Sorting algorithms/Quicksort

Revision as of 05:01, 13 November 2007 by MikeMol (talk | contribs) (Switch to header template)

In this task, the goal is to sort an array (or list) of elements using the Quicksort algorithm. The elements must have a total order and the index of the array can be of any discrete type. For languages where this is not possible, sort an array of integers.

Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


This example is implemented as a generic procedure. The procedure specification is:

-- Generic Quicksort procedure
    type Element_Type is private;
   type Index_Type is (<>);
   type Element_Array is array(Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
   with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>; 
   with function ">" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
procedure Sort(Item : in out Element_Array);

The procedure body deals with any discrete index type, either an integer type or an enumerated type.

-- Generic Quicksort procedure

procedure Sort (Item : in out Element_Array) is
   procedure Swap(Left, Right : in out Element_Type) is
      Temp : Element_Type := Left;
      Left := Right;
      Right := Temp;
   end Swap;
   Pivot_Index : Index_Type;
   Pivot_Value : Element_Type;
   Right       : Index_Type := Item'Last;
   Left        : Index_Type := Item'First;
   if Item'Length > 2 then
      Pivot_Index := Index_Type'Val((Index_Type'Pos(Item'Last) + 1 + 
                                    Index_Type'Pos(Item'First)) / 2);
      Pivot_Value := Item(Pivot_Index);
         Left  := Item'First;
         Right := Item'Last;
         while Left < Item'Last and then Item(Left) < Pivot_Value loop
            Left := Index_Type'Succ(Left);
         end loop;
         while Right > Item'First and then Item(Right) > Pivot_Value loop
            Right := Index_Type'Pred(Right);
         end loop;
         exit when Left >= Right;
         Swap(Item(Left), Item(Right));
         if Left < Item'Last and Right > Item'First then
            Left := Index_Type'Succ(Left);
            Right := Index_Type'Pred(Right);
         end if;
      end loop;
      if Right > Item'First then
      end if;
      if Left < Item'Last then
      end if;
   end if;
end Sort;

An example of how this procedure may be used is:

with Sort;
with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO; 

procedure Sort_Test is
   type Days is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
   type Sales is array(Days range <>) of Float;
   procedure Sort_Days is new Sort(Float, Days, Sales);
   procedure Print(Item : Sales) is
      for I in Item'range loop
         Put(Item => Item(I), Fore => 5, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
      end loop;
   end Print;
   Weekly_Sales : Sales := (Mon => 300.0, 
      Tue => 700.0, 
      Wed => 800.0, 
      Thu => 500.0, 
      Fri => 200.0, 
      Sat => 100.0, 
      Sun => 900.0);
end Sort_Test;


void quick(int *left, int *right)
  if (right > left) {
    int pivot = left[(right-left)/2];
    int *r = right, *l = left;
    do {
      while (*l < pivot) l++;
      while (*r > pivot) r--;
      if (l <= r) {
        int t = *l;
        *l++ = *r;
        *r-- = t;
    } while (l <= r);
    quick(left, r);
    quick(l, right);
void sort(int *array, int length)
  quick(array, array+length-1);


defer lessthan ( a@ b@ -- ? )   ' < is lessthan

: mid ( l r -- mid ) over - 2/ -cell and + ;

: exch ( addr1 addr2 -- ) dup @ >r over @ swap ! r> swap ! ;

: partition ( l r -- l r r2 l2 )
  2dup mid @ >r ( r: pivot )
  2dup begin
    swap begin dup @  r@ lessthan while cell+ repeat
    swap begin r@ over @ lessthan while cell- repeat
    2dup <= if 2dup exch >r cell+ r> cell- then
  2dup > until  r> drop ;

: qsort ( l r -- )
  partition  swap rot
  \ 2over 2over - + < if 2swap then
  2dup < if recurse else 2drop then
  2dup < if recurse else 2drop then ;

: sort ( array len -- )
  dup 2 < if 2drop exit then
  1- cells over + qsort ;


The famous two-liner, reflecting the underlying algorithm directly:

qsort []     = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++ [x] ++ qsort [y | y <- xs, y > x]

A more efficient version, doing only one comparison per element:

import Data.List

qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort ys ++ x : qsort zs where (ys, zs) = partition (<= x) xs


IDL has a powerful optimized sort() built-in. The following is thus merely for demonstration.

function qs, arr
  if (count = n_elements(arr)) lt 2 then return,arr
  pivot = total(arr) / count ; use the average for want of a better choice
  return,[qs(arr[where(arr le pivot)]),qs(arr[where(arr gt pivot)])]


IDL> print,qs([3,17,-5,12,99])
     -5       3      12      17      99


fn quickSort arr =
    less = #()
    pivotList = #()
    more = #()
    if arr.count <= 1 then
        pivot = arr[arr.count/2]
        for i in arr do
            case of
                (i < pivot):	(append less i)
                (i == pivot):	(append pivotList i)
                (i > pivot):	(append more i)
        less = quickSort less
        more = quickSort more
        less + pivotList + more
a = #(4, 89, -3, 42, 5, 0, 2, 889)
a = quickSort a


def quickSort(arr):
    less = []
    pivotList = []
    more = []
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
        pivot = arr[0]
        for i in arr:
            if i < pivot:
            elif i > pivot:
        less = quickSort(less)
        more = quickSort(more)
        return less + pivotList + more

a = [4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1]
a = quickSort(a)


const proc: quickSort (inout array elemType: arr, in integer: left, in integer: right) is func
    var elemType: compare_elem is elemType.value;
    var integer: less_idx is 0;
    var integer: greater_idx is 0;
    var elemType: help is elemType.value;
    if right > left then
      compare_elem := arr[right];
      less_idx := pred(left);
      greater_idx := right;
        until arr[less_idx] >= compare_elem;
        until arr[greater_idx] <= compare_elem or greater_idx = left;
        if less_idx < greater_idx then
          help := arr[less_idx];
          arr[less_idx] := arr[greater_idx];
          arr[greater_idx] := help;
        end if;
      until less_idx >= greater_idx;
      arr[right] := arr[less_idx];
      arr[less_idx] := compare_elem;
      quickSort(arr, left, pred(less_idx));
      quickSort(arr, succ(less_idx), right);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: quickSort (inout array elemType: arr) is func
    quickSort(arr, 1, length(arr));
  end func;

Original source: [1]