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68389X1059 not valid.
68389X1059 not valid.
68389x105 not valid.</pre>
68389x105 not valid.</pre>


<lang swift>struct CUSIP {
var value: String

private static let alphabet = Array("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

init?(value: String) {
if value.count == 9 && String(value.last!) == CUSIP.checkDigit(cusipString: String(value.dropLast())) {
self.value = value
} else if value.count == 8, let checkDigit = CUSIP.checkDigit(cusipString: value) {
self.value = value + checkDigit
} else {
return nil

static func checkDigit(cusipString: String) -> String? {
guard cusipString.count == 8, cusipString.allSatisfy({ $0.isASCII }) else {
return nil

let sum = cusipString.uppercased().enumerated().reduce(0, {sum, pair in
let (i, char) = pair
var v: Int

switch char {
case "*":
v = 36
case "@":
v = 37
case "#":
v = 38
case _ where char.isNumber:
v = char.wholeNumberValue!
case _:
v = Int(char.asciiValue! - 65) + 10

if i & 1 == 1 {
v *= 2

return sum + (v / 10) + (v % 10)

return String((10 - (sum % 10)) % 10)

let testCases = [

for potentialCUSIP in testCases {
print("\(potentialCUSIP) -> ", terminator: "")

switch CUSIP(value: potentialCUSIP) {
case nil:
case _:


<pre>037833100 -> Valid
17275R102 -> Valid
38259P508 -> Valid
594918104 -> Valid
68389X106 -> Invalid
68389X105 -> Valid</pre>


Revision as of 14:38, 17 July 2019

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at CUSIP. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

A   CUSIP   is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6.


Ensure the last digit   (i.e., the   check digit)   of the CUSIP code (the 1st column) is correct, against the following:

  •   037833100       Apple Incorporated
  •   17275R102       Cisco Systems
  •   38259P508       Google Incorporated
  •   594918104       Microsoft Corporation
  •   68389X106       Oracle Corporation   (incorrect)
  •   68389X105       Oracle Corporation

Example pseudo-code below.

<lang>algorithm Cusip-Check-Digit(cusip) is

  Input: an 8-character CUSIP
  sum := 0
  for 1 ≤ i ≤ 8 do
     c := the ith character of cusip
     if c is a digit then
        v := numeric value of the digit c
     else if c is a letter then
        p := ordinal position of c in the alphabet (A=1, B=2...)
        v := p + 9
     else if c = "*" then
        v := 36
     else if c = "@" then
        v := 37
     else if' c = "#" then
        v := 38
     end if
     if i is even then
        v := v × 2
     end if
     sum := sum + int ( v div 10 ) + v mod 10
  return (10 - (sum mod 10)) mod 10

end function</lang>

See related tasks

360 Assembly

<lang 360asm>* CUSIP 07/06/2018 CUSIP CSECT

        USING  CUSIP,R13          base register
        B      72(R15)            skip savearea
        DC     17F'0'             savearea
        SAVE   (14,12)            save previous context
        ST     R13,4(R15)         link backward
        ST     R15,8(R13)         link forward
        LR     R13,R15            set addressability
        LA     R6,1               i=1
      DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,=F'6')    do i=1 to 6
        LR     R1,R6                i
        MH     R1,=H'9'             *9
        LA     R4,T-9(R1)           @t(i)
        MVC    X,0(R4)              x=t(i)
        SR     R10,R10              w=0
        LA     R7,1                 j=1
      DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,=F'8')      do j=1 to 8
        LA     R14,X-1                x
        AR     R14,R7                 j
        MVC    Y(1),0(R14)            y=substr(x,j,1)
        LA     R9,L'XX                z=length(xx)
        LA     R8,1                   k=1
      DO WHILE=(C,R8,LE,=A(L'XX))     do k=1 to length(xx)
        LA     R4,XX-1                  xx
        AR     R4,R8                    k
        MVC    C(1),0(R4)               c=substr(xx,k,1)
      IF CLC,Y(1),EQ,C THEN             if y=c then
        LR     R9,R8                      k
        BCTR   R9,0                       z=k-1
      ENDIF    ,                        endif
        LA     R8,1(R8)                 k++
      ENDDO    ,                      enddo k
        LR     R4,R7                  j
        LA     R1,2                   2
        SRDA   R4,32                  ~
        DR     R4,R1                  j/2=0
      IF LTR,R4,Z,R4 THEN             if j//2=0 then
        AR     R9,R9                    z=z+z
      ENDIF    ,                      endif
        LR     R4,R9                  z
        LA     R1,10                  10
        SRDA   R4,32                  ~
        DR     R4,R1                  r4=z//10 ; r5=z/10
        AR     R10,R5                 w+z/10
        AR     R10,R4                 w=w+z/10+z//10
        LA     R7,1(R7)               j++
      ENDDO    ,                    enddo j
        LR     R4,R10               w
        LA     R1,10                10
        SRDA   R4,32                ~
        DR     R4,R1                w/10
        LA     R2,10                10
        SR     R2,R4                10-w//10
        SRDA   R2,32                ~
        DR     R2,R1                /10
        STC    R2,U                 u=(10-w//10)//10
        OI     U,X'F0'              bin to char
      IF CLC,U,EQ,X+8 THEN          if u=substr(x,9,1) then
        MVC    OK,=CL3' '             ok=' '
      ELSE     ,                    else
        MVC    OK,=C'nt'            ok='nt'
      ENDIF    ,                    endif
        MVC    PG+6(9),X            output x
        MVC    PG+18(3),OK          output ok
        XPRNT  PG,L'PG              print
        LA     R6,1(R6)             i++
      ENDDO    ,                  enddo i
        L      R13,4(0,R13)       restore previous savearea pointer
        RETURN (14,12),RC=0       restore registers from calling sav

XX DC CL39'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#' U DS CL1 Y DS CL1 C DS CL1 T DC CL9'037833100',CL9'17275R102',CL9'38259P508'

        DC     CL9'594918104',CL9'68389X106',CL9'68389X105'

X DS CL9 OK DS CL3 PG DC CL80'CUSIP ......... is... valid'

        END    CUSIP</lang>
CUSIP 037833100 is    valid
CUSIP 17275R102 is    valid
CUSIP 38259P508 is    valid
CUSIP 594918104 is    valid
CUSIP 68389X106 isn't valid
CUSIP 68389X105 is    valid


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Cusip_Test is

  use Ada.Text_IO;
  subtype Cusip is String (1 .. 9);
  function Check_Cusip (Code : Cusip) return Boolean is
     Sum : Integer := 0;
     V   : Integer;
     for I in Code'First .. Code'Last - 1 loop
        case Code (I) is
           when '0' .. '9' =>
              V := Character'Pos (Code (I)) - Character'Pos ('0');
           when 'A' .. 'Z' =>
              V := Character'Pos (Code (I)) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
           when '*' => V := 36;
           when '@' => V := 37;
           when '#' => V := 38;
           when others => return False;
        end case;
        if I mod 2 = 0 then
           V := V * 2;
        end if;
        Sum := Sum + V / 10 + (V mod 10);
     end loop;
     return (10 - (Sum mod 10)) mod 10 =
       Character'Pos (Code (Code'Last)) - Character'Pos ('0');
  end Check_Cusip;
  type Cusip_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Cusip;
  Test_Array : Cusip_Array :=


  for I in Test_Array'Range loop
     Put (Test_Array (I) & ": ");
     if Check_Cusip (Test_Array (I)) then
        Put_Line ("valid");
        Put_Line ("not valid");
     end if;
  end loop;

end Cusip_Test;</lang>

037833100: valid
17275R102: valid
38259P508: valid
594918104: valid
68389X106: not valid
68389X105: valid


<lang algol68>BEGIN

   # returns TRUE if cusip is a valid CUSIP code #
      IF ( UPB cusip - LWB cusip ) /= 8
          # code is wrong length #
          # string is 9 characters long - check it is valid #
          STRING cusip digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#"[ AT 0 ];
          INT check digit := 0;
          IF NOT char in string( cusip[ UPB cusip ], check digit, cusip digits )
              # invalid check digit #
              # OK so far compare the calculated check sum to the supplied one #
              INT sum := 0;
              INT c pos := LWB cusip - 1;
              FOR i TO 8 DO
                  INT digit := 0;
                  IF NOT char in string( cusip[ i + c pos ], digit, cusip digits )
                      # invalid digit #
                      digit := -999
                  IF NOT ODD i
                      # even digit #
                      digit *:= 2
                  sum +:= ( digit OVER 10 ) + ( digit MOD 10 )
              ( 10 - ( sum MOD 10 ) ) MOD 10 = check digit
      FI ; # ISCUSIP #
   # task test cases #
   PROC test cusip = ( STRING cusip )VOID:
       print( ( cusip, IF ISCUSIP cusip THEN " valid" ELSE " invalid" FI, newline ) );
   test cusip( "037833100" );
   test cusip( "17275R102" );
   test cusip( "38259P508" );
   test cusip( "594918104" );
   test cusip( "68389X106" );
   test cusip( "68389X105" )


037833100 valid
17275R102 valid
38259P508 valid
594918104 valid
68389X106 invalid
68389X105 valid


Based on Algol 68 <lang algolw>begin  % returns true if cusip is a valid CUSIP code %

   logical procedure isCusip ( string(9) value cusip ) ;
       % returns the base 39 digit corresponding to a character of a CUSIP code %
       integer procedure cusipDigit( string(1) value cChar ) ;
           if      cChar >= "0" and cChar <= "9" then ( decode( cChar ) - decode( "0" ) )
           else if cChar >= "A" and cChar <= "Z" then ( decode( cChar ) - decode( "A" ) ) + 10
           else if cChar  = "*"                  then   36
           else if cChar  = "@"                  then   37
           else if cChar  = "#"                  then   38
           else    % invalid digit %                  -999 ;
       integer checkDigit, sum;
       checkDigit := cusipDigit( cusip( 8 // 1 ) );
       for cPos := 1 until 8 do begin
           integer   digit;
           digit := cusipDigit( cusip( ( cPos - 1 ) // 1 ) );
           if not odd( cPos ) then digit := digit * 2;
           sum := sum + ( digit div 10 ) + ( digit rem 10 )
       end for_cPos ;
       ( ( 10 - ( sum rem 10 ) ) rem 10 ) = checkDigit
   end isCusip ;
   begin % task test cases %
       procedure testCusip ( string(9) value cusip ) ;
           write( s_w := 0, cusip, if isCusip( cusip ) then " valid" else " invalid" );
       testCusip( "037833100" );
       testCusip( "17275R102" );
       testCusip( "38259P508" );
       testCusip( "594918104" );
       testCusip( "68389X106" );
       testCusip( "68389X105" )
   end testCases


037833100 valid
17275R102 valid
38259P508 valid
594918104 valid
68389X106 invalid
68389X105 valid


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f CUSIP.AWK


   n = split("037833100,17275R102,38259P508,594918104,68389X106,68389X105",arr,",")
   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
     printf("%9s %s\n",arr[i],cusip(arr[i]))

} function cusip(n, c,i,sum,v,x) {

  1. returns: 1=OK, 0=NG, -1=bad data
   if (length(n) != 9) {
   for (i=1; i<=8; i++) {
     c = substr(n,i,1)
     if (c ~ /[0-9]/) {
       v = c
     else if (c ~ /[A-Z]/) {
       v = index("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",c) + 9
     else if (c == "*") {
       v = 36
     else if (c == "@") {
       v = 37
     else if (c == "#") {
       v = 38
     else {
     if (i ~ /[02468]/) {
       v *= 2
     sum += int(v / 10) + (v % 10)
   x = (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10
   return(substr(n,9,1) == x ? 1 : 0)

} </lang>

037833100 1
17275R102 1
38259P508 1
594918104 1
68389X106 0
68389X105 1


Reads CUSIP strings from a file and prints results to console, usage printed on incorrect invocation. <lang C>

  1. include<stdlib.h>
  2. include<stdio.h>

int cusipCheck(char str[10]){ int sum=0,i,v;

for(i=0;i<8;i++){ if(str[i]>='0'&&str[i]<='9') v = str[i]-'0'; else if(str[i]>='A'&&str[i]<='Z') v = (str[i] - 'A' + 10); else if(str[i]=='*') v = 36; else if(str[i]=='@') v = 37; else if(str[i]=='#') v = 38; if(i%2!=0) v*=2;

sum += ((int)(v/10) + v%10); } return ((10 - (sum%10))%10); }

int main(int argC,char* argV[]) { char cusipStr[10];

int i,numLines;

if(argC==1) printf("Usage : %s <full path of CUSIP Data file>",argV[0]);

else{ FILE* fp = fopen(argV[1],"r");


printf("CUSIP Verdict\n"); printf("-------------------");



printf("\n%s : %s",cusipStr,(cusipCheck(cusipStr)==(cusipStr[8]-'0'))?"Valid":"Invalid"); }

fclose(fp); } return 0; } </lang> Input file :


Invocation and output :

C:\rosettaCode>cusipCheck.exe cusipData.txt
CUSIP       Verdict
037833100 : Valid
17275R102 : Valid
38259P508 : Valid
594918104 : Valid
68389X106 : Invalid
68389X105 : Valid


Translation of: C#

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <vector>

bool isCusip(const std::string& s) {

   if (s.size() != 9) return false;
   int sum = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) {
       char c = s[i];
       int v;
       if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
           v = c - '0';
       } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
           v = c - '@';
       } else if (c = '*') {
           v = 36;
       } else if (c = '#') {
           v = 38;
       } else {
           return false;
       if (i % 2 == 1) {
           v *= 2;
       sum += v / 10 + v % 10;
   return s[8] - '0' == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10;


int main() {

   using namespace std;
   vector<string> candidates{
   for (auto str : candidates) {
       auto res = isCusip(str) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
       cout << str.c_str() << " -> " << res << "\n";
   return 0;


037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


Translation of: Java

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CUSIP {

   class Program {
       static bool IsCusip(string s) {
           if (s.Length != 9) return false;
           int sum = 0;
           for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
               char c = s[i];
               int v;
               if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
                   v = c - 48;
               else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
                   v = c - 64;  // lower case letters apparently invalid
               else if (c == '*') {
                   v = 36;
               else if (c == '#') {
                   v = 38;
               else {
                   return false;
               if (i % 2 == 1) v *= 2;  // check if odd as using 0-based indexing
               sum += v / 10 + v % 10;
           return s[8] - 48 == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10;
       static void Main(string[] args) {
           List<string> candidates = new List<string>() {
           foreach (var candidate in candidates) {
               Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", candidate, IsCusip(candidate) ? "correct" : "incorrect");


037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct

Caché ObjectScript

<lang cos>Class Utils.Check [ Abstract ] {

ClassMethod CUSIP(x As %String) As %Boolean { SET x=$TRANSLATE(x," ") // IF x'?8UNP1N QUIT 0 SET cd=$EXTRACT(x,*), x=$EXTRACT(x,1,*-1), t=0 FOR i=1:1:$LENGTH(x) { SET n=$EXTRACT(x,i) IF n'=+n SET n=$CASE(n,"*":36,"@":37,"#":38,:$ASCII(n)-55) IF i#2=0 SET n=n*2 SET t=t+(n\10)+(n#10) } QUIT cd=((10-(t#10))#10) }


USER>For  { Read s Quit:s=""  Write ": "_##class(Utils.Check).CUSIP(s), ! }         
037833100: 1
17275R102: 1
38259P508: 1
594918104: 1
68389X106: 0
68389X105: 1


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun char->value (c)

 (cond ((digit-char-p c 36))
       ((char= c #\*) 36)
       ((char= c #\@) 37)
       ((char= c #\#) 38)
       (t (error "Invalid character: ~A" c))))

(defun cusip-p (cusip)

 (and (= 9 (length cusip))
      (loop for i from 1 to 8
            for c across cusip
            for v = (char->value c)
            when (evenp i)
              do (setf v (* 2 v))
            sum (multiple-value-bind (quot rem) (floor v 10)
                  (+ quot rem))
              into sum
            finally (return (eql (digit-char-p (char cusip 8))
                                 (mod (- 10 (mod sum 10)) 10))))))

(defun main ()

 (dolist (cusip '("037833100" "17275R102" "38259P508" "594918104" "68389X106" "68389X105"))
   (format t "~A: ~A~%" cusip (cusip-p cusip))))</lang>
037833100: T
17275R102: T
38259P508: T
594918104: T
68389X106: NIL
68389X105: T


<lang D>import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {

   writeln("CUSIP       Verdict");
   foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
       writefln("%9s : %s", arg, isValidCusip(arg) ? "Valid" : "Invalid");


class IllegalCharacterException : Exception {

   this(string msg) {


bool isValidCusip(string cusip) in {

   assert(cusip.length == 9, "Incorrect cusip length");

} body {

   try {
       auto check = cusipCheckDigit(cusip);
       return cusip[8] == ('0' + check);
   } catch (IllegalCharacterException e) {
       return false;


unittest {

   // Oracle Corporation
   assertEquals(isValidCusip("68389X105"), true);
   // Oracle Corporation (invalid)
   assertEquals(isValidCusip("68389X106"), false);


int cusipCheckDigit(string cusip) in {

   assert(cusip.length == 9, "Incorrect cusip length");

} body {

   int sum;
   for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
       char c = cusip[i];
       int v;
       switch(c) {
           case '0': .. case '9':
               v = c - '0';
           case 'A': .. case 'Z':
               v = c - 'A' + 10;
           case '*':
               v = 36;
           case '@':
               v = 37;
           case '#':
               v = 38;
               throw new IllegalCharacterException("Saw character: " ~ c);
       if (i%2 == 1) {
           v = 2 * v;
       sum = sum + (v / 10) + (v % 10);
  return (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10;


unittest {

   // Apple Incorporated
   assertEquals(cusipCheckDigit("037833100"), 0);
   // Cisco Systems
   assertEquals(cusipCheckDigit("17275R102"), 2);
   // Google Incorporated
   assertEquals(cusipCheckDigit("38259P508"), 8);
   // Microsoft Corporation
   assertEquals(cusipCheckDigit("594918104"), 4);
   // Oracle Corporation
   assertEquals(cusipCheckDigit("68389X105"), 5);


version(unittest) {

   void assertEquals(T)(T actual, T expected) {
       import core.exception;
       import std.conv;
       if (actual != expected) {
           throw new AssertError("Actual [" ~ to!string(actual) ~ "]; Expected [" ~ to!string(expected) ~ "]");


/// Invoke with `cusip 037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105`</lang>

CUSIP       Verdict
037833100 : Valid
17275R102 : Valid
38259P508 : Valid
594918104 : Valid
68389X106 : Invalid
68389X105 : Valid


<lang factor>USING: combinators.short-circuit formatting kernel math math.parser qw regexp sequences unicode ; IN: rosetta-code.cusip

cusip-check-digit ( seq -- n )
   but-last-slice [
       [ dup alpha? [ digit> ] [ "*@#" index 36 + ] if ] dip
       odd? [ 2 * ] when 10 /mod +
   ] map-index sum 10 mod 10 swap - 10 mod ;
cusip? ( seq -- ? )
       [ R/ [0-9A-Z*@#]+/ matches? ]
       [ [ last digit> ] [ cusip-check-digit ] bi = ]
   } 1&& ;

qw{ 037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105 } [ dup cusip? "correct" "incorrect" ? "%s -> %s\n" printf ] each</lang>

037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


The key notion here is to employ a single sequence of valid characters, VALID, and for each character C of the code under test, use function INDEX(VALID,C) to find its position within that sequence, which turns out to be the desired v of the example pseudocode. The only slight difficulty is that INDEX starts its counting with one for the first character of VALID, which is zero, so one must be subtracted; similarly, to return a digit character code via indexing into VALID, one must be added. By using a list of valid characters rather than peculiar character arithmetic (such as c <= "9" & c >= "0" or similar) there is no reliance on the ASCII way of things. Recall that EBCDIC encodements have different orderings and notably, non-alphabetic characters between A and Z.

The source does not bother with the MODULE protocol of F90 and later, and so the type of function CUSIPCHECK must be declared in all routines wishing to invoke it. However, the F90 feature of having the END statement of a subroutine or function give its name is to valuable to ignore. The function returns a character code rather than an integer, since the presumption is that it is to be compared to the check character of the code being inspected, which is known as a character not an integer. This means some blather when extracting the eight characters to be presented to CUSIPCHECK and comparing the result to the ninth character, but the test can be done in one expression.

There is no checking that only valid characters are presented, nor that eight-character codes only are offered, though the compiler might complain if the function were to be invoked with a text literal of the wrong size. In the absence of such checks, there need be no added complications to support a scheme for reporting such errors. <lang Fortran> CHARACTER*1 FUNCTION CUSIPCHECK(TEXT) !Determines the check sum character. Committee on Uniform Security Identification Purposes, of the American (i.e. USA) Bankers' Association.

      CHARACTER*8 TEXT		!Specifically, an eight-symbol code.
      CHARACTER*(*) VALID	!These only are valid.
      INTEGER I,V,S		!Assistants.
       S = 0		!Start the checksum.
       DO I = 1,LEN(TEXT)	!Step through the text.
         V = INDEX(VALID,TEXT(I:I)) - 1	!Since counting starts with one.
         IF (MOD(I,2).EQ.0) V = V*2		!V = V*(2 - MOD(I,2))?
         S = S + V/10 + MOD(V,10)		!Specified calculation.
       END DO			!On to the next character.
       I = MOD(10 - MOD(S,10),10) + 1	!Again, counting starts with one.
       CUSIPCHECK = VALID(I:I)	!Thanks to the MOD 10, surely a digit.
     END FUNCTION CUSIPCHECK	!No checking for invalid input...
     PROGRAM POKE	!Just to try it out.
     INTEGER I,N	!Assistants.
     PARAMETER (N = 6)		!A whole lot of blather
     CHARACTER*9 CUSIP(N)	!Just to have an array of test codes.
     DATA CUSIP/		!Here they are, as specified.
    1  "037833100",
    2  "17275R102",
    3  "38259P508",
    4  "594918104",
    5  "68389X106",
    6  "68389X105"/
     CHARACTER*1 CUSIPCHECK	!Needed as no use of the MODULE protocol.
     DO I = 1,N	!"More than two? Use a DO..."
       WRITE (6,*) CUSIP(I),CUSIPCHECK(CUSIP(I)(1:8)).EQ.CUSIP(I)(9:9)
     END DO

Output: standard output is to I/O unit 6, and free-format (the *) will suffice for this. Each line output starts with a space (in case it is to go to a lineprinter, with carriage control), which is convenient for layout here.

037833100 T
17275R102 T
38259P508 T
594918104 T
68389X106 F
68389X105 T

This would have worked first time, except that a fymgre frmble caused the omission of the digit 2 from the text of VALID. The benefits of checking checksums reach to unexpected places!


<lang freebasic>' version 04-04-2017 ' compile with: fbc -s console

sub cusip(input_str As String)

   Print input_str;
   If Len(input_str) <> 9 Then
       Print " length is incorrect, invalid cusip"
   End If
   Dim As Long i, v , sum
   Dim As UByte x
   For i = 1 To 8
       x = input_str[i-1]
       Select Case x
           Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
               v = x - Asc("0")
           Case Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
               v = x - Asc("A") + 1 + 9
           Case Asc("*")
               v= 36
           Case Asc("@")
               v = 37
           Case Asc("#")
               v = 38
           Case Else
               Print " found a invalid character, invalid cusip"
       End Select
       If (i And 1) = 0 Then v = v * 2
       sum = sum + v \ 10 + v Mod 10
   sum = (10 - (sum Mod 10)) Mod 10
   If sum = (input_str[8] - Asc("0")) Then
       Print " is valid"
       Print " is invalid"
   End If

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

Data "037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508" Data "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105"

Dim As String input_str

Print For i As Integer = 1 To 6

   Read input_str


' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

037833100 is valid
17275R102 is valid
38259P508 is valid
594918104 is valid
68389X106 is invalid
68389X105 is valid


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func isCusip(s string) bool {

   if len(s) != 9 { return false }
   sum := 0
   for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
       c := s[i]
       var v int
       switch {
           case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
               v = int(c) - 48
           case c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z':
               v = int(c) - 64
           case c == '*':
               v = 36
           case c == '@':
               v = 37
           case c == '#':
               v = 38
               return false
       if i % 2 == 1 { v *= 2 }  // check if odd as using 0-based indexing
       sum += v/10 + v%10
   return int(s[8]) - 48 == (10 - (sum%10)) % 10


func main() {

   candidates := []string {
   for _, candidate := range candidates {
       var b string
       if isCusip(candidate) {
           b = "correct"
       } else {
           b = "incorrect"
       fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", candidate, b)

} </lang>

037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


<lang haskell>import Data.List(elemIndex)

data Result = Valid | BadCheck | TooLong | TooShort | InvalidContent deriving Show

prependMaybe :: Maybe a -> Maybe [a] -> Maybe [a] prependMaybe (Just v) (Just vs) = Just (v:vs) prependMaybe _ _ = Nothing

-- convert a list of Maybe to a Maybe list. -- result is Nothing if any of values from the original list are Nothing allMaybe :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a] allMaybe = foldr prependMaybe (Just [])

toValue :: Char -> Maybe Int toValue c = elemIndex c $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "*&#"

-- check a list of ints to see if they represent a valid CUSIP valid :: [Int] -> Bool valid ns0 =

   let -- multiply values with even index by 2
       ns1 = zipWith (\i n -> (if odd i then n else 2*n)) [1..] $ take 8 ns0
       -- apply div/mod formula from site and sum up results
       sm = sum $ fmap (\s -> ( s `div` 10 ) + s `mod` 10) ns1
   in  -- apply mod/mod formula from site and compare to last value in list
       ns0!!8 == (10 - (sm `mod` 10)) `mod` 10

-- check a String to see if it represents a valid CUSIP checkCUSIP :: String -> Result checkCUSIP cs

      | l < 9     = TooShort
      | l > 9     = TooLong
      | otherwise = case allMaybe (fmap toValue cs) of
                        Nothing -> InvalidContent
                        Just ns -> if valid ns then Valid else BadCheck
   where l = length cs

testData =

   [ "037833100"
   , "17275R102"
   , "38259P508"
   , "594918104"
   , "68389X106"
   , "68389X105"

main = mapM_ putStrLn (fmap (\s -> s ++ ": " ++ show (checkCUSIP s)) testData)</lang>

037833100: Valid
17275R102: Valid
38259P508: Valid
594918104: Valid
68389X106: BadCheck
68389X105: Valid

Or, making some alternative selections from Haskell's rich libraries: <lang Haskell>import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, fromList, lookup) import Control.Monad (sequence) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

cusipMap :: M.Map Char Int cusipMap = M.fromList $ zip (['0' .. '9'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ "*&#") [0 ..]

cusipValid :: String -> Bool cusipValid s =

 let ns = (fromMaybe [] . sequence . fmap (`M.lookup` cusipMap)) s
 in (9 == length ns) &&
    let qrSum =
            ([quot, rem] <*> zipWith id (cycle [id, (* 2)]) (take 8 ns) <*>
    in last ns == rem (10 - rem qrSum 10) 10

main :: IO () main =

   (print . ((,) <*> cusipValid))
   [ "037833100"
   , "17275R102"
   , "38259P508"
   , "594918104"
   , "68389X106"
   , "68389X105"

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon># cusip.icn -- Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures

procedure main()

  local code, codes
  codes := ["037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508",
           "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105"]
  while code := pop(codes) do {
     writes(code, " : ")
     if check_code(code) then
     else write("not valid.")


procedure check_code(c)

  local p, sum, value
  static codetable
  initial codetable := buildtable()
  sum   := 0
  value := 0
  every p := 1 to 8 do {
     if p % 2 = 1 then    # odd position
        value := codetable[c[p]] 
     else                 # even position
        value := 2 * codetable[c[p]]
     sum +:= (value / 10) + (value % 10)
  sum := (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10
  if sum = c[9] then return else fail


procedure buildtable()

  local chars, n, t
  t := table()
  chars := &digits || &ucase || "*@#"
  every n := 1 to *chars do
     t[chars[n]] := (n - 1)
  return t


037833100 : valid.

17275R102 : valid. 38259P508 : valid. 594918104 : valid. 68389X106 : not valid. 68389X105 : valid.


One-liner: <lang j> ccd =. 10 | 10 - 10 | [: +/ [: , 10 (#.^:_1) (8 $ 1 2) * '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#' i. ]

  ccd '68389X10'


More verbose version that checks for correct input: <lang j> CUSIPcheckdigit =. 3 : 0 assert. 8 = $ y NB. Only accept an 8-element long list assert. */ y e. '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#' NB. Only accept characters from the list of 38 values =. (8 $ 1 2) * '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#' i. ] NB. Verb to translate characters and then double every second value. sumdigits =. +/@,@(10 10&#:) NB. Verb to sum the base-10 digits in a numerical array invertedmod =. 10 | 10 - 10 | ] NB. Verb to find the mod-10 of 10 minus mod-10 ": invertedmod sumdigits values y NB. Return the check digit as a character )

  addCUSIPcheckdigit =: , CUSIPcheckdigit
  verifyCUSIPcheckdigit =: {: = CUSIPcheckdigit@}:</lang>

Examples: <lang j> addCUSIPcheckdigit '68389X10' 68389X105

  verifyCUSIPcheckdigit '68389X106'


  verifyCUSIPcheckdigit '68389X105'


  samples =: '037833100', '17275R102', '38259P508', '594918104', '68389X106',: '68389X105'
  samples ; verifyCUSIPcheckdigit"1 samples

┌─────────┬─┐ │037833100│1│ │17275R102│1│ │38259P508│1│ │594918104│1│ │68389X106│0│ │68389X105│1│ └─────────┴─┘</lang>


Translation of: Kotlin

Uses Java 9 <lang Java>import java.util.List;

public class Cusip {

   private static Boolean isCusip(String s) {
       if (s.length() != 9) return false;
       int sum = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
           char c = s.charAt(i);
           int v;
           if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
               v = c - 48;
           } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
               v = c - 64;  // lower case letters apparently invalid
           } else if (c == '*') {
               v = 36;
           } else if (c == '@') {
               v = 37;
           } else if (c == '#') {
               v = 38;
           } else {
               return false;
           if (i % 2 == 1) v *= 2;  // check if odd as using 0-based indexing
           sum += v / 10 + v % 10;
       return s.charAt(8) - 48 == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       List<String> candidates = List.of(
       for (String candidate : candidates) {
           System.out.printf("%s -> %s%n", candidate, isCusip(candidate) ? "correct" : "incorrect");


037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>module CUSIP

function _lastdigitcusip(input::AbstractString)

   input = uppercase(input)
   s = 0
   for (i, c) in enumerate(input)
       if isdigit(c)
           v = Int(c) - 48
       elseif isalpha(c)
           v = Int(c) - 64 + 9
       elseif c == '*'
           v = 36
       elseif c == '@'
           v = 37
       elseif c == '#'
           v = 38
       if iseven(i); v *= 2 end
       s += div(v, 10) + rem(v, 10)
   return Char(rem(10 - rem(s, 10), 10) + 48)


checkdigit(input::AbstractString) = input[9] == _lastdigitcusip(input[1:8])

end # module CUSIP

for code in ("037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508", "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105")

   println("$code is ", CUSIP.checkdigit(code) ? "correct." : "not correct.")


037833100 is correct.
17275R102 is correct.
38259P508 is correct.
594918104 is correct.
68389X106 is not correct.
68389X105 is correct.


<lang scala>// version 1.1.0

fun isCusip(s: String): Boolean {

   if (s.length != 9) return false
   var sum = 0
   for (i in 0..7) {
       val c = s[i]
       var v = when (c) {
           in '0'..'9'  -> c.toInt() - 48
           in 'A'..'Z'  -> c.toInt() - 64  // lower case letters apparently invalid
           '*'          -> 36
           '@'          -> 37
           '#'          -> 38
           else         -> return false
       if (i % 2 == 1) v *= 2  // check if odd as using 0-based indexing
       sum += v / 10 + v % 10
   return s[8].toInt() - 48  == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val candidates = listOf(
   for (candidate in candidates) 
       println("$candidate -> ${if(isCusip(candidate)) "correct" else "incorrect"}")


037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


The checkDigit function is a line-for-line translation of the pseudo-code algorithm. <lang Lua>function checkDigit (cusip)

 if #cusip ~= 8 then return false end
 local sum, c, v, p = 0
 for i = 1, 8 do
   c = cusip:sub(i, i)
   if c:match("%d") then
     v = tonumber(c)
   elseif c:match("%a") then
     p = string.byte(c) - 64
     v = p + 9
   elseif c == "*" then
     v = 36
   elseif c == "@" then
     v = 37
   elseif c == "#" then
     v = 38
   if i % 2 == 0 then
     v = v * 2
   sum = sum + math.floor(v / 10) + v % 10
 return tostring((10 - (sum % 10)) % 10)


local testCases = {


} for _, CUSIP in pairs(testCases) do

 io.write(CUSIP .. ": ")
 if checkDigit(CUSIP:sub(1, 8)) == CUSIP:sub(9, 9) then


037833100: VALID
17275R102: VALID
38259P508: VALID
594918104: VALID
68389X106: INVALID
68389X105: VALID


<lang modula2>MODULE CUSIP; FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString; FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString,WriteLn,ReadChar;


   FormatString("%i", buf, n);

END WriteInt;


   i,v,sum : INTEGER;


   i := 0;
   sum := 0;
   WHILE cusip[i] # 0C DO
       IF ('0' <= cusip[i]) AND (cusip[i] <= '9') THEN
           v := ORD(cusip[i]) - 48 (* 0 *)
       ELSIF ('A' <= cusip[i]) AND (cusip[i] <= 'Z') THEN
           v := ORD(cusip[i]) - 65 (* A *) + 10
       ELSIF cusip[i] = '*' THEN
           v := 36
       ELSIF cusip[i] = '@' THEN
           v := 37
       ELSIF cusip[i] = '#' THEN
           v := 38
           RETURN -1
       IF i MOD 2 = 1 THEN v := 2 * v END;
       IF i < 8 THEN
           sum := sum + (v DIV 10) + (v MOD 10);
   IF i # 9 THEN RETURN -1 END;
   RETURN (10 - (sum MOD 10)) MOD 10

END cusipCheckDigit;


   check : INTEGER;


   check := cusipCheckDigit(cusip);
   RETURN cusip[8] = CHR(48 (* 0 *) + check)

END isValidCusip;


   IF isValidCusip(cusip) THEN
       WriteString(" : Valid")
       WriteString(" : Invalid")

END Print;

(* main *) BEGIN

   WriteString("CUSIP       Verdict");

END CUSIP.</lang>

CUSIP       Verdict
037833100 : Valid
17275R102 : Valid
38259P508 : Valid
594918104 : Valid
68389X106 : Invalid
68389X105 : Valid


<lang Nim>import strutils

proc cusipCheck(cusip: string): bool =

 if cusip.len != 9:
   return false
   sum, v = 0
 for i, c in cusip[0 ..< ^1]:
   if c.isDigit:
     v = parseInt($c)
   elif c.isUpperAscii:
     v = ord(c) - ord('A') + 10
   elif c == '*':
     v = 36
   elif c == '@':
     v = 37
   elif c == '#':
     v = 38
   if i mod 2 == 1:
     v *= 2
   sum += v div 10 + v mod 10
 let check = (10 - (sum mod 10)) mod 10
 return $check == $cusip[^1]

proc main =

 let codes = [
 for code in codes:
   echo code, ": ", if cusipCheck(code): "Valid" else: "Invalid"


037833100: Valid
17275R102: Valid
38259P508: Valid
594918104: Valid
68389X106: Invalid
68389X105: Valid


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang Objeck>class Cusip {

   function : native : IsCusip(s : String) ~ Bool {
       if(s->Size() <> 9) {
           return false;
       sum := 0;
       for(i := 0; i < 7; i+=1;) {
           c := s->Get(i);

           v : Int;
           if (c >= '0' & c <= '9') {
               v := c - 48;
           } else if (c >= 'A' & c <= 'Z') {
               v := c - 64;  # lower case letters apparently invalid
           } else if (c = '*') {
               v := 36;
           } else if (c = '@') {
               v := 37;
           } else if (c = '#') {
               v := 38;
           } else {
               return false;
           # check if odd as using 0-based indexing
           if(i % 2 = 1) {
               v *= 2;
           sum += v / 10 + v % 10;
       return s->Get(8) - 48 = (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10;

   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
       candidates := [
       each(i : candidates) {
           candidate := candidates[i];
           "{$candidate} => "->Print(); 
           if(IsCusip(candidate)) {
           else {



037833100 => correct
17275R102 => correct
38259P508 => correct
594918104 => correct
68389X106 => incorrect
68389X105 => correct


<lang perl>$cv{$_} = $i++ for '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', '*', '@', '#';

sub cusip_check_digit {

   my @cusip = split m{}xms, shift;
   my $sum = 0;
   for $i (0..7) {
       return 'Invalid character found' unless $cusip[$i] =~ m{\A [[:digit:][:upper:]*@#] \z}xms;
       $v  = $cv{ $cusip[$i] };
       $v *= 2 if $i%2;
       $sum += int($v/10) + $v%10;
   $check_digit = (10 - ($sum%10)) % 10;
   $check_digit == $cusip[8] ?  : ' (incorrect)';


my %test_data = (

   '037833100' => 'Apple Incorporated',
   '17275R102' => 'Cisco Systems',
   '38259P508' => 'Google Incorporated',
   '594918104' => 'Microsoft Corporation',
   '68389X106' => 'Oracle Corporation',
   '68389X105' => 'Oracle Corporation',


print "$_ $test_data{$_}" . cusip_check_digit($_) . "\n" for sort keys %test_data;</lang>

037833100 Apple Incorporated
17275R102 Cisco Systems
38259P508 Google Incorporated
594918104 Microsoft Corporation
68389X105 Oracle Corporation
68389X106 Oracle Corporation (incorrect)

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.01

<lang perl6>sub divmod ($v, $r) { $v div $r, $v mod $r } my %chr = (flat 0..9, 'A'..'Z', <* @ #>) Z=> 0..*;

sub cuisp-check ($cuisp where *.chars == 9) {

   my ($code, $chk) = $cuisp.comb(8);
   my $sum = [+] $ { [+] (($^k % 2 + 1) * %chr{$^v}).&divmod(10) };
   so (10 - $sum mod 10) mod 10 eq $chk;



say "$_: ", $_.&cuisp-check for < 037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105 ></lang>

037833100: True
17275R102: True
38259P508: True
594918104: True
68389X106: False
68389X105: True


<lang Phix>sequence cch = {}

function CusipCheckDigit(string cusip) integer s = 0, c, v

   if length(cch)=0 then
       cch = repeat(-1,256)
       for i='0' to '9' do
           cch[i] = i-'0'
       end for
       for i='A' to 'Z' do
           cch[i] = i-55
       end for
       cch['*'] = 36
       cch['@'] = 37
       cch['#'] = 38
   end if
   if length(cusip)!=9 or find('\0',cusip) then return 0 end if
   for i=1 to 8 do
       c := cusip[i]
       v := cch[c]
       if v=-1 then return 0 end if
       if remainder(i,2)=0 then
           v *= 2
       end if
       s += floor(v/10)+mod(v,10)
   end for
   return cusip[9]=mod(10-mod(s,10),10)+'0'

end function

sequence tests = {"037833100", -- Apple Incorporated

                 "17275R102",  -- Cisco Systems
                 "38259P508",  -- Google Incorporated
                 "594918104",  -- Microsoft Corporation
                 "68389X106",  -- Oracle Corporation   (incorrect)
                 "68389X105"}  -- Oracle Corporation

for i=1 to length(tests) do

   string ti = tests[i]
   printf(1,"%s : %s\n",{ti,{"invalid","valid"}[CusipCheckDigit(ti)+1]})

end for</lang>

037833100 : valid
17275R102 : valid
38259P508 : valid
594918104 : valid
68389X106 : invalid
68389X105 : valid


<lang PicoLisp>(de cusip (Str)

  (let (Str (mapcar char (chop Str))  S 0)
     (for (I . C) (head 8 Str)
        (let V
              ((<= 48 C 57) (- C 48))
              ((<= 65 C 90) (+ 10 (- C 65)))
              ((= C 42) 36)
              ((= C 64) 37)
              ((= C 35) 38) )
              (bit? 1 I)
              (setq V (>> -1 V)) )
              (+ (/ V 10) (% V 10)) ) ) )
        (- (last Str) 48)
        (% (- 10 (% S 10)) 10) ) ) )


        "68389X105" ) ) )</lang>



Requires Python 3.6 for the string template literal in the print statement.

<lang python>#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math

def cusip_check(cusip):

   if len(cusip) != 9:
       raise ValueError('CUSIP must be 9 characters')
   cusip = cusip.upper()
   total = 0
   for i in range(8):
       c = cusip[i]
       if c.isdigit():
           v = int(c)
       elif c.isalpha():
           p = ord(c) - ord('A') + 1
           v = p + 9
       elif c == '*':
           v = 36
       elif c == '@':
           v = 37
       elif c == '#':
           v = 38
       if i % 2 != 0:
           v *= 2
       total += int(v / 10) + v % 10
   check = (10 - (total % 10)) % 10
   return str(check) == cusip[-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

   codes = [
   for code in codes:
       print(f'{code} -> {cusip_check(code)}')

</lang> Output:

037833100 -> True
17275R102 -> True
38259P508 -> True
594918104 -> True
68389X106 -> False
68389X105 -> True

Composition of pure functions

Works with: Python version 3.7

Composing a set of pure functions, including a number of general and reusable abstractions: <lang python>CUSIP

from itertools import (cycle, islice) from functools import (reduce) from operator import (add) from enum import (Enum)

  1. isCusip :: Dict -> String -> Bool

def isCusip(dct):

   Test for the validity of a CUSIP string in the
      context of a supplied dictionary of Char values.
   def go(s):
       ns = [dct[c] for c in s if c in dct]
       return 9 == len(ns) and (
           ns[-1] == (
               10 - (
                       lambda f, x: add(*divmod(f(x), 10))
                   )(cycle([identity, double]))(
                   )) % 10
           ) % 10
   return lambda s: go(s)

  1. cusipCharDict :: () -> Dict Char Int

def cusipCharDict():

   Dictionary of integer values for CUSIP characters
   def kv(a, ic):
       i, c = ic
       a[c] = i
       return a
   return reduce(
           enumFromTo('0')('9') + (
               enumFromTo('A')('Z') + list('*&#')

  1. TEST -------------------------------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   Test for validity as a CUSIP string
       fTable(main.__doc__ + ':\n')(repr)(str)(

  1. FORMATTING ----------------------------------------------
  1. fTable :: String -> (a -> String) ->
  2. (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String

def fTable(s):

   Heading -> x display function -> fx display function ->
                    f -> xs -> tabular string.
   def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs):
       ys = [xShow(x) for x in xs]
       w = max(map(len, ys))
       return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(map(
           lambda x, y: y.rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)),
           xs, ys
   return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: lambda f: lambda xs: go(
       xShow, fxShow, f, xs

  1. GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
  1. double :: Num -> Num

def double(x):

   Wrapped here as a function for the zipWith expression
   return 2 * x

  1. enumFromTo :: Enum a => a -> a -> [a]

def enumFromTo(m):

   Enumeration of values [m..n]
   def go(x, y):
       t = type(m)
       i = fromEnum(x)
       d = 0 if t != float else (x - i)
       return list(map(
           lambda x: toEnum(t)(d + x),
           range(i, 1 + fromEnum(y))
       ) if int != t else range(x, 1 + y))
   return lambda n: go(m, n)

  1. fromEnum :: Enum a => a -> Int

def fromEnum(x):

   Index integer for enumerable value.
   return ord(x) if str == type(x) else (
       x.value if isinstance(x, Enum) else int(x)

  1. mul :: Num -> Num -> Num

def mul(x):

   Function version of (*) operator;
      a curried equivalent of operator.mul
   return lambda y: x * y

  1. identity :: a -> a

def identity(x):

   The identity function.
   return x

  1. take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
  2. take :: Int -> String -> String

def take(n):

   The prefix of xs of length n,
      or xs itself if n > length xs.
   return lambda xs: (
       if isinstance(xs, list)
       else list(islice(xs, n))

  1. toEnum :: Type -> Int -> a

def toEnum(t):

   Enumerable value from index integer
   dct = {
       int: int,
       float: float,
       str: chr,
       bool: bool
   return lambda x: dct[t](x) if t in dct else t(x)

  1. zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]

def zipWith(f):

   A list constructed by zipping with a
      custom function, rather than with the
      default tuple constructor.
   return lambda xs: lambda ys: (
       map(f, xs, ys)

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':

Test for validity as a CUSIP string:

'037833100' -> True
'17275R102' -> True
'38259P508' -> True
'594918104' -> True
'68389X106' -> False
'68389X105' -> True


<lang racket>#lang racket (require srfi/14)

(define 0-char (char->integer #\0)) (define A-char (char->integer #\A))

(define (cusip-value c)

   [(char-set-contains? char-set:digit c)
    (- (char->integer c) 0-char)]
   [(char-set-contains? char-set:upper-case c)
    (+ 10 (- (char->integer c) A-char))]
   [(char=? c #\*) 36]
   [(char=? c #\@) 37]
   [(char=? c #\#) 38]))

(define (cusip-check-digit cusip)

  (- 10
       ((i (sequence-map add1 (in-range 8))) (c (in-string cusip)))
        (let* ((v (cusip-value c)) (v′ (if (even? i) (* v 2) v)))
          (+ (quotient v′ 10) (modulo v′ 10)))) 10)) 10))

(define (CUSIP? s)

 (char=? (string-ref s (sub1 (string-length s)))
         (integer->char (+ 0-char (cusip-check-digit s)))))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)         
 (check-true (CUSIP? "037833100"))
 (check-true (CUSIP? "17275R102"))
 (check-true (CUSIP? "38259P508"))
 (check-true (CUSIP? "594918104"))
 (check-false (CUSIP? "68389X106"))
 (check-true (CUSIP? "68389X105")))</lang>

no output indicates all tests passed.



<lang rexx>/*REXX program validates that the last digit (the check digit) of a CUSIP is valid. */ @.= parse arg @.1 . if @.1== | @.1=="," then do; @.1= 037833100 /* Apple Incorporated */

                                 @.2= 17275R102       /* Cisco Systems                 */
                                 @.3= 38259P508       /* Google Incorporated           */
                                 @.4= 594918104       /* Microsoft Corporation         */
                                 @.5= 68389X106       /* Oracle Corporation (incorrect)*/
                                 @.6= 68389X105       /* Oracle Corporation            */
    do j=1  while @.j\=;   chkDig=CUSIPchk(@.j)     /*calculate check digit from func*/
    OK=word("isn't is", 1 + (chkDig==right(@.j,1) ) ) /*validate  check digit with func*/
    say 'CUSIP '    @.j    right(OK, 6)     "valid."  /*display the CUSIP and validity.*/
    end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ CUSIPchk: procedure; arg x 9; $=0; abc= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'

                                      do k=1  for 8
                                      y=substr(x, k, 1)
                                         when datatype(y,'W')  then #=y
                                         when datatype(y,'U')  then #=pos(y, abc) + 9
                                         when          y=='*'  then #=36
                                         when          y=='@'  then #=37
                                         when          y=='#'  then #=38
                                         otherwise  return 0       /*invalid character.*/
                                         end   /*select*/
                                      if k//2==0  then #=#+#       /*K even?  Double it*/
                                      $=$ + #%10 + #//10
                                      end      /*k*/
          return (10- $//10) // 10</lang>

output   when using the default input:

CUSPID  037833100     is valid.
CUSPID  17275R102     is valid.
CUSPID  38259P508     is valid.
CUSPID  594918104     is valid.
CUSPID  68389X106  isn't valid.
CUSPID  68389X105     is valid.

conciser function

<lang rexx>/*REXX program validates that the last digit (the check digit) of a CUSIP is valid. */ @.= parse arg @.1 . if @.1== | @.1=="," then do; @.1= 037833100 /* Apple Incorporated */

                                 @.2= 17275R102       /* Cisco Systems                 */
                                 @.3= 38259P508       /* Google Incorporated           */
                                 @.4= 594918104       /* Microsoft Corporation         */
                                 @.5= 68389X106       /* Oracle Corporation (incorrect)*/
                                 @.6= 68389X105       /* Oracle Corporation            */
    do j=1  while @.j\=;   chkDig=CUSIPchk(@.j)     /*calculate check digit from func*/
    OK=word("isn't is", 1 + (chkDig==right(@.j,1) ) ) /*validate  check digit with func*/
    say 'CUSIP '    @.j    right(OK, 6)     "valid."  /*display the CUSIP and validity.*/
    end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ CUSIPchk: procedure; arg x 9; $=0; abc= '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*@#'

                                     /* [↓]  if  Y  isn' found,  then POS returns zero.*/
                                   do k=1  for 8;   y=substr(x,k,1) /*get a character. */
                                   #=pos(y, abc) - 1                /*get its position.*/
                                   if #   == -1  then return 0      /*invalid character*/
                                   if k//2==  0  then #=#+#         /*K even? double it*/
                                   $=$ + #%10 + #//10
                                   end      /*k*/
         return (10-$//10) // 10</lang>

output   is the same as the idiomatic REXX version.


<lang ring>

  1. Project : CUSIP

inputstr = list(6) inputstr[1] = "037833100" inputstr[2] = "17275R102" inputstr[3] = "38259P508" inputstr[4] = "594918104" inputstr[5] = "68389X106" inputstr[6] = "68389X105" for n = 1 to len(inputstr)



func cusip(inputstr)

       if len(inputstr) != 9
           see " length is incorrect, invalid cusip"
       v = 0
       sum = 0
       for i = 1 to 8
            flag = 0
            x = ascii(inputstr[i])
            if x >= ascii("0") and x <= ascii("9")
               v = x - ascii("0")
               flag = 1
            if x >= ascii("A") and x <= ascii("Z")
               v = x - 64 
               flag = 1
            if x = ascii("*")
               v= 36
               flag = 1
            if x = ascii("@")
               v = 37
               flag = 1
            if x = ascii("#")
               v = 38
               flag = 1
            if flag = 0 
                 see " found a invalid character, invalid cusip" + nl
            if (i % 2) = 0 
                v = v * 2
            sum = sum + floor(v / 10) + v % 10
       sum = (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10
       if sum = (ascii(inputstr[9]) - ascii("0"))
          see inputstr + " is valid" + nl
          see inputstr + " is invalid" + nl

</lang> Output:

037833100 is valid
17275R102 is valid
38259P508 is valid
594918104 is valid
68389X106 is invalid
68389X105 is valid


Following pseudocode

<lang ruby>

  1. !/usr/bin/env ruby

def check_cusip(cusip)

 abort('CUSIP must be 9 characters') if cusip.size != 9
 sum = 0
 cusip.split().each_with_index do |char, i|
   next if i == cusip.size - 1
   when char.scan(/\D/).empty?
     v = char.to_i
   when char.scan(/\D/).any?
     pos = char.upcase.ord - 'A'.ord + 1
     v = pos + 9
   when char == '*'
     v = 36
   when char == '@'
     v = 37
   when char == '#'
     v = 38
   v *= 2 unless (i % 2).zero?
   sum += (v/10).to_i + (v % 10)
 check = (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10
 return 'VALID' if check.to_s == cusip.split().last


CUSIPs = %w[

 037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105


CUSIPs.each do |cusip|

 puts "#{cusip}: #{check_cusip(cusip)}"




037833100: VALID
17275R102: VALID
38259P508: VALID
594918104: VALID
68389X106: INVALID
68389X105: VALID

More concise

Since it uses methods like chain, to_h, sum, and infinite Range syntax (0..), this needs a Ruby version > 2.5 <lang Ruby> TABLE = ("0".."9").chain("A".."Z", %w(* @ #)).zip(0..).to_h

def valid_CUSIP?(str)

 sum = str[0..-2].chars.each_slice(2).sum do |c1,c2|
   TABLE[c1].divmod(10).sum + (TABLE[c2]*2).divmod(10).sum
 str[-1].to_i == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10


CUSIPs = %w(037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105) CUSIPs.each{|cusip| puts "#{cusip}: #{valid_CUSIP? cusip}"} </lang>


<lang rust>fn cusip_check(cusip: &str) -> bool {

   if cusip.len() != 9 {
       return false;
   let mut v = 0;
   let capital_cusip = cusip.to_uppercase();
   let char_indices = capital_cusip.as_str().char_indices().take(7);
   let total = char_indices.fold(0, |total, (i, c)| {
       v = match c {
           '*' => 36,
           '@' => 37,
           '#' => 38,
           _ if c.is_digit(10) => c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8,
           _ if c.is_alphabetic() => (c as u8) - b'A' + 1 + 9,
           _ => v,
       if i % 2 != 0 {
           v *= 2
       total + (v / 10) + v % 10
   let check = (10 - (total % 10)) % 10;
   (check.to_string().chars().nth(0).unwrap()) == cusip.chars().nth(cusip.len() - 1).unwrap()


fn main() {

   let codes = [
   for code in &codes {
       println!("{} -> {}", code, cusip_check(code))



037833100 -> True
17275R102 -> True
38259P508 -> True
594918104 -> True
68389X106 -> False
68389X105 -> True



See it running in your browser by ScalaFiddle (JavaScript, non JVM) or by Scastie (JVM).

<lang Scala>object Cusip extends App {

 val candidates = Seq("037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508", "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105")
 for (candidate <- candidates)
   printf(f"$candidate%s -> ${if (isCusip(candidate)) "correct" else "incorrect"}%s%n")
 private def isCusip(s: String): Boolean = {
   if (s.length != 9) false
   else {
     var sum = 0
     for (i <- 0 until 7) {
       val c = s(i)
       var v = 0
       if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') v = c - 48
       else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') v = c - 64 // lower case letters apparently invalid
       else if (c == '*') v = 36
       else if (c == '@') v = 37
       else if (c == '#') v = 38
       else return false
       if (i % 2 == 1) v *= 2 // check if odd as using 0-based indexing
       sum += v / 10 + v % 10
     s(8) - 48 == (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10



<lang snobol4>#!/usr/local/bin/snobol4 -r

  • cusip.sno
  • -- Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures
  • -r : read data placed after the end label.
  • Verify check digit and size of cusip code.
    define("cusipt()i")                  :(cusipt_end)


    chars = &digits &ucase "*@#"
    cusipt = table()
    i = 0


    chars pos(i) len(1) . c              :f(return)
    cusipt[c] = i
    i = i + 1                            :(cusipt_1)


    define("check_cusip(line)c,i")       :(check_cusip_end)


    eq(size(line), 9)                    :f(freturn)
    check_cusip = 0
    i = 0


    line pos(i) len(1) . c
    value = t[c]
    value = eq(remdr(i, 2), 1) t[c] * 2
    check_cusip = check_cusip + (value / 10) + remdr(value, 10)
    i = lt(i, 7) i + 1                   :s(check_cusip_1)
    check_cusip = remdr(10 - remdr(check_cusip, 10), 10)
    eq(substr(line, 9, 1), check_cusip)  :s(return)f(freturn)


      • main ***
    t = cusipt()

read line = input :f(end)

    check_cusip(line)                    :f(bad_cusip)
    output = line " valid."              :(read)


    output =  line " not valid."         :(read)

end 037833100 17275R102 38259P508 594918104 68389X106 68389X105 68389X10 68389X1059 68389x105</lang>

037833100 valid.
17275R102 valid.
38259P508 valid.
594918104 valid.
68389X106 not valid.
68389X105 valid.
68389X10 not valid.
68389X1059 not valid.
68389x105 not valid.


<lang swift>struct CUSIP {

 var value: String
 private static let alphabet = Array("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
 init?(value: String) {
   if value.count == 9 && String(value.last!) == CUSIP.checkDigit(cusipString: String(value.dropLast())) {
     self.value = value
   } else if value.count == 8, let checkDigit = CUSIP.checkDigit(cusipString: value) {
     self.value = value + checkDigit
   } else {
     return nil
 static func checkDigit(cusipString: String) -> String? {
   guard cusipString.count == 8, cusipString.allSatisfy({ $0.isASCII }) else {
     return nil
   let sum = cusipString.uppercased().enumerated().reduce(0, {sum, pair in
     let (i, char) = pair
     var v: Int
     switch char {
     case "*":
       v = 36
     case "@":
       v = 37
     case "#":
       v = 38
     case _ where char.isNumber:
       v = char.wholeNumberValue!
     case _:
       v = Int(char.asciiValue! - 65) + 10
     if i & 1 == 1 {
       v *= 2
     return sum + (v / 10) + (v % 10)
   return String((10 - (sum % 10)) % 10)


let testCases = [



for potentialCUSIP in testCases {

 print("\(potentialCUSIP) -> ", terminator: "")
 switch CUSIP(value: potentialCUSIP) {
 case nil:
 case _:


037833100 -> Valid
17275R102 -> Valid
38259P508 -> Valid
594918104 -> Valid
68389X106 -> Invalid
68389X105 -> Valid


Direct translation of pseudocode

<lang Tcl>proc ordinal-of-alpha {c} {  ;# returns ordinal position of c in the alphabet (A=1, B=2...)

   lsearch {_ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} [string toupper $c]


proc Cusip-Check-Digit {cusip} {  ;# algorithm Cusip-Check-Digit(cusip) is

   if {[string length $cusip] != 8} {          ;#    Input: an 8-character CUSIP
       return false
   set sum 0                                   ;#    sum := 0
   for {set i 1} {$i <= 8} {incr i} {          ;#    for 1 ≤ i ≤ 8 do
       set c [string index $cusip $i-1]        ;#       c := the ith character of cusip
       if {[string is digit $c]} {             ;#       if c is a digit then
           set v $c                            ;#          v := numeric value of the digit c
       } elseif {[string is alpha $c]} {       ;#       else if c is a letter then
           set p [ordinal-of-alpha $c]         ;#          p := ordinal position of c in the alphabet (A=1, B=2...)
           set v [expr {$p + 9}]               ;#          v := p + 9
       } elseif {$c eq "*"} {                  ;#       else if c = "*" then
           set v 36                            ;#          v := 36
       } elseif {$c eq "@"} {                  ;#       else if c = "@" then
           set v 37                            ;#          v := 37
       } elseif {$c eq "#"} {                  ;#       else if c = "#" then
           set v 38                            ;#          v := 38
       }                                       ;#       end if
       if {$i % 2 == 0} {                      ;#       if i is even then
           set v [expr {$v * 2}]               ;#          v := v × 2
       }                                       ;#       end if
       incr sum [expr {$v / 10 + $v % 10}]     ;#       sum := sum + int ( v div 10 ) + v mod 10
   }                                           ;#    repeat
   expr {(10 - ($sum % 10)) % 10}              ;#    return (10 - (sum mod 10)) mod 10

} proc check-cusip {cusip} {

   set last  [string index $cusip end]
   set cusip [string range $cusip 0 end-1]
   expr {$last eq [Cusip-Check-Digit $cusip]}


More idiomatic Tcl

<lang Tcl>proc check-cusip {code} {

   if {[string length $code] != 9} {
       return false
   set alphabet 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@#
   set code [split [string tolower $code] ""]
   foreach char $code idx {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} {
       set v [string first $char $alphabet]
       if {$v == -1} {return false}
       if {$idx % 2 == 0} {
           incr v $v
       set v [::tcl::mathop::+ {*}[split $v ""]]
       incr sum $v
   expr {$sum % 10 == 0}


Common test harness

<lang Tcl>proc test {} {

   foreach {cusip name} {
       037833100       "Apple Incorporated"
       17275R102       "Cisco Systems"
       38259P508       "Google Incorporated"
       594918104       "Microsoft Corporation"
       68389X106       "Oracle Corporation   (incorrect)"
       68389X105       "Oracle Corporation"
   } {
       puts [format %-40s%s $name [expr {[check-cusip $cusip] ? "valid" : "invalid"}]]
       puts [format %-40s%s $name [expr {[cusip-check $cusip] ? "valid" : "invalid"}]]

} test</lang>


Apple Incorporated                      valid
Cisco Systems                           valid
Google Incorporated                     valid
Microsoft Corporation                   valid
Oracle Corporation   (incorrect)        invalid
Oracle Corporation                      valid


<lang vb>Private Function Cusip_Check_Digit(s As Variant) As Integer

   Dim Sum As Integer, c As String, v As Integer
   For i = 1 To 8
       c = Mid(s, i, 1)
       If IsNumeric(c) Then
           v = Val(c)
           Select Case c
               Case "a" To "z"
                   v = Asc(c) - Asc("a") + 10
               Case "A" To "Z"
                   v = Asc(c) - Asc("A") + 10
               Case "*"
                   v = 36
               Case "@"
                   v = 37
               Case "#"
                   v = 38
               Case Else
                   Debug.Print "not expected"
           End Select
       End If
       If i Mod 2 = 0 Then v = v * 2
       Sum = Sum + Int(v \ 10) + v Mod 10
   Next i
   Cusip_Check_Digit = (10 - (Sum Mod 10)) Mod 10

End Function</lang>

037833100     is valid
17275R102     is valid
38259P508     is valid
594918104     is valid
68389X106     not valid
68389X105     is valid

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#

<lang vbnet>Module Module1

   Function IsCUSIP(s As String) As Boolean
       If s.Length <> 9 Then
           Return False
       End If
       Dim sum = 0
       For i = 0 To 7
           Dim c = s(i)
           Dim v As Integer
           If "0" <= c AndAlso c <= "9" Then
               v = Asc(c) - 48
           ElseIf "A" <= c AndAlso c <= "Z" Then
               v = Asc(c) - 64 ' Lower case letters are apparently invalid
           ElseIf c = "*" Then
               v = 36
           ElseIf c = "#" Then
               v = 38
               Return False
           End If
           If i Mod 2 = 1 Then
               v *= 2 ' check if odd as using 0-based indexing
           End If
           sum += v \ 10 + v Mod 10
       Return Asc(s(8)) - 48 = (10 - (sum Mod 10)) Mod 10
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim candidates As New List(Of String) From {
       For Each candidate In candidates
           Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", candidate, If(IsCUSIP(candidate), "correct", "incorrect"))
   End Sub

End Module</lang>

037833100 -> correct
17275R102 -> correct
38259P508 -> correct
594918104 -> correct
68389X106 -> incorrect
68389X105 -> correct


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang Yabasic>sub cusip(inputStr$)

   local i, v, sum, x$

   Print inputStr$;
   If Len(inputStr$) <> 9 Print " length is incorrect, invalid cusip" : return

   For i = 1 To 8
       x$ = mid$(inputStr$, i, 1)
       switch x$
           Case "*": v = 36 : break
           Case "@": v = 37 : break
           Case "#": v = 38 : break
               if x$ >= "A" and x$ <= "Z" then
                   v = asc(x$) - Asc("A") + 10
               elsif x$ >= "0" and x$ <= "9" then
                   v = asc(x$) - asc("0")
                   Print " found a invalid character, invalid cusip"
               end if
       End switch

       If and(i, 1) = 0 v = v * 2
       sum = sum + int(v / 10) + mod(v, 10)

   sum = mod(10 - mod(sum, 10), 10)
   If sum = asc(mid$(inputStr$, 9, 1)) - Asc("0") Then
       Print " is valid"
       Print " is invalid"
   End If

End Sub

// ------=< MAIN >=------

Data "037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508" Data "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105", ""

Print do

   Read inputStr$
   if inputStr$ = "" break

loop </lang>


<lang zkl>fcn cusipCheckDigit(cusip){

  var [const] vs=[0..9].chain(["A".."Z"],T("*","@","#")).pump(String);
     sum:=Walker.cycle(1,2).zipWith(fcn(n,c){ v:=vs.index(c)*n; v/10 + v%10 },
     ((10 - sum%10)%10 == cusip[8].toInt()) and cusip.len()==9
  }catch{ False }

}</lang> <lang zkl>foreach cusip in (T("037833100", "17275R102", "38259P508", "594918104", "68389X106", "68389X105")){

  println(cusip,": ",cusipCheckDigit(cusip));      


037833100: True
17275R102: True
38259P508: True
594918104: True
68389X106: False
68389X105: True