24 game

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
The 24 Game tests one's mental arithmetic.
Write a program that randomly chooses and displays four digits, each from one to nine, with repetitions allowed. The program should prompt for the player to enter an equation using just those, and all of those four digits. The program should check then evaluate the expression. The goal is for the player to enter an expression that evaluates to 24.
- Only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction operators/functions are allowed.
- Division should use floating point or rational arithmetic, etc, to preserve remainders.
- Brackets are allowed, if using an infix expression evaluator.
- Forming multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits is disallowed. (So an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 is wrong).
- The order of the digits when given does not have to be preserved.
- The type of expression evaluator used is not mandated. An RPN evaluator is equally acceptable for example.
- The task is not for the program to generate the expression, or test whether an expression is even possible.
C.f: 24 game Player
- The 24 Game on h2g2.
See 24 game/ABAP
game24.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; procedure Game_24 is
subtype Operation is Character; type Op_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Operation; type Digit is range 1 .. 9; type Digit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Digit; package Digit_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Digit); package Random_Digit is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Digit); Digit_Generator : Random_Digit.Generator; Given_Digits : array (1 .. 4) of Digit;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("24 Game"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Generating 4 digits..."); Random_Digit.Reset (Digit_Generator); for I in Given_Digits'Range loop Given_Digits (I) := Random_Digit.Random (Digit_Generator); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Your Digits:"); for I in Given_Digits'Range loop Digit_IO.Put (Given_Digits (I)); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Enter your Expression: "); declare Value : Integer; Input_Operations : Op_Array (1 .. 3); Input_Digits : Digit_Array (1 .. 4); Unused_Digits : array (Given_Digits'Range) of Boolean := (others => True); begin -- get input for I in 1 .. 4 loop Digit_IO.Get (Input_Digits (I)); exit when I = 4; Ada.Text_IO.Get (Input_Operations (I)); end loop; -- check input for I in Input_Digits'Range loop declare Found : Boolean := False; begin for J in Given_Digits'Range loop if Unused_Digits (J) and then Given_Digits (J) = Input_Digits (I) then Unused_Digits (J) := False; Found := True; exit; end if; end loop; if not Found then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal Number used:" & Digit'Image (Input_Digits (I))); return; end if; end; end loop; -- check value Value := Integer (Input_Digits (Input_Digits'First)); for I in Input_Operations'Range loop case Input_Operations (I) is when '+' => Value := Value + Integer (Input_Digits (I + 1)); when '-' => Value := Value - Integer (Input_Digits (I + 1)); when '*' => Value := Value * Integer (Input_Digits (I + 1)); when '/' => Value := Value / Integer (Input_Digits (I + 1)); when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal Op used:" & Input_Operations (I)); return; end case; end loop; if Value /= 24 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Value" & Integer'Image (Value) & " is not 24!"); else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("You won!"); end if; end;
end Game_24;</lang>
24 Game Generating 4 digits... Your Digits: 4 9 5 5 Enter your Expression: 4*5+9-5 You won!
24 Game Generating 4 digits... Your Digits: 4 1 9 7 Enter your Expression: 4*9-7+1 Value 30 is not 24!
<lang Argile>use std, array, list
generate random digits show random digits let result = parse expression (get input line) if result != ERROR if some digits are unused print "Wrong ! (you didn't use all digits)" ; failure++ else if result == 24.0 print "Correct !" ; success++ else print "Wrong ! (you got "result")" ; failure++ while play again ?
print "success:"success" failure:"failure" total:"(success+failure) as int
let success = 0, failure = 0.
.: generate random digits :.
our nat seed = 0xc6f31 (: default seed when /dev/urandom doesn't exist :) let urandom = fopen "/dev/urandom" "r" if urandom isn't nil fread &seed size of seed 1 urandom fclose urandom Cfunc srandom seed seed = (Cfunc random) as nat for each (val int d) from 0 to 3 digits[d] = '1' + (seed % 9) seed /= 9
let digits be an array of 4 byte
.: show random digits :.
print "Enter an expression that equates to 24 using only all these digits:" printf "%c , %c , %c , %c\n"(digits[0])(digits[1])(digits[2])(digits[3]) printf "24 = "
.: some digits are unused :. -> bool
for each (val int d) from 0 to 3 return true if digits[d] != '\0' false
.: get input line :. -> text
our array of 64 byte line Cfunc fgets (line) (size of line) (stdin) let int i for (i = 0) (line[i] != 0) (i++) line[i] = '\0' if (line[i] == '\n') line as text
.: play again ? :. -> bool
while true printf "Play again ? (y/n) " ; Cfunc fflush stdout let answer = get input line switch answer[0] case 'n' {return false} case 'y' {return true } default {continue } false
=: ERROR := -> real {-32202.0}
.: parse expression <text expr> :. -> real
let x = 0.0, x_is_set = false, op = ' '. let stack be a list of State ; class State {byte op; real x} for (stack = nil) (*expr != 0) (expr++) switch *expr case '+' ; case '-' ; case '*' ; case '/' error "bad syntax" if not x_is_set
op = *expr
case '1' ; case '2' ; case '3' ; case '4' ; case '5' case '6' ; case '7' ; case '8' ; case '9'
error "missing operator" if (x_is_set and op == ' ') error "unavailable digit" unless consume digit expr[0] do operation with (expr[0] - '0') as real
case (Cgen "'('")
error "missing operator" if (op == ' ' but x_is_set) (new list (new State) (code of del State())) << stack op = ' ' ; x_is_set = false (: start fresh state :)
case (Cgen "')'") error "mismatched parenthesis" if stack is nil
error "wrong syntax" if not x_is_set let y = x x = stack.data.x ; op = stack.data.op delete pop stack do operation with y
default {error "disallowed character"}
.:new State :. -> State {let s=new(State); s.x=x; s.op=op; s} .:del State <State s>:. { free s } .:do operation with <real y>:. switch op
case '+' {x += y} case '-' {x -= y} case '*' {x *= y} case '/' {x /= y} default {x = y; x_is_set = true}
op = ' ' =:error<text msg>:= ->real {eprint "Error: "msg" at ["expr"]";return ERROR} .:consume digit <byte b>:. -> bool for each (val int d) from 0 to 3 if digits[d] == b digits[d] = '\0' return true false
if stack isn't nil delete all stack error "unclosed parenthesis" return x
</lang> compile with: arc 24_game.arg -o 24_game.c && gcc 24_game.c -o 24_game /usr/lib/libargrt.a
<lang autohotkey>AutoExecute:
Title := "24 Game" Gui, -MinimizeBox Gui, Add, Text, w230 vPuzzle Gui, Add, Edit, wp vAnswer Gui, Add, Button, w70, &Generate Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp Default, &Submit Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp, E&xit
ButtonGenerate: ; new set of numbers
Loop, 4 Random, r%A_Index%, 1, 9 Puzzle = %r1%, %r2%, %r3%, and %r4% GuiControl,, Puzzle, The numbers are: %Puzzle% - Good luck! GuiControl,, Answer ; empty the edit box ControlFocus, Edit1 Gui, -Disabled Gui, Show,, %Title%
Return ; end of auto execute section
ButtonSubmit: ; check solution
Gui, Submit, NoHide Gui, +Disabled
; check numbers used RegExMatch(Answer, "(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)", $) ListPuzzle := r1 "," r2 "," r3 "," r4 ListAnswer := $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 Sort, ListPuzzle, D, Sort, ListAnswer, D, If Not ListPuzzle = ListAnswer { MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Numbers used!`n%Answer% Goto, TryAgain }
; check operators used StringReplace, $, $, +,, All StringReplace, $, $, -,, All StringReplace, $, $, *,, All StringReplace, $, $, /,, All StringReplace, $, $, (,, All StringReplace, $, $, ),, All Loop, 9 StringReplace, $, $, %A_Index%,, All If StrLen($) > 0 Or InStr(Answer, "**") Or InStr(Answer, "//") Or InStr(Answer, "++") Or InStr(Answer, "--") { MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Operators used!`n%Answer% Goto, TryAgain }
; check result Result := Eval(Answer) If Not Result = 24 { MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Result incorrect!`n%Result% Goto, TryAgain }
; if we are sill here MsgBox, 4, %Title%, Correct solution! Play again? IfMsgBox, Yes Gosub, ButtonGenerate Else ExitApp
TryAgain: ; alternative ending of routine ButtonSubmit
ControlFocus, Edit1 Gui, -Disabled Gui, Show
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eval(Expr) { ; evaluate expression using separate AHK process
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; credit for this function goes to AutoHotkey forum member Laszlo ; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic9578.html ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- static File := "24$Temp.ahk"
; delete old temporary file, and write new FileDelete, %File% FileContent := "#NoTrayIcon`r`n" . "FileDelete, " File "`r`n" . "FileAppend, `% " Expr ", " File "`r`n" FileAppend, %FileContent%, %File%
; run AHK to execute temp script, evaluate expression RunWait, %A_AhkPath% %File%
; get result FileRead, Result, %File% FileDelete, %File% Return, Result
<lang AutoIt>
- AutoIt Script Example
- by Daniel Barnes
- spam me at djbarnes at orcon dot net dot en zed
- 13/08/2012
- Choose four random digits (1-9) with repetitions allowed
global $digits FOR $i = 1 TO 4 $digits &= Random(1,9,1) NEXT
While 1 main() WEnd
Func main() $text = "Enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits "&$digits &")"&@CRLF $text &= "which evaluates to exactly 24. Only multiplication (*) division (/)"&@CRLF $text &= "addition (+) and subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:" $input = InputBox ("24 Game",$text,"","",400,150) If @error Then exit
;remove any spaces in input $input = StringReplace($input," ","")
;check correct characters were used For $i = 1 To StringLen($input) $chr = StringMid($input,$i,1) If Not StringInStr("123456789*/+-()",$chr) Then MsgBox (0, "ERROR","Invalid character used: '"&$chr&"'") return endif Next
;validate the equation uses all of the 4 characters, and nothing else $test = $input $test = StringReplace($test,"(","") $test = StringReplace($test,")","")
;validate the length of the input - if its not 7 characters long then the user has done something wrong If StringLen ($test) <> 7 Then MsgBox (0,"ERROR","The equation "&$test&" is invalid") return endif
$test = StringReplace($test,"/","") $test = StringReplace($test,"*","") $test = StringReplace($test,"-","") $test = StringReplace($test,"+","")
For $i = 1 To StringLen($digits) $digit = StringMid($digits,$i,1) For $ii = 1 To StringLen($test) If StringMid($test,$ii,1) = $digit Then $test = StringLeft($test,$ii-1) & StringRight($test,StringLen($test)-$ii) ExitLoop endif Next Next If $test <> "" Then MsgBox (0, "ERROR", "The equation didn't use all 4 characters, and nothing else!") return endif
$try = Execute($input)
If $try = 24 Then MsgBox (0, "24 Game","Well done. Your equation ("&$input&") = 24!") Exit Else MsgBox (0, "24 Game","Fail. Your equation ("&$input&") = "&$try&"!") return endif EndFunc </lang>
<lang bbcbasic> REM Choose four random digits (1-9) with repetitions allowed:
DIM digits%(4), check%(4) FOR choice% = 1 TO 4 digits%(choice%) = RND(9) NEXT choice% REM Prompt the player: PRINT "Enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits "; FOR index% = 1 TO 4 PRINT ; digits%(index%) ; IF index%<>4 PRINT " " ; NEXT PRINT ")" PRINT "which evaluates to exactly 24. Only multiplication (*), division (/)," PRINT "addition (+) & subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:" INPUT "24 = " equation$ REPEAT REM Check that the correct digits are used: check%() = 0 FOR char% = 1 TO LEN(equation$) digit% = INSTR("0123456789", MID$(equation$, char%, 1)) - 1 IF digit% >= 0 THEN FOR index% = 1 TO 4 IF digit% = digits%(index%) THEN IF NOT check%(index%) check%(index%) = TRUE : EXIT FOR ENDIF NEXT index% IF index% > 4 THEN PRINT "Sorry, you used the illegal digit "; digit% EXIT REPEAT ENDIF ENDIF NEXT char% FOR index% = 1 TO 4 IF NOT check%(index%) THEN PRINT "Sorry, you failed to use the digit " ; digits%(index%) EXIT REPEAT ENDIF NEXT index% REM Check that no pairs of digits are used: FOR pair% = 11 TO 99 IF INSTR(equation$, STR$(pair%)) THEN PRINT "Sorry, you may not use a pair of digits "; pair% EXIT REPEAT ENDIF NEXT pair% REM Check whether the equation evaluates to 24: ON ERROR LOCAL PRINT "Sorry, there was an error in the equation" : EXIT REPEAT result = EVAL(equation$) RESTORE ERROR IF result = 24 THEN PRINT "Congratulations, you succeeded in the task!" ELSE PRINT "Sorry, your equation evaluated to " ; result " rather than 24!" ENDIF UNTIL TRUE INPUT '"Play again", answer$ IF LEFT$(answer$,1) = "y" OR LEFT$(answer$,1) = "Y" THEN CLS : RUN QUIT</lang>
<lang Bracmat> ( 24-game
= m-w m-z 4numbers answer expr numbers , seed get-random convertBinaryMinusToUnary , convertDivisionToMultiplication isExpresssion reciprocal . (seed=.!arg:(~0:~/#?m-w.~0:~/#?m-z)) & seed$!arg & ( get-random = . 36969*mod$(!m-z.65536)+div$(!m-z.65536):?m-z & 18000*mod$(!m-w.65536)+div$(!m-w.65536):?m-w & mod$(!m-z*65536+!m-w.9)+1 ) & ( convertBinaryMinusToUnary = a z . @(!arg:%?a "-" ?z) & str$(!a "+-1*" convertBinaryMinusToUnary$!z) | !arg ) & (reciprocal=.!arg^-1) & ( convertDivisionToMultiplication = a z . @(!arg:?a "/" ?z) & str$(!a "*reciprocal$" convertDivisionToMultiplication$!z) | !arg ) & ( isExpresssion = A Z expr . @( !arg : ?A ("+"|"-"|"*"|"/") ( ?Z & isExpresssion$!A & isExpresssion$!Z ) ) | !numbers:?A !arg ?Z & !A !Z:?numbers | ( @(!arg:"(" ?expr ")") | @(!arg:(" "|\t) ?expr) | @(!arg:?expr (" "|\t)) ) & isExpresssion$!expr ) & out $ "Enter an expression that evaluates to 24 by combining the following numbers." & out$"You may only use the operators + - * /" & out$"Parentheses and spaces are allowed." & whl ' ( get-random$() get-random$() get-random$() get-random$ : ?4numbers & out$!4numbers & whl ' ( get'(,STR):?expr:~ & !4numbers:?numbers & ~(isExpresssion$!expr&!numbers:) & out $ ( str $ ( "[" !expr "] is not a valid expression. Try another expression." ) ) ) & !expr:~ & convertBinaryMinusToUnary$!expr:?expr & convertDivisionToMultiplication$!expr:?expr & get$(!expr,MEM):?answer & out$(str$(!expr " = " !answer)) & !answer : ( 24&out$Right! | #&out$Wrong! ) & out$"Try another one:" ) & out$bye )
& 24-game$(13.14) & ;</lang>
Enter an expression that evaluates to 24 by combining the following numbers. You may only use the operators + - * / Parentheses and spaces are allowed. 4 2 2 7 4*7 - 2-2 4*7 +-1* 2+-1*2 = 24 Right! Try another one: 4 7 9 8 ((4) *(8 - (9- 7)) [((4) *(8 - (9- 7))] is not a valid expression. Try another expression. ((4) *(8 - (9- 7))) ((4) *(8 +-1* (9+-1* 7))) = 24 Right! Try another one: 9 5 8 5 5 * 5 - (9 - 8) 5 * 5 +-1* (9 +-1* 8) = 24 Right! Try another one: 5 9 7 8 5*8 - 9 - 7 5*8 +-1* 9 +-1* 7 = 24 Right! Try another one: 7 8 6 2 8 * ((7 - 6) + 2) 8 * ((7 +-1* 6) + 2) = 24 Right! Try another one: 8 6 8 1 8 * (1 + 8 - 6) 8 * (1 + 8 +-1* 6) = 24 Right! Try another one: 8 2 2 4 8 * (2 + 4)/2 8 * (2 + 4)*reciprocal$2 = 24 Right! Try another one: 8 4 6 7 bye
Simple recursive descent parser. It doesn't have a real lexer, because all tokens are single character (digits, operators and parens). Code is a little too long. <lang C>#include <stdio.h>
- include <ctype.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <ucontext.h>
ucontext_t ctx; const char *msg;
typedef struct expr_t *expr, expr_t; struct expr_t { int op, val, used; expr left, right; };
- define N_DIGITS 4
expr_t digits[N_DIGITS];
void gen_digits() { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) digits[i].val = 1 + rand() % 9; }
- define MAX_INPUT 64
char str[MAX_INPUT]; int pos;
- define POOL_SIZE 8
expr_t pool[POOL_SIZE]; int pool_ptr;
void reset() { int i; msg = 0; pool_ptr = pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) { pool[i].op = OP_NONE; pool[i].left = pool[i].right = 0; } for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) digits[i].used = 0; }
/* longish jumpish back to input cycle */ void bail(const char *s) { msg = s; setcontext(&ctx); }
expr new_expr() { if (pool_ptr < POOL_SIZE) return pool + pool_ptr++; return 0; }
/* check next input char */ int next_tok() { while (isspace(str[pos])) pos++; return str[pos]; }
/* move input pointer forward */ int take() { if (str[pos] != '\0') return ++pos; return 0; }
/* BNF(ish) expr = term { ("+")|("-") term } term = fact { ("*")|("/") expr } fact = number | '(' expr ')'
- /
expr get_fact(); expr get_term(); expr get_expr();
expr get_expr() { int c; expr l, r, ret; if (!(ret = get_term())) bail("Expected term"); while ((c = next_tok()) == '+' || c == '-') { if (!take()) bail("Unexpected end of input"); if (!(r = get_term())) bail("Expected term");
l = ret; ret = new_expr(); ret->op = (c == '+') ? OP_ADD : OP_SUB; ret->left = l; ret->right = r; } return ret; }
expr get_term() { int c; expr l, r, ret; ret = get_fact(); while((c = next_tok()) == '*' || c == '/') { if (!take()) bail("Unexpected end of input");
r = get_fact(); l = ret; ret = new_expr(); ret->op = (c == '*') ? OP_MUL : OP_DIV; ret->left = l; ret->right = r; } return ret; }
expr get_digit() { int i, c = next_tok(); expr ret; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { take(); ret = new_expr(); ret->op = OP_NUM; ret->val = c - '0'; for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) if (digits[i].val == ret->val && !digits[i].used) { digits[i].used = 1; return ret; } bail("Invalid digit"); } return 0; }
expr get_fact() { int c; expr l = get_digit(); if (l) return l; if ((c = next_tok()) == '(') { take(); l = get_expr(); if (next_tok() != ')') bail("Unbalanced parens"); take(); return l; } return 0; }
expr parse() { int i; expr ret = get_expr(); if (next_tok() != '\0') bail("Trailing garbage"); for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) if (!digits[i].used) bail("Not all digits are used"); return ret; }
typedef struct frac_t frac_t, *frac; struct frac_t { int denom, num; };
int gcd(int m, int n) { int t; while (m) { t = m; m = n % m; n = t; } return n; }
/* evaluate expression tree. result in fraction form */ void eval_tree(expr e, frac res) { frac_t l, r; int t; if (e->op == OP_NUM) { res->num = e->val; res->denom = 1; return; }
eval_tree(e->left, &l); eval_tree(e->right, &r);
switch(e->op) { case OP_ADD: res->num = l.num * r.denom + l.denom * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_SUB: res->num = l.num * r.denom - l.denom * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_MUL: res->num = l.num * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_DIV: res->num = l.num * r.denom; res->denom = l.denom * r.num; break; } if ((t = gcd(res->denom, res->num))) { res->denom /= t; res->num /= t; } }
void get_input() { int i; reinput: reset(); printf("\nAvailable digits are:"); for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) printf(" %d", digits[i].val); printf(". Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.\n" "Your choice? [Expr/n/q] ");
while (1) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT; i++) str[i] = '\n'; fgets(str, MAX_INPUT, stdin); if (*str == '\0') goto reinput; if (str[MAX_INPUT - 1] != '\n') bail("string too long");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT; i++) if (str[i] == '\n') str[i] = '\0'; if (str[0] == 'q') { printf("Bye\n"); exit(0); } if (str[0] == 'n') { gen_digits(); goto reinput; } return; } }
int main() { frac_t f; srand(time(0));
gen_digits(); while(1) { get_input(); getcontext(&ctx); /* if parse error, jump back here with err msg set */ if (msg) { /* after error jump; announce, reset, redo */ printf("%s at '%.*s'\n", msg, pos, str); continue; }
eval_tree(parse(), &f);
if (f.denom == 0) bail("Divide by zero"); if (f.denom == 1 && f.num == 24) printf("You got 24. Very good.\n"); else { if (f.denom == 1) printf("Eval to: %d, ", f.num); else printf("Eval to: %d/%d, ", f.num, f.denom); printf("no good. Try again.\n"); } } return 0;
Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers. Your choice? [Expr/n/q] 5*2*3/9 Eval to: 10/3, no good. Try again. Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers. Your choice? [Expr/n/q] (5*(2+3)-9 Unbalanced parens at '(5*(2+3)-9' Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers. Your choice? [Expr/n/q] 3*9-(5-2) You got 24. Very good. Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers. Your choice? [Expr/n/q] n Available digits are: 4 4 4 7. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers. Your choice? [Expr/n/q] q Bye
See 24 game/C
This uses the C++11 standard to simplify several parts of the code. Input is given in RPN format.
<lang cpp>#include <random>
- include <iostream>
- include <stack>
- include <set>
- include <string>
- include <functional>
using namespace std;
class RPNParse { public:
stack<double> stk; multiset<int> digits;
void op(function<double(double,double)> f) { if(stk.size() < 2) throw "Improperly written expression"; int b = stk.top(); stk.pop(); int a = stk.top(); stk.pop(); stk.push(f(a, b)); }
void parse(char c) { if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { stk.push(c - '0'); digits.insert(c - '0'); } else if(c == '+') op([](double a, double b) {return a+b;}); else if(c == '-') op([](double a, double b) {return a-b;}); else if(c == '*') op([](double a, double b) {return a*b;}); else if(c == '/') op([](double a, double b) {return a/b;}); }
void parse(string s) { for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) parse(s[i]); }
double getResult() { if(stk.size() != 1) throw "Improperly written expression"; return stk.top(); }
int main() {
random_device seed; mt19937 engine(seed()); uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 9); auto rnd = bind(distribution, engine);
multiset<int> digits; cout << "Make 24 with the digits: "; for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { int n = rnd(); cout << " " << n; digits.insert(n); } cout << endl;
RPNParse parser;
try { string input; getline(cin, input); parser.parse(input);
if(digits != parser.digits) cout << "Error: Not using the given digits" << endl; else { double r = parser.getResult(); cout << "Result: " << r << endl;
if(r > 23.999 && r < 24.001) cout << "Good job!" << endl; else cout << "Try again." << endl; } } catch(char* e) { cout << "Error: " << e << endl; } return 0;
Sample output:
Make 24 with the digits: 1 4 9 9 9 9 + 4 * 1 + Result: 73 Try again. Make 24 with the digits: 3 9 9 2 9 9 + 3 2 * + Result: 24 Good job!
See 24 game/CSharp
<lang Clojure> (ns rosettacode.24game)
(defn gen-new-game-nums [amount] (repeatedly amount #(inc ( rand-int 9))))
(defn orderless-seq-eq? [seq1 seq2] (apply = (map frequencies (list seq1 seq2))))
(defn valid-input?
"checks whether the expression is somewhat valid prefix notation (+ 1 2 3 4) (+ 3 (+ 4 5) 6) this is done by making sure the only contents of the list are numbers operators and brackets flatten gets rid of the brackets, so we just need to test for operators and integers after that" [user-input] (if (re-find #"^\(([\d-+/*] )+\d?\)$" (pr-str (flatten user-input))) true false))
(defn game-numbers-and-user-input-same?
"input form: (+ 1 2 (+ 3 4))
tests to see if the numbers the user entered are the same as the ones given to them by the game"
[game-nums user-input] (orderless-seq-eq? game-nums (filter integer? (flatten user-input))))
(defn win [] (println "you won the game!\n")) (defn lose [] (println "you guessed wrong, or your input was not in prefix notation. eg: '(+ 1 2 3 4)'\n")) (defn game-start [goal game-numbers] (do
(println "Your numbers are " game-numbers) (println "Your goal is " goal) (println "Use the numbers and +*-/ to reach your goal\n") (println "'q' to Quit\n")))
(defn play-game
"typing in 'q' quits. to play use (play-game) (play-game 24) or (play-game 24 '(1 2 3 4)" ([] (play-game 24)) ([goal] (play-game goal (gen-new-game-nums 4))) ([goal game-numbers] (game-start goal game-numbers) (let [input (read-line) input-as-code (read-string input)] (if (and (valid-input? input-as-code) (game-numbers-and-user-input-same? game-numbers input-as-code) (try (= goal (eval input-as-code)) (catch Exception e (do (lose) (play-game goal game-numbers))))) (win) (when (not (= input "q")) (do (lose) (recur goal game-numbers)))))))
<lang coffeescript>tty = require 'tty' tty.setRawMode true
buffer = "" numbers = []
for n in [0...4]
numbers.push Math.max 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)
console.log "You can use the numbers: #{numbers.join ' '}"
process.stdin.on 'keypress', (char, key) ->
# accept operator if char and isNaN(char) and /[()*\/+-]/.test(char) and buffer.substr(-1) isnt char buffer += char process.stdout.write char # accept number else if !isNaN(+char) and (buffer == or isNaN(buffer.substr -1)) buffer += char process.stdout.write char # check then evaluate expression if key?.name is 'enter' result = calculate() process.stdout.write '\n' if result and result is 24 console.log " = 24! congratulations." else console.log "#{result}. nope." process.exit 0 # quit if key?.name is 'escape' or (key?.name == 'c' and key.ctrl) process.exit 0
calculate = () ->
if /[^\d\s()+*\/-]/.test buffer console.log "invalid characters" process.exit 1 used = buffer.match(/\d/g) if used?.length != 4 or used.sort().join() != numbers.sort().join() console.log "you must use the 4 numbers provided" process.exit 1 res = try eval buffer catch e return res or 'invalid expression'
- begin taking input
process.stdin.resume() </lang>
Common Lisp
<lang lisp>(define-condition choose-digits () ()) (define-condition bad-equation (error) ())
(defun 24-game ()
(let (chosen-digits) (labels ((prompt () (format t "Chosen digits: ~{~D~^, ~}~%~ Enter expression (or `bye' to quit, `!' to choose new digits): " chosen-digits) (read)) (lose () (error 'bad-equation)) (choose () (setf chosen-digits (loop repeat 4 collecting (random 10)))) (check (e) (typecase e ((eql bye) (return-from 24-game)) ((eql !) (signal 'choose-digits)) (atom (lose)) (cons (check-sub (car e) (check-sub (cdr e) chosen-digits)) e))) (check-sub (sub allowed-digits) (typecase sub ((member nil + - * /) allowed-digits) (integer (if (member sub allowed-digits) (remove sub allowed-digits :count 1) (lose))) (cons (check-sub (car sub) (check-sub (cdr sub) allowed-digits))) (t (lose)))) (win () (format t "You win.~%") (return-from 24-game))) (choose) (loop (handler-case (if (= 24 (eval (check (prompt)))) (win) (lose)) (error () (format t "Bad equation, try again.~%")) (choose-digits () (choose)))))))</lang>
Verbose Implementation
<lang lisp> (defconstant +ops+ '(* / + -))
(defun expr-numbers (e &optional acc)
"Return all the numbers in argument positions in the expression." (cond ((numberp e) (cons e acc)) ((consp e) (append (apply #'append (mapcar #'expr-numbers (cdr e))) acc))))
(defun expr-well-formed-p (e)
"Return non-nil if the given expression is well-formed." (cond ((numberp e) t) ((consp e) (and (member (car e) +ops+) (every #'expr-well-formed-p (cdr e)))) (t nil)))
(defun expr-valid-p (e available-digits)
"Return non-nil if the expression is well-formed and uses exactly
the digits specified."
(and (expr-well-formed-p e) (equalp (sort (copy-seq available-digits) #'<) (sort (expr-numbers e) #'<))))
(defun expr-get (&optional using)
(emit "Enter lisp form~@[ using the digit~P ~{~D~^ ~}~]: " (when using (length using)) using) (let (*read-eval*) (read)))
(defun digits ()
(sort (loop repeat 4 collect (1+ (random 9))) #'<))
(defun emit (fmt &rest args)
(format t "~&~?" fmt args))
(defun prompt (digits)
(emit "Using only these operators:~%~%~ ~2T~{~A~^ ~}~%~%~ And exactly these numbers \(no repetition\):~%~%~ ~2T~{~D~^ ~}~%~%~ ~A" +ops+ digits (secondary-prompt)))
(defun secondary-prompt ()
(fill-to 50 "Enter a lisp form which evaluates to ~ the integer 24, or \"!\" to get fresh ~ digits, or \"q\" to abort."))
(defun fill-to (n fmt &rest args)
"Poor-man's text filling mechanism." (loop with s = (format nil "~?" fmt args) for c across s and i from 0 and j = 0 then (1+ j) ; since-last-newline ctr
when (char= c #\Newline) do (setq j 0)
else when (and (not (zerop j)) (zerop (mod j n))) do (loop for k from i below (length s) when (char= #\Space (schar s k)) do (progn (setf (schar s k) #\Newline j 0) (loop-finish))) finally (return s)))
(defun 24-game ()
(loop with playing-p = t and initial-digits = (digits)
for attempts from 0 and digits = initial-digits then (digits)
while playing-p
do (loop for e = (expr-get (unless (zerop attempts) digits)) do (case e (! (loop-finish)) (Q (setq playing-p nil) (loop-finish)) (R (emit "Current digits: ~S" digits)) (t (if (expr-valid-p e digits) (let ((v (eval e))) (if (eql v 24) (progn (emit "~%~%---> A winner is you! <---~%~%") (setq playing-p nil) (loop-finish)) (emit "Sorry, the form you entered ~ computes to ~S, not 24.~%~%" v))) (emit "Sorry, the form you entered did not ~ compute.~%~%"))))) initially (prompt initial-digits)))</lang>
Example Usage:
CL-USER 97 > (24-game) Using only these operators: * / + - And exactly these numbers (no repetition): 3 7 7 9 Enter a lisp form which evaluates to the integer 24, or "!" to get fresh digits, or "q" to abort. Enter lisp form: (eval (read-from-string "(/ 1 0)")) Sorry, the form you entered did not compute. Enter lisp form: ! Enter lisp form using the digits 4 5 7 8: ! Enter lisp form using the digits 1 2 4 5: (* 4 (* 5 (- 2 1))) Sorry, the form you entered computes to 20, not 24. Enter lisp form using the digits 1 2 4 5: (* 4 (+ 5 (- 2 1))) ---> A winner is you! <--- NIL
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math, std.algorithm, std.range,
void main() {
void op(char c)() { if (stack.length < 2) throw new Exception("Wrong expression."); stack[$ - 2] = mixin("stack[$ - 2]" ~ c ~ "stack[$ - 1]"); stack.popBack(); }
const problem = iota(4).map!(_ => uniform(1, 10))().array(); writeln("Make 24 with the digits: ", problem);
double[] stack; int[] digits; foreach (const char c; readln()) switch (c) { case ' ', '\t', '\n': break; case '1': .. case '9': stack ~= c - '0'; digits ~= c - '0'; break; foreach (o; TypeTuple!('+', '-', '*', '/')) { case o: op!o(); break; } break; default: throw new Exception("Wrong char: " ~ c); }
if (!digits.sort().equal(problem.dup.sort())) throw new Exception("Not using the given digits."); if (stack.length != 1) throw new Exception("Wrong expression."); writeln("Result: ", stack[0]); writeln(abs(stack[0] - 24) < 0.001 ? "Good job!" : "Try again.");
}</lang> Example:
Make 24 with the digits: [1, 8, 9, 8] 8 1 - 9 + 8 + Result: 24 Good job!
<lang Erlang>-module(g24). -export([main/0]).
main() ->
random:seed(now()), io:format("24 Game~n"), play().
play() ->
io:format("Generating 4 digits...~n"), Digts = [random:uniform(X) || X <- [9,9,9,9]], io:format("Your digits\t~w~n", [Digts]), read_eval(Digts), play().
read_eval(Digits) ->
Exp = string:strip(io:get_line(standard_io, "Your expression: "), both, $\n), case {correct_nums(Exp, Digits), eval(Exp)} of {ok, X} when X == 24 -> io:format("You Win!~n"); {ok, X} -> io:format("You Lose with ~p!~n",[X]); {List, _} -> io:format("The following numbers are wrong: ~p~n", [List]) end.
correct_nums(Exp, Digits) ->
case re:run(Exp, "([0-9]+)", [global, {capture, all_but_first, list}]) of nomatch -> "No number entered"; {match, IntLs} -> case [X || [X] <- IntLs, not lists:member(list_to_integer(X), Digits)] of [] -> ok; L -> L end end.
eval(Exp) ->
{X, _} = eval(re:replace(Exp, "\\s", "", [{return, list},global]), 0), X.
eval([], Val) ->
eval([$(|Rest], Val) ->
{NewVal, Exp} = eval(Rest, Val), eval(Exp, NewVal);
eval([$)|Rest], Val) ->
{Val, Rest};
eval([$[|Rest], Val) ->
{NewVal, Exp} = eval(Rest, Val), eval(Exp, NewVal);
eval([$]|Rest], Val) ->
{Val, Rest};
eval([$+|Rest], Val) ->
{NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0), eval(Exp, Val + NewOperand);
eval([$-|Rest], Val) ->
{NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0), eval(Exp, Val - NewOperand);
eval([$*|Rest], Val) ->
{NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0), eval(Exp, Val * NewOperand);
eval([$/|Rest], Val) ->
{NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0), eval(Exp, Val / NewOperand);
eval([X|Rest], 0) when X >= $1, X =< $9 ->
eval(Rest, X-$0).
The evaluator uses a simple infix scheme that doesn't care about operator precedence, but does support brackets and parentheses alike. Thus, ((9+1)*2)+2+2
is evaluated as:
9 + 1 = 10 10 * 2 = 20 2 + 2 = 4 20 + 4
1> c(g24). {ok,g24} 2> g24:main(). 24 Game Generating 4 digits... Your digits [7,4,6,8] Your expression: 6*4 You Win! Generating 4 digits... Your digits [4,1,5,8] Your expression: 6*4 The following numbers are wrong: ["6"] Generating 4 digits... Your digits [8,5,8,2] Your expression: 2*([8/5]*2) You Lose with 6.4! Generating 4 digits... Your digits [7,4,8,1]
<lang fsharp>open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// Some utilities let (|Parse|_|) regex str =
let m = Regex(regex).Match(str) if m.Success then Some ([for g in m.Groups -> g.Value]) else None
let rec gcd x y = if x = y || x = 0 then y else if x < y then gcd y x else gcd y (x-y) let abs (x : int) = Math.Abs x let sign (x: int) = Math.Sign x let cint s = Int32.Parse(s) let replace m (s : string) t = Regex.Replace(t, m, s)
// computing in Rationals type Rat(x : int, y : int) =
let g = if y <> 0 then gcd (abs x) (abs y) else raise <| DivideByZeroException() member this.n = sign y * x / g // store a minus sign in the numerator member this.d = if y <> 0 then sign y * y / g else raise <| DivideByZeroException() static member (~-) (x : Rat) = Rat(-x.n, x.d) static member (+) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = Rat(x.n * y.d + y.n * x.d, x.d * y.d) static member (-) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = x + Rat(-y.n, y.d) static member (*) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = Rat(x.n * y.n, x.d * y.d) static member (/) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = x * Rat(y.d, y.n) override this.ToString() = sprintf @"<%d,%d>" this.n this.d new(x : string, y : string) = if y = "" then Rat(cint x, 1) else Rat(cint x, cint y)
// Due to the constraints imposed by the game (reduced set // of operators, all left associativ) we can get away with a repeated reduction // to evaluate the algebraic expression. let rec reduce (str :string) =
let eval (x : Rat) (y : Rat) = function | "*" -> x * y | "/" -> x / y | "+" -> x + y | "-" -> x - y | _ -> failwith "unknown op" let subst s r = str.Replace(s, r.ToString()) let rstr = match str with | Parse @"\(<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([*/+-])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>\)" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op | Parse @"<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([*/])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op | Parse @"<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([+-])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op | Parse @"\(<(-?\d+),(\d+)>\)" [matched; xn; xd] -> subst matched <| Rat(xn,xd) | Parse @"(?<!>)-<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd] -> subst matched <| -Rat(xn,xd) | _ -> str if str = rstr then str else reduce rstr
let gameLoop() =
let checkInput dddd input = match input with | "n" | "q" -> Some(input) | Parse @"[^1-9()*/+-]" [c] -> printfn "You used an illegal character in your expression: %s" c None | Parse @"^\D*(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)(?:\D*(\d))*\D*$" [m; d1; d2; d3; d4; d5] -> if d5 = "" && (String.Join(" ", Array.sort [|d1;d2;d3;d4|])) = dddd then Some(input) elif d5 = "" then printfn "Use this 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd None else printfn "Use only this 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd None | _ -> printfn "Use all 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd None let rec userLoop dddd = let tryAgain msg = printfn "%s" msg userLoop dddd printf "[Expr|n|q]: " match Console.ReadLine() |> replace @"\s" "" |> checkInput dddd with | Some(input) -> let data = input |> replace @"((?<!\d)-)?\d+" @"<$&,1>" match data with | "n" -> true | "q" -> false | _ -> try match reduce data with | Parse @"^<(-?\d+),(\d+)>$" [_; x; y] -> let n, d = (cint x), (cint y) if n = 24 then printfn "Correct!" true elif d=1 then tryAgain <| sprintf "Wrong! Value = %d." n else tryAgain <| sprintf "Wrong! Value = %d/%d." n d | _ -> tryAgain "Wrong! not a well-formed expression!" with | :? System.DivideByZeroException -> tryAgain "Wrong! Your expression results in a division by zero!" | ex -> tryAgain <| sprintf "There is an unforeseen problem with yout input: %s" ex.Message | None -> userLoop dddd
let random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond) let rec loop() = let dddd = String.Join(" ", Array.init 4 (fun _ -> 1 + random.Next 9) |> Array.sort) printfn "\nCompute 24 from the following 4 numbers: %s" dddd printfn "Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit" if userLoop dddd then loop()
- Output:
Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 3 3 5 Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit [Expr|n|q]: n Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 5 6 7 Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit [Expr|n|q]: (7 + 5) + 6/3 Wrong! Value = 14. [Expr|n|q]: (7 + 5) * 6/3 Correct! Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 3 4 5 Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit [Expr|n|q]: q
<lang factor>USING:
combinators.short-circuit continuations eval formatting fry kernel io math math.ranges prettyprint random sequences sets ;
IN: 24game
- choose4 ( -- seq )
4 [ 9 [1,b] random ] replicate ;
- step ( numbers -- ? )
readln [ parse-string { ! Is only allowed tokens used? [ swap { + - / * } append subset? ] ! Digit count in expression should be equal to the given numbers. [ [ number? ] count swap length = ] ! Of course it must evaluate to 24 [ nip call( -- x ) 24 = ] } 2&& [ f "You got it!" ] [ t "Expression isnt valid, or doesnt evaluate to 24." ] if ] [ 3drop f "Could not parse that." ] recover print flush ;
- main ( -- )
choose4 [ "Your numbers are %[%s, %], make an expression\n" printf flush ] [ '[ _ step ] loop ] bi ;
</lang> Sample: <lang factor> IN: scratchpad main Your numbers are { 4, 1, 8, 2 }, make an expression 8 4 + 2 * 1 / You got it! </lang>
<lang falcon>load compiler
function genRandomNumbers( amount )
rtn = [] for i in [ 0 : amount ]: rtn += random( 1, 9 ) return( rtn )
function getAnswer( exp )
ic = ICompiler() ic.compileAll(exp)
return( ic.result )
function validInput( str )
for i in [ 0 : str.len() ] if str[i] notin ' ()[]0123456789-+/*' > 'INVALID Character = ', str[i] return( false ) end end
return( true )
printl(' The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. ')
num = genRandomNumbers( 4 )
while( true )
>> "Here are the numbers to choose from: " map({ a => print(a, " ") }, num) >
exp = input()
switch exp case "q", "Q" exit()
case "!" > 'Generating new numbers list' num = genRandomNumbers( 4 )
default if not validInput( exp ): continue
answer = getAnswer( exp )
if answer == 24 > "By George you GOT IT! Your expression equals 24" else > "Ahh Sorry, So Sorry your answer of ", answer, " does not equal 24." end end
Clever implementation
Indicate operator precedence by parentheses; e.g. (3+(5*6))-9. No whitespace is admissible. The program uses Insertion_sort in Fortran. <lang Fortran>program game_24
implicit none real :: vector(4), reals(11), result, a, b, c, d integer :: numbers(4), ascii(11), i character(len=11) :: expression character :: syntax(11) ! patterns: character, parameter :: one(11) = (/ '(','(','1','x','1',')','x','1',')','x','1' /) character, parameter :: two(11) = (/ '(','1','x','(','1','x','1',')',')','x','1' /) character, parameter :: three(11) = (/ '1','x','(','(','1','x','1',')','x','1',')' /) character, parameter :: four(11) = (/ '1','x','(','1','x','(','1','x','1',')',')' /) character, parameter :: five(11) = (/ '(','1','x','1',')','x','(','1','x','1',')' /) do call random_number(vector) numbers = 9 * vector + 1 write (*,*) 'Digits: ',numbers write (*,'(a)',advance='no') 'Your expression: ' read (*,'(a11)') expression
forall (i=1:11) syntax(i) = expression(i:i) ascii = iachar(syntax) where (syntax >= '0' .and. syntax <= '9') syntax = '1' ! number elsewhere (syntax == '+' .or. syntax == '-' .or. syntax == '*' .or. syntax == '/') syntax = 'x' ! op elsewhere (syntax /= '(' .and. syntax /= ')') syntax = '-' ! error end where
reals = real(ascii-48) if ( all(syntax == one) ) then a = reals(3); b = reals(5); c = reals(8); d = reals(11) call check_numbers(a,b,c,d) result = op(op(op(a,4,b),7,c),10,d) else if ( all(syntax == two) ) then a = reals(2); b = reals(5); c = reals(7); d = reals(11) call check_numbers(a,b,c,d) result = op(op(a,3,op(b,6,c)),10,d) else if ( all(syntax == three) ) then a = reals(1); b = reals(5); c = reals(7); d = reals(10) call check_numbers(a,b,c,d) result = op(a,2,op(op(b,6,c),9,d)) else if ( all(syntax == four) ) then a = reals(1); b = reals(4); c = reals(7); d = reals(9) call check_numbers(a,b,c,d) result = op(a,2,op(b,5,op(c,8,d))) else if ( all(syntax == five) ) then a = reals(2); b = reals(4); c = reals(8); d = reals(10) call check_numbers(a,b,c,d) result = op(op(a,3,b),6,op(c,9,d)) else stop 'Input string: incorrect syntax.' end if
if ( abs(result-24.0) < epsilon(1.0) ) then write (*,*) 'You won!' else write (*,*) 'Your result (',result,') is incorrect!' end if write (*,'(a)',advance='no') 'Another one? [y/n] ' read (*,'(a1)') expression if ( expression(1:1) == 'n' .or. expression(1:1) == 'N' ) then stop end if end do
pure real function op(x,c,y) integer, intent(in) :: c real, intent(in) :: x,y select case ( char(ascii(c)) ) case ('+') op = x+y case ('-') op = x-y case ('*') op = x*y case ('/') op = x/y end select end function op subroutine check_numbers(a,b,c,d) real, intent(in) :: a,b,c,d integer :: test(4) test = (/ nint(a),nint(b),nint(c),nint(d) /) call Insertion_Sort(numbers) call Insertion_Sort(test) if ( any(test /= numbers) ) then stop 'You cheat ;-) (Incorrect numbers)' end if end subroutine check_numbers pure subroutine Insertion_Sort(a) integer, intent(inout) :: a(:) integer :: temp, i, j do i=2,size(a) j = i-1 temp = a(i) do while ( j>=1 .and. a(j)>temp ) a(j+1) = a(j) j = j - 1 end do a(j+1) = temp end do end subroutine Insertion_Sort
end program game_24 </lang>
As a more general recursive descent parser:
Permits spaces and arbitrary parentheses.
<lang FORTRAN> ! implement a recursive descent parser module evaluate_algebraic_expression
integer, parameter :: size = 124 character, parameter :: statement_end = achar(0) character(len=size) :: text_to_parse integer :: position data position/0/,text_to_parse/' '/
character function get_token() ! return the current token implicit none if (position <= size) then get_token = text_to_parse(position:position) do while (get_token <= ' ') call advance if (size < position) exit get_token = text_to_parse(position:position) end do end if if (size < position) get_token = statement_end end function get_token
subroutine advance ! consume a token. Move to the next token. consume_token would have been a better name. position = position + 1 end subroutine advance logical function unfinished() unfinished = get_token() /= statement_end end function unfinished
subroutine parse_error() write(6,*)'"'//get_token()//'" unexpected in expression at',position stop 1 end subroutine parse_error
function precedence3() result(a) implicit none real :: a character :: token character(len=10), parameter :: digits = '0123456789' token = get_token() if (verify(token,digits) /= 0) call parse_error() a = index(digits, token) - 1 call advance() end function precedence3
recursive function precedence2() result(a) real :: a character :: token token = get_token() if (token /= '(') then a = precedence3() else call advance a = precedence0() token = get_token() if (token /= ')') call parse_error() call advance end if end function precedence2
recursive function precedence1() result(a) implicit none real :: a real, dimension(2) :: argument character(len=2), parameter :: tokens = '*/' character :: token a = 0 token = get_token() argument(1) = precedence2() token = get_token() do while (verify(token,tokens) == 0) call advance() argument(2) = precedence2() if (token == '/') argument(2) = 1 / argument(2) argument(1) = product(argument) token = get_token() end do a = argument(1) end function precedence1
recursive function precedence0() result(a) implicit none real :: a real, dimension(2) :: argument character(len=2), parameter :: tokens = '+-' character :: token a = 0 token = get_token() argument(1) = precedence1() token = get_token() do while (verify(token,tokens) == 0) call advance() argument(2) = precedence1() if (token == '-') argument = argument * (/1, -1/) argument(1) = sum(argument) token = get_token() end do a = argument(1) end function precedence0
real function statement() implicit none if (unfinished()) then statement = precedence0() else !empty okay statement = 0 end if if (unfinished()) call parse_error() end function statement
real function evaluate(expression) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: expression text_to_parse = expression evaluate = statement() end function evaluate
end module evaluate_algebraic_expression
program g24
use evaluate_algebraic_expression implicit none integer, dimension(4) :: digits character(len=78) :: expression real :: result ! integer :: i call random_seed!easily found internet examples exist to seed by /dev/urandom or time call deal(digits) ! do i=1, 9999 ! produce the data to test digit distribution ! call deal(digits) ! write(6,*) digits ! end do write(6,'(a13,4i2,a26)')'Using digits',digits,', and the algebraic dyadic' write(6,*)'operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.' expression = ' ' read(5,'(a78)') expression if (invalid_digits(expression, digits)) then write(6,*)'invalid digits' else result = evaluate(expression) if (nint(result) == 24) then write(6,*) result, ' close enough' else write(6,*) result, ' no good' end if end if
logical function invalid_digits(e,d) !verify the digits implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: e integer, dimension(4), intent(inout) :: d integer :: i, j, k, count logical :: unfound count = 0 invalid_digits = .false. !validity assumed !write(6,*)'expression:',e(1:len_trim(e)) do i=1, len_trim(e) if (verify(e(i:i),'0123456789') == 0) then j = index('0123456789',e(i:i))-1 unfound = .true. do k=1, 4 if (j == d(k)) then unfound = .false. exit end if end do if (unfound) then invalid_digits = .true. !return or exit is okay here else d(k) = -99 count = count + 1 end if end if end do invalid_digits = invalid_digits .or. (count /= 4) end function invalid_digits
subroutine deal(digits) implicit none integer, dimension(4), intent(out) :: digits integer :: i real :: harvest call random_number(harvest) do i=1, 4 digits(i) = int(mod(harvest*9**i, 9.0)) + 1 end do ! NB. computed with executable Iverson notation, www.jsoftware.oom ! #B NB. B are the digits from 9999 deals ! 39996 ! ({.,#)/.~/:~B # show the distribution of digits ! 0 4380 ! 1 4542 ! 2 4348 ! 3 4395 ! 4 4451 ! 5 4474 ! 6 4467 ! 7 4413 ! 8 4526 ! NB. this also shows that I forgot to add 1. Inserting now... end subroutine deal
end program g24 </lang>
Compilation and too many examples. Which would you cut?
$ gfortran -g -O0 -std=f2008 -Wall f.f08 -o f.exe && echo '8*(9/9+2)' | ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 24.000000 close enough $ $ $ $ ./f.exe $ Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic $ operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. $ 8 * ( 9 / 9 + 2 ) $ 24.000000 close enough $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. (((2+8+9+9))) 28.000000 no good $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. (((8+9-2+9))) 24.000000 close enough $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 8929 "9" unexpected in expression at 2 STOP 1 $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 12348 invalid digits $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 892 invalid digits $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 8921 invalid digits $ $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 89291 invalid digits $ $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. 9+x-2+8+9 "x" unexpected in expression at 3 STOP 1 $ $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. (9-2)+8+(9 "^@" unexpected in expression at 125 STOP 1 $ $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. (9-2)+8+(9) 24.000000 close enough $ $ $ $ ./f.exe Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24. (9-2)+8/(9) 7.8888888 no good $
<lang gap># Solution in RPN Play24 := function() local input, digits, line, c, chars, stack, stackptr, cur, p, q, ok, a, b, run; input := InputTextUser(); run := true; while run do digits := List([1 .. 4], n -> Random(1, 9)); while true do Display(digits); line := ReadLine(input); line := Chomp(line); if line = "end" then run := false; break; elif line = "next" then break; else ok := true; stack := [ ]; stackptr := 0; chars := "123456789+-*/ "; cur := ShallowCopy(digits); for c in line do if c = ' ' then continue; fi; p := Position(chars, c); if p = fail then ok := false; break; fi; if p < 10 then q := Position(cur, p); if q = fail then ok := false; break; fi; Unbind(cur[q]); stackptr := stackptr + 1; stack[stackptr] := p; else if stackptr < 2 then ok := false; break; fi; b := stack[stackptr]; a := stack[stackptr - 1]; stackptr := stackptr - 1; if c = '+' then a := a + b; elif c = '-' then a := a - b; elif c = '*' then a := a * b; elif c = '/' then if b = 0 then ok := false; break; fi; a := a / b; else ok := false; break; fi; stack[stackptr] := a; fi; od; if ok and stackptr = 1 and Size(cur) = 0 then if stack[1] = 24 then Print("Good !\n"); break; else Print("Bad value: ", stack[1], "\n"); continue; fi; fi; Print("Invalid expression\n"); fi; od; od; CloseStream(input); end;
- example session
- type "end" to quit the game, "next" to try another list of digits
gap> Play24(); [ 7, 6, 8, 5 ] 86*75-/ Good ! [ 5, 9, 2, 7 ] end gap></lang>
RPN solution. <lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "math" "math/rand" "time"
func main() {
rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) n := make([]rune, 4) for i := range n { n[i] = rune(rand.Intn(9) + '1') } fmt.Printf("Your numbers: %c\n", n) fmt.Print("Enter RPN: ") var expr string fmt.Scan(&expr) if len(expr) != 7 { fmt.Println("invalid. expression length must be 7." + " (4 numbers, 3 operators, no spaces)") return } stack := make([]float64, 0, 4) for _, r := range expr { if r >= '0' && r <= '9' { if len(n) == 0 { fmt.Println("too many numbers.") return } i := 0 for n[i] != r { i++ if i == len(n) { fmt.Println("wrong numbers.") return } } n = append(n[:i], n[i+1:]...) stack = append(stack, float64(r-'0')) continue } if len(stack) < 2 { fmt.Println("invalid expression syntax.") return } switch r { case '+': stack[len(stack)-2] += stack[len(stack)-1] case '-': stack[len(stack)-2] -= stack[len(stack)-1] case '*': stack[len(stack)-2] *= stack[len(stack)-1] case '/': stack[len(stack)-2] /= stack[len(stack)-1] default: fmt.Printf("%c invalid.\n", r) return } stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] } if math.Abs(stack[0]-24) > 1e-6 { fmt.Println("incorrect.", stack[0], "!= 24") } else { fmt.Println("correct.") }
}</lang> Example game:
Your numbers: [5 8 1 3] Enter RPN: 83-5*1- correct.
<lang Gosu> uses java.lang.Double uses java.lang.Integer uses java.util.ArrayList uses java.util.List uses java.util.Scanner uses java.util.Stack
function doEval( scanner : Scanner, allowed : List<Integer> ) : double {
var stk = new Stack<Double>()
while( scanner.hasNext() ) { if( scanner.hasNextInt() ) { var n = scanner.nextInt()
// Make sure they're allowed to use n if( n <= 0 || n >= 10 ) { print( n + " isn't allowed" ) return 0 } var idx = allowed.indexOf( n ) if( idx == -1 ) { print( "You aren't allowed to use so many " + n + "s!" ) return 0 }
// Add the input number to the stack stk.push( new Double( n ) )
// Mark n as used allowed.remove( idx ) } else { // It has to be an operator... if( stk.size() < 2 ) { print( "Invalid Expression: Stack underflow!" ) return 0 }
// Gets the next operator as a single character token var s = scanner.next("[\\+-/\\*]")
// Get the operands var r = stk.pop().doubleValue() var l = stk.pop().doubleValue()
// Determine which operator and invoke it if( s.equals( "+" ) ) { stk.push( new Double( l + r ) ) } else if( s.equals( "-" ) ) { stk.push( new Double( l - r ) ) } else if( s.equals( "*" ) ) { stk.push( new Double( l * r ) ) } else if( s.equals( "/" ) ) { if( r == 0.0 ) { print( "Invalid Expression: Division by zero!" ) return 0 } stk.push( new Double( l / r ) ) } else { print( "Internal Error: looking for operator yielded '" + s + "'" ) return 0 } } }
// Did they skip any numbers? if( allowed.size() != 0 ) { print( "You didn't use ${allowed}" ) return 0 }
// Did they use enough operators? if( stk.size() != 1 ) { print( "Invalid Expression: Not enough operators!" ) return 0 }
return stk.pop().doubleValue()
// Pick 4 random numbers from [1..9] var nums = new ArrayList<Integer>() var gen = new java.util.Random( new java.util.Date().getTime() ) for( i in 0..3 ) {
nums.add( gen.nextInt(9) + 1 )
// Prompt the user print( "Using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, write an" ) print( "expression that evaluates to 24 using" ) print( "${nums.get(0)}, ${nums.get(1)}, ${nums.get(2)} and ${nums.get(3)}" ) print( "" ) print( "Please enter your expression in RPN" )
// Build a tokenizer over a line of input var sc = new Scanner( new java.io.BufferedReader( new java.io.InputStreamReader( java.lang.System.in ) ).readLine() )
// eval the expression var val = doEval( sc, nums )
// winner? if( java.lang.Math.abs( val - 24.0 ) < 0.001 ) {
print( "You win!" )
} else {
print( "You lose!" )
} </lang>
This solution breaks strict adherence to the rules in only one way: any line that starts with the letter "q" causes the game to quit. <lang groovy>final random = new Random() final input = new Scanner(System.in)
def evaluate = { expr ->
if (expr == 'QUIT') { return 'QUIT' } else { try { Eval.me(expr.replaceAll(/(\d)/, '$1.0')) } catch (e) { 'syntax error' } }
def readGuess = { digits ->
while (true) { print "Enter your guess using ${digits} (q to quit): " def expr = input.nextLine() switch (expr) { case ~/^[qQ].*/: return 'QUIT'
case ~/.*[^\d\s\+\*\/\(\)-].*/: def badChars = expr.replaceAll(~/[\d\s\+\*\/\(\)-]/, ) println "invalid characters in input: ${(badChars as List) as Set}" break
case { (it.replaceAll(~/\D/, ) as List).sort() != ([]+digits).sort() }: println you didn't use the right digits break
case ~/.*\d\d.*/: println 'no multi-digit numbers allowed' break
default: return expr } }
def digits = (1..4).collect { (random.nextInt(9) + 1) as String }
while (true) {
def guess = readGuess(digits) def result = evaluate(guess) switch (result) { case 'QUIT': println 'Awwww. Maybe next time?' return case 24: println 'Yes! You got it.' return case 'syntax error': println "A ${result} was found in ${guess}" break default: println "Nope: ${guess} == ${result}, not 24" println 'One more try, then?' }
Sample Run:
$ groovy TwentyFour.gsh Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 4836 no multi-digit numbers allowed Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 4 ++ ++ 8/ 3-6 A syntax error was found in 4 ++ ++ 8/ 3-6 Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): btsjsb invalid characters in input: [t, s, b, j] Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 1+3+2+2 you didn't use the right digits Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): q Awwww. Maybe next time? $ groovy TwentyFour.gsh Enter your guess using [6, 3, 2, 6] (q to quit): 6+6+3+2 Nope: 6+6+3+2 == 17.0, not 24 One more try, then? Enter your guess using [6, 3, 2, 6] (q to quit): (6*3 - 6) * 2 Yes! You got it.
<lang Haskell>import Char import Control.Monad.Error import Data.List import IO import Maybe import Random
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering mapM_ putStrLn [ "THE 24 GAME\n" , "Given four digits in the range 1 to 9" , "Use the +, -, *, and / operators in reverse polish notation" , "To show how to make an answer of 24.\n" ] digits <- liftM (sort . take 4 . randomRs (1,9)) getStdGen :: IO [Int] putStrLn ("Your digits: " ++ intercalate " " (map show digits)) guessLoop digits where guessLoop digits = putStr "Your expression: " >> liftM (processGuess digits . words) getLine >>= either (\m -> putStrLn m >> guessLoop digits) putStrLn
processGuess _ [] = Right "" processGuess digits xs | not $ matches = Left "Wrong digits used"
where matches = digits == (sort . map read $ filter (all isDigit) xs)
processGuess digits xs = calc xs >>= check
where check 24 = Right "Correct" check x = Left (show (fromRational (x :: Rational)) ++ " is wrong")
-- A Reverse Polish Notation calculator with full error handling calc = result []
where result [n] [] = Right n result _ [] = Left "Too few operators" result ns (x:xs) = simplify ns x >>= flip result xs
simplify (a:b:ns) s | isOp s = Right ((fromJust $ lookup s ops) b a : ns) simplify _ s | isOp s = Left ("Too few values before " ++ s) simplify ns s | all isDigit s = Right (fromIntegral (read s) : ns) simplify _ s = Left ("Unrecognized symbol: " ++ s)
isOp v = elem v $ map fst ops
ops = [("+",(+)), ("-",(-)), ("*",(*)), ("/",(/))]</lang>
<lang HicEst>DIMENSION digits(4), input_digits(100), difference(4) CHARACTER expression*100, prompt*100, answers='Wrong,Correct,', protocol='24 game.txt'
1 digits = CEILING( RAN(9) ) 2 DLG(Edit=expression, Text=digits, TItle=prompt)
READ(Text=expression, ItemS=n) input_digits IF(n == 4) THEN ALIAS(input_digits,1, input,4) SORT(Vector=digits, Sorted=digits) SORT(Vector=input, Sorted=input) difference = ABS(digits - input) IF( SUM(difference) == 0 ) THEN EDIT(Text=expression, ScaNnot='123456789+-*/ ()', GetPos=i, CoPyto=prompt) IF( i > 0 ) THEN prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': ' //TRIM(prompt) // ' is an illegal character' ELSE prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': Syntax error' result = XEQ(expression, *2) ! on error branch to label 2 EDIT(Text=answers, ITeM=(result==24)+1, Parse=answer) WRITE(Text=prompt, Name) TRIM(expression)//': ', answer, result ENDIF ELSE WRITE(Text=prompt) TRIM(expression), ': You used ', input, ' instead ', digits ENDIF ELSE prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': Instead 4 digits you used ' // n ENDIF
OPEN(FIle=protocol, APPend) WRITE(FIle=protocol, CLoSe=1) prompt
DLG(TItle=prompt, Button='>2:Try again', B='>1:New game', B='Quit')
END</lang> <lang HicEst>4 + 8 + 7 + 5: You used 4 5 7 8 instead 4 4 7 8 4 + 8 + 7 + a: Instead 4 digits you used 3 4 + 8 + 7 + a + 4: a is an illegal character 4 + 8 + 7a + 4: a is an illegal character 4 + 8 + 7 + 4:; answer=Wrong; result=23; 4 * 7 - 8 + 4:; answer=Correct; result=24;</lang>
Icon and Unicon
This plays the game of 24 using a simplified version of the code from the Arithmetic evaluation task. <lang Icon>invocable all link strings # for csort, deletec
procedure main() help() repeat {
every (n := "") ||:= (1 to 4, string(1+?8)) writes("Your four digits are : ") every writes(!n," ") write() e := trim(read()) | fail case e of { "q"|"quit": return "?"|"help": help() default: { e := deletec(e,' \t') # no whitespace d := deletec(e,~&digits) # just digits if csort(n) ~== csort(d) then # and only the 4 given digits write("Invalid repsonse.") & next
if e ? (ans := eval(E()), pos(0)) then # parse and evaluate if ans = 24 then write("Congratulations you win!") else write("Your answer was ",ans,". Try again.") else write("Invalid expression.") } } }
procedure eval(X) #: return the evaluated AST
if type(X) == "list" then { x := eval(get(X)) while x := get(X)(real(x), real(eval(get(X) | stop("Malformed expression.")))) } return \x | X
procedure E() #: expression
put(lex := [],T()) while put(lex,tab(any('+-*/'))) do put(lex,T()) suspend if *lex = 1 then lex[1] else lex # strip useless []
procedure T() #: Term
suspend 2(="(", E(), =")") | # parenthesized subexpression, or ... tab(any(&digits)) # just a value
procedure help() return write(
"Welcome to 24\n\n", "Combine the 4 given digits to make 24 using only + - * / and ( ).\n ", "All operations have equal precedence and are evaluated left to right.\n", "Combining (concatenating) digits is not allowed.\n", "Enter 'help', 'quit', or an expression.\n")
strings.icn provides deletec and sortc
Welcome to 24 The object of the game is to combine the 4 given digits using only + - * / and ( ). All operations have equal precedence and are evaluated left to right. Combining (concatenating) digits is not allowed. Enter 'help', 'quit', or an expression. Your four digits are : 8 1 7 2 8*2+(7+1) Congratulations you win! Your four digits are : 4 2 7 6 7*6+(4*2) Your answer was 50. Try again. Your four digits are : 7 7 8 8 77-88 Invalid expression. Your four digits are : 9 3 2 3 9+3+2+3+ Malformed expression.
<lang J>require'misc' deal=: 1 + ? bind 9 9 9 9 rules=: smoutput bind 'see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game' input=: prompt @ ('enter 24 expression using ', ":, ': '"_)
wellformed=: (' '<;._1@, ":@[) -:&(/:~) '(+-*%)' -.&;:~ ] is24=: 24 -: ". ::0:@]
respond=: (;:'no yes') {::~ wellformed * is24
game24=: (respond input)@deal@rules</lang>
Example use:
game24 '' see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game enter 24 expression using 6 5 9 4: 6+5+9+4 yes game24 '' see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game enter 24 expression using 3 3 3 3: 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3 no
This is my first Rosetta Code, and I am a JS newbie. Works, but is not the best solution. Due to the eval, it is probably not safe. <lang javascript>String.prototype.replaceAll = function(patt,repl) { var that = this;
that = that.replace(patt,repl);
if (that.search(patt) != -1) { that = that.replaceAll(patt,repl); } return that; };
function validChars(input) { var regInvalidChar = /[^\d\+\*\/\s-\(\)]/;
return input.search(regInvalidChar) == -1; }
function validNums(str, nums) {
var arr, l; arr = str.replaceAll(/[^\d\s]/," ").replaceAll(" "," ").trim().split(" ").sort(); l = arr.length;
while(l--) { arr[l] = Number(arr[l]); }
return _.isEqual(arr,nums.sort());
function validEval(input) { try { eval(input); } catch (e) { return false; }; return true; }
var input;
while(true){ var numbers = [];
var i = 4; while(i--) { numbers.push(Math.floor(Math.random()*8+1)); }
input = prompt("Your numbers are:\n" + numbers.join(" ") + "\nEnter expression. (use only + - * / and parens).\n" + "'x' to exit." );
if (input === 'x') break; !validChars(input) ? alert("Invalid chars used, try again. Use only:\n + - * / ( )") : !validNums(input,numbers) ? alert("Wrong numbers used, try again.")
: !validEval(input) ? alert("Could not evaluate input, try again.")
: eval(input) != 24 ? alert("Wrong answer:" + eval(input) + "\nTry again.") : alert(input + "== 24. Congrats!!") ; }
<lang julia>function twentyfour()
function check(input) d = ref(Int) for i in input.args if typeof(i) == Expr c = check(i) typeof(c) == String || append!(d,c) elseif contains([:*,:/,:-,:+],i) continue elseif contains([1:9],i) push!(d,i) continue elseif i > 9 || i < 1 d = "Sorry, $i is not allowed, please use only numbers between 1 and 9" else d = "Sorry, $i isn't allowed" end end return d end new_digits() = [rand(1:9),rand(1:9),rand(1:9),rand(1:9)]
answer = new_digits() print("The 24 Game\nYou will be given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions.\n Using just the +, -, *, and / operators show how to make an answer of 24.\n Use parentheses, (), to ensure proper order of evaulation.\n Enter 'n' fDouble>()
while( scanner.hasNext() ) { if( scanner.hasNextInt() ) { var n = scanner.nextInt()
// Make sure they're allowed to use n if( n or a new set of digits, and 'q' to quit. Good luck!\n
Here's your first 4 digits\n$(answer[1]) $(answer[2]) $(answer[3]) $(answer[4])\n >") while true input = chomp(readline(STDIN)) input == "q" && break if input == "n" answer = new_digits() print("\nLet's try again, go ahead and guess\n Here's your 4 digits\n$(answer[1]) $(answer[2]) $(answer[3]) $(answer[4])\n>") continue end input = try parse(input) catch print("I couldn't calculate your answer, please try again\n>"); continue end c = check(input) cc = all([sum(i .== answer) == sum(i .== c) for i in answer])
!cc && (print("Sorry, valid digits are \n$(answer[1]) $(answer[2]) $(answer[3]) $(answer[4])\n are allowed and all four must be used. Please try again\n>"); continue)
if eval(input) == 24 answer = new_digits() print("\nYou did it!\nLet's do another round, or enter 'q' to quit\n Here's your 4 digits\n$(answer[1]) $(answer[2]) $(answer[3]) $(answer[4])\n >") continue else print("\nSorry your answer calculates to $(eval(input))\nTry again\n>") end end end</lang>
This solution requires web input from the user via a form of the expression.
On submit the expression is checked for valid chars, that the integers are valid and in the original array (which also takes care of non-duplicate integers), and that the integers are not in consecutive positions.
If a valid expression it is evaluated, and the result and success state shown to the user. <lang Lasso>[ if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'randoms') => { define randoms()::array => { local(out = array) loop(4) => { #out->insert(math_random(9,1)) } return #out } } if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'checkvalid') => { define checkvalid(str::string, nums::array)::boolean => { local(chk = array('*','/','+','-','(',')',' '), chknums = array, lastintpos = -1, poscounter = 0) loop(9) => { #chk->insert(loop_count) } with s in #str->values do => { #poscounter++ #chk !>> #s && #chk !>> integer(#s) ? return false integer(#s) > 0 && #lastintpos + 1 >= #poscounter ? return false integer(#s) > 0 ? #chknums->insert(integer(#s)) integer(#s) > 0 ? #lastintpos = #poscounter } #chknums->size != 4 ? return false #nums->sort #chknums->sort loop(4) => { #nums->get(loop_count) != #chknums(loop_count) ? return false } return true } } if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'executeexpr') => { define executeexpr(expr::string)::integer => { local(keep = string) with i in #expr->values do => { if(array('*','/','+','-','(',')') >> #i) => { #keep->append(#i) else integer(#i) > 0 ? #keep->append(decimal(#i)) } } return integer(sourcefile('['+#keep+']','24game',true,true)->invoke) } }
local(numbers = array, exprsafe = true, exprcorrect = false, exprresult = 0) if(web_request->param('nums')->asString->size) => { with n in web_request->param('nums')->asString->split(',') do => { #numbers->insert(integer(#n->trim&)) } }
- numbers->size != 4 ? #numbers = randoms()
if(web_request->param('nums')->asString->size) => { #exprsafe = checkvalid(web_request->param('expr')->asString,#numbers) if(#exprsafe) => { #exprresult = executeexpr(web_request->param('expr')->asString) #exprresult == 24 ? #exprcorrect = true } }
24 Game
Enter an expression that evaluates to 24
- Only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction operators/functions are allowed.
- Brackets are allowed.
- Forming multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits is disallowed. (So an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 is wrong).
- The order of the digits when given does not have to be preserved.
[#numbers->join(', ')] (<a href="?">Reload</a>)
[!#exprsafe ? '
Please provide a valid expression
<form><input type="hidden" value="[#numbers->join(',')]" name="nums"><input type="text" name="expr" value="[web_request->param('expr')->asString]"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form> [if(#exprsafe)]
Result: [#exprresult] [#exprcorrect ? 'is CORRECT!' | 'is incorrect']
Liberty BASIC
<lang lb>dim d(4) dim chk(4) print "The 24 Game" print print "Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the" print "possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24."
d$="" for i = 1 to 4 d(i)=int(rnd(1)*9)+1 '1..9 chk(i)=d(i) d$=d$;d(i) 'valid digits, to check with Instr next
print print "These are your four digits: "; for i = 1 to 4 print d(i);left$(",",i<>4); next print
Print "Enter expression:" Input "24 = ";expr$ 'check expr$ for validity
'check right digits used failed = 0 for i = 1 to len(expr$) c$=mid$(expr$,i,1) if instr("123456789", c$)<>0 then 'digit if instr(d$, c$)=0 then failed = 1: exit for if i>1 and instr("123456789", mid$(expr$,i-1,1))<>0 then failed = 2: exit for for j =1 to 4 if chk(j)=val(c$) then chk(j)=0: exit for next end if next if failed=1 then print "Wrong digit (";c$;")" goto [fail] end if
if failed=2 then print "Multiple digit numbers is disallowed." goto [fail] end if
'check all digits used if chk(1)+ chk(2)+ chk(3)+ chk(4)<>0 then print "Not all digits used" goto [fail] end if
'check valid operations failed = 0 for i = 1 to len(expr$) c$=mid$(expr$,i,1) if instr("+-*/()"+d$, c$)=0 then failed = 1: exit for next if failed then print "Wrong operation (";c$;")" goto [fail] end if 'some errors (like brackets) trapped by error handler Err$="" res=evalWithErrCheck(expr$) if Err$<>"" then print "Error in expression" goto [fail] end if if res = 24 then print "Correct!" else print "Wrong! (you got ";res ;")" end if
Input "Play again (y/n)? "; ans$
loop while ans$="y" end
function evalWithErrCheck(expr$)
on error goto [handler] evalWithErrCheck=eval(expr$) exit function
[handler] end function</lang>
Locomotive Basic
<lang locobasic>10 CLS:RANDOMIZE TIME 20 PRINT "The 24 Game" 30 PRINT "===========":PRINT 40 PRINT "Enter an arithmetic expression" 50 PRINT "that evaluates to 24," 60 PRINT "using only the provided digits" 70 PRINT "and +, -, *, /, (, )." 80 PRINT "(Just hit Return for new digits.)" 90 ' create new digits 100 FOR i=1 TO 4:a(i)=INT(RND*9)+1:NEXT 110 PRINT 120 PRINT "The digits are";a(1);a(2);a(3);a(4) 130 PRINT 140 ' user enters solution 150 INPUT "Your solution";s$ 160 IF s$="" THEN PRINT "Creating new digits...":GOTO 100 170 GOTO 300 180 ' a little hack to create something like an EVAL function 190 OPENOUT "exp.bas" 200 PRINT #9,"1000 x="s$":return" 210 CLOSEOUT 220 CHAIN MERGE "exp",240 230 ' now evaluate the expression 240 ON ERROR GOTO 530 250 GOSUB 1000 260 IF x=24 THEN PRINT "Well done!":END 270 PRINT "No, this evaluates to"x:PRINT "Please try again." 280 GOTO 150 290 ' check input for correctness 300 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$) 310 q=ASC(MID$(s$,i,1)) 320 IF q=32 OR (q>39 AND q<44) OR q=45 OR (q>46 AND q<58) THEN NEXT 330 IF i-1=LEN(s$) THEN 370 340 PRINT "Bad character in expression:"CHR$(q) 350 PRINT "Try again":GOTO 150 360 ' new numbers in solution? 370 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$)-1 380 q=ASC(MID$(s$,i,1)):p=ASC(MID$(s$,i+1,1)) 390 IF q>47 AND q<58 AND p>47 AND p<58 THEN PRINT "No forming of new numbers, please!":GOTO 150 400 NEXT 410 FOR i=1 TO 9:orig(i)=0:guess(i)=0:NEXT 420 FOR i=1 TO 4:orig(a(i))=orig(a(i))+1:NEXT 430 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$) 440 v$=MID$(s$,i,1) 450 va=ASC(v$)-48 460 IF va>0 AND va<10 THEN guess(va)=guess(va)+1 470 NEXT 480 FOR i=1 TO 9 490 IF guess(i)<>orig(i) THEN PRINT "Only use all the provided digits!":GOTO 150 500 NEXT 510 GOTO 190 520 ' syntax error, e.g. non-matching parentheses 530 PRINT "Error in expression, please try again." 540 RESUME 150</lang>
Note: The program needs a writable disk in the active disk drive.
<lang logo>; useful constants make "false 1=0 make "true 1=1 make "lf char 10 make "sp char 32
- non-digits legal in expression
make "operators (lput sp [+ - * / \( \)])
- display help message
to show_help :digits
type lf print sentence quoted [Using only these digits:] :digits print sentence quoted [and these operators:] [* / + -] print quoted [\(and parentheses as needed\),] print quoted [enter an arithmetic expression which evaluates to exactly 24.] type lf print quoted [Enter \"!\" to get fresh numbers.] print quoted [Enter \"q\" to quit.] type lf
make "digits [] make "done false until [done] [
if empty? digits [ make "digits (map [(random 9) + 1] [1 2 3 4]) ]
(type "Solution sp "for sp digits "? sp ) make "expression readrawline
ifelse [expression = "?] [
show_help digits
] [ifelse [expression = "q] [
print "Bye! make "done true
] [ifelse [expression = "!] [
make "digits []
] [ make "exprchars ` expression make "allowed (sentence digits operators)
ifelse (member? false (map [[c] member? c allowed] exprchars)) [ (print quoted [Illegal character in input.]) ] [ catch "error [ make "syntax_error true make "testval (run expression) make "syntax_error false ] ifelse syntax_error [ (print quoted [Invalid expression.]) ] [ ifelse (testval = 24) [ print quoted [You win!] make "done true ] [ (print (sentence quoted [Incorrect \(got ] testval quoted [instead of 24\).])) ] ] ] ]]]
] bye</lang> Sample output:
Solution for 3 8 9 5? ? Using only these digits: 3 8 9 5 and these operators: * / + - (and parentheses as needed), enter an arithmetic expression which evaluates to exactly 24. Enter "!" to get fresh numbers. Enter "q" to quit. Solution for 3 8 9 5? ! Solution for 9 2 8 5? 9+2+8+5 You win!
<lang lua> local function help() print [[
The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.
local function generate(n) result = {} for i=1,n do result[i] = math.random(1,9) end return result end
local function check(answer, digits) local adig = {} local ddig = {} local index local lastWasDigit = false for i=1,9 do adig[i] = 0 ddig[i] = 0 end allowed = {['(']=true,[')']=true,[' ']=true,['+']=true,['-']=true,['*']=true,['/']=true,['\t']=true,['1']=true,['2']=true,['3']=true,['4']=true,['5']=true,['6']=true,['7']=true,['8']=true,['9']=true} for i=1,string.len(answer) do if not allowed[string.sub(answer,i,i)] then return false end index = string.byte(answer,i)-48 if index > 0 and index < 10 then if lastWasDigit then return false end lastWasDigit = true adig[index] = adig[index] + 1 else lastWasDigit = false end end for i,digit in next,digits do ddig[digit] = ddig[digit]+1 end for i=1,9 do if adig[i] ~= ddig[i] then return false end end return loadstring('return '..answer)() end
local function game24() help() math.randomseed(os.time()) math.random() local digits = generate(4) local trial = 0 local answer = 0 local ans = false io.write 'Your four digits:' for i,digit in next,digits do io.write (' ' .. digit) end print() while ans ~= 24 do trial = trial + 1 io.write("Expression "..trial..": ") answer = io.read() if string.lower(answer) == 'q' then break end if answer == '!' then digits = generate(4) io.write ("New digits:") for i,digit in next,digits do io.write (' ' .. digit) end print() else ans = check(answer,digits) if ans == false then print ('The input '.. answer ..' was wonky!') else print (' = '.. ans) if ans == 24 then print ("Thats right!") end end end end end game24()</lang>
Alternately, using the lpeg.re
<lang lua>function twentyfour()
print [[ The 24 Game Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24. An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. ]] expr = re.compile[[ --matches properly formatted infix expressions and returns all numerals as captures expr <- (!.) / (<paren> / <number>) (<ws> <oper> <ws> <expr>)? number <- {[0-9]} ws <- " "* oper <- [-+/*] paren <- "(" <ws> <expr> <ws> ")" ]] local val_t = {math.random(9), math.random(9), math.random(9), math.random(9)} table.sort(val_t) print("the digits are " .. table.concat(val_t, ", ")) local ex = io.read() a, b, c, d, e = expr:match(ex) if a and b and c and d and not e then --if there is a fifth numeral the player is cheating local digs = {a + 0, b + 0, c + 0, d + 0} local flag = false -- (terrorism!) table.sort(digs) for i = 1, 4 do
flag = digs[i] ~= val_t[i] and not print"Wrong digits!" or flag
end if not flag and loadstring("return " .. ex)() == 24 then print"You win!" else print"You lose." end else print"wat" --expression could not be interpreted as arithmetic end
end twentyfour()</lang>
Since Mathematica hasn't historically had good custom I/O support (the command-line allowed all operations, not very good for UI-generation), I had to roll some custom GUI (with a text box), which requires Mathematica 6.
Most of the job is already done by Mathematica (the expression conversion); in fact, it is too good—it automatically converts ex. 3/4 to Times[3, Power[4, -1]], which we have to specifically test for so that real powers don't get through.
<lang Mathematica>isLegal[n_List, x_String] :=
Quiet[Check[ With[{h = ToExpression[x, StandardForm, HoldForm]}, If[Cases[Level[h, {2, \[Infinity]}, Hold, Heads -> True], Except[_Integer | Plus | _Plus | Times | _Times | Power | Power[_, -1]]] === {} && Sort[Level[h /. Power[q_, -1] -> q, {-1}] /. q_Integer -> Abs[q]] === Sort[n], ReleaseHold[h]]], Null]]
"new numbers", {a, b, c, d} = Table[RandomInteger[{1, 9}], {4}]], InputField[Dynamic[x], String]}, {Dynamic[{a, b, c, d}], Dynamic[Switch[isLegal[{a, b, c, d}, x], Null, "Sorry, that is invalid.", 24, "Congrats! That's 24!", _, "Sorry, that makes " <> ToString[ToExpression@x, InputForm] <> ", not 24."]]}}]</lang>
MATLAB / Octave
<lang Matlab> function twentyfour()
N = 4; n = ceil(rand(1,N)*9); printf('Generate a equation with the numbers %i, %i, %i, %i and +, -, *, /, () operators ! \n',n); s = input(': ','s'); t = s; for k = 1:N, [x,t] = strtok(t,'+-*/() \t'); if length(x)~=1, error('invalid sign %s\n',x); end; y = x-'0'; if ~(0 < y & y < 10) error('invalid sign %s\n',x); end; z(1,k) = y; end; if any(sort(z)-sort(n)) error('numbers do not match.\n'); end;
val = eval(s); if val==24, fprintf('expression "%s" results in %i.\n',s,val); else fprintf('expression "%s" does not result in 24 but %i.\n',s,val); end; </lang>
mIRC Scripting Language
<lang mirc>alias 24 {
dialog -m 24-Game 24-Game
dialog 24-Game {
title "24-Game" size -1 -1 100 70 option dbu text "", 1, 29 7 42 8 text "Equation", 2, 20 21 21 8 edit "", 3, 45 20 40 10 text "Status", 4, 10 34 80 8, center button "Calculate", 5, 5 45 40 20 button "New", 6, 57 47 35 15
on *:DIALOG:24-Game:init:*: {
did -o 24-Game 1 1 Numbers: $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9)
on *:DIALOG:24-Game:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 5) { if ($regex($did(3),/^[ (]*\d *[-+*/][ (]*\d[ ()]*[-+*/][ ()]*\d[ )]*[-+*/] *\d[ )]*$/)) && ($sorttok($regsubex($did(3),/[^\d]+/g,$chr(32)),32) == $sorttok($remove($did(1),Numbers:),32)) { did -o 24-Game 4 1 $iif($calc($did(3)) == 24,Correct,Wrong) } else { did -o 24-Game 4 1 Wrong Numbers or Syntax } } elseif ($did == 6) { did -o 24-Game 1 1 Numbers: $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) }
<lang modula2>MODULE TwentyFour;
FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn, Write, ReadString, WriteInt; FROM RandomGenerator IMPORT Random;
TYPE operator_t = (add, sub, mul, div); expr_t = RECORD operand : ARRAY[0..3] OF CARDINAL; operator : ARRAY[1..3] OF operator_t; END;(*of RECORD*) numbers_t = SET OF CHAR;
VAR expr : expr_t; numbers : numbers_t; (*******************************************************************createExpr*) (*analyse the input string *) PROCEDURE createExpr(s: ARRAY OF CHAR);
VAR index, counter : INTEGER; token : CHAR; temp_expr : expr_t; operand : CARDINAL; operator : operator_t;
(************************************nextToken*) (* returns the next CHAR that isn`t a space *) PROCEDURE nextToken(): CHAR; BEGIN INC(index); WHILE (s[index] = ' ') DO INC(index); END;(*of WHILE*) RETURN(s[index]); END nextToken; (***********************************set_operand*) (* checks if the CHAR o inerhits a valid number*) (* and sets 'operand' to its value *) PROCEDURE set_operand(o: CHAR); BEGIN CASE o OF '0'..'9': IF o IN numbers THEN operand := ORD(o)-48; numbers := numbers - numbers_t{o}; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a available number "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of IF*)| 0 : WriteString("ERROR: error in input "); WriteLn; HALT; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a number "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of CASE*) END set_operand; (**********************************set_operator*) (* checks if the CHAR o inerhits a valid *) (* operator and sets 'operator' to its value *) PROCEDURE set_operator(o: CHAR); BEGIN CASE o OF '+' : operator := add;| '-' : operator := sub;| '*' : operator := mul;| '/' : operator := div;| 0 : WriteString("ERROR: error in input "); WriteLn; HALT; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a operator "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of CASE*) END set_operator; (************************************************) BEGIN index := -1;
token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[0] := operand;
token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[1] := operator;
token := nextToken();
expr.operand[1] := operand;
token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[2] := operator;
token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[2] := operand;
token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[3] := operator;
token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[3] := operand; END createExpr;
(*****************************************************************evaluateExpr*) (* evaluate the expresion that was createt by 'createExpr' *)
PROCEDURE evaluateExpr(VAR num: REAL);
VAR index : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH expr DO num := VAL(REAL,operand[0]); FOR index := 1 TO 3 DO CASE operator[index] OF add : num := num + VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| sub : num := num - VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| mul : num := num * VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| div : num := num / VAL(REAL,operand[index]); END;(*of CASE*) END;(*of FOR*) END;(*of WIHT*) END evaluateExpr;
(**************************************************************generateNumbers*) (* generates the 4 random numbers ond write them *) PROCEDURE generateNumbers; VAR index,ran : INTEGER; BEGIN numbers := numbers_t{}; ran := Random(0,9); FOR index := 1 TO 4 DO WHILE (CHR(ran+48) IN numbers )DO ran := Random(0,9); END;(*of While*) Write(CHR(ran+48)); WriteLn; numbers := numbers + numbers_t{CHR(ran+48)} END;(*of FOR*) END generateNumbers; (****************************************************************Main Programm*) VAR str : ARRAY[0..255] OF CHAR; sum : REAL; BEGIN WriteString("Welcome to the 24 game in MODULA-2"); WriteLn; WriteString("Here are your numbers:"); WriteLn; generateNumbers; WriteString("Enter your equation(This implementation dosn`t support brackets yet): "); WriteLn; ReadString(str); createExpr(str); evaluateExpr(sum); WriteLn; WriteString("Result:"); WriteLn; WriteInt(TRUNC(sum),0); WriteLn; CASE (TRUNC(sum) - 24) OF 0 : WriteString("Perfect!");| 1 : WriteString("Almost perfect."); ELSE WriteString("You loose!"); END;(*of CASE*) WriteLn; END TwentyFour.</lang>
Compile with:
ocamlopt -pp camlp4o g24.ml -o g24.opt
<lang ocaml>type expression =
| Const of float | Sum of expression * expression (* e1 + e2 *) | Diff of expression * expression (* e1 - e2 *) | Prod of expression * expression (* e1 * e2 *) | Quot of expression * expression (* e1 / e2 *)
let rec eval = function
| Const c -> c | Sum (f, g) -> eval f +. eval g | Diff(f, g) -> eval f -. eval g | Prod(f, g) -> eval f *. eval g | Quot(f, g) -> eval f /. eval g
let rec extract acc = function
| Const c -> (c::acc) | Sum (f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g) | Diff(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g) | Prod(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g) | Quot(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g)
open Genlex
let lexer = make_lexer ["("; ")"; "+"; "-"; "*"; "/"]
let rec parse_expr = parser
[< e1 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds e1 >] -> e and parse_more_adds e1 = parser [< 'Kwd "+"; e2 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds (Sum(e1, e2)) >] -> e | [< 'Kwd "-"; e2 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds (Diff(e1, e2)) >] -> e | [< >] -> e1 and parse_mult = parser [< e1 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults e1 >] -> e and parse_more_mults e1 = parser [< 'Kwd "*"; e2 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults (Prod(e1, e2)) >] -> e | [< 'Kwd "/"; e2 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults (Quot(e1, e2)) >] -> e | [< >] -> e1 and parse_simple = parser | [< 'Int i >] -> Const(float i) | [< 'Float f >] -> Const f | [< 'Kwd "("; e = parse_expr; 'Kwd ")" >] -> e
let parse_expression = parser [< e = parse_expr; _ = Stream.empty >] -> e
let read_expression s = parse_expression(lexer(Stream.of_string s))
let () =
Random.self_init(); print_endline " The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of 'q' will quit the game. An answer of '!' will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.\n";
let sort = List.sort compare in let digits = ref [] in let digit_set () = let ar = Array.init 4 (fun _ -> 1 + Random.int 9) in digits := Array.to_list(Array.map float_of_int ar); print_string "The four digits: "; List.iter (Printf.printf " %g") !digits; print_newline(); in
digit_set(); while true do print_string "Expression: "; let str = read_line() in if str = "q" then exit 0; if str = "!" then digit_set() else begin let expr = read_expression str in let res = eval expr in Printf.printf " = %g\n%!" res; if res = 24. && (sort !digits) = (sort (extract [] expr)) then (print_endline "Congratulations!"; digit_set()) else print_endline "Try again" end done</lang>
The dynamic query parser is used to evaluate the expression. <lang Progress (OpenEdge ABL)>DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tt NO-UNDO FIELD ii AS INTEGER.
p_deanswer = i_de.
/* generate problem */ DO ii = 1 TO 4:
ASSIGN idigits [ii] = RANDOM( 1, 9 ). Digits = Digits + STRING( idigits [ii] ) + " " .
/* ui */ DISPLAY Digits. UPDATE Answer.
/* check valid input */ DO ii = 1 TO 7:
cchar = SUBSTRING( Answer, ii, 1 ). IF cchar > "" THEN DO: IF ii MODULO 2 = 1 THEN DO: IF LOOKUP( cchar, Digits, " " ) = 0 THEN cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "Invalid digit: &1.~r", cchar ). ELSE ENTRY( LOOKUP( cchar, Digits, " " ), Digits, " " ) = "". END. ELSE DO: IF LOOKUP( cchar, "+,-,/,*" ) = 0 THEN cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "&1 is not a valid operator.~r", cchar ). END. END.
END. IF TRIM( Digits ) > "" THEN
cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "You did not use digits: &1":U, TRIM( Digits ) ).
IF cmessage = "" THEN DO:
/* expressions need spacing */ DO ii = 1 TO 7: cexpression = cexpression + SUBSTRING( Answer, ii, 1 ) + " ". END. /* use dynamic query to parse expression */ TEMP-TABLE tt:DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE:FIND-FIRST( SUBSTITUTE( "WHERE NOT DYNAMIC-FUNCTION( 'calculate', DECIMAL( &1 ) )", cexpression ) ) NO-ERROR. IF p_deanswer <> 24 THEN cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "The expression evaluates to &1.", p_deanswer ). ELSE cmessage = "Solved!".
MESSAGE cmessage VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. </lang>
While the solution shown within this page at Rexx version 2 was created for Classic Rexx it also can be used unchanged by the ooRexx interpreter and so can be considered a solution for the ooRexx language too.
Incompatibilities(*) that were originally in Rexx version 1 were meanwhile "fixed", so it also can be used unchanged by the ooRexx interpreter and so can be considered a solution for the ooRexx language too.
(*) Classic Rexx accepts assignment without an expression (x=;), ooRexx does not.
<lang parigp>game()={
my(v=vecsort(vector(4,i,random(8)+1))); print("Form 24 using */+-() and: "v); while(1, my(ans=input); if (!valid(s,v), next); trap(, print("Arithmetic error"); next , if(eval(s)==24, break, print("Bad sum")) ) ); print("You win!")
}; valid(s,v)={
my(op=vecsort(Vec("+-*/()")),u=[]); s=Vec(s); for(i=1,#s, if(setsearch(op,s[i]),next); trap(, print("Invalid character "s[i]); return(0) , if(setsearch(v,eval(s[i])), u=concat(u,eval(s[i])) , print(s[i]" not allowed"); return(0) ) ) ); for(i=2,#s, if(!setsearch(op,s[i])&!setsearch(op,s[i-1]), print("Concatenating digits is not allowed!"); return(0) ) ); if(vecsort(u)!=v, print("Invalid digits"); 0 , 1 )
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; use warnings;
print <<'EOF'; The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. EOF
while(1) {
my $iteration_num = 0;
my $numbers = make_numbers(); TRY_SOLVING: while(1) { $iteration_num++; print "Expression ${iteration_num}: ";
my $entry = <>; chomp($entry);
last TRY_SOLVING if $entry eq '!';
exit if $entry eq 'q';
my $result = play($numbers, $entry);
if (!defined $result) { print "That's not valid\n"; next TRY_SOLVING; } elsif ($result != 24) { print "Sorry, that's $result\n"; next TRY_SOLVING; } else { print "That's right! 24!!\n"; exit; } }
sub make_numbers {
my %numbers = ();
print "Your four digits:";
for(1..4) { my $i = 1 + int(rand(9)); $numbers{$i}++; print "$i "; }
print "\n";
return \%numbers;
sub play {
my ($numbers, $expression) = @_;
my %running_numbers = %$numbers;
my @chars = split //, $expression;
my $operator = 1;
CHARS: foreach (@chars) { next CHARS if $_ =~ /[()]/;
$operator = !$operator;
if (! $operator) { if (defined $running_numbers{$_} && $running_numbers{$_} > 0) { $running_numbers{$_}--; next CHARS; } else { return; } } else { return if $_ !~ m{[-+*/]}; } }
foreach my $remaining (values(%running_numbers)) { if ($remaining > 0) { return; } }
return eval($expression);
} </lang>
Perl 6
<lang perl6>grammar Exp24 {
token TOP { ^ <exp> $ } token exp { <term> [ <op> <term> ]* } token term { '(' <exp> ')' | \d } token op { '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' }
my @digits = roll 4, 1..9; # to a gamer, that's a "4d9" roll say "Here's your digits: {@digits}";
while my $exp = prompt "\n24-Exp? " {
unless is-valid($exp, @digits) { say "Sorry, your expression is not valid!"; next; }
my $value = eval $exp; say "$exp = $value"; if $value == 24 { say "You win!"; last; } say "Sorry, your expression doesn't evaluate to 24!";
sub is-valid($exp, @digits) {
unless ?Exp24.parse($exp) { say "Expression doesn't match rules!"; return False; }
unless $exp.comb(/\d/).sort.join == @digits.sort.join { say "Expression must contain digits {@digits} only!"; return False; }
return True;
<lang PicoLisp>(de checkExpression (Lst Exe)
(make (when (diff Lst (fish num? Exe)) (link "Not all numbers used" ) ) (when (diff (fish num? Exe) Lst) (link "Using wrong number(s)") ) (when (diff (fish sym? Exe) '(+ - * /)) (link "Using illegal operator(s)") ) ) )
(setq Numbers (make (do 4 (link (rand 1 9))))) (prinl "Please enter a Lisp expression using (, ), +, -, *, / and " (glue ", " Numbers) ) (prin "Or a single dot '.' to stop: ") (T (= "." (setq Reply (catch '(NIL) (in NIL (read))))) (bye) ) (cond ((str? Reply) (prinl "-- Input error: " Reply) ) ((checkExpression Numbers Reply) (prinl "-- Illegal Expression") (for S @ (space 3) (prinl S) ) ) ((str? (setq Result (catch '(NIL) (eval Reply)))) (prinl "-- Evaluation error: " @) ) ((= 24 Result) (prinl "++ Congratulations! Correct result :-)") ) (T (prinl "Sorry, this gives " Result)) ) (prinl) )</lang>
Please enter a Lisp expression using (, ), +, -, *, / and 1, 3, 3, 5 Or a single dot '.' to stop: (* (+ 3 1) (+ 5 1)) ++ Congratulations! Correct result :-) Please enter a Lisp expression using (, ), +, -, *, / and 8, 4, 7, 1 Or a single dot '.' to stop: (* 8 (% 7 3) 9) -- Illegal Expression Not all numbers used Using wrong number(s) Using illegal operator(s) Please enter a Lisp expression using (, ), +, -, *, / and 4, 2, 2, 3 Or a single dot '.' to stop: (/ (+ 4 3) (- 2 2)) -- Evaluation error: Div/0 Please enter a Lisp expression using (, ), +, -, *, / and 8, 4, 5, 9 Or a single dot '.' to stop: .
<lang pli> /* Plays the game of 24. */
TWENTYFOUR: procedure options (main); /* 14 August 2010 */
CTP: procedure (E) returns (character(50) varying);
declare E character (*) varying; declare OUT character (length(E)) varying; declare S character (length(E)) varying controlled; declare c character (1); declare i fixed binary;
/* This procedure converts an arithmetic expression to Reverse Polish Form. */ /* A push-down pop-up stack is used for operators. */ priority: procedure (a) returns (fixed decimal (1));
declare a character (1); declare ops character (10) initial ('#+-*/') varying static; declare pri(6) fixed decimal (1) initial (1,2,2,3,3,4) static; declare i fixed binary;
i = index(ops,a); return (pri(i));
end priority;
allocate S; S = '#'; out = ; do i = 1 to length(E); c = substr(E, i, 1); if index('+-*/', c) > 0 then do; /* Copy any higher priority operators on the stack to the output. */ do while ( priority(c) <= priority((S)) ); out = out || S; free S; end; /* Copy the input character to the stack. */ allocate S; S = c; end;
if index('123456789', c) > 0 then out = out || c; end; do while (allocation(S) > 1); out = out || s; free S; end; return (out);
end CTP;
/* Given a push-down pop-up stack, and an expresion in */ /* Reverse Polish notation, evaluate the expression. */ EVAL: procedure (E) returns (fixed decimal(15));
declare E character (*) varying; declare S fixed decimal (15) controlled; declare (a, b) fixed decimal (15); declare c character (1); declare p fixed binary; declare (empty_stack, invalid_expression) condition;
on condition (empty_stack) begin; put skip list ('Your expression is not valid.'); stop; end; on condition (invalid_expression) begin; put skip list ('Your expression is not valid.'); stop; end;
do p = 1 to length(E); c = substr(E, p, 1); if index('123456789', c) > 0 then do; allocate S; S = c; end; else do; if allocation(S) = 0 then signal condition (empty_stack); b = S; free S; if allocation(S) = 0 then signal condition (empty_stack); a = S; select (c); when ('+') S = a + b; when ('-') S = a - b; when ('*') S = a * b; when ('/') S = a / b; when ('^') S = a ** b; otherwise signal condition (invalid_expression); end; end; end; if allocation(S) ^= 1 then signal condition (invalid_expression); return (S);
END eval;
/* Check that the player has used every digit and no others. */ VALIDATE: procedure (E);
declare E character (*) varying; declare E2 character (length(E)), (i, j) fixed binary; declare digits(9) character (1) static initial ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
E2 = translate(E, ' ', '+-*/' ); do i = 1 to 4; j = index(E2, digits(k(i))); if j > 0 then substr(E2, j, 1) = ' '; else do; put skip list ('You must use the digits supplied.'); stop; end; end; if E2 ^= then do; put skip list ('You must use every digit supplied, and no others.'); stop; end;
declare E character (40) varying; declare k(4) fixed decimal; declare (time, random) builtin; declare V fixed decimal (15);
k = random(TIME); k = 9*random() + 1; put skip edit ('Here are four integers:', k) (a); put skip list ('With these integers, make up an arithmetic expression' || ' that evaluates to 24.'); put skip list ('You can use any of the operators +, -, *, and /'); put skip list ('E.g., Given the integers 1, 3, 7, and 6,' || ' the expression 6*3+7-1 evaluates to 24.');
put skip list ('Please type an arithmetic expression :'); get edit (E) (L) COPY;
CALL VALIDATE (E); /* Check that the player has used every digit and no others. */
E = CTP(E); V = EVAL (E); if V = 24 then put skip list ('Congratulations: the expression evaluates to 24.'); else put skip edit ('The result is ', trim(V), ' which is not correct') (a);
end TWENTYFOUR; </lang>
The "isNumeric" function was taken from the "Determine_if_a_string_is_numeric" task.
todo: add a validation that all given digits were used. Right now the validation is that 4 digits should be used in the expression, but not exactly the ones given. (example: if you are given the digits 2, 2, 6, 9 this program accepts the following solution: 6 * 4 * 2 / 2)
<lang powershell> CLS
Function isNumeric ($x) {
$x2 = 0 $isNum = [System.Int32]::TryParse($x,[ref]$x2)
Return $isNum }
$NumberArray = @() While( $NumberArray.Count -lt 4 ){
$NumberArray += Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10
Write-Host @" Welcome to the 24 game!
Here are your numbers: $($NumberArray -join ","). Use division, multiplication, subtraction and addition to get 24 as a result with these 4 numbers. "@
Do { $Wrong = 0 $EndResult = $null $TempChar = $null $TempChar2 = $null $Count = $null
$AllowableCharacters = $NumberArray + "+-*/()".ToCharArray()
$Result = Read-Host Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray()) { If( $AllowableCharacters -notcontains $Char ){ $Wrong = 1 } }
If($Wrong -eq 1) { Write-Warning "Wrong input! Please use only the given numbers." } Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray()) { If((IsNumeric $TempChar) -AND (IsNumeric $Char)) { Write-Warning "Wrong input! Combining two or more numbers together is not allowed!" } $TempChar = $Char } Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray()) { If(IsNumeric $Char) { $Count++ } } If($Count -eq 4) { $EndResult = Invoke-Expression $Result If($EndResult -eq 24) { Write-Host "`nYou've won the game!" } Else { Write-Host "`n$EndResult is not 24! Too bad." } } Else { Write-Warning "Wrong input! You did not supply four numbers." }
} While($EndResult -ne 24) </lang>
<lang PHP>#!/usr/bin/env php The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.
while (true) {
$numbers = make_numbers();
for ($iteration_num = 1; ; $iteration_num++) { echo "Expresion $iteration_num: ";
$entry = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
if ($entry === '!') break; if ($entry === 'q') exit;
$result = play($numbers, $entry);
if ($result === null) { echo "That's not valid\n"; continue; } elseif ($result != 24) { echo "Sorry, that's $result\n"; continue; } else { echo "That's right! 24!!\n"; exit; } }
function make_numbers() {
$numbers = array();
echo "Your four digits: ";
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $number = rand(1, 9); // The check is needed to avoid E_NOTICE from PHP if (!isset($numbers[$number])) { $numbers[$number] = 0; } $numbers[$number]++; print "$number "; }
print "\n";
return $numbers;
function play($numbers, $expression) {
$operator = true; for ($i = 0, $length = strlen($expression); $i < $length; $i++) { $character = $expression[$i];
if (in_array($character, array('(', ')', ' ', "\t"))) continue;
$operator = !$operator;
if (!$operator) { if (!empty($numbers[$character])) { $numbers[$character]--; continue; } return; } elseif (!in_array($character, array('+', '-', '*', '/'))) { return; } }
foreach ($numbers as $remaining) { if ($remaining > 0) { return; } } return eval("return $expression;");
} ?></lang>
This example uses the math module: <lang ProDOS>:a editvar /modify -random- = <10 printline These are your four digits: -random- -random- -random- -random- printline Use an algorithm to make the number 24. editvar /newvar /value=a /userinput=1 /title=Algorithm: do -a- if -a- /hasvalue 24 printline Your algorithm worked! & goto :b ( ) else printline Your algorithm did not work.
- b
editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Do you want to play again? if -b- /hasvalue y goto :a else exitcurrentprogram</lang>
<lang PureBasic>#digitCount = 4 Global Dim digits(#digitCount - 1) ;holds random digits
Procedure showDigits()
Print(#CRLF$ + "These are your four digits: ") Protected i For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1 Print(Str(digits(i))) If i < (#digitCount - 1) Print(", ") Else PrintN("") EndIf Next Print("24 = ")
Procedure playAgain()
Protected answer.s Repeat Print("Play again (y/n)? ") answer = LCase(Left(Trim(Input()), 1)) Select answer Case "n" ProcedureReturn #False Case "y" ProcedureReturn #True Default PrintN("") Continue EndSelect ForEver
Procedure allDigitsUsed()
Protected i For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1 If digits(i) <> 0 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf Next ProcedureReturn #True
Procedure isValidDigit(d)
For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1 If digits(i) = d digits(i) = 0 ProcedureReturn #True EndIf Next ProcedureReturn #False
Procedure doOperation(List op.c(), List operand.f())
Protected x.f, y.f, op.c op = op(): DeleteElement(op()) If op = '(' ProcedureReturn #False ;end of sub-expression EndIf y = operand(): DeleteElement(operand()) x = operand() Select op Case '+' x + y Case '-' x - y Case '*' x * y Case '/' x / y EndSelect operand() = x ProcedureReturn #True ;operation completed
- returns error if present and the expression results in *result\f
Procedure.s parseExpression(expr.s, *result.Float)
NewList op.c() NewList operand.f() expr = ReplaceString(expr, " ", "") ;remove spaces If Len(expr) = 0: *result\f = 0: ProcedureReturn "": EndIf ;no expression, return zero Protected *ech.Character = @expr, lastWasDigit, lastWasOper, parenCheck, c.c While *ech\c c = *ech\c Select c Case '*', '/', '-', '+' If Not lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need a digit between operators.": EndIf If ListSize(op()) And (FindString("*/", Chr(op()), 1) Or (FindString("+-", Chr(op()), 1) And FindString("+-", Chr(c), 1))) doOperation(op(), operand()) EndIf AddElement(op()): op() = c lastWasOper = #True: lastWasDigit = #False Case '(' If lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need an operator before left paren.": EndIf AddElement(op()): op() = c parenCheck + 1: lastWasOper = #False Case ')' parenCheck - 1: If parenCheck < 0: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a left paren.": EndIf If Not lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a digit before right paren.": EndIf Repeat: Until Not doOperation(op(),operand()) lastWasDigit = #True Case '1' To '9' If lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need an operator between digits.": EndIf AddElement(operand()): operand() = c - '0' If Not isValidDigit(operand()): ProcedureReturn "'" + Chr(c) + "' is not a valid digit.": EndIf lastWasDigit = #True: lastWasOper = #False Default ProcedureReturn "'" + Chr(c) + "' is not allowed in the expression." EndSelect *ech + SizeOf(Character) Wend If parenCheck <> 0 Or lastWasOper: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a right paren or digit.": EndIf Repeat If Not ListSize(op()): Break: EndIf Until Not doOperation(op(),operand()) *result\f = operand() ProcedureReturn "" ;no error
Define success, failure, result.f, error.s, i If OpenConsole()
PrintN("The 24 Game" + #CRLF$) PrintN("Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the") PrintN("possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24.") Repeat For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1 digits(i) = 1 + Random(8) Next showDigits() error = parseExpression(Input(), @result) If error = "" If Not allDigitsUsed() PrintN( "Wrong! (you didn't use all digits)"): failure + 1 ElseIf result = 24.0 PrintN("Correct!"): success + 1 Else Print("Wrong! (you got ") If result <> Int(result) PrintN(StrF(result, 2) + ")") Else PrintN(Str(result) + ")") EndIf failure + 1 EndIf Else PrintN(error): failure + 1 EndIf Until Not playAgain() PrintN("success:" + Str(success) + " failure:" + Str(failure) + " total:" + Str(success + failure)) Print(#CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input() CloseConsole()
EndIf</lang> Sample output:
The 24 Game Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24. These are your four digits: 9, 2, 8, 7 24 = 9*8/2-7 Wrong! (you got 29) Play again (y/n)? y These are your four digits: 5, 5, 5, 6 24 = 5*5+5-6 Correct! Play again (y/n)? n success:1 failure:1 total:2
Uses eval, the in-built expression evaluator of infix expressions. <lang python>
The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.
from __future__ import division, print_function import random, ast, re import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: input = raw_input
def choose4():
'four random digits >0 as characters' return [str(random.randint(1,9)) for i in range(4)]
def welcome(digits):
print (__doc__) print ("Your four digits: " + ' '.join(digits))
def check(answer, digits):
allowed = set('() +-*/\t'+.join(digits)) ok = all(ch in allowed for ch in answer) and \ all(digits.count(dig) == answer.count(dig) for dig in set(digits)) \ and not re.search('\d\d', answer) if ok: try: ast.parse(answer) except: ok = False return ok
def main():
digits = choose4() welcome(digits) trial = 0 answer = chk = ans = False while not (chk and ans == 24): trial +=1 answer = input("Expression %i: " % trial) chk = check(answer, digits) if answer.lower() == 'q': break if answer == '!': digits = choose4() print ("New digits:", ' '.join(digits)) continue if not chk: print ("The input '%s' was wonky!" % answer) else: ans = eval(answer) print (" = ", ans) if ans == 24: print ("Thats right!") print ("Thank you and goodbye")
Sample Output
The 24 Game Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24. An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. Your four digits: 3 2 4 6 Expression 1: (3 - 1)*(6*4) The input '(3 - 1)*(6*4)' was wonky! Expression 2: (3 - 2) * 6 * 4 = 24 Thats right! Thank you and goodbye
This makes use of R's metaprogramming (parse, eval, etc.). It uses parse to obtain a parse tree, which is scanned for containing only permitted elements before evaluating.
<lang r>twenty.four <- function(operators=c("+", "-", "*", "/", "("),
selector=function() sample(1:9, 4, replace=TRUE), arguments=selector(), goal=24) { newdigits <- function() { arguments <<- selector() cat("New digits:", paste(arguments, collapse=", "), "\n") } help <- function() cat("Make", goal, "out of the numbers",paste(arguments, collapse=", "), "and the operators",paste(operators, collapse=", "), ".", "\nEnter 'q' to quit, '!' to select new digits,", "or '?' to repeat this message.\n") help() repeat { switch(input <- readline(prompt="> "), q={ cat("Goodbye!\n"); break }, `?`=help(), `!`=newdigits(), tryCatch({ expr <- parse(text=input, n=1)1 check.call(expr, operators, arguments) result <- eval(expr) if (isTRUE(all.equal(result, goal))) { cat("Correct!\n") newdigits() } else { cat("Evaluated to", result, "( goal", goal, ")\n") } },error=function(e) cat(e$message, "\n"))) }
check.call <- function(expr, operators, arguments) {
unexpr <- function(x) { if (is.call(x)) unexpr(as.list(x)) else if (is.list(x)) lapply(x,unexpr) else x } leaves <- unlist(unexpr(expr)) if (any(disallowed <- !leaves %in% c(lapply(operators, as.name), as.list(arguments)))) { stop("'", paste(sapply(leaves[disallowed], as.character), collapse=", "), "' not allowed. ") } numbers.used <- unlist(leaves[sapply(leaves, mode) == 'numeric']) if (! isTRUE(all.equal(sort(numbers.used), sort(arguments)))) stop("Must use each number once.")
}</lang> Example Session <lang r>> twenty.four()
Make 24 out of the numbers 1, 6, 7, 5 and the operators +, -, *, /, ( . Enter 'q' to quit, '!' to select new digits, or '?' to repeat this message. > 6*(5-1) Must use each number once. > 1 + 6*5 - 7 Correct! New digits: 7, 2, 9, 3 > (7+9)/2*3 Correct! New digits: 1, 4, 1, 7 > 4*(7-1) Must use each number once. > (7-1)*4*1 Correct! New digits: 1, 5, 2, 8 > (5-1)^2+8 '^' not allowed. > ! New digits: 2, 8, 5, 2 > 52-28 '52, 28' not allowed. > (8-2)*(5-2/2) Must use each number once. > (8+2)*2+5 Evaluated to 25 ( goal 24 ) > q Goodbye! </lang>
The functional interpreter of an expression given in the infix form. It parses the S-expression representing the user's answer and handles invalid cases.
<lang racket>
- lang racket
(define (interprete expr numbers)
;; the cashe for used numbers (define cashe numbers)
;; updating the cashe and handling invalid cases (define (update-cashe! x) (unless (member x numbers) (error "Number is not in the given set:" x)) (unless (member x cashe) (error "Number is used more times then it was given:" x)) (set! cashe (remq x cashe)))
;; the parser (define parse (match-lambda ;; parsing arythmetics [`(,x ... + ,y ...) (+ (parse x) (parse y))] [`(,x ... - ,y ...) (- (parse x) (parse y))] [`(,x ... * ,y ...) (* (parse x) (parse y))] [`(,x ... / ,y ...) (/ (parse x) (parse y))] [`(,x ,op ,y ...) (error "Unknown operator: " op)] ;; opening redundant brackets [`(,expr) (parse expr)] ;; parsing numbers [(? number? x) (update-cashe! x) x] ;; unknown token [x (error "Not a number: " x)]))
;; parse the expresion (define result (parse expr))
;; return the result if cashe is empty (if (empty? cashe) result (error "You didn`t use all numbers!")))
Testing the interpreter:
> (interprete '(1 - 2 * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 8)) 3 > (interprete '(1 - 2 * (3 + 8)) '(1 2 3 8)) -21 > (interprete '((1 - 2) * (3 + 8)) '(1 2 3 8)) -11 > (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 8)) 5 > (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 4)) Number is not in the given set: 8 > (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 2) '(1 2 3 3)) Number is used more times then it was given: 2 > (interprete '((1 - 2) ^ 3 + 2) '(1 2 3 2)) Unknown operator: ^ > (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3) '(1 2 3 2)) You didn`t use all numbers!
The program which uses the interpreter to play the game:
<lang racket>
- starting the program
(define (start)
(displayln "Combine given four numbers using operations + - * / to get 24.") (displayln "Input 'q' to quit or your answer like '1 - 3 * (2 + 3)'") (new-game))
- starting a new game
(define (new-game)
;; create a new number set (define numbers (build-list 4 (λ (_) (+ 1 (random 9))))) (apply printf "Your numbers: ~a ~a ~a ~a\n" numbers) (new-input numbers))
- processing a new user input
(define (new-input numbers)
;; if an exception is raized while processing, show the exeption message ;; and prompt for another input, but do not stop the program. (with-handlers ([exn? (λ (exn) (displayln (exn-message exn)) (new-input numbers))]) ;; get the answer (define user-expr (read-the-answer)) ;; interprete it (case user-expr [(q) (display "Good buy!")] [(n) (new-game)] [else (define ans (interprete user-expr numbers)) (case ans [(24) (printf "Indeed! ~a = 24\n" user-expr) (new-game)] [else (error "Wrong!" user-expr '= ans)])])))
- reading and preparing the user's answer
- "1 + 2 * (3 + 4)" --> '(1 + 2 * (3 + 4))
(define (read-the-answer)
(read (open-input-string (format "(~a)" (read-line)))))
version 1
<lang rexx>/*REXX program which allows a user to play the game of 24 (twenty-four).*/ /*
╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Argument is either of three forms: (blank) ║ ║ ssss ║ ║ ssss-ffff ║ ║ ║ ║ where one or both strings must be exactly four numerals (digits) ║ ║ comprised soley of the numerals (digits) 1 ──> 9 (no zeroes). ║ ║ ║ ║ SSSS is the start, ║ ║ FFFF is the start. ║ ║ ║ ║ If no argument is specified, this program finds a four digit ║ ║ number (no zeroes) which has at least one solution, and shows ║ ║ the number to the user, requesting that they enter a solution ║ ║ in the form of: w operator x operator y operator z ║ ║ where w x y and z are single digit numbers (no zeroes), ║ ║ and operator can be any one of: + - * / ║ ║ Parentheses () may be used in the normal manner for grouping, ║ ║ as well as brackets [] or braces {}. ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ */
parse arg orig /*get the guess from the argument. */ orig=space(orig,0) /*remove extraneous blanks from ORIG. */ parse var orig start '-' finish /*get the start and finish (maybe). */ finish=word(finish start,1) /*if no FINISH specified, use START.*/ opers='+-*/' /*define the legal arithmetic operators*/ ops=length(opers) /* ... and the count of them (length). */ groupsymbols='()[]{}' /*legal grouping symbols. */ indent=left(,30) /*used to indent display of solutions. */ Lpar='(' /*a string to make REXX code prettier. */ Rpar=')' /*ditto. */ show=1 /*flag used show solutions (0 = not). */ digs=123456789 /*numerals (digits) that can be used. */
do j=1 for ops /*define a version for fast execution. */ o.j=substr(opers,j,1) end /*j*/
if orig\== then do
sols=solve(start,finish) if sols<0 then exit 13 if sols==0 then sols='No' /*un-geek the SOLS var.*/ say; say sols 'unique solution's(finds) "found for" orig exit /* [↑] "S" pluralizes.*/ end
show=0 /*stop SOLVE from blabbing solutions. */
do forever rrrr=random(1111,9999) if pos(0,rrrr)\==0 then iterate if solve(rrrr)\==0 then leave end /*forever*/
show=1 /*enable SOLVE to show solutions. */ rrrr=sort(rrrr) /*sort four elements. */ rd.=0
do j=1 for 9 /*digit count # for each digit in RRRR.*/ _=substr(rrrr,j,1) rd._=countdigs(rrrr,_) end /*j*/
do guesses=1; say say 'Using the digits' rrrr", enter an expression that equals 24 (or QUIT):" pull y; y=space(y,0) /*get Y from CL, then remove all blanks*/ if y=='QUIT' then exit /*Does user want to quit? If so, exit.*/ _v=verify(y, digs || opers || groupsymbols); __=substr(y, _v, 1) if _v\==0 then do; call ger 'invalid character:' __; iterate; end if pos('**',y) then do; call ger 'invalid ** operator'; iterate; end if pos('//',y) then do; call ger 'invalid // operator'; iterate; end yL=length(y) if y== then do; call validate y; iterate; end
do j=1 for yL-1; if \datatype(substr(y, j , 1), 'W') then iterate if \datatype(substr(y, j+1, 1), 'W') then iterate call ger 'invalid use of digit abuttal' iterate guesses end /*j*/
yd=countdigs(y,digs) /*count of digits 123456789.*/ if yd<4 then do call ger 'not enough digits entered.' iterate guesses end if yd>4 then do call ger 'too many digits entered.' iterate guesses end
do j=1 for 9; if rd.j==0 then iterate _d=countdigs(y,j) if _d==rd.j then iterate if _d<rd.j then call ger 'not enough' j "digits, must be" rd.j else call ger 'too many' j "digits, must be" rd.j iterate guesses end /*j*/
y=translate(y,'()()',"[]{}") signal on syntax interpret 'ans='y; ans=ans/1 if ans==24 then leave guesses say 'incorrect,' y'='ans end /*guesses*/
say say center('┌─────────────────────┐', 79) say center('│ │', 79) say center('│ congratulations ! │', 79) say center('│ │', 79) say center('└─────────────────────┘', 79) exit /*───────────────────────────SOLVE subroutine───────────────────────────*/ solve: parse arg ssss,ffff /*parse the argument passed to SOLVE. */ if ffff== then ffff=ssss /*create a FFFF if necessary. */ if \validate(ssss) then return -1 if \validate(ffff) then return -1 finds=0 /*number of found solutions (so far). */ x.=0 /*a method to hold unique expressions. */
/*alternative: indent=copies(' ',30) */
do g=ssss to ffff /*process a (possible) range of values.*/ if pos(0,g)\==0 then iterate /*ignore values with zero in them. */
do j=1 for 4 /*define a version for fast execution. */ g.j=substr(g,j,1) end /*j*/
do i =1 for ops /*insert an operator after 1st number. */ do j =1 for ops /*insert an operator after 2nd number. */ do k =1 for ops /*insert an operator after 2nd number. */ do m=0 to 4-1; L.="" /*assume no left parenthesis so far. */ do n=m+1 to 4 /*match left paren with a right paren. */ L.m=Lpar /*define a left paren, m=0 means ignore*/ R.="" /*un-define all right parenthesis. */ if m==1 & n==2 then L.="" /*special case: (n)+ ... */ else if m\==0 then R.n=Rpar /*no (, no )*/ e = L.1 g.1 o.i L.2 g.2 o.j L.3 g.3 R.3 o.k g.4 R.4 e=space(e,0) /*remove all blanks from the expression*/
/*(below) change expression: */ /* /(yyy) ===> /div(yyy) */ /*Enables to check for division by zero*/ origE=e /*keep old version for the display. */ if pos('/(',e)\==0 then e=changestr('/(',e,"/div(") /*The above could be replaced by: */ /* e=changestr('/(',e,"/div(") */
/*INTERPRET stresses REXX's groin, */ /*so try to avoid repeated lifting. */ if x.e then iterate /*was the expression already used? */ x.e=1 /*mark this expression as unique. */ /*have REXX do the heavy lifting. */ interpret 'x=' e x=x/1 /*remove trailing decimal points. */ if x\==24 then iterate /*Not correct? Try again.*/ finds=finds+1 /*bump number of found solutions. */ _=translate(origE, '][', ")(") /*show [], not ().*/ if show then say indent 'a solution:' _ /*show solution.*/ end /*n*/ end /*m*/ end /*k*/ end /*j*/ end /*i*/ end /*g*/
return finds /*───────────────────────────CHANGESTR subroutine───────────────────────*/ changestr: procedure; parse arg o,h,n,,r; w=length(o); if w==0 then return n||h do forever; parse var h y (o) _ +(w) h; if _== then return r||y; r=r||y||n; end /*───────────────────────────COUNTDIGS subroutine───────────────────────*/ countdigs: arg field,numerals /*count of digits NUMERALS.*/ return length(field)-length(space(translate(field,,numerals),0)) /*───────────────────────────DIV subroutine─────────────────────────────*/ div: procedure; parse arg q /*tests if dividing by 0 (zero). */ if q=0 then q=1e9 /*if dividing by zero, change divisor. */ return q /*changing Q invalidates the expression*/ /*───────────────────────────GER subroutine─────────────────────────────*/ ger: say; say '*** error! *** for argument:' y; say arg(1); say; errCode=1; return 0 /*───────────────────────────S subroutine───────────────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return ; return 's' /*simple pluralizer.*/ /*───────────────────────────SORT subroutine────────────────────────────*/ sort: procedure; arg nnnn; L=length(nnnn)
do i=1 for L /*build an array of digits from NNNN.*/ a.i=substr(nnnn,i,1) /*this enables SORT to sort an array. */ end /*i*/
do j=1 for L; _=a.j do k=j+1 to L if a.k<_ then parse value a.j a.k with a.k a.j end /*k*/ end /*j*/
return a.1 || a.2 || a.3 || a.4 /*───────────────────────────SYNTAX subroutin───────────────────────────*/ syntax: call ger 'illegal syntax in' y; exit /*───────────────────────────validate subroutine────────────────────────*/ validate: parse arg y; errCode=0; _v=verify(y,digs)
select when y== then call ger 'no digits entered.' when length(y)<4 then call ger 'not enough digits entered, must be 4' when length(y)>4 then call ger 'too many digits entered, must be 4' when pos(0,y)\==0 then call ger "can't use the digit 0 (zero)" when _v\==0 then call ger 'illegal character:' substr(y,_v,1) otherwise nop end /*select*/
return \errCode</lang>
Some older REXXes don't have a changestr bif, so one is included here ──► CHANGESTR.REX.
version 2
The above was created for Classic Rexx and can be used, unchanged, for Regina and other implementations of Classic Rexx. After recent changes it can also be used, unchanged, for ooRexx.
Therefore I removed the code of the 24 game's Version 2 for Rexx.
As regards TSO (German code page): I wrote me a little program that just translates \ and | to ^ and ! in the source (except for literals and comments) and version 1 (Gerard's) of the 24 game works, if translated that way and otherwise unchanged, on TSO. TSO supports the A=; For the sake of my 80 column CLIST PDS I had to split the few lines that are longer than that.
ISPF Command Shell Enter TSO or Workstation commands below: ===> tso h24 Using the digits 5559 , enter an expression that equals 24 (or QUIT): 5+5+5+9 +---------------------+ : : : congratulations ! : : : +---------------------+
I just leave the complete version of changestr here although it has nothing to do with 24! <lang rexx> changestr: Procedure /* change needle to newneedle in haystack (as often as specified */ /* or all of them if count is omitted */
Parse Arg needle,haystack,newneedle,count If count> Then Do If count=0 Then Do Say 'chstr count must be > 0' Signal Syntax End End res="" changes=0 px=1 do Until py=0 py=pos(needle,haystack,px) if py>0 then Do res=res||substr(haystack,px,py-px)||newneedle px=py+length(needle) changes=changes+1 If count> Then If changes=count Then Leave End end res=res||substr(haystack,px) Return res
Ruby version 1.9+ <lang ruby>require "rational"
def play
digits = Array.new(4){rand(1..9)} loop do guess = get_guess(digits) result = evaluate(guess) if result == 24.0 puts "yes!" break else puts "nope: #{guess} = #{result}" puts "try again" end end
def get_guess(digits)
loop do print "\nEnter your guess using #{digits}: " guess = gets.chomp # ensure input is safe to eval invalid_chars = guess.scan(%r{[^\d\s()+*/-]}) unless invalid_chars.empty? puts "invalid characters in input: #{invalid_chars}" next end guess_digits = guess.scan(/\d/).map {|ch| ch.to_i} if guess_digits.sort != digits.sort puts "you didn't use the right digits" next end if guess.match(/\d\d/) puts "no multi-digit numbers allowed" next end return guess end
- convert expression to use rational numbers, evaluate, then return as float
def evaluate(guess)
as_rat = guess.gsub(/(\d)/, 'Rational(\1,1)') begin eval "(#{as_rat}).to_f" rescue SyntaxError "[syntax error]" end
The solution below is much more complex than strictly needed, because it shows off Scala's Parser library, which enables easy construction of parsers from EBNF grammars.
Only problems with solution are shown to the user.
def main(args: Array[String]) { import Parser.TwentyFourParser println(welcome) var parser = new TwentyFourParser(problemsIterator.next) println("Your four digits: "+parser+".") var finished = false var expressionCount = 1 do { val line = Console.readLine("Expression "+expressionCount+": ") line match { case "!" => parser = new TwentyFourParser(problemsIterator.next) println("New digits: "+parser+".") case "q" => finished = true case _ => parser readExpression line match { case Some(24) => println("That's right!"); finished = true case Some(n) => println("Sorry, that's "+n+".") case None => } } expressionCount += 1 } while (!finished) println("Thank you and goodbye!") } val welcome = """|The 24 Game | |Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, |Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of |brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24. | |An answer of "q" will quit the game. |An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. |Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24 | |Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, |so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. |""".stripMargin val problemsIterator = ( Iterator continually List.fill(4)(scala.util.Random.nextInt(9) + 1 toDouble) filter hasSolution ) def hasSolution(l: List[Double]) = permute(l) flatMap computeAllOperations exists (_ == 24) def computeAllOperations(l: List[Double]): List[Double] = l match { case Nil => Nil case x :: Nil => l case x :: xs => for { y <- computeAllOperations(xs) z <- if (y == 0) List(x*y, x+y, x-y) else List(x*y, x/y, x+y, x-y) } yield z } def permute(l: List[Double]): List[List[Double]] = l match { case Nil => List(Nil) case x :: xs => for { ys <- permute(xs) position <- 0 to ys.length (left, right) = ys splitAt position } yield left ::: (x :: right) } object Parser { /* Arithmetic expression grammar production rules in EBNF form: * * <expr> --> <term> ( '+' <term> | '-' <term> )* * <term> --> <factor> ( '*' <factor> | '/' <factor> )* * <factor> --> '(' <expr> ')' | <digit> * <digit> --> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 * * Semantically, <digit> can only be a digit from the list of remaining digits. */ class TwentyFourParser(digits: List[Double]) extends scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers { require(digits.length == 4 && digits.forall(d => 0 <= d && d <= 9)) override val toString = digits.map(_.toInt).mkString(", ") // Grammar def exprConsumingAllDigits = expr ^? (remainingDigits.allDigitsConsumed, digitsRemainingError) // Guarantees all digits consumed def expr : Parser[Double] = term ~ rep( "+" ~ term | "-" ~ term) ^^ solveOperationChain def term = factor ~ rep( "*" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor) ^^ solveOperationChain def factor = "(" ~> expr <~ ")" | digit def digit = digitRegex ^? (remainingDigits.consumeDigit, digitNotAllowedError) def digitRegex = "\\d".r | digitExpected def digitExpected: Parser[String] = ".".r <~ failure(expectedDigitError) // Produces clear error messages // Evaluate expressions def readExpression(input: String): Option[Double] = { remainingDigits = new DigitList(digits) // Initialize list of digits to be consumed parseAll(exprConsumingAllDigits, input) match { case Success(result, _) => Some(result) case NoSuccess(msg, next) => println(ParsingErrorFormatter(msg, next)) None } } // List of digits to be consumed private var remainingDigits: DigitList = _ // Solve partial results from parsing private def solveOperationChain(partialResult: ~[Double,List[~[String,Double]]]): Double = partialResult match { case first ~ chain => chain.foldLeft(first)(doOperation) } private def doOperation(acc: Double, op: ~[String, Double]): Double = op match { case "+" ~ operand => acc + operand case "-" ~ operand => acc - operand case "*" ~ operand => acc * operand case "/" ~ operand => acc / operand case x => error("Unknown operation "+x+".") } // Error messages private def digitNotAllowedError(d: String) = "Digit "+d+" is not allowed here. Available digits: "+remainingDigits+"." private def digitsRemainingError(x: Any) = "Not all digits were consumed. Digits remaining: "+remainingDigits+"." private def expectedDigitError = "Unexpected input. Expected a digit from the list: "+remainingDigits+"." } private object ParsingErrorFormatter { def apply[T](msg: String, next: scala.util.parsing.input.Reader[T]) = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" format (msg, next.source.toString.trim, " "*(next.offset - 1)+"^") } private class DigitList(digits: List[Double]) { private var remainingDigits = digits override def toString = remainingDigits.map(_.toInt).mkString(", ") def consumeDigit: PartialFunction[String, Double] = { case d if remainingDigits contains d.toDouble => val n = d.toDouble remainingDigits = remainingDigits diff List(n) n } def allDigitsConsumed: PartialFunction[Double, Double] = { case n if remainingDigits.isEmpty => n } } }}</lang>
Sample Output
C:\Workset>scala TwentyFourGame The 24 Game Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24. An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24 Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. Your four digits: 2, 7, 7, 2. Expression 1: 2*7+2+7 Sorry, that's 23.0. Expression 2: 7*7/2-2 Sorry, that's 22.5. Expression 3: 2*7+(7-2) Sorry, that's 19.0. Expression 4: 2*(7+7-2) That's right! Thank you and goodbye!
This uses read to read in a scheme expression, and eval to evaluate it, so in that sense it's not ideal (eval is evil etc.) but any expression that is valid should be safe and terminate in a timely manner.
<lang scheme>#lang scheme (require srfi/27 srfi/1) ;; random-integer, every
(define (play)
(let* ([numbers (build-list 4 (lambda (n) (add1 (random-integer 9))))] [valid? (curryr valid? numbers)]) (printf startup-message numbers) (let loop ([exp (read)]) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (err) (printf error-message exp (exn-message err)) (loop (read)))]) (cond [(eq? exp '!) (play)] [(or (eq? exp 'q) (eof-object? exp)) (printf quit-message)] [(not (valid? exp)) (printf bad-exp-message exp) (loop (read))] [(not (= (eval exp) 24)) (printf bad-result-message exp (eval exp)) (loop (read))] [else (printf winning-message)])))))
(define (valid? exp numbers)
;; must contain each number exactly once and only valid symbols (define (valid-symbol? sym) ;; only +, -, *, and / are valid (case sym [(+ - * /) #t] [else #f])) (let* ([ls (flatten exp)] [numbers* (filter number? ls)] [symbols (remove number? ls)]) (and (equal? (sort numbers <) (sort numbers* <)) (every valid-symbol? symbols))))
(define startup-message " Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24 using only (, ), +, -, *, / and these four numbers: ~a
or '!' to get a new set of numbers or 'q' to quit")
(define error-message " Your expression ~a raised an exception:
Please try again")
(define bad-exp-message "Sorry, ~a is a bad expression.") (define bad-result-message "Sorry, ~a evaluates to ~a, not 24.") (define quit-message "Thanks for playing...") (define winning-message "You win!")
(provide play) </lang>
Sample Output
> (require "24game.ss") > (play) Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24 using only (, ), +, -, *, / and these four numbers: (2 7 2 5) or '!' to get a new set of numbers or 'q' to quit ! Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24 using only (, ), +, -, *, / and these four numbers: (9 2 7 6) or '!' to get a new set of numbers or 'q' to quit (9 7 6 2) Your expression (9 7 6 2) raised an exception: "procedure application: expected procedure, given: 9; arguments were: 7 6 2" Please try again (+ 9 7 6 2) You win!
This version also terminates cleanly on end-of-file. <lang tcl># Four random non-zero digits proc choose4 {} {
set digits {} foreach x {1 2 3 4} {lappend digits [expr {int(1+rand()*9)}]} return [lsort $digits]
- Print out a welcome message
proc welcome digits {
puts [string trim "
The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of \"q\" will quit the game. An answer of \"!\" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.
"] puts "\nYour four digits: $digits"
- Check whether we've got a legal answer
proc check {answer digits} {
if {
[regexp "\[^-+*/() \t[join $digits {}]\]" $answer] || [regexp {\d\d} $answer]
} then {
return false
} set digs [lsort [regexp -inline -all {\d} $answer]] if {$digs ne $digits} {
return false
} expr {![catch {expr $answer}]}
- The main game loop
proc main {} {
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
set digits [choose4] welcome $digits set trial 0 while true {
puts -nonewline "Expression [incr trial]: " gets stdin answer
# Check for various types of non-answer
if {[eof stdin] || $answer eq "q" || $answer eq "Q"} { break } elseif {$answer eq "!"} { set digits [choose4] puts "New digits: $digits" continue } elseif {![check $answer $digits]} { puts "The input '$answer' was wonky!"
# Check to see if it is the right answer
set ans [expr [regsub {\d} $answer {&.0}]] puts " = [string trimright $ans .0]" if {$ans == 24.0} { puts "That's right!"
} puts "Thank you and goodbye"
} main</lang>
Includes an equation parser to avoid using eval. To use, type startTwentyFourGame(); in the console. <lang Torque>function startTwentyFourGame() { if($numbers !$= "") { echo("Ending current 24 game..."); endTwentyFourGame(); }
echo("Welcome to the 24 game!"); echo("Generating 4 numbers..."); for(%a = 0; %a < 4; %a++) $numbers = setWord($numbers, %a, getRandom(0, 9));
echo("Numbers generated! Here are your numbers:"); echo($numbers); echo("Use try24Equation( equation ); to try and guess the equation.");
$TwentyFourGame = 1; }
function endTwentyFourGame() { if(!$TwentyFourGame) { echo("No 24 game is active!"); return false; }
echo("Ending the 24 game."); $numbers = ""; $TwentyFourGame = 0; }
function try24Equation(%equ) { if(!$TwentyFourGame) { echo("No 24 game is active!"); return false; } %numbers = "0123456789"; %operators = "+-*x/()"; %tempchars = $numbers; %other = strReplace(%tempchars, " ", "");
//Check it and make sure it has all the stuff %equ = strReplace(%equ, " ", ""); %length = strLen(%equ);
for(%a = 0; %a < %Length; %a++) { %Char = getSubStr(%equ, %a, 1); if(%a+1 != %Length) %Next = getSubStr(%equ, %a+1, 1); else %Next = " ";
if(strPos(%numbers @ %operators, %char) < 0) { echo("The equation you entered is invalid! Try again."); return false; } if(strPos(%tempchars, %char) < 0 && strPos(%operators, %char) < 0) { echo("The equation you entered uses a number you were not given! Try again."); return false; } else if(strPos(%numbers, %next) >= 0 && strPos(%numbers, %char) >= 0) { echo("No numbers above 9 please! Try again."); echo(%next SPC %char SPC %a); return false; } else if(strPos(%operators, %char) > 0) continue;
%pos = 2*strPos(%other, %char); if(%pos < 0) return "ERROROMG";
//Remove it from the allowed numbers %tempchars = removeWord(%tempchars, %pos/2); %other = getSubStr(%other, 0, %pos) @ getSubStr(%other, %pos+1, strLen(%other));
} %result = doEquation(%equ); if(%result != 24) { echo("Your equation resulted to" SPC %result @ ", not 24! Try again."); return false; } for(%a = 0; %a < 4; %a++) $numbers = setWord($numbers, %a, getRandom(0, 9)); echo("Great job!" SPC %equ SPC "Does result to 24! Here's another set for you:"); echo($numbers);
//Evaluates an equation without using eval. function doEquation(%equ) { //Validate the input
%equ = strReplace(%equ, " ", "");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "*", "x"); %equ = strReplace(%equ, "+", " + ");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "x", " x "); %equ = strReplace(%equ, "/", " / ");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "-", " - "); //Parenthesis' while(strPos(%equ, "(") > -1 && strPos(%equ, ")") > 0) { %start = strPos(%equ, "("); %end = %start; %level = 1; while(%level != 0 && %end != strLen(%equ)) { %end++; if(getsubStr(%equ, %end, 1) $= "(") %level++; if(getsubStr(%equ, %end, 1) $= ")") %level--; } if(%level != 0) return "ERROR"; %inbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, %start+1, %end - strLen(getsubStr(%equ, 0, %start + 1))); %leftofbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, 0, %start); %rightofbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, %end + 1, strLen(%equ) - %end); %equ = %leftofbrackets @ doEquation(%inbrackets) @ %rightofbrackets; } if(strPos(%equ, "ERROR") >= 0) return "ERROR"; //Multiplication/Division loop for(%a = 0; %a < getWordCount(%equ); %a++) { if(getWord(%equ, %a) $= "x" || getWord(%equ, %a) $= "/" && %a != 0) { %f = getWord(%equ, %a - 1); %l = getWord(%equ, %a + 1); %o = getWord(%equ, %a); switch$(%o) { case "x": %a--; %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f * %l), %a+2), %a); case "/": %a--; %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f / %l), %a+2), %a); } } } //Addition/Subraction loop for(%a = 0; %a < getWordCount(%equ); %a++) { if(getWord(%equ, %a) $= "+" || getWord(%equ, %a) $= "-" && %a != 0) { %f = getWord(%equ, %a - 1); %l = getWord(%equ, %a + 1); %o = getWord(%equ, %a); switch$(%o) { case "+": %a--; %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f + %l), %a+2), %a); case "-": %a--; %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f - %l), %a+2), %a); } } } return %equ;
<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT BUILD X_TABLE blanks = ":': :"
SECTION game operators="*'/'+'-'(')",numbers=""
LOOP n=1,4 number=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,9,1) numbers=APPEND(numbers,number) ENDLOOP
SET allowed=APPEND (numbers,operators) SET allowed=MIXED_SORT (allowed) SET allowed=REDUCE (allowed) BUILD S_TABLE ALLOWED =* DATA '{allowed}'
SET checksum=DIGIT_SORT (numbers)
printnumbers=EXCHANGE (numbers,blanks) printoperat=EXCHANGE (operators,blanks)
PRINT "Your numbers ", printnumbers PRINT "Use only these operators ", printoperat PRINT "Enter an expression that equates to 24" PRINT "Enter 'l' for new numbers" PRINT "Your 4 digits: ",printnumbers
SECTION check_expr
SET pos = VERIFY (expr,allowed) IF (pos!=0) THEN PRINT "wrong entry on position ",pos DO play STOP ELSE SET yourdigits = STRINGS (expr,":>/:") SET yourchecksum = DIGIT_SORT (yourdigits) IF (checksum!=yourchecksum) THEN PRINT/ERROR "wrong digits" DO play STOP ELSE CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF
SECTION play LOOP n=1,3 ASK "Expression {n}": expr="" IF (expr=="l") THEN RELEASE S_TABLE allowed PRINT "Your new numbers" DO game ELSEIF (expr!="") THEN DO check_expr sum={expr}
IF (sum!=24) THEN PRINT/ERROR expr," not equates 24 but ",sum CYCLE ELSE PRINT "BINGO ", expr," equates ", sum STOP ENDIF
Your numbers 2 8 9 9 Use only these operators * / + - ( ) Enter an expression that equates to 24 Enter 'l' for new numbers Your 4 digits: 2 8 9 9 Expression 1 >l Your new numbers Your numbers 2 4 2 3 Use only these operators * / + - ( ) Enter an expression that equates to 24 Enter 'l' for new numbers Your 4 digits: 2 4 2 3 Expression 1 >2+4+2+3 @@@@@@@@ 2+4+2+3 not equates 24 but 11 @@@@@@@@ Expression 2 >2+2+2+3 @@@@@@@@ wrong digits @@@@@@@@ Expression 1 >2+2+a+3 wrong entry on position 5 Expression 1 >(2+4+2)*3 BINGO (2+4+2)*3 equates 24
<lang VBA>
Sub Rosetta_24game()
Dim Digit(4) As Integer, i As Integer, iDigitCount As Integer Dim stUserExpression As String Dim stFailMessage As String, stFailDigits As String Dim bValidExpression As Boolean, bValidDigits As Boolean, bValidChars As Boolean Dim vResult As Variant, vTryAgain As Variant, vSameDigits As Variant
' Generate 4 random digits GenerateNewDigits:
For i = 1 To 4 Digit(i) = [randbetween(1,9)] Next i
' Get user expression GetUserExpression:
bValidExpression = True stFailMessage = "" stFailDigits = "" stUserExpression = InputBox("Enter a mathematical expression which results in 24, using the following digits: " & _ Digit(1) & ", " & Digit(2) & ", " & Digit(3) & " and " & Digit(4), "Rosetta Code | 24 Game")
' Check each digit is included in user expression
bValidDigits = True stFailDigits = "" For i = 1 To 4 If InStr(stUserExpression, Digit(i)) = 0 Then bValidDigits = False stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Digit(i) End If Next i If bValidDigits = False Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = "Your expression excluded the following required digits: " & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr End If
' Check each character of user expression is a valid character type
bValidDigits = True stFailDigits = "" For i = 1 To Len(stUserExpression) If InStr("0123456789+-*/()", Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)) = 0 Then bValidDigits = False stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1) End If Next i If bValidDigits = False Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid characters:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr End If
' Check no disallowed integers entered
bValidDigits = True stFailDigits = "" iDigitCount = 0 For i = 1 To Len(stUserExpression) If Not InStr("0123456789", Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)) = 0 Then iDigitCount = iDigitCount + 1 If IsError(Application.Match(--(Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)), Digit, False)) Then bValidDigits = False stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1) End If End If Next i If iDigitCount > 4 Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained more than 4 digits" & vbCr & vbCr End If If iDigitCount < 4 Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained less than 4 digits" & vbCr & vbCr End If If bValidDigits = False Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid digits:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr End If
' Check no double digit numbers entered
bValidDigits = True stFailDigits = "" For i = 11 To 99 If Not InStr(stUserExpression, i) = 0 Then bValidDigits = False stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & i End If Next i If bValidDigits = False Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid numbers:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr End If
' Check result of user expression
On Error GoTo EvalFail vResult = Evaluate(stUserExpression) If Not vResult = 24 Then bValidExpression = False stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression did not result in 24. It returned: " & vResult End If
' Return results
If bValidExpression = False Then vTryAgain = MsgBox(stFailMessage & vbCr & vbCr & "Would you like to try again?", vbCritical + vbRetryCancel, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | FAILED") If vTryAgain = vbRetry Then vSameDigits = MsgBox("Do you want to use the same numbers?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | RETRY") If vSameDigits = vbYes Then GoTo GetUserExpression Else GoTo GenerateNewDigits End If End If Else vTryAgain = MsgBox("You entered: " & stUserExpression & vbCr & vbCr & "which resulted in: " & vResult, _ vbInformation + vbRetryCancel, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | SUCCESS") If vTryAgain = vbRetry Then GoTo GenerateNewDigits End If End If Exit Sub
bValidExpression = False vResult = Err.Description Resume
End Sub
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