Constrained random points on a circle: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|Ruby}}: add algorithm 2:
Line 2,451: Line 2,451:
Create the image with [[Raster graphics operations/Ruby]]
Create the image with [[Raster graphics operations/Ruby]]
<lang Ruby>points = (1...100).map {
<lang Ruby>points = (1..100).map do
# choose a random radius and angle
# choose a random radius and angle
angle = rand * 2.0 * Math::PI
angle = rand * 2.0 * Math::PI
rad = rand * 5.0 + 10.0
rad = rand * 5.0 + 10.0
# convert back from polar to cartesian coordinates
# convert back from polar to cartesian coordinates
[rad * Math::cos(angle), rad * Math::sin(angle)].map(&:round)
[rad * Math::cos(angle), rad * Math::sin(angle)].map(&:round)

(-15..15).each do |row|
(-15..15).each do |row|
puts((-15..15).map { |col| points.include?([row, col]) ? "X" : " " }.join)
puts (-15..15).map { |col| points.include?([row, col]) ? "X" : " " }.join

Line 2,473: Line 2,473:

[[File:constrainedrandompointsonacircle.png|thumg|right|Sample output from Ruby program]]
[[File:constrainedrandompointsonacircle.png|thumg|right|Sample output from Ruby program]]
<pre> X X
<pre> X X
Line 2,504: Line 2,504:
X X</pre>
X X</pre>

===algorithm 2:===
<lang ruby>r2 = 10*10..15*15
range = (-15..15).to_a
points = range.product(range).each_with_object([]) do |(i,j), pt|
pt << [i,j] if r2.cover?(i*i + j*j)

puts "Precalculate: #{points.size}"
pt =" ")
points.sample(100).each{|i,j| pt[[i,j]] = " o"}
puts{|i|{|j| pt[[i,j]]}.join}</lang>

Precalculate: 404
o o o
o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o
o o
o o
o o o
o o o
o o o o
o o
o o
o o o
o o o o o
o o o
o o o o
o o o
o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o
o o

=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==

Revision as of 12:18, 23 January 2015

Constrained random points on a circle
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Generate 100 <x,y> coordinate pairs such that x and y are integers sampled from the uniform distribution with the condition that . Then display/plot them. The outcome should be a "fuzzy" circle. The actual number of points plotted may be less than 100, given that some pairs may be generated more than once.

There are several possible approaches to accomplish this. Here are two possible algorithms.

1) Generate random pairs of integers and filter out those that don't satisfy this condition:


2) Precalculate the set of all possible points (there are 404 of them) and select randomly from this set.


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; procedure Circle is

  -- extreme coordinate values are -15:0, 15:0, 0:-15, 0:15
  subtype Coordinate is Integer range -15 .. 15;
  type Point is record
     X, Y : Coordinate;
  end record;
  type Point_List is array (Positive range <>) of Point;
  function Acceptable (Position : Point) return Boolean is
     Squared_Sum : Natural := Position.X ** 2 + Position.Y ** 2;
     return 10 ** 2 <= Squared_Sum and Squared_Sum <= 15 ** 2;
  end Acceptable;
  -- first algorithm
  function Generate_Random_Points
    (Count : Positive := 100)
     return  Point_List
     package RNG is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Coordinate);
     Generator  : RNG.Generator;
     Next_Point : Point;
     Result     : Point_List (1 .. Count);
     RNG.Reset (Generator);
     for N in Result'Range loop
           Next_Point.X := RNG.Random (Generator);
           Next_Point.Y := RNG.Random (Generator);
           exit when Acceptable (Next_Point);
        end loop;
        Result (N) := Next_Point;
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end Generate_Random_Points;
  -- second algorithm
  function Choose_Precalculated
    (Count : Positive := 100)
     return  Point_List
     subtype Possible_Points is Positive range 1 .. 404;
     package RNG is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Possible_Points);
     Generator  : RNG.Generator;
     Point_Pool : Point_List (Possible_Points);
     Next_Point : Point;
     Next_Index : Possible_Points := 1;
     Result     : Point_List (1 .. Count);
     -- precalculate
     Precalculate : for X in Coordinate'Range loop
        Next_Point.X := X;
        for Y in Coordinate'Range loop
           Next_Point.Y := Y;
           if Acceptable (Next_Point) then
              Point_Pool (Next_Index) := Next_Point;
              exit Precalculate when Next_Index = Possible_Points'Last;
              Next_Index := Next_Index + 1;
           end if;
        end loop;
     end loop Precalculate;
     -- choose
     RNG.Reset (Generator);
     for N in Result'Range loop
        Result (N) := Point_Pool (RNG.Random (Generator));
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end Choose_Precalculated;
  procedure Print_Points (Points : Point_List) is
     Output_String : array (Coordinate, Coordinate) of Character :=
       (others => (others => ' '));
     for N in Points'Range loop
        Output_String (Points (N).X, Points (N).Y) := '*';
     end loop;
     for Line in Output_String'Range (2) loop
        for Column in Output_String'Range (1) loop
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (Output_String (Column, Line));
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Print_Points;
  My_Circle_Randomly      : Point_List := Generate_Random_Points;
  My_Circle_Precalculated : Point_List := Choose_Precalculated;


  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Randomly generated:");
  Print_Points (My_Circle_Randomly);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Chosen from precalculated:");
  Print_Points (My_Circle_Precalculated);

end Circle;</lang>


Randomly generated:

          *  *    * *
               * * *  **
     *     * *      *
    **  *              * *
   *     *           *  *
      *              *   * *
   *                   **
  *    *               *
    *                       *
   *                      * *
  * *                        *

   * *                       *
     *                       *
  ***                      *
     *                  *    *
   *                       *
                     **    *
     *        *   **     *
         * *        * *
      ***  * *         **
        * *   * ***
               *  *

Chosen from precalculated:

            *    *   *
           * **   ** ** *
           * *  * *
   *  ** *              *
    *    *               * *
  *    *                ***
  *  ***                 *
                        *  * *

  *                       * *
    *                      **

 *  **                     ***
                         *   *
  * **
   *                     *
    *   *
         **           *
    *  *     *  *       * *
       **  *       *  * *
      *   **
           *    * ***


Translation of: C

- note: This specimen retains the original C coding style.

Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used - requires ansi/xterm & ascii
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny

<lang algol68>PROC clrscr = VOID:

       printf(($g"[2J"$,REPR 27)); # ansi.sys #

PROC gotoxy = (INT x,y)VOID:

       printf(($g"["g(0)";"g(0)"H"$,REPR 27, y,x)); # ansi.sys #


   INT x,y


INT radius = 15; INT inside radius = 10;

POINT center = (radius+1, radius+1);


PROC swap with last set = (INT position,INT where last set)VOID: (

       INT temp := x OF set[position];
       x OF set[position]:=x OF set[where last set];
       x OF set[where last set] := temp;
       temp := y OF set[position];
       y OF set[position]:=y OF set[where last set];
       y OF set[where last set] := temp


PROC create set = VOID: (

       set := HEAP[(2*radius+1)**2]POINT;
       INT x,y,i:=LWB set;
       FOR x FROM -radius TO radius DO
               FOR y FROM -radius TO radius DO
                       IF sqrt(x*x+y*y)>=inside radius AND sqrt(x*x+y*y)<=radius THEN
                               x OF set[i] := x;
                               y OF set[i] := y;


PROC plot fuzzy set = (CHAR ch)VOID: (

       INT pos,i;
       TO UPB set DO
               pos := ENTIER(random * UPB set) + 1;
               gotoxy(x OF center + x OF set[pos],y OF center + y OF set[pos]);
               swap with last set(pos,UPB set)


main: (

       # srand((INT)time(NIL)); #
       create set;
       plot fuzzy set("*");
       gotoxy(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1);
       newline(stand in)

)</lang> Sample output:

           *  * **
        * * *  * ** **
      ***** **   ***** **
     ** **  *  * * * ***
      *  ******** *** *** *
   ** *****         ** * ***
        *            ***** *
   ** **               **** *
   * * *               ****
  ****                  * ****
 * **                    *** *
 ** **                    **
 **                      * * *
  ****                   **  *
 ** *                    ****
 ****                     ** *
 *  **                   *  **
  * **                    *  *
 * ***                    *  *
 ******                 * * **
  * * **               **** *
   ** *                ***  *
   **** **           *    **
    ** ***            * ***
    * *  *** * **  *** ***
      *  *  ** ***** ****
      ** ******* *  *
        * ** ** *******
          *  ****** *


Requires the GDI+ standard library by tic:
Works with individual pixels.

<lang AHK>z=100 ; x = x-coord; y = y-coord; z = count; pBitmap = a pointer to the image; f = filename

pToken := Gdip_Startup() pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(31, 32)

While z { Random, x, -20, 20 Random, y, -20,20 If ( t := sqrt(x**2 + y**2) ) >= 10 && t <= 15 Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+15, y+16, 255<<24), z-- }

Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, f := A_ScriptDir "\ahk_fuzzycircle.png") run % f

Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap) Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> MODE 8

     ORIGIN 640, 512
     FOR i% = 1 TO 1000
       x% = RND(31)-16
       y% = RND(31)-16
       r = SQR(x%^2 + y%^2)
       IF r >= 10 IF r <= 15 PLOT x%*2, y%*2


<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

inline int randn(int m) { int rand_max = RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX % m); int r; while ((r = rand()) > rand_max); return r / (rand_max / m); }

int main() { int i, x, y, r2; unsigned long buf[31] = {0}; /* could just use 2d array */

for (i = 0; i < 100; ) { x = randn(31) - 15; y = randn(31) - 15; r2 = x * x + y * y; if (r2 >= 100 && r2 <= 225) { buf[15 + y] |= 1 << (x + 15); i++; } }

for (y = 0; y < 31; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 31; x++) printf((buf[y] & 1 << x) ? ". " : " "); printf("\n"); }

return 0; }</lang>Output<lang> . . . .

                   .           .         .                   
                 .           .           . .                 
                             .             .     .           
                   .       .       .     . .                 
         .                                 .       .         
         .       .                               .           
         .                                     .             
                                               . .           
                                                 .   .       
     . .                                                     
       . .                                       . .         
 .       .                                               .   
     . .                                                 .   
   .                                                 . .     
     .   . .                                                 
     .   .                                   .         .     
       .                                       . . .   .     
         .       .                                           
     . .     .                                 .             
         .   .     .   .   .         .           .           
                   .       . .         .                     
             . . .   . . .       .                           
                 . .     .               .                   
                             .                         </lang>


<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <list>
  3. include <iostream>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class point { public:

   int x, y;
   point()                  { x = y = 0; }
   point( int a, int b )    { x = a; y = b; }
   void set( int a, int b ) { x = a; y = b; }

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class rndCircle { public:

   void draw()

createPoints(); drawPoints();



   void createPoints()

point pt; for( int x = 0; x < 200; x++ ) { int a, b, c; while( true ) { a = rand() % 31 - 15; b = rand() % 31 - 15; c = a * a + b * b; if( c >= 100 && c <= 225 ) break; } pt.set( a, b ); _ptList.push_back( pt ); }

   void drawPoints()

HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ); for( list<point>::iterator it = _ptList.begin(); it != _ptList.end(); it++ ) SetPixel( dc, 300 + 10 * ( *it ).x, 300 + 10 * ( *it ).y, RGB( 255, 255, 0 ) );

   list<point> _ptList;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE );
   srand( GetTickCount() );
   rndCircle c;
   system( "pause" );
   return 0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>


<lang Clojure>(ns

 (:import [java.awt Color Graphics Dimension]
          [javax.swing JFrame JPanel]))

(let [points (->> (for [x (range -15 16), y (range -15 16) :when (<= 10 (Math/hypot x y) 15)] [(+ x 15) (+ y 15)]) shuffle (take 100))]

 (doto (JFrame.)
   (.add (doto (proxy [JPanel] []

(paint [^Graphics g]

                   (doseq [[x y] points]
                     (.fillRect g (* 10 x) (* 10 y) 10 10))))

(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 310 310))))

   (.setResizable false)
   (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)


<lang coffeescript> NUM_POINTS = 100 MIN_R = 10 MAX_R = 15

random_circle_points = ->

 rand_point = ->
   Math.floor (Math.random() * (MAX_R * 2 + 1) - MAX_R)
 points = {}
 cnt = 0
 while cnt < 100
   x = rand_point()
   y = rand_point()
   continue unless MIN_R * MIN_R <= x*x + y*y <= MAX_R * MAX_R
   points["#{x},#{y}"] = true
   cnt += 1

plot = (points) ->

 range = [-1 * MAX_R .. MAX_R]
 for y in range
   s = 
   for x in range
     s += if points["#{x},#{y}"] then '*' else ' '
   console.log s

plot random_circle_points() </lang>

The output may be a bit distorted, since even monospace fonts take more vertical space per character than horizontal space. <lang> > coffee

         **    *              
        * ** *     *          
         *  * *      *        
    *     **           *      
     *  *      *       *      
   *               *          
   *                    *     
    **                 **** * 
 * *                          
    *                      *  
   *                     **   
*  *                    *     
  *                      * ** 
    *                     *   
 *                         *  
                      *    *  
    *  *                      
     *** * *     *     * *    
    ***           *           
     * *       * *  *         
              * *   *        


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(flet ((good-p (x y) (<= 100 (+ (* x x) (* y y)) 255)))

 (loop with x with y with cnt = 0

with scr = (loop repeat 31 collect (loop repeat 31 collect " ")) while (< cnt 100) do (when (good-p (- (setf x (random 31)) 15) (- (setf y (random 31)) 15)) (setf (elt (elt scr y) x) "@ ") (incf cnt)) finally (mapc #'(lambda (row) (format t "~{~a~^~}~%" row)) scr)))</lang>


This uses std.complex because D built-in complex numbers will be deprecated. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math, std.complex;

void main() {

   char[31][31] table = ' ';
   foreach (immutable _; 0 .. 100) {
       int x, y;
       do {
           x = uniform(-15, 16);
           y = uniform(-15, 16);
       } while(abs(12.5 - complex(x, y).abs) > 2.5);
       table[x + 15][y + 15] = '*';
   writefln("%-(%s\n%)", table);


          * **  *              
                  * *          
     **  * *   **  *  *        
    *    *            **  *    
        **            **  *    
                       *   *   
       *                 ***   
 *  * *                        
   * *                     *   
   *                        *  
     *                      *  
   **                    * *   
  *                       *    
  *                          * 
     *                     **  
    * *                  *     
         *           * *  *    
   *     *             **      
    *     *  *  *     * *      
     **     *  **   **   *     
        *     *  *  *          


<lang elixir> defmodule Random do

 def init() do
 def generate_point() do
   x = :random.uniform(31) - 16
   y = :random.uniform(31) - 16
   if 10*10 <= x*x + y*y and x*x + y*y <= 15*15 do
     {x, y}
 def circle() do
   points = for _ <- 1..100, do: generate_point()
   for x <- -15..15 do
     for y <- -15..15 do
       if Enum.member?(points, {x, y}) do
         IO.write "x" 
         IO.write " " 
     IO.puts ""


Random.init() </lang> Example output:

                xx x           
             x   x    x        
       x   x                   
     x x x x    x x  x         
    xx  x  xx       x    x     
    x   x             x x      
     x x               xx      
     x                 xx xx   
 xx x                       x  
  x  x                         
 x x                     x     
x                         x    
 xxx                      x    
   x x                      x  
   x x                         
   x x                    x    
    x                   x  x   
   x x                     x   
       x              x        
         x              xx     
    x x     x       x xx       
      xxx   x       x          
          x      x x  x        
           x  x       x        
           xx      x           


Works with: Euphoria version 4.0.3, 4.0.0 or later

This program generates the set of 404 possible points in the ring. It randomly chooses 100 pairs from the set. The 100 pairs are a subset of that set because duplicates are discarded. <lang euphoria>include std/console.e

sequence validpoints = {} sequence discardedpoints = {} sequence rand100points = {} atom coordresult integer randindex

--scan for all possible values. store discarded ones in another sequence, for extra reference. for y = -15 to 15 do

   for x = -15 to 15 do
       coordresult = sqrt( x * x + y * y )
       if coordresult >= 10 and coordresult <= 15 then --if it would fall in the ring area
           validpoints &= Template:X, y, coordresult --concatenate (add to the end) the coordinate pair x, y and the
           -- result into a subsequence of sequence validpoints
               discardedpoints &= Template:X, y, coordresult --else put it in the discarded sequence    
       end if
   end for

end for

for i = 1 to 100 label "oneofhundred" do --make 100 random coordinate pairs

   randindex = rand(length(validpoints) ) --random value from 1 to the number of 3 value subsequences in validpoints (the data)
   if length(rand100points) = 0 then --if rand100points sequence is empty, add the first subsequence to it.
       rand100points &= {validpoints[randindex]}
       else --if it isn't empty, then..
           for j = 1 to length(rand100points) do --loop through each "data chunk" in rand100points
               if equal(validpoints[randindex], rand100points[j]) = 1 then --if any are the same as the randomly chosen chunk in
                   retry "oneofhundred" -- validpoints, then retry from one line below the "oneofhundred" loop without incrementing i.
               end if --the continue keyword would increment i instead.
           end for
           rand100points &= {validpoints[randindex]} --length of rand100points isnt 0 and no data chunks match ones that the program
           --already picked before, so add this subsequence chunk to rand100points.
   end if

end for

for i = 1 to 32 do --32 lines

   for j = 1 to 32 label "xscan" do --32 characters on each line
       for k = 1 to length(rand100points) do --for every subsequence in this
           if rand100points[k][1]+16 = j and rand100points[k][2]+16 = i then --if the x and y coordinates in the picked points
               printf(1, 178) --(adjusted to minimum of 1,1) are at the same place as in the console output grid
               continue "xscan" --print a funny character and continue to the next "xscan"
           end if
       end for
       printf(1, 176) --if no picked points were there, print another funny character to represent a blank space
   end for

end for

printf(1, "\nNumber of valid coordinate pairs %d :", length(validpoints) ) printf(1, "\nNumber of discarded coordinate pairs : %d", length(discardedpoints) ) printf(1, "\nNumber of randomly picked coordinate pairs : %d\n", length(rand100points) ) any_key()</lang> Output:

Number of valid coordinate pairs 404 :
Number of discarded coordinate pairs : 557
Number of randomly picked coordinate pairs : 100
Press Any Key to continue...

Extra EuSDL code : <lang euphoria>

for i = 1 to length(validpoints) do --simple each pixel output to screen surface

   dummy=pixelColor(surface,validpoints[i][1]+18,validpoints[i][2]+18,#AA0202FF) --i is index number of each subsequence 'chunk'. 
   --index 1 is x, index 2 is y, inside that chunk.

end for

for i = 1 to length(discardedpoints) do


end for

for i = 1 to length(rand100points) do


end for

dummy=boxColor(surface,0,71,395,111,#232323FF) --background box dummy=stringColor(surface,0,73,sprintf("Number of valid coordinate pairs %d :", length(validpoints) ),#AA0202FF)

dummy=stringColor(surface,0,83,sprintf("Number of discarded coordinate pairs : %d", length(discardedpoints) ),#0202AAFF)

dummy=stringColor(surface,0,93,sprintf("Number of randomly picked coordinate pairs : %d", length(rand100points) ),#02AA02FF)</lang>SDL Output : That particular program used a -16 to +16 square area, so more was discarded.


This version uses method 1 from the task description and just calculates 100 suitable points to plot. The INTERACTIVE bit just permits this code in a .fsx file to be run with the interactive interpreter or compiled to an exe. <lang fsharp>module CirclePoints =

   let main args =
       let rnd = new System.Random()
       let rand size = rnd.Next(size) - size/2
       let size = 30
       let gen n =
           let rec f (x,y) =
               let t = (int (sqrt (float (x*x + y*y)) ))
               if 10 <= t && t <= 15 then (x,y) else f (rand size, rand size)
           f (rand size, rand size)
       let plot = Array.init 100 (fun n -> gen n)
       for row in 0 .. size-1 do
           let chars = Array.create (size+1) ' '
           Array.choose (fun (x,y) -> if y = (row-size/2) then Some(x) else None) plot
           |> Array.iter (fun x -> chars.[x+size/2] <- 'o')
           printfn "%s" (new string(chars))

CirclePoints.main fsi.CommandLineArgs

  1. else

[<EntryPoint>] let main args = CirclePoints.main args

  1. endif</lang>

An example of the output:

          o  o oo
              o       o

         o o        o o
    o   o o oo o o       o o
   o                      o
     o  oo             oooo
     o                  oo
                       o  o
   oo                      o
  oooo                   o  o
 o                         o
  o                       oo
 o                          o
   oo                    oo  o
   o  o  o                o
    o                   o o
    o         o  o  oo
       oo         o oo    o
     o   o      o  o
      o o      o oo   o
              o   o


<lang falcon> // Generate points in [min,max]^2 with constraint function random_point (min, max, constraint)

 [x, y] = [random(min, max), random(min, max)]
 return constraint(x, y) ? [x, y] : random_point(min, max, constraint)


// Generate point list in_circle = { x, y => 10**2 <= x**2 + y**2 and x**2 + y**2 <= 15**2 } points = [].comp([0:100], {__ => random_point(-15, 15, in_circle)})

// Show points for i in [-15:16]

 for j in [-15:16]
   >> [i, j] in points ? "x" : " " 

end </lang> Example output:

          xxx  x               
        xx x  x  xx            
          x    xx      xx      
      x x     x x x x x x      
              x      x         
     xx   x          x         
   x    x            x         
  x  x                   xx    
      x                 x      
                         x   x 
 x                        xx   
     x                   xx    
 x                       xx  x 
  xx  x                     xx 
  xx                    x   x  
         x                 x   
       x x           x    x    
         x     x   x           
     x     x x   x  x    x     
                    x x        
              x x x x          


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>program Constrained_Points

 implicit none

 integer, parameter :: samples = 100
 integer :: i, j, n, randpoint
 real :: r

 type points
   integer :: x, y
 end type
 type(points) :: set(500), temp

! Create set of valid points

 n = 0
 do i = -15, 15
   do j = -15, 15
     if(sqrt(real(i*i + j*j)) >= 10.0 .and. sqrt(real(i*i + j*j)) <= 15.0) then
       n = n + 1
       set(n)%x = i
       set(n)%y = j
     end if
   end do
 end do

! create 100 random points ! Choose a random number between 1 and n inclusive and swap point at this index with point at index 1 ! Choose a random number between 2 and n inclusive and swap point at this index with point at index 2 ! Continue in this fashion until 100 points have been selected

 call random_seed
 do i = 1, samples
   call random_number(r)
   randpoint = r * (n + 1 - i) + i
   temp = set(i)
   set(i) = set(randpoint)
   set(randpoint) = temp
 end do

! In order to facilitate printing sort random points into ascending order ! sort x in ascending order

 do i = 2, samples
    j = i - 1
    temp = set(i)
       do while (j>=1 .and. set(j)%x > temp%x)
          set(j+1) = set(j)
          j = j - 1
       end do
    set(j+1) = temp
 end do

! sort y in ascending order for same x

 do i = 2, samples
    j = i - 1
    temp = set(i)
       do while (j>=1 .and. set(j)%x == temp%x .and. set(j)%y > temp%y)
          set(j+1) = set(j)
          j = j - 1
       end do
    set(j+1) = temp
 end do

! print circle

 write(*,"(a,a)", advance="no") repeat(" ", set(1)%y+15), "*"
 do i = 2, samples
   if(set(i)%x == set(i-1)%x) then
     write(*,"(a,a)", advance="no") repeat(" ", set(i)%y - set(i-1)%y-1), "*"
     n = set(i)%x - set(i-1)%x
     do j = 1, n
     end do
     write(*,"(a,a)", advance="no") repeat(" ", set(i)%y+15), "*"
   end if
 end do

end program</lang> Output

                  * * 
        *   *         * 
      ** **    * **    * 
     *  **   * **    * 
   ***   **               * 
    *    *           * 
  *                      *  * 
     **                   * 
   *                      * 
  *  *                   * 
    *                        * 
    **                   ***  * 
    *                    * 
    **                   * 
    *                    * 
   *                      * 
  *   *                      * 
      **                 *  * 
    * *                *  ** 
   ** * *               * 
          ***         * * * 
     **         *   *    * 
         *  * * * 
         *     *  ** * 


Pre calculate and plot 100 points to the console <lang freebasic>

'Free Basic version .9

  1. define Intrange(f,l) int(Rnd*(((l)+1)-(f))+(f))

Type pair

   As Integer x,y

End Type

Operator =(a As pair,b As pair) As Integer Return a.x=b.x And a.y=b.y End Operator

Function NotInArray(a() As pair,n As pair) As Integer

   For z As Integer=Lbound(a) To Ubound(a)
       If a(z)=n Then Return 0
   Next z
   Return -1

End Function

Redim As pair pts(0) Dim As Integer x,y,counter Do

   var root=Sqr(x*x+y*y)
   If 10<= root And root<=15 Then
       If NotInArray(pts(),Type<pair>(x,y)) Then
           Redim Preserve pts(1 To Ubound(pts)+1)
       End If
   End If

Loop Until counter=100000

'============== Plot to Console ======================

dim as integer yres=hiword(width) dim as integer xres=loword(width)

  1. define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
  2. define _X(num) int( map(0,xres,(num),0,loword(width)))
  3. define _Y(num) int( map(0,yres,(num),0,hiword(width)))

counter=0 For n As Integer=Lbound(pts) To Ubound(pts)

   if counter <=100 then 
   var xpos=map(-20,20,pts(n).x,0,xres)
   var ypos=map(-20,20,pts(n).y,0,yres)
   locate _Y(ypos),_X(xpos)
   print "*"
   end if

Next n

print locate 1,1 Print "Total number of points "; counter print "Total number plotted ";100 print "done" Sleep </lang> Console output:

Total number of points  404
Total number plotted    100
done                                           * *
                         *                 *       *
                           *     * * *       *           *
                 * * * *     *                 * * *     *     *
                 * *                               *   * *
             *   * * * *                                         *
             * *                                           *     * *
           * *   *                                         * *     *
               *                                             * *   *
             * * *                                           *     *

                   *                                         * * * *
               *   * *                                     * * *
               *           *                         *
                 *         *         *   *     * *     *     *
                               *         *     * *
                     *   *   *   *   * * *   *   *     * *
                                       * *   * * *


Algorithm 1: <lang go>package main

import (



type pt struct {

   x, y int


func main() {

   // generate random points, accumulate 100 distinct points meeting condition
   m := make(map[int]pt) // key is buffer index
   for len(m) < 100 {
       p := pt{rand.Intn(31) - 15, rand.Intn(31) - 15}
       rs := p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y
       if 100 <= rs && rs <= 225 {
           m[(p.x+15)*2+(p.y+15)*31*2] = p
   // plot to buffer
   b := bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, 31*31*2)
   for i := range m {
       b[i] = '*'
   // print buffer to screen
   for i := 0; i < 31; i++ {
       fmt.Println(string(b[i*31*2 : (i+1)*31*2]))

}</lang> Algorithm 2: <lang go>package main

import (



type pt struct {

   x, y int


func main() {

   // generate possible points
   all := make([]pt, 0, 404)
   for x := -15; x <= 15; x++ {
       for y := -15; y <= 15; y++ {
           rs := x*x + y*y
           if 100 <= rs && rs <= 225 {
               all = append(all, pt{x, y})
   if len(all) != 404 {
   // randomly order
   rp := rand.Perm(404)
   // plot 100 of them to a buffer
   b := bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, 31*31*2)
   for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
       p := all[rp[i]]
       b[(p.x+15)*2+(p.y+15)*31*2] = '*'
   // print buffer to screen
   for i := 0; i < 31; i++ {
       fmt.Println(string(b[i*31*2 : (i+1)*31*2]))

}</lang> Output:

                      *   *           * *                     
                        * *   *                               
                  *                 *   *   *                 
          *   *   *       *             * * *                 
                *       *         *       * *                 
            *                             * *     *           
          *     * *                         *                 
                                                      * *     
        *   *                                   *             
          * *                                   *   *   *     
        * *                                         * * *     
                                                  *     *     
    *                                                     *   
  *       *                                       *           
  * *     *                                                   
  *     *                                                     
  * *                                                         
    *     *                                                   
        *   * *                                     *         
            *                               *                 
              *   * *                               *         
            *     *   *       *         *                     
          * * *                 *         *   *   *           
            *         *   * * *       *         *             
                    *     *                                   
                          *   *   * *                         


Using Knuth Shuffle <lang haskell>import Data.List import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import Rosetta.Knuthshuffle

task = do

 let blanco = replicate (31*31) "  "
     cs = sequence [[-15,-14..15],[-15,-14..15]] :: Int
     constraint = uncurry(&&).((<= 15*15) &&& (10*10 <=)). sum. map (join (*))

-- select and randomize all circle points

 pts <- knuthShuffle $ filter constraint cs

-- 'paint' first 100 randomized circle points on canvas

 let canvas = foldl (\cs [x,y] -> replaceAt (31*(x+15)+y+15) "/ " cs ) blanco (take 100 pts)

-- show canvas

 mapM_ (putStrLn.concat). takeWhile(not.null). unfoldr (Just . splitAt 31) $ canvas</lang>

Output (added a trailing space per 'pixel'

*Main> task
                      /             / /                       
                          /     /       /                                       
              /                 /                                               
          /     /               /       / / /   /                               
            /                 / /       /                                       
      /     /     /                       /   /                                 
      /         /                           /                                   
        /   / /                                     /   /                       
        / / /                                 /       / /                       
    /     /                                       /                             
      / /                                             /                         
      /                                               /   /                     
/ /                                                   /     / 
                                                      /   /                     
                                                      /   /                     
      /                                             /                           
  /                                                   /       
                                                /     /                         
    /     /                                       /           
              / /                         / /         /       
        /   /       /                             /           
                          / /     / / /   / /                 
          / /             /                   /               
                            / /                               
                /   /   / / /   /       / /                   
                      /             / /


<lang lisp>(import

 [math [sqrt]]
 [random [choice]]
 [matplotlib.pyplot :as plt])

(setv possible-points (list-comp (, x y)

 [x (range -15 16) y (range -15 16)]
 (<= 10 (sqrt (+ (** x 2) (** y 2))) 15)))

(setv sample (list (take 100 (repeatedly (fn [] (choice possible-points))))))

(plt.plot (list (map first sample)) (list (map second sample)) "bo") (</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Generate random points in the bounded by the outside edge. Reject any found out of the prescribed bounds and stop when the required numbers of points have been generated.

plot of 2000, 100, 120

<lang Icon>link graphics

procedure main(A) # points, inside r, outside r in pixels - default to task values

if \A[1] == "help" then stop("Usage: plot #points inside-radius outside-radius") points  := \A[1] | 100 outside := \A[2] | 15 inside  := \A[3] | 10 if inside > outside then inside :=: outside

wsize  := integer(2.2*outside) wsize <:= 150 center  := wsize/2

WOpen("size="||wsize||","||wsize,"bg=black","fg=white") | stop("Unable to open window")

until(points -:= 1) <= 0 do {

  x := ?(2*outside)-outside   # random x
  y := ?(2*outside)-outside   # and y
  if (inside <= integer(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) ) <= outside then 
     DrawPoint(x + center,y + center)




This version deals 100 distinct coordinates from the set of acceptable coordinates (much like dealing cards from a shuffled deck):

<lang j>gen=: ({~ 100?#)bind((#~ 1=99 225 I.+/"1@:*:),/,"0/~i:15)</lang>

Example use (gen'' generates the points, the rest of the example code deals with rendering them as a text array): <lang j> '*' (<"1]15+gen )} 31 31$' '

          *  *  * * * *       
    *   *      *  *   *       
                  *   ***     
   **    *         *     **   
   * **                       
      *                   **  
 * *                  *   *   
*   *                  **     
* **                       ** 
** *                      *** 
* **                    *   * 
**                        *   
   *                    **  * 
**  *                         
* **                       *  
*                           * 
   *                        * 
 *                       *    
  **  *                       
      *                  **   
     * *            *    *    
    *       ** *     * *      
      *                *      
        *   *       *         
           **  *      </lang>


<lang java>import java.util.Random;

public class FuzzyCircle { static final Random rnd = new Random(); public static void main(String[] args){ char[][] field = new char[31][31]; for(int i = 0; i < field.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < field[i].length; j++){ field[i][j] = ' '; } } int pointsInDisc = 0; while(pointsInDisc < 100){ int x = rnd.nextInt(31) - 15; int y = rnd.nextInt(31) - 15; double dist = Math.hypot(x, y); if(dist >= 10 && dist <= 15 && field[x + 15][y + 15] == ' '){ field[x + 15][y + 15] = 'X'; pointsInDisc++; } } for(char[] row:field){ for(char space:row){ System.out.print(space); } System.out.println(); } } }</lang> Output:

            XX X               
        X X    X  X   X        
       X        XX  X          
     XXXX      X        X      
    X    X      X  XXX         
        X             X        
    X                 X  XXX   
    X                     X    
       X               X   XX  
 X   X                       X 
    XX                    X    
 X                         X   
 XXXXX                   X   X 
                          X X  
                         X   X 
                          X X  
 X   X                    X    
 X                        X    
    XX                 X       
    XX                  X      
        X            XX   X    
     X XX              X       
    X       X X  X      X      
     XX   X     X      XXX     
        X    X X X     XX      
            X         X        


JavaScript embedded in HTML, using canvas: <lang javascript><html><head><title>Circle</title></head> <body> <canvas id="cv" width="320" height="320"></canvas> <script type="application/javascript">

var cv = document.getElementById('cv'); var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');

var w = cv.width; var h = cv.height;

//draw circles ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 200, .3)'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.1)'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(w/2, h/2, 150, 0, Math.PI*2, true); ctx.arc(w/2, h/2, 100, 0, Math.PI*2, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill();

// draw grids ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 10; i < w; i += 10) { ctx.moveTo(i, 0); ctx.lineTo(i, h); ctx.moveTo(0, i); ctx.lineTo(w, i); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke();

//draw points ctx.fillStyle = 'navy'; var pts = 0; while (pts < 100) { var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 31) - 15; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 31) - 15; var r = x * x + y * y; if (r < 100 || r > 225) continue; x = x * 10 + w/2; y = y * 10 + h/2; ctx.fillRect(x - 2, y - 2, 4, 4); pts++; }


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>' RC Constrained Random Points on a Circle


WindowWidth =400 WindowHeight =430

open "Constrained Random Points on a Circle" for graphics_nsb as #w

  1. w "trapclose [quit]"
  2. w "down ; size 7 ; color red ; fill black"

for i =1 to 1000

    x =int( 30 *rnd( 1)) -15
    y =int( 30 *rnd( 1)) -15
 loop until IsInRange( x, y) =1
 #w "set "; 200 +10 *x; " "; 200 - 10 *y



function IsInRange( x, y)

 z =sqr( x*x +y*y)
 if 10 <=z and z <=15 then IsInRange =1 else IsInRange =0

end function

[quit] close #w end</lang>

Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 MODE 1:RANDOMIZE TIME 20 FOR J=1 TO 100 30 X=INT(RND*30-15) 40 Y=INT(RND*30-15) 50 D=X*X+Y*Y 60 IF D<100 OR D>225 THEN GOTO 40 70 PLOT 320+10*X,200+10*Y:LOCATE 1,1:PRINT J 80 NEXT 90 CALL &BB06 ' wait for key press</lang>


<lang maple> a := table():

i := 1:
while i < 100 do
ba := (rand(-15 .. 15))():
bb := (rand(-15 .. 15))():
b := evalf(sqrt(ba^2+bb^2)):
if b <= 15 and b >= 10 
 then a[i] := [ba, bb]: 
 i := i+1: 
end if:
end do:


This algorithm generates 500 pairs of random integers between +/- 15, picks out the ones that satisfy the inequality, and then takes the first 100 of those. It oversamples to reduce the chance of having less than 100 "candidates", which is not impossible, though extremely unlikely. <lang Mathematica>sample = Take[Cases[RandomInteger[{-15, 15}, {500, 2}], {x_, y_} /; 10 <= Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] <= 15], 100];

Show[{RegionPlot[10 <= Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] <= 15, {x, -16, 16}, {y, -16, 16}, Axes -> True], ListPlot[sample]}]</lang>


Uses the Monte-Carlo method described above.

<lang MATLAB>function [xCoordinates,yCoordinates] = randomDisc(numPoints)

   xCoordinates = [];
   yCoordinates = [];
   %Helper function that samples a random integer from the uniform
   %distribution between -15 and 15.
   function nums = randInt(n)
       nums = round((31*rand(n,1))-15.5);
   n = numPoints;
   while n > 0
       x = randInt(n);
       y = randInt(n);
       norms = sqrt((x.^2) + (y.^2));
       inBounds = find((10 <= norms) & (norms <= 15));
       xCoordinates = [xCoordinates; x(inBounds)];
       yCoordinates = [yCoordinates; y(inBounds)];
       n = numPoints - numel(xCoordinates);
   xCoordinates(numPoints+1:end) = [];
   yCoordinates(numPoints+1:end) = [];


Output: <lang MATLAB>>> [x,y] = randomDisc(100); >> plot(x,y,'.')</lang>


<lang Maxima>randomDisc(numPoints):= block([p: []],

 local(goodp, random_int),
 goodp(x, y):=block([r: sqrt(x^2+y^2)],
   r>=10 and r<=15
 random_int():= block([m: 15], m - random(2*(m+1)-1)),
 while length(p)<numPoints do block (
   [x: random_int(), y : random_int()],
   if goodp(x, y) then (
     p: cons([x, y], p)

p: randomDisc(100)$ plot2d(['discrete, p], ['style, 'points]);</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang nim>import tables, math, strutils, complex randomize()

proc random[T](a: openarray[T]): T =

 result = a[random(low(a)..len(a))]

type Point = tuple[x, y: int]

var world = initCountTable[Point]()

var possiblePoints = newSeq[Point]() for x in -15..15:

 for y in -15..15:
   if abs((x.float, y.float)) in 10.0..15.0:

for i in 0..100: possiblePoints.random

for x in -15..15:

 for y in -15..15:
   if world[(x,y)] > 0:
     stdout.write min(9, world[(x,y)])
     stdout.write ' '
 echo ""</lang>


          1211      1          
      1 1 3       1   1        
                3     11       
    1  11    1   1    1        
       122           21  1     
                        1 1 2  
      1                   1    
 11                      11    
   1 1                   1     
  11                      1    
  1  1                      11 
 2   1                         
     1                       1 
                         1 1   
    1 1                   111  
    1                1 1 1     
       1            11         
                 1 1     1     
     12 2        11   1  1     
              1 1 1 1 1        
        11 1                   


<lang ocaml>let p x y =

 let d = sqrt(x ** 2.0 +. y ** 2.0) in
 10.0 <= d && d <= 15.0

let () =

 let rec aux i acc =
   if i >= 100 then acc else
     let x = (Random.float 40.0) -. 20.0
     and y = (Random.float 40.0) -. 20.0 in
     if (p x y)
     then aux (succ i) ((x,y)::acc)
     else aux i acc
 let points = aux 0 [] in
 let g = Array.init 40 (fun _ -> String.make 40 ' ') in
 List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
   let x = (int_of_float x) + 20
   and y = (int_of_float y) + 20 in
   g.(y).[x] <- 'o'
 ) points;
 Array.iter print_endline g</lang>

                o   o     o
           oo      oo     oooo
               o      o   oo o
          o                o   o
      oo  o
       oo o                 oo  o
         o                     o
      oooo                     o o
        oo                  o o
        o                    oo
      o  o                  o  o
        o  o                 o o
       o  o
          o                   o
        o    o              oo
            o             oo
         o            o
             ooo o o       o
             o  ooo     o
                 oo  o


<lang parigp>crpc()={




<lang perl>my @points; while (@points < 100) {

       my ($x, $y) = (int(rand(31))-15, int(rand(31)) - 15);
       my $r2 = $x*$x + $y*$y;
       next if $r2 < 100 || $r2 > 225;
       push @points, [$x, $y];


print << 'HEAD'; %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox 0 0 400 400 200 200 translate 10 10 scale 0 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 0 10 0 360 arc stroke 0 0 15 360 0 arcn stroke 0 setgray /pt { .1 0 360 arc fill } def HEAD

print "@$_ pt\n" for @points; print "%%EOF";</lang>

Randomly generates points and reject ones not in the ring. Writes an EPS file.

Perl 6

<lang perl6>my @range = -15..16;

my @points = gather for @range X @range -> $x, $y {

   take [$x,$y] if 10 <= sqrt($x*$x+$y*$y) <= 15

} my @samples = @points.roll(100); # or .pick(100) to get distinct points

  1. format and print

my %matrix; for @range X @range -> $x, $y { %matrix{$y}{$x} = ' ' } %matrix{$_[1]}{$_[0]} = '*' for @samples; %matrix{$_}{@range}.join(' ').say for @range;</lang>

Turning that program completely inside-out and reducing to a single statement with a single non-parameter variable, we get this version, which also works:

<lang perl6>(say { $_ // ' ' } for my @matrix) given do

   -> [$x, $y] { @matrix[$x][$y] = '*' } for pick 100, do
       for ^32 X ^32 -> $x, $y {
           [$x,$y] when 100..225 given [+] ($x,$y X- 15) X** 2;


This uses, among other things, a 0-based matrix rather than a hash, a given on the first line that allows us to print the final value of the matrix straight from its initial declaration, a for statement feeding a for statement modifier, a lambda that unpacks a single x-y argument into two variables, the functional form of pick rather than the method form, a quasi-list comprehension in the middle loop that filters each given with a when, precalculated squared limits so we don't have to take the square root, use of X- and X** to subtract and exponentiate both $x and $y in parallel.

After the given do has loaded up @matrix with our circle, the map on the first line substitutes a space for any undefined matrix element, and the extra space between elements is supplied by the stringification of the list value, performed by the prefix ~ operator, the unary equivalent of concatenation in Perl 6.

At this point you would be justified in concluding that we are completely mad. :-)


<lang PicoLisp>(let Area (make (do 31 (link (need 31 " "))))

  (use (X Y)
     (do 100
                    (* (setq X (rand -15 15)) X)
                    (* (setq Y (rand -15 15)) Y) ) )
              10 ) )
        (set (nth Area (+ 16 X) (+ 16 Y)) "#") ) )
  (mapc prinl Area) )</lang>


           #  #  #  #
         ## #    #  #   #
       #      #   # # #
    #       #     # #   #
      #   #         #    #
      #                #   #
       #               #
     ##                      #
   #                      # #
  ###                      #
 #                         # #
##                          # #
  #                        #
 #                        #
 ## #
     #                 #
   ###                  #   #
      ###           # #    #
    #      #
         #  #   ##
                 # #
      #     #           #
                # #  #


version 1

<lang PL/I> constrain: procedure options (main);

  declare 1 point (100),
           2 x fixed binary,
           2 y fixed binary;
  declare (i, j, a, b, c) fixed binary;
  j = 0;
  do i = 1 to 100;
     a = 30*random()-15; b = 30*random()-15;
     c = sqrt(a**2 + b**2);
     if abs(c) >= 10 & abs(c) <= 15 then
        do; j = j + 1; x(j) = a; y(j) = b; end;
  /* PLOT */
  declare table(-15:15, -15:15) character (1);
  table = ' ';
  do i = 1 to j;
     table(x(i), y(i)) = '*';
  do i = -15 to 15;
     put skip;
     do j = -15 to 15;
        put edit (table(i,j)) (a);

end constrain; </lang> Output:

        **  *                  
                *   *          
 * **                          
                        * *    
  **                        *  
     * *                       

version 2

<lang PL/I>*process source attributed xref or(!);

annulus: procedure options (main);
/* version 1 does not handle (0/15) etc. this does. */
/* we show 1000 points here                         */
  declare 1 point(10000),
           2 x fixed binary,
           2 y fixed binary;
  declare (i, j, a, b, a2, b2, c) fixed binary(31);
  j = 0;
  do i = 1 to 1000;
     r=rand(31); a=r-16;
     r=rand(31); b=r-16;
     if c2>= 100 & c2 <= 225 then
        do; j = j + 1; x(j) = a; y(j) = b;
        /* put Edit(a,b,c)(3(F(3))); */ end;
  /* PLOT */
  declare table(-15:15, -15:15) character (2);
  table = ' ';
  do i = 1 to j;
     table(x(i), y(i)) = '*';
  do i = -15 to 15;
     put skip;
     do j = -15 to 15;
        put edit (table(i,j)) (a);
rand: Proc(n) Returns(Bin Fixed(31));
* Return a random integer between 1 and n
Dcl r Bin Float(31);
Dcl (n,d) Bin Fixed(31);
End annulus;</lang>


                      * *   *   * *   * *
                  * * * * *   * *   * * *
            * * * * *   * * * *     * *   * * * *
          * * * * * * * *       * * * *   * * * *
        * * * * * *     * *   *     * *       * * * *
      *     * *     *                   * * *     *   *
          *   * *                           * *   *   *
        * *   *                               * *   * * *
      * * * * *                               * *     * *
        *   *                                     *     * *
  *   * * *                                       * *   * *
  * * *   *                                       *   *   *
  * * * *                                         * * * * *
    *   *                                         * *     *
* * * *   *                                       * *   * * *
  * * *                                           * * *
    *   * *                                       *   * *
    *   * *                                       *   * * *
    * * *                                         * * *   *
  *   * *   *                                     *     * *
      * * * * *                                         *
      * *                                     * * * * * *
      * *   * * * *                       * * * *     *
          * * * *   *                     * *     * * *
        * * * * *   * *   *     * *   *   *   *     *
          *       * * * *   * *   * * * *   *   *
              * *   *   * * *   *     * * * *   *
                  * * * *     * *     * *
                        * * *   *     * *


Works with SWI-Prolog <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

circle :- bagof([X,Y], init(X,Y), BL), length(BL, N), length(L, 100), maplist(choose(BL, N), L), draw_circle(L).

% point selection choose(BL, N, V) :- I is random(N), nth0(I, BL, V).

% to find all couples of numbers verifying % 100 <= x^2 + y^2 <= 225 init(X1, Y1) :- X in -15..15, Y in -15..15, X*X + Y*Y #>= 100, X*X + Y*Y #=< 225, label([X,Y]), X1 is 10 * X + 200, Y1 is 10 * Y + 200.

draw_circle(L) :- new(D, window('Circle')), send(D, size,size(400,400)), forall(member([X,Y], L), ( new(C, circle(4)), send(C, fill_pattern, colour(@default, 0, 0, 0)), send(C, center(point(X,Y))), send(D, display, C))), send(D, open). </lang>


<lang PureBasic>CreateImage(0,31,31) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))

 For i=1 To 100
   Until 10<=R And R<=15


Title$="PureBasic Plot" Flags=#PB_Window_SystemMenu OpenWindow(0,#PB_Ignore,#PB_Ignore,ImageWidth(0),ImageHeight(0),Title$,Flags) ImageGadget(0,0,0,ImageWidth(0),ImageHeight(0),ImageID(0)) Repeat: Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow</lang>


Note that the diagram shows the number of points at any given position (up to a maximum of 9 points). <lang python>>>> from collections import defaultdict >>> from random import choice >>> world = defaultdict(int) >>> possiblepoints = [(x,y) for x in range(-15,16) for y in range(-15,16) if 10 <= abs(x+y*1j) <= 15] >>> for i in range(100): world[choice(possiblepoints)] += 1

>>> for x in range(-15,16): print(.join(str(min([9, world[(x,y)]])) if world[(x,y)] else ' ' for y in range(-15,16)))

            1     1           
         1 1                  
     11 1     1  1     1      
    111  1     1211           
     1   2    1 1    11       
     1  11         21         
    1   1            11  1    
  1  2                1 1     
1  2                          
  1 1                      1  
  1 1                         
  2                      11   
 1                         1  
 1                          1 
    1                  1 1    
     1                2   1   
  1   3            11  2      
   11   1    1      1   2     
           1   1    2         
       1  1                   
        1      1     1        
         2 2   1              
              1               </lang>

If the number of samples is increased to 1100: <lang python>>>> for i in range(1000): world[choice(possiblepoints)] += 1

>>> for x in range(-15,16): print(.join(str(min([9, world[(x,y)]])) if world[(x,y)] else ' ' for y in range(-15,16)))

       5133333131253 1        
     5231514 14214721 24      
    326 21222143234122322     
   54235153132123344125 22    
  32331432         2422 33    
  5453135           4144344   
 132595               323123  
 4 6353               432224  
5 4323                 3 5313 
23214                   41433 
42454                   33342 
332 4                   34314 
142 1                   35 53 

124211 53131

22221                   152 4 
22213                   34562 
654 4                   4 212 
24354                   52232 
544222                 283323 
 411123               453325  
 251321               124332  
  2124134           2443226   
  2 113315         64324334   
   2412452 324 32121132363    
     4222434324635 5433       
       2131181233  424        
              4               </lang>


<lang R> RMin <- 10 RMax <- 15 NPts <- 100

  1. instead of a for loop, we generate what should be enough points
  2. also take care to have enough range to avoid rounding inaccuracies

nBlock <- NPts * ((RMax/RMin) ^ 2) nValid <- 0 while (nValid < NPts) { X <- round(runif(nBlock, -RMax - 1, RMax + 1)) Y <- round(runif(nBlock, -RMax - 1, RMax + 1)) R <- sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) Valid <- ( (R >= RMin) & (R <= RMax) ) nValid <- sum(Valid) nBlock <- 2 * nBlock } plot(X[Valid][1:NPts],Y[Valid][1:NPts], pch=19, cex=0.25, col="blue", xlab="x",ylab="y",main="Fuzzy circle", xlim=c(-RMax,RMax), ylim=c(-RMax,RMax) ) </lang>

Example of solution


<lang racket>#lang racket

(require plot plot/utils)

(plot (points (for*/lists (result)

               ([_ (in-naturals)]
                #:break (= 100 (length result))
                [xy (in-value (v- (vector (random 31) (random 31))
                                  #(15 15)))]
                #:when (<= 10 (vmag xy) 15))


version 1

without aspect adjustment

No aspect adjustment is done in version of the REXX program. <lang rexx>/*REXX program gens 100 random points in an annulus: 10 ≤ √(x²+y²) ≤ 15 */ parse arg points low high . /*allow parms from command line. */ if points== then points=100 if low== then low=10; low2= low**2 /*define a square shortcut.*/ if high== then high=15; high2=high**2 /* " " " " */ $=

  do x=-high;       x2=x*x            /*gen all possible annulus points*/
  if x<0 & x2>high2  then iterate
  if x>0 & x2>high2  then leave
        do y=-high;       y2=y*y;    s=x2+y2
        if (y<0 & s>high2) | s<low2  then iterate
        if  y>0 & s>high2            then leave
        $=$ x','y                     /*add a point-set to the $ list. */
        end   /*y*/
  end         /*x*/

plotChar='O'; minY=high2; maxY=-minY; ap=words($); field.=

  do j=1  for points                  /*"draw" the x,y points [char O].*/
  parse value word($,random(1,ap))  with  x ',' y  /*pick random point.*/
  field.y=overlay(plotChar, field.y, x+high+1)     /*"draw: the point. */
  minY=min(minY,y);    maxY=max(maxY,y)            /*plot restricting. */
  end   /*j*/
do y=minY  to maxY                    /*display the annulus to screen. */
if field\==  then say field.y       /*Not blank?   Then display it.  */
end   /*y*/
                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output when using default input:

          O O     OO
           O          O
       O O    O O       O
      O  O
     OOO O   O O     O
   O O  OO           OO
     O                    O
       O               O   OO
      OO                O  O
                         O  O
  O  O                    O
     O                     O
  O                          O
  O O O                   O
    O                   OO  O
  OOOO                   O
      O                O
   O      O
     O  O O  O
      O OOO            O
      O   O    O   O O
        O O O  O     OO

with aspect adjustment

Aspect adjustment is done in this version of the REXX program. <lang rexx>/*REXX program gens 100 random points in an annulus: 10 ≤ √(x²+y²) ≤ 15 */ parse arg points low high . /*allow parms from command line. */ if points== then points=100 if low== then low=10; low2= low**2 /*define a square shortcut.*/ if high== then high=15; high2=high**2 /* " " " " */ $=

  do x=-high;       x2=x*x            /*gen all possible annulus points*/
  if x<0 & x2>high2  then iterate
  if x>0 & x2>high2  then leave
        do y=-high;       y2=y*y;    s=x2+y2
        if (y<0 & s>high2) | s<low2  then iterate
        if  y>0 & s>high2            then leave
        $=$ x','y                     /*add a point-set to the $ list. */
        end   /*y*/
  end         /*x*/

plotChar='O'; minY=high2; maxY=-minY; ap=words($); field.=

  do j=1  for points                  /*"draw" the x,y points [char O].*/
  parse value word($,random(1,ap))  with  x ',' y  /*pick random point.*/
  field.y=overlay(plotChar, field.y, 2*x+2*high+1) /*"draw: the point. */
  minY=min(minY,y);    maxY=max(maxY,y)            /*plot restricting. */
  end   /*j*/
do y=minY  to maxY                    /*display the annulus to screen. */
if field\==  then say field.y       /*Not blank?   Then display it.  */
end   /*y*/
                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output (with aspect adjustment) when using default input:

                      O       O
                          O O   O   O O O
                O                     O O O
            O         O   O   O   O
                      O           O               O
                O                           O       O
              O                                     O O
          O                                   O   O   O
    O     O                                         O   O
        O                                       O
  O                                               O
  O     O O                                           O
      O   O                                               O
      O                                               O
      O   O
        O O
                                                O     O   O
    O   O     O                               O O
        O                                   O         O
          O   O                                     O
        O O     O             O           O   O
                      O           O         O
              O O O                       O
                      O       O     O O

version 2

<lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • show 100 random points of an annulus with radius 10 to 15
  • 18.06.2014 Walter Pachl 'derived/simplified' from REXX version 1
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 Parse Arg points low high scale . /* allow parms from command line.*/
 If points== Then  points=100    /* number of points              */
 If low==    Then  low=10        /* inner radius                  */
 If high==   Then  high=15       /* outer radius                  */
 If scale==  Then  scale=2       /* horizontal scaling            */
 /* first compute all possible points                               */
 Do x=-high To high
   Do y=-high To high
     If s>=low2 &s<=high2 Then Do
       point.z=x y
 np=point.0                           /* available points           */
 Do j=1 To points                     /* pick the needed points     */
   Parse Var point.r x y              /* coordinates                */
   line.y=overlay(plotchar,line.y,scale*(x+high)+1) /* put into line*/                   /* replace taken point by last*/
   np=np-1                            /* reduce available points    */
   If np=0 Then Leave                 /* all possible points taken  */

/* now draw the picture */

 Do y=-high To high
   Say line.y

output using default parameters

                    O O           O
                          O O         O     O   O
          O O O       O   O O       O         O   O
        O     O       O             O O O O O
                    O                     O O O O O O
      O         O
        O                                         O
  O         O
    O   O O                                             O O
      O   O                                         O
  O       O                                           O
          O                                             O
      O   O O                                   O
      O                                         O       O
        O   O                                     O   O O
              O                               O O   O O
                O                               O
                      O   O O O   O
            O                                   O
              O O O   O O O               O O   O
                  O       O O             O O
                    O               O

output using rexx fcaa 100 3 4 2

    O O O O O
  O           O
  O           O
O O           O O
  O           O
  O           O
    O O O O O

version 3

<lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 19.06.2014 Walter Pachl alternate algorithm
  • the idea: yl is a list of y coordinates which may have unused points
  • one of the y's is picked at random
  • Then we look for unused x coordinates in this line
  • we pick one at random or drop the y from yl if none is found
  • When yl becomes empty, all points are used and we stop
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Parse Arg n r rr scale If r= Then r=10 If rr= Then rr=15 If n= Then n=100 If scale= Then scale=2 r2=r*r rr2=rr*rr ymin=0 ymax=rr*2 ol= pp.=0 used.=0 yl= /* list of available y values */ Do y=-rr To rr

 yl=yl y

Do Until pp.0=n /*look for the required points*/

 If yl= Then Do                     /* no more points available   */
   Say 'all points filled'
 yi=random(1,words(yl))               /* pick a y                   */
 Do x=0 To rr                         /* Loop through possible x's  */
   If xy2>=r2&xy2<=rr2 Then Do        /* within the annulus         */
     Call take x y
     Call take (-x) y
 If p.0>0 Then Do                     /* some x's found (or just 1) */
   xi=random(1,p.0)                   /* pick an x                  */
   Parse Var pp.z xa ya
   used.xa.ya=1                       /* remember it's taken        */
 Else Do                              /* no x for this y            */
   yi=wordpos(y,yl)                   /* remove y from yl           */
     When yi=1 Then yl=subword(yl,yi+1)
     When yi=words(yl) Then yl=subword(yl,1,yi-1)
     Otherwise yl=subword(yl,1,yi-1) subword(yl,yi+1)

line.= /* empty the raster */ Do i=1 To pp.0 /* place the points */

 Parse Var pp.i x y

Do y=-rr To rr /* show the result */

 Say line.y

say pp.0 'points filled' Exit Return

take: Procedure Expose p. used. /* add x to p. if its not used*/

 Parse Arg x y
 If used.x.y=0 Then Do
   p.z=x y

output using rexx fcaa 100 3 5 2

all points filled
    + + + + + + +
  + + + + + + + + +
  + +           + +
  + +           + +
+ + +           + + +
  + +           + +
  + +           + +
  + + + + + + + + +
    + + + + + + +
56 points filled


Create the image with Raster graphics operations/Ruby <lang Ruby>points = (1..100).map do

 # choose a random radius and angle
 angle = rand * 2.0 * Math::PI
 rad   = rand * 5.0 + 10.0
 # convert back from polar to cartesian coordinates
 [rad * Math::cos(angle), rad * Math::sin(angle)].map(&:round)


(-15..15).each do |row|

 puts (-15..15).map { |col| points.include?([row, col]) ? "X" : " " }.join


load 'raster_graphics.rb'

pixmap =,321) pixmap.draw_circle(,160),90,RGBColour::BLACK) pixmap.draw_circle(,160),160,RGBColour::BLACK) points.each {|(x,y)| pixmap[10*(x+16),10*(y+16)] = RGBColour::BLACK} pngfile = __FILE__ pngfile[/\.rb/] = ".png" pixmap.save_as_png(pngfile)</lang>

Sample output from Ruby program
Sample output from Ruby program
          X X
         X      XX
           X XXX
         XX X  X  X X  X
      XX            XX
   X  X                    X
    X                   X
   X                   X
     X                   X XXX
 XX X                     X
  X                           X
 X                        X
   XXX                      X
  XXX                     X  X

  XX X                   X X
   XX                  X   X
   X                      X
  XX  X                   X
   X               X      X
      X        X   X
             X       X X
          X    X     X
            X      X

algorithm 2:

<lang ruby>r2 = 10*10..15*15 range = (-15..15).to_a points = range.product(range).each_with_object([]) do |(i,j), pt|

 pt << [i,j] if r2.cover?(i*i + j*j)


puts "Precalculate: #{points.size}" pt =" ") points.sample(100).each{|i,j| pti,j = " o"} puts{|i|{|j| pti,j}.join}</lang>

Precalculate: 404
                               o o o                          
                 o o o     o                                  
                 o           o     o o       o                
           o   o     o                 o         o o          
               o       o             o   o           o        
                                               o     o        
       o                                       o              
                                                   o o o      
     o         o                                     o        
     o o                                           o       o  
       o                                             o        
           o                                             o    
         o                                               o   o
   o o   o                                         o   o      
   o       o                                         o        
   o   o     o                                         o      
             o                                   o     o      
                 o                                   o o      
       o       o                           o   o   o   o      
           o o     o   o     o       o     o o   o            
                         o           o   o o   o              
             o     o o   o                 o o                
                   o o   o o             o                    
                         o o                                  


<lang runbasic>w = 320 h = 320 dim canvas(w,h) for pts = 1 to 1000

 x = (rnd(1) * 31) - 15
 y = (rnd(1) * 31) - 15
 r = x * x + y * y
 if (r > 100) and (r < 225) then
   x = int(x * 10 + w/2)
   y = int(y * 10 + h/2)
   canvas(x,y) = 1
 end if

next pts

' ----------------------------- ' display the graphic ' ----------------------------- graphic #g, w,h for x = 1 to w

 for y = 1 to h
    if canvas(x,y) = 1 then  #g "color green ; set "; x; " "; y else #g "color blue ; set "; x; " "; y
 next y

next x render #g

  1. g "flush"</lang>


Library: Scala

<lang Scala>import java.awt.{ Color, geom,Graphics2D ,Rectangle}

import scala.math.hypot import scala.swing.{MainFrame,Panel,SimpleSwingApplication} import scala.swing.Swing.pair2Dimension import scala.util.Random

object CirculairConstrainedRandomPoints extends SimpleSwingApplication {

 //min/max of display-x resp. y
 val dx0, dy0 = 30; val dxm, dym = 430
 val prefSizeX, prefSizeY = 480
 val palet = Map("b" ->, "g" ->, "r" ->, "s" ->
 val cs = List((0, 0, 10, "b"), (0, 0, 15, "g")) //circle position and color
 val xmax, ymax = 20; val xmin, ymin = -xmax
 class Coord(x: Double, y: Double) {
   def dx = (((dxm - dx0) / 2 + x.toDouble / xmax * (dxm - dx0) / 2) + dx0).toInt
   def dy = (((dym - dy0) / 2 - y.toDouble / ymax * (dym - dy0) / 2) + dy0).toInt
 object Coord {
   def apply(x: Double, y: Double) = new Coord(x, y)
 val points =
   new Iterator[Int] { val r = new Random;def next = r.nextInt(31) - 15; def hasNext = true }.toStream.
     zip(new Iterator[Int] { val r = new Random; def next = r.nextInt(31) - 15; def hasNext = true }.toStream).
     map { case (x, y) => (x, y, hypot(x, y)) }.filter { case (x, y, r) => r >= 10 && r <= 15 }.take(100).toSeq.
     map { case (x, y, r) => new Rectangle(Coord(x, y).dx - 2, Coord(x, y).dy - 2, 4, 4) }
 private def ui = new Panel {
   background = Color.white
   preferredSize = (prefSizeX, prefSizeY)
   class Circle(center: Coord, r: Double, val color: Color) {
     val dr = (Coord(r, 0).dx - pcentre.dx) * 2
     val dx = center.dx - dr / 2
     val dy = center.dy - dr / 2
   object Circle {
     def apply(x: Double, y: Double, r: Double, color: Color) =
       new Circle(Coord(x, y), r, color)
   val pcentre = Coord(0, 0)
   val pxmax = Coord(xmax, 0); val pxmin = Coord(xmin, 0)
   val pymax = Coord(0, ymax); val pymin = Coord(0, ymin)
   val a_path = new geom.GeneralPath
   a_path.moveTo(pxmin.dx, pxmin.dy); a_path.lineTo(pxmax.dx, pxmax.dy) //x-axis
   a_path.moveTo(pymin.dx, pymin.dy); a_path.lineTo(pymax.dx, pymax.dy) //y-axis
   val labels = List(-20, -15, -10, -5, 5, 10, 15, 20)
   labels.foreach { x => { val p = Coord(x, 0); a_path.moveTo(p.dx, p.dy - 3); a_path.lineTo(p.dx, p.dy + 3) } }
   labels.foreach { y => { val p = Coord(0, y); a_path.moveTo(p.dx - 3, p.dy); a_path.lineTo(p.dx + 3, p.dy) } }
   val xlabels = => { val p = Coord(x, 0); Triple(x.toString, p.dx - 3, p.dy + 20) })
   val ylabels = => { val p = Coord(0, y); Triple(y.toString, p.dx - 20, p.dy + 5) })
   val circles = { case (x, y, r, c) => Circle(x, y, r, palet(c)) }
   override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) = {
     circles.foreach { c => { g.setColor(c.color); g.drawOval(c.dx, c.dy, c.dr, c.dr) } }
     g.setColor(palet("r")); points.foreach(g.draw(_))
     g.setColor(palet("s")); g.draw(a_path)
     xlabels.foreach { case (text, px, py) => g.drawString(text, px, py) }
     ylabels.foreach { case (text, px, py) => g.drawString(text, px, py) }
 } // def ui
 def top = new MainFrame {
   title = "Rosetta Code >>> Task: Constrained random points on a circle | Language: Scala"
   contents = ui



<lang SystemVerilog>program main;

 bit [39:0] bitmap [40];
 class Point;
   rand bit signed [4:0] x;
   rand bit signed [4:0] y;
   constraint on_circle_edge {
     (10*10) <= (x*x + y*y);
     (x*x + y*y) <= (15*15);
   function void do_point();
     bitmap[x+20][y+20] = 1;
 initial begin
   Point p = new;
   repeat (100) p.do_point;
   foreach (bitmap[row]) $display( "%b", bitmap[row]);


Piping the output through sed to improve the contrast of the output:

% vcs -sverilog -R | sed 's/0/ /g'
                11 1  1                 
            1 1  1    11                
          1     1   1   11              
            1           1  1            
             1      1      1            
       1   1                  1         
      1    1               1            
     11  1                     1 1      
         1                   1          
    1   1                    1   1      
     1                        1  1      
     11 1                       1       
     1111                        1      
      1 111                  1          
       11 1                111  1       
                          1  1          
            1            1   1          
             1  11                      
                   1    1               
               11  1 1                  


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Generate random point at specified distance from the centre

proc getPoint {range from to} {

   set r2 [expr {$range / 2}]
   set f2 [expr {$from ** 2}]
   set t2 [expr {$to ** 2}]
   while 1 {

set x [expr {int($range * rand())}] set y [expr {int($range * rand())}] set d2 [expr {($x-$r2)**2 + ($y-$r2)**2}] if {$d2 >= $f2 && $d2 <= $t2} { return [list $y $x] }



  1. Make somewhere to store the counters

set ary [lrepeat 31 [lrepeat 31 0]]

  1. Generate 100 random points

for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {

   set location [getPoint 31 10 15]
   # Increment the counter for the point
   lset ary $location [expr {1 + [lindex $ary $location]}]


  1. Simple renderer

foreach line $ary {

   foreach c $line {

puts -nonewline [expr {$c == 0 ? " " : $c > 9 ? "X" : $c}]

   puts ""

}</lang> Example output:

           1  1                
         1 1 1   2   1 1       
        11   1        1  1     
       11 1            1  1    
   1     1                     
   1    12               1     
     1 1               1       
  1 1                    1     
      1                    1   
   1                       1 1 
                          1  2 
 1                         1   
 2   1                    2    
  2                         1  
    1                    11    
     1                   1     
  1                       1    
     2                 1    1  
   1                     1     
   1 1   1          11     1   
     2  1  1        11         
        11      1      1 1     
      1 2   1       11         
         121   1  1            
           1  1   1            


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations int X, Y, C, R2; [SetVid($13); \set 320x200x8 graphics mode C:= 0; \initialize point counter repeat X:= Ran(31)-15; \range -15..+15

       Y:= Ran(31)-15;
       R2:= X*X + Y*Y;
       if R2>=10*10 & R2<=15*15 then
               [Point(X+160, Y+100, $F);  C:= C+1];

until C >= 100; C:= ChIn(1); \wait for keystroke SetVid(3); \restore normal text mode ]</lang>


<lang zkl>xy:=(0).walker(*).tweak(fcn{ // generate infinite random pairs (lazy)

  x:=(-15).random(16); y:=(-15).random(16); 
  if(not (100<=(x*x + y*y)<=225)) Void.Skip else T(x,y)


const N=31; // [-15..15] includes 0 array:=(" ,"*N*N).split(",").copy(); // bunch of spaces (list)

xy.walk(100).apply2(fcn([(x,y)],array){array[x+15 + N*(y+15)]="*"},array); foreach n in ([0..30]){ array[n*N,30].concat().println(); }</lang>

          *   *     *         
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