Cheryl's birthday
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is.
Cheryl gave them a list of ten possible dates:
May 15, May 16, May 19 June 17, June 18 July 14, July 16 August 14, August 15, August 17
Cheryl then tells Albert the month of birth, and Bernard the day (of the month) of birth.
1) Albert: I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know too. 2) Bernard: At first I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know now. 3) Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl's birthday is.
- Task
Write a computer program to deduce, by successive elimination, Cheryl's birthday.
- Related task
- References
- Wikipedia article of the same name.
- Tuple Relational Calculus
<lang applescript>use AppleScript version "2.4" use framework "Foundation" use scripting additions
property M : 1 -- Month property D : 2 -- Day
on run
-- The MONTH with only one remaining day -- among the DAYs with unique months, -- EXCLUDING months with unique days, -- in Cheryl's list: showList(uniquePairing(M, ¬ uniquePairing(D, ¬ monthsWithUniqueDays(false, ¬ map(composeList({tupleFromList, |words|, toLower}), ¬ splitOn(", ", ¬ "May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, " & ¬ "July 14, July 16, Aug 14, Aug 15, Aug 17")))))) --> "[('july', '16')]"
end run
-- QUERY FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------
-- monthsWithUniqueDays :: Bool -> [(Month, Day)] -> [(Month, Day)] on monthsWithUniqueDays(blnInclude, xs)
set _months to map(my fst, uniquePairing(D, xs)) script uniqueDay on |λ|(md) set bln to elem(fst(md), _months) if blnInclude then bln else not bln end if end |λ| end script filter(uniqueDay, xs)
end monthsWithUniqueDays
-- uniquePairing :: DatePart -> [(M, D)] -> [(M, D)]
on uniquePairing(dp, xs)
script go property f : my mReturn(item dp of {my fst, my snd}) on |λ|(md) set dct to f's |λ|(md) script unique on |λ|(k) set mb to lookupDict(k, dct) if Nothing of mb then false else 1 = length of (Just of mb) end if end |λ| end script set uniques to filter(unique, keys(dct)) script found on |λ|(tpl) elem(f's |λ|(tpl), uniques) end |λ| end script filter(found, xs) end |λ| end script bindPairs(xs, go)
end uniquePairing
-- bindPairs :: [(M, D)] -> ((Dict Text [Text], Dict Text [Text])
-- -> [(M, D)]) -> [(M, D)]
on bindPairs(xs, f)
tell mReturn(f) |λ|(Tuple(dictFromPairs(xs), ¬ dictFromPairs(map(my swap, xs)))) end tell
end bindPairs
-- dictFromPairs :: [(M, D)] -> Dict Text [Text] on dictFromPairs(mds)
set gps to groupBy(|on|(my eq, my fst), ¬ sortBy(comparing(my fst), mds)) script kv on |λ|(gp) Tuple(fst(item 1 of gp), map(my snd, gp)) end |λ| end script mapFromList(map(kv, gps))
end dictFromPairs
-- LIBRARY GENERICS ---------------------------------------
-- comparing :: (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Ordering) on comparing(f)
script on |λ|(a, b) tell mReturn(f) set fa to |λ|(a) set fb to |λ|(b) if fa < fb then -1 else if fa > fb then 1 else 0 end if end tell end |λ| end script
end comparing
-- composeList :: [(a -> a)] -> (a -> a) on composeList(fs)
script on |λ|(x) script on |λ|(f, a) mReturn(f)'s |λ|(a) end |λ| end script foldr(result, x, fs) end |λ| end script
end composeList
-- drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -- drop :: Int -> String -> String on drop(n, xs)
set c to class of xs if c is not script then if c is not string then if n < length of xs then items (1 + n) thru -1 of xs else {} end if else if n < length of xs then text (1 + n) thru -1 of xs else "" end if end if else take(n, xs) -- consumed return xs end if
end drop
-- dropAround :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String on dropAround(p, xs)
dropWhile(p, dropWhileEnd(p, xs))
end dropAround
-- dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- dropWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String on dropWhile(p, xs)
set lng to length of xs set i to 1 tell mReturn(p) repeat while i ≤ lng and |λ|(item i of xs) set i to i + 1 end repeat end tell drop(i - 1, xs)
end dropWhile
-- dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- dropWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String on dropWhileEnd(p, xs)
set i to length of xs tell mReturn(p) repeat while i > 0 and |λ|(item i of xs) set i to i - 1 end repeat end tell take(i, xs)
end dropWhileEnd
-- elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool on elem(x, xs)
considering case xs contains x end considering
end elem
-- enumFromToInt :: Int -> Int -> [Int] on enumFromToInt(M, n)
if M ≤ n then set lst to {} repeat with i from M to n set end of lst to i end repeat return lst else return {} end if
end enumFromToInt
-- eq (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool on eq(a, b)
a = b
end eq
-- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] on filter(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f) set lst to {} set lng to length of xs repeat with i from 1 to lng set v to item i of xs if |λ|(v, i, xs) then set end of lst to v end repeat return lst end tell
end filter
-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a on foldl(f, startValue, xs)
tell mReturn(f) set v to startValue set lng to length of xs repeat with i from 1 to lng set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs) end repeat return v end tell
end foldl
-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b on foldr(f, startValue, xs)
tell mReturn(f) set v to startValue set lng to length of xs repeat with i from lng to 1 by -1 set v to |λ|(item i of xs, v, i, xs) end repeat return v end tell
end foldr
-- fst :: (a, b) -> a on fst(tpl)
if class of tpl is record then |1| of tpl else item 1 of tpl end if
end fst
-- Typical usage: groupBy(on(eq, f), xs) -- groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a on groupBy(f, xs)
set mf to mReturn(f) script enGroup on |λ|(a, x) if length of (active of a) > 0 then set h to item 1 of active of a else set h to missing value end if if h is not missing value and mf's |λ|(h, x) then {active:(active of a) & {x}, sofar:sofar of a} else {active:{x}, sofar:(sofar of a) & {active of a}} end if end |λ| end script if length of xs > 0 then set dct to foldl(enGroup, {active:{item 1 of xs}, sofar:{}}, rest of xs) if length of (active of dct) > 0 then sofar of dct & {active of dct} else sofar of dct end if else {} end if
end groupBy
-- insertMap :: Dict -> String -> a -> Dict on insertMap(rec, k, v)
tell (current application's NSMutableDictionary's ¬ dictionaryWithDictionary:rec) its setValue:v forKey:(k as string) return it as record end tell
end insertMap
-- intercalateS :: String -> [String] -> String on intercalateS(sep, xs)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, sep} set s to xs as text set my text item delimiters to dlm return s
end intercalateS
-- Just :: a -> Maybe a on Just(x)
{type:"Maybe", Nothing:false, Just:x}
end Just
-- keys :: Dict -> [String] on keys(rec)
(current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:rec)'s allKeys() as list
end keys
-- lookupDict :: a -> Dict -> Maybe b on lookupDict(k, dct)
set ca to current application set v to (ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:dct)'s objectForKey:k if v ≠ missing value then Just(item 1 of ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithObject:v) as list)) else Nothing() end if
end lookupDict
-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b) on mReturn(f)
if class of f is script then f else script property |λ| : f end script end if
end mReturn
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f) set lng to length of xs set lst to {} repeat with i from 1 to lng set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs) end repeat return lst end tell
end map
-- mapFromList :: [(k, v)] -> Dict on mapFromList(kvs)
set tpl to unzip(kvs) script on |λ|(x) x as string end |λ| end script (current application's NSDictionary's ¬ dictionaryWithObjects:(|2| of tpl) ¬ forKeys:map(result, |1| of tpl)) as record
end mapFromList
-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a on min(x, y)
if y < x then y else x end if
end min
-- Nothing :: Maybe a on Nothing()
{type:"Maybe", Nothing:true}
end Nothing
-- e.g. sortBy(|on|(compare, |length|), ["epsilon", "mu", "gamma", "beta"]) -- on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c on |on|(f, g)
script on |λ|(a, b) tell mReturn(g) to set {va, vb} to {|λ|(a), |λ|(b)} tell mReturn(f) to |λ|(va, vb) end |λ| end script
end |on|
-- partition :: predicate -> List -> (Matches, nonMatches) -- partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) on partition(f, xs)
tell mReturn(f) set ys to {} set zs to {} repeat with x in xs set v to contents of x if |λ|(v) then set end of ys to v else set end of zs to v end if end repeat end tell Tuple(ys, zs)
end partition
-- show :: a -> String on show(e)
set c to class of e if c = list then showList(e) else if c = record then set mb to lookupDict("type", e) if Nothing of mb then showDict(e) else script on |λ|(t) if "Either" = t then set f to my showLR else if "Maybe" = t then set f to my showMaybe else if "Ordering" = t then set f to my showOrdering else if "Ratio" = t then set f to my showRatio else if class of t is text and t begins with "Tuple" then set f to my showTuple else set f to my showDict end if tell mReturn(f) to |λ|(e) end |λ| end script tell result to |λ|(Just of mb) end if else if c = date then "\"" & showDate(e) & "\"" else if c = text then "'" & e & "'" else if (c = integer or c = real) then e as text else if c = class then "null" else try e as text on error ("«" & c as text) & "»" end try end if
end show
-- showList :: [a] -> String on showList(xs)
"[" & intercalateS(", ", map(my show, xs)) & "]"
end showList
-- showTuple :: Tuple -> String on showTuple(tpl)
set ca to current application script on |λ|(n) set v to (ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:tpl)'s objectForKey:(n as string) if v ≠ missing value then unQuoted(show(item 1 of ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithObject:v) as list))) else missing value end if end |λ| end script "(" & intercalateS(", ", map(result, enumFromToInt(1, length of tpl))) & ")"
end showTuple
-- snd :: (a, b) -> b on snd(tpl)
if class of tpl is record then |2| of tpl else item 2 of tpl end if
end snd
-- Enough for small scale sorts. -- Use instead sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -- which is equivalent to the more flexible sortBy(comparing(f), xs) -- and uses a much faster ObjC NSArray sort method -- sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] on sortBy(f, xs)
if length of xs > 1 then set h to item 1 of xs set f to mReturn(f) script on |λ|(x) f's |λ|(x, h) ≤ 0 end |λ| end script set lessMore to partition(result, rest of xs) sortBy(f, |1| of lessMore) & {h} & ¬ sortBy(f, |2| of lessMore) else xs end if
end sortBy
-- splitOn :: String -> String -> [String] on splitOn(pat, src)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬ {my text item delimiters, pat} set xs to text items of src set my text item delimiters to dlm return xs
end splitOn
-- swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a) on swap(ab)
if class of ab is record then Tuple(|2| of ab, |1| of ab) else {item 2 of ab, item 1 of ab} end if
end swap
-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -- take :: Int -> String -> String on take(n, xs)
set c to class of xs if list is c then if 0 < n then items 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs else {} end if else if string is c then if 0 < n then text 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs else "" end if else if script is c then set ys to {} repeat with i from 1 to n set v to xs's |λ|() if missing value is v then return ys else set end of ys to v end if end repeat return ys else missing value end if
end take
-- toLower :: String -> String on toLower(str)
set ca to current application ((ca's NSString's stringWithString:(str))'s ¬ lowercaseStringWithLocale:(ca's NSLocale's currentLocale())) as text
end toLower
-- Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b) on Tuple(a, b)
{type:"Tuple", |1|:a, |2|:b, length:2}
end Tuple
-- tupleFromList :: [a] -> (a, a ...) on tupleFromList(xs)
set lng to length of xs if 1 < lng then if 2 < lng then set strSuffix to lng as string else set strSuffix to "" end if script kv on |λ|(a, x, i) insertMap(a, (i as string), x) end |λ| end script foldl(kv, {type:"Tuple" & strSuffix}, xs) & {length:lng} else missing value end if
end tupleFromList
-- unQuoted :: String -> String on unQuoted(s)
script p on |λ|(x) --{34, 39} contains id of x 34 = id of x end |λ| end script dropAround(p, s)
end unQuoted
-- unzip :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b]) on unzip(xys)
set xs to {} set ys to {} repeat with xy in xys set end of xs to |1| of xy set end of ys to |2| of xy end repeat return Tuple(xs, ys)
end unzip
-- words :: String -> [String] on |words|(s)
set ca to current application (((ca's NSString's stringWithString:(s))'s ¬ componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(ca's ¬ NSCharacterSet's whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()))'s ¬ filteredArrayUsingPredicate:(ca's ¬ NSPredicate's predicateWithFormat:"0 < length")) as list
end |words|</lang>
- Output:
"[('july', '16')]"
<lang c>#include <stdbool.h>
- include <stdio.h>
char *months[] = {
"ERR", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
struct Date {
int month, day; bool active;
} dates[] = {
{5,15,true}, {5,16,true}, {5,19,true}, {6,17,true}, {6,18,true}, {7,14,true}, {7,16,true}, {8,14,true}, {8,15,true}, {8,17,true}
- define UPPER_BOUND (sizeof(dates) / sizeof(struct Date))
void printRemaining() {
int i, c; for (i = 0, c = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; i++) { if (dates[i].active) { c++; } } printf("%d remaining.\n", c);
void printAnswer() {
int i; for (i = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; i++) { if (dates[i].active) { printf("%s, %d\n", months[dates[i].month], dates[i].day); } }
void firstPass() {
// the month cannot have a unique day int i, j, c; for (i = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; i++) { c = 0;
for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (dates[j].day == dates[i].day) { c++; } }
if (c == 1) { for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (!dates[j].active) continue; if (dates[j].month == dates[i].month) { dates[j].active = false; } } } }
void secondPass() {
// the day must now be unique int i, j, c; for (i = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; i++) { if (!dates[i].active) continue; c = 0;
for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (!dates[j].active) continue; if (dates[j].day == dates[i].day) { c++; } }
if (c > 1) { for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (!dates[j].active) continue; if (dates[j].day == dates[i].day) { dates[j].active = false; } } } }
void thirdPass() {
// the month must now be unique int i, j, c; for (i = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; i++) { if (!dates[i].active) continue; c = 0;
for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (!dates[j].active) continue; if (dates[j].month == dates[i].month) { c++; } }
if (c > 1) { for (j = 0; j < UPPER_BOUND; j++) { if (!dates[j].active) continue; if (dates[j].month == dates[i].month) { dates[j].active = false; } } } }
int main() {
printRemaining(); // the month cannot have a unique day firstPass();
printRemaining(); // the day must now be unique secondPass();
printRemaining(); // the month must now be unique thirdPass();
printAnswer(); return 0;
- Output:
10 remaining. 5 remaining. 3 remaining. Jul, 16
<lang csharp>public static class CherylsBirthday {
public static void Main() { var dates = new HashSet<(string month, int day)> { ("May", 15), ("May", 16), ("May", 19), ("June", 17), ("June", 18), ("July", 14), ("July", 16), ("August", 14), ("August", 15), ("August", 17) };
Console.WriteLine(dates.Count + " remaining."); //The month cannot have a unique day. var monthsWithUniqueDays = dates.GroupBy(d => => g.Count() == 1).Select(g => g.First().month).ToHashSet(); dates.RemoveWhere(d => monthsWithUniqueDays.Contains(d.month)); Console.WriteLine(dates.Count + " remaining."); //The day must now be unique. dates.IntersectWith(dates.GroupBy(d => => g.Count() == 1).Select(g => g.First())); Console.WriteLine(dates.Count + " remaining."); //The month must now be unique. dates.IntersectWith(dates.GroupBy(d => d.month).Where(g => g.Count() == 1).Select(g => g.First())); Console.WriteLine(dates.Single()); }
- Output:
10 remaining. 5 remaining. 3 remaining. (July, 16)
<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>
- include <iostream>
- include <vector>
using namespace std;
const vector<string> MONTHS = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
struct Birthday {
int month, day;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Birthday &);
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Birthday &birthday) {
return out << MONTHS[birthday.month - 1] << ' ' <<;
template <typename C> bool monthUniqueIn(const Birthday &b, const C &container) {
auto it = cbegin(container); auto end = cend(container); int count = 0; while (it != end) { if (it->month == b.month) { count++; } it = next(it); } return count == 1;
template <typename C> bool dayUniqueIn(const Birthday &b, const C &container) {
auto it = cbegin(container); auto end = cend(container); int count = 0; while (it != end) { if (it->day == { count++; } it = next(it); } return count == 1;
template <typename C> bool monthWithUniqueDayIn(const Birthday &b, const C &container) {
auto it = cbegin(container); auto end = cend(container); while (it != end) { if (it->month == b.month && dayUniqueIn(*it, container)) { return true; } it = next(it); } return false;
int main() {
vector<Birthday> choices = { {5, 15}, {5, 16}, {5, 19}, {6, 17}, {6, 18}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 14}, {8, 15}, {8, 17}, };
// Albert knows the month but doesn't know the day. // So the month can't be unique within the choices. vector<Birthday> filtered; for (auto bd : choices) { if (!monthUniqueIn(bd, choices)) { filtered.push_back(bd); } }
// Albert also knows that Bernard doesn't know the answer. // So the month can't have a unique day. vector<Birthday> filtered2; for (auto bd : filtered) { if (!monthWithUniqueDayIn(bd, filtered)) { filtered2.push_back(bd); } }
// Bernard now knows the answer. // So the day must be unique within the remaining choices. vector<Birthday> filtered3; for (auto bd : filtered2) { if (dayUniqueIn(bd, filtered2)) { filtered3.push_back(bd); } }
// Albert now knows the answer too. // So the month must be unique within the remaining choices. vector<Birthday> filtered4; for (auto bd : filtered3) { if (monthUniqueIn(bd, filtered3)) { filtered4.push_back(bd); } }
if (filtered4.size() == 1) { cout << "Cheryl's birthday is " << filtered4[0] << '\n'; } else { cout << "Something went wrong!\n"; }
return 0;
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is Jul 16
Common Lisp
<lang lisp>
- Author
- Amir Teymuri, Saturday 20.10.2018
(defparameter *possible-dates*
'((15 . may) (16 . may) (19 . may) (17 . june) (18 . june) (14 . july) (16 . july) (14 . august) (15 . august) (17 . august)))
(defun unique-date-parts (possible-dates &key (alist-look-at #'car) (alist-r-assoc #'assoc))
(let* ((date-parts (mapcar alist-look-at possible-dates))
(unique-date-parts (remove-if #'(lambda (part) (> (count part date-parts) 1)) date-parts)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (part) (funcall alist-r-assoc part possible-dates)) unique-date-parts)))
(defun person (person possible-dates)
"Who's turn is it to think?" (case person ('albert (unique-date-parts possible-dates :alist-look-at #'cdr :alist-r-assoc #'rassoc)) ('bernard (unique-date-parts possible-dates :alist-look-at #'car :alist-r-assoc #'assoc))))
(defun cheryls-birthday (possible-dates)
(person 'albert
(person 'bernard (set-difference possible-dates (person 'bernard possible-dates) :key #'cdr))))
(cheryls-birthday *possible-dates*) ;; => ((16 . JULY)) </lang>
<lang d>import std.algorithm.iteration : filter, joiner, map; import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; import std.algorithm.sorting : sort; import std.array : array; import : Date, Month; import std.stdio : writeln;
void main() {
auto choices = [ // Month.jan Date(2019, Month.may, 15), Date(2019, Month.may, 16), Date(2019, Month.may, 19), // unique day (1)
Date(2019, Month.jun, 17), Date(2019, Month.jun, 18), // unique day (1)
Date(2019, Month.jul, 14), Date(2019, Month.jul, 16), // final answer
Date(2019, Month.aug, 14), Date(2019, Month.aug, 15), Date(2019, Month.aug, 17), ];
// The month cannot have a unique day because Albert knows the month, and knows that Bernard does not know the answer auto uniqueMonths = choices.sort!" <".groupBy.filter!"a.array.length == 1"!"a.month"; // writeln(; auto filter1 = choices.filter!(a => !canFind(, a.month)).array;
// Bernard now knows the answer, so the day must be unique within the remaining choices auto uniqueDays = filter1.sort!" <".groupBy.filter!"a.array.length == 1"!""; auto filter2 = filter1.filter!(a => canFind(,;
// Albert knows the answer too, so the month must be unique within the remaining choices auto birthDay = filter2.sort!"a.month < b.month".groupBy.filter!"a.array.length == 1".joiner.front;
// print the result writeln(birthDay.month, " ",;
- Output:
jul 16
<lang fsharp> //Find Cheryl's Birthday. Nigel Galloway: October 23rd., 2018 type Month = |May |June |July |August let fN n= n |> List.filter(fun (_,n)->(List.length n) < 2) |> List.unzip let dates = [(May,15);(May,16);(May,19);(June,17);(June,18);(July,14);(July,16);(August,14);(August,15);(August,17)] let _,n = dates |> List.groupBy snd |> fN let i = n |> List.concat |> fst |> Set.ofList let _,g = dates |> List.filter(fun (n,_)->not (Set.contains n i)) |> List.groupBy snd |> fN let _,e = List.concat g |> List.groupBy fst |> fN printfn "%A" e </lang>
- Output:
[[(July, 16)]]
<lang factor>USING: assocs calendar.english fry io kernel prettyprint sequences sets.extras ;
- unique-by ( seq quot -- newseq )
2dup map non-repeating '[ @ _ member? ] filter ; inline
ALIAS: day first ALIAS: month second
{ 15 5 } { 16 5 } { 19 5 } { 17 6 } { 18 6 } { 14 7 } { 16 7 } { 14 8 } { 15 8 } { 17 8 }
! the month cannot have a unique day dup [ day ] map non-repeating over extract-keys values '[ month _ member? ] reject
! of the remaining dates, day must be unique [ day ] unique-by
! of the remaining dates, month must be unique [ month ] unique-by
! print a date that looks like { { 16 7 } } first first2 month-name write bl .</lang>
- Output:
July 16
<lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "time"
type birthday struct{ month, day int }
func (b birthday) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", time.Month(b.month),
func (b birthday) monthUniqueIn(bds []birthday) bool {
count := 0 for _, bd := range bds { if bd.month == b.month { count++ } } if count == 1 { return true } return false
func (b birthday) dayUniqueIn(bds []birthday) bool {
count := 0 for _, bd := range bds { if == { count++ } } if count == 1 { return true } return false
func (b birthday) monthWithUniqueDayIn(bds []birthday) bool {
for _, bd := range bds { if bd.month == b.month && bd.dayUniqueIn(bds) { return true } } return false
func main() {
choices := []birthday{ {5, 15}, {5, 16}, {5, 19}, {6, 17}, {6, 18}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 14}, {8, 15}, {8, 17}, }
// Albert knows the month but doesn't know the day. // So the month can't be unique within the choices. var filtered []birthday for _, bd := range choices { if !bd.monthUniqueIn(choices) { filtered = append(filtered, bd) } }
// Albert also knows that Bernard doesn't know the answer. // So the month can't have a unique day. var filtered2 []birthday for _, bd := range filtered { if !bd.monthWithUniqueDayIn(filtered) { filtered2 = append(filtered2, bd) } }
// Bernard now knows the answer. // So the day must be unique within the remaining choices. var filtered3 []birthday for _, bd := range filtered2 { if bd.dayUniqueIn(filtered2) { filtered3 = append(filtered3, bd) } }
// Albert now knows the answer too. // So the month must be unique within the remaining choices. var filtered4 []birthday for _, bd := range filtered3 { if bd.monthUniqueIn(filtered3) { filtered4 = append(filtered4, bd) } }
if len(filtered4) == 1 { fmt.Println("Cheryl's birthday is", filtered4[0]) } else { fmt.Println("Something went wrong!") }
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16
<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.List as L (filter, groupBy, head, length, sortOn) import Data.Map.Strict as M (Map, fromList, keys, lookup) import Data.Text as T (Text, splitOn, words) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Bool (bool)
data DatePart
= Month | Day
type M = Text
type D = Text
main :: IO () main =
print $ -- The month with only one remaining day, -- -- (A's month contains only one remaining day) -- (3 :: A "Then I also know") uniquePairing Month $ -- among the days with unique months, -- -- (B's day is paired with only one remaining month) -- (2 :: B "I know now") uniquePairing Day $ -- excluding months with unique days, -- -- (A's month is not among those with unique days) -- (1 :: A "I know that Bernard does not know") monthsWithUniqueDays False $ -- from the given month-day pairs: -- -- (0 :: Cheryl's list) (\(x:y:_) -> (x, y)) . T.words <$> splitOn ", " "May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, \ \July 14, July 16, Aug 14, Aug 15, Aug 17"
QUERY FUNCTIONS----------------------
monthsWithUniqueDays :: Bool -> [(M, D)] -> [(M, D)] monthsWithUniqueDays bln xs =
let months = fst <$> uniquePairing Day xs in L.filter (bool not id bln . (`elem` months) . fst) xs
uniquePairing :: DatePart -> [(M, D)] -> [(M, D)] uniquePairing dp xs =
let f = case dp of Month -> fst Day -> snd in (\md -> let dct = f md uniques = L.filter ((1 ==) . L.length . fromJust . flip M.lookup dct) (keys dct) in L.filter ((`elem` uniques) . f) xs) ((((,) . mapFromPairs) <*> mapFromPairs . fmap swap) xs)
mapFromPairs :: [(M, D)] -> Map Text [Text] mapFromPairs xs =
M.fromList $ ((,) . fst . L.head) <*> fmap snd <$> L.groupBy (on (==) fst) (L.sortOn fst xs)</lang>
- Output:
Solution: <lang j>Dates=: <;._2 noun define 15 May 16 May 19 May 17 June 18 June 14 July 16 July 14 August 15 August 17 August )
getDayMonth=: |:@:(' '&splitstring&>) NB. retrieve lists of days and months from dates keep=: adverb def '] #~ u' NB. apply mask to filter dates
monthsWithUniqueDay=: {./. #~ (1=#)/. NB. list months that have a unique day isMonthWithoutUniqueDay=: (] -.@e. monthsWithUniqueDay)/@getDayMonth NB. mask of dates with a month that doesn't have a unique day
uniqueDayInMonth=: ~.@[ #~ (1=#)/. NB. list of days that are unique to 1 month isUniqueDayInMonth=: ([ e. uniqueDayInMonth)/@getDayMonth NB. mask of dates with a day that is unique to 1 month
uniqueMonth=: ~.@] #~ (1=#)/.~ NB. list of months with 1 unique day isUniqueMonth=: (] e. uniqueMonth)/@getDayMonth NB. mask of dates with a month that has 1 unique day</lang> Usage: <lang j> isUniqueMonth keep isUniqueDayInMonth keep isMonthWithoutUniqueDay keep Dates +-------+ |16 July| +-------+</lang>
Alternative Approach
The concepts here are the same, of course, it's just the presentation that's different.
<lang J>possible=: cut;._2 'May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16, August 14, August 15, August 17,'
Albert=: {."1 NB. Albert knows month Bernard=: {:"1 NB. Bernard knows day
NB. Bernard's understanding of Albert's first pass
days=: {:"1 possible invaliddays=: (1=#/.~ days)#~.days months=: {."1 possible validmonths=: months -. (days e. invaliddays)#months possibleA=. (months e. validmonths)# possible
NB. Albert's understanding of Bernard's pass
days=: {:"1 possibleA invaliddays=: (1<#/.~ days)#~.days possibleB=. (days e. days-.invaliddays)# possibleA
NB. our understanding of Albert's second pass
months=: {."1 possibleB invalidmonths=: (1<#/.~months)#~.months echo ;:inv (months e. months -. invalidmonths)#possibleB</lang>
This gives us the July 16 result we were expecting
<lang java>import java.time.Month; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import;
public class Main {
private static class Birthday { private Month month; private int day;
public Birthday(Month month, int day) { this.month = month; = day; }
public Month getMonth() { return month; }
public int getDay() { return day; }
@Override public String toString() { return month + " " + day; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { List<Birthday> choices = List.of( new Birthday(Month.MAY, 15), new Birthday(Month.MAY, 16), new Birthday(Month.MAY, 19), new Birthday(Month.JUNE, 17), new Birthday(Month.JUNE, 18), new Birthday(Month.JULY, 14), new Birthday(Month.JULY, 16), new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 14), new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 15), new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 17) ); System.out.printf("There are %d candidates remaining.\n", choices.size());
// The month cannot have a unique day because Albert knows the month, and knows that Bernard does not know the answer Set<Month> uniqueMonths = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Birthday::getDay)) .values() .stream() .filter(g -> g.size() == 1) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .map(Birthday::getMonth) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); List<Birthday> f1List = .filter(birthday -> !uniqueMonths.contains(birthday.month)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.printf("There are %d candidates remaining.\n", f1List.size());
// Bernard now knows the answer, so the day must be unique within the remaining choices List<Birthday> f2List = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Birthday::getDay)) .values() .stream() .filter(g -> g.size() == 1) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.printf("There are %d candidates remaining.\n", f2List.size());
// Albert knows the answer too, so the month must be unique within the remaining choices List<Birthday> f3List = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Birthday::getMonth)) .values() .stream() .filter(g -> g.size() == 1) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.printf("There are %d candidates remaining.\n", f3List.size());
if (f3List.size() == 1) { System.out.printf("Cheryl's birthday is %s\n", f3List.get(0)); } else { System.out.println("No unique choice found"); } }
- Output:
There are 10 candidates remaining. There are 5 candidates remaining. There are 3 candidates remaining. There are 1 candidates remaining. Cheryl's birthday is JULY 16
<lang javascript>(() => {
'use strict';
// main :: IO () const main = () => { const month = fst, day = snd; showLog( map(x => Array.from(x), (
// The month with only one remaining day,
// (A's month contains only one remaining day) // (3 :: A "Then I also know") uniquePairing(month)(
// among the days with unique months,
// (B's day is paired with only one remaining month) // (2 :: B "I know now") uniquePairing(day)(
// excluding months with unique days,
// (A's month is not among those with unique days) // (1 :: A "I know that Bernard does not know") monthsWithUniqueDays(false)(
// from the given month-day pairs:
// (0 :: Cheryl's list) map(x => tupleFromList(words(strip(x))), splitOn(/,\s+/, `May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16, Aug 14, Aug 15, Aug 17` ) ) ) ) ) )) ); };
// monthsWithUniqueDays :: Bool -> [(Month, Day)] -> [(Month, Day)] const monthsWithUniqueDays = blnInclude => xs => { const months = map(fst, uniquePairing(snd)(xs)); return filter( md => (blnInclude ? id : not)( elem(fst(md), months) ), xs ); };
// uniquePairing :: ((a, a) -> a) -> // -> [(Month, Day)] -> [(Month, Day)] const uniquePairing = f => xs => bindPairs(xs, md => { const dct = f(md), matches = filter( k => 1 === length(dct[k]), Object.keys(dct) ); return filter(tpl => elem(f(tpl), matches), xs); } );
// bindPairs :: [(Month, Day)] -> (Dict, Dict) -> [(Month, Day)] const bindPairs = (xs, f) => f( Tuple( dictFromPairs(fst)(snd)(xs), dictFromPairs(snd)(fst)(xs) ) );
// dictFromPairs :: ((a, a) -> a) -> ((a, a) -> a) -> [(a, a)] -> Dict const dictFromPairs = f => g => xs => foldl((a, tpl) => Object.assign( a, { [f(tpl)]: (a[f(tpl)] || []).concat(g(tpl).toString()) } ), {}, xs);
// GENERIC ABSTRACTIONS -------------------------------
// Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b) const Tuple = (a, b) => ({ type: 'Tuple', '0': a, '1': b, length: 2 });
// elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool const elem = (x, xs) => xs.includes(x);
// filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] const filter = (f, xs) => xs.filter(f);
// foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a const foldl = (f, a, xs) => xs.reduce(f, a);
// fst :: (a, b) -> a const fst = tpl => tpl[0];
// id :: a -> a const id = x => x;
// intersect :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] const intersect = (xs, ys) => xs.filter(x => -1 !== ys.indexOf(x));
// Returns Infinity over objects without finite length // this enables zip and zipWith to choose the shorter // argument when one is non-finite, like cycle, repeat etc
// length :: [a] -> Int const length = xs => (Array.isArray(xs) || 'string' === typeof xs) ? ( xs.length ) : Infinity;
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] const map = (f, xs) =>;
// not :: Bool -> Bool const not = b => !b;
// showLog :: a -> IO () const showLog = (...args) => console.log( args .map(JSON.stringify) .join(' -> ') );
// snd :: (a, b) -> b const snd = tpl => tpl[1];
// splitOn :: String -> String -> [String] const splitOn = (pat, src) => src.split(pat);
// strip :: String -> String const strip = s => s.trim();
// tupleFromList :: [a] -> (a, a ...) const tupleFromList = xs => TupleN.apply(null, xs);
// TupleN :: a -> b ... -> (a, b ... ) function TupleN() { const args = Array.from(arguments), lng = args.length; return lng > 1 ? Object.assign( args.reduce((a, x, i) => Object.assign(a, { [i]: x }), { type: 'Tuple' + (2 < lng ? lng.toString() : ), length: lng }) ) : args[0]; };
// words :: String -> [String] const words = s => s.split(/\s+/);
// MAIN --- return main();
- Output:
<lang julia>const dates = [[15, "May"], [16, "May"], [19, "May"], [17, "June"], [18, "June"],
[14, "July"], [16, "July"], [14, "August"], [15, "August"], [17, "August"]]
uniqueday(parr) = filter(x -> count(y -> y[1] == x[1], parr) == 1, parr)
- At the start, they come to know that they have no unique day of month to identify.
const f1 = filter(m -> !(m[2] in [d[2] for d in uniqueday(dates)]), dates)
- After cutting months with unique dates, get months remaining that now have a unique date.
const f2 = uniqueday(f1)
- filter for those of the finally remaining months that have only one date left.
const bday = filter(x -> count(m -> m[2] == x[2], f2) == 1, f2)[]
println("Cheryl's birthday is $(bday[2]) $(bday[1]).")
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16.
<lang scala>// Version 1.2.71
val months = listOf(
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
class Birthday(val month: Int, val day: Int) {
public override fun toString() = "${months[month - 1]} $day"
public fun monthUniqueIn(bds: List<Birthday>): Boolean { return bds.count { this.month == it.month } == 1 }
public fun dayUniqueIn(bds: List<Birthday>): Boolean { return bds.count { == } == 1 }
public fun monthWithUniqueDayIn(bds: List<Birthday>): Boolean { return bds.any { (this.month == it.month) && it.dayUniqueIn(bds) } }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val choices = listOf( Birthday(5, 15), Birthday(5, 16), Birthday(5, 19), Birthday(6, 17), Birthday(6, 18), Birthday(7, 14), Birthday(7, 16), Birthday(8, 14), Birthday(8, 15), Birthday(8, 17) )
// Albert knows the month but doesn't know the day. // So the month can't be unique within the choices. var filtered = choices.filterNot { it.monthUniqueIn(choices) }
// Albert also knows that Bernard doesn't know the answer. // So the month can't have a unique day. filtered = filtered.filterNot { it.monthWithUniqueDayIn(filtered) }
// Bernard now knows the answer. // So the day must be unique within the remaining choices. filtered = filtered.filter { it.dayUniqueIn(filtered) }
// Albert now knows the answer too. // So the month must be unique within the remaining choices. filtered = filtered.filter { it.monthUniqueIn(filtered) }
if (filtered.size == 1) println("Cheryl's birthday is ${filtered[0]}") else println("Something went wrong!")
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16
<lang lua>-- Cheryl's Birthday in Lua 6/15/2020 db
local function Date(mon,day)
return { mon=mon, day=day, valid=true }
local choices = {
Date(5,15), Date(5,16), Date(5,19), Date(6,17), Date(6,18), Date(7,14), Date(7,16), Date(8,14), Date(8,15), Date(8,17)
local function apply(t,f)
for k,v in pairs(t) do f(k,v) end
local function filter(t,f)
local result = {} for k,v in pairs(t) do if f(k,v) then result[#result+1] = v end end return result
local function count(t) return #t end local function isvalid(k,v) return v.valid end local function invalidate(k,v) v.valid = false end
local function remaining()
io.write(" ") apply(filter(choices, isvalid), function(k,v) io.write(v.mon.."/"", ") end) print("\n")
print("Cheryl offers these ten choices:") remaining()
print("1a) Albert knows month but not day, so month cannot be unique, obviously/redundantly, leaving still:") apply(filter(choices, isvalid), function(k,v)
if count(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and v.mon==v2.mon end)) == 1 then apply(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and v.mon==v2.mon end), invalidate) end
end) remaining()
print("1b) Albert also knows that Bernard cannot yet know, so cannot be a month with a unique day, leaving:") apply(filter(choices, isvalid), function(k,v)
if count(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return end)) == 1 then apply(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and v.mon==v2.mon end), invalidate) end
end) remaining()
print("2) After Albert's revelation, Bernard now knows, so day must be unique, leaving:") apply(filter(choices, isvalid), function(k,v)
if count(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and end)) > 1 then apply(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and end), invalidate) end
end) remaining()
print("3) After Bernard's revelation, Albert now knows, so month must be unique, leaving only:") apply(filter(choices, isvalid), function(k,v)
if count(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and v.mon==v2.mon end)) > 1 then apply(filter(choices, function(k2,v2) return v2.valid and v.mon==v2.mon end), invalidate) end
end) remaining()</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl offers these ten choices: 5/15, 5/16, 5/19, 6/17, 6/18, 7/14, 7/16, 8/14, 8/15, 8/17, 1a) Albert knows month but not day, so month cannot be unique, obviously/redundantly, leaving still: 5/15, 5/16, 5/19, 6/17, 6/18, 7/14, 7/16, 8/14, 8/15, 8/17, 1b) Albert also knows that Bernard cannot yet know, so cannot be a month with a unique day, leaving: 7/14, 7/16, 8/14, 8/15, 8/17, 2) After Albert's revelation, Bernard now knows, so day must be unique, leaving: 7/16, 8/15, 8/17, 3) After Bernard's revelation, Albert now knows, so month must be unique, leaving only: 7/16,
<lang perl>sub filter {
my($test,@dates) = @_; my(%M,%D,@filtered);
# analysis of potential birthdays, keyed by month and by day for my $date (@dates) { my($mon,$day) = split '-', $date; $M{$mon}{cnt}++; $D{$day}{cnt}++; push @{$M{$mon}{day}}, $day; push @{$D{$day}{mon}}, $mon; push @{$M{$mon}{bday}}, "$mon-$day"; push @{$D{$day}{bday}}, "$mon-$day"; }
# eliminates May/Jun dates based on 18th and 19th being singletons if ($test eq 'singleton') { my %skip; for my $day (grep { $D{$_}{cnt} == 1 } keys %D) { $skip{ @{$D{$day}{mon}}[0] }++ } for my $mon (grep { ! $skip{$_} } keys %M) { push @filtered, @{$M{$mon}{bday}} }
# eliminates Jul/Aug 14th because day count > 1 across months } elsif ($test eq 'duplicate') { for my $day (grep { $D{$_}{cnt} == 1 } keys %D) { push @filtered, @{$D{$day}{bday}} }
# eliminates Aug 15th/17th because day count > 1, within month } elsif ($test eq 'multiple') { for my $day (grep { $M{$_}{cnt} == 1 } keys %M) { push @filtered, @{$M{$day}{bday}} } } return @filtered;
- doesn't matter what order singleton/duplicate tests are run, but 'multiple' must be last;
my @dates = qw<5-15 5-16 5-19 6-17 6-18 7-14 7-16 8-14 8-15 8-17>; @dates = filter($_, @dates) for qw<singleton duplicate multiple>;
my @months = qw<_ January February March April May June July August September October November December>;
my ($m, $d) = split '-', $dates[0]; print "Cheryl's birthday is $months[$m] $d.\n";</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16.
<lang Phix>sequence choices = {{5, 15}, {5, 16}, {5, 19}, {6, 17}, {6, 18},
{7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 14}, {8, 15}, {8, 17}}
sequence mwud = repeat(false,12) -- months with unique days
for step=1 to 4 do
sequence {months,days} = columnize(choices) bool impossible = false for i=length(choices) to 1 by -1 do integer {m,d} = choices[i] switch step do case 1: mwud[m] += (sum(sq_eq(days,d))=1) case 2: impossible = mwud[m] case 3: impossible = (sum(sq_eq(days,d))!=1) case 4: impossible = (sum(sq_eq(months,m))!=1) end switch if impossible then choices[i..i] = {} end if end for
end for
Strictly speaking we only need to columnize(choices) on steps 1 and 3.
Iterating backwards down the choices array simplifies element removal.
First case [1&2, months with unique days] must "or" before removing items.
Case 3 is days with unique months, case 4 is unique months.
- Output:
<lang python>Cheryl's Birthday
from itertools import (groupby) from operator import not_ from re import (split)
- main :: IO ()
def main():
Derivation of the date.
(month, day) = (0, 1) print( # (3 :: A "Then I also know") # (A's month contains only one remaining day) uniquePairing(month)( # (2 :: B "I know now") # (B's day is paired with only one remaining month) uniquePairing(day)( # (1 :: A "I know that Bernard does not know") # (A's month is not among those with unique days) monthsWithUniqueDays(False)([ # 0 :: Cheryl's list: tuple(x.split()) for x in split( ', ', 'May 15, May 16, May 19, ' + 'June 17, June 18, ' + 'July 14, July 16, ' + 'Aug 14, Aug 15, Aug 17' ) ]) ) ) )
- QUERY FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------
- monthsWithUniqueDays :: Bool -> [(Month, Day)] -> [(Month, Day)]
def monthsWithUniqueDays(blnInclude):
The subset of months with (or without) unique days. def go(xs): (month, day) = (0, 1) months = list(map(fst, uniquePairing(day)(xs))) return list(filter( lambda md: ( md if blnInclude else not_ )(md[month] in months), xs )) return lambda xs: go(xs)
- uniquePairing :: DatePart -> [(Month, Day)] -> [(Month, Day)]
def uniquePairing(i):
Subset of months (or days) with a unique intersection. def go(xs): def inner(md): dct = md[i] uniques = list(filter( lambda k: 1 == len(dct[k]), dct.keys() )) return filter(lambda tpl: tpl[i] in uniques, xs) return inner return lambda xs: bindPairs(xs)(go(xs))
- bindPairs :: [(Month, Day)] -> ((Dict String [String], Dict String [String])
- -> [(Month, Day)]) -> [(Month, Day)]
def bindPairs(xs):
List monad injection operator for lists of (Month, Day) pairs. return lambda f: list(f( (dictFromPairs(xs), dictFromPairs(map(swap, xs))) ))
- dictFromPairs :: [(Month, Day)] -> Dict Text [Text]
def dictFromPairs(xs):
A dictionary derived from a list of month day pairs. return dict( (k, list(map(snd, m))) for k, m in groupby( sorted(xs, key=fst), key=fst ) )
- GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
- fst :: (a, b) -> a
def fst(tpl):
First component of a pair. return tpl[0]
- snd :: (a, b) -> b
def snd(tpl):
Second component of a pair. return tpl[1]
- swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
def swap(tpl):
"Swap the components of a pair." return (tpl[1], tpl[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
[('July', '16')]
<lang racket>#lang racket
(define ((is x #:key [key identity]) y) (equal? (key x) (key y)))
(define albert first) (define bernard second)
(define (((unique who) chs) date) (= 1 (count (is date #:key who) chs)))
(define (((unique-fix who-fix who) chs) date)
(ormap (conjoin (is date #:key who-fix) ((unique who) chs)) chs))
(define-syntax-rule (solve <chs> [<act> <arg>] ...)
(let* ([chs <chs>] [chs (<act> (<arg> chs) chs)] ...) chs))
(solve '((May 15) (May 16) (May 19) (June 17) (June 18)
(July 14) (July 16) (August 14) (August 15) (August 17)) ;; Albert knows the month but doesn't know the day. ;; So the month can't be unique within the choices. [filter-not (unique albert)] ;; Albert also knows that Bernard doesn't know the answer. ;; So the month can't have a unique day. [filter-not (unique-fix albert bernard)] ;; Bernard now knows the answer. ;; So the day must be unique within the remaining choices. [filter (unique bernard)] ;; Albert now knows the answer too. ;; So the month must be unique within the remaining choices [filter (unique albert)])</lang>
- Output:
'((July 16))
(formerly Perl 6)
<lang perl6>my @dates =
{ :15day, :5month }, { :16day, :5month }, { :19day, :5month }, { :17day, :6month }, { :18day, :6month }, { :14day, :7month }, { :16day, :7month }, { :14day, :8month }, { :15day, :8month }, { :17day, :8month }
- Month can't have a unique day
my @filtered = @dates.grep(*.<month> != one(@dates.grep(*.<day> == one(@dates».<day>))».<month>));
- Day must be unique and unambiguous in remaining months
my $birthday = @filtered.grep(*.<day> == one(@filtered».<day>)).classify({.<month>})\
.first(*.value.elems == 1).value[0];
- convenience array
my @months = < January February March April May June July August September October November December>;
say "Cheryl's birthday is { @months[$birthday<month>] } {$birthday<day>}.";</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16.
<lang scala>import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.{LocalDate, Month}
object Cheryl {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val choices = List( LocalDate.of(2019, Month.MAY, 15), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.MAY, 16), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.MAY, 19),
LocalDate.of(2019, Month.JUNE, 17), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.JUNE, 18),
LocalDate.of(2019, Month.JULY, 14), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.JULY, 16),
LocalDate.of(2019, Month.AUGUST, 14), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.AUGUST, 15), LocalDate.of(2019, Month.AUGUST, 17) )
// The month cannot have a unique day because Albert knows the month, and knows that Bernard does not know the answer val uniqueMonths = choices.groupBy(_.getDayOfMonth) .filter(a => a._2.length == 1) .flatMap(a => a._2) .map(a => a.getMonth) val filter1 = choices.filterNot(a => uniqueMonths.exists(b => a.getMonth == b))
// Bernard now knows the answer, so the day must be unique within the remaining choices val uniqueDays = filter1.groupBy(_.getDayOfMonth) .filter(a => a._2.length == 1) .flatMap(a => a._2) .map(a => a.getDayOfMonth) val filter2 = filter1.filter(a => uniqueDays.exists(b => a.getDayOfMonth == b))
// Albert knows the answer too, so the month must be unique within the remaining choices val birthDay = filter2.groupBy(_.getMonth) .filter(a => a._2.length == 1) .flatMap(a => a._2) .head
// print the result printf(birthDay.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM dd"))) }
- Output:
July 16
Scala-ish approach
- Output:
See it yourself by running in your browser either by ScalaFiddle (ES aka JavaScript, non JVM) or Scastie (remote JVM).
<lang Scala>object Cheryl_sBirthday extends App {
private val possiblerDates = Set( Date("May", 15), Date("May", 16), Date("May", 19), Date("June", 17), Date("June", 18), Date("July", 14), Date("July", 16), Date("August", 14), Date("August", 15), Date("August", 17) )
private def clou3: Date = { // Find the dates with ONE unique once and only occurrence of the day of the month. def onceDates[K](toBeExcluded: Set[Date], selector: Date => K): Seq[Date] = toBeExcluded.groupBy(selector).filter { case (_, multiSet) => multiSet.size == 1 }.values.flatten.toSeq
// 1) Albert tells us that Bernard doesn't know the answer, // so we know the answer must be in months that does NOT have a same day of month. val uniqueMonths = onceDates(possiblerDates, (date: Date) => date.dayOfMonth).map(_.month) // Remove the dates with those months. The dates remain which has NOT those months. val clou1 = possiblerDates.filterNot(p => uniqueMonths.contains(p.month)) // 2) Since Bernard now knows the answer, that tells us that the day MUST be unique among the remaining birthdays. val uniqueDays = onceDates(clou1, (date: Date) => date.dayOfMonth).map(_.dayOfMonth)
// 3) Since Albert now knows the answer, that tells us the answer has to be unique by month. // First, as the first parameter, intersect clou1 (Albert) with uniqueDays (Bernard) onceDates(clou1.filter(date => uniqueDays.contains(date.dayOfMonth)), (date: Date) => date.month).head }
case class Date(month: String, dayOfMonth: Int) { override def toString: String = s"${"🎂 " * 3}$dayOfMonth $month${" 🎂" * 3}" }
<lang ruby>struct Date(day, month)
var dates = [
Date(15, "May"), Date(16, "May"), Date(19, "May"), Date(17, "June"), Date(18, "June"), Date(14, "July"), Date(16, "July"), Date(14, "August"), Date(15, "August"), Date(17, "August")
var filtered = dates.grep {
dates.grep {{ .day }.count(.day) == 1 }.map{ .month }.count(.month) != 1
var birthday = filtered.grep {{ .day }.count(.day) == 1
}.group_by{ .month }.values.first_by { .len == 1 }[0]
say "Cheryl's birthday is #{birthday.month} #{}."</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16.
<lang swift>struct MonthDay: CustomStringConvertible {
static let months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]
var month: Int var day: Int
var description: String { "\(MonthDay.months[month - 1]) \(day)" }
private func isUniqueIn(months: [MonthDay], by prop: KeyPath<MonthDay, Int>) -> Bool { return months.lazy.filter({ $0[keyPath: prop] == self[keyPath: prop] }).count == 1 }
func monthIsUniqueIn(months: [MonthDay]) -> Bool { return isUniqueIn(months: months, by: \.month) }
func dayIsUniqueIn(months: [MonthDay]) -> Bool { return isUniqueIn(months: months, by: \.day) }
func monthWithUniqueDayIn(months: [MonthDay]) -> Bool { return months.firstIndex(where: { $0.month == month && $0.dayIsUniqueIn(months: months) }) != nil }
let choices = [
MonthDay(month: 5, day: 15), MonthDay(month: 5, day: 16), MonthDay(month: 5, day: 19), MonthDay(month: 6, day: 17), MonthDay(month: 6, day: 18), MonthDay(month: 7, day: 14), MonthDay(month: 7, day: 16), MonthDay(month: 8, day: 14), MonthDay(month: 8, day: 15), MonthDay(month: 8, day: 17)
// Albert knows the month, but not the day, so he doesn't have a gimmie month let albertKnows = choices.filter({ !$0.monthIsUniqueIn(months: choices) })
// Albert also knows that Bernard doesn't know, so it can't be a gimmie day let bernardKnows = albertKnows.filter({ !$0.monthWithUniqueDayIn(months: albertKnows) })
// Bernard now knows the birthday, so it must be a unique day within the remaining choices let bernardKnowsMore = bernardKnows.filter({ $0.dayIsUniqueIn(months: bernardKnows) })
// Albert knows the birthday now, so it must be a unique month within the remaining choices guard let birthday = bernardKnowsMore.filter({ $0.monthIsUniqueIn(months: bernardKnowsMore) }).first else {
print("Cheryl's birthday is \(birthday)")</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16
<lang vb>Private Sub exclude_unique_days(w As Collection)
Dim number_of_dates(31) As Integer Dim months_to_exclude As New Collection For Each v In w number_of_dates(v(1)) = number_of_dates(v(1)) + 1 Next v For i = w.Count To 1 Step -1 If number_of_dates(w(i)(1)) = 1 Then months_to_exclude.Add w(i)(0) w.Remove i End If Next i For Each m In months_to_exclude exclude_month w, m Next m
End Sub Private Sub exclude_month(x As Collection, v As Variant)
For i = x.Count To 1 Step -1 If x(i)(0) = v Then x.Remove i Next i
End Sub Private Sub exclude_non_unique_days(w As Collection)
Dim number_of_dates(31) As Integer For Each v In w number_of_dates(v(1)) = number_of_dates(v(1)) + 1 Next v For i = w.Count To 1 Step -1 If number_of_dates(w(i)(1)) > 1 Then w.Remove i End If Next i
End Sub Private Sub exclude_non_unique_months(w As Collection)
Dim months As New Collection For Each v In w On Error GoTo 1 months.Add v(0), v(0) Next v
For i = w.Count To 1 Step -1 If w(i)(0) = v(0) Then w.Remove i End If Next i
End Sub Public Sub cherylsbirthday()
Dim v As New Collection s = "May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16, August 14, August 15, August 17" t = Split(s, ",") For Each u In t v.Add Split(Trim(u), " ") Next u '1) Albert: I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know too. exclude_unique_days v '2) Bernard: At first I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know now. exclude_non_unique_days v '3) Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl's birthday is. exclude_non_unique_months v Debug.Print v(1)(0); " "; v(1)(1)
End Sub</lang>
- Output:
July 16
Visual Basic .NET
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Structure MonDay Dim month As String Dim day As Integer
Sub New(m As String, d As Integer) month = m day = d End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return String.Format("({0}, {1})", month, day) End Function End Structure
Sub Main() Dim dates = New HashSet(Of MonDay) From { New MonDay("May", 15), New MonDay("May", 16), New MonDay("May", 19), New MonDay("June", 17), New MonDay("June", 18), New MonDay("July", 14), New MonDay("July", 16), New MonDay("August", 14), New MonDay("August", 15), New MonDay("August", 17) } Console.WriteLine("{0} remaining.", dates.Count)
' The month cannot have a unique day. Dim monthsWithUniqueDays = dates.GroupBy(Function(d) g.Count() = 1).Select(Function(g) g.First().month).ToHashSet() dates.RemoveWhere(Function(d) monthsWithUniqueDays.Contains(d.month)) Console.WriteLine("{0} remaining.", dates.Count)
' The day must now be unique. dates.IntersectWith(dates.GroupBy(Function(d) g.Count() = 1).Select(Function(g) g.First())) Console.WriteLine("{0} remaining.", dates.Count)
' The month must now be unique. dates.IntersectWith(dates.GroupBy(Function(d) d.month).Where(Function(g) g.Count() = 1).Select(Function(g) g.First())) Console.WriteLine(dates.Single()) End Sub
End Module</lang>
- Output:
10 remaining. 5 remaining. 3 remaining. (July, 16)
<lang zkl>dates:=T(T("May", 15), T("May", 16), T("May", 19),
T("June", 17), T("June", 18),
T("July", 14), T("July", 16), T("August",14), T("August",15), T("August",17) ); mDs:=dates.pump(Dictionary().appendKV); // "June":(15,16,19), ... dMs:=dates.pump(Dictionary().appendKV,"reverse"); // 15:"May", 16:"May", 19:"May", ...
// remove unique days (18,19) --> "July":(14,16),"August":(14,15,17) dMs.values.apply2('wrap(ms){ if(ms.len()==1) mDs.del(ms[0]) });
// find intersection of above days --> (14) fcn intersection(l1,l2){ l1.pump(List,l2.holds,'==(True),Void.Filter) } badDs:=mDs.values.reduce(intersection);
// --> July:(16),August:(15,17) --> ( ("July",(16)) ) theDay:=mDs.filter('wrap([(m,ds)]){ ds.removeEach(badDs).len()==1 });
// print birthday such that muliples are shown, if any println("Cheryl's birthday is ",theDay.flatten().flatten().concat(" "));</lang>
- Output:
Cheryl's birthday is July 16