Elementary cellular automaton: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content deleted Content added
Peak (talk | contribs)
Peak (talk | contribs)
Line 1,032: Line 1,032:
if $n == 0 then .[-1:] + .[0:2]
if $n == 0 then .[-1:] + .[0:2]
elif $n == (length-1) then .[-2:] + .[0:1]
elif $n == (length-1) then .[-2:] + .[0:1]
else .[n-1:n+2]
else .[$n-1:$n+2]

Revision as of 05:51, 23 July 2017

Elementary cellular automaton
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

An elementary cellular automaton is a one-dimensional cellular automaton where there are two possible states (labeled 0 and 1) and the rule to determine the state of a cell in the next generation depends only on the current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors. Those three values can be encoded with three bits.

The rules of evolution are then encoded with eight bits indicating the outcome of each of the eight possibilities 111, 110, 101, 100, 011, 010, 001 and 000 in this order. Thus for instance the rule 13 means that a state is updated to 1 only in the cases 011, 010 and 000, since 13 in binary is 0b00001101.


Create a subroutine, program or function that allows to create and visualize the evolution of any of the 256 possible elementary cellular automaton of arbitrary space length and for any given initial state. You can demonstrate your solution with any automaton of your choice.

The space state should wrap: this means that the left-most cell should be considered as the right neighbor of the right-most cell, and reciprocally.

This task is basically a generalization of one-dimensional cellular automata.

See also


Works with: AutoHotkey 1.1

<lang AutoHotkey>state := StrSplit("0000000001000000000") rule := 90 output := "Rule: " rule Loop, 10 { output .= "`n" A_Index "`t" PrintState(state) state := NextState(state, rule) } Gui, Font,, Courier New Gui, Add, Text,, % output Gui, Show return

GuiClose: ExitApp

Returns the next state based on the current state and rule.

NextState(state, rule) { r := ByteDigits(rule) result := {} for i, val in state { if (i = 1) ; The leftmost cell result.Insert(r[state[state.MaxIndex()] state.1 state.2]) else if (i = state.MaxIndex()) ; The rightmost cell result.Insert(r[state[i-1] val state.1]) else ; All cells between leftmost and rightmost result.Insert(r[state[i - 1] val state[i + 1]]) } return result }

Returns an array with each three digit sequence as a key corresponding to a value
of true or false depending on the rule.

ByteDigits(rule) { res := {} for i, val in ["000", "001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", "111"] { res[val] := Mod(rule, 2) rule >>= 1 } return res }

Converts 0 and 1 to . and # respectively and returns a string representing the state

PrintState(state) { for i, val in state result .= val = 1 ? "#" : "." return result }</lang>

Rule: 90
1	.........#.........
2	........#.#........
3	.......#...#.......
4	......#.#.#.#......
5	.....#.......#.....
6	....#.#.....#.#....
7	...#...#...#...#...
8	..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..
9	.#...............#.
10	#.#.............#.#


64 cells, edges are cyclic. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <limits.h>

typedef unsigned long long ull;

  1. define N (sizeof(ull) * CHAR_BIT)
  2. define B(x) (1ULL << (x))

void evolve(ull state, int rule) { int i; ull st;

printf("Rule %d:\n", rule); do { st = state; for (i = N; i--; ) putchar(st & B(i) ? '#' : '.'); putchar('\n');

for (state = i = 0; i < N; i++) if (rule & B(7 & (st>>(i-1) | st<<(N+1-i)))) state |= B(i); } while (st != state); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { evolve(B(N/2), 90); evolve(B(N/4)|B(N - N/4), 30); // well, enjoy the fireworks

return 0; }</lang>

Rule 90:
                     ---(output snipped)---


<lang cpp>#include <bitset>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  1. define SIZE 80
  2. define RULE 30
  3. define RULE_TEST(x) (RULE & 1 << (7 & (x)))

void evolve(std::bitset<SIZE> &s) {

   int i;
   std::bitset<SIZE> t(0);
   t[SIZE-1] = RULE_TEST( s[0] << 2 | s[SIZE-1] << 1 | s[SIZE-2] );
   t[     0] = RULE_TEST( s[1] << 2 | s[     0] << 1 | s[SIZE-1] );
   for (i = 1; i < SIZE-1; i++)

t[i] = RULE_TEST( s[i+1] << 2 | s[i] << 1 | s[i-1] );

   for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) s[i] = t[i];

} void show(std::bitset<SIZE> s) {

   int i;
   for (i = SIZE; --i; ) printf("%c", s[i] ? '#' : ' ');

} int main() {

   int i;
   std::bitset<SIZE> state(1);
   state <<= SIZE / 2;
   for (i=0; i<10; i++) {

show(state); evolve(state);

   return 0;


                                       #                                       |
                                      ###                                      |
                                     ##  #                                     |
                                    ## ####                                    |
                                   ##  #   #                                   |
                                  ## #### ###                                  |
                                 ##  #    #  #                                 |
                                ## ####  ######                                |
                               ##  #   ###     #                               |
                              ## #### ##  #   ###                              |


<lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections; namespace ElementaryCellularAutomaton {

   class Automata
       BitArray cells, ncells;
       const int MAX_CELLS = 19;
       public void run()
           cells = new BitArray(MAX_CELLS);
           ncells = new BitArray(MAX_CELLS);
           while (true)
               Console.WriteLine("What Rule do you want to visualize");
               Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
       private byte getCells(int index)
           byte b;
           int i1 = index - 1,
               i2 = index,
               i3 = index + 1;
           if (i1 < 0) i1 = MAX_CELLS - 1;
           if (i3 >= MAX_CELLS) i3 -= MAX_CELLS;
           b = Convert.ToByte(
               4 * Convert.ToByte(cells.Get(i1)) +
               2 * Convert.ToByte(cells.Get(i2)) +
           return b;
       private string getBase2(int i)
           string s = Convert.ToString(i, 2);
           while (s.Length < 8)
           { s = "0" + s; }
           return s;
       private void doRule(int rule)
           string rl = getBase2(rule);
           cells.Set(MAX_CELLS / 2, true);
           Console.WriteLine("Rule: " + rule + "\n----------\n");
           for (int gen = 0; gen < 51; gen++)
               Console.Write("{0, 4}", gen + ": ");
               foreach (bool b in cells)
                   Console.Write(b ? "#" : ".");
               int i = 0;
               while (true)
                   byte b = getCells(i);
                   ncells[i] = '1' == rl[7 - b] ? true : false;
                   if (++i == MAX_CELLS) break;
               i = 0;
               foreach (bool b in ncells)
                   cells[i++] = b;
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Automata t = new Automata();

} </lang>

 Rule: 90

 0: .........#.........
 1: ........#.#........
 2: .......#...#.......
 3: ......#.#.#.#......
 4: .....#.......#.....
 5: ....#.#.....#.#....
 6: ...#...#...#...#...
 7: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..
 8: .#...............#.
 9: #.#.............#.#
10: #..#...........#..#
11: ###.#.........#.###
12: ..#..#.......#..#..
13: .#.##.#.....#.##.#.
14: #..##..#...#..##..#
15: #######.#.#.#######
16: ......#.....#......
17: .....#.#...#.#.....
18: ....#...#.#...#....
19: ...#.#.#...#.#.#...
20: ..#.....#.#.....#..
21: .#.#...#...#...#.#.
22: #...#.#.#.#.#.#...#
23: ##.#...........#.##
24: .#..#.........#..#.
25: #.##.#.......#.##.#
26: #.##..#.....#..##.#
27: #.####.#...#.####.#
28: #.#..#..#.#..#..#.#
29: #..##.##...##.##..#
30: #####.###.###.#####
31: ....#.#.#.#.#.#....
32: ...#...........#...
33: ..#.#.........#.#..
34: .#...#.......#...#.
35: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#
36: #......#...#......#
37: ##....#.#.#.#....##
38: .##..#.......#..##.
39: #####.#.....#.#####
40: ....#..#...#..#....
41: ...#.##.#.#.##.#...
42: ..#..##.....##..#..
43: .#.#####...#####.#.
44: #..#...##.##...#..#
45: ###.#.###.###.#.###
46: ..#...#.#.#.#...#..
47: .#.#.#.......#.#.#.
48: #.....#.....#.....#
49: ##...#.#...#.#...##
50: .##.#...#.#...#.##.

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun automaton (init rule &optional (stop 10))

 (labels ((next-gen (cells)
            (mapcar #'new-cell 
                    (cons (car (last cells)) cells)
                    (append (cdr cells) (list (car cells)))))
          (new-cell (left current right)
            (let ((shift (+ (* left 4) (* current 2) right)))
              (if (logtest rule (ash 1 shift)) 1 0)))
          (pretty-print (cells)
            (format T "~{~a~}~%" 
                    (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (zerop x) #\. #\#))
   (loop for cells = init then (next-gen cells)
         for i below stop
         do (pretty-print cells))))

(automaton '(0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0) 90)</lang>



Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons;

enum mod = (in int n, in int m) pure nothrow @safe @nogc => ((n % m) + m) % m;

struct ECAwrap {

   public string front;
   public enum bool empty = false;
   private immutable const(char)[string] next;
   this(in string cells_, in uint rule) pure @safe {
       this.front = cells_;
       immutable ruleBits = "%08b".format(rule).retro.text;
       next = 8.iota.map!(n => tuple("%03b".format(n), char(ruleBits[n]))).assocArray;
   void popFront() pure @safe {
       alias c = front;
       c = iota(c.length)
           .map!(i => next[[c[(i - 1).mod($)], c[i], c[(i + 1) % $]]])


void main() @safe {

   enum nLines = 50;
   immutable string start = "0000000001000000000";
   immutable uint[] rules = [90, 30, 122];
   writeln("Rules: ", rules);
   auto ecas = rules.map!(rule => ECAwrap(start, rule)).array;
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. nLines) {
       writefln("%2d: %-(%s    %)", i, ecas.map!(eca => eca.front.tr("01", ".#")));
       foreach (ref eca; ecas)


Rules: [90, 30, 122]
 0: .........#.........    .........#.........    .........#.........
 1: ........#.#........    ........###........    ........#.#........
 2: .......#...#.......    .......##..#.......    .......#.#.#.......
 3: ......#.#.#.#......    ......##.####......    ......#.#.#.#......
 4: .....#.......#.....    .....##..#...#.....    .....#.#.#.#.#.....
 5: ....#.#.....#.#....    ....##.####.###....    ....#.#.#.#.#.#....
 6: ...#...#...#...#...    ...##..#....#..#...    ...#.#.#.#.#.#.#...
 7: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    ..##.####..######..    ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..
 8: .#...............#.    .##..#...###.....#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
 9: #.#.............#.#    ##.####.##..#...###    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
10: #..#...........#..#    ...#....#.####.##..    ##.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.##
11: ###.#.........#.###    ..###..##.#....#.#.    .##.#.#.#.#.#.#.##.
12: ..#..#.......#..#..    .##..###..##..##.##    ####.#.#.#.#.#.####
13: .#.##.#.....#.##.#.    .#.###..###.###..#.    ...##.#.#.#.#.##...
14: #..##..#...#..##..#    ##.#..###...#..####    ..####.#.#.#.####..
15: #######.#.#.#######    ...####..#.#####...    .##..##.#.#.##..##.
16: ......#.....#......    ..##...###.#....#..    ########.#.########
17: .....#.#...#.#.....    .##.#.##...##..###.    .......##.##.......
18: ....#...#.#...#....    ##..#.#.#.##.###..#    ......#######......
19: ...#.#.#...#.#.#...    ..###.#.#.#..#..###    .....##.....##.....
20: ..#.....#.#.....#..    ###...#.#.#######..    ....####...####....
21: .#.#...#...#...#.#.    #..#.##.#.#......##    ...##..##.##..##...
22: #...#.#.#.#.#.#...#    .###.#..#.##....##.    ..###############..
23: ##.#...........#.##    ##...####.#.#..##.#    .##.............##.
24: .#..#.........#..#.    ..#.##....#.####..#    ####...........####
25: #.##.#.......#.##.#    ###.#.#..##.#...###    ...##.........##...
26: #.##..#.....#..##.#    ....#.####..##.##..    ..####.......####..
27: #.####.#...#.####.#    ...##.#...###..#.#.    .##..##.....##..##.
28: #.#..#..#.#..#..#.#    ..##..##.##..###.##    ########...########
29: #..##.##...##.##..#    ###.###..#.###...#.    .......##.##.......
30: #####.###.###.#####    #...#..###.#..#.##.    ......#######......
31: ....#.#.#.#.#.#....    ##.#####...####.#..    .....##.....##.....
32: ...#...........#...    #..#....#.##....###    ....####...####....
33: ..#.#.........#.#..    .####..##.#.#..##..    ...##..##.##..##...
34: .#...#.......#...#.    ##...###..#.####.#.    ..###############..
35: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    #.#.##..###.#....#.    .##.............##.
36: #......#...#......#    #.#.#.###...##..##.    ####...........####
37: ##....#.#.#.#....##    #.#.#.#..#.##.###..    ...##.........##...
38: .##..#.......#..##.    #.#.#.####.#..#..##    ..####.......####..
39: #####.#.....#.#####    ..#.#.#....#######.    .##..##.....##..##.
40: ....#..#...#..#....    .##.#.##..##......#    ########...########
41: ...#.##.#.#.##.#...    .#..#.#.###.#....##    .......##.##.......
42: ..#..##.....##..#..    .####.#.#...##..##.    ......#######......
43: .#.#####...#####.#.    ##....#.##.##.###.#    .....##.....##.....
44: #..#...##.##...#..#    ..#..##.#..#..#...#    ....####...####....
45: ###.#.###.###.#.###    ######..########.##    ...##..##.##..##...
46: ..#...#.#.#.#...#..    ......###........#.    ..###############..
47: .#.#.#.......#.#.#.    .....##..#......###    .##.............##.
48: #.....#.....#.....#    #...##.####....##..    ####...........####
49: ##...#.#...#.#...##    ##.##..#...#..##.##    ...##.........##...


Pictures of the (nice) generated colored bit-maps : The Escher like (task 90 5) and the fractal like (task 22 1)

<lang scheme> (lib 'types) ;; int32 vectors (lib 'plot)

(define-constant BIT0 0) (define-constant BIT1 (rgb 0.8 0.9 0.7)) ;; colored bit 1

integer to pattern

(define ( n->pat n) (for/vector ((i 8)) #:when (bitwise-bit-set? n i) (for/vector ((j (in-range 2 -1 -1))) (if (bitwise-bit-set? i j) BIT1 BIT0 ))))

test if three pixels match a pattern

(define (pmatch a b c pat) (for/or ((v pat)) (and (= a (vector-ref v 0)) (= b (vector-ref v 1)) (= c (vector-ref v 2)) )))

next generation = next row

(define (generate x0 width PAT PIX (x)) (for ((dx (in-range 0 width))) (set! x (+ x0 dx)) (vector-set! PIX (+ x width) ;; next row (if (pmatch (vector-ref PIX (if (zero? dx) (+ x0 width) (1- x))) ;; let's wrap (vector-ref PIX x) (vector-ref PIX (if (= dx (1- width)) x0 (1+ x))) PAT) BIT1 BIT0))))

n is the pattern, starters in the number of set pixels at generation 0

(define (task n (starters 1)) (define width (first (plot-size))) (define height (rest (plot-size))) (define PAT (n->pat n)) (plot-clear)

(define PIX (pixels->int32-vector)) (init-pix starters width height PIX)

(for ((y (1- height))) (generate (* y width) width PAT into: PIX)) (vector->pixels PIX))

put n starters on first row

(define (init-pix starters width height PIX) (define dw (floor (/ width (1+ starters)))) (for ((x (in-range dw width (1+ dw)))) (vector-set! PIX x BIT1)))


(task 99 3) → 672400 ;; ESC to see it (task 22) → 672400

check pattern generator

(n->pat 13)

   → #( #( 0 0 0) #( 0 -5052980 0) #( 0 -5052980 -5052980))



Works with: Elixir version 1.3
Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Elementary_cellular_automaton do

 def run(start_str, rule, times) do
   IO.puts "rule : #{rule}"
   each(start_str, rule_pattern(rule), times)
 defp rule_pattern(rule) do
   list = Integer.to_string(rule, 2) |> String.pad_leading(8, "0")
          |> String.codepoints |> Enum.reverse
   Enum.map(0..7, fn i -> Integer.to_string(i, 2) |> String.pad_leading(3, "0") end)
   |> Enum.zip(list) |> Map.new
 defp each(_, _, 0), do: :ok
 defp each(str, patterns, times) do
   IO.puts String.replace(str, "0", ".") |> String.replace("1", "#")
   str2 = String.last(str) <> str <> String.first(str)
   next_str = Enum.map_join(0..String.length(str)-1, fn i ->
     Map.get(patterns, String.slice(str2, i, 3))
   each(next_str, patterns, times-1)


pad = String.duplicate("0", 14) str = pad <> "1" <> pad Elementary_cellular_automaton.run(str, 18, 25)</lang>

rule : 18

GFA Basic

<lang> ' ' Elementary One-Dimensional Cellular Automaton ' ' World is cyclic, and rules are defined by a parameter ' ' start$="01110110101010100100" ! start state for world ' rules%=104 ! number defining rule-set to use start$="00000000000000000000100000000000000000000" rules%=18 max_cycles%=20 ! give a maximum depth to world ' ' Global variables hold the world, with two rows ' world! is treated as cyclical ' cur% gives the row for current world, ' new% gives the row for the next world. ' size%=LEN(start$) DIM world!(size%,2) cur%=0 new%=1 clock%=0 ' @setup_world(start$) OPENW 1 CLEARW 1 DO

 EXIT IF @same_state
 EXIT IF clock%>max_cycles% ! safety net

LOOP ~INP(2) CLOSEW 1 ' ' parse given string to set up initial states in world ' -- assumes world! is of correct size ' PROCEDURE setup_world(defn$)

 ' clear out the array
 ' for each 1 in string, set cell to true
 FOR i%=1 TO LEN(defn$)
   IF MID$(defn$,i%,1)="1"
 NEXT i%
 ' set references to cur and new

RETURN ' ' Display the world ' PROCEDURE display_world

 FOR i%=1 TO size%
   IF world!(i%-1,cur%)
     PRINT "#";
     PRINT ".";
 NEXT i%

RETURN ' ' Create new version of world ' PROCEDURE update_world

 FOR i%=1 TO size%
 NEXT i%
 ' reverse cur/new

RETURN ' ' Test if cur/new states are the same ' FUNCTION same_state

 FOR i%=1 TO size%
   IF world!(i%-1,cur%)<>world!(i%-1,new%)
 NEXT i%

ENDFUNC ' ' Return new state of cell given value ' FUNCTION new_state(value%)

 RETURN BTST(rules%,value%)

ENDFUNC ' ' Compute value for cell + neighbours ' FUNCTION get_value(cell%)

 LOCAL result%
 IF cell%-1<0 ! check for wrapping at left
   IF world!(size%-1,cur%)
 ELSE ! no wrapping
   IF world!(cell%-1,cur%)
 IF world!(cell%,cur%)
 IF cell%+1>size% ! check for wrapping at right
   IF world!(0,cur%)
 ELSE ! no wrapping
   IF world!(cell%+1,cur%)
 RETURN result%

ENDFUNC </lang>


Array-based solution

Straight-forward implementation of CA on a cyclic domain, using imutable arrays:

<lang Haskell>import Data.Array (listArray, (!), bounds, elems)

step rule a = listArray (l,r) res

 where (l,r) = bounds a
       res = [rule (a!r)     (a!l) (a!(l+1)) ] ++
             [rule (a!(i-1)) (a!i) (a!(i+1)) | i <- [l+1..r-1] ] ++
             [rule (a!(r-1)) (a!r) (a!l)     ]

runCA rule = iterate (step rule)</lang>

The following gives decoding of the CA rule and prepares the initial CA state: <lang Haskell>rule n l x r = n `div` (2^(4*l + 2*x + r)) `mod` 2

initial n = listArray (0,n-1) . center . padRight n

   padRight n lst = take n $ lst ++ repeat 0
   center = take n . drop (n `div` 2+1) . cycle</lang>

Finally the IO stuff: <lang Haskell>displayCA n rule init = mapM_ putStrLn $ take n result

 where result = fmap display . elems <$> runCA rule init
       display 0 = ' '
       display 1 = '*'</lang>
λ> displayCA 40 (rule 90) (initial 40 [1])
                  * *                   
                 *   *                  
                * * * *                 
               *       *                
              * *     * *               
             *   *   *   *              
            * * * * * * * *             
           *               *            
          * *             * *           
         *   *           *   *          
        * * * *         * * * *         
       *       *       *       *        
      * *     * *     * *     * *       
     *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *      
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     
   *                               *    
  * *                             * *   
 *   *                           *   *  
* * * *                         * * * * 
       *                       *        
      * *                     * *       
     *   *                   *   *      
    * * * *                 * * * *     
   *       *               *       *    
  * *     * *             * *     * *   
 *   *   *   *           *   *   *   *  
* * * * * * * *         * * * * * * * * 
               *       *                
              * *     * *               
             *   *   *   *              
            * * * * * * * *             
           *               *            
          * *             * *           
         *   *           *   *          
        * * * *         * * * *         
       *       *       *       *        
      * *     * *     * *     * *       
     *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *      
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

Comonadic solution

This solution is more involved, but it is slightly more efficient than Array-based one. What is more important, this solution is guaranteed to be total and correct by type checker.

The cyclic CA domain is represented by an infinite zipper list. First we provide the datatype, the viewer and constructor:

<lang Haskell>{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Comonad import Data.InfList (InfList (..)) import qualified Data.InfList as Inf

data Cycle a = Cycle Int a a (InfList a) deriving Functor

view (Cycle n _ x r) = Inf.take n (x ::: r)

fromList [] = let a = a in Cycle 0 a a (Inf.repeat a) -- zero cycle length ensures that elements of the empty cycle will never be accessed fromList lst = let x:::r = Inf.cycle lst

              in Cycle (length lst) (last lst) x r</lang>

In order to run the CA on the domain we make it an instance of Comonad class. Running the CA turns to be just an iterative comonadic extension of the rule:

<lang Haskell>instance Comonad Cycle where

 extract (Cycle _ _ x _) = x
 duplicate x@(Cycle n _ _ _) = fromList $ take n $ iterate shift x
   where shift (Cycle n _ x (r:::rs)) = Cycle n x r rs

step rule (Cycle _ l x (r:::_)) = rule l x r

runCA rule = iterate (=>> step rule)</lang>

Rule definition and I/O routine is the same as in Array-based solution:

<lang Haskell>rule n l x r = n `div` (2^(4*l + 2*x + r)) `mod` 2

initial n lst = fromList $ center $ padRight n lst

   padRight n lst = take n $ lst ++ repeat 0
   center = take n . drop (n `div` 2+1) . cycle

displayCA n rule init = mapM_ putStrLn $ take n result

 where result = fmap display . view <$> runCA rule init
       display 0 = ' '
       display 1 = '*'</lang>

See also Elementary cellular automaton/Infinite length#Haskell


We'll define a state transition mechanism, and then rely on the language for iteration and display:

<lang J> next=: ((8$2) #: [) {~ 2 #. 1 - [: |: |.~"1 0&_1 0 1@]

  ' *'{~90 next^:(i.9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
    * *    
   *   *   
  * * * *  
 *       * 
* *     * *
   *   *   
  * * * *  
 *       * </lang>

Or, we can view this on a larger scale, graphically:

<lang J> require'viewmat'

  viewmat 90 next^:(i.200) 0=i:200</lang>


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.Timer;

public class WolframCA extends JPanel {

   final int[] ruleSet = {30, 45, 50, 57, 62, 70, 73, 75, 86, 89, 90, 99,
       101, 105, 109, 110, 124, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 164,170, 232};
   byte[][] cells;
   int rule = 0;
   public WolframCA() {
       Dimension dim = new Dimension(900, 450);
       setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 28));
       cells = new byte[dim.height][dim.width];
       cells[0][dim.width / 2] = 1;
       new Timer(5000, (ActionEvent e) -> {
           if (rule == ruleSet.length)
               rule = 0;
   private byte rules(int lhs, int mid, int rhs) {
       int idx = (lhs << 2 | mid << 1 | rhs);
       return (byte) (ruleSet[rule] >> idx & 1);
   void drawCa(Graphics2D g) {
       for (int r = 0; r < cells.length - 1; r++) {
           for (int c = 1; c < cells[r].length - 1; c++) {
               byte lhs = cells[r][c - 1];
               byte mid = cells[r][c];
               byte rhs = cells[r][c + 1];
               cells[r + 1][c] = rules(lhs, mid, rhs); // next generation
               if (cells[r][c] == 1) {
                   g.fillRect(c, r, 1, 1);
   void drawLegend(Graphics2D g) {
       String s = String.valueOf(ruleSet[rule]);
       int sw = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s);
       g.fillRect(16, 5, 55, 30);
       g.drawString(s, 16 + (55 - sw) / 2, 30);
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Wolfram CA");
           f.add(new WolframCA(), BorderLayout.CENTER);



<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   const cells = 20
   const generations = 9
   fmt.Println("Single 1, rule 90:")
   a := big.NewInt(1)
   a.Lsh(a, cells/2)
   elem(90, cells, generations, a)
   fmt.Println("Random intial state, rule 30:")
   a = big.NewInt(1)
   a.Rand(rand.New(rand.NewSource(3)), a.Lsh(a, cells))
   elem(30, cells, generations, a)


func elem(rule uint, cells, generations int, a *big.Int) {

   output := func() {
           fmt.Sprintf("%0*b", cells, a), "0", " ", -1), "1", "#", -1))
   a1 := new(big.Int)
   set := func(cell int, k uint) {
       a1.SetBit(a1, cell, rule>>k&1)
   last := cells - 1
   for r := 0; r < generations; r++ {
       k := a.Bit(last) | a.Bit(0)<<1 | a.Bit(1)<<2
       set(0, k)
       for c := 1; c < last; c++ {
           k = k>>1 | a.Bit(c+1)<<2
           set(c, k)
       set(last, k>>1|a.Bit(0)<<2)
       a, a1 = a1, a


Single 1, rule 90:
        # #         
       #   #        
      # # # #       
     #       #      
    # #     # #     
   #   #   #   #    
  # # # # # # # #   
 #               #  
# #             # # 
Random intial state, rule 30:
 #   # #  ####     #
 ## ## ####   #   ##
 #  #  #   # ### ## 
######### ## #   # #
          #  ## ## #
#        #####  #  #
 #      ##    ######
 ##    ## #  ##     
## #  ##  #### #    
#  #### ###    ##  #


Works with: jq version 1.5

For simplicity we will use strings of 0s and 1s to represent the automaton, its states, and the rules, except that the "automaton" function will accept decimal rule specifications.

Helper functions <lang jq># The ordinal value of the relevant states: def states:

 {"111": 1, "110": 2, "101": 3, "100": 4, "011": 5, "010": 6, "001": 7, "000": 8};
  1. Compute the next "state"
  2. input: a state ("111" or "110" ...)
  3. rule: the rule represented as a string of 0s and 1s
  4. output: the next state "0" or "1" depending on the rule

def next(rule):

 states[.] as $n | rule[($n-1):$n] ;
  1. The state of cell $n, using 0-based indexing

def triple($n):

 if $n == 0 then .[-1:] + .[0:2]
 elif $n == (length-1) then .[-2:] + .[0:1]
 else .[$n-1:$n+2]
  1. input: non-negative decimal integer
  2. output: 0-1 binary string

def binary_digits:

 if . == 0 then "0"
 else [recurse( if . == 0 then empty else ./2 | floor end ) % 2 | tostring]
   | reverse
   | .[1:] # remove the leading 0
   | join("")
 end ;</lang>

Main function <lang jq># "rule" can be given as a decimal or string of 0s and 1s: def automaton(rule; steps):

 # Compute the rule as a string of length 8
 def tos:
   if type == "number" then "0000000" + binary_digits else . end
   | .[-8:];
 # input: the current state of the automaton
 # output: its next state
 def update(rule):
   . as $in
   | reduce range(0; length) as $n ("";
     . + ($in|triple($n)|next(rule)));
 (rule | tos) as $rule
 | limit(steps; while(true; update($rule) )) ;
  1. Example

"0000001000000" # initial state | automaton($rule; $steps) # $rule and $steps are taken from the command line | gsub("0"; ".") # pretty print | gsub("1"; "#") </lang>

Command-line Invocation

   $ jq -r -n -f program.jq --argjson steps 10 --argjson rule 90


Mathematica provides built-in functions for cellular automata. For example visualizing the first 100 rows of rule 30 on an 8-bit grid with a single initial cell:

<lang Mathematica> ArrayPlot[CellularAutomaton[30, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, 100]] </lang>


<lang MATLAB>function init = cellularAutomaton(rule, init, n)

 init(n + 1, :) = 0;
 for k = 1 : n
   init(k + 1, :) = bitget(rule, 1 + filter2([4 2 1], init(k, :)));

<lang MATLAB>>> char(cellularAutomaton(90, ~(-15:15), 15) * 10 + 32) ans =

             * *              
            *   *             
           * * * *            
          *       *           
         * *     * *          
        *   *   *   *         
       * * * * * * * *        
      *               *       
     * *             * *      
    *   *           *   *     
   * * * *         * * * *    
  *       *       *       *   
 * *     * *     * *     * *  
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *</lang>


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings;

package Automaton {

   sub new {

my $class = shift; my $rule = [ reverse split //, sprintf "%08b", shift ]; return bless { rule => $rule, cells => [ @_ ] }, $class;

   sub next {

my $this = shift; my @previous = @{$this->{cells}}; $this->{cells} = [ @{$this->{rule}}[ map { 4*$previous[($_ - 1) % @previous] + 2*$previous[$_] + $previous[($_ + 1) % @previous] } 0 .. @previous - 1 ] ]; return $this;

   use overload
   q{""} => sub {

my $this = shift; join , map { $_ ? '#' : ' ' } @{$this->{cells}}



my @a = map 0, 1 .. 91; $a[45] = 1; my $a = Automaton->new(90, @a);

for (1..40) {

   print "|$a|\n"; $a->next;


|                                             #                                             |
|                                            # #                                            |
|                                           #   #                                           |
|                                          # # # #                                          |
|                                         #       #                                         |
|                                        # #     # #                                        |
|                                       #   #   #   #                                       |
|                                      # # # # # # # #                                      |
|                                     #               #                                     |
|                                    # #             # #                                    |
|                                   #   #           #   #                                   |
|                                  # # # #         # # # #                                  |
|                                 #       #       #       #                                 |
|                                # #     # #     # #     # #                                |
|                               #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #                               |
|                              # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #                              |
|                             #                               #                             |
|                            # #                             # #                            |
|                           #   #                           #   #                           |
|                          # # # #                         # # # #                          |
|                         #       #                       #       #                         |
|                        # #     # #                     # #     # #                        |
|                       #   #   #   #                   #   #   #   #                       |
|                      # # # # # # # #                 # # # # # # # #                      |
|                     #               #               #               #                     |
|                    # #             # #             # #             # #                    |
|                   #   #           #   #           #   #           #   #                   |
|                  # # # #         # # # #         # # # #         # # # #                  |
|                 #       #       #       #       #       #       #       #                 |
|                # #     # #     # #     # #     # #     # #     # #     # #                |
|               #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #               |
|              # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #              |
|             #                                                               #             |
|            # #                                                             # #            |
|           #   #                                                           #   #           |
|          # # # #                                                         # # # #          |
|         #       #                                                       #       #         |
|        # #     # #                                                     # #     # #        |
|       #   #   #   #                                                   #   #   #   #       |
|      # # # # # # # #                                                 # # # # # # # #      |

Perl 6

Using the Automaton class defined at One-dimensional_cellular_automata#Perl_6:

<lang perl6>my @padding = 0 xx 10;

my Automaton $a .= new:

   :cells(flat @padding, 1, @padding);

say $a++ for ^10;</lang>

|          #          |
|         ###         |
|        ##  #        |
|       ## ####       |
|      ##  #   #      |
|     ## #### ###     |
|    ##  #    #  #    |
|   ## ####  ######   |
|  ##  #   ###     #  |
| ## #### ##  #   ### |


String-based solution <lang Phix>string s = ".........#.........", t=s, r = "........" integer rule = 90, k, l = length(s) for i=1 to 8 do

   r[i] = iff(mod(rule,2)?'#':'.')
   rule = floor(rule/2)

end for for i=0 to 50 do

   for j=1 to l do
       k = (s[iff(j=1?l:j-1)]='#')*4
         + (s[          j   ]='#')*2
         + (s[iff(j=l?1:j+1)]='#')+1
       t[j] = r[k]
   end for
   s = t

end for</lang> Output matches that of D and Python:wrap for rule = 90, 30, 122 (if you edit/run 3 times)


Python: Zero padded

Note: This only fitted the original task description that read:

You can deal with the limit conditions (what happens on the borders of the space) in any way you please.

<lang python>def eca(cells, rule):

   lencells = len(cells)
   c = "0" + cells + "0"    # Zero pad the ends
   rulebits = '{0:08b}'.format(rule)
   neighbours2next = {'{0:03b}'.format(n):rulebits[::-1][n] for n in range(8)}
   yield c[1:-1]
   while True:
       c = .join(['0',
                            for i in range(1,lencells+1)),
       yield c[1:-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

   lines, start, rules = 50, '0000000001000000000', (90, 30, 122)
   zipped = [range(lines)] + [eca(start, rule) for rule in rules]
   print('\n   Rules: %r' % (rules,))
   for data in zip(*zipped):
       i = data[0]
       cells = data[1:]
       print('%2i: %s' % (i, '    '.join(cells).replace('0', '.').replace('1', '#')))</lang>

(Note how Rule 30 does not look random).

   Rules: (90, 30, 122)
 0: .........#.........    .........#.........    .........#.........
 1: ........#.#........    ........###........    ........#.#........
 2: .......#...#.......    .......##..#.......    .......#.#.#.......
 3: ......#.#.#.#......    ......##.####......    ......#.#.#.#......
 4: .....#.......#.....    .....##..#...#.....    .....#.#.#.#.#.....
 5: ....#.#.....#.#....    ....##.####.###....    ....#.#.#.#.#.#....
 6: ...#...#...#...#...    ...##..#....#..#...    ...#.#.#.#.#.#.#...
 7: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    ..##.####..######..    ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..
 8: .#...............#.    .##..#...###.....#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
 9: #.#.............#.#    ##.####.##..#...###    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
10: ...#...........#...    #..#....#.####.##..    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
11: ..#.#.........#.#..    #####..##.#....#.#.    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
12: .#...#.......#...#.    #....###..##..##.##    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
13: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    ##..##..###.###..#.    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
14: .......#...#.......    #.###.###...#..####    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
15: ......#.#.#.#......    #.#...#..#.#####...    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
16: .....#.......#.....    #.##.#####.#....#..    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
17: ....#.#.....#.#....    #.#..#.....##..###.    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
18: ...#...#...#...#...    #.#####...##.###..#    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
19: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    #.#....#.##..#..###    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
20: .#...............#.    #.##..##.#.######..    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
21: #.#.............#.#    #.#.###..#.#.....#.    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
22: ...#...........#...    #.#.#..###.##...###    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
23: ..#.#.........#.#..    #.#.####...#.#.##..    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
24: .#...#.......#...#.    #.#.#...#.##.#.#.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
25: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    #.#.##.##.#..#.#.##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
26: .......#...#.......    #.#.#..#..####.#.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
27: ......#.#.#.#......    #.#.#######....#.##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
28: .....#.......#.....    #.#.#......#..##.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
29: ....#.#.....#.#....    #.#.##....#####..##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
30: ...#...#...#...#...    #.#.#.#..##....###.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
31: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    #.#.#.####.#..##..#    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
32: .#...............#.    #.#.#.#....####.###    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
33: #.#.............#.#    #.#.#.##..##....#..    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
34: ...#...........#...    #.#.#.#.###.#..###.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
35: ..#.#.........#.#..    #.#.#.#.#...####..#    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
36: .#...#.......#...#.    #.#.#.#.##.##...###    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
37: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    #.#.#.#.#..#.#.##..    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
38: .......#...#.......    #.#.#.#.####.#.#.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
39: ......#.#.#.#......    #.#.#.#.#....#.#.##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
40: .....#.......#.....    #.#.#.#.##..##.#.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
41: ....#.#.....#.#....    #.#.#.#.#.###..#.##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
42: ...#...#...#...#...    #.#.#.#.#.#..###.#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
43: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    #.#.#.#.#.####...##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
44: .#...............#.    #.#.#.#.#.#...#.##.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
45: #.#.............#.#    #.#.#.#.#.##.##.#.#    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
46: ...#...........#...    #.#.#.#.#.#..#..#.#    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
47: ..#.#.........#.#..    #.#.#.#.#.#######.#    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
48: .#...#.......#...#.    #.#.#.#.#.#.......#    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
49: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    #.#.#.#.#.##.....##    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#

Python: wrap

The ends of the cells wrap-around. <lang python>def eca_wrap(cells, rule):

   lencells = len(cells)
   rulebits = '{0:08b}'.format(rule)
   neighbours2next = {tuple('{0:03b}'.format(n)):rulebits[::-1][n] for n in range(8)}
   c = cells
   while True:
       yield c
       c = .join(neighbours2next[(c[i-1], c[i], c[(i+1) % lencells])] for i in range(lencells))

if __name__ == '__main__':

   lines, start, rules = 50, '0000000001000000000', (90, 30, 122)
   zipped = [range(lines)] + [eca_wrap(start, rule) for rule in rules]
   print('\n   Rules: %r' % (rules,))
   for data in zip(*zipped):
       i = data[0]
       cells = data[1:]
       print('%2i: %s' % (i, '    '.join(cells).replace('0', '.').replace('1', '#')))


   Rules: (90, 30, 122)
 0: .........#.........    .........#.........    .........#.........
 1: ........#.#........    ........###........    ........#.#........
 2: .......#...#.......    .......##..#.......    .......#.#.#.......
 3: ......#.#.#.#......    ......##.####......    ......#.#.#.#......
 4: .....#.......#.....    .....##..#...#.....    .....#.#.#.#.#.....
 5: ....#.#.....#.#....    ....##.####.###....    ....#.#.#.#.#.#....
 6: ...#...#...#...#...    ...##..#....#..#...    ...#.#.#.#.#.#.#...
 7: ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..    ..##.####..######..    ..#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..
 8: .#...............#.    .##..#...###.....#.    .#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.
 9: #.#.............#.#    ##.####.##..#...###    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#
10: #..#...........#..#    ...#....#.####.##..    ##.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.##
11: ###.#.........#.###    ..###..##.#....#.#.    .##.#.#.#.#.#.#.##.
12: ..#..#.......#..#..    .##..###..##..##.##    ####.#.#.#.#.#.####
13: .#.##.#.....#.##.#.    .#.###..###.###..#.    ...##.#.#.#.#.##...
14: #..##..#...#..##..#    ##.#..###...#..####    ..####.#.#.#.####..
15: #######.#.#.#######    ...####..#.#####...    .##..##.#.#.##..##.
16: ......#.....#......    ..##...###.#....#..    ########.#.########
17: .....#.#...#.#.....    .##.#.##...##..###.    .......##.##.......
18: ....#...#.#...#....    ##..#.#.#.##.###..#    ......#######......
19: ...#.#.#...#.#.#...    ..###.#.#.#..#..###    .....##.....##.....
20: ..#.....#.#.....#..    ###...#.#.#######..    ....####...####....
21: .#.#...#...#...#.#.    #..#.##.#.#......##    ...##..##.##..##...
22: #...#.#.#.#.#.#...#    .###.#..#.##....##.    ..###############..
23: ##.#...........#.##    ##...####.#.#..##.#    .##.............##.
24: .#..#.........#..#.    ..#.##....#.####..#    ####...........####
25: #.##.#.......#.##.#    ###.#.#..##.#...###    ...##.........##...
26: #.##..#.....#..##.#    ....#.####..##.##..    ..####.......####..
27: #.####.#...#.####.#    ...##.#...###..#.#.    .##..##.....##..##.
28: #.#..#..#.#..#..#.#    ..##..##.##..###.##    ########...########
29: #..##.##...##.##..#    ###.###..#.###...#.    .......##.##.......
30: #####.###.###.#####    #...#..###.#..#.##.    ......#######......
31: ....#.#.#.#.#.#....    ##.#####...####.#..    .....##.....##.....
32: ...#...........#...    #..#....#.##....###    ....####...####....
33: ..#.#.........#.#..    .####..##.#.#..##..    ...##..##.##..##...
34: .#...#.......#...#.    ##...###..#.####.#.    ..###############..
35: #.#.#.#.....#.#.#.#    #.#.##..###.#....#.    .##.............##.
36: #......#...#......#    #.#.#.###...##..##.    ####...........####
37: ##....#.#.#.#....##    #.#.#.#..#.##.###..    ...##.........##...
38: .##..#.......#..##.    #.#.#.####.#..#..##    ..####.......####..
39: #####.#.....#.#####    ..#.#.#....#######.    .##..##.....##..##.
40: ....#..#...#..#....    .##.#.##..##......#    ########...########
41: ...#.##.#.#.##.#...    .#..#.#.###.#....##    .......##.##.......
42: ..#..##.....##..#..    .####.#.#...##..##.    ......#######......
43: .#.#####...#####.#.    ##....#.##.##.###.#    .....##.....##.....
44: #..#...##.##...#..#    ..#..##.#..#..#...#    ....####...####....
45: ###.#.###.###.#.###    ######..########.##    ...##..##.##..##...
46: ..#...#.#.#.#...#..    ......###........#.    ..###############..
47: .#.#.#.......#.#.#.    .....##..#......###    .##.............##.
48: #.....#.....#.....#    #...##.####....##..    ####...........####
49: ##...#.#...#.#...##    ##.##..#...#..##.##    ...##.........##...

Python: Infinite

Note: This only fitted the original task description that read:

You can deal with the limit conditions (what happens on the borders of the space) in any way you please.

Pad and extend with inverse of end cells on each iteration. <lang python>def _notcell(c):

   return '0' if c == '1' else '1'

def eca_infinite(cells, rule):

   lencells = len(cells)
   rulebits = '{0:08b}'.format(rule)
   neighbours2next = {'{0:03b}'.format(n):rulebits[::-1][n] for n in range(8)}
   c = cells
   while True:
       yield c
       c = _notcell(c[0])*2 + c + _notcell(c[-1])*2    # Extend and pad the ends
       c = .join(neighbours2next[c[i-1:i+2]] for i in range(1,len(c) - 1))
       #yield c[1:-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

   lines, start, rules = 20, '1', (90, 30, 122)
   zipped = [range(lines)] + [eca_infinite(start, rule) for rule in rules]
   print('\n   Rules: %r' % (rules,))
   for data in zip(*zipped):
       i = data[0]
       cells = ['%s%s%s' % (' '*(lines - i), c, ' '*(lines - i)) for c in data[1:]]
       print('%2i: %s' % (i, '    '.join(cells).replace('0', '.').replace('1', '#')))</lang>
   Rules: (90, 30, 122)
 0:                          #                                                      #                                                      #                         
 1:                         #.#                                                    ###                                                    #.#                        
 2:                        #...#                                                  ##..#                                                  #.#.#                       
 3:                       #.#.#.#                                                ##.####                                                #.#.#.#                      
 4:                      #.......#                                              ##..#...#                                              #.#.#.#.#                     
 5:                     #.#.....#.#                                            ##.####.###                                            #.#.#.#.#.#                    
 6:                    #...#...#...#                                          ##..#....#..#                                          #.#.#.#.#.#.#                   
 7:                   #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#                                        ##.####..######                                        #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#                  
 8:                  #...............#                                      ##..#...###.....#                                      #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#                 
 9:                 #.#.............#.#                                    ##.####.##..#...###                                    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#                
10:                #...#...........#...#                                  ##..#....#.####.##..#                                  #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#               
11:               #.#.#.#.........#.#.#.#                                ##.####..##.#....#.####                                #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#              
12:              #.......#.......#.......#                              ##..#...###..##..##.#...#                              #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#             
13:             #.#.....#.#.....#.#.....#.#                            ##.####.##..###.###..##.###                            #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#            
14:            #...#...#...#...#...#...#...#                          ##..#....#.###...#..###..#..#                          #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#           
15:           #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#                        ##.####..##.#..#.#####..#######                        #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#          
16:          #...............................#                      ##..#...###..####.#....###......#                      #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#         
17:         #.#.............................#.#                    ##.####.##..###....##..##..#....###                    #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#        
18:        #...#...........................#...#                  ##..#....#.###..#..##.###.####..##..#                  #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#       
19:       #.#.#.#.........................#.#.#.#                ##.####..##.#..######..#...#...###.####                #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#      
20:      #.......#.......................#.......#              ##..#...###..####.....####.###.##...#...#              #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#     
21:     #.#.....#.#.....................#.#.....#.#            ##.####.##..###...#...##....#...#.#.###.###            #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#    
22:    #...#...#...#...................#...#...#...#          ##..#....#.###..#.###.##.#..###.##.#.#...#..#          #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#   
23:   #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.................#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#        ##.####..##.#..###.#...#..####...#..#.##.######        #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#  
24:  #...............#...............#...............#      ##..#...###..####...##.#####...#.#####.#..#.....#      #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.# 


This is the base code for the three elementary CA tasks. The "wrap" code is a little over-complicated for the simple cases of wrapping on word boundaries and for CA's with a narrower word. However, it will be used unmodified for Elementary cellular automaton/Infinite length.

<lang racket>#lang racket (require racket/fixnum) (provide usable-bits/fixnum usable-bits/fixnum-1 CA-next-generation

        wrap-rule-truncate-left-word show-automaton)

(define usable-bits/fixnum 30) (define usable-bits/fixnum-1 (sub1 usable-bits/fixnum)) (define usable-bits/mask (fx- (fxlshift 1 usable-bits/fixnum) 1)) (define 2^u-b-1 (fxlshift 1 usable-bits/fixnum-1)) (define (fxior3 a b c) (fxior (fxior a b) c)) (define (if-bit-set n i [result 1]) (if (bitwise-bit-set? n i) result 0))

(define (shift-right-1-bit-with-lsb-L L n)

 (fxior (if-bit-set L 0 2^u-b-1) (fxrshift n 1)))

(define (shift-left-1-bit-with-msb-R n R)

 (fxior (fxand usable-bits/mask (fxlshift n 1))
        (if-bit-set R usable-bits/fixnum-1)))

(define ((CA-next-bit-state rule) L n R)

 (for/fold ([n+ 0])
           ([b (in-range usable-bits/fixnum-1 -1 -1)])
   (define rule-bit (fxior3 (if-bit-set (shift-right-1-bit-with-lsb-L L n) b 4)
                            (if-bit-set n b 2)
                            (if-bit-set (shift-left-1-bit-with-msb-R n R) b)))
   (fxior (fxlshift n+ 1) (if-bit-set rule rule-bit))))
CA-next-generation generates a function which takes
an fxvector representing the CA's current state as a bit field. This may be mutated
the offset of the leftmost element of v-in; this is used in infinite CA to allow the CA
to occupy negative indices
provided for automata that are not an integer number of usable-bits/fixnum bits wide
wrap-rule = #f - v-in and offset are unchanged
(v-in vl-1 offset) -> (values v-out vl-1+ offset-)
v-in as passed into CA-next-generation
vl-1=(sub1 (length v-in)), since its precomputed vaule is needed
offset as passed into CA-next-generation
either a new copy of v-in, or v-in itself (which might be mutated)
(sub1 (length v-out))
a new value for offset (it will have decreased since the CA grows to the left
with offset, and to the right with (length v-out)

(define (CA-next-generation rule #:wrap-rule (wrap-rule values))

 (define next-state (CA-next-bit-state rule))
 (lambda (v-in offset)
   (define vl-1 (fx- (fxvector-length v-in) 1))
   (define-values [v+ v+l-1 offset-] (wrap-rule v-in vl-1 offset))
   (define rv
     (for/fxvector ([l (in-sequences (in-value (fxvector-ref v+ v+l-1)) (in-fxvector v+))]
                    [n (in-fxvector v+)]
                    [r (in-sequences (in-fxvector v+ 1) (in-value (fxvector-ref v+ 0)))])
       (next-state l n r)))
   (values rv offset-)))
CA-next-generation with the default (non) wrap rule wraps the MSB of the left-hand word (L) and the
LSB of the right-hand word (R) in the CA. If the CA is not a multiple of usable-bits/fixnum wide,
then we use this function to put these bits where they can be used... i.e. the actual MSB is copied
to the word's MSB and the LSB is copied to the bit that is to the left of the actual MSB.

(define (wrap-rule-truncate-left-word sig-bits)

 (define wlb-mask (fx- (fxlshift 1 sig-bits) 1))
 (unless (fx< sig-bits (fx- usable-bits/fixnum 1))
   (error "we need at least 2 bits in the top of the word to do this safely"))
 (lambda (v-in vl-1 offset)
   (define v0 (fxvector-ref v-in 0))
   ;; this must wrap to wlb of the first word
   (define last-bit (fxlshift (fxand 1 (fxvector-ref v-in vl-1)) sig-bits))
   ;; this must wrap to the extreme left of the first word
   (define first-bit (if-bit-set v0 (fx- sig-bits 1) 2^u-b-1))
   (fxvector-set! v-in 0 (fxior3 last-bit first-bit (fxand v0 wlb-mask)))
   (values v-in vl-1 offset)))
This displays a state of the CA

(define (show-automaton v #:step (step #f) #:sig-bits (sig-bits #f) #:push-right (push-right #f))

 (when step (printf "[~a] " (~a #:align 'right #:width 10 step)))
 (when push-right (display (make-string (* usable-bits/fixnum push-right) #\.)))
 (when (number? sig-bits)
   (display (~a #:width sig-bits #:align 'right #:pad-string "0"
                (number->string (fxvector-ref v 0) 2))))
 (for ([n (in-fxvector v (if sig-bits 1 0))])
   (display (~a #:width usable-bits/fixnum #:align 'right #:pad-string "0" (number->string n 2)))))

(module+ main

 (define ng/122/19-bits (CA-next-generation 122 #:wrap-rule (wrap-rule-truncate-left-word 19)))
 (for/fold ([v (fxvector #b1000000000)] [o 0]) ([step (in-range 40)])
   (show-automaton v #:step step #:sig-bits 19)
   (ng/122/19-bits v o)))</lang>
[         0] 0000000001000000000
[         1] 0000000010100000000
[         2] 0000000101010000000
[         3] 0000001010101000000
[         4] 0000010101010100000
[         5] 0000101010101010000
[         6] 0001010101010101000
[         7] 0010101010101010100
[         8] 0101010101010101010
[         9] 1010101010101010101
[        10] 1100000001111010101
[        11] 1100000001101101010
[        12] 1111010101010101111
[        13] 1100000001100011010
[        14] 0011110101010111100
[        15] 0110011010101100110
[        16] 1111111101011111111
[        17] 1100000001100000001
[        18] 0000001111111000000
[        19] 0000011000001100000
[        20] 0000111100011110000
[        21] 0001100110110011000
[        22] 0011111111111111100
[        23] 0110000000000000110
[        24] 1111000000000001111
[        25] 1100000001100011000
[        26] 0011110000000111100
[        27] 0110011000001100110
[        28] 1111111100011111111
[        29] 1100000001100000001
[        30] 0000001111111000000
[        31] 0000011000001100000
[        32] 0000111100011110000
[        33] 0001100110110011000
[        34] 0011111111111111100
[        35] 0110000000000000110
[        36] 1111000000000001111
[        37] 1100000001100011000
[        38] 0011110000000111100
[        39] 0110011000001100110


<lang ruby>class ElemCellAutomat

 include Enumerable
 def initialize (start_str, rule, disp=false)
   @cur = start_str
   @patterns = Hash[8.times.map{|i|["%03b"%i, "01"[rule[i]]]}]
   puts "Rule (#{rule}) : #@patterns" if disp
 def each
   return to_enum unless block_given?
   loop do
     yield @cur
     str = @cur[-1] + @cur + @cur[0]
     @cur = @cur.size.times.map {|i| @patterns[str[i,3]]}.join


eca = ElemCellAutomat.new('1'.center(39, "0"), 18, true) eca.take(30).each{|line| puts line.tr("01", ".#")}</lang>

Rule (18) : {"000"=>"0", "001"=>"1", "010"=>"0", "011"=>"0", "100"=>"1", "101"=>"0", "110"=>"0", "111"=>"0"}


<lang scheme>

uses SRFI-1 library http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html

(define (evolve ls r)

   (lambda (x) (null? (cddr x)))
   (lambda (x)
     (vector-ref r (+ (* 4 (first x)) (* 2 (second x)) (third x))))
   (cons (last ls) (append ls (list (car ls))))))

(define (automaton s r n)

 (define (*automaton s0 rv n)
   (for-each (lambda (x) (display (if (zero? x) #\. #\#))) s0)
   (if (not (zero? n))
     (let ((s1 (evolve s0 rv)))

(*automaton s1 rv (- n 1)))))

 (display "Rule ")
 (display r)

(int->bin r) (make-list (- 7 (floor (/ (log r) (log 2)))) 0)))


(automaton '(0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1) 30 20) </lang>

Rule 30


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>class Automaton(rule, cells) {

   method init {
       rule = sprintf("%08b", rule).chars.map{.to_i}.reverse
   method next {
       var previous = cells.map{_}
       var len = previous.len
       cells[] = rule[
                   previous.range.map { |i|
                       4*previous[i-1 % len] +
                       2*previous[i]         +
                       previous[i+1 % len]
   method to_s {
       cells.map { _ ? '#' : ' ' }.join


var size = 20 var arr = size.of(0) arr[size/2] = 1

var auto = Automaton(90, arr)

(size/2).times {

   print "|#{auto}|\n"


|          #         |
|         # #        |
|        #   #       |
|       # # # #      |
|      #       #     |
|     # #     # #    |
|    #   #   #   #   |
|   # # # # # # # #  |
|  #               # |
| # #             # #|


Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create ElementaryAutomaton {

   variable rules
   # Decode the rule number to get a collection of state mapping rules.
   # In effect, "compiles" the rule number
   constructor {ruleNumber} {

set ins {111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000} set bits [split [string range [format %08b $ruleNumber] end-7 end] ""] foreach input {111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000} state $bits { dict set rules $input $state }

   # Apply the rule to an automaton state to get a new automaton state.
   # We wrap the edges; the state space is circular.
   method evolve {state} {

set len [llength $state] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { lappend result [dict get $rules [ lindex $state [expr {($i-1)%$len}]][ lindex $state $i][ lindex $state [expr {($i+1)%$len}]]] } return $result

   # Simple driver method; omit the initial state to get a centred dot
   method run {steps {initialState ""}} {

if {[llength [info level 0]] < 4} { set initialState "[string repeat . $steps]1[string repeat . $steps]" } set s [split [string map ". 0 # 1" $initialState] ""] for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {incr i} { puts [string map "0 . 1 #" [join $s ""]] set s [my evolve $s] } puts [string map "0 . 1 #" [join $s ""]]


}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>puts "Rule 90 (with default state):" ElementaryAutomaton create rule90 90 rule90 run 20 puts "\nRule 122:" [ElementaryAutomaton new 122] run 25 "..........#......…."</lang>

Rule 90 (with default state):

Rule 122:


<lang zkl>fcn rule(n){ n=n.toString(2); "00000000"[n.len() - 8,*] + n } fcn applyRule(rule,cells){

  cells=String(cells[-1],cells,cells[0]); // wrap cell ends
  (cells.len() - 2).pump(String,'wrap(n){ rule[7 - cells[n,3].toInt(2)] })

}</lang> <lang zkl>cells:="0000000000000001000000000000000"; r90:=rule(90); map:=" *"; r90.println(" rule 90"); do(20){ cells.apply(map.get).println(); cells=applyRule(r90,cells); }</lang>

01011010 rule 90
              * *              
             *   *             
            * * * *            
           *       *           
          * *     * *          
         *   *   *   *         
        * * * * * * * *        
       *               *       
      * *             * *      
     *   *           *   *     
    * * * *         * * * *    
   *       *       *       *   
  * *     * *     * *     * *  
 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                             *
**                           **
 **                         ** 
****                       ****