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Checkpoint synchronization

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Checkpoint synchronization
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The checkpoint synchronization is a problem of synchronizing multiple tasks. Consider a workshop where several workers (tasks) assembly details of some mechanism. When each of them completes his work they put the details together. There is no store, so a worker who finished its part first must wait for others before starting another one. Putting details together is the checkpoint at which tasks synchronize themselves before going their paths apart.

The task

Implement checkpoint synchronization in your language.

Make sure that the solution is race condition-free. Note that a straightforward solution based on events is exposed to race condition. Let two tasks A and B need to be synchronized at a checkpoint. Each signals its event (EA and EB correspondingly), then waits for the AND-combination of the events (EA&EB) and resets its event. Consider the following scenario: A signals EA first and gets blocked waiting for EA&EB. Then B signals EB and loses the processor. Then A is released (both events are signaled) and resets EA. Now if B returns and enters waiting for EA&EB, it gets lost.

When a worker is ready it shall not continue before others finish. A typical implementation bug is when a worker is counted twice within one working cycle causing its premature completion. This happens when the quickest worker serves its cycle two times while the laziest one is lagging behind.

If you can, implement workers joining and leaving.


with Ada.Calendar;               use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
with Ada.Text_IO;                use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Checkpoint is

   package FR renames Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
   No_Of_Cubicles: constant Positive := 3;
     -- That many workers can work in parallel
   No_Of_Workers: constant Positive := 6;
     -- That many workers are potentially available
     -- some will join the team when others quit the job

   type Activity_Array is array(Character) of Boolean;
     -- we want to know who is currently working

   protected Checkpoint is
      entry Deliver;
      entry Join (Label : out Character; Tolerance: out Float);
      entry Leave(Label : in Character);
      Signaling     : Boolean   := False;
      Ready_Count   : Natural   := 0;
      Worker_Count  : Natural   := 0;
      Unused_Label  : Character := 'A';
      Likelyhood_To_Quit: Float := 1.0;
      Active        : Activity_Array := (others => false);
      entry Lodge;
   end Checkpoint;

   protected body Checkpoint is
      entry Join (Label : out Character; Tolerance: out Float)
      when not Signaling and Worker_Count < No_Of_Cubicles is
         Label        := Unused_Label;
         Active(Label):= True;
         Unused_Label := Character'Succ (Unused_Label);
         Worker_Count := Worker_Count + 1;
         Likelyhood_To_Quit := Likelyhood_To_Quit / 2.0;
         Tolerance    := Likelyhood_To_Quit;
      end Join;

      entry Leave(Label: in Character) when not Signaling is
         Worker_Count  := Worker_Count - 1;
         Active(Label) := False;
      end Leave;

      entry Deliver when not Signaling is
         Ready_Count := Ready_Count + 1;
         requeue Lodge;
      end Deliver;

      entry Lodge when Ready_Count = Worker_Count or Signaling is
         if Ready_Count = Worker_Count then
            Put("---Sync Point [");
            for C in Character loop
               if Active(C) then
               end if;
            end loop;
         end if;
         Ready_Count := Ready_Count - 1;
         Signaling   := Ready_Count /= 0;
      end Lodge;
   end Checkpoint;

   task type Worker;

   task body Worker is
      Dice      : FR.Generator;
      Label     : Character;
      Tolerance : Float;
      Shift_End : Time := Clock + 2.0;
        -- Trade unions are hard!
      FR.Reset (Dice);
      Checkpoint.Join (Label, Tolerance);
      Put_Line(Label & " joins the team");
         Put_Line (Label & " is working");
         delay Duration (FR.Random (Dice) * 0.500);
         Put_Line (Label & " is ready");
         if FR.Random(Dice) < Tolerance then
            Put_Line(Label & " leaves the team");
         elsif Clock >= Shift_End then
            Put_Line(Label & " ends shift");
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Worker;
   Set : array (1..No_Of_Workers) of Worker;
   null; -- Nothing to do here
end Test_Checkpoint;

Sample output:

A joins the team
A is working
B joins the team
B is working
C joins the team
C is working
B is ready
C is ready
A is ready
---Sync Point [ABC]---
A is working
C is working
B is working
C is ready
B is ready
A is ready
---Sync Point [ABC]---
A is working
B is working
C is working
B is ready
C is ready
A is ready
---Sync Point [ABC]---
A leaves the team
D joins the team
D is working
C is working
B is working
C is ready
B is ready
D is ready
---Sync Point [BCD]---
D is working
C is working
B is working
C is ready
B is ready
D is ready
---Sync Point [BCD]---
D is working
C is working
B is working
D is ready
B is ready
C is ready
---Sync Point [BCD]---
C leaves the team
E joins the team
E is working
D is working
B leaves the team
F joins the team
F is working
D is ready
E is ready
F is ready
---Sync Point [DEF]---
D is working
F is working
E is working
D is ready
F is ready
E is ready
---Sync Point [DEF]---
E ends shift
F ends shift
D ends shift


      INSTALL @lib$+"TIMERLIB"
      nWorkers% = 3
      DIM tID%(nWorkers%)
      tID%(1) = FN_ontimer(10, PROCworker1, 1)
      tID%(2) = FN_ontimer(11, PROCworker2, 1)
      tID%(3) = FN_ontimer(12, PROCworker3, 1)
      DEF PROCworker1 : PROCtask(1) : ENDPROC
      DEF PROCworker2 : PROCtask(2) : ENDPROC
      DEF PROCworker3 : PROCtask(3) : ENDPROC
      ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT
        WAIT 0
      DEF PROCtask(worker%)
      PRIVATE cnt%()
      DIM cnt%(nWorkers%)
      CASE cnt%(worker%) OF
        WHEN 0:
          cnt%(worker%) = RND(30)
          PRINT "Worker "; worker% " starting (" ;cnt%(worker%) " ticks)"
        WHEN -1:
          cnt%(worker%) -= 1
          IF cnt%(worker%) = 0 THEN
            PRINT "Worker "; worker% " ready and waiting"
            cnt%(worker%) = -1
            cnt%(worker%) = 0
      DEF PROCcheckpoint
      PRIVATE checked%, sync%
      IF checked% = 0 sync% = FALSE
      checked% += 1
      WHILE NOT sync%
        WAIT 0
        IF checked% = nWorkers% THEN
          sync% = TRUE
          PRINT "--Sync Point--"
      checked% -= 1
      DEF PROCcleanup
      LOCAL I%
      FOR I% = 1 TO nWorkers%


Worker 1 starting (23 ticks)
Worker 3 starting (26 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (13 ticks)
Worker 2 ready and waiting
Worker 1 ready and waiting
Worker 3 ready and waiting
--Sync Point--
Worker 3 starting (2 ticks)
Worker 1 starting (23 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (2 ticks)
Worker 3 ready and waiting
Worker 2 ready and waiting
Worker 1 ready and waiting
--Sync Point--
Worker 3 starting (8 ticks)
Worker 1 starting (28 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (5 ticks)


Using OpenMP. Compiled with gcc -Wall -fopenmp.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main()
        int jobs = 41, tid;

        #pragma omp parallel shared(jobs) private(tid)
                tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                while (jobs > 0) {
                        /* this is the checkpoint */
                        #pragma omp barrier
                        if (!jobs) break;

                        printf("%d: taking job %d\n", tid, jobs--);
                        usleep(100000 + rand() / (double) RAND_MAX * 3000000);
                        printf("%d: done job\n", tid);

                printf("[%d] leaving\n", tid);

                /* this stops jobless thread from exiting early and killing workers */
                #pragma omp barrier

        return 0;


Works with: C sharp version 10
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Rosetta.CheckPointSync;

public class Program
    public async Task Main()
        RobotBuilder robotBuilder = new RobotBuilder();
        Task work = robotBuilder.BuildRobots(
            "Optimus Prime", "R. Giskard Reventlov", "Data", "Marvin",
            "Bender", "Number Six", "C3-PO", "Dolores");
        await work;

    public class RobotBuilder
        static readonly string[] parts = { "Head", "Torso", "Left arm", "Right arm", "Left leg", "Right leg" };
        static readonly Random rng = new Random();
        static readonly object key = new object();

        public Task BuildRobots(params string[] robots)
            int r = 0;
            Barrier checkpoint = new Barrier(parts.Length, b => {
                Console.WriteLine($"{robots[r]} assembled. Hello, {robots[r]}!");
            var tasks = parts.Select(part => BuildPart(checkpoint, part, robots)).ToArray();
            return Task.WhenAll(tasks);

        private static int GetTime()
            //Random is not threadsafe, so we'll use a lock.
            //There are better ways, but that's out of scope for this exercise.
            lock (key) {
                return rng.Next(100, 1000);

        private async Task BuildPart(Barrier barrier, string part, string[] robots)
            foreach (var robot in robots) {
                int time = GetTime();
                Console.WriteLine($"Constructing {part} for {robot}. This will take {time}ms.");
                await Task.Delay(time);
                Console.WriteLine($"{part} for {robot} finished.");

Constructing Head for Optimus Prime. This will take 607ms.
Constructing Torso for Optimus Prime. This will take 997ms.
Constructing Left arm for Optimus Prime. This will take 201ms.
Constructing Right arm for Optimus Prime. This will take 993ms.
Constructing Left leg for Optimus Prime. This will take 165ms.
Constructing Right leg for Optimus Prime. This will take 132ms.
Right leg for Optimus Prime finished.
Left leg for Optimus Prime finished.
Left arm for Optimus Prime finished.
Head for Optimus Prime finished.
Right arm for Optimus Prime finished.
Torso for Optimus Prime finished.
Optimus Prime assembled. Hello, Optimus Prime!

Constructing Right arm for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 772ms.
Constructing Left leg for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 722ms.
Constructing Head for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 140ms.
Constructing Left arm for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 299ms.
Constructing Right leg for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 637ms.
Constructing Torso for R. Giskard Reventlov. This will take 249ms.
Head for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
Torso for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
Left arm for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
Right leg for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
Left leg for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
Right arm for R. Giskard Reventlov finished.
R. Giskard Reventlov assembled. Hello, R. Giskard Reventlov!



Works with: C++11
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <thread>

std::mutex cout_lock;

class Latch
    std::atomic<int> semafor;
    Latch(int limit) : semafor(limit) {}

    void wait()
        while(semafor.load() > 0)

struct Worker
    static void do_work(int how_long, Latch& barrier, std::string name)
        {   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cout_lock);
            std::cout << "Worker " << name << " finished work\n";   }
        {   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cout_lock);
            std::cout << "Worker " << name << " finished assembly\n";   }

int main()
    Latch latch(5);
    std::mt19937 rng(std::random_device{}());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(300, 3000);
    std::thread threads[] {
        std::thread(&Worker::do_work, dist(rng), std::ref(latch), "John"),
        std::thread{&Worker::do_work, dist(rng), std::ref(latch), "Henry"},
        std::thread{&Worker::do_work, dist(rng), std::ref(latch), "Smith"},
        std::thread{&Worker::do_work, dist(rng), std::ref(latch), "Jane"},
        std::thread{&Worker::do_work, dist(rng), std::ref(latch), "Mary"},
    for(auto& t: threads) t.join();
    std::cout << "Assembly is finished";
Worker Mary finished work
Worker Smith finished work
Worker John finished work
Worker Henry finished work
Worker Jane finished work
Worker Jane finished assembly
Worker Smith finished assembly
Worker Mary finished assembly
Worker Henry finished assembly
Worker John finished assembly
Assembly is finished


With a fixed number of workers, this would be very straightforward in Clojure by using a CyclicBarrier from java.util.concurrent. So to make it interesting, this version supports workers dynamically joining and parting, and uses the new (2013) core.async library to use Go-like channels. Also, each worker passes a value to the checkpoint, so that some combine function could consume them once they're all received.

(ns checkpoint.core
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [go <! >! <!! >!! alts! close!]]
            [clojure.string :as string]))

(defn coordinate [ctl-ch resp-ch combine]
    (<! (async/timeout 2000)) ;delay a bit to allow worker setup
    (loop [members {}, received {}] ;maps by in-channel of out-channels & received data resp.
      (let [rcvd-count (count received)
            release   #(doseq [outch (vals members)] (go (>! outch %)))
            received  (if (and (pos? rcvd-count) (= rcvd-count (count members)))
                        (do (-> received vals combine release) {})
            [v ch] (alts! (cons ctl-ch (keys members)))]
              ;receive a message on ctrl-ch or any member input channel
        (if (= ch ctl-ch)
          (let [[op inch outch] v] ;only a Checkpoint (see below) sends on ctl-ch
            (condp = op
              :join (do (>! resp-ch :ok)
                        (recur (assoc members inch outch) received))
              :part (do (>! resp-ch :ok)
                        (close! inch) (close! outch)
                        (recur (dissoc members inch) (dissoc received inch)))
              :exit :exit))
          (if (nil? v) ;is the channel closed?
              (close! (get members ch))
              (recur (dissoc members ch) (dissoc received ch)))
            (recur members (assoc received ch v))))))))

(defprotocol ICheckpoint
  (join [this])
  (part [this inch outch]))

(deftype Checkpoint [ctl-ch resp-ch sync]
  (join [this]
    (let [inch (async/chan), outch (async/chan 1)]
        (>! ctl-ch [:join inch outch])
        (<! resp-ch)
        [inch outch])))
  (part [this inch outch]
      (>! ctl-ch [:part inch outch]))))

(defn checkpoint [combine]
  (let [ctl-ch (async/chan), resp-ch (async/chan 1)]
    (->Checkpoint ctl-ch resp-ch (coordinate ctl-ch resp-ch combine))))

(defn worker
  ([ckpt repeats] (worker ckpt repeats (fn [& args] nil)))
  ([ckpt repeats mon]
      (let [[send recv] (<! (join ckpt))]
        (doseq [n (range repeats)]
          (<! (async/timeout (rand-int 5000)))
          (>! send n) (mon "sent" n)
          (<! recv)  (mon "recvd"))
        (part ckpt send recv)))))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (let [ckpt (checkpoint identity)
        monitor (fn [id]
                  (fn [& args] (println (apply str "worker" id ":" (string/join " " args)))))]
    (worker ckpt 10 (monitor 1))
    (worker ckpt 10 (monitor 2))))


import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism: taskPool, defaultPoolThreads, totalCPUs;

void buildMechanism(uint nparts) {
    auto details = new uint[nparts];
    foreach (i, ref detail; taskPool.parallel(details)) {
        writeln("Build detail ", i);
        detail = i;

    // This could be written more concisely via std.parallelism.reduce,
    // but we want to see the checkpoint explicitly.
    writeln("Checkpoint reached. Assemble details ...");
    uint sum = 0;
    foreach (immutable detail; details)
        sum += detail;
    writeln("Mechanism with ", nparts, " parts finished: ", sum);

void main() {
    defaultPoolThreads = totalCPUs + 1; // totalCPUs - 1 on default.
Example output:
Build detail 0
Build detail 2
Build detail 6
Build detail 3
Build detail 8
Build detail 10
Build detail 4
Build detail 5
Build detail 7
Build detail 9
Build detail 1
Checkpoint reached. Assemble details ...
Mechanism with 11 parts finished: 55


The problem as stated is somewhat unnatural in E. We would prefer to define the control flow in association with the data flow; for example, such that the workers return values that are combined at the checkpoint; the availability of that result value naturally defines when the workers should proceed with the next round.

That said, here is an implementation of the task as stated. We start by defining a 'flag set' data structure (which is hopefully also useful for other problems), which allows us to express the checkpoint algorithm straightforwardly while being protected against the possibility of a task calling deliver or leave too many times. Note also that each task gets its own reference denoting its membership in the checkpoint group; thus it can only speak for itself and not break any global invariants.

/** A flagSet solves this problem: There are N things, each in a true or false
  * state, and we want to know whether they are all true (or all false), and be
  * able to bulk-change all of them, and all this without allowing double-
  * counting -- setting a flag twice is idempotent.
def makeFlagSet() {
  # Each flag object is either in the true set or the false set.
  def trues := [].asSet().diverge()
  def falses := [].asSet().diverge()
  return def flagSet {
    /** Add a flag to the set. */
    to join() {
      def flag {
        /** Get the value of this flag. */
        to get() :boolean {
        /** Set the value of this flag. */
        to put(v :boolean) {
          def [del,add] := if (v) { [falses,trues] } else { [trues,falses] }
          if (del.contains(flag)) {
        /** Remove this flag from the set. */
        to leave() :void {
      return flag
    /** Are all the flags true (none false)? */
    to allTrue() { return falses.size().isZero() }
    /** Are all the flags false (none true)? */
    to allFalse() { return trues.size().isZero() }
    /** Set all the flags to the same value. */
    to setAll(v :boolean) {
      def [del,add] := if (v) { [falses,trues] } else { [trues,falses] }

def makeCheckpoint() {
  def [var continueSignal, var continueRes] := Ref.promise()
  def readies := makeFlagSet()
  /** Check whether all tasks have reached the checkpoint, and if so send the
    * signal and go to the next round. */
  def check() {
    if (readies.allTrue()) {
      continueRes.resolve(null)    # send the continue signal
      def [p, r] := Ref.promise()  # prepare a new continue signal
      continueSignal := p
      continueRes := r
  return def checkpoint {
    to join() {
      def &flag := readies.join()
      return def membership {
        to leave() {
          check <- ()
        to deliver() {
          flag := true
          check <- ()
          return continueSignal

def makeWorker(piece, checkpoint) {
  def stops := timer.now() + 3000 + entropy.nextInt(2000)
  var count := 0
  def checkpointMember := checkpoint <- join()
  def stopped
  def run() {
    # Pretend to do something lengthy; up to 1000 ms.
    timer.whenPast(timer.now() + entropy.nextInt(1000), fn {
      if (timer.now() >= stops) {
        checkpointMember <- leave()
        bind stopped := true
      } else {
        count += 1
        println(`Delivering $piece#$count`)
        when (checkpointMember <- deliver()) -> {
          println(`Delivered $piece#$count`)
  return stopped

def checkpoint := makeCheckpoint()
var waits := []
for piece in 1..5 {
  waits with= makeWorker(piece, checkpoint)


A team of 5 workers assemble 3 items. The time it takes to assemble 1 item is 0 - 100 milliseconds.

-module( checkpoint_synchronization ).

-export( [task/0] ).

task() ->
      Pid = erlang:spawn( fun() -> checkpoint_loop([], []) end ),
      [erlang:spawn(fun() -> random:seed(X, 1, 0), worker_loop(X, 3, Pid) end) || X <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
      erlang:exit( Pid, normal ).

checkpoint_loop( Assemblings, Completes ) ->
        {starting, Worker} -> checkpoint_loop( [Worker | Assemblings], Completes );
        {done, Worker} ->
               New_assemblings = lists:delete( Worker, Assemblings ),
               New_completes = checkpoint_loop_release( New_assemblings, [Worker | Completes] ),
               checkpoint_loop( New_assemblings, New_completes )

checkpoint_loop_release( [], Completes ) ->
        [X ! all_complete || X <- Completes],
checkpoint_loop_release( _Assemblings, Completes ) -> Completes.

worker_loop( _Worker, 0, _Checkpoint ) -> ok;
worker_loop( Worker, N, Checkpoint ) ->
        Checkpoint ! {starting, erlang:self()},
        io:fwrite( "Worker ~p ~p~n", [Worker, N] ),
        timer:sleep( random:uniform(100) ),
        Checkpoint ! {done, erlang:self()},
        all_complete -> ok
        worker_loop( Worker, N - 1, Checkpoint ).
36> checkpoint_synchronization:task().
Worker 1 item 3
Worker 2 item 3
Worker 3 item 3
Worker 4 item 3
Worker 5 item 3
Worker 5 item 2
Worker 4 item 2
Worker 2 item 2
Worker 3 item 2
Worker 1 item 2
Worker 1 item 1
Worker 2 item 1
Worker 3 item 1
Worker 4 item 1
Worker 5 item 1


The library ontimer.bi, I have taken it from forums of FB.

#include "ontimer.bi"

Randomize Timer
Dim Shared As Uinteger nWorkers = 3
Dim Shared As Uinteger tID(nWorkers)
Dim Shared As Integer cnt(nWorkers)
Dim Shared As Integer checked = 0

Sub checkpoint()
    Dim As Boolean sync
    If checked = 0 Then sync = False
    checked += 1
    If (sync = False) And (checked = nWorkers) Then
        sync = True
        Color 14 : Print "--Sync Point--"
        checked = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub task(worker As Uinteger)
    Redim Preserve cnt(nWorkers)
    Select Case cnt(worker)
    Case 0
        cnt(worker) = Rnd * 3
        Color 15 : Print "Worker " & worker & " starting (" & cnt(worker) & " ticks)"
    Case -1
        Exit Select
    Case Else
        cnt(worker) -= 1
        If cnt(worker) = 0 Then
            Color 7 : Print "Worker "; worker; " ready and waiting"
            cnt(worker) = -1
            cnt(worker) = 0
        End If
    End Select
End Sub

Sub worker1 
End Sub
Sub worker2 
End Sub
Sub worker3 
End Sub

    OnTimer(500, @worker1, 1)
    OnTimer(100, @worker2, 1)
    OnTimer(900, @worker3, 1)
    Sleep 1000
Worker 1 starting (2 ticks)
Worker 1 ready and waiting
Worker 3 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 3 ready and waiting
--Sync Point--
Worker 3 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 3 ready and waiting
Worker 2 ready and waiting
Worker 1 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (0 ticks)
Worker 1 ready and waiting
--Sync Point--
Worker 3 starting (0 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 1 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 3 starting (2 ticks)
Worker 2 ready and waiting
Worker 1 ready and waiting
Worker 2 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 1 starting (0 ticks)
Worker 3 ready and waiting
--Sync Point--
Worker 2 ready and waiting
Worker 1 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 3 starting (1 ticks)
Worker 2 starting (3 ticks)
Worker 1 ready and waiting
Worker 3 ready and waiting


Solution 1, WaitGroup

The type sync.WaitGroup in the standard library implements a sort of checkpoint synchronization. It allows one goroutine to wait for a number of other goroutines to indicate something, such as completing some work.

This first solution is a simple interpretation of the task, starting a goroutine (worker) for each part, letting the workers run concurrently, and waiting for them to all indicate completion. This is efficient and idiomatic in Go.

package main
import (

func worker(part string) {
    log.Println(part, "worker begins part")
    log.Println(part, "worker completes part")

var (
    partList    = []string{"A", "B", "C", "D"}
    nAssemblies = 3
    wg          sync.WaitGroup

func main() {
    for c := 1; c <= nAssemblies; c++ {
        log.Println("begin assembly cycle", c)
        for _, part := range partList {
            go worker(part)
        log.Println("assemble.  cycle", c, "complete")

Sample run, with race detector option to show no race conditions detected.

$ go run -race r1.go
2018/06/04 15:44:11 begin assembly cycle 1
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 assemble.  cycle 1 complete
2018/06/04 15:44:11 begin assembly cycle 2
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 assemble.  cycle 2 complete
2018/06/04 15:44:11 begin assembly cycle 3
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 A worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 B worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 C worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 D worker completes part
2018/06/04 15:44:11 assemble.  cycle 3 complete

Solution 2, channels

Channels also synchronize, and in addition can send data. The solution shown here is very similar to the WaitGroup solution above but sends data on a channel to simulate a completed part. The channel operations provide synchronization and a WaitGroup is not needed.

package main

import (

func worker(part string, completed chan string) {
    log.Println(part, "worker begins part")
    p := strings.ToLower(part)
    log.Println(part, "worker completed", p)
    completed <- p

var (
    partList    = []string{"A", "B", "C", "D"}
    nAssemblies = 3

func main() {
    completed := make([]chan string, len(partList))
    for i := range completed {
        completed[i] = make(chan string)
    for c := 1; c <= nAssemblies; c++ {
        log.Println("begin assembly cycle", c)
        for i, part := range partList {
            go worker(part, completed[i])
        a := ""
        for _, c := range completed {
            a += <-c
        log.Println(a, "assembled.  cycle", c, "complete")
$ go run -race r2.go
2018/06/04 15:56:33 begin assembly cycle 1
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 15:56:33 abcd assembled.  cycle 1 complete
2018/06/04 15:56:33 begin assembly cycle 2
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 15:56:33 abcd assembled.  cycle 2 complete
2018/06/04 15:56:33 begin assembly cycle 3
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 15:56:33 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 15:56:33 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 15:56:33 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 15:56:33 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 15:56:33 abcd assembled.  cycle 3 complete

Solution 3, two-phase barrier

For those that might object to the way the two solutions above start new goroutines in each cycle, here is a technique sometimes called a two-phase barrier, where goroutines loop until being shutdown. In each loop there are two phases, one of making the part, and one of waiting for the completed parts to be assembled. This more literally satisfies the task but in fact is not idiomatic Go. Goroutines are cheap to start up and shut down in Go and the extra complexity of this two-phase barrier technique is not justified.

package main

import (

func worker(part string, completed chan string) {
    log.Println(part, "worker running")
    for {
        select {
        case <-start:
            log.Println(part, "worker begins part")
            p := strings.ToLower(part)
            log.Println(part, "worker completed", p)
            completed <- p
        case <-done:
            log.Println(part, "worker stopped")

var (
    partList    = []string{"A", "B", "C", "D"}
    nAssemblies = 3
    start       = make(chan int)
    done        = make(chan int)
    reset       chan int
    wg          sync.WaitGroup

func main() {
    completed := make([]chan string, len(partList))
    for i, part := range partList {
        completed[i] = make(chan string)
        go worker(part, completed[i])
    for c := 1; c <= nAssemblies; c++ {
        log.Println("begin assembly cycle", c)
        reset = make(chan int)
        a := ""
        for _, c := range completed {
            a += <-c
        log.Println(a, "assembled.  cycle", c, "complete")
        start = make(chan int)
$ go run -race r3.go
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker running
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker running
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker running
2018/06/04 16:11:54 begin assembly cycle 1
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker running
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 16:11:54 abcd assembled.  cycle 1 complete
2018/06/04 16:11:54 begin assembly cycle 2
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 16:11:54 abcd assembled.  cycle 2 complete
2018/06/04 16:11:54 begin assembly cycle 3
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker begins part
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker completed d
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker completed a
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker completed b
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker completed c
2018/06/04 16:11:54 abcd assembled.  cycle 3 complete
2018/06/04 16:11:54 D worker stopped
2018/06/04 16:11:54 B worker stopped
2018/06/04 16:11:54 C worker stopped
2018/06/04 16:11:54 A worker stopped

Solution 4, workers joining and leaving

This solution shows workers joining and leaving, although it is a rather different interpretation of the task.

package main

import (

const nMech = 5
const detailsPerMech = 4

var l = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)

func main() {
    assemble := make(chan int)
    var complete sync.WaitGroup

    go solicit(assemble, &complete, nMech*detailsPerMech)

    for i := 1; i <= nMech; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < detailsPerMech; j++ {
            assemble <- 0
        // Go checkpoint feature
        // checkpoint reached
        l.Println("mechanism", i, "completed")

func solicit(a chan int, c *sync.WaitGroup, nDetails int) {
    var id int // worker id, for output
    for nDetails > 0 {
        // some random time to find a worker
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(5e8 + rand.Int63n(5e8)))
        // contract to assemble a certain number of details
        contract := rand.Intn(5) + 1
        if contract > nDetails {
            contract = nDetails
        dword := "details"
        if contract == 1 {
            dword = "detail"
        l.Println("worker", id, "contracted to assemble", contract, dword)
        go worker(a, c, contract, id)
        nDetails -= contract

func worker(a chan int, c *sync.WaitGroup, contract, id int) {
    // some random time it takes for this worker to assemble a detail
    assemblyTime := time.Duration(5e8 + rand.Int63n(5e8))
    l.Println("worker", id, "enters shop")
    for i := 0; i < contract; i++ {
        l.Println("worker", id, "assembling")
        l.Println("worker", id, "completed detail")
    l.Println("worker", id, "leaves shop")


worker 1 contracted to assemble 2 details
worker 1 enters shop
worker 1 assembling
worker 2 contracted to assemble 5 details
worker 2 enters shop
worker 2 assembling
worker 1 completed detail
worker 1 assembling
worker 2 completed detail
worker 2 assembling
worker 3 contracted to assemble 1 detail
worker 3 enters shop
worker 1 completed detail
worker 1 leaves shop
worker 2 completed detail
mechanism 1 completed
worker 3 assembling
worker 2 assembling


worker 5 completed detail
worker 7 completed detail
worker 7 leaves shop
mechanism 4 completed
worker 6 assembling
worker 5 assembling
worker 6 completed detail
worker 6 assembling
worker 5 completed detail
worker 5 leaves shop
worker 6 completed detail
worker 6 assembling
worker 6 completed detail
worker 6 leaves shop
mechanism 5 completed


Although not being sure if the approach might be right, this example shows several workers performing a series of tasks simultaneously and synchronizing themselves before starting the next task.

Each worker has several tasks in order to complete his work. As an example, they have to calculate big sums. A worker can be idle during one of the tasks. The tasks are arranged so that we get a list of the first task of all workers, then a list of the second task of all workers, and so on. Idle workers are skipped. The tasks are taken out of the Task data type and returned as plain values. The notion of a worker vanishes here. The definition of the worker's tasks allows us to keep track of what each worker actually performs.

The function "runTasks" gets one of those groups of tasks and executes them in parallel and gathers the result of each task. But this function doesn't return until all tasks are finished. This function doesn't know what each worker is doing.

Once the first group of tasks is finished, a function is applied to the results (in the example, the results are simply added together).

Then the second group of tasks is passed to "runTasks", and so on.

The workers can have any number of tasks, and they can contain idle phases. That way, a worker doesn't need to join at the first task, and may skip tasks. The function "groupTasks" takes care of idle states.


  • A group of tasks must return values of the same type.
  • If each group of tasks should return values a different type, you have to define groups of workers for each different task instead of defining workers with several tasks each.
  • More flexibility can be achieved with the use of custom data types.
  • Due to the use of parallel computation, only pure functions (without side effects) can be executed. Moreover, only a few Haskell compilers (GHC among them) support parallel computation. The program must be compiled with the -threaded and -rtsopts options enabled and run with the +RTS -N commandline option for computations to be actually performed in parallel.
  • For effectful computations, you should use concurrent threads (forkIO and MVar from the module Control.Concurrent), software transactional memory (STM) or alternatives provided by other modules.
import Control.Parallel

data Task a = Idle | Make a
type TaskList a = [a]
type Results a = [a]
type TaskGroups a = [TaskList a]
type WorkerList a = [Worker a]
type Worker a = [Task a]

-- run tasks in parallel and collect their results
-- the function doesn't return until all tasks are done, therefore
-- finished threads wait for the others to finish.
runTasks :: TaskList a -> Results a
runTasks [] = []
runTasks (x:[]) = x : []
runTasks (x:y:[]) = y `par` x : y : []
runTasks (x:y:ys) = y `par` x : y : runTasks ys

-- take a list of workers with different numbers of tasks and group
-- them: first the first task of each worker, then the second one etc.
groupTasks :: WorkerList a -> TaskGroups a
groupTasks [] = []
groupTasks xs
    | allWorkersIdle xs = []
    | otherwise =
        concatMap extractTask xs : groupTasks (map removeTask xs)

-- return a task as a plain value
extractTask :: Worker a -> [a]
extractTask [] = []
extractTask (Idle:_) = []
extractTask (Make a:_) = [a]

-- remove the foremost task of each worker
removeTask :: Worker a -> Worker a
removeTask = drop 1

-- checks whether all workers are idle in this task
allWorkersIdle :: WorkerList a -> Bool
allWorkersIdle = all null . map extractTask

-- the workers must calculate big sums. the first sum of each worker
-- belongs to the first task, and so on.
-- because of laziness, nothing is computed yet.

-- worker1 has 5 tasks to do
worker1 :: Worker Integer
worker1 = map Make [ sum [1..n*1000000] | n <- [1..5] ]

-- worker2 has 4 tasks to do
worker2 :: Worker Integer
worker2 = map Make [ sum [1..n*100000] | n <- [1..4] ]

-- worker3 has 3 tasks to do
worker3 :: Worker Integer
worker3 = map Make [ sum [1..n*1000000] | n <- [1..3] ]

-- worker4 has 5 tasks to do
worker4 :: Worker Integer
worker4 = map Make [ sum [1..n*300000] | n <- [1..5] ]

-- worker5 has 4 tasks to do, but starts at the second task.
worker5 :: Worker Integer
worker5 = [Idle] ++ map Make [ sum [1..n*400000] | n <- [1..4] ]

-- group the workers' tasks
tasks :: TaskGroups Integer
tasks = groupTasks [worker1, worker2, worker3, worker4, worker5]

-- a workshop: take a function to operate the results and a group of tasks,
-- execute the tasks showing the process and process the results
workshop :: (Show a, Num a, Show b, Num b) => ([a] -> b) -> [[a]] -> IO ()
workshop func a = mapM_ doWork $ zip [1..length a] a
        doWork (x, y) = do
            putStrLn $ "Doing task " ++ show x ++ "."
            putStrLn $ "There are " ++ show (length y) ++ " workers for this task."
            putStrLn "Waiting for all workers..."
            print $ func $ runTasks y
            putStrLn $ "Task " ++ show x ++ " done."

main = workshop sum tasks

The following version works with the concurrency model provided by the module Control.Concurrent

A workshop is an MVar that holds three values: the number of workers doing something, the number of workers ready for the next task and the total number of workers at the moment.

A worker takes a list of actions. Before executing the actions, he joins the workshop and the total number of workers is increased. Then, he reports that he has started an action and the number of active workers is increased. Next, the worker carries out an action. After that, he reports that he is ready for the next action. The number of active and ready workers is updated. Then he enters the check point loop, where he stays until all other workers have reported being ready. Then he goes into active state again and executes the next action, and so on. After the last action, he leaves the workshop and the total number of workers is decreased.

The checkPoint function keeps reading the values of the MVar and looping until there are 0 or less active workers and the number of ready workers is equal to the total number of workers. At this point, the MVar is reset. In order to avoid race conditions, if there are zero active and ready workers, the function returns immediately as to allow the worker to start an action.

The example code prints some useful messages to the screen, such as when a check point is reached and what each worker is currently doing (it also shows his thread ID).

The "shop" function forks the worker threads and returns their ID's, so the threads can be killed easily from the "main" function when the user hits a key.

The "main" function launches three workers first, and after 5 seconds it launches two workers more. It then waits for a key press and kills all threads, if they're still active.

Other than the parallel version above, this code runs in the IO Monad and makes it possible to perform IO actions such as accessing the hardware. However, all actions must have the return type IO (). If the workers must return some useful values, the MVar should be extended with the necessary fields and the workers should use those fields to store the results they produce.

Note: This code has been tested on GHC 7.6.1 and will most probably not run under other Haskell implementations due to the use of some functions from the module Control.Concurrent. It won't work if compiled with the -O2 compiler switch. Compile with the -threaded compiler switch if you want to run the threads in parallel.

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad        -- needed for "forM", "forM_"

-- (workers working, workers done, workers total)
type Workshop = MVar (Int, Int, Int)
-- list of IO actions to be performed by one worker
type Actions = [IO ()]

newWorkshop :: IO Workshop
newWorkshop = newMVar (0, 0, 0)

-- check point: workers wait here for the other workers to
-- finish, before resuming execution/restarting
checkPoint :: Workshop -> IO ()
checkPoint w = do
    (working, done, count) <- takeMVar w
    -- all workers are done: reset counters and return (threads
    -- resume execution or restart)
    if working <= 0 && done == count
    then do
            putStrLn "---- Check Point"
            putMVar w (0, 0, count)
    -- mvar was just initialized: do nothing, just return.
    -- otherwise, a race condition may arise
    else if working == 0 && done == 0
            then putMVar w (working, done, count)
    -- workers are still working: wait for them (loop)
    else do
            putMVar w (working, done, count)
            checkPoint w

-- join the workshop
addWorker :: Workshop -> ThreadId -> IO ()
addWorker w i = do
    (working, done, count) <- takeMVar w
    putStrLn $ "Worker " ++ show i ++ " has joined the group."
    putMVar w (working, done, count + 1)

-- leave the workshop
removeWorker :: Workshop -> ThreadId -> IO ()
removeWorker w i = do
    (working, done, count) <- takeMVar w
    putStrLn $ "Worker " ++ show i ++ " has left the group."
    putMVar w (working, done, count - 1)
-- increase the number of workers doing something.
-- optionally, print a message using the thread's ID
startWork :: Workshop -> ThreadId -> IO ()
startWork w i = do
    (working, done, count) <- takeMVar w
    putStrLn $ "Worker " ++ show i ++ " has started."
    putMVar w (working + 1, done, count)

-- decrease the number of workers doing something and increase the
-- number of workers done. optionally, print a message using
-- the thread's ID
finishWork :: Workshop -> ThreadId -> IO ()
finishWork w i = do
    (working, done, count) <- takeMVar w
    putStrLn $ "Worker " ++ show i ++ " is ready."
    putMVar w (working - 1, done + 1, count)

-- put a worker to do his tasks. the steps are:
-- 1. join the workshop "w"
-- 2. report that the worker has started an action
-- 3. perform one action
-- 4. report that the worker is ready for the next action
-- 5. wait for the other workers to finish
-- 6. repeat from 2 until the worker has nothing more to do
-- 7. leave the workshop
worker :: Workshop -> Actions -> IO ()
worker w actions = do
    i <- myThreadId
    addWorker w i
    forM_ actions $ \action -> do
        startWork w i
        finishWork w i
        checkPoint w
    removeWorker w i

-- launch several worker threads. their thread ID's are returned
shop :: Workshop -> [Actions] -> IO [ThreadId]
shop w actions = do
    forM actions $ \x -> forkIO (worker w x)

main = do
    -- make a workshop
    w <- newWorkshop
    -- the workers won't be doing anything special, just wait for n
    -- regular intervals. pids gathers the ID's of the threads
    -- this are the first workers joining the workshop
    pids1 <- shop w
        [replicate 5 $ threadDelay 1300000
        ,replicate 10 $ threadDelay 759191
        ,replicate 7 $ threadDelay 965300]
    -- wait for 5 secs before the next workers join
    threadDelay 5000000
    -- these are other workers that join the workshop later
    pids2 <- shop w
        [replicate 6 $ threadDelay 380000
        ,replicate 4 $ threadDelay 250000]
    -- wait for a key press
    -- kill all worker threads before exit, if they're still running
    forM_ (pids1 ++ pids2) killThread


main +RTS -N2

Worker ThreadId 30 has joined the group.
Worker ThreadId 31 has joined the group.
Worker ThreadId 32 has joined the group.
Worker ThreadId 30 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 30 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 30 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 30 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 33 has joined the group.
Worker ThreadId 34 has joined the group.
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 34 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 has started.
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 30 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 has started.
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 30 has left the group.
Worker ThreadId 34 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 34 has started.
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 32 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 32 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 34 has left the group.
Worker ThreadId 32 has left the group.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 33 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 33 is ready.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 33 has left the group.
Worker ThreadId 31 has started.
Worker ThreadId 31 is ready.
---- Check Point
Worker ThreadId 31 has left the group.

Icon and Unicon

The following only works in Unicon:

global nWorkers, workers, cv

procedure main(A)
    nWorkers := integer(A[1]) | 3
    cv  := condvar()
    every put(workers := [], worker(!nWorkers))
    every wait(!workers)
procedure worker(n)
    return thread every !3 do {       # Union limits each worker to 3 pieces
        write(n," is working")
        delay(?3 * 1000)
        write(n," is done")

procedure countdown()
    critical cv: {
        if (nWorkers -:= 1) <= 0 then {
            write("\t\tAll done")
            nWorkers := *workers
            return (unlock(cv),signal(cv, 0))

Sample run:

1 is working
2 is working
3 is working
3 is done
1 is done
2 is done
		All done
2 is working
3 is working
1 is working
1 is done
3 is done
2 is done
		All done
2 is working
1 is working
3 is working
2 is done
1 is done
3 is done
		All done


Now that J has a threading implementation: threads may be assigned tasks, and referencing the values produced by the tasks automatically synchronizes.

For example:

   {{for. y do. 0 T.'' end.}} 0>.4-1 T.'' NB. make sure we have some threads
   ts=: 6!:0 NB. timestamp 
   dl=: 6!:3 NB. delay
   {{r=.EMPTY for. i.y do. dl 1[ r=.r,3}.ts'' end. r}} t. ''"0(3 5)
12 53 53.56912 53 53.569
12 53 54.57812 53 54.578
12 53 55.58712 53 55.587
            12 53 56.603
            12 53 57.614

Here, we had set up a loop which periodically tracked the time, and waited a second each time through the loop, and repeated the loop a number of times specified at task startup. We ran two tasks, to demonstrate that they were running side-by-side.


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class CheckpointSync{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		System.out.print("Enter number of workers to use: ");
		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
		Worker.nWorkers = in.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Enter number of tasks to complete:");
	 * Informs that workers started working on the task and
	 * starts running threads. Prior to proceeding with next
	 * task syncs using static Worker.checkpoint() method.
	private static void runTasks(int nTasks){
		for(int i = 0; i < nTasks; i++){
			System.out.println("Starting task number " + (i+1) + ".");
	 * Creates a thread for each worker and runs it.
	private static void runThreads(){
		for(int i = 0; i < Worker.nWorkers; i ++){
			new Thread(new Worker(i+1)).start();
	 * Worker inner static class.
	public static class Worker implements Runnable{
		public Worker(int threadID){
			this.threadID = threadID;
		public void run(){
		 *  Notifies that thread started running for 100 to 1000 msec.
		 *  Once finished increments static counter 'nFinished'
		 *  that counts number of workers finished their work.
		private synchronized void work(){
			try {
				int workTime = rgen.nextInt(900) + 100;
				System.out.println("Worker " + threadID + " will work for " + workTime + " msec.");
				Thread.sleep(workTime); //work for 'workTime'
				nFinished++; //increases work finished counter
				System.out.println("Worker " + threadID + " is ready");
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				System.err.println("Error: thread execution interrupted");
		 * Used to synchronize Worker threads using 'nFinished' static integer.
		 * Waits (with step of 10 msec) until 'nFinished' equals to 'nWorkers'.
		 * Once they are equal resets 'nFinished' counter.
		public static synchronized void checkpoint(){
			while(nFinished != nWorkers){
				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
					System.err.println("Error: thread execution interrupted");
			nFinished = 0;
		/* inner class instance variables */
		private int threadID;
		/* static variables */
		private static Random rgen = new Random();
		private static int nFinished = 0;
		public static int nWorkers = 0;


Enter number of workers to use: 5
Enter number of tasks to complete:3
Starting task number 1.
Worker 1 will work for 882 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 330 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 618 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 949 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 805 msec.
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Starting task number 2.
Worker 1 will work for 942 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 247 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 545 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 850 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 888 msec.
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Starting task number 3.
Worker 2 will work for 976 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 194 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 532 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 515 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 326 msec.
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Works with: Java version 1.5+
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

public class Sync {
	static class Worker implements Runnable {
		private final CountDownLatch doneSignal;
		private int threadID;

		public Worker(int id, CountDownLatch doneSignal) {
			this.doneSignal = doneSignal;
			threadID = id;

		public void run() {

		void doWork() {
			try {
				int workTime = new Random().nextInt(900) + 100;
				System.out.println("Worker " + threadID + " will work for " + workTime + " msec.");
				Thread.sleep(workTime); //work for 'workTime'
				System.out.println("Worker " + threadID + " is ready");
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				System.err.println("Error: thread execution interrupted");

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int n = 3;//6 workers and 3 tasks
		for(int task = 1; task <= n; task++) {
			CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(n * 2);
			System.out.println("Starting task " + task);
			for(int worker = 0; worker < n * 2; worker++) {
				new Thread(new Worker(worker, latch)).start();
			try {
				latch.await();//wait for n*2 threads to signal the latch
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("Task " + task + " complete");


Starting task 1
Worker 0 will work for 959 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 905 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 622 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 969 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 577 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 727 msec.
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 0 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Task 1 complete
Starting task 2
Worker 0 will work for 305 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 541 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 663 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 883 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 324 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 459 msec.
Worker 0 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Task 2 complete
Starting task 3
Worker 0 will work for 554 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 727 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 203 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 249 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 612 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 723 msec.
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 0 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Task 3 complete


Julia has specific macros for checkpoint type synchronization. @async starts an asynchronous task, and multiple @async tasks can be synchronized by wrapping them within the @sync macro statement, which creates a checkpoint for all @async tasks.

function runsim(numworkers, runs)
    for count in 1:runs
        @sync begin
            for worker in 1:numworkers
                @async begin
                    tasktime = rand()
                    println("Worker $worker finished after $tasktime seconds")
        println("Checkpoint reached for run $count.")
    println("Finished all runs.\n")

const trials = [[3, 2], [4, 1], [2, 5], [7, 6]]
for trial in trials
    runsim(trial[1], trial[2])

Worker 1 finished after 0.2496063425219046 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.6437560525692665 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.7622150880806831 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 1. Worker 2 finished after 0.0745173155757679 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.39089824936640993 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.5397505221156416 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 2. Finished all runs.

Worker 4 finished after 0.26840044205839897 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.5589553147289623 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.8546852411700241 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.9300832572304523 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 1. Finished all runs.

Worker 1 finished after 0.5289138841087624 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.7356027970934949 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 1. Worker 1 finished after 0.20674100912304416 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.6998567540438869 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 2. Worker 1 finished after 0.11392579333661912 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.4949249386371388 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 3. Worker 1 finished after 0.6032150410794788 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.8986919181800306 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 4. Worker 1 finished after 0.4237385941703915 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.5574922259408035 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 5. Finished all runs.

Worker 7 finished after 0.0396918164082527 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.31472648034105966 seconds Worker 6 finished after 0.32606467253051474 seconds Worker 5 finished after 0.3690388125862416 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.4290499974502766 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.48606373107736744 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.8723256915201081 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 1. Worker 2 finished after 0.10418765463492563 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.14023815791725713 seconds Worker 7 finished after 0.7850239937628409 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.8145187186029617 seconds Worker 6 finished after 0.8446820477646959 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.9195642711183825 seconds Worker 5 finished after 0.9517129615316944 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 2. Worker 7 finished after 0.28490757307993486 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.4199539978001552 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.5509998796559186 seconds Worker 5 finished after 0.7840588445793306 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.8049513381813924 seconds Worker 6 finished after 0.8848651563027041 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.9074862779348334 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 3. Worker 5 finished after 0.21855944993484533 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.27709606350565275 seconds Worker 7 finished after 0.28450943951411123 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.40871929967426857 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.5506243033572837 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.9287035426710006 seconds Worker 6 finished after 0.9624436931735709 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 4. Worker 5 finished after 0.04032963358782826 seconds Worker 6 finished after 0.17464708712852195 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.19558842246553398 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.2113199231977796 seconds Worker 7 finished after 0.423009958033447 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.7584848109224733 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.8116269421151843 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 5. Worker 6 finished after 0.12563630313371443 seconds Worker 4 finished after 0.33588040252159823 seconds Worker 1 finished after 0.44873857982831256 seconds Worker 5 finished after 0.536029356963061 seconds Worker 3 finished after 0.5687590862891123 seconds Worker 2 finished after 0.6655311849010326 seconds Worker 7 finished after 0.8454083062748163 seconds Checkpoint reached for run 6. Finished all runs.


Translation of: Java
// Version 1.2.41

import java.util.Random

val rgen = Random()
var nWorkers = 0
var nTasks = 0

class Worker(private val threadID: Int) : Runnable {

    override fun run() {
        try {
            val workTime = rgen.nextInt(900) + 100L  // 100..999 msec.
            println("Worker $threadID will work for $workTime msec.")
            println("Worker $threadID is ready")
        catch (e: InterruptedException) {
            println("Error: thread execution interrupted")

    companion object {
        private var nFinished = 0

        fun checkPoint() {
            while (nFinished != nWorkers) {
                try {
                catch (e: InterruptedException) {
                    println("Error: thread execution interrupted")
            nFinished = 0  // reset

fun runTasks() {
    for (i in 1..nTasks) {
        println("\nStarting task number $i.")
        // Create a thread for each worker and run it.
        for (j in 1..nWorkers) Thread(Worker(j)).start()
        Worker.checkPoint()  // wait for all workers to finish the task

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    print("Enter number of workers to use: ")
    nWorkers = readLine()!!.toInt()
    print("Enter number of tasks to complete: ")
    nTasks = readLine()!!.toInt()

Sample session:

Enter number of workers to use: 5
Enter number of tasks to complete: 3

Starting task number 1.
Worker 1 will work for 894 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 777 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 243 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 938 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 551 msec.
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 4 is ready

Starting task number 2.
Worker 2 will work for 952 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 253 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 165 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 995 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 499 msec.
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 5 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 4 is ready

Starting task number 3.
Worker 1 will work for 622 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 642 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 344 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 191 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 703 msec.
Worker 3 is ready
Worker 4 is ready
Worker 1 is ready
Worker 2 is ready
Worker 5 is ready


The following example can be found in the Logtalk distribution and is used here with permission. It's based on the Erlang solution for this task. Works when using SWI-Prolog, XSB, or YAP as the backend compiler.

:- object(checkpoint).

    :- threaded.

    :- public(run/3).
    :- mode(run(+integer,+integer,+float), one).
    :- info(run/3, [
        comment is 'Assemble items using a team of workers with a maximum time per item assembly.',
        arguments is ['Workers'-'Number of workers', 'Items'-'Number of items to assemble', 'Time'-'Maximum time in seconds to assemble one item']

    :- public(run/0).
    :- mode(run, one).
    :- info(run/0, [
        comment is 'Assemble three items using a team of five workers with a maximum of 0.1 seconds per item assembly.'

    :- uses(integer, [between/3]).
    :- uses(random,  [random/3]).

    run(Workers, Items, Time) :-
        % start the workers
            between(1, Workers, Worker),
            threaded_ignore(worker(Worker, Items, Time))
        % assemble the items
        checkpoint_loop(Workers, Items).

    run :-
        % default values
        run(5, 3, 0.100).

    checkpoint_loop(_, 0) :-
        write('All assemblies done.'), nl.
    checkpoint_loop(Workers, Item) :-
        % wait for all threads to reach the checkpoint
            between(1, Workers, Worker),
            threaded_wait(done(Worker, Item))
        write('Assembly of item '), write(Item), write(' done.'), nl,
        % signal the workers to procede to the next assembly
        NextItem is Item - 1,
            between(1, Workers, Worker),
            threaded_notify(next(Worker, NextItem))
        checkpoint_loop(Workers, NextItem).

    worker(_, 0, _) :-
    worker(Worker, Item, Time) :-
        % the time necessary to assemble one item varies between 0.0 and Time seconds
        random(0.0, Time, AssemblyTime), thread_sleep(AssemblyTime),
        write('Worker '), write(Worker), write(' item '), write(Item), nl,
        % notify checkpoint that the worker have done his/her part of this item
        threaded_notify(done(Worker, Item)),
        % wait for green light to move to the next item
        NextItem is Item - 1,
        threaded_wait(next(Worker, NextItem)),
        worker(Worker, NextItem, Time).

:- end_object.


| ?- checkpoint::run.
Worker 1 item 3
Worker 3 item 3
Worker 5 item 3
Worker 2 item 3
Worker 4 item 3
Assembly of item 3 done.
Worker 4 item 2
Worker 1 item 2
Worker 5 item 2
Worker 3 item 2
Worker 2 item 2
Assembly of item 2 done.
Worker 4 item 1
Worker 1 item 1
Worker 2 item 1
Worker 3 item 1
Worker 5 item 1
Assembly of item 1 done.
All assemblies done.


As in Oforth, the checkpoint is a thread (the main thread) and synchronization is done using channels:

– a channel per worker to send orders; an order may be a task number (greater or equal to one) or the stop order (equal to 0);
– a channel to receive the responses from workers; workers send their identifier (number) via this channel when they have completed a task.

Working on a task is simulated by sleeping during some time (randomly chosen).

import locks
import os
import random
import strformat

  NWorkers = 3    # Number of workers.
  NTasks = 4      # Number of tasks.
  StopOrder = 0   # Order 0 is the request to stop.

  randLock: Lock                              # Lock to access random number generator.
  orders: array[1..NWorkers, Channel[int]]    # Channel to send orders to workers.
  responses: Channel[int]                     # Channel to receive responses from workers.
  working: int                                # Current number of workers actually working.
  threads: array[1..NWorkers, Thread[int]]    # Array of running threads.


proc worker(num: int) {.thread.} =
  ## Worker thread.

  while true:
    # Wait for order from main thread (this is the checkpoint).
    let order = orders[num].recv
    if order == StopOrder: break
    # Get a random time to complete the task.
    var time: int
    withLock(randLock): time = rand(200..1000)
    echo fmt"Worker {num}: starting task number {order}"
    # Work on task during "time" ms.
    echo fmt"Worker {num}: task number {order} terminated after {time} ms"
    # Send message to indicate that the task is terminated.


# Initializations.
for num in 1..NWorkers:

# Create the worker threads.
for num in 1..NWorkers:
  createThread(threads[num], worker, num)

# Send orders and wait for responses.
for task in 1..NTasks:
  echo fmt"Sending order to start task number {task}"
  # Send order (task number) to workers.
  for num in 1..NWorkers:
  working = NWorkers          # All workers are now working.
  # Wait to receive responses from workers.
  while working > 0:
    discard responses.recv()  # Here, we don't care about the message content.
    dec working

# We have terminated: send stop order to workers.
echo "Sending stop order to workers."
for num in 1..NWorkers:
echo "All workers stopped."

# Clean up.
for num in 1..NWorkers:
Sending order to start task number 1
Worker 1: starting task number 1
Worker 2: starting task number 1
Worker 3: starting task number 1
Worker 2: task number 1 terminated after 656 ms
Worker 1: task number 1 terminated after 665 ms
Worker 3: task number 1 terminated after 984 ms
Sending order to start task number 2
Worker 2: starting task number 2
Worker 1: starting task number 2
Worker 3: starting task number 2
Worker 1: task number 2 terminated after 480 ms
Worker 3: task number 2 terminated after 583 ms
Worker 2: task number 2 terminated after 778 ms
Sending order to start task number 3
Worker 1: starting task number 3
Worker 2: starting task number 3
Worker 3: starting task number 3
Worker 3: task number 3 terminated after 472 ms
Worker 1: task number 3 terminated after 545 ms
Worker 2: task number 3 terminated after 894 ms
Sending order to start task number 4
Worker 3: starting task number 4
Worker 2: starting task number 4
Worker 1: starting task number 4
Worker 3: task number 4 terminated after 412 ms
Worker 1: task number 4 terminated after 436 ms
Worker 2: task number 4 terminated after 682 ms
Sending stop order to workers.
All workers stopped.


Checkpoint is implemented as a task. It :

- Receives n "jobDone" events from n tasks into a "jobs" channel.

- Then sends $allDone event to all tasks so they can work again.

Each task :

- Sleeps randomly between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, simulating its job.

- Then sends "jobDone" to the checkpoint using "jobs" channel.

- And waits for $allDone checkpoint return on its personal channel.

: task(n, jobs, myChannel)
   while(true) [
      System.Out "TASK " << n << " : Beginning my work..." << cr
      System sleep(1000 rand)
      System.Out "TASK " << n << " : Finish, sendind done and waiting for others..." << cr
      jobs send($jobDone) drop
      myChannel receive drop
      ] ;

: checkPoint(n, jobs, channels)
   while(true) [
      #[ jobs receive drop ] times(n)
      "CHECKPOINT : All jobs done, sending done to all tasks" println
      channels apply(#[ send($allDone) drop ])
      ] ;

: testCheckPoint(n) 
| jobs channels i |
   ListBuffer init(n, #[ Channel new ]) dup freeze ->channels   
   Channel new ->jobs 

   #[ checkPoint(n, jobs, channels) ] &
   n loop: i [ #[ task(i, jobs, channels at(i)) ] & ] ;


The perlipc man page details several approaches to interprocess communication. Here's one of my favourites: socketpair and fork. I've omitted some error-checking for brevity.

use warnings;
use strict;
use v5.10;

use Socket;

my $nr_items = 3;

sub short_sleep($) {
    (my $seconds) = @_;
    select undef, undef, undef, $seconds;

# This is run in a worker thread.  It repeatedly waits for a character from
# the main thread, and sends a value back to the main thread.  A short
# sleep introduces random timing, just to keep us honest.

sub be_worker($$) {
    my ($socket, $value) = @_;
    for (1 .. $nr_items) {
        sysread $socket, my $dummy, 1;
        short_sleep rand 0.5;
        syswrite $socket, $value;


# This function forks a worker and sends it a socket on which to talk to
# the main thread, as well as an initial value to work with.  It returns
# (to the main thread) a socket on which to talk to the worker.

sub fork_worker($) {
    (my $value) = @_;
    socketpair my $kidsock, my $dadsock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC
        or die "socketpair: $!";

    if (fork // die "fork: $!") {
        # We're the parent
        close $dadsock;
        return $kidsock;
    else {
        # We're the child
        close $kidsock;
        be_worker $dadsock, $value;
        # Never returns

# Fork two workers, send them start signals, retrieve the values they send
# back, and print them

my $alpha_sock = fork_worker 'A';
my $digit_sock = fork_worker 1;

for (1 .. $nr_items) {
    syswrite $_, 'x'   for $alpha_sock, $digit_sock;
    sysread $alpha_sock, my $alpha, 1;
    sysread $digit_sock, my $digit, 1;
    say $alpha, $digit;

# If the main thread were planning to run for a long time after the
# workers had terminate, it would need to reap them to avoid zombies:

wait; wait;

A sample run:

msl@64Lucid:~/perl$ ./checkpoint 


Simple multitasking solution: no locking required, no race condition possible, supports workers leaving and joining.

-- demo\rosetta\checkpoint_synchronisation.exw
without js -- task_xxx(), get_key()
constant NPARTS = 3
integer workers = 0
sequence waiters = {}
bool terminate = false

procedure checkpoint(integer task_id)
    if length(waiters)+1=NPARTS or terminate then
        for i=1 to length(waiters) do
        end for
        waiters = {}
        waiters &= task_id
    end if
end procedure

procedure worker(string name)
    printf(1,"worker %s running\n",{name})
    while not terminate do
        printf(1,"worker %s begins part\n",{name})
        printf(1,"worker %s completes part\n",{name})
        if find(task_self(),waiters) then ?9/0 end if
        if terminate or rnd()>0.95 then exit end if
    end while   
    printf(1,"worker %s leaves\n",{name})
    workers -= 1
end procedure

string name = "A"

while get_key()!=#1B do -- (key escape to shut down)
    if workers<NPARTS then
        integer task_id = task_create(routine_id("worker"),{name})
        name[1] += 1
        workers += 1
    end if
end while
printf(1,"escape keyed\n")
terminate = true
while workers>0 do
end while

{} = wait_key()
worker A running
worker A begins part
worker B running
worker B begins part
worker C running
worker C begins part
worker B completes part
worker C completes part
worker A completes part
worker B begins part
worker C begins part
worker A begins part
worker B completes part
worker A completes part
worker C completes part
worker B begins part
worker C begins part
worker A begins part
worker B completes part
worker C completes part
worker A completes part
worker B begins part
worker B completes part
worker C begins part
worker C completes part
worker A begins part
worker A completes part
worker A leaves
worker C begins part
worker B begins part
worker D running
worker D begins part
worker D completes part
worker C completes part
worker B completes part
worker B begins part
worker D begins part
worker B completes part
worker D completes part
worker C begins part
worker C completes part
worker B begins part
worker D begins part
worker C begins part
worker B completes part
worker C completes part
worker D completes part
worker B begins part
worker D begins part
worker C begins part
worker D completes part
worker B completes part
worker C completes part
worker C begins part
worker D begins part
worker B begins part
worker C completes part
worker B completes part
worker D completes part
escape keyed
worker C leaves
worker D leaves
worker B leaves


The following solution implements each worker as a coroutine. Therefore, it works only in the 64-bit version.

'checkpoints' takes a number of projects to do, and a number of workers. Each worker is started with a random number of steps to do (between 2 and 5), and is kept in a list of 'Staff' members. Whenever a worker finishes, he is removed from that list, until it is empty and the project is done.

'worker' takes a number of steps to perform. It "works" by printing each step, and returning NIL when done.

(de checkpoints (Projects Workers)
   (for P Projects
      (prinl "Starting project number " P ":")
               '((I) (worker (format I) (rand 2 5)))  # Create staff of workers
               (range 1 Workers) )
            Staff                                     # While still busy
            (filter worker Staff) ) )                 # Remove finished workers
      (prinl "Project number " P " is done.") ) )

(de worker (ID Steps)
   (co ID
      (prinl "Worker " ID " has " Steps " steps to do")
      (for N Steps
         (yield ID)
         (prinl "Worker " ID " step " N) )
      NIL ) )


: (checkpoints 2 3)  # Start two projects with 3 workers
Starting project number 1:
Worker 1 has 2 steps to do
Worker 2 has 3 steps to do
Worker 3 has 5 steps to do
Worker 1 step 1
Worker 2 step 1
Worker 3 step 1
Worker 1 step 2
Worker 2 step 2
Worker 3 step 2
Worker 2 step 3
Worker 3 step 3
Worker 3 step 4
Worker 3 step 5
Project number 1 is done.
Starting project number 2:
Worker 1 has 4 steps to do
Worker 2 has 3 steps to do
Worker 3 has 2 steps to do
Worker 1 step 1
Worker 2 step 1
Worker 3 step 1
Worker 1 step 2
Worker 2 step 2
Worker 3 step 2
Worker 1 step 3
Worker 2 step 3
Worker 1 step 4
Project number 2 is done.


PureBasic normally uses Semaphores and Mutex’s to synchronize parallel systems. This system only relies on semaphores between each thread and the controller (CheckPoint-procedure). For exchanging data a Mutex based message stack could easily be added, both synchronized according to this specific task or non-blocking if each worker could be allowed that freedom.

#MaxWorktime=8000 ; "Workday" in msec

; Structure that each thread uses
Structure MyIO

; Array of used threads
Global Dim Comm.MyIO(0)

; Master loop synchronizing the threads via semaphores
Procedure CheckPoint()
  Protected i, j, maxthreads=ArraySize(Comm())
  Protected Worker_count, Deliver_count
    For i=1 To maxthreads
      With Comm(i)
        If TrySemaphore(\Semaphore_Leaving)
        ElseIf TrySemaphore(\Semaphore_Deliver)
          If Deliver_count=Worker_count
            PrintN("All Workers reported in, starting next task.")
            For j=1 To maxthreads
            Next j
        ElseIf TrySemaphore(\Semaphore_Joining)
          PrintN("A new Worker joined the force.")
          Worker_count+1: SignalSemaphore(\Semaphore_Release)
        ElseIf Worker_count=0
      Next i

; A worker thread, all orchestrated by the Checkpoint() routine
Procedure Worker(ID)
  Protected EndTime=ElapsedMilliseconds()+#MaxWorktime, n
  With Comm(ID)
      Repeat ; Use a non-blocking semaphore check to avoid dead-locking at shutdown.
        If ElapsedMilliseconds()>EndTime
          PrintN("Thread #"+Str(ID)+" is done.")
      Until TrySemaphore(\Semaphore_Release)
      PrintN("Thread #"+Str(ID)+" will work for "+Str(n)+" msec.")
      Delay(n): PrintN("Thread #"+Str(ID)+" delivering")

; User IO & init
If OpenConsole()
  Define i, j
    Print("Enter number of workers to use [2-2000]: ")
  Until j>=2 And j<=2000
  ReDim Comm(j)
  For i=1 To j
    With Comm(i)
      \Semaphore_Release =CreateSemaphore()
      \Semaphore_Joining =CreateSemaphore()
      \Semaphore_Deliver =CreateSemaphore()
      \Semaphore_Leaving =CreateSemaphore()
      \ThreadID = CreateThread(@Worker(),i)
  PrintN("Work started, "+Str(j)+" workers has been called.")
  Print("Press ENTER to exit"): Input()  
Enter number of workers to use [2-2000]: 5
Work started, 5 workers has been called.
A new Worker joined the force.
A new Worker joined the force.
A new Worker joined the force.
A new Worker joined the force.
A new Worker joined the force.
Thread #5 will work for 908 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 405 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 536 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 632 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 202 msec.
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #2 will work for 484 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 836 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 464 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 251 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 734 msec.
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #3 will work for 864 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 526 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 145 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 762 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 283 msec.
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #3 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #2 will work for 329 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 452 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 176 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 702 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 500 msec.
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #5 will work for 681 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 71 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 267 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 151 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 252 msec.
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #5 will work for 963 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 378 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 209 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 897 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 736 msec.
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #2 will work for 44 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 973 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 700 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 505 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 256 msec.
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #2 will work for 703 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 296 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 702 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 99 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 114 msec.
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #3 will work for 97 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 192 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 762 msec.
Thread #1 will work for 232 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 484 msec.
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
All Workers reported in, starting next task.
Thread #1 will work for 790 msec.
Thread #5 will work for 602 msec.
Thread #3 will work for 105 msec.
Thread #2 will work for 449 msec.
Thread #4 will work for 180 msec.
Thread #3 delivering
Thread #4 delivering
Thread #2 delivering
Thread #2 is done.
Thread #4 is done.
Thread #3 is done.
Thread #5 delivering
Thread #5 is done.
Thread #1 delivering
Thread #1 is done.
Press ENTER to exit



Based on https://pymotw.com/3/threading/


import threading
import time
import random

def worker(workernum, barrier):
    # task 1
    sleeptime = random.random()
    print('Starting worker '+str(workernum)+" task 1, sleeptime="+str(sleeptime))
    print('Exiting worker'+str(workernum))
    # task 2
    sleeptime = random.random()
    print('Starting worker '+str(workernum)+" task 2, sleeptime="+str(sleeptime))
    print('Exiting worker'+str(workernum))

barrier = threading.Barrier(3)

w1 = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=((1,barrier)))
w2 = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=((2,barrier)))
w3 = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=((3,barrier)))



Starting worker 1 task 1, sleeptime=0.26685336937182835
Starting worker 2 task 1, sleeptime=0.947511912308323
Starting worker 3 task 1, sleeptime=0.6495569605252262
Exiting worker1
Exiting worker3
Exiting worker2
Starting worker 2 task 2, sleeptime=0.5585479798026259
Starting worker 3 task 2, sleeptime=0.4104925281220747
Starting worker 1 task 2, sleeptime=0.15963562165203105
Exiting worker1
Exiting worker3
Exiting worker2


This solution uses a double barrier to synchronize the five threads. The method can be found on page 41 of the delightful book "The Little Book of Semaphores" by Allen B. Downey.

#lang racket
(define t 5)     ; total number of threads
(define count 0) ; number of threads arrived at rendezvous
(define mutex      (make-semaphore 1)) ; exclusive access to count
(define turnstile  (make-semaphore 0))
(define turnstile2 (make-semaphore 1))
(define ch (make-channel))

(define (make-producer name start)
  (λ ()
    (let loop ([n start])
      (sleep (* 0.01 (random 10))) ; "compute" something
      ;; rendezvous
      (semaphore-wait mutex)
      (set! count (+ count 1)) ; we have arrived
      (when (= count t) ; are we the last to arrive?
        (semaphore-wait turnstile2)
        (semaphore-post turnstile))      
      (semaphore-post mutex)
      ; avoid deadlock problem:
      (semaphore-wait turnstile)
      (semaphore-post turnstile)
      ; critical point 
      (channel-put ch n) ; send result to controller
      ; leave properly
      (semaphore-wait mutex)
      (set! count (- count 1))
      (when (= count 0) ; are we the last to leave?
        (semaphore-wait turnstile)
        (semaphore-post turnstile2))
      (semaphore-post mutex)
      (semaphore-wait turnstile2)
      (semaphore-post turnstile2)
      (loop (+ n t)))))

; start t workers:
(map (λ(start) (thread (make-producer start start)))
     (range 0 t))

(let loop ()
  (displayln (for/list ([_ t]) (channel-get ch)))


(1 4 2 0 3)
(6 9 7 8 5)
(11 10 14 12 13)
(16 15 18 19 17)
(24 21 20 23 22)
(29 25 28 27 26)
(30 33 34 32 31)
(37 38 39 35 36)
(44 43 41 40 42)
(46 45 48 49 47)
(50 53 51 54 52)
(56 57 58 55 59)
(60 63 62 61 64)
(66 69 65 68 67)
(73 70 74 71 72)
(78 77 76 79 75)
(82 80 81 84 83)
(87 89 88 86 85)
(92 93 90 91 94)
(97 98 99 95 96)


(formerly Perl 6)

my $TotalWorkers = 3;
my $BatchToRun = 3;
my @TimeTaken = (5..15); # in seconds

my $batch_progress = 0;
my @batch_lock = map { Semaphore.new(1) } , ^$TotalWorkers;
my $lock = Lock.new;

sub assembly_line ($ID) {
   my $wait;
   for ^$BatchToRun -> $j {
      $wait = @TimeTaken.roll;
      say "Worker ",$ID," at batch $j will work for ",$wait," seconds ..";
      $lock.protect: {
         my $k = ++$batch_progress;
         print "Worker ",$ID," is done and update batch $j complete counter ";
         say "to $k of $TotalWorkers";
         if ($batch_progress == $TotalWorkers) {
            say ">>>>> batch $j completed.";
            $batch_progress = 0; # reset for next batch
            for @batch_lock { .release }; # and ready for next batch

       @batch_lock[$ID].acquire; # for next batch

for ^$TotalWorkers -> $i {
      sub {
Worker 1 at batch 0 will work for 6 seconds ..
Worker 2 at batch 0 will work for 32 seconds ..
Worker 0 at batch 0 will work for 13 seconds ..
Worker 1 is done and update batch 0 complete counter to 1 of 3
Worker 0 is done and update batch 0 complete counter to 2 of 3
Worker 2 is done and update batch 0 complete counter to 3 of 3
>>>>> batch 0 completed.
Worker 2 at batch 1 will work for 27 seconds ..
Worker 0 at batch 1 will work for 18 seconds ..
Worker 1 at batch 1 will work for 13 seconds ..
Worker 1 is done and update batch 1 complete counter to 1 of 3
Worker 0 is done and update batch 1 complete counter to 2 of 3
Worker 2 is done and update batch 1 complete counter to 3 of 3
>>>>> batch 1 completed.
Worker 2 at batch 2 will work for 5 seconds ..
Worker 0 at batch 2 will work for 28 seconds ..
Worker 1 at batch 2 will work for 33 seconds ..
Worker 2 is done and update batch 2 complete counter to 1 of 3
Worker 0 is done and update batch 2 complete counter to 2 of 3
Worker 1 is done and update batch 2 complete counter to 3 of 3
>>>>> batch 2 completed.


This example may be incorrect.
This code might or might not do the correct task. See comment at Talk:Checkpoint synchronization.
Please verify it and remove this message. If the example does not match the requirements or does not work, replace this message with Template:incorrect or fix the code yourself.
require 'socket'

# A Workshop runs all of its workers, then collects their results. Use
# Workshop#add to add workers and Workshop#work to run them.
# This implementation forks some processes to run the workers in
# parallel. Ruby must provide Kernel#fork and 'socket' library must
# provide UNIXSocket.
# Why processes and not threads? C Ruby still has a Global VM Lock,
# where only one thread can hold the lock. One platform, OpenBSD, still
# has userspace threads, with all threads on one cpu core. Multiple
# processes will not compete for a single Global VM Lock and can run
# on multiple cpu cores.
class Workshop
  # Creates a Workshop.
  def initialize
    @sockets = {}

  # Adds a worker to this Workshop. Returns a worker id _wid_ for this
  # worker. The worker is a block that takes some _args_ and returns
  # some value. Workshop#work will run the block.
  # This implementation forks a process for the worker. This process
  # will use Marshal with UNIXSocket to receive the _args_ and to send
  # the return value. The _wid_ is a process id. The worker also
  # inherits _IO_ objects, which might be a problem if the worker holds
  # open a pipe or socket, and the other end never reads EOF.
  def add
    child, parent = UNIXSocket.pair

    wid = fork do
      # I am the child.
      @sockets.each_value { |sibling| sibling.close }

      # Prevent that all the children print their backtraces (to a mess
      # of mixed lines) when user presses Control-C.
      Signal.trap("INT") { exit! }

      loop do
        # Wait for a command.
          command, args = Marshal.load(parent)
        rescue EOFError
          # Parent probably died.

        case command
        when :work
          # Do work. Send result to parent.
          result = yield *args
          Marshal.dump(result, parent)
        when :remove
          fail "bad command from workshop"

    # I am the parent.
    @sockets[wid] = child

  # Runs all of the workers, and collects the results in a Hash. Passes
  # the same _args_ to each of the workers. Returns a Hash that pairs
  # _wid_ => _result_, where _wid_ is the worker id and _result_ is the
  # return value from the worker.
  # This implementation runs the workers in parallel, and waits until
  # _all_ of the workers finish their results. Workshop provides no way
  # to start the work without waiting for the work to finish. If a
  # worker dies (for example, by raising an Exception), then
  # Workshop#work raises a RuntimeError.
  def work(*args)
    message = [:work, args]
    @sockets.each_pair do |wid, child|
      Marshal.dump(message, child)

    # Checkpoint! Wait for all workers to finish.
    result = {}
    @sockets.each_pair do |wid, child|
        # This waits until the child finishes a result.
        result[wid] = Marshal.load(child)
      rescue EOFError
        fail "Worker #{wid} died"

  # Removes a worker from the Workshop, who has a worker id _wid_.
  # If there is no such worker, raises ArgumentError.
  # This implementation kills and reaps the process for the worker.
  def remove(wid)
    unless child = @sockets.delete(wid)
      raise ArgumentError, "No worker #{wid}"
      Marshal.dump([:remove, nil], child)

# First create a Workshop.
require 'pp'
shop = Workshop.new
wids = []

# Our workers must not use the same random numbers after the fork.
@fixed_rand = false
def fix_rand
  unless @fixed_rand; srand; @fixed_rand = true; end

# Start with some workers.
6.times do
  wids << shop.add do |i|
    # This worker slowly calculates a Fibonacci number.
    f = proc { |n| if n < 2 then n else f[n - 1] + f[n - 2] end }
    [i, f[25 + rand(10)]]

6.times do |i|
  # Do one cycle of work, and print the result. 
  pp shop.work(i)

  # Remove a worker.
  victim = rand(wids.length)
  shop.remove wids[victim]
  wids.slice! victim

  # Add another worker.
  wids << shop.add do |j|
    # This worker slowly calculates a number from
    # the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 20, 37, 68, 125, ...
    f = proc { |n| if n < 3 then n else f[n - 1] + f[n - 2] + f[n - 3] end }
    [j, i, f[20 + rand(10)]]

# Remove all workers.
wids.each { |wid| shop.remove wid }
pp shop.work(6)

Example of output:

{23187=>[0, 1346269],
 17293=>[0, 1346269],
 9974=>[0, 317811],
 31730=>[0, 196418],
 30156=>[0, 2178309],
 25663=>[0, 832040]}
{23187=>[5, 5702887],
 17293=>[5, 832040],
 31730=>[5, 514229],
 17459=>[5, 2, 24548655],
 18683=>[5, 3, 187427],
 4494=>[5, 4, 1166220]}


//! We implement this task using Rust's Barriers.  Barriers are simply thread synchronization
//! points--if a task waits at a barrier, it will not continue until the number of tasks for which
//! the variable was initialized are also waiting at the barrier, at which point all of them will
//! stop waiting.  This can be used to allow threads to do asynchronous work and guarantee
//! properties at checkpoints.

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier};
use std::thread::spawn;

use array_init::array_init;

pub fn checkpoint() {
    const NUM_TASKS: usize = 10;
    const NUM_ITERATIONS: u8 = 10;

    let barrier = Barrier::new(NUM_TASKS);
    let events: [AtomicBool; NUM_TASKS] = array_init(|_| AtomicBool::new(false));

    // Arc for sharing between tasks
    let arc = Arc::new((barrier, events));
    // Channel for communicating when tasks are done
    let (tx, rx) = channel();
    for i in 0..NUM_TASKS {
        let arc = Arc::clone(&arc);
        let tx = tx.clone();
        // Spawn a new worker
        spawn(move || {
            let (ref barrier, ref events) = *arc;
            // Assign an event to this task
            let event = &events[i];
            // Start processing events
            for _ in 0..NUM_ITERATIONS {
                // Between checkpoints 4 and 1, turn this task's event on.
                event.store(true, Ordering::Release);
                // Checkpoint 1
                // Between checkpoints 1 and 2, all events are on.
                assert!(events.iter().all(|e| e.load(Ordering::Acquire)));
                // Checkpoint 2
                // Between checkpoints 2 and 3, turn this task's event off.
                event.store(false, Ordering::Release);
                // Checkpoint 3
                // Between checkpoints 3 and 4, all events are off.
                assert!(events.iter().all(|e| !e.load(Ordering::Acquire)));
                // Checkpoint 4
            // Finish processing events.
    // The main thread will not exit until all tasks have exited.
    for _ in 0..NUM_TASKS {

fn main() {


import java.util.{Random, Scanner}

object CheckpointSync extends App {
  val in = new Scanner(System.in)

   * Informs that workers started working on the task and
   * starts running threads. Prior to proceeding with next
   * task syncs using static Worker.checkpoint() method.
  private def runTasks(nTasks: Int): Unit = {

    for (i <- 0 until nTasks) {
      println("Starting task number " + (i + 1) + ".")

   * Creates a thread for each worker and runs it.
  private def runThreads(): Unit =
    for (i <- 0 until Worker.nWorkers) new Thread(new Worker(i + 1)).start()

  class Worker(/* inner class instance variables */ var threadID: Int)
    extends Runnable {
    override def run(): Unit = {

     *  Notifies that thread started running for 100 to 1000 msec.
     *  Once finished increments static counter 'nFinished'
     *  that counts number of workers finished their work.
    private def work(): Unit = {
      try {
        val workTime = Worker.rgen.nextInt(900) + 100
        println("Worker " + threadID + " will work for " + workTime + " msec.")
        Thread.sleep(workTime) //work for 'workTime'

        Worker.nFinished += 1 //increases work finished counter

        println("Worker " + threadID + " is ready")
      } catch {
        case e: InterruptedException =>
          System.err.println("Error: thread execution interrupted")

   * Worker inner static class.
  object Worker {
    private val rgen = new Random
    var nWorkers = 0
    private var nFinished = 0

     * Used to synchronize Worker threads using 'nFinished' static integer.
     * Waits (with step of 10 msec) until 'nFinished' equals to 'nWorkers'.
     * Once they are equal resets 'nFinished' counter.
    def checkpoint(): Unit = {
      while (nFinished != nWorkers)
        try Thread.sleep(10)
        catch {
          case e: InterruptedException =>
            System.err.println("Error: thread execution interrupted")
      nFinished = 0

  print("Enter number of workers to use: ")
  Worker.nWorkers = in.nextInt
  print("Enter number of tasks to complete:")



This implementation works by having a separate thread handle the synchronization (inter-thread message delivery already being serialized). The alternative, using a read-write mutex, is more complex and more likely to run into trouble with multi-core machines.

package require Tcl 8.5
package require Thread

namespace eval checkpoint {
    namespace export {[a-z]*}
    namespace ensemble create
    variable members {}
    variable waiting {}
    variable event
    # Back-end of join operation
    proc Join {id} {
	variable members
	variable counter
	if {$id ni $members} {
	    lappend members $id
	return $id
    # Back-end of leave operation
    proc Leave {id} {
	variable members
	set idx [lsearch -exact $members $id]
	if {$idx > -1} {
	    set members [lreplace $members $idx $idx]
	    variable event
	    if {![info exists event]} {
		set event [after idle ::checkpoint::Release]
    # Back-end of deliver operation
    proc Deliver {id} {
	variable waiting
	lappend waiting $id

	variable event
	if {![info exists event]} {
	    set event [after idle ::checkpoint::Release]
    # Releasing is done as an "idle" action to prevent deadlocks
    proc Release {} {
	variable members
	variable waiting
	variable event
	unset event
	if {[llength $members] != [llength $waiting]} return
	set w $waiting
	set waiting {}
	foreach id $w {
	    thread::send -async $id {incr ::checkpoint::Delivered}

    # Make a thread and attach it to the public API of the checkpoint
    proc makeThread {{script ""}} {
	set id [thread::create thread::wait]
	thread::send $id {
	    namespace eval checkpoint {
		namespace export {[a-z]*}
		namespace ensemble create

		# Call to actually join the checkpoint group
		proc join {} {
		    variable checkpoint
		    thread::send $checkpoint [list \
			    ::checkpoint::Join [thread::id]]
		# Call to actually leave the checkpoint group
		proc leave {} {
		    variable checkpoint
		    thread::send $checkpoint [list \
			    ::checkpoint::Leave [thread::id]]
		# Call to wait for checkpoint synchronization
		proc deliver {} {
		    variable checkpoint
		    # Do this from within the [vwait] to ensure that we're already waiting
		    after 0 [list thread::send $checkpoint [list \
			    ::checkpoint::Deliver [thread::id]]]
		    vwait ::checkpoint::Delivered
	thread::send $id [list set ::checkpoint::checkpoint [thread::id]]
	thread::send $id $script
	return $id

    # Utility to help determine whether the checkpoint is in use
    proc anyJoined {} {
	variable members
	expr {[llength $members] > 0}

Demonstration of how this works.

Translation of: Ada
# Build the workers
foreach worker {A B C D} {
    dict set ids $worker [checkpoint makeThread {
	proc task {name} {
	    checkpoint join
	    set deadline [expr {[clock seconds] + 2}]
	    while {[clock seconds] <= $deadline} {
		puts "$name is working"
		after [expr {int(500 * rand())}]
		puts "$name is ready"
		checkpoint deliver
	    checkpoint leave
	    thread::release; # Ask the thread to finish

# Set them all processing in the background
dict for {name id} $ids {
    thread::send -async $id "task $name"

# Wait until all tasks are done (i.e., they have unregistered)
while 1 {
    after 100 set s 1; vwait s; # Process events for 100ms
    if {![checkpoint anyJoined]} {


A is working
C is working
B is working
D is working
B is ready
A is ready
D is ready
C is ready
B is working
A is working
D is working
C is working
D is ready
A is ready
C is ready
B is ready
B is working
D is working
A is working
C is working
D is ready
C is ready
B is ready
A is ready
D is working
C is working
B is working
A is working
D is ready
A is ready
C is ready
B is ready
D is working
C is working
A is working
B is working
C is ready
A is ready
B is ready
D is ready


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-ioutil
import "random" for Random
import "scheduler" for Scheduler
import "timer" for Timer
import "./ioutil" for Input

var rgen = Random.new()
var nWorkers = 0
var nTasks = 0
var nFinished = 0

var worker = Fn.new { |id|
    var workTime = rgen.int(100, 1000) // 100..999 msec.
    System.print("Worker %(id) will work for %(workTime) msec.")
    nFinished = nFinished + 1
    System.print("Worker %(id) is ready.")

var checkPoint = Fn.new {
    while (nFinished != nWorkers) {
    nFinished = 0 // reset

var runTasks = Fn.new {
    for (i in 1..nTasks) {
        System.print("\nStarting task number %(i).")
        var first = rgen.int(1, nWorkers + 1) // randomize first worker to start
        // schedule other workers to start while another fiber is sleeping
        for (j in 1..nWorkers) {
            if (j != first) Scheduler.add { worker.call(j) }
        worker.call(first) // start first worker
        checkPoint.call()  // start checkPoint

nWorkers = Input.integer("Enter number of workers to use: ", 1)
nTasks   = Input.integer("Enter number of tasks to complete: ", 1)

Sample run:

Enter number of workers to use: 5
Enter number of tasks to complete: 3

Starting task number 1.
Worker 3 will work for 822 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 127 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 618 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 175 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 402 msec.
Worker 1 is ready.
Worker 4 is ready.
Worker 5 is ready.
Worker 2 is ready.
Worker 3 is ready.

Starting task number 2.
Worker 2 will work for 537 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 408 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 878 msec.
Worker 4 will work for 101 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 822 msec.
Worker 4 is ready.
Worker 1 is ready.
Worker 2 is ready.
Worker 5 is ready.
Worker 3 is ready.

Starting task number 3.
Worker 4 will work for 568 msec.
Worker 1 will work for 603 msec.
Worker 2 will work for 341 msec.
Worker 3 will work for 250 msec.
Worker 5 will work for 837 msec.
Worker 3 is ready.
Worker 2 is ready.
Worker 4 is ready.
Worker 1 is ready.
Worker 5 is ready.


Simulate a pool of workers, each making one part, waiting for the part to be requested and then putting the part on a conveyor belt to be sent to the station that assembles all parts into a product. After shipping the part, it turns off the request flag. The consumer requests a part it doesn't have, waits for a part and puts the received part (which might not be the requested one (if buggy code)) in a bin and assembles the parts into a product. Repeat until all requested products are made.

const NUM_PARTS=5;  // number of parts used to make the product
var requested=Atomic.Int(-1); // the id of the part the consumer needs
var pipe=Thread.Pipe();       // "conveyor belt" of parts to consumer

fcn producer(id,pipe){
   while(True){ // make part forever
      requested.waitFor(id);  // wait for consumer to ask for my part
      requested.set(-1);      // I'm making the part
      pipe.write(id);         // ship my part
   println(id," stopped");

foreach id in (NUM_PARTS){ producer.launch(id,pipe) } // start workers/threads

product:=NUM_PARTS.pump(List(),0);  // parts I have on hand
do(10){	  // make 10 products
   while(False!=(id:=product.filter1n('==(0)))){ // gather parts to make product
      part:=pipe.read();  // get requested part
      product[part]+=1; // assemble part into product
   println("product made: ",product);
   foreach n in (NUM_PARTS){ product[n]-=1 } // remove parts from bin
println("Done");	// but workers are still waiting

An AtomicInt is an integer that does its operations in an atomic fashion. It is used to serialize the producers and consumer.

The filter1n list method returns the index of the first list element that meets the filter test else False.

product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
product made: L(1,1,1,1,1)
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