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→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the computer programming language REXX.
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<br>REXX doesn't have a portable graphics user interface (GUI), &nbsp; but
this version is similar to the '''Ada''' version and
just displays the coordinates of the end of the pendulum.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program displays the (x, y) coördinates (at the end of a swinging pendulum). */
parse arg cycles Plength theta . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if cycles=='' | cycles=="," then cycles= 100 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if pLength=='' | pLength=="," then pLength= 10 /* " " " " " " */
if theta=='' | theta=="," then theta= 30 /* " " " " " " */
call time 'R' /*set the elapsed time (in seconds). */
speed= 0 /*velocity of the pendulum, now resting*/
d= digits() + 5 /*number of decimal digits to be shown.*/
g= -9.81 /*gravitation constant (for earth). */
do cycles; duration= time('E') /*swing the pendulum a number of times.*/
acceleration= g / pLength * sin(theta) /*compute the pendulum accelaration. */
x= sin(theta) * pLength /*calculate X coördinate of pendulum.*/
y= cos(theta) * pLength) /* " Y " " */
speed= speed + acceleration * duration /*calculate " speed " " */
theta= theta + speed * duration /* " " angle " " */
say 'x: ' right(x, d) " y: " right(y, d) /*display coördinates.*/
call delay 1/20 /*delay one-twentyth of a second. */
end /*cycles*/
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
pi: pi= 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078; return pi
r2r: return arg(1) // (pi() * 2) /*normalize radians ──► a unit circle. */
cos: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); numeric fuzz min(6,digits()-3); z=1; _=1; x=x*x
p=z; do k=2 by 2; _=-_*x/(k*(k-1)); z=z+_; if z=p then leave; p=z; end; return z
sin: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); _=x; numeric fuzz min(5, max(1,digits()-3)); q=x*x
z=x; do k=2 by 2 until p=z; p= z; _= -_*q/(k*k+k); z= z+_; end; return z</lang><br><br>


Revision as of 22:34, 30 December 2020

Animate a pendulum
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Capture of the Oz version.
Capture of the Oz version.

One good way of making an animation is by simulating a physical system and illustrating the variables in that system using a dynamically changing graphical display.

The classic such physical system is a simple gravity pendulum.


Create a simple physical model of a pendulum and animate it.


This does not use a GUI, it simply animates the pendulum and prints out the positions. If you want, you can replace the output method with graphical update methods.

X and Y are relative positions of the pendulum to the anchor. <lang Ada>generic

  type Float_Type is digits <>;
  Gravitation : Float_Type;

package Pendulums is

  type Pendulum is private;
  function New_Pendulum (Length : Float_Type;
                         Theta0 : Float_Type) return Pendulum;
  function Get_X (From : Pendulum) return Float_Type;
  function Get_Y (From : Pendulum) return Float_Type;
  procedure Update_Pendulum (Item : in out Pendulum; Time : in Duration);


  type Pendulum is record
     Length   : Float_Type;
     Theta    : Float_Type;
     X        : Float_Type;
     Y        : Float_Type;
     Velocity : Float_Type;
  end record;

end Pendulums;</lang>

pendulums.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions; package body Pendulums is

  package Math is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (Float_Type);
  function New_Pendulum (Length : Float_Type;
                         Theta0 : Float_Type) return Pendulum is
     Result : Pendulum;
     Result.Length   := Length;
     Result.Theta    := Theta0 / 180.0 * Ada.Numerics.Pi;
     Result.X        := Math.Sin (Theta0) * Length;
     Result.Y        := Math.Cos (Theta0) * Length;
     Result.Velocity := 0.0;
     return Result;
  end New_Pendulum;
  function Get_X (From : Pendulum) return Float_Type is
     return From.X;
  end Get_X;
  function Get_Y (From : Pendulum) return Float_Type is
     return From.Y;
  end Get_Y;
  procedure Update_Pendulum (Item : in out Pendulum; Time : in Duration) is
     Acceleration : constant Float_Type := Gravitation / Item.Length *
                                           Math.Sin (Item.Theta);
        Item.X        := Math.Sin (Item.Theta) * Item.Length;
        Item.Y        := Math.Cos (Item.Theta) * Item.Length;
        Item.Velocity := Item.Velocity +
                         Acceleration  * Float_Type (Time);
        Item.Theta    := Item.Theta +
                         Item.Velocity * Float_Type (Time);
  end Update_Pendulum;

end Pendulums;</lang>

example main.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; with Pendulums;

procedure Main is

  package Float_Pendulum is new Pendulums (Float, -9.81);
  use Float_Pendulum;
  use type Ada.Calendar.Time;
  My_Pendulum : Pendulum := New_Pendulum (10.0, 30.0);
  Now, Before : Ada.Calendar.Time;


  Before := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
     Delay 0.1;
     Now := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
     Update_Pendulum (My_Pendulum, Now - Before);
     Before := Now;
     -- output positions relative to origin
     -- replace with graphical output if wanted
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" X: " & Float'Image (Get_X (My_Pendulum)) &
                           " Y: " & Float'Image (Get_Y (My_Pendulum)));
  end loop;

end Main;</lang>

 X:  5.00000E+00 Y:  8.66025E+00
 X:  4.95729E+00 Y:  8.68477E+00
 X:  4.87194E+00 Y:  8.73294E+00
 X:  4.74396E+00 Y:  8.80312E+00
 X:  4.57352E+00 Y:  8.89286E+00
 X:  4.36058E+00 Y:  8.99919E+00
 X:  4.10657E+00 Y:  9.11790E+00
 X:  3.81188E+00 Y:  9.24498E+00
 X:  3.47819E+00 Y:  9.37562E+00
 X:  3.10714E+00 Y:  9.50504E+00
 X:  2.70211E+00 Y:  9.62801E+00
 X:  2.26635E+00 Y:  9.73980E+00
 X:  1.80411E+00 Y:  9.83591E+00
 X:  1.32020E+00 Y:  9.91247E+00
 X:  8.20224E-01 Y:  9.96630E+00
 X:  3.10107E-01 Y:  9.99519E+00
 X: -2.03865E-01 Y:  9.99792E+00
 X: -7.15348E-01 Y:  9.97438E+00
 X: -1.21816E+00 Y:  9.92553E+00
 X: -1.70581E+00 Y:  9.85344E+00
 X: -2.17295E+00 Y:  9.76106E+00
 X: -2.61452E+00 Y:  9.65216E+00
 X: -3.02618E+00 Y:  9.53112E+00
 X: -3.40427E+00 Y:  9.40271E+00
 X: -3.74591E+00 Y:  9.27190E+00
 X: -4.04873E+00 Y:  9.14373E+00
 X: -4.31141E+00 Y:  9.02285E+00
 X: -4.53271E+00 Y:  8.91373E+00
 X: -4.71186E+00 Y:  8.82034E+00
 X: -4.84868E+00 Y:  8.74587E+00
 X: -4.94297E+00 Y:  8.69293E+00
 X: -4.99459E+00 Y:  8.66337E+00
 X: -5.00352E+00 Y:  8.65822E+00


This version doesn't use an complex physics calculation - I found a faster way.

Library: GDIP

<lang AutoHotkey>SetBatchlines,-1


SizeGUI:={w:650,h:400} ;Guisize pendulum:={length:300,maxangle:90,speed:2,size:30,center:{x:Sizegui.w//2,y:10}} ;pendulum length, size, center, speed and maxangle

pendulum.maxangle:=pendulum.maxangle*0.01745329252 p_Token:=Gdip_Startup() Gui,+LastFound Gui,show,% "w" SizeGUI.w " h" SizeGUI.h hwnd:=WinActive() hdc:=GetDC(hwnd) start:=A_TickCount/1000 G:=Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc) pBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap(650, 450) G2:=Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap) Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G2, 4) pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xff0000FF) pBrush2 := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF777700) pPen:=Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush(pBrush2, 10) SetTimer,Update,10

Update: Gdip_GraphicsClear(G2,0xFFFFFFFF) time:=start-(A_TickCount/1000*pendulum.speed) angle:=sin(time)*pendulum.maxangle x2:=sin(angle)* y2:=cos(angle)* Gdip_DrawLine(G2,pPen,,,x2,y2) GDIP_DrawCircle(G2,pBrush,,,15) GDIP_DrawCircle(G2,pBrush2,x2,y2,pendulum.size) Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap) return

GDIP_DrawCircle(g,b,x,y,r){ Gdip_FillEllipse(g, b, x-r//2,y-r//2 , r, r) }

GuiClose: ExitApp</lang>



<lang bbcbasic> MODE 8

     *FLOAT 64
     VDU 23,23,4;0;0;0; : REM Set line thickness
     theta = RAD(40) : REM initial displacement
     g = 9.81 : REM acceleration due to gravity
     l = 0.50 : REM length of pendulum in metres
       PROCpendulum(theta, l)
       WAIT 1
       PROCpendulum(theta, l)
       accel = - g * SIN(theta) / l / 100
       speed += accel / 100
       theta += speed
     DEF PROCpendulum(a, l)
     LOCAL pivotX, pivotY, bobX, bobY
     pivotX = 640
     pivotY = 800
     bobX = pivotX + l * 1000 * SIN(a)
     bobY = pivotY - l * 1000 * COS(a)
     GCOL 3,6
     LINE pivotX, pivotY, bobX, bobY
     GCOL 3,11
     CIRCLE FILL bobX + 24 * SIN(a), bobY - 24 * COS(a), 24

Commodore BASIC

<lang commodorebasic>10 GOSUB 1000 20 THETA = π/2 30 G = 9.81 40 L = 0.5 50 SPEED = 0 60 PX = 20 70 PY = 1 80 BX = PX+L*20*SIN(THETA) 90 BY = PY-L*20*COS(THETA) 100 PRINT CHR$(147); 110 FOR X=PX TO BX STEP (BX-PX)/10 120 Y=PY+(X-PX)*(BY-PY)/(BX-PX) 130 PRINT CHR$(19);LEFT$(X$,X);LEFT$(Y$,Y);"." 140 NEXT 150 PRINT CHR$(19);LEFT$(X$,BX);LEFT$(Y$,BY);CHR$(113) 160 ACCEL=G*SIN(THETA)/L/50 170 SPEED=SPEED+ACCEL/10 180 THETA=THETA+SPEED 190 GOTO 80 980 REM ** SETUP STRINGS TO BE USED ** 990 REM ** FOR CURSOR POSITIONING ** 1000 FOR I=0 TO 39: X$ = X$+CHR$(29): NEXT 1010 FOR I=0 TO 24: Y$ = Y$+CHR$(17): NEXT 1020 RETURN</lang>


<lang freebasic>Const PI = 3.141592920 Dim As Double theta, g, l, accel, speed, px, py, bx, by theta = PI/2 g = 9.81 l = 1 speed = 0 px = 320 py = 10 Screen 17 '640x400 graphic Do

   Line (px,py)-(bx,by)
   Circle (bx,by),5,,,,,F
   Draw String (0,370), "Pendulum"
   Draw String (0,385), "Press any key to quit"
   Sleep 10

Loop Until Inkey()<>""</lang>


<lang IS-BASIC>100 PROGRAM "Pendulum.bas" 110 LET THETA=RAD(50):LET G=9.81:LET L=.5 120 CALL INIC 130 CALL DRAWING 140 CALL ANIMATE 150 CALL RESET 160 END 170 DEF INIC 180 CLOSE #102 190 OPTION ANGLE RADIANS 200 SET STATUS OFF:SET INTERRUPT STOP OFF:SET BORDER 56 210 SET VIDEO MODE 1:SET VIDEO COLOR 1:SET VIDEO X 14:SET VIDEO Y 8 220 FOR I=1 TO 24 230 OPEN #I:"video:" 240 SET #I:PALETTE 56,0,255,YELLOW 250 NEXT 260 END DEF 270 DEF DRAWING 280 LET SPD=0 290 FOR I=1 TO 24 300 DISPLAY #I:AT 3 FROM 1 TO 8 310 SET #I:INK 2 320 PLOT #I:224,280,ELLIPSE 10,10 330 PLOT #I:0,280;214,280,234,280;446,280 340 SET #I:INK 1 350 CALL PENDULUM(THETA,L,I) 360 LET ACC=-G*SIN(THETA)/L/100 370 LET SPD=SPD+ACC/10.5 380 LET THETA=THETA+SPD 390 NEXT 400 END DEF 410 DEF PENDULUM(A,L,CH) 420 LET PX=224:LET PY=280 430 LET BX=PX+L*460*SIN(A) 440 LET BY=PY-L*460*COS(A) 450 PLOT #CH:PX,PY;BX,BY 460 PLOT #CH:BX+24*SIN(A),BY-24*COS(A),ELLIPSE 20,20, 470 SET #CH:INK 3:PLOT #CH:PAINT 480 END DEF 490 DEF ANIMATE 500 DO 510 FOR I=1 TO 24 520 DISPLAY #I:AT 3 FROM 1 TO 8 530 NEXT 540 FOR I=23 TO 2 STEP-1 550 DISPLAY #I:AT 3 FROM 1 TO 8 560 NEXT 570 LOOP UNTIL INKEY$=CHR$(27) 580 END DEF 590 DEF RESET 600 TEXT 40:SET STATUS ON:SET INTERRUPT STOP ON:SET BORDER 0 610 FOR I=24 TO 1 STEP-1 620 CLOSE #I 630 NEXT 640 END DEF</lang>


Library: GLUT

<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <math.h>
  2. include <GL/glut.h>
  3. include <GL/gl.h>
  4. include <sys/time.h>
  1. define length 5
  2. define g 9.8

double alpha, accl, omega = 0, E; struct timeval tv;

double elappsed() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); int ret = (now.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + now.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec; tv = now; return ret / 1.e6; }

void resize(int w, int h) { glViewport(0, 0, w, h); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1); }

void render() { double x = 320 + 300 * sin(alpha), y = 300 * cos(alpha); resize(640, 320);


glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2d(320, 0); glVertex2d(x, y); glEnd(); glFlush();

double us = elappsed(); alpha += (omega + us * accl / 2) * us; omega += accl * us;

/* don't let precision error go out of hand */ if (length * g * (1 - cos(alpha)) >= E) { alpha = (alpha < 0 ? -1 : 1) * acos(1 - E / length / g); omega = 0; } accl = -g / length * sin(alpha); }

void init_gfx(int *c, char **v) { glutInit(c, v); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize(640, 320); glutIdleFunc(render); glutCreateWindow("Pendulum"); }

int main(int c, char **v) { alpha = 4 * atan2(1, 1) / 2.1; E = length * g * (1 - cos(alpha));

accl = -g / length * sin(alpha); omega = 0;

gettimeofday(&tv, 0); init_gfx(&c, v); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }</lang>


Library: Windows Forms

<lang csharp> using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;

class CSharpPendulum {

   Form _form;
   Timer _timer;
   double _angle = Math.PI / 2, 
          _angleVelocity = 0, 
          _dt = 0.1;
   int _length = 50;
   static void Main()
       var p = new CSharpPendulum();
   public CSharpPendulum()
       _form = new Form() { Text = "Pendulum", Width = 200, Height = 200 };
       _timer = new Timer() { Interval = 30 };
       _timer.Tick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
           int anchorX = (_form.Width / 2) - 12,
               anchorY = _form.Height / 4,
               ballX = anchorX + (int)(Math.Sin(_angle) * _length),
               ballY = anchorY + (int)(Math.Cos(_angle) * _length);
           _angleAccel = -9.81 / _length * Math.Sin(_angle);
           _angleVelocity += _angleAccel * _dt;
           _angle += _angleVelocity * _dt;
           Bitmap dblBuffer = new Bitmap(_form.Width, _form.Height);
           Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dblBuffer);
           Graphics f = Graphics.FromHwnd(_form.Handle);
           g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(anchorX, anchorY), new Point(ballX, ballY));
           g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7);
           g.FillEllipse(Brushes.DarkGoldenrod, ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14);
           f.DrawImage(dblBuffer, new Point(0, 0));    

} </lang>


Library: wxWidgets

File wxPendulumDlg.hpp <lang cpp>

  1. ifndef __wxPendulumDlg_h__
  2. define __wxPendulumDlg_h__

// --------------------- /// @author Martin Ettl /// @date 2013-02-03 // ---------------------

  1. ifdef __BORLANDC__
  2. pragma hdrstop
  3. endif
  1. ifndef WX_PRECOMP
  2. include <wx/wx.h>
  3. include <wx/dialog.h>
  4. else
  5. include <wx/wxprec.h>
  6. endif
  7. include <wx/timer.h>
  8. include <wx/dcbuffer.h>
  9. include <cmath>

class wxPendulumDlgApp : public wxApp {

       bool OnInit();
       int OnExit();


class wxPendulumDlg : public wxDialog {

       wxPendulumDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString &title = wxT("wxPendulum"), 

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxCAPTION | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT | wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX | wxCLOSE_BOX);

       virtual ~wxPendulumDlg();

// Event handler

       void wxPendulumDlgPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
       void wxPendulumDlgSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
       void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);

// a pointer to a timer object

       wxTimer *m_timer;

unsigned int m_uiLength; double m_Angle; double m_AngleVelocity;

       enum wxIDs
           ID_WXTIMER1 = 1001,
       void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
       void CreateGUIControls();


  1. endif // __wxPendulumDlg_h__

</lang> File wxPendulumDlg.cpp <lang cpp> // --------------------- /// @author Martin Ettl /// @date 2013-02-03 // ---------------------

  1. include "wxPendulumDlg.hpp"
  2. include <wx/pen.h>


bool wxPendulumDlgApp::OnInit() {

   wxPendulumDlg* dialog = new wxPendulumDlg(NULL);
   return true;


int wxPendulumDlgApp::OnExit() {

   return 0;


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxPendulumDlg, wxDialog)

   EVT_TIMER(ID_WXTIMER1, wxPendulumDlg::OnTimer)


wxPendulumDlg::wxPendulumDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style)

   : wxDialog(parent, id, title, position, size, style)




wxPendulumDlg::~wxPendulumDlg() { }

void wxPendulumDlg::CreateGUIControls() {

   SetSize(8, 8, 509, 412);

m_uiLength = 200; m_Angle = M_PI/2.; m_AngleVelocity = 0;

   m_timer = new wxTimer();
   m_timer->SetOwner(this, ID_WXTIMER1);


void wxPendulumDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {



void wxPendulumDlg::wxPendulumDlgPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {

   wxBufferedPaintDC dc(this);
   // Get window dimensions
   wxSize sz = GetClientSize();

// determine the center of the canvas

   const wxPoint center(wxPoint(sz.x / 2, sz.y / 2));
   // create background color
   wxColour powderblue = wxColour(176,224,230);
   // draw powderblue background
   dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
   // draw lines

wxPen Pen(*wxBLACK_PEN); Pen.SetWidth(1);

   double angleAccel, dt = 0.15;
   angleAccel = (-9.81 / m_uiLength) * sin(m_Angle);
   m_AngleVelocity += angleAccel * dt;
   m_Angle += m_AngleVelocity * dt;
   int anchorX = sz.x / 2, anchorY = sz.y / 4;
   int ballX = anchorX + (int)(sin(m_Angle) * m_uiLength);
   int ballY = anchorY + (int)(cos(m_Angle) * m_uiLength);
   dc.DrawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY);
   dc.DrawEllipse(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7);
   dc.SetBrush(wxColour(255,255,0)); // yellow
   dc.DrawEllipse(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 20, 20);


void wxPendulumDlg::wxPendulumDlgSize(wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {



void wxPendulumDlg::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // force refresh Refresh(); } </lang> This program is tested with wxWidgets version 2.8 and 2.9. The whole project, including makefile for compiling on Linux can be download from github.


Clojure solution using an atom and a separate rendering thread

Library: Swing
Library: AWT

<lang clojure> (ns pendulum

   (javax.swing JFrame)
   (java.awt Canvas Graphics Color)))

(def length 200) (def width (* 2 (+ 50 length))) (def height (* 3 (/ length 2))) (def dt 0.1) (def g 9.812) (def k (- (/ g length))) (def anchor-x (/ width 2)) (def anchor-y (/ height 8)) (def angle (atom (/ (Math/PI) 2)))

(defn draw [#^Canvas canvas angle]

 (let [buffer  (.getBufferStrategy canvas)
       g       (.getDrawGraphics buffer)
       ball-x (+ anchor-x (* (Math/sin angle) length))
       ball-y (+ anchor-y (* (Math/cos angle) length))]
     (doto g
       (.setColor Color/BLACK)
       (.fillRect 0 0 width height)
       (.setColor Color/RED)
       (.drawLine anchor-x anchor-y ball-x ball-y)
       (.setColor Color/YELLOW)
       (.fillOval (- anchor-x 3) (- anchor-y 4) 7 7)
       (.fillOval (- ball-x 7) (- ball-y 7) 14 14))      
     (finally (.dispose g)))
   (if-not (.contentsLost buffer)
     (.show buffer)) ))

(defn start-renderer [canvas]

   (fn [] (draw canvas @angle) (recur))
   (new Thread)

(defn -main [& args]

 (let [frame  (JFrame. "Pendulum")
       canvas (Canvas.)]

   (doto frame
     (.setSize width height)      
     (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
     (.setResizable false)
     (.add canvas)
     (.setVisible true))

   (doto canvas
     (.createBufferStrategy 2)      
     (.setVisible true)

   (start-renderer canvas)

   (loop [v 0]      
     (swap! angle #(+ % (* v dt)))
     (Thread/sleep 15)
     (recur (+ v (* k (Math/sin @angle) dt)))) ))

(-main) </lang>

Common Lisp

An approach using closures. Physics code adapted from Ada.

Pressing the spacebar adds a pendulum.

<lang lisp>(defvar *frame-rate* 30) (defvar *damping* 0.99 "Deceleration factor.")

(defun make-pendulum (length theta0 x)

 "Returns an anonymous function with enclosed state representing a pendulum."
 (let* ((theta (* (/ theta0 180) pi))
        (acceleration 0))
   (if (< length 40) (setf length 40)) ;;avoid a divide-by-zero
   (lambda ()
     ;;Draws the pendulum, updating its location and speed.
     (sdl:draw-line (sdl:point :x x :y 1)
                    (sdl:point :x (+ (* (sin theta) length) x)
                               :y (* (cos theta) length)))
     (sdl:draw-filled-circle (sdl:point :x (+ (* (sin theta) length) x)
                                        :y (* (cos theta) length))
                             :color sdl:*yellow*
                             :stroke-color sdl:*white*)
     ;;The magic constant approximates the speed we want for a given frame-rate.
     (incf acceleration (* (sin theta) (* *frame-rate* -0.001)))
     (incf theta acceleration)
     (setf acceleration (* acceleration *damping*)))))

(defun main (&optional (w 640) (h 480))

 (sdl:with-init ()
   (sdl:window w h :title-caption "Pendulums"
               :fps (make-instance 'sdl:fps-fixed))
   (setf (sdl:frame-rate) *frame-rate*)
   (let ((pendulums nil))
     (sdl:with-events ()
       (:quit-event () t)
       (:idle ()
              (sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
              (mapcar #'funcall pendulums) ;;Draw all the pendulums
       (:key-down-event (:key key)
                        (cond ((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-escape)
                              ((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-space)
                               (push (make-pendulum (random (- h 100))
                                                    (random 90)
                                                    (round w 2))


Works with: E-on-Java

(Uses Java Swing for GUI. The animation logic is independent, however.)

The angle of a pendulum with length and acceleration due to gravity with all its mass at the end and no friction/air resistance has an acceleration at any given moment of

This simulation uses this formula directly, updating the velocity from the acceleration and the position from the velocity; inaccuracy results from the finite timestep.

The event flow works like this: The clock object created by the simulation steps the simulation on the specified in the interval. The simulation writes its output to angle, which is a Lamport slot which can notify of updates. The whenever set up by makeDisplayComponent listens for updates and triggers redrawing as long as interest has been expressed, which is done whenever the component actually redraws, which happens only if the component's window is still on screen. When the window is closed, additionally, the simulation itself is stopped and the application allowed to exit. (This logic is more general than necessary; it is designed to be suitable for a larger application as well.)

<lang e>#!/usr/bin/env rune pragma.syntax("0.9")

def pi := (-1.0).acos() def makeEPainter := <unsafe:com.zooko.tray.makeEPainter> def makeLamportSlot := <import:org.erights.e.elib.slot.makeLamportSlot> def whenever := <import:org.erights.e.elib.slot.whenever> def colors := <import:java.awt.makeColor>

  1. --------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --- Definitions

def makePendulumSim(length_m :float64,

                   gravity_mps2 :float64,
                   initialAngle_rad :float64,
                   timestep_ms :int) {
 var velocity := 0
 def &angle := makeLamportSlot(initialAngle_rad)
 def k := -gravity_mps2/length_m
 def timestep_s := timestep_ms / 1000
 def clock := timer.every(timestep_ms, fn _ {
   def acceleration := k * angle.sin()
   velocity += acceleration * timestep_s
   angle    += velocity     * timestep_s
 return [clock, &angle]


def makeDisplayComponent(&angle) {

 def c
 def updater := whenever([&angle], fn { c.repaint() })
 bind c := makeEPainter(def paintCallback {
   to paintComponent(g) {
     try {
       def originX := c.getWidth() // 2
       def originY := c.getHeight() // 2
       def pendRadius := (originX.min(originY) * 0.95).round()
       def ballRadius := (originX.min(originY) * 0.04).round()
       def ballX := (originX + angle.sin() * pendRadius).round()
       def ballY := (originY + angle.cos() * pendRadius).round()
       g.fillRect(0, 0, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight())
       g.fillOval(originX - 2, originY - 2, 4, 4)
       g.drawLine(originX, originY, ballX, ballY)
       g.fillOval(ballX - ballRadius, ballY - ballRadius, ballRadius * 2, ballRadius * 2)
       updater[] # provoke interest provided that we did get drawn (window not closed)
     } catch p {
       stderr.println(`In paint callback: $p${p.eStack()}`)
 c.setPreferredSize(<awt:makeDimension>(300, 300))
 return c


  1. --------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --- Application setup

def [clock, &angle] := makePendulumSim(1, 9.80665, pi*99/100, 10)

  1. Initialize AWT, move to AWT event thread

when (currentVat.morphInto("awt")) -> {

 # Create the window
 def frame := <unsafe:javax.swing.makeJFrame>("Pendulum")
 frame.setContentPane(def display := makeDisplayComponent(&angle))
 frame.addWindowListener(def mainWindowListener {
   to windowClosing(_) {
   match _ {}
 frame.setLocation(50, 50)
 # Start and become visible




Run it

<lang>on animate

 move_pen 50 50
 draw_circle 1
 x = 50 + 40 * sin ang
 y = 50 - 40 * cos ang
 draw_line x y
 draw_circle 5
 vel += sin ang / 5
 ang += vel

. ang = 10</lang>


<lang elm>import Color exposing (..) import Collage exposing (..) import Element exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Time exposing (..) import Html.App exposing (program)

dt = 0.01 scale = 100

type alias Model =

 { angle : Float
 , angVel : Float
 , length : Float
 , gravity : Float

type Msg

   = Tick Time

init : (Model,Cmd Msg) init =

 ( { angle = 3 * pi / 4
   , angVel = 0.0
   , length = 2
   , gravity = -9.81
 , Cmd.none)

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update _ model =

   angAcc = -1.0 * (model.gravity / model.length) * sin (model.angle)
   angVel' = model.angVel + angAcc * dt
   angle' = model.angle + angVel' * dt
   ( { model
       | angle = angle'
       , angVel = angVel'
   , Cmd.none )

view : Model -> Html Msg view model =

   endPoint = ( 0, scale * model.length )
   pendulum =
       [ segment ( 0, 0 ) endPoint
           |> traced { defaultLine | width = 2, color = red }
       , circle 8
           |> filled blue
       , ngon 3 10
           |> filled green
           |> rotate (pi/2)
           |> move endPoint
   toHtml <|
     collage 700 500
       [ pendulum |> rotate model.angle ]

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ =

   Time.every (dt * second) Tick

main =

     { init = init
     , view = view
     , update = update
     , subscriptions = subscriptions

Link to live demo:



! ! for !







     THETA=40*p/180     ! initial displacement
     G=9.81             ! acceleration due to gravity
     L=0.5              ! length of pendulum in metres

END PROGRAM </lang> PC version: Ctrl+Break to stop.

Euler Math Toolbox

Euler Math Toolbox can determine the exact period of a physical pendulum. The result is then used to animate the pendulum. The following code is ready to be pasted back into Euler notebooks.

>g=gearth$; l=1m;
>function f(x,y) := [y[2],-g*sin(y[1])/l]
>function h(a) := ode("f",linspace(0,a,100),[0,2])[1,-1]
>t=linspace(0,period,30); s=ode("f",t,[0,2])[1];
>function anim (t,s) ...
$  setplot(-1,1,-1,1);
$  markerstyle("o#");
$  repeat
$  for i=1 to cols(t)-1;
$    clg; 
$    hold on;
$    plot([0,sin(s[i])],[1,1-cos(s[i])]);
$    mark([0,sin(s[i])],[1,1-cos(s[i])]);
$    hold off;
$    wait(t[i+1]-t[i]);
$  end;
$  until testkey();
$  end


DOS32 version

Works with: Euphoria version 3.1.1

<lang euphoria>include graphics.e include misc.e

constant dt = 1E-3 constant g = 50

sequence vc sequence suspension atom len

procedure draw_pendulum(atom color, atom len, atom alfa)

   sequence point
   point = (len*{sin(alfa),cos(alfa)} + suspension)
   draw_line(color, {suspension, point})

end procedure

function wait()

   atom t0
   t0 = time()
   while time() = t0 do
       if get_key() != -1 then
           return 1
       end if
   end while
   return 0

end function

procedure animation()

   atom alfa, omega, epsilon
   if graphics_mode(18) then
   end if
   vc = video_config()
   suspension = {vc[VC_XPIXELS]/2,vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2}
   len = vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2-20
   alfa = PI/2
   omega = 0
   while 1 do
       if wait() then
       end if
       epsilon = -len*sin(alfa)*g
       omega += dt*epsilon
       alfa += dt*omega
   end while
   if graphics_mode(-1) then
   end if

end procedure



A nice application of F#'s support for units of measure. <lang fsharp>open System open System.Drawing open System.Windows.Forms

// define units of measurement [<Measure>] type m; // metres [<Measure>] type s; // seconds

// a pendulum is represented as a record of physical quantities type Pendulum =

{ length   : float<m>
  gravity  : float<m/s^2>
  velocity : float<m/s>
  angle    : float

// calculate the next state of a pendulum let next pendulum deltaT : Pendulum =

 let k = -pendulum.gravity / pendulum.length
 let acceleration = k * Math.Sin pendulum.angle * 1.0<m> 
 let newVelocity = pendulum.velocity + acceleration * deltaT
 let newAngle = pendulum.angle + newVelocity * deltaT / 1.0<m>
 { pendulum with velocity = newVelocity; angle = newAngle }

// paint a pendulum (using hard-coded screen coordinates) let paint pendulum (gr: System.Drawing.Graphics) =

 let homeX = 160
 let homeY = 50
 let length = 140.0
 // draw plate
 gr.DrawLine( new Pen(Brushes.Gray, width=2.0f), 0, homeY, 320, homeY )
 // draw pivot
 gr.FillEllipse( Brushes.Gray,           homeX-5, homeY-5, 10, 10 )
 gr.DrawEllipse( new Pen(Brushes.Black), homeX-5, homeY-5, 10, 10 )
 // draw the pendulum itself
 let x = homeX + int( length * Math.Sin pendulum.angle )
 let y = homeY + int( length * Math.Cos pendulum.angle )
 // draw rod
 gr.DrawLine( new Pen(Brushes.Black, width=3.0f), homeX, homeY, x, y )
 // draw bob
 gr.FillEllipse( Brushes.Yellow,         x-15, y-15, 30, 30 )
 gr.DrawEllipse( new Pen(Brushes.Black), x-15, y-15, 30, 30 )

// defines an operator "-?" that calculates the time from t2 to t1 // where t2 is optional let (-?) (t1: DateTime) (t2: DateTime option) : float =

 match t2 with
 | None   -> 0.0 // only one timepoint given -> difference is 0
 | Some t -> (t1 - t).TotalSeconds * 1.0

// our main window is double-buffered form that reacts to paint events type PendulumForm() as self =

 inherit Form(Width=325, Height=240, Text="Pendulum")
 let mutable pendulum = { length   = 1.0<m>;
                          gravity  = 9.81<m/s^2>
                          velocity = 0.0<m/s>
                          angle    = Math.PI / 2.0
 let mutable lastPaintedAt = None
 let updateFreq = 0.01
 do self.DoubleBuffered <- true
    self.Paint.Add( fun args ->
      let now = DateTime.Now
      let deltaT = now -? lastPaintedAt |> min 0.01 
      lastPaintedAt <- Some now
      pendulum <- next pendulum deltaT
      let gr = args.Graphics
      gr.Clear( Color.LightGray )
      paint pendulum gr
      // initiate a new paint event after a while (non-blocking)
      async { do! Async.Sleep( int( 1000.0 * updateFreq / 1.0 ) )
      |> Async.Start 

[<STAThread>] Application.Run( new PendulumForm( Visible=true ) )</lang>


Approximation of the pendulum for small swings : theta = theta0 * cos(omega0 * t) <lang factor>USING: accessors alarms arrays calendar colors.constants kernel locals math math.constants math.functions math.rectangles math.vectors opengl sequences system ui ui.gadgets ui.render ; IN: pendulum

CONSTANT: g 9.81 CONSTANT: l 20 CONSTANT: theta0 0.5

current-time ( -- time ) nano-count -9 10^ * ;
T0 ( -- T0 ) 2 pi l g / sqrt * * ;
omega0 ( -- omega0 ) 2 pi * T0 / ;
theta ( -- theta ) current-time omega0 * cos theta0 * ;
relative-xy ( theta l -- xy )
   swap [ sin * ] [ cos * ] 2bi 2array ;
theta-to-xy ( origin theta l -- xy ) relative-xy v+ ;

TUPLE: pendulum-gadget < gadget alarm ;

O ( gadget -- origin ) rect-bounds [ drop ] [ first 2 / ] bi* 0 2array ;
window-l ( gadget -- l ) rect-bounds [ drop ] [ second ] bi* ;
gadget-xy ( gadget -- xy ) [ O ] [ drop theta ] [ window-l ] tri theta-to-xy ;

M: pendulum-gadget draw-gadget*

   COLOR: black gl-color
   [ O ] [ gadget-xy ] bi gl-line ;

M:: pendulum-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )

   [ gadget relayout-1 ]
   20 milliseconds every gadget (>>alarm) ;

M: pendulum-gadget ungraft* alarm>> cancel-alarm ;

<pendulum-gadget> ( -- gadget )
   pendulum-gadget new 
   { 500 500 } >>pref-dim ;
pendulum-main ( -- )
   [ <pendulum-gadget> "pendulum" open-window ] with-ui ;

MAIN: pendulum-main </lang>


<lang qbasic>#INCLUDE <Include\>

FBSLSETTEXT(ME, "Pendulum") FBSL.SETTIMER(ME, 1000, 10) RESIZE(ME, 0, 0, 300, 200) CENTER(ME) SHOW(ME)


SUB Swing() TYPE RECT: %rcLeft, %rcTop, %rcRight, %rcBottom: END TYPE STATIC rc AS RECT, !!acceleration, !!velocity, !!angle = M_PI_2, %pendulum = 100

GetClientRect(ME, @rc)

' Recalculate DIM headX = rc.rcRight / 2, headY = rc.rcBottom / 4 DIM tailX = headX + SIN(angle) * pendulum DIM tailY = headY + COS(angle) * pendulum

acceleration = -9.81 / pendulum * SIN(angle) INCR(velocity, acceleration * 0.1)(angle, velocity * 0.1)

' Create backbuffer CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(ME)) SelectObject(CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap(GetDC, rc.rcRight, rc.rcBottom))

' Draw to backbuffer FILLSTYLE(FILL_SOLID): FILLCOLOR(RGB(200, 200, 0)) LINE(CreateCompatibleDC, 0, 0, rc.rcRight, rc.rcBottom, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT), TRUE, TRUE) LINE(CreateCompatibleDC, 0, headY, rc.rcRight, headY, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)) DRAWWIDTH(3) LINE(CreateCompatibleDC, headX, headY, tailX, tailY, RGB(200, 0, 0)) DRAWWIDTH(1) CIRCLE(CreateCompatibleDC, headX, headY, 2, GetSysColor, 0, 360, 1, TRUE) CIRCLE(CreateCompatibleDC, tailX, tailY, 10, GetSysColor, 0, 360, 1, FALSE)

' Blit to window BitBlt(GetDC, 0, 0, rc.rcRight, rc.rcBottom, CreateCompatibleDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ReleaseDC(ME, GetDC)

' Delete backbuffer DeleteObject(SelectObject(CreateCompatibleDC, SelectObject)) DeleteDC(CreateCompatibleDC) END SUB</lang> Screenshot:


Uses system commands (gfortran) to clear the screen. An initial starting angle is allowed between 90 (to the right) and -90 degrees (to the left). It checks for incorrect inputs. <lang fortran> !Implemented by Anant Dixit (October, 2014) program animated_pendulum implicit none double precision, parameter :: pi = 4.0D0*atan(1.0D0), l = 1.0D-1, dt = 1.0D-2, g = 9.8D0 integer :: io double precision :: s_ang, c_ang, p_ang, n_ang

write(*,*) 'Enter starting angle (in degrees):' do

 read(*,*,iostat=io) s_ang
 if( .or. .or. then
   write(*,*) 'Please enter an angle between 90 and -90 degrees:'
 end if

end do call execute_command_line('cls')

c_ang = s_ang*pi/180.0D0 p_ang = c_ang

call display(c_ang) do

 call next_time_step(c_ang,p_ang,g,l,dt,n_ang)
 if(abs(c_ang-p_ang).ge.0.05D0) then
   call execute_command_line('cls')
   call display(c_ang)
 end if

end do end program

subroutine next_time_step(c_ang,p_ang,g,l,dt,n_ang) double precision :: c_ang, p_ang, g, l, dt, n_ang n_ang = (-g*sin(c_ang)/l)*2.0D0*dt**2 + 2.0D0*c_ang - p_ang p_ang = c_ang c_ang = n_ang end subroutine

subroutine display(c_ang) double precision :: c_ang character (len=*), parameter :: cfmt = '(A1)' double precision :: rx, ry integer :: x, y, i, j rx = 45.0D0*sin(c_ang) ry = 22.5D0*cos(c_ang) x = int(rx)+51 y = int(ry)+2 do i = 1,32

 do j = 1,100
   if(i.eq.y .and. j.eq.x) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') 'O'
   else if(i.eq.y .and. (j.eq.(x-1).or.j.eq.(x+1))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') 'G'
   else if(j.eq.x .and. (i.eq.(y-1).or.i.eq.(y+1))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') 'G'
   else if(i.eq.y .and. (j.eq.(x-2).or.j.eq.(x+2))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') '#'
   else if(j.eq.x .and. (i.eq.(y-2).or.i.eq.(y+2))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') 'G'
   else if((i.eq.(y+1).and.j.eq.(x+1)) .or. (i.eq.(y-1).and.j.eq.(x-1))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') '#'
   else if((i.eq.(y+1).and.j.eq.(x-1)) .or. (i.eq.(y-1).and.j.eq.(x+1))) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') '#'
   else if(j.eq.50) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') '|'
   else if(i.eq.2) then
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') '-'
     write(*,cfmt,advance='no') ' '
   end if
 end do

end do end subroutine </lang>

A small preview (truncated to a few steps of the pendulum changing direction). Initial angle provided = 80 degrees.

                                                 |                G                                 
                                                 |               #G#                                
                                                 |              #GOG#                               
                                                 |               #G#                                
                                                 |                G                                 

                                                 |                       G                          
                                                 |                      #G#                         
                                                 |                     #GOG#                        
                                                 |                      #G#                         
                                                 |                       G                          

                                                 |                            G                     
                                                 |                           #G#                    
                                                 |                          #GOG#                   
                                                 |                           #G#                    
                                                 |                            G                     

                                                 |                                 G                
                                                 |                                #G#               
                                                 |                               #GOG#              
                                                 |                                #G#               
                                                 |                                 G                

                                                 |                                     G            
                                                 |                                    #G#           
                                                 |                                   #GOG#          
                                                 |                                    #G#           
                                                 |                                     G            

                                                 |                                       G          
                                                 |                                      #G#         
                                                 |                                     #GOG#        
                                                 |                                      #G#         
                                                 |                                       G          

                                                 |                                         G        
                                                 |                                        #G#       
                                                 |                                       #GOG#      
                                                 |                                        #G#       
                                                 |                                         G        

                                                 |                                          G       
                                                 |                                         #G#      
                                                 |                                        #GOG#     
                                                 |                                         #G#      
                                                 |                                          G       


Straight translation of Java solution groovified by removing explicit definitions and converting casts to Groovy as style where needed. <lang groovy> import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

class Pendulum extends JPanel implements Runnable {

   private angle = Math.PI / 2;
   private length;
   Pendulum(length) {
       this.length = length;
   void paint(Graphics g) {
       g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
       int anchorX = getWidth() / 2, anchorY = getHeight() / 4;
       def ballX = anchorX + (Math.sin(angle) * length) as int;
       def ballY = anchorY + (Math.cos(angle) * length) as int;
       g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY);
       g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7);
       g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14);
   void run() {
       def angleAccel, angleVelocity = 0, dt = 0.1;
       while (true) {
           angleAccel = -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle);
           angleVelocity += angleAccel * dt;
           angle += angleVelocity * dt;
           try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
   Dimension getPreferredSize() {
       return new Dimension(2 * length + 50, (length / 2 * 3) as int);
   static void main(String[] args) {
       def f = new JFrame("Pendulum");
       def p = new Pendulum(200);
       new Thread(p).start();

} </lang>



Library: GXUI

from Github

<lang go>package main

import ( "" "" "" "" omath "math" "time" )

//Two pendulums animated //Top: Mathematical pendulum with small-angle approxmiation (not appropiate with PHI_ZERO=pi/2) //Bottom: Simulated with differential equation phi = g/l * sin(phi)

const ( ANIMATION_WIDTH int = 480 ANIMATION_HEIGHT int = 320 BALL_RADIUS float32 = 25.0 METER_PER_PIXEL float64 = 1.0 / 20.0 PHI_ZERO float64 = omath.Pi * 0.5 )

var ( l float64 = float64(ANIMATION_HEIGHT) * 0.5 freq float64 = omath.Sqrt(9.81 / (l * METER_PER_PIXEL)) )

type Pendulum interface { GetPhi() float64 }

type mathematicalPendulum struct { start time.Time }

func (p *mathematicalPendulum) GetPhi() float64 { if (p.start == time.Time{}) { p.start = time.Now() } t := float64(time.Since(p.start).Nanoseconds()) / omath.Pow10(9) return PHI_ZERO * omath.Cos(t*freq) }

type numericalPendulum struct { currentPhi float64 angAcc float64 angVel float64 lastTime time.Time }

func (p *numericalPendulum) GetPhi() float64 { dt := 0.0 if (p.lastTime != time.Time{}) { dt = float64(time.Since(p.lastTime).Nanoseconds()) / omath.Pow10(9) } p.lastTime = time.Now()

p.angAcc = -9.81 / (float64(l) * METER_PER_PIXEL) * omath.Sin(p.currentPhi) p.angVel += p.angAcc * dt p.currentPhi += p.angVel * dt

return p.currentPhi }

func draw(p Pendulum, canvas gxui.Canvas, x, y int) { attachment := math.Point{X: ANIMATION_WIDTH/2 + x, Y: y}

phi := p.GetPhi() ball := math.Point{X: x + ANIMATION_WIDTH/2 + math.Round(float32(l*omath.Sin(phi))), Y: y + math.Round(float32(l*omath.Cos(phi)))}

line := gxui.Polygon{gxui.PolygonVertex{attachment, 0}, gxui.PolygonVertex{ball, 0}}

canvas.DrawLines(line, gxui.DefaultPen)

m := math.Point{int(BALL_RADIUS), int(BALL_RADIUS)} rect := math.Rect{ball.Sub(m), ball.Add(m)} canvas.DrawRoundedRect(rect, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, BALL_RADIUS, gxui.TransparentPen, gxui.CreateBrush(gxui.Yellow)) }

func appMain(driver gxui.Driver) { theme := dark.CreateTheme(driver)

window := theme.CreateWindow(ANIMATION_WIDTH, 2*ANIMATION_HEIGHT, "Pendulum") window.SetBackgroundBrush(gxui.CreateBrush(gxui.Gray50))

image := theme.CreateImage()

ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 15) pendulum := &mathematicalPendulum{} pendulum2 := &numericalPendulum{PHI_ZERO, 0.0, 0.0, time.Time{}}

go func() { for _ = range ticker.C { canvas := driver.CreateCanvas(math.Size{ANIMATION_WIDTH, 2 * ANIMATION_HEIGHT}) canvas.Clear(gxui.White)

draw(pendulum, canvas, 0, 0) draw(pendulum2, canvas, 0, ANIMATION_HEIGHT)

canvas.Complete() driver.Call(func() { image.SetCanvas(canvas) }) } }()


window.OnClose(ticker.Stop) window.OnClose(driver.Terminate) }

func main() { gl.StartDriver(appMain) }</lang>


Library: HGL

<lang haskell>import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (Graphic, ) import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Picture import Graphics.HGL.Utils import Graphics.HGL.Window import Graphics.HGL.Run

import Control.Exception (bracket, ) import Control.Arrow

toInt = fromIntegral.round

pendulum = runGraphics $

   (openWindowEx "Pendulum animation task" Nothing (600,400) DoubleBuffered (Just 30))
   (\w -> mapM_ ((\ g -> setGraphic w g >> getWindowTick w).
                   (\ (x, y) -> overGraphic (line (300, 0) (x, y))
                                   (ellipse (x - 12, y + 12) (x + 12, y - 12)) )) pts)
   dt = 1/30
   t = - pi/4
   l = 1
   g = 9.812 
   nextAVT (a,v,t) = (a', v', t + v' * dt) where
       a' = - (g / l) * sin t
       v' = v + a' * dt
   pts = map (\(_,t,_) -> (toInt.(300+).(300*).cos &&& toInt. (300*).sin) (pi/2+0.6*t) )
       $ iterate nextAVT (- (g / l) * sin t, t, 0)</lang>

Usage with ghci:

*Main> pendulum

Alternative solution

Library: Gloss

<lang haskell>import Graphics.Gloss

-- Initial conditions g_ = (-9.8)  :: Float --Gravity acceleration v_0 = 0  :: Float --Initial tangential speed a_0 = 0 / 180 * pi  :: Float --Initial angle dt = 0.01  :: Float --Time step t_f = 15  :: Float --Final time for data logging l_ = 200  :: Float --Rod length

-- Define a type to represent the pendulum: type Pendulum = (Float, Float, Float) -- (rod length, tangential speed, angle)

-- Pendulum's initial state initialstate :: Pendulum initialstate = (l_, v_0, a_0)

-- Step funtion: update pendulum to new position movePendulum :: Float -> Pendulum -> Pendulum movePendulum dt (l,v,a) = ( l , v_2 , a + v_2 / l * dt*10 )

   where   v_2 = v + g_ * (cos a) * dt

-- Convert from Pendulum to [Picture] for display renderPendulum :: Pendulum -> [Picture] renderPendulum (l,v,a) = map (uncurry Translate newOrigin)

                           [ Line    [ ( 0 , 0 ) , ( l * (cos a), l * (sin a) ) ] 
                           , polygon [ ( 0 , 0 ) , ( -5 , 8.66 ) , ( 5 , 8.66 ) ]
                           , Translate ( l * (cos a)) (l * (sin a)) (circleSolid (0.04*l_))
                           , Translate (-1.1*l) (-1.3*l) (Scale 0.1 0.1 (Text currSpeed))
                           , Translate (-1.1*l) (-1.3*l + 20) (Scale 0.1 0.1 (Text currAngle))
   where   currSpeed = "Speed (pixels/s) = " ++ (show v)
           currAngle = "Angle (deg) = " ++ (show ( 90 + a / pi * 180 ) )

-- New origin to beter display the animation newOrigin = (0, l_ / 2)

-- Calcule a proper window size (for angles between 0 and -pi) windowSize :: (Int, Int) windowSize = ( 300 + 2 * round (snd newOrigin)

            , 200 + 2 * round (snd newOrigin) )

-- Run simulation main :: IO () main = do --plotOnGNU

           simulate window background fps initialstate render update
               where   window      = InWindow "Animate a pendulum" windowSize (40, 40)
                       background  = white         
                       fps         = round (1/dt)
                       render xs   = pictures $ renderPendulum xs
                       update _    = movePendulum</lang>


DIFFEQ and the callback procedure pendulum numerically integrate the pendulum equation. The display window can be resized during the run, but for window width not equal to 2*height the pendulum rod becomes a rubber band instead: <lang HicEst>REAL :: msec=10, Lrod=1, dBob=0.03, g=9.81, Theta(2), dTheta(2) BobMargins = ALIAS(ls, rs, ts, bs) ! box margins to draw the bob

Theta = (1, 0)  ! initial angle and velocity start_t = TIME()

DO i = 1, 1E100  ! "forever"

  end_t = TIME()     ! to integrate in real-time sections:
  DIFFEQ(Callback="pendulum", T=end_t, Y=Theta, DY=dTheta, T0=start_t)
  xBob = (SIN(Theta(1)) + 1) / 2
  yBob = COS(Theta(1)) - dBob
  ! create or clear window and draw pendulum bob at (xBob, yBob):
  WINDOW(WIN=wh, LeftSpace=0, RightSpace=0, TopSpace=0, BottomSpace=0, Up=999)
  BobMargins = (xBob-dBob, 1-xBob-dBob, yBob-dBob, 1-yBob-dBob)
  WINDOW(WIN=wh, LeftSpace=ls, RightSpace=rs, TopSpace=ts, BottomSpace=bs)
  WRITE(WIN=wh, DeCoRation='EL=4, BC=4') ! flooded red ellipse as bob
  ! draw the rod hanging from the center of the window:
  WINDOW(WIN=wh, LeftSpace=0.5, TopSpace=0, RightSpace=rs+dBob)
  WRITE(WIN=wh, DeCoRation='LI=0 0; 1 1, FC=4.02') ! red pendulum rod
  start_t = end_t



SUBROUTINE pendulum  ! Theta" = - (g/Lrod) * SIN(Theta)

 dTheta(1) = Theta(2)              ! Theta' = Theta(2)  substitution
 dTheta(2) = -g/Lrod*SIN(Theta(1)) ! Theta" = Theta(2)' = -g/Lrod*SIN(Theta(1))


Icon and Unicon

The following code uses features exclusive to Unicon, specifically the object-oriented gui library.

Translation of: Scheme

<lang Unicon> import gui $include "guih.icn"

  1. some constants to define the display and pendulum

$define HEIGHT 400 $define WIDTH 500 $define STRING_LENGTH 200 $define HOME_X 250 $define HOME_Y 21 $define SIZE 30 $define START_ANGLE 80

class WindowApp : Dialog ()

 # draw the pendulum on given context_window, at position (x,y)
 method draw_pendulum (x, y)
   # reference to current screen area to draw on
   cw := Clone(self.cwin)
   # clear screen
   WAttrib (cw, "bg=grey")
   EraseRectangle (cw, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
   # draw the display
   WAttrib (cw, "fg=dark gray")
   DrawLine (cw, 10, 20, WIDTH-20, 20)
   WAttrib (cw, "fg=black")
   DrawLine (cw, HOME_X, HOME_Y, x, y)
   FillCircle (cw, x, y, SIZE+2)
   WAttrib (cw, "fg=yellow")
   FillCircle (cw, x, y, SIZE)
   # free reference to screen area
   Uncouple (cw)
 # find the average of given two arguments
 method avg (a, b)
   return (a + b) / 2
 # this method gets called by the ticker
 # it computes the next position of the pendulum and
 # requests a redraw
 method tick ()
   static x, y
   static theta := START_ANGLE
   static d_theta := 0
   # update x,y of pendulum
   scaling := 3000.0 / (STRING_LENGTH * STRING_LENGTH)
   # -- first estimate
   first_dd_theta := -(sin (dtor (theta)) * scaling)
   mid_d_theta := d_theta + first_dd_theta
   mid_theta := theta + avg (d_theta, mid_d_theta)
   # -- second estimate
   mid_dd_theta := - (sin (dtor (mid_theta)) * scaling)
   mid_d_theta_2 := d_theta + avg (first_dd_theta, mid_dd_theta)
   mid_theta_2 := theta + avg (d_theta, mid_d_theta_2)
   # -- again first
   mid_dd_theta_2 := -(sin (dtor (mid_theta_2)) * scaling)
   last_d_theta := mid_d_theta_2 + mid_dd_theta_2
   last_theta := mid_theta_2 + avg (mid_d_theta_2, last_d_theta)
   # -- again second
   last_dd_theta := - (sin (dtor (last_theta)) * scaling)
   last_d_theta_2 := mid_d_theta_2 + avg (mid_dd_theta_2, last_dd_theta)
   last_theta_2 := mid_theta_2 + avg (mid_d_theta_2, last_d_theta_2)
   # -- update stored angles
   d_theta := last_d_theta_2
   theta := last_theta_2
   # -- update x, y
   pendulum_angle := dtor (theta)
   x := HOME_X + STRING_LENGTH * sin (pendulum_angle)
   y := HOME_Y + STRING_LENGTH * cos (pendulum_angle)
   # draw pendulum
   draw_pendulum (x, y)
 # set up the window
 method component_setup ()
   # some cosmetic settings for the window
   attrib("size="||WIDTH||","||HEIGHT, "bg=light gray", "label=Pendulum")
   # make sure we respond to window close event
   connect (self, "dispose", CLOSE_BUTTON_EVENT)
   # start the ticker, to update the display periodically
   self.set_ticker (20)


procedure main ()

 w := WindowApp ()
 w.show_modal ()

end </lang>


Works for J6 <lang j>require 'gl2 trig' coinsert 'jgl2'

DT =: %30 NB. seconds ANGLE=: 0.45p1 NB. radians L =: 1 NB. metres G =: 9.80665 NB. ms_2 VEL =: 0 NB. ms_1

PEND=: noun define pc pend;pn "Pendulum"; xywh 0 0 320 200;cc isi isigraph rightmove bottommove; pas 0 0;pcenter; rem form end; )

pend_run =: verb def ' wd PEND,;pshow;timer ,":DT * 1000 ' pend_close =: verb def ' wd timer 0; pclose ' pend_isi_paint=: verb def ' drawPendulum ANGLE '

sys_timer_z_=: verb define

 wd 'psel pend; setinvalid isi'


recalcAngle=: verb define

 accel=. - (G % L) * sin ANGLE
 VEL  =: VEL + accel * DT


drawPendulum=: verb define

 width=. {. glqwh
 ps=. (-: width) , 40
 pe=. ps + 280 <.@* (cos , sin) 0.5p1 + y    NB. adjust orientation
 glbrush glrgb 91 91 91
 gllines ps , pe
 glellipse (,~ ps - -:) 40 15
 glellipse (,~ pe - -:) 20 20
 glrect 0 0 ,width, 40


pend_run NB. run animation</lang> Updated for changes in J8 <lang j>require 'gl2 trig' coinsert 'jgl2'

DT =: %30 NB. seconds ANGLE=: 0.45p1 NB. radians L =: 1 NB. metres G =: 9.80665 NB. ms_2 VEL =: 0 NB. ms_1

PEND=: noun define pc pend;pn "Pendulum"; minwh 320 200; cc isi isigraph flush; )

pend_run=: verb define

 wd PEND,'pshow'
 wd 'timer ',":DT * 1000


pend_close=: verb define

 wd 'timer 0; pclose'


sys_timer_z_=: verb define

 wd 'psel pend; set isi invalid'


pend_isi_paint=: verb define

 drawPendulum ANGLE


recalcAngle=: verb define

 accel=. - (G % L) * sin ANGLE
 VEL  =: VEL + accel * DT


drawPendulum=: verb define

 width=. {. glqwh
 ps=. (-: width) , 20
 pe=. ps + 150 <.@* (cos , sin) 0.5p1 + y    NB. adjust orientation
 glbrush glrgb 91 91 91                      NB. gray
 gllines ps , pe                             
 glellipse (,~ ps - -:) 40 15
 glrect 0 0, width, 20
 glbrush glrgb 255 255 0                     NB. yellow
 glellipse (,~ pe - -:) 15 15                NB. orb



pretend the ball is yellow - gifgrabber grabbed a monochrome image for some reason...


Library: Swing
Library: AWT

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class Pendulum extends JPanel implements Runnable {

   private double angle = Math.PI / 2;
   private int length;
   public Pendulum(int length) {
       this.length = length;
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
       g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
       int anchorX = getWidth() / 2, anchorY = getHeight() / 4;
       int ballX = anchorX + (int) (Math.sin(angle) * length);
       int ballY = anchorY + (int) (Math.cos(angle) * length);
       g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY);
       g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7);
       g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14);
   public void run() {
       double angleAccel, angleVelocity = 0, dt = 0.1;
       while (true) {
           angleAccel = -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle);
           angleVelocity += angleAccel * dt;
           angle += angleVelocity * dt;
           try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
   public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
       return new Dimension(2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       JFrame f = new JFrame("Pendulum");
       Pendulum p = new Pendulum(200);
       new Thread(p).start();



With <canvas>

Translation of: E

(plus gratuitous motion blur)

<lang javascript><html><head>


</head><body style="background: gray;">

<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600">

Sorry, your browser does not support the <canvas> used to display the pendulum animation.

</canvas> <script>

 function PendulumSim(length_m, gravity_mps2, initialAngle_rad, timestep_ms, callback) {
   var velocity = 0;
   var angle = initialAngle_rad;
   var k = -gravity_mps2/length_m;
   var timestep_s = timestep_ms / 1000;
   return setInterval(function () {
     var acceleration = k * Math.sin(angle);
     velocity += acceleration * timestep_s;
     angle    += velocity     * timestep_s;
   }, timestep_ms);
 var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
 var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
 var prev=0;
 var sim = PendulumSim(1, 9.80665, Math.PI*99/100, 10, function (angle) {
   var rPend = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.47;
   var rBall = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.02;
   var rBar = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.005;
   var ballX = Math.sin(angle) * rPend;
   var ballY = Math.cos(angle) * rPend;
   context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.51)";
   context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
   context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
   context.fillStyle = "yellow";
   context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,"+Math.max(0,1-Math.abs(prev-angle)*10)+")";
   context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";;
     context.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);
     context.rect(-rBar, -rBar, rBar*2, rPend+rBar*2);
     context.arc(0, rPend, rBall, 0, Math.PI*2, false);



With <SVG>

With some control elements to ease the usage. <lang javascript><html> <head> <title>Swinging Pendulum Simulation</title> </head>


<svg id="scene" height="200" width="300"> <line id="string" x1="150" y1="50" x2="250" y2="50" stroke="brown" stroke-width="4" /> <circle id="ball" cx="250" cy="50" r="20" fill="black" /> </svg>
Initial angle:<input id="in_angle" type="number" min="0" max="180" onchange="condReset()"/>(degrees)
<button type="button" onclick="startAnimation()">Start</button> <button type="button" onclick="stopAnimation()">Stop</button> <button type="button" onclick="reset()">Reset</button> <script> in_angle.value = 0; var cx = 150, cy = 50; var radius = 100; // cm var g = 9.81; // m/s^2 var angle = 0; // radians var vel = 0; // m/s var dx = 0.02; // s var acc, vel, penx, peny; var timerFunction = null; function stopAnimation() { if(timerFunction != null){ clearInterval(timerFunction); timerFunction = null; } } function startAnimation() { if(!timerFunction) timerFunction = setInterval(swing, dx * 1000); } function swing(){ acc = g * Math.cos(angle); vel += acc * dx;//Convert m/s/s to m/s angle += vel/(radius/100) * dx; //convert m/s into rad/s and then into rad setPenPos(); } function setPenPos(){ penx = cx + radius * Math.cos(angle); peny = cy + radius * Math.sin(angle); scene.getElementById("string").setAttribute("x2", penx); scene.getElementById("string").setAttribute("y2", peny); scene.getElementById("ball").setAttribute("cx", penx); scene.getElementById("ball").setAttribute("cy", peny); } function reset(){ var val = parseInt(in_angle.value)*0.0174532925199; if (val) angle = val; else angle = 0; acc = 0; vel = 0; setPenPos(); } function condReset(){ if (!timerFunction) reset(); } </script> </body> </html></lang>


Differential equation based solution using the Luxor graphics library.<lang julia>using Luxor using Colors using BoundaryValueDiffEq

  1. constants for differential equations and movie

const g = 9.81 const L = 1.0 # pendulum length in meters const bobd = 0.10 # pendulum bob diameter in meters const framerate = 50.0 # intended frame rate/sec const t0 = 0.0 # start time (s) const tf = 2.3 # end simulation time (s) const dtframe = 1.0/framerate # time increment per frame const tspan = LinRange(t0, tf, Int(floor(tf*framerate))) # array of time points in animation

const bgcolor = "black" # gif background const leaderhue = (0.80, 0.70, 0.20) # gif swing arm hue light gold const hslcolors = [HSL(col) for col in (distinguishable_colors(


const giffilename = "pendulum.gif" # output file

  1. differential equations

simplependulum(du, u, p, t) = (θ=u[1]; dθ=u[2]; du[1]=dθ; du[2]=-(g/L)*sin(θ)) bc2(residual, u, p, t) = (residual[1] = u[end÷2][1] + pi/2; residual[2] = u[end][1] - pi/2) bvp2 = BVProblem(simplependulum, bc2, [pi/2,pi/2], (tspan[1],tspan[end])) sol2 = solve(bvp2, MIRK4(), dt=dtframe) # use the MIRK4 solver for TwoPointBVProblem

  1. movie making background

backdrop(scene, framenumber) = background(bgcolor)

function frame(scene, framenumber)

   u1, u2 = sol2.u[framenumber]
   y, x = L*cos(u1), L*sin(u1)
   poly([Point(-4.0, 0.0), Point(4.0, 0.0),
         Point(160.0x,160.0y)], :fill)
   sethue(Colors.HSV(framenumber*4.0, 1, 1))
   circle(Point(160.0x,160.0y), 160bobd, :fill)
   text(string("frame $framenumber of $(scene.framerange.stop)"),
       Point(0.0, -190.0),


muv = Movie(400, 400, "Pendulum Demo", 1:length(tspan)) animate(muv, [Scene(muv, backdrop),

             Scene(muv, frame, easingfunction=easeinoutcubic)],
             creategif=true, pathname=giffilename)



Conversion of Java snippet. <lang scala>import java.awt.* import java.util.concurrent.* import javax.swing.*

class Pendulum(private val length: Int) : JPanel(), Runnable {

   init {
       val f = JFrame("Pendulum")
       f.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
       f.isVisible = true
       isDoubleBuffered = true
   override fun paint(g: Graphics) {
       with(g) {
           color = Color.WHITE
           fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
           color = Color.BLACK
           val anchor = Element(width / 2, height / 4)
           val ball = Element((anchor.x + Math.sin(angle) * length).toInt(), (anchor.y + Math.cos(angle) * length).toInt())
           drawLine(anchor.x, anchor.y, ball.x, ball.y)
           fillOval(anchor.x - 3, anchor.y - 4, 7, 7)
           fillOval(ball.x - 7, ball.y - 7, 14, 14)
   override fun run() {
       angleVelocity += -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle) * dt
       angle += angleVelocity * dt
   override fun getPreferredSize() = Dimension(2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3)
   private data class Element(val x: Int, val y: Int)
   private val dt = 0.1
   private var angle = Math.PI / 2
   private var angleVelocity = 0.0


fun main(a: Array<String>) {

   val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
   executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(Pendulum(200), 0, 15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>nomainwin

   WindowWidth = 400
   WindowHeight = 300
   open "Pendulum" for graphics_nsb_nf as #main
   #main "down;fill white; flush"
   #main "color black"
   #main "trapclose [quit.main]"
   Angle = asn(1)
   DeltaT = 0.1
   PendLength = 150
   FixX = int(WindowWidth / 2)
   FixY = 40
   timer 30, [swing]


   #main "cls"
   #main "discard"
   PlumbobX = FixX + int(sin(Angle) * PendLength)
   PlumbobY = FixY + int(cos(Angle) * PendLength)
   AngAccel = -9.81 / PendLength * sin(Angle)
   AngVelocity = AngVelocity + AngAccel * DeltaT
   Angle = Angle + AngVelocity * DeltaT
   #main "backcolor black"
   #main "place ";FixX;" ";FixY
   #main "circlefilled 3"
   #main "line ";FixX;" ";FixY;" ";PlumbobX;" ";PlumbobY
   #main "backcolor red"
   #main "circlefilled 10"


   close #main


<lang Lingo>global RODLEN, GRAVITY, DT global velocity, acceleration, angle, posX, posY

on startMovie

   -- window properties
   _movie.stage.title = "Pendulum"
   _movie.stage.titlebarOptions.visible = TRUE
   _movie.stage.rect = rect(0, 0, 400, 400)
   _movie.centerStage = TRUE
   RODLEN = 180
   GRAVITY = -9.8
   DT = 0.03
   velocity = 0.0
   acceleration = 0.0
   angle = PI/3
   posX = 200 - sin(angle) * RODLEN
   posY = 100 + cos(angle) * RODLEN    
   -- show the window
   _movie.stage.visible = TRUE


on enterFrame

   acceleration = GRAVITY * sin(angle)
   velocity = velocity + acceleration * DT
   angle = angle + velocity * DT
   posX = 200 - sin(angle) * rodLen
   posY = 100 + cos(angle) * rodLen


on paint

   img = _movie.stage.image
   img.fill(img.rect, rgb(255,255,255))
   img.fill(point(200-5, 100-5), point(200+5, 100+5), [#shapeType:#oval,#color:rgb(0,0,0)])
   img.draw(point(200, 100), point(posX, posY), [#color:rgb(0,0,0)])
   img.fill(point(posX-20, posY-20), point(posX+20, posY+20), [#shapeType:#oval,#lineSize:1,#bgColor:rgb(0,0,0),#color:rgb(255,255,0)])


Works with: UCB Logo

<lang logo>make "angle 45 make "L 1 make "bob 10

to draw.pendulum

 seth :angle+180		; down on screen is 180
 forward :L*100-:bob
 forward :bob
 arc 360 :bob


make "G 9.80665 make "dt 1/30 make "acc 0 make "vel 0

to step.pendulum

 make "acc  -:G / :L * sin :angle
 make "vel   :vel   + :acc * :dt
 make "angle :angle + :vel * :dt
 wait :dt*60


hideturtle until [key?] [step.pendulum]</lang>


Needs LÖVE 2D Engine <lang lua> function degToRad( d )

   return d * 0.01745329251


function love.load()

   g =
   rodLen, gravity, velocity, acceleration = 260, 3, 0, 0
   halfWid, damp = g.getWidth() / 2, .989
   posX, posY, angle = halfWid
   TWO_PI, angle = math.pi * 2, degToRad( 90 )


function love.update( dt )

   acceleration = -gravity / rodLen * math.sin( angle )
   angle = angle + velocity; if angle > TWO_PI then angle = 0 end
   velocity = velocity + acceleration
   velocity = velocity * damp
   posX = halfWid + math.sin( angle ) * rodLen
   posY = math.cos( angle ) * rodLen


function love.draw()

   g.setColor( 250, 0, 250 ) "fill", halfWid, 0, 8 )
   g.line( halfWid, 4, posX, posY )
   g.setColor( 250, 100, 20 ) "fill", posX, posY, 20 )

end </lang>

M2000 Interpreter

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Pendulum {

     cc=40  ' 40 ms every draw
     Every cc {
           if KeyPress(32) Then Exit
     Sub back()
           If not IsWine then Smooth On
           Cls 7,0
           Pen 0
           Move 0, scale.y/4
           Draw scale.x,0
           Step -scale.x/2
           circle fill #AAAAAA, scale.x/50
           Hold  ' hold this as background
     End Sub
     Sub Pendulum(x)
           Release  ' place stored background to screen
           Width scale.x/2000 {
                 Draw Angle x, scale.y/2.5
                 Width 1 {
                       Circle Fill 14, scale.x/25
                 Step Angle x, -scale.y/2.5
           Print @(1,1), lasttimecount
           if sgn(accold)<>sgn(ACCEL) then lasttimecount=timecount: Profiler
           Refresh 1000
     End Sub

} Pendulum </lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>freq = 8; length = freq^(-1/2); Animate[Graphics[

 List[{Line[{{0, 0}, length {Sin[T], -Cos[T]}} /. {T -> (Pi/6) Cos[2 Pi freq t]}], PointSize[Large], 
              Point[{length {Sin[T], -Cos[T]}} /. {T -> (Pi/6) Cos[2 Pi freq t]}]}], 
 PlotRange -> {{-0.3, 0.3}, {-0.5, 0}}], {t, 0, 1}, AnimationRate -> 0.07]</lang>


pendulum.m <lang MATLAB>%This is a numerical simulation of a pendulum with a massless pivot arm.

%% User Defined Parameters %Define external parameters g = -9.8; deltaTime = 1/50; %Decreasing this will increase simulation accuracy endTime = 16;

%Define pendulum rodPivotPoint = [2 2]; %rectangular coordinates rodLength = 1; mass = 1; %of the bob radius = .2; %of the bob theta = 45; %degrees, defines initial position of the bob velocity = [0 0]; %cylindrical coordinates; first entry is radial velocity,

                 %second entry is angular velocity

%% Simulation assert(radius < rodLength,'Pendulum bob radius must be less than the length of the rod.');

position = rodPivotPoint - (rodLength*[-sind(theta) cosd(theta)]); %in rectangular coordinates

%Generate graphics, render pendulum figure; axesHandle = gca; xlim(axesHandle, [(rodPivotPoint(1) - rodLength - radius) (rodPivotPoint(1) + rodLength + radius)] ); ylim(axesHandle, [(rodPivotPoint(2) - rodLength - radius) (rodPivotPoint(2) + rodLength + radius)] );

rectHandle = rectangle('Position',[(position - radius/2) radius radius],...

   'Curvature',[1,1],'FaceColor','g'); %Pendulum bob

hold on plot(rodPivotPoint(1),rodPivotPoint(2),'^'); %pendulum pivot lineHandle = line([rodPivotPoint(1) position(1)],...

   [rodPivotPoint(2) position(2)]); %pendulum rod

hold off

%Run simulation, all calculations are performed in cylindrical coordinates for time = (deltaTime:deltaTime:endTime)

   drawnow; %Forces MATLAB to render the pendulum
   %Find total force
   gravitationalForceCylindrical = [mass*g*cosd(theta) mass*g*sind(theta)];
   %This code is just incase you want to add more forces,e.g friction
   totalForce = gravitationalForceCylindrical; 
   %If the rod isn't massless or is a spring, etc., modify this line
   rodForce = [-totalForce(1) 0]; %cylindrical coordinates
   totalForce = totalForce + rodForce;
   acceleration = totalForce / mass; %F = ma
   velocity = velocity + acceleration * deltaTime;
   rodLength = rodLength + velocity(1) * deltaTime;
   theta = theta + velocity(2) * deltaTime; % Attention!! Mistake here. 
   % Velocity needs to be divided by pendulum length and scaled to degrees:
   % theta = theta + velocity(2) * deltaTime/rodLength/pi*180;
   position = rodPivotPoint - (rodLength*[-sind(theta) cosd(theta)]);
   %Update figure with new position info
   set(rectHandle,'Position',[(position - radius/2) radius radius]);
   set(lineHandle,'XData',[rodPivotPoint(1) position(1)],'YData',...
       [rodPivotPoint(2) position(2)]);



OpenGL version

Translation of: C
Library: OpenGL

Conversion from C with some modifications: changing some variable names, adding a display function to make the program work with "freeGlut", choosing another initial angle, etc. <lang Nim># Pendulum simulation.

import math import times

import opengl import opengl/glut


 # Simulation variables.
 lg: float         # Pendulum length.
 g: float          # Gravity (should be positive).
 currTime: Time    # Current time.
 theta0: float     # Initial angle.
 theta: float      # Current angle.
 omega: float      # Angular velocity = derivative of theta.
 accel: float      # Angular acceleration = derivative of omega.
 e: float          # Total energy.
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc initSimulation(length, gravitation, start: float) =

 ## Initialize the simulation.
 lg = length
 g = gravitation
 currTime = getTime()
 theta0 = start                    # Initial angle for which omega = 0.
 theta = start
 omega = 0
 accel = -g / lg * sin(theta0)
 e = g * lg * (1 - cos(theta0))    # Total energy = potential energy when starting.
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc elapsed(): float =

 ## Return the elapsed time since previous call, expressed in seconds.
 let nextTime = getTime()
 result = (nextTime - currTime).inMicroseconds.float / 1e6
 currTime = nextTime
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc resize(w, h: GLsizei) =

 ## Resize the window.
 glViewport(0, 0, w, h)
 glOrtho(0, GLdouble(w), GLdouble(h), 0, -1, 1)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc render() {.cdecl.} =

 ## Render the window.
 # Compute the position of the mass.
 var x = 320 + 300 * sin(theta)
 var y = 300 * cos(theta)
 resize(640, 320)
 # Draw the line from pivot to mass.
 glVertex2d(320, 0)
 glVertex2d(x, y)
 # Update theta and omega.
 let dt = elapsed()
 theta += (omega + dt * accel / 2) * dt
 omega += accel * dt
 # If, due to computation errors, potential energy is greater than total energy,
 # reset theta to ±theta0 and omega to 0.
 if lg * g * (1 - cos(theta)) >= e:
   theta = sgn(theta).toFloat * theta0
   omega = 0
 accel = -g / lg * sin(theta)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc initGfx(argc: ptr cint; argv: pointer) =

 ## Initialize OpenGL rendering.
 glutInit(argc, argv)
 glutInitWindowSize(640, 320)
 discard glutCreateWindow("Pendulum")
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

initSimulation(length = 5, gravitation = 9.81, start = PI / 3)

var argc: cint = 0 initGfx(addr(argc), nil) glutMainLoop()</lang>

Gtk3 version

Library: Gintro

This version uses the same equations but replace OpenGL by Gtk3 with the “gintro” bindings. <lang Nim># Pendulum simulation.

import math import times

import gintro/[gobject, gdk, gtk, gio, cairo] import gintro/glib except Pi


 # Description of the simulation.
 Simulation = ref object
   area: DrawingArea       # Drawing area.
   length: float           # Pendulum length.
   g: float                # Gravity (should be positive).
   time: Time              # Current time.
   theta0: float           # initial angle.
   theta: float            # Current angle.
   omega: float            # Angular velocity = derivative of theta.
   accel: float            # Angular acceleration = derivative of omega.
   e: float                # Total energy.
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc newSimulation(area: DrawingArea; length, g, theta0: float): Simulation {.noInit.} =

 ## Allocate and initialize the simulation object.
 result.area = area
 result.length = length
 result.g = g
 result.time = getTime()
 result.theta0 = theta0
 result.theta = theta0 = 0
 result.accel = -g / length * sin(theta0)
 result.e = g * length * (1 - cos(theta0))    # Total energy = potential energy when starting.
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

template toFloat(dt: Duration): float = dt.inNanoseconds.float / 1e9

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const Origin = (x: 320.0, y: 100.0) # Pivot coordinates. const Scale = 300 # Coordinates scaling constant.

proc draw(sim: Simulation; context: cairo.Context) =

 ## Draw the pendulum.
 # Compute coordinates in drawing area.
 let x = Origin.x + sin(sim.theta) * Scale
 let y = Origin.y + cos(sim.theta) * Scale
 # Clear the region.
 context.moveTo(0, 0)
 context.setSource(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 # Draw pendulum.
 context.moveTo(Origin.x, Origin.y)
 context.setSource(0.3, 1.0, 0.3)
 context.lineTo(x, y)
 # Draw pivot.
 context.setSource(0.3, 0.3, 1.0)
 context.arc(Origin.x, Origin.y, 8, 0, 2 * Pi)
 # Draw mass.
 context.setSource(1.0, 0.3, 0.3)
 context.arc(x, y, 8, 0, 2 * Pi)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc update(sim: Simulation): gboolean =

 ## Update the simulation state.
 # compute time interval.
 let nextTime = getTime()
 let dt = (nextTime - sim.time).toFloat
 sim.time = nextTime
 # Update theta and omega.
 sim.theta += ( + dt * sim.accel / 2) * dt += sim.accel * dt
 # If, due to computation errors, potential energy is greater than total energy,
 # reset theta to ±theta0 and omega to 0.
 if sim.length * sim.g * (1 - cos(sim.theta)) >= sim.e:
   sim.theta = sgn(sim.theta).toFloat * sim.theta0 = 0
 # Compute acceleration.
 sim.accel = -sim.g / sim.length * sin(sim.theta)
 result = gboolean(1)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc activate(app: Application) =

 ## Activate the application.
 let window = app.newApplicationWindow()
 window.setSizeRequest(640, 480)
 window.setTitle("Pendulum simulation")
 let area = newDrawingArea()
 let sim = newSimulation(area, length = 5, g = 9.81, theta0 = PI / 3)
 timeoutAdd(10, update, sim)
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

let app = newApplication(Application, "Rosetta.pendulum") discard app.connect("activate", activate) discard</lang>


ooRexx does not have a portable GUI, but this version is similar to the Ada version and just prints out the coordinates of the end of the pendulum. <lang ooRexx> pendulum = .pendulum~new(10, 30)

before = .datetime~new do 100 -- somewhat arbitrary loop count

 call syssleep .2
 now = .datetime~new
 pendulum~update(now - before)
 before = now
 say " X:" pendulum~x " Y:" pendulum~y


class pendulum
method init
 expose length theta x y velocity
 use arg length, theta
 x = rxcalcsin(theta) * length
 y = rxcalccos(theta) * length
 velocity = 0
attribute x GET
attribute y GET
constant g -9.81 -- acceleration due to gravity
method update
 expose length theta x y velocity
 use arg duration
 acceleration = self~g / length * rxcalcsin(theta)
 durationSeconds = duration~microseconds / 1000000
 x = rxcalcsin(theta, length)
 y = rxcalccos(theta, length)
 velocity = velocity + acceleration * durationSeconds
 theta = theta + velocity * durationSeconds
requires rxmath library



Inspired by the E and Ruby versions.

<lang oz>declare

 [QTk] = {Link ['x-oz://system/wp/QTk.ozf']}
 Pi = 3.14159265
 class PendulumModel



angle velocity

    meth init(length:L       <= 1.0    %% meters

gravity:G <= 9.81  %% m/s² initialAngle:A <= Pi/2.) %% radians self.K = ~G / L angle := A velocity := 0.0

    meth nextAngle(deltaT:DeltaTMS %% milliseconds

?Angle)  %% radians

       DeltaT = {Int.toFloat DeltaTMS} / 1000.0 %% seconds
       Acceleration = self.K * {Sin @angle}
       velocity := @velocity + Acceleration * DeltaT
       angle := @angle + @velocity * DeltaT
       Angle = @angle
 %% Animates a pendulum on a given canvas.
 class PendulumAnimation from Time.repeat
       home:pos(x:160 y:50)


    meth init(Pendulum Canvas delay:Delay <= 25) %% milliseconds

self.Pend = Pendulum self.delay = Delay %% plate and pivot

       {Canvas create(line 0 self.home.y 320 self.home.y width:2 fill:grey50)}
       {Canvas create(oval 155 self.home.y-5 165 self.home.y+5 fill:grey50 outline:black)}

%% the pendulum itself self.Rod = {Canvas create(line 1 1 1 1 width:3 fill:black handle:$)}

       self.Bob = {Canvas create(oval 1 1 2 2 fill:yellow outline:black handle:$)}
       {self setRepAll(action:Animate delay:Delay)}
    meth Animate

Theta = {self.Pend nextAngle(deltaT:self.delay $)} %% calculate x and y from angle X = self.home.x + {Float.toInt self.length * {Sin Theta}} Y = self.home.y + {Float.toInt self.length * {Cos Theta}}


%% update canvas try {self.Rod setCoords(self.home.x self.home.y X Y)} {self.Bob setCoords(X-15 Y-15 X+15 Y+15)} catch system(tk(alreadyClosed ...) ...) then skip end

 Pendulum = {New PendulumModel init}
 GUI = td(title:"Pendulum"
          canvas(width:320 height:210 handle:?Canvas)
          action:proc {$} {Animation stop} {Window close} end
 Window = { GUI}
 Animation = {New PendulumAnimation init(Pendulum Canvas)}


 {Window show}
 {Animation go}



Library: Perl/Tk
Translation of: Tcl

This does not have the window resizing handling that Tcl does.

<lang perl> use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Math::Trig qw/:pi/;

my $root = new MainWindow( -title => 'Pendulum Animation' ); my $canvas = $root->Canvas(-width => 320, -height => 200); my $after_id;

for ($canvas) { $_->createLine( 0, 25, 320, 25, -tags => [qw/plate/], -width => 2, -fill => 'grey50' ); $_->createOval( 155, 20, 165, 30, -tags => [qw/pivot outline/], -fill => 'grey50' ); $_->createLine( 1, 1, 1, 1, -tags => [qw/rod width/], -width => 3, -fill => 'black' ); $_->createOval( 1, 1, 2, 2, -tags => [qw/bob outline/], -fill => 'yellow' ); }

$canvas->raise('pivot'); $canvas->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1); my ($Theta, $dTheta, $length, $homeX, $homeY) = (45, 0, 150, 160, 25);

sub show_pendulum {

 my $angle = $Theta * pi() / 180;
 my $x = $homeX + $length * sin($angle);
 my $y = $homeY + $length * cos($angle);
 $canvas->coords('rod', $homeX, $homeY, $x, $y);
 $canvas->coords('bob', $x-15, $y-15, $x+15, $y+15);


sub recompute_angle {

 my $scaling = 3000.0 / ($length ** 2);
 # first estimate
 my $firstDDTheta = -sin($Theta * pi / 180) * $scaling;
 my $midDTheta = $dTheta + $firstDDTheta;
 my $midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2;
 # second estimate
 my $midDDTheta = -sin($midTheta * pi/ 180) * $scaling;
 $midDTheta = $dTheta + ($firstDDTheta + $midDDTheta)/2;
 $midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2;
 # again, first
 $midDDTheta = -sin($midTheta * pi/ 180) * $scaling;
 my $lastDTheta = $midDTheta + $midDDTheta;
 my $lastTheta = $midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2;
 # again, second
 my $lastDDTheta = -sin($lastTheta * pi/180) * $scaling;
 $lastDTheta = $midDTheta + ($midDDTheta + $lastDDTheta)/2;
 $lastTheta = $midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2;
 # Now put the values back in our globals
 $dTheta  = $lastDTheta;
 $Theta = $lastTheta;


sub animate {

 $after_id = $root->after(15 => sub {animate() });


show_pendulum; $after_id = $root->after(500 => sub {animate});

$canvas->bind('<Destroy>' => sub {$after_id->cancel}); MainLoop;</lang>


Library: Phix/pGUI

<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\animate_pendulum2.exw include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas, timer cdCanvas cdcanvas

constant g = 50

atom angle = PI/2,

    velocity = 0

integer w, h, len = 0

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)

   {w, h} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
   -- new suspension point:
   integer sX = floor(w/2)
   integer sY = floor(h/16)
   -- repaint:
   integer eX = floor(len*sin(angle)+sX)
   integer eY = floor(len*cos(angle)+sY)
   cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_CYAN)
   cdCanvasLine(cdcanvas, sX, h-sY, eX, h-eY)
   cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_DARK_GREEN)
   cdCanvasSector(cdcanvas, sX, h-sY, 5, 5, 0, 360)
   cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_BLUE)
   cdCanvasSector(cdcanvas, eX, h-eY, 35, 35, 0, 360)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function timer_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)

   integer newlen = floor(w/2)-30
   if newlen!=len then
       len = newlen
       atom tmp = 2*g*len*(cos(angle))
       velocity = iff(tmp<0?0:sqrt(tmp)*sign(velocity))
   end if
   atom dt = 0.2/w
   atom delta = -len*sin(angle)*g
   velocity += dt*delta
   angle += dt*velocity
   return IUP_IGNORE

end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)

   atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
   cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_GL, "10x10 %g", {res})
   cdCanvasSetBackground(cdcanvas, CD_PARCHMENT)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function canvas_resize_cb(Ihandle /*canvas*/)

   integer {canvas_width, canvas_height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
   atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
   cdCanvasSetAttribute(cdcanvas, "SIZE", "%dx%d %g", {canvas_width, canvas_height, res})
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

procedure main()

   canvas = IupGLCanvas()
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "640x380")
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "RESIZE_CB", Icallback("canvas_resize_cb"))
   timer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"), 20)
   dlg = IupDialog(canvas)
   IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Animated Pendulum")
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL)

end procedure



A minimalist solution. The pendulum consists of the center point '+', and the swinging xterm cursor. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/math.l")

(de pendulum (X Y Len)

  (let (Angle pi/2  V 0)
     (call 'clear)
     (call 'tput "cup" Y X)
     (prin '+)
     (call 'tput "cup" 1 (+ X Len))
     (until (key 25)                        # 25 ms
        (let A (*/ (sin Angle) -9.81 1.0)
           (inc 'V (*/ A 40))               # DT = 25 ms = 1/40 sec
           (inc 'Angle (*/ V 40)) )
        (call 'tput "cup"
           (+ Y (*/ Len (cos Angle) 2.2))   # Compensate for aspect ratio
           (+ X (*/ Len (sin Angle) 1.0)) ) ) ) )</lang>

Test (hit any key to stop): <lang PicoLisp>(pendulum 40 1 36)</lang>


SWI-Prolog has a graphic interface XPCE. <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(pce)).

pendulum :- new(D, window('Pendulum')), send(D, size, size(560, 300)), new(Line, line(80, 50, 480, 50)), send(D, display, Line), new(Circle, circle(20)), send(Circle, fill_pattern, colour(@default, 0, 0, 0)), new(Boule, circle(60)), send(Boule, fill_pattern, colour(@default, 0, 0, 0)), send(D, display, Circle, point(270,40)), send(Circle, handle, handle(h/2, w/2, in)), send(Boule, handle, handle(h/2, w/2, out)), send(Circle, connect, Boule, link(in, out, line(0,0,0,0,none))), new(Anim, animation(D, 0.0, Boule, 200.0)), send(D, done_message, and(message(Anim, free), message(Boule, free), message(Circle, free), message(@receiver,destroy))), send(Anim?mytimer, start), send(D, open).

- pce_begin_class(animation(window, angle, boule, len_pendulum), object).

variable(window, object, both, "Display window"). variable(boule, object, both, "bowl of the pendulum"). variable(len_pendulum, object, both, "len of the pendulum"). variable(angle, object, both, "angle with the horizontal"). variable(delta, object, both, "increment of the angle"). variable(mytimer, timer, both, "timer of the animation").

initialise(P, W:object, A:object, B : object, L:object) :->

       "Creation of the object"::
       send(P, window, W),
       send(P, angle, A),
       send(P, boule, B),
       send(P, len_pendulum, L),
       send(P, delta, 0.01),

send(P, mytimer, new(_, timer(0.01,message(P, anim_message)))).

% method called when the object is destroyed % first the timer is stopped % then all the resources are freed unlink(P) :-> send(P?mytimer, stop), send(P, send_super, unlink).

% message processed by the timer anim_message(P) :-> get(P, angle, A), get(P, len_pendulum, L), calc(A, L, X, Y), get(P, window, W), get(P, boule, B), send(W, display, B, point(X,Y)), % computation of the next position get(P, delta, D), next_Angle(A, D, NA, ND), send(P, angle, NA), send(P, delta, ND).

- pce_end_class.

% computation of the position of the bowl. calc(Ang, Len, X, Y) :- X is Len * cos(Ang)+ 250, Y is Len * sin(Ang) + 20.

% computation of the next angle % if we reach 0 or pi, delta change. next_Angle(A, D, NA, ND) :- NA is D + A, (((D > 0, abs(pi-NA) < 0.01); (D < 0, abs(NA) < 0.01))-> ND = - D; ND = D). </lang>


If the code was part of a larger application it could be improved by specifying constants for the locations of image elements. <lang PureBasic>Procedure handleError(x, msg.s)

 If Not x
   MessageRequester("Error", msg)


  1. ScreenW = 320
  2. ScreenH = 210

handleError(OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, #ScreenW, #ScreenH, "Animated Pendulum", #PB_Window_SystemMenu), "Can't open window.") handleError(InitSprite(), "Can't setup sprite display.") handleError(OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), 0, 0, #ScreenW, #ScreenH, 0, 0, 0), "Can't open screen.")

Enumeration ;sprites



TransparentSpriteColor(#PB_Default, RGB(255, 0, 255)) CreateSprite(#bob_spr, 32, 32) StartDrawing(SpriteOutput(#bob_spr))

 Box(0, 0, 32, 32, RGB(255, 0, 255))
 Circle(16, 16, 15, RGB(253, 252, 3))
 Circle(16, 16, 15, RGB(0, 0, 0))


CreateSprite(#pivot_spr, 10, 10) StartDrawing(SpriteOutput(#pivot_spr))

 Box(0, 0, 10, 10, RGB(255, 0, 255))
 Circle(5, 5, 4, RGB(125, 125, 125))
 Circle(5, 5, 4, RGB(0,0 , 0))


CreateSprite(#ceiling_spr,#ScreenW,2) StartDrawing(SpriteOutput(#ceiling_spr))

 Box(0,0,SpriteWidth(#ceiling_spr), SpriteHeight(#ceiling_spr), RGB(126, 126, 126))


Structure pendulum

 length.d   ; meters
 constant.d ; -g/l
 gravity.d  ; m/s²
 angle.d    ; radians
 velocity.d ; m/s


Procedure initPendulum(*pendulum.pendulum, length.d = 1.0, gravity.d = 9.81, initialAngle.d = #PI / 2)

 With *pendulum
   \length = length
   \gravity = gravity
   \angle = initialAngle
   \constant = -gravity / length
   \velocity = 0.0


Procedure updatePendulum(*pendulum.pendulum, deltaTime.d)

 deltaTime = deltaTime / 1000.0 ;ms
 Protected acceleration.d = *pendulum\constant * Sin(*pendulum\angle)
 *pendulum\velocity + acceleration * deltaTime
 *pendulum\angle + *pendulum\velocity * deltaTime


Procedure drawBackground()

 ;draw ceiling
 DisplaySprite(#ceiling_spr, 0, 47)
 ;draw pivot
 DisplayTransparentSprite(#pivot_spr, 154,43) ;origin in upper-left


Procedure drawPendulum(*pendulum.pendulum)

 ;draw rod
 Protected x = *pendulum\length * 140 * Sin(*pendulum\angle) ;scale = 1 m/140 pixels
 Protected y = *pendulum\length * 140 * Cos(*pendulum\angle)
   LineXY(154 + 5,43 + 5, 154 + 5 + x, 43 + 5 + y) ;draw from pivot-center to bob-center, adjusting for origins
 ;draw bob
 DisplayTransparentSprite(#bob_spr, 154 + 5 - 16 + x, 43 + 5 - 16 + y) ;adj for origin in upper-left


Define pendulum.pendulum, event initPendulum(pendulum) drawPendulum(pendulum)

AddWindowTimer(0, 1, 50) Repeat

 event = WindowEvent()
 Select event
   Case #pb_event_timer
     Select EventTimer()
       Case 1
         updatePendulum(pendulum, 50)
   Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow



Library: pygame

Translation of: C

<lang python>import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * from math import sin, cos, radians



window = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWSIZE, WINDOWSIZE)) pygame.display.set_caption("Pendulum")

screen = pygame.display.get_surface() screen.fill((255,255,255))


class BobMass(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

   def __init__(self):
       self.theta = 45
       self.dtheta = 0
       self.rect = pygame.Rect(PIVOT[0]-SWINGLENGTH*cos(radians(self.theta)),
   def recomputeAngle(self):
       scaling = 3000.0/(SWINGLENGTH**2)
       firstDDtheta = -sin(radians(self.theta))*scaling
       midDtheta = self.dtheta + firstDDtheta
       midtheta = self.theta + (self.dtheta + midDtheta)/2.0
       midDDtheta = -sin(radians(midtheta))*scaling
       midDtheta = self.dtheta + (firstDDtheta + midDDtheta)/2
       midtheta = self.theta + (self.dtheta + midDtheta)/2
       midDDtheta = -sin(radians(midtheta)) * scaling
       lastDtheta = midDtheta + midDDtheta
       lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0
       lastDDtheta = -sin(radians(lasttheta)) * scaling
       lastDtheta = midDtheta + (midDDtheta + lastDDtheta)/2.0
       lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0
       self.dtheta = lastDtheta
       self.theta = lasttheta
       self.rect = pygame.Rect(PIVOT[0]-

   def draw(self):, (0,0,0), PIVOT, 5, 0), (0,0,0),, BOBSIZE, 0)
       pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (0,0,0), PIVOT,
       pygame.draw.line(screen, (0,0,0), (0, PIVOT[1]), (WINDOWSIZE, PIVOT[1]))
   def update(self):

bob = BobMass()

TICK = USEREVENT + 2 pygame.time.set_timer(TICK, TIMETICK)

def input(events):

   for event in events:
       if event.type == QUIT:
       elif event.type == TICK:

while True:



<lang R>library(DescTools)


 tseq = c(seq(0,pi,by=.1),seq(pi,0,by=-.1))
 sseq = c(seq(slow,fast,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(fast,slow,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(slow,fast,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(fast,slow,length.out = length(tseq)/4))
 cat("Press Esc to end animation")
   for(i in 1:length(tseq)){
     rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],col = bg.color)




<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require 2htdp/image 2htdp/universe)

(define (pendulum)

 (define (accel θ) (- (sin θ)))
 (define θ (/ pi 2.5))
 (define θ′ 0)
 (define θ′′ (accel (/ pi 2.5)))
 (define (x θ) (+ 200 (* 150 (sin θ))))
 (define (y θ) (* 150 (cos θ)))
 (λ (n)
   (define p-image (underlay/xy (add-line (empty-scene 400 200) 200 0 (x θ) (y θ) "black") 
                                (- (x θ) 5) (- (y θ) 5) (circle 5 "solid" "blue")))
   (set! θ (+ θ (* θ′ 0.04)))
   (set! θ′ (+ θ′ (* (accel θ) 0.04)))

(animate (pendulum)) </lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.09

Handles window resizing, modifies pendulum length and period as window height changes. May need to tweek $ppi scaling to get good looking animation.

<lang perl6>use SDL2::Raw; use Cairo;

my $width = 1000; my $height = 400;


my $window = SDL_CreateWindow(

   'Pendulum - Raku',
   $width, $height, RESIZABLE


my $render = SDL_CreateRenderer($window, -1, ACCELERATED +| PRESENTVSYNC);

my $bob = Cairo::Image.create( Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 32, 32 ); given$bob) {

    my Cairo::Pattern::Gradient::Radial $sphere .=
       create(13.3, 12.8, 3.2, 12.8, 12.8, 32);
    $sphere.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 1, 1, .698, 1);
    $sphere.add_color_stop_rgba(1, .623, .669, .144, 1);
    .arc(16, 16, 15, 0, 2 * pi);


my $bob_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(

   $render, %PIXELFORMAT<ARGB8888>,
   STATIC, 32, 32



   $bob_texture,, :y(0), :w(32), :h(32)),
   $, $bob.stride // 32


SDL_SetTextureBlendMode($bob_texture, 1);

SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode($render, 1);

my $event =;

my $now = now; # time my $Θ = -π/3; # start angle my $ppi = 500; # scale my $g = -9.81; # accelaration of gravity my $ax = $width/2; # anchor x my $ay = 25; # anchor y my $len = $height - 75; # 'rope' length my $vel; # velocity my $dt; # delta time

main: loop {

   while SDL_PollEvent($event) {
       my $casted_event = SDL_CastEvent($event);
       given $casted_event {
           when *.type == QUIT    { last main }
           when *.type == WINDOWEVENT {
               if .event == 5 {
                   $width  = .data1;
                   $height = .data2;
                   $ax = $width/2;
                   $len = $height - 75;
   $dt = now - $now;
   $now = now;
   $vel += $g / $len * sin($Θ) * $ppi * $dt;
   $Θ   += $vel * $dt;
   my $bx = $ax + sin($Θ) * $len;
   my $by = $ay + cos($Θ) * $len;
   SDL_SetRenderDrawColor($render, 255, 255, 255, 255);
   SDL_RenderDrawLine($render, |($ax, $ay, $bx, $by)».round);
   SDL_RenderCopy( $render, $bob_texture, Nil,$bx - 16, $by - 16, 32, 32)
   SDL_SetRenderDrawColor($render, 0, 0, 0, 0);




Translation of: ooRexx

REXX doesn't have a portable graphics user interface (GUI),   but this version is similar to the Ada version and just displays the coordinates of the end of the pendulum. <lang rexx>/*REXX program displays the (x, y) coördinates (at the end of a swinging pendulum). */ parse arg cycles Plength theta . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if cycles== | cycles=="," then cycles= 100 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if pLength== | pLength=="," then pLength= 10 /* " " " " " " */ if theta== | theta=="," then theta= 30 /* " " " " " " */ call time 'R' /*set the elapsed time (in seconds). */ speed= 0 /*velocity of the pendulum, now resting*/ d= digits() + 5 /*number of decimal digits to be shown.*/ g= -9.81 /*gravitation constant (for earth). */

        do cycles;      duration= time('E')     /*swing the pendulum a number of times.*/
        acceleration= g / pLength * sin(theta)  /*compute the pendulum accelaration.   */
        x= sin(theta) * pLength                 /*calculate  X  coördinate of pendulum.*/
        y= cos(theta) * pLength)                /*    "      Y       "           "     */
        speed= speed + acceleration * duration  /*calculate "   speed      "     "     */
        theta= theta + speed        * duration  /*    "     "   angle      "     "     */
        say 'x: '    right(x, d)     "   y: "     right(y, d)    /*display coördinates.*/
        call delay 1/20                         /*delay one-twentyth of a second.      */
        end   /*cycles*/

exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ pi: pi= 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078; return pi r2r: return arg(1) // (pi() * 2) /*normalize radians ──► a unit circle. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ cos: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); numeric fuzz min(6,digits()-3); z=1; _=1; x=x*x

     p=z; do k=2  by 2; _=-_*x/(k*(k-1)); z=z+_;  if z=p  then leave; p=z; end;  return z

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ sin: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); _=x; numeric fuzz min(5, max(1,digits()-3)); q=x*x

     z=x;   do k=2  by 2  until p=z;  p= z;  _= -_*q/(k*k+k);   z= z+_;   end;   return z</lang>


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Animate a pendulum

load "guilib.ring" load "stdlib.ring"

CounterMan = 1 paint = null pi = 22/7 theta = pi/180*40 g = 9.81 l = 0.50 speed = 0

new qapp

       win1 = new qwidget() {
                 setwindowtitle("Animate a pendulum")
                 label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
                 new qpushbutton(win1) {
                 TimerMan = new qtimer(win1)

func draw

       p1 = new qpicture()
              color = new qcolor() {
       pen = new qpen() {
       paint = new qpainter() {
       label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }
func ptime()
        if CounterMan = 20

func pPlaySleep()

      pendulum(theta, l)
      pendulum(theta, l)
      accel = - g * sin(theta) / l / 100
      speed = speed + accel / 100
      theta = theta + speed

func pendulum(a, l)

      pivotx = 640
      pivoty = 800
      bobx = pivotx + l * 1000 * sin(a)
      boby = pivoty - l * 1000 * cos(a)
      paint.drawline(pivotx, pivoty, bobx, boby)
      paint.drawellipse(bobx + 24 * sin(a), boby - 24 * cos(a), 24, 24)


Output video: Animate a pendulum


The plane pendulum motion is an interesting and easy problem in which the facilities of RLaB for numerical computation and simulation are easily accessible. The parameters of the problem are , the length of the arm, and the magnitude of the gravity.

We start with the mathematical transliteration of the problem. We solve it in plane (2-D) in terms of describing the angle between the -axis and the arm of the pendulum, where the downwards direction is taken as positive. The Newton equation of motion, which is a second-order non-linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) reads

In our example, we will solve the problem as, so called, initial value problem (IVP). That is, we will specify that at the time t=0 the pendulum was at rest , extended at an angle radians (equivalent to 30 degrees).

RLaB has the facilities to solve ODE IVP which are accessible through odeiv solver. This solver requires that the ODE be written as the first order differential equation,

Here, we introduced a vector , for which the original ODE reads


The RLaB script that solves the problem is

<lang RLaB> // // example: solve ODE for pendulum //

// we first define the first derivative function for the solver dudt = function(t, u, p) {

 // t-> time
 // u->[theta, dtheta/dt ]
 // p-> g/L, parameter
 rval = zeros(2,1);
 rval[1] =  u[2];
 rval[2] = -p[1] * sin(u[1]);
 return rval;


// now we solve the problem // physical parameters L = 5; // (m), the length of the arm of the pendulum p = mks.g / L; // RLaB has a built-in list 'mks' which contains large number of physical constants and conversion factors T0 = 2*const.pi*sqrt(L/mks.g); // approximate period of the pendulum

// initial conditions theta0 = 30; // degrees, initial angle of deflection of pendulum u0 = [theta0*const.pi/180, 0]; // RLaB has a built-in list 'const' of mathematical constants.

// times at which we want solution t = [0:4:1/64] * T0; // solve for 4 approximate periods with at time points spaced at T0/64

// prepare ODEIV solver optsode = <<>>; optsode.eabs = 1e-6; // relative error for step size optsode.erel = 1e-6; // absolute error for step size optsode.delta_t = 1e-6; // maximum dt that code is allowed optsode.stdout = stderr(); // open the text console and in it print the results of each step of calculation optsode.imethod = 5; // use method No. 5 from the odeiv toolkit, Runge-Kutta 8th order Prince-Dormand method //optsode.phase_space = 0; // the solver returns [t, u1(t), u2(t)] which is default behavior optsode.phase_space = 1; // the solver returns [t, u1(t), u2(t), d(u1)/dt(t), d(u2)/dt]

// solver do my bidding y = odeiv(dudt, p, t, u0, optsode);

// Make an animation. We choose to use 'pgplot' rather then 'gnuplot' interface because the former is // faster and thus less cache-demanding, while the latter can be very cache-demanding (it may slow your // linux system quite down if one sends lots of plots for gnuplot to plot). plwins (1); // we will use one pgplot-window

plwin(1); // plot to pgplot-window No. 1; necessary if using more than one pgplot window plimits (-L,L, -1.25*L, 0.25*L); xlabel ("x-coordinate"); ylabel ("z-coordinate"); plegend ("Arm"); for (i in {

 // plot a line between the pivot point at (0,0) and the current position of the pendulum
 arm_line = [0,0; L*sin(y[i;2]), -L*cos(y[i;2])]; // this is because theta is between the arm and the z-coordinate
 plot  (arm_line); 
 sleep (0.1); // sleep 0.1 seconds between plots




Library: Ruby/Tk

Translation of: Tcl

This does not have the window resizing handling that Tcl does -- I did not spend enough time in the docs to figure out how to get the new window size out of the configuration event. Of interest when running this pendulum side-by-side with the Tcl one: the Tcl pendulum swings noticibly faster.

<lang ruby>require 'tk'

$root ="title" => "Pendulum Animation") $canvas =$root) do

 width 320
 height 200
 create TkcLine, 0,25,320,25,   'tags' => 'plate', 'width' => 2, 'fill' => 'grey50'
 create TkcOval, 155,20,165,30, 'tags' => 'pivot', 'outline' => "", 'fill' => 'grey50'
 create TkcLine, 1,1,1,1, 'tags' => 'rod', 'width' => 3, 'fill' => 'black'
 create TkcOval, 1,1,2,2, 'tags' => 'bob', 'outline' => 'black', 'fill' => 'yellow'

end $canvas.raise('pivot') $canvas.pack('fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true)

$Theta = 45.0 $dTheta = 0.0 $length = 150 $homeX = 160 $homeY = 25

def show_pendulum

 angle = $Theta * Math::PI / 180
 x = $homeX + $length * Math.sin(angle)
 y = $homeY + $length * Math.cos(angle)
 $canvas.coords('rod', $homeX, $homeY, x, y)
 $canvas.coords('bob', x-15, y-15, x+15, y+15)


def recompute_angle

 scaling = 3000.0 / ($length ** 2)
 # first estimate
 firstDDTheta = -Math.sin($Theta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
 midDTheta = $dTheta + firstDDTheta
 midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + midDTheta)/2
 # second estimate
 midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
 midDTheta = $dTheta + (firstDDTheta + midDDTheta)/2
 midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + midDTheta)/2
 # again, first
 midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
 lastDTheta = midDTheta + midDDTheta
 lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2
 # again, second
 lastDDTheta = -Math.sin(lastTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
 lastDTheta = midDTheta + (midDDTheta + lastDDTheta)/2
 lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2
 # Now put the values back in our globals
 $dTheta  = lastDTheta
 $Theta = lastTheta


def animate

 $after_id = $root.after(15) {animate}


show_pendulum $after_id = $root.after(500) {animate}

$canvas.bind('<Destroy>') {$root.after_cancel($after_id)}


Library: Shoes

<lang ruby> => 320, :height => 200) do

 @centerX = 160
 @centerY = 25
 @length = 150
 @diameter = 15
 @Theta = 45.0
 @dTheta = 0.0
 stroke gray
 strokewidth 3
 line 0,25,320,25
 oval 155,20,10
 stroke black
 @rod = line(@centerX, @centerY, @centerX, @centerY + @length)
 @bob = oval(@centerX - @diameter, @centerY + @length - @diameter, 2*@diameter)
 animate(24) do |i|
 def show_pendulum
   angle = (90 + @Theta) * Math::PI / 180
   x = @centerX + (Math.cos(angle) * @length).to_i
   y = @centerY + (Math.sin(angle) * @length).to_i
   strokewidth 3
   @rod = line(@centerX, @centerY, x, y)
   @bob.move(x-@diameter, y-@diameter)
 def recompute_angle
   scaling = 3000.0 / (@length **2)
   # first estimate
   firstDDTheta = -Math.sin(@Theta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
   midDTheta = @dTheta + firstDDTheta
   midTheta = @Theta + (@dTheta + midDTheta)/2
   # second estimate
   midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
   midDTheta = @dTheta + (firstDDTheta + midDDTheta)/2
   midTheta = @Theta + (@dTheta + midDTheta)/2
   # again, first
   midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling
   lastDTheta = midDTheta + midDDTheta
   lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2
   # again, second
   lastDDTheta = -Math.sin(lastTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling
   lastDTheta = midDTheta + (midDDTheta + lastDDTheta)/2
   lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2
   # Now put the values back in our globals
   @dTheta  = lastDTheta
   @Theta = lastTheta


Library: Ruby/Gosu

<lang ruby>#!/bin/ruby

begin; require 'rubygems'; rescue; end

require 'gosu' include Gosu

  1. Screen size

W = 640 H = 480

  1. Full-screen mode

FS = false

  1. Screen update rate (Hz)

FPS = 60

class Pendulum

 attr_accessor :theta, :friction
 def initialize( win, x, y, length, radius, bob = true, friction = false)
   @win = win
   @centerX = x
   @centerY = y
   @length = length
   @radius = radius
   @bob = bob
   @friction = friction
   @theta = 60.0
   @omega = 0.0
   @scale = 2.0 / FPS
 def draw
   @win.translate(@centerX, @centerY) {
     @win.rotate(@theta) {
       @win.draw_quad(-1, 0, 0x3F_FF_FF_FF, 1, 0, 0x3F_FF_FF_00, 1, @length, 0x3F_FF_FF_00, -1, @length, 0x3F_FF_FF_FF )
       if @bob
         @win.translate(0, @length) {
           @win.draw_quad(0, -@radius, Color::RED, @radius, 0, Color::BLUE, 0, @radius, Color::WHITE, -@radius, 0, Color::BLUE )
 def update
   # Thanks to Hugo Elias for the formula (and explanation thereof)
   @theta += @omega
   @omega = @omega - (Math.sin(@theta * Math::PI / 180) / (@length * @scale))
   @theta *= 0.999 if @friction

end # Pendulum class

class GfxWindow < Window

 def initialize
   # Initialize the base class
   super W, H, FS, 1.0 / FPS * 1000
   # self.caption = "You're getting sleeeeepy..."
   self.caption = "Ruby/Gosu Pendulum Simulator (Space toggles friction)"
   @n = 1  # Try changing this number!
   @pendulums = []
   (1..@n).each do |i|
     @pendulums.push self, W / 2, H / 10, H * 0.75 * (i / @n.to_f), H / 60 )
 def draw
   @pendulums.each { |pen| pen.draw }
 def update
   @pendulums.each { |pen| pen.update }
 def button_up(id)
   if id == KbSpace
     @pendulums.each { |pen|
       pen.friction = !pen.friction
       pen.theta = (pen.theta <=> 0) * 45.0 unless pen.friction
 def needs_cursor?()

end # GfxWindow class


rescue Exception => e

 puts e.message, e.backtrace



Translation of: C sharp

This is a translation of the C# code, albeit with a more explicit declaration of constants.

When moving the mouse over the viewport, the framerate accelerates somehow - any edits to keep the framerate constant is welcome!

Library: piston_window

<lang Rust> // using version 0.107.0 of piston_window use piston_window::{clear, ellipse, line_from_to, PistonWindow, WindowSettings};

const PI: f64 = std::f64::consts::PI; const WIDTH: u32 = 640; const HEIGHT: u32 = 480;

const ANCHOR_X: f64 = WIDTH as f64 / 2. - 12.; const ANCHOR_Y: f64 = HEIGHT as f64 / 4.; const ANCHOR_ELLIPSE: [f64; 4] = [ANCHOR_X - 3., ANCHOR_Y - 3., 6., 6.];

const ROPE_ORIGIN: [f64; 2] = [ANCHOR_X, ANCHOR_Y]; const ROPE_LENGTH: f64 = 200.; const ROPE_THICKNESS: f64 = 1.;

const DELTA: f64 = 0.05; const STANDARD_GRAVITY_VALUE: f64 = -9.81;

// RGBA Colors const BLACK: [f32; 4] = [0., 0., 0., 1.]; const RED: [f32; 4] = [1., 0., 0., 1.]; const GOLD: [f32; 4] = [216. / 255., 204. / 255., 36. / 255., 1.0]; fn main() {

   let mut window: PistonWindow = WindowSettings::new("Pendulum", [WIDTH, HEIGHT])
   let mut angle = PI / 2.;
   let mut angular_vel = 0.;
   while let Some(event) = {
       let (angle_sin, angle_cos) = angle.sin_cos();
       let ball_x = ANCHOR_X + angle_sin * ROPE_LENGTH;
       let ball_y = ANCHOR_Y + angle_cos * ROPE_LENGTH;
       let angle_accel = STANDARD_GRAVITY_VALUE / ROPE_LENGTH * angle_sin;
       angular_vel += angle_accel * DELTA;
       angle += angular_vel * DELTA;
       let rope_end = [ball_x, ball_y];
       let ball_ellipse = [ball_x - 7., ball_y - 7., 14., 14.];
       window.draw_2d(&event, |context, graphics, _device| {
           clear([1.0; 4], graphics);
           ellipse(RED, ANCHOR_ELLIPSE, context.transform, graphics);
           ellipse(GOLD, ball_ellipse, context.transform, graphics);

} </lang>


Library: Scala

<lang Scala>import java.awt.Color import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit}

import scala.swing.{Graphics2D, MainFrame, Panel, SimpleSwingApplication} import scala.swing.Swing.pair2Dimension

object Pendulum extends SimpleSwingApplication {

 val length = 100
 lazy val ui = new Panel {
   import scala.math.{cos, Pi, sin}
   background = Color.white
   preferredSize = (2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3)
   var angle: Double = Pi / 2
   override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D): Unit = {
     val (anchorX, anchorY) = (size.width / 2, size.height / 4)
     val (ballX, ballY) =
       (anchorX + (sin(angle) * length).toInt, anchorY + (cos(angle) * length).toInt)
     g.drawLine(anchorX - 2 * length, anchorY, anchorX + 2 * length, anchorY)
     g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY)
     g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7)
     g.drawOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14)
     g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14)
   val animate: Runnable = new Runnable {
     var angleVelocity = 0.0
     var dt = 0.1
     override def run(): Unit = {
       angleVelocity += -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle) * dt
       angle += angleVelocity * dt
 override def top = new MainFrame {
   title = "Rosetta Code >>> Task: Animate a pendulum | Language: Scala"
   contents = ui
     scheduleAtFixedRate(ui.animate, 0, 15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)



Library: Scheme/PsTk
Translation of: Ruby

This is a direct translation of the Ruby/Tk example into Scheme + PS/Tk.

<lang scheme>#!r6rs

R6RS implementation of Pendulum Animation

(import (rnrs)

       (lib pstk main) ; change this for your pstk installation

(define PI 3.14159) (define *conv-radians* (/ PI 180)) (define *theta* 45.0) (define *d-theta* 0.0) (define *length* 150) (define *home-x* 160) (define *home-y* 25)

estimates new angle of pendulum

(define (recompute-angle)

 (define (avg a b) (/ (+ a b) 2))
 (let* ((scaling (/ 3000.0 (* *length* *length*)))
        ; first estimate
        (first-dd-theta (- (* (sin (* *theta* *conv-radians*)) scaling)))
        (mid-d-theta (+ *d-theta* first-dd-theta))
        (mid-theta (+ *theta* (avg *d-theta* mid-d-theta)))
        ; second estimate
        (mid-dd-theta (- (* (sin (* mid-theta *conv-radians*)) scaling)))
        (mid-d-theta-2 (+ *d-theta* (avg first-dd-theta mid-dd-theta)))
        (mid-theta-2 (+ *theta* (avg *d-theta* mid-d-theta-2)))
        ; again first
        (mid-dd-theta-2 (- (* (sin (* mid-theta-2 *conv-radians*)) scaling)))
        (last-d-theta (+ mid-d-theta-2 mid-dd-theta-2))
        (last-theta (+ mid-theta-2 (avg mid-d-theta-2 last-d-theta)))
        ; again second
        (last-dd-theta (- (* (sin (* last-theta *conv-radians*)) scaling)))
        (last-d-theta-2 (+ mid-d-theta-2 (avg mid-dd-theta-2 last-dd-theta)))
        (last-theta-2 (+ mid-theta-2 (avg mid-d-theta-2 last-d-theta-2))))
   ; put values back in globals
   (set! *d-theta* last-d-theta-2)
   (set! *theta* last-theta-2)))
The main event loop and graphics context

(let ((tk (tk-start)))

 (tk/wm 'title tk "Pendulum Animation")
 (let ((canvas (tk 'create-widget 'canvas)))
   ;;; redraw the pendulum on canvas
   ;;; - uses angle and length to compute new (x,y) position of bob
   (define (show-pendulum canvas)
     (let* ((pendulum-angle (* *conv-radians* *theta*))
            (x (+ *home-x* (* *length* (sin pendulum-angle))))
            (y (+ *home-y* (* *length* (cos pendulum-angle)))))
       (canvas 'coords 'rod *home-x* *home-y* x y)
       (canvas 'coords 'bob (- x 15) (- y 15) (+ x 15) (+ y 15))))
   ;;; move the pendulum and repeat after 20ms
   (define (animate)
     (show-pendulum canvas)
     (tk/after 20 animate))
   ;; layout the canvas
   (tk/grid canvas 'column: 0 'row: 0)
   (canvas 'create 'line 0 25 320 25 'tags: 'plate 'width: 2 'fill: 'grey50)
   (canvas 'create 'oval 155 20 165 30 'tags: 'pivot 'outline: "" 'fill: 'grey50)
   (canvas 'create 'line 1 1 1 1 'tags: 'rod 'width: 3 'fill: 'black)
   (canvas 'create 'oval 1 1 2 2 'tags: 'bob 'outline: 'black 'fill: 'yellow)
   ;; get everything started
   (show-pendulum canvas)
   (tk/after 500 animate)
   (tk-event-loop tk)))



The animation is displayed on a graphic window, and won't stop until it shows all positions calculated unless the user abort the execution on Scilab console. <lang>//Input variables (Assumptions: massless pivot, no energy loss) bob_mass=10; g=-9.81; L=2; theta0=-%pi/6; v0=0; t0=0;

//No. of steps steps=300;

//Setting deltaT or duration (comment either of the lines below) //deltaT=0.1; t_max=t0+deltaT*steps; t_max=5; deltaT=(t_max-t0)/steps;

if t_max<=t0 then

   error("Check duration (t0 and t_f), number of steps and deltaT.");


//Initial position not_a_pendulum=%F; t=zeros(1,steps); t(1)=t0; //time theta=zeros(1,steps); theta(1)=theta0; //angle F=zeros(1,steps); F(1)=bob_mass*g*sin(theta0); //force A=zeros(1,steps); A(1)=F(1)/bob_mass; //acceleration V=zeros(1,steps); V(1)=v0; //linear speed W=zeros(1,steps); W(1)=v0/L; //angular speed

for i=2:steps

   if (abs(theta(i))>=%pi | (abs(theta(i))==0 & V(i)==0)) & ~not_a_pendulum  then
       disp("Initial conditions do not describe a pendulum.");
       not_a_pendulum = %T;

end clear i

//Ploting the pendulum bob_r=0.08*L; bob_shape=bob_r*exp(%i.*linspace(0,360,20)/180*%pi);

bob_pos=zeros(20,steps); rod_pos=zeros(1,steps); for i=1:steps


end clear i

scf(0); clf(); xname("Simple gravity pendulum"); plot2d(real([0 rod_pos(1)]),imag([0 rod_pos(1)])); axes=gca(); axes.isoview="on"; axes.children(1).children.mark_style=3; axes.children(1).children.mark_size=1; axes.children(1).children.thickness=3;

plot2d(real(bob_pos(:,1)),imag(bob_pos(:,1))); axes=gca(); axes.children(1).children.fill_mode="on"; axes.children(1).children.foreground=2; axes.children(1).children.background=2;

if max(imag(bob_pos))>0 then





//Animating the plot disp("Duration: "+string(max(t)+deltaT-t0)+"s."); sleep(850); for i=2:steps

   axes.children(1)[real(bob_pos(:,i)), imag(bob_pos(:,i))];
   axes.children(2)[0, 0; real(rod_pos(i)), imag(rod_pos(i))];

end clear i</lang>


Library: EaselSL

Using the Easel Engine for SequenceL
<lang sequencel>import <Utilities/>; import <Utilities/>; import <Utilities/>;

//region Types

Point ::= (x: int(0), y: int(0)); Color ::= (red: int(0), green: int(0), blue: int(0)); Image ::= (kind: char(1), iColor: Color(0), vert1: Point(0), vert2: Point(0), vert3: Point(0), center: Point(0),

          radius: int(0), height: int(0), width: int(0), message: char(1), source: char(1));

Click ::= (clicked: bool(0), clPoint: Point(0)); Input ::= (iClick: Click(0), keys: char(1));


//region Helpers====================================================================== //region Constructor-Functions------------------------------------------------- point(a(0), b(0)) := (x: a, y: b); color(r(0), g(0), b(0)) := (red: r, green: g, blue: b); segment(e1(0), e2(0), c(0)) := (kind: "segment", vert1: e1, vert2: e2, iColor: c); disc(ce(0), rad(0), c(0)) := (kind: "disc", center: ce, radius: rad, iColor: c); //endregion----------------------------------------------------------------------

//region Colors---------------------------------------------------------------- dBlack := color(0, 0, 0); dYellow := color(255, 255, 0); //endregion---------------------------------------------------------------------- //endregion=============================================================================


State ::= (angle: float(0), angleVelocity: float(0), angleAccel: float(0));

initialState := (angle: pi/2, angleVelocity: 0.0, angleAccel: 0.0);

dt := 0.3; length := 450;

anchor := point(500, 750);

newState(I(0), S(0)) :=

       newAngle := S.angle + newAngleVelocity * dt;
       newAngleVelocity := S.angleVelocity + newAngleAccel * dt;
       newAngleAccel := -9.81 / length * sin(S.angle);
   (angle: newAngle, angleVelocity: newAngleVelocity, angleAccel: newAngleAccel);

sounds(I(0), S(0)) := ["ding"] when I.iClick.clicked else [];

images(S(0)) :=

       pendulum := pendulumLocation(S.angle);
       [segment(anchor, pendulum, dBlack),
        disc(pendulum, 30, dYellow),
        disc(anchor, 5, dBlack)];

pendulumLocation(angle) :=

       x := anchor.x + round(sin(angle) * length);
       y := anchor.y - round(cos(angle) * length);
       point(x, y);



GIF of Output


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>require('Tk')

var root = %s<MainWindow>.new('-title' => 'Pendulum Animation') var canvas = root.Canvas('-width' => 320, '-height' => 200)

canvas.createLine( 0, 25, 320, 25, '-tags' => <plate>, '-width' => 2, '-fill' => :grey50) canvas.createOval(155, 20, 165, 30, '-tags' => <pivot outline>, '-fill' => :grey50) canvas.createLine( 1, 1, 1, 1, '-tags' => <rod width>, '-width' => 3, '-fill' => :black) canvas.createOval( 1, 1, 2, 2, '-tags' => <bob outline>, '-fill' => :yellow)

canvas.raise(:pivot) canvas.pack('-fill' => :both, '-expand' => 1) var(θ = 45, Δθ = 0, length = 150, homeX = 160, homeY = 25)

func show_pendulum() {

   var angle = θ.deg2rad
   var x = (homeX + length*sin(angle))
   var y = (homeY + length*cos(angle))
   canvas.coords(:rod, homeX,  homeY,  x,      y)
   canvas.coords(:bob, x - 15, y - 15, x + 15, y + 15)


func recompute_angle() {

   var scaling = 3000/(length**2)
   # first estimate
   var firstΔΔθ = (-sin(θ.deg2rad) * scaling)
   var midΔθ    = (Δθ + firstΔΔθ)
   var midθ     = ((Δθ + midΔθ)/2 + θ)
   # second estimate
   var midΔΔθ = (-sin(midθ.deg2rad) * scaling)
   midΔθ      = ((firstΔΔθ + midΔΔθ)/2 + Δθ)
   midθ       = ((Δθ + midΔθ)/2 + θ)
   # again, first
   midΔΔθ     = (-sin(midθ.deg2rad) * scaling)
   var lastΔθ = (midΔθ + midΔΔθ)
   var lastθ  = ((midΔθ + lastΔθ)/2 + midθ)
   # again, second
   var lastΔΔθ = (-sin(lastθ.deg2rad) * scaling)
   lastΔθ      = ((midΔΔθ + lastΔΔθ)/2 + midΔθ)
   lastθ       = ((midΔθ + lastΔθ)/2 + midθ)
   # Now put the values back in our globals
   Δθ = lastΔθ
   θ  = lastθ


func animate(Ref id) {

   *id = root.after(15 => { animate(id) })


show_pendulum() var after_id = root.after(500 => { animate(\after_id) })

canvas.bind('<Destroy>' => { after_id.cancel }) %S<Tk>.MainLoop()</lang>

smart BASIC

<lang smart BASIC>'Pendulum 'By Dutchman ' --- constants g=9.81 ' accelleration of gravity l=1 ' length of pendulum GET SCREEN SIZE sw,sh pivotx=sw/2 pivoty=150 ' --- initialise graphics GRAPHICS DRAW COLOR 1,0,0 FILL COLOR 0,0,1 DRAW SIZE 2 ' --- initialise pendulum theta=1 ' initial displacement in radians speed=0 ' --- loop DO

 PAUSE 0.01

UNTIL 0 END ' --- subroutine Plot: REFRESH OFF GRAPHICS CLEAR 1,1,0.5 DRAW LINE pivotx,pivoty TO bobx,boby FILL CIRCLE bobx,boby SIZE 10 REFRESH ON RETURN </lang>

We hope that the webmaster will soon have image uploads enabled again so that we can show a screen shot.


Works with: Tcl version 8.5

Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk

  1. Make the graphical entities

pack [canvas .c -width 320 -height 200] -fill both -expand 1 .c create line 0 25 320 25 -width 2 -fill grey50 -tags plate .c create line 1 1 1 1 -tags rod -width 3 -fill black .c create oval 1 1 2 2 -tags bob -fill yellow -outline black .c create oval 155 20 165 30 -fill grey50 -outline {} -tags pivot

  1. Set some vars

set points {} set Theta 45.0 set dTheta 0.0 set pi 3.1415926535897933 set length 150 set homeX 160

  1. How to respond to a changing in size of the window

proc resized {width} {

   global homeX
   .c coords plate 0 25 $width 25
   set homeX [expr {$width / 2}]
   .c coords pivot [expr {$homeX-5}] 20 [expr {$homeX+5}] 30


  1. How to actually arrange the pendulum, mapping the model to the display

proc showPendulum {} {

   global Theta dTheta pi length homeX
   set angle [expr {$Theta * $pi/180}]
   set x [expr {$homeX + $length*sin($angle)}]
   set y [expr {25 + $length*cos($angle)}]
   .c coords rod $homeX 25 $x $y
   .c coords bob [expr {$x-15}] [expr {$y-15}] [expr {$x+15}] [expr {$y+15}]


  1. The dynamic part of the display

proc recomputeAngle {} {

   global Theta dTheta pi length
   set scaling [expr {3000.0/$length**2}]
   # first estimate
   set firstDDTheta [expr {-sin($Theta * $pi/180)*$scaling}]
   set midDTheta [expr {$dTheta + $firstDDTheta}]
   set midTheta [expr {$Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2}]
   # second estimate
   set midDDTheta [expr {-sin($midTheta * $pi/180)*$scaling}]
   set midDTheta [expr {$dTheta + ($firstDDTheta + $midDDTheta)/2}]
   set midTheta [expr {$Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2}]
   # Now we do a double-estimate approach for getting the final value
   # first estimate
   set midDDTheta [expr {-sin($midTheta * $pi/180)*$scaling}]
   set lastDTheta [expr {$midDTheta + $midDDTheta}]
   set lastTheta [expr {$midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2}]
   # second estimate
   set lastDDTheta [expr {-sin($lastTheta * $pi/180)*$scaling}]
   set lastDTheta [expr {$midDTheta + ($midDDTheta + $lastDDTheta)/2}]
   set lastTheta [expr {$midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2}]
   # Now put the values back in our globals
   set dTheta $lastDTheta
   set Theta $lastTheta


  1. Run the animation by updating the physical model then the display

proc animate {} {

   global animation
   # Reschedule
   set animation [after 15 animate]

} set animation [after 500 animate]; # Extra initial delay is visually pleasing

  1. Callback to handle resizing of the canvas

bind .c <Configure> {resized %w}

  1. Callback to stop the animation cleanly when the GUI goes away

bind .c <Destroy> {after cancel $animation}</lang>


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations

proc Ball(X0, Y0, R, C); \Draw a filled circle int X0, Y0, R, C; \center coordinates, radius, color int X, Y; for Y:= -R to R do

   for X:= -R to R do
       if X*X + Y*Y <= R*R then Point(X+X0, Y+Y0, C);

def L = 2.0, \pendulum arm length (meters)

       G  = 9.81,              \acceleration due to gravity (meters/second^2)
       Pi = 3.14,
       DT = 1.0/72.0;          \delta time = screen refresh rate (seconds)

def X0=640/2, Y0=480/2; \anchor point = center coordinate real S, V, A, T; \arc length, velocity, acceleration, theta angle int X, Y; \ball coordinates

[SetVid($101); \set 640x480x8 graphic display mode T:= Pi*0.75; V:= 0.0; \starting angle and velocity S:= T*L; repeat A:= -G*Sin(T);

       V:= V + A*DT;
       S:= S + V*DT;
       T:= S/L;
       X:= X0 + fix(L*100.0*Sin(T));   \100 scales to fit screen
       Y:= Y0 + fix(L*100.0*Cos(T));
       Move(X0, Y0); Line(X, Y, 7);    \draw pendulum
       Ball(X, Y, 10, $E\yellow\);
       while port($3DA) & $08 do [];   \wait for vertical retrace to go away
       repeat until port($3DA) & $08;  \wait for vertical retrace signal
       Move(X0, Y0); Line(X, Y, 0);    \erase pendulum
       Ball(X, Y, 10, 0\black\);

until KeyHit; \keystroke terminates program SetVid(3); \restore normal text screen ]</lang>


<lang Yabasic>clear screen open window 400, 300 window origin "cc"

rodLen = 160 gravity = 2 damp = .989 TWO_PI = pi * 2 angle = 90 * 0.01745329251 // convert degree to radian


   acceleration = -gravity / rodLen * sin(angle)
   angle = angle + velocity : if angle > TWO_PI angle = 0
   velocity = velocity + acceleration
   velocity = velocity * damp
   posX = sin(angle) * rodLen
   posY = cos(angle) * rodLen - 70
   clear window
   text -50, -100, "Press 'q' to quit"
   color 250, 0, 250
   fill circle 0, -70, 4
   line 0, -70, posX, posY
   color 250, 100, 20
   fill circle posX, posY, 10

until(lower$(inkey$(0.02)) = "q")


ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: ERRE

In a real Spectrum it is too slow. Use the BasinC emulator/editor at maximum speed for realistic animation. <lang zxbasic>10 OVER 1: CLS 20 LET theta=1 30 LET g=9.81 40 LET l=0.5 50 LET speed=0 100 LET pivotx=120 110 LET pivoty=140 120 LET bobx=pivotx+l*100*SIN (theta) 130 LET boby=pivoty+l*100*COS (theta) 140 GO SUB 1000: PAUSE 1: GO SUB 1000 190 LET accel=g*SIN (theta)/l/100 200 LET speed=speed+accel/100 210 LET theta=theta+speed 220 GO TO 100 1000 PLOT pivotx,pivoty: DRAW bobx-pivotx,boby-pivoty 1010 CIRCLE bobx,boby,3 1020 RETURN</lang>