Compare a list of strings: Difference between revisions

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(Especially if an index is not needed elsewhere in the algorithm).
(Especially if an index is not needed elsewhere in the algorithm).
<lang python>all(a == nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # All equal
<lang python>all(a == nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # All equal
len(set(strings)) == 1 # Concise all equal
all(a < nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # Strictly ascending</lang>
all(a < nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # Strictly ascending</lang>

Revision as of 09:28, 23 June 2018

Compare a list of strings
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given a   list   of arbitrarily many strings, show how to:

  •   test if they are all lexically equal
  •   test if every string is lexically less than the one after it (i.e. whether the list is in strict ascending order)

Each of those two tests should result in a single true or false value, which could be used as the condition of an   if   statement or similar.

If the input list has less than two elements, the tests should always return true.

There is no need to provide a complete program and output.

Assume that the strings are already stored in an array/list/sequence/tuple variable (whatever is most idiomatic) with the name   strings,   and just show the expressions for performing those two tests on it (plus of course any includes and custom functions etc. that it needs),   with as little distractions as possible.

Try to write your solution in a way that does not modify the original list,   but if it does then please add a note to make that clear to readers.

If you need further guidance/clarification,   see #Perl and #Python for solutions that use implicit short-circuiting loops,   and #Perl_6 for a solution that gets away with simply using a built-in language feature.

Related tasks

360 Assembly

The program uses one ASSIST macro (XPRNT) to keep the code as short as possible. <lang 360asm>* Compare a list of strings 31/01/2017 COMPLIST CSECT

        USING  COMPLIST,R13       base register
        B      72(R15)            skip savearea
        DC     17F'0'             savearea
        STM    R14,R12,12(R13)    prolog
        ST     R13,4(R15)         " <-
        ST     R15,8(R13)         " ->
        LR     R13,R15            " addressability
        MVC    SNAME,=C'ABC'
        LA     R1,SNAME
        LA     R2,ABC
        BAL    R14,TEST           call test('ABC',abc)
        MVC    SNAME,=C'AAA'
        LA     R1,SNAME
        LA     R2,AAA
        BAL    R14,TEST           call test('AAA',aaa)
        MVC    SNAME,=C'ACB'
        LA     R1,SNAME
        LA     R2,ACB
        BAL    R14,TEST           call test('ACB',acb)     
        L      R13,4(0,R13)       epilog 
        LM     R14,R12,12(R13)    " restore
        XR     R15,R15            " rc=0
        BR     R14                exit
  • ------- ---- test(name,xlist) -----------------------

TEST MVC NAME,0(R1) store argument #1

        MVC    XLIST(6),0(R2)     store argument #2
        MVI    ALLEQ,X'01'        alleq=true
        MVI    INCRE,X'01'        incre=true
        LA     R6,1               i=1

LOOPI LA R2,NXLIST hbound(xlist)

        BCTR   R2,0               -1
        CR     R6,R2              do i to hbound(xlist)-1
        BH     ELOOPI
        MVC    XBOOL,ALLEQ
        OC     XBOOL,INCRE        or
        CLI    XBOOL,X'01'        and while alleq or incre
        BNE    ELOOPI
        LA     R2,1(R6)           i+1
        SLA    R2,1               *2
        LA     R3,XLIST-2(R2)     @xlist(i+1)
        LR     R1,R6              i
        SLA    R1,1               *2
        LA     R4,XLIST-2(R1)     @xlist(i)
        CLC    0(2,R3),0(R4)      if xlist(i+1)=xlist(i)
        BNE    SEL1B
        MVI    INCRE,X'00'        incre=false
        B      SEL1END

SEL1B CLC 0(2,R3),0(R4) if xlist(i+1)<xlist(i)

        BNL    SEL1OTH
        MVI    INCRE,X'00'        incre=false
        MVI    ALLEQ,X'00'        alleq=false
        B      SEL1END

SEL1OTH MVI ALLEQ,X'00' alleq=false SEL1END LA R6,1(R6) i=i+1

        B      LOOPI

ELOOPI CLI ALLEQ,X'01' if alleq

        BNE    SEL2B
        MVC    TXT,=CL40'all elements are equal'
        B      SEL2END

SEL2B CLI INCRE,X'01' if incre

        BNE    SEL2OTH
        MVC    TXT,=CL40'elements are in increasing order'
        B      SEL2END

SEL2OTH MVC TXT,=CL40'neither equal nor in increasing order' SEL2END MVI PG,C' '

        MVC    PG+1(79),PG        clear buffer
        MVC    PG(3),NAME
        MVC    PG+3(3),=C' : '
        MVC    PG+6(40),TXT
        XPRNT  PG,L'PG
        BR     R14                return to caller
  • ---- ----------------------------------------


        END    COMPLIST</lang>
ABC : elements are in increasing order
AAA : all elements are equal
ACB : neither equal nor in increasing order


We will store the "list" of strings in a vector. The vector will hold "indefinite" strings, i.e., the strings can have different lengths. <lang Ada> package String_Vec is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors

    (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => String);
  use type String_Vec.Vector;</lang>

The equality test iterates from the first to the last-but one index. For index Idx, it checks checks if Strings(Idx) and Strings(Idx+1) are different. If the answer is yes for any Idx, the function immediately returns False. If the answer is no for all Idx, the function finally returns True. <lang Ada> function All_Are_The_Same(Strings: String_Vec.Vector) return Boolean is

     for Idx in Strings.First_Index .. Strings.Last_Index-1 loop

if Strings(Idx) /= Strings(Idx+1) then return False; end if;

     end loop;
     return True;
  end All_Are_The_Same;</lang>

Similarily, the strictly ascending test checks if Strings(Idx) is greater or equal Strings(Idx+1). <lang Ada> function Strictly_Ascending(Strings: String_Vec.Vector) return Boolean is

     for Idx in Strings.First_Index+1 .. Strings.Last_Index loop

if Strings(Idx-1) >= Strings(Idx) then return False; end if;

     end loop;
     return True;
  end Strictly_Ascending;</lang>

If the variable Strings is of the type String_Vec.vector, one can call these two functions as usual. <lang Ada>Put_Line(Boolean'Image(All_Are_The_Same(Strings)) & ", " &


If Strings holds two or more strings, the result will be either of TRUE, FALSE, or FALSE, TRUE, or FALSE, FALSE, indicating all strings are the same, or they are strictly ascending, or neither.

However, if Strings only holds zero or one string, the result will be TRUE, TRUE.


<lang ALGOL68>[]STRING list1 = ("AA","BB","CC"); []STRING list2 = ("AA","AA","AA"); []STRING list3 = ("AA","CC","BB"); []STRING list4 = ("AA","ACB","BB","CC"); []STRING list5 = ("single_element");

[][]STRING all lists to test = (list1, list2, list3, list4, list5);

PROC equal = ([]STRING list) BOOL:

     BOOL ok := TRUE;
     FOR i TO UPB list - 1 WHILE ok DO

ok := list[i] = list[i+1]


PROC less than = ([]STRING list) BOOL:

     BOOL ok := TRUE;
     FOR i TO UPB list - 1 WHILE ok DO

ok := list[i] < list[i + 1]


FOR i TO UPB all lists to test DO

  []STRING list = all lists to test[i];
  print (("list:", (STRING s; FOR i TO UPB list DO s +:= " " + list[i] OD; s), new line));
  IF equal (list) THEN
     print ((" lexically equal", new line))
     print ((" not lexically equal", new line))
  IF less than (list) THEN
     print ((" in strict ascending order", new line))
     print ((" not in strict ascending order", new line))


list: AA BB CC not lexically equal in strict ascending order
list: AA AA AA lexically equal not in strict ascending order
list: AA CC BB not lexically equal not in strict ascending order
list: AA ACB BB CC not lexically equal in strict ascending order
list: single_element lexically equal in strict ascending order


<lang algolw>  % returns true if all elements of the string array a are equal, false otherwise %

   % As Algol W procedures cannot determine the bounds of an array, the bounds     %
   % must be specified in lo and hi                                                %
   logical procedure allStringsEqual ( string(256) array a ( * )
                                     ; integer     value lo, hi
                                     ) ;
       logical same;
       integer listPos;
       same    := true;
       listPos := lo + 1;
       while same and listPos <= hi do begin
           same    := a( lo ) = a( listPos );
           listPos := listPos + 1
   end allStringsEqual ;
   % returns true if the elements of the string array a are in ascending order,    %
   % false otherwise                                                               %
   % As Algol W procedures cannot determine the bounds of an array, the bounds     %
   % must be specified in lo and hi                                                %
   logical procedure ascendingOrder  ( string(256) array a ( * )
                                     ; integer     value lo, hi
                                     ) ;
       logical ordered;
       integer listPos;
       ordered := true;
       listPos := lo + 1;
       while ordered and listPos <= hi do begin
           ordered := a( listPos - 1 ) < a( listPos );
           listPos := listPos + 1
   end ascendingOrder ;</lang>


Translation of: JavaScript

(ES6 Functional example)

<lang AppleScript>-- allEqual :: [String] -> Bool on allEqual(xs)

   _and(zipWith(my _equal, xs, rest of xs))

end allEqual

-- azSorted :: [String] -> Bool on azSorted(xs)

   _and(zipWith(my azBeforeOrSame, xs, rest of xs))

end azSorted

-- _equal :: a -> a -> Bool on _equal(a, b)

   a = b

end _equal

-- azBefore :: String -> String -> Bool on azBeforeOrSame(a, b)

   a ≥ b

end azBeforeOrSame

-- _and :: [a] -> Bool on _and(xs)

   foldr(_equal, true, xs)

end _and

-- TEST on run

   set lstA to ["isiZulu", "isiXhosa", "isiNdebele", "Xitsonga", "Tshivenda", ¬
       "Setswana", "Sesotho sa Leboa", "Sesotho", "English", "Afrikaans"]
   set lstB to ["Afrikaans", "English", "Sesotho", "Sesotho sa Leboa", "Setswana", ¬
       "Tshivenda", "Xitsonga", "isiNdebele", "isiXhosa", "isiZulu"]
   set lstC to ["alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "alpha", ¬
       "alpha", "alpha", "alpha"]
   {allEqual:map(allEqual, [lstA, lstB, lstC]), azSorted:map(azSorted, [lstA, lstB, lstC])}
   -- > {allEqual:{false, false, true}, azSorted:{false, true, true}}

end run


-- foldr :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a on foldr(f, startValue, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set v to startValue
       set lng to length of xs
       repeat with i from lng to 1 by -1
           set v to lambda(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return v
   end tell

end foldr

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] on zipWith(f, xs, ys)

   set nx to length of xs
   set ny to length of ys
   if nx < 1 or ny < 1 then
       set lng to cond(nx < ny, nx, ny)
       set lst to {}
       tell mReturn(f)
           repeat with i from 1 to lng
               set end of lst to lambda(item i of xs, item i of ys)
           end repeat
           return lst
       end tell
   end if

end zipWith

-- cond :: Bool -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) on cond(bool, f, g)

   if bool then
   end if

end cond

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)

   if class of f is script then
           property lambda : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn</lang>

{allEqual:{false, false, true}, azSorted:{false, true, true}}


<lang AWK>




} function main(list, arr,i,n,test1,test2) {

   test1 = 1 # elements are identical
   test2 = 1 # elements are in ascending order
   n = split(list,arr,",")
   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
     printf(" %s",arr[i])
     if (i > 1) {
       if (arr[i-1] != arr[i]) {
         test1 = 0 # elements are not identical
       if (arr[i-1] >= arr[i]) {
         test2 = 0 # elements are not in ascending order

} </lang>

list: AA BB CC

list: AA AA AA

list: AA CC BB

list: AA ACB BB CC

list: single_element


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <string.h>

int strings_are_equal(char * * strings, int nstrings) {

 int result = 1;
 while (result && (--nstrings > 0))
   result = !strcmp(*strings, *(strings+nstrings));
 return result;


int strings_are_in_ascending_order(char * * strings, int nstrings) {

 int result = 1;
 int k = 0;
 while (result && (++k < nstrings))
   result = (0 >= strcmp(*(strings+k-1), *(strings+k)));
 return result;



Works with: C sharp version 7

<lang csharp>public static (bool lexicallyEqual, bool strictlyAscending) CompareAListOfStrings(List<string> strings) =>

   strings.Count < 2 ? (true, true) :
       strings.Distinct().Count() < 2,
       Enumerable.Range(1, strings.Count - 1).All(i => string.Compare(strings[i-1], strings[i]) < 0)


Assuming that the strings variable is of type T<std::string> where T is an ordered STL container such as std::vector:

Works with: C++ version 11

<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>

  1. include <string>

std::all_of( ++(strings.begin()), strings.end(),

            [&](std::string a){ return a == strings.front(); } )  // All equal

std::is_sorted( strings.begin(), strings.end(),

               [](std::string a, std::string b){ return !(b < a); }) )  // Strictly ascending</lang>


<lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.string;
   foreach (const strings; ["AA AA AA AA", "AA ACB BB CC"].map!split) {
       strings.writeln;!(ab => ab[0] == ab[1]).writeln;!(ab => ab[0] < ab[1]).writeln;


["AA", "AA", "AA", "AA"]

["AA", "ACB", "BB", "CC"]


Used similar approach as the Python solution

<lang clojure>

Checks if all items in strings list are equal (returns true if list is empty)

(every? (fn a nexta (= a nexta)) (map vector strings (rest strings))))

Checks strings list is in ascending order (returns true if list is empty)

(every? (fn a nexta (<= (compare a nexta) 0)) (map vector strings (rest strings))))


Common Lisp

<lang Lisp> (defun strings-equal-p (strings)

 (null (remove (first strings) (rest strings) :test #'string=)))

(defun strings-ascending-p (strings)

 (loop for string1 = (first strings) then string2
       for string2 in (rest strings)
       always (string-lessp string1 string2)))



ELENA 3.4 : <lang elena>import system'collections. import system'routines. import extensions.

extension helper {

       = nil == self seekFor(self firstMember) eachPair(:n:m)( m equal:n; inverted ).
       var former := self enumerator.
       var later := self enumerator.
       later next.
       ^ nil == former zip:later by(:prev:next)( next <= prev ); seekEach(:b)( b )


public program = [

   (("AA","BB","CC"),("AA","AA","AA"),("AA","CC","BB"),("AA","ACB","BB","CC"),List new; append:"single_element")
           console printLine(list," all equal - ",list isEqual).
           console printLine(list," ascending - ",list isAscending)
   console readChar.            


AA,BB,CC all equal - false
AA,BB,CC ascending - true
AA,AA,AA all equal - true
AA,AA,AA ascending - false
AA,CC,BB all equal - false
AA,CC,BB ascending - false
AA,ACB,BB,CC all equal - false
AA,ACB,BB,CC ascending - true
single_element all equal - true
single_element ascending - true


<lang elixir>defmodule RC do

 def compare_strings(strings) do
   {length(Enum.uniq(strings))<=1, strict_ascending(strings)}
 defp strict_ascending(strings) when length(strings) <= 1, do: true
 defp strict_ascending([first, second | _]) when first >= second, do: false
 defp strict_ascending([_, second | rest]), do: strict_ascending([second | rest])


lists = [ ~w(AA AA AA AA), ~w(AA ACB BB CC), ~w(AA CC BB), [], ["XYZ"] ] Enum.each(lists, fn list ->

 IO.puts "#{inspect RC.compare_strings(list)}\t<= #{inspect list} "


{true, false}   <= ["AA", "AA", "AA", "AA"]
{false, true}   <= ["AA", "ACB", "BB", "CC"]
{false, false}  <= ["AA", "CC", "BB"]
{true, true}    <= []
{true, true}    <= ["XYZ"]


Translation of: Haskell

<lang erlang> -module(compare_strings).


all_equal(Strings) -> all_fulfill(fun(S1,S2) -> S1 == S2 end,Strings).

all_incr(Strings) -> all_fulfill(fun(S1,S2) -> S1 < S2 end,Strings).

all_fulfill(Fun,Strings) -> lists:all(fun(X) -> X end,lists:zipwith(Fun, lists:droplast(Strings), tl(Strings)) ). </lang>


<lang fsharp>let allEqual strings = Seq.isEmpty strings || Seq.forall (fun x -> x = Seq.head strings) (Seq.tail strings) let ascending strings = Seq.isEmpty strings || Seq.forall2 (fun x y -> x < y) strings (Seq.tail strings)</lang>

Actually allEqual is a shortcut and ascending is a general pattern. We can make a function out of it which constructs a new function from a comparision function

<lang fsharp>let (!) f s = Seq.isEmpty s || Seq.forall2 f s (Seq.tail s)</lang>

and define the 2 task functions that way

<lang fsharp>let allEqual = !(=) let ascending = !(<)</lang>

getting something similar as the builtin in Perl 6


Assuming the list is on top of the data stack, testing for lexical equality: <lang factor>USE: grouping all-equal?</lang> Testing for ascending order: <lang factor>USING: grouping math.order ; [ before? ] monotonic?</lang>


note: This will work under some ANS-Forth systems. It assumes that WORD stores its string at HERE --- this isn't guaranteed by ANS-Forth.

Raw Forth is a very low level language and has no Native lists so we have to build from scratch. Remarkably by concatenating these low level operations and using the simple Forth parser we can build the linked lists of strings and the list operators quite simply. The operators and lists that we create become extensions to the language. <lang>\ linked list of strings creators

," ( -- ) [CHAR] " WORD c@ 1+ ALLOT  ; \ Parse input stream until " and write into next available memory
[[ ( -- ) 0 C, ; \ begin a list. write a 0 into next memory byte (null string)
]] ( -- ) [[ ; \ end list with same null string
nth ( n list -- addr) swap 0 do count + loop ; \ return address of the Nth item in a list
items ( list -- n ) \ return the number of items in a list
             1+ 2dup swap Nth C@
          0= until
          nip 1- ;
compare$ ( $1 $2 -- -n|0|n ) count rot count compare ; \ compare is an ANS Forth word. returns 0 if $1=$2
compare[] ( list n1 n2 -- flag) \ compare items n1 and n2 in list
           ROT dup >R nth ( -- $1)
           swap r> nth    ( -- $1 $2)
           compare$ ;

\ create our lexical operators

LEX= ( list -- flag)
          0                                                 \ place holder for the flag
          over items 1
             over I  I 1+ compare[] +                       \ we sum the comparison results on the stack
          nip 0= ;
LEX< ( list -- flag)
          0                                                 \ place holder for the flag
          over items 1
             over I  I 1+ compare[] 0< NOT +
          nip 0= ;

\ make some lists create strings ," ENTRY 4" ," ENTRY 3" ," ENTRY 2" ," ENTRY 1" create strings2 ," the same" ," the same" ," the same" create strings3 ," AAA" ," BBB" ," CCC" ," DDD" </lang>

Test at the Forth console (-1 is the result for TRUE)

STRINGS  lex= . 0 ok
STRINGS2 lex= . -1 ok
STRINGS3 lex= . 0 ok 
STRINGS  lex< . 0 ok
STRINGS2 lex< . 0 ok
STRINGS3 lex< . -1 ok


This depends upon having the novice-package available --- the novice-package is ANS-Forth, as is this code.

I don't think it is a good idea to write "Raw Forth" as described above. Application code is hard to write and hard to read when low-level code is mixed in with application code. It is better to hide low-level code in general-purpose code-libraries so that the application code can be simple. Here is my solution using LIST.4TH from my novice-package:


test-equality ( string node -- new-string bad? )
   over count                          \ -- string node adr cnt 
   rot .line @ count   compare ; 
test-ascending ( string node -- new-string bad? )
   .line @ >r 
   count  r@ count     compare -1 <>   \ -- bad? 
   r> swap ; 
test-seq { seq 'test -- flag } \ 'TEST picture: string node -- new-string bad?
    seq length 2 < if  true exit then 
    seq .line @  seq 2nd  'test  find-node 
    nip  0= ; 

</lang> Here is a test of the above code: <lang> (( c" aaa" new-seq >> c" aaa" new-seq >> c" aaa" new-seq )) drop ok-1 dup ' test-equality test-seq . -1 ok-1 kill-seq ok (( c" aaa" new-seq >> c" bbb" new-seq >> c" aaa" new-seq )) drop ok-1 dup ' test-equality test-seq . 0 ok-1 kill-seq ok (( c" aaa" new-seq >> c" bbb" new-seq >> c" ccc" new-seq )) drop ok-1 dup ' test-ascending test-seq . -1 ok-1 kill-seq ok (( c" aaa" new-seq >> c" bbb" new-seq >> c" aaa" new-seq )) drop ok-1 dup ' test-ascending test-seq . 0 ok-1 kill-seq ok </lang>


Fortran does not offer a "string" item, which is to say, a sequence of items plus the length as one entity as in Pascal, among others. It does offer a CHARACTER variable, having some specified number of characters so the usual approach is to choose a length that is "long enough". In character comparisons, trailing spaces are ignored so that "xx" and "xx " are deemed equal. Similarly, it does not offer a list-of-thingies item, so again the usual approach is to provide an array of a size "long enough". One could develop a scheme with auxiliary counters stating how many elements are in use and so forth, but for this example, the parameterisation will do. Inspection of such arrays of character entities requires explicit DO-loops and IF-statements, and functions ALLINORDER and ALLEQUAL could be devised. Earlier Fortrans (prior to 77) lack a CHARACTER type, and so one must struggle with integer arrays.

Later Fortran (90 et seq) offers the special function ALL (and its associate, ANY) for testing multiple logical expressions, and also syntax allowing multiple elements of an array to be specified, as in A(3:7) to access elements 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of array A. The ALL function has the special feature that if no logical expressions exist, then they, er, ... all ... are true and the result of ALL(nothing) is true. Well, none of them are false... Whatever the rationalisations this delivers the required result when the list has but one element and so there are no pairs to produce logical expressions, so, none of them are false, so the result is true, as specified.

On the other hand a function such as ALLINORDER would show the sound of one hand clapping. It would also reveal the order in which comparisons were made, and whether the loop would quit on the first failure or blockheadedly slog on through the lot regardless. Alas, on these questions the documentation for ALL is suspiciously silent.

<lang Fortran>

     PARAMETER (LONG = 6,MANY = 4)	!Adjust to suit.
     CHARACTER*(LONG) STRINGS(MANY)	!A list of text strings.
     STRINGS(1) = "Fee"
     STRINGS(2) = "Fie"
     STRINGS(3) = "Foe"
     STRINGS(4) = "Fum"
       WRITE (6,*) MANY," strings: strictly increasing in order."
       WRITE (6,*) MANY," strings: not strictly increasing in order."
     END IF
       WRITE (6,*) MANY," strings: all equal."
       WRITE (6,*) MANY," strings: not all equal."
     END IF


And yes, if MANY is set to one and the extra texts are commented out, the results are both true, and ungrammatical statements are made. Honest. Possibly, another special function, as in COUNT(STRINGS(1:MANY - 1) .LT. STRINGS(2:MANY))) would involve less one-hand-clapping when there are no comparisons to make, but the production of a report that would use it is not in the specification.


F2008 standard ([ISO 2010], 4.4.3) defines the character variable of the character type as a set of values composed of character strings and a character string is a sequence of characters, numbered from left to right 1, 2, 3, ... up to the number of characters in the string. The number of characters in the string is called the length of the string. The length is a type parameter; its kind is processor dependent and its value is greater than or equal to zero. I.e in declaration <lang Fortran>

character (len=12) :: surname

</lang> keyword len is NOT a size of array, it is an intrinsic parameter of character type, and character type is in fortran a first-class type: they can be assigned as objects or passed as parameters to a subroutine.

In summary, the character data type in Fortran is a real, first class data type. Fortran character strings are not hacked-up arrays! <lang Fortran> program compare_char_list

  implicit none
  character(len=6), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ss
  integer :: many
  ss = ["Fee","Fie","Foe","Fum"]
  many = size(ss)
  if (all(ss(1:many - 1) .lt. ss(2:many))) then
     write (*,*) many," strings: strictly increasing in order."
     write (*,*) many," strings: not strictly increasing in order."
  end if
  if (all(ss(1:many - 1) .eq. ss(2:many))) then
     write (*,*) many," strings: all equal."
     write (*,*) many," strings: not all equal."
  end if

end program compare_char_list </lang>


<lang freebasic> ' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Function AllEqual(strings() As String) As Boolean

  Dim length As Integer = UBound(strings) - LBound(strings) + 1
  If length < 2 Then Return False
  For i As Integer = LBound(strings) + 1 To UBound(strings)
    If strings(i - 1) <> strings(i) Then Return False
  Return True

End Function

Function AllAscending(strings() As String) As Boolean

  Dim length As Integer = UBound(strings) - LBound(strings) + 1
  If length < 2 Then Return False
  For i As Integer = LBound(strings) + 1 To UBound(strings)
    If strings(i - 1) >= strings(i) Then Return False
  Return True

End Function </lang>


<lang go>package cmp

func AllEqual(strings []string) bool { if len(strings) < 2 { return true }

first := strings[0] for _, s := range strings[1:] { if s != first { return false } } return true }

func AllLessThan(strings []string) bool { if len(strings) < 2 { return true }

last := strings[0] for _, s := range strings[1:] { if !(last < s) { return false } last = s } return true }</lang> See Compare_a_list_of_strings/GoTests for validation tests.

Note also there is the function sort.StringsAreSorted in the Go standard library. This function tests that the list is ordered by less than or equal to, but not strictly less than.


<lang gosu>var list = {"a", "b", "c", "d"}

var isHomogeneous = list.toSet().Count < 2 var isOrderedSet = list.toSet().order().toList() == list</lang>


<lang haskell>allEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool allEqual xs = and $ zipWith (==) xs (tail xs)

allIncr :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool allIncr xs = and $ zipWith (<) xs (tail xs)</lang>

Alternatively, using folds:

<lang haskell>allEqual

 :: Eq a
 => [a] -> Bool

allEqual [] = True allEqual (h:t) = foldl (\a x -> a && x == h) True t


 :: Ord a
 => [a] -> Bool

allIncreasing [] = True allIncreasing (h:t) = fst $ foldl (\(a, x) y -> (a && x < y, y)) (True, h) t</lang>

or seeking earlier exit (from longer lists) with until, but in fact, perhaps due to lazy execution, the zipWith at the top performs best.

<lang haskell>allEq

 :: Eq a
 => [a] -> Bool

allEq [] = True allEq (h:t) =

 null . snd $ 
   (\(x, xs) -> null xs || x /= head xs)
   (\(_, x:xs) -> (x, xs)) 
   (h, t)


 :: Ord a
 => [a] -> Bool

allInc [] = True allInc (h:t) =

 null . snd $
   (\(x, xs) -> null xs || x >= head xs)
   (\(_, x:xs) -> (x, xs))
   (h, t)</lang>


Solution (equality test):<lang j> allEq =: 1 = +/@~: NB. or 1 = #@:~. or -: 1&|. or }.-:}:</lang> Solution (order test):<lang j> asc =: /: -: i.@# NB. or -: (/:~) etc.</lang> Notes: asc indicates whether y is monotonically increasing, but not necessarily strictly monotonically increasing (in other words, it allows equal elements if they are adjacent to each other).


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java5>import java.util.Arrays;

public class CompareListOfStrings {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String[][] arr = {{"AA", "AA", "AA", "AA"}, {"AA", "ACB", "BB", "CC"}};
       for (String[] a : arr) {
           System.out.printf("%s%n%s%n%s%n", Arrays.toString(a),
  < a.length,
           Arrays.equals(, a));


[AA, AA, AA, AA]




<lang JavaScript>function allEqual(a) {

 var out = true, i = 0;
 while (++i<a.length) {
   out = out && (a[i-1] === a[i]);
 } return out;


function azSorted(a) {

 var out = true, i = 0;
 while (++i<a.length) {
   out = out && (a[i-1] < a[i]);
 } return out;


var e = ['AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA'], s = ['AA', 'ACB', 'BB', 'CC'], empty = [], single = ['AA']; console.log(allEqual(e)); // true console.log(allEqual(s)); // false console.log(allEqual(empty)); // true console.log(allEqual(single)); // true console.log(azSorted(e)); // false console.log(azSorted(s)); // true console.log(azSorted(empty)); // true console.log(azSorted(single)); // true </lang>



Using a generic zipWith, and functionally composed predicates: <lang JavaScript>(() => {

   'use strict';
   // allEqual :: [String] -> Bool
   let allEqual = xs => and(zipWith(equal, xs, xs.slice(1))),
       // azSorted :: [String] -> Bool
       azSorted = xs => and(zipWith(azBefore, xs, xs.slice(1))),
       // equal :: a -> a -> Bool
       equal = (a, b) => a === b,
       // azBefore :: String -> String -> Bool
       azBefore = (a, b) => a.toLowerCase() <= b.toLowerCase();

   // and :: [Bool] -> Bool
   let and = xs => xs.reduceRight((a, x) => a && x, true),
       // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
       zipWith = (f, xs, ys) => {
           let ny = ys.length;
           return (xs.length <= ny ? xs : xs.slice(0, ny))
               .map((x, i) => f(x, ys[i]));

   // TEST
   let lists = [
       ['isiZulu', 'isiXhosa', 'isiNdebele', 'Xitsonga',
           'Tshivenda', 'Setswana', 'Sesotho sa Leboa', 'Sesotho',
           'English', 'Afrikaans'
       ['Afrikaans', 'English', 'isiNdebele', 'isiXhosa',
           'isiZulu', 'Sesotho', 'Sesotho sa Leboa', 'Setswana',
           'Tshivenda', 'Xitsonga',
       ['alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha',
           'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha', 'alpha'
   return {



<lang JavaScript>{

 "allEqual": [
 "azSorted": [



Works with: jq version 1.4

For both the following functions, the input is assumed to be a (possibly empty) array of strings. In both cases also, the implementations are fast but could be improved at the expense of complexity. <lang jq># Are the strings all equal? def lexically_equal:

 . as $in
 | reduce range(0;length-1) as $i
     (true; if . then $in[$i] == $in[$i + 1] else false end);
  1. Are the strings in strictly ascending order?

def lexically_ascending:

 . as $in
 | reduce range(0;length-1) as $i
     (true; if . then $in[$i] < $in[$i + 1] else false end);</lang>

Examples: <lang jq>[] | lexically_equal #=> true</lang> <lang jq>["a", "ab"] | lexically_ascending #=> true</lang>


Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>allequal(arr::AbstractArray) = isempty(arr) || all(x -> x == first(arr), arr)

test = [["RC", "RC", "RC"], ["RC", "RC", "Rc"], ["RA", "RB", "RC"],

      ["RC"], String[], ones(Int64, 4), 1:4]

for v in test

   println("\n# Testing $v:")
   println("The elements are $("not " ^ !allequal(v))all equal.")
   println("The elements are $("not " ^ !issorted(v))strictly increasing.")


# Testing String["RC", "RC", "RC"]:
The elements are all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing String["RC", "RC", "Rc"]:
The elements are not all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing String["RA", "RB", "RC"]:
The elements are not all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing String["RC"]:
The elements are all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing String[]:
The elements are all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing [1, 1, 1, 1]:
The elements are all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.

# Testing 1:4:
The elements are not all equal.
The elements are strictly increasing.


<lang K>

   {:[2>#x;1;&/=:'x]}:(["test" "test" "test"])


   {:[2>#x;1;&/<:'x]}:(["bar" "baz" "foo"])

1 </lang>


<lang scala>// version 1.0.6

fun areEqual(strings: Array<String>): Boolean {

   if (strings.size < 2) return true
   return (1 until strings.size).none { strings[it] != strings[it - 1] }


fun areAscending(strings: Array<String>): Boolean {

   if (strings.size < 2) return true
   return (1 until strings.size).none { strings[it] <= strings[it - 1] }


// The strings are given in the command line arguments

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   println("The strings are : ${args.joinToString()}")
   if (areEqual(args)) println("They are all equal")
   else if (areAscending(args)) println("They are in strictly ascending order")
   else println("They are neither equal nor in ascending order")

}</lang> Sample input/output:

The strings are : first, second, third
They are in strictly ascending order


<lang lua>function identical(t_str)

   _, fst = next(t_str)
   if fst then
       for _, i in pairs(t_str) do
           if i ~= fst then return false end
   return true


function ascending(t_str)

   prev = false
   for _, i in ipairs(t_str) do
       if prev and prev >= i then return false end
       prev = i
   return true


function check(str)

   t_str = {}
   for i in string.gmatch(str, "[%a_]+") do
       table.insert(t_str, i)
   str = str .. ": "
   if not identical(t_str) then str = str .. "not " end
   str = str .. "identical and "
   if not ascending(t_str) then str = str .. "not " end
   print(str .. "ascending.")


check("ayu dab dog gar panda tui yak") check("oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy") check("somehow somewhere sometime") check("Hoosiers") check("AA,BB,CC") check("AA,AA,AA") check("AA,CC,BB") check("AA,ACB,BB,CC") check("single_element")</lang>

ayu dab dog gar panda tui yak: not identical and ascending.
oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy: identical and not ascending.
somehow   somewhere  sometim: not identical and not ascending.
Hoosiers: identical and ascending.
AA,BB,CC: not identical and ascending.
AA,AA,AA: identical and not ascending.
AA,CC,BB: not identical and not ascending.
AA,ACB,BB,CC: not identical and ascending.
single_element: identical and ascending.


<lang Mathematica>data1 = {"aaa", "aaa", "aab"}; Apply[Equal, data] OrderedQ[data]</lang>



<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

runSample(arg) return

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method isEqual(list = Rexx[]) public static binary returns boolean

 state = boolean (1 == 1) -- default to true
 loop ix = 1 while ix < list.length
   state = list[ix - 1] == list[ix]
   if \state then leave ix
   end ix
 return state

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method isAscending(list = Rexx[]) public static binary returns boolean

 state = boolean (1 == 1) -- default to true
 loop ix = 1 while ix < list.length
   state = list[ix - 1] << list[ix]
   if \state then leave ix
   end ix
 return state

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) private static

 samples = [ -
     ['AA', 'BB', 'CC'] -
   , ['AA', 'AA', 'AA'] -
   , ['AA', 'CC', 'BB'] -
   , ['single_element'] -
 loop ix = 0 while ix < samples.length
   sample = samples[ix]
   if isEqual(sample)     then eq  = 'elements are identical'
                          else eq  = 'elements are not identical'
   if isAscending(sample) then asc = 'elements are in ascending order'
                          else asc = 'elements are not in ascending order'
   say 'List:' Arrays.toString(sample)
   say '  'eq
   say '  'asc
   end ix


List: [AA, BB, CC]
  elements are not identical
  elements are in ascending order
List: [AA, AA, AA]
  elements are identical
  elements are not in ascending order
List: [AA, CC, BB]
  elements are not identical
  elements are not in ascending order
List: [single_element]
  elements are identical
  elements are in ascending order


<lang Ocaml> open List;;

let analyze cmp l =

 let rec analyze' l prevs =
   match l with
   [] -> true
   | [s] -> cmp prevs s
   | s::rest -> (cmp prevs s) && (analyze' rest s)
 in analyze' ( l) (List.hd l)

let isEqual = analyze (=) ;; let isAscending = analyze (<) ;;

let test sample =

  List.iter print_endline sample;
  if (isEqual sample)
      then (print_endline "elements are identical")
      else (print_endline "elements are not identical");
  if (isAscending sample)

then print_endline "elements are in ascending order"

        else print_endline "elements are not in ascending order";;

let lasc = ["AA";"BB";"CC";"EE"];; let leq = ["AA";"AA";"AA";"AA"];; let lnoasc = ["AA";"BB";"EE";"CC"];;

List.iter test [lasc;leq;lnoasc];; </lang>

elements are not identical
elements are in ascending order
elements are identical
elements are not in ascending order
elements are not identical
elements are not in ascending order


<lang oforth>: lexEqual asSet size 1 <= ;

lexCmp(l) l l right( l size 1- ) zipWith(#<) and ;</lang>


<lang oorexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 28.06.2014 Walter Pachl
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Call test 'ABC',.list~of('AA','BB','CC') Call test 'AAA',.list~of('AA','AA','AA') Call test 'ACB',.list~of('AA','CC','BB') Exit

test: Procedure Use Arg name,list all_equal=1 increasing=1 Do i=0 To list~items-2

   When list[i1]==list[i] Then increasing=0
   When list[i1]<<list[i] Then Do
   When list[i1]>>list[i] Then all_equal=0


 When all_equal Then
   Say 'List' name': all elements are equal'
 When increasing Then
   Say 'List' name': elements are in increasing order'
   Say 'List' name': neither equal nor in increasing order'


List ABC: elements are in increasing order
List AAA: all elements are equal
List ACB: neither equal nor in increasing order


Easiest is to use Set(): <lang parigp>allEqual(strings)=#Set(strings)<2 inOrder(strings)=Set(strings)==strings</lang>

More efficient: <lang parigp>allEqual(strings)=for(i=2,#strings,if(strings[i]!=strings[i-1], return(0))); 1 inOrder(strings)=for(i=2,#strings,if(strings[i]>strings[i-1], return(0))); 1</lang>


<lang perl>use List::Util 1.33 qw(all);

all { $strings[0] eq $strings[$_] } 1..$#strings # All equal all { $strings[$_-1] lt $strings[$_] } 1..$#strings # Strictly ascending</lang>

Alternatively, if you can guarantee that the input strings don't contain null bytes, the equality test can be performed by a regex like this:

<lang perl>join("\0", @strings) =~ /^ ( [^\0]*+ ) (?: \0 $1 )* $/x # All equal</lang>

Perl 6

In Perl 6, putting square brackets around an infix operator turns it into a listop that effectively works as if the operator had been but in between all of the elements of the argument list (or in technical terms, it folds/reduces the list using that operator, while taking into account the operator's inherent associativity and identity value):

<lang perl6>[eq] @strings # All equal [lt] @strings # Strictly ascending</lang>


<lang Phix>function allsame(sequence s)

   for i=2 to length(s) do
       if s[i]!=s[1] then return 0 end if
   end for
   return 1

end function

function strict_order(sequence s)

   for i=2 to length(s) do
       if s[i]<=s[i-1] then return 0 end if
   end for
   return 1

end function

procedure test(sequence s)


end procedure

test({"AA","BB","CC"}) test({"AA","AA","AA"}) test({"AA","CC","BB"}) test({"AA","ACB","BB","CC"}) test({"single_element"})</lang>



PicoLisp has the native operators =, > and < these can take an infinite number of arguments and are also able to compare Transient symbols (the Strings of PicoLisp). <lang PicoLisp>(= "AA" "AA" "AA") -> T (= "AA" "AA" "Aa") -> NIL (< "AA" "AA") -> NIL (< "AA" "Aa") -> T (< "1" "A" "B" "Z" "c" ) -> T (> "A" "B" "Z" "C") -> NIL</lang> If you want a function which takes one list here are some straight-forward implementation: <lang PicoLisp> (de same (List)

 (apply = List))

(de sorted (List)

 (apply < List))

(de sorted-backwards (List)

 (apply > List))

(same '("AA" "AA" "AA")) -> T </lang> This would of course also work with <= and >= without any hassle.


<lang pli>*process source xref attributes or(!);

* 01.07.2014 Walter Pachl
clist: Proc Options(main);
Dcl (hbound) Builtin;
Dcl sysprint Print;
Dcl abc(3) Char(2) Init('AA','BB','CC');
Dcl aaa(3) Char(2) Init('AA','AA','AA');
Dcl acb(3) Char(2) Init('AA','CC','BB');
Call test('ABC',ABC);
Call test('AAA',AAA);
Call test('ACB',ACB);
test: Procedure(name,x);
Dcl name Char(*);
Dcl x(*) Char(*);
Dcl (all_equal,increasing) Bit(1) Init('1'b);
Dcl (i,i1) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl txt Char(50) Var;
Do i=1 To hbound(x)-1 While(all_equal ! increasing);
   When(x(i1)=x(i)) increasing='0'b;
   When(x(i1)<x(i)) Do;
   Otherwise /* x(i1)>x(i) */
   When(all_equal)  txt='all elements are equal';
   When(increasing) txt='elements are in increasing order';
   Otherwise        txt='neither equal nor in increasing order';
 Put Skip List(name!!': '!!txt);
ABC: elements are in increasing order
AAA: all elements are equal
ACB: neither equal nor in increasing order


Works with: PowerShell version 4.0

<lang PowerShell> function IsAscending ( [string[]]$Array ) { ( 0..( $Array.Count - 2 ) ).Where{ $Array[$_] -le $Array[$_+1] }.Count -eq $Array.Count - 1 } function IsEqual ( [string[]]$Array ) { ( 0..( $Array.Count - 2 ) ).Where{ $Array[$_] -eq $Array[$_+1] }.Count -eq $Array.Count - 1 }

IsAscending 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C' IsAscending 'A', 'C', 'B', 'C' IsAscending 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'

IsEqual 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C' IsEqual 'A', 'C', 'B', 'C' IsEqual 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A' </lang>



<lang purebasic>EnableExplicit DataSection

 Data.s ~"AA\tAA\tAA\nAA\tBB\tCC\nAA\tCC\tBB\nAA\tACB\tBB\tCC\nsingel_element"


Macro PassFail(PF)

 If PF : PrintN("Pass") : Else : PrintN("Fail") : EndIf


Macro ProcRec(Proc)

 Define tf1$,tf2$ : Static chk.b : chk=#True
 tf1$=StringField(s$,c,tz$) : tf2$=StringField(s$,c+1,tz$)
 If Len(tf2$) : Proc(s$,tz$,c+1) : EndIf  


Procedure.b IsStringsEqual(s$,tz$=~"\t",c.i=1)

 chk & Bool(tf1$=tf2$ Or tf2$="")
 ProcedureReturn chk


Procedure.b IsStringsAscending(s$,tz$=~"\t",c.i=1)

 chk & Bool(tf1$<tf2$ Or tf2$="")  
 ProcedureReturn chk  


Define t$,sf$,c.i,i.i,PF.b Read.s t$ : c=CountString(t$,~"\n") OpenConsole("Compare a list of Strings") For i=1 To c+1

 PrintN("List : "+sf$)
 Print("Lexical test   : ") : PassFail(IsStringsEqual(sf$))
 Print("Ascending test : ") : PassFail(IsStringsAscending(sf$))

Next Input()</lang>

List : AA       AA      AA
Lexical test   : Pass
Ascending test : Fail

List : AA       BB      CC
Lexical test   : Fail
Ascending test : Pass

List : AA       CC      BB
Lexical test   : Fail
Ascending test : Fail

List : AA       ACB     BB      CC
Lexical test   : Fail
Ascending test : Pass

List : singel_element
Lexical test   : Pass
Ascending test : Pass


A useful pattern is that when you need some function of an item in a list with its next item over possibly all items in the list then f(a, nexta) for a, nexta in zip(alist, alist[1:])) works nicely. (Especially if an index is not needed elsewhere in the algorithm). <lang python>all(a == nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # All equal len(set(strings)) == 1 # Concise all equal all(a < nexta for a, nexta in zip(strings, strings[1:])) # Strictly ascending</lang>


Let's start with a function that splits a vector into sub-vectors; it starts a new vector whenever the comparison function yields false.

<lang R> chunks <- function (compare, xs) {

 starts = which(c(T, !compare(head(xs, -1), xs[-1]), T))
        function(i) xs[starts[i]:(starts[i+1]-1)] )

} </lang>


<lang R> > chunks(`<`, c(0,4,8,1,3,5,7,9)) 1 [1] 0 4 8

2 [1] 1 3 5 7 9 </lang>

R displays the results in a very prolix manner, so let's simplify it.

<lang R> > toString(chunks(`<`, c(0,4,8,1,3,5,7,9,-2,0,88))) [1] "c(0, 4, 8), c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), c(-2, 0, 88)" > toString(chunks(`==`, c(0,0,0,5,5,8))) [1] "c(0, 0, 0), c(5, 5), 8" </lang>

Defining the required functions:

<lang R> all.eq <- function(xs) 1 == length( chunks(`==`, xs)) ascending <- function(xs) 1 == length( chunks(`<`, xs)) </lang>


<lang R> > all.eq(c('by')) [1] TRUE > all.eq(c('by','by','by')) [1] TRUE > all.eq(c('by','by','by','zoo')) [1] FALSE > ascending(c("at", "even", "once", "run", "zoo")) [1] TRUE > ascending(c("at", "even", "once", "run", "zoo", "we")) [1] FALSE > ascending(c("at", "even", "go", "go")) [1] FALSE > ascending(c("at")) [1] TRUE </lang>


Racket mostly has this... see documentation of string=? and string<?.

There are two small issues:

  • Racket will not cope with comparing less than 2 strings
  • also string=? and string<? take variable arguments, so the list has to be applyed to the functions

Hence the wrapper in the code below: <lang racket>#lang racket/base (define ((list-stringX? stringX?) strs)

 (or (null? strs) (null? (cdr strs)) (apply stringX? strs)))

(define list-string=? (list-stringX? string=?)) (define list-string<? (list-stringX? string<?))

(module+ test

 (require tests/eli-tester)
  (list-string=? '()) => #t
  (list-string=? '("a")) => #t
  (list-string=? '("a" "a")) => #t
  (list-string=? '("a" "a" "a")) => #t
  (list-string=? '("b" "b" "a")) => #f)
  (list-string<? '()) => #t
  (list-string<? '("a")) => #t
  (list-string<? '("a" "b")) => #t
  (list-string<? '("a" "a")) => #f
  (list-string<? '("a" "b" "a")) => #f
  (list-string<? '("a" "b" "c")) => #t))</lang>


<lang Red>Red []

list1: ["asdf" "Asdf" "asdf"] list2: ["asdf" "bsdf" "asdf"] list3: ["asdf" "asdf" "asdf"]

all-equal?: func [list][ 1 = length? unique/case list ] sorted?: func [list][ list == sort/case copy list ]  ;; sort without copy would modify list !

print all-equal? list1 print sorted? list1

print all-equal? list2 print sorted? list2

print all-equal? list3 print sorted? list3 </lang>



version 1

<lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 28.06.2014 Walter Pachl
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Call mklist 'ABC','AA','BB','CC' Call test 'ABC' Call mklist 'AAA','AA','AA','AA' Call mklist 'ACB','AA','CC','BB' Call test 'AAA' Call test 'ACB' Exit


 do i=1 by 1 To arg()-1
   call value list'.'i,arg(i+1)
 Call value list'.0',i-1

test: Parse Arg list all_equal=1 increasing=1 Do i=1 To value(list'.0')-1 While all_equal | increasing

   When value(list'.i1')==value(list'.i') Then increasing=0
   When value(list'.i1')<<value(list'.i') Then Do
   When value(list'.i1')>>value(list'.i') Then all_equal=0


 When all_equal Then
   Say 'List' value(list)': all elements are equal'
 When increasing Then
   Say 'List' value(list)': elements are in increasing order'
   Say 'List' value(list)': neither equal nor in increasing order'


List ABC: elements are in increasing order
List AAA: all elements are equal
List ACB: neither equal nor in increasing order

version 2

Programming note:   If a caseless compare (case insensitive) is desired, the two

  • parse arg x

REXX statements could be replaced with either of   (they're equivalent):

  • parse upper arg x
  • arg x

<lang rexx>/*REXX program compares a list of strings for: equality, all ascending. */ string.1= 'ayu dab dog gar panda tui yak' /*seven strings: all are ascending. */ string.2= 'oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy' /*ten strings: all are equal. */ string.3= 'somehow somewhere sometime' /*three strings: ¬equal, ¬ascending. */ string.4= 'Hoosiers' /*only a single string defined. */ string.5= /*Null. That is, no strings here. */

          do j=1  for 5;    say;   say          /* [↓]   process the lists of strings. */
          say center(' 'string.j, 50, "═")      /*display a centered title/header.     */
          if ifEqu(string.j)  then  say '  The strings are all equal.'
          if ifAsc(string.j)  then  say '  The strings are ascending.'
          end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ifEqu: procedure; parse arg x /*set X to all the strings in the list.*/

            do k=2  to words(x)                 /*scan the strings in the list.        */
            if word(x, k) \== word(x, k-1)  then return 0  /*is the string ¬= previous?*/
            end   /*k*/                         /* [↑]     0=false,      [↓]   1=true. */
      return 1                                  /*indicate all the strings are equal.  */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ifAsc: procedure; parse arg x /*set X to all the strings in the list.*/

            do k=2  to words(x)                 /*scan the strings in the list.        */
            if word(x, k) <<= word(x, k-1)  then return 0  /*is the string ≤ previous? */
            end   /*k*/                         /*  [↑]    0=false,      [↓]   1=true. */
      return 1                                  /*indicate all strings are ascending.  */</lang>

output   when using the supplied lists:

══════════ ayu dab dog gar panda tui yak══════════
  The strings are ascending.

══════════ oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy══════════
  The strings are all equal.

══════════ somehow   somewhere  sometime══════════

════════════════════ Hoosiers═════════════════════
  The strings are all equal.
  The strings are ascending.

════════════════════════ ═════════════════════════
  The strings are all equal.
  The strings are ascending.

version 3

This REXX version is more idiomatic. <lang rexx>/*REXX program compares a list of strings for: equality, all ascending. */ string.1= 'ayu dab dog gar panda tui yak' /*seven strings: all are ascending. */ string.2= 'oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy oy' /*ten strings: all are equal. */ string.3= 'somehow somewhere sometime' /*three strings: ¬equal, ¬ascending. */ string.4= 'Hoosiers' /*only a single string defined. */ string.5= /*Null. That is, no strings here. */

          do j=1  for 5;    say;   say          /* [↓]   process the lists of strings. */
          say center(' 'string.j, 50, "═")      /*display a centered title/header.     */
          if cStr(string.j, 'Equal'    )  then  say  '  The strings are all equal.'
          if cStr(string.j, 'Ascending')  then  say  '  The strings are ascending.'
          end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ cStr: procedure; parse arg x; arg , how 2 /*set X to list; get 1st char of arg #2*/

             do k=2  to words(x)                /*scan the strings in the list.        */
             if how=='E' then if word(x,k) \== word(x,k-1)  then return 0 /*¬=previous?*/
             if how=='A' then if word(x,k) <<= word(x,k-1)  then return 0 /*≤ previous?*/
             end   /*k*/                        /* [↓]   1=true.       [↑]   0=false.  */
     return 1                                   /*indicate strings have true comparison*/</lang>

output   is identical to the above REXX version.


<lang ring> cString1 = "hello" cString2 = "hello" compare(cString1,cString2) cString1 = "abc" cString2 = "bcd" compare(cString1,cString2) cString1 = "bcd" cString2 = "abc" compare(cString1,cString2)

func compare aString, bString

    n = strcmp(aString,bString)
    if n = 0 see aString + " = " + bString + nl
    but n < 0 see aString + " < " + bString + nl
    but n > 0 see aString + " > " + bString + nl ok



<lang ruby> # all equal? strings == strings.uniq.sort # ascending?</lang>

Short circuiting: <lang ruby>strings.all?{|str| str == strings.first} # all equal? strings.each_cons(2).all?{|str1, str2| str1 < str2} # ascending?</lang>


<lang rust>// Note that this solution uses the feature 'slice_patterns' which is available Rust nightly!

  1. ![feature(slice_patterns)]

fn strings_are_equal(seq: &[&str]) -> bool {

   match seq {
       &[] | &[_] => true,
       &[x, y, ref tail..] if x == y => strings_are_equal(&[&[y], tail].concat()),
       _ => false


fn asc_strings(seq: &[&str]) -> bool {

   match seq {
       &[] | &[_] => true,
       &[x, y, ref tail..] if x < y => asc_strings(&[&[y], tail].concat()),
       _ => false



"Simple Loop" and "Array Idiomatic" versions: <lang S-lang>define equal_sl(sarr) {

 variable n = length(sarr), a0, i;
 if (n < 2) return 1;  
 a0 = sarr[0];
 _for i (1, length(sarr)-1, 1)
   if (sarr[i] != a0) return 0;
 return 1;

} define ascending_sl(sarr) {

 variable n = length(sarr), a0, i;
 if (n < 2) return 1;  
 _for i (0, length(sarr)-2, 1)
   if (sarr[i] >= sarr[i+1]) return 0;
 return 1;


define equal_ai(sarr) {

 if (length(sarr) < 2) return 1;
 variable s0 = sarr[0];
 return all(sarr1: == s0);


define ascending_ai(sarr) {

 variable la = length(sarr);
 if (la < 2) return 1;  
 return all(sarr0:la-2 < sarr1:la-1);


define atest(a) {

 () = printf("\n");
 () = printf("equal_sl=%d, ascending_sl=%d\n",
             equal_sl(a), ascending_sl(a));
 () = printf("equal_ai=%d, ascending_ai=%d\n",
             equal_ai(a), ascending_ai(a));


atest(["AA","BB","CC"]); atest(["AA","AA","AA"]); atest(["AA","CC","BB"]); atest(["AA","ACB","BB","CC"]); atest(["single_element"]); atest(NULL); </lang>

equal_sl=0, ascending_sl=1
equal_ai=0, ascending_ai=1

equal_sl=1, ascending_sl=0
equal_ai=1, ascending_ai=0

equal_sl=0, ascending_sl=0
equal_ai=0, ascending_ai=0

equal_sl=0, ascending_sl=1
equal_ai=0, ascending_ai=1

equal_sl=1, ascending_sl=1
equal_ai=1, ascending_ai=1

equal_sl=1, ascending_sl=1
equal_ai=1, ascending_ai=1


Functions implemented in Scala following a functional paradigm <lang Scala> def strings_are_equal(seq:List[String]):Boolean = seq match {

   case Nil => true
   case s::Nil => true
   case el1 :: el2 :: tail => el1==el2 && strings_are_equal(el2::tail)


def asc_strings(seq:List[String]):Boolean = seq match {

   case Nil => true
   case s::Nil => true
   case el1 :: el2 :: tail => el1.compareTo(el2) < 0




'''Sample tests:'''

scala> strings_are_equal(List("asdf"))
res3: Boolean = true

scala> strings_are_equal(List("asdf","asdf","sf"))
res5: Boolean = false

scala> asc_strings(List())
res10: Boolean = true

scala> asc_strings(List("asdfas","fds"))
res11: Boolean = true

scala> asc_strings(List("sdfa","asfsdf","afas","asf"))
res8: Boolean = false


For known lists that are 'short-enough', the simplest solution uses 'apply', but that relies on the list being shorter than the maximum number of arguments a function can accept. Better is to write a simple loop:

<lang scheme> (define (compare-strings fn strs)

 (or (null? strs)                             ; returns #t on empty list
     (null? (cdr strs))                       ; returns #t on list of size 1
     (do ((fst strs (cdr fst))
          (snd (cdr strs) (cdr snd)))
       ((or (null? snd)
            (not (fn (car fst) (car snd))))
        (null? snd)))))                       ; returns #t if the snd list is empty, meaning all comparisons are exhausted

(compare-strings string=? strings) ; test for all equal (compare-strings string<? strings) ; test for in ascending order </lang>


Short-circuiting: <lang ruby>1..arr.end -> all{ arr[0] == arr[_] } # all equal 1..arr.end -> all{ arr[_-1] < arr[_] } # strictly ascending</lang>

Non short-circuiting: <lang ruby>arr.uniq.len == 1 # all equal arr == arr.uniq.sort # strictly ascending</lang>


The command form of the eq and < operators (introduced in Tcl 8.5) handle arbitrarily many arguments and will check if they're all equal/ordered. Making the operators work with a list of values is just a matter of using the expansion syntax with them. <lang tcl>tcl::mathop::eq {*}$strings; # All values string-equal tcl::mathop::< {*}$strings; # All values in strict order</lang>


<lang vb> Private Function IsEqualOrAscending(myList) As String Dim i&, boolEqual As Boolean, boolAsc As Boolean

   On Error Resume Next
   If UBound(myList) > 0 Then
       If Err.Number > 0 Then
           IsEqualOrAscending = "Error " & Err.Number & " : Empty array"
           On Error GoTo 0
           Exit Function
           For i = 1 To UBound(myList)
               If myList(i) <> myList(i - 1) Then boolEqual = True
               If myList(i) <= myList(i - 1) Then boolAsc = True
       End If
   End If
   IsEqualOrAscending = "List : " & Join(myList, ",") & ", IsEqual : " & (Not boolEqual) & ", IsAscending : " & Not boolAsc

End Function </lang> Call : <lang vb> Sub Main() Dim List

   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("AA", "BB", "CC"))
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("AA", "AA", "AA"))
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("AA", "CC", "BB"))
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("AA", "ACB", "BB", "CC"))
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("single_element"))
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(Array("AA", "BB", "BB"))
   'test with Empty Array :
   Debug.Print IsEqualOrAscending(List)

End Sub </lang>

List : AA,BB,CC, IsEqual : False, IsAscending : True
List : AA,AA,AA, IsEqual : True, IsAscending : False
List : AA,CC,BB, IsEqual : False, IsAscending : False
List : AA,ACB,BB,CC, IsEqual : False, IsAscending : True
List : single_element, IsEqual : True, IsAscending : True
List : AA,BB,BB, IsEqual : False, IsAscending : False
Error 13 : Empty array


<lang vb> Function string_compare(arr) lexical = "Pass" ascending = "Pass" For i = 0 To UBound(arr) If i+1 <= UBound(arr) Then If arr(i) <> arr(i+1) Then lexical = "Fail" End If If arr(i) >= arr(i+1) Then ascending = "Fail" End If End If Next string_compare = "List: " & Join(arr,",") & vbCrLf &_ "Lexical Test: " & lexical & vbCrLf &_ "Ascending Test: " & ascending & vbCrLf End Function

WScript.StdOut.WriteLine string_compare(Array("AA","BB","CC")) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine string_compare(Array("AA","AA","AA")) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine string_compare(Array("AA","CC","BB")) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine string_compare(Array("AA","ACB","BB","CC")) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine string_compare(Array("FF")) </lang>

List: AA,BB,CC
Lexical Test: Fail
Ascending Test: Pass

List: AA,AA,AA
Lexical Test: Pass
Ascending Test: Fail

List: AA,CC,BB
Lexical Test: Fail
Ascending Test: Fail

Lexical Test: Fail
Ascending Test: Pass

List: FF
Lexical Test: Pass
Ascending Test: Pass


These short circuit. <lang zkl>fcn allEQ(strings){ (not strings.filter1('!=(strings[0]))) } fcn monoUp(strings){

  strings.len()<2 or
  strings.reduce(fcn(a,b){ if(a>=b) return(Void.Stop,False); b }).toBool() 

}</lang> <lang zkl>allEQ(T("AA")).println(); //True allEQ(T("AA","AA","AA","AA")).println(); //True allEQ(T("A", "AA","AA","AA")).println(); //False

monoUp(T("a")).println(); //True monoUp(T("a","aa","aaa","aaaa")).println(); //True monoUp(T("a","aa","aaa","aaa")).println(); //False monoUp(T("a","b","c","cc")).println(); //True</lang>


<lang zonnon> module CompareStrings; type Vector = array * of string; var v,w: Vector; i: integer; all,ascending: boolean; begin v := new Vector(3); v[0] := "uno"; v[1] := "uno"; v[2] := "uno";

all := true; for i := 1 to len(v) - 1 do all := all & (v[i - 1] = v[i]); end;

w := new Vector(3); w[0] := "abc"; w[1] := "bcd"; w[2] := "cde"; v := w; ascending := true; for i := 1 to len(v) - 1 do ascending := ascending & (v[i - 1] <= v[i]) end;

write("all equals?: ");writeln(all); write("ascending?: ");writeln(ascending) end CompareStrings. </lang>

ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: AWK

<lang zxbasic>10 FOR j=160 TO 200 STEP 10 20 RESTORE j 30 READ n 40 LET test1=1: LET test2=1 50 FOR i=1 TO n 60 READ a$ 70 PRINT a$;" "; 80 IF i=1 THEN GO TO 110 90 IF p$<>a$ THEN LET test1=0 100 IF p$>=a$ THEN LET test2=0 110 LET p$=a$ 120 NEXT i 130 PRINT 'test1'test2 140 NEXT j 150 STOP 160 DATA 3,"AA","BB","CC" 170 DATA 3,"AA","AA","AA" 180 DATA 3,"AA","CC","BB" 190 DATA 4,"AA","ACB","BB","CC" 200 DATA 1,"single_element"</lang>