
  • Generate a string with opening brackets (“[”) and closing brackets (“]”), in some arbitrary order.
  • Determine whether the generated string is balanced; that is, whether it consists entirely of pairs of opening/closing brackets (in that order), none of which mis-nest.
Balanced brackets
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


   (empty)   OK
   []        OK   ][        NOT OK
   [][]      OK   ][][      NOT OK
   [[][]]    OK   []][[]    NOT OK


brackets.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; procedure Brackets is

  package Random_Positive is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Positive);
  Positive_Generator : Random_Positive.Generator;
  procedure Swap (Left, Right : in out Character) is
     Temp : constant Character := Left;
     Left := Right;
     Right := Temp;
  end Swap;
  function Generate_Brackets (Bracket_Count : Natural; 
                              Opening_Bracket : Character := '['; 
                              Closing_Bracket : Character := ']') 
           return String is
     use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
     All_Brackets : String := Bracket_Count * Opening_Bracket & Bracket_Count * Closing_Bracket;
     for I in All_Brackets'Range loop
        Swap (All_Brackets (I), All_Brackets (Random_Positive.Random (Positive_Generator) mod (Bracket_Count * 2) + 1));
     end loop;
     return All_Brackets;
  end Generate_Brackets;
  function Check_Brackets (Test : String; 
                           Opening_Bracket : Character := '['; 
                           Closing_Bracket : Character := ']') 
           return Boolean is
     Open : Natural := 0;
     for I in Test'Range loop
        if Test (I) = Opening_Bracket then
           Open := Open + 1;
        elsif Test (I) = Closing_Bracket then
           if Open = 0 then
              return False;
              Open := Open - 1;
           end if;
        end if;
     end loop;
     return True;
  end Check_Brackets;


  Random_Positive.Reset (Positive_Generator);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Brackets");
  for I in 0 .. 4 loop
     for J in 0 .. I loop
           My_String : constant String := Generate_Brackets (I);
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (My_String & ": " & Boolean'Image (Check_Brackets (My_String)));
     end loop;
  end loop;

end Brackets;</lang>


[]: TRUE
[]][: FALSE
][][: FALSE
][][: FALSE
[[]]][: FALSE
[][][]: TRUE
[]]][[: FALSE
][][][: FALSE
]]][[[[]: FALSE
[[[]][]]: TRUE
[][][]][: FALSE
[[][]]][: FALSE
[]]]][[[: FALSE


<lang aime>integer unbalanced(text s) {

   integer b, i;
   b = 0;
   i = 0;
   while (i < length(s)) {
       if (character(s, i) == '[') {
           b += 1;
       } else {
           b -= 1;
           if (b < 0) {
       i += 1;
   return b;


text generate(integer d) {

   integer i;
   text s;
   i = d;
   while (i) {
       s = insert(s, 0, '[');
       i -= 1;
   i = d;
   while (i) {
       s = insert(s, drand(length(s)), ']');
       i -= 1;
   return s;


integer main(void) {

   integer i;
   i = 0;
   while (i < 10) {
       text s;
       s = generate(i);
       o_text(" is ");
       if (unbalanced(s)) {
       i += 1;
   return 0;

}</lang> Sample output:

 is balanced
][ is unbalanced
]][[ is unbalanced
]]][[[ is unbalanced
[[]][][] is balanced
[[][]][][] is balanced
[]]]][][[][[ is unbalanced
][[[]][[][]]][ is unbalanced
[][[[][[]]]]][][ is unbalanced
[[][[[[][]]][][]]] is balanced




<lang> grammar balancedBrackets ;

options { language = Java; }

bb : {System.out.print("input is: ");} (balancedBrackets {System.out.print($balancedBrackets.text);})* NEWLINE {System.out.println();} ; balancedBrackets : OpenBracket balancedBrackets* CloseBracket ; OpenBracket : '[' ; CloseBracket : ']' ; NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n' ; </lang> Produces:

input is:
input is: []
input is: line 1:0 missing NEWLINE at ']'
input is: [][]
input is: line 1:0 missing NEWLINE at ']'
input is: [[][]]
input is: []line 1:2 missing NEWLINE at ']'


<lang AutoHotkey>; Generate 10 strings with equal left and right brackets Loop, 5 { B = %A_Index% loop 2 { String = Loop % B String .= "[`n" Loop % B String .= "]`n" Sort, String, Random StringReplace, String, String,`n,,All Example .= String " - " IsBalanced(String) "`n" } } MsgBox % Example return

IsBalanced(Str) { Loop, PARSE, Str { If A_LoopField = [ i++ Else if A_LoopField = ] i-- If i < 0 return "NOT OK" } Return "OK" }</lang> Output:

][ - NOT OK
][ - NOT OK
[][] - OK
[[]] - OK
[]][[] - NOT OK
]][[[] - NOT OK
][[]][][ - NOT OK
[][[[]]] - OK
[][]]][[[] - NOT OK
[[][[]]][] - OK

A second example repeatedly replacing []: <lang AutoHotkey>Loop, 5 { B = %A_Index% loop 2 { String = Loop % B String .= "[`n" Loop % B String .= "]`n" Sort, String, Random StringReplace, String, String,`n,,All Example .= String " - " IsBalanced(String) "`n" } } MsgBox % Example return

IsBalanced(Str){ While (Instr(Str,"[]")) StringReplace, Str, Str,[],,All Return Str ? "False" : "True" }</lang> Sample output:

[] - True
][ - False
]][[ - False
[]][ - False
[[]]][ - False
]][[[] - False
[][]]][[ - False
[]][][][ - False
[[[][]][]] - True
[][][[[]]] - True


<lang AutoIt>

  1. include <Array.au3>

Local $Array[1] _ArrayAdd($Array, "[]") _ArrayAdd($Array, "[][]") _ArrayAdd($Array, "[[][]]") _ArrayAdd($Array, "][") _ArrayAdd($Array, "][][") _ArrayAdd($Array, "[]][[]")

For $i = 0 To UBound($Array) -1 Balanced_Brackets($Array[$i]) If @error Then ConsoleWrite($Array[$i] &" = NOT OK"&@CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite($Array[$i] &" = OK"&@CRLF) EndIf Next

Func Balanced_Brackets($String) Local $cnt = 0 $Split = Stringsplit($String, "") For $i = 1 To $Split[0] If $split[$i] = "[" Then $cnt += 1 If $split[$i] = "]" Then $cnt -= 1 If $cnt < 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Next Return 1 EndFunc </lang>


<lang AWK>#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN {

  print isbb("[]")
  print isbb("][")
  print isbb("][][")
  print isbb("[][]")
  print isbb("[][][]")
  print isbb("[]][[]")


function isbb(x) {

  s = 0
  for (k=1; k<=length(x); k++) {

c = substr(x,k,1) if (c=="[") {s++} else { if (c=="]") s-- }

       if (s<0) {return 0}
  return (s==0)

} </lang> Output:



Works with: QBasic

<lang qbasic>DECLARE FUNCTION checkBrackets% (brackets AS STRING) DECLARE FUNCTION generator$ (length AS INTEGER)



   x$ = generator$ (10)
   PRINT x$,
   IF checkBrackets(x$) THEN
       PRINT "OK"
       PRINT "NOT OK"


FUNCTION checkBrackets% (brackets AS STRING)

   'returns -1 (TRUE) if everything's ok, 0 (FALSE) if not
   FOR L0 = 1 TO LEN(brackets)
       SELECT CASE MID$(brackets, L0, 1)
           CASE "["
               sum = sum + 1
           CASE "]"
               sum = sum - 1
       IF sum < 0 THEN
           checkBrackets% = 0
           EXIT FUNCTION
       END IF
   IF 0 = sum THEN
       checkBrackets% = -1
       checkBrackets% = 0


FUNCTION generator$ (length AS INTEGER)

   z = INT(RND * length)
   IF z < 1 THEN generator$ = "": EXIT FUNCTION
   REDIM x(z * 2) AS STRING
   FOR i = 0 TO z STEP 2
       x(i) = "["
       x(i + 1) = "]"
   FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(x)
       z = INT(RND * 2)
       IF z THEN SWAP x(i), x(i - 1)
   xx$ = ""
   FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(x)
       xx$ = xx$ + x(i)
   generator$ = xx$


Sample output:

[][[][][]]    OK
][[[]]        NOT OK
[][]          OK
[]][][][[]    NOT OK
[][[]][[]]    OK
][][[]        NOT OK
][[]          NOT OK
][][[]][][    NOT OK
][[[][]]      NOT OK
][][[[]]      NOT OK
][[]][        NOT OK


<lang bbcbasic>FOR x%=1 TO 10 test$=FNgenerate(RND(10))

 PRINT "Bracket string ";test$;" is ";FNvalid(test$)


DEFFNgenerate(n%) LOCAL l%,r%,t%,output$ WHILE l%<n% AND r%<n%

   WHEN 1:
   WHEN 2:

ENDWHILE IF l%=n% THEN output$+=STRING$(n%-r%,"]") ELSE output$+=STRING$(n%-l%,"[") =output$

DEFFNvalid(q$) LOCAL x%,count% IF LEN(q$)=0 THEN ="OK." FOR x%=1 TO LEN(q$)

 IF MID$(q$,x%,1)="[" THEN count%+=1 ELSE count%-=1
 IF count%<0 THEN ="not OK."

NEXT x% ="OK."</lang>

Bracket string [[[][]]] is OK.
Bracket string [[[]][[[][[][]]]]] is OK.
Bracket string ][][]][[ is not OK.
Bracket string [][][] is OK.
Bracket string [][]][]][[]]][[[ is not OK.
Bracket string ]][[[[]]]][]]][[[[ is not OK.
Bracket string [[][[[]]][]] is OK.
Bracket string []][][][[[]] is not OK.
Bracket string ][]][[ is not OK.
Bracket string []][][][[] is not OK.


Works with: befungee

This code implements the second part of the task: it reads from standard input an arbitrary string of opening and closing brackets, and checks whether it's balanced or not. <lang Befunge>v > "KO TON" ,,,,,, v > ~ : 25*- #v_ $ | > 25*, @

                > "KO" ,,           ^
           > : 1991+*+- #v_ v
                         > \ : 1991+*+- #v_v
                                         \ $

^ < <$<</lang>


Bracmat has no 'random' function, so the shuffle is a bit improvised. A variable someNumber is initialised with a big number is repeatedly divided by the number of '['s in the test string until zero. The remainders are used as index to partition and swap the first half of the test string. Then the second half and first half are also swapped. The test whether the test string is balanced is simple, but not very efficient. <lang bracmat>( (bal=|"[" !bal "]" !bal) & ( generate

 =   a j m n z N S someNumber
   .   !arg:<1&
     |   11^123+13^666+17^321:?someNumber
       & (!arg:?n)+1:?N
       & :?S
       &   whl
         ' (!n+-1:~<0:?n&"[" "]" !S:?S)
       &   whl
         ' ( !someNumber:>0
           & mod$(!someNumber.!N):?j
           & div$(!someNumber.!N):?someNumber
           & !S:?a [!j ?m [!N ?z
           & !z !m !a:?S
       & !S

& 0:?L & whl

 ' ( generate$!L:?S
   & put$(str$(!S ":"))
   &   out
     $ (!S:!bal&Balanced|"Not balanced")
   & !L+1:<11:?L

);</lang> Output:

][:Not balanced
[[[]]]][:Not balanced
]]]][][[[[:Not balanced
[][]][]]]][[[[:Not balanced
[][]][[[]]][][][:Not balanced
[][[][]][]]][][[[]][:Not balanced


<lang brat>string.prototype.balanced? = {

 brackets = []
 balanced = true
 my.dice.each_while { c |
   true? c == "["
     { brackets << c }
     { true? c == "]"
       { last = brackets.pop
         false? last == "["
         { balanced = false }
 true? brackets.empty?
   { balanced }
   { false }


generate_brackets = { n | (n.of("[") + n.of("]")).shuffle.join }

1.to 10 { n |

 test = generate_brackets n
 true? test.balanced?
   { p "#{test} is balanced" }
   { p "#{test} is not balanced" }



[] is balanced
][][ is not balanced
[[]][] is balanced
[[[]][]] is balanced
[[[[]]]]][ is not balanced
][[][]][[[]] is not balanced
]][[][][[]][][ is not balanced
[[[][[]]][][][]] is balanced
][]][]]]][][[[][[[ is not balanced
][[[[][][][[][][]]]] is not balanced


<lang c>#include<stdio.h>

  1. include<stdlib.h>
  2. include<string.h>

int isBal(const char*s,int l){

   signed c=0;

if(s[l]==']') ++c; else if(s[l]=='[') if(--c<0) break;

   return !c;


void shuffle(char*s,int h){

   int x,t,i=h;

t=s[x=rand()%h]; s[x]=s[i]; s[i]=t;



void genSeq(char*s,int n){


memset(s,'[',n); memset(s+n,']',n); shuffle(s,n*2);



void doSeq(int n){

   char s[64];
   const char *o="False";
   if(isBal(s,n*2)) o="True";
   printf("'%s': %s\n",s,o);


int main(){

   int n=0;
   while(n<9) doSeq(n++);
   return 0;

}</lang>result:<lang>: True '[]': True ']][[': False '[][][]': True '[]][[]][': False '[]][[[[]]]': False ']]]][[[]][[[': False ']]]]]][][[[[[[': False '[][]][[][[[]]][]': False</lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Linq;

class Program {

   static bool IsBalanced(string text, char open = '[', char close = ']')
       var level = 0;
       foreach (var character in text)
           if (character == close)
               if (level == 0)
                   return false;
           if (character == open)
       return level == 0;
   static string RandomBrackets(int count, char open = '[', char close = ']')
       var random = new Random();
       return string.Join(string.Empty,
               (new string(open, count) + new string(close, count)).OrderBy(c => random.Next()));
   static void Main()
       for (var count = 0; count < 9; count++)
           var text = RandomBrackets(count);
           Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" is {1}balanced.", text, IsBalanced(text) ? string.Empty : "not ");

}</lang> Sample output:

"" is balanced.
"[]" is balanced.
"[]][" is not balanced.
"[][][]" is balanced.
"[[[]][]]" is balanced.
"[][[][[]]]" is balanced.
"[]][][][[][]" is not balanced.
"[]]][][]][[][[" is not balanced.
"[]]][]]][[][[][[" is not balanced.

<lang csharp>

                      // simple solution
                      string input = Console.ReadLine();

if (input.Length % 2 != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Not Okay"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { if (i < input.Length - 1) { if (input[i] == '[' && input[i + 1] == ']') { input = input.Remove(i, 2); i = -1; } }

} if (input.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine("Okay"); else Console.WriteLine("Not Okay");



<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <string>

std::string generate(int n, char left = '[', char right = ']') {

   std::string str(std::string(n, left) + std::string(n, right));
   std::random_shuffle(str.begin(), str.end());
   return str;


bool balanced(const std::string &str, char left = '[', char right = ']') {

   int count = 0;
   for (std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it)
       if (*it == left)
       else if (*it == right)
           if (--count < 0) return false;
   return count == 0;


int main() {

   srand(time(NULL)); // seed rng
   for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
       std::string s(generate(i));
       std::cout << (balanced(s) ? " ok: " : "bad: ") << s << "\n";

}</lang> Output:

 ok: []
 ok: [][]
bad: []][[]
 ok: [[[]][]]
bad: ][[[[]][]]
 ok: [[[]][[]][]]
bad: ]][[]][[[[][]]
bad: [[]]]][]][[][[[]


<lang Clojure>(defn gen-brackets [n]

 (->> (concat (repeat n \[) (repeat n \]))
      (apply str ,)))

(defn balanced? [s]

 (loop [[first & coll] (seq s)

stack '()]

   (if first
     (if (= first \[)

(recur coll (conj stack \[)) (when (= (peek stack) \[) (recur coll (pop stack))))

     (zero? (count stack)))))</lang>


user> (->> (range 10)
     (map gen-brackets ,)
     (map (juxt identity balanced?) ,) vec)
[["" true]
 ["[]" true]
 ["[[]]" true]
 ["[][[]]" true]
 ["[]][][][" nil]
 ["[[[[[]]]]]" true]
 ["]][[][][[[]]" nil]
 ["[]]]][[[[]][][" nil]
 ["][][[]]][[][][][" nil]
 ["][][]]][]][[[][[[]" nil]


Works with: OpenCOBOL


      PROGRAM-ID. test-balanced-brackets.
      01  True-Val  CONSTANT 0.
      01  False-Val CONSTANT 1.
      01  current-time        PIC 9(10).
      01  bracket-type        PIC 9.
          88 add-open-bracket VALUE 1.
      01  bracket-string-area.
          03  bracket-string  PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TIMES.
      01  i                   PIC 999.
      01  j                   PIC 999.
          *> Seed RANDOM().
          MOVE FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE (7:10) TO current-time
          MOVE FUNCTION RANDOM(current-time) TO current-time

          *> Generate random strings of brackets.
          PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL 10 < i
              PERFORM VARYING j FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL i < j
                  COMPUTE bracket-type =
                      FUNCTION REM(FUNCTION RANDOM * 1000, 2)
                  IF add-open-bracket
                      MOVE "[" TO bracket-string (i) (j:1)
                      MOVE "]" TO bracket-string (i) (j:1)
          *> Display if the strings are balanced or not.
          PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL 10 < i
              CALL "check-if-balanced" USING bracket-string (i)
              IF RETURN-CODE = True-Val
                  DISPLAY FUNCTION TRIM(bracket-string (i))
                      " is balanced."
                  DISPLAY FUNCTION TRIM(bracket-string (i))
                      " is not balanced."
      END PROGRAM test-balanced-brackets.
      PROGRAM-ID. check-if-balanced.
      01  True-Val  CONSTANT 0.
      01  False-Val CONSTANT 1.
      01  nesting-level  PIC S999.
      01  i              PIC 999.
      01  bracket-string PIC X(100).
      PROCEDURE DIVISION USING bracket-string.
                  UNTIL (100 < i)
                     OR (bracket-string (i:1) = SPACE)
                     OR (nesting-level < 0)
              IF bracket-string (i:1) = "["
                  ADD 1 TO nesting-level
                  SUBTRACT 1 FROM nesting-level
                  IF nesting-level < 0
                      MOVE False-Val TO RETURN-CODE 
          IF nesting-level = 0
              MOVE True-Val TO RETURN-CODE
              MOVE False-Val TO RETURN-CODE
      END PROGRAM check-if-balanced.</lang>


<lang coffeescript> isBalanced = (brackets) ->

 openCount = 0
 for bracket in brackets
   openCount += if bracket is '[' then 1 else -1
   return false if openCount < 0
 openCount is 0

bracketsCombinations = (n) ->

 for i in [0...Math.pow 2, n]
   str = i.toString 2
   str = '0' + str while str.length < n
   str.replace(/0/g, '[').replace(/1/g, ']')

for brackets in bracketsCombinations 4

 console.log brackets, isBalanced brackets

</lang> output <lang> > coffee balanced.coffee [[[[ false [[[] false [[][ false [[]] true [][[ false [][] true []][ false []]] false ][[[ false ][[] false ][][ false ][]] false ]][[ false ]][] false ]]][ false ]]]] false </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun string-of-brackets (n)

 (let ((result (make-string (* 2 n)))
       (opening n)
       (closing n))
   (dotimes (i (* 2 n) result)
     (setf (aref result i)
             ((zerop opening) #\])
             ((zerop closing) #\[)
             (t (if (= (random 2) 0)
                    (progn (decf opening) #\[)
                    (progn (decf closing) #\]))))))))

(defun balancedp (string)

 (zerop (reduce (lambda (nesting bracket)
                  (ecase bracket
                    (#\] (if (= nesting 0)
                             (return-from balancedp nil)
                             (1- nesting)))
                    (#\[ (1+ nesting))))
                :initial-value 0)))

(defun show-balanced-brackets ()

 (dotimes (i 10)
   (let ((s (string-of-brackets i)))
     (format t "~3A: ~A~%" (balancedp s) s))))



CL-USER> (show-balanced-brackets)
T  : 
NIL: ][
T  : [[]]
NIL: []]][[
T  : [][][][]
NIL: []][]][[[]
NIL: []]]]][][[[[
NIL: ][]]]]][[[[][[
T  : [[[[[[][[]]]]]]]
NIL: ]][[[[][]][[[[]]]]

Component Pascal

BlackBox Component Builder <lang oberon2> MODULE Brackets; IMPORT StdLog, Args, Stacks (* See Task Stacks *); TYPE

Character = POINTER TO RECORD (Stacks.Object) c: CHAR END;

PROCEDURE NewCharacter(c: CHAR): Character; VAR n: Character; BEGIN NEW(n);n.c:= c;RETURN n END NewCharacter;

PROCEDURE (c: Character) Show*; BEGIN StdLog.String("Character(");StdLog.Char(c.c);StdLog.String(");");StdLog.Ln END Show;

PROCEDURE CheckBalance(str: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR s: Stacks.Stack; n,x: ANYPTR; i: INTEGER; c : CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; s := Stacks.NewStack(); WHILE (i < LEN(str$)) & (~Args.IsBlank(str[i])) & (str[i] # 0X) DO IF s.Empty() THEN s.Push(NewCharacter(str[i])); ELSE n := s.top.data; WITH n : Character DO IF (str[i] = ']')& (n.c = '[') THEN x := s.Pop(); ELSE s.Push(NewCharacter(str[i])) END; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; INC(i) END; RETURN s.Empty(); END CheckBalance;

PROCEDURE Do*; VAR p : Args.Params; i: INTEGER; BEGIN Args.Get(p); (* Get Params *) FOR i := 0 TO p.argc - 1 DO StdLog.String(p.args[i] + ":>");StdLog.Bool(CheckBalance(p.args[i]));StdLog.Ln END END Do;

END Brackets. </lang> Execute: ^Q Brackets.Do [] [][] [[][]] ][ ][][ []][[]~

[] :> $TRUE
[][] :> $TRUE
[[][]] :> $TRUE
][ :> $FALSE
][][ :> $FALSE
[]][[]:> $FALSE


Standard Version

D standard library has a function for this. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.random, std.range;

void main() {

   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. 9) {
       immutable s = iota(i * 2).map!(_ => "[]"[uniform(0, 2)]).array;
       writeln(s.balancedParens('[', ']') ? " OK: " : "bad: ", s);


 OK: []
bad: []][
 OK: [][][]
bad: [][]]][[
 OK: [[[]][]][]
bad: ][][[[][][]]
bad: [[]][[]]]]][[[
bad: ][]]][[[[][][][]

Imperative Version

Translation of: Perl 6

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.range, std.algorithm;

bool isBalanced(in string txt) pure nothrow {

   auto count = 0;
   foreach (immutable c; txt) {
       if (c == ']') {
           if (count < 0)
               return false;
       } else if (c == '[')
   return count == 0;


void main() {

   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. 9) {
       immutable s = iota(i * 2).map!(_ => "[]"[uniform(0, 2)]).array;
       writeln(s.isBalanced ? " OK " : "Bad ", s);

}</lang> The output is similar.

Functional Style

Translation of: Haskell

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.range, std.algorithm;

bool isBalanced(in string s, in char[2] pars="[]") pure nothrow @nogc {

   bool bal(in string t, in int nb = 0) pure nothrow @nogc {
       if (!nb && t.empty) return true;
       if (t.empty || nb < 0) return false;
       //if (t[0] == pars[0]) return bal(t.dropOne, nb + 1);
       if (t[0] == pars[0]) return bal(t[1 .. $], nb + 1);
       if (t[0] == pars[1]) return bal(t[1 .. $], nb - 1);
       return bal(t[1 .. $], nb); // Ignore char.
   return bal(s);


void main() {

   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. 9) {
       immutable s = iota(i * 2).map!(_ => "[]"[uniform(0, $)]).array;
       writeln(s.isBalanced ? " OK " : "Bad ", s);



<lang Delphi>procedure Balanced_Brackets;

var BracketsStr : string;

     TmpStr      : string;
     I,J         : integer;


 for I := 1 to 9 do
     { Create a random string of 2*N chars with N*"[" and N*"]" }
     TmpStr  := ;
     for J := 1 to I do
       TmpStr := '['+TmpStr+']';
     BracketsStr := ;
     while TmpStr >  do
         J := Random(Length(TmpStr))+1;
         BracketsStr := BracketsStr+TmpStr[J];
     TmpStr := BracketsStr;
     { Test for balanced brackets }
     while Pos('[]',TmpStr) > 0 do
     if TmpStr =  then
       writeln(BracketsStr+': OK')
       writeln(BracketsStr+': not OK');


[]: OK
[[]]: OK
[][][]: OK
[[[]][]]: OK
]]]][[[[[]: not OK
][[][][[[]]]: not OK
[][[]]][[][[]]: not OK
[[[[[]][]][[]]]]: OK
[]]][][[[[[]][]][]: not OK

Déjà Vu

<lang dejavu>matching?: swap 0 for c in chars: if = c "]": ++ elseif = c "[": if not dup: drop return false -- not

!. matching? "" !. matching? "[]" !. matching? "[][]" !. matching? "[[][]]" !. matching? "][" !. matching? "][][" !. matching? "[]][[]"</lang>



<lang elena>#define system.

  1. define system'routines.
  2. define extensions.

// --- RandomBrackets ---

  1. symbol randomBrackets = (:aLength)


   ^ (0 == aLength)
       ? [ emptyLiteralValue ]
       ! [
           #var aBrackets := arrayControl 
               new &length:aLength &each: i[ CharValue new:91 ] + arrayControl new &length:aLength &each: i[ CharValue new:93 ].
           randomControl randomize:(aLength * 2) &array:aBrackets.
           ^ Summing new:(String new) foreach:aBrackets literal.        


  1. symbol isBalanced = (:aLiteral)


   #var aCounter := Integer new:0.
   control foreach:aLiteral &until: aChar [ aCounter append:(aChar => "[" ? [ 1 ] "]" ? [ -1 ]) < 0 ].
   ^ (0 == aCounter).


// --- Program ---

  1. symbol program =


   control forrange &int:0 &int:9 &do: (&int:aLength)
       #var anStr := randomBrackets:aLength.
       #var balanced := isBalanced:anStr.
       consoleEx writeLine:"""":anStr:"""":(balanced => true ? [ " is balanced" ] false ? [ " is not balanced" ]).
   console readChar.



<lang Erlang> -module( balanced_brackets ). -export( [generate/1, is_balanced/1, task/0] ).

generate( N ) -> [generate_bracket(random:uniform()) || _X <- lists:seq(1, 2*N)].

is_balanced( String ) -> is_balanced_loop( String, 0 ).

task() -> lists:foreach( fun (N) -> String = generate( N ), Result = is_balanced( String ), io:fwrite( "~s is ~s~n", [String, task_balanced(Result)] ) end, lists:seq(0, 5) ).

is_balanced_loop( _String, N ) when N < 0 -> false; is_balanced_loop( [], 0 ) -> true; is_balanced_loop( [], _N ) -> false; is_balanced_loop( [$[ | T], N ) -> is_balanced_loop( T, N + 1 ); is_balanced_loop( [$] | T], N ) -> is_balanced_loop( T, N - 1 ).

generate_bracket( N ) when N =< 0.5 -> $[; generate_bracket( N ) when N > 0.5 -> $].

task_balanced( true ) -> "OK"; task_balanced( false ) -> "NOT OK". </lang>

47> balanced_brackets:task().
 is OK
[[ is NOT OK
[][] is OK
[[[[][ is NOT OK
[]]]]][[ is NOT OK
[[[][[[[]] is NOT OK


<lang euphoria>function check_brackets(sequence s)

   integer level
   level = 0
   for i = 1 to length(s) do
       if s[i] = '[' then
           level += 1
       elsif s[i] = ']' then
           level -= 1
           if level < 0 then
               return 0
           end if
       end if
   end for
   return level = 0

end function

function generate_brackets(integer n)

   integer opened,closed,r
   sequence s
   opened = n
   closed = n
   s = ""
   for i = 1 to n*2 do
       r = rand(opened+closed)
       if r<=opened then
           s &= '['
           opened -= 1
           s &= ']'
           closed -= 1
       end if
   end for
   return s

end function

sequence s for i = 1 to 10 do

   s = generate_brackets(3)
   if check_brackets(s) then
       puts(1," OK\n")
       puts(1," NOT OK\n")
   end if

end for</lang>

Sample output:

]]][[[ NOT OK
[[[]]] OK
[[]][] OK
[][][] OK
]][[][ NOT OK
[][[]] OK
[[[]]] OK
[[]][] OK
[]]][[ NOT OK
[][[]] OK


<lang fsharp>let isBalanced str =

 let rec loop count = function
   | ']'::_  when count = 0 -> false
   | '['::xs                -> loop (count+1) xs
   | ']'::xs                -> loop (count-1) xs
   | []                     -> count = 0
   | _::_                   -> false
 str |> Seq.toList |> loop 0

let shuffle arr =

   let rnd = new System.Random()
   Array.sortBy (fun _ -> rnd.Next()) arr

let generate n =

 new string( String.replicate n "[]" |> Array.ofSeq |> shuffle )

for n in 1..10 do

 let s = generate n
 printfn "\"%s\" is balanced: %b" s (isBalanced s)</lang>


"[]" is balanced: true
"][][" is balanced: false
"][[]][" is balanced: false
"[][[]][]" is balanced: true
"[[]][[]][]" is balanced: true
"[[]][[[]][]]" is balanced: true
"][[[]][[[]][]]" is balanced: false
"][[][][]][[]][[]" is balanced: false
"][[]][][]][[]][[[]" is balanced: false
"][[]]][[][]][[]][[[]" is balanced: false


This code implements the second part of the task: it reads from standard input an arbitrary string of opening and closing brackets, and checks whether it's balanced or not. <lang Factor>USING: io formatting locals kernel math sequences unicode.case ; IN: balanced-brackets

balanced ( str -- )
  0 :> counter!
  1 :> ok!
  [ dup length 0 > ]
  [ 1 cut swap
    "[" = [ counter 1 + counter! ] [ counter 1 - counter! ] if
    counter 0 < [ 0 ok! ] when
  ok 0 =
  [ "NO" ]
  [ counter 0 > [ "NO" ] [ "YES" ] if ]
  print ;

readln balanced</lang>


<lang fantom> class Main {

 static Bool matchingBrackets (Str[] brackets)
   Int opened := 0
   Int i := 0
   while (i < brackets.size)
     if (brackets[i] == "[")
       opened += 1
       opened -= 1
     if (opened < 0) return false
     i += 1
   return true
 public static Void main (Str[] args)
   if (args.size == 1 && Int.fromStr(args[0], 10, false) != null)
     n := Int.fromStr(args[0])
     Str[] brackets := [,]
       brackets = [,]
       // create a random set of brackets
       n.times { brackets.addAll (["[", "]"]) }
       n.times { brackets.swap(Int.random(0..<2*n), Int.random(0..<2*n)) }
       // report if matching or not
       if (matchingBrackets(brackets)) 
         echo (brackets.join(" ") + " Matching")
         echo (brackets.join(" ") + " not matching")

} </lang>

Output (for n=3):

[ ] [ ] [ ] Matching
[ [ [ ] ] ] Matching
] [ [ ] ] [ not matching
[ ] ] ] [ [ not matching
] ] [ ] [ [ not matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching
[ ] [ ] ] [ not matching
[ [ ] ] [ ] Matching
[ [ [ ] ] ] Matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching
] ] [ [ [ ] not matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching
[ [ ] [ ] ] Matching
[ ] [ ] [ ] Matching
[ ] [ [ ] ] Matching
[ [ [ ] ] ] Matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching
] ] [ ] [ [ not matching
[ ] ] [ [ ] not matching


Works with: 4tH version 3.61.1

<lang forth>include lib/choose.4th ( n1 -- n2) include lib/ctos.4th ( n -- a 1)

10 constant /[]                       \ maximum number of brackets

/[] string [] \ string with brackets

                                      \ create string with brackets
make[] ( --)
 0 dup [] place /[] choose 0 ?do 2 choose 2* [char] [ + c>s [] +place loop
\ empty string, fill with brackets
                                      \ evaluate string
eval[] ( --)
 [] count 2dup over chars + >r swap type 0
 begin                                \ setup string and count
   over r@ <                          \ reached end of string?
 while                                \ if not ..
   dup 0< 0=                          \ unbalanced ]?
 while                                \ if not ..
   over c@ [char] \ - negate + swap char+ swap
 repeat                               \ evaluate, goto next character
 r> drop if ."  NOT" then ."  OK" cr drop
\ evaluate string and print result

make[] eval[]</lang>


[][[]] OK
[[[[]][[ NOT OK
][[[]][] NOT OK
]][[[][ NOT OK
[]]]][][[ NOT OK
[]]][[]]] NOT OK
[[[[]]]] OK
[[]] OK
[[[[]]]] OK
[][[]] OK
[] OK


Please see the compilation and program execution result as comments at the top of this source: <lang fortran> ! $ gfortran -g -O0 -std=f2008 -Wall f.f08 -o f.exe ! $ ./f ! compiles syntax error ! : ! : ][ ! : ]][[ ! :[[[]]] ! : ][[][]][ ! : ][[]]][[[] ! : ]]]][]][[[[[ ! : ]]]][][]][[[[[ ! : ][[[]]]]][]][[[[ ! : [[][]]][]]][[[][[] ! : ]]][[][[[[[[[[]]]]]] ! :[[][[[][]]][]] ! :[[[][]][][[[]][]][]]

program balanced_brackets

 implicit none
 integer :: N
 character(len=20) :: brackets, fmt
 write(6,*)'compiles             syntax error'
 call random_seed
 do N=0, 10
    call generate(N, brackets)
    if (balanced(brackets)) then
       fmt = '(a,a20)'
       fmt = '(a,21x,a20)'
    end if
 end do
 brackets = '[[][[[][]]][]]'
 if (balanced(brackets)) then
    fmt = '(a,a20)'
    fmt = '(a,21x,a20)'
 end if
 N = 10
 call generate(N, brackets)
 do while (.not. balanced(brackets)) ! show a balanced set
    call generate(N, brackets)
 end do
 fmt = '(a,a20)'


 logical function balanced(s)
   implicit none
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
   integer :: i, a, n
   n = len_trim(s)
   a = 0
   balanced = .true.
   do i=1, n
      if (s(i:i) == '[') then
         a = a+1
         a = a-1
      end if
      balanced = balanced .and. (0 <= a)
   end do
 end function balanced
 subroutine generate(N, s)
   implicit none
   integer, intent(in) :: N
   character(len=*), intent(out) :: s
   integer :: L, R, i
   real, dimension(2*N) :: harvest
   character :: c
   i = 1
   L = 0
   R = 0
   s = ' '
   call random_number(harvest)
   do while ((L < N) .and. (R < N))
      if (harvest(i) < 0.5) then
         L = L+1
         s(i:i) = '['
         R = R+1
         s(i:i) = ']'
      end if
      i = i+1
   end do
   c = merge('[', ']', L < N)
   do while (i <= 2*N)
      s(i:i) = c
      i = i+1
   end do
 end subroutine generate

end program balanced_brackets </lang>


<lang gap>Balanced := function(L)

   local c, r;
   r := 0;
   for c in L do
       if c = ']' then
           r := r - 1;
           if r < 0 then
               return false;
       elif c = '[' then
           r := r + 1;
   return r = 0;



  1. true


  1. false


  1. false


  1. true


  1. false


  1. true


  1. false</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



func init() {



func generate(n uint) string {

   a := bytes.Repeat([]byte("[]"), int(n))
   for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
       j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
       a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
   return string(a)


func testBalanced(s string) {

   fmt.Printf("%s: ", s)
   var open int
   for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
       switch s[i] {
       case '[':
       case ']':
           if open == 0 {
               fmt.Println("not ok")
           fmt.Println("not ok")
   if open == 0 {
   } else {
       fmt.Println("not ok")


func main() {

   for i := uint(0); i < 10; i++ {

}</lang> Output:

: ok
][: not ok
]][[: not ok
[[][]]: ok
[][[][]]: ok
[[[][][]]]: ok
]][[]]][[[[]: not ok
]][[[]][[][[]]: not ok
[[[[[]]][]]][]][: not ok
[][[][[]][][[][]]]: ok
(): not ok


Generate Arbitrary String of Bracket Pairs: <lang groovy>def random = new Random()

def factorial = { (it > 1) ? (2..it).inject(1) { i, j -> i*j } : 1 }

def makePermutation; makePermutation = { string, i ->

   def n = string.size()
   if (n < 2) return string
   def fact = factorial(n-1)
   assert i < fact*n

   def index = i.intdiv(fact)
   string[index] + makePermutation(string[0..<index] + string[(index+1)..<n], i % fact)


def randomBrackets = { n ->

   if (n == 0) return 
   def base = '['*n + ']'*n
   def p = random.nextInt(factorial(n*2))
   makePermutation(base, p)


Check Balance of Bracket String: <lang groovy>boolean balancedBrackets(String brackets, int depth=0) {

   if (brackets == null || brackets.empty) return depth == 0
   switch (brackets[0]) {
       case '[': 
           return brackets.size() > 1  &&  balancedBrackets(brackets[1..-1], depth + 1)
       case ']':
           return depth > 0  &&  (brackets.size() == 1  ||  balancedBrackets(brackets[1..-1], depth - 1))
           return brackets.size() == 1  ?  depth == 0  :  balancedBrackets(brackets[1..-1], depth)


Test: <lang groovy>Set brackets = [] (0..100).each {

   (0..8).each { r ->
       brackets << randomBrackets(r)


brackets.sort { a, b ->

   a.size() <=> b.size() ?: a <=> b

} .each {

   def bal = balancedBrackets(it) ? "balanced:   " : "unbalanced: "
   println "${bal} ${it}"



balanced:    []
unbalanced:  ][
balanced:    [[]]
balanced:    [][]
unbalanced:  []][
unbalanced:  ][[]
unbalanced:  ][][
unbalanced:  ]][[
balanced:    [[[]]]
balanced:    [[][]]
balanced:    [[]][]
unbalanced:  [[]]][
balanced:    [][[]]
balanced:    [][][]
unbalanced:  [][]][
unbalanced:  []][[]
unbalanced:  []][][
unbalanced:  []]][[
unbalanced:  ][[[]]
unbalanced:  ][[][]
unbalanced:  ][[]][
unbalanced:  ][][[]
unbalanced:  ][][][
unbalanced:  ][]][[
unbalanced:  ]][[[]
unbalanced:  ]][[][
unbalanced:  ]][][[
unbalanced:  ]]][[[
balanced:    [[[[]]]]
balanced:    [[[][]]]
balanced:    [[[]][]]
balanced:    [[[]]][]
unbalanced:  [[[]]]][
balanced:    [[][[]]]
balanced:    [[][]][]
unbalanced:  [[][]]][
balanced:    [[]][[]]
balanced:    [[]][][]
unbalanced:  [[]][]][
unbalanced:  [[]]][[]
unbalanced:  [[]]]][[
balanced:    [][[][]]
balanced:    [][[]][]
unbalanced:  [][]][[]
unbalanced:  [][]][][
unbalanced:  [][]]][[
unbalanced:  []][[][]
unbalanced:  []][[]][
unbalanced:  []][][[]
unbalanced:  []][][][
unbalanced:  []][]][[
unbalanced:  []]][[[]
unbalanced:  []]][[][
unbalanced:  []]]][[[
unbalanced:  ][[[[]]]
unbalanced:  ][[[]][]
unbalanced:  ][[[]]][
unbalanced:  ][[][][]
unbalanced:  ][[][]][
unbalanced:  ][][[[]]
unbalanced:  ][][[][]
unbalanced:  ][][[]][
unbalanced:  ][][][[]
unbalanced:  ][][][][
unbalanced:  ][][]][[
unbalanced:  ][]][[[]
unbalanced:  ][]][[][


balanced:    [[]][[][][[]]]
unbalanced:  [[]][[][]][]][
balanced:    [[]][[]][][[]]
balanced:    [[]][][[][[]]]
balanced:    [[]][][][[][]]
unbalanced:  [[]][][][]]][[
unbalanced:  [[]][][]][[]][
unbalanced:  [[]][]][[[][]]
unbalanced:  [[]][]][[][[]]
unbalanced:  [[]][]][[][][]
unbalanced:  [[]][]][][[][]
unbalanced:  [[]][]][][]][[
unbalanced:  [[]][]]][[][][
unbalanced:  [[]][]]][][[][
unbalanced:  [[]]][[[]][][]
unbalanced:  [[]]][[][[][]]
unbalanced:  [[]]][[][[]]][
unbalanced:  [[]]][][[[[]]]
unbalanced:  [[]]][][[]]][[
unbalanced:  [[]]][][]][[[]
unbalanced:  [[]]][]][[[]][
unbalanced:  [[]]][]][[][][
unbalanced:  [[]]]][[][[]][
unbalanced:  [[]]]][][[[]][
unbalanced:  [[]]]][][[][[]
unbalanced:  [[]]]][][]][[[
unbalanced:  [[]]]]][[[[]][
unbalanced:  [[]]]]][][[[[]
unbalanced:  [[]]]]]][][[[[
unbalanced:  [[]]]]]]][[[[[
balanced:    [[[[[[[]]]]][]]]
unbalanced:  [[[[[[[]]]]]]]][
balanced:    [[[[[[][]]]][]]]
unbalanced:  [[[[[[][]]]]]]][
balanced:    [[[[[[]]][][]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[[]]]][[]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[[]]]][]][]]
balanced:    [[[[[[]]]][]]][]
balanced:    [[[[[[]]]]][][]]
unbalanced:  [[[[[[]]]]][]]][
balanced:    [[[[[[]]]]]][][]
unbalanced:  [[[[[[]]]]]][]][
balanced:    [[[[[][][[]]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[][][]][]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[][]][[]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[][]][]][]]]
balanced:    [[[[[][]]]]][][]
unbalanced:  [[[[[][]]]]]]][[
balanced:    [[[[[]][[][]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]][[]]]]][]
balanced:    [[[[[]][][[]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]][]][[]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]][]]]][[]]
balanced:    [[[[[]]][[[]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]]][[][]]]]
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]][[]]]]][
balanced:    [[[[[]]][][][]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]]][]][[]]]
balanced:    [[[[[]]][]][]][]
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]][]][]]][
balanced:    [[[[[]]][]]][[]]
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]]][]][]][
balanced:    [[[[[]]]]][[]][]
balanced:    [[[[[]]]]][][[]]
balanced:    [[[[[]]]]][][][]
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]]]][]][[]
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]]]]][[]][
unbalanced:  [[[[[]]]]]][][[]
balanced:    [[[[][[[[]]]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][[[][]]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][[]][[]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][[]][][]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][[]]]]][][]
balanced:    [[[[][][][][]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][][][]]][]]
balanced:    [[[[][][]][][]]]
balanced:    [[[[][][]]][][]]
unbalanced:  [[[[][][]]][]]][
balanced:    [[[[][][]]]][][]
balanced:    [[[[][]][[[]]]]]
balanced:    [[[[][]][[]]]][]
balanced:    [[[[][]][][]][]]
unbalanced:  [[[[][]]][]]]][[
balanced:    [[[[][]]]][[[]]]
balanced:    [[[[][]]]][][[]]
unbalanced:  [[[[][]]]]][][][
unbalanced:  [[[[][]]]]]]][[[
balanced:    [[[[]][[][]][]]]
balanced:    [[[[]][[]]]][[]]
balanced:    [[[[]][][[][]]]]
unbalanced:  [[[[]][][[]]]]][
balanced:    [[[[]][][][]][]]
balanced:    [[[[]][][]][[]]]
balanced:    [[[[]][][]][][]]
balanced:    [[[[]][][]][]][]
balanced:    [[[[]][][]]][[]]
unbalanced:  [[[[]][]][]][]][
balanced:    [[[[]][]]][[]][]
unbalanced:  [[[[]][]]]][[][]
unbalanced:  [[[[]][]]]][[]][
unbalanced:  [[[[]][]]]]][[[]
balanced:    [[[[]]][[]]][[]]
balanced:    [[[[]]][[]]][][]
balanced:    [[[[]]][][][[]]]
balanced:    [[[[]]][]][[]][]
unbalanced:  [[[[]]][]][[]]][
unbalanced:  [[[[]]][]]][[]][
unbalanced:  [[[[]]][]]][]][[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]][]]]][[[]
balanced:    [[[[]]]][[[[]]]]
balanced:    [[[[]]]][[[][]]]
balanced:    [[[[]]]][[]][][]
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][[]][]][
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][][]]][[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][]][[[]]
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][]][[]][
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][]]][][[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]][]]]][[[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]]][][][[]
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]]][][]][[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]]]][[]][[
unbalanced:  [[[[]]]]]][][][[


<lang haskell> import Control.Monad import System.Random import Text.Printf import VShuffle

-- Return whether a string contains balanced brackets. Nothing indicates a -- balanced string, while (Just i) means an imbalance was found at, or just -- after, the i'th bracket. We assume the string contains only brackets. isBalanced :: String -> Maybe Int isBalanced = bal (-1) 0

   where bal :: Int -> Int -> String -> Maybe Int
         bal _   0      []  = Nothing
         bal i   _      []  = Just i
         bal i (-1)      _  = Just i
         bal i   n ('[':bs) = bal (i+1) (n+1) bs
         bal i   n (']':bs) = bal (i+1) (n-1) bs

-- Print a string, indicating whether it contains balanced brackets. If not, -- indicate the bracket at which the imbalance was found. check :: String -> IO () check s = maybe (good s) (bad s) (isBalanced s)

   where good s   = printf "Good \"%s\"\n" s
         bad  s n = printf "Bad  \"%s\"\n%*s^\n" s (n+6) " "

main :: IO () main = do

 let bs = cycle "[]"
 rs <- replicateM 10 newStdGen
 zipWithM_ (\n r -> check $ shuffle (take n bs) r) [0,2..] rs

</lang> We put our list shuffling function in a separate module. For efficiency we use mutable vectors, although for the short lists in our example it doesn't really matter. <lang haskell> module VShuffle (shuffle) where

import Data.List (mapAccumL) import System.Random import Control.Monad.ST import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M

-- Generate a list of array index pairs, each corresponding to a swap. pairs :: (Enum a, Random a, RandomGen g) => a -> a -> g -> [(a, a)] pairs l u r = snd $ mapAccumL step r [l..pred u]

   where step r i = let (j, r') = randomR (i, u) r in (r', (i, j))

-- Return a random permutation of the list. We use the algorithm described in -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm. shuffle :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> g -> [a] shuffle xs r = V.toList . runST $ do

                v <- V.unsafeThaw $ V.fromList xs
                mapM_ (uncurry $ M.swap v) $ pairs 0 (M.length v - 1) r
                V.unsafeFreeze v

</lang> Here's some sample output.

Good ""
Bad  "]["
Good "[[]]"
Bad  "[]][]["
Bad  "[]]][][["
Bad  "][][[[]][]"
Bad  "[[][][]]][]["
Bad  "][]][[[][][[]]"
Good "[[][[][[]]][[]]]"
Bad  "]]][[[][][][[][]]["

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure main(arglist) every s := genbs(!arglist) do

  write(image(s), if isbalanced(s) then " is balanced." else " is unbalanced")


procedure isbalanced(s) # test if a string is balanced re: [] return (s || " ") ? (bal(,'[',']') = *s+1) end

procedure genbs(i) # generate strings of i pairs of [] s := "" every 1 to i do s ||:= "[]" # generate i pairs every !s := ?s # shuffle return s end</lang>


> isbal.exe 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

"[[]]" is balanced.
"]]]]]]" is unbalanced
"]]]]]]" is unbalanced
"[][][]" is balanced.
"]][[[]" is unbalanced
"[[[][[" is unbalanced
"]]]]]]" is unbalanced
"[]]]]]" is unbalanced
"]][]][]]" is unbalanced
"[[[[[][[" is unbalanced
"[[[[[][]" is unbalanced


Solution: <lang j>bracketDepth =: '[]' -&(+/\)/@:(=/) ] checkBalanced =: _1 -.@e. bracketDepth genBracketPairs =: (?~@# { ])@#"0 1&'[]' NB. bracket pairs in arbitrary order</lang> Examples:<lang j> (,&' ' , ('bad';'OK') {::~ checkBalanced)"1 genBracketPairs i. 10


][ bad ][[] bad [[[]]] OK [][[]][] OK [][[[][]]] OK []][]][]][[[ bad [[]][[][][]][] OK ]]]][[][][[[[]][ bad []]][][][[[[]][[]] bad</lang> Comments: This task highlights the versatility and usefulness of J's scanning modifiers, / and \.

The checkBalanced verb would need modification ( checkBalanced =: ((0 = {:) *. _1 -.@e. ])@bracketDepth ) if the task were extended to include uneven numbers of opening and closing brackets.


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>public class Brackets {

   public static boolean checkBrackets(String str){
       int mismatchedBrackets = 0;
       for(char ch:str.toCharArray()){
           if(ch == '['){
           }else if(ch == ']'){
               return false; //non-bracket chars
           if(mismatchedBrackets < 0){ //close bracket before open bracket
               return false;
       return mismatchedBrackets == 0;
   public static String generate(int n){
       if(n % 2 == 1){ //if n is odd we can't match brackets
           return null;
       String ans = "";
       int openBracketsLeft = n / 2;
       int unclosed = 0;
       while(ans.length() < n){
           if(Math.random() >= .5 && openBracketsLeft > 0 || unclosed == 0){
               ans += '[';
               ans += ']';
       return ans;
   public static void main(String[] args){
       String[] tests = {"", "[]", "][", "[][]", "][][", "[[][]]", "[]][[]"};
       for(int i = 0; i <= 16; i+=2){
           String bracks = generate(i);
           System.out.println(bracks + ": " + checkBrackets(bracks));
       for(String test: tests){
           System.out.println(test + ": " + checkBrackets(test));

}</lang> Sample output (generate uses random numbers, so it should not be the same every time):

: true
[]: true
[[]]: true
[[]][]: true
[][][][]: true
[][[][[]]]: true
[[][[][][]]]: true
[[][][]][[[]]]: true
[][[[][[][[]]]]]: true
: true
[]: true
][: false
[][]: true
][][: false
[[][]]: true
[]][[]: false


<lang javascript> function createRandomBracketSequence(maxlen) {

  var chars = { '0' : '[' , '1' : ']' };
  function getRandomInteger(to)
     return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to+1));
  var n = getRandomInteger(maxlen);
  var result = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < n; i++)
  return result.join("");


function bracketsAreBalanced(s) {

 var open = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : '[';
 var close = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : ']';  
 var c = 0;
 for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
   var ch = s.charAt(i);
   if ( ch == open )
   else if ( ch == close )
     if ( c < 0 ) return false;
 return c == 0;


var c = 0; while ( c < 5 ) {

 var seq = createRandomBracketSequence(8);
 alert(seq + ':\t' + bracketsAreBalanced(seq));

} </lang> Output:

: true
[[]: false
]][[[][]:	false
]]:	false
[][[]]: true

Recursively remove occurrences of '[]': <lang javascript> function checkBalance(i) {

   while (i.length % 2 == 0) {
       j = i.replace('{}',);
       if (j == i)
               i = j;
   return (i?false:true);


var g = 10; while (g--) {

   var N = 10 - Math.floor(g/2), n=N, o=;
   while (n || N) {
       if (N == 0 || n == 0) {
           o+=Array(++N).join('}') + Array(++n).join('{');
       if (Math.round(Math.random()) == 1) {
       else {
   alert(o+": "+checkBalance(o));

} </lang>


<lang Julia>function balanced(str)

 i = 0
 for c in str
   if c == '[' i +=1 elseif c == ']' i -=1 end
   if i < 0 return false end
 i == 0 ? true : false


brackets(n) = CharString(shuffle([("[]"^n)...]))

print(map(x -> (x, balanced(x)), [brackets(i) for i = 0:8])) </lang>


Starting with Julia v0.3, a foldl function is available, so that balanced may be written shortly (but not as efficiently) as follows: <lang Julia>balanced(str) = foldl((x,y)->x<0? -1: x+y, 0, [(x=='[')-(x==']') for x=str])==0</lang>


<lang lisp>(include "string")

(defn bool balanced (std::string s)

 (def bal 0)
 (foreach c s
   (if (== c |'['|) (++ bal)
     (if (== c |']'|) (-- bal)))
   (if (< bal 0) (return false)))
 (return (== bal 0)))


 (decl std::string |tests[]| |{"", "[]", "[][]", "[[][]]", "][", "][][", "[]][[]"}|)
 (prn std::boolalpha)
 (foreach x tests
   (prn x "\t" (balanced x))))</lang>


<lang Lasso>define randomparens(num::integer,open::string='[',close::string=']') => {

   local(out) = array
   with i in 1 to #num do {
       #out->insert(']', integer_random(1,#out->size || 1))
       #out->insert('[', integer_random(1,#out->size || 1))
   return #out->join


define validateparens(input::string,open::string='[',close::string=']') => {

   local(i) = 0
   #input->foreachcharacter => {
       #1 == #open ? #i++
       #1 == #close && --#i < 0 ? return false
   return #i == 0 ? true | false


with i in 1 to 10 let input = randomparens(#i) select #input + ' = ' + validateparens(#input)</lang>

[] = true
][[] = false
]][[[] = false
][][[][] = false
[[[]][[]]] = true
]]]][[[[][[] = false
[[[[[[]]]]]][] = true
[[]][][]][]][[[] = false
[[[]][[[]][]]][[]] = true

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb> print "Supplied examples" for i =1 to 7

   read test$
   print "The string '"; test$; "' is "; validString$( test$)

next i print data "", "[]", "][","[][]","][][","[[][]]","[]][[]"

print "Random generated examples" for example =1 to 10

   test$ =generate$( int( 1 +10 *rnd(1)))
   print "The string '"; test$; "' is "; validString$( test$)

next example end

function validString$( in$)

   if left$( in$, 1) <>"[" and len( test$) <>0 then
       validString$ ="not OK. Opens wrongly."
       exit function
   end if
   paired =0
   for i =1 to len( in$)
       c$ =mid$( in$, i, 1)
       if c$ ="[" then paired =paired +1
       if c$ ="]" then paired =paired -1
       if paired <0 then
           exit for
       end if
   next i
   if ( lBr =rBr) and ( paired >=0) then validString$ ="OK." else validString$ ="not OK. Unbalanced."

end function

function generate$( N)

   lBr =0
   rBr =0
   '   choose at random until N of one type generated
   while ( lBr <N) and ( rBr <N)
       select case int( 1.5 +rnd( 1))
           case 1
               lBr =lBr +1
               generate$ =generate$ +"["
           case 2
               rBr =rBr +1
               generate$ =generate$ +"]"
       end select
   '   now pad with the remaining other brackets
   if lBr =N then
       generate$ =generate$ +string$( N -rBr, "]")
       generate$ =generate$ +string$( N -lBr, "[")
   end if

end function

function string$( n, c$)

   for i =1 to n
       op$ =op$ +c$
   next i
   string$ =op$

end function

end </lang>

Supplied examples
The string  is OK.
The string '[]' is OK.
The string '][' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '[][]' is OK.
The string '][][' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '[[][]]' is OK.
The string '[]][[]' is not OK. Unbalanced.
Random generated examples
The string '[[][[[][]]]]' is OK.
The string ']]]][[[[' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '[[]][]' is OK.
The string '[][[][[]][]]' is OK.
The string '][[[]]][][' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string ']]]]][[[[[' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '[[[]]]' is OK.
The string ']][][[' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '[[]]][][[][]' is not OK. Unbalanced.
The string '][[][[][][]]][[]' is not OK. Unbalanced.


<lang Lua> function isBalanced(s)

 --Lua pattern matching has a 'balanced' pattern that matches sets of balanced characters.
 --Any two characters can be used.
 return s:gsub('%b[]',)== and true or false


function randomString()

 local tokens={'[',']'}
 local result={}
 for i=1,8 do
 return table.concat(result)


local RS=randomString() print(RS) print(isBalanced(RS)) </lang>


This functionality is provided by Maple. <lang Maple> > use StringTools in > IsBalanced( "", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "[", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "]", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "[]", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "][", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "[][]", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "[[][]]", "[", "]" ); > IsBalanced( "[[[]][]]]", "[", "]" ); > s := Random( 20, "[]" ); > IsBalanced( s, "[", "]" ) > end use;

                     s := "[[]][[[[[[[[[]][][]]"

</lang> Furthermore, Maple can check whether multiple fences are balanced in the same string. <lang Maple> > StringTools:-IsBalanced( "[()()]", "[(", "])" );




<lang mathematica> (* Generate open/close events. *) gen[n_] := RandomSample[Table[{1, -1}, {n}] // Flatten]

(* Check balance. *) check[lst_] := And @@ (# >= 0 & /@ Accumulate[lst])

(* Do task for string with n opening and n closing brackets. *) doString[n_] := (

 lst = gen[n];
 str = StringJoin[lst /. {1 -> "[", -1 -> "]"}];
 Print[str <> If[match[lst, 0],
    "  is balanced.",
    "  is not balanced."]])


MATLAB / Octave

<lang matlab>function x = isbb(s)

  t = cumsum((s=='[') - (s==']'));
  x = all(t>=0) && (t(end)==0);

end; </lang> Output:

octave:9> isbb('[]')
ans =  1
octave:10> isbb('][')
ans = 0
octave:11> isbb('][][')
ans = 0
octave:12> isbb('[][]')
ans =  1
octave:13> isbb('[][][]')
ans =  1
octave:14> isbb('[]][[]')
ans = 0


<lang maxima>brack(s) := block(

  [n: slength(s), r: 0, c],
     for i thru n do (
        if cequal(c: charat(s, i), "]") then (if (r: r - 1) < 0 then throw(false))
        elseif cequal(c, "[") then r: r + 1
     is(r = 0)


brack(""); true

brack("["); false

brack("]"); false

brack("[]"); true

brack("]["); false

brack("[[][]]"); true

brack("[[[]][]]]"); false</lang>


<lang objeck> bundle Default {

 class Balanced {
   function : IsBalanced(text : String) ~ Bool {
     level := 0;
     each(i : text) {
       character := text->Get(i);
       if(character = ']') {
         if(level = 0) {
           return false;
         level -= 1;
       if(character = '[') {
         level += 1;
     return level = 0;
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     ": "->Print(); IsBalanced("")->PrintLine();
     "[]: "->Print(); IsBalanced("[]")->PrintLine();
     "[][]: "->Print(); IsBalanced("[][]")->PrintLine();
     "[[][]]: "->Print(); IsBalanced("[[][]]")->PrintLine();
     "][: "->Print(); IsBalanced("][")->PrintLine();
     "][][: "->Print(); IsBalanced("][][")->PrintLine();
     "[]][[]: "->Print(); IsBalanced("[]][[]")->PrintLine();

} </lang>

: true
[]: true
[][]: true
[[][]]: true
][: false
][][: false
[]][[]: false


<lang ocaml>let generate_brackets n =

 let rec aux i acc =
   if i <= 0 then acc else
     aux (pred i) ('['::']'::acc)
 let brk = aux n [] in
 List.sort (fun _ _ -> (Random.int 3) - 1) brk 

let is_balanced brk =

 let rec aux = function
   | [], 0 -> true
   | '['::brk, level -> aux (brk, succ level)
   | ']'::brk, 0 -> false
   | ']'::brk, level -> aux (brk, pred level)
   | _ -> assert false
 aux (brk, 0)

let () =

 let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
 let brk = generate_brackets n in
 List.iter print_char brk;
 Printf.printf " %B\n" (is_balanced brk);
$ ocaml balanced_brackets.ml 3
[]][[] false
$ ocaml balanced_brackets.ml 3
[[]][] true


<lang ooRexx> tests = .array~of("", "[]", "][", "[][]", "][][", "[[][]]", "[]][[]")

-- add some randomly generated tests loop i = 1 to 8



loop test over tests

   say test":" checkbrackets(test)


routine checkBrackets
 use arg input
 -- counter of bracket groups.  Must be 0 at end to be valid
 groups = 0
 -- loop over all of the characters
 loop c over input~makearray("")
     if c == '[' then groups += 1
     else if c == ']' then groups -= 1
     else return .false  -- non-bracket char found
     -- check for a close occurring before an open
     if groups < 0 then return .false
 -- should be zero at the end
 return groups == 0

-- generate a string with n pairs of brackets

routine generateBrackets
 use arg n
 answer = .mutablebuffer~new(,2*n)
 openBracketsNeeded = n
 unclosedBrackets = 0
 loop while answer~length < 2 * n
     if random(0, 1) & openBracketsNeeded > 0 | unclosedBrackets == 0 then do
         openBracketsNeeded -= 1
         unclosedBrackets += 1
     else do
         unclosedBrackets -= 1
 return answer~string

</lang> Sample output (uses randomly generated groupings, so it should be different on each run):

: 1
[]: 1
][: 0
[][]: 1
][][: 0
[[][]]: 1
[]][[]: 0
[]: 1
[[]]: 1
[][[]]: 1
[][[][]]: 1
[][][[[]]]: 1
[[]][[][]][]: 1
[][][[][[][]]]: 1
[][[][][[[][]]]]: 1


<lang oxygenbasic>function CheckBrackets(string s) as bool '=======================================

 sys co, le=len s
 byte b at strptr s
 indexbase 0
 for i=0 to <le
   select b(i)
   case "[" : co++
   case "]" : co--
   end select
   if co<0 then return 0
 if co=0 then return 1

end function

'TEST '====

print CheckBrackets "" '1 print CheckBrackets "[" '0 print CheckBrackets "]" '0 print CheckBrackets "[]" '1 print CheckBrackets "[[]" '0 print CheckBrackets "[]]" '0 print CheckBrackets "[][]"'1 print CheckBrackets "][" '0 </lang>


<lang parigp>balanced(s)={

     if(v[i]==93 && n, n--, return(0))

}; rnd(n)=Strchr(vectorsmall(n,i,if(random(2),91,93))) forstep(n=0,10,2,s=rnd(n);print(s"\t"if(balanced(s),"true","false")))</lang>


See Delphi


Idiomatic solution, using a regex that performs subpattern recursion (works with Perl 5.10 and newer):

<lang Perl>sub generate {

   my $n = shift;
   my $str = '[' x $n;
   substr($str, rand($n + $_), 0) = ']' for 1..$n;
   return $str;


sub balanced {

   shift =~ /^ (\[ (?1)* \])* $/x;


for (0..8) {

   my $input = generate($_);
   print balanced($input) ? " ok:" : "bad:", " '$input'\n";


 ok: ''
 ok: '[]'
bad: '[]]['
bad: ']][][['
 ok: '[[]][[]]'
bad: '[[[][]]]]['
bad: '][[[]][]][[]'
 ok: '[[]][[[][[]]]]'
bad: ']][]]][[][][[][['

If input strings are allowed to contain unrelated characters, this can be extended to:

<lang Perl>sub balanced {

   shift =~ /^ ( [^\[\]]++ | \[ (?1)* \] )* $/x;


Alternative implementation, using straightforward depth counting:

<lang Perl>sub balanced {

   my $depth = 0;
   for (split //, shift) {
       if    ($_ eq '[') { ++$depth }
       elsif ($_ eq ']') { return if --$depth < 0 }
   return !$depth


Perl 6

There's More Than One Way To Do It.

Depth counter

<lang perl6>sub balanced($s) {

   my $l = 0;
   for $s.comb {
       when "]" {
           return False if $l < 0;
       when "[" {
   return $l == 0;


my $n = prompt "Number of brackets"; my $s = (<[ ]> xx $n).pick(*).join; say "$s {balanced($s) ?? "is" !! "is not"} well-balanced"</lang>

FP oriented

Here's a more idiomatic solution using a hyperoperator to compare all the characters to a backslash (which is between the brackets in ASCII), a triangle reduction to return the running sum, a given to make that list the topic, and then a topicalized junction and a topicalized subscript to test the criteria for balance. <lang perl6>sub balanced($s) {

   .none < 0 and .[*-1] == 0
       given [\+] '\\' «leg« $s.comb;


my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: "; my $s = <[ ]>.roll($n*2).join; say "$s { balanced($s) ?? "is" !! "is not" } well-balanced"</lang>

String munging

Of course, a Perl 5 programmer might just remove as many inner balanced pairs as possible and then see what's left. <lang perl6>sub balanced($_ is copy) {

   () while s:g/'[]'//;
   $_ eq ;


my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: "; my $s = <[ ]>.roll($n*2).join; say "$s is", ' not' xx not balanced($s)), " well-balanced";</lang>

Parsing with a grammar

<lang perl6>grammar BalBrack { token TOP { '[' <TOP>* ']' } }

my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: "; my $s = ('[' xx $n, ']' xx $n).pick(*).join; say "$s { BalBrack.parse($s) ?? "is" !! "is not" } well-balanced";</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l") # For 'shuffle'

(de generateBrackets (N)

  (shuffle (make (do N (link "[" "]")))) )

(de checkBrackets (S)

  (let N 0
     (for C S
        (if (= C "[")
           (inc 'N)
           (if2 (= C "]") (=0 N)
              (off N)
              (dec 'N) ) ) )
     (=0 N) ) )

(for N 10

  (prinl (if (checkBrackets (prin (generateBrackets N))) " OK" "not OK")) )</lang>


[] OK
[[]] OK
]]][[[not OK
[[[][]]] OK
[][][[[]]] OK
[]][[[][[]]]not OK
[[[]]][][][][] OK
]][][[[[]][]]][[not OK
[]][][[[][[]]][]][not OK
[[[][]]]]][][[]]][[[not OK


<lang pli>*process m or(!) s attributes source;

cb: Proc Options(main);
/* PL/I program to check for balanced brackets [] ********************
* 07.12.2013 Walter Pachl translated from REXX Version 2
Dcl v Char(20) Var;
Dcl (i,j) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl r Bin Float(53);
Call testbal();                  /* first some user written tests */
Call testbal('[][][][[]]');
Call testbal('[][][][[]]][');
Call testbal('[');
Call testbal(']');
Call testbal('[]');
Call testbal('][');
Call testbal('][][');
Call testbal('[[]]');
Call testbal('[[[[[[[]]]]]]]');
Call testbal('[[[[[]]]][]');
Call testbal('[][]');
Call testbal('[]][[]');
Call testbal(']]][[[[]');
Call testbal('a[b]');
Put Edit(' ')(Skip,a);
r=random(12345);                      /* then some generated ones   */
Do i=1 To 10;
  Do j=1 To 10;
    If r>0.5 Then v=v!!']';
             Else v=v!!'[';
  Call testbal(v);
testbal: Proc(s);          /* test the given string and show result */
Dcl s Char(*);
Dcl yesno(0:1) Char(20) Var Init('unbalanced','  balanced');
Put Edit(yesno(checkbal(s)),'!!s!!')(Skip,a,x(1),a);
checkBal: proc(s) Returns(Bin Fixed(31));
                                   /*check for balanced brackets [] */
Dcl s Char(*);
Dcl nest Bin Fixed(31) Init(0);
Dcl i Bin Fixed(31);
Do i=1 To length(s);
    When('[') nest+=1;
    When(']') Do;
      If nest=0 Then return(0);


  balanced ''
  balanced '[][][][[]]'
unbalanced '[][][][[]]]['
unbalanced '['
unbalanced ']'
  balanced '[]'
unbalanced ']['
unbalanced '][]['
  balanced '[[]]'
  balanced '[[[[[[[]]]]]]]'
unbalanced '[[[[[]]]][]'
  balanced '[][]'
unbalanced '[]][[]'
unbalanced ']]][[[[]'
  balanced '[[a]][b]'

unbalanced '][[][[[[[]'
  balanced '[[]][[[]]]'
unbalanced ']][[[[][[['
unbalanced '[[[][][[]]'
unbalanced ']]][[[[[]]'
  balanced '[[[][][]]]'
unbalanced '[][][][[]['
unbalanced '[[]]]][[]['
unbalanced '[]][]]][[]'
unbalanced '][[][[[[[]'


DCG are very usefull for this kind of exercice ! <lang Prolog>rosetta_brackets :- test_brackets([]), test_brackets(['[',']']), test_brackets(['[',']','[',']']), test_brackets(['[','[',']','[',']',']']), test_brackets([']','[']), test_brackets([']','[',']','[']), test_brackets(['[',']',']','[','[',']']).

balanced_brackets :- gen_bracket(2, B1, []), test_brackets(B1), gen_bracket(4, B2, []), test_brackets(B2), gen_bracket(4, B3, []), test_brackets(B3), gen_bracket(6, B4, []), test_brackets(B4), gen_bracket(6, B5, []), test_brackets(B5), gen_bracket(8, B6, []), test_brackets(B6), gen_bracket(8, B7, []), test_brackets(B7), gen_bracket(10, B8, []), test_brackets(B8), gen_bracket(10, B9, []), test_brackets(B9).

test_brackets(Goal) :- ( Goal = [] -> write('(empty)'); maplist(write, Goal)), ( balanced_brackets(Goal, []) -> writeln(' succeed') ; writeln(' failed') ).

% grammar of balanced brackets balanced_brackets --> [].

balanced_brackets --> ['['], balanced_brackets, [']'].

balanced_brackets --> ['[',']'], balanced_brackets.

% generator of random brackets gen_bracket(0) --> [].

gen_bracket(N) --> {N1 is N - 1, R is random(2)}, bracket(R), gen_bracket(N1).

bracket(0) --> ['[']. bracket(1) --> [']']. </lang> Sample output :

 ?- balanced_brackets.
[[ failed
[[][ failed
[[]] succeed
[[][]] succeed
[][[][ failed
][]][[[] failed
[[[[]][] failed
[[[[[][[]] failed
[]][[[][]] failed
true .

Test with Rosetta examples :

 ?- rosetta_brackets.
(empty) succeed
[] succeed
[][] succeed
[[][]] succeed
][ failed
][][ failed
[]][[] failed


<lang PureBasic>Procedure.s Generate(N)

 For i=1 To N
 For i=Len(sample$)-1 To 2 Step -1
   If r<>i
     PokeC(@sample$+r*SizeOf(Character), b)
     PokeC(@sample$+i*SizeOf(Character), a) 
 ProcedureReturn sample$


Procedure Balanced(String$)

 Protected *p.Character, cnt
 While *p\c
   If *p\c='['
   ElseIf *p\c=']'
     If cnt<0: Break: EndIf
 If cnt=0
   ProcedureReturn #True


- Test code

OpenConsole() For i=1 To 5

 TestString$ = Generate(i)
 If Balanced(TestString$)
   PrintN(" is balanced.")
   PrintN(" is not balanced")

Next</lang> Output sample

 [] is balanced.
 [[]] is balanced.
 [[[]]] is balanced.
 [][]]][[ is not balanced
 [][][][]][ is not balanced


<lang python>>>> def gen(N): ... txt = ['[', ']'] * N ... random.shuffle( txt ) ... return .join(txt) ... >>> def balanced(txt): ... braced = 0 ... for ch in txt: ... if ch == '[': braced += 1 ... if ch == ']': ... braced -= 1 ... if braced < 0: return False ... return braced == 0 ... >>> for txt in (gen(N) for N in range(10)): ... print ("%-22r is%s balanced" % (txt, if balanced(txt) else ' not')) ... is balanced '[]' is balanced '[][]' is balanced '][[[]]' is not balanced '[]][[][]' is not balanced '[][[][]]][' is not balanced '][]][][[]][[' is not balanced '[[]]]]][]][[[[' is not balanced '[[[[]][]]][[][]]' is balanced '][[][[]]][]]][[[[]' is not balanced</lang>


<lang qi>(define balanced-brackets-0

 []      0   -> true
 []      _   -> false
 [#\[|R] Sum -> (balanced-brackets-0 R (+ Sum 1))
 _       0   -> false
 [_  |R] Sum -> (balanced-brackets-0 R (- Sum 1)))

(define balanced-brackets

 "" -> true
 S  -> (balanced-brackets-0 (explode (INTERN S)) 0))

(balanced-brackets "")

(balanced-brackets "[]") (balanced-brackets "[][]") (balanced-brackets "[[][]]")

(balanced-brackets "][") (balanced-brackets "][][") (balanced-brackets "[]][[]")



<lang r>balanced <- function(str){

 str <- strsplit(str, "")1
 str <- ifelse(str=='[', 1, -1)
 all(cumsum(str) >= 0) && sum(str) == 0


Alternately, using perl 5.10-compatible regexps,

<lang r>balanced <- function(str) {

 regexpr('^(\\[(?1)*\\])*$', str, perl=TRUE) > -1


To generate some some examples:

<lang R>rand.parens <- function(n) paste(permute(c(rep('[',n),rep(']',n))),collapse="")

as.data.frame(within(list(), {

 parens <- replicate(10, rand.parens(sample.int(10,size=1)))
 balanced <- sapply(parens, balanced)


Output: <lang r> balanced parens 1 FALSE ][][ 2 FALSE [][[]]][[]][]]][[[ 3 FALSE ][[][][]][][[] 4 FALSE ][][][][][][][ 5 TRUE [[[][]]][[[][][]]] 6 TRUE [] 7 FALSE ]][[][[] 8 FALSE []]]][[[]][[[] 9 TRUE [[[[][[][]]]]] 10 TRUE []</lang>


<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (generate n)

 (list->string (shuffle (append* (make-list n '(#\[ #\]))))))

(define (balanced? str)

 (let loop ([l (string->list str)] [n 0])
   (or (null? l)
       (if (eq? #\[ (car l))
         (loop (cdr l) (add1 n))
         (and (> n 0) (loop (cdr l) (sub1 n)))))))

(define (try n)

 (define s (generate n))
 (printf "~a => ~a\n" s (if (balanced? s) "OK" "NOT OK")))

(for ([n 10]) (try n)) </lang>


Version 1

<lang rexx>/*REXX program to check for balanced brackets [] */ @.=0 yesno.0 = left(,40) 'unbalanced' yesno.1 = 'balanced'

q='[][][][[]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[][][][[]]]['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='][]['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[[[[[[]]]]]]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[[[[]]]][]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[][]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[]][[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']]][[[[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q

      do j=1 for 40
      call checkBal q;   if result=='-1' then iterate
      say yesno.result q

exit /*───────────────────────────────────PAND subroutine────────────────────*/ pand: p=random(0,1); return p || \p /*───────────────────────────────────RAND subroutine────────────────────*/ rand: pp=pand(); pp=pand()pp; pp=copies(pp,arg(1))

     i=random(2,length(pp));      pp=left(pp,i-1)substr(pp,i)

return pp /*───────────────────────────────────CHECKBAL subroutine────────────────*/ checkBal: procedure expose @.; arg y /*check for balanced brackets [] */ nest=0; if @.y then return '-1' /*already done this expression ? */ @.y=1 /*indicate expression processed. */

       do j=1 for length(y);   _=substr(y,j,1)    /*pick off character.*/
       if _=='[' then     nest=nest+1
                 else do; nest=nest-1; if nest<0 then return 0; end
       end   /*j*/

return nest==0</lang> output (not repeatable due to the use of RANDOM:

balanced [][][][[]]
                                         unbalanced [][][][[]]][
                                         unbalanced [
                                         unbalanced ]
balanced []
                                         unbalanced ][
                                         unbalanced ][][
balanced [[]]
balanced [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
                                         unbalanced [[[[[]]]][]
balanced [][]
                                         unbalanced []][[]
                                         unbalanced ]]][[[[]
                                         unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                         unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                         unbalanced []][
balanced [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
                                         unbalanced []][[]][[]][
balanced [][][][][][][][]
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][][][
                                         unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                         unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
                                         unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                         unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                         unbalanced ][][][][
                                         unbalanced []][[]][
balanced [][][][][][][][][][][][]
                                         unbalanced ][[]
                                         unbalanced []][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][
balanced [][][][][][][][][][]
balanced [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
balanced [][][][]
                                         unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                         unbalanced ][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]][[]
                                         unbalanced ][][][][][][][][][][][][

Version 2

<lang rexx> /*REXX program to check for balanced brackets [] **********************

  • test strings and random string generation copied from Version 1
  • the rest restructured (shortened) to some extent
  • and output made reproducible (random with a seed)
  • 10.07.2012 Walter Pachl
                                                                                                                                            • /

yesno.0 = 'unbalanced' yesno.1 = ' balanced' done.=0 /* memory what's been done */ n=0 /* number of tests */ Call testbal '[][][][[]]' /* first some user written tests */ Call testbal '[][][][[]]][' Call testbal '[' Call testbal ']' Call testbal '[]' Call testbal '][' Call testbal '][][' Call testbal '[[]]' Call testbal '[[[[[[[]]]]]]]' Call testbal '[[[[[]]]][]' Call testbal '[][]' Call testbal '[]][[]' Call testbal ']]][[[[]' Call testbal ']' Call testbal '['

                                 /* then some random generated ones */

Call random 1,2,12345 /* call random with a seed */

                                 /* makes test reproducible         */

do Until n=30 /* up to 30 tests */

 s=rand(random(1,8))             /* a 01 etc. string of length 4-32 */
 q=translate(s,'[]',01)          /* turn digits into brackets       */
 if done.q then                  /* string was already here         */
   iterate                       /* don't test again                */
 call testbal q                  /* test balance                    */


testbal: /* test the given string and show result */

 n=n+1                           /* number of tests                 */
 Parse Arg q                     /* get string to be tested         */
 done.q=1                        /* mark as done                    */
 call checkBal q                 /* test balance                    */
 say right(n,2) lq yesno.result q/* show result and string          */

/*-----------------------------------PAND subroutine-----------------*/ pand: p=random(0,1); return p || \p /*-----------------------------------RAND subroutine-----------------*/ rand: pp=pand(); pp=pand()pp; pp=copies(pp,arg(1))

     i=random(2,length(pp));      pp=left(pp,i-1)substr(pp,i)

return pp

checkBal: procedure /*check for balanced brackets () */

 Parse arg y
 do While y<>
   Parse Var y c +1 y            /*pick off one character at a time */
   if c='[' then                 /* opening bracket                 */
     nest=nest+1                 /* increment nesting               */
   else do                       /* closing bracket                 */
     if nest=0 then              /* not allowed                     */
       return 0;                 /* no success                      */
     nest=nest-1                 /* decrement nesting               */
 return nest=0                   /* nest=0 -> balanced              */


version 3

This REXX version (in addition to some standard examples), generates over one hundred thousand
unique permutations of strings that contain an equal amount of left ([) and right (]) brackets.

All possible strings of twenty or less characters (brackets) are generated. This eliminates
the possibility of missing a particular character string permutation that may not be generated
via a random generator.

Use is made of the countstr function (which is a BIF for newer REXX interpreters), but a
RYO version is included here for older REXXes that don't contain that BIF.

Naturally, each of the one hundred thousand character strings aren't displayed (for balanced/not-balanced),
but a count is displayed, as anyone can generate the same strings in other languages and compare results. <lang rexx>/*REXX program to check for balanced brackets [ ] */ count=0 nested=0 yesno.0 = left(,40) 'unbalanced' yesno.1 = 'balanced' q=  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[][][][[]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[][][][[]]]['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='][]['  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[[[[[[]]]]]]]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[[[[[]]]][]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[][]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q='[]][[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q q=']]][[[[]'  ; call checkBal q; say yesno.result q call teller count=0 nested=0

         do j=1                       /*generate lots of permutations. */
         q=translate(strip(x2b(d2x(j)),'L',0),"][",01)  /*convert──►[].*/
         if countstr(']',q)\==countstr('[',q) then iterate /*compliant?*/
         call checkBal q
         if length(q)>20 then leave   /*done all 20-char possibilities?*/

/*───────────────────────────────────TELLER subroutine──────────────────*/ teller: say say count " expressions were checked, " nested ' were balanced, ',

   count-nested " were unbalanced."

return /*───────────────────────────────────CHECKBAL subroutine────────────────*/ checkBal: procedure expose nested count; parse arg y; count=count+1 nest=0

       do j=1 for length(y);   _=substr(y,j,1)    /*pick off character.*/
         when _=='[' then      nest=nest+1        /*opening bracket ...*/
         when _==']' then do;  nest=nest-1;  if nest<0 then leave;  end
         otherwise  nop                           /*ignore any chaff.  */
         end   /*select*/
       end     /*j*/

nested=nested + (nest==0) return nest==0 /* ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐

  │ COUNTSTR    counts the number of occurances of a string (or char)│
  │ within another string (haystack) without overlap.  If either arg │
  │ is null,  0 (zero)  is returned.     To make the subroutine case │
  │ insensative, change the   PARSE ARG ...   statement to   ARG ... │
  │ Example:  yyy = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'  │
  │           zz  = countstr('o',yyy)      /*ZZ will be set to 4 */  │
  │ Note that   COUNTSTR   is also a built-in function of the newer  │
  │ REXX interpreters,  and the result should be identical.   Checks │
  │ could be added to validate if  2  or  3  arguments are passed.   │
  └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ */

countstr: procedure; parse arg n,h,s; if s== then s=1; w=length(n)

         do r=0 until _==0;   _=pos(n,h,s);   s=_+w;   end;      return r</lang>

output when using the default input

balanced [][][][[]]
                                         unbalanced [][][][[]]][
                                         unbalanced [
                                         unbalanced ]
balanced []
                                         unbalanced ][
                                         unbalanced ][][
balanced [[]]
balanced [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
                                         unbalanced [[[[[]]]][]
balanced [][]
                                         unbalanced []][[]
                                         unbalanced ]]][[[[]

14  expressions were checked,  6  were balanced,  8  were unbalanced.

125477  expressions were checked,  23713  were balanced,  101764  were unbalanced.


Translation of: D
Works with: Ruby version 1.9

<lang ruby>re = /\A # beginning of string

 (?<bb>     # begin capture group <bb>
   \[       #   literal [
   \g<bb>*  #   zero or more <bb>
   \]       #   literal ]
 )*         # end group, zero or more such groups

\z/x # end of string

10.times do |i|

 s = (%w{[ ]} * i).shuffle.join
 puts (s =~ re ? " OK: " : "bad: ") + s


["[[]", "[]]", "a[ letters[-1] ].xyz[0]"].each do |s|

 t = s.gsub(/[^\[\]]/, "")
 puts (t =~ re ? " OK: " : "bad: ") + s


One output:

 OK: []
bad: []][
 OK: [[][]]
bad: []]][][[
bad: ][]][[[[]]
bad: []]][[]][[[]
bad: ][[][]][][[]][
 OK: [][[][[[]][]][]]
bad: []][][]][[[[[][]]]
bad: [[]
bad: []]
 OK: a[ letters[-1] ].xyz[0]


<lang runbasic>dim brk$(10) brk$(1) = "[[[][]]]" brk$(2) = "[[[]][[[][[][]]]]]" brk$(3) = "][][]][[" brk$(4) = "[][][]" brk$(5) = "[][]][]][[]]][[[" brk$(6) = "]][[[[]]]][]]][[[[" brk$(7) = "[[][[[]]][]]" brk$(8) = "[]][][][[[]]" brk$(9) = "][]][[" brk$(10) = "[]][][][[]"

for i = 0 to 10

 b$ = brk$(i)
 while instr(b$,"[]") <> 0
   x = instr(b$,"[]")
   if x > 0 then b$ = left$(b$,x - 1) + mid$(b$,x + 2)
 if trim$(b$) = "" then print "    OK "; else print "Not OK ";
 print brk$(i)

next i</lang>

One output:

    OK [[[][]]]
    OK [[[]][[[][[][]]]]]
Not OK ][][]][[
    OK [][][]
Not OK [][]][]][[]]][[[
Not OK ]][[[[]]]][]]][[[[
    OK [[][[[]]][]]
Not OK []][][][[[]]
Not OK ][]][[
Not OK []][][][[]


If you are new to Scala you might want to jump to Version 2.

Scala Version 1

Works with: Scala version 2.9.1

<lang scala>import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.util.Random

object BalancedBrackets extends App {

 val random = new Random()
 def generateRandom: List[String] = {
   import scala.util.Random._
   val shuffleIt: Int => String = i => shuffle(("["*i+"]"*i).toList).foldLeft("")(_+_)
   (1 to 20).map(i=>(random.nextDouble*100).toInt).filter(_>2).map(shuffleIt(_)).toList
 def generate(n: Int): List[String] = {
   val base = "["*n+"]"*n
   var lb = ListBuffer[String]()
 def checkBalance(brackets: String):Boolean = {
   def balI(brackets: String, depth: Int):Boolean = {
     if (brackets == "") depth == 0
     else brackets(0) match {
       case '[' => ((brackets.size > 1) && balI(brackets.substring(1), depth + 1))
       case ']' => (depth > 0) && ((brackets.size == 1) || balI(brackets.substring(1), depth -1))
       case _   => false
   balI(brackets, 0)
 println("arbitrary random order:")
 generateRandom.map(s=>Pair(s,checkBalance(s))).foreach(p=>println((if(p._2) "balanced:   " else "unbalanced: ")+p._1))
 println("\n"+"check all permutations of given length:")
 (1 to 5).map(generate(_)).flatten.map(s=>Pair(s,checkBalance(s))).foreach(p=>println((if(p._2) "balanced:   " else "unbalanced: ")+p._1))


arbitrary random order:
unbalanced: ][[[]][][[]]][][]]]][[]]]][[][]][[]]][[][]]][[[]][[][[]]][[]]]]][][]]][[][]]]][[][[][[][[][][][[][]][][[][[[][]]][[]]]][][]][[][]]][[][][[[][[[][[[[[][[]][[[[[[[][]][[]][]]][[[]][[][[]][][]]
unbalanced: [[][][[[[][]]][][[][]][][[[]]]][]][]][]][][]][[]]]][[][[[]][][[][[[[[][[][][[]]][]]]
unbalanced: [[]][][][[[[][][][[[[[[[][[[]]][[[[]]][[]]]][]][]]]][]][]]][]]]]][][][[]]][]][]][]]][[]][][]][]][[[[[[][[[[][[[]][[][[[][[]][]][[[][[][]]][]]][[[[][][[[]][][][[[[]]][]]][][]]]][][][][]][
unbalanced: []]][]][[]]][]][]]]][]]]][]]]][][[][[][[[[][][[[[[[[[][[[]
unbalanced: [][[[]]][]]][[]]]]]][[[[[][][][][]]][[]]]]]][][[[]][[[[][][[][]][]][[[[][[[[[[[[][]]]]]][]][][[][]]][[
unbalanced: []][[][[]]
unbalanced: []][[[[][]][][[]][][[[]]]][[]][[[[[][][[[[][]]]]][]][]]][[[]][[[[[]]][[]][][[][][][]]][]]]][][][[[[]]][[]][][]][[]]]][[[[][[][][[[]][[]]]]]]][[]][[[][[][]][][[]][[]][]]][][[][][][[[[]][]][][
unbalanced: ][][[]][[[][[]][[][[[]]]]]][
unbalanced: [][]][][]][[
unbalanced: [[[][[]]]][][][][][][][]]]][[][][]][]]]]][[]]][][[]][]]][[][[][[][]][[]]]]][[[[][[][[]]][]]][][]][]]][][[[[]]][][[[][[[[]]][][]][][[[[[][][[][[][[][[][[[]
unbalanced: ][][[]][]]]][[][[][[][]]]][[[[
balanced:   [[[]]][[[[]][]]][][[[]]][][]
unbalanced: [[[]][]]]][][[[[[[[[[[[[][[]][[[[[[]][]]]][[]]]][]]]]][]]]]][[][[][][][[][[]][]]][[][[]][[[][]]]][]]]]][]][[[[
unbalanced: [[]][[]][[[[][][][][]]]][]]][][[][]]]][[[[
unbalanced: [][[]]][]]][[]]][[[]]][[][[]]]]][[[][]][[[[[[[[][[]]][][][[[]]][[][[][][]][]]][][]][]][]]][]][]][[[[[][[][[]
unbalanced: ][][[][][[[[][][[][[[][]]]]]][][][[][][[][[][[]]][[[[]]]][][[][[]][]]][[[][[[][][[[][]][[]]]][[][[]]]]]][[[][]][[[]]]]]]
unbalanced: ][[][[][][]][]][][[][][]][][][[[[][]]][[]]][[]
unbalanced: ]][][[]]]]][][[[][][]][[[[]][]]][]][[[]]][]]][[[[][[]]]][]][]][]][][[][[[]]][][][[][][[[[]][]]][]][[[[][]]]][][[][[][[[[[][[][]][[]][]]][][[]][]]][[[[][]][][]][[][]][[][[[[][

check all permutations of given length:
balanced:   []
unbalanced: ][
balanced:   [[]]
balanced:   [][]
unbalanced: []][
unbalanced: ][[]
unbalanced: ][][
unbalanced: ]][[
balanced:   [[[]]]
balanced:   [[][]]
balanced:   [[]][]
unbalanced: [[]]][
balanced:   [][[]]
balanced:   [][][]
unbalanced: [][]][
unbalanced: []][[]
unbalanced: []][][
unbalanced: []]][[
unbalanced: ][[[]]
unbalanced: ][[][]
unbalanced: ][[]][
unbalanced: ][][[]
unbalanced: ][][][
unbalanced: ][]][[
unbalanced: ]][[[]
unbalanced: ]][[][
unbalanced: ]][][[
unbalanced: ]]][[[
balanced:   [[[[]]]]
balanced:   [[[][]]]
balanced:   [[[]][]]
balanced:   [[[]]][]
unbalanced: [[[]]]][
balanced:   [[][[]]]
balanced:   [[][][]]
balanced:   [[][]][]
unbalanced: [[][]]][
balanced:   [[]][[]]
balanced:   [[]][][]
unbalanced: [[]][]][
unbalanced: [[]]][[]
unbalanced: [[]]][][
unbalanced: [[]]]][[
balanced:   [][[[]]]
balanced:   [][[][]]
balanced:   [][[]][]
unbalanced: [][[]]][
balanced:   [][][[]]
balanced:   [][][][]
unbalanced: [][][]][
unbalanced: [][]][[]
unbalanced: [][]][][
unbalanced: [][]]][[
unbalanced: []][[[]]
unbalanced: []][[][]
unbalanced: []][[]][
unbalanced: []][][[]
unbalanced: []][][][
unbalanced: []][]][[
unbalanced: []]][[[]
unbalanced: []]][[][
unbalanced: []]][][[
unbalanced: []]]][[[
unbalanced: ][[[[]]]
unbalanced: ][[[][]]
unbalanced: ][[[]][]
unbalanced: ][[[]]][
unbalanced: ][[][[]]
unbalanced: ][[][][]
unbalanced: ][[][]][
unbalanced: ][[]][[]
unbalanced: ][[]][][
unbalanced: ][[]]][[
unbalanced: ][][[[]]
unbalanced: ][][[][]
unbalanced: ][][[]][
unbalanced: ][][][[]
unbalanced: ][][][][
unbalanced: ][][]][[
unbalanced: ][]][[[]
unbalanced: ][]][[][
unbalanced: ][]][][[
unbalanced: ][]]][[[
unbalanced: ]][[[[]]
unbalanced: ]][[[][]
unbalanced: ]][[[]][
unbalanced: ]][[][[]
unbalanced: ]][[][][
unbalanced: ]][[]][[
unbalanced: ]][][[[]
unbalanced: ]][][[][
unbalanced: ]][][][[
unbalanced: ]][]][[[
unbalanced: ]]][[[[]
unbalanced: ]]][[[][
unbalanced: ]]][[][[
unbalanced: ]]][][[[
unbalanced: ]]]][[[[
balanced:   [[[[[]]]]]
balanced:   [[[[][]]]]
balanced:   [[[[]][]]]
balanced:   [[[[]]][]]
balanced:   [[[[]]]][]
unbalanced: [[[[]]]]][
balanced:   [[[][[]]]]
balanced:   [[[][][]]]
balanced:   [[[][]][]]
balanced:   [[[][]]][]
unbalanced: [[[][]]]][
balanced:   [[[]][[]]]
balanced:   [[[]][][]]
balanced:   [[[]][]][]
unbalanced: [[[]][]]][
balanced:   [[[]]][[]]
balanced:   [[[]]][][]
unbalanced: [[[]]][]][
unbalanced: [[[]]]][[]
unbalanced: [[[]]]][][
unbalanced: [[[]]]]][[
balanced:   [[][[[]]]]
balanced:   [[][[][]]]
balanced:   [[][[]][]]
balanced:   [[][[]]][]
unbalanced: [[][[]]]][
balanced:   [[][][[]]]
balanced:   [[][][][]]
balanced:   [[][][]][]
unbalanced: [[][][]]][
balanced:   [[][]][[]]
balanced:   [[][]][][]
unbalanced: [[][]][]][
unbalanced: [[][]]][[]
unbalanced: [[][]]][][
unbalanced: [[][]]]][[
balanced:   [[]][[[]]]
balanced:   [[]][[][]]
balanced:   [[]][[]][]
unbalanced: [[]][[]]][
balanced:   [[]][][[]]
balanced:   [[]][][][]
unbalanced: [[]][][]][
unbalanced: [[]][]][[]
unbalanced: [[]][]][][
unbalanced: [[]][]]][[
unbalanced: [[]]][[[]]
unbalanced: [[]]][[][]
unbalanced: [[]]][[]][
unbalanced: [[]]][][[]
unbalanced: [[]]][][][
unbalanced: [[]]][]][[
unbalanced: [[]]]][[[]
unbalanced: [[]]]][[][
unbalanced: [[]]]][][[
unbalanced: [[]]]]][[[
balanced:   [][[[[]]]]
balanced:   [][[[][]]]
balanced:   [][[[]][]]
balanced:   [][[[]]][]
unbalanced: [][[[]]]][
balanced:   [][[][[]]]
balanced:   [][[][][]]
balanced:   [][[][]][]
unbalanced: [][[][]]][
balanced:   [][[]][[]]
balanced:   [][[]][][]
unbalanced: [][[]][]][
unbalanced: [][[]]][[]
unbalanced: [][[]]][][
unbalanced: [][[]]]][[
balanced:   [][][[[]]]
balanced:   [][][[][]]
balanced:   [][][[]][]
unbalanced: [][][[]]][
balanced:   [][][][[]]
balanced:   [][][][][]
unbalanced: [][][][]][
unbalanced: [][][]][[]
unbalanced: [][][]][][
unbalanced: [][][]]][[
unbalanced: [][]][[[]]
unbalanced: [][]][[][]
unbalanced: [][]][[]][
unbalanced: [][]][][[]
unbalanced: [][]][][][
unbalanced: [][]][]][[
unbalanced: [][]]][[[]
unbalanced: [][]]][[][
unbalanced: [][]]][][[
unbalanced: [][]]]][[[
unbalanced: []][[[[]]]
unbalanced: []][[[][]]
unbalanced: []][[[]][]
unbalanced: []][[[]]][
unbalanced: []][[][[]]
unbalanced: []][[][][]
unbalanced: []][[][]][
unbalanced: []][[]][[]
unbalanced: []][[]][][
unbalanced: []][[]]][[
unbalanced: []][][[[]]
unbalanced: []][][[][]
unbalanced: []][][[]][
unbalanced: []][][][[]
unbalanced: []][][][][
unbalanced: []][][]][[
unbalanced: []][]][[[]
unbalanced: []][]][[][
unbalanced: []][]][][[
unbalanced: []][]]][[[
unbalanced: []]][[[[]]
unbalanced: []]][[[][]
unbalanced: []]][[[]][
unbalanced: []]][[][[]
unbalanced: []]][[][][
unbalanced: []]][[]][[
unbalanced: []]][][[[]
unbalanced: []]][][[][
unbalanced: []]][][][[
unbalanced: []]][]][[[
unbalanced: []]]][[[[]
unbalanced: []]]][[[][
unbalanced: []]]][[][[
unbalanced: []]]][][[[
unbalanced: []]]]][[[[
unbalanced: ][[[[[]]]]
unbalanced: ][[[[][]]]
unbalanced: ][[[[]][]]
unbalanced: ][[[[]]][]
unbalanced: ][[[[]]]][
unbalanced: ][[[][[]]]
unbalanced: ][[[][][]]
unbalanced: ][[[][]][]
unbalanced: ][[[][]]][
unbalanced: ][[[]][[]]
unbalanced: ][[[]][][]
unbalanced: ][[[]][]][
unbalanced: ][[[]]][[]
unbalanced: ][[[]]][][
unbalanced: ][[[]]]][[
unbalanced: ][[][[[]]]
unbalanced: ][[][[][]]
unbalanced: ][[][[]][]
unbalanced: ][[][[]]][
unbalanced: ][[][][[]]
unbalanced: ][[][][][]
unbalanced: ][[][][]][
unbalanced: ][[][]][[]
unbalanced: ][[][]][][
unbalanced: ][[][]]][[
unbalanced: ][[]][[[]]
unbalanced: ][[]][[][]
unbalanced: ][[]][[]][
unbalanced: ][[]][][[]
unbalanced: ][[]][][][
unbalanced: ][[]][]][[
unbalanced: ][[]]][[[]
unbalanced: ][[]]][[][
unbalanced: ][[]]][][[
unbalanced: ][[]]]][[[
unbalanced: ][][[[[]]]
unbalanced: ][][[[][]]
unbalanced: ][][[[]][]
unbalanced: ][][[[]]][
unbalanced: ][][[][[]]
unbalanced: ][][[][][]
unbalanced: ][][[][]][
unbalanced: ][][[]][[]
unbalanced: ][][[]][][
unbalanced: ][][[]]][[
unbalanced: ][][][[[]]
unbalanced: ][][][[][]
unbalanced: ][][][[]][
unbalanced: ][][][][[]
unbalanced: ][][][][][
unbalanced: ][][][]][[
unbalanced: ][][]][[[]
unbalanced: ][][]][[][
unbalanced: ][][]][][[
unbalanced: ][][]]][[[
unbalanced: ][]][[[[]]
unbalanced: ][]][[[][]
unbalanced: ][]][[[]][
unbalanced: ][]][[][[]
unbalanced: ][]][[][][
unbalanced: ][]][[]][[
unbalanced: ][]][][[[]
unbalanced: ][]][][[][
unbalanced: ][]][][][[
unbalanced: ][]][]][[[
unbalanced: ][]]][[[[]
unbalanced: ][]]][[[][
unbalanced: ][]]][[][[
unbalanced: ][]]][][[[
unbalanced: ][]]]][[[[
unbalanced: ]][[[[[]]]
unbalanced: ]][[[[][]]
unbalanced: ]][[[[]][]
unbalanced: ]][[[[]]][
unbalanced: ]][[[][[]]
unbalanced: ]][[[][][]
unbalanced: ]][[[][]][
unbalanced: ]][[[]][[]
unbalanced: ]][[[]][][
unbalanced: ]][[[]]][[
unbalanced: ]][[][[[]]
unbalanced: ]][[][[][]
unbalanced: ]][[][[]][
unbalanced: ]][[][][[]
unbalanced: ]][[][][][
unbalanced: ]][[][]][[
unbalanced: ]][[]][[[]
unbalanced: ]][[]][[][
unbalanced: ]][[]][][[
unbalanced: ]][[]]][[[
unbalanced: ]][][[[[]]
unbalanced: ]][][[[][]
unbalanced: ]][][[[]][
unbalanced: ]][][[][[]
unbalanced: ]][][[][][
unbalanced: ]][][[]][[
unbalanced: ]][][][[[]
unbalanced: ]][][][[][
unbalanced: ]][][][][[
unbalanced: ]][][]][[[
unbalanced: ]][]][[[[]
unbalanced: ]][]][[[][
unbalanced: ]][]][[][[
unbalanced: ]][]][][[[
unbalanced: ]][]]][[[[
unbalanced: ]]][[[[[]]
unbalanced: ]]][[[[][]
unbalanced: ]]][[[[]][
unbalanced: ]]][[[][[]
unbalanced: ]]][[[][][
unbalanced: ]]][[[]][[
unbalanced: ]]][[][[[]
unbalanced: ]]][[][[][
unbalanced: ]]][[][][[
unbalanced: ]]][[]][[[
unbalanced: ]]][][[[[]
unbalanced: ]]][][[[][
unbalanced: ]]][][[][[
unbalanced: ]]][][][[[
unbalanced: ]]][]][[[[
unbalanced: ]]]][[[[[]
unbalanced: ]]]][[[[][
unbalanced: ]]]][[[][[
unbalanced: ]]]][[][[[
unbalanced: ]]]][][[[[
unbalanced: ]]]]][[[[[

Scala Version 2

Works with: Scala version 2.10.1

<lang scala>import scala.util.Random

object BalancedParensApp extends App {

 val triesCount = 10
 (0 until triesCount).foreach { i =>
   val str = randomString(length = i)
   val msg = if (isBalanced(str)) "ok" else "NOT ok"
   println(s"$str - $msg")
 def randomString(length: Int) = {
   val parensPairs = ("[]" * length).toSeq
   val parensOfGivenLength = parensPairs.take(length)
   val shuffledParens = Random.shuffle(parensOfGivenLength)
 def isBalanced(parensString: String): Boolean = {
   var balance = 0
   parensString.foreach { char =>
     char match {
       case '[' => balance += 1
       case ']' => balance -= 1
     if (balance < 0) return false;
   balance == 0


Sample output:

 - ok
[ - NOT ok
[] - ok
[][ - NOT ok
][][ - NOT ok
[][][ - NOT ok
[][][] - ok
[[[]][] - NOT ok
[[][][]] - ok
[[[][]][] - NOT ok


<lang scheme>(define (balanced-brackets string)

 (define (b chars sum)
   (cond ((and (null? chars) (= 0 sum))
         ((null? chars)
         ((char=? #\[ (car chars))
          (b (cdr chars) (+ sum 1)))
         ((= sum 0)
          (b (cdr chars) (- sum 1)))))
 (b (string->list string) 0))

(balanced-brackets "")

(balanced-brackets "[]") (balanced-brackets "[][]") (balanced-brackets "[[][]]")

(balanced-brackets "][") (balanced-brackets "][][") (balanced-brackets "[]][[]") </lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const func string: generateBrackets (in integer: count) is func

   var string: stri is "";
   var integer: index is 0;
   var integer: pos is 0;
   var char: ch is ' ';
   stri := "[" mult count & "]" mult count;
   for index range 1 to length(stri) do
     pos := rand(1, length(stri));
     ch := stri[index];
     stri @:= [index] stri[pos];
     stri @:= [pos] ch;
   end for;
 end func;

const func boolean: checkBrackets (in string: test) is func

   var boolean: okay is TRUE;
   var char: ch is ' ';
   var integer: open is 0;
   for ch range test do
     if ch = '[' then
     elsif ch = ']' then
       if open = 0 then
         okay := FALSE;
       end if;
     end if;
   end for;
   okay := open = 0;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var integer: n is 0;
   var integer: count is 0;
   var string: stri is "";
   for n range 0 to 4 do
     for count range 1 to 3 do
       stri := generateBrackets(n);
       writeln(stri <& ": " <& checkBrackets(stri));
     end for;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>


[]: TRUE
][[]: FALSE
[[]]: TRUE
[[]]: TRUE
[][][]: TRUE
[[][]]: TRUE
[]]][[: FALSE
[][][]][: FALSE
[][][][]: TRUE
]][][[][: FALSE


<lang ruby>func balanced (str) {

   var depth = 0;
   str.each { |c|
          if(c=='['){ depth++ }
       elsif(c==']'){ depth-- < 0 && return false }
   return !depth;


[']','[','[[]','][]','[[]]','[[]]]][][]]','x[ y [ [] z ]][ 1 ][]abcd'].each { |str|

   printf("%sbalanced\t: %s\n", balanced(str) ? "" : "NOT ", str);



NOT balanced	: ]
NOT balanced	: [
NOT balanced	: [[]
NOT balanced	: ][]
balanced	: [[]]
NOT balanced	: [[]]]][][]]
balanced	: x[ y [ [] z ]][ 1 ][]abcd


<lang tcl>proc generate {n} {

   if {!$n} return
   set l [lrepeat $n "\[" "\]"]
   set len [llength $l]
   while {$len} {

set tmp [lindex $l [set i [expr {int($len * rand())}]]] lset l $i [lindex $l [incr len -1]] lset l $len $tmp

   return [join $l ""]


proc balanced s {

   set n 0
   foreach c [split $s ""] {

# Everything unmatched is ignored, which is what we want switch -exact -- $c { "\[" {incr n} "\]" {if {[incr n -1] < 0} {return false}} }

   expr {!$n}


for {set i 0} {$i < 15} {incr i} {

   set s [generate $i]
   puts "\"$s\"\t-> [expr {[balanced $s] ? {OK} : {NOT OK}}]"

}</lang> Sample output:

""	-> OK
"]["	-> NOT OK
"]][["	-> NOT OK
"]]][[["	-> NOT OK
"[][][[]]"	-> OK
"[[[][[]]]]"	-> OK
"[][][[][]][]"	-> OK
"[[]][]]]][[[]["	-> NOT OK
"][][[][][][[]]]["	-> NOT OK
"][[[][]][]]][][[]["	-> NOT OK
"]][][]][[][[][[]][]["	-> NOT OK
"[[[][[][]]][]]][[]]][["	-> NOT OK
"[[]]][]][[[[]]][[][][[]]"	-> NOT OK
"][[][][]][[[]][[[[][]]]][]"	-> NOT OK
"]][[][[][[[[]][[][]][[]]]]]["	-> NOT OK

Constructing correctly balanced strings

It is, of course, possible to directly construct such a balanced string, this being much more useful as the length of the string to generate grows longer. This is done by conceptually building a random tree (or forest) and then walking the tree, with open brackets being appended when a node is entered from its root and close brackets being appended when a node is left for its root. This is equivalent to inserting a balanced pair of brackets at a random place in an initially-empty string   times, which might be done like this: <lang tcl>proc constructBalancedString {n} {

   set s ""
   for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {

set x [expr {int(rand() * ([string length $s] + 1))}] set s "[string range $s 0 [expr {$x-1}]]\[\][string range $s $x end]"

   return $s

}</lang> As noted, because the generated string is guaranteed to be balanced, it requires no further filtering and this results in much more efficient generation of balanced strings at longer lengths (because there's no need to backtrack).


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT

SECTION gen_brackets values="[']",brackets="" LOOP n=1,12

brackets=APPEND (brackets,"","~")
LOOP m=1,n
a=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,2,1),br=SELECT(values,#a)
b=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,2,1),br=SELECT(values,#b)

ENDLOOP brackets=SPLIT (brackets,":~:") ENDSECTION


[[(4 ]] )4
[[[ (3 ]]] )3
(2  )2
[ (1 ] )1

$$ MODE TUSCRIPT DO gen_brackets LOOP b=brackets status=CHECK_BRACKETS (b,brackets,a1,e1,a2,e2) PRINT b," ",status ENDLOOP </lang> Output:

[[]] OK
[][[]] OK
[]]]][[] ERROR
[]][]][][[ ERROR
[[]][][]]]]] ERROR
[]][[][[]][[][ ERROR
[][[[][[[[[[]][[ ERROR
]]][[]][]][[[][][[ ERROR
][][[]]][[[[[]]][[][ ERROR
[[[][][]][]]]][[[[[[]] ERROR
][[[]][[][[[[[[[[[[[]]]] ERROR 


<lang txr>@(define paren)@(maybe)[@(coll)@(paren)@(until)]@(end)]@(end)@(end) @(do (defvar r (make-random-state nil))

    (defun shuffle (list)
      (for* ((vec (vector-list list))
             (len (length vec))
             (i 0))
            ((< i len) (list-vector vec))
            ((inc i))
        (let ((j (random r len))
              (temp (vecref vec i)))
          (set (vecref vec i) (vecref vec j))
          (set (vecref vec j) temp))))
    (defun generate-1 (count)
      (for ((i 0) chars) ((< i count) (cat-str (shuffle chars) "")) ((inc i))
         (push #\[ chars)
         (push #\] chars)))
    (defun generate-list (num count)
      (for ((i 0) list) ((< i num) list) ((inc i))
        (push (generate-1 count) list))))

@(next :list @(generate-list 22 6)) @(output) INPUT MATCHED REST @(end) @ (collect) @ (all) @parens @ (and) @{matched (paren)}@mismatched @ (end) @ (output) @{parens 15} @{matched 15} @{mismatched 15} @ (end) @(end) </lang>

The recursive pattern function @(paren) gives rise to a grammar which matches parentheses:

@(define paren)@(maybe)[@(coll)@(paren)@(until)]@(end)]@(end)@(end)

A string of balanced parentheses is an optional unit (@(maybe) ... @(end)) that begins with [, followed by zero or more such balanced strings, followed by ].

Sample run:

$ ./txr paren.txr 
INPUT           MATCHED         REST
][[[]][][[]]                    ][[[]][][[]]   
[]][[]][][[]    []              ][[]][][[]     
[][[[[]]]]][    []              [[[[]]]]][     
][[][[]]][][                    ][[][[]]][][   
[[[][[]]][]]    [[[][[]]][]]                   
]][]][[[][[]                    ]][]][[[][[]   
[[]][]][[[]]    [[]]            []][[[]]       
]][]][]][[[[                    ]][]][]][[[[   
]][[]]][][[[                    ]][[]]][][[[   
]]]][[]][[[[                    ]]]][[]][[[[   
][[[[][[]]]]                    ][[[[][[]]]]   
][]][]]][[[[                    ][]][]]][[[[   
]][][[][][[]                    ]][][[][][[]   
]][][]][[][[                    ]][][]][[][[   
[][[]][]]][[    []              [[]][]]][[     
[[]]]]][[[[]    [[]]            ]]][[[[]       
]][[[[[[]]]]                    ]][[[[[[]]]]   
][][][[[]][]                    ][][][[[]][]   
[]][]][][][[    []              ][]][][][[     
]][[[][]][[]                    ]][[[][]][[]   
][[[[]]]][][                    ][[[[]]]][][   
[[]]]]][[][[    [[]]            ]]][[][[       


<lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

balanced = @NiX ~&irB->ilZB ~&rh?/~&lbtPB ~&NlCrtPX

  1. cast %bm

main = ^(2-$'[]'*,balanced)* eql@ZFiFX*~ iota64</lang> output:

   '': true,
   '[]': true,
   '][[]': false,
   '[][]': true,
   '[[]]': true,
   ']][[[]': false,
   '][][[]': false,
   '[]][[]': false,
   '][[][]': false,
   '[][][]': true,
   '[[]][]': true,
   '][[[]]': false,
   '[][[]]': true,
   '[[][]]': true,
   '[[[]]]': true>


<lang vb> Public Function checkBrackets(s As String) As Boolean 'function checks strings for balanced brackets Dim Depth As Integer Dim ch As String * 1

Depth = 0 For i = 1 To Len(s)

 ch = Mid$(s, i, 1)
 If ch = "[" Then Depth = Depth + 1
 If ch = "]" Then
   If Depth = 0 Then 'not balanced
     checkBrackets = False
     Exit Function
     Depth = Depth - 1
   End If
 End If

Next checkBrackets = (Depth = 0) End Function

Public Function GenerateBrackets(N As Integer) As String 'generate a string with N opening and N closing brackets in random order Dim s As String Dim N2 As Integer, j As Integer Dim Brackets() As String * 1 Dim temp As String * 1

'catch trivial value If N <= 0 Then

 GenerateBrackets = ""
 Exit Function

End If

N2 = N + N ReDim Brackets(1 To N2) For i = 1 To N2 Step 2

Brackets(i) = "["
Brackets(i + 1) = "]"

Next i 'shuffle. For i = 1 To N2

 j = 1 + Int(Rnd() * N2)
 'swap brackets i and j
 temp = Brackets(i)
 Brackets(i) = Brackets(j)
 Brackets(j) = temp

Next i 'generate string s = "" For i = 1 To N2

 s = s & Brackets(i)

Next i GenerateBrackets = s End Function

Public Sub BracketsTest() Dim s As String Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 10

s = GenerateBrackets(i)
Debug.Print """" & s & """: ";
If checkBrackets(s) Then Debug.Print " OK" Else Debug.Print " Not OK"

Next End Sub </lang>

sample output:

"":  OK
"][":  Not OK
"[][]":  OK
"][[]][":  Not OK
"][]][[[]":  Not OK
"[[][]]][[]":  Not OK
"]][[[[[]]]][":  Not OK
"[[[]][][][][]]":  OK
"]][[[]][[[]][]][":  Not OK
"[[][]][]]][[[[]][]":  Not OK
"]][][[[][]]][][[][][":  Not OK


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic code declarations

int N, I, C, Nest; char Str; [\Generate a string with N open brackets and N close brackets in arbitrary order N:= IntIn(0); \get number of brackets/2 from keyboard Str:= Reserve(2*N); for I:= 0 to 2*N-1 do Str(I):= ^[; C:= 0; \initialize count of "]" repeat I:= Ran(2*N); \change N random locations to "]"

       if Str(I) # ^] then [Str(I):= ^]; C:= C+1];

until C>=N;

\Determine whether string consists of nested pairs of open/close brackets I:= 0; C:= 0; Nest:= false; while I<2*N do

       [if Str(I) = ^[ then C:= C+1 else C:= C-1;
       if C<0 then Nest:= true;
       I:= I+1;

ChOut(0,9\tab\); if Nest then Text(0,"NOT "); Text(0,"OK "); ]</lang>

Example output:

[]][    NOT OK
[][]    OK
[[][]]  OK


<lang zkl>fcn bb(bs){ while(a:=bs.span("[","]")) {bs=bs[a[1],*]} (Void!=a) }</lang> The span method finds the start and length of a balanced span. This algorithm assumes the string only contains brackets; a matched span is chopped off the front of the string and a new balanced span is searched for. Stops when the string is empty or unbalanced (span returns Void).

zkl: bb("")
zkl: bb("[]")
zkl: bb("[][]")
zkl: bb("[[][]]")
zkl: bb("][")
zkl: bb("][][")
zkl: bb("[]][[]")