Date manipulation: Difference between revisions

(Added EchoLisp)
(Added COBOL)
Line 397:
(Date. ,)
(->> , (.format sdf ,)))))</lang>
Tested with GnuCOBOL
Two parts to this example. Following the task spec using POSIX routines, and a more standardized COBOL form. COBOL 2014 uses ISO8601 date and time formats, and these formats may be more common in COBOL applications.
<lang cobol> identification division.
program-id. date-manipulation.
environment division.
configuration section.
function all intrinsic.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 given-date.
05 filler value z"March 7 2009 7:30pm EST".
01 date-spec.
05 filler value z"%B %d %Y %I:%M%p %Z".
01 time-struct.
05 tm-sec usage binary-long.
05 tm-min usage binary-long.
05 tm-hour usage binary-long.
05 tm-mday usage binary-long.
05 tm-mon usage binary-long.
05 tm-year usage binary-long.
05 tm-wday usage binary-long.
05 tm-yday usage binary-long.
05 tm-isdst usage binary-long.
05 tm-gmtoff usage binary-c-long.
05 tm-zone usage pointer.
01 scan-index usage pointer.
01 time-t usage binary-c-long.
01 time-tm usage pointer.
01 reform-buffer pic x(64).
01 reform-length usage binary-long.
01 current-locale usage pointer.
01 iso-spec constant as "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm".
01 iso-date constant as "2009-03-07T19:30:00-05:00".
01 date-integer pic 9(9).
01 time-integer pic 9(9).
procedure division.
call "strptime" using
by reference given-date
by reference date-spec
by reference time-struct
returning scan-index
on exception
display "error calling strptime" upon syserr
display "Given: " given-date
if scan-index not equal null then
*> add 12 hours, and reform as local
call "mktime" using time-struct returning time-t
add 43200 to time-t
perform form-datetime
*> reformat as Pacific time
set environment "TZ" to "PST8PDT"
call "tzset" returning omitted
perform form-datetime
*> reformat as Greenwich mean
set environment "TZ" to "GMT"
call "tzset" returning omitted
perform form-datetime
*> reformat for Tokyo time, as seen in Hong Kong
set environment "TZ" to "Japan"
call "tzset" returning omitted
call "setlocale" using by value 6 by content z"en_HK.utf8"
on exception
display "error with setlocale"
move z"%c" to date-spec
perform form-datetime
display "date parse error" upon syserr
*> A more standard COBOL approach, based on ISO8601
display "Given: " iso-date
move integer-of-formatted-date(iso-spec, iso-date)
to date-integer
move seconds-from-formatted-time(iso-spec, iso-date)
to time-integer
add 43200 to time-integer
if time-integer greater than 86400 then
subtract 86400 from time-integer
add 1 to date-integer
display " " substitute(formatted-datetime(iso-spec
date-integer, time-integer, -300), "T", "/")
call "localtime" using time-t returning time-tm
call "strftime" using
by reference reform-buffer
by value length(reform-buffer)
by reference date-spec
by value time-tm
returning reform-length
on exception
display "error calling strftime" upon syserr
if reform-length > 0 and <= length(reform-buffer) then
display " " reform-buffer(1 : reform-length)
display "date format error" upon syserr
end program date-manipulation.
prompt$ cobc -xj date-manipulation.cob
Given: March 7 2009 7:30pm EST
March 08 2009 08:30AM EDT
March 08 2009 05:30AM PDT
March 08 2009 12:30PM GMT
Sunday, March 08, 2009 PM09:30:00 JST
Given: 2009-03-07T19:30:00-05:00
Anonymous user