Super-d numbers: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Added Ruby)
(Added FreeBASIC)
(32 intermediate revisions by 18 users not shown)
Line 1:
A super-d number is a positive, decimal (base ten) integer &nbsp; '''n''' &nbsp; such that &nbsp; '''d × n^<sup>d</sup>''' &nbsp; has at least &nbsp; '''d''' &nbsp; consecutive digits &nbsp; '''d''' &nbsp; where
<big>2 ≤ d ≤ 9</big>
For instance, 753 is a super-3 number because 3 × 753^<sup>3</sup> = 128087<u>333</u>1.
Line 10 ⟶ 9:
:* Write a function/procedure/routine to find super-d numbers.
:* For &nbsp; '''d=2''' &nbsp; through &nbsp; '''d=6''', &nbsp; use the routine to show the first &nbsp; '''10''' &nbsp; super-d numbers.
;Extra credit:
:* Show the first &nbsp; '''10''' &nbsp; super-7, super-8, and/or super-9 numbers &nbsp; (optional).
;See also:
:* &nbsp; [ Wolfram MathWorld - Super-d Number].
:* &nbsp; [ OEIS: A014569 - Super-3 Numbers].
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">V rd = [‘22’, ‘333’, ‘4444’, ‘55555’, ‘666666’, ‘7777777’, ‘88888888’, ‘999999999’]
L(ii) 2..7
print(‘First 10 super-#. numbers:’.format(ii))
V count = 0
BigInt j = 3
V k = ii * j^ii
I rd[ii - 2] C String(k)
print(j, end' ‘ ’)
I count == 10
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
=={{header|Amazing Hopper}}==
<p>Debido a que los tipos básicos de Hopper son INT, LONG y DOUBLE, no es posible cumplir con la tarea en los términos específicos de ésta; sin embargo, sí es posible encontrar números "SUPER-D" teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones del coma-flotante, y calculando un poco más.</p>
<p>El coma flotante usado por Hopper garantiza que los primeros 16 dígitos de la parte entera son significativos (correctos), dejando a los restantes dígitos a la imaginación del computador. Esto me permite encontrar números SUPER-D cuyo "target" se encuentre dentro de los primeros 16 dígitos.</p>
<p>Si bien es cierto que la tarea requiere del uso de tipos BIG-INT, asumo que, habiendo encontrado algunos números, ésta está cumplida.</p>
<p>Para SUPER-9, es imposible encontrar números bajo las limitaciones de Hopper.</p>
<p>El resultado fue intervenido para resumir la aparición de los mensajes de error.</p>
Nota 1: los números grandes fueron comprobados (al menos, los primeros 16 dígitos), en la siguiente página:
<p>Nota 2: por supuesto, algunos de los números desde SUPER-6 en adelante pueden ser incorrectos, porque se debe considerar el número completo como resultado real y correcto. Sin embargo, dudo que estén completamente erróneos, porque de lo contrario tendríamos un problema con el tipo DOUBLE y la confianza en los primeros 16 dígitos.</p><p>Dejo esta nota (2) aquí para su discusión ;) </p>
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
#include <basico.h>
decimales '0'
ir a sub mientras ( #(d<=8), encontrar súperd )
sub( encontrar súperd )
imprimir("First 10 super-",d," numbers:\n")
count=0, j = 3.0, target=""
#(target = replicate( chr( 48 + d), d ))
iterar mientras ' #(count < 10) '
cuando( #(occurs(target, string( (j^d) * d ))) ){
si ( #( find(target,string( (j^d) * d ))<=16-d+1 ) )
++count, #((j^d) * d ),";"#(int(j)),"\n", imprimir
imprimir("Error by limited floating-point\n")
fin si
$ hopper3 basica/superd.bas
First 10 super-2 numbers:
First 10 super-3 numbers:
First 10 super-4 numbers:
First 10 super-5 numbers:
First 10 super-6 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x7)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x11)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point (x4)
First 10 super-7 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x12)
Error by limited floating-point (x4)
Error by limited floating-point (x16)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)
First 10 super-8 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x8)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)
Error by limited floating-point (x5)
Error by limited floating-point (x7)
Error by limited floating-point (x20)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x8)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x19)
First 10 super-9 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
===With / Without BigInteger===
Done three ways, two with BigIntegers, and one with a UIint64 structure. More details on the "Mostly addition" method on the discussion page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BI = System.Numerics.BigInteger;
using lbi = System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Numerics.BigInteger[]>;
using static System.Console;
class Program {
// provides 320 bits (90 decimal digits)
struct LI { public UInt64 lo, ml, mh, hi, tp; }
const UInt64 Lm = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000UL;
const string Fm = "D18";
static void inc(ref LI d, LI s) { // d += s
d.lo += s.lo; while (d.lo >= Lm) {; d.lo -= Lm; } +=; while ( >= Lm) {; -= Lm; } +=; while ( >= Lm) { d.hi++; -= Lm; }
d.hi += s.hi; while (d.hi >= Lm) {; d.hi -= Lm; } +=;
static void set(ref LI d, UInt64 s) { // d = s
d.lo = s; = = d.hi = = 0;
const int ls = 10;
static lbi co = new lbi { new BI[] { 0 } }; // for BigInteger addition
static List<LI[]> Co = new List<LI[]> { new LI[1] }; // for UInt64 addition
static Int64 ipow(Int64 bas, Int64 exp) { // Math.Pow()
Int64 res = 1; while (exp != 0) {
if ((exp & 1) != 0) res *= bas; exp >>= 1; bas *= bas;
return res;
// finishes up, shows performance value
static void fin() { WriteLine("{0}s", (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds.ToString().Substring(0, 5)); }
static void funM(int d) { // straightforward BigInteger method, medium performance
string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
for (int i = 0, c = 0; c < ls; i++)
if ((BI.Pow((BI)i, d) * d).ToString().Contains(s))
Write("{0} ", i, ++c);
static void funS(int d) { // BigInteger "mostly adding" method, low performance
BI[] m = co[d];
string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
for (int i = 0, c = 0; c < ls; i++) {
if ((d * m[0]).ToString().Contains(s))
Write("{0} ", i, ++c);
for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--) m[k] += m[j];
static string scale(uint s, ref LI x) { // performs a small multiply and returns a string value
ulong Lo = x.lo * s, Ml = * s, Mh = * s, Hi = x.hi * s, Tp = * s;
while (Lo >= Lm) { Lo -= Lm; Ml++; }
while (Ml >= Lm) { Ml -= Lm; Mh++; }
while (Mh >= Lm) { Mh -= Lm; Hi++; }
while (Hi >= Lm) { Hi -= Lm; Tp++; }
if (Tp > 0) return Tp.ToString() + Hi.ToString(Fm) + Mh.ToString(Fm) + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
if (Hi > 0) return Hi.ToString() + Mh.ToString(Fm) + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
if (Mh > 0) return Mh.ToString() + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
if (Ml > 0) return Ml.ToString() + Lo.ToString(Fm);
return Lo.ToString();
static void funF(int d) { // structure of UInt64 method, high performance
LI[] m = Co[d];
string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
for (int i = d, c = 0; c < ls; i++) {
if (scale((uint)d, ref m[0]).Contains(s))
Write("{0} ", i, ++c);
for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--)
inc(ref m[k], m[j]);
static void init() { // initializes co and Co
for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++) {
BI[] res = new BI[v + 1];
long[] f = new long[v + 1], l = new long[v + 1];
for (int j = 0; j <= v; j++) {
if (j == v) {
LI[] t = new LI[v + 1];
for (int y = 0; y <= v; y++) set(ref t[y], (UInt64)f[y]);
res[j] = f[j];
l[0] = f[0]; f[0] = ipow(j + 1, v);
for (int a = 0, b = 1; b <= v; a = b++) {
l[b] = f[b]; f[b] = f[a] - l[a];
for (int z = res.Length - 2; z > 0; z -= 2) res[z] *= -1;
static DateTime st;
static void doOne(string title, int top, Action<int> func) {
WriteLine('\n' + title); st = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 2; i <= top; i++) func(i);
static void Main(string[] args)
init(); const int top = 9;
doOne("BigInteger mostly addition:", top, funS);
doOne("BigInteger.Pow():", top, funM);
doOne("UInt64 structure mostly addition:", top, funF);
<pre>BigInteger mostly addition:
:* Show the first &nbsp; '''10''' &nbsp; super-7, super-8, and/or super-9 numbers. &nbsp; (Optional)
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.007s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.008s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.014s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.033s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.584s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.891s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 20.47s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 226.7s
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.002s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.003s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.008s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.025s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.450s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.092s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 14.80s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 170.8s
UInt64 structure mostly addition:
;See also
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.004s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.004s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.006s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.013s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.188s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 1.153s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 9.783s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 121.3s</pre>
Results from a core i7-7700 @ 3.6Ghz. The UInt64 structure method is quicker, but it's likely because the BigInteger.ToString() implementation in '''C#''' is so sluggish. I've ported this (UInt64 structure) algorithm to '''C++''', however it's quite a bit slower than the '''C++ GMP''' version.
Regarding the term "mostly addition", for this task there is some multiplication by a small integer (2 thru 9 in ''scale()''), but the powers of "n" are calculated by only addition. The initial tables are calculated with multiplication and a power function (''ipow()'').
:* '''[ Wolfram MathWorld - Super-d Number]'''
:* '''[ OEIS: A014569 - Super-3 Numbers]'''
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Line 55 ⟶ 430:
return 0;
Line 79 ⟶ 454:
There are insufficiant bits avaiolableavalaible to calculate the super-5 or super-6 numbers without a biginteger library
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
Line 123 ⟶ 498:
return 0;
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
Line 137 ⟶ 512:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
Line 159 ⟶ 534:
return 0;
Line 180 ⟶ 555:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
===Alternative ''not'' using GMP===
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <cstdio>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
struct LI { uint64_t a, b, c, d, e; }; const uint64_t Lm = 1e18;
auto st = steady_clock::now(); LI k[10][10];
string padZ(uint64_t x, int n = 18) { string r = to_string(x);
return string(max((int)(n - r.length()), 0), '0') + r; }
uint64_t ipow(uint64_t b, uint64_t e) { uint64_t r = 1;
while (e) { if (e & 1) r *= b; e >>= 1; b *= b; } return r; }
uint64_t fa(uint64_t x) { // factorial
uint64_t r = 1; while (x > 1) r *= x--; return r; }
void set(LI &d, uint64_t s) { // d = s
d.a = s; d.b = d.c = d.d = d.e = 0; }
void inc(LI &d, LI s) { // d += s
d.a += s.a; while (d.a >= Lm) { d.a -= Lm; d.b++; }
d.b += s.b; while (d.b >= Lm) { d.b -= Lm; d.c++; }
d.c += s.c; while (d.c >= Lm) { d.c -= Lm; d.d++; }
d.d += s.d; while (d.d >= Lm) { d.d -= Lm; d.e++; }
d.e += s.e;
string scale(uint32_t s, LI &x) { // multiplies x by s, converts to string
uint64_t A = x.a * s, B = x.b * s, C = x.c * s, D = x.d * s, E = x.e * s;
while (A >= Lm) { A -= Lm; B++; }
while (B >= Lm) { B -= Lm; C++; }
while (C >= Lm) { C -= Lm; D++; }
while (D >= Lm) { D -= Lm; E++; }
if (E > 0) return to_string(E) + padZ(D) + padZ(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
if (D > 0) return to_string(D) + padZ(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
if (C > 0) return to_string(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
if (B > 0) return to_string(B) + padZ(A);
return to_string(A);
void fun(int d) {
auto m = k[d]; string s = string(d, '0' + d); printf("%d: ", d);
for (int i = d, c = 0; c < 10; i++) {
if (scale((uint32_t)d, m[0]).find(s) != string::npos) {
printf("%d ", i); ++c; }
for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--) inc(m[k], m[j]);
} printf("%ss\n", to_string(duration<double>(steady_clock::now() - st).count()).substr(0,5).c_str());
static void init() {
for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++) {
uint64_t f[v + 1], l[v + 1];
for (int j = 0; j <= v; j++) {
if (j == v) for (int y = 0; y <= v; y++)
set(k[v][y], v != y ? (uint64_t)f[y] : fa(v));
l[0] = f[0]; f[0] = ipow(j + 1, v);
for (int a = 0, b = 1; b <= v; a = b++) {
l[b] = f[b]; f[b] = f[a] - l[a];
int main() {
for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++) fun(i);
<pre>2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.002s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.004s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.009s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.026s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.399s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.523s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 22.32s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 275.4s</pre>
Slower than '''GMP''' on the core i7-7700 @ 3.6Ghz, over twice as slow. This one is 275 seconds, vs. 102 seconds for '''GMP'''.
A more naïve implementation inspired by the Raku one, but without its use of parallelism; on my somewhat old and underpowered laptop, it gets through the basic task of 2 through 6 in about 6 seconds, then takes almost 40 to complete 7, and about six minutes for 8; with that growth rate, I didn't wait around for nine to complete.
<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(defn super [d]
(let [run (apply str (repeat d (str d)))]
(filter #(clojure.string/includes? (str (* d (Math/pow % d ))) run) (range))))
(doseq [d (range 2 9)]
(println (str d ": ") (take 10 (super d))))</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>2: (19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131)
3: (261 462 471 558 753 1046 1471 1645 1752 1848)
4: (1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 11317 11487 11549 11680 16588)
5: (4602 5517 7539 9469 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 35689)
6: (223763 302693 323576 513675 678146 1183741 1324944 1523993 1640026 1756271)
7: (4258476 9438581 10900183 11497728 12380285 12834193 13658671 14290071 16034108 16046124)
8: (29242698 43307276 44263715 45980752 54555936 81044125 126984952 133579963 142631696 152390251)</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.bigint;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
Line 212 ⟶ 690:
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
Line 240 ⟶ 718:
;The Function
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
// Generate Super-N numbers. Nigel Galloway: October 12th., 2019
let superD N=
Line 248 ⟶ 726:
let rec fL n=match (E-n%I).IsZero with true->true |_->if (E*10I)<n then false else fL (n/10I)
seq{1I..999999999999999999I}|>Seq.choose(fun n->if fL (G*n**N) then Some n else None)
;The Task
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
superD 2 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 3 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
Line 259 ⟶ 737:
superD 8 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 9 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
Line 273 ⟶ 751:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: arrays formatting io kernel lists lists.lazy math
math.functions math.ranges math.text.utils prettyprint sequences
Line 290 ⟶ 768:
] with each ;
MAIN: super-d-demo</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 308 ⟶ 786:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
{{trans|Visual Basic .NET}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Dim rd(7) As String = {"22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"}
For n As Integer = 2 To 9
Dim cont As Integer = 0
Dim j As Uinteger = 3
Print Using !"\nFirst 10 super-# numbers:"; n
Dim k As Ulongint = n * (j ^ n)
Dim ix As Uinteger = Instr(Str(k), rd(n - 2))
If ix > 0 Then
cont += 1
Print j; " " ;
End If
j += 1
Loop Until cont = 10
Next n</syntaxhighlight>
'''Case 1. Write a function/procedure/routine to find super-d numbers'''
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Super-d numbers 01.png]]
'''Case 2. For d=2 through d=9, use the routine to show the first 1 ssuper-d numbers'''
In [ this] page you can see the solution of this task.
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Super-d numbers 02.png]]
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text ([ more info]). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation &mdash;i.e. XML, JSON&mdash; they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition.
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Super-d numbers 03.png]]
The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code.
Simple brute force approach and so not particularly quick - about 2.25 minutes on a Core i7.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
Line 353 ⟶ 858:
Line 390 ⟶ 895:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
Line 406 ⟶ 911:
("First 10 super-" ++) .
((++) . show <*> ((" : " ++) . show . take 10 . findSuperd)))
[2 .. 6]</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 433 ⟶ 938:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.math.BigInteger;
Line 468 ⟶ 973:
Line 504 ⟶ 1,009:
Run time 268460 ms
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The C implementation of jq does not have sufficiently accurate integer arithmetic to fulfill the task,
so the output shown below is based on a run of gojq.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq"># To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
# Input is $d, the number of consecutive digits, 2 <= $d <= 9
# $max is the number of superd numbers to be emitted.
def superd($number):
. as $d
| tostring as $s
| ($s * $d) as $target
| {count:0, j: 3 }
| while ( .count <= $number;
.emit = null
| if ((.j|power($d) * $d) | tostring) | index($target)
then .count += 1
| .emit = .j
else .
| .j += 1 )
| select(.emit).emit ;
# super-d for 2 <=d < 8
range(2; 8)
| "First 10 super-\(.) numbers:",
First 10 super-2 numbers:
First 10 super-3 numbers:
First 10 super-4 numbers:
First 10 super-5 numbers:
First 10 super-6 numbers:
First 10 super-7 numbers:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="julia">function superd(N)
println("First 10 super-$N numbers:")
count, j = 0, BigInt(3)
Line 524 ⟶ 1,129:
@time superd(n)
First 10 super-2 numbers:
Line 554 ⟶ 1,159:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala">import java.math.BigInteger
fun superD(d: Int, max: Int) {
Line 582 ⟶ 1,187:
superD(i, 10)
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
Line 615 ⟶ 1,220:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
Run time 392181 ms</pre>
==={{header|Lua - using doubles}}===
Lua's default numeric type is IEEE-754 doubles, which are insufficient beyond d=5, but for reference:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">for d = 2, 5 do
local n, found = 0, {}
local dds = string.rep(d, d)
while #found < 10 do
local dnd = string.format("%15.f", d * n ^ d)
if string.find(dnd, dds) then found[#found+1] = n end
n = n + 1
print("super-" .. d .. ": " .. table.concat(found,", "))
<pre>super-2: 19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
super-3: 261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
super-4: 1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
super-5: 4602, 5517, 7539, 9469, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 35689</pre>
==={{header|Lua - using lbc}}===
Using the lbc library to provide support for arbitrary-precision integers, which are sufficient for both task and extra-credit:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">bc = require("bc")
for i = 2, 9 do
local d, n, found =,, {}
local dds = string.rep(d:tostring(), d:tonumber())
while #found < 10 do
local dnd = (d * n ^ d):tostring()
if string.find(dnd, dds) then found[#found+1] = n:tostring() end
n = n + 1
print("super-" .. d:tostring() .. ": " .. table.concat(found,", "))
<pre>super-2: 19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
super-3: 261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
super-4: 1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
super-5: 4602, 5517, 7539, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 32767, 35689
super-6: 27257, 272570, 302693, 323576, 364509, 502785, 513675, 537771, 676657, 678146
super-7: 140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763
super-8: 185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300
super-9: 17546133, 32613656, 93568867, 107225764, 109255734, 113315082, 121251742, 175461330, 180917907, 182557181</pre>
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">ClearAll[SuperD]
SuperD[d_, m_] := Module[{n, res, num},
res = {};
n = 1;
While[Length[res] < m,
num = IntegerDigits[d n^d];
If[MatchQ[num, {___, Repeated[d, {d}], ___}],
AppendTo[res, n]
Scan[Print[SuperD[#, 10]] &, Range[2, 6]]</syntaxhighlight>
Using only the standard library, we would be limited to "d = 2, 3, 4". So, here is the program using the third-party library "bignum".
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import sequtils, strutils, times
import bignum
iterator superDNumbers(d, maxCount: Positive): Natural =
var count = 0
var n = 2
let e = culong(d) # Bignum ^ requires a culong as exponent.
let pattern = repeat(chr(d + ord('0')), d)
while count != maxCount:
if pattern in $(d * n ^ e):
yield n
inc count
inc n, 1
let t0 = getTime()
for d in 2..9:
echo "First 10 super-$# numbers:".format(d)
echo toSeq(superDNumbers(d, 10)).join(" ")
echo "Time: ", getTime() - t0</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
Time: 1 minute, 43 seconds, 647 milliseconds, 920 microseconds, and 938 nanoseconds</pre>
{{works with|Free Pascal}}
gmp is fast.Same brute force as [ Go]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program Super_D;
Line 657 ⟶ 1,368:
<pre>Finding 22 in 2*i**2
Line 691 ⟶ 1,402:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use bigint;
Line 712 ⟶ 1,423:
say "\nFirst 10 super-$_ numbers:\n", join ' ', super($_) for 2..6;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 732 ⟶ 1,443:
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<lang Phix>include mpfr.e
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">include</span> <span style="color: #004080;">mpfr</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">.</span><span style="color: #000000;">e</span>
procedure main()
atom t0 = time()
<span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span> <span style="color: #000000;">main</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
mpz k = mpz_init()
<span style="color: #004080;">atom</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t0</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
for i=2 to 9 do
<span style="color: #004080;">mpz</span> <span style="color: #000000;">k</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_init</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
printf(1,"First 10 super-%d numbers:\n", i)
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">platform</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()=</span><span style="color: #004600;">JS</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">?</span><span style="color: #000000;">7</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:</span><span style="color: #000000;">9</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
integer count := 0, j = 3
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"First 10 super-%d numbers:\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
string tgt = repeat('0'+i,i)
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">:=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">3</span>
while count<10 do
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tgt</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">repeat</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'0'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">while</span> <span style="color: #000000;">count</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><</span><span style="color: #000000;">10</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_ui_pow_ui</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">k</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
string s = mpz_get_str(k)
<span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_mul_si</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">k</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">k</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
integer ix = match(tgt,s)
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">mpz_get_str</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">k</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
if ix then
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ix</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">match</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">tgt</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
count += 1
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ix</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
printf(1,"%d ", j)
<span style="color: #000000;">count</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
end if
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%d "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">j</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
j += 1
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
end while
<span style="color: #000000;">j</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
printf(1,"\nfound in %s\n\n", {elapsed(time()-t0)})
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">while</span>
end for
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"\nfound in %s\n\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">elapsed</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">time</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()-</span><span style="color: #000000;">t0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
end procedure
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">main</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
Line 788 ⟶ 1,502:
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 <killed>
Since its actually about 3 times faster under pwa/p2js, I let that one run, just the once, keeping the above capped at 7 for ~11s:
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
found in 1 minute and 22s
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
found in 16 minutes and 6s
<lang python>from itertools import islice, count
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">from itertools import islice, count
def superd(d):
Line 802 ⟶ 1,528:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for d in range(2, 89):
print(f"{d}:", ', '.join(str(n) for n in islice(superd(d), 10)))</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 813 ⟶ 1,539:
7: 140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763
8: 185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">'''Super-d numbers'''
from itertools import count, islice
from functools import reduce
# ------------------------ SUPER-D -------------------------
# super_d :: Int -> Either String [Int]
def super_d(d):
'''Either a message, if d is out of range, or
an infinite series of super_d numbers for d.
if isinstance(d, int) and 1 < d < 10:
ds = d * str(d)
def p(x):
return ds in str(d * x ** d)
return Right(filter(p, count(2)))
return Left(
'Super-d is defined only for integers drawn from {2..9}'
# ------------------------- TESTS --------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
'''Attempted sampling of first 10 values for d <- [1..6],
where d = 1 is out of range.
for v in map(
lambda x: either(
append(str(x) + ' :: ')
append('First 10 super-' + str(x) + ': '),
)(compose(Right, take(10)))
): print(v)
# ------------------------ GENERIC -------------------------
# Left :: a -> Either a b
def Left(x):
'''Constructor for an empty Either (option type) value
with an associated string.
return {'type': 'Either', 'Right': None, 'Left': x}
# Right :: b -> Either a b
def Right(x):
'''Constructor for a populated Either (option type) value'''
return {'type': 'Either', 'Left': None, 'Right': x}
# append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
# append (++) :: String -> String -> String
def append(xs):
'''A list or string formed by
the concatenation of two others.
def go(ys):
return xs + ys
return go
# bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
def bindLR(m):
'''Either monad injection operator.
Two computations sequentially composed,
with any value produced by the first
passed as an argument to the second.
def go(mf):
return (
mf(m.get('Right')) if None is m.get('Left') else m
return go
# compose :: ((a -> a), ...) -> (a -> a)
def compose(*fs):
'''Composition, from right to left,
of a series of functions.
def go(f, g):
def fg(x):
return f(g(x))
return fg
return reduce(go, fs, lambda x: x)
# either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
def either(fl):
'''The application of fl to e if e is a Left value,
or the application of fr to e if e is a Right value.
return lambda fr: lambda e: fl(e['Left']) if (
None is e['Right']
) else fr(e['Right'])
# enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
def enumFromTo(m):
'''Enumeration of integer values [m..n]
return lambda n: range(m, 1 + n)
# showList :: [a] -> String
def showList(xs):
'''Stringification of a list.'''
return '[' + ','.join(str(x) for x in xs) + ']'
# take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
# take :: Int -> String -> String
def take(n):
'''The prefix of xs of length n,
or xs itself if n > length xs.
def go(xs):
return islice(xs, n)
return go
# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
<pre>1 :: Super-d is defined only for integers drawn from {2..9}
First 10 super-2: [19,31,69,81,105,106,107,119,127,131]
First 10 super-3: [261,462,471,481,558,753,1036,1046,1471,1645]
First 10 super-4: [1168,4972,7423,7752,8431,10267,11317,11487,11549,11680]
First 10 super-5: [4602,5517,7539,12955,14555,20137,20379,26629,32767,35689]
First 10 super-6: [27257,272570,302693,323576,364509,502785,513675,537771,676657,678146]</pre>
<code>from</code>, <code>index</code> and <code>end</code> are defined at [[Loops/Increment loop index within loop body#Quackery]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="Quackery"> [ over findseq swap found ] is hasseq ( [ x --> b )
[ [] swap
[ 10 /mod
rot join swap
dup 0 = until ]
drop ] is digits ( n --> [ )
[ over ** over * digits
swap dup of hasseq ] is superd ( n --> b )
[] 5 times
[ [] 1 from
[ i^ 2 + index
superd if [ index join ]
dup size 10 = if end ]
nested join ]
[ i^ 2 + echo say " -> " echo cr ]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>2 -> [ 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 ]
3 -> [ 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 ]
4 -> [ 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 ]
5 -> [ 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 ]
6 -> [ 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 ]
Library is necessary to go beyond super-4 numbers. Indeed [ Rmpfr] allows to augment precision for floating point numbers. I didn't go for extra task, because it took some minutes for super-6 numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="r">library(Rmpfr)
options(scipen = 999)
find_super_d_number <- function(d, N = 10){
super_number <- c(NA)
n = 0
n_found = 0
while(length(super_number) < N){
n = n + 1
test = d * mpfr(n, precBits = 200) ** d #Here I augment precision
test_formatted = .mpfr2str(test)$str #and I extract the string from S4 class object
iterable = strsplit(test_formatted, "")[[1]]
if (length(iterable) < d) next
for(i in d:length(iterable)){
if (iterable[i] != d) next
equalities = 0
for(j in 1:d) {
if (i == j) break
if(iterable[i] == iterable[i-j])
equalities = equalities + 1
else break
if (equalities >= (d-1)) {
n_found = n_found + 1
super_number[n_found] = n
message(paste0("First ", N, " super-", d, " numbers:"))
for(d in 2:6){find_super_d_number(d, N = 10)}
First 10 super-2 numbers:
[1] 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
[1] 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
[1] 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
[1] 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
[1] 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
Line 819 ⟶ 1,793:
2 - 6 take a few seconds, 7 about 17 seconds, 8 about 90... 9, bleh... around 700 seconds.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" perl6line>sub super (\d) {
my \run = d x d;
^∞ .hyper.grep: -> \n { (d * n ** d).Str.contains: run }
Line 827 ⟶ 1,801:
my $now = now;
put "\nFirst 10 super-$_ numbers:\n{.&super[^10]}\n{(now - $now).round(.1)} sec."
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
Line 862 ⟶ 1,836:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program computes and displays the first N super─d numbers for D from LO to HI.*/
numeric digits 100 /*ensure enough decimal digs for calc. */
parse arg n LO HI . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
Line 873 ⟶ 1,847:
do j=2 until #==n /*search for super─d numbers 'til found*/
if pos(z, d * j**d)==0 then iterate /*does product have the required reps? */
#= # + 1; $= $ j $= $ j /*bump counter; add the number to list*/
end /*j*/
say center(' the first ' n " super-"d 'numbers ', digits(), "═")
say $
end /*d*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */</langsyntaxhighlight>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default inputs:}}
Line 907 ⟶ 1,881:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">(2..8).each do |d|
rep = d.to_s * d
print "#{d}: "
puts (2..){|n| (d * n**d).to_s.include?(rep) }.first(10).join(", ")
<pre>2: 19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
Line 926 ⟶ 1,900:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rust">// [dependencies]
// rug = "1.9"
Line 954 ⟶ 1,928:
print_super_d_numbers(d, 10);
Line 977 ⟶ 1,951:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func super_d(d) {
var D = Str(d)*d
1..Inf -> lazy.grep {|n| Str(d * n**d).contains(D) }
Line 984 ⟶ 1,958:
for d in (2..8) {
say ("#{d}: ", super_d(d).first(10))
Line 1,000 ⟶ 1,974:
{{libheader|AttaSwift BigInt}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="swift">import BigInt
import Foundation
Line 1,032 ⟶ 2,006:
Line 1,056 ⟶ 2,030:
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181</pre>
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System.Numerics
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim rd = {"22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"}
Dim one As BigInteger = 1
Dim nine As BigInteger = 9
For ii = 2 To 9
Console.WriteLine("First 10 super-{0} numbers:", ii)
Dim count = 0
Dim j As BigInteger = 3
While True
Dim k = ii * BigInteger.Pow(j, ii)
Dim ix = k.ToString.IndexOf(rd(ii - 2))
If ix >= 0 Then
count += 1
Console.Write("{0} ", j)
If count = 10 Then
Exit While
End If
End If
j += 1
End While
End Sub
End Module</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
First 10 super-9 numbers:
Line 1,062 ⟶ 2,096:
===CLI (BigInt)===
Managed to get up to 8 but too slow for 9.
<langsyntaxhighlight ecmascriptlang="wren">import "./big" for BigInt
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var start = System.clock
Line 1,087 ⟶ 2,122:
j =
Line 1,118 ⟶ 2,153:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
found in 434.536825 seconds
===Embedded (GMP)===
Much sprightlier with 8 now being reached in 11.7 seconds and 9 in 126.5 seconds.
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">/* Super-d_numbers_2.wren */
import "./gmp" for Mpz
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var start = System.clock
var rd = ["22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"]
for (i in 2..9) {
Fmt.print("First 10 super-$d numbers:", i)
var count = 0
var j = Mpz.three
var k =
while (true) {
k.pow(j, i).mul(i)
var ix = k.toString.indexOf(rd[i-2])
if (ix >= 0) {
count = count + 1
Fmt.write("$i ", j)
if (count == 10) {
Fmt.print("\nfound in $f seconds\n", System.clock - start)
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
found in 0.000222 seconds
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
found in 0.001222 seconds
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
found in 0.007386 seconds
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
found in 0.024863 seconds
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
found in 0.339837 seconds
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
found in 1.684412 seconds
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
found in 11.695570 seconds
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
found in 126.454911 seconds
{{libheader|GMP}} GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP
fcn superDW(d){
Line 1,129 ⟶ 2,228:
{ BI(n).pow(d).mul(d).toString().holds(digits) and n or Void.Skip });
foreach d in ([2..8]){ println(d," : ",superDW(d).walk(10).concat(" ")) }</langsyntaxhighlight>

Latest revision as of 22:41, 27 February 2024

A super-d number is a positive, decimal (base ten) integer   n   such that   d × nd   has at least   d   consecutive digits   d   where

Super-d numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
   2 ≤ d ≤ 9

For instance, 753 is a super-3 number because 3 × 7533 = 1280873331.

Super-d   numbers are also shown on   MathWorld™   as   super-d   or   super-d.

  • Write a function/procedure/routine to find super-d numbers.
  • For   d=2   through   d=6,   use the routine to show the first   10   super-d numbers.

Extra credit
  • Show the first   10   super-7, super-8, and/or super-9 numbers   (optional).

See also


Translation of: D
V rd = [‘22’, ‘333’, ‘4444’, ‘55555’, ‘666666’, ‘7777777’, ‘88888888’, ‘999999999’]

L(ii) 2..7
   print(‘First 10 super-#. numbers:’.format(ii))
   V count = 0

   BigInt j = 3
      V k = ii * j^ii
      I rd[ii - 2] C String(k)
         print(j, end' ‘ ’)
         I count == 10
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763

Amazing Hopper

Translation of: C

Debido a que los tipos básicos de Hopper son INT, LONG y DOUBLE, no es posible cumplir con la tarea en los términos específicos de ésta; sin embargo, sí es posible encontrar números "SUPER-D" teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones del coma-flotante, y calculando un poco más.

El coma flotante usado por Hopper garantiza que los primeros 16 dígitos de la parte entera son significativos (correctos), dejando a los restantes dígitos a la imaginación del computador. Esto me permite encontrar números SUPER-D cuyo "target" se encuentre dentro de los primeros 16 dígitos.

Si bien es cierto que la tarea requiere del uso de tipos BIG-INT, asumo que, habiendo encontrado algunos números, ésta está cumplida.

Para SUPER-9, es imposible encontrar números bajo las limitaciones de Hopper.

El resultado fue intervenido para resumir la aparición de los mensajes de error.

Nota 1: los números grandes fueron comprobados (al menos, los primeros 16 dígitos), en la siguiente página:

Nota 2: por supuesto, algunos de los números desde SUPER-6 en adelante pueden ser incorrectos, porque se debe considerar el número completo como resultado real y correcto. Sin embargo, dudo que estén completamente erróneos, porque de lo contrario tendríamos un problema con el tipo DOUBLE y la confianza en los primeros 16 dígitos.

Dejo esta nota (2) aquí para su discusión ;)

#include <basico.h>


    decimales '0'
    ir a sub mientras ( #(d<=8), encontrar súperd )



sub( encontrar súperd )
    imprimir("First 10 super-",d," numbers:\n")
    count=0, j = 3.0, target=""
    #(target = replicate( chr( 48 + d), d ))
    iterar mientras ' #(count < 10) '
        cuando( #(occurs(target, string( (j^d) * d ))) ){
            si ( #( find(target,string( (j^d) * d ))<=16-d+1 ) )
                ++count, #((j^d) * d ),";"#(int(j)),"\n", imprimir
                imprimir("Error by limited floating-point\n")
            fin si
$ hopper3 basica/superd.bas
First 10 super-2 numbers:

First 10 super-3 numbers:

First 10 super-4 numbers:

First 10 super-5 numbers:

First 10 super-6 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x7)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x11)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point (x4)

First 10 super-7 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x12)
Error by limited floating-point (x4)
Error by limited floating-point (x16)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)

First 10 super-8 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point (x8)
Error by limited floating-point (x6)
Error by limited floating-point (x5)
Error by limited floating-point (x7)
Error by limited floating-point (x20)
Error by limited floating-point (x2)
Error by limited floating-point (x8)
Error by limited floating-point (x3)
Error by limited floating-point (x19)


First 10 super-9 numbers:
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point
Error by limited floating-point


With / Without BigInteger

Done three ways, two with BigIntegers, and one with a UIint64 structure. More details on the "Mostly addition" method on the discussion page.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BI = System.Numerics.BigInteger;
using lbi = System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Numerics.BigInteger[]>;
using static System.Console;

class Program {

    // provides 320 bits (90 decimal digits)
    struct LI { public UInt64 lo, ml, mh, hi, tp; }

    const UInt64 Lm = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000UL;
    const string Fm = "D18";

    static void inc(ref LI d, LI s) { // d += s
        d.lo += s.lo; while (d.lo >= Lm) {; d.lo -= Lm; } +=; while ( >= Lm) {; -= Lm; } +=; while ( >= Lm) { d.hi++; -= Lm; }
        d.hi += s.hi; while (d.hi >= Lm) {; d.hi -= Lm; } +=;

    static void set(ref LI d, UInt64 s) { // d = s
        d.lo = s; = = d.hi = = 0;

    const int ls = 10;

    static lbi co = new lbi { new BI[] { 0 } }; // for BigInteger addition
    static List<LI[]> Co = new List<LI[]> { new LI[1] }; // for UInt64 addition

    static Int64 ipow(Int64 bas, Int64 exp) { // Math.Pow()
        Int64 res = 1; while (exp != 0) {
            if ((exp & 1) != 0) res *= bas; exp >>= 1; bas *= bas;
        return res;

    // finishes up, shows performance value
    static void fin() { WriteLine("{0}s", (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds.ToString().Substring(0, 5)); }

    static void funM(int d) { // straightforward BigInteger method, medium performance
        string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
        for (int i = 0, c = 0; c < ls; i++)
            if ((BI.Pow((BI)i, d) * d).ToString().Contains(s))
                Write("{0} ", i, ++c);

    static void funS(int d) { // BigInteger "mostly adding" method, low performance
        BI[] m = co[d];
        string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
        for (int i = 0, c = 0; c < ls; i++) {
            if ((d * m[0]).ToString().Contains(s))
                Write("{0} ", i, ++c);
            for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--) m[k] += m[j];

    static string scale(uint s, ref LI x) { // performs a small multiply and returns a string value
        ulong Lo = x.lo * s, Ml = * s, Mh = * s, Hi = x.hi * s, Tp = * s;
        while (Lo >= Lm) { Lo -= Lm; Ml++; }
        while (Ml >= Lm) { Ml -= Lm; Mh++; }
        while (Mh >= Lm) { Mh -= Lm; Hi++; }
        while (Hi >= Lm) { Hi -= Lm; Tp++; }
        if (Tp > 0) return Tp.ToString() + Hi.ToString(Fm) + Mh.ToString(Fm) + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
        if (Hi > 0) return Hi.ToString() + Mh.ToString(Fm) + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
        if (Mh > 0) return Mh.ToString() + Ml.ToString(Fm) + Lo.ToString(Fm);
        if (Ml > 0) return Ml.ToString() + Lo.ToString(Fm);
        return Lo.ToString();

    static void funF(int d) { // structure of UInt64 method, high performance
        LI[] m = Co[d];
        string s = new string(d.ToString()[0], d); Write("{0}: ", d);
        for (int i = d, c = 0; c < ls; i++) {
            if (scale((uint)d, ref m[0]).Contains(s))
                Write("{0} ", i, ++c);
            for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--)
                inc(ref m[k], m[j]);

    static void init() { // initializes co and Co
        for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++) {
            BI[] res = new BI[v + 1];
            long[] f = new long[v + 1], l = new long[v + 1];
            for (int j = 0; j <= v; j++) {
                if (j == v) {
                    LI[] t = new LI[v + 1];
                    for (int y = 0; y <= v; y++) set(ref t[y], (UInt64)f[y]);
                res[j] = f[j];
                l[0] = f[0]; f[0] = ipow(j + 1, v);
                for (int a = 0, b = 1; b <= v; a = b++) {
                    l[b] = f[b]; f[b] = f[a] - l[a];
            for (int z = res.Length - 2; z > 0; z -= 2) res[z] *= -1;

    static DateTime st;

    static void doOne(string title, int top, Action<int> func) {
        WriteLine('\n' + title); st = DateTime.Now;
        for (int i = 2; i <= top; i++) func(i);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        init(); const int top = 9;
        doOne("BigInteger mostly addition:", top, funS);
        doOne("BigInteger.Pow():", top, funM);
        doOne("UInt64 structure mostly addition:", top, funF);
BigInteger mostly addition:
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.007s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.008s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.014s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.033s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.584s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.891s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 20.47s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 226.7s

2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.002s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.003s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.008s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.025s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.450s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.092s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 14.80s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 170.8s

UInt64 structure mostly addition:
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.004s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.004s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.006s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.013s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.188s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 1.153s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 9.783s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 121.3s

Results from a core i7-7700 @ 3.6Ghz. The UInt64 structure method is quicker, but it's likely because the BigInteger.ToString() implementation in C# is so sluggish. I've ported this (UInt64 structure) algorithm to C++, however it's quite a bit slower than the C++ GMP version.

Regarding the term "mostly addition", for this task there is some multiplication by a small integer (2 thru 9 in scale()), but the powers of "n" are calculated by only addition. The initial tables are calculated with multiplication and a power function (ipow()).


Library: GMP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gmp.h>

int main() {
    for (unsigned int d = 2; d <= 9; ++d) {
        printf("First 10 super-%u numbers:\n", d);
        char digits[16] = { 0 };
        memset(digits, '0' + d, d);
        mpz_t bignum;
        for (unsigned int count = 0, n = 1; count < 10; ++n) {
            mpz_ui_pow_ui(bignum, n, d);
            mpz_mul_ui(bignum, bignum, d);
            char* str = mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, bignum);
            if (strstr(str, digits)) {
                printf("%u ", n);
    return 0;
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 


Translation of: D

There are insufficiant bits avalaible to calculate the super-5 or super-6 numbers without a biginteger library

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

uint64_t ipow(uint64_t base, uint64_t exp) {
    uint64_t result = 1;
    while (exp) {
        if (exp & 1) {
            result *= base;
        exp >>= 1;
        base *= base;
    return result;

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    vector<string> rd{ "22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999" };

    for (uint64_t ii = 2; ii < 5; ii++) {
        cout << "First 10 super-" << ii << " numbers:\n";
        int count = 0;

        for (uint64_t j = 3; /* empty */; j++) {
            auto k = ii * ipow(j, ii);
            auto kstr = to_string(k);
            auto needle = rd[(size_t)(ii - 2)];
            auto res = kstr.find(needle);
            if (res != string::npos) {
                cout << j << ' ';
                if (count == 10) {
                    cout << "\n\n";

    return 0;
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

Alternative using GMP

Library: GMP
Translation of: C
#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>

using big_int = mpz_class;

int main() {
    for (unsigned int d = 2; d <= 9; ++d) {
        std::cout << "First 10 super-" << d << " numbers:\n";
        std::string digits(d, '0' + d);
        big_int bignum;
        for (unsigned int count = 0, n = 1; count < 10; ++n) {
            mpz_ui_pow_ui(bignum.get_mpz_t(), n, d);
            bignum *= d;
            auto str(bignum.get_str());
            if (str.find(digits) != std::string::npos) {
                std::cout << n << ' ';
        std::cout << '\n';
    return 0;
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 

Alternative not using GMP

Translation of: C#
#include <cstdio>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;

struct LI { uint64_t a, b, c, d, e; }; const uint64_t Lm = 1e18;
auto st = steady_clock::now(); LI k[10][10];

string padZ(uint64_t x, int n = 18) { string r = to_string(x);
  return string(max((int)(n - r.length()), 0), '0') + r; }

uint64_t ipow(uint64_t b, uint64_t e) { uint64_t r = 1;
  while (e) { if (e & 1) r *= b; e >>= 1; b *= b; } return r; }

uint64_t fa(uint64_t x) { // factorial
  uint64_t r = 1; while (x > 1) r *= x--; return r; }

void set(LI &d, uint64_t s) { // d = s
  d.a = s; d.b = d.c = d.d = d.e = 0; }

void inc(LI &d, LI s) { // d += s
  d.a += s.a; while (d.a >= Lm) { d.a -= Lm; d.b++; }
  d.b += s.b; while (d.b >= Lm) { d.b -= Lm; d.c++; }
  d.c += s.c; while (d.c >= Lm) { d.c -= Lm; d.d++; }
  d.d += s.d; while (d.d >= Lm) { d.d -= Lm; d.e++; }
  d.e += s.e;

string scale(uint32_t s, LI &x) { // multiplies x by s, converts to string
  uint64_t A = x.a * s, B = x.b * s, C = x.c * s, D = x.d * s, E = x.e * s; 
  while (A >= Lm) { A -= Lm; B++; }
  while (B >= Lm) { B -= Lm; C++; }
  while (C >= Lm) { C -= Lm; D++; }
  while (D >= Lm) { D -= Lm; E++; }
  if (E > 0) return to_string(E) + padZ(D) + padZ(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
  if (D > 0) return to_string(D) + padZ(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
  if (C > 0) return to_string(C) + padZ(B) + padZ(A);
  if (B > 0) return to_string(B) + padZ(A);
  return to_string(A);

void fun(int d) {
  auto m = k[d]; string s = string(d, '0' + d); printf("%d: ", d);
  for (int i = d, c = 0; c < 10; i++) {
    if (scale((uint32_t)d, m[0]).find(s) != string::npos) {
      printf("%d ", i); ++c; }
    for (int j = d, k = d - 1; j > 0; j = k--) inc(m[k], m[j]);
  } printf("%ss\n", to_string(duration<double>(steady_clock::now() - st).count()).substr(0,5).c_str());

static void init() {
  for (int v = 1; v < 10; v++) {
    uint64_t f[v + 1], l[v + 1];
    for (int j = 0; j <= v; j++) {
      if (j == v) for (int y = 0; y <= v; y++)
          set(k[v][y], v != y ? (uint64_t)f[y] : fa(v));
      l[0] = f[0]; f[0] = ipow(j + 1, v);
      for (int a = 0, b = 1; b <= v; a = b++) {
        l[b] = f[b]; f[b] = f[a] - l[a];

int main() {
  for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++) fun(i);
2: 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 0.002s
3: 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 0.004s
4: 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 0.009s
5: 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 0.026s
6: 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 0.399s
7: 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 2.523s
8: 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 22.32s
9: 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 275.4s

Slower than GMP on the core i7-7700 @ 3.6Ghz, over twice as slow. This one is 275 seconds, vs. 102 seconds for GMP.


Translation of: Raku

A more naïve implementation inspired by the Raku one, but without its use of parallelism; on my somewhat old and underpowered laptop, it gets through the basic task of 2 through 6 in about 6 seconds, then takes almost 40 to complete 7, and about six minutes for 8; with that growth rate, I didn't wait around for nine to complete.

(defn super [d]
  (let [run (apply str (repeat d (str d)))]
   (filter #(clojure.string/includes? (str (* d (Math/pow % d ))) run) (range))))

(doseq [d (range 2 9)]
    (println (str d ": ") (take 10 (super d))))
2:  (19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131)
3:  (261 462 471 558 753 1046 1471 1645 1752 1848)
4:  (1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 11317 11487 11549 11680 16588)
5:  (4602 5517 7539 9469 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 35689)
6:  (223763 302693 323576 513675 678146 1183741 1324944 1523993 1640026 1756271)
7:  (4258476 9438581 10900183 11497728 12380285 12834193 13658671 14290071 16034108 16046124)
8:  (29242698 43307276 44263715 45980752 54555936 81044125 126984952 133579963 142631696 152390251)


Translation of: Go
import std.bigint;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

void main() {
    auto rd = ["22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"];
    BigInt one = 1;
    BigInt nine = 9;

    for (int ii = 2; ii <= 9; ii++) {
        writefln("First 10 super-%d numbers:", ii);
        auto count = 0;

        for (BigInt j = 3; ; j++) {
            auto k = ii * j ^^ ii;
            auto ix =!string.indexOf(rd[ii-2]);
            if (ix >= 0) {
                write(j, ' ');
                if (count == 10) {
                    break inner;
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181


The Function
// Generate Super-N numbers. Nigel Galloway: October 12th., 2019
let superD N=
  let      I=bigint(pown 10 N)
  let      G=bigint N
  let      E=G*(111111111I%I)
  let rec fL n=match (E-n%I).IsZero with true->true |_->if (E*10I)<n then false else fL (n/10I)
  seq{1I..999999999999999999I}|>Seq.choose(fun n->if fL (G*n**N) then Some n else None)
The Task
superD 2 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 3 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 4 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 5 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 6 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 7 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 8 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
superD 9 |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.iter(printf "%A "); printfn ""
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181


USING: arrays formatting io kernel lists lists.lazy math
math.functions math.ranges math.text.utils prettyprint sequences
IN: rosetta-code.super-d

: super-d? ( seq n d -- ? ) tuck ^ * 1 digit-groups subseq? ;

: super-d ( d -- list )
    [ dup <array> ] [ drop 1 lfrom ] [ ] tri [ super-d? ] curry
    with lfilter ;

: super-d-demo ( -- )
    10 2 6 [a,b] [
        dup "First 10 super-%d numbers:\n" printf
        super-d ltake list>array [ pprint bl ] each nl nl
    ] with each ;

MAIN: super-d-demo
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 


Translation of: Visual Basic .NET
Dim rd(7) As String = {"22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"}

For n As Integer = 2 To 9
    Dim cont As Integer = 0
    Dim j As Uinteger = 3
    Print Using !"\nFirst 10 super-# numbers:"; n
        Dim k As Ulongint = n * (j ^ n)
        Dim ix As Uinteger = Instr(Str(k), rd(n - 2))
        If ix > 0 Then
            cont += 1
            Print j; " " ;
        End If
        j += 1
    Loop Until cont = 10
Next n


Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.

Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its website.

In this page you can see and run the program(s) related to this task and their results. You can also change either the programs or the parameters they are called with, for experimentation, but remember that these programs were created with the main purpose of showing a clear solution of the task, and they generally lack any kind of validation.


Case 1. Write a function/procedure/routine to find super-d numbers


Case 2. For d=2 through d=9, use the routine to show the first 1 ssuper-d numbers




Simple brute force approach and so not particularly quick - about 2.25 minutes on a Core i7.

package main

import (

func main() {
    start := time.Now()
    rd := []string{"22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"}
    one := big.NewInt(1)
    nine := big.NewInt(9)
    for i := big.NewInt(2); i.Cmp(nine) <= 0; i.Add(i, one) {
        fmt.Printf("First 10 super-%d numbers:\n", i)
        ii := i.Uint64()
        k := new(big.Int)
        count := 0
        for j := big.NewInt(3); ; j.Add(j, one) {
            k.Exp(j, i, nil)
            k.Mul(i, k)
            ix := strings.Index(k.String(), rd[ii-2])
            if ix >= 0 {
                fmt.Printf("%d ", j)
                if count == 10 {
                    fmt.Printf("\nfound in %d ms\n\n", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())
                    break inner
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
found in 0 ms

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
found in 1 ms

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
found in 7 ms

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
found in 28 ms

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
found in 285 ms

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
found in 1517 ms

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
found in 11117 ms

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
found in 135616 ms


import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)

isSuperd :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> a -> Bool
isSuperd p n =
  (replicate <*> intToDigit) (fromIntegral p) `isInfixOf` show (p * n ^ p)

findSuperd :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> [a]
findSuperd p = filter (isSuperd p) [1 ..]

main :: IO ()
main =
    (putStrLn .
     ("First 10 super-" ++) .
     ((++) . show <*> ((" : " ++) . show . take 10 . findSuperd)))
    [2 .. 6]
First 10 super-2 : [19,31,69,81,105,106,107,119,127,131]
First 10 super-3 : [261,462,471,481,558,753,1036,1046,1471,1645]
First 10 super-4 : [1168,4972,7423,7752,8431,10267,11317,11487,11549,11680]
First 10 super-5 : [4602,5517,7539,12955,14555,20137,20379,26629,32767,35689]
First 10 super-6 : [27257,272570,302693,323576,364509,502785,513675,537771,676657,678146]


   superD=: 1 e. #~@[ E. 10 #.inv ([ * ^~)&x:

   assert    3 superD 753
   assert -. 2 superD 753

   2 3 4 5 6 ,. _ 10 {. I. 2 3 4 5 6 superD&>/i.1e6
2    19     31     69     81    105    106    107    119    127    131
3   261    462    471    481    558    753   1036   1046   1471   1645
4  1168   4972   7423   7752   8431  10267  11317  11487  11549  11680
5  4602   5517   7539  12955  14555  20137  20379  26629  32767  35689
6 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146


import java.math.BigInteger;

public class SuperDNumbers {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for ( int i = 2 ; i <= 9 ; i++ ) {
            superD(i, 10);
    private static final void superD(int d, int max) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String test = "";
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < d ; i++ ) {
            test += (""+d);
        int n = 0;
        int i = 0;
        System.out.printf("First %d super-%d numbers: %n", max, d);
        while ( n < max ) {
            BigInteger val = BigInteger.valueOf(d).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i).pow(d));
            if ( val.toString().contains(test) ) {
                System.out.printf("%d ", i);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.printf("%nRun time %d ms%n%n", end-start);

First 10 super-2 numbers: 
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
Run time 6 ms

First 10 super-3 numbers: 
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
Run time 7 ms

First 10 super-4 numbers: 
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
Run time 13 ms

First 10 super-5 numbers: 
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
Run time 67 ms

First 10 super-6 numbers: 
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
Run time 546 ms

First 10 super-7 numbers: 
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
Run time 2342 ms

First 10 super-8 numbers: 
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
Run time 20545 ms

First 10 super-9 numbers: 
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
Run time 268460 ms


Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

The C implementation of jq does not have sufficiently accurate integer arithmetic to fulfill the task, so the output shown below is based on a run of gojq.

# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);

# Input is $d, the number of consecutive digits, 2 <= $d <= 9
# $max is the number of superd numbers to be emitted.
def superd($number):
  . as $d
  | tostring as $s
  | ($s * $d) as $target
  | {count:0, j: 3 }
  |  while ( .count <= $number;
        .emit = null
        | if ((.j|power($d) * $d) | tostring) | index($target)
          then .count += 1
          | .emit = .j
	  else .
        | .j += 1 )
   | select(.emit).emit ;

# super-d for 2 <=d < 8
range(2; 8)
| "First 10 super-\(.) numbers:",
First 10 super-2 numbers:
First 10 super-3 numbers:
First 10 super-4 numbers:
First 10 super-5 numbers:
First 10 super-6 numbers:
First 10 super-7 numbers:


Translation of: Phix
function superd(N)
    println("First 10 super-$N numbers:")
    count, j = 0, BigInt(3)
    target = Char('0' + N)^N
    while count < 10
        if occursin(target, string(j^N * N))
            count += 1
            print("$j ")
        j += 1

for n in 2:9
    @time superd(n)
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
  0.017720 seconds (32.80 k allocations: 1.538 MiB)
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
  0.003976 seconds (47.33 k allocations: 985.352 KiB)
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
  0.018958 seconds (327.37 k allocations: 6.808 MiB)
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
  0.060683 seconds (1.02 M allocations: 21.561 MiB)
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
  1.395905 seconds (19.14 M allocations: 419.551 MiB, 19.77% gc time)
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
  5.604611 seconds (77.81 M allocations: 1.687 GiB, 18.66% gc time)
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
 38.827266 seconds (539.13 M allocations: 12.106 GiB, 19.11% gc time)
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
380.576442 seconds (5.26 G allocations: 124.027 GiB, 18.02% gc time)


Translation of: Java
import java.math.BigInteger

fun superD(d: Int, max: Int) {
    val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
    var test = ""
    for (i in 0 until d) {
        test += d

    var n = 0
    var i = 0
    println("First $max super-$d numbers:")
    while (n < max) {
        val value: Any = BigInteger.valueOf(d.toLong()) * BigInteger.valueOf(i.toLong()).pow(d)
        if (value.toString().contains(test)) {
            print("$i ")
    val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
    println("\nRun time ${end - start} ms\n")

fun main() {
    for (i in 2..9) {
        superD(i, 10)
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
Run time 31 ms

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
Run time 16 ms

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
Run time 25 ms

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
Run time 290 ms

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
Run time 1203 ms

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
Run time 3876 ms

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
Run time 29817 ms

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
Run time 392181 ms


Lua - using doubles

Lua's default numeric type is IEEE-754 doubles, which are insufficient beyond d=5, but for reference:

for d = 2, 5 do
  local n, found = 0, {}
  local dds = string.rep(d, d)
  while #found < 10 do
    local dnd = string.format("%15.f", d * n ^ d)
    if string.find(dnd, dds) then found[#found+1] = n end
    n = n + 1
  print("super-" .. d .. ":  " .. table.concat(found,", "))
super-2:  19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
super-3:  261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
super-4:  1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
super-5:  4602, 5517, 7539, 9469, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 35689

Lua - using lbc

Using the lbc library to provide support for arbitrary-precision integers, which are sufficient for both task and extra-credit:

bc = require("bc")
for i = 2, 9 do
  local d, n, found =,, {}
  local dds = string.rep(d:tostring(), d:tonumber())
  while #found < 10 do
    local dnd = (d * n ^ d):tostring()
    if string.find(dnd, dds) then found[#found+1] = n:tostring() end
    n = n + 1
  print("super-" .. d:tostring() .. ":  " .. table.concat(found,", "))
super-2:  19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
super-3:  261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
super-4:  1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
super-5:  4602, 5517, 7539, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 32767, 35689
super-6:  27257, 272570, 302693, 323576, 364509, 502785, 513675, 537771, 676657, 678146
super-7:  140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763
super-8:  185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300
super-9:  17546133, 32613656, 93568867, 107225764, 109255734, 113315082, 121251742, 175461330, 180917907, 182557181

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

SuperD[d_, m_] := Module[{n, res, num},
  res = {};
  n = 1;
  While[Length[res] < m,
   num = IntegerDigits[d n^d];
   If[MatchQ[num, {___, Repeated[d, {d}], ___}],
    AppendTo[res, n]
Scan[Print[SuperD[#, 10]] &, Range[2, 6]]


Library: bignum

Using only the standard library, we would be limited to "d = 2, 3, 4". So, here is the program using the third-party library "bignum".

import sequtils, strutils, times
import bignum

iterator superDNumbers(d, maxCount: Positive): Natural =
  var count = 0
  var n = 2
  let e = culong(d)   # Bignum ^ requires a culong as exponent.
  let pattern = repeat(chr(d + ord('0')), d)
  while count != maxCount:
    if pattern in $(d * n ^ e):
      yield n
      inc count
    inc n, 1

let t0 = getTime()
for d in 2..9:
  echo "First 10 super-$# numbers:".format(d)
  echo toSeq(superDNumbers(d, 10)).join(" ")
echo "Time: ", getTime() - t0
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
Time: 1 minute, 43 seconds, 647 milliseconds, 920 microseconds, and 938 nanoseconds


Works with: Free Pascal

gmp is fast.Same brute force as Go

program Super_D;

  s :ansistring;
  s_comp : ansistring;
  test : mpz_t;
  i,j,dgt,cnt : NativeUint;

  for dgt := 2 to 9 do
    //create '22' to '999999999'    
    i := dgt;
    For j := 2 to dgt do
      i := i*10+dgt;
    s_comp := IntToStr(i);
    writeln('Finding ',s_comp,' in ',dgt,'*i**',dgt);

    i := dgt;
    cnt := 0;
      IF Pos(s_comp,s) <> 0 then
        write(i,' ');
    until cnt = 10;
Finding 22 in 2*i**2
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
Finding 333 in 3*i**3
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
Finding 4444 in 4*i**4
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
Finding 55555 in 5*i**5
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
Finding 666666 in 6*i**6
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
Finding 7777777 in 7*i**7
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
Finding 88888888 in 8*i**8
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
Finding 999999999 in 9*i**9
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
real	1m11,239s

//only calc 9*i**9 [2..182557181]
Finding 999999999 in 9*i**9
real    0m7,577s
//calc 9*i**9 [2..182557181] and convert to String with preset length 100 -> takes longer to find '999999999'
real    0m40,094s
//calc 9*i**9 [2..182557181] and convert to String and setlength
real    0m41,358s
//complete task with finding
Finding 999999999 in 9*i**9
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
real	1m5,134s


use strict;
use warnings;
use bigint;
use feature 'say';

sub super {
    my $d = shift;
    my $run = $d x $d;
    my @super;
    my $i = 0;
    my $n = 0;
    while ( $i < 10 ) {
        if (index($n ** $d * $d, $run) > -1) {
            push @super, $n;
say "\nFirst 10 super-$_ numbers:\n", join ' ', super($_) for 2..6;
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146


Translation of: Go
with javascript_semantics
include mpfr.e
procedure main()
    atom t0 = time()
    mpz k = mpz_init()
    for i=2 to iff(platform()=JS?7:9) do
        printf(1,"First 10 super-%d numbers:\n", i)
        integer count := 0, j = 3
        string tgt = repeat('0'+i,i)
        while count<10 do
            string s = mpz_get_str(k)
            integer ix = match(tgt,s)
            if ix then
                count += 1
                printf(1,"%d ", j)
            end if
            j += 1
        end while
        printf(1,"\nfound in %s\n\n", {elapsed(time()-t0)})
    end for
end procedure
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
found in 0.0s

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
found in 0.0s

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
found in 0.2s

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
found in 0.5s

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
found in 6.8s

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
found in 33.2s

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
found in 3 minutes and 47s

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 <killed>

Since its actually about 3 times faster under pwa/p2js, I let that one run, just the once, keeping the above capped at 7 for ~11s:

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
found in 1 minute and 22s

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
found in 16 minutes and 6s



from itertools import islice, count

def superd(d):
    if d != int(d) or not 2 <= d <= 9:
        raise ValueError("argument must be integer from 2 to 9 inclusive")
    tofind = str(d) * d
    for n in count(2):
        if tofind in str(d * n ** d):
            yield n

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for d in range(2, 9):
        print(f"{d}:", ', '.join(str(n) for n in islice(superd(d), 10)))
2: 19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
3: 261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
4: 1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
5: 4602, 5517, 7539, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 32767, 35689
6: 27257, 272570, 302693, 323576, 364509, 502785, 513675, 537771, 676657, 678146
7: 140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763
8: 185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300


'''Super-d numbers'''

from itertools import count, islice
from functools import reduce

# ------------------------ SUPER-D -------------------------

# super_d :: Int -> Either String [Int]
def super_d(d):
    '''Either a message, if d is out of range, or
       an infinite series of super_d numbers for d.
    if isinstance(d, int) and 1 < d < 10:
        ds = d * str(d)

        def p(x):
            return ds in str(d * x ** d)

        return Right(filter(p, count(2)))
        return Left(
            'Super-d is defined only for integers drawn from {2..9}'

# ------------------------- TESTS --------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
    '''Attempted sampling of first 10 values for d <- [1..6],
       where d = 1 is out of range.
    for v in map(
        lambda x: either(
            append(str(x) + ' :: ')
                append('First 10 super-' + str(x) + ': '),
            )(compose(Right, take(10)))
    ): print(v)

# ------------------------ GENERIC -------------------------

# Left :: a -> Either a b
def Left(x):
    '''Constructor for an empty Either (option type) value
       with an associated string.
    return {'type': 'Either', 'Right': None, 'Left': x}

# Right :: b -> Either a b
def Right(x):
    '''Constructor for a populated Either (option type) value'''
    return {'type': 'Either', 'Left': None, 'Right': x}

# append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
# append (++) :: String -> String -> String
def append(xs):
    '''A list or string formed by
       the concatenation of two others.
    def go(ys):
        return xs + ys
    return go

# bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
def bindLR(m):
    '''Either monad injection operator.
       Two computations sequentially composed,
       with any value produced by the first
       passed as an argument to the second.
    def go(mf):
        return (
            mf(m.get('Right')) if None is m.get('Left') else m
    return go

# compose :: ((a -> a), ...) -> (a -> a)
def compose(*fs):
    '''Composition, from right to left,
       of a series of functions.
    def go(f, g):
        def fg(x):
            return f(g(x))
        return fg
    return reduce(go, fs, lambda x: x)

# either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
def either(fl):
    '''The application of fl to e if e is a Left value,
       or the application of fr to e if e is a Right value.
    return lambda fr: lambda e: fl(e['Left']) if (
        None is e['Right']
    ) else fr(e['Right'])

# enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
def enumFromTo(m):
    '''Enumeration of integer values [m..n]
    return lambda n: range(m, 1 + n)

# showList :: [a] -> String
def showList(xs):
    '''Stringification of a list.'''
    return '[' + ','.join(str(x) for x in xs) + ']'

# take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
# take :: Int -> String -> String
def take(n):
    '''The prefix of xs of length n,
       or xs itself if n > length xs.
    def go(xs):
        return islice(xs, n)
    return go

# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
1 :: Super-d is defined only for integers drawn from {2..9}
First 10 super-2: [19,31,69,81,105,106,107,119,127,131]
First 10 super-3: [261,462,471,481,558,753,1036,1046,1471,1645]
First 10 super-4: [1168,4972,7423,7752,8431,10267,11317,11487,11549,11680]
First 10 super-5: [4602,5517,7539,12955,14555,20137,20379,26629,32767,35689]
First 10 super-6: [27257,272570,302693,323576,364509,502785,513675,537771,676657,678146]


from, index and end are defined at Loops/Increment loop index within loop body#Quackery.

  [ over findseq swap found ] is hasseq ( [ x --> b )

  [ [] swap
    [ 10 /mod
      rot join swap
      dup 0 = until ]
    drop ]                    is digits (   n --> [ )

  [ over ** over * digits
    swap dup of hasseq ]      is superd (   n --> b )

  [] 5 times
    [ [] 1 from
        [ i^ 2 + index
          superd if [ index join ]
          dup size 10 = if end ]
       nested join ]
    [ i^ 2 + echo say " -> " echo cr ]
2 -> [ 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 ]
3 -> [ 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 ]
4 -> [ 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 ]
5 -> [ 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 ]
6 -> [ 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 ]


Library: Rmpfr

Library is necessary to go beyond super-4 numbers. Indeed Rmpfr allows to augment precision for floating point numbers. I didn't go for extra task, because it took some minutes for super-6 numbers.

options(scipen = 999)

find_super_d_number <- function(d, N = 10){
  super_number <- c(NA)
  n = 0
  n_found = 0
  while(length(super_number) < N){
    n = n + 1
    test = d * mpfr(n, precBits = 200) ** d   #Here I augment precision
    test_formatted = .mpfr2str(test)$str      #and I extract the string from S4 class object
    iterable = strsplit(test_formatted, "")[[1]]
    if (length(iterable) < d) next
    for(i in d:length(iterable)){
      if (iterable[i] != d) next 
      equalities = 0
      for(j in 1:d) {
        if (i == j) break 
        if(iterable[i] == iterable[i-j])
          equalities = equalities + 1
        else break
      if (equalities >= (d-1)) {
        n_found = n_found + 1
        super_number[n_found] = n
  message(paste0("First ", N, " super-", d, " numbers:"))

for(d in 2:6){find_super_d_number(d, N = 10)}
First 10 super-2 numbers:
  [1]  19  31  69  81 105 106 107 119 127 131
First 10 super-3 numbers:
  [1]  261  462  471  481  558  753 1036 1046 1471 1645
First 10 super-4 numbers:
  [1]  1168  4972  7423  7752  8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
First 10 super-5 numbers:
  [1]  4602  5517  7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
First 10 super-6 numbers:
  [1]  27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.07.1

2 - 6 take a few seconds, 7 about 17 seconds, 8 about 90... 9, bleh... around 700 seconds.

sub super (\d) {
    my \run = d x d;
    ^∞ .hyper.grep: -> \n { (d * n ** d).Str.contains: run }

(2..9).race(:1batch).map: {
    my $now = now;
    put "\nFirst 10 super-$_ numbers:\n{.&super[^10]}\n{(now - $now).round(.1)} sec."
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
0.1 sec.

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
0.1 sec.

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
0.3 sec.

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
0.6 sec.

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
5.2 sec.

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
17.1 sec.

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300
92.1 sec.

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181
704.7 sec.


/*REXX program computes and displays the first  N  super─d  numbers for D from LO to HI.*/
numeric digits 100                               /*ensure enough decimal digs for calc. */
parse arg n LO HI .                              /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if  n=='' |  n==","  then  n= 10                 /*the number of super─d numbers to calc*/
if LO=='' | LO==","  then LO=  2                 /*low  end of  D  for the super─d nums.*/
if HI=='' | HI==","  then HI=  9                 /*high  "   "  "   "   "     "      "  */
                                                 /* [↓]   process  D  from  LO ──►  HI. */
     do d=LO  to HI;     #= 0;     $=            /*count & list of super─d nums (so far)*/
     z= copies(d, d)                             /*the string that is being searched for*/
           do j=2  until #==n                    /*search for super─d numbers 'til found*/
           if pos(z, d * j**d)==0  then iterate  /*does product have the required reps? */
           #= # + 1;               $= $ j        /*bump counter;  add the number to list*/
           end   /*j*/
     say center(' the first '     n     " super-"d 'numbers ',  digits(),  "═")
     say $
     end   /*d*/                                 /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
output   when using the default inputs:
══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-2 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-3 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-4 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-5 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-6 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-7 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-8 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300

══════════════════════════════════ the first  10  super-9 numbers ══════════════════════════════════
 17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181


(2..8).each do |d|
  rep = d.to_s * d
  print "#{d}: "
  puts (2..){|n| (d * n**d).to_s.include?(rep) }.first(10).join(", ")
2: 19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131
3: 261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645
4: 1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680
5: 4602, 5517, 7539, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 32767, 35689
6: 27257, 272570, 302693, 323576, 364509, 502785, 513675, 537771, 676657, 678146
7: 140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763
8: 185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300

The first 10 super_9 numbers (not shown) take about 540 seconds.


// [dependencies]
// rug = "1.9"

fn print_super_d_numbers(d: u32, limit: u32) {
    use rug::Assign;
    use rug::Integer;

    println!("First {} super-{} numbers:", limit, d);
    let digits = d.to_string().repeat(d as usize);
    let mut count = 0;
    let mut n = 1;
    let mut s = Integer::new();
    while count < limit {
        s.assign(Integer::u_pow_u(n, d));
        s *= d;
        if s.to_string().contains(&digits) {
            print!("{} ", n);
            count += 1;
        n += 1;

fn main() {
    for d in 2..=9 {
        print_super_d_numbers(d, 10);
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 


func super_d(d) {
    var D = Str(d)*d
    1..Inf -> lazy.grep {|n| Str(d * n**d).contains(D) }

for d in (2..8) {
    say ("#{d}: ", super_d(d).first(10))
2: [19, 31, 69, 81, 105, 106, 107, 119, 127, 131]
3: [261, 462, 471, 481, 558, 753, 1036, 1046, 1471, 1645]
4: [1168, 4972, 7423, 7752, 8431, 10267, 11317, 11487, 11549, 11680]
5: [4602, 5517, 7539, 12955, 14555, 20137, 20379, 26629, 32767, 35689]
6: [27257, 272570, 302693, 323576, 364509, 502785, 513675, 537771, 676657, 678146]
7: [140997, 490996, 1184321, 1259609, 1409970, 1783166, 1886654, 1977538, 2457756, 2714763]
8: [185423, 641519, 1551728, 1854230, 6415190, 12043464, 12147605, 15517280, 16561735, 18542300]


import BigInt
import Foundation

let rd = ["22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"]

for d in 2...9 {
  print("First 10 super-\(d) numbers:")

  var count = 0
  var n = BigInt(3)
  var k = BigInt(0)

  while true {
    k = n.power(d)
    k *= BigInt(d)

    if let _ = String(k).range(of: rd[d - 2]) {
      count += 1

      print(n, terminator: " ")

      guard count < 10 else {

    n += 1

First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: D
Imports System.Numerics

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim rd = {"22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"}
        Dim one As BigInteger = 1
        Dim nine As BigInteger = 9

        For ii = 2 To 9
            Console.WriteLine("First 10 super-{0} numbers:", ii)
            Dim count = 0

            Dim j As BigInteger = 3
            While True
                Dim k = ii * BigInteger.Pow(j, ii)
                Dim ix = k.ToString.IndexOf(rd(ii - 2))
                If ix >= 0 Then
                    count += 1
                    Console.Write("{0} ", j)
                    If count = 10 Then
                        Exit While
                    End If
                End If

                j += 1
            End While
    End Sub

End Module
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181


Translation of: Go

CLI (BigInt)

Library: Wren-big
Library: Wren-fmt

Managed to get up to 8 but too slow for 9.

import "./big" for BigInt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var start = System.clock
var rd = ["22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888"]
for (i in 2..8) {
    Fmt.print("First 10 super-$d numbers:", i)
    var count = 0
    var j = BigInt.three
    while (true) {
        var k = j.pow(i) * i
        var ix = k.toString.indexOf(rd[i-2])
        if (ix >= 0) {
            count = count + 1
            Fmt.write("$i ", j)
            if (count == 10) {
                Fmt.print("\nfound in $f seconds\n", System.clock - start)
        j =
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
found in 0.000500 seconds

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
found in 0.007636 seconds

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
found in 0.070462 seconds

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
found in 0.388554 seconds

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
found in 10.044345 seconds

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
found in 62.021899 seconds

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
found in 434.536825 seconds

Embedded (GMP)

Library: Wren-gmp

Much sprightlier with 8 now being reached in 11.7 seconds and 9 in 126.5 seconds.

/* Super-d_numbers_2.wren */

import "./gmp" for Mpz
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var start = System.clock
var rd = ["22", "333", "4444", "55555", "666666", "7777777", "88888888", "999999999"]
for (i in 2..9) {
    Fmt.print("First 10 super-$d numbers:", i)
    var count = 0
    var j = Mpz.three
    var k =
    while (true) {
        k.pow(j, i).mul(i)
        var ix = k.toString.indexOf(rd[i-2])
        if (ix >= 0) {
            count = count + 1
            Fmt.write("$i ", j)
            if (count == 10) {
                Fmt.print("\nfound in $f seconds\n", System.clock - start)
First 10 super-2 numbers:
19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131 
found in 0.000222 seconds

First 10 super-3 numbers:
261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645 
found in 0.001222 seconds

First 10 super-4 numbers:
1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680 
found in 0.007386 seconds

First 10 super-5 numbers:
4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689 
found in 0.024863 seconds

First 10 super-6 numbers:
27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146 
found in 0.339837 seconds

First 10 super-7 numbers:
140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763 
found in 1.684412 seconds

First 10 super-8 numbers:
185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300 
found in 11.695570 seconds

First 10 super-9 numbers:
17546133 32613656 93568867 107225764 109255734 113315082 121251742 175461330 180917907 182557181 
found in 126.454911 seconds


Library: GMP

GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library

var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum");  // libGMP

fcn superDW(d){
      { BI(n).pow(d).mul(d).toString().holds(digits) and n or Void.Skip });
foreach d in ([2..8]){ println(d," : ",superDW(d).walk(10).concat(" ")) }
2 : 19 31 69 81 105 106 107 119 127 131
3 : 261 462 471 481 558 753 1036 1046 1471 1645
4 : 1168 4972 7423 7752 8431 10267 11317 11487 11549 11680
5 : 4602 5517 7539 12955 14555 20137 20379 26629 32767 35689
6 : 27257 272570 302693 323576 364509 502785 513675 537771 676657 678146
7 : 140997 490996 1184321 1259609 1409970 1783166 1886654 1977538 2457756 2714763
8 : 185423 641519 1551728 1854230 6415190 12043464 12147605 15517280 16561735 18542300