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<lang PHP>/* Added by @1x24. Translated from C++. Uses the PHP 7.x spaceship operator */
$data = [

Revision as of 22:26, 16 November 2020

Knapsack problem/Continuous
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A thief burgles a butcher's shop, where he can select from some items.

The thief knows the weights and prices of each items.   Because he has a knapsack with 15 kg maximal capacity, he wants to select the items such that he would have his profit maximized.   He may cut the items;   the item has a reduced price after cutting that is proportional to the original price by the ratio of masses.   That means:   half of an item has half the price of the original.

This is the item list in the butcher's shop:

Table of potential knapsack items
Item Weight (kg) Price (Value)
beef 3.8 36
pork 5.4 43
ham 3.6 90
greaves 2.4 45
flitch 4.0 30
brawn 2.5 56
welt 3.7 67
salami 3.0 95
sausage 5.9 98
Knapsack <=15 kg ?


Show which items the thief carries in his knapsack so that their total weight does not exceed 15 kg, and their total value is maximized.

Related tasks

See also


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Float_Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Knapsack_Continuous is

  package US renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

  type Item is record
     Name   : US.Unbounded_String;
     Weight : Float;
     Value  : Positive;
     Taken  : Float;
  end record;

  function "<" (Left, Right : Item) return Boolean is
     return Float (Left.Value) / Left.Weight <
            Float (Right.Value) / Right.Weight;
  end "<";

  type Item_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Item;

  function Total_Weight (Items : Item_Array) return Float is
     Sum : Float := 0.0;
     for I in Items'Range loop
        Sum := Sum + Items (I).Taken;
     end loop;
     return Sum;
  end Total_Weight;

  function Total_Value (Items : Item_Array) return Float is
     Sum : Float := 0.0;
     for I in Items'Range loop
        Sum := Sum + Float (Items (I).Value) / Items(I).Weight * Items (I).Taken;
     end loop;
     return Sum;
  end Total_Value;

  procedure Solve_Knapsack_Continuous
    (Items        : in out Item_Array;
     Weight_Limit : Float)
     -- order items by value per weight unit
     Sorting : declare
        An_Item : Item;
        J       : Natural;
        for I in Items'First + 1 .. Items'Last loop
           An_Item := Items (I);
           J       := I - 1;
           while J in Items'Range and then Items (J) < An_Item loop
              Items (J + 1) := Items (J);
              J             := J - 1;
           end loop;
           Items (J + 1) := An_Item;
        end loop;
     end Sorting;
        Rest : Float := Weight_Limit;
        for I in Items'Range loop
           if Items (I).Weight <= Rest then
              Items (I).Taken := Items (I).Weight;
              Items (I).Taken := Rest;
           end if;
           Rest := Rest - Items (I).Taken;
           exit when Rest <= 0.0;
        end loop;
  end Solve_Knapsack_Continuous;
   All_Items : Item_Array :=
    ((US.To_Unbounded_String ("beef"), 3.8, 36, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("pork"), 5.4, 43, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("ham"), 3.6, 90, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("greaves"), 2.4, 45, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("flitch"), 4.0, 30, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("brawn"), 2.5, 56, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("welt"), 3.7, 67, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("salami"), 3.0, 95, 0.0),
     (US.To_Unbounded_String ("sausage"), 5.9, 98, 0.0));


  Solve_Knapsack_Continuous (All_Items, 15.0);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Total Weight: ");
  Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Total_Weight (All_Items), 0, 2, 0);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Total Value:  ");
  Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Total_Value (All_Items), 0, 2, 0);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Items:");
  for I in All_Items'Range loop
     if All_Items (I).Taken > 0.0 then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put ("   ");
        Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (All_Items (I).Taken, 0, 2, 0);
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" of " & US.To_String (All_Items (I).Name));
     end if;
  end loop;

end Knapsack_Continuous; </lang>

Total Weight: 15.00
Total Value:  349.38
   3.00 of salami
   3.60 of ham
   2.50 of brawn
   2.40 of greaves
   3.50 of welt



  1. arr["item,weight,price"]
   for (i in arr) {
     arr[i] = tmp[3] / tmp[2] # $/unit
   sack_size = 15 # kg
   PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_num_desc"
   print("item    weight  price $/unit")
   for (i in arr) {
     if (total_weight >= sack_size) {
     weight = tmp[2]
     if (total_weight + weight <= sack_size) {
       price = tmp[3]
       msg = "all"
     else {
       weight = sack_size - total_weight
       price = weight * arr[i]
       msg = weight " of " tmp[2]
     printf("%-7s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f take %s\n",tmp[1],weight,tmp[3],arr[i],msg)
     total_price += price
     total_weight += weight
   printf("%7d %6.2f %6.2f total\n",total_items,total_weight,total_price)

} </lang>

item    weight  price $/unit
salami    3.00  95.00  31.67 take all
ham       3.60  90.00  25.00 take all
brawn     2.50  56.00  22.40 take all
greaves   2.40  45.00  18.75 take all
welt      3.50  67.00  18.11 take 3.5 of 3.7
      5  15.00 349.38 total


<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"SORTSALIB"

     Sort% = FN_sortSAinit(1, 0) : REM Descending
     nItems% = 9
     maxWeight = 15.0
     DIM items{(nItems%-1) name$, weight, price, worth}
     FOR item% = 0 TO nItems%-1
       READ items{(item%)}.name$, items{(item%)}.weight, items{(item%)}.price
       items{(item%)}.worth = items{(item%)}.price / items{(item%)}.weight
     DATA "beef", 3.8, 36, "pork", 5.4, 43, "ham", 3.6, 90
     DATA "greaves", 2.4, 45, "flitch", 4.0, 30, "brawn", 2.5, 56
     DATA "welt", 3.7, 67, "salami", 3.0, 95, "sausage", 5.9, 98
     C% = nItems% : D% = 0
     CALL Sort%, items{()}, items{(0)}.worth
     TotalWeight = 0
     TotalPrice = 0
     FOR i% = 0 TO nItems%-1
       IF TotalWeight + items{(i%)}.weight < maxWeight THEN
         TotalWeight += items{(i%)}.weight
         TotalPrice += items{(i%)}.price
         PRINT "Take all the " items{(i%)}.name$
         weight = maxWeight - TotalWeight
         price = weight * items{(i%)}.worth
         TotalWeight += weight
         TotalPrice += price
         PRINT "Take "; weight " kg of " items{(i%)}.name$
         EXIT FOR
     PRINT '"Total weight = " ; TotalWeight " kg"
     PRINT "Total price  = " ; TotalPrice


Take all the salami
Take all the ham
Take all the brawn
Take all the greaves
Take 3.5 kg of welt

Total weight = 15 kg
Total price  = 349.378379


Translation of: XPL0

The table of weights and prices are stored as strings to make them easier to edit. Two characters for the weight (with the decimal point dropped), two characters for the price, and then the name of the item. The total numbers of items (9) is specified by the first value on the stack.

<lang befunge>9:02p>:5+::::::0\g68*-55+*\1\g68*-+\0\pv>2gg!*::!2v >\`!v|:-1p\3\0p\2\+-*86g\3\*+55-*86g\2<<1v*g21\*g2< nib@_>0022p6>12p:212gg48*:**012gg/\-:0`3^+>,,55+%6v

  1. v0pg2231$$_^#`+5g20:+1g21$_+#!:#<0#<<p22<\v84,+*8<
  • >22gg+::55*6*`\55*6*-*022gg\-:55+/68*+"."^>*"fo "v

^6*55:,+55$$_,#!1#`+#*:#82#42#:g<g22:4,,,,,,," kg"< 3836beef 5443pork 3690ham 2445greaves 4030flitch 2556brawn 3767welt 3095salami 5998sausage</lang>

3.0 kg of salami
3.6 kg of ham
2.5 kg of brawn
2.4 kg of greaves
3.5 kg of welt


<lang bracmat>( ( fixed {function to convert a rational number to fixed point notation.

                           The second argument is the number of decimals. }
 =   value decimals powerOf10
   .   !arg:(?value.?decimals)
     & 10^!decimals:?powerOf10
     &   str
       $ ( div$(!value.1)
           $ (div$(!value+1/2*!powerOf10^-1.!powerOf10^-1).!powerOf10)

& (beef.38/10.36)

 : ?items

& 0:?sorteditems & whl

 ' ( !items:(?name.?mass.?price) ?items
   & (!mass*!price^-1.!mass.!name)+!sorteditems:?sorteditems

& 0:?totalMass & :?stolenItems & whl

 ' ( !sorteditems:(?massPerPriceunit.?mass.?name)+?sorteditems
   &   (!mass.!massPerPriceunit.!name) !stolenItems
     : ?stolenItems
   & !mass+!totalMass:?totalMass:~>15

& !stolenItems:(?mass.?massPerPriceunit.?name) ?stolenItems & 15+!mass+-1*!totalMass:?mass & (!mass.!massPerPriceunit.!name) !stolenItems:?stolenItems & 0:?totalPrice & ( !stolenItems

   :   ?
       ( (?mass.?massPerPriceunit.?name)
       & out$(fixed$(!mass.1) "kg of" !name)
       & !mass*!massPerPriceunit^-1+!totalPrice:?totalPrice
       & ~
 | out$(fixed$(!totalPrice.2))



3.5 kg of welt
2.4 kg of greaves
2.5 kg of brawn
3.6 kg of ham
3.0 kg of salami


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

struct item { double w, v; const char *name; } items[] = { { 3.8, 36, "beef" }, { 5.4, 43, "pork" }, { 3.6, 90, "ham" }, { 2.4, 45, "greaves" }, { 4.0, 30, "flitch" }, { 2.5, 56, "brawn" }, { 3.7, 67, "welt" }, { 3.0, 95, "salami" }, { 5.9, 98, "sausage" }, };

int item_cmp(const void *aa, const void *bb) { const struct item *a = aa, *b = bb; double ua = a->v / a->w, ub = b->v / b->w; return ua < ub ? -1 : ua > ub; }

int main() { struct item *it; double space = 15;

qsort(items, 9, sizeof(struct item), item_cmp); for (it = items + 9; it---items && space > 0; space -= it->w) if (space >= it->w) printf("take all %s\n", it->name); else printf("take %gkg of %g kg of %s\n", space, it->w, it->name);

return 0;


take all salami
take all ham
take all brawn
take all greaves
take 3.5kg of 3.7 kg of welt


<lang csharp>using System; //4790@3.6 class Program {

   static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine(knapSack(15) + "\n");
       var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
       for (int i = 1000; i > 0; i--) knapSack(15);
       Console.Write(sw.Elapsed); Console.Read();    // 0.60 µs
   static string knapSack(double w1)
       int k = w.Length; var q = new double[k];
       for (int i = 0; i < k; ) q[i] = v[i] / w[i++];
       var c = new double[k];
       Array.Copy(q, c, k); Array.Sort(c, w);
       Array.Copy(q, c, k); Array.Sort(c, v);
       Array.Sort(q, items);
       string str = "";
       for (k--; k >= 0; k--)
           if (w1 - w[k] > 0) { w1 -= w[k]; str += items[k] + "\n"; }
           else break;
       return w1 > 0 && k >= 0 ? str + items[k] : str;
   static double[] w = { 3.8, 5.4, 3.6, 2.4, 4.0, 2.5, 3.7, 3.0, 5.9 },
                   v = { 36, 43, 90, 45, 30, 56, 67, 95, 98 };
   static string[] items = {"beef","pork","ham","greaves","flitch",

}</lang> Sorting three times is expensive, an alternative is sorting once, with an indices array. <lang csharp>using System; class Program {

   static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine(knapSack(15) + "\n");
       var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
       for (int i = 1000; i > 0; i--) knapSack(15);
       Console.Write(sw.Elapsed); Console.Read();    // 0.37 µs
   static string knapSack(double w1)
       int i = 0, k = w.Length; var idx = new int[k];
           var q = new double[k];
           while (i < k) q[i] = v[i] / w[idx[i] = i++];
           Array.Sort(q, idx);
       string str = "";
       for (k--; k >= 0; k--)
           if (w1 > w[i = idx[k]]) { w1 -= w[i]; str += items[i] + "\n"; }
           else break;
       return w1 > 0 && k >= 0 ? str + items[idx[k]] : str;
   static double[] w = { 3.8, 5.4, 3.6, 2.4, 4.0, 2.5, 3.7, 3.0, 5.9 },
                   v = { 36, 43, 90, 45, 30, 56, 67, 95, 98 };
   static string[] items = {"beef","pork","ham","greaves","flitch",



<lang cpp>#include<iostream>

  1. include<algorithm>
  2. include<string.h>

using namespace std; double result; double capacity = 15; int NumberOfItems; int number;

struct items {

   char name[32];
   double weight;
   double price;
   double m;

} item[256];

bool cmp(items a,items b) {

   return a.price/a.weight > b.price/b.weight; // the compare function for the sorting algorithm


int main() { NumberOfItems=9; strcpy(item[1].name,"beef"); item[1].weight=3.8; item[1].price=36;

strcpy(item[2].name,"pork"); item[2].weight=5.4; item[2].price=43;

strcpy(item[3].name,"ham"); item[3].weight=3.6; item[3].price=90;

strcpy(item[4].name,"greaves"); item[4].weight=2.4; item[4].price=45;

strcpy(item[5].name,"flitch"); item[5].weight=4.0; item[5].price=30;

strcpy(item[6].name,"brawn"); item[6].weight=2.5; item[6].price=56;

strcpy(item[7].name,"welt"); item[7].weight=3.7; item[7].price=67;

strcpy(item[8].name,"salami"); item[8].weight=3.0; item[8].price=95;

strcpy(item[9].name,"sausage"); item[9].weight=5.9; item[9].price=98;

sort(item+1,item+NumberOfItems+1,cmp); // We'll sort using Introsort from STL

number = 1;

cout<<"Total Value = "<<result<<'\n'; cout<<"Total Weight = "<<(double)15-capacity<<'\n'; cout<<"Items Used:\n"; for(int i=1;i<=NumberOfItems;++i)

      cout<<"We took "<<item[i].m*item[i].weight<<"kg of \""<<item[i].name<<"\" and the value it brought is "<<item[i].price*item[i].m<<"\n";

return 0; }</lang>

Total Value = 349.378
Total Weight = 15
Items Used:
We took 3kg of "salami" and the value it brought is 95
We took 3.6kg of "ham" and the value it brought is 90
We took 2.5kg of "brawn" and the value it brought is 56
We took 2.4kg of "greaves" and the value it brought is 45
We took 3.5kg of "welt" and the value it brought is 63.3784

Alternate Version

<lang cpp>// C++11 version

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <algorithm>
  4. include <string>

using namespace std;

struct item_type {

   double  weight, value;
   string  name;


vector< item_type > items = {

   { 3.8, 36, "beef"    },
   { 5.4, 43, "pork"    },
   { 3.6, 90, "ham"     },
   { 2.4, 45, "greaves" },
   { 4.0, 30, "flitch"  },
   { 2.5, 56, "brawn"   },
   { 3.7, 67, "welt"    },
   { 3.0, 95, "salami"  },
   { 5.9, 98, "sausage" }


int main() {

       begin( items ), end( items ),
       [] (const item_type& a, const item_type& b)
           return a.value / a.weight > b.value / b.weight;
   double space = 15;
   for ( const auto& item : items )
       if ( space >= item.weight )
           cout << "Take all " << << endl;
           cout << "Take " << space << "kg of " << << endl;
       space -= item.weight;


Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take 3.5kg of welt


<lang Clojure>

Solve Continuous Knapsack Problem
Nicolas Modrzyk
January 2015

(def maxW 15.0) (def items

 {:beef    [3.8 36]
  :pork    [5.4 43]
  :ham     [3.6 90]
  :greaves [2.4 45]
  :flitch  [4.0 30]
  :brawn   [2.5 56]
  :welt    [3.7 67]
  :salami  [3.0 95]
  :sausage [5.9 98]})

(defn rob [items maxW]

         (- (/ (second (items key)) (first (items key )))))
       (fn[key1 key2]  
         (compare (val-item key1) (val-item key2)))
   sorted (into (sorted-map-by compare-items) items)]
 (loop [current (first sorted) 
        array (rest sorted) 
        value 0 
        weight 0]
   (let[new-weight (first (val current)) 
        new-value (second (val current))]
   (if (> (- maxW weight new-weight) 0)
       (println "Take all " (key current))
        (first array) 
        (rest array) 
        (+ value new-value)
        (+ weight new-weight)))
     (let [t (- maxW weight)] ; else
      "Take " t " of " 
      (key current) "\n"
      "Total Value is:" 
      (+ value (* t (/ new-value new-weight))))))))))

(rob items maxW) </lang>


Take all  :salami
Take all  :ham
Take all  :brawn
Take all  :greaves
Take  3.5  of  :welt 
 Total Value is: 349.3783783783784

Alternate Version

<lang Clojure> (def items

 [{:name "beef" :weight 3.8 :price 36}
  {:name "pork" :weight 5.4 :price 43}
  {:name "ham" :weight 3.6 :price 90}
  {:name "graves" :weight 2.4 :price 45}
  {:name "flitch" :weight 4.0 :price 30}
  {:name "brawn" :weight 2.5 :price 56}
  {:name "welt" :weight 3.7 :price 67}
  {:name "salami" :weight 3.0 :price 95}
  {:name "sausage" :weight 5.9 :price 98}])

(defn per-kg [item] (/ (:price item) (:weight item)))

(defn rob [items capacity]

 (let [best-items (reverse (sort-by per-kg items))]
   (loop [items best-items cap capacity total 0]
     (let [item (first items)]
       (if (< (:weight item) cap)
         (do (println (str "Take all " (:name item)))
             (recur (rest items) (- cap (:weight item)) (+ total (:price item))))
         (println (format "Take %.1f kg of %s\nTotal: %.2f monies"
                          cap (:name item) (+ total (* cap (per-kg item))))))))))

(rob items 15) </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defstruct item

 (name nil :type string)
 (weight nil :type real)
 (price nil :type real))

(defun price-per-weight (item)

 (/ (item-price item) (item-weight item)))

(defun knapsack (items total-weight)

 (loop with sorted = (sort items #'> :key #'price-per-weight)
       while (plusp total-weight)
       for item in sorted
       for amount = (min (item-weight item) total-weight)
       collect (list (item-name item) amount)
       do (decf total-weight amount)))

(defun main ()

 (let ((items (list (make-item :name "beef"    :weight 3.8 :price 36)
                    (make-item :name "pork"    :weight 5.4 :price 43)
                    (make-item :name "ham"     :weight 3.6 :price 90)
                    (make-item :name "greaves" :weight 2.4 :price 45)
                    (make-item :name "flitch"  :weight 4.0 :price 30)
                    (make-item :name "brawn"   :weight 2.5 :price 56)
                    (make-item :name "welt"    :weight 3.7 :price 67)
                    (make-item :name "salami"  :weight 3.0 :price 95)
                    (make-item :name "sausage" :weight 5.9 :price 98))))
   (loop for (name amount) in (knapsack items 15)
         do (format t "~8A: ~,2F kg~%" name amount))))</lang>
salami  : 3.00 kg
ham     : 3.60 kg
brawn   : 2.50 kg
greaves : 2.40 kg
welt    : 3.50 kg


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.string;

struct Item {

   string name;
   real amount, value;
   @property real valuePerKG() @safe const pure nothrow @nogc {
       return value / amount;
   string toString() const pure /*nothrow*/ @safe {
       return format("%10s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f",
                     name, amount, value, valuePerKG);


real sumBy(string field)(in Item[] items) @safe pure nothrow @nogc {

   return reduce!("a + b." ~ field)(0.0L, items);


void main() /*@safe*/ {

   const items = [Item("beef",    3.8, 36.0),
                  Item("pork",    5.4, 43.0),
                  Item("ham",     3.6, 90.0),
                  Item("greaves", 2.4, 45.0),
                  Item("flitch",  4.0, 30.0),
                  Item("brawn",   2.5, 56.0),
                  Item("welt",    3.7, 67.0),
                  Item("salami",  3.0, 95.0),
                  Item("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)]
                 .schwartzSort!(it => -it.valuePerKG)
   immutable(Item)[] chosen;
   real space = 15.0;
   foreach (const item; items)
       if (item.amount < space) {
           chosen ~= item;
           space -= item.amount;
       } else {
           chosen ~= Item(, space, item.valuePerKG * space);
   writefln("%10s %7s %7s %7s", "ITEM", "AMOUNT", "VALUE", "$/unit");
   writefln("%(%s\n%)", chosen);
   Item("TOTAL", chosen.sumBy!"amount", chosen.sumBy!"value").writeln;


      ITEM  AMOUNT   VALUE  $/unit
    salami    3.00   95.00   31.67
       ham    3.60   90.00   25.00
     brawn    2.50   56.00   22.40
   greaves    2.40   45.00   18.75
      welt    3.50   63.38   18.11
     TOTAL   15.00  349.38   23.29

Alternative Version

<lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.algorithm;
   static struct T { string item; double weight, price; }
   auto items = [T("beef",    3.8, 36.0),
                 T("pork",    5.4, 43.0),
                 T("ham",     3.6, 90.0),
                 T("greaves", 2.4, 45.0),
                 T("flitch",  4.0, 30.0),
                 T("brawn",   2.5, 56.0),
                 T("welt",    3.7, 67.0),
                 T("salami",  3.0, 95.0),
                 T("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)]
                .schwartzSort!q{ -a.price / a.weight };
   auto left = 15.0;
   foreach (it; items)
       if (it.weight <= left) {
           writeln("Take all the ", it.item);
           if (it.weight == left)
           left -= it.weight;
       } else
           return writefln("Take %.1fkg %s", left, it.item);


Take all the salami
Take all the ham
Take all the brawn
Take all the greaves
Take 3.5kg welt


<lang scheme> (lib 'struct) (lib 'sql) ;; for table

(define T (make-table (struct meal (name poids price))))

(define meals

 '((🐂-beef 	3.8 	36)
   (🍖-pork 	5.4 	43)
   (🍗-ham 	3.6 	90)
   (🐪-greaves 	2.4 	45)
   (flitch 	4.0 	30)
   (brawn 	2.5 	56)
   (welt 	3.7 	67)
   (🐃--salami 	3.0 	95)
   (🐖-sausage 	5.9 	98)))

(list->table meals T)

sort table according to best price/poids ratio

(define (price/poids a b ) (- (// (* (meal-price b) (meal-poids a)) (meal-price a) (meal-poids b)) 1)) (table-sort T price/poids)

(define-syntax-rule (name i) (table-xref T i 0)) (define-syntax-rule (poids i) (table-xref T i 1))

add items in basket, in order, until W exhausted

(define (shop W ) (for/list ((i (table-count T))) #:break (<= W 0) (begin0 (cons (name i) (if (<= (poids i) W) 'all W)) (set! W (- W (poids i))))))


(shop 15)

  → ((🐃--salami . all) (🍗-ham . all) (brawn . all) (🐪-greaves . all) (welt . 3.5))



<lang Eiffel> class CONTINUOUS_KNAPSACK

create make


make local tup: TUPLE [name: STRING; weight: REAL_64; price: REAL_64] do create tup create items.make_filled (tup, 1, 9) create sorted.make sorted.extend (-36.0 / 3.8) sorted.extend (-43.0 / 5.4) sorted.extend (-90.0 / 3.6) sorted.extend (-45.0 / 2.4) sorted.extend (-30.0 / 4.0) sorted.extend (-56.0 / 2.5) sorted.extend (-67.0 / 3.7) sorted.extend (-95.0 / 3.0) sorted.extend (-98.0 / 5.9) tup := ["beef", 3.8, 36.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["pork", 5.4, 43.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["ham", 3.6, 90.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["greaves", 2.4, 45.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["flitch", 4.0, 30.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["brawn", 2.5, 56.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["welt", 3.7, 67.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["salami", 3.0, 95.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup tup := ["sausage", 5.9, 98.0] items [sorted.index_of (- tup.price / tup.weight, 1)] := tup find_solution end

find_solution -- Solution for the continuous Knapsack Problem. local maxW, value: REAL_64 do maxW := 15 across items as c loop if maxW - c.item.weight > 0 then io.put_string ("Take all: " + + ".%N") value := value + c.item.price maxW := maxW - c.item.weight elseif maxW /= 0 then io.put_string ("Take " + maxW.truncated_to_real.out + " kg off " + + ".%N") io.put_string ("The total value is " + (value + (c.item.price / c.item.weight) * maxW).truncated_to_real.out + ".") maxW := 0 end end end

items: ARRAY [TUPLE [name: STRING; weight: REAL_64; price: REAL_64]]


end </lang>

Take all: salami.
Take all: ham.
Take all: brawn.
Take all: greaves.
Take 3.5kg off welt.
The total value is 349.378


Translation of: Erlang

<lang elixir>defmodule KnapsackProblem do

 def select( max_weight, items ) do
   Enum.sort_by( items, fn {_name, weight, price} -> - price / weight end )
   |> Enum.reduce( {max_weight, []}, &select_until/2 )
   |> elem(1)
   |> Enum.reverse
 def task( items, max_weight ) do
   IO.puts "The robber takes the following to maximize the value"
   Enum.each( select( max_weight, items ), fn {name, weight} ->
     :io.fwrite("~.2f of ~s~n", [weight, name])
   end )
 defp select_until( {name, weight, _price}, {remains, acc} ) when remains > 0 do
   selected_weight = select_until_weight( weight, remains )
   {remains - selected_weight, [{name, selected_weight} | acc]}
 defp select_until( _item, acc ), do: acc
 defp select_until_weight( weight, remains ) when weight < remains, do: weight
 defp select_until_weight( _weight, remains ), do: remains


items = [ {"beef", 3.8, 36},

         {"pork",    5.4, 43},
         {"ham",     3.6, 90},
         {"greaves", 2.4, 45},
         {"flitch",  4.0, 30},
         {"brawn",   2.5, 56},
         {"welt",    3.7, 67},
         {"salami",  3.0, 95},
         {"sausage", 5.9, 98} ]

KnapsackProblem.task( items, 15 )</lang>

The robber takes the following to maximize the value
3.00 of salami
3.60 of ham
2.50 of brawn
2.40 of greaves
3.50 of welt

Alternate Version

Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule KnapsackProblem do

 def continuous(items, max_weight) do
   Enum.sort_by(items, fn {_item, {weight, price}} -> -price / weight end)
   |> Enum.reduce_while({max_weight,0}, fn {item, {weight, price}}, {rest, value} ->
        if rest > weight do
          IO.puts "Take all #{item}"
          {:cont, {rest - weight, value + price}}
          :io.format "Take ~.3fkg of ~s~n~n", [rest, item]
          :io.format "Total value of swag is ~.2f~n", [value + rest*price/weight]
          {:halt, :ok}
   |> case do
        {weight, value} ->
            :io.format "Total:  weight ~.3fkg, value ~p~n", [max_weight-weight, value]
        x -> x


items = [ beef: {3.8, 36},

         pork:    {5.4, 43},
         ham:     {3.6, 90},
         greaves: {2.4, 45},
         flitch:  {4.0, 30},
         brawn:   {2.5, 56},
         welt:    {3.7, 67},
         salami:  {3.0, 95},
         sausage: {5.9, 98} ]

KnapsackProblem.continuous( items, 15 )</lang>

Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take 3.500kg of welt

Total value of swag is 349.38


Note use of lists:foldr/2, since sort is ascending. <lang Erlang> -module( knapsack_problem_continuous ).

-export( [price_per_weight/1, select/2, task/0] ).

price_per_weight( Items ) -> [{Name, Weight, Price / Weight} || {Name, Weight, Price} <-Items].

select( Max_weight, Items ) -> {_Remains, Selected_items} = lists:foldr( fun select_until/2, {Max_weight, []}, lists:keysort(3, Items) ), Selected_items.

task() -> Items = items(), io:fwrite( "The robber takes the following to maximize the value~n" ), [io:fwrite("~.2f of ~p~n", [Weight, Name]) || {Name, Weight} <- select( 15, price_per_weight(Items) )].

items() -> [{"beef", 3.8, 36}, {"pork", 5.4, 43}, {"ham", 3.6, 90}, {"greaves", 2.4, 45}, {"flitch", 4.0, 30}, {"brawn", 2.5, 56}, {"welt", 3.7 , 67}, {"salami", 3.0, 95}, {"sausage", 5.9 , 98} ].

select_until( {Name, Weight, _Price}, {Remains, Acc} ) when Remains > 0 -> Selected_weight = select_until_weight( Weight, Remains ), {Remains - Selected_weight, [{Name, Selected_weight} | Acc]}; select_until( _Item, Acc ) -> Acc.

select_until_weight( Weight, Remains ) when Weight < Remains -> Weight; select_until_weight( _Weight, Remains ) -> Remains. </lang>

11> knapsack_problem_continuous:task().
The robber takes the following to maximize the value
3.50 of "welt"
2.40 of "greaves"
2.50 of "brawn"
3.60 of "ham"
3.00 of "salami"


<lang fsharp> //Fill a knapsack optimally - Nigel Galloway: February 1st., 2015 let items = [("beef", 3.8, 36);("pork", 5.4, 43);("ham", 3.6, 90);("greaves", 2.4, 45);("flitch" , 4.0, 30);("brawn", 2.5, 56);("welt", 3.7, 67);("salami" , 3.0, 95);("sausage", 5.9, 98)]

           |> List.sortBy(fun(_,weight,value) -> float(-value)/weight) 

let knap items maxW=

 let rec take(n,g,a) = 
   match g with
     | i::e -> let name, weight, value = i
               let total = n + weight
               if total <= maxW then 
                 printfn "Take all %s" name
                 take(total, e, a+float(value))
                 printfn "Take %0.2f kg of %s\nTotal value of swag is %0.2f" (maxW - n) name (a + (float(value)/weight)*(maxW - n))
     | []   -> printfn "Everything taken! Total value of swag is £%0.2f; Total weight of bag is %0.2fkg" a n
 take(0.0, items, 0.0)


> knap items 15.0;;
Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take 3.50kg of welt
Total value of swag is £349.38

Should your burglar be greedy, he may bring a bigger bag.

> knap items 100.0;;
Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take all welt
Take all sausage
Take all beef
Take all pork
Take all flitch
Everything taken! Total value of swag is £560.00; Total weight of bag is 34.30kg


Translation of: D
Works with: 4tH version 3.62.0

<lang forth>include lib/selcsort.4th \ use a tiny sorting algorithm

150 value left \ capacity in 1/10th kilo

create items \ list of items

 ," beef"     38 , 3600 ,             \ description, weight, price (cents)
 ," pork"     54 , 4300 ,             \ weight in 1/10 kilo
 ," ham"      36 , 9000 ,
 ," greaves"  24 , 4500 ,
 ," flitch"   40 , 3000 ,
 ," brawn"    25 , 5600 ,
 ," welt"     37 , 6700 ,
 ," salami"   30 , 9500 ,
 ," sausage"  59 , 9800 ,
 here items - 3 / constant #items     \ total number of items
redo items swap 3 cells * + ; \ calculate address of record
  1. items array (items) \ array for sorting
                                      ( a -- n)
price/weight dup 2 cells + @c swap cell+ @c / ;
weight@ @ cell+ @c ; ( a -- n)
.item @ @c count type cr ; ( a --)
                                      \ how to sort: on price/weight
noname >r price/weight r> price/weight > ; is precedes
knapsack ( --)
 (items) dup #items dup 0 ?do i items (items) i th ! loop sort
 begin                                \ use the sorted array
    dup weight@ left <=               \ still room in the knapsack?
    ." Take all of the " dup .item    \ take all of the item
    left over weight@ - to left cell+ \ adjust knapsack, increment item
 repeat left 100 * dup                \ so how much is left?
                                      \ if room, take as much as possible
 if ." Take " . ." grams of the " .item else drop drop then



Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>program KNAPSACK_CONTINUOUS

 implicit none

 real, parameter :: maxweight = 15.0
 real :: total_weight = 0, total_value = 0, frac
 integer :: i, j
 type Item
   character(7) :: name
   real :: weight
   real :: value
 end type Item
 type(Item) :: items(9), temp
 items(1) = Item("beef",    3.8, 36.0)
 items(2) = Item("pork",    5.4, 43.0)
 items(3) = Item("ham",     3.6, 90.0)
 items(4) = Item("greaves", 2.4, 45.0)
 items(5) = Item("flitch",  4.0, 30.0)
 items(6) = Item("brawn",   2.5, 56.0)
 items(7) = Item("welt",    3.7, 67.0)
 items(8) = Item("salami",  3.0, 95.0)
 items(9) = Item("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)
 ! sort items in descending order of their value per unit weight
 do i = 2, size(items)
    j = i - 1
    temp = items(i)
    do while (j>=1 .and. items(j)%value / items(j)%weight < temp%value / temp%weight)
      items(j+1) = items(j)
      j = j - 1
    end do
   items(j+1) = temp
 end do

 i = 0
 write(*, "(a4, a13, a6)") "Item", "Weight", "Value"
 do while(i < size(items) .and. total_weight < maxweight)
   i = i + 1
   if(total_weight+items(i)%weight < maxweight) then
     total_weight = total_weight + items(i)%weight
     total_value = total_value + items(i)%value
     write(*, "(a7, 2f8.2)") items(i)
     frac = (maxweight-total_weight) / items(i)%weight
     total_weight = total_weight + items(i)%weight * frac
     total_value = total_value + items(i)%value * frac
     write(*, "(a7, 2f8.2)") items(i)%name, items(i)%weight * frac, items(i)%value * frac
   end if 
 end do
 write(*, "(f15.2, f8.2)") total_weight, total_value

end program KNAPSACK_CONTINUOUS</lang>


<lang APL>⍝ Data Items←'beef' 'pork' 'ham' 'greaves' 'flitch' 'brawn' 'welt' 'salami' 'sausage' Weights←3.8 5.4 3.6 2.4 4 2.5 3.7 3 5.9 Prices←36 43 90 45 30 56 67 95 98

⍝ Solution Order←⍒Worth←Prices÷Weights ⍝ 'Worth' is each item value for 1 kg. diff←{¯1↓(⍵,0)-0,⍵} ⍝ 'diff' between each item and the prev item (the inverse of '+\'). Filter←×Selected←diff 15⌊+\Weights[Order] ⍝ 'Selected' weights totaling 15kg, others 0. Table←⊃{⍺,⍪⍵}/Items Weights Selected[⍋Order] Take←Filter[⍋Order]/[1]Table TotalCost←+/Prices×Selected[⍋Order]÷Weights

⍝ Output ⎕←'ITEM' 'WEIGHT AVAILABLE' 'WEIGHT SELECTED' ⍪ Take ⎕← ⎕←'total cost:' TotalCost </lang>

 ham                    3.6               3.6
 greaves                2.4               2.4
 brawn                  2.5               2.5
 welt                   3.7               3.5
 salami                 3                 3

 total cost: 349.3783784


<lang go>package main

import (



type item struct {

   item   string
   weight float64
   price  float64


type items []item

var all = items{

   {"beef", 3.8, 36},
   {"pork", 5.4, 43},
   {"ham", 3.6, 90},
   {"greaves", 2.4, 45},
   {"flitch", 4.0, 30},
   {"brawn", 2.5, 56},
   {"welt", 3.7, 67},
   {"salami", 3.0, 95},
   {"sausage", 5.9, 98},


// satisfy sort interface func (z items) Len() int { return len(z) } func (z items) Swap(i, j int) { z[i], z[j] = z[j], z[i] } func (z items) Less(i, j int) bool {

   return z[i].price/z[i].weight > z[j].price/z[j].weight


func main() {

   left := 15.
   for _, i := range all {
       if i.weight <= left {
           fmt.Println("take all the", i.item)
           if i.weight == left {
           left -= i.weight
       } else {
           fmt.Printf("take %.1fkg %s\n", left, i.item)

}</lang> Output:

take all the salami
take all the ham
take all the brawn
take all the greaves
take 3.5kg welt


Solution: obvious greedy algorithm <lang groovy>import static java.math.RoundingMode.*

def knapsackCont = { list, maxWeight = 15.0 ->

   list.sort{ it.weight / it.value }
   def remainder = maxWeight
   List sack = []
   for (item in list) {
       if (item.weight < remainder) {
           sack << [name:, weight: item.weight,
                       value: (item.value as BigDecimal).setScale(2, HALF_UP)]
       } else {
           sack << [name:, weight: remainder,
                       value: (item.value * remainder / item.weight).setScale(2, HALF_UP)]
       remainder -= item.weight


Test: <lang groovy>def possibleItems = [

   [name:'beef',    weight:3.8, value:36],
   [name:'pork',    weight:5.4, value:43],
   [name:'ham',     weight:3.6, value:90],
   [name:'greaves', weight:2.4, value:45],
   [name:'flitch',  weight:4.0, value:30],
   [name:'brawn',   weight:2.5, value:56],
   [name:'welt',    weight:3.7, value:67],
   [name:'salami',  weight:3.0, value:95],
   [name:'sausage', weight:5.9, value:98],


def contents = knapsackCont(possibleItems) println "Total Value: ${contents*.value.sum()}" contents.each {

   printf("    name: %-7s  weight: ${it.weight}  value: ${it.value}\n",



Total Value: 349.38
    name: salami   weight: 3.0  value: 95.00
    name: ham      weight: 3.6  value: 90.00
    name: brawn    weight: 2.5  value: 56.00
    name: greaves  weight: 2.4  value: 45.00
    name: welt     weight: 3.5  value: 63.38


We use a greedy algorithm.

<lang haskell>import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Text.Printf (printf) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)

maxWgt :: Rational maxWgt = 15

data Bounty = Bounty

 { itemName :: String
 , itemVal, itemWgt :: Rational

items :: [Bounty] items =

 [ Bounty "beef" 36 3.8
 , Bounty "pork" 43 5.4
 , Bounty "ham" 90 3.6
 , Bounty "greaves" 45 2.4
 , Bounty "flitch" 30 4.0
 , Bounty "brawn" 56 2.5
 , Bounty "welt" 67 3.7
 , Bounty "salami" 95 3.0
 , Bounty "sausage" 98 5.9

solution :: [(Rational, Bounty)] solution = g maxWgt $ sortBy (flip $ comparing f) items

   g room (b@(Bounty _ _ w):bs) =
     if w < room
       then (w, b) : g (room - w) bs
       else [(room, b)]
   f (Bounty _ v w) = v / w

main :: IO () main = do

 forM_ solution $ \(w, b) -> printf "%s kg of %s\n" (mixedNum w) (itemName b)
 (printf "Total value: %s\n" . mixedNum . sum) $ f <$> solution
   f (w, Bounty _ v wtot) = v * (w / wtot)
   mixedNum q =
     if b == 0
       then show a
       else printf "%d %d/%d" a (numerator b) (denominator b)
       a = floor q
       b = q - toEnum a</lang>
3 kg of salami
3 3/5 kg of ham
2 1/2 kg of brawn
2 2/5 kg of greaves
3 1/2 kg of welt
Total value: 349 14/37

Or similar to above (but more succinct): <lang haskell>import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Text.Printf (printf)

-- (name, (value, weight)) items =

 [ ("beef", (36, 3.8))
 , ("pork", (43, 5.4))
 , ("ham", (90, 3.6))
 , ("greaves", (45, 2.4))
 , ("flitch", (30, 4.0))
 , ("brawn", (56, 2.5))
 , ("welt", (67, 3.7))
 , ("salami", (95, 3.0))
 , ("sausage", (98, 5.9))

unitWeight (_, (val, weight)) = fromIntegral val / weight

solution k = loop k . sortBy (flip $ comparing unitWeight)

   loop k ((name, (_, weight)):xs)
     | weight < k = putStrLn ("Take all the " ++ name) >> loop (k - weight) xs
     | otherwise = printf "Take %.2f kg of the %s\n" (k :: Float) name

main = solution 15 items</lang>

Take all the salami
Take all the ham
Take all the brawn
Take all the greaves
Take 3.50 kg of the welt

Icon and Unicon

This implements the greedy algorithm. This also uses a Unicon extension to reverse which reverses a list. In Icon, an IPL procedure is available to do the same. <lang Icon>link printf

procedure main() room := 15 every (x := !(choices := get_items())).uprice := x.price / x.weight choices := reverse(sortf(choices,4))

every (value := 0, x := !choices) do {

  if x.weight <= room then {
     printf("Take all of the %s (%r kg) worth $%r\n",,x.weight,x.price)
     value +:= x.price
     room -:= x.weight      
  else {
     fvalue := x.uprice * room  
     printf("Take (%r kg) of the %s worth $%r\n",room,,fvalue)
     value +:= fvalue

} printf("Total value of a full knapsack is $%r\n",value) end

record item(name,weight,price,uprice)

procedure get_items()

  return [  item("beef", 3.8, 36),
            item("pork", 5.4, 43),
            item("ham", 3.6, 90),
            item("greaves", 2.4, 45),
            item("flitch", 4.0, 30),
            item("brawn", 2.5, 56),
            item("welt", 3.7, 67),
            item("salami", 3.0, 95),
            item("sausage", 5.9, 98) ]


printf.icn provides printf


Take all of the salami (3.000000 kg) worth $95.000000
Take all of the ham (3.600000 kg) worth $90.000000
Take all of the brawn (2.500000 kg) worth $56.000000
Take all of the greaves (2.400000 kg) worth $45.000000
Take (3.500000 kg) of the welt worth $63.378378
Total value of a full knapsack is $349.378378


We take as much as we can of the most valuable items first, and continue until we run out of space. Only one item needs to be cut.

<lang J>'names numbers'=:|:;:;._2]0 :0 beef 3.8 36 pork 5.4 43 ham 3.6 90 greaves 2.4 45 flitch 4.0 30 brawn 2.5 56 welt 3.7 67 salami 3.0 95 sausage 5.9 98 ) 'weights prices'=:|:".numbers order=: \:prices%weights take=: 15&<.&.(+/\) order{weights result=: (*take)#(order{names),.' ',.":,.take</lang>

This gives the result:

salami    3
ham     3.6
brawn   2.5
greaves 2.4
welt    3.5

For a total value of: <lang J> +/prices * (take/:order) % weights 349.378</lang>

See Knapsack_problem/Continuous/J for some comments on intermediate results...


Greedy solution.

<lang java> package hu.pj.alg.test;

import hu.pj.alg.ContinuousKnapsack; import hu.pj.obj.Item; import java.util.*; import java.text.*;

public class ContinousKnapsackForRobber {

   final private double tolerance = 0.0005;
   public ContinousKnapsackForRobber() {
       ContinuousKnapsack cok = new ContinuousKnapsack(15); // 15 kg
       // making the list of items that you want to bring
       cok.add("beef",     3.8, 36); // marhahús
       cok.add("pork",     5.4, 43); // disznóhús
       cok.add("ham",      3.6, 90); // sonka
       cok.add("greaves",  2.4, 45); // tepertő
       cok.add("flitch",   4.0, 30); // oldalas
       cok.add("brawn",    2.5, 56); // disznósajt
       cok.add("welt",     3.7, 67); // hurka
       cok.add("salami",   3.0, 95); // szalámi
       cok.add("sausage",  5.9, 98); // kolbász
       // calculate the solution:
       List<Item> itemList = cok.calcSolution();
       // write out the solution in the standard output
       if (cok.isCalculated()) {
           NumberFormat nf  = NumberFormat.getInstance();
               "Maximal weight           = " +
               nf.format(cok.getMaxWeight()) + " kg"
               "Total weight of solution = " +
               nf.format(cok.getSolutionWeight()) + " kg"
               "Total value (profit)     = " +
               "You can carry the following materials " +
               "in the knapsack:"
           for (Item item : itemList) {
               if (item.getInKnapsack() > tolerance) {
                       "%1$-10s %2$-15s %3$-15s \n",
                       nf.format(item.getInKnapsack()) + " kg ",
                       "(value = " + nf.format(item.getInKnapsack() *
                                               (item.getValue() / item.getWeight())) + ")"
       } else {
               "The problem is not solved. " +
               "Maybe you gave wrong data."
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       new ContinousKnapsackForRobber();

} // class</lang>

<lang java> package hu.pj.alg;

import hu.pj.obj.Item; import java.util.*;

public class ContinuousKnapsack {

   protected List<Item> itemList   = new ArrayList<Item>();
   protected double maxWeight      = 0;
   protected double solutionWeight = 0;
   protected double profit         = 0;
   protected boolean calculated    = false;
   public ContinuousKnapsack() {}
   public ContinuousKnapsack(double _maxWeight) {
   public List<Item> calcSolution() {
       int n = itemList.size();
       if (n > 0  &&  maxWeight > 0) {
           for (int i = 0; (maxWeight - solutionWeight) > 0.0  &&  i < n; i++) {
               Item item = itemList.get(i);
               if (item.getWeight() >= (maxWeight - solutionWeight)) {
                   item.setInKnapsack(maxWeight - solutionWeight);
                   solutionWeight = maxWeight;
                   profit += item.getInKnapsack() / item.getWeight() * item.getValue();
               } else {
                   solutionWeight += item.getInKnapsack();
                   profit += item.getValue();
           calculated = true;
       return itemList;
   // add an item to the item list
   public void add(String name, double weight, double value) {
       if (name.equals(""))
           name = "" + (itemList.size() + 1);
       itemList.add(new Item(name, weight, value));
   public double getMaxWeight() {return maxWeight;}
   public double getProfit() {return profit;}
   public double getSolutionWeight() {return solutionWeight;}
   public boolean isCalculated() {return calculated;}
   public void setMaxWeight(double _maxWeight) {
       maxWeight = Math.max(_maxWeight, 0);
   // set the member with name "inKnapsack" by all items:
   private void setInKnapsackByAll(double inKnapsack) {
       for (Item item : itemList)
   // set the data members of class in the state of starting the calculation:
   protected void setInitialStateForCalculation() {
       calculated     = false;
       profit         = 0.0;
       solutionWeight = 0.0;

} // class</lang>

<lang java> package hu.pj.obj;

public class Item implements Comparable {

   protected String name       = "";
   protected double weight     = 0;
   protected double value      = 0;
   protected double inKnapsack = 0; // the weight of item in solution
   public Item() {}
   public Item(Item item) {
   public Item(double _weight, double _value) {
   public Item(String _name, double _weight, double _value) {
   public void setName(String _name) {name = _name;}
   public void setWeight(double _weight) {weight = Math.max(_weight, 0);}
   public void setValue(double _value) {value = Math.max(_value, 0);}
   public void setInKnapsack(double _inKnapsack) {
       inKnapsack = Math.max(_inKnapsack, 0);
   public void checkMembers() {
   public String getName() {return name;}
   public double getWeight() {return weight;}
   public double getValue() {return value;}
   public double getInKnapsack() {return inKnapsack;}
   // implementing of Comparable interface:
   public int compareTo(Object item) {
       int result = 0;
       Item i2 = (Item)item;
       double rate1 = value / weight;
       double rate2 = i2.value / i2.weight;
       if (rate1 > rate2) result = -1;  // if greater, put it previously
       else if (rate1 < rate2) result = 1;
       return result;

} // class</lang>


Maximal weight           = 15 kg
Total weight of solution = 15 kg
Total value (profit)     = 349,378

You can carry the following materials in the knapsack:
3 kg       salami          (value = 95)    
3,6 kg     ham             (value = 90)    
2,5 kg     brawn           (value = 56)    
2,4 kg     greaves         (value = 45)    
3,5 kg     welt            (value = 63,378)


Works with: jq version 1.4

<lang jq># continuous_knapsack(W) expects the input to be

  1. an array of objects {"name": _, "weight": _, "value": _}
  2. where "value" is the value of the given weight of the object.

def continuous_knapsack(W):

 map( .price = (if .weight > 0 then (.value/.weight) else 0 end) )
 | sort_by( .price )
 | reverse
 | reduce .[] as $item
     # state: [array, capacity]
     ([[], W];
      .[1] as $c
      | if $c <= 0 then .
        else ( [$item.weight, $c] | min) as $min
             | [.[0] + [ $item | (.weight = $min) | .value = (.price * $min)], 
               ($c - $min) ]
 | .[1] as $remainder
 | .[0]
 | (.[] | {name, weight}),
   "Total value: \( map(.value) | add)",
   "Total weight: \(W - $remainder)" ;</lang>

The task: <lang jq>def items: [

{ "name": "beef",    "weight":  3.8, "value": 36},
{ "name": "pork",    "weight":  5.4, "value": 43},
{ "name": "ham",     "weight":  3.6, "value": 90},
{ "name": "greaves", "weight":  2.4, "value": 45},
{ "name": "flitch",  "weight":  4.0, "value": 30},
{ "name": "brawn",   "weight":  2.5, "value": 56},
{ "name": "welt",    "weight":  3.7, "value": 67},
{ "name": "salami",  "weight":  3.0, "value": 95},
{ "name": "sausage", "weight":  5.9, "value": 98} ];

items | continuous_knapsack(15)</lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -r -c -n -f knapsack_continuous.jq {"name":"salami","weight":3} {"name":"ham","weight":3.6} {"name":"brawn","weight":2.5} {"name":"greaves","weight":2.4} {"name":"welt","weight":3.5000000000000004} Total value: 349.3783783783784 Total weight: 15</lang>


This solution is built around the immutable type KPCSupply, which holds an item's data including its unit value (uvalue). When the store's inventory is kept in this way, the solution to the continuous knapsack problem (provided by solve), is straightforward. The thief should pack as much of the highest value items as are available until full capacity is reached, topping off with as much of the last item as the knapsack will hold. (If the store contains less than the thief's knapsack will hold, he'll take the store's entire inventory.)

An outer constructor method is used to create instances of KPCSupply when only the item, weight and value are supplied. The isless method is provided for KPCSupply objects so that items are transparently sorted by their unit value. KPCSupply supports any real type for weight, value and uvalue (though this simple implementation does not support mixed types or promotion). This solution uses Rational numbers to avoid rounding errors until the results are printed.

Type and Functions: <lang julia>using Printf

struct KPCSupply{T<:Real}


end function KPCSupply(item::AbstractString, weight::Real, value::Real)

   w, v = promote(weight, value)
   KPCSupply(item, w, v, v / w)

end, s::KPCSupply) = print(io, s.item, @sprintf " (%.2f kg, %.2f €, %.2f €/kg)" s.weight s.value s.uvalue) Base.isless(a::KPCSupply, b::KPCSupply) = a.uvalue < b.uvalue

function solve(store::Vector{KPCSupply{T}}, capacity::Real) where T<:Real

   sack = similar(store, 0) # vector like store, but of length 0
   kweight = zero(T)
   for s in sort(store, rev = true)
       if kweight + s.weight ≤ capacity
           kweight += s.weight
           push!(sack, s)
           w = capacity - kweight
           v = w * s.uvalue
           push!(sack, KPCSupply(s.item, w, v, s.value))
   return sack


Main: <lang julia>store = [KPCSupply("beef", 38//10, 36),

        KPCSupply("pork", 54//10, 43),
        KPCSupply("ham", 36//10, 90),
        KPCSupply("greaves", 24//10, 45),
        KPCSupply("flitch", 4//1, 30),
        KPCSupply("brawn", 25//10, 56),
        KPCSupply("welt", 37//10, 67),
        KPCSupply("salami", 3//1, 95),
        KPCSupply("sausage", 59//10, 98)]

sack = solve(store, 15) println("The store contains:\n - ", join(store, "\n - ")) println("\nThe thief should take::\n - ", join(sack, "\n - ")) @printf("\nTotal value in the sack: %.2f €\n", sum(getfield.(sack, :value)))</lang>

The store contains:
 - beef (3.80 kg, 36.00 €, 9.47 €/kg)
 - pork (5.40 kg, 43.00 €, 7.96 €/kg)
 - ham (3.60 kg, 90.00 €, 25.00 €/kg)
 - greaves (2.40 kg, 45.00 €, 18.75 €/kg)
 - flitch (4.00 kg, 30.00 €, 7.50 €/kg)
 - brawn (2.50 kg, 56.00 €, 22.40 €/kg)
 - welt (3.70 kg, 67.00 €, 18.11 €/kg)
 - salami (3.00 kg, 95.00 €, 31.67 €/kg)
 - sausage (5.90 kg, 98.00 €, 16.61 €/kg)

The thief should take::
 - salami (3.00 kg, 95.00 €, 31.67 €/kg)
 - ham (3.60 kg, 90.00 €, 25.00 €/kg)
 - brawn (2.50 kg, 56.00 €, 22.40 €/kg)
 - greaves (2.40 kg, 45.00 €, 18.75 €/kg)
 - welt (3.50 kg, 63.38 €, 67.00 €/kg)

Total value in the sack: 349.38 €


<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

data class Item(val name: String, val weight: Double, val value: Double)

val items = mutableListOf(

   Item("beef", 3.8, 36.0),
   Item("pork", 5.4, 43.0),
   Item("ham", 3.6, 90.0),
   Item("greaves", 2.4, 45.0),
   Item("flitch", 4.0, 30.0),
   Item("brawn", 2.5, 56.0),
   Item("welt", 3.7, 67.0),
   Item("salami", 3.0, 95.0),
   Item("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)


const val MAX_WEIGHT = 15.0

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   // sort items by value per unit weight in descending order
   items.sortByDescending { it.value / it.weight }
   println("Item Chosen   Weight  Value  Percentage")
   println("-----------   ------ ------  ----------")
   var w = MAX_WEIGHT
   var itemCount = 0
   var sumValue = 0.0
   for (item in items) {
       if (item.weight <= w) {
          sumValue += item.value
          print("${}     ${"%3.1f".format(item.weight)}   ${"%5.2f".format(item.value)}")
          println("    100.00")
       else {
          val value  = Math.round((w / item.weight * item.value * 100.0)) / 100.0
          val percentage = Math.round((w / item.weight * 10000.0)) / 100.0
          sumValue += value
          print("${}     ${"%3.1f".format(w)}   ${"%5.2f".format(value)}")
          println("     $percentage")
       w -= item.weight
       if (w == 0.0) break
   println("-----------   ------ ------")
   println("${itemCount} items        15.0  ${"%6.2f".format(sumValue)}")


Item Chosen   Weight  Value  Percentage
-----------   ------ ------  ----------
salami          3.0   95.00    100.00
ham             3.6   90.00    100.00
brawn           2.5   56.00    100.00
greaves         2.4   45.00    100.00
welt            3.5   63.38     94.59
-----------   ------ ------
5 items        15.0  349.38
Translation of: Fortran

Using QuickSort (a generic form, non recursive)

M2000 Interpreter

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Knapsack {

     Form 60, 40
     Cls 5, 0
     Pen 14
     Class Quick {
           partition=lambda-> {
                 Read &A(), p, r : i = p-1 : x=A(r)
                 For j=p to r-1 {If .LE(A(j), x) Then i++:Swap A(i),A(j)
                 } : Swap A(i+1), A(r) :  Push  i+2, i 
           \\ module for strings erased here
           Function quicksort {
                Read ref$
                        loop : If Stackitem() >= Stackitem(2) Then Drop 2 : if  empty then {Break} else continue
                        over 2,2 : call .partition(ref$) :shift 3 
     Class Item {
           name$, weight, aValue  ' can't use Value has other meaning
           Module Item (.name$, .weight, .aValue) {}
     Def Double max_weight=15, total_weight, total_value, frac
     Def long I
     Dim Items(1 to 9)
     Flush  ' empty stack
     \\ now fill stack
     Data  "beef", 3.8, 36,"pork", 5.4, 43,"ham", 3.6, 90, "greaves", 2.4, 45, "flitch", 4, 30
     Data "brawn", 2.5, 56, "welt", 3.7, 67, "salami", 3, 95, "sausage", 5.9, 98
     For i=1 to 9 : Items(i)=Item(Letter$, Number, Number): Next i
     \\ Setup QuickSort
     Quick.LE=lambda (b, a)-> {
     Call Quick.QuickSort(&items(), 1, 9)
     \\ So now we have a sorted array of objects
     \\ Setup console to print
     Dim Back(-1 to 0)
     Back(-1)=#666666, #444444
     \\ $("0.00", 20) Set number rounding for print, and 14 chars column width
     \\ $(2) set center justify for non proportional print
     \\ $(0) set default - strings justify left, numbers right
     Print  $("0.00", 20),$(2),"", "Knapsack"
     Pen 0 {
           Print @(pos, row,width,row+1, 7),"Item", "Weight (Kg)", "Price (value)", $(0)
     While i<Len(Items()) and total_weight<max_weight {
           if total_weight+items(i).weight<max_weight Then {
                 WriteItem(i, 1)
           } Else {
                 WriteItem(i, frac )
     Pen 0 {
           Print @(pos+1, row,width,row+1, 7, 7), "Total Weight",total_weight
           Print @(pos+1, row,width,row+1, 7, 7), "Total Value", total_value
     Sub WriteItem(i, frac)
           For Items(i) {
                 Print @(pos+1, row,width,row+1, back(alter), 14),  .name$, .weight*frac, .avalue*frac
     End Sub

} Knapsack </lang> Output the same as other examples, with some color.


The problem is solved by sorting the original table by price to weight ratio, finding the accumlated weight, and the index of the item which exedes the carrying capacity (overN) The output is then all items prior to this one, along with that item corrected for it's excess weighter (overW)

<lang Mathematica>Knapsack[shop_, capacity_] := Block[{sortedTable, overN, overW, output},

sortedTable = SortBy[{#1, #2, #3, #3/#2} & @@@ shop, -#4 &];
overN = Position[Accumulate[sortedTable1 ;;, 2], a_ /; a > capacity, 1,1]1, 1;
overW = Accumulate[sortedTable1 ;;, 2]overN - capacity;
output = Reverse@sortedTable[[Ordering[sortedTable1 ;;, 4, -overN]]];
output-1, 2 = output-1, 2 - overW;
output-1, 3 = output-1, 2 output-1, 4;
Append[output1 ;;, 1 ;; 3, {"Total",Sequence @@ Total[output1 ;;, 2 ;; 3]}]]</lang>

A test using the specified data: <lang Mathematica>weightPriceTable = {{"beef", 3.8, 36}, {"pork", 5.4, 43}, {"ham", 3.6, 90}, {"greaves", 2.4, 45}, {"flitch", 4., 30}, {"brawn", 2.5, 56}, {"welt", 3.7, 67}, {"salami", 3., 95}, {"sausage", 5.9, 98}}; carryCapacity = 15; Knapsack[weightPriceTable, carryCapacity] // Grid

salami 3. 95 ham 3.6 90 brawn 2.5 56 greaves 2.4 45 welt 3.5 63.3784 Total 15. 349.378 </lang>



 This model finds the optimal packing of a knapsack

 January 10th., 2012
  • /

set Items; param weight{t in Items}; param value{t in Items};

var take{t in Items}, >=0, <=weight[t];

knap_weight : sum{t in Items} take[t] <= 15;

maximize knap_value: sum{t in Items} take[t] * (value[t]/weight[t]);


param : Items  : weight value :=

       beef 	          3.8     36    
       pork 	          5.4	  43	
       ham 		  3.6	  90    
       greaves           2.4     45
       flitch 	          4.0     30
       brawn 	          2.5     56
       welt 	          3.7     67
       salami 	          3.0     95
       sausage           5.9     98                               


The solution is here at Knapsack problem/Continuous/Mathprog.


<lang MiniZinc> %Knapsack Continuous. Nigel Galloway: October 7th., 2020. enum Items={beef,pork,ham,greaves,flitch,brawn,welt,salami,sausage}; array[Items] of float: weight=[3.8,5.4,3.6,2.4,4.0,2.5,3.7,3.0,5.9]; array[Items] of int: value =[36,43,90,45,30,56,67,95,9]; float: maxWeight=15.0; var float: wTaken=sum(n in Items)(quantity[n]); var float: wValue=sum(n in Items)(value[n]*quantity[n]/weight[n]); array[Items] of var 0.0..(max(weight)): quantity; constraint forall(n in Items)(quantity[n]<=weight[n]); constraint wTaken <= maxWeight; solve maximize wValue; output[concat([let {string: g=show(quantity[n])} in "Take "++(if g==show(weight[n]) then "all" else g endif)++" of \(n)\n" | n in Items where show(quantity[n])!="0.0"])++"\nTotal Weight=\(wTaken) Total Value="++show_float(4,2,wValue)] </lang>

Take all of ham
Take all of greaves
Take all of brawn
Take 3.5 of welt
Take all of salami

Total Weight=15.0 Total Value=349.38


<lang Nim>

import algorithm import strformat

type Item = object

 name: string
 weight: float
 price: float
 unitPrice: float

var items = @[Item(name: "beef", weight: 3.8, price: 36.0),

             Item(name: "pork", weight: 5.4, price: 43.0),
             Item(name: "ham", weight: 3.6, price: 90.0),
             Item(name: "greaves", weight: 2.4, price: 45.0),
             Item(name: "flitch", weight: 4.0, price: 30.0),
             Item(name: "brawn", weight: 2.5, price: 56.0),
             Item(name: "welt", weight: 3.7, price: 67.0),
             Item(name: "salami", weight: 3.0, price: 95.0),
             Item(name: "sausage", weight: 5.9, price: 98.0)
  1. Compute unit prices and sort items by decreasing unit price.

for item in items.mitems:

 item.unitPrice = item.price / item.weight

items.sort(proc (x, y: Item): int = cmp(x.unitPrice, y.unitPrice), Descending)

var remaining = 15.0 var value = 0.0 for item in items:

 if item.weight <= remaining:
   echo fmt"Take all {}"
   value += item.price
   remaining -= item.weight
   echo fmt"Take {remaining} kg of {}"
   value += remaining * item.unitPrice

echo fmt"Total value: {value:.2f}" </lang>

Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take 3.5 kg of welt
Total value: 349.38


<lang ocaml>let items =

 [ "beef",     3.8,  36;
   "pork",     5.4,  43;
   "ham",      3.6,  90;
   "greaves",  2.4,  45;
   "flitch",   4.0,  30;
   "brawn",    2.5,  56;
   "welt",     3.7,  67;
   "salami",   3.0,  95;
   "sausage",  5.9,  98; ]

let () =

 let items = (fun (name, w, p) -> (name, w, p, float p /. w)) items in
 let items = List.sort (fun (_,_,_,v1) (_,_,_,v2) -> compare v2 v1) items in
 let rec loop acc weight = function
 | ((_,w,_,_) as item) :: tl ->
     if w +. weight > 15.0
     then (weight, acc, item)
     else loop (item::acc) (w +. weight) tl
 | [] -> assert false
 let weight, res, (last,w,p,v) = loop [] 0.0 items in
 print_endline "    Items  Weight Price";
 let price =
   List.fold_left (fun price (name,w,p,_) ->
     Printf.printf " %7s: %6.2f %3d\n" name w p;
     (p + price)
   ) 0 res
 let rem_weight = 15.0 -. weight in
 let last_price = v *. rem_weight in
 Printf.printf " %7s: %6.2f %6.2f\n" last rem_weight last_price;
 Printf.printf " Total Price: %.3f\n" (float price +. last_price);
   Items  Weight Price
greaves:   2.40  45
  brawn:   2.50  56
    ham:   3.60  90
 salami:   3.00  95
   welt:   3.50  63.38
Total Price: 349.378


<lang oforth>[

  [ "beef",    3.8, 36 ], [ "pork",    5.4, 43 ], [ "ham",     3.6, 90 ],
  [ "greaves", 2.4, 45 ], [ "flitch",  4.0, 30 ], [ "brawn",  	2.5, 56 ],
  [ "welt",  	3.7, 67 ], [ "salami",  3.0, 95 ], [ "sausage", 5.9, 98 ]

] const: Items


| item value |

 0.0 ->value
 15.0 #[ dup second swap third / ] Items sortBy forEach: item [
    dup 0.0 == ifTrue: [ return ]
    dup item second >= ifTrue: [ 
       "Taking" . item first . " :" . item second dup .cr -
       item third value + ->value continue 
    "And part of" . item first . " :" . dup .cr
    item third * item second / value + "Total value :" . .cr break
    ] ;</lang>
Taking salami  : 3
Taking ham  : 3.6
Taking brawn  : 2.5
Taking greaves  : 2.4
And part of welt  : 3.5
Total value : 349.378378378378


version 1

<lang oorexx>/*--------------------------------------------------------------------

  • 20.09.2014 Walter Pachl translated from REXX version 2
  • utilizing ooRexx features like objects, array(s) and sort
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 maxweight = 15.0
 items~append(.item~new('beef',    3.8, 36.0))
 items~append(.item~new('pork',    5.4, 43.0))
 items~append(.item~new('ham',     3.6, 90.0))
 items~append(.item~new('greaves', 2.4, 45.0))
 items~append(.item~new('flitch',  4.0, 30.0))
 items~append(.item~new('brawn',   2.5, 56.0))
 items~append(.item~new('welt',    3.7, 67.0))
 items~append(.item~new('salami',  3.0, 95.0))
 items~append(.item~new('sausage', 5.9, 98.0))
 /* show the input */
 Say '#    vpu name    weight   value'
 Do x over items
   Say i format(x~vpu,2,3) left(x~name,7) format(x~weight,2,3) format(x~value,3,3)
 /* sort the items by descending value per unit of weight */
 total_value =0
 Say ' '
 Say 'Item     Weight   Value'
 Do x over items
   Parse Var item.i name '*' weight '*' value
   if total_weight+x~weight<maxweight then Do
     total_weight = total_weight + x~weight
     total_value  = total_value + x~value
     Say left(x~name,7) format(x~weight,3,3) format(x~value,3,3)
   Else Do
     total_value = total_value + value
     total_weight = maxweight
     Say left(x~name,7) format(weight,3,3) format(value,3,3)
 Say copies('-',23)
 Say 'total ' format(total_weight,4,3) format(total_value,3,3)
class item
 ::attribute vpu
 ::attribute name
 ::attribute weight
 ::attribute value
method init
 Expose vpu
 Use Arg name, weight, value
CLASS 'DescendingComparator' MIXINCLASS Comparator
METHOD compare

use strict arg a, b Select

 When (a~vpu)<(b~vpu) Then res='1'
 Otherwise res='-1'

Return res</lang>

#    vpu name    weight   value
1  9.474 beef     3.800  36.000
2  7.963 pork     5.400  43.000
3 25.000 ham      3.600  90.000
4 18.750 greaves  2.400  45.000
5  7.500 flitch   4.000  30.000
6 22.400 brawn    2.500  56.000
7 18.108 welt     3.700  67.000
8 31.667 salami   3.000  95.000
9 16.610 sausage  5.900  98.000

Item     Weight   Value
salami    3.000  95.000
ham       3.600  90.000
brawn     2.500  56.000
greaves   2.400  45.000
welt      3.500  63.378
total    15.000 349.378

version 2

<lang oorexx>/*--------------------------------------------------------------------

  • 20.09.2014 Walter Pachl translated from REXX version 2
  • utilizing ooRexx features like objects, array(s) and sort
  • 21.09.2014 simplified (courtesy Rony Flatscher)
  • (sort uses now the method "compareTo" defined for item)
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 maxweight = 15.0
 items~append(.item~new('beef',    3.8, 36.0))
 items~append(.item~new('pork',    5.4, 43.0))
 items~append(.item~new('ham',     3.6, 90.0))
 items~append(.item~new('greaves', 2.4, 45.0))
 items~append(.item~new('flitch',  4.0, 30.0))
 items~append(.item~new('brawn',   2.5, 56.0))
 items~append(.item~new('welt',    3.7, 67.0))
 items~append(.item~new('salami',  3.0, 95.0))
 items~append(.item~new('sausage', 5.9, 98.0))
 /* show the input */
 Say '#    vpu name    weight   value'
 Do x over items
   Say i format(x~vpu,2,3) left(x~name,7) format(x~weight,2,3) format(x~value,3,3)
 /* sort the items by descending value per unit of weight */
 items~sort          /* using the method compareTo used for item */
 total_value =0
 Say ' '
 Say 'Item     Weight   Value'
 Do x over items
   Parse Var item.i name '*' weight '*' value
   if total_weight+x~weight<maxweight then Do
     total_weight = total_weight + x~weight
     total_value  = total_value + x~value
     Say left(x~name,7) format(x~weight,3,3) format(x~value,3,3)
   Else Do
     total_value = total_value + value
     total_weight = maxweight
     Say left(x~name,7) format(weight,3,3) format(value,3,3)
 Say copies('-',23)
 Say 'total ' format(total_weight,4,3) format(total_value,3,3)
class item
 ::attribute vpu
 ::attribute name
 ::attribute weight
 ::attribute value
method init
 Expose vpu
 Use Arg name, weight, value
method compareTo -- default sort order
 Expose vpu
 use Arg other
 return -sign(vpu - other~vpu)</lang>

Output is the same as for version 1.


<lang perl>my @items = sort { $b->[2]/$b->[1] <=> $a->[2]/$a->[1] } (

       [qw'beef    3.8 36'],
       [qw'pork    5.4 43'],
       [qw'ham     3.6 90'],
       [qw'greaves 2.4 45'],
       [qw'flitch  4.0 30'],
       [qw'brawn   2.5 56'],
       [qw'welt    3.7 67'],
       [qw'salami  3.0 95'],
       [qw'sausage 5.9 98'],


my ($limit, $value) = (15, 0);

print "item fraction weight value\n"; for (@items) {

       my $ratio = $_->[1] > $limit ? $limit/$_->[1] : 1;
       print "$_->[0]\t";
       $value += $_->[2] * $ratio;
       $limit -= $_->[1];
       if ($ratio == 1) {
               print "  all\t$_->[1]\t$_->[2]\n";
       } else {
               printf "%5.3f   %s   %8.3f\n", $ratio, $_->[1] * $ratio, $_->[2] * $ratio;


print "-" x 40, "\ntotal value: $value\n"; </lang>


item   fraction weight value
salami    all   3.0     95
ham       all   3.6     90
brawn     all   2.5     56
greaves   all   2.4     45
welt    0.946   3.5     63.378
total value: 349.378378378378


<lang Phix>constant meats = { --Item Weight (kg) Price (Value) {"beef", 3.8, 36}, {"pork", 5.4, 43}, {"ham", 3.6, 90}, {"greaves", 2.4, 45}, {"flitch", 4.0, 30}, {"brawn", 2.5, 56}, {"welt", 3.7, 67}, {"salami", 3.0, 95}, {"sausage", 5.9, 98}}

function by_weighted_value(integer i, j)

   atom {?,weighti,pricei} = meats[i],
        {?,weightj,pricej} = meats[j]
   return compare(pricej/weightj,pricei/weighti)

end function

sequence tags = custom_sort(routine_id("by_weighted_value"),tagset(length(meats)))

atom w = 15, worth = 0 for i=1 to length(tags) do

   object {desc,wi,price} = meats[tags[i]]
   atom c = min(wi,w)
   printf(1,"%3.1fkg%s of %s\n",{c,iff(c=wi?" (all)":""),desc})
   worth += (c/wi)*price
   w -= c
   if w=0 then exit end if

end for printf(1,"Total value: %f\n",{worth})</lang>

3.0kg (all) of salami
3.6kg (all) of ham
2.5kg (all) of brawn
2.4kg (all) of greaves
3.5kg of welt
Total value: 349.378378


<lang PHP>/* Added by @1x24. Translated from C++. Uses the PHP 7.x spaceship operator */ $data = [ [ 'name'=>'beef', 'weight'=>3.8, 'cost'=>36, ], [ 'name'=>'pork', 'weight'=>5.4, 'cost'=>43, ], [ 'name'=>'ham', 'weight'=>3.6, 'cost'=>90, ], [ 'name'=>'greaves', 'weight'=>2.4, 'cost'=>45, ], [ 'name'=>'flitch', 'weight'=>4.0, 'cost'=>30, ], [ 'name'=>'brawn', 'weight'=>2.5, 'cost'=>56, ], [ 'name'=>'welt', 'weight'=>3.7, 'cost'=>67, ], [ 'name'=>'salami', 'weight'=>3.0, 'cost'=>95, ], [ 'name'=>'sausage', 'weight'=>5.9, 'cost'=>98, ], ];

uasort($data, function($a, $b) {

   return ($b['cost']/$b['weight']) <=> ($a['cost']/$a['weight']);


$limit = 15;

foreach ($data as $item): if ($limit >= $item['weight']): echo "Take all the {$item['name']}
"; else: echo "Take $limit kg of {$item['name']}
"; break; endif; $limit -= $item['weight']; endforeach; </lang> Output:

Take all the salami
Take all the ham
Take all the brawn
Take all the greaves
Take 3.5 kg of welt


<lang PicoLisp>(scl 2)

(de *Items

  ("beef" 3.8 36.0)
  ("pork" 5.4 43.0)
  ("ham" 3.6 90.0)
  ("greaves" 2.4 45.0)
  ("flitch" 4.0 30.0)
  ("brawn" 2.5 56.0)
  ("welt" 3.7 67.0)
  ("salami" 3.0 95.0)
  ("sausage" 5.9 98.0) )

(let K

     (let Weight 0
        (for I (by '((L) (*/ (caddr L) -1.0 (cadr L))) sort *Items)
           (T (= Weight 15.0))
           (inc 'Weight (cadr I))
           (T (> Weight 15.0)
              (let W (- (cadr I) Weight -15.0)
                 (link (list (car I) W (*/ W (caddr I) (cadr I)))) ) )
           (link I) ) ) )
  (for I K
     (tab (3 -9 8 8)
        (car I)
        (format (cadr I) *Scl)
        (format (caddr I) *Scl) ) )
  (tab (12 8 8)
     (format (sum cadr K) *Scl)
     (format (sum caddr K) *Scl) ) )</lang>


   salami       3.00   95.00
   ham          3.60   90.00
   brawn        2.50   56.00
   greaves      2.40   45.00
   welt         3.50   63.38
               15.00  349.38


<lang pli>*process source xref attributes;

KNAPSACK_CONTINUOUS: Proc Options(main);
* 19.09.2014 Walter Pachl translated from FORTRAN
 Dcl (divide,float,hbound,repeat) Builtin;
 Dcl SYSPRINT Print;
 Dcl maxweight Dec Fixed(15,3);
 maxweight = 15.0;
 Dcl (total_weight,total_value) Dec Fixed(15,3) Init(0);
 Dcl vpu  Dec Float(15);
 Dcl (i,j) Bin Fixed(31);
 Dcl 1 item(9),
      2 name   Char(7),
      2 weight Dec Fixed(15,3),
      2 value  Dec Fixed(15,3);
 Dcl temp Like item;
 Call init_item(1,'beef',    3.8, 36.0);
 Call init_item(2,'pork',    5.4, 43.0);
 Call init_item(3,'ham',     3.6, 90.0);
 Call init_item(4,'greaves', 2.4, 45.0);
 Call init_item(5,'flitch',  4.0, 30.0);
 Call init_item(6,'brawn',   2.5, 56.0);
 Call init_item(7,'welt',    3.7, 67.0);
 Call init_item(8,'salami',  3.0, 95.0);
 Call init_item(9,'sausage', 5.9, 98.0);
 /* sort item in descending order of their value per unit weight */
 do i = 2 To hbound(item);
   j = i - 1;
   temp = item(i);
   do while(j>=1&item(j).value/item(j).weight<temp.value/temp.weight);
     item(j+1) = item(j);
     j = j - 1;
   item(j+1) = temp;
 Do i=1 To hbound(item);
   Put Edit(i,item(i))(Skip,f(2),x(2),a(7),2(f(8,3)));
 i = 0;
 Put Skip;
 Put Edit('Item     Weight   Value')(Skip,a);
 do i=1 By 1 while(i < hbound(item) & total_weight < maxweight);
   if total_weight+item(i).weight < maxweight then Do;
     total_weight = total_weight + item(i).weight;
     total_value  = total_value + item(i).value;
     Put Edit(item(i))(Skip,a(7),2(f(8,3)));
   Else Do;
     total_value = total_value + item(i).value;
     total_weight = total_weight + item(i).weight;
     Put Edit(item(i).name, item(i).weight, item(i).value)
     Leave Loop;
 Put Edit(repeat('-',22))(Skip,a);
 Put Edit('total',total_weight, total_value)(Skip,a(6),f(9,3),f(8,3));
init_item: Proc(i,name,weight,value);
Dcl i Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl name Char(*);
Dcl (weight,value) Dec Fixed(15,3);
item(i).name   = name;
item(i).weight = weight;
item(i).value  = value;
 1  salami    3.000  95.000
 2  ham       3.600  90.000
 3  brawn     2.500  56.000
 4  greaves   2.400  45.000
 5  welt      3.700  67.000
 6  sausage   5.900  98.000
 7  beef      3.800  36.000
 8  pork      5.400  43.000
 9  flitch    4.000  30.000

Item     Weight   Value
salami    3.000  95.000
ham       3.600  90.000
brawn     2.500  56.000
greaves   2.400  45.000
welt      3.500  63.378
total    15.000 349.378


Works with SWI-Prolog and library(simplex) written by Markus Triska <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(simplex)). % tuples (name, weights, value). knapsack :- L = [( beef, 3.8, 36), ( pork, 5.4, 43), ( ham, 3.6, 90), ( greaves, 2.4, 45), ( flitch, 4.0, 30), ( brawn, 2.5, 56), ( welt, 3.7, 67), ( salami, 3.0, 95), ( sausage, 5.9, 98)],

gen_state(S0), length(L, N), numlist(1, N, LN), ( ( create_constraint_N(LN, L, S0, S1, [], LW, [], LV), constraint(LW =< 15.0, S1, S2), maximize(LV, S2, S3) )), compute_lenword(L, 0, Len), sformat(A1, '~~w~~t~~~w|', [Len]), sformat(A2, '~~t~~2f~~~w|', [10]), sformat(A3, '~~t~~2f~~~w|', [10]), print_results(S3, A1,A2,A3, L, LN, 0, 0).

create_constraint_N([], [], S, S, LW, LW, LV, LV).

create_constraint_N([HN|TN], [(_, W, V) | TL], S1, SF, LW, LWF, LV, LVF) :- constraint([x(HN)] >= 0, S1, S2), constraint([x(HN)] =< W, S2, S3), X is V/W, create_constraint_N(TN, TL, S3, SF, [x(HN) | LW], LWF, [X * x(HN) | LV], LVF).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % compute_lenword([], N, N). compute_lenword([(Name, _, _)|T], N, NF):- atom_length(Name, L), ( L > N -> N1 = L; N1 = N), compute_lenword(T, N1, NF).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % print_results(_S, A1, A2, A3, [], [], WM, VM) :- sformat(W1, A1, [' ']), sformat(W2, A2, [WM]), sformat(W3, A3, [VM]), format('~w~w~w~n', [W1,W2,W3]).

print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, [(Name, W, V)|T], [N|TN], W1, V1) :- variable_value(S, x(N), X), ( X = 0 -> W1 = W2, V1 = V2 ; sformat(S1, A1, [Name]), sformat(S2, A2, [X]), Vtemp is X * V/W, sformat(S3, A3, [Vtemp]), format('~w~w~w~n', [S1,S2,S3]), W2 is W1 + X, V2 is V1 + Vtemp ), print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, T, TN, W2, V2).

</lang> Output :

 ?- knapsack.
ham          3.60     90.00
greaves      2.40     45.00
brawn        2.50     56.00
welt         3.50     63.38
salami       3.00     95.00
            15.00    349.38
true .


Using the greedy algorithm. <lang PureBasic>Structure item

 weight.f   ;units are kilograms (kg)
 vDensity.f ;the density of the value, i.e. value/weight, and yes I made up the term ;)


  1. maxWeight = 15

Global itemCount = 0 ;this will be increased as needed to match actual count Global Dim items.item(itemCount)

Procedure addItem(name.s, weight.f, Value.f)

 If itemCount >= ArraySize(items())
   Redim items.item(itemCount + 10)
 With items(itemCount)
   \name = name
   \weight = weight
   \Value = Value
   If Not \weight
     \vDensity = \Value
     \vDensity = \Value / \weight
 itemCount + 1


build item list

addItem("beef", 3.8, 36) addItem("pork", 5.4, 43) addItem("ham", 3.6, 90) addItem("greaves", 2.4, 45) addItem("flitch", 4.0, 30) addItem("brawn", 2.5, 56) addItem("welt", 3.7, 67) addItem("salami", 3.0, 95) addItem("sausage", 5.9, 98) SortStructuredArray(items(), #PB_Sort_descending, OffsetOf(item\vDensity), #PB_Sort_Float, 0, itemCount - 1)

Define TotalWeight.f, TotalValue.f, i NewList knapsack.item() For i = 0 To itemCount

 If TotalWeight + items(i)\weight < #maxWeight
   knapsack() = items(i)
   TotalWeight + items(i)\weight
   TotalValue + items(i)\Value
   knapsack() = items(i)
   knapsack()\weight = #maxWeight - TotalWeight
   knapsack()\Value = knapsack()\weight * knapsack()\vDensity
   TotalWeight = #maxWeight
   TotalValue + knapsack()\Value


If OpenConsole()

 PrintN(LSet("Maximal weight", 26, " ") + "= " + Str(#maxWeight) + " kg")
 PrintN(LSet("Total weight of solution", 26, " ") + "= " + Str(#maxWeight) + " kg")
 PrintN(LSet("Total value", 26, " ") + "= " + StrF(TotalValue, 3) + " " + #CRLF$)
 PrintN("You can carry the following materials in the knapsack: ")
 ForEach knapsack()
   PrintN(RSet(StrF(knapsack()\weight, 1), 5, " ") + " kg  " + LSet(knapsack()\name, 10, " ") + "  (Value = " + StrF(knapsack()\Value, 3) + ")")
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf </lang> Sample output:

Maximal weight            = 15 kg
Total weight of solution  = 15 kg
Total value               = 349.378

You can carry the following materials in the knapsack:
  3.0 kg  salami      (Value = 95.000)
  3.6 kg  ham         (Value = 90.000)
  2.5 kg  brawn       (Value = 56.000)
  2.4 kg  greaves     (Value = 45.000)
  3.5 kg  welt        (Value = 63.378)


I think this greedy algorithm of taking the largest amounts of items ordered by their value per unit weight is maximal: <lang python># NAME, WEIGHT, VALUE (for this weight) items = [("beef", 3.8, 36.0),

        ("pork",    5.4, 43.0),
        ("ham",     3.6, 90.0),
        ("greaves", 2.4, 45.0),
        ("flitch",  4.0, 30.0),
        ("brawn",   2.5, 56.0),
        ("welt",    3.7, 67.0),
        ("salami",  3.0, 95.0),
        ("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)]

MAXWT = 15.0

sorted_items = sorted(((value/amount, amount, name)

                      for name, amount, value in items),
                     reverse = True)

wt = val = 0 bagged = [] for unit_value, amount, name in sorted_items:

   portion = min(MAXWT - wt, amount)
   wt     += portion
   addval  = portion * unit_value
   val    += addval
   bagged += [(name, portion, addval)]
   if wt >= MAXWT:

print(" ITEM PORTION VALUE") print("\n".join("%10s %6.2f %6.2f" % item for item in bagged)) print("\nTOTAL WEIGHT: %5.2f\nTOTAL VALUE: %5.2f" % (wt, val))</lang>

Sample Output

    salami   3.00  95.00
       ham   3.60  90.00
     brawn   2.50  56.00
   greaves   2.40  45.00
      welt   3.50  63.38



Translated into r-script by Shana White ( from pseudocode found in 'Algorithms: Sequential Parallel and Distributed', by Kenneth A. Berman and Jerome L. Paul <lang r> knapsack<- function(Value, Weight, Objects, Capacity){

 Fraction = rep(0, length(Value))
 Cost = Value/Weight
 W = Weight[order(Cost, decreasing = TRUE)]
 Obs = Objects[order(Cost, decreasing = TRUE)]
 Val = Value[order(Cost, decreasing = TRUE)]
 RemainCap = Capacity
 i = 1
 n = length(Cost)
 if (W[1] <= Capacity){
   Fits <- TRUE
   Fits <- FALSE 
 while (Fits && i <= n ){
   Fraction[i] <- 1
   RemainCap <- RemainCap - W[i]
   i <- i+1
   if (W[i] <= RemainCap){
     Fits <- TRUE
     Fits <- FALSE
 if (i <= n){
   Fraction[i] <- RemainCap/W[i]
 names(Fraction) = Obs
 Quantity_to_take = W*Fraction
 Total_Value = sum(Val*Fraction)
 print("Fraction of available quantity to take:")
 print(round(Fraction, 3))
 print("KG of each to take:")
 print("Total value of tasty meats:")


Sample Input

o = c("beef", "pork", "ham", "greaves", "flitch", "brawn", "welt", "salami", "sausage")
w = c(3.8,5.4,3.6,2.4,4.0,2.5,3.7,3.0,5.9)
v = c(36,43,90,45,30,56,67,95,98)
knapsack(v, w, o, 15)

Sample Output

[1] "Fraction of available quantity to take:"
 salami     ham   brawn greaves    welt sausage    beef    pork  flitch 
  1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   0.946   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 
[1] "KG of each to take:"
 salami     ham   brawn greaves    welt sausage    beef    pork  flitch 
    3.0     3.6     2.5     2.4     3.5     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0 
[1] "Total value of tasty meats:"
[1] 349.3784


<lang racket>#lang racket (define shop-inventory

 '((beef 	3.8 	36)
   (pork 	5.4 	43)
   (ham 	3.6 	90)
   (greaves 	2.4 	45)
   (flitch 	4.0 	30)
   (brawn 	2.5 	56)
   (welt 	3.7 	67)
   (salami 	3.0 	95)
   (sausage 	5.9 	98)))

(define (continuous-knapsack shop sack sack-capacity sack-total-value)

 ;; solved by loading up on the highest value item...
 (define (value/kg item) (/ (third item) (second item)))
 (if (zero? sack-capacity)
     (values (reverse sack) sack-total-value)
     (let* ((best-value-item (argmax value/kg shop))
            (bvi-full-weight (second best-value-item))
            (amount-can-take (min sack-capacity bvi-full-weight))
            (bvi-full-value  (third best-value-item))
            (bvi-taken-value (* bvi-full-value (/ amount-can-take bvi-full-weight))))
       (continuous-knapsack (remove best-value-item shop)
                            (cons (list (first best-value-item)
                                        (if (= amount-can-take bvi-full-weight)
                                            'all-of amount-can-take) bvi-taken-value)
                            (- sack-capacity amount-can-take)
                            (+ sack-total-value bvi-taken-value)))))

(define (report-knapsack sack total-value)

 (for-each (lambda (item) 
             (if (eq? 'all-of (second item))
                 (printf "Take all of the ~a (for ~a)~%"
                         (first item) (third item))
                 (printf "Take ~a of the ~a (for ~a)~%"
                         (real->decimal-string (second item))
                         (first item)
                         (real->decimal-string (third item)))))
 (printf "For a grand total of: ~a" (real->decimal-string total-value)))

(call-with-values (lambda () (continuous-knapsack shop-inventory null 15 0))

Take all of the salami (for 95.0)
Take all of the ham (for 90.0)
Take all of the brawn (for 56.0)
Take all of the greaves (for 45.0)
Take 3.50 of the welt (for 63.38)
For a grand total of: 349.38


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: rakudo version 2015-09-16

This Solutions sorts the item by WEIGHT/VALUE <lang perl6>class KnapsackItem {

 has $.name;
 has $.weight is rw;
 has $.price is rw;
 has $.ppw;
 method new (Str $n, Rat $w, Int $p) {
   self.bless(:name($n), :weight($w), :price($p), :ppw($w/$p))
 method cut-maybe ($max-weight) {
   return False if $max-weight > $.weight;
   $.price = $max-weight / $.ppw;
   $.weight = $.ppw * $.price;
   return True;
 method gist () { sprintf "%8s %1.2f   %3.2f",
                                       $.price }


my $max-w = 15; say "Item Portion Value";

.say for gather

   for < beef    3.8 36
         pork    5.4 43
         ham     3.6 90
         greaves 2.4 45
         flitch  4.0 30
         brawn   2.5 56
         welt    3.7 67
         salami  3.0 95
         sausage 5.9 98 >
       ==> map({$^a, $^b, $^c) })
       ==> sort *.ppw
       my $last-one = .cut-maybe($max-w);
       take $_;
       $max-w -= .weight;
       last if $last-one;


Item    Portion Value
  salami 3.00   95.00
     ham 3.60   90.00
   brawn 2.50   56.00
 greaves 2.40   45.00
    welt 3.50   63.38


version 1

Originally used the Fortran program as a prototype.
Some amount of code was added to format the output better. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm solves the continuous burglar's knapsack problem; items with weight and value*/ @.= /*═══════ name weight value ══════*/

                    @.1 = 'flitch     4       30  '
                    @.2 = 'beef       3.8     36  '
                    @.3 = 'pork       5.4     43  '
                    @.4 = 'greaves    2.4     45  '
                    @.5 = 'brawn      2.5     56  '
                    @.6 = 'welt       3.7     67  '
                    @.7 = 'ham        3.6     90  '
                    @.8 = 'salami     3       95  '
                    @.9 = 'sausage    5.9     98  '

parse arg maxW d . /*get possible arguments from the C.L. */ if maxW== | maxW=="," then maxW=15 /*the burglar's knapsack maximum weight*/ if d== | d=="," then d= 3 /*# decimal digits shown with FORMAT. */ wL=d+length('weight'); nL=d+length("total weight"); vL=d+length('value') /*lengths*/ totW=0; totV=0 /* [↓] assign item to separate lists. */

                do #=1  while @.#\==;    parse var @.# n.# w.# v.# .;   end;      #=#-1

call show 'unsorted item list' /*display the header and the @ list.*/ call sortD /*invoke descemdomg sort for: n. w. v.*/ call hdr "burglar's knapsack contents"

                do j=1  for #      while totW<maxW;   f=1        /*process the items.  */
                if totW+w.j>=maxW  then f=(maxW-totW)/w.j        /*calculate fraction. */
                totW=totW+w.j*f;        totV=totV+v.j*f          /*add it ───► totals. */
                call syf  left(word('{all}',1+(f\==1)),5)   n.j,  w.j*f,  v.j*f
                end   /*j*/                     /* [↑]  display item, maybe with {all} */

call sep; say /* [↓] $ suppresses trailing zeroes.*/ call sy left('total weight', nL, "─"), $(format(totW,,d)) call sy left('total value', nL, "─"), , $(format(totV,,d)) exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ sortD: do s=2 to #; a=n.s; !=w.s; u=v.s /* [↓] this is a descending sort. */

        do k=s-1  by -1  to 1  while v.k/w.k1 then x=left(strip(strip(x,'T',0),,.),length(x)); return x</lang>

output   using the default inputs of:   15   3

────────────────unsorted item list────────────────

               item        weight    value
          ═══════════════ ═════════ ════════
          flitch              4       30
          beef                3.8     36
          pork                5.4     43
          greaves             2.4     45
          brawn               2.5     56
          welt                3.7     67
          ham                 3.6     90
          salami              3       95
          sausage             5.9     98

───────────burglar's knapsack contents────────────

               item        weight    value
          ═══════════════ ═════════ ════════
          {all} salami        3       95
          {all} ham           3.6     90
          {all} brawn         2.5     56
          {all} greaves       2.4     45
                welt          3.5     63.378
          ═══════════════ ═════════ ════════

          total weight───    15
          total  value───            349.378

version 2

<lang rexx> /*--------------------------------------------------------------------

* 19.09.2014 Walter Pachl translated from FORTRAN
* While this program works with all REXX interpreters,
* see section ooRexx for a version that utilizes the ooRexx features
 maxweight = 15.0
 Call init_input 'beef',    3.8, 36.0
 Call init_input 'pork',    5.4, 43.0
 Call init_input 'ham',     3.6, 90.0
 Call init_input 'greaves', 2.4, 45.0
 Call init_input 'flitch',  4.0, 30.0
 Call init_input 'brawn',   2.5, 56.0
 Call init_input 'welt',    3.7, 67.0
 Call init_input 'salami',  3.0, 95.0
 Call init_input 'sausage', 5.9, 98.0
 /* sort the items by descending value per unit of weight */
 Do i = 1 to input.0
   Parse Var input.i name '*' weight '*' value
   If i=1 Then Do
   Else Do
     Do ii=1 To item.0
       If vpu.ii<vpu Then
     Do jj=item.0 To ii By -1
 Say '#    vpu name    weight   value'
 Do i=1 To item.0
   Parse Var item.i name '*' weight '*' value
   Say i format(vpu.i,2,3) left(name,7) format(weight,2,3) format(value,3,3)
 total_value =0
 Say ' '
 Say 'Item     Weight   Value'
 Do i=1 To item.0
   Parse Var item.i name '*' weight '*' value
   if total_weight+weight < maxweight then Do
     total_weight = total_weight + weight
     total_value  = total_value + value
     Say left(name,7) format(weight,3,3) format(value,3,3)
   Else Do
     total_value = total_value + value
     total_weight = maxweight
     Say left(name,7) format(weight,3,3) format(value,3,3)
 Say copies('-',23)
 Say 'total ' format(total_weight,4,3) format(total_value,3,3)

init_input: Procedure Expose input.

 Parse Arg name,weight,value
#    vpu name    weight   value
1 31.667 salami   3.000  95.000
2 25.000 ham      3.600  90.000
3 22.400 brawn    2.500  56.000
4 18.750 greaves  2.400  45.000
5 18.108 welt     3.700  67.000
6 16.610 sausage  5.900  98.000
7  9.474 beef     3.800  36.000
8  7.963 pork     5.400  43.000
9  7.500 flitch   4.000  30.000

Item     Weight   Value
salami    3.000  95.000
ham       3.600  90.000
brawn     2.500  56.000
greaves   2.400  45.000
welt      3.500  63.378
total    15.000 349.378


<lang ruby>items = [ [:beef , 3.8, 36],

         [:pork   , 5.4, 43],
         [:ham    , 3.6, 90],
         [:greaves, 2.4, 45],
         [:flitch , 4.0, 30],
         [:brawn  , 2.5, 56],
         [:welt   , 3.7, 67],
         [:salami , 3.0, 95],
         [:sausage, 5.9, 98] ].sort_by{|item, weight, price| -price / weight}

maxW, value = 15.0, 0 items.each do |item, weight, price|

 if (maxW -= weight) > 0
   puts "Take all #{item}"
   value += price
   puts "Take %gkg of %s" % [t=weight+maxW, item], "",
        "Total value of swag is %g" % (value+(price/weight)*t)


Take all salami
Take all ham
Take all brawn
Take all greaves
Take 3.5kg of welt

Total value of swag is 349.378


This example is incorrect. It does not accomplish the given task. Please fix the code and remove this message.

<lang runbasic>dim name$(9) dim wgt(9) dim price(9) dim tak$(100)

name$(1) = "beef"  : wgt(1) = 3.8 : price(1) = 36 name$(2) = "pork"  : wgt(2) = 5.4 : price(2) = 43 name$(3) = "ham"  : wgt(3) = 3.6 : price(3) = 90 name$(4) = "greaves"  : wgt(4) = 2.4 : price(4) = 45 name$(5) = "flitch"  : wgt(5) = 4.0 : price(5) = 30 name$(6) = "brawn"  : wgt(6) = 2.5 : price(6) = 56 name$(7) = "welt"  : wgt(7) = 3.7 : price(7) = 67 name$(8) = "salami"  : wgt(8) = 3.0 : price(8) = 95 name$(9) = "sausage"  : wgt(9) = 5.9 : price(9) = 98

for beef = 0 to 15 step 3.8

for pork    =        0 to 15 step 5.4
 for ham     =       0 to 15 step 3.6
  for greaves =      0 to 15 step 2.4
   for flitch  =     0 to 15 step 4.0
    for brawn   =    0 to 15 step 2.5
     for welt    =   0 to 15 step 3.7
      for salami  =  0 to 15 step 3.0
       for sausage = 0 to 15 step 5.9
         if beef + pork + ham + greaves + flitch + brawn + welt + salami + sausage <= 15 then
            totPrice = beef     / 3.8 * 36 + _
                       pork     / 5.4 * 43 + _ 
                       ham      / 3.6 * 90 + _ 
                       greaves  / 2.4 * 45 + _
                       flitch   / 4.0 * 30 + _
                       brawn    / 2.5 * 56 + _
                       welt     / 3.7 * 67 + _
                       salami   / 3.0 * 95 + _
                       sausage  / 5.9 * 98
           if totPrice >= maxPrice then
             maxPrice = totPrice
             theMax   = max(totPrice,maxPrice)
             t        = t + 1
             tak$(t)  = str$(maxPrice);",";beef;",";pork;",";ham;",";greaves;",";flitch;",";brawn;",";welt;",";salami;",";sausage
           end if 
         end if

next:next :next :next :next :next :next :next :next

print "Best 2 Options":print for i = t-1 to t

totTake = val(word$(tak$(i),1,","))
if totTake > 0 then 
  totWgt  = 0
  for j   = 2 to 10
   wgt    = val(word$(tak$(i),j,","))
   totWgt = totWgt + wgt
   value  = wgt / wgt(j - 1) * price(j - 1)
   if wgt <> 0 then print name$(j-1);chr$(9);"Value: ";using("###.#",value);chr$(9);"Weight: ";using("##.#",wgt)
  next j
   print "-------- Total ";using("###.#",totTake);chr$(9);"Weight: ";totWgt
end if

next i</lang>Output:

Best 2 Options

salami	Value: 285.0	Weight:  9.0
sausage	Value:  98.0	Weight:  5.9
-------- Total 383.0	Weight: 14.9

salami	Value: 475.0	Weight: 15.0
-------- Total 475.0	Weight: 15.0


<lang rust>fn main() {

   let items: [(&str, f32, u8); 9] = [
       ("beef", 3.8, 36),
       ("pork", 5.4, 43),
       ("ham", 3.6, 90),
       ("greaves", 2.4, 45),
       ("flitch", 4.0, 30),
       ("brawn", 2.5, 56),
       ("welt", 3.7, 67),
       ("salami", 3.0, 95),
       ("sausage", 5.9, 98),
   let mut weight: f32 = 15.0;
   let mut values: Vec<(&str, f32, f32)> = Vec::new();
   for item in &items {
       values.push((item.0, f32::from(item.2) / item.1, item.1));
   values.sort_by(|a, b| (a.1).partial_cmp(&b.1).unwrap());
   for choice in values {
       if choice.2 <= weight {
           println!("Grab {:.1} kgs of {}", choice.2, choice.0);
           weight -= choice.2;
           if (choice.2 - weight).abs() < std::f32::EPSILON {
       } else {
           println!("Grab {:.1} kgs of {}", weight, choice.0);

}</lang> Output:

Grab 3.0 kgs of salami
Grab 3.6 kgs of ham
Grab 2.5 kgs of brawn
Grab 2.4 kgs of greaves
Grab 3.5 kgs of welt


Use LP solver in SAS/OR: <lang sas>/* create SAS data set */ data mydata;

  input item $ weight value;

beef 3.8 36 pork 5.4 43 ham 3.6 90 greaves 2.4 45 flitch 4.0 30 brawn 2.5 56 welt 3.7 67 salami 3.0 95 sausage 5.9 98

/* call OPTMODEL procedure in SAS/OR */ proc optmodel;

  /* declare sets and parameters, and read input data */
  set <str> ITEMS;
  num weight {ITEMS};
  num value {ITEMS};
  read data mydata into ITEMS=[item] weight value;
  /* declare variables, objective, and constraints */
  var WeightSelected {i in ITEMS} >= 0 <= weight[i];
  max TotalValue = sum {i in ITEMS} (value[i]/weight[i]) * WeightSelected[i];
  con WeightCon:
     sum {i in ITEMS} WeightSelected[i] <= 15;
  /* call linear programming (LP) solver */
  /* print optimal solution */
  print TotalValue;
  print {i in ITEMS: WeightSelected[i].sol > 1e-3} WeightSelected;




[1] WeightSelected 
brawn 2.5 
greaves 2.4 
ham 3.6 
salami 3.0 
welt 3.5 


Functional approach (Tail recursive)

<lang Scala>import scala.annotation.tailrec

object ContinousKnapsackForRobber extends App {

 val MaxWeight = 15.0
 val items = Seq(
   Item("Beef",    3.8, 3600),
   Item("Pork",    5.4, 4300),
   Item("Ham",     3.6, 9000),
   Item("Greaves", 2.4, 4500),
   Item("Flitch",  4.0, 3000),
   Item("Brawn",   2.5, 5600),
   Item("Welt",    3.7, 6700),
   Item("Salami",  3.0, 9500),
   Item("Sausage", 5.9, 9800))
 // sort items by value per unit weight in descending order
 def sortedItems = items.sortBy(it => -it.value / it.weight)
 def packer(notPacked: Seq[Item], packed: Lootsack): Lootsack = {
   if (!packed.isNotFull || notPacked.isEmpty) packed
   else {
     val try2fit = packed.copy(bagged = notPacked.head +: packed.bagged)
     if (try2fit.isNotFull) packer(notPacked.tail, try2fit)
     else {
       try2fit.copy(lastPiece = packed.weightLeft / notPacked.head.weight)
 case class Item(name: String, weight: Double, value: Int)
 case class Lootsack(bagged: Seq[Item], lastPiece: Double = 1.0) {
   private val totWeight = if (bagged.isEmpty) 0.0
   else + bagged.head.weight * lastPiece
   def isNotFull: Boolean = weightLeft > 0
   def weightLeft: Double = MaxWeight - totWeight
   override def toString = f"${show(bagged, lastPiece)}Totals: weight: $totWeight%4.1f, value: $totValue%6.2f"
   private def totValue: BigDecimal = if (bagged.isEmpty) 0.0
   else ( + bagged.head.value * lastPiece) / 100
   private def show(is: Seq[Item], percentage: Double) = {
     def toStr(is: Seq[Item], percentage: Double = 1): String = => f"${percentage * 100}%6.2f%% ${}%-7s ${
         it.weight * percentage}%4.1f ${it.value * percentage / 100}%6.2f\n").mkString
     toStr(is.tail.reverse) + toStr(Seq(is.head), percentage)
 println(packer(sortedItems, Lootsack(Nil)))


100.00% Salami   3.0  95.00
100.00% Ham      3.6  90.00
100.00% Brawn    2.5  56.00
100.00% Greaves  2.4  45.00
 94.59% Welt     3.5  63.38
Totals: weight: 15.0, value: 349.38

See it in running in your browser by ScalaFiddle (JavaScript) .


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>var items = [

       [:beef,    3.8, 36],
       [:pork,    5.4, 43],
       [:ham,     3.6, 90],
       [:greaves, 2.4, 45],
       [:flitch,  4.0, 30],
       [:brawn,   2.5, 56],
       [:welt,    3.7, 67],
       [:salami,  3.0, 95],
       [:sausage, 5.9, 98],

].sort {|a,b| b[2]/b[1] <=> a[2]/a[1] }

var (limit, value) = (15, 0); print "Item Fraction Weight Value\n";

items.each { |item|

   var ratio = (item[1] > limit ? limit/item[1] : 1);
   value += item[2]*ratio;
   limit -= item[1];
   if (ratio == 1) {
       printf("%-8s %4s %7.2f %6.2f\n", item[0], 'all', item[1], item[2]);
   else {
       printf("%-8s %-4.2f %7.2f %6.2f\n", item[0], ratio, item[1]*ratio, item[2]*ratio);


say "#{'-'*28}\ntotal value: #{'%.14g' % value }"</lang>

Item   Fraction Weight Value
salami    all    3.00  95.00
ham       all    3.60  90.00
brawn     all    2.50  56.00
greaves   all    2.40  45.00
welt     0.95    3.50  63.38
total value: 349.37837837838


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Uses the trivial greedy algorithm

proc continuousKnapsack {items massLimit} {

   # Add in the unit prices
   set idx -1
   foreach item $items {

lassign $item name mass value lappend item [expr {$value / $mass}] lset items [incr idx] $item

   # Sort by unit prices
   set items [lsort -decreasing -real -index 3 $items]
   # Add items, using most valuable-per-unit first
   set result {}
   set total 0.0
   set totalValue 0
   foreach item $items {

lassign $item name mass value unit if {$total + $mass < $massLimit} { lappend result [list $name $mass $value] set total [expr {$total + $mass}] set totalValue [expr {$totalValue + $value}] } else { set mass [expr {$massLimit - $total}] set value [expr {$unit * $mass}] lappend result [list $name $mass $value] set totalValue [expr {$totalValue + $value}] break }

   # We return the total value too, purely for convenience
   return [list $result $totalValue]

}</lang> Driver for this particular problem: <lang tcl>set items {

   {beef	3.8	36}
   {pork	5.4	43}
   {ham	3.6	90}
   {greaves	2.4	45}
   {flitch	4.0	30}
   {brawn	2.5	56}
   {welt	3.7	67}
   {salami	3.0	95}
   {sausage	5.9	98}


lassign [continuousKnapsack $items 15.0] contents totalValue puts [format "total value of knapsack: %.2f" $totalValue] puts "contents:" foreach item $contents {

   lassign $item name mass value
   puts [format "\t%.1fkg of %s, value %.2f" $mass $name $value]

}</lang> Output:

total value of knapsack: 349.38
	3.0kg of salami, value 95.00
	3.6kg of ham, value 90.00
	2.5kg of brawn, value 56.00
	2.4kg of greaves, value 45.00
	3.5kg of welt, value 63.38


We might as well leave this one to the experts by setting it up as a linear programming problem and handing it off to an external library (which will be either lpsolve or glpk depending on the run-time system configuration). <lang Ursala>#import flo

  1. import lin

items = # name: (weight,price)


  'beef   ': (3.8,36.0),
  'pork   ': (5.4,43.0),
  'ham    ': (3.6,90.0),
  'greaves': (2.4,45.0),
  'flitch ': (4.0,30.0),
  'brawn  ': (2.5,56.0),
  'welt   ': (3.7,67.0),
  'salami ': (3.0,95.0),
  'sausage': (5.9,98.0)>

system = # a function to transform the item list to the data structure needed by the solver


  lower_bounds: *nS ~&\0.,         # all zeros because we can't steal less than zero
  upper_bounds: ~&nmlPXS,          # can't steal more than what's in the shop
  costs: * ^|/~& negative+ vid,    # prices divided by weights, negated so as to maximize
  equations: ~&iNC\15.+ 1.-*@nS]   # 1 equation constraining the total weight to 15
  1. cast %em

main = solution system items</lang> output:

   'brawn  ': 2.500000e+00,
   'greaves': 2.400000e+00,
   'ham    ': 3.600000e+00,
   'salami ': 3.000000e+00,
   'welt   ': 3.500000e+00>


<lang XPL0>int Name, Price, I, BestItem; real Weight, Best, ItemWt, TotalWt; def Items = 9; real PricePerWt(Items); int Taken(Items); include c:\cxpl\codes;

[Name:= ["beef","pork","ham","greaves","flitch","brawn","welt","salami","sausage"]; Weight:= [ 3.8, 5.4, 3.6, 2.4, 4.0, 2.5, 3.7, 3.0, 5.9]; Price:= [ 36, 43, 90, 45, 30, 56, 67, 95, 98];

for I:= 0 to Items-1 do

       [PricePerWt(I):= float(Price(I)) / Weight(I);
       Taken(I):= false;

Format(2,1); TotalWt:= 0.0; repeat Best:= 0.0;

       for I:= 0 to Items-1 do
           if not Taken(I) and PricePerWt(I) > Best then
               [Best:= PricePerWt(I);  BestItem:= I];
       Taken(BestItem):= true;                 \take item
       ItemWt:= Weight(BestItem);              \get its weight
       TotalWt:= TotalWt + ItemWt;             \add to total weight
       if TotalWt > 15.0 then                  \if total is too much, reduce
           ItemWt:= ItemWt - (TotalWt-15.0);   \item weight by amount it's over
       RlOut(0, ItemWt);  Text(0, " kg of ");  \show weight and item
       Text(0, Name(BestItem));  CrLf(0);

until TotalWt >= 15.0; \all we can steal ]</lang>


 3.0 kg of salami
 3.6 kg of ham
 2.5 kg of brawn
 2.4 kg of greaves
 3.5 kg of welt


Translation of: C

<lang zkl>items:=List( T(3.8, 36.0, "beef"), T(5.4, 43.0, "pork"), // weight, value, name T(3.6, 90.0, "ham"), T(2.4, 45.0, "greaves"), T(4.0, 30.0, "flitch"),T(2.5, 56.0, "brawn"), T(3.7, 67.0, "welt"), T(3.0, 95.0, "salami"), T(5.9, 98.0, "sausage"), ); fcn item_cmp(a,b){ a[1]/a[0] > b[1]/b[0] }

items.sort(item_cmp); space := 15.0; foreach it in (items){ w,_,nm:=it;

  if (space >= w){ println("take all ",nm); space-=w }
  else{ println("take %gkg of %gkg of %s".fmt(space,w,nm)); break }


take all salami
take all ham
take all brawn
take all greaves
take 3.5kg of 3.7kg of welt