Bitmap/Read a PPM file: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (Fixed typo.)
(Replaced "File" by "Stream" which allows to use "readPPM" with a pipe.)
Line 1,356:
<lang nim>import strutils
import bitmap
import streams
type FormatError = object of CatchableError
Line 1,364 ⟶ 1,365:
iterator tokens(f: FileStream): tuple[value: string, lastInLine: bool] =
## Yield the tokens in the header.
for line in f.lines:
Line 1,383 ⟶ 1,384:
proc header(f: FileStream): tuple[width, height: Index] =
## Read the header and returnretrun the image width and height.
var state = waitingMagic
for (token, lastInLine) in f.tokens:
Line 1,405 ⟶ 1,406:
proc readPPM*(f: FileStream): Image =
## Read a PPM file from a stream into an image.
let header = f.header()
Line 1,413 ⟶ 1,414:
arr: array[256, int8]
read = f.readBytesreadData(addr(arr, 0), 256)
pos = 0
Line 1,425 ⟶ 1,426:
inc pos
read = f.readBytesreadData(addr(arr, 0), 256)
if pos != 3 * result.w * result.h:
Line 1,435 ⟶ 1,436:
## Load a PPM file into an image.
var file = openopenFileStream(filename, fmRead)
result = file.readPPM()
when isMainModule:
let image = readPPM("output.ppm")
echo image.h, " ", image.w</lang>

Revision as of 19:29, 25 October 2020

Bitmap/Read a PPM file
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster images, read an image from a PPM file (binary P6 prefered). (Read the definition of PPM file on Wikipedia.)

Task: Use write ppm file solution and grayscale image solution with this one in order to convert a color image to grayscale one.


<lang ada>with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;

function Get_PPM (File : File_Type) return Image is

  use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
  use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
  function Get_Line return String is -- Skips comments
     Byte   : Character;
     Buffer : String (1..80);
        for I in Buffer'Range loop
           Character'Read (Stream (File), Byte);
           if Byte = LF then
              exit when Buffer (1) = '#';
              return Buffer (1..I - 1);
           end if;
           Buffer (I) := Byte;
        end loop;
        if Buffer (1) /= '#' then
           raise Data_Error;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Get_Line;
  Height : Integer;
  Width  : Integer;


  if Get_Line /= "P6" then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;
     Line  : String  := Get_Line;
     Start : Integer := Line'First;
     Last  : Positive;
     Get (Line, Width, Last);                     Start := Start + Last;
     Get (Line (Start..Line'Last), Height, Last); Start := Start + Last;
     if Start <= Line'Last then
        raise Data_Error;
     end if;
     if Width < 1 or else Height < 1 then
        raise Data_Error;
     end if;
  if Get_Line /= "255" then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;
     Result : Image (1..Height, 1..Width);
     Buffer : String (1..Width * 3);
     Index  : Positive;
     for I in Result'Range (1) loop
        String'Read (Stream (File), Buffer);
        Index := Buffer'First;
        for J in Result'Range (2) loop
           Result (I, J) :=
              (  R => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index))),
                 G => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index + 1))),
                 B => Luminance (Character'Pos (Buffer (Index + 2)))
           Index := Index + 3;
        end loop;
     end loop;
     return Result;

end Get_PPM;</lang> The implementation propagates Data_Error when the file format is incorrect. End_Error is propagated when the file end is prematurely met. The following example illustrates conversion of a color file to grayscale. <lang ada>declare

  F1, F2 : File_Type;


  Open (F1, In_File, "city.ppm");
  Create (F2, Out_File, "city_grayscale.ppm");
  Put_PPM (F2, Color (Grayscale (Get_PPM (F1))));
  Close (F1);
  Close (F2);



Works with: AutoHotkey_L

Only ppm6 files supported.

<lang AutoHotkey>img := ppm_read("lena50.ppm") ; x := img[4,4] ; get pixel(4,4) y := img[24,24] ; get pixel(24,24) msgbox % x.rgb() " " y.rgb() img.write("lena50copy.ppm") return

ppm_read(filename, ppmo=0) ; only ppm6 files supported { if !ppmo  ; if image not already in memory, read from filename

 fileread, ppmo, % filename 
 index := 1  
 pos := 1
 loop, parse, ppmo, `n, `r
   if (substr(A_LoopField, 1, 1) == "#")

loop, {

if !pos := regexmatch(ppmo, "\d+", pixel, pos)


   bitmap%A_Index% := pixel
   if (index == 4)
   pos := regexmatch(ppmo, "\s", x, pos)
   index ++



 type := bitmap1
 width := bitmap2
 height := bitmap3
 maxcolor := bitmap4
 bitmap := Bitmap(width, height, color(0,0,0))
 index := 1
 i := 1
 j := 1
bits := pos 

loop % width * height

     bitmap[i, j, "r"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits, "uchar")
     bitmap[i, j, "g"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits + 1, "uchar")
     bitmap[i, j, "b"]  := numget(ppmo, 3 * A_Index + bits + 2, "uchar")
     if (j == width)

{ j := 1 i += 1 }


j++ }

return bitmap  
  1. include bitmap_storage.ahk ; from</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> f% = OPENIN("c:\lena.ppm")

     IF f%=0 ERROR 100, "Failed to open input file"
     IF GET$#f% <> "P6" ERROR 101, "File is not in P6 format"
       in$ = GET$#f%
     UNTIL LEFT$(in$,1) <> "#"
     size$ = in$
     max$ = GET$#f%
     Width% = VAL(size$)
     space% = INSTR(size$, " ")
     Height% = VALMID$(size$, space%)
     VDU 23,22,Width%;Height%;8,16,16,128
     FOR y% = Height%-1 TO 0 STEP -1
       FOR x% = 0 TO Width%-1
         r% = BGET#f% : g% = BGET#f% : b% = BGET#f%
         l% = INT(0.3*r% + 0.59*g% + 0.11*b% + 0.5)
     NEXT y%
     DEF PROCsetpixel(x%,y%,r%,g%,b%)
     COLOUR 1,r%,g%,b%
     GCOL 1
     LINE x%*2,y%*2,x%*2,y%*2


It is up to the caller to open the file and pass the handler to the function. So this code can be used in Read image file through a pipe without modification. It only understands the P6 file format.


<lang c>image get_ppm(FILE *pf);</lang>


<lang c>#include "imglib.h"

  1. define PPMREADBUFLEN 256

image get_ppm(FILE *pf) {

       char buf[PPMREADBUFLEN], *t;
       image img;
       unsigned int w, h, d;
       int r;
       if (pf == NULL) return NULL;
       t = fgets(buf, PPMREADBUFLEN, pf);
       /* the code fails if the white space following "P6" is not '\n' */
       if ( (t == NULL) || ( strncmp(buf, "P6\n", 3) != 0 ) ) return NULL;
       { /* Px formats can have # comments after first line */
          t = fgets(buf, PPMREADBUFLEN, pf);
          if ( t == NULL ) return NULL;
       } while ( strncmp(buf, "#", 1) == 0 );
       r = sscanf(buf, "%u %u", &w, &h);
       if ( r < 2 ) return NULL;
       r = fscanf(pf, "%u", &d);
       if ( (r < 1) || ( d != 255 ) ) return NULL;
       fseek(pf, 1, SEEK_CUR); /* skip one byte, should be whitespace */
       img = alloc_img(w, h);
       if ( img != NULL )
           size_t rd = fread(img->buf, sizeof(pixel), w*h, pf);
           if ( rd < w*h )
              return NULL;
           return img;


The following acts as a filter to convert a PPM file read from standard input into a PPM gray image, and it outputs the converted image to standard output (see Grayscale image, Write ppm file, and Raster graphics operations in general):

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include "imglib.h"

int main() {

  image source;
  grayimage idest;
  source = get_ppm(stdin);
  idest = tograyscale(source);
  source = tocolor(idest);
  output_ppm(stdout, source);
  free_img(source); free_img((image)idest);
  return 0;



Tested with this solution.

<lang csharp>using System.IO; class PPMReader {

   public static Bitmap ReadBitmapFromPPM(string file)
       var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open));
       if (reader.ReadChar() != 'P' || reader.ReadChar() != '6')
           return null;
       reader.ReadChar(); //Eat newline
       string widths = "", heights = "";
       char temp;
       while ((temp = reader.ReadChar()) != ' ')
           widths += temp;
       while ((temp = reader.ReadChar()) >= '0' && temp <= '9')
           heights += temp;
       if (reader.ReadChar() != '2' || reader.ReadChar() != '5' || reader.ReadChar() != '5')
           return null;
       reader.ReadChar(); //Eat the last newline
       int width = int.Parse(widths),
           height = int.Parse(heights);
       Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
       //Read in the pixels
       for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
           for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
               bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, new Bitmap.Color()
                   Red = reader.ReadByte(),
                   Green = reader.ReadByte(),
                   Blue = reader.ReadByte()
       return bitmap;


Common Lisp

The function read-ppm-image reads either a P6 or P3 file depending on the file contents. The package description assumes that you have the Basic bitmap storage#Common Lisp package.

<lang lisp> (in-package #:rgb-pixel-buffer)

(defparameter *whitespaces-chars* '(#\SPACE #\RETURN #\TAB #\NEWLINE #\LINEFEED))

(defun read-header-chars (stream &optional (delimiter-list *whitespaces-chars*))

 (do ((c (read-char stream nil :eof)
         (read-char stream nil :eof))
      (vals nil (if (or (null c) (char= c  #\#)) vals (cons c vals))))   ;;don't collect comment chars
      ((or (eql c :eof) (member c delimiter-list)) (map 'string #'identity (nreverse vals)))   ;;return strings
   (when (char= c #\#)   ;;skip comments
     (read-line stream))))

(defun read-ppm-file-header (file)

 (with-open-file (s file :direction :input)
   (do ((failure-count 0 (1+ failure-count))

(tokens nil (let ((t1 (read-header-chars s))) (if (> (length t1) 0) (cons t1 tokens) tokens)))) ((>= (length tokens) 4) (values (nreverse tokens) (file-position s)))

     (when (>= failure-count 10)

(error (format nil "File ~a does not seem to be a proper ppm file - maybe too many comment lines" file)))

     (when (= (length tokens) 1)

(when (not (or (string= (first tokens) "P6") (string= (first tokens) "P3"))) (error (format nil "File ~a is not a ppm file - wrong magic-number. Read ~a instead of P6 or P3 " file (first tokens))))))))

(defun read-ppm-image (file)

 (flet ((image-data-reader (stream start-position width height image-build-function read-function)

(file-position stream start-position) (dotimes (row height) (dotimes (col width) (funcall image-build-function row col (funcall read-function stream))))))

   (multiple-value-bind (header file-pos) (read-ppm-file-header file)
     (let* ((image-type (first header))

(width (parse-integer (second header) :junk-allowed t)) (height (parse-integer (third header) :junk-allowed t)) (max-value (parse-integer (fourth header) :junk-allowed t)) (image (make-rgb-pixel-buffer width height))) (when (> max-value 255) (error "unsupported depth - convert to 1byte depth with pamdepth")) (cond ((string= "P6" image-type) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (image-data-reader stream file-pos width height #'(lambda (w h val) (setf (rgb-pixel image w h) val)) #'(lambda (stream) (make-rgb-pixel (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream)))) image)) ((string= "P3" image-type) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (image-data-reader stream file-pos width height #'(lambda (w h val) (setf (rgb-pixel image w h) val)) #'(lambda (stream) (make-rgb-pixel (read stream) (read stream) (read stream)))) image)) (t 'unsupported))


(export 'read-ppm-image) </lang> To read the feep.ppm file as shown on the description page for the ppm format use: <lang lisp> (read-ppm-image "feep.ppm") </lang>


The Image module contains a loadPPM6 function to load binary PPM images.


Class helper for read and write Bitmap's and Ppm's

Translation of: C#

<lang Delphi> program BtmAndPpm;


{$R *.res}




 TBitmapHelper = class helper for TBitmap
   procedure SaveAsPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False);
   procedure LoadFromPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False);

function ColorToGray(Color: TColor): TColor; var

 L: Byte;


 L := round(0.2126 * GetRValue(Color) + 0.7152 * GetGValue(Color) + 0.0722 *
 Result := RGB(L, L, L);


{ TBitmapHelper }

procedure TBitmapHelper.SaveAsPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False); var

 i, j, color: Integer;
 Header: AnsiString;
 ppm: TMemoryStream;


 ppm := TMemoryStream.Create;
   Header := Format('P6'#10'%d %d'#10'255'#10, [Self.Width, Self.Height]);
   ppm.Write(Tbytes(Header), Length(Header));
   for i := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do
     for j := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do
       if useGrayScale then
         color := ColorToGray(ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]))
         color := ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]);
       ppm.Write(color, 3);


procedure TBitmapHelper.LoadFromPPM(FileName: TFileName; useGrayScale: Boolean = False); var

 p: Integer;
 ppm: TMemoryStream;
 sW, sH: string;
 temp: AnsiChar;
 W, H: Integer;
 Color: TColor;
 function ReadChar: AnsiChar;
   ppm.Read(Result, 1);


 ppm := TMemoryStream.Create;
 if ReadChar + ReadChar <> 'P6' then
   temp := ReadChar;
   if temp in ['0'..'9'] then
     sW := sW + temp;
 until temp = ' ';
   temp := ReadChar;
   if temp in ['0'..'9'] then
     sH := sH + temp;
 until temp = #10;
 W := StrToInt(sW);
 H := StrToInt(sH);
 if ReadChar + ReadChar + ReadChar <> '255' then
 ReadChar(); //skip newLine
 SetSize(W, H);
 p := 0;
 while ppm.Read(Color, 3) > 0 do
   if useGrayScale then
     Color := ColorToGray(Color);
   Canvas.Pixels[p mod W, p div W] := Color;



 with TBitmap.Create do
   // Load bmp
   // Save as ppm
   // Load as ppm and convert in grayscale
   LoadFromPPM('Output.ppm', True);
   // Save as bmp

end. </lang>


<lang e>def chr := <import:java.lang.makeCharacter>.asChar

def readPPM(inputStream) {

 # Proper native-to-E stream IO facilities have not been designed and
 # implemented yet, so we are borrowing Java's. Poorly. This *will* be
 # improved eventually.
 # Reads one header token, skipping comments and whitespace, and exactly
 # one trailing whitespace character
 def readToken() {
   var token := ""
   var c := chr(
   while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '#') {
     if (c == '#') {
       while (c != '\n') { c := chr( }
     # skip over initial whitespace
     c := chr(
   while (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
     if (c == '#') {
       while (c != '\n') { c := chr( }
     } else {
       token += E.toString(c)
       c := chr(
   return token
 # Header
 require(readToken() == "P6")
 def width := __makeInt(readToken())
 def height := __makeInt(readToken())
 def maxval := __makeInt(readToken())
 def size := width * height * 3
 # Body
 # See Basic bitmap storage for the definition and origin of sign()
 def data := <elib:tables.makeFlexList>.fromType(<type:java.lang.Byte>, size)
 if (maxval >= 256) {
   for _ in 1..size {
     data.push(sign(( * 256 + * 255 // maxval))
 } else {
   for _ in 1..size {
     data.push(sign( * 255 // maxval))
 def image := makeImage(width, height)
 return image

}</lang>Note: As of this writing the grayscale image task has not been implemented, so the task code (below) won't actually run yet. But readPPM above has been tested separately.

<lang e>def readPPMTask(inputFile, outputFile) {

 makeGrayscale \
   .fromColor(readPPM(<>(inputFile))) \
   .toColor() \



<lang erlang> % This module provides basic operations on ppm files: % Read from file, create ppm in memory (from generic bitmap) and save to file. % Writing PPM files was introduced in roseta code task 'Bitmap/Write a PPM file' % but the same code is included here to provide whole set of operations on ppm % needed for purposes of this task.


-export([ppm/1, write/2, read/1]).

% constants for writing ppm file -define(WHITESPACE, <<10>>). -define(SPACE, <<32>>).

% constants for reading ppm file -define(WHITESPACES, [9, 10, 13, 32]). -define(PPM_HEADER, "P6").

% data structure introduced in task Bitmap (module ros_bitmap.erl) -record(bitmap, {

   mode = rgb,
   pixels = nil,
   shape = {0, 0}

%%%%%%%%% API %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% read ppm file from file read(Filename) ->

   {ok, File} = file:read_file(Filename),

% create ppm image from bitmap record ppm(Bitmap) ->

   {Width, Height} = Bitmap#bitmap.shape,
   Pixels = ppm_pixels(Bitmap),
   Maxval = 255,  % original ppm format maximum
     header(), width_and_height(Width, Height), maxval(Maxval), Pixels]).

% write bitmap as ppm file write(Bitmap, Filename) ->

   Ppm = ppm(Bitmap),
   {ok, File} = file:open(Filename, [binary, write]),
   file:write(File, Ppm),

%%%%%%%%% Reading PPM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% parse(Binary) ->

   {?PPM_HEADER, Data} = get_next_token(Binary),
   {Width, HeightAndRest} = get_next_token(Data),
   {Height, MaxValAndRest} = get_next_token(HeightAndRest),
   {_MaxVal, RawPixels} = get_next_token(MaxValAndRest),
   Shape = {list_to_integer(Width), list_to_integer(Height)},
   Pixels = load_pixels(RawPixels),
   #bitmap{pixels=Pixels, shape=Shape}.

% load binary as a list of RGB triplets load_pixels(Binary) when is_binary(Binary)->

   load_pixels([], Binary).

load_pixels(Acc, <<>>) ->


load_pixels(Acc, <<R, G, B, Rest/binary>>) ->

   load_pixels([<<R,G,B>>|Acc], Rest).

is_whitespace(Byte) ->

   lists:member(Byte, ?WHITESPACES).

% get next part of PPM file, skip whitespaces, and return the rest of a binary get_next_token(Binary) ->

   get_next_token("", true, Binary).

get_next_token(CurrentToken, false, <<Byte, Rest/binary>>) ->

   case is_whitespace(Byte) of
       true ->
           {lists:reverse(CurrentToken), Rest};
       false ->
           get_next_token([Byte | CurrentToken], false, Rest)

get_next_token(CurrentToken, true, <<Byte, Rest/binary>>) ->

   case is_whitespace(Byte) of
       true ->
           get_next_token(CurrentToken, true, Rest);
       false ->
           get_next_token([Byte | CurrentToken], false, Rest)

%%%%%%%%% Writing PPM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% header() ->

   [<<"P6">>, ?WHITESPACE].

width_and_height(Width, Height) ->

   [encode_decimal(Width), ?SPACE, encode_decimal(Height), ?WHITESPACE].

maxval(Maxval) ->

  [encode_decimal(Maxval), ?WHITESPACE].

ppm_pixels(Bitmap) ->

   % 24 bit color depth

encode_decimal(Number) ->



Usage in accordance with Grayscale Task: <lang erlang> Colorful = ppm:read("colorful.ppm"), Gray = ros_bitmap:convert(ros_bitmap:convert(Colorful, grey), rgb), ppm:write(Gray, "gray.ppm"), </lang>


<lang euphoria>include get.e

function get2(integer fn)

   sequence temp
   temp = get(fn)
   return temp[2] - temp[1]*temp[1]

end function

function read_ppm(sequence filename)

   sequence image, line
   integer dimx, dimy, maxcolor
   atom fn
   fn = open(filename, "rb")
   if fn < 0 then
       return -1 -- unable to open
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   if not equal(line,"P6\n") then
       return -1 -- only ppm6 files are supported
   end if
   dimx = get2(fn)
   if dimx < 0 then
       return -1
   end if
   dimy = get2(fn)
   if dimy < 0 then
       return -1
   end if
   maxcolor = get2(fn)
   if maxcolor != 255 then
       return -1 -- maxcolors other then 255 are not supported
   end if
   image = repeat(repeat(0,dimy),dimx)
   for y = 1 to dimy do
       for x = 1 to dimx do
           image[x][y] = getc(fn)*#10000 + getc(fn)*#100 + getc(fn)
       end for
   end for
   return image

end function</lang>

Converting an image to grayscale: <lang euphoria>sequence image image = read_ppm("image.ppm") image = to_gray(image) image = to_color(image) write_ppm("image_gray.ppm",image)</lang>


Read a colored PPM file, convert it to grayscale and write back to disk under a different name. Sanity checks are omitted for brevity.

24-bpp P6 PPM solution:

<lang qbasic>#ESCAPECHARS ON

DIM colored = ".\\Lena.ppm", grayscale = ".\\LenaGry.ppm" DIM head, tail, r, g, b, l, ptr, blobsize

FILEGET(FILEOPEN(colored, BINARY), FILELEN(colored)): FILECLOSE(FILEOPEN) ' Load buffer blobsize = INSTR(FILEGET, "\n255\n") + 4 ' Get sizeof PPM header head = @FILEGET + blobsize: tail = @FILEGET + FILELEN ' Set loop bounds

FOR ptr = head TO tail STEP 3 ' Transform color triplets r = PEEK(ptr + 0, 1) ' Read colors stored in RGB order g = PEEK(ptr + 1, 1) b = PEEK(ptr + 2, 1) l = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b ' Derive luminance POKE(ptr + 0, CHR(l))(ptr + 1, CHR)(ptr + 2, CHR) ' Write grayscale NEXT



<lang forth>: read-ppm { fid -- bmp }

 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 s" P6" compare abort" Only P6 supported."
 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 0. 2swap >number
 1 /string		\ skip space
 0. 2swap >number
 2drop drop nip    ( w h )
 bitmap { bmp }
 pad dup 80 fid read-line throw 0= abort" Partial line"
 s" 255" compare abort" Only 8-bits per color channel supported"
 0 pad !
 bmp bdim
 0 do
   dup 0 do
     pad 3 fid read-file throw
     3 - abort" Not enough pixel data in file"
     pad @ i j bmp b!
 loop drop
 bmp ;

\ testing round-trip 4 3 bitmap value test red test bfill green 1 2 test b!

s" red.ppm" w/o create-file throw test over write-ppm close-file throw

s" red.ppm" r/o open-file throw dup read-ppm value test2 close-file throw

bsize ( bmp -- len ) bdim * pixels bdata ;

test dup bsize test2 dup bsize compare . \ 0 if identical</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

(This function is part of module RCImageIO, see Write ppm file)

<lang fortran>subroutine read_ppm(u, img)

 integer, intent(in) :: u
 type(rgbimage), intent(out) :: img
 integer :: i, j, ncol, cc
 character(2) :: sign
 character :: ccode
 img%width = 0
 img%height = 0
 read(u, '(A2)') sign
 read(u, *) img%width, img%height
 read(u, *) ncol
 write(0,*) sign
 write(0,*) img%width, img%height
 write(0,*) ncol
 if ( ncol /= 255 ) return
 call alloc_img(img, img%width, img%height)
 if ( valid_image(img) ) then
    do j=1, img%height
       do i=1, img%width
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%red(i,j) = cc
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%green(i,j) = cc
          read(u, '(A1)', advance='no', iostat=status) ccode
          cc = iachar(ccode)
          img%blue(i,j) = cc
       end do
    end do
 end if

end subroutine read_ppm</lang>


  • doing formatted I/O with Fortran is a pain... And unformatted does not mean free; Fortran2003 has streams, but they are not implemented (yet) in GNU Fortran compiler. Here (as in the write part) I've tried to handle the PPM format through formatted I/O. The tests worked but I have not tried still everything.
  • comments after the first line are not handled


<lang go>package raster

import (



// ReadFrom constructs a Bitmap object from an io.Reader. func ReadPpmFrom(r io.Reader) (b *Bitmap, err error) {

   var all []byte
   all, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
   if err != nil {
   bss := rxHeader.FindSubmatch(all)
   if bss == nil {
       return nil, errors.New("unrecognized ppm header")
   x, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[3]))
   y, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[6]))
   maxval, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(bss[9]))
   if maxval > 255 {
       return nil, errors.New("16 bit ppm not supported")
   allCmts := append(append(append(bss[1], bss[4]...), bss[7]...), bss[10]...)
   b = NewBitmap(x, y)
   b.Comments = rxComment.FindAllString(string(allCmts), -1)
   b3 := all[len(bss[0]):]
   var n1 int
   for i := range b.px {
       b.px[i].R = byte(int(b3[n1]) * 255 / maxval)
       b.px[i].G = byte(int(b3[n1+1]) * 255 / maxval)
       b.px[i].B = byte(int(b3[n1+2]) * 255 / maxval)
       n1 += 3


const (

   // single whitespace character
   ws = "[ \n\r\t\v\f]"
   // isolated comment
   cmt = "#[^\n\r]*"
   // comment sub expression
   cmts = "(" + ws + "*" + cmt + "[\n\r])"
   // number with leading comments
   num = "(" + cmts + "+" + ws + "*|" + ws + "+)([0-9]+)"


var rxHeader = regexp.MustCompile("^P6" + num + num + num +

   "(" + cmts + "*" + ")" + ws)

var rxComment = regexp.MustCompile(cmt)

// ReadFile writes binary P6 format PPM from the specified filename. func ReadPpmFile(fn string) (b *Bitmap, err error) {

   var f *os.File
   if f, err = os.Open(fn); err != nil {
   if b, err = ReadPpmFrom(f); err != nil {
   return b, f.Close()

}</lang> Demonstration program, also demonstrating functions from task Grayscale image: <lang go>package main

// Files required to build supporting package raster are found in: // * This task (immediately above) // * Bitmap // * Grayscale image // * Write a PPM file

import (



func main() {

   // (A file with this name is output by the Go solution to the task
   // "Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe," but of course any 8-bit
   //  P6 PPM file should work.)
   b, err := raster.ReadPpmFile("pipein.ppm")
   if err != nil {
   b = b.Grmap().Bitmap()
   err = b.WritePpmFile("grayscale.ppm")
   if err != nil {



The definition of Bitmap.Netpbm.readNetpbm is given here. <lang haskell>import Bitmap import Bitmap.RGB import Bitmap.Gray import Bitmap.Netpbm

import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST

main =

   (readNetpbm "original.ppm" :: IO (Image RealWorld RGB)) >>=
   stToIO . toGrayImage >>=
   writeNetpbm "new.pgm"</lang>

The above writes a PGM, not a PPM, since the image being output is in grayscale. If you actually want a gray PPM, convert the Image RealWorld Gray back to an Image RealWorld RGB first: <lang haskell>main =

   (readNetpbm "original.ppm" :: IO (Image RealWorld RGB)) >>=
   stToIO . (toRGBImage <=< toGrayImage) >>=
   writeNetpbm "new.ppm"</lang>


Uses makeRGB from Basic bitmap storage. <lang j>require 'files'

readppm=: monad define

 dat=. fread y                                           NB. read from file
 msk=. 1 ,~ (*. 3 >: +/\) (LF&=@}: *. '#'&~:@}.) dat     NB. mark field ends
 't wbyh maxval dat'=. msk <;._2 dat                     NB. parse
 'wbyh maxval'=. 2 1([ {. [: _99&". (LF,' ')&charsub)&.> wbyh;maxval  NB. convert to numeric
 if. (_99 0 +./@e. wbyh,maxval) +. 'P6' -.@-: 2{.t do. _1 return. end.
 (a. i. dat) makeRGB |.wbyh                              NB. convert to basic bitmap format


Using utilities and file from Grayscale image and Write ppm file.
Writes a gray PPM file (a color format) which is bigger than necessary. A PGM file would be more appropriate. <lang j>myimg=: readppm jpath '~temp/myimg.ppm' myimgGray=: toColor toGray myimg myimgGray writeppm jpath '~temp/myimgGray.ppm'</lang>


Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>using Images, FileIO, Netpbm

rgbimg = load("data/bitmapInputTest.ppm") greyimg = Gray.(rgbimg) save("data/bitmapOutputTest.ppm", greyimg)</lang>


For convenience, we repeat the code for the class used in the Bitmap task here and integrate the code in the Grayscale image task within it. <lang scala>// Version 1.2.40

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import import import import javax.imageio.ImageIO

class BasicBitmapStorage(width: Int, height: Int) {

   val image = BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
   fun fill(c: Color) {
       val g =
       g.color = c
       g.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height)
   fun setPixel(x: Int, y: Int, c: Color) = image.setRGB(x, y, c.getRGB())
   fun getPixel(x: Int, y: Int) = Color(image.getRGB(x, y))
   fun toGrayScale() {
       for (x in 0 until image.width) {
           for (y in 0 until image.height) {
               var rgb  = image.getRGB(x, y)
               val red   = (rgb shr 16) and 0xFF
               val green = (rgb shr  8) and 0xFF
               val blue  =  rgb and 0xFF
               val lumin = (0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue).toInt()
               rgb = (lumin shl 16) or (lumin shl 8) or lumin
               image.setRGB(x, y, rgb)


fun PushbackInputStream.skipComment() {

   while (read().toChar() != '\n') {}


fun PushbackInputStream.skipComment(buffer: ByteArray) {

   var nl: Int
   while (true) {
       nl = buffer.indexOf(10) // look for newline at end of comment
       if (nl != -1) break
       read(buffer)  // read another buffer full if newline not yet found
   val len = buffer.size
   if (nl < len - 1) unread(buffer, nl + 1, len - nl - 1)


fun Byte.toUInt() = if (this < 0) 256 + this else this.toInt()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   // use file, output.ppm, created in the Bitmap/Write a PPM file task
   val pbis = PushbackInputStream(FileInputStream("output.ppm"), 80)
   pbis.use {
       with (it) {
           val h1 = read().toChar()
           val h2 = read().toChar()
           val h3 = read().toChar()
           if (h1 != 'P' || h2 != '6' || h3 != '\n') {
               println("Not a P6 PPM file")
           val sb = StringBuilder()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == ' ') break  // read until space reached
           val width = sb.toString().toInt()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == '\n') break  // read until new line reached
           val height = sb.toString().toInt()
           while (true) {
               val r = read().toChar()
               if (r == '#') { skipComment(); continue }
               if (r == '\n') break  // read until new line reached
           val maxCol = sb.toString().toInt()
           if (maxCol !in 0..255) {
               println("Maximum color value is outside the range 0..255")
           var buffer = ByteArray(80)
           // get rid of any more opening comments before reading data
           while (true) {
               if (buffer[0].toChar() == '#') {
               else {
           // read data
           val bbs = BasicBitmapStorage(width, height)
           buffer = ByteArray(width * 3)
           var y = 0
           while (y < height) {
               for (x in 0 until width) {
                   val c = Color(
                       buffer[x * 3].toUInt(),
                       buffer[x * 3 + 1].toUInt(),
                       buffer[x * 3 + 2].toUInt()
                   bbs.setPixel(x, y, c)
           // convert to grayscale and save to a file
           val grayFile = File("output_gray.jpg")
           ImageIO.write(bbs.image, "jpg", grayFile)



<lang lua>function Read_PPM( filename )

   local fp = filename, "rb" )    
   if fp == nil then return nil end
   local data = fp:read( "*line" )
   if data ~= "P6" then return nil end

       data = fp:read( "*line" )
   until string.find( data, "#" ) == nil
   local image = {}
   local size_x, size_y
   size_x = string.match( data, "%d+" )
   size_y = string.match( data, "%s%d+" )
   data = fp:read( "*line" )
   if tonumber(data) ~= 255 then return nil end
   for i = 1, size_x do
       image[i] = {}

   for j = 1, size_y do
       for i = 1, size_x do
           image[i][j] = { string.byte( fp:read(1) ), string.byte( fp:read(1) ), string.byte( fp:read(1) ) }


   return image


M2000 Interpreter

Now function Bitmap has double signature. With two numbers make a bitmap,with all pixels white. With one number, expect that it is a file number and read file, and then return the bitmap.

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Checkit {

     Function Bitmap  {
           If match("NN") then {
                Read x as long, y as long
           } else.if Match("N") Then  {
               \\ is a file?
                 Read f
                 if not Eof(f) then {
                       Line Input #f,  p3$
                             If p3$="P3" Then {
                                   Line Input #f, Comment$
                                   if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
                                         Line Input #f, Dimension$
                                   } else  Dimension$=Comment$
                                   long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
                                   long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
                                   do {
                                         Line Input #f, P255$
                                   } until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
                                   If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
           } else Error "No proper arguments"
           if x<1 or y<1 then  Error "Wrong dimensions"
           structure rgb {
                 red as byte
                 green as byte
                 blue as byte
           m=len(rgb)*x mod 4
           if m>0 then m=4-m  ' add some bytes to raster line
           m+=len(rgb) *x
           Structure rasterline {
                       pad as byte*m
                 \\ union pad+hline
                 hline as rgb*x
           Structure Raster {
                 magic as integer*4
                 w as integer*4
                 h as integer*4
                 lines as rasterline*y
           Buffer Clear Image1 as Raster
           \\ 24 chars as header to be used from bitmap render build in functions
           Return Image1, 0!magic:="cDIB", 0!w:=Hex$(x,2), 0!h:=Hex$(y, 2)
           \\ fill white (all 255)
           \\ Str$(string) convert to ascii, so we get all characters from words  width to byte width
           if not valid(f) then  Return Image1, 0!lines:=Str$(String$(chrcode$(255), Len(rasterline)*y))
           Buffer Clear Pad as Byte*4
           SetPixel=Lambda Image1, Pad,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x, y, c) ->{
                 if c>0 then c=color(c)
                 Return Pad, 0:=c as long
                 Return Image1, 0!where:=Eval(Pad, 2) as byte, 0!where+1:=Eval(Pad, 1) as byte, 0!where+2:=Eval(Pad, 0) as byte
           GetPixel=Lambda Image1,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x,y) ->{
                 =color(Eval(image1, where+2 as byte), Eval(image1, where+1 as byte), Eval(image1, where as byte))
           StrDib$=Lambda$ Image1, Raster -> {
                 =Eval$(Image1, 0, Len(Raster))
           CopyImage=Lambda Image1 (image$) -> {
                 if left$(image$,12)=Eval$(Image1, 0, 24 ) Then  {
                        Return Image1, 0:=Image$
                 } Else Error "Can't Copy Image"
           Export2File=Lambda Image1, x, y (f) -> {
                 \\ use this between open and close 
                 Print #f, "P3"
                 Print #f,"# Created using M2000 Interpreter"
                 Print #f, x;" ";y
                 Print #f, 255
                 For y1= 0 to y-1 {
                       For x1=0 to x2 {
                             Print #f, a$;Eval(Image1, where+2 as byte);" ";
                             Print #f,  Eval(Image1, where+1 as byte);" ";
                             Print #f,  Eval(Image1, where as byte);
                             a$=" "
                       Print #f
                       m=where mod 4
                       if m<>0 then where+=4-m
           if valid(F) then {
                 'load  RGB values form file
                       For y1=y-1 to 0 {
                             do {
                                         Line Input #f, aline$
                             } until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
                             flush   ' empty stack
                             Stack aline$  ' place all values to stack as FIFO         
                             For x1=0 to x0 {
                                   \\ now read from stack using Number
                                   Return Image1, 0!where+2:=Number as byte, 0!where+1:=Number as byte, 0!where:=Number as byte
                             m=where mod 4
                             if m<>0 then where+=4-m                                   
           Group Bitmap {
     A=Bitmap(10, 10)
     Call A.SetPixel(5,5, color(128,0,255))
     Open "A.PPM" for Output as #F
           Call A.ToFile(F)
     Close #f
     Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
     Try {
           Copy 400*twipsx,200*twipsy use C.Image$()
     Close #f
     ' is the same as this one
       Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
           Line Input #f,  p3$
           If p3$="P3" Then {
                 Line Input #f, Comment$
                 if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
                       Line Input #f, Dimension$
                 } else  Dimension$=Comment$
                 Long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
                 Long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
                 do {
                       Line Input #f, P255$
                 } until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
                 If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
                 B=Bitmap(x, y)
                 For y1=y-1 to 0 {
                       do {
                                   Line Input #f, aline$
                       } until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
                       flush   ' empty stack
                       Stack aline$  ' place all values to stack as FIFO         
                       For x1=0 to x0 {
                             \\ now read from stack
                             Read red, green, blue
                             Call B.setpixel(x1, y1, Color(red, green, blue))
     Close #f
     If valid("B") then  Copy 200*twipsx,200*twipsy use B.Image$()

} Checkit


Mathematica/ Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>Import["file.ppm","PPM"] </lang>


<lang nim>import strutils import bitmap import streams

type FormatError = object of CatchableError

  1. States used to parse the header.

type State = enum waitingMagic, waitingWidth, waitingHeight, waitingColors

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

iterator tokens(f: Stream): tuple[value: string, lastInLine: bool] =

 ## Yield the tokens in the header.
 for line in f.lines:
   if not line.startsWith('#'):
     let fields = line.splitWhitespace()
     for i, t in fields:
       yield (t, i == fields.high)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc getInt(s: string): int {.inline.} =

 ## Try to parse an int. Raise an exception if not an integer.
   result = s.parseInt()
 except ValueError:
   raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid value")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc header(f: Stream): tuple[width, height: Index] =

 ## Read the header and retrun the image width and height.
 var state = waitingMagic
 for (token, lastInLine) in f.tokens:
   case state
   of waitingMagic:
     if token != "P6":
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid file header")
   of waitingWidth:
     result.width = token.getInt()
   of waitingHeight:
     result.height = token.getInt()
   of waitingColors:
     if token.getInt() != 255:
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid number of colors")
     if not lastInLine:
       raise newException(FormatError, "Invalid data after number of colors")
   state = succ(state)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc readPPM*(f: Stream): Image =

 ## Read a PPM file from a stream into an image.
 let header = f.header()
 result = initImage(header.width, header.height)
   arr: array[256, int8]
   read = f.readData(addr(arr), 256)
   pos = 0
 while read != 0:
   for i in 0 ..< read:
     case pos mod 3
     of 0: result.pixels[pos div 3].r = arr[i].uint8
     of 1: result.pixels[pos div 3].g = arr[i].uint8
     of 2: result.pixels[pos div 3].b = arr[i].uint8
     else: discard
     inc pos
   read = f.readData(addr(arr), 256)
 if pos != 3 * result.w * result.h:
   raise newException(FormatError, "Truncated file")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc readPPM*(filename: string): Image =

 ## Load a PPM file into an image.
 var file = openFileStream(filename, fmRead)
 result = file.readPPM()
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

when isMainModule:

 let image = readPPM("output.ppm")
 echo image.h, " ", image.w</lang>


<lang ocaml>let read_ppm ~filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let line = input_line ic in
 if line <> "P6" then invalid_arg "not a P6 ppm file";
 let line = input_line ic in
 let line =
   try if line.[0] = '#'  (* skip comments *)
   then input_line ic
   else line
   with _ -> line
 let width, height =
   Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d" (fun w h -> (w, h))
 let line = input_line ic in
 if line <> "255" then invalid_arg "not a 8 bit depth image";
 let all_channels =
   let kind = Bigarray.int8_unsigned
   and layout = Bigarray.c_layout
   Bigarray.Array3.create kind layout 3 width height
 let r_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 0
 and g_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 1
 and b_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 2
 for y = 0 to pred height do
   for x = 0 to pred width do
     r_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
     g_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
     b_channel.{x,y} <- (input_byte ic);
 close_in ic;

and converting a given color file to grayscale: <lang ocaml>let () =

 let img = read_ppm ~filename:"logo.ppm" in
 let img = to_color(to_grayscale ~img) in
 output_ppm ~oc:stdout ~img;

sending the result to stdout allows to see the result without creating a temporary file sending it through a pipe to the display utility of ImageMagick:

ocaml | display -


The read function in module "BitmapIO.oz": <lang oz>functor import



  %% Write


  fun {Read Filename}
     F = {New Open.file init(name:Filename)}
     fun {ReadColor8 _}

Bytes = {F read(list:$ size:3)}


{List.toTuple color Bytes}

     fun {ReadColor16 _}

Bytes = {F read(list:$ size:6)}


{List.toTuple color {Map {PairUp Bytes} FromBytes}}


Magic = {F read(size:2 list:$)} if Magic \= "P6" then raise bitmapIO(read unsupportedFormat(Magic)) end end Width = {ReadNumber F} Height = {ReadNumber F} MaxVal = {ReadNumber F} MaxVal =< 0xffff = true Reader = if MaxVal =< 0xff then ReadColor8 else ReadColor16 end B = { Width Height}


{Bitmap.transform B Reader} B


{F close}

  fun {ReadNumber F}
     {SkipWS F}
     Ds = for collect:Collect break:Break do

[C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)} in if {Char.isDigit C} then {Collect C} else {Break} end end

     {SkipWS F}
     {String.toInt Ds}
  proc {SkipWS F}
     [C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)}
     if {Char.isSpace C} then {SkipWS F}
     elseif C == &# then

{SkipLine F}


{F seek(whence:current offset:~1)}

  proc {SkipLine F}
     [C] = {F read(list:$ size:1)}
     if C \= &\n andthen  C \= &\r then {SkipLine F} end
  fun {PairUp Xs}
     case Xs of X1|X2|Xr then [X1 X2]|{PairUp Xr}
     [] nil then nil
  fun {FromBytes [C1 C2]}
     C1 * 0x100 + C2
  %% Omitted: Write


The actual task: <lang oz>declare

 [BitmapIO Grayscale] = { ['BitmapIO.ozf' 'Grayscale.ozf']}
 B = { "image.ppm"}
 G = {Grayscale.toGraymap B}


 {BitmapIO.write {Grayscale.fromGraymap G} "greyimage.ppm"}</lang>


Library: Imlib2

<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict; use Image::Imlib2;

my $img = Image::Imlib2->load("out0.ppm");

  1. let's do something with it now

$img->set_color(255, 255, 255, 255); $img->draw_line(0,0, $img->width,$img->height); $img->image_set_format("png"); $img->save("out1.png");

exit 0;</lang>


Based on Euphoria, requires write_ppm() from Write_a_PPM_file, to_gray from Grayscale_image <lang Phix>function read_ppm(sequence filename) sequence image, line integer dimx, dimy, maxcolor atom fn = open(filename, "rb")

   if fn<0 then
       return -1 -- unable to open
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   if line!="P6\n" then
       return -1 -- only ppm6 files are supported
   end if
   line = gets(fn)
   Template:Dimx,dimy = scanf(line,"%d %d%s")
   line = gets(fn)
   Template:Maxcolor = scanf(line,"%d%s")
   image = repeat(repeat(0,dimy),dimx)
   for y=1 to dimy do
       for x=1 to dimx do
           image[x][y] = getc(fn)*#10000 + getc(fn)*#100 + getc(fn)
       end for
   end for
   return image

end function

sequence img = read_ppm("Lena.ppm")

   img = to_gray(img)


<lang PicoLisp>(de ppmRead (File)

  (in File
     (unless (and `(hex "5036") (rd 2))  # P6
        (quit "Wrong file format" File) )
     (rd 1)
     (let (DX 0  DY 0  Max 0  C)
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq DX (+ (* 10 DX) C)) )
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq DY (+ (* 10 DY) C)) )
        (while (>= 9 (setq C (- (rd 1) `(char "0"))) 0)
           (setq Max (+ (* 10 Max) C)) )
           (make (do DY (link (need DX))))
           (for Y @
                 '((X) (set X (list (rd 1) (rd 1) (rd 1))))
                 Y ) ) ) ) ) )</lang>

Read a color image "img.ppm", convert and write to "img.pgm": <lang PicoLisp>(pgmWrite (ppm->pgm (ppmRead "img.ppm")) "img.pgm")</lang>


<lang PL/I> /* BITMAP FILE: read in a file in PPM format, P6 (binary). 14/5/2010 */ test: procedure options (main);

  declare (m, n, max_color, i, j) fixed binary (31);
  declare ch character (1), ID character (2);
  declare 1 pixel union,
           2 color bit(24) aligned,
           2 primary_colors,
              3 R char (1),
              3 G char (1),
              3 B char (1);
  declare in file record;
  open file (in) title ('/IMAGE.PPM,TYPE(FIXED),RECSIZE(1)' ) input;
  call get_char;
  ID = ch;
  call get_char;
  substr(ID, 2,1) = ch;
  /* Read in the dimensions of the image */
  call get_integer (m);
  call get_integer (n);
  /* Read in the maximum color size used */
  call get_integer (max_color);
     /* The previous call reads in ONE line feed or CR or other terminator */
     /* character. */


  declare image (0:m-1,0:n-1) bit (24);
  do i = 0 to hbound(image, 1);
     do j = 0 to hbound(image,2);
        read file (in) into (R);
        read file (in) into (G);
        read file (in) into (B);
        image(i,j) = color;


get_char: procedure;

  do until (ch ^= ' ');
     read file (in) into (ch);

end get_char;

get_integer: procedure (value);

  declare value fixed binary (31);
  do until (ch = ' ');
     read file (in) into (ch);
  value = 0;
  do until (is_digit(ch));
     value = value*10 + ch;
     read file (in) into (ch);

end get_integer;

is_digit: procedure (ch) returns (bit(1));

  declare ch character (1);
  return (index('0123456789', ch) > 0);

end is_digit; end test;</lang>


<lang PureBasic>Structure PPMColor



Procedure LoadImagePPM(Image, file$)

 ; Author Roger Rösch (Nickname Macros)
 IDFile = ReadFile(#PB_Any, file$)
 If IDFile
   If CreateImage(Image, 1, 1)
     Format$ = ReadString(IDFile)
     ReadString(IDFile) ; skip comment
     Dimensions$ = ReadString(IDFile)
     w           = Val(StringField(Dimensions$, 1, " "))
     h           = Val(StringField(Dimensions$, 2, " "))
     ResizeImage(Image, w, h)
     max = Val(ReadString(IDFile))           ; Maximal Value for a color
     Select Format$
       Case "P3" ; File in ASCII format
         ; Exract everey number remaining in th file into an array using an RegEx
         Stringlen = Lof(IDFile) - Loc(IDFile)
         content$  = Space(Stringlen)
         Dim color.s(0)
         ReadData(IDFile, @content$, Stringlen)
         CreateRegularExpression(1, "\d+")
         ExtractRegularExpression(1, content$, color())
         ; Plot color information on our empty Image
         For y = 0 To h - 1
           For x = 0 To w - 1
             pos = (y*w + x)*3
             r=Val(color(pos))*255 / max
             g=Val(color(pos+1))*255 / max
             b=Val(color(pos+2))*255 / max
             Plot(x, y, RGB(r,g,b))
       Case "P6" ;File In binary format
         ; Read whole bytes into a buffer because its faster than reading single ones
         Bufferlen = Lof(IDFile) - Loc(IDFile)
         *Buffer   = AllocateMemory(Bufferlen)
         ReadData(IDFile, *Buffer, Bufferlen)
         ; Plot color information on our empty Image
         For y = 0 To h - 1
           For x = 0 To w - 1
             *color.PPMColor = pos + *Buffer
             Plot(x, y, RGB(*color\r*255 / max, *color\g*255 / max, *color\b*255 / max))
             pos + 3
     ; Return 1 if successfully loaded to behave as other PureBasic functions
     ProcedureReturn 1 


To complete the task, the following code should be added to the above fragment and to the PureBasic solutions for Grayscale image and Write a PPM file <lang PureBasic>Define file.s, file2.s, image = 3 file = OpenFileRequester("Select source image file", "", "PPM image (*.ppm)|*.ppm", 0) If file And LCase(GetExtensionPart(file)) = "ppm"

 LoadImagePPM(image, file)
 file2 = Left(file, Len(file) - Len(GetExtensionPart(file))) + "_grayscale." + GetExtensionPart(file)
 SaveImageAsPPM(image, file2, 1)



Works with: Python version 3.1

Extending the example given here <lang python># With help from

  1. String masquerading as ppm file (version P3)

import io

ppmtxt = P3

  1. feep.ppm

4 4 15

0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0   15  0 15
0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0    0  0  0
0  0  0    0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0

15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

def tokenize(f):

   for line in f:
       if line[0] != '#':
           for t in line.split():
               yield t

def ppmp3tobitmap(f):

   t = tokenize(f)
   nexttoken = lambda : next(t)
   assert 'P3' == nexttoken(), 'Wrong filetype'
   width, height, maxval = (int(nexttoken()) for i in range(3))
   bitmap = Bitmap(width, height, Colour(0, 0, 0))
   for h in range(height-1, -1, -1):
       for w in range(0, width):
           bitmap.set(w, h, Colour( *(int(nexttoken()) for i in range(3))))
   return bitmap

print('Original Colour PPM file') print(ppmtxt) ppmfile = io.StringIO(ppmtxt) bitmap = ppmp3tobitmap(ppmfile) print('Grey PPM:') bitmap.togreyscale() ppmfileout = io.StringIO() bitmap.writeppmp3(ppmfileout) print(ppmfileout.getvalue())

The print statements above produce the following output:

Original Colour PPM file P3

  1. feep.ppm

4 4 15

0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0   15  0 15
0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0    0  0  0
0  0  0    0  0  0    0 15  7    0  0  0

15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grey PPM: P3

  1. generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3

4 4 11

   0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0    4  4  4
   0  0  0   11 11 11    0  0  0    0  0  0
   0  0  0    0  0  0   11 11 11    0  0  0
   4  4  4    0  0  0    0  0  0    0  0  0



<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/draw)

(define (read-ppm port)

 (parameterize ([current-input-port port])
   (define magic (read))
   (define width (read))
   (define height (read))
   (define maxcol (read))
   (define bm (make-object bitmap% width height))
   (define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bm]))
   (send dc set-smoothing 'unsmoothed)
   (define (adjust v) (* 255 (/ v maxcol)))
   (for/list ([x width])
     (for/list ([y height])
       (define red (read))
       (define green (read))
       (define blue (read))
       (define color (make-object color% (adjust red) (adjust green) (adjust blue)))
       (send dc set-pen color 1 'solid)
       (send dc draw-point x y)))



(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.09

Uses pieces from Bitmap, Write a PPM file and Grayscale image tasks. Included here to make a complete, runnable program.

<lang perl6>class Pixel { has UInt ($.R, $.G, $.B) } class Bitmap {

   has UInt ($.width, $.height);
   has Pixel;


role PGM {

   has @.GS;
   method P5 returns Blob {

"P5\n{self.width} {self.height}\n255\n".encode('ascii') ~ self.GS



sub load-ppm ( $ppm ) {

   my $fh    = $ :enc('ISO-8859-1') );
   my $type  = $fh.get;
   my ($width, $height) = $fh.get.split: ' ';
   my $depth = $fh.get; width => $width.Int, height => $height.Int,
     data => ( $fh.slurp.ords.rotor(3).map:
       { => $_[0], G => $_[1], B => $_[2]) } )


sub grayscale ( Bitmap $bmp ) {

   $bmp.GS = map { (.R*0.2126 + .G*0.7152 + .B*0.0722).round(1) min 255 }, $;


my $filename = './camelia.ppm';

my Bitmap $b = load-ppm( $filename ) but PGM;


'./camelia-gs.pgm', :w).write: $b.P5;</lang>

See camelia, and camelia-gs images. (converted to .png as .ppm format is not widely supported).


The input file   Lenna50.ppm   is a PPM format of
the input file    Lenna50.jpg    used elsewhere on Rosetta Code.

This REXX program handles alternative delimiters as well as comments within the PPM header. <lang rexx>/*REXX program reads a PPM formatted image file, and creates a gray─scale image of it. */ parse arg iFN oFN /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if iFN== | iFN=="," then iFN= 'Lenna50' /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if oFN== | oFN=="," then oFN= 'greyscale' /* " " " " " " */ iFID= iFN'.ppm'; oFID= oFN'.ppm' /*complete the input and output FIDs.*/ call charin iFID, 1, 0 /*set the position of the input file. */ y=charin(iFID, , copies(9, digits() ) ) /*read the entire input file ───► X */ parse var y id 3 c 4 3 width height # pixels /*extract header info from the PPM hdr.*/

     LF= 'a'x                                   /*define a comment separator  (in hdr).*/      /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

if c==LF then do; commentEND=pos(LF, y, 4) /*point to the last char in the comment*/ /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

                   parse var  y   =(commentEND)  +1  width  height          #  pixels          /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/
              end                                                                              /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/
                                                /* [↓]  has an alternative delimiter?  */      /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/

z=pos(LF, height); if z\==0 then parse var height height =(z) +1 # pixels /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/ z=pos(LF, # ); if z\==0 then parse var # # =(z) +1 pixels /* ◄─── LF delimiters & comments*/ chunk=4000 /*chunk size to be written at one time.*/ LenPixels= length(pixels)

 do j=0  for 256;  _=d2c(j);   @._=j;   @@.j=_  /*build two tables for fast conversions*/
 end   /*j*/

call charout oFID, , 1 /*set the position of the output file. */ call charout oFID, id || width height #' ' /*write the header followed by a blank.*/ !=1

   do until !>=LenPixels;            $=         /*$:      partial output string so far.*/
     do !=!  by 3  for chunk                    /*chunk:  # pixels converted at 1 time.*/
     parse var pixels  =(!)  r +1   g +1   b +1 /*obtain the next  RGB  of a PPM pixel.*/
     if r==  then leave                       /*has the end─of─string been reached?  */
     _=(.2126*@.r  + .7152*@.g  + .0722*@.b )%1 /*an integer RGB greyscale of a pixel. */
     $=$  ||  @@._  ||  @@._  ||  @@._          /*lump (grey)  R G B  pixels together. */
     end   /*!*/                                /* [↑]  D2C  converts decimal ───► char*/
   call charout oFID, $                         /*write the next bunch of pixels.      */
   end     /*until*/

call charout oFID /*close the output file just to be safe*/ say 'File ' oFID " was created." /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */</lang>

File  greyscale.ppm  was created.


Extending Basic_bitmap_storage#Ruby <lang ruby>class Pixmap

 # 'open' is a class method
   bitmap = nil, 'r') do |f|
     header = [f.gets.chomp, f.gets.chomp, f.gets.chomp]
     width, height = header[1] {|n| n.to_i }
     if header[0] != 'P6' or header[2] != '255' or width < 1 or height < 1
       raise StandardError, "file '#{filename}' does not start with the expected header"
     bitmap =, height)
     height.times do |y|
       width.times do |x|
         # read 3 bytes
         red, green, blue ='C3')
         bitmap[x,y] =, green, blue)


  1. create an image: a green cross on a blue background

colour_bitmap =, 30) colour_bitmap.fill(RGBColour::BLUE) colour_bitmap.height.times {|y| [9,10,11].each {|x| colour_bitmap[x,y]=RGBColour::GREEN}} colour_bitmap.width.times {|x| [14,15,16].each {|y| colour_bitmap[x,y]=RGBColour::GREEN}}'testcross.ppm')

  1. then, convert to grayscale'testcross.ppm').to_grayscale!.save('testgray.ppm')</lang>


Uses the Basic Bitmap Storage and Grayscale Bitmap classes.

See also Task Write a PPM File for save code.

<lang scala>import import scala.swing._ import import java.awt.Color import javax.swing.ImageIcon

object Pixmap {

  private case class PpmHeader(format:String, width:Int, height:Int, maxColor:Int)
  def load(filename:String):Option[RgbBitmap]={
     implicit val in=new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))
     val header=readHeader
        val bm=new RgbBitmap(header.width, header.height);
        for(y <- 0 until bm.height; x <- 0 until bm.width; c=readColor)
           bm.setPixel(x, y, c)
        return Some(bm)
  private def readHeader(implicit in:InputStream)={
     var format=readLine
     var line=readLine
     while(line.startsWith("#"))   //skip comments
     val parts=line.split("\\s")
     val width=parts(0).toInt
     val height=parts(1).toInt
     val maxColor=readLine.toInt
     new PpmHeader(format, width, height, maxColor)
  private def readColor(implicit in:InputStream)=new Color(,,
  private def readLine(implicit in:InputStream)={
     var out=""


Usage: <lang scala>object PixmapTest {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val img=Pixmap.load("image.ppm").get
     val grayImg=BitmapOps.grayscale(img);, "image_gray.ppm")
     val mainframe=new MainFrame(){
        contents=new Label(){
           icon=new ImageIcon(grayImg.image)



<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "draw.s7i";
 include "color.s7i";

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: getPPM (in string: fileName) is func

   var file: ppmFile is STD_NULL;
   var string: line is "";
   var integer: width is 0;
   var integer: height is 0;
   var integer: x is 0;
   var integer: y is 0;
   var color: pixColor is black;
   ppmFile := open(fileName, "r");
   if ppmFile <> STD_NULL then
     if getln(ppmFile) = "P6" then
         line := getln(ppmFile);
       until line = "" or line[1] <> '#';
       read(ppmFile, width);
       readln(ppmFile, height);
       aWindow := newPixmap(width, height);
       for y range 0 to pred(height) do
         for x range 0 to pred(width) do
           pixColor.redLight   := ord(getc(ppmFile));
           pixColor.greenLight := ord(getc(ppmFile));
           pixColor.blueLight  := ord(getc(ppmFile));
         end for;
       end for;
     end if;
   end if;
 end func;</lang>


Library: Tk

The actual PPM reader is built into the photo image engine: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc readPPM {image file} {

   $image read $file -format ppm

}</lang> Thus, to read a PPM, convert it to grayscale, and write it back out again becomes this (which requires Tcl 8.6 for try/finally); the PPM reader and writer are inlined because they are trivial at the script level: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc grayscaleFile {filename {newFilename ""}} {

   set buffer [image create photo]
   if {$newFilename eq ""} {set newFilename $filename}
   try {
       $buffer read $filename -format ppm
       set w [image width $buffer]
       set h [image height $buffer]
       for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} {
           for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} {
               lassign [$buffer get $x $y] r g b
               set l [expr {int(0.2126*$r + 0.7152*$g + 0.0722*$b)}]
               $buffer put [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $l $l $l] -to $x $y
       $buffer write $newFilename -format ppm
   } finally {
       image delete $buffer


However, the Tk library also has built-in the ability to convert code to grayscale directly during the saving of an image to a file, leading to this minimal solution: <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc grayscaleFile {filename {newFilename ""}} {

   set buffer [image create photo]
   if {$newFilename eq ""} {set newFilename $filename}
   try {
       $buffer read $filename -format ppm
       $buffer write $newFilename -format ppm -grayscale
   } finally {
       image delete $buffer


UNIX Shell

Works with: ksh93

Ref: Bitmap#UNIX Shell

Add the following functions to the RGBColor_t type <lang bash> function setrgb {

   function grayscale {
       integer x=$(( round( 0.2126*_.r + 0.7152*_.g + 0.0722*_.b ) ))

Add the following function to the Bitmap_t type <lang bash> function grayscale {

       RGBColor_t c
       for ((y=0; y<_.height; y++)); do
           for ((x=0; x<_.width; x++)); do
               c.setrgb ${[y][x]}
   function read {
       exec 4<"$1"
       typeset filetype
       read -u4 filetype
       if $filetype != "P3" ; then
           print -u2 "error: I can only read P3 type PPM files"
           read -u4 _.width _.height
           integer maxval
           read -u4 maxval
           integer x y r g b
           typeset -a bytes
           for ((y=0; y<_.height; y++)); do
               read -u4 -A bytes
               for ((x=0; x<_.width; x++)); do
                   if (( r > maxval || g > maxval || b > maxval )); then
                       print -u2 "error: invalid color ($r $g $b), max=$maxval"
                       return 1
         [y][x]="$r $g $b" 
       exec 4<&-

Now we can: <lang bash>Bitmap_t c "$HOME/tmp/bitmap.ppm" c.to_s

if $(c.to_s) == $(cat "$HOME/tmp/bitmap.ppm") ; then

   echo looks OK


   echo something is wrong


c.grayscale c.to_s c.write "$HOME/tmp/bitmap_g.ppm"</lang>

Vedit macro language

<lang vedit>// Load a PPM file // @10 = filename // On return: // #10 points to buffer containing pixel data, // #11 = width, #12 = height.


File_Open(@10) BOF Search("|X", ADVANCE) // skip "P6"

  1. 11 = Num_Eval(ADVANCE) // #11 = width

Match("|X", ADVANCE) // skip separator

  1. 12 = Num_Eval(ADVANCE) // #12 = height

Match("|X", ADVANCE) Search("|X", ADVANCE) // skip maxval (assume 255) Del_Block(0,CP) // remove the header Return</lang>

Example of usage. In addition to LOAD_PPM routine above, you need routine RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE from Grayscale image and routine SAVE_PPM from Write ppm file. <lang vedit>// Load RGB image Reg_Set(10, "|(USER_MACRO)\example.ppm") Call("LOAD_PPM")

// Convert to grayscale

  1. 10 = Buf_Num

Call("RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE") Buf_Switch(#10) Buf_Quit(OK)

// Convert to RGB Call("GRAYSCALE_TO_RGB")

// Save the image Reg_Set(10, "|(USER_MACRO)\example_gray.ppm") Call("SAVE_PPM")

// Cleanup and exit Buf_Switch(#20) Buf_Quit(OK) return</lang>


The simplicity of redirecting an input file on the command line doesn't work for files that contain binary data ($03 will abort a program). Image files larger than 1280x1024 are clipped to the screen dimensions.

<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations

func OpenInFile; \Open for input the file typed on command line int CpuReg, Handle; char CmdTail($80); [CpuReg:= GetReg; Blit(CpuReg(11), $81, CpuReg(12), CmdTail, $7F); \get copy of command line Trap(false); \turn off error trapping Handle:= FOpen(CmdTail, 0); \open named file for input FSet(Handle, ^I); \assign file to input device 3 OpenI(3); \initialize input buffer pointers if GetErr then return false; Trap(true); return true; ];

int C, X, Y, Width, Height, Max, Lum; real Red, Green, Blue; [if not OpenInFile then [Text(0, "File not found"); exit]; if ChIn(3)#^P or ChIn(3)#^6 then [Text(0, "Not P6 PPM file"); exit]; repeat loop [C:= ChIn(3);

               if C # ^# then quit;
               repeat C:= ChIn(3) until C=$0A\EOL\;

until C>=^0 & C<=^9; Backup; \back up so IntIn re-reads first digit Width:= IntIn(3); \(skips any whitespace) Height:= IntIn(3); Max:= IntIn(3) + 1; \(255/15=17; 256/16=16) case of

 Width<= 640 & Height<=480: SetVid($112);
 Width<= 800 & Height<=600: SetVid($115);
 Width<=1024 & Height<=768: SetVid($118)

other SetVid($11B); \1280x1024 for Y:= 0 to Height-1 do

   for X:= 0 to Width-1 do
       [Red  := float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.21; \convert color to grayscale
        Green:= float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.72;
        Blue := float(ChIn(3)*256/Max) * 0.07;
        Lum:= fix(Red) + fix(Green) + fix(Blue);
        Point(X, Y, Lum<<16 + Lum<<8 + Lum);

X:= ChIn(1); \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text display ]</lang>


<lang Yabasic>sub readPPM(f$) local ff, x, y, t$, dcol$, wid, hei

if f$ = "" print "No PPM file name indicate." : return false

ff = open (f$, "rb") if not ff print "File ", f$, " not found."  : return false

input #ff t$, wid, hei, dcol$

if t$ = "P6" then open window wid, hei

for x = 0 to hei - 1 for y = 0 to wid - 1 color peek(#ff), peek(#ff), peek(#ff) dot y, x next y next x

close #ff else print "File is NOT PPM P6 type." : return false end if

return true end sub</lang>


Translation of: FBSL

Read a colored PPM file, convert it (in place) to grayscale and write the new image back to disk under a different name. Sanity checks are omitted.

I used a slightly different image from what is shown, but the results are the same.

<lang zkl>//24-bpp P6 PPM solution: image:=File("lena.ppm","rb").read(); start:=image.find("\n255\n")+5; // Get sizeof PPM header

foreach n in ([start..image.len()-1,3]){ // Transform color triplets

  r,g,b:=image[n,3];  // Read colors stored in RGB order
  l:=(0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b).toInt(); // Derive luminance

