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Petelomax (talk | contribs)
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Line 1,475: Line 1,475:
render #g
render #g
#g "flush"</lang>
#g "flush"</lang>


<lang rust>extern crate rand;
extern crate raster;

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
let max_iterations = 200_000u32;
let height = 640i32;
let width = 640i32;

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut image = raster::Image::blank(width, height);
raster::editor::fill(&mut image, raster::Color::white()).unwrap();

let mut x = 0.;
let mut y = 0.;
for _ in 0..max_iterations {
let r = rng.gen::<f32>();
let cx: f64;
let cy: f64;

if r <= 0.01 {
cx = 0f64;
cy = 0.16 * y as f64;
} else if r <= 0.08 {
cx = 0.2 * x as f64 - 0.26 * y as f64;
cy = 0.23 * x as f64 + 0.22 * y as f64 + 1.6;
} else if r <= 0.15 {
cx = -0.15 * x as f64 + 0.28 * y as f64;
cy = 0.26 * x as f64 + 0.26 * y as f64 + 0.44;
} else {
cx = 0.85 * x as f64 + 0.04 * y as f64;
cy = -0.04 * x as f64 + 0.85 * y as f64 + 1.6;
x = cx;
y = cy;

let _ = image.set_pixel(
((width as f64) / 2. + x * (width as f64) / 11.).round() as i32,
((height as f64) - y * (height as f64) / 11.).round() as i32,
raster::Color::rgb(50, 205, 50));

raster::save(&image, "fractal.png").unwrap();


Revision as of 06:01, 20 September 2017

Barnsley fern
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A Barnsley fern is a fractal named after British mathematician Michael Barnsley and can be created using an iterated function system (IFS).


Create this fractal fern, using the following transformations:

  • ƒ1   (chosen 1% of the time)
        xn + 1 = 0
        yn + 1 = 0.16 yn
  • ƒ2   (chosen 85% of the time)
        xn + 1 = 0.85 xn + 0.04 yn
        yn + 1 = −0.04 xn + 0.85 yn + 1.6
  • ƒ3   (chosen 7% of the time)
        xn + 1 = 0.2 xn − 0.26 yn
        yn + 1 = 0.23 xn + 0.22 yn + 1.6
  • ƒ4   (chosen 7% of the time)
        xn + 1 = −0.15 xn + 0.28 yn
        yn + 1 = 0.26 xn + 0.24 yn + 0.44.

Starting position: x = 0, y = 0


<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <ctime>
  3. include <string>

const int BMP_SIZE = 600, ITERATIONS = static_cast<int>( 15e5 );

class myBitmap { public:

   myBitmap() : pen( NULL ), brush( NULL ), clr( 0 ), wid( 1 ) {}
   ~myBitmap() {
       DeleteObject( pen ); DeleteObject( brush );
       DeleteDC( hdc ); DeleteObject( bmp );
   bool create( int w, int h ) {
       BITMAPINFO bi;
       ZeroMemory( &bi, sizeof( bi ) );
       bi.bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof( bi.bmiHeader );
       bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount    = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8;
       bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
       bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes      = 1;
       bi.bmiHeader.biWidth       =  w;
       bi.bmiHeader.biHeight      = -h;
       HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() );
       bmp = CreateDIBSection( dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0 );
       if( !bmp ) return false;
       hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( dc );
       SelectObject( hdc, bmp );
       ReleaseDC( GetConsoleWindow(), dc );
       width = w; height = h;
       return true;
   void clear( BYTE clr = 0 ) {
       memset( pBits, clr, width * height * sizeof( DWORD ) );
   void setBrushColor( DWORD bClr ) {
       if( brush ) DeleteObject( brush );
       brush = CreateSolidBrush( bClr );
       SelectObject( hdc, brush );
   void setPenColor( DWORD c ) {
       clr = c; createPen();
   void setPenWidth( int w ) {
       wid = w; createPen();
   void saveBitmap( std::string path ) {
       BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader;
       BITMAPINFO       infoheader;
       BITMAP           bitmap;
       DWORD            wb;
       GetObject( bmp, sizeof( bitmap ), &bitmap );
       DWORD* dwpBits = new DWORD[bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight];
       ZeroMemory( dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ) );
       ZeroMemory( &infoheader, sizeof( BITMAPINFO ) );
       ZeroMemory( &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) );
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8;
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader );
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight;
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth;
       infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD );
       fileheader.bfType    = 0x4D42;
       fileheader.bfOffBits = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER );
       fileheader.bfSize    = fileheader.bfOffBits + infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
       GetDIBits( hdc, bmp, 0, height, ( LPVOID )dwpBits, &infoheader, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
       HANDLE file = CreateFile( path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 
       WriteFile( file, &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), &wb, NULL );
       WriteFile( file, &infoheader.bmiHeader, sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ), &wb, NULL );
       WriteFile( file, dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * 4, &wb, NULL );
       CloseHandle( file );
       delete [] dwpBits;
   HDC getDC() const     { return hdc; }
   int getWidth() const  { return width; }
   int getHeight() const { return height; }


   void createPen() {
       if( pen ) DeleteObject( pen );
       pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, wid, clr );
       SelectObject( hdc, pen );
   HBITMAP bmp; HDC    hdc;
   HPEN    pen; HBRUSH brush;
   void    *pBits; int    width, height, wid;
   DWORD    clr;

}; class fern { public:

   void draw() {
       bmp.create( BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE );
       float x = 0, y = 0; HDC dc = bmp.getDC();
       int hs = BMP_SIZE >> 1;
       for( int f = 0; f < ITERATIONS; f++ ) {
           SetPixel( dc, hs + static_cast<int>( x * 55.f ), 
                     BMP_SIZE - 15 - static_cast<int>( y * 55.f ), 
                     RGB( static_cast<int>( rnd() * 80.f ) + 20, 
                          static_cast<int>( rnd() * 128.f ) + 128, 
                          static_cast<int>( rnd() * 80.f ) + 30 ) ); 
           getXY( x, y );
       bmp.saveBitmap( "./bf.bmp" );


   void getXY( float& x, float& y ) {
       float g, xl, yl;
       g = rnd();
       if( g < .01f ) { xl = 0; yl = .16f * y; } 
       else if( g < .07f ) {
           xl = .2f * x - .26f * y;
           yl = .23f * x + .22f * y + 1.6f;
       } else if( g < .14f ) {
           xl = -.15f * x + .28f * y;
           yl = .26f * x + .24f * y + .44f;
       } else {
           xl = .85f * x + .04f * y;
           yl = -.04f * x + .85f * y + 1.6f;
       x = xl; y = yl;
   float rnd() {
       return static_cast<float>( rand() ) / static_cast<float>( RAND_MAX );
   myBitmap bmp;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {

   srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( 0 ) ) );
   fern f; f.draw(); return 0;    

} </lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing;

namespace RosettaBarnsleyFern {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           const int w = 600;
           const int h = 600;
           var bm = new Bitmap(w, h);
           var r = new Random();
           double x = 0;
           double y = 0;
           for (int count = 0; count < 100000; count++)
               bm.SetPixel((int)(300 + 58 * x), (int)(58 * y), Color.ForestGreen);
               int roll = r.Next(100);
               double xp = x;
               if (roll < 1)
                   x = 0;
                   y = 0.16 * y;
               } else if (roll < 86)
                   x = 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y;
                   y = -0.04 * xp + 0.85 * y + 1.6;
               } else if (roll < 93)
                   x = 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y;
                   y = 0.23 * xp + 0.22 * y + 1.6;
               } else
                   x = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y;
                   y = 0.26 * xp + 0.24 * y + 0.44;
           const string filename = "Fern.png";


Common Lisp

This code uses the opticl package for generating an image and saving it as a PNG file. <lang lisp>(defpackage #:barnsley-fern

 (:use #:cl

(in-package #:barnsley-fern)

(defparameter *width* 800) (defparameter *height* 800) (defparameter *factor* (/ *height* 13)) (defparameter *x-offset* (/ *width* 2)) (defparameter *y-offset* (/ *height* 10))

(defun f1 (x y)

 (declare (ignore x))
 (values 0 (* 0.16 y)))

(defun f2 (x y)

 (values (+ (*  0.85 x) (* 0.04 y))
         (+ (* -0.04 x) (* 0.85 y) 1.6)))

(defun f3 (x y)

 (values (+ (* 0.2  x) (* -0.26 y))
         (+ (* 0.23 x) (*  0.22 y) 1.6)))

(defun f4 (x y)

 (values (+ (* -0.15 x) (* 0.28 y))
         (+ (*  0.26 x) (* 0.24 y) 0.44)))

(defun choose-transform ()

 (let ((r (random 1.0)))
   (cond ((< r 0.01) #'f1)
         ((< r 0.86) #'f2)
         ((< r 0.93) #'f3)
         (t          #'f4))))

(defun set-pixel (image x y)

 (let ((%x (round (+ (* *factor* x) *x-offset*)))
       (%y (round (- *height* (* *factor* y) *y-offset*))))
   (setf (pixel image %y %x) (values 0 255 0))))

(defun fern (filespec &optional (iterations 10000000))

 (let ((image (make-8-bit-rgb-image *height* *width* :initial-element 0))
       (x 0)
       (y 0))
   (dotimes (i iterations)
     (set-pixel image x y)
     (multiple-value-setq (x y) (funcall (choose-transform) x y)))
   (write-png-file filespec image)))</lang>


Translation of: Java

Hint: After putting a TPaintBox on the main form align it to alClient. Client width / heigth of the main form should be no less than 640 x 480. <lang delphi>unit Unit1;



 Windows, SysUtils, Graphics, Forms, Controls, Classes, ExtCtrls;


 TForm1 = class(TForm)
   PaintBox1: TPaintBox;
   procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
   { Private declarations }
   { Public declarations }


 Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure CreateFern(const w, h: integer); var r, x, y: double;

   tmpx, tmpy: double;
   i: integer;


   x := 0;
   y := 0;
   for i := 0 to 200000 do begin
       r := random(100000000) / 99999989;
       if r <= 0.01 then begin
           tmpx := 0;
           tmpy := 0.16 * y;
       else if r <= 0.08 then begin
           tmpx := 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y;
           tmpy := 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6;
       else if r <= 0.15 then begin
           tmpx := -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y;
           tmpy := 0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44;
       else begin
           tmpx := 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y;
           tmpy := -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.6;
       x := tmpx;
       y := tmpy;
       Form1.PaintBox1.Canvas.Pixels[round(w / 2 + x * w / 11), round(h - y * h / 11)] := clGreen;


procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin

   CreateFern(Form1.ClientWidth, Form1.ClientHeight);




<lang fortran> !Generates an output file "plot.dat" that contains the x and y coordinates !for a scatter plot that can be visualized with say, GNUPlot program BarnsleyFern implicit none

double precision :: p(4), a(4), b(4), c(4), d(4), e(4), f(4), trx, try, prob integer :: itermax, i

!The probabilites and coefficients can be modified to generate other !fractal ferns, e.g. !probabilities p(1) = 0.01; p(2) = 0.85; p(3) = 0.07; p(4) = 0.07

!coefficients a(1) = 0.00; a(2) = 0.85; a(3) = 0.20; a(4) = -0.15 b(1) = 0.00; b(2) = 0.04; b(3) = -0.26; b(4) = 0.28 c(1) = 0.00; c(2) = -0.04; c(3) = 0.23; c(4) = 0.26 d(1) = 0.16; d(2) = 0.85; d(3) = 0.22; d(4) = 0.24 e(1) = 0.00; e(2) = 0.00; e(3) = 0.00; e(4) = 0.00 f(1) = 0.00; f(2) = 1.60; f(3) = 1.60; f(4) = 0.44

itermax = 100000

trx = 0.0D0 try = 0.0D0

open(1, file="plot.dat") write(1,*) "#X #Y" write(1,'(2F10.5)') trx, try

do i = 1, itermax

 call random_number(prob)
 if (prob < p(1)) then
   trx = a(1) * trx + b(1) * try + e(1)
   try = c(1) * trx + d(1) * try + f(1)
 else if(prob < (p(1) + p(2))) then
   trx = a(2) * trx + b(2) * try + e(2)
   try = c(2) * trx + d(2) * try + f(2)
 else if ( prob < (p(1) + p(2) + p(3))) then
   trx = a(3) * trx + b(3) * try + e(3)
   try = c(3) * trx + d(3) * try + f(3)
   trx = a(4) * trx + b(4) * try + e(4)
   try = c(4) * trx + d(4) * try + f(4)
 end if
 write(1,'(2F10.5)') trx, try

end do close(1) end program BarnsleyFern </lang>


<lang freebasic>' version 10-10-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console

Sub barnsley(height As UInteger)

 Dim As Double x, y, xn, yn
 Dim As Double f = height / 10.6
 Dim As UInteger offset_x = height \ 4 - height \ 40
 Dim As UInteger n, r
 ScreenRes height \ 2, height, 32
 For n = 1 To height * 50
   r = Int(Rnd * 100)      ' f from 0 to 99
   Select Case As Const r
     Case 0 To 84
       xn  =  0.85 * x + 0.04 * y
       yn  = -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.6
     Case 85 To 91
       xn  = 0.2  * x - 0.26 * y
       yn  = 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6
     Case 92 To 98
       xn  = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y
       yn  =  0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44
     Case Else
       xn = 0
       yn = 0.16 * y
   End Select
   x = xn : y = yn
   PSet( offset_x + x * f, height - y * f), RGB(0, 255, 0)

' remove comment (') in next line to save window as .bmp file ' BSave "barnsley_fern_" + Str(height) + ".bmp", 0

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

' adjustable window height ' call the subroutine with the height you want ' it's possible to have a window that's large than your display


' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend Windowtitle "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>


<lang c>

  1. Put this into a new file 'fern.gmic' and invoke it from the command line, like this:
  2. $ gmic fern.gmic -barnsley_fern

barnsley_fern :

 -skip {"
     f1 = [ 0,0,0,0.16 ];           g1 = [ 0,0 ];
     f2 = [ 0.2,-0.26,0.23,0.22 ];  g2 = [ 0,1.6 ];
     f3 = [ -0.15,0.28,0.26,0.24 ]; g3 = [ 0,0.44 ];
     f4 = [ 0.85,0.04,-0.04,0.85 ]; g4 = [ 0,1.6 ];
     xy = [ 0,0 ];
     for (n = 0, n<2e6, ++n,
       r = u(100);
       xy = r<=1?((f1**xy)+=g1):
       uv = xy*200 + [ 480,0 ];
       uv[1] = h - uv[1];
       I(uv) = 0.7*I(uv) + 0.3*255;
 -r 40%,40%,1,1,2



Translation of: PARI/GP
Works with: gnuplot version 5.0 (patchlevel 3) and above
Output BarnsleyFernGnu.png

<lang gnuplot>

    1. Barnsley fern fractal 2/17/17 aev

reset fn="BarnsleyFernGnu"; clr='"green"'; ttl="Barnsley fern fractal" dfn=fn.".dat"; ofn=fn.".png"; set terminal png font arial 12 size 640,640 set print dfn append set output ofn unset border; unset xtics; unset ytics; unset key; set size square set title ttl font "Arial:Bold,12" n=100000; max=100; x=y=xw=yw=p=0; randgp(top) = floor(rand(0)*top) do for [i=1:n] {

 if (p==1) {xw=0;yw=0.16*y;}
 if (1<p&&p<=8) {xw=0.2*x-0.26*y;yw=0.23*x+0.22*y+1.6;}
 if (8<p&&p<=15) {xw=-0.15*x+0.28*y;yw=0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44;}
 if (p>15) {xw=0.85*x+0.04*y;yw=-0.04*x+0.85*y+1.6;}
 x=xw;y=yw; print x," ",y;

} plot dfn using 1:2 with points pt 7 ps 0.5 lc @clr set output unset print </lang>

File: BarnsleyFernGnu.png
  (also BarnsleyFernGnu.dat)


<lang go>package main

import (



// values from WP const (

   xMin = -2.1820
   xMax = 2.6558
   yMin = 0.
   yMax = 9.9983


// parameters var (

   width = 200
   n     = int(1e6)
   c     = color.RGBA{34, 139, 34, 255} // forest green


func main() {

   dx := xMax - xMin
   dy := yMax - yMin
   fw := float64(width)
   fh := fw * dy / dx
   height := int(fh)
   r := image.Rect(0, 0, width, height)
   img := image.NewRGBA(r)
   draw.Draw(img, r, &image.Uniform{color.White}, image.ZP, draw.Src)
   var x, y float64
   plot := func() {
       // transform computed float x, y to integer image coordinates
       ix := int(fw * (x - xMin) / dx)
       iy := int(fh * (yMax - y) / dy)
       img.SetRGBA(ix, iy, c)
   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       switch s := rand.Intn(100); {
       case s < 85:
           x, y =
       case s < 85+7:
           x, y =
       case s < 85+7+7:
           x, y =
           x, y = 0, .16*y
   // write img to png file
   f, err := os.Create("bf.png")
   if err != nil {
   if err := png.Encode(f, img); err != nil {



<lang haskell>import Data.List (scanl') import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine import Diagrams.Prelude import System.Random

type Pt = (Double, Double)

-- Four affine transformations used to produce a Barnsley fern. f1, f2, f3, f4 :: Pt -> Pt f1 (x, y) = ( 0, 0.16 * y) f2 (x, y) = ( 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y , -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.60) f3 (x, y) = ( 0.20 * x - 0.26 * y , 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.60) f4 (x, y) = (-0.15 * x + 0.28 * y , 0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44)

-- Given a random number in [0, 1) transform an initial point by a randomly -- chosen function. func :: Pt -> Double -> Pt func p r | r < 0.01 = f1 p

        | r < 0.86  = f2 p
        | r < 0.93  = f3 p
        | otherwise = f4 p

-- Using a sequence of uniformly distributed random numbers in [0, 1) return -- the same number of points in the fern. fern :: [Double] -> [Pt] fern = scanl' func (0, 0)

-- Given a supply of random values and a count, generate a diagram of a fern -- composed of that number of points. drawFern :: [Double] -> Int -> Diagram B drawFern rs n = frame 0.5 . diagramFrom . take n $ fern rs

 where diagramFrom = flip atPoints (repeat dot) . map p2
       dot = circle 0.005 # lc green

-- To generate a PNG image of a fern, call this program like: -- -- fern -o fern.png -w 640 -h 640 50000 -- -- where the arguments specify the width, height and number of points in the -- image. main :: IO () main = do

 rand <- getStdGen
 mainWith $ drawFern (randomRs (0, 1) rand)</lang>


<lang j>require 'plot'

f=: |: 0 ". ];._2 noun define

 0     0     0    0.16   0 0      0.01
 0.85 -0.04  0.04 0.85   0 1.60   0.85
 0.20  0.23 -0.26 0.22   0 1.60   0.07
-0.15  0.26  0.28 0.24   0 0.44   0.07


fm=: {&(|: 2 2 $ f) fa=: {&(|: 4 5 { f) prob=: (+/\ 6 { f) I. ?@0:

ifs=: (fa@] + fm@] +/ .* [) prob getPoints=: ifs^:(<200000) plotFern=: 'dot;grids 0 0;tics 0 0;labels 0 0;color green' plot ;/@|:

  plotFern getPoints 0 0</lang>


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.*;

public class BarnsleyFern extends JPanel {

   BufferedImage img;
   public BarnsleyFern() {
       final int dim = 640;
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(dim, dim));
       img = new BufferedImage(dim, dim, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
       createFern(dim, dim);
   void createFern(int w, int h) {
       double x = 0;
       double y = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < 200_000; i++) {
           double tmpx, tmpy;
           double r = Math.random();
           if (r <= 0.01) {
               tmpx = 0;
               tmpy = 0.16 * y;
           } else if (r <= 0.08) {
               tmpx = 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y;
               tmpy = 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6;
           } else if (r <= 0.15) {
               tmpx = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y;
               tmpy = 0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44;
           } else {
               tmpx = 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y;
               tmpy = -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.6;
           x = tmpx;
           y = tmpy;
           img.setRGB((int) Math.round(w / 2 + x * w / 11),
                   (int) Math.round(h - y * h / 11), 0xFF32CD32);
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
       g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Barnsley Fern");
           f.add(new BarnsleyFern(), BorderLayout.CENTER);



Translation of: PARI/GP
Output BarnsleyFernjs.png

<lang javascript> // Barnsley fern fractal //6/17/16 aev function pBarnsleyFern(canvasId,lim) {

 // DCLs
 var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
 var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
 var w = canvas.width;
 var h = canvas.height;
 var x=0.,y=0.,xw=0.,yw=0.,r;
 // Like in PARI/GP: return random number 0..max-1
 function randgp(max) {return Math.floor(Math.random()*max)}
 // Clean canvas
 ctx.fillStyle="white"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,w,h);
 for(var i=0; i<lim; i++) {
   if (r<=1) {xw=0;yw=0.16*y;}
   else if (r<=8) {xw=0.2*x-0.26*y;yw=0.23*x+0.22*y+1.6;}
   else if (r<=15) {xw=-0.15*x+0.28*y;yw=0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44;}
   else {xw=0.85*x+0.04*y;yw=-0.04*x+0.85*y+1.6;}
   x=xw;y=yw; ctx.fillStyle="green"; ctx.fillRect(x*50+260,-y*50+540,1,1);
 }//fend i

} </lang> Executing: <lang html> <html>

<head><script src="BarnsleyFern.js"></script></head>
<body onload="pBarnsleyFern('canvas', 100000)">

Barnsley fern fractal

  <canvas id="canvas" width="540" height="540" style="border: 2px inset;"></canvas>

</html> </lang>

Page with BarnsleyFernjs.png


<lang julia># v0.6

function barnsleyfern(n::Integer)::Matrix{Float64}

   const FUNCTIONS = (
   (x, y) -> (0, 0.16y),
   (x, y) -> (0.85x + 0.04y, -0.04x + 0.85y + 1.6),
   (x, y) -> (0.2x - 0.26y, 0.23x + 0.22y + 1.6),
   (x, y) -> (-0.15x + 0,28y, 0.26x + 0.24y + 0.44))
   rst = Matrix{Float64}(n, 2)
   rst[1, :] = 0.0
   for row in 2:n
       r = rand(0:99)
       if r < 1;      f = 1;
       elseif r < 86; f = 2;
       elseif r < 93; f = 3;
       else           f = 4; end
       rst[row, 1], rst[row, 2] = FUNCTIONS[f](rst[row-1, 1], rst[row-1, 2])
   return rst

end </lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>// version 1.1.0

import java.awt.* import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import javax.swing.*

class BarnsleyFern(private val dim: Int) : JPanel() {

   private val img: BufferedImage
   init {
       preferredSize = Dimension(dim, dim)
       background =
       img = BufferedImage(dim, dim, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
       createFern(dim, dim)
   private fun createFern(w: Int, h: Int) {
       var x = 0.0
       var y = 0.0
       for (i in 0 until 200_000) {
           var tmpx: Double
           var tmpy: Double
           val r = Math.random()
           if (r <= 0.01) {
               tmpx = 0.0
               tmpy = 0.16 * y
           else if (r <= 0.86) {
               tmpx =  0.85 * x + 0.04 * y
               tmpy = -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.6
           else if (r <= 0.93) {
               tmpx = 0.2  * x - 0.26 * y
               tmpy = 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6
           else {
               tmpx = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y
               tmpy =  0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44
           x = tmpx
           y = tmpy
           img.setRGB(Math.round(w / 2.0 + x * w / 11.0).toInt(),
                      Math.round(h - y * h / 11.0).toInt(), 0xFF32CD32.toInt())
   override protected fun paintComponent(gg: Graphics) {
       val g = gg as Graphics2D
       g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON) 
       g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
       val f = JFrame()
       f.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
       f.title = "Barnsley Fern"
       f.add(BarnsleyFern(640), BorderLayout.CENTER)



Needs LÖVE 2D Engine <lang Lua> g = wid, hei = g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()

function choose( i, j )

 local r = math.random()
 if r < .01 then return 0, .16 * j 
   elseif r < .07 then return .2 * i - .26 * j, .23 * i + .22 * j + 1.6
   elseif r < .14 then return -.15 * i + .28 * j, .26 * i + .24 * j + .44
   else return .85 * i + .04 * j, -.04 * i + .85 * j + 1.6

end function createFern( iterations )

 local hw, x, y, scale = wid / 2, 0, 0, 45
 local pts = {}
 for k = 1, iterations do
   pts[1] = { hw + x * scale, hei - 15 - y * scale, 
              20 + math.random( 80 ), 
              128 + math.random( 128 ), 
              20 + math.random( 80 ), 150 }
   g.points( pts )
   x, y = choose( x, y )

end function love.load()

 math.randomseed( os.time() )
 canvas = g.newCanvas( wid, hei )
 g.setCanvas( canvas )
 createFern( 15e4 )

end function love.draw()

 g.draw( canvas )

end </lang>


<lang Nim> import nimPNG, random



 width = 640
 height = 640
 minX = -2.1815
 maxX = 2.6556
 minY = 0.0
 maxY = 9.9982
 iterations = 1_000_000

var img: array[width * height * 3, char]

proc floatToPixel(x,y:float): tuple[a:int,b:int] =

 var px = abs(x - minX) / abs(maxX - minX)
 var py = abs(y - minY) / abs(maxY - minY)
 var a:int = (int)(width * px)
 var b:int = (int)(height * py)
 a = a.clamp(0, width-1)
 b = b.clamp(0, height-1)
 # flip the y axis

proc pixelToOffset(a,b: int): int =

 b * width * 3 + a * 3

proc toString(a: openArray[char]): string =

 result = newStringOfCap(a.len)
 for ch in items(a):

proc drawPixel(x,y:float) =

 var (a,b) = floatToPixel(x,y)
 var offset = pixelToOffset(a,b)
 #img[offset] = 0 # red channel
 img[offset+1] = char(250) # green channel
 #img[offset+2] = 0 # blue channel
  1. main

var x, y: float = 0.0

for i in 1..iterations:

 var r = random(101)
 var nx, ny: float
 if r <= 85:
   nx = 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y
   ny = -0.04 * x + 0.85 * y + 1.6
 elif r <= 85 + 7:
   nx = 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y
   ny = 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6
 elif r <= 85 + 7 + 7:
   nx = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y
   ny = 0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44
   nx = 0
   ny = 0.16 * y
 x = nx
 y = ny

discard savePNG24("fern.png",img.toString, width, height) </lang>


Translation of: zkl
Works with: PARI/GP version 2.7.4 and above
Output BarnsleyFern.png

<lang parigp> \\ Barnsley fern fractal \\ 6/17/16 aev pBarnsleyFern(size,lim)={ my(X=List(),Y=X,x=y=xw=yw=0.0,r); print(" *** Barnsley Fern, size=",size," lim=",lim); plotinit(0); plotcolor(0,6); \\green plotscale(0, -3,3, 0,10); plotmove(0, 0,0); for(i=1, lim,

 if(r<=1, xw=0;yw=0.16*y,
   if(r<=8, xw=0.2*x-0.26*y;yw=0.23*x+0.22*y+1.6,
     if(r<=15, xw=-0.15*x+0.28*y;yw=0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44,
 x=xw;y=yw; listput(X,x); listput(Y,y);

);\\fend i plotpoints(0,Vec(X),Vec(Y)); plotdraw([0,-3,-0]); } {\\ Executing: pBarnsleyFern(530,100000); \\ BarnsleyFern.png } </lang>

> pBarnsleyFern(530,100000);  \\ BarnsleyFern.png
 *** Barnsley Fern, size=530 lim=100000


<lang perl>use Imager;

my $w = 640; my $h = 640;

my $img = Imager->new(xsize => $w, ysize => $h, channels => 3); my $green = Imager::Color->new('#00FF00');

my ($x, $y) = (0, 0);

foreach (1 .. 2e5) {

 my $r = rand(100);
 ($x, $y) = do {
   if    ($r <=  1) { ( 0.00 * $x - 0.00 * $y,  0.00 * $x + 0.16 * $y + 0.00) }
   elsif ($r <=  8) { ( 0.20 * $x - 0.26 * $y,  0.23 * $x + 0.22 * $y + 1.60) }
   elsif ($r <= 15) { (-0.15 * $x + 0.28 * $y,  0.26 * $x + 0.24 * $y + 0.44) }
   else             { ( 0.85 * $x + 0.04 * $y, -0.04 * $x + 0.85 * $y + 1.60) }
 $img->setpixel(x => $w / 2 + $x * 60, y => $y * 60, color => $green);


$img->flip(dir => 'v'); $img->write(file => 'barnsleyFern.png');</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.03
Translation of: Perl

<lang perl6>use Image::PNG::Portable;

my ($w, $h) = (640, 640);

my $png = :width($w), :height($h);

my ($x, $y) = (0, 0);

for ^2e5 {

   my $r = 100.rand;
   ($x, $y) = do given $r {
       when  $r <=  1 { (                     0,              0.16 * $y       ) }
       when  $r <=  8 { ( 0.20 * $x - 0.26 * $y,  0.23 * $x + 0.22 * $y + 1.60) }
       when  $r <= 15 { (-0.15 * $x + 0.28 * $y,  0.26 * $x + 0.24 * $y + 0.44) }
       default        { ( 0.85 * $x + 0.04 * $y, -0.04 * $x + 0.85 * $y + 1.60) }
   $png.set(($w / 2 + $x * 60).Int, $h - ($y * 60).Int, 0, 255, 0);


$png.write: 'Barnsley-fern-perl6.png';</lang>


Library: pGUI

This file is included in the distro as


<lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\BarnsleyFern.exw -- include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/) atom {x,y,r} @= 0 integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")

   for i=1 to 20000 do
       r = rand(100)
       {x, y} = iff(r<=1? {             0,        0.16*y     } :
                iff(r<=8? { 0.20*x-0.26*y, 0.23*x+0.22*y+1.60} :
                iff(r<=15?{-0.15*x+0.28*y, 0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44} :
                          { 0.85*x+0.04*y,-0.04*x+0.85*y+1.60})))
       cdCanvasPixel(cddbuffer, width/2+x*60, y*60, #00FF00) 
   end for
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)

   cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
   cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
   cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_WHITE)
   cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, CD_RED)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function esc_close(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)

   if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
   return IUP_CONTINUE

end function

procedure main()

   canvas = IupCanvas(NULL)
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "340x620") -- initial size
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))
   dlg = IupDialog(canvas)
   IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Barnsley Fern")
   IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY",     Icallback("esc_close"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL) -- release the minimum limitation

end procedure



<lang java>void setup() {

 size(640, 640);
 background(0, 0, 0);


float x = 0; float y = 0;

void draw() {

 for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
   float xt = 0;
   float yt = 0;
   float r = random(100);
   if (r <= 1) {
     xt = 0;
     yt = 0.16*y;
   } else if (r <= 8) {
     xt = 0.20*x - 0.26*y;
     yt = 0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.60;
   } else if (r <= 15) {
     xt = -0.15*x + 0.28*y;
     yt =  0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44;
   } else {
     xt =  0.85*x + 0.04*y;
     yt = -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.60;
   x = xt;
   y = yt;
   int m = round(width/2 + 60*x);
   int n = height-round(60*y);
   set(m, n, #00ff00);



<lang PureBasic>EnableExplicit DisableDebugger


 R84:  : Data.d 0.85,0.04,-0.04,0.85,1.6
 R91:  : Data.d 0.2,-0.26,0.23,0.22,1.6
 R98:  : Data.d -0.15,0.28,0.26,0.24,0.44
 R100: : Data.d 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.16,0.0


Procedure Barnsley(height.i)

 Define x.d, y.d, xn.d, yn.d, v1.d, v2.d, v3.d, v4.d, v5.d,
        n.i, r.i  
 For n=1 To height*50
   Select r
     Case 0 To 84  : Restore R84
     Case 85 To 91 : Restore R91
     Case 92 To 98 : Restore R98
     Default       : Restore R100
   Read.d v1 : Read.d v2 : Read.d v3 : Read.d v4 : Read.d v5
   xn=v1*x+v2*y : yn=v3*x+v4*y+v5    
   x=xn : y=yn


Define w1.i=400,


If OpenWindow(0,#PB_Ignore,#PB_Ignore,w1,h1,"Barnsley fern")

 If CreateImage(0,w1,h1,24,0) And StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))        
 Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent(50)=#PB_Event_CloseWindow

EndIf End</lang>


<lang Python>

import random from PIL import Image

class BarnsleyFern(object):

   def __init__(self, img_width, img_height, paint_color=(0, 150, 0),
                bg_color=(255, 255, 255)):
       self.img_width, self.img_height = img_width, img_height
       self.paint_color = paint_color
       self.x, self.y = 0, 0
       self.age = 0
       self.fern ='RGB', (img_width, img_height), bg_color)
       self.pix = self.fern.load()
       self.pix[self.scale(0, 0)] = paint_color
   def scale(self, x, y):
       h = (x + 2.182)*(self.img_width - 1)/4.8378
       k = (9.9983 - y)*(self.img_height - 1)/9.9983
       return h, k
   def transform(self, x, y):
       rand = random.uniform(0, 100)
       if rand < 1:
           return 0, 0.16*y
       elif 1 <= rand < 86:
           return 0.85*x + 0.04*y, -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.6
       elif 86 <= rand < 93:
           return 0.2*x - 0.26*y, 0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.6
           return -0.15*x + 0.28*y, 0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44
   def iterate(self, iterations):
       for _ in range(iterations):
           self.x, self.y = self.transform(self.x, self.y)
           self.pix[self.scale(self.x, self.y)] = self.paint_color
       self.age += iterations

fern = BarnsleyFern(500, 500) fern.iterate(1000000)



Translation of: PARI/GP
Output BarnsleyFernR.png

<lang r>

    1. pBarnsleyFern(fn, n, clr, ttl, psz=600): Plot Barnsley fern fractal.
    2. Where: fn - file name; n - number of dots; clr - color; ttl - plot title;
    3. psz - picture size.
    4. 7/27/16 aev

pBarnsleyFern <- function(fn, n, clr, ttl, psz=600) {

 cat(" *** START:", date(), "n=", n, "clr=", clr, "psz=", psz, "\n");
 cat(" *** File name -", fn, "\n");
 pf = paste0(fn,".png"); # pf - plot file name
 A1 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0.16,0.85,-0.04,0.04,0.85,0.2,0.23,-0.26,0.22,-0.15,0.26,0.28,0.24), ncol=4, nrow=4, byrow=TRUE);
 A2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1.6,0,1.6,0,0.44), ncol=2, nrow=4, byrow=TRUE);
 P <- c(.01,.85,.07,.07);
 # Creating matrices M1 and M2.
 M1=vector("list", 4); M2 = vector("list", 4);
 for (i in 1:4) {
   M1i <- matrix(c(A1[i,1:4]), nrow=2);
   M2i <- matrix(c(A2[i, 1:2]), nrow=2);
 x <- numeric(n); y <- numeric(n);
 x[1] <- y[1] <- 0;
 for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
   k <- sample(1:4, prob=P, size=1);
   M <- as.matrix(M1k);
   z <- M%*%c(x[i],y[i]) + M2k; 
   x[i+1] <- z[1]; y[i+1] <- z[2];
 plot(x, y, main=ttl, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col=clr, cex=0.1);
 # Writing png-file
 dev.copy(png, filename=pf,width=psz,height=psz);
 # Cleaning;;
 cat(" *** END:",date(),"\n");


    1. Executing:

pBarnsleyFern("BarnsleyFernR", 100000, "dark green", "Barnsley Fern Fractal", psz=600) </lang>

> pBarnsleyFern("BarnsleyFernR", 100000, "dark green", "Barnsley Fern Fractal", psz=600)
 *** START: Wed Jul 27 13:50:49 2016 n= 1e+05 clr= dark green psz= 600 
 *** File name - BarnsleyFernR 
 *** END: Wed Jul 27 13:50:56 2016 
+ BarnsleyFernR.png file


File:Racket-barnsley-fern.png : file uploading broken :-( <lang racket>#lang racket

(require racket/draw)

(define fern-green (make-color #x32 #xCD #x32 0.66))

(define (fern dc n-iterations w h)

 (for/fold ((x #i0) (y #i0))
           ((i n-iterations))
   (define-values (x′ y′)
     (let ((r (random)))
         [(<= r 0.01) (values 0
                              (* y 16/100))]
         [(<= r 0.08) (values (+ (* x 20/100) (* y -26/100))
                              (+ (* x 23/100) (* y 22/100) 16/10))]
         [(<= r 0.15) (values (+ (* x -15/100) (* y 28/100))
                              (+ (* x 26/100) (* y 24/100) 44/100))]
         [else (values (+ (* x 85/100) (* y 4/100))
                       (+ (* x -4/100) (* y 85/100) 16/10))])))
   (define px (+ (/ w 2) (* x w 1/11)))
   (define py (- h (* y h 1/11)))
   (send dc set-pixel (exact-round px) (exact-round py) fern-green)                   
   (values x′ y′)))

(define bmp (make-object bitmap% 640 640 #f #t 2))

(fern (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bmp]) 200000 640 640)

bmp (send bmp save-file "images/racket-barnsley-fern.png" 'png)</lang>


<lang Ring>

Load "guilib.ring"


+        Program Name : Draw Barnsley Fern
+        Date         : 2016.06.12
+        Author       : Bert Mariani
+        Purpose      : Draw Fern using Quadratic Equation and Random Number
  • /
      1. -------------------------------
      2. DRAW CHART size 400 x 500
      3. -------------------------------

New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { ### Position and Size on Screen setwindowtitle("Drawing using QPainter") setgeometry( 10, 25, 400, 500)

### Draw within this Win Box label1 = new qlabel(win1) { ### Label Position and Size setgeometry(10, 10, 400, 500) settext(" ") }

buttonFern = new qpushbutton(win1) { ### Button DrawFern setgeometry(10, 10, 80, 20) settext("Draw Fern") setclickevent("DrawFern()") ### Call DRAW function }

show() } exec() }

      1. ------------------------
      2. FUNCTIONS
      3. ------------------------

Func DrawFern p1 = new qpicture()

colorGreen = new qcolor() { setrgb(0,255,0,255) } penGreen = new qpen() { setcolor(colorGreen) setwidth(1) }

new qpainter() { begin(p1) setpen(penGreen)

###------------------------------------- ### Quadratic equation matrix of arrays

a = [ 0, 0.85, 0.2, -0.15 ] b = [ 0, 0.04, -0.26, 0.28 ] c = [ 0, -0.04, 0.23, 0.26 ] d = [ 0.16, 0.85, 0.22, 0.24 ] e = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] f = [ 0, 1.6, 1.6, 0.44 ]

### Initialize x, y points

xf = 0.0 yf = 0.0

### Size of output screen

MaxX = 400 MaxY = 500 MaxIterations = MaxY * 200 Count = 0


while ( Count <= MaxIterations )

### NOTE *** RING *** starts at Index 1, ### Do NOT use Random K=0 result

k = random() % 100 k = k +1

### if (k = 0) k = 1 ok ### Do NOT use

if ((k > 0) and (k <= 85)) k = 2 ok if ((k > 85) and (k <= 92)) k = 3 ok if (k > 92) k = 4 ok

TempX = ( a[k] * xf ) + ( b[k] * yf ) + e[k] TempY = ( c[k] * xf ) + ( d[k] * yf ) + f[k]

xf = TempX yf = TempY

if( (Count >= MaxIterations) or (Count != 0) ) xPoint = (floor(xf * MaxY / 11) + floor(MaxX / 2)) yPoint = (floor(yf * -MaxY / 11) + MaxY ) drawpoint( xPoint , yPoint ) ok

Count++ end


endpaint() }

label1 { setpicture(p1) show() } return



<lang runbasic>maxpoints = 20000 graphic #g, 200, 200

  1. g fill("blue")

FOR n = 1 TO maxpoints p = RND(0)*100 IF p <= 1 THEN nx = 0 ny = 0.16 * y else if p <= 8 THEN nx = 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y ny = 0.23 * x + 0.22 * y + 1.6 else if p <= 15 THEN nx = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y ny = 0.26 * x + 0.24 * y + 0.44 else nx = 0.85 * x +0.04 * y ny = -0.04 * x +0.85 * y + 1.6 end if x = nx y = ny

  1. g "color green ; set "; x * 17 + 100; " "; y * 17

NEXT n render #g

  1. g "flush"</lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang rust>extern crate rand; extern crate raster;

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {

   let max_iterations = 200_000u32;
   let height = 640i32;
   let width = 640i32;
   let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
   let mut image = raster::Image::blank(width, height);
   raster::editor::fill(&mut image, raster::Color::white()).unwrap();
   let mut x = 0.;
   let mut y = 0.;
   for _ in 0..max_iterations {
       let r = rng.gen::<f32>();
       let cx: f64;
       let cy: f64;
       if r <= 0.01 {
           cx = 0f64;
           cy = 0.16 * y as f64;
       } else if r <= 0.08 {
           cx = 0.2 * x as f64 - 0.26 * y as f64;
           cy = 0.23 * x as f64 + 0.22 * y as f64 + 1.6;
       } else if r <= 0.15 {
           cx = -0.15 * x as f64 + 0.28 * y as f64;
           cy = 0.26 * x as f64 + 0.26 * y as f64 + 0.44;
       } else {
           cx = 0.85 * x as f64 + 0.04 * y as f64;
           cy = -0.04 * x as f64 + 0.85 * y as f64 + 1.6;
       x = cx;
       y = cy;
       let _ = image.set_pixel(
           ((width as f64) / 2. + x * (width as f64) / 11.).round() as i32,
           ((height as f64) - y * (height as f64) / 11.).round() as i32,
           raster::Color::rgb(50, 205, 50));
   raster::save(&image, "fractal.png").unwrap();



This version creates a list of points, defining the fern, which are then rescaled and output to an eps file.

<lang scheme> (import (scheme base)

       (scheme cxr)
       (scheme file)
       (scheme inexact)
       (scheme write)
       (srfi 27))     ; for random numbers

(define (create-fern x y num-points)

 (define (new-point xn yn)
   (let ((r (* 100 (random-real))))
     (cond ((< r 1) ; f1
            (list 0 (* 0.16 yn)))
           ((< r 86) ; f2
            (list (+ (* 0.85 xn) (* 0.04 yn))
                  (+ (* -0.04 xn) (* 0.85 yn) 1.6)))
           ((< r 93) ; f3
            (list (- (* 0.2 xn) (* 0.26 yn))
                  (+ (* 0.23 xn) (* 0.22 yn) 1.6)))
           (else ; f4
             (list (+ (* -0.15 xn) (* 0.28 yn))
                   (+ (* 0.26 xn) (* 0.24 yn) 0.44))))))
 (random-source-randomize! default-random-source)
 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
      (pts (list (list x y)) (cons (new-point (caar pts) (cadar pts)) pts)))
   ((= i num-points) pts)))
output the fern to an eps file

(define (output-fern-as-eps filename fern)

 (when (file-exists? filename) (delete-file filename))
   (lambda ()
     (let* ((width 600)
            (height 800)
            (min-x (apply min (map car fern)))
            (max-x (apply max (map car fern)))
            (min-y (apply min (map cadr fern)))
            (max-y (apply max (map cadr fern)))
            (scale-x (/ (- width 50) (- max-x min-x)))
            (scale-y (/ (- height 50) (- max-y min-y)))
            (scale-points (lambda (point)
                            (list (truncate (+ 20 (* scale-x (- (car point) min-x))))
                                  (truncate (+ 20 (* scale-y (- (cadr point) min-y))))))))
         (string-append "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n%%BoundingBox: 0 0 "
                        (number->string width) " " (number->string height) "\n"))
       ;; add each point in fern as an arc - sets linewidth based on depth in tree
       (for-each (lambda (point)
                     (string-append (number->string (list-ref point 0))
                                    " "
                                    (number->string (list-ref point 1))
                                    " 0.1 0 360 arc\nstroke\n")))
                 (map scale-points fern))
       (display "\n%%EOF")))))

(output-fern-as-eps "barnsley.eps" (create-fern 0 0 50000)) </lang>


Works with: Scilab version 5.4.0 and above

This version creates a list of points, defining the fern, and shows them on a graphic window which can then be saved to a file via the GUI or the console by the user. <lang> iteractions=1.0d6;

XY=zeros(2,iteractions+1); x=0; y=0;

i=2; while i<iteractions+2

   if random_numbers(1) < 0.01 then
       x = 0;
       y = 0.16 * y;
   elseif random_numbers(1) >= 0.01 & random_numbers(1) < 0.01+0.85 then
       x = 0.85 * x + 0.04 * y;
       y = -0.04 * xp + 0.85 * y + 1.6;
   elseif random_numbers(1) >= 0.86 & random_numbers(1) < 0.86+0.07 then
       x = 0.2 * x - 0.26 * y;
       y = 0.23 * xp + 0.22 * y + 1.6;
       x = -0.15 * x + 0.28 * y;
       y = 0.26 * xp + 0.24 * y + 0.44;


scf(0); clf(); xname('Barnsley fern'); plot2d(XY(1,:),XY(2,:),-0) axes=gca(); axes.isoview="on"; axes.children.children.mark_foreground=13; </lang>


Tail-Recursive SequenceL Code:
<lang sequencel>import <Utilities/>; import <Utilities/>;

transform(p(1), rand) :=

       x := p[1]; y := p[2];
       [0.0, 0.16*y] when rand <= 0.01
       [0.85*x + 0.04*y, -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.6] when rand <= 0.86
       [0.2*x - 0.26*y, 0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.6] when rand <= 0.93
       [-0.15*x + 0.28*y, 0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44];

barnsleyFern(rand, count, result(2)) :=

       nextRand := getRandom(rand);
       next := transform(result[size(result)], nextRand.value / 2147483647.0);
       result when count <= 0
       barnsleyFern(nextRand.generator, count - 1, result ++ [next]);

scale(p(1), width, height) := [round((p[1] + 2.182) * width / 4.8378),

                              round((9.9983 - p[2]) * height / 9.9983)];

entry(seed, count, width, height) :=

       fern := barnsleyFern(seedRandom(seed), count, 0.0,0.0);
       scale(fern, width, height);</lang>

C++ Driver Code:

Library: CImg

<lang c>#include "SL_Generated.h"

  1. include "CImg.h"

using namespace cimg_library;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   int threads = 0; if(argc > 1) threads = atoi(argv[1]);
   int width = 300; if(argc > 2) width = atoi(argv[2]);
   int height = 600; if(argc > 3) height = atoi(argv[3]);
   int steps = 10000; if(argc > 4) steps = atoi(argv[4]);
   int seed = 314159; if(argc > 5) seed = atoi(argv[5]);
   CImg<unsigned char> visu(width, height, 1, 3, 0);
   Sequence< Sequence<int> > result;
   sl_entry(seed, steps, width-1, height-1, threads, result);
   for(int i = 1; i <= result.size(); i++)
       visu(result[i][1], result[i][2],1) = 255;
   CImgDisplay draw_disp(visu);
   draw_disp.set_title("Barnsley Fern in SequenceL");
   while(!draw_disp.is_closed()) draw_disp.wait();
   return 0;



Output Screenshot


<lang ruby>require('Imager')

var w = 640 var h = 640

var img = %s<Imager>.new(xsize => w, ysize => h, channels => 3) var green = %s<Imager::Color>.new('#00FF00')

var (x, y) = (0, 0)

for r in (^1e5 -> { 100.rand }) {

 (x, y) = (
   if    (r <=  1) { ( 0.00*x - 0.00*y,  0.00*x + 0.16*y + 0.00) }
   elsif (r <=  8) { ( 0.20*x - 0.26*y,  0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.60) }
   elsif (r <= 15) { (-0.15*x + 0.28*y,  0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44) }
   else            { ( 0.85*x + 0.04*y, -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.60) }
 img.setpixel(x => w/2 + 60*x, y => 60*y, color => green)


img.flip(dir => 'v') img.write(file => 'barnsleyFern.png')</lang>


<lang spl>w,h = #.scrsize() x,y = 0 >

 r = #.rnd(100)
 ? r<85, x,y = f2(x,y)
 ? r!<85 & r<92, x,y = f3(x,y)
 ? r!<92 & r<99, x,y = f4(x,y)
 ? r!<99, x,y = f1(y)

< f1(y) <= 0, 0.16*y f2(x,y) <= 0.85*x+0.04*y, -0.04*x+0.85*y+1.6 f3(x,y) <= 0.2*x-0.26*y, 0.23*x+0.22*y+1.6 f4(x,y) <= -0.15*x+0.28*y, 0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44</lang>


Uses the PPM class from

Translation of: Java

<lang zkl>fcn barnsleyFern(){

  bitmap:=PPM(w+1,h+1,0xFF|FF|FF);  // White background
  x,y, nx,ny:=0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
     r:=(0).random(100);  // [0..100)%
     if     (r<= 1) nx,ny= 0, 		      0.16*y;
     else if(r<= 8) nx,ny= 0.2*x  - 0.26*y,  0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.6;
     else if(r<=15) nx,ny=-0.15*x + 0.28*y,  0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44;
     else           nx,ny= 0.85*x + 0.04*y, -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.6;
     bitmap[w/2 + x*60, y*60] = 0x00|FF|00;  // Green dot


ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: zkl

<lang zxbasic>10 REM Fractal Fern 20 PAPER 7: BORDER 7: BRIGHT 1: INK 4: CLS 30 LET maxpoints=20000: LET x=0: LET y=0 40 FOR n=1 TO maxpoints 50 LET p=RND*100 60 IF p<=1 THEN LET nx=0: LET ny=0.16*y: GO TO 100 70 IF p<=8 THEN LET nx=0.2*x-0.26*y: LET ny=0.23*x+0.22*y+1.6: GO TO 100 80 IF p<=15 THEN LET nx=-0.15*x+0.28*y: LET ny=0.26*x+0.24*y+0.44: GO TO 100 90 LET nx=0.85*x+0.04*y: LET ny=-0.04*x+0.85*y+1.6 100 LET x=nx: LET y=ny 110 PLOT x*17+127,y*17 120 NEXT n </lang> It is recommended to run on an emulator that supports running at full speed.