Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster images, read an image from a PPM file (binary P6 prefered). (Read the definition of PPM file on Wikipedia.)

Bitmap/Read a PPM file
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Task: Use write ppm file solution and grayscale image solution with this one in order to convert a color image to grayscale one.


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>T Colour

  Byte r, g, b
  F (r, g, b)
     .r = r
     .g = g
     .b = b
  F ==(other)
     R .r == other.r & .g == other.g & .b == other.b

V black = Colour(0, 0, 0) V white = Colour(255, 255, 255)

T Bitmap

  Int width, height
  Colour background
  Colour map
  F (width = 40, height = 40, background = white)
     assert(width > 0 & height > 0)
     .width = width
     .height = height
     .background = background
     .map = (0 .< height).map(h -> (0 .< @width).map(w -> @@background))
  F fillrect(x, y, width, height, colour = black)
     assert(x >= 0 & y >= 0 & width > 0 & height > 0)
     L(h) 0 .< height
        L(w) 0 .< width
           .map[y + h][x + w] = colour
  F set(x, y, colour = black)
     .map[y][x] = colour
  F get(x, y)
     R .map[y][x]
  F togreyscale()
     L(h) 0 .< .height
        L(w) 0 .< .width
           V (r, g, b) = .get(w, h)
           V l = Int(0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b)
           .set(w, h, Colour(l, l, l))
  F writeppmp3()
     V magic = "P3\n"
     V comment = "# generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3\n"
     V s = magic‘’comment‘’("#. #.\n#.\n".format(.width, .height, 255))
     L(h) (.height - 1 .< -1).step(-1)
        L(w) 0 .< .width
           V (r, g, b) = .get(w, h)
           s ‘’= ‘   #3 #3 #3’.format(r, g, b)
        s ‘’= "\n"
     R s

F tokenize(fstr)

  [String] tokens
  L(line) fstr.split("\n")
     I !line.starts_with(‘#’)
        L(t) line.split(‘ ’, group_delimiters' 1B)
  R tokens

F ppmp3tobitmap(fstr)

  V tokens = tokenize(fstr)
  V tokeni = -1
  F nexttoken()
     R @tokens[@tokeni]
  assert(‘P3’ == nexttoken(), ‘Wrong filetype’)
  V width  = Int(nexttoken())
  V height = Int(nexttoken())
  V maxval = Int(nexttoken())
  V bitmap = Bitmap(width, height, Colour(0, 0, 0))
  L(h) (height - 1 .< -1).step(-1)
     L(w) 0 .< width
        V r = Int(nexttoken())
        V g = Int(nexttoken())
        V b = Int(nexttoken())
        bitmap.set(w, h, Colour(r, g, b))
  R bitmap

V ppmtxt = |‘P3

            # feep.ppm
            4 4
             0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0   15  0 15
             0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0    0  0  0
             0  0  0    0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0
            15  0 15    0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0

V bitmap = ppmp3tobitmap(ppmtxt) print(‘Grey PPM:’) bitmap.togreyscale() print(bitmap.writeppmp3())</lang>

Grey PPM:
# generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3
4 4
     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0     4   4   4
     0   0   0    11  11  11     0   0   0     0   0   0
     0   0   0     0   0   0    11  11  11     0   0   0
     4   4   4     0   0   0     0   0   0     0   0   0


<lang ada>with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

function Get_PPM (File : File_Type) return Image is

  use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
  use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
  function Get_Line return String is -- Skips comments
     Byte   : Character;
     Buffer : String (1..80);
        for I in Buffer'Range loop
           Character'Read (Stream (File), Byte);
           if Byte = LF then
              exit when Buffer (1) = '#';
              return Buffer (1..I - 1);
           end if;
           Buffer (I) := Byte;
        end loop;
        if Buffer (1) /= '#' then
           raise Data_Error;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Get_Line;
  Height : Integer;
  Width  : Integer;


  if Get_Line /= "P6" then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;
     Line  : String  := Get_Line;
     Start : Integer := Line'First;
     Last  : Positive;
     Get (Line, Width, Last);                     Start := Start + Last;
     Get (Line (Start..Line'Last), Height, Last); Start := Start + Last;
     if Start <= Line'Last then
        raise Data_Error;
     end if;
     if Width < 1 or else Height < 1 then
        raise Data_Error;
     end if;
  if Get_Line /= "255" then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;
     Result : Image (1..Height, 1..Width);
     Buffer : String (1..Width * 3);
     Index  : Positive;
     for I in Result'Range (1) loop
        String'Read (Stream (File), Buffer);
        Index := Buffer'First;
        for J in Result'Range (2) loop
           Result (I, J) :=
              (  R => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index))),
                 G => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index + 1))),
                 B => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index + 2)))
           Index := Index + 3;
        end loop;
     end loop;
     return Result;

end Get_PPM;</lang> The implementation propagates Data_Error when the file format is incorrect. End_Error is propagated when the file end is prematurely met. The following example illustrates conversion of a color file to grayscale. <lang ada>declare

  F1, F2 : File_Type;


  Open (F1, In_File, "city.ppm");
  Create (F2, Out_File, "city_grayscale.ppm");
  Put_PPM (F2, Color (Grayscale (Get_PPM (F1))));
  Close (F1);
  Close (F2);



Works with: AutoHotkey_L

Only ppm6 files supported.

<lang AutoHotkey>img := ppm_read("lena50.ppm") ; x := img[4,4] ; get pixel(4,4) y := img[24,24] ; get pixel(24,24) msgbox % x.rgb() " " y.rgb() img.write("lena50copy.ppm") return

ppm_read(filename, ppmo=0) ; only ppm6 files supported { if !ppmo  ; if image not already in memory, read from filename

 fileread, ppmo, % filename 
 index := 1  
 pos := 1
 loop, parse, ppmo, `n, `r
   if (substr(A_LoopField, 1, 1) == "#")

loop, {

if !pos := regexmatch(ppmo, "\d+", pixel, pos)


   bitmap%A_Index% := pixel
   if (index == 4)
   pos := regexmatch(ppmo, "\s", x, pos)
   index ++



 type := bitmap1
 width := bitmap2
 height := bitmap3
 maxcolor := bitmap4
 bitmap := Bitmap(width, height, color(0,0,0))
 index := 1
 i := 1
 j := 1
bits := pos 

loop % width * height

     bitmap[i, j, "r"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits, "uchar")
     bitmap[i, j, "g"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits + 1, "uchar")
     bitmap[i, j, "b"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits + 2, "uchar")
     if (j == width)

{ j := 1 i += 1 }


j++ }

return bitmap  
  1. include bitmap_storage.ahk ; from</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> f% = OPENIN("c:\lena.ppm")

     IF f%=0 ERROR 100, "Failed to open input file"
     IF GET$#f% <> "P6" ERROR 101, "File is not in P6 format"
       in$ = GET$#f%
     UNTIL LEFT$(in$,1) <> "#"
     size$ = in$
     max$ = GET$#f%
     Width% = VAL(size$)
     space% = INSTR(size$, " ")
     Height% = VALMID$(size$, space%)
     VDU 23,22,Width%;Height%;8,16,16,128
     FOR y% = Height%-1 TO 0 STEP -1
       FOR x% = 0 TO Width%-1
         r% = BGET#f% : g% = BGET#f% : b% = BGET#f%
         l% = INT(0.3*r% + 0.59*g% + 0.11*b% + 0.5)
     NEXT y%
     DEF PROCsetpixel(x%,y%,r%,g%,b%)
     COLOUR 1,r%,g%,b%
     GCOL 1
     LINE x%*2,y%*2,x%*2,y%*2


It is up to the caller to open the file and pass the handler to the function. So this code can be used in Read image file through a pipe without modification. It only understands the P6 file format.


<lang c>image get_ppm(FILE *pf);</lang>


<lang c>#include "imglib.h"

  1. define PPMREADBUFLEN 256

image get_ppm(FILE *pf) {

       char buf[PPMREADBUFLEN], *t;
       image img;
       unsigned int w, h, d;
       int r;
       if (pf == NULL) return NULL;
       t = fgets(buf, PPMREADBUFLEN, pf);
       /* the code fails if the white space following "P6" is not '\n' */
       if ( (t == NULL) || ( strncmp(buf, "P6\n", 3) != 0 ) ) return NULL;
       { /* Px formats can have # comments after first line */
          t = fgets(buf, PPMREADBUFLEN, pf);
          if ( t == NULL ) return NULL;
       } while ( strncmp(buf, "#", 1) == 0 );
       r = sscanf(buf, "%u %u", &w, &h);
       if ( r < 2 ) return NULL;
       r = fscanf(pf, "%u", &d);
       if ( (r < 1) || ( d != 255 ) ) return NULL;
       fseek(pf, 1, SEEK_CUR); /* skip one byte, should be whitespace */
       img = alloc_img(w, h);
       if ( img != NULL )
           size_t rd = fread(img->buf, sizeof(pixel), w*h, pf);
           if ( rd < w*h )
              return NULL;
           return img;


The following acts as a filter to convert a PPM file read from standard input into a PPM gray image, and it outputs the converted image to standard output (see Grayscale image, Write ppm file, and Raster graphics operations in general):

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include "imglib.h"

int main() {

  image source;
  grayimage idest;
  source = get_ppm(stdin);
  idest = tograyscale(source);
  source = tocolor(idest);
  output_ppm(stdout, source);
  free_img(source); free_img((image)idest);
  return 0;



Tested with this solution.

<lang csharp>using System.IO; class PPMReader {

   public static Bitmap ReadBitmapFromPPM(string file)
       var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open));
       if (reader.ReadChar() != 'P' || reader.ReadChar() != '6')
           return null;
       reader.ReadChar(); //Eat newline
       string widths = "", heights = "";
       char temp;
       while ((temp = reader.ReadChar()) != ' ')
           widths += temp;
       while ((temp = reader.ReadChar()) >= '0' && temp <= '9')
           heights += temp;
       if (reader.ReadChar() != '2' || reader.ReadChar() != '5' || reader.ReadChar() != '5')
           return null;
       reader.ReadChar(); //Eat the last newline
       int width = int.Parse(widths),
           height = int.Parse(heights);
       Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
       //Read in the pixels
       for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
           for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
               bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, new Bitmap.Color()
                   Red = reader.ReadByte(),
                   Green = reader.ReadByte(),
                   Blue = reader.ReadByte()
       return bitmap;


Common Lisp

The function read-ppm-image reads either a P6 or P3 file depending on the file contents. The package description assumes that you have the Basic bitmap storage#Common Lisp package.

<lang lisp> (in-package #:rgb-pixel-buffer)

(defparameter *whitespaces-chars* '(#\SPACE #\RETURN #\TAB #\NEWLINE #\LINEFEED))

(defun read-header-chars (stream &optional (delimiter-list *whitespaces-chars*))

 (do ((c (read-char stream nil :eof)
         (read-char stream nil :eof))
      (vals nil (if (or (null c) (char= c  #\#)) vals (cons c vals))))   ;;don't collect comment chars
      ((or (eql c :eof) (member c delimiter-list)) (map 'string #'identity (nreverse vals)))   ;;return strings
   (when (char= c #\#)   ;;skip comments
     (read-line stream))))

(defun read-ppm-file-header (file)

 (with-open-file (s file :direction :input)
   (do ((failure-count 0 (1+ failure-count))

(tokens nil (let ((t1 (read-header-chars s))) (if (> (length t1) 0) (cons t1 tokens) tokens)))) ((>= (length tokens) 4) (values (nreverse tokens) (file-position s)))

     (when (>= failure-count 10)

(error (format nil "File ~a does not seem to be a proper ppm file - maybe too many comment lines" file)))

     (when (= (length tokens) 1)

(when (not (or (string= (first tokens) "P6") (string= (first tokens) "P3"))) (error (format nil "File ~a is not a ppm file - wrong magic-number. Read ~a instead of P6 or P3 " file (first tokens))))))))

(defun read-ppm-image (file)

 (flet ((image-data-reader (stream start-position width height image-build-function read-function)

(file-position stream start-position) (dotimes (row height) (dotimes (col width) (funcall image-build-function row col (funcall read-function stream))))))

   (multiple-value-bind (header file-pos) (read-ppm-file-header file)
     (let* ((image-type (first header))

(width (parse-integer (second header) :junk-allowed t)) (height (parse-integer (third header) :junk-allowed t)) (max-value (parse-integer (fourth header) :junk-allowed t)) (image (make-rgb-pixel-buffer width height))) (when (> max-value 255) (error "unsupported depth - convert to 1byte depth with pamdepth")) (cond ((string= "P6" image-type) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (image-data-reader stream file-pos width height #'(lambda (w h val) (setf (rgb-pixel image w h) val)) #'(lambda (stream) (make-rgb-pixel (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream)))) image)) ((string= "P3" image-type) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (image-data-reader stream file-pos width height #'(lambda (w h val) (setf (rgb-pixel image w h) val)) #'(lambda (stream) (make-rgb-pixel (read stream) (read stream) (read stream)))) image)) (t 'unsupported))


(export 'read-ppm-image) </lang> To read the feep.ppm file as shown on the description page for the ppm format use: <lang lisp> (read-ppm-image "feep.ppm") </lang>


The Image module contains a loadPPM6 function to load binary PPM images.


Class helper for read and write Bitmap's and Ppm's

Translation of: C#

<lang Delphi> program BtmAndPpm;


{$R *.res}




 TBitmapHelper = class helper for TBitmap
   procedure SaveAsPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False);
   procedure LoadFromPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False);

function ColorToGray(Color: TColor): TColor; var

 L: Byte;


 L := round(0.2126 * GetRValue(Color) + 0.7152 * GetGValue(Color) + 0.0722 *
 Result := RGB(L, L, L);


{ TBitmapHelper }

procedure TBitmapHelper.SaveAsPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False); var

 i, j, color: Integer;
 Header: AnsiString;
 ppm: TMemoryStream;


 ppm := TMemoryStream.Create;
   Header := Format('P6'#10'%d %d'#10'255'#10, [Self.Width, Self.Height]);
   ppm.Write(Tbytes(Header), Length(Header));
   for i := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do
     for j := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do
       if useGrayScale then
         color := ColorToGray(ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]))
         color := ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]);
       ppm.Write(color, 3);


procedure TBitmapHelper.LoadFromPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False); var

 p: Integer;
 ppm: TMemoryStream;
 sW, sH: string;
 temp: AnsiChar;
 W, H: Integer;
 Color: TColor;
 function ReadChar: AnsiChar;
   ppm.Read(Result, 1);


 ppm := TMemoryStream.Create;
 if ReadChar + ReadChar <> 'P6' then
   temp := ReadChar;
   if temp in ['0'..'9'] then
     sW := sW + temp;
 until temp = ' ';
   temp := ReadChar;
   if temp in ['0'..'9'] then
     sH := sH + temp;
 until temp = #10;
 W := StrToInt(sW);
 H := StrToInt(sH);
 if ReadChar + ReadChar + ReadChar <> '255' then
 ReadChar(); //skip newLine
 SetSize(W, H);
 p := 0;
 while ppm.Read(Color, 3) > 0 do
   if useGrayScale then
     Color := ColorToGray(Color);
   Canvas.Pixels[p mod W, p div W] := Color;



 with TBitmap.Create do
   // Load bmp
   // Save as ppm
   // Load as ppm and convert in grayscale
   LoadFromPPM('Output.ppm', True);
   // Save as bmp

end. </lang>


<lang e>def chr := <import:java.lang.makeCharacter>.asChar

def readPPM(inputStream) {

 # Proper native-to-E stream IO facilities have not been designed and
 # implemented yet, so we are borrowing Java's. Poorly. This *will* be
 # improved eventually.
 # Reads one header token, skipping comments and whitespace, and exactly
 # one trailing whitespace character
 def readToken() {
   var token := ""
   var c := chr(
   while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '#') {
     if (c == '#') {
       while (c != '\n') { c := chr( }
     # skip over initial whitespace
     c := chr(
   while (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
     if (c == '#') {
       while (c != '\n') { c := chr( }
     } else {
       token += E.toString(c)
       c := chr(
   return token
 # Header
 require(readToken() == "P6")
 def width := __makeInt(readToken())
 def height := __makeInt(readToken())
 def maxval := __makeInt(readToken())
 def size := width * height * 3
 # Body
 # See Basic bitmap storage for the definition and origin of sign()
 def data := <elib:tables.makeFlexList>.fromType(<type:java.lang.Byte>, size)
 if (maxval >= 256) {
   for _ in 1..size {
     data.push(sign(( * 256 + * 255 // maxval))
 } else {
   for _ in 1..size {
     data.push(sign( * 255 // maxval))
 def image := makeImage(width, height)
 return image

}</lang>Note: As of this writing the grayscale image task has not been implemented, so the task code (below) won't actually run yet. But readPPM above has been tested separately.

<lang e>def readPPMTask(inputFile, outputFile) {

 makeGrayscale \
   .fromColor(readPPM(<>(inputFile))) \
   .toColor() \



<lang erlang> % This module provides basic operations on ppm files: % Read from file, create ppm in memory (from generic bitmap) and save to file. % Writing PPM files was introduced in roseta code task 'Bitmap/Write a PPM file' % but the same code is included here to provide whole set of operations on ppm % needed for purposes of this task.


-export([ppm/1, write/2, read/1]).

% constants for writing ppm file -define(WHITESPACE, <<10>>). -define(SPACE, <<32>>).

% constants for reading ppm file -define(WHITESPACES, [9, 10, 13, 32]). -define(PPM_HEADER, "P6").

% data structure introduced in task Bitmap (module ros_bitmap.erl) -record(bitmap, {

   mode = rgb,
   pixels = nil,
   shape = {0, 0}

%%%%%%%%% API %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% read ppm file from file read(Filename) ->

   {ok, File} = file:read_file(Filename),

% create ppm image from bitmap record ppm(Bitmap) ->

   {Width, Height} = Bitmap#bitmap.shape,
   Pixels = ppm_pixels(Bitmap),
   Maxval = 255,  % original ppm format maximum
     header(), width_and_height(Width, Height), maxval(Maxval), Pixels]).

% write bitmap as ppm file write(Bitmap, Filename) ->

   Ppm = ppm(Bitmap),
   {ok, File} = file:open(Filename, [binary, write]),
   file:write(File, Ppm),

%%%%%%%%% Reading PPM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% parse(Binary) ->

   {?PPM_HEADER, Data} = get_next_token(Binary),
   {Width, HeightAndRest} = get_next_token(Data),
   {Height, MaxValAndRest} = get_next_token(HeightAndRest),
   {_MaxVal, RawPixels} = get_next_token(MaxValAndRest),
   Shape = {list_to_integer(Width), list_to_integer(Height)},
   Pixels = load_pixels(RawPixels),
   #bitmap{pixels=Pixels, shape=Shape}.

% load binary as a list of RGB triplets load_pixels(Binary) when is_binary(Binary)->

   load_pixels([], Binary).

load_pixels(Acc, <<>>) ->


load_pixels(Acc, <<R, G, B, Rest/binary>>) ->

   load_pixels([<<R,G,B>>|Acc], Rest).

is_whitespace(Byte) ->

   lists:member(Byte, ?WHITESPACES).

% get next part of PPM file, skip whitespaces, and return the rest of a binary get_next_token(Binary) ->

   get_next_token("", true, Binary).

get_next_token(CurrentToken, false, <<Byte, Rest/binary>>) ->

   case is_whitespace(Byte) of
       true ->
           {lists:reverse(CurrentToken), Rest};
       false ->
           get_next_token([Byte | CurrentToken], false, Rest)

get_next_token(CurrentToken, true, <<Byte, Rest/binary>>) ->

   case is_whitespace(Byte) of
       true ->
           get_next_token(CurrentToken, true, Rest);
       false ->
           get_next_token([Byte | CurrentToken], false, Rest)

%%%%%%%%% Writing PPM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% header() ->

   [<<"P6">>, ?WHITESPACE].

width_and_height(Width, Height) ->

   [encode_decimal(Width), ?SPACE, encode_decimal(Height), ?WHITESPACE].

maxval(Maxval) ->

  [encode_decimal(Maxval), ?WHITESPACE].

ppm_pixels(Bitmap) ->

   % 24 bit color depth

encode_decimal(Number) ->



Usage in accordance with Grayscale Task: <lang erlang> Colorful = ppm:read("colorful.ppm"), Gray = ros_bitmap:convert(ros_bitmap:convert(Colorful, grey), rgb), ppm:write(Gray, "gray.ppm"), </lang>


<lang euphoria>include get.e

function get2(integer fn)

   sequence temp
   temp = get(fn)
   return temp[2] - temp[1]*temp[1]

end function

function read_ppm(sequence filename)

   sequence image, line
   integer dimx, dimy, maxcolor
   atom fn
   fn = open(filename, "rb")
   if fn < 0 then
       return -1 -- unable to open
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   if not equal(line,"P6\n") then
       return -1 -- only ppm6 files are supported
   end if
   dimx = get2(fn)
   if dimx < 0 then
       return -1
   end if
   dimy = get2(fn)
   if dimy < 0 then
       return -1
   end if
   maxcolor = get2(fn)
   if maxcolor != 255 then
       return -1 -- maxcolors other then 255 are not supported
   end if
   image = repeat(repeat(0,dimy),dimx)
   for y = 1 to dimy do
       for x = 1 to dimx do
           image[x][y] = getc(fn)*#10000 + getc(fn)*#100 + getc(fn)
       end for
   end for
   return image

end function</lang>

Converting an image to grayscale: <lang euphoria>sequence image image = read_ppm("image.ppm") image = to_gray(image) image = to_color(image) write_ppm("image_gray.ppm",image)</lang>


Read a colored PPM file, convert it to grayscale and write back to disk under a different name. Sanity checks are omitted for brevity.

24-bpp P6 PPM solution:


<lang qbasic>#ESCAPECHARS ON

DIM colored = ".\\Lena.ppm", grayscale = ".\\LenaGry.ppm" DIM head, tail, r, g, b, l, ptr, blobsize

FILEGET(FILEOPEN(colored, BINARY), FILELEN(colored)): FILECLOSE(FILEOPEN) ' Load buffer blobsize = INSTR(FILEGET, "\n255\n") + 4 ' Get sizeof PPM header head = @FILEGET + blobsize: tail = @FILEGET + FILELEN ' Set loop bounds

FOR ptr = head TO tail STEP 3 ' Transform color triplets r = PEEK(ptr + 0, 1) ' Read colors stored in RGB order g = PEEK(ptr + 1, 1) b = PEEK(ptr + 2, 1) l = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b ' Derive luminance POKE(ptr + 0, CHR(l))(ptr + 1, CHR)(ptr + 2, CHR) ' Write grayscale NEXT



<lang forth>: read-ppm { fid -- bmp }

 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 s" P6" compare abort" Only P6 supported."
 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 0. 2swap >number
 1 /string		\ skip space
 0. 2swap >number
 2drop drop nip    ( w h )
 bitmap { bmp }
 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 s" 255" compare abort" Only 8-bits per color channel supported"
 0 pad !
 bmp bdim
 0 do
   dup 0 do
     pad 3 fid read-file throw
     3 - abort" Not enough pixel data in file"
     pad @ i j bmp b!
 loop drop
 bmp ;

\ testing round-trip 4 3 bitmap value test red test bfill green 1 2 test b!

s" red.ppm" w/o create-file throw test over write-ppm close-file throw

s" red.ppm" r/o open-file throw dup read-ppm value test2 close-file throw

bsize ( bmp -- len ) bdim * pixels bdata ;

test dup bsize test2 dup bsize compare . \ 0 if identical</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

(This function is part of module RCImageIO, see Write ppm file)

<lang fortran>subroutine read_ppm(u, img)

 integer, intent(in) :: u
 type(rgbimage), intent(out) :: img
 integer :: i, j, ncol, cc
 character(2) :: sign
 character :: ccode
 img%width = 0
 img%height = 0
 read(u, '(A2)') sign
 read(u, *) img%width, img%height
 read(u, *) ncol
 write(0,*) sign
 write(0,*) img%width, img%height
 write(0,*) ncol
 if ( ncol /= 255 ) return
 call alloc_img(img, img%width, img%height)
 if ( valid_image(img) ) then
    do j=1, img%height
       do i=1, img%width
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%red(i,j) = cc
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%green(i,j) = cc
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%blue(i,j) = cc
       end do
    end do
 end if

end subroutine read_ppm</lang>


  • doing formatted I/O with Fortran is a pain... And unformatted does not mean free; Fortran2003 has streams, but they are not implemented (yet) in GNU Fortran compiler. Here (as in the write part) I've tried to handle the PPM format through formatted I/O. The tests worked but I have not tried still everything.
  • comments after the first line are not handled


<lang go>package raster

import (



// ReadFrom constructs a Bitmap object from an io.Reader. func ReadPpmFrom(r io.Reader) (b *Bitmap, err error) {

   var all []byte
   all, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
   if err != nil {
   bss := rxHeader.FindSubmatch(all)
   if bss == nil {
       return nil, errors.New("unrecognized ppm header")
   x, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[3]))
   y, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[6]))
   maxval, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[9]))
   if maxval > 255 {
       return nil, errors.New("16 bit ppm not supported")
   allCmts := append(append(append(bss[1], bss[4]...), bss[7]...), bss[10]...)
   b = NewBitmap(x, y)
   b.Comments = rxComment.FindAllString(string(allCmts), -1)
   b3 := all[len(bss[0]):]
   var n1 int
   for i := range b.px {
       b.px[i].R = byte(int(b3[n1]) * 255 / maxval)
       b.px[i].G = byte(int(b3[n1+1]) * 255 / maxval)
       b.px[i].B = byte(int(b3[n1+2]) * 255 / maxval)
       n1 += 3


const (

   // single whitespace character
   ws = "[ \n\r\t\v\f]"
   // isolated comment
   cmt = "#[^\n\r]*"
   // comment sub expression
   cmts = "(" + ws + "*" + cmt + "[\n\r])"
   // number with leading comments
   num = "(" + cmts + "+" + ws + "*|" + ws + "+)([0-9]+)"


var rxHeader = regexp.MustCompile("^P6" + num + num + num +

   "(" + cmts + "*" + ")" + ws)

var rxComment = regexp.MustCompile(cmt)

// ReadFile writes binary P6 format PPM from the specified filename. func ReadPpmFile(fn string) (b *Bitmap, err error) {

   var f *os.File
   if f, err = os.Open(fn); err != nil {
   if b, err = ReadPpmFrom(f); err != nil {
   return b, f.Close()

}</lang> Demonstration program, also demonstrating functions from task Grayscale image: <lang go>package main

// Files required to build supporting package raster are found in: // * This task (immediately above) // * Bitmap // * Grayscale image // * Write a PPM file

import (



func main() {

   // (A file with this name is output by the Go solution to the task
   // "Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe," but of course any 8-bit
   //  P6 PPM file should work.)
   b, err := raster.ReadPpmFile("pipein.ppm")
   if err != nil {
   b = b.Grmap().Bitmap()
   err = b.WritePpmFile("grayscale.ppm")
   if err != nil {



The definition of Bitmap.Netpbm.readNetpbm is given here. <lang haskell>import Bitmap import Bitmap.RGB import Bitmap.Gray import Bitmap.Netpbm

import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST

main =

   (readNetpbm "original.ppm" :: IO (Image RealWorld RGB)) >>=
   stToIO . toGrayImage >>=
   writeNetpbm "new.pgm"</lang>

The above writes a PGM, not a PPM, since the image being output is in grayscale. If you actually want a gray PPM, convert the Image RealWorld Gray back to an Image RealWorld RGB first: <lang haskell>main =

   (readNetpbm "original.ppm" :: IO (Image RealWorld RGB)) >>=
   stToIO . (toRGBImage <=< toGrayImage) >>=
   writeNetpbm "new.ppm"</lang>


Uses makeRGB from Basic bitmap storage. <lang j>require 'files'

readppm=: monad define

 dat=. fread y                                           NB. read from file
 msk=. 1 ,~ (*. 3 >: +/\) (LF&=@}: *. '#'&~:@}.) dat     NB. mark field ends
 't wbyh maxval dat'=. msk <;._2 dat                     NB. parse
 'wbyh maxval'=. 2 1([ {. [: _99&". (LF,' ')&charsub)&.> wbyh;maxval  NB. convert to numeric
 if. (_99 0 +./@e. wbyh,maxval) +. 'P6' -.@-: 2{.t do. _1 return. end.
 (a. i. dat) makeRGB |.wbyh                              NB. convert to basic bitmap format


Using utilities and file from Grayscale image and Write ppm file.
Writes a gray PPM file (a color format) which is bigger than necessary. A PGM file would be more appropriate. <lang j>myimg=: readppm jpath '~temp/myimg.ppm' myimgGray=: toColor toGray myimg myimgGray writeppm jpath '~temp/myimgGray.ppm'</lang>


Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>using Images, FileIO, Netpbm

rgbimg = load("data/bitmapInputTest.ppm") greyimg = Gray.(rgbimg) save("data/bitmapOutputTest.ppm", greyimg)</lang>


For convenience, we repeat the code for the class used in the Bitmap task here and integrate the code in the Grayscale image task within it. <lang scala>// Version 1.2.40

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import import import import javax.imageio.ImageIO

class BasicBitmapStorage(width: Int, height: Int) {

   val image = BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
   fun fill(c: Color) {
       val g =
       g.color = c
       g.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height)
   fun setPixel(x: Int, y: Int, c: Color) = image.setRGB(x, y, c.getRGB())
   fun getPixel(x: Int, y: Int) = Color(image.getRGB(x, y))
   fun toGrayScale() {
       for (x in 0 until image.width) {
           for (y in 0 until image.height) {
               var rgb  = image.getRGB(x, y)
               val red   = (rgb shr 16) and 0xFF
               val green = (rgb shr  8) and 0xFF
               val blue  =  rgb and 0xFF
               val lumin = (0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue).toInt()
               rgb = (lumin shl 16) or (lumin shl 8) or lumin
               image.setRGB(x, y, rgb)


fun PushbackInputStream.skipComment() {

   while (read().toChar() != '\n') {}


fun PushbackInputStream.skipComment(buffer: ByteArray) {

   var nl: Int
   while (true) {
       nl = buffer.indexOf(10) // look for newline at end of comment
       if (nl != -1) break
       read(buffer)  // read another buffer full if newline not yet found
   val len = buffer.size
   if (nl < len - 1) unread(buffer, nl + 1, len - nl - 1)


fun Byte.toUInt() = if (this < 0) 256 + this else this.toInt()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   // use file, output.ppm, created in the Bitmap/Write a PPM file task
   val pbis = PushbackInputStream(FileInputStream("output.ppm"), 80)
   pbis.use {
       with (it) {
           val h1 = read().toChar()
           val h2 = read().toChar()
           val h3 = read().toChar()
           if (h1 != 'P' || h2 != '6' || h3 != '\n') {
               println("Not a P6 PPM file")
           val sb = StringBuilder()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == ' ') break  // read until space reached
           val width = sb.toString().toInt()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == '\n') break  // read until new line reached
           val height = sb.toString().toInt()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == '\n') break  // read until new line reached
           val maxCol = sb.toString().toInt()
           if (maxCol !in 0..255) {
               println("Maximum color value is outside the range 0..255")
           var buffer = ByteArray(80)
           // get rid of any more opening comments before reading data
           while (true) {
               if (buffer[0].toChar() == '#') {
               else {
           // read data
           val bbs = BasicBitmapStorage(width, height)
           buffer = ByteArray(width * 3)
           var y = 0
           while (y < height) {
               for (x in 0 until width) {
                   val c = Color(
                       buffer[x * 3].toUInt(),
                       buffer[x * 3 + 1].toUInt(),
                       buffer[x * 3 + 2].toUInt()
                   bbs.setPixel(x, y, c)
           // convert to grayscale and save to a file
           val grayFile = File("output_gray.jpg")
           ImageIO.write(bbs.image, "jpg", grayFile)



<lang lua>function Read_PPM( filename )

   local fp = filename, "rb" )    
   if fp == nil then return nil end
   local data = fp:read( "*line" )
   if data ~= "P6" then return nil end

       data = fp:read( "*line" )
   until string.find( data, "#" ) == nil
   local image = {}
   local size_x, size_y
   size_x = string.match( data, "%d+" )
   size_y = string.match( data, "%s%d+" )
   data = fp:read( "*line" )
   if tonumber(data) ~= 255 then return nil end
   for i = 1, size_x do
       image[i] = {}

   for j = 1, size_y do
       for i = 1, size_x do
           image[i][j] = { string.byte( fp:read(1) ), string.byte( fp:read(1) ), string.byte( fp:read(1) ) }


   return image


M2000 Interpreter

Now function Bitmap has double signature. With two numbers make a bitmap,with all pixels white. With one number, expect that it is a file number and read file, and then return the bitmap.

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Checkit {

     Function Bitmap  {
           If match("NN") then {
                Read x as long, y as long
           } else.if Match("N") Then  {
               \\ is a file?
                 Read f
                 if not Eof(f) then {
                       Line Input #f,  p3$
                             If p3$="P3" Then {
                                   Line Input #f, Comment$
                                   if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
                                         Line Input #f, Dimension$
                                   } else  Dimension$=Comment$
                                   long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
                                   long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
                                   do {
                                         Line Input #f, P255$
                                   } until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
                                   If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
           } else Error "No proper arguments"
           if x<1 or y<1 then  Error "Wrong dimensions"
           structure rgb {
                 red as byte
                 green as byte
                 blue as byte
           m=len(rgb)*x mod 4
           if m>0 then m=4-m  ' add some bytes to raster line
           m+=len(rgb) *x
           Structure rasterline {
                       pad as byte*m
                 \\ union pad+hline
                 hline as rgb*x
           Structure Raster {
                 magic as integer*4
                 w as integer*4
                 h as integer*4
                 lines as rasterline*y
           Buffer Clear Image1 as Raster
           \\ 24 chars as header to be used from bitmap render build in functions
           Return Image1, 0!magic:="cDIB", 0!w:=Hex$(x,2), 0!h:=Hex$(y, 2)
           \\ fill white (all 255)
           \\ Str$(string) convert to ascii, so we get all characters from words  width to byte width
           if not valid(f) then  Return Image1, 0!lines:=Str$(String$(chrcode$(255), Len(rasterline)*y))
           Buffer Clear Pad as Byte*4
           SetPixel=Lambda Image1, Pad,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x, y, c) ->{
                 if c>0 then c=color(c)
                 Return Pad, 0:=c as long
                 Return Image1, 0!where:=Eval(Pad, 2) as byte, 0!where+1:=Eval(Pad, 1) as byte, 0!where+2:=Eval(Pad, 0) as byte
           GetPixel=Lambda Image1,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x,y) ->{
                 =color(Eval(image1, where+2 as byte), Eval(image1, where+1 as byte), Eval(image1, where as byte))
           StrDib$=Lambda$ Image1, Raster -> {
                 =Eval$(Image1, 0, Len(Raster))
           CopyImage=Lambda Image1 (image$) -> {
                 if left$(image$,12)=Eval$(Image1, 0, 24 ) Then  {
                        Return Image1, 0:=Image$
                 } Else Error "Can't Copy Image"
           Export2File=Lambda Image1, x, y (f) -> {
                 \\ use this between open and close 
                 Print #f, "P3"
                 Print #f,"# Created using M2000 Interpreter"
                 Print #f, x;" ";y
                 Print #f, 255
                 For y1= 0 to y-1 {
                       For x1=0 to x2 {
                             Print #f, a$;Eval(Image1, where+2 as byte);" ";
                             Print #f,  Eval(Image1, where+1 as byte);" ";
                             Print #f,  Eval(Image1, where as byte);
                             a$=" "
                       Print #f
                       m=where mod 4
                       if m<>0 then where+=4-m
           if valid(F) then {
                 'load  RGB values form file
                       For y1=y-1 to 0 {
                             do {
                                         Line Input #f, aline$
                             } until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
                             flush   ' empty stack
                             Stack aline$  ' place all values to stack as FIFO         
                             For x1=0 to x0 {
                                   \\ now read from stack using Number
                                   Return Image1, 0!where+2:=Number as byte, 0!where+1:=Number as byte, 0!where:=Number as byte
                             m=where mod 4
                             if m<>0 then where+=4-m                                   
           Group Bitmap {
     A=Bitmap(10, 10)
     Call A.SetPixel(5,5, color(128,0,255))
     Open "A.PPM" for Output as #F
           Call A.ToFile(F)
     Close #f
     Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
     Try {
           Copy 400*twipsx,200*twipsy use C.Image$()
     Close #f
     ' is the same as this one
       Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
           Line Input #f,  p3$
           If p3$="P3" Then {
                 Line Input #f, Comment$
                 if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
                       Line Input #f, Dimension$
                 } else  Dimension$=Comment$
                 Long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
                 Long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
                 do {
                       Line Input #f, P255$
                 } until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
                 If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
                 B=Bitmap(x, y)
                 For y1=y-1 to 0 {
                       do {
                                   Line Input #f, aline$
                       } until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
                       flush   ' empty stack
                       Stack aline$  ' place all values to stack as FIFO         
                       For x1=0 to x0 {
                             \\ now read from stack
                             Read red, green, blue
                             Call B.setpixel(x1, y1, Color(red, green, blue))
     Close #f
     If valid("B") then  Copy 200*twipsx,200*twipsy use B.Image$()

} Checkit


Mathematica/ Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>Import["file.ppm","PPM"] </lang>


<lang nim>import strutils import bitmap import streams

type FormatError = object of CatchableError

  1. States used to parse the header.

type State = enum waitingMagic, waitingWidth, waitingHeight, waitingColors

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

iterator tokens(f: Stream): tuple[value: string, lastInLine: bool] =

 ## Yield the tokens in the header.
 for line in f.lines:
   if not line.startsWith('#'):
     let fields = line.splitWhitespace()
     for i, t in fields:
       yield (t, i == fields.high)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc getInt(s: string): int {.inline.} =

 ## Try to parse an int. Raise an exception if not an integer.
   result = s.parseInt()
 except ValueError:
   raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid value")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc header(f: Stream): tuple[width, height: Index] =

 ## Read the header and retrun the image width and height.
 var state = waitingMagic
 for (token, lastInLine) in f.tokens:
   case state
   of waitingMagic:
     if token != "P6":
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid file header")
   of waitingWidth:
     result.width = token.getInt()
   of waitingHeight:
     result.height = token.getInt()
   of waitingColors:
     if token.getInt() != 255:
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid number of colors")
     if not lastInLine:
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid data after number of colors")
   state = succ(state)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc readPPM*(f: Stream): Image =

 ## Read a PPM file from a stream into an image.
 let header = f.header()
 result = newImage(header.width, header.height)
   arr: array[256, int8]
   read = f.readData(addr(arr), 256)
   pos = 0
 while read != 0:
   for i in 0 ..< read:
     case pos mod 3
     of 0: result.pixels[pos div 3].r = arr[i].uint8
     of 1: result.pixels[pos div 3].g = arr[i].uint8
     of 2: result.pixels[pos div 3].b = arr[i].uint8
     else: discard
     inc pos
   read = f.readData(addr(arr), 256)
 if pos != 3 * result.w * result.h:
   raise newException(FormatError, "Truncated file")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc readPPM*(filename: string): Image =

 ## Load a PPM file into an image.
 var file = openFileStream(filename, fmRead)
 result = file.readPPM()
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

when isMainModule:

 let image = readPPM("output.ppm")
 echo image.h, " ", image.w</lang>


<lang ocaml>let read_ppm ~filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let line = input_line ic in
 if line <> "P6" then invalid_arg "not a P6 ppm file";
 let line = input_line ic in
 let line =
   try if line.[0] = '#'  (* skip comments *)
   then input_line ic
   else line
   with _ -> line
 let width, height =
   Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d" (fun w h -> (w, h))
 let line = input_line ic in
 if line <> "255" then invalid_arg "not a 8 bit depth image";
 let all_channels =
   let kind = Bigarray.int8_unsigned
   and layout = Bigarray.c_layout
   Bigarray.Array3.create kind layout 3 width height
 let r_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 0
 and g_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 1
 and b_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 2
 for y = 0 to pred height do
   for x = 0 to pred width do
     r_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
     g_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
     b_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
 close_in ic;

and converting a given color file to grayscale: <lang ocaml>let () =

 let img = read_ppm ~filename:"logo.ppm" in
 let img = to_color(to_grayscale ~img) in
 output_ppm ~oc:stdout ~img;

sending the result to stdout allows to see the result without creating a temporary file sending it through a pipe to the display utility of ImageMagick:

ocaml | display -


The read function in module "BitmapIO.oz": <lang oz>functor import



  %% Write


  fun {Read Filename}
     F = {New Open.file init(name:Filename)}
     fun {ReadColor8 _}

Bytes = {F read(list:$ size:3)}


{List.toTuple color Bytes}

     fun {ReadColor16 _}

Bytes = {F read(list:$ size:6)}


{List.toTuple color {Map {PairUp Bytes} FromBytes}}


Magic = {F read(size:2 list:$)} if Magic \= "P6" then raise bitmapIO(read unsupportedFormat(Magic)) end end Width = {ReadNumber F} Height = {ReadNumber F} MaxVal = {ReadNumber F} MaxVal =< 0xffff = true Reader = if MaxVal =< 0xff then ReadColor8 else ReadColor16 end B = { Width Height}


{Bitmap.transform B Reader} B


{F close}

  fun {ReadNumber F}
     {SkipWS F}
     Ds = for collect:Collect break:Break do

[C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)} in if {Char.isDigit C} then {Collect C} else {Break} end end

     {SkipWS F}
     {String.toInt Ds}
  proc {SkipWS F}
     [C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)}
     if {Char.isSpace C} then {SkipWS F}
     elseif C == &# then

{SkipLine F}


{F seek(whence:current offset:~1)}

  proc {SkipLine F}
     [C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)}
     if C \= &\n andthen  C \= &\r then {SkipLine F} end
  fun {PairUp Xs}
     case Xs of X1|X2|Xr then [X1 X2]|{PairUp Xr}
     [] nil then nil
  fun {FromBytes [C1 C2]}
     C1 * 0x100 + C2
  %% Omitted: Write


The actual task: <lang oz>declare

 [BitmapIO Grayscale] = { ['BitmapIO.ozf' 'Grayscale.ozf']}
 B = { "image.ppm"}
 G = {Grayscale.toGraymap B}


 {BitmapIO.write {Grayscale.fromGraymap G} "greyimage.ppm"}</lang>


Library: Imlib2

<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict; use Image::Imlib2;

my $img = Image::Imlib2->load("out0.ppm");

  1. let's do something with it now

$img->set_color(255, 255, 255, 255); $img->draw_line(0,0, $img->width,$img->height); $img->image_set_format("png"); $img->save("out1.png");

exit 0;</lang>


Based on Euphoria, requires write_ppm() from Write_a_PPM_file, to_grey from Grayscale_image
Note that demo\rosetta\Bitmap_read_ppm.exw is just the last 3 lines with the include ppm.e since that contains the read_ppm() (abeit with a few more options and other tweaks) also used by several other examples, and covers the above requirements. Results may be verified with demo\rosetta\viewppm.exw <lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Bitmap_read_ppm.exw (runnable version)

function read_ppm(string filename) sequence image, line integer dimx, dimy, maxcolor atom fn = open(filename, "rb")

   if fn<0 then
       return -1 -- unable to open
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   if line!="P6\n" then
       return -1 -- only ppm6 files are supported
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   Template:Dimx,dimy = scanf(line,"%d %d%s")
   line = gets(fn)
   Template:Maxcolor = scanf(line,"%d%s")
   image = repeat(repeat(0,dimy),dimx)
   for y=1 to dimy do
       for x=1 to dimx do
           image[x][y] = getc(fn)*#10000 + getc(fn)*#100 + getc(fn)
       end for
   end for
   return image

end function

--include ppm.e -- read_ppm(), write_ppm(), to_grey() (as distributed, instead of the above)

sequence img = read_ppm("Lena.ppm") img = to_grey(img) write_ppm("LenaGray.ppm",img)</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de ppmRead (File)

  (in File
     (unless (and `(hex "5036") (rd 2))  # P6
        (quit "Wrong file format" File) )
     (rd 1)
     (let (DX 0  DY 0  Max 0  C)
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq DX (+ (* 10 DX) C)) )
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq DY (+ (* 10 DY) C)) )
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq Max (+ (* 10 Max) C)) )
           (make (do DY (link (need DX))))
           (for Y @
                 '((X) (set X (list (rd 1) (rd 1) (rd 1))))
                 Y ) ) ) ) ) )</lang>

Read a color image "img.ppm", convert and write to "img.pgm": <lang PicoLisp>(pgmWrite (ppm->pgm (ppmRead "img.ppm")) "img.pgm")</lang>


<lang PL/I> /* BITMAP FILE: read in a file in PPM format, P6 (binary). 14/5/2010 */ test: procedure options (main);

  declare (m, n, max_color, i, j) fixed binary (31);
  declare ch character (1), ID character (2);
  declare 1 pixel union,
           2 color bit(24) aligned,
           2 primary_colors,
              3 R char (1),
              3 G char (1),
              3 B char (1);
  declare in file record;
  open file (in) title ('/IMAGE.PPM,TYPE(FIXED),RECSIZE(1)' ) input;
  call get_char;
  ID = ch;
  call get_char;
  substr(ID, 2,1) = ch;
  /* Read in the dimensions of the image */
  call get_integer (m);
  call get_integer (n);
  /* Read in the maximum color size used */
  call get_integer (max_color);
     /* The previous call reads in ONE line feed or CR or other terminator */
     /* character. */


  declare image (0:m-1,0:n-1) bit (24);
  do i = 0 to hbound(image, 1);
     do j = 0 to hbound(image,2);
        read file (in) into (R);
        read file (in) into (G);
        read file (in) into (B);
        image(i,j) = color;


get_char: procedure;

  do until (ch ^= ' ');
     read file (in) into (ch);

end get_char;

get_integer: procedure (value);

  declare value fixed binary (31);
  do until (ch = ' ');
     read file (in) into (ch);
  value = 0;
  do until (is_digit(ch));
     value = value*10 + ch;
     read file (in) into (ch);

end get_integer;

is_digit: procedure (ch) returns (bit(1));

  declare ch character (1);
  return (index('0123456789', ch) > 0);

end is_digit; end test;</lang>


<lang PureBasic>Structure PPMColor



Procedure LoadImagePPM(Image, file$)

 ; Author Roger Rösch (Nickname Macros)
 IDFile = ReadFile(#PB_Any, file$)
 If IDFile
   If CreateImage(Image, 1, 1)
     Format$ = ReadString(IDFile)
     ReadString(IDFile) ; skip comment
     Dimensions$ = ReadString(IDFile)
     w           = Val(StringField(Dimensions$, 1, " "))
     h           = Val(StringField(Dimensions$, 2, " "))
     ResizeImage(Image, w, h)
     max = Val(ReadString(IDFile))           ; Maximal Value for a color
     Select Format$
       Case "P3" ; File in ASCII format
         ; Exract everey number remaining in th file into an array using an RegEx
         Stringlen = Lof(IDFile) - Loc(IDFile)
         content$  = Space(Stringlen)
         Dim color.s(0)
         ReadData(IDFile, @content$, Stringlen)
         CreateRegularExpression(1, "\d+")
         ExtractRegularExpression(1, content$, color())
         ; Plot color information on our empty Image
         For y = 0 To h - 1
           For x = 0 To w - 1
             pos = (y*w + x)*3
             r=Val(color(pos))*255 / max
             g=Val(color(pos+1))*255 / max
             b=Val(color(pos+2))*255 / max
             Plot(x, y, RGB(r,g,b))
       Case "P6" ;File In binary format
         ; Read whole bytes into a buffer because its faster than reading single ones
         Bufferlen = Lof(IDFile) - Loc(IDFile)
         *Buffer   = AllocateMemory(Bufferlen)
         ReadData(IDFile, *Buffer, Bufferlen)
         ; Plot color information on our empty Image
         For y = 0 To h - 1
           For x = 0 To w - 1
             *color.PPMColor = pos + *Buffer
             Plot(x, y, RGB(*color\r*255 / max, *color\g*255 / max, *color\b*255 / max))
             pos + 3
     ; Return 1 if successfully loaded to behave as other PureBasic functions
     ProcedureReturn 1 


To complete the task, the following code should be added to the above fragment and to the PureBasic solutions for Grayscale image and Write a PPM file <lang PureBasic>Define file.s, file2.s, image = 3 file = OpenFileRequester("Select source image file", "", "PPM image (*.ppm)|*.ppm", 0) If file And LCase(GetExtensionPart(file)) = "ppm"

 LoadImagePPM(image, file)
 file2 = Left(file, Len(file) - Len(GetExtensionPart(file))) + "_grayscale." + GetExtensionPart(file)
 SaveImageAsPPM(image, file2, 1)



Works with: Python version 3.1

Extending the example given here <lang python># With help from

  1. String masquerading as ppm file (version P3)

import io

ppmtxt = P3

  1. feep.ppm

4 4 15

0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0   15  0 15
0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0    0  0  0
0  0  0    0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0

15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

def tokenize(f):

   for line in f:
       if line[0] != '#':
           for t in line.split():
               yield t

def ppmp3tobitmap(f):

   t = tokenize(f)
   nexttoken = lambda : next(t)
   assert 'P3' == nexttoken(), 'Wrong filetype'
   width, height, maxval = (int(nexttoken()) for i in range(3))
   bitmap = Bitmap(width, height, Colour(0, 0, 0))
   for h in range(height-1, -1, -1):
       for w in range(0, width):
           bitmap.set(w, h, Colour( *(int(nexttoken()) for i in range(3))))
   return bitmap

print('Original Colour PPM file') print(ppmtxt) ppmfile = io.StringIO(ppmtxt) bitmap = ppmp3tobitmap(ppmfile) print('Grey PPM:') bitmap.togreyscale() ppmfileout = io.StringIO() bitmap.writeppmp3(ppmfileout) print(ppmfileout.getvalue())

The print statements above produce the following output:

Original Colour PPM file P3

  1. feep.ppm

4 4 15

0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0   15  0 15
0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0    0  0  0
0  0  0    0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0

15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grey PPM: P3

  1. generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3

4 4 11

   0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0    4  4  4
   0  0  0   11 11 11    0  0  0    0  0  0
   0  0  0    0  0  0   11 11 11    0  0  0
   4  4  4    0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0



<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/draw)

(define (read-ppm port)

 (parameterize ([current-input-port port])
   (define magic (read))
   (define width (read))
   (define height (read))
   (define maxcol (read))
   (define bm (make-object bitmap% width height))
   (define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bm]))
   (send dc set-smoothing 'unsmoothed)
   (define (adjust v) (* 255 (/ v maxcol)))
   (for/list ([x width])
     (for/list ([y height])
       (define red (read))
       (define green (read))
       (define blue (read))
       (define color (make-object color% (adjust red) (adjust green) (adjust blue)))
       (send dc set-pen color 1 'solid)
       (send dc draw-point x y)))



(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.09

Uses pieces from Bitmap, Write a PPM file and Grayscale image tasks. Included here to make a complete, runnable program.

<lang perl6>class Pixel { has UInt ($.R, $.G, $.B) } class Bitmap {

   has UInt ($.width, $.height);
   has Pixel;


role PGM {

   has @.GS;
   method P5 returns Blob {

"P5\n{self.width} {self.height}\n255\n".encode('ascii') ~ self.GS



sub load-ppm ( $ppm ) {

   my $fh    = $ :enc('ISO-8859-1') );
   my $type  = $fh.get;
   my ($width, $height) = $fh.get.split: ' ';
   my $depth = $fh.get; width => $width.Int, height => $height.Int,
     data => ( $fh.slurp.ords.rotor(3).map:
       { => $_[0], G => $_[1], B => $_[2]) } )


sub grayscale ( Bitmap $bmp ) {

   $bmp.GS = map { (.R*0.2126 + .G*0.7152 + .B*0.0722).round(1) min 255 }, $;


my $filename = './camelia.ppm';

my Bitmap $b = load-ppm( $filename ) but PGM;


'./camelia-gs.pgm', :w).write: $b.P5;</lang>

See camelia, and camelia-gs images. (converted to .png as .ppm format is not widely supported).


The input file   Lenna50.ppm   is a PPM format of
the input file    Lenna50.jpg    used elsewhere on Rosetta Code.

This REXX program handles alternative delimiters as well as comments within the PPM header. <lang rexx>/*REXX program reads a PPM formatted image file, and creates a gray─scale image of it. */ parse arg iFN oFN /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if iFN== | iFN=="," then iFN= 'Lenna50' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if oFN== | oFN=="," then oFN= 'greyscale' /* " " " " " " */ iFID= iFN'.ppm'; oFID= oFN'.ppm' /*complete the input and output FIDs.*/ call charin iFID, 1, 0 /*set the position of the input file. */ y=charin(iFID, , copies(9, digits() ) ) /*read the entire input file ───► X */ parse var y id 3 c 4 3 width height # pixels /*extract header info from the PPM hdr.*/

     LF= 'a'x                                   /*define a comment separator  (in hdr).*/      /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

if c==LF then do; commentEND=pos(LF, y, 4) /*point to the last char in the comment*/ /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

                   parse var  y   =(commentEND)  +1  width  height          #  pixels          /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/
              end                                                                              /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/
                                                /* [↓]  has an alternative delimiter?  */      /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

z=pos(LF, height); if z\==0 then parse var height height =(z) +1 # pixels /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/ z=pos(LF, # ); if z\==0 then parse var # # =(z) +1 pixels /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/ chunk=4000 /*chunk size to be written at one time.*/ LenPixels= length(pixels)

 do j=0  for 256;  _=d2c(j);   @._=j;   @@.j=_  /*build two tables for fast conversions*/
 end   /*j*/

call charout oFID, , 1 /*set the position of the output file. */ call charout oFID, id || width height #' ' /*write the header followed by a blank.*/ !=1

   do until !>=LenPixels;            $=         /*$:      partial output string so far.*/
     do !=!  by 3  for chunk                    /*chunk:  # pixels converted at 1 time.*/
     parse var pixels  =(!)  r +1   g +1   b +1 /*obtain the next  RGB  of a PPM pixel.*/
     if r==  then leave                       /*has the end─of─string been reached?  */
     _=(.2126*@.r  + .7152*@.g  + .0722*@.b )%1 /*an integer RGB greyscale of a pixel. */
     $=$  ||  @@._  ||  @@._  ||  @@._          /*lump (grey)  R G B  pixels together. */
     end   /*!*/                                /* [↑]  D2C  converts decimal ───► char*/
   call charout oFID, $                         /*write the next bunch of pixels.      */
   end     /*until*/

call charout oFID /*close the output file just to be safe*/ say 'File ' oFID " was created." /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */</lang>

File  greyscale.ppm  was created.


Extending Basic_bitmap_storage#Ruby <lang ruby>class Pixmap

 # 'open' is a class method
   bitmap = nil, 'r') do |f|
     header = [f.gets.chomp, f.gets.chomp, f.gets.chomp]
     width, height = header[1] {|n| n.to_i }
     if header[0] != 'P6' or header[2] != '255' or width < 1 or height < 1
       raise StandardError, "file '#{filename}' does not start with the expected header"
     bitmap =, height)
     height.times do |y|
       width.times do |x|
         # read 3 bytes
         red, green, blue ='C3')
         bitmap[x,y] =, green, blue)


  1. create an image: a green cross on a blue background

colour_bitmap =, 30) colour_bitmap.fill(RGBColour::BLUE) colour_bitmap.height.times {|y| [9,10,11].each {|x| colour_bitmap[x,y]=RGBColour::GREEN}} colour_bitmap.width.times {|x| [14,15,16].each {|y| colour_bitmap[x,y]=RGBColour::GREEN}}'testcross.ppm')

  1. then, convert to grayscale'testcross.ppm').to_grayscale!.save('testgray.ppm')</lang>


<lang rust> use super::{Color, ImageFormat}; use std::str::from_utf8; use std::str::FromStr;

pub fn parse_version(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], ImageFormat> {

   use nom::branch::alt;
   use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
   use nom::character::complete::line_ending;
   use nom::combinator::map;
   use nom::sequence::terminated;
   // starts with P3/P6 ends with a CR/LF
           map(tag("P3".as_bytes()), |_| ImageFormat::P3),
           map(tag("P6".as_bytes()), |_| ImageFormat::P6),


pub fn parse_image_attributes(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], (usize, usize, usize)> {

   use nom::character::complete::line_ending;
   use nom::character::complete::{digit1, space1};
   use nom::sequence::terminated;
   use nom::sequence::tuple;
   // 3 numbers separated by spaces ends with a CR/LF
   terminated(tuple((digit1, space1, digit1, space1, digit1)), line_ending)(input).map(
       |(next_input, result)| {
                   usize::from_str_radix(from_utf8(result.0).unwrap(), 10).unwrap(),
                   usize::from_str_radix(from_utf8(result.2).unwrap(), 10).unwrap(),
                   usize::from_str_radix(from_utf8(result.4).unwrap(), 10).unwrap(),


pub fn parse_color_binary(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], Color> {

   use nom::number::complete::u8 as nom_u8;
   use nom::sequence::tuple;
   tuple((nom_u8, nom_u8, nom_u8))(input).map(|(next_input, res)| {
           Color {
               red: res.0,
               green: res.1,
               blue: res.2,


pub fn parse_data_binary(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], Vec<Color>> {

   use nom::multi::many0;


pub fn parse_color_ascii(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], Color> {

   use nom::character::complete::{digit1, space0, space1};
   use nom::sequence::tuple;
   tuple((digit1, space1, digit1, space1, digit1, space0))(input).map(|(next_input, res)| {
           Color {
               red: u8::from_str(from_utf8(res.0).unwrap()).unwrap(),
               green: u8::from_str(from_utf8(res.2).unwrap()).unwrap(),
               blue: u8::from_str(from_utf8(res.4).unwrap()).unwrap(),


pub fn parse_data_ascii(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], Vec<Color>> {

   use nom::multi::many0;

} extern crate nom; extern crate thiserror; mod parser;

use std::default::Default; use std::fmt; use std::io::{BufWriter, Error, Write}; use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut}; use std::{fs::File, io::Read}; use thiserror::Error;

  1. [derive(Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Debug)]

pub struct Color {

   pub red: u8,
   pub green: u8,
   pub blue: u8,


  1. [derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]

pub enum ImageFormat {



impl From<&str> for ImageFormat {

   fn from(i: &str) -> Self {
       match i.to_lowercase().as_str() {
           "p3" => ImageFormat::P3,
           "p6" => ImageFormat::P6,
           _ => unimplemented!("no other formats supported"),


impl fmt::Display for ImageFormat {

   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
       match self {
           ImageFormat::P3 => {
               write!(f, "P3")
           ImageFormat::P6 => {
               write!(f, "P6")


  1. [derive(Error, Debug)]

pub enum ImageError {

   #[error("File not found")]
   #[error("File not readable")]
   #[error("Invalid header information")]
   #[error("Invalid information in the data block")]
   #[error("Invalid max color information")]
   #[error("File is incomplete")]
   #[error("unknown data store error")]

} pub struct Image {

   pub format: ImageFormat,
   pub width: usize,
   pub height: usize,
   pub data: Vec<Color>,


impl Image {

   pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
       Self {
           format: ImageFormat::P6,
           data: vec![Color::default(); width * height],
   pub fn fill(&mut self, color: Color) {
       for elem in &mut {
           *elem = color;
   /// # Errors
   /// Will return `Error` if `filename` does not exist or the user does not have
   /// permission to write to it, or the write operation fails.
   pub fn write_ppm(&self, filename: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
       let file = File::create(filename)?;
       let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file);
       writeln!(&mut writer, "{}", self.format.to_string())?;
       writeln!(&mut writer, "{} {} 255", self.width, self.height)?;
       match self.format {
           ImageFormat::P3 => {
                       .flat_map(|color| {
                       .join(" ")
           ImageFormat::P6 => {
                       .flat_map(|color| vec![,,])
   /// # Panics
   /// Panics if the format is not P6 or P3 PPM
   /// # Errors
   /// Will return `Error` if `filename` does not exist or the user does not have
   /// permission to read it or the read operation fails, or the file format does not
   /// match the specification
   pub fn read_ppm(filename: &str) -> Result<Image, ImageError> {
       let mut file = File::open(filename).map_err(|_| ImageError::FileNotFound)?;
       let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
       file.read_to_end(&mut data)
           .map_err(|_| ImageError::FileNotReadable)?;
       let (i, format) = parser::parse_version(&data).map_err(|_| ImageError::InvalidHeader)?;
       let (i, (width, height, max_color)) =
           parser::parse_image_attributes(i).map_err(|_| ImageError::InvalidHeader)?;
       if max_color != 255 {
           return Err(ImageError::InvalidMaxColor);
       let (_, data) = match format {
           ImageFormat::P3 => parser::parse_data_ascii(i).map_err(|_| ImageError::InvalidData)?,
           ImageFormat::P6 => parser::parse_data_binary(i).map_err(|_| ImageError::InvalidData)?,
       if data.len() != height * width {
           return Err(ImageError::IncompleteFile);
       Ok(Image {


impl Index<(usize, usize)> for Image {

   type Output = Color;
   fn index(&self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &Color {
       &[x + y * self.width]


impl IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for Image {

   fn index_mut(&mut self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &mut Color {
       &mut[x + y * self.width]


use bitmap::Image;

// see read_ppm implementation in the bitmap library

pub fn main() {

   // read a PPM image, which was produced by the write-a-ppm-file task
   let image = Image::read_ppm("./test_image.ppm").unwrap();
   println!("Read using nom parsing:");
   println!("Format: {:?}", image.format);
   println!("Dimensions: {} x {}", image.height, image.width);

} </lang>


Uses the Basic Bitmap Storage and Grayscale Bitmap classes.

See also Task Write a PPM File for save code.

<lang scala>import import scala.swing._ import import java.awt.Color import javax.swing.ImageIcon

object Pixmap {

  private case class PpmHeader(format:String, width:Int, height:Int, maxColor:Int)
  def load(filename:String):Option[RgbBitmap]={
     implicit val in=new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))
     val header=readHeader
        val bm=new RgbBitmap(header.width, header.height);
        for(y <- 0 until bm.height; x <- 0 until bm.width; c=readColor)
           bm.setPixel(x, y, c)
        return Some(bm)
  private def readHeader(implicit in:InputStream)={
     var format=readLine
     var line=readLine
     while(line.startsWith("#"))   //skip comments
     val parts=line.split("\\s")
     val width=parts(0).toInt
     val height=parts(1).toInt
     val maxColor=readLine.toInt
     new PpmHeader(format, width, height, maxColor)
  private def readColor(implicit in:InputStream)=new Color(,,
  private def readLine(implicit in:InputStream)={
     var out=""


Usage: <lang scala>object PixmapTest {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val img=Pixmap.load("image.ppm").get
     val grayImg=BitmapOps.grayscale(img);, "image_gray.ppm")
     val mainframe=new MainFrame(){
        contents=new Label(){
           icon=new ImageIcon(grayImg.image)



<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "draw.s7i";
 include "color.s7i";

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: getPPM (in string: fileName) is func

   var file: ppmFile is STD_NULL;
   var string: line is "";
   var integer: width is 0;
   var integer: height is 0;
   var integer: x is 0;
   var integer: y is 0;
   var color: pixColor is black;
   ppmFile := open(fileName, "r");
   if ppmFile <> STD_NULL then
     if getln(ppmFile) = "P6" then
         line := getln(ppmFile);
       until line = "" or line[1] <> '#';
       read(ppmFile, width);
       readln(ppmFile, height);
       aWindow := newPixmap(width, height);
       for y range 0 to pred(height) do
         for x range 0 to pred(width) do
           pixColor.redLight   := ord(getc(ppmFile));
           pixColor.greenLight := ord(getc(ppmFile));
           pixColor.blueLight  := ord(getc(ppmFile));
         end for;
       end for;
     end if;
   end if;
 end func;</lang>


Library: Tk

The actual PPM reader is built into the photo image engine: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc readPPM {image file} {

   $image read $file -format ppm

}</lang> Thus, to read a PPM, convert it to grayscale, and write it back out again becomes this (which requires Tcl 8.6 for try/finally); the PPM reader and writer are inlined because they are trivial at the script level: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc grayscaleFile {filename {newFilename ""}} {

   set buffer [image create photo]
   if {$newFilename eq ""} {set newFilename $filename}
   try {
       $buffer read $filename -format ppm
       set w [image width $buffer]
       set h [image height $buffer]
       for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} {
           for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} {
               lassign [$buffer get $x $y] r g b
               set l [expr {int(0.2126*$r + 0.7152*$g + 0.0722*$b)}]
               $buffer put [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $l $l $l] -to $x $y
       $buffer write $newFilename -format ppm
   } finally {
       image delete $buffer


However, the Tk library also has built-in the ability to convert code to grayscale directly during the saving of an image to a file, leading to this minimal solution: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc grayscaleFile {filename {newFilename ""}} {

   set buffer [image create photo]
   if {$newFilename eq ""} {set newFilename $filename}
   try {
       $buffer read $filename -format ppm
       $buffer write $newFilename -format ppm -grayscale
   } finally {
       image delete $buffer


UNIX Shell

Works with: ksh93

Ref: Bitmap#UNIX Shell

Add the following functions to the RGBColor_t type <lang bash> function setrgb {

   function grayscale {
       integer x=$(( round( 0.2126*_.r + 0.7152*_.g + 0.0722*_.b ) ))

Add the following function to the Bitmap_t type <lang bash> function grayscale {

       RGBColor_t c
       for ((y=0; y<_.height; y++)); do
           for ((x=0; x<_.width; x++)); do
               c.setrgb ${[y][x]}
   function read {
       exec 4<"$1"
       typeset filetype
       read -u4 filetype
       if $filetype != "P3" ; then
           print -u2 "error: I can only read P3 type PPM files"
           read -u4 _.width _.height
           integer maxval
           read -u4 maxval
           integer x y r g b
           typeset -a bytes
           for ((y=0; y<_.height; y++)); do
               read -u4 -A bytes
               for ((x=0; x<_.width; x++)); do
                   if (( r > maxval || g > maxval || b > maxval )); then
                       print -u2 "error: invalid color ($r $g $b), max=$maxval"
                       return 1
         [y][x]="$r $g $b" 
       exec 4<&-

Now we can: <lang bash>Bitmap_t c "$HOME/tmp/bitmap.ppm" c.to_s

if $(c.to_s) == $(cat "$HOME/tmp/bitmap.ppm") ; then

   echo looks OK


   echo something is wrong


c.grayscale c.to_s c.write "$HOME/tmp/bitmap_g.ppm"</lang>

Vedit macro language

<lang vedit>// Load a PPM file // @10 = filename // On return: // #10 points to buffer containing pixel data, // #11 = width, #12 = height.


File_Open(@10) BOF Search("|X", ADVANCE) // skip "P6"

  1. 11 = Num_Eval(ADVANCE) // #11 = width

Match("|X", ADVANCE) // skip separator

  1. 12 = Num_Eval(ADVANCE) // #12 = height

Match("|X", ADVANCE) Search("|X", ADVANCE) // skip maxval (assume 255) Del_Block(0,CP) // remove the header Return</lang>

Example of usage. In addition to LOAD_PPM routine above, you need routine RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE from Grayscale image and routine SAVE_PPM from Write ppm file. <lang vedit>// Load RGB image Reg_Set(10, "|(USER_MACRO)\example.ppm") Call("LOAD_PPM")

// Convert to grayscale

  1. 10 = Buf_Num

Call("RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE") Buf_Switch(#10) Buf_Quit(OK)

// Convert to RGB Call("GRAYSCALE_TO_RGB")

// Save the image Reg_Set(10, "|(USER_MACRO)\example_gray.ppm") Call("SAVE_PPM")

// Cleanup and exit Buf_Switch(#20) Buf_Quit(OK) return</lang>


The simplicity of redirecting an input file on the command line doesn't work for files that contain binary data ($03 will abort a program). Image files larger than 1280x1024 are clipped to the screen dimensions.

<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations

func OpenInFile; \Open for input the file typed on command line int CpuReg, Handle; char CmdTail($80); [CpuReg:= GetReg; Blit(CpuReg(11), $81, CpuReg(12), CmdTail, $7F); \get copy of command line Trap(false); \turn off error trapping Handle:= FOpen(CmdTail, 0); \open named file for input FSet(Handle, ^I); \assign file to input device 3 OpenI(3); \initialize input buffer pointers if GetErr then return false; Trap(true); return true; ];

int C, X, Y, Width, Height, Max, Lum; real Red, Green, Blue; [if not OpenInFile then [Text(0, "File not found"); exit]; if ChIn(3)#^P or ChIn(3)#^6 then [Text(0, "Not P6 PPM file"); exit]; repeat loop [C:= ChIn(3);

               if C # ^# then quit;
               repeat C:= ChIn(3) until C=$0A\EOL\;

until C>=^0 & C<=^9; Backup; \back up so IntIn re-reads first digit Width:= IntIn(3); \(skips any whitespace) Height:= IntIn(3); Max:= IntIn(3) + 1; \(255/15=17; 256/16=16) case of

 Width<= 640 & Height<=480: SetVid($112);
 Width<= 800 & Height<=600: SetVid($115);
 Width<=1024 & Height<=768: SetVid($118)

other SetVid($11B); \1280x1024 for Y:= 0 to Height-1 do

   for X:= 0 to Width-1 do
       [Red  := float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.21; \convert color to grayscale
        Green:= float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.72;
        Blue := float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.07;
        Lum:= fix(Red) + fix(Green) + fix(Blue);
        Point(X, Y, Lum<<16 + Lum<<8 + Lum);

X:= ChIn(1); \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text display ]</lang>


<lang Yabasic>sub readPPM(f$) local ff, x, y, t$, dcol$, wid, hei

if f$ = "" print "No PPM file name indicate." : return false

ff = open (f$, "rb") if not ff print "File ", f$, " not found."  : return false

input #ff t$, wid, hei, dcol$

if t$ = "P6" then open window wid, hei

for x = 0 to hei - 1 for y = 0 to wid - 1 color peek(#ff), peek(#ff), peek(#ff) dot y, x next y next x

close #ff else print "File is NOT PPM P6 type." : return false end if

return true end sub</lang>


Translation of: FBSL

Read a colored PPM file, convert it (in place) to grayscale and write the new image back to disk under a different name. Sanity checks are omitted.

I used a slightly different image from what is shown, but the results are the same.


<lang zkl>//24-bpp P6 PPM solution: image:=File("lena.ppm","rb").read(); start:=image.find("\n255\n")+5; // Get sizeof PPM header

foreach n in ([start..image.len()-1,3]){ // Transform color triplets

  r,g,b:=image[n,3];  // Read colors stored in RGB order
  l:=(0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b).toInt(); // Derive luminance

