Separate the house number from the street name

From Rosetta Code
Separate the house number from the street name is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
This task has been flagged for clarification. Code on this page in its current state may be flagged incorrect once this task has been clarified. See this page's Talk page for discussion.

In Germany and the Netherlands postal addresses have the form: street name, followed by the house number, in accordance with the national standards DIN 5008 respectively NEN 5825. The problem is that some street names have numbers (e.g. special years) and some house numbers have characters as an extension. It's a real life problem and difficult because in the Netherlands some street names are a tribute to our liberators. The street names have the numbers 40 and 45 indicating the years of war between 1940 and 1945.


Write code that correctly separates the house number from the street name and presents them both. No static data must be shown, only processed data.

The suggested approach is to either use the regular expression in the Scala entry or to devise an equivalent algorithm.

The test-set:

Plataanstraat 5
Straat 12
Straat 12 II
Dr. J. Straat   12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945 37
Plein 1940 2
1213-laan 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1
1e Kruisweg 36
Laan 1940-’45 66
Laan ’40-’45
Langeloërduinen 3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
Provincialeweg N205 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4
Wertstr. 10
Lindenhof 1
Nordesch 20
Weilstr. 6
Harthauer Weg 2
Mainaustr. 49
August-Horch-Str. 3
Marktplatz 31
Schmidener Weg 3
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6
Reference The Netherlands - Addresses


Translation of: Nim
F separateHouseNumber(address)
   V fields = address.split_py()
   V last = fields.last
   V penult = fields[(len)-2]
   V house = ‘’
   I last[0].is_digit()
      V isdig = penult[0].is_digit()
      I fields.len > 2 & isdig & !penult.starts_with(‘194’)
         house = penult‘ ’last
         house = last
   E I fields.len > 2
      house = penult‘ ’last
   R (address[0 .< address.len - house.len].rtrim(‘ ’), house)

V Addresses = [‘Plataanstraat 5’,
               ‘Straat 12’,
               ‘Straat 12 II’,
               ‘Dr. J. Straat   12’,
               ‘Dr. J. Straat 12 a’,
               ‘Dr. J. Straat 12-14’,
               ‘Laan 1940 - 1945 37’,
               ‘Plein 1940 2’,
               ‘1213-laan 11’,
               ‘16 april 1944 Pad 1’,
               ‘1e Kruisweg 36’,
               ‘Laan 1940-'45 66’,
               ‘Laan '40-'45’,
               ‘Langeloerduinen 3 46’,
               ‘Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2’,
               ‘Provincialeweg N205 1’,
               ‘Rivium 2e Straat 59.’,
               ‘Nieuwe gracht 20rd’,
               ‘Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2’,
               ‘Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2’,
               ‘Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3’,
               ‘Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4’,
               ‘Bahnhofstr. 4’,
               ‘Wertstr. 10’,
               ‘Lindenhof 1’,
               ‘Nordesch 20’,
               ‘Weilstr. 6’,
               ‘Harthauer Weg 2’,
               ‘Mainaustr. 49’,
               ‘August-Horch-Str. 3’,
               ‘Marktplatz 31’,
               ‘Schmidener Weg 3’,
               ‘Karl-Weysser-Str. 6’]

print(‘       Street            House Number’)
print(‘---------------------    ------------’)
L(address) Addresses
   V (street, house) = separateHouseNumber(address)
   print(street.rjust(22)‘   ’(I !house.empty {house} E ‘(none)’))
       Street            House Number
---------------------    ------------
         Plataanstraat   5
                Straat   12
                Straat   12 II
         Dr. J. Straat   12
         Dr. J. Straat   12 a
         Dr. J. Straat   12-14
      Laan 1940 - 1945   37
            Plein 1940   2
             1213-laan   11
     16 april 1944 Pad   1
           1e Kruisweg   36
         Laan 1940-'45   66
          Laan '40-'45   (none)
       Langeloerduinen   3 46
 Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef   2
   Provincialeweg N205   1
      Rivium 2e Straat   59.
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd 2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw /2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw/3
         Nieuwe gracht   20 zw/4
           Bahnhofstr.   4
              Wertstr.   10
             Lindenhof   1
              Nordesch   20
              Weilstr.   6
         Harthauer Weg   2
            Mainaustr.   49
     August-Horch-Str.   3
            Marktplatz   31
        Schmidener Weg   3
     Karl-Weysser-Str.   6


Although Algol 68G has a grep in string procedure which does regular expression matching, this is non-standard so this sample parses the address line without regular expressions.

BEGIN # separate house numbers from street names in German/Netherlands       #
      #                                                            addresses #

    # returns the position of the start of the house number in a             #
    PROC house position = ( STRING a )INT:
            CHAR eol ch = REPR 0;
            INT  a pos := UPB a;
            PROC eol    = BOOL: a pos < LWB a OR a pos > UPB a;
            PROC ch     = ( INT pos )CHAR:
                 IF pos < LWB a OR pos > UPB a THEN eol ch ELSE a[ pos ] FI;
            PROC curr   = CHAR: ch( a pos );
            PROC prev   = CHAR: IF a pos >= LWB a THEN a pos -:= 1; curr ELSE eol ch FI;
            PROC next   = CHAR: IF a pos <= UPB a THEN a pos +:= 1; curr ELSE eol ch FI;
            PROC have   = ( CHAR c )BOOL: curr = c;
            PROC range  = ( CHAR a, z, INT pos )BOOL: ch( pos ) >= a AND ch( pos ) <= z;
            PROC digit  = ( INT pos )BOOL: range( "0", "9", pos );

            WHILE have( " " ) DO prev OD;
            IF    have( "." ) THEN prev; WHILE have( " " ) DO prev OD FI;
            WHILE have( "I" ) DO prev OD;
            WHILE have( " " ) DO prev OD;
            WHILE range( "a", "z", a pos ) OR digit( a pos )
               OR have( " " ) OR have( "." ) OR have( "/" ) OR have( "-" )
            IF have( "'" ) THEN                           # abbreviated year #
                WHILE next;
                      digit( a pos )
                DO SKIP OD
            IF eol THEN                         # must not be the whole line #
                WHILE next;
                  NOT have( " " ) AND NOT eol
                DO SKIP OD
            # must start with a number that doesn't look like a 1940s year   #
            WHILE WHILE have( " " ) DO next OD;
                  IF NOT digit( a pos ) THEN
                      WHILE NOT have( " " ) AND NOT eol DO next OD
                  WHILE NOT digit( a pos ) AND NOT eol DO next OD;
                  ch( a pos     ) = "1" AND ch(    a pos + 1 ) = "9"
              AND ch( a pos + 2 ) = "4" AND digit( a pos + 3 )
                WHILE digit( a pos ) DO next OD
            a pos
         END # house position # ;

    []STRING test cases
        = ( "Plataanstraat 5"      , "Straat 12"            , "Straat 12 II"
          , "Dr. J. Straat   12"   , "Dr. J. Straat 12 a"   , "Dr. J. Straat 12-14"
          , "Laan 1940 - 1945 37"  , "Plein 1940 2"         , "1213-laan 11"
          , "16 april 1944 Pad 1"  , "1e Kruisweg 36"       , "Laan 1940-'45 66"
          , "Laan '40-'45"         , "Langeloërduinen 3 46" , "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2"
          , "Provincialeweg N205 1", "Rivium 2e Straat 59." , "Nieuwe gracht 20rd"
          , "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2" , "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2", "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3"
          , "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4", "Bahnhofstr. 4"        , "Wertstr. 10"
          , "Lindenhof 1"          , "Nordesch 20"          , "Weilstr. 6"
          , "Harthauer Weg 2"      , "Mainaustr. 49"        , "August-Horch-Str. 3"
          , "Marktplatz 31"        , "Schmidener Weg 3"     , "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"
    FOR i FROM LWB test cases TO UPB test cases DO
        PROC rtrim = ( STRING s )STRING:
                INT s end := UPB s;
                WHILE IF s end < LWB s THEN FALSE ELSE s[ s end ] = " " FI DO
                    s end -:= 1
                s[ LWB s : s end ]
             END # rtrim # ;
        PROC lpad = ( STRING s, INT len )STRING:
             IF INT s len = ( UPB s + 1 ) - LWB s;
                s len >= len
             THEN s
             ELSE " " * ( len - s len ) + s
             FI # lpad # ;
        STRING test   = rtrim( test cases[ i ] );
        INT    h pos  = house position( test );
        STRING street = IF h pos > UPB test THEN test     ELSE test[ LWB test : h pos - 1 ] FI;
        STRING house  = IF h pos > UPB test THEN "(none)" ELSE test[ h pos    :           ] FI;
        print( ( lpad( rtrim( street ), 40 ), "   ", rtrim( house ), newline ) )

                           Plataanstraat   5
                                  Straat   12
                                  Straat   12 II
                           Dr. J. Straat   12
                           Dr. J. Straat   12 a
                           Dr. J. Straat   12-14
                        Laan 1940 - 1945   37
                              Plein 1940   2
                               1213-laan   11
                       16 april 1944 Pad   1
                             1e Kruisweg   36
                           Laan 1940-'45   66
                            Laan '40-'45   (none)
                         Langeloërduinen   3 46
                   Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef   2
                     Provincialeweg N205   1
                        Rivium 2e Straat   59.
                           Nieuwe gracht   20rd
                           Nieuwe gracht   20rd 2
                           Nieuwe gracht   20zw /2
                           Nieuwe gracht   20zw/3
                           Nieuwe gracht   20 zw/4
                             Bahnhofstr.   4
                                Wertstr.   10
                               Lindenhof   1
                                Nordesch   20
                                Weilstr.   6
                           Harthauer Weg   2
                              Mainaustr.   49
                       August-Horch-Str.   3
                              Marktplatz   31
                          Schmidener Weg   3
                       Karl-Weysser-Str.   6


(lib 'struct)
(lib 'sql)

(define adresses (make-table (struct adresse (name number))))

;; parse street<space>number| II...
(define extractor (make-regexp 
;; making our best with the special names
(define specials '("1940" "1945" "'45" "'40"))

(define (rep-special str specials)
		(for/fold (ostr str) ((special specials))
		(string-replace ostr special (string-append "@" special))))
(define (un-rep-special record)
	(set-car! record (string-replace (car record) "/@/g" "" )))		

(define (task)
(for-each (lambda (x)  
	(table-insert adresses
    (or*  (regexp-exec extractor (rep-special x specials))
          (list x '❓❓❓))))) adressen))

(define adressen '(
"Plataanstraat 5"
"Straat 12"
"Straat 12 II"
"Straat 1940 II"
"Dr. J. Straat   40"
"Dr. J. Straat 12 a"
"Dr. J. Straat 12-14"
"Laan 1940 – 1945 37"
"Plein 1940 2"
"1213-laan 11"
"16 april 1944 Pad 1"
"1e Kruisweg 36"
"Laan 1940-'45 66"
"Laan '40-'45"
"Langeloërduinen 3 46"
"Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2"
"Provincialeweg N205 1"
"Rivium 2e Straat 59."
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd"
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2"
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2"
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3"
"Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4"
"Bahnhofstr. 4"
"Wertstr. 10"
"Lindenhof 1"
"Nordesch 20"
"Weilstr. 6"
"Harthauer Weg 2"
"Mainaustr. 49"
"August-Horch-Str. 3"
"Marktplatz 31"
"Schmidener Weg 3"
"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"))
(table-print   adresses)
[0]   Plataanstraat         5             
[1]   Straat                12            
[2]   Straat                12 II         
[3]   Straat 1940           II            
[4]   Dr. J. Straat         40            
[5]   Dr. J. Straat         12 a          
[6]   Dr. J. Straat         12-14         
[7]   Laan 1940 – 1945      37            
[8]   Plein 1940            2             
[9]   1213-laan             11            
[10]   16 april              1944 Pad 1    
[11]   1e Kruisweg           36            
[12]   Laan 1940-'45         66            
[13]   Laan '40-'45          ❓❓❓           
[14]   Langeloërduinen       3 46          
[15]   Marienwaerdt          2e Dreef 2    
[16]   Provincialeweg N205   1             
[17]   Rivium                2e Straat 59. 
[18]   Nieuwe gracht         20rd          
[19]   Nieuwe gracht         20rd 2        
[20]   Nieuwe gracht         20zw /2       
[21]   Nieuwe gracht         20zw/3        
[22]   Nieuwe gracht         20 zw/4       
[23]   Bahnhofstr.           4             
[24]   Wertstr.              10            
[25]   Lindenhof             1             
[26]   Nordesch              20            
[27]   Weilstr.              6             
[28]   Harthauer Weg         2             
[29]   Mainaustr.            49            
[30]   August-Horch-Str.     3             
[31]   Marktplatz            31            
[32]   Schmidener Weg        3             
[33]   Karl-Weysser-Str.     6             


// Seperate house number and street in Dutch addresses. Nigel Galloway: September 23rd., 2021
let fN g=let n=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(g,@"(\s\d+[-/]\d+)|(\s(?!1940|1945)\d+[a-zI. /]*\d*)$") in if n.Success then Some(g.[0..n.Index],n.Value) else None
let td=["Plataanstraat 5";"Straat 12";"Straat 12 II";"Straat 1940 II";"Dr. J. Straat   40";"Dr. J. Straat 12 a";"Dr. J. Straat 12-14";"Laan 1940 – 1945 37";"Plein 1940 2";"1213-laan 11";"16 april 1944 Pad 1";"1e Kruisweg 36";"Laan 1940-’45 66";"Laan ’40-’45";"Langeloërduinen 3 46";"Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2";"Provincialeweg N205 1";"Rivium 2e Straat 59.";"Nieuwe gracht 20rd";"Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2";"Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2";"Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3";"Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4";"Bahnhofstr. 4";"Wertstr. 10";"Lindenhof 1";"Nordesch 20";"Weilstr. 6";"Harthauer Weg 2";"Mainaustr. 49";"August-Horch-Str. 3";"Marktplatz 31";"Schmidener Weg 3";"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"]
printfn "                    Street    Number\n                    ______    ______"
td|>List.iter(fun g->match fN g with Some(n,g)->printfn $"%27s{n.Trim()}  %s{g}" |_->printfn $"FAILED %s{g}")
                    Street    Number
                    ______    ______
              Plataanstraat   5
                     Straat   12
                     Straat   12 II
FAILED Straat 1940 II
              Dr. J. Straat   40
              Dr. J. Straat   12 a
              Dr. J. Straat   12-14
           Laan 1940 - 1945   37
                 Plein 1940   2
                  1213-laan   11
          16 april 1944 Pad   1
                1e Kruisweg   36
              Laan 1940-'45   66
FAILED Laan '40-'45
            LangeloÙrduinen   3 46
      Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef   2
        Provincialeweg N205   1
           Rivium 2e Straat   59.
              Nieuwe gracht   20rd
              Nieuwe gracht   20rd 2
              Nieuwe gracht   20zw /2
              Nieuwe gracht   20zw/3
              Nieuwe gracht   20 zw/4
                Bahnhofstr.   4
                   Wertstr.   10
                  Lindenhof   1
                   Nordesch   20
                   Weilstr.   6
              Harthauer Weg   2
                 Mainaustr.   49
          August-Horch-Str.   3
                 Marktplatz   31
             Schmidener Weg   3
          Karl-Weysser-Str.   6


Translation of: Go
#define isDigit(b)  b >= Asc("0") And b <= Asc("9")

Sub separateHouseNumber(address As String, Byref street As String, Byref house As String)
    Dim length As Integer = Len(address)
    Dim size As Integer = 0
    Dim fields(100) As String
    Dim word As String = ""
    For i As Integer = 1 To length
        Dim ch As String = Mid(address, i, 1)
        If ch = " " Then
            If word <> "" Then
                fields(size) = word
                size += 1
                word = ""
            End If
            word &= ch
        End If
    If word <> "" Then
        fields(size) = word
        size += 1
    End If
    Dim last As String = fields(size - 1)
    Dim penult As String = fields(size - 2)
    If isDigit(Asc(last, 1)) Then
        Dim isdig As Boolean = isDigit(Asc(penult, 1))
        If size > 2 And isdig And Not Left(penult, 3) = "194" Then
            house = penult & " " & last
            house = last
        End If
    Elseif size > 2 Then
        house = penult & " " & last
    End If
    street = Trim(address)
    If Len(house) Then street = Left(street, Len(street) - Len(house) - 1)
End Sub

Dim As String addresses(32) = { _
"Plataanstraat 5", "Straat 12", "Straat 12 II", "Dr. J. Straat   12", _
"Dr. J. Straat 12 a", "Dr. J. Straat 12-14", "Laan 1940 - 1945 37", _
"Plein 1940 2", "1213-laan 11", "16 april 1944 Pad 1", "1e Kruisweg 36", _
"Laan 1940-'45 66", "Laan '40-'45", "Langeloërduinen 3 46", _
"Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2", "Provincialeweg N205 1", "Rivium 2e Straat 59.", _
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd", "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2", "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2", _
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3", "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4", "Bahnhofstr. 4", "Wertstr. 10", _
"Lindenhof 1", "Nordesch 20", "Weilstr. 6", "Harthauer Weg 2", "Mainaustr. 49", _
"August-Horch-Str. 3", "Marktplatz 31", "Schmidener Weg 3", "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6" }

Print "Street"; Spc(19); "House Number"
Print String(21, "-"); Spc(4); String(12, "-")
For i As Integer = Lbound(addresses) To Ubound(addresses)
    Dim As String street, house
    separateHouseNumber(addresses(i), street, house)
    If house = "" Then house = "(none)"
    Print Using "\                   \    &"; street; house

Same as Go entry.


Translation of: Kotlin
package main

import (

func isDigit(b byte) bool {
    return '0' <= b && b <= '9'

func separateHouseNumber(address string) (street string, house string) {
    length := len(address)
    fields := strings.Fields(address)
    size := len(fields)
    last := fields[size-1]
    penult := fields[size-2]
    if isDigit(last[0]) {
        isdig := isDigit(penult[0])
        if size > 2 && isdig && !strings.HasPrefix(penult, "194") {
            house = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", penult, last)
        } else {
            house = last
    } else if size > 2 {
        house = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", penult, last)
    street = strings.TrimRight(address[:length-len(house)], " ")

func main() {
    addresses := [...]string{
        "Plataanstraat 5",
        "Straat 12",
        "Straat 12 II",
        "Dr. J. Straat   12",
        "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
        "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
        "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
        "Plein 1940 2",
        "1213-laan 11",
        "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
        "1e Kruisweg 36",
        "Laan 1940-'45 66",
        "Laan '40-'45",
        "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
        "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
        "Provincialeweg N205 1",
        "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
        "Bahnhofstr. 4",
        "Wertstr. 10",
        "Lindenhof 1",
        "Nordesch 20",
        "Weilstr. 6",
        "Harthauer Weg 2",
        "Mainaustr. 49",
        "August-Horch-Str. 3",
        "Marktplatz 31",
        "Schmidener Weg 3",
        "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6",
    fmt.Println("Street                   House Number")
    fmt.Println("---------------------    ------------")
    for _, address := range addresses {
        street, house := separateHouseNumber(address)
        if house == "" {
            house = "(none)"
        fmt.Printf("%-22s   %s\n", street, house)
Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
Plataanstraat            5
Straat                   12
Straat                   12 II
Dr. J. Straat            12
Dr. J. Straat            12 a
Dr. J. Straat            12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945         37
Plein 1940               2
1213-laan                11
16 april 1944 Pad        1
1e Kruisweg              36
Laan 1940-'45            66
Laan '40-'45             (none)
Langeloërduinen          3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef    2
Provincialeweg N205      1
Rivium 2e Straat         59.
Nieuwe gracht            20rd
Nieuwe gracht            20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht            20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.              4
Wertstr.                 10
Lindenhof                1
Nordesch                 20
Weilstr.                 6
Harthauer Weg            2
Mainaustr.               49
August-Horch-Str.        3
Marktplatz               31
Schmidener Weg           3
Karl-Weysser-Str.        6


Works with: GHC version 7.8.3
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{- Recommended package versions to use:
     base >= 4.7 && < 5
     regex-pcre-builtin >= 0.95 && < 0.96
     text >= 1.2.3 && < 1.3

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Text.Regex.PCRE.Text

testSet :: [T.Text]
testSet =
  [ "Plataanstraat 5"
  , "Straat 12"
  , "Straat 12 II"
  , "Dr. J. Straat   12"
  , "Dr. J. Straat 12 a"
  , "Dr. J. Straat 12-14"
  , "Laan 1940 – 1945 37"
  , "Plein 1940 2"
  , "1213-laan 11"
  , "16 april 1944 Pad 1"
  , "1e Kruisweg 36"
  , "Laan 1940-’45 66"
  , "Laan ’40-’45"
  , "Langeloërduinen 3 46"
  , "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2"
  , "Provincialeweg N205 1"
  , "Rivium 2e Straat 59."
  , "Nieuwe gracht 20rd"
  , "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2"
  , "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2"
  , "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3"
  , "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4"
  , "Bahnhofstr. 4"
  , "Wertstr. 10"
  , "Lindenhof 1"
  , "Nordesch 20"
  , "Weilstr. 6"
  , "Harthauer Weg 2"
  , "Mainaustr. 49"
  , "August-Horch-Str. 3"
  , "Marktplatz 31"
  , "Schmidener Weg 3"
  , "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"

-- This is the regex from the Perl implementation of the task.
addressPattern :: T.Text
addressPattern = T.unlines
  [ "^ (.*?) \\s+"
  , "  ("
  , "     \\d* (\\-|\\/)? \\d*"
  , "   | \\d{1,3} [a-zI./ ]* \\d{0,3}"
  , "  )"
  , "$"

splitAddressASCII :: Regex -> T.Text -> IO (T.Text, T.Text)
splitAddressASCII rx txt = do
  result <- regexec rx txt
  case result of
    Left w -> fail (show w)
    Right (Just (_, _, _, (street:house:_))) -> return (street, house)
    _ -> return (txt, "")

-- For reasons I don't understand, PCRE isn't handling UTF-8 correctly,
-- even when the compUTF8 option is given.  So, hack around it by
-- assuming any non-ASCII characters are in the street name, not the number.
splitAddress :: Regex -> T.Text -> IO (T.Text, T.Text)
splitAddress rx txt = do
  let prefix = T.dropWhileEnd isAscii txt
      ascii = T.takeWhileEnd isAscii txt
  (street, house) <- splitAddressASCII rx ascii
  return (prefix <> street, house)

formatPairs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> [T.Text]
formatPairs pairs =
  let headings = ("Street", "House Number")
      (streets, houses) = unzip (headings : pairs)
      sLen = maximum $ map T.length streets
      hLen = maximum $ map T.length houses
      sep = (T.replicate sLen "-", T.replicate hLen "-")
      fmt (s, h) = T.justifyLeft (sLen + 4) ' ' s <> h
  in map (T.strip . fmt) (headings : sep : pairs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  erx <- compile (compExtended + compUTF8) execBlank addressPattern
  rx <- case erx of
          Left (offset, str) -> fail $ show offset ++ ": " ++ str
          Right r -> return r
  pairs <- mapM (splitAddress rx) testSet
  mapM_ T.putStrLn $ formatPairs pairs
Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
Plataanstraat            5
Straat                   12
Straat                   12 II
Dr. J. Straat            12
Dr. J. Straat            12 a
Dr. J. Straat            12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945         37
Plein 1940               2
1213-laan                11
16 april 1944 Pad        1
1e Kruisweg              36
Laan 1940-’45            66
Laan ’40-’45
Langeloërduinen          3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef    2
Provincialeweg N205      1
Rivium 2e Straat         59.
Nieuwe gracht            20rd
Nieuwe gracht            20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht            20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.              4
Wertstr.                 10
Lindenhof                1
Nordesch                 20
Weilstr.                 6
Harthauer Weg            2
Mainaustr.               49
August-Horch-Str.        3
Marktplatz               31
Schmidener Weg           3
Karl-Weysser-Str.        6



special=: '4',.'012345'
digit=: '0123456789'
nope=: {{>./({.I.y=' '),1+I. special +./@:(E."1) y}}
here=: {{I.1,~y e.digit}}
din5008=: ({.;}.)~ here {.@#~ nope < here

Sample data:

   sampledata=: ];._2 noun define
Straat 12
Straat 12 II
Dr. J. Straat   12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945 37
Plein 1940 2
1213-laan 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1
1e Kruisweg 36
Laan 1940-’45 66
Laan ’40-’45
Langeloërduinen 3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
Provincialeweg N205 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4
Wertstr. 10
Lindenhof 1
Nordesch 20
Weilstr. 6
Harthauer Weg 2
Mainaustr. 49
August-Horch-Str. 3
Marktplatz 31
Schmidener Weg 3
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6


   din5008"1 sampledata
Straat             12              
Straat             12 II           
Dr. J. Straat      12              
Dr. J. Straat      12 a            
Dr. J. Straat      12-14           
Laan 1940  1945   37              
Plein 1940         2               
1213-laan          11              
16 april 1944 Pad  1               
1e Kruisweg        36              
Laan 1940-45      66              
Laan 40-45                       
Langeloërduinen    3 46            
Marienwaerdt       2e Dreef 2      
Provincialeweg N   205 1           
Rivium             2e Straat 59.   
Nieuwe gracht      20rd            
Nieuwe gracht      20rd 2          
Nieuwe gracht      20zw /2         
Nieuwe gracht      20zw/3          
Nieuwe gracht      20 zw/4         
Bahnhofstr.        4               
Wertstr.           10              
Lindenhof          1               
Nordesch           20              
Weilstr.           6               
Harthauer Weg      2               
Mainaustr.         49              
August-Horch-Str.  3               
Marktplatz         31              
Schmidener Weg     3               
Karl-Weysser-Str.  6               


Works with: jq

The following uses the regex from the Perl version, together with a regex covering the case of "Laan '40-'45" since that is apparently acceptable.

An alternative would be to use the Scala regex, which in the present context (in particular, using the "x" regex modifier) could be rendered as:

"(?<s>.*) (?<n> (\\s\\d+[-/]\\d+) | (\\s(?!1940|1945)\\d+[a-zI. /]*\\d*)$ | \\d+\\['][40|45]$ )"
def regex:
   "^ (?<s>.*?) \\s+"
 + "  (?<n>\\d* ( \\-|\\/)? \\d*"
 + "              | \\d{1,3} [a-zI./ ]* \\d{0,3}"
 + "            )$";

# Output: {s, n}
# If the input cannot be parsed,
# then .s is a copy of the the input, and .n is "(Error)"
def parseStreetNumber:
  capture(regex; "x")
    // capture( "^(?<s>.*'40 *- *'45) *$" ) 
    // {s: ., n: "(Error)"}
  | .n |= if . == "" or . == null then "(none)" else . end ;

def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;

The Task

def addresses:
    "Plataanstraat 5",
    "Straat 12",
    "Straat 12 II",
    "Dr. J. Straat   12",
    "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
    "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
    "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
    "Plein 1940 2",
    "1213-laan 11",
    "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
    "1e Kruisweg 36",
    "Laan 1940-'45 66",
    "Laan '40-'45",
    "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
    "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
    "Provincialeweg N205 1",
    "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
    "Bahnhofstr. 4",
    "Wertstr. 10",
    "Lindenhof 1",
    "Nordesch 20",
    "Weilstr. 6",
    "Harthauer Weg 2",
    "Mainaustr. 49",
    "August-Horch-Str. 3",
    "Marktplatz 31",
    "Schmidener Weg 3",
    "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"

def task:
  "Street                   House Number",
  "---------------------    ------------",
   | parseStreetNumber
   | "\(.s|lpad(22))   \(.n)" ) ;

Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
         Plataanstraat   5
                Straat   12
                Straat   12 II
         Dr. J. Straat   12
         Dr. J. Straat   12 a
         Dr. J. Straat   12-14
      Laan 1940 - 1945   37
            Plein 1940   2
             1213-laan   11
     16 april 1944 Pad   1
           1e Kruisweg   36
         Laan 1940-'45   66
          Laan '40-'45   (none)
       Langeloërduinen   3 46
 Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef   2
   Provincialeweg N205   1
      Rivium 2e Straat   59.
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd 2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw /2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw/3
         Nieuwe gracht   20 zw/4
           Bahnhofstr.   4
              Wertstr.   10
             Lindenhof   1
              Nordesch   20
              Weilstr.   6
         Harthauer Weg   2
            Mainaustr.   49
     August-Horch-Str.   3
            Marktplatz   31
        Schmidener Weg   3
     Karl-Weysser-Str.   6


Uses the regex from the Perl version.

const regex = r"""^ (.*?) \s+
                      \d* (\-|\/)? \d*
                    | \d{1,3} [a-zI./ ]* \d{0,3}
const adressen = """
    Plataanstraat 5
    Straat 12
    Straat 12 II
    Dr. J. Straat   12
    Dr. J. Straat 12 a
    Dr. J. Straat 12-14
    Laan 1940 – 1945 37
    Plein 1940 2
    1213-laan 11
    16 april 1944 Pad 1
    1e Kruisweg 36
    Laan 1940-’45 66
    Laan ’40-’45
    Langeloërduinen 3 46
    Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
    Provincialeweg N205 1
    Rivium 2e Straat 59.
    Nieuwe gracht 20rd
    Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
    Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
    Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
    Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
    Bahnhofstr. 4
    Wertstr. 10
    Lindenhof 1
    Nordesch 20
    Weilstr. 6
    Harthauer Weg 2
    Mainaustr. 49
    August-Horch-Str. 3
    Marktplatz 31
    Schmidener Weg 3
    Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"""

for line in strip.(split(adressen, "\n"))
    if (matched = match(regex, line)) != nothing
        street, number = matched.captures
        println(rpad(line, 30), "split as street => $street, number => $number")
        println(rpad(line, 30), "(Error)")
Plataanstraat 5               split as street => Plataanstraat, number => 5
Straat 12                     split as street => Straat, number => 12
Straat 12 II                  split as street => Straat, number => 12 II
Dr. J. Straat   12            split as street => Dr. J. Straat, number => 12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a            split as street => Dr. J. Straat, number => 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14           split as street => Dr. J. Straat, number => 12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945 37           split as street => Laan 1940 – 1945, number => 37
Plein 1940 2                  split as street => Plein 1940, number => 2
1213-laan 11                  split as street => 1213-laan, number => 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1           split as street => 16 april 1944 Pad, number => 1
1e Kruisweg 36                split as street => 1e Kruisweg, number => 36
Laan 1940-’45 66              split as street => Laan 1940-’45, number => 66
Laan ’40-’45                  (Error)
Langeloërduinen 3 46          split as street => Langeloërduinen, number => 3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2       split as street => Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef, number => 2
Provincialeweg N205 1         split as street => Provincialeweg N205, number => 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.          split as street => Rivium 2e Straat, number => 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd            split as street => Nieuwe gracht, number => 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2          split as street => Nieuwe gracht, number => 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2         split as street => Nieuwe gracht, number => 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3          split as street => Nieuwe gracht, number => 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4         split as street => Nieuwe gracht, number => 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4                 split as street => Bahnhofstr., number => 4
Wertstr. 10                   split as street => Wertstr., number => 10
Lindenhof 1                   split as street => Lindenhof, number => 1
Nordesch 20                   split as street => Nordesch, number => 20
Weilstr. 6                    split as street => Weilstr., number => 6
Harthauer Weg 2               split as street => Harthauer Weg, number => 2
Mainaustr. 49                 split as street => Mainaustr., number => 49
August-Horch-Str. 3           split as street => August-Horch-Str., number => 3
Marktplatz 31                 split as street => Marktplatz, number => 31
Schmidener Weg 3              split as street => Schmidener Weg, number => 3
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6           split as street => Karl-Weysser-Str., number => 6


// version 1.0.6

val r = Regex("""\s+""")

fun separateHouseNumber(address: String): Pair<String, String> {
    val street: String
    val house:  String
    val len    = address.length
    val splits = address.split(r)
    val size   = splits.size
    val last   = splits[size - 1]
    val penult = splits[size - 2]
    if (last[0] in '0'..'9') {
        if (size > 2 && penult[0] in '0'..'9' && !penult.startsWith("194")) house = penult + " " + last
        else house = last
    else if (size > 2) house = penult + " " + last
    else house = ""
    street = address.take(len - house.length).trimEnd()
    return Pair(street, house)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val addresses = arrayOf(
        "Plataanstraat 5",
        "Straat 12",
        "Straat 12 II",
        "Dr. J. Straat   12",
        "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
        "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
        "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
        "Plein 1940 2",
        "1213-laan 11",
        "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
        "1e Kruisweg 36",
        "Laan 1940-'45 66",
        "Laan '40-'45",
        "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
        "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
        "Provincialeweg N205 1",
        "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
        "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
        "Bahnhofstr. 4",
        "Wertstr. 10",
        "Lindenhof 1",
        "Nordesch 20",
        "Weilstr. 6",
        "Harthauer Weg 2",
        "Mainaustr. 49",
        "August-Horch-Str. 3",
        "Marktplatz 31",
        "Schmidener Weg 3",
        "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"
    println("Street                   House Number")
    println("---------------------    ------------")
    for (address in addresses) {
        val (street, house) = separateHouseNumber(address)
        println("${street.padEnd(22)}   ${if (house != "") house else "(none)"}")
Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
Plataanstraat            5
Straat                   12
Straat                   12 II
Dr. J. Straat            12
Dr. J. Straat            12 a
Dr. J. Straat            12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945         37
Plein 1940               2
1213-laan                11
16 april 1944 Pad        1
1e Kruisweg              36
Laan 1940-'45            66
Laan '40-'45             (none)
Langeloërduinen          3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef    2
Provincialeweg N205      1
Rivium 2e Straat         59.
Nieuwe gracht            20rd
Nieuwe gracht            20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht            20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.              4
Wertstr.                 10
Lindenhof                1
Nordesch                 20
Weilstr.                 6
Harthauer Weg            2
Mainaustr.               49
August-Horch-Str.        3
Marktplatz               31
Schmidener Weg           3
Karl-Weysser-Str.        6


Translation of: Go
import strutils except align
from unicode import align

func separateHouseNumber(address: string): tuple[street, house: string] =
  let fields = address.splitWhitespace()
  let last = fields[^1]
  let penult = fields[^2]
  if last[0].isDigit():
    let isdig = penult[0].isDigit()
    if fields.len > 2 and isdig and not penult.startsWith("194"): = penult & ' ' & last
    else: = last
  elif fields.len > 2: = penult & ' ' & last
  result.street = address[].strip(leading = false, trailing = true)

const Addresses = ["Plataanstraat 5",
                   "Straat 12",
                   "Straat 12 II",
                   "Dr. J. Straat   12",
                   "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
                   "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
                   "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
                   "Plein 1940 2",
                   "1213-laan 11",
                   "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
                   "1e Kruisweg 36",
                   "Laan 1940-'45 66",
                   "Laan '40-'45",
                   "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
                   "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
                   "Provincialeweg N205 1",
                   "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
                   "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
                   "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
                   "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
                   "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
                   "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
                   "Bahnhofstr. 4",
                   "Wertstr. 10",
                   "Lindenhof 1",
                   "Nordesch 20",
                   "Weilstr. 6",
                   "Harthauer Weg 2",
                   "Mainaustr. 49",
                   "August-Horch-Str. 3",
                   "Marktplatz 31",
                   "Schmidener Weg 3",
                   "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"]

echo "       Street            House Number"
echo "—————————————————————    ————————————"
for address in Addresses:
  let (street, house) = address.separateHouseNumber()
  echo street.align(22), "   ", if house.len != 0: house else: "(none)"
       Street            House Number
—————————————————————    ————————————
         Plataanstraat   5
                Straat   12
                Straat   12 II
         Dr. J. Straat   12
         Dr. J. Straat   12 a
         Dr. J. Straat   12-14
      Laan 1940 - 1945   37
            Plein 1940   2
             1213-laan   11
     16 april 1944 Pad   1
           1e Kruisweg   36
         Laan 1940-'45   66
          Laan '40-'45   (none)
       Langeloërduinen   3 46
 Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef   2
   Provincialeweg N205   1
      Rivium 2e Straat   59.
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd
         Nieuwe gracht   20rd 2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw /2
         Nieuwe gracht   20zw/3
         Nieuwe gracht   20 zw/4
           Bahnhofstr.   4
              Wertstr.   10
             Lindenhof   1
              Nordesch   20
              Weilstr.   6
         Harthauer Weg   2
            Mainaustr.   49
     August-Horch-Str.   3
            Marktplatz   31
        Schmidener Weg   3
     Karl-Weysser-Str.   6


@addresses = (
'Plataanstraat 5',      'Straat 12',             'Straat 12 II',            'Dr. J. Straat   12',
'Dr. J. Straat 12 a',   'Dr. J. Straat 12-14',   'Laan 1940 – 1945 37',     'Plein 1940 2',
'1213-laan 11',         '16 april 1944 Pad 1',   '1e Kruisweg 36',          'Laan 1940-’45 66',
'Laan ’40-’45',         'Langeloërduinen 3 46',  'Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2', 'Provincialeweg N205 1',
'Rivium 2e Straat 59.', 'Nieuwe gracht 20rd',    'Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2',    'Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2',
'Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3', 'Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4', 'Bahnhofstr. 4',           'Wertstr. 10',
'Lindenhof 1',          'Nordesch 20',           'Weilstr. 6',              'Harthauer Weg 2',
'Mainaustr. 49',        'August-Horch-Str. 3',   'Marktplatz 31',           'Schmidener Weg 3',
'Karl-Weysser-Str. 6');

for (@addresses) {
    my($street,$number) =
    m[^ (.*?) \s+
           \d* (\-|\/)? \d*
         | \d{1,3} [a-zI./ ]* \d{0,3}
    $number ? printf "%-26s\t%s\n", ($street, $number) : ($_, "\t(no match)");
Plataanstraat             5
Straat                    12
Straat                    12 II
Dr. J. Straat             12
Dr. J. Straat             12 a
Dr. J. Straat             12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945          37
Plein 1940                2
1213-laan                 11
16 april 1944 Pad         1
1e Kruisweg               36
Laan 1940-’45             66
Laan ’40-’45              (no match)
Langeloërduinen           3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef     2
Provincialeweg N205       1
Rivium 2e Straat          59.
Nieuwe gracht             20rd
Nieuwe gracht             20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht             20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht             20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht             20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.               4
Wertstr.                  10
Lindenhof                 1
Nordesch                  20
Weilstr.                  6
Harthauer Weg             2
Mainaustr.                49
August-Horch-Str.         3
Marktplatz                31
Schmidener Weg            3
Karl-Weysser-Str.         6


Translation of: Go
with javascript_semantics
function isDigit(integer ch)
    return ch>='0' and ch<='9'
end function
function separateHouseNumber(sequence address)
    address = split(address)
    string street, house
    integer h = 0
    if length(address)>1 then
        string last = address[$]
        if isDigit(last[1]) then
            h = 1
            string penult = address[$-1]
            if length(address)>2
            and isDigit(penult[1])
            and match("194",penult)!=1 then
                h = 2
            end if
        elsif length(address)>2 then
            h = 2
        end if
    end if
    if h then
        street = join(address[1..$-h])
        house = join(address[$-h+1..$])
        street = join(address)
        house = "(none)"
    end if
    return {street,house}
end function
constant addresses = {"Plataanstraat 5",
                      "Straat 12",
                      "Straat 12 II",
                      "Dr. J. Straat   12",
                      "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
                      "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
                      "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
                      "Plein 1940 2",
                      "1213-laan 11",
                      "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
                      "1e Kruisweg 36",
                      "Laan 1940-'45 66",
                      "Laan '40-'45",
                      "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
                      "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
                      "Provincialeweg N205 1",
                      "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
                      "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
                      "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
                      "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
                      "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
                      "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
                      "Bahnhofstr. 4",
                      "Wertstr. 10",
                      "Lindenhof 1",
                      "Nordesch 20",
                      "Weilstr. 6",
                      "Harthauer Weg 2",
                      "Mainaustr. 49",
                      "August-Horch-Str. 3",
                      "Marktplatz 31",
                      "Schmidener Weg 3",
                      "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"}
procedure main()
    printf(1,"Street                   House Number\n")
    printf(1,"---------------------    ------------\n")
    for i=1 to length(addresses) do
        printf(1,"%-22s   %s\n", separateHouseNumber(addresses[i]))
    end for
end procedure
Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
Plataanstraat            5
Straat                   12
Straat                   12 II
Dr. J. Straat            12
Dr. J. Straat            12 a
Dr. J. Straat            12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945         37
Plein 1940               2
1213-laan                11
16 april 1944 Pad        1
1e Kruisweg              36
Laan 1940-'45            66
Laan '40-'45             (none)
LangeloÙrduinen          3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef    2
Provincialeweg N205      1
Rivium 2e Straat         59.
Nieuwe gracht            20rd
Nieuwe gracht            20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht            20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.              4
Wertstr.                 10
Lindenhof                1
Nordesch                 20
Weilstr.                 6
Harthauer Weg            2
Mainaustr.               49
August-Horch-Str.        3
Marktplatz               31
Schmidener Weg           3
Karl-Weysser-Str.        6


Plataanstraat 5           split as (Plataanstraat, 5)
Straat 12                 split as (Straat, 12)
Straat 12 II              split as (Straat, 12 II)
Dr. J. Straat   12        split as (Dr. J. Straat  , 12)
Dr. J. Straat 12 a        split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12 a)
Dr. J. Straat 12-14       split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12-14)
Laan 1940  1945 37       split as (Laan 1940  1945, 37)
Plein 1940 2              split as (Plein 1940, 2)
1213-laan 11              split as (1213-laan, 11)
16 april 1944 Pad 1       split as (16 april 1944 Pad, 1)
1e Kruisweg 36            split as (1e Kruisweg, 36)
Laan 1940-45 66          split as (Laan 1940-45, 66)
Laan 40-45              split as (Laan 40-45,)
Langeloërduinen 3 46      split as (Langeloërduinen, 3 46)
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2   split as (Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef, 2)
Provincialeweg N205 1     split as (Provincialeweg N205, 1)
Rivium 2e Straat 59.      split as (Rivium 2e Straat, 59.)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd        split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd 2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw /2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw/3)
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20 zw/4)
Bahnhofstr. 4             split as (Bahnhofstr., 4)
Wertstr. 10               split as (Wertstr., 10)
Lindenhof 1               split as (Lindenhof, 1)
Nordesch 20               split as (Nordesch, 20)
Weilstr. 6                split as (Weilstr., 6)
Harthauer Weg 2           split as (Harthauer Weg, 2)
Mainaustr. 49             split as (Mainaustr., 49)
August-Horch-Str. 3       split as (August-Horch-Str., 3)
Marktplatz 31             split as (Marktplatz, 31)
Schmidener Weg 3          split as (Schmidener Weg, 3)
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6       split as (Karl-Weysser-Str., 6)''')


Same as other regexp-splittings on this page. (I don't see much point in this, but the related Starting_a_web_browser seems like a good idea.)

#lang racket

(define extractor-rx
  (pregexp (string-append "^(.*?)\\s+((?:"
                          "|(?:(?!1940|1945)\\d+[a-zI. /]*\\d*)"

(define adressen
  "Plataanstraat 5
   Straat 12
   Straat 12 II
   Straat 1940 II
   Dr. J. Straat   40
   Dr. J. Straat 12 a
   Dr. J. Straat 12-14
   Laan 1940 – 1945 37
   Plein 1940 2
   1213-laan 11
   16 april 1944 Pad 1
   1e Kruisweg 36
   Laan 1940-’45 66
   Laan ’40-’45
   Langeloërduinen 3 46
   Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
   Provincialeweg N205 1
   Rivium 2e Straat 59.
   Nieuwe gracht 20rd
   Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
   Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
   Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
   Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
   Bahnhofstr. 4
   Wertstr. 10
   Lindenhof 1
   Nordesch 20
   Weilstr. 6
   Harthauer Weg 2
   Mainaustr. 49
   August-Horch-Str. 3
   Marktplatz 31
   Schmidener Weg 3
   Karl-Weysser-Str. 6")

(define (splits-adressen str)
  (regexp-match extractor-rx str))

(for ([str (in-list (string-split adressen #rx" *\r?\n *"))])
  (printf "~s -> ~s\n" str
          (cond [(splits-adressen str) => cdr]
                [else '???])))
"Plataanstraat 5" -> ("Plataanstraat" "5")
"Straat 12" -> ("Straat" "12")
"Straat 12 II" -> ("Straat" "12 II")
"Straat 1940 II" -> ???
"Dr. J. Straat   40" -> ("Dr. J. Straat" "40")
"Dr. J. Straat 12 a" -> ("Dr. J. Straat" "12 a")
"Dr. J. Straat 12-14" -> ("Dr. J. Straat" "12-14")
"Laan 1940 – 1945 37" -> ("Laan 1940 – 1945" "37")
"Plein 1940 2" -> ("Plein 1940" "2")
"1213-laan 11" -> ("1213-laan" "11")
"16 april 1944 Pad 1" -> ("16 april 1944 Pad" "1")
"1e Kruisweg 36" -> ("1e Kruisweg" "36")
"Laan 1940-’45 66" -> ("Laan 1940-’45" "66")
"Laan ’40-’45" -> ???
"Langeloërduinen 3 46" -> ("Langeloërduinen" "3 46")
"Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2" -> ("Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef" "2")
"Provincialeweg N205 1" -> ("Provincialeweg N205" "1")
"Rivium 2e Straat 59." -> ("Rivium 2e Straat" "59.")
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd" -> ("Nieuwe gracht" "20rd")
"Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2" -> ("Nieuwe gracht" "20rd 2")
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2" -> ("Nieuwe gracht" "20zw /2")
"Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3" -> ("Nieuwe gracht" "20zw/3")
"Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4" -> ("Nieuwe gracht" "20 zw/4")
"Bahnhofstr. 4" -> ("Bahnhofstr." "4")
"Wertstr. 10" -> ("Wertstr." "10")
"Lindenhof 1" -> ("Lindenhof" "1")
"Nordesch 20" -> ("Nordesch" "20")
"Weilstr. 6" -> ("Weilstr." "6")
"Harthauer Weg 2" -> ("Harthauer Weg" "2")
"Mainaustr. 49" -> ("Mainaustr." "49")
"August-Horch-Str. 3" -> ("August-Horch-Str." "3")
"Marktplatz 31" -> ("Marktplatz" "31")
"Schmidener Weg 3" -> ("Schmidener Weg" "3")
"Karl-Weysser-Str. 6" -> ("Karl-Weysser-Str." "6")


(formerly Perl 6) An unquestioning translation of the Scala example's regex to show how we lay out such regexes for readability in Raku, except that we take the liberty of leaving the space out of the house number. (Hard constants like 1940 and 1945 are a code smell, and the task should probably not require such constants unless there is a standard to point to that mandates them.) So expect this solution to change if the task is actually defined reasonably, such as by specifying that four-digit house numbers are excluded in Europe. (In contrast, four- and five-digit house numbers are not uncommon in places such as the U.S. where each block gets a hundred house numbers to play with, and there are cities with hundreds of blocks along a street.)

say m[
    ( .*? )

        | \d+ [ \- | \/ ] \d+
        | <!before 1940 | 1945> \d+ <[ a..z I . / \x20 ]>* \d*

] for lines;
「Plataanstraat 5」
 0 => 「Plataanstraat」
 1 => 「5」

「Straat 12」
 0 => 「Straat」
 1 => 「12」

「Straat 12 II」
 0 => 「Straat」
 1 => 「12 II」

「Dr. J. Straat   12」
 0 => 「Dr. J. Straat」
 1 => 「12」

「Dr. J. Straat 12 a」
 0 => 「Dr. J. Straat」
 1 => 「12 a」

「Dr. J. Straat 12-14」
 0 => 「Dr. J. Straat」
 1 => 「12-14」

「Laan 1940 – 1945 37」
 0 => 「Laan 1940 – 1945」
 1 => 「37」

「Plein 1940 2」
 0 => 「Plein 1940」
 1 => 「2」

「1213-laan 11」
 0 => 「1213-laan」
 1 => 「11」

「16 april 1944 Pad 1」
 0 => 「16 april 1944 Pad」
 1 => 「1」

「1e Kruisweg 36」
 0 => 「1e Kruisweg」
 1 => 「36」

「Laan 1940-’45 66」
 0 => 「Laan 1940-’45」
 1 => 「66」

「Laan ’40-’45」
 0 => 「Laan ’40-’45」

「Langeloërduinen 3 46」
 0 => 「Langeloërduinen」
 1 => 「3 46」

「Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2」
 0 => 「Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef」
 1 => 「2」

「Provincialeweg N205 1」
 0 => 「Provincialeweg N205」
 1 => 「1」

「Rivium 2e Straat 59.」
 0 => 「Rivium 2e Straat」
 1 => 「59.」

「Nieuwe gracht 20rd」
 0 => 「Nieuwe gracht」
 1 => 「20rd」

「Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2」
 0 => 「Nieuwe gracht」
 1 => 「20rd 2」

「Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2」
 0 => 「Nieuwe gracht」
 1 => 「20zw /2」

「Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3」
 0 => 「Nieuwe gracht」
 1 => 「20zw/3」

「Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4」
 0 => 「Nieuwe gracht」
 1 => 「20 zw/4」

「Bahnhofstr. 4」
 0 => 「Bahnhofstr.」
 1 => 「4」

「Wertstr. 10」
 0 => 「Wertstr.」
 1 => 「10」

「Lindenhof 1」
 0 => 「Lindenhof」
 1 => 「1」

「Nordesch 20」
 0 => 「Nordesch」
 1 => 「20」

「Weilstr. 6」
 0 => 「Weilstr.」
 1 => 「6」

「Harthauer Weg 2」
 0 => 「Harthauer Weg」
 1 => 「2」

「Mainaustr. 49」
 0 => 「Mainaustr.」
 1 => 「49」

「August-Horch-Str. 3」
 0 => 「August-Horch-Str.」
 1 => 「3」

「Marktplatz 31」
 0 => 「Marktplatz」
 1 => 「31」

「Schmidener Weg 3」
 0 => 「Schmidener Weg」
 1 => 「3」

「Karl-Weysser-Str. 6」
 0 => 「Karl-Weysser-Str.」
 1 => 「6」


/*REXX program splits  an European mail address  into  an address  and  a house number. */
                                       != '│'    /*a pipe-ish symbol for $ concatenation*/
         $= "Plataanstraat 5"          ! ,
            "Straat 12"                ! ,
            "Straat 12 II"             ! ,
            "Dr. J. Straat   12"       ! ,
            "Dr. J. Straat 12 a"       ! ,
            "Dr. J. Straat 12-14"      ! ,
            "Laan 1940 - 1945 37"      ! ,
            "Plein 1940 2"             ! ,
            "1213-laan 11"             ! ,
            "16 april 1944 Pad 1"      ! ,
            "1e Kruisweg 36"           ! ,
            "Laan 1940-'45 66"         ! ,
            "Laan '40-'45"             ! ,
            "Langeloërduinen 3 46"     ! ,
            "Provincialeweg N205 1"    ! ,
            "Rivium 2e Straat 59."     ! ,
            "Nieuwe gracht 20rd"       ! ,
            "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2"     ! ,
            "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2"    ! ,
            "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3"     ! ,
            "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4"    ! ,
            "Bahnhofstr. 4"            ! ,
            "Wertstr. 10"              ! ,
            "Lindenhof 1"              ! ,
            "Nordesch 20"              ! ,
            "Weilstr. 6"               ! ,
            "Harthauer Weg 2"          ! ,
            "Mainaustr. 49"            ! ,
            "August-Horch-Str. 3"      ! ,
            "Marktplatz 31"            ! ,
            "Schmidener Weg 3"         ! ,
            "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"
       do j=1  until $=='';  parse var $ addr '│' $
       @.j=space(addr);      w=max(w, length(@.j) )
       end   /*j*/                               /* [↑]  parse  $  string, make @ array.*/
w=w+2                                            /*expand the width for the display.    */
say center('address', w)         center('house number', 12)
say center('',        w, "═")    center(''            , 12, "═")
#=j-1                                            /*define the number of addresses in  $.*/

       do k=1  for  #;           sp=split(@.k)   /*split each  @.  address: addr, house#*/
       HN=subword(@.k, sp+1);    if HN==''  then HN='   (none) '  /*handle a null house#*/
       say left( subword(@.k, 1, sp), w)         HN
       end   /*k*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
split: procedure; parse arg txt;   n=words(txt);   s=n-1;   p=word(txt,s);   e=word(txt,n)
       if p>1939 & p<1946 | s<2    then p=.    ;   if verify("'",e,"M")\==0  then return n
       pl=verify(0123456789, left(p,1), 'M')\==0
       if (verify('/', e, "M")\==0  &  pl)  |  datatype(p, 'W')  | ,
          (datatype(e, 'N')  &  pl & \verify("'", p, "M"))  then s=s-1
       if s==0  then s=n                         /*if no split, then relocate split to ∞*/
       return s                                  /* [↑]  indicate where to split the txt*/
output   when using the default (internal) input:
        address         house number
═══════════════════════ ════════════
Plataanstraat           5
Straat                  12
Straat                  12 II
Dr. J. Straat           12
Dr. J. Straat           12 a
Dr. J. Straat           12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945        37
Plein 1940              2
1213-laan               11
16 april 1944 Pad       1
1e Kruisweg             36
Laan 1940-'45           66
Laan '40-'45               (none)
Langeloërduinen         3 46
Provincialeweg N205     1
Rivium 2e Straat        59.
Nieuwe gracht           20rd
Nieuwe gracht           20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht           20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht           20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht           20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.             4
Wertstr.                10
Lindenhof               1
Nordesch                20
Weilstr.                6
Harthauer Weg           2
Mainaustr.              49
August-Horch-Str.       3
Marktplatz              31
Schmidener Weg          3


Common apporach

Translation of: Go
« 34 CHR → s q
  « "{" q + 
    1 s SIZE FOR j
       s j DUP SUB
       IF DUP " " == THEN DROP q DUP + END
» » '→FIELDS' STO     @ ( "word1 .. word n" → { "word1" .. "wordn" } )

  LASTARG 1 « "0123456789" SWAP 1 1 SUB POS » DOLIST  @ check first digit of penu and last once for all    
 → size penu last isdigit
  « IF isdigit 2 GET 
    THEN IF size 2 > isdigit 1 GET AND penu 1 3 SUB "194" ≠ AND 
         THEN penu " " + last +
         ELSE last END
    ELSE IF size 2 >
         THEN penu " " + last +
         ELSE "" END
       SWAP DUP2 SIZE SWAP SIZE - 1 -  
» » 'SEPADDR' STO     @ ( "address" → "street" "house" )
{ "Plataanstraat 5" "Straat 12" "Straat 12 II" "Dr. J. Straat 12" "Dr. J. Straat 12 a" "Dr. J. Straat 12-14" "Laan 1940 - 1945 37" "Plein 1940 2" "1213-laan 11" "16 april 1944 Pad 1" "1e Kruisweg 36" "Laan 1940-'45 66" "Laan '40-'45" "Langeloërduinen 3 46" "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2" "Provincialeweg N205 1" "Rivium 2e Straat 59." "Nieuwe gracht 20rd" "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2" "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2" "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3" "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4" "Bahnhofstr. 4" "Wertstr. 10" "Lindenhof 1" "Nordesch 20" "Weilstr. 6" "Harthauer Weg 2" "Mainaustr. 49" "August-Horch-Str. 3" "Marktplatz 31" "Schmidener Weg 3" "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6" }
1: { { "Plataanstraat" "5" } { "Straat" "12" } { "Straat" "12 II" } { "Dr. J. Straat" "12" } { "Dr. J. Straat" "12 a" } { "Dr. J. Straat" "12-14" } { "Laan 1940 - 1945" "37" } { "Plein 1940" "2" } { "1213-laan" "11" } { "16 april 1944 Pad" "1" } { "1e Kruisweg" "36" } { "Laan 1940-'45" "66" } { "Laan '40-'45" "" } { "Langeloërduinen" "3 46" } { "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef" "2" } { "Provincialeweg N205" "1" } { "Rivium 2e Straat" "59." } { "Nieuwe gracht" "20rd" } { "Nieuwe gracht" "20rd 2" } { "Nieuwe gracht" "20zw /2" } { "Nieuwe gracht" "20zw/3" } { "Nieuwe gracht" "20 zw/4" } { "Bahnhofstr." "4" } { "Wertstr." "10" } { "Lindenhof" "1" } { "Nordesch" "20" } { "Weilstr." "6" } { "Harthauer Weg" "2" } { "Mainaustr." "49" } { "August-Horch-Str." "3" } { "Marktplatz" "31" } { "Schmidener Weg" "3" } { "Karl-Weysser-Str." "6" } }

Better approach?

This shorter program splits "Langeloërduinen 3 46" into "Langeloërduinen 3" and "46", which seems to be the appropriate way according to this real-life example. Other cases are the same as above.

« DUP SIZE → s j
  « 1 CF
    DO { "0123456789" " " }         @ scan the address string from the end 
       s j DUP SUB s 'j' DECR DUP SUB 
       2 →LIST 2 « POS » DOLIST
       IF ΠLIST THEN 1 SF END       
    UNTIL j 1 == 1 FS? OR END       @ until string start or a space character followed by a digit 
    IF 1 FC?
    THEN s ""
    ELSE s 1 j 1 - SUB s j 1 + OVER SIZE SUB END
» » 'SEPADDR' STO                   @ ( "address" → "street" "house" )


object SplitHouseNumber extends App {
  val extractor = new scala.util.matching.Regex( """(\s\d+[-/]\d+)|(\s(?!1940|1945)\d+[a-zI. /]*\d*)$|\d+\['][40|45]$""")

  def adressen: Iterator[String] =
    """Plataanstraat 5
      |Straat 12
      |Straat 12 II
      |Straat 1940 II
      |Dr. J. Straat   40
      |Dr. J. Straat 12 a
      |Dr. J. Straat 12-14
      |Laan 1940 – 1945 37
      |Plein 1940 2
      |1213-laan 11
      |16 april 1944 Pad 1
      |1e Kruisweg 36
      |Laan 1940-’45 66
      |Laan ’40-’45
      |Langeloërduinen 3 46
      |Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
      |Provincialeweg N205 1
      |Rivium 2e Straat 59.
      |Nieuwe gracht 20rd
      |Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
      |Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
      |Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
      |Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
      |Bahnhofstr. 4
      |Wertstr. 10
      |Lindenhof 1
      |Nordesch 20
      |Weilstr. 6
      |Harthauer Weg 2
      |Mainaustr. 49
      |August-Horch-Str. 3
      |Marktplatz 31
      |Schmidener Weg 3
      |Karl-Weysser-Str. 6""".stripMargin.lines

  def splitsAdressen(input: String): (String, String) = 
    (extractor.split(input).mkString, extractor.findFirstIn(input).getOrElse(""))

  adressen.foreach(s => println(f"$s%-25s split as ${splitsAdressen(s)}"))
Plataanstraat 5           split as (Plataanstraat, 5)
Straat 12                 split as (Straat, 12)
Straat 12 II              split as (Straat, 12 II)
Dr. J. Straat   12        split as (Dr. J. Straat  , 12)
Dr. J. Straat 12 a        split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12 a)
Dr. J. Straat 12-14       split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12-14)
Laan 1940 – 1945 37       split as (Laan 1940 – 1945, 37)
Plein 1940 2              split as (Plein 1940, 2)
1213-laan 11              split as (1213-laan, 11)
16 april 1944 Pad 1       split as (16 april 1944 Pad, 1)
1e Kruisweg 36            split as (1e Kruisweg, 36)
Laan 1940-’45 66          split as (Laan 1940-’45, 66)
Laan ’40-’45              split as (Laan ’40-’45,)
Langeloërduinen 3 46      split as (Langeloërduinen, 3 46)
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2   split as (Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef, 2)
Provincialeweg N205 1     split as (Provincialeweg N205, 1)
Rivium 2e Straat 59.      split as (Rivium 2e Straat, 59.)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd        split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd 2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw /2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw/3)
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20 zw/4)
Bahnhofstr. 4             split as (Bahnhofstr., 4)
Wertstr. 10               split as (Wertstr., 10)
Lindenhof 1               split as (Lindenhof, 1)
Nordesch 20               split as (Nordesch, 20)
Weilstr. 6                split as (Weilstr., 6)
Harthauer Weg 2           split as (Harthauer Weg, 2)
Mainaustr. 49             split as (Mainaustr., 49)
August-Horch-Str. 3       split as (August-Horch-Str., 3)
Marktplatz 31             split as (Marktplatz, 31)
Schmidener Weg 3          split as (Schmidener Weg, 3)
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6       split as (Karl-Weysser-Str., 6)


Translation of: Raku
var re = %r[
    ( .*? )
        | \d+ (?: \- | \/ ) \d+
        | (?! 1940 | 1945) \d+ [ a-z I . / \x20 ]* \d*

ARGF.each { |line|
    if (var m = line.match(re)) {
        printf("%-25s split as (#{m[0]}, #{m[1]})\n", line)
    else {
        warn "Can't parse: «#{line}»"
Plataanstraat 5           split as (Plataanstraat, 5)
Straat 12                 split as (Straat, 12)
Straat 12 II              split as (Straat, 12 II)
Dr. J. Straat   12        split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12)
Dr. J. Straat 12 a        split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12 a)
Dr. J. Straat 12-14       split as (Dr. J. Straat, 12-14)
Laan 1940 – 1945 37       split as (Laan 1940 – 1945, 37)
Plein 1940 2              split as (Plein 1940, 2)
1213-laan 11              split as (1213-laan, 11)
16 april 1944 Pad 1       split as (16 april 1944 Pad, 1)
1e Kruisweg 36            split as (1e Kruisweg, 36)
Laan 1940-’45 66          split as (Laan 1940-’45, 66)
Laan ’40-’45              split as (Laan ’40-’45, )
Langeloërduinen 3 46      split as (Langeloërduinen, 3 46)
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2   split as (Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef, 2)
Provincialeweg N205 1     split as (Provincialeweg N205, 1)
Rivium 2e Straat 59.      split as (Rivium 2e Straat, 59.)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd        split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd)
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20rd 2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw /2)
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3      split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20zw/3)
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4     split as (Nieuwe gracht, 20 zw/4)
Bahnhofstr. 4             split as (Bahnhofstr., 4)
Wertstr. 10               split as (Wertstr., 10)
Lindenhof 1               split as (Lindenhof, 1)
Nordesch 20               split as (Nordesch, 20)
Weilstr. 6                split as (Weilstr., 6)
Harthauer Weg 2           split as (Harthauer Weg, 2)
Mainaustr. 49             split as (Mainaustr., 49)
August-Horch-Str. 3       split as (August-Horch-Str., 3)
Marktplatz 31             split as (Marktplatz, 31)
Schmidener Weg 3          split as (Schmidener Weg, 3)
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6       split as (Karl-Weysser-Str., 6)


Translation of: Scala
proc split_DE_NL_address {streetAddress} {
    set RE {(?x)
	^ (.*?) (
	    (?:\s \d+ [-/] \d+)
	    (?:\s (?!1940|1945)\d+ [a-zI. /]* \d*)
	)? $
    regexp $RE $streetAddress -> str num
    return [list [string trim $str] [string trim $num]]

set data {
    Plataanstraat 5
    Straat 12
    Straat 12 II
    Dr. J. Straat   12
    Dr. J. Straat 12 a
    Dr. J. Straat 12-14
    Laan 1940  1945 37
    Plein 1940 2
    1213-laan 11
    16 april 1944 Pad 1
    1e Kruisweg 36
    Laan 1940-45 66
    Laan 40-45
    Langeloërduinen 3 46
    Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
    Provincialeweg N205 1
    Rivium 2e Straat 59.
    Nieuwe gracht 20rd
    Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
    Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
    Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
    Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
    Bahnhofstr. 4
    Wertstr. 10
    Lindenhof 1
    Nordesch 20
    Weilstr. 6
    Harthauer Weg 2
    Mainaustr. 49
    August-Horch-Str. 3
    Marktplatz 31
    Schmidener Weg 3
    Karl-Weysser-Str. 6

foreach streetAddress [split $data "\n"] {
    set streetAddress [string trim $streetAddress]
    if {$streetAddress eq ""} continue
    lassign [split_DE_NL_address $streetAddress] str num
    puts "split <$streetAddress> as <$str> <$num>"
split <Plataanstraat 5> as <Plataanstraat> <5>
split <Straat 12> as <Straat> <12>
split <Straat 12 II> as <Straat> <12 II>
split <Dr. J. Straat   12> as <Dr. J. Straat> <12>
split <Dr. J. Straat 12 a> as <Dr. J. Straat> <12 a>
split <Dr. J. Straat 12-14> as <Dr. J. Straat> <12-14>
split <Laan 1940 – 1945 37> as <Laan 1940 – 1945> <37>
split <Plein 1940 2> as <Plein 1940> <2>
split <1213-laan 11> as <1213-laan> <11>
split <16 april 1944 Pad 1> as <16 april 1944 Pad> <1>
split <1e Kruisweg 36> as <1e Kruisweg> <36>
split <Laan 1940-’45 66> as <Laan 1940-’45> <66>
split <Laan ’40-’45> as <Laan ’40-’45> <>
split <Langeloërduinen 3 46> as <Langeloërduinen> <3 46>
split <Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2> as <Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef> <2>
split <Provincialeweg N205 1> as <Provincialeweg N205> <1>
split <Rivium 2e Straat 59.> as <Rivium 2e Straat> <59.>
split <Nieuwe gracht 20rd> as <Nieuwe gracht> <20rd>
split <Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2> as <Nieuwe gracht> <20rd 2>
split <Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2> as <Nieuwe gracht> <20zw /2>
split <Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3> as <Nieuwe gracht> <20zw/3>
split <Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4> as <Nieuwe gracht> <20 zw/4>
split <Bahnhofstr. 4> as <Bahnhofstr.> <4>
split <Wertstr. 10> as <Wertstr.> <10>
split <Lindenhof 1> as <Lindenhof> <1>
split <Nordesch 20> as <Nordesch> <20>
split <Weilstr. 6> as <Weilstr.> <6>
split <Harthauer Weg 2> as <Harthauer Weg> <2>
split <Mainaustr. 49> as <Mainaustr.> <49>
split <August-Horch-Str. 3> as <August-Horch-Str.> <3>
split <Marktplatz 31> as <Marktplatz> <31>
split <Schmidener Weg 3> as <Schmidener Weg> <3>
split <Karl-Weysser-Str. 6> as <Karl-Weysser-Str.> <6>



$$ addressen=*
Plataanstraat 5
Straat 12
Straat 12 II
Dr. J. Straat   12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945 37
Plein 1940 2
1213-laan 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1
1e Kruisweg 36
Laan 1940-'45 66
Laan '40-'45
Langeloërduinen 3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
Provincialeweg N205 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4
Wertstr. 10
Lindenhof 1
Nordesch 20
Weilstr. 6
Harthauer Weg 2
Mainaustr. 49
August-Horch-Str. 3
Marktplatz 31
Schmidener Weg 3
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6

DATA : {\0}*{]}:
DATA : {\0}*{1-3}[IVXLC]{]}:
DATA :: 194{\0}::
DATA :: '{2}{\0}::
DATA :: {\0}*{\A}::

x= SPLIT(addressen,|regex,street,number)

output=JOIN(street," <--> ",number)

TRACE *output


TRACE *    50    -*SKRIPTE  202
output       = *
           1 = Plataanstraat <-->  5
           2 = Straat <-->  12
           3 = Straat <-->  12 II
           4 = Dr. J. Straat   <-->  12
           5 = Dr. J. Straat <-->  12 a
           6 = Dr. J. Straat <-->  12-14
           7 = Laan 1940 - 1945 <-->  37
           8 = Plein 1940 <-->  2
           9 = 1213-laan <-->  11
          10 = 16 april 1944 Pad <-->  1
          11 = 1e Kruisweg <-->  36
          12 = Laan 1940-'45 <-->  66
          13 = Laan '40-'45 <--> 
          14 = Langeloërduinen <-->  3 46
          15 = Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef <-->  2
          16 = Provincialeweg N205 <-->  1
          17 = Rivium 2e Straat <-->  59.
          18 = Nieuwe gracht <-->  20rd
          19 = Nieuwe gracht <-->  20rd 2
          20 = Nieuwe gracht <-->  20zw /2
          21 = Nieuwe gracht <-->  20zw/3
          22 = Nieuwe gracht <-->  20 zw/4
          23 = Bahnhofstr. <-->  4
          24 = Wertstr. <-->  10
          25 = Lindenhof <-->  1
          26 = Nordesch <-->  20
          27 = Weilstr. <-->  6
          28 = Harthauer Weg <-->  2
          29 = Mainaustr. <-->  49
          30 = August-Horch-Str. <-->  3
          31 = Marktplatz <-->  31
          32 = Schmidener Weg <-->  3
          33 = Karl-Weysser-Str. <-->  6


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-pattern
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./pattern" for Pattern
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var digits = "0123456789"
var p ="+1/s")

var separateHouseNumber = { |address|
    var len = address.count
    var splits = p.splitAll(address)
    var size = splits.count
    var last = splits[-1]
    var penult = splits[-2]
    var house
    if (digits.contains(last[0])) {
        if (size > 2 && digits.contains(penult[0]) && !penult.startsWith("194")) {
            house = penult + " " + last
        } else {
            house = last
    } else if (size > 2) {
        house = penult + " " + last
    } else {
        house = ""
    var street = address.take(len - house.count).join().trimEnd()
    return [street, house]

var addresses = [
    "Plataanstraat 5",
    "Straat 12",
    "Straat 12 II",
    "Dr. J. Straat   12",
    "Dr. J. Straat 12 a",
    "Dr. J. Straat 12-14",
    "Laan 1940 - 1945 37",
    "Plein 1940 2",
    "1213-laan 11",
    "16 april 1944 Pad 1",
    "1e Kruisweg 36",
    "Laan 1940-'45 66",
    "Laan '40-'45",
    "Langeloërduinen 3 46",
    "Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2",
    "Provincialeweg N205 1",
    "Rivium 2e Straat 59.",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20rd",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3",
    "Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4",
    "Bahnhofstr. 4",
    "Wertstr. 10",
    "Lindenhof 1",
    "Nordesch 20",
    "Weilstr. 6",
    "Harthauer Weg 2",
    "Mainaustr. 49",
    "August-Horch-Str. 3",
    "Marktplatz 31",
    "Schmidener Weg 3",
    "Karl-Weysser-Str. 6"
System.print("Street                   House Number")
System.print("---------------------    ------------")
for (address in addresses) {
    var res =
    var street = res[0]
    var house = res[1]
    if (house == "") house = "(none)"
    Fmt.print("$-22s   $s", street, house)
Street                   House Number
---------------------    ------------
Plataanstraat            5
Straat                   12
Straat                   12 II
Dr. J. Straat            12
Dr. J. Straat            12 a
Dr. J. Straat            12-14
Laan 1940 - 1945         37
Plein 1940               2
1213-laan                11
16 april 1944 Pad        1
1e Kruisweg              36
Laan 1940-'45            66
Laan '40-'45             (none)
Langeloërduinen          3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef    2
Provincialeweg N205      1
Rivium 2e Straat         59.
Nieuwe gracht            20rd
Nieuwe gracht            20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht            20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht            20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr.              4
Wertstr.                 10
Lindenhof                1
Nordesch                 20
Weilstr.                 6
Harthauer Weg            2
Mainaustr.               49
August-Horch-Str.        3
Marktplatz               31
Schmidener Weg           3
Karl-Weysser-Str.        6