Type detection: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring the hard way, phix/basics)
m (Added tester function to Python)
Line 638:
>>> type({}) is dict
=== Specific tester functions ===
* [https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#isinstance isinstance()]

Revision as of 20:48, 25 May 2021

Type detection is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

This draft task needs a purpose, a description and some way to tell whether examples satisfy or do not satisfy it.


Show a function/procedure that processes a block of text by printing it.

The function takes one parameter (ideally) that describes the text.

Demonstrate by calling the function twice, each time passing in a different type.

This can be done with pattern matching, multi-methods, dynamic type detection, structure(s) with a tag, etc.

The objective is write a [e.g. library] function that processes text from multiple sources (such as a string/char *, socket, file, etc).

If not practical, show how the caller would coerce a type that can be passed to the library function.


<lang AWK>

  2. uses Thompson Automation's TAWK 5.0c


   arr[0] = 0

} </lang>



The closest C comes to meeting this task, short of building it into the compiler or accessing memory segments via pointers, which is not guaranteed to be portable, is the ctype.h header file. It is part of the C Standard Library and provides 11 methods for detecting the type of a character, out of which the following 7 called in the wrapper function below can be called to be unique. The function accepts a string, but it actually checks the first character. An if ladder is used instead of if-else so that all function calls which return a non-zero value for the character are satisfied and the information is printed. <lang C>

  1. include<stdio.h>
  2. include<ctype.h>

void typeDetector(char* str){ if(isalnum(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is alphanumeric",str[0]); if(isalpha(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is alphabetic",str[0]); if(iscntrl(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is a control character",str[0]); if(isdigit(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is a digit",str[0]); if(isprint(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is printable",str[0]); if(ispunct(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is a punctuation character",str[0]); if(isxdigit(str[0])!=0) printf("\n%c is a hexadecimal digit",str[0]); }

int main(int argC, char* argV[]) { int i;

if(argC==1) printf("Usage : %s <followed by ASCII characters>"); else{ for(i=1;i<argC;i++) typeDetector(argV[i]); } return 0; } </lang> Output, shown for multiple inputs, as well as single ones:

C:\rosettaCode>typeDetector.exe s 3 $ f ! as 3

s is alphanumeric
s is alphabetic
s is printable
3 is alphanumeric
3 is a digit
3 is printable
3 is a hexadecimal digit
$ is printable
$ is a punctuation character
f is alphanumeric
f is alphabetic
f is printable
f is a hexadecimal digit
! is printable
! is a punctuation character
a is alphanumeric
a is alphabetic
a is printable
a is a hexadecimal digit
3 is alphanumeric
3 is a digit
3 is printable
3 is a hexadecimal digit

C:\rosettaCode>typeDetector.exe a

a is alphanumeric
a is alphabetic
a is printable
a is a hexadecimal digit
C:\rosettaCode>typeDetector.exe $

$ is printable
$ is a punctuation character
C:\rosettaCode>typeDetector.exe 3

3 is alphanumeric
3 is a digit
3 is printable
3 is a hexadecimal digit


<lang csharp>using System;

namespace TypeDetection {

   class C { }
   struct S { }
   enum E {
   class Program {
       static void ShowType<T>(T t) {
           Console.WriteLine("The type of '{0}' is {1}", t, t.GetType());
       static void Main() {
           ShowType(new C());
           ShowType(new S());
           ShowType(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });


The type of '5' is System.Int32
The type of '7.5' is System.Double
The type of 'd' is System.Char
The type of 'True' is System.Boolean
The type of 'Rosetta' is System.String
The type of 'TypeDetection.C' is TypeDetection.C
The type of 'TypeDetection.S' is TypeDetection.S
The type of 'NONE' is TypeDetection.E
The type of 'System.Int32[]' is System.Int32[]


Translation of: D

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

template <typename T> auto typeString(const T&) {

   return typeid(T).name();


class C {}; struct S {};

int main() {

   std::cout << typeString(1) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(1L) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(1.0f) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(1.0) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString('c') << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString("string") << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(C{}) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(S{}) << '\n';
   std::cout << typeString(nullptr) << '\n';


char [7]
class C
struct S


<lang Ruby>def print_type(x)

 puts "Compile-time type of #{x} is #{typeof(x)}"
 puts "    Actual runtime type is #{x.class}" if x.class != typeof(x)


print_type 123 print_type 123.45 print_type rand < 0.5 ? "1" : 0 print_type rand < 1.5 print_type nil print_type 'c' print_type "str" print_type [1,2] print_type({ 2, "two" }) print_type({a: 1, b: 2}) print_type ->(x : Int32){ x+2 > 0 } </lang>

Compile-time type of 123 is Int32
Compile-time type of 123.45 is Float64
Compile-time type of 0 is (Int32 | String)
    Actual runtime type is Int32
Compile-time type of true is Bool
Compile-time type of  is Nil
Compile-time type of c is Char
Compile-time type of str is String
Compile-time type of [1, 2] is Array(Int32)
Compile-time type of {2, "two"} is Tuple(Int32, String)
Compile-time type of {a: 1, b: 2} is NamedTuple(a: Int32, b: Int32)
Compile-time type of #<Proc(Int32, Bool):0x5645695ab9f0> is Proc(Int32, Bool)


<lang D>import std.stdio;

auto typeString(T)(T _) {

   return T.stringof;


class C {} struct S {}

void main() {

   writeln(typeString(new C()));




Using dynamic dispatch: <lang>USING: arrays formatting io kernel math prettyprint sequences strings ; IN: rosetta-code.type-detection

GENERIC: myprint ( object -- )

M: object myprint drop "I don't know how to print this." print ; M: string myprint "I'm a string: \"%s\"\n" printf ; M: fixnum myprint "I'm a fixnum: " write . ; M: array myprint "I'm an array: { " write

   [ pprint bl ] each "}" print ;

"Hello world." myprint { 1 2 3 4 5 } myprint 123 myprint 3.1415 myprint</lang>

I'm a string: "Hello world."
I'm an array: { 1 2 3 4 5 }
I'm a fixnum: 123
I don't know how to print this.


Note that Go doesn't really have a character type. A single quoted character (such as 'd') is by default a rune (or 32 bit integer) literal representing its Unicode code-point. <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

type any = interface{}

func showType(a any) {

   switch a.(type) {
   case rune:
       fmt.Printf("The type of '%c' is %T\n", a, a)
       fmt.Printf("The type of '%v' is %T\n", a, a)


func main() {

   values := []any{5, 7.5, 2 + 3i, 'd', true, "Rosetta"}
   for _, value := range values {


The type of '5' is int
The type of '7.5' is float64
The type of '(2+3i)' is complex128
The type of 'd' is int32
The type of 'true' is bool
The type of 'Rosetta' is string


Presumably this satisfies the task requirements...

<lang J> echo 'one' one

  echo 1



Translation of: Kotlin

<lang Java>public class TypeDetection {

   private static void showType(Object a) {
       if (a instanceof Integer) {
           System.out.printf("'%s' is an integer\n", a);
       } else if (a instanceof Double) {
           System.out.printf("'%s' is a double\n", a);
       } else if (a instanceof Character) {
           System.out.printf("'%s' is a character\n", a);
       } else {
           System.out.printf("'%s' is some other type\n", a);
   public static void main(String[] args) {


'5' is an integer
'7.5' is a double
'd' is a character
'true' is some other type



console.log(typeof('foo')); // Returns string
console.log(typeof(12345)); // Returns number


In Julia, the function that returns the type of an object is the typeof function, and the function isa tests whether an object is of that type. <lang Julia>

julia> a = 1 1

julia> typeof(a) Int32

julia> b = 1.0 1.0

julia> typeof(b) Float64

julia> 1.0 isa Number true

julia> 1.0 isa Int false

julia> 1 isa Int true

julia> typeof("hello") String

julia> typeof(typeof("hello")) DataType

julia> typeof(Set([1,3,4])) Set{Int64}

julia> 1 isa String false

julia> "1" isa Number false

julia> "1" isa String true

julia> isa(1.0,Float32) false

julia> isa(1.0,Float64) true


OASYS Assembler

<lang oasys_oaa>

The following method checks if a global variable or property is an
object type. Does not work with locals and arguments.


 ,^<,^<<    ; Remember old value
 ,^<*>      ; Create new object
 ,^<<DES    ; Destroy the object
 ,^<<EX     ; Check if variable has been cleared
 />1RF      ; It is clear
 :>0RF      ; It is not clear



<lang scala>// version 1.0.6 fun showType(a: Any) = when (a) {

       is Int    -> println("'$a' is an integer")
       is Double -> println("'$a' is a double")
       is Char   -> println("'$a' is a character")
       else      -> println("'$a' is some other type")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {



'5' is an integer
'7.5' is a double
'd' is a character
'true' is some other type


<lang lua>function writeValue(v)

   local t = type(v)
   if t == "number" then
   elseif t == "string" then
       io.write("`" .. v .. "`")
   elseif t == "table" then
       local c = 0
       for k,v in pairs(v) do
           if c > 0 then
               io.write(", ")
           io.write(" => ")
           c = c + 1
   elseif t == "function" then
       io.write("`" .. tostring(v) .. "`")
       io.write("Unhandled type: " .. t)


function printType(v)

   io.write("The value ")
   print(" is of type " .. type(v))


function main()

   printType("hello world")
   printType({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})



The value 42 is of type number
The value 3.14 is of type number
The value `hello world` is of type string
The value {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5} is of type table
The value `function: 00C6C4A8` is of type function


The function ref takes a reference to a variable, via '\', and returns the type. Some of the more common are shown here. In the cases where the value in question is already a reference ($regex and $subref) the '\' is not used. <lang perl>$scalar = 1; @array = (1, 2); %hash = ('a' => 1); $regex = qr/foo.*bar/; $reference = \%hash; sub greet { print "Hello world!" }; $subref = \&greet;

$fmt = "%-11s is type: %s\n"; printf $fmt, '$scalar', ref(\$scalar); printf $fmt, '@array', ref(\@array); printf $fmt, '%hash', ref(\%hash); printf $fmt, '$regex', ref( $regex); printf $fmt, '$reference', ref(\$reference); printf $fmt, '$subref', ref( $subref);</lang>

$scalar     is type:  SCALAR
@array      is type:  ARRAY
%hash       is type:  HASH
$regex      is type:  Regexp
$reference  is type:  REF
$subref     is type:  CODE


Library: Phix/basics

Phix builtin type tests are: integer(), atom(), string(), sequence(), and object(). The latter returns true unless arg is unassigned, also notice that showtype never even attempts to set t to "object", since it is guaranteed to be one of the other four.

procedure showtype(object o)
    string t = iff(atom(o)?iff(integer(o)?"integer":"atom")
end procedure


PicoLisp have only three base data types.

: (num? 123)
-> 123
: (num? (1 2 3))
-> NIL
: (sym? 'a)
-> T
: (sym? 123)
-> NIL
: (lst? NIL)
-> T
: (lst? (1 . 2))
-> T
: (lst? (1 2 3))
-> T



echo gettype('foo'); // Returns string
echo gettype(12345); // Returns integer

Specific tester functions


In PowerShell everything is an object and all objects have the GetType() method: <lang PowerShell> [string]$str = "123" $str.GetType() </lang>

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType     
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                                                                                  
True     True     String                                   System.Object

<lang PowerShell> [int]$int = $str -as [int] $int.GetType() </lang>

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType        
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                                                                                  
True     True     Int32                                    System.ValueType


Built-in function type()

>>> type('foo')
<class 'str'>
>>> type(12345)
<class 'int'>

Testing types

>>> type('foo') is str
>>> type(123.0) is not int
>>> type([]) is list
>>> type({}) is dict

Specific tester functions


Hopefully you can see how to extend the code to add all sorts of other types. If I did this, I’d swamp the task page. A good list of types supported/provided by Racket can be found in the Typed Racket reference: http://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-reference/type-ref.html

<lang racket>#lang racket

(require racket/undefined)

(define fooer<%> (interface ())) (define foo% (class* object% (fooer<%>)


(struct my-tree (l v r))


(define (n.t f)

 (list f (regexp-replace #rx"\\?" (symbol->string (object-name f)) "")))
listed in the order (as close as) shown in
http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/datatypes.html (section numbers next to
some entries)

(define type-tests.names

 `(,@(map n.t
          (list boolean? immutable? ; 3.1
   ;; the famous scheme numerical tower
   ,@(map n.t ; 3.2
          (list number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact-integer?
                exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-positive-integer?
                inexact-real? fixnum? flonum? double-flonum? single-flonum?
                zero? positive? negative? odd? even? exact? inexact?))
   ,@(map n.t
          (list char? ; 3.3 --- there are also char-alphabetic? etc -- but they're not
                      ;         types as such
                string? ; 3.4
                byte? bytes? ; 3.5
                symbol? ; 3.6
                keyword? ; 3.7
                pair? null? list? ; 3.8
                vector? ; 3.9
                hash? hash-equal? hash-eqv? hash-eq? hash-weak? ; 3.10
                box? ; 3.11
                void? ; 3.12
   ,(list (λ (v) (eq? v undefined)) "undefined") ; 3. 12
   ;; now we move to http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/data.html
   ;; for section numbering
   ,@(map n.t
           regexp? pregexp? byte-regexp? byte-pregexp? ; 4.7
           stream? sequence? ; 4.14
           dict? ; 4.15
           set-equal? set-eqv? set-eq? set? set-mutable? set-weak? ; 4.16
           continuation? procedure? ; 4.17            
   ;; class/interface testing
   ,(list (λ (v) (is-a? v object%)) "object%")
   ,(list (λ (v) (is-a? v foo%)) "foo%")
   ,(list (λ (v) (is-a? v fooer<%>)) "fooer<%>")
   ;; more types from reference (sections are top-level, mostly)
   ,@(map n.t
           syntax? ; 3.
           my-tree? ; 5.
           exn? exn:fail? exn:fail:filesystem? ; 10.2
           promise? ; 10.3
   ;; there's all sorts of other types to test!

(define (->type-names v)

 (let ((rv (for/list ((t.n (in-list type-tests.names))
                      #:when (with-handlers
                                 ((exn? (λ (x) #f)))
                               ((car t.n) v))) (cadr t.n))))
   (if (null? rv) (list "UNKNOWN") rv)))

(module+ test

 (require xml/xml)
 (define test-values
   (list 3.+4.i 3+4i (- pi) pi 0. 0 -0.5 0.5 -1/3 1/3
         -12345678909876543210123456789 12345678909876543210123456788 -132 133
         #\t #\null
         "" "monkeys" "\u03BB"
         -1 255 256
         #"" #"nibble"
         'hello '||
         '() '(1 . 2) '(3) '(5 6)
         #() #(1) #("foo" 2 'bar)
         (box "x")
         #rx".*" #px"3?" #rx#"t.m" #px#".i."
         (in-vector #(1 2 3)) (stream 1 2 3)
         #hash((a . "apple")) #("apple" "binana") '("apple" "binana")
          '((a . "apple") (b . "binana"))
          (set 1 2 3) (seteq 1 2 3) (seteqv 1 2 3)
          (mutable-set 1 2 3) (mutable-seteq 1 2 3) (mutable-seteqv 1 2 3)
          (weak-set 1 2 3) (weak-seteq 1 2 3) (weak-seteqv 1 2 3)
          + (λ (x) #t) (call/cc (λ (k) k))
          (new object%) (new foo%)
          #'(xxy zzy)
          (my-tree (my-tree #f 1 #f) 2 #f)
          (with-handlers ((exn? values)) (error 'aargh!))
          (with-handlers ((exn? values))
            (file->string "/tmp/there-is-no-way-this-file-exists---surely?"))
          (delay 3)
 ;; tempted to print a cross-reference table, but that would be too wide for RC (maybe)
 (write-xexpr #:insert-newlines? #f
  `(table (thead (tr (th "Value [~s]") (th "->type-name")))
          (tbody ,@(map (λ (v) `(tr "\n" (td ,(~s v))
                                    (td ,(string-join (->type-names v) ", "))))



The following table is generated:

<thead></thead> <tbody></tbody>
Value [~s]->type-name
3.0+4.0inumber, complex, inexact
3+4inumber, complex, exact
-3.141592653589793number, complex, real, rational, inexact-real, flonum, double-flonum, negative, inexact
3.141592653589793number, complex, real, rational, inexact-real, flonum, double-flonum, positive, inexact
0.0number, complex, real, rational, integer, inexact-real, flonum, double-flonum, zero, even, inexact
0number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, exact-nonnegative-integer, fixnum, zero, even, exact, byte, sequence
-0.5number, complex, real, rational, inexact-real, flonum, double-flonum, negative, inexact
0.5number, complex, real, rational, inexact-real, flonum, double-flonum, positive, inexact
-1/3number, complex, real, rational, negative, exact
1/3number, complex, real, rational, positive, exact
-12345678909876543210123456789number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, negative, odd, exact
12345678909876543210123456788number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, exact-nonnegative-integer, exact-positive-integer, positive, even, exact, sequence
-132number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, fixnum, negative, even, exact
133number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, exact-nonnegative-integer, exact-positive-integer, fixnum, positive, odd, exact, byte, sequence
""immutable, string, sequence
"monkeys"immutable, string, sequence
"λ"immutable, string, sequence
-1number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, fixnum, negative, odd, exact
255number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, exact-nonnegative-integer, exact-positive-integer, fixnum, positive, odd, exact, byte, sequence
256number, complex, real, rational, integer, exact-integer, exact-nonnegative-integer, exact-positive-integer, fixnum, positive, even, exact, sequence
#""immutable, bytes, sequence
#"nibble"immutable, bytes, sequence
()null, list, stream, sequence, dict
(1 . 2)pair
(3)pair, list, stream, sequence
(5 6)pair, list, stream, sequence
#()immutable, vector, sequence, dict
#(1)immutable, vector, sequence, dict
#("foo" 2 (quote bar))immutable, vector, sequence, dict
#hash()hash, hash-equal, sequence, dict
#hasheq()hash, hash-eq, sequence, dict
#hasheqv()hash, hash-eqv, sequence, dict
#hash()immutable, hash, hash-equal, sequence, dict
#hasheq()immutable, hash, hash-eq, sequence, dict
#hasheqv()immutable, hash, hash-eqv, sequence, dict
#<hash>hash, hash-equal, hash-weak, sequence, dict
#<hash>hash, hash-eq, hash-weak, sequence, dict
#<hash>hash, hash-eqv, hash-weak, sequence, dict
#hash()immutable, hash, hash-equal, sequence, dict
#hasheq()immutable, hash, hash-eq, sequence, dict
#hasheqv()immutable, hash, hash-eqv, sequence, dict
#px"3?"regexp, pregexp
#px#".i."byte-regexp, byte-pregexp
#<stream>stream, sequence
#hash((a . "apple"))immutable, hash, hash-equal, sequence, dict
#("apple" "binana")immutable, vector, sequence, dict
("apple" "binana")pair, list, stream, sequence
((a . "apple") (b . "binana"))pair, list, stream, sequence, dict
#<set: 1 3 2>stream, sequence, set-equal, set
#<seteq: 1 2 3>stream, sequence, set-eq, set
#<seteqv: 1 2 3>stream, sequence, set-eqv, set
#<mutable-set: 1 2 3>sequence, set-equal, set-mutable
#<mutable-seteq: 1 2 3>sequence, set-eq, set-mutable
#<mutable-seteqv: 1 2 3>sequence, set-eqv, set-mutable
#<weak-set: 1 3 2>sequence, set-equal, set-weak
#<weak-seteq: 1 2 3>sequence, set-eq, set-weak
#<weak-seteqv: 1 2 3>sequence, set-eqv, set-weak
#<continuation>continuation, procedure
#(struct:object:foo% ...)object%, foo%, fooer<%>
#<syntax:D:\Users\tim\Dropbox\hacking\rosettacode\type-detection.rkt:117:13 (xxy zzy)>syntax
#(struct:exn:fail "error: aargh!" #<continuation-mark-set>)exn, exn:fail
#(struct:exn:fail:filesystem "file-size: file not found\n path: D:/tmp/there-is-no-way-this-file-exists---surely?" #<continuation-mark-set>)exn, exn:fail, exn:fail:filesystem


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2020.08.1

Raku is a dynamic language that has gradual, duck typing. It provides introspection methods through its comprehensive MOP (Meta Object Protocol) making it easy to do type detection, subroutine signatures and multi-dispatch. Raku types have two general flavors: content types and container types. Different container types have varying restrictions on what sort of content they can contain and in return provide specialized methods to operate on those contents. Content types give the compiler hints on how to best handle the information, what storage requirements it may have, what operators will work with it, etc.

This is really a very broad and kind of hand-wavey overview of Raku types. For much more indepth coverage see Raku Design Documents Synopsis S02: Bits and Pieces: Built-In Data Types

<lang perl6>sub type ($t) { say $t.raku, "\tis type: ", $t.WHAT }

  1. some content types

.&type for 1, 2.0, 3e0, 4i, π, Inf, NaN, 'String';

  1. some primitive container types

.&type for $, [ ], @, { }, %, (5 .. 7), (8 ... 10), /0/, {;}, sub {}, ( );

  1. undefined things

.&type for Any, Nil;

  1. user defined types

class my-type { };

my my-type $object;


1	is type: (Int)
2.0	is type: (Rat)
3e0	is type: (Num)
<0+4i>	is type: (Complex)
3.14159265358979e0	is type: (Num)
Inf	is type: (Num)
NaN	is type: (Num)
"String"	is type: (Str)
Any	is type: (Any)
$[]	is type: (Array)
$[]	is type: (Array)
{}	is type: (Hash)
{}	is type: (Hash)
5..7	is type: (Range)
(8, 9, 10).Seq	is type: (Seq)
/0/	is type: (Regex)
-> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|61385680) ... }	is type: (Block)
sub () { #`(Sub|62948936) ... }	is type: (Sub)
$()	is type: (List)
Any	is type: (Any)
Nil	is type: Nil
my-type	is type: (my-type)


These are some of the tests that can be performed on REXX variables (values) to determine which   type   they are.

Although everything   (as far as variables are concerning)   in the REXX language is a character string,   character
strings can be classified by having certain characteristics,   or in other words, types.
Characteristics of these   types   can overlap. <lang rexx>/*REXX program displays what "type" a variable is (based on the variable's value). */ signal on noValue /*trap for undefined REXX variables. */ y= 1938  ; call showType y /*╔═══════════════════════════════════╗*/ y= 77.1  ; call showType y /*║ All REXX variables are stored as ║*/ y=  ; call showType y /*║ character strings, even numbers. ║*/ y= ' '  ; call showType y /*║ If a variable string is numeric, ║*/ y= 'abc'  ; call showType y /*║ all comparisons (IF statements) ║*/ y= 'ABC'  ; call showType y /*║ that are made with numbers are ║*/ y= 'aBc'  ; call showType y /*║ compared numerically. If not ║*/ y= '1515'x  ; call showType y /*║ numeric, the string is compared ║*/ y= '10 11'x  ; call showType y /*║ char by char after leading and ║*/ y= '00 0001'b ; call showType y /*║ trailing blanks are removed, and ║*/ y= '1'b  ; call showType y /*║ shorter strings are padded with ║*/ y= ' + 1938 ' ; call showType y /*║ blanks to match the longer string.║*/ y= ' - 1.2e4' ; call showType y /*╚═══════════════════════════════════╝*/ y= '1'  ; call showType y /* */

                         call showType yyy      /*note:  the variable YYY is undefined.*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ noValue: say ' REXX variable ' condition("D") ' is undefined.'; exit /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ showType: procedure; parse arg x 1 xu; upper xu /*get true value & an uppercase version*/

          @= '      value is';              say  @  x
                                            say  @  'of length'       length(x)
          if  x ==                   then say  @  "null."
          if  x\==  &  x=          then say  @  "all blank."
          if  datatype(x, 'N')         then say  @  "numeric (decimal)."
                                       else say  @  "a character string (not numeric)."
          if  datatype(x, 'W')         then say  @  "an integer (a whole number)."
          if  datatype(x, 'N') &,
             \datatype(x, 'W')         then say  @  "not an integer."
          if  datatype(x, 'N') &,
              pos('E', xu)\==0         then say  @  "a number in exponential format."
          if  datatype(x, 'A')         then say  @  "an alphanumeric string."
          if  datatype(x, 'U')         then say  @  "all uppercase (Latin) letters."
          if  datatype(x, 'L')         then say  @  "all lowercase (Latin) letters."
          if \datatype(x, 'L') &,
             \datatype(x, 'U') &,
              datatype(x, 'M')         then say  @  "of mixed case (Latin) letters."
          if  datatype(x, 'B')         then say  @  "binary."
          if  datatype(x, 'X')         then say  @  "hexadecimal."
          if  datatype(x, 'S')         then say  @  "a REXX symbol."
          say copies('▒',  50)                  /*a fence that is used as a separator. */
output   when using the internal default data:
      value is 1938
      value is of length 4
      value is numeric (decimal).
      value is an integer (a whole number).
      value is an alphanumeric string.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      value is 77.1
      value is of length 4
      value is numeric (decimal).
      value is not an integer.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      value is
      value is of length 0
      value is null.
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is binary.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is
      value is of length 3
      value is all blank.
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is abc
      value is of length 3
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is an alphanumeric string.
      value is all lowercase (Latin) letters.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      value is ABC
      value is of length 3
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is an alphanumeric string.
      value is all uppercase (Latin) letters.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      value is aBc
      value is of length 3
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is an alphanumeric string.
      value is of mixed case (Latin) letters.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      value is §§
      value is of length 2
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is ►◄
      value is of length 2
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is ☺
      value is of length 1
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is ☺
      value is of length 1
      value is a character string (not numeric).
      value is  + 1938
      value is of length 8
      value is numeric (decimal).
      value is an integer (a whole number).
      value is  - 1.2e4
      value is of length 8
      value is numeric (decimal).
      value is an integer (a whole number).
      value is a number in exponential format.
      value is 1
      value is of length 1
      value is numeric (decimal).
      value is an integer (a whole number).
      value is an alphanumeric string.
      value is binary.
      value is hexadecimal.
      value is a REXX symbol.
      REXX variable  YYY  is undefined.


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Type detection

see "5 -> " + type(5) + nl see "7.5 -> " + type(7.5) + nl see "d -> " + type('d') + nl </lang> Output:

7.5 -> NUMBER


While Rust compiles to machine code, it does provide multiple mechanisms for requesting that type information be preserved so that it can be queried at runtime.


Rust has first-class support for tagged unions via the enum keyword.

The compiler will require that all possible values are handled, even if it's as simple as a fallthrough _ => unreachable!() which causes the program to die in a memory-safe way.

<lang rust>enum ExpectedTypes {



// Avoid having to prefix each variant name with ExpectedTypes:: use ExpectedTypes::*;

fn main() {

   let enum_test = &[Int(-5), UInt(10), Real(-15.5), Text("Twenty".to_owned()),
   for entry in enum_test {
       match entry {
           Int(x) => println!("Got an integer: {}", x),
           UInt(x) => println!("Got an unsigned integer: {}", x),
           Real(x) => println!("Got a floating-point number: {}", x),
           Text(x) => println!("Got a string of text: {}", x),
           Uncertain => println!("Value is uncertain"),



Got an integer: -5
Got an unsigned integer: 10
Got a floating-point number: -15.5
Got a string of text: Twenty
Value is uncertain

(Rust also supports untagged unions, but they're only intended to be used for calling or exposing interfaces which use the C ABI.)


Rust traits are analogous to interfaces in other languages and support both monomorphic dispatch via generics (the compiler will generate a copy of the function for each combination of input arguments used) and polymorphic dispatch via type erasure (known as "Trait objects").

As Rust allows you to implement your own traits on other people's types, this can be used to implement type detection.

<lang rust>use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self,prelude::*}; use std::net::TcpStream;

// Declare an Identify trait and implement it for a bunch of types pub trait Identify {

   fn id(&self) -> &'static str;


// Declare a macro to compact away the boilerplate macro_rules! declare_id {

   ( $struct:ty, $id:ident ) => (
       impl Identify for $struct {
           fn id(&self) -> &'static str {
               return stringify!($id);


// Use the macro to `impl` the Identify trait for a bunch of types declare_id!(io::Empty, empty); declare_id!(File, file_handle); declare_id!(TcpStream, tcp_stream); declare_id!(u8, int8); declare_id!(&str, string);

// This uses monomorphic dispatch via generics. // A copy of the function will be generated for each input type encountered pub fn calc_size<R: Read + Identify>(readable: R) {

   let id = readable.id();
   let mut size = 0;
   for _byte in readable.bytes() {
       size += 1;
   println!(" {}: {} bytes", id, size);


// This uses polymorphic dispatch via type erasure pub fn identify(thing: &dyn Identify) {

   println!(" Got {}", thing.id());


fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {

   println!("Monomorphic Generic Interface:");
   println!("\nPolymorphic Interface:");
   for x in &[&15u8 as &dyn Identify, &"Hello" as &dyn Identify] {



Monomorphic Generic Interface:
 file_handle: 154072 bytes
 empty: 0 bytes
 tcp_stream: 4 bytes

Polymorphic Interface:
 Got int8
 Got string

The Any trait

Finally, while it's more limited than it appears, Rust does have some small degree of support for type introspection.

<lang rust>use std::any::Any;

pub fn is_string(thing: &dyn Any) {

   if thing.is::<&str>() {
       println!("It's a string slice!");
   } else {


fn main() {

   is_string(&"Hello, World!");



It's a string slice!


 <lang scala>object TypeDetection extends App {
 def showType(a: Any) = a match {
   case a: Int => println(s"'$a' is an integer")
   case a: Double => println(s"'$a' is a double")
   case a: Char => println(s"'$a' is a character")
   case _ => println(s"'$a' is some other type")
 println(s"\nSuccessfully completed without errors. [total ${scala.compat.Platform.currentTime - executionStart} ms]")



Just send class to any object and ask the class for its name... <lang smalltalk>typeOf := [:anyObject |

   e'arg is of type {anyObject class name} and prints itself as: "{anyObject printString}"' printCR

]. typeOf value:1234. typeOf value:1234.456. typeOf value:(1/2). typeOf value:(3+4i). typeOf value:25 factorial. typeOf value:true. typeOf value:nil. typeOf value:'hello world'. typeOf value: (1 to:100). typeOf value: (TopView new). typeOf value: OperatingSystem. "a reference to the concrete OS" typeOf value: Timestamp now. typeOf value: #() class. typeOf value: #() class class. typeOf value: #() class new. typeOf value: [ 1 print ]. typeOf value: thisContext. "that is the current continuation (stack frame)" typeOf value: #+. typeOf value: (SmallInteger >> #+). [ 1 / 0 ] on:Error do:[:ex | typeOf value: ex ]. "catch the exception" [ 1 fooBar ] on:Error do:[:ex | typeOf value: ex ].</lang>

arg is of type SmallInteger and prints itself as: "1234"
arg is of type Float and prints itself as: "1234.456"
arg is of type Fraction and prints itself as: "(1/2)"
arg is of type Complex and prints itself as: "(3+4i)"
arg is of type LargeInteger and prints itself as: "15511210043330985984000000"
arg is of type True and prints itself as: "true"
arg is of type UndefinedObject and prints itself as: "nil"
arg is of type String and prints itself as: "hello world"
arg is of type Interval and prints itself as: "1 to:100"
arg is of type TopView and prints itself as: "a TopView"
arg is of type OSXOperatingSystem class and prints itself as: "OSXOperatingSystem"
arg is of type Timestamp and prints itself as: "2020-12-25 23:51:33.275"
arg is of type ImmutableArray class and prints itself as: "ImmutableArray"
arg is of type Metaclass and prints itself as: "ImmutableArray class"
arg is of type ImmutableArray and prints itself as: "#()"
arg is of type Block and prints itself as: "[] in UnboundMethod>>doIt"
arg is of type Context and prints itself as: "UndefinedObject(**DIRECTED**) >> doIt [20]"
arg is of type Symbol and prints itself as: "+"
arg is of type Method and prints itself as: "a Method(SmallInteger >> +)"
arg is of type ZeroDivide and prints itself as: "division by zero"
arg is of type MessageNotUnderstood and prints itself as: "SmallInteger does not understand: "fooBar""


VBA has a built-in function TypeName (VarType returns a number), which can also recognize arrays. <lang vb>Public Sub main()

   Dim c(1) As Currency
   Dim d(1) As Double
   Dim dt(1) As Date
   Dim a(1) As Integer
   Dim l(1) As Long
   Dim s(1) As Single
   Dim e As Variant
   Dim o As Object
   Set o = New Application
   Debug.Print TypeName(o)
   Debug.Print TypeName(1 = 1)
   Debug.Print TypeName(CByte(1))
   Set o = New Collection
   Debug.Print TypeName(o)
   Debug.Print TypeName(1@)
   Debug.Print TypeName(c)
   Debug.Print TypeName(CDate(1))
   Debug.Print TypeName(dt)
   Debug.Print TypeName(CDec(1))
   Debug.Print TypeName(1#)
   Debug.Print TypeName(d)
   Debug.Print TypeName(e)
   Debug.Print TypeName(CVErr(1))
   Debug.Print TypeName(1)
   Debug.Print TypeName(a)
   Debug.Print TypeName(1&)
   Debug.Print TypeName(l)
   Set o = Nothing
   Debug.Print TypeName(o)
   Debug.Print TypeName([A1])
   Debug.Print TypeName(1!)
   Debug.Print TypeName(s)
   Debug.Print TypeName(CStr(1))
   Debug.Print TypeName(Worksheets(1))

End Sub</lang>


Visual Basic .NET

Works with: Visual Basic .NET version 9.0+

<lang vbnet>Module TypeDetection

   Sub Main()
   End Sub
   Private Sub printTypeOf(obj As Object)
   End Sub

End Module </lang>



Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt

var showType = Fn.new { |obj|

   System.print("%(Fmt.s(10, obj)) has type %(Fmt.q(obj.type))")


var a = [4, 3.728, [1, 2], { 1: "first" }, true, null, 1..6, "Rosetta"] a.each { |e| showType.call(e) }</lang>

         4 has type "Num"
     3.728 has type "Num"
    [1, 2] has type "List"
{1: first} has type "Map"
      true has type "Bool"
   Rosetta has type "String"


<lang zkl>fcn processText(data_or_fileName){ // unknown

  if (data_or_fileName.isType(String)) // == .isType("")
     data_or_fileName=File(data_or_fileName,"rb").read(); //-->Data
  text:=data_or_fileName.text;  //-->String

} fcn doTheActualTextProcessing(text){ println(text) }</lang> If an int is passed in, (123).text --> "123", other objects might throw an exception.

How to use: <lang zkl>processText("foo.txt"); processText(Data(Void,"This is some text")); // fake up a class that holds a string: cs:=class{ var text }; cs.text="this is more text"; processText(cs);</lang>

this is foo.txt

This is some text
this is more text