Sorting algorithms/Quicksort: Difference between revisions

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Line 11: Line 11:
type Element_Type is private;
type Element_Type is private;
type Index_Type is (<>);
type Index_Type is (<>);
type Element_Array is array(Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
type Element_Array is array(Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
Line 196: Line 196:
a = #(4, 89, -3, 42, 5, 0, 2, 889)
a = #(4, 89, -3, 42, 5, 0, 2, 889)
a = quickSort a
a = quickSort a

def quickSort(arr):
less = []
pivotList = []
more = []
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
pivot = arr[0]
for i in arr:
if i < pivot:
elif i > pivot:
less = quickSort(less)
more = quickSort(more)
return less + pivotList + more
a = [4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1]
a = quickSort(a)

Revision as of 23:32, 8 October 2007

Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task, the goal is to sort an array of elements using the Quicksort algorithm. The elements must have a total order and the index of the array can be of any discrete type. For languages where this is not possible, sort an array of integers.


This example is implemented as a generic procedure. The procedure specification is:

-- Generic Quicksort procedure
    type Element_Type is private;
   type Index_Type is (<>);
   type Element_Array is array(Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
   with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>; 
   with function ">" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
procedure Sort(Item : in out Element_Array);

The procedure body deals with any discrete index type, either an integer type or an enumerated type.

-- Generic Quicksort procedure

procedure Sort (Item : in out Element_Array) is
   procedure Swap(Left, Right : in out Element_Type) is
      Temp : Element_Type := Left;
      Left := Right;
      Right := Temp;
   end Swap;
   Pivot_Index : Index_Type;
   Pivot_Value : Element_Type;
   Right       : Index_Type := Item'Last;
   Left        : Index_Type := Item'First;
   if Item'Length > 2 then
      Pivot_Index := Index_Type'Val((Index_Type'Pos(Item'Last) + 1 + 
                                    Index_Type'Pos(Item'First)) / 2);
      Pivot_Value := Item(Pivot_Index);
         Left  := Item'First;
         Right := Item'Last;
         while Left < Item'Last and then Item(Left) < Pivot_Value loop
            Left := Index_Type'Succ(Left);
         end loop;
         while Right > Item'First and then Item(Right) > Pivot_Value loop
            Right := Index_Type'Pred(Right);
         end loop;
         exit when Left >= Right;
         Swap(Item(Left), Item(Right));
         if Left < Item'Last and Right > Item'First then
            Left := Index_Type'Succ(Left);
            Right := Index_Type'Pred(Right);
         end if;
      end loop;
      if Right > Item'First then
      end if;
      if Left < Item'Last then
      end if;
   end if;
end Sort;

An example of how this procedure may be used is:

with Sort;
with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO; 

procedure Sort_Test is
   type Days is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
   type Sales is array(Days range <>) of Float;
   procedure Sort_Days is new Sort(Float, Days, Sales);
   procedure Print(Item : Sales) is
      for I in Item'range loop
         Put(Item => Item(I), Fore => 5, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
      end loop;
   end Print;
   Weekly_Sales : Sales := (Mon => 300.0, 
      Tue => 700.0, 
      Wed => 800.0, 
      Thu => 500.0, 
      Fri => 200.0, 
      Sat => 100.0, 
      Sun => 900.0);
end Sort_Test;


void quick(int *left, int *right)
  if (right > left) {
    int pivot = left[(right-left)/2];
    int *r = right, *l = left;
    do {
      while (*l < pivot) l++;
      while (*r > pivot) r--;
      if (l <= r) {
        int t = *l;
        *l++ = *r;
        *r-- = t;
    } while (l <= r);
    quick(left, r);
    quick(l, right);
void sort(int *array, int length)
  quick(array, array+length-1);


defer lessthan ( a@ b@ -- ? )   ' < is lessthan

: mid ( l r -- mid ) over - 2/ -cell and + ;

: exch ( addr1 addr2 -- ) dup @ >r over @ swap ! r> swap ! ;

: partition ( l r -- l r r2 l2 )
  2dup mid @ >r ( r: pivot )
  2dup begin
    swap begin dup @  r@ lessthan while cell+ repeat
    swap begin r@ over @ lessthan while cell- repeat
    2dup <= if 2dup exch >r cell+ r> cell- then
  2dup > until  r> drop ;

: qsort ( l r -- )
  partition  swap rot
  \ 2over 2over - + < if 2swap then
  2dup < if recurse else 2drop then
  2dup < if recurse else 2drop then ;

: sort ( array len -- )
  dup 2 < if 2drop exit then
  1- cells over + qsort ;


IDL has a powerful optimized sort() built-in. The following is thus merely for demonstration.

function qs, arr
  if (count = n_elements(arr)) lt 2 then return,arr
  pivot = total(arr) / count ; use the average for want of a better choice
  return,[qs(arr[where(arr le pivot)]),qs(arr[where(arr gt pivot)])]


IDL> print,qs([3,17,-5,12,99])
     -5       3      12      17      99


fn quickSort arr =
    less = #()
    pivotList = #()
    more = #()
    if arr.count <= 1 then
        pivot = arr[arr.count/2]
        for i in arr do
            case of
                (i < pivot):	(append less i)
                (i == pivot):	(append pivotList i)
                (i > pivot):	(append more i)
        less = quickSort less
        more = quickSort more
        less + pivotList + more
a = #(4, 89, -3, 42, 5, 0, 2, 889)
a = quickSort a


def quickSort(arr):
    less = []
    pivotList = []
    more = []
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
        pivot = arr[0]
        for i in arr:
            if i < pivot:
            elif i > pivot:
        less = quickSort(less)
        more = quickSort(more)
        return less + pivotList + more

a = [4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1]
a = quickSort(a)