Fibonacci word/fractal

From Rosetta Code
Fibonacci word/fractal
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Fibonacci word may be represented as a fractal as described here:

For F_wordm start with F_wordCharn=1
Draw a segment forward
If current F_wordChar is 0
Turn left if n is even
Turn right if n is odd
next n and iterate until end of F_word

For this task create and display a fractal similar to Fig 1.


Prints F_Word30 currently. Segment length and F_Wordn can be adjusted.

Library: GDIP

Also see the Gdip examples.

<lang AutoHotkey>#NoEnv SetBatchLines, -1 p := 0.3 ; Segment length (pixels) F_Word := 30

SysGet, Mon, MonitorWorkArea W := FibWord(F_Word) d := 1 x1 := 0 y1 := MonBottom Width := A_ScreenWidth Height := A_ScreenHeight

If (!pToken := Gdip_Startup()) { MsgBox, 48, Gdiplus Error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have Gdiplus on your system. ExitApp } OnExit, Shutdown

Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +OwnDialogs Gui, 1: Show, NA

hwnd1 := WinExist() hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height) hdc := CreateCompatibleDC() obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm) G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc) Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4) pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(0xffff0000, 1)

Loop, Parse, W { if (d = 0) x2 := x1 + p, y2 := y1 else if (d = 1 || d = -3) x2 := x1, y2 := y1 - p else if (d = 2 || d = -2) x2 := x1 - p, y2 := y1 else if (d = 3 || d = -1) x2 := x1, y2 := y1 + p Gdip_DrawLine(G, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2) if (!Mod(A_Index, 1500)) UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width, Height) if (A_LoopField = 0) { if (!Mod(A_Index, 2)) d += 1 else d -= 1 } x1 := x2, y1 := y2, d := Mod(d, 4) }

Gdip_DeletePen(pPen) UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width, Height) SelectObject(hdc, obm) DeleteObject(hbm) DeleteDC(hdc) Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) return

FibWord(n, FW1=1, FW2=0) { Loop, % n - 2 FW3 := FW2 FW1, FW1 := FW2, FW2 := FW3 return FW3 }

Esc:: Shutdown: Gdip_DeletePen(pPen) SelectObject(hdc, obm) DeleteObject(hbm) DeleteDC(hdc) Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ExitApp</lang>


Writes an EPS file that has the 26th fractal. This is probably cheating. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) { puts( "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF\n" "%%BoundingBox: -10 -10 400 565\n" "/a{0 0 moveto 0 .4 translate 0 0 lineto stroke -1 1 scale}def\n" "/b{a 90 rotate}def");

char i; for (i = 'c'; i <= 'z'; i++) printf("/%c{%c %c}def\n", i, i-1, i-2);

puts("0 setlinewidth z showpage\n%%EOF");

return 0; }</lang>


<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <string>

using namespace std;

class myBitmap { public:

   myBitmap() : pen( NULL ) {}
       DeleteObject( pen );
       DeleteDC( hdc );
       DeleteObject( bmp );

   bool create( int w, int h )
       BITMAPINFO	bi;
       ZeroMemory( &bi, sizeof( bi ) );
       bi.bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof( bi.bmiHeader );
       bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount	   = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8;

bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h; HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ); bmp = CreateDIBSection( dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0 ); if( !bmp ) return false; hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( dc ); SelectObject( hdc, bmp ); ReleaseDC( GetConsoleWindow(), dc ); width = w; height = h; clear(); return true;


   void clear()

ZeroMemory( pBits, width * height * sizeof( DWORD ) );


   void setPenColor( DWORD clr )

if( pen ) DeleteObject( pen ); pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, clr ); SelectObject( hdc, pen );


   void saveBitmap( string path )

BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader; BITMAPINFO infoheader; BITMAP bitmap; DWORD* dwpBits; DWORD wb; HANDLE file;

GetObject( bmp, sizeof( bitmap ), &bitmap ); dwpBits = new DWORD[bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight]; ZeroMemory( dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ) ); ZeroMemory( &infoheader, sizeof( BITMAPINFO ) ); ZeroMemory( &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) );

infoheader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; infoheader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; infoheader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ); infoheader.bmiHeader.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight; infoheader.bmiHeader.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD );

fileheader.bfType = 0x4D42; fileheader.bfOffBits = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); fileheader.bfSize = fileheader.bfOffBits + infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;

GetDIBits( hdc, bmp, 0, height, ( LPVOID )dwpBits, &infoheader, DIB_RGB_COLORS );

file = CreateFile( path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &infoheader.bmiHeader, sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * 4, &wb, NULL ); CloseHandle( file );

delete [] dwpBits;


   HDC getDC()     { return hdc; }
   int getWidth()  { return width; }
   int getHeight() { return height; }


   HBITMAP bmp;
   HDC	    hdc;
   HPEN    pen;
   void    *pBits;
   int	    width, height;

}; class fiboFractal { public:

   fiboFractal( int l )

bmp.create( 600, 440 ); bmp.setPenColor( 0x00ff00 ); createWord( l ); createFractal(); bmp.saveBitmap( "path_to_save_bitmap" );



   void createWord( int l )

string a = "1", b = "0", c; l -= 2; while( l-- ) { c = b + a; a = b; b = c; } fWord = c;

   void createFractal()

int n = 1, px = 10, dir, py = 420, len = 1, x = 0, y = -len, goingTo = 0;

HDC dc = bmp.getDC(); MoveToEx( dc, px, py, NULL ); for( string::iterator si = fWord.begin(); si != fWord.end(); si++ ) { px += x; py += y; LineTo( dc, px, py ); if( !( *si - 48 ) ) { // odd if( n & 1 ) dir = 1; // right else dir = 0; // left switch( goingTo ) { case 0: // up y = 0; if( dir ){ x = len; goingTo = 1; } else { x = -len; goingTo = 3; } break; case 1: // right x = 0; if( dir ) { y = len; goingTo = 2; } else { y = -len; goingTo = 0; } break; case 2: // down y = 0; if( dir ) { x = -len; goingTo = 3; } else { x = len; goingTo = 1; } break; case 3: // left x = 0; if( dir ) { y = -len; goingTo = 0; } else { y = len; goingTo = 2; } }



   string fWord;
   myBitmap bmp;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   fiboFractal ff( 23 );
   return system( "pause" );

} </lang>


This uses the turtle module from the Dragon Curve Task, and the module from the Grayscale Image task.

Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.range, grayscale_image, turtle;

void drawFibonacci(Color)(Image!Color img, ref Turtle t,

                         in string word, in real step) {
   foreach (immutable i, immutable c; word) {
       t.forward(img, step);
       if (c == '0') {
           if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)


void main() {

   auto img = new Image!Gray(1050, 1050);
   auto t = Turtle(30, 1010, -90);
   const w = recurrence!q{a[n-1] ~ a[n-2]}("1", "0").drop(24).front;
   img.drawFibonacci(t, w, 1);

}</lang> It prints the level 25 word as the Python entry.


Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Fibonacci do

 def fibonacci_word, do: Stream.unfold({"1","0"}, fn{a,b} -> {a, {b, b<>a}} end)
 def word_fractal(n) do
   word = fibonacci_word |>
   walk(to_char_list(word), 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, %{{0,0}=>"S"})
   |> print
 defp walk([], _, _, _, _, _, map), do: map
 defp walk([h|t], n, x, y, dx, dy, map) do
   map2 = Dict.put(map, {x+dx, y+dy}, (if dx==0, do: "|", else: "-"))
          |> Dict.put({x2=x+2*dx, y2=y+2*dy}, "+")
   if h == ?0 do
     if rem(n,2)==0, do: walk(t, n+1, x2, y2, dy, -dx, map2),
                   else: walk(t, n+1, x2, y2, -dy, dx, map2)
     walk(t, n+1, x2, y2, dx, dy, map2)
 defp print(map) do
   xkeys = Dict.keys(map) |> {x,_} -> x end)
   xmin = Enum.min(xkeys)
   xmax = Enum.max(xkeys)
   ykeys = Dict.keys(map) |> {_,y} -> y end)
   ymin = Enum.min(ykeys)
   ymax = Enum.max(ykeys)
   Enum.each(ymin..ymax, fn y ->
     IO.puts Enum.map_join(xmin..xmax, fn x -> Dict.get(map, {x,y}, " ") end)


Fibonacci.word_fractal(16)</lang> Output is same as Ruby.


On a Windows 32bit system F_word35 is the biggest that can be drawn. <lang FreeBASIC>' version 23-06-2015 ' compile with: fbc -s console "filename".bas

Dim As String fw1, fw2, fw3 Dim As Integer a, b, d , i, n , x, y, w, h Dim As Any Ptr img_ptr, scr_ptr

' data for screen/buffer size Data 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 10, 8, 14 Dim As Integer s(38,2) For i = 3 To 9

   Read s(i,1) : Read s(i,2)

Next For i = 9 To 38 Step 6

   s(i, 1) = s(i -1, 1) +2 : s(i, 2) = s(i -1, 1) + s(i -1, 2)
   s(i +1, 1) = s(i, 2) +2 : s(i +1, 2) = s(i, 2)
   s(i +2, 1) = s(i, 1) + s(i, 2) : s(i +2, 2) = s(i, 2)
   s(i +3, 1) = s(i +1, 1 ) + s(i +2, 1) : s(i +3, 2) = s(i ,2)
   s(i +4, 1) = s(i +3, 1) : s(i +4, 2) = s(i +3, 1) + 2
   s(i +5, 1) = s(i +3, 1) : s(i +5, 2) = s(i +3, 2) + s(i +4, 2) +2


' we need to set screen in order to create image buffer in memory Screen 21 scr_ptr = ScreenPtr() If (scr_ptr = 0) Then

   Print "Error: graphics screen not initialized."
   End -1

End If


       Print "For wich n do you want the Fibonacci Word fractal (3 to 35)."
       While Inkey <> "" : fw1 = Inkey : Wend ' empty keyboard buffer
       Input "Enter or a value smaller then 3 to stop: "; n
       If n < 3 Then
           Print : Print "Stopping."
           Sleep 3000,1
       If n > 35 then
           Print : Print "Fractal is to big, unable to create it."
           Sleep 3000,1
           Continue Do
       End If
   Loop Until n < 36
   fw1 = "1" : fw2 = "0" ' construct the string
   For i = 3 To n
       fw3 = fw2 + fw1
       Swap fw1, fw2    ' swap pointers of fw1 and fw2
       Swap fw2, fw3    ' swap pointers of fw2 and fw3
   fw1 = "" : fw3 = ""  ' free up memory
   w = s(n, 1) +1 : h = s(n, 2) +1
   ' allocate memory for a buffer to hold the image
   ' use 8 bits to hold the color
   img_ptr = ImageCreate(w,h,0,8)
   If img_ptr = 0 Then  ' check if we have created a image buffer
       Print "Failed to create image."
       End -1
   End If
   x = 0:  y = h -1  : d = 1    ' set starting point and direction flag
   PSet img_ptr, (x, y)         ' set start point
   For a = 1 To Len(fw2)
       Select Case As Const d
           Case 0
               x = x + 2
           Case 1
               y = y - 2
           Case 2
               x = x - 2
           Case 3
               y = y + 2
       End Select
       Line  img_ptr, -(x, y)
       b = fw2[a-1] - Asc("0")
       If b = 0 Then
           If (a And 1) Then
               d = d + 3    ' a = odd
               d = d + 1    ' a = even
           End If
           d = d And 3
       End If
   If n < 24 Then  ' size is smaller then screen dispay fractal
       Put (5, 5),img_ptr, PSet
       Print "Fractal is to big for display."
   End If
   ' saves fractal as bmp file (8 bit palette)
   If n > 23 Then h = 80
   Draw String (0, h +16), "saving fractal as fibword" + Str(n) + ".bmp."
   BSave "F_Word" + Str(n) + ".bmp", img_ptr
   Draw String (0, h +32), "Hit any key to continue."
   ImageDestroy(img_ptr) ' free memory holding the image


Icon and Unicon

This probably only works in Unicon. It also defaults to showing the factal for F_word25 as larger Fibonacci words quickly exceed the size of window I can display, even with a line segment length of a single pixel.

<lang unicon>global width, height

procedure main(A)

   n := integer(A[1]) | 25			    # F_word to use
   sl := integer(A[2]) | 1             # Segment length
   width := integer(A[3]) | 1050       # Width of plot area
   height := integer(A[4]) | 1050      # Height of plot area
   w := fword(n)


procedure fword(n)

   static fcache
   initial fcache := table()
   /fcache[n] := case n of {
                    1: "1"
                    2: "0"
                    default: fword(n-1)||fword(n-2)
   return fcache[n]


record loc(x,y)

procedure drawFractal(n,w,sl)

   static lTurn, rTurn
   initial {
       every (lTurn|rTurn) := table()
       lTurn["north"] := "west"; lTurn["west"] := "south"
       lTurn["south"] := "east"; lTurn["east"] := "north"
       rTurn["north"] := "east"; rTurn["east"] := "south"
       rTurn["south"] := "west"; rTurn["west"] := "north"
   wparms := ["FibFractal "||n,"g","bg=white","canvas=normal",
   &window := open!wparms | stop("Unable to open window")
   p := loc(10,10)
   d := "north"
   every i := 1 to *w do {
      p := draw(p,d,sl)
      if w[i] == "0" then d := if i%2 = 0 then lTurn[d] else rTurn[d]

   until Event() == &lpress


procedure draw(p,d,sl)

   if d == "north"      then p1 := loc(p.x,p.y+sl)
   else if d == "south" then p1 := loc(p.x,p.y-sl)
   else if d == "east"  then p1 := loc(p.x+sl,p.y)
   else                      p1 := loc(p.x-sl,p.y)
   DrawLine(p.x,p.y, p1.x,p1.y)
   return p1



Plotting the fractal as a parametric equation, this looks reasonably nice:

<lang J>require 'plot' plot }:+/\ 0,*/\(^~ 0j_1 0j1 $~ #)'0'=_1{::F_Words 20</lang>

Note that we need the definition of F_Words from the Fibonacci word page:

<lang J>F_Words=: (,<@;@:{~&_1 _2)@]^:(2-~[)&('1';'0')</lang>

However, image uploads are currently disabled, and rendering images of this sort as wikitext gets bulky.

Instead, I'll just describe the algorithm:

This draws a discrete parametric curve. Right turn is 0j_1, left turn is 0j1 (negative and positive square roots of negative 1), straight ahead is 1. So: build a list of alternating 0j_1 and 0j1 and raise them to the first power for the 0s in the fibonacci word list and raise them to the 0th power for the 1s in that list. Then compute the running product, shift a 0 onto the front of the list of products and compute the running sum. (Of course, this would translate to a rather simple loop, also, once you see the pattern.)

fibonacci.word.fractal can draw any number of line segments. A Fibonacci number shows the self-similar nature of the fractal. The Fibonacci word values which control the turns are generated here by some bit-twiddling iteration.

Works with: UCB Logo

<lang Logo>; Return the low 1-bits of :n

For example if n = binary 10110111 = 183
then return binary 111 = 7

to low.ones :n

 output ashift (bitxor :n (:n+1)) -1


fibbinary should be a fibbinary value
return the next larger fibbinary value

to :fibbinary

 localmake "filled  bitor :fibbinary (ashift :fibbinary -1)
 localmake "mask    low.ones :filled
 output (bitor :fibbinary :mask) + 1


to fibonacci.word.fractal :steps

 localmake "step.length 5  ; length of each step
 localmake "fibbinary 0
 repeat :steps [
   forward :step.length
   if (bitand 1 :fibbinary) = 0 [
     ifelse (bitand repcount 1) = 1 [right 90] [left 90]
   make "fibbinary :fibbinary


setheading 0  ; initial line North fibonacci.word.fractal 377</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang mathematica>(*note, this usage of Module allows us to memoize FibonacciWord

 without exposing it to the global scope*)

Module[{FibonacciWord, step},

 FibonacciWord[1] = "1";
 FibonacciWord[2] = "0";
 FibonacciWord[n_Integer?(# > 2 &)] :=
  (FibonacciWord[n] = FibonacciWord[n - 1] <> FibonacciWord[n - 2]);
 step["0", {_?EvenQ}] = N@RotationTransform[Pi/2];
 step["0", {_?OddQ}] = N@RotationTransform[-Pi/2];
 step[___] = Identity;
 FibonacciFractal[n_] := Module[{steps, dirs},
   steps = MapIndexed[step, Characters[FibonacciWord[n]]];
   dirs = ComposeList[steps, {0, 1}];
   Graphics[Line[FoldList[Plus, {0, 0}, dirs]]]]];</lang>


Creates file fword.png containing the Fibonacci Fractal. <lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use GD;

my @fword = ( undef, 1, 0 );

sub fword { my $n = shift; return $fword[$n] if $n<3; return $fword[$n] //= fword($n-1).fword($n-2); }

my $size = 3000; my $im = new GD::Image($size,$size); my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); $im->transparent($white); $im->interlaced('true');

my @pos = (0,0); my @dir = (0,5); my @steps = split //, fword 23; my $i = 1; for( @steps ) { my @next = ( $pos[0]+$dir[0], $pos[1]+$dir[1] ); $im->line( @pos, @next, $black ); @dir = ( $dir[1], -$dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 1==$i%2; # odd @dir = ( -$dir[1], $dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 0==$i%2; # even $i++; @pos = @next; }

open my $out, ">", "fword.png" or die "Cannot open output file.\n"; binmode $out; print $out $im->png; close $out; </lang>

Perl 6

<lang perl6>constant @fib-word = '1', '0', { $^b ~ $^a } ... *;

sub MAIN($m = 17, $scale = 3) {

   (my %world){0}{0} = 1;
   my $loc = 0+0i;
   my $dir = i;
   my $n = 1;
   for @fib-word[$m].comb {
       when '0' {
           if $n %% 2 { turn-left }
           else { turn-right; }
   braille-graphics %world;
   sub step {
       for ^$scale {
           $loc += $dir;
           %world{$}{$} = 1;
   sub turn-left  { $dir *= i; }
   sub turn-right { $dir *= -i; }


sub braille-graphics (%a) {

   my ($ylo, $yhi, $xlo, $xhi);
   for %a.keys -> $y {

$ylo min= +$y; $yhi max= +$y; for %a{$y}.keys -> $x { $xlo min= +$x; $xhi max= +$x; }

   for $ylo, $ylo + 4 ...^ * > $yhi -> \y {

for $xlo, $xlo + 2 ...^ * > $xhi -> \x { my $cell = 0x2800; $cell += 1 if %a{y + 0}{x + 0}; $cell += 2 if %a{y + 1}{x + 0}; $cell += 4 if %a{y + 2}{x + 0}; $cell += 8 if %a{y + 0}{x + 1}; $cell += 16 if %a{y + 1}{x + 1}; $cell += 32 if %a{y + 2}{x + 1}; $cell += 64 if %a{y + 3}{x + 0}; $cell += 128 if %a{y + 3}{x + 1}; print chr($cell); } print "\n";





Translation of: Unicon

Note that for Python 3, functools.lru_cache could be used instead of the memoize decorator below. <lang python>from functools import wraps from turtle import *

def memoize(obj):

   cache = obj.cache = {}
   def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
       key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
       if key not in cache:
           cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
       return cache[key]
   return memoizer

@memoize def fibonacci_word(n):

   assert n > 0
   if n == 1:
       return "1"
   if n == 2:
       return "0"
   return fibonacci_word(n - 1) + fibonacci_word(n - 2)

def draw_fractal(word, step):

   for i, c in enumerate(word, 1):
       if c == "0":
           if i % 2 == 0:

def main():

   n = 25 # Fibonacci Word to use.
   step = 1 # Segment length.
   width = 1050 # Width of plot area.
   height = 1050 # Height of plot area.
   w = fibonacci_word(n)
   setup(width=width, height=height)
   draw_fractal(w, step)
   # Save Poscript image.

if __name__ == '__main__':


The output image is probably the same.


Programming note:   the starting point   (.)   and the ending point   ()   are also shown to help visually identify the end points.

About half of the REXX program is dedicated to plotting the appropriate characters. <lang rexx>/*REXX program generates a Fibonacci word, then displays the fractal curve.*/ parse arg ord . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if ord== then ord=23 /*Not specified? Then use the default*/ s=FibWord(ord) /*obtain the order of Fibonacci word.*/

                               x=0;   maxX=0;   dx=0;   b=' ';     @.=b;   xp=0
                               y=0;   maxY=0;   dy=1;           @.0.0=.;   yp=0
 do n=1 for length(s); x=x+dx; y=y+dy /*advance the plot for the next point. */
 maxX=max(maxX,x);  maxY=max(maxY,y)  /*set the maximums for displaying plot.*/
 c='│';  if dx\==0  then c='─';      if n==1  then c='┌'      /*The 1st plot?*/
 @.x.y=c                              /*assign a plotting character for curve*/
 if @(xp-1,yp)\==b  &  @(xp,yp-1)\==b  then call  @ xp,yp,'┐'   /*fix-up.*/
 if @(xp-1,yp)\==b  &  @(xp,yp+1)\==b  then call  @ xp,yp,'┘'   /*   "   */
 if @(xp+1,yp)\==b  &  @(xp,yp+1)\==b  then call  @ xp,yp,'└'   /*   "   */
 if @(xp+1,yp)\==b  &  @(xp,yp-1)\==b  then call  @ xp,yp,'┌'   /*   "   */
 xp=x;  yp=y;  z=substr(s,n,1)        /*save old x,y;  assign plot character.*/
 if z==1  then iterate                /*Is Z equal to unity?  Then ignore it.*/
 ox=dx;  oy=dy;     dx=0;  dy=0       /*save   DX,DY   as the old versions.  */
 d=-n//2;  if d==0  then d=1          /*determine the sign for the chirality.*/
 if oy\==0  then dx=-sign(oy)*d       /*Going  north|south?   Go  east|west  */
 if ox\==0  then dy= sign(ox)*d       /*  "     east|west?     " south|north */
 end   /*n*/

call @ x,y,'∙' /*set the last point that was plotted. */

     do r=maxY   to 0  by -1;  _=     /*show single row at a time, top first.*/
       do c=0  to maxX;        _=_ || @.c.r;     end  /*c*/
     if _\=  then say strip(_,'T')  /*if not blank, then display a line.   */

     if _\=  then call lineout 'FIBFRACT.OUT',strip(_,'T')  /*write to file*/

     end   /*r*/                      /* [↑]  only display the non-blank rows*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ @: parse arg xx,yy,p; if arg(3)== then return @.xx.yy; @.xx.yy=p; return /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ FibWord: procedure; arg x; !.=0; !.1=1 /*obtain the order of Fibonacci word. */

         do k=3  to x; k1=k-1; k2=k-2 /*generate the   Kth   Fibonacci word. */
         !.k=!.k1 || !.k2             /*construct the next   Fibonacci word. */
         end   /*k*/                  /* [↑]  generate a     Fibonacci word. */

return !.x /*return the Xth Fibonacci word. */</lang> output   when using the input:   14

│ ┌─┐       ┌─┐ ┌─┐   ┌─┐ ┌─┐
└─┘ │       │ └─┘ │   │ └─┘ │
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   │         │   │ ┌─┐ │   │
   └┐       ┌┘   └─┘ └─┘   └┐
┌─┐ │       │ ┌─┐       ┌─┐ │
│ └─┘       └─┘ │       │ └─┘
└┐   ┌─┐ ┌─┐   ┌┘       └┐
 │   │ └─┘ │   │         │
┌┘   └┐   ┌┘   └┐       ┌┘
│ ┌─┐ │   │ ┌─┐ │       │ ┌─┐
└─┘ └─┘   └─┘ └─┘       └─┘ │
                 ┌─┐ ┌─┐   ┌┘
                 │ └─┘ │   │
                 └┐   ┌┘   └┐
                  │   │ ┌─┐ │
                 ┌┘   └─┘ └─┘
                 │ ┌─┐
                 └─┘ │
                 ┌─┐ │
                 │ └─┘
                 └┐   ┌─┐ ┌─┐
                  │   │ └─┘ │
                 ┌┘   └┐   ┌┘
                 │ ┌─┐ │   │
                 └─┘ └─┘   └┐
┌─┐ ┌─┐   ┌─┐ ┌─┐       ┌─┐ │
│ └─┘ │   │ └─┘ │       │ └─┘
└┐   ┌┘   └┐   ┌┘       └┐
 │   │ ┌─┐ │   │         │
┌┘   └─┘ └─┘   └┐       ┌┘
│ ┌─┐       ┌─┐ │       │ ┌─┐
└─┘ │       │ └─┘       └─┘ │
   ┌┘       └┐   ┌─┐ ┌─┐   ┌┘
   │         │   │ └─┘ │   │
   └┐       ┌┘   └┐   ┌┘   └┐
┌─┐ │       │ ┌─┐ │   │ ┌─┐ │
. └─┘       └─┘ └─┘   └─┘ └─┘

The output of this REXX program for this Rosetta Code task requirements can be seen here ───► Fibonacci word/fractal/FIBFRACT.REX.


Prime candidate for Turtle Graphics. I've used a values-turtle, which means you don't get the joy of seeing the turltle bimble around the screen. But it allows the size of the image to be set (useful if you want to push the n much higher than 23 or so!

We use word-order 23, which gives a classic n shape (inverted horseshoe).

Save the (first) implementation of Fibonacci word to Fibonacci-word.rkt; since we do not generate the words here.

<lang racket>#lang racket (require "Fibonacci-word.rkt") (require graphics/value-turtles)

(define word-order 23) ; is a 3k+2 fractal, shaped like an n (define height 420) (define width 600)

(define the-word

 (parameterize ((f-word-max-length #f))
   (F-Word word-order)))

(for/fold ((T (turtles width height

                      0 height ; in BL corner
                      (/ pi -2)))) ; point north
 ((i (in-naturals))
  (j (in-string (f-word-str the-word))))
 (match* (i j)
   ((_ #\1) (draw 1 T))
   (((? even?) #\0) (turn -90 (draw 1 T)))
   ((_ #\0) (turn 90 (draw 1 T)))))</lang>


<lang ruby>def fibonacci_word(n)

 words = ["1", "0"]
 (n-1).times{ words << words[-1] + words[-2] }


def print_fractal(word)

 area =" ")
 x = y = 0
 dx, dy = 0, -1
 areax,y = "S"
 word.each_char.with_index(1) do |c,n|
   areax+dx, y+dy = ? "|" : "-"
   x, y = x+2*dx, y+2*dy
   areax, y = "+"
   dx,dy = n.even? ? [dy,-dx] : [-dy,dx]  if c=="0"
 (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) =
 for y in ymin..ymax
   puts (xmin..xmax).map{|x| areax,y}.join


word = fibonacci_word(16) print_fractal(word)</lang>

+-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+  
|   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |  
+   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +  
|           |       |           |               |           |       |           |                                   |           |       |           |               |           |       |           |  
+-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+  
  |       |           |       |                   |       |           |       |                                       |       |           |       |                   |       |           |       |    
  +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +    
  |       |   |   |   |       |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |       |                   |       |   |   |   |       |    
+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+  
|                               |               |                               |                                   |                               |               |                               |  
+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +  
|   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |                                   |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |  
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
        |               |                               |               |                                                   |               |                               |               |          
      +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+                                               +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+        
      |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                   |                                               |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                   |        
      +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +                                               +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +        
      |                   |       |           |       |                   |                                               |                   |       |           |       |                   |        
      +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+                                               +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+        
        |               |           |       |           |               |                                                   |               |           |       |           |               |          
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
|   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |                                   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |  
+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +  
|                                                                               |                                   |                                                                               |  
+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+  
  |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |    
  +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +    
  |       |           |                                   |           |       |                                       |       |           |                                   |           |       |    
+-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+  
|           |       |                                       |       |           |                                   |           |       |                                       |       |           |  
+   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +  
|   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |  
+-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+  
                      |                                   |                                                                               |                                   |                        
              +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+                
              |   |   |                                   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |                                   |   |   |                
              +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +                
              |                                                   |               |           |       |           |               |                                                   |                
              +-+                                               +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+                                               +-+                
                |                                               |                   |       |           |       |                   |                                               |                  
                +                                               +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +                                               +                  
                |                                               |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                   |                                               |                  
              +-+                                               +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+                                               +-+                
              |                                                   |               |                               |               |                                                   |                
              +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +                
              |   |   |                                   |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |                                   |   |   |                
              +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+                
                      |                                   |                               |               |                               |                                   |                        
+-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+  
|   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |       |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                                       |       |   |   |   |  
+   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                                       +       +   +-+-+   +  
|           |       |                                       |       |           |       |                   |       |           |       |                                       |       |           |  
+-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+                                   +-+       +-+       +-+  
  |       |           |                                   |           |       |           |               |           |       |           |                                   |           |       |    
  +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +                                   +   +-+-+   +       +    
  |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |                                   |   |   |   |       |    
+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+  
|                                                                                                                                                                                                   |  
+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +  
|   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |  
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
        |               |           |       |           |                                                                                   |           |       |           |               |          
      +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+        
      |                   |       |           |       |                                                                                       |       |           |       |                   |        
      +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                                                                                       +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +        
      |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                                                                                       |       |   |   |   |       |                   |        
      +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+        
        |               |                               |                                                                                   |                               |               |          
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
|   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |  
+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +  
|                               |               |                                                                                                   |               |                               |  
+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+                                                                                               +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+  
  |       |   |   |   |       |                   |                                                                                               |                   |       |   |   |   |       |    
  +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +                                                                                               +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +    
  |       |           |       |                   |                                                                                               |                   |       |           |       |    
+-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+                                                                                               +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+  
|           |       |           |               |                                                                                                   |               |           |       |           |  
+   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +  
|   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |  
+-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+  
                                                        |                                                                                   |                                                          
                                  +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                    
                                  |   |   |   |       |                                                                                       |       |   |   |   |                                    
                                  +   +-+-+   +       +                                                                                       +       +   +-+-+   +                                    
                                  |           |       |                                                                                       |       |           |                                    
                                  +-+       +-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+       +-+                                    
                                    |       |           |                                                                                   |           |       |                                      
                                    +       +   +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+   +       +                                      
                                    |       |   |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |   |       |                                      
                                  +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                    
                                  |                                                                                                                               |                                    
                                  +   +-+-+                                                                                                               +-+-+   +                                    
                                  |   |   |                                                                                                               |   |   |                                    
                                  +-+-+   +                                                                                                               +   +-+-+                                    
                                          |                                                                                                               |                                            
                                        +-+                                                                                                               +-+                                          
                                        |                                                                                                                   |                                          
                                        +                                                                                                                   +                                          
                                        |                                                                                                                   |                                          
                                        +-+                                                                                                               +-+                                          
                                          |                                                                                                               |                                            
                                  +-+-+   +                                                                                                               +   +-+-+                                    
                                  |   |   |                                                                                                               |   |   |                                    
                                  +   +-+-+                                                                                                               +-+-+   +                                    
                                  |                                                                                                                               |                                    
                                  +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                    
                                    |       |   |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |   |       |                                      
                                    +       +   +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+   +       +                                      
                                    |       |           |                                                                                   |           |       |                                      
                                  +-+       +-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+       +-+                                    
                                  |           |       |                                                                                       |       |           |                                    
                                  +   +-+-+   +       +                                                                                       +       +   +-+-+   +                                    
                                  |   |   |   |       |                                                                                       |       |   |   |   |                                    
                                  +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                    
                                                        |                                                                                   |                                                          
+-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+  
|   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |  
+   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +  
|           |       |           |               |                                                                                                   |               |           |       |           |  
+-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+                                                                                               +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+  
  |       |           |       |                   |                                                                                               |                   |       |           |       |    
  +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +                                                                                               +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +    
  |       |   |   |   |       |                   |                                                                                               |                   |       |   |   |   |       |    
+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+                                                                                               +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+  
|                               |               |                                                                                                   |               |                               |  
+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +  
|   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |               |   |   |               |   |   |  
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+               +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
        |               |                               |                                                                                   |                               |               |          
      +-+               +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+               +-+        
      |                   |       |   |   |   |       |                                                                                       |       |   |   |   |       |                   |        
      +                   +       +   +-+-+   +       +                                                                                       +       +   +-+-+   +       +                   +        
      |                   |       |           |       |                                                                                       |       |           |       |                   |        
      +-+               +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+                                                                                   +-+       +-+       +-+       +-+               +-+        
        |               |           |       |           |                                                                                   |           |       |           |               |          
+-+-+   +               +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +                                                                                   +   +-+-+   +       +   +-+-+   +               +   +-+-+  
|   |   |               |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |                                                                                   |   |   |   |       |   |   |   |               |   |   |  
S   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+                                                                                   +-+-+   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+               +-+-+   +-+


Note: will be computing an SVG image - not very efficient, but very cool. worked for me in the scala REPL with -J-Xmx2g argument. <lang scala> def fibIt = Iterator.iterate(("1","0")){case (f1,f2) => (f2,f1+f2)}.map(_._1)

def turnLeft(c: Char): Char = c match {

 case 'R' => 'U'
 case 'U' => 'L'
 case 'L' => 'D'
 case 'D' => 'R'


def turnRight(c: Char): Char = c match {

 case 'R' => 'D'
 case 'D' => 'L'
 case 'L' => 'U'
 case 'U' => 'R'


def directions(xss: List[(Char,Char)], current: Char = 'R'): List[Char] = xss match {

 case Nil => current :: Nil
 case x :: xs => x._1 match {
   case '1' => current :: directions(xs, current)
   case '0' => x._2 match {
     case 'E' => current :: directions(xs, turnLeft(current))
     case 'O' => current :: directions(xs, turnRight(current))


def buildIt(xss: List[Char], old: Char = 'X', count: Int = 1): List[String] = xss match {

 case Nil => s"$old$count" :: Nil
 case x :: xs if x == old => buildIt(xs,old,count+1)
 case x :: xs => s"$old$count" :: buildIt(xs,x)


def convertToLine(s: String, c: Int): String = (s.head, s.tail) match {

 case ('R',n) => s"l ${c * n.toInt} 0"
 case ('U',n) => s"l 0 ${-c * n.toInt}"
 case ('L',n) => s"l ${-c * n.toInt} 0"
 case ('D',n) => s"l 0 ${c * n.toInt}"


def drawSVG(xStart: Int, yStart: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fibWord: String, lineMultiplier: Int, color: String): String = {

 val xs ={case (c,i) => (c, if(c == '1') '_' else i % 2 match{case 0 => 'E'; case 1 => 'O'})}.toList
 val fractalPath = buildIt(directions(xs)),lineMultiplier))
 s"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="${width}px" height="${height}px" viewBox="0 0 $width $height"><path d="M $xStart $yStart ${fractalPath.mkString(" ")}" style="stroke:#$color;stroke-width:1" stroke-linejoin="miter" fill="none"/></svg>"""


drawSVG(0,25,550,530,fibIt.drop(18).next,3,"000") </lang>


output string saved as an SVG file - BTW, would appreciate help on getting the image to display here nicely. couldn't figure out how to do that...


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang ruby>var(m=17, scale=3) ={.to_i};

(var world ={0}{0} = 1; var loc = Complex(0, 0); var dir = Complex::i;

var fib = ['1', '0']; func fib_word(n) {

   fib[n] \\= (fib_word(n-1) + fib_word(n-2));


func step {

   scale.times {
       loc += dir;
       world{}{} = 1;


func turn_left { dir *= Complex::i }; func turn_right { dir *= -Complex::i };

var n = 1; fib_word(m).each_char { |c|

   if (c == '0') {
       n % 2 == 0 ? turn_left()
                  : turn_right()
   } else { n++ }


func braille_graphics(a) {

   var (xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = +([Math.inf, -Math.inf]*2)...;
   a.each_key { |y|
       a{y}.each_key { |x|
   range(ylo, yhi, 4).each { |y|
       range(xlo, xhi, 2).each { |x|
           var cell = 0x2800;
           a{y+0}{x+0} && (cell += 1);
           a{y+1}{x+0} && (cell += 2);
           a{y+2}{x+0} && (cell += 4);
           a{y+0}{x+1} && (cell += 8);
           a{y+1}{x+1} && (cell += 16);
           a{y+2}{x+1} && (cell += 32);
           a{y+3}{x+0} && (cell += 64);
           a{y+3}{x+1} && (cell += 128);
           print cell.chr;
       print "\n";



$ sidef fib_word_fractal.sf 12 3


Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tk

  1. OK, this stripped down version doesn't work for n<2…

proc fibword {n} {

   set fw {1 0}
   while {[llength $fw] < $n} {

lappend fw [lindex $fw end][lindex $fw end-1]

   return [lindex $fw end]

} proc drawFW {canv fw {w {[$canv cget -width]}} {h {[$canv cget -height]}}} {

   set w [subst $w]
   set h [subst $h]
   # Generate the coordinate list using line segments of unit length
   set d 3; # Match the orientation in the sample paper
   set eo [set x [set y 0]]
   set coords [list $x $y]
   foreach c [split $fw ""] {

switch $d { 0 {lappend coords [incr x] $y} 1 {lappend coords $x [incr y]} 2 {lappend coords [incr x -1] $y} 3 {lappend coords $x [incr y -1]} } if {$c == 0} { set d [expr {($d + ($eo ? -1 : 1)) % 4}] } set eo [expr {!$eo}]

   # Draw, and rescale to fit in canvas
   set id [$canv create line $coords]
   lassign [$canv bbox $id] x1 y1 x2 y2
   set sf [expr {min(($w-20.) / ($y2-$y1), ($h-20.) / ($x2-$x1))}]
   $canv move $id [expr {-$x1}] [expr {-$y1}]
   $canv scale $id 0 0 $sf $sf
   $canv move $id 10 10
   # Return the item ID to allow user reconfiguration
   return $id


pack [canvas .c -width 500 -height 500] drawFW .c [fibword 23]</lang>


Uses the PPM class from

Translation of: D

<lang zkl>fcn drawFibonacci(img,x,y,word){ // word is "01001010...", 75025 characters

  dx:=0; dy:=1; // turtle direction
  foreach i,c in ([1..].zip(word)){ //>Walker of zipped list
     a:=x; b:=y; x+=dx; y+=dy;
     img.line(a,b, x,y, 0x00ff00);
     if (c=="0"){

if(i.isEven){ dx=(dx - dxy)%2; dy=(dxy - dy)%2; }// turn left else { dx=(dxy - dx)%2; dy=(dy - dxy)%2; }// turn right



img:=PPM(1050,1050); fibWord:=L("1","0"); do(23){ fibWord.append(fibWord[-1] + fibWord[-2]); } drawFibonacci(img,20,20,fibWord[-1]); img.write(File("foo.ppm","wb"));</lang>


Pretty much the same as the Python output but in a PPM file