Ordered partitions: Difference between revisions

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Line 635: Line 635:
[2 4 ][][1 3 ]
[2 4 ][][1 3 ]
[3 4 ][][1 2 ]</pre>
[3 4 ][][1 2 ]</pre>

<lang scheme>
(lib 'list) ;; (combinations L k)

;; add a combination to each partition in ps
(define (pproduct c ps) (for/list ((x ps)) (cons c x)))

;; apply to any type of set S
;; ns is list of cardinals for each partition
;; for all combinations Ci of n objects from S
;; set S <- LS minus Ci , set n <- next n , and recurse

(define (_partitions S ns )
([empty? (rest ns)] (list (combinations S (first ns))))
(for/fold (parts null)
([c (combinations S (first ns))])
(pproduct c (_partitions (set-substract S c) (rest ns))))))))
;; task : S = ( 0 , 1 ... n-1) args = ns
(define (partitions . args)
(_partitions (range 1 (1+ (apply + args))) args )))
(partitions 1 1 1)
({ 1 } { 2 } { 3 })
({ 1 } { 3 } { 2 })
({ 2 } { 1 } { 3 })
({ 2 } { 3 } { 1 })
({ 3 } { 1 } { 2 })
({ 3 } { 2 } { 1 })

(partitions 2 0 2)
({ 1 2 } () { 3 4 })
({ 1 3 } () { 2 4 })
({ 1 4 } () { 2 3 })
({ 2 3 } () { 1 4 })
({ 2 4 } () { 1 3 })
({ 3 4 } () { 1 2 })

(for-each writeln (_partitions (make-set '(b a d c )) '(1 2 1)))
({ a } { b c } { d })
({ a } { b d } { c })
({ a } { c d } { b })
({ b } { a c } { d })
({ b } { a d } { c })
({ b } { c d } { a })
({ c } { a b } { d })
({ c } { a d } { b })
({ c } { b d } { a })
({ d } { a b } { c })
({ d } { a c } { b })
({ d } { b c } { a })


Revision as of 22:27, 19 February 2016

Ordered partitions
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task we want to find the ordered partitions into fixed-size blocks. This task is related to Combinations in that it has to do with discrete mathematics and moreover a helper function to compute combinations is (probably) needed to solve this task.

should generate all distributions of the elements in into blocks of respective size .

Example 1: would create:

{({1, 2}, {}, {3, 4}), 
 ({1, 3}, {}, {2, 4}), 
 ({1, 4}, {}, {2, 3}), 
 ({2, 3}, {}, {1, 4}), 
 ({2, 4}, {}, {1, 3}), 
 ({3, 4}, {}, {1, 2})}

Example 2: would create:

{({1}, {2}, {3}), 
 ({1}, {3}, {2}), 
 ({2}, {1}, {3}), 
 ({2}, {3}, {1}), 
 ({3}, {1}, {2}), 
 ({3}, {2}, {1})}

Note that the number of elements in the list is

(see the definition of the binomial coefficient if you are not familiar with this notation) and the number of elements remains the same regardless of how the argument is permuted (i.e. the multinomial coefficient). Also, creates the permutations of and thus there would be elements in the list.

Note: Do not use functions that are not in the standard library of the programming language you use. Your file should be written so that it can be executed on the command line and by default outputs the result of . If the programming language does not support polyvariadic functions pass a list as an argument.


Here are some explanatory remarks on the notation used in the task description:

denotes the set of consecutive numbers from to , e.g. if . is the mathematical notation for summation, e.g. (see also [1]). are the arguments — natural numbers — that the sought function receives.


partitions.ads: <lang Ada>with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; package Partitions is

  -- Argument type for Create_Partitions: Array of Numbers
  type Arguments is array (Positive range <>) of Natural;
  package Number_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets
  type Partition is array (Positive range <>) of Number_Sets.Set;
  function "<" (Left, Right : Partition) return Boolean;
  package Partition_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets
  function Create_Partitions (Args : Arguments) return Partition_Sets.Set;

end Partitions;</lang>

partitions.adb: <lang Ada>package body Partitions is

  -- compare number sets (not provided)
  function "<" (Left, Right : Number_Sets.Set) return Boolean is
     use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
     use Number_Sets;
     Left_Pos  : Cursor := Left.First;
     Right_Pos : Cursor := Right.First;
     -- compare each element, until one or both lists finishes
     while Left_Pos /= No_Element and then Right_Pos /= No_Element loop
        -- compare elements
        if Element (Left_Pos) < Element (Right_Pos) then
           return True;
        elsif Element (Left_Pos) > Element (Right_Pos) then
           return False;
        end if;
        -- increase iterator
        Next (Left_Pos);
        Next (Right_Pos);
     end loop;
     -- Right is longer
     if Right_Pos /= No_Element then
        return True;
        -- Left is longer, or Left and Right are identical.
        return False;
     end if;
  end "<";
  -- compare two Partitions
  function "<" (Left, Right : Partition) return Boolean is
     use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
     use type Number_Sets.Set;
     -- check length
     if Left'Length < Right'Length then
        return True;
     elsif Left'Length > Right'Length then
        return False;
     end if;
     -- same length
     if Left'Length > 0 then
        for I in Left'Range loop
           if Left (I) < Right (I) then
              return True;
           elsif Left (I) /= Right (I) then
              return False;
           end if;
        end loop;
     end if;
     -- length = 0 are always smallest
     return False;
  end "<";
  -- create partitions (as the task describes)
  function Create_Partitions (Args : Arguments) return Partition_Sets.Set is
     -- permutations needed
     type Permutation is array (Positive range <>) of Natural;
     -- exception to be thrown after last permutation reached
     No_More_Permutations : exception;
     -- get initial permutation (ordered small->big)
     function Initial_Permutation (Max : Natural) return Permutation is
        Result : Permutation (1 .. Max);
        for I in 1 .. Max loop
           Result (I) := I;
        end loop;
        return Result;
     end Initial_Permutation;
     -- get next permutation
     function Next_Permutation (Current : Permutation) return Permutation is
        K      : Natural     := Current'Last - 1;
        L      : Positive    := Current'Last;
        Result : Permutation := Current;
        -- 1. Find the largest index k such that a[k] < a[k + 1].
        while K /= 0 and then Current (K) > Current (K + 1) loop
           K := K - 1;
        end loop;
        -- If no such index exists, the permutation is the last permutation.
        if K = 0 then
           raise No_More_Permutations;
        end if;
        -- 2. Find the largest index l such that a[k] < a[l].
        -- Since k + 1 is such an index, l is well defined
        -- and satisfies k < l.
        while Current (K) > Current (L) loop
           L := L - 1;
        end loop;
        -- 3. Swap a[k] with a[l].
        Result (K) := Current (L);
        Result (L) := Current (K);
        -- 4. Reverse the sequence from a[k + 1] up to and including the
        -- final element a[n].
        for I in 1 .. (Result'Last - K) / 2 loop
              Temp : constant Natural := Result (K + I);
              Result (K + I)               := Result (Result'Last - I + 1);
              Result (Result'Last - I + 1) := Temp;
        end loop;
        return Result;
     end Next_Permutation;
     Result : Partition_Sets.Set;
     Sum    : Natural := 0;
     -- get number of elements
     for I in Args'Range loop
        Sum := Sum + Args (I);
     end loop;
     -- initial permutation
        Current_Permutation : Permutation := Initial_Permutation (Sum);
        -- loop through permutations
        -- create Partition (same count of Number_Sets.Set as Args)
              Item              : Natural := Current_Permutation'First;
              Current_Partition : Partition (Args'Range);
              -- loop each partition
              for I in Args'Range loop
                 -- fill in the number of elements requested
                 for J in 1 .. Args (I) loop
                    Current_Partition (I).Insert
                      (New_Item => Current_Permutation (Item));
                    Item := Item + 1;
                 end loop;
              end loop;
              -- insert partition into result set
              Result.Insert (New_Item => Current_Partition);
              when Constraint_Error =>
                 -- partition was already inserted, ignore it.
                 -- this happens when one of the args > 1.
           -- create next permutation
           Current_Permutation := Next_Permutation (Current_Permutation);
        end loop;
        when No_More_Permutations =>
           -- no more permutations, we are finished
     return Result;
  end Create_Partitions;

end Partitions;</lang>

example main.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Partitions; procedure Main is

  package Natural_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Natural);
  Example_Partitions : Partitions.Partition_Sets.Set;


  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Partitions for (2, 0, 2):");
  -- create partition
  Example_Partitions := Partitions.Create_Partitions (Args => (2, 0, 2));
  -- pretty print the result
     use type Partitions.Partition_Sets.Cursor;
     Position : Partitions.Partition_Sets.Cursor := Example_Partitions.First;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put ('{');
     while Position /= Partitions.Partition_Sets.No_Element loop
        if Position /= Example_Partitions.First then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (' ');
        end if;
           Current_Partition : constant Partitions.Partition :=
              Partitions.Partition_Sets.Element (Position);
           Ada.Text_IO.Put ('(');
           for I in Current_Partition'Range loop
              Ada.Text_IO.Put ('{');
                 use type Partitions.Number_Sets.Cursor;
                 Current_Number : Partitions.Number_Sets.Cursor :=
                    Current_Partition (I).First;
                 while Current_Number /= Partitions.Number_Sets.No_Element
                      (Item  =>
                          Partitions.Number_Sets.Element (Current_Number),
                       Width => 1);
                    Partitions.Number_Sets.Next (Current_Number);
                    if Current_Number /=
                       Partitions.Number_Sets.No_Element then
                       Ada.Text_IO.Put (',');
                    end if;
                 end loop;
              Ada.Text_IO.Put ('}');
              if I /= Current_Partition'Last then
                 Ada.Text_IO.Put (", ");
              end if;
           end loop;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put (')');
        Partitions.Partition_Sets.Next (Position);
        if Position /= Partitions.Partition_Sets.No_Element then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (',');
        end if;
     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put ('}');

end Main;</lang>


Partitions for (2, 0, 2):
{({1,2}, {}, {3,4}),
 ({1,3}, {}, {2,4}),
 ({1,4}, {}, {2,3}),
 ({2,3}, {}, {1,4}),
 ({2,4}, {}, {1,3}),
 ({3,4}, {}, {1,2})}


<lang bbcbasic> DIM list1%(2) : list1%() = 2, 0, 2

     PRINT "partitions(2,0,2):"
     PRINT FNpartitions(list1%())
     DIM list2%(2) : list2%() = 1, 1, 1
     PRINT "partitions(1,1,1):"
     PRINT FNpartitions(list2%())
     DIM list3%(3) : list3%() = 1, 2, 0, 1
     PRINT "partitions(1,2,0,1):"
     PRINT FNpartitions(list3%())
     DEF FNpartitions(list%())
     LOCAL i%, j%, n%, p%, o$, x%()
     n% = DIM(list%(),1)
     DIM x%(SUM(list%())-1)
     FOR i% = 0 TO n%
       IF list%(i%) THEN
         FOR j% = 1 TO list%(i%)
           x%(p%) = i%
           p% += 1
     NEXT i%
       FOR i% = 0 TO n%
         o$ += " ( "
         FOR j% = 0 TO DIM(x%(),1)
           IF x%(j%) = i% o$ += STR$(j%+1) + " "
         o$ += ")"
       NEXT i%
       o$ += CHR$13 + CHR$10
     UNTIL NOT FNperm(x%())
     = o$
     DEF FNperm(x%())
     LOCAL i%, j%
     FOR i% = DIM(x%(),1)-1 TO 0 STEP -1
       IF x%(i%) < x%(i%+1) EXIT FOR
     IF i% < 0 THEN = FALSE
     j% = DIM(x%(),1)
     WHILE x%(j%) <= x%(i%) j% -= 1 : ENDWHILE
     SWAP x%(i%), x%(j%)
     i% += 1
     j% = DIM(x%(),1)
     WHILE i% < j%
       SWAP x%(i%), x%(j%)
       i% += 1
       j% -= 1
     = TRUE</lang>


 ( 1 2 ) ( ) ( 3 4 )
 ( 1 3 ) ( ) ( 2 4 )
 ( 1 4 ) ( ) ( 2 3 )
 ( 2 3 ) ( ) ( 1 4 )
 ( 2 4 ) ( ) ( 1 3 )
 ( 3 4 ) ( ) ( 1 2 )

 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
 ( 1 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 )
 ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 3 )
 ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 )
 ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 )
 ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 )

 ( 1 ) ( 2 3 ) ( ) ( 4 )
 ( 1 ) ( 2 4 ) ( ) ( 3 )
 ( 1 ) ( 3 4 ) ( ) ( 2 )
 ( 2 ) ( 1 3 ) ( ) ( 4 )
 ( 2 ) ( 1 4 ) ( ) ( 3 )
 ( 3 ) ( 1 2 ) ( ) ( 4 )
 ( 4 ) ( 1 2 ) ( ) ( 3 )
 ( 3 ) ( 1 4 ) ( ) ( 2 )
 ( 4 ) ( 1 3 ) ( ) ( 2 )
 ( 2 ) ( 3 4 ) ( ) ( 1 )
 ( 3 ) ( 2 4 ) ( ) ( 1 )
 ( 4 ) ( 2 3 ) ( ) ( 1 )


Watch out for blank for loops. Iterative permutation generation is described at [[2]]; code messness is purely mine. <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

int next_perm(int size, int * nums) {

       int *l, *k, tmp;
       for (k = nums + size - 2; k >= nums && k[0] >= k[1]; k--) {};
       if (k < nums) return 0;
       for (l = nums + size - 1; *l <= *k; l--) {};
       tmp = *k; *k = *l; *l = tmp;
       for (l = nums + size - 1, k++; k < l; k++, l--) {
               tmp = *k; *k = *l; *l = tmp;
       return 1;


void make_part(int n, int * sizes) {

       int x[1024], i, j, *ptr, len = 0;
       for (ptr = x, i = 0; i < n; i++)
               for (j = 0, len += sizes[i]; j < sizes[i]; j++, *(ptr++) = i);
       do {
               for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                       printf(" { ");
                       for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
                               if (x[j] == i) printf("%d ", j);
       } while (next_perm(len, x));


int main() {

       int s1[] = {2, 0, 2};
       int s2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
       printf("Part 2 0 2:\n");
       make_part(3, s1);
       printf("\nPart 1 2 3 4:\n");
       make_part(4, s2);
       return 1;

}</lang> Output:

Part 2 0 2:
 { 0 1 } { } { 2 3 }
 { 0 2 } { } { 1 3 }
 { 0 3 } { } { 1 2 }
 { 1 2 } { } { 0 3 }
 { 1 3 } { } { 0 2 }
 { 2 3 } { } { 0 1 }

Part 1 2 3 4:
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 4 5 } { 6 7 8 9 }
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 4 6 } { 5 7 8 9 }
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 4 7 } { 5 6 8 9 }
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 4 8 } { 5 6 7 9 }
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 4 9 } { 5 6 7 8 }
 { 0 } { 1 2 } { 3 5 6 } { 4 7 8 9 }

With bitfield:<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned int uint;

int parts[] = {2, 1, 2};

  1. define n_parts sizeof(parts)/sizeof(parts[0])

int bits[n_parts];

void show_part(uint x) { uint i; putchar('{'); for (i = 0; (1 << i) <= x; i ++) if (x & (1 << i)) printf(" %d", i + 1);

printf("%s", " } "); }

void gen_bits(uint mask, uint all, uint res, int n, int pid) { uint i; while (!n) { bits[pid++] = res; if (pid == n_parts) { for (i = 0; i < n_parts; i++) show_part(bits[i]); putchar('\n'); return; } mask = all &= ~res; res = 0; n = parts[pid]; }

while (mask) { mask &= ~(i = mask & -(int)mask); gen_bits(mask, all, res | i, n - 1, pid); } }

int main(void) { uint i, m; for (m = 1, i = 0; i < n_parts; i++) m <<= parts[i]; m--;

gen_bits(m, m, 0, parts[0], 0);

return 0; }</lang>

Common Lisp

Lexicographical generation of partitions. Pros: can handle duplicate elements; probably faster than some methods generating all permutations then throwing bad ones out. Cons: clunky (which is probably my fault). <lang lisp>(defun fill-part (x i j l)

 (let ((e (elt x i)))
   (loop for c in l do

(loop while (>= j (length e)) do (setf j 0 e (elt x (incf i)))) (setf (elt e j) c) (incf j))))

take a list of lists and return next partitioning
it's caller's responsibility to ensure each sublist is sorted

(defun next-part (list cmp)

 (let* ((l (coerce list 'vector))

(i (1- (length l))) (e (elt l i)))

   (loop while (<= 0 (decf i)) do

 ;; e holds all the right most elements (let ((p (elt l i)) (q (car (last e))))  ;; find the right-most list that has an element that's smaller  ;; than _something_ in later lists (when (and p (funcall cmp (first p) q))  ;; find largest element that can be increased (loop for j from (1- (length p)) downto 0 do (when (funcall cmp (elt p j) q)  ;; find the smallest element that's larger than  ;; that largest (loop for x from 0 to (1- (length e)) do (when (funcall cmp (elt p j) (elt e x)) (rotatef (elt p j) (elt e x)) (loop while (< (incf j) (length p)) do (setf (elt p j) (elt e (incf x)) (elt e x) nil)) (fill-part l i j (remove nil e)) (return-from next-part l)))) (setf e (append e (list (elt p j)))))) (setf e (append e p))))))

(let ((a '#((1 2) () (3 4))))

 (loop while a do

(format t "~a~%" a) (setf a (next-part a #'<))))

(write-line "with dupe elements:") (let ((a '#((a c) (c c d))))

 (loop while a do

(format t "~a~%" a) (setf a (next-part a #'string<))))</lang>output

#((1 2) NIL (3 4))
#((1 3) NIL (2 4))
#((1 4) NIL (2 3))
#((2 3) NIL (1 4))
#((2 4) NIL (1 3))
#((3 4) NIL (1 2))
with dupe elements:
#((A C) (C C D))
#((A D) (C C C))
#((C C) (A C D))
#((C D) (A C C))


Translation of: Python

Using module of the third D entry of the Combination Task. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.array, std.conv,


alias iRNG = int[];

iRNG[][] orderPart(iRNG blockSize...) {

   iRNG tot = iota(1, 1 + blockSize.sum).array;
   iRNG[][] p(iRNG s, in iRNG b) {
       if (b.empty)
           return [[]];
       iRNG[][] res;
       foreach (c; s.combinations(b[0]))
           foreach (r; p(setDifference(s, c).array, b.dropOne))
               res ~= c.dup ~ r;
       return res;
   return p(tot, blockSize);


void main(in string[] args) {

   auto b = args.length > 1 ? args.dropOne.to!(int[]) : [2, 0, 2];
   writefln("%(%s\n%)", b.orderPart);


[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]

Alternative Version

Translation of: C

<lang d>import core.stdc.stdio;

void genBits(size_t N)(ref uint[N] bits, in ref uint[N] parts,

                      uint mask, uint all, uint res, uint n, uint pid)

nothrow @nogc {

   static void showPart(in uint x) nothrow @nogc {
       for (uint i = 0; (1 << i) <= x; i++)
           if (x & (1 << i))
               printf("%d ", i + 1);
   while (!n) {
       bits[pid] = res;
       if (pid == N) {
           foreach (immutable b; bits)
       all &= ~res;
       mask = all;
       res = 0;
       n = parts[pid];
   while (mask) {
       immutable uint i = mask & -int(mask);
       mask &= ~i;
       genBits(bits, parts, mask, all, res | i, n - 1, pid);


void main() nothrow @nogc {

   immutable uint[3] parts = [2, 0, 2];
   uint m = 1;
   foreach (immutable p; parts)
       m <<= p;
   uint[parts.length] bits;
   genBits(bits, parts, m - 1, m - 1, 0, parts[0], 0);


[1 2 ][][3 4 ]
[1 3 ][][2 4 ]
[1 4 ][][2 3 ]
[2 3 ][][1 4 ]
[2 4 ][][1 3 ]
[3 4 ][][1 2 ]


<lang scheme> (lib 'list) ;; (combinations L k)

add a combination to each partition in ps

(define (pproduct c ps) (for/list ((x ps)) (cons c x)))

apply to any type of set S
ns is list of cardinals for each partition
for all combinations Ci of n objects from S
set S <- LS minus Ci , set n <- next n , and recurse

(define (_partitions S ns )

   ([empty? (rest ns)]  (list (combinations S (first ns))))
       (for/fold (parts null)
       ([c (combinations S (first ns))])
          (pproduct c (_partitions (set-substract S c) (rest ns))))))))
S = ( 0 , 1 ... n-1) args = ns

(define (partitions . args)



       (_partitions (range 1  (1+ (apply + args))) args )))


(partitions 1 1 1)
({ 1 } { 2 } { 3 })    
({ 1 } { 3 } { 2 })    
({ 2 } { 1 } { 3 })    
({ 2 } { 3 } { 1 })    
({ 3 } { 1 } { 2 })    
({ 3 } { 2 } { 1 })    

(partitions 2 0 2)
({ 1 2 } () { 3 4 })    
({ 1 3 } () { 2 4 })    
({ 1 4 } () { 2 3 })    
({ 2 3 } () { 1 4 })    
({ 2 4 } () { 1 3 })    
({ 3 4 } () { 1 2 })   

(for-each writeln (_partitions (make-set '(b a d c )) '(1 2 1)))
({ a } { b c } { d })    
({ a } { b d } { c })    
({ a } { c d } { b })    
({ b } { a c } { d })    
({ b } { a d } { c })    
({ b } { c d } { a })    
({ c } { a b } { d })    
({ c } { a d } { b })    
({ c } { b d } { a })    
({ d } { a b } { c })    
({ d } { a c } { b })    
({ d } { b c } { a })    


Translation of: Ruby

Brute force approach: <lang elixir>defmodule Ordered do

 def partition([]), do: [[]]
 def partition(mask) do
   sum = Enum.sum(mask)
   if sum == 0 do
     [Enum.map(mask, fn _ -> [] end)]
     |> permute
     |> Enum.reduce([], fn perm,acc -> 
          {_, part} = Enum.reduce(mask, {perm,[]}, fn num,{pm,a} ->
            {p, rest} = Enum.split(pm, num)
            {rest, [Enum.sort(p) | a]}
          [Enum.reverse(part) | acc]
     |> Enum.uniq
 defp permute([]), do: [[]]
 defp permute(list), do: for x <- list, y <- permute(list -- [x]), do: [x|y]


Enum.each([[],[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,0,2]], fn test_case ->

 IO.puts "\npartitions #{inspect test_case}:"
 Enum.each(Ordered.partition(test_case), fn part ->
   IO.inspect part


partitions []:

partitions [0, 0, 0]:
[[], [], []]

partitions [1, 1, 1]:
[[3], [2], [1]]
[[3], [1], [2]]
[[2], [3], [1]]
[[2], [1], [3]]
[[1], [3], [2]]
[[1], [2], [3]]

partitions [2, 0, 2]:
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]


<lang gap>FixedPartitions := function(arg) local aux; aux := function(i, u) local r, v, w; if i = Size(arg) then return u; else r := [ ]; for v in Combinations(u, arg[i]) do for w in aux(i + 1, Difference(u, v)) do Add(r, Concatenation([v], w)); od; od; return r; fi; end; return aux(1, [1 .. Sum(arg)]); end;

FixedPartitions(2, 0, 2);

  1. [ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ ], [ 3, 4 ] ], [ [ 1, 3 ], [ ], [ 2, 4 ] ],
  2. [ [ 1, 4 ], [ ], [ 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 2, 3 ], [ ], [ 1, 4 ] ],
  3. [ [ 2, 4 ], [ ], [ 1, 3 ] ], [ [ 3, 4 ], [ ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ]

FixedPartitions(1, 1, 1);

  1. [ [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ], [ [ 1 ], [ 3 ], [ 2 ] ], [ [ 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 3 ] ],
  2. [ [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 1 ] ], [ [ 3 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ], [ [ 3 ], [ 2 ], [ 1 ] ] ]</lang>


<lang go>package main

import ( "fmt" "os" "strconv" )

func gen_part(n, res []int, pos int) { if pos == len(res) { x := make([][]int, len(n)) for i, c := range res { x[c] = append(x[c], i+1) }

fmt.Println(x) return }

for i := range n { if n[i] == 0 { continue } n[i], res[pos] = n[i]-1, i gen_part(n, res, pos+1) n[i]++ } }

func ordered_part(n_parts []int) { fmt.Println("Ordered", n_parts)

sum := 0 for _, c := range n_parts { sum += c }

gen_part(n_parts, make([]int, sum), 0) }

func main() { if len(os.Args) < 2 { ordered_part([]int{2, 0, 2}) return } n := make([]int, len(os.Args)-1) var err error for i, a := range os.Args[1:] { n[i], err = strconv.Atoi(a) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } if n[i] < 0 { fmt.Println("negative partition size not meaningful") return } } ordered_part(n) }</lang> Example command line use:

> op
Ordered [2 0 2]
[[1 2] [] [3 4]]
[[1 3] [] [2 4]]
[[1 4] [] [2 3]]
[[2 3] [] [1 4]]
[[2 4] [] [1 3]]
[[3 4] [] [1 2]]

> op 1 1 1
Ordered [1 1 1]
[[1] [2] [3]]
[[1] [3] [2]]
[[2] [1] [3]]
[[3] [1] [2]]
[[2] [3] [1]]
[[3] [2] [1]]

> op 1 2 3 4 | head
Ordered [1 2 3 4]
[[1] [2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 5 7] [6 8 9 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 5 8] [6 7 9 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 5 9] [6 7 8 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 5 10] [6 7 8 9]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 6 7] [5 8 9 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 6 8] [5 7 9 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 6 9] [5 7 8 10]]
[[1] [2 3] [4 6 10] [5 7 8 9]]


Solution: <lang groovy>def partitions = { int... sizes ->

   int n = (sizes as List).sum()
   def perms = n == 0 ? [[]] : (1..n).permutations()
   Set parts = perms.collect { p -> sizes.collect { s -> (0..<s).collect { p.pop() } as Set } }
   parts.sort{ a, b ->
       if (!a) return 0
   def comp = [a,b].transpose().find { aa, bb -> aa != bb }
   if (!comp) return 0
   def recomp = comp.collect{ it as List }.transpose().find { aa, bb -> aa != bb }
       if (!recomp) return 0
       return recomp[0] <=> recomp[1]


Test: <lang groovy>partitions(2, 0, 2).each {

   println it



[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]


<lang haskell>import Data.List ((\\))

comb :: Int -> [a] -> a comb 0 _ = [[]] comb _ [] = [] comb k (x:xs) = map (x:) (comb (k-1) xs) ++ comb k xs

partitions :: [Int] -> [[[Int]]] partitions xs = p [1..sum xs] xs

   where p _ []      = [[]]
         p xs (k:ks) = [ cs:rs | cs <- comb k xs, rs <- p (xs \\ cs) ks ]

main = print $ partitions [2,0,2]</lang>

An alternative where \\ is not needed anymore because comb now not only keeps the chosen elements but also the not chosen elements together in a tuple.

<lang haskell>comb :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])] comb 0 xs = [([],xs)] comb _ [] = [] comb k (x:xs) = [ (x:cs,zs) | (cs,zs) <- comb (k-1) xs ] ++

               [ (cs,x:zs) | (cs,zs) <- comb  k    xs ]

partitions :: [Int] -> [[[Int]]] partitions xs = p [1..sum xs] xs

   where p _ []      = [[]]
         p xs (k:ks) = [ cs:rs | (cs,zs) <- comb k xs, rs <- p zs ks ]

main = print $ partitions [2,0,2]</lang>



Faster by keeping track of the length of lists: <lang haskell>-- choose m out of n items, return tuple of chosen and the rest choose aa _ 0 = [([], aa)] choose aa@(a:as) n m | n == m = [(aa, [])] | otherwise = map (\(x,y) -> (a:x, y)) (choose as (n-1) (m-1)) ++ map (\(x,y) -> (x, a:y)) (choose as (n-1) m)

partitions x = combos [1..n] n x where n = sum x combos _ _ [] = [[]] combos s n (x:xs) = [ l : r | (l,rest) <- choose s n x, r <- combos rest (n - x) xs]

main = mapM_ print $ partitions [5,5,5]</lang>


Brute force approach:

<lang j>require'stats' partitions=: ([,] {L:0 (i.@#@, -. [)&;)/"1@>@,@{@({@comb&.> +/\.)</lang>

First we compute each of the corresponding combinations for each argument, then we form their cartesian product and then we restructure each of those products by: eliminating from values populating the the larger set combinations the combinations already picked from the smaller set and using the combinations from the larger set to index into the options which remain.


<lang j> partitions 2 0 2 ┌───┬┬───┐ │0 1││2 3│ ├───┼┼───┤ │0 2││1 3│ ├───┼┼───┤ │0 3││1 2│ ├───┼┼───┤ │1 2││0 3│ ├───┼┼───┤ │1 3││0 2│ ├───┼┼───┤ │2 3││0 1│ └───┴┴───┘

  partitions 1 1 1

┌─┬─┬─┐ │0│1│2│ ├─┼─┼─┤ │0│2│1│ ├─┼─┼─┤ │1│0│2│ ├─┼─┼─┤ │1│2│0│ ├─┼─┼─┤ │2│0│1│ ├─┼─┼─┤ │2│1│0│ └─┴─┴─┘

  #partitions 2 3 5


  #partitions 5 7 11

|out of memory: partitions | # partitions 5 7 11

  */ (! +/\.)5 7 11


  #partitions 3 5 7


  */ (! +/\.)3 5 7


Here's some intermediate results for that first example:

<lang J> +/\. 2 0 2 4 2 2

  ({@comb&.> +/\.) 2 0 2

┌─────────────────────────┬──┬─────┐ │┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐│┌┐│┌───┐│ ││0 1│0 2│0 3│1 2│1 3│2 3││││││0 1││ │└───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘│└┘│└───┘│ └─────────────────────────┴──┴─────┘

  >@,@{@({@comb&.> +/\.) 2 0 2

┌───┬┬───┐ │0 1││0 1│ ├───┼┼───┤ │0 2││0 1│ ├───┼┼───┤ │0 3││0 1│ ├───┼┼───┤ │1 2││0 1│ ├───┼┼───┤ │1 3││0 1│ ├───┼┼───┤ │2 3││0 1│ └───┴┴───┘</lang>

In other words, initially we just work with relevant combinations (working from right to left). To understand the step which produces the final result, consider this next sequence of results (J's / operator works from right to left, as that's the pattern established by assignment operations, and because that has some interesting and useful mathematical properties):

<lang J> ([,] {L:0 (i.@#@, -. [)&;)/0 1;0 1 ┌───┬───┐ │0 1│2 3│ └───┴───┘

  ([,] {L:0 (i.@#@, -. [)&;)/0 1;0 1;0 1

┌───┬───┬───┐ │0 1│2 3│4 5│ └───┴───┴───┘

  ([,] {L:0 (i.@#@, -. [)&;)/0 1;0 1;0 1;0 1

┌───┬───┬───┬───┐ │0 1│2 3│4 5│6 7│ └───┴───┴───┴───┘</lang>

Breaking down that last example:

<lang J> (<0 1) ([,] {L:0 (i.@#@, -. [)&;)0 1;2 3;4 5 ┌───┬───┬───┬───┐ │0 1│2 3│4 5│6 7│ └───┴───┴───┴───┘</lang>

Here, on the right hand side we form 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5, count how many things are in it (8), form 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 from that and then remove 0 1 (the values in the left argument) leaving us with 2 3 4 5 6 7. Meanwhile, on the left side, keep our left argument intact and use the indices in the remaining boxes to select from the right argument. In theoretical terms this is not particularly efficient, but we are working with very short lists here (because otherwise we run out of memory for the result as a whole), so the actual cost is trivial. Also note that sequential loops tend to be faster than nested loops (though we do get the effect of a nested loop, here - and that was the theoretical inefficiency).


Functional (ES 5)

Translation of: Haskell

<lang JavaScript>(function () {

 'use strict';
 // [n] -> [[[n]]]
 function partitions(a1, a2, a3) {
   var n = a1 + a2 + a3;
   return combos(range(1, n), n, [a1, a2, a3]);
 function combos(s, n, xxs) {
   if (!xxs.length) return [[]];
   var x = xxs[0],
       xs = xxs.slice(1);
   return mb( choose(s, n, x),                 function (l_rest) {
   return mb( combos(l_rest[1], (n - x), xs),  function (r) {
     // monadic return/injection requires 1 additional
     // layer of list nesting:
     return [ [l_rest[0]].concat(r) ];
 function choose(aa, n, m) {
   if (!m) return [[[], aa]];
   var a = aa[0],
       as = aa.slice(1);
   return n === m ? (
     [[aa, []]]
   ) : (
     choose(as, n - 1, m - 1).map(function (xy) {
       return [[a].concat(xy[0]), xy[1]];
     }).concat(choose(as, n - 1, m).map(function (xy) {
       return [xy[0], [a].concat(xy[1])];
 // Monadic bind (chain) for lists
 function mb(xs, f) {
   return [].concat.apply([], xs.map(f));
 // [m..n]
 function range(m, n) {
   return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
     return m + i;
 return partitions(2, 0, 2);



<lang JavaScript>[[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]],

[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]],
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]],
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]],
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]],
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]]</lang>


Works with: jq version 1.4

The approach adopted here is similar to the #Python solution. <lang jq># Generate a stream of the distinct combinations of r items taken from the input array. def combination(r):

 if r > length or r < 0 then empty
 elif r == length then .
 else  ( [.[0]] + (.[1:]|combination(r-1))),
       ( .[1:]|combination(r))

  1. Input: a mask, that is, an array of lengths.
  2. Output: a stream of the distinct partitions defined by the mask.

def partition:

 # partition an array of entities, s, according to a mask presented as input:
 def p(s):
   if length == 0 then []
   else . as $mask
   | (s | combination($mask[0])) as $c
   | [$c] + ($mask[1:] | p(s - $c))
. as $mask | p( [range(1; 1 + ($mask|add))] );</lang>

Example: <lang jq>([],[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,0,2])

 | . as $test_case
 |  "partitions \($test_case):" , ($test_case | partition), ""</lang>

<lang sh>$ jq -M -n -c -r -f Ordered_partitions.jq

partitions []: []

partitions [0,0,0]: [[],[],[]]

partitions [1,1,1]: [[1],[2],[3]] [[1],[3],[2]] [[2],[1],[3]] [[2],[3],[1]] [[3],[1],[2]] [[3],[2],[1]]

partitions [2,0,2]: [[1,2],[],[3,4]] [[1,3],[],[2,4]] [[1,4],[],[2,3]] [[2,3],[],[1,4]] [[2,4],[],[1,3]] [[3,4],[],[1,2]]</lang>


A pretty verbose solution. Maybe somebody can replace with something terser/better. <lang lua>--- Create a list {1,...,n}. local function range(n)

 local res = {}
 for i=1,n do
   res[i] = i
 return res


--- Return true if the element x is in t. local function isin(t, x)

 for _,x_t in ipairs(t) do
   if x_t == x then return true end
 return false


--- Return the sublist from index u to o (inclusive) from t. local function slice(t, u, o)

 local res = {}
 for i=u,o do
   res[#res+1] = t[i]
 return res


--- Compute the sum of the elements in t. -- Assume that t is a list of numbers. local function sum(t)

 local s = 0
 for _,x in ipairs(t) do
   s = s + x
 return s


--- Generate all combinations of t of length k (optional, default is #t). local function combinations(m, r)

 local function combgen(m, n)
   if n == 0 then coroutine.yield({}) end
   for i=1,#m do
     if n == 1 then coroutine.yield({m[i]})
       for m0 in coroutine.wrap(function() combgen(slice(m, i+1, #m), n-1) end) do
         coroutine.yield({m[i], unpack(m0)})
 return coroutine.wrap(function() combgen(m, r) end)


--- Generate a list of partitions into fized-size blocks. local function partitions(...)

 local function helper(s, ...)
   local args = {...}
   if #args == 0 then return {% templatetag openvariable %}{% templatetag closevariable %} end
   local res = {}
   for c in combinations(s, args[1]) do
     local s0 = {}
     for _,x in ipairs(s) do if not isin(c, x) then s0[#s0+1] = x end end
     for _,r in ipairs(helper(s0, unpack(slice(args, 2, #args)))) do
       res[#res+1] = {{unpack(c)}, unpack(r)}
   return res
 return helper(range(sum({...})), ...)


-- Print the solution io.write "[" local parts = partitions(2,0,2) for i,tuple in ipairs(parts) do

 io.write "("
 for j,set in ipairs(tuple) do
   io.write "{" 
   for k,element in ipairs(set) do
     if k ~= #set then io.write(", ") end
   io.write "}"
   if j ~= #tuple then io.write(", ") end
 io.write ")"
 if i ~= #parts then io.write(", ") end

end io.write "]" io.write "\n"</lang>


[({1, 2}, {}, {3, 4}), ({1, 3}, {}, {2, 4}), ({1, 4}, {}, {2, 3}), ({2, 3}, {}, {1, 4}), ({2, 4}, {}, {1, 3}), ({3, 4}, {}, {1, 2})]


This code works as follows:

Permutations finds all permutations of the numbers ranging from 1 to n.

w finds the required partition for an individual permutation.

m finds partitions for all permutations.

Sort and Union eliminate duplicates.

<lang Mathematica> w[partitions_]:=Module[{s={},t=Total@partitions,list=partitions,k}, n=Length[list];

   While[n>0,s=Join[s,{Take[t,(k=First[list])]}];t=Drop[t,k];list=Rest[list];n--]; s]

m[p_]:=(Sort/@#)&/@(w[#,p]&/@Permutations[Range@Total[p]])//Union </lang>


Grid displays the output in a table.

<lang Mathematica> Grid@m[{2, 0, 2}]

Grid@m[{1, 1, 1}] </lang>


Code 1: threaded generator method. This code demonstrates how to make something like Python's generators or Go's channels by using Thread::Queue. Granted, this is horribly inefficient, with constantly creating and killing threads and whatnot (every time a partition is created, a thread is made to produce the next partition, so thousands if not millions of threads live and die, depending on the problem size). But algorithms are often more naturally expressed in a coroutine manner -- for this example, "making a new partition" and "picking elements for a partition" can be done in separate recursions cleanly if so desired. It's about 20 times slower than the next code example, so there.

<lang perl>use Thread 'async'; use Thread::Queue;

sub make_slices {

       my ($n, @avail) = (shift, @{ +shift });
       my ($q, @part, $gen);
       $gen = sub {
               my $pos = shift;        # where to start in the list
               if (@part == $n) {
                       # we accumulated enough for a partition, emit them and
                       # wait for main thread to pick them up, then back up
                       $q->enqueue(\@part, \@avail);
               # obviously not enough elements left to make a partition, back up
               return if (@part + @avail < $n);
               for my $i ($pos .. @avail - 1) {                # try each in turn
                       push @part, splice @avail, $i, 1;       # take one
                       $gen->($i);                             # go deeper
                       splice @avail, $i, 0, pop @part;        # put it back
       $q = new Thread::Queue;
       (async{ &$gen;                  # start the main work load
               $q->enqueue(undef)      # signal that there's no more data
       })->detach;     # let the thread clean up after itself, not my problem
       return $q;


my $qa = make_slices(4, [ 0 .. 9 ]); while (my $a = $qa->dequeue) {

       my $qb = make_slices(2, $qa->dequeue);
       while (my $b = $qb->dequeue) {
               my $rb = $qb->dequeue;
               print "@$a | @$b | @$rb\n";

} </lang>

Code 2: Recursive solution.

Translation of: Perl 6

<lang perl>use List::Util 1.33 qw(sum pairmap);

sub partition {

   my @mask = @_;
   my $last = sum @mask or return [map {[]} 0..$#mask];
   return pairmap {
       $b ? do {
           local $mask[$a] = $b - 1;
           map { push @{$_->[$a]}, $last; $_ }
       } : ()
   } %mask[0..$#mask];


  1. Input & Output handling:

print "(" . join(', ', map { "{".join(', ', @$_)."}" } @$_) . ")\n"

   for partition( @ARGV ? @ARGV : (2, 0, 2) );</lang>

Example command-line use:

> ./ordered_partitions.pl
({3, 4}, {}, {1, 2})
({2, 4}, {}, {1, 3})
({1, 4}, {}, {2, 3})
({2, 3}, {}, {1, 4})
({1, 3}, {}, {2, 4})
({1, 2}, {}, {3, 4})

> ./ordered_partitions.pl 1 1 1
({3}, {2}, {1})
({3}, {1}, {2})
({2}, {3}, {1})
({1}, {3}, {2})
({2}, {1}, {3})
({1}, {2}, {3})

The set of ordered partitions is not returned in lexicographical order itself; but it's supposed to be a set so that's hopefully okay. (One could sort the output before printing, but (unlike in Perl 6) Perl's built-in sort routine cannot meaningfully compare arrays without being passed a custom comparator to do that, which is a little messy and thus omitted here.)

Perl 6

Works with: niecza version 2012-06

<lang perl6>sub partition(@mask is copy) {

   my $last = [+] @mask or return [[] xx @mask];
   sort gather for @mask.kv -> $k,$v {
       next unless $v;
       temp @mask[$k] -= 1;
       for partition @mask { .take.[$k].push($last) }


.perl.say for partition [2,0,2];</lang>

[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]


Uses the 'comb' function from Combinations#PicoLisp <lang PicoLisp>(de partitions (Args)

  (let Lst (range 1 (apply + Args))
     (recur (Args Lst)
        (ifn Args
                    '((R) (cons L R))
                    (recurse (cdr Args) (diff Lst L)) ) )
              (comb (car Args) Lst) ) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (more (partitions (2 0 2)))
((1 2) NIL (3 4))
((1 3) NIL (2 4))
((1 4) NIL (2 3))
((2 3) NIL (1 4))
((2 4) NIL (1 3))
((3 4) NIL (1 2))
-> NIL

: (more (partitions (1 1 1)))
((1) (2) (3))
((1) (3) (2))
((2) (1) (3))
((2) (3) (1))
((3) (1) (2))
((3) (2) (1))
-> NIL


<lang python>from itertools import combinations

def partitions(*args):

   def p(s, *args):
       if not args: return [[]]
       res = []
       for c in combinations(s, args[0]):
           s0 = [x for x in s if x not in c]
           for r in p(s0, *args[1:]):
               res.append([c] + r)
       return res
   s = range(sum(args))
   return p(s, *args)

print partitions(2, 0, 2)</lang>

An equivalent but terser solution. <lang python>from itertools import combinations as comb

def partitions(*args):

   def minus(s1, s2): return [x for x in s1 if x not in s2]
   def p(s, *args):
       if not args: return [[]]
       return [[c] + r for c in comb(s, args[0]) for r in p(minus(s, c), *args[1:])]
   return p(range(1, sum(args) + 1), *args)

print partitions(2, 0, 2)</lang>


[[(0, 1), (), (2, 3)], [(0, 2), (), (1, 3)], [(0, 3), (), (1, 2)], [(1, 2), (), (0, 3)], [(1, 3), (), (0, 2)], [(2, 3), (), (0, 1)]]


Translation of: Haskell

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (comb k xs)

 (cond [(zero? k)  (list (cons '() xs))]
       [(null? xs) '()]
       [else (append (for/list ([cszs (comb (sub1 k) (cdr xs))])
                       (cons (cons (car xs) (car cszs)) (cdr cszs)))
                     (for/list ([cszs (comb k (cdr xs))])
                       (cons (car cszs) (cons (car xs) (cdr cszs)))))]))

(define (partitions xs)

 (define (p xs ks)
   (if (null? ks)
     (for*/list ([cszs (comb (car ks) xs)] [rs (p (cdr cszs) (cdr ks))])
       (cons (car cszs) rs))))
 (p (range 1 (add1 (foldl + 0 xs))) xs))

(define (run . xs)

 (printf "partitions~s:\n" xs)
 (for ([x (partitions xs)]) (printf "  ~s\n" x))

(run 2 0 2) (run 1 1 1) </lang>


partitions(2 0 2):
  ((1 2) () (3 4))
  ((1 3) () (2 4))
  ((1 4) () (2 3))
  ((2 3) () (1 4))
  ((2 4) () (1 3))
  ((3 4) () (1 2))

partitions(1 1 1):
  ((1) (2) (3))
  ((1) (3) (2))
  ((2) (1) (3))
  ((2) (3) (1))
  ((3) (1) (2))
  ((3) (2) (1))


<lang rexx>/*REXX program displays ordered partitions: orderedPartitions(i,j,k,···)*/ call orderedPartitions 2,0,2 /*Note: 2,,2 will also work*/ call orderedPartitions 1,1,1 call orderedPartitions 1,2,0,1 /*Note: 1,2,1 will also work*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ORDEREDPARTITIONS subroutine────────*/ orderedPartitions: procedure; #=arg(); hdr=; bot.=; top.=; low=; high= d=123456789 /*handy-dandy literal for digits.*/ t=0 /*T: is the sum of all arguments.*/

     do i=1  for #;  t=t+('0'arg(i))  /*sum all the highest #s in parts*/
     end   /*i*/
                                      /* [↓]  process each of arguments*/
 do j=1  for #;   _=arg(j)            /*  _:  is the    Jth   argument.*/
 len.j=max(1,_)                       /*LEN:  length of args, 0=special*/
 bot.j=left(d,_);          if _==0 then bot.j=0 /*define the bottom num*/
 top.j=right(left(d,t),_); if _==0 then top.j=0 /*  "     "    top   " */
 @.j=left(d,t);            if _==0 then @.j=0   /*define VERIFY digits.*/
 hdr=hdr _                                      /*build display header.*/
 low=low || bot.j;         high=high || top.j   /*low and high of loop.*/
 end   /*j*/

okD=left(0||d,t+1) /*define legal digits to be used.*/ say center(' partitions for: ' hdr" ",50,'─'); say

   do g=low  to high                  /* [↑]   generate ordered parts. */
   if verify(g,okD)\==0  then iterate /*filter out the unwanted digits.*/
   p=1                                /*P:  is the position of a digit.*/
   $=                                 /*$:  will be the transformed #s.*/
      do k=1  for #                   /*verify the partitions numbers. */
                                      /*validate#: dups/ordered/repeats*/
      _=substr(g,p,len.k)             /*ordered part num. to be tested.*/
      if verify(_,@.k)\==0  then iterate g        /*is digit ¬ valid ? */
      !=                                          /* [↓]  validate num.*/
      if @.k\==0  then do j=1  for length(_);     z=substr(_,j,1)
                       if pos(z,$)\==0            then iterate g /*prev*/
                       if j==1  then iterate
                       if z<=substr(_,j-1,1)      then iterate g /*ord.*/
                       if pos(z,_,1+pos(z,_))\==0 then iterate g /*dup.*/
                       end   /*j*/
      p=p+len.k                                      /*point to next #.*/
      $=$ ' {'strip(translate(!,,0),,',')"}"         /*dress the # up. */
      end   /*k*/
   say $
   end      /*g*/

say return</lang> output when using the default inputs:

──────────── partitions for:   2 0 2 ─────────────

  {1,2}  {}  {3,4}
  {1,3}  {}  {2,4}
  {1,4}  {}  {2,3}
  {2,3}  {}  {1,4}
  {2,4}  {}  {1,3}
  {3,4}  {}  {1,2}

──────────── partitions for:   1 1 1 ─────────────

  {1}  {2}  {3}
  {1}  {3}  {2}
  {2}  {1}  {3}
  {2}  {3}  {1}
  {3}  {1}  {2}
  {3}  {2}  {1}

─────────── partitions for:   1 2 0 1 ────────────

  {1}  {2,3}  {}  {4}
  {1}  {2,4}  {}  {3}
  {1}  {3,4}  {}  {2}
  {2}  {1,3}  {}  {4}
  {2}  {1,4}  {}  {3}
  {2}  {3,4}  {}  {1}
  {3}  {1,2}  {}  {4}
  {3}  {1,4}  {}  {2}
  {3}  {2,4}  {}  {1}
  {4}  {1,2}  {}  {3}
  {4}  {1,3}  {}  {2}
  {4}  {2,3}  {}  {1}


Brute force approach: simple but very slow <lang ruby>def partition(mask)

 return [[]] if mask.empty?
 [*1..mask.inject(:+)].permutation.map {|perm|
   mask.map {|num_elts| perm.shift(num_elts).sort }


Recursive version: faster

Translation of: Python

<lang ruby>def part(s, args)

 return [[]] if args.empty?
 s.combination(args[0]).each_with_object([]) do |c, res|
   part(s - c, args[1..-1]).each{|r| res << ([c] + r)}

end def partitions(args)

 return [[]] if args.empty?
 part((1..args.inject(:+)).to_a, args)


Test: <lang ruby>[[],[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,0,2]].each do |test_case|

 puts "partitions #{test_case}:"
 partition(test_case).each{|part| p part }


partitions []:

partitions [0, 0, 0]:
[[], [], []]

partitions [1, 1, 1]:
[[1], [2], [3]]
[[1], [3], [2]]
[[2], [1], [3]]
[[2], [3], [1]]
[[3], [1], [2]]
[[3], [2], [1]]

partitions [2, 0, 2]:
[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]


Translation of: Ruby

<lang ruby>func part(_, {.is_empty}) { [[]] } func partitions({.is_empty}) { [[]] }

func part(s, args) {

 var res = [];
 s.combinations(args[0], { |c|
   part(s - c, args.ft(1)).each{|r| res << ([c] + r)}


func partitions(args) {

 part(1..args.sum, args)


[[],[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,0,2]].each { |test_case|

 say "partitions #{test_case.dump}:"
 partitions(test_case).each{|part| say part.dump }
 print "\n"


partitions []:

partitions [0, 0, 0]:
[[], [], []]

partitions [1, 1, 1]:
[[1], [2], [3]]
[[1], [3], [2]]
[[2], [1], [3]]
[[2], [3], [1]]
[[3], [1], [2]]
[[3], [2], [1]]

partitions [2, 0, 2]:
[[1, 2], [], [3, 4]]
[[1, 3], [], [2, 4]]
[[1, 4], [], [2, 3]]
[[2, 3], [], [1, 4]]
[[2, 4], [], [1, 3]]
[[3, 4], [], [1, 2]]


Library: Tcllib (Package: struct::set)

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require struct::set

  1. Selects all k-sized combinations from a list.
  2. "Borrowed" from elsewhere on RC

proc selectCombinationsFrom {k l} {

   if {$k == 0} {return {}} elseif {$k == [llength $l]} {return [list $l]}
   set all {}
   set n [expr {[llength $l] - [incr k -1]}]
   for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {} {
       set first [lindex $l $i]

incr i

       if {$k == 0} {
           lappend all $first

} else { foreach s [selectCombinationsFrom $k [lrange $l $i end]] { lappend all [list $first {*}$s] }

   return $all


  1. Construct the partitioning of a given list

proc buildPartitions {lst n args} {

   # Base case when we have no further partitions to process
   if {[llength $args] == 0} {

return [list [list $lst]]

   set result {}
   set c [selectCombinationsFrom $n $lst]
   if {[llength $c] == 0} {set c [list $c]}
   foreach comb $c {

# Sort necessary for "nice" order set rest [lsort -integer [struct::set difference $lst $comb]] foreach p [buildPartitions $rest {*}$args] { lappend result [list $comb {*}$p] }

   return $result


  1. Wrapper that assembles the initial list and calls the partitioner

proc partitions args {

   set sum [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$args]
   set startingSet {}
   for {set i 1} {$i <= $sum} {incr i} {

lappend startingSet $i

   return [buildPartitions $startingSet {*}$args]

}</lang> Demonstration code: <lang tcl>puts [partitions 1 1 1] puts [partitions 2 2] puts [partitions 2 0 2] puts [partitions 2 2 0]</lang> Output:

{1 2 3} {1 3 2} {2 1 3} {2 3 1} {3 1 2} {3 2 1}
{{1 2} {3 4}} {{1 3} {2 4}} {{1 4} {2 3}} {{2 3} {1 4}} {{2 4} {1 3}} {{3 4} {1 2}}
{{1 2} {} {3 4}} {{1 3} {} {2 4}} {{1 4} {} {2 3}} {{2 3} {} {1 4}} {{2 4} {} {1 3}} {{3 4} {} {1 2}}
{{1 2} {3 4} {}} {{1 3} {2 4} {}} {{1 4} {2 3} {}} {{2 3} {1 4} {}} {{2 4} {1 3} {}} {{3 4} {1 2} {}}


<lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

opart =


 ~&art^?\~&alNCNC ^|JalSPfarSPMplrDSL/~& ^DrlPrrPlXXS/~&rt ^DrlrjXS/~&l choices@lrhPX,
 ^\~& nrange/1+ sum:-0+-</lang>

The library function choices used in this solution takes a pair and returns the set of all subsets of having cardinality . The library function nrange takes a pair of natural numbers to the minimum consecutive sequence containing them. The sum function adds a pair of natural numbers.<lang Ursala>#cast %nLLL

test = opart <2,0,2></lang> output:



Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>fcn partitions(args){

  s:=(1).pump(args.sum(0),List);  // (1,2,3,...)
     if(not args) return(T(T));
     foreach c in (Utils.Helpers.pickNFrom(args[0],s)){

s0:=s.copy().removeEach(c); foreach r in (self.fcn(s0,args[1,*])){ res.append(T(c).extend(r)) }


}</lang> <lang zkl>args:=vm.arglist.apply("toInt"); // aka argv[1..] if(not args) args=T(2,0,2); partitions(args.xplode()).pump(Console.println,Void); // or: foreach p in (partitions(1,1,1)){ println(p) }</lang>

$ zkl bbb 

$ zkl bbb 1 1 1