NEEDLE, 3);
       OUTTEXT(" ... INDEX = ");
       OUTINT(K, 3);
       IF K < 0 THEN OUTTEXT(" NOT FOUND!");
       OUTINT(NEEDLE, 3);
       OUTTEXT(" ... INDEX = ");
       OUTINT(K, 3);
       IF K < 0 THEN OUTTEXT(" NOT FOUND!");


ARRAY = (1, 6, 17, 29, 45, 78, 79, 87, 95, 100)










SPARK does not allow recursion, so only the iterative solution is provided. This example shows the use of a loop assertion.

All the code for this task validates with SPARK GPL 2010 and compiles and executes with GPS GPL 2010.

The Binary_Searches package is shown first. Search is a procedure, rather than a function, so that it can return a Found flag and a Position for Item, if found. This is better design than having a Position value that means 'item not found'.

There are two versions of the package provided, although the Ada code of the two versions is identical.

The first version has a postcondition that if Found is True the Position value returned is correct. This version also has a number of 'check' annotations. These are inserted to allow the Simplifier to prove all the verification conditions. See the SPARK Proof Process. <lang Ada>package Binary_Searches is

  subtype Item_Type is Integer; -- From specs.
  subtype Index_Type is Integer range 1 .. 100;
  type Array_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Item_Type;
  procedure Search (Source   : in     Array_Type;
                    Item     : in     Item_Type;
                    Found    :     out Boolean;
                    Position :     out Index_Type);
  --# derives Found,
  --#         Position from
  --#            Source,
  --#            Item;
  --# post Found -> Source (Position) = Item;
  -- If Found is False then Position is undefined.

end Binary_Searches;

package body Binary_Searches is

  procedure Search (Source   : in     Array_Type;
                    Item     : in     Item_Type;
                    Found    :     out Boolean;
                    Position :     out Index_Type)
     Lower      : Index_Type; -- Lower bound of Subrange.
     Upper      : Index_Type; -- Upper bound of Subrange.
     Terminated : Boolean;
     Found := False;
     -- Default status updated on success.
     Lower      := Source'First;
     Upper      := Source'Last;
     Position   := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
     Terminated := False;
     while not Terminated loop
     --# assert Lower >= Source'First
     --#  and   Upper <= Source'Last
     --#  and   Position in Lower .. Upper
     --#  and   not Found;
        if Item < Source (Position) then
           if Position = Lower then
              -- No lower subrange.
              Terminated := True;
              --# check Position > Lower;
              -- For the two following proofs.
              --# check Position - 1 >= Lower;
              --# check Lower + Position - 1 >= Lower * 2;
              --# check (Lower + Position - 1) / 2 >= Lower;
              -- For "Position >= Lower" in loop assertion.
              --# check Lower < Position;
              --# check Lower + Position - 1 <= (Position - 1) * 2;
              --# check (Lower + Position - 1) / 2 <= (Position - 1);
              -- For "Position <= Upper" in loop assertion.
              -- Switch to lower half subrange.
              Upper := Position - 1;
              Position := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
           end if;
        elsif Item > Source (Position) then
           if Position = Upper then
              -- No upper subrange.
              Terminated := True;
              --# check Position < Upper;
              -- For the two following proofs.
              --# check Upper >= Position + 1;
              --# check Position + 1 + Upper >= (Position + 1) * 2;
              --# check (Position + 1 + Upper) / 2 >= (Position + 1);
              -- For "Position >= Lower" in loop assertion.
              --# check Position + 1 <= Upper;
              --# check Position + 1 + Upper <= Upper * 2;
              --# check (Position + 1 + Upper) / 2 <= Upper;
              -- For "Position <= Upper" in loop assertion.
              -- Switch to upper half subrange.
              Lower := Position + 1;
              Position := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
           end if;
           Found      := True;
           Terminated := True;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Search;

end Binary_Searches;</lang> The second version of the package has a stronger postcondition on Search, which also states that if Found is False then there is no value in Source equal to Item. This postcondition cannot be proved without a precondition that Source is ordered. This version needs four user rules (see the SPARK Proof Process) to be provided to the Simplifier so that it can prove all the verification conditions. <lang Ada>package Binary_Searches is

  subtype Item_Type is Integer; -- From specs.
  subtype Index_Type is Integer range 1 .. 100;
  type Array_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Item_Type;
  --  Ordered_Between is a 'proof function'.  It does not have a code
  --  body, but its meaning is defined by a proof rule:
  --    Ordered_Between (Source, Low_Bound, High_Bound)
  --      <->
  --    for all I in Index_Type range Low_Bound .. High_Bound - 1 =>
  --             (Source(I) < Source(I + 1)) ;
  --# function Ordered_Between (Source               : Array_Type;
  --#                           Range_From, Range_To : Index_Type)
  --#    return Boolean;
  procedure Search (Source   : in     Array_Type;
                    Item     : in     Item_Type;
                    Found    :     out Boolean;
                    Position :     out Index_Type);
  --# derives Found,
  --#         Position from
  --#            Source,
  --#            Item;
  --# pre  Ordered_Between (Source, Source'First, Source'Last);
  --# post (Found -> (Source (Position) = Item))
  --#  and (not Found ->
  --#         (for all I in Index_Type range Source'Range
  --#                                  => (Source(I) /= Item)));

end Binary_Searches;

package body Binary_Searches is

  procedure Search (Source   : in     Array_Type;
                    Item     : in     Item_Type;
                    Found    :     out Boolean;
                    Position :     out Index_Type)
     Lower      : Index_Type; -- Lower bound of Subrange.
     Upper      : Index_Type; -- Upper bound of Subrange.
     Terminated : Boolean;
     Found := False;
     -- Default status updated on success.
     Lower      := Source'First;
     Upper      := Source'Last;
     Position   := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
     Terminated := False;
     while not Terminated loop
     --# assert not Terminated
     --#   and  not Found
     --#   and  Lower >= Source'First
     --#   and  Upper <= Source'Last
     --#   and  Position in Lower .. Upper
     --#   and  (Lower = Source'First or
     --#         (Lower > Source'First and Source(Lower - 1) < Item))
     --#   and  (Upper = Source'Last or
     --#         (Upper < Source'Last and Source(Upper + 1) > Item));
        if Item < Source (Position) then
           if Position = Lower then
              -- No lower subrange.
              Terminated := True;
              -- Switch to lower half subrange.
              Upper := Position - 1;
              Position := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
           end if;
        elsif Item > Source (Position) then
           if Position = Upper then
              -- No upper subrange.
              Terminated := True;
              -- Switch to upper half subrange.
              Lower := Position + 1;
              Position := (Lower + Upper) / 2;
           end if;
           Found      := True;
           Terminated := True;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Search;

end Binary_Searches;</lang> The user rules for this version of the package (written in FDL, a language for modelling algorithms).

binary_search_rule(1): (X + Y) div 2 >= X
                       [ X <= Y,
                         X >= 1,
                         Y >= 1] .

binary_search_rule(2): (X + Y) div 2 <= Y
                       [ X <= Y,
                         X >= 1,
                         Y >= 1] .

binary_search_rule(3): for_all(I_ : integer, First <= I_ and I_ <= Last
                                  -> element(S, [I_]) <> X)
                       [ ordered_between(S, First, Last),
                         P >= First,
                         P <= Last,
                         element(S, [P]) > X,
                         P = First or (P > First and element(S, [P - 1]) < X) ] .

binary_search_rule(4): for_all(I_ : integer, First <= I_ and I_ <= Last
                                  -> element(S, [I_]) <> X)
                       [ ordered_between(S, First, Last),
                         P >= First,
                         P <= Last,
                         element(S, [P]) < X,
                         P = Last or (P < Last and element(S, [P + 1]) > X) ] .

The test program: <lang Ada>with Binary_Searches; with SPARK_IO;

--# inherit Binary_Searches, --# SPARK_IO;

--# main_program; procedure Test_Binary_Search --# global in out SPARK_IO.Outputs; --# derives SPARK_IO.Outputs from *; is

  subtype Index_Type5 is Binary_Searches.Index_Type range 1 .. 5;
  subtype Index_Type7 is Binary_Searches.Index_Type range 1 .. 7;
  subtype Index_Type9 is Binary_Searches.Index_Type range 91 .. 99;
  -- Needed to define a constrained Array_Type.
  subtype Array_Type5 is Binary_Searches.Array_Type (Index_Type5);
  subtype Array_Type7 is Binary_Searches.Array_Type (Index_Type7);
  subtype Array_Type9 is Binary_Searches.Array_Type (Index_Type9);
  -- Needed to pass an array literal to Run_Search.
  -- SPARK does not allow an unconstrained type mark for that purpose.
  procedure Run_Search (Source : in     Binary_Searches.Array_Type;
                        Item   : in     Binary_Searches.Item_Type)
  --# global in out SPARK_IO.Outputs;
  --# derives SPARK_IO.Outputs from *,
  --#                               Item,
  --#                               Source;
     Found    : Boolean;
     Position : Binary_Searches.Index_Type;
     SPARK_IO.Put_String (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                          Item => "Searching for ",
                          Stop => 0);
     SPARK_IO.Put_Integer (File  => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                           Item  => Item,
                           Width => 3,
                           Base  => 10);
     SPARK_IO.Put_String (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                          Item => " in (",
                          Stop => 0);
     for Source_Index in Binary_Searches.Index_Type range Source'Range loop
        SPARK_IO.Put_Integer (File  => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                              Item  => Source (Source_Index),
                              Width => 3,
                              Base  => 10);
     end loop;
     SPARK_IO.Put_String (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                          Item => "): ",
                          Stop => 0);
     Binary_Searches.Search (Source   => Source,    -- in
                             Item     => Item,      -- in
                             Found    => Found,     -- out
                             Position => Position); -- out
     if Found then
        SPARK_IO.Put_String (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                             Item => "found as #",
                             Stop => 0);
        SPARK_IO.Put_Integer (File  => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                              Item  => Position,
                              Width => 0, -- to stick to the sibling '#' sign.
                              Base  => 10);
        SPARK_IO.Put_Line (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                           Item => ".",
                           Stop => 0);
        SPARK_IO.Put_Line (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output,
                           Item => "not found.",
                           Stop => 0);
     end if;
  end Run_Search;


  SPARK_IO.New_Line (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output, Spacing => 1);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type5'(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), Item => 3);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type5'(2, 4, 6, 8, 10), Item => 3);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type7'(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Item => 0);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type7'(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Item => 7);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type9'(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Item => 10);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type9'(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Item => 1);
  Run_Search (Source => Array_Type9'(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Item => 6);

end Test_Binary_Search; </lang>

Test output (for the last three tests the array is indexed from 91):

Searching for   3 in (  0  1  2  3  4): found as #4.
Searching for   3 in (  2  4  6  8 10): not found.
Searching for   0 in (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7): not found.
Searching for   7 in (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7): found as #7.
Searching for  10 in (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9): not found.
Searching for   1 in (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9): found as #91.
Searching for   6 in (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9): found as #96.

Standard ML

Recursive <lang sml>fun binary_search cmp (key, arr) =

   fun aux slice =
     if ArraySlice.isEmpty slice then
	  val mid = ArraySlice.length slice div 2

case cmp (ArraySlice.sub (slice, mid), key) of LESS => aux (ArraySlice.subslice (slice, mid+1, NONE))

	   | GREATER => aux (ArraySlice.subslice (slice, 0, SOME mid))

| EQUAL => SOME (#2 (ArraySlice.base slice) + mid)

   aux (ArraySlice.full arr)


- val a = Array.fromList [2, 3, 5, 6, 8];
val a = [|2,3,5,6,8|] : int array
- binary_search (4, a);
val it = NONE : int option
- binary_search (8, a);
val it = SOME 4 : int option

Standard ML supports proper tail-recursion; so this is effectively the same as iteration.


Works with: SML/NJ


- structure IntArray = struct
=   open Array
=   type elem = int
=   type array = int Array.array
=   type vector = int Vector.vector
= end;
structure IntArray :
[ ... rest omitted ]
- structure IntBSearch = BSearchFn (IntArray);
structure IntBSearch :
    structure A : <sig>
    val bsearch : ('a * A.elem -> order)
                  -> 'a * A.array -> (int * A.elem) option
- val a = Array.fromList [2, 3, 5, 6, 8];
val a = [|2,3,5,6,8|] : int array
- IntBSearch.bsearch (4, a);
val it = NONE : (int * IntArray.elem) option
- IntBSearch.bsearch (8, a);
val it = SOME (4,8) : (int * IntArray.elem) option


Recursive <lang swift>func binarySearch<T: Comparable>(xs: [T], x: T) -> Int? {

 var recurse: ((Int, Int) -> Int?)!
 recurse = {(low, high) in switch (low + high) / 2 {
   case _ where high < low: return nil
   case let mid where xs[mid] > x: return recurse(low, mid - 1)
   case let mid where xs[mid] < x: return recurse(mid + 1, high)
   case let mid: return mid
 return recurse(0, xs.count - 1)

}</lang> Iterative <lang swift>func binarySearch<T: Comparable>(xs: [T], x: T) -> Int? {

 var (low, high) = (0, xs.count - 1)
 while low <= high {
   switch (low + high) / 2 {
     case let mid where xs[mid] > x: high = mid - 1
     case let mid where xs[mid] < x: low = mid + 1
     case let mid: return mid
 return nil

}</lang> Test <lang swift>func testBinarySearch(n: Int) {

 let odds = Array(stride(from: 1, through: n, by: 2))
 let result = flatMap(0...n) {binarySearch(odds, $0)}
 assert(result == Array(0..<odds.count))
 println("\(odds) are odd natural numbers")
 for it in result {
   println("\(it) is ordinal of \(odds[it])")



func flatMap<T, U>(source: [T], transform: (T) -> U?) -> [U] {

 return source.reduce([]) {(var xs, x) in if let x = transform(x) {xs.append(x)}; return xs}

}</lang> Output:

[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] are odd natural numbers
0 is ordinal of 1
1 is ordinal of 3
2 is ordinal of 5
3 is ordinal of 7
4 is ordinal of 9
5 is ordinal of 11


<lang symsyn>

a : 1 : 2 : 27 : 44 : 46 : 57 : 77 : 154 : 212

binary_search param item index size

index saveindex
index L
(index + size - 1) H
if L <= H 
   ((L + H) shr 1) M
   if base.M > item
      - 1 M H
      if base.M < item
         + 1 M L
         - saveindex M
         return M
return -1


call binary_search 77 @a #a
result R
"'result = ' R" []



ref: Tcl wiki <lang tcl>proc binSrch {lst x} {

   set len [llength $lst]
   if {$len == 0} {
       return -1
   } else {
       set pivotIndex [expr {$len / 2}]
       set pivotValue [lindex $lst $pivotIndex]
       if {$pivotValue == $x} {
           return $pivotIndex
       } elseif {$pivotValue < $x} {
           set recursive [binSrch [lrange $lst $pivotIndex+1 end] $x]
           return [expr {$recursive > -1 ? $recursive + $pivotIndex + 1 : -1}]
       } elseif {$pivotValue > $x} {
           set recursive [binSrch [lrange $lst 0 $pivotIndex-1] $x]
           return [expr {$recursive > -1 ? $recursive : -1}]

} proc binary_search {lst x} {

   if {[set idx [binSrch $lst $x]] == -1} {
       puts "element $x not found in list"
   } else {
       puts "element $x found at index $idx"

}</lang> Note also that, from Tcl 8.4 onwards, the lsearch command includes the -sorted option to enable binary searching of Tcl lists. <lang tcl>proc binarySearch {lst x} {

   set idx [lsearch -sorted -exact $lst $x]
   if {$idx == -1} {
       puts "element $x not found in list"
   } else {
       puts "element $x found at index $idx"




Input L1
Input A
While L<H and L1(M)≠A
If A>M
If L1(M)=A
Disp A
Disp M
Disp A
Disp "IS NOT IN"
Disp L1</lang>


Translation of: Run BASIC

The overflow is fixed - which is a bit of overkill, since uBasic/4tH has only one array of 256 elements. <lang>For i = 1 To 100 ' Fill array with some values

 @(i-1) = i


Print FUNC(_binarySearch(50,0,99)) ' Now find value '50' End ' and prints its index

_binarySearch Param(3) ' value, start index, end index

 Local(1)                             ' The middle of the array

If c@ < b@ Then ' Ok, signal we didn't find it

 Return (-1)


 d@ = SHL(b@ + c@, -1)                ' Prevent overflow (LOL!)
 If a@ < @(d@) Then Return (FUNC(_binarySearch (a@, b@, d@-1)))
 If a@ > @(d@) Then Return (FUNC(_binarySearch (a@, d@+1, c@)))
 If a@ = @(d@) Then Return (d@)       ' We found it, return index!


UNIX Shell

Reading values line by line

<lang bash>

  1. !/bin/ksh
  2. This should work on any clone of Bourne Shell, ksh is the fastest.

value=$1; [ -z "$value" ] && exit array=() size=0

while IFS= read -r line; do size=$(($size + 1)) array[${#array[*]}]=$line done </lang>

Iterative <lang bash> left=0 right=$(($size - 1)) while [ $left -le $right ] ; do mid=$((($left + $right) >> 1))

  1. echo "$left $mid(${array[$mid]}) $right"

if [ $value -eq ${array[$mid]} ] ; then echo $mid exit elif [ $value -lt ${array[$mid]} ]; then right=$(($mid - 1)) else left=$((mid + 1)) fi done echo 'ERROR 404 : NOT FOUND' </lang>

Recursive <lang> No code yet </lang>


Parallel <lang bash>splitter() {

  a=$1; s=$2; l=$3; r=$4;
  mid=$(expr ${#a[*]} / 2);
  echo $s ${a[*]:0:$mid} > $l
  echo $(($mid + $s)) ${a[*]:$mid} > $r


bsearch() {

  (to=$1; read s arr; a=($arr);
      test  ${#a[*]} -gt 1  && (splitter $a $s >(bsearch $to) >(bsearch $to)) || (test "$a" -eq "$to" && echo $a at $s)


binsearch() {

  (read arr; echo "0 $arr" | bsearch $1)


echo "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9" | binsearch 6</lang>


Recursive version: <lang vb>Public Function BinarySearch(a, value, low, high) 'search for "value" in ordered array a(low..high) 'return index point if found, -1 if not found

 If high < low Then
   BinarySearch = -1 'not found
   Exit Function
 End If
 midd = low + Int((high - low) / 2) ' "midd" because "Mid" is reserved in VBA
 If a(midd) > value Then
   BinarySearch = BinarySearch(a, value, low, midd - 1)
 ElseIf a(midd) < value Then
   BinarySearch = BinarySearch(a, value, midd + 1, high)
   BinarySearch = midd
 End If

End Function</lang> Here are some test functions: <lang vb>Public Sub testBinarySearch(n) Dim a(1 To 100) 'create an array with values = multiples of 10 For i = 1 To 100: a(i) = i * 10: Next Debug.Print BinarySearch(a, n, LBound(a), UBound(a)) End Sub

Public Sub stringtestBinarySearch(w) 'uses BinarySearch with a string array Dim a a = Array("AA", "Maestro", "Mario", "Master", "Mattress", "Mister", "Mistress", "ZZ") Debug.Print BinarySearch(a, w, LBound(a), UBound(a)) End Sub</lang> and sample output:

stringtestBinarySearch "Master"
testBinarySearch "Master"
testBinarySearch 170
stringtestBinarySearch 170
stringtestBinarySearch "Moo"
stringtestBinarySearch "ZZ"

Iterative version: <lang vb>Public Function BinarySearch2(a, value) 'search for "value" in array a 'return index point if found, -1 if not found

 low = LBound(a)
 high = UBound(a)
 Do While low <= high
   midd = low + Int((high - low) / 2)
   If a(midd) = value Then
     BinarySearch2 = midd
     Exit Function
   ElseIf a(midd) > value Then
     high = midd - 1
     low = midd + 1
   End If
BinarySearch2 = -1 'not found

End Function</lang>


Translation of: BASIC

Recursive <lang vb>Function binary_search(arr,value,lo,hi) If hi < lo Then binary_search = 0 Else middle=Int((hi+lo)/2) If value < arr(middle) Then binary_search = binary_search(arr,value,lo,middle-1) ElseIf value > arr(middle) Then binary_search = binary_search(arr,value,middle+1,hi) Else binary_search = middle Exit Function End If End If End Function

'Tesing the function. num_range = Array(2,3,5,6,8,10,11,15,19,20) n = CInt(WScript.Arguments(0)) idx = binary_search(num_range,n,LBound(num_range),UBound(num_range)) If idx > 0 Then WScript.StdOut.Write n & " found at index " & idx WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Else WScript.StdOut.Write n & " not found" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine End If</lang>


Note: Array index starts at 0.

C:\>cscript /nologo binary_search.vbs 4
4 not found

C:\>cscript /nologo binary_search.vbs 8
8 found at index 4

C:\>cscript /nologo binary_search.vbs 20
20 found at index 9

Vedit macro language


For this implementation, the numbers to be searched must be stored in current edit buffer, one number per line. (Could be for example a csv table where the first column is used as key field.) <lang vedit>// Main program for testing BINARY_SEARCH

  1. 3 = Get_Num("Value to search: ")


  1. 2 = Cur_Line // hi
  2. 1 = 1 // lo

Call("BINARY_SEARCH") Message("Value ") Num_Type(#3, NOCR) if (Return_Value < 1) {

   Message(" not found\n")

} else {

   Message(" found at index ") Num_Type(Return_Value)

} return


while (#1 <= #2) {

   #12 = (#1 + #2) / 2
   #11 = Num_Eval()
   if (#3 == #11) {
       return(#12)             // found
   } else {
       if (#3 < #11) {
           #2 = #12-1
       } else {
           #1 = #12+1

} return(0) // not found</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

Iterative <lang vbnet>Function BinarySearch(ByVal A() As Integer, ByVal value As Integer) As Integer

   Dim low As Integer = 0
   Dim high As Integer = A.Length - 1
   Dim middle As Integer = 0
   While low <= high
       middle = (low + high) / 2
       If A(middle) > value Then
           high = middle - 1
       ElseIf A(middle) < value Then
           low = middle + 1
           Return middle
       End If
   End While
   Return Nothing

End Function</lang> Recursive <lang vbnet>Function BinarySearch(ByVal A() As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal low As Integer, ByVal high As Integer) As Integer

   Dim middle As Integer = 0
   If high < low Then
       Return Nothing
   End If
   middle = (low + high) / 2
   If A(middle) > value Then
       Return BinarySearch(A, value, low, middle - 1)
   ElseIf A(middle) < value Then
       Return BinarySearch(A, value, middle + 1, high)
       Return middle
   End If

End Function</lang>


Translation of: JavaScript

<lang wortel>; Recursive @var rec &[a v l h] [

 @if < h l @return null
 @var m @/ +h l 2
 @? {
   > `m a v @!rec[a v l -m 1]
   < `m a v @!rec[a v +1 m h]



@var itr &[a v] [

 @vars{l 0 h #-a}
 @while <= l h [
   @var m @/ +l h 2
   @iff {
     > `m a v :h -m 1
     < `m a v :l +m 1
     @return m



<lang ecmascript>class BinarySearch {

   static recursive(a, value, low, high) {
       if (high < low) return -1
       var mid = low + ((high - low)/2).floor
       if (a[mid] > value) return recursive(a, value, low, mid-1)
       if (a[mid] < value) return recursive(a, value, mid+1, high)
       return mid
   static iterative(a, value) {
       var low = 0
       var high = a.count - 1
       while (low <= high) {
           var mid = low + ((high - low)/2).floor
           if (a[mid] > value) {
               high = mid - 1
           } else if (a[mid] < value) {
               low = mid + 1
           } else {
               return mid
       return -1


var a = [10, 22, 45, 67, 89, 97] System.print("array = %(a)")

System.print("\nUsing the recursive algorithm:") for (value in [67, 93]) {

   var index = BinarySearch.recursive(a, value, 0, a.count - 1)
   if (index >= 0) {
       System.print("  %(value) was found at index %(index) of the array.")
   } else {
       System.print("  %(value) was not found in the array.")


System.print("\nUsing the iterative algorithm:") for (value in [22, 70]) {

   var index = BinarySearch.iterative(a, value)
   if (index >= 0) {
       System.print("  %(value) was found at index %(index) of the array.")
   } else {
       System.print("  %(value) was not found in the array.")


array = [10, 22, 45, 67, 89, 97]

Using the recursive algorithm:
  67 was found at index 3 of the array.
  93 was not found in the array.

Using the iterative algorithm:
  22 was found at index 1 of the array.
  70 was not found in the array.


Translation of: Lua

<lang Yabasic>sub floor(n)

   return int(n + .5)

end sub

sub binarySearch(list(), value)

   local low, high, mid
   low = 1 : high = arraysize(list(), 1)
   while(low <= high)
       mid = floor((low + high) / 2)
       if list(mid) > value then
           high = mid - 1
       elsif list(mid) < value then
           low = mid + 1
           return mid
       end if
   return false

end sub

ITEMS = 10e6

dim list(ITEMS)

for n = 1 to ITEMS

   list(n) = n

next n

print binarySearch(list(), 3) print peek("millisrunning")</lang>

z/Arch Assembler

This optimized version for z/Arch, uses six general regs and avoid branch misspredictions for high/low cases. <lang z/Archasm>* Binary search BINSRCH LA R5,TABLE Begin of table

        SR    R2,R2               low  = 0                                 
        LA    R3,ENTRIES-1        high = N-1

LOOP CR R2,R3 while (low <= high)

        JH    NOTFOUND            {                                   
        ARK   R4,R2,R3               mid = low + high                 
        SRL   R4,1                   mid = mid / 2
        LA    R1,1(R4)               mid + 1
        AHIK  R0,R4,-1               mid - 1
        MSFI  R4,ENTRYL              mid * length                     
        AR    R4,R5                  Table[mid]                       
        CLC   0(L'KEY,R4),SEARCH     Compare 
        JE    FOUND                  Equal? => Found                
        LOCRH R3,R0                  High?  => HIGH = MID-1           
        LOCRL R2,R1                  Low?   => LOW  = MID+1           
        J     LOOP                }</lang>


This algorithm is tail recursive, which means it is both recursive and iterative (since tail recursion optimizes to a jump). Overflow is not possible because Ints (64 bit) are a lot bigger than the max length of a list. <lang zkl>fcn bsearch(list,value){ // list is sorted

  fcn(list,value, low,high){
     if (high < low) return(Void);	// not found
     mid:=(low + high) / 2;
     if (list[mid] > value) return(self.fcn(list,value, low,   mid-1));
     if (list[mid] < value) return(self.fcn(list,value, mid+1, high));
     return(mid);			// found

}</lang> <lang zkl>list:=T(1,3,5,7,9,11); println("Sorted values: ",list); foreach i in ([0..12]){

  if (Void==n) println("Not found: ",i);
  else println("found ",i," at index ",n);


Sorted values: L(1,3,5,7,9,11)
Not found: 0
found 1 at index 0
Not found: 2
found 3 at index 1
Not found: 4
found 5 at index 2
Not found: 6
found 7 at index 3
Not found: 8
found 9 at index 4
Not found: 10
found 11 at index 5
Not found: 12

ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: FreeBASIC

Iterative method: <lang zxbasic>10 DATA 2,3,5,6,8,10,11,15,19,20 20 DIM t(10) 30 FOR i=1 TO 10 40 READ t(i) 50 NEXT i 60 LET value=4: GO SUB 100 70 LET value=8: GO SUB 100 80 LET value=20: GO SUB 100 90 STOP 100 REM Binary search 110 LET lo=1: LET hi=10 120 IF lo>hi THEN LET idx=0: GO TO 170 130 LET middle=INT ((hi+lo)/2) 140 IF value<t(middle) THEN LET hi=middle-1: GO TO 120 150 IF value>t(middle) THEN LET lo=middle+1: GO TO 120 160 LET idx=middle 170 PRINT "Value ";value; 180 IF idx=0 THEN PRINT " not found": RETURN 190 PRINT " found at index ";idx: RETURN </lang>