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{{draft task}}
A round-robin tournament is also known as an all-play-all-tournament; each participant plays every other participant once.
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:* '''[[wp:Round-robin tournament|Wikipedia - Round-robin tournament]]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Create a round-robin schedule
-- J. Carter 2023 May
-- Circle method
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Round_Robin is
type Player_ID is range 1 .. 12;
type Player_List is array (Player_ID) of Player_ID;
Circle : Player_List;
J : Player_ID;
begin -- Round_Robin
Fill : for I in Circle'Range loop
Circle (I) := I;
end loop Fill;
All_Rounds : for Round in 1 .. Player_ID'Last - 1 loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Round" & Round'Image);
J := Player_ID'Last;
Pairs : for I in 1 .. Player_ID'Last / 2 loop
Order : declare
Min : constant Player_ID := Player_ID'Min (Circle (I), Circle (J) );
Max : constant Player_ID := Player_ID'Max (Circle (I), Circle (J) );
begin -- Order
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => Min'Image & " v" & Max'Image);
J := J - 1;
end Order;
end loop Pairs;
Circle := Circle (Circle'First) & Circle (Circle'Last) & Circle (Circle'First + 1 .. Circle'Last - 1);
end loop All_Rounds;
end Round_Robin;
Round 1
1 v 12
2 v 11
3 v 10
4 v 9
5 v 8
6 v 7
Round 2
1 v 11
10 v 12
2 v 9
3 v 8
4 v 7
5 v 6
Round 3
1 v 10
9 v 11
8 v 12
2 v 7
3 v 6
4 v 5
Round 4
1 v 9
8 v 10
7 v 11
6 v 12
2 v 5
3 v 4
Round 5
1 v 8
7 v 9
6 v 10
5 v 11
4 v 12
2 v 3
Round 6
1 v 7
6 v 8
5 v 9
4 v 10
3 v 11
2 v 12
Round 7
1 v 6
5 v 7
4 v 8
3 v 9
2 v 10
11 v 12
Round 8
1 v 5
4 v 6
3 v 7
2 v 8
9 v 12
10 v 11
Round 9
1 v 4
3 v 5
2 v 6
7 v 12
8 v 11
9 v 10
Round 10
1 v 3
2 v 4
5 v 12
6 v 11
7 v 10
8 v 9
Round 11
1 v 2
3 v 12
4 v 11
5 v 10
6 v 9
7 v 8
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
BEGIN # round-robin tournament schedule - translation of XPL0 #
INT n = 12; # number of players (must be even) #
[ 1 : n ]INT player;
FOR i TO n DO player[ i ] := i OD;
FOR round TO n - 1 DO
print( ( whole( round, 0 ), ":" ) );
print( ( REPR 9, whole( player[ i ], 0 ) ) )
print( ( newline ) );
FOR i FROM n BY -1 TO ( n OVER 2 ) + 1 DO
print( ( REPR 9, whole( player[ i ], 0 ) ) )
print( ( newline, newline ) );
INT nth player = player[ n ];
player[ 3 : n ] := player[ 2 : n - 1 ];
player[ 2 ] := nth player
Same as the XPL0 sample.
<syntaxhighlight lang="APL">
I←0 ⋄ N←⍴(R)
1 2
4 3
1 3
2 4
1 4
3 2
<syntaxhighlight lang="awk">
main(5,"The Bizzaros")
function main(n,description, arr,i,j,leng,tmp) {
if (n < 2) {
printf("\n%d is too few participants\n",n)
printf("\n%d players %s\n",n,description)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
arr[i] = i
if (n % 2 == 1) {
arr[++n] = 0 # a "bye"
leng = length(n-1)
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
printf("\nround %*d:",leng,i)
for (j=1; j<=n/2; j++) {
for (j=n; j>n/2; j--) {
tmp = arr[n]
for (j=n; j>2; j--) {
arr[j] = arr[j-1]
arr[2] = tmp
<pre>1 is too few participants
2 players
round 1: 1
5 players The Bizzaros
round 1: 1 2 3
bye 5 4
round 2: 1 bye 2
5 4 3
round 3: 1 5 bye
4 3 2
round 4: 1 4 5
3 2 bye
round 5: 1 3 4
2 bye 5
12 players
round 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6
12 11 10 9 8 7
round 2: 1 12 2 3 4 5
11 10 9 8 7 6
round 3: 1 11 12 2 3 4
10 9 8 7 6 5
round 4: 1 10 11 12 2 3
9 8 7 6 5 4
round 5: 1 9 10 11 12 2
8 7 6 5 4 3
round 6: 1 8 9 10 11 12
7 6 5 4 3 2
round 7: 1 7 8 9 10 11
6 5 4 3 2 12
round 8: 1 6 7 8 9 10
5 4 3 2 12 11
round 9: 1 5 6 7 8 9
4 3 2 12 11 10
round 10: 1 4 5 6 7 8
3 2 12 11 10 9
round 11: 1 3 4 5 6 7
2 12 11 10 9 8</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">arraybase 1
print "Twelve teams"
call roundrob(12)
print "Nine teams with byes"
call roundrob(9)
function nob(n,i,byes)
#helper function to allow byess to be printed intelligently
if n > 9 then pad = " " else pad = ""
if n = i and byes then
return pad + "B"
if i < 10 then return pad + string(i) else return string(i)
end if
end function
subroutine roundrob(n)
byes = 0
if n mod 2 = 1 then #if there is an odd number of competitors
byes = 1 #make note of this fact
n += 1 #and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
end if
dim schd(n)
for i = 1 to n
schd[i] = i #initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
next i
for r = 1 to n-1
print "Round "; rjust(string(r), 2); ": ";
for i = 1 to n/2 #print the pairings according to the scheme
#1 2 3 4
#5 6 7 8
print "("; nob(n,schd[i],byes); " -"; nob(n,schd[i+n/2],byes); " ) ";
next i
#now move positions 2-n around clockwise
temp1 = schd[n/2] #need to track two temporary variables
temp2 = schd[n/2+1]
for i = n/2 to 3 step -1 #top row
schd[i] = schd[i-1]
next i
for i = n/2+1 to n-1 #bottom row
schd[i] = schd[i+1]
next i
schd[n] = temp1 #end ifll in the ones that "jumped" between rows
schd[2] = temp2
next r
end subroutine</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">function nob( n as uinteger, i as uinteger, bye as boolean ) as string
'helper function to allow byes to be printed intelligently
dim as string pad
if n > 9 then pad = " " else pad = ""
if n = i and bye then
return pad+"B"
if i<10 then return pad + str(i) else return str(i)
end if
end function
sub roundrob( byval n as uinteger )
dim as boolean bye = false
if n mod 2 = 1 then 'if there is an odd number of competitors
bye = 1 'make note of this fact
n += 1 'and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
end if
dim as uinteger schd(1 to n), r, i, temp1, temp2
for i = 1 to n
schd(i) =i 'initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
next i
for r = 1 to n-1
print using "Round ##: ";r;
for i = 1 to n/2 'print the pairings according to the scheme
'1 2 3 4
'5 6 7 8
print using "(& - &) ";nob(n,schd(i),bye);nob(n,schd(i+n\2),bye);
next i
'now move positions 2-n around clockwise
temp1 = schd(n/2) 'need to track two temporary variables
temp2 = schd(n/2+1)
for i = n/2 to 3 step -1 'top row
schd(i) = schd(i-1)
next i
for i = n/2+1 to n-1 'bottom row
schd(i) = schd(i+1)
next i
schd(n) = temp1 'fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
schd(2) = temp2
next r
end sub
print "Twelve teams"
print "Nine teams with byes"
Twelve teams
Round 1: ( 1 - 7) ( 2 - 8) ( 3 - 9) ( 4 - 10) ( 5 - 11) ( 6 - 12)
Round 2: ( 1 - 8) ( 7 - 9) ( 2 - 10) ( 3 - 11) ( 4 - 12) ( 5 - 6)
Round 3: ( 1 - 9) ( 8 - 10) ( 7 - 11) ( 2 - 12) ( 3 - 6) ( 4 - 5)
Round 4: ( 1 - 10) ( 9 - 11) ( 8 - 12) ( 7 - 6) ( 2 - 5) ( 3 - 4)
Round 5: ( 1 - 11) (10 - 12) ( 9 - 6) ( 8 - 5) ( 7 - 4) ( 2 - 3)
Round 6: ( 1 - 12) (11 - 6) (10 - 5) ( 9 - 4) ( 8 - 3) ( 7 - 2)
Round 7: ( 1 - 6) (12 - 5) (11 - 4) (10 - 3) ( 9 - 2) ( 8 - 7)
Round 8: ( 1 - 5) ( 6 - 4) (12 - 3) (11 - 2) (10 - 7) ( 9 - 8)
Round 9: ( 1 - 4) ( 5 - 3) ( 6 - 2) (12 - 7) (11 - 8) (10 - 9)
Round 10: ( 1 - 3) ( 4 - 2) ( 5 - 7) ( 6 - 8) (12 - 9) (11 - 10)
Round 11: ( 1 - 2) ( 3 - 7) ( 4 - 8) ( 5 - 9) ( 6 - 10) (12 - 11)
Nine teams with byes
Round 1: ( 1 - 6) ( 2 - 7) ( 3 - 8) ( 4 - 9) ( 5 - B)
Round 2: ( 1 - 7) ( 6 - 8) ( 2 - 9) ( 3 - B) ( 4 - 5)
Round 3: ( 1 - 8) ( 7 - 9) ( 6 - B) ( 2 - 5) ( 3 - 4)
Round 4: ( 1 - 9) ( 8 - B) ( 7 - 5) ( 6 - 4) ( 2 - 3)
Round 5: ( 1 - B) ( 9 - 5) ( 8 - 4) ( 7 - 3) ( 6 - 2)
Round 6: ( 1 - 5) ( B - 4) ( 9 - 3) ( 8 - 2) ( 7 - 6)
Round 7: ( 1 - 4) ( 5 - 3) ( B - 2) ( 9 - 6) ( 8 - 7)
Round 8: ( 1 - 3) ( 4 - 2) ( 5 - 6) ( B - 7) ( 9 - 8)
Round 9: ( 1 - 2) ( 3 - 6) ( 4 - 7) ( 5 - 8) ( B - 9)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ubasic-4th">Print "Twelve teams"
Proc _Roundrob(12)
Print "Nine teams with byes"
Proc _Roundrob(9)
Param (1)
Local (5)
b@ = 0
' if there is an odd number of competitors
If a@ % 2 = 1 Then b@ = 1 : a@ = a@ + 1
' make note of this fact and treat the tournament
For d@ = 1 To a@ ' as having one more competitor
@(d@) = d@ ' initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
For c@ = 1 To a@-1 ' print the pairings according to the scheme
Print Using "Round __: ";c@;
' 1 2 3 4
For d@ = 1 To a@/2 ' 5 6 7 8
Print Show(Iif (a@ = @(d@) * b@, " ( B - ", Str(" (_# - ", @(d@))));
Print Show(Iif (a@ = @(d@+a@/2) * b@, " B) ", Str("_#) ", @(d@+a@/2))));
Print ' now move positions 2-n around clockwise
e@ = @(a@/2) ' need to track two temporary variables
f@ = @(a@/2+1)
' top row
For d@ = a@/2 To 3 Step -1
@(d@) = @(d@-1)
' bottom row
For d@ = a@/2+1 To a@-1
@(d@) = @(d@+1)
@(a@) = e@ ' fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
@(2) = f@
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">print "Twelve teams"
print "Nine teams with byes"
sub nob$(n,i,byes)
//helper sub to allow byess to be printed intelligently
//dim as string pad
if n > 9 then pad$ = " " else pad$ = "" : fi
if n = i and byes then
return pad$+"B"
if i < 10 then return pad$+str$(i) else return str$(i) : fi
end sub
sub roundrob(n)
byes = 0
if mod(n, 2) = 1 then //if there is an odd number of competitors
byes = 1 //make note of this fact
n = n+1 //and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
dim schd(n)
//, r, i, temp1, temp2
for i = 1 to n
schd(i) = i //initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
next i
for r = 1 to n-1
print "Round ", r using "##", ": ";
for i = 1 to n/2 //print the pairings according to the scheme
//1 2 3 4
//5 6 7 8
print "(", nob$(n,schd(i),byes), " -", nob$(n,schd(i+n/2),byes), " ) ";
next i
//now move positions 2-n around clockwise
temp1 = schd(n/2)//need to track two temporary variables
temp2 = schd(n/2+1)
for i = n/2 to 3 step -1 //top row
schd(i) = schd(i-1)
next i
for i = n/2+1 to n-1 //bottom row
schd(i) = schd(i+1)
next i
schd(n) = temp1 //fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
schd(2) = temp2
next r
end sub</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="c++">
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
void round_robin(uint32_t team_count) {
if ( team_count < 2 ) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Number of teams must be greater than 2: " + team_count);
std::vector<uint32_t> rotating_list(team_count);
std::iota(rotating_list.begin(), rotating_list.end(), 2);
if ( team_count % 2 == 1 ) {
for ( uint32_t round = 1; round < team_count; ++round ) {
std::cout << "Round " << std::setw(2) << round << ":";
std::vector<uint32_t> fixed_list(1, 1);
fixed_list.insert(fixed_list.end(), rotating_list.begin(), rotating_list.end());
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < team_count / 2; ++i ) {
std::cout << " ( " << std::setw(2) << fixed_list[i]
<< " vs " << std::setw(2) << fixed_list[team_count - 1 - i] << " )";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::rotate(rotating_list.rbegin(), rotating_list.rbegin() + 1, rotating_list.rend());
int main() {
std::cout << "Round robin for 12 players:" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:" << std::endl;
{{ out }}
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12 ) ( 2 vs 11 ) ( 3 vs 10 ) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11 ) ( 13 vs 10 ) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10 ) ( 12 vs 9 ) ( 13 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) ( 11 vs 8 ) ( 12 vs 7 ) ( 13 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 10 vs 7 ) ( 11 vs 6 ) ( 12 vs 5 ) ( 13 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 9 vs 6 ) ( 10 vs 5 ) ( 11 vs 4 ) ( 12 vs 3 ) ( 13 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 8 vs 5 ) ( 9 vs 4 ) ( 10 vs 3 ) ( 11 vs 2 ) ( 12 vs 13 )
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 7 vs 4 ) ( 8 vs 3 ) ( 9 vs 2 ) ( 10 vs 13 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 6 vs 3 ) ( 7 vs 2 ) ( 8 vs 13 ) ( 9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 5 vs 2 ) ( 6 vs 13 ) ( 7 vs 12 ) ( 8 vs 11 ) ( 9 vs 10 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 4 vs 13 ) ( 5 vs 12 ) ( 6 vs 11 ) ( 7 vs 10 ) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 6 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 5 vs 2 ) ( 6 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 4 vs 0 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="C#">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class RoundRobinTournamentSchedule
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Round robin for 12 players:");
Console.WriteLine("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:");
private static void RoundRobin(int teamCount)
if (teamCount < 2)
throw new ArgumentException($"Number of teams must be greater than 2: {teamCount}");
List<int> rotatingList = Enumerable.Range(2, teamCount - 1).ToList();
if (teamCount % 2 == 1)
teamCount += 1;
for (int round = 1; round < teamCount; round++)
Console.Write($"Round {round,2}:");
List<int> fixedList = new List<int> { 1 };
for (int i = 0; i < teamCount / 2; i++)
Console.Write($" ( {fixedList[i],2} vs {fixedList[teamCount - 1 - i],2} )");
Rotate(rotatingList, 1);
private static void Rotate(List<int> list, int rotationCount)
int count = list.Count;
if (count == 0) return;
rotationCount %= count;
if (rotationCount < 0)
rotationCount += count;
list.Reverse(0, rotationCount);
list.Reverse(rotationCount, count - rotationCount);
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12 ) ( 2 vs 11 ) ( 3 vs 10 ) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs 9 ) ( 12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) ( 10 vs 8 ) ( 11 vs 7 ) ( 12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) ( 10 vs 6 ) ( 11 vs 5 ) ( 12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) ( 10 vs 4 ) ( 11 vs 3 ) ( 12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) ( 10 vs 2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12 ) ( 8 vs 11 ) ( 9 vs 10 )
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12 ) ( 6 vs 11 ) ( 7 vs 10 ) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12 ) ( 4 vs 11 ) ( 5 vs 10 ) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.algorithm;
void main() {
string[] generatePlayers(int n) {
("\nRound-Robin for "~(n).text~" players:\n").writeln;
return (n%2 == 0) ? iota(1, n+1).map!(a => a.text).array : iota(1, n+1).map!(a => a.text).array~"bye";
string[] mutate(string[] arr) {
return arr[0]~arr[$-1]~ arr[1..$-1].array;
string[][] generateSchedule(string[] players) {
auto nbPlayer = players.length;
schedule ~= players;
for(int i = 1; i <= nbPlayer-2; i++)
schedule ~= schedule[$-1].mutate;
return schedule;
void displaySchedule(string[][] schedule) {
auto nbPlayer = schedule[0].length;
foreach(i, row; schedule.array)
writef("Round %2s: ", i+1);
for(int k=0; k<nbPlayer/2; k++)
writef("(%2s vs %2s)", row[k], row[nbPlayer-(k+1)]);
if (k==(nbPlayer/2)-1) writeln; else " ".write;
Round-Robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9) ( 5 vs 8) ( 6 vs 7)
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9) ( 3 vs 8) ( 4 vs 7) ( 5 vs 6)
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9) (12 vs 8) ( 2 vs 7) ( 3 vs 6) ( 4 vs 5)
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9) (10 vs 8) (11 vs 7) (12 vs 6) ( 2 vs 5) ( 3 vs 4)
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8) ( 9 vs 7) (10 vs 6) (11 vs 5) (12 vs 4) ( 2 vs 3)
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7) ( 8 vs 6) ( 9 vs 5) (10 vs 4) (11 vs 3) (12 vs 2)
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6) ( 7 vs 5) ( 8 vs 4) ( 9 vs 3) (10 vs 2) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5) ( 6 vs 4) ( 7 vs 3) ( 8 vs 2) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4) ( 5 vs 3) ( 6 vs 2) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3) ( 4 vs 2) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9)
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9) ( 7 vs 8)
proc roundrobin n . .
numfmt 0 2
print n & " players"
for i to n
arr[] &= i
if n mod 2 = 1
n += 1
arr[] &= 0
for i = 1 to n - 1
print ""
write "round " & i & ": "
for j = 1 to n / 2
write arr[j] & " "
print ""
write " "
for j = n downto n / 2 + 1
write arr[j] & " "
print ""
h = arr[n]
for j = n downto 3
arr[j] = arr[j - 1]
arr[2] = h
roundrobin 12
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import "fmt"
func rotate(lst []int) {
len := len(lst)
last := lst[len-1]
for i := len - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
lst[i] = lst[i-1]
lst[0] = last
func roundRobin(n int) {
lst := make([]int, n-1)
for i := 0; i < len(lst); i++ {
lst[i] = i + 2
if n%2 == 1 {
lst = append(lst, 0) // 0 denotes a bye
for r := 1; r < n; r++ {
fmt.Printf("Round %2d", r)
lst2 := append([]int{1}, lst...)
for i := 0; i < n/2; i++ {
fmt.Printf(" (%2d vs %-2d)", lst2[i], lst2[n-1-i])
func main() {
fmt.Println("Round robin for 12 players:\n")
fmt.Println("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n")
Same as Wren example.
Implementation (using the wikipedia [[wikipedia:Round-robin_tournament#Circle_method|circle method]]):
<syntaxhighlight lang=J>circ=: {{
if. 1=2|y do.
assert. 1<y
<:(#~ [: */"1 *)"2 circ y+1
ids=. i.y
(-:y) ({.,.|.@}.)"_1] 0,.(}:ids)|."0 1}.ids
Task example:
<syntaxhighlight lang=J> rplc&'j:'"1":j./"1>:circ 12
1:12 2:11 3:10 4:9 5:8 6:7
1:2 3:12 4:11 5:10 6:9 7:8
1:3 4:2 5:12 6:11 7:10 8:9
1:4 5:3 6:2 7:12 8:11 9:10
1:5 6:4 7:3 8:2 9:12 10:11
1:6 7:5 8:4 9:3 10:2 11:12
1:7 8:6 9:5 10:4 11:3 12:2
1:8 9:7 10:6 11:5 12:4 2:3
1:9 10:8 11:7 12:6 2:5 3:4
1:10 11:9 12:8 2:7 3:6 4:5
1:11 12:10 2:9 3:8 4:7 5:6</syntaxhighlight>
(Here, <code>circ</code> uses index values which start at zero, so we need to add 1 to every index. Then we form the id pairs as complex numbers and replace the 'j' used to separate real from imaginary in their character representation with ':' for a hopefully compact and easy-to-read display.)
((Note that we could have instead centered each id pair on the ':' with only slightly more work. But it's not clear that that results in a more pleasing display.)):
<syntaxhighlight lang=J> ,/"2(' ',_2&{.@[,':',2&{.@])&":/"1>:circ 12
1:12 2:11 3:10 4:9 5:8 6:7
1:2 3:12 4:11 5:10 6:9 7:8
1:3 4:2 5:12 6:11 7:10 8:9
1:4 5:3 6:2 7:12 8:11 9:10
1:5 6:4 7:3 8:2 9:12 10:11
1:6 7:5 8:4 9:3 10:2 11:12
1:7 8:6 9:5 10:4 11:3 12:2
1:8 9:7 10:6 11:5 12:4 2:3
1:9 10:8 11:7 12:6 2:5 3:4
1:10 11:9 12:8 2:7 3:6 4:5
1:11 12:10 2:9 3:8 4:7 5:6
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public final class RoundRobinTournamentSchedule {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Round robin for 12 players:");
System.out.println("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:");
private static void roundRobin(int teamCount) {
if ( teamCount < 2 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of teams must be greater than 2: " + teamCount);
List<Integer> rotatingList = IntStream.rangeClosed(2, teamCount).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
if ( teamCount % 2 == 1 ) {
teamCount += 1;
for ( int round = 1; round < teamCount; round++ ) {
System.out.print(String.format("%s%2d%s", "Round ", round, ":"));
List<Integer> fixedList = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 1).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
for ( int i = 0; i < teamCount / 2; i++ ) {
" ( ", fixedList.get(i), " vs ", fixedList.get(teamCount - 1 - i), " )"));
Collections.rotate(rotatingList, +1);
{{ out }}
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12 ) ( 2 vs 11 ) ( 3 vs 10 ) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs 9 ) ( 12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) ( 10 vs 8 ) ( 11 vs 7 ) ( 12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) ( 10 vs 6 ) ( 11 vs 5 ) ( 12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) ( 10 vs 4 ) ( 11 vs 3 ) ( 12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) ( 10 vs 2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12 ) ( 8 vs 11 ) ( 9 vs 10 )
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12 ) ( 6 vs 11 ) ( 7 vs 10 ) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12 ) ( 4 vs 11 ) ( 5 vs 10 ) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
{{Works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
def rotate: .[-1:] + .[:-1];
def roundRobin($n):
{$n, lst: [range(2; $n+1)]}
| if $n % 2 == 1
then .lst += [0] # 0 denotes a bye
| .n += 1
| foreach range(1; .n) as $r (.;
.emit = "Round \($r|lpad(3)): "
| ([1] + .lst) as $lst2
| reduce range(0; .n/2) as $i (.;
.emit += " (\($lst2[$i]|lpad(2)) vs \($lst2[.n - 1 - $i]|lpad(2)))")
| .lst |= rotate )
| .emit ;
"Round robin for 12 players:",
"\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):\n",
Essentially the same as for [[#Wren|Wren]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">""" """
function schurig(N, verbose = true)
""" Taken from
#Original_construction_of_pairing_tables_by_Richard_Schurig_(1886) """
nrows = isodd(N) ? N : N - 1
ncols = (N + 1) ÷ 2
players = mod1.(reshape(collect(1:nrows*ncols), ncols, nrows)', nrows)
opponents = zero(players)
table = [(0, 0) for _ in 1:nrows, _ in 1:ncols]
for i in 1:nrows
oldrow = i == nrows ? 1 : i + 1
verbose && print("\n", rpad("Round $i:", 10))
for j in 1:ncols
oldcol = ncols - j + 1
opponents[i, j] = players[oldrow, oldcol]
j == 1 && (opponents[i, j] = iseven(N) ? N : 0)
table[i, j] = (sort([players[i, j], opponents[i, j]])...,)
if verbose
s1, s2 = string.(table[i, j])
print(rpad("($(s1 == "0" ? "Bye" : s1) - $s2)", 10))
return table
print("Schurig table for round robin with 12 players:")
print("\n\nSchurig table for round robin with 7 players:")
Schurig table for round robin with 12 players:
Round 1: (1 - 12) (2 - 11) (3 - 10) (4 - 9) (5 - 8) (6 - 7)
Round 2: (7 - 12) (6 - 8) (5 - 9) (4 - 10) (3 - 11) (1 - 2)
Round 3: (2 - 12) (1 - 3) (4 - 11) (5 - 10) (6 - 9) (7 - 8)
Round 4: (8 - 12) (7 - 9) (6 - 10) (5 - 11) (1 - 4) (2 - 3)
Round 5: (3 - 12) (2 - 4) (1 - 5) (6 - 11) (7 - 10) (8 - 9)
Round 6: (9 - 12) (8 - 10) (7 - 11) (1 - 6) (2 - 5) (3 - 4)
Round 7: (4 - 12) (3 - 5) (2 - 6) (1 - 7) (8 - 11) (9 - 10)
Round 8: (10 - 12) (9 - 11) (1 - 8) (2 - 7) (3 - 6) (4 - 5)
Round 9: (5 - 12) (4 - 6) (3 - 7) (2 - 8) (1 - 9) (10 - 11)
Round 10: (11 - 12) (1 - 10) (2 - 9) (3 - 8) (4 - 7) (5 - 6)
Round 11: (6 - 12) (5 - 7) (4 - 8) (3 - 9) (2 - 10) (1 - 11)
Schurig table for round robin with 7 players:
Round 1: (Bye - 1) (2 - 7) (3 - 6) (4 - 5)
Round 2: (Bye - 5) (4 - 6) (3 - 7) (1 - 2)
Round 3: (Bye - 2) (1 - 3) (4 - 7) (5 - 6)
Round 4: (Bye - 6) (5 - 7) (1 - 4) (2 - 3)
Round 5: (Bye - 3) (2 - 4) (1 - 5) (6 - 7)
Round 6: (Bye - 7) (1 - 6) (2 - 5) (3 - 4)
Round 7: (Bye - 4) (3 - 5) (2 - 6) (1 - 7)
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[algorithm, sequtils, strformat]
proc roundRobin(n: Positive) =
assert n >= 2
var n = n
var list1 = toSeq(2..n)
if n mod 2 == 1:
list1.add 0 # 0 denotes a "bye".
inc n
for r in 1..<n:
stdout.write &"Round {r:2}:"
let list2 = 1 & list1
for i in 0..<(n div 2):
stdout.write &" ({list2[i]:>2} vs {list2[n - i - 1]:<2})"
echo "Round robin for 12 players:\n"
echo "\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n"
<pre>Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :
Round 1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
A console program in Free Pascal. Uses the circle method, but not exactly as in Wikipedia: the fixed player is the dummy, if present, otherwise the last; and the rotation is anticlockwise.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">
program RoundRobin;
Rosetta Code: write list of matches in a round robin tournament.
Command line:
RoundRobin number_of_players
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses SysUtils;
nrPlayers, round : integer;
n, m, c, j, k : integer;
a : array of integer;
// Write the matches in a round, formatting nicely
procedure WriteRound();
t, u : integer;
Write( 'Round', round:3, ': ');
u := 0;
for t := 0 to m - 2 do begin
Write( '(', a[u]:2); inc(u);
Write( ' v', a[u]:3, ') '); inc(u);
Write( '(', a[u]:2); // u = n - 2
if c > 0 then
WriteLn( ' v', c:3, ')')
WriteLn( ' bye)');
if ParamCount < 1 then begin
WriteLn( 'Number of players is required');
nrPlayers := SysUtils.StrToIntDef( ParamStr(1), -1);
// if string can't be converted, nrPlayers := -1
if (nrPlayers < 2) then begin
WriteLn( 'Invalid number of players');
WriteLn( 'Round robin with ', nrPlayers, ' players');
m := (nrPlayers + 1) div 2;
n := 2*m;
if Odd( nrPlayers) then c := 0 // dummy player, opponent gets a bye
else c := n; // genuine player
SetLength( a, n);
k := 0;
for j := 0 to m - 2 do begin
a[k] := m - j; inc(k);
a[k] := m + 1 + j; inc(k);
a[k] := 1;
a[n - 1] := c; // a[n - 1] stays = c throughout
round := 1;
for round := 2 to n - 1 do begin
for j := 0 to n - 2 do begin // increment all entries except a[n - 1]
if a[j] = n then a[j] := 1; // wrap round if necessary
Round robin with 12 players
Round 1: ( 6 v 7) ( 5 v 8) ( 4 v 9) ( 3 v 10) ( 2 v 11) ( 1 v 12)
Round 2: ( 7 v 8) ( 6 v 9) ( 5 v 10) ( 4 v 11) ( 3 v 1) ( 2 v 12)
Round 3: ( 8 v 9) ( 7 v 10) ( 6 v 11) ( 5 v 1) ( 4 v 2) ( 3 v 12)
Round 4: ( 9 v 10) ( 8 v 11) ( 7 v 1) ( 6 v 2) ( 5 v 3) ( 4 v 12)
Round 5: (10 v 11) ( 9 v 1) ( 8 v 2) ( 7 v 3) ( 6 v 4) ( 5 v 12)
Round 6: (11 v 1) (10 v 2) ( 9 v 3) ( 8 v 4) ( 7 v 5) ( 6 v 12)
Round 7: ( 1 v 2) (11 v 3) (10 v 4) ( 9 v 5) ( 8 v 6) ( 7 v 12)
Round 8: ( 2 v 3) ( 1 v 4) (11 v 5) (10 v 6) ( 9 v 7) ( 8 v 12)
Round 9: ( 3 v 4) ( 2 v 5) ( 1 v 6) (11 v 7) (10 v 8) ( 9 v 12)
Round 10: ( 4 v 5) ( 3 v 6) ( 2 v 7) ( 1 v 8) (11 v 9) (10 v 12)
Round 11: ( 5 v 6) ( 4 v 7) ( 3 v 8) ( 2 v 9) ( 1 v 10) (11 v 12)
Round robin with 9 players
Round 1: ( 5 v 6) ( 4 v 7) ( 3 v 8) ( 2 v 9) ( 1 bye)
Round 2: ( 6 v 7) ( 5 v 8) ( 4 v 9) ( 3 v 1) ( 2 bye)
Round 3: ( 7 v 8) ( 6 v 9) ( 5 v 1) ( 4 v 2) ( 3 bye)
Round 4: ( 8 v 9) ( 7 v 1) ( 6 v 2) ( 5 v 3) ( 4 bye)
Round 5: ( 9 v 1) ( 8 v 2) ( 7 v 3) ( 6 v 4) ( 5 bye)
Round 6: ( 1 v 2) ( 9 v 3) ( 8 v 4) ( 7 v 5) ( 6 bye)
Round 7: ( 2 v 3) ( 1 v 4) ( 9 v 5) ( 8 v 6) ( 7 bye)
Round 8: ( 3 v 4) ( 2 v 5) ( 1 v 6) ( 9 v 7) ( 8 bye)
Round 9: ( 4 v 5) ( 3 v 6) ( 2 v 7) ( 1 v 8) ( 9 bye)
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; #
use warnings;
my $n = 12;
my @teams = 1 .. $n;
for (1 .. $n-1)
@teams[0,$n-1,1..$n-2] = @teams;
printf 'Round %2d:' . '%4d vs %2d'x($n/2) . "\n", $_, @teams[ map { $_, $n-1-$_} 0..($n/2)-1 ];
Round 1: 1 vs 2 3 vs 12 4 vs 11 5 vs 10 6 vs 9 7 vs 8
Round 2: 1 vs 3 4 vs 2 5 vs 12 6 vs 11 7 vs 10 8 vs 9
Round 3: 1 vs 4 5 vs 3 6 vs 2 7 vs 12 8 vs 11 9 vs 10
Round 4: 1 vs 5 6 vs 4 7 vs 3 8 vs 2 9 vs 12 10 vs 11
Round 5: 1 vs 6 7 vs 5 8 vs 4 9 vs 3 10 vs 2 11 vs 12
Round 6: 1 vs 7 8 vs 6 9 vs 5 10 vs 4 11 vs 3 12 vs 2
Round 7: 1 vs 8 9 vs 7 10 vs 6 11 vs 5 12 vs 4 2 vs 3
Round 8: 1 vs 9 10 vs 8 11 vs 7 12 vs 6 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Round 9: 1 vs 10 11 vs 9 12 vs 8 2 vs 7 3 vs 6 4 vs 5
Round 10: 1 vs 11 12 vs 10 2 vs 9 3 vs 8 4 vs 7 5 vs 6
Round 11: 1 vs 12 2 vs 11 3 vs 10 4 vs 9 5 vs 8 6 vs 7
===Even and Odd===
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use List::AllUtils <pairwise all>;
sub round_robin {
my($n) = @_;
my @players = (1,0)[$n%2] .. $n;
my $half = +@players / 2;
while () {
my @a = @players[ 0 .. $half-1];
my @b = reverse @players[$half .. $#players];
push @pairings, sprintf "Round %2d: %s\n", ++$round, join ' ', pairwise { sprintf "%3d vs %2d", $a, $b } @a, @b;
push @players, splice @players, 1, @players-2;
last if all { $players[$_-1] < $players[$_] } 1..$#players;
say join '', round_robin 12;
say '';
say join '', map { s/0 vs /Bye: /r } round_robin 7;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Round 1: 1 vs 12 2 vs 11 3 vs 10 4 vs 9 5 vs 8 6 vs 7
Round 2: 1 vs 11 12 vs 10 2 vs 9 3 vs 8 4 vs 7 5 vs 6
Round 3: 1 vs 10 11 vs 9 12 vs 8 2 vs 7 3 vs 6 4 vs 5
Round 4: 1 vs 9 10 vs 8 11 vs 7 12 vs 6 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Round 5: 1 vs 8 9 vs 7 10 vs 6 11 vs 5 12 vs 4 2 vs 3
Round 6: 1 vs 7 8 vs 6 9 vs 5 10 vs 4 11 vs 3 12 vs 2
Round 7: 1 vs 6 7 vs 5 8 vs 4 9 vs 3 10 vs 2 11 vs 12
Round 8: 1 vs 5 6 vs 4 7 vs 3 8 vs 2 9 vs 12 10 vs 11
Round 9: 1 vs 4 5 vs 3 6 vs 2 7 vs 12 8 vs 11 9 vs 10
Round 10: 1 vs 3 4 vs 2 5 vs 12 6 vs 11 7 vs 10 8 vs 9
Round 11: 1 vs 2 3 vs 12 4 vs 11 5 vs 10 6 vs 9 7 vs 8
Round 1: Bye: 7 1 vs 6 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Round 2: Bye: 6 7 vs 5 1 vs 4 2 vs 3
Round 3: Bye: 5 6 vs 4 7 vs 3 1 vs 2
Round 4: Bye: 4 5 vs 3 6 vs 2 7 vs 1
Round 5: Bye: 3 4 vs 2 5 vs 1 6 vs 7
Round 6: Bye: 2 3 vs 1 4 vs 7 5 vs 6
Round 7: Bye: 1 2 vs 7 3 vs 6 4 vs 5</pre>
Based on the circle with rotor diagrams on the wikipedia page, and implements home/away.
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">round_robin</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">--
-- As per the wikipedia page, we do something like this:
-- even(n), say 6: in round 1 we have 6 & 1,2,3,4,5 -&gt; {{6,1},{2,5},{3,4}},
-- 2 2,3,4,5,1 -&gt; {{6,2},{3,1},{4,5}},
-- 3 3,4,5,1,2 -&gt; {{6,3},{4,2},{5,1}},
-- 4 4,5,1,2,3 -&gt; {{6,4},{5,3},{1,2}},
-- 5 5,1,2,3,4 -&gt; {{6,5},{1,4},{2,3}}
-- for an odd(n), say 5, simply replace all the 6 above with 0 (a bye).
-- As per the wikipedia diagram, we pick a rotor (6/0) and arrange the rest
-- in a circle, and as it rotates around the circle we play it against that
-- one then pick off second/last, third/last-but-one, and so forth from the
-- perspective of the rotor. There must obviously be an odd number of teams
-- in the circle itself, otherwise pairing-offs won't meet in the middle.
-- However, rather than physically rotate the {1,2,3,4,5}, we'll just say
-- that anything past 5 starts from 1 again (the -= n below), and use the
-- shorthand of l [===length(result)] as our starting position/offset.
-- Not shown above, but we'll also use even/odd rules for home/away matches.
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">even</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)?</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">),</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">l</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">0</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- length(result), shorthand</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">even</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (circle must be odd)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">result</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (since "round" is a builtin)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">games</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">even</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">or</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">?{</span><span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}:{</span><span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})}</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">opponent</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- pair rest off from last inwards,</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">m</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)/</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- such that m plays current opponent</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rom</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">m</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">l</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- all shifted by</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">rop</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">opponent</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">l</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- l as an offset</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rom</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rom</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rop</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rop</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">games</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">&=</span> <span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">odd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">m</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)?{{</span><span style="color: #000000;">rom</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">rop</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}}:{{</span><span style="color: #000000;">rop</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">rom</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">opponent</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">result</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">result</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">games</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">l</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (obviously "l = length(result)" works fine here too)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #000000;">result</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">vs</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">pair</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (display helper)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">sprintf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">pair</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">?</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%2d bye "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%2d vs %-2d"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">),</span><span style="color: #000000;">pair</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">test</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">12</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">3</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">9</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">round_robin</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">test</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"\nFor %d teams:\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">test</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"Round %2d: %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">join</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">apply</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">vs</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
For 12 teams:
Round 1: 12 vs 1 11 vs 2 3 vs 10 9 vs 4 5 vs 8 7 vs 6
Round 2: 2 vs 12 1 vs 3 4 vs 11 10 vs 5 6 vs 9 8 vs 7
Round 3: 12 vs 3 2 vs 4 5 vs 1 11 vs 6 7 vs 10 9 vs 8
Round 4: 4 vs 12 3 vs 5 6 vs 2 1 vs 7 8 vs 11 10 vs 9
Round 5: 12 vs 5 4 vs 6 7 vs 3 2 vs 8 9 vs 1 11 vs 10
Round 6: 6 vs 12 5 vs 7 8 vs 4 3 vs 9 10 vs 2 1 vs 11
Round 7: 12 vs 7 6 vs 8 9 vs 5 4 vs 10 11 vs 3 2 vs 1
Round 8: 8 vs 12 7 vs 9 10 vs 6 5 vs 11 1 vs 4 3 vs 2
Round 9: 12 vs 9 8 vs 10 11 vs 7 6 vs 1 2 vs 5 4 vs 3
Round 10: 10 vs 12 9 vs 11 1 vs 8 7 vs 2 3 vs 6 5 vs 4
Round 11: 12 vs 11 10 vs 1 2 vs 9 8 vs 3 4 vs 7 6 vs 5
For 3 teams:
Round 1: 1 bye 3 vs 2
Round 2: 2 bye 1 vs 3
Round 3: 3 bye 2 vs 1
While I "optimised away" the need for a physical rotate, obviously not because I was concerned with performance but more in the hope of creating shorter and more elegant code, in the end it made little difference.
Should it be more to your taste, you can remove "l" and replace the inner loop above with:
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circle</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">tagset</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">n</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (since "round" is a bultin)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">r</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">games</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">even</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">rownd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">or</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">?{</span><span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}:{</span><span style="color: #000000;">rotor</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})}</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ldx</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">rdx</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">n</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">while</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ldx</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><</span><span style="color: #000000;">rdx</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">teama</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">ldx</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">teamb</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">rdx</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">games</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">&=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008080;">iff</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">odd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">ldx</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)?{</span><span style="color: #000000;">teama</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">teamb</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},{</span><span style="color: #000000;">teamb</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">teama</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})}</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">ldx</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">rdx</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">while</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">result</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">result</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">games</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">circle</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..$]&</span><span style="color: #000000;">circle</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (physically rotate it)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
===Constraint modelling===
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">import sat.
main =>
N = 12,
tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,_,X,Bye),
tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,Extras, X,Bye) =>
% Adjust for odd number of players.
% The bye (Dummy) player is N+1.
if N mod 2 == 1 then
N := N + 1,
Bye = N
NumRounds = N-1,
NumPairs = N div 2,
X = new_array(NumRounds,NumPairs,2),
X :: 1..N,
% ensure that all players play each other
foreach(P1 in 1..N, P2 in P1+1..N)
sum([X[Round,P,1] #= P1 #/\ X[Round,P,2] #= P2 : Round in 1..NumRounds, P in 1..NumPairs]) #= 1
foreach(Round in 1..NumRounds)
all_different([X[Round,I,J] : I in 1..NumPairs, J in 1..2]),
% symmetry breaking
% - all first players in increasing order
increasing_strict([X[Round,I,1] : I in 1..NumPairs]),
% - player 1 < player 2
foreach(P in 1..NumPairs)
X[Round,P,1] #< X[Round,P,2]
if Extras != [] then
foreach([P1,P2,Round] in Extras)
sum([X[Round,P,1] #= P1 #/\ X[Round,P,2] #= P2 : P in 1..NumPairs]) #= 1
print_tournament(X,NumRounds,NumPairs,Bye) =>
N = X[1].len,
foreach(Round in 1..NumRounds)
printf("Round %2d: ", Round),
if N > 10 then nl end,
foreach(P in 1..NumPairs)
P2Val = X[Round,P,2],
if var(Bye) ; P2Val != Bye then
printf("(%2w vs %2w) ",X[Round,P,1],P2Val),
if N > 10 then nl end
<pre>Round 1: ( 1 vs 11) ( 2 vs 5) ( 3 vs 6) ( 4 vs 12) ( 7 vs 9) ( 8 vs 10)
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5) ( 2 vs 4) ( 3 vs 10) ( 6 vs 7) ( 8 vs 9) (11 vs 12)
Round 3: ( 1 vs 6) ( 2 vs 8) ( 3 vs 5) ( 4 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 9 vs 12)
Round 4: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 7) ( 4 vs 6) ( 5 vs 8) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 5: ( 1 vs 9) ( 2 vs 6) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 5) ( 7 vs 8) (10 vs 11)
Round 6: ( 1 vs 4) ( 2 vs 3) ( 5 vs 7) ( 6 vs 10) ( 8 vs 12) ( 9 vs 11)
Round 7: ( 1 vs 2) ( 3 vs 4) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 3) ( 2 vs 12) ( 4 vs 10) ( 5 vs 9) ( 6 vs 8) ( 7 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 10) ( 2 vs 7) ( 3 vs 8) ( 4 vs 9) ( 5 vs 11) ( 6 vs 12)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 8) ( 2 vs 10) ( 3 vs 9) ( 4 vs 7) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11)
Round 11: ( 1 vs 7) ( 2 vs 9) ( 3 vs 11) ( 4 vs 8) ( 5 vs 6) (10 vs 12) </pre>
===Constraint model with extra constraints===
The constraint model is slower than the algorithmic approach for larger number of players. The advantage of a constraint model is that it is quite easy to add extra constraint, such that some players must play in a certain round (e.g. for availability reasons etc).
Here are some extra constraints:
* 1 vs 2 must be played the third round
* 5 vs 9 must be played in the 7th round
* 2 vs 3 must be played in the last round
* 7 vs 12 must be played in the last round
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">main =>
N = 12,
Extras = [[1,2,3],
tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,Extras,X,Bye),
<pre>Round 1: ( 1 vs 11) ( 2 vs 4) ( 3 vs 12) ( 5 vs 8) ( 6 vs 9) ( 7 vs 10)
Round 2: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 9) ( 4 vs 7) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 8)
Round 3: ( 1 vs 2) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 12) ( 5 vs 11) ( 6 vs 7) ( 8 vs 9)
Round 4: ( 1 vs 4) ( 2 vs 6) ( 3 vs 11) ( 5 vs 12) ( 7 vs 8) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 5: ( 1 vs 10) ( 2 vs 7) ( 3 vs 5) ( 4 vs 6) ( 8 vs 12) ( 9 vs 11)
Round 6: ( 1 vs 6) ( 2 vs 5) ( 3 vs 4) ( 7 vs 9) ( 8 vs 11) (10 vs 12)
Round 7: ( 1 vs 3) ( 2 vs 12) ( 4 vs 8) ( 5 vs 9) ( 6 vs 10) ( 7 vs 11)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 7) ( 2 vs 8) ( 3 vs 6) ( 4 vs 5) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 8) ( 2 vs 9) ( 3 vs 7) ( 4 vs 10) ( 5 vs 6) (11 vs 12)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 9) ( 2 vs 10) ( 3 vs 8) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 7) ( 6 vs 12)
Round 11: ( 1 vs 5) ( 2 vs 3) ( 4 vs 9) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 10) </pre>
For this small tournament it took about the same time with and without these extra constraints (0.08s).
===Number of solutions===
Here are the number of different solutions for N = [2,4,6,8] with the symmetry constraints (but without the extra round constraints). The number of odd N players is the same as the number of N-1 players.
Here the cp solver is used since it's faster than the sat solver for generating all solutions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">import cp.
main =>
foreach(N in 2..2..8)
Count = count_all(tournament_cp(N, _NumRounds,_NumPairs,_Extras,_X,_Bye)),
<pre>2 = 1
4 = 6
6 = 720
8 = 31449600</pre>
This seems to be related to the OEIS sequence [ "A036981: (2n+1) X (2n+1) symmetric matrices each of whose rows is a permutation of 1..(2n+1)"]. The next term (for N=10) would be 444733651353600 which takes too long to check.
===Original method by R. Schurig===
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
# by Xing216
from copy import deepcopy
def shift_up(myList):
myLen = len(myList)
return [myList[i % myLen] for i in range(1, 1 + myLen)]
def scheduler(competitors):
"""Uses the original method by Richard Schurig"""
if competitors % 2 == 1:
n = competitors + 1
horizontal_rows = n - 1
n = competitors
horizontal_rows = n
vertical_rows = n // 2
table = [[[] for _ in range(vertical_rows)] for _ in range(horizontal_rows)]
competitor = 1
for i, row in enumerate(table):
for col in table[i]:
if competitor == competitors:
competitor = 1
competitor += 1
table2 = deepcopy(table)
table2 = shift_up(table2)
for row in table2: row.reverse()
for i, row in enumerate(table):
for j, col in enumerate(table[i]):
return table
def print_table(table):
for i, round in enumerate(table):
print(f"Round {(i + 1):2}", end=": ")
for match in round:
print(f"{match[0]:2}-{match[1]:<2}", end=" ")
<pre style="height:10em">
Round 1: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 2: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
Round 3: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 4: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
Round 5: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 6: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
Round 7: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 8: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
Round 9: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 10: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
Round 11: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 12: 7-6 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-2 12-1
===Berger Tables===
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
# by Xing216
def scheduler(competitors):
if competitors & 1:
competitors += 1
last = competitors
half = competitors // 2
rounds = last - 1
tables = [list() for i in range(rounds)]
for i in range(1, last):
row = i - 1
tables[row] = [list() * half]
tables[row][0] = [0, 0]
if i & 1:
tables[row][0][1] = last
opponent = (i + 1) // 2
tables[row][0][0] = opponent
tables[row][0][0] = last
opponent = half + i // 2
tables[row][0][1] = opponent
for _ in range(1, half):
next_opponent = opponent + 1 if opponent < last - 1 else 1
tables[row].append([next_opponent, 0])
opponent = next_opponent
last_guest = 1
for i in reversed(range(1, last)):
row = i - 1
for j in reversed(range(0, half)):
opponent = last_guest
if j > 0:
tables[row][j][1] = opponent
last_guest = opponent + 1 if opponent < last - 1 else 1
return tables
def print_table(table):
for i, round in enumerate(table):
print(f"Round {(i + 1):2}", end=": ")
for match in round:
print(f"{match[0]:2}-{match[1]:<2}", end=" ")
<pre style="height:10em">
Round 1: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7
Round 2: 12-7 8-6 9-5 10-4 11-3 1-2
Round 3: 2-12 3-1 4-11 5-10 6-9 7-8
Round 4: 12-8 9-7 10-6 11-5 1-4 2-3
Round 5: 3-12 4-2 5-1 6-11 7-10 8-9
Round 6: 12-9 10-8 11-7 1-6 2-5 3-4
Round 7: 4-12 5-3 6-2 7-1 8-11 9-10
Round 8: 12-10 11-9 1-8 2-7 3-6 4-5
Round 9: 5-12 6-4 7-3 8-2 9-1 10-11
Round 10: 12-11 1-10 2-9 3-8 4-7 5-6
Round 11: 6-12 7-5 8-4 9-3 10-2 11-1
<syntaxhighlight lang="Quackery">
[ stack ] is participants ( --> s )
[ dup 10 < if sp echo ] is recho ( n --> )
[ dup participants share
> iff
[ drop say " bye " ]
say " vs "
dup echo 10 < if sp ] is lecho ( n --> )
[ dup participants put
dup 1 & +
[] over 1 - times
[ i 1+ join ]
over 1 - times
[ say "Round "
i^ 1+ recho
say ": "
over dip
[ 2dup join ]
[ i i^ < iff
conclude done
dup i peek recho
dup i^ peek lecho
say " " ]
drop cr
over 2 / 1+
split swap join ]
2drop participants release ] is schedule ( n --> )
say "12 participants:" cr
12 schedule
say "5 participants:" cr
5 schedule
say "1 participant:" cr
1 schedule
say "0 participants:" cr
0 schedule</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>12 participants:
Round 1: 1 vs 12 2 vs 11 3 vs 10 4 vs 9 5 vs 8 6 vs 7
Round 2: 5 vs 12 6 vs 4 7 vs 3 8 vs 2 9 vs 1 10 vs 11
Round 3: 9 vs 12 10 vs 8 11 vs 7 1 vs 6 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Round 4: 2 vs 12 3 vs 1 4 vs 11 5 vs 10 6 vs 9 7 vs 8
Round 5: 6 vs 12 7 vs 5 8 vs 4 9 vs 3 10 vs 2 11 vs 1
Round 6: 10 vs 12 11 vs 9 1 vs 8 2 vs 7 3 vs 6 4 vs 5
Round 7: 3 vs 12 4 vs 2 5 vs 1 6 vs 11 7 vs 10 8 vs 9
Round 8: 7 vs 12 8 vs 6 9 vs 5 10 vs 4 11 vs 3 1 vs 2
Round 9: 11 vs 12 1 vs 10 2 vs 9 3 vs 8 4 vs 7 5 vs 6
Round 10: 4 vs 12 5 vs 3 6 vs 2 7 vs 1 8 vs 11 9 vs 10
Round 11: 8 vs 12 9 vs 7 10 vs 6 11 vs 5 1 vs 4 2 vs 3
5 participants:
Round 1: 1 bye 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Round 2: 2 bye 3 vs 1 4 vs 5
Round 3: 3 bye 4 vs 2 5 vs 1
Round 4: 4 bye 5 vs 3 1 vs 2
Round 5: 5 bye 1 vs 4 2 vs 3
1 participant:
Round 1: 1 bye
0 participants:
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" perl6line>my @players = (1,0)[$_%2] .. $_ given 12;
my $half = +@players div 2;
my $round = 0;
loop {
printf "Round %2d: %s\n", ++$round, "{ zip( @players[^$half], @players[$half..*].reverse ).map: { sprintf "(%2d vs %-2d)", |$_ } }";
last if [<] @players;
<pre>Round 1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">def round_robin( n )
rotating_players = (2..n).map(&:to_s) #player 1 to be added later
rotating_players << "bye" if n.odd?
Line 51 ⟶ 1,721:
<pre>Round 1
Line 96 ⟶ 1,766:
1 3 4 5 6 7
2 12 11 10 9 8
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
fn round_robin(n: usize) {
assert!(n >= 2);
let mut n = n;
let mut list1: Vec<usize> = (2..=n).collect();
if n % 2 == 1 {
list1.push(0); // 0 denotes a "bye".
n += 1;
for r in 1..n {
print!("Round {:2}:", r);
let list2 = vec![1].into_iter().chain(list1.iter().cloned()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for i in 0..(n / 2) {
print!(" ({:>2} vs {:<2})", list2[i], list2[n - i - 1]);
fn main() {
println!("Round robin for 12 players:\n");
println!("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):\n");
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):
Round 1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="Scala">
object RoundRobinTournamentSchedule extends App {
def roundRobin(teamCount: Int): Unit = {
require(teamCount >= 2, s"Number of teams must be greater than 2: $teamCount")
var rotatingList = (2 to teamCount).toList
var adjustedTeamCount = teamCount
if (teamCount % 2 == 1) {
rotatingList :+= 0
adjustedTeamCount += 1
for (round <- 1 until adjustedTeamCount) {
print(f"Round $round%2d:")
val fixedList = 1 :: rotatingList
for (i <- 0 until adjustedTeamCount / 2) {
print(f" ( ${fixedList(i)}%2d vs ${fixedList(adjustedTeamCount - 1 - i)}%2d )")
rotatingList = rotatingList.last :: rotatingList.init
println("Round robin for 12 players:")
println("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:")
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 12 ) ( 2 vs 11 ) ( 3 vs 10 ) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs 9 ) ( 12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 9 ) ( 10 vs 8 ) ( 11 vs 7 ) ( 12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) ( 10 vs 6 ) ( 11 vs 5 ) ( 12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) ( 10 vs 4 ) ( 11 vs 3 ) ( 12 vs 2 )
Round 7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) ( 10 vs 2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round 8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round 9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12 ) ( 8 vs 11 ) ( 9 vs 10 )
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12 ) ( 6 vs 11 ) ( 7 vs 10 ) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12 ) ( 4 vs 11 ) ( 5 vs 10 ) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="Swift">
import Foundation
func roundRobin(teamCount: Int) {
if teamCount < 2 {
fatalError("Number of teams must be greater than 2: \(teamCount)")
var rotatingList = Array(2...teamCount)
var effectiveTeamCount = teamCount
if teamCount % 2 == 1 {
rotatingList.append(0) // Adding a 'bye' in case of odd number of teams
effectiveTeamCount += 1
for round in 1..<effectiveTeamCount {
print("Round \(round):", terminator: "")
let fixedList = [1] + rotatingList
for i in 0..<(effectiveTeamCount / 2) {
print(" (\(fixedList[i]) vs \(fixedList[effectiveTeamCount - 1 - i]))", terminator: "")
rotatingList.rotate(shift: 1)
extension Array {
mutating func rotate(shift: Int) {
let index = shift >= 0 ?
self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: self.count - shift, limitedBy: self.endIndex) :
self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: -shift, limitedBy: self.endIndex)
guard let validIndex = index else { return }
self = Array(self[validIndex..<self.endIndex] + self[self.startIndex..<validIndex])
// Example usage
print("Round robin for 12 players:")
roundRobin(teamCount: 12)
print("\nRound robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:")
roundRobin(teamCount: 5)
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: (1 vs 12) (2 vs 11) (3 vs 10) (4 vs 9) (5 vs 8) (6 vs 7)
Round 2: (1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) (2 vs 9) (3 vs 8) (4 vs 7) (5 vs 6)
Round 3: (1 vs 10) (11 vs 9) (12 vs 8) (2 vs 7) (3 vs 6) (4 vs 5)
Round 4: (1 vs 9) (10 vs 8) (11 vs 7) (12 vs 6) (2 vs 5) (3 vs 4)
Round 5: (1 vs 8) (9 vs 7) (10 vs 6) (11 vs 5) (12 vs 4) (2 vs 3)
Round 6: (1 vs 7) (8 vs 6) (9 vs 5) (10 vs 4) (11 vs 3) (12 vs 2)
Round 7: (1 vs 6) (7 vs 5) (8 vs 4) (9 vs 3) (10 vs 2) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: (1 vs 5) (6 vs 4) (7 vs 3) (8 vs 2) (9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: (1 vs 4) (5 vs 3) (6 vs 2) (7 vs 12) (8 vs 11) (9 vs 10)
Round 10: (1 vs 3) (4 vs 2) (5 vs 12) (6 vs 11) (7 vs 10) (8 vs 9)
Round 11: (1 vs 2) (3 vs 12) (4 vs 11) (5 vs 10) (6 vs 9) (7 vs 8)
Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: (1 vs 0) (2 vs 5) (3 vs 4)
Round 2: (1 vs 5) (0 vs 4) (2 vs 3)
Round 3: (1 vs 4) (5 vs 3) (0 vs 2)
Round 4: (1 vs 3) (4 vs 2) (5 vs 0)
Round 5: (1 vs 2) (3 vs 0) (4 vs 5)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
var rotate = { |lst|
var last = lst[-1]
for (i in lst.count-1..1) lst[i] = lst[i-1]
lst[0] = last
var roundRobin = { |n|
var lst = (2..n).toList
if (n % 2 == 1) {
lst.add(0) // 0 denotes a bye
n = n + 1
for (r in 1...n) {
Fmt.write("Round $2d", r)
var lst2 = [1] + lst
for (i in 0...n/2) Fmt.write(" ($2d vs $-2d)", lst2[i], lst2[n - 1 - i])
System.print("Round robin for 12 players:\n")
System.print("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n")
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1 ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round 2 ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round 3 ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round 4 ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 5 ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 6 ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round 7 ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round 8 ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9 ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10 ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11 ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )
Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :
Round 1 ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round 2 ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round 3 ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round 4 ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round 5 ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">def N = 12; \number of players (must be even)
int I, Player(N+1), Round, Temp;
[for I:= 1 to N do Player(I):= I;
for Round:= 1 to N-1 do
[IntOut(0, Round); ChOut(0, ^:);
for I:= 1 to N/2 do
[ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, Player(I))];
for I:= N downto N/2+1 do
[ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, Player(I))];
CrLf(0); CrLf(0);
Temp:= Player(N); \rotate
for I:= N-1 downto 2 do
Player(I+1):= Player(I);
Player(2):= Temp;
1: 1 2 3 4 5 6
12 11 10 9 8 7
2: 1 12 2 3 4 5
11 10 9 8 7 6
3: 1 11 12 2 3 4
10 9 8 7 6 5
4: 1 10 11 12 2 3
9 8 7 6 5 4
5: 1 9 10 11 12 2
8 7 6 5 4 3
6: 1 8 9 10 11 12
7 6 5 4 3 2
7: 1 7 8 9 10 11
6 5 4 3 2 12
8: 1 6 7 8 9 10
5 4 3 2 12 11
9: 1 5 6 7 8 9
4 3 2 12 11 10
10: 1 4 5 6 7 8
3 2 12 11 10 9
11: 1 3 4 5 6 7
2 12 11 10 9 8

Latest revision as of 09:33, 7 March 2024

A round-robin tournament is also known as an all-play-all-tournament; each participant plays every other participant once.

Round-robin tournament schedule
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

For N participants the number of rounds is N-1 if N is an even number. When there are an odd number of participants then each round one contestor has no opponent (AKA as a "bye"). The number of rounds is N in that case.


Write a program that prints out a tournament schedule for 12 participants (represented by numbers 1 to 12).

See also


-- Create a round-robin schedule
-- J. Carter     2023 May
-- Circle method

with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Round_Robin is
   type Player_ID is range 1 .. 12;
   type Player_List is array (Player_ID) of Player_ID;

   Circle : Player_List;
   J      : Player_ID;
begin -- Round_Robin
   Fill : for I in Circle'Range loop
      Circle (I) := I;
   end loop Fill;
   All_Rounds : for Round in 1 .. Player_ID'Last - 1 loop
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Round" & Round'Image);
      J := Player_ID'Last;

      Pairs : for I in 1 .. Player_ID'Last / 2 loop
         Order : declare
            Min : constant Player_ID := Player_ID'Min (Circle (I), Circle (J) );
            Max : constant Player_ID := Player_ID'Max (Circle (I), Circle (J) );
         begin -- Order
            Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => Min'Image & " v" & Max'Image);
            J := J - 1;
         end Order;
      end loop Pairs;
      Circle := Circle (Circle'First) & Circle (Circle'Last) & Circle (Circle'First + 1 .. Circle'Last - 1);
   end loop All_Rounds;
end Round_Robin;
Round 1
 1 v 12
 2 v 11
 3 v 10
 4 v 9
 5 v 8
 6 v 7

Round 2
 1 v 11
 10 v 12
 2 v 9
 3 v 8
 4 v 7
 5 v 6

Round 3
 1 v 10
 9 v 11
 8 v 12
 2 v 7
 3 v 6
 4 v 5

Round 4
 1 v 9
 8 v 10
 7 v 11
 6 v 12
 2 v 5
 3 v 4

Round 5
 1 v 8
 7 v 9
 6 v 10
 5 v 11
 4 v 12
 2 v 3

Round 6
 1 v 7
 6 v 8
 5 v 9
 4 v 10
 3 v 11
 2 v 12

Round 7
 1 v 6
 5 v 7
 4 v 8
 3 v 9
 2 v 10
 11 v 12

Round 8
 1 v 5
 4 v 6
 3 v 7
 2 v 8
 9 v 12
 10 v 11

Round 9
 1 v 4
 3 v 5
 2 v 6
 7 v 12
 8 v 11
 9 v 10

Round 10
 1 v 3
 2 v 4
 5 v 12
 6 v 11
 7 v 10
 8 v 9

Round 11
 1 v 2
 3 v 12
 4 v 11
 5 v 10
 6 v 9
 7 v 8


Translation of: XPL0
BEGIN # round-robin tournament schedule - translation of XPL0 #
    INT n = 12;            # number of players (must be even) #
    [ 1 : n ]INT player;
    FOR i TO n DO player[ i ] := i OD;
    FOR round TO n - 1 DO
        print( ( whole( round, 0 ), ":" ) );
        FOR i TO n OVER 2 DO
            print( ( REPR 9, whole( player[ i ], 0 ) ) )
        print( ( newline ) );
        FOR i FROM n BY -1 TO ( n OVER 2 ) + 1 DO
            print( ( REPR 9, whole( player[ i ], 0 ) ) )
        print( ( newline, newline ) );
        INT nth player   = player[ n ];
        player[ 3 : n ] := player[ 2 : n - 1 ];
        player[ 2     ] := nth player

Same as the XPL0 sample.


  I0  N(R)

1 2
4 3
1 3
2 4
1 4
3 2


    main(5,"The Bizzaros")
function main(n,description,  arr,i,j,leng,tmp) {
    if (n < 2) {
      printf("\n%d is too few participants\n",n)
    printf("\n%d players  %s\n",n,description)
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
      arr[i] = i
    if (n % 2 == 1) {
      arr[++n] = 0 # a "bye"
    leng = length(n-1)
    for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
      printf("\nround %*d:",leng,i)
      for (j=1; j<=n/2; j++) {
      for (j=n; j>n/2; j--) {
      tmp = arr[n]
      for (j=n; j>2; j--) {
        arr[j] = arr[j-1]
      arr[2] = tmp
1 is too few participants

2 players

round 1:   1

5 players  The Bizzaros

round 1:   1   2   3
         bye   5   4

round 2:   1 bye   2
           5   4   3

round 3:   1   5 bye
           4   3   2

round 4:   1   4   5
           3   2 bye

round 5:   1   3   4
           2 bye   5

12 players

round  1:   1   2   3   4   5   6
           12  11  10   9   8   7

round  2:   1  12   2   3   4   5
           11  10   9   8   7   6

round  3:   1  11  12   2   3   4
           10   9   8   7   6   5

round  4:   1  10  11  12   2   3
            9   8   7   6   5   4

round  5:   1   9  10  11  12   2
            8   7   6   5   4   3

round  6:   1   8   9  10  11  12
            7   6   5   4   3   2

round  7:   1   7   8   9  10  11
            6   5   4   3   2  12

round  8:   1   6   7   8   9  10
            5   4   3   2  12  11

round  9:   1   5   6   7   8   9
            4   3   2  12  11  10

round 10:   1   4   5   6   7   8
            3   2  12  11  10   9

round 11:   1   3   4   5   6   7
            2  12  11  10   9   8



Translation of: FreeBASIC
arraybase 1
print "Twelve teams"
call roundrob(12)
print "Nine teams with byes"
call roundrob(9)

function nob(n,i,byes)
  #helper function to allow byess to be printed intelligently

  if n > 9 then pad = " " else pad = ""
  if n = i and byes then
    return pad + "B"
    if i < 10 then return pad + string(i) else return string(i)
  end if
end function

subroutine roundrob(n)
  byes = 0
  if n mod 2 = 1 then #if there is an odd number of competitors
    byes = 1          #make note of this fact
    n += 1            #and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
  end if
  dim schd(n)
  for i = 1 to n
    schd[i] = i       #initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
  next i
  for r = 1 to n-1
    print "Round "; rjust(string(r), 2); ":  ";
    for i = 1 to n/2  #print the pairings according to the scheme
                      #1 2 3 4
                      #5 6 7 8
      print "("; nob(n,schd[i],byes); " -"; nob(n,schd[i+n/2],byes); " )  ";
    next i
    #now move positions 2-n around clockwise
    temp1 = schd[n/2]        #need to track two temporary variables
    temp2 = schd[n/2+1]
    for i = n/2 to 3 step -1 #top row
      schd[i] = schd[i-1]
    next i
    for i = n/2+1 to n-1     #bottom row
      schd[i] = schd[i+1]
    next i
    schd[n] = temp1 #end ifll in the ones that "jumped" between rows
    schd[2] = temp2
  next r
end subroutine


function nob( n as uinteger, i as uinteger, bye as boolean ) as string
    'helper function to allow byes to be printed intelligently
    dim as string pad
    if n > 9 then pad = " " else pad = ""
    if n = i and bye then 
        return pad+"B" 
        if i<10 then return pad + str(i) else return str(i)
    end if
end function

sub roundrob( byval n as uinteger )
    dim as boolean bye = false
    if n mod 2 = 1 then      'if there is an odd number of competitors
        bye = 1              'make note of this fact
        n += 1               'and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
    end if
    dim as uinteger schd(1 to n), r, i, temp1, temp2
    for i = 1 to n
        schd(i) =i           'initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
    next i
    for r = 1 to n-1
        print using "Round ##:   ";r;
        for i = 1 to n/2     'print the pairings according to the scheme
                             '1 2 3 4
                             '5 6 7 8
            print using "(& - &)  ";nob(n,schd(i),bye);nob(n,schd(i+n\2),bye);
        next i
        'now move positions 2-n around clockwise
        temp1 = schd(n/2)    'need to track two temporary variables
        temp2 = schd(n/2+1)
        for i = n/2 to 3 step -1  'top row
            schd(i) = schd(i-1)
        next i
        for i = n/2+1 to n-1      'bottom row
            schd(i) = schd(i+1)
        next i
        schd(n) = temp1           'fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
        schd(2) = temp2
    next r
end sub

print "Twelve teams"
print "Nine teams with byes"

Twelve teams Round 1: ( 1 - 7) ( 2 - 8) ( 3 - 9) ( 4 - 10) ( 5 - 11) ( 6 - 12) Round 2: ( 1 - 8) ( 7 - 9) ( 2 - 10) ( 3 - 11) ( 4 - 12) ( 5 - 6) Round 3: ( 1 - 9) ( 8 - 10) ( 7 - 11) ( 2 - 12) ( 3 - 6) ( 4 - 5) Round 4: ( 1 - 10) ( 9 - 11) ( 8 - 12) ( 7 - 6) ( 2 - 5) ( 3 - 4) Round 5: ( 1 - 11) (10 - 12) ( 9 - 6) ( 8 - 5) ( 7 - 4) ( 2 - 3) Round 6: ( 1 - 12) (11 - 6) (10 - 5) ( 9 - 4) ( 8 - 3) ( 7 - 2) Round 7: ( 1 - 6) (12 - 5) (11 - 4) (10 - 3) ( 9 - 2) ( 8 - 7) Round 8: ( 1 - 5) ( 6 - 4) (12 - 3) (11 - 2) (10 - 7) ( 9 - 8) Round 9: ( 1 - 4) ( 5 - 3) ( 6 - 2) (12 - 7) (11 - 8) (10 - 9) Round 10: ( 1 - 3) ( 4 - 2) ( 5 - 7) ( 6 - 8) (12 - 9) (11 - 10) Round 11: ( 1 - 2) ( 3 - 7) ( 4 - 8) ( 5 - 9) ( 6 - 10) (12 - 11) Nine teams with byes Round 1: ( 1 - 6) ( 2 - 7) ( 3 - 8) ( 4 - 9) ( 5 - B) Round 2: ( 1 - 7) ( 6 - 8) ( 2 - 9) ( 3 - B) ( 4 - 5) Round 3: ( 1 - 8) ( 7 - 9) ( 6 - B) ( 2 - 5) ( 3 - 4) Round 4: ( 1 - 9) ( 8 - B) ( 7 - 5) ( 6 - 4) ( 2 - 3) Round 5: ( 1 - B) ( 9 - 5) ( 8 - 4) ( 7 - 3) ( 6 - 2) Round 6: ( 1 - 5) ( B - 4) ( 9 - 3) ( 8 - 2) ( 7 - 6) Round 7: ( 1 - 4) ( 5 - 3) ( B - 2) ( 9 - 6) ( 8 - 7) Round 8: ( 1 - 3) ( 4 - 2) ( 5 - 6) ( B - 7) ( 9 - 8) Round 9: ( 1 - 2) ( 3 - 6) ( 4 - 7) ( 5 - 8) ( B - 9)


Translation of: FreeBASIC
Print "Twelve teams"
Proc _Roundrob(12)
Print "Nine teams with byes"
Proc _Roundrob(9)


  Param (1)
  Local (5)

  b@ = 0
                             ' if there is an odd number of competitors
  If a@ % 2 = 1 Then b@ = 1 : a@ = a@ + 1
                             ' make note of this fact and treat the tournament 
  For d@ = 1 To a@           ' as having one more competitor
    @(d@) = d@               ' initial population of the array with numbers 1-n

  For c@ = 1 To a@-1         ' print the pairings according to the scheme
    Print Using "Round __:  ";c@;
                             ' 1 2 3 4
    For d@ = 1 To a@/2       ' 5 6 7 8
      Print Show(Iif (a@ = @(d@) * b@, " ( B - ", Str(" (_# - ", @(d@))));
      Print Show(Iif (a@ = @(d@+a@/2) * b@, " B) ", Str("_#) ", @(d@+a@/2))));

    Print                    ' now move positions 2-n around clockwise
    e@ = @(a@/2)             ' need to track two temporary variables
    f@ = @(a@/2+1)
                             ' top row
    For d@ = a@/2 To 3 Step -1
      @(d@) = @(d@-1)
                             ' bottom row
    For d@ = a@/2+1 To a@-1
      @(d@) = @(d@+1)

    @(a@) = e@               ' fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
    @(2) = f@


Translation of: FreeBASIC
print "Twelve teams"
print "Nine teams with byes"

sub nob$(n,i,byes)
  //helper sub to allow byess to be printed intelligently
  //dim as string pad
  if n > 9 then pad$ = " " else pad$ = "" : fi
  if n = i and byes then
    return pad$+"B"
    if i < 10 then return pad$+str$(i) else return str$(i) : fi
end sub

sub roundrob(n)
byes = 0
if mod(n, 2) = 1 then //if there is an odd number of competitors
byes = 1 //make note of this fact
n = n+1  //and treat the tournament as having one more competitor
dim schd(n)
//, r, i, temp1, temp2
for i = 1 to n
  schd(i) = i //initial population of the array with numbers 1-n
next i
for r = 1 to n-1
  print "Round ", r using "##", ":  ";
  for i = 1 to n/2 //print the pairings according to the scheme
    //1 2 3 4
    //5 6 7 8
    print "(", nob$(n,schd(i),byes), " -", nob$(n,schd(i+n/2),byes), " )  ";
  next i
  //now move positions 2-n around clockwise
  temp1 = schd(n/2)//need to track two temporary variables
  temp2 = schd(n/2+1)
  for i = n/2 to 3 step -1 //top row
    schd(i) = schd(i-1)
  next i
  for i = n/2+1 to n-1 //bottom row
    schd(i) = schd(i+1)
  next i
  schd(n) = temp1 //fill in the ones that "jumped" between rows
  schd(2) = temp2
next r
end sub


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

void round_robin(uint32_t team_count) {
	if ( team_count < 2 ) {
		throw std::invalid_argument("Number of teams must be greater than 2: " + team_count);

	std::vector<uint32_t> rotating_list(team_count);
	std::iota(rotating_list.begin(), rotating_list.end(), 2);
	if ( team_count % 2 == 1 ) {

	for ( uint32_t round = 1; round < team_count; ++round ) {
		std::cout << "Round " << std::setw(2) << round << ":";
		std::vector<uint32_t> fixed_list(1, 1);
		fixed_list.insert(fixed_list.end(), rotating_list.begin(), rotating_list.end());
		for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < team_count / 2; ++i ) {
			std::cout << " ( " << std::setw(2) << fixed_list[i]
					  << " vs " << std::setw(2) << fixed_list[team_count - 1 - i] << " )";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::rotate(rotating_list.rbegin(), rotating_list.rbegin() + 1, rotating_list.rend());

int main() {
	std::cout << "Round robin for 12 players:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:" << std::endl;
Round robin for 12 players:
Round  1: (  1 vs 12 ) (  2 vs 11 ) (  3 vs 10 ) (  4 vs  9 ) (  5 vs  8 ) (  6 vs  7 )
Round  2: (  1 vs 11 ) ( 13 vs 10 ) (  2 vs  9 ) (  3 vs  8 ) (  4 vs  7 ) (  5 vs  6 )
Round  3: (  1 vs 10 ) ( 12 vs  9 ) ( 13 vs  8 ) (  2 vs  7 ) (  3 vs  6 ) (  4 vs  5 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  9 ) ( 11 vs  8 ) ( 12 vs  7 ) ( 13 vs  6 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  8 ) ( 10 vs  7 ) ( 11 vs  6 ) ( 12 vs  5 ) ( 13 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  6: (  1 vs  7 ) (  9 vs  6 ) ( 10 vs  5 ) ( 11 vs  4 ) ( 12 vs  3 ) ( 13 vs  2 )
Round  7: (  1 vs  6 ) (  8 vs  5 ) (  9 vs  4 ) ( 10 vs  3 ) ( 11 vs  2 ) ( 12 vs 13 )
Round  8: (  1 vs  5 ) (  7 vs  4 ) (  8 vs  3 ) (  9 vs  2 ) ( 10 vs 13 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round  9: (  1 vs  4 ) (  6 vs  3 ) (  7 vs  2 ) (  8 vs 13 ) (  9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round 10: (  1 vs  3 ) (  5 vs  2 ) (  6 vs 13 ) (  7 vs 12 ) (  8 vs 11 ) (  9 vs 10 )
Round 11: (  1 vs  2 ) (  4 vs 13 ) (  5 vs 12 ) (  6 vs 11 ) (  7 vs 10 ) (  8 vs  9 )

Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round  1: (  1 vs  6 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  2: (  1 vs  5 ) (  0 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  3: (  1 vs  4 ) (  6 vs  3 ) (  0 vs  2 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  3 ) (  5 vs  2 ) (  6 vs  0 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  2 ) (  4 vs  0 ) (  5 vs  6 )


Translation of: Java
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class RoundRobinTournamentSchedule
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Round robin for 12 players:");
        Console.WriteLine("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:");

    private static void RoundRobin(int teamCount)
        if (teamCount < 2)
            throw new ArgumentException($"Number of teams must be greater than 2: {teamCount}");

        List<int> rotatingList = Enumerable.Range(2, teamCount - 1).ToList();
        if (teamCount % 2 == 1)
            teamCount += 1;

        for (int round = 1; round < teamCount; round++)
            Console.Write($"Round {round,2}:");
            List<int> fixedList = new List<int> { 1 };
            for (int i = 0; i < teamCount / 2; i++)
                Console.Write($" ( {fixedList[i],2} vs {fixedList[teamCount - 1 - i],2} )");
            Rotate(rotatingList, 1);

    private static void Rotate(List<int> list, int rotationCount)
        int count = list.Count;
        if (count == 0) return;

        rotationCount %= count;
        if (rotationCount < 0)
            rotationCount += count;

        list.Reverse(0, rotationCount);
        list.Reverse(rotationCount, count - rotationCount);
Round robin for 12 players:
Round  1: (  1 vs 12 ) (  2 vs 11 ) (  3 vs 10 ) (  4 vs  9 ) (  5 vs  8 ) (  6 vs  7 )
Round  2: (  1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) (  2 vs  9 ) (  3 vs  8 ) (  4 vs  7 ) (  5 vs  6 )
Round  3: (  1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs  9 ) ( 12 vs  8 ) (  2 vs  7 ) (  3 vs  6 ) (  4 vs  5 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  9 ) ( 10 vs  8 ) ( 11 vs  7 ) ( 12 vs  6 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  8 ) (  9 vs  7 ) ( 10 vs  6 ) ( 11 vs  5 ) ( 12 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  6: (  1 vs  7 ) (  8 vs  6 ) (  9 vs  5 ) ( 10 vs  4 ) ( 11 vs  3 ) ( 12 vs  2 )
Round  7: (  1 vs  6 ) (  7 vs  5 ) (  8 vs  4 ) (  9 vs  3 ) ( 10 vs  2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round  8: (  1 vs  5 ) (  6 vs  4 ) (  7 vs  3 ) (  8 vs  2 ) (  9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round  9: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  6 vs  2 ) (  7 vs 12 ) (  8 vs 11 ) (  9 vs 10 )
Round 10: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs 12 ) (  6 vs 11 ) (  7 vs 10 ) (  8 vs  9 )
Round 11: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs 12 ) (  4 vs 11 ) (  5 vs 10 ) (  6 vs  9 ) (  7 vs  8 )

Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round  1: (  1 vs  0 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  2: (  1 vs  5 ) (  0 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  3: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  0 vs  2 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs  0 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs  0 ) (  4 vs  5 )


import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.algorithm;

void main() {

string[] generatePlayers(int n) {
    ("\nRound-Robin for "~(n).text~" players:\n").writeln;
    return (n%2 == 0) ? iota(1, n+1).map!(a => a.text).array : iota(1, n+1).map!(a => a.text).array~"bye";

string[] mutate(string[] arr) {
    return arr[0]~arr[$-1]~ arr[1..$-1].array;

string[][] generateSchedule(string[] players) {
    auto nbPlayer = players.length;


    schedule ~= players;

    for(int i = 1; i <= nbPlayer-2; i++)
        schedule ~= schedule[$-1].mutate;

    return schedule;

void displaySchedule(string[][] schedule) {
    auto nbPlayer = schedule[0].length;

    foreach(i, row; schedule.array)
        writef("Round %2s:  ", i+1);

        for(int k=0; k<nbPlayer/2; k++)
            writef("(%2s vs %2s)", row[k], row[nbPlayer-(k+1)]);
            if (k==(nbPlayer/2)-1) writeln; else "  ".write;
Round-Robin for 12 players:

Round  1:  ( 1 vs 12)  ( 2 vs 11)  ( 3 vs 10)  ( 4 vs  9)  ( 5 vs  8)  ( 6 vs  7)
Round  2:  ( 1 vs 11)  (12 vs 10)  ( 2 vs  9)  ( 3 vs  8)  ( 4 vs  7)  ( 5 vs  6)
Round  3:  ( 1 vs 10)  (11 vs  9)  (12 vs  8)  ( 2 vs  7)  ( 3 vs  6)  ( 4 vs  5)
Round  4:  ( 1 vs  9)  (10 vs  8)  (11 vs  7)  (12 vs  6)  ( 2 vs  5)  ( 3 vs  4)
Round  5:  ( 1 vs  8)  ( 9 vs  7)  (10 vs  6)  (11 vs  5)  (12 vs  4)  ( 2 vs  3)
Round  6:  ( 1 vs  7)  ( 8 vs  6)  ( 9 vs  5)  (10 vs  4)  (11 vs  3)  (12 vs  2)
Round  7:  ( 1 vs  6)  ( 7 vs  5)  ( 8 vs  4)  ( 9 vs  3)  (10 vs  2)  (11 vs 12)
Round  8:  ( 1 vs  5)  ( 6 vs  4)  ( 7 vs  3)  ( 8 vs  2)  ( 9 vs 12)  (10 vs 11)
Round  9:  ( 1 vs  4)  ( 5 vs  3)  ( 6 vs  2)  ( 7 vs 12)  ( 8 vs 11)  ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10:  ( 1 vs  3)  ( 4 vs  2)  ( 5 vs 12)  ( 6 vs 11)  ( 7 vs 10)  ( 8 vs  9)
Round 11:  ( 1 vs  2)  ( 3 vs 12)  ( 4 vs 11)  ( 5 vs 10)  ( 6 vs  9)  ( 7 vs  8)


Translation of: AWK
proc roundrobin n . .
   numfmt 0 2
   print n & " players"
   for i to n
      arr[] &= i
   if n mod 2 = 1
      n += 1
      arr[] &= 0
   for i = 1 to n - 1
      print ""
      write "round " & i & ": "
      for j = 1 to n / 2
         write arr[j] & "  "
      print ""
      write "          "
      for j = n downto n / 2 + 1
         write arr[j] & "  "
      print ""
      h = arr[n]
      for j = n downto 3
         arr[j] = arr[j - 1]
      arr[2] = h
roundrobin 12


Translation of: Wren
package main

import "fmt"

func rotate(lst []int) {
    len := len(lst)
    last := lst[len-1]
    for i := len - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
        lst[i] = lst[i-1]
    lst[0] = last

func roundRobin(n int) {
    lst := make([]int, n-1)
    for i := 0; i < len(lst); i++ {
        lst[i] = i + 2
    if n%2 == 1 {
        lst = append(lst, 0) // 0 denotes a bye
    for r := 1; r < n; r++ {
        fmt.Printf("Round %2d", r)
        lst2 := append([]int{1}, lst...)
        for i := 0; i < n/2; i++ {
            fmt.Printf(" (%2d vs %-2d)", lst2[i], lst2[n-1-i])

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Round robin for 12 players:\n")
    fmt.Println("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n")
Same as Wren example.


Implementation (using the wikipedia circle method):

circ=: {{
  if. 1=2|y do.
    assert. 1<y
    <:(#~ [: */"1 *)"2 circ y+1
    ids=. i.y
    (-:y) ({.,.|.@}.)"_1] 0,.(}:ids)|."0 1}.ids

Task example:

   rplc&'j:'"1":j./"1>:circ 12
1:12  2:11 3:10  4:9  5:8   6:7
 1:2  3:12 4:11 5:10  6:9   7:8
 1:3   4:2 5:12 6:11 7:10   8:9
 1:4   5:3  6:2 7:12 8:11  9:10
 1:5   6:4  7:3  8:2 9:12 10:11
 1:6   7:5  8:4  9:3 10:2 11:12
 1:7   8:6  9:5 10:4 11:3  12:2
 1:8   9:7 10:6 11:5 12:4   2:3
 1:9  10:8 11:7 12:6  2:5   3:4
1:10  11:9 12:8  2:7  3:6   4:5
1:11 12:10  2:9  3:8  4:7   5:6

(Here, circ uses index values which start at zero, so we need to add 1 to every index. Then we form the id pairs as complex numbers and replace the 'j' used to separate real from imaginary in their character representation with ':' for a hopefully compact and easy-to-read display.)

((Note that we could have instead centered each id pair on the ':' with only slightly more work. But it's not clear that that results in a more pleasing display.)):

   ,/"2(' ',_2&{.@[,':',2&{.@])&":/"1>:circ 12
  1:12  2:11  3:10  4:9   5:8   6:7 
  1:2   3:12  4:11  5:10  6:9   7:8 
  1:3   4:2   5:12  6:11  7:10  8:9 
  1:4   5:3   6:2   7:12  8:11  9:10
  1:5   6:4   7:3   8:2   9:12 10:11
  1:6   7:5   8:4   9:3  10:2  11:12
  1:7   8:6   9:5  10:4  11:3  12:2 
  1:8   9:7  10:6  11:5  12:4   2:3 
  1:9  10:8  11:7  12:6   2:5   3:4 
  1:10 11:9  12:8   2:7   3:6   4:5 
  1:11 12:10  2:9   3:8   4:7   5:6


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public final class RoundRobinTournamentSchedule {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Round robin for 12 players:");
		System.out.println("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:");
	private static void roundRobin(int teamCount) {
		if ( teamCount < 2 ) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of teams must be greater than 2: " + teamCount);
		List<Integer> rotatingList = IntStream.rangeClosed(2, teamCount).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); 
		if ( teamCount % 2 == 1 ) {
		    teamCount += 1;
		for ( int round = 1; round < teamCount; round++ ) {
		    System.out.print(String.format("%s%2d%s", "Round ", round, ":"));
		    List<Integer> fixedList = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 1).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
		    for ( int i = 0; i < teamCount / 2; i++ ) {
		    		" ( ", fixedList.get(i), " vs ", fixedList.get(teamCount - 1 - i), " )"));
		    Collections.rotate(rotatingList, +1);

Round robin for 12 players:
Round  1: (  1 vs 12 ) (  2 vs 11 ) (  3 vs 10 ) (  4 vs  9 ) (  5 vs  8 ) (  6 vs  7 )
Round  2: (  1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) (  2 vs  9 ) (  3 vs  8 ) (  4 vs  7 ) (  5 vs  6 )
Round  3: (  1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs  9 ) ( 12 vs  8 ) (  2 vs  7 ) (  3 vs  6 ) (  4 vs  5 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  9 ) ( 10 vs  8 ) ( 11 vs  7 ) ( 12 vs  6 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  8 ) (  9 vs  7 ) ( 10 vs  6 ) ( 11 vs  5 ) ( 12 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  6: (  1 vs  7 ) (  8 vs  6 ) (  9 vs  5 ) ( 10 vs  4 ) ( 11 vs  3 ) ( 12 vs  2 )
Round  7: (  1 vs  6 ) (  7 vs  5 ) (  8 vs  4 ) (  9 vs  3 ) ( 10 vs  2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round  8: (  1 vs  5 ) (  6 vs  4 ) (  7 vs  3 ) (  8 vs  2 ) (  9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round  9: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  6 vs  2 ) (  7 vs 12 ) (  8 vs 11 ) (  9 vs 10 )
Round 10: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs 12 ) (  6 vs 11 ) (  7 vs 10 ) (  8 vs  9 )
Round 11: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs 12 ) (  4 vs 11 ) (  5 vs 10 ) (  6 vs  9 ) (  7 vs  8 )

Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round  1: (  1 vs  0 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  2: (  1 vs  5 ) (  0 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  3: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  0 vs  2 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs  0 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs  0 ) (  4 vs  5 )


Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

Adapted from Wren

def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;

def rotate: .[-1:] + .[:-1];

def roundRobin($n):
  {$n, lst: [range(2; $n+1)]}
  | if $n % 2 == 1
    then .lst += [0]   # 0 denotes a bye
    | .n += 1
  | foreach range(1; .n) as $r (.;
        .emit = "Round \($r|lpad(3)): "
        | ([1] + .lst) as $lst2
        | reduce range(0; .n/2) as $i (.;
            .emit += " (\($lst2[$i]|lpad(2)) vs \($lst2[.n - 1 - $i]|lpad(2)))")
        | .lst |= rotate )
   | .emit ;

"Round robin for 12 players:",
"\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):\n",

Essentially the same as for Wren.


""" """

function schurig(N, verbose = true)
    """ Taken from
        #Original_construction_of_pairing_tables_by_Richard_Schurig_(1886) """
    nrows = isodd(N) ? N : N - 1
    ncols = (N + 1) ÷ 2
    players = mod1.(reshape(collect(1:nrows*ncols), ncols, nrows)', nrows)
    opponents = zero(players)
    table = [(0, 0) for _ in 1:nrows, _ in 1:ncols]
    for i in 1:nrows
        oldrow = i == nrows ? 1 : i + 1
        verbose && print("\n", rpad("Round $i:", 10))
        for j in 1:ncols
            oldcol = ncols - j + 1
            opponents[i, j] = players[oldrow, oldcol]
            j == 1 && (opponents[i, j] = iseven(N) ? N : 0)
            table[i, j] = (sort([players[i, j], opponents[i, j]])...,)
            if verbose
                s1, s2 = string.(table[i, j])
                print(rpad("($(s1 == "0" ? "Bye" : s1) - $s2)", 10))
    return table

print("Schurig table for round robin with 12 players:")
print("\n\nSchurig table for round robin with 7 players:")
Schurig table for round robin with 12 players:
Round 1:  (1 - 12)  (2 - 11)  (3 - 10)  (4 - 9)   (5 - 8)   (6 - 7)   
Round 2:  (7 - 12)  (6 - 8)   (5 - 9)   (4 - 10)  (3 - 11)  (1 - 2)
Round 3:  (2 - 12)  (1 - 3)   (4 - 11)  (5 - 10)  (6 - 9)   (7 - 8)
Round 4:  (8 - 12)  (7 - 9)   (6 - 10)  (5 - 11)  (1 - 4)   (2 - 3)
Round 5:  (3 - 12)  (2 - 4)   (1 - 5)   (6 - 11)  (7 - 10)  (8 - 9)
Round 6:  (9 - 12)  (8 - 10)  (7 - 11)  (1 - 6)   (2 - 5)   (3 - 4)
Round 7:  (4 - 12)  (3 - 5)   (2 - 6)   (1 - 7)   (8 - 11)  (9 - 10)
Round 8:  (10 - 12) (9 - 11)  (1 - 8)   (2 - 7)   (3 - 6)   (4 - 5)
Round 9:  (5 - 12)  (4 - 6)   (3 - 7)   (2 - 8)   (1 - 9)   (10 - 11)
Round 10: (11 - 12) (1 - 10)  (2 - 9)   (3 - 8)   (4 - 7)   (5 - 6)
Round 11: (6 - 12)  (5 - 7)   (4 - 8)   (3 - 9)   (2 - 10)  (1 - 11)

Schurig table for round robin with 7 players:
Round 1:  (Bye - 1) (2 - 7)   (3 - 6)   (4 - 5)
Round 2:  (Bye - 5) (4 - 6)   (3 - 7)   (1 - 2)
Round 3:  (Bye - 2) (1 - 3)   (4 - 7)   (5 - 6)
Round 4:  (Bye - 6) (5 - 7)   (1 - 4)   (2 - 3)
Round 5:  (Bye - 3) (2 - 4)   (1 - 5)   (6 - 7)
Round 6:  (Bye - 7) (1 - 6)   (2 - 5)   (3 - 4)
Round 7:  (Bye - 4) (3 - 5)   (2 - 6)   (1 - 7)


import std/[algorithm, sequtils, strformat]

proc roundRobin(n: Positive) =
  assert n >= 2
  var n = n
  var list1 = toSeq(2..n)
  if n mod 2 == 1:
    list1.add 0  # 0 denotes a "bye".
    inc n
  for r in 1..<n:
    stdout.write &"Round {r:2}:"
    let list2 = 1 & list1
    for i in 0..<(n div 2):
      stdout.write &" ({list2[i]:>2} vs {list2[n - i - 1]:<2})"

echo "Round robin for 12 players:\n"
echo "\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n"
Round robin for 12 players:

Round  1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round  2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round  3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round  4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round  7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round  8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round  9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )

Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :

Round  1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round  4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round  5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )


A console program in Free Pascal. Uses the circle method, but not exactly as in Wikipedia: the fixed player is the dummy, if present, otherwise the last; and the rotation is anticlockwise.

program RoundRobin;
Rosetta Code: write list of matches in a round robin tournament.
Command line:
    RoundRobin number_of_players
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

uses SysUtils;

  nrPlayers, round : integer;
  n, m, c, j, k : integer;
  a : array of integer;

    // Write the matches in a round, formatting nicely
    procedure WriteRound();
      t, u : integer;
      Write( 'Round', round:3, ': ');
      u := 0;
      for t := 0 to m - 2 do begin
        Write( '(', a[u]:2);  inc(u);
        Write( ' v', a[u]:3, ') ');  inc(u);
      Write( '(', a[u]:2); // u = n - 2
      if c > 0 then
        WriteLn( ' v', c:3, ')')
        WriteLn( ' bye)');

  if ParamCount < 1 then begin
    WriteLn( 'Number of players is required');
  nrPlayers := SysUtils.StrToIntDef( ParamStr(1), -1);
               // if string can't be converted, nrPlayers := -1
  if (nrPlayers < 2) then begin
    WriteLn( 'Invalid number of players');
  WriteLn( 'Round robin with ', nrPlayers, ' players');
  m := (nrPlayers + 1) div 2;
  n := 2*m;
  if Odd( nrPlayers) then c := 0  // dummy player, opponent gets a bye
                     else c := n; // genuine player
  SetLength( a, n);
  k := 0;
  for j := 0 to m - 2 do begin
    a[k] := m - j;  inc(k);
    a[k] := m + 1 + j;  inc(k);
  a[k] := 1;
  a[n - 1] := c; // a[n - 1] stays = c throughout
  round := 1;
  for round := 2 to n - 1 do begin
    for j := 0 to n - 2 do begin // increment all entries except a[n - 1]
      if a[j] = n then a[j] := 1; // wrap round if necessary
Round robin with 12 players
Round  1: ( 6 v  7) ( 5 v  8) ( 4 v  9) ( 3 v 10) ( 2 v 11) ( 1 v 12)
Round  2: ( 7 v  8) ( 6 v  9) ( 5 v 10) ( 4 v 11) ( 3 v  1) ( 2 v 12)
Round  3: ( 8 v  9) ( 7 v 10) ( 6 v 11) ( 5 v  1) ( 4 v  2) ( 3 v 12)
Round  4: ( 9 v 10) ( 8 v 11) ( 7 v  1) ( 6 v  2) ( 5 v  3) ( 4 v 12)
Round  5: (10 v 11) ( 9 v  1) ( 8 v  2) ( 7 v  3) ( 6 v  4) ( 5 v 12)
Round  6: (11 v  1) (10 v  2) ( 9 v  3) ( 8 v  4) ( 7 v  5) ( 6 v 12)
Round  7: ( 1 v  2) (11 v  3) (10 v  4) ( 9 v  5) ( 8 v  6) ( 7 v 12)
Round  8: ( 2 v  3) ( 1 v  4) (11 v  5) (10 v  6) ( 9 v  7) ( 8 v 12)
Round  9: ( 3 v  4) ( 2 v  5) ( 1 v  6) (11 v  7) (10 v  8) ( 9 v 12)
Round 10: ( 4 v  5) ( 3 v  6) ( 2 v  7) ( 1 v  8) (11 v  9) (10 v 12)
Round 11: ( 5 v  6) ( 4 v  7) ( 3 v  8) ( 2 v  9) ( 1 v 10) (11 v 12)

Round robin with 9 players
Round  1: ( 5 v  6) ( 4 v  7) ( 3 v  8) ( 2 v  9) ( 1 bye)
Round  2: ( 6 v  7) ( 5 v  8) ( 4 v  9) ( 3 v  1) ( 2 bye)
Round  3: ( 7 v  8) ( 6 v  9) ( 5 v  1) ( 4 v  2) ( 3 bye)
Round  4: ( 8 v  9) ( 7 v  1) ( 6 v  2) ( 5 v  3) ( 4 bye)
Round  5: ( 9 v  1) ( 8 v  2) ( 7 v  3) ( 6 v  4) ( 5 bye)
Round  6: ( 1 v  2) ( 9 v  3) ( 8 v  4) ( 7 v  5) ( 6 bye)
Round  7: ( 2 v  3) ( 1 v  4) ( 9 v  5) ( 8 v  6) ( 7 bye)
Round  8: ( 3 v  4) ( 2 v  5) ( 1 v  6) ( 9 v  7) ( 8 bye)
Round  9: ( 4 v  5) ( 3 v  6) ( 2 v  7) ( 1 v  8) ( 9 bye)




use strict; #
use warnings;

my $n = 12;
my @teams = 1 .. $n;
for (1 .. $n-1) 
  @teams[0,$n-1,1..$n-2] = @teams;
  printf 'Round %2d:' . '%4d vs %2d'x($n/2) . "\n", $_, @teams[ map { $_, $n-1-$_} 0..($n/2)-1 ];
Round  1:   1 vs 2    3 vs 12   4 vs 11   5 vs 10   6 vs 9    7 vs 8 
Round  2:   1 vs 3    4 vs 2    5 vs 12   6 vs 11   7 vs 10   8 vs 9 
Round  3:   1 vs 4    5 vs 3    6 vs 2    7 vs 12   8 vs 11   9 vs 10
Round  4:   1 vs 5    6 vs 4    7 vs 3    8 vs 2    9 vs 12  10 vs 11
Round  5:   1 vs 6    7 vs 5    8 vs 4    9 vs 3   10 vs 2   11 vs 12
Round  6:   1 vs 7    8 vs 6    9 vs 5   10 vs 4   11 vs 3   12 vs 2 
Round  7:   1 vs 8    9 vs 7   10 vs 6   11 vs 5   12 vs 4    2 vs 3 
Round  8:   1 vs 9   10 vs 8   11 vs 7   12 vs 6    2 vs 5    3 vs 4 
Round  9:   1 vs 10  11 vs 9   12 vs 8    2 vs 7    3 vs 6    4 vs 5 
Round 10:   1 vs 11  12 vs 10   2 vs 9    3 vs 8    4 vs 7    5 vs 6 
Round 11:   1 vs 12   2 vs 11   3 vs 10   4 vs 9    5 vs 8    6 vs 7 

Even and Odd

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use List::AllUtils <pairwise all>;

sub round_robin {
    my($n) = @_;
    my @players = (1,0)[$n%2] .. $n;
    my $half    = +@players / 2;

    while () {
        my @a =         @players[    0 ..   $half-1];
        my @b = reverse @players[$half .. $#players];
        push @pairings, sprintf "Round %2d: %s\n", ++$round, join ' ', pairwise { sprintf "%3d vs %2d", $a, $b } @a, @b;
        push @players, splice @players, 1, @players-2;
        last if all { $players[$_-1] < $players[$_] } 1..$#players;

say join '', round_robin 12;
say '';
say join '', map { s/0 vs /Bye: /r } round_robin 7;
Round  1:   1 vs 12   2 vs 11   3 vs 10   4 vs  9   5 vs  8   6 vs  7
Round  2:   1 vs 11  12 vs 10   2 vs  9   3 vs  8   4 vs  7   5 vs  6
Round  3:   1 vs 10  11 vs  9  12 vs  8   2 vs  7   3 vs  6   4 vs  5
Round  4:   1 vs  9  10 vs  8  11 vs  7  12 vs  6   2 vs  5   3 vs  4
Round  5:   1 vs  8   9 vs  7  10 vs  6  11 vs  5  12 vs  4   2 vs  3
Round  6:   1 vs  7   8 vs  6   9 vs  5  10 vs  4  11 vs  3  12 vs  2
Round  7:   1 vs  6   7 vs  5   8 vs  4   9 vs  3  10 vs  2  11 vs 12
Round  8:   1 vs  5   6 vs  4   7 vs  3   8 vs  2   9 vs 12  10 vs 11
Round  9:   1 vs  4   5 vs  3   6 vs  2   7 vs 12   8 vs 11   9 vs 10
Round 10:   1 vs  3   4 vs  2   5 vs 12   6 vs 11   7 vs 10   8 vs  9
Round 11:   1 vs  2   3 vs 12   4 vs 11   5 vs 10   6 vs  9   7 vs  8

Round  1:   Bye:  7   1 vs  6   2 vs  5   3 vs  4
Round  2:   Bye:  6   7 vs  5   1 vs  4   2 vs  3
Round  3:   Bye:  5   6 vs  4   7 vs  3   1 vs  2
Round  4:   Bye:  4   5 vs  3   6 vs  2   7 vs  1
Round  5:   Bye:  3   4 vs  2   5 vs  1   6 vs  7
Round  6:   Bye:  2   3 vs  1   4 vs  7   5 vs  6
Round  7:   Bye:  1   2 vs  7   3 vs  6   4 vs  5


Based on the circle with rotor diagrams on the wikipedia page, and implements home/away.

with javascript_semantics

function round_robin(integer n)
    -- As per the wikipedia page, we do something like this:
    -- even(n), say 6:  in round 1 we have 6 & 1,2,3,4,5 -> {{6,1},{2,5},{3,4}},
    --                           2             2,3,4,5,1 -> {{6,2},{3,1},{4,5}},
    --                           3             3,4,5,1,2 -> {{6,3},{4,2},{5,1}},
    --                           4             4,5,1,2,3 -> {{6,4},{5,3},{1,2}},
    --                           5             5,1,2,3,4 -> {{6,5},{1,4},{2,3}}
    -- for an odd(n), say 5, simply replace all the 6 above with 0 (a bye).
    -- As per the wikipedia diagram, we pick a rotor (6/0) and arrange the rest
    -- in a circle, and as it rotates around the circle we play it against that
    -- one then pick off second/last, third/last-but-one, and so forth from the
    -- perspective of the rotor. There must obviously be an odd number of teams
    -- in the circle itself, otherwise pairing-offs won't meet in the middle.
    -- However, rather than physically rotate the {1,2,3,4,5}, we'll just say
    -- that anything past 5 starts from 1 again (the -= n below), and use the
    -- shorthand of l [===length(result)] as our starting position/offset.
    -- Not shown above, but we'll also use even/odd rules for home/away matches.
    integer rotor  = iff(even(n)?n:0),
            l = 0 -- length(result), shorthand
    n -= even(n) -- (circle must be odd)
    sequence result = {}
    for rownd=1 to n do -- (since "round" is a builtin)
        sequence games = {iff(even(rownd) or rotor=0?{rownd,rotor}:{rotor,rownd})}
        integer opponent = n -- pair rest off from last inwards,
        for m=2 to (n+1)/2 do -- such that m plays current opponent
            integer rom = m+l,          -- all shifted by
                    rop = opponent+l    -- l as an offset
            if rom>n then rom -= n end if 
            if rop>n then rop -= n end if 
            games &= iff(odd(m)?{{rom,rop}}:{{rop,rom}})
            opponent -= 1
        end for
        result = append(result,games)
        l += 1 -- (obviously "l = length(result)" works fine here too)
    end for
    return result
end function

function vs(sequence pair)  -- (display helper)
    return sprintf(iff(pair[2]=0?"%2d bye  ":"%2d vs %-2d"),pair)
end function

for test=12 to 3 by -9 do
    sequence res = round_robin(test)
    printf(1,"\nFor %d teams:\n",test)
    for r=1 to length(res) do
        printf(1,"Round %2d: %s\n",{r,join(apply(res[r],vs))})
    end for
end for
For 12 teams:
Round  1: 12 vs 1  11 vs 2   3 vs 10  9 vs 4   5 vs 8   7 vs 6
Round  2:  2 vs 12  1 vs 3   4 vs 11 10 vs 5   6 vs 9   8 vs 7
Round  3: 12 vs 3   2 vs 4   5 vs 1  11 vs 6   7 vs 10  9 vs 8
Round  4:  4 vs 12  3 vs 5   6 vs 2   1 vs 7   8 vs 11 10 vs 9
Round  5: 12 vs 5   4 vs 6   7 vs 3   2 vs 8   9 vs 1  11 vs 10
Round  6:  6 vs 12  5 vs 7   8 vs 4   3 vs 9  10 vs 2   1 vs 11
Round  7: 12 vs 7   6 vs 8   9 vs 5   4 vs 10 11 vs 3   2 vs 1
Round  8:  8 vs 12  7 vs 9  10 vs 6   5 vs 11  1 vs 4   3 vs 2
Round  9: 12 vs 9   8 vs 10 11 vs 7   6 vs 1   2 vs 5   4 vs 3
Round 10: 10 vs 12  9 vs 11  1 vs 8   7 vs 2   3 vs 6   5 vs 4
Round 11: 12 vs 11 10 vs 1   2 vs 9   8 vs 3   4 vs 7   6 vs 5

For 3 teams:
Round  1:  1 bye    3 vs 2
Round  2:  2 bye    1 vs 3
Round  3:  3 bye    2 vs 1

While I "optimised away" the need for a physical rotate, obviously not because I was concerned with performance but more in the hope of creating shorter and more elegant code, in the end it made little difference. Should it be more to your taste, you can remove "l" and replace the inner loop above with:

    sequence circle = tagset(n)
    for rownd=1 to n do -- (since "round" is a bultin)
        integer r = circle[1]
        sequence games = {iff(even(rownd) or rotor=0?{r,rotor}:{rotor,r})}
        integer ldx = 2, rdx = n
        while ldx<rdx do
            integer teama = circle[ldx],
                    teamb = circle[rdx]
            games &= {iff(odd(ldx)?{teama,teamb},{teamb,teama})}
            ldx += 1
            rdx -= 1
        end while
        result = append(result,games)
        circle = circle[2..$]&circle[1] -- (physically rotate it)
    end for


Constraint modelling

import sat.

main =>
  N = 12,
  tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,_,X,Bye),

tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,Extras, X,Bye) =>
  % Adjust for odd number of players.
  % The bye (Dummy) player is N+1.
  if N mod 2 == 1 then
    N := N + 1,
    Bye = N

  NumRounds = N-1,
  NumPairs = N div 2,

  X = new_array(NumRounds,NumPairs,2),
  X :: 1..N,

  % ensure that all players play each other
  foreach(P1 in 1..N, P2 in P1+1..N)
    sum([X[Round,P,1] #= P1 #/\ X[Round,P,2] #= P2 : Round in 1..NumRounds, P in 1..NumPairs]) #= 1
  foreach(Round in 1..NumRounds)
    all_different([X[Round,I,J] : I in 1..NumPairs, J in 1..2]),
    % symmetry breaking
    % - all first players in increasing order
    increasing_strict([X[Round,I,1] : I in 1..NumPairs]),
    % - player 1 < player 2
    foreach(P in 1..NumPairs)
       X[Round,P,1] #< X[Round,P,2]

  if Extras != [] then
    foreach([P1,P2,Round] in Extras)
      sum([X[Round,P,1] #= P1 #/\ X[Round,P,2] #= P2 : P in 1..NumPairs]) #= 1

print_tournament(X,NumRounds,NumPairs,Bye) =>
  N = X[1].len,
  foreach(Round in 1..NumRounds)
    printf("Round %2d: ", Round),
    if N > 10 then nl end,
    foreach(P in 1..NumPairs)
      P2Val = X[Round,P,2],
      if var(Bye) ; P2Val != Bye then
        printf("(%2w vs %2w) ",X[Round,P,1],P2Val),
        if N > 10 then nl end
Round  1: ( 1 vs 11) ( 2 vs  5) ( 3 vs  6) ( 4 vs 12) ( 7 vs  9) ( 8 vs 10) 
Round  2: ( 1 vs  5) ( 2 vs  4) ( 3 vs 10) ( 6 vs  7) ( 8 vs  9) (11 vs 12) 
Round  3: ( 1 vs  6) ( 2 vs  8) ( 3 vs  5) ( 4 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 9 vs 12) 
Round  4: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs  7) ( 4 vs  6) ( 5 vs  8) ( 9 vs 10) 
Round  5: ( 1 vs  9) ( 2 vs  6) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs  5) ( 7 vs  8) (10 vs 11) 
Round  6: ( 1 vs  4) ( 2 vs  3) ( 5 vs  7) ( 6 vs 10) ( 8 vs 12) ( 9 vs 11) 
Round  7: ( 1 vs  2) ( 3 vs  4) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs  9) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) 
Round  8: ( 1 vs  3) ( 2 vs 12) ( 4 vs 10) ( 5 vs  9) ( 6 vs  8) ( 7 vs 11) 
Round  9: ( 1 vs 10) ( 2 vs  7) ( 3 vs  8) ( 4 vs  9) ( 5 vs 11) ( 6 vs 12) 
Round 10: ( 1 vs  8) ( 2 vs 10) ( 3 vs  9) ( 4 vs  7) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) 
Round 11: ( 1 vs  7) ( 2 vs  9) ( 3 vs 11) ( 4 vs  8) ( 5 vs  6) (10 vs 12) 

Constraint model with extra constraints

The constraint model is slower than the algorithmic approach for larger number of players. The advantage of a constraint model is that it is quite easy to add extra constraint, such that some players must play in a certain round (e.g. for availability reasons etc).

Here are some extra constraints:

  • 1 vs 2 must be played the third round
  • 5 vs 9 must be played in the 7th round
  • 2 vs 3 must be played in the last round
  • 7 vs 12 must be played in the last round
main =>
  N = 12,  
  Extras = [[1,2,3],
  tournament_cp(N, NumRounds,NumPairs,Extras,X,Bye),
Round  1: ( 1 vs 11) ( 2 vs  4) ( 3 vs 12) ( 5 vs  8) ( 6 vs  9) ( 7 vs 10) 
Round  2: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs  9) ( 4 vs  7) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs  8) 
Round  3: ( 1 vs  2) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 12) ( 5 vs 11) ( 6 vs  7) ( 8 vs  9) 
Round  4: ( 1 vs  4) ( 2 vs  6) ( 3 vs 11) ( 5 vs 12) ( 7 vs  8) ( 9 vs 10) 
Round  5: ( 1 vs 10) ( 2 vs  7) ( 3 vs  5) ( 4 vs  6) ( 8 vs 12) ( 9 vs 11) 
Round  6: ( 1 vs  6) ( 2 vs  5) ( 3 vs  4) ( 7 vs  9) ( 8 vs 11) (10 vs 12) 
Round  7: ( 1 vs  3) ( 2 vs 12) ( 4 vs  8) ( 5 vs  9) ( 6 vs 10) ( 7 vs 11) 
Round  8: ( 1 vs  7) ( 2 vs  8) ( 3 vs  6) ( 4 vs  5) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11) 
Round  9: ( 1 vs  8) ( 2 vs  9) ( 3 vs  7) ( 4 vs 10) ( 5 vs  6) (11 vs 12) 
Round 10: ( 1 vs  9) ( 2 vs 10) ( 3 vs  8) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs  7) ( 6 vs 12) 
Round 11: ( 1 vs  5) ( 2 vs  3) ( 4 vs  9) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 10) 

For this small tournament it took about the same time with and without these extra constraints (0.08s).

Number of solutions

Here are the number of different solutions for N = [2,4,6,8] with the symmetry constraints (but without the extra round constraints). The number of odd N players is the same as the number of N-1 players.

Here the cp solver is used since it's faster than the sat solver for generating all solutions.

import cp. 

main =>
  foreach(N in 2..2..8)
    Count = count_all(tournament_cp(N, _NumRounds,_NumPairs,_Extras,_X,_Bye)),
2 = 1
4 = 6
6 = 720
8 = 31449600

This seems to be related to the OEIS sequence "A036981: (2n+1) X (2n+1) symmetric matrices each of whose rows is a permutation of 1..(2n+1)". The next term (for N=10) would be 444733651353600 which takes too long to check.


Original method by R. Schurig

# by Xing216
from copy import deepcopy
def shift_up(myList):
    myLen = len(myList)
    return [myList[i % myLen] for i in range(1, 1 + myLen)]
def scheduler(competitors):
    """Uses the original method by Richard Schurig"""
    if competitors % 2 == 1:
        n = competitors + 1
        horizontal_rows = n - 1
        n = competitors
        horizontal_rows = n
    vertical_rows = n // 2
    table = [[[] for _ in range(vertical_rows)] for _ in range(horizontal_rows)]
    competitor = 1
    for i, row in enumerate(table):
        for col in table[i]:
            if competitor == competitors:
                competitor = 1
                competitor += 1
    table2 = deepcopy(table)
    table2 = shift_up(table2)
    for row in table2: row.reverse()
    for i, row in enumerate(table):
        for j, col in enumerate(table[i]):
    return table
def print_table(table):
    for i, round in enumerate(table):
        print(f"Round {(i + 1):2}", end=": ")
        for match in round:
            print(f"{match[0]:2}-{match[1]:<2}", end=" ")
Round  1:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7  
Round  2:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1  
Round  3:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7
Round  4:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1
Round  5:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7
Round  6:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1
Round  7:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7
Round  8:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1
Round  9:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7
Round 10:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1
Round 11:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7
Round 12:  7-6   8-5   9-4  10-3  11-2  12-1

Berger Tables

# by Xing216
def scheduler(competitors):
    if competitors & 1:
        competitors += 1
    last = competitors
    half = competitors // 2
    rounds = last - 1
    tables = [list() for i in range(rounds)]
    for i in range(1, last):
        row = i - 1
        tables[row] = [list() * half]
        tables[row][0] = [0, 0]
        if i & 1:
            tables[row][0][1] = last
            opponent = (i + 1) // 2
            tables[row][0][0] = opponent
            tables[row][0][0] = last
            opponent = half + i // 2
            tables[row][0][1] = opponent
        for _ in range(1, half):
            next_opponent = opponent + 1 if opponent < last - 1 else 1
            tables[row].append([next_opponent, 0])
            opponent = next_opponent
    last_guest = 1
    for i in reversed(range(1, last)):
        row = i - 1
        for j in reversed(range(0, half)):
            opponent = last_guest
            if j > 0:
                tables[row][j][1] = opponent
                last_guest = opponent + 1 if opponent < last - 1 else 1
    return tables
def print_table(table):
    for i, round in enumerate(table):
        print(f"Round {(i + 1):2}", end=": ")
        for match in round:
            print(f"{match[0]:2}-{match[1]:<2}", end=" ")
Round  1:  1-12  2-11  3-10  4-9   5-8   6-7  
Round  2: 12-7   8-6   9-5  10-4  11-3   1-2  
Round  3:  2-12  3-1   4-11  5-10  6-9   7-8
Round  4: 12-8   9-7  10-6  11-5   1-4   2-3
Round  5:  3-12  4-2   5-1   6-11  7-10  8-9
Round  6: 12-9  10-8  11-7   1-6   2-5   3-4
Round  7:  4-12  5-3   6-2   7-1   8-11  9-10
Round  8: 12-10 11-9   1-8   2-7   3-6   4-5
Round  9:  5-12  6-4   7-3   8-2   9-1  10-11
Round 10: 12-11  1-10  2-9   3-8   4-7   5-6
Round 11:  6-12  7-5   8-4   9-3  10-2  11-1


  [ stack ]                      is participants (   --> s )

  [ dup 10 < if sp echo ]        is recho        ( n -->   )

  [ dup participants share
    > iff
       [ drop say " bye " ]
    say " vs "
    dup echo 10 < if sp ]        is lecho        ( n -->   )

  [ dup participants put
    dup 1 & +
    [] over 1 - times
      [ i 1+ join ]
    over 1 - times
      [ say "Round "
        i^ 1+ recho
        say ": "
        over dip
          [ 2dup join ]
          [ i i^ < iff
              conclude done
            dup i peek recho
            dup i^ peek lecho
            say "  " ]
        drop cr
        over 2 / 1+
        split swap join ]
    2drop participants release ] is schedule     ( n -->   )

  say "12 participants:" cr
  12 schedule
  say "5 participants:" cr
  5 schedule
  say "1 participant:" cr
  1 schedule
  say "0 participants:" cr
  0 schedule
12 participants:
Round  1:  1 vs 12   2 vs 11   3 vs 10   4 vs 9    5 vs 8    6 vs 7   
Round  2:  5 vs 12   6 vs 4    7 vs 3    8 vs 2    9 vs 1   10 vs 11  
Round  3:  9 vs 12  10 vs 8   11 vs 7    1 vs 6    2 vs 5    3 vs 4   
Round  4:  2 vs 12   3 vs 1    4 vs 11   5 vs 10   6 vs 9    7 vs 8   
Round  5:  6 vs 12   7 vs 5    8 vs 4    9 vs 3   10 vs 2   11 vs 1   
Round  6: 10 vs 12  11 vs 9    1 vs 8    2 vs 7    3 vs 6    4 vs 5   
Round  7:  3 vs 12   4 vs 2    5 vs 1    6 vs 11   7 vs 10   8 vs 9   
Round  8:  7 vs 12   8 vs 6    9 vs 5   10 vs 4   11 vs 3    1 vs 2   
Round  9: 11 vs 12   1 vs 10   2 vs 9    3 vs 8    4 vs 7    5 vs 6   
Round 10:  4 vs 12   5 vs 3    6 vs 2    7 vs 1    8 vs 11   9 vs 10  
Round 11:  8 vs 12   9 vs 7   10 vs 6   11 vs 5    1 vs 4    2 vs 3   

5 participants:
Round  1:  1 bye    2 vs 5    3 vs 4   
Round  2:  2 bye    3 vs 1    4 vs 5   
Round  3:  3 bye    4 vs 2    5 vs 1   
Round  4:  4 bye    5 vs 3    1 vs 2   
Round  5:  5 bye    1 vs 4    2 vs 3   

1 participant:
Round  1:  1 bye   

0 participants:


my @players = (1,0)[$_%2] .. $_ given 12;
my $half = +@players div 2;
my $round = 0;

loop {
    printf "Round %2d: %s\n", ++$round, "{ zip( @players[^$half], @players[$half..*].reverse ).map: { sprintf "(%2d vs %-2d)", |$_ } }";
    last if [<] @players;
Round  1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round  2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round  3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round  4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round  7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round  8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round  9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )


def round_robin( n )
  rotating_players = (2..n).map(&:to_s) #player 1 to be added later
  rotating_players << "bye" if n.odd? do |r|
    all = ["1"] + rotating_players.rotate(-r)
    [all[0, all.size/2], all[all.size/2..].reverse]

round_robin(12).each.with_index(1) do |round, i|
  puts "Round #{i}"
  round.each do |players|
    puts{|player| player.ljust(4)}.join
Round 1
1   2   3   4   5   6   
12  11  10  9   8   7   

Round 2
1   12  2   3   4   5   
11  10  9   8   7   6   

Round 3
1   11  12  2   3   4   
10  9   8   7   6   5   

Round 4
1   10  11  12  2   3   
9   8   7   6   5   4   

Round 5
1   9   10  11  12  2   
8   7   6   5   4   3   

Round 6
1   8   9   10  11  12  
7   6   5   4   3   2   

Round 7
1   7   8   9   10  11  
6   5   4   3   2   12  

Round 8
1   6   7   8   9   10  
5   4   3   2   12  11  

Round 9
1   5   6   7   8   9   
4   3   2   12  11  10  

Round 10
1   4   5   6   7   8   
3   2   12  11  10  9   

Round 11
1   3   4   5   6   7   
2   12  11  10  9   8   


Translation of: Nim
fn round_robin(n: usize) {
    assert!(n >= 2);
    let mut n = n;
    let mut list1: Vec<usize> = (2..=n).collect();
    if n % 2 == 1 {
        list1.push(0); // 0 denotes a "bye".
        n += 1;
    for r in 1..n {
        print!("Round {:2}:", r);
        let list2 = vec![1].into_iter().chain(list1.iter().cloned()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
        for i in 0..(n / 2) {
            print!(" ({:>2} vs {:<2})", list2[i], list2[n - i - 1]);

fn main() {
    println!("Round robin for 12 players:\n");

    println!("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):\n");
Round robin for 12 players:

Round  1: ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round  2: ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round  3: ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round  4: ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  5: ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  6: ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round  7: ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round  8: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round  9: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )

Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye):

Round  1: ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  2: ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  3: ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round  4: ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round  5: ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )


Translation of: Java
object RoundRobinTournamentSchedule extends App {
  def roundRobin(teamCount: Int): Unit = {
    require(teamCount >= 2, s"Number of teams must be greater than 2: $teamCount")

    var rotatingList = (2 to teamCount).toList
    var adjustedTeamCount = teamCount

    if (teamCount % 2 == 1) {
      rotatingList :+= 0
      adjustedTeamCount += 1

    for (round <- 1 until adjustedTeamCount) {
      print(f"Round $round%2d:")
      val fixedList = 1 :: rotatingList
      for (i <- 0 until adjustedTeamCount / 2) {
        print(f" ( ${fixedList(i)}%2d vs ${fixedList(adjustedTeamCount - 1 - i)}%2d )")
      rotatingList = rotatingList.last :: rotatingList.init

  println("Round robin for 12 players:")
  println("Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:")
Round robin for 12 players:
Round  1: (  1 vs 12 ) (  2 vs 11 ) (  3 vs 10 ) (  4 vs  9 ) (  5 vs  8 ) (  6 vs  7 )
Round  2: (  1 vs 11 ) ( 12 vs 10 ) (  2 vs  9 ) (  3 vs  8 ) (  4 vs  7 ) (  5 vs  6 )
Round  3: (  1 vs 10 ) ( 11 vs  9 ) ( 12 vs  8 ) (  2 vs  7 ) (  3 vs  6 ) (  4 vs  5 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  9 ) ( 10 vs  8 ) ( 11 vs  7 ) ( 12 vs  6 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  8 ) (  9 vs  7 ) ( 10 vs  6 ) ( 11 vs  5 ) ( 12 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  6: (  1 vs  7 ) (  8 vs  6 ) (  9 vs  5 ) ( 10 vs  4 ) ( 11 vs  3 ) ( 12 vs  2 )
Round  7: (  1 vs  6 ) (  7 vs  5 ) (  8 vs  4 ) (  9 vs  3 ) ( 10 vs  2 ) ( 11 vs 12 )
Round  8: (  1 vs  5 ) (  6 vs  4 ) (  7 vs  3 ) (  8 vs  2 ) (  9 vs 12 ) ( 10 vs 11 )
Round  9: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  6 vs  2 ) (  7 vs 12 ) (  8 vs 11 ) (  9 vs 10 )
Round 10: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs 12 ) (  6 vs 11 ) (  7 vs 10 ) (  8 vs  9 )
Round 11: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs 12 ) (  4 vs 11 ) (  5 vs 10 ) (  6 vs  9 ) (  7 vs  8 )

Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round  1: (  1 vs  0 ) (  2 vs  5 ) (  3 vs  4 )
Round  2: (  1 vs  5 ) (  0 vs  4 ) (  2 vs  3 )
Round  3: (  1 vs  4 ) (  5 vs  3 ) (  0 vs  2 )
Round  4: (  1 vs  3 ) (  4 vs  2 ) (  5 vs  0 )
Round  5: (  1 vs  2 ) (  3 vs  0 ) (  4 vs  5 )


Translation of: Java
import Foundation

func roundRobin(teamCount: Int) {
    if teamCount < 2 {
        fatalError("Number of teams must be greater than 2: \(teamCount)")

    var rotatingList = Array(2...teamCount)
    var effectiveTeamCount = teamCount

    if teamCount % 2 == 1 {
        rotatingList.append(0) // Adding a 'bye' in case of odd number of teams
        effectiveTeamCount += 1

    for round in 1..<effectiveTeamCount {
        print("Round \(round):", terminator: "")
        let fixedList = [1] + rotatingList
        for i in 0..<(effectiveTeamCount / 2) {
            print(" (\(fixedList[i]) vs \(fixedList[effectiveTeamCount - 1 - i]))", terminator: "")
        rotatingList.rotate(shift: 1)

extension Array {
    mutating func rotate(shift: Int) {
        let index = shift >= 0 ?
            self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: self.count - shift, limitedBy: self.endIndex) :
            self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: -shift, limitedBy: self.endIndex)

        guard let validIndex = index else { return }
        self = Array(self[validIndex..<self.endIndex] + self[self.startIndex..<validIndex])

// Example usage
print("Round robin for 12 players:")
roundRobin(teamCount: 12)
print("\nRound robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:")
roundRobin(teamCount: 5)
Round robin for 12 players:
Round 1: (1 vs 12) (2 vs 11) (3 vs 10) (4 vs 9) (5 vs 8) (6 vs 7)
Round 2: (1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) (2 vs 9) (3 vs 8) (4 vs 7) (5 vs 6)
Round 3: (1 vs 10) (11 vs 9) (12 vs 8) (2 vs 7) (3 vs 6) (4 vs 5)
Round 4: (1 vs 9) (10 vs 8) (11 vs 7) (12 vs 6) (2 vs 5) (3 vs 4)
Round 5: (1 vs 8) (9 vs 7) (10 vs 6) (11 vs 5) (12 vs 4) (2 vs 3)
Round 6: (1 vs 7) (8 vs 6) (9 vs 5) (10 vs 4) (11 vs 3) (12 vs 2)
Round 7: (1 vs 6) (7 vs 5) (8 vs 4) (9 vs 3) (10 vs 2) (11 vs 12)
Round 8: (1 vs 5) (6 vs 4) (7 vs 3) (8 vs 2) (9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round 9: (1 vs 4) (5 vs 3) (6 vs 2) (7 vs 12) (8 vs 11) (9 vs 10)
Round 10: (1 vs 3) (4 vs 2) (5 vs 12) (6 vs 11) (7 vs 10) (8 vs 9)
Round 11: (1 vs 2) (3 vs 12) (4 vs 11) (5 vs 10) (6 vs 9) (7 vs 8)

Round robin for 5 players, 0 denotes a bye:
Round 1: (1 vs 0) (2 vs 5) (3 vs 4)
Round 2: (1 vs 5) (0 vs 4) (2 vs 3)
Round 3: (1 vs 4) (5 vs 3) (0 vs 2)
Round 4: (1 vs 3) (4 vs 2) (5 vs 0)
Round 5: (1 vs 2) (3 vs 0) (4 vs 5)


Library: Wren-fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var rotate = { |lst|
    var last = lst[-1]
    for (i in lst.count-1..1) lst[i] = lst[i-1]
    lst[0] = last

var roundRobin = { |n|
    var lst = (2..n).toList
    if (n % 2 == 1) {
        lst.add(0) // 0 denotes a bye
        n = n + 1
    for (r in 1...n) {
        Fmt.write("Round $2d", r)
        var lst2 = [1] + lst
        for (i in 0...n/2) Fmt.write(" ($2d vs $-2d)", lst2[i], lst2[n - 1 - i])

System.print("Round robin for 12 players:\n")
System.print("\n\nRound robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :\n")
Round robin for 12 players:

Round  1 ( 1 vs 12) ( 2 vs 11) ( 3 vs 10) ( 4 vs 9 ) ( 5 vs 8 ) ( 6 vs 7 )
Round  2 ( 1 vs 11) (12 vs 10) ( 2 vs 9 ) ( 3 vs 8 ) ( 4 vs 7 ) ( 5 vs 6 )
Round  3 ( 1 vs 10) (11 vs 9 ) (12 vs 8 ) ( 2 vs 7 ) ( 3 vs 6 ) ( 4 vs 5 )
Round  4 ( 1 vs 9 ) (10 vs 8 ) (11 vs 7 ) (12 vs 6 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  5 ( 1 vs 8 ) ( 9 vs 7 ) (10 vs 6 ) (11 vs 5 ) (12 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  6 ( 1 vs 7 ) ( 8 vs 6 ) ( 9 vs 5 ) (10 vs 4 ) (11 vs 3 ) (12 vs 2 )
Round  7 ( 1 vs 6 ) ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (10 vs 2 ) (11 vs 12)
Round  8 ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 6 vs 4 ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( 8 vs 2 ) ( 9 vs 12) (10 vs 11)
Round  9 ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 6 vs 2 ) ( 7 vs 12) ( 8 vs 11) ( 9 vs 10)
Round 10 ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 12) ( 6 vs 11) ( 7 vs 10) ( 8 vs 9 )
Round 11 ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 12) ( 4 vs 11) ( 5 vs 10) ( 6 vs 9 ) ( 7 vs 8 )

Round robin for 5 players (0 denotes a bye) :

Round  1 ( 1 vs 0 ) ( 2 vs 5 ) ( 3 vs 4 )
Round  2 ( 1 vs 5 ) ( 0 vs 4 ) ( 2 vs 3 )
Round  3 ( 1 vs 4 ) ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 vs 2 )
Round  4 ( 1 vs 3 ) ( 4 vs 2 ) ( 5 vs 0 )
Round  5 ( 1 vs 2 ) ( 3 vs 0 ) ( 4 vs 5 )


def N = 12;     \number of players (must be even)
int I, Player(N+1), Round, Temp;
[for I:= 1 to N do Player(I):= I;
for Round:= 1 to N-1 do
    [IntOut(0, Round);  ChOut(0, ^:);
    for I:= 1 to N/2 do
        [ChOut(0, 9\tab\);  IntOut(0, Player(I))];
    for I:= N downto N/2+1 do
        [ChOut(0, 9\tab\);  IntOut(0, Player(I))];
    CrLf(0);  CrLf(0);
    Temp:= Player(N);   \rotate
    for I:= N-1 downto 2 do
        Player(I+1):= Player(I);
    Player(2):= Temp;
1:      1       2       3       4       5       6
        12      11      10      9       8       7

2:      1       12      2       3       4       5
        11      10      9       8       7       6

3:      1       11      12      2       3       4
        10      9       8       7       6       5

4:      1       10      11      12      2       3
        9       8       7       6       5       4

5:      1       9       10      11      12      2
        8       7       6       5       4       3

6:      1       8       9       10      11      12
        7       6       5       4       3       2

7:      1       7       8       9       10      11
        6       5       4       3       2       12

8:      1       6       7       8       9       10
        5       4       3       2       12      11

9:      1       5       6       7       8       9
        4       3       2       12      11      10

10:     1       4       5       6       7       8
        3       2       12      11      10      9

11:     1       3       4       5       6       7
        2       12      11      10      9       8