Validate International Securities Identification Number: Difference between revisions

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Oenone (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Ada}}: update to use algorithm from luhn task and newer test cases
Line 65: Line 65:

Calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the ''[[Luhn test of credit card numbers]]'' task.

<lang Ada>procedure ISIN is
{{update|Ada|Use the new test-cases, and consider calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the ''[[Luhn test of credit card numbers]]'' task instead of duplicating it.}}
-- Luhn_Test copied from other Task

function Luhn_Test (Number: String) return Boolean is
=== package ISIN ===
Sum : Natural := 0;

Odd : Boolean := True;
We start with specifying an Ada package (a collection of subprograms) to compute the checksum digit for a given ISIN (without checksum), and to check the ISIN (when given with the checksum).
Digit: Natural range 0 .. 9;

<lang Ada>package ISIN is
for p in reverse Number'Range loop
Digit := Integer'Value (Number (p..p));
if Odd then
Sum := Sum + Digit;
Sum := Sum + (Digit*2 mod 10) + (Digit / 5);
end if;
Odd := not Odd;
end loop;
return (Sum mod 10) = 0;
end Luhn_Test;
subtype Decimal is Character range '0' .. '9';
subtype Decimal is Character range '0' .. '9';
subtype Letter is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
subtype Letter is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
subtype ISIN_Type is String(1..12);
Invalid_Character: exception;
function Checksum(S: String) return Decimal;
function Valid(S: String) return Boolean is
(Checksum(S(S'First .. S'Last-1)) = S(S'Last));
end ISIN;</lang>

The implementation of the package is as follows.

<lang Ada>package body ISIN is
-- converts a string of decimals and letters into a string of decimals
function To_Digits(S: String) return String is
function To_Digits(S: String) return String is
-- Character'Pos('A')-Offset=10, Character'Pos('B')-Offset=11, ...
-- converts a string of decimals and letters into a string of decimals
Offset: constant Integer := Character'Pos('A')-10;
Offset: constant Integer := Character'Pos('A')-10;
-- Character'Pos('A')-Offset=10, Character'Pos('B')-Offset=11, ...
Invalid_Character: exception;
if S = "" then
if S = "" then
return "";
return "";
elsif S(S'First) = ' ' then -- skip blanks
elsif S(S'First) = ' ' then -- skip blanks
return To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
return To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
elsif S(S'First) in Decimal then
elsif S(S'First) in Decimal then
return S(S'First) & To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
return S(S'First) & To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
elsif S(S'First) in Letter then
elsif S(S'First) in Letter then
return To_Digits(Integer'Image(Character'Pos(S(S'First))-Offset))
return To_Digits(Integer'Image(Character'Pos(S(S'First))-Offset))
& To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
& To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
raise Invalid_Character;
raise Invalid_Character;
end if;
end if;
end To_Digits;
end To_Digits;
function Checksum(S: String) return Decimal is
function Is_Valid_ISIN(S: ISIN_Type) return Boolean is
T: String := To_Digits(S);
Number : String := To_Digits(S);
-- first convert letters to numbers by adding their ordinal position
Double: Boolean := True;
Sum: Integer range 0 .. 9 := 0;
Add: Integer range 0 .. 18;
Result: String(1 .. 2);
for I in reverse T'Range loop
return S(S'First) in Letter and
S(S'First+1) in Letter and
Add := Integer'Value(T(I .. I));
S(S'Last) in Decimal and
if Double then
-- starting with the rightmost digit, every other digit is doubled
Add := Add * 2;
end Is_Valid_ISIN;
if Add > 8 then
-- if Add is 1X (*10, 12, ..., 18*), add X+1
Add := (Add mod 10) + 1;
end if;
end if;
Double := not Double;
Sum := (Sum + Add) mod 10;
end loop;
Result:= Integer'Image((10-Sum) mod 10); -- result is " X", with Decimal X
return Result(2);
end Checksum;
end ISIN;</lang>

=== Computing Checksums ===

Now the main program is easy.
It reads a couple of ISINs (without checksum) from the command line
and outputs the checksum digits.

<lang Ada>with Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Text_IO, ISIN;

Test_Cases : constant Array(1..6) of ISIN_Type :=
procedure Compute_ISIN is
-- excluded by type with fixed length
-- "US03378331005",
for I in 1 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop
for I in Test_Cases'Range loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("The Checksum for " &
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Test_Cases(I) & ":" &
Ada.Command_Line.Argument(I) & " is " &
end loop;
end loop;
-- using wrong length will result in an exception:
end Compute_ISIN;</lang>

We compute the ISIN-Checksums for Apple, Apple with two digits swapped, the Treasury Corporation of Victoria, and the Treasury Corporation of Victoria with two digits swapped.
Note that the first swap does actually change the checksum, while the second one does not.
when others =>
I.e., the ISIN checksums don't always discover flaws, such as swapping two adjacent digits.
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Exception occured");

end ISIN;</lang>
<pre>./compute_isin US037833100 US037383100 AU0000XVGZA AU0000VXGZA
The Checksum for US037833100 is 5
The Checksum for US037383100 is 9
The Checksum for AU0000XVGZA is 3
The Checksum for AU0000VXGZA is 3</pre>

=== Verifying ISINs with given Checksums ===

Similarily to the above, we check if an ISIN with checksum is valid.

<lang Ada>with Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Text_IO, ISIN;

procedure Check_ISIN is
for I in 1 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop
if ISIN.Valid(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(I)) then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(I) & " OK!");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(I) & " ** Fail! **");
end if;
end loop;
end Check_ISIN;</lang>

We check Apple's ISIN, and two "misspellings" of Apple's ISIN, we got by permuting two digits or letters. The error of permuting "US" to "SU" is not discovered by the algorithm, the error of permuting 83 to 38 is.

<pre>./check_isin US0378331005 SU0378331005 US0373831005
US0378331005 OK!
SU0378331005 OK!
US0373831005 ** Fail! **</pre>
US03378331005:Exception occured</pre>


Revision as of 13:30, 22 November 2016

Validate International Securities Identification Number
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a unique international identifier for a financial security such as a stock or bond.

Write a function or program that takes a string as input, and checks whether it is a valid ISIN.
It is only valid if it has the correct format, and the embedded checksum is correct.

Demonstrate that your code passes the test-cases listed below.


The format of an ISIN is as follows:

┌───────────── a 2-character ISO country code (A-Z)
 ┌─────────── a 9-character security code (A-Z, 0-9)
         ┌── a checksum digit (0-9)

For this task, you may assume that any 2-character alphabetic sequence is a valid country code.

The checksum can be validated as follows:

  1. Replace letters with digits, by converting each character from base 36 to base 10, e.g. AU0000XVGZA31030000033311635103.
  2. Perform the Luhn test on this base-10 number.
    There is a separate task for this test: Luhn test of credit card numbers.
    You don't have to replicate the implementation of this test here – you can just call the existing function from that task. (Add a comment stating if you did this.)
ISIN Validity Comment
US0378331005 valid
US0373831005 not valid The transposition typo is caught by the checksum constraint.
U50378331005 not valid The substitution typo is caught by the format constraint.
US03378331005 not valid The duplication typo is caught by the format constraint.
AU0000XVGZA3 valid
AU0000VXGZA3 valid Unfortunately, not all transposition typos are caught by the checksum constraint.
FR0000988040 valid

(The comments are just informational. Your function should simply return a Boolean result. See #Perl_6 for a reference solution.)

See also

Useful resources:

Related tasks:


Calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task.

<lang Ada>procedure ISIN is

  -- Luhn_Test copied from other Task
  function Luhn_Test (Number: String) return Boolean is
     Sum  : Natural := 0;
     Odd  : Boolean := True;
     Digit: Natural range 0 .. 9;
     for p in reverse Number'Range loop
        Digit := Integer'Value (Number (p..p));
        if Odd then
           Sum := Sum + Digit;
           Sum := Sum + (Digit*2 mod 10) + (Digit / 5);
        end if;
        Odd := not Odd;
     end loop;
     return (Sum mod 10) = 0;
  end Luhn_Test;
  subtype Decimal   is Character range '0' .. '9';
  subtype Letter    is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
  subtype ISIN_Type is String(1..12);
  -- converts a string of decimals and letters into a string of decimals
  function To_Digits(S: String) return String is
     -- Character'Pos('A')-Offset=10, Character'Pos('B')-Offset=11, ...
     Offset: constant Integer := Character'Pos('A')-10;
     Invalid_Character: exception;
     if S = "" then
        return "";
     elsif S(S'First) = ' ' then -- skip blanks
        return To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last)); 
     elsif S(S'First) in Decimal then 
        return S(S'First) & To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
     elsif S(S'First) in Letter then
        return To_Digits(Integer'Image(Character'Pos(S(S'First))-Offset))
          & To_Digits(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last));
        raise Invalid_Character;
     end if;
  end To_Digits;
  function Is_Valid_ISIN(S: ISIN_Type) return Boolean is
     Number : String := To_Digits(S);
     return S(S'First)   in Letter  and
            S(S'First+1) in Letter  and
            S(S'Last)    in Decimal and
  end Is_Valid_ISIN;
  Test_Cases : constant Array(1..6) of ISIN_Type :=
      -- excluded by type with fixed length
      -- "US03378331005",


  for I in Test_Cases'Range loop
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Test_Cases(I) & ":" &
  end loop;
  -- using wrong length will result in an exception:


  when others =>
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Exception occured");

end ISIN;</lang>


US03378331005:Exception occured


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int check_isin(char *a) {

   int i, j, k, v, s[24];
   j = 0;
   for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
       k = a[i];
       if(k >= '0' && k <= '9') {
           if(i < 2) return 0;
           s[j++] = k - '0';
       } else if(k >= 'A' && k <= 'Z') {
           if(i == 11) return 0;
           k -= 'A' - 10;
           s[j++] = k / 10;
           s[j++] = k % 10;
       } else {
           return 0;
   if(a[i]) return 0;
   v = 0;
   for(i = j - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
       k = 2 * s[i];
       v += k > 9 ? k - 9 : k;
   for(i = j - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
       v += s[i];
   return v % 10 == 0;


int main() {

   char *test[7] = {"US0378331005", "US0373831005", "U50378331005",
                    "US03378331005", "AU0000XVGZA3", "AU0000VXGZA3",
   int i;
   for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) printf("%c%c", check_isin(test[i]) ? 'T' : 'F', i == 6 ? '\n' : ' ');
   return 0;


/* will print: T F F F T T T */</lang>


used Luhn module from here <lang elixir>isin? = fn str ->

         if str =~ ~r/\A[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}\d\z/ do
           |> Enum.map_join(&String.to_integer(&1, 36))
           |> Luhn.valid?

IO.puts " ISIN Valid?" ~w(US0378331005


|> Enum.each(&IO.puts "#{&1}\t#{isin?.(&1)}")</lang>

    ISIN        Valid?
US0378331005    true
US0373831005    false
U50378331005    false
US03378331005   false
AU0000XVGZA3    true
AU0000VXGZA3    true
FR0000988040    true


<lang fortran>program isin

   use ctype
   implicit none
   character(20) :: test(7) = ["US0378331005        ", &
                               "US0373831005        ", &
                               "U50378331005        ", &
                               "US03378331005       ", &
                               "AU0000XVGZA3        ", &
                               "AU0000VXGZA3        ", &
                               "FR0000988040        "]
   print *, check_isin(test)


   elemental logical function check_isin(a)
       character(*), intent(in) :: a
       integer :: s(24)
       integer :: i, j, k, n, v
       check_isin = .false.
       n = len_trim(a)
       if (n /= 12) return
       ! Convert to an array of digits
       j = 0
       do i = 1, n
           k = iachar(a(i:i))
           if (k >= 48 .and. k <= 57) then
               if (i < 3) return
               k = k - 48
               j = j + 1
               s(j) = k
           else if (k >= 65 .and. k <= 90) then
               if (i == 12) return
               k = k - 65 + 10
               j = j + 1
               s(j) = k / 10
               j = j + 1
               s(j) = mod(k, 10)
           end if
       end do
       ! Compute checksum
       v = 0
       do i = j - 1, 1, -2
           k = 2 * s(i)
           if (k > 9) k = k - 9
           v = v + k
       end do
       do i = j, 1, -2
           v = v + s(i)
       end do
       check_isin = 0 == mod(v, 10)
   end function

end program</lang>


<lang freebasic>' version 27-10-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console

  1. Ifndef TRUE ' define true and false for older freebasic versions
   #Define FALSE 0
   #Define TRUE Not FALSE
  1. EndIf

Function luhntest(cardnr As String) As Long

   cardnr = Trim(cardnr) ' remove spaces  
   Dim As String reverse_nr = cardnr
   Dim As Long i, j, s1, s2, l = Len(cardnr) -1
   ' reverse string
   For i = 0 To l
       reverse_nr[i] = cardnr[l - i]
   ' sum odd numbers
   For i = 0 To l Step 2
       s1 = s1 + (reverse_nr[i] - Asc("0"))
   ' sum even numbers
   For i = 1 To l Step 2
       j = reverse_nr[i] - Asc("0")
       j = j * 2
       If j > 9 Then j = j Mod 10 +1
       s2 = s2 + j
   If (s1 + s2) Mod 10 = 0 Then
       Return TRUE
       Return FALSE
   End If

End Function

' ------=< MAIN >=-----

Dim As String test_str Dim As String test_set(1 To ...) = { "US0378331005", "US0373831005", _

                   "U50378331005", "US03378331005", "AU0000XVGZA3", _
                                    "AU0000VXGZA3", "FR0000988040" }

Dim As Long i, l, n, x

For i = 1 To UBound(test_set)

   test_str = ""
   l = Len(test_set(i))
   If l <> 12 Then
       Print test_set(i), "Invalid, length <> 12 char."
       Continue For
   End If
   If test_set(i)[0] < Asc("A") Or test_set(i)[1] < Asc("A") Then
       Print test_set(i), "Invalid, number needs to start with 2 characters"
       Continue For
   End If
   For n = 0 To l -1
       x = test_set(i)[n] - Asc("0")
       ' if test_set(i)[i] is a letter we to correct for that
       If x > 9 Then x = x -7
       If x < 10 Then
           test_str = test_str + Str(x)
       Else ' two digest number
           test_str = test_str + Str(x \ 10) + Str(x Mod 10)
       End If
   Print test_set(i), IIf(luhntest(test_str) = TRUE, "Valid","Invalid, checksum error")


' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

US0378331005  Valid
US0373831005  Invalid, checksum error
U50378331005  Invalid, number needs to start with 2 characters
US03378331005 Invalid, length <> 12 char.
AU0000XVGZA3  Valid
AU0000VXGZA3  Valid
FR0000988040  Valid


<lang go>package main

import "regexp"

var r = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}\d$`)

var inc = [2][10]int{ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, }

func ValidISIN(n string) bool { if !r.MatchString(n) { return false } var sum, p int for i := 10; i >= 0; i-- { p = 1 - p if d := n[i]; d < 'A' { sum += inc[p][d-'0'] } else { d -= 'A' sum += inc[p][d%10] p = 1 - p sum += inc[p][d/10+1] } } sum += int(n[11] - '0') return sum%10 == 0 }</lang>

<lang go>package main

import "testing"

func TestValidISIN(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { isin string valid bool }{ {"US0378331005", true}, {"US0373831005", false}, {"U50378331005", false}, {"US03378331005", false}, {"AU0000XVGZA3", true}, {"AU0000VXGZA3", true}, {"FR0000988040", true}, }

for _, testcase := range testcases { actual := ValidISIN(testcase.isin) if actual != testcase.valid { t.Errorf("expected %v for %q, got %v", testcase.valid, testcase.isin, actual) } } }</lang>


This example needs updating due to a modification in the task. Please examine and fix the code if needed, then remove this message.

Details: Use the new test-cases, and consider calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task instead of duplicating it.


int checksum(String prefix) {

   def digits = prefix.toUpperCase().collect { CHARS.indexOf(it).toString() }.sum()
   def groups = digits.collect { CHARS.indexOf(it) }.inject([[], []]) { acc, i -> [acc[1], acc[0] + i] }
   def ds = groups[1].collect { (2 * it).toString() }.sum().collect { CHARS.indexOf(it) } + groups[0]
   (10 - ds.sum() % 10) % 10


assert checksum('AU0000VXGZA') == 3 assert checksum('GB000263494') == 6 assert checksum('US037833100') == 5 assert checksum('US037833107') == 0</lang>


<lang Haskell>module ISINVerification2


import Data.Char ( isUpper , isDigit , digitToInt )

verifyISIN :: String -> Bool verifyISIN isin = correctFormat isin && mod (oddsum + multiplied_even_sum) 10 == 0

     reverted = reverse $ convertToNumber isin
     theOdds = fst $ collectOddandEven reverted
     theEvens = snd $ collectOddandEven reverted
     oddsum = sum $ map digitToInt theOdds
     multiplied_even_sum = addUpDigits $ map ( (* 2 ) . digitToInt ) theEvens

capitalLetters :: [Char] capitalLetters = ['A' , 'B'..'Z']

numbers :: [Char] numbers = ['0' , '1' , '2', '3' , '4' , '5', '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' ]

correctFormat :: String -> Bool correctFormat isin = (length isin == 12 ) && ( all (\b -> elem b capitalLetters ) $ take 2 isin)

            && (all (\c -> elem c capitalLetters || elem c numbers) $ drop 2 $ take 11 isin)

&& (elem ( last isin ) numbers)

convertToNumber :: String -> String convertToNumber str = concat $ map convert str

     convert :: Char -> String
     convert c = if isDigit c then show $ digitToInt c else show ( fromEnum c - 55 )

collectOddandEven :: String -> (String , String ) collectOddandEven term

  |odd $ length term = (concat [take 1 $ drop n term | n <- [0,2..length term - 1]] ,

concat [take 1 $ drop d term | d <- [1,3..length term - 2]] )

  |otherwise         = (concat [take 1 $ drop n term | n <- [0,2..length term -2]] ,

concat [take 1 $ drop d term | d <- [1,3..length term - 1]] )

addUpDigits :: [Int] -> Int addUpDigits list = sum $ map (\d -> if d > 9 then sum $ map digitToInt $ show d else d ) list

printSolution :: String -> IO ( ) printSolution str = do

  putStr $ str ++ " is"
  if verifyISIN str == True then putStrLn " valid" else putStrLn " not valid"

main :: IO ( ) main = do

  let isinnumbers = ["US0378331005" , "US0373831005" , "US03378331005" , "AU0000XVGZA3" ,

"AU0000VXGZA3" , "FR0000988040"]

  mapM_ printSolution isinnumbers</lang> 
US0378331005 is valid
US0373831005 is not valid
US03378331005 is not valid
AU0000XVGZA3 is valid
AU0000VXGZA3 is valid
FR0000988040 is valid


This example needs updating due to a modification in the task. Please examine and fix the code if needed, then remove this message.

Details: Use the new test-cases, and consider calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task instead of duplicating it.

<lang j>splt=: '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' i. ' ' -.~ ": checksum=: 3 : '10| - +/ splt (* 2 1 $~ #) |. splt splt y'

assert 5 = checksum 'US037833100' assert 0 = checksum 'US037833107' assert 3 = checksum 'AU0000VXGZA' assert 6 = checksum 'GB000263494'</lang>


This now assumes that the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task is available in the same (default) package.

<lang java>public class ISIN {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String[] isins = {
       for (String isin : isins)
           System.out.printf("%s is %s%n\n", isin, ISINtest(isin) ? "valid" : "not valid");
   static boolean ISINtest(String isin) {
       isin = isin.trim().toUpperCase();
       if (!isin.matches("^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}\\d$"))
           return false;
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
       for (char c : isin.substring(0, 12).toCharArray())
           sb.append(Character.digit(c, 36));
       return Luhn.luhnTest(sb.toString());


US0378331005 is valid
US0373831009 is valid
D56000543287 is not valid
AU0000XVGZA3 is valid
AU0000VXGZA3 is valid
GB0002634946 is valid
US0373831005 is not valid


We reuse the luhn_test() function from Luhn test of credit card numbers#Perl. <lang perl>use strict; use English; use POSIX; use Test::Simple tests => 7;

ok( validate_isin('US0378331005'), 'Test 1'); ok( ! validate_isin('US0373831005'), 'Test 2'); ok( ! validate_isin('U50378331005'), 'Test 3'); ok( ! validate_isin('US03378331005'), 'Test 4'); ok( validate_isin('AU0000XVGZA3'), 'Test 5'); ok( validate_isin('AU0000VXGZA3'), 'Test 6'); ok( validate_isin('FR0000988040'), 'Test 7'); exit 0;

sub validate_isin {

   my $isin = shift;
   $isin =~ /\A[A-Z]{2}[A-Z\d]{9}\d\z/s or return 0;
   my $base10 = join(q{}, map {scalar(POSIX::strtol($ARG, 36))}
                              split(//s, $isin));
   return luhn_test($base10);


ok 1 - Test 1
ok 2 - Test 2
ok 3 - Test 3
ok 4 - Test 4
ok 5 - Test 5
ok 6 - Test 6
ok 7 - Test 7

Perl 6

Using the luhn-test function defined at Luhn test of credit card numbers#Perl 6:

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.07

<lang perl6>sub is-valid-ISIN (Str $ISIN --> Bool) {

   $ISIN ~~ /^ <[A..Z]>**2 <[A..Z0..9]>**9 <[0..9]> $/ or return False;
   my $base10 = ${ :36($_) }).join;
   return luhn-test $base10;



<lang perl6>say "$_ is{' not' unless validate-ISIN $_} valid"

   for <US0378331005 US0373831005 U50378331005 US03378331005 AU0000XVGZA3 AU0000VXGZA3 FR0000988040></lang>
US0378331005 is valid
US0373831005 is not valid
U50378331005 is not valid
US03378331005 is not valid
AU0000XVGZA3 is valid
AU0000VXGZA3 is valid
FR0000988040 is valid


<lang PowerShell> function Test-ISIN {

       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
       [ValidateScript({$_.Length -eq 12})]
   function Split-Array
       $array = @(), @()
       $input | ForEach-Object {$array[($index = -not $index)] += $_}
       $array[1], $array[0]
   filter ConvertTo-Digit
       if ($_ -gt 9)
           $_.ToString().ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object -Begin {$n = 0} -Process {$n += [Char]::GetNumericValue($_)} -End {$n}

   $checkDigit = $Number[-1]
   $digits = ($Number -replace ".$").ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {
       if ([Char]::IsDigit($_))
           [int][char]$_ - 55
   $odds, $evens = ($digits -join "").ToCharArray() | Split-Array
   if ($odds.Count -gt $evens.Count)
       $odds  = $odds  | ForEach-Object {[Char]::GetNumericValue($_) * 2} | ConvertTo-Digit
       $evens = $evens | ForEach-Object {[Char]::GetNumericValue($_)}
       $odds  = $odds  | ForEach-Object {[Char]::GetNumericValue($_)}
       $evens = $evens | ForEach-Object {[Char]::GetNumericValue($_) * 2} | ConvertTo-Digit
   $sum = ($odds  | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum + ($evens | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
   (10 - ($sum % 10)) % 10 -match $checkDigit

} </lang> <lang PowerShell> "US0378331005","US0373831005","US0337833103","AU0000XVGZA3","AU0000VXGZA3","FR0000988040" | ForEach-Object {

       ISIN    = $_
       IsValid = Test-ISIN -Number $_

} </lang>

ISIN         IsValid
----         -------
US0378331005    True
US0373831005   False
US0337833103   False
AU0000XVGZA3    True
AU0000VXGZA3    True
FR0000988040    True


<lang python>def check_isin(a):

   if len(a) != 12 or not all(c.isalpha() for c in a[:2]) or not all(c.isalnum() for c in a[2:]):
       return False
   s = "".join(str(int(c, 36)) for c in a)
   return 0 == (sum(sum(divmod(2 * (ord(c) - 48), 10)) for c in s[-2::-2]) +
                sum(ord(c) - 48 for c in s[::-2])) % 10
  1. A more readable version

def check_isin_alt(a):

   if len(a) != 12:
       return False
   s = []
   for i, c in enumerate(a):
       if c.isdigit():
           if i < 2:
               return False
           s.append(ord(c) - 48)
       elif c.isupper():
           if i == 11:
               return False
           s += divmod(ord(c) - 55, 10)
           return False
   v = sum(s[::-2])
   for k in s[-2::-2]:
       k = 2 * k
       v += k - 9 if k > 9 else k
   return v % 10 == 0

[check_isin(s) for s in ["US0378331005", "US0373831005", "U50378331005", "US03378331005",

                        "AU0000XVGZA3", "AU0000VXGZA3", "FR0000988040"]]
  1. [True, False, False, False, True, True, True]</lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket
convert a base36 character (#\0 - #\Z) to its equivalent
in base 10 as a string ("0" - "35")

(define (base36-char->base10-string c)

 (let ([char-int (char->integer (char-upcase c))]
       [zero-int (char->integer #\0)]
       [nine-int (char->integer #\9)]
       [A-int (char->integer #\A)]
       [Z-int (char->integer #\Z)])
   (cond [(and (>= char-int zero-int) (<= char-int nine-int)) (~a c)]
         [(and (>= char-int A-int) (<= char-int Z-int)) (~a (+ (- char-int A-int) 10))]
         [else null])))
substitute equivalent base 10 numbers for base 36 characters in string
this is a character-by-character substitution not a conversion
of a base36 number to a base10 number

(define (base36-string-characters->base10-string-characters s)

 (for/fold ([joined ""])
           ([tenstr (map base36-char->base10-string (string->list (string-upcase s)))])
   (values (string-append joined tenstr))))
This uses the Racket Luhn solution

(define [isin-test? s]

 (let ([RE (pregexp "^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}[0-9]{1}$")])
    (regexp-match? RE s)
    (luhn-test (string->number (base36-string-characters->base10-string-characters s))))))

(define test-cases '("US0378331005" "US0373831005" "U50378331005" "US03378331005" "AU0000XVGZA3" "AU0000VXGZA3" "FR0000988040"))

(map isin-test? test-cases)

-> '(#t #f #f #f #t #t #t)



'(#t #f #f #f #t #t #t)


<lang rexx>/*REXX program validates the checksum digit for an International Securities ID number.*/ parse arg z /*obtain optional ISINs from the C.L.*/ if z= then z= "US0378331005 US0373831005 U50378331005 US03378331005 AU0000XVGZA3" ,

                'AU0000VXGZA3 FR0000988040'     /* [↑]  use the default list of  ISINs.*/
                                                /* [↓]  process  all  specified  ISINs.*/
     do n=1  for words(z);  x=word(z, n);  y=x  /*obtain an  ISIN  from the  Z  list.  */
     $=                                         /* [↓]  construct list of ISIN digits. */
        do k=1  for length(x);  _=substr(x,k,1) /*the ISIN may contain alphabetic chars*/
        p=pos(_, '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') /*X must contain A──►Z, 0──►9.*/
        if p==0  then y=                                 /*trigger  "not"  valid below.*/
                 else $=$ || p-1                /*convert  X  string (base 36 ──► dec).*/
        end   /*k*/                             /* [↑]  convert  alphabetic ──► digits.*/
     @=                                         /*placeholder for the "not" in message.*/
     if length(y)\==12            then @= "not" /*check if the ISIN is exactly 12 chars*/
     if \datatype( left(x,2),'U') then @= "not" /*  "    "  "    "  1st 2 chars cap let*/
     if \datatype(right(x,1),'W') then @= "not" /*  "    "  "    "  last char not digit*/
     if @==  then  if \luhn($)  then @= "not" /*  "    "  "    "  passed Luhn test.  */
     say right(x,30)   right(@, 5)   "valid"    /*display the   yea  or  nay   message.*/
     end   /*n*/                                /* [↑] 1st 3 IFs could've been combined*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Luhn: procedure; parse arg x; $=0 /*get credit card number; zero $ sum. */

     y=reverse(left(0, length(x) // 2)x)        /*add leading zero if needed, & reverse*/
                            do j=1  to length(y)-1  by 2;    _=2  *  substr(y, j+1, 1)
                            $=$ + substr(y, j, 1)  +  left(_, 1)  +  substr(_, 2  , 1, 0)
                            end   /*j*/         /* [↑]   sum the  odd and even  digits.*/
     return right($, 1)==0                      /*return "1" if number passed Luhn test*/</lang>

output   when using the defaults for input:

                  US0378331005       valid
                  US0373831005   not valid
                  U50378331005   not valid
                 US03378331005   not valid
                  AU0000XVGZA3       valid
                  AU0000VXGZA3       valid
                  FR0000988040       valid 


Using a pre-existing luhn method: <lang ruby>RE = /\A[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}[0-9]{1}\z/

def valid_isin?(str)

 return false unless str =~ RE
 luhn({|c| c.to_i(36)}.join)


p %w(US0378331005 US0373831005 U50378331005 US03378331005 AU0000XVGZA3 AU0000VXGZA3 FR0000988040).map{|tc| valid_isin?(tc) }

  1. => [true, false, false, false, true, true, true]</lang>


This example needs updating due to a modification in the task. Please examine and fix the code if needed, then remove this message.

Details: Use the new test-cases, and consider calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task instead of duplicating it.

<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.6  ;# mostly needed for [assert]. Substitute a simpler one or a NOP if required.</lang>

A proc like assert is always good to have around. This one tries to report values used in its expression using subst:

<lang Tcl>proc assert {expr} {  ;# for "static" assertions that throw nice errors

   if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $expr]]} {
       set msg "{$expr}"
       catch {append msg " {[uplevel 1 [list subst -noc $expr]]}"}
       tailcall throw {ASSERT ERROR} $msg


isin itself is a simple package. We compute the alphabet when the package is loaded in _init, because that's more fun than typing out the table:

<lang Tcl>namespace eval isin {

   proc _init {} {         ;# sets up the map used on every call
       variable map
       set alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
       set n 9
       lmap c [split $alphabet ""] {
           lappend map $c [incr n]
   proc normalize {isin} {
       variable map
       string map $map [string tolower [string trim $isin]]
   proc cksum {isin} {
       set isin [normalize $isin]
       assert {[string is digit -strict $isin]}
       set digits [split $isin ""]
       if {[llength $digits] % 2} {
           set digits [list 0 {*}$digits]
       foreach {o e} $digits {
           incr sum [expr {$o + ($e * 2) % 9}]
       expr {(10 - ($sum % 10)) % 10}
   proc validate {isin} {
       set isin [normalize $isin]
       regexp {^(.*)(.)$} $isin -> body sum
       expr {$sum eq [cksum $body]}


Finally, some tcltests pinched from other examples in this page:

<lang Tcl>package require tcltest tcltest::test isin-1 "Test isin validation" -body {

   foreach {str sum} {
       US037833100 5
       US037383100 9
       SU037833100 5
       AU0000XVGZA 3
       AU0000VXGZA 3
       GB000263494 6
   } {
       assert {[isin::cksum $str] eq $sum}
       assert {![isin::validate $str$sum]}
       set err [expr {1+int(rand()*8)}]    ;# create a random checksum error
       set sum [expr {$sum + $err % 10}]
       assert {![isin::validate $str$sum]}
   return ok

} -result ok </lang>


<lang sas>data test; length isin $20 ok $1; input isin; keep isin ok; array s{24}; link isin; return; isin: ok="N"; n=length(isin); if n=12 then do;

   do i=1 to n;
       if k>=48 & k<=57 then do;
           if i<3 then return;
       else if k>=65 & k<=90 then do;
           if i=12 then return;
       else return;
   v=sum(of s{*});
   do i=j-1 to 1 by -2;

if mod(v,10)=0 then ok="Y"; end; return; cards; US0378331005 US0373831005 U50378331005 US03378331005 AU0000XVGZA3 AU0000VXGZA3 FR0000988040


Visual Basic

This example needs updating due to a modification in the task. Please examine and fix the code if needed, then remove this message.

Details: Use the new test-cases, and consider calling the existing Luhn algorithm implementation from the Luhn test of credit card numbers task instead of duplicating it.

Works with: VB6

<lang vb> Option Explicit

Function MakeIsinCode(Exchange As String, security As String)

   Dim numLeadingZeroes As Integer
   numLeadingZeroes = 9 - Len(security)
   Dim leader As String
   leader = Exchange & String(numLeadingZeroes, "0") & security
   MakeIsinCode = leader & CStr(IsinCheckDigit(leader))

End Function

Function IsinCheckDigit(ByVal security As String) As Integer

   Dim digits As String
   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 1 To Len(security)
       Dim ch As String
       ch = UCase(Mid(security, i, 1))
       If ch >= "A" And ch <= "Z" Then
           ' A to Z translated to "10", "11", .. "35"
           digits = digits & CStr(Asc(ch) - 55)
       ElseIf ch >= "0" And ch <= "9" Then
           digits = digits & ch
           Err.Raise 50001, , "Security must contain only letters and digits"
       End If
   Dim total As Integer
   Dim tmp As Integer
   total = 0
   'If rightmost even, "other" digits for doubling are 2,4,6. If rightmost odd, they're 1,3,5.
   'rightmost digit is always doubled, so start with it and work backwards
   Dim other As Boolean
   other = True
   For i = Len(digits) To 1 Step -1
       tmp = CInt(Mid(digits, i, 1))
       If other Then
           If tmp < 5 Then
               ' 0 to 4 map to 0,2,4,6,8
               total = total + (tmp * 2)
               ' 5 to 9 map to 1,3,5,7,9
               total = total + ((tmp * 2) - 9)
           End If
           total = total + tmp
       End If
       'Toggle doubling flag
       other = Not other
   'Last Mod 10 is to wrap 10 to zero
   IsinCheckDigit = (10 - (total Mod 10)) Mod 10

End Function </lang>


Uses the luhn test from Luhn_test_of_credit_card_numbers#zkl (copied here as it is short). <lang zkl>fcn validateISIN(isin){

  RegExp(String("^","[A-Z]"*2,"[A-Z0-9]"*9,"[0-9]$")).matches(isin) and 

} fcn luhnTest(n){

  0 == (n.split().reverse().reduce(fcn(s,n,clk){
     s + if( n else 2*n%10 + n/5 },0,Ref(1)) %10)

}</lang> <lang zkl>println(" ISIN Valid?"); foreach isin in (T("US0378331005","US0373831005","U50378331005", "US03378331005","AU0000XVGZA3","AU0000VXGZA3","FR0000988040")){

  println(isin," --> ",validateISIN(isin));


     ISIN       Valid?
US0378331005 --> True
US0373831005 --> False
U50378331005 --> False
US03378331005 --> False
AU0000XVGZA3 --> True
AU0000VXGZA3 --> True
FR0000988040 --> True