Sierpinski arrowhead curve

Revision as of 10:49, 27 October 2021 by rosettacode>Lacika

Produce a graphical or ASCII-art representation of a  Sierpinski arrowhead curve  of at least order  3.

Sierpinski arrowhead curve
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


Produces an Ascii Art Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve using the algorithm from the Wikipedia page.
Note that the Wikipedia algotrithm draws even order curves with the base at the top. <lang algolw>begin % draw sierpinski arrowhead curves using ascii art %

   integer CANVAS_WIDTH;
   CANVAS_WIDTH := 200;
       % the ascii art canvas and related items %
       string(1) array canvas ( 1 :: CANVAS_WIDTH, 1 :: CANVAS_WIDTH );
       integer         heading, asciiX, asciiY, width, maxX, maxY, minX, minY;
       % draw a line using ascii art - the length is ignored and the heading determines the %
       %                               character to use                                     %
       % the position is updated                                                            %
       procedure drawLine( real value length ) ;
               % stores the min and max coordinates %
               procedure updateCoordinateRange ;
                       if asciiX > maxX then maxX := asciiX;
                       if asciiY > maxY then maxY := asciiY;
                       if asciiX < minX then minX := asciiX;
                       if asciiY < minY then minY := asciiY
                   end updateCoordinateRange ;
               if      heading =   0 then begin
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "_";
                   asciiX := asciiX + 1
               else if heading =  60 then begin
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "/";
                   asciiY := asciiY - 1;
                   asciiX := asciiX + 1
               else if heading = 120 then begin
                   asciiX := asciiX - 1;
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "\";
                   asciiY := asciiY - 1
               else if heading = 180 then begin
                   asciiX := asciiX - 1;
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "_"
               else if heading = 240 then begin
                   asciiX := asciiX - 1;
                   asciiY := asciiY + 1;
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "/"
               else if heading = 300 then begin
                   asciiY := asciiY + 1;
                   canvas( asciiX, asciiY ) := "\";
                   asciiX := asciiX + 1
               end if_various_headings
           end drawLine ;
       % changes the heading by the specified angle ( in degrees ) - angle must be +/- 60 %
       procedure turn( integer value angle ) ;
           if angle > 0
           then heading := ( heading + angle ) rem 360
           else begin
                heading := heading + angle;
                if heading < 0 then heading := heading + 360
           end tuen ;
       % initialises the ascii art canvas %
       procedure initArt ;
               heading :=   0;
               asciiX  :=  CANVAS_WIDTH div 2;
               asciiY  := asciiX;
               maxX    := asciiX;
               maxY    := asciiY;
               minX    := asciiX;
               minY    := asciiY;
               for x := 1 until CANVAS_WIDTH do for y := 1 until CANVAS_WIDTH do canvas( x, y ) := " "
           end initArt ;
       % shows the used parts of the canvas %
       procedure drawArt ;
               for y := minY until maxY do begin
                   for x := minX until maxX do writeon( canvas( x, y ) )
               end for_y ;
           end drawIArt ;
       % draws a sierpinski arrowhead curve of the specified order and line length %
       procedure sierpinskiArrowheadCurve( integer value order; real value length ) ;
               % recursively draws a segment of the sierpinski arrowhead curve %
               procedure curve( integer value order; real value length; integer value angle ) ;
               if 0 = order then drawline( length )
               else begin
                   curve( order - 1, length / 2, - angle );
                   turn(  angle );
                   curve( order - 1, length / 2,   angle );
                   turn(  angle );
                   curve( order - 1, length / 2, - angle )
               end curve ;
               if not odd( order ) then begin % order is even, we can just draw the curve. %
                   curve( order, length, +60 );
               else begin % order is odd %
                   turn( +60 );
                   curve( order, length, -60 )
               end if_not_odd_order__
           end sierpinskiArrowheadCurve ;
       % draw curves %
       i_w := 1; s_w := 0; % set output formatting %
       for order := 5 do begin
           write( "Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order ", order );
           write( "=====================================" );
           sierpinskiArrowheadCurve( order, 1 );
       end for_order


Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order 5

                    / \                    
                    \ /                    
                   _/ \_                   
                  /     \                  
                  \_   _/                  
                 _  \ /  _                 
                / \_/ \_/ \                
                \         /                
               _/         \_               
              /  _       _  \              
              \_/ \     / \_/              
             _    /     \    _             
            / \   \_   _/   / \            
            \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /            
           _/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_           
          /                     \          
          \_                   _/          
         _  \                 /  _         
        / \_/                 \_/ \        
        \    _               _    /        
       _/   / \             / \   \_       
      /  _  \ /             \ /  _  \      
      \_/ \_/ \_           _/ \_/ \_/      
     _          \         /          _     
    / \        _/         \_        / \    
    \ /       /  _       _  \       \ /    
   _/ \_      \_/ \     / \_/      _/ \_   
  /     \    _    /     \    _    /     \  
  \_   _/   / \   \_   _/   / \   \_   _/  
 _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _ 
/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \


Translation of: Go

Requires Gdip Library <lang AutoHotkey>order := 7 theta := 0

curve := [] curve.curveW := 1000 curve.curveH := 1000 curve.iy := 1 := curve.curveW/2 := curve.curveH :=

arrowhead(order, curve, theta, Arr :=[]) xmin := xmax := ymin := ymax := 0 for i, point in Arr { xmin := A_Index = 1 ? point.x : xmin < point.x ? xmin : point.x xmax := point.x > xmax ? point.x : xmax ymin := A_Index = 1 ? point.y : ymin < point.y ? ymin : point.y ymax := point.y > ymax ? point.y : ymax } arrowheadX := A_ScreenWidth/2 - (xmax-xmin)/2 , arrowheadY := A_ScreenHeight/2 - (ymax-ymin)/2 for i, point in Arr points .= point.x - xmin + arrowheadX "," point.y - ymin + arrowheadY "|"

points := Trim(points, "|") gdip1() Gdip_DrawLines(G, pPen, Points) UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width, Height) return


arrowhead(order, curve, theta, Arr) { length := if (order&1 = 0) curve(order, length, theta, 60, Arr) else { theta := turn(theta, 60) theta := curve(order, length, theta, -60, Arr) } drawLine(length, theta, Arr) }


drawLine(length, theta, Arr) { global curve Arr[Arr.count()+1, "x"] := Arr[Arr.count(), "y"] := (*curve.iy+2* pi := 3.141592653589793 := + length * Cos(theta*pi/180) := + length * Sin(theta*pi/180) }


turn(theta, angle) { return theta := Mod(theta+angle, 360) }


curve(order, length, theta, angle, Arr) { if (order = 0) drawLine(length, theta, Arr) else { theta := curve(order-1, length/2, theta, -angle, Arr) theta := turn(theta, angle) theta := curve(order-1, length/2, theta, angle, Arr) theta := turn(theta, angle) theta := curve(order-1, length/2, theta, -angle, Arr) } return theta }


gdip1(){ global If !pToken := Gdip_Startup() { MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system ExitApp } OnExit, Exit Width := A_ScreenWidth, Height := A_ScreenHeight Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop Gui, 1: Show, NA hwnd1 := WinExist() hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height) hdc := CreateCompatibleDC() obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm) G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc) Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4) pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(0xFFFF0000, 2) }


gdip2(){ global Gdip_DeleteBrush(pBrush) Gdip_DeletePen(pPen) SelectObject(hdc, obm) DeleteObject(hbm) DeleteDC(hdc) Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) }


Exit: gdip2() Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ExitApp Return</lang>


This code is based on the Phix and Go solutions, but produces a file in SVG format. <lang c>// See

  1. include <math.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>

// Structure to keep track of current position and orientation typedef struct cursor_tag {

   double x;
   double y;
   int angle;

} cursor_t;

void turn(cursor_t* cursor, int angle) {

   cursor->angle = (cursor->angle + angle) % 360;


void draw_line(FILE* out, cursor_t* cursor, double length) {

   double theta = (M_PI * cursor->angle)/180.0;
   cursor->x += length * cos(theta);
   cursor->y += length * sin(theta);
   fprintf(out, "L%g,%g\n", cursor->x, cursor->y);


void curve(FILE* out, int order, double length, cursor_t* cursor, int angle) {

   if (order == 0) {
       draw_line(out, cursor, length);
   } else {
       curve(out, order - 1, length/2, cursor, -angle);
       turn(cursor, angle);
       curve(out, order - 1, length/2, cursor, angle);
       turn(cursor, angle);
       curve(out, order - 1, length/2, cursor, -angle);


void write_sierpinski_arrowhead(FILE* out, int size, int order) {

   const double margin = 20.0;
   const double side = size - 2.0 * margin;
   cursor_t cursor;
   cursor.angle = 0;
   cursor.x = margin;
   cursor.y = 0.5 * size + 0.25 * sqrt(3) * side;
   if ((order & 1) != 0)
       turn(&cursor, -60);
   fprintf(out, "<svg xmlns='' width='%d' height='%d'>\n",
           size, size);
   fprintf(out, "<rect width='100%%' height='100%%' fill='white'/>\n");
   fprintf(out, "<path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='");
   fprintf(out, "M%g,%g\n", cursor.x, cursor.y);
   curve(out, order, side, &cursor, 60);
   fprintf(out, "'/>\n</svg>\n");


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   const char* filename = "sierpinski_arrowhead.svg";
   if (argc == 2)
       filename = argv[1];
   FILE* out = fopen(filename, "w");
   if (!out) {
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
   write_sierpinski_arrowhead(out, 600, 8);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;



See: sierpinski_arrowhead.svg (offsite SVG image)


The output of this program is an SVG file. <lang cpp>#include <fstream>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <vector>

constexpr double sqrt3_2 = 0.86602540378444; // sqrt(3)/2

struct point {

   double x;
   double y;


std::vector<point> sierpinski_arrowhead_next(const std::vector<point>& points) {

   size_t size = points.size();
   std::vector<point> output(3*(size - 1) + 1);
   double x0, y0, x1, y1;
   size_t j = 0;
   for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < size; ++i, j += 3) {
       x0 = points[i].x;
       y0 = points[i].y;
       x1 = points[i + 1].x;
       y1 = points[i + 1].y;
       double dx = x1 - x0;
       output[j] = {x0, y0};
       if (y0 == y1) {
           double d = dx * sqrt3_2/2;
           if (d < 0) d = -d;
           output[j + 1] = {x0 + dx/4, y0 - d};
           output[j + 2] = {x1 - dx/4, y0 - d};
       } else if (y1 < y0) {
           output[j + 1] = {x1, y0};
           output[j + 2] = {x1 + dx/2, (y0 + y1)/2};
       } else {
           output[j + 1] = {x0 - dx/2, (y0 + y1)/2};
           output[j + 2] = {x0, y1};
   output[j] = {x1, y1};
   return output;


void write_sierpinski_arrowhead(std::ostream& out, int size, int iterations) {

   out << "<svg xmlns='' width='"
       << size << "' height='" << size << "'>\n";
   out << "<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='white'/>\n";
   out << "<path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='";
   const double margin = 20.0;
   const double side = size - 2.0 * margin;
   const double x = margin;
   const double y = 0.5 * size + 0.5 * sqrt3_2 * side;
   std::vector<point> points{{x, y}, {x + side, y}};
   for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
       points = sierpinski_arrowhead_next(points);
   for (size_t i = 0, n = points.size(); i < n; ++i)
       out << (i == 0 ? "M" : "L") << points[i].x << ',' << points[i].y << '\n';
   out << "'/>\n</svg>\n";


int main() {

   std::ofstream out("sierpinski_arrowhead.svg");
   if (!out) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot open output file\n";
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
   write_sierpinski_arrowhead(out, 600, 8);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;



See: sierpinski_arrowhead.svg (offsite SVG image)


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2020-08-14

<lang factor>USING: accessors L-system ui ;

arrowhead ( L-system -- L-system )
   L-parser-dialect >>commands
   [ 60 >>angle ] >>turtle-values
   "XF" >>axiom
       { "X" "YF+XF+Y" }
       { "Y" "XF-YF-X" }
   } >>rules ;

[ <L-system> arrowhead "Arrowhead" open-window ] with-ui</lang>

When using the L-system visualizer, the following controls apply:

Camera controls
Button Command
a zoom in
z zoom out
left arrow turn left
right arrow turn right
up arrow pitch down
down arrow pitch up
q roll left
w roll right
Other controls
Button Command
x iterate L-system


Works with: gforth version 0.7.3


<lang forth>( ASCII output with use of ANSI terminal control )

draw-line ( direction -- )
 0 of  .\" _"              endof ( horizontal right:          _          )
 1 of  .\" \e[B\\"         endof (       down right:     CUD  \          )
 2 of  .\" \e[D\e[B/\e[D"  endof (        down left: CUB CUD  /  CUB     )
 3 of  .\" \e[D_\e[D"      endof (  horizontal left:     CUB  _  CUB     )
 4 of  .\" \e[D\\\e[A\e[D" endof (          up left:     CUB  \  CUU CUB )
 5 of  .\" /\e[A"          endof (         up right:          /  CUU     )
 endcase                         ( cursor is up-right of the last point  )
turn+ 1+ 6 mod ;
turn- 1- 6 mod ;

defer curve

A-rule ( order direction -- ) turn+ 2dup 'B curve turn- 2dup 'A curve turn- 'B curve ;
B-rule ( order direction -- ) turn- 2dup 'A curve turn+ 2dup 'B curve turn+ 'A curve ;
noname ( order direction type -- )
 2 pick 0 = if drop draw-line drop exit then \ draw line when order is 0
 rot 1- rot rot
 'A = if A-rule else B-rule then
is curve

arrowhead ( order -- )
 s" Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order " type dup . cr
 s" =====================================" type cr
 0 'A curve

5 arrowhead</lang>

Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order 5 
   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _    ok
\_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ / \_/
   _/ \_    / \    _/ \_    / \    _/ \_
  /     \   \_/   /     \   \_/   /     \
  \_   _/      _  \     /  _      \_   _/
    \ /       / \_/     \_/ \       \ /
    / \       \_           _/       / \
    \_/         \         /         \_/
       _   _   _/         \_   _   _
      / \_/ \ /             \ / \_/ \
      \_    / \             / \    _/
        \   \_/             \_/   /
        /  _                   _  \
        \_/ \                 / \_/
           _/                 \_
          /                     \
          \_   _   _   _   _   _/
            \ / \_/ \ / \_/ \ /
            / \    _/ \_    / \
            \_/   /     \   \_/
               _  \     /  _
              / \_/     \_/ \
              \_           _/
                \         /
                /  _   _  \
                \_/ \ / \_/
                   _/ \_
                  /     \
                  \_   _/
                    \ /
                    / \

SVG file

<lang forth>( SVG ouput )

draw-line ( direction -- ) \ line-length=10 ; sin(60)=0.87 ; cos(60)=0.5
 0 of s" h 10"      type cr endof
 1 of s" l  5  8.7" type cr endof
 2 of s" l -5  8.7" type cr endof
 3 of s" h -10"     type cr endof
 4 of s" l -5 -8.7" type cr endof 
 5 of s" l  5 -8.7" type cr endof
turn+ 1+ 6 mod ;
turn- 1- 6 mod ;

defer curve

A-rule ( order direction -- ) turn+ 2dup 'B curve turn- 2dup 'A curve turn- 'B curve ;
B-rule ( order direction -- ) turn- 2dup 'A curve turn+ 2dup 'B curve turn+ 'A curve ;
noname ( order direction type -- )
 2 pick 0 = if drop draw-line drop exit then \ draw line when order is 0
 rot 1- rot rot
 'A = if A-rule else B-rule then
is curve
raw. ( u -- ) 0 <# #s #> type ;
 dup 1 swap lshift 10 * ( -- order image-width ) \ image-width is 2 power order
 s" sierpinski_arrowhead.svg" w/o create-file throw to outfile-id
 s" <svg xmlns='' width='" type dup raw.
 87 * 100 / ( -- order image-height ) \ image-height; sin(60)=0.87
 s" ' height='" type raw. s" '>" type cr
 s" <rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='white'/>" type cr
 s" <path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='" type cr
 s" M 0 0" type cr
 s" '/> </svg>" type cr
 outfile-id close-file throw
arrowhead ( order -- )
 outfile-id >r svg-start
 0 'A curve
 svg-end r> to outfile-id

5 arrowhead</lang>


Library: Go Graphics
Translation of: Phix

A partial translation anyway which produces a static image of a SAC of order 6, magenta on black, which can be viewed with a utility such as EOG. <lang go>package main

import (



var (

   width  = 770.0
   height = 770.0
   dc     = gg.NewContext(int(width), int(height))
   iy     = 1.0
   theta  = 0


var cx, cy, h float64

func arrowhead(order int, length float64) {

   // if order is even, we can just draw the curve
   if order&1 == 0 {
       curve(order, length, 60)
   } else {
       curve(order, length, -60)
   drawLine(length) // needed to make base symmetric


func drawLine(length float64) {

   dc.LineTo(cx-width/2+h, (height-cy)*iy+2*h)
   rads := gg.Radians(float64(theta))
   cx += length * math.Cos(rads)
   cy += length * math.Sin(rads)


func turn(angle int) {

   theta = (theta + angle) % 360


func curve(order int, length float64, angle int) {

   if order == 0 {
   } else {
       curve(order-1, length/2, -angle)
       curve(order-1, length/2, angle)
       curve(order-1, length/2, -angle)


func main() {

   dc.SetRGB(0, 0, 0) // black background
   order := 6
   if order&1 == 0 {
       iy = -1 // apex will point upwards
   cx, cy = width/2, height
   h = cx / 2
   arrowhead(order, cx)
   dc.SetRGB255(255, 0, 255) // magenta curve



<lang IS-BASIC>100 PROGRAM "Sierpin.bas" 110 OPTION ANGLE DEGREES 120 SET VIDEO MODE 1:SET VIDEO COLOUR 0:SET VIDEO X 40:SET VIDEO Y 27 130 OPEN #101:"video:" 140 DISPLAY #101:AT 1 FROM 1 TO 27 150 SET PALETTE 0,75:PLOT 1180,20,ANGLE 180; 160 CALL SIERP(560,5) 170 DO 180 LOOP WHILE INKEY$="" 190 TEXT 200 DEF CURVE(D,A,LEV) 210 IF LEV=0 THEN 220 PLOT FORWARD D; 230 ELSE 240 CALL CURVE(D/2,-A,LEV-1) 250 PLOT RIGHT A; 260 CALL CURVE(D/2,A,LEV-1) 270 PLOT RIGHT A; 280 CALL CURVE(D/2,-A,LEV-1) 290 END IF 300 END DEF 310 DEF SIERP(D,LEV) 320 CALL CURVE(D,60,LEV) 330 PLOT LEFT 60; 340 CALL CURVE(D,-60,LEV) 350 PLOT LEFT 60; 360 CALL CURVE(D,60,LEV) 370 END DEF</lang>


<lang julia>using Lindenmayer #

scurve = LSystem(Dict("F" => "G+F+Gt", "G"=>"F-G-F"), "G")


   forward = 3,
   turn = 60,
   startingy = -350,
   iterations = 8,
   startingorientation = π/3,
   filename = "sierpinski_arrowhead_curve.png",
   showpreview = true

) </lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>ClearAll[DoStep] DoStep[Line[{x_, y_}]] := Module[{diff, perp, pts},

 diff = y - x;
 perp = Cross[diff] Sqrt[3]/2;
 pts = {x, x + diff/4 + perp/2, x + 3 diff/4 + perp/2, y};
 {Line[pts[[{2, 1}]]], Line[pts[[{2, 3}]]], Line[pts[[{4, 3}]]]}

lns = {Line[{{0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0}}]}; lns = Nest[Catenate[DoStep /@ #] &, lns, 5]; Graphics[lns]</lang>


Translation of: C++

Output is an SVG file. <lang Nim>import math

const Sqrt3_2 = sqrt(3.0) / 2.0

type Point = tuple[x, y: float]

func sierpinskiArrowheadNext(points: seq[Point]): seq[Point] =

 result.setLen(3 * (points.len - 1) + 1)
 var j = 0
 for i in 0..<points.high:
   let (x0, y0) = points[i]
   let (x1, y1) = points[i + 1]
   let dx = x1 - x0
   result[j] = (x0, y0)
   if y0 == y1:
     let d = abs(dx * Sqrt3_2 / 2)
     result[j + 1] = (x0 + dx / 4, y0 - d)
     result[j + 2] = (x1 - dx / 4, y0 - d)
   elif y1 < y0:
     result[j + 1] = (x1, y0)
     result[j + 2] = (x1 + dx / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2)
     result[j + 1] = (x0 - dx / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2)
     result[j + 2] = (x0, y1)
   inc j, 3
 result[j] = points[^1]

proc writeSierpinskiArrowhead(outfile: File; size, iterations: int) =

 outfile.write "<svg xmlns='' width='", size, "' height='", size, "'>\n"
 outfile.write "<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='white'/>\n"
 outfile.write "<path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='"
 const Margin = 20.0
 let side = size.toFloat - 2 * Margin
 let x = Margin
 let y = 0.5 * size.toFloat + 0.5 * Sqrt3_2 * side
 var points = @[(x: x, y: y), (x: x + side, y: y)]
 for _ in 1..iterations:
   points = sierpinskiArrowheadNext(points)
 for i, point in points:
   outfile.write if i == 0: 'M' else: 'L', point.x, ',', point.y, '\n'
 outfile.write "'/>\n</svg>\n"

let outfile = open("sierpinski_arrowhead.svg", fmWrite) outfile.writeSierpinskiArrowhead(600, 8) outfile.close()</lang>


See output of C++ program.


<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use SVG; use List::Util qw(max min); use constant pi => 2 * atan2(1, 0);

my %rules = (

   X => 'YF+XF+Y',
   Y => 'XF-YF-X'

); my $S = 'Y'; $S =~ s/([XY])/$rules{$1}/eg for 1..7;

my (@X, @Y); my ($x, $y) = (0, 0); my $theta = 0; my $r = 6;

for (split //, $S) {

   if (/F/) {
       push @X, sprintf "%.0f", $x;
       push @Y, sprintf "%.0f", $y;
       $x += $r * cos($theta);
       $y += $r * sin($theta);
   elsif (/\+/) { $theta += pi/3; }
   elsif (/\-/) { $theta -= pi/3; }


my ($xrng, $yrng) = ( max(@X) - min(@X), max(@Y) - min(@Y)); my ($xt, $yt) = (-min(@X) + 10, -min(@Y) + 10);

my $svg = SVG->new(width=>$xrng+20, height=>$yrng+20); my $points = $svg->get_path(x=>\@X, y=>\@Y, -type=>'polyline'); $svg->rect(width=>"100%", height=>"100%", style=>{'fill'=>'black'}); $svg->polyline(%$points, style=>{'stroke'=>'orange', 'stroke-width'=>1}, transform=>"translate($xt,$yt)");

open my $fh, '>', 'sierpinski-arrowhead-curve.svg'; print $fh $svg->xmlify(-namespace=>'svg'); close $fh;</lang> See: sierpinski-arrowhead-curve.svg (offsite SVG image)


Library: Phix/pGUI

You can run this online here, and experiment with [shift] +/- as noted below.

-- demo\rosetta\Sierpinski_arrowhead_curve.exw
-- ===========================================
--  Draws curves lo to hi (simultaneously), initially {6,6}, max {10,10}, min {1,1}
--  Press +/- to change hi, shift +/- to change lo.
--  ("=_" are also mapped to "+-", for the non-numpad +/-)
with javascript_semantics
include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas

integer width, height,
        lo = 6, hi = 6
atom cx, cy, h, theta

integer iy = +1

procedure draw_line(atom l)
    cdCanvasVertex(cddbuffer, cx-width/2+h, (height-cy)*iy+2*h)
    cx += l*cos(theta*CD_DEG2RAD)
    cy += l*sin(theta*CD_DEG2RAD)
end procedure

procedure turn(integer angle)
    theta = mod(theta+angle,360)
end procedure

procedure curve(integer order, atom l, integer angle)
    if order=0 then
        curve(order-1, l/2, -angle)
        curve(order-1, l/2,  angle)
        curve(order-1, l/2, -angle)
    end if
end procedure

procedure sierpinski_arrowhead_curve(integer order, atom l)
    -- If order is even we can just draw the curve.
    if and_bits(order,1)=0 then
        curve(order, l, +60)
    else -- order is odd
        turn( +60)
        curve(order, l, -60)
    end if
end procedure

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, /*posy*/)
    {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
    for order=lo to hi do
        cx = width/2
        cy = height
        h = cx/2
        theta = 0
        iy = iff(and_bits(order,1)?-1:+1)
        cdCanvasBegin(cddbuffer, CD_OPEN_LINES)
        sierpinski_arrowhead_curve(order, cx)
    end for
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
    cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
    cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
    cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_WHITE)
    cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, CD_BLUE)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function key_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
    if find(c,"+=-_") then
        bool bShift = IupGetInt(NULL,"SHIFTKEY")
        if c='+' or c='=' then
            if bShift then
                lo = min(lo+1,hi)
                hi = min(10,hi+1)
            end if
        elsif c='-' or c='_' then
            if bShift then
                lo = max(1,lo-1)
                hi = max(lo,hi-1)
            end if
        end if
        IupSetStrAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Sierpinski arrowhead curve (%d..%d)",{lo,hi})
    end if
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

procedure main()
    canvas = IupCanvas(NULL)
    IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "770x770")
    IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))
    IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))

    dlg = IupDialog(canvas)
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Sierpinski arrowhead curve (6..6)")
    IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))

    if platform()!=JS then
    end if
end procedure



<lang java>final PVector t = new PVector(20, 30, 60);

void setup() {

 size(450, 400);
 background(0, 0, 200);
 sc(7, 400, -60, t);


PVector sc(int o, float l, final int a, final PVector s) {

 if (o > 0) {
   sc(--o, l *= .5, -a, s).z += a;
   sc(o, l, a, s).z += a;
   sc(o, l, -a, s);
 } else line(s.x, s.y, 
   s.x += cos(radians(s.z)) * l, 
   s.y += sin(radians(s.z)) * l);
 return s;

}</lang>The sketch can be run online :

Processing Python mode

<lang python>

t = { 'x': 20, 'y': 30, 'a': 60 }

def setup():

   size(450, 400)
   background(0, 0, 200)
   sc(7, 400, -60)

def sc(o, l, a, s = t, X = 'x', Y = 'y', A = 'a', HALF = .5):

   if o:
       o -= 1
       l *= HALF
       sc(o, l, -a)[A] += a
       sc(o, l, a)[A] += a
       sc(o, l, -a)
       x, y = s[X], s[Y]
       s[X] += cos(radians(s[A])) * l
       s[Y] += sin(radians(s[A])) * l
       line(x, y, s[X], s[Y])
   return s


The sketch can be run online :


<lang python> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math

def nextPoint(x, y, angle):

   a = math.pi * angle / 180
   x2 = (int)(round(x + (1 * math.cos(a))))
   y2 = (int)(round(y + (1 * math.sin(a))))
   return x2, y2

def expand(axiom, rules, level):

   for l in range(0, level):
       a2 = ""
       for c in axiom:
           if c in rules:
               a2 += rules[c]
               a2 += c
       axiom = a2
   return axiom

def draw_lsystem(axiom, rules, angle, iterations):

   xp = [1]
   yp = [1]
   direction = 0
   for c in expand(axiom, rules, iterations):
       if c == "F":
           xn, yn = nextPoint(xp[-1], yp[-1], direction)
       elif c == "-":
           direction = direction - angle
           if direction < 0:
               direction = 360 + direction
       elif c == "+":
           direction = (direction + angle) % 360
   plt.plot(xp, yp)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   # Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve L-System Definition
   s_axiom = "XF"
   s_rules = {"X": "YF+XF+Y",
              "Y": "XF-YF-X"}
   s_angle = 60
   draw_lsystem(s_axiom, s_rules, s_angle, 7)



Works with: SWI Prolog
Translation of: C

<lang prolog>main:-

   write_sierpinski_arrowhead('sierpinski_arrowhead.svg', 600, 8).

write_sierpinski_arrowhead(File, Size, Order):-

   open(File, write, Stream),
          "<svg xmlns='' width='~d' height='~d'>\n",
          [Size, Size]),
   write(Stream, "<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='white'/>\n"),
   write(Stream, "<path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='"),
   Margin = 20.0,
   Side is Size - 2.0 * Margin,
   X = Margin,
   Y is 0.5 * Size + 0.25 * sqrt(3) * Side,
   Cursor = cursor(X, Y, 0),
   (Order mod 2 == 1 -> turn(Cursor, -60, Cursor1) ; Cursor1 = Cursor),
   format(Stream, "M~g,~g", [X, Y]),
   curve(Stream, Order, Side, Cursor1, _, 60),
   write(Stream, "'/>\n</svg>\n"),

turn(cursor(X, Y, A), Angle, cursor(X, Y, A1)):-

   A1 is (A + Angle) mod 360.

draw_line(Stream, cursor(X, Y, A), Length, cursor(X1, Y1, A)):-

   Theta is (pi * A)/180.0,
   X1 is X + Length * cos(Theta),
   Y1 is Y + Length * sin(Theta),
   format(Stream, "L~g,~g", [X1, Y1]).

curve(Stream, 0, Length, Cursor, Cursor1, _):-

   draw_line(Stream, Cursor, Length, Cursor1).

curve(Stream, Order, Length, Cursor, Cursor1, Angle):-

   Order1 is Order - 1,
   Angle1 is -Angle,
   Length2 is Length/2.0,
   curve(Stream, Order1, Length2, Cursor, Cursor2, Angle1),
   turn(Cursor2, Angle, Cursor3),
   curve(Stream, Order1, Length2, Cursor3, Cursor4, Angle),
   turn(Cursor4, Angle, Cursor5),
   curve(Stream, Order1, Length2, Cursor5, Cursor1, Angle1).</lang>

See: sierpinski_arrowhead.svg (offsite SVG image)


Using an L-system.

<lang Quackery> [ $ "turtleduck.qky" loadfile ] now!

 [ stack ]                      is switch.arg (   --> [ )
 [ switch.arg put ]             is switch     ( x -->   )

 [ switch.arg release ]         is otherwise  (   -->   )

 [ switch.arg share 
   != iff ]else[ done  
   otherwise ]'[ do ]done[ ]    is case       ( x -->   )
 [ $ "" swap witheach 
     [ nested quackery join ] ] is expand     ( $ --> $ )
 [ $ "L" ]                      is L          ( $ --> $ )

 [ $ "R" ]                      is R          ( $ --> $ )

 [ $ "BLALB" ]                  is A          ( $ --> $ )

 [ $ "ARBRA" ]                  is B          ( $ --> $ )

 $ "A"
 6 times expand
   [ switch
       [ char L case [ -1 6 turn ]
         char R case [  1 6 turn ]
         otherwise   [  4 1 walk ] ] ]</lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2020.02

<lang perl6>use SVG;

role Lindenmayer {

   has %.rules;
   method succ { { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)


my $arrow = 'X' but Lindenmayer( { X => 'YF+XF+Y', Y => 'XF-YF-X' } );

$arrow++ xx 7;

my $w = 800; my $h = ($w * 3**.5 / 2).round(1);

my $scale = 6; my @points = (400, 15); my $dir = pi/3;

for $arrow.comb {

   state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
   state $d = $dir;
   when 'F' { @points.append: ($x += $scale * $d.cos).round(1), ($y += $scale * $d.sin).round(1) }
   when '+' { $d += $dir }
   when '-' { $d -= $dir }
   default { }


my $out = './sierpinski-arrowhead-curve-perl6.svg'.IO;

$out.spurt: SVG.serialize(

   svg => [
       :width($w), :height($h),
       :rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],
       :polyline[ :points(@points.join: ','), :fill<black>, :style<stroke:#FF4EA9> ],

);</lang> See: Sierpinski-arrowhead-curve-perl6.svg (offsite SVG image)


Translation of: Algol W

<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm computes and displays a Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve using the characters: \_/ */ parse arg order . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if order== | order=="," then order= 5 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ say ' Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order' order /*display the title. */ say '═════════════════════════════════════════' /* " " separator.*/ $= init() /*initialize a bunch of variables. */ if order//2 then do; call turn +60; call curve order, len, -60; end /*CURVE odd? */

            else                      call curve order, len, +60          /*CURVE even.*/
      do    row=Ly  to Hy;   a=                 /*show arrowhead graph 1 row at a time.*/
         do col=Lx  to Hx;   a= a || @.col.row  /*build a row of   "   " col  " "   "  */
         end   /*col*/;  say strip(a, 'T')      /*show  "  "   "   "     row  " "   "  */
      end      /*row*/

exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ init: @.=" "; #=0; len=512; x=len; y=x;Hx=x;Hy=y;Lx=x;Ly=y; return '@. # Hx Hy Lx Ly x y' turn: parse arg angle; #= (#+angle)//360; if #<0 then #= #+360; return /*normalize.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ curve: procedure expose ($); parse arg order,len,angle /*$: list of exposed variables*/

      if order==0  then call draw len                   /*Is ORDER zero?  Then draw it.*/
                   else do;  call curve order-1, len/2, -angle;      call turn angle
                             call curve order-1, len/2, +angle;      call turn angle
                             call curve order-1, len/2, -angle
      return                                    /*The  CURVE  function is recursive.   */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ draw: select /*draw part of the curve using a char. */

          when #==  0  then do;    @.x.y= '_';      x= x + 1;                        end
          when #== 60  then do;    @.x.y= '/';      x= x + 1;        y= y - 1;       end
          when #==120  then do;    x= x - 1;        @.x.y= '\';      y= y - 1;       end
          when #==180  then do;    x= x - 1;        @.x.y= '_';                      end
          when #==240  then do;    x= x - 1;        y= y + 1;        @.x.y= '/';     end
          when #==300  then do;    y= y + 1;        @.x.y= '\';      x= x + 1;       end
          end   /*select*/                      /*curve character is based on direction*/
      Lx= min(Lx,x);  Hx= max(Hx,x);  Ly= min(Ly,y);  Hy= max(Hy,y)  /*min&max  of  x,y*/
      return                                    /*#:  heading in degrees of the curve. */</lang>
output   when using the default input value of:     5
  Sierpinski arrowhead curve of order 5
                    / \
                    \ /
                   _/ \_
                  /     \
                  \_   _/
                 _  \ /  _
                / \_/ \_/ \
                \         /
               _/         \_
              /  _       _  \
              \_/ \     / \_/
             _    /     \    _
            / \   \_   _/   / \
            \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /
           _/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_
          /                     \
          \_                   _/
         _  \                 /  _
        / \_/                 \_/ \
        \    _               _    /
       _/   / \             / \   \_
      /  _  \ /             \ /  _  \
      \_/ \_/ \_           _/ \_/ \_/
     _          \         /          _
    / \        _/         \_        / \
    \ /       /  _       _  \       \ /
   _/ \_      \_/ \     / \_/      _/ \_
  /     \    _    /     \    _    /     \
  \_   _/   / \   \_   _/   / \   \_   _/
 _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _  \ /  _
/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \


Library: RubyGems
Library: JRubyArt

For grammar see Hilbert Curve <lang ruby> load_libraries :grammar attr_reader :points

def setup

 sketch_title 'Sierpinski Arrowhead'
 sierpinski = * 0.15, height * 0.7))
 production = sierpinski.generate 6 # 6 generations looks OK
 @points = sierpinski.translate_rules(production)


def draw

 render points


def render(points)

 stroke 200.0
 stroke_weight 3
 points.each_slice(2) do |v0, v1|


def renderer

 @renderer ||=


def settings

 size(800, 800)


  1. SierpinskiArrowhead class

class SierpinskiArrowhead

 include Processing::Proxy
 attr_reader :draw_length, :pos, :theta, :axiom, :grammar
 DELTA = PI / 3 # 60 degrees
 def initialize(pos)
   @axiom = 'XF' # Axiom
   rules = {
     'X' => 'YF+XF+Y',
     'Y' => 'XF-YF-X'
   @grammar =, rules)
   @theta = 0
   @draw_length = 200
   @pos = pos
 def generate(gen)
   @draw_length = draw_length * 0.6**gen
   grammar.generate gen
 def forward(pos)
   pos + Vec2D.from_angle(theta) * draw_length
 def translate_rules(prod)
   [].tap do |pts| # An array to store line vertices as Vec2D
     prod.scan(/./) do |ch|
       case ch
       when 'F'
         new_pos = forward(pos)
         pts << pos << new_pos
         @pos = new_pos
       when '+'
         @theta += DELTA
       when '-'
         @theta -= DELTA
       when 'X', 'Y'
         puts("character #{ch} not in grammar")




Output is a file in SVG format. Another variation on the same theme as the C, Go and Phix solutions. <lang rust>// [dependencies] // svg = "0.8.0"

const SQRT3_2: f64 = 0.86602540378444;

use svg::node::element::path::Data;

struct Cursor {

   x: f64,
   y: f64,
   angle: i32,


impl Cursor {

   fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Cursor {
       Cursor {
           x: x,
           y: y,
           angle: 0,
   fn turn(&mut self, angle: i32) {
       self.angle = (self.angle + angle) % 360;
   fn draw_line(&mut self, data: Data, length: f64) -> Data {
       let theta = (self.angle as f64).to_radians();
       self.x += length * theta.cos();
       self.y += length * theta.sin();
       data.line_to((self.x, self.y))


fn curve(mut data: Data, order: usize, length: f64, cursor: &mut Cursor, angle: i32) -> Data {

   if order == 0 {
       return cursor.draw_line(data, length);
   data = curve(data, order - 1, length / 2.0, cursor, -angle);
   data = curve(data, order - 1, length / 2.0, cursor, angle);
   curve(data, order - 1, length / 2.0, cursor, -angle)


fn write_sierpinski_arrowhead(file: &str, size: usize, order: usize) -> std::io::Result<()> {

   use svg::node::element::Path;
   use svg::node::element::Rectangle;
   let margin = 20.0;
   let side = (size as f64) - 2.0 * margin;
   let y = 0.5 * (size as f64) + 0.5 * SQRT3_2 * side;
   let x = margin;
   let mut cursor = Cursor::new(x, y);
   if (order & 1) != 0 {
   let mut data = Data::new().move_to((x, y));
   data = curve(data, order, side, &mut cursor, 60);
   let rect = Rectangle::new()
       .set("width", "100%")
       .set("height", "100%")
       .set("fill", "white");
   let mut document = svg::Document::new()
       .set("width", size)
       .set("height", size)
   let path = Path::new()
       .set("fill", "none")
       .set("stroke", "black")
       .set("stroke-width", "1")
       .set("d", data);
   document = document.add(path);
   svg::save(file, &document)


fn main() {

   write_sierpinski_arrowhead("sierpinski_arrowhead.svg", 600, 8).unwrap();



See: sierpinski_arrowhead.svg (offsite SVG image)


Uses the LSystem() class from Hilbert curve. <lang ruby>var rules = Hash(

   x => 'yF+xF+y',
   y => 'xF-yF-x',


var lsys = LSystem(

   width:  550,
   height: 500,
   xoff: -20,
   yoff: -30,
   len:   4,
   turn: -90,
   angle: 60,
   color: 'dark green',


lsys.execute('xF', 7, "sierpiński_arrowhead.png", rules)</lang> Output image: Sierpiński arrowhead


Translation of: Go
Library: DOME

<lang ecmascript>import "graphics" for Canvas, Color, Point import "dome" for Window

class Game {

   static init() {
       Window.title = "Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve"
       __width = 770
       __height = 770
       Window.resize(__width, __height)
       Canvas.resize(__width, __height)
       var order = 6
       __iy = (order&1 == 0) ? -1: 1  // apex will point upwards
       __theta = 0
       __cx = __width / 2
       __cy = __height
       __h  = __cx / 2
       __prev = +__h, (__height-__cy)*__iy + 2*__h)
       __col = Color.white
       arrowhead(order, __cx)
   static update() {}
   static draw(alpha) {}
   static arrowhead(order, length) {
       // if order is even, we can just draw the curve
       if (order&1 == 0) {
           curve(order, length, 60)
       } else {
           curve(order, length, -60)
       drawLine(length) // needed to make base symmetric
   static drawLine(length) {
       var curr = +__h, (__height-__cy)*__iy + 2*__h)
       Canvas.line(__prev.x, __prev.y, curr.x, curr.y, __col)
       var rads = __theta * Num.pi / 180
       __cx = __cx + length*(rads.cos)
       __cy = __cy + length*(rads.sin)
       __prev = curr
   static turn(angle) { __theta = (__theta + angle) % 360 }
   static curve(order, length, angle) {
       if (order == 0) {
       } else {
           curve(order-1, length/2, -angle)
           curve(order-1, length/2, angle)
           curve(order-1, length/2, -angle)



Uses Image Magick and the PPM class from <lang zkl>order:=7; sierpinskiArrowheadCurve(order) : turtle(_,order);

fcn sierpinskiArrowheadCurve(n){ // Lindenmayer system --> Data of As & Bs

  var [const] A="BF+AF+B", B="AF-BF-A";  // Production rules
  var [const] Axiom="AF";
  buf1,buf2 := Data(Void,Axiom).howza(3), Data().howza(3);  // characters
     buf1.pump(buf2.clear(),fcn(c){ if(c=="A") A else if(c=="B") B else c });
     t:=buf1; buf1=buf2; buf2=t;	// swap buffers
  buf1		// n=7 --> 6,560 characters


fcn turtle(curve,order){ // Turtle with that can turn +-60*

  const D=10.0, a60=60;
  dir:=order.isOdd and a60 or 0;	   // start direction depends on order
  img,color := PPM(1300,1200), 0x00ff00;  // green on black
  x,y := 10, 10;
  foreach c in (curve){  // A & B are no-op during drawing

case("F"){ // draw forward a,b := D.toRectangular(dir.toFloat().toRad()); img.line(x,y, (x+=a.round()),(y+=b.round()), color) } case("+"){ dir=(dir - a60)%360; } // turn left 60* case("-"){ dir=(dir + a60)%360; } // turn right 60*




Offsite image at Sierpinski arrowhead curve order 7