Penta-power prime seeds

Generate the sequence of penta-power prime seeds: positive integers n such that:

Penta-power prime seeds
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
   n0 + n + 1, n1 + n + 1, n2 + n + 1, n3 + n + 1 and n4 + n + 1 are all prime.

  • Find and display the first thirty penta-power prime seeds. (Or as many as are reasonably supported by your languages math capability if it is less.)

  • Find and display the position and value of first with a value greater than ten million.

See also

I can find no mention or record of this sequence anywhere. Perhaps I've invented it.


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 3.0.3 under Windows

This uses ALGOL 68G's LONG LONG INT during the Miller Rabin testing, under ALGOL 68G version three, the default precision of LONG LONG INT is 72 digits and LONG INT is 128 bit.
A sieve is used to (hopefully) quickly eliminate non-prime n+2 and 2n+1 numbers - Miller Rabin is used for n^2+n+1 etc. that are larger than the sieve.
This is about 10 times faster than the equivalent Quad-powwr prime seed program, possibly because even numbers are excluded and the n+2 test eliminates more numbers before the higher powers must be calculated..

NB: The source of the ALGOL 68-primes library is on a Rosetta Code code page linked from the above.
Note that to run this with ALGOL 68G under Windows (and probably Linux) a large heap size must be specified on the command line, e.g. -heap 1024M.

BEGIN # find some Penta power prime seeds, numbers n such that:               #
      #      n^p + n + 1 is prime for p = 0. 1, 2, 3, 4                       #
    PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR # include prime utilities                    #
    INT max prime         = 22 000 000;
    # sieve the primes to max prime - 22 000 000 should be enough to allow    #
    # checking primality of 2n+1 up to a little under 11 000 000 which should #
    # be enough for the task                                                  #
    [ 0 : max prime ]BOOL prime;
    FOR i FROM LWB prime TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := FALSE OD;
    prime[ 0 ] := prime[ 1 ] := FALSE;
    prime[ 2 ] := TRUE;
    FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := TRUE  OD;
    FOR i FROM 4 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := FALSE OD;
    FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( UPB prime ) DO
        IF prime[ i ] THEN
            FOR s FROM i * i BY i + i TO UPB prime DO prime[ s ] := FALSE OD
    # returns TRUE if p is (probably) prime, FALSE otherwise                  #
    #         uses the sieve if possible, Miller Rabin otherwise              #
    PROC is prime = ( LONG INT p )BOOL:
         IF p <= max prime
         THEN prime[ SHORTEN p ]
         ELSE is probably prime( p )
    # attempt to find the numbers, note n^0 + n + 1 = n + 2 so n must be odd  #
    BOOL finished       := FALSE;
    INT  count          := 0;
    INT  next limit     := 1 000 000;
    INT  limit increment = next limit;
    [ 10 ]INT first, limit, index;
    INT  l count        := 0;
    print( ( "First 30 Penta power prime seeds:", newline ) );
    FOR n BY 2 WHILE NOT finished DO
        IF prime[ n + 2 ] THEN
            IF  INT n1 = n + 1;
                prime[ n + n1 ]
                # n^0 + n + 1 and n^1 + n + 1 are prime                       #
                LONG INT np := LENG n * LENG n;
                IF is prime( np + n1 ) THEN
                    # n^2 + n + 1 is prime                                    #
                    IF is prime( ( np *:= n ) + n1 ) THEN
                        # n^3 + n + 1 is prime                                #
                        IF is prime( ( np * n ) + n1 ) THEN
                            # n^4 + n + 1 is prime - have a suitable number   #
                            count +:= 1;
                            IF n > next limit THEN
                                # found the first element over the next limit #
                                first[ l count +:= 1 ] := n;
                                limit[ l count       ] := next limit;
                                index[ l count       ] := count;
                                next limit            +:= limit increment;
                                finished               := l count >= UPB first
                            IF count <= 30 THEN
                                # found one of the first 30 numbers           #
                                print( ( " ", whole( n, -8 ) ) );
                                IF count MOD 10 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI
    print( ( newline ) );
    FOR i TO UPB first DO
        print( ( "First element over ", whole( limit[ i ], -10 )
               , ": ",                  whole( first[ i ], -10 )
               , ", index: ",           whole( index[ i ],  -6 )
               , newline
First 30 Penta power prime seeds:
        1        5       69     1665     2129    25739    29631    62321    77685    80535
    82655   126489   207285   211091   234359   256719   366675   407945   414099   628859
   644399   770531   781109   782781   923405  1121189  1158975  1483691  1490475  1512321

First element over    1000000:    1121189, index:     26
First element over    2000000:    2066079, index:     39
First element over    3000000:    3127011, index:     47
First element over    4000000:    4059525, index:     51
First element over    5000000:    5279175, index:     59
First element over    6000000:    6320601, index:     63
First element over    7000000:    7291361, index:     68
First element over    8000000:    8334915, index:     69
First element over    9000000:    9100671, index:     71
First element over   10000000:   10347035, index:     72


pentaPowerPrime?: function [n]->
    every? [[n+2] [n+n+1] [1+n+n^2] [1+n+n^3] [1+n+n^4]] 'x ->
        prime? do x

first30ppps: select.first:30 1..∞ => pentaPowerPrime?

loop split.every: 6 first30ppps 'x ->
    print map x 's -> pad to :string s 7
      1       5      69    1665    2129   25739 
  29631   62321   77685   80535   82655  126489 
 207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945 
 414099  628859  644399  770531  781109  782781 
 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321


Translation of: Wren
Library: GMP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <gmp.h>

mpz_t p, p2, q;

bool isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(unsigned int n) {
    int i;
    mpz_set_ui(p, n);
    unsigned int k = n + 1;
    mpz_add_ui(p2, q, k);
    if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(p2, 15)) return false;
    mpz_add_ui(p2, p, k);
    if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(p2, 15)) return false;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        mpz_mul_ui(p, p, n);
        mpz_set(p2, p);
        mpz_add_ui(p2, p2, k);
        if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(p2, 15)) return false;
    return true;

const char *ord(int c) {
    int m = c % 100;
    if (m >= 4 && m <= 20) return "th";
    m %= 10;
    return (m == 1) ? "st" :
           (m == 2) ? "nd" :
           (m == 3) ? "rd" : "th";

int main() {
    unsigned int n;
    int c = 0, m = 1;
    mpz_init_set_ui(q, 1);
    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
    printf("First thirty penta-power prime seeds:\n");
    for (n = 1; c < 30; n += 2) {
        if (isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n)) {
            printf("%'9u ", n);
            if (!((++c) % 10)) printf("\n");

    n = 1;
    c = 0;
    printf("\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:\n");
    while (1) {
        if (isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n)) {
            if (n > 1000000 * m) {
                printf(" %2d million is the %d%s: %'10u\n", m, c, ord(c), n);
                if (++m == 11) break;
        n += 2;
    return 0;
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
        1         5        69     1,665     2,129    25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535 
   82,655   126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359   256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859 
  644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321 

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
  1 million is the 26th:  1,121,189
  2 million is the 39th:  2,066,079
  3 million is the 47th:  3,127,011
  4 million is the 51st:  4,059,525
  5 million is the 59th:  5,279,175
  6 million is the 63rd:  6,320,601
  7 million is the 68th:  7,291,361
  8 million is the 69th:  8,334,915
  9 million is the 71st:  9,100,671
 10 million is the 72nd: 10,347,035


// Penta-power prime seeds. Nigel Galloway: April 5th., 2023
let fG n g=let n=bigint(n:int) in let n=n**g+n+1I in Open.Numeric.Primes.MillerRabin.IsProbablePrime &n
let fN(n,g)=Seq.initInfinite((+)n)|>Seq.filter(fun n->let g=fG n in g 0&&g 1&&g 2&&g 3&&g 4)|>Seq.mapi(fun n g->(n,g))|>Seq.find(snd>>(<)g)
Seq.initInfinite((*)2>>(+)1)|>Seq.filter(fun n->let g=fG n in g 0&&g 1&&g 2&&g 3&&g 4)|>Seq.take 30|>Seq.iter(printf "%d "); printfn "\n"
[1000000..1000000..10000000]|>Seq.scan(fun(n,g,x) l->let i,e=fN(g,l) in (n+i,e,l))(0,0,0)|>Seq.skip 1|>Seq.iter(fun(n,g,l)->printfn $"First element over %8d{l} is %9d{g} at index %3d{n}")
1 5 69 1665 2129 25739 29631 62321 77685 80535 82655 126489 207285 211091 234359 256719 366675 407945 414099 628859 644399 770531 781109 782781 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321

First element over  1000000 is   1121189 at index  25
First element over  2000000 is   2066079 at index  38
First element over  3000000 is   3127011 at index  46
First element over  4000000 is   4059525 at index  50
First element over  5000000 is   5279175 at index  58
First element over  6000000 is   6320601 at index  62
First element over  7000000 is   7291361 at index  67
First element over  8000000 is   8334915 at index  68
First element over  9000000 is   9100671 at index  70
First element over 10000000 is  10347035 at index  71


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2022-04-03
USING: grouping io kernel lists lists.lazy math math.functions
math.primes prettyprint tools.memory.private ;

: seed? ( n -- ? )
    5 [ dupd ^ 1 + + prime? ] with all-integers? ;

: pentas ( -- list )
    1 lfrom [ seed? ] lfilter [ commas ] lmap-lazy ;

"First thirty penta-power prime seeds:" print
30 pentas ltake list>array 5 group simple-table.
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
1         5         69        1,665     2,129
25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535
82,655    126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359
256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859
644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405
1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321


Library: GMP
' version 13-04-2023
' compile with: fbc -s console

#Include ""
#Define sieve_max 21000000

Dim As Mpz_ptr n2 = Allocate (Len(__mpz_struct))
Dim As Mpz_ptr n3 = Allocate (Len(__mpz_struct))
Dim As Mpz_ptr n4 = Allocate (Len(__mpz_struct))
Mpz_init(n2) : Mpz_init(n3) : Mpz_init(n4)

Dim As ULongInt i, j
ReDim As boolean sieve(sieve_max)

' default value on initialization is FALSE
sieve(2) = TRUE
' set all odd numbers to TRUE
For i = 3 To sieve_max Step 2
    sieve(i) = TRUE
For i = 3 To Sqr(sieve_max) Step 2
    If sieve(i) = TRUE Then
        For j = i * i To sieve_max Step i * 2
            sieve(j) = FALSE
    End If

Dim As LongInt n = -1, count, k
Dim As LongInt si = 15

Print "The first thirty penta-power prime seeds are:"
While count < 30
    n += 2
    k = n +1
    ' n ^ 0 = 1
    If sieve(1 + k) And sieve(n + k) Then  ' skip if 1 + k or n + k is not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n4, n , 4)
        Mpz_add_ui(n4, n4, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n4, si) < 1 Then Continue While ' skip if not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n3, n, 3)
        Mpz_add_ui(n3, n3, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n3, si) < 1 Then Continue While ' skip if not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n2, n, 2)
        Mpz_add_ui(n2, n2, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n2, si) >= 1 Then ' if prime then print n
            Print Using "##########"; n;
            count += 1
            If (count Mod 10) = 0  Then Print
        End If
    End If

Dim As ULongInt m = 1, million = 1000000
n = -1 : count = 0
Print !"\n\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:"
While m < 11
    n += 2
    k = n +1
    If sieve(1 + k) And sieve(n + k) Then  ' skip if 1 + k or n + k is not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n4, n , 4)
        Mpz_add_ui(n4, n4, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n4, si) < 1 Then Continue While ' skip if not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n3, n, 3)
        Mpz_add_ui(n3, n3, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n3, si) < 1 Then Continue While ' skip if not prime
        Mpz_ui_pow_ui(n2, n, 2)
        Mpz_add_ui(n2, n2, k)
        If Mpz_probab_prime_p(n2, si) >= 1 Then
            count += 1
            If n > million Then
                Print Using " ## million is #########, at index ### "; m; n; count
                m += 1
                million = m * 1000000
            End If
        End If
    End If

Mpz_clear(n4) : Mpz_clear(n3) : Mpz_clear(n2)

' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
The first thirty penta-power prime seeds are:
         1         5        69      1665      2129     25739     29631     62321     77685     80535
     82655    126489    207285    211091    234359    256719    366675    407945    414099    628859
    644399    770531    781109    782781    923405   1121189   1158975   1483691   1490475   1512321

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
  1 million is  1,121,189 at index  26 
  2 million is  2,066,079 at index  39 
  3 million is  3,127,011 at index  47 
  4 million is  4,059,525 at index  51 
  5 million is  5,279,175 at index  59 
  6 million is  6,320,601 at index  63 
  7 million is  7,291,361 at index  68 
  8 million is  8,334,915 at index  69 
  9 million is  9,100,671 at index  71 
 10 million is 10,347,035 at index  72


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu
package main

import (
    big ""

var p, p2, q *big.Int

func isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n uint64) bool {
    nn := new(big.Int).SetUint64(n)
    k := new(big.Int).SetUint64(n + 1)
    p2.Add(q, k)
    if !p2.ProbablyPrime(15) {
        return false
    p2.Add(p, k)
    if !p2.ProbablyPrime(15) {
        return false
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        p.Mul(p, nn)
        p2.Add(p2, k)
        if !p2.ProbablyPrime(15) {
            return false
    return true

func ord(c int) string {
    m := c % 100
    if m > 4 && m <= 20 {
        return "th"
    m %= 10
    switch m {
    case 1:
        return "st"
    case 2:
        return "nd"
    case 3:
        return "rd"
        return "th"

func main() {
    p = new(big.Int)
    p2 = new(big.Int)
    q = big.NewInt(1)
    c := 0
    m := 1
    n := uint64(1)
    fmt.Println("First thirty penta-power prime seeds:")
    for ; c < 30; n += 2 {
        if isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n) {
            fmt.Printf("%9s ", rcu.Commatize(int(n)))
            if c%10 == 0 {

    n = 1
    c = 0
    fmt.Println("\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:")
    for {
        if isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n) {
            if n > 1000000*uint64(m) {
                ns := rcu.Commatize(int(n))
                fmt.Printf(" %2d million is the %d%s: %10s\n", m, c, ord(c), ns)
                if m == 11 {
        n += 2
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
        1         5        69     1,665     2,129    25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535 
   82,655   126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359   256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859 
  644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321 

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
  1 million is the 26th:  1,121,189
  2 million is the 39th:  2,066,079
  3 million is the 47th:  3,127,011
  4 million is the 51st:  4,059,525
  5 million is the 59th:  5,279,175
  6 million is the 63rd:  6,320,601
  7 million is the 68th:  7,291,361
  8 million is the 69th:  8,334,915
  9 million is the 71st:  9,100,671
 10 million is the 72nd: 10,347,035


   ps=. ] #~ 1 p: 1 + ^~ + ]

   _10 ]\ 4x ps 3x ps 2 ps 1 ps 0 ps i. 1520000
     1      5     69   1665   2129   25739   29631   62321   77685   80535
 82655 126489 207285 211091 234359  256719  366675  407945  414099  628859
644399 770531 781109 782781 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321


import java.math.BigInteger;

public final class PentaPowerPrimeSeeds {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("The first 30 penta-power prime seeds:");
		int index = 0;
		int number = 1;
		boolean searching = true;
		while ( searching ) {
		    if ( isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(number) ) {
		    	index += 1;
		    	if ( index <= 30 ) {
		    		System.out.print(String.format("%7d%s", number, ( index % 6 == 0 ? "\n" : " " )));
		    	} else if ( number > 10_000_000 ) {
		    		System.out.println("The first penta-power prime seed greater than 10,000,000 is "
		    			+ number + " at index " + index);
		    		searching = false;
		    number += 2;
	private static boolean isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(long number) {
		BigInteger p = BigInteger.ONE;
		BigInteger nPlus1 = BigInteger.valueOf(number + 1);
		for ( int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ ) {
			if ( ! p.add(nPlus1).isProbablePrime(15) ) {
				return false;
			p = p.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(number));
		return true;

The first 30 penta-power prime seeds:
      1       5      69    1665    2129   25739
  29631   62321   77685   80535   82655  126489
 207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945
 414099  628859  644399  770531  781109  782781
 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321

The first penta-power prime seed greater than 10,000,000 is 10347035 at index 72


This solution uses Primes to determine primality.

using Primes, Printf

function ispenta(n)
    all(0:4) do i
        isprime(n^i + n + 1)

function firstpenta(m, T=BigInt)
    nums = Iterators.countfrom(T(1))
    pentas = Iterators.filter(ispenta, nums)
    firstn = Iterators.take(pentas, m)
    return collect(firstn)

function table_display(nums, num_columns)
    num_elements = length(nums)
    num_rows = div(num_elements, num_columns)
    remaining_elements = num_elements % num_columns

    for i in 1:num_rows
        for j in 1:num_columns
            index = (i - 1) * num_columns + j
            print(nums[index], "\t")

    for i in 1:remaining_elements
        index = num_rows * num_columns + i
        print(nums[index], "\t")

function stretch_penta(goal, T=BigInt)
    nums = Iterators.countfrom(T(1))
    pentas = Iterators.filter(ispenta, nums)
    firstn = Iterators.takewhile(<=(goal), pentas)
    return collect(firstn)

function run_rosetta()
    fp = firstpenta(30)
    println("First 30 Penta power prime seeds:")
    table_display(fp, 10)
    sp = stretch_penta(20000000)
    milestones = 1000000 .* (1:10)
    for milestone in milestones
        index = findfirst(>(milestone), sp)
        @printf "First element over %9i: %9i, index:%4i\n" milestone sp[index] index

if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__
First 30 Penta power prime seeds:
1       5       69      1665    2129    25739   29631   62321   77685   80535
82655   126489  207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945  414099  628859
644399  770531  781109  782781  923405  1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321

First element over   1000000:   1121189, index:  26
First element over   2000000:   2066079, index:  39
First element over   3000000:   3127011, index:  47
First element over   4000000:   4059525, index:  51
First element over   5000000:   5279175, index:  59
First element over   6000000:   6320601, index:  63
First element over   7000000:   7291361, index:  68
First element over   8000000:   8334915, index:  69
First element over   9000000:   9100671, index:  71
First element over  10000000:  10347035, index:  72


The specified tasks are beyond the capabilties of the current implementations of jq:

  • The C implementation (jq) does not support unbounded-precision integer arithmetic, and so is in effect only capable of generating the first few penta-power prime (ppp) seeds.
  • The Go implementation (gojq) does support unbounded-precision integer arithmetic and the following program has been used to generate the first 13 ppp seeds, but gojq takes a long while to do so; other variants of the program have been considered but they run into gojq's memory-management limitations.

The program given below may nevertheless be of some interest as it illustrates how a JSON dictionary can be used to cache the primes up to a certain limit, and how this can be done using a sieve economically:

# Create a dictionary for the primes up to .
def primeDictionary:
  # The array we use for the sieve only stores information for the odd integers greater than 1:
  #  index   integer
  #      0         3
  #      k   2*k + 3
  # So if we wish to mark m = 2*k + 3, the relevant index is: m - 3 / 2
  def ix:
    if . % 2 == 0 then null
    else ((. - 3) / 2)
  # erase(i) sets .[i*j] to false for odd integral j > i, and assumes i is odd
  def erase(i):
    ((i - 3) / 2) as $k
    # Consider relevant multiples:
    | (((length * 2 + 3) / i)) as $upper
    # ... only consider odd multiples from i onwards
    | reduce range(i; $upper; 2) as $j (.;
         (((i * $j) - 3) / 2) as $m
         | if .[$m] then .[$m] = false else . end);

  if . < 2 then {}
  else (. + 1) as $n
  | (($n|sqrt) / 2) as $s
  | [range(3; $n; 2)|true]
  | reduce (1 + (2 * range(1; $s)) ) as $i (.; erase($i))
  | . as $sieve
  | reduce (2, (range(3; $n; 2) | select($sieve[ix]))) as $i ({}; .[$i|tostring]=$i)
  end ;

# Input should be an integer
def isPrime:
  . as $n
  | if    ($n < 2)      then false
    elif ($n % 2 == 0)  then $n == 2
    elif ($n % 3 == 0)  then $n == 3
    else 5
    | until( . <= 0;
        if .*. > $n then -1
	elif ($n % . == 0) then 0
        else . + 2
        |  if ($n % . == 0) then 0
           else . + 4
     | . == -1

# $primedictionary should be a dictionary of primes up to $small
def ispentapowerprime($primedictionary; $small):

  def isp: if . <= $small then $primedictionary[tostring] else isPrime end;

  . as $n
  | (. * .) as $n2
  | (. * $n2) as $n3
  | all($n + 2, $n + $n + 1, $n2 + $n + 1, $n3 + $n + 1, $n3 * $n + $n + 1; isp);

# Output: a stream of the first $count penta-power prime-seeds
# The size of the dictionary has been chosen with gojq in mind.
def ppprimes($count):
  # The size of primeDictionary has been chosen with gojq's limitations in mind
  ($count | .*.*. | primeDictionary) as $pd

  | limit($count; 1, 2, range(3; infinite; 2) | select(ispentapowerprime($pd; $small)) );


Using gojq, progress effectively grinds to a halt after 207285.



Library: Nim-Integers
import std/[strformat, strutils]
import integers

func isPentaPowerPrimeSeeds(n: Integer): bool =
  var p = newInteger(1)
  var n1 = n + 1
  for _ in 0..4:
    if not isPrime(p + n1): return false
    p *= n
  result = true

const N = 10_000_000

echo "First 30 penta-power prime seeds:"
var count = 0
var n = 1
while true:
  if n.isPentaPowerPrimeSeeds():
    inc count
    if count <= 30:
      stdout.write &"{n:7}"
      stdout.write if count mod 6 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
      if count == 30: echo()
    elif n > N:
      echo &"First penta-power prime seed greater than {insertSep($N)} " &
           &"is {insertSep($n)} at position {count}."
  inc n, 2
First 30 penta-power prime seeds:
      1       5      69    1665    2129   25739
  29631   62321   77685   80535   82655  126489
 207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945
 414099  628859  644399  770531  781109  782781
 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321

First penta-power prime seed greater than 10_000_000 is 10_347_035 at position 72.

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

ClearAll[maybePentaPowerSeedQ, pentaPowerSeedQ, seeds, pentaPowerSeed, stats, commafied, printOutput];

maybePentaPowerSeedQ[n_Integer] :=  And[
                    PrimeQ[2 n + 1],
                    PrimeQ[n^2 + n + 1],
                    PrimeQ[n^3 + n + 1],
                    PrimeQ[n^4 + n + 1]

pentaPowerSeedQ[n_Integer] := PrimeQ[n + 2] && maybePentaPowerSeedQ[n];

firstLargerThan[k_Integer, ns_List : seeds] :=
  Min@Select[ns, GreaterThan[k]];

seeds = {1};

pentaPowerSeed[n_Integer /; 1 <= n <= Length@seeds] := seeds[[n]];

pentaPowerSeed[n_Integer /; n > Length@seeds] := Module[{next},
   next = NextPrime[Last@seeds + 2] - 2;
   While[ Length@seeds < n,
     AppendTo[seeds, next];
    next = NextPrime[next + 2] - 2;

pentaPowerSeed[start_Integer, end_Integer] := Block[{},
   Return[seeds[[start ;; end]]];

SetAttributes[{pentaPowerSeed, pentaPowerSeedQ, firstLargerThan}, Listable];

stats[seeds_List] := Module[{upperLimit, bounds, values, indices},
   upperLimit = Floor[Max[seeds]/10^6];
   bounds = Range[upperLimit];
   values = firstLargerThan /@ (10^6 * bounds);
   indices = Position[seeds, #] & /@ values // Flatten;
   Return[Transpose@{bounds, values, indices}];

commafied[n_Integer] := ToString@NumberForm[n, DigitBlock -> 3];

SetAttributes[{commafied}, Listable];

printOutput[] := Module[{first30, k},
   first30 = commafied[pentaPowerSeed[1, 30]];
   first30 =
    Partition[StringPadLeft[first30, StringLength@Last@first30 ], 6] //
   Print["The first 30 penta-power seeds are:"];
   k = Length@seeds;
   While[pentaPowerSeed[k] < 10*10^6,
    Join[{"First penta-power prime seed greater than:"},
         StringPadLeft[commafied[#[[1]] * 10^6], 10],
         " is " , StringPadLeft[commafied[#[[2]]], 10], " at index ",
         StringPadLeft[commafied[#[[3]]], 3], "."] & /@
       stats[seeds]] // TableForm];

The first 30 penta-power seeds are:
        1	        5	       69	    1,665	    2,129	   25,739
   29,631	   62,321	   77,685	   80,535	   82,655	  126,489
  207,285	  211,091	  234,359	  256,719	  366,675	  407,945
  414,099	  628,859	  644,399	  770,531	  781,109	  782,781
  923,405	1,121,189	1,158,975	1,483,691	1,490,475	1,512,321

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
 1,000,000 is  1,121,189 at index  26.
 2,000,000 is  2,066,079 at index  39.
 3,000,000 is  3,127,011 at index  47.
 4,000,000 is  4,059,525 at index  51.
 5,000,000 is  5,279,175 at index  59.
 6,000,000 is  6,320,601 at index  63.
 7,000,000 is  7,291,361 at index  68.
 8,000,000 is  8,334,915 at index  69.
 9,000,000 is  9,100,671 at index  71.
10,000,000 is 10,347,035 at index  72.


Library: ntheory
use v5.36;
use bigint;
use ntheory 'is_prime';
use List::Util 'max';

sub comma { reverse ((reverse shift) =~ s/(.{3})/$1,/gr) =~ s/^,//r }
sub table ($c, @V) { my $t = $c * (my $w = 2 + max map {length} @V); ( sprintf( ('%'.$w.'s')x@V, @V) ) =~ s/.{1,$t}\K/\n/gr }

while (@ppps < 30) {
    my $k = 1 + (my $n = 2 * $i++ + 1);
    push @ppps, comma $n if
    is_prime( 1    + $k) and
    is_prime($n    + $k) and
    is_prime($n**2 + $k) and
    is_prime($n**3 + $k) and
    is_prime($n**4 + $k);

say 'First thirty penta-power prime seeds:';
say table(10,@ppps);
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
          1          5         69      1,665      2,129     25,739     29,631     62,321     77,685     80,535
     82,655    126,489    207,285    211,091    234,359    256,719    366,675    407,945    414,099    628,859
    644,399    770,531    781,109    782,781    923,405  1,121,189  1,158,975  1,483,691  1,490,475  1,512,321


with javascript_semantics
include mpfr.e
mpz {p,q} = mpz_inits(2)
function isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(integer n)
    -- (we already know n+2 is prime)
    for i=1 to 4 do
        if i>1 then mpz_mul_si(p,p,n) end if
        if not mpz_prime(q) then return false end if
    end for
    return true
end function
sequence ppps = {}
integer pn = 1, m = 1, c = 0
string l = ""
while m<=10 do
    integer n = get_prime(pn)-2
    if isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(n) then
        c += 1
        if c<31 then
            ppps &= n
            if c=30 then
                printf(1,"First thirty penta-power prime seeds:\n%s\n",
                         {join_by(ppps,1,10," ",fmt:="%,9d")})
            end if
        end if
        if n > m * 1e6 then
            l &= sprintf(" %5s million is %,d (the %s)\n", 
                         {ordinal(m,true), n, ordinal(c)})
            m += 1
        end if
    end if
    pn += 1
end while
printf(1,"First penta-power prime seed greater than:\n%s",l)
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
        1         5        69     1,665     2,129    25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535
   82,655   126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359   256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859
  644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
   one million is 1,121,189 (the twenty-sixth)
   two million is 2,066,079 (the thirty-ninth)
 three million is 3,127,011 (the forty-seventh)
  four million is 4,059,525 (the fifty-first)
  five million is 5,279,175 (the fifty-ninth)
   six million is 6,320,601 (the sixty-third)
 seven million is 7,291,361 (the sixty-eighth)
 eight million is 8,334,915 (the sixty-ninth)
  nine million is 9,100,671 (the seventy-first)
   ten million is 10,347,035 (the seventy-second)


from sympy import isprime

def ispentapowerprime(n):
    return all(isprime(i) for i in [n + 2, n + n + 1, n**2 + n + 1, n**3 + n + 1, n**4 + n + 1])

ppprimes = [i for i in range(10_400_000) if ispentapowerprime(i)]

for i in range(50):
    print(f'{ppprimes[i]: 11,}', end='\n' if (i + 1) % 10 == 0 else '')

for n in range(1_000_000, 10_000_001, 1_000_000):
    proot = next(filter(lambda x: x > n, ppprimes))
    print(f'The first penta-power prime seed over {n:,} is {proot:,}')
          1          5         69      1,665      2,129     25,739     29,631     62,321     77,685     80,535
     82,655    126,489    207,285    211,091    234,359    256,719    366,675    407,945    414,099    628,859
    644,399    770,531    781,109    782,781    923,405  1,121,189  1,158,975  1,483,691  1,490,475  1,512,321
  1,711,991  1,716,989  1,780,485  1,791,041  1,835,589  1,860,011  1,861,259  1,980,441  2,066,079  2,211,705
  2,215,529  2,271,009  2,413,265  2,514,161  2,915,109  2,940,405  3,127,011  3,587,319  3,890,769  3,992,379
The first penta-power prime seed over 1,000,000 is 1,121,189
The first penta-power prime seed over 2,000,000 is 2,066,079
The first penta-power prime seed over 3,000,000 is 3,127,011
The first penta-power prime seed over 4,000,000 is 4,059,525
The first penta-power prime seed over 5,000,000 is 5,279,175
The first penta-power prime seed over 6,000,000 is 6,320,601
The first penta-power prime seed over 7,000,000 is 7,291,361
The first penta-power prime seed over 8,000,000 is 8,334,915
The first penta-power prime seed over 9,000,000 is 9,100,671
The first penta-power prime seed over 10,000,000 is 10,347,035


use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

my @ppps = lazy (^∞).hyper(:5000batch).map(* × 2 + 1).grep: -> \n { my \k = n + 1; (1+k).is-prime && (n+k).is-prime && (+k).is-prime && (+k).is-prime && (n⁴+k).is-prime }

say "First thirty penta-power prime seeds:\n" ~ @ppps[^30].batch(10)».&comma».fmt("%9s").join: "\n";

say "\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:";

for 1..10 {
    my $threshold = Int(1e6 × $_);
    my $key = @ppps.first: * > $threshold, :k;
    say "{$threshold.&cardinal.fmt: '%13s'} is the {ordinal-digit $key + 1}: {@ppps[$key].&comma}";
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
        1         5        69     1,665     2,129    25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535
   82,655   126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359   256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859
  644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
  one million is the 26th: 1,121,189
  two million is the 39th: 2,066,079
three million is the 47th: 3,127,011
 four million is the 51st: 4,059,525
 five million is the 59th: 5,279,175
  six million is the 63rd: 6,320,601
seven million is the 68th: 7,291,361
eight million is the 69th: 8,334,915
 nine million is the 71st: 9,100,671
  ten million is the 72nd: 10,347,035


load "stdlibcore.ring"
see "working..." + nl

num = 1
sum = 0
while true
      n0 = pow(num,0)+num+1
      n1 = pow(num,1)+num+1
      n2 = pow(num,2)+num+1
      n3 = pow(num,3)+num+1
      n4 = pow(num,4)+num+1
      if isPrime(n0) = 1 and isPrime(n1) = 1 and isPrime(n2) = 1 and
         isPrime(n3) = 1 and isPrime(n4) = 1
         see "" + num + "  "
         sum +=1
         if sum%5 = 0
            see nl
         if sum = 30
      num += 2
"done..." + nl
1  5  69  1665  2129
25739  29631  62321  77685  80535
82655  126489  207285  211091  234359
256719  366675  407945  414099  628859
644399  770531  781109  782781  923405
1121189  1158975  1483691  1490475  1512321


Directly adapted from Quad-power prime seeds, but faster since seeds must be odd to get n0 + n + 1 primality. However, needs to be run on an emulator to get the result in around half an hour.

Works with: HP version 49
« { } 1
      1 SF           
      0 4 FOR j 
         DUP j ^ OVER + 1 +
         IF ISPRIME? NOT THEN 1 CF 4 'j' STO END
      2 +
1:{1 5 69 1665 2129 25739 29631 62321 77685 80535 82655 126489 207285 211091 234359 256719 366675 407945 414099 628859 644399 770531 781109 782781 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321}


require 'openssl'

pent_pow_primes = (1..){|n| (0..4).all?{|exp|**exp + n + 1).prime?} }

n = 30
puts "The first #{n} penta-power prime seeds:"
pent_pow_primes.take(n).each_slice(10){|s| puts "%8s"*s.size % s}
The first 30 penta-power prime seeds:
       1       5      69    1665    2129   25739   29631   62321   77685   80535
   82655  126489  207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945  414099  628859
  644399  770531  781109  782781  923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321


Translation of: Java
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import java.math.BigInteger

object PentaPowerPrimeSeeds extends App {
  println("The first 30 penta-power prime seeds:")
  val first30 = Stream.from(1, 2).filter(isPentaPowerPrimeSeed).take(30)
  first30.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (seed, index) =>
    print(f"$seed%7d${if ((index + 1) % 6 == 0) "\n" else " "}")

  val firstAbove10M = Stream.from(1, 2).filter(isPentaPowerPrimeSeed).find(_ > 10000000)
  firstAbove10M match {
    case Some(seed) => println(s"\nThe first penta-power prime seed greater than 10,000,000 is $seed")
    case None => println("No penta-power prime seed greater than 10,000,000 was found.")

  def isPentaPowerPrimeSeed(number: Int): Boolean = {
    val bigIntNumber = BigInteger.valueOf(number)
    val bigIntNumberPlusOne = bigIntNumber.add(BigInteger.ONE)
    (0 to 4).forall { i =>
The first 30 penta-power prime seeds:
      1       5      69    1665    2129   25739
  29631   62321   77685   80535   82655  126489
 207285  211091  234359  256719  366675  407945
 414099  628859  644399  770531  781109  782781
 923405 1121189 1158975 1483691 1490475 1512321

The first penta-power prime seed greater than 10,000,000 is 10347035


Library: Wren-gmp
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./gmp" for Mpz
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var p =
var q =

var isPentaPowerPrimeSeed = { |n|
    var k = n + 1
    return (q + k).probPrime(15) > 0 &&
           (p + k).probPrime(15) > 0 &&
           (p.mul(n) + k).probPrime(15) > 0 &&
           (p.mul(n) + k).probPrime(15) > 0 &&
           (p.mul(n) + k).probPrime(15) > 0

var ppps = []
var n = 1
while (ppps.count < 30) {
    if ( ppps.add(n)
    n = n + 2  // n must be odd
System.print("First thirty penta-power prime seeds:")
Fmt.tprint("$,9d", ppps, 10)

System.print("\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:")
n = 1
var m = 1
var c = 0
while (true) {
    if ( {
        c = c + 1
        if (n > m * 1e6) {
            Fmt.print(" $2d million is the $r: $,10d", m, c, n)
            m = m + 1
            if (m == 11) return
    n = n + 2
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
        1         5        69     1,665     2,129    25,739    29,631    62,321    77,685    80,535 
   82,655   126,489   207,285   211,091   234,359   256,719   366,675   407,945   414,099   628,859 
  644,399   770,531   781,109   782,781   923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321 

First penta-power prime seed greater than:
  1 million is the 26th:  1,121,189
  2 million is the 39th:  2,066,079
  3 million is the 47th:  3,127,011
  4 million is the 51st:  4,059,525
  5 million is the 59th:  5,279,175
  6 million is the 63rd:  6,320,601
  7 million is the 68th:  7,291,361
  8 million is the 69th:  8,334,915
  9 million is the 71st:  9,100,671
 10 million is the 72nd: 10,347,035